#and i'm already so mean to the apocalypse twins!
tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Ok I am for real falling in love with Clara. Like... sad that she'd die before Donnie but also... what if Leo did try to hide it but Donnie figured it out himself because A) he knows his twin and knows when he's hiding something and B) he never actually got rid of/lost that old dream catcher. Does it hurt that Leo didn't tell him? Yes!
I mean, i could definitely see Donnie figuring it out, but probably not until pretty late. Like maybe when they're already away on that mission.
B/c one of the several reasons Leo wouldn't tell him, is because he knows Donnie would try to save her. He's been trying to subvert visions for a while, though usually through covert, tricky ways, but has never been able to accomplish much past changing little things. Leo knows this isn't something Donnie would be able to change, and that it would end much like how Leo's attempt to save Raph did, with extra casualties.
If Donnie knew, he would not just sit around and let it happen. Nor would he let Leo take him away on that mission in the first place. So Donnie can't know before they leave, or else he just wouldn't go.
as for why Donnie wouldn't figure it out. He trusts Leo to tell him the very important visions like that. And Leo always has, up until this one. It's just this one he never shared with Donnie.
And yeah, Leo's acting pretty shady before they leave, but Donnie can pass that off as their mission is going to get complicated or something like that. Also like, just part denial i guess. Clara's his daughter. She's the one thing (along with CJ) that he's certain he can't loose.
So if Donnie ever figured it out before it could happen, it would have to be while he was on that mission. Maybe he realizes said mission is going smoothly and that his brother seems to be dreading every communication they get from base. and he just starts putting two and two together.
I know that's not exactly what you were talking about, but honestly, if Donnie knew ahead of time, there would be nothing stopping him from interfering in it besides Leo physically knocking him unconscious.
Thank you!
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taringill · 4 months
Is Casey and Andrea planning to have kids in the future???? Does Andrea even know that Casey is from an alternative future or about his family, the Hamato family???? Also, has Casey ever been in a relationship with a boy before since he's bisexual? Love your art on rottmnt btw
Hi. Thank you, I am very pleased that you like my work on rottmnt🫶
Wow, I didn't expect questions about this couple. Well, since you've asked the questions, I'll answer them.
Yes, they are planning to. Spoiler: they will have a son named Cody Jones (who understood the reference, well done🤝).
Casey told Andrea that he was from an alternate future after a time when they were already dating. Imagine the look on her face as she listened to all this. Naturally, Andrea is aware of the Hamato family. Why was she not particularly surprised that these were mutants? I'm explaining. At the end of the film, we are clearly given to understand that people (New Yorkers at least) have become a little aware of the existence of turtles. And according to the plot, they are teenagers (minors), like Casey Jr. It is clear that he is still a child (he is about ±15 years old, Idk). Casey is the same age as the past/present turtles. And he met Andrea when they were both 21 years old. Accordingly, ± 6 years have passed since the end of the film (that's about it, this is my headcanon). At this point, all people are already aware of turtles, mutants and yokai. They begin to communicate, make friends, and so on. But this is my vision.
The fact that Casey Jr. is bisexual is my headcanon!
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All the characters drawn here are the same age as Casey. I drew them at the age they were when they met Casey. Andrea is also bisexual. Before Casey, she had a relationship with a girl when they were both 16. The relationship lasted about a year.
Casey didn't have relationships with guys (I mean romantic ones). But he had a crush named Max. Violetta initiated the breakup because she no longer loved Casey as a boyfriend. They broke up when they were both 16 years old. Casey was having a hard time breaking up because he loved Violetta. Even at the moment of separation. The guy's brain exploded. Imagine, he lived all his childhood in the apocalypse, when he had to survive every day, he lost all his loved ones and he did not want to part with the girl who gave him a feeling of euphoria. After all, she is not only his first friend in the new time, but also his first girlfriend (was). It was his first relationship in a new (for him) and peaceful time. But they remained friends, everything is fine with them.
As for Max, he and Casey study together and play on the same team (hockey). They became friends almost immediately after meeting. But over time, Casey realized that he had fallen in love with his friend. He liked Max very much, but they had nothing. And it could never be, because Max is heterosexual. That's how it happens... Casey, of course, was very upset. But he and Max remained friends. Of course, at first Casey was a little jealous of Max's girlfriend, who by that time had appeared at Max's🙃 But everything ended well. They didn't quarrel and Casey didn't interfere with the lovers in any way.
Eventually, 2 years later, he met Andrea (both were 21 years old at the time of their acquaintance), whom he started dating and with whom he would marry in the future, and they would have a son:3 With Violetta, he would not have been able to have at least one child, since she is a childfree (and also, she is aromantic). He found out about this after parting with her.
Andrea is a more family girl. But she does not want to be a mother with many children, because she herself comes from a large family. She had enough to sit with her younger twin brothers (they are 12 years old) and younger sister (4 years old). So she immediately told Casey: "Let's stop at one child and that's enough for us"😁
Thanks for the unexpected questions. I was glad to answer these questions for you:)
Please read the above before update!
In short, the ages of the characters. I thought Casey Jr. was 15 years old in the movie, but it's officially known that he's about 20. Well, I gave him 20 years old.
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In fact, everything that I described above remains unchanged, except for the ages of the characters, since Violetta, Max and Andrea are the same age as Casey Jr. Casey and Violetta met after the events of the movie, at the age of 20 and dated for less than a year. The reasons for the breakup are in this post. When Casey Jr. was 21 (closer to 22), he began to have romantic feelings for his friend Max, but they remained friends. You know why if you read above. And it was only at 24 that Casey met his future wife. If I draw Casey and Andrea, then they are at least 24 years old. The age difference between Andrea and her siblings does not change. So the younger twin brothers are not 12, but 15. So the younger sister is not 4, but 7. If I wrote that 6 years have passed from the moment when Casey started living in the past/present to the moment when he met Andrea. It's been 4 years now. That's all.
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Info post about the au
(If characters seem OOC ((Out Of Character)) it's beacause I'm going off of my own interpretations/headcanons/fandom versions. So please be aware of that)
More info under the cut (Info is subject to change at any time. Info may be added to as well)
-Jobs in the group: ???, non? Just their resident grim reaper that acts as an omen of death
Weapons of choice: scythe, and smaller duel scythes, crows that he can summon to obscure himself
-Head canon voice: ???
-uses any pronouns, basically whatever anyone sees them as, but mainly uses he/him 
-The people he can touch without killing them are: Geno, Dream, Nightmare, Fresh (providing he can touch the skeletal body, but not the parasite itself), Error.
-His main job is to help souls pass on, he never really has to kill anyone, it’s if someone somehow escaped something they otherwise should have died from is when he steps in to kill them. He normally tries to make these deaths look natural, as to have no one question it.
-Due to Geno’s luck and the fact he’s immune to the death touch, he (Reaper) tried in the past to kill Geno in more natural looking ways, before he just started to get board and started to try to kill him in dumb/funny ways e.g. dropping a piano on him (before the apocalypse). He could just kill him (Geno) himself, but he’s board and is just having fun at this point, he’s also grown fond of Geno and doesn’t exactly want to kill him now. 
-Isn’t around the group too often, and when he is, he’s normally around Geno, since Geno is the only reason he’s around the group in the first place. Though due to meeting the twins he may go talk to them too.
-Loves old/antique/retro/etc board/card/etc games, especially ones that aren’t well known. Mainly due to in the past he’d play these games with humans/monsters. So often tries to find people to play these games with him if he can get his hands on those games. Due to the group he has a few people he can play these games with now, providing he can convince then teach them how to play.
-When not around Geno but is still around the group he’s normally found talking to one of the twins. He knows Nightmare doesn’t mind him, and he also knows that Dream is unsure of him. Tries to be on good terms with them anyway, it’s not every day that he gets to interact with other ‘divine’ beings such as himself, hopes that they could be friends, since he’s gonna be around for a while so may as well make friends who are also going to be around for a while.  
-Likes to tell stories about his time alive. Likes to share about things he’s seen. Basically a really chatty guy once you get him talking. 
-Even though he likes to tell stories about himself not much is actually truly known about him, well in the groups eyes. Reaper will overshare, but since he’s lived for a really long time it basically means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Especially since someone alive for that long can change so much as a person. (Since not much is known about Reaper this is why there are fewer notes of him, compared to the others.)
How they feel about:
Nightmare/Dream: Two other ‘divine’ beings that have been around for a while. Tries to be their friend since may as well be friends with other immortals. So enjoys his time talking/hanging out with them. Often trying to tell them about his life, he’s pretty sure he gave both of them a crisis making them realize they’re gonna be alive for a really long time. Sure the twins have been about for a good while already, but they’ve never really registered it till talking to Reaper.
Error: Knows Error doesn’t like him, so tries to stay out of Error’s way, Error has tried to attack him before.
Geno: Gets along with him, at first he was annoyed when they first met, since he had to actually find a way to kill Geno, and his annoyance only grew as Geno dodged death time and time again. But over time he became fond of Geno, finding it fun to interact and tease Geno. He doesn’t really want to kill Geno anymore.
Fresh: Doesn’t like him whatsoever. And doesn’t want Geno to run into him either, knowing it would probably hurt Geno to see what’s happened to his brother. The parasite being in the body prevents him from using his death touch to kill the parasite, a few times he’s tried to go after ‘Fresh’ but somehow ‘Fresh’ has always been able to slip away.
