#and inexcusable and they are just shitty shitty ppl
placeinthisworld · 1 year
Mila kunis and Ashton Kutcher really uhhhh really fucked up huh
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
sometimes i have to sit back and wonder... what are we doing here, as a fandom? like is all of this really worth it?
the absolute vitriol i've seen thrown around for snc since they started dating k and m is incredibly depressing. especially towards colby. it is DISGUSTING what some of yall (hi twitter ppl that stalk my account 👋) say about him and about m. and same thing goes for sam and k.
you claim up and down "oh i have a right to say what i want, it's just an opinion." no, you actually don't have a right to say whatever you want, and especially without ppl calling you out. but then you have the fucking nerve to ask why snc don't talk to us, why they don't post as often, why they aren't around as much as they once were. idk, maybe it's bc you guys are appalling pieces of shit that say the most idiotic and degrading things and then somehow expect those same ppl you make fun of day in and day out to want to talk to you.
i don't really understand your thought process and i pray i never do. bc if i'm that down bad, i would be the most miserable person on the planet, just like you are.
bc i'm telling you right fucking now, there is not a SINGLE thing snc or those girls have done to warrant this behavior. none of what yall are doing is right or justified. you are deplorable, inexcusable cunts who should have been called out well before now. the nicest thing i can do for you is block you, instead of making a long list of every terrible, miserable, shitty person in this fandom and calling each of you out personally.
let me tell you one thing: there are a lot worst things in life than being a girl with fake tits, lip filler, and an onlyfans account. there's a lot worst things in life than a guy that broke up with his long time gf. there is a lot worst things in life than being someone who has consensual sex with willing partners multiple times in his life. and there is a lot worst things than being kinda childish, into spongebob, and having quasi-clout chasing friends.
and i genuinely have to ask - even tho i know i won't get an answer and i know whatever answers i do get aren't reasonable enough - what about seeing snc happy makes you angry? what about seeing them in relationships makes you think "i need to complain about that" or "i don't like that"? why does seeing snc happy upset you? what does that say about you? bc you claim you love them and want what's best... but clearly you don't. bc why isn't happiness the best for them? why do you think you know better?
seriously. consider taking a second to step back and think "why does seeing snc happy make me upset?" how deeply insecure do you have to be to truly feel that? it's sad, really. bc this should be a fun time in this fandom. but i have never felt more embarrassed to be a part of it than i do right now.
some of you are full grown adults too! well beyond the years of "i just didn't know any better". what a sad, little life you must have lived all this time to think that this type of behavior is valid and acceptable. it's a shame.
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kxllerblond · 10 months
quick dash is dead time to hop on another soap box
i think the most interesting and infuriating thing about military fiction is how they are all sooooo close to getting It but then they never do. a central theme whether it's COD or Tom c's shit or gray man or even like sci-fi with halo...is betrayal from within. your own ppl and government doing shitty things or whatever to you, their people, and other people. and these characters will be like "gee i was really fucked over by america and the military. they did bad and inexcusable things" and from a character pov it seems like it's all about to click but then the writers just fuck it all up and go "heehaaaw das just amurica baybeee" and it's like?????????? like soooo much of military fiction seems like it teeters on being anti-war and anti-military but because the writers are so pro all of that,,,,they just whip back in the opposite direction and it suuuuuuuucks
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saltminerising · 2 years
i wasn't gonna send anything in but wow, a lot of y'all need to take a step back, jesus christ. don't excuse an artist's shitty behaviour, because all that tells me is tbat if you were an artist you'd do the same thing.
imagine, if you will, that pay someone real life money for them to make something, and you see them every day, and they flat out ignore you, avoid you, and do everything in their power to not talk to you about what you paid for. and then they keep accepting money from people, and you see them doing it to others. and eventually, after like 3 months they walk up to you, no product, and go "lmao sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ my depression was bad i know i took ur money but i dont actually care," you'd be a little more than understandably peeved, yeah?
what makes it okay when its on flight rising for gems? or even treasure? if an artist knows they won't have their commission done in a certain amount of time then they have an OBLIGA to their customers to let them know. they don't need to go into detail but literally take the time to say "oh smth came up, commissions will be taking a little longer than expected." and they can't get mad if someone wants a refund.
this isn't talking about real emergencies. hospital visits, pets/family dying, etc etc. those don't count, they're unforseen emergencies. im talking about school or stress or work, all things that the artist knows is/will be happening and should accommodate for. and if they don't or refuse to, they they're a bad artist who should be avoided in the long run because they can't take the time to let their customers know what the fuck is going on.
as an artist, i find it inexcusable to ghost people who PAID YOU because you can't be bothered to fulfill what you promised and/or took on too mucat once and/or are stressed. at least make a post in ur thread saying smth, especially if you're already online everyday. and then offer refunds to ppl who don't want to wait any longer.
i get it, art takes time, shit happens. but you can't just ghost your customers. it's uncool and word will get around and then you'll have no customers any longer bc no one wants to chance you running off with their money for months with no communication with them.
tl;dr �� barring emergencies, artists who take commissions are obligated to communicate with their customers and update them on the status of commissions.
