#and international shipping has become outrageously expensive
shopwitchvamp · 9 months
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might as well start warning ya'll now...
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When an Iraqi militant group killed three U.S. service members at a base in Jordan over the weekend, the militants were clear about their motives: It was retaliation for American support for Israel. “As we said before, if the U.S. keeps supporting Israel, there will [be] escalations,” a senior official from an alliance of Iraqi militia groups said in claiming responsibility for the attack. “All the U.S. interests in the region are legitimate targets, and we don’t care about U.S. threats to respond.” The statement is not new or surprising. While the need for U.S. troops to be stationed at the Tower 22 military base — a dusty outpost on the Syria–Jordan border — has a dubious, if any, relationship to U.S. national security, the U.S. presence has been very helpful to Israel. The U.S. military in the region serves to deter Iran as well as Israel’s many other enemies. Now, establishing deterrence against Israel’s adversaries is threatening to suck the U.S. back into a broader, open conflict in the Middle East. Take, for example, the recent U.S. attacks against the Houthis in Yemen, which began after the rebels attacked ships in the Red Sea to force an Israeli ceasefire in Gaza. Especially at a time when the U.S. is trying to pivot away from the region, Israel increasingly looks like a liability to U.S. interests in the Middle East. American officials are forced to expend significant economic, political, and military resources to shield Israel’s government from local threats and deflect international outrage over its campaign in Gaza. Israel, it turns out, extracts a tremendous cost from the U.S. — often in treasure but, as the world saw over the weekend in Jordan, sometimes in blood — with few discernable strategic gains for the Americans.
U.S. military officials periodically criticize the impact of uncritical U.S. support for Israel on American interests in the region, where Israel remains unpopular for its policies against Palestinians. These complaints, even from U.S. military officials, have often been walked back under political pressure. Despite repeated vows by American leaders to reduce the country’s footprint in the Middle East, the U.S.’s commitment to Israel has turned into military involvement across the region. There are strikes against the Houthis in Yemen, aircraft carriers in the eastern Mediterranean to deter Hezbollah in Lebanon, and skirmishes with Iranian-backed militias in Syria and Iraq. The costs for the U.S. from this new era of conflict are rapidly adding up. According to a recent report in Politico, an estimated $1.6 billion has already been spent on unanticipated U.S. military expenses in the region since October 7 — a price tag Pentagon officials say they cannot pay without a new budget from Congress. Global ammunition shortages are also forcing the U.S. to scramble to replenish its depleted supplies at a time when it is also struggling to contain threats in Europe and East Asia. For Israel, however, the U.S.’s presence only fortifies its strategic initiatives. “The Israelis view the American presence in the region as very important, because it creates a backstop for them,” said Parsi. “The U.S. presence gives Israel greater maneuverability to carry out strikes in places like Syria and Lebanon, but also a sense of deterrence against those who would like to retaliate against them, since it may mean that the U.S. is dragged into the conflict as well.”
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residentialhomeowner · 5 months
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"I truly believe we will achieve justice and be free to live in dignity and peace. However, while the genocide in Gaza and the 75 years of dispossession and oppression continue, I find it so difficult to think of work. That said, I am constantly reminded that we are supporting dozens of artisans at this moment in their efforts to generate income in Palestine under incredibly challenging circumstances.
I want to share with you all what to expect moving forward. You all, who have really just been so incredible in supporting our work and sending love and encouragement and solidarity. I started talking to my husband about my Handmade Palestine family. Really you all are more encouraging than you can ever know--to me, to our artisans, to Palestine.
Today I opened a new notebook and as I did last year, I wrote on the inside cover:
You Will Succeed
for yourself
for your family
for your artisans
for the land
for Palestine"
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"Throughout the year, I always return to that page and remind myself why I do this work, even when it feels grief-ridden, exhausting, or hopeless. I also remember Dalal who makes the brass jewelry and embroidered keffiyehs. Dalal oversees up to 10 women embroidering and so we have become a source of income for 10 families who have no other options. Twice over the holidays I called artisans with last-second surprise orders and listened to joyful, unbelieving laughter as people rejoiced at getting more work through us.
We celebrate together the impact you all are having on the Palestinian creative economy."
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"What we are working on in 2024:
Massive restructuring to more effectively handle support and solidarity
We are so grateful for your support, truly. Your patience and understanding have been much appreciated. We've reorganized our crafts and artisans so we can respond to your needs better. Artisans are also really excited to have clear lists from us so they can be prepared and keep up.
Updating fulfillment space
Our volunteer has been such a rockstar. As you all know we ship in bulk to Portland, Oregon, where our 2023 volunteer who is officially hired in 2024 as a part-time fulfillment manager, processes orders. This enables us to overcome restrictions and closures from Israeli occupation and folks in the US to get more affordable shipping. It also means we sometimes don't realize our inventory is off until he gets to the order. He spent days reorganizing the warehouse so we can work efficiently and that means slower fulfillment times (if you remember, pre-October we fulfilled orders same day, but you have blessed us with your support and we're still catching up).
Full restocking end of January
We've reorganized our site and have been working with our artisans since the end of December to make new crafts. The artisans are blown away by your continued support and thrilled to bring you new designs as well as your favorites from this last year. We are grateful also for your patience as we struggle to work through the very unique challenges as creatives under occupation. It looks like we won't be getting keffiyehs from Hirbawi for this restocking but we'll keep calling until they have some for you all!
