#and if you know these names daryl and rick then you know what im writing about ahskahs
specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Rick Grimes x sister!reader - my family
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omg im so happy you're writing for rick and daryl! Could i request a Rick x sister!reader where they weren't together when the infection started and thought that the other had died but she's found by someone from the group and taken to alexandria? - Anon 💜
A/N: due to the fact I’m on season 2 we’ve changed it a bit :))
You weren’t sure how long you had been running, and you were scared to stop running.
You were exhausted, you had the worst pain in your ribs and nasty cut down your arm that by some miracle hadn’t gotten infected.
You were scavenging whatever you could, food, medicine, bandages, a few bottles of water that you were trying to make last.
You learned the hard way you had to go for the head, so you kept a few knifes at hand, trading them in when you found something better.
You were in a forest, abundant with sticks, and that’s what you made use off, sharpening the largest and strongest ones, always keeping a couple tucked under the straps of your bags just in case one broke.
You hadn’t seen any other living people, and as much as you wanted to try and find your family you didn’t want to risk them being one of those creatures, you couldn’t bare that thought, so you kept running to keep yourself safe.
If they were alive you would find them somewhere, they had to be alive.
Sitting on a large rock, you were taking a small break, making sure to keep on eye on everything around you.
You heard a noise and you picked up your stick, spinning around only to find a crossbow pointed at you and you looked at the owner in fear.
“Please don’t kill me…”
“Your arm, you been bit?”
You quickly shook your head, putting the power bar your were eating in your mouth and unwrapped the old bandage with your free hand, showing him the jagged wound.
You took the food out your mouth and looked at him.
“Cut myself on some glass escaping those things, that’s all. It’s not healed right though, still bleeds.”
He grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand up so he could look at it.
Then he threw your arm back at you.
“The fuck you doing out here?”
“If I had to take a guess, probably the same as you. Running, ran from the city.”
You nodded.
“I lived there, saw what was happened, made a break the moment I could, knew a refugee sight wouldn’t hold long.”
“Can’t tell if you’re smart or stupid.”
You shrugged a little, holding your food out to him.
He rose a brow in question, and you made a gesture for him to go ahead and take it.
“I got more.”
“Well I sure as hell don’t want no half eaten one dumbass, what else you got?”
You laughed a little, and opened your bag, pulling out another one for him, and he took it without thanks, and you zipped your bag up.
“What’s your name?” You asked.
“You tell me first.”
He looked around, and you did the same thing.
“Foods hard to come by now, why’d you share?”
“My brother always said I was too kind for my own good, I guess that was right. But we’re all in the same shit world, gotta make sure the ones alive stay alive.”
“Your stupid, that’s gonna get you killed pretty fast out here.”
You rolled your eyes, and you put your bag back on your back, grabbing your weapon and jumped down from the rock.
You smiled up at him.
“See you around I guess Daryl. Oh, and here.”
Looking through your pockets, you pulled out a few more power bars you held them out and he jumped down, taking them from you.
You began to walk away.
“Hey, hey wait a second, where you going?”
“I don’t know, just… just somewhere I guess.”
He nodded his head and walked over, he looked you up and down.
“Come on.”
He walked the opposite direction and you looked at him in pure confusion.
“Well hurry up, I ain’t getting myself fuckin’ killed because your dumbass is still standing there.”
Jogging over, you walked alongside of him, and he picked up something from a tree, which held a few small dead animals.
You didn’t say anything about it, knowing you had to do what you needed in order to survive these days.
Neither of you said anything, he didn’t exactly strike you as a bug conversationalist, and you didn’t want him to change his mind about you coming.
Maybe in days long gone you would’ve thought twice about following a stranger, but no you didn’t have those luxuries, he could’ve killed you before you realised he was there, and he didn’t.
In order to survive you needed company, you couldn’t do it on your own, and you wouldn’t be able to keep going along for much longer you knew that.
He led you back to a camp, with other people, and you raised your weapon.
“Put the damn stick down moron.”
“I don’t know if they’re safe.”
“Then why the fuck would you follow me?”
He snatched the stick from you, pushed you back a few steps and you winced, covering your ribs with a pained groan.
“Because I can’t make it on my own asshole.”
“Wait here.”
You nodded, slowly sitting down next to a beat down truck, and watched as he went to go talk to others.
Being able to sit down your pain finally caught up with you, and you passed out from exhaustion and pain.
When you came too again, you were on a bed, somebody holding your hand and you turned your head.
She looked up.
“(Y/N)?! Oh god you’re alive, wait here!”
She got up, running out and not even a few seconds later she came back with more people.
The boy jumped on the bed, and you groaned a little bit laughed as you wrapped your arm around him.
“Carl.. hey buddy.. hey…”
“You’re alive…” he sobbed.
“Yeah bud, I won’t let a few suckers bring me down.”
“Carl come on, let’s wait outside.”
Lori introduced you to Carol, and Carol looked you over.
“Dale thinks you’ve probably bruised a couple of ribs, nothing too bad. But your arm we don’t have the medicine for that.” Carol said.
You slowly sat up, swinging your legs over the bed.
“I do, my bag.”
Lori handed it over and you tipped everything out, showing a few bottles of antibiotics.
“Grabbed what I could when I saw the chance.”
“These will work, keep taking them a few times a day.” Lori said.
You nodded and looked out the window.
“Come on, let’s introduce you to everybody, you can stay with me and Carl, and I know Shane wants to see you.”
“Shane? And.. and Rick…?”
Lori looked at you, and you clenched your jaw.
“Lori.. where’s my brother…?”
“Ask Shane…”
You pushed yourself up, moving past her and out of the RV.
You looked around and found Shane, and you made your way over, holding your hand out as he went to hug you.
“Shane where the fuck is my brother? Where’s Rick?”
“He.. (Y/N) he was.. he was shot before all of this… I.. I tried to save him but I.. he was dead…”
Tears burned your eyes and you shook your head.
“He’s not dead…”
“I’m sorry…”
“No… no Shane my brother ain’t dead, you hear me!? He ain’t dead!”
You dropped to your knees despite the pain, and you rested your head on the ground.
“He.. he’s not dead…”
Lori knelt next to you, hugging you tightly as you mourned the loss of your brother.
You didn’t leave the tent for days, you stayed in there, refusing to talk to anybody, refusing to leave.
You looked up at Carl, and he walked over, sitting next to you, resting his head on your side.
“Do you think my dad could still be out there…?”
“Yeah… he.. he has to be bud…”
He nodded his head, and you ran your fingers through his hair, soothing his quiet cries.
You stared to move around after a week, but you still needed time to rest and fully heal so you couldn’t go on runs or help with much, but you watched the children for everybody.
Carl mostly kept to your side if he wasn’t with his mom.
“I’m cold.” Sophia said.
“Alright, wait here I’ve got a spare blanket in my bag.”
You made your way back to you sister in laws tent, and you stepped in only to freeze at the sight of your sister in law making out with your brothers best friend.
They quickly pulled apart and you grabbed your blanket.
“(Y/N)…” Lori whispered.
“Didn’t take you all that long to get over him huh?”
“No.. not its.. it’s not like that..”
You shook your head.
“I’ll find somewhere else to sleep, and both of you better stay the fuck away from me.”
You left, making your way back to the little girl and you wrapped her up in your blanket.
Going back to the now empty tent, you grabbed your things and set them down by a fire.
“Are you leaving?” Carl asked sadly.
“Nah buddy, I’m staying, I just want somewhere else to sleep for a while cause you snore so loudly.”
He hit your arm and you laughed a little at him.
You didn’t want to share a tent with anybody else, so as they all went to bed you stayed by the embers of the fire.
“Ain’t gonna help much if you die of cold or exhaustion.”
You glanced up, and you shrugged a little.
“Rather not stay in the same tent as my sister in law right now.”
Daryl looked at you, he knew what was going on of course.
He didn’t speak much but he saw a lot, so he knew why you didn’t want to stay in the tent with her.
“Get your shit.”
You looked at him.
“Let’s go.”
You pushed yourself up, and you followed him to his tent where he kicked some stuff aside, gesturing with his hand down the middle.
“You stay on your half, I stay on mine. I ain’t sharing my shit with you though.”
You sat down, putting your bag under your head and he sat down on his stuff, sharpening a few sticks.
“Hey Daryl?”
“Shut up.”
You laughed again.
He said nothing in response.
After a few minutes you felt something hit you in the face and you looked at the sweater in confusion but all he did was get up and leave.
You didn’t want to speak to Lori or Shane, if you wanted peace you would stay in Daryl’s tent knowing that nobody dared to go near it.
“Come on, we’re going to have to talk about what happened!” Shane hissed.
“Get lost!”
“She’s your sister! You can’t just ignore her! She’s beating herself up because you won’t speak to her (Y/N)!”
“Well she should’ve thought about that before cheating on my brother!”
You stormed past Shane and he grabbed your wrist making you wince in pain.
He let go, and was shoved back, and Daryl pushed you towards the tent.
You looked at him but said nothing as you made your way there and Shane left you alone.
“Just break his nose, shuts every guy up.”
“Rather let him suffer knowing he’s the reason I won’t speak to him or her.”
Daryl half shrugged.
“Whatever then, I’m going huntin’. Stay in the tent.”
You nodded and he left.
You decided to take a nap, having sleepless nights made keeping a level head hard, it was easier to sleep knowing that there wasn’t many walkers during the day.
What woke you up was the commotion, and you got up, grabbing your weapon, hand on your ribs as you walked up to the main camp.
You heard Daryl shouting.
“Daryl?! Hey! What’s going on?!”
He pushed himself away from the people, and he looked at you.
“Those fuckers left my brother to die!”
You placed a hand on his chest.
“Then we go find him, alright? Get your stuff, you and me, we’ll go get him. Okay?”
“You can’t go out there asshole, you’re hurt.”
“I don’t give a fuck, he’s your brother. We’ll get him back.”
He nodded, placing a hand on your shoulder and followed him down to his tent to help get everything ready.
Steps came closer and he grabbed his weapon.
“Are you in there?” Lori asked softly.
“What the fuck do you want?” You snapped.
“Come outside, please?”
Sighing, you put your knife down and got up, making your way over to the front of the tent and stepped out.
You looked at her, then your gaze snapped behind her.
“Oh thank god…”
Rick rushed over, pulling you into a hug and you yelped in pain, dropping to your knees.
He quickly dropped in front of you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, hey, are you alright? Are you okay?”
“Bruised ribs…”
He nodded, pulling you in for a more gentle hug this time, and you hugged him back, tears streaming down your face.
“You’re alive…” you whispered.
“Course I am….” He whispered back.
Rick held you closely, not wanting to let you go.
It was one thing thinking he lost his wife and son, but he couldn’t bare the thought of loosing his little sister as well.
He placed his hand on the back of your head, trying to hide the fact he was crying.
“I got you… I’ve got you… it’s alright…” he whispered.
“They… they told me you died Rick…”
He pulled away, smiling at you.
“I’m alright, you see? A little worse for wear but I’m alright, we’re safe…”
You nodded, sniffling a little, you clasped your hand tightly around his, and he held back just as tight.
“Whatever goes on now, we go through it together, like when we was kids, yeah?” He asked.
“Us against whatever crap life throws…”
He nodded, giving you smile.
“Yeah.. yeah exactly…”
He looked at you, and he pulled you in for another hug, and you glared at his wife from behind his back and she slowly walked away.
You weren’t going to tell him what you saw, he was safe, and you weren’t going to do anything to put your brother in danger.
You pulled back and looking at your brother again.
“You smell like shit Rick…”
He chuckled, shaking his head at you.
“Well thanks, I missed you too.”
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paladin--strait · 2 months
paladin's 100 follower celly and new request list!! ✨
ahhh thank you so much for 100 followers! im so happy 🥳 and on my birthday too?? its like a gift 🎁 but, i hope that you guys like these prompts and the people i chose but if you have anybody that you want me to write for or a different prompt you wanna read you can still send it in and i'll see what i can do! as stated in the polls, i have some matt rempe requests sitting in my inbox that i really need to get to writing 😭 so keep in mind that there is some stuff for matt rempe coming!
I love you all so much! keep reading to see the prompts and the people for your requests! ⬇️
the people who you request for are referred to as "name" in the prompts. and sorry, but none of these will be NSFW. even though i read it sometimes, im not comfortable with writing it just yet. all fics written will be under the tag "paladin's 100 follower celly!" make sure to check it out and drop a follow to see when a new fic comes out!! ❤️
some will be written in headcanon form and some will be in fic form! but let me know which one you want it in! ❤️
please let me know if you want the reader to be plus size, i'll happily write it for ya!
current request status: open!
✨ prompts!! ✨
1 - "I'm sick, don't get near me" "I don't care"
2 - "I want you to meet my parents." "but we just met!"
3 - crying in his arms
4 - him crying in your arms
5 - "listen to me, everything is going to be alright."
6 - "I'll take care of you."
7 - "they didn't deserve you."
8 - sugar baby x sugar daddy
9 - "I'm gonna be here for you whether you like it or not."
