#and i started at 9pm but now its 11
moshpitgamma · 9 months
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My Sunflower|| John Dory x Fiancé!Reader
(This is my first real fanfic so Plss don’t be TOO harsh)
“John! I’m home!” Said the exhausted troll walking through the door of their shared apartment. “Huh? Damn it’s 9pm.” Y/n said checking the time. “Hun, You here?” They screamed again wondering why their fiancé wasn’t answering. When they didn’t get a response they started to get anxious, but convinced themselves he went to either the studio or to hang out with his brothers.
The clock finally hits 11:03pm and still there isn’t a sign of JD. “Why isn’t he answering his phone?” You said with worry laced in your voice. His brothers also didn’t answer their phones for god knows what. Now you’re in full panic mode pacing back and forth in the dining room blowing UP his phone with messages and calls. After your many failed attempts of contacting him you finally decided to call the only person you KNEW that was gonna pick up. So you called his grandma.
Once she answered you tried to hide your anxiousness and your panicked voice, but she caught on to it quickly. “Hi Mrs. Rosie, do you know where John is? I haven’t spoke to him since this morning before I went to work.” You asked frantically hoping that she would cure the pulsating adrenaline going through your body. When you finished your nauseating questions the silence you both held was fueling it like you were going to burst. When the never ending silence finally came to an end a sigh was heard. "Hun Bun….JD left hours ago after their embarrassing show fail." she told you with reassurance and empathy. She then continued to tell you how and what happened between the brothers. The last thing you ever heard from her was “Sweetie just give it time.” So you waited…
And waited….
And waited….
Until 20 years have passed and still no sign of John. You were invited to the royal wedding of King Grisel and Bridget and was currently trying to find a dress. While rampaging you closet like a mad woman you come across and unfamiliar bagged dress. When you took it out you stared at it with tears welling up in your eyes. It was your dress he proposed to you in. It was admired in jewels and yellow sunflower like petals and soft like satin and silk. It was one of a kind. Your debating stopped instantly and you proceeded to put on the dress.
“We are gathered here today t-.” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A random voice yelled…
You felt like your heart was going to jump out your chest from all the adrenaline rushing. Trying to force your tears down you finally built enough courage to turn around and look to where everyone else was looking. When you finally saw who it was your tears finally escaped their haunted and sorrowful chamber. He was there……
Standing in front of Branch?
Trying to pick him up?
You didn’t wanna get noticed in this state so you turned to leave but you felt a hand grab your flushed smaller ones. It was Branch..”Are you ok?”he asked knowing you weren’t. “I’m ok.” You said quickly dismissing his attempts of comfort. Before you could leave you heard a nickname you never knew you would hear again. “My sunflower?” He must’ve felt the tension he created so he hurried to you and begged you too listen to his explanations and excuses. You couldn’t do nothing, BUT listen so you gave him 3 minutes. “The reason I left was because Brozone was turning into a disaster and I needed to just space myself away for a while!”
You didn’t know whether to be mad or sad or HELL even glad but you knew he was trying to get you to understand. “But did you have to go?” Tears welling up..
“Did you have to leave me alone without telling me ANYTHING?!!?”
“I-“ you didn’t let him finish before you started walking off letting the emotions and realization sink in. He knew he fucked up… He couldn’t let you leave…. He needed his flower…He ran up to you and hugged you as hard as he could to prevent you from leaving and cried like hell was dragging him away from the heaven he created with you. “Sunflower PLEASE, I promise I’ll never leave you again!!” He repeated like his life depended on it. You slowly started to give in and soothed him. “Please Hun, I promise I’ll pro-“ He couldn’t even get done with his sentence before feeling the feeling he oh so missed….
Your lips…
“Please Don’t leave me again.” You said barely above a whisper and your teary E/C eyes looked at him.
He smiled warmly and responded with nothing but sincerity..”Of course not my sunflower.”
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mabelstone · 8 months
Boy Next Door
matt stone x fem reader
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i'm back. mabel finish a fic before starting a new one challenge i don't want to write Y/N anymore so for now i will use [name] as a filler LOL is that even worse? this was one of the first ideas i ever had and i'm sure its widely overused on here but i really loved writing this. will probably turn it into a series lol we'll see but at least one or two more parts to come xx
The removal of the sold sign and the influx of moving vans this past week was a dead give away that I now had a new neighbour. I seriously prayed for someone cool to move in, as I have an almost certain suspicion that the previous owners were drug dealers. I hadn't actually seen them yet and I wasn't planning on going over and introducing myself as my neighbourhood was notorious for keeping to itself. Unless you count that awkward wave you give to the person across the street when you're taking out your bins at the same time. It was a quiet place, all the more reason to love it. We were all living in synchronous harmony in our quiet, private little bubbles.
I had a routine of hitting the hay around 9:30pm, 10pm on a bad night, which in itself was a luxury. Tonight, I'd already set myself up. Fed the dog, fed myself, showered, watched a bit of telly, then got cosy in bed around 9pm. I turned off my TV, and that's when I noticed the repetitious bumping of heavy bass brought to life by the speakers next door. It's okay, I told myself, closing my eyes and trying block out the sound best I could. Is it getting louder? I suspected I may be paranoid or hyper focused on the sound because I have work at 6am. I ended up dozing off, thankfully.
Then the next thing I knew, I was being awoken by a loud smash of glass, and an even louder, "aw, come on, man! You're paying for that!"
I couldn't have been imagining it, because now instead of a steady thump of bass, I could now hear loud and clear the lyrics to MAAD City by Kendrick Lamar as if he were performing a live concert in my bedroom. I rolled over to check my phone. 11:45pm. That's it.
I - a bit dramatically, I must admit - threw my blankets off and threw on my dressing gown, storming out my front door in my stupid bunny head slippers. Despite the great choice of music, I was absolutely furious, the bass bumping so hard as I approached the door, I could feel it in my chest. I knocked on the door so hard my knuckles stung. No answer. I waited a moment, then proceeded to bash on the door with all my might. A few moments later, my hands on my hips and a scowl on my face that screamed, 'I don't care if you think I'm lame, you've royally pissed me off,' the door opened.
A man with kind of short, kind of long, curly brown hair stood before me with ugly oval rimmed glasses, an aquiline nose, and a bottle of beer in his hand. "...hello?" The look on his face almost read, do I know you?
"Hello. I live next door," I huffed, arms now tightly crossed over my chest. Don't get angry, compose yourself. "It's almost midnight on a Sunday. Could you please... tone it down a bit?"
“Oh absolutely, sorry, miss…?”
"Well, nice to meet you," he reached his hand out to shake mine, which I begrudgingly accepted, a little gap in his teeth on display. "I'll turn it down right now." He pulled out his phone and showed me him pressing the volume down button repeatedly, the music complying.
"Thank you." I wasn't interested in chatting, instead I stormed back into my house with an emphatic sigh, slamming the door behind me. I shucked off my gown and climbed back into bed, grateful that now I'd hopefully get an okay sleep.
Less than ten minutes later, the music is cranked back up and now theres a ball repeatedly hitting my fence. "For God's sake," I yelled to nobody, charging for the neighbours house barefooted.
I was so angry at this point, I didn't even care that I was in skimpy little Victoria's Secret pyjamas I'd owned since high school.
