#and idk its just sad to think that the closer he gets to home the more unfamiliar the path becomes
nobodieshero-main · 6 months
breaking down the journey from arlet to the mahina woods into separate days to like. make it easier to write, and then had the very sad realisation that the closer they get to the woods the less keika will recognise ):
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nicksolemnlyswears · 3 months
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pairing: aegon targaryen x targaryen!reader
word count: ~1.6k
warnings: spoilers for s2e2 of HoTD, mentions of murder and death of a child, surprisingly i thinks there isn't any cursing or smut, maybe next time ;) just good old sad aegon
a/n: this is my first time ever writing for HoTD or GoT for that matter. please be kind to me. i tried to use appropriate wording for the time period. i'm somewhat successful but i have work ahead of me to become a pro.
i felt so enraged when alicent walked out on her grieving son to go fuck around with cole. what the fuck is your problem? i always gave her the benefit of the doubt but this episode just proves what a terrible mother she is. i figured the only person fit to comfort my baby boy aegon is someone raised by rhaenyras gentle heart.
lowkey want to make a throuple out of reader, aegon, and helaena. readers gonna be a little psychologist lol. she'd hold their hands and force them to kumbaya haha but obviously they'd be like this cant work without you. maybe they'll follow aegon the conqueror and have her as a second wife but idk would anyone be interested in that? i'm rambling. enjoy!
Helaena’s Turn
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The cold stone of the Red Keep kept you company as you strode through its halls. The breeze of the night offered you comfort and aided your mind to forget the terrible events that have plagued the Keep.
And yet, despite your energies being depleted, you can't seem to find rest. Loss weighs you down and spirals you into a depth of overbearing thoughts, making sleep a mere idea.
The Red Keep, the place you once called home, has become your prison. For weeks, you were not allowed out of your chambers, and for a short time afterward, a guard followed you wherever you went.
It has all changed, though. The death of the King's son has diverted all of the guard's forces to find the culprit. The priority is to search for the monster that gruesomely and cruelly decapitated a child while he slept rather than to watch over a harmless Princess who is simply not on their side.
As a result, you're now free to roam the castle, granted there are eyes all around. You wouldn't be able to step foot outside the castle if you tried, and any suspicious activity would immediately be reported to the Hand of the King.
For an unknown reason, your feet guide you to the King's chambers, where indiscernible, muffled sounds come from. You look around and find that the guard meant to protect the King is absent. It's worrisome. You stand in the middle of the stone hallway, your hands clasped, as you make a decision.
While your loyalty lies with the Blacks, you cannot stand and watch more of your family be killed, including the Usurper. Daemon has always been 'kind' in mentioning that your gentle heart will cause your death. You'd argue it's an honorable way to go.
You slip through the ajar door quietly, getting closer to the sound. There is destruction across the room. The Old Valyria model your grandfather worked on for most of his life is scattered on the floor, beyond salvation. Goblets and spilled wine, thrown in a fit of rage, decorate the walls.
It is only when a sharp gasp and a shuddering breath echo around the room that you recognize the sounds you heard outside. They are cries.
You release a breath of relief. No one is in danger, although it does not signify someone is not hurting. You peak further into the room and debate on your next course of action. If the mess inside the chambers and the lack of guards mean anything, it's that the King would like to be alone.
But you know Aegon. You grew up with him. He's not one to reach out for help until it's too late. You make a haste decision. Aegon will not grieve alone tonight.
You know what that's like. Your brother, Lucerys, was murdered not too long ago, and you had no choice but to mourn alone. The Hand of the King locked you in your chambers, afraid your temper would lead you to do something drastic. It's the most horrid thing you've ever endured.
How you wished for Rhaenyra, or anyone for that matter, to hold you while you cried. A maid would've sufficed, but no one was allowed entry into your chambers.
Aegon sits by the fireplace, his head hung low, as he cries for his dead son. It might not have looked like it, but Aegon deeply cared for the boy. He wished to be better than his father ever was, and he was succeeding.
Until two days ago.
You've witnessed firsthand the blanket of sorrow that has covered the Red Keep, spent many hours by Haelena's side, offering her your shoulder, and never realized the King would need the same.
Why is Aegon alone? He should not have to go through this by himself. You expected he would have surrounded himself with his men and countless bottles of wine or sought refuge in Helaena's arms since they shared the same grief.
A heartbreaking cry snaps you out of your thoughts—his whole body trembles from loss. Aegon gasps for air to aid his burning lungs, yet he can't control the tears that track down his cheeks and the raking breaths that course through his body and limit his breathing.
He does not know what to make of himself. His fingers shake as he fumbles with the ring on his finger—the one with the dragon crest. Aegon doesn't know what to make of himself. He's never endured this sort of loss.
His sobs are the ones of a man who lost a part of himself. Jaehaerys, his legacy, has gone too soon. Aegon spent time with the boy the morning before his death, doting on him like Viserys never did to him.
He's so lost in his grief that Aegon doesn't hear when you stumble upon a piece of cast from the model. Being careful with your steps, you reach Aegon's side and place a hand on his shoulder.
Alarmed, he turns to face the person who disturbs him, only to find you—you who have been keeping the Hightower siblings together despite belonging to the other side.
"Leave me be," he sniffs, staring back into the fire. He wonders if that's how his son's pyre looked earlier that day.
You kneel on the floor, settling between his legs to cup his cheeks in your palms. Wide, glossy lilac eyes stare back as they fill with more tears.
As his tears fall, you wipe them away. It's enough to make Aegon crumble in your arms, releasing louder cries and questions that will forever remain unanswered.
It's so easy to let go when you know someone is there to catch you.
Aegon fists your dress like a child would to its mother. You rub his back soothingly, holding him as tightly as you're able. You press a kiss to the side of his head, whispering calming words.
Aegon never wanted to be king, yet the moment he tries to fulfill his duty the moment he tries to be a proper king, he is rewarded by his son being brutally taken from him.
It's not a fair world. The Gods have never been kind to him, and he's afraid he'll only ever live a life of torment.
Now, more than ever, he doesn't want to be King. It is a mere reminder of how heavy the crown truly is. It's a shackle meant to keep him in place while others act upon his name while he pays for the consequences.
"Jaehaerys was a bright soul. I am sorry this has happened. You should've never had to experience this pain," you whisper in his ear. No parent should experience the death of their child. It is a sad reality the Targaryens have experienced all too well.
Aegon nods in agreement, and only when he's calm enough to speak does he tear himself away from your embrace. He instantly misses your warmth and the smell of roses in your hair.
"Why are you comforting me when you should be celebrating my demise?" His waterline is stained red, just like the tip of his nose, and he's never looked more innocent than in that moment.
You tilt your head sadly, that same emotion reflected in your eyes. "I do not celebrate the loss of innocents, especially one that has gone too soon. I also do not particularly like the notion of someone I hold dear grieving alone."
"You did," he sniffs. He remembers hearing your cries that night; the whole Red Keep could. You cried and screamed the entire night until you fell asleep from exhaustion and starvation.
Otto prohibited them from coming to you. Haelena tried, but he dismissed the idea with the false notion that you'd hurt her in your grief. Otto confuses you with your parentage. Unlike them, you're kind and gentle and wouldn't dare hurt anyone.
"Which is how I know I would never wish it upon my worst enemy." You brush your fingers through his blonde hair, tucking the messy strands behind his ears.
"Is that what I am to you? An enemy?" He asks, disgruntled.
"No," you answer immediately, your hands coming down to rest upon his chest. His breathing has calmed since you first saw him. "At least, not yet."
His lilac eyes bore into hers in search of the truth; shyly, you hold onto his gaze with nothing to hide except your intentions to help. Sighing, he closes his eyes and bumps his forehead against yours. Aegon will take what he can get. There's seemingly no one else to help him deal with his emotions.
"Stay," he pleads, holding onto the hand that's placed on his chest. This is the most at peace he's felt in a while. He wishes to savor it for a moment longer.
"For as long as you need, my King," you reply, closing your eyes.
"Aegon," he says. He refuses to be reminded of what lies outside his bed chambers. For just a moment, he wishes to simply be Aegon.
"Aegon," you respond, correcting yourself. He squeezes your hand appreciatively, tucking your head on his neck.
He keeps you in his arms until late hours in the night, recounting memories he shared with Jaehaerys. The pain is real and raw, and he won't be well for a long time, but for this night, Aegon will seek solace in your embrace, where he knows he won't be judged or be seen as a burden.
In your arms, he's not Aegon' the Magnanimous.' He's not seen as careless or reckless or the lesser child of Alicent Hightower.
He's Aegon.
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helaena’s part has been posted! HELAENA’S TURN
Final part! STAY WITH US
that’s it! it’s sweet and short. i just wanted to have someone comfort aegon like he deserves. during that scene i wished i could jump into t he screen and hug him. it’s all so tragic.
i wish i could do the same with haelena. my girl needs to be coddled. fuck alicent. fuck otto. most importantly fuck criston cole.
if you enjoyed this one shot please don’t forget to like or comment and if you want more of it feel free to let me know! i don’t bite (unless you want me to)!
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xo-cod · 10 months
forgive the inaccuracies, idk much about babies <3 ooc/rushed :)
simon w his baby but she has a preference for one parent and it's not him
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simon finally coming back to his safe place, his sanctuary, his home, all but eager to spend some needed time with his family. be had been off to a mission, the last one for a while to make sure that everything was okay. he had already been incredibly reluctant to leave you but now that you both had a baby, it was hard. not a second was spent on the field where images of the pair of you blazed through his mind, almost nearly costing his arm and leg in the process of being too distracted. it had been hell to say the least
but the day finally came, there he was finally on his way back after an intense gruelling month. simon saw you first, bundling you up close in his built arms enjoying your little chuckles that fell from your lips. removing his balaclava as he peppers tender kisses across your cheeks before your lips, his soft smile growing at how happy he was to be back. before he set you back down, eyes scouring about for his bundle of pure joy
"where is she, lovie?? i missed her so much, i got her a little trinket from the place we were deployed in, hope she likes it" he chuckled softly, opening one of his pockets to reveal the gift as he catches his baby on the carpet playing with toys babbling away. his heart was practically bursting at its seams, shedding away his utility vest and his gear to make sure nothing could hurt her before he gently padded his way over. he had different ways the evening would pan out but he hadn't expected this.
he didn't ever expect to be met with a blank stare in return
his heart dropped when he picked his little girl up, she was too busy playing with her favourite toys to even react to him. he hadn't anticipated her looking at him like a stranger. he could've cried with the way she wriggled out of his grasp and wanting to be let down as if he was some enemy. as if instead of being the protector he was now the very thing he swore to keep away from his child, a stranger.
his face like a kicked puppy when he looked at you with pure shock and pain, looking back at the baby who was eagerly crawling back to you having wanting nothing to do with him despite him trying to come closer. you could see all the happiness he previously had practically disappeared from his body, his shoulders deflating with sadness and pain
she couldn't recognise him, she was no longer a daddy's girl
"honey.... sweetheart, it's me, dad. daddy's here. c'mon, c'mere munchkin" he tried to chuckle, kneeling down opening his muscular arms only for her to blink at him and then look back at her toys again
"lovie.... what's going on?" his voice is so soft with hurt and shock looking back to you with huge shining eyes as if he had encountered the worst loss till date. suddenly the mission he had just been on was nothing, the weight of his child preferring you over him was crushing his heart into pieces he didn't think he would come back from. how he'd do any mission 10x over if it meant his child, his treasure would love him again
and it remained that way for the next week, he tried his utmost best but it never seemed to be good enough for her. you tried to console him but he remained dejected, she was always wanting to run back to you. to be comforted by you and to be held by you. every time he tried to tuck her in, his efforts simply proved fruitless. she would cry and cry until you came back in and he watched from the side never feeling like he had failed so hard before in his life.
it hurt more than any of the superficial wounds he ever managed to get in battle, it hurt more than him being on his literal deathbed all those times he was caught in the cross fire. and it only propelled him further into despair when he made the mistake of googling it and realising that this phase may very well last years.
you could see him break with everyday, doubting himself as a father and as a husband. blaming himself and letting the doubt plague his heart and mind. it seemed nothing could comfort him apart from his baby that wanted nothing to do with him. he hadn't managed to hug her at all, he missed being able to snuggle her soft skin for hours. lounging around the home with her cuddled up in one arm as the other gently rubbed on the back of her head soothingly holding her close to his heart. and the thought of never being able to cuddle her without the cries that accompanied it was more than he could bear, it hurt more than anything he had gone through
that was until one night, he was tiredly going to the bathroom and pausing over the nursery. he hadn't meant to but he peeked in and saw her laying in her crib half asleep. her eyes big and brown exactly like his, blinking up slowly at the lieutenant. she was quiet apart from the small sounds she made sucking on the pacifier, a soft bunny in her hand as she peeked back at her father.