International shipping
As many of you already understand, we ship in bulk to a fulfillment space we've built in Portland, Oregon, because shipping direct to you from Palestine is outrageously expensive and unreliable, as we are forced to depend on Israel's national post. We consider US and Canada domestic shipping, and the rest of the world requires an international carrier to deliver. UPS was losing packages and extorting fees from customers while claiming it was customs. Even after customers paid, UPS would return packages. We've been working to set up a DHL account and shipping system and we're so close! By the end of January, we'll be able to bring beautiful Palestinian crafts to you, wherever you are.
4 New Artisans
In addition to these two groups, we have been working for the last month to bring 4 new artisan groups to the Handmade family, so you'll see their collections and learn more about their craft-making and designs in the coming month. We are sure you'll love these gorgeous crafts and makers as much as we do! Stay tuned for more on them. We also have formed two women's groups for tatreez in addition to the 4 new artisans. In the coming months, we'll launch the embroidery designs of Manjel ma Qoud, which is our original work to support 10 women artisans in the West Bank in generating income.
Tatreez Projects, including Gaza women!
We also have the most amazing opportunity to support women generate income who fled Gaza to Cairo. We've arranged food, clothes, and blankets for them via our friend Manal Olama at the Egyptian Clothing Bank, AND are now working with her sustainable fashion brand, Almah, to give these women materials, machines, and the work space to create embroidery to sustain themselves in Cairo. We literally were able to make this happen in a matter of days so that the women in need could find hope and support their families in dignity.
If we do not exist for such moments as this, when someone whatsapps me saying "how can you help my sister in Cairo?" then let's just close shop now! Seriously, I feel that 8 years of this labor of love is worth it just to be able to arrive at this moment.
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Shop Handmade Palestine.
Adopt an olive tree.
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exploreneoh · 3 years
Water Wars: Cleveland v. Fiji
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Cleveland has, from its conception, been intimately connected to water. Located where the Cuyahoga River flows into Lake Erie, Moses Cleaveland chose to place his namesake capital of the Connecticut Western Reserve here for its potential as a major western transportation hub. Even in 1796, Cleaveland envisioned what would become the Ohio and Erie Canal, with Cleveland its northern terminus. The city would go on to become a significant port, receiving raw materials for manufacturing and exporting finished goods via the lake and canal. Transportation and infrastructure grew steadily. Environmental conservation, however, was not a concern.
By the mid twentieth century, after more than a century of manufacturers disposing of unregulated waste into the river, the Cuyahoga belched greasy black pollution into Lake Erie. To visitors, Clevelanders warned, “Don’t fall into the river, or you won’t drown, you’ll decay,” only half-jokingly. Since the 1860s, over 13 fires erupted atop the Cuyahoga which, in 1969, Time Magazine reported, “oozes rather than flows.” However, after this final blaze, the American public’s outrage led to the eventual passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972. In the 50 years since, the Cuyahoga has become an exceptionally clean waterway safe for recreation and leisure. It is incendiary no longer.
Despite the Cuyahoga’s remarkable recovery, however, Cleveland still carries a stigma for its past water-related transgressions. While Clevelanders make the best of this notoriety today (Ohio City’s Great Lakes Brewing Company famously totes its Burning River Pale Ale), in 2006, Fiji Water earnestly contrasted its product to Cleveland tap water in a national advertising campaign. “The label says Fiji because it’s not bottled in Cleveland,” read the full-page magazine add. Cleveland’s water department was not impressed.
According to the City of Cleveland, Department of Water, Cleveland city water is sourced from Lake Erie, using four surface-water intake systems, “located a considerable distance offshore to protect our water from possible contamination” (Cleveland Department of Water). 90% of Lake Erie’s water flows directly from the upper Great Lakes and their respective rivers and streams while the remaining 10% comes from rain and snowmelt from within the Lake Erie watershed. Upon acquisition, lake water is filtered, disinfected, and tested nearly 300 time daily to ensure Cleveland’s water, “exceeds federal and state drinking standards.” So, when Fiji challenged the potability of Cleveland's water, the Cleveland Department of Water was galvanized to act. Public utilities director, Julius Ciaccia, ordered Fiji and Cleveland waters to be tested and compared. Both samples were similar with one small exception: while there was none measured in Cleveland’s water, the tests indicated that Fiji water contained 6.31 micrograms of arsenic per liter. The results were clear, Cleveland water was superior.
Backlash ensued from Fiji Water, whose president, Cleveland native Edward Cochran, accused the tests of lacking independence and Cleveland of artificially inflating the quantity of arsenic in his company’s water. J. Christopher Nielson, the Cleveland water commissioner, stated, “Before you take a cheap shot at somebody, know what you’re talking about.” Cochran responded by telling his home city to, “lighten up.”
It’s important to consider that Fiji water was well below the EPA and FDA’s limit of 10 micrograms per liter of arsenic and that, despite its measurement, was safe to consume. More concerning, however, is the environmental and societal cost of bottling and transporting Fiji water, which is shipped from bottling facilities all the way from the South Pacific nation to consumers worldwide. Its distinctive rectangular bottle is particularly wasteful and uses more plastic than its competitors. Additionally, the company has not stayed true to its promised figures to reforest portions of Fiji to reduce its carbon footprint. Despite its alleged concern for the environmental, Fiji Water will not meet its stated goal of becoming carbon negative until 2037. Thirdly, in 2020, 12% of people living in Fiji did not have access to clean drinking water, despite living so close to a company selling world class Fijian water throughout the world. For a company claiming to be working toward a better future, one would think Fiji Water may take into consideration the infrastructure of the country whose name graces its particularly wasteful bottles, whose culture it appropriates to appeal to international customers, and whose limited land it destroys to harvest and sell its highly profitable product abroad.
