#and in my degree field....
spacenintendogs · 2 months
going to try applying for a job wish me luck
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the way that i can always tell if dan is saying “phan” or “fan” rattles me to my core every time. he aspirates the FUCK out of that voiceless labiodental fricative so violently it’s practically a voiced consonant am i right, ling phannies 😝
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majordemonblockparty · 3 months
there's this particular phenomenon that occurs when you're a self-professed deangirl, in which you come to the show and whatever your reasons may be, you fall -- 15 minutes into the pilot -- for dean. he resonates with you. there's something about him that gets into the cracks of you and digs in, grit against your soft spots, and you get it. maybe it's a physical thing, maybe it's a cosmic thing, maybe there's just something in him that you see and go, "oh. you, too? huh; me, too." in a like-attracts-like, magnet-pull kind'a way.
so you're a deangirl, and you know you're a deangirl; you're down in the trenches slogging through 300+ episodes and 20 years of posts and fic and meta, and something starts to happen. it's slow at first; asymptomatic to the point you won't even notice it right away. but one day you'll be scrolling on tumblr and you'll see something -- a post, a gif-set, whatever -- of sam, and you'll know. you'll feel it. the swoopy, gut-tied, so damn fond feeling under your ribcage that makes you go, "oh. oh, shit. so that's what that's like." because, congratulations; you did it. you've consumed enough of How Dean Loves Sam in all his myriad and sundry ways that you've come to love him, too, even if it's just a little bit.
I don't understand people who say they love dean but can't stand sam, I really don't. haven't you figured it out by now? there is no loving dean without also loving sam. he's too big a part of dean to cut away and still have anything left that even remotely resembles "dean". (and I think the canon supports me on this one.)
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littlecrittereli · 3 months
So I was reading this transcript of an interview the Kratt brothers did and at one point Martin talks about how he almost became a veterinarian, but ended up changing his mind and becoming a zoologist.... so I raise you.... TEAM MEDIC MARTIN?????
Bro carries around a slew of random medical supplies on him at all times. (Just like the creature power disks nobody understands how he can remember where everything is but he's always handy with exactly what he needs)
Chris skins his knees climbing up a cliff? Martin's got bandages and antibacterial spray.
Koki burns her hand while tuning up the Tortuga? He's got burn cream and a cool towel and making sure she compresses it for at least 10 minutes
and God forbid someone in the Tortuga so much as SNIFFLES in his presence. It's bed rest, soup, and fluids from there.
And beyond that, I think he'd be very knowledgeable about natural remedies too. They ran out of cooling ointment for their sunburns? its okay, they can use the aloe vera plant sitting in the window! Aviva is nauseous because she's had nothing but redbull and coffee for 2 days? peppermint oil and ginger tea!
Just like how they learned from the Orangutans about the leaves that relieve muscle sores, Martin would pull a lot of inspiration from nature's remedies.
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disgustinggf · 1 year
guess who successfully defended their bachelors thesis today 😌😌😌😌
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curioscurio · 2 months
sometimes I forget that when I was 7 my house and all of our possessions were destroyed in an accidental house fire that left us homeless for quite a long time. alongside other life changing traumatic events outside of my control that may have had a negative impact on my mental health as a whole. and I feel better because oh yeah there's reasons why I feel insane in the brain half the time. it is, in fact, NOT a punishment from God explicitly for being Not Good Enough. unfortunate Events were even happening after the fire if you could believe it. such is life
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mendellyill · 9 months
Baldurs gate 3 spoilers about gale (and rolan kinda) under the cut
If you take gale and karlach with you to the counting house in the lower city, they have a conversation about how neither of them have ever had much money and I find that for gale, that provides some fascinating context for his life.
How much did his mother sacrifice to send him to university? Of course hes a mama's boy, getting him into magic college was probably her main priority for most of his childhood. How difficult was it for him to get learning materials? Gale loves libraries, which is a standard nerdy thing but as a kid whose family might not have been able to afford the books he needed to learn about magic? Libraries would have been his one connection to the world of magic. Every scrap of magical material would have been precious and hard won.
Mystras attention would probably have been absolutely life changing for him. If he doesn't have a fortune to fall back on, like lorroakan, having the attention of the literal embodiment of the weave is probably the only way he was ever going to get anywhere in his field. Speaking as someone who works in academia, it doesn't matter how smart you are if you can't get funding. Their relationship is already deeply one sided, but man if gale feels like his opportunities for success are because of her? Fuck.