As I shamelessly bashed on his door, I tried to block out the little voice in my head that pleaded, just let it go, and, your actions have consequences. Absolutely livid, I waited, and waited. My fist inches away from punching a hole through the door, it opened once more.
The same curly headed man from earlier, this time more noticeably inebriated. Or high. Please, for the love of God, just be an occasional user and not a dealer. “Well, what a pleasant surprise! Decided to come party?”
“No, I did not come to party!” I snapped, my anger seemingly unleashing itself in the form of a foot stomp, similarly to how a spoilt 5 year old would. “I want you to have some respect and turn this shit down! Or better yet, off!”
One of his friends appeared in the doorway, eyes half lidded and probably the same shade of red as my face currently. "That's not party attire," he snorted, being pulled away by someone in a... Spiderman costume? What kind of party is this?
I sighed deeply, pinching the upper bridge of my nose with eyes screwed shut as tightly as my fist. I was on the verge of tears, and I think he noticed by the way he quickly dropped his act.
“Okay, okay. I'm turning it off right now.” He must've realised how much of an inconsiderate dick he was being. He reached into his pocket and turned off the music, sighing down at me. I heard a few short lived groans from the other side of the door. An annoyed, “duuuude that was my song,” before the drunken chatter quickly resumed.
“Thanks,” I muttered, yawning into my hand (for dramatic effect, of course).
“Matt, bring the lady in,” one guy slurred against the door frame as if I wasn't even there. “Wanna play basketball with her,” he professed, before stumbling back into the house.
“Oh, yeah, if that ball hits my fence one more time I'll tear it down and beat you with the wood.” I walked away after this, feeling quite proud of myself, actually. We should normalise occasional temper tantrums in adults.
Thankfully, the music remained off as I got back in bed, almost immediately drifting off.
BANG. Then that fucking ball hit my fence again, followed by followed by my new neighbour scolding someone indistinguishably. Then, in a slightly louder voice intended for my ears, “sorry, [name].”
Due to my disrupted sleep last night, I nearly slept in. I confess, I am a bit of a princess with my sleep. I spent my morning racing around like a headless chicken, spilling coffee all over my white blouse, having to change, which pushed me back another minute. I rushed out to my car, only to find, to my demise, I've been blocked in. Some random vehicle, probably belonging to one of the degenerates next door, hanging 3/4 over my driveway.
Almost with a feeling synonymous with deja-vu, I flounced to the neighbours', determined to fuck his shit up, to put it plainly. I pounded on the door impatiently with both fists, tapping my foot while I waited. A random man clad in a t-shirt depicting a stick figure humping the word 'IT' answered the door.
“Excuse me, who’s car is this?” I pointed to the car blocking my driveway, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“Fuck, dude, I was sleeping,” he groaned, and I didn't even try and hide my eye roll. Karma, I thought. “I don’t know,” he rubbed his eyes like a child, thinning my already impossibly thin patience.
“Where is Matt?”
“Probably sleeping, man, it’s like, barely even morning yet.”
I was painfully close to losing my temper. To avoid combusting on the spot, I sighed and pushed past the potentially still drunk guest. Or maybe other new neighbour. I sure hope not.
I scrunched my nose up at the state of his place - beer bottles strewn everywhere, the stale smell of cigarettes and weed clinging to the furniture, guests were passed out in each corner of the living room. I hugged my handbag close to me and stepped over the scattered limbs like a contortionist dodging laser beams, adamant on disrupting Matt's slumber like he had mine. I navigated his long hallway, pushing open every door, scoffing at the half naked bloke with two naked women clinging to either side of him. I near shuddered in disgust, wanting nothing more than to disinfect my entire body after being in the war zone of his house. Maybe I was only being so judgemental because I was irrevocably angry. Maybe.
I eventually found his room, which to my surprise, was almost compulsively clean and ordered with Patrick Bateman level precision. I stood before his bed with folded arms and wondered to myself if maybe he'd think I had some kind of bone disfigurement that kept my arms bent across me. I quickly relaxed them at my side.
"Matt," I spoke sternly. He didn't even stir. I bent down close to his face, raising my voice this time. "Matt."
Finally, his eyes flung open and he jumped, clamping a hand over his chest as if to stop it from bursting through his skin. “Fuck!” he panted softly. I rolled my eyes at him as he caught his breath and pulled away. As if deliberately oblivious, he stretched and spoke halfway through a groan, “to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Who’s car is parked over my driveway?”
“I have no clue,” he breathed as he smooshed his face into his pillow, voice still thick and croaky with sleep. His hair was unruly, but his glasses were neatly folded on his bedside table beside a glass of water and a packet of Advil.
“I’m going to be late for work,” I exclaimed as calmly as possible, though I was on the verge of a tantrum. I was oddly self conscious that he'd only seen me furious. “Whoever it belongs to, it needs to be moved. Like, five minutes ago.”
“Alright,” he sighed, groggily pushing the blanket from his body and sliding his glasses on, only clad in pyjama pants with m&m’s printed all over them.
He lead me through the dormant chaos of his house, even scrunching up his face from the mess. Or maybe the smell. He pushed a blind to the side and glanced out onto the street, seeing the culprit; a silver Mitsubishi Lancer. He then walked over to the supposed owner, kicking him softly in the side where he was laying on the floor. “Move your car, dude.”
The man just groaned and patted his jean pocket, face smushed into the little couch cushion beneath him, weakly handing the keys to Matt. He just rolled his eyes and trudged out the front, and I followed close enough behind that I almost nicked his heels with every step.
He clambered into the drivers seat with the air of a zombie, pulling the car onto the side of the road. I wasted no time getting into my car, reversing out of the driveway and rolling down my window, pulling up beside him. “Thank you,” I smiled with genuine appreciation, watching him run a hand through his hair in my rear view as I drove away.
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foxgirltail · 4 months
Mistah white, it's noon and I have infinite pingpong balls. Everytime the distance between now and midnight halves, I write the next whole number up, starting at 1, on a pingpong ball and drop it into this bin, and remove the pingpong ball that has the number containing its square root, if applicable
So at 6pm I place in the number 1, and remove the number 1. At 9pm I place in the number 2, at 10:30 I place in the number 3, at 11:15 I place in the number 4 and remove 2. and so on.
When the clock strikes 12:00:01, the bin is empty
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mossrotts · 1 year
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IT'S BIRFDAY WEEK! i'm going to try streaming (at least a bit) EVERY DAY this week!
Mon 8/7 9pm MTZ- Playing A Way Out with @plathsberry-farm (aka Zva)! Zva's my gm for Out of the Abyss, so maybe I can probe some jailbreak ideas as we go....
Tues 8/8 4pm MTZ- Playing Limbo! I'm very fond of it, and it's coming to xbox pass tomorrow. Unless it takes longer than expected, we'll start Scorn afterwards!
Weds 8/9 10am MTZ- STREAMATHON. We're starting in the morning with Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion. There's some twitch integration options for it now AND I got my hands on the DLC, which I've never seen before. Then we'll either start or continue Scorn. At 4pm MTZ we'll play that dnd game everyone's talking about, Ba--Planescape Torment!!! (honestly i think it's a great time to check it out, especially if you're playing or watching others play bg3. it's neat to see how dnd is integrated into video games, how different they are even beyond the 20+ years of time, and just how weird DnD lore can get). My cohost will be @courtwizardsirdoctorclydesdale, who is also my coplayer in two campaigns and was my gm for a Curse of Strahd. Yeah, we got that DnD brainrot. We'll finish out the night with Hooked on You, a Dead by Daylight visual novel.