10 - bodyguard!(name) x reader
11 - sunshine!reader x (name)
12 - lazy morning
13 - team staff member x (name)
14 - comparing hand sizes
15 - cooking for his team (athletes only)
16 - cooking for his parents
17 - meeting his team (athletes only)
18 - (name) x baker!reader
19 - reader brings cookies or cupcakes for players team after a huge win (athletes only)
20 - reader gets hurt and (name) takes care of them
21 - wearing another players jersey (athletes only)
22 - (name) cooks for reader and it goes terribly wrong
23 - (name) cooks for reader and its good
24 - reader cooks for (name) and it goes terribly wrong
25 - reader cooks for (name) and its good
26 - reader hosts a suprise party for (name)
27 - rival player chirps player about reader, player goes crazy (athletes only)
28 - reader is a ref for the nhl, slowly falls for player (athletes only)
29 - reader cooks for (name)'s friends
30 - reader's child takes a liking to (name)
31 - reader is a storm chaser
32 - reader meets (name)'s pet and the pet loves reader
33 - reader watches an episode of her and (name)'s show without him knowing
34 - (name) comforts reader in a storm
35 - reader and (name) go to a pet store and reader convinces him to buy them a pet
36 - going to the eras tour with them
37 - going to a nba game with them
38 - going to yours/his little siblings sports game
39 - hairstylist!reader / doing his hair
40 - he teaches you how to play hockey (athletes only)
✨ nhl players! ✨
matt rempe
jack hughes
luke hughes
quinn hughes
trevor zegras
jamie drysdale
sidney crosby
cole caufield
nico hischer
timo meier
dawson mercer
andrei svechnikov
arturs silovs
sergei bobrovsky
matthew tkachuk
brady tkachuk
auston matthews
igor shesterkin
connor bedard
jeremey swayman
andrei vasilevskiy
stuart skinner
marc andre fleury
✨ other fandoms! ✨
tyler owens (twisters)
javi (twisters)
boone (twisters)
daryl dixon (the walking dead)
rick grimes (the walking dead)
carl grimes (the walking dead)
negan smith (the walking dead)
eugene porter (the walking dead)
abraham ford (the walking dead)
(there may be more added later)
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elliefever · 1 year
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Hi sillys! This is just an introduction to my page, and a kickstart into posting! Im a fic writer from Ao3, and im moving to tumblr in hopes that itll make it easier for me to keep up with writing!
(introduction below cut!)
My name is Eve, (Im 5'7 if you need a mental image) i'm a pansexual poc writer and im 19 as of july 💙
im a pretty open and reasonable person for the most part, and im not really picky about writing requests so feel free to send as many as youd like! im looking forward to interacting with anyone whos interested in my page 😊
with all the boring stuff about me aside, let's talk about what im planning on writing! (if you have any more personal questions about me, dont be afraid to ask them! ill answer to the best of my abilities.)
The Last Of Us
i am a huge tlou fan so i will for sure be writing about it!
Ellie Williams
I LOVE ellie williams so much omggnfjhfhx. ill be writing dealer!ellie, loser!ellie, college!ellie, modern!ellie, and ANYTHING you guys request me to write for ellie! she is my heart and soul and i absolutely love her!
Abby Anderson
abby is so yummy 🤤 ill be writing fics for her too! im not too educated on the different abby aus to write for but i am totally looking forward to writing your guy's suggestions! (and ellabs 😊💙💙)
I LOVE HER so much shes the best. shes 100% gonna make an appearance on my page!
The Walking Dead
Maggie Rhee
Maggie is simply too fine not to write for bro. i love her so much.
Rick Grimes
i can agree he is attractive and if im in a silly mood or get a request for him then ill write some...silly stuff
Daryl Dixon
same thing for rick goes for him too!
Also any other twd characters i decide to write for or get requests for!
Sally Face
i absolutely love sally face.
there's really not much to say revolving this fandom but i love sally and larry so much!
Criminal Minds
im a huge crime show lover lol
Spencer Reid
hes so hot i literally dont understand how he can be so fine. i have a lot of ideas for fics about him and i never see anything like the ideas i have so im hoping itll be good to publish those ideas?
im open to writing for other criminal minds characters too but no one gets me all giddy like spencer does 💙
im honestly really only interested in writing for fiona x fem reader cuz i never see it, but if you guys have any other ideas for stuff i could write for shameless just lmk! 💙
Jennifer's Body
i LOVE this movie so much, i cant wait to write for jennifer and needy and make my gay heart unbreak for them. but also i was thinking, hear me out. what if i wrote an ellie williams fic but like... jennifers body au? like jennifer and needy but instead, ellie and fem reader? just a thought idk! should i?
THAT'S ABOUT IT! or at least all i can think of as of right now!
Things I will write!
Reader loving rock music and nu metal bands!
Reader playing instruments and being super cool
Reader of any gender!
I'll leave room for imagination but ill also put some ideas of reader's outfits for those who want a mental image
Reader having good music taste and a good sense of style
pet names
bold, aggressive, and dickhead reader
pretty much anything in between
Things I will NOT write!
age play, baby talk, uncomfortably cliche submissive reader
i wont romanticize domestic violence or make light of abusive relationship dynamics 👍
emotional whiplash, i want the scenes i write to blend smoothly
piss kinks and foot stuff (and any other really strange stuff)
smut where the characters are minors
let me know if you guys have any questions or anything at all! i hope to be uploading my first fic soon, which should i do first?
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picrewer · 4 years
Jonathan was walking beside Rick, wings tucked in, aluminum bat on his shoulder and knife strapped to his waist.
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Freeway - Daryl Dixon
Request: Hello! i can't help but say your work is amazing af. So please can you write angst Daryl fic like ✨ jeolusy✨ bc im so hungry for some angst. It is like cherry on top in a fic for me, indispensable
A/N: set during s2 cause I’ve been rewatching. 
The Walking Dead Masterlist
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“You been through this car already?” Shane asked, walking up beside you, leaning against the side of the car that you were digging through the trunk of.  
You stood up straighter and crossed your arms over your chest, fighting the urge to say something snarky in return. Shane hadn’t been your favorite person before the attack on camp outside Atlanta but now, with even fewer people in your travelling group, it felt like he was always around. If he wasn’t butting heads with Rick or eyeing Lori, he was bothering you.  
“Yeah, why?” You asked, looking further down the freeway, searching the group and making note of each person. Looking for one in particular. Neither of you had said anything about it in the aftermath of the explosion, nor had there been much time that wasn’t taken up trying to figure out how to keep moving or where to move to, but half a bottle of Jack and a warm shower later, you’d spent your night at the CDC on a couch with Daryl...neither of you sleeping.  
“Anything good,” he leaned in a little closer to you and you took a step back, fixing your gaze on him again.  
A few cars up on the other side of the road, despite attempting to seem as unbothered and nonchalant as possible, Daryl was watching the two of you. His grip on his crossbow tightened as he stood there watching Shane move in closer to you. He’d noticed Shane hanging around you, now more that Rick was back and he couldn’t sneak off with Lori any more. Like you were just some substitute, good for distracting him and not someone worthy of being a first choice. You were certainly his first choice...even if the world didn’t look like this.  
You looked away from Shane again as he talked collecting necessities, and found Daryl further up the freeway watching the two of you. The look on his face was mostly unreadable though you knew from being around the group that he and Shane didn’t see eye to eye. You figured it was just that discontent with the deputy sheriff that had Daryl glaring down the road. You grabbed the toolbox that you’d pilfered from the trunk of the car you were standing in front of and left Shane, climbing up the short hill to the other side of the freeway and joining Daryl by an old station wagon.  
“Any of these useful?” You asked, holding the red metal box out to him. He was still looking down the way to Shane but his attention snapped to you when you called his name.  
“What?” He asked, taking the kit from you and setting his crossbow down.  
“Any of these useful?” You repeated, pulling yourself up on the hood of the car and crossing your legs. Daryl set the toolbox on the hood next to you and popped the lid. You leaned over to look down into the box and then back up at Daryl, “you think we’ll stop before we get to Ft. Benning?”
“Don’t know,” he shrugged.  
“What’s got you all bothered?” You asked, tilting your head as you appraised him, as if that would tell you why he seemed so bothered. You knew he could be somewhat off-putting in general but in the few days since the CDC you were more than positive that you and Daryl were seeing eye to eye. Or at least that you could both silently agree that you wanted more than one night together.  
He didn’t answer, closing up the toolbox and putting it by a rubbermaid full of supplies that he’d found. You slid off the hood of the station wagon as he moved further away from you, reaching for his arm when Shane called your name.  
“Come down here and look at this,” he was standing with Lori, who looked pissed about something as she glared at him, not even sparing you a passing glance when you made your way back down the hill toward Shane.  
“What am I looking at?” You asked, crossing your arms again and approaching him slowly. He was leaning over the open hood of an old prius.  
“What do you know about mechanics?”  
“That they swindle you outta money.” You joked, smiling when Lori snorted.  
“I meant, what do you know about the mechanics of a car.” Shane replied, agitated look on his face. You weren’t sure if he was more bothered by your joke or by Lori but you weren’t all that interested in standing around wasting time learning car parts when you could be scavenging.  
“Alright, come here, I’ll show you.”  
“That’s alright,” you took a step back, “rather be looking through cars for stuff we need.” You cast a glance back up the embankment to where Daryl was. He’d moved down the road a way, rooting through the bed of a pick-up.  
“Nothing’s more useful than this,” he pointed out, matter of fact.  
“They said they didn’t wanna learn Shane,” Lori snapped. Carl called her a second later, breaking the awkward tension as she turned on her heel and headed down the road to where he was with Sophia. You wanted to thank him for diffusing whatever you got trapped in the middle of but first you wanted to rid yourself of Shane too.  
“I’m gonna...go see who else needs help.” You were just starting to back away, ready to make a break for Daryl again and determined this time to stay with him when Shane grabbed your arm and pulled you to the ground with him. “What the h-” he pressed his hand over your mouth as he pushed you under the prius, crawling under with you.  
You heard the familiar groan immediately; walkers were on the freeway. You’d not noticed them sooner and suddenly realized that everyone else was out there too. If they were faster than you, and you hoped they were, they had noticed and hidden themselves as well. Daryl, you figured, had definitely hidden.  
Dale was the first to notice but it didn’t Daryl long to realize that walkers were headed through the cars and straight into their path. He dropped down beside a car that blocked their view of him, appraising the situation the best he could from his vantage point. T-Dog was somewhere close by but he wasn’t paying attention to anything other than you. He scanned the group, finding you just as Shane shoved you under a car and got under next to you. There was no way to tell exactly how he was lying beside you but Daryl felt that familiar envious fire settling in as he strained to see what was going on.  
In the end, there was little that mattered aside from surviving, hiding. Everything felt like a blur of time passing until Rick was taking off into the woods after Sophia. When he returned empty handed and took Daryl out with him to look a second time you’d been standing with Carol, too somber to even attempt pulling Daryl away and talking to him.  
But they returned again and again Sophia wasn’t with them and it was decided that they would set up camp for the night. Lori complained about the location while you followed Daryl toward an old truck that he was tossing a blanket into.  
“Room for one more?” You asked, right hand fiddling with the handle of the machete that you’d pulled from the kit, anything to keep yourself busy.  
“Don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Daryl replied, not turning away as he checked the cab over for anything useful.  
“Why?” You hadn’t expected anything from Daryl after the night at the CDC, especially since you’d just made it out of there alive. Between looking shelter and everyone else piling their drama onto the group as if any of it was more important that surviving, you assumed that Daryl might not want to add this odd relationship to his own plate, whether it was truly heat of the moment or there was some underlying attraction. But something about it, whether it was the intimacy of sleeping together or your promised reassurance that this wasn’t some ‘fuck before I die’ promise you’d made to yourself and you were genuinely attracted to him, had caused Daryl to be a little nicer to you. And a little closer, both physically and emotionally.  
Now though, ignoring you as he set up to sleep for the night while Rick volunteered to take first watch, was irritating you. The privilege of deciding his feelings was his but you thought that they’d been decided, that the two of you had come to some silent agreement, so you weren’t sure why he was giving you the cold shoulder all of the sudden.  
“Plenty a room in the RV.” He shrugged, wishing you’d walk away but trying his best not to snap at you. He didn’t need this. His brother was god-knows-where, they were sleeping out in the open after a herd of walkers had just wandered through, Sophia was missing, and he didn’t need whatever this was with you and Shane.  
“I don’t wanna sleep in the RV,” you replied. “I wanna stay with you.” The rest of the group was a few cars away and when you looked down the road you could see Lori getting into the church van with Carol and Carl.  
“Ya got more protection in the RV,” he said the word protection like it was poison on his tongue.  
“I don’t trust anyone in the RV.” You explained, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Trust, right now, was everything. If you trusted someone, it was quite literally with your entire life and, like it or not, you figured, you were putting that on Daryl.  
Daryl finally turned to look at you, gaze heavy and maybe a little angry in the dying light of the evening, “why don’t ya go shack up with someone else, I don’t got the room.”  
You glared back at him, angry at the way he talked to you, as if you were a little kid who needed to be reprimanded. “I don’t know why your being mean to me lately, I don’t deserve it.” You replied, turning and walking down the way to the church van.  
Daryl’s hand closed around the lip of the truck bed and his jaw tensed as he watched you stop for a moment to say something to Andrea and Shane before getting in the van. He knew he was doing this to himself, that you were putting yourself out there and he was pushing you away, but he couldn’t let you get too close. If he did, if he cared too much and something happened to you...he would only have himself to blame.  
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bennifits · 3 years
fuck it.
imma talk about millie im so sorry
- Millie was homeless before the apocalypse. kicked out of her house at 17 for trying weed once. Her mother being more into the idea since she’s more traditional than her father. Her father was military, and used to take her on hunting trips, which is why she knows her way around a gun a bit. She had a younger brother as well who was 6 at the time of her getting kicked out. 
- to earn whatever little money she had, she busked on the streets with her guitar, writing a few songs in her time as well. She made a few friends on the road, but eventually had to move on. With train hopping being her main mode of transport. 
- at time of the end of the world (s1) she was 24-25
- good friends with Jesus, since those two like to bounce around a lot they tend to bump into each other. 
- she uses sound to herd walkers away, she’s read books on how clocks work and made ‘time bombs’ where she winds them up and throws them to draw them away n shit
- more often than not, if she’s out in the wild she’s got a big ass cloak on that’s covered in walker guts. She’s quiet, knows how manipulate sound n shit like that. 
- she wears a bandage or a long sleeve bc aha angst winky face (heavy angst if you know what i mean, hides the scar.)
- first appearance would be in the prison era. (yes i will be talking like she’s part of the show im cringe stfu). Be one of those one off episodes, Daryl goes on a small run, just to case out an area and runs into her. He’s apprehensive of her, seeing how she deals with walkers, but he puts that aside bc a herd comes from nowhere and traps them overnight and tadaaa they bond.
