#and imagine what would happen if i coupled them up as wlw ships
the-spaced-out-ace · 7 months
rereading the half finished novel i put on ao3 that was pure fairy tale fanfic like. i was onto something but this shit needs a complete rewrite
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thestobingirlie · 9 months
To answer your Byler question: it’s about the slow burn of it all and about the audience that the story will reach. I don’t really know what you mean by “with gay rep the way it is now” because the state of gay rep rn is just two characters getting together after a few episodes of no buildup. Regardless of Will and Mike being white (which I’m going to assume is what you’re getting at), there are very few modern gay stories out there that spend this long on a slow build and the careful construction of a seasons-long sexuality arc. That is what would make Byler so unique if it ever becomes canon, compounded by the fact that ST is the most mainstream of mainstream shows. This isn’t Heartstopper or Schitt’s Creek or another gay show whose audience is limited because it’s targeted specifically to gay people — Everyone and their mother watches it, and that means that everyone will end up witnessing Byler’s story if it happens. That is what would make this special and groundbreaking. 
Of course, no one should be dismissing the importance of Robin as a character on her own, and lesbophobes claiming that Robin and Vickie mean nothing is unfair, but your point about it being the other way around (aka Byler meaning nothing Vickie and Robin as a couple) doesn’t make any sense, as Rovickie has had barely had 5 minutes of screen time together compared to the way Byler has been built up since S1. Even Robin and Nancy got more screen time than them, hence Rovickie’s complete lack of popularity. Stranger Things had the opportunity to make Vickie important in s4 and chose not to do it. It’s no different than any other show, where as you said, the wlw couple is just in the background. It’s nice that ST included a love interest for Robin, but it would have been more meaningful if she was actually a character in her own right. 
(And Robin and Vickie are also white, btw.) 
first, i would like you to watch more gay shows, because from the sounds of it you are not very well versed. but that’s okay!
second, i mentioned will and mike are white because while there are a lot of white mlm ships around nowadays, that number obviously drops with gay characters of colour, and i wanted to be clear i was taking that into consideration.
third, and i presume this is where our opinions majorly differ, i don’t think will’s sexuality arc has been handled as well as it could have been. and i think if the majority of the audience is unable to recognise that mike is going through a sexuality arc, then byler won’t be recognised as a slowburn anyway.
fourth, other shows have been popular and included gay characters and couples. and people are already calling stranger things a “gay show” because they have one lesbian and one gay character. though i think it’s very sweet that you think people, at the bare minimum, watching byler happen will make byler groundbreaking. a ship isn’t groundbreaking just because it’s been seen by a certain amount of people.
now, you seem… riled by my comparison of rockie to byler lmao. i think you misunderstood my tags. so i suppose there’s a few things to address with this too lol.
so. i very very much so doubt byler has been built from s1, because the duffers didn’t plan past s1. we were never going to see those characters again. the duffers are largely making this shit up as they go along.
a lot of bylers i’ve seen on tumblr seem to have this… obsession with making stranger things the mike and will show, and it just isn’t. and i think they’re doing a disservice to the characters and the ship by imagining this importance.
and i don’t think rockie not having a main part is a bad thing. i want my gay characters to exist past their sexuality. rockie isn’t groundbreaking! so many ships have come before it lmao. but it doesn’t need to be groundbreaking. i’m okay with vickie being introduced this season as her love interest, and robin having a life and arc outside of vickie. that’s how most side romances go. that’s what happened with dustin and suzie! if vickie receives no time at all in s5 and rockie end up together off screen, then yes, obviously i’ll be annoyed at the lack of time given to them. but that’s a problem for future me.
my point was rockie having their moment, and dating, and us watching it throughout s5 would mean more to me than byler happening. not that everyone shouldn’t care about byler rep lmao.
(and i know rockie are white, babe, but wlw shows are being cancelled regardless of if they’re both white)
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I feel like a big part of the reason Anti Bylers are so aggressive is because this is the first time in mainstream media where there's a chance that the main couple of the show may end up being mlm.
Not only is there a likelihood that the main couple will be gay, it will come after years of these fans assuming that the cliche, safe straight ship was going to sail from start to finish.
If you look at the "predictions" these individuals have for season 5, which honestly have less to do with narrative direction and more to do with what they want, you'll always catch a certain undertone to what they're saying:
"The heterosexual, white male audience is the default for media. We will allow the wlw ship, so long as it has limited screen time. We will accept Will surviving, and even allow him to have an acceptance arc. But you will not receive queer rep at the expense of a ship that we are nostalgic for. The straight male audience is the one that matters, and we will be represented by the main couple in the show."
My favorite is when they’re asked what they hope for Mike and El in s5, only to list off qualities of Mike and Will’s dynamic. I legit saw someone say that they hoped they finally took the time to talk through their problems (oh so you’re admitting they never do..) and that we’ll actually get to see them be a team…
Like, do you hear yourselves?
I would actually like to read off their play by play of how they imagine s5 going down. Not just their wishes but like what they literally imagine happening over the course of the season, episode by episode.
And I’m talking the confident milkvans ones that are like super hostile about it. I wanna see what they hypothesize will happen in early s5 related to Mike and El… I don’t think I could keep it together if it is anything along the lines of them instantly making up and being happy for the rest of the season… 😳🤣
They just don’t realize how dumb that sounds.
S4 created conflict and hasn’t settled it. It was considered the beginning of the end, meaning those parts are going to fit perfectly together. If Mike and El were lacking romantically more than ever before in s4, don’t expect that to change much…
And gentle reminder that rewatch value is everything. If milkvans have to skip 3 eps in s1 bc they’re not together or fighting, skip all of s2 bc they’re separated, skip most of s3 bc they broke up in the second episode, skip most of s4 bc they separated in the third episode…. What does that fucking tell you?? They are not being prioritized for rewatch value, that’s what. Whereas byler is. (Bylers also are capable of watching milkvan scenes religiously… I can’t say the same about milkvans being capable of handling more than one second of rewatching a byler scene. And it’s bc they know if they watch it the mental gymnastics they gotta go through to convince themselves nothing romantic is going on is near impossible…)
Byler endgame is going to make the rewatch for the entire series hit, while milkvans, even with a hypothetical endgame would probably watch s1 and s5 and say the rest doesn’t matter. Do they think that’s how the show is supposed to be watched?
With one season left, they should have been hoping that monologue wasn’t in s4, but instead s5. Bc now how can those two one up that? They simply can’t. It was put there to show that they’ll never progress beyond this point. Nothing will ever top it. This is as good as it gets and yet, they still lost. What should that tell you?
What are they gonna just repeat that monologue in s5, but have mike say it 20x and THIS TIME it works?? Yay? Like there’s literally nothing satisfying about that in the least.
Can’t say I wish bad for ppl that simply like Mike and El and are bummed that they’re starting to lose hope. That as a basic idea is like whatever. I don’t like seeing ppl sad. Even if I told off a milkvan directly, seeing them like feeling depressed afterwards, does make me feel bad.
But when it comes to the hostile ones, people literally resorting to harassing directly with complete strangers unprompted and threatening to dox, over people merely theorizing? Like?? Was it ever that serious?
If we’re so delusional and we’re just setting ourselves up for disappointment, why not wait to say I told you so when it’s all said and done, if you’re so sure? Why dedicate so much of your time trying to discourage people on the other side? Unless it somehow qualms doubts you have?…
What makes this whole situation such bullshit, is that if this were a queerbait situation, you still shouldn’t be out here being hurtful like literally spouting off how you can’t wait for people to experience getting queerbaited? Like it’s fucking weird? The prominence of queerbaiting is literally referring to show runners taking advantage of fans, making them think it’ll happen, even encouraging it, and then ripping it away, usually ending in a bury your gays situation. That is the norm in the industry and it’s only now within the last few years starting to change in mainstream.
The hypocrisy of it all, is that they think we should just accept what they believe is the only possibility, queer-bait. But you know if the roles were reversed, which they inevitably will be when s5 drops, they’re going to be playing the victim, saying nonsense like if queerbaiting is bad then so is straightbating!! and it’s just going to be so out of touch and pathetic.
It’s not the same. Whatsoever. And the fact that they can’t see that, that one result is lazy writing and one is epic subversion, and are literally making a mockery out of the situation, convinced they’re right bc they have history on their side and gays should just be used to never getting their way and THATS okay to them?
Like it’s almost painful to watch. Especially knowing the 180 they’re gonna pull when they end up in the situation they convinced themselves we were gonna be in.
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dreamwreaver · 7 months
I agree with everything you said in your response to that ask. It's obvious Chaggie wasn't something she was always going for. What confuses me is her mindset of, well now that it's canon, I don't have to put in any work for this ship. Excuse me? What? Has Viv never shipped before. That's not how canon works. You have to make ppl care about the ship and she or the writers haven't done that. How is Chaggie good enough to become canon because of some fanart but not good enough for you to flesh out their relationship for ppl to care about? That's dumb as hell. For all that, she should've had them stay platonic. I'm not even a Chaggie shipper but the fact that the creator of this ship doesn't even care about them is disgusting. Nobody told her to make them happen. She did that herself.
Let's be honest, she's likely been on the internet long enough to know what shipping is, explaining her more cavalier attitude on fans shipping which used to be the norm. Her "ship what you want but don't be a dick to other people" attitude is precisely what old fandom used to be like before the influx of what I can only describe as normies decided they wanted to be a part of fandom.
See, the thing about the old internet (and by that I mean before the rise of mainstream social media platforms like Facebook, insta, Twitter, etc.) the internet by and large was by nerds for nerds. We kept the shit we liked online to ourselves irl and we definitely didn't talk directly to creators because it was understood that there was an invisible line we knew not to cross. You didn't harass actors or writers trying to get what you want. But the rise of mainstream meant the rise of accessibility to creators, and the trolls morphed into something much worse.
Look up the fiasco with Alex Brightman during the height of Beetlejuice on Broadway. The poor man was stalked, harassed, and asked over and over again if he condoned Beetlebabes, a ship which had kept that fandom alive for well over 30 years. Until he eventually released a statement so carefully combed over by PR experts only the people who lack media literacy took it at face value. It didn't reflect any previous attitudes he had on anything, and moreover it doesn't align with his current views considering the projects he's actively working on. In reality I don't think the man really gives a shit what people ship he was just sick of the harassment and likely worried that public outcries of him being a pedophile because of a fictional ship because he didn't actively condemn it and call for the harassment of people who did like it would ruin his career.
I have several friends who have come to hazbin from Beetlejuice, and many of them have met him pre pandemic. All of them say he's a lovely and sweet man with a good sense of humor. But imagine going through all he went through for over a year. Viv, and I hate to say it, went through something similar. I was pissed to find out toxic charlastor shippers on Twitter were harassing her to make it canon. So if that ship squicks her out now? I honestly don't blame her. Things are even more sticky with wlw or any gay relationships where you legitimately aren't allowed to portray them as complex or problematic. One thing I've noticed in particular is that male and straight ships are allowed to be as grossly sexualized as anything but women (or femme identified characters) cannot.
Look at all the chaggie art, not a single sexual thing. Even their official pinup stuff is fairly tame. Look at the Vees, despite the fact that velvette is an adult woman who died and is dating... Valentino I think? All the fandom sees is two gay dads and their uwu not sexually active daughter. Same with radioapple come to think of it, Charlie becomes a fully non sexual, almost Madonna figure in relation to the overt sexual nature of the gay ships. I'm guessing some of that still internalized homophobia and kink phobia coupled with sexist attitudes of what women can and cannot be interested in. Lesbian ships cannot be interested in sex, they must be pure and good. Meanwhile there's no end to overtly sexual art of the gay ships across the hellaverse. And the fans get rabid when any female ship isn't innately good and pure.