"hey baby...." he whispered so softly, he didn't even think she had heard. but her head tilted in curiosity and he chuckled, his hands coming to rest on the walls of the crib. desperately aching to feel her soft skin but too nervous to agitate her
"it's me honey, your dad. i really.... really miss you" he broke off, his heart feeling so heavy as the guilt came barreling in once more. it was his fault that he left her for a month, he shouldn't have been so surprised when he came back and preferred you. you had been there when he couldn't, she developed an attachment with you, not with him
"i'm so sorry to have left you for a month, honey. if i had known- if i thought for a second you'd hate me-" he didn't have the heart to finish the words, the guilt overriding his senses. with a soft sigh, his forehead leaned against his palm for a moment. his own baby didn't like him, he hadn't felt this low in a long time.
he promised he would never raise her in a volatile environment like he had grown up but already he hadn't been any better. he left her knowing for a month, coming back to see her favouring you. and it wasn't easy on both of you, he knew that. he knew he was being irrational but it stung more than any cut, the fact that if he hadn't made the choice to go on the mission that his baby wouldn't be acting so strangely around him.
simon didn't expect anything more tonight, too scared to touch her in case she started crying so he settled for placing the blanket back over her and heading off to bed with a heavy heart. what he didn't expect was the small coo coming from her lips, her tiny fist wrapping up over his index finger. his heart was in his throat, eyes wide at the sight as he looked back to her sweet innocent face again
"me?? you want me?" his voice was so gentle, too scared to speak loud as if this was all a beautiful dream he would wake up from. hesitantly he had reached down, his breath held as his large hands wrapped around his baby so delicately as if she'd shatter beneath his fingertips. slowly sitting down on the rocking chair, the moonlight pouting through the window illuminating her features.
how everyone around claimed she was a carbon copy, how proud he was to call her his daughter. all the moments that they shared running through his mind like a montage and she tilted her small head up at him, a gentle giggle falling from her lips before she rested her weary head against his warm chest. he could've cried and he did, gently but firmly holding her body between his hands. thanking whatever goodness he had done in his life that she was back, his baby was back. and she loved him just like before. she recognised him, she wanted him willingly. it was enough to break him out of whatever funk he had been in, trying desperately not to sob happy tears after a long gruelling two weeks.
you woke up the next morning to see simon laying on the rocking chair, one hand protectively over her small back while the other locked around her little legs as they both slept peacefully. his cheek leaning against her forehead as they cuddled up close on the rocking chair, both making the exact same sleeping face causing you to hide your growing smile and snap a little picture of the tender moment.
she truly was his little mini.
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messylustt · 1 year
Heyy!! I Hope you’re doing well and have/had a great day🥰
I wanted to request a ghostface ethan x reader smut oneshot and to be honest I don’t really have a exact idea but I just love the way you write and portrait ethan and I also think you are one of the only ones that also write him as a Dom :)
Maybe you could throw in some degrading and choking or some public sex if ur comfortable with that ofc!
Here’s kind of a „idea“ but you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to:
Reader and Ethan are in the same friend group ofc but they really hate each other (Ethan is ghostface) and idk maybe when the ghostface attacks begin (scream 6) one time where reader is walking home or something she gets a call from ghostface (Ethan) and first he’s like trying to scare her but reader isn’t that intimidated since she survived before (scream 5) and she’s also a bad ass and then gf (Ethan) randomly starts flirting with her/ dirty talking and the reader kinda goes with it since she has a bit of a thing for gf and then when she’s in a ally gf pops up and it comes to smut somehow and just before reader is about to cum, Ethan reveals himself?
(Oh and I would still love to see the bickering and fighting with Ethan and reader before the gf smut? If that’s okay with you)
I am so sorry, that got so long omg- 💀
nothing's too long babe! love this plot. meanish banter is MWAH
behind the mask — ethan landry + reader ( scream ) : you don’t realise that ghostface is your enemy ethan until you’ve gone too far.
contents : slight choking, fingering, semi public sexual stuff (in an alleyway), enemies to kinda enemies who want to fuck, dub con, finger sucking. wc 2.7k
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"Which brings us to our suspect list," Mindy spoke, as the entire group sat at a campus off to the side and away from prying ears.
Ethan mockingly coughs, before muttering your name. You shoot him glare. "I'm sorry, who here has survived a Ghostface attack, that's right, not you." You bite at Ethan, adjusting yourself on the bench.
Ethan rolls his eyes. "And you survived pathetically." He mutters.
"Excuse me?" You snap your head back to Ethans direction. You'd never liked this boy, almost too "innocent", and always playing the victim.
"The only pathetic one here is you, Ethan." You hated each other. You could never pinpoint why, just the fact that you did. And everyone knew it. Your smile would always drop when he walked in, your tone turning sour. And Ethan's comments became harsher the moment you said anything.
Chad was surprised by how heated Ethan's anger for you was. He'd never seen the boy say such mean things with such confidence, its like he was a different person when you were around.
"Alright, you two can bicker later." Mindy quickly chimed in, continuing on with her suspect list. She faced Ethan who still had a scowl on his face. "Ethan, the shy, dorky guy, whose so shy and dorky that no one would ever suspect him."
You scoff. "You left out sad and alone." You comment, making Ethan shoot you glare to which you mockingly smiled.
You turn your attention to Mindy. "Don't waste your time on him. He doesn't have the guts to be Ghostface."
Ethan was offended, more than by any other comment you'd thrown at him. Didn't have the guts? He internally scoffs. Maybe he should cut out yours to replace his supposed faulty ones.
As Mindy went to speak on Quinn's sexual habits, tagging her as a suspect, you could feel Ethan's eyes burning holes into the back of your head. You turn to him, narrowing your eyes, before muttering 'what?'
He narrows his own, dragging his gaze along your face. He leans closer to whisper. "You look like you came out of hell."
"Mm, and I'd love to send you there." You hissed back, staying quiet so as not to ruin Mindy's ranting. She can get quite mean when you interrupted her passions.
"You could try." Ethan says, as you turn your head to fully face him. Your faces were close, scowls very present.
"I would try and succeed, Ethan. We both know I'd win."
Ethan scoffs in your face. "You seem awfully confident."
"Again who here has survived a Ghostface attack?" You ask tilting your head. "I can promise it means I have a streak for winning, and I happen to be rather competitive." You lean even closer, whispering in his ear. "You don't stand chance, sweetheart." You mock out the pet name, noticing the way his body tenses. Most likely out of anger.
You lean back putting your full attention on Mindy.
The streets were decently busy with costumed poeple, laughing and joking. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Bringing it out you didn't bother checking the number assuming it was someone from your friend group checking you got home. "I'm fine, just walking—"
"To your apartment, I know." But the voice isn't one of the twins or the sisters.
"I'm sorry, I thought this was someone else." You say, skeptically. You gaze around, trying to see if anyone looked suspicious with a phone. Then when he spoke again, you finally realised and recognised the voice.
"You won't find me." A deep chuckle follows. Ghostface. You immediantly straighten, feeling the familiar shivers wracking your spine.
You clench your jaw. "I don't have time for this."
"Oh, no, you have plenty of time." Ghostface replies. "Because all you're going to do, is walk home, take out another tub of icecream and stare at men you can never have on the screen."
You open and close your mouth, feeling partly offended and the other part nervous. How would he know that? "Why'd you call?" You steer the conversation elsewhere, but Ghostface doesn't seem to want to, continuing on.
"You'd be wearing those little shorts that cover nothing, with that top that shows just how cold you usually are." You pause, swiftly trying to spot him on the street.
"You don't know that."
"Don't I?" You clench your teeth, because you did wear shorts for bed, and yes, they may be on the looser side, but it's not like you went out that late. You stayed home alone. Or so, you had thought.
"You're a creep."
"You sound surprised." Ghostface replies. "You shouldn't be. Though I guess there isn't too much going on in the pretty head of yours."
A snarl edges your lips. "You think you're so high and mighty, being a copycat to murderers who lost." You remind him.
"It's called carrying on the legacy." He quickly remarks, making you scoff. You had quickened your steps across the streets, deciding it best to get inside your apartment and behind a locked door.
"That "legacy" as you call it, sucks." You say, hearing a chuckle in repsonse.
"Does it? Because if I remember correctly, you always felt a shiver run down your spine when you heard my voice." He pauses, his smile practically seeable. "And not in a terrible way at all."
You gulp. "Now you're just making up shit."
"Really?" Ghostface probes. "So you don't feel all hot right now? A small rush from speaking to me, one that makes you excited. You don't feel that?"
Your mouth has dried, as you try to cool your body down, noticing how it—especially your core—heated up as the conversation continued. "Well, I'm sorry to say. But you're wrong. Very wrong."
"Do you want me to find out?" Ghostface asks, making you stop your steps, swiftly glancing around, your chest starting to heave quicker. "Because I'm afraid, I don't believe you, sweetheart."
"Is this some new tactic. Get me vulnerable in a...different way."
"You think me flirting with you is a tactic? Poor girl."
You scoff. "That wasn't flirting."
"Was I too subtle?" He asks, his tone showing his enjoyment.
You grind your teeth, having to stop, as a large group of what appears to be Halloween market-goers blocking the path. "Excuse me." You try, pushing past people, but they don't budge making you scowl at them.
"Are you stuck?" You can hear Ghostface say on the other line. "Do you need help?"
"Hang the fucking phone up. And stop acting like some scary villain, when you're really just some third grader doing prank calls." You hiss, trying again to push past the loud crowd.
Ghostface chuckles, as you end up getting pushed aside against a stall, making you curse. "You seem to have a lot of incorrect assumptions." He begins. 'I'm getting quite offended here."
"Oh, I'm so sorry." You sarcastically say, trying again to weave through the growing crowd.
"You're rather mean actually." He mockingly pouts out.
"And you kill people. Are we done?" You ask, getting exasperated by the phone call and the rude people.
"Not even close." And then you hear the beep of an 'end of call', making you bring the phone away. But before you can do anything more, a hand grabs your arm yanking you through the crowd. You gasp as bodies collide with your fast moving one.
You can't see a thing before you're pushed up against a cold wall, finally away from the crowd, but now in a dark alleyway. You finally see the white mask of Ghostface as he cages you against the wall.
Your chest is heaving as your breathing stutters out, everything having happened extremely fast. Ghostface tilts his head as you hear a dark chuckle breaking through the modulator. "You are stupidly confident."
Words get caught in your throat as you try to swallow something down. "Aw, cat caught your tongue?" He coos, his gloved hand dragging across your neck, making your entire body stiffen. Everyone knew that if you got a call from Ghostface you were marked to die. And here he was, probably preparing to gut you.
You quickly shut your eyes, seeming the only thing you can control at the moment, because you weren't dumb enough to think you could bypass him and run. There's a moment where you just hear Ghostface's heavy breathing, as the distant sound of the halloween market goes on behind you both.
Then you feel the rough material of his glove slowly dragging across your bottom lip. You swiftly open your eyes shocked. You can feel your pulse beating everywhere—everywhere. You can't tell what Ghostface is thinking or where he's looking because of his stupid mask. You tried to see through the thin material made for the eyes but it's too dark to pinpoint anyone's eyes.
"So stupid." He quietly says, almost to himself as his finger drags across the in between of your lips, getting your spit on his finger. You don't know what to do. You don't know what's going on. Why isn't the knife inside you?
Then his hand leads down to grip your neck, beginning to tighten, as your hands quickly fly up to grab his wrist. His other hand is placed by your hip, keeping you trapped. "You're always so arrogant." He says, tightening a fraction. Your throat feels small as your breaths grow shorter.
You dig your nails into his arm and wrist trying to pull him off you. But he doesn't budge, his other hand now grabbing at your waist. "But also so dirty." He husks out, as he pulls your hips to press against his, making a choked gasp escape you. He finally loosens his hold on your throat, just enough so that air can get in much easier.
"What would your friends think, knowing you have a thing for a killer in a mask? The killer in a mask." He sneers, his hand at your waist travelling dangerously low, now reaching your inner thigh.
"What—" But you cut yourself off as Ghostface pulls your legs apart, lifting one to rest on his hip. Your eyes widen upon feeling how hard he is against your shameful, throbbing pussy. His hand drops down to feel your wetness through your panties, your skirt having bunched up by your hips at the compromising postion.
Your mouth is open in shock. Ethan behind the mask stares at you, as he feels just how turned on you really are. His chest is heaving, as his bulge begs for attention. Why was he grabbing you like this? He hated you. He had wanted to scare, if he ended up particually mad possibly kill you, hurt you maybe. But certainly not touch you.