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spnshameblog · 3 years
i really hate when, in an attempt to not be unhealthily obsessed stans, people pivot 180 degrees and say incredibly weird things or borderline threatening things. or not necessarily when they don't want to "worship celebs" but when they dislike some of them, like i just saw the other day someone in spn fandom answer an ask about why they've been suspended from twitter that it was bc they said actors should be burned at stake. how is that not extremely weird to say?
Yes, i completely agree and it so annoying bc its utterly performative. Like ive seen people viciously hate on jackles a few days ago and now theyre back to just reblogging gifsets of him? Idk if its a me problem, but once ive worked up enough rage to actually make angry posts about it, i dont "get over it" within the week.
So yeah, i feel like a lot of the anti jackles posts of the past week came from ppl who saw ppl being vocally upset about the goings on and wanted to look supportive without actually understanding the problems. Like, this attitude of his isnt anything new and while i absolutely get that people are upset (i am too!!) ...... why are ppl calling for his head NOW? The walker info has been around for a while, he has literally always been weird about destiel and while that doesnt mean its less infuriating, it kind of shows that people only got upset about it once they saw other people on their dash get mad about it. Which is normal to a point, but people feel this need to be THE MOST ANGRY and the MOST visibly upset about it in a way that just screams "look at what great and correct opinions i have" and then they forget about it a week later.
but this ask was probably about that post where someone listed a few shitty things misha has said, which irritated a lot of ppl bc it was mostly stuff that happened years ago and he has apologised for and modified his behaviour wrg to most of these. i agree to a point, theres no need to intentionally dig up missteps and present them in an inflammatory way just so you can show the world how good and critical you are about the celebs you like. on the other hand posts like these (when they include context and whether or not somebody has apologised and made up for the mistakes) can be good, bc they show that even famously wellmeanin people like misha can fuck up and that you SHOULD tell them that theyve fucked up, but that theyre capable of seeing the error of their ways and leaarning from them, too.
its not anyones job to educate celebrities, especially about stuff they should already know, but if everyone reacts to their fuckups in a “well, all celebs are trash anyways and anyone who looks up to them is naive and should feel stupid for being disappointed”  type of way, then how is anything ever going to get better? some people arent willing to learn, but you wont know that unless you try.
and yeah, i hate the casually violent way people talk about actors, too. this might be an inside joke in your tumblr bubble, hell, even I tag stuff as “killing that man” every once in a while, but you cant expect everyone to immediately catch that as a joke, especially when you do it on a platform that person is also on. and the ‘burned at the stake’ bit.......... lmao the way people actually, 100% unironically say this bc they want to look intellectual and aloof. babe, you reblogged a gifset about this man 10 minutes ago, nobody believes that youre “above stanning celebrities”. and, fyi, its not ok to wish harm upon a celebrity, even if you really really dislike them. why are you surprised that people dont like it when you wish bodily harm on a person, joke or not.
the supernatural fandom didnt invent “being a fan of an actor”, people have been doing that for years and there have always been people who go too far or who excuse inexcusable behaviour, but the way people act like any kind of admiration or affection for a celebrity is toxic or ‘too parasocial’ or naive is such bullshit.
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ot3 · 3 years
if you dont want to discuss this then feel free to delete this, but i thought id add my 2 cents as another trans man:
you say that women who hate men dont engage with them, and while thats largely true, it still happens, probably more often online than irl. like idk it sucks that whenever i see any positivity posts for men (trans or not) theres always some hateful comments on completely harmless posts. what im trying to say isnt that were opressed more, since these are just examples of some situations online, im just saying that while for you its logical that since you hate men you want to avoid them, there are people out there who take their frustration/anger in ways that do affect men, including trans men.