Thurs 8/10 4pm MTZ and Fri 8/11 3pm MTZ we'll be continuing Yuppie Psycho! Y'all, I have been craving to play this game so much. Its absurdist approach to horror and humor, and the combination therein, makes me want to know "what comes next" SO bad.
Sat 8/12 4pm MTZ. Probably will be one of the shorter streams as I'm likely gonna be hanging with chosen family. BUT we'll still do a lil art stream where you're encouraged to redeem sketch requests via any channel points you've built up. If there's time after, we'll maybe continue one of the games we've started!
Also, for the funsies of it, here's my throne and kofi! Anything sent to my kofi goes towards my top surgery fund, which I've been trying to build up since capitalism kicked my butt and I lost my insurance about a year ago. Every bit helps and I appreciate you.
And thank you all for making streaming so fun. <3 I've enjoyed this so much and it's because of YOU. I hope that you're able to stop by and sit for a spell during this week's festivities, but my fondness and my smooches go out to you whatever the case. See you on the other side of the veil, friend.
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melouthechalk · 10 months
I think that the whole boom didn't get to q!Bad, Dapper and q!Tina (idk who was close too sorry) Max? or someone said that it wont get to boat and they was almost there. And i think that the eggs was taken by the Eye guy.
Now we need to survive 11 hours without knowing what truly happened
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arthrobug · 4 months
Gob I hate socializing so much dudes
An accident just happened to the house directly next to mine (its America its no surprise a drunk guy crashed into a house at 9PM) and my mother's best idea was to WALK ACROSS THE WHOLE STREET TO GO TALK TO THE CROWD
Eventually I get over there and I think one of them comments on me coming over is already making me nervous and I find out they're not even talking about the frackin crash they're talking about the latest gossip??
I'm just standing there like a fish out of water thinking what the frack am I going to do
And then she decides -because we brought out our tiny dog- to go talk to our other neighbors,,, who in fact don't speak a lick of English but are generally very friendly and every ounce of latino in me left me a long time ago
It is now 11:00PM. I am so tired and feel so awkward cuz I was starting to have an autism moment and twitching a ton they def thought I was on drugs
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postsforposting · 1 year
more timey wimey
edited oct 5.
during the apology dance and the jim hiding miracle, time....moves oddly, and not just by a couple minutes. possibly goes backward?
the first clock we see is at 39:08, to the left of Crowley when he's walking in, but we don't see it well enough to take a pic. it has the same time when we see it while he's dancing though, at 40:06. i think this is the same small clock we saw through the bookshelves when az was reading Maggie's note. its long hand is on the 9, short on the 12. I don't know if we read this one backward too, so this is either 11:45pm or 9:00/shortly before.
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the clock behind az starts out looking like this when they're doing the apology, at timestamp 39:20. you can't see the hands, but we can see where they are not.
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the next time we see a different view of the clock is 39:46, which is more of its face but not the whole face, we see a frame during the apology dance at 39:55 and finally immediately after the dance at 40:16, all of which are the same time of "9:06".
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given that this clock is hard to read and the hour hand does not behave normally (if it's 1:45 then it should be closer to 2, not on the 1), i am going to assume the "short, fat" hand by the 1 is indeed the hour hand. that means the other one (that doesn't seem to always exist?) is the minute hand. this is consistent with how the clock behaves later in the show, namely the last episode. the hands are reversed. the short fat hand is the minute hand, and the clock's "hour" hand still doesn't act right.
this seems to be in sync with the first clock we saw when crowley was dancing, so either we are still seeing the same time on both clocks or something really weird is going on. i am gonna go with the simpler interpretation, both say the same thing, and both should be read backward/ie the short fat hand is for minutes.
when jim says hello, we get another shot of the clock at 40:41, and this time it says....the short hand looks like it's down at the 8, long just past the 12, so it's shortly after 12:40, and it looks like the hands are behaving properly (though still reversed). we have either jumped 3.5 hours forward or gone back in time lots. given it's blurry, it could also be just after 8, which would still be over an hour backward in time from the previous shot. perhaps this is the "real" time, whichever time it is?
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the clock stays the same through a few more shots, and changes at 41:30, when jim is sitting in the chair before the miracle. we can't really see the clock but the shadows on it do not look the same as they did earlier, they're more clustered around the 9. can't be seen in a screenshot. the next visible change is at 4148, where the hands are at the 9 and just after 12. it's too blurry to tell which is which, especially given the decorative stuff on the clock face. if we started at 9pm, we are now only a couple minutes past that, which ought to track irl but clearly something else is going on.
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between now and the next clearer shot, you do see the clock behind crowley's head a few times, looking like it has a different time on it. the clear shot is after jim gets up from the chair, before crowley hops up on it, at 42:14. it sure doesn't look like there's a hand at 12 anymore?
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so what does this all mean?
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pololbear17 · 1 year
The big hold
going to try and hold until 12am, currently on about a litre of water so manageable right now. My goal is to get at least one more litre down.
About 1,3 litres deep now and all that water is starting to hit me.
2 litres deep and I think I can get some more in me. It hasn't hit me yet so only 5/10.
Defo hit me, but I've managed to get 2,5 litres in me. Currently 7/10. Wife wants to watch a movie so gonna let some out so I don't squirm to much since she likes to cuddle.
Drank a diet cola throughout the movie, all has hit me, and I defo squirmed a lot during the movie. 8,5/10
Its All building up inside of me, doing potty dancing and holding my crotch as much as possible.
Just spurted. Don't know if I can hold it. Already have large wet patch. Can hardly type now 9/10.
I somewhat made it! Gonna piss myself and might post a video if I can get the camera ready in time!
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oldsalempost-blog · 2 years
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays          Contact: [email protected]                                                    Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                                             Volume 7 Issue 5                                                                                                  Week of December 19,  2022                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR:  This will be the closing issue of Old Salem Post for the 2022 year. Our staff will enjoy the next two Mondays for the holidays and will be refreshed to see what 2023 has in store.  The older I get the faster it goes.  And, I have a lot I would like to accomplish in the New Year! Lord Willing!  I hope and pray you and your family have wonderful moments together. Cherish the time!   LRMartin                                                                                  
TOWN OF SALEM: We will close Dec 21, at 12noon until Dec 28, 8am.   *Downtown Market every Sat. 8am-12pm.  Place a memory ornament for your loved ones  on the Town tree all month long.  Next Town Council meeting Jan 17, 2023.                                              
.                                            ASHTON RECALLS        By Ashton Hester                COMMUNITY WELL SERVED RURAL SALEM RESIDENTS - (Last week I posted  a story written by Doris Rogers in 1977 regarding the death of Erby Bennett's mule, which he had owned for 40 years. Following is another story by Doris, in which Mr. Bennett was also involved. It was in the January 12, 1977 issue of the Keowee Courier. Due to its length, I am only posting half of the story this week and will post the second half next week). . .Days were lazy back then, especially summer days. . .Early in the morning on those summer days people of the Fall Creek community above Salem came to the community well to get their water for the day. Water to drink, water to cook with, for washing clothes, cars, for bathing and for watering the animals. . .And as they waited their turn at the windlass, the people dreamed and shared their hopes for the future. . .In 1935 this well was dug by the three Bennett boys, Vondiver, Erby and Oliver, and their friend Tommy Hancock. By hand, with picks, shovels, ropes and buckets, they worked their way down 55 feet to what was and still is the best-tasting water in the area. . .Over the years 15 families have been serviced by the community well--eight families at one time--which still has the original windlass. There in Bennettsville, Route 2, Salem, stands the provider and old friend, which now has a new cement-block box. . .Several times new residents wanted to put pumps into the well to prevent walking and carrying their buckets of water, but the two older Bennett men wouldn't allow it. Their reasoning was that unequal consumption would result in unfair advantages and would eventually leave the well dry. . .TO BE CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK      
ADVENT SEASON: The 4th Advent Candle was lit on Sunday: The candle of Peace for all mankind.   On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, the white center candle of Christ will be lit to welcome the Christ Child, Emanuel, God with us.  
