#and if I'm being 100% honest my pick between the two of them is:
nixotinix · 10 months
Ok guys. A lot of y'all follow me on here for my Jackson and Holt content. Which I love!! But now I gotta know, and everybody is actually legally required to participate in this poll. I know we shouldn't pit two people who are technically the same person against each other, but I have to know everyone's personal decision:
Do feel free to defend and explain your pick in replies or reblogs. Get your votes in, people, so we can once and for all decide which one comes out on top.
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ikeuverse · 1 month
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PAIRING: jay x fem!reader GENRES: fluff WC: 2.3k+
WARNINGS: maybe two swear words. just something simple for our jay's birthday.
NOTES: happy birthday to our black kitty and guitarist jay! i'm not 100% happy with this, but i wanted something quick just so i wouldn't spend his birthday doing nothing (and because i'm sick today), but all for our jay. i hope you like it!
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Jay was thrilled to be returning two days before his business trip. He wished he'd had time to tell his family and friends so they could organize a party to celebrate his birthday, but he only managed to call Heeseung and Sunghoon so they could pick him up at the airport.
Seeing his two best friends after passing through the arrivals gate, Jay breathed a sigh of relief because he could finally take his mind off work and go home. To his family.
"Hey, buddy" Sunghoon waved to him when he was close enough, welcoming him with a hug that Jay didn't even bother to reciprocate.
"Hey man, I missed you," Jay mumbled after letting go of Sunghoon and going to hug Heeseung.
"Awn, did he come back more sentimental?" Heeseung squeezed him in his embrace, hearing his friend laugh after releasing him.
"Italy does that to people," Jay said.
"So," the three of them started walking through the airport, Sunghoon making a point of carrying Jay's suitcase, assuming the boy was tired from his trip, "how did you find inspiration in another country?"
"Italy surprised me, I'll be honest" Jay walked between the other two "I think I'll be able to bring a lot of ideas to the restaurant."
Being a chef had its advantages, such as traveling to a country in search of something new for the menu, which Jay always made sure was sophisticated. He knew that after graduating in gastronomy he would never stop studying, because that was the fun of it, learning all the time in a vast culinary world. Where he knew he could get to know even more, learn even more, and make his restaurant the most talked about and visited in the country.
"Where are we going?" As soon as the three of them reached the car, Sunghoon put Jay's suitcase away and pulled up next to his friend, smiling.
"Oh, we managed to warn your mother and she wants to have a little get-together for your birthday," he shrugged as if it were a completely casual conversation.
Jay looked surprised, raising his eyebrows and even smiling a little more than usual.
"Really?" Jay's smile widened even more when his two friends agreed.
In his mind, it would be something very small indeed, as many friends as he could gather and a few relatives who lived close enough to give them time to get to Jay's parent's house for the reunion.
But little did he know about the plan hatched by Sunghoon, Heeseung, and you. Jay had no idea of the surprise that awaited him at his parents' house and perhaps that was the fun of it all because everyone wanted to see how he would react when he arrived.
"What's up Jay, did you tell Y/n you were back early?" Heeseung was in the passenger seat, Sunghoon driving and Jay was comfortably in the back. The two in the front didn't want to show too much to their new friend.
"I sent her a message, but she won't be able to make it," he sighed tiredly, running one hand through his dark hair "Since I traveled to Italy, she went to her grandmother's house on the other side of the country. We were going to celebrate my birthday by Facetime, so…"
"Oh, I'm sorry" he tried to send a sad smile – which he had rehearsed in the mirror with you and Sunghoon – because you had already told him that this would be Jay's answer when asked about you. Little did he know that his trip back had been part of the plan between Heeseung and Sunghoon, who wanted to do everything they could to get their friend back ahead of time.
Jay also had no idea that the trip to Italy had ended early thanks to the two friends in the car. They had expedited everything so that Jay would think he had finished things ahead of time and could return.
It had never been so easy to fool Park Jongseong, Sunghoon laughed the night before when he saw Jay's message telling him that he would probably make it back in time to spend his birthday with his friends.
The car journey continued with them catching up, Jay telling them about the things he'd done and hadn't managed to send a photo to his friends. Sunghoon wanted to scream when he talked about the sights he'd visited, making Jay promise to go back with the two of them so that he could show them everything he had to.
"And here we go" Sunghoon announced as soon as he stopped the car.
Jay's parents' house had always been very cozy, large, and bright. Jay remembered every moment he spent there with his two friends since high school. When they rang the doorbell to ask Jay to play video games, or when the three of them stayed out late at night on the front porch drinking beer and idealizing life after university.
That house had so many memories that Jay hadn't been able to stop smiling since he got back and was getting out of Sunghoon's car.
"We'll get your suitcase later, come on" he locked the car with the alarm after the three of them had left, letting Jay go ahead and walking very slowly so as not to spoil the surprise.
The plan was for him to get in first while Heeseung pretended to tie his sneakers in case Jay asked what was taking them so long, and Sunghoon would help him when Heeseung pretended to trip. Lucky for both of them, Jay just followed. Too eager to open the door to his parents' house.
"Wait for us, Jay!" Heeseung made sure to shout as loudly as he could to let Jay know he was near the door. The people inside the house were as quiet as possible so as not to spoil anything prematurely.
"You two are too slow, what's going on?" Jay turned quickly, seeing Sunghoon and Heeseung laughing as they slowly approached. Without missing a beat, Jay turned the handle and the door opened.
The cry of surprise caught in his throat as the house seemed much fuller than he would normally have thought. The balloons in the corners and his family and the rest of his friends were well positioned in the living room for the arrival of the – almost – birthday boy.
"What…" he turned to the two behind him.
"Surprise, man" Sunghoon held Jay by the shoulders while Heeseung ruffled his hair, excited that it was finally over.
"Hi, my son" Jay's mother was the first to approach, hugging him as tightly as she could. Jay hugged her back lovingly, conveying in that gesture how much he missed his mother.
The moment was spent with Jay greeting his family, and hearing congratulations on his birthday, even if it was only a few hours away. But he would accept because, from the amount of booze he heard Heeseung say, no one would be sober until midnight to remember to congratulate him.
Jay finished hugging his friends and inevitably looked for you among all those people, even though he knew it would be impossible for you to be there. Not because of the way Heeseung had apologized for mentioning you in the car.
He quickly took his cell phone out of his pocket to text you and was surprised when he picked it up and your name flashed on the screen. You were finally calling him.
"Hey, my love" Jay didn't even wait to answer, immediately hearing your voice.
"Hey, almost birthday boy" he could have sworn his heart was floating just from hearing your voice and your laugh, two sounds he missed very much "How was the trip back?"
"Great, I'm finally home" he said, looking around as he saw his friends interacting with his family "Hee and Hoonie threw a surprise party for me."
"Oh, really?" you tried to hold back the urge to murmur cute things because he was telling you that, hardly knowing that things were still over "And how did it feel?"
"It would be better if you were here, to be honest" Jay found a secluded corner in the living room where no one would mind if he stayed while talking to you on the phone.
"I wanted to be there too, love" your voice was sad now, thanks to your role-playing with Jay's two best friends. Everything had to be perfect for him to believe it "But I can't miss your birthday, can I?"
"What do you mean?" Jay asked. Eyebrows knitted together in curiosity, he looked up when he heard Sunghoon shouting excitedly to Sunoo and Jake about something they could do later as a group.
"Let's go, shall we, Jay?" he heard Sunoo ask from afar, nodding in agreement even though he didn't know what it was about.
"I sent you a present, I hope Heeseung and Sunghoon took good care of it."
"Babe? What…" Jay got up from the sofa to look for his friends, spotting Heeseung near one of his uncles and beckoning him over "What have you prepared for me, huh?"
"I can't tell you or it'll spoil the surprise."
"What?" Heeseung mumbled as he approached.
"Y/n said he has a surprise for me and it has help from you and Hoonie" Jay hadn't hung up the phone yet, knowing that you could hear the two friends talking.
"Hi, Y/n" Heeseung shouted enthusiastically and laughed when he heard, even low, your greeting to him "Okay, your present is outside."
"Outside?" Jay asked, not knowing if it was meant for you or Heeseung, but you both agreed at the same moment "Babe, what are you up to?"
"Getting up to something? Babe, I swear I did it with all my heart" Jay heard a noise behind your voice, as if you were fiddling with something, but as soon as he went to answer, the call ended.
"Shit" he looked at Heeseung and then at the cell phone with the call ended.
He'd asked Jay to call after he'd picked up the present, perhaps to tell you his reaction once he'd gotten it. Jay had no idea.
Walking up to the front door, he put his cell phone back in his pocket and opened the front door a little dejectedly. His eyes drooped even though it was for his surprise, but he didn't want to show how sad he was to have missed his call.
Or not. Now Jay was in complete shock. It wasn't possible that you were standing there in front of his parents' house.
"What the fuck?" Jay almost shouted.
"Oh" you pouted your lips, "I told you he wouldn't like the present, Heeseung."
Heeseung would have answered if it hadn't been for hurricane Jay, who burst through the door to take you in his arms. Hugging you tightly and spinning you around in the air.
Your laughter close to his ear was even better than over the phone, your voice calling his name was even more comforting than listening to you on a cell phone. Jay was on cloud nine.
"How…" he caught his breath after hugging you for long minutes, pulling his face away from your neck to meet your eyes as he leaned his forehead against yours "How did you all manage it?"
"Surprise you?" you asked, your warm hands running down Jay's cheeks and holding his face between your hands "Maybe because you deserve it after a long and tiring trip."
"I didn't know you were coming, I didn't know anything about it" Jay felt like running down the street shouting that this had been the best birthday of his entire life.
"We did our best to make everything perfect" you said.
"And it's only because I have you all with me" Jay whispered, sliding one hand around your waist and the other up to your face.
Finally he was able to feel your lips against his in a kiss he'd been needing ever since he got back. The taste of your lips and the gloss you were wearing mingled with his tongue as he rubbed the tip to ask for passage, soon tangling it against your tongue and pulling you even closer to him.
Jay wanted to eternalize this moment. Eternalize the vanilla-flavored kiss with a taste of longing that only you could provide.
"I love you so much" Jay whispered against your lips after he needed some air, but he didn't want to part with you so soon.
"I love you even more" you whispered back, kissing him again just in time to hear someone call his name from inside the house.
