#and i'm gonna do pt 2 and 3 of this scene next where he just keeps making sure it's okay and that emma's okay
mccallhero · 6 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 33/?
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corn-fanfiction · 7 months
(Pt 2)
Rating: M
TAGS: language/frightening scenes including stalking/hangovers/implied past abuse/Mark Hoffman being a c*p/reader is normal and likes to do normal things/Mark is protective bc it's his job but he's also problematic/because he's a cop
"Sure you don't need sunglasses?"
You shield your eyes from the garish sun that punishes you from the window beside you.
"Shut up," you mutter. You're letting the smell of your coffee settle before trying to drink it. Mark, on the other hand, is halfway through his second cup and eating breakfast.
The tinny sounds of the cafe are ringing in your ears and pounding against your skull. You groan.
"I'm fuckin' glad you stopped me when you did," you admit.
"I woulda let you go all night if I wasn't directly overseeing your safety."
"Good to know."
"Aren't you gonna order?"
"Do you want to see me throw up all of yesterday onto this freshly mopped floor? It's a near trick- I use it at parties."
"A simple 'no' woulda sufficed."
"Toast. I need toast."
If you'd had your head up, you would've seen Mark wave over a waiter. He clears his throat and you lift your face from where it rests on your palms.
"Oh. Um, two slices of white toast, please, with butter and jelly."
The waiter nods, says it'll be a couple minutes, then leaves. You don't have it in yourself to lay your head back down.
"Why'd you drag me out here?" You mumble.
"You don't like breakfast?"
You glare at him.
"Alright, fine. Just wanted to let you know that, if all goes well for the next week, you'll be rid of me. Got the update this morning."
You perk up a little. "Does that mean the Jigsaw killer stopped?"
Mark chuckles. "That is proprietary information. All you need to know is that they think you're safe enough to not need me."
You watch him eat. You've always considered it one of the most vulnerable states a person can be in. If someone eats in front of you, they trust you, at least a little. You notice the way his jaw ticks, his hair falling in his face every so often. He really is quite handsome, and in a different timeline you'd probably be attracted to his arrogant personality. But definitely not here. Not now.
The waiter brings your toast and you start it slowly, but soon are consuming it with little thought to your stomach.
"Any big plans for the day?" He asks.
"Well, I don't have work. Probably go running, read, grocery shop. Regular, boring stuff. Why? You wanna do the domestics with me?" You joke. Mark shrugs.
"Hey, sounds to me like looking after you is like a day off. Where do you run?"
You stare at him, your mouth hanging open in a way that is, frankly, embarrassing. He looks at you in confusion.
You shake yourself out of the stupor.
"The park off 7th. It has a track back in the woods."
"Damn, you're really trying to put yourself in the most vulnerable positions."
You sigh in exasperation. "It's the same shit I've always done-"
"I'm just joking."
"I thought jokes were supposed to be funny," you mutter. Mark deadpans.
True to his word, Hoffman shows up to the walking trail at the park...and he's in running gear. He's in a sleeveless hoodie and basketball shorts. The only thing he's missing is a sweatband.
And you. You nearly piss yourself laughing.
"Holy shit!"
"Thought you'd get a kick out of it."
"Aw, did you get all dolled up for me?" You say between snorts.
"I'm not jogging in a suit," he remarks, now frowning at your comments.
"Are the tags still on it?"
"You know I can leave you out here."
"Then it'd be time to update your resume."
You two begin with a brisk walk that turns to a jog. You go like this for about ten minutes of uninterrupted silence until you come to a pond.
"Hey, I always stop here. Wanna sit?"
Your both out of breath and Mark merely nods as you both plant yourselves on a bench. You take a moment to relish in the warm breeze as it passes over your skin and through the thick pines above.
"Why here?"
Mark's voice breaks you from your reverie.
"It started as a place to go to feel safe. Now it just feels familiar. It's my favorite place besides home."
"You felt unsafe?"
You give him a tight lipped smile. "Haven't we all? Besides. I'm moving on."
It's not untrue. But your words carry a sense of space and time. You have neither.
You're almost disappointed when Mark doesn't do the grocery routine with you. You think of all the opportunities it would give for you to poke fun at him and him do the same to you.
He's nicer than you had expected, for a cop. He can be a pain in the ass, usually is, but he also seems to have your best interest at heart. He's laid back (maybe more than he should be) now that you're not constantly antagonizing him.
All in all, it's growing more bearable.
You even sleep better, knowing that there's someone who's got your back.
You hadn't told them everything. You do like Mark's company, his watchfulness.
You're laying in bed. It's 1 am and you're still awake, but only because you'd finally managed to start a consistent patch on your knitting. The only lighting is the lamps which you know is bad on your eyes, but you like the dimness. It's where you feel at peace.
You don't see it at first. You're looking up to catch a glimpse at the tv, playing some late night crime drama, when you notice something out of the corner of your eye. It's the window at the end of your room.
There's no question or no hesitation. They're eyes. And they're staring right at you.
At first, you don't move, as if it's dinosaur rules. Like those eyes will forget you. Then they blink, and they're gone.
You shoot out of your bed and nab your phone from the nightstand, pressing 3, for Mark's speed dial number. After a few rings at a nail biting pace, he answers.
You lock your bedroom door and sit with your back to it.
"Someone's outside my apartment."
"What? You sure?"
"Of course I'm fucking sure! He was outside my window. Jesus, Mark, please get here."
"Alright alright, I'm on my way. Call the police too, just to be safe. Make sure your doors are locked."
"Okay. Mark?"
"Mark? Hurry. Please."
You hang up and clutch the phone to your chest. You debate sprinting to the kitchen for the knife but you can't move. The idea that you may not have locked your front door haunts the back of your mind.
Time is meaningless and empty as you sit. However long it's been, you hear a pounding on your front door. Your bones are solid concrete and don't allow you to move. Eventually, the banging stops.
Then, a face at your window. You scream.
It's a muffled sound for the glass but you know the voice isn't the one you fear. Mark's outside. You scramble up, throw open your bedroom door, and unlock the front door. Mark's hands find your shoulders as you hyperventilate.
"Oh my god, Mark."
You're crying. You're sobbing.
"You're alright. You're safe."
No, you were not alright or safe. He had been outside your window. He knows where you live.
A pained sound escapes you and you clutch onto Mark's jacket before falling into him. If you had your wits about you, embarrassment for relying on him so vulnerably would seize you. But instead he guides you inside, closing the door behind you, as you shake with your sobs. He sits you on the couch, then leaves, then returns with a glass of water. But you can't hold it without spilling it everywhere.
"What did he look like?"
What do you say?
"Um...I didn't see him."
Mark's hold on your forearm, barely perceptibly, tightens.
"At all?"
You shake your head and your eyes burn.
"I was just outside your window. With the lighting available and the surrounding area, it's almost impossible to have not seen him. So, what aren't you telling me?"
You very quickly realize how close you are to him, the way his body cages you against the couch. A man easily twice your size, a cop, with a gun, is towering over you.
You stand and shake out your hands. Mark watches you.
"How long until the cops get here?"
"Any minute. I made another call on the way here."
You slow, look at him.
"How'd you get here so fast?"
His eyes narrow at you.
"I was out on another call. What's your point?"
"Nothing." You shake your head again and hold your arms, pacing back and forth. He stands from the sofa. When he does, you flinch.
At this, he freezes.
He takes another step forward. You step back.
"Okay. I understand. But you're safe. You're okay."
You scowl. "I don't fucking feel okay. Right now I'm alone and vulnerable with a cop that I know doesn't play by the book."
"What happened to you wanting me here?"
"I don't know. What happened to you making me feel safe?"
"Feel has nothing to do with it. You're safe right now; I'm doing my job."
You're both still, and you dare not to breathe until you hear the sirens tearing down the street. Mark sighs out his nose and goes through the front door to greet the police. You sit on the couch. Your whole body feels cold.
He has a point. What did happen to that trust? Did it suddenly melt away?
But you know. Your trust has snapped. It was tenuous to begin with. That's not your fault. If he was really good at his job, he should've clocked it by now. You're a textbook case.
Other police come in to get your statements. Someone suggests that Hoffman stay the night, or that you get taken to a safe house, but you insist upon neither. You'd really hate to have a repeat of earlier, but you can't stand to leave right now, nor are you totally comfortable with Hoffman in the house with you. They all decide to have a couple officers post up outside for the remainder of the evening.
"Well," Hoffman huffs at the door. "Let me know if you need anything else. Though I doubt you will."
A small drip of guilt tugs at your gut but you wave it away. You're so tired.
"Right," you say, tapping on the doorframe.
"Just remember. I've done nothing but help you. And I don't appreciate you all but making accusations against me."
Danger pricks at the back of your neck. "You're not making a great care for yourself right now."
Mark inhales, stiffens, then relaxes as though he's made up his mind about something.
"Right. Well, get some sleep. Maybe close your curtains."
You slam the door behind him and lock it. You return to your room and cuddle up into bed, but despite your exhaustion, you can't sleep. And even though you can't think about Hoffman, you take his advice about the curtains. But you can't turn away from the window either. So you stare at the ceiling. Think about tomorrow. You know you'll be called into the station. You know you'll have to face Hoffman.
You can't quite get a read on him. Only hours ago were you having a genuine connection with him. He responded immediately to your call and came to your side. And yet...
He's an intense man; there's no denying it. But if you can't get a grip on it, you'll drown under its weight.
So is it him? Or is it your own mind betraying you? Sabotaging your connection with another man, even as an acquaintance?
Before you know it, the sun has come up. You get a shower and dress as normal. You eat breakfast. You take the call to the station as normal. You leave your apartment, heart sinking when Hoffman's car is absent, and you try to walk to the main road for a cab as normal. But nothing about this is normal because he's seen you and you've seen him.
And you're beginning to think you'll never have a normal day again.
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verosvault · 6 months
Fantasy High Junior Year Trailer Screenshots & Theories (pt. 4)
I kinda take back what I said about the Red Waste? Just because I see a pirate ship in 2 different scenes and I only know 1 NPC that has a pirate ship! 💀✋ You know EXACTLY who I'm talking about! 💀✋ Bill Seacaster!
I think this is Hell??? Maybe??? [EDIT! Some parts MIGHT be Hell! SOME MIGHT be The Red Waste!]
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Idk why but this looks like someone yeeted the biggest ball of bubble gum ever! 😂😭💀✋
Is that supposed to be a visual representation of what substance is used for Bill's cannonballs???
It looks like some kinda orange fist-looking thing is next to where it shot out from..idk what that is.
I also for the life of me cannot tell you what NPC is that or whatever figurine is next to it there..🥴🥲
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These boat scenes look like they were not having a great time traveling. 💀💀💀💀
They look like they legit had another dragon fight! (Probably Kalvaxus's cousin! 😂😂✋✋🤣🤣💀💀)
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Yeah...that looks like molten lava or lava pools or something! And someone is INSIDE the lava pool! 💀✋ This HAS to be hell! 💀✋ [EDIT! It MIGHT be a volcano IN THE RED WASTE!]