But as he had begun to realise your very secret crush on Ghostface he used it to his advantage. But in the process of thinking what a slut you are, he began to think on how you could be a slut for him. Begging for him to touch you as pathetic whimpers and moans escaped you. How pathetic you'd look all for him.
His grip around your neck tightened before loosening, moving up to your open mouth as he stuck two fingers in, wanting to feel your mouth wrapping around them, wanting to see your spit on his glove. "Suck them."
Your eyes stayed wide, as you stared at the now very intimidating Ghostface. You slowly closed your mouth around his fingers as your tongue began to circle the tangy tasting farbic. "That's it..." He breathes as he began to thrust them in and out of your mouth, your spit now coating your lips as you sucked. "Look at you, such a slut for a mystery guy with a knife."
Behind the mask, his eyes had hooded, his cock now aching at the visual. You were powerless against him, and that rush made him, bypass your panties, reaching to drag his gloved finger right up your slit, spreading your wetness around. Your hips jolted into him as he rubs over your clit, a sound that seemed close to a whine coming out muffled through his working fingers.
As Ethan watched you suck his fingers, while he rubbed your aching pussy he felt this need to kiss you, lick up all the saliva that had drippled onto your bottom lip. But he couldn't take his mask of yet. He wanted you to know who was giving you so much pleasure when you were at your peak, begging for him. Ethan felt undeniably smug at the thought of you cumming onto his fingers. The boy you hated.
He then—as compensation for his waiting—thrusted a finger inside you without warning. "God—that was so easy. You're just that wet for me, that your little hole was so eager to let me in." His breath through the mask is by your ear as you shuddered. He pulled his now dripping fingers out of your mouth, spreading your spit across your bottom lip as your dazed gaze makes him move his hand to your neck, loving how small it felt in his grasp.
He grinned behind the mask as he added a second finger, pumping in and out of you. Your hands were gripping at his cloak, your mind a haze of pleasure, as you had begun to grind into his hand. "Fuck, your such a little slut, letting me finger you in an alleyway. Someone could find you, you know?"
A whimper escaped you as he curled his fingers inside you. "Such a naughty girl being so dirty for Ghostface."
"Shit—" You breathed harshly, as his thrusts quickened.
You could feel your stomach contgracting with your impending orgasm, and Ethan could tell by how hard you clenched around his fingers. He stopped inside you, making a pathetic whine leave your lips, your orgasm so so close.
"P-please." You say, breathless, as you try to thrust your hips into his fingers wanting friction. But Ethan just pushed you harder against the wall, keeping you still. He then brought his hand to his mask, finally thrusting his fingers into you again as you moan.
He pulled off his mask, not being able to wait before kissing you. You gasp through the kiss not having expected him to take of his mask, or feel his lips at all. Your eyes had immediantly shut as he sucked on your bottom lip, his tongue esploring your mouth eagerly.
And as he finally drew back, breath heavy, you met his gaze. You gasped with a mix of suprise, and pleasure. His fingers having quickened inside you. "What—" You choke, as Ethan grins, his curls a mess, as he stays pressed to your shaking body. "E-ethan?'
"Hi, y/n." He grins as your mouth opens in pleasure as you stutter out incoherently. "Shh," Ethan chuckles, curling his fingers inside you. "I didn't know you were such a slut." He says, as the sound of your arousel fills the otherwise distant noises.
"Actually that's a lie," He begins. "I knew how much of a slut you really were, having a thing for Ghostface..." He thrusts harder into you, your stomach tightening.
"Oh god— Ethan—" Pleasure crashes over you as your head hits back against the hard wall, your body shaking as your orgasm courses through you.
"Mm." Ethan hums as he slows inside you, continuing to watch as your face contorts in pleasure, all because of him. "I thought you hated me."
"I did. I do." You quickly say, as your body feels extremely heavy, your mind trying to wrap around the truth that was revealed.
Ethan shakes his head, leaning towards your ear, licking your earlobe. "Then why moan my name?"
"I—" You didn't know what to say. Because you had. And you had felt very far from hatred when you saw his familiar brown curls come into view.
Ethan felt powerful with how stuck you were. Physically and mentally. His breath tickled your now wet ear, his kitten licks having continued. "Do you wanna show me just how much of a crush you have on Ghostface, or do you wanna try and prove how much you hate me?"
You met his gaze and knew you were fucked. Physically and mentally.
A better way to put it would be entirely.
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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badgyalshii · 6 months
Paul Atreides x Reader (always safe for POCS+ Plus size)
2.6k word count
warnings! idk really you tell me lmao. just sad really, flashbacks, etc. proofread, uhhh most of it.
A/N: im so happy i got the results that I did in the first part, im thinking of starting a taglist for this series maybe so just send me an ask saying you wanna be in there and i gotchuuuu! thank you to everyone who reads my stories, i was supposed to post this yesterday but i was pretty busy. i am overall happy with how this series is going! i was gonna leave it simple and end it here, but honestly i feel like i could keep going with this, love you guysss!😘
Access Part I here. I . II . III . IV .
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¨its just protocol¨ ¨it wasnt necessary, i watched. Ive watched you, standing behind you. Who are you, paul?¨
¨y/n? Helloooo, y/n¨ chani waved her hand in your face as the memory slowly faded and you came back to your vision and seeing chani infront of you. You both laid on the small bed, hot when the sun was up or down. Chani wanted more, she swore she did. When she wasnt talking to you she was searching for something to make this ¨house¨ feel comforting, like a home. You closed your eyes as the flashback completely faded in your head. You both were laying down, she was across from you with a worried look on her face as you blinked. ¨yes chani?¨ ¨are you prepared?¨ she asked. You struggled to remember what she was talking about, and her concerned look never left her face. ¨To leave¨ chani whispers gently. She knew you still had feelings for paul, and she couldnt fight to win you over in your constant mental battle. You never felt like this before. Wanting only one person- no, needing them. Under your eyes grew heavier and heavier. Days grew longer and you hardly slept and when you did it was of paul, had you have no life of your own? Have you grown depressed? You sighed, stood and you dressed, taking a deep breath in as you pulled up your pants and grabbed your mask.
Its been 6 years, 6 years on arrakis with chani, and you never forgot. You never forgot the life that you used to have, the life you missed so deprately, and you never came to terms with your new life, even if it was with chani. You missed stilgar, you missed everyone, grouped together, eating, small laughs between you and your friends, paul picking at your plate whenever you didnt really feel like finishing your food. You loved chani, you love her, youve became closer and closer like sisters. She taught you her own individual skills that shes learned along the way, but you guys barely talked. Her company was comforting, but all you really thought about was paul, and his new marriage, and his new wife. Was it just…..protocol? You could tell when you spoke to chani that she was extremely uninterested in the topic of paul, but thats all you ever thought about.
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You found another place in arrakis, it took about 6 sandworms to get to your destination and you lived in once again, another large rock. You and chani hunted for water and when you found it you both started to make another ¨tent¨ in the rock to live at for a while. You both sat down and ate.
¨whats on your mind?¨ chani asked worryingly, she worried, she worried so often. She only wanted whats best for you and it hurt to see you this way but she covered it with her toughness. ¨paul. Maybe he was right-¨ ¨y/n, it has been six years since then. Please-¨
¨maybe… i should go¨ you thickly swallowed, looking at your hands before you looked back up at her. Her jaw was clenched before she released it, she has an irritated look on her face before she released her eyebrows. ¨im coming with you”
As you got dressed to go back to him, you thought of him. Maybe it was because of the way he laughed so softly against your lips that made you miss him. Maybe its because of how his warm and rough fingers softly grazed your face and on your body sending butterflies in your stomach and tiny shocks wherever his loving touch landed, eager to touch you, the way his green but now electric blue eyes looked at you with pure admiration. He was so perfect. Everything you wouldbe thought you wanted on paper was right infront of you, waiting on you. You couldnt lie, you were excited to see him and thankful chani allowed you to go back. You wondered about him, wondered how he looked now, was he more mature? Did his voice get deeper? was it just protocol? Did you make a mistake? Is he safe? Is he still there? Does he still love you?
Anxiety crept through your throat before you swallowed it back down. Chani was already ready to go as soon as she shes going with you. You looked at her, she was sitting outside of the giant rock, waiting for you and if she wasnt already so smart, she turned feeling eyes on her back almost as if she could sense you, one eyebrow raised as she then crossed her arms and leaned on her left foot. You sighed before picking up your things, walking up to chani she put her hand on your shoulder and patted it. ¨can we just sit here? we just got here! look at the view¨ she said before crossing her arms again and looking at you with a smile.
The view was clearly beautiful. The sun coming down as it usually does but in this particular rock, there was something different about the scenery. ¨pretty cool for a shit planet¨ you muttered, dropping your things before you got down and sat criss cross. Chani joined you, enjoyed the view for a little longer before she looked over at you.
¨why do you like him so much, Paul?¨ she questioned kindly, usually she didnt like talking about him, she was never a fan. You looked at her, studying her face you could see she had a serious face beside her eye slightly winched from the sun, she waiting on your answer before she lifting her knee and laid on her elbow. you sighed before sitting with your legs flat out with your hands in your lap, it wasnt a hard question, it just caught you off guard. Why were you so attracted to him? . ¨i….i dont know, actually¨ you looked back into the view, chewing on the side of your cheek before continuing. ¨its not everyday you get a new comer who is so emotionally strong but you could see he is so lost in those gorgeous eyes. Someone so intelligent, beautiful, kind, and wise. Who wants to learn and is¨ you did an exaggerated sigh before raising your fingers to quote ¨so humble, as stilgar says¨ chani laughs before laying flat out. ¨he was new, wasnt like us. us growing up, we were used to the same routine, everyone around everyone. So when he got here, when he wanted me.. I just…felt…different. Everything felt different¨ a small smile played on your face as you thought of him.
“ever thought of kids?” paul asked, playing with your hair. “why are you thinking of kids in your current situation, paul? wouldnt that be too much?” you reply, your arm laid across him and your head in his chest. he chuckled in return, you felt his heartbeat skip and pitter patter before you felt the vibrations from his voice, “i wouldnt wanna have a kid unless its yours, y/n” and with that you smiled and looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his lips before he wrapped his arms around your waist to flip you guys over, you both chuckled before paul pulled up the sheets.
You wanted to feel his warm embrace again. You wanted him again. ¨i had a vision- well a dream that one day, he would be ruler. Be so wise and so gentle, which he already is. But i would be at his side, carrying his kids. Happy family. Getting to see his eyes… looking into him and only seeing love, i wouldnt ever grow tired of it. Y/N atredies, queen of atredies, me and him. You and stilgar, everyone around each other. Happy family, happy life. Of course war, but-¨ you cut yourself off, ¨i just want love, ever since i experieced it with him, its hard to let go. He teached me genuine love, nothing less, nothing more. The way he was so honest. How could i ever let that go?¨ you questioned, a puzzled look on your face as you waited on chani to answer. She took a pause, she once again looked back at the view before looking at you.
¨you do understand that he isnt the same anymore, right?¨”she said, looking up. ¨i understand,¨ you nodded, ¨ and i saw it, when he said he was waiting for me. He changed when he drunk the water of life. I dont think he really… values relationships anymore. I remember, i remember before he drunk the water, way before. He would tell me about these nightmares he had and how he was going to do everything to stop it¨ you pursed your lips to the side, as the conversation flowed, your confidence in your relationship was going lower and lower. As much as you didnt want to hear it, you needed to. ¨he lost himself, y/n¨ chani says. ¨are you sure when you walk back into his life hes gonna be the same old paul?¨
You bit your lip before looking down at your hands and let out a breath, ¨thats what were going to find out, right?¨ ¨to be honest,¨ chani sighed and put her hands behind he head, looking at the ceiling of the rock. ¨ i dont really trust him, never did. nor do i like him. He took advantage of us y/n. Tricked us, making us fight for him¨ chani said without filter. ¨he is the preacher, its written. I believe in him¨ you said pridefully, showing humility as you will always stand behind your one true love. ¨you got your sight taken by the vision of love¨ chani looks at you, she felt bad that you were so blind. But you were often like this, always have been. Soft, sensitive, caring. Its true, you and muad´dib are perfect for each other, chani could see that, but you honestly didnt wanna talk about it if she wasnt even gonna try to understand. ¨white savior¨ she finishes and looks up at the ceiling of the rock again before she looks back into the distance. ¨i love him¨ that was your finishing statement.
