#and i was not about to take that direspect
neiyuu · 3 months
When the person you loved and respected so much side with a Big ass bully who gave you (and her) trauma ✨🥰
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murdrdocs · 4 months
explicit sexual content; major age gap (r is 18+); MDNI
it's wrong on multiple levels.
you're disrespecting your parents by letting this happen. you're probably direspecting yourself by letting this happen. but pleasure has a funny way of making any other concerns nearly insignificant.
but it's almost easy for you to forget about possible repercussions whenever you're being fucked within an inch of your life by ares.
legs spread, held open forcibly by two big hands that have caused more damage than you can even begin to fathom. he's splitting you open, a cock too big for you having been forced within your walls as he believed you were made to take him. that’s entirely untrue.
there was never any concern about fitting, or about how harsh he would be. because as far as he was concerned, you were a demigod, you were made to take a brutal fucking from a god like him. you could handle it.
the same way he believed you could handle his endless teasing. words meant to scare you doing just that when combined with a hand sprawled across the base of your throat, threatening to choke you if it's what he desired.
"don't you feel disgusting letting me do this to you? you know you're too young for me, little girl. far too young." he continues to slam into you, his balls slapping against your spread ass cheeks with each thrust.
he throws your legs over his shoulders, bends you in half, and gets in your face.
"you think your mother would be disappointed? because i know she would." he laughs in your face, big and boisterous as if you should be joining in too. instead, you're making pornographic sounds, little pathetic shaky groans.
completely undeterred, ares continues. "her pretty, perfect daughter, having her pussy split in half by me. she might actually be the first god to die if she found out. she might even disown you."
you try to turn your head away, hide the tears sliding down your face. but ares wraps his hand around your jaw and forces you to look at him.
"what about your little friends? hm? how d’you think they'd react?"
as if punctuating his statement, he turns to look at the cabin door, where just outside of the stone are your closest friends, your family, going about their day completely oblivious to what's happening in your cabin.
expecting you to answer, ares prompts you. "huh? you have anything to say?"
his fingers dig into your cheeks, forcing your lips into a pout as you shake your head.
"no?" you shake your head again.
ares grins, big and powerful. "that's okay. you just lay there and take it like the good little girl that you are."
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elsweetheart · 1 year
More of coworker!Ellie please! I am a waitress and costumers can be so rude sometimes… that one you just posted literally made me cry, wishing I had an Ellie to defend me and cheer me up :(
If you don’t want to it’s fine tho, don’t worry <3
nooo don’t cry!!!!!!!! i used to be a waitress n i know the struggles trust me !!! (lovingly throws these coworker!ellie hcs your way)
• so you’re a waitress, and ellie is a host and occasionally a bartender. those are her paid jobs. however, she ends up somehow being a security guard every single time a rude customer shows up. okay, maybe just your own personal security guard.
• the other waitresses can handle their business, and of course you can too — but she can see how frightened and upset you get every time a customer raises their voice at you and she cannot just stand there. instantly, she’s sliding infront of your body with a glare, flagging down security with her free hand. “out. this isn’t the kinda place you can direspect the waitresses, so respectfully— uh, bye.” she nods to the exit.
• she wants to tell them to get the fuck out. wants to tell them that if they ever raise their voice at you again it’ll be the last time they ever speak. but, she likes her job. she likes being able to keep an eye on you and protect you.
• if it’s not clear, she’s like — in love with you.
• always getting distracted by how pretty you look flouncing around, smiling at your usuals. she even thinks you look adorable when the place gets busy and you get that little stressed pout on your face, running back and fourth to the kitchen with your little notepad.
• purposely takes her breaks at the same time as you so the two of you can hang out, gossiping about customers (and your other coworkers tbh cos working at a restaurant there’s always gonna be drama.)
• like i mentioned before, always bringing u to the back room when she sees u get upset because of a customer / your mean boss and calms u down. “hey, hey, hey. eyes on me, babe. you’re doing good out there, okay? i know it’s hard. you’re doing so good. don’t let ‘em see you cry, yeah? those assholes don’t deserve to know that they got to you.” whilst she’s holding your face keeping ur big teary eyes on hers :(
• she knows ur rota off by heart bc she schedules to work on all the days u do 🤭 and if u don’t show up to ur shift or take a sick day or something she’s instantly texting u like ‘Where are you????’ and she’s just like ughhhhh bc working shifts without u is soooo long and boring !!!!
