#and i threw away all my hair dye bc i wasn’t USING IT
k-atsukibakugou · 30 days
feeling awfully “change something drastic about my appearance” recently…..
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i made “the 501st go to target” , “the disaster lineage goes to target” and “The Clone Wars Squad ™️ (+Satine) Goes To Target” and now i give you: The Rebels Go To Target
hera: got to relax for once. she found some magazines and read them in the asiles while drinking a coffee. she got the newest additions to book series she likes and bought a few DVDs for her and Kanan’s few and far between “date nights.” she bought chopper a cat toy.
kanan: does the shopping. finds all the groceries/ food staples that they are running low on. also buys plain clothing/ accessories to be used in disguises. he grabs many packs of hair ties because ezra and sabine were tired of him stealing theirs. when both he and hera were done shopping they walked around the store, hand in hand, chuckling when they heard laughing and screaming and everything in between from their kids, and were very thankful zeb drew the short straw.
ezra: mr.kleptomaniac steals little trinkets and whatnot by putting them his pockets or by making it look like it was already his. He is pretty smug about it at first but sabine saw the whole thing and a few days later let’s it slip that ezra shop lifted in a half-successful attempt to get the heat off of her for smth dumb she did. ezra sheepishly returned/ paid for all the items while a stern hera stood behind him. zeb could. not. stop. laughing. zeb got in trouble later bc he was supposed to be watching ezra.
sabine: ogled over the hair dye, graphic tees, and art supplies. Despite them not having spray paints, she finds a lot of different materials she’s never had the chance to use, or just materials most people wouldn’t think to put in a piece. she re-stocks on snacks and her preferred hair dyes/ purple shampoo/ products. it’s going to be a long time before they come back here.
zeb: was the Designated Parent for the day. He had to make sure Chopper didn’t destroy the whole store, make sure ezra didn’t steal anything (he failed miserably at that), and make sure sabine didn’t paint anything. he also had to make sure kanan and hera didn’t do the smooches in a quiet corner. (he failed even worse at that) he was very frazzled but during his running around the store he found a really nice pair of boots. he also jump scared ezra like three times and made weird noises in neighboring aisles to try and freak ezra out. ezra insisted it didn’t (it did).
chopper: pinched people’s legs while hiding under clothing display tables. eventually zeb put him in time out and he had to spend the next 10 minutes walking in (grumbly) silence with zeb until he could continue his chaos. repeat cycle. hera gave chopper the cat toy and that kept him very occupied for a while. despite his insistence that he doesn’t care for it, he now refuses to shut down without it nearby.
rex: ezra tried to get him to lift him into the ball crate. rex said no. (ahsoka then looked away for like five seconds and rex threw ezra in the pit with no hesitation. ahsoka saw and immediately face palmed.) he walked around with ahsoka, and they reminisced about all the times they came here with their friends during the rare downtime they got during the war. oh! there’s where fives managed to slip and bring down a shelf. oh! there’s where padmé and anakin were caught holding hands. oh! that’s the hair product obi-wan insisted he never used but he did. oh! there’s where this person and this person and this person and he and she and they and
they’re all gone.
ahsoka and rex tried not to cry.
(when they saw the still lingering stain from where the wolffe pack managed to burst 12 pens and get ink everywhere the tears began to fall)
ahsoka: she could hear the whispers of her friends still lingering on the shelves. she thought she saw obi wan and anakin and padmé and…
but it wasn’t them.
it’s hard going back to the places of your past when the ghosts still haunt you.
she and rex left before the rest of everyone else
all she got was a keychain of a dino that anakin swore he would get on their next visit
and he would have gotten it.
except there was no next visit.
hondo: no one knows how he got here. no one invited him. he mostly left people alone except to ask for them to pay for his things. no one did. he eventually just stole a cartful of random stuff. he got caught, so he flew away with bags of stuff falling out of his window while shouting “until next time, my friends!”. the rebels left soon after that.
kallus: (post getting stranded on a Geonosian moon w our favorite Lasat) was parent for the day with Zeb, even though he didn’t have to be. That is, until he found the hat section and spend the rest of the time admiring himself in different fedoras. he got a watch, despite never saying he needed one and no one even saw him near the watches.
thrawn: does not shop at target. ever. but it was a late night and he desperately needed more coffee grounds so he had little choice.
tarkin: lol dude just sneered at everything and made haughty remarks about the state of the store.
he actually loved it and goes back with a black mustache taped on his lip.
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hello! i love your lydia x reader fics. i have a request, how about, if possible, one where perhaps the reader has anger issues and lydia is always calming them down, there could be a cute fluffy part where the reader punches a wall and breaks his or hers hand and tries to hide it from lydia. keep up the good work my friend!
broken pinky
i’m sorry, but i can’t stop laughing at the juxtaposition of ‘cute’ and ‘fluffy’ with ‘punching a wall and breaking their fist’ but regardless, i’m not sure i fulfilled exactly what you wanted, but i hope you like it anyway :)
this fic takes place now-ish (and if you’re reading this in the future, i wrote this when everyone was in self isolation bc of covid) so, yeah :) also i hc barbara used to be a nurse, partially bc of convenience for the story
1273 words
cw: femreader. brief reference to domestic abuse. food. i have no knowledge of how healing broken bones works, just pretend that what i wrote would actually work.
when it first became clear to everyone that this virus was serious, and that everyone needed to go into self isolation, you were really worried. it seemed to happen in less than a day, and you panicked. your parents were halfway across the country doing some work thing, and they were stuck there. 
but there were upsides to not being able to leave the house. for example, you were not in your house. while your parents where away, the deetz-maitland family agreed to letting you stay with them. now, you could not leave your girlfriend’s house. it was incredible.
you were dying your hair purple when you got a text from one of your best friends. “y/n! quarantine party at my house tomorrow, the whole lunch group is invited! are you coming?”
what. the. fuck. 
””quarantine party” does he fucking realize what he’s saying?” you muttered to yourself.
lydia looked up from her game, “what’s wrong?” she asked.
”fucking nick doesn’t understand what a fucking self isolation means. spoiler alert: you can’t invite people over for it to be effective!” you started to rant.
lydia picked up your phone and looked at the text. “you should try telling him that. so no one does go to his house.” she said calmly.
-why wasn’t she more angry about this? “but it’s fucking nick, and he doesn’t give two shits about anyone! any time i try to tell him why something that he’s doing is wrong, he pretends that i’m the bad guy for bringing it up, then laughs at me!”
”sorry to break it to you, but your friends suck.”
”i know.” you sighed. “but seriously, does he not realize the harm he’s putting people in? like, nancy! nancy’s fucking immunosurpressed!”
”nancy?” lydia asked.
”nancy is sarah’s younger sister. and sarah is invited to this “quarantine party.”” you scoffed.
”even if you don’t think he’ll listen, you should tell him this. and tell the other people who are invited, they’re more sensible than nick, right?”
”you’re right.” you quickly typed out a message to nick, telling him how stupid he is. you then went over to the group chat, that was very inactive, to tell everyone to stay home.
you received a new text from nick. you threw your phone at lydia. “look at that bullshit.”
”why does it matter it’s not like it’s going to effect any of us it only effects old people and it’s like just as bad as the flu lol why shouldn’t we celebrate the boomer remover.” lydia read his text aloud. “jeez, that’s so horrible.”
”it’s like he thinks that lives other than his own don’t matter! it doesn’t just effect old people, and even if it did old people are people too! and the people who get the virus won’t be able to get the treatment they need because the hospitals will be overwhelmed thanks to people like him who think that a fucking pandemic doesn’t fucking apply to him!” the more you talked the more angry you got. “i know that i’ve joked about nick not caring about anyone besides himself in the past, but i truly believe that now! he’s just so insensitive!” you had so much pent up energy. the past few weeks, you had just been sitting around the house, and it’s like your body had reached a breaking point. you needed to expel some of that energy or you yourself were going to explode.
”y/n, i need you to take some breaths-” lydia rushed over to your side, to try to calm you down, but that only made things worse. she came inside your personal bubble, and that was just too much.
you turned away from her, to the wall, and punched it.
your hand had gone right through the wall. you had nearly reached the other side.
”lydia, oh my god, i’m sorry, i’m so sorry.” you backed into her.
lydia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “i am going to go ask adam if there is anything they can do about this. you will stay in the middle of the room, and not touch anything.” she left you in the room by yourself.
it was only then that a wave of pain emanating from your hand washed over you. you lifted it up, to examine it. but every slight movement you made was another spike of pain. 
you decided to stop moving it.
luckily, adam had exactly what they needed to fix the hole. adam and lydia worked together, while you hid in the bathroom. partly because you didn’t want to face your problems, partly because you needed to wash the dye out of your hair.
that evening, at the family dinner that charles and delia insisted on having every night, with hair a fabulous shade of twilight purple, you awkwardly ate in silence. 
only the adults were talking, and you could tell they were dancing around the subject of the fact that their daughter’s girlfriend destroyed their daughter’s bedroom wall because she got angry, and it probably wasn’t the best idea for us to let her stay with us because what if she turns this violence on our daughter we don’t want this to happen we should probably kick her out of this house but oops no one can leave! or at least, that’s what you assumed they were all thinking of.
and to make matters worse, you felt an absurd amount of pain whenever you tried to use your dominant hand, so here you were, struggling to eat lasagna with your other hand.
after dinner, it’s lydia and delia’s turn to do the dishes. charles pulls you aside into the living room. “i saw you struggling to eat your dinner, and with what happened earlier today… is your hand okay?”
you panicked. you didn’t want to have to go to the hospital, so you lied. “nope! i was just, uh, practicing to become ambidextrous! i’ve heard that it’s a really useful skill to have, and, uh, i want to have something to work on while we’re all stuck here.”
you started walking away. “come back here.” said charles. “i’m not buying that for one second. let me see your hand.”
you winced as he turned your hand over. charles looked at you, as if to say “i told you so.”
barbara, do you mind coming in here for a moment?” he called to the kitchen, where barbara had been helping lydia and delia.