also, im not gonna try to defend people i know nothing about, but i feel like while some people unfollowed you because they didnt agree with you, others could be men who just dont like to read ppl about hating them, with no hard feelings. its your blog so its your right to post about how you feel, but also people have no obligation to keep following you when they know they could feel hurt by your posts, you know? and i know this sounds like a bunch of "what if"s but im mostly just describing my own experiences, so its not completely made up. thanks for reading
oh for sure, people are absolutely free to unfollow me if anything i post makes them uncomfortable for whatever reason. i'm not mad about that.
definitely i think it is unquestioningly and inexcusably rude whenever Any positivity posts get derailed by nasty comments but, once again, as you pointed out, this really is mostly an issue of Online Spaces and tends to happen much less in person. it definitely sucks that people are derailing posts men make for/about each other, especially trans men.
i'm really not trying to defend any shitty intentionally cruel behavior here, it's just VERY deeply frustrating as a woman to see posts that rhetorically position 'women complaining about how much they dislike men' as something that holds any sort of. actual power beyond maybe a few hurt feelings.
there's also cases where white women will weaponize womanhood against black men, like i'm not here to claim women are Incapable of causing harm to men, but it really is. it really is so often the case that 9/10 time posts about how 'hating men isnt cool actually' what op means is 'a mean lesbian on the internet said something on their own blog that hurt my feelings and i need it to frame it as a Big Problem in order to feel rational for having my feelings hurt'
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zalrb · 3 years
Why do you think it’s more common to hate characters like dean, Ted, Ross, and Dawson, Dan rather than Jess, Barney, Damon, chuck? Like people will claim the latter are toxic “nice guys” and twist them into the worst characters ever. And fair enough I see they are annoying but then why Stan characters that are as abusive and horrible as chuck and Damon? I don’t get it. That’s why I appreciate ppl like you that see the flaws in all these characters in a more thoughtful way!
It’s a few reasons.
For something like Dean vs. Jess, I think there’s a willful misinterpretation of the text (like everyone mentions him yelling that he doesn’t care about Harvard but not about the fact that by the end of the episode he apologizes and says he was an idiot for being jealous of Harvard and doesn’t want to be someone who stops her from going) and a double standard -- like it’s OK for Rory to be stringing him along and flirting with another guy right in front of his face and not being brave enough to break up with him but Dean breaks up with her in public because he’s tired of it and that’s inexcusable; Dean is super jealous of Rory and Jess and that’s seen as a fault but not the fact that Rory is growing distant from Dean but won’t break up with him.
But I also think Jess is individually a more compelling character because he was built to be a character unto himself, Dean was built to be Rory’s first boyfriend so Jess has more personality, I mean I think he’s a little shit, but he is textually more dynamic than Dean, he just is, and people respond to that more.
With Chuck vs. Dan, lmao, one of these days I’m going to rewatch Gossip Girl and post my unpopular opinions about it because apparently Derena is abusive but somehow Chair isn’t even considered toxic but anyway, one criticism I’ve read is that Chuck knows that he can be a shitty person but Dan pretends that he’s morally superior when he really isn’t and barring the fact that I think it’s funny that knowing you’re a shitty person and doing nothing to change that is considered more acceptable, Dan being judgemental is actually supposed to be a character flaw, which I wonder if people realize, like it’s in the text,
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Dan having a sense of superiority is also supposed to be a blind spot
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People also use Chuck’s upbringing to excuse his behaviour (he grew up wealthy but unloved) whereas Dan grew up in a supportive household so he has no reason to do morally dubious things (I mean, I guess). And I didn’t really watch the latter seasons so Dan’s descent into being a total dick isn’t something I’ve seen but I’ve also heard the criticism that Chuck gets a redemptive arc while Dan goes through a descent and it ends with him being Gossip Girl so he’s just a ruined character.
I also think a part of it is people just want to enjoy the fun and the crazy antics of the Non-Judging Breakfast Club (who do judge each other constantly, which is hilarious, Dan is not the only judgemental person in the show) and Dan is kind of a wet blanket making commentary on how ridiculous they all are so people find him annoying. It’s the same with Vanessa.
Dawson is insufferable, like he actually just is, and he’s framed as not being insufferable so I can see why that annoys people and Pacey is an infinitely more likeable character than he is. I don’t mind him being self-involved much in the first few seasons because I think it’s very adolescent, but what I will say when it comes to the triangle, when I think of the criticisms I’ve seen about how he views Joey, I realize that people don’t take into account that Joey acted the exact same way with Jen, like there’s all this rhetoric around how Dawson saw Joey as his
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and he did but Joey also saw Dawson as hers
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but Dawson’s Creek pre-season 3 doesn’t exist to people.