Idk why I got Red Waste? Maybe I've just always been wanting to see how the Red Waste looks like? 💀✋ [EDIT! I think this truly might be The Red Waste!! The rocky formations and the colors! It seems to be The Red Waste! Idk if Hell is somewhat involved here but...🤷‍♀️]
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I definitely think Hell looks different here than it did in my mind during sophomore year's full theater-of-the-mind stuff. 💀✋ I guess that makes sense though. :p People have different images of stuff for things. :p :3 [EDIT: It is most likely The Red Waste and NOT Hell! 💀🥲]
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This looks like Brennan is in front of figurines that look like devils???
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Why would they be fighting devils?
Are they fighting with devils? Against devils?
:((( Oh no... PLEASE tell me Fig and Gorthalax are still all right! ;(((( OH NO! 😭✋
What was Gorthalax hoping to do at the end of Sophomore Year? Didn't he say he was gonna do somethin'? 😭✋
Oh boyyyy....Now I'm ✨ W O R R I E D ✨🥲🥲😃😃 ...HELP! 😃✋
Maybe the boat scenes aren't related? Cause isn't Bill Seacaster's boat like...made of Kalvaxus? I mean...Idk...that boat doesn't look like a dragon boat to me? But maybe? [EDIT: Maybe Fabian gets his own pirate ship somehow???]
Maybe that's the irony with the fight in the dragon boat going against an actual dragon? Dragon vs. Dragon?
Idk...I feel like I'm spouting gibberish. 🥴
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notasapleasure · 5 months
WIP ask meme
@stripedroseandsketchpads tagged me in this. And oh my god. If you think there are Too Many Words in the fic I publish, you should see my poor notes app. Here is a sneak peek of its contents. I haven't edited for brevity/those I'm actively working on, these are just all the unfinished files I could find. Some I don't intend to do any more with, others I'd really like to pick up again. The only ones being actively worked on right now are the Andor Saga AU and the first one on the list for Andor.
I put ALL the Lymond I could find in mainly for @oughtaagh who has been leaving the most lovely comments on my Lymond fics that I have totally failed to respond to. I'm sorry! I will cycle back round to Lymond one day, it's inevitable <3
Tagging uh.... @distressednoise, @r0b0tb0y, @faceofpoe, @donnaimmaculata, @batri-jopa, @elwenyere, @notabuddhist and anyone else who wants to say I tagged them! Also sorry if you'd already been tagged, I'm not keeping up with the dash very well at the moment!
Anyway please send me asks/comments/cease and desist orders about these. xxx
C: We decided we were thirsty, and you wanted to go to Cavo's. As yet untitled Brassian alternative scene - what if instead of a great collaborative cover story this was a great collaborative fuck? Almost(?) finished?
Saga AU pt 2. This actually does have a working title of 'The Bear and the Berserk' but this doc is just a short bullet point list of plot things for a specific part of the fic.
Cassian pov. It's a Cassian pov chapter! For...drumroll...the first chapter of the Saga AU pt 2! The rest is going to be back to Brasso FPN. The file actually includes a rough first draft of chapter 2, as well.
"You're up early this morning," Bix says lightly. A follow-up chapter to Only Ever Just One Night started back when I had epic plans for continuing this, bringing in Cinta and Vel and Luthen, whumping the hell out of Brasso, and having Cassian rescue him. This is just one scene of awkward conversation with tea though.
Oh god it developed Plot. Related to the previous chapter - a bullet-pointed list of things that might have happened in this fic I Wil Not Write (not least as I'd rather just see what happens in S2 first anyway).
It was a sunny day in Batumi... Patchy few paragraphs of the next chapter of Inchoate.
Plannnnns (again). Plans for how Inchoate would/will continue.
Canon-verse/other AUs
Multiple pieces of follow-up to The next man with a ladder, Danny/Jerott post-canon: It was dark when they rode into the port town... [Chapter 3, basically done, plus most of Chapter 4 but it devolves into broken paragraphs at the end]. "I'm going to the other bed," Danny said in a voice like someone was standing on his throat... [??? there's loads of this written! This is the file where they Get Down To It] Stitch the scenes together [a few paragraphs in which I hoped to make a logical leap from Chapter 4 to fucking, but seemingly never quite got there].
Lymondar saga draft. Actually two files of the abortive first effort at writing a saga AU. I was trying much harder to write in saga style and playing with lacunae in a way that was fun for me but exceedingly nerdy. I think I found the idea more fun than the execution, too.
St Seb. Remember ages ago when I was writing a post-canon 'Jerott gets shot full of arrows and has to admit his feelings because he thinks he's gonna die' fic? This is the file! Some bullet points and some text, some of which I even posted as Sunday sixes way back when iirc.
Fait prosperer qui n'est à croire vain. Fuck me, there's LOADS of this. Pawn in Frankincense/Ringed Castle AU where Marthe steals Lymond's ride with Kiaya Khatun and persuades her they should take over Russia together. Meanwhile Francis is left with Jerott. Hahaha. It kept getting longer because Francis kept trying to escape and I kept finding ways to drag him back, but the 'and now kiss!!' with the two of them behaving in character was just not coming easily.
Francis Crawford's Holistic Inquisition Agency. I wrote this??? One chapter of a Lymond/Dirk Gently AU, where Francis is obviously Dirk and Jerott is a furious/bemused Todd.
She tried every instrument, she redrew every chart. A few short chapters, never finished, of Marthe wrestling with her role in canon and her fate as assigned by La Dame. A couple more paragraphs of a similar sort of thing in Volos.
Malta. Half-arsed few paragraphs of wondering how Jerott would cope with meeting a fellow Knight being imprisoned for sodomy.
Band AU (my 1980s rock band AU for the series, see also @theartistknownaslymond)
Au of an Au. What if, after the Battle of the Bands at Solway, Jerott went to stay at the Edinburgh townhouse for a while and he and Francis got to collaborating in the shed? There's quite a lot of this and it's quite fluffy.
Out out out! The band celebrate Thatcher's downfall. Happy epilogues for everyone! However it's an epic task trying to do all the characters justice, so I was trying to write it as vignettes to match each song on the playlist. Six-ish are written. And earlier draft with plan for characters intercting is in Ding dong the witch is dead.
Jerott/Marthe - four times it just about worked, one time it really didn't. What it says on the tin? aka you just know Jerott has said 'Francis' instead of Marthe at least once when he comes. Only the beginning of the first time exists in this chapter, but I think I explored the idea elsewhere, whenever I dig up that file...
DWTH missing scene. Jerott/OC missing scene from Don't wake the house. Not finished, probably not going to be finished. I think I have enough Jerott smut on the go.
Workshop. Patchy draft of pre-canon Jerott and GRM 'therapy' session in which GRM learns about Francis Crawford and what a hold he has on the boy he thought of as his own plaything. GRM doesn't like sharing.
F/P. Draft of a fluffy kiss prompt someone (@erinaceina? @notfromcold?) sent for Francis/Philippa. Post-canon pregnant Philippa and worried Francis written when it was too hot in summer. It's probably complete enough to post tbh! hmu if you want it posting.
Jerott behaving badly (again). Somehow this ended up in the 'comfortember' section of the notepad, which...no? Maybe it was intended to be originally, but it grew a life of its own. Post-canon, post split-up with the OC, pre-getting together with Danny. Joining the mile high club and regretting it, then ending up crashing at Joleta's (who he meets coincidentally at the airport, NOT who he's screwing in the airplane loo!!). It's meant to end up cathartic, but didn't get finished :') I'm actually really pleased with what I have - post-canon Joleta is so much fun to write!
Somewhere (Google Drive?? an actual Word doc??) there is also loads and loads and LOADS of Pawn in Frankincense band AU around Baron Morgan's place (the Aga Morat), featuring fucked-up Francis/Morgan, fucked up Marthe/Kiaya, fucked up Francis/Kiaya, and bewildered cold turkey Jerott. There's also some Jerott/Marthe from later on.
Crossover. A sequel to my ATWD fic I will shake mountains, where Merab and Irakli encounter celebrity diners in the restaurant they work in: respected musician Francis Crawford and friends take the boys for a drink and share queer/artistic inspiration/history with them. There's quite a lot written but I couldn't quite manage to finish it off.
St Mary's. Another ATWD/Lymond crossover, placing Merab and Irakli among the mercenaries of St Mary's. Mostly bullet points.
3m. Furious that there was no fic for the film Three Months I decided to jot down a scene I wanted to see afterwards. I wrote four lines and cannot remember what my plan was at all.
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hoperays-song · 11 months
Sing 1 Commentary and Review Pt. 4
Welcome back to the madness loves!!! Also, I tried to tone down the commentary so I get further in the movie this time. Is this an elaborate plan to distract me from my fic being with my beta reader? Yes! Am I using it for content? Also yes! Enjoy!
I'm gonna try to get through the rest of the movie in this one (I likely will not but will try)! - <3 Gooseless
Ps. TW for brief mentions of death and drowning as I do talk a bit about the theatre flood.
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Ok, I get this paper is calling Marcus a gang leader but his gang consists of his honorary brothers and his son... that's not a gang that's a family hangout. Also, unless the time between movies was a minimum five years, they didn't get charged at a gang so... yeah, that's really not a gang. It's a group! Not a gang.
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Everyone take a moment and appreciate my eldest son. Hobbs, I love you. You deserve a raise.
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I'm sure that this stage made of window panes is very stable. So stable, so structurally strong.
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Mike looks like a squeaky toy here. Also, if Marcus's gang was actually a gang, you would think the bears would clock that their rival (or at least neighboring) gang's leader's kid is in the bloody room with them... on their territory.
Mike puntable moments counter: 30 (He nearly got everyone killed, this is fair)
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You know Johnny... that super speed of yours from earlier would probably come in handy right about now. Just saying.
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Eddie's definitely winning grandson of the year award for legit saving his grandmother's life right here by pushing her back when the balcony collapses.
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The fact that they all survive this is amazing. Seriously, if Johnny wasn't here, they would have all literally died.
Also, I can't imagine this from the squids perspective. You all can breathe underwater and are now unable to help them people who are actively drowning. That's horror movie shit.
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Johnny, I love you. The manners that are engrained into this boy I swear. He nearly just died and is now helping people up and checking that they're ok. He is the sweetest kid omg.
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And again here! He's pushing Ash behind him to stop her from getting hit by debris while also moving towards Mrs. Crawly to do the same. This kid man, Marcus raised him right.
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Mother and son. Just look at them. Mother and son.
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What's really concerning her is that they live in an apartment building... did no one, not one single neighbor, call the fire department all day???
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Ok now they're both sad and I'm even sadder.