SHARING:  Recently, I stood on my porch and looked at some maple trees I planted, from one gallon cans.  They are huge now.  Mixed with them now are oaks, pines, cedars and dogwoods.  All of the trees have a foliage that is green, but different shades of green depending on the season. We must take time during our busy lives and enjoy the wonders of Nature, God created.  Let us be thankful during this time as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ,            AMARTIN    
O HOLY NIGHT:   The beloved Christmas song “O Holy Night” was banned from churches in 1847 because the poem was written by an atheist and French poet, Placide Cappeau, and composed by a Jew, Adolphe Adam.  Imagine the feelings you would never have experienced if that song of unity and serenity of Christ’s birth had never been heard.  The story is told in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871, a French soldier started singing “O Holy Night” on Christmas Eve. In the middle of battle, the soldier stood up, unarmed from his trench and faced the Germans as he began singing the hymn. Germans in return sang a carol of their own language. The war ceased for 24 hours, and soldiers from both camps celebrated Christmas before returning to battle.  Since 1933 the cherished hymn has gained wide acceptance.                                    
JOTTINGS BY JEANNIE:  Wreaths Across America; Remember, HONOR, TEACH  After your family has enjoyed opening presents and savoring the holiday meal take a stroll through Salem United Methodist's cemetery. This year we are honoring our veterans by decorating their graves with Maine-grown Balsam Wreaths decorated with red velvet bows. Debbie Kimbrell, Patsy Earnhardt and I have been working on this project since August. As the wreaths are being placed on graves, I have the honor of reading the veterans names, ensuring that their legacy of duty, service, and sacrifice  is never forgotten. You Queens of Isaqueena! You Kings of Keowee! Wishing you JOY at Christmas and Always! MIZ JEANNIE                                                                                     
 EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem                                                                                                                                                              Christmas Gift Idea:  Name a Seat in the Eagles Nest Auditorium is now open to the general public and community.  Single person, $200, Family or couples, $250.  Contact [email protected] or Darlene 864-710-8758.  Let ENAC hang a Memory Ornament for you on the Tree Downtown Salem for $10.    Or, give a donation to honor or in memory of a loved one.                                    STRING LESSONS?: $10 each group class. Contact  [email protected] or 864-280-1258.   Give a  Gift of Music!          ENAC REGULAR meeting Monday, January 2, 2023  at 5pm.                              UPCOMING PERFORMANCES IN 2023:                                                              MOUNTAIN FAITH BAND:  ENAC welcomes this family Bluegrass/Gospel band from Sylvia, N.C.  On JAN.14 at 7PM TICKETS $20   Available at the Town of Salem or call 864-280-1258.                                                        
 OCONEE MOUNTAIN OPRY JAN. 21 TICKETS $10.                                                                                                               
WOMEN ENCOURAGING WOMEN: FEB. 21 1PM-4PM  A Love Offering will be taken.  * This is a wonderful event for our local churches to help sponsor. *
ARE YOU IN NEED OF A COAT OR SOCKS?   Call Missy at  864-944-8732        Community Food Bank through local churches. No one should be hungry for food or love:  Contact Teresa and James Barker  at 944-0258                          
GOLDEN CORNER FOOD PANTRY:  Tamassee-Salem mobile food pantry.  Pick up at Salem First Baptist Church second Saturday each month.  10am-12pm .  Anyone on EBT ( food stamps) will automatically apply.  Call for more information  the Golden Corner Food Pantry 864-882-3610.                                        
Christmas Gift Ideas:  Give your burdens to God.  Then give  lots of Love, Hugs and Smiles so they can be returned anytime!    
                                                                                                                             Check on your neighbor!  Stay warm!         LRM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Journal Entries of Bipolar sh*t compiled to Show the Mind of Someone with BP:
[Entries from my mood journals:] 
TW: Mental Health
These entries are personal, I wrote them as I was going through whatever I end up writing about, I took out any personal details so it reads like ANON.
Energy Levels: 
July 15th 2020: 
Questionable levels of energy. Went to bed at 9am and woke up at 6pm. Just really tired, I feel just,,,, exhausted in an empty almost depressive kind of way. Could a depressive episode be looming on the horizon? Conversely, however, my energy has been pretty high the last three-four days at least. I’ve been somewhat motivated, getting work done, and also having major problems with insomnia that really kind of came out of nowhere. That’s why I couldn’t fall asleep until 9am last night. (Though my time blindness when doing things I enjoy certainly doesn’t help.)
July 16th 2020: 
(went to bed at 9am, awoke at 7pm)
Another feeling of low energy. I’d rate it about 3.5/10 (5 being normal.) Mood wise, I'm in a rather neutral mood, though I’m starting to worry that it’s getting more and more apathetic. (Especially when I’m dehydrated.) 
Executive dysfunction is rearing its ugly head. It’s hard for me to do things, I kinda want to curl into a ball and do nothing for great periods of time. I find it hard to really be motivated or to make myself WANT to look nice when I see my friend tomorrow. It’s actually kind of worrying, but my overall mood (as I said) is still pretty neutral. 
July 17th, 2020: A solid 3/10 
(Bed @ 7/8-ish am. Woke at 1:09pm to go to a friend’s.) 
I just feel tired and kinda zen, not gonna lie. Like relaxed and ready to slip into unconsciousness at any moment. Not necessarily as apathetic as yesterday, but that could be because I am around my good friend, and being around my good friends makes me happy, distracted, and more energized, even with barely any sleep.
July 18th 2020: 
Bed time:  Close to 11:30 pm Wake Up: Close to 9am. (Like 8:40 am or something) 
A solid 2.2/10 
I’ve had low energy for a bit now and I know it’s starting to roll into my apathetic depressions. Today [friend] wanted me to go to the gym/pool with [them] and I was REALLY not feeling it, but [they] were  gungho for it and were talking about it like it was already going to be a done-deal. This kinda soured me because I really do not want to move around much when I’m like this and I ESPECIALLY did not want to go to the pool—  I knew I’d be the only one in the pool, alone, because I didn’t bring shoes so I either had to wait horrendously by myself in the locker room or pool it out alone until someone joined me after their workout.
I DID feel great when I stepped into that lukewarm shower before having to get into the pool, but like, WOAH MAN, I got super apathetic, I contemplated just staying in the shower for an hour and like hOO wow. Not great. 0/10 would not recommend. 
I did actually enjoy the pool though and after about 15 minutes of [friend] joining me I began to go back to a more neutral state of mind, so that was good. 
