#and ill make stuff functional if feasible as well
ghostwitchs-cc · 1 year
Hey folks, I’m working on importing a bunch of Alice Madness Returns models into the Sims 4 (and Tower Unite)
@mimoto-sims imported a lot of stuff already, but there’s some items I want that she and no one else has. I know the demand probably isn’t that high, but I figured I’d ask anyway! Just reply to this post, send me an ask, or DM me :)
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exlibrismortis · 4 months
Woman of Ill Fortune ✦ Naomi Misora Meta/Rant/Essay(?)
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I am always shocked by the unabashed cruelty of Light with Naomi Misora. (on an unrelated note: it feels impossible to call her just 'Naomi' and I blame the death note dub for having Light go Namoi Misora... every two seconds).
there's the obvious stuff: the tantalus-y way he dangles her promised call over her head. does she realise what he's doing? does she know? I've always wondered what the mindset of a Kira-controlled victim is. how it feels to have your will overwritten in that way. that's a cruelty in its own way. he killed her fiance with a heart attack. do we ever get a confirmation of what happened to her body? there's also the fact he played on a grieving woman's emotions, offered himself as a shoulder to cry on only to draw back and let her crack her head on the concrete.
but the worst part I think, is the fact he shifts back into the 'well-meaning kid' persona, moments after revealing his Kira-ness. not just because he gets to taunt her but because, it implicitly highlights (haha light(s)) the greatest cosmic cruelty of Naomi Misora: she was right. she was so close to being right and then she forces Kira's hand so much that he has to kill her, and conversely admit who he is, proving that she was, in fact, right.
while this is a powerplay on Light's part, I think the fact he has to make this decleration intrinscially shows how destabilised this off-duty FBI agent left him. he needs to reassure himself that Naomi Misora does not matter. and he does this by taunting her. by showing her that she is right, and she ultimately can't do anything about it. it's cockiness but as with a lot of Light's behaviour, it's also ultimately insecurity. and dread.
naomi misora scared light because she immediately and astutely threatened his cover, or maybe even just his sense of self: his ability to be topping-national-grades, kind, warm and helpful Light Yagami. because for a moment he's worried that it's not working, that the charm has run thin. so not only is it twisting the knife further when he says:
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with this great single panel dedicated just to the act of opening the phone, cementing the cruelty of it all by zeroing in on the means of his own undoing that Light literally held, literally had to juggle away from Naomi Misora's hands now triumphantly and definitively in his hands, it's also him reassuring himself that he can be Kira, and then smoothly reassert Light Yagami, without being challenged. His main threat can't respond, she has been effectively silenced. Her distrust of his 'good guy' persona, her suspicion which so immediately tore at the threads of his sense of the good Light Yagami - the sort of person Kira would never have to kill - is an existential threat to Light Yagami. he has to kill it. but more than that. he has to kill and then check that the fiction/fact of Light Yagami is still intact. that she can't turn around and call bullshit on his 'moral self' anymore. even in death she scares him. the fact of her murder could undo Light Yagami further.
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okay, light's really long finger aside (is that his thumb?? wow. incredible :] genuinely, love this sort of thing) look at the specific stipulations he puts forward for Naomi Misora. he doesn't just want to kill her: he wants her to have never existed. and more than that, because the death note functions off of what a victim could feasibly do, he weaponizes her insight, her abiltiy to uncover the truth, and uses it to bury her. he orchastrates her brilliant mind, her endless potential and turns it towards ensuring that she dies 'in such a way that nobody will be inconvenienced.'
the fact he has to check that he's still able to be Light, in ridiculously contrived circumstances, speaks volumes for Naomi Misora's single volume presence, and power. arguably in killing her he already proves he can't revert back to Light Yagami without Kira's supernatural powers which is !!!! interesting.
even if I regret her lack of presence and impact in Death Note beyond this point bitterly, there's just something about this moment. this little bundle of chapters that are treated almost like a prefiguring of L's apperance which had me absolutely engaged. it's the perfect fusion of plot and character. unfortunately it's entirely turned towards the building of Light's character. Naomi Misora is stoic and distant and intelligent and a plot device in service of a man and it's a reality that I struggle with. as is often the case with Death Note, the text and the themes seem to be running in tandem towards a super interesting coherence, only for things to become a bit arrested, a bit flat.
Naomi Misora could well have been L's inheritor. Or rather, perhaps she is his predecessor, narratively if not anything else, were it not for the fact that she has practically no interiority. In some ways, this is incredibly effective for tension: we have no idea what is going on inside her head, we have no clue what her plans are or what she's doing. in terms of the 'oh shit!' o'meter, it's high. but the fact that the mangaka, Ohba, felt that the best way to make a woman a threat was to close her off from any sort of interiority, to never show what she's thinking, or why she's thinking it, to never let her meet Light at the same level of mindgames as L is. infuriating. and a difficulty that is going to be continually encountered when thinking about female characters in Death Note, I think.
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I've realised another reason Naomi Misora can't be just Naomi. Naomi Misora is the header of a gravestone. It's the name in a report for a body that has been missing for months. It's a name in a Death Note, never to be thought of again. In speaking and writing it, I assert her existence in counter-point to Light's erasure, but also, I do so by his terms, I negate her personhood. We don't really get 'Naomi', desperate as I was to know her. There's a hint of it: a photograph on a wall, her cynicism, her genuine surprise at Light's bullshittery.
before L had even met Light, before he had the chance to strip him of his 'good' moral citizen persona, there was Naomi Misora.
thank God for another note.
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radiation · 9 months
hello! i just wanted to say following you for memes and silly goofy haha stuff ive come to realize how insanely talented you are at game design and rpgmaker and just wanted to let you know youve been a huge inspiration to me!! Speaking of rpgmaker, would you perhaps have any words of advice to people wanting to make games in that engine for the first time? ty!!
I keep forgetting to answer this but this is so sweet ;_; thank you so much for the kind words!!! It always makes me really happy when someone follows me for either Joke posts or Art/gamedev stuff and then realizes i do the other half too, and ends up liking that stuff as well. Its super fun
And Im not sure if youll see this but i'll offer my thoughts on RPGmaker too. Ill be repeating a lot of stuff ive said on da blog before but hopefully its still helpful and is more specific to this particular question
So as for RPGmaker, regardless of the version you use -- I use MV, but research and figure out whats best for you -- Id honestly just recommend screwing around in the engine. Start off making junk test projects where you just have fun testing different features. RPGMaker is pretty unique in that its a very "exploratory" engine to learn, theres a lot of tools there for you by default that you dont need coding knowledge to understand, and its really fun to familiarize yourself with them. So its easy and fun to spend a bunch of time making a bunch of horseshit that you dont plan on putting in an actual game as a way of learning
These are the tutorials i watched to figure out rpgmaker MV, very simple and fun. Id recommend just going thru something like these and making doo doo projects to see how it works. Like for example I relearned the engine by making shit like this using default assets. its way too fun.
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Once youre essentially familiar with how the engine works and youre like "hey why cant i do this extremely basic thing in the engine already" id suggest searching for plugins! Theyre scripts other people have made that expand what you can do in the engine. Here are all of the ones i use for my game.
I say thsi a lot but i think the most important thing as an RPGmaker developer, particularly one not super versed in coding, is planning your games around what the engine does best and what plugins you know are available. RPGmaker is very good at making what it expects you to wanna make. Its very bad at doing anything else. So if youre like "im gonna make this cool minigame" or "Im gonna make this crazy looking UI" and plan your game around the idea youll achieve those things its gonna be very very difficult for you to do that unless you get a programmer on board. And itll probably be kind of a pain for the programmer as well. Research how feasible it is to get a particular function in the game before you become married to that idea
Also as i always say, i really recommend starting with a tiny project! like take your conception of what a "small project" is and imagine it so much smaller that it seems ridiculously tiny and simple. And youll find that that alone takes way more work than you anticipated. But dont let any of this dissuade you too much, the most important thing is doing *anything* in the engine (and having fun with it). Its great to finish projects but if you end up not finishing one then its ok, you still learned a bunch from doing that
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actuallyadhd · 3 years
Hey!, so I’ve been thinking I might have inattentive ADHD. Like, I have many symptoms (I think), but I’m not sure if at the same rate that people with ADHD. I mean, I experience them but maybe as everyone. I still haven’t had too much trouble (except with lack of motivation, some executive dysfunction, daydreaming a lot, not paying attention, rejection dysphoria, and I think I may suffer from sensory overload sometimes but I don’t really know how to know what those are...), but I think that as I have anxiety (most likely) and as I’m a teenager and live with my parents, the symptoms are like hidden with schedules as I don’t decide when to eat. But I’ve noticed when I’m alone, I skip some dinners, have late meals... And also, online classes hasn’t helped with my attention span.
It’s weird, because I’ve always been the best or one of the bests students of my class, not behaving bad. Being “a pleasure to have in class” and all that, and for what I’ve seen, it’s not typical. And symptoms have appeared, or at least I have acknowledged them (that’s most likely), this last year. Except for fidgeting (that’s always been there), daydreaming and many times not being able to pay attention.
What I’m scared of is that when I get older and live alone, I’ll be a complete mess. I already deal with anxious and depressed thoughts, I don’t want to have it harder. And I can’t really ask my parents for help since they very anti-psychologists and therapists, and I think I cannot be mentally ill. So they always say I’m very lazy, which hurts me because I can’t help but be always really tired or restless (so I don’t know if this is procastination and I’m just lazy or actually ADD). But then again, is just the typical teen hormones and anxiety, or ADHD?
And anxiety doesn’t help with thinking I’m just faking this... I’m sorry I rambled, but I can’t really explain it well. I don’t even know what I would get from this, but I think it could help me to know what is wrong.
Sent March 23, 2021
This is a tough one. As you say, there are a lot of different things that could be going on here. It’s particularly rough when the people you need to help you seem like they’d rather just make value judgments. So I’m going to make a few suggestions that might help you, and you can see what sounds feasible to you.
So first I’m going to recommend talking to your parents in terms of what it feels like to have the struggles you do. You said you’re tired a lot, so if you’re getting enough sleep you can definitely mention that. Tell them that you’d like to see the doctor to talk about how you’ve been feeling, so you can find out what’s going on. If you’re sure they will resist any mention of mental stuff, just talk about things like low iron, which is not something you should supplement without talking to a doctor first.
The four biggest things that impact our functioning and emotional state, regardless of whether we have ADHD or not, are sleep, diet, exercise, and stress levels. If even one of those is off, things get harder.
Sleep. You probably need more sleep than you’re getting. If I recall correctly, adolescents require (on average) a minimum of 9 hours of sleep per night. If you’re not getting that, you might benefit from making adjustments to your sleep habits. (Side Note: If anyone would like a post about sleep, please let me know and I’ll see what I can do!)
Diet. It’s important to eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and protein in particular. Some people find that a low-carb diet is great for them, while others find that they really need those carbs. To me, what matters is that you get enough protein. There are a lot of important things that protein does for your body and your brain!
Exercise. Cardio is best, but it doesn’t have to be high-intensity or anything like that. The most important thing is that you do something every day. A simple 15-minute walk can help your brain more than you think! On top of that, when you find your focus really lagging, a 5-minute active break can be a huge help in resetting your brain so you can get back to work.
Stress Levels. This is hardest to control. It’s important to find ways to lower your stress levels when possible. It’s been a really rough year, and stress levels are high for everyone. I recommend finding a couple of simple, screen-free activities that you can do to relax in the lead-up to bedtime, like colouring or taking a hot bath. I also recommend exploring stimming, as this can help relieve stress in the moment and can also help you focus if you’re unable to take that active break I talked about up above. Things like fidget cubes, knitting, and playing with Silly Putty can be really great for this.
I hope some of these will help you, and I’m sure some followers will have more suggestions. Be sure to check the notes on this post!
Followers, you’re up! Do you have any more suggestions for this anon?
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Vampire Master-Guide
First of all I want to start off by saying I've gathered inspiration from MANY vampire medias. Fictions, games. The biggest influences are Vampire the masquerade (primarily bloodlines) and Vampire Knight (manga). As well as honorable mentions to Vampyr (game), Queen of the Damned (movie) and Van Helsing (movie, anime). So if anything sounds familiar, chances are it is. I highly encourage you to explore them as they are a few of my favorites.
Second of all this is going to be massive, so I'll be putting it under a cut. But it will be a comprehensive guide to my personal vampire lore that I've crafted and worked with through the years. If you like it, feel free to use it! I'd absolutely love to be tagged (so I can shower the creations with praise) but it's not required. I'm just out here making one more version of vampires that hopefully inspires you. There will be a couple different categories that I will touch base on.