• always dropping by u and making u laugh if she can see u getting a little stressed. you’d be wiping up a table and she’d just walk behind you and quietly go “hey. table 53 looks like mr incredible. bye.” and walk away leaving u giggling 😭
• if it’s busy, and hard to get around eachother around the restaurant floor, she’ll do that thing where she has to get past behind u and will put her hands on your hips / waist and basically press herself against u like “‘scuse me.” in her low drawl and she doesn’t know what she’s doing when she does it, she’s just used to doing it to make sure u don’t back into her but it always makes ur heart beat reaaal fast :))))
• loads of ur co workers already think you’re dating, or secretly dating, or whatever. they see right through the whole ‘just friends’ thing, constantly trying to encourage the other one to ask eachother out !!!!!
• doing a closing shift with her on a pretty empty night, her shift ended a few hours ago but she stays with u, sitting at a table as u chat to her, sweeping up around u and occasionally tending to the few random lone tables of people having a late night meal. she loves to just sit n watch u :(
• sometimes she even offers to drive u to work / pick u up. “ellie are you sure? that seems like a lot of effort…”
“nah, don’t even worry ‘bout it. it’s on the way, so i might aswell, ya know?”
• it’s definitely not on the way during her route, but she’ll take the extra ten minute detour anyday just to see you smiling n looking pretty in her passenger seat <333
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lying-on-floors · 4 months
I've seen people say that Loser Baby is comparing gambling addiction to abuse but it actually isn't. It's a song about solidarity between two broken people. It's a song that says, "hey, I know life is shit but you don't have to go through it alone." It's a song that says, "I'm here for you, anytime you need." It's a song that says, "I care about you."
Despite Charlie coming from a good place, she accidently made things worse, which does happen in real life when people try to help the abused, so, he was probably embarrased and terrified. Husk didn't mention much about the absue Angel is facing, he knows it's not his place, and that's what Angel needed, the reminder that he is a person, no matter how fucked up, outside of his abuser.
A common pattern in cases of abuse is that the victim doesn't stand up for themselves or fight back against their abuser because of immense fear. As someone who has been experincing abuse by the hands of a caregiver for almost NINE years now, I know this fear very well.
(TRIGGER WARNING FOR ABUSE) The other day, my abuser and I were arguing, not an uncommon occurence, but I said "says you" as a response to them calling me a bitch and they were silent for a few seconds, staring at me with hatered and while I was walking away, they grabbed me by the chin and pushed me into the couch, on top of our dogs by the way, and they held me down with their weight, calling me direspectful and just being overall threatning. I was struggling to get up because no one likes being held down against their will, but I couldn't because they were able to easily overpower me, so I told them to get off of me or I will slap them, they laughed and didn't move, so, I slapped them and when I relaized what I just did, my heart stopped and I could feel terror take over my body. They were so shocked that they moved off of me and stared at me like I did that unprompted. They were pissed and told me to get up, and I didn't, because I knew they wanted to beat me across the face, and I didn't want that, so I froze and said "no." Afterwards, they began twisiting the whole thing, making it seem like I started it because "I don't know when to shut up."
After it was done, I didn't cry or show any feelings other than indifference, not because it didn't affect me, it obviously did, but because my mind and body were in survival mode, and it couldn't let me dwell on anything or process my feelings or what happened to me until after I was safe. And it didn't suprise me that they did what they did, as it's happened so many times before, but I was still scared and if it was anyone other than my abuser, I would've immediately fought back, no hesitation. They still haven't apologized, they never do, and when they do, it feels so ingenuine. They also say "I love you" but it feels so empty because you don't love someone and treat them that way.
Fighting your abuser is a lot harder when you love them, and sometimes it's better, and safer, to help the victims feel less alone than it is to take action against their abuser for them.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Jensen, i love you, but the fact that you lack the professional integrity, expertise and response-ability to admit that the product you created as subpar and are now trying to dupe people into saving an unworthy project makes me truly worried.
It seems I was wrong about you and you truly are vapid, clueless and egocentric. We all know the ONLY reason you created TW was to have it center on making Dean return out of egocentrism. We know this because even the leads that were cast were not leading man and lady type because you clearly wanted nothing and no one overshadowing Dean. You provided your actors with exactly zero onset coaches and that says everything. The entire script (deeply shitty script) was a means to an end. To make matters worse, you direspected the SPN legacy on every level including by playing Dean the wrong way (do you even remember what Dean is about? Have you even ever done script analysis? Do you know what character analysis is and why actors use it? Did you even stop to get at least one private coaching session before playing him again?) which showed us that, in the end, it wasn't even about Dean, he, like TW, was a means to an end. You wanted to get back in the spotlight but had zero respect for your audience and for serving people.