When we went to the mall it was fun too, but for some reason (I can’t even explain why) I hit a low— low, and started to second-guess everything (even my friendship with them) and wondered if I should never talk or see them ever again from then on. It was really melodramatic and I don’t even know why I thought about it for a minute there. After a few minutes I was snapped back to normal by hanging out with my friends and then I was kinda okay again. 
Emotionally (when I’m not feeling low energy/apathetic/empty AF) I feel on the verge of just breaking down into tears and laughing like a maniac.
July 24th
Bed: 9pm-ish  Woke: 5am 
Energy: 4-ish (Maybe even a bit more of a 3.5 rn) 
These last few days have been a blur tbh. I went on a webtoon-reading, what-music-was-I-listening-to-in-middle-school binge these last couple of days and so I remember not much. The hyper focus really had me there lol. 
July 28th 2020: 
Bed: 1:15 am Woke: 6:30 am 
Mood: When I was awake earlier and reading, about a 3. RIGHT NOW??? 1.5/10 and quickly approaching a meltdown. 
I am SO SO tired and almost about to have an emotional breakdown for no reason. I have no idea where this is coming from but I am going to tuck into bed and disappear from existence because I need to sleep for 19hrs or I WILL throw a fit. 
**Some notes for July 28th. I tried to sleep at 7/8pm because I felt an incoming meltdown. But then I was suddenly wide awake? Like my energy was at a 7 while my mood was at a 0.5. Basically, not fun, would never repeat again. 
July 31st, 2020: 
Bed: Around midnight/1 am woke: 3pm. 
Energy: 4/10
I don’t know why I slept for so long, but I def. could have slept longer. In fact most of the day I felt kind of bleh. 
Not terrible enough to lie down but also not normal-normal. 
August 26th, 2020: 
Woke: 7pm Slept: 9/10am 
Mood: 4.5/10 
In general I’ve felt fine. Not as exhausted, and definitely  in a good mood. Maybe it’s because I’m purposefully taking it easy while still trying to accomplish the small things. Ahhhh I feel so accomplished, yo!!!
But just as a general warning, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay optimistic. (Hopefully for a long time.) I just feel the depressive episode on the horizon. For now, I’m doing self care so that I can fight  it off, but hopefully it won’t be “only a matter of time.” 
Thursday — September 17th, 2020: 
Slept: 1am woke: 7:30am 
Mood: 5/10 ENERGY: 2.5/10 
Though I’m in a pretty genial mood, I just feel so tired. Which makes no sense because yesterday I woke up at like 7pm and went to bed at 1am. So WHAT TF bro. I’ve just been lying in my bed all day because that’s like the only way I feel somewhat decent. 
Kinda want to take a nap but I know that’ll do me absolutely no good whatsoever, so I’m gonna stay awake and try to be as productive as I can be when I’m lying down in a horizontal position.
[Journal Entry] 
“Saturday: October 10th, 2020 —  Around Night
Right now I feel invincible. Like I can write and capture that perfect melody. Pen to paper. Pencil to sketchbook. For this moment, just right now, I feel as if I could do anything, and that makes me so, so, happy. 
Today is a happy day, which is made funnier or perhaps more ironic by the fact that I didn’t even want to wake up today. [Which I did, begrudgingly, at 6pm-ish.] 
The tides really do come and go. So never feel too down. At some point you’ll feel like this again. The cogs keep turning and life goes on. 
Mood: 10/10 Energy: 10/10.”
[End quote] 
“October 13th, 2020 — Tuesday, 10:45 AM. 
So many thoughts have taken travels in my hand. Today I feel invincible again. Much like I did in the last entry. I have been an unfortunate disappointment to my family, though. My energy, motivation, and time has been entangled lately. Entangled deep into my mind, my media, and the interests I partake in: The Void ™. 
Therefore I haven’t been of much help, entertainment, or enjoyment for my loved ones. Last Sunday our relatives gathered at our house to celebrate [my brother's] birthday. Yet I stayed in bed. I did not celebrate with them, and ignored their asks of me. I’m quite disappointed in myself for being this way. I can only strive to be better. I may not have been energetic or involved these last few days, but I feel much better now that I’ve gotten rest. 
Though I’ll always be fighting with that void that distracts and captures my attentions, I won’t let these strings choke me.” [End Quote] 
October 18th 2020:
Slept: 10am Woke: 4am
Mood:2.5/10. Energy:2/10
I just feel very anxious (like pit of nervous energy going 100mph in my stomach) anxious. I’m gonna try and nap the wired energy off cause it’s making me panicked 
[Journal Entry] 
“October 18th, 2020 — Sunday, 3:46 AM
I’ve gone and slept all of saturday. But hopefully this will fix my sleep schedule. I’m also (not quite anxious, but I know the tension is there, rising, ready to explode on the horizon. Already it’s October 18th, and yet it feels as if I’ve accomplished nothing. And perhaps I haven’t.”
[End quote] 
“October 24th, 2020 — Saturday, 9:55 PM.
At the beginning of this page I felt indescribable emotion fill me. Everything was pointless. I’d forgotten how to fly and instead remembered how to nap. For a singular moment I wanted to sleep into nonexistence. I wanted to cry, too. But mostly, I was just tired. I could do nothing but sit and want to sleep, and I had not even the strength or energy to loathe myself for this. So I decided to scrapbook instead and then maybe sleep after I’d written all this leak in me from pen to paper. But in the (time it)  took for me to design the page I fell out of my emotional range. Instead I felt calm. Pacified. Silly, isn’t it? I’m supposed to edit today and tomorrow, but I’ve let today slip away. 
I’ve also eaten too much again. I feel sick. Like I’m eating as much as I can before a hibernation. Does my body feel a depressive episode coming before I do? Is that it? Or is my overeating and lack of control leading me into a spiral? I shouldn’t be feeling like this. So much anxious, emotional energy. I’m wired as shit and I hate this jittery-ness. 
It’s suffocating. Like a snake’s wrapped itself over me and keeps constricting, tighter, and tighter, and tighter, till there’s nothing left.”
[End of entry] 
“November 10, 2020 — Tuesday 
Pros: I watched lupinranger like 3 times in the span of 3 days. 
Cons: I watched lupinranger like 3 times in the span of 3 days.”
[End Quote] 
[Around 3 month time skip]
[Sunday, February 28th, 2021 — 2:04 AM] 
“I’m treading water. Another month passes. Hopefully I’ll make all I can of this last day. I walked some, but I still haven’t reached my desired destination. Guess I have no choice but to keep going! Everything has a time. I can only continue trying. That’s all I can do. To quit is to have nothing for myself, not even dreams. ‘Being confident that he who began a good work in you will carry on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.’ (-Something Phillipians.) 
I dream of many things. I pray that March gives me what I need. Please be here with me, hold my hand in these times and keep me close in your thoughts. I’m trying. I’m always trying. Day by day, hour by hour, sometimes minute by minute. I can’t do this alone. (I wish I could.) My brain is so easily distracted and it’s hard to get by even doing things I joy. I wish I had something that could force me to function. All I have is myself.  