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Lance puntable moments counter: 30 (the music makes the anger stronger here)
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Buster looks like me every morning at 6 am getting ready for classes here.
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The 'Buster Stop Moping Brigade' has arrived!!!
Also, there's no way Rosita didn't check in on Johnny after the "I lost any chance of ever speaking to my dad again" line.
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That is definitely Eddie's Uni shirt. It's huge on Buster.
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Eddie also owns a skateboard and I do not believe he's ever ridden it once in his life. He definitely nearly gets dragged into a skating conversation with Johnny the first time the teen sees it but has no clue what he's talking about.
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This random drawing in Rosita's house looks like her alien costume in Sing 2 btw.
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Also, the whole rebuilding the stage scene is just adorable. Everyone's so happy and smiling and it's the first real moments we see them all act as troupe and it's just so sweet.
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Oh great, the mouse is back.
Mike puntable moments counter: 32
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Mrs. Crawly, ✨marketing mastermind✨.
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Wait a second? Is this Mizuki? Ok new headcanon, this is Mizuki. She fell in love with the theatre when she say their first show so she applied as an intern.
I did not finish this in four parts (I am... so sorry) but the next one will be the last!!
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tamanone · 2 months
for fic writer ask please do 4 5 8 11 17 19 25 30 🫶
fic asks pt 2:
4.) a story idea you haven’t written yet
oh my god i want to write a canon divergence au about youji/tiffone... where she survived and moved to japan and they started dating... they were so good together in the theatre of pain drama cd god i need them to fuck!!! i need them to be the hottest couple in 1990s tokyo!!!
5.) first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
from the high school au sktk wip:
Zura and Gintoki take one look at the note and proceed to show him one of the worst acting he’s ever seen in his life, with Zura sweating bullets and Gintoki barely able to hold in his laugh, and neither are meeting his eyes.
8.) if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
saudade. i've toyed with the idea before, lmao. it's from takasugi's pov, and opens with him freaking out the next morning bc his memory of the dinner was hazy. and then i think the culmination will be sktk having sex but takasugi is pretending to be aloof about it. like he wants to make a point that they're physically intimate but not emotionally. basically just him being petty.
...and yeah you know it's never gonna be written bc it's smutty and i can't write smut
11.) a WIP you’d like to finish someday
(looks away in shame) disposition alone..........
17.) talk about your writing and editing process
my writing process is very disorganized lmaooo. i don't do outlines, i mostly just try to keep track of what scenes i want to be in it and write whichever section my brain feels like writing. eventually once the core scenes are written down i do the scenes that connects them with one another.
i also don't do first draft second draft etc. what's already written IS what's gonna be posted, i just give it a few read to try and catch any typos. at most i'll rework a line because i feel like it's too clunky or doesn't fit the character voice enough.
19.) the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
probably researching the kochi prefecture to write aqua terrarium. i'm now enamored with this place that i've never even been to. the watatsumi shrine at the katsurahama beach lives in my mind rent free.
25.) besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
unfortunately all my other hobbies are media consumption. i just watch anime & read mangas all day.........
30.) share a fic you’re especially proud of
to live with yourself!! like my character voice for nie mingjue... capturing the dynamic of the nie brothers... the ambiguous ending... oh she's my favorite child lowkey lmaooo
and of course this scene:
“It would be so easy for you to kill me right now.” “I’m not going to kill you.” “Because I’m no longer a threat to your pursuit of power?”
like i can't believe i wrote that!! she truly is that bitch
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marmotsomsierost · 3 months
I blame (affectionately) the binge-reread i recently did of seanan mcguire's october daye series for the solid 90 minutes of having Sonnet 130 rebounding around in my head at work.
To set the scene:
Pt arrives, gets put in room A. Wound starts bleeding again, doc pitches fit about pt being in wrong room for lac care, we play patient shell game, get pt into room B with poseable lighting. I get pt on monitor, start to head back up to triage. Doc exits pt room, demands nurse assigned to that room, charge nurse points at me and goes 'we have a tech, take M.' Doc tells me to go hold pressure and maybe irrigate. The next 90 min went like this:
1) i went through about a billion sterile 4x4s while i held pressure on the really leaky scalp lac,
2) avoided becoming even more Toby-like by leaning over to grab the second hemostat the doctor requested before the doctor moved his finger slightly, at which point we discovered it was an extra leaky scalp lac because it was an arterial scalp lac...by a tiny blorp-stream of blood firing past exactly where my face had been literal milliseconds prior
2a) absolute silence for a beat. We look at floor. Doc looks at me. I look at myself. We look at pt. Doc: "well. That was lucky." Patient: "oh it's not that bad then?" Doc: "... you should be at a trauma center, and this isn't one." Patient: "um. But you said you just were gonna put in staples?" Doc: "i can't close an artery with staples." Patient: "...o...kay... Can i move? My shoulder is killing me." Doc and me immediately: "NO DON'T MOVE"
3) alternated between holding more pressure (while the doc stuck his head out and said he was going to be in there awhile and also maybe start transfer process and also (unprintable commentary on the medic team)) and blotting while he fished around trying to find the ittybitty artery and suture it shut with the normal suture kit
3a) this does not go well
3b) 'i'll hold this. What is the biggest vicryl in that drawer? 3? Bring it to the tray. Hold that again. No, wait, get rid of all this and get a new chux so i can see what the hell I'm doing'
4) watched the doc use the single largest fucking suture needle i have ever seen in my life to try and find and close said ittybitty artery
4a) seriously that thing was a fucking upholstery needle.
4) thought to myself 'damn it looks like the doc is using fuckin' wire'
4a) 'if hair be wires, black wires grow on her head'
4b) ...
4c) oh no, blood and shakespeare, i've definitely been reading too much Toby
0 notes
chanfictions · 3 years
Sex with Kisame/fem! reader hehehe. Sex in its normal form and when fused with Samehada, his monstroform. Two extending inhuman penises!
I completely blame (and thank) @mytanuki-kun for this episode's content 👾 🦈. Also, uh, this ask. Yeah. It's part of Count now. I know it wasn't supposed to be buuuuuut I do what I want. I don't know if this should have been a special episode, but meh -- it is what it is. I've been teasing about this episode's special guest... and welp, here he is! For my Kakuzu x !masochistReader x Hidan fans/shippers, don't worry -- just read through until the end.
More credit to Tanuki for this headcanon of Kisame (seriously, go read her Baby series because oh gods is that pure fucking gold). Our DMs are either cursed or magical. You decide which 🙈 I'm gonna just drop this and run. Enjoy!
Count - Pt. 6
Kisame x Reader, Kakuzu x Reader
18+ Content! Minors, DNI!
Warnings: bondage, D/s dynamics, masochism, pain play, fingering, brat taming, monster dicks, knotting, size kink, bulges, overstimulation-ish, some mentions of blood, alcohol, creative use of Samehada, smut, smut, smut.
Part 1 - Bonus Scene - Part 2 - Special Episode: Red - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Special Episode: Nightmares - Part 6 - Part 7 - Special Episode: Sick Day - Part 8 - Special Episode: Nightmares Pt. 2
Sitting at the table in the base's shared kitchen, you drummed your fingertips absentmindedly next to where your cheek was squished flat upon its surface. The day had drifted at a slow crawl in a strange, dreamy haze, and you were bored out of your mind. Bored, intolerably antsy, and hellishly pent up to be exact. Your feet fidgeted beneath you with minds of their own, tangling themselves around the legs of your chair as you watched Kisame's silhouette move about the kitchen as he rummaged for something to eat with Samehada still slung across his back. Though, it would be more accurate to say you were staring. Your mind was going to dubious places as your hungry eyes fixated upon the rippling, steel cables of muscle that strained his skin with every movement of his beefy arms, imagining how hard they might be able to swing a strap of leather. An airy sigh breezed past your lips as you remained so focused on him and entrenched in your dream world that you hardly noticed the movement occurring around you.
Kisame turned, eyebrow cocked upon hearing that wispy little sound, curiously eyeing your melted form that was ogling him like a starving dog. "You good?" The depth of his raspy voice didn't help with your little problem, leaving you shifting in place with a huff and a growl, coaxing the straw of your drink into your mouth with your tongue, lazily maneuvering it to avoid lifting your head.
"She's just sulking." Kakuzu's gruff, mocking tone hummed from behind you.
"Am not," you muttered around the straw between your teeth.
"And apparently so desperate for a beating since Hidan's been away that she's sizing you up," Kakuzu snickered to Kisame from behind his mask, now standing beside him with arms crossed over his chest in full view of your face as it twisted in annoyance. "Can't even go two weeks without it now."
"Shut up, Kakuzu," you snapped.
"Desperate, needy little masochist," he sneered tauntingly.
"Says the horny old yarn ball who plants whiskey traps to find any excuse to fuck my lights out," you retorted sharply.
Kisame barked with laughter, turning completely to face the spot where you were definitely not pouting. "Oh, someone's mouthy today," he teased with a crooked smirk.
"Bite me," you snarled defensively, eyes narrowing into a smoldering glare as you contemplated playing with fire.
The amused, mocking laughter continued to hum between the two men, rolling into a low warning that was delivered upon a wicked, toothy smile from Kisame as the sentient sword chittered softly on his back. "Careful, darlin'."
With a cheeky snort, you shifted up onto an elbow, sliding your drink in front of you as you chewed on the straw. "Or what?"
"You might get what you wish for," Kisame grinned.
"She'd like that," Kakuzu grunted. "Maybe I should let you teach her some manners."
A twisted smirk pulled at your lips as you tongued your teeth and eyed the pair leaning against the counter with lecherous thoughts cranking the gears in your head. With a bubble of deviance swelling in your chest as you twirled your straw with your tongue, you decided to poke the bear. "What, can't handle me without Hidan now, old man? Gotta call in the cavalry?"
Kakuzu's eyes darkened, boiling over with the same vicious haze that always overtook them when you got into one of these saucy moods as he stepped toward you, casting an ominous shadow over your face as he loomed down from above. "I think it's time to try something different with you," he gruffed in a low, gravelly sneer.
"I think you're all out of ideas," you stared up at him challengingly, that haughty smile still playing at your lips. "And you're so desperate that you think the threat of involving Kisame is going to make me come undone."
"You have quite the little monster on your hands, Kakuzu," Kisame rumbled with amusement.
Eyes aglow with a bratty mean streak, you took another long sip of your drink, still locked in your staring contest with Kakuzu. "You're going senile if you think Kisame can hit me hard enough to make me crack after the bloody mess I made with Hidan last time."
Raspy laughter rolled from Kisame's chest. "Are you out of your mind? I'd snap you like a twig."
You just giggled, never breaking eye contact with Kakuzu. "Sounds like fun." You were definitely playing with fire. Now, you just needed to figure out which buttons of Kisame's you needed to push to rile him up.