We see a sort of similar (please for the love of God bear with me) situation with lorroakan and rolan. Rolans poor, reasonably talented, and loves magic more than almost anything besides his family. He was, up until the enslaving dame Aylin plan, willing to put up with lorroakans abuse and whims because he wanted to be a wizard so bad. Now gale has several in universe advantages compared with rolans situation, but it's clear that the Wizarding profession is not a profession you can easily get into if you don't have funds or a very rich patron.
Not really sure where I'm going with this. I saw a post about gale joking about how his tower was never cleaner than after he lost the orb and I just. For a kid who grew up in a low income situation, his tower is 100% a point of pride and something he identifies with very strongly. To have had to literally devour his tower to stay alive, to have had to literally destroy everything in the life he built for himself as a result of the orb. That must have been horrifying for him.
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thecryptkeeper · 5 months
me to every professor in my program
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wanderrghost · 5 months
"Bimbo reader" this, "hyperfeminine reader" that, where's my reader who never bothered to learn how to put on makeup and whose morning routine takes all of 20 minutes before heading out to a full-time job she's overqualified and underpaid for?? Where's my reader who has utility bills and rent and a car and is perfectly fine being independent and solving her own problems thank you very much??
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onesafezone · 5 months
сharles is extremely good at doing homework
and, yes, by homework i mean his ability to be the only person in the world who can make arthur morgan feel loved and appreciated
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giulliadella · 28 days
Look at this gorgeous girl I caught:
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My dumb ass is currently on a field trip with my university and all I can say is that herpetology courses are paying off. She’s a very big female dice snake (Natrix tesselata) and she was full of eggs! Unfortunately she decided to have explosive diarrhea all over my hands, but catching snakes can be a dirty and VERY STINKY job. I still love her though. After evaluation and measurements taken, she was let go UwU
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essektheylyss · 17 days
I'm not gonna put this on the other post cuz I don't really want it rebloggable but I do want to specify that like, yes I was being dramatic about Essek in terms of affect, but every part of that post is also quite literally a description of my experience with a creative field that is pretty centralized around a few locations and that has made it stringently difficult to enter and stay in the field. There are obviously monumentally different aspects around those circumstances, but like... look I left Los Angeles literally two weeks after the c2 finale with a very clear understanding that once I did, I was not going back, and that because of that, my career would never look like I'd wanted it to in any capacity, and in fact it was likely that it meant I would not work in the field I'd trained for ever again, and also knew it was the only choice that made sense if I wanted to, like, have a life. And I do! And it's great! And it still makes me very upset to think about for many reasons! So you can see why I have a lot of feelings about the whole situation.
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mueritos · 2 months
As someone who’s been through multiple therapists and psychs, you’re super not wrong about these people bringing their biases to the table. I’m lucky enough that I
1. Was an older teenager
2. Had friends who had had decent mental health help already
3. Already kinda suspected the shapes of what was “wrong with me” and
4. Had an innate sense of “no that seems like bullshit” before I went in with these people.
The first therapist I ever saw met me as a 17 year old alt girl, and when I tried to talk to her about thinking I had anxiety issues she cut me off before I was done explaining and told me I was self diagnosing, that was causing my problem, and we wouldn’t “entertain THAT” any further.
The second therapist I ever saw met me as a 18 year old trans guy, pre-everything, during the pandemic. She listened, but she had no experience with the trans community and I had to teach her everything about anything I wanted to talk about with regards to that. She was nice, but she couldn’t help me. She didn’t know how.
The third therapist I ever saw met me as a 21 year old young man. She figured I had everything sorted out already. I didn’t. She never tried to change her mind or delve deeper. At this point I couldn’t afford to waste my time, so I asked to be recommended to a psych and she said sure. After that we didn’t talk.
The first psych I went to was very kind, and absolutely did not do his due diligence. I came in with a shiny recommendation from a therapist (that he didn’t verify), so he all but handed me the medication with no explanation and I only ever spoke to him over the phone after that. It was a low barrier to entry but the medication wasn’t right and I didn’t know I had other options. He made it seem like I didn’t.