History (this part is super short)
Physicality - Medical Information
Physicality - Appearance/Body
Mental Effects
Anything from my vampire lore will be tagged #vlor
Now follow me under the cut, lovelies. But please be Warned: We'll be discussing blood, violence, physical and mental illness. As well as regular vampire related things. If any of this could trigger you, please kindly skip this post because you're far more important to me!
The original vampire to walk the earth, cursed by the heavens was Caine. After committing the first murder, a blood-soaked punishment was to forever be banished to walk the darkness with a constant reminder of his crimes. Thirst. Craving for the same blood he shed against his own kin. The sin was carried through the years and he came upon another outcast kindred by the name of Lilith, cursed by God in a different way and hexed with powerful disciplines.
They bonded as kine and Lilith taught her chaos to Caine in hopes they'd rule together. In the end his nature stayed true and his now empowered wrath befalls Lilith, committing murder yet again and taking her life.
To feed upon and be fed, was a now animalistic instinct that spoke louder than supposed human nature ever could. And thus the curse spread. To anyone that drinks from the tainted or is bitten by a rabid, is surely to bear it at the final heartbeat. The path to redemption is sealed but survival is nearly infinite. So long as the beast is obeyed and satisfied, there is no constraint on lifespan. They will be damned to an eternity enslaved to thirst.
(Primarily from VTMB but I really like the idea of it being some sort of ancient curse from the gods so I thought I'd include this tiny historical bit. Onto the good stuff.)
Physicality - Medical Information
Vampires are anemic, let's just establish that all vampires are what modern day medicine would consider anemia. But they also have super aggressive red blood cells that function x100 that of human white blood cells. All in one combo of super cells. No illness spreads. No disease can contract, nothing can live in their system. They don't fall ill with colds or flu. STD's aren't feasible. Their systems are far too strong and combative to infections, bacteria.
Their integumentary systems regenerate about x200 - x300 times faster. Within seconds (if there is or has been fresh blood in the system recently) their skin regenerates and goes even beyond that. Mere hours and limbs grow back, bones realign.
Vampires don't have functioning organs. (If they are turned from humans they are there but they don't work and will eventually wither.) Hearts don't beat, lungs have no need for air.
Vampires can't drown. They don't breathe and even if water fills their lungs, they would be weighted down but not die. They also don't float like humans do naturally.
Vampires can go out in the sun but they have hard times with sun poisoning. Think of a sunburn but more like a rash. They can't process the vitamin D very well and almost all of them have trouble with getting severely burnt very rapidly or having a rash from the sun. Prolonged exposure can make them feverish, nauseated and give them body cramps and fatigue. Even longer can make them violently ill and can essentially melt their skin. It can be healed but takes longer.
Staking their hearts immobilizes them but does NOT kill them. They can be detained this way and it is excruciatingly painful. But it doesn't kill you.
Vampires can't eat food. Only few can consume liquids aside from blood. They have no ability to digest it and no longer make acid. They'll usually heave it up along with whatever blood content is left in their gut.
They have perfect eyesight, hearing, hyper senses of taste and smell. Touch is extremely sensitive as well. Their skin isn't fragile, in fact it's a bit thicker than average skin from how fast it regenerates and is constantly maintaining itself.
They are very resistant but not impossible to scar. Scars from human life are erased with first turning.
Vampire blood tastes like flat soda or icky, room temperature tap water. Unpleasant to other vampires but in a desperate pinch, it will sustain but nowhere near as good as foreign blood does. Even animal blood takes better care of a vampires system than another body of recycled blood. (Think of it as they've already taken the good stuff out of it for their own bodies so all that's left is the taste and a few stray nutrients.)
Vampires fangs grow back indefinite. At about x10 the rate of humans losing and replacing their first set. No matter what comes of them, their fangs will always grow back. No other teeth mutate like this.
Fangs lengthen and retract when around blood or not. It's not something that can be helped or even trained out. When blood is present, fangs will lengthen even if there is no intention to feed. Automatic reaction and a painful one at that. They get used to it but it's a sharp pain like having a human tooth extracted but it doesn't have prolonged swelling or discomfort. Only when getting longer or retracting back in.
Whenever they're in bloodlust or a state of starvation, they gain a sense of x-ray vision but instead it's vein mapping. They can see through skin to arteries and if it's severe blood lust, they can even see the smaller, tinier veins in fingers and faces. This is a sight that ever vampire possesses in order to obtain blood easier or figure out a good place to bite. Anything that is living will be seen in a structure of veins. Animals, humans, other vampires.
Severing the brain stem from the body is one of the few sure-fire way to kill a vampire. Alternatively burning them to pure ash and scattering them or holding them in separate vessels. (If ALL ashes are contained somehow and mixed with fresh blood, there is a reanimation process so beheading them is more permanent.) Silver weapons or exposure to silver prior to wound can result in death as well.
Alcohol is SUPER effective when they drink it. Think of one shot making them drunk because it hits their bloodstream almost immediately. A double would have them seeing double and acting like a hot mess. 3+ for even the beefiest of men would have them blacked out and vomiting on the sidewalks.
Drugs effect them but only in extremely high doses and for nothing really over 2 hours or so. Short, short longevity but they have the same crash that humans do. If it's hard detoxing symptoms for humans, it's the same but faster. They can do a hard drug, feel the high for maybe 1 - 2 hours and immediately go into hallucinating and shaking from the aftermath. The same goes for Pharmacia. There's really no medicine that works.
Garlic is a myth. So is wolfsbane.
Silver on the other hand is a very real, very deadly weapon that still rings true. A single pinprick of a silver sewing needle and it can render a vampire powerless. Slow them down to the speed of a human, take away their rapid healing and remove all of their heightened senses. Silver directly into the bloodstream essentially renders them as they were before they turned in physical response and structure. It's the only metal that burns vampires skin and will char it if it sits in one spot for too long. Silver is the only kind of metal that can forge chain that vampires cannot break and can successfully be restrained in. Any wounds inflicted in silver take longer to heal.
They can't reproduce after being turned. Purebloods + Purebloods are the only exception and it's still extremely rare. (Only 9 children born in over 2,500+ years.)
Physicality - Appearance/Body
Whatever color their eyes are, blood-lust accentuates the brightest color. I.e: Brown eyes turn Yellow/Gold, Blue eyes turn White/Purple exct. (Different powers can change this depending on the vampire and their history, sire.) Just think neon, glowing eyes in the dark if they're thirsty or hunting.
They stay frozen in whatever physical appearance they're turned in. Their metabolism is whack so they don't really lose or gain weight, it's down to cosmetic changes or cosmetic surgery. Which at least it heals flawlessly and doesn't ever change. But there aren't many options for personally invested physical change.
Their hair and nails grow super fast.
Vampires usually have the hair color they have when they are turned but around 15% experience graying or whitening of their hair within a few days of turning. Due to a semi-common genetic string in humans.
Vampires don't tan. They burn. No matter what their skin color is. Most are the palest/pasty tone of their natural skin color merely due to anemia and lack of blood circulation.
They don't blush or show physical signs of fever.
Vampires don't sweat or flush when exerting or exercising. They don't have to regulate their body temperatures.
They get dry skin pretty often and it's important to combat it with baths and soaks and lotions/oils whenever possible.
They are usually a lukewarm body temperature. As low as 15°C|59°F to as much as 21°C|69.8°F.
Every vampire has a certain amount of charming allure to them. In whatever form or fashion suits them the best, it's a natural attractant to their human counterparts. A glint to their eyes, a certain smile, the pitch or timbre of their voice. Endearing, seductive, mysterious, whichever shines through in their personality. They are magnetic, attractive to the human eye, no matter what they tend to look like.
They can see themselves in aluminum coated mirrors. Just not silver.
Mental Effects
There is a staggering 95% probability that 'created' vampires will have amnesia unless turned by a pureblood/noble/king/queen/high ranking blood vampire. They remember nothing of their human lives and this is extremely common. It's actually very rare to remember anything prior to your awakening. (That's why there are usually strict laws about siring without consent and proof of consent.)
It is very easy for vampires to be blinded by fits of rage when starving for blood. They can fly into blind anger and attack people they normally wouldn't or even foes they have no chance of winning against. Depending on their remaining strength when this tipping point of starvation happens; it can be extremely dangerous to be around.
Most turned vampires suffer a psychotic break in their early turning years. (Between 6mo and up to 25 years of awakening age. I.e: from the date of being bitten.) The brain is the last thing to be altered in the physical process and because of this, it's believed that their mental state has to crumble to be built better. It's unknown as to exactly why this happens but it's almost guaranteed. It's the vampire equivalent of 'adolescence'.
Over 75% of vampires experience periodic depression and random bouts of sadness. Another 39% live with bouts of mild to moderate psychosis. (This has been suspected to happen because of the physical stasis and improper circulation of chemicals/hormones/exct. Many believe it's because of the guilt of their King, Caine.)
Mental illnesses that aren't born from physical imbalances are in cases of amnesia, cured. Those that are chemically related are usually worsened by the stagnant physical changes of vampirism. It's rare that those with amnesia remember their traumas or emotional upsets after turning.
The "amnesia" of turning is the death of a human psyche. With the staggering rate of permanent amnesia, it is hard to figure out exactly how it happens but it's widely known.
Humans are not fully aware of vampires. This still rings true with the fear of world war and or wiping out the human race given their species.
There is a high society "government" type of monarchy. Each clan or type of vampires has a leader "elder". This is usually the oldest vampire to date of that specific type. Sometimes it's a group or a family of elders. In most modern day they have adapted to a more "presidential" route and have to establish themselves as leader types to be considered for any kind of law making or enforcement. (I.e: Noble bloodline, diligent efforts of servitude such as public service, military or other.)
There is a strict law against turning humans. Vampires are required to have clearly given consent and the process is to be looked over by an elder or enforcer. They must show strenuous documentation of that persons preservation in the name of probable amnesia. They must have a comprehensive processing of that persons interests, personality traits, societal standing, proof of occupational termination, familial status and situational agreement. (Basically they don't want humans forgetting their lives entirely and they want to make sure that they are able to move somewhere or hide from their families until they're well trained enough to be around them again. It's a very long to legally accomplish it.
Every city handles turning differently. Some require the sire to pay the death penalty and others are strictly against killing the one person responsible of their turned kindred.
Vampires are in every day jobs, doing anything and everything that humans do. From trash collecting, to law and doctors. Fame, fortune, poor, criminal; they all live as many walks of life as humans do.
Anti-vampire establishments are alive and well. Most are run by other vampires. Some humans share their beliefs but most typically it's a resounding amount of vampire extremists. This is legal due to the fact that they try to adhere and coexist for their sanctions ordinance. Helping enforce justice for their regions and implore an opposing force for rampaging vampires or other law breaking kindred.
Most human killings are covered up, tampered with or has someone on the inside working on doing both. It's a constant job but a needed one to keep their existence safe from being proven.
There is a massive shortage on vampire doctors serving other vampires or studying from what little information there is on vampirism. The ratio looking like 1 to 300. 1 doctor for every 300 vampires.
The most vampire dominated and lucrative occupations are generally law, publishing and sex working. There are 3 vampires with these jobs to every human worker.
Here is an additional post about how vampire blood would effect humans.
So that was everything I could think of for the time being. I may continue to edit and update this as I have time or I think of something that I haven't touched base on yet. But this is just the general lore I work with when I do write about vampires or when I think about them in general. Feel free to skip certain parts or like.. adapt it however you'd like. I made this to more so inspire people not to show a list of HOW things should go. Take of it what you like and ignore what you don't! Add more if you think of something!
Some of it gets a bit random but it's still things that I've either incorporated in some unpublished fics or talked about with some friends or just fantasized about in general. There's bits and pieces in all media for vampires that I really enjoy and I think every new style spins something different and makes for wonderful content!
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thebibliosphere · 4 years
Hi Joy! I'm sure you've answered this a lot, so I apologize in advance, but as someone that has migraines every two to three days, I was wondering how the green light treatment has been working for you, how much it was to start that, and if there are any medications I can talk to my doctor about?
Hello friend, sorry to hear you are also dealing with the migraines from heck.
So I started the green light project on my own after reading about it on NPR. The researcher stated that the type of lights he used to start the experiment was a simple string of green lights, the kind you might find on a holiday tree and that even exposure to those seemed to help people before he moved on to his super intense green light lamp. The study also stated that the individual needed to spend 2-3 hours minimum I believe in front of the lamp in the dark to get the full benefit of this treatment. Which isn’t feasible for everyone, but I work for myself so I figured what the heck and bought myself a set of string lights off Amazon for $20 figuring I could afford to spend 20 bucks on something that may or may not be a bust. 