With a fresh hunger blazing in his eyes, a deep hum rumbled in Kisame's throat as he barked an order. "Come here."
"Make me."
With a gruff snarl, Kakuzu snatched you by the throat, fingers digging harshly into your skin as he dragged you out of your chair onto your feet. "You need to be reminded that you aren't as difficult to break as you pretend to be, girl. You seem to have forgotten that you came crawling to my bed after the last time because you had nightmares," he growled a cruel taunt in your ear, a smirk pulling at his stitched mouth as he made brief eye contact with Kisame.
Your cheeks burned with a mix of lust and embarrassment as Kakuzu's grip on your throat tightened. A needy heat throbbed between your legs that was swiftly becoming difficult to ignore. With your eyes now following Kisame's movements, a twisted smile crossed your lips as you tongued your teeth again, gaze flicking between the pair. "Try me."
"Oh?" Kisame hummed curiously, casually approaching where Kakuzu stood with you pinned with your back to his chest.
Eyeing Kisame up and down like a slab of meat at a supermarket, a heat burned and coiled in your core, rolling a low, hungry hum from your chest and causing you to fidget in Kakuzu's grasp, wagging your ass against him teasingly as you gasped around the constriction at your throat. Pinned between the two towering men, your heart beat with a wild excitement as you locked eyes with the subject of your new game. Tingling pulses of heat ripped through your body. The anticipation was already driving you mad, as you were fully aware of just how strong Kisame was. He wasn't known as the "Tailed Beast Without A Tail" for nothing -- and that impending danger just filled you with an insatiable need to figure out what all of his buttons were and push them. Repeatedly.
Kisame leered at you curiously as you taunted him with your stare, glancing at Kakuzu briefly before returning his attention to you. This should be interesting. "You want me to break you, that it?" Tilting your face up with a hand gripping you by the cheeks, he leaned down until he was eye level with you with a wicked, toothy grin stretched across his face.
That bubble of delicious defiance swelled in your chest as Kisame loomed over you while you were still pinned to Kakuzu by your throat, your pulse thrumming rapidly beneath his rough fingertips. Licking your lips and wearing your most mischievous expression, you locked eyes with him and issued your challenge. "Like I said… try me."
"You're going to have to do better than that," he hummed teasingly, squishing your cheeks in the grip of his hand. "What's the magic word, princess?"
With a devious smirk and a gasping giggle, you wrenched your face out of his grip and rasped out the taunt that you knew was about to get you into a world of trouble. "Bite me, fish-boy."
The swordsman roared in your face with laughter, finding your foolish boldness to be almost endearing as took you from Kakuzu's grip and hauled you over his shoulder with a playful smack to the back of your thighs, resulting in you erupting into giddy cackles that deafened you to the pair's conversation as to how exactly they were going to deal with you as they walked down the hall toward Kakuzu's room with you slung over Kisame's shoulder like a carnival prize.
The mood shifted markedly once you were behind Kakuzu's closed door, though, and the lengths of rope came out. Your heart hammered its way into your mouth as you stood pinned between the hungry pair beneath the hook in the ceiling that was the epicenter of most of your shenanigans. Heat twisted and knotted in your core as something predatory washed over Kisame's unusual features and his impressively large hand gripped your chin. A dark fire smoldered in those monstrous eyes as he studied you while Kakuzu strung you up like a piñata for him. The hands moving over your body had you shuddering with need and left a mouthful of taunts rolling impatiently upon your tongue as they peeled off your clothes. A content sigh breezed through your teeth when the rope tightened around your wrists, drawing your bare feet up away from the ground with the new height you were being granted. "Well, big guy? Gonna show me if those teeth are just for show, or what?"
"You're playing a dangerous game," he growled in your face, baring those pointed teeth, not having to lean down much now that you were swinging idly from the ceiling. "Even if you are a masochist, you have a breaking point," Kisame hummed as his hot breath fanned your neck.
"Mm… good luck with that. Hidan always gives in before I do," you purred back, snapping your teeth next to Kisame's ear as you curled your legs around his waist to pull yourself closer to him, undoubtedly stoking the flames of arousal as you felt him twitch hard beneath the fabric of his pants against your naked cunt.
Kisame's massive hands roughly groped your ass as those pointed teeth scraped across the skin just below your jawline leaving neat red lines in their wake as you gasped and moaned in response. His raspy voice buzzed in a low, dangerous growl into your ear. "Hate to break it to you, darlin', but I'm a hell of a lot stronger than Hidan is."
Eyes blazing with an untamed lust, you just giggled at him, dropping your head back to taunt the ceiling with your quiet laughter as you untangled your legs from him and poked his solid abs with your foot to send yourself into a slow spin. "Prove it."
"I told you the little brat loves this shit," Kakuzu grunted as he moved from his spot to rifle through his cabinet to pour himself a glass of whiskey, settling himself onto the couch to watch with a twisted smirk hidden under his mask. Lips curled into a snarl, Kisame eyed Kakuzu before stepping away from your mocking pirouette to snatch a thick leather strap from Kakuzu's collection of items that had been set out for the occasion.
"Oooh, I like that one," you grinned giddily, tonguing your teeth as you eyed the leather swinging from the end of his muscular arm. "Come on, big boy. Hit me." The thunderous crack made by that strap as Kisame swung it with an inhuman amount of strength almost caught you off guard and left your eyes watering and rolling back into your head in delight as the heavy impact that followed ripped a dark, raised welt across your ass. The pain was delicious, and you needed more. A content groan hissed through your teeth that was tailed by a happy giggle as the motion turned you to face Kisame with that taunting smile still playing at your lips until you feigned a pout. "Come on, Kisame… hit me like you mean it."
Heat simmered under your skin as Kisame eyed you intensely with Samehada chirping and chittering excitedly on his back. "Oh, so that's the game we're playing," he murmured to himself.
"Ki-sa-meee--" you sang as you spun until the next heavy crack that followed knocked the wind out of you as the leather strap wrapped around your ribs, snaking a bruise around your torso that left you rasping psychotic laughter into the sky, drunk on the wicked ache that tore through your body.
"That what you wanted?" Kisame snarled back as he struck you again in a slow, heavy rhythm that was so different from the chaotic fury you were accustomed to, yet so, so delicious in its own way. Kisame, meanwhile, was quietly impressed that you were still begging for more.
You found your voice again between the strikes that sent you swaying like windchimes in a storm and painted you with stripes of white-hot bruises, choking out your next taunt as the leather that wound around your inner thigh left you shuddering and teetering on the edge of madness. "Harder." Sweat began prickling and glistening upon your skin as the inferno building in your core swelled and raged. You were soaked. Slick glistened and coated the insides of your thighs as you goaded Kisame into another set of strikes.
Kakuzu hummed with dark rolls of laughter in the background as he removed his mask to enjoy a sip of burning liquid amber from the glass in his hand. Not being the subject of your little game and watching from the sidelines was entertaining to say the least, but he couldn't just observe for long -- not when you were succeeding in twisting Kisame into giving you exactly what you wanted with your bratty antics. "I told you, pain just makes the little slut wet." Setting his glass aside, Kakuzu rose from his comfortable perch and strode over to where you swung, eyes smoldering as he approached.
Heart pounding in your ears, you gasped excitedly as a familiar set of strong hands groped your throbbing bruises before arms snaked around your body from behind. One rough hand curled around your neck and the other teased your needy pussy for a moment with a low growl rumbling through your entire being. You swallowed hard in an effort to maintain your little mask of defiance, arching into the rough hand teasing your clit and moaning when he abruptly sunk two thick fingers into your throbbing heat. "I mean… I think we've established that I'm a ma--haaah-sochist."
"That's just a side effect of your little party trick, though, isn't it?" Kisame cooed, his expression now seeming more sinister as he spoke with a frighteningly knowing tone.
"Pa--haaah--rty t-trick?" You faltered as you fought to maintain your resolve, distracted by the delicious sensation of Kakuzu's fingers curling against your silky walls before they suddenly left you achingly empty. "You're going to call the blood trait that has kept your partner alive all this time a party trick?"
Kisame chuckled as he flashed you a wicked, toothy grin and he reached over his shoulder to grip Samehada's handle to still the wriggling sword. "No, that isn't. But the seemingly inhuman pain tolerance you gain from that chakra in your blood is. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"
Time abruptly stopped as your eyes darted to meet Kisame's, the bratty air of confidence rapidly draining from your body as your heart fluttered into your mouth. "W-what?"
"I can sense all of that, and so can Samehada," Kisame rumbled as he gripped your flaming face, now seeming much more serious. His grin only widened at the heat blazing under his fingertips. "Kakuzu knows all about the heat that your people put off when they heal, but he isn't aware of what else you can do with that chakra of yours, at least if you get the balance just right. That's your real party trick," he murmured wickedly in your ear. "I wonder, how does it feel when that chakra is taken away from you?"
Oh, fuck. This was decidedly not part of your game plan and twisted your insides into anxious knots.
"Oh, did Kisame strike a nerve?" Kakuzu goaded as his calloused palm slid roughly over your stomach as your body stiffened. "No snide little comebacks this time?"
Your face said it all, as both men hummed around you with amusement. Kakuzu's hand around your throat tightened and held you firmly against his thick chest as Kisame stared directly at you with an animalistic glint in his eye, releasing your face as he drew a very restless Samehada from his back. A nervous whine rattled in your throat as you wriggled in Kakuzu's grasp, eyes widening as the sword chittered and lunged at you.
"Hold still, darlin'," Kisame cooed. "I don't want to completely cut you to ribbons just yet."
"K-kakuzu--" you stammered pleadingly to whom you hoped would be the more reasonable of the two. Your heart pounded wildly and you were rapidly losing your grip on your breathing as you twisted in his grasp as fear bubbled and knotted in your chest.
"Don't. Move," Kakuzu ordered in a low growl. While he knew you had mixed feelings about knifeplay to begin with and had to be in the right frame of mind for it, Samehada hardly counted as a knife, and he reminded you of that quietly. "It isn't really a blade."
Kisame chuckled darkly as he closed the gap, stepping toward you and cupping your face soothingly with a large palm while angling the sword away from you for a moment. "She's cute when she's scared," he hummed with a cruel smile, taking in the sight of your coming undone as the sentient thing crawled over his shoulder and nuzzled itself into your torso like a needy dog. Spines emerging from the bandages reached out and tasted your flesh, drinking your chakra and drawing gashes in their wake. "Calm down, Samehada just wants a little taste," he crooned when you twisted fearfully, brushing his thumb across your trembling cheek, locking on to your wide, frightened eyes. "Be a good girl and stay still for me so it doesn't get too excited and rip you to shreds."
Your thoughts began to hum and swirl with hazy fog. The fight was slowly draining from your limbs, leaving you feeling heavy, weak, and unsettlingly cold as your body heat seemed to be vanishing along with your chakra. Your skin throbbed with a new, foreign ache clinging to your fresh bruises and gashes that your spinning brain couldn't quite fathom. Dizzy, confused, and now sinking with a growing sense of impending danger, you whimpered nervously and tried to shift in your bindings, only for the sentient blade to hiss and nestle itself more tightly into you.