Now it was time to part, in fact, and intertwine our fingers in yours to enter the house.
"How about we start the party now before happy birthday?" Sunghoon stirred up the crowd, lifting a bottle of booze and filling a glass to hand out to anyone who felt like starting to drink.
Everyone celebrated together, wanting to start Jay's little surprise birthday party.
"I bet everyone's drunk by midnight" Jay leaned towards you to whisper, drawing a laugh from you.
In return, you leaned towards him to kiss him once more, accepting the glass Sunghoon had offered you when he passed you and Jay.
"Well, I bet they will be before then" you drank a little, handing the glass to Jay who also drank, choosing to share the alcohol with you so that neither of you would get drunk so quickly.
Looking around, Jay felt complete and fulfilled. He was lucky, and he wasn't even talking about having traveled out of the country a few days ago, but rather because he had something more valuable than any tourist spot: and that was all the people who were inhabiting his parents' house for his birthday at that moment.
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© ikeuverse, 2024. do not copy, translate or steal my stories.
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pearbunny · 1 year
the bucket list ✘ [one]
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series masterlist | prev | next [ ❀ spotify playlist ]
summary: Fly to Korea. Check. Buy a bouquet of flowers for a stranger. Check. Have said stranger come along with you to accomplish your bucket list? Well that wasn’t on the list, but falling in love was. 
pairing: han jisung x afab!reader
genre: 18+ [MDNI] strangers to lovers, non idol au, crack, mostly fluff, later chapters to include: angst, comfort, smut.
general warnings:  tourist!mc, adult themes including but not limited to: suggestive content, nudity, cursing, alcohol consumption, mentions of death in later chapters, overarching theme of mental health, eventual smut.
word count: ~3.6k 
chapter content: mentions of food, excessive lip biting as a nervous habit, cafe employee!seungmin, stranger danger tbh don’t be like o/c, Lee Know mentioned, but not present. 
author’s note: I've never written for stray kids and most of what i write is typically on the sadder side so fluff isn't my strongest point but i've had this in my head for awhile. feedback, reblogs, likes, v much appreciated. :) updates will be sporadic, but i'm aiming for once every two weeks.
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You shield your eyes from the beating sun above, pupils unadjusted from being on a plane for the past 12 plus hours with the window shut. You let go of the suitcase you had been dragging along behind you to fish your phone out of your back pocket. Humming to yourself, you check the map, trying to find your way to Seoul. “Ah!” You say into the air, which grants you a couple of curious and annoyed stares. You duck your head in an attempt to be unseen, embarrassed by the attention. You make your way to the train station and purchase a ticket. It doesn’t take long for the train to arrive, and soon you’re sitting with your backpack in your lap and your suitcase between your legs.
According to the tourist guide you had pulled up on your phone, the train ride would take around 40 minutes. In the meantime, you rummage through your backpack to look for an old loosely bound book. You find it after digging past your makeup bag and some snacks you had saved from the flight. With a hum, you search through the pages, and after some flipping, you land on the correct one. Your index finger traces down a list, and randomly you stop it. “Buy a bouquet for a stranger.” 
You chew on your lip, a habit you picked up whenever you found yourself feeling uneasy. You may not bethe most outgoing person, but you aren't completely against socializing. 
It’s just … going up to a stranger in a town– let alone country– you’ve never been in was 1000% terrifying. 
Before you know it, the intercom announces your stop and you're scrambling to gather your belongings. You make your way out of the station and suddenly, you hold your breath in awe at the scene in front of you. There were so many people, walking in every direction. You hear little tidbits of their conversations: where they were planning to go for lunch, the new restaurant that opened up in Itaewon, what someone’s boyfriend had given them for their 100 days. The sounds of a city fill your ears. 
If you're being honest, it was a little overwhelming. For a moment, you have doubts of why you had gotten on that plane. You shut your eyes and count down from 7. There, your breathing is even, your head’s a little clearer, and you realize that you had a goal to accomplish. You couldn't back out now, you refuse to be stuck in your old ways.
‘Flowers first,’ you think to yourself. 
After a couple of blocks of lugging your suitcase behind you, you find a quaint little flower stand. A young woman and what seem to be her grandfather were the owners of the stall. You stand there, staring at all the options. The young woman approaches you, her hands placed inside the pockets of her green apron, “Hi, do you need help picking something out?” 
“Hi, yes!” you quickly blurt out. “I just wanted a bouquet that would make someone’s day.” You give the woman a meek smile. You recognize the characters on her apron to read Minji.
“Is this for anyone special? Your mom, maybe?” She starts to pull at a couple of arrangements, one bouquet made of mostly carnations. 
You shake your head, “No…” You hesitate as you wondered to yourself, ‘Do I tell her it’s for someone I don’t even know?’ You chuckle at the thought absentmindedly.
Minji takes that to mean something else, “A boy perhaps then?” There's something a little suggestive in her tone, complemented by the raise of her brow in your direction. 
“Oh, no no!” You shake your head for emphasis, furiously denying it. “Absolutely nothing like that.” You find yourself laughing at the predicament. “I’m actually going to give the flowers to a stranger.”
“Oh–” Minji looks pleasantly surprised, “That’s very kind of you. I have just the thing then.” 
You stay in place while Minji goes to the other side of the flower stall to wrap up the bouquet she hand picked. Soon, she comes back and you make an expression of gratitude. “Minji, you really didn’t have to do that! I could have just gotten one of the premade ones.” You pout, looking through the flowers as you take the bouquet from her. It was very simple, three medium sunflowers, some Queen Anne’s lace, and a few branches of baby blue eucalyptus.
“No, don’t worry about it. What was your name again?”
“Y/N”, You give her the appropriate amount of money. 
“Well, Y/N, I hope you brighten someone’s day!” Minji smiles at you and bids you farewell as you turn and leave. 
“Now who do I give this to?” You hold the bouquet in one hand while you pull your luggage, the sound of its wheels on the concrete trailing behind you. 
You stop at an intersection, scanning the crowd for someone that seems approachable. Will it be the middle aged woman holding the hand of a small boy while they cross the street? Maybe it would be the man in a suit that was on the phone, oh he was looking in your direction. He glared at you. 
Okay, so not that guy. 
You were about to give up until you spot a young man, about your age give or take a few, walking in your direction. He was still crossing the street, but he had a certain pep to his step, like he was listening to a really good song in his headphones– which given the fact that he did have headphones on, he probably was. He seems approachable, even down to his outfit: white tee loosely tucked into black jeans a black belt to match his shoes, and gold metal thinly rimmed glasses. 
“Um, excuse me!” You step towards him, holding the bouquet of flowers to your chest at first. 
“Yes?” The man stops in front of you and stretches one side of his headphones away from his ear to hear you better. 
“These are for you.” You extend the sunflowers towards him. 
He looks around, a bit confused, then takes his headphones off fully, letting them hang around his neck. He takes a step towards the side, which you follow, so you’re out of the way of the traffic of people. “F-For me?!” He seems surprised. You can't blame him, you’re a total stranger. He gestures to himself, placing his palm on his chest. “I think you have the wrong guy!” 
You shake your head, the corners of your lips turn up in a slight smile, mostly out of embarrassment. “No, definitely for you”. 
The stranger takes the bouquet in his hand, examining it. “Who put you up to this? Was it Lee Know Hyung?” He looked back at you, raising a brow. 
 “I don’t even know who that is, I promise they’re for you!” 
You notice his shoulders relaxing and he pinches at one of the blue eucalyptus leaves, feeling its texture. “But… why?” 
You also relax and release the breath inside your lungs you didn’t know you were holding. He seems to at least be open to accepting the gift now. “It’s just something I wanted to cross off my bucket list: give a bouquet of flowers to a stranger.” You smile up at him and you hope that the man in front of you can sense how sincere you are and didn’t think you were an absolute lunatic. 
“Well, thanks.” He slowly starts to smile and suddenly his eyes notice your bag and your suitcase. “Oh, are you visiting?” 
You nod your head yes, “I am! I’m actually here because visiting Korea is also on my bucket list!” 
His eyes grow wide, surprised by your seemingly adventurous personality. “You must have come a long way then, your accent is definitely not from around here.” He motions over to a bench a short walk away and the both of you make your way there. 
“I will take that as a compliment.” Momentarily, you check your phone for the time. He must have noticed you doing so, because he motions to get up. 
“Oh no, did I keep you?” 
“Not at all, I’m just realizing what time it is back home.”  
“Oh, you must be jet lagged, do you need help getting to your hotel?” 
“I don’t have to check in until later,” you lie. You don't even have a hotel yet.
"Well, in that case...." He seems nervous as he stands up, very subtly back and forth on the tips of his toes to the back of his heels. If that isn't enough, he rubs the back of his neck before he clears his throat and looks down at your sitting form. You look up at him as if you hadn’t been watching him the entire time. “Is grabbing coffee with a stranger on your bucket list too, then?” 
You can't help but smile, a smile that pulled at your lips wide enough that it made the corner of your eyes crinkle. “It’s not, but I’m sure I could add it in.” 
“Great, then I’ll make sure it’s an extra good café with instagrammable latte art!”  He extends out his hand to help you up. 
Once you stand up, you reach for your suitcase, but he beats you to it. Instead, he places the bouquet of flowers into your hands.  “You carry that, and I’ll take these.” He slings your backpack over his shoulder. 
“No, please let me. It’s really no problem for me!” You hold the bouquet of flowers to him, as if it's a trade off. 
“It might be no problem for you, but what about me? You’re gonna slow us down carrying these things and the café spot gets busy in the afternoon!” He starts to walk away, looking back at you with a smirk after a couple of large strides. 
Well, at least the stranger you picked had a sense of humor and wasn’t some asshole who would have rejected the flowers. Snapping out of your thoughts, you realize he really isn't going to wait for you and hurry after him. 
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The stranger— you still don't know his name, by the way; you've had no opportunity to ask—wasn’t kidding when he said that the café got busy. You were both lucky to grab a table on the outside of the establishment all thanks to your hovering and his remarkably subtle ability to place your suitcase in the way of other hopeful individuals looking for a seat.  
Your eyes wander around the place, looking for a waiter or waitress to come and take your order. You desperately don't want to be the one to start conversation. You feel a little awkward sitting down with a guy you just met.
“I’m Han Jisung, by the way.” His voice cuts through the clinking of mugs, the soft hum of the people waiting for a table, and the occasional sound of the cars driving past. 