I will not link to the exact model as Tumblr keeps hiding posts with external links, but the kind I got was advertised as:
LED Strip Lights USB Powered abtong Rainbow Color LED Lights Strip LED TV Backlight Strip with RF Remote Color Changing Strip Lights LED Rope Lights Waterproof IP65 LED Lights 2M 6.54FT
Needless to say, I don’t use the rainbow function or any of the fancy flickering patterns cause migraines. I just leave it set to green and that works well for me.
I wrapped them around my monitor, as this is where I am exposed to the most blue light, which is a well-known migraine trigger. Switching out my old light source for this green light had an immediate effect on my eyes and general feeling of visual fatigue and exhaustion, and after about a week of no headaches, I went the full hog and started changing all my LED screens to have a green tint rather than blue. I’ve also removed a lot of blue light sources from my home in general, and noticed a drastic improvement in my rate of headaches and also the severity.
It has gotten to the point where I am no longer taking medications for the migraines I’ve had since I was 11 years old and am able to use pain killers for them with some effect. Whether this is a combination of other aspects of my health improving (very likely) and the lights, it’s hard to say, but I do believe the green light experiment is helping, both with my physical ailments and my ADHD/depression in general. It’s just a much more calming light. I have also noticed that when I do go back into an environment that uses predominantly harsh blue light, I get eye fatigue/strain and more headaches. So say if I go into ETD’s work to help him out with stuff, I’ll get a migraine unless we shut most of the lights off. Which isn’t really ideal when you’re putzing around trying to get stuff done.
Since starting this experiment I’ve had 2 whole migraines in as many months, as opposed to several migraines a week, which has been my norm for decades. I can’t say if this will work for everyone, but it does seem to be helping me, and I plan to keep doing it and documenting my results as I go.
As for medications, I’m not really sure, as none of the medications I was ever rec’d really worked. (We now know this is because of my other complex illnesses, and my body not absorbing the medications properly.) My best suggestion would be to ask to see a migraine specialist if you haven’t already, and try to pinpoint the root cause of your migraines if at all possible, and target that. Things to keep in mind are that for some people, hormonal birth control pills or hormone therapies can make migraines worse, as can some SSRI anti-depressants, and anything that contains caffeine, though the reverse is true, and some people actually find these things helpful. For me personally, I know that certain PPI medications make my migraines worse. Bodies are both neat and frustratingly weird! If your root cause can’t be determined, you may need to see a pain specialist to determine which medications might be a better fit for you.
Sorry if this sounds like a cheery WebMD article, but I’m trying to make this post as universal as possible so I can hopefully use it again if tumblr doesn’t bury it. I hope some of this was helpful for you, and I wish you all the best in the ongoing battle against migraines
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rwby-redux · 4 years
Worldbuilding: Geography
Full disclosure: I hated doing this post. Not because the writing was difficult or the topic was boring—far from it. No, the reason I hated doing this was because I got sucked into a wikihole. I started out researching climate zones, and ten hours later I was reading an article about Icelandic hot spring rye bread (which is called hverabrauð by the way and you should absolutely check it out). I only realized what time it was when I looked out my window and saw the sun starting to rise. Try to picture what my sleep schedule has looked like for the last few days, and you can see why I might be just a smidge upset.
Sorry. Where was I?
Ah, yes: geography. The bane of cartographers everywhere. If you’ve ever dabbled in writing stories with a non-Earth setting, you’ll know that one of the most fundamental aspects of worldbuilding is the lay of the land. Even before you’ve started working on the cultures of your fictional people (or hell, even the plot), you need to develop the locations. Any writer worth their salt will correctly tell you that geography dictates who the characters are, what the story’s about, when major actions occur, where the major story beats take place, why things progress the way they do, and how certain steps are achieved.
Want an example of this? Take a look at the geography of Avatar: The Last Airbender and how it influenced the Fire Nation’s culture and resulting imperialistic conquest: [1]               
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A geographic map of Avatar: The Last Airbender depicting the four major countries: the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, Water Tribes, and Air Temples. | Source: Imgur.
The Fire Nation, being located on a volcanic archipelago, was able to jumpstart its industrial revolution decades before anyone else, courtesy of access to natural resources such as coal and metal ore deposits (which were disproportionately scarcer in the other countries). This abundance of minerals was reflected in gold being commonly incorporated into Fire Nation royal attire, and the Fire Nation boasting some of the most proficient blacksmiths and swordfighters in the world (like Piandao).
Being an island nation, their culinary staples included aquatic and marine species such as waterfowl, fish, cephalopods, crustaceans, bivalves, and seaweed.
The mountainous regions of the Fire Nation made the land ill-suited for agriculture, which likely influenced the development of an oceanic trade route. This allowed for the import of otherwise-unavailable resources from the Earth Kingdom.
The trade route helped to reinforce a unified state by connecting all seaports, trading outposts, and settlements in the archipelago to the major urban capital. This interconnectivity created economic advantages, and solidified a sense of cultural unity and loyalty to the nation by making communication (via ship and messenger hawk) direct and expedient.
The navy emerged as a natural outgrowth of the oceanic trade route. Martial vessels would have been necessary for protecting merchant ships from pirates, collecting taxes from provincial settlements (because navies have steep operating costs), and enforcing the laws of the central authority. Similarly, as an island country, the only way the Fire Nation could have feasibly been harmed is through a naval attack, which would have given it the incentive to cultivate a naval defense.
At the beginning of the Hundred Year War, the Fire Nation seized control of the northwestern Earth Kingdom because the region was rich in resources that they would need to sustain themselves if they were going to survive without international trade.
Their technologically-advanced navy and control of the major oceanic trade routes allowed the Fire Nation to orchestrate blockades, quickly transport troops and equipment between places, and limit the tactical movements of the other countries.
To say that geography dictates the story is an understatement—without it, the story wouldn’t exist. Good writing and likeable characters can only do so much to save a story that lacks this crucial component of worldbuilding.
So, how does this apply to RWBY?
In order to talk about that, first we have to address the unusual way that Remnant’s map was designed.
Back in 2012, while out at an IHOP with Shane Newville, Monty Oum had the idea of squirting a ketchup bottle into a napkin, crumpling it up, and then unfolding it to reveal the blotchy proto-topography of Remnant. His reason for doing so, as he explains:
“The philosophy behind [making the map that way] is that, I feel like, as a 3D animator […] utilizing all this technology, our process—all these computers, all these numbers and stuff—our process is so artificial, it’s riddled with so much artifice, that not only for that, but for everything else I do, I try to imbue kind of like an anarchy, an anarchic-like chaos, just to give it some sense of, like, randomness. Like, you need to preserve that sense of chaos because the process we do is so robotic. […] But the important thing was, like especially with everything that we just raise in our production value, that you have to preserve that anarchic energy that influences everything you do.” [2]
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The original terrain map created by Monty Oum. | Source: RWBY Wiki contributor user:Sgt D Grif.
You’d be hard-pressed to disagree with the artistic merit of this design approach. There’s a simplistic elegance to be found in a creator forfeiting a degree of their control over a project, in order to watch how it might organically evolve.
But here’s the thing: this isn’t like leaving slime molds in a petri dish and letting them network until they resemble Japanese subway lines. While anarchic chaos can work for some disciplines of art, it creates glaring issues when applied to worldbuilding. Nature, although it appears outwardly random, is actually rather ordered. The reason why we don’t leave our houses every day carrying umbrellas is because we don’t have to—we have meteorologists that can anticipate the forecast days or weeks ahead. Plenty of natural phenomena can be predicted: weather systems over vast areas, environmental selection pressures converging on similar traits…
And, of course, plate tectonics.
You see, the problem with Monty’s method is that it didn’t account for the movement of Remnant’s continents. Because the planet’s continents were born from artistic randomness rather than methodical and deliberate forethought, we have no reliable access to certain information, like atmospheric circulation, ocean currents, or plate boundaries. All three of these planetary subsystems—the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere—and their dynamics shape the geography of a planet.
Without this information, we can’t answer certain questions.
Was Lake Matsu formed by glacial retreat?
Are Vale’s mountains sitting on a convergent plate boundary? Or are they more like the Appalachians, which are the remains of the Central Pangean Mountains?
If Vale’s mountains were formed by convergent plate boundaries, then why don’t we see evidence of it in the forms of volcanism and earthquakes?
Is Vacuo’s interior desert formed by a rain shadow?
If Solitas’ geography is based on a polar ice cap, then how did early settlers survive long enough to excavate the Dust? How would they have dug through the ice and permafrost?
Has climate change ever resulted in changes in sea level that submerged or exposed the continents? Did early humans and Faunus move between continents by land bridges? Have rises in sea level ever hidden continents (like Earth’s Zealandia)?
Does Mistral’s capital rely on meltwater from the surrounding mountains for irrigating crops?
When the Younger Brother shattered the moon, did the lunar debris alter the landscape when it fell to Remnant? Was it like the Chicxulub asteroid that caused the K-Pg extinction? Did the lunar debris leave craters on the planet’s surface, or cause phenomena like impact winters and ocean acidification?
It bears mentioning that these questions pertain to real-life geographic concepts. This isn’t even touching upon fictional geographic concepts that RWBY introduced, like largescale Dust deposits altering the local environment in such a way that it functionally becomes its own ecosystem (like Lake Matsu’s floating islands). We’re also assuming that RWBY’s continental plates are capable of drift, and weren’t magically glued in place by the gods during the formation of the planet.
Given the scale of these problems, I think it’s safe to say that—while I can appreciate the artistry behind Monty’s design philosophy—the way he designed Remnant ultimately did more harm than good.
While I could spend all afternoon debating the pros and cons of condiment cartography, there are more productive things I could be doing with my time. Instead, I want to discuss Remnant’s geography as it currently is. Specifically, there are three questions I want to test:
How well does the geography hold up?
Does the geography have a realistic influence on society?
How well does the show integrate foreign geographic features into its worldbuilding?
As a quick disclaimer, I’m not an expert on any of the aforementioned subsystems. And because I don’t have any canonical information on Remnant’s atmospheric circulation, ocean currents, or plate boundaries, it becomes impossible to prove or disprove the realism of its geography. For now, we’re going to err on the side of caution and assume that Remnant is a planet with a functionally-analogous lithosphere to Earth’s, and that Remnant’s features are byproducts of such a system.
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The current geographic map of Remnant. It boasts five major continents (of which only four have been named) and multiple islands. | Source: World of Remnant, Volume 4, Episode 1: “Vale.”
How Well Does the Geography Hold Up?
To answer this, I used the Köppen-Geiger climate classification to categorize Remnant’s main landmasses (with the exception of the unnamed continent). This model organizes areas into distinct climatic regions based on seasonal precipitation and temperature patterns. The results I cobbled together are based on approximate latitude, ecosystems that we’ve seen in the show, canon maps, and comparisons between the continents and their real-world sources of inspiration (Asia for Anima, North America for eastern Sanus, Australia for Menagerie, etc). Here’s what I came up with:
SANUS: Tropical savanna (Aw/As), cold desert (BWk), cold semi-arid (BSk), hot-summer mediterranean (Csa), warm-summer mediterranean (Csb), humid subtropical (Cfa, Cwa), hot-summer humid continental (Dfa), warm-summer humid continental (Dfb)
ANIMA: Tropical rainforest (Af), area of tropical monsoon (Am), tropical savanna (Aw/As), desert (BWh), hot semi-arid (BSh), humid subtropical (Cfa, Cwa), subtropical highland (Cwb), hot-summer humid continental (Dfa), warm-summer humid continental (Dfb), subarctic (Dfc), Mediterranean-influenced subarctic (Dsc)
SOLITAS: Tundra (ET), subarctic (Dfc), ice cap (EF)
MENAGERIE: Tropical savanna (Aw/As), desert (BWh), hot semi-arid (BSh), humid subtropical (Cfa, Cwa), temperate oceanic (Cfb)
VYTAL: Subpolar oceanic (Cfb)
This isn’t perfect by any means, but I think it satisfies some lingering doubt about the credibility of the geography. Sanus’ interior desert, for example, could easily be a cold desert climate. The exterior band of foliage on the northern and western sides appears to be indicative of a rain shadow effect caused by a mountain belt (the conditions necessary for creating this climate type). We have evidence of there being nearby western mountains courtesy of the earthquakes in Vacuo, [3] as earthquakes often occur near mountain ranges created by subduction boundaries. Similarly, oases (like the one once found in Vacuo) tend to form in cold desert climates as the result of rain shadows (similar to the el-Djerid oases near the Atlas Mountains).
All things considered, I’m inclined to give the climate regions a tentative pass. Like I said, they’re not perfect, but they seem to be holding up so far.
Does the Geography Have a Realistic Influence on Society?