Ultimately, Cleveland tap water is clean, safe, and potable. Despite the claims of some advertisers, bottled water is nearly identical to municipal water. It is quite remarkable that throughout Northeast Ohio we have such reliable access to clean fresh water. Of course, there are outliers and many cities do not provide quality water to their residents (ie Flint, MI). Our municipalities are obligated to update long-neglected water infrastructure to ensure equitable water distribution. Next time you crave a cold glass of water, consider where your water comes from and who it may affect. What’s really in your water and what’s not in it? Fresh water is likely to become the most important commodity in the world in the coming years. Let’s do our part to consume water responsibly and not at the expense of the environment and others.
For more info regarding Cleveland's water, including the Cleveland Water Crib Cam livestream, check this link: http://www3.clevelandwater.com/your-water/lake-erie
(PS: see description of the images for credits. None of these are mine this time:
Top: Fiji Water, 2006. Iconic Advert
Left: Time, 1952. Photo mistakenly used for 1968 fire, Cleveland, OH.
Middle: City of Cleveland, Department of Water. Image of water intake system in Lake Erie, Cleveland, OH
Right: Joshua Gunter/The Plain Dealer/AP Photo, 2006. A photo of the Cuyahoga River in 1967 compared to the river in 2006, Cleveland, OH [background])
City of Cleveland, Department of Water. (n.d.). Our Source Water. Cleveland Water. https://www.clevelandwater.com/our-source-water.
The Cuyahoga's Comeback. American Rivers. (n.d.). https://www.americanrivers.org/cuyahoga50/index.html.
Fredrickson, K. (2020, February 20). The Truth About Fiji Water. Mashed.com. https://www.mashed.com/189793/the-truth-about-fiji-water/.
WP Company. (2006, July 20). Cleveland Takes Offense at Fiji Water Ad. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/20/AR2006072000322.html.
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motleymoose · 4 years
Homecoming Pt. 3: Bits & Pieces Ch. 1
Chapter 1 Ashes in a Vacuum
Fandom: The Mandalorian, Star Wars Characters: The Mandalorain (Din Djarin), Gender Neutral Reader, The Child Words: 2.5k+ Warnings: Injury, Angst, A whole lotta attitude
I AM ALL SORTS OF ANGRY AT THAT FRAGGING BUCKETHEAD!!! He's leaving me with more questions than I have the ability to ask, and I don't like it one bit.
But dang, that little greenie is cute!
Heya! Thank y'all for reading!!! I'm not sure how many chapters this part is gonna have, so??? We're coming up on the halfway point of the story. Maybe my editing skills will improve by then (ha).
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Homecoming Masterlist
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The way everything hurt, I was sure I was dying.
Squinting at the dim, fuzzy gray light of my bunk, I ran an internal diagnostics check. With every little wiggle and flex of an appendage, I gradually realized that I was not, in fact, dying, but I wasn’t in prime fighting shape either. Slowly, gingerly, I scrubbed sleep from my burning eyes with the heels of my palms, my vision spotty and fuzzy in places. It felt good to let them linger, pressing heavily into the closed eyelids and relieving the pressure built up behind my eyeballs. As killer headaches went, the one I was experiencing in that moment wasn’t the worst I’d ever had, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like doshing kung.
Now that I was sorta awake, I took physical stock of my body. My eyes still wouldn’t clear, the large flecks of gray shadow swimming lazily in my periphery, so I used touch to see what was going on. Letting my hands do the work, I started with my head, running my fingers lightly down my neck to my shoulders and chest. Something felt off about the shape of my body as I continued to scan downwards to my hips. Foggy memories swirled inside my head, screaming and pain and choking smoke. A jumbled mess of noise and smells overpowered everything else, and the bits and pieces of the fight and flight from Bosph scattered nervously into the darker recesses of my brain.
Frustrated, I sat up, ignoring the sharp tug at the pit of my elbow and the violent, painful thumping rattling my brain. “Fragging buckethead,” I hissed through clenched teeth. He had got me in this mess. Sure, it was my fault for getting a bounty put on me, but if only he’d listened to me in the first place, we coulda avoided Bosph entirely. The anger, bitter and sparkling and pulsing red, numbed the headache and the bruises slightly. And as the ire rose, so too did the functionality of my brain.
I could focus now on what my hands had been trying to tell me: all of my possessions, from my boots to my jumpsuit and everything in between or tucked into pockets, was gone. A worn coarseweave tunic hung from my curved shoulders, the sleeves neatly rolled up around my biceps, and a newer looking pair of long johns, the baggy legs bunched around my knees, had replaced my utilitarian and well-loved apparel.
Oh Mother of Kwath! Had the Mandalorian undressed me?! I mean, I was an adult. He was an adult. And apparently I had been injured enough to warrant such an invasion of privacy. Still, I couldn’t fight the blush burning brightly across my chest and face.
So doshing uncomfortable.
Nope, nope, nope. Didn’t want to think about it anymore.
Pushing down all of the humiliation and trauma and apprehension until the feelings were little more than an annoying itch under my skin, I allowed the rage to take over a little more. It was easier to be angry than to feel anything else, the outrage a warming presence in my chilly body. It also gave me the little boost of courage for what I had to do next.
Screwing my eyes shut, incredibly unprepared for the worst possible outcome, I touched the place under my collarbone where my silver skull pendant rested, a solid, reassuring weight...
Instead of skin-warmed metal, I was met with warm, padded resistance. Peering into the neck of the tunic, I found a thick, dull-colored wrap encasing my midsection from under my armpits to my hip bones. It smelled of the sea on a warm summer’s day, and I wrinkled my nose automatically. Bacta. Whatever injury I had sustained must’ve been bad enough to call for the precious, oftentimes expensive goo. The wrap wasn’t so tight as to constrict breathing or some movements, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either.