You bring your eyes back to him, a little caught off guard. He smiles in a way that shows the gums and it's kind of cute, while his eyes crinkle into half crescents. You can't help but smile right back at him. “I’m Y/N.”
Jisung leans forward, into the table with his arms crossed. “So, what brings you to Korea, Y/N?” 
You reach for the old beaten notebook in your bag and place it on the table. “I have this bucket list,” you open the pages and start flipping through it. There were a bunch of pages with cursive scrawls in paragraphs, some doodles, and eventually you stop on the page with the bucket list on it. “Just a bunch of things I wanna do before I die…” You give him a lopsided smile. 
Jisung’s eyes look through the list, then he point at one half way down the page. “Well, you can now cross going to Korea off. “ His index finger drags across the page at another item, “And the bouquet one.” 
“You’re right, thanks.” You take a pen from the front pouch of your backpack and cross those off. 
“How long is your visit?” 
You peer up at him, chewing on your bottom lip. He has an innocently curious expression on his face and you can't help but thank whoever's in charge of fate. Jisung is nice and welcoming, which is just what you need in a country you had never been to before. “About two weeks.” 
“Do you plan on doing more of those here?” 
You nod with a smile. “I do! As many as I can anyway.”  Talking to him isn't as awkward as you think it would be. He's definitely to thank for carrying the conversation so naturally.
“Hi can I take yo—“ a young man, probably around Jisung’s age comes to your table with a small notepad in hand. He has medium brown hair pushed back, a wide smile, and kind eyes. He's wearing a pair of khaki slacks and a nicely pressed dress shirt underneath his navy blue apron. “Oh, Hannie! Hey!” 
Jisung stands and pulls the newcomer into a short hug. “Seungmin!” Jisung motions to you at the table. “This is Y/N. A new friend of mine.” 
You smile at Seungmin and stand, bowing your head slightly. “Hi, nice to meet you.” 
Seungmin motions for you both to sit back down after introductions. “Ah, order whatever you guys want, it’s on the house! I hope you guys didn’t wait too long for a table.” 
Jisung shook his head, sitting back down only after you did. “It didn’t take too long, but this place is crowded! You guys must be doing really well lately.” 
Seungmin nodded with a sort of  crooked grin, “Yeah, well ever since those KPOP idols were seen here, this place has been swamped.” He raised his brows up and down mischievously, looking at the both of you together. “We’re looking for help!” 
Jisung scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes. “No thanks. Y/N is just visiting.” He leaned closer to you, as if the next part was only meant to be heard by you, though he was definitely talking loud enough for Seungmin to hear. “Besides, the last time I helped out he yelled at me for eating a pastry.” 
Seungmin playfully hit Jisung’s arm with his notepad. “It wasn’t a pastry, it was your seventh one of the day.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, what will you be ordering?”
You looked around, unsure of what was good there. You wanted to get an idea from what others had ordered around you. Everyone seemed to have an iced drink… and they were all really dark coffees “A vanilla iced latte?” Your sweet tooth would never let you have coffee without some kind of creamer in it. 
Seungmin nodded and scribbled it down. Then, without looking at Jisung, he said, “Americano, iced. And a slice of cheesecake.” 
Jisung feigned a look of offense. “Am I that predictable?” 
Seungmin laughed. “Honestly, no. But your orders are.” Seungmin placed his notepad in his apron pocket and went back into the cafe to fetch your orders. 
“Ah, that was Seungmin. He and I go way back. Now he helps run this place!” 
“That must be difficult, but this place looks great.” 
“Yea, he’s always been a caffeine addict. One day, he decided that if he was going to be making coffee everyday, he might as well make money off of it.” Jisung chuckled to himself, then glanced your way from across the table. “Are you staying close by? I could walk you to your hotel after If you’d like” 
You laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact, “Well.. actually…” your voice trailed off, catching a glimpse at his expression before spitting it out, “I don’t have one… yet.” 
“You don’t have one?!” He had raised his voice slightly, startling a couple of people at nearby tables. 
“Yet! I said yet!” You nervously played with the pen in your hands. 
“You came to Korea without a place to stay!?” 
“I literally bought my tickets two hours before the flight took off!” 
Seungmin came back with your orders, just in time to catch the last bit of your conversation. His eyes widened in shock. 
“TWO HOURS?” Both Jisung and Seungmin echoed you simultaneously. 
You grabbed your iced vanilla latte and started chewing on the straw. “I mean… it probably sounds a lot worse than it is...” 
Seungmin bent down at his knees to rest his arms on the table, head tilted. In that position, he really reminded you of a puppy. “Are you rich?” 
“Umm, definitely not." You placed your free drink on the table and chuckled at the thought.
Jisung raised a brow in your direction, “So you’re broke.”  
You grabbed your phone and checked your bank app. There was a silence that passed, the boys watching you carefully. You exhaled slowly and put your phone on the table, screen down. “Not like broke broke.”
Seungmin stood back up and forcefully put his hands on Jisung’s shoulders from behind him, giving them a squeeze for emphasis, “Well it’s a good thing that Hannie has a spare room, yea?” 
The two of you exchanged looks until he finally said something, “I mean… Yeah… I guess I do.” 
Jisung shot Seungmin a glare as he went back into the cafe then looked back you. You were still staring at him blankly, not saying a word. You were going through the logistics of it all in your head. It would be a free place to stay, but he was a complete stranger. This whole thing was a spontaneous trip, it was supposed to be a way for to come out of your comfortable way of living. You had been complacent, and quite honestly, staying in one place wasn’t going to help your mental health. But neither was staying with a stranger. 
“It’s not like I’m an ax murderer or anything.” 
Your silence was met with Jisung shrugging and grabbing his pastry off the plate in front of him. He broke it up into smaller pieces before stuffing it into his cheeks. He looked a little silly, reminding you of a squirrel with puffed up cheeks. “Or you can find a hotel room with all the money you still have saved up.” 
You were quickly reminded of the lack of money in your bank account. “Okay yea,” you mumbled under your breath, “lead the way.” 
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Jisung gave you a short tour of his place. It was on the seventh floor, two bedrooms, one bathroom. A small kitchen with an equally as small island, enough for two people to eat at. He had a black couch facing a TV that was hooked up to a play station, probably the newest one. 
You came out of the bathroom after showering in an over sized gray shirt and navy blue shorts underneath. You were towel drying your hair when you noticed he was at the sink. You sat at the island, his back to you.  “Thanks for letting me stay with you.” 
He seemed busy with something, but he looked over his shoulder at you. “Yea, no problem. Don’t worry about it.” 
Seeing as he was a bit busy, you went into the spare room you were staying in and grabbed your notebook. You decided to bring it back to the island; if you were going to stay with Jisung for at least a couple of days, you were going to get to know him. He definitely seemed and had proven himself nice enough.
“Is that the list again?” Jisung asked you when you sat back down, still focused on whatever it was he was doing. 
“Yeah, it is.” 
“Cool!” He threw something away in the trash under the sink. Whatever it was he was working on, he placed it in the counter next to the sink. 
“What kind of stuff do you think you could cross off?” He turned around and leaned on the island across from you. His head tilted, curious as he looked at you with warm round brown eyes. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. “Let’s see.” You opened up to the page, looking over the list and reading off a few at random.
“Paint a portrait. Sing at a karaoke bar. Fall asleep under the stars. Watch the sun rise—“
“Those are easy! You traveled all the way to korea for that? Where are the fun spontaneous ones?” 
You sighed and ran your hands down your face. “I have those too, but they’re embarrassing!” 
“Try me.” 
You held your head in your hands, looking down at the book to avoid looking at him. “Crash a wedding.” 
“Ooo that sounds fun. What else you got?” 
“I booked a flight to Korea in two hours isn't that spontaneous enough?!” 
He shook his head, still smiling. 
You looked back down. “Goskinnydipping...” You mumbled very quietly and quickly, then cleared your throat trying to glaze over that bit, hoping he didn’t hear. When he didn't react, you continued. “Get a tattoo.” Slowly, you looked at him through your damp hair that fell over your eyes. 
“Okay. Let’s do it.” He smiled at you, mischievous one. 
“Get a tattoo?” You panicked and you could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. Had he heard you? 
“Let’s accomplish as many things on your list as we can while you’re here.” 
You looked at him with a brow raised. You didn’t even know what to say. “Like… together?” 
Jisung nodded simply. “Yes. Together. Why not?” 
“More like why? Why would you do that with someone you just met?” 
He mimicked your raised brow, but the smirk remained. “You bought me flowers, remember? We’re basically dating now.” 
Huh? He was joking, right? 
“Just kidding. But come on, think about it! It’ll be fun! Plus… do you know how to get around Seoul?” 
Again, he had a point. 
You bit your lower lip and scanned the room trying to avoid eye contact. It was then you noticed that the thing he was working on was the bouquet of flowers that you bought, stems cut and placed in a tall glass. 
You smiled and finally nodded, “Okay.” 
“Okay?” He looked at you with wide eyes, smirk growing into a smile, excited that you had agreed. 
“Yea. Let’s do this.” 
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author's notes: if for whatever you want to be added to a taglist, let me know :)
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crazylittlejester · 25 days
I started typing and it got out of control...
I don't know if you've watched Ever After High or not, but I've been re-watching the entire show on account of not having much to do and I've come to the conclusion that an LU crossover with EAH would be absolutely awesome. The general idea is that characters from fairytales grow up and have kids that re-enact their parents' stories and this happens over and over again to the point that their entire society is built around this. Since they have a magic book that kind of seals your fate if you sign it, this is where the conflict of the show comes from.
Obviously there are a few different ways a person could go about setting this up but I'm just going to pick out fairy tale parents and backstories for them because I think that's the most fun.
Warriors: I'm thinking that he'd be best as Helen of Troy. Greek mythology is canon in EAH because of Cupid, so it works. The same themes of lust and infatuation are present. Also war.
Wild: He fits Sleeping Beauty's story the most, but that's already taken so the next best thing is Rip Van Winkle. It's only 20 years compared to 100, but I think it's the closest I'm getting for now, and the point is that he wakes up as an old man.
Sky: I think he should be the guy from the jabberwocky poem that uses the vorpal sword to defeat it. The jabberwocky is supposed to be the most powerful monster in EAH last I checked, so it would be the closest equivalent to Demise other than the Evil Queen.