Ehhh. It depends. With Vale it’s hard to say, given how little we’ve seen of the areas outside the capital (like the Emerald Forest and Forever Fall), and the fact that we haven’t visited any other cities in the kingdom. We know that Vale makes use of a massive port for trade and travel due to the nearby body of water. But there doesn’t seem to be anything particularly unique about the capital’s culture that can be directly attributed to its geography. Despite being a coastal city, it doesn’t have any signature delicacies derived from the abundant seafood. The architecture is largely generic urban-Western, and doesn’t incorporate the mountains in any way. Vale’s geography is little more than a convenient buffer against the Grimm.
Mistral, on the other hand, is heavily influenced by the geography. All of its houses and shops are directly integrated into the mountains, with an emphasis on vertical building to accommodate the limited space on the cliffs. Stairs, bridges, and electronic lifts are used for getting around the city. Unlike Vale, Atlas, and Mantle, which use motor vehicles, Mistral doesn’t have the space to accommodate modern roads, and instead relies on railroad transport (like the Argus Limited) to move around the continent. Compared to Vale, Mistral is a vast improvement on how well the writers used geography to influence the culture of a city. However, I still think the show could’ve done more to strengthen this connection. For instance, we see evidence of cave systems in Mistral, which briefly appear on-screen and are never brought up again. [4] Talk about wasted potential. Additionally, the show never addresses how the Council keeps its citizens from falling to death. No joke, the only place in the city that has railings is the safehouse where Qrow and the kids stay. What the hell do people do in the winter when the stairs and paths ice over? How do they not slip and fall and plummet to their deaths? And while I’m thinking about it, why doesn’t the city have a system of ziplines or ski lifts for getting around? Are native-born Mistrali people adapted to the lower oxygen found at higher elevations? And what about Mistral’s agriculture? Do farmers live outside the capital? How do they protect themselves?
Like I said, Mistral is better than Vale in this department, but it could still do with more worldbuilding.
Atlas and Mantle are more akin to Vale when it comes to noticeable geographic influence—or rather, a lack thereof. While the technology accommodates its residents via the heating grid, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of how the geography shaped the people of this continent. You’d expect a circumpolar indigenous group to have very distinct cultural traits, but there’s none of that. It’s just rampant technological growth. Now, you could argue that any aspect of geographic influence on culture was wiped out around the time of the Great War. But if the show wants me to believe that, it needs to show me proof. Whether it’s a conversation between two characters, or a political movement spearheading cultural revitalization. Something—anything—that might hint at how geography influenced pre-industrial Mantle.
And forgive me if I don’t feel like speculating about Vacuo, given that it’s only appeared in After the Fall and Before the Dawn. When the show decides to unveil it, then I’ll have more to say.
As for Menagerie? Another resounding meh. The inherent intrigue of a settlement that shelters aquatic Faunus is never fully explored. We get to briefly visit the Shallow Sea district of Kuo Kuana, but the scene is too focused on Blake’s and Sun’s conversation to let us fully explore the area. Which is a shame, because a concept like that could easily be taken to some really cool extremes. Like, what about entirely underwater settlements that are built on coral reefs? How cool would that be for Faunus that have gills, webbed appendages, or caudal fins? I’m not expecting Zootopia or anything like that, but it’d be neat if settlers had gone to creative extremes to accommodate the wide variety of Faunus traits.
How Well Does the Show Integrate Foreign Geographic Features into Its Worldbuilding?
In Volume 5 we’re introduced to Lake Matsu, an area rich with naturally-occurring superterranean Gravity Dust. What makes this place so intriguing is the fact that the Dust is in a constant active state, causing the islands to float in the air. Given that Dust is usually inert unless activated by an Aura, the existence of this place is frankly astonishing, and for the life of me I don’t get why the show treated it as little more than set dressing.
This phenomenon—which I’ve taken to calling a Dust vortex—has so much worldbuilding potential. What if Remnant had pseudo-ephemeral lakes created by concentrations of Water Dust? Or how about a cave system with an abundance of Electricity Dust that causes magnetic charges in the surrounding minerals, creating a place similar to Unova’s Chargestone Cave? Maybe Sanus’ southeastern desert has large pockets of Steam Dust that enshroud the area in permanent fog?
Dust vortices wouldn’t just be aesthetically cool, either; they’d have important implications for the lore. Let’s use Lake Matsu as an example.
If the Dust vortex has been there for a long time (upwards of thousands of years), then the organisms in this ecosystem would’ve adapted to it. You would have endemic wildlife—agamid-like gliding lizards, plants with wind-dispersed fruit, lianas and mosses draped from the underside of the islands, diving birds that nest on the outcrops, microbial detritivores found exclusively in the islands’ soil. Maybe Lake Matsu is an important stopover for migrating birds. Maybe the shadows from the overhead islands are important for predatory fish, which hide in the shade to ambush flying insects. Because the wildlife would be endemic to this ecosystem, perhaps the Mistrali government would designate it a protected area and prevent Dust companies from excavating the site. What if there were fishing towns on the shore that depended on tourism to sustain the local economy? Would they ever come into conflict with Dust companies that lobby the government to open up the area to selective mining?
I’m sure I must sound like a broken record at this point, but the worldbuilding possibilities on display here are nothing short of incredible. And the failure of RWBY to explore even a single one feels like getting repeatedly kicked in the stomach by a feral horse.
We’re now 3,000 words in and I didn’t even get to include ideas for tautological place names. It sucks, but sometimes you have to compromise and go with the idea that make sense to include, rather than the idea that exists just to be novel.
Sound familiar?
[1] Hello Future Me. “Avatar: A Study in Worldbuilding — the Fire Nation [ The Last Airbender ]” YouTube video. October 26, 2019. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa2BD13VzxY&t=3s]
[2] Rooster Teeth. “RT Podcast: Ep. 191.” YouTube video. November 14, 2012. 7:52 - 12:01. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kymVnsIUWLY]
[3] Myers, E. C. RWBY: Before the Dawn (Book 2). Scholastic Inc, 2020. Online preview. “The city of Vacuo had some order to it, with different districts for residences and businesses, and a wide street down the center for the market. But the outer edges of it were periodically wiped out, because of sandstorms or sinkholes or earthquakes.”
[4] Volume 5, Episode 1: “Welcome to Haven.”
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scripttorture · 4 years
(1/2) I am writing a fantasy story and I wanted to have a character who undergoes a type of solitary confinement but not really? They would be isolated from practically everything except to analyse data and send reports but never receive any form of communication other than orders. But I was on the fence of whether or not I wanted to have them have a magical "bond" with their twin, meaning they would be able to sense each other and know they were alive but be unable to communicate anything else
(2/2) Solitary confinement cont: though, I guess they could sometimes be able to communicate emotions if they were feeling it really strongly. would this still be considered solitary confinement? Would the symptoms be lessened? I’m planning for them to stay in that situation for at least ten years if not more. Would it even matter if they could sense their twin, or would they be affected just as “strongly” as if they were alone? Also, what /would/ be a realistic reaction to this kind of torture?(3/?) Solitary confine cont: sorry for being such a bother. but i’m also not sure if this will be a factor in predicting symptoms in my character, but they would be forced to sit in one place and be unable to move anywhere else other than the desk they work at. They will still be fed and such; the food will come to them.(4/?) solitary confin cont: sorry i forgot to ask in the last one: would the character still be close to the twin after they got out? With or without the bond? Would further isolating themselves except from the people they used to be very close to before the confinement be a reasonable reaction to this experience? Would social isolation be a feasible reaction period? Would it still be possible for them to get better and heal? Would it be realistic for them to continue living instead of suicide?
OK so there are a lot of complicated and interrelated questions here. Given the story you’ve described I think the best thing I can do is start with the problems in the scenario as it is, then suggest some changes and then talk about long term effects for a survivable, altered scenario.
 What you’re describing is solitary confinement and you’re also describing other forms of torture. You’re underestimating the damage of both by a really large degree.
 And that’s not your fault. It’s hard to find good information on this stuff; that’s why I’m here.
 Honestly I think this would kill your character in under a year even if they didn’t attempt suicide.
 You’re not describing a stress position. But being forcibly confined to a chair 24/7 is a recipe for pressure sores. Combine that with whatever solution they have for basic excretion and- well even the best scenario I can think of (regularly changed adult diapers) would lead to serious infection.
 Combine that with the sleep deprivation being trapped in this position would cause and you have recurrent, serious infections that would probably lead to death.
 I haven’t factored in solitary confinement at all yet. The ‘safe’ period for solitary is about a week. Anything after that is prolonged. Ten years is incredibly extreme.
 And the research we have on solitary clearly indicates that the effects are even worse when the victims are children (which includes teenagers). It’s also worse when other tortures or elements of neglect are present.
 And I’ve only really mentioned one possible injury that a long term restraint torture like this could cause.
 I don’t want to go overboard hammering this home. We’re taught to underestimate the damage ‘clean’ tortures like solitary confinement and the restraint tortures you described do. You get the idea.
 You can read more about solitary confinement over here.
 You can read more about sleep deprivation here.
 First of all I really think you need to reduce your time frame by at least a factor of ten. Very few people survive ten years of sustained abuse.
 Yes it is possible. People in forced labour scenarios or slavery do sometimes survive this long. But your scenario is inflicting constant physical damage over that time period. A year in captivity is a much more reasonable time frame.
 If keeping the characters separated for ten years is important then you can still keep that separation while making sure the character is only tortured for a year or less.
 This character’s effectively enslaved and it sounds like a modern or sci fi setting.
 That often involves moving people across state or national boundaries and taking their documentation away. Establishing someone’s identity and getting replacement documents after they’re released can take a very long time. Especially if the country in question has policies that require paying for documentation.
 It can get even more complicated if there’s a language barrier in play.
 If slavery victims are rescued by police and are willing to testify that often requires staying in a particular area. If the survivors are in a witness protection program of some kind (not uncommon because a lot of these people are under threat from other slavers) then the survivors might not have much control over where they’re staying or for how long.
 If this is big enough that national security might be brought up then they might not even be allowed to contact anyone.
 Court cases involving slavers and gangs can easily take up several years.
 Add on top of this the severe symptoms that any torture survivors suffer from which can lead to people being institutionalised and you have a lot of reasons why these twins might not have been able to contact or see each other for ten years.
 This isn’t just more realistic, I think it would give you a stronger story as well. Because it gives the survivor twin things to do, allows them to develop as a separate person and you can use the things they choose to do to tell the audience about them.
 When your character’s alone in a strange place and they’ve just been through hell what they do next tells the audience a lot. You can show their beliefs, their personality, their goals or priorities. You can show whether any of those have changed as a result of abuse.
 Their core beliefs, the things they hold most dear, are unlikely to change. But torture can cause big changes in personality and perspective. The key thing to remember is that this change can’t be controlled. Torturers and slavers can’t ‘make’ a victim change in a way they want.
 You might want to have a look at this post here on the common stereotypes around survivors and torturers.
 Next I’d suggest you don’t describe the character as being constantly at a desk.
 The majority of the lethal problems that could cause would be reduced hugely if the character can move around relatively freely for an hour or so a day. Even if this time is while they’re asleep.
 I’d suggest a scenario where the character is removed to a cell for the night everyday and allowed between 6-8 hours rest every night.
 Keep in mind that 6 hours would still be sleep deprivation with all the short and long term effects that causes.
 The cell should be at least big enough for them to lie down comfortably, with appropriate bedding. They should also preferably have access to a bathroom with at least a toilet.
 This would still be solitary confinement. The definition is less then 1-2 hours of human contact daily (some academics and law systems use less then 1 hour some use less then 2).
 It has to be social contact. Being in the same room as someone who doesn’t respond doesn’t help and may actually make things worse. It doesn’t necessarily have to be based on verbal communication; based on what I’ve read it seems as though positive interaction would still help despite a language barrier.
 But a nebulous magical connection that only really says ‘your twin is still alive’ doesn’t sound like social contact. There’s no communication, non-verbal or otherwise. So I don’t think this would be a protective factor. I think it has the potential to have a negative effect actually, making symptoms worse.
 Because I think it sounds like it could be similar to being in a room with someone who refuses to socialise, constantly. And for someone in solitary confinement that’s a little like the equivalent of leaving a meal just out of reach of someone whose starving.
 I can’t say that definitely for obvious reasons. So I’d suggest assuming that at best it has no effect on the situation.
 The realistic reaction to the scenario I’ve suggested is lifelong mental illness and possibly physical disability as well.
 The majority of tortures produce the same symptoms. Not every survivor experiences every possible symptom but the possible symptoms are pretty consistent.
 Solitary confinement actually causes some unusual symptoms. So do starvation and sleep deprivation. I suspect this is because they’re all a systematic deprivation of something we need to function.
 You can find the possible symptoms of solitary confinement, along with a few statistical estimates on the likelihood of different symptoms, in the solitary confinement masterpost.
