#and i'm also an introvert
purpletrashcans · 2 months
i want to go to the lgsm 40th anniversary, but i don't live in london, i don't know anybody in rl who would go with me and i don't trust strangers on the internet what do i do😭😭
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canisalbus · 30 days
Have you considered selling merch? Some stickers pins or patches of the boys would go hard
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alicornze7 · 4 months
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The pacing is a wee bit weird but this took 2 whole days so bear with me here
(oh God it's even cheesier than the first post)
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The aftermath
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nipuni · 1 year
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We visited the Railway Museum!  🚂
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bixels · 24 days
Why do you answer questions out of order?
Most asks I receive are repeats that I've already answered. I'm not really keen on clogging my blog with repeat ask posts. Some of them I do wanna answer but require more social energy so it takes time. It's like answering an email sometimes.
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khaopybara · 1 month
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There are many layers to this.
The official subtitles say "I've heard that P'Khaotung and P'First are close", when Fourth says P'Book. Of course, First and Khaotung are close. Have you seen them?
Khaotung is a shopaholic apparently, but we already knew that. First always says that Khaotung takes him out to shop whenever they are abroad.
Even when First isn't there, he is there somehow.
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so-that-was-okay · 12 days
Shout out to all the queers who don't have queer friends or don't really, or don't want to, fit into "queer spaces". (yes it's eventually about Tommy and Buck, bear with me)
Like every community, the queer community also has its strong codes and many queers don't follow them as most people expect them too. In the past, I met a lot of adult gay guys who weren't part of the "gay community" because they felt it was almost like another closet, just bigger and with a lot more people in it. They didn't feel like they belong in those spaces built around being gay. And they didn't hate it at all, it was not criticism (though one was actually homophobic, it was... something), it was just not them.
Then I realized, as an non-binary/agender person who really realized who they really were in their 30s, I never fitted in any community. While Afab, I never fitted in the girl mold. Like ever. The whole dresses, makeup, high heels? As a teen I tried, really, but I also quickly gave up. Then growing up, in my 20s, I was the girl who wore clothes "like a guy" among my friends. Black turtleneck, black pants, black biker boots, camel or black longcoat. Anything to be neutral with a twist. As for my friends, they've always been fierce allies or queer (I was never out by the way, I'm still not out to my friends).
I'm queer, but I don't define myself by my queerness. I'm a lot of other things that are equally important, if not more, actually. And honestly... it might me projecting myself, or me using the people I met to flesh out Tommy and Buck's relationship to queer communities, but I like to think that while they're absolutely proud to be queer, they just live their life as... guys. Not gays, not bis, just guys. They have queer friends, they can hang out in gay bars or queer friendly places but as long as it's safe, they're not focusing on that. And it's not about fitting into an heteronormative society, it's just not following any code, and by any, it also means not even the queer ones.
I know a show like 911 wouldn't show its characters being too "proud" anyway, Hen and Karen are also living a very heteronormative life if we want to label it. But it's also life as a queer person. It doesn't have to be all rainbows and stereotypes (that we love too!). I call that being a quiet queer. We love that the noise of the community exists, we'll always support it but it's just not for us.
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khaotunq · 1 year
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enneagram series - type 5: ayan, the eclipse "Alert, insightful, and curious. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense." (x)
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captainjonnitkessler · 2 months
I think the most important thing I learned from the Tradeswomen Build Nations conference last year was that many of the women who founded women's committees and the like in their local unions were basically the only member for 2-3 years, and had to keep it going entirely alone until other people really started taking notice and stepping in.
And now I'm trying to found one, and we haven't actually met in three months because every month I text out the meeting time and location and get a bunch of "I'll be there, can't wait!" and then on the day of the meeting I get a bunch of "oh, well actually, I forgot I had this family thing/I'm sick/I missed my alarm . . ."
Anyway the point of this message is that if you've ever complained about the death of community in American life or whatever, think hard about whether it's actually dying or whether it's out there and you're just choosing not to participate, I guess
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meri-meri-mwah · 1 year
This can be personality wise, hobby wise, family role (older/younger child, only child, whatsoever), etc. Explain your reasoning if you have any. 👁️
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Rudy with a jealous s/o? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I NEED THISS
Hello! Here you go!