Legend: Given that wizards are supposed to live a long time, Merlin would be a good fit for Legend because he'd have a few centuries to finish growing up into a mature wizard. He could still be a veteran of adventures this way without sacrificing his magical abilities.
Twilight: Unfortunately there aren't really any stories about wolves that aren't villains so he's tragically stuck being a non-descript farmer. I'm so sorry. Under other circumstances he'd get to be one the guy from "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" except that guy is a bear and not a wolf.
Wind: I'm torn between picking an infamous pirate or a story from mythology. Either one would probably work, to be honest, but it would probably work better if Tetra was a pirate's daughter and he's related to a deity in charge of ocean storms.
Hyrule: Ended up picking Jack the Giant Killer for him because that story's about surviving because you're clever, and Hyrule's games are supposed to be ridiculously hard. Also there's a magic sword involved.
Four: With the Minish he could totally fit into the story about the little elves that help the tailor/cobbler. But there's a story called "The Four Skillful Brothers" and I can't say no because it literally ends with them rescuing the princess via teamwork and splitting the reward.
Time: I feel like he'd fit in best as some kind of forest spirit or changeling, but as the Hero's Shade he could also be Godfather Death. I've been thinking about it and I really can't come up with a good placement for him.
Spirit Tracks Link gets an honorary mention because he is canon in my heart. Since New Hyrule is in the middle of the industrial revolution he's probably more of an urban legend. Either the ghost of a train conductor's kid or a guy cursed to see ghosts like his Zelda.
I know nothing about ever after high but im obsessed with what you’ve just said to me oh my god
first of all anytime someone draws the connection between Wars and Helen of Troy I loose my mind a bit, one day when I have the proper brain capacity and time I’m going to write a whole ass analysis paper on the comparison between the two of them because its so important to me
ALSO JABBERWOCKY MENTION??? I’M OBSESSED. AND JACK THE GIANT KILLER FOR HYRULE?? dude I can see you spent sooo much time thinking about this and oh my god I am so obsessed this is really cool, you ate
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dayurno · 3 months
I will say that I have a severe bone to pick with ao3 Neil but specifically with Raven!Neil and other similar Canon divergence fics in which people cannot write him in the Nest/in proximity to Riko without turning him into either Kevin or Jean, both in terms of personality and plot beats/importance. We could be having a real conversation about what that universe would actually be like and how a different upbringing would affect the Neil we know and instead Im out here being tricked into reading All For The Game 2: without all the parts I like edition
100% AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS!!!!!!! my thing with most raven!neil aus is that often his personality goes entirely unchanged, and it puts him in a position where, like you said, he becomes kevjean's weird divorce kid. to me, when an author writes the same personality in a different setting for raven!neil, it feels so... shallow?! easy?! truly almost lazy. i think a nathaniel who was brought up to be the butcher's sucessor would be so different from the neil who was raised by mary on the run they would be entirely different characters. i think the neil we know would be changed in irreversible ways by being raised as the butcher's first son, and his personality would be closer to riko's than most aftg fans i feel would be comfortable acknowledging
for me the fun part of raven!neil is the way neil would rock perfect court dynamics if he was raised as nathaniel. riko and kevin would not have been as close if nathaniel was there with them; i don't think nathaniel would take kevin's place so much as he would be in a position where he, as a first son and the direct sucessor of the butcher, would be in somewhat of an equal footing with riko inside the perfect court (but never outside of it, let it be clear). in a situation like this i don't even think kevin and nathaniel would have become friends — i think kevin would have still left and nathaniel would have been the number one hound dog trying to get him back, going way further than jean did in the books to make sure kevin is back where he belongs. actually now that i'm thinking of it i think nathaniel would be pretty close to how andrew is in the first book, which would be very interesting to see :)
jean's life would remain horrible either way. i don't think nathaniel would ever be his anchor so much as he would've been a necessary ally to jean, someone who steps between him and riko because he is in a position to do so and because nathaniel needs jean to keep up with him in court, so in a way that would help jean. i don't know how kevjean's friendship would go in this universe though: would kevin being less close to riko give them more space to be friends or would jean's association with nathaniel push kevin away from the perfect court as a whole? to be perfectly honest, i think kevin and nathaniel would compete to be riko's number two for a long time, and i don't think kevin would win. truly telenovela levels of drama
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In case I delete my damn Twitter (I really should), I want to preserve the only tweets I ever made that I liked. Which, unfortunately, was rating every Fire Emblem Final Boss on their fuckability (remixed).
I'm sorry.
(Note: I confess that I am not a monsterfucker, yes yes leave your angry comments below, and I will be ranking every boss on their most anthropomorphized form to even the playing field)
(Edited on 2/17/2024)
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Oh boy here comes the most generic villain ready to offer me the most generic sex possible. How could I ever contain my excitement
VERDICT: Look tumblr likes to make evil sex with your evil spouse look de facto exciting but even the spark can go out of villain sex. If he's a boring villain in the streets he'll be a boring villain in the sheets.
DUMA (FE2, FE15)
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Man I am so glad that the remake gave Duma a human form and I don't have to be talking about ~~Duma's wiggles~~
VERDICT: I will confess to not being particularly attracted to him, but.... Not to spoil anything but he's going to be one of the better picks on this list.
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He is a child.
VERDICT: He is a child.
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Oh boy, you KNOW he fucks with the same enthusiasm of a disgruntled middle manager fitting in a quickie between reruns of Home Improvement with a wife that he's a decade past loving.
VERDICT: I mean there are worse choices on this list but love yourself.
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Even putting her somewhat... neotenous features aside, the whole free will removal kinda makes the idea of sex with her pretty unethical at best.
VERDICT: And even if we ignore all that she got one rounded by Roy. Total turn off.
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There is no anthropomorphized form. It's just a dragon.
VERDICT: I have concerns about size differentials here.
LYON (as possessed by FORMORTIIS) (FE8)
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Ok, ok, I acknowledge this one is kind of a stretch as those two are separate entities and the Formortiis you fight is NOT in the shell of Lyon but like. Give me a break. I know you horny fuckers want Formortiis to become intimate with your intestines. I'm terribly sorry this stupid post isn't for you.
VERDICT: Let's be real. Unless you're Eirika or Ephraim (or willing to put on some cosplay) he won't be bringing his A-game. If you are, though... oooh. Boy. The emotion would run high. There would be crying. I'll leave it up to you as to whether this is a plus or minus.
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Unlike some other options on this list, it is at least 100% proven that he has had sex, if only as a means to an end. I honestly doubt whether he would fuck for any other reason to be honest
VERDICT: If, for some reason, being used as a genetic experiment isn't a turn off, he's absolutely going to ask if he can turn a family member of yours into a mindless war beast, probably immediately after the sex. If for some reason this still isn't a turn off, uhhhhh I hope y'all are happy together.
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While I could imagine most of the other characters in this list being open to the idea of sex, I really couldn't see Ashera being DTF. But...
VERDICT: She's hot in a scary Drakengard way, so I'd say it's worth at least shooting your shot. She'd probably turn you to stone, but that's the risk you take for love.
ROBIN (As possessed by GRIMA) (FE13)
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Fell Robin is a great example of the effects of evil on human attractiveness. On their own, Robin is human tofu. They are a perfect 5/10. Being possessed raises their score to at least 6/10.
VERDICT: 6/10 is better than average. Why not.
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As far as I know, he doesn't have an official age, but I see this character and I think "that's baby"
VERDICT: All I want to do is give him butterscotch candies and ask him how he's doing in school.
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Like Ashnard, at least you can say he definitely fucked. Quite a bit, considering the excess of children he has (discounting his propensity for picking them up off the streets) So, uh, he's got one thing going for him?
VERDICT: He has this expression the entire time.
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man who fucking cares
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He's the only final boss in Three Houses that doesn't turn into a big ol' monster so he's got that going for him (or against him, depending on your point of view.) Unfortunately, he is, however, a zombie, which I would rate as worse.
VERDICT: One certainly can't say he's slacking on the gym routine but... zombie. Does he smell? Ew.
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It's everyone favorite problematic waifu! What is there to say about her that hasn't been said before.
VERDICT: No, I mean really. Uh... if you like her I said she was stinky and if you hate her Edelgard come step on me uwu. Everyone can be mad at me. It's fun for the whole family.
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Rhea is a scary, scary woman and fucking her would ruin your life
VERDICT: Rhea can totally get it.
EDIT: As of this writing (2/17/2024) I have beaten Fire Emblem Engage, and have edited this section accordingly.
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Like Garon, Sombron canonically fucks. A LOT. This does not mean he's necessarily any good at it, mind, but he's got to at least... know... stuff, right? He was able to turn the yaoification beam on Hyacinth so he's clearly not completely lacking in sexual appeal. He will NOT wear a condom tho, although who on this list would?
VERDICT: I feel like you'd need to have some very specific fetishes for this to be a good idea, but if you do... have fun?
As for Heroes, I will confess that I only played Heroes very briefly; I don't know shit about the story and will have to rely on the wiki. So if I get some stuff wrong, apologies that I didn't play a shitty gacha. I was too busy... uhhhh having sex with your mom (NOTE TO SELF DELETE LATER)
BRUNO (Heroes, Book 1)
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This bitch loses shirts like a Yakuza character. His abs have more screentime than his face. He pops on screen and Yusuke Kozaki manifests behind you and whispers in your ear "don't you just HUNGER for his dick????"
VERDICT: Oh come on.
SURTR (Heroes, Book 2)
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Uh... he was pretty good on my team for the brief moment that I played. Uh... shit let's consult the wiki
VERDICT: ...oh. He's not very nice at all. Yeah don't fuck him.
HEL (Heroes, Book 3)
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Ok. Look. Listen. Ok. Ok. Look. Ok. Ok. Listen. Ok. Listen. Listen. Listen. Ok. Look. Ok. Look. Listen. Listen. Look.
FREYJA (Heroes, Book 4)
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Ok, she's cute, but... I don't know. I just don't vibe with her design. It screams "designed for lonely dudes" and I'm a lonely GAL thank you.
VERDICT: Bring back the goth milfs.
EITRI (Heroes, Book 5)
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EMBLA (Heroes Book 6 oh my god how many fucking books are there)
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Oooh, she looks deranged! I like that; I'm a big supporter for women's wrongs.