One day I won’t just be writing dreams with no evidence. Every step is part of the journey (even if it doesn’t feel like it.) So thank you for walking with me. I don’t have the strength to do this alone. Please, please hold my hand through the anxieties and whisper that it’ll be alright. I’m blindfolded, and I’m walking on a tightrope, and I need you to tell me when and how to jump so that I’ll land in the net. I’m blind but I’m listening. September 30th feels a lightyear away. It’s hard to forget the lack when you’re faced with it everyday. And I’m unsure. Please tell me that it’s worth it. Please. Please help me. Please. Please lead me. Please help me.” 
[End of entry.]
Part: [1], [2], [3], [4]
This is the first part of the journal entries, I'll be uploading another compilation after each newly posted PPT essay.
Bipolar PPT Essay: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Visuals of depressive episodes: (1), (2)
PPT Essay Extras: (1), (2), (3)
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
accidentalyl fell asleep at like 9pm. dreams
i went to onemorelevel.com & the website host had pinned a game from 2015 called like super lesbian sex game! & also they had like some tiny instance of a seeded terraria world that had a huge ufo at the bottom like from robot wants ice cream except if you destroyed the ufo jets too early it’d attack you. it zoomed out from this area & it was a high school classroom. i made conversation with an internet friend + friend of that person who i think i never talked. my friends were backseat driving my terraria game, but i didn’t care too much tbh - i didn’t know how this ufo seed worked. and after that i was now the driller. there was 10 jadiz around the classroom so i started ignoring everything & digging the jadiz out. everyone kept cheering. it’s bc everyone loves jadiz as much as me. i even found one after everyone went to sleep. 
& after that but before the building there was something about a zombie apocalypse?? or something?? we were inthe lobby of an area. it wasn’t totalyl safe outside, but it was safe enough that people would go out there toeat. i had a dream i was the main character from that smile movie & my friends were trying to fool me into thinking there were shapeshifters outside that had my stuff, but i realized that this was all one person’s idea & i threw my cup of water at them & totalyl told them off & then ythey were like it’s just a joke!! & i was like you’re such an asshole for this. 
then had another dream about that building with 10 floors. (technically 11 since it was 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8.5 9 10) floor 8 was the last floor you could go n safely. each floor had its own gimmick. it was safe up to floor 5, floor 6 was when you could seriously get hurt bc there were those brainwashed people walking around that floor (the inside of the building looked like a mall btw except for the lobby area) with the spray cans full of acid that they would just apply directly to you. you had to imagine that you were curing yourself & shout out your plans. i ended up grabbing a spray can from a kid & i think like threatening them into stopping bc all the skin on my back was gone and dried up by that point. my friends weren’t able to see the lies on this floor & for some reason i wasn’t allowed to tell them so i just had to act weird to stop them from eating anything or doing anything that would get them hurt. 
floor 4 i think was mostly safe, but it was a bit maze-like & if you took the wrong turn you’d end up in the phlegethon from dante’s inferno & literally just be sttuck in hell forever. and the vendors on this floor were assholes for no reason. but all the wrong turns were pretty clearly labelled.  just pay attention. 
floor 8 was the last floor you could come back unchanged from, or maybe it was 8.5 it had a normal lobby. you didn’t want to spend any time there though it was still really dangerous - something about clones of yourself forming. don’t look anyone in the eye unless they speak to you first. if you went to floor 10 you could never leave again. i think you’d die in there, or worse.
the floors inside the building would change randomly - if you left the building and went in the front door, you probably wouldn’t end up on the floor you left on - it was always swapping. you could see the lobby change depending. leaving the building through the main lobby of that floor area would always take you to the front door, no matter what floor you were on. and i’ve been here before for sure
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ageue · 1 year
Jaipur (the pink city). 🌸🌸🌸
Jaipur is exactly how I imagined India to be. We were quite tired on arrival after our long haul day of travel from Shimla. We had a 5-hour train from Shimla to Kalka which is a UNESCO world heritage site train. I was in my element. We spent the many hours sitting on the step of the train hanging our legs off the side and stopping for extremely quick cups of chai at a few stops along the way. We sat next to three Americans - Sue, Narissa and Mary-Gordon who kept us busy chatting about their life travels. They were from Savannah, Georgia and (my favourite part of travelling) we talked about all aspects of life - their husbands, upbringing, travelling, music, work and many other beautiful things. They have an Airbnb back home too so we talked about maybe doing a house swap in future! When we arrived in Kalka at around 5pm, our driver picked us up and we had an hour drive to the airport at Chandigarh before flying out at 9pm. I could have slept standing up at that point - I don’t even remember taking off in the plane!
We spent the morning chilling out before exploring the pink city (the old city of Jaipur) which was full of small markets amongst rows and rows of very run-down pink buildings. We got kulfi ice-cream which has quickly become a favourite for me (homemade pistachio and honey ice-cream which comes wrapped in a little paper doily).
We spent the next day exploring and shopping and found our wonderful Tuk-Tuk driver Samil. He took us around for the whole day and we visited the Amber Fort and the Jaipur Step well. After that, we visited the elephant village and met Nena and Lakshmi. Lakshmi was a lot smaller than Nena and looked underweight as she had been rescued from the circus. It was sad to hear about the Indian elephant population. The elephant village was set up for the middle-class people of India who have looked after Indian elephants for many generations. Our guide had looked after Nena for 20 years and started looking after her when he was only 17 (his daughter will be the 4th generation in his family to look after elephants). They have 11 female elephants living in the village and each elephant consumes up to 250kg of food a day. Bananas are of course their favourite, but they also make large quantities of chapati for them each day too. Although the village has been given land by the government, the money needed for feeding the elephants is not provided and so the village relies heavily on tourism. Unfortunately during Covid-19, they had many elephants pass away with originally over 500 elephants in Jaipur. Now they have only 125. We went for a walk of the property with Nena and had lots of cuddles - it was pretty special.
Amidst exploring the city, we visited a spice market and were taken to a jewellery store which (we joke) was like an underground Indian Mafia service. Never in your life have you seen so much jewellery or stones….We had a couple pieces made for a really good price and a couple things engraved too. The food in Jaipur is out of this world. Jaipur is best know for its Tandoori food which is vegetables and meat cooked in a Tandoor (clay oven). Our first meal was paneer and chicken tikka (Jay gives me shit for the way I pronounce tikka with an Aussie accent). My favourite meal was at this beautiful restaurant (Peacock) and we shared a paneer butter masala with garlic naan….so so good!
I’m a bit sad to leave Jaipur - I would have loved another day but that’s okay! Onto the blue city!
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mali121216 · 2 years
Tuesday 15th November @ 0103h
It's been months since I wrote to you. An hour ago I watched the final minute of my 26th birthday slip away. I worked a 10 hour shift, and even though my manager was sweet enough to get me a balloon bouqet, nothing about the majority of the day felt like my birthday. I miss the childish excitement of waking up that morning, or the way any activity felt like a special adventure, or how I was so eager to advance in age. The only thing that remains is the small joy I feel in not feeling like a burden when my friends openly offer their affection, its the one day I feel content with allowing them to show me attention, but now that we're all adults with busy lives and more important responsibilities, that one luxury isn't really available either because people are too distracted to talk to me or see me.
Tonight the family tried their best to make a big fuss. Luke picked me up from work and let me drive for a section of backroad Fullerton Cove, Mum made my favorite dinner and got out the fine china at Nan and Pop's. We all ate dinner and had drinks together. Luke got me roses and chocolates, Mum got me a candle, massage voucher, and golden snitch cookie jar, and Nan got me champagne and a cheque. It was really beautiful. Being with the 4 people I love most in this world was perfect, but I still felt empty and incomplete.