- he offers her a place to stay, after seeing that she’s some what capable with a weapon and knows her way around. She declines, she was never the type to find a group and stick with it, she’d always leave in the middle of the night and strangely, felt like she couldn’t bare to hurt his feelings if they got closer than just strangers to friends. 
- she was in the surrounding area for a little while longer, actually bumping into Glenn, Daryl, Michonne and Rick a handful due to runs. every time they asked Millie to come with them and every time she declined. 
- in the sick arc of the prison era. a mysterious sack of medicine ends up at the front gate in the middle of the night. with a note saying “stay safe D” - Mills. 
- she leaves and heads towards the kingdom after that. on her own right up until...
- until she meets Ezekiel.
- They met as she was walking the road, going through buildings to look for food when he and a group got trapped in a building. So with nothing really to live for, she started playing a song to lure them away to give them a chance to escape. 
- she rounded back to check on them. Ez promised her a place to stay in exchange for her services. (Jerry was very into her using sound and calling it badass)
- it’s not a good first impression really. She’s covered in head to toe in blood and guts from covering her smell from walkers, she’s smelly and just horrible looking. 
- the kingdom took her under his wing, showed her how to trust someone. 
- she was dubbed the court’s bard / king’s bard / whatever
- she hones her skills, becoming an incredible shot with a bow and honing her skills with her bat with melee. She turns into a type of scout, keeping tabs on alexandria and helping make relations with other communities
- shiva took a particular liking to her music. 
- for some reason she ended up saving ezekiel’s life more than once. he can’t really find a way to return the favour, every time he brings something up she just tells him
-”being able to stand by your side and have a roof over my head with a hot meal at any hour of the day is all that i need your majesty”
- she helped him negotiate terms with the saviors. the one they have with the once a week drop off thing
- she went out on recon, looking for places to hit with supplies when she gets injured in some debris under a collapsed part of a building. Lucky for her, she doesn’t die, hearing voices.
- and she wakes up in Alexandria. 
- she has wounds and cannot return to her group, she doesn’t tell them about the kingdom because she simply doesn’t feel like it would be useful info.
- eyyyy then the gang shows uuuup
- reunited with the walking gamers. 
- she assures them it’s somewhat safe, they’re all stupid and don’t know how to fight walkers. She’s happy to see everyone beyond comprehension, like they’re long lost family or something.
- she finally and formally meets everyone, actually introducing herself as a travelling bard
- bonding with everyone ensues. Deanna thought she’d be a permanent resident, but after she’s all healed up she immediately bounces. (right before rick goes coo coo and and bloody and michonne bonks him on da head)
- leaves a note and present for daryl, a basket of flowers with a smiley face. she also kinda left bc she realised she might have caught feelings,,, and she’s afraid of that shit
- goes back to kingdom people are like ‘sick she’s alive that’s epic’
- time passesssssssssss
- She’d have been there for a while. Meeting Carol for the first time. Feeling drawn to her even after she left, she would often visit her while in that little cottage. She remembered the name, so she asked about the group, saying they were okay. Millie felt relieved, wanted to go out and look for them to reconnect but didn’t wanna do anything to jeopardise the kingdom.
- then the group came for help. Strumming away at her guitar when they wander in. 
- “holy shit is that you D? Oh hey Jesus”
- was like a small mind blown, two worlds colliding. 
- When daryl had to stay behind she followed him around everywhere, thinking it was a sign or something like damn 3 times she’s run into this group that’s gotta mean something. She even showed him where Carol was, and escorted him back to Hilltop
- “Don’t gotta babysit me”
- “Can’t have you being found by the saviors. that would suck”
- sticks with him right up before the big fight at the season finale where she goes back to the kingdom to relay the message and helps keep alexandria safe in the fight.
- that’s kinda all im up to atm in the series n shit im currently watching the episode titled ‘Mercy’
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Everything (Daryl Dixon X F!Reader ft. Baby Dixon)
Summary: Trudging into DC after the prison fell, Daryl Dixon thought he’d lost everything. Then Aaron came along with a picture of Daryl in his bag, claiming that (Y/N), his girl, his (Y/N) gave it to him for safe-keeping. At first, he didn’t believe it. But then Aaron told him something about (Y/N) that only the two of them were supposed to know-- and he started to believe that everything was waiting for him in Alexandria.
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: cursing, mentions of death, some grieving, assumed death, pregnancy mentions, newborn babies, lots of emotions but they’re sweet i swear Word Count: 2,859 (praise paul i’m actually productive)
Note: woops im obsessed with twd again. Thanks for putting up with my long hiatus and enjoy! I may have ideas for a part 2 where daryl adjusts to fatherhood and then negan Fucks Shit Up-- you know, as he does. Then maybe part 3 after the time skip where beth and judith get up to Shenanigans?? Idk if i feel like writing it but it sounds fun so we’ll see
    In a barn not far from Alexandria, Aaron was having a rough day. It wasn’t bad-- not yet anyway-- but it did get significantly worse when Daryl Dixon shoved him against a wall.
    “Where the hell’d you get this!?” He was shouting as he put a knife to Aaron’s neck.
    See, Daryl had been perfectly content to leave the new guy to Rick and Michonne until something in his bag caught the archer’s attention. It was a picture-- a picture of Daryl.
    “Where’d you get it!?” He asked again.
    Rick took the picture from Daryl, getting a good look at it. It was taken from a guard tower back at the prison, one that was probably rubble now. Daryl was leaning over the guard rails, a cigarette in his hand and a smile on his face.
    “Where’s (Y/N)?” Daryl growled.
    Suddenly, it made sense to Rick. The picture belonged to (Y/N).
    “Back at my community,” Aaron said quickly. “She’s safe, I swear.”
    “You keeping her prisoner?” Rick questioned with a fire in his eyes, the one that was lit when others threatened his family.
    “No, no! God, no--!”
    Daryl interrupted. “Then why’s this with you?”
    “She gave it to me,” Aaron claimed firmly. “She gave it to me so that I’d know you if I ran into you, so I could bring you to her. I was hoping it would be a surprise, but--”
    “How do I know you ain’t lyin’?” Daryl shot back, unfaltering. “That she’s alive?”
    “Because she told me something, something only the two of you know.”
    After a pause, he lowered the knife. “Tell me.”
    Aaron glanced around the room. He wanted to keep this between them, as (Y/N) had asked him to. So, he looked back at Daryl, lowered his voice to a whisper, and said:
    “The baby’s okay.”
    The first week was the hardest. After the Governor, after Terminus, after Beth, all Daryl could think about was (Y/N).
    “We’ll find her, Daryl,” Rick kept saying. “We’ll find her.”
    But after days of searching and finding nothing, he was ready to give up. One night, Rick said it again and he just snapped.
    “We ain’t gonna find her!” he found himself shouting.
    “You don’t know that--”
    He cut his friend off. “Yeah, I do! ‘Cause we been lookin’ for days and ain’t nobody findin’ nothin’! (Y/N)’s dead, alright?! Give it up!”
    He stormed off, unsure if his last words were directed at Rick or himself.
    Later, Rick found him sitting in the woods by himself. He sat down beside him silently, waiting for a sign.
    “Sorry,” Daryl finally mumbled.
    “It’s okay. I know you and (Y/N) were close,” Rick sighed. “She was a damn good friend.”
    “I loved her.”
    The confession slipped out before he could stop it. Shame hit him as soon as he said it, his face going red.
    Rick turned to him with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah? You ever tell her?”
    “Every day,” Daryl finally admitted, a weight falling from his shoulders.
    His friend broke into a massive grin. “You two were together? Why didn’t you say anything?”
    “Didn’t want to with all the new people,” he shrugged. “She knew it’d freak me out.”
    “Did anybody know?”
    He paused before nodding. “Beth an’ Hershel.” Before Rick could ask why them, he went on. “Look, about (Y/N)--”
    He was cut off by the distant call of Rick’s name. The man in question sighed and, as he left, promised to finish their talk later. Daryl, however, took it as a sign and decided that it was already over.
    “It’s your decision,” Rick said later. “If you think she’s still out there, if you wanna stay, we will. We won’t stop looking.”
    Everyone knew it was hard for Daryl to make the call, but they didn’t know just how hard.
    He didn’t tell Rick why Hershel and Beth knew about him and (Y/N). He thought it was better to shoulder that weight himself-- the weight of leaving a pregnant woman behind.
    “What’d you say?”
    Daryl had frozen when Aaron said it. The question came out as a whisper, a horrified whisper, which was a tone that most present had never heard from him.
    Aaron nodded a single time, the epitome of understanding. “I think you heard me.”
    Daryl was suddenly overwhelmed. He took a threatening step forward, knife in his hand again. “You--”
    He apparently decided against skewering him, though. Instead, he stormed out of the barn like his feet were on fire, hiding his face and his unshed tears from the rest of the group, who stared at him questioningly.
    Rick was in Aaron’s face in an instant. “What did you say?”
    “You’d better ask him.”
    Without another word, Rick followed Daryl out of the barn, suddenly feeling like there was more to Daryl and (Y/N) than his brother had told him.
    Outside, Daryl found himself a tree and climbed it. Normally, he would’ve just sat down, but his hands felt like he needed to be doing something-- maybe punching someone-- so he climbed instead, ignoring the scratches the rough bark left on his palms.
    Once atop his chosen branch, it took everything Daryl Dixon had not to cry. His lips quivered as he stared out into nothing.
    He knew Rick was on his way over and he was begging himself to keep it together. This wasn’t what he needed, it wasn’t what the group needed. He needed to pull himself together and decide whether Aaron was telling the truth.
    But some part of him, deep down, already knew the answer. Why else would Aaron know that only (Y/N) and Daryl knew about the baby? She would never give that up to a captor.
    So, (Y/N) was still alive. She’d been alive this whole time and he hadn’t been looking for her. His child and his girl were out there alive and here he was, sitting on his ass in a damn tree, crying about it. He could hear Merle’s laughter in his head.
    But thank god for Rick Grimes.
    “Daryl?” He called up. “You good?”
    He let out a shaky breath, wiping at a few stray tears that had escaped. “Y-- yeah, yeah, ‘m fine,” he managed.
    Rick could tell it was bullshit, but he didn’t push. “Is he tellin’ the truth? Is (Y/N) with ‘em willingly?”
    “She told ‘im what she did by herself, if that’s what ya mean,” Daryl told him.
    There was a pause while Rick debated whether to ask him what Aaron had said or not. Daryl knew he had to tell him. The rest of the group wouldn’t just go on his word-- they needed Rick’s, too.
    “The baby’s okay.”
    Rick blinked a few times. “What?”
    Reluctantly, Daryl removed himself from the tree, landing on the ground in front of Rick. “What he said. He said the baby’s okay.”
    His friend’s eyes widened in sudden understanding. “(Y/N) was--?”
    “Yeah,” he mumbled, still not sure if he wanted it said aloud. “Beth an’ Hershel knew ‘cause (Y/N) an’ me were flippin’ our shit, not knowin’ what to do.”
    “So they’re okay?” Rick asked. “She and the baby-- Aaron said they’re okay?”
    Daryl nodded. “My kid’s okay.”
    His blood brother couldn’t help the smile that overtook him and he pulled the man into a tight hug. “We’re gonna figure this out,” Rick told him firmly. “We’re gonna get ‘em back.”
    “Put your weapons down!” (Y/N) found herself shouting from behind the cabinet.
    She’d found shelter in an abandoned house for the last day or so. She wished she could’ve kept staying in the old gas station she found, but unfortunately walkers decided otherwise.
    Two heads appeared from the doorway and soon enough both men had their hands in the air.
    “We don’t have any weapons,” the taller one said quickly. “We’re here to help.”
    (Y/N) stopped at that, a frown painting her expression. “What?”
    “We’ve been watching you,” the second man said. “You got close to our community, so we kept an eye on you.”
    “We wanna help,” his friend said, picking up where he left off. “I’m Aaron, this is Eric.”
    (Y/N) hesitated, her gun still lifted high at them. She hadn’t gotten off the floor, but her head peeked out from behind the cabinet just enough that they could see her.
    “Help? Why?”
    Aaron shook his head with a small smile. “What kind of people are we that would turn a blind eye to a pregnant woman in the middle of the apocalypse?”
    She had to pause for a moment. He was making a good case for himself.
    “What’s your name?” Eric asked.
    “(Y/N),” she muttered.
    Aaron frowned. “Have you always been alone?”
    “No.” She decided they were asking too many questions and lifted her gun again. “Tell me about your community.”
    “It’s called Alexandria,” Aaron told her. “It has massive steel walls-- they’ve been there since the beginning. Most of our people have never been outside. We have food, running water, solar power, a sewage system; you name it. It’s safe and it’s open to you.”
    “We have a doctor, too,” Eric interrupted. “He can help with the baby.”
    Almost as soon as the words left his mouth, a little cry sounded. Aaron’s eyes widened as (Y/N) moved to hold her baby.
    “You already--?” He gaped. “I’m so sorry. I hoped we’d be here before, so you didn’t have to deliver on your own out here.”
    (Y/N) shook her head, rocking the baby and whispering reassurances to it. “A doctor?” She asked them. “Walls? All of it? Can you prove it?”
    Aaron nodded, gesturing to his bag. “Yes. It’s all real, I swear. You just have to trust us.”
    Looking between these two men and her child, (Y/N) decided to take a risk. It was this or solitude-- again-- and that was something she wasn’t sure they would survive.
    Being interrogated by Deanna only made Daryl more twitchy. He’d been itching to go off and find (Y/N) since they walked in the gate. Aaron had wanted to take him immediately, but the woman in charge had different ideas.
    “I wanna see (Y/N),” Daryl had told her, refusing to go upstairs.
    “And you will,” she reassured. “But I need to do this first.”
    During the interview, she asked him about (Y/N), about the baby. He got a little defensive when she asked if it was his. Of course it was! God, she was getting on his nerves.
    Finally, finally, it was over and Daryl rushed downstairs again, intending on finding Aaron immediately.