Another real world example; people flipped their shit when catradora became explicitly canon at the end of the she ra reboot. Because catra had gone through a corruption arc before a redemption one and therefore was forever culpable for the crimes she committed when in an obvious downward mental spiral after a life raised under an abusive mother figure and being abandoned by the person closest to her, and the major brainwashing of the Horde, but we don't have time to unpack all that. Ironic that in a show all about second chances and becoming better than the person you were these attitudes are still pervasive and ugly huh?
To a certain extent I think Viv has been on the internet long enough that she's seen what happens to creators who don't "perfectly" encapsulate a gay romance. Which means that it's unique while also being applicable to everyone. Totally an achievable standard right? (Insert sarcastic eye roll here). For her, I think making chaggie as boring in canon as possible was probably the safest move she could think of. I will critique it from a writing standpoint but overall it was the smartest choice to avoid backlash. I still prefer Vaggie/Emily and charlastor because it's two vastly most interesting dynamics, but I get why the writers might have been wary.
Sorry for the rant but unfortunately the depiction of chaggie wasn't created solely in a vacuum and there's a lot of cross fandom history context that needed to be brought up to explain why chaggie is the animated tofu of hazbin hotel ships.
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batllethinker · 11 months
I’m sorry but “might have definitely dated” sounds funny af
Anyway personally I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Whether people believe Leah dated Jordan or not (i think it’s kinda insane not to but i get it for people who weren’t around at a time. The last Valentines day when they posted for. each other Leah also liked some tweets from a woso journo praising the gay couples who were brave enough to post each other for making everyone feel like woso is a welcoming community. Patting herself on the back there Leah 😂)
What was i saying… whether people believe they dated or not it’s been pretty well known or at least suspected that Leah was into girls even before she started dating Jordan. She used to get spotted quite often at a gay club in MK, Pink’s, even tweeted herself about going there once (and got hate from a bunch of weirdo men. as an 18 yr old. imagine ffs), first day after deleting Jordan from her insta after they most likely broke up she was pictured at a wlw event.. she didn’t waste any time there lol
And I don’t think Leah herself is too hung up on labels and would feel insulted. Most people i know see gay as an umbrella term anyway. See the comment she made on this insta post replying to her friend:
“Big dyke vibes” lmao. Unless she meant “big dick vibes” which fair play to her ig 🔥💪
Anyway that’s just my 2 cents. You’re never gonna see me going to her insta and commenting “gay ass outfit” under her posts but i also don’t think we should police people that hard and be so overprotective. I feel like Leah gets infantilized a lot by the fandom bc people are under the impression that she was trying to become more private with Jordan and didn’t want anyone knowing about their relationship. When in reality they’ve just been broken up the entire time. It was only hopeful delusion and i think deep inside fans knew bc the change up was too sudden and without any real catalyst. I would’ve been suspicious if it happened when Leah was named permanent captain and gained popularity but it happened before that
Hm, yeah. I just think that I've been in too many fandoms where shipping between friends (most often) is way too prevalent, which probably is why I feel kinda iffy about certain rumors and whatnot between some players (not Leah in particular but), because there's been alot of celebrities that have actually spoken out about how uncomfortable shipping makes them.
Which is also why I don't really like to talk about possible couples or those kind of things (some ships are just unhinged too)
It was very clear that there has been a falling out between her and Jordan, which I assume would be the break up but friends fall out all the time without making it public.
Also the gay club thing I find so funny, like idk why but Leah is so funny(not the right word but)
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waheelawhisperer · 11 months
Alright so, not my kind to send these kind of asks, but I feel like I have to because I'm genuinely curious.
First of all, what did Rhine Lab, and specifically Saria/Silence fans have done to you to get to this amount of hate? While I agree some are debatably like the satyric description you've made, the majority are not just braincelless idiots. If anything, these people are probably the most invested in character psychology and symbolism in the fandom. Thinking that fans give them no personality trait is outright wrong, and their creator themselves is investing a lot in those characters to make them deep and symbolic. People aren't stupid 6-years old playing dolls like you may think, the reason why they would be invested in these characters is primarily because they are interesting to analyze in a psychological point of view.
Secondly, these characters are bound to get along. This is not even some take from a highcore fan, it's just that it's meant to happen. NoriZC left a lot of hints and their entire relationship is based on family and trust. From their words, "grass and rocks will always compliment each other over time", with the grass being Silence and the rocks Saria. It's not some fanfiction with a long slowburn just to end in romantic cliché, it's a story of trust and healing. It takes time to show your true heart and accept someone within, it's true for these characters and for actual people. While it doesn't have to be outright romantic, these characters undeniably share a really strong familial bond, that "friend" or "best friend" simply can't fit. I agree that there's very low chances that the characters actually end up in an amorous relationship, because gacha game be this way, but it seems very implied by NoriZC that they support this, as they retweeted and liked fanarts of them being shown as a couple, and they already supported wlw couples before.
Lastly, I just don't think you can claim these characters have nothing interesting, and that Rhine Lab has no influence over the entirety of Terra. A lot of things, even in the main scenario - Rosmontis for an example - were caused or a consequence of Rhine Lab's actions. And so much more is to come with Lone Trail, this is simply just one of the most powerful company in all over Terra. And just like the Seaborn, this is a highly dangerous threat slowly building itself up and that will end up being destructive, as Kal'tsit herself wishes to avoid facing Rhine Lab (Mountain's files).
Is symbolism and character building so unknown to you? Is it something only your beloved Nearl can have, or can you actually open your heart more?
Lone Trail releasing reminded me that this was sitting in my inbox lmao
I'm going to do you the courtesy of assuming this ask was sent in good faith and isn't an attempt to troll me, despite the egregious misunderstanding of my position, and answer it accordingly.
To start with, I don't specifically hate Rhine Lab or Saria/Silence fans over any other given group. I dislike/am ambivalent about a large number of other popular ships for precisely the same reason I don't care for Saria/Silence: their fanbases are full of morons who ignore the complexities of the multifaceted characters involved in favor of reducing them to one-dimensional caricatures with no defining traits beyond being another character's girlfriend or uwu cute representation (or, if they're lucky, being "toxic lesbians" in the most milquetoast ways imaginable). I've spent enough time on multiple platforms to determine that most of this fandom is stupid as shit. Saying that "fans giving these characters no personality traits is outright wrong" is objectively incorrect and easily disproven if you spend a little time reading comics on reddit or pixiv or even tumblr itself. If Saria/Silence fans are the "most invested in character psychology and symbolism in the fandom", it's only because there's so little competition. The primary reason most of them are invested in these characters isn't because they are "interesting to analyze from a psychological point of view", unless by that you mean the fanbase wants to psychologically analyze their desire to taste each other's lips.
What the characters' creator invested in them to make them deep and symbolic is irrelevant. They could've packed every instant of Silence and Saria's onscreen appearances full of the deepest possible messaging and symbolism and it wouldn't have mattered because the fanbase would've ignored all that shit anyway in favor of forcing them into simplistic premade character/relationship templates like it actually did and continues to actually do with other interesting and complex characters and relationships. Frankly, nothing in the second paragraph actually matters unless the person saying them actually has influence over or speaks for the people writing the story. Whatever the artist believes doesn't change the fact that a) as of the moment I made the post this ask is responding to*, I felt that it was plausible based on the evidence presented strictly by canon material that Saria and Silence would not reconcile or enter a romantic relationship with each other, and b) the fanbase is stupid and doesn't give a shit about authorial intent if it gets in the way of mashing the pretty anime JPEGs together like dolls.
To address the third paragraph, I can claim whatever I want. I didn't say Rhine Labs lacked narrative relevance and doesn't have influence on the lore, I said I thought its storylines and characters were (mostly) boring. I know it's connected to Rosmontis and Mountain, I know it's a threat, I know more is coming with the release of Lone Trail, I simply do not care. I don't find anything about Rhine Labs besides Saria interesting enough to want a game with a bloated cast and a narrative that already moves at a crawl to allocate its limited resources in that direction. Don't confuse a lack of interest for a lack of understanding.
Yeah symbolism's just for Nearl, glad we're on the same page here
*I got this ask like two weeks ago and Lone Trail released today. I haven't read it. I don't know if I'm going to.
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cassahina · 3 years
Headcanons for my favorite queer Danganronpa ships (+AroAce Chihiro): Dr1 & Udg~
- They are the two who start dating after consistent events of being done with everyone else’s shit together. It was probably the fifth time Leon got his good throwing hand stuck in a pickles jar where they decided to say fuck these people and make out in the closest that night, ditching their friends game night in the middle of charades.
- When Celestia first saw Kyoko’s hands without her gloves on, she was shocked. Not so much because of the scars, but because of the look of shame and discomfort that was blatant in Kyoko’s features. That night they had a talk and Celestia repeatedly told Kyoko that she was beautiful and reassured her that Celestia adored her. That would be the same night where they shared their first “I love you”s.
- Kyoko is one of the very few people who know about Celestia’s vampire fetish and always teases her about it. For Halloween she decided to surprise her by dressing up as one, and Kyoko swears she has never seen Celestia blush so much.
- Celestia loves to teasingly flirt with Kyoko whenever Kyoko is busy. She definitely looked up pick up lines and fancy French terms of endearment to use before Kyoko starts her work. Kyoko always rolls her eyes at Celestia’s antics, but deep down inside they both know they are the highlight of Kyoko’s day.
- Sayaka loves to kiss the few scars Mukuro has and has only shown her. It’s always a very intimate and vulnerable moment for the two, and Mukuro always gets a bit worried and insecure when she shows them so Sayaka happily reassures Mukuro that she is beautiful before showering her in kisses.
- Mukuro has definitely beaten up a few guys who have stared at Sayaka for too long in a certain way before. Having an idol for a girlfriend is rough, but thankfully it allows her to flex her amazing strength and muscles, which Sayaka always finds hella attractive and will thank her with a kiss, regardless of whether the paparazzi is there or not.
- Mukuro sometimes has nightmares about Junko. During these nights Sayaka will come in, spoon her, and quietly sing Mukuro back to sleep until she is snoozing again while snuggled up in Sayaka’s arms.
- Mukuro has a wolf onesie while Sayaka has a koala bear onesie and they always have cuddly dates in them at least once a month (once it was every night of the week for two months). Mukuro always gets bashful wearing her onesie, meanwhile Sayaka is just gushing over how cute her girlfriend is.
- They always share a bed ever since the udg events. Even when Toko got over her worry about ghosts, they still share a bed and stay up late talking to each other until they both pass out. It’s really helpful for times when one of them has a nightmare as sometimes Toko doesn’t wake up, so Komaru just quietly holds her and soothes Toko as she calms down in her sleep.
- Jill loves to gush on Komaru and show off. She’s actually decently strong, so they will carry Komaru around and bench press her at times to show how strong they are and how they can protect her like how they protect Toko. (Jill is a protector alter for Toko’s DID system, and that protective nature rubs off onto Komaru after they start dating and as Jill grows more and more fond of Komaru)
- Komaru and her girlfriends love to take baths together. It started off when Toko was in a depressive swing and Komaru helped her get through the necessities (cooking Toko meals, brushing her hair, etc.) and it ended up making Toko very happy, so they continued to do it. Toko likes bubble baths and Jill loves bath bombs, and Komaru always brings scented candles so it’s always just a nice relaxing moment between the girlfriends.