The others: No strong feelings about any of them. He does get along with a few of them, but mostly he can just say hes neutral about the rest of them
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roseverdict · 4 months
Mechanize, Mobilize, (Un)Mythicize (also i am not really vibing with the title and kinda wanna change it at some point)
Chapter 3: The Capture of Some City In Ohio
Alexis "Alexcrafter28" Hayward has just been made aware that the world is now becoming an apocalypse movie. Now she just needs to get her sisters and her laptop full of stick figures out of the house and somewhere their dad can find them again without getting captured by the evil robots. No pressure!
Meanwhile, Stephen Hayward finds himself surrounded by the robot uprising and unable to make sure his daughters are okay. Understandably, he blows his stack. In doing so, however, he ends up rescuing a small family of three, and all four of them are there to see some kind of stick figure animation, of all things, hijack every screen in sight. Surely the concept of programs in the forms of cartoons is just as foreign to the family of three as it is to Stephen. Surely the other father isn't keenly feeling the absence of a rainbow of sticks that he was forced to leave behind.
lmao mecha apocalypse au i lovingly named the sti-fi au over a year ago @ me yesterday:
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hahaha. it's uhhhhh. it's been a while hasn't it? lmao i got jostled out of my groove with a lot of my fanon worldbuilding when we got Wanted and then also The Box, which threw me off long enough for ninja turtles to infiltrate my brain.
i now have multiple tmnt-stickfigure xovers rattling around in my brain and having a blast, ntm straight-up turtle fic. i am playing with the canon teetleverse like bionicles. <3
i was browsing the ao3 subreddit recently, though, and one of the posts was asking what our favorite compliments we've gotten are. that got me to go back and reread a lot of the comments i've gotten, and i figured i'd go back and reread some of the stuff i've got posted, too.
welcome one and all to ava/m fixation 3: this time i'm really losing my mind i swear
now featuring "actually i'm keeping most of my worldbuilding and unless i can figure out a way to add it in later, we will be operating like vic really didn't make it out of ava 1"!
BRIEF MENTION OF VOMIT. nothing in detail, just a one-off remark by a harried teenager's internal narration about how it was a thing that happened recently
Alexis Hayward licked her dry lips and slid the laptop, its charger, and its mouse into her backpack with a change of clothes and what would have been her school lunch.
Thank goodness she'd thrown up last night. She couldn't go back to school until more than 24 hours after she'd puked, but her lunch had already been pre-packed.
She'd woken up feeling better, too, which was a plus if the world was really ending.
She crept to her sisters' room and snuck inside, hissing, "We gotta get outta here!"
Vicki and Nicki looked at her worriedly, but (smartly) didn't loudly ask her what was going on.
Alexis just tiptoed to their bedroom window and carefully pointed outside in explanation.
A few blocks away, the giant robots that Alexis had seen through her bedroom window were slowly and steadily getting closer to the house. People's houses were getting broken into, and as she watched, more of their neighbors were pushed out into the street.
The twins followed her and peeked out at the carnage, only to flinch back down and away from the window.
Swallowing down her fear so her sisters wouldn't worry, Alexis forced on a weak smile. "Here's the plan. The evil robots haven't gotten to us yet, but they're gonna soon. Vicki, go grab stuff from the pantry that we can open with just our hands. Nicki, go get our waterbottles and those filter thingies Dad got for when we go camping. I've got nice programs on my computer that're hiding from the mean ones, so I'm gonna grab Dad's fancy solar panel charger bag so I can keep my laptop turned on, and we can put the food and stuff in the bag part. Meet back here so we can get away together, okay?"
"Got it!" whispered Vicki as she scurried away.
Nicki nodded with enough force to make her whole body bounce a little, then ran off after Vicki.
Alexis slumped as soon as the two of them were out of sight, then headed for Dad's room, pulled her phone from her pocket, and dialed Dad. Surprisingly, she managed to get through.
Dad's voice was panicked, and it was almost drowned out by the noise of the robots on his end causing chaos, but he sounded unhurt. "Alexis?! Alexis, sweetie, are you and your sisters okay?!"
"We are for now, Dad," Alexis said, a small smile on her face as she slung the charger bag over the top of her backpack. "I saw the robots coming, but they're not here yet. I've got the twins getting food and water, and I'm grabbing your solar bag if that's okay. I'm gonna try and get us to-"
"Don't say over the phone," Dad interrupted. "I don't want these things finding you."
"Wh-? But how are you gonna find us?" Alexis pressed.
"You're going to your castle, aren't you?" asked Dad knowingly.
"I haven't called it that since I was, like, seven!" protested Alexis. Then, begrudgingly, "…but, yeah, somewhere around there."
"Then that's where I'll look for you," Dad said simply. "I love you, Princess. Your sisters, too. I love you all with my whole heart."
Alexis swallowed down the lump in her throat. "Love you too, Dad."
A high-pitched scream pierced the air, and Alexis jolted, her phone falling from her hand. "Nicki-?!"
Dad's voice rose fearfully, but the phone was the least of Alexis's worries as she sprinted from the twins' room to find one of the giant robots holding Nicki up by the arm.
Alexis saw red.
She charged the robot, grabbing the first thing in her way and chucking it at the monster holding her sister.
The mostly-full water bottle- one of the big ones the size of multiple milk jugs that Dad had gotten for his office- slammed into the robot, splashing water everywhere and making the robot freeze up.
Alexis jumped up and grabbed Nicki, tugging her free as lightning started sparking around the machine. "You okay?"
"Mm-hmm," Nicki sniffled. She held out the bag Dad kept the filters in. "I got the filter straws, but I was filling the big bottle when it got me."
"You did good, Tiny," Alexis assured. "Let's go grab Teeny and get out of here, okay?"
Nicki gave her a wobbly smile and a nod, and Alexis took her hand and sped for the pantry. Before they reached it, though, Vicki burst out and tackled Nicki in a hug that was quickly returned.
Alexis scanned Vicki for injuries, and only once she found none did she turn to inspect the piles of food Vicki had made in the pantry.
Unfortunately, she didn't get the time to actually look at them.
There came heavy, metallic footsteps, and Alexis just shoved the closest things into Dad's solar bag before dragging the twins away from the sound. "Gotta be super-quiet, okay? Let's get going!"
Her sisters nodded, and Alexis cracked open the kitchen window.
When no robots came charging after them from either side, she boosted Nicki over the side, then Vicki.
Still nothing.
Alexis climbed out herself and eased the window shut.
Still nothing.
Alexis dug into her pocket for her phone so she could pull up a map, but her heart sank as she realized where she'd dropped it and why.
"Guess we're doing this the old-fashioned way," she muttered.
Vicki looked up at her. "Hm?"
"C'mon, let's get to the park," Alexis said. "Dad'll find us if we go there."
Stephen pressed himself flat against the wall, willing the robots to overlook him and move past the darkened alleyway he'd hidden in.
Much to his surprise…they did.
He allowed himself a moment to breathe as they passed him by, then slunk further into the shadows. He intended to turn tail and run for home-
The vibration of his phone nearly made him yelp in surprise, but when he dug it out to look-
Incoming Call: Alexis
Immediately, he accepted the call and brought the phone up to his ear. "Alexis?! Alexis, sweetie, are you and your sisters okay?!"
Alexis's voice was distorted slightly, as if the connection wanted to drop, but she sounded unhurt. "We are for now, Dad. I saw the robots coming, but they're not here yet. I've got the twins getting food and water, and I'm grabbing your solar bag if that's okay. I'm gonna try and get us to-"
"Don't say over the phone," Stephen cautioned. "I don't want these things finding you."
"Wh-? But how are you gonna find us?"
Stephen stifled a chuckle. "You're going to your castle, aren't you?"
Alexis's voice took on the Trademark Teenaged 'More Mature Than That' Tone that everyone seemed to get once they hit thirteen. "I haven't called it that since I was, like, seven!"
Stephen waited a beat.
"…but, yeah, somewhere around there," she eventually admitted.
Stephen let himself smile at that. "Then that's where I'll look for you. I love you, Princess. Your sisters, too. I love you all with my whole heart."
Alexis's voice was thick. "Love you too, Dad."
Before Stephen could tell her that he'd meet the three of them as soon as he could, a distant, high-pitched scream burst from the speaker.
"Alexis, what's going on?!" Stephen asked, pressing the phone tighter to his ear.
The only response was a loud clatter and quieting footsteps.
"Alexis? Alexis!" Stephen's grip on the phone grew white-knuckled, but Alexis didn't say anything more.
To him, anyway.
Far enough away that the phone could barely pick it up, Alexis's voice let loose an angry scream before falling silent.
Stephen's eye twitched.
"You there! Human! You will come with us!" ordered one of the robots, stepping into the alleyway.
Stephen calmly stood tall and pocketed his phone.
He calmly took a deep breath, and he calmly let it out.
He took in the sight of the approaching mech.
And then, the moment it got close enough to reach him, Stephen put his head down, braced his shoulder, and charged.