I hid silent tears multiple times as the crushing weight of your absence weighed on my soul. This is my first birthday without you since I was 19. The whole day I was waiting to hear from you, secretly wishing you'd call me to wish me happy birthday properly. But instead I got a text at 9pm, friendly and endearing enough, but oh god it felt wrong.
I haven't noticed your absence in my life like this since the early days of the break up. But its been 11 months separated now and for the most part I can fool myself into thinking these filler days of work or basic socialising are just our days of doing our own thing before we inevitably come back together, because we're always drawn together. But it wasn't until today being a special day, a day where you let your love shine for me brighter and more radiantly than usual, that I really felt the sinking feeling of despair that we're never going to find each other again.
Driving home I saw a shooting star and without hesitation the thing I wished for was to be with you. There was no time for even a split second of contemplation. I want us to consume one another again.
I know since August I've had the distract of Josh. The blossoming hope that maybe I could be in love again. He showed me I was capable of falling, given the time to develop the connection, I could have found that belonging sensation again in another person. But in the past few weeks that he's been out of the picture and my mind has been clear, I think I've realized that I don't want it to be anyone else. I fell for you and discovered what it meant to find a home in a person instead of a place, wherever you were is where I was meant to be, I uprooted my life for you and I worked every day for 5 years to nurture our relationship. Such a big part of me holds on to this fantasy that I'll get into med school at Deakin and I'll move to Geelong and we'll start hanging out again and you'll realize how much we're meant to be together.
I've talked to plenty of new people, but no one even comes close to you, or the way we fell hard and fast.
Logically I know I need to move on, and I suppose I somewhat have, I let myself feel things for other people, but I'm still defaulting back to you, and not just because its easy or familiar, I want it to be you. I want our story to be epic in that we went completely separate ways but still made it back to one another.
The unfortunate reality is that I am 99% certain that your switch remains flipped, you don't love me anymore, or you've at least convinced yourself that because you don't feel those strong honeymoon period sensations it means you don't love me, and living how we're living now, there is no way to reignite the flame.
I just wish you'd been here for my birthday Ali.
Our anniversary is coming in a few weeks and I have no idea how I'm going to manage that one.
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spurkspaint · 2 years
dude... i have no fucking clue what the fuck just happened... we were like spaced out for the longest fuckin time. idont even remember what was goin on i wasnt asleep or nothing. ig thats what happens when you have to piss at 9 pm in a boiling hot room. AND ALSO THE FACT WE STARTED DOING IT AT LIKE 9PM AND NOW ITS 11:38 IS FUCKING SCARY
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paint-music-with-me · 3 years
Yayyy rewatching BB ep 1 (1/4)
(I'm doing it in parts for the whole ep bc I never stfu)
- I never realized the music score for the black screen before the running was so intense like damn, way to set up the clownery for us all
- I love the way Wai runs like🚶‍♂️but Korn & Co. run like 🏃‍♂️ skdjaksjakd
- whoever scouted the tiger graffiti location to introduce Pat needs a raise periodt
- "let's fight fair if you dare" oh shut it, you, you threw the damn gauntlet!
- "no. we won't hurt you." I should've listened, Korn never hurt us 🥺 he told us since the beginning 😔
- gods, I love how Pat is presented in the intro cuz he's so diff from Pat the "green walking flag" like dude looked like a fucking menace 😨 That is how you introduce a character.
- will I ever get over how pran was introduced? No. Never. THAT IS HOW YOU INTRODUCE A FUCKING CHATACTER! HIS ACTIONS SPEAK FOR THEMSELF!
- I love how their fights actually...look like fights??? Fkdhskdjsk I mean a fight ain't a fight unless there's some kicking in the chest amiright? 👀
- Wai going after Pat when he was distracted shouldve been my first red flag 🥺 fkdhskjakaba
- I LOVE how the noise sounds muffled like wearing earmuffs as Pat tries to reorient himself. It's almost like he's underwater and that kick jolted him to get that fresh breath of air after being submerged for so long 🥺🥺🥺😭😭 or whatever idk
- the. Way. They. Look. At. Each. Other. 👏🏼 pran has the "oh fuck...it's you" but heartbreaking and Pat has "oh shit...it's you" but softer ....JUST LIKE ON 5(4/4) 😭😭😭😭
- just a bunch of kids being told to fake fight each other for work is honestly a hilarious thought and process
- I can't stop thinking of that one Tumblr post that mentioned how Pat wearing the headphones and drumming on his legs was a way for him to be quiet so Pran could study cuz he knew that his window was open and he closed the window to be even more quiet but pran shut his curtains bc he didn't want to look at Pat cuz crush reasons fkdhsksjaks I fucking can't
- man, the dad be spreading lies to his son since birth broooo
- "this guy with the fierce eyes" 👀👀👀 why you gazing into your enemy's eyes pran? Hmmm???
- I mean I already sensed something more coming from pran's mom and Pat's dad but to rewatch pran say "doesn't he look like a cheater like my mom said?" and then immediately get shown pran's dad arguing with Pat's dad was like whiplash like I wonder what pran's dad kept thinking the entire time *sigh* I heard in the book pran's dad was more active in his role and was actually funny so *sigh*
- I like how Pat summarized the ultimate reason why he and pran were enemies in one sentence (bid-rigging) and like that shit was never remembered throughout the rest of the show til ep10 when Chai said "oh yeah no it wasn't that" dkshskwkwej talk abt the ultimate play
- "up until now, I've lost count of what we've been competing for" bitch me too thats why I was confused abt bid-rigging business with Chai in ep10 ckshdkshsk
- always always always credit to the music ppl it just fucking vibes idk
- INTRO MUSIC 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- I will always be sad that the Arch/Eng walking shot was never an actual part of the series - it was just for the intro 🥺🥺🥺 I would've loved to see it in canon
- I like how the new chancellor claimed that if the Arch/Eng faculties didn't stop their BS they'll be kicked out ...but....they never were....after literally destroying a bus stop....🤷‍♂️
- So much character dynamic in this convo btwn pran and his friends I LOVE IT! AAHHH!