"Relax," Kakuzu rumbled in your ear as the world around you stopped making sense. His presence and firm hold on your body were the only things keeping you grounded enough to not completely panic with that thing tearing into your skin. "That's enough, Kisame. She's going to pass out if you take any more."
Kisame's pupils were blown as he tightened his grip on the sword's handle and peeled it away from your trembling body despite its chittering protests, admiring the deep red lines and trails of trickling blood that now painted your skin. Intoxicated by the rush of your strange chakra and swept up in the bloodlust that came with handling that sword, thick arousal washed over his senses.
"Feel… everything," you mumbled, your face falling into Kisame's hand as your body hung limply from the ropes around your wrists.
"That's different, isn't it?" He mused with a predatory glint returning to his eye, noticing the shift in your reactions to pain when he dug his fingers into a particularly dark bruise.
You grimaced and mumbled an unintelligible confirmation with a weak nod.
"You aren't so mouthy without that chakra to rely on," Kisame grinned, turning your head and grazing your neck with sharp teeth, eliciting a sharp gasp from you. "I don't know if she can handle another strike from that strap like this. What do you think, Kakuzu?"
"I think she'll tap out after two," Kakuzu growled the challenge in your ear, running a rough palm up your side. He was surprised when you shook your head, breathing heavily as your weakened body shuddered when his hand passed over the welts Kisame made.
"Can't," you mumbled, struggling to string your thoughts together.
"Aw, poor thing," Kisame cooed, thumbing your cheek. "Maybe we should be nice and take you down from that rope."
"I like her all tied up with nowhere to run," Kakuzu gruffed with a wicked smirk. "You had fun the last time Hidan and I fucked you like this," he growled in your ear, running his palms over your thighs.
With a whimpering whine, you eyed the equally impressive bulge straining Kisame's pants and recalled a playful threat Kakuzu made the last time you were in his bed. "Won't fit."
Kisame rumbled with raspy laughter. "We'll go easy on you this time," he teased, brushing his thumb over your lip, relishing the blissed out look that washed over your face as Kakuzu slipped two fingers into your aching core again, sending your eyes rolling back into your head.
You were rapidly losing your tenuous grip on reality as the arms around you shifted confusingly and you lost track of whose hands were where. Deep rasps and low, gravelly voices swirled around your head, offering a confounding combination of taunts and praises as thick fingers stretched and filled your needy little pussy while others pressed and kneaded your throbbing bruises. Sharp teeth flashed across your neck. The heat of their bodies pressing against yours consumed you. You heard yourself moan and whimper into whichever shoulder was currently in front of you, as you no longer had the strength to hold your head up. Lust knotted and twisted in your belly, leaving your walls fluttering and you begging for release. The combination of newly painful bruises and near orgasmic bliss was making it impossible to find words.
"So close already?" Kisame hummed as he gripped your chin in one hand to see the pathetic look on your face as you bit back a moan.
"Please, fuck me," you mewled between gasps, not sure who to beg as they both seemed to play an equal part in tormenting you.
The thick need swirling in your tone was intoxicating and only further stirred the animalistic instincts screaming in his head. "I'm really going to end up hurting her if we don't take her down for this," Kisame hissed through gritted teeth as his pants grew uncomfortably tight.
With a knowing sound of agreement, Kakuzu slipped his fingers from your core, leaving you whimpering and fluttering around nothing as Kisame picked you up by the backs of your thighs to take a bit of weight off of your numb hands so Kakuzu had the slack needed to unclip them from the ring above your head. "Are you going to be a good girl for Kisame?" He growled lowly, his voice rumbling through his chest and into your back.
"Yes, sir," you breathed. Those two little words made Kakuzu's arousal twitch against your ass as he freed your hands and draped your tingling arms around his partner's shoulders.
A low, raspy groan hummed in Kisame's chest as your cunt brushed against his clothed bulge. "I should warn you, men from my clan are a little… different," Kisame grunted as his hot breath fanned your neck. He struggled to resist the urge to sink his teeth into your flesh again when another little whimper crackled in your throat as his fingers dug into the welts on your thighs.
"She's not going to care about that, trust me," Kakuzu gruffed as he pressed your head down against Kisame's shoulder before stepping away and grabbing a large towel, which he threw down over his bed to avoid smearing your blood all over his sheets.
Your head was spinning as you melted against Kisame's warmth. "Don't care," you echoed in a soft mumble. The needy throb that pulsed through your core left you using what bit of energy you had left to roll your hips against Kisame's tenuously contained package, eliciting a warning growl that breezed past your ear on his hot breath. "Ki-sa-me." His name left your lips in slow, airy syllables as you nuzzled your face into his neck.
Hearing those three little sounds only made urgent matters more pressing. Kisame groaned low and deep as he set you down on your back on the towel Kakuzu laid out, caging you in under his looming form and admiring the absolute wreck he had made of you. A large palm smoothed over your bruised, broken skin, leaving sticky smears of blood in its wake from wounds that hadn't closed. The sight of you was intoxicating enough, let alone the smell. The rich scent of blood mixed with your unusual chakra left Kisame bristling with a hunger that could only be satisfied by completely possessing you. That raspy voice rumbled through your head as he tapped your cheek to get your attention. "You good?"
With soft, rattling moan escaping your parted lips as his hand played over your bruises, you nodded and hooked your fingers into the waistband of his pants with a great deal of effort to move your arm that far, giving it a needy tug as your lidded gaze shifted up to meet his. "Please--"
"Fuck," Kisame groaned, slipping the subjects of his warnings free of their confines as he discarded his pants.
Your eyes widened with confused excitement as not one, but two meaty cocks sprang free from their cloth prison and fell heavily against your belly, smearing hot beads of precum against your skin. "How…"
"Told you, we're different," Kisame growled, unable to contain himself now, fisting the first meaty length and sinking it slowly into your fluttering core as it flooded you with hot gobs of cum.
You yelped, your breath catching in your throat as you squirmed under him, eyes rolling back as the strange sensations began warping your already confused perceptions of pain and pleasure. The ache tearing through your body left by Samehada's love bites began pulsing in the most delicious way -- the lingering pain morphing into something completely mind-meltingly different. "Kisa--" You clawed at his chest, your back rolling into a wicked arch as the substance filled your tight cunt and sent the rest of your senses haywire.
"I know," he murmured, your breathy panting and the pulsing grip of your tight little hole making it difficult to concentrate as he rutted his first cock into you, pressing a heavy palm against your stomach to keep you on the bed.
A throaty moan rolled from your chest as you heaved and panted, the mounting sensations bordering on madness. The ache in your bones had entirely melted and given way to an undefinable, needy arousal that made you want to crawl into a nest made of Kisame and disappear. "Kisame--" you mewled and stammered more urgently, struggling to overcome the fatigue of your chakra-drained limbs to coil yourself around him like a python. "Need it, both -- need both--"
Kakuzu's low laughter rumbled from the other side of the room, amused at the state you had been reduced to as he retrieved his glass of whiskey and found himself a good seat to enjoy the view, palming himself through his pants after settling into his spot. "Told you she'd like it."
"Shoulda taken you up on this sooner," Kisame grunted, pressing the second engorged head against the girth of the first, straining to keep control of himself as it slowly made room, parting your walls further and completely stuffing your tight cunt.
"Fuu--haaa--huull, so good -- Kisame--," you squeaked, drunk on the confusing sensations smoldering under your skin and clawing at his arms desperately as his second cock sunk further into you. "T-too--"
"Shh," he rumbled, settling between your trembling legs and petting your sweaty hair out of your face in an effort to ground you as you whimpered and gasped beneath him in your struggle to adjust to the overwhelming feeling of fullness that was now the center of your existence. Suppressing the urge to pin your legs to your chest and rail you into the next life was growing incredibly difficult as the grip of your fluttering walls on his meaty cocks was driving him insane. "Look at me, darlin'."
The rasp of his voice struck you differently now, as your entire being was flooded and overtaken by the essence that was plugged into you by those thick cocks. The world melted into a strange, dreamy haze, making you forget where you even were. A large palm cradling your face directed your attention to the source of the sound, but the only response you could offer was a lusty moan that vaguely resembled the word 'please' and a roll of your hips that sent shockwaves of pleasure tearing through your body.
"Good girl," he murmured, finally feeling you relax enough to be able to move. With a low growl when you clenched around him, he closed one massive hand around your throat, digging his fingers into the soft flesh of your neck as he roughly rutted both cocks into your strained little pussy, relishing every gasp and cry that struggled to make its way past your lips.
"Kisa--fuck, s-so--" You stuttered and hiccupped, twisting in his grip and crying out at the ceiling as the tight knot of heat in your core swelled and finally burst. Stars erupted across your vision as the wave of pleasure ripping through your body stole the air from your lungs. Your heels dug weakly against the bed as you fumbled for anything to hang on to as your walls tightened and pulsed around the impossible girth filling you.
Instinct began overriding reason as the sight and sound of you drove Kisame to the brink. A clattering chirp briefly caught his attention between the loud, wet slaps of skin as he now noticed Samehada had skittered its way over to him as he fucked the sense out of you, swelling and gnashing its scales excitedly as the thick cloud of your chakra consumed them both. "It wants another taste," he gruffed into your neck with another snap of his hips.
The presence went unnoticed to you until Kisame's voice filled your head. Struggling to make sense of what he was saying, you shook your head, biting your lip and whining as each thrust drove you deeper into blissful outer space. "Can't--"
"Not like before," he growled lowly, raking his teeth against your neck to draw another loud moan from you as a distraction. "Trust me?"
Not even thinking, you just cried his name again, consumed by the delightful pang left behind from his teeth piercing your flesh as another blinding orgasm washed over you and took with it any ability to reason. "Y-yes!" Without another word, Kisame released your throat and grasped Samehada's handle. You yelped, as the transformation that began was immediately apparent.
His size. All of his size.
The bed shifted and groaned under his increasing weight as he began taking on a more predatory appearance. Teeth sharpened and eyes gained a more vicious glare as fins erupted from his back. His large hands morphed into claws and the already monstrous cocks nestled in your tight cunt swelled and grew just the same, leaving you a gasping, pleading mess under him as another orgasm ripped through your body from the stretch alone as he fucked you through the growth. Thanks to the dizzying substance he flooded you with at the start, his cartoonishly massive size wasn't painful, but the sensation was so overpowering that you couldn't think straight as the creature you knew as Kisame loomed above you, taking a heavy, clawed hand and pressing against the now prominent bulge in your belly with a toothy grin stretched across its face. The intoxicating aura that engulfed you sent the rest of the room fizzling away as those massive, meaty cocks were repeatedly thrust into your wrecked pussy. Your skin pulsed and throbbed with every motion. A strange warmth had replaced your perception of pain, sending you flying off into a new realm of reality, far out of your head. The orgasms crushed you in increasingly intense waves that now left you sobbing into the monster's nearest shoulder with each release.