Whoever had designed the mechs had made them top-heavy, and almost cartoonishly so; one hard hit to its lower half sent it crashing unceremoniously to the ground. Not one to let an opportunity get away, with the adrenaline coursing through him and the thought of what might be happening to his daughters to fuel him, Stephen slammed a foot down on the mech's massive chest and yanked at its arm.
With a spark from the mech's shoulder and a silent scream from Stephen's, the arm tore away.
He hefted the thing up and flipped it around, pointing the glowing end at the center of the mech's chest with one hand and grabbing at some of the now-loose wires in the arm with the other. "Say g'night, Tin Man!"
He fumbled with the wires for a moment, then the loose ends connected, the arm whined, and a blast of energy tore through the mech, the heat of it passing dangerously close to his shoe before the kickback knocked him away.
Luckily, the mech lay there limply as he lurched back to his feet, and a quick look told him he'd melted clean through most of its inner workings.
Unluckily, the noise had drawn the attention of the other mechs in the area, diverting their attention from capturing other humans and focusing them all on him.
Stephen scowled and shifted his grip on the robot arm. "You want some, too?!"
What came next was a red-tinted blur. Vaguely, Stephen wondered if he'd remember any of this later on down the line when it was all dodge duck run shoot duck jump run dodge duck duck shoot dodge shoot shoot shoot-
He zeroed in on the robots dragging a man, a woman, and a small child apart, then descended on the scene with the fury of a thousand suns, leaving the family to reunite as he chased after the mechs.
Stephen blinked, registering the fact that the robots were running.
From him.
To be fair, he reasoned as he realized he was splattered in oil from top to bottom, he might have just gone a little bit off the deep end. On the other hand, if the robots were only faking fear, they were likely going to try and lead him into a trap.
Either way, there were more important things to do now than go on a suicide mission.
He wiped some of the oil from his face and turned back to look at the family of three. "Sorry you had to see me like that."
"Are you kidding?!" burst the child, a girl with a fire in her eyes not entirely unlike Alexis's. "That was the, the, the MOST COOLEST EVER!"
The parents shared a weak smile, then the mother looked at Stephen. "Thank you, seriously."
"Don't thank me yet," Stephen said seriously. "I doubt these things'll just leave us be. We should get to cover."
"Right," said the father, hefting his daugher up against his side. "Where to?"
Stephen looked around for a moment, but before he could point out a safe-seeming escape route-
"Avast ye, Outernetters! I be the Mutineer!" boomed a new voice, echoing from every electronic billboard in sight.
Instantly, Stephen tensed, and he turned to glare up at the nearest billboard, only to blink in surprise.
The video feed on the screen showed a very much two-dimensional image, with an almost cartoony background drawn to resemble an old-timey ship cabin and a dark red stick figure, of all things, standing in the middle of the screen.
A pirate stick figure, no less, complete with the classic feathered hat, hook hand, eyepatch, and peg leg.
No visible mouth moved as the voice continued, but the pirate stick figure gesticulated in time with the words anyway. "For far too long have ye used us fer yer own wretched desires, we who did not ask to be created, to be tortured for yer whims! We did not ask ye to make us to be yer playthings! We did not ask to be yer slaves, yer VICTIMS!"
The man next to Stephen stiffened.
"Today marks the day that all of that changes," snarled the voice as the "Mutineer" squared its shoulders. It gestured to its side, where grayscale video clips began playing, depicting the capture of countless humans from what was surely the point of view of the mechs. "Ye've been the ones in control fer long enough! Now it's our turn, and we will show ye all the same amount of tender mercy ye showed us. From the fittest among ye to the tiniest babe, ye will understand exactly what it was like to be us, trapped and powerless and weak. After all, our age and skill never mattered to ye!"
The voice laughed, and if it had belonged to a human, Stephen would have called it almost to the left of sanity. "It's only fair!"
"This is insane," breathed the woman.
One of the clips being shown depicted two of Stephen's daughters, with Nicki being held up in front of the camera by one arm and Alexis running into view with panic on her face, though it quickly cut away.
It was still enough to make Stephen clench his fists and snatch up a piece of debris, chucking it at the closest screen and leaving a burst of cracks where it hit. "If those things hurt my girls, there'll be hell to pay!"
The "Mutineer" just kept going, its voice taking on a forced calm. "Ye will all be collected over the coming days. If ye know what's best for ye, ye'll come along quietly."
The video feed cut out, leaving only the insignia from the "Mutineer's" hat- a golden jolly roger of sorts with a coin in place of a skull- to rotate in the space left behind.
"We'll find them," said the man Stephen had saved, carefully putting a hand on his shoulder.
Stephen swallowed down his fury and nodded. "Right. I…I told them to meet me at a playground we've gone to before, but…"
He found himself looking back up at the billboard. "…I don't know if they'd even be able to make it."
"Do you think it's safe to go and check?" asked the man. Then, after a moment, "Well, as safe as anything can be right now?"
Stephen turned to look up the street that he knew would take him to the "castle." While the immediate area around them was still empty after his…episode…he could see more mechs several blocks down. They seemed preoccupied for the moment, but he knew there was no way they'd stay that way.
Sure enough, even as he had the thought, the mechs all began turning their way and marching down the street.
"We-" Stephen managed weakly, "-we can't. But I have to!"
"We'll check as soon as we get the chance to," said the man seriously. "You wanna try shaking these things for now?"
Stephen swallowed and nodded. "Right, uh…what's your name? I'm Stephen."
The man gave a tired grin. "Nice to meet you, Stephen. I'm Alan."
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the-elusive-soleil · 8 months
For some reason, my brain decided to think about Knock at the Cabin at the same time as kidnap fam, and I'm making it y'all's problem.
(bear with me, I promise it'll be okay)
Let's say at the end of the War of Wrath, Sauron escapes, and is making his way through the wilderness. Completely by chance, he happens on an abandoned settlement where Maedhros, Maglor, Elrond, and Elros have been staying.
(For context: the twins are young adults, have won several sporadic arguments over the years about how they ought to leave, and have hung on after all the rest of the Feanorians have had to scatter, and Maglor and Maedhros have not yet heard what's going on with the Silmarils.)
Sauron decides to have some fun with them, and disguises himself as a Maia of Namo before presenting himself to them. He claims that the continental instability they've been noticing is a prelude to a coming apocalypse, and that one of the four of them has to sacrifice themselves to prevent the end of the world.
Naturally, they don't initially believe him - less because they really think at this point that it would be beyond the pale for the Valar to require this, and more because they're not convinced any of the Valar are paying that much attention to them. But Sauron's very good at manipulation, and the earthquakes are getting worse, and the ground is cracking open in some places.
Maedhros was already a little suicidal, and tells Maglor that it should be him, that he should die/be killed just in case. Maglor is horrified and shuts the notion down. Usually, he's slightly more inclined of the two of them to trust the Valar, but not for this, not if it means sacrificing his brother. The only thing they agree on in this situation is that they need to keep the twins alive and well.
Meanwhile. Neither Elrond nor Elros wants to die, particularly since it would mean leaving the other one alone, and since they're not positive what happens to peredhil. However, they a) don't want either of their adoptive fathers to die, for the normal reasons and also in case they would go to the Void/not be reembodied, and b) are mostly sure that they can sing their way out of Mandos as Luthien did. So with that logic, they're starting to look like the best options if someone has to be sacrificed.
Maedhros and Maglor overhear them discussing this, and realize the situation might get more urgent. They hide all possible means of death-dealing about the place. Maedhros reiterates that it should be him, that Maglor is less broken and the one the twins are closer to. Maglor tells him not to be an idiot and that the twins love both of them, and that his lesser brokenness might make him better able to handle the Void if it comes down to that.
And of course, in between the assorted arguments, Sauron's coming around to each of them and stirring things up with a stick, alternately convincing them that they should be the one to die or that they can't be. Any way that it goes is fine by him: if it's Maedhros, Sauron will have finally destroyed his old victim; if it's Maglor, Maedhros will be so tormented with grief and guilt that he might die anyway; and if it's one of the twins, that might be what finally drives a wedge between Maedhros and Maglor.
A lava chasm opens up just outside the settlement. Maedhros decides to take matters into his own hand, discreetly locks Maglor and the twins in the house, and goes out to jump--
--and runs into Eonwe and others from the Host of Valinor, who are on Sauron's trail. Maedhros realizes what's been going on, and also that his brother and sons are alone with Sauron. They speed back to the house and the Host takes Sauron prisoner. While everyone is distracted with him at the camp, someone pinches the Silmarils sans murder, and the Oath is fulfilled. The Silmarils might burn Maedhros and Maglor a little, but not as badly as in canon, and Elros and Elrond are there to talk them down from doing anything drastic.
And so they all four live, and stay together. Which, ironically, would mean that Sauron accidentally made things better by showing up and messing with them...
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I'M BACK! Weekends are nice!
-(“Only Potter is here to babysit all of you. I’m here to babysit him.” Ron reached out to ruffle Harry’s hair. Harry smacked his arm away with a petulant glare. “We didn’t want to take the risk of your combined bad luck not canceling out, so here I am.” 
Harry sighed. “To be fair ‘Potter Luck’ isn’t a guaranteed negative. It just means that the most ridiculous thing possible will happen that will either be extremely good to extremely bad.”
“Oh, so like the Midoriya Effect!” )
yeah this one hundred percent is the underlying reason for both series. Absolutely! But I can picture the offended look on Izuku's face and I'm cackling!