The physical uncomfortableness brought me back to the question of why the bounty hunter was keeping me alive, but just like all the other feelings, I ignored it. I needed to find my clothes, my necklace. Get dressed. Leave this beautiful ship and her tyrant pilot behind and become a krill farmer out on the Outer Rim.
Well, probably not a farmer. A droid mech, perhaps.
The soft skin on the inside of my elbow twinged again, pulling me out of my daydreams as I reached for the blanket covering the lower half of my body. A thin, clear tube snaked from a needle inserted into a vein to a nearly-empty pouch hanging from a hook in the bunk wall. Fumbling, my fingernails worked their way underneath the sticky medical tape, peeling up an edge wide enough to pinch. I ripped the tape from my arm, gritting as it pulled hair and skin with it. Once the tape was gone, I slid the needle out of my arm with a hiss, tossing it aside to leak between the cot and the bunk wall. Whatever cocktail of drugs the bounty hunter had mixed into the IV, he’d probably added a good dose of sedative to keep me down for the count. That would’ve explained the fogginess.
And it made me so mad.
I let the full-blown, all-consuming fury in, jerking the coarseweave blanket off of me and freeing my legs. Exhaling forcefully, I tested my injured knee, poking at the matching bacta bandage. The original searing-white agony I had experienced on Bosph was muted now, less of a screaming torment and more of a dull throbbing. Healed enough to put weight on. Hopefully
Groaning and cursing at stiff muscles and bucketheaded hunters respectively, I wriggled on the bed until my bare feet skimmed the floor. The cold steel of the hull platform sent shivers through my flesh, feeding the annoyance and anger and frustration. I inhaled, steadying myself for the shooting pain sure to follow standing on both legs. Pleasantly astonished as I was that it didn’t hurt too horribly, I wasn’t prepared for the lightheadedness. The blood rushed from my face, my vision blackening around the edges.
“Oh frag,” I managed to croak before slumping to the floor in an unconscious heap. --------------- I awoke, some time later, inside my bunk. The coarseweave blanket was tucked firmly beneath my chin, the IV reinserted into my arm, and my red-hot rage completely dissipated. An imposing, blurry figure stood at the foot of the bunk, and I took my time adjusting myself from lying flat to reclining, eyes tightly shut to avoid the spinning shadows. Once I was comfortable, I cracked an eyelid. The Mandalorian’s blurred steely stare greeted me, a clear bag of liquid over one arm and a sling supporting the other.
“You’re awake,” he stated matter of factly.
“D-Didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of travelling in silence,” I replied dryly, voice husky with disuse. “By the way, where’s my jumpsuit?” I opened my eyes all the way, blinking rapidly to dispel the fog coating them. It didn’t work.
The bounty hunter harrumphed softly. “Incinerated. You had a fractured knee, two broken ribs and a blaster wound to the stomach. Plus severe retinal damage and dehydration. You’re lucky you even made it off-planet.” He angled his visor away from me to tap out something on his vembrace.
“Wait, what?”
He tilted his visor towards me and put it simply. “You almost died.”
I feebly waved the non-IVed hand in front of my face. “No, not that. Did you say you incinerated all of my stuff?!”
Ignoring me, per his style, he continued to tap on his vembrace’s control panel.
Devastated, depressed and not a little bit murderous, I glowered squintily at him. I was reeling inwardly, but on the outside I was colder than carbonite.
As he ignored me, I studied him as closely as my recovering vision would allow. I could tell there was something different in his appearance, but it took a moment for me to recognize what it was . A softer quality to his edges that I couldn’t quite understand, his body looking less defined, less bulky than normal. I blinked several times to refocus, and was rewarded with infinitesimally better vision.
“Where’s your armor, shabuir?” I sniped. I may have been more than a little miffed that all of my worldly possessions were now ash and lumps of twisted metal, and biting at a Mandalorian was a temporarily soothing balm to my aching heart.
The hunter reached over me and unhooked the empty bacta IV bag from a rod above my head, replacing it with the one he’d brought. Adjusting the solution valve, he tapped the drip chamber twice before turning his attention back to me. “There’s a spare jumpsuit in the ‘fresher. Keep the bacta wrap on for another hour, at least.” As an afterthought, he added, “We’ll be on Nevarro in a few days.” A frown tainted his voice. “Stay out of my way ‘til then.” Spinning on his heel, he marched to the ladder and disappeared onto the upper deck.
It took about twelve hours for me to feel well enough to rid myself of the IV and bacta wraps and get out of the bunk without having the ship buck underneath me like a wild bluurg. I took that time to cry myself to sleep, wake up and cry some more. The loss of my tools and kit was a huge blow to my self-worth, but the loss of the pendant, well. It was the only piece I had left of a life full of fear and hunger and love; it connected me to home. If I didn’t have that, where did I belong?
It took another three hours for me to get up the nerve to get cleaned and dressed. I prowled around the cargo hold, poking and prodding at the carbonite storage, the control panels and the refresher. There hadn’t been much of a chance on my earlier voyages to explore, so with the Mandalorian occupied guiding the ship through hyperspace, I felt emboldened to figure out more about him. Not that there was much to glean from my investigation; the hold contained only the basics of survival for deep space travel, and weapons. Lots of weapons.
Oh, and several beings in what looked to be forced-stasis, frozen in carbonite.
Shivering in sympathy for my hold companions, I turned and shuffled back to the bunk. What I really had hoped to find was the incinerator - most ships kept them below near the back for easy dispatch of trash - but I hadn’t found hide nor hair of one below deck. It could’ve been located above. Not exactly the safest or most pleasant location, yet with all the fire power and carbonite in the hold, it kinda made sense. No need to put three dangerous elements all in one place, if you had the room.