- Toko is a little spoon who will never admit that fact out loud, while Jill is a big spoon. Komaru loves it because she constantly gets to be both the big spoon and the little spoon, and cuddle times with her girlfriends always leaves her in a state of pure bliss.
- Mondo was probably Taka’s last straw before he accepted the fact that he liked guys. Like he is chill with gay people but he never fully saw himself as one, constantly questioning it but thanks to heteronormativity he repressed those thoughts a bit, and then he looks at Mondo and went “ah, so this is what it means to ‘gay panic’”.
- Mondo likes to follow Taka to help him keep the others in line with school rules. Whenever someone seems to question Taka or is about to berate Taka for being so stringent, they get a death glare from Mondo that reads “you better listen to my boyfriend”. Taka always thinks it’s his authority that makes the others listen out of respect, and Mondo doesn’t have the heart to tell him the truth.
- Bro is their casual tough guy way of a cute pet name for each other. This is mainly because Mondo called Taka babes once, and Taka gay panicked so much that he passed out. Poor baby couldn’t handle how soft it made him. It was both very concerning and very cute to Mondo who ended up watching over Taka until he regained his composure.
-they are like so supportive of everyone else, either being the big gay brothers or the dads of everyone else. They have a mlm-wlw solidity with Sakuraoi where they take care of everyone and all the baby gays. They also have monthly game nights where they playfully compete against each other in a joke battle between the gays and the lesbians. Just lots of lgbtq+ jokes and fluff and support, all in good fun and never any hard feelings towards who wins and who loses. Really they are just a badass yet very considerate and soft couple with one another.
- Aoi definitely asked Sakura out first, and knowing her it was either to get something to eat with her or to work out together. They both really admire each other so they would be down for whatever, but neither is big on PDA in public besides hugging and hand-holding and the occasional kiss on the cheek or pet name. It took the others about a month to realize the two were dating because they were so casual about it and both forgot to tell the others, figuring the other had already done so.
- So much body positivity from both of these girls. For real, imagine comments like Ishimaru accidentally calling Sakura a guy happens all the time, so it probably means the world when Aoi just love spams a million gender neutral and feminine compliments telling Sakura how beautiful she is and how Aoi can’t believe she is dating the most gorgeous woman in the world.
- Meanwhile, Aoi sometimes worries about her weight as she is not only an athlete but also from constantly being judged for eating doughnuts so much and her other comfort foods. But Sakura tells her that those things make her happy and when she is happy she is beautiful because Aoi has the most captivating smile. They both in a way just remind each other that they are both beautiful and loved every day, but both know that the other genuinely means it.
- Sakura is amazing at baking and Aoi melts over the wife material her girlfriend is. Whenever she is stressed, Sakura bakes something with one of the other girls to cheer Aoi up, and they end up having a cuddly sleepover. Aoi in return always makes sure to comfort Sakura whenever she is stressed, with Sakura not being the type to let things get to her often so Aoi is always the worried, accepting, and loving girlfriend when Sakura needs it.
- They are AroAce, but they are open to QPPs. I see Taka and Mondo being the most likely candidates, but they are more like Chihiro’s gay dads though.
- Chihiro has said sexuality can fuck itself. Taka passed out from both the sheer shock and horror of that moment.
- They probs have the worst anxiety when trying to explain the Aro spectrum and how QPRs work, so they are extremely appreciative for their friends who accept them and love them for who they are.
- They are the softest thing, I would imagine them being an amazing snuggler platonically cause they still love cuddle time, they just ain’t into romance. They are also super supportive and great at being a hype person. They are generally just precious and deserve the world and all the validation it has to offer to them.
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Summer Gay Update
Hello all....I still exist....been a turbulent summer (everything okay, just been a lot going on) but I am more or less back....don't know how often I'll be on, but I wanted to give a report on all the gay I have seen while I've been away
Deena/Sam (And Sarah/Hannah) Fear Street
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Spoilers for Fear Street
These two (and many ways, these four) have owned my heart for most of the summer. I love horror movies, and I have always wanted to see a a wlw couple a) be actual characters in a movie, not just window dressing, and b) live through the damn thing. So imagine my delight when not only did this series feature a lesbian couple, it makes them the core of the movies, and gives them one beautiful happy ending. The dynamic between these two is incredible, and I have not yet begun to accept that I might never see them again.
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Sarah and Hannah are amazing as well. I normally can't do tragedy these days, but maybe it was that Deena and Sam were still out there, or that it was just so well acted, or maybe just that I knew it was coming, but I was able to not just move past the tragedy but appreciate it for what it was....I do kind of wish we could have gotten a scene of their ghosts meeting up though...
Casey/Izzie  Atypical
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I watched just the scenes of these two to see if they stuck the landing and....I dunno....the actors are great, the chemistry is off the charts, but a lot of the scenes themselves fell flat for me, and I blame that on the writing, which just does not seem to be very good to me. I know it's not totally fair to judge a seres based on a few scenes you're essentially watching out of context, but so much of the dialgoue and conflict felt really forced, and it left me feeling disappointed, despite getting endgame bis (Though I still think Izzie is a lesbian. Did she identify as Bi and I missed it? Don't wanna disrespect that, just my headcannon)
Mouse/Harper   Bigshot
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Now, I've been away from tumblr, but I feel like even so, I've seen barely anything in the community about these two, and they're super cute! An awkward, goofy girl, falling head over heels for an serious minded overachiever, and those feelings getting reciprocated, really got me feeling mushy in an old school way.  Plus, it's on a Disney family show, which i never thought would happen, and there's zero angst about them being into girls. I dunno, it's not earth-shattering, but I feel like something like this, a simple cute couple, would have been really good for me to have seen when I was a preteen.
Raelle/Scylla   Motherland: Fort Salem
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Okay, so this is another ship where I watched nearly every scene without seeing the show...I fell pretty hard for it....falling in love with the mark is one of my favorite tropes, and a big kiss against helicopter wind? That knocks my socks off....and the show intrigued me enough that I actually wanted to watch it, not just skim the wlw scenes like I'm so often guilty of....and I'm digging the show....but what Scylla does in the first episode...oooohhh nooo,...I knew she did some evil stuff, but I was not prepared for mass murder. That feels like a hard line to come back from, and while I know she undergoes some character development, i don't know how you make up for that. The community has a bad habit of softening characters that do terrible things because they love them (Regina from OUAT, Catra, even my beloved Lexa to an extent), and i don't like to see history repeat. I'm gonna keep watching the show, but I worried I'm not gonna be able to enjoy those soft romantic moments knowing what I know. Would love to have my mind changed though!
(Also, the deal with her face.....i feel like that gets retconned? So the face we know as Scylla is really Scylla? But I feel like that was probably not their intention when they did the pilot, but changed it after the fact, even though it makes no sense? Does it make more sense later?)
SHONI   the Wilds
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I am still an utter and complete fool for these two....just knowing we are going to get scenes of them being blissfully in love....god damn....
Anyway, this has been the gay update. Please stay tuned for more gay.
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wlwomegaverse · 2 years
Hello! So I'm kind of off by myself obsessed with the idea of a beta female and omega male pairing. What their courtship was like, their relationship dynamics. How does the beta female react when her mate is dealing with omega stereotypes of being weak and sex obsessed, but in a submissive way. How does the omega male react when his mate is dealing with beta female stereotypes of being a boring, nonsexual drone.
Most of the Omegaverse fics I've read do beta females real dirty and have them the least desired and least fertile of the subgenders. In that vein I read one story where each subgender had a nasty name that was different for the male and female version of the subgender and beta females were referred to as drones, like the sterile female members of an insect hive. Not sure I vibe with them ALL being sterile, but maybe they often only have 1 or 2 kids if they have any?
The idea that staunch traditionalists don't like it, but that most normal people have real problems like paying bills and 'Little Sarah is having problems in science class, do we hire a tutor?' to really care that much about it.
Then came the thoughts about his heat, and how they deal with it. Omegaverse has very little to offer in this regard. What do I mean? Welp, there's a LOT of overemphasis on the penis and alpha/omega pairings, very little on wlw dynamics where no one, regardless of subgender has a penis. There's very little about alpha females or beta females in general. And what little there is about how they relate to alpha or beta males. So in a way you have a freedom to make it up as you go.
I headcanon that it's always been about making the omega feel safe during their heat as they're breathtakingly vulnerable during this time. And for alpha and beta males that's easier because they have a penis (inflatable with a knot or... um... not (pun not intended but funny regardless) and for whatever reason penis equals easy safety in a heat drunk omega's mind. Alpha females are just DOMINANT, so again, easy safety. Omega/Omega pairings don't have it as easy as both are usually submissive instinctually, not sexually, to some degree or another (though I assume the one not going through the heat would be far less submissive during that time). However soothing comfort and nesting is their jam, move over for the masters of this ladies and gents!
Where does this leave my rare pair headcanoned couple? I imagine my beta female doing SO MUCH research because she isn't DOMINANT, she doesn't have omega instincts nor their scenting abilities and she doesn't have any sort of penis. Lot's of books, internet articles, taking notes galore. She becomes an encyclopedia on how to make an omega feel safe when they are being run by their lizard brain during heats. She is ready! She has supplies! She's giving her mate everything he needs with her scent on it to surround himself with because he's gonna need it. As for the sex part maybe a lot of cockwarming? If he's inside her, he feels safe? If she's wrapped around him in every which way, it's ok how deep he goes into his own head with omega sexually submissive instincts because she's right there and that means he's safe.
For drama, 'cause we always need a little drama, maybe leading into the 1st heat with her, he was concerned an alpha would interfere and he doesn't want an alpha, he wants his mate and just her. But after that and it not happening, this doesn't really plague him anymore.
I know this was long as hell but I just want to geek out on this with someone and usually I'm just frantically paddling away in my Rarepair Rowboat watching the other, much larger, ships go by. So... thoughts on this sort of dynamic? What do you think of some of the ins and out or even conflicts of their mating/marriage/courtship/dating would be? And not just how she takes care of him, but how he takes care of her too. Me and my rowboat are extremely curious. 🌹
Hello. I admit I rarely think about F/M pairings (especially in my standard omegaverse). I have a few ideas, so I'll list them, and then some other thoughts reflecting over the rest of what you've said, just to separate headcanons of the other thoughts!
These wouldn't really apply to my standard omegaverse, especially the NSFW parts. (For a few reasons, like that the betas are roughly equal to the other dynamics, even preferred in many occasions/professions.)
Courtship: both of them not really knowing what to do. The omega being raised to expect some sort of brief courtship of an alpha, the beta being raised to expect to one day meet a male beta who's willing to be with her. The beta would try to step up, maybe emulate what she has seen alphas do (probably emulate female alphas, dominant but not necessarily violent or aggressive).
Relationship dynamics: the beta spending a long time trying to emulate alpha behavior, both working to make the relationship more like an alpha/omega relationship before they trust each other enough for them to accept that they can have a relationship without emulating other kind of dynamics.
Omega stereotypes: the beta always on defensive, but in the supportive kind of defense. More encouraging the omega to stand up for himself then doing it herself. A lot of encouraging him to explore a less traditional submissive alpha. Maybe not go on full dominant omega, but letting him take control a bit more and learning that he doesn't need to be a submissive needy omega to be satisfied.
Beta stereotypes: also a lot of encouraging. Letting everyone know that his mate has way more sexual stamina then any of his exes. In privacy, using the need to help her dealing with the boring nonsexual drone issues as a motivation to indulge on her plans of making him a more dominant omega.