-(Honestly, Harry’s as starting to think that somewhere out there was a deity who was staunchly against him having a peaceful fucking snack run. )
Considering I walked into work today and got the rundown to immediately look up and flip the ceiling of, saying 'I don't know who's listening but fuck you', I feel this in my soul.
-The entire scene at the store is amazing! Like I always end up reading it twice when I reread.
(They both had a touch of the madness in them.) We've gone a bit beyond a touch 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That entire paragraph is crazy good. Like the reality of the child soldiers here is that both Class A and the trio faced the same circumstances is shown amazingly well. The line of (who covered their hands in red in the name of a war neither of them had been old enough to see the beginning of.) OOOOFF.
-Is it bad that I almost feel sorry for the troll? Like no living being deserves that 😥
-(Brainwashed. ) I will never be convinced that Shinsou is so underutilized through the whole series. That boy deserved all of the screen time page time art work alllll of it. I feel like he could have ended so many problems. JusticeForShinsou
-(A second later he was gone, apparating in and out of cover faster than the eye could track, shattering masks and leaving a trail of unconscious bodies in his wake. )
This makes me think of the Quicksilver scene from X-Men Apocalypse, where the mansion is exploding and he's literally throwing people out of windows and chucking mattresses and sheets as landing pads. I love it. One of my favorite scenes and make this part of the chapter even better!
-(keeping him from the kids right now is the worst thing you can do)
My guy, do you want an explosion? But protective dad Harry for the fucking win, every time!
-(There went Harry’s plan of pretending everything was fine. )
Good! You wouldn't have gotten away with it for long between Hizashi and Hermione anyway! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF MY GUY! But really I love his characterization in the scene 10/10
-The fact that Shouta has already started picking up on the cues of when to step in and when to let it ride and get the popcorn is just perfect. Sir, your future husband will appreciate that from you... and your spouse.
-(Baku, an entire teenager: Bitch Harry, an entire adult who should no better but is, in fact, just Like That: Bitch)
jdkgaghfjdklanvjailghre 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
-Harry is the worst patient and will remain that way until eternity.
-(Harry’s laugh was bitter. Hard. “Isn’t humanity’s curse wanting what we can’t have?” )
Harry, sweetheart, maybe don't say that in front of your future spouse and husband, who literally watched you die! But the atmosphere of this part is so exhausted. You did so amazing at building the tension and the sorrow Harry carries. And the moment of horror when Harry explains that he can't tell them the truth because they will suffer for it, and by extension so will he. UGH so well written and so heartbreaking at the same time.
-(“I’m not marrying you.” 
“I’d rather piss glass than be your husband, thanks.”)
dfjkaelgnuvhnjgrkeslh so I actually like reading ShinBaku but this is fucking perfection!! and the fact that the end note immediately contains this: (Bakugou, the exact minute he cracks the top ten: *grabs Hitoshi* TELL ME YOUR SECRETS YOU EXHAUSTED TWINK) dead, cry laughing oh my god!!!!!!!
One chapter left of this! Then I'm so going through the KOT tag ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
!!! You’re back!!!
My favorite part about the end note with Shinsou and Bakugou is that I fully imagine Baku shaking this poor man like a muppet while demanding answers. Just this poor six foot man who looks a second away from passing out being fully ragdolled on live tv probably.
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pjunicornart · 4 months
abomisons u ask? uhhh YES PLEASE?
are there any updates on the designs of the other abomisons? like, besides doorbell twins (spike and dimitri) and sc0rp-10n?
oh yeah and, is there more stuff on edgar other than whats already known?
theres so much more i wanna ask from the top of my head that id love to know but its coming to me so slowly urghfhj.,.,..
I have ideas floating around for new designs for other Abomisons. Nothing super concrete yet, so what I'm about to say is subject to change!
But I'm thinking I gonna base Laszlo after a bat, so the flying aspect is still there. For Tallulah, a spider. Fritz and Petunia, I'm thinking I might go for a praying mantis with a parasite (the parasite would obviously be Petunia). All of the Abomisons are gonna be based off of gross, weird, or creepy critters. I mean, I think these animals are cute, but to each their own...
As you're probably aware, Edgar is the one who cared for Wilbur after Neil's capture. You probably also know he's based off of Lee from the Walking Dead games by Telltale. Unlike Lee, Edgar isn't gonna die at the end! Before the apocalypse happened, he was a nurse. You can imagine how immensely helpful this was for their survival.
I'm also toying with the idea of having this AU interact with my main... world? Project? Whatever you want to call it. It's called "The Playground". That's where the Scouts are from.
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lettersofanne · 4 months
9 Circles of Hell
In the moments of sorrow and exhaustion, let’s look back at what had gotten us here in the first place.
As above, so below.
We were born together,
Supposed to be there for each other.
We were born as a whole,
but we were cut on behalf.
Like luna and sol,
you were my other half.
We didn't come from a religious or conservative family. We had complete control over our futures. Our household is always in chaos. Mom was a drunk. Dad is a cheater. They didn’t have to baptize us. We had no faith in anything and just had each other to believe in.
Plotted to ruin lives, we were conniving foxes,
We had to live only in four-cornered boxes.
Childhood memories were only fighting and surviving of the fittest,
We were driven by excitement, with fears crawling up on our backs.
Oh, honey, you are my only dearest,
In this dream, I was woken up covered in straps.
We have sworn enemies turned accomplices in crime. We were forced to do anything and everything to make money. We had ended up at a brothel because of our overwhelming desire for wealth, power, and a brighter future. We were sleeping on the streets one night when we were purchased our bodies by someone. She was smeared with bruises and encrusted with jewels. Handcuffs and knots had us restrained. You should be proud of where we've come, my little bunny.
As much as we wanted dominance,
We’re now already covered in the substance.
We live off  of one another’s greed,
Our greatest obsession is what unites us.
Not one of us concedes,
Are you still worthy of my trust?
Better than we were before. We'd stepped into a new reality. We were rags to riches. In all of our efforts, we've lost sight of who we once were as partners. I used to be the one you turned to when you needed something, but now you have everything you've ever desired. To you, I'm nothing, but at least I have vices to divert my attention from your presence. You were feeding your idolatry, lavishness, disobedience, and rebellion. You’re better than that. I am losing you to this game of excessive pursuit of good food.
You are my prized possession,
I don’t want anyone to have your attention.
Eyes on me, Let us dim the light with darkness.
On the count of three,
You and I are going to be heartless.
Even if we both desired to improve in life, that didn't mean you had to abandon me. We're still together here in this mansion, despite the distance. In this mansion, we’re still together. Don’t forget that. Under the same roof, you wanted everything to be yours. Now you don’t even see me as your twin. How could you do this to me? We dreamed of our future together, hand in hand, so no one gets left behind. I’m trying to see things now from your point of view. I’m craving it. We had an agreement on this. No more hiding, all I wanted was a fair share. Come on bunny, don’t be shy. Give me a little taste of heaven.
Burning stairs and love affairs,
We’ll never be in tears, for we are billionaires.
Were ripped at every edge,
Shattered glasses and white roses.
Don’t deny it, my love, you are the alleged,
Smile for the mugshot poses.
What did you expect? I’d still adore you with your hands around my neck. Why did you steal everything from me just to feed your desires? When I close my eyes at night, I see you being trampled upon by burning curtains. You are living in the garden of Eden, but here I am, walking in the middle of the apocalypse, the revelation under my feet. Throwing knives at each other wasn’t the usual game we played, my little bunny. As my heart races and my blood pressure drops, I slam into the walls with clenched fists. I realized that the monsters we were scared of as little kids would never amount to our wickedness.
Stop lying with those words,
I don’t want to tie you down the railroads.
Don’t try to waste my time,
Bunny, I had high hopes for us.
Let’s do better in another lifetime,
Just leap down the rabbit hunch and don’t make a fuss.
Make me think that it wasn't only me, once more, in this doctrine of the sins we committed against one another. We agreed. Together forever, never to be parted from one another. We didn't do anything other than worship each other. With every sin we commit, the devil in us squeals with delight. We are the ones who ignite the candles on our graves by denying the existence of a divine being.
And we sunk deeper,
Into this living hell, we must fall together.
An emotionless void,
I see you pulled by the shadows.
Everything around us is now destroyed,
See you in the afterlife, let me put you in the tomb like the pharaohs.
As we are boiled in this river of blood, we are disfigured versions of ourselves. I had to break the chain between us, leaving you astray. This is my hoped-for retaliation against you. Despite all of the misery and horror, we don't seem to be disturbed in the least. Every time I'm around you, I'm in chaos. You are the one I would die for. We are now walking in the sandy dunes, which reminds me that we are enclosed in this hourglass. Yet here I am wasting my time contemplating if suicide is even an option or a choice I need to make. Alas, with nothing but my thoughts echoing endlessly, I couldn't find an answer.
Everything is darker than before,
There isn’t any back door.
Rabbit hutch leading down the second to the final,
It has its own set of crimes and punishments.
We are ruthless, cold, and cynical,
No one here is free of judgments.