 If you’d like to know more about what those symptoms look like in practice there’s a source linked to in that masterpost by S Shalev which contains a lot of different accounts from survivors. I think you’d find it useful. It’s available for free online.
 We can’t predict who will be prone to what symptoms. Right now we just don’t know why individual survivors develop particular symptoms.
 So I suggest consciously picking the symptoms you want your character to come based on what you think will add to your story and character.
 If a symptom creates interesting problems in the narrative, increases tension in the plot or lets you show the audience something about the character, then it’s probably a good pick.
 I’d strongly suggest picking physical symptoms for solitary confinement as well as psychological ones. Most people don’t know it can cause physical symptoms and it’s important to include multiple aspects to capture the experience.
 Once again, I suggest you read the survivor accounts in Shalev’s Sourcebook. Personally I’ve found reading what survivors say to be the best source for understanding their lived experience.
 In this particular case after a year of restraint torture and limited opportunity for physical activity I think physical weakness, chronic pain in the legs and back, and possibly difficulty walking are all likely.
 I’m not sure how good the chance of physical recovery would be because I’m not a doctor. The survivors who report these sorts of injuries after extremely long periods in restraints are often denied medical treatment after release. And appropriate medical treatment could make a lot of difference.
 I suspect the chronic pain at least would last a long time. Possibly for the rest of the character’s life.
 It wouldn’t be unreasonable to have them using a cane or finding it difficult to walk long distances.
 Now I want to stress that recovery is possible.
 Torture survivors are not passive objects forever ‘broken’ by what they survived.
 They’re ill. They’re often disabled. But they do often go on to live full and happy lives.
 It’s a long process and it’s often about finding a way to live with mental illness.
 But it’s possible. Torture survivors go on to do all sorts of things. They’re artists, teachers, home makers, religious leaders, cooks, philosophers, scientists, historians. They do build fulfilling lives.
 If reconnecting with family and friends seems like it would be a part of that for your character, then yes that’s probably something you should include in the process.
 Would it be easy? No.
 Recovery is long and difficult. And people change when they’re apart from each other for long periods, especially if they’re still growing up.
 Family and friends of survivors often say they don’t recognise their loved ones any more. Especially if they’ve been held for a long period of time (ie months).
 That’s understandable. Mental illness changes people. It can feel like a survivor comes back as a ‘different person’.
 I think, for reasons that have nothing to do with solitary confinement, rebuilding the relationship would take a lot of time for these characters. Perfectly possible, but hard. There’d be a lot of miscommunications, arguments and problems along the way.
 Because suddenly having to navigate severe mental illness is hard. And because dealing with healthy people who don’t understand when you’re severely mentally ill/disabled is hard.
 Torture generally can result in social isolation in the long term. This isn’t always the survivor’s choice but yes, sometimes it can be.
 For some survivors their symptoms and triggers are such that they find avoiding people the ‘easier’ option.
 It’s not a good solution. In the long run it makes mental health problems worse. But it’s understandable. Society isn’t set up to accommodate people with mental illnesses and socialising can be very difficult.
 So, yes. Depending on the symptoms you pick for the character a certain amount of withdrawing would be normal. However this is not the same as some kind of voluntary solitary confinement.
 As for the final question-
 Whatever the torture and the time frame suicide is always possible. Depression and suicidal ideation are common symptoms.
 You’re proposing an impossibly extreme time frame. If the scenario was ‘just’ solitary confinement I’d say suicide was incredibly likely.
 Even with the shorter time frame I’ve suggested we’re talking about an extreme period of time. It’s over fifty times the safe period. Suicide attempts are incredibly likely and sometimes the difference between failed and completed suicide is just how attentive the guards are.
 I think that in a year of solitary confinement, forced labour and torture- Well it would be surprising if someone survived that and had never once felt suicidal.
 Acting on it is a different thing.
 I wouldn’t suggest a scenario unless I thought there was a decent chance, realistically, of a character surviving. And I do that while keeping in mind that suicide is a factor.
 I think if you want to write this in a way that means the character has never ever felt suicidal then a more reasonable time frame is 1-3 months solitary and the removal of every other torturous or neglectful element from the story.
 Even then, some people feel suicidal after a month in solitary confinement.
 The realism of suicide depends on more then what a character survives. Their options for professional help, medical attention they receive, community support and practical things like whether they can get a job that pays enough to feed themselves all make a difference. So do cultural attitudes to suicide and policies in place to prevent it.
 At the end of the day though, you’re the writer. You control these elements. And you can set every single one of them up in a way that makes suicide less likely.
 I hope that helps. :)
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A Little Guide to Becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant
counselling barnsley,A bodily therapist assistant plays an essential function in lots of people's lives. Physical therapists normally diagnose and treat people who are having accidents or illnesses which restriction their daily activities. Their main goal is to assist the patient to regain back complete mobility or as a whole lot mobility as they could. This activity calls for lots of duty and it is able to be a completely tiring process with out the supporting function of a bodily therapist assistant which makes things less complicated. A physical therapist assistant allows the patients in their rehabilitation workout.
First and predominant, you should be clear of what qualities you have to possess before taking up this job. Physical therapy is especially a fingers-on job because it entails conducting therapeutic sports, supplying healing massages and now not to forget about placing on patients' crutches and braces. You might also want to boost the patients from or onto the wheelchair every time required. Therefore, it is critical to have appropriate physical strength and additionally the keenness to help the ones sufferers in need. Otherwise, you will discover this process to be very demanding and arduous.
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You have to additionally undergo in thoughts that not all patients are inclined to undergo the sporting activities and they might go out in their way just to avoid it. So, you'll be needed to encourage, comfort and maneuver them for his or her very own excellent. Therefore, you will need appropriate interpersonal abilities because there are a variety of personalities you will need to engage with and manage. The faster you may construct a trusting courting with the patient, the faster they will reply for your care, guidance and advice. This will lead to a faster completion of their treatment which means that they can cross returned to their original lifestyles faster.
Here you can check the best counselling Barnsley.
So, now which you know you have the features to come to be an amazing physical therapist assistant, how do you move about turning into one? This process requires a license to practice and you'll need at least an accomplice diploma. Some of the challenges of being a bodily therapist assistant are the limitations of the title itself. As an assistant, you're restricted to physical therapist assistant obligations handiest. You must additionally be inclined to work extra and weekend hours. Bear in mind that this job isn't a stepping stone toward turning into a physical therapist because the education is one of a kind.
In conclusion, bodily therapist assistant is appropriate for individuals who do now not like a excessive stage of duty however might nevertheless want to paintings in a compassionate subject of nursing. Since a bodily therapist assistant works under the direct supervision of the bodily therapist, physical therapist will devise the treatment plan and the enforcing of the remedy plan is executed with the aid of the assistant. The flexibility of this activity is the benefit that this process offers and the salary of about $40000 in keeping with annul would be quite attractive to the majority.
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Qualities of Occupational Therapist Occupational therapist is concerned with serving clients to stumble on and attain equality among paintings, amusement, and self care that effects in a pleasing level of independence and potential in all three fields of life. When reading the numerous additives of a customer's lifestyle, each of the sections if commonly referred to as an interest. The occupational therapist will conduct what is usually called an involution on the way to help the patron in making changes and growing attributes a good way to improve the situation of each profession.
Occupational therapists obligation is to help and raise sufferers' abilities to move out roles in residing and running atmosphere. They work with individuals who are afflicted from intellectual, bodily or emotional issues, and take the resource of some powerful cares which assist the patients to recover and cope up with normal dwelling difficulties. Occupational therapy now not only assists to elevate the affected person's basic abilities, however additionally assists to alter permanent failure of potential. This hospital therapy is genuinely proved to be powerful and gives human beings with a manner to have self-directed, best and effective lives. It brings a affected person to one of these level, on which he turns assured to recover a reason, preserve all stages of functioning, or take off the dangers he might also experience.
There are sure unique which are wished in an occupational remedy aside from his strengths. He needs to be very affected person by means of fine. He ought to be having robust social and brushed abilities which can be considered necessary to address patients who are not unique opened at first degree. They required to be explored with the aid of the healer. He needs to be adjudicative and kindly also because work of occupational therapy is to aid the affected person in any surviving conditions like at domestic or other spots where a patient lives. He might be required to assist affected person for number one responsibilities which include consuming, cooking and dressing. He must be very gracious and mild together with his affected person. So process of an occupational therapist stuffs himself with positive self honor also because you're assisting character other than being in an career for money.
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The occupational therapist may fit in a figure of environments. Hospitals regularly hire an occupational therapist to useful resource humans who have to learn how to get via with a change in wellness or a failure of an exceptional, such as visible precept or listening to. Nursing houses and domestic health resource also make use of this business, frequently as a way of serving people align to changes in an hobby inside the pleasant of the client's living area. Some instructional group and commercial enterprise firm additionally hire occupational therapists, rendering help and get right of entry to to primary life talents to college students and workers. In all instances, the content material of the occupational therapist is to assist persons in getting the maximum out of lifestyles, equipping human beings with vital capabilities and mindsets that make it feasible to raise the enjoy of residing.
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The Water Tank Cleaning Company Pitfall
wiki Water tank ارخص شركة تنظيف خزانات بجدة
Leading Information on Water Tank Cleansing Enterprise
In case you are filling your tank from a resource which is presently chlorinated then you don't will require to convey the concentrate. Assuming, you fill your water tank from the dependable supply you ought to be safe. If you're utilizing a h2o selection tank, we'll be over information to finish its cleaning as being a proud ecological cleaner. It is really doable that you should clean the tank all all on your own by subsequent three uncomplicated steps. To be able to manage your relations, it's essential to make specific that the water tank is clean up and tidy. The h2o tank is Among the many most vital objects of your house as it's the principal source of plain drinking water. If you might seek the advice of an experienced they might request that you modify out your scorching drinking water tank which is really an aggressive tactic.
The significance of Water Tank Cleansing Company
If you must thoroughly clean your tank take into account employing an authority tank cleaning companies. Make sure you bear in mind that if water stays from the Drinking water Tank for at least every day or two, bacterial development is feasible. Water tanks are a significant source on Houses in rural regions of Western Australia where by plan ingesting water is not out there. Cleaning water tanks is a delicate process and it needs to be performed correctly to verify there aren't any unclean drinking water similar illnesses. All drinking water is removed from your tank and proficient inspection personnel enter tank to carry out the internal inspection consistent with AWWA pointers. The pretty first step is to come to a decision the sum of water to get handled. Contaminated water may cause a variety of forms of infections and is a doable provide of various ailments. Every person states The best issue is the fact that we're ready to go away them with superior fantastic drinking water within their tank.
The Number One Problem It's essential to Request Water Tank Cleaning Company
Mainly because cleaning does not demand A great deal skill like welding or Yet another function, it can be suitably shared concerning crew customers. Normal cleansing should help to maintain your h2o refreshing, healthy and lowers the danger of micro organism. Tank cleaning is incredibly important and ought to be accomplished at the least a person time in a year. Water tank cleansing and chlorination is an important component h2o hygiene. Once you recognize that the carpet is dry, change it in excess of, Considering that the rear on the carpeting could However be moist. These days, obtaining a Persian carpet in your own home is not merely a sign of excellent taste, but also of prosperity.
The Water Tank Cleaning Corporation Cover Up
The hoses must be checked well prior to heading to the tank for practically any injury and leakage close to the facemask. As there are two sorts of valves one particular the inlet cold water and the other the outlet very hot water you have to come to feel the pipe linked to the valve to decide which one it can be. A check valve is advised to avoid any probability of pesticide entering the cleanse drinking water tank. In some scenarios it's going to certainly be a valve near the heater. Low stress irrigation nozzles are available from numerous irrigation gear companies. Cleaning the sprayer within the industry will take hardly any time and can eliminate an anticipated disposal issue.
Lifetime Just after H2o Tank Cleansing Firm
To Find it Check out the base with the tank you'd notice a valve which is joined to your water tank. If the base from the tank is roofed with sediment the tank must be cleaned. It is best to clear all sides of your carpeting. Wait right up until there's no extra h2o coming from the summary of the hose or your faucet. All vital signifies for rescue Procedure ought to be held ready.
Drinking water Tank Cleansing Enterprise Assistance!
The absolute most perfect Alternative, might be a process which mechanically cleans out any sediments because they get there. You may also choose to sanitize the procedure Should your RV hasn't nonetheless been used for some instant, for instance if it has been stored with the Wintertime. The cleaning approach is a significant portion of a desalination set up. Our system receives rid of the Hazard connected with moving into the confined Place of a tank as well as we're willing to leave people today without a sediment in anyway of their drinking water tank so There is no lengthier the possibility of unwell health and fitness from destructive organisms residing while in the sediment. RO strategies source an appreciable degree of filtration efficiency for very a long time with fundamental expenses in the kind of servicing. The process may even be seriously harmed. Reverse osmosis filtration tactics demand a uncomplicated cleansing and a number of the filters are periodically improved.