Heats: humans adapt, so there's no way there isn't toys made to substitute the presence of an alpha. They could just buy some. Maybe regular sex isn't enough to satisfy the omega. If nesting is important during heat, the beta would definitely help him with it.
(Ok, I have some specific ideas for an A/B/O that isn't my standard A/B/O when it comes to the NSFW part, I'll make another post someday, since they don't fit what was asked here.)
Now, other thoughts!
I admit that as much as I love betas in general, I end up focusing on alphas and omegas when I write. A lot out of knowing that people don't really read anything that isn't alpha/omega. I really don't vibe with betas being less desired, but I admit I vibe with everyone having 1 or 2 kids instead of popping out babies like a machine. All my characters with kids have 1 or 2 kids, but I understand that this low number is a bummer in an A/B/O where omegas have more than that, so betas are like a downgrade in terms of fertility.
Traditionalists can be basically a small but very loud group, normal people wouldn't even think about that kind of stuff.
Heats shouldn't be a problem, people are just stupid. Consider this: knotting dildos are a things in real life. Extremely large dildos are a thing in real life. People really think that humans wouldn't create specific sex toys and other products to help people in their mating cycle? If it's a more traditional omegaverse and the omega actually needs penetration and knotting, dildos and strap-ons are a fucking thing. He needs to feel like he's being bred? Fake cum is a thing in real life too.
(A particular headcanon I have an A/B/O where female alphas don't have a penis, and male omegas don't have a vagina/whatever you might want to use for them to get pregnant: there's some kind of internal knotting – don't think too much, just bear with me – and if the male omega is one of those that really needs to be knotted, hey, there are toys made for it. Meanwhile is a little harder for the alpha, since it's easy to hurt someone if she's not with an omega.)
The thing with obsession with a penis in the omegaverse, I think, it's because it's mainly a mlm pairing kind of thing. It's very much "get this cis man pregnant". Also, I have the impression that many people have a rape kink or something like that. So you have to dig to find anything that isn't a male alpha/male omega pairing, no consent to be found, pregnancy and abuse.
I am at fault for not writing wlw the extra body part, maybe because my favorite pairing is female alpha/female alpha. I did write wlw omegaverse without the dirty hanging thing and nobody read, so I ended giving up on that and stuck to my current version of A/B/O dynamics.
Back to his heat.
Ok, I can see that. Lots of reading, lots of note taking, having multiple notebooks filled with ideas and concepts and lists for when the time comes. Maybe even some training out of heat so she's not trying it for the first time when their first heat hits.
Yes, pretty long, the response too. Feel free to get out on this with me, I'm open to that. Consider that my favorite pairing is female alpha/female alpha (despite writing a lot more female alpha/female omega than any other pairing), I'm also paddlings in my Rarepair Rowboat.
I might make another post with some more ideas that fit more on my own version of A/B/O, now that the idea of female beta/male omega is creating roots somewhere on my rotting brain.
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capstoverogers · 3 years
A Soul for a Soul
Tryna break into the wlw Marvel tumblr fic world; consider this grief-ridden multi-chapter fic my resume ;)
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/Black!Reader, Eventual Carol Danvers/Black!Reader
Genre: Grief, Angst, Romance
Summary: You thought you were used to the struggle. Between growing up as an orphan in Oakland before elbowing your way through the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D., you were sure nothing could faze you.
But then you lose the love of your life and for the first time ever, you’re not sure how to move forward.
Notes: In this world, Peter Parker survived the Snap and S.H.I.E.L.D. still exists, just underground. Also features an OC with pyrokinetic abilities who’s the Reader’s best friend.
Chapter One - Hope
Word Count: 3,666
Warnings: Cursing, Allusions to Sex, Very Slight Ant-Man Slander, but Out of Love
In a lot of ways, the past five years had been quiet.
You’d grown up in Oakland, gone to college in Washington D.C., then lived and worked in New York ever since. You didn’t like quiet.
The biggest cities had lost their bustle, and it was one of the many reasons why you resented Thanos.
That and for taking the little bit of family you’d ever had. And the two men who were the closest things you had had to living brothers. And your absolute best friend in the world.
You coped in the way you always had - through work and through perspective. With Agents Fury and Hill gone in the snap, along with half of S.H.I.E.L.D. that had been underground after its public fall, you had moved through the ranks overnight (and you had been pretty high up there to begin with), taking over a great bulk of the remaining operations of the covert agency. Those first couple of years, you were in D.C. during the week days, watching as a fractured government slowly tried to repair itself while dispatching any leftover agents to take care of the chaos that had arisen in the aftermath. You’d go home to a pathetic one-bedroom apartment in the city most nights, it often being too late to commute to where you really wanted to be, get a few hours of sleep, then do it all over again.
It was all right. Kept you distracted. Made you feel purposeful.
It was the weekends, though, you found your truest solace. You’d put off all your responsibilities except in case of an emergency, take a quinjet up north to the Avengers compound, spend Saturday and Sunday with the woman you loved. Most of the time, you’d have the entire compound to yourselves. Maybe you didn’t like the quiet, but you loved it when it was quiet when you were with her.
After a few years, though, there was less for everyone to do as slowly, society started to move on. It was a blessing, you supposed, though sometimes it felt like a curse. You had never done well with idle hands.
It was slow enough that you could work remotely, at least, leaving your little D.C. apartment behind to take up permanent residence in upstate New York, except for emergencies. Natasha’s bedroom became y’all’s bedroom. You started to see just how broken she was, felt like a terrible partner for not realizing it sooner. She’d been able to mask it well when she’d only see you on weekends and through holograms. Now that you were together all the time, her walls couldn’t stay up for long.
Like the Avengers always had, she kept the weight of the entire world on her shoulders. Far be it from you to convince her that she didn’t need to do that, but you at least wanted her to know that she could share that burden with you. To get her to realize that became your greatest mission.
And you never failed missions.
By the time you reached the five year mark, the two of you had fallen into the sort of routine you could see yourselves doing for the rest of your lives, if this really had to be the rest of your lives (you think both of you, deep down, had hope that it wasn’t, that something more could be done, which is why you two had tried your hardest to not stop working ever since half of the world disappeared before your eyes). Together you both kept watch over a broken world - Natasha by keeping in touch with the remaining Avengers and your new friends from space as you continued to run S.H.I.E.L.D. from the compound. Occasionally you’d go out for an actual mission, finding that you got cabin fever if you stayed put too long.
Natasha would never come with you, though. She was waiting for the right one, she told you. But you think she was just scared of what would happened if she took her eyes away from the world for even just one second. She’d let you carry a little bit of that weight with her, finally, but far from it all.
She was completely open with you, though, for the first time in the seven years you’d been together (dating a former assassin came with a huge set of emotional intimacy issues, but there was no one else you’d rather work through that with). And when you two realized that wow, you’d been together for seven years, you decided that you all could use a bright spot in this darker world.
So you had a bittersweet wedding. Peter Parker was your “man of honor”, Steve Rogers was hers. Tony presided at his beautiful cabin home with his daughter Morgan as the flower girl and Rocket - much to his outward chagrin though you suspected he secretly loved it - was your ring bearer with the vibranium wedding bands that Okoye had brought for you from Wakanda. You’d even gotten Thor out of his desolate mancave on New Asgard for the night, with the promise of all the beer he could drink.
It was hard not to think of all the people who should’ve been celebrating with you, but you’d at least found the burst of happiness that you could. Moments like that reminded you two that you still had to keep fighting, even if you didn’t quite know what for all the time.
About a month later, you left for a quick mission. You were gone for three days and came back to a bustle unlike any you’d seen at the Compound in years. There was a space ship parked out front, but more surprising was the sight of Tony’s Audi convertible.
Nat’s eyes looked the brightest you’d seen them in awhile, all pretenses shattered as she greeted you with an excited smile that was surprisingly adorable.
“So this is what you do when I’m gone?” You teased, wrapping your arms around her distractedly as you took in the energy around you. God, you had missed this sort of noise. “Throw parties?”
“You caught me,” she gave back, eyes twinkling before she wrapped her arms around you tightly, but in a way that didn’t feel desperate. It reminded you of how she’d hugged you throughout your wedding day. You let yourself fall completely into her embrace, burying your face into her neck and inhaling deeply. It had only been a few days, but you’d missed her so much. How you used to spend all week without her, you had no idea. “I think we found a way to reverse the snap.”
You yanked your head up so quickly that you almost gave yourself whiplash, playfully glaring when Natasha laughed. Her eyes were so warm with hope, though, that that was soon all you could focus on.
She nodded excitedly, squeezing your hips. Your mind immediately started reeling, unable to keep from imagining what this meant, who you’d be able to see again.
Natasha’s lips curled up into a little smirk, eyes still twinkling.
“Time travel.”
The compound was chaotic in the wonderful way that you cherished. Thor’s booming voice and Tony’s wisecracks and Steve’s voice of reason and Rhodey’s deadpan and Bruce’s reverberating Hulk-heavy footsteps and Rocket’s quips and Clint’s snark and Natasha’s sarcasm and laugh and sass and just everything about her that had been buried beneath the rubble of the last five years, coming out now more than in just moments. None of you slept as you all plotted, planned, built; a certain energizing spark taking over all of you in this renewed sense of purpose.
There was only enough of these “Pym particles” for ten people to do this time heist, though, which meant you were the odd one out.
“Maybe when you get powers, we’ll reconsider it,” Tony quipped when you complained, chuckling when you rolled your eyes.
“I could beat you up if you didn’t have that suit,” you gave back, smirking.
“She could,” Natasha echoed before he could get a word in, shooting you a grin as she came up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist.
Tony dramatically clutched at his chest.
“I’m offended you don’t think I’m more than my suit, Romanoff.” He paused. “Or is it (Y/L/N) now? Romanoff-(Y/L/N)?”
“Natasha and (Y/N) Widow, actually,” you joked, grinning as a laugh rippled through the Avengers. “Though I’m surprised you didn’t take Pepper’s last name, Tony. We all know she’s really the one running the show.”
You gave him your most dastardly grin as Rocket gave you a fist bump, Thor - perpetually buzzed - howled and Scott and Steve exchanged amused looks.
“See, this is why you’re not coming with us,” Tony said, pointing at you though he couldn’t quite hide his hint of a grin. “Today’s youth, so disrespectful!”
You let that go. You were in your 30s, but Tony always had a hard time not seeing you as that 22 year old first-year S.H.I.E.L.D. recruit he’d met over a decade ago.
So you chuckled, turning in Natasha’s arms in time to catch her fondly rolling her eyes.
“I will say, I’m gonna miss this banter on our mission.”
You wrapped your arms around her waist, as hers moved to your shoulder pulling her closer to you.
“Let me come with you and we won’t have to miss nothin’,” you said lowly, smirking at the way she eyed you.
“You know there’s no one I’d rather by my side,” she admitted softly, letting her fingers massage the back of your neck. You hummed pleasantly, letting your eyes flutter shut as your forehead fell against hers, “But I also like the idea of you here, safe.”
You sighed, not meaning for your breath to hit her lips, but enjoying the feel of her tensing against you nonetheless.
“I might not be a super solider or some guy with …ant powers…” you grinned when Natasha chuckled, “but I can hold my own, Nat.”
“I know you can,” she murmured. “But I’d rather know I’m coming back to you than be worried about you out there.”
You opened your eyes, found them staring into earnest and soft green irises. You could see how important this was for her, doing something that felt tangible after spending so much time and energy over the years to keep the world going, never losing hope even when no one else believed.
This mission would always mean more to her than it ever would for you.
So you nodded, craning your head to place a kiss on her forehead.
“I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back.”
She smiled, “I know.”