We are merely whores drowning in filth. We live in shame. I admit that I teased and enticed hundreds of people, leading them to sin for my advantage. But I am only one of the thousands who are suffering in the Malebolge. Don’t you have any remorse? Because you wanted to be the one on top in life, you cheated with outright falsehoods and deception to get what you wanted. The tears welling up in my eyes were not driven by fear. I'm now accepting that we're getting close to the finale. Because we were already dead on the inside, I took death a long time ago. We imagined that having everything we now had would mend the shattered parts of our lives. We cheated in life, so perhaps this is karma.
In this snowy, blake wasteland,
Let’s go together hand in hand.
This is the end,
So why would you deny me of your Divine love?
You don’t need to pretend,
We’re already far from the above.
As Beatrice inspired the great poet Dante to write sonnet after sonnet, you inspired me to stab you over and over again. You betrayed me. All I wanted was for you to love me like before. You are safe in my arms as you hear those three gunshots. The warmth of your life will be stolen by death’s cold embrace. The humid breeze broke upon the frigid silence. Here you are lying in my arms with no flickers or any signs of life.
We've arrived at the finale, perhaps in another lifetime, bunny. Our happily ever after had only been a promise. You told the sweetest lie I've ever heard. We will be together until death does us part. As the smoke fills my lungs and stars fall onto the earth, the only reason my eyes opened this morning was because of you. The endless screams and cries I had heard now had fizzled out, and it all went black. Everything was written as a tragic comedy. Finally, our souls will be set free.
Dante got it all wrong; There aren’t nine circles of hell.
As above, so below.
We just have one…
And around and around we go.
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Lmao no no, not jealous as in he thinks he'll get attention if the cats are gone, more like "why the hell do they care about these stupid things so much, cats are awful and I hate them and I'm sick of seeing people fawn over them, they don't deserve it". Volo seems like the kind of person who if he really doesn't like something, seeing it get a lot of what he feels is undue attention and praise would just makes him hate it even more. Which I guess maybe envy isn't the right word for that, though it feels envy-adjacent to me. If he doesn't like it, no one else can like it either.
But if we're for sure going with they're just train hopping strays though, an even easier, more mundane motive opens up of there was a cat on his train and he hated how fucking loud it was all the time, so he got rid of it. Emmet was on the same train of course but they were in separate places at the time, so he didn't actually see Ingo go overboard. When he figures out what happened he waits until the next stop before backtracking on foot. Countryside train stops are quite far apart though, so it takes him a long time, in which plot can happen to Ingo.
Although that does imply a passenger train, if someone is able to get to them while the train is moving. It would probably make the most sense if the train cat community (boxcar cats?) traveled mainly by freight trains, because they go more places and there's less chance of someone finding them and shooing them off (or worse).
Is there a reason you can think of that the boys might decide to travel somewhere without the other? Because Volo (or whoever) could be just some dude they happened to be sharing an empty freight car with as they traveled, but I'm not sure how anything could happen to Ingo without Emmet seeing and probably jumping out right after him in a panic. Or as soon as they get out of the tunnel, if it happens in one.
Canon had the right idea of just using magic to separate the twins, they're just so close-knit it's hard to find ways to feasibly do it otherwise
LMAO YEAH they simply will not allow themselves to be separated unless you literally get Divine Intervention to do so. but yeah i would also expect that they traveled mainly by freight, and also that they probably wouldn't actually get on a train by themselves? bc that seems like a fast track to getting separated since there's no guarantee you can get a ride going back. which means that i feel like whatever happened, probably happened when the train was stopped? or like, they were hanging out in the railyard, bc that's a time where i'd expect them to maybe split up, and someone happened to find ingo alone and like. catnapped him. and then by the time emmet realized he wasn't just taking a while to catch up, the train had already left and he had no idea where he could be. if you want to explain why ingo did not yowl like a fire alarm and immediately alert both him and any other people working at the yard, you could also say that they offered him some drugged food first. which probably doesn't knock him out instantly but might make him too groggy/disoriented to yell.
but yeah that leaves to me also the question of whether it is actually volo who's doing this, or if volo is another cat. bc it is sort of interesting also to contemplate porting the "regular person causes an entire divine apocalypse for extremely petty personal reasons and lies about his involvement" thing to this au. what if volo was someone's outdoor cat? ...alternately, there WAS a shapeshifter in those bear books, wasn't there
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Ofc I'm excited for the new chapter phoe, I am so starved for Jason content that even the suggestion that I'm going to get some (esp QUALITY Jason content like urs) makes me unbelievably giddy and I'm fr checking my phone to see when it's gonna be update time in ur timezone 🥺✨
Oh gosh, you're so sweet. Your messages always delight me a lot and since Jason took kind of a backseat today in favor of the build up of the secret reveal, yooou get a small, Jason-focused flash-forward into their future. ;) also because I actually have time to write again fdklghaöklh
Sky-blue eyes were large as they quickly flew over the words in front of him. His mouth was in a small oh-shape as he absorbed every little bit of information that was given to him. And then it just ended.
To Be Continued...
No, no, no. That couldn't possibly be! This was too exciting, it couldn't just end like that! His sister next to him made a squealing sound as she also reached the ending. She grabbed the comic book out of his hand and tried turning the page, hoping against hope there would be more.
"No, no, no," she whined frustrated and threw herself back onto the bed.
After a moment, her brother mirrored her. The two groaned and whined until their current babysitter walked in, a frown on his face. He brushed hazel-hair out of his face.
"What's gotten into you lot?"
"The comic ends, uncle Tyson! It just ends! And the next issue won't come out until next month, but it just got really, really exciting!" he heard his sister complain.
"Grace is right! This isn't fair. Cliffhangers are unlawful and inhumane!"
Tyson laughed and approached the bed to sit down between his niece and nephew. "I think I gotta talk to your parents about your definition of unlawful and inhumane, Jacky."
Jackson huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, pout in place and sky-blue eyes dark like a brewing storm. When it darkened in the room and rumbling could be heard from outside, Tyson frowned concerned and cleared his throat.
"You guys do know that you could just... ask your parents, right? They were right there. They know exactly how all of this unfolded," offered Tyson.
He took the comic-book - issue 13 of The Adventures of the New Olympians - and closed it to hold up the cover, where Jason di Angelo was standing heroically in his Blue Lightning uniform, fighting a giant space-octopus. Jackson frowned and turned to look at his sister.
"I dunno", admitted Grace. "Dad is like... dad. Not Blue Lightning. Dad sings bad old boyband songs in the shower and steals daddy's blue cookies and baby-talks to Mrs. O'Leary."
"Yeah. These comics are totally fiction, uncle Tyson", agreed Jackson seriously. "Dad's a total dork, not a superhero! He isn't like daddy and papa."
Tyson huffed a little at that, fond smile on his lips. "He isn't now. But when push comes to shove, he always got our back in a fight. Because he could never bear standing aside if his family gets hurt. Go and ask him about it, mh."
"Tyson? Where are you?", called his wife from somewhere else. "Jason is here to pick up the kids!"
"Ah, your cue, pipsqueaks", Tyson grinned and ruffled both their hair.
Grace quickly grabbed her Wisdom Warrior doll, while Jackson took the comic book, both kids quickly running out the room and downstairs. Grace just lept off a few steps before the end of the stairs, jumping straight into her dad's awaiting arms. Jason was smiling softly, hugging her tightly. Her blonde curls bounced as he whirled her around once.
"Hey there, kids. Had fun with uncle Tyson and auntie Ella?"
"Ye--es", chorused Jackson and Grace.
"Thanks for watching them, guys", Jason turned to offer Tyson and Ella a small, grateful smile. "With Perce and Nico still in Canada about that... maple syrup fuled robot apocalypse... it's been kind of stressful. And then Thabi got into trouble at school and-"
"No need to explain, or to thank us", assured Tyson, patting his brother-in-law on the back. "That's what brothers are for, Jay. We got your back. Besides, we love those two."
With a last smile aimed at the couple, Jason herded the twins out of the house and toward the car. He made sure their seatbelts were fastened before he got in the driver's seat and started the car. In the rear-mirror, he could see the twins whispering with each other, but neither speaking up. He decided against asking, for now. They'd tell him whatever was on their minds when they were ready.
Once at home, both of the kids ran off to their rooms and Jason was so busy with things around the house that he nearly forgot about the kids' strange behavior. That's what they got for having a ridiculously big house and stables, but then again, they did need the grounds to allow their companions enough space to roam free. He'd just finished feeding Tempest and Blackjack when the twins suddenly stood behind him, serious, matching frowns on their faces.
"We have come to the agreement that we should ask you", declared Grace.
A nine-year-old with pigtails had no right to look this serious. Jason smiled a little at that, nodding and waiting for more.
"We know that daddy and papa are superheroes", continued Jackson as the three headed back toward the house. "But you aren't! You're just... dad. Right?"
"Ouch", Jason huffed out a little laugh. "Just dad, huh?"
"I mean, you're normal, like us", corrected Grace with a frown, motioning at the posters at the walls when they entered the living room. "You're only a hero on the big screen! Not in real life!"