Things You Will not likely Like About H2o Tank Cleaning Organization and Stuff you Will
Developing house owners have to keep inspection result and h2o good quality exam benefits for 5 or maybe more decades. They must make citizens knowledgeable in their legal rights to assessment the inspection effects. Occasionally, having said that, the companies may also be banned. Should you be working a cleansing service enterprise then it is actually an excellent plan to possess a slogan for the Firm. Our services address all kinds of tank from program domestic dimensions most of the way nearly pretty huge and complex industrial techniques. Supplied your water consumption continues to be a similar following the improve, you'll be able to assume to save lots of above fifty p.c of the current electric powered Monthly bill on a yearly basis. Using contaminated water is merely as supplying an invite to several illnesses. For the security of your wellness, the usage of disinfected food products plus the pure drinking water is vital.
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coreysplayhouse · 5 years
Water Tank Cleaning Company Secrets
wiki Water tank تنظيف خزانات بجدة
A Fool's Handbook to Drinking water Tank Cleaning Business Revealed
For anyone who is filling your tank from the source which happens to be presently chlorinated then You do not will need to carry the focus. Assuming, you fill your drinking water tank from a trustworthy resource you should be Safe and sound. For anyone who is utilizing a h2o selection tank, we will be more than content material to complete its cleaning as a proud ecological cleaner. It truly is probable that you should wash the tank all all on your own by adhering to three easy steps. To be able to cope with your close relatives, you should make specific that the water tank is cleanse and tidy. The h2o tank is among the most vital objects of your own home as it is the principal offer of basic drinking water. If you could consult with a professional they may request that you modify out your scorching h2o tank that is pretty an intense system.
The necessity of H2o Tank Cleansing Enterprise
If you must clear your tank take into account using a specialist tank cleaning products and services. Be sure to be aware that if h2o stays in the Drinking water Tank for a minimum of each day or two, bacterial expansion can be done. H2o tanks are a crucial resource on Qualities in rural locations of Western Australia in which scheme ingesting water just isn't accessible. Cleaning drinking water tanks is a fragile technique and it should be completed correctly to ensure there won't be any unclean h2o similar illnesses. All h2o is eliminated from the tank and competent inspection staff enter tank to carry out The interior inspection according to AWWA pointers. The very starting point is to come to a decision the sum of drinking water being dealt with. Contaminated h2o might cause several different sorts of infections and is also a feasible supply of various conditions. Everyone states the ideal issue is usually that we are ready to depart them with good excellent water inside their tank.
The Number One Dilemma You will need to Ask for Drinking water Tank Cleaning Business
For the reason that cleaning does not demand from customers Significantly talent like welding or another perform, it could be suitably shared involving crew members. Normal cleansing may help to keep the drinking water new, wholesome and lowers the Risk of micro organism. Tank cleaning is incredibly vital and must be completed a minimum of one time in a very year. Drinking water tank cleansing and chlorination is a big part water hygiene. Whenever you recognize that the carpet is dry, flip it about, Considering that the rear of the carpeting could nonetheless be damp. At present, getting a Persian carpet in your own home is not merely an indication of top-quality style, and also of prosperity.
The War Towards Drinking water Tank Cleaning Enterprise
The hoses must be checked very well prior to likely to the tank for nearly any destruction and leakage close to the facemask. As There's two sorts of valves a person the inlet cold water and one other the outlet scorching h2o You should experience the pipe connected to the valve to decide which one it is. A Verify valve is suggested in order to avoid any probability of pesticide entering the cleanse water tank. In a few circumstances it is going to be described as a valve close to the heater. Very low force irrigation nozzles are made available from various irrigation tools manufacturers. Cleaning the sprayer inside the field can take little or no time and can reduce an predicted disposal challenge.
Lifestyle Right after H2o Tank Cleaning Business
To Identify it Look at The bottom of the tank you would notice a valve that's joined to the h2o tank. If the base in the tank is covered with sediment the tank ought to be cleaned. You should clean all sides in the carpeting. Hold out right until there is no more drinking water coming from your summary of your hose or your faucet. All crucial usually means for rescue operation ought to be stored Completely ready.
The Heritage of H2o Tank Cleaning Corporation Refuted
Absolutely the most perfect Option, can be a process which mechanically cleans out any sediments given that they arrive. You may also want to sanitize the method In case your RV has not yet been used for some second, for example if it's been stored for the Wintertime. The cleaning process is a significant portion of the desalination set up. Our procedure gets rid on the Threat connected with entering into the confined Room of the tank as well as we have been ready to leave folks with out a sediment in anyway in their h2o tank so there isn't any for a longer time the chance of ill overall health from unsafe organisms residing in the sediment. RO procedures supply an appreciable degree of filtration functionality for pretty a very long time with primary expenses in the type of maintenance. The technique might even be severely broken. Reverse osmosis filtration techniques need a basic cleaning and many the filters are periodically transformed.
The Do's and Don'ts of H2o Tank Cleaning Organization
Making proprietors need to retain inspection end result and drinking water high quality take a look at results for five or maybe more decades. They have to make inhabitants informed in their legal rights to evaluate the inspection success. Occasionally, nonetheless, the companies might also be banned. When you are functioning a cleansing services business then it can be a wonderful thought to possess a slogan in your Group. Our companies protect all kinds of tank from regimen domestic dimensions most of the way approximately quite massive and complicated industrial methods. Furnished your drinking water intake continues to be exactly the same after the update, you can count on to avoid wasting over fifty percent within your current electric powered bill per year. Using contaminated h2o is merely as providing an invitation to various disorders. For the security of one's wellness, the utilization of disinfected food stuff things as well as pure drinking water is vital.
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dandelionpie · 6 years
So I’ve been Having Ideas About My Future lately. And right now this one feels like the very beginning of a soap bubble - the part where you’ve started to blow into it but it hasn’t closed around itself yet. And I want to be really cautious with it so it doesn’t just pop before it can even get into the air, so I wasn’t gonna talk about it for a while, but also.
[Click through for a very long post about Maddy’s Career Options - replies are fine but please be gentle with my baby bubble hopes]
Okay, you guys.
So I was on the phone with my mother the other day, and I was having a sort of a panic attack (you know, like you do when you’re on the phone with your mother [kidding this is not normal and should not be trivialized, etc]), and I was trying to conceal this fact from her but it was Not Working. And I was dismayed about where my life was going, my lack of definite plans for a career, etc., and she said, “You know, I was actually gonna tell you - we had a lady come visit our school the other day and she’s an art therapist.”
And...here’s the thing. Usually my mother’s career suggestions kind of go in one ear and out the other. Because my mom’s great! Really! But she isn’t me, and she doesn’t always get what my life is like. So I usually just say “hm, yeah, I’ll look into it,” and then I don’t.
But I had genuinely just forgotten that art therapy existed. I knew about art, and I knew about therapy, and I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that people were putting those two things together, but somehow I’d just sort of filed that info in the General Trivia drawer instead of the Potential Grown-Up Jobs one. And...I’m getting sort of cautiously excited about the idea.
(I Started Writing Them Down and Then They Became Legion)
Every piece of art I like has a strong psychological element. That’s the common thread, dammit. That’s why I’m so picky about song lyrics, that’s why I can’t get into a book unless it’s got some sort of strong interpersonal/intrapersonal thread for me to snag my little English major hooks in. At the end of the day, the narratives that interest me are the ones where people are constantly feeling and processing things and I have to think a lot about why they’re doing that the way they’re doing it.
Not trying to sound like I think I’m super virtuous or whatever, but I tend to see good in most people, which might be an asset in that field? I get along well with a lot of personality types that friends of mine have cited as abrasive. Like, I can find people obnoxious but still notice enough of their good qualities to enjoy their company or at least tolerate it. And that’s a strength that’s served me well on a personal level, and a little on a professional level too (getting along with people helps just about anywhere), but I never thought of it as something I could use to particular effect in an actual career track.
That said, I have NO background in psychology. I had a couple lab rats, but they didn’t really teach me any of their secrets.
On cursory examination I have decided that I Do Not Like neurology. I have a lot of friends who seem to love it and that’s great, but....look, it just freaks me the fuck out. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent so much of my adulthood (read: all of it) preoccupied with the vulnerability of my physical being to various surgery-requiring problems. But the idea of my mind (that place where I spend so very very much of my time) being subject to the physical limitations of my brain (a part of my corporeal body [which has in the past proven itself to be somewhat unpredictable]) is so fucking terrifying to me that I’d prefer to spend as little time on that as possible please and thank you.
(Aside: I know the phrase “I don’t like the Brain; I just like the Mind) is like peak dualism, but I’m sure you all know what I mean, right? It’s possible to think about and work with the mind without focusing on the physical brain that gives rise to it. I’ve been doing that on the client end of things for years.)
A lot of the art I do is actually pretty therapeutic! To me, I mean. I never did figure out how to translate the whole cancer thing into an autobio comic (I eventually realized I simply didn’t want to and it was one of the most liberating moments of my life). But I have been relying on art for years to process my trauma. Most of my creative projects and ideas for them go back to that in some way, even if it doesn’t come across to the other people who experience them.
That said, I am...not the biggest autobio comic fan. There are so many things about that genre that rub me the wrong way. I’m glad it exists, I just don’t tend to enjoy consuming or creating autobio comics.                                       However, this might be a chance to see autobio comics through a new lens! And it also has the potential to set me apart - there are quite a few art therapists, but I’ll bet there are fewer whose background is in comics specifically.
I could have an office. I could go into private practice and have a place that I could build into a safe space for people to talk about their problems and work on them. I know it’s just a little thing (and I’m not sure yet if private practice would be feasible/right for me, at least right away), but I like the idea of making physical space for that kind of work.                                                                  (And if I sometimes also used it as a studio for comics, well, I don’t think that’s illegal or anything.)
I could be relatively independent in my career. I could work for an agency (and I think I’d probably have to, at first, but I gotta look into how all that works), but I could also spend at least some of my time in private practice, or working pro bono or on a sliding scale, or doing other stuff that allows me a great deal of flexibility and control over my schedule.
I like the idea of a type of schooling that has experience built into it. Like, you have to get a certain number of internship hours before you can be certified. I’m sure there’s more to it than that, but it’s nice to see a field that’s so up-front about the fact that you need experience before you can do your job.
A lot of art therapists work with traumatized kids, and I find that prospect faintly terrifying. But also maybe it would be good to get over that, if I want to Help People and Use My Strengths to Do Good Things In the World. Those kids are gonna be traumatized either way, and if I can handle it, it’d probably be cool if I helped them.
It would be so nice to not be broke literally all the time. Even with student loans, I think this has the potential to help that happen, if I do my research and play my cards right. And I might even be able to work *gasp* less than 40 hours a week, thereby freeing up my time for other projects. Or, you know, kids. Hell, maybe I’d even be able to feed them.
Nobody would be able to make me work Saturdays.
Not sure yet whether it’d be better to get an Actual Art Therapy Degree or do a more general thing and then get a specific art therapy certification after/during that? I’m leaning towards the latter because I’d like more versatility, but I’m getting the sense that the rules for who can call themself an art therapist are slightly stricter in Oregon, so I’m gonna have to talk to the people who run the program.
What with the horse in the hospital and all that, I was thinking about a career in activism. But I’m not sure I have the temperament to be a lawyer, and I hate talking to strangers (I’ll do it if I have to, but damned if I’m gonna go door-to-door every day). But this way, I could maybe help activists balance their lives and their activism. Activists need therapists.
I could help people like me, with medical trauma. I know all about medical trauma! It has literally been a constant since I was 18! And in college and after, I hated feeling like my problems were fake and that my illness affecting my life was the result of some moral defect. Without therapy, I don’t know if I would have kept going to doctors and trying to figure everything out.
Visual art has in many ways been a great avenue leading away from self-harm, for me. The physicality of it is so much more powerful, for me, than almost anything else.
I’ve been so conflicted lately with lots of ideas about art-as-saleable-product vs. art-as-catharsis-and-narrative-control. I kind of thought my interest lay in the former but now I’m wondering if maybe it’s the latter. Like, I still love comics and storytelling and I want to make comics for people to read, but at the end of the day, I don’t want to do advertising. I don’t want to build a brand. I just want to tell stories and draw pretty pictures that make people happy. And I know that’s not what art therapists do, but in some ways it feels like the field still lines up better with my goals than commercial illustration. Does that make sense?
Lewis and Clark has a program. PSU has a program (though not an art therapy one specifically I think). There are online ones and low-residency ones as well, although honestly I think I function best in a classroom. Right now I think I’m leaning towards L&C because I’ve heard really good things about their education grad programs from a couple of people, but: gotta look further into it.