“Get a room, why don’t ya!”
“Shut up, Rocket.”
Hours before they were set to leave back in time, you got a call from Peter Parker saying he desperately needed you to pick him up as soon as possible from Central America, which was strange because the last time you’d checked, you’d sent him on an undercover mission to check out some disturbances in Europe (as the only Avenger whose true identity was still secret, he was most ideal to send on these sorts of things).
It did sound urgent, though, so you quickly headed to your room to change into something more extraction appropriate, unsurprised to hear the door open a few minutes later.
“Oh good,” Natasha’s voice purred playfully behind you as you pulled off the shirt you’d been lounging in. “I was hoping I’d catch you before you got all your mission clothes on.”
You chuckled as you turned to face her, then faltered. Though there was a coy smirk playing at her plump lips, her eyes told an entirely different story. You motioned for her to come closer, trying to keep the spirit high.
“Quickie before I leave?” You joked, sitting back on the bed as she came to stand in between your legs. She laughed, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes as they flickered over you before she gently placed her palm on your cheek.
“Will you be back before we go?” She asked softly.
You shook my head, your frowns matching.
“Even if it is just a pick-up and go, the round trip will take four hours.”
“I’ll see if we can wait on you.”
As much as you wanted that, you found yourself shaking your head again.
“I don’t want anything to throw y’all off,” you told her, covering the hand on your face with your own. “This is too important.”
She nodded; if there was anything you both understood, it was that some things were more important than the two of you. The fate of the world was definitely one of those things, and all the lives that hung in balance. It’s what made you heroes, before anything else.
It’s also what made you and Natasha fit together so well. You understood each other in ways that no one else could.
“I’ll see you when you get back, though,” you assured with a soft smile, grasping at her waist to pull her into your lap. She straddled you like it was second nature, though it didn’t necessary feel immediately sexual. You just liked that she was close. “After you’ve gotten that stone and you’re about to bring everybody back.”
She grinned, “You really think we can do it, huh?”
“You can do anything, Nat. You’re my fucking hero. There’s no one I trust more to save all of us.” You let my fingertips trace gently down her cheek as her eyes softened lovingly. “Don’t tell Rocket or Tony I said that. They’ll never let me hear the end of it.”
“Nope. Been recording this conversation the entire time. Gonna share it with everyone.”
You laughed as she grinned slyly.
“I hate you,” you mumbled, your thumb grazing against her bottom lip.
“I love you,” she gently pressed a kiss against the pad of your thumb. “Don’t tell anyone how soft you make me, though.”
“Oh, they already know,” you teased quietly, relishing in the way she made your heart feel. You were so close to telling Peter to find his own ride, not wanting this moment to end, but you knew you and Natasha would have to pull away eventually.
Still, you could make it stretch as long as possible.
“Yeah,” Nat agreed softly, pressing her forehead against yours. “But I like to pretend that they don’t.”
You chuckled as she grinned cheekily.
“I love you too, by the way,” you murmured, as if she didn’t already know. “So fucking much.”
Your thumb drifted from her lip, down to her chin, and forever in tune, she quickly erased the distance between you before you could pull her closer. Seven years, and you had yet to find anything as incredible as kissing her.
Except maybe when after just a few seconds, she pushed you back onto the bed, hovering over you with a twinkling smirk.
“Change your mind about that quickie?” You said playfully, biting your lip at her husky, soft laugh.
“Don’t you have to give a certain spider a ride?” She teased, as if she wasn’t the one who’d pressed her chest delicately against yours.
“There’s another spider that I’d rather give a different kind of ride right now…” Your fingers drifted down to the hem of her pants, but she was off of you before you could start to shimmy them down. You pouted ridiculously as she stood up, earning a laugh.
“We’ll have our own celebration in here when we’re both back,” she said coyly with a wink.
“Good, because we’ve only fucked once since I’ve gotten back from my mission, and it’s making me irritable.”
She chuckled as she grabbed ahold of your hands, effortlessly pulling you up off the bed and back into her arms.
“I love you,” she said again, pressing her lips against yours for a long moment. The words felt more weighted than they usually did, in the way they seemed to seep into your skin, take ahold of your chest and clench your heart. You could feel that this moment was important.
“I love you, too, Nat.”
On your way out, you were intercepted by Clint, who gave you a wry grin as he glanced down to your left hand.
“So I heard you and Nat got hitched,” he said, his eyes a soft contrast to his casual tone. “Wish I could’ve been there.”
“Me too,” you said honestly. Clint and you had never been particularly close, but he was still family, and he meant so much to Natasha. “Steve had to be Nat’s best man, and it was disaster.”
Steve had actually been great, but you knew Clint would get a kick out of the idea of Captain America stiff by the altar, uncomfortable in the face of any kind of public display of affection, as far from the truth it actually was. There was something appreciative in his eyes as he laughed.
“Well, I got dibs when you guys renew your vows.”
You nodded fervently, “Definitely. Maybe once y’all bring everyone back, we’ll do a bigger wedding. I mean, Nat would hate that - “
You paused, then burst out laughing because Clint had said the same thing at the exact same time as you had, and it made you kind of regretful that you hadn’t thought to bond with him more before Thanos had snapped his fingers. But you supposed there was time for that.
Your and Clint’s laughter faded, and both of you hovered there for a moment. Before it could get too awkward, you gave him a soft smile.
“Take care of my girl, Barton.” He and Nat were paired up for the time heist, after all.
He nodded, corner of his lips curling up into a smile that you knew was sincere for him.
“She’s probably gonna be the one having to take care of me,” he joked, but then his eyes softened. “You know I’ll do everything I can to have her back.”
“I know.”
Still, you felt a little uneasy as you headed towards the hangar where the quinjets were kept. You didn’t like being away from home base while they were out on missions. It had always been like that, even before you were with Nat. The fact that she was your wife now intensified it. You really wanted to be there when she got back.
But alas, duty called.
You were thrust into battle without a moment’s notice, when Doctor Strange’s portal appeared in the back of the quinjet just seconds after you had yanked Peter out of the Mexican rainforest as he ran from a bunch of cartel guys, wielding assault rifles and screaming “gringo!” at him.
He was in the middle of an adorable, earnest, apologetic ramble (one that would always be so Peter, even if he was less boy and more man these days) after you’d playfully accused him of being racist because he made you rescue his “white ass.” He’d be trying to tell you that he’d deviated from the mission you’d given him because he’d heard rumors of something akin to the power of an Infinity Stone buried deep in Central America. He knew you’d never authorize him to go after a rumor, so he took matters into his own hands (also very Peter, and it would be hypocritical for you to fault him for that), hoping to find a power source that could maybe reverse the damage that Thanos had done.
Not that it was necessary now. The Avengers had done it. Nat had done. Everyone was back, but apparently somehow that meant a resurgence of Thanos had come with them.
There were no time for questions, though, even though you had so many as you found myself in the rubbled remains of your home with an alien army before you and a homegrown one behind you. There was no time for proper reunions, even though you managed the quickest one when you came across your best friend Zoey on the battlefield - body engulfed in the trademark flames that defined her alter ego "The Flame" - and you two clicked right into place as you set her up perfectly to sizzle one of Thanos’s goons to ash, like no time had ever passed.
You guessed for her, though, no time really had passed.
There was a quick grin and nod before chaos descended again, and you were separated into different parts of the battle. There was a glimpse of T’Challa, carrying an Iron Man glove full of jewels - the Infinity Stones, you realized - across the leveled field - and Sam soaring above you, and Bucky firing shots into the enemy relentlessly, but there was no time to focus on any of this.
There was no time for you to find Natasha in the cacophony, as you forced yourself to focus fully on the battle in front of you. When you all had finished off Thanos once and for all, then you could hold her in your arms until the end of time if you wanted. But first you all had to make sure there was still a world for everyone to still live in.
There wasn’t even time to properly celebrate, as Thanos and his entire army dissipated into dust in the perfect full circle, when Tony slumped over, eyes glazed, his light gone. There was Peter’s full weight against you suddenly, his wet eyes drenching your neck, then Steve’s strong arms around both of you. like an anchor.  You couldn’t help but think that Steve’s gesture was more than just a comfort gesture because everyone had just lost the man who had brought you all together, who meant so much to each of you in different ways.
You didn’t want to confront what else it could mean, though.
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scfrozenover · 3 years
Underrepresented Frozen Over 2021 Prompts – Gen, WLW, WLM, Throuple, & Additional MLM
We are super excited to see such a diverse array of prompts for Frozen Over! In addition to many sweet, seasonal, romantic, and spicy prompts for everyone's favorite married husbands, there are many prompts featuring gen, WLW, WLM, throuple, and additional MLM ships.
You can view all of the prompts here. Claim prompts any time!
Below the cut are the list of prompts for underrepresented areas of fandom. We defined "gen" as prompts that are primarily oriented around platonic relationships, and all ships are listed in alphabetical order as they would be listed in AO3. If romantic ship prompts asked for multiple ships, we listed them multiple times.
Gen Prompts
It's an unseasonably warm winter in Schitt's Creek and all Alexis wants is snow. Someone makes that happen for her.
Patrick is an indie folk singer who records a Christmas album for charity (a la Bright Eyes). It gets amplified through social media and thrusts him into the spotlight.
Every year, Marcy knits her son a new scarf. Now she has two.
David and Stevie get dragged into caroling. Turns out, that can be pretty fun... when you're drunk.
(Nope, those are not the real lyrics.)
Remember that episode of Friends where they throw a Christmas party, but the radiator breaks so it ends up HOT AS HELL in the apartment and they turn it into a tropical theme? Yeah. That. Open to interpretation, but I imagine things might get a little steamy in more ways than one.
Schitt’s Creek was the place they became a family, so despite the remote location and potential difficulty in getting there in winter, that is where they always end up celebrating the holidays after most (or all) of them leave. The cast changes over the years but the town is a constant.
(Dark takes are welcome.)
Alexis used to avoid winter by hopping hemispheres every time it turned cool, but when her family lost their money, she found herself confronted by the first winter she'd experienced in years. (And it was a Canadian winter, ugh.)
The rivalry between the two SC baseball teams can only be matched by the rivalry between the curling teams.
It turns out that Maureen owned a little cabin on the lake, which is now Stevie's. How does she use it in the winter? Holiday parties? Escapism? Ice fishing? Romantic getaways?
How has Stevie celebrated Christmas in Schitt's Creek before the Roses?
The friends all decide to have a contest as to who can curate the ultimate holiday Playlist. The winner's Playlist will be played at the Apothecary on their last day before they close for the holiday break. OR the winner's Playlist is played at the cafés holiday party. Either way, one Mr. David Rose has a lot of opinions.
The gang gets together for a White Elephant gift exchange. How does that go? Who gets what? Who steals from someone else at the last minute?
During or post-canon, dealer's choice.
Slowly but surely, over the nears that follow the end of the show, Alexis and David start to revisit their Jewish roots and involve their friends & family in their celebrations.
(Would love this to be primarily focused on the sibling relationships between Alexis & David as well as Johnny and Moira's adopted daughter, Stevie, but if you want to throw ships into this, would love this to be found family for David/Patrick, Alexis/Twyla, and Stevie/Ruth.)
Rose Apothecary hosts a Letters to Santa writing workshop where the town gets together and makes wish-lists, all in good fun. They then go to the Café for cocoa, Twyla collecting the letters to send.
But instead she uses some of the lottery money no one knows about and anonymously buys everyone what they most wanted for Christmas.
Rose Apothecary has a 'Meet Santa' event, and use Ray's newest Part Characters service to hire Santa.