”yeah, sure. what do you need?” she asked.
”y/n here has done something to her hand. can you look at it for me?”
she looked at you, then at your hand, still resting in charles’. it hurt less that way, so you hadn’t moved it. “oh, honey…” she muttered, and she lead you to the couch, where she could sit down.
charles turned on a lamp behind her.
lydia came walking into the living room. “what’s going on?”
”it would appear that y/n has broken her hand.” barbara sighed. “i think i’ll be able to fix it, but it’s going to be rough.”
”wait, what are you going to do?” you asked.
barbara lightly touched your pinky where it met your palm. you recoiled in pain. “i think it’s just your pinky that’s broken, so i’ll make a splint, and we’ve got some pain medicine in the medicine cabinet that you can use. but you should seriously not use your hand.” she turned to lydia. “and that means no hand holding.”
lydia hugged you, on the other side of your screwed up hand. “thank you so much, barbara.”
@meangirlsx @meangirlmurphy @eliza-is-confused @boredomimi @book--butterfly
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lucidtobio · 4 years
fluffy dreams x
ashton irwin x fem!oc fluff
warnings: literally none other than bad writing
[word count: 1.9k]
this is legit based off a dream i had last night, but i added a bunch of stuff so it makes sense lmaooo.. pls don’t bully me this is my first time writing :)
(also, this is during the youngblood era, so like 2018-ish)
I was sitting in a crowd surrounding a circular table. Seated at the table were the four members of 5 Seconds of Summer; Michael, Luke, Calum, and Ashton. They were doing an interview where fans could come watch live. The interviewer was seated on a tall chair in the middle of the crowd. Everyone was listening eagerly to their responses.
"Okay, so now we're going to give the audience a chance to speak with the band! Does that sound good to you guys?" The interviewer exclaimed before pointing to 5SOS. They did a little cheer and clapped their hands.
"What about y'all?!" She gestured to us. Everybody screamed, desperate to finally meet our idols. The interviewer looked worried for a second. Honestly, I would be too if I was in the middle of a bunch of crazy fangirls.
"So we're going to have the guys pick the first person that gets to talk to them. Michael, do you want to pick first?" The interviewer put him on the spot. I felt slightly guilty for him, all of that pressure must be stressful.
Michael looked at his bandmates for help, but they just shrugged at him. "Go on, Mikey. Pick someone," Calum teased, leaning forward on his knees. "Fuck you," Michael mumbled under his breath, barely audible.
The guitarist craned his neck to search the crowd, and everybody in the audience held their breath. I was watching his calculated eyes as they landed on me. "You. The one with the white top and plaid pants," Michael called out. I looked down at my outfit and around at the people around me. Nobody else was wearing that... I don't think. I was about to ask if he meant me when the girl next to me nudged my arm. "He's talking to you! Go up there!" She whispered.
I stood up and made my way to their table. I tried to seem more confident than I was on the inside, because I was secretly fangirling. I think it worked because I didn't receive any sympathetic looks from the guys, only smiles.
I took a seat next to Michael and gave them all a little wave. "Why don't you introduce yourself? In the meantime, let's give them some privacy," The interviewer said before a screen came up around the table. (idfk bc in my dream the other people just dissapeared & then came back so)
"Woah, what the f-" Luke started before Ashton elbowed him in his side. I laughed before I realised nobody else found that funny and bit my lip. I looked at Ashton who had a light smile playing on his face.
"So, um, my name is Hazel and I'm 19 years old. I came all the way from Australia to see you guys," I introduced.
"Oh, we're from Australia, too!" Michael blurted out. I looked over to him with incredulous eyes and said, "No, really? I didn't know that," before giggling.
"What part of Australia?" Ashton asked, leaning back and uncrossing his legs.
"Sydney. I'm basic, I know," I answered while cracking a smile. Luke and Calum chuckled at my lame joke.
We continued chatting for a while, and I felt very close to Michael. He seemed like a funny and genuine person. Our conversation was cut short when the interviewer suddenly removed the screen. "Sorry, guys. You're time is up," She said not so apologetically. "Luke, do you want to pick the next person?" I took this as her way of telling me, Get out, you're time is over sweetie.
I rose to my feet and plopped back in my seat. Luke had picked the next girl- who looked like she was about to faint- and the girl next to me nudged my arm again. I looked over to her with a questioning look. "Yeah?"
"What was it like?" She eagerly asked, her eyes wide and slightly crazed.
"Um, it was good. They were really nice to me and easy to talk to," I explained, a smile forming on my lips.
"What did they smell like?" The girl asked next. I had to do a double take at that question. That's some next level fangirl shit.
"I don't know! I wasn't sitting there and smelling them." I exclaimed exasperatedly. She rolled her eyes and turned away from me, signalling that the conversation was over.
I sighed and pulled out my phone. Mindlessly texting some of my friends back home while waiting for the other girl to emerge. I snapped one of my closest friends, Ruel, telling him that I finally got to meet 5SOS. I only had to wait a couple seconds before he responded with, "omg yasss you go girl". I smiled and shook my head at his sarcasm. A few minutes later, the girl came out of the screen-shield with a starstruck expression. Was that what I looked like?!
The process repeated, but this time Calum picked the person to go in. This time, it was a tall guy with blonde hair. I looked back to my phone before realising how familiar that person was. I caught a glimpse of his face and it was... Ruel? What the-
I angrily texted him so he could see my messages when he came out. How could he not tell me he was coming? He could've at least came with me.
When his time was up, he glanced over at me and sent a lazy grin my way. I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop the smile creeping onto my face. Ruel went to sit down where he was originally and I huffed.
(okay this next part is unrealistic- well this whole story is tbh- but this is what happened in my dream)
"Last up we have Ashton! Ashton, are you ready to pick the last person?" The interviewer stated dramatically. He raised his eyebrows at her tone and exhaled. "Let's hope so," He mumbled.
Ashton scanned the crowd yet again, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. His eyes locked on mine and I gave him a comforting smile; I assumed he would just return the gesture and move on. But his eyes never left mine. Ashton sent me a lopsided grin before exclaiming, "Hazel! Come on up here."
My jaw dropped to say the least. There were mumbles from the people surrounding me, as well as multiple dirty looks being thrown at me. The interviewer glanced around and looked back at the crew mouthing, "Is this allowed?" The camera crew in turn shrugged at her.
I scrambled to my feet and picked my way through the audience. This time I sat down next to Ashton. I figured I would sit next to him because he was the one that invited me. "Why did you pick me again?" I whisper-shouted at him. Ashton just let out a little giggle while looking at Calum and threw an arm behind me.
I shook my head playfully at their stupidity and leaned back. They asked me questions about my life back in Australia, and I asked about random things. I didn't want to be basic and just ask about music.
"Ashton, are you ever going to dye your hair like Michael?" I inquired.
"Nah, he's too pussy," Luke jabbed, making everyone laugh.
"Says you, Mr. I've-never-done-anything-to-my-hair," Michael crowed as everyone laughed again.
I reached my hand up to run it through Ashton's dark brown locks. "I think if you dyed it a red type color, it would look really good," I suggested. He peeped up at me through his eyelashes and I held his gaze. My cheeks tinted pink as I realised our close proximity.
I moved away from him only for Ashton to wrap an arm around my waist. I glanced at him but he was already talking to Calum. I felt slightly awkward in the position, so to free my arm I placed a hand on his knee. Ashton slightly stiffened before relaxing. A grin played on my lips as we all engaged in conversation.
The screen lowered again and the interviewer was talking to the audience. "So that's all the time we have for today! I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, and we'll hopefully see you boys in the future," She winked. "We're going to let 5SOS exit first, so please stay seated until we give you the word."
I made to go back into the crowd when Ashton grabbed my hand and pulled me with them. "We want you to come with us to the back room," Michael giddily told me. "I heard there was a movie theater back there." I sucked in a short breath before following. I relished in the feeling of Ashton's warm hand against mine.
I could practically feel all the people behind me glaring daggers into my skull. Their whispers washed over my head and I felt a wave of anxiety. Ashton must have sensed this as he brushed his thumb over my knuckles. I gratefully smiled at him before looking at the ground.
We reached the 'back room' which was basically a movie theater but with long couches instead of individual seats. I gasped as I took in the lush couches. I dropped Ashton's hand and bee-lined towards one in the center. I settled into the comfortable cushions and reveled in the coziness.
Michael sat down on my left and Ashton on my right. I snatched Michael's beanie off his head, letting out a soft "teehee." He opened his mouth to protest but stopped when he saw me tugging the cap onto my brown hair. "You're so annoying," Michael chuckled.
"You know you love me," I retorted, sticking out my tongue at him.
"Real mature," He rolled his eyes sarcastically, still smiling.
"Hazel," Ashton murmured from beside me. I twisted my head to look up at him. "Yeah?"