The audience loves quality, dynamic scripts and experiencing catharsis so they rejected your egotrip and your "show"(emphasis on the "your") got cancelled.
Yet, you still fail to acknowledge or take responsibility for any of it and are trying to push and extremely shitty show to other networks and that show me you lack professional integrity and are only in it exclusively for the money. Truly heartbreaking.
I am certain you don't even care about the actors on TW, a producer that cares and hires inexperienced actors will also simultaneously hire an acting coach, dialogue coach and so on. The ONLY reason you are now pushing to have it renewed is to be able to say "I tried. It didn't work out, guys." and then wash your hands as if its lack of success doesn't even matter, you played no part in it and anyone that dislikes the show is clearly a "bully". Sorry Jensen but you seem more and more like a narcissist to me, I always loved to keep up hope that you were different than Danneel, in some aspects, at least. I was wrong.
I wish you great success in your career but in a way that is ethical, in a way that involves integrity, growth, taking responsibility and putting in high quality work so that you may inspire many.
Disclaimer for those reading: Goes without saying but this is just my opinion/perception, please discard it if it does not match yours.
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charmanderxerneas · 22 days
I wish trans people would stop making egg jokes about people other than themselves or people they have permission from. It’s fuckin annoying to assume “Oh this cis person is secretly trans they just don’t know it yet haha” “oh this cis person only hangs out with trans people or is doing something outside of the gender norm? 👀🥚…” fucking stop it.
If someone says they’re cis, they’re cis. Full stop. Just like if someone says they’re trans, they’re trans and you shouldn’t fucking question it further. You don’t know someone else’s gender identity better than they know themselves and it’s arrogant to think otherwise. We should be trying to break down gender norms and allow people to explore gender more freely, even cis people. If a cis guy wants to participate in things that the patriarchy has tried to make only for girls (like painting nails or wearing dresses) it doesn’t mean he’s trans, it means he’s wearing whatever he wants and we shouldn’t be trying to gender shit like that anyways. You don’t want people challenging you on your gender identity- why would you do that to a cis person even as a joke?
It’s just annoying. I’ve seen discourse lately were trans people get So Upset about being told “Don’t make egg jokes about people who say theyre cis, its direspectful” and genuinely have seen dumbass takes like “thats transphobic of you to say. dont compare egg jokes to something as bad as a trans person’s identity being questioned.” I am a fucking trans person and I am telling you that those jokes are not okay unless you have the person’s permission. You ARE questioning a cis person’s gender identity in spite of what they say, which is almost as bad as questioning a trans person’s identity in spite of what they say. Give people some fucking respect. Or ive seen people claim that’s close to “implying trans people are evilly trying to convert others” thats not what i’m saying, please don’t fuckin strawman my argument. There are people who believe that and thats bad but there’s a difference between actually pressuring someone’s gender identity and making jokes. I don’t think theres any mal intent with jokes but like. IMO You shouldnt be questioning peoples identity even as a joke.
It doesn’t matter if the person does later end up being trans or not. What matters is giving them the respect in the moment. Before I figured out I was trans, if people made egg jokes about me it would have been slightly uncomfortable even if true because my relationship to gender is complicated and people pointing fingers going “lol trans” and trying to jokingly assign your gender to you is. Bad. It would have just made me more confused.
In my opinion the only time egg jokes are okay is: 1) If you are talking about yourself and reflecting upon your own experiences (I think it’s perfectly fine to look back on past stuff and go Lol How Did I Not Realize Sooner?) or 2) If you’re talking about someone else’s experiences, just make sure they’re okay with you joking about that. Just ask. its that simple.
If you’re doing it out of genuinely thinking someone is trans: I wouldn’t present it as a joke because you’re trying to be serious but also I would not suggest that to them unless they outright ask you for advice because again: You don’t know someone else’s identity better than they know themselves. It just isn’t your place
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notafunkiller · 24 days
But I mean... many Sebastian stans think he MUST change his midn about not wanting to get married, and how he has to have 2728 kids.
Seb recently has sort of changed his tune on the kids thing - he's talked about 'thinking' about kids, then launches into how hard it would be to be a kid or parent in today's social media age. This isn't a man looking to knock someone up.
Thinking about and actually having kids = different. And before having kids you should take time to actually think about it.
Having kids and being present and everything, especially with such a career is hard. This decision is important (joke: unless you have a midlife crisis) and very personal.
No one deserves having a bunch of people direspecting their decisions, the way they think about it or questioning such personal choices. Man or woman.
Their need to talk about marriage and pregnancy and kids... Shipping people doesn't make it alright, quite the opposite.