It was as if nothing faded, like you didnt grow, like you saw paul yesterday, like you never left. Chani felt so bad, so bad that you kept searching for paul in sleepless nights. But she also felt slightly angry, as if she didnt take you under her wing and teach you something brand new, a new way of life. It was like you totally discarded it, like you didnt want it, you didnt want to. Paul or nothing. Did you not value chanis friendship? Her love? She would never ask, shes too dominate for that. But it bothered her.
¨we should leave before it gets too late¨ chani mutters, letting out a slight groan before she stood and wiped her hands off on the pockets of her pants. You followed suit and picked up your bag before something dropped. It was pauls necklace, a family heirloom he trusted you with, he wanted you to have it. You looked at it before picking it up, rubbing over it and placing it over your neck before following chani.
The sand crunched against your shoes as you followed her, she was silent as she held the tools to get a sandworm. It was offly hot today and you both lacked water so she viewed it at that point, she already discussed with you that she wasnt gonna work for muad´dib, wasnt gonna fight for him, only gonna fight for her people. You looked at her, the sweatbeads on her forehead visible but it didnt make her look bad. You sat while you waited for the sandworm to appear.
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When you arrived the foundation looked huge, guards around the premises dressed in black, all tall, muscular, and you could easily tell they were worthy of their place. ¨follow me¨ chani said, her walk bold and strong as you followed behind her in suit. Chani walked up the the guard and the guard had a strong bold look. ¨who are you?¨ the guard asked. ¨chani¨ she replied, taking off the mask that covered her eyes. ¨freman¨ he muttered, he looked over chanis shoulder and saw you. ¨and you?¨ he questioned, ¨freman¨ you replied. He stepped aside and allowed you both to enter. Chani pushed the door open, coming inside and you followed.
You werent used to this, spending all your life living in a rock. The walls were long and you looked at them, wanting to touch them, study the whole place. But there was something else you wanted to see to, the love of your life. ¨y/n, im gonna try to find stilgar. Be safe¨ chani whispered to you. ¨chani, this is home. Everyone we know is here, this is family¨ you said with a smile on your face. ¨its been six years. Foundations couldve changed, family couldve changed. Who knows what paul did, y/n¨ she said stern. You nodded your heard and she did too, leaving you off to find the one you wanted to see do desperately.
You walked, the building was so silent that you could hear your own footsteps, sand fell off your shoes as you walked, leaving a trail. A smile played on your lips as you walked throught the halls, checking every door, seeing your people. You asked them, ¨wheres paul?¨ in return they smiled, ¨not so sure. I dont even know where his room is at. Maybe check the throne room. Honestly, i havent seen him in a long time, y/n¨ and you did, no one was there. You furrowed your eyebrows and continued to look through the rooms, paul just wasnt there. Your happiness sooned turn into sadness and insecurity. Tears were on the edge of brimming your eyes. You exiteded the castle and sat down, leaning against the wall. You held your knees up to your chest and put your head on your forearms.
Where is he? Wheres chani? This is his place he cant be impossible to find, can he? Why cant i find him? Wheres his wife? All these thoughts coursed through your head as you waited, you ended up falling asleep, outside.
¨y/n?¨ you heard. Your neck had a crane as you looked up. ¨y/n!¨ it was a voice you recognized, ¨why are you outside?¨ they laughed, you finally looked up after rubbing your eyes and it was stilgar. ¨stilgar!¨ you yelled, he came down to your level and hugged you. He laughed ¨look at you, all dirty¨ he wiped your face. ¨wheres paul?¨ you questioned, his smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. This took you aback, ¨wheres paul? I was gonna ask you that¨ he mutters, wiping the dirt off of your cheek. You dropped his hand and looked at him with desperate eyes, ¨what-what do you mean?¨ you asked, desperate for an answer. ¨paul left 2 years ago, y/n. He said when he came back, he would come back with you¨” stilgar looks down as he reveals, you stood, paced, questioned. ¨he said he would wait for me- i….i dont understand! Stilgar¨ you let out a whine, trying to fight the tears. ¨where is he? Stilgar please, please!¨ you begged, dropping to your knees. Stilgar couldnt muster to come up with anything to say. In honesty, he mightve been more sad than you. The messiah is gone, lost. No where to be found. How could he find him? Where could he possibly be? Two years. Two. this was like heartbreak all over again. Before, you knew he was alive, but now. You know nothing. Should you go back? Is he still searching for you?
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cowboybeepboop · 1 year
The only one
“Kili, you can’t tell anyone about this.” “So it’s our dirty little secret then?”
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Paring: Kili Durin x afab reader
Genre: romantic smut
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: You’re Bilbo's adopted human daughter and he takes you along on the journey. Kili has his heart set on you and after getting involved in the fight he gets angry with you for putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
Warnings: public sex, arguing, jealous Kili, hickeys, p in v sex, hickeys??? Idk what else I always forget
a/n: I did not proofread and its lowkey a summary of the first movie? This is my first smut regarding anyone in the tolkien universe but I did write some sad fluff at some point lmao. Anyways, please like and send any requests if you want <3 tags go absolutely wild
You’ve been an adopted hobbit for the last 18 years of your life, Bilbo was always comforted in the known so when he brought you along with him and the dwarfs on their journey you were beyond surprised. Your presence was unexpected for everyone, except Gandalf of course, and most of the company was against your involvement. The dwarves saw you as frail and weak, the only one on your side was your dad, but of course he was.
Kili has kept an eye out for you since you joined the company, he makes sure you're safe and also just enjoys looking at you.
When Elrond and his fellow elves come back the dwarves pull you and your father behind them and create a circle around you. You stay behind your Bilbo as the elves talk with Gandalf.
Upon your entrance to their dining room you look around with wonder, you sit down between Kili and your dad. “They're so beautiful,” you whisper to Bilbo, he nods with a gentle but awkward smile. Kili’s ears twitch as he looks around, his eyes narrow on an elf who has his eyes on you, he moves closer to you wrapping his arm around you.
“You think so?” Kili questions, his jaw clenching slightly, “I think us dwarves are better looking, stronger too.” he says pridefully, you chuckle in response.
“Is it a competition now?” you cock your head, “You’re very good looking too, Kili.” he smiles wide.
“Is that so? I am the best looking of all of the company, aside from Thorin of course.” you laugh, putting your hand on his arm.
“A bit full of yourself huh?” he shoves your shoulder gently in response. Kilis arms finds its way around your waist as he continues to glare at the elf who dared to look at you, who did he even think he was.
Gandalf, Bilbo, and Thorin wander off with Lord Elrond, leaving you with the dwarfs. You watch quietly, laughing with them and listening to their conversations before you feel yourself drifting off to sleep. Kili quietly sits next to you letting your head fall to his shoulder he smiles, covering you up with a blanket.
After the company left the palace Thorin led everyone to the Misty Mountains, Kili keeps you in front of him. He insists that it’s better that way so if you fall he can catch you. As the rain picks up your feet slip under you, Kili and Fili grasp your arms quickly, pulling you back onto the ledge.
“Thank you,” you say softly as your eyes look over the ledge. Kili keeps a hold of your arm tightly as you all try to avoid the stone giant's blasts. The ground splits under your feet as the mountain takes shape as a giant, you grab onto the stone behind you before everyone begins to slide forward.
The stone giant slams into the mountain, throwing everyone off of it and onto the ground. Thorin yells for his nephews as the rest of the company runs over, Kili helps you up dusting your clothes off and checking to make sure you weren’t hurt anywhere.
After all the commotion everyone settles into the cave, Bilbo pulls you off to the side and quietly talks to you, he tells you about his plan to leave once everyone is asleep. “Why dad? What's wrong?” you whisper to him.
“Thorin is right, we never should've left home, I’ve put you in danger and I can’t let anything else happen to you.” he sighs as he runs his hand through your hair, “It’s okay, we’ll be fine.” he smiles reassuringly.
You both gather all of your stuff and sneak out, he leads you by the hand. He pulls you behind him as he talks with Bofur, you stay quiet looking around the cave. You didn’t really want to leave the company, I mean they were becoming your friends, you enjoyed the company.
“Y/N?” Kili mumbles as he looks up at you, he yawns. “Where are you going?” You crouch down putting your hand on his shoulder.
“Go back to sleep Kili, you need your rest,” you smile sweetly.
The floor splits and you slip down with everyone, Bilbo gets away but you are guided off with the dwarves. Your eyes fill with terror as you look around, you take a hold of Kilis hand squeezing tight as the goblins push you all around. You cower behind him, holding onto his shirt tightly.
Once you get out the dwarves all argue over where your dad went, your head drops as you think that your dad couldn't possibly have left you all alone. He reappears and you rush over to hug him, his hands drop to your waist as he smiles.
“Y/N!” Kili and Bilbo yell at you as you try to defend the dwarves with your small blade; it goes into the center of the wargs head, and Kili grabs you and pulls you up to the tree with him. His hand wrapping around your waist as he holds you close.
“Don’t move,” Kili’s voice is angry as he demands you to stay put. His hands dig into your slides as you look below your feet. Kili’s hands slip away as they start to throw the pinecones, the tree begins to fall, you grasp onto the trunk as tight as you can. His hands wrap around the tree, his eyes focused on you.
As Thorin and your father begin to fight the orcs, your eyes squeeze shut tightly, you try to focus on anything but the attack of Thorin. Kili pulls you up and onto the ground, insisting you stay put as they go to fight. You look forward, clutching the blade you retrieved from the corpse tight. As all of the commotion ensues you feel yourself being picked up by an eagle.
Once you all are in a safe place you watch as Gandalf helps heal Thorin. You stand next to your dad, holding onto his arm, as Thorin goes in for a hug you let go of him and move back. Your eyes wander to Kili who turns his head in order to avoid eye contact with you.
As the company moves forward you come across an area close to a river, Gandalf suggests that you all take a break and bathe. You and Kili were the last to go, you were paired up at the recommendation of Fili.
Kili guides you to the river, holding his weapon close to his chest, he’s been giving you the silent treatment after you got in between a fight. “You can bathe here, I’ll keep watch.” his voice stern.
“Kili..” your voice trails off as you look at his back, trying to pull his attention to you.
“Y/N, just take your bath. It’s getting dark.” Kili’s tone is extremely cold. You pout your lips as you begin pulling your clothing off slowly, once you finish you slip into the cold water.
“You can turn back now,” you say softly before you dip all the way under the water, holding your breath and squeezing your eyes shut. After a while you break the surface of the water sliding your hands over your face pulling the water back with your hair. Kili had turned around keeping his eyes on everything but you.
“Kili,” you wave him over, “come here, please.” you bite your lip as he gives you a bored expression.
“What is it?” he walks close to the bank of the river, his eyes scanning your face.
“Shouldn’t you join me? You're supposed to bathe as well,” he sighs, turning his back to you again.
“Fine, turn away.” he sets down his sword and strips quickly. You face the other way as he slips into the water with you.
“Kili, what is your problem?” you huff, spinning around with your arms crossed over your breasts.
“What do you mean?” his eyes are half closed as he looks at you with a slightly annoyed expression.
You move closer to him, “I mean, you’re acting so rude for no reason. You won’t look at me, you barely talk to me, you’re being so dumb” you glare at him, “So what is your problem?” he rolls his eyes at you.
“I don’t know maybe the fact that you threw yourself into harm's way? You could’ve gotten yourself killed,” he yells at you while running his hand through his hair.
“Calm down Kili,” you move close to him, putting your hand on his arm. “I didn’t expect you to get all worked up like this, I know I should have been more careful but I just wanted to help.” your eyebrows furrow as you look down.
His warm hands grasp your upper arms “You really worried me Y/N,” he presses his forehead against yours.
“You worried about me?” a sly smile paints itself on your lips, “does that mean you like me Kili?” your voice is soft and teasing. His ears turn a deep shade of crimson as he turns his head up.
“Y/N cut that out,” he puts his hand on the side of your neck, his eyes flick to your lips.
“Cut what out?” you wrap your arms around his neck pulling yourself close to him.
“You know what,” he clenches his jaw, your hands running down his back as you wrap your legs around his hips.
Kili pulls your face to his, hovering his lips over yours “Quit teasing me,” he whispers. Your hand snakes up to the back of his head, cradling it as you push your lips against his. His hands move to your waist, his fingers dig into your soft flesh as he hugs you tighter against him.
“Mahal,” he pulls away, pressing soft kisses down your face and onto your neck. You lean back letting his lips trail over your body, your nails scratch his scalp softly as you arch into him.
“Amrâlimê,” he whispers against your collarbone, “you’re driving me insane,” Kili groans. He grasps your face pulling you in for an intimate kiss, he’s getting more intense with his affections, his hands squeezing your hips roughly.
Your hand trails down his chest tracing every muscle on his stomach, he begins grinding against you while holding your hips against him. Pulling away from the kiss you gasp for air, leaning your head against his shoulder, you wrap your hands in his hair pulling it off to the side. Kissing his neck roughly you begin to leave soft marks on his flesh as he massages your ass.