    “Alright, Abraham, if you could--” Deanna began to say.
    She was interrupted when the door to the house creaked open. Eric walked, er, limped in first, followed by Aaron. He was leading (Y/N) in, but kept her eyes covered.
    “I hate surprises,” she told him.
    “Oh, you’ll love this one,” he laughed, meeting Daryl’s gaze. “Trust me.”
    Daryl’s heart wrenched. He couldn’t see her eyes yet and she had no idea he was there, but his heart was already torn in half. Tears came to his eyes and he dropped his crossbow. The others were awestruck as well, but none of their reactions compared to his.
    “Three, two, one, and--” Aaron removed his hands. “Ta-da!”
    The moment Aaron’s hands dropped, a strangled gasp escaped (Y/N)’s mouth. She covered it with her hands, eyes filling with tears.
    “Oh my god,” she sobbed.
    She threw herself at Daryl, who welcomed her with open arms. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, shoulders shaking as he wept with relief. He held her so tightly that it hurt, but she didn’t have the heart to tell him.
    “You’re alive,” she said finally when he lifted his head. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek. “Oh god, I thought I was alone.”
    “Thought I lost ya,” he murmured, pressing their foreheads together.
    Then, he kissed her-- that sweet, gentle kind of kiss he’d give her every morning when he was overwhelmed with the joy of waking up beside her. It was the same kiss they shared when he slipped into the guard tower each night, smiling like a stupid teenager who’d gotten a night alone with his girlfriend. That kiss was good as “I love you.”
    Behind Daryl, everyone but Rick gawked.
    “Right. Now might be the time to mention that they’ve been together the whole time,” the cowboy snorted.
    “Yes!” Carl cheered instantly. “Michonne, you owe me a Big Cat!”
    Glenn stammered. “Seriously?”
    Rick grinned almost mischievously. “It gets better.”
    He didn’t get the chance to explain himself, because (Y/N) pulled herself away from Daryl and looked over at him with a smile.
    “Hey, Rick.”
    “Hey, yourself,” he greeted back, lifting his arms for the inevitable hug.
    As she wrapped herself around him, they heard Eric sigh. “Oh, that was so worth the volleyball injury.”
    (Y/N) went around the room, saying hello to old friends and introducing herself to new ones. Deanna then borrowed Abraham for an interview and Aaron began to take Eric to the infirmary. But he stopped himself, tapping (Y/N) on the shoulder and motioning vaguely toward the door.
    She gasped and turned to Daryl. “You have to meet her! I’ll be right back.”
    She raced out of the building, leaving a shell-shocked Daryl behind.
    “You hear that?” He asked Rick, eyes wide.
    Rick smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Welcome to the club, brother. Hope you don’t like sleeping.”
    “Well, I’m lost,” they heard Carol mutter.
    “Not only were these two together--” Rick begin, a gleeful grin on his face, “--they were expecting.
    The others gaped, especially Daryl’s best friend. “Why didn’t you say anything?” She asked him seriously. “You didn’t have to carry that yourself.”
    Daryl shook his head. “We woulda killed ourselves lookin’ for ‘em. Couldn’t lose nobody else,” he admitted sheepishly.
    The creak of the front door gained everyone’s attention. (Y/N) shuffled inside, a bundle of blankets in her arms. Daryl immediately stepped up, but she shook her head and motioned to the couch. The couple sat down, instantly surrounded by their friends, who all wanted to get a look at the baby.
    (Y/N) went to pass her to Daryl, but the poor man was frozen.
    “Ain’t changed since Judith was born,” she teased, her voice warm. “You can hold her.”
    He took the baby then, though his hands were shaking. He cradled her as though she would shatter with one wrong move. Slowly, he moved his fingers to stroke her tiny hands, a loving smile emerging when her little fingers grasped his thumb.
    “She’s perfect,” he muttered, placing a kiss on her forehead. His voice cracked, but no one said a single thing about it.
    “She’s got her daddy’s eyes,” (Y/N) remarked wistfully.
    They sat in brief silence, everyone watching the baby wiggle in her father’s grasp. Daryl was perhaps considering the full 180 his situation had just made. Everything he thought he lost was right there in his arms. (Y/N) was right, too, he realised. His little girl had his beautiful baby blues.
    Aaron and Eric departed, seeing as the latter was due for an infirmary visit. Both (Y/N) and Rick thanked them as they left; Daryl was too distracted.
    Michonne was the next to break the quiet. “Does she have a name?”
    Daryl, curious, looked to (Y/N), who shook her head. “Didn’t feel right,” she admitted to him, “without you.”
    Almost immediately, the group was offering ideas up like they were drinks.
    Daryl looked down at his daughter and, cutting through the chatter, announced: “Beth.”
    They all went silent.
    “She an’ Hershel took care of us when they found out,” he explained, looking up at (Y/N). “She watched for ya when I was on runs an’ after-- after the prison she helped me get my shit together.”
    (Y/N) nodded and rested her hand on top of his, the same one that their little girl held so tightly to. Meeting his eyes, she was glad she waited on the name. This meant everything to him; being able to name their kid, to call that kid his own.
    (Y/N) then looked to Maggie, who sniffed and wiped at tears as she leaned into Glenn.
    “She woulda loved that,” the woman rasped, her voice breaking.
    “Beth Dixon,” (Y/N) announced, “the luckiest kid in the whole damn world.”
    She saw the way Daryl looked at her when she said Dixon, like his heart had just been ripped out of his chest in the best way possible.
    He pulled her and the baby close as the others congratulated them and celebrated with them. Even on the darkest of days, this memory would light up their whole world, he thought.
    Beth Sophia Dixon, they decided; for the girl they couldn’t save and the girl who saved them. And (Y/N) was right.
    She was gonna be the luckiest kid in the whole damn world. Daryl would make sure of it.
(Requests are currently closed. I’m finishing up my old ones.)
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soniaxdixon · 4 years
The New World; Series, Pt 3
okay, two parts in one day but I really just felt like writing. enjoy this part!! 
Okay so this is my first time writing a fic and obviously will be my first series but I’ve just rewatched TWD for like the 17th time and my obsession with Daryl has reached new levels. I hope that it isn’t too shit and that you guys actually read/like it. Thank you in advance for baring with my average writing but I mean, how else will I learn? Anyway, enjoy!
Sonia x
Season 1
Part 3 of ??
Summary: Y/N Grimes is Rick’s younger hot headed sister. When Rick gets shot and falls into a coma, Y/N’s world ends. Y/N Finds herself at a quarry near Atlanta with her nephew carl, sister in law Lori and her best friend Glenn where she meets her new family including the equally hot headed redneck Daryl Dixon. Over time Y/N and Daryl begin to form a friendship, finally allowing one another to open up to someone and maybe finding someone they can actually love.
Words: 1790
Okay, I couldn’t hold out much longer with the whole slow burn thing, something happens in this fic...
Warnings: swearing, a little angst, slight mention of gore.
With your brother, Daryl, Glenn and T-Dogg gone you found yourself struggling to think about anything else other then something happening to them. What if they got surrounded by walkers, what if merle flips and does something to them. Constant ‘what if’ questions rolled through your head as you paced in your tent.
“Y/N!” You heard dale holler
“Hey Dale, what’s up?”
“You’ve been in your tent since they left, wanted to get you out here with the rest of the group, make sure you’re okay.” He said with sincerity.
“Thanks, Dale, I’m all good, don’t you worry. Got any jobs for me to do? I’d like to keep my mind busy.”
“Not really any jobs to do but you’re more than welcome to relax in the RV, I’ve got a couple of old books in there, maybe that’ll put your mind at ease.”
You nodded gratefully and made your way inside the RV, shuffling through Dale’s book collection until you settled on one, reading in the bed until the words began to sling together and you fell into a deep sleep.
You were woken up a while later by Carl gently shaking you. You jolted awake and grabbed your knife when you realised you had fallen asleep for god knows how long.
“Woah! I’m just here to let you know dinners ready.”
You scooted off the bed, stepped out of the RV and walked over to the group sitting around a fire, fresh grilled fish already on a plate for you. You sat next to Lori and nudged her. “I missed dinner prep? How long was I asleep, I should have helped.”
“You must have needed the rest, it was best to let you sleep.”
You nodded as you shoved a giant fork full of fish into your mouth while your stomach growled.
This night was like any other, sitting around with your family, chatting like nothing was wrong in the world, though you found yourself subconsciously searching for the archer who would usually sit across from you, constantly sneaking glances at each other. Your heart rate sped up at the thought of him and then the reality that he wasn’t there set in again, as did the worry. You were pulled from your thoughts by Andrea’s voice.
“Where are you going?”
“I gotta pee, geez, try to be discrete around here” Amy responded earning a laugh from the group.
You went to take another bite of your fish when Amy’s scream filled the air. You threw the plate and reached for your gun as you watched Amy being ripped into, Andrea already running towards her with Jim. Walkers started hastily shuffling out of the trees towards your family as you and the others sprung into action.
“Lori, Carl, you get behind me now!” You yelled over the gunfire shoving your nephew out of dangers way and putting yourself in the middle of it. You aimed at the nearest walker and BANG, it fell, a bullet between its eyes.
You noticed another hobbling towards carol, BANG, another down.
You continued to pace backwards until it was safe to send Lori and Carl into the RV. A walker lunged at you, BANG, now it was at your feet. You turned for a second when you heard Lori scream as Shane shot a biter that was close to her.
As you turned around another one lunged at you as you brought your gun up,
Your stomach knotted at the sound, you were out of bullets. You pushed against the walker with all your force as its teeth gnashed at your face. You could feel your arms weakening as its teeth got closer to your face, your feet began sliding in the dirt. You couldn’t bring yourself to pull one hand away to get your knife, this one was too big, the slightest move now and you would be gone.
The walker collapsed on top of you, knocking the air out of you as you went down. Suddenly the body was tossed away and a hand was outstretched. You realised who it was, grabbed his hand and he hoisted you up off the ground.
“Thanks, Daryl.”
He nodded and then proceeded to take out the walkers that just kept coming. You noticed how he shielded your body with his own as the dead got closer until finally, there were none left.
When everything was clear, he stormed off towards his tent without saying a word to you.
You found rick and threw your arms around him
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He mumbled into your hair
“For what?”
“For protecting Carl and Lori.”
“It’s what I do.” You chuckled slightly as you let go of him, your eyes flicking over to Daryl’s tent.
You built up some courage and started trekking towards his tent, stopping suddenly at the entrance and struggling to think of what to say. Before you had the chance to say anything he broke the silence.“Leave me alone.”
You stood there for a second before you shook your head and began unzipping the door to the tent and stepping inside. He stood up from his bed and loomed over you.  “Stupid girl, didn’t you hear what I said? Leave me the fuck alone!”
At this point he was yelling in your face but you stood your ground, getting angrier until you looked up into his eyes, you could see how red they were, he’d been crying, your anger slowly faded.  “I don’t need your fucking pity, get lost.”
He turned, expecting you to leave but instead, without even thinking, you wrapped your arms around his middle and he stiffened at the sudden contact, staring at his bed in front of him, then looking down at your arms that linked around his waist, holding him tight, grounding him. You felt his breath become shaky as he let himself cry which only made you hold him tighter.
When his breathing began to slow, you gently unlinked your arms and he turned to face you, tears staining his cheeks.
“I’m not here to offer you pity, I came to say thank you for saving me. I came to see if you were okay.”
He just stared at you for a second before you carefully reached up and wiped a single tear that was rolling down his cheek, then slowly, you snaked your hands around his neck and brought him into another hug. This time he didn’t flinch, he melted into you, placing his head in the crook of your neck while he let himself calm down.
“M’ sorry I snapped.” He whispered into your neck.
You pulled back and looked into his eyes, the blue being highlighted by his unshed tears.
“You don’t have to apologise, I get it.”
He nodded as his hands found your waist and he pulled you into another hug. This man had never been shown proper affection, he had never shown it to anyone but he so desperately craved it and you understood that, you finally gave him the affection he needed, that he deserved. You stayed like that for a minute before you pulled away, grabbing his hand and leading him over to his makeshift bed, a cot in the corner of his tent with his sleeping bag on top. You sat with him on the end of the bed and finally built up the bravery to ask.
“Daryl, what happened out there?”
He looked at you and struggled to form the words, tears threatened to fall from his eyes again until you reached for his hand and took it in yours.
“He wasn’t there, he ain’t dead but he was gone. Cut off his own damn hand, cauterised it. Tough son of a bitch. We went to look for ‘im but then this kid showed up and started yellin’, some guys took Glenn and we got into this whole thing, thought they might’ve had Merle too y’know. They didn’t. By the time we sorted everything out our damn truck was missin’ so we had to walk back. Thats when we heard the gun shots. Y/N I ran, I ran so fast and ya wanna know why? Because I thought I was gonna lose ya. I couldn’t lose ya too. I don’t know what it is but something inside me goes crazy whenever you’re around. I ain’t good at this type a thing, I don’t know how to explain it but it’s like I need to protect ya and I don’t know why. We’ve hardly talked but when we do it’s like my chest is on fire.
You couldn’t take your eyes off him, you hung onto every word for dear life, like he was reading your mind, like he was reading your emotions. Before you knew it you were pulling his face towards yours, pressing your lips against his, fitting together like a puzzle, like he was the one piece you have been missing your whole life. You slowly pulled away and looked at him, his eyes still closed from the kiss, a small smile gracing his lips, causing you to break out in a smile too.
“Daryl.” His name had never sounded so sweet, he opened his eyes looking deeply into yours as his cheeks flushed red. “That’s exactly how I feel.”
You spoke for a while, exchanging stories of the past. For a man who was so reserved, he seemed to open up to you like you were the only one who held the key to his stories. He told you about Merle, about his mother. He told you about his father, the things he used to do to merle, to him. You didn’t push him, you didn’t ask to see the scars, you simply listened and that was all he needed. The noise of everyone outside had finally quietened and that was your cue that it was time to retreat back to your tent.
“I’m gonna head back to my tent, I’ll see you in the morning.”