The psych I’m seeing now put me on a medication that reacted poorly with my inhaler because she didn’t cross check if they would be any drug interactions. I came back and asked for a different medication. She was going to put me on a different one, and then I asked her to check if there were any interactions with this one. Turns out there were severe ones. I ended up going with a different medication, it seems to be working. It would probably work better with help from a therapist, but I don’t have the time or money for that right now. And quite frankly I’m tired of trying to convince people to help me when I have to explain what I think is wrong with me for them to listen. Only for them to decide that I’ve already figured it all out and they don’t need to try.
So uh. Yeah. Lots and lots of stories from me and my friends about clinicians of all age and experience ranges that go from horror stories to just disappointing and unhelpful. Some of these people had been practicing for 20-30 years and they STILL weren’t any better at empathy or not being horribly biased.
first of all holy shit it really fucking sucks you had to go through all of these terrible experiences while accessing care you deserve and need. i'm not surprised these terrible interactions happened, and I can't even be disappointed considering the bar of standards is in hell. The "better" experiences a lot of folks have with clinicians align with your second therapist. They are clinicians who just genuinely have no worldview outside of their own, but are receptive to new information...they just have no drive to learn how to apply new frameworks of ways of thinking to expand their worldview and guide their clients. The worst is literal malpractice, ableism, and violence against clients.
a lot of people who go into the mental health field don't actually have the skills related to active listening, empathy, or curiosity based out of humanity. I say this to a lot of people in the social work program, but social work is the same pipeline as mean girls who go into nursing--it's just full of the girls who were not smart enough to go into nursing that decide to go into social work. Same breed of mean girl seeking power over others, just different contexts of public service.
the only hope i have is in the new generations of mental health clinicians who are BIPOC/queer, anti-carceral, disabled themselves, and who are mentally ill as well. I feel more solidarity with my neurodivergent peers in my program who can barely finish an assignment on time than I do with the white women who have never experience hardship in their lives. Not to say neither of these people can't experience easy or hard times in their lives but man....seeing the roadblocks in some of these people's worldviews, empathy, or conceptualizations of other people's struggles is fucked up.
the mental health field is just another medicalized, over-policed, and racist institution that wants to shove people back into the workforce ASAP. we are in hell!! but just know there ARE people and groups and orgs out there that are dedicated to radical work and will name all the hypocrisy, pain, and oppression that exists in working in this field.
thank you tho for sharing your experience and input. I can only hope that your experiences moving forward are positive and liberating for you <3
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Leon's immortality predates the Cup of Life, y'all. he's just Like That
I'm assuming people have probably talked abt this already but if they have, I haven't seen it (i'm relatively new here), so I'm bringing it up myself lol.
(It's important to note here that in the end credits starting from s2e2, Rupert Young has always been referred to as playing Sir Leon, so it is the same character.)
Remember s2e13 The Last Dragonlord, when Arthur asks his knights who among them are willing to ride out with him to fight this big-ass dragon, and Leon is the first to volunteer? And they then show Leon, with Arthur and the others, as they ride out to fight Kilgharrah in that weird-ass square field?
...And then Kilgharrah one-shots literally everyone except for Arthur & Merlin???? And when the two return, they're just like, "yeah all the other knights died valiantly defending the kingdom, very sad" ???????
Personally, I believe this only leaves us with two (2) options:
The writers just straight up Forgot (or maybe ignored) that Leon was one of the knights that died, and just kept writing him in bc he was a well-liked character,
2. They're therefore implying that, canonically, when Arthur&Merlin got back to Camelot and said that all the knights were dead, they were just straight-up wrong. Which means that Leon had to just... find his own way home, I guess, after having been freshly charbroiled by a fucking dragon.
Merthur: None of the other knights made it, even Leon :(
Leon, covered in burns, wheezing on the ground in that big-ass field: QUIT TELLING PEOPLE I'M DEAD
Merthur: sometimes we can still hear his voice :(
The wiki says that "many believed he'd been killed" when he "was injured by the great dragon," but that "this was ultimately disproven by his return in Series 3"...
...which I believe falls squarely into #2 listed above lmao. He wasn't dead, just injured. They just fucking left him there.
TL;DR: yes, he's immortal, but it's not even from the cup. he's just Built Different
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romanceyourdemons · 11 months
i’m honestly sick of people asking me “do you think ai’s gonna take all our jobs someday?” man i don’t fucking know, and it’s not like there’s anything i can do about it anyway. what are you asking me for i’m not the one making those decisions i am literally just making bagels
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schrodingers-slut · 4 months
Debating abt starting a Mer au fic but I can’t decide on Marco/Ace or luffy/law
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