He tapped the end of my nose, saying, "Boop." I burst out laughing- even though it wasn't that funny- and they all looked at me like I was crazy.
"Shhh, the movie is starting!" Luke harshly whispered. "Oops," I giggled, mimicking a shush gesture to Luke. The beginning of Back to the Future started playing on the large screen in front of us.
I felt a familiar arm snake around my waist yet again, pulling me into Ashton's side. I leaned up so my mouth was next to his ear. "Very bold and cuddly, I see," I whispered, running my nose along the shell of his ear. The man below me tensed only slightly before rubbing his hand along the side of my torso.
The theater was dark, only the faint glow from the screen providing light. I rested my hand on his knee, but gauged no reaction from Ashton. I lightly ran my middle finger along the inseam of his jeans, moving slowly up towards his crotch area. I heard an intake of breath above me and smirked to myself.
I laid my hand on his upper thigh, making myself comfortable. My head settled against Ashton's firm chest and I let out a content sigh. Our closeness satisfied my craving for human touch. I want to stay like this forever.
okay so that's over lmao
peep the ruel shoutout (stream free time) lmk what you thought! :)
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altphilcmena · 4 years
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『NATALIA DYER ❙ DEMI GIRL』 ⟿ looks like PHILOMENA CARMICHAEL is here for HER/THEIR SOPHOMORE year as a WILDLIFE SCIENCE student. SHE/THEY are 19 years old & known to be WHIMSICAL, PATIENT, APATHETIC & UNPREDICTABLE. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ JAMES. 20. EST. SHE/THEY.
hllo this is a slightly older bt not tht old like. minus a year old muse of mine tht i thought wld fit rly well into this group n i hope u guys all love her bc i love her a lot !!! anyways pls drop a LIKE if u wld like to plot because i need to know. who to plot with. there’s so many people pleathe help me out HBSJDNKFMGLH
wildflowers in your hair and bare feet against moss, binoculars and maps, madonna beating out of half-dead speakers in a half-dead van, whipping wind, jumping off cliffs and rolling down hills, a bandaid wrapped around each finger, cryptic bumper stickers and cryptids in the woods, facing the sun and letting the rays hit you, counting stars late into the night, dancing naked in the woods with nothing but fire to light your way, mismatched socks and lucky ribbons, hoarding a box of special treasures, shoplifting and diner-dashing, bleach against roots, pink sweaters paired with ripped fishnets and slip dresses with knock off uggs, willingly wearing crocs, glitter stickers, fungi and feeling one with them, lying down and decomposing, they’ll find us in a week. they’ll find us in a week.
basic info.
full name: philomena brontë carmichael
nickname(s): philly, phil, mena, etc.
b.o.d. - april 20th lmao !!
label(s): the amaranth, the halycon, the neophyte, the wanderer, etc. etc.
height: 5′4″
hometown: woodside, ca
sexuality: ??? $500 ebay mystery box. pansexual if you had to label it.
pinterest ( & her family pinterest b/c they’re my most developed family uwu)
inspired by: luna lovegood (harry potter), orla mccool (derry girls), cassie ainsworth (skins), alice (alice’s adventures in wonderland), amelie (amelie).
a middle child belonging to christopher and imogen carmichael - two stanford professors. christopher specialized in british literature whilst imogen specialized in the classics. hence the name.
the order of siblings goes as such: lysander, elektra, juno, philomena, and twins orion & valora. the deal was that everybody had a greek (or in juno’s case, roman) first name and a middle name inspired by a piece of british literature circa 1800s and under. a family of nerds, if you will.
so, clearly - right off the bat, their parents are … eccentric. they’re both in love with their respected topic, and with each other, and with their kids. the carmichael family is a happy family.
they each have their own quirks and whatnot - though philly’s always been particularly dreamy - even as a child, she’d spend hours watching clouds or caterpillars or the leaves blow in the wind rather than play with other kids. she wasn’t a shy kid - she just had her own interests.
hardship doesn’t hit the family until philomena is five and starts having splitting headaches. they’re slow at first - but as soon as she’s seeing spots and unable to walk in a straight line, doctor appointments are made.
it doesn’t take long for them to discover the tumor, though the official diagnosis of malignant ependymoma comes a month later.
it’s grade ii but slow-moving, small enough to not be as much of a threat as worried, but big enough where removal is necessary. philomena earns a scar and brings it in for show-and-tell. for two months afterwards, philly’s at radiotherapy monday through friday.
they’re lucky - philomena’s considered cancer-free by the next year. she’s babied at first - handled delicately, as if she could break if touched - but with five other children … it doesn’t last for too long.
and life continues as normal.
her personality doesn’t shift much over the next few years - she’s awfully independent for a kid, and awfully quiet - when she speaks it’s about faeries and bigfoot, about how the sky is so blue and if you listen quietly, you can hear the leaves whisper their secrets to each other. this is not odd.
she’s close to all her siblings, but she idolizes her older sister - elektra. elektra’s six years older and dyes her hair whatever colors she wants. elektra bought a knife off a seedy guy downtown. elektra threw away all of her heels and renounced god. elektra is god. her music is loud but it’s not heavy - it’s florence and the machine.
they’re opposites - elektra’s boisterous and feels loudly, philomena’s softer and feels…less. when elektra sneaks out, philomena keeps watch. they are a duo.
philomena is smart - but she’s fifteen and hates school. hates sitting inside all day. hates the same routine - day after day - it’s all the same. her parents’ routine is the same, philly feels contained and she wants to live.
elektra’s twenty-one and just bought a brand new spanking (used but not falling apart) 19-something volkswagen … van - using her entire savings account. she says she’s tired of routine, she’s leaving the next day.
naturally, philomena stows away in the back and isn’t discovered until they’re two states away and she’s got to pee. elektra nearly crashes the van in shock.
it’s an argument - philomena vs. elektra, then them vs. their parents, then their parents vs. the school, the state - it’s an ordeal. philomena switches to an online program in the end.
it hurts christopher and imogen - lysander’s not having any of their nonsense, juno’s betrayed and alone - the twins are twins. in the end, it’s alright. the carmichael family is a happy family.
philomena and elektra take their time - it’s not a road trip, it’s their new life, permanently on the road. they stop and explore often - they do odd jobs in whatever town they settle in. they dine-n-dash, they shoplift. they survive in their own way.
during particularly desperate times, they two resorted to identity theft & credit fraud - getting away with it only by ditching the cards once they’ve made it out of state.
she drops out of high school officially when she’s seventeen - they have to drive all the way back to california to deal with the wrath of their parents and to deal with paperwork, but it’s done. philomena doesn’t know what path she wants in life - but it’s not that.
it’s during this time that the episodes occur - philomena’s outside her body, philomena’s wrapped in cotton, her memories are not her own. she’s looking in the mirror and she doesn’t recognize herself. they take shelter in a city for six months, long enough for her brand spankin’ new therapist to figure out what’s wrong with her. she’s diagnosed with depersonalization / derealization disorder - they think it’s stress. philomena doesn’t get stressed. they think it’s trauma. she laughs - she never laughs.
there is trauma though, deep-rooted but somewhere inside - you just have to look for it.
you. just. have. to. look. for. it. look for it. look for it. look for it look for it look -
you were ten and she was thirteen, an off-trail hike in familiar woods in a familiar town, safe and familiar. it was your idea, to stray from the carved out paths, down creeks and up hills and round, and round again. you’re the one who spotted the scarf first, sticking up from the dirt and dancing in the wind like the beginning of reincarnation. it was not reincarnation, it was discovery. it was ruin. with curiosity drawn, you skidded down - with compliance, followed juno, followed your sister - clumsy in her steps and tumbling down quicker than you. you saw the corpse, but juno felt it. decaying flesh and maggot.
and she left juno, just like that - just five years later, when juno had finally gone to the end of her wits. philly up and left. abandoned her. 
philomena and elektra leave the city after that therapy session. they do not return. she’s always been good at hiding her secrets.
three years later and her parents want philly to have a higher education - desperate for it, really - worried for her future. it’s a battle that she loses, getting her GED and applying to a local college in florida in shameful compliance.
they’re there for a year until philly gets (expectantly) expelled from the community college & the two of them are banned from the town they’d residing in up until that point. they don’t talk about it - but boy, was it one hell of a time.
they found refuge in lovell, a town that seemed to suit them well - it suited elektra’s desire to travel up and down the east coast, and it intrigued philomena enough to the point of her being content with staying. soon after, philly officially transferred to radcliffe for the fall semester & they’ve been here since!
she’s quiet but she’s confident - her voice sounds like rustling leaves, if leaves smoked a pack of cigarettes a day.
often underestimated - philly’s petite and looks like she’d fall over if a plastic bag blew too close to her. she’s independent - for the most part. elektra is the only person philly takes orders from.
has always been considered odd - weird, strange. still talks about the trees as if they’re listening, as if they’re old friends. she’s vague and doesn’t elaborate on the things she says.
believes in pretty much any superstition you throw her way. luck is very important to her. if you ask her if the earth is flat, she’ll say probably. believes strongly in bigfoot and the lochness monster. has personally seen aliens, and loves ghosts almost more than herself.
she can be amusing - whether you ‘get’ her or not, her outlook is often bright - she talks about the negatives the same way she talks about the positives. can be seen as naive or gullible, but she’s plenty smart. even if half of her education has come directly from google.
philly doesn’t laugh. a smile, yes - often, in fact - not always reaching her ears, or bearing teeth - but these are not indicators of her happiness. philly is consistently content. she thinks many things are funny - she still will not laugh.