He wanted to ask you to stay, he needed you to stay. He felt like that was the only way he could sleep but he couldn’t bring himself to ask.
You wanted to stay, fall asleep on his chest like the many nights you had dreamt of, but you didn’t want to push what had happened. You slipped out of his tent, zipping it closed and walking over to your own. You couldn’t help fight the smile that crept on your face.
Neither you nor Daryl got much sleep that night, replaying the moments that happened, longing for each other in a way like never before.
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In This Hell Daryl Dixon X Reader Part 7/??
Hey guys! So chapter seven is here! Im not the best at writing, but like many other writers, I did try my best and I hope you like it! Also most of the streets I have written into this chapter I made up on the spot, so if there is an actual street by that name it was purely coincidental.
Warnings- Light smut?, General Walking Dead stuff, Blood, Gore, Swearing.
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It had felt like forever, sitting outside of the door that separated Daryl and myself. Lori was still sitting beside me, which feels more constricting than not, not that I had the heart to tell her.
At this point, I have memorised each and every detail etched into the door. I looked over to where Lori sat next to me, one hand resting against her forehead, the other resting against my shoulder. I reached my hand over and placed it over her own and smiled softly as she turned her head. “Thank you.” I whispered. “Dont be stupid.” She responded, a small chuckle escaping her lips. The click of the latch received both of our attention, I looked back towards the door to see Rick emerge.
“Here.” Lori extended her hand to me. “Thanks.” I took her hand and nodded as she helped me up. I look at Rick, and he smiled softly. “He’ll be alright.” “Oh thank god.” I hugged him “Now god ain’t had nothing to do with it.” Shane walked out behind Rick.
Rick walked over to Lori and hugged his wife. “I’ll tell you what.” Shane paused, walking over to me. “That is one tough son of a bitch in there.” He pointed towards the door, bringing me into a hug. I rolled my eyes as I hugged him back. “Hershel is just giving him another look over.” I look up to my brother. “Its just to ensure that he doesn’t have any other injuries.” Rick added. I slowly nodded my head, and sat down in the single seat next to the door. Rick kissed his wife before leaving Lori, Shane and myself in the hallway as we waited for Hershel.
After waiting another ten or so minutes, Hershel exiting the room. “The bullet only grazed his head.” He paused. I stood up from the seat and nodded. “The arrow in his side went straight through, missed his important organs.” “He is okay other than that?” “That and a few bruised ribs, he will be fine, however I would recommend a resting period of a few days, But.” He paused, glancing at the door. “I don’t think that he would take that advice.” He continued.  “He is a stubborn bastard.” I muttered, looking at the door nodding. “He is asleep, but you can go in and see him.” “Thank you so much Hershel.” I smiled and pulled him into a hug. I pulled back and smiled softly at him, before turning to the door, quietly entering the room.
The first thing I noticed when I entered the room was the small dresser by the window, and the cross hanging next to the door above the bed. Daryl was on the bed, peacefully sleeping on his side, mouth slightly parted as soft snores broke the silence of the room. I stood at the edge of the bed, unsure if I should sit on the side of the bed or bring in the seat from the hall. “Are ‘Ya just gonna stand there?” A rough mumble came from the bed, startling me from my thoughts. “You’re meant to be sleeping.” I sighed.
“How am I meant to sleep when ya always staring at me.” I sat down on the bed next to him, softly pushing his hair back. “Go back to sleep, you need to rest.” He only grumbled in response as he shook his head. “Nah, I can sleep when im dead.” “If you dont rest that could be sooner than you think.” “I’m fine.” He scoffed. I rolled my eyes. We spent a few moments just staring at one another, the small breaths from us both the only thing we could hear.
“What happened out there Daryl?” I sighed. He winced lightly as he propped himself up on his elbow, “Took one of them horses, damn thing near killed me.” He paused. “Got spooked by something, kicked me off.” He continued.
“Thats where the bruising came from Im guessing.” I spoke softly tracing the bruises that littered his torso. “Fell down the ridge, landed in the creek with my own arrow in me.” He motioned to his side, pausing as my eyes landed on the gauze.
“Took down a few walkers.”
“Daryl!” “I know what ya ‘bout to say. Im fine.” He stated.
I sighed softly shaking my head.
“What if you couldn’t get back? What then Daryl?” I asked. “Y’all woulda been fine, I don’t belong ‘ere anyway.” He shrugged. “How can you say that?” I asked pushing myself off of the bed.
I could feel his eyes boring into me as I paced back and forth.
“You say that you don’t belong here, but you do. You can even feed me more bullshit about how you don’t, I dare you.” I challenged. “if you did not come back, every single fibre of my being would be out there searching for you.” I paused.
I took a deep breath, turning to look at him.
“Look, wether you like it or not Daryl, I care about you, I care for you and nothing in this world will ever change that Dixon.” He kept his eyes on me, watching my every move.
“Call me selfish, call me crazy, hell you can even call me dramatic! But a part of me would've died if you didn't come back.”  
I paused for a brief moment as i tried to fight the tears.
Stupid, damn hormones.
“Stop working ya self up.” “Believe it or not, that isn’t an easy thing to do.” I sighed “why?” “Because im scared… im scared of losing you.” I paused.
I took a small step back.
“Im so damn scared, because for the first time in my life I have something to lose, someone.”
He continued to stare at me, staying silent as he listened to my rambling, as I started to pace once more.
“Im not trying to fight you Daryl. I just want you safe.” “I love ya..”
“I need you around, our baby needs you around. I-“
I paused, looking at him.
“What did you just say?”
“I love ya.” He shrugged.
“This isn’t something to joke about right now.” I sigh placing my hand against my forehead, rubbing my temple.
“I aint joking.”
“Daryl-“ I ran my hand over my face, before dropping it to my side. “Ya’ gonna say it back? Or do I need to go back ou-“ “Don’t even think about finishing that sentence Dixon.” I warned as he grabbed my hand and pulled me softly back to the bed.
I sat on the mattress and started to lay down.
My hands found his stubbled cheeks, our eyes connected and I drowned out the world for those crystal blue eyes. “I love you Daryl Dixon.”
I could feel his hands pull my face closer to his as we let reality fade away, the two of us escaping in the kiss.
Daryl rolled over to his back, gently pulling me with him.
We pulled apart as he grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head and flinging it across the room, attacking my lips once again with his own.
He moved his hands down, across my body slowly, snaking them around my hips, lifting my body over his, leaving me to straddle him.
His hands gripped to my hips, not letting go, his nails leaving soft red crescent shaped indentations against my skin.
The skin on skin contact, his chest pressed against my own igniting a whirlwind of lust between us both.
I leant down and captured his lips in a deep kiss.
Daryls hands moved down to my ass, his fingers kneading the soft flesh as our tongues fought for dominance. 
I could feel him hardening against my inner thigh, drawing a soft mewl from my lips.
He pulled me closer, one of his hands slipping in between our bodies, moving to cup my breast.
Daryl softly pushed me back, starting to unbutton my jeans, working quickly to remove them.
Each soft touch of his fingers against my bare skin, caused shivers to run down my spine. 
I leant down and peppered kisses all over Daryls neck, from his Adam’s apple, to behind his left ear where even though he won’t admit it, Is his sweet spot.
Daryls hands harshly grabbed my ass, before softly growling into my ear, rolling his hips into my own.
I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, Daryl pulling it off of me and throwing it to the floor, kissing down my chest, one hand cupping one of my breasts, the other resting behind me.
He pulled my body closer to his, before groaning out in pain.
My eyes shot open and I softly move off of Daryl.
“Shit, Daryl. Are you alright?” I asked moving to examine his abdomen.
“I’m fine.” He responds, grumbling as he ran his hands over his face in frustration.
I bend down pick up my bra from the floor and put it on, I take another look around the room for the rest of my clothes.
I see my jeans and jump slightly, shimmying them on.
My eyes search the room once again, spotting my shirt hanging off of the dresser, I walked over and snatched it off.
“What are ya’ doing?” He asked as I slipped the shirt over my head.
“You’re hurt, we aren’t doing that.” I scoffed.
Daryl let a groan of frustration out and laid back, annoyance clear on his features.
I crawled onto the bed, kissing under his navel.
“(Y/N)?” he asked, brow raised.
I look up at him through my lashes, smirking as he started to breathe heavy.
I kissed down his stomach, my hands softly moving down his chest and into his waistband.
He moaned softly as my hand slipped further down his pants.
A knock on the door made us both sigh.
“Ya’ gotta be shitting me.” Daryl muttered, turing his back to the door, pulling the blanket up to cover himself.
I stood up, making my way to the door, opening it to be met with Carol.
“Hey honey.” She smiled softly.
“Hey Carol, Whats up?” “I was just dropping in to let you know dinner is ready, I brung some up for Daryl.” She smiled as she lifted a plate.
“Oh, thank you, I’ll come down and get some.” I smiled nodding softly.
I moved aside as she walked in and set the plate down.
“Ill see you soon.” I kissed Daryls cheek.
He nodded.
I left the room as Carol asked if he was okay, getting few words from the man in response.
It was a quiet walk to the dining area, but it was even more quiet there, the only sound audible being the knives and forks hitting the plates.
I took the seat in-between Andrea and Lori.
The silence had lasted about five minutes, although it felt like 5 years, and was broken by Glenn’s voice.
“Does anybody know how to play Guitar?” He paused.
“Dale found a cool one… Somebody’s gotta know how to play.” He smiled.
My head turned to Patricia as she cleared her throat.
“Otis did.” She spoke.
“Yes, and he was very good too.” Hershel confirmed.
We all continued to eat in what was now an awkward silence.
I looked around the table, to notice Shane staring longingly at Lori, I scoffed under my breath and shook my head.
The guy doesn’t know what is good for him.
Slowly but surely, everyone started finishing up their meals.
After Hershel has finished eating, he stood.
“Rick, There are matters for us to discuss.” The man mentioned stood and followed Hershel out.
Carol stood and started to clear the table.
The rest of us following, picking up plates, cutlery and glassware, taking them to the kitchen.
“Dinner was great.” Beth smiled.
“It was lovely, thank you.” Patricia added.
I started to wipe over the clean dishes after Patricia had washed them, Maggie putting them away as both Carol and Lori collected more dishes.
The six of us had the place cleaned up in half an hour.
Lori had left to be with Carl, Carol was with Dale and T-dog in the RV, Beth had gone with Jimmy, Patricia had gone to her room.
A rush of wind passed me and almost knocked me down.
“Im sorry!” Maggie called out as she ran out of the door.
I chuckled as she profusely apologised as she continued running.
I turned and started to make my way back to Daryl’s room.
I turned to see Hershel walking toward me.
“Good evening Hershel… What can I do for you?” “I understand that you and Daryl are in a relationship?’ He asked.
“Yes sir.” “I’d appreciate it, if the two of you were separated for the night.” “Pardon?” I asked. “You’re both adults, you can survive a night in a different bed.” He stated, brows raised.
“Oh… Right.” I nodded.
“Do I make myself clear?” 
“Of course Hershel.” “Thank you.” He nodded, turning on his heel and leaving.
I continued my walk to Daryl’s room and peeked my head through the crack in the door, being met with his soft snores.
I softly closed the door and started the walk to my tent.
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I was startled awake by a foreign presence in the tent, soft breaths hitting the back of my neck.
I looked down, to see an arm draped over my body, a hand resting over my stomach.
“Relax. S’me.”
I let go of my breath, that I didn’t even realise I was holding.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” I asked, turning to face him.
“I woke up. Ya weren’t there.”
“You were asleep… you even looked peaceful.” “Ya could’a stayed, slept in a bed.” “I just wanted you to rest.” “I can’t sleep now anyway.” He muttered, pulling me closer to him under the cover, pressing a small kiss to my lips, before settling back down.
The door slightly blew against the breeze.
I looked outside and watched as the soft glow of the early morning sun reflected on the dewy grass.
I felt my consciousness slip away.
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My eyes opened, I looked around to be met with an empty tent.
I stretch and get changed, poking my head out of the small door.
The sun, not as harsh as the day prior.
A smile is on my face in an instant as soon as I noticed Carl by the chicken coop with Lori.
I rushed out of my tent and walked over to the pair, waving at Dale as I passed him.
Carl had bent down, reaching his hand into the bucket of feed for the chickens, slightly pausing, causing Lori to move forward.
“Dont look so worried.” “It’s my job.” “No it’s not. You’re a housewife.”
I held in my laughter.
Lori threw the remaining seed in her hand at the boy.
“Yeah, punk? You see my house around here?” She paused.
“A housewife.” She scoffed.
“Im pretty sure your house is just over there.” I laughed, pointing at the Grimes’ tent.
Carl laughed more as Lori picked up more seed, throwing it directly into my face, before she laughed too.
“Think you’re funny huh? The pair of you.” She chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I do actually, Carl, how about you?” I asked smirking
Lori shook her head as we waited for Carls response, after a moment we still hadn’t heard a response.
I turned my head to see him staring at a small group of baby chicks.
“They don't have a mother.” 
“She might be somewhere else.” Lori tried to ensure he didn’t worry. “Yeah, she might still be inside the coop.” I agreed.
“Maybe she got eaten.” Carl paused.
I turned to face Lori, who sat in shock, watching her sons every move.
Carl looked between the both of us, before continuing. “Everything is food for something else.” I tried to respond but was cut off by the door inside of the coop slamming shut, spooking some of the hens at our feet.
A twig snapped to the right of me, looking over I see Rick waking over to see his wife and son. 
“Morning (Y/n).” “Morning Rick, have you seen Shane?“ “He was out fixing a boundary fence, should be back soon.” He smiled, hugging Lori from the side. I nodded my head in thanks, before leaving the small family to greet one another.
The walk to the tent, was a short, boring one, looking around at my surroundings, my foot snagging on a branch that I could’ve sworn wasn’t there moments before.
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?” Andrea asked, rushing over.
“Im fine, thank you.” I nodded.