Who shows up? Roland!
There's a sprig of mistletoe hanging just inside the Café Tropical, and many couples pause under it to kiss.
Twyla sees them all, and this fic is her observations.
Schitt's Creek develops rival Christmas carol groups, and the competition between them is cut-throat. Does Patrick go head-to-head with Ronnie? Is a new, completely unexpected rivalry formed (Say Twyla vs Patrick? Perhaps Stevie vs Ted?)? Or maybe an Enemies to Lovers AU (or post-canon, I don't make the rules), writer's choice for pairing. Can they maintain their pitch *and* the Christmas spirit?
David and Clint form a long-distance bond over sharing knitting patterns.
The Rose family celebrates Hanukkah over Zoom calls. Did Johnny give David their menorah and Alexis is jealous? Are they taste-testing different store-bought latkes? Does anyone know the rules to dreidel?
Twyla hosts a winter solstice event for the Schitt's Creek community. Dark, cold, snowy, starry night vibes -- pausing to take a moment to reflect and mark the longest night of the year.
(Maybe Twyla's a witch, maybe she's just spiritual).
At least one of the Roses attempts to go on a winter vacation - but it's not the Aspen resort they're used to.
This can go in many directions! Perhaps Patrick devises the plan for his new husband and in-laws. Or Alexis tries to humor Ted with a ski trip. Or Johnny plans a vacation on a budget. Do they find joy in not!Aspen, or go home?
I would love to see Merry Christmas, Johnny Rose from another character's POV - perhaps after realizing they've let Johnny down, or during the party. Can also feature their own memory of the party Johnny recalls.
Doctor Who Christmas Special: Schitt's Creek style.
Does one version of the Doctor end up in Schitt's Creek and take on one (or more) of our characters on as a temporary Companion? Or has one of our characters actually been a time traveler this whole time? Can follow Doctor Who as closely or loosely as you'd like.
Bonus points if you do "Runaway Bride" with Alexis or David as a Donna stand-in.
Home Alone, but make it Schitt's Creek.
Someone gets left behind in the Creek, due to no reason other than being forgotten. They can (but don't have to!) have an argument/conflict with the people who leave them behind, but then find out that they have to deal with some "unsavoury" characters while all alone over the holidays. How do the others who have left them behind react when they discover one of them is missing and have to go to "great lengths" to return?
Take it how ever you want- you can recast the movie (young Alexis for the female reboot of the original?) or just use the premise as a prompt, for example- Jocelyn is left behind by the Jazzagals bus on the way to the Elmdale and has to deal with Roland's cousin trying to (comically) break into their house because Roland did NOT leave a key under the mat and she just wants to be left alone rather than set out a holiday meal, or Johnny has to manage the whole motel on his own on a Holiday night because Stevie thought she closed the place for the night, and now there are several quirky guests with nowhere else to go, Patrick gets his words crossed and shows up at the airport early while David is at home waiting for his husband to pick him up for their winter trip, whatever gets your sled going!
Twyla did once say that she wishes she could get randomly "gifted" some other kids' family, so what happens when one Christmas, she wishes for this, and ends up with the Roses- celebrating the holidays like she's always been a part of their family?
Can be pre-canon, where she gets this opulent and unhappy life beyond her wildest dreams, or during canon, where she perhaps finds that the Roses don't "celebrate" not because they don't celebrate Christmas, but because as Johnny said, their first couple years in Schitt's Creek were horribly depressing, or even Post-Canon, however that would look.
Post-canon, Johnny and Moira come up to Schitt's Creek to celebrate the holidays with David and Patrick, but they got their dates mixed up - the boys are going to be away at the Brewers' for half the time the Roses are planning to be in town. The Schitts catch wind of the Roses plight and refuse to even entertain the idea of Johnny and Moira sitting in a motel room or an empty cottage for the holidays - they invite the Roses to stay with them until D&P get back. Holiday shenanigans with the Schitts!
25 days of...
Jake's Special holiday Projects?
Twyla's cold-weather recipes?
Sweaters from David that Patrick wears because it's too cold and he keeps forgetting to go shopping?
Texts from Moira to Johnny about what to get their kids?
[insert ship here] smut?
... and so on.
Can be 25 wintry drabbles, 25 moments for your chosen ship/character, or simply reference an advent calendar or similar in the fic!
Stuck inside on a snow day, SOMEONE tries to teach David to play chess. Is it patient Patrick and they have fun? Is it Stevie and things get off track and they leave to get high? Is it Alexis and we discover that she's actually a grandmaster who once had to beat some sketchy world power to get herself out of trouble? Who is it? What happens?
Alexis is invited to an ugly sweater party and just doesn't *get* it. Feel free to pair her with your fave.
Ray expands his holiday businesses to include Hanukkah, and starts selling menorahs, dreidels, etc.
Maybe it’s not as lucrative as he hoped because the Roses are the only (half half) Jews around, so he tries to convince all his friends to buy the products. Or maybe it’s wildly successful because he’s catering to an untapped market in the Greater Elms area.
AU - it's the winter holidays, and Stevie, Twyla, and Alexis are some of the only students spending the break at their boarding school's campus.
Frenemy shenanigans, friendly shenanigans, or shippy ot3 shenanigans - dealer's choice!
Two or more characters go ice-skating. Romantic? Funny? Nostalgic? The choice is up to you.
Patrick and Ted have a unique position as guardians of the Rose siblings hearts.
Christmas is already difficult for both David and Alexis, Johnny's insistence on a last minute party has their anxiety manifest as (your choice).
Patrick or Ted reach out to the other before or after the party (you decide) and confide/find comfort/ask for tips on handling the fallout.
EP 4x13
Patrick and David hire a seasonal worker for the Apothecary, much to David's chagrin.
Is it a townie they already know? Is it a new original character? Do they fit right in, or is it a disaster?
Two proud dads take a walk Christmas morning. That's it. That's the prompt.
Twyla or someone else at the Café comes up with new seasonal menu items. Are they good? Bad? A mixed bag? Who tries them? Who is afraid to? What does this mean for the Café's Yelp rating?
Pick whoever and whatever you want!
One or both of them get the other the perfect gift. Because they (no so) secretly love each other a lot. Maybe when they are kids? Or post canon?
Stevie and David's friendship in the winter time
something with a dog in the snow
Patrick and Stevie take a winter hike together, and Stevie seizes the opportunity to tell Patrick something. (Queer feelings and friendship, please!)
The first holiday season Patrick and Rachel are apart. Bittersweet would be an understatement.
Patrick and Twyla team up their musical abilities to rewrite Baby Its Cold Outside so its not misogynistic. Is it for charity? A holiday talent show? Performed at a party?
WLW Prompts
Stevie spends her first Christmas in New York when she, David, Patrick, and Twyla spend the holidays in the city with Alexis. Ruth shows her all of the many things that make an NYC winter so special. Visiting Rockefeller Center (ice skating, checking out the tree, the Rockettes), maybe? A snowy Central Park? Bryant Park? Christmas markets? IDK, go nuts.
Primarily Ruthie with a dash of Patrick/David and/or Twylexis if you'd like.
David knows Stevie better than anyone in the world, and he KNOWS she's into Ruth. He and Patrick scheme to use their winter vacation to give them some gentle nudges. How many cute holiday tropes will it take for these awesome business ladies to get their shit together?
Stevie and Ruth go on a skiing holiday. Can either of them ski? Is one of them a whiz? Do they spend the whole time in the chalet? Does someone get hurt?!
To Stevie, Christmas means alcohol, terrible Secret Santa exchanges, and Boxing Day deals. To Ruth, it means Midnight Mass and family dinner. How do they handle their first Christmas together?
Pre-relationship (at the start of the fic): Stevie's stuck in New York over the holidays thanks to the weather. Ruth promises to show her how wonderful the holidays can really be.
Stevie and her girlfriend go ice skating on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa.
(I couldn't pick between Stevie/Ruth and Stevie/Twyla so you can pick!)
It's the Rosebud Motel Group's holiday party so of course she's attending. Stevie thinks it's weird that both Alexis and Ruth asked if she was going. When Stevie finds out they were both actually asking her as a date AND that she agreed, she knows she's screwed. Will she pretend to be on a date with both of them at the party or how can she possibly choose?
To save Stevie the awkwardness of having to deal with Mr. Rose and his "professional" "relationship advice" after she and Ruth start dating, Twyla agrees to take on Hannukah, and the following week of Rosebud Motel Group holiday parties, as Stevie's girlfriend, which surprises absolutely no one, except for David, who delights in trolling his best friend every chance he gets during the eight nights with his family and husband, since he's known for months now that not only are Stevie and Ruth together and disgustingly in love- but "suddenly single" Alexis has actually been seeing Twyla, and even planned to take their relationship to the next level over the holidays.
A prompt for all the lovers of comedic miscommunication and lovingly crossed wires!
What that next level is- buying Twy a puppy, saying first I love yous, a proposal, a gift, even just offering to cook dinner- is totally up to you!
Stevie and Ruth are on a business trip when the heat goes out at the hotel they’re staying at. The weather outside makes it too dangerous to go out and find another hotel, so their only option is to huddle for warmth.
The holidays are the perfect time to A) realize just how serious your relationship is, and B) decide that you're all-in with your girlfriend. Fluffy, happy ending, please, although some 'am I ready for a committed relationship?' angst is more than fine in the middle!
Stevie and Alexis spend Christmas in New York together.
Alexis loves Christmas, she loves everything about it. Stevie is a little less enthused, especially when Alexis wakes her up at 2 am to make Christmas cookies.
It's the Rosebud Motel Group's holiday party so of course she's attending. Stevie thinks it's weird that both Alexis and Ruth asked if she was going. When Stevie finds out they were both actually asking her as a date AND that she agreed, she knows she's screwed. Will she pretend to be on a date with both of them at the party or how can she possibly choose?
When it's too cold for Baseball, naturally, the Creek turns to Hockey!
While everyone can play, there's a rivalry between one of the couples above, who are on opposing teams since each team needed another player.
Extra bonus points if Moira and Jocelyn get roped into it too, either as players/alternates, or as referees, snack sellers, ice girls, zamboni drivers... anything!
Stevie and her girlfriend go ice skating on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa.
(I couldn't pick between Stevie/Ruth and Stevie/Twyla so you can pick!)
When it's too cold for Baseball, naturally, the Creek turns to Hockey!
While everyone can play, there's a rivalry between one of the couples above, who are on opposing teams since each team needed another player.
Extra bonus points if Moira and Jocelyn get roped into it too, either as players/alternates, or as referees, snack sellers, ice girls, zamboni drivers... anything!
Stevie hates winter - she's always cold and snow is gross. Twyla, knitter extraordinaire, takes it upon herself to make things for Stevie that might make winter a little less terrible.
What does winter at Warner Farms look like? Maybe Rachel dresses up the goats? Do they host their first holiday brunch together? Are there special cheeses for this time of year?
Anything Goats- I mean Goes!
David, Patrick and Twyla visit Alexis in New York during the holidays. When Twyla and David are left alone in Alexis's apartment (where Patrick and Alexis go is up to you), Twyla tells David all about her plans to propose to Alexis. He helps steer her in the right direction.
(Remember, Twyla almost sang to Mutt, so maybe her gesture isn't 100% on point?)
(Feel free to include Patrick/Alexis bonding, whatever they're up to out there, too.)
Alexis and Twyla have been dancing around... something... since David and Patrick's wedding two years ago. When Alexis comes back to the Creek for the holidays and joins a Secret Santa exchange held at the café, guess whose name she pulls?