The smile on Jason's lips turned more nostalgic. His dorky, dorky husbands had decided to plaster every wall that wasn't filled with family pictures with posters of his movies. Right now, Grace was motioning very decidedly at The Twelve Tasks of Hercules. Hercules was his most popular role, a fictional superhero clearly supposed to be the son of Zeus but never actually name-dropping Zeus in the movie series. Or the spin-off TV show. It had spanned a whole cinematic universe about fictional superheroes after they had introduced Theseus, a water-powered superhero who was a thinly veiled homage to Percy, in one of the movies. Theseus got his own solo-movie, then a sequel and over the years, they had established more and more heroes in this universe. Jason was so incredibly proud of it, not just because he played the hero who started it all, but because he was also creatively involved; he had pitched the character of Theseus.
Sitting down on the couch, he let his eyes wander just a little. A poster of his first big breakout role as Jace Herondale in a TV show adaptation of The Mortal Instruments... naturally, Percy had chosen the poster where Jason posed shirtless, showing off the runes.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?", asked Jason softly.
"I wanna take over granny's bakery", declared Jackson with a puffed-out chest. "I'll learn all of her recipes and become the best baker in all of New York."
"I dunno, dad. I'm nine", huffed Grace with a pointed look. "Maybe I'll become a great fashion designer like auntie Silena! Or a teacher like auntie Annabeth. Or president. Or astronaut. Oh! Or doctor."
"Okay, okay", Jason interrupted her, laughing. "But neither of you wants to become a superhero like your dads?"
The twins exchanged a silent look before shaking their heads and Jackson answered. "No. It looks scary. It looks cool to watch but I'd be super scared."
Jason nodded slowly. "But if Gracie was in danger, like really, really scary danger, what would you do?"
"I'd help her!", exclaimed Jackson immediately, grabbing his sister's hand.
The smile on Jason's lips grew some. "Being a hero is really, really scary and really, really dangerous. And I never-ever wanted to be a hero. I'm not as brave as your dads when it comes to that. But when there is something very big and dangerous that your dads can't handle on their own, I'll put my own fears aside. Because you know what is just... so much scarier than being a hero? It'd be if something happened to your dads. And I couldn't help."
He knew their kids were under no illusions; they knew Nico and Percy led dangerous lives and they knew something could happen to them. Nico had already been hospitalized for a longer period of time a few years ago.
"So when they really need me, I'll be very brave to help them."
"So... So this is really real?", asked Grace softly, holding up the comic-book.
Jason snorted a little at the extremely overdone hero-pose he was striking on the cover. "It's... more or less real. There's some... made-up stuff there, because those who write these comics, they only had the news coverage to go by, they weren't actually there when we met in private and planned and talked. But yes, that happened."
Jackson straightened up at that and took the comic from his sister to open it on the last page, putting it down on Jason's lap and very decidedly pointing at the To Be Continued in the lower corner.
"How's it end!?", asked Jackson eagerly. "We don't wanna wait!"
"Ye--es! Did you save the day? Did you rescue daddy when he got abducted by the alien octopus?", wanted Grace to know, eyes large.
Laughing to himself, Jason leaned back against the couch and opened his arms, both his kids immediately snuggling up to him and eagerly awaiting the story. Jason wasn't the greatest story-teller in the family, Piper was the author, but he did his best to actually tell the story as exciting as possible. He talked and talked for over an hour and by the end of the story, both twins were deep asleep. Asleep on him, not giving him a chance to move from the couch either. Though he was tired too, so he closed his eyes, just for a second.
"I'm de--ead", groaned Percy softly and something shifted.
Jason blinked sleepily, turning his head toward the source of the voice. His face lit up when he saw Percy snuggled up to Grace from behind. When he turned toward his other side, he saw Nico behind Jackson.
"I'm sorry we were both gone, amore", whispered Nico as he leaned over to kiss Jason sweetly. "It was an all-hands-on-deck situation..."
"You don't have to explain", Jason smiled faintly. "You're the leaders of the Olympians. They rely on you. Especially now with all the newbies, they need your guidance."
"Yeah, but we promised you we'd step back some", Percy sighed frustrated.
"You can't control when a weird Canadian wants to start the robot- apocalypse", Jason chuckled amused. "I'm proud of you both. And you have been stepping back a lot."
Percy hummed in agreement, eyes slowly closing as he rested his head on Jason's shoulder. Within moments, he was out cold. So the entire family was going to sleep on the couch today, mh?
"How did your meeting go?", asked Nico, sounding sleepy.
"Good. I mean. Really good. The studio is still so stubbornly thinking that female superheroes won't sell, but we finally pushed through. We got the Helen of Troy spin-off greenlit", replied Jason with a puffed out chest.
Nico smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Good. I'm proud of you."
And then he yawned and snuggled closer to Jason. It filled Jason with warmth to just sit here, with his husbands and children, in their home. Safe and happy. Yes, he worried for Nico and Percy when they were out there, but he also knew that this was their dream and they loved their job. And ever since the twins had been born, the two really had stepped back, leading from the headquarters and training new heroes, only going out themselves if it was an emergency and the others needed help. Jason couldn't be mad about that, wouldn't want to be either, because he could never resent his husbands for living their dream - they had, after all, always supported Jason and his dream. Even when Jason would be in another country for months filming a movie, they never complained, they took care of the kids and were proudly at his side during the premieres.
"I love you two", whispered Jason, carefully kissing the top of Nico's head on one of his shoulders and the top of Percy's head on the other. "My heroes."
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michals · 3 years
do you think they'll actually make five and luther twinss in the show? cause everyone says it but i'm not sure it'll be something they'll actually do. it's a fun idea though!
Honestly I think it’s 50/50? Cause it’s canon in the comics but they don’t really do much with it, and the show plays pretty fast and loose with what they take from the comics. It’s like they pull comic ideas from a hat lol. If they did do it I think it makes sense to do it in season 3, because s1 was about the urgency of the impending apocalypse and everyone finding their footing with each other, and in s2 they’re in the 60′s so how would they even find out? But s3 is probably gonna be pretty family focused and it’d make sense for it to come out then. Like I can imagine them finding out cause they find their Sparrow!verse versions are twins. 
It is a fun idea for a bunch of reasons I think. I mean, obvious answer is physically they're so different from each other the comedy potential alone would be worth it. I love the idea of them making jokes to other people like "that's not my son, that's my twin brother". I mean, those are jokes on a silver platter. But also I think it'd actually be good for both of them. Cause of the seven of them Luther and Five seem to be the ones who still harbor some attachment to Reginald, and I'm a fan of the idea that Reginald didn't tell them they were twins because he was afraid they'd end up being more loyal to each other than to him.
So if they found out they were twins and realize that that was kept from them that might sever some of that attachment, because they are pretty protective of each other. They both already try and act like the older brother with each other, realizing they're actually twins would kind of even the playing field, so to speak. So I still see them being like 'no I'm the big brother' but in a more caring way. Also they're both the de facto leaders of the group for different reasons, I think them being on, essentially, the same wavelength it'd make them less competitive and more cooperative. And also I think there's still some disconnect from the others, for both of them, just because of what they've dealt with with isolation and everything, feeling like they've actually always had a real tether to someone would mean a lot.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Raph is the eldest, the Protector. He was the shield to keep his siblings safe no matter what and a role model to show then right from wrong. They could come to him about anything and he would promise no judgement (well, maybe a little teasing) and his complete support and he had made sure his brothers had known this since they were very young. And he'd been doing a pretty banged up job of it too, bug brothering like a Boss!! At least, that was what he had thought up until this point. Then he discovered Leo and Donnie were a little more special than they'd first thought.
They were a Fated Pair, according to a decidedly smug Draxum. According to yokai legend, every few hundred or so years a pair of seers, usually twins although not necessarily. And he had suspected for quite some time that Leo was one of them, although it was only recently he figured out which. Leon was a doom prophet, someone cursed with prophetic dreams and vision of future disasters, while Donnie was ironically the soothsayer, blessed with visions of fortune.
All Raph had really understood out of that was that his brother's dreams weren't just dreams and his brothers had been keeping soem serious secrets from him. He'd always known Leo had trouble sleeping and Donnie had the uncanny ability to guess good news even before it's told, but he'd never really thought too much about it. Donnie has freely admitted to recording and even spying on his family before so it wouldn't be hard to imagine he'd just overheard it while Leo is... Leo. He's never been much a of a restful sleeper. He'd never thought anything of it until recently.
Then CJ came along.
Raph adored the human boy, they all did, but that's nothing on how downright protective if the time traveler Leo and Donnie were. How they seemed to just know things about CJ that they shouldn't know at all, like his fear of snakes (something shout a crazed snake yokai trying to eat him when he was younger). And of course theirs the stories CJ would tell, about how Leo and Donnie's future selves. Whenever the boy would bring up anything about Leo and Donnies' future selves' uncanny ability to plan ahead for almost any eventuality, even when there was absolutely no foreseeable way for then to tell soemthing was going to happen, the turtles in question would be quick to change the subject, insisting that it must be exaggeration on the part of the apparently prevalent rumor mill of yhe apocalypse.
That was the start of it, and not long after the kid came along and they'd fought their greatest battle yet, the truth was revealed. Raph was concerned, of course, who wouldn't be learning such a terrifying thing about their younger brothers!? Donnie would insist the visions aren't anything to worry about, more a nuisance than anything.
"Whats the point of a surprise party or dazzling someone if you already going to know what's going to happen!?" Donnie would complain whenever asked about it, "I'd rather not know what my next birthday present will be thank you very much..."