I already have posts about Damon, I won’t get into that.
Before I get into Ted, I will say that in general, I found HIMYM incredibly sexist, racist, and generally unfunny, which is why I didn’t watch it for the longest time.
So as someone who does not like Ted and could not stand Ted, it’s pretty much the same reason people hate Dawson, in fact I said Dawson was Ted Mosby before Ted Mosby. For me, anyway, I just didn’t care to listen to a man drone on about how he tried to find the one through his exploits where he’s framed as idealistic and romantic but he’s actually just sexist, like it was obnoxious and Ted was obnoxious but you’re supposed to root for him and I was like, why tho?
Neil Patrick Harris as Barney is just a more charismatic character and he’s given quips and sayings (I remember my guy friends in university ‘suited up’ because of him) and humour is powerful because it makes certain things that are deplorable more palatable and a “oh that’s just how he is” and I also think his relationship with Robin helped because it was compelling relationship, I mean it was literally the only thing about the show I liked.
The Friends thing is just ... it’s probably because Ross and Rachel were framed as, like, THE romantic pairing of the show and people are harder on him because of that although Rachel’s toxic behaviour and complicity in that relationship is never spoken about but I also think it’s because of the conscious and unconscious desire to defend/protect/victimize white women because Rachel did some shit too. People also conveniently forget that many of Ross’ shitty decisions in that relationship were influenced by Joey and Chandler, I don’t know the Friends one still has me like
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fairycosmos · 3 years
im sorry but jb did not get the backlash he deserved for that "one less lonely [n-word]" video his stans/team really covered that up so well 😐
he really didn’t it was fucking insane !! 😐 i had grown out of supporting him by that point but i remember seeing the vid circulating and thinking ok he’s going to be (rightfully) dragged 2 hell and back for this and probably won’t recover career-wise because it was so damning. but literally everyone just glossed over it. for someone of his level of fame and like the hatred that was already out there for him - you’d think ppl would’ve fucked him up for it. it’s crazy honestly like the power of these celebrities and their teams and don’t even get me started on the stans. it’s y i don’t really believe in cancel culture. none of their wallets r ever truly impacted by their shitty, inexcusable behaviour 
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I saw that post and I'm not ignoring the fact that they have shitty home lives, believe me, I understand where they're coming from and I wished I could've helped them if they were IRL. It's just that they did things that I can't excuse them for and that's why I'm angry at them. Though my anger for Cherubim had waned over the years but still.
oh yeah I totally get that! what they did was totally inexcusable! ( even though what Adam did has been really inconsistent in canon? mothy loves to retcon phew ... ) no one should be excusing or defending Kai’s racism or Kaspar’s cheating ( trust me, cheating / affairs are a HUGE trigger for me ) and definitely Duke Venomania’s actions ( but we all know I have a lot to say about that ).
honestly if I see ppl genuinely defending those actions... I’m gonna be... pretty unnerved...
I just think it’s not okay how both mothy and a HUGE portion of the fandom treats them when it comes to the abuse they’ve faced. I’ll be very honest, the evillious fandom is... generally very, VERY problematic... I always love to have the most hope in people, but I constantly see such awful behavior towards these characters, as well as real life people ( I know that all too well. ) and it grows tiring to see such saddening behavior over and over again from the top creators in the fandom :( but... I digress
regardless, it’s absolutely acceptable and GOOD to be angry with the actions of these characters... I just think you shouldn’t brush off the abuse and manipulation they’ve faced that have led to their actions.