“I saw you trip.” “I’m okay, I didn’t even hit the ground, im a pretty good catch.” I softly joked. “I don’t think you should be joking around this is serious.” “So is shooting Daryl.” I shot back.
Andrea looked down, clearly upset.
“Andrea, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that… That wasn’t fair on you.”
“No, its okay. I mean I get it. I shot Daryl, and you’re pissed.” “It was an accident. Im not mad at you, thats was a defensive mechanism.” “So, are we good?” She asked.
I nodded, earning a smile from her, before she pulled me into a hug. “id be lying if I said I haven’t ever wanted to shoot him myself.” I laughed letting go from the hug, causing her to laugh along with me.
“Apparently we all have.” She chuckled.
“I was actually on my way to see Daryl, to apologise to him, give him this book.” She held up ‘The case of the missing man’.
“Thats a great idea. Does it have pictures?” “What do pictures have to do with it?”
“Don’t let him give you a hard time. He will complain, just tell him to suck it up.” I smiled.
“Are you coming to see him?” “I was on my way to see him, but I think it’s best if I let you go in alone.” “I can come back later.” “Andrea, it snow or never.” I smiled.
She sighed, before looking at me and smiling.
“Im going.” 
She turned on her heel and headed in the same direction I was before hand.
I walked further down and seated myself on one of the protruding tree trunks.
I leant my head back and let the warm breeze dance across my skin, softly moving my hair.
The peace and quiet was short lived however as two voices kept moving closer.
“Shh. Just trust me on this, okay?” I heard Maggie plead.
“But I suck at lying. I can't even play poker. It's too much like lying.” Glenn whispered.
“You have to keep this to yourself. You have to. Please.” She desperately begged.
I shifted my head, now watching Maggie leave a conflicted Glenn.
After a moment, Glenn looked around and hastily made his way to the RV with a basket.
A bribe maybe….
I waited for five minutes before moving, not wanting to alarm either party if they had returned or forgotten something.
Walking to my tent, I thought about the whispers between Glenn and Maggie, wondering if it was about the two of them sneaking around together, or if there was something more serious happening.
As I got to my tent I found it empty.
One of Daryl’s arrows sitting on the small mattress that we shared, next to the mesh which now had holes littering the bottom from the arrow.
I shook my head and smiled, he obviously would’ve been bored.
I left the tent, and started to search for Daryl or Shane.
Both of which can apparently turn the Greene farm into a game of ‘Where’s Waldo’.
I grabbed the keys for Shane’s Hyundai and made my way over to it, pretty quickly reaching the car, I sat in the drivers seat and started the engine.
I sat in the car and noticed Glenn and Lori at the camp fire visibly disagreeing over something, Lori, acting discrete as Glenn was pushing the subject, whatever it was.
“What is going on in this group?” I muttered under my breath.
I jumped as a loud bang sounded from the passenger seat window, which I wound down for him.
I held my chest as I looked at the culprit, Shane with a dirty smirk.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to go for a run.” “And not tell anyone?”
“I was originally going to ask If you wanted to join me.” “I ain’t going with you.” He shook his head.
“Fine. Then don’t.” I smiled, putting the car in drive.
“Hey!” Shane exclaimed noticing my movement.
“Im going on this run Shane, with you or with out you, make a decision.” “Fine! I’ll come!”
“That’s what I thought. Now. Get in.”
The car moved when Shane opened the door, making sure to noticeably throw himself angrily into the seat, and slam the door, finally letting me start the journey.
“What is with the attitude?”
“Believe me, if you had a pain in the ass like you for a sister you have one too.” “I have you for a brother. I know the pain.” “Where are we even going?” He asked as we neared the gate.
“I overheard Beth and Jimmy talking last night after dinner, Jimmy had told Beth that there is a house on maple street that looked pretty, from what I could see on the map it looks like it’s ten minutes out.”
I stopped the car at the gate.
Shane, opening the his door and running to the gate to open it, letting me drive through to the other side, before he shut it again, getting back in the passenger seat.
“A house that looked pretty? That is a stupid lead.” He shook his head, turning to look at me.
“Shane, if it looks pretty, im assuming that there’s no walkers around, it could be an easy supply raid.” “What if its over-run?” “Then we deal with it like we would any other time.” “We.” He pointed between us both. “Aren’t dealing with it. I am dealing with it.” He pointed at himself.
I rolled my eyes at his antics.
“You do realise that I have a heart, internal organs, a brain and skin right? Im not made from porcelain.” “You’re my sister, who is carrying a foetus.” “Dont call it that.” “What do I call it then?”
“Tadpole, Bean, Nugget. I don’t care, just don’t call it a foetus.” “Nugget? What kind of name is nugget?” Shane laughed.
“Im not naming it nugget. Jesus Shane. Im not naming it Bean or Tadpole either. It’s just a base name we are going to call it until it’s born.”
“Have you thought of names yet?” “Are you really asking me that?” “Is Spartacus still on the list of names?” He laughed. “Oh shut up!” “Wait, wait, wait, my favourite was always Fabio.” He laughed harder than before. “Then name your kid that.” I hit his arm, laughing with him.
“I ain’t having kids. Especially not after you have your kid. Having that one around is enough.” He laughed.
“Come on, Spartacus needs a cousin, and it looks like you and Andrea are getting close.” I teased.
“Shut up.” He sulked.
“Oh, have I hit a nerve? Does Shane Walsh have a crush on Andrea?” “Seriously, shut up, focus on the road, or you’ll get us lost.”
I smirked and shook my head as we turned onto Bellman Parade.
“Keep an eye out for Maple.”
“Im not dumb.” “Clearly you are, Andrea is great.” I smiled looking at him, to get a death glare in response.
“Maple is the next left.” He stated.
I turned left onto what could only be described as a rich area.
“I doubt these houses would have supplies.” “Can you not be a negative Nancy, who knows what’s hoarded in these houses.” “Exactly! There could be a horde.”
I pulled over on the curb infant of one of the houses, all of which are deserted and look untouched.
“We will start at house 23 and search all of them, see if we can get anything useful.”
“We aren’t separating.” “Clearly.”
We both walked onto the front porch of house number 23.
Shane opened the door, holding out his handgun infant of him, whistling into the house, waiting for any sign of movement or danger.
We waited a moment before he lowered the gun, handing it to me.
“Try not to use it. The last thing we need is every walker within a mile to come.” “I know Shane, save bullets, im not stupid.”
“I know, im just telling you to be careful.” “I appreciate it, now you search the ground floor and I’ll search upstairs.” 
He nodded.
I started to sweep through the rooms, finding small bandages, weak pain killers and a few protein bars that I found in a lunchbox.
I looked over the railing to see Shane searching the cabinet in the living room.
“Any luck?” “Not much, a few bullets, handgun and a few cans of food. What about you?”
“A few bandages, some pain killers, weak ass ones and three protein bars.”
“Alright, let’s check the next house.”
“Okay, im coming down.” 
I noticed the draw string for the attic Hanging softly.
“Shane! Come up here for a second!” “Why” “Just hurry up!” “Okay, im coming.” He muttered coming up.
“Pull the drawstring down.” “Why do you want to go up into a creepy attic?” “What if they have a weapons box up there?” “It’d be extremely lucky to just guess there’s one.” He laughed grabbing it and pulling it down, the ladder slowly emerging from the ceiling.
Before the ladder had a chance to hit the ground, dust was crumbling from the opening.
I swatted the dust from my face and sneezed.
“Looks like you’re still a geek.” Shane snickered.
“Ow!” He pulled his arm back, rubbing where my fist connected with his arm.
I climbed the ladder and looked around the attic.
Boxes labelled from numerous festive seasons, to ‘dad’s trophies 1988’, to ‘home videos’ and ‘1967-2009 family photos’.
I stepped into the attic and ventured further into the dim space.
I began moving the boxes out of the way, searching in various ones to see what we could utilise.
“Any luck?” Shane called out from the ladder.
“Not yet.” I called out searching another unlabelled box.
I discarded the box to the side, the box hitting one of the chairs. 
A domino affect had spilt a few of the boxes, one of which had gardening equipment that had spread over the floor boards.
“(Y/n)! Hey! Are you okay?” I heard Shane and his heavy steps running in my direction. 
“Yeah. I’m good.” I breathed out
“I found these shears, hatchets, multi-tools.”
“If there’s any rope, grab it.”
“I know Shane.”
I look to my right noticing the extra pair of hands searching through the contents of the box.
“Let’s take what we have so far to the car.”
 I nodded in agreement, moving back towards the ladder.
We searched the next three houses and found various food cans, more medicine, even a first aid box that was filled to the brim.
The fifth house we entered, both the front door and the back door had been wide open.
“Might have a few neighbours.” Shane said as he walked onto the porch.
“Wait out here, I’ll go in and see what we’re dealing with.”
“What if-“ “I will handle it.”
I nodded and waited while Shane did a run through, entering the house when he gave the signal.
This house was empty, compared to the others.
“We will start on this floor, work our way up.” Shane nodded, entering one of the bathrooms.
On then entire ground floor we couldn’t find anything.
“We might have better luck upstairs..” I suggested, making my way up to the next floor.
“Maybe.” He agreed.
My hand reached out to the door in front of me and I lightly pushed it open, pastel pink and blue wallpaper came into view.
I walked into the room, finding dual cribs in opposite corners of the room, a few scattered plush toys on the ground, the walls were ruined with blood splattering along the wall nearest the crib at the window.
 A few photos discarded from a photo album that had been thrown around.
I picked up one of the photos and examined it.
A gorgeous blonde woman sat next to a handsome man, each holding a baby in their arms.
“(Y/n)?” I felt Shane tap my shoulder.
“Huh? Yeah?”
“Ive been calling out for 10 minutes. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Sorry.” “What do you have?” “I just found this.” I paused and showed him the picture.
“I hope they got out safely.” I continued. “Im sure they did.” He took the picture and placed it on the shelf.
“I think it’s time to go.” Shane held my arm and guided me from the room.
We walked back to the car and stopped before getting in.
“Do you want me to drive?” “I got it.” I shook my head with a soft smile.
Series Masterlist Next Part 
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boompowkablam · 4 years
Favorite Fic Rec- List # 3
Just a list of some of my favorite stories. I’m gonna act like I remember how to link stuff it will be great. Pairings are going to be Daryl/Glenn and Daryl/Jesus. Maybe a Daryl/Rick thrown in IDK .
     How These Days Grow Long  By Never_Says_Die
This work is COMPLETE!
Written in response to a prompt on The Walking Dead kink meme:
Rick & Co. are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with Daryl's outbursts, his racist remarks, and easily-ignitable temper.  They are in fact, considering just cutting their losses and telling him he has to leave when they come across another group of survivors...one of whom is very, very special to Daryl.
AU in which Glenn and Daryl have been in a relationship for a few years before the ZA, and were separated when Atlanta was overrun.  Each think the other is dead, and Glenn ended up with a different group of survivors while Daryl ended up in the quarry camp.  Story also assumes Merle would've turned his back on Daryl for getting involved with Glenn, so they parted ways long ago.
Action , Adventure, Love , Suspense,Sadness,Longing, Its just everything you want from a fic. Word count 100,538. Pairing Daryl/Glenn
     The Diary of Glenn By  ornategrip
Seasons 1 and 2, as seen through Glenn's diary.
This is so funny I love it! I wish I could make a podfic for it like whoa.
Word count 4,938. Pairing Daryl/Glenn
     Ghosts Among Us  By  TWDObsessive
Daryl sees the dead.  Not the walkers, the twice-dead once they become ghosts.  It started since the turn and he assumes it’s his body’s reaction to the walker infection they all carry.  One by one he experiences losses of loved ones and each of them come to visit him.   And they all seem to be guiding him to Rick.
This was really good but also really sad to me. Mind the tags so you don’t read something upsetting . Word count 6,422. Pairing Daryl/Rick
     Picking Up the Pieces  By  Riastarstruck
When Rick works night duty while recovering from the shooting, he becomes friends with Daryl, the young guy working community service as a janitor in lieu of prison time.
"If you found an animal in an alley and it was raining and you approached it, it would try to bite you. But if you could get it inside and feed it and take it somewhere warm, it would follow you forever. He's got that kind of vibe to him." -Norman Reedus on Daryl Dixon
This one is cute but also makes me feel sad even though it’s not sad.
Word count 21,161. Pairing Daryl/Rick
     While the World Falls Down  By  oleanderedits @oleanderedits​
They were supposed to have ten days to dispute the quickie wedding they'd had the night they'd been drunk. The world went to shit three days later. Part 1 of a series re-write focusing on Glenn, Daryl, Merle, and Maggie as what it means to be 'Family' is stretched, twisted, and redefined by circumstances no one should have to live through. Covers Seasons 1 and 2 and mostly follows the canon storyline.
This is hands down 100% my absolute favorite walking dead fic. It is so good I have read it so many times now. I seriously can not get enough of it.
Word count 48,284. Pairing Daryl/Glenn , Glenn/Maggie , Daryl/Maggie , Daryl/Glenn/Maggie.
     Friction Match  By  vegarin
It's the end of the world. You can be anyone you choose to be."  Daryl Dixon, at the end of the world.
I am not sure what it is about this story that makes me love it so much! I am working on a podfic for it right now so at some point I’ll have a link up for that.
Word Count 24,769. Gen no Paring.
     Fall Into Your Arms. By  doctorkaitlyn @banshee-cheekbones
“I am done with dating.  And I mean it this time.”
Glenn is sick of his friends setting him up.  He’s sick of going on bad dates and he’s sick of getting his hopes up and never hearing anything back.  In all the time he spends not going on dates, he can do things that he actually enjoys, like sleeping or marathoning a television show or trying to find a better job.
He is done with dating.  Seriously.
At least, that's what he says before he meets Daryl.
This is so cute and awkward I love Glenn’s bad luck.
Word Count 4,549. Pairing Daryl/Glenn
     Dear Mr. Hawkeye  By  Psmith73 
AU. Glenn is a struggling student neck-deep in debts. One day while trying to earn some money he gets himself in serious trouble. An anonymous benefactor offers him help in return for weekly emails describing events of his life. Jean Webster's "Daddy-long-legs"/TWD fusion. COMPLETE.