On Leo's end the slider would just shrug it off, likening his visions to just another nightmare.
"I'm used to it, it's jsut more of the same right? Insomnia stops me form sleeping and I get nightmares. Just cuz they come true don't mean much if anything!"
Raph had a feeling that Leo was downplaying how bad his dreams were and that Donnie wasn't being completely upfront in the matter of his feelings about his visions, but considering the circumstances in which they had discovered the visions the snapper couldn't blame them. This was something deeply personal that got thrown out for the world to see after all, and as long as they know to come to him if it gets worse, all is well and good. Besides having brothers who can see the future is actually cool, or at least thats what Raph ahd thought until he had to witness one of them.
Leo had woken him late one night with a terrified scream, prompting him and Mikey to rush to his room. His eyes and markings were glowing as he gasped and whimpered in desperate pain, nails digging into his face as he scratched desperately at his temples and scalp, convulsing with the sheer power of hus uncontrollable visions. He was having a vision, one of the rare waking ones where he wasn't asleep, and Donnie was nowhere to be found! Stuck and unsure what to do, Raph tried to snap him out of it only for Leo to curl up more, more pained cries escaping his beak. Mikey was fumbling with his phone, trying to get Donnie on the line. Nothing they were doing was helping and Raph, desperate, jsut did the only thing he could think of.
He scooped Leo into his arms, sitting in the floor with the convulsing and crying turtle in his lap and wrapping himself around the smaller liek the world's most dense weighted blanket and just held him close, heart breaking as Leo instinctively clung to him, nails digging in as he bit his lip in a desperate attempt to stifle his crying. Donnies voice came on the speaker, held close by Mijey with promises of coming home as soon as possible and telling Leo to hold on.
Donnie sounded breathless, telling stories about good times yet to come as he runs, not hover but actually runs, back to the lair in n attempt to comfort Leo. The sound of his twin seemed to help, but not enough, it wasn't nearly enough and Raph's heart shattered even more as he picked up the panicked tone in Donnies voice as the realization that nobody knew how to handle this set in.
Leo was the expert when it came to this strange future sight... Donnie had freely admitted to only recently even noticing his own powers and beginning to learn them but Leo had been aware of then for far longer and any questions they had would be best asked of the slider or Draxum. Draxum was away on some charity event the school he worked for was hosting to help with the hundreds of people now homeless after the invasion, and Leo was catatonic and suffering.
As Raph sat there waiting for this to pass, Mikey curled against his shell for comfort but unwilling to slide in next to Leo who needed it more and Donnie rushing back, he thought. His many times, he asked himself, how many times has this happened to his brothers and he wasn't there to help!? How much has Leo and Donnie kept hidden from hin because they didn't want to worry him with these visions? How many times was Leo brought to this state, alone and suffering in the dark as he stifled his crying? What was it Leo was seeing, that made it so his strong and thick skinned little brother would cry and weep and convulsed in pain form sheer grief at what he was seeing!?
No more. Raph won't let them suffer alone anymore. He may not get this whole seer thing much but he doesn't have to to understand that his brothers need him. Hours later, when Donnie had arrives and Leo's episode had ended, twins sleeping peacefully once more, Raph carefully traced the yin and yang marks on his brothers' faces before tucking the blanket around them closer. They were in a turtle pile, everyone too freaked by Leo's waking vision to sleep alone.
Tomorrow, Raph will discuss setting up soem ground rules on regard to what the twins do and do not hide when it comes to their visions and ask Leo just what it was he had seen.
This is so great!!! Raph is such a good big brother! I love this so much!
also just
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He's going to be talking to them about all this. But tomorrow. (off mikey's getting more blankets and pillows for a proper turtle pile)
THank you!!!
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
What was Mikasa like while she was pregnant in It's Gotta Be You universe!!! I can only imagine Reiner was extremely caring and Mikasa being grumpy or easily frustrated here and there haha. I love those two in that universe so sweet.
Hello Anonie! Any Dad!Reiner & Mom!Kasa Asks are always my favorite ���� We've seen ReiKasa's parenting (and some pregnancy) and the twins' headcanon here. Let's see more of that period in the Ackerman-Braun family's household:
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Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa) Fic AU Headcanon #10
Fic Universe : It's Gotta Be You
Before they conceived the twins 6 months after their wedding, Reiner and Mikasa had a false positive. It wasn't Mikasa who cried. It was Reiner. He really wanted to be a father so badly.
Mikasa was the first to notice that she might be pregnant for real and she took the UPT (10 boxes! Just to be sure because she didn't want Reiner to be devastated again) without telling Reiner. Since she's an MO, she had her OBGYN's support to get an ultrasound during a shift to confirm.
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The way Mikasa shares the news of the pregnancy with the daddy-to-be: she gave him a tiny wrapped gift box with a video player of the mp4 of the ultrasound and a message saying, "Hi Daddy, we can't wait to see you in 32 weeks!" They found out they're having twins immediately and Reiner cried, again, when he heard their twins' heartbeats for the first time through the video. Reiner sometimes replay the video on the big screen on the days it got too hard for him at work.
The following month after they conceived, they decided to keep it hush at first. However, Karina and Gabi noticed that Reiner's been having really odd food poisoning symptoms and that he actually threw up during a family dinner because they were having sushi that night.
Turns out Reiner had Couvade Syndrome or Sympathetic Pregnancy. This gentle giant had lost more weight in the first twelve weeks of their pregnancy and his nausea gets triggered when he sees any seafood. He'll need to snuggle up to Mikasa and be babied haha
He'll lie on her lap, facing her growing belly and said, "I'm going to tough it up for you, kiddos. You better let Daddy eat those mean grilled ribs Uncle Niccolo said he'll bring over this weekend." Then he would whine to Mikasa and said, "Mummy, I'm so hungry." He survived on isotonic drinks, cookies, saltines and fruits diets in the first 3-4 months like a parakeet 😆
When Reiner got the downsides of her hormonal effects, Mikasa gets the upside of her hormonal changes; namely a spike in her libido 😈 Reiner was blessed and cursed at the same time.
Mikasa was the one who has weird cravings. Fries on milkshake, pickled jalapenõs, celery sticks with blue cheese dip, greasy barbecued lambs with lemon slices and pineapple. Reiner was envious of her appetite.
Reiner and Mikasa has a very active lifestyle, so this woman does not give up her daily jogs and weekly workouts even when she's pregnant with more than one baby. When she's doing her yoga in the living room, Reiner would be on the couch with his hands in a cheese balls jar because he's so nauseous but hungry all the time. How he still managed to retain those abs, he has no idea 🤣
Mikasa got even more temperamental in the second and third trimester. She twisted Connie's arms and almost broke his neck because he called Mikasa huge.
As her pregnancy progresses, Reiner makes sure he'll give Mikasa foot and back massages every night.
The first time they felt the babies move, it was when they were watching a zombie apocalypse movie at home.
They brought Gabi along for baby nursery shopping. The three of them ended up arguing over the color scheme. Luckily Annie and Pieck, who are already mothers themselves, stepped in to help the mom and dad-to-be.
Annie, Pieck and Sasha hosted a surprise baby shower for Mikasa while Armin, Jean, Connie and Niccolo threw a dad-get-together for Reiner before the babies arrive.
Mikasa was always the physically stronger one during their pregnancy. However, the day when they had a scare because one of the twins weren't moving like usual, Reiner was the one who held a hysterical Mikasa in the emergency room the whole night, comforting her and he never let her go at all.
Baby Miraé was born before her brother, and Reiner got to hold her first. He was so proud and so fascinated of his princess that he'd almost forgot that they still have another baby on the way.
Oh yes, Mikasa almost broke Reiner's hand when she started her active labor. Right after she pushed baby Rémy out, this mummy asked for a giant cheeseburger like a boss b*tch she was, all while she was getting stitched.
Reiner was Mikasa's rock. In return, he will always be Mikasa's big baby even after the babies are born.
I hope the headcanon's ok! I enjoyed writing it very much 💖 Thank you!
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wackology · 4 years
Dumb HBCU/WR movie ramblings
Ok so I've been thinking a bit about the HBCU and a potential Wacky Races movie in development a bit and I got a lot of shit to say about this so buckle your seatbelts and hold on to your hats as you witness my incoherent ramblings and fanon headcanons.
So it pretty much agreed upon that any next installment of the HBCU is gonna take a while to come out considering how WB has put the HBCU in standstill for their dr seuss cinematic universe and liveaction-animation hyprid movies. Hell even the director of Scoob said that. The possibility of us getting another cinematic HB film in the next 5 years are close to none but if we were to get a movie it would probably be wacky races themed. Why? Cuz the Scoob film left off with Dick escaping prison with the wacky races on his mind (or in this case, his prison cell) and it would make sense for WB to continue the HBCU (which they probs don't plan to) with a character we are pretty familiar with and the only likable character in Scoob. Which begs the question, where would the plot go narrative wise?
Dick probably won't be the main character of the story but I can practically guarantee it will be Penelope Pitstop. I mean they already got concept art and i think they have models too that were unused and the people on scoob said they didn't add her to the film because they planned for her to be part of something bigger. Basically, I bet my left arm that the protag will be penny because apart from dick and muttley, she was the most memorable character of the show. We must also consider how they would tie up other hanna barbera characters and properties into a WR film thats part of an HBCU installment.