her voice is often monotonous - she doesn’t sound dreary, she sounds far-away. her voice carries. her emotions are often unknown to others.
is apathetic in most situations. she’s hard to bother - she’s incredibly patient and enjoys the company of most - tolerates them at the very least. it’s hard for her to express her emotions, because she feels them so little that it’s very nearly not worth it. her affection is not verbal - it’s small touches and gestures of kindness, love in her own way.
is a fan of knock-knock jokes and bad puns. she won’t crack a smile while telling you them, nor does she expect you to laugh. she just enjoys them.
she owns a motorola razr covered in puffy stickers - hasn’t ever had a smartphone. she’s a fan of emoticons. her favorite is :o)
has a lot of bruises and scratches and scars - she’s often getting herself into pickles. there are always, at the very minimum, three bandaids on each hand.
she has insomnia, so she’s awake often. is often seen wandering town - even when she shouldn’t be, even when it might be dangerous. her intuition is delayed. when she does sleep - her dreams are vivid and fantastical.
keeps a box of memories - sentimental bits and pieces she’s picked up over the last few years. there are a lot of buttons and postcards, but any teeny tiny object will do.
her style changes every week - most, if not all, of her clothes are thrifted. one week she’s baby spice and the next she’s lydia deetz. she combines pieces from different styles often - she looks like a barbie clothed by a child. she feels most comfortable like this.
will either patch-up the clothes that get too worn or reuse them in some way. sometimes donates the clothes she gets tired off - isn’t minimalistic, but she’s learned to keep only a small amount of possessions.
the only consistency is her lucky ribbon - it’s pastel yellow and silky and as thin as a shoelace. she ties it onto her outfit of the day, everyday. if she loses it, she’s lost. elektra has a matching ribbon.
has no problem with minor theft - she only takes bare minimum, puts herself and elektra first and that’s how it’s always been. she tries to be good while in lovell / radcliffe - would hate to be forced out by mobs with torches and pitchforks
currently living in noland while elektra stays in their van, florence - sometimes philly stays there during the weekends.
they used to live in motels on the occasion, the cheapest room, and more often than not they’d both go home with strangers for a comfier bed and a hotter shower.
it was a common occurrence - she didn’t sleep with them - but somehow, she weaseled her way into their homes anyway. has come out mostly unscathed, on most occasions. this has been a practice ever since they’ve been on the road.
really, truly - has not slept with anybody, had her first and only kiss at thirteen with a frog. this doesn’t bother her.
will consume a n y t h i n g you put in front of her - isn’t picky.
listens to whatever they’ve picked up along the way but she likes instrumentals the best. her second favorite genre is 1990′s and 2000′s top hits. they’re nostalgic for her. third favorites? florence, of course. fleetwood mac. the bird and the bee. 
loves storms - will go out in the rain and will risk her life for it.
owns a pair of roller-skates and is often skating rather than walking. unless she’s on grass - then she’s walking barefoot.
has many hobbies, and gets bored of them often. her favorite hobby is welding. she’s not certified.
also, juggling.
also, accordion.
the kind of girl who’ll do any job you give her. odd jobs are her favorite jobs. babysitting is her least favorite - but she does it anyway. has lost children before. have they ever been found? not by philly.
dyes her hair blonde often and cuts her own hair - bangs included - finds it cathartic, likes the itchiness of bleach.
everything she does is often in pursuit of feeling free, alive, and meaningful.
( like her frequent visits to the woods, late at night when the moon is high and full. it’s freeing to dance around a fire, stark naked in the cold. builds immunity )
comes and goes wherever she pleases, nothing & nobody can stop her (besides elektra). has befriended the campus witch, or as much as the witch will allow, and shrike as well. she knows to respect nature, and abandoned sites - she’s practically free to explore as she wishes, her only pride is the trust she’s gained.
the trust expands to animals as well, she has a certain knack for getting them to like her. has too many ‘pet’ rats that reside with her, alongside a baby raccoon & a few crow pals. has a new animal companion everyday, but she doesn’t contain them or force them to stay.
leaves her window in noland wide open because of this, because her window is conveniently right besides a tree with sturdy branches. good for animal smuggling, sneaking in and out, hiding, etc. etc. world is her oyster.
though her room in noland is ??? frankly a mess ??? already ??? usually keeps most of her possessions in her memory box but she’s also turned her room into a mini labyrinth of knick-knacks. very cozy, but very nest-like. think of howl’s room from howl’s moving castle. 
wanted connections.
random encounters... it’s only her second semester at radcliffe, she hasn’t met everybody yet i’m sure
random encounters...in the wild... alternately, people she’s met before in a different part of the country. whether she’s stolen from them or crashed at their place, or simply shared a dinner. anything goes!
unexpected sleepover... someone whose place she crashed at after a mysterious night. a party, adventure, etc. etc. maybe they don’t even remember her staying over, maybe she hadn’t been with them to begin with.
employers... she does a lot of odd jobs! knows how to make a lot of things in many different mediums just to earn a small living.
friends... y’know ... people who enjoy her presence, likes her oddness. they may not understand her, but they appreciate her. or maybe they do understand her, in their own way!
not friends... philly doesn’t consider anybody an enemy in the slightest, but some people may not be fond of her ... think she’s a little too strange, or they refuse to understand her, or something of the likes.
closing in... someone trying to get closer to her, trying to figure her out on a level deeper than what she would like, and she keeps slipping out from between their fingers every time.
mom friend mom friend mom friend... older sibling figures! dad friends! take one look at philly and instantly want to swaddle n protect her.
caught red handed... someone catches her stealing or about to dine-n-dash. do they care? who knows!
late-night shenanigans... they just walk and talk at night ... very relaxing ... not actually very shenanigans filled...
a dealer... because she wasn’t born on 4/20 for nothing. she’s not turning 20 on 4/20/20 fr nothing. don’t fail us.
debating conspiracies... or superstitions, really anything. maybe they’re frustrated at her apathy surrounding all situations.
no likey... :( they distrust her. probably fr good reason tho ... i don’t blame you
thrifting pals... no explanation needed methinks
an eventual hook-up... maybe ... possibly ... it’s questionable, but it could happen! can’t stay a virgin forever! (or well. she cld. we’ll see!) she’d probably have to trust yr muse a lot though
unrequited romance uwu... probably unrequited on her end because she doesn’t usually think of anybody in a romantic sense - it’s possible, but you’d have to be something special for her to like you back. that being said ...
something returned... eventually, slowly. slow. it’ll take time.
maybe something returned !! eventually. slowly. slow.
n like rly anything u want !! anything u can think of i am here 2 fulfill ... we can brainstorm all sorts of wacky scenarios!! she’s a thief! she’s an accordion player! she dances naked in the woods! she’s been in the circus AND a small utah county jail! 
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8 for penny and matt bc i miss them
8. being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterward
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“Don’t your fingers ever get tired, Matt?”
“Nope. Though you should know that.”
Matt smirked, and caught the pillow Penny threw at him from the other end of the couch. She pouted, and kicked him in the leg instead.
“That is so not what I meant. Perv.”
“I’m kidding,” he chuckled, leaning back from the case briefs he’d been reviewing. “Honestly, braille isn’t that stressful to read. The texture used to irritate me when I was a kid, but you learn not to press so hard. Just like everything else.”
“Your fingers don’t go numb?” she asked curiously.
“Not really. No more than you going cross-eyed after reading for hours at four in the morning. It’s more about when I’m tired than my fingers.”
“And you’re not tired?” she asked hopefully. She scooted closer to him on the couch, pulling his hands from his work to run her fingers along his own. “Not even a little bit?”
“Sorry,” Matt sighed, kissing her palm briefly. “I’ve still got a lot of work to do. Foggy and I have a lot of stuff coming up, and these people need our help.”
“Ugh, you’re so selfless. One break, Matty.”
“Pen, this can’t wait. Not even for the prettiest redhead in the tri-state area.”
“Wow,” she said in mock disgust. “Just the tri-state area? You must really hate me.”
“Oh, I am so sorry. How could I make such a mistake?”
Matt laughed, pressing a kiss to her cheek. He tried to turn back to his work, but Penny maneuvered herself into his path. She caught her lips with her own, humming into his mouth and almost—almost—detaining him.
“Mm—no, no, no,” Matt mumbled, pulling back from the kiss. He brandished a finger at her and tried to scoot away. “Like, I said, not even for the prettiest woman…”
“Fine!” Penny pulled away, flopping onto her back on the couch. “I’m probably not the prettiest woman anyway.”
She expected Matt to swat her leg and turn back to his paperwork. Instead, he cocked his head in that way he did—the one that made him look like a concerned labrador. His brows knitted tight, he turned to face her.
“What on earth are you talking about? You know you’re beautiful, Penny.”
“Yeah, I know,” she scoffed, waving the compliment aside. “But it’s not like you do.”
“Of course I know that.”
“Matt,” she said pointedly.
“I do,” he laughed. He took his glasses off as if to prove his point, brown, sightless eyes flicking in her direction. “These might not do me any good, but I’ve been listening to Foggy chase men away from you for years.”
“Well just because they think I’m hot doesn’t mean you would. But how would you know? You’ve…You’ve never seen me…”
Penny bit her lip. Matt was frowning at her, and it made her almost nauseous. Of course it was maddening having a boyfriend who couldn’t see you. Sure, it helped reassure her that he was with her for at least some of the right reasons, but that wasn’t enough to put her insecurities to bed. She didn’t like admitting that she had any insecurities, not even to herself, let alone others. 