Kisame grunted, pinning your knees to your chest to reach a new depth to satisfy the raging instinct to completely fill you, mumbling a low apology as the knot at the base of his cocks began swelling inside your already stuffed little hole. He slowed the deep ruts of his hips, feeling the rapid approach of his own release.
"Kisa--aaaaah--me," you cried, trying to squirm away from him as the feeling became more than you could tolerate. So full and hot, your brain completely malfunctioned.
"Fuck," he grunted through his teeth, unable to cease the motion as he finally unleashed a low, rumbling snarl that shook your entire being as your ruined pussy milked him dry.
Filled to the brim with heat and unable to shift the intensity of the absolute fullness of your stretched and overstuffed cunt, you sobbed with a mix of relief and fatigue, your body trembling as Kisame slowly untangled your legs. "C-can't, Kisame -- s'too much," you choked out through raspy sobs.
"Shh. I'm sorry, darlin'," he crooned, cradling your face carefully in a massive, webbed hand, heart still pounding as he kept you pinned to the bed despite your weak struggling. "I know. Just give it a minute."
Your head spun under the influence of a drained chakra reserve and the intoxicating pheromones that must have been the source of the shift in your perceptions, leaving you struggling to piece things together as the creature on top of you cooed gentle praises next to your head. The monster's massive arms curled around your trembling body, eventually rolling over and bringing you onto his chest. Words played and swirled in your head, as you wanted to speak but your mouth just wouldn't get with the program and only produced a soft groan.
A heavy, familiar hand came to rest on your back, slowly drumming the soothing rhythm that left you drifting between somewhere and nowhere at all.
...where am I again?
A warm, heavy hand on your shoulder jarred you so thoroughly that your perception cracked, momentarily layering two realities on top of one another. You shrieked, jolting out of your chair so clumsily that you tumbled onto the floor, launching your drink into the wall with a flail of your arms. Blinking, sweating, and breathing heavily, your head snapped around the room as you struggled to catch up.
Kakuzu would never… what the fuck?
"Darlin', you good?"
"What?" You groaned, your voice husky from sleep as you blinked up at the source of the sound. Staring down at you with amusement staining his features was none other than the subject of what you now hoped was your rather vivid dream -- Kisame. Your face immediately flashed with a roiling heat, burning your ears and cheeks so thoroughly that you felt your head might actually burst.
"You were talking in your sleep," Kisame gruffed with a knowing smirk.
Oh, fuck. In that instant, you felt your soul leave your body.
Flashing you a wicked, toothy grin, he loomed down from above and feigned a menacing stare as he crouched down to where you landed, casually resting his elbows on his legs. "So, what's this about me having two monster dicks?"
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MCU!Peter Parker x fem!reader
A Stranger's Dream pt. 5
Find Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
Synopsis: after an encounter with Spider-Man, reader's memories start coming back. She finally discovers what is going on.
This is the final installment of this series so ideas for what you'd like to see next are super welcome!
A/N: I had to rewatch the scene in nwh where Andrew's Spidey catches MJ for this. I'm not crying. Absolutely not. It's not like I've been waiting for that since 2018 or something. Nope.
If you want something to listen to: try Someone To You by BANNERS.
Tag: @ttaechi
If you'd like to be tagged in upcoming parts, leave a comment or send me a message :)
Warnings: canon-typical violence, mentions of mental health issues and migraines, reader kinda goes off like a pumpkin bomb and swears a lot lol. No way home spoilers. Like big, big spoilers.
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You were falling again.
The only difference was that now you knew why.
You'd been standing on the scaffolding with all three Spider-Mans. Spider-Men? You were a little too busy dealing with a very, very angry Dr. Strange to care much about semantics.
And that's when that green asshole who'd killed May showed up again. What had Peter Two called him again? The Green Goblin?
Whatever it was, he swooped in and grabbed the box containing the spell from Strange. The octopus-guy smacked some of the accompanying explosives out of the air and then went after the goblin, but you sensed somethin wasn't right. It seemed too easy.
While Strange used his magic to pull the box back to him, you felt horror all around you. When you looked up, you saw it on the faces of the three Peters. And when the box turned in Strange's grasp, you saw why.
Your Peter tried to call out to Strange, but it was too late: the bomb exploded and the force flung all of you every which way. It wasn't a problem for Strange, who had a weird flying cape and his magic to protect him, or the three Peters, who could stick onto every possible surface.
It was very much a problem for you.
You were thrown backwards, straight off the scaffolding and down a hundred-fifty feet drop.
You saw Peter One, your Peter, immediately dive down the scaffolding as well, but that goddamned goblin and his glider forcefully knocked him out of the way.
You were sure that was it. They were gonna have to scrape you off Liberty Island, or use a pressure washer or something.
Until a pair of familiar-but-also-not arms wrapped around you, and your fall slowed down.
When you finally dared to open your eyes, you were staring up at Peter Three, who looked on the verge of tears as he asked if you were okay. You nodded and asked him the same as the sky turned orange overhead.
When you opened your eyes, you were dangling maybe five feet over the ground, caught by the waist by a web. The sky above was still orange. You were so going to kill Peter.
Tearing yourself free from the web, you stumbled to your feet. Not all your memories had returned yet, but you could already remember things you hadn't just relived, like when Happy's apartment building blew up, courtesy of Electro and the Goblin. When May had died in the rubble of that place.
Knowing now that that orange glow didn't mean anything bad, you started your way up the scaffolding once again.
Oh, Peter was so dead. So, so dead.
As if climbing that scaffolding once hadn't been enough, you were now doing it again while it started snowing. Why on earth had Peter thought Strange was a threat? Wasn't his Spidey-sense better than that?
The good news was that you weren't cold anymore when you reached the top again.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, you better explain this right the fuck now," you demanded as you stalked towards Peter and Stephen.
You were equally pissed with both of them, so you weren't going to bother calling him Dr. Strange. After all, he could've easily come find you. All of the remaining Avengers could have. You knew for a fact you had known them before Peter nearly broke the multiverse.
Peter's head whipped up. "(Y/N), what are you doing here? I thought-"
"You threw me off a scaffolding, Peter" you said icily. "You weren't thinking shit."
"You threw her off a scaffolding?" Stephen incredulously asked, and you turned towards him.
"You're not one to talk! Where the hell have you been the past two months?"
Stephen raised his hands, either in surrender or to call on his magic. "I had no idea you existed until twenty minutes ago."
Some of your rage seeped away. "What?"
Peter buried his face in his hands. "Oh, this is a mess."
"You don't say."
He carefully snuck a glance at you. "I gather you remember most of it?"
Apprehensively, you asked: "Most of it? There's more?"
"There is," Stephen confirmed.
You were starting to think that maybe you should have stayed on the ground. But these were the answers you'd been so desperate to have for the past two months. You weren't going to back down now. Stuffing your hands in the pockets of your coat to warm them, you looked at Peter and Stephen. "Start explaining then. It's getting cold up here."
They exchanged a look as if debating which one of them would be better suited to explain this mess. Eventually, Peter took a few steps towards you.
"Okay, so you remember how I almost broke the multiverse?"
"When the Green Goblin blew up the spellbox?" You nodded. "Yeah."
"Well, there was a pretty simple solution to that," he carried on. You didn't like where this was going: his voice sounded so full of pain. "Everyone had to forget I existed."
You let that sink in for two seconds. Then your rage lit up anew and you turned to Stephen. "And you let that happen?"
He looked worried you were going to toss him off the scaffolding. You might. It would certainly be satisfying and it wasn't like he didn't have plenty of ways to save himself.
"There was no other way," he said steadily, like every person who was convinced they were right. God, that man could be arrogant. No wonder he and Tony had butted heads when they first met. "It was either this, or having people from every universe out there come for Peter."
You were still furious, but recognized it was no longer aimed at Strange. It was aimed at the multiverse itself, for forcing all of you in this position.
"That still doesn't explain why you and the others forgot about me, too," you said, kicking at a pebble that had somehow found its way up the scaffolding.
Strange sighed. "I was wondering when you were going to ask that. The short answer is that most of us knew you through Peter. And since you don't have a secret alter ego, we completely forgot about you."
"And why did I forget about you? I mean, I knew you existed and stuff, but I forgot that I knew you."
"That's the long answer," Peter cut in. "(Y/N), do you remember what you are?"
You stared at him, wondering if this was some kind of cosmic joke.
"I'm going to take that as a no," he decided. "You're a telepath."
The second the words left his mouth, it all made sense. When the spellbox had exploded, you hadn't felt the horror of all three Peters, you had heard it in their disjointed thoughts as their spidey-sense went off.
You had been up there because you were able to feel threats coming in. You could literally look into the minds of your enemies and see their every move before they even made it. But you hadn't been able to look into the Green Golbin's mind. His thoughts weren't his own.
That missing part had been more than just Peter's absence. It had been not remembering who you really were.
"Because your power focuses so heavily on the mind, the spell..." Strange hesitated. "It messed with your head, (Y/N). I hadn't realized that."
"Messing with my head is kind of an understatement," you slowly said, and you saw the relief on Peter's face that you were finally speaking again. "I thought I was going crazy. I kept hearing Peter's voice." You realized something else and looked at Peter. "Which means you had to have been close."
He looked away from you, opting to stare at the city instead. "I was. I wanted yo check up on you. I had to know you were safe and doing okay. But you weren't."
"Let me guess: it wasn't a coincidence when you ran into me?"
He shook his head. "It wasn't. (Y/N), I'm so sorry for putting you through all of this. I know you were feeling horrible, and it's all my fault-"
You cut him off by wrapping your arms around him. "You're back. That's all I care about."
Peter pulled away from you only to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to kiss you. Finally, finally the universe made sense again.
Behind you, Strange scraped his throat. Both you and Peter reluctantly stepped away from each other. "I hate to interrupt this reunion, but we still have an issue here."
"We do?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"Yes. You and I aren't supposed to remember Peter."
You crossed your arms. "Well, you're not going to erase him from our memories again. I swear to god, I will find you and kill you if you do."
"No need to threaten me. That was not what I was going to say."
"Then what were you going to say?" Peter asked, tilting his head.
"I was going to propose that we reintroduce you to the other Avengers." Strange nodded at you. "Situations like this won't stop happening until they know. Everyone who knew your identity before Beck made it public, should know it now too."
Peter teared up, and you slipped your hand into his. "Really?"
Strange nodded. "Sooner or later, they're going to have questions about your real identity anyway."
Peter sniffed and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his suit. "Thank you, Dr. Strange."
Strange gave him a long look, sighed, and said: "Call me Stephen."