This is really good I dont know why I want to say human disaster Glenn but im  gonna. I think its cause it references marvel hawkeye but also Glenn kind of is.
Word Count 20,552. Pairing Daryl/Glenn.
something keeps pulling me back to you  By  wardeness
 Daryl Dixon sat on the steps of his porch, elbows resting on knees as he sharpened his knife. Katydids called around him in a chorus of chirping crickets, the sound only interrupted by the rhythmic scratch of metal on stone. The heavy air—a sure sign rain was coming, Daryl predicted—felt moist and honeyed against his bare arms. The evening was calm. Peaceful, even.
 Peaceful, that was, until Jesus appeared.
AU after 6x11. Slow burn.
Super cute .Super fluff.
Word Count 64,037 . Pairing Daryl/Jesus
Daryl's Addiction By  DestielHardcoreLove @bugandkitlove
Paul had no clue what was going on.  It seemed as if every time he turned a corner he would find Daryl on his knees with someone different from the community.  He didn't know what to make of it, what to even think but he did wonder how to get on it himself.
This was just really funny to me. Instead of talking I’m gonna make sure you catch me blowing the town.
Word Count 7,702. Pairing Daryl/Jesus
  Against the Dying of the Light  By   LottaCharlene
After escaping Terminus, Rick's family is at their strength's end. When the walls of yet another community loom over their heads, they must decide if they take the risk to seek refuge in this new community. They are met with a strange tradition that they are still willing to follow through for the sake of their family's well-being. Soon enough, they realize that they found a place that they could call home again. But the peace is treacherous and yet again they have to fight for their freedom and the lifes of the people they love.
Unexpectedly, Daryl is the one that has to fight for more than just his family.
So very good and sweet and sad and Gregory is a nut sac but you already knew that. Also I fucking love arranged marriage fics.
Word Count 108,454. Pairing Daryl/Jesus.
 Ripples on a Black Shore  By  Mugatu
For Daryl Dixon the world ended days before it did for almost everyone else, and it was heralded with a prerecorded phone message instead of a bang.
An AU fic where Daryl met Paul several years before the apocalypse.
Kind of sad but with a happy ending.
Word Count 200,540. Pairing Daryl/Jesus.
 Cross Your Fingers  By  starclipped
Daryl finds himself wrapping his fingers around Paul’s wrist before a bandage can be pulled from the tattered box. And Paul peers at him when their skin touches, fierce eye to fierce eye, with… with such veneration. Daryl wouldn’t know that feeling if he saw it, he thinks he’s seeing it now and he can’t believe it, but he can sure as hell feel it; rolling off his hippie ninja in waves, seeping into Daryl’s soul. A gasoline soaked rag, simply waiting to be set aflame. That's what he's become. He swallows the foreign emotions that suddenly make him feel too big for his body.
So very good and kind of sad worth the read for sure!
Word Count 204,186. Pairing Daryl/Paul
 Finders, Keepers  By  Joel7th
Jesus came to Alexandria to do trade and to see a certain grumpy hunter. However, he didn’t see said hunter; instead, just outside the walls of Alexandria he found a black cat – wait, was that really a cat?!
I found this so funny!
Word Count 10,148 . Pairing Daryl/Jesus
 All you need is twinkling stars and ancient cities  By TooRational  @toorational
Daryl Dixon of all people turns out to have the Ancient gene.
Go figure.
Or: The unlikely tale of a redneck from Earth and a Runner from the Pegasus Galaxy, and how they fell in love.
I fucking love Stargate Atlantis Crossovers and this was amazing !!!!
Word Count 16,454. Pairing Daryl/Jesus
 Help Wanted  By  Scababagorn
Daryl Dixon hasn't believed that he deserved to be who he really is. He hasn't ever felt safe enough. Is the reason that so many of the people he loves are dead. And then, suddenly there is a man named Jesus. And he likes to call Daryl "Dixie"
Cute,cute, cute I love it!!
Word Count 22,618. Pairing Daryl/Jesus
 if the world should break  By  transstevebucky @gaydaryl
It's not like Daryl hates the guy. It's exactly the opposite.
Very cute. Be mindful of the tags daryl gets outed without his permission.
Word Count 36,343. Pairing Daryl/Jesus
 Misunderstandings in a Car Crash By  Neeka
Misunderstanding. [mis-uhn-der-stan-ding]
Noun 1. Failure to understand correctly; mistake as to meaning or intent
Warning: Does not mix well with love and may lead to heartbreak
Dude like super sad face for like half of this but it gets less sad .
Word Count 18,614 Pairing Daryl/Jesus.
 Breaking the Cycle  By  AidaRonan @bisexualstarbucky
Daryl's life seems to follow a cycle of pain and violence. So when he starts falling for his new roommate, he's more than wary about what it might mean.
But sometimes breaking a cycle means making a choice.
So very cute a little sad also be mindful of the tags.
Word Count 7,416 . Pairing Daryl/Jesus
 Fables of the Reconstruction By  Mugatu
It’s more than two years after the end of the world and six months after the war with the Saviors when Daryl Dixon returns to Alexandria.
This is just so good holy crap and glenn lives which makes it even better!!
Word Count 91,918.  Pairing Daryl/Jesus
 You're Like Me (a goddamn idiot)  By  yellowhairedrobot
Jesus tilted his head to the side. “If I tried to kiss you right now, would you kick my ass?”
“Yes,” Daryl answered, way too quickly.
This is funny and gives me extreme second hand embarrassment.
Word Count 6,395. Pairing Daryl/Jesus
 the streets are full of strangers  By  smilebackwards @smilebackwards
When Deanna asks Daryl to leave Alexandria, he meets Paul on the road a little earlier.
I would like to say cute-meet . lol its very good and very cute.
Word Count 11,563 . Pairing Daryl/Jesus
There is also a podfic for this.
     [Podfic] the streets are full of strangers  By  Boompowkablam   @boompowkablam
Length 1hr 7 mins
  a heart that's on loan  By  smilebackwards @smilebackwards
Aaron and Daryl discover Hilltop on one of their scouting trips and find that the community has an interesting throwback custom for establishing alliances: marriage.
Word Count 11,686.  Pairing Daryl/Jesus
 Just Another Day  By  PezzieCoyote                   
What if Daryl was the one in charge? How would things be different? And what secret is he hiding?
Supernatural elements you know besides the zombies .
Word Count 9,950. Pairing Daryl/Jesus
  Escape  By   AbigailHT, TooRational  @toorational @abigailht
  By the time the song starts drilling into his head worse than the headache, he's come to the conclusion that he can't do much.  There's no way to get out unless someone unlocks the door, and even if he could, he has no idea where he'd go once he's out anyway. Nor has he any idea who has him. Or why. Or where. Or where home is. Or—Basically, he doesn't know anything, and even the things he does know are mostly instinct and completely unverifiable anyway.He's contemplating sitting back down again — he'll have to do it at some point, if only to preserve his strength, but the cold, and the dirt, and he's naked, his skin crawls at the mere thought — when the song shuts off abruptly.
Or: The Saviors' latest prisoner isn't quite what he seems.
Its just like everything you ever wanted out of Jesus in the show. So good a tiny bit sad.
Word Count 6,894. Pairing Daryl/Jesus
There is a podfic for this.
  Escape  By  Boompowkablam @boompowkablam
Length  45 minutes.
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thewalking-negan · 5 years
Season 10, Episode 8 (Mid-Season Finale) ♡
hi! i’m sorry but i’m not going to write a review for last episode, i’ve written half of it but i didn’t write it while watching the episode and i’m too busy to rewatch the whole episode so i’m sorry!! anyway - i’m late but i’m still here! life has been pretty hectic these past few days but i’ve finally been able to sit down and watch this episode (only two days late 👀) so enjoy!!
- alpha talking to dante at the spikes fucking makes me so angry!!!
- i swear to god i’m so angry right now
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- i’m not over it and i will never be over it
- they talk spanish together..i kinda love that.
- “we‘re having a hot romance didn’t you know?” fuck off
- i love her so much. she is so strong.
- gamma is kinda cute. she loved her sister and lost her nephew.
- aaron i love you.
- daryl punching dante. i clapped so loud.
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- dante killed siddiq because he found out who he was. that was it.
- i can’t wait to see dante die. honestly i cant wait.
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- “he treated gracie.” aaron you are cute.
- judith is so cute. that hat makes me cry.
- luke is a good character, i don’t care what anyone says, i like him.
- “or you wanna see jules?” judith yes!
- judith is a little reader and i love that. reading is such a valuable skill.
- my heart is breaking. i can’t deal with siddiq. it hurts.
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- “hey what’s your name man?!” luke omg
- no no no i won’t cry at this funeral. i can’t i’m sobbing lads.
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- carol and ezekiel are talking. please tell her about your tumour!!!!
- “you need help?” yes she does.
- be careful rosita please..
- eugene to the rescue. please hug her..please
- i couldn’t care less about dante’s story. his fake story. jimmy could be real or fake, i don’t actually give a fuck.
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- “how’s sweet pea?”
- this death is gonna drive gabriel and rosita apart and i might not be able deal with that.
- gabriel is being a twat. fuck off actually. support your girlfriend gabriel!
- gracie is so big omg i’m gonna cry.
- aaron is the best dad. he is adorable.
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- the stories that aaron tells are amazing. he loves gracie so much and he is so brave.
- aaron be my dad please, i need one 👀
- the licence plates that aaron collected
- i don’t think that guy at oceanside is a whisperer, he probably is part of the boat group that michonne is with in the comics.
- why is it so hard for parents to watch their children in this show? 😂
- “his daughter won’t know him.” stopppp my heart hurts.
- gabriel might be redeeming himself but he was still horrible to rosita
- you know how it is, kill someone, go for a walk in the rain.
- that shot of gabriel coming out of the cell and rosita staring at him.
- if connie and daryl don’t kiss by the end of this season i will freak out.
- carol and daryl’s relationship is precious and i love them. that hug had me in tears.
- “she’s a dead woman anyway.”
- daryl you are breaking my heart.
- i’m very emotional tonight.
- gabriel is burning the body. he has redeemed himself in my eyes.
- judith is a sassy little girl.
- i don’t think this guy is bad. honestly i might have too much belief but i think he’s a good guy.
- “your daughters a little demon with a sword.”
- “may my mercy prevail over my wrath.”
- i want that tattooed on my arm ^^
- michonne crying because siddiq and rick said that has me crying.
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- this guy better say his name because i want to know who he is. (UPDATE HE SAID HIS NAME!)
- nuclear bombs? yes please.
- this is how she is gonna die. michonne is gonna go to the base and never come home. i can’t deal with that. don’t make rj and judith orphans please.
- i don’t think mary is lying. alpha might have moved them because she knows gamma is talking to aaron.
- daryl just wants to find his daughter
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- michonne and judith dating goodbye is gonna make me cry.
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- “be good for uncle daryl.”
- i’m sorry but if i had to say goodbye to my mum i would be sobbing and i’m an adult!
- that shot with the BOAT! i’m in love.
- omg my heart is racing
- carol you are really annoying me atm
well that was an emotional episode, i cried about three times buttttt have you seen that trailer?!?! naked negan? yes please. thank you for being supportive as always! especially @nrdixon - see you next season ❤️
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gayliensav · 6 years
the opening card of fear the walking dead is literally the most annoying sound to my overly sensitive ears
but im starting a rewatch, just gonna keep updating this post below the cut
S1E01: “Pilot” 
ahahhaha that millennial daughter of theirs not watching to eat gluten. Bet the local white moms who are casual watchers for Norman loved this joke
Alicia is the only character I have liked from the very beginning (besides like...Strand, but he wasn’t in the first ep)
Like I know everyone is up Madison’s ass (at least they were last time I checked and I’m a few seasons behind), but I don’t like her or Travis all that much
Nick changed for me, I used to hate him but he got a little better
Nick hating Travis???? A BIG FUCKING MOOD
Like I understand that as the viewers who watch TWD we’re supposed to be annoyed with their decisions, which is how I feel from the beginning, but I do realize that’s how they want us to feel.
“You need to take Christopher” “i DoNt WaNnA gO”
He’s literally asking his son, a teenager, to come and spend the weekend in the hospital with someone he barely knows, like what does he expect here??
the lead up draaaaags on for too long
*slams fist on desk* wheres isaac lahey
I think one of the main problems with the relationships in this show is that there’s no lead up and no development, they just immediately love each other. Like with Rick and Michonne, we had seasons of lead up, but not with these two. The writers of this are capable of writing good relationships, they just chose to drag these two heteros into the main stage without giving them any backstory in the beginning.
This liveblog is going to consist of me making quips and then actual analysis of stuff
i walked out of the room to go to the bathroom and didnt miss anything
this one kids got it covered, tobias is prolly still out there
thats what I expected Paul Rovia to be like at the beginning of the apocalypse. Everyone is like dicking around and hes like nah fam and yeets his body outta town
the whole show is on 123movies, btw, dont give amc the numbers by watching it on their site. They also don’t have the first few seasons available anyways, so
like why don’t they just go check the building instead of saying Nick was just drugged. Like I know he was high, but he saw dead bodies, they need to call the police and have them check that shit out. Instead Travis just goes there by himself. Ricky Grimes would not approve.
I forget how long until the actual apocalypse stuff happens, but I’m getting a teeny bit bored already.
“Something really bad happened there” “I don’t care” lmao WHAT, Madison????
I paused and 50 pop ups came up, thanks
you know alicia’s bf goes down
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they really teased us with an almost-zombie huh almost like they knew we were bored
fffff there aint a doubt in my mind that anyone from the pilot except tobias and alicia survived this show
nick’s yeetin outta here
Like the concept of being in a huge city during the beginning was great, but we didn’t really get very much of that. The first few episodes especially when Travis was trying to get Chris and was stuck in that barber shop was great. Like that’s one of the few episodes of this that really stick in my mind. Those crazy fucking scenes were great.