“I’m kidding, Matthew,” she said, forcing a laugh. “Relax. You can wipe the sour look off your face.”
But this was Matt she was talking to. He might have been blind, but he could see just through her just fine.
He held out his hand, and it was only with extreme reluctance that Penny took it. Matt pulled her upright next to him on the sofa, and turned to face her more fully, one leg up on the cushions so that they were knee to knee.
“I do see you, Penny,” he said softly. “Just in my own way.”
“What do you mean?”
Matt hesitated. One of his hands ran down the length of her arm, resting along the back of the couch. The feeling made her shiver, and his lips pulled into the ghost of a smile.
“I see you with my other senses. Smells, sounds, touch. And all of it together paints a picture of you.”
He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, and Penny leaned into the touch.
“So…what do I look like to you?”
She didn’t exactly expect him to answer, not honestly anyway. They’d never had a normal relationship. Serious was hard for them. And this certainly felt like dangerous territory. But Matt dipped his head closer to hers, his fingers tracing the hairline across the back of her neck.
“Well, touch is the easiest. I know the shape of your face, how tall you are. Or how short you are, really,” he amended with a grin. “I love your hair, how soft it is, even when you used to dye it. The mole you have on your scalp just next to the part in your hair. Your curves, your tiny hands, all the imperfections in your skin…”
“Yeah,” Penny breathed, “exactly what every girl wants to hear, Murdock.”
He chuckled, but continued with confidence.
“You don’t match any of the scents that you use. Your hair smells like coconut, and your breath is mint. Your perfume is woodsy, because I know you like using mens’ scents instead of women’s. And everything about you is…loud. Unapologetic. The way you move, the way you walk, the way you laugh. And my favorite thing to listen to is when you get caught up in a story or a rant or your—your latest tirade, and you slip into that Southern accent you pretend that you don’t have.”
Penny bit her lip again, with excitement rather than shame. 
“I think you’re still forgetting one.”
“Am I?” 
Matt smiled, tipping her chin forward so that he could kiss her again. Penny melted into him, her own eyes fluttering shut. She let him take the lead, following his cues as his tongue flicked across her lips, and tried to focus on her other senses too.
She slid her hands up his chest, over the ridiculously soft button down he was still wearing. Matt always had the softest clothes. He’d already popped the button on his collar, giving way to stubble that scratched at her skin. She traced her fingers over it, trying to read him like braille. She felt his pulse beneath his skin, the healing cuts and scars he insisted were a normal side effect and shaving while blind. His sharp jaw, tousled hair, the near permanent dents over his ears where the legs of his glasses had carved a place for themselves in his skin.
Strong arms wrapped around her waist, tugging her into Matt’s lap with ease. Penny raked her fingers through his hair and breathed through her nose. 
Matt never smelt like perfume of cologne. He didn’t use things like that, said they were overpowering when he couldn’t see. Instead he smelt faintly like cotton, like salt from his sweat. It reminded her of a calm beach—fresh, and quiet. He was always quiet. The way he moved, the way he spoke. But it never made him seem timid. He wasn’t shy or small. He was restraint, control, knowledge. It was one of the things that had always drawn her to him.
Penny could barely breathe when Matt pulled away. Her lips chased after his, her eyes still closed. She rested her head against his, breathing in every breath he released. Matt kissed her once more, soft and lingering, and pulled back only enough to speak.
She breathed a laugh. “I think that’s the wine we were drinking, Matty.”
“No,” he argued, and though she couldn’t see, she could hear the smile in his voice. “It’s just you.”
Penny let her hands fall to his sides. She grabbed his hands and pulled them up to her face. She placed one kiss on each of his palms, then placed them over her eyes, showing him the way they were closed.
“I see you too, Matthew.”
“Yeah.” His chest rumbled with silent laughter, and he traced her eyelashes with a gentle fingertip. “I know you do, Pen.”
Matt leaned forward to kiss her nose, but pushed her back when she tried to kiss him again.
“But I still need to get this work done.”
“Way to kill the mood, Murdock.”
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futurewriter2000 · 7 years
Ready or not (Young! Sirius Black x reader)
A/N: wrote this imagine this morning in school. I really hope you like it. Kind of proud of it to be honest. I was so happy to read the request and I started writing it right away bc I just have nothing else to do except to study.
Request: Heyy could you write a Sirius x reader in which there’s some months before school finishes and she finds out she’s pregnant and is so scared but Sirius is excited and so over protective and all but only the guys and lily know??💜
Warning: My English and I was a bit drunk writing this. Comma addiction.
Part 2
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You were sitting on a toilet, tears rolling down your cheeks and holding on a pregnancy test. “Positive.” you mumbled under your breath.
You heard a knock on your door and a familiar voice spoke. “(Y/n)? Wha- what is it?” asked Remus, who was waiting for your response. He was your best friend out of all the marauders so you trusted him with everything. “Is it positive?” he asked quietly through the door.
“Is what positive?” you heard James come into the dorm.
“James, Peter! Umm…nothing.” responded Remus turning towards them.
You opened the door and all eyes were on you. Your cheeks were wet and your eyes were red and buffy.
“(Y/n)?” asked Peter, wondering what the hell are you doing in the boys bathroom.
James, who was like a brother to you walked over and brushed your tears with his thumbs. “What’s wrong?”
You hugged James tightly and started crying. “It’s positive.” you sobbed. “How can it be positive? We were careful and-and…” you stuttered, tears rolling down your cheeks.
James looked at Remus confused. He didn’t know what it was about so Remus showed him, using his hands, and started pesturing an imaginative baby. James’ eyes widened and he grabbed you a bit tighter. “Oh, (Y/n).”
“What am I going to do? It’s our last year and I- I…. How do I tell him? What will..how will he react?”
“Shh…” whispered James, hugging you even tightly. “Don’t worry,okay.” he tried to comfort you.
“Don’t worry!Don’t worry!!!!” you pushed yourself out of his grip. “What do you expect me to do?!? I get knocked up just before the graduation and you expect me not to worry!! How will I take my O.W.L.S or my Newts!! Do you know how stressed will I be!! What will my parents say?! What will Sirius say!?” you started panting from all the screaming.
Remus’ arms wrapped from behind you. “Calm down, (Y/n). Take one step at the time.”
“And what is step one excatly?”
“Step 1: Calm down.”
Three weeks had passed and you still haven’t told Sirius about the baby. It was almost a month and still you were procrastinating in any way possible. Remus was nagging you about telling Sirius but you just snapped at him everytime he mentioned it.
You were sitting at the Gryffindor table with your boyfriend’s arm around your shoulder. Remus, like always, was giving you the stare. The stare he started using since you all found out and to be honest you wanted to punch that staring face so bad.
“ So I was thinking, Hogsmeade this weekend, you and me, and maybe something else later.” Sirius winked at you.
just as you were about to come up with an excuse you suddenly smelt Peter’s tuna sandwich, making your stomach turn upside down. You quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.
Sirius looked at his friends whose stare quickly moved away from him to something else. Peter back to his tuna sandwich, Remus back to his book and James stared into his cup of tea. “Do you think she wants to break up with me?” Sirius asked all of a sudden.
James choked on his tea and Remus on his coffee. Peter just stared at him and tensed up. It all felt too suspicious to Sirius. Peter always tensed up when he was holding something from him. “Peter?” he asked suspiciously.
Just before Peter could babble it all out, James immediatelly jumped in. “Why would you think that? That girl loves you.” he said and wiped the spilled tea off the table.
“Does she love me? Because I feel like we are drifting apart. ” he looked at his friends, who didn’t say a word and kept staring at him. Sirius leaned closer. “And…and…well…” he hesitated for a bit. “We haven’t. You know….slept together for a month.”
James choked on his tea again, spilling it all over Sirius face. Remus and Peter started laughing and soon Lily, who was talking with few of her other Gryffindor friends to avoid Sirius, started laughing along.
“Really?” said Sirius glaring at him.
“Sorry.” was all that James could say. He was a great liar, all of them were. But when it came to lying to their own friend, now that was a problem.
Sirius was pacing in front of your dorm and you knew it. You knew that those were his steps and he wasn’t sure if he should knock on the door or not. ‘What if she breaks up with me?’ he thought just before he was about to knock.
You walked over to the door and opened it. You placed a smile on your lips, pretending everything was normal, where clearly it wasn’t . “Are you going to actually knock or were you waiting for me to open the door? ” you teased.
“Are you going to break up with me?” he asked all of a sudden, your smile dropped and your eyes widened.
You wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your head on his chest. “No. Of course not.” you mumbled quietly.
You felt him relax and he let out a deep breath. He hugged you back and leaned his chin on your head. “Than why do I feel like you are slipping through my fingers. ”
You took him into your dorm and sat him down on your bed. “I have some huge news and I have no clue how to tell you.” you let out and put your hands on his.
He started playing with your fingers and his gorgeous grey eyes were gently looking at you. “I swear if you tell me that you will dye your hair green I will cut it untill your beautiful (y/h/c) shiny hair grows back.”
You chuckled and looked at his breathtaking smile. “No. ”
“Not that you wouldn’t look hot in green. I just prefer your natural color because well-”
“I’m pregnant.” you cut in, immediatelly shutting him up.
His eyes drifted from yours to the wall. He stared at the photos of your friends and family, which were all over your wall and on your nightstand. You started to panic. Noone stares at the wall for six minutes straight and what the hell was happening in his head. “Sirius.” you said quietly, rubbing your thumbs on the back of his hand.