A little voice at the back of my head reminded me of something else: that fragging Mando had all but ordered me to stay put. If he thought for one second that I was going to listen to him, he had another thing coming. I held no ill-will against Mandalorians in general, but this one was getting on my bad side. First arresting me and then almost getting me killed and then destroying the only thing I had left of home reminded me that I only had myself to rely on, that everyone else was out to either disappoint me or kill me.
I’d be doshed if I was going to let that buckethead dictate what I could and couldn’t do, especially since he was the one who took me off that Maker-forsaken moon in the first place.
Especially since he handed me over to Mihcas without an apology.
And took my pendant and tools to boot.
Ascending the ladder turned out to be a formidable feat in my weakened condition, but I prevailed. It took more effort than it should have, and I collapsed onto the cool steel platform once I made it all the way up.
“What are you doing?” The modulated baritone came from my right. Swiveling my head, I watched as the bounty hunter stomped out of the captain’s quarters, a bundle of clothes clutched to his chest and fingers unsurprisingly reaching for his blaster. Whatever was in the bundle must have been precious, for he shifted it away from me to his injured arm. It obviously still hurt; he held the bundle in the crook of his elbow, awkwardly bent and trembling with effort.
Rage flared in my chest, licking its way up like flames and leaving a red mask pounding behind my eyes. Pushing the anger away, I clambered up to my feet. I was going to get answers, and I’d be fragged if I was going to show emotion in front of him.
“Where’s the incinerator?” I spat savagely. So much for not showing any emotion.
Obviously taken aback by my vehemence and bluntness, he cocked his helmet and pulled his hand from his blaster, resting it casually on his belt buckle. “Why?”
Simple enough question, simple enough answer. But I didn’t feel like answering him. Opening my mouth to respond, a cooing sound interrupted me. It sounded like it was coming from the bundle still shielded in his injured arm.
Snapping my jaw shut with a painfully audible click, I raised my eyebrows pointedly at him. “Trafficking something illegal there, chakaar?” Anxiety clenched my stomach in its viselike grip, and I had to force the bile from rising in my throat. I was still weak from Bosph, but if he was buying and selling living beings to make a living, he was no better than my ex-boss. No better than me. Which meant I was going to have to hurt him or die trying.
A sharp hiss of an inhale through the vocoder told me I’d hit on something. Something he didn’t want me knowing. A whispery stream of very impolite Mando’a floated in the space between us. The air was thick with tension, and both of us were patiently waiting for the other to make the next move.
The coo came again, slightly muffled, followed by a bubbly giggle, startling us out of our stare-down. The bundle wriggled, and the Mandalorian shifted his attention from me to it as the thing became too much to handle with one injured arm. Grunting either out of pain or frustration, the bounty hunter stepped backwards until he was in the doorway of the bunk. Squeaking and chittering indignantly, the lump in the clothes broke free with a victorious huff.
And it was the cutest fragging thing I’d ever laid my eyes on.
chakaar - corpse robber, thief, petty criminal - general term of abuse shabuir - extreme insult - *jerk*, but much stronger
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sheikah · 5 years
It's been weeks since I have been involved with anything Jonerys and days since I've been on tumblr at all because of WoW Classic, so I just came on and went to check out @muttpeeta 's blog bc Amy is my forever fave and I still wanna read WMEB. But I gotta say the most recent discourse is the most disturbing yet. I've been happier than ever since I stopped emotionally investing in Game of Thrones and I am grateful for the change now that I see how this fandom continues to eat its own and condone bullying and harassment--even extending that bullying and harassment to people who defend the victims. Bravo to you Amy for standing up to these people because this is toxic to an unprecedented degree. Jon Snow isn't a real person and the lengths some of yall are going to to defend his honor at the expense of REAL PEOPLE and their REAL feelings is mind-boggling. I've blogged about Jonerys for years and written well over 100k words of Jonerys fanfic. My house is still full of Jonerys merch. But when you bully other people and defend bullying as acceptable behavior because you think Jonerys > real human beings and the freedom of expression of fanfic writers, you've gone too far and it's time to find another hobby.
Some last notes: This is sexism at its finest. Where was your outrage when J0nsa writers cross tagged and had overtly anti-Jonerys content in their work? Why is the biggest outrage in our fandom over Dany having other sexual partners? Recognize your internalized misogyny and do something about it.
Saying that if we are allowed to hate on season 8 then you're allowed to hate on fic writers is the dumbest false equivalence I've ever seen and I'm not even going to bother explaining why. Just stop.
I have no dogs in this fight anymore. I still wanted to finish SYRM (something I wanted to do ONLY out of love for my readers as I have zero investment in the ship anymore) but that gets less likely with every passing day. But I still care passionately about the fic writers in this fandom who have been like a family to me for years and I'm raging at how they're being treated by readers and the fact that it has absolutely become business as usual. I'll always wade back into the discourse and show my ass if it means defending my girls' freedom to write what they want, and all the pressed commenters and BULLIES trying to stop them can die mad about it.
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mesothulass · 5 years
96 + 22
96 - Scars & 22 - Space AU I’m! Defaulting to Cywhirlgate! Since you didn’t specify the ship! (it was originally gonna be cygate but yikes)
Cyclonus the swash buckling space pirate! (this got long)
Ok no, he’s got an inflated sense of honor. But let’s twist that on its head - what if Cyclonus was pushed to piracy due to Scourge and Galvatron getting held hostage. I’d like to imagine Cyclonus was the most reasonable of the three of them, and that’s why it was him who was bargained with. So he’s still got his sense of honor, a set of rules he’s not allowed to break, and he’s a pirate.