“Y/N..” he mumbles into your ear, you moan softly as he picks you up, moving into shallow water. “Can we..?” his ears flush as he looks away, “I mean, would you mind?” you chuckle softly.
“Mhm,” you move your hips against his thigh, feeling him twitch underneath you. “But we’ll have to be quick..” you kiss his shoulder as his hands pull your hips up, he lines himself up with your hole, pushing the tip in.
“Let me know if it hurts,” he says gently, his hand finding its way to your neck grabbing ahold of it pulling your head back as you moan softly. He bucks his hips up into you, leaning forward you bury your face into his nape hugging him tight as you moan into his skin.
“My precious girl,” he groans as he slowly begins moving your hips up and down, his fingers digging into your soft skin, leaving red marks. You moan into his ear as you begin riding him, your arms wrap tight around his neck, eyebrows furrowing as you squeeze around his dick.
Kili cradles your head against him, holding you as close as he can, thrusting up into you pushing as deep as he can. Your head falls onto his shoulder, he moves a hand down to your sensitive clit, rubbing circles into it.
“I’m so close,” you moan, Kili nods in response.
“Me too,” he groans, his hands exploring every part of your body as he pulls you into a passionate kiss.
“Hey, Y/N, Kili, hurry it up.” Fili yells to you, causing the both of you to jolt up. Kili pushes himself into you as deep as he can. You bite your lip as you cum around him, your hole pulsing.
Your back arches, silent gasps leaving your open mouth as you ride out your high. Your whole body seems to tense up causing Kili to groan while he cums deep inside you. He pulls you off of him giving you a sweet kiss.
“Now we really need to clean up, and fast.” He says lowly, his hands creep up from behind you gasping your sides as he pulls you into deeper water to rinse off. You sigh contently as he holds your body close to his.
After quickly cleaning yourselves up; you both get out, drying off before putting your clothes back on.
“Kili, you can’t tell anyone about this.” you bite your lip as you turn to him, his eyebrows furrow. “Bilbo might actually get so mad he tries to kill you,” you giggle softly as his face relaxes.
“So it’s our dirty little secret then?” coming close to you he wraps his arms around your neck giving you a deep kiss. “But we will get to tell everyone later, right?” he pulls back, eyes scanning yours.
“Yes, Kili,” you kiss the tip of his nose, hands resting on his shoulders, “but let's wait it out for a bit, okay?” he smiles in response.
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wonillaa · 2 years
enha boyfriend thoughts :(
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heeseung ♡
- “honey, i’m home”
- started saying it as a joke but now its illegal to come through the door without saying it
- shared playlists
- cute dates :( dog/cat cafes, karaoke
- voice messages + random selfies
- prefers to just stay in and lay with you
- unspoken love for each other
- actions > words
- still makes sure to send good morning and goodnight texts tho 🫡
jay ♡
- he’s so endearing LMAO
- the care you’d get when you’re sick ..
- you’re eating so good w/ him
- i think matching small things like jewelry or jackets
- surprise gifts ☹️
- sprays his cologne on your stuffed animals for you to feel closer when you aren’t together
- always making sure you’re comfortable
- layers you until you’re waddling like a penguin in the winter . he does not care
- involving you in everything he’s interested in + always info dumping on things
- uses you as a model for outfits
jake ♡
- bf jake makes me so sad
- pictures of you in his wallet
- has playlists of songs that remind him of you
- so many dates
- hikes maybe ? idk i think he’d like being in nature with you
- gym partners
- he says you’re his motivation so he needs you there lmao
- has a separate album in his camera roll of pictures of you and him
sunghoon ♡
- his love language is being annoying /j
- he reminds me of winter </3
- zips your coat up and puts your hat + gloves on
- throws snow, leaves or even grass at you no matter the season + if you bake together flour will end up all over you
- baby talks to you bc he knows you hate it
- you frequent a coffee shop together and get a drink every morning 🙁
- sends you gym mirror pics .. ha ha 🤗
- he’d be so sweet tho everything he does is out of love 😞
sunoo ♡
- your relationship is built on impulsive acts
- you walk either every morning or night like an old married couple
- everything is so perfect with him (◞‸◟)
- he’s so loving and praises you for just breathing
- you take turns giving each other massages and playing with each others hair
- so much affection :(
- he just wants to experience everything with you and see the world together
- cheek kisses
- my biggest wish is sunoo getting the most love in this world im devastated
jungwon ♡
- jungwon 😭😭😭😭<3
- has a note in his phone dedicated to all your favorite things, allergies, etc
- reads you so well he’s like a part of you
- if your mom/parent has a facebook he’d def follow it
- he’s a fan of all love languages
- clingy jungwon .. 💔
- steals your stuff and always in your personal space
- he’s so cute
- makes sure you stay on top of taking care of yourself , if you’re too tired to brush your teeth or wash your face he’s doing it for you
niki ♡
- he’s so childish and maybe a little evil
- i think he’d really feel bad if he took things too far 😭
- he lives to tease you he’s like a mini sunghoon but worse
- makes fake photocards of you and shows you his collection
- refuses pet names
- the most you’re getting is ‘my love’ everything else he uses is to bribe you for something or to mess with you
- please take him bowling . the amount of times he’s asked for someone to go with him is truly getting sad
- just dance competitions
- he likes everything if you’re involved
- he whispers his favorite things about you + how much he loves you while you’re asleep ☹️ he’s shy
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runa-falls · 1 year
step on me
pairing: mean!miguel o'hara x naive!reader
summary: you have a peculiar 'relationship' with miguel -- basically, you'll take what you can get.
warning: explicit 18+, smut, unprotected sex, man-handling, no after-care, power imbalance, toxic relationship, very one-sided, fwb, little bit of angst, kinda sad rly.
w/c: 2.4k
a/n: ik i have two series i should be writing for but-- actually i have no excuse. i've been listening to step on me for hours now so that's why this is this...maybe one more part after this ? idk yet --
You have an interesting relationship with Miguel, if you can call it that. You’ve been fucking for weeks now, shoving each other against closet walls, over desks, or atop bathroom counters with no regard for anyone else around. 
But you’re not friends. You’re barely even friendly colleagues. 
It happened so fast the first time.
There wasn’t any growing tension that led to the snap of a rubber band. He just kissed you out of the blue. Grabbed you, quite eagerly by the neck, completely cutting off what you were saying, then pulled you in, lips pressing hot against yours. 
You had trouble wrapping your mind around what was happening so you went still, arms hanging timidly at your sides, eyes wide with surprise.
His hand grasped your jaw, holding you exactly where he wanted you. 
The shock in your body dissipated slowly as he started to lick into your mouth. Your eyes closed at the feel of his soft tongue against yours. You leaned into him, body melting at his touch.
It was the last thing you were expecting from him at the end of your debriefing.
It happened after the rest of the crew left. They were dismissed by Miguel and anxious to get home or to pick up a bite to eat, but you stayed behind, wanting to pitch another one of your ideas to him. 
Like always. 
It started off with the usual routine: 
He barely looks at you when he flatly asks why you were still there. He’s a very impatient man, always in a hurry to go from point A to point B.
You don’t mind his question because he already knows the answer.  
You jumped right into blabbing about the newest technological upgrades that you think could be beneficial for the group while he full-heartedly ignored you, gloved fingers swiping around on his holographic monitor. 
The occasional Uh-huh. Yeah, sure. Ok. Was all you were getting from him. But you continue, hoping to spark his interest, if only for a second. 
You’re so lost in your own explanations that you don’t notice he’s actually looking at you now. And walking closer. Much closer than he has ever been before. 
Now that you’re thinking back on it, he was pretty tense that day. Makes sense why the bruises on your waist are still in the late stage of healing, despite your spider-woman-enhanced abilities. 
You have always looked up to Miguel as a mentor as much as your boss. He has a lot of experience as a Spider, far more than your mere year-and-a-half as Spider-Girl (you prefer Spider-Woman, but your New York refused to budge on the name). 
You’ve been trying for months to get his attention if only for him to look over your work as an engineer because, as much power as he has in Spider-Society, he’s also quite brilliant in his own right. 
So when he kissed you, you finally felt seen by him. Because now, you’re not just another Spider on the wall. He wants you. Now you have a chance to be a bigger part of Spider-Society. 
Well, you soon found out that him wanting you, involved very little conversation. 
None — if it were his choice. 
“So what do you think?” You wait eagerly for his feedback, but he doesn’t respond, his lips just continue to brush against your throat, away from the bruise he just sucked into your skin. “...Miguel?”
“Hm?” The sharp edge of his fang runs over your collarbone. You shiver at the feeling. 
“The stabilizers.”  He bites down, gently enough not to break skin.
“What about them…?”
“I–” A hand makes its way under your shorts, cupping your center as he continues to litter your skin with more bites. “N-nevermind. We can talk about it later.”
He barely nods, head resting on your shoulder, “Lift your hips for me, sweetheart.” 
The thing is, there never was a later with him. If you weren’t behind closed doors, it’s like nothing’s changed. 
These days, he is always busy after debriefs. Except when he wants you.
But by then, your mouth is already webbed closed with his fiery red silk, so you can’t even bring it up if you wanted to. 
“Alright, good work everyone.” The Spiders around you start to shuffle out of their chairs as Miguel closes up, “Team 470B will be on call for the next one, so go home and get some rest.” Casual chatter starts to bloom around you and all professionalism goes out the door as the meeting is adjourned. 
You push back on your rolling chair and stand up, satisfied by the day of work. You stretch, body stiff from sitting for so long, and nearly lose your footing from how far you were reaching. You are planning to go straight home and take a long bath before bed, knowing by now that Miguel wouldn’t have time to see you before he’s off to his next thing. 
Just as you’re about to walk out with the rest, you hear him call out, “Not you, Spider-Girl.” You’re the only one that looks back (as you’re the only one with that terribly degrading name), but you point at yourself anyway. He looks at you with an unamused look, as if to say “Who the fuck else?” 
You get the memo and follow him. 
You silently walk a few paces behind him as you travel through the ravine that’s Spider-HQ. You hear a few, “What’s up, Spider-Girl?” and “Good Evening, O’Hara”s, as you pass the halls full of familiar (and unfamiliar) Spiders. You wave politely, sending smiles to your co-workers and friends, but Miguel barely acknowledges them. 
Once you get to his office, you’re pushed against the wall. Claws dig into your wrists as they’re held above you. It’s a bit higher than you can reach so you’re forced to stand on your tip-toes to stay comfortable. The positioning forces your back to arch slightly and your chest brushes against his.   
Your face heats in embarrassment as you lose your footing for a second, almost falling against him. Looking up, you watch as his gaze darkens rapidly with syrupy desire. He’s clearly enjoying the stumbling doe under him.
As he leans down to capture your lips, his hands lower with yours, giving you a bit of reprieve to stand back on your heels. You sigh against his lips as your strained muscles have a chance to relax.
He pulls away, resting his forehead against yours. “Gotta make this quick, I’m needed in 2997 in an hour.”
It’s always quick. Over before you’re ready. Before you can really sink into the feeling of his touch, of his lips against yours, of the hand-shaped bruises getting pressed into your outer thighs. 
His hands drift from yours and trace over your suited figure before wrapping around your waist. You’re hoisted up easily by his strong arms and you instinctively wrap your legs around his hips. 
He brings you over to a couch at the corner of the room, one that’s there for decoration rather than comfort. 
You’re gently laid on your back, hair spread out under you, watching as Miguel’s eyes pour over your rapidly rising chest and puffy lips. He’s straddling your legs, body hunched over you.
His fingers lightly brush over your chest before pinching at the stretchy fabric of your suit, “Let’s get this off.” 
You press the subtle release button that sits under the spider logo of your suit and it instantly pools around you. His hands quickly make work to take it off, pulling it down and off of you with one swift tug. You sigh at the sensation of your skin meeting the cool air. 
You hear him discard the suit to the side, then he’s back on you.
He palms over your tits, flicking your sensitive nipples with his thumb leisurely, taking time to pull gasps and moans from your lips. You throw your head back when he pinches you, moaning loudly at the pleasurable pain. He takes one bud into his mouth, sucking and laving at your skin until your body starts to physically tremble from the stimulation. Then his touch is gone. 
You watch as he sits up and starts to remove his own suit from the neck to his waist, revealing his heavily muscled torso, warm skin speckled with the occasional mole. He lets you feel him under your small palm, muscles rippling as you drag your fingers downward. You’re tunnel vision as you watch them brush over the dark hair of his happy trail and pull the bottom half of his suit down. 