He immediatelly snapped back into reality, looked at your interlaced fingers and slowly looked up into your eyes. “I’m gonna be a dad?” he asked quietly at first. Since the words didn’t want to come out, you just nodded. “I am gonna be a dad!” he yelled with a huge smile on his face. A big rock rolled off your chest as you saw your boyfriend jumping around the room and screaming: “I AM GONNA BE A DAD!!” he yelled even louder. He jumped in front of you and put his hands on your belly. “Hello Sirius Jr. I am gonna be your dad. And I thought she was breaking up with me. Do you believe that? ” he looked up to you and saw that you were crying. “Why are you crying?” he asked.
“I am just so happy that you are happy.” you cried out and threw your arms around his neck.
He lifted you up and spunn you around. “I couldn’t be happier! ” He slowly put you down and leaned his forehead against yours. “ We are going to be a family.”
“We are.” you smiled at him and gave him another hug.
“Wait till I tell James and the others!” he yelled and sprinted out of the door. “James! You are gonna be an uncle! ” you heard him yell down the common room.
You came down to the breakfast, still wearing your pijamas and your hair put up in a big mess. You walked over to Sirius and sat down. “Good morning.” you yawned and stretched you arms.
“What are you doing up? You should be in bed, resting.” worried Sirius. “And put on a sweater will you. You will freeze to death.” he said and took off his jacket. “Here.”
You chuckled and took his jacket only to put it on your lap. “Sirius. Calm down. It’s been only few months and I’m fine to walk and do stuff on my own.” you explained as he was clearly not familiar with all the baby stuff.
“Yeah. Wait till the hormones kick in, that’s when the real challange lies.” said Lily grinning at the two of you.
The only people that knew about your pregnancy were the four marauders and Lily. Since she and James are dating and the fact that she is one of your closest friends, you trusted them enough to keep their mouth shut. You didn’t want to tell anyone else but the belly is already growing and you knew that the big sweaters won’t help that much after another upcoming months.
The morning passed rather quickly, but even though you loved him, you were so annoyed by Sirius right now. He kept insisting to carry your books, he got really upset if someone accidentally bumped into you and he made sure to yell at anybody, who stepped in your way. It was cute, but it was also a bit annoying.
After lunch all six of you were studying for your Newts and you couldn’t stop to notice, that Sirius was glancing at you from time to time. He glanced at you again and this time you cought his glance only to disappear back into the book and pretend to read it. “Sirius.” you said annoyed.
“ Yes, love.” he slowly closed his book and looked at you.
“Why are you staring at me?” you asked.
“Because you are so adorable.” he beamed at you.
He let go off his book and wrapped his hands around you. Your back was pressed against his chest, your hands holding a book and your eyes carefully reading it. Suddenly you felt his warm hands slid under your sweater and around your belly. You closed the book and looked up to his grey eyes. “What do you think we should name him?” he smiled down at you. “ I like Tobias.”
“What makes you think its a he? What if its a girl?” you said and put your hands on his, which were still placed on your belly.
“How about Norah?” he spit out the first name he thought of.
“Norah?” you chuckled. “I am not naming our daughter Norah.”
“If it is a daughter.” he corrected you.
“What if its a boy you call him James and if its a girl you can call her Jamie.” said James looking up from his book.
“Or if its a boy you call him Peter and if its a girl, Petra. I like that.” added Peter.
“I prefer boy as Remus and girl as Remi.” continued Remus.
“How about girl as Lily and boy as Louie?” said Lily closing her book.
Both you and Sirius started laughing. “Clearly you gave a lot more thought in naming our child, than we did. ” said Sirius interlacing his fingers with yours.
“Yeah lets just name a boy James Remus Black and what…a girl Petra Lilly Black?” you continued to laugh.
“That would be so awesome.” said all four of them at the same time.
“His or her surname would be Black?” asked Sirius, looking down on you. He didn’t know if he would either be happy, that his kid will carry his last name, or if it will only be a burden.
“Of course. After his or hers brave and handsome father.” You said giving him a quick peck on the lips and turning back to your book.
“But my family, (y/n).” you felt him tense up so you sat back up and turned to him. You took his hands, which immediately turned cold.
“We are your family.” you said putting his hand on your belly. “You, James, Remus, Peter, Lily, me and this baby. ” you said quietly, feeling his hand grow warm again.
He gave you a light smile and you both put yourself in the same position as you were before. He started running his fingers through your hair and you tried to focus back on the book. Everything was so quiet, so perfect.
“But what if you had quadruplets? ” said James breaking the silence. You all groaned and threw a pillow at him. He blocked few of them with his books but he got some to the head. “But just imagine. Three boys and a girl. Then you would have no problem naming them.” said James,again, getting pillows thrown at him.
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Resource Management, pt27
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Word Count: 2507 Tags: @supermoonpanda @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @feelmyroarrrr @anyakinamidala @dirajunara @little-study-bug @rampant-salamander @goodnightwife @samaxraph99 @anotherotter  @outside-the-government @kingarthurscat @coyote-in-space @originalpottervengerlock @dolamrothianlady @curiositywillbethedeathofme @superheroesofbothuniverses @mtriestowrite @wanderingkat77
Author’s note: WELCOME TO CANADA!!
“Barbie Broughton? Are you fucking kidding me? Barbie? Really?” I looked at the ID. My face, and the horrible name. Colonel Rhodes had made me a captain though. That wasn’t too bad.
“It was the best I could do on short notice, Annie,” Tony rolled his eyes.
“You named me Barbie, Tony! I hope no one pulls me over,” I muttered. Colonel Rhodes leaned against the counter, watching me serve dinner.
“You’ll have to use it to check into hotels, sign credit card slips. Decide now how you want to be addressed.” He stole a wing from the plate.
“Ugh. I suppose Barbara will have to do,” I sighed.
“Think of this as an adventure, Annie.” Tony traded me a fresh beer for his dinner plate. We settled in for dinner. I steered the conversation away from everything wrong in the world, and instead we talked about the sights I was bound to be able to see on my drive. Despite having grown up in Canada, I’d never strayed too far from home before leaving to work for SHIELD. I was looking forward to seeing so much of country.
Pepper arrived and joined us for dinner. She had left a huge pile of shopping bags in the hallways. I soon learned everything there was intended for me. It was too much, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She wanted my cover so thorough and complete that I wasn’t to touch my own things until I was settled in at Tony’s cabin. She went through each bag with me carefully. The woman had impeccable taste. She’d even bought me a Lulu Lemon sweatshirt, saying she saw a lot more of it when she was in Canada than she did elsewhere. I’d never been able to justify the extravagance of Lulu Lemon before, and pulled the sweatshirt on right away. I tucked the rest of the new clothes into the new bags she had purchased for me, and zipped them closed. Tony met me in the hallway and held out a messenger bag.
“What’s this?”
“You need to leave your laptop behind. This is a new one. I’ve left some notes and directions on it. For checking in with me, and the like. No porn, Annie. Here is your new shiny credit card. There’s $500 in cash in the front pocket of the bag. Have you got a gun?” He held out the credit card. I slipped it into the wallet that Pepper had bought me. Again, the woman had impeccable taste.
“I’m going to Canada, Tony, there’s laws about hand guns,” I argued.
“You need a gun. Don’t tell me you don’t have one.” His tone was sharp.
“Alright, yes. My super gave me his service revolver.” I dug into the shoulder bag and pulled it out.
“Ammo?” He asked. I dug out the two boxes of bullets that Bob had handed me. Tony opened them up to check and started laughing. He shook one of the boxes and a roll of bills slid out. It had to be at least a thousand dollars.
“Oh my god!” I gasped, “That man deserves to be sainted. He couldn’t afford to give me that! Tony, you have to make sure he gets it back.”
“Of course.” He nodded and put aside the one box. “You’re going to need extra ammo. I’ll get someone to meet us at the airport with it.”
“I suppose I need to get comfortable with this, don’t I?” I swallowed back my nerves.
“Time is wasting, Annie. Let’s get going.” He gestured toward the elevator and followed me down the hall, dragging my suitcase behind him.
When I was a kid, my dad had always called Toronto ‘The Big Smoke’. I don’t know where it came from, and I knew about 4 other cities that also boasted the nickname, but whenever anyone said it, I always thought of Toronto. My mum had always called it Hogtown, and I grew up calling it T.O., which, when I googled it as an adult, I learned was a generational thing. Any way you looked at it, Toronto was a big, sprawling metropolitan mess. It was bigger than Vancouver, not as pretty, but definitely more famous. From my view, out the wing window of the Stark Industries jet, it looked like another big city to get lost in. I hoped for a GPS in whatever vehicle Pepper had arranged for me.
“Okay, Annie, it’s showtime. Let’s get the suit on.” Tony gestured to the back of the cabin. I followed him to the open space before the galley. He put down what looked like a red and gold suitcase and tapped it with his toe. I assumed that I should starfish, and I was glad I did. The suit snapped onto me, battering me in the process. It was not built for a woman, let alone a woman with my bust. My chest felt tight, and I immediately had issues breathing.
“Tony, I don’t know if this is going to work. I can hardly breathe. It’s crushing my boobs,” I was a little breathless. He bit back a smirk and tapped at the tablet he was holding. The suit loosened just enough that I didn’t feel like I might collapse from lack of oxygen.