They sound like an uncle questioning when you are getting a partner or making kids at an extended family dinner.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
You know. The problem with Viv's my parenta payed for expensive School is not that per se.
You don't need to be ashamed of privilege, but be aware of It and try to use It to help others.
But the thing is that she paints herself as self made!
Listen, my parents pay for my private uni. I passed the aproval exams. We ARE not from us.
I feel blessed, and aware about my situation.
Now, I had the chance to help a friend of mine pay their late college Bills and I did for friendship.
I actually talked about me feeling I didn't earn It with my psychologe (forgot the word in english).
And they Said that getting a diploma when you have severe anxiety is earning It. Maybe I didn't had to stuff as hard as people on scholarships. But I did put my effort.
And the thing is, no one should have to "earn It" ideally everyone would have easy access tô educativo of ALL types.
What makes me angry is as the blog posted.
Viv pretends she was paycheck to paycheck, it's direspectful tô people in this situation.
And even with the good Fortune of being able to pay. Doing a college course with mental illness is hard, doing anything with any illness is hard.
Yet she as you Said. Lives in a fantasy.
She is not kind.
She is aware of her privileges, and use it to abuse others!!
And that abuse must be taking a mental toll on her victims. Maybe they developed anxiety or their anxiety worsened.
And I do not wish this pain on people. It's simple unforgivable. It pains to see it.
Agreed. It's not that Vivzie's got money or comes from money or even that she's living in an expensive house with taxidermy peacocks; if she were treating her employees fairly and her fellow humans kindly, we wouldn't all be here having this conversation even if her shows were objectively terrible.
It's the "hard working, self-made creator who came from nothing" image she projects that burns. That she does it while actively trashing other indie projects, even sabotaging them in a way (Far-Fetched, the recent thing with Lackadaisy) is outright disgusting.
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trekkele · 4 months
Hello! I'm the Anon who asked about Bruce being self-aware.
When I said "Also, there's something of a difference between being self-aware about himself and when it comes to his kids." I meant that he says or does super hurtful stuff that he just doesn't seem to think was wrong or reflect upon when it went downhill or realising too late or sb had to spell it out for him.
Examples being:
him reading Dick's diary after taking him in as a ward to figure out what Dick wants instead of just asking, thus creating the Robin suit after Dick's designs (God, it was a Batman or Robin: year one comic book, I'm pretty sure but I don't rememer which),
saying "commendable" instead of just "I'm proud of you" to Damian (basically his "emotional constipation" as a whole, like being unable to understand or even recognize his kids feelings and then failing to say just the most normal praising/comforting/loving things.),
ignoring (or acting as if) when Damian apologizes for direspecting/ignoring previous orders and holds a cute speech about trying to listen now but Bruce just turns around like "Did you say something?",
not telling Dick that Jason is now Robin or that Jason died even though Bruce said he would call Dick (yeah, he was being petty or grief stricken, but still)
Tim's sixteenth birthday "present"
I hate to bring this up but the whole Batarang to the NeckTM situation in UTRH. His resurrected son confronts him and he fails to show a single emotion, instead immediately debating ethics and morals with him.
anything with Jason in future comics where Bruce beats him up and acts like Jason asked for it or that Bruce didn't have a choice but to do that.
bringing Jason back to Ethiopia to the warehouse where he died, so Bruce could maybe find a way to resurrect Damian after Heretic killed him (I think it was Heretic, but maybe it was sb else)
beating up any of his kids for any reason. The most he should do willingly is defend himself with defensive moves only or seeking distance. But not charging in like he wants a fight.
sending only Damian to save Alfred from Bane, which just allowed for Damian to be captured and then having to watch Bane snap Alfred's neck, and then Bruce says to Damian's face "If I had been there, I could have saved him." (Bruce prioritised his own grief over his son's grief and trauma and all that)
Bruce tells Cass she doesn't need a real life and sectret identity, that she only needs a costume and a private batcave and she'd be fine
Bruce instigates a fight where he and Cass get drugged and can communicate about their feelings through fist fighting.
Taking/ Trying to take Robin away from sb for their "own good". I don't mean benching, but full on "You're not Robin anymore, never again." but then folding a few issues later anyway. (It could be seen as very shitty parenting ig)
Like you said, Bruce gets written very inconsistently and I tried not to cherry pick too much of what I wanted to say, so I made this mess of a bulleted list. While a lot of these examples do come from his communication issues, I still wanted to include them anyway because it's taken too far with some writers (can't say "I love you" or hug his kids, although he doesn't have a problem with doing that with Clark or Diana) or he doesn't reflect on those moments or he repeats them over and over again.