Peter let out a fragile laugh and you pressed yourself closer against him.
"I assume you two will be alright from here on," Strange said, already levitating above the scaffolding.
Before he could retreat, a final question rose up in your head. You took a few steps after him. "Actually, I do have one question."
You pretended like his exasperated sigh was lost to the wind. "Yes?"
"How did you remember us?"
Strange turned around, probably despite himself. "When you broke the spell, I felt it. I didn't know what spell it was, so I started digging and pretty much had to reinstall my memories of Peter and you. Thank god I used to be a neurosurgeon. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Christmas party to host."
Before you could protest, he took off. Not that you were going to protest.
You felt Peter wrap an arm around your waist as he came to stand enxt to you. He tilted his head against yours, burying his nose in your hair.
"I'm so, so happy to have you back," he whispered.
"Not as happy as I am to remember," you murmured back.
You turned until your front was against his. For a little while, you both just looked at each other, relieved to be back in each other's arms again.
"I made you promise me something right before the spell," you softly said. "Do you remember?"
You could hear his thoughts loud and clear in your mind a second before he said them out loud.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
You smiled and cupped his face in your hands. Then you kissed him again, feeling the warmth of his lips against yours.
Peter gently pushed you back after a few long seconds. "I really love you, but I also can't thermoregulate and your hands are freezing."
You couldn't suppress a giggle as you flicked the snow from his hair. "I love you, too, Peter."
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in for another hug. You buried your face in his chest, where you could hear his heartbeat.
"Is this real?" you quietly asked. "I think it is, but the last few months..."
He kissed your forehead. "Nothing has ever been as real as this."
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knickynoo · 2 years
“Back to the Future”: Thoughts, commentary, and general ramblings on the (bonkers) novel by George Gipe. Pt 3
Pt 1 & 2
Okay, so, before I pick up with the next chapter, I want to talk about book/early-draft Doc. I haven't included much about him in my little list of highlights yet, but that's mostly because he really hasn't been in a whole lot of the story thus far. But the description of him/dialogue etc in the scenes he's in kind of paint the picture of a Doc who is just "off" enough for it to be noticeable. He is not quite the mad scientist we know and love from the trilogy. He's Doc-adjacent if you will.
Mostly, it's in the way he's approaching the culmination of his decades spent on time travel. His attitude is very much that of, this will show everyone I'm not a loser & soon, I'm going to be famous. Like, there's the definite feeling that this Doc has grown a bit bitter due to his years of being an outcast and regarded as a crackpot, and he sees the upcoming breakthrough with the DeLorean as his way to get back at everyone who has ever laughed at him. He wants to win the admiration of those in Hill Valley and the rest of the world, and even talks to himself about the fame his invention will soon bring. And there's like...a vague arrogance to him? In the parking lot scene with Marty, there's a lot that's the same as he goes about explaining the time machine and making his video, but there's also the sense that he maybe thinks a little too much of himself? I mean, when Marty asks how he came up with the name "flux capacitor", Doc's response includes, "Any brilliant scientist would have arrived at approximately the same title if given the chance," followed by Marty being amused, "at the man's lack of humility."
And idk. I do definitely think that movie-Doc is confident in his abilities and intelligence (why else would he put himself and Marty in the direct path of the car if he wasn't sure it would work?) but I don't think he's the type to like. Think quite that highly of himself that it comes across as lack of humility? And I for sure don't get the sense that he's terribly occupied with trying to "stick it to" all those who have shunned him or that he's wrapped up in thoughts of fame and fortune. Movie-Doc's primary goal is to explore and improve mankind through time travel. Science is a vehicle he can use to do good things in the world and having people admire him is likely just a pleasant afterthought rather than the main focus.
Anyway, I'm very glad Doc's character was tweaked enough to knock these more self-centered traits out of him. And I think it also speaks volumes to the way Christopher Lloyd played Doc that he was able to make him so loveable and warm because that trope of "brilliant, eccentric scientist whose social ineptitude causes him to be arrogant and emotionally cold" is a real pet peeve of mine. Okay, on to the next chapter.
- Chapter 4 opens up in a motel room where the terrorists (6 of them: 5 men and 1 woman) are seething with anger after being duped by Doc, and have made the decision to "eliminate him." They discuss how they're always being taken advantage of like this because they aren't ruthless enough, but taking out Doc will send a message to anybody else they make a deal with in the future. Also, in a bizarre moment in which the head guy, Sam, shows the others a picture of Doc, the woman of the group very unnecessarily declares, "He looks Jewish." ?????????
- Once Doc is killed in the parking lot, Marty considers trying to make a getaway in Doc's giant truck since he's familiar with driving it. (Doc has let Marty drive the truck!) But Marty decides against it, concluding, "Better to die, if such was his fate, in a burst of glory, or at least in an unmoving vehicle that had a great deal of class." Which is kind of hysterical to me?? Doc's whole, "If you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?" thing. Marty risking being late to the clocktower in order to ditch the suit and put his signature outfit back on because, "Come on, I had to change! You think I'm going back in that Zoot suit?" And Marty deciding that if he's going to die, he at least wants to die in a classy car, not a big, stupid truck. These two are all about the aesthetic.
- After escaping the Peabody farm, Marty comes across his house being built and confirms the date by looking at the "present time" display panel in the DeLorean. He's not half as flustered or confused as movie-Marty is, though. He's actually barely scared at all. He turns on the radio and listens to music for a while and some news broadcasts and is like, huh, this is pretty fun. This kid is just living his life, enjoying his little trip 30 years into the past, not at all affected by the fact he's just traveled through time and also watched Doc die not 10 minutes prior. Y'all, I am SO HAPPY movie-Marty is such a disheveled mess and that he wanders all terrified into town instead of kicking back in his classy car, listening to the radio for several minutes. Marty, what even are you doing?
Reading this book is interesting because it's actually pretty difficult to picture movie-Marty in the role as I make my way through the various scenes. A lot of the things he says and does just don't "fit". Book Marty is such a suave little smart-mouth. He's too calm and put-together. He doesn't even scream when he hits the scarecrow on the Peabody farm! Barely has a reaction beyond, huh, that was weird. Which, like Christopher Lloyd with Doc, is a testament to how MJF's approach to the character helped shape Marty into the sweet, clumsy, anxiety-ridden guy we all love. (Along with The Bobs and others working on the film making additional changes to the script)
But Eric Stoltz's Marty? I can absolutely see him in this role. This guy would totally risk burning his school down just to get out of detention and openly taunt 47-year-old Biff and hang out in the DeLorean all cool as a cucumber, listening to the radio upon arriving in 1955.
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
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In response to this. I am replying in a new post bc I have the "no sense of brevity" flavor of ADHD so I know this is gonna get long.
@yramesoruniverse thank you so much for asking, as a matter of fact I do have some thoughts *cracks knuckles*
Let me preface this by saying I am not going to sit here and pretend I don't spend 90% of my waking hours ruminating on this. We all know what we're doing here. That being said, I have considered several variations on how I would love the 9-1-1 team to deliver this:
1. Let's call it the "Two Trapped Dads" scenario:
I implore you to consider the ANGST and POETRY of Buck and Eddie getting trapped somewhere, as civilians, and being forced to depend on each other in order to survive. The serve of this hypothetical scenario would be made more rich set in the context of them having had an argument, or just there being some kind of withstanding tension between the two that has been ignored and left to build to a nauseating degree.
(Side note: I love Buck and Eddie because when they fight it's never with any real animosity. It always stems from the terrifying magnitude of their Love for each other. It's not arguing, it's just them caring about each other very aggressively. Absolutely iconic.)
ANYWAY, in this scenario they careen into disaster over Christopher, as I see it playing out that for some reason they believe only one of them will be able to 100% make it out alive. I imagine the tension has been building since the guardianship bomb and Buck regresses to what he believes he does best, which is being a sacrificial lamb, which shoves their moment from 4x14 back into the forefront. It would force Eddie to not only seismically double down on what he said, but literally spell out to Buck what he means to Eddie, not just Christopher.
Buck: Obviously you're the one that's getting out, you have a son waiting for you.
Eddie: Screw that, you mean just as much to him as I do.
Buck: I'm irrelevant unless you're dead, Eddie, and there is no way I'm letting you die here today.
Eddie: You're such an idiot, Buck. How can you still not get it?
Buck: Get what?
Eddie: We're a family. All three of us. What did you think that whole will thing was about, anyway? Christopher and I . . . there's no us without you.
jfc someone stop me before I write an entire script, but I think you get the gist of this one.
2. Next we have the "Just-Tell-Me-What-You-WANT" scenario:
The Drama Queen in me is obsessed with this one. It would, unfortunately, require a significantly laid foundation between Buck and a love interest (Taylor ig? It's not important, tbh). Originally, I had this scenario flipped, but since we as a fandom have collectively established Eddie as the Pining Idiot in Love, we're gonna switch it up.
So, again, Buck would be progressing significantly in his relationship with [insert intentionally poorly-defined love interest here]. In the fallout of the guardianship scene, I can still see him struggling with how to untangle his Feelings about what Eddie said to him, and losing himself in the disingenuous familiarity of "Buck 1.0" (I am with Eddie in that I hate his software updates but it's canon material so there you go). The escalation of this hypothesis results in Buck contemplating taking the next step with Taylor or, more realistically, contemplating moving out of the city with her as she's been recruited for a promotion elsewhere. I could see Eddie coming over to Buck's place and them discussing this, because they discuss everything, and Eddie just getting more and more exasperated because Buck doesn't look happy but he won't stop and think, he's just barreling ahead as usual. And so Eddie calls him out.
I think it would be something like Eddie going, "What are you even doing? You obviously don't want this."
And Buck being like, "I'm not discussing what I want with you."
and Eddie just exploding, "What? What do you want, Buck? You never express what you really feel so just . . . what do you really want?"
And Buck just going fuck it and grabbing him and pressing years of want and need and love into Eddie's mouth and yeah *fans face* I'm FINE.
3. Finally, the "Wait-For-Me-To-Come-Home" scenario:
Ideally a season finale moment, paralleled to the other couples on the show. The episode would feature a series of calls relating to couples/families experiencing some degree of separation but always finding their way back to each other. At the end there's a montage of Bathena, Madney, Mavid, Henren etc. reuniting after some sort of contention and then it would stop on Buck alone in his apartment, sitting at his table identical to what we saw in Tsunami Pt. 2, completely overwhelmed by how quiet it is and how alone he feels. And maybe Buck is considering something he heard on one of the calls. Whatever the situation, it ends with him heading to Eddie's house and it's late, like two in the morning late, and the final scene is Buck knocking on Eddie's door looking wild-eyed and desperate and there's no dialogue, just them. And Eddie opens the door wider and steps back as Buck steps in and they just stand a breath's distance away, just staring at each other, and then Eddie closes the door and everything fades to black and *flings myself off a cliff*
Bonus: I call this the "Fever Dream" scenario because I dreamt it when I was, in fact, feverish and hallucinating after my second COVID vaccine:
Buck is out running an errand before going into work and ends up in a robbery situation where he obviously intervenes and ends up getting hurt. The episode would open with the 118 being unable to reach Buck and ragging on him, and the first call they respond to is, indeed, Buck on the verge of death. The rest of the episode would then show the sequence of events leading up to that moment and finish with Buck and Eddie in the back of the ambulance, and Buck just touches Eddie's face, or wraps his fist around the St. Christopher necklace hanging around Eddie's neck, and Eddie is Not Handling Things and then Buck flatlines in the back of the ambulance and jfjdsaldflja somebody stop me before I write a fic *flings myself off another cliff*
As you can see I haven't thought about this much at all. Also, you deserve a fucking award if you made it to the end of this.