What are these rules? First and foremost, he will not kill unnecessarily. He has to do one good thing, no matter how big or small, for each bad thing he does. No getting overcharged, no taking part in what he plunders, no rescue attempts rescue Scourge and Galvatron until he has everything he needs.
The Intergalactic Council has been after him for millions of years - as has Cybertron’s equivalent of Interpol. There haven’t been enough actual sightings of him to figure out where it is he refuels or who he works for (if he works for anyone). So Cyclonus just floats around and does what he has to to keep Galvatron and Scourge alive.
Enter a blue and white mech, a minibot  that makes Cyclonus want to - well, he doesn’t really know. Stop his unending mission to keep his oldest friend and lord alive? Abandon his rules? Not particularly. But he keeps showing up, first at that one robbery of Cybertron’s national bank, then as a cleaning bot when he stole an outrageously expensive painting, then as one of the mechs who see Cyclonus clean the slums of Kaon, then as one of the travelers on the spaceship he held hostage to barter a good sum of money from a politician nobody liked.
Whom the fuck? This is a minibot who definitely should not be showing up as many places as he is. Admittedly, Cyclonus has been seeing him on and off for a good couple million years, but he’s an old design. Has he been in Cyclonus’ vicinity this whole time?
Then comes their meeting - official meeting, with an introduction. Hot shot cop Rodimus Prime has finally caught the famous outlaw. He sets Cyclonus in a cell and stands off to the side to make a couple calls. Cyclonus is originally indifferent but the white and blue minibot is in the cell with him. Cyclonus is dying, just a bit. But the minibot lights up when he sees Cyclonus and bounces as close to him as his shackles allow.
“I’m Tailgate! Last time I saw you, you were helping rebuild Velocitron’s titan!” Is what he says and, despite hot shot cop Rodimus Prime’s continued pretense, what can Cyclonus do but introduce himself in kind? So they talk, and by that I mean Tailgate talks and Cyclonus listens with a mixture of confusion and utter horror at some of the stuff Tailgate says. The reason Tailgate is around so much? He has bad luck and bad taste in mechs. The people he hangs out with are the very same people Galvatron and Scourge’s captors want dead. 
Tailgate, after centuries of being abused by the Senate (“The would perform empurata on people who went against them so I never dared try - I don’t want to thank Primus for a revolution that killed millions, but… anyway, we’re free now.”), was a philanthropist of sorts. He might not have much money, but he was always down to travel somewhere for an outreach or goodwill mission, or maybe just to help other civilizations rebuild after natural disasters or to teach people to read and write. This has lead to many uncomfortable situations for him.
That aft backwards politician Cyclonus was sent to murder? Tailgate was one of his guards. The bounty hunter Cyclonus had to go ten rounds with in order to obtain some round trinket? Tailgate had saved his life and was cashing in a favor at the time. The reason he was in the cell? His friend, Nutjob (”That’s not his name, but he calls me shorty.”), had gotten into trouble with the law (”He’s always in trouble! Poor thing doesn’t know how to be a descent person like the rest of us. He’s really cute though.”) and Tailgate was just a case of wrong place wrong time.
It was intriguing.
Scourge’s and Galvatron’s captors had never said anything about companions, so Cyclonus breaks Tailgate and Nutjob (“I’m Whirl and if you think I can’t beat the crap out of you because you’ve got a big fancy sword, you’re mistaken.”) out of jail and takes them with him. Hot shot cop Rodimus Prime watches them go - he doesn’t try to stop them. Cyclonus is careful never to mention Tailgate and Whirl, paranoid for forever and a day. They grow closer during all the lawbreaking Cyclonus has to do and - and it’s nice.
Yes, they break his rules (“Haven’t you listened to a thing Shorty has said?! I’m made for violence! How can I not kill everyone here??”). Yes, they eat him out of spaceship and storage (“I’m sorry, Cyclonus, but no sane minibot can eat this little fuel and not go into permanent stasis-lock? How are you not dead? Do you have special internals? Are you undead?”). But it was nice to have them with him after his millions of years of loneliness.
And, in time, they become a sort of home. Somewhere safe to end the day. A pair of bots who want his time just to have it, to talk and relax, not to go out and pillage and destroy. They helped him win out against his fury and in turn he put his attention to helping them with what they needed. They made him a person again and he, because what else was he good at, made himself a wall against their fears and insecurities and self deprecation. They share their scars and help each other learn to move on, to learn from them, to become better people despite the trauma they’ve all been through.
And, when the time came to rescue Scourge and Galvatron, they were a big help. Whirl was just the kind of distraction Cyclonus and Tailgate needed to break in (“Come on you little freaks, it’s time to fucking party!”). While he exploded the front of the building, Tailgate hacked into the system (“I just have to plug in right into this terminal and… ooh! It’s so nice and organized! I used to have a friend who’d feel just like this during interface.”). He’d learned a lot through his many, many run-ins with Cyclonus and his travels and had picked up a few tricks. What he didn’t know, he generally knew how to bullshit.
Once they’d located Galvatron and Scourage, Cyclonus went on alone. Whirl pulled back, attacked a different part of the building, Tailgate was busy sending self destruct codes to every and any computer linked up to the system, and Cyclonus tore down whatever got in his way. And even now, Cyclonus doesn’t give up on his rules.
In the end, Galvatron hadn’t survived. He was hotheaded, uncontrollable, uncontainable (“You’re not so much a bodyguard as the mech who has to keep me in line. I’m going to try to murder the world. You’re going to have to stop me.”) . He’d tried to escape and they’d put him down as a result. Cyclonus could recognize, through the shock and the pain, that Galvatron had died like a warrior - fighting for freedom. But Scourge… Scourge had… his best friend…
(“I bid you stand in the glow of my spark so that you may feel the heat of my words and know them to be true. I invite you to receive my light and in so doing become my amica endura - from now until forever. Cyclonus, for your loyalty, your laughter, and your soul. As you are to me, may I be to you - today, tomorrow, and always.”