I swear I love Bruce, I'm not a hater!!! He's actually my favorite character!!! 😭😭😭
(Making this list really hurt. Just so you know.)
Hey listen, im going to answer these by number* and then probably delete this ask in a few hours because. I hate all of these!! Maybe 3 are in character!! I dont want this terrible Bruce on my blog!!! But also i dont want you to think i asked for clarification and then ignored you so feel free to send another ask when you see this lol. Or if I have once again missed the point.
* because I misunderstood this ask again and also most of these gave me hives lmao and also also I think like 75% could be answered with "we needed someone to mean to [character] and Bruce is convenient el oh el"
1. This one is in character, a little bit, because as much as we understand kids needing privacy now, i can see the way Bruce was raised (Alfred would have absolutely read his diary, that feels very in character for him) and the way Dick was (sneaking out to find Zucco) leading to him panicking and monitoring him as much as possible. That doesnt make it right mind you. The thing is if Dick hacked the bat computer Bruce would probably be proud of him, so not entirely hypocritical.
2. Also possibly in character, because again, thats how Alfred probably spoke to him. Not great, and i think the current Batman and Robin run does a much better job with their relationship, but can be chalked up to bad writing tbh.
3. No this is shitty writing. Sorry it just is!
4. This could be its own post but in summary: decisions made to launch another chracters solo or in order to make a different character look good are ignored. They wanted a Nightwing solo and decided a good launching point would be a big fight between Dick and Bruce. No thanks.
There have also been panels where Dick talks about ignoring Bruce’s calls during that time period, so this could be chalked up to mutual miscommunication if you insist. And i prefer the pre crisis origin for Jaybin, for multiple reasons.
5. I haven’t read this, ive heard of it, and its weird. It feels like point 4, but for Tim. The writers wanted a villain for his birthday comic, Bruce is right there.
6. Nah, Jason fucked around and he found out. He wanted a Batman that kills criminals, he just forgot he was also, now, a murderer and a criminal. Im only half kidding here, but the problem with UTRH is that exactly. Also the fact that Jason spent like six months doing absolutely horrible shit in Gotham, and that like 15 minutes before this showdown Bludhaven was blown up, Bruce has no idea if Dick is alive, and Jason mocks him for possibly losing another son. Also Jason is the one demanding Bruce cross his very personal boundaries here, ethics and morals are a very necessary part of the conversation!!
7. Anything where Bruce beats someone near death or uses lethal force is technically out of character. Jason comics outside of DITF and UTRH do not do enough work to give his actions the context necessary for them to be in character. RHATO #25 Is shit writing.
8. It was heretic, on Talias orders, and that whole storyline is dumb. This does feel in character, because Bruce response to grief has historically been 1 become Batman 2 attempt to commit suicide by cop/criminal so points for that consistency? I really hate this plot tho. Stop killing Bruce's kids!! The man is unstable as it is!!!
9. Out of character. I know it gets used for some god awful reason but it is so out of character unless the writer is willing to give it some serious work to provide context, (or unserious; see; Zur-En-Arrh in Gotham War. It's dumb, but it provides plausible context for Bruce beating his kids ie: it isn't technically him). Barring mind control, rejected.
10. No!! What the fuck!!! Bruce is not sending one of his kids alone against Bane there is an entire comic where he drugs them so that doesn't happen stop that!!!!
As a side note when I read that the first time I understood it as "I should not have sent you in alone because it was a task too big for you, If I had been there to help we could have saved him", but I am an optimist with too much faith in DC.
11. Absolutely bonkers statement from "please let me fire you from robin so you can have a normal life" McGee. Chalking this one up to racism and misunderstanding Bruce's character and that stupid "Bruce Wayne is the mask Hur dur" thing.
12. Ok this one feels in character actually. Somehow. At least they're talking?
13. Also feels in character actually. This one is weird because you'll see those stupid "child soldier" arguments side by side with "how dare Bruce take away Robin!". Pick a side. It's either bad parenting to let Robin exist or it's bad parenting to not let Robin exist, it can't be both!
And since these are comic books, and you need to engage with the genre in good faith or you'll have a miserable time of it, Robin exists! And is allowed to exist! At the same time, as a mentor Bruce has to be able to bench Robin, that is also a function of the mentor/mentee relationship! Basically - Bruce should be able to bench an injured/at risk Robin, but the writing for those scenarios usually wants him as a villain.
Taking away Robin completely only happens to Dick tho, and since it's after he gets shot on the job I do think it's in character.