Rodolfo with a Jealous!S/O
The moment he sees you’re jealous he’ll chuckle a bit but also be a bit worried. It’s nice to see that you like his attention enough to want it most of the time, but would he really be able to calm you down from your frenzy? He most likely could, but the worry is still there. At first he’d be a bit apprehensive about approaching you, especially if you’re being snappish and keep hinting at you being mad at him for spending time with someone that wasn’t you. If this doesn’t happen very often he wouldn’t know what to do, but if you’re a very jealous person and it keeps happening then he’ll have a talk with you. It’s not particularly fair to him that you always snap at him whenever he spends time with his teammates or friends, so he’ll sit you down and discuss your behavior and how you can both improve yourselves. Communication is very important to him.
If you don’t get jealous as often, then he’ll approach you after a bit and ask you what’s wrong. It’s up to you whether or not you honestly respond to him, but he’d much prefer you being upfront and honest with him. He won’t really know too well what to do if you just keep lying to him, pretending that you’re alright. Rodolfo will, however, take you to a secluded place if you’re out somewhere together and just talk to you. While he may not be the biggest fan of PDA, he would give you a small kiss, either on your lips or your cheeks, maybe even a hug if you’re especially mad, and apologize to you. He knows it likely isn’t his fault, but maybe an apology could calm you down. If it’s late and he’s been with his friends for a while now anyway then he could make time to just leave, especially if nothing important is going on anymore and the main events and conversation topics are over. However, if he has to stay for a bit longer, then he’ll apologize again, but promises you that you’ll be going back home soon enough.
Once you’re back home all of his attention is on you, if you want that. If you prefer to be left alone then he will let you be, but will check up on you once every hour and ask if you’re doing alright. But if you don’t want that then he’s more than happy to talk with you, or spend time with you in general. You wanna cuddle? Play a video game? Bake some cookies? He’s not opposed to any of those things. Because, truth be told, you being mad but quiet sort of scares him. He has to deal with loud, angry soldiers almost on a daily basis, so he knows how to put someone in their place if they’re being openly aggressive. Therefore you being so quiet is very worrisome and he’ll be on edge this entire time. As soon as you laugh again he knows he did something right, though. That’s the goal: To get you to calm down and smile, maybe laugh even. But he knows that, at the very least, it will likely be over by the time you both wake up again in the morning. If he can, then he’ll spend the next day with you. Or at least as much of it as he can.
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bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
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Young Teacher Tuvok Patreon | Ko-fi
#Person: So I heard from the students that you're the headteacher? / Tuvok: ???This is a college???#his kids gave him a mug that says 'Father' bc it would be impossible to ascertain whether or not he is in fact the no.1 dad#despite their own emphatically positive opinions...'Father' is factual v_v (in my mind the mug just has a vulcan symbol)#bea art tag#st voyager#Tuvok#Tuvok went through Starfleet training/academy - Quit - Then probably had to go to a whole different college to get a teaching license#When he re-entered Starfleet did he have to take lessons again?? Is there a separate license to be a Starfleet instructor?#After being expelled from his school as a teen ... how long was he with the monks? Did he repeat a grade?#Tuvok your education fascinates me#Vulcan school - expelled - learning at a temple with monks - repeat grade? / Vulcan school - graduate#enter starfleet academy - graduate - quit - enter college - graduate - teach - quit job - enter starfleet (academy?) - graduate?#- starfleet teaching license - end#note: I don't think under normal human circumstances you'd need to go back to the academy but Tuvok quit Starfleet at like 20 something#and who knows how many decades passed since then - I'm sure the curriculum changed a lot in like 70 years v_v#maybe....a few catchup courses. Like a semester instead of four(?) years#st voyager art#also I like the thought that Tuvok is considered introverted/reserved even amongst Vulcans#Less so than how humans perceive him but still enough that it IS a personality trait rather than purely a cultural difference
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stinalotte · 7 months
I saw an 18th century mill (and surrounding buildings and land) for sale and all I can think about is how I want to live there with a pile of my friends and our collective kids and pets and assorted guests, grow our own food, raise some chickens and throw a few summer parties in the barn. Anyone got 1.5 million lying around so I can buy the damn thing?