I’m liking the prospect of being a student again. I like going to lectures. I like notebooks and pencils and pens and libraries. And according to one person I talked to, as a therapist you actually have to keep taking courses throughout your career as the field changes. It’s like a condition for licensure or something (at least in some parts of the field). I’d love to be able to keep learning my entire life in such a deliberate way.
And I think I’d be better at being a student now than I was at Reed. I remember realizing waaay too late that you could just...ask your professors for help with stuff. And they could say no! But they weren’t going to, like, set me on fire. So what if I just set up a meeting with someone involved in a program and said, “Hey, look, I have no psych background and an intense interest in therapeutic work; how do I do this?” They could tell me to go away, but that’s probably about it. In a way, I think it might be nice to take another stab at academia - redeem myself.
(I have no idea what my Reed GPA is and should probably figure that out. Pretty sure I got a C in Chem and at least one other class? But maybe they won’t mind.)
My original plan had been to fund my comics habit with a freelance illustration career. Because almost nobody makes a living in comics, at least not just in comics. It happens, but very rarely does it happen with creator-owned work. A lot of indie comics artists freelance or have some other sort of art day job, and I thought that was a lifestyle I could get into.  
But the Horrible Deep Dark Secret is...I don’t actually like freelancing that much, at least with my life the way it currently is. I mean, I love drawing and I love not being broke, so please keep sending people my way if they want someone to draw something (please please please I need the money). But the illustration industry is downright exhausting. It’s so hard to switch off, and it’s so much work even convincing people you deserve to get paid, let alone getting them to pay you. Mad kudos to anyone who has the time/energy to do that, but I’m not sure I do, at least at this point in my life.
But if I was planning to supplement my comics with another, art-related career anyway, what if I did this instead? What if it ended up being something I, Maddy, could enjoy and feel good about? Doing this (with my temperament) might actually a) pay better b) offer me more time and c) lend a sense of structure to my days that I definitely need and that freelancing sorely lacks.
Actually, having comics projects might even help with work-life balance in this field. I don’t know yet, but I’ve been told that a lot of therapeutic practice is establishing healthy boundaries between your work and your life, and I think it might help to have somewhere else to pour emotional energy when I’m off the clock.
Having another career wouldn’t mean I couldn’t make comics. Hell, it wouldn’t even mean I couldn’t sell comics. I could still make a website and freelance sometimes. I could still set up a Patreon. I could still publish my stuff on the web and in real life. I could still table at cons. And if things started going better than I’ve been planning for them to go, comics-wise, I wouldn’t have to keep being a therapist full-time. I’d have some flexibility, especially in private practice.
Anyway, I literally just started thinking about this a few days ago, so I have no idea if I’m gonna stay this excited about it. But...I’m enjoying looking into it. I’ve felt so much more hopeful the past few days - like my life might actually go someplace I could like. It’s a nice feeling and I would like to keep it.
I dunno. I’ve talked to some people and I’m gonna talk to some more people. Maybe set up an interview at the college in the next couple months if I can swing it. Prereqs would probably be somewhat hellacious, but that’s what I get for majoring in the humanities.
Okay cool I’m gonna go eat something and clean the kitchen. 
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pixiealtaira · 6 years
Dragged Kicking and Screaming  ( 17/ 22)
Title: Dragged Kicking and Screaming  
Or How Burt Hummel Mashed the Hummels and Hudsons Into One Functioning Family.
Characters(s): Kurt, Burt, Carole, Finn, with short appearances by the New Directions guys and various ops who mostly take up space. Rating: PG13 Summary: Somehow the Hummel household and the Hudson household had to come together…
Chapter Nine Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven Chapter twelve  Chapter thirteen  Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen  Chapter sixteen
“We have a large barbecue for Labor Day,” Kurt said, bringing the conversation back to holidays. It was abrupt and awkward but it was back to Holidays. “I wrote down the back-to-school stuff Dad just listed. Anyway…We provide all the food…well, us and Jake.  It is in honor of all our workers. It won’t be changing. Just thought you’d like to know. That was what you were invited to the Monday the week before Dad’s heart attack…you know that thing you said you’d come to but never showed up for.”
“We went boating with some of Mom’s friends.  Labor Day is about doing your last big summer fun things anyway…it’s not meant to honor anyone.” Finn said. “That is just stupid.”
“Finn, you should really look up how certain holidays came to be and what they were created for one of these eons.” Kurt answered.
“Yes, Dad.”
“Are there any traditions you do for Labor Day?” Burt asked.
“Just go have fun.  Sometimes Mom lets me throw a party. Maybe there is a football game.” Finn just shrugged.
Kurt wrote down “normal labor day stuff like Kurt and Burt have had it since Burt became part owner of the shop” and Finn went to complain but Carole shook her head.
“Next is Halloween.” Kurt said.
“I love Halloween.  We go trick or treating then head to a Halloween party.  This year was kinda lame…I mean Mike and I got stuck taking Puck’s little sister and her friends trick-or-treating and so we went with them and didn’t get much candy.  Can you believe people gave more candy to Puck’s sister and her friends than us bigger kids? But we told Puck we’d help and so we did. And by the time I got to the Adams’ house for the party they’d done the fun stuff and sure it was blast drinking and playing games and stuff but I missed out on the fun.  We got more candy than we did Freshman year when everyone told us we were too old…of course then we had real fun after that so it didn’t matter…and sophomore year I didn’t even go to anything good because Quinn was still lying the her folks and so she made me help with her church’s harvest festival and that was way stupid.  But freshman year was a blast.  Puck didn’t come but the Nelsons and the Adams and I took out Azimio’s older brother’s truck and the Nelsons provided eggs and we just drove around town throwing them at places whenever Adams’ stopped. It was a…”
“Finn…” Carole warned him, trying to stop him from talking more.
“What Mom?  You’re interrupting. I’m sure Burt is getting kick out of this.  He was into sports and stuff when he was young so he was sure to have done stuff like egg cars and buildings and throw pee balloons. I mean all the popular kids do things like that unless they are goody two shoes or pricks who are just popular because they have tons of money but who no one really wants to be friends with.”
“I’d love to hear more Carole.” Burt said sternly. “I have names now that I can inform the police of.  I mean, I doubt anything will be done except give them some kids to look into when these things happen again.”
“What?” Finn shouted. “You can’t do that!  You said yourself you were like us!”
“When I thought you were being insensitive and thoughtless with your words and maybe possibly some slight bullying, again mostly in the name calling department.” Burt said. “However…I can see that you boys have become menaces not only at school but to the whole community. You egged people’s businesses and homes, Finn.  You committed crimes. You committed assaults.  That is beyond name calling and using words inappropriately.”
“But you said you were a ball player.”
“And we didn’t do things like that. I, myself, did something that could be considered vandalism once.  My momma pulled me by the ear to the neighbors and made me wash the mud off the side of her house and then I had to do her chores for three months….for free. Mama and all the other parents nipped it in the bud while we were still five and six and throwing mud and snow. If we did anything like what you just described and even a whisper made it to our coach, we were benched and some kids found themselves off the team for not straightening out their behavior…usually freshmen, upper classmen weren’t that stupid.”
“You can’t do anything.  If you do, I’ll tell.  I’ll tell everyone and they’ll make you sorry you did.” Finn said.
Carole moved to place her hand over her son’s mouth.
“He didn’t mean that Burt.  But you should probably just let this be….I mean it was ages ago.”
“Was it, Carole? Your son stated he was upset he missed the fun this year and then went on to tell us what the fun was from Freshman year…sounds to me like they were at it again this year, too.”
“Yes, but what’s the big fuss.  So someone’s house or business got eggs thrown at it.”
“Goldstein’s butcher’s shop was one that got egged three Halloweens ago. They also broke two windows. It cost Adam two thousand dollars to repair the windows. His family had to rely on donations of food and clothing to make it through the Holiday season because they had already been stretched thin due to illness in the family.  It took a week to wash all of the egg of the store fronts. Not every one of those stores has extra people working who could do that.  Many of the store owners are not as young as they once were.  Time away to wash off egg and such is revenue lost. It is also just plain disrespectful.”
“Well, he wasn’t being disrespectful to you,” Carole said, removing her hand.
“Well actually,” Finn started…but Carole’s hand was back over his mouth.
“The shop was one of those businesses hit…it usually is.  Even the house has been a target before.  Would you like to clean up the next time Carole? I can make sure that happens.” Burt said.
“I am sure Finn had nothing to do with that…and if he was there…which I’m not saying he was…well it’s only because he was with friends and couldn’t really say no to them.” Carole said. “But…maybe next year he won’t go to a Halloween party like that.  I’ll encourage him to like…help Quinn again or go to the Berry’s Halloween bash or something.  Or he can stay home and hand out candy here. Unless Kurt does that.”
Burt made a humming noise and wrote down a few more things, then looked at Kurt. “If Finn stayed here then maybe we could have a booth of some sort at Meadows Elementary during their carnival and trunk-or-treat.  Ellen Faraday asked this last summer and I had meant to look into for this Halloween, but it wasn’t feasible.  We’d be checking and making sure Finn was here, of course. I am sure Carole doesn’t want him arrested, which is apt to happen if he goes out with his usual crowd, since I am turning those names into the cops, like it or not.”
“As long as I get to dress up.” Kurt said.
“Ok...write that down and we’ll see what happens come next October.” Burt said.
Carole was hissing in Finn’s ear as she held her hand over Finn’s mouth until he stopped trying to yell at Burt.  Burt and Kurt just looked at them.  Finally Finn stopped and Carole removed her hand.
Kurt nodded. “That brings us to everything Thanksgiving and Christmas.” Kurt said quietly.
Burt nodded.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
ISABGOL – Human medical problems have been ISABGOL around since their reality, these medical problems were minor initially yet as time advanced they formed into dangerous illnesses which can possibly bring down whole developments. The best model would be that of the current adversary that the world has been looking for a very long time at this point, that is, the Covid. It has shaken the worl ISABGOL d and subsequently demonstrated the deadliness of infection initiated medical problems. Aside from that, there are a few different illnesses which are normal and have much more risk to us than what we have envisioned. Heaps would be an incredible model from that part. ISABGOL
There are a ton of home solutions for ISABGOL heaps which are being utilized by a great many individuals across the world, yet none of them could emulate the bit of viability of a genuine heaps treatment. In case you can’t bear the cost of the treatment for heaps, you can generally go to the prescriptions which are accessible for that. Sat ISABGOL or Psyllium Husk has shown a great deal of positive outcomes for patients of heaps on account of some specific reasons which will be examined further. In any case, know what ISABGOL utilizes as its fundamental forces to make medical problems identified with the stomach disappear. All that you require to think about Sat Isabgol Husk will get investigated here, so hang in.
All That You Must About Sat Isabgol or Psyllium Husk
It would not be right to say that Sat Isabgol is essentially a clinical enhancement which is utilized in instances of stomach issues like heartburn, loose bowels, bothering, cramps and so forth It is a direct result of its clinical properties that it has been generally perceived and devoured by a ton of people who have the previously mentioned issues. How about we investigate all that you should know prior to thinking about Isabgol Husk for heaps.
About Sat Isabgol or Psyllium Husk
Psyllium Husk is regularly known as I ISABGOL among individuals of India, it arrives in a little parcel which contains around seven to eight grams of the husk which is overcome with one or the other milk or curd to get some genuinely necessary help from stomach issues. The stringy idea of the husk makes it workable for it to get you liberated from the effect of stomach issues which have been causing ISABGOL inconveniences while pooing. The spice is a yearly spice which is developed get-togethers stormy season and it can arrive at a tallness of forty centimeters when filled in the correct way. The seeds of Isabgol are sweet, thick, mitigating, somewhat acidic and give ease in the solid discharge making them a fantastic tonic for stomach. ISABGOL
All the above characteristics of ISABGOL have settled on it a famous decision for stomach issues in various districts of the country. The fascinating truth behind the name of Isabgol is that Isabgol is a mix of two words – Isab and Gol which means Horse’s Ear and it is on the grounds that the seed of ISABGOL has a comparative shape as that of a pony’s ear. Aside from that, there are a few names for Isabgol husk in various dialects and each and every one of them means a similar definition. ISABGOL seeds have around over two thirds of insoluble and about a third of dissolvable fiber which gives them a specific surface while overwhelmed by milk and curd. This adjustment of actual state is some way or another liable for a superior defecation. Something else that you should know is that the ISABGOL plant’s most helpful part is its husk and that is the reason it has such a lot of significance.
How is Isabgol Manufactured and Who Manufactures It?