As for "I tried not to cherry pick" babe please do so!! It's comics!! It's not canon unless you want it to be, and if you want these truly terrible Bruce's to be canon all the power to you! I want to set them on fire tho. And snort WFA like it's cocaine until all this is a bad memory jfc DC screen your writers for daddy issues I am begging you.
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trolagygirl2022 · 4 months
Lol, I think it's interesting when people say they prefer kpop rapping because I'd only expect a kpop fan to say that. What's there about kpop rapping to prefer? Most of these kpop rappers aren't real rappers and don't exactly have much talent when it come to rapping, there are only a few exceptions that are actually good and write/take part in their own music. Like honestly, plus most of these rappers are direspectful towards black culture and only use hiphop as an aesthetic for their music. How many times have these rappers been called out for the N word/braids/locs etc etc. I KNOW that a few rappers came to your mind, even the talented ones.
The western industry isn't the same as the eastern industry. Nowadays media training for these celebs and influencers seem to be a thing of the past, yet regardless of the scandals and shitty behavior of these celebs the backlash only lasts for while before social media moves onto something else. That's why a lot of the celebs don't stay "cancelled" for long.
The eastern industry is the opposite it seems, one bad move or mistake and your image is affected instantly. These Kpop idols are no different from any other celebs in the world with the shit that they do but due to how crucial a clean and pure image is to them, it only makes sense that they're always well mannered and polite when on camera and interacting with fans. Aren't their managers always around them to make sure that the idols don't ever step outta line? Can you even imagine a top idol doing the shit that these western celebs be doing publicly? Their image would be tarnished or their career would be over! Look at what happened to Irene because of her scandal. When was the last time she had a big CF deal?
I'm gonna be honest. I view most kpop rap as trash. Only a few rappers are genuinely good/talented but not enough to save the entire genre. Say what you want about western rap - violent, hypersexual, misogynistic (all that is true) its still better than kpop rap.
Lol. Sorry for the long ass paragraph.
Happy BHM! To be honest, Kpop rappers can't compete with most western rappers. I think that rap culture is the thing that makes it very messy (ex. Nicki beefing with every female rapper in existence) and K-pop idols have a clean image to follow but yeah. I prefer the drama free environment with k-pop rappers (by rappers I'm talking about REAL rappers) but western ones take the cake haha
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sharp-fanged13 · 2 years
Qieluo told Shimin 'Chin up, Kahn', after a racist pilot's direspect towards both him and her. They were arguing just before that. A bit after, she tried to make amends with Zetian. She was fully aware that what she did to her deserved a stab in the back and expressed as such, but still tried to make amends and open up to Zetian.
However, Zetian always kept her guard up towards her, always on the look out for betrayal. Which is not unfounded, but it still boggles me that she said Quieluo is 'bitter and broken' after she opened up about her family. Her judgement is quite shallow, in general, but I can't wait to see what she takes from the fallout of this in Book 2.
Now that I think about it, Zetian might have seen some resemblance between Xiuying and her late sister. At least emotionally, when she was approached about compassion, holding that doll made with her baby blanket. Her sister would still forgive and help her family, despite the abuse. Zetian tried to tap into her, do what she would do, to keep her memory alive.
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This is the thing.
Someone told me, "I didn't stan them so I didn't hold them accountable" and I was like ¿?, so you are admitting that you don't actually care about the problem in question and you are just having selective morality?
You never questioned when other artists did the same or even worse and you know why you never questionate? Because you didn't give a fuck about the topic but right now you are being moralist.
"Oh but he has a unicef campaign and he is promoting hate with the big wave of islamophobia in Korea"
Honey, the song is not even islamophobic, he is not promoting because the song is not promoting islamophobia and even the persoon who wrote the song is from the same religion.
Second, putting an actual social issue as an idol's responsability to promote fan wars is the most direspectful and minimizing shit you can do.
"He admitted he was wrong"
No he didn't, he clarify he didn't share the song on his feed in a hateful way but because he feels related to the song, the song is not islamophobic and talks about a gay relationship so it shouldn't be a problem, he didn't apologize because he shouldn't apologize about a song is not even his and that he didn't even produced, wrote or participate.
And it was fine he cleared that he wasn't apologizing because no one should apologize from sharing a song on their feed.
Can u imagine if every person who haas ever heard take me the church by hozier have to apologize?
I am using other artists as an example because 99% of people hating are non mulisms, are fans of other groups that promote and even talked about the song in a positive way and never got in a polemic for it.