I have buddie brainrot! They're actually ruining my life! I have lost control! I'm doing GREAT!!!
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ravixen · 3 years
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I posted 939 times in 2021
464 posts created (49%)
475 posts reblogged (51%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.0 posts.
I added 1,426 tags in 2021
#katalk - 297 posts
#seventeen - 262 posts
#gifs - 186 posts
#anonymous.ask - 132 posts
#pictures - 111 posts
#ravixen - 107 posts
#seventeen scenarios - 95 posts
#g: svt - 92 posts
#t: reaction - 72 posts
#s: request - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#yeah my main blog is yellow - this blog is purple - imaginesvt is blue - aerysian is pink - byakucchi is a fainter pink - hnsyl is white
My Top Posts in 2021
[R] svt + bringing them a home-made lunch ➔ ot13
[R] svt + baby talk ➔ ot13
[R] svt + hand holding ➔ pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
See the full post
216 notes • Posted 2021-02-07 20:10:17 GMT
svt + hand holding
➔ reaction || not requested || hiphop team
➔ notes: fun fact, i actually didn’t like ‘babe’ and ‘baby’ as terms of endearment until recently. i don’t use it with my s/o, but for my anime / kpop writing? hecc yeah
SEUNGCHEOL: loves, loves, loves holding your hand. it doesn’t matter where you go, your hand will be in his. sometimes he absentmindedly presses kisses to your knuckles, and while he doesn’t realize he’s doing it half the time, you’re hyper aware. it’s very sweet, but you’re sure it’s bad for your heart. he’s not shy about pda in front of his members, so he’ll take your hand without asking you because it’s second nature by now, but he forgets to look over to you to see if it’s okay. he realizes it when you start pulling away. “sorry, baby,” he says, frowning, letting you go. “everything okay?” you nod, wipe your palm on your leg, and reach out to him again.
(click below for full post)
222 notes • Posted 2021-02-12 21:43:29 GMT
Svt 95 line reaction to you falling asleep curled up on their lap?
svt + falling asleep on their lap
➔ reaction || requested || hyung / 95-line
➔ 381 words ➔ notes: fluff ; i was surprised to get this request because it's pretty similar to the one requested right before this (the lap sitting one)!! this one is super cute, too <3 hope you liked. pls reblog!
SEUNGCHEOL: he figured you weren't talking because there was a pretty intense action scene going on, but when an interesting conversation happens and you don't comment like usual, he leans back to see your face. and as he suspected, you're fast asleep, eyelids twitching in a dream, breaths soft against his skin. "you could've just said you were tired, silly," he mumbles. it was his turn to choose something for movie night, and sure, he was excited to see it, but you never have to push yourself. he eases you onto the couch and tucks you in with a blanket. he's about to put a pillow under your head when he thinks better of it and uses his lap instead. that way, the first thing you see when you wake up is his face. nerd
(click below for full post)
239 notes • Posted 2021-09-23 12:24:39 GMT
im gonna go cry over wonu now 💔
svt + s/o's sweater paws
➔ reaction || requested
➔ 640 words ➔ notes: fluff ; STOP OMG THIS IS SO CUTE???? you're gonna make me cry pls. it's so sweet i'm gonna go punch my pillow. wonwoo's sweater paws make my heart pitter patter. as always, pls reblog! (wonwoo's inspired by @imagine-svt's post)
SEUNGCHEOL: "you look ridiculous. absurd, really," he says upon finding you in the living room, but the grin on his face takes away the bite of his words. you reach out for him, making grabby hands, though only your fingers are visible from the baggy fabric. he should be getting dinner ready, but caves and settles down next to you. "where'd you even find this old thing?" he tugs at the worn material. "i haven't seen it in forever." "i found it while doing some cleaning," you say. "how does it look?" he signals for you to do a little twirl for him, but as soon as you get up, he pulls you straight into his lap and presses his face into your shoulder. "it's really, really nice on you." "seungcheol, you didn't even look!" you laugh. that only makes his arm around your waist tighten. "i don't need to look to know my baby looks good."
(click below for full post)
252 notes • Posted 2021-06-10 18:24:42 GMT
Hi~ I'm so happy requests are open again, I missed your writing! Can I have SVT Scoups, Jeonghan, Joshua, Mingyu, DK reaction to a cute small GF sitting on their lap? Like no comment or anything she just walks over and sits down on top of them😂
svt + small s/o sitting on lap
➔ reaction || requested
➔ 710 words ➔ notes: fluff ; omg bless, you already put them in almost age order for me. this was a cute request!! ah, i missed writing for y'all so much. just a reminder that i make requests gn if possible <3 reblog if you liked!
SEUNGCHEOL: does not care lmfao he just settles his arms around your waist, leans back to give you space, and continues watching tv. it's not like you want him to say anything, but sometimes you hook your chin over his shoulder, looking for his attention. "i feel like i'm being obvious enough," you say, sulking. "really? couldn't tell." he smooths a hand over yours. "are you upset about something or are you here just because?" you sit up. "what, i need a reason to get your attention?" he chuckles, easing your head back down. "no, not at all. you want me to turn off the tv?" you think about it for a bit before shrugging. "i don't mind watching with you." he likes when you're in his lap like this. your weight against him is comforting, and sometimes he won't let you go when you try to get up.
(click below for full post)
288 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 20:39:09 GMT
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maaykaepussy · 4 years
So i was rewatching trollhunters and 3below to see Douxie's cameos and damn there was so much in there that I hadnt even noticed
I mean we all knew he was a little suspicious and basically knew he was most likely gonna be in Wizards during the end scene of 3below
There were some things I havent noticed before tho.
Douxie Cameos: a personal analysis
1. During the time we were first introduced to Douxie in trollhunters S3E1 "Night Patroll", he was probably not even flirting with Claire in the way we thought (like a potential love rival for Jim) but probably bc he knew about her and what she was capable of in terms of magic. And when he says "I hope to see you again, Fair lady Claire" it seems suspiscious of him and we thought he flirting some more but I'm quite sure he means to see her again in a way involving what was going on. We never know, he probably knew what the trollhunters have been up to and have seen Claire do magic. From what we saw in Wizards, he was basically helping Arcadia too by defeating magical monsters, I imagine, and so I have no doubt he has seen them probably a few times or since he is a wizard, he used magic to see whats been going on in Arcadia since it was also his job to keep the material plane safe.
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1.2 not a Douxie cameo but I've noticed in the episode "Arcadia's most wanted" they mentioned pets were going missing. (Probably it really was Gluug who ate the pets) but in Wizards E1, Douxie caught who he thought was the possible culprit to who was eating all the pets. I dont exactly know if Gluug really was responsible (since we did see the collar in the tub and Toby saying "oh that was Gluug") but it could also possibly be that shadow creature who has been taking the pets since it was stalking Arch.
2. Next would be when they went on a double date ( S3E4 "So I'm dating a sorceress")when Claire (semi-possessed by morgana) suddenly bursts out wanting to have her steak raw dripping with blood and you noticed that Douxie is disturbed but you can see that he was suspicious about it.
3. And later on in that same episode when (possessed) Claire comes back from the bathroom, Douxie comes back with the steaks and asks Claire if he could listen to their band sometime and she replied with "Begone, Servant!". Now he becomes even more suspicious, you could see it in his expression when he says "my apologies". He probably suspected (or knew) that something was wrong. (I could be over analyzing things but oh well this is how I saw it.)
3.2. In the episode "The Oath" we see in the beginning of the episode we see Merlin making the amulet but it wasnt only him, another set of hands with black bracelets were aiding him in making the amulet. (Now who do we know wears black bracelets? Yep, Douxie). This was the moment most of us (if not all) suspected Douxie. (Well since most of us has seen Wizards at this point, we now know that it exactly was Douxie.)
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4. Next would be during the episode of the eternal knight pt.1 in the battle of the bands when Mama Skull came on stage and Claire went on in full armor, Douxie whistled and gave her two thumbs up. We thought maybe he was cheering her on for the band but maybe he knew what was about to happen and what the trollhunters were doing.
5. Same episode where Darci and Mary were about to be attacked by a gumgum, Douxie comes flying in and hits the gumgum with his guitar. Now if we look closely, he had jumped on the gumgum from a high place. Sure he probably climbed on something and jumped on the gumgum but it looked like he flew to their rescue using magic. As well as when he hits the gumgum with his guitar, a light sparks the second he hits the gumgum with his guitar (could be magic) and heres the big part, he says "I've always hated those twits" right after. This was no brainer, he knew what was up all along.
6. Now we move along to 3below. His first cameo would be in the episode "Lighting in a bottle" but he was just seen walking in the streets, shaking his head when he witnesses that racist dude telling off his kid (the one Krel was suppose to beat in a math duel) that he wasnt going to space camp if he didnt win. So nothing special there but its always nice to see him.
7. During the episode "Theres something about Gwen (the gordon)" we see him serving Aja and Steve a smoothie. This is basically a closeup shot of his hand where his scar is. It was as clear as daylight. They would probably never put that significant detail on a background character.
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8. During the episode "Luug's day out" he was outside his shop and sees Aja looking for Luug. He says he would love to help look for Luug but he couldn't leave the shop so he offers to read her palm. Here's the moment where I had thought "hmmm this guy is probably magic". He reads her palm and asks her if she had taken a big trip lately, Aja says "I'm about to take one now" before running off. He then says "hmm guess I should've seen that one coming" before going on with his business. This indicates (probably) that he knows they were aliens. Also you could see the scar on his right hand. This was the last time we saw him before Wizards.
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9. Now this isnt a Douxie cameo but the last scene in the last episode of 3below we see Aaarrrgghh, Steve, and Toby. The black cat with glasses appears (aka Arch). Aaarrrgghh mentions that he was a familiar aka Wizard assistant/companion. So basically this is where everyone knows that the next series would be about Wizards and a certain someone was going to be in it (you guessed it, its Douxie).
Now this was my analysis of the Douxie cameos or mentions of anything relating to him after rewatching Trollhunters and 3below. This is simply from my own perspective so to each their own
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