He’s already hard for you, precum dribbling slowly from the blush pink tip. Your hand wraps around his silken cock and he pulses at your touch, eagerly anticipating your next move. You meet his half-lidded gaze, watching his soft lips part as you squeeze around him experimentally. 
“I need to be inside of you.” He guides your hand off of him and lets it rest on his chest as he bends over you once again. Calloused fingers trail down the sensitive skin of your inner thighs and over your dripping heat. Your breath stutters when he slides his middle finger against your slippery folds and pushes in easily, making sure you’re ready enough to take him.
You always are.
His breathing labors as he works another finger into you, slick sounds growing louder as he increases the speed. You clench around his fingers unintentionally at the thought of your body affecting him like that, and it makes him groan. 
Your legs abruptly start to close around his arm as he pushes in deeper, angling his fingers at just the right positioning to nudge against your g-spot. He pushes them apart with his other hand, holding you down against the couch as you quickly reach the edge. You cry out as electricity fizzes through your nerves and leaves you completely boneless. White is all you see as heat travels through your body and out. 
Your heart beats harshly when you finally come down and your legs still twitch from the residual stimulation that’s slowly evaporating off your body. When you open your eyes, you see Miguel staring back at you.
“You good?” 
He draws his hands away from you, “Okay,” He’s practically cooing at you. “Open up for me, sweetheart.” You lazily spread your legs for him, allowing him to slot himself in between them. 
He slides himself against your heat, coating himself in your sweet slick, and grinds against you for a minute, letting his cock nudge ever so slightly against your sensitive clit just to see you squirm. 
“Miguel, please.” Your voice is hoarse as you beg.
“I got you, honey.” Your hands hold onto his biceps when he starts to push into you and you squeeze at his arms as you get used to the feeling of your body slowly stretching around him, inch by inch. You both moan when he bottoms out and have to stop to get used to the feeling. 
Then he starts moving. Hard. 
His arms hold him up next to your head as he fucks you into the couch, hips ramming against yours without care. Any semblance of softness he has shown you before is gone. 
The feeling of being filled up so harshly is overwhelming and all you can do is hold on to him, nails digging into his skin, grasping in desperation.
Miguel takes one of his arms and uses it to prop his leg higher to give him more space. Your eyes roll to the back of your head when he starts to push in deeper. As deep as he can. There it is again, that euphoric spot inside of you. Pressure pools in your stomach, igniting a feeling of limitless pleasure. Your eyebrows furrow as your body begins to tense again, already building up to another orgasm.
He can feel your walls start to flutter around him, clenching and sucking him in closer. He has to hold himself back from cumming right there as you grow impossibly tighter. “Cum for me again, baby.” His strained words pull you closer to the edge and your legs begin to shake. 
You’re practically writhing under him as white-hot pleasure finally shoots through your system for the second time. Warmth radiates from your center and your entire body is assaulted with intense bliss, all your senses numbed. 
“Fuck –” He can’t help but swear as you cum around him, pushing him infinitely closer to his climax. He’s still rutting into you, pushing your body into the couch cushions with every thrust, but his pace is becoming inconsistent as he holds himself back from finishing inside of you. 
He pulls out at the last moment, letting out a choked groan as he spurts over your stomach, hand fisting his cock as he completely empties himself.
He takes a few deep breaths above you to calm down before leaning back on his knees and reaching behind him. You didn’t notice that there was already a towel hanging on one of the couch’s arms until he grabs it and gently wipes himself off.
You’re still recovering, breathlessly laying on your back in exhaustion, barely able to move from all the energy you exerted. Your body aches wonderfully when you shift to the side, and you’re sure you’ll feel it more tomorrow. 
“Clean yourself up, sweetheart.” He passes you the towel, already getting up off the couch. The small hand-towel plops on your stomach covering the white ropes he left on your skin. “I’m gonna need the office back as soon as I finish my mission, so you’ll have a few hours.” Your body curls into itself, a bit cold as his body heat leaves you. You look up and he’s already back in his suit, brushing his hair back into place. “I’ll, uh, see you later, sometime?” 
You nod, sending him a small smile. “Ok.” 
With that, he leaves the room. 
He’s always in a hurry, but you suppose that’s just how things are when you’re trying to single-handedly hold the multiverse together.
You appreciate the little time you get with him, knowing how busy he is and all, but sometimes you wish you could have him for a little bit longer, if just to talk to him. 
For now, though, you’ll take what you can get.
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the seven + a few others future headcanons
becomes a high school teacher
teaches high school marine biology (idk how it is in other schools but when we hit sophomore year we got to choose different bio classes ie: marine bio, ag bio, med bio + regular bio)
also teaches the mythology elective and is the swim team coach
we already know this queen is an architect with obvious inspiration from greek architecture
learns how to make blue food for percy and their kids from sally
has traveled all over the world looking at different architecture
learns the basics of many languages so shes able to communicate with the locals
her and leo team up to build a small school near camp half-blood for year rounders so everyone can learn consistently but dw they get summers off
love her but shes a nepo baby
she doesnt act like it tho
”are you tristan mcleans daughter?” “who?”
loves her dad to bits but does not like being seen out in public by the paparazzi
marries shel, they dont have kids tho, neither of them want to bring any into the world especially with america’s downfall and the government erasing women and poc rights
is basically leos big sister atp
him and calypso dont last, maybe a year and a half in they split bc calypso wants to explore the world and leo is very emotionally unstable and calypso has a hard time understanding
they end on good terms but dont ever talk unless its with a group of friends
he goes into a trade to become a mechanic and owns his own shop
starts smoking cigarettes/vaping
his friends dont really approve but they understand he cant quit just yet as hes not in a mental space to do so
goes to therapy with a psychologist whos a demigod that specializes in grieving and war trauma
they all go to therapy but hes the last one to do it
he’s still the ‘happy go lucky’ guy hes always been but as he gets closer w the others they start to see the true sadness in him
piper and him grow a lot closer after jason died and have a big sister little brother relationship
my girl stays at camp jupiter
takes nicos place at camp
horse trainer
her and frank also dont work out as a romantic relationship, they felt that the age gap was too much after frank turned 18 and hazel was 15 theyre still friends tho
hazel often visits leo in his shop
as much as leo reminds her of sammy, through therapy she has recognized that theyre separate people and to not push all her past feelings for sammy onto leo
not only does she train horses but she also teaches little kids basic math, science, and history to the younger kids
they all call her ms. hazel
she prefers to teach the really young kids (age 4-7)
wears her hair in different braid styles after BOO
my friggin HOMIE
i relate to frank a lot personality wise
therefore i think hed be a 4/20 fanatic after BOO
hes not stoned during training or during important camp duties
but otherwise you try talkin to him and you dont really notice until you look and see the far off look and red eyes and he just goes “huh?”
other than that hes a great leader
after he gets his cool new look from mars he takes really good care of his body including consistent exercise and eating really healthily (maybe he has a soft spot for fast food when hes hi)
him joining the military does not make sense to me
he lost his mom to war, and he was in one himself, idk about you but i would not wanna join the military after being the main character in a war
he studies to be a veterinarian for exotic animals
when no one is around he shifts into the animal to find out whats wrong
”dr. zhang prefers to work by himself” “why” “idk but hes always right, if it aint broke dont fix it”
rip home-slice
my other homie
my guy does not get taller than 5’8
stays at camp during the summer to train the new and old kids
him and will get a house together
teaches history at the camp school
cat dad (5 cats and counting)
takes nicos last name when they marry bc its cooler
him being a doctor doesnt click w me i more picture him being an EMT
EMTs are hotter anyways
does med training with new apollo kids whenever he gets time
if he’s not busy during working hours he drops by nicos classroom w his fav drink from dutch bros (starbucks is MID) and hangs out with him and his students
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a short story where sugarboo comes home with a new back and spine tattoo done out of straight impulse.
My impulsiveness told me to do it-
I was trying to figure out what back and spine tattoos Boo might get. Idk how tattoos work so bare w me.
Uuuhhh implied suggestive stuff at end bc someone now. Backshots (not Auron's sadly) goes crazy w back n spine tattoos
So this is what I think would be cool!
Tumblr media
Boo felt tired and sore, but the tattoo's they got made them really happy. When passing the new tattoo shop, they just HAD to get it.
The beautiful spine detail and bones made them remember of a cryptic Seth told them about. The color made them think of Alphonse's hair in dark mode and normal mode.
Boo was really surprised how fast the tattoo artist got these done. With a few breaks in between, Boo was able to become friends with most of the tattoo artists. Saying they'd bring any baked goods they want if they ever come to Sugarboo's bakery.
Pulling up to the house, Boo saw their boys chatting. Seth who was working on his motorcycle in the garage waved at Boo. Alphonse who had his back turned, whipped his head and gave a big smile.
"There you are Boo!" Greeting his partner, he opened the driver side door. Giving him a quick thanks Boo slowly got out and hissed a bit.
Their new tattoo was still a but sore but, the tattoo artists told them how to take care of it correctly. Even selling Sugarboo products since it was the only place that sold them.
"You alright Sugar? Is your back hurting again from bending over?" Gently asking, Seth wiped his hands as he walked up to the other two. Shaking their head Boo laughed awkwardly, his do they explain this.
"So I got a surprise right?" These words made Alphonse and Seth look at them. The pinkeete peaked into he car, and quirked a brow.
"Really? What is it?" Asking Boo, Alphonse went to the passenger side door and opened it. Grabbing the bad with a curious look, Seth came closer to Sugarboo.
"Yeah, usually you dont give surprises unless its-" Trying to connect the dots, Seth was interrupted by Alphonse gasping. Pointing at Boo who gave him a sheepish smile.
"YOU GOT A TATTOO??" Shouting he came to them quickly. And began asking if they were okay, along with if they needed anything.
"Yup! So, uh surprise?" Questioning themselves, they saw Seth sigh and give them a look. One they usually get when they do something really impulsive without telling them.
"Sugar, we could have helped you get into the car and drive you here- Al, calm down." Snapping slightly, Seth looked at the pastel punk who was looking at the receipt
"Boo, I love you but a back and spine tattoo done on the same day?? Babe, that must hurt like hell!" Worried Alphomse started looking them over. Boo chuckled feeling guilty but Seth patted Al's back.
"Let Sugar talk." Sternly saying, the pinkeete paused and then looked at his partner. Sugarboo gave Seth a thankful look before starting to explain.
"I always wanted one and because theres a new tattoo place I decided to get it done! I didnt work today and I thought why not?" Telling the truth, both men nodded listening. It was true Boo was sad they'd have to take like a long time off since the closes tattoo artist was in the city. But now since people are coming here theres different shops now.
"Okay, we understand. But still, ya could have told one of us or gotten someone to help ya get home." Chiding Seth came forward helping Boo to the house. Alphonse followed carring the bag and would help but ask.
"What does it look like?" Asking his partner, who smirked and giggled a bit. This caught both of the attentions.
"You'll see soon once its healed~" Implying something dirty, Al snorted and Seth shook his head. Sugarboo wanted to say that was able a reason why they wanted it. Since their backshots were gonna go wild now-
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Logan howlett x reader
Warnings: deadass I do not know. Sad. Sad kitty cat. Idk everyone's sad. Some things may not make sense yet. Major Canon divergence
I don't remember the first time I wanted to die. Maybe it had been when I thought I lost Logan for good. The nights I slept alone and the days I spent cooking on my own and the nights I spent watching the TV, lying by the radio incase I received a message. I even chopped the wood.
And then one day the radio just, went silent.
I had been getting small messages every now and then, whether from a random or a helicopter pilot or just government things. But one day it all just stopped.
I think that's what true fear feels like.
Westchester was just as I remember. So lively and comfortable. But not as warming, it didn't feel as much like home as it should have.
"So what are we even doing here?" Wade asked.
Behind us, Charles stepped on a few glass shards with a crunch and then looked up at us. "There's someone here I think can help you," he grunted as he fixed himself.
"God I hope it's doctor strange, God he's delicious in the first movie" Wade spoke under his breath.
I side eyed him, and as I did, I noticed Logan had stopped walking behind us and was standing at the window of a shop. There was something melancholic about it.
"Logan?" I questioned him as I walked toward him "what are you looking at?"
He tilted his head down and left, eyeing my feet approaching, and then looked back to the window. Inside on display was a small baby sock with pink frills. It lay abandoned on a splintered wooden shelf.
For some reason, it affected Logan more than I felt it would.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
Stupid question.
"Let's just get out of here" he grumbled and walked off.
My mouth fell into an o shape as I stood baffled by what just happened. Nevertheless, I picked up my feet and started walking again.
Sometimes, when I get time to myself. I like to think of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr. Both powerful mutants with incredible abilities, arguably they were otherworldly. Best friends and yet enemies.