VERDICT: ...Admittedly, she has more "wet drowned rat" appeal than sex appeal.
Book 7 isn't actually done yet (I think) as of time of this writing so I'm DONE. NO MORE.
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afandommultiverse · 1 year
Being A Hostage for Colonel Miles Quaritch
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❀ A/n: GUESS WHO LEARNED HOW TO DO SMALL FONT IN HTML!!?? Me🤭 lmao so new look now~ I don’t know if you guys noticed yet but yes, the hc’s with moons are all connected and have their own story playing out in them, kinda like chapters, however, I will still be making headcanons outside of that small story and they will have a different emoticon. Also I know the ‘headcanons’ read more like a one-shot and that’s my bad guys. I'm tryna figure it out but for now please enjoy this third installment of my Quaritch headcanons.🫶
Side Note: I have been fairly gender neutral for the reader up until this point but for my story and nicknames sake technically its written in AFAB, I will continue to keep it as neutral as possible but I am sorry for any slip ups!
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
✿ picking up where we left off, Spider had been gone for a few hours and you were beginning to grow restless, starting to pace, first slowly then speeding up before finally you sat down and curled up into a ball. What were you going to do? You couldn’t help them, but you couldn’t let them kill Spider and you can’t afford the outcome of him seeing you die. Your main focus was getting him out of here
✿ however, your thoughts on how you were going to get him out were stopped by the sound of loud thudding footsteps near your door and the smell of blood. when the door opened you stood quickly, vigilant, ready to find the reason for such a smell. your eyes were on Spider, who was limp and nearly unconscious. running to him you hissed at the Colonel feeling stupid for having ever trusted him in the first place and as soon as Spider was laid down gently on the cot that was bought for them (Thanks Lyle), you swung
✿ Quaritch narrowly ducked, yelling out a quick “Hey now!” jumping back a few steps and fumbling, not having expected your aggressive behavior, you were quick but he was quicker, dodging you swiftly and finally when you lunged for him he grabbed you twisting and pulling around the room with each other before finally he had your front against the wall.
✿ he was a little pissed you squabbled with him but he couldn’t blame you, honestly, he’d looked like he had gone back on his word and he hated that. He didn’t care just because of you, no, he would hate for anyone to see him or know of him going back on his word, no one would tarnish that, especially not some ‘science nerds.’
✿ breathing heavily you cursed him out in your new native tongue to which he said “I know mama, I know they hurt your baby. I get it, okay? but I didn’t know a damn thing about it so stop taking this out on me, yeah?”
✿ this honestly only pissed you off more, having you thrashing in his hold relentlessly, it's then he push off of you a bit and in a quick flash flipped you around and pushed back into your space. your breath caught, the lack of air between the two of you not giving you much room to move in comfortably, but it wasn’t just that. No, it was also the smell of him, his freshly pressed and starched clothes were nostalgic of your own time in the marine corp, but underneath all that was the unadulterated smell of him. It makes your head dizzy 100%
✿ ngl he liked the way your eyes sorta glazed as you took him in, the smell, the gorgeous view I mean come on, and of course the feeling of him; pressed up against you, a little too much to just be fighting off any of your future advances. he didn’t mean to, honest, but he just felt pulled to you, physically and otherwise
✿ “Get off me.” you spit out with venom, eyes clearing and meeting his, slightly narrowed but not as much as before, sensing if you fought anymore it would just make things harder
✿ “Do you promise to be good?” you growled, something low and feral in the back of your throat before turning your head away sharply, annoyed and displeased that you had to submit to such a man (you lowkey like it though, cause bffr, ain’t nobody put your badass in check since you left the corp)
✿ “Good girl.” He could hear your heart skip a beat and grinned wolfishly, looking you up and down once more before backing away coolly and returning to spider
✿ Quaritch didn’t want to admit it, especially in the short time he has even known the kid but he was worried about him, unfamiliar with the device they had used on him earlier, he remembers a prototype that followed along that design when he was human but he didn’t expect it to go this far, seems he was wrong about yet another thing, which also pissed him off and while he was silently fuming he didn't notice you come sit at the head of the thin bed and pull spiders head into your lap
✿ when he did notice you, he watched the way you combed your fingers through spiders hair lovingly, moving it out of his face. you gently wet your thumb and wiped the blood off the top of his lip and looked hard for anything else wrong with him. Quaritch didn’t take his eyes off of you until you reached for the breathing mask you kept on the floor beside the cot and took a few deep breaths
✿ he figured he should as well as the pressure in his chest had begun to grow but when he took his last few breaths, the pressure had still not gone away. something in him wanted to say it was you but he internally rolled his eyes at that so hard that they damn near got stuck
✿ “I’m sorry, I didn’t know they would do that, the science geeks y’know?” shit you almost laughed, but instead, you shook your head and let out a deep breath.
✿ “What do you want with us, Quaritch? I won’t tell you where Sulley is.” he looked at you for a few seconds, honestly not knowing what to say, because he didn’t know what to do. he needed you guys for this mission, but keeping both of you around, especially this close didn’t seem like it would end well. for him or the general; he didn’t know yet.
✿ “I don’t expect you too, your boy didn’t,” he looked away, back down at spider, and tapped his arm twice before standing from his couch position. “He's strong, I’ll give him that. But I can’t just let you two go back, so we’ll keep you on for the ride, in the meantime you’ll be helping me and my team.” you quirked a brow
✿ “Helping you with what?” you didn’t like where this is going.
✿ “All things Na’vi of course.” he smiled and went to turn and walk out of the room, done with the conversation
✿ “Wait.” he paused, “if I help you, I need you to do something for me.” he turned, not promising anything, just curious to see what you would ask. “What?” you looked up at him and almost felt bashful, but the truth was you felt uncomfortable in your clothes, especially when you could feel the eyes of so many men on you, human and otherwise, raking you up and down like a piece of meat. they didn’t cover much more than what was needed and they seemed to take advantage. you didn’t miss that feeling at all since becoming one with the Na’vi, the people not as brash or disrespectful as the men here were.
✿ “could you bring me some clothes?” he wanted to laugh, the meaning behind the request almost escaping him but in two seconds flat he realized and it made his skin itch with irritation. the idea of anyone looking at you in a way you didn’t want began to tick him off. he blamed the reaction on the feelings he had for you prior to his death but in this new body those would be abolished, now the less he would respect your request, only to just keep your rapport, of course.
✿“Absolutely, sweetheart.”
❀ A/n: ahhh!! I’ve been wanting to get this out forever😩 but I've been working so damn much BUUUT I hope you guys enjoyed it!! Please leave any critique and don’t forget requests are open for anything!
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xelasrecords · 11 months
Less of an angsty ask, but between Jumin and V, who would you actually pick if you were in MC's situation? The catch is that you're not able to change the other character's storyline if you don't pick them (eg. V will still go down his self-destructive spiral if you pick Jumin).
So whoever I don't pick will meet his bad end and I'll have to watch him suffer unable to do anything about it? What the hell Faye I've obsessively written fics where the MC cannot choose because she loves them equally AND NOW THIS? I regret asking you to do your worst😭
If I see it from a survival pov, it's clear that I should choose V because he's an idiot with no sense of self-preservation, but choosing to be with someone for this sole reason is the highway to codependency. I know Jumin can fare on his own, but would he really be living if he spiralled and become a lonely alcoholic in the end, like in V's AE? I just want both of them to be happy and loved, with or without me.
Do you know when was the first time I started being haunted by the idea of OT3 (in my mind these two are platonic)? Since I recently replayed V's route! It was Jumin's steadfastness and care for V and V's gentle heart for everyone but especially Jumin that made me realise I can't like one more than the other. Both of them are so kind and selfless and funny in their own ways. Their interactions, appreciations for one another, and emotional depth warmed my heart. It was because of V's wholesome love for Jumin that I love V, and Jumin's relentless love for V that I love Jumin. You can't take either away and expect them to still completely be the men I love.
You asked what I would do in MC's situation, but in her situation I'd most likely develop feelings for both men, so choosing to be with only one would make me feel like I wasn't being honest to the one I chose AND myself. There would always be a part of me that yearned for the other even though I'd be so happy that I could be with the current one.
Most importantly! Would Jumin truly be happy if he had me but lost V (I'm 100% sure V would eventually get himself killed or maimed)? Would V feel like he deserved to be happy with me if he saw Jumin closing himself off as his proverbial red strings and destructive coping mechanisms choked and drowned him? The guilt of not being able to save Jumin would eat V from the inside.
What if I let them know that I love them both? But then, if they knew the price is the other's mortal safety then no one would choose me LOL. They'd sacrifice their happiness for the other's, encouraging each other to be with me instead. I really don't want to choose Faye🥲
I guess my final verdict is V. At least Jumin would still be alive, no matter what that'd look like. It'd be much harder on Jumin and me if V dies. Death is final. Jumin barely surviving means the possibility of recovering still exists. He's not gone yet. The way he masks his pain and takes care of everyone after V died in the SE is heartbreaking and I don't want him to go through that. I'd rather Jumin still have his best friend even if it means I'd always feel the loss of him. I think this is the best way to ensure everyone's happiness (they don't have to know about mine).
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restinsodaroni · 1 year
I'll try posting the FAQ this way lol, hopefully this works better! So read below to see the asks I will and won't accept or answers to common questions I get! I'll be linking this in my pinned post!
Alright! Please read this before sending in an ask!
🚫Evidently I am going to have to be stricter now since I have been creeped out numerous times on here. So yeah I will be blocking folks who keep disregarding my boundaries, constantly ignoring my FAQ, or just being impolite! Sorry! 🚫
Hey so please don't:
• Send me any questions that ask about what would Sun and Moon do if you were harming yourself no matter the severity or the circumstances. It makes me uncomfortable and I shouldn't have to explain why.
• Spam the same ask especially everyday! That is not gonna get me to answer you. Spamming = Block I am not going to be lenient about this anymore!
• Send me an ask to change Y/N's body type.
Here's a post where I talk about said boundaries.
• Expect me to answer your ask right away. If I could answer them quickly I would but that's unrealistic for me
How do you pronounce your Username?
It's rest in sodaroni ! It's a play on the phrase rest in pepperoni. I made a joke about it a while ago with my sibling and decided to make it my username lol. Yes I know separating the words would have been ideal, but I'm not changing it now!