“Let me know where else is bothering you. Still sore from your roll down the freeway?” He watched the suit clicking into place with a critical eye, looking down every few seconds to tap something into the tablet. It always resulted in immediate relief from something pinching me.
“Am I still going to look like Iron Man in this? Because if you keep letting out seams to accommodate my lady parts, I’m going to look like Iron Vixen,” I commented when the chestplate loosened again. Pepper snorted into the back of her hand. Tony pursed his lips and squinted.
“If you jet off as quick as you can, no one will really notice.”
“This assumes I can figure out how to make your damn suit work,” I laughed.
“I’ve got J.A.R.V.I.S. set to autopilot you. You just need to put your hands at your sides, and everything will go to plan. There’s coordinates set for the Stark Industries plant, which is where we will meet you,” he explained.
“And you think the Stark Industries plant is safe?” I asked. I was worried it would be being watched.
“It’s a calculated risk, Annie. We have to hope we’re not being watched,” Pepper offered. The helmet and mask snapped onto my head and I had a moment of panic and claustrophobia before the heads-up display flashed on, and J.A.R.V.I.S. started talking to me. I saw Tony and Pepper sit back down for the landing, and tried to brace myself, thinking I might topple over. But the suit was pretty awesome and the pilot was exceptionally smooth. When the plane taxied to a stop, Pepper signaled to me to follow her to the door. When the door opened, she nodded and J.A.R.V.I.S. took over, flying me out of the airport’s airspace at a low altitude that wouldn’t interfere with the planes. J.A.R.V.I.S. informed me that the pilot had received clearance for us to fly away. The sensation of flying in the Iron Man suit was not what I was expecting at all. I think we all have that dream about the air rushing through your hair, and lightness and freedom. I felt like I was in a steel prison. The only way I knew I was moving was by watching the world pass by below me. It was surreal.
Tony had bought me a Jeep Cherokee. Correction. Tony had bought Barbie Broughton a Jeep Cherokee. Thankfully, it wasn’t a brand new one. It was stocked with a bunch of camping gear, and was in exactly the right condition for a road trip: just a little beat up on the exterior, but tuned impeccably in the engine.
“Annie, promise me you won’t take any stupid risks. I have enough to worry about with him,” Pepper placed a hand on my arm. “And think about dyeing your hair tonight. Just to be safe.”
“Cross my heart, Pepper. Thank you so much,” I threw my arms around her impulsively. She took a short step back before returning the hug. Tony put his arms around both of us and squeezed his way in between us somehow.
“Can you blame me for wanting to be the meat in the sandwich?” He asked when we pushed him away. I shook my head, and pulled him close.
“I can’t even put into words, Tony. I never thought in a million years you would be this good, decent and kind. Thank you so much.”
“Stop, I’ll cry,” he teased. “The GPS in the Jeep will get you where you are going. J.A.R.V.I.S. is linked to it and to your laptop. You have your own encrypted hotspot for internet. Don’t pick up hitchhikers, and don’t linger too long anywhere. You’re on leave after a tour in Iraq, so you aren’t going to waste time getting to your family’s cabin in BC to get away from the world. And Pepper’s right. Think about hair colour. I’m fond of red myself.”
“I got it, Dad.” I winked at Pepper. Tony put the keys in my hand and gave me one last look before sighing and turning back to the building. I climbed into the Jeep, plugged in the iPod he’d handed me with the keys and turned the engine over. AC/DC came blasting through the speakers and I smiled. It was going to be a long drive, but I was finally on my way.
Northern Ontario was the longest, dullest, most horrible stretch of road I’d ever had the bad luck of driving. There was nothing to see, except trees as far as the eye could see. I might have enjoyed it more, but I was trying to cover as much ground as I could before I stopped. In a perfect world, where I wasn’t worried about HYDRA and Garrett, I would have stopped at Sault Ste Marie, but it was just too close to the border. I wound up stopping in Sudbury for some supplies early in the drive, but then I drove until I couldn’t focus on the road anymore, and wound up in a tiny town called Marathon. I found a hotel and crashed for the night. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. In the morning, after checking in my email with Tony and sending him a photo of the giant nickel in Sudbury, I walked over to the hair salon.
“Good morning!” There was a single woman in the shop. She was probably in her late twenties, and she had a welcoming smile. It was reassuring. “What can I help you with?”
“If you have an appointment available, I’m looking for a new look,” I started.
“I can fit you in right now. What are you thinking?”
“I’d like to try a different colour, go shorter.” I took a deep breath. I was pretty attached to my two-inches-past-regulation hair.
“Bad break up?” She asked, giving me a sympathetic look.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Well, honey, let’s start by washing that man out of your hair,” she pointed at the sink. I followed her over and let her go to work. I was worried that the only hair salon in a town of 3000 people on the Canadian Shield was a tragedy waiting to happen. She cut my hair shorter than I would have liked, but in the end, once I washed all the product out of it, I thought I would be quite happy with the cut. It would still go into a ponytail, and she’d given me flowy layers around my face that softened my cheekbones and jaw. I’d suggested a chestnut brown, and despite my best effort to stick to my guns, she eventually convinced me that going brunette would be too stark against my pale skin. I wound up a strawberry blonde that was eerily reminiscent of Pepper’s hair colour. I wasn’t going to tell Tony.
“I love it,” I admitted with complete honesty.
“A little less Barbie now, wouldn’t you say? You must get that all the time,” the hairdresser laughed.
“I do,” I admitted with a sigh, “maybe I should have gone red a long time ago.”
“Well, you’re red now, and no one is going to call you Barbie for a good long time.” I left a sizeable tip and found the coffee shop before hitting the road again.
It took me two days to drive out of Ontario. I stopped in Kenora overnight, and sent Tony a picture of the giant fish that was the highlight of Kenora’s roadside. I was completely astonished to blow through all of Manitoba the next day, landing for the night in Saskatchewan. It was so incredibly flat, I was reasonably sure I could already see the Rockies. I couldn’t, of course, but I felt like I could. The Timbits in Saskatchewan were significantly better than the ones I’d had in New York, and I felt like I wanted to tell someone, but I stopped myself from sharing with the old guys sitting beside me at the Tim Horton’s in Yorkton. They didn’t look like HYDRA, they looked like old dude farmers, but I didn’t want to risk it.
I sent a quick email to Tony updating him of my location, and let him know I expected to be on the road for another two days at least. If I were lucky, it would only be two more days. I’d had too many close calls to want to stop for longer than a quick stop for a toilet and cup of coffee. It was killing me to stay more than a few hours a night at a hotel, and I found that I was napping in rest stops quite a bit to compensate for my habit of leaving as the sun rose. It would be good to get to my destination. Double-checking the map was a double-edged sword. Tony’s cabin, which I was sure was not so much a cabin as a palace in the woods run on an ARC reactor, was less than two hours from my mother’s house. From my childhood home. In my hometown. That I had to drive through to get to his cabin.
I hadn’t been home in ten years, but my hometown wasn’t a vast sprawling city like Toronto or Vancouver. It was a small city that prided itself on small city culture. If I ran into one person who recognized me, the whole cloak and dagger routine would be blown, and HYDRA would know exactly where I was. With my current luck, there were probably already HYDRA thugs in town waiting for me.
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rapmoniepapi · 7 years
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Collab with @texts-from-bts (go follow her for the other chapters!)
Also, we’re basing their looks off the Save Me Era (bc have you seen their hair colors then wooh mama it was nice)
Summary: You’re friends with a group of trouble makers, ‘junkies’ as the town calls you. But one day… it all gets too much.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
“Hey wait you’re not allowed in here!” You heard your parents yell and footsteps coming up to your room. 
“Come on! Come on!” Jin repeated to you. He grabbed your hand but you winced away. When he finally looked down, he saw your hand was a shredded mess. “O-oh my god okay uhm Hoseok grab some of her things!” He grabbed a random shirt off the floor and ripped it apart, using a piece to wrap your hand up. 
“Whe-where’s Joon?” You asked lightly. 
“He’s down stairs. God, come on y/n I can’t have you passing out right now!” He helped you walk down and out of your house with Hobi right behind. Namjoon came back to the truck drenched in blood. 
“Who’s blood is that Joon?” You asked, barely awake. 
“I-I’m not sure…”
“Step on it jimin!” Jin yelled from the back seat, trying to stop the gushes of blood from coming out of your hand. There was a force on the truck along with a screech. There wasn’t a particular place in mind so Jimin spoke up, “Maybe bad timing but where should we be heading to?“ 
“They probably already saw my truck so let’s go down by the train tracks and hide it behind the abandoned storage unit… first let’s get our stuff from the house though. I’m gagging just by the smell of the blood.” Jin responded. They headed home to retrieve there stuff. Namjoon quickly showered while Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok packed almost everything. Let’s just say being a hood rat right now was convenient since they barely had anything to pack. 
“Ah-ow Jin be careful!” You hissed. 
“Do you want your hand healed or not!?” He yelled out, “god, I’m sorry. I’m just, we just, we have to go now and quick. Who knows what Joon did and we can’t let you go back. I love you y/n okay.” He finished up stitching her hand, giving you a kiss on top of your head. 
“Is everyone ready?” He yelled into the house that wasn’t going to be their home for much longer. They all came running down. 
“Uhm what’s that?” You asked pointing to Joon. 
“My hair dye duh.” He said, holding up his green hair dye proudly. 
“Oh my god Joon we don’t have time for that right now!” Jungkook said putting a beanie on Namjoons head. 