Charles once told me, "To be so close is to be too far away"
Since then, I still don't have a fucking clue what he meant. I thought about it every night, asked people what they thought of it.
Yet I still don't have an answer. And when I ask Xavier about it. He says "each day you get further away, is a day you get just that bit closer"
And if he hadn't been so old I would have punched him for being so cryptic.
"Is this the place?" I asked and turned to Charles.
He nodded with raised brows. "This is is the one"
The building was made of red brick and had pristine white bordered windows lined with vines and small flowers.
"Its so beautiful every part of me is crying" Wade stated. And silently me and Logan cringed, and I could have sworn Charles did too.
"The people inside aren't. So watch yourselves" Charles warned us.
"You know I wish I could. I wanna rewatch my best jerk off moments"
Logan ran a hand down his face and rolled his eyes into his head.
Inside seemingly already waiting for us, we're 3 people. One was a woman in a long purple robe like a witch. One was a man in a bright blue leather suit, and the last was another man in a dark green suit.
All were undeniably a bit scary to look at.
"Charles dear, you've returned," the woman spoke, then Gasped "oooh and with guests"
"These are my acquaintances. You don't need to know their names" Charles spoke.
I assumed they weren't of major importance if our names weren't even necessary.
"What can we help you with?" The man is blue had a deep voice.
The kind that made you want to turn around and leave. Like being caressed by a bear growl.
"I need a truthspeaker" Xavier said bluntly.
Apparently, that's a normal thing around here. Saying things like everyone is supposed to know what that is. I tell you what bloody annoying is what it is.
"Well, here's one right here." The woman is purple pointed to herself and stood up off her chair and strode elegantly toward Logan.
She snaked her manicured hand around his bicep, then up his shoulder and around his neck. Smirking with her maroon lips, she eyed me.
Snarling with disgust and anger and whatever comes in between, i stared back at her. She flicked at logans beard with her bright red nail, and his eye twitched slightly. Without another thought, I looked at the wall.
"Oh, you're an interesting one, aren't you?" She was talking to me. I turned my head slowly to face her.
"So much emotion. So passionate and pure. Like a wildfire, aren't you?" She grinned with that fake feminine grace that made me sick.
"Do I look like I want to talk to you?" I said blankly.
Before another word came out of my mouth, the woman grabbed a silver stick adorned with red gems from her pocket and swiftly stuck it to my mouth.
I found myself then and there unable to move or say anything.
"So complex. Very intense" the woman smiled with her eyes closed. It was creepy.
"So much sadness and despair. I've never felt such loss in one person. You've experienced great trauma in your life. Grief is never easy. You know one person will experience one traumatic event by the age of 17. By the looks of you, I'd say you have had one each year of your life. Always grieving and putting yourself into dark places. Is there someone who got you out of that place? That helped you?",
This was when I started looking at Logan. With glossy, red eyes, i watched him as his face changed. Into someone I knew. Some thing one that I recognised. He changed and contorted to create a man I loved. A cruel joke was being played, and I was the punchline.
The woman turned her head to Logan and then back at me grinning.
"Oh I see what's happening here. You love him don't you? And you can't handle the handle the feeling"
I started sobbing harder. "Alright that's enough" one of the men spoke but the woman shut his off quickly.
"You can't bear to watch him can you?, it pains you to know he does not love you. So dreadfully, it consumes. Your love for him. It encapsulates you, suffocates you, and drowns you. It is you. It is all you ever have been, and all you ever will be"
And for once. I could not tell someone they were wrong.
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xoxoalette · 2 months
Maybe its only me who noticed this but is Eddie the fan favorite on here? I feel sad for Diva so lets give her some love and attention too! Are there any interesting facts about her that you want to share with us? Leave Eddie at home today lol
This is more of a personal one but does it ever bother you (the creator) when fans ask about Eddie more than Diva? You don’t have to answer this part if its too personal
Eddie sure is a fan favorite yeah !! I wouldn’t say it bothers me— I do get a bit sad but Ik the community prefers yandere men over women, so it makes sense for everyone to levitate towards Eddie. Not to mention I haven’t really done Diva any justice with my writing ^^
There have been times where I considered changing Diva’s sex but eh, I like her how she is rn :3 I just gotta work on her character
But onto the facts !!
Diva actually owns a collection of guns, her grandfather enjoys them and she picked up that interest from him. He’s also where she gets her interest in cars from !! She also has pretty scary aim.
Diva also does cam services, and it’s how she makes a lot of her income— glucose benefactors, onlyfans. That being said— she does it just for fun and would have no problem quitting once she got a partner and they voiced their discomfort towards it. That being said— Diva would not do twitch streaming, idk she’s just not v into gaming streams, so she’d probably get a job related to fashion/marketing.
I think a lot of people missed this since I’ve only mentioned it a few times and waaaay back— but Diva has a large scar on her back due to conflict with Eddie in the past. While she holds no grudge against him, I don’t think she cares too much about how he’s still hung up over it. (Not in like ‘get over it’ kinda way but like, ‘it’s not my problem’)
Diva doesn’t live in the same town as Eddie, she moved after getting a scholarship to a university a few towns north, so she lives in a city that’s a few hours away. While Diva typically comes off as a bimbo and almost airheaded, she’s very smart and it comes more naturally unlike Eddie who has to actually study.
Cannot cook, can barely bake. It’s just not in her genes and she has a hard time following recipes because she can be pretty lazy geehee… so she typically eats out or someone she knows cooks for her.
And here’s some things I’ve been thinking of rewriting/adding to her character:
Under read more cause I’m typing on my phone and done know how long this post actually is 😋 keep in mind, the canons below might not be set in stone
Diva is still very social and bubbly, and she’s extremely friendly. It’s her natural personality, but also— it sure helps draw people closer, and those she’s interested in even closer.
Not to mention when someone likes you, they’re more malleable. Diva’s thoughts not mine !!
Her toxic trait? Poking a bear with a stick. But not in the sense that she wants to get people mad at her— in fact, it goes the other way, she wants to see how far she can push someone when they’re into her.
Unlike Eddie who is repulsed by his violent tendencies, ever since Diva moved to the city, she’s had bad influences. But at least when she needs people to disappear she knows who to call. There’s no blood or dirt on her hands. Usually.
Maybe she isn’t a yandere after all, maybe she is. All that matters to her is how far you can prove how much you love her :)
She wouldn’t stalk MC babes actively, but she would so put an AirTag on one of their possessions without them knowing just so if she did want to check on them, she can check her phone.
Impulsive. Impulsive impulsive impulsive. You’d think because she’s smart she’d make better choices, but Diva is only human.
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 3 months
man im glad kabru put his sword down n acknowledged hes no good w monsters. He hurt himself so much trying to be a person hes not… dying over n over again… becoming so good at killing people in the service of that goal n it gets him no closer to it… and i dont think dungeon life is actually what he wants either… he had such a miserable time but i feel the people he met…was the journey. Maybe. I think theres something moving about him venturing out n meeting ppl from all walks of life.
And a life of many more…and i may be about to do a horrific misreading but i always thought part of the reason kabru got namari n toshiro to go w him instead of his own party was trying to keep em outta harms way esp rin. But in turn he cut himself off of his closest connections while interacting w ppl who bring up really bitter memories for him. Man kabru n rins relationship… they dont love each other in the same way but u can tell theyre always thinking of each other. Like interacting w the canaries is hard for him. But also on another level he may have taken them bc they do in fact live up to his idealized version of ppl who can effortlessly slay monsters n its something he knows he lacks. But idk if being good at slayin monsters particularly helped in the end of that situation tho it was good to have a few ppl good at it on retainer. Kinda bummed they cut out of a lot of kabrus interactions w namari and shuro bc i do find them interesting in the short moments they interact. Thats the b team (w mithrun acting as the antag of it so he flits in and out)
Like kabru has a moment of vulnerability in telling his own story to them honestly. It was hard for him. And if they cut out namaris genuine moment of unconditional kindness when she reaches out for kabru while everyones trampling over each other and hes having a ptsd moment ill be at their doors. I think it was a pretty vital moment in reminding him why he feels so strongly abt autonomy. I feel kabru very rarely gets acknowledged for his kindness often no string attached. N ppl are much quicker to note hes manipulative n a charmer but i think some of these moments he just likes listening to ppl some of whom have never been listened to in their lives…. Its sad how much kabrus willing to accommodate others n give em grace n yet he wont give it to himself : ( But also that those two were genuinely moved by his moment of vulnerability and even tho theyre mainly there for their frat bro allegiance towards laios where theyre like idc if he did that #freemyman, i do think what pushed them over the threshold is thinking about what he said about the elves trampling everyone and how they trampled over this delicate infrastructure ppl built for their livelihood . I like to think their lil turn everyone against the canaries was them pouring one out for him. Carry his dream on a little bit longer bc they dunno if he survived. I found it like aw. That all his like kabrus been trying to carry a mountain on his back, trying so hard to be a manipulative charming person to that end, but he can move ppl just as he is. By being open n vulnerable .
the last survivor of utaya… but is just surviving enough? Think its good he makes a new home in melani so that he can move onto the next part of his life while keeping every place hes ever been close. A dungeon that wiped out all life. A dungeon that created a new one
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lekeyeh24 · 1 year
‼️EARTH 42 miles morales x reader
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narrator’s POV
lets start off at the beginning shall we?
miles pov
Whats up yall its your friendly neighborhood spider-man i was just abt to go on patrol wanna come with m- briannas pov
not uh lemme me finish my story then we can go to yours “fine wtv make it quick i got to go make my apology video for the baby powder add i made.” i will miles but in the meantime go ahead and go back to wtv u were doing before this” anyway sorry guys heres my story
Briannas pov
its been awhile since i went back to my dimension im 17 now and i know how to use my Spidey abilities now its easy for me. When i got back from my dimension i had forgotten how i forgot to tell anyone where i was i froze in panic and swing home to see what had happened when i had left to go save the world. I had reached my room it was still the same everything where i left it at but there was a box on my bed i wanted to open it but just then i heard a voice come from the door so i turned invisible so they wouldn’t see me. they came into my room it was my twin brother carter he came into my room and looked at it with sadness wanting to know where i was but i couldn’t tell him where i was right before he was about to head out i glitched out my body ached with the pain and i groaned in annoyance i hadn’t realized that i had un-invisible myself and that he could see me now. Carter heard the sound and froze in fear i had not realized and got up in pain and limped to the bed and lied down groaning carter had fulled turned around and saw me in my suit he screamed and i looked up so fast at him to find out he was looking right at me so i screamed but then i got up and ran to him and put my hand on his mouth and my free hand hovering over my lips like this 🤫 he calmed down and i told him everything
he was in shock but when i told him i wasnt in my dimension he realized that he would need to make her something to keep her from glitching he was good at making stuff like this ig. he was in his room making the device to make me stop glitching. on the other hand i was changed
into this
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(pretend thats her and she has jordan 1s on)
this was your hair
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and u are a natural beauty so u don’t really wear make up u just put on lip gloss
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mk back to the story
after i changed and did my hair ans finished my lip gloss i wanted to go on a walk to clear my head abt were i was and how i got there. I yelled out to my twin brother “carter im going out for a bit text me if u need something ok?” “alright if u go to the drug store can u get me some empanadas and an Arizona please” damn he is really like my brother in my dimension i said in my head. “alright bye” i walked out of the building and locked the door when i see and kid my age talking to this older man about something the kid had braids and wore a a big snow jacket while the other guy was bald and was wearing a black leather jacket and black pants. my spidey hearing allowed me to ease drop on their conversation they were talking about a kid and what they were going to do with him. i was thinking and my spidey sense went off i knew that i had to do something it was a good thing i still had my spider suit on underneath they looked at me as i was walking by i was going to follow them after a few minutes they came out on got into a car. i was already in my spider suit and swan after them making sure they weren’t able to see me as i was following them i notice that this city was horrible there were fires, robberies, everywhere and it was like they had no spider man there
my universe had 2 spider people me and sam (idk who that is but i made him up) our city was perfect while theirs were like this i felt bad when all of a sudden i seen them get out of the car and go to a building it looked like no one was inside so i turned on my invisible and came down to a open window. as i was about to go in i seen this kid tied up to a punching bag unconscious i looked closer and saw that it was miles i ran straight in there and walked to him i tried to get him to wake up but it didn’t work. right then something hit me in the back of my head and everything went black.