Isabgol husk is made by utilizing ISABGOL various types of mechanical strategies which focus on the detachment of the husk from the plant. The husk is then bundled into either little parcels or huge bundles which are made of polyethene. ISABGOL These bundles are sold at various costs relying upon the kind of value and cost of assembling. West Asia is popular for creation of Psyllium Husk and Madhya Pradesh, ISABGOL Gujarat and Rajasthan in India are answerable for assembling this fundamental enhancement. The climatic states of Gujarat and Rajasthan are observed to be generally reasonable for developing Psyllium plants since they offer the sp ISABGOL ecific climate which Psyllium plants need to thrive.
Since you know about the reality ISABGOL about how Psyllium husk is fabricated, it is time that you think about who makes it. In India, there are a couple of brands which have their mark on bundles of Psyllium Husk with Telephone Brand and Dabur being the most noticeable of the part. Between these two, the Psyllium husk given by Telephone Brand has a different client base since it has been into assembling g ISABGOL reat Isabgol husk longer than the rest. The famous light green shaded parcel with a white hued layout is a natural item to many eyes in India. The little bundle is right now estimated at about Rs. 15 and the enormous bundle has a great deal of little parcels which are evaluated at Rs. 145. Presently, it’s time we investigate some incredible ISABGOL uses and think about some astounding Isabgol benefits yet before that we should perceive how it ought to be devoured.
How to Consume Sat ISABGOL ?
The initial step is open the bundle ISABGOL cautiously on the grounds that the husk may move blown away and enter your body through your nose and eyes which would be a horrible encounter. In this way, open it with most extreme alert. Presently, you should simply to empty the husk into milk, curd or buttermilk ISABGOL (contingent upon your inclination) and let the husk retain a portion of the dampness. Then, at that point you can eat the combination by utilizing a spoon. ISABGOL Likewise, there is something significant that should be dealt with – you should have a glass of water close by so you can chug a taste or two at whatever point you want to stifle. Isabgol husk is scandalous for gagging its purchasers as it gets solidified after blending in with curd or milk. ISABGOL
Uses and Benefits of Isabgol
Isabgol for Constipation – Constipation has been raising a ton of ruckus to many individuals across the world. ISABGOL mixes in with the stuff inside your stomach in light of its extraordinary water retentive property which guarantees an incredible solid discharge. Endless supply of Isabgol nonetheless, it ISABGOL is guaranteed that the tenacious stools stuck in your framework would get themselves out. Isabgol is an incredible alternative for clogging.
Isabgol for Diarrhea – The perpetual pattern of free movement is finished when you decide to devour Isabgol as it gives the important ISABGOL thickness to your extricated stool which makes it feasible for the husk to dispose of looseness of the bowels.
Isabgol for Healthy Heart – ISABGOL is well known for giving a sound heart to its buyer since it can decrease the measure of fatty substances in the body which turns away the chance of getting a heart stroke.
The executives of Blood Sugar Level – ISABGOL is additionally useful in the administration of glucose level and the degree of insulin in the body by holding within proper limits the glycemic reaction of our body to a particular kind of feast.
Decrease in Appetite – If you have been eating a ton recently for whatever reasons there are, then, at that point you should burn-through ISABGOL in light of the fact that it tops off your stomach truly well and causes you to feel like not having any desire to eat anything. This hinders the calories taken in and consequently keeps a steady eating routine and weight.
Weight reduction – An expansion of the previously mentioned point as Isabgol decreases the measure of calories an individual takes where further aides ISABGOL in weight reduction. Thusly, Isabgol not simply keeps you less eager, it additionally keeps you less hefty.
Isabgol For Piles – ISABGOL has been generally suggested by a ton of clinical specialists as a result of its capacity to relax the nature of stool which makes it less difficult for an individual to crap. Aside from that, there are some other significant reasons which make Isabgol for heaps a truly extraordinary choice however prior to bouncing on to that, we should investigate what heaps are, what causes heaps and how could be dealt with forestall heaps.
Thus, these were a couple of employments of SAT ISABGOL and how it benefits against the previously mentioned issues. Presently, we should address the fundamental concern.
Everything to think about Piles!
What is Piles?
It is a condition wherein the individual ISABGOL experiencing it needs to go through a ton of torment, thorniness and blood while crapping. The significant explanations for improvement of heaps are viewed as heartbu ISABGOL rn, hot food, disease and obstruction. This load of elements or simply a solitary one of them is fit for getting an individual on their knees. The condition is feared by a many individuals and a larger part of individuals ridicule this awful infection which is ISABGOL absolutely an ungentle and impulsive thing to do. Specialists across the world battle this condition by dealing with the side effects which cause heaps and that is by and large how Isabgol husk for heaps functions.
What causes heaps? ISABGOL
As referenced over, the accompanying components are notorious for causing heaps –
Acid reflux – When you burn-through food which ISABGOL isn’t not difficult to process either in light of the fact that it is excessively sleek, excessively weighty or too tacky to even think about going through the absorption cycle, ISABGOL it becomes liable for causing heaps after some time. Acid reflux frequently causes obstruction and looseness of the bowels which are isolated foes to manage if there should be an occurrence of heaps. In any case, fortunately, Isabgol deals with heartburn quite well. ISABGOL
Hot Food – This is something controllable and can be eaten with some restraint. Your liking to zesty food can land you in a tough situation since it can possibly contaminate and harm your stomach related organs by causing a few compound responses in the wake of interacting with your body liquids. In this manner, it is insightful to try not to eat a great deal of zesty food.
Contamination – Both acid reflux and fiery food have the type to annihilate your interior organs by tainting them. Heaps is additionally an aftereffect of this disease to your stomach related organs. ISABGOL
Blockage – When your stool is too difficult ISABGOL to even consider going through the section, applying a ton of pressing factor can harm the touchy skin around your rec ISABGOL
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swagitsune · 4 years
Fertility Tests For Men
Should I Be Worried About Tarnished Seminal Fluid?
Drinking alcohol can decrease testosterone degrees, create impotence and also reduce sperm manufacturing. Liver illness brought on by too much alcohol consumption additionally might result in fertility issues. Extensive direct exposure to benzenes, toluene, xylene, chemicals, herbicides, natural solvents, paint products and lead may contribute to reduced sperm counts. A digestion disorder triggered by level of sensitivity to gluten, celiac condition can trigger male inability to conceive.
Clinical Reasons
Before you make any type of significant decisions, talk with your medical professional and undergo the screening required to make a proper diagnosis. Yellow semen can show percentages of urine or uncommonly high degrees of white blood cells in your sperm. There are several feasible causes for watery semen. Ovulation induction utilizes drugs to help a woman ovulate, or launch an egg from her ovaries. Surgery can aid reverse infertility in ladies by repairing blocked or harmed fallopian tubes, dealing with endometriosis, and also getting rid of uterine polyps or fibroids.
Care At Mayo Center
Commonly in these situations sperm can still be fetched for use in assisted reproductive techniques. Sperm have to be lugged into the sperm. Discover whether you have a family background of fertility troubles. Having a male blood relative, such as your bro or father, with fertility problems or other reproductive problems might offer clues to the cause of fertility troubles. You could start by seeing your family members medical professional if you have actually never been assessed by a medical professional.
How can I increase my sperm count overnight?
This practice is the origin of the “24 times a year” idea. In fact, some Taoist teachers recommend that you only ejaculate 20 to 30 percent of the times you have sex. That translates to 2 or 3 times out of every 10 sessions.
Visits At Mayo Clinic.
Leading to males having smaller testes, reducing the quantity of testosterone and also sperm production.
Brand-new researches suggest that environmental elements that changed an individual's epigenetic markers can be seen in their grandchildren, one such study demonstrating this through rats as well as fertility disruptors.
Up until just recently, scientists have assumed that epigenetic markers only impact the private and are not given as a result of not transforming the DNA.
These researches suggest that ecological elements that affect fertility can be felt for generations even without altering the DNA.
Another study bred rats subjected to an endocrine disruptor, observing results approximately generation F5 including decreased sperm mobility and also lowered sperm matter.
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Due to spiritual or cultural beliefs, some men choose an alternative technique of sperm collection. In such instances, seminal fluid can be collected by using an unique prophylactic throughout sexual intercourse. Several sterile pairs have more than one root cause of inability to conceive, so it's likely you will certainly both need to see a medical professional.
What are signs of unhealthy sperm?
Male Infertility Treatments
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Not all male infertility is permanent or untreatable; it is not uncommon for men to treat infertility through one or a combination of actions. Alternative medicine. However, certain types of herbs may be harmful.
Consider MilkBliss Lactation Cookies to be your trump card. Not only are they wholesome and also scrumptious, yet they were formulated specifically for breastfeeding mothers based upon the scientific research of galactagogues-- likewise referred to as milk boosters. They also come in peanut butter and wild blueberry tastes. And also while you're adding these rich, healthy and balanced superfoods right into your diet, you ought to additionally be observant of what foods to stay away from, as well. Direct exposure to lead or various other heavy steels additionally can cause the inability to conceive.
Nursing an infant is a 24/7 work, which requires some wardrobe alterations. For a breastfeeding mom, there are couple of points extra priceless and important than the milk she functioned so tough to pump-- as well as it's the stuff of headaches to imagine it spilling out in the fridge.
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dietsauthority · 4 years
How Much Does Diet Affect Your Sex Life, Really?
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PETA (People for the Honest Treatment of Animals) just recently mixed up an enduring debate over whether or not diet regimen actually does play a duty in our sex life with their controversial (as if they would certainly do anything yet) BWVAKTBOOM advertisement. The ridiculously lengthy anagram means 'Guy Went Vegan and Knocked the Bottom Out of Me,' which is indicated to explain a fictitious syndrome in which men who go vegan become insatiably passionate fans frequently unable of managing their interest as well as triggering injuries like whiplash, dislocated hips as well as of training course, carpet melt. While lots of aspects dictate an individual's sexual behavior as well as efficiency capability past diet, there's no doubt that just what we eat plays a duty, yet just what does it cost?? And also does whether you eat meat truly make a difference?
Even more intimate compared to sex is the act of eating. We do it more frequently (ideally), and food really becomes us (in a way just a great fan could want to). Increasingly more study factors to the benefits of eating a fresh, well balanced diet regimen rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and also vegetables, from disease prevention to improved cognitive feature. And, PETA's not all shock and also awe with BWVAKTBOOM, either. The amino acid L-Arginine, which is discovered in oats, nuts, seeds, leafed eco-friendly vegetables, origin vegetables and beans including soy and chickpeas, has been revealed to boost sexual feature for men.
The vascular effects of high cholesterol-- which affects more than 120 million Americans-- are not simply restricted to the heart, either. According to a study released in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, both guys and ladies can experience decreased blood flow to the penis, clitoris as well as vulva, as a result of constricted blood vessels, making sexual task both challenging and less satisfying.
But do vegans truly have much better sex than meat eaters? Inning accordance with PETA, vegetarians are healthier, slimmer and for that reason most likely to have a much more active and meeting sex life than non-vegetarians. Research carried out by the popular heart physician and also author Dr. Dean Ornish sustains PETA's insurance claim, as people following a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet plan abundant in fruits and veggies scored higher in relevant fitness compared to meat-eaters.
Foodborne ailments, such as Salmonella as well as e coli-- most typically a result of contaminated meat or dairy items-- affect countless Americans every year, with signs and symptoms usually appearing so much like that of light belly flu that they go unreported (but absolutely not unfelt by the victims). While there's basically no research on the connection between food poisoning and also sex-related function, vegetarians are much less likely to be revealed to these sorts of illnesses and the ensuing downtime, thus less most likely to experience interrupted sexual (or any type of various other) activity.
But, the food/sex dispute isn't really just a vegan versus meat-eater conversation. Foods filled with trans fats, sodium, refined sugars and also habits modifying chemical preservatives, shades, stabilizers and also tastes, have actually also been revealed to have adverse effects on our power degrees, weight, concentration and blood circulation-- all required for a healthy and balanced sex drive and also performance.
' Not tonight, Honey, I have a headache,' could really be attributable to direct exposure to pesticides, which are consistently put on non-organic crops, and also have likewise been linked to hormone discrepancies which impact libido along with feature (consisting of fertility). They're gotten in touch with birth defects, too, and also might cause nerve damages, which for some, might lower or eliminate sexual capability and interest.
If there is an optimal diet regimen for a most-satisfying, healthy sex life, study indicates the very same prescription when it comes to a typically healthy life: even more fresh foods, most of them plant-based (and also natural whenever feasible) and also less extremely refined foodlike stuffs with too much quantities of sugar, salt or fat.
As for BWVAKTBOOM's claim, there's no research suggesting that consuming a peach or a stalk of celery makes any person unable of self-constraint or being a compassionate watch-the-headboard fan. Vegan or not, if you're having a healthy and balanced sex life, do be cautious to avoid the carpet burn (it really hurts!).
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