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eijiroukiriot · 4 years
Being an iffy person doesn't make someone morally grey, bj is a top hero, he saves a lot of people and ended up helping bakugou. Twice is involved with a group of murderers (a shitty system and shitty childhood isn't an excuse for mass murder, they're sympatric, not excusable) and if Hawks let twice go knowing that he was going to go kill a bunch of people with his clones (he couldve cloned shigaraki) because he knew he was a good person is far more immoral than killing him and saving ppl
i feel like there’s maybe more to be said abt how morality can exist in actions AND beliefs/motivation - jean man is obviously nowhere near endeavor in this case but endeavor saves people for the wrong reason, and has done awful things outside of that too - and regardless of how i feel abt his redemption arc the fact that he is trying to be a better person while still carrying and recognizing this horrible past is definitely more gray than just bad (even though i do thinks his actions are inexcusable lmao). the most interesting thing to jean man as a person to me is how he really isn’t genuinely a bad guy but he represents a lot of the things that are wrong with hero society. i still think it was bad writing on horikoshi’s part to retcon what happened at bkg’s internship bc i thought it was really genuinely interesting that this guy who’s built up as a paragon of hero society actually turned out superficial and more focused on upholding appearances than genuinely helping this kid in front of him who is dealing with many. many tough emotions - which was especially interesting as a plotline that was happening during the hero killer arc bc stain’s whole ideology was about how heroes care more about money and fame and appearances than actually saving people - so while jean man really hasn’t done any legitimate bad he’s definitely built up to symbolize the big issues w heroism rn. whether bkg did end up learning something or not doesn’t really cross that out (especially when we went so long not knowing anything good came out of it). i definitely have. less to say abt twice morality than jean man but i think that if jean man had died it would’ve symbolized a lot more abt the superficial hero society than abt one pretty good guy’s death. i didn’t say that those things excuse actual bad, but if hero society were different a lot of villains probably wouldn’t have become villains in the first place which does make me more sympathetic to twice’s death than jeanist’s almost death 
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gyoomie · 5 years
1) i eased back into reading manga regularly after like. 3+ years? i think it helps that ive branched out to other genres outside of shoujo, such as yuri, BL, isekai and even webtoons. im still not great with long series though, so i usually stick to manga with 1 to 3 volumes (unless theyre REALLY good) ww
standout manga (ongoing): jibaku shounen hanako-kun (♡♡) / colette wa shinu koto ni shita / sachi-iro no one room (cw: emotional/physical abuse and mature themes)
standout manga (completed): ohayou, ibarahime / yagate kimi ni naru / vanilla chocolate cigarette
standout BL mangaka: furuya nagisa / suzumaru minta (nsfw) / hinohara meguru (explicit nsfw)
standout webtoons (ongoing): july found by chance (korean) / starting with a lie (从谎言开始) / to be or not to be (穿越成反派要如何活命)
※ im not linking to any manga sites bc uhh. piracy (pls support the original artist if u can ;w;) but if u need help finding anything or want more recs just drop an ask !!
2) those who follow me on twitter may know this alr but i started dabbling in a bit of kpop this year!! it honestly started with me reconnecting with a friend by supporting what she likes (and a bit of curiosity ngl), then it quickly spiralled out of control aha,, some friends have shared song recs so i do know other grps besides the ones listed below, but im still a casual lost person most of the time sjdsdjd
mamamoo ☀️ 26.02.19 standout songs: gleam (cf song) / gogobebe / 4x4ever
oneus 🌙 24.11.19 standout songs: lit / valkyrie / plastic flower
queendom final - album standout songs: destiny (mamamoo) / lion (g-idle) / sorry (AOA)
seventeen - by proxy standout songs: happy ending (japanese) / fear / flower
※ most of these are links to official mvs (if the song has one), which have english CC subs available! happy ending has an official mv but it doesnt have subs so i linked to a colour-coded vid instead lmao
3) ive always had this habit of just knowing about a series w/o actually getting into it, so its great that i finally got into some new stuff... even if a lot of it is still by proxy (^”: its kind of nervewracking to work with canon personalities and NOT au the shit out of everything, so thats a change of pace... still not giving up on vocaloid though !!
haikyuu!! - anime 3 drabbles
persona 5 - game by proxy 2 drabbles / 1 longfic
※ speaking of vocaloid, i was considering if i should share some recs... but decided against it or else this post is gonna be 32928 miles long orz,, i might do it next time? maybe? no promises
4) in terms of uni - jesus, where do i even begin. its been a trainwreck of grp projects this sem but thankfully my grades are still intact, and bc of a screwup with the mods my graduation has been pushed back by a whole year (thx @ uni, REALLY fueling my will to live here xoxo). its gross, it sucks, we dont stan, but what can u do, huh
… i mean i say that, but i cant deny the underlying frustration. i had only 4 mods left, was a little terrified of the idea of graduating but getting used to it, and now i have to wait a year to take my last mod. all the ppl i know in uni are graduating except me. its just... upsetting. sometimes i feel like im always the one who gets left behind.
but yea. i try not to think about it. again, what can u do but move on?