If you never heard it, it's because almost no one gave a fuck about it, and you know why? Because if you cared about the religion, you should do something real instead of hating someone who shared a song about gay people on their feed
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juneandnick · 2 years
See You
I did my last post before this one because I had this parallel in my head since I read spoilers. By the way, I really hope people who shared them, didn't have troubles.
But enough is enough for me, I can't. I can't anymore, it's too much. Yet I read all spoilers from E01 to E08, so I was prepared (in a way) but I can't watch the serie anymore. It's just for me a total direspect to the fans. I feel completely betrayed. After these 4 seasons, I can't with season 5. To force people to accept Luke and June, I can’t understand this 180°. I know he's Mayday in The Testament. But that doesn't justify what's happening in the S5. Not for me. Moira is Mayday too.
And please don't answer me: Love is kind, love is patient… OR Nick is at Gilead, Luke is in Canada, June is in Canada so it's normal bla-bla-bla. Just don't.
I'm sick of all this bullshit around Luke and June. (And all the stuff around Serena: bring her to the colonies. Or let June does to Serena what Nick does to Putnam).
As someone wrote on Lizzie's Instagram: I really would rather watch Nick and June folding socks (rather to see Luke and June). It made me laugh but it's so true. On the same post, there are so many people who ask for more Nick and June contents.
I don't want to have a sort of carrot with E09 & E10 to keep me involved with S6. As we had for S4. And look the result with S5: a complete disaster. And I don't want to see again, June asks a favor to Nick. Unfortunately it will probably happen in E09.
Yesterday, a fan told me, Bruce Miller was at the Paleyfest: He wants June to have both men - says she deserves happiness - before to add - Monogamy is overrated and after all she’s been through, she deserves love from both. Really? Uh no. No!
I don't know if the rumors are true, you know the whims an actor would have had on set about his character. If that's true, I don't understand why they accept that.
After S4E10, I waited so much with this new season and it's such a total disappointment. By the way, my goal is not to demoralize the fans... Sorry.
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I will probably continue to read you guys or not, I don't know. But I will take a break. I am happy to have met nice people with whom I loved to chat. Take care.
Last point, all haters comments will be deleted.
Just a question, what's wrong with W's names in The Handmaid's Tale? Waterford, Winslow, Wheeler and Warren (Putnam).
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wilczachannn · 2 years
You: post this
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Validating someone feelings is the bare minimum and if they are your friend they shouldn't make you feel like shit, if they direspect your boundaries, make you uncomfortable, etc. talk to them if they are really your friends they should respect it and if they don't or "respect" it but keep doing the same mistakes again and again; in the trash they go
Don't settle for less than what you need, your feeling are always valid and you shouldn't need someone to say it, you deserve love, compassion, understanding, patience and strength, nothing less
i vented i'm sorry :'(
i'm scared to talk to them, two of them i feel intimidated by when it comes to saying something about their behavior, because they like to argue and i don't know what to do about it and the other one idk how would react. i like them a lot, i truely do, but there are times were i honestly can't handle them and just stop talking (mostly bc of one of them, cause she tries to replace my friend who went to another school and she's constantly taking my seat where i sat from the beggining, and when she asks if she can i say yes, cause i'm scared of how she would react), sometimes i really wish i went with my other friend to a different school. and i hate that i even think about it.
they also notice that i'm acting diffrently, due to me always being hyper and very talkative, and they comfort me (they hug me and joke around), and that makes me feel guilty. bc every time before they comfort me i always think to myself how horrible they are. i feel bad. they accepted me as trans. tho i think one of them still sees me me as a girl cause she almost always uses she/her on me, i know its kinda hard to refer to a person diffrently so suddenly but its been a year. A YEAR. idk if i'm just b¡tching about it too much but sometimes it really hurts ://
but thank you, and i mean it, my feeling were never validated, that's also one of the reasons i'm scared to talk to them. so thank you, truely. ♡
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shut-up-rabert · 2 years
/3 pakistan had invited wang yi to speak at the oic and the other islamic nations said nothing about it. i am sick and tired of pakistanis on social media acting high and mighty and saying stuff like "sikhs wouldn't get treated this bad in pakistan" like yeah they'd get treated far worse🙄 and the indians calling for international organisations to intervene and get rid of the current government🥴 have they ever read anything about other countries??
OIC is that one organisation that us more than willing to let go the fact that people are legit protesting all they can in PoK but get their panties in a bunch when literally nothing happens in J&K. No seriously, the timeline this is from, Indian Kashmir was very much in peace while PoK was burning. (notice how they use the word “Illegally” occupied. Why do all of them go deaf when Instrument of accession is mentioned?) Not to mention that they have none of the relevance or authority they believe to posses when they run their motor mouths, so obviously India makes sure to give them a reality check, lmao.