AKA: "I got you for Secret Santa, so I bought you this really expensive (but sentimental) gift that I know you’ve always wanted, hoping you’ll never find out it’s from me - or, y'know, that I’ve been in love with you 1234567 years."
Alexis needs a date to the Interflix new year's eve party so she can avoid her ex (ew, Jared Leto!). Luckily, her best friend, Twyla, will be in town. They're just gals being pals, right? And what happens when the new year's countdown starts?
The lack of actual holiday family bonding affected Alexis more than she realizes, even today. For their first holiday season together, Twyla plans something special for the two of them. Whether she goes all out and does twelve days of holidays or scales things down into something more contained, let's give these two the holiday happiness they deserve!
(Would love for the holidays featured to not just be Christmas-centric since Alexis is half-Jewish!)
As Alexis herself says, she's a naughty elf AND she's a little bit go-girl when she touches herself. Maybe Twyla dresses up as Santa Claus in Schitt's Creek so Alexis takes it upon herself to dress up as her naughty elf. Maybe Alexis gives her a lap dance to Santa Baby. Who knows!!
When it's too cold for Baseball, naturally, the Creek turns to Hockey!
While everyone can play, there's a rivalry between one of the couples above, who are on opposing teams since each team needed another player.
Extra bonus points if Moira and Jocelyn get roped into it too, either as players/alternates, or as referees, snack sellers, ice girls, zamboni drivers... anything!
To save Stevie the awkwardness of having to deal with Mr. Rose and his "professional" "relationship advice" after she and Ruth start dating, Twyla agrees to take on Hannukah, and the following week of Rosebud Motel Group holiday parties, as Stevie's girlfriend, which surprises absolutely no one, except for David, who delights in trolling his best friend every chance he gets during the eight nights with his family and husband, since he's known for months now that not only are Stevie and Ruth together and disgustingly in love- but "suddenly single" Alexis has actually been seeing Twyla, and even planned to take their relationship to the next level over the holidays.
A prompt for all the lovers of comedic miscommunication and lovingly crossed wires!
What that next level is- buying Twy a puppy, saying first I love yous, a proposal, a gift, even just offering to cook dinner- is totally up to you!
Twyla & Alexis meet auditioning for the Christmas Spectacular.
What does a secret millionnaire get her girlfriend for the holidays? I don't know, you tell me! I just want some sugar mama!Twyla, please. (If you want to take this in a saucy direction, feel free!)
Since all of Alexis' Interflix income is eaten up by city-living expenses, Twyla proposes they should get each other homemade gifts for Hanukkah/Christmas/Winter Solstice [choose your fighter, or all three also work!] What does Alexis manage to pull together? Can be pre-relationship or established relationship.
Alexis has to spend the holidays in [insert country here] for work, which means she's spending the season away from her girlfriend. One of them sends the other an app-controlled sex toy, and they still manage to have some holiday fun.
AU: Twyla and Alexis are not-entirely-friendly co-anchors on a popular news network (think The Morning Show vibes). But after they do their NYE coverage, they stay up late together, taking in the city while it snows, and things start to shift between them...
In an extremely embarrassing turn of events, Alexis tunelessly sings "All I Want for Christmas is You" to Twyla at karaoke, and means it.
Twyla's car breaks down on the highway in the middle of a blizzard. A mysterious blonde who knows a lot about engines comes to her rescue. Bonus points if the ~road conditions~ mean they need to spend the night in a random motel where there is - you guessed it - only one bed.
Twyla teaches Alexis how to make Nanaimo bars. It gets messy, and then it gets sexy.
Twyla catches Alexis trying to figure out where all the presents are hidden, and punishes her appropriately.
Throuple Prompts
AU - it's the winter holidays, and Stevie, Twyla, and Alexis are some of the only students spending the break at their boarding school's campus.
Frenemy shenanigans, friendly shenanigans, or shippy ot3 shenanigans - dealer's choice!
Ted invites Alexis to visit him in Ecuador over the winter holidays. Nervous about seeing him, she asks Twyla to come with her. In the Galapagos, she realizes she's not over Ted, and that her feelings for Twyla aren't strictly platonic. What happens on New Year's Eve, when she wants to kiss them both? Make it a throuple, please.
MLW Prompts
Christmas in the Galapagos. That's it. That's the prompt.
Ted and Alexis make holiday cookies over FaceTime.
Additional MLM Prompts
Mutt comes back to town for the winter and finds the barn uninhabitable. Faced with sleeping on his parents' couch for the next few months, he jumps on Jake's offer of his spare room in exchange for some help around the woodshop. Between holidays and through storms, they discover that they have a lot more in common than they ever thought.
(Preferably Jake/Mutt, but Jake & Mutt is also acceptable.)
Jocelyn asks Mutt to use his woodworking talents to create a holiday gift for Rollie Jr., but Mutt is so out of practice after his time away, he needs to consult with Jake. It turns out that Jake has actually been hand-carving holiday gifts for local kids for years, but has always kept it a secret. Sparks fly, wood gets polished, etc.
(Jake/Mutt, please!)
Schitt's Creek is raising funds for a town project by selling Christmas trees. Mutt and Jake are both roped into helping chop down the trees. Do they get competitive about their chopping speed? Do they become distracted by each other's well-toned arms? Does one of them help the other pick out the perfect tree to take home? Do they leave together for some further "wood-working" at Jake's woodshop?
Any rating and any dynamic (enmity, friendship, hook-up, budding romance) - whatever floats your canoe, dear writer!
Jake and Mutt drink pine cone wine together at a Holiday party and bond over remarkably few words. Go with that where you will.
Alexis rents a cabin for the holidays and invites a bunch of friends. When it turns out that the cabin is heated by a wood stove, Alexis asks for help cutting wood. Jake and Mutt are eager to show off their wood chopping skills to impress her, but just end up impressing each other. Things heat up, alright.
Jake/Mutt, please.
Ted and Miguel captain rival curling teams.
(Maybe it turns sexy? Maybe it stays as an intense abs-related rivalry)
Ted has to go to Miguel’s vet practice to help him out with something (maybe Miguel is short-staffed for the day and reluctantly calls Ted for help?). While he’s there, a huge snowstorm hits and they get snowed in together.
AU of the gay hallmark movie classic… You decide which vet is hesitant to be home for the holidays, and which is the handsome ranch hand with a big heart.
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reegistrying · 3 years
what's your favourite thing about brenderesa?
Oh, boy, what a question! I'm gonna ramble like a madman here, because choosing only one favorite thing would be almost impossible, so go make some tea and get comfy, because this might be a little longer than I expected.
I think I mostly have an emotional attachment with this ship. TMR was my first fandom and Brenderesa my first wlw ship, I shipped them even before I knew what a ship was! And although the books are now a little blurry in my head after all these years, they still keep a very special place in my heart.
I think what lured me so much about them was what a strong presence they both had in a series where most characters were men. They were not the typical femme fatales or StrongFemaleProtagonists™ I was so tired of seing in every piece of media (I have absolutely NOTHING against female protagonist, but you guys know what kind of character I'm talking about). They felt so real to me, I loved how they were allowed to be strong, but also vulnerable, emotional, caring, they didn't have to "man up" or act like men or step on other women to be strong, respected and seen as equals (Gosh, I remember fell in love with Brenda since the first time she appeared on Scorch Trials, she was one of my favorite female characters at that time and she still might be today). They both had strong personalities, they were smart as hell. They were so different and yet so alike!
I also liked how in the books, even when there is a certain animosity between them, they still help each other out and had in mind that their goal in the end was the same. They both wanted to protect Thomas and get this whole mess done with.
And boy, when I discovered Alternative Universes. THE POSSIBILITIES, MAN! They just became my OTP at the time and I didn't even notice. (Note: this all happened in a time where there was maybe only one fic in my native tongue of them (which was unfinished) and my grip of English was pretty lousy so I couldn't really read a lot about them. Not many fan arts either, I think, so you bet I treasured each of them like my soul).
What really bothered me was how the fandom tried to turn them against each other all the time like it was some sort of competition, when I thought that once they could get over that silly Thomas thing they could really be good friends. I genuinely believed that, so it became what I looked for every time a read a TMR fic: for them not to be enemies, and later, for them to be friends and without really realizing: for them to be lovers. I wished the book had given us more friendly interactions between them and, as it didn't, I began to picture them myself. I could totally imagine them protecting each other's backs, fighting side by side, tending each other's wounds, discussing strategies, WCKED and stuff, but also spending time doing just normal things like talking about things they liked, gossiping, reading, teaching each other new things, braiding each other's hair, you know, doing normal things together like friends do. And somehow, it was super easy for me to picture them in a romantic relationship, too. For me, it really made sense for such strong women to be together, or to at least be friends. There was no reason for hatred or for them not to get along, in my opinion. (And of course my heart just knew they would make a super cute and powerful couple haha!)
So, I told you my whole story with Brenderesa, but didn't really answer your question.
They have more in common than they think and if they gave each other the chance they could really get along. And that would only be the beginning for them to take over the world together, because I know that, together, they could really do anything.
What is my favorite thing about them, you ask? That they are both strong, clever, independent women who would make a helluva team together.
So yeah, basically it's that hahaha
Thank you so much for sending this ask, I had the time going through my first steps into the fandom and I remember this ship with great love and a bit of nostalgia so thank you for bringing it back up for me!!
Thank you for asking again, hope you have a great day!♡
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bisluthq · 3 years
Nat, I feel the same way about Betty. I listened to the song and for me it made total sense that it was from a teenage boy pov (I'm totally fine with people thinking its a girl if they want) and I thought maybe it was because I'm a straight girl that I personally couldnt see it that way, but then when Ivy came out it did make sense to me for it to be queer (I alternate headcanons between Ivy being wlw or wlm and I love both ideas)
But James to me seem SO like a teenage boy, with the "Soo.... Not to assume or anything of course, but did you happen to change your homeroom bc of me?", and the whole " But I WAS thinking about you, doesnt that count?" Thought process lmao, to me it screams dumb teenage boy, it almost makes me want to ship it in a "he grows up and gets better and they only get together years later when they reunite unexpectedly"
Ya exactly. To me James sounds like an idiot boy from the stuff you say to him being like “but baby you’re not like other girls fuck your dumb bitch friends” to “I don’t even know why I’m upset about this man like I’m only 17 I don’t know anything but I MISS YOU” to the grand gesture he’s planning and all that. Also like the way the narrator blames August for what happened and their own choices and is like “oh well she offered to go for a drive dude what was I supposed to do come oooon 😩” feels like a very teenage boy problem because I can’t see many high school girls getting a ride with another girl and deciding that that’s ~romantic lol.
Dorothea to me sounds more naturally gay right because the narrator talks about buying makeup from Dorothea and the whole “skipping the prom just to piss off your mom” sounds like something a gay couple would do right like “well we can’t go anyway so let’s just go hang out us two” and whatever.
Ivy is also easy to imagine with a wlw storyline.
Cowboy Like Me is also possible to imagine mlm for me even though like because I like them as a couple I do personally like hearing it as for Taylor and Joe lol but I do understand hearing mlm themes in it from the fact that they’re both cowBOYS to the fact that there’s an element of forbidden love and kinda danger and shit throughout the story.
Betty isn’t gay TO ME but I get that out kids who were at school with lots of other gay kids can relate to it and that’s cool!
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favberrys · 4 years
No one asked this and no one cares, but here’s my personal opinions about every glee ship:
Finchel: they had their cute moments, but in general I really dislike them as couple. They brought the worst out of each other when they were together, Finn made Rachel insecure and was also incredibly possessive of her (not in a cute way) and Rachel pressured Finn too much. She wanted to control him and often tried change him, they’re too different and not compatible. I think Rachel needs someone more simalar to her or someone who can understand her, because Finn really didn’t get Rachel.