5) in terms of personal life - i know ive had like 3 major breakdowns (and some small ones in-between) over the past year. i fell out with a friend bc of my own insecurities, ive done my fair share of inexcusably shitty things, and im sorry. im working with my current counsellor to better myself. maybe im handling things a bit better than i did before, maybe im not. its a work in progress.
as for new year resolutions... i usually dont have any sdshdsjds i just hope next year will be kind. please @ god no more shitty grp projects my heart cant take it anymore
and thats 2019 - thanks for sticking around, and heres to 2020 (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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allbravado-archive · 6 years
yall wanna hear me rant about my feelings
i was just reading a thread on one of my betta groups and it just kind of made me think of something. people genuinely need to hop off of people about pet care, fr.
i blew money on live plants for my fish bc ppl on tumblr were saying that it’s bad to have silk plants. apparently i suck at plant keeping, and i don’t have the cash to keep practicing. i have money to take care of my fish. i have the best filters, the best heaters, top-of-the-line food. but they don’t have live plants. they’ve got silk plants, and some of those silk plants? are kind of dirty and spotted. i have snails and i clean the tanks weekly, i wash my plants, my parameters are where they need to be (0 ppm for ammonia and nitrites, usually around 10 ppm for nitrates, about 8.0 or less for pH), but algae keeps coming back bc of my lights (p sure they’re T8 full spectrum, meaning they at least somewhat promote plant growth). i don’t think i’m a bad owner for having silk plants or having algae, but i’m scared people would say i am.
i constantly feel bad for monet’s fins, even though they’re growing back. i don’t want to take pics of him bc i just feel bad, even though he’s healthy. he has this pinkness to his fins, but i’m pretty sure it isn’t stress or infection. he’s a rosetail, and if he wants to bite his tail bc it’s heavy i can’t do anything but make sure it’s not infected. i feel bad for purchasing a rosetail, which i won’t do again, but he’s with me now and there’s nothing i can do. he’s as active as cancan and felix, he eats really well, but he’s weird and his fins are fucky. he seems to be healthy despite his appearance. he’s received medication and that helped him a lot, as did his larger tank. but i still feel bad.
i also feel shitty for getting my fish and mac from pet stores. i shouldn’t, because i got healthy animals that were cared for. i also think it’s okay because they didn’t choose to end up in pet stores. but i know it’s not good. 
i just feel constant guilt for everything related to my animals. i feel guilt for shit that isn’t even my fault that i can’t control
it’s the reason why i would never want to be a pettuber. like a lot of pettube is fucked, and their shit is inexcusable, but i can’t help but feel like sometimes people nitpick hardcore.
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herefortheace · 6 years
Your latest post about blocking exclusionists gave me the push I needed to start doing just so. I thought I shouldn't block them and just grit my teeth so that I could see their arguments but honestly they are so vile sometimes and the whole discourse is so toxic I can't do it. Thank you for doing what you're doing!
No one has an obligation to put up with even a quarter of the shit that’s been going on. There’s tons of “good reasons” to constantly block exclusionists but even if their crowd was a lot less toxic, “good reasons” aren’t needed to block people. Even though the ones getting blocked often would like you to think you need to be able to justify it with a 15 pages essay
I hope everyone takes care of themselves. I venture into the crapcourse tag too often but to make up for it I carefully keep most crapcourse off my dash and block (mostly) as needed. I’d be completely exhausted otherwise
So yeah it’s 110% understandable and justified to not want to deal with this shitty mess, not that a justification is needed for blocking people.
Thanks for your nice message
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antthonystark · 7 years
i can't believe people are still defending dom and saying 'it just slipped out' or 'it's just his way of greeting' like that somehow makes it better? if anything that makes it worse ... and somehow some ppl say it had nothing to do with matt playing a gay man like ... really? it just frustrates me that even when he says something so obviously homophobic people will still find a way to twist it and say people shouldn't be offended. (sorry for the rant, i needed to vent ...)
hmm yeah that’s really fucked up tbh, especially expecting people not to be angry or upset about it (especially lgbt+ people i mean even i’m disgusted and disappointed and this doesn’t directly affect me so i can’t imagine how others are feeling). i have a few thoughts on this, and i hope you don’t mind me sharing, but i am straight and so i would first defer to the thoughts and opinions of lgbt+ people, and to take whatever i say with a grain of salt based on that.
the thing with the “it just slipped out” excuse is that it really doesn’t make anything better, because the question becomes one of why it’s so readily on the tip of your tongue that it’s even able to “just slip out”. for any halfway decent person, a slur that is so well-known for being terribly hurtful and offensive is nowhere near a place in your mind that it’s just able to come out like that. like, my guy, it’s 2017 and you’re 27 years old, there’s really no excuse at all at this point. in this day and age - and at his age - you can’t excuse it as simply benign ignorance or ‘i didn’t know it was offensive,’ or that kind of thing, you know what i mean? that’s not just ignorance, that’s homophobia. 