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anatheyma · 5 months
realistically speaking if i met strade irl i'd piss myself on the spot because i can't keep eye contact to save my life and he's this: 🟠▽🟠
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months
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a quite simple outfit, trying to use the little blue and white apron thing (which is actually a dress I think, that I just leave un-buttoned in the back and added an apron-like tie to lol)
#self#mori kei#jfashion#NOT really but like.. it's.. adjacent I guess.. forgive me .. I may try using tags again though I kind of got out of the habit ghhj#I need to be... Seen to some degree. I want to start selling clothes and sculptures again to recoup the costs of having to euthanize my cat#and stuff . but that won't be very successful if I have like.. 15 people to sell to lol...#the eternal Hermit Conflict where you hate attention and Being Percieved in general yet in todays capitalist society it is nearly#a necessity to have some form of social network or media presence especially in creative fields. etc. etc. ... kicking screaming wailing#sobbing so on and so forth.. tearfully punching the cold mossy stone walls of my evil wizard tower...#I was also thinking of maybe opening a few sculpture commission slots and maybe Tumblr Blazing that post or something#but.. again.... sobbing crying interacting with the general public oughhf ouuch -500 HP#why can't I just be approached by some wealthy 65 year old woman who is nonsensically infatuated with my art for no#reason and gives me like $10.000 a week for food and art supplies and etc. and I can go fuck off into a cabin in the middle of nowhere#in the uk and just be left alone to work on my projects without even needing to build any form of connections or social presence because I'#already set for life and can just get funding and connections whenever lol.. WHICH not to be ungrateful like obviously I still appreciate#anyone who follows and interacts with my posts. I dont mean it in a 'grrr fuck all of you imbeciles I wish I could delete my blog!!!' or#whatever hhjkjk.. I just mean it more in a like.. I am very socially inept and my mental illness gives me severe social issues so any situ#tion where I'm expected to self promote or network or interact with others generally is nightmarish and stressful for many many reasons#and if I could somehow skip that part and just go straight to being a famous author or somethin.. that would be cool. Which I know EVERYONE#hates networking and stuff but I mean like.. on a level most people could not possibly comprehend.. I am not just an 'introvert'. I am like#doctors declare me incapable of functioning in general society very poor mental health prognosis probably should have a caretaker at#some point type Hermit lol.. ANYWAY ghbhj... alas.. I also feel weird about the sculptures in terms of what to charge for them#and always have which is part of why I stopped selling them. If I charged a fair even like $15 an hour many of them would be like#close to $150+. and nobody is going to pay that for a decoration. that doesn't even factor in like.. supplies or time spent communicating/s#etching the concept (if a commission) etc. etc. I thought it'd be better to just auction them then and let people pay what they want inst#d of a set price but etsy doesnt allow auctions and is it weird to just.. link people to an Art Ebay or something lol..#AAAANYWAY.. the outfit.. I still love these shoes. they're nice and a little Older Style looking. always into pastel florals too lol#(everything is thrifted as usual. excited about the shirt because it's so puffy! it was in the halloween section though ghjhj.. like when i#s october and they make the special aisle in goodwill for 'Costume' clothes even though theyre all just normal stuff I would wear ghg)
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ficfinder-general · 7 months
I'm afraid I am, by definition, gen Z. So I do realize that I'm probably talking about people my age and/or older than me, but
what do kids these days do on discord?
And by that I mean the fandom side of discord. I was under the impression that it was for gaming people talking to each other while they play their little games, but I read more and more about it in connection to fandoms. Do people talk??? With their voices???? Or just chat? I can't imagine
Also, it feels like an elite club, like you have to get links or invites or something? I mean so far I've had a nice impression of the codywan fandom (no, I cannot move on) but this sounds a bit like something out of Mean Girls, elite clubs, and cliques, and such
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