“there’s no bodies...they couldn’t just get up and walk away” lollllll what clever writers WE HAVE
Like I’ll give Travis credit, he did try to be a good dad and stepdad...just bad timing, not great decisions in the end of the world, etc. Like the one scene where he was swearing he’d drag Nick to rehab??? That scene got me feelin’ stuff.
lol a helicopter
 you know why all these kids aren’t in school??? their parents are anti-vaxxers
walkers walkers walker walkers LETS GO THERES A WALKER
“killshot, bitch”
that took way too long to be the first episode goddamn
S1E02: “So Close, Yet So Far” 
Ooooo cellphones are starting to go, shits getting good now
I’m like 30 minutes in and haven’t liveblogged anything, I’m bored
Well, that was that.
S1E03: “The Dog”
I hate this already because of the title we stan (1) TWD Dog in this house and his name is Dog Dixon
this star wars now???
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See, I’m a neutral gay who just likes to watch chaos. A chaotic neutral, if you will. So this episode is fucking WILD, like this is what I mentioned before.
the monopoly scene was wholesome
I guess I could see Paul joining in on this chaos for a bit until he realized oh shit this aint good chief THEN yeeting outta there
Fun fact, the truck they use for the first part of Fear is Daryl, Aaron, and Paul’s truck on the askjaaryl blog:
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The music while they’re driving is on fucking point, like it kinda sounds like that one TWD theme (the hopeful one) but remixed.
The scene where all the lights in the city go off PHEW poetic cinema
Madison: DONT LET IT IN! Nick: ITS A DOG! -- Daryl felt that
I frozzee I thought for a hot minute that it was Dog
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He a cutie tho
that poor doggo im so sick of this show’s treatment towards them like
if anything happens to Dog, I think Norman will quit and rightfully so
i feel like just a few people in the post-apocalyptic world where zombie movies dont exist were just blessed with the knowledge that you have to shoot the head
damn chris really didnt do shit and got a whole broken nose huh
so far, stan list: alicia, victor strand (he hasnt appeared but yyknow), and chris sort of
they need a doctor but she never went to school before the end of hte world is this how alex feels all the time
S1E04: “Not Fade Away”
The opening to this one always really stuck with me. Like it’s so normal but you know it’s not.
lol remember that time everyone freaked the fuck out thinking this was Carl
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I feel like Ophelia and this soldier dude would have one of those conversations where it’s like “what do you like about me?” “you’re beautiful” “is that it?” 
deadass don’t care if nick is over 18, she still hit her son who has an addiction he can’t control 
I think this is where I started to hate Madison. Instead of blaming the people who did it, she blamed Liza. Because that makes sense.
S1E05: “Cobalt”
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Strand out here scamming the heteros since before the apocalypse started
Paul Rovia and Victor Strand had a thing, you can’t change my mind
Everything but Strand’s scenes is boring to me and there is an extreme lack of those.
S1E06: “The Good Man”
Honestly, the relationship between Nick and Strand was really great.
“We’re gonna get along fine, Nick’s mom” is one of my favorite lines because like...it’s like a little kid talking to someone else’s parent, but he’s a grown ass man and he knows damn well how funny he is.
So wait did Ophelia die???
oop nope she good
lol she deadass apologizing that he got taken and not for beating her own son but OKAAAAAY
S2E01: “The Monster”
Here we go, a full length season this time. Let’s see how this goes.
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captain039 · 6 years
The girl with the bow chapter 12
Sorry guys its been so long but here it is!
Daryl dixon x reader
Sunmary: separated again you move to terminus everyone regrouped only to face new problems.
Warnings: gore, light swearing.
First the people then the walkers driving you out of your office home. Everyone separated again as you ran with Daryl. You couldn't handle this not being able to stay in one spot for longer then a week you wanted a break, like the prison a life, a home.
Eating squirrel and living in more fear was once again your life though you had Daryl, things felt like nothing went right like you weren't deserving of it. Moving forward like always your legs were tired your body drained physically and mentally, Daryl could see it always could he searched for a house town anything so you could rest. You both found a small gas station checking inside clearing iy before heading into the backroom boarding it up. You sighed sitting on the cold group Daryl out like he was shopping for food, you chuckled at the thought Daryl shopping. You snorted quietly as he came back something behind his back.
"Whats that?" You asked as he revealed a brand new compound bow you gasped looking at it as he handed it to you. You lost yours in the office damn people you smiled hugging him tightly as he grunted sitting down.
"Got some beans" he said you nodded as you started a small fire heating them up. You both ate in silence as exhaustion took over you.
"Get some sleep" Daryl said as you yawned.
"You need it too" you whispered as he rolled his eyes sitting next you. You put your head on his shoulder closing your eyes.
"Wake me at midnight or ill stick an arrow through your dick" you muttered as he tensed up seeing you smirk to yourself. He sighed as your light snores filled his ears he couldn't stay awake much longer he let his eyes close leaning his head against yours as he let sleep consume him.
Waking up you smiled hearing his small snores his head was resting on your shoulder now as you brushed his hair out of his face. It woke him up as you smacked yoursf mentally, you kissed him on the gead as he relaxed back down sighing.
"Told ya" you said he grumbled sitting up yawning and stretching.
"Lets get moving" he said you nodded grabbing your new bow. You both walked the rail way when you saw a map. TERMINUS it had in big writing, THOSE WHO ARRIVE SURVIVE written under it.
"They must be there" you whispered Daryl looked skeptical but followed your lead. Reaching Terminus in a day or too you were welcomed by a woman named Joe she showed you around when you found your people. You all embraced happy to be together once again. Like magnets always drawn back to each other. It wasn't to bad of a place walls, security, food it was almost like the prison. Something was off though you could all feel it but tried to ignore it happy to have walls. You went out one night taking watch when you spotted three men one with a bag over his head and being dragged. You frowned following them silently to a area you haven't been, you were told it was out of bounds now you knew why. They slaughter the man in cold blood as they did others lined up by a bath tub you covered your mouth in horror rushing back to your group.
"They're killing people for no reason" you whispered.
"The hell" Daryl muttered.
"See your all awake thanks to your friend here" a man said behind you, you were surrounded by guns you went for your bow cursing when you didnt have it. Reason why they took your weapons. You were stuck in a train carrige bound together as you mumbled against the rag in your mouth. You hugged pointing to the jaggered wood piece as Carl nodded slipping over quietly not to disturb the gaurd outside.
"We got Carol on the outside with guns" Rick said in a very hushed tone everyone nodded.
"How we get out there though?" Michonne asked.
"Working on it" Rick said as you sighed. Carl got free removing everyons mouth rags as you breathed in deeply.
"These people are killers no doubt they gonna come after us" Abraham said as you nodded.
"We kill 'em first and take their stuff" Rick said quietly.
"How about the part we get out?" You questioned when the door opened you were dragged out along with Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Glenn and Maggie. You fought but couldnt win as you were taken to the place those men and woman were killed. You saw the leader standing by the bath tub as everyone was sat down you shivered your eyes being covered with rag.
"Im sorry to do this but your a danger to us" he hissed as your breathing increased heavily you tried to lean into the closest person earning a kick to the side. You whimpered quietly hearing a raged grunt from Daryl.
"Stop" you whispered to him as he stolped moving panting heavily.
"I thought you were good people you know a big group surviving like that its impressive" the leader said as you rolled your eyes. It was trust a bond, family.
"Noe you'll die" he said when shooting rang out your blindfold slipped as you shook your head kicking your head back into the mans crouch everyone following. You all got free somehow missing the fire grabbing guns and knives as you shot down the people. You and Daryl went for the leader putting a bullet between his eyes. You got your weapons reclaimed leaving some people alive as you took medicine, food and other supplies.
"Anyone ever comes after us we'll make sure you go through hell" Rick growled as everyone nodded frightened. Another day another victory this time.
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Tags@jodiereedus22 sorry xD
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stuffandthingstwd · 8 years
For your follower appreciation promo- #62 for the drabble. My name's Anastasia, I'm 5'5", and I have long brown hair w brown eyes. I'm really nice and have a hard time being mean to people (unless you seriously piss me off. Then I am the biggest bitch in the world.) I love my family to death and I'd do anything for them. Im also quite bossy. Thank you ♥
I ship you with .. Daryl!
What drew me to ship you with him is that you initially are kind at heart and seem to be the person who would give someone a chance. Unless the mess with you or the ones that you love and then you aren’t afraid to stand up for yourself and them. I feel as if Daryl would appreciate your tender nature but would help you learn to hold your ground against those that only want to hurt you. Family is also important to the two of you as Daryl was loyal to both is brother and Rick/The Group no matter what happens. Daryl would feel safe having you be his partner and I know I’d feel safe with you being my friend!
#62 - “If you can’t sleep…can we have sex?”Daryl and yourself shared a lovely townhouse in Alexandria that was lined up nicely with the others and down the road from where Rick’s home was. The two of you laid in bed together and tried to sleep, you used to fall asleep with the TV on before the world ended and still had a hard time with falling asleep in the pitch black. Daryl next to you however had no problem with sleeping especially not having to worry about some undead freak trying to sink it’s teeth into your skin. But tonight was different as the archer was tossing back and forth, back and forth. His legs would twitch and bump into you slightly as you were trying to relax and get some rest. But Daryl literally couldn’t get comfortable so you finally rolled over to your side and propped yourself up on your arm. “So… if you can’t sleep..can we have sex?” you chuckled slightly, half kidding, half honesty. Daryl rolled over and was now facing you, “Well, if you can’t sleep either. Guess that’ll help us both.” as he grabbed a hold of you, rolling you on top of him, kissing your lips, and his fingers running through your brown hair.
Send me in a description and I will ship and write a drabble for you!
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I know this is super dark but im so in the mood for it: daryl and the group re-unite after daryl was taken captive and he's so messed up and broken that he tries to kill himself the group stops him tho
Similar prompt received: Can you write caryl 7x10but really angsty and daryl tells carol about glenn and abe and she tells himto not blame himself and stuff 
A/N I’m very sorry this took so long! Not used to writing dark fics so forgive me if it isn’t very good! Tried to incorporate Carol into this as appropriately as possible. Tried a different format of writing for this one, hope you like!xox
Do it.
Just…do it.
Take the gun, aim it atyour fucking head and pull the trigger.
Worthless piece of shit.
He slams his hands downon the table, shoving it away from himself in the same motion.
He wants to cry but hehasn’t earnt the right. Maggie has, Rosita, Sasha, Tara, all of them have, butnot him.
They haven’t takensomeone they love from him like he has them.
Although it’s notexactly like the woman he loves is here to save him like she has so many timesbefore.
No point denying what hefeels for her now, not that it matters…she’s gone.
Soon, he’ll be gone too,not that he even deserves an escape as sweet as death.
He can hear the doorhandle turning erratically, a few of them calling his name from the other side.
They’ve been doing thatfor a while now.
The tears spill over ashe strides over to the table, picking up the gun with blurred vision, as ifthis wasn’t even real.
It is.
He checks the chamberyet again, that one bullet still exactly where he left it, taunting him withthe possibility of release.
Closing it he tests theweight with his right hand, raising it with a strong arm to aim at his head.
This is the furthest he’dgotten with it so far.
Stop being a pussy, he thought to himself as his hand beganuncontrollably shaking.
The door was vibratingon its hinges now as someone tried to break in.
He didn’t even notice.
Everything around himwas white noise as his finger ghosted over the trigger, still not yet committed.
He swallowed knowing hehad to be all in.
His fingertip followedthe smooth curve of the trigger, pressure increasing as he went along.
Then he was on thefloor.
A pain came up his rightside as he made contact, was he dead?
He glanced at the gunnow halfway across the room on the floor a figure quickly scooping it up.
He wasn’t dead.
There were others aroundhim now, helping him sit, Rick crouched down in front of him.
“Daryl? Daryl!”
No response.
Rick’s hand went to hisshoulder making him flinch.
He could barely focus onwhat Rick was saying, tears misting up his eyes again.
“…and we found Carol…”
That’s all it took forhim to snap back.
“Carol?” he croaked, hiseyes now flickering up to Rick’s.
Rick gave a watery smilerelieved he’d managed to get through to him.
“Yeah,” he nodded, “at aplace called The Kingdom, she’s safe.”
Daryl let this sink in.
He had to go there.
He had to see her.
She was his salvationand if anyone could pull him out of this dark hole…it was her.
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Rules: Answer the questions, then tag 20 followers you'd like to get to know better. I was tagged by: @dark-creatures-of-the-night Name: Logan Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual🏳️‍🌈 Star Sign: Pisces Height: 5ft Hogwarts house: I'm not sure Favorite color: Green💚 Favorite Animal: horses(which I have one) and sea turtles(which I don't have any of🙁) Current Time: 3:16pm Cats or dogs: I can't decide Favorite Fictional Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, Lucifer, Bobby Singer, Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran, Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, there's so many more! Number of blankets I sleep under: 3, and ones camo and fuzzy. Favorite Singer/Band: Led Zeppelin, Kansas AC/DC🤘, Brantley Gilbert, Carrie Underwood also there are a lot more! Dream Trip: Hunting in Montana Dream Job: CIA agent When has this blog hit it's peak: I'm not sure what that means. Why did you decide to get tumblr: I wanted to find people that love supernatural as much as me and be able to share my writing with a wider range of people! When was this blog created: ummm two years ago now I think? Why did I pick my URL: because supernatural is my life and I'm part of he family business and always will be! I tag: @letsthedogpackandthecats @outerxorbit @lucifer-in-leather @just-a-wayward-dream @negansrighthandgirl @tacos-and-trenchcoats @mamaredd123 @attractiverandomness @phoenixia67 @salvatorexwinchester @growningupgeek @deansleather @im-a-candle-in-the-wind @ramblingsofakinkypsycho @sammy-moo @waywardimpalawriter @unamoosed-imagines @crowleysqueenandlucislover @spnfeelstrain @fangirlofeverythingme
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