like, in the way he used it, people could say that it wasn’t…directly malignant, if that makes sense, in that he wasn’t directing it at somebody to insult them for being gay/lgbt+ - but, again, that doesn’t make it okay, and that doesn’t make it in any way better, either. the thing is, he knows - or he should know, because it’s common knowledge - how much that word is hurtful, and how much harm that word has historically caused and to this day continues to cause members of the lgbt+ community. so knowing that, knowing the awful nature and history of the term, and still thinking that it’s acceptable to use casually, or in different contexts other than the context in which a slur is usually used, is pretty compelling evidence of a very, extremely stubborn and callous ignorance that is equatable to and can be just as harmful as out-and-out homophobia or bigotry. if not even more so, because it still allows you to think that you’re not actually bigoted or homophobic when you behave like that - but you’re too “set in your ways” to learn to be any better, which is just bullshit
i’m all for giving people the benefit of the doubt, and i am glad that he apologized and seemed genuinely contrite - all in all, i don’t think that he’s necessarily homophobic in a way that he actively strongly hates lgbt+ people or that he is socially conservative/regressive in that respect, but i think that there exists a level of this kind of bull-headed and insensitive ignorance that, even when it isn’t backed up by outright, active prejudice or bigotry, becomes in and of itself very malignant and harmful. i think without a doubt dom crossed that line today, if he hadn’t before. so by no means am i defending him in that respect. there are different kinds of homophobia and bigotry, and one is just as bad as the other. 
 normally, i do think people shouldn’t be crucified for ignorance usually, but (a) only when that ignorance hasn’t harmed anyone, which i don’t really think is the case anymore, and (b) when they show very clearly and strongly that there is a genuine attempt to do better and to learn from it and to make it up to the people that are affected by it. so you know. whether or not it’s a line that he can come back from - i mean, it’s not really up to me. the slur he used wasn’t against me or one of the various marginalized communities that i’m a part of, and i would be very remiss if i spoke for them and “decided” whether or not dom should be forgiven.
TLDR: he was shitty and said an awful thing that is inexcusable and indefensible and terrible and no matter what the context was, it doesn’t make it okay or any better
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nerdgasrnz · 7 years
HOLY FUCKING SHIT BTW, while we’re talking about RT Fuckery- let’s not forget that a bunch of the things check out???
Shane said some things about what got animated in V3 and who got to animate it, and I watched SEVERAL Animation panels during R*T*X 2016- many things that animators said that they got to work on aligned with what Shane said in his letter (not that I’m vilifying them at all, the animators do their jobs, that’s all)
(I gotta remind you all that I didn’t purposely watch these panels to validate Shane’s letter, btw. i was trying to keep busy with something else, but the information just came up during the Ladies of RT Animation panel and I knew what it was related to.)
Also, like that post about RT’s shitty pay towards animation said, the “higher ups” bragged about trips to:
-Japan (RW*BY being dubbed and selling well in Japan) -London (the MCM London convention, which they were invited to) -and New Zealand (”A Simple Walk Into Mordor”? You know, that documentary that the present directors of RW*BY+C*mp C*mp starred in?)
and we KNOW who they fucking are because those same “higher up” people literally go on twitter and talk about those trips as well!!! The directors of RW*BY/C*mp C*mp literally posted about it!
It’s not like people are lying about how shady RT is because there’s evidence that substantiates these things ON THE INTERNET!!! FROM THE ACTUAL OTHER EMPLOYEES!!! And it’s not even like they have to directly address “drama” because if you just pay like 5 seconds of attention to all the other people and inner workings going on, it speaks for itself!!!
It’s also incredibly grating because it’s because of Monty being brought on to work for RT, that the animation department of RT has become what it is today? And Monty worked hard. Super FUCKING hard. Yeah, he made it look easy, but that’s because he had well over a decade of animation experience under his belt, which got poured into every RT production he worked on.
And to hear that they don’t even pay their animators that well, only for a weekly web series like RW*BY to have writing errors, last-minute changes and shit for the animators to fix is INEXCUSABLE GARBAGE. As an animator, it makes me fucking livid. Especially knowing how much money gets thrown around at RT for other things.