All in all, bith Paxtan and OIC don’t have the authority or the guts to tell China off, because china makes them piss dem pants. You can take for example the recent happening when wives of men from PoK were arrested in China for being Uygher muslims, neither Pak who had the right to object nor IOC whose so concerned about the muslims had anything to say.
And the person saying sikhs wouldn’t get persecuted in Pakistan? I agree, you won’t persecute them Paki bois, you’ll either convert them so they aren’t sikhs anymore
(The fact that they are asking EAM of the country “persecuting the sikhs”, Pak takes bigger Ls every day, both Hindi and English)
or just straight up kill them:
Goddamn it. And they have the nerve to call us out.
And people calling for international support to Oust NDA, yikes. They really think it will work? Lmaooo.
Tell you what, the only time PM is changing anytime soon is at 12 midnight, when it becomes AM. Oh, Modiji? Yeah, he ain’t goin anywhere.
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These people will cry “dEmOcRaCy” in anything and everything and then insult the very same institute by trying to oust a democratically elected leader. The audacity to think they can direspect the people’s decisions like they are high above the rest tells you how much they know about democracy, and how much they need a reality check.
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meowzmeow101 · 2 months
✧ ch. 1 ﹕a new beginning
↳ aether and lumine get accepted into teyvat international academy, what could go wrong?
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everything is going wrong.
"aether, are you seriously using my hairbrush again?!"
"hey, i'm the one with the long hair here!"
what a way to start the morning. burnt toast, a misshapen egg with a broken yolk, and some.. concoction aether innocently promotes as a milkshake. in all seriousness, it looks more like [REDACTED], but lumine would never say that out loud.
the two continued to argue for what felt like forever until an alarm blaringly rang from lumine's phone. lumine rushes over to shut it off before the sound got any more annoying, but she pauses to take a good look at the name of the alarm. it reads:
"reminder to my future self that u have 15 more mins b4 the last morning train leaves lol"
ah, yes.. the wonderful responsibilities that comes with being the older twin includes ending childish disputes early just to make it to school, even going as far as setting three separate alarms to be reminded of their untimely homeroom; all prepared for three of the morning trains. how great.
lumine panics as she quickly pulls her baby blue cardigan over her head and rushes to get aether out the door. locking up the knob, the two began making their way to the closest train station.
aether sulked, walking along lumine. "you could've at least let me finish my toast.."
"that thing looked like charcoal."
"hey, i made it!"
"no wonder it looks the way it does."
with their continuous disagreements, they finally made it to the train station, which was no more than a ten minute walk. eventually hopping onto the train, they kept their newly bought tickets in their pockets, saving them to be registered and slid into the metal mechanisms later at their stop. their banter came to an end due to the train's defeaning silence. it'd be direspectful for either of the two to speak up now—
"hey, hey, hey! do my eyes deceive me now, or is that the one and only kujou sara?!" a flamboyant voice called out from not too far.
a tall female with a dark, dusty purple bob cut, assuming to be kujou sara, sighs. "i still can't believe they promoted you to the third year, itto."
"whaaat?! c'mon, now, i'm not that bad! you gotta at least give me credit— i didn't fail two years in a row!" itto laughed.
"this time." shinobu continues the oni's sentence as he grumbles up a long defense.
"so loud.." the twins thought simultaneously. while aether sulks at the racket, lumine happens to notice that the people bickering from afar are wearing the same uniform as them. guess they have no choice but to get used to their presence now.
the train meets a short stop and aether, lumine, and the loud people from earlier get off. sliding their ticket into the metal machinery, they all walk in the same direction. aether and lumine are eager to walk a bit further from the group, though.
for now, lumine soaks in the warmth of the sunlight. the wind today is just right, she thinks as a breeze flows through her hair. the laughter from itto, sara, and shinobu's conversation happens to make the current setting all the more peaceful for the blonde. she's at ease.
aether, on the other hand, has been waiting for the building of their new academy to come into view. he was the one most excited about the transferring ordeal. their last school had been a bit of a blur, so he wonders what this new one would be like. he's optimistic.
the two may be thinking about completely different things, but they're both stimulated in some way.
teyvat international academy eventually is seen from the distance and aether's eyes light up at the sight.
"not gonna lie, that looks a lot better than the pictures we saw online..!" aether tells lumine in a tone filled with awe. this, indeed, was a new beginning for them.
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tag-list (send me an ask or shoot me a dm if you'd like to be added!): @ivy-lo
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©blushlani | lowercase intended
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