Klaine: I’m neutral about klaine, I don’t hate them, but simply I’m not invested into this ship. They aren’t toxic, but I think their relationship has many issues and is a little unhealthy sometimes.They had a good start, but as the show went on they got worse. I love Blaine, he’s my gay son, but he was too jealous and controlling about Kurt. Kudos for the gay representation, i acknowledge their huge impact on the lgbt community
Brittana: wow what can I say about them ? They’re everything, best friends to lovers excellence. Brittana had a rough start, but their dynamic became a beautiful and mature relationship in which they always supported and loved each other. Even when they dated other people, Santana and Brittany respected each other. It had and still has a huge importance for the sapphic community, it is good representation and one of the first big teen wlw couples. Brittana are the definition of soulmates
Quick: absolute trash, Puck got Quinn drunk on wine coolers and then had sex with her while she was still drunk. There was nothing consensual about that. The fact that rib never acknowledged this is disgusting. They had very little interactions, their relationship was not developed. Puck and Quinn have literally nothing in common, they’re not compatible in any way and them getting together at the end always irked me because in s3 Quinn said she didn’t care about all the boys she dated in the past. If you ship them idc it’s fine, but I hate this pairing. It’s a huge no from me, I think Puck liked Quinn only because she was hot.
Faberry: THEY’RE MY RIDE OR DIE YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THEY ARE TO ME. Enemies to lovers excellence, I know faberry was queerbaiting, but I still ship them after all these years. They have chemistry, lots of yearning and sexual tension, impossibly high angst level. This is the only pairing in which I will accept the trope “homophobic jock falls in love with the person they bully”. At first they were terrible to each other, but they managed to built a nice relationship and I seriously think Rachel was the only one for Quinn because she was the only person who always showed Quinn love and support even when they were enemies. I also think that Rachel felt something more than platonic for Quinn at some point (always ranting about how beautiful Quinn is ? That’s gay)
St berry: I like them, I know they had little screen time and they weren’t even supposed to be a thing according to rib (bc they planned on making finchel endgame), but I think they’re compatible, Jesse is probably the only person who could keep up with Rachel. They have many things in common and even though he was shitty to her at first, he redeemed himself. Rachel and Jesse have good romantic chemistry and excellent musical chemistry, their duets are amazing. I’m happy they got together in the end.
Pezberry: oh boy they’re so hot together, lots of sexual chemistry, they could have been enemies to friends to lovers excellence or at least friends with benefits, but ryan murphy is a coward. I enjoy their scenes, they’re hilarious together and always make me laugh. I think they’re a pretty explosive duo, pezberry has great musical chemistry, all their duets are iconic and there’s a lot of sexual tension between them, they’re definitely compatible in bed but idk if they would last in a long term relationship.
Quinntana: this pairing was very random in my opinion because Quinn and Santana lowkey hated each other and always wanted to destroy each other, BUT they are very hot together, they’re probably the most gorgeous couple on glee because both dianna and naya are insanely attractive. Quinntana gave me my sapphic!quinn rights and I’ll be forever thankful about that, they’re compatible in bed, but I like them only as friends with benefits. I don’t see any romantic chemistry between them, mostly because they were always competing about who was the hbic of the school. I don’t think they would last as a stable couple. I wanted to see more of quinntana though.
Fabrevans: if Quinn had to end up with a man, the only heterosexual Quinn ship I tolerate is fabrevans because Sam was really kind, sweet and good to her. Sadly she wasn’t very interested in him, he was just the hot new guy soon to become quarterback and I think she dated him for popularity. I don’t think they would have lasted in a long term relationship, they were cute together romantically speaking but I don’t ship them.
Samcedes: should have been endgame, definition of wasted potential
Tike: should have been endgame, even though I don’t care about Mike and Tina they were really good together, the love was genuine. Tike is one of the few heterosexual couple I don’t mind
Artittany: is a huge no from me, they had zero chemistry and he treated her like trash, artie deserved to be cheated on lol (I’m joking no one deserves that but I really don’t like artie because he’s sexist, misogynistic and he also treated all his gfs like crap)
Seblaine: I honestly don’t see it, Sebastian was definitely interested in Blaine, but Blaine always only had eyes for Kurt. Still I think they should have dated in s6, it would have been fun to see Kurt jealous about his nemesis dating his ex bf. I like the idea of Seblaine having a one night stand, but I don’t ship them as a couple. I also don’t like Sebastian very much, sorry.
Fuinn: A HUGE NO, they were aesthetically pleasing together, but that’s it. They didn’t have sexual tension, they just had tension. Fuinn is a little dysfunctional in my opinion, they get together, they break up and then start dating again just like finchel. I honestly don’t think they were in love, but they cared about each other in a platonic way. Finn wasn’t a good boyfriend to Quinn and Quinn constantly manipulated him. I don’t like them as a couple, they’re too messy.
Blam: best friends to lovers excellence, lots of wasted potential. I’m not saying they should have been endgame, but Sam and Blaine should have dated. I like the idea of Sam discovering he’s bi or pan and exploring his sexuality with someone who cares about him. They have chemistry and I like their dynamic. I also fancy their duets and I think they could have fallen in love with each other.
Hevans: ok if I squint I can see it, they had potential, Kurt was definitely attracted to Sam and Sam was kind of curious about him, I’m sure he admires Kurt and cares about him, but I don’t ship them together
Sebtana, Finntana, Pucktana: ABSOLUTE TRASH DON’T SHIP CANON LESBIAN CHARACTERS WITH MEN, IT’S INCREDIBLY HARMFUL AND INVALIDATING. There are so many heterosexual ships, why do you have to take away from the gays the few lgbt characters we have ?
Quinncedes: i don’t ship them romantically, but I ship them as best friends. I wished their friendship was more developed, Quinn and Mercedes were so good to each other.
Quinntina: have they even interacted with each other ? (Lmao I’m joking again don’t get pressed, you can ship what you what). I don’t ship it, they’re cute and I lowkey like Tina, but it’s not my cup of tea. Still it’s a wlw ship, so I don’t have anything against it.
Wemma: no
Artie x Tina: I don’t even know their ship name, imagine how much irrelevant they are to me. Again I don’t like how artie treats women, I don’t ship them and Tina deserves better than him.
Samchel: underrated af, i’m not saying they should have been endgame because they wouldn’t have lasted in a long term relationship, BUT they were cute together. Sam was really good for Rachel, he made her more humble and helped her to heal after Finn died. They deserved more development and had a lot of potential. I don’t remember what happened in s6, but I liked samchel dating, I don’t mind them as a romantic couple, even though they’re not very compatible.
Brochel: it was not as bad as rib tried to make us believe. I don’t ship them but they have sexual/romantic chemistry and also musical chemistry. I’m neutral about Brody and Rachel, he was hot, but he was also incredibly boring and one dimensional
Julyberry: the sexual tension between them is so high, i loved it when they did all that jazz, I think they should have been fuck buddies or had a one night stand. Lots of sexual and musical chemistry, i lowkey ship them bc milf!kate hudson rights. Maybe after Rachel graduates at nyda, they could date
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gleeincorrectquotes · 4 years
Controversial Opinion:
I do love Brittana, but like some of the other couples on the show, they were problematic but just not as much as some other couples, cause that's why people just pass by it.
And I hate that people assume that you're homophobic because you don't ship this wlw/mlm ship when it comes to all Fandoms in general. And that's what ruin certain ships for me cause of toxic fans, when it comes to Glee and other shows. Cause I saw a TikTok video saying, if you don't ship Thiam from Teen Wolf, you're homophobic. But that's not it, people are allowed to not like a couple that someone else ships. Cause not all fans of a show have to ship them. Everyone has their own different opinions and people need to respect that, but that won't happen anytime soon, cause there's always toxic fans in Fandoms that just ruin everything and telling everyone to off themselves.
You're allowed to like what you liked and what you don't like. Cause it's your opinion.
It’s kinda sad that a couple that have a non con sex tape scandal are one of the the least problematic couples.
Thank you anon!!
It does suck. I mean, if I wasn’t WLW I can’t imagine the level of shit I would be in bc of one or two comments about brittana. It’s really ridiculous that that’s the first thing people jump to, I mean it’s GLEE it was literally known as the gay show, why the hell would I even be watching it if I was homophobic?? I could go watch.. How I met your mother or something instead. I choose to be here???
Not to mention it’s rude and literally non of y’all’s business— I’ve offered the information upfront, it’s not really a secret online that I’m bi, but if I hadn’t already talked about it, it would be super fucked up if that’s how I’d had to come out online. The fact that I happen to be a bi girl shouldn’t be the only thing stopping me from getting my inbox flooded with anons saying I’m a lesbophobe and a WLW hater cause I critique a WLW ship.
Also just to reiterate, FILTERING exists people. It takes like 5 seconds to filter out content you don’t wanna see.
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ghostietea · 3 years
Akitohru for the ship bingo!
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It's… complicated. First off, I'd like to state that shipping something doesn't mean you want it to be canon, and that some ships are better off a fandom thing… this is one of those ships. I do not think that Akito is in a good place to be in a romantic relationship at the end of Fruits Basket and I do not think she should have any endgame. However, since this is a non canon ship without a ton of canon interactions, we're free to imagine that things have developed any way we like. This to say, I like it with the idea that it's happening postcanon by a bit and Akito has things more figured out/under control. This is a weird case for me because I do legitimately really like them just having a meaningful platonic relationship, that is the version I want canonically and love wholeheartedly, but I am also a worms for brains lesbian who sometimes wants to achieve catharsis through thinking about my comfort charachters who I also want to date and relate to kiss OKAY!! The line between what's what is just a bit blurred for me sometimes. But with caveats attached, them as a ship? Oh man oh boy you can get some good stuff there. Listen, wlw enemies to friends to lovers fucking rules, opposite but the same foils who come to an understanding over their mutual similarities also rules. They have the spice. It's like, prickly person who's trying to do being good and is soft for sweet person that also has a lot of similar issues and is stronger than she seems also they're both weirdos (affectionate). You get the more dramatic history for flair and maybe they're a bit messy but also a good balance of softness though both still challenge eachother in a good way. I think their relationship and the meta around it is very compelling and, in the end, touching, and them as a couple would add a level of all sorts of fun drama, universal irony, and emotions (oh lord the gaynst) to explore. I am also a giant weenie for them. Also, for transparency, I shipped them when I was 14 and sometimes what happens in middleschool brands you for life 😔 I have a lot of personal history and feelings with these two in any form that are hard for me to pick around. But yeah, I think they have potential as a ship with the right execution, I think it's easy to push the dynamic in a way that I just… don't like. For ex. I think a big part of their relationship is the equal power dynamic and I don't want anything that skews that and yes that includes putting Tohru in some sort of caretaker role for Akito that's unfair to her and not what their whole deal is about. There's also the fact that Akito, much as I love her, is undeniably A Lot so ymmv and another reason why I'm not full shipper mode. I suppose the question of their lack of a clear age gap could also come up, and I am not here to argue Akito's exact age because I do think it being ambiguous is on purpose but for the record I WOULD NOT ship them if I didn't think they were close in age. Again, benefit of ambiguity ymmv. But goddamn, many digressions aside, these two unlock shrimp emotions in me and the idea of them as a couple? Absolutely feral. Tldr fun potential, lots of caveats, also there is absolutely something wrong with me.
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