Can I draw you fanart or send you a fic centered around your AU?
Sure you can! As long as it’s sfw then its fine!
Are you ok with nsfw being sent to you?
I am not! I’d like to keep this blog sfw please! 
How come you haven’t answered my ask?
Well that’s because I get sent A LOT of asks. And a majority of them need comic responses which takes time to do. Not to mention my schedule is pretty hectic, even when I have free time I don't know if I'll have time to myself lol.
And I have other projects, art, and my Daycare Attendant fics I want to work on too sometimes. So just know if you send in an ask it may take me a while to answer it!
Also I may not have a good idea how to answer your ask at the time. Or I'm just overwhelmed at the moment lol 😅 And please don't spam the same ask in my inbox. Spamming = Block
Where can I read your fanfics?
You can read them right here!
‼️ Disclaimer! Please read the tags and summary for either fics! I don't want you to be blindsided when you find out the fic isn't 100% fluff or wholesome! Just gonna give you a heads up lol ‼️
When will the next chapter of your fic(s) be out?
I promise you I'm working on it! It just takes me longer because of the drawings since I am putting more effort into them now!
Can I use one of your drawings as an icon, wallpaper, etc?
Yeah that’s fine!
Why did you draw Sun, Moon, or Eclipse like *Insert questions here*?
Why does anyone draw the way they do? Because I wanted to lol, and I like how it looks. That's basically it haha.
Can you draw me/myoc/my sun and moon/a meme?
Do you roleplay?
Sure! But please send a picture of what you want me to draw! I got a handful of asks that requested this but sent me no reference photos so I don’t know what to draw lol.
Also don't send me drawing prompts of your characters/You getting too intimate with Sun and Moon or even Y/n. (Yes, I have to add Y/n on here now...)
If you want a hug cool, anything more than that I will probably not draw since some people can't behave lol.
If you send a question about wanting to be mean or even hurt Sun or Moon just don't get upset by the response you are given lol. It's just a comic, it's not real and Sun and Moon are not really mad.
Where do you get your gifs/screenshots of the Daycare Attendant?
I watch a lot of Fnaf security breach sfm videos on YouTube so sometimes I come across a funny video clip and screenshot or make a gif of it.
Who is your favorite? Sun or Moon?
I’ll be honest, I can’t pick between the two lol. I like them both!
I don't like your art style/ I don't like how you draw Sun, Moon, or Eclipse/ One of your drawings came out weird lol / You don't draw as good as the other artists.
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It's fine if you don't like my art style, but please just keep it to yourself, your blog, your friends, your grandmother, or whatever. Like idk why people on here felt the need to tell this to me, but yeah don't do that. And no, telling me you don't like my art style but like my comics isn't the compliment you think it is. I wouldn't have cared so much until I got a few people telling me this pretty much every time I posted. I ignored it as long as I could lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
This pertains to a few asks so I'll address it here:
I know when someone is fetish farming, I'm not naive lol. Like it seems really suspicious when I have the same person/anon desperately trying to get me to draw a specific ask 👀 soooo cut that shit out lol. It's very creepy and goes against my consent. Also chill with the dark humor.
*Ok so I’m going to be talking about a heavy topic here so read no further if you experience thoughts of self-harm or depressive thoughts!*
I don’t believe I would get an ask like this again but this is just in case! ( Edit: nevermind I did get more asks pertaining to self-harm smh ) I don’t mind drawing you something if you had a bad day, but I will not draw something for someone who requesting me to comfort them with a drawing of Sun or Moon because they self-harmed. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but I just can’t. I go over my reasoning in this post. Please don't send me any self-harm related questions!
*End of the serious topic!*
And that should be it! I may update this down the line! Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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kimium · 9 months
Tell us about your favourite ship/ships for Leona Kingscholar👀
Hi friend! Thanks so much for asking me this! I'm always excited to write about my Twisted Wonderland ships. I'm ranking them based on my silly little categories, so don't take this too serious.
Let's get started!
My favourite ships with Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
I Really Like These Ships
This was actually my first Twisted Wonderland ship. When you start the game you pick a dorm and a character within it. I went with Diasomnia and Malleus as Maleficent is my favourite Disney villain (mostly due to her role in Kingdom Hearts). Thus, Malleus's ceremonial robe vignette was the first one I saw. In it, Malleus's robes are accidentally swapped with Leona's when picked up from being cleaned. The second half of the vignette shows that they have a rather antagonistic relationship with one another. It's a dynamic I instantly liked and I immediately shipped them.
Later, when I played through Book Two I started to see how Leona and Malleus are foils to one another. Their contrast between Malleus crown prince and Leona the second prince with an inferiority complex compelled me. I want to see more of their interactions with one another and if those interactions end up with some unresolved sexual tension, so be it.
I'll admit, I didn't like this one for a while. Mostly because my favourite dynamic between prince and attendant (Ruggie is an attendant in many ways) is loyalty. Ruggie is loyal to Leona, but it's closer to an employee/employer loyalty. That being said, I understand that both have trouble being honest about their feelings (Leona with his inferiority complex and tsundere attitude. Ruggie who has to survive with his own wits and cunning.). I can see them growing closer, talking their feelings out privately, and getting together. Though, my favourite dynamic between them is Leona "Actually Ruggie is MINE and I May Not Flaunt it Publicly, but if ANYONE Tries to Take Him From Me, They're Toast" Kingscholar. A little possessiveness dashed into the ship is a 10/10 for me.
I think these ships are Fun
Look, I am always a little weak to a ship where one looked up to one another, found out they weren't 100% what they thought, and instead of being disappointed frowned, grabbed the other by the shirt and said "I know you can be better so I'm going to MAKE SURE you live up to that potential." I love the idea of Jack's eager persistence and values of hard work and determination lighting a fire under Leona. I love that Jack sees Leona for who he can be and doesn't care about any of the extra "weight" Leona feels he carries. I love the idea of Jack seeing so much good and potential in Leona that it makes Leona want to live up to Jack's ideals.
Like with Malleus, Leona and Vil are a fun ship because they're character foils. Leona is a lazy genius who, besides the throne, has everything he could ever want but is crippled by his inferiority complex. Vil, who is brilliant, smart, and worked hard to get himself where he wants, also suffers an inferiority complex. Leona turns to apathy to escape the burning, twisting pain of always being compared to Farena. Vil turns to jealousy, consistently and silently comparing himself to Neige, putting a mask of success and glamour over his fear of always being second best. I think these two could learn a lot from one another and grow from their similarities and differences.
The only reason why this ship is lower on my list is because I'm absolute Rook/Vil trash. Though, I am not opposed to a threesome between Leona/Rook/Vil.
Cute Concept, I see where people are coming from
To me this is a ship of "opposites attract". Leona is very confident in his powers, abilities, and skills (when his inferiority complex related to Farena isn't in the way). He's not afraid of being in the spotlight and if people are pissed off at him, Leona will not back down from beating the shit out of them. Leona is also a natural born leader, even if he employs "tough love" methods.
On the other side we have Idia who when not behind a screen is an introvert and awkward with people. Yes, he's also talented and a genius but Idia's confidence and people skills only come out when he's in his element.
My favourite way of seeing them get together is having them play chess. I know at first Idia would try to escape playing with Leona, terrified to be in the same room but as he grows comfortable Idia's talking smack as they play. Sure, some of his terms fly over Leona's head (Idia cannot turn off the gamer terminology) but I bet he's ecstatic that Idia's not backing down from the challenge.
But Do I Ship Yuu with Leona?
Yes, I do. Leona was my first SSR for both dorm and event card (Fairy Tale Gala) so he has always held a special place in my heart. I also think Yuu's first encounter with Leona is hysterical. I love the idea that Yuu is not afraid of Leona simply because they have NO CLUE who he is. This lack of fear is refreshing to Leona who after realizing it's not bravado, that Yuu truly isn't afraid of him, is hooked. It will take Leona a while to figure out that he -likes- Yuu but a little bit of jealousy and possessiveness would probably rear its head within Leona eventually. Yuu's -his- herbivore, damn it.
And there you have it, friend! I hope you like my answers!! Feel free to let me know which are your favourite Leona ships!
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Brothers confessing to MC but she's a lesbian!
gender: female
type: headcanons
characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
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Before I start I just want to say one thing: Happy Pride Month! And I hope that you all will enjoy it. Also coming back with many ideas and no time heh...
"I understand if you don't feel the same way I do but I just needed to tell you this, so if you're willing to give me a chance, I promise I'll do everything I can to not disappoint you."
"(boy/name), you're really great person but...I'm a lesbian"
"That's alright, don't worry about it I know it's just the way you are. And if you wish I will make sure every one of my brothers know that so they won't try things on you"
· if you decline his offer he wont tell a word, but if you accept his offer every of his brothers will know
· if one of his brothers will try anything on you they will be hanging from the ceiling for at least 100 yers but if some less demon will try anything on you well... they're dead
"Obviously I knew that! I was just.. practicing."
· he literally don't know what he's saying but then he realized that this might sounded a bit homophobic so he quickly changed the subject
"Anyway, how did you slept?"
· yup it doesn't make sense but luckily you picked up on his behavior so you decided to go with it
· if someone will try to confess to you he will instantly be like "She's a lesbian idiot!"
· if you didn't comed out yet, well...now you did! Because let's be honest he will tell it everyone and it's not be sure he wants to get his revenge on you but because he don't want anyone to make you uncomfortable
"That's alright!"
· at first he thinks that it's just an excuse to not hurt him but he decides to go with it because you must have a reason right? yeah you're really a lesbian don't be so down on yourself Levi ily
· when he sees that you rejected every one of his brothers and every men that confessed to you he really start to think that you weren't actually lying
· well now he's sure that you weren't lying nad you're actually a lesbian and oh my he feel so bad for thinking you might lie to him
· at the end he buys you lesbian flag or other lesbian merch as an apology
"Don't worry, it's understandable"
· he would tell everyone expect Lucifer so he can laugh from him that you're not interested in them as they are toward you
· overall it really doesn't change anything between you two
· he LOVES to see how you reject all those men, it's just funny for him how they still have hopes when you're obviously a lesbian
· if someone will start to offend you he WILL beat the shit out of them
· he completly understands it (I have headcanon that he's pansexual)
"Oh! I get it! No no no, don't worry about it, I'm not homophob!"