“Fine.” Namjoon said stuffing the bottles into his backpack and poutting. 
“Are you high?… You’re fucking high aren’t you? When you’re sober I swear to god!” You yelled out. 
“Hey it’s not polite to use the lords name in vain.” Namjoon said walking out with a bag in one hand and the keys in the other. 
“Oh no no no!” Jin said taking the keys, “alright everyone out! You better not have forgotten anything or else you’re screwed because we’re not coming back! You hear me!” All the boys nodded. 
“Okay, time to get the show on the rode…” he sighed following the others to the truck. 
Once you got to the the train tracks you followed them to the empty building and hopped out. “Everyone grab what you need, we’ll come back for the rest later or something.” Jin ordered. 
“Can I change? I have blood all over me…” you said. 
“Here I got this for you!” Hoseok held out a pair of overalls along with your other bags. 
“Did you grab everything of mine?” You looked up at him. 
“Mhm!” He hummed his response. 
“Hoseok thank you so much! I can’t believe you remembered these are my favorite!” You grabbed your stuff and set it down to hug hoseok. 
“It was no problem now go change so we can go!” He said pretending to kick your butt. You giggled and walked to the other side of the truck. Before you threw on your overalls you searched through ur bags to find some underwear but to ur amazement you could find everything but that. “Uhm Hobi did you get any of my underwear?” You asked from across the truck. 
“See, the thing is I saw them and I got flustered and I didn’t know if I should touch them…” he responded.
“Wait so your saying she has to go commando?! Ahahahha” Jungkook and Jimin flung themselves everywhere as they died of laughter.
“I’m not going commando I’ll just wear the same pair and wherever we stop at next we’ll go to the store…” you said. 
“With what money?” Jimin said. 
“Uhmm… I’ll steal some! Yeah! I mean it’s just underwear they won’t mind.” You said shrugging. You finally changed your outfit to a tank top with overalls and a light flannel followed by a heftier jacket. “Okay all done! Let’s hit the road!”
“You’re not gonna fix your hair? You looked like you got mauled by a bear.” Namjoon spoke up.
“I’ll maul you if you don’t shut up!” You retorted.
“Is that a threat or a promise baby?” He smirked. 
Why I outta- your train of thought was shaken at Jin speaking, “Ladies you’re both pretty now come on the trains coming. We’ll leave our stuff here for a while." 
You all gathered by a bush until the conductor part of the train passed, that’s when you all booked it and ran for the opened train section. The first ones to jump on were Jungkook and Jin, followed by Namjoon and Hoseok, then Jimin and you. Jimin had helped push you up. "That was awesome!” Namjoon yelled out. 
“I swear to god if no ones going to do it I will!“ You got up and ran towards Namjoon, tackling him down, "How are you still high you piece of shit! Snap out of it! This isn’t a game! We’re probably now criminals because of you! Jesus Christ…” you rolled off of him and laid flat on your back staring at the cieling, “Are we criminals Jin?" 
"I doubt it. I saw your dad from the window when we passed by again, he looked pretty beaten up but not dead. And I doubt they called the cops because then they’d have to explain what they did to you which could lead to them being in jail.” He informed you.
“Hey you’re right!” This gave you a small chance of anything good. “What time is it?" 
"It’s 11 at night now.” Hoseok answered your question before yawning, “We should get some rest. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day." 
"Okay.” We all went to the wall where the door was adjacent to. “God it’s freezing.” You shivered through your teeth as your back hit the wall. 
“Come here.” Jungkook said with his arms opened. You went over and sat in between his legs as he engulfed you with his jacket that was big enough to fit both of you. “Better?" 
136 notes · View notes
85 questions ☆
tagged by @jaehyuns-milk ♥
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. Drink _ coffee
2. Phone call _ my grandmother
3. Text message _ my little sister
4. Song you listened to _ stray kids - my pace (i streamed mcountdown last night and they were on right after loona so i watched them and them fell asleep lmao)
5. Time you cried _ some time really early this morning watching loona’s debut stage
6. Dated someone twice _ no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it _ no
8. Been cheated on _ no
9. Lost someone special _ yes
10. Been depressed _ yes
11. Gotten drunk and threw up _ nope
Fave colors
12. mint green
13. hot pink
14. pastel purple
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends _ probably???
16. Fallen out of love _ was never in love
17. Laughed until you cried _ oh probably .
18. Found out someone was talking about you _ not that i remember?
19. Met someone who changed you _ probably??
20. Found out who your friends are _ no??
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list _ lmao never
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl _ all of them. i don’t add people on facebook i don’t actually know... granted i a) only go on fb for the group chat with my bffs and b) haven’t added anyone since uni
23. Do you have any pets _ no :(
24. Do you want to change your name _ yes. honestly if it wasn’t such a hassle i would legit be remi
25. What did you do for your last birthday _ nothing i’m pretty sure. get annoyed bc i didn’t get a single card
26. What time did you wake up today _ like 2pm
27. What were you doing @ midnight last night _ new loonatv episode
28. What is something you can’t wait for _ getting a fucking job just so i can stop stressing about it
30. What are you listening to right now _ loona~ favourite to be specific
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom _ i don’t think so??? i went to school with a thomas but in the like... ten years we went to school together, i don’t recall anyone calling him tom
32. Something that gets on my nerves _ so any things literally don’t get me started
33. Most visited website _ tumblr, yt, my rp site probably
34. Hair color _ naturally dark brown, partly blonde atm bc i need to rebleach and dye it
35. Hair long or short _ shorter?? it’s to my jawline??
36. Do you have a crush on someone _ celeb crush i guess, but that’s it
37. What do you like about yourself _ my creativeity
38. Want any piercings _ yes :s money is an annoying issue (i’ve wanted an industrial piercing since the 10th grade. i will get it one day)
39. Blood type _ ab
40. Nicknames _ kelsey mae?? remi counts i guess??
41. Relationship status _ single as the day i was born
42. Zodiac _ virgo
43. Pronouns _ she/her, they/them. i don’t really care honestly
44. Fave TV shows _ atm... kamen rider build (bc i’m still watching it but i’m loving it.) d-day is forever my fave kdrama (i’d say bnha but i’ve only seen the first two episodes of the anime tho i love the manga so i’m sure i’ll love the anime too lol)
45. Tattoos _ zero, but i want at least one
46. Right or left handed _ right~
47. Ever had surgery _ if you count having teeth pulled, yes. if not, no, thank gods
48. Piercings _ ears pierced once (i had them done twice, but i haven’t worn earrings in the second set for years so they’ve grown over)
49. Sports _ i’m terrible at them don’t make me
50. Vacations _ i’ve never really been on one?? we used to occasionally do a trip to the farm/zoo (yes my zoo is a farm/zoo it’s great) but we haven’t gone in years
51. Trainers _ i have a pair? i prefer boots bc i heave weak ankles but i have a pair for when i finally gt a job bc i love my boots, but i can’t wear them for six to eight hours in a row while standing
More general
52. Eating _ nothing rn, tho i should make something
53. Drinking _ coffee
54. I’m about to watch _ whatever mv i click on on yt (spoiler alert: it’s my pace)
55. Waiting _ for somewhere that isn’t a big grocery store or walmart or fastfood to be hiring so i can apply
56. Want _ sleep. money. also more coffee atm
57. Get married _ if it happens, it happen. i don’t really care
58. Career _ i always say english (lit) teacher and i still want that, but i’m not sure if i’m ever going to get back to uni so like... idk???
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses _ i’ve never kissed anyone but probably most definitely hugs anyway
60. Lips or eyes _ eyes
61. Shorter or taller _ taller (i’m short okay)
62. Older or younger _ i honestly don’t care
63. Nice stomach or stomach _ wut?
64. Hookup or relationship _ relationship, duh
65. Troublemaker or hesitant _ neither??
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger _ nope
67. Drank hard liquor _ no...? no. wait... what denotes hard liquor?? if i’m not getting confused then yes, i’ve had a little? flavoured vodka is very good and if i could afford it, i would drink slightly more often
68. Lost glasses _ cheap reading glasses maybe, but i can’t remember if i’ve actually lost them or not
69. Turned someone down _ that would require being askd out?
70. Sex on first date _ sex never
71. Broken someone’s heart _ no???
72. Had your heart broken _ no??? (for non-romantic reasons yes, but for romantic reasons no)
73. Been arrested _ nope
74. Cried when someone died _ lots usually... except when my grandmothers bf passed away, but i think that’s bc i knew he probably wasn’t going to make it
75. Fallen for a friend _ nope, thank gods that would be awkward
Do you believe in
76. Yourself _ sometimes? i try, but it’s hard sometimes
77. Miracles _ sometimes
78. Love at first sight _ lol no
79. Santa Claus _ nope, haven’t since elementary school
80. Kiss on first date _ depends??? i’ve never kissed anyone nor been on a date so idk??
81. Angels _ eh... i guess
82. Best friend’s name _ i have three. ellen, jessie, kaitlyn
83. Eye color _ haezl
84. Fave movie _ star wars but specifically rogue one the most; lotr; most mcu movies but especially iron man 3 and captain america the winter soldier; pacific rim; mad max fury road; the martian
85. Favorite actor _ uh... so like, jdrama wise, if you put yamada ryosuke or yamazaki kento in something, there is a very good chance i will watch it. there’s at least one america and korean actor like that too but i can’t think of a name off the top of my head lmao
not gonna bother tagging anyone bc i’m lazy lol
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