“Today, tomorrow, and always.”)
It was here that Cyclonus lost the carefully crafted control he’d worked so hard on. It was here that his rules lost meaning. It was here that he tore apart the entire building, it was here that he murdered every single person inside it, it was here that he fought and fought and fought until there was no one left to fight, until it was just Whirl carrying him to the ship (“You’re heavy, Little One. See, I can call you that too! Now, wake up and tell me off!”), just Tailgate standing watch (“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”), just Cyclonus’ memories looping through his mind (“Promise me no harm comes to them. Promise me they will be safe and well-fed. Promise me that, and I will do whatever you ask.”).
Hot shot cop Rodimus makes a reappearance, aboard the bulkiest ship Cyclonus has ever seen (“The Lost Light is a little beaten up, but she’s got quantum engines and the best damn crew an ex cop can ask for.”). He was making a safe haven, he said, for the wronged people society would never protect. For the lost. For the ones with nothing left. 
Tailgate is the one who said they would join (“You won’t regret taking us on, I promise.”) and Whirl is the one to ward off those who tried to pry (“I’ve got titty guns! Do you really think going up against me is a good idea? I’m unvincible!”). Cyclonus is the one who relearned his rules, born from love and acceptance instead of hate and fear.
(“You were by my side when I needed you. You have been beside me since we first met. You brought me back when I thought… when I thought the Afterspark would be better than suffering life. I owe you my life. But when I look at you, at either of you, my thoughts don’t go to that. They go to waking up together. To scaring some poor fool. To the two of you getting overcharged and getting called to pick you up. To seeing you happy and carefree. You’ve seen my scars and yet you still accept me for what I am; more than that, you care about and protect me despite them. What I’m trying to say - what I’m - I wanted to ask.
“Will you, both of you, be my conjunx endurae?”)
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Mercury Fob Keys And Remote Program Perth Amboy NJ
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Breaking the key in the ignition lock or Misplacing your car keys picking up the kids from school or at your workplace can be a creepy incident, and consequently employing a trustworthy highly trained road-side assistance who go all out to iron out your troubles at the earliest as possible 24 hrs is crucial. As a top priority Mercury keysmith in Perth Amboy NJ and surrounding area, at Perth Amboy Key Replacement we are operational 24-7-365 furnished with each and every single software, lock crackerjack tools and diagnostic equipment required to replace, install or rekey your car key, ignition or lock onsite.
Models: Zephyr, Topaz, TaTracer, Bobcat, Grand Marquis, Colony Park, Milan, Mountaineer, Monarch, Cougar, Monterey, Mariner, Capri, Comet and Eight
Mercury key replacement in Perth Amboy NJ
One of the core part of any Mercury is it's keylock infrastructure, which ought to be modified when bruised or lost. When this sort of a barrier occurs we, at Perth Amboy Key Replacement, in Perth Amboy NJ, are largely skilled to organize all versions of vehicle lock, key or ignition problems on-site.
Mercury transponder key is uniquely compiled to activate an explicit vehicle and our adroit personnel can create Mercury transponder, laser cut, flip-key or passive anti theft keys, in addition to repair, replace or install any sort of locks, ignition and keys at your side morning noon and night.
About Mercury keys and locks technology
Mercury is the United States's universal popular car manufacturer of average motor vehicles and emerge to be one of the widest American automobile manufacturer since 1938.
Mercury originate utilizing P.A.T chipped keys in 1996. Decrepit  Mercury chipped keys could be replicated by an easy economical dashboard duplication process.
Later designs according to year and model swapped it's keylock instrument to a coded P.A.T.S chip keys that require an exclusive diagnostic equipment and key programmer in order to duplicate a backup key.
Beginning at 2007, Several  Mercury designs are utilizing push-to-start ignition and Intelligent Access with push-button start as either optional or standard instrument.
Ignition repair
The Mercury ignition system is a system that use a distinct key to activate the electronic parts and authorize your vehicle to turn on and due to the heavy use, the ignition system strip, tumblers and shift worn out along the years. Manifestations of a problematic ignition lock might be broken ignition key, ignition key is stiffly turning or key is stuck and you cannot goes off the engine.
Since car ignition lock service can cost outrageous amout of a thousand dollar for several car models when handled by the dealer as opposed to a car lock-smith who is able of repairing or replacing the ignition internal parts for a small portion of this amount in addition to avoid towing your car to the dealer-ship.
If you can't turn your ignition key in the ignition or have to jiggle your keys to get your ignition to turn the best alternative will be to call a vehicle lock-smith well versed to drive to your place of choice to fix or swap your ignition lock on-the-spot. Our man-power have many years of experience ignition lock repairs, will arrive to your juncture with specific Mercury diagnostic equipment and lock bumping tools to get the job done at your convenience.
Transponder chip key forge
Newer car decked with car's computer and car keys are decked with electronic chip placed on the blade (in vehicle anti theft system) keys or stashed into the cork of the key. When the transponder key is inserted to the ignition key-tunnel, the transponder chip transfer a distinct message for the car computer to be verified. Without this explicit authorization code, the vehicle will not start.
When someone want to copy or lose his key, the chip has to be programmed with a new code in order to be adopted by the immobiliser.
Some manufacturers of automobiles years and models impart dash-board outline for reproduction of keys, but if all keys are missing, the vehicle computer unit has to be re-programmed by suitable programmer owned by the dealer-ship or a locksmith.