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
a/n: angst to fluff w hotch. idk i felt sad 🫡 it's very rushed my bad
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the house was dark and still as you entered with the key he specially gave you. the night air was calm and for a second, you rest your forehead against the front door of aaron hotchner. lately it had been a constantly whirl of turmoil, never truly knowing where you stood with him. but he called tonight, trying to remain calm but you could sense the pure sadness practically dripping with every word he spoke. you almost rushed to be here with him and now that you were here, your heart felt weirdly empty.
turning the lock from the key he gave specially to you, you enter his humble abode. there's a scent of freshness in his home mixed with the sandalwood candles he has on his counter-tops. on your right, a digital clock reads 2am. you don't even know yourself why you're here but you venture forwards, careful not to make any loud sounds.
he didn't tell you specifically where he'd be and for a moment you contemplate going home. until you hear a rustle in the office followed by pages turning. figures, he never stopped working even at home
you made your way to the door, unsure of what to even say. it was different seeing him at work than at night. he was always so confident during the day, so determined to get the unsub. but at night was when you could see the little cracks in him, the vulnerability he tried to hard to lock away. all the dear characteristics you adore, you finally notice when it's the two of you alone.
"you came" hotch whispered, finally turning his eyes to you. they're filled with unshed tears, shining with the lights that reflect from outside. everything in you wants to hold him before the first tear drop but you hold yourself back, slowly nodding at his statement
and there you see him, by the window wistfully glancing outside. a half drunken tumbler glass is in his hands nursing the bottle of scotch beside him. you don't think he registered your presence until he lets out a breath, his voice hoarse as he speaks.
"you called" you answer softly, padding your way towards him. as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. you'd drop anything for him, whenever he needed you there you were. there you'd be.
"i-i'm sorry, i don't know what i was thinking..." he sniffs and offers you a glass but you shake your head no, sitting down on the desk beside him. joining him as you both looked onto the world, bathed in all its lights.
"is jack asleep?" you ask gently and he nods, setting down his glass.
"i almost envy the ability children have to fall into a deep sleep" he chuckles but there's not a drop of humour present in his voice. your heart aches for this man, clearly something has transpired tonight and you feel his pain as he tries to explain
"what happened?"
"nothing... everything.... something. i don't know anymore. i just don't feel in control of anything anymore..." his eyes never drift away from the window and yours follow, your heart breaking slowly for what he has had to deal with.
"given what you went through, it's natural to feel like that. you're human, hotch. life moves fast and it can be unpredictable, throwing your world upside down," you take a look at him and smile, shifting closer. "but this feeling will also pass. soon it'll feel nothing more than a small ache, i promise. your world may seem tilted on its axis right now but you'll regain the control again. you always have, you always will. and you always have me" you give him a small smile and he touches your hand with a tender touch.
"thank you" he whispers and you blink in confusion, raising your eyebrows slightly at the question
"thank you for being here. with me. i appreciate it. i appreciate you" his voice is sincere as his brown eyes twinkle, his thumb rubbing soft strokes on the back of your hand. you place your other hand on top of his, your face a couple inches away from his. here, you can see all the pain and sadness he hides on the daily. it makes you want to cry, to snatch every bad thing until he only ever knows happiness and love and light
"of course aaron" your thumb rubs soft circles around his knuckles. you both sit in comfortable silence, the stars dancing in the night sky as you both continue to look out from his house. the love surges off from both of you in waves and you both do nothing but bask in the light of it, for once no running to unsubs. no chaos, no tension, no anger, no frustration. just you and hotch, two people who are falling deeply for each other than they'd care to admit.
but that was tomorrows problem, you stay by his side. the smell of his gorgeous cologne drifting in the air and the sweetness of his touch tingling your skin, you smile to yourself.
it was beautiful, this was beautiful.
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mightystumpmachine · 4 months
Can you write a comfort fic with patrick?
Like after being broken up with or something like that
Any era, i love him in every one. I’m so obsessed with this man its scary
Heyy There! I loved your request. Hope you like the result <3 Since you didn't specify pronouns, I decided to use feminine ones.
So sorry for taking so looong, English isn't my first language so it took me a bit to translate it and make sure it was grammatically correct, so... enjoy your Patrick comfort-fic!!! Hope you come back with more ideas soon :3
Warnings: Honestly, none, this is the sweetest and calmest thing ever!
Genre: Fluff, comfort, idk, I think this doesn't fit into romance.
Patrick era: WHICHEVER YOU WANT! God, we love this man in all his eras.
Don't worry, I'm here with you (Patrick Stump x Female Reader)
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It had been several days since the breakup with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
You spent your time locked in your room, with the TV on even though you weren't paying attention to it. The bluish light flickered on the walls, creating restless shadows that reflected your mood.
You were sunk in melancholy, remembering all the moments of that loving relationship that were breaking your heart into pieces.
That day, when you woke up around one in the afternoon, you didn't want to eat anything. You just lit a cigarette and played some music. It had been a long time since you smoked, but at that moment, it was the only thing you thought would quell your anxiety. The smoke swirled in the air, mixing with the soft notes of a sad song.
You didn't want to talk to anyone; you didn't have the energy for anything. However, when the doorbell rang, you went to the door hopefully, believing that maybe, your now-ex would be there to apologize or try to fix things.
But when you opened the door, you were met with thick glasses and eyes as blue as the ocean, looking at you with concern.
His eyes stopped at the cigarette resting between your fingers, and almost unconsciously, he made a disgusted face.
"Hey ____," he greeted you. You looked at him for a few seconds before responding.
You were surprised; he definitely wasn't the person you expected to see, but Patrick was always welcome in your home, even in the worst moments.
"Patrick..." slipped from your lips, almost without realizing it.
He maintained eye contact for a few seconds, waiting for you to invite him in. But you were simply static in the doorway.
Patrick looked at you again, now carefully, from head to toe. He knew you too well not to notice that you had been crying until recently.
He approached you, just a shy step closer, and took your hand.
"You haven't been answering the phone for a day and a half. The calls go straight to voicemail. What's wrong?"
Unnoticed, tears welled up in your eyes again. As if that question had finally broken you.Your friend didn't wait for an invitation but entered the apartment, closing the door behind him, and then hugged you tightly.
"Patrick," you repeated, now between choked sobs.
"Okay, okay, it's alright... just breathe, I'm here," he said in a soft whisper, right next to your ear.
You simply collapsed under his touch. At that moment, you felt like you had needed to see him during all those days when you shut yourself off from the world.
Patrick had always been your safe place. He was always there, giving you the best advice and the best hugs. He always gave you what he thought was best for you, and at that moment, you felt guilty for worrying him, for not answering any of those calls.
They stayed there for a while; he didn't say anything because he felt he should give you your time... he would wait an eternity if necessary.
He loved you so much that he didn't mind your tears soaking his favorite shirt. Although he also wouldn't deny that he was getting impatient to know what was wrong with you.
You, on your part, were curled up against his chest. You felt the scent of his cologne, which, along with his heartbeat, brought you some calm after a few difficult days.
You could never explain it; Patrick just had that effect on you that no one else ever would.
"Do you want to sit down?" he dared to ask, still holding you in that embrace. "I'll stay here until... until you want to talk, I have all the time in the world, okay?".
You pulled away from him gently and wiped your tears with the sleeve of your sweater, trying to control the mini-spasms in your body from crying.
You just nodded. You felt a lump in your throat that prevented you from speaking normally.
Both of you sat down on the couch. The first thing you did was get rid of the cigarette that had gone out while Patrick hugged you.
You looked up and again found those bright eyes hidden behind the glasses.
You wanted to tell him what had happened, but you didn't know how to speak without crying again in the attempt.
Patrick took your hand again, his warm hand contrasting with your cold hand, sending a shiver down your body.
"I'm sorry," you managed to say with a sad smile, "I must look ridiculously bad, and... you took the trouble to come here... I-I didn't mean to worry you, Trick, I really am sorry." Your voice trembled slightly.
Patrick smiled slightly, stroking your cheek. "Don't say that... I'm here because you matter too much to me. It's not a bother at all." He paused briefly before speaking again, squeezing your hand a little tighter. "Do you want to tell me what happened?".
Your brow furrowed, but you nodded.
"He and I broke up... and it was so sudden that..." there were your tears again, but now Patrick was wiping them away with his thumb on your cheek. "The arguments were becoming more frequent, so we decided that it was best not to continue... you know... together," you managed to say.
Patrick looked at you and absorbed every word you said. At the same time, he caressed you, as gently as if you were a fragile glass doll.
You were at your most vulnerable moment, yet you felt protected; that was the special calm that only Patrick could make you feel.
He didn't need to say a single word for you to feel accompanied; he was just there, pampering you and listening to you. And that was just what you needed.
"I feel like I didn't do enough, that I could have prevented this... when he said it was best to break up... I did nothing but nod and say that maybe that was best," you tilted your head. "But I miss him, and I feel like every part of me is disintegrating every day I'm without him."
Patrick pressed his lips slightly, seeing you like this was the last thing he wanted because he was sure it was the last thing you deserved.
Silence settled in the room, only interrupted by your sobs and the soft murmur of the radio that you had forgotten to turn off.
"You know," he said softly, "I know how you feel right now... I've been through this, everything is gray now, and you feel like the world has ended... but it hasn't." Patrick took a few seconds as if measuring every word to tell you. "Sometimes it's necessary to be at the bottom of the pit, to allow ourselves to feel... and then find ways to heal."
You looked at him, with a spark of curiosity. "And how am I supposed to heal?" you asked, your voice still trembling.
Patrick smiled, a warm and reassuring smile. "One step at a time."
You raised an eyebrow in question after hearing that phrase that you thought sounded like it was from a self-help book.
"I have an idea," said Patrick, standing up without letting go of your hand. "Have you had breakfast? Or lunch?"
You shook your head, remembering that the only thing you had done since you woke up was smoke a cigarette.
"Perfect. So, how about we go to the park for a picnic? I think some fresh air would do you good."
"Patrick..." you said with a tone of reproach, hesitating.
"Come on," he insisted with an encouraging smile. "I won't take no for an answer. I promise you'll feel better."
You made a pensive face, but the idea of going to the park was starting to sound appealing. Finally, you nodded slowly, with a spark of interest. Patrick's smile helped you accept the proposal.
You got up from the couch, still holding his hand. Before leaving, you quickly glanced at yourself in the hallway mirror. You looked tired and disheveled, but that didn't matter too much at that moment.
You saw Patrick walk to your room and noticed he turned off the radio. When he came back, he had your jacket and a scarf in his hands.
"It's freezing outside," he commented as he wrapped the scarf around your neck and helped you put on the jacket gently. "I want to make sure you don't get cold, okay?"
You couldn't help but smile. Although you knew he had always been a bit overprotective of you, this seemed like an exaggeration, but you wouldn't deny that it comforted you.
They left the apartment and walked to the park, buying a small cake (your favorite) and coffee on the way.
The cold breeze made you shiver, but the warmth of Patrick's hand in yours gave you a sense of security.When they arrived at the park, Patrick chose a spot near a beautiful fountain. The sound of running water was soothing, and the quiet atmosphere of the park helped clear your mind.
Patrick spread a blanket on the grass and arranged the things they had bought there.
"Come on, sit down," he said, inviting you to join him on the blanket.
You sat down next to him, resting your head on his shoulder, and in that position, they stayed for a long time.
You felt calmer and more cheerful. The attention he had paid to every detail since he arrived at the apartment made you feel special... and loved, again.
Now it just seemed like a normal day; everything you had cried about that day and the days before seemed distant next to Patrick.
While enjoying the cake and coffee, they talked about everyday things; Patrick told you some anecdotes with Pete, Joe, and Andy, related to the band and the small shows they were doing.
You talked to him about your studies, and also about how things were going at work.
Between laughter and kind words, little by little, the weight on your chest lightened.
"Thank you for everything, Patrick. Really," you finally said, looking him in the eyes. "I didn't know how much I needed this."
He noticed a very particular sparkle in your eyes, which made him smile, looking at you with tenderness.
Patrick put his hand on yours again, drawing small circles on it. "I'll always be here for you, keep that in mind next time... you're not alone... Okay?".
Now it was your turn to smile; you felt immensely happy to have this good and tender man by your side.
Regardless of the circumstances, Patrick always made you feel that he would be there, that he loved you, and that he would move heaven and earth to make you feel better.
He had never disappointed you. You were sure you had never met anyone like him, and you were also sure that men like him were extinct. And you felt lucky.
Patrick opened his arms, inviting you to cuddle up to his chest. You accepted almost immediately; you loved the perfume he used, his warmth, and everything that was a synonym for him.
The last rays of the sun slipped through the trees, tinting the sky with golden and orange tones reflected in the water of the nearby fountain.
You looked at the scene, and for a moment, you felt that everything would be fine. Patrick was your anchor, and at that moment, you knew that nothing bad that could happen to you would compare to what you felt when you were with him.
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