· know that other brothers also have a lil crush about you so he tell them that you're not interested in any of them (he didn't said anything about you being lesbian) so they won't make u uncomfortable
· if he see some men try to confess to you he will tell them that you're not interested or if you're after coming out that you're a lesbian
· overall extremely supportive and caring
· very supportive from the beginning
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I can take you to (your favorite restaurant) as an apology! And not like a date don't worry"
· will tell Belphie, Belphie will tell Satan and...well we all know what Satan will do (if you don't then scroll up a bit)
· will appear beside you if someone will try to insult you because of your sexuality or because you rejected them and well...this person is running for their life now
· if you though he was a little sleepy layer well...now he's less sleepy...
"That's alright, I'm gonna take a nap now, bye."
· he tried not to make you feel guilty but I guess that's up to you if he succeed or failed
· he feels a little bad about getting rejected so he sleeps most of the days
· also probably tells Beel and Satan
· after Beel confronts him, he start to hang out with you just like he did before confessing
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karatam · 2 years
Read recently (August-September 2022)
The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang. A war orphan from a tiny village tests well enough in the national exams to be invited to the most important training facility in the empire, and discovers that the gods aren't really dead. An interesting first book in a trilogy, set in an alternate early 20th century China. Lots of tigger warnings for the violence/depravity of war (message me if you'd like to know more details). I have the sequel on hold at the library, though I'm not 100% sure I'll be reading it to be honest. I started off quite liking the characters, but by the end I was a bit 'meh'.
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri. Oh I loved this. Set in a fantasy world based on India, a disgraced princess is jailed by her emperor brother at a cursed former temple, left to wither away. A servant girl (with magic) who survived the massacre at that same temple years ago is drafted into the princess' service. Together they'll bring down a empire. Finished it in two days, immediately bought the sequel. Love me some morally grey lesbians. Gay and great.
The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri. This one hurt so good. Picks up a few months after the end of The Jasmine Throne, with our morally-grey lesbians still in power and still in love and still unable to be together due to politics and also magic. Malini is on her path to depose her brother and become empress, Priya is struggling to understand what her magic can really do and what it will cost. The old gods are coming back and they want their pound of flesh. Eagerly anticipating the final installment.
Red Sister by Mark Lawrence. I tore through this book in literally 24 hours because I just couldn't stop reading it. I then immediately went out and bought the next two in the trilogy bc my library didn't carry them. Holy shit this was awesome. A peasant girl is taken from the gallows to study as a novice in a convent that trains warriors, assassins, and witches (she's fairly young in this first novel, so not a lot of romance, but it's very obvious that a bunch of these nuns are gay as hell, including the main character). I'll just leave the first sentence of the book here: "It is important, when killing a nun, to ensure that you bring an army of sufficient size."
Grey Sister by Mark Lawrence. I started reading this literally 5 minutes after finishing the first one. Just found family feelings all over the place. A girl who thinks she's a monster and all the people who love her. Also lots of political intrigue and violence and dashing rescues and scheming and also gay nuns. Fantastic.
Bound by Mark Lawrence. This is a little short story set between books 2 and 3 and mainly consists of poor Nona's head exploding bc the two people she has crushes on go on an undercover mission together. Unexpectedly sweet for this series.
Holy Sister by Mark Lawrence. Reader, I cried. Takes the political intrigue of the first two books and dials it up a few notches. I love all these women so much, and the family they've forged together. Split between two timelines, one set directly after the end of the previous book with Nona and company scrambling to escape, the other set a few years later where war is looming and the moon is falling. Loved it.
A Master of Djinn by P. Djèli Clark. This book was so much fun to read. The world-building, the characters, the mytery, the romance, all so great. Set in an alternate Egypt 1912, a world where 40 years ago the barrier between worlds was broken and now djinn and other beings walk in our world. There's a gruesome murder and Agent Fatma is assigned to the case, where she'll have to deal with a new (unwanted) partner, an old romance, and a lot of secrecy. (Be sure to read the short story "A Dead Djinn in Cairo" first if you can. It's included in some copies of the book and gives some context, since it came first). Definitely hoping the author writes a sequel.
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. I picked this up because I loved Priory, but I didn't love this. I didn't really like any characters, the magic system was overly confusing and seemed inconsistent, and the romance felt.... icky to me. There are glimpses of what would make Shannon a better writer later, but this was slow and weirdly textbook-y at times when describing things. Won't be continuing the series.
The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach. This was super interesting. Set in a sort of post apocalyptic future where most of the old gods have died, a disgraced cop is murdered but doesn't die and instead wakes up with some unusual new powers. Queer and weird and touching and hopeful and inventive, I'm hoping for a sequel. (and if you're worried about the mc being a cop, the book does meditate on how policing is so often just about perpetuating injustice on those without power)
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iwanttoplayagame20 · 1 year
100 favorite horror movie deaths PT. 4!!
31. Freddy Krueger- Freddy vs Jason
People say he didn't technically die here, but I'm honestly gonna count it. The fight between him and Jason that led to his ultimate decapitation was honestly really freaking cool so I think it deserves a spot on this list. And it's always cool when he dies tbh.
32. Fazio- Leprechaun 3
He basically sets up his own trap in a sense but either way, it's cool. He gets chainsawed in half by the Leprechaun. He was a greedy dumbass and honestly kind of deserved to die. Glad he didn't go out in a boring way.
33. Sheriff Michael Garris- Friday the 13th Part VII: Jason Lives
My man is folded like a lawn chair. This is an obvious pick for one of my all time favorites. Though it did make me sad that he died because all he wanted to do was protect his daughter from what was going on and he ended up dying. I liked him.
34. Simon Kalivoda- Fear Street Part 1: 1994
His death isn't really gross or gory in anyway, it's just the emotional impact that it had on me. He was such a happy character that just lived his life to the fullest as much as he could in a shitty town like Shadyside and it was all taken away cause he was smiling at a friend and being happy and got a fucking axe to the head. I fucking hate that he died.
35. Eric Matthews- Saw IV
Eric wasn't a really great character to be honest. He cheated on his wife and wasn't really great toward his son. So he did and didn't deserve the death he got. His head was absolutely smashed to bits by two blocks of ice swinging down and there was like nothing left. Gnarly but cool.
36. Maynard J Odets- Wrong Turn 2: Dead End
Douche got a stick of dynamite shoved in his pants and he fucking went BOOM. And the face he made right before he went boom, was fucking hilarious. Though I don't get how this guy is supposed to be the other guy from Wrong Turn 5. They don't look or sound alike at all. (The one who died is portrayed by Wayne Robson is this one and the og. Doug Bradley portrays him in Wrong Turn 5, which is a prequel to Dead End)
37. Milo's Family- Sinister 2
Bowls were strapped to their chests, rats were inside those bowls, and those bowls were heated and the rats ate their way out of the people. It was fucked up to be honest but a very memorable kill. Would hate to go out that way.
38. Hunt- The Final Destination
Fucking hate this character with a passion. And kind glad he died. He had his intestines sucked out of him from the pressure in a public pool. Honestly, that's a horrifying way to go. Not because of what happens, but because your in a public place with so many people around you but none of them know what's going on until it's too late.
39. Julius Gaw- Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
The thing I really liked about this was the scene leading up to it. He tried fighting Jason on a rooftop before he got all tuckered out and then Jason decapitated him with a singular fucking punch. That just shows how much brute strength that supernatural man with mommy issues has. Very cool.
40. Tom Weaver- Hot Fuzz
This death wasn't really on-screen and he's kind of a forgettable character. But an old sea bomb rolled over him and was set off after he shot at Nicholas. And he went boom, honestly I think it's cool because he went boom and because of what made the boom.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
The Lying Game Quote RP Meme
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“We played along with the lie. We became the lie.”
A killer with a guilty conscience.”
The only way to win a lying game is not to play.”
You need to be honest with him and yourself, before somebody gets hurt.”
You think she's dead, don't you...”
Please tell me we're not gonna get all dysfunctional and nasty when we're middle aged.”
It's not exactly a love song. Think Kelly Clarkson, not Taylor Swift”
Does an innocent man run?”
Didn't feel like being the only former murder suspect at the pep rally.”
Well, we're in a motel. We're at least 100 miles from any parental supervision, your boyfriend is two doors down probably shirtless, do I need to go on?”
Legal geniuses don't work for free and I just checked under the couch cushions and I came up a little light.”
You're having boy troubles, which is still a crippling form of impairment.”
You have some real issues, ya know?”
You love him right? So what are you still doing standing here?”
Oh my God, something's happening. I actually think I feel bad for you.”
You, my friend, are a giant neon sign of sexy right now.”
You're too close to this. You're gonna get hurt.”
They can take the girl out of the foster system, but they can't take the foster system out of the girl.”
Nothing good ever happened without a fight, right?
If there's one thing frat boys can't resist, it's girls.”
“I know she's the more improved version, I get that a lot.”
Just to let you know, I'm choosing you. It's always been you.”
It was you people, with all your secrets and lies. Someone here did this, I'm gonna find out who.”
When I look at you, I turn into something I don't like.”
Are you gonna make me cry? Because I just put on mascara.”
All I ever wanted was a family.”
I'm just trying to prove his innocence. And you're trying to prove his guilt.”
We all feel things we shouldn't sometimes.”
It feels like I'm the one on trial now.”
You and me. We're everything.”
It's probably that "A" you got on your history final. Or that your boyfriend just got arrested for murder.”
He's in the big leagues now; that's for damn sure.”
This was always my life. You were just pretending to be a part of it.”
No offense guys, but at some point you're going to have to stop being surprised by things that man did in the mid-90s.”
I've lived with you for 16 years and I never needed shared DNA as a reason to love you.”
I know a huge part of you wants me to be guilty for one reason, but I'm not.”
It's like I got voted off the island.”
The safest thing you could do right now is stay out of it. This is a murder investigation.”
Is that why you waited until we were half naked in a motel room to tell me you were into my sister?”
Why do you allow yourself to be continually punked by that girl?”
You and I broke up, remember? So you lost the right to ask me that.”
even though we're not together anymore, what we had meant everything to me. In some ways it still does.”
he's the one that arranged your whole adoption, under the table of course. And I know that was wrong but how can I regret that? It gave me you.”
Between you and me, it's kind of a thrill to be back and turning heads.”
Don't you have to care about someone to be disappointed in them?”