- also isn't it interesting how pran set up his boundary saying "no don't get me involved I've got shit to do" but in later eps pran doesn't have that boundary anymore? I mean yeah, it could be just wai's manipulation tactics but idk...it's quite interesting 🤷‍♂️
- "let your guard down and they'll finish you" well he certainly knows how that goes now, doesn't he? Pran??? 👀👀👀👀
- I LOVE the location of the Eng group table aaahh idk why but it's such a cute little nook and then there's a drink stall right there ahhhh it's nice
- the way that Pat IMMEDIATELY thinks of evasion tactics when he understands that Pran is getting involved in their messy business like he in Activated Protection Mode without missing a single beat! (And that's after 3 years 😭😭😭🥺🥺) (ofc the way ohm is such a good actor too, showing so much but saying so little)
- I LOVE the family dynamic is shown at the dinner table aaahhh so fucking symbolic I just- 😤😤
- "it wasn't as difficult as you thought" fbdkdjs that is the only sentence needed to summarize Pat and his dad's entire relationship dynamic and it lowkey makes me sad with what I know now
- okay on the subs the dad called Pat "tiger" - *thinks of graffiti* coincidence? I think not....ofc...this is p'aof we're talking abt dlshdkssjks
- I love how they talk abt them being class presidents, both for themselves and how their parents react to it - Ming has expectations (with bragging rights) while Pat is nonchalant, thinking it was going to be more than what was told "oh the seniors chose me" then there's Pran's dad concerned abt the work load while Pran understands the expectations and wants to manage them "oh my friends chose me so I gotta" aaahhh
- "stay away from him. It's not worth it. (...) I wouldn't have transferred you here, if i knew you two would meet again" the look on Pran's face - the devastation, the obvious facade of heartbreak...what if she said something like "I would've transferred you sooner if I knew you two would be like this" after the Christmas event 🥺🥺🥺🥺 - but on the flip side, they probably never would've met again if she didn't transfer him so...ig kudos to the mom??? Dmdjskdjsks
- the music is instrumental for "THE FUCKING AUDACITY OF IT ALL" when pran and pat see e/o outside their houses dldhsksbsk amazing
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oldsalempost-blog · 2 years
The Old Salem Post
 Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                                                Volume 7 Issue 11                                                                                                  Week of March 6, 2023                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: A precious bond is still shared.  A reunion of all alumni, teachers, and staff took place on the afternoon of Saturday, March 4, 2023  at the  former Tamassee-Salem school grounds.  Graduates from the 1950s up to 2022 attended.   Hugs, reminiscing,  and conversations of the past once again rang out on our hallowed grounds.  Our small town school was and is still precious to many of us.  It unites us as family.  We hope someday student voices will once again ring out in these halls.  LRM
TOWN OF SALEM: Community Easter Egg Hunt April 8th. Help share the true meaning of Easter.  You can help this mission by dropping of wrapped candy at the Town Hall.  *Downtown Market every Sat. 8am-12pm.                                      Rosa Clark Health Clinic March 14, 10am-2pm.Walk-ins Welcome! —Rosa Clark is providing the opportunity for our residents of all ages to have a monthly clinic if there is a need.  Please come to the clinic on this day for healthy care, screening.  Learn how  Rosa Clark can help you.   You don’t have to drive to Seneca. Come to the Eagles Nest Art Center.                                                        AnMed Mobile Mammography Coach will set up at the Eagles Nest Art Center parking area on March 18, from  8:30am until the last mammogram is done.  Call for guidelines or  to schedule your appointment or need more information please phone 864-512-5400                                                                    
___ASHTON RECALLS______________    By Ashton Hester
Here's the conclusion of the Hayne Jones/DAR School story that began last week:       HAYNE JONES RECALLS DAR SCHOOL FOUNDING -                 (The following is the conclusion of a story from the July 15, 1951 issue of the Keowee Courier that began in last week's column). . .Mr. Jones recalls with deep sentiment the part played by his gentle wife in getting the school off to its start, and her unselfish devotion to its welfare right down to her final illness. . .He recalls also the major part played by his wife's uncle, the late George Harrison, and a neighbor of his, W.C. Whitmire, in making the dream of Tamassee possible. . ."There never was a finer man than Mr. Harrison," he reminisces. "There had been some talk of a school in the Tamassee area, and one day he told me that if it ever came down to it, he'd match me in land to start it. . .I went with my wife to a meeting where the DAR was discussing such a school. We had talked about it, and when they said land was a prime factor, she got right up and told them we'd give 50 acres. The 50 acres of property was made ready and given in her name to the school, and it was a move from which there has never been a regret. The success of the school was her cherished dream, and I feel it was a wonderful thing that both she and I lived to see it come true. . .After telling the meeting the 50 acres would be given, we went to see Mr. Harrison, and I told him about it and then told him jokingly it was time for him to pay up on his statement. You know what he did? He grinned and matched it with adjoining land, acre for acre. . .When Mr. Whitmire heard about it, he added 10 acres, and the school had 110 acres to start on". . .Most folks in Oconee County will tell you right now that Hayne Jones probably knows more about nuts and bolts, metal fixtures, and the other thousand-and-one things in the hardware game than any other man you'll run across. . .There are just as many who will remind you that during all his city years, he kept his finger on the pulse of his farms in the Tamassee area, and he never lost track of new farming methods.  
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed-Sat 8am-9pm. Sun 2pm-7pm.  Events this week: Thurs:   OLD TIME JAM & Cookies  Fri– FOOD:  Brats by OPUS to benefit ENAC  Music: Fall Creek String Band at 6:30pm. Sat–Music: Luke Deuce at 6:30pm Food:  Wing Wagon South      Book Club:  Meeting 10am, Wed, March 29, Above the Bay of Angels by Rhys Bowen.
Jottings by Jeannie:  Anticipatory Preparedness (being at the ready for all of life's possibilities) I have endured shocking fashion trends: Maxi and Mini skirts;  chunky heels and stilettos, as well swimming dresses and bikinis.  It's been a  joy to collect a variety of  fashions. Last week an invitation arrived from Lieutenant Colonel Henry Delacruz inviting me to present an award at a formal Military Ball.  Gracious! What a dilemma!  Which of my five glittering, swishy ball gowns should I wear? Anticipatory Preparedness- life is short and life changes on the drop of a dime.  I could never be a minimalist.  Their cleared counters and empty closets show a shocking lack of imagination for what the future may hold.  What a pity to miss a formal Military Ball simply because you tossed away your prettiest ball gowns! You Sultans of Salem, you Dynamite Road Darlings, you never know what's ahead!  Be Prepared. Miz Jeannie Loves You!
            EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem                                                                                                                                                  OCONEE MOUNTAIN OPRY: March 18, 2023, 7pm-9pm.  It has been said that some of the best picking, never heard by audiences is right here, on our back porches.   Oconee Mountain Opry will capture and present some of the best local musicians on our stage.  Get your tickets on Ticketleap, the Town of Salem, or call 864-280-1258.  
Tamassee DAR Bridal Brunch Event:  Exchange ideas with other brides-to-be, tour our inside and outside venue options, chat with preferred vendors, review our pricing packages, and meet our lovely wedding liaisons. An enjoyable brunch will be provided   Experience the beauty of the luscious flowers, bushes, and trees that line our historical campus. Marvel at the secluded location and imagine the romantic evening glow provided by the fifty star lights that surround the campus. It’s the perfect place to say "I Do" to your special someone.   Cost is $10 for bride and one guest.  Register by calling 864.944.1390 or at Eventbrite.com   Now scheduling 2023 wedding dates.                                                                                                                                                              
Movie Suggestion:  Currently at the movie theatre is Jesus Revolution, based on the autobiography of Pastor Greg Laurie who encounters a charismatic leader of young folks in the 1970s searching for truths.  
BELLFEST 2023:  Join Friends of Jocassee for the 10th annual celebration of our native Oconee Bell at Devil’s Fork State Park. March 18 from 10am-3pm.  Park entry fees apply.  There will be Interpretive Bell Trail  walks, craft vendors, food trucks, music, kid & family activities, silent auction, and more. Visit www.friendsofjocassee.org to learn more. Upstate Zipline at Keowee Toxaway State Park, North hwy 11, just across Oconee/Pickens Quarter mile bridge. Address 138 Museum Circle, Sunset SC, 29685.  Phone 864-868-4767                                                                                        
Prayer: Psalm 103: 2  Bless the Lord O my soul, and never forget your goodness in our lives! Amen                                                                                                                       Have a wonderful week! Lynne
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