Mercury keyless device
Smart-key remotes, or (RKS or RKE) let a driver to lock and unlock their truck or car clicking the remote likewise other components such as releasing the trunk or lighting up the fog lights to swell visibility at night or in raw weather. Furthermore, many modern keys integrate remote start which is becoming standard on contemporary vehicles.
Almost all smartkeys integrate a proximity-detector-based instrumentation that is activated when the keyless device found within a particular range of the vehicle. This Keyless device are passive meaning that the car can be unlocked and locked or start and shut down the car without driver input.
Copy vs lost car keys
The platform of duplicating a car key varies between individual year and models of your Mercury. For some models, control board programming can be successfully used to copy a chipped key. This process eliminates the obligatory extravagant key programmer and key codes when programming a new chipped key to the car. Vehicles who don't support Control board key copy  outline should have a backup key programmed employing a dedicated key programmer that is accessible only to Mercury dealer-ship or a recognized locksmith.
This coding machine priced as around several thousands of dollars to own which is major reason duplicating a digital car key is way more expensive to plainly cut an old-style metal blade key.
If you lost all keys to your car you will probably need to get your vehicle towed to the dealer-ship or find a car locksmith to come down to your location to re-code the immobilizer to utilize the new key and dismiss the old one. The above process require the driver to proove ownership like title, registration or insurance and will priced as around $185–$270.
24 hrs car lock out
When you locked-out of your car, you should to realize that with present-day car electric locks and air-bag wires it might be extraordinarily dangerous trying to slim jim car door by an unskilled personal.
Perth Amboy Key Replacement pop a lock agent can harmlessly handle mightily all kind of vehicle lock outs based on unique lock picking appliances to fit any car lock-out burden you’re bearing instantaneously.
Car locks conversing
Did you acquired a brand new Mercury ignition and prescribe to replace an old one?, got one of your Mercury keys filched? or misplaces the keys to your car?, wish to make sure that no one else glean the means to turn over your car? Good News! You have found the best company for your situation, since modify of vehicle locks is one of Perth Amboy Key Replacement necessary idiosyncrasy. Our professionals can alterate the internal pins inside your door or ignition lock, so it would accept the newish key and deny the old fashioned one. Elevate the cell phone and call our call center to get your vehicle lock updated by a highly skilled keysmith before you even know it
To sum up
Our 24 hours mobile lock-smith service allow drivers get an adroit lock-smith when they need one. Call our customer care office! Our laborers are operative 24/7/365 and wiil arrive to your place of choice in order to rekey your car door lock, remove your beokwen ignition key or duplicate fobik-key on premises.
Keep our phone number handy for any time you are experiencing an emergency broken or locked keys and need a speedy lock-smith service.
Perth Amboy Key Replacement have established the reputation as a reliable and a truly swift response and our technicians are skilled to close the job assuring total comfort at low cost when you need one.. If you’re scanning for Mercury key replacement service 24HR in Perth Amboy New Jersey, call (973)200-4870 for a reliable local mobile locksmith, lost car keys made, ignition repair, transponder, keyless entry remote fob cut and program.
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zombiepineapple · 3 years
What Threat does Social Media Pose to Businesses?
Company Concerns Regarding Social Media
Social media can be used many ways with differing results. These advanced communications like Facebook or Twitter can have amazing and destructive effects all at once, sometimes building the hype, or excitement and popularity, of a company to new heights and sometimes leaving a business in ruin from a boycott in “cancel culture” (Cancel Culture, n.d.). Two concerns companies should have pertaining to social media are, firstly, their employee's usage of personal accounts at work, and, secondly, how their company uses social media as its own entity. Both contain unique threats for businesses.
Employees Using Social Media at Work
Employees cannot help but log on to their personal social media accounts during work hours, whether it’s from a personal phone or even a company device. Often, they do this without hiding their identity and end up sharing information about their company or work (Lee, 2020). This doesn’t tend to be neutral and will usually have a positive or negative slant, leading to a kind of unwanted brand representation. Employees will use social media for a variety of reasons: Enjoyment, self-enhancement, venting, addiction. This can be bad for companies and employees for several reasons (Lee, 2020).
Employees that use social media often during work hours can become overloaded with information and excess communication, exhausting them and hurting productivity (Yu, 2018). Social media addiction can hurt a person mentally and physically as well, leading to lack of sleep, backache, eye strain, envious feelings, shallow management of relationships, and tendencies to seek approval from others (Priyadarshini, 2020). Employees can use social media to bond with each other outside of work, but even this can lead to controversies and strife at work when online conflict arises (Beatrix, 2014). This can be aggravated by power dynamics at work having to translate somehow in private online communications. Employees online can put companies at risk of more than a bad reputation. They could accidentally release sensitive work information, trade secrets, or reveal network vulnerabilities (Tavani, 2012). Lastly, they could connect to unsafe websites that may try to infiltrate the company.
To mitigate these risks, many companies either ban social media usage outright or have strict policies. When on the company’s network, an employee should expect little to no privacy, even when visiting a private account (New York City schools issue guidelines for employees' using social media, 2012). This practice has become commonplace for companies around the world, some even making policies that restrict and direct social media usage during off-work hours (Beatrix, 2014).
Company Social Media Outreach
Social media controlled by a company, in order to interact with the public and consumers could not be farther from how personal employee social media is viewed. A businesses social media strives to put the company in the best light possible based off a concept called Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR (Stohl, 2017). CSR’s goal is to make a company as internationally, ecologically, economically, and socially responsible as possible (Fernando, 2021). Companies want to respect diversity and the right to free speech while communicating with transparency. Social media helps them share information with large collections of stakeholders en masse and control their own image by responding to unflattering reviews and complaints (Stohl, 2017).
If a company isn’