Animation is hard work. Regardless of if you’re self taught, or professionally trained, animation is difficult. 3D animation, which is probably what the employee was referring to, is probably the most difficult medium to get the hang of, and has a high learning curve. And that is the medium that RT’s 2 biggest flagship productions is made from. (Yes, that is subtracting the machinimation for RvB)
With 3D animation, you can’t just make some clever photoshops or easy fixes to the final footage when you screw up. In 2D animation, you may need to redraw, recolor, and rearrange the frames you’ve done. But with 3D, you need to have your shit together BEFORE you send things to animation.
It’s one thing when, years ago, Monty would make last minute changes to things he wanted in RW*BY right before a deadline- but he was actually INVOLVED in the animation, modeling, and rigging processes.
It’s something else when you come from being a writer, a producer, and/or a film compositor and you’re in charge of an animated production, and you have NO PART of the actual 3D animation process, and you don’t have the God-like efficiency in modeling, animating, and rigging to push last-minute changes into the production before a deadline.
Yeah, those same ppl may contribute a little mocap acting here and there, but mocap still needs to be cleaned up and arranged in the correct places to be used properly versus the hand-keyed animation that still needs to be done for the show right before the next episode needs to come out.
The average salary for 3D animation in the United States is almost $60K a year, which is pretty decent for work in Austin, Texas (the avg. cost of living where RT is based is $55K yearly) So to hear the possibility that animators at RT actually DO NOT make the average animation salary in the United States is appalling to me.
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mabufu · 7 years
it’s wild to me that people think that yusuke was like. wrong. for not instantly trusting the phantom thieves with his life story (re: the situation with madarame) like as soon as they met him?! i understand the party’s in-game frustrations given the characters themselves - especially ryuji; he seems to have the strongest reaction to it and generally lashes out when victims of abuse deny the abuse / defend their abusers, which makes SENSE given his past experiences with his shitty dad and also kamoshida (andddd all of that aside, yusuke and ryuji have a heartfelt talk after yusuke’s awakening so you know, that makes it even more understandable) - but to say in a meta context that yusuke was “stupid” or something for not instantly admitting to madarame’s abuse is just so... Cursed.  like i’ve gone off about this 100 times before but yusuke literally had no one else in the world - he was essentially trained to rely on madarame for everything; his lifestyle was just that sheltered and unhealthy. even though yusuke didnt know the actual extent of the situation in regards to the sayuri and his mother’s death, he always respected art above all else. so can you IMAGINE how horrible it must’ve hurt him to allow madarame to plagiarize from him. like. it sucks thinking about it in a general sense, but just put yourself in yusuke ‘artlover42069′ kitagawa’s shoes and think about it. it’s even WORSE. he plays it off to the phantom thieves but listen it must have absolutely messed with him and is something he has to work through even after all is said and done. when he shows ann the piece he painted at madarame’s exhibit (obv not taking ownership of it until he’s called out to do so) he’s so... sad that it’s not under his own name. not to mention the fact that the only reason why yusuke COULD lie to himself as effectively as he did was because madarame manipulated yusuke’s completely untainted desire to become a successful artist and create something like the sayuri.
so to put on a mask and act like it was all okay and what was necessary took an incredible amt of strength. and that mask was what kept yusuke going longer than all of the other students. i’m not even being hyperbolic when i say that it’s what kept him alive. but!!! the thing is that that mask had its fair share of cracks. yusuke knew that everything was all wrong. that’s the thing!!! he told natsuhiko - aka that one former pupil of madarame - that the situation was bad but he couldn’t leave because it was all he had. and natsuhiko was the one who reached out to the phantom thieves - out of fear for yusuke. like that’s so!!! significant!!! yusuke isn’t just floating along and letting himself get mistreated bc ‘oh it’ll help my art someday probably’ - he has his passions and would never just throw them away - throw his mask away - in a flippant manner. he doesn’t place his trust in the phantom thieves until he literally... sees madarame’s palace. like... he’s incredibly careful about the whole thing bc he knew that literally EVERYTHING was on the line; he knew that facing the truth had the potential to totally destroy every single thing in his life.
of course i don’t mean to say that yusuke denying the abuse to the phantom thieves was good or something - the issue is genuinely not that simple, ever. but i do think that it’s really, really realistic and in character for him. and a lot of the fandom flack he faces for it is really just based in this weird tendency ppl have wherein they think that, if a character isn’t immediately kissing the good guys’ butts/complying to their every wish, they’re in the wrong and are just messing stuff up or being difficult for the hell of it. and it’s a HUGE shame because the process of yusuke going from maintaining this facade to like, coming to acknowledge that his situation was terrible and inexcusable, which in turn led him to have his awakening is just. so incredibly inspiring and important. so yeah like. Appreciate Him.
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