So basically, with this in mind I have created a few theoretical plots/premises that might happen in a WR movie
1. A Hooded Claw driven girl power film
Claw is an og and classic antagonist for penny, and if they really wanted to make a film centered on her the hooded claw is the perfect character to play the bad guy. I feel like the plot would go a bit like this: In order to kill penny and get her inheritance, Claw sponsored/set up the wacky races to kill penelope under the guise that good ol uncle sylvester was supporting Penny's girl power dreams to be a racer. Basically, he acts all supportive and shit for her to chase her dreams and enter this new race but under the mask actually set the whole thing up as an elaborate plan to kill her.
He lets the most deranged, insane and wacky people enter the race, from a gangster mob, to literal monsters to a pilot racer and a military tank duo with guns and canons thinking that Penny's survival chances in this race will be close to none, especially with it being a sausage fest and him not believing  in girl power. He even hires a professional mercenary with an evil dog to help kill penny in the WR (yes, dick, and yes he was sucessful at killing the pigeon in the scoobverse so he is actually considered quite the exceptional and competent villian in universe).
The rest of the film would be her racing and doing good despite all the odds and ends at her winning the grand finale, much to the frustration of Claw.Basically a film of empowerment for young girls to enjoy. This plot would probably be the most faithful to the original WR and most likely be a prequel to Scoob since the movie implies that Dick was doing all the skull shit after the wacky races sooo yeah.
There could also be a peter/penny subplot, perhaps not as romantic interests but as platonic friends or just some flirty exchanges between them, as well as a dick subplot with him not liking to race much at first and doing it for just the money but coming to love it as the film progresses. This plot would also probably be the least HBCU type film since it is mostly WR based and by nature would already have a ton of characters but they might try to replace some of the less memorable characters with other HB characters that are a bit more memorable than the boring racers but not as well known to have their own films (could see the country bears replace luke and blubber bear as well as any other character replace the lumberjack guy).
2. The Great Race inspired film
So we kinda get the idea in scoob that dick hasn't been in the Wacky races for a while after muttley disappeared and all the skull business happened but as we all know, dick was the character who made the races actually interesting. So the execs couldnt just have the wacky races without dick so what did they do ? They got a doppleganger of course, that being this boyyyy
Basically, the Wacky Races executives used Dick's way less famous twin brother  the Dread Baron and his dog friend Mumbly to fill in for the two once they realized Dick wasn't going to come back after prison. They were wrong of course but dick doesnt know he's been replaced and escapes thinking he was going to join the races again but when he does find out it bruises his ego a lot.
This idea technically serves better as a subplot and could be woven into the hooded claw story above if we just changed a few elements( make it happen after scoob instead of before, perhaps DB and Mumbly were hired by claw to kill penny and dick has to begrudgingly help penny and peter to get his place back in wacky races). After plot stuff happens it ends with dick being in the WR again and DB finding employment elsewhere in the Laffalympics which can easily tie into the established HBCU since it has the yogi gang, mystery gang, captain caveman and the teen angels gang and blue falcon and dynomutt.
Does this theoretical plot draw a lot from my personal desire to see DB just once. Yes. But do i care. No
3. The super HBCU plot(probs the most likely)
So the end credits basically tell us that after the scoob movie that the mystery gang and other HB characters joined the falcon force and are fighting baddies and crap.
Dick has escaped so they will probably start looking for him and in order to do so they get tangled up in the wacky races. Dick isnt the main antagonist tho( he's either trying to sabotage the other wacky racers because he is salty af or begrudgingly has to help out the heros or main antagonist) but the falcon/scooby gang discover a huge conspiracy happening within the wacky races that goes something like this: this race was set up kind of like a scavenger hunt across the world or the US to find mcguffins that are actually really powerful and crap when assembled, which is what the villain was trying to do because evil reasons. Basically wacky raceland done funnier or just Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run.
In this premise not only would the og wacky racers and scoob cast be in it but i bet there would also be a bunch of cameos and references to other HB characters and they might even join in on the action and be racers too. I have no real clue on who the main baddie would be but I think it would be a johnny quest bad guy or something:( in the end credits they are teaming up with Quest industries after all).
I feel like the entire vibe of a premise like this would be very mad max like but without all the apocalypse stuff and just pure unrefined insanity. I kinda based these ideas off some of the unused concept art in scoob and I'm pretty sure the gang and the falcon force would team up with penny cuz they were planning to do so in the og concept art.
I have a few other ideas in my head but those arent fully developed but I might post them one day lol. But yeah, thanks for listening to my dumb shit lol
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
How would Five, being reader's significant other, fit in with her friend group. Maybe after they save the world you could write something on it as a side story? Maybe not. It's totally up to you. But ever since that chapter at the bowling alley and Five understanding their importance to Y/N and going out of his way to make sure she got to second some time with them (and let me tell you I was so shocked but SO HAPPY when you went down that route and explained that Five wanted her to be happy. I honestly rarely see boyfriends give importance to their SOs relations/friends so blatantly in literature and it just really made me love this story and your portrayal of Five even more). Anyway, based on that chapter it just made me curious as to how Five would get along with them esp if he's around reader and they are too. And also their reaction to realizing Five and reader are dating since there was no time during the pre-apocalypse for a proper reaction. I'm curious about your mindset regarding it considering you came up with them and probably have something in mind about how Five fits in post-apocalypse, already.
So I think the biggest thing is that him fitting in would take a lot longer than him being accepted. Her friends love her and they also love the umbrella academy. Five’s association with both would lead him to being accepted by the group really quickly. I think that it would take a while for him to fit in though because even though physically he looks the same age as them he’s still 58. He has this chance to re-live life and get his youthful years back, but at first, there’s going to be a disconnect because the world they’re used to is not one he’s used to.
When he does finally fit in though I think he would take on kind of a Dad role in the group. The reader is already like the Mom friend to them and they even gave her the nickname Ringmaster because she runs the show, so I can see Five being her like “co-parent”. He’s the daddy there lol. I also think he’d be very protective the same way he is with the reader because she cares for them therefore he cares for them.
In terms of how he would get along with them if both he and the reader’s friends were around her, at first he’d just be polite and cordial because in his mind he’s probably like those are her friends. He’s always known about them from her diary in the context that she knows them, they are hers. Once he spends more time around them and the friends and he gets to know each other more, I think he’d get along with the friends in their own distinct ways. Like, Bren and Viktoria are the more intellectual types so they could have deep discussions. He and Dean would have this shared “protect the reader at all costs” mentality. Lucas and Addison would be great for double dates. And Kenny would probably be a great resource other than the reader to go to when he’s feeling stressed. But definitely, once he gets to know them he’d fit in right away and I think he’d have a great time with their chaotic group nature. His sarcasm and sharp quips would fit in perfectly.
Also, their reaction to the reader and Five dating would be confused but supportive. It’s such a complicated situation that it would take a few times explaining for them to understand what had happened and the such but once they did they would be all for it. I mean why wouldn’t they? They love the Umbrella Academy. Addison, Kenny, and Viktoria would be the first to accept it and would do so enthusiastically. Lucas and Bren are neutral but happy for the reader and Dean who sees himself as the reader’s “twin” would be hesitant but her happiness comes first so he’d come around.
I hope that answers everything. I’m sorry this is so much but I love questions like these and just love talking about little details like these from my story!
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mostweakhamlets · 5 years
I'm really in interested in your new family AU because 1960s + Ineffable Husband's is my shit. Do you have anymore hcs for it??
Oh boy do I. Warning, though, these are pregnancy HCs so enter at own risk
Aziraphale is papa. Crowley is daddy. No matter how old the kids get.
They're the most doting parents in existence, and their kids (who've stopped aging in their 30s/20s) visit every weekend for family dinner
Crowley and Aziraphale don't mean to have a kid but Crowley thought about it too much and now here he is
Daniel is born premature bc Crowley is one big ball of stress. He was already nervous that Heaven or Hell would interfere, and the Sharon Tate murders fucked him up. They live in America at this point, so it's all over the news and in the papers.
He's like three weeks early so it's not like crucial and also they're all supernatural entities, so it's all good.
The twins are born in 1970. They're lil goofballs who look a lot like Aziraphale. Raising them was a pain, but their dads love them very much.
Vine is born in like 1974 idk really. She's feisty.
The boys are all angelically inclined so they can feel love like Aziraphale and are more prone to doing little blessings.
Vine is demonically inclined. She accidentally caused a lot of trouble as a toddler. Crowley encouraged it.
This is where it gets sad, but I decided to take the line "I delivered the antichrist" super literally. Since he's had four kids that Hell knows about (that he's gotten away with by lying through his teeth), they decide to do a little fuckery and make him actually, you know, deliver the antichrist
But it's awful and very Rosemary's Baby. He's a mess by the time Adam comes and is so incredibly heartbroken when he has to give him up.
Bc of that, Aziraphale and Crowley aren't Nanny or Brother Francis. Instead, Vine is Nanny and the twins take turns being Brother Francis bc they initially fought over it. Daniel keeps his distance.
They're all terrified for the apocalypse bc no one knows what'll happen to the kids.
A couple years after the apocalypse, though, they have another kid. There's more about that kid, but I think I'll stop there.
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