Honest is not another one of my fortes.”
Look, that boy is distracting you, taking your focus off the plan.”
Pick a lower hanging fruit.”
This place? What are we hillbillies?”
Who knew you were the daughter I was forced to give up 17 years ago?”
you wanna take a walk down memory lane you gotta give me a head's up.”
Did I just walk in on my own funeral? Because if so, I've gotta say the turnout kinda sucks.”
I mean she was into the idea of living sorority life. I guess if you're into lying games there's no better venue.”
Well isn't this cozy. I'm sorry, have I come at a bad time?”
My dad is many things, but he is not a killer.”
I don't think fugitives from the law, tweet.”
Why is it that around here, the first thing out of people's mouths is a lie.”
The only mistake I made was taking your bastard ass in when nobody gave a crap about you.”
When you're accessing a true memory you look to the left, lying to the right.”
So you don't believe in destiny?”
So you're not just kicking me out of your house, you're kicking me out of your life?”
I can't. I've been burned by it too many times.”
Tell my wife I'm coming for her.”
Let's just say this weekend my bride finally gets everything she deserves.”
So you guys wanna go or should we go next door and look for the Easter Bunny?”
You've just been the bright spot in all of this.”
Don't you think it's a little late to be playing that card.”
if you hadn't been asking those questions we never would've found each other.”
It looks like some people need to start apologizing until I tell them to stop!”
I can either choose to be miserable or choose to be happy.”
I always wonder about that decision I made. What it would've been like to have kids of my own. I know I said it before, but I'll say it again. I never blamed you for that.”
“he  is a bit of a wild card, and that's the last thing we need right now.”
He doesn't need luck. He has me.”
If anyone found out that you know about me and her your life could be in danger.”
Tonight was kind of amazeballs and I hope it was amazeballs for you, too”
Please it's like riding a bicycle, a 1200 lb bicycle that would crush me if it landed on me.”
Trust me, if I were you I wouldn't quit at the finish line pal.”
You and I are on the same ship and it's sailing fast.”
never thought one of the best heart to hearts would be with you.”
We're sisters. We're related by blood.”
Look at it this way, the closer I get to her, the safer your secret is.”
So much for here comes the bride.”
Why? So you can stop second guessing your feelings for him?”
Who else would be so protective of the secret of the twins that they would kill for it?”
I don't know I wasn't really listening. An award for giving homeless people boob jobs or something?”
You wanna know another surprise? I'm getting pretty good at telling you two apart”
When our embryos split, you got all the heart.”
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Ask Game : ALL OF THEM !!!!!! Or, perhaps slightly more realistically, 💭 ! 👓! 🚀 ! 💥! and/or [INSERT PREFERENCE HERE] ! (they're all free choice, answer as many or as little as you like)
Hahaha yes that would be maybe A Lot (though I did have fun, these are good asks! I might answer more at some point!!)
I have already replied to some of them here!
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
I always found the "inspiration" questions to be really hard to answer, because I'm not always 100% sure what qualifies as inspiration to be honest? If I had to answer beyond the obvious (just living one's life, watching others live theirs, get involved with other people's art, learn cool facts about being alive and how we made it obtuse and complicated), I think my thing is to notice intersections, heighten them and push them in a direction that I can then observe? I think it's why I really like fan creation: there isn't the arbitrary part of making things up that could be literally anything, it's more about reckoning with particular feelings and exploring where they come from and what they mean. I think I create in a very... reactory way, if that makes sense? Which sounds awful put like that, but oh well!!!!
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
Two things!
Music and a drink of some kind (generally tea or coffee, but can be a nice cold something, or even alcohol in rare occasions)
This second part is so crucial. As time goes by, I think I have a fairly decent amount of suspicion that I fall somewhere on the ADHD spectrum, and so the internet simply murders my ability to focus. I didn't use to be so bad, but two burnouts before hitting 25 years old will mess up a brain real good, and now I need my way out of the interwebs to do anything remotely productive.
I am so worried about the inevitable moment where my old phone dies and I *have* to get a smartphone.
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
It mostly depends on the story. If it's a short piece, I either don't outline or outline in extremely broad strokes.
When it comes to longer pieces, I do outline pretty extensively! I have developed a method that works extremely well for me and involves some sort of table that recaps what's going on in a given chapter, but also notes any crucial information we're supposed to learn regarding main character arcs, main plot and subplots. I only get to the table phase once I have a seriously good idea of what the story will be, which usually takes several notebooks to iron out.
Even then, the outline is pretty loose, and I know I will make adjustments while putting the actual words on the page --there's always something I forgot to take into account, or a narrative opportunity I didn't realize was there to begin with.
(also sometimes I forget what I put in my outline and remembers too late oops)
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Oh nooooooo this is so hard!!! And what is hard about it is to only pick one!!!
So I'm trying to pick the one that would have the most positive impact overall, and that reflects my arbitrary bias the least (it still will, but I'm not picking something like "more salarians", which for sure would be great for me but wouldn't do much to enhance the story as a whole)
So. I love Mass Effect 2, I really do. It's my favorite of the trilogy, mostly thanks to its bold narrative design that was pretty revolutionary at the time, and its cast of amazing characters. But... I think the main plot kind of makes very little sense, and its connection to the rest of the trilogy is tenuous at best.
The thing I would change is that instead of Collectors reaping out humans colonies to make a Super Human Reaper, which is pretty stupid, Collectors are still there (and maybe still kidnapping colonists why not), but they are used as an inside job inside the Terminus Systems to stirr trouble and mess things up between different factions, increasing tensions between Council Space and the Terminus Systems before the invasion strikes. We can keep the whole game pretty similar, except that the danger is less in humans disappearing (which... ok mary sues why is it always about you) and more in "we are eating our own instead of being united against the Reapers when they do arrive". We could get a great peak of who are these people opposing the Council and why, and get a sense of the "dark" side of the Milky Way --which I think was always the intention, though it got a little muddied-- and why it still deserves to be saved. We can keep everything: the suicide mission, us being allied with Cerberus and questionning the Alliance, the diverse perspective of all these suicidal outcasts... And!!! That would justify giving depth to batarians, I did it, I made batarians part of my change without making it seem as if the one thing I would change is to write batarians in a better way!!!
(my other pick for those who are curious would be to rework Priority: Thessia and make it less sexist. I really think just reworking this mission would make ME3 overall less weirdly bitter --though toning down the sexism in the entire game also works)
And I'm throwing a wildcard generated by a number generator for good measure:
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
That one's pretty easy! Here's a snippet from The Empire of Preys, from the perspective of the one and only, our favorite eugenist, racist and misandrist space frog: Dalatrass Linron!!!
(it's not edited, first draft, etc, thread with caution --also Dalatrass Linron's first name is Nemore)
Nemore ignored the alien’s brutish sturdiness to return the salarian his defiant gaze; a pastel shade that looked like a discreet blush, an unbecoming secret. He was young, his clothes baggy and practical and unkempt; used to run away from the local city watch, his angles sharpened by the toll of constant revolt, or the streets, or long-term overdose. She wondered whether his mother knew where he was, if she knew about the imprint that krogan claws left on his skin and how it was now overpowering the imprinting on her; whether these claws ever dug deep enough to soil her son’s blood.
She clenched her teeth. Her crusade had never been about saving everyone –especially not souls desperate to sink themselves back to lower cycles. The Salarian Union was a collective struggle, but collective didn’t imply all-encompassing. Nemore was well aware of the sacrifices left to make. All those wayward girls and motherless boys; tragically lost, incapable of being saved.
She wrenched her attention away from the nauseating pair, and back at the crowd chanting her name.
“They’re too close,” Nemore murmured to her security chief. “Get them away from my people.”
Thank you so much, those are really fun!
From this ask game!
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acourtofthought · 1 year
You agree there’s no evidence Gwyn is lying or hiding something but we know Elain is sneaking around. That’s the whole point. You are treating the situations like they’re the same when they’re not while also trashing theories that your fellow elucien shippers came up with btw. Just admit you hate Gwyn already it’s obvious you don’t have to pretend
Elain isn't "sneaking" around. Cassian noted she might not be going to the gardens like she said but that could mean so many other things.
She could be heading somewhere she's embarrassed to confess she's going.
She might not have needed to get up early in the first place and felt awkward at the dinner table because Az was there and she knew he'd been avoiding her so she made up a reason to excuse herself.
And Elain moving quietly isn't her "sneaking around" either (in a negative way). Just like Gwyn's "beckoning" song (which is the same language used when the Cauldron tried to lure Elain to it) doesn't mean her singing is manipulating people but you could see why some might make that case. I never said there wasn't evidence that could support Gwyn acting in a questionable way, I said I see how there could be (same as Elain based on one side of the fandom) but I personally don't agree with that interpretation. Cassian noted that he thought Nesta was lying to him but again, that didn't have a nefarious connotation attached to it.
A lot of the situations have similarities to them. And I'm noting what I feel are the similarities. You disagree but, are you telling me you're more the expert than I am? Should I not bother creating my own posts and simply defer to writing your ideas from now on? Or is it possible that we are both seeing different things and I'm also allowed to view things differently than you. I don't just randomly make up stuff, I usually have things from the book that I feel support my ideas. Without SJM confirming if I'm right or wrong, that's the best I can do.
Feel free to stop pressuring me into admitting I hate Gwyn anytime now. Because I don't hate Gwyn. I have been 100% honest that she's not my absolute favorite but I like her. Like I like Feyre or Mor or Amren. I probably like Nesta the least of all the females but I like her much more since the end of SF. And when you like one character and others don't, you definitely pick up on the negativity surrounding that character and how there are a lot of arguments against them. My defense of Elain and why I don't think others comparisons of her being terrible while Gwyn is great (because they're both good and decent females) is no different than when I see someone who likes Az then tries to tear apart Lucien as "less than" compared to him. I 100% hate how Az acts with Elain but I don't hate Az. What I do hate is when Az is made out to be better than Lucien and the arguments are unjust. So I then defend Lucien while giving examples of why I don't agree with Az's behavior. I don't dislike Gwyn at all but I do dislike when some super fans of Gwyn are really negative towards Elain which is no different than Gwyn fans hating how some E/riels attack her character in order to make Gwynriel less likely in their minds. And there's a huge difference between someone not being your favorite and completely trashing that character when there's evidence to support that the two actually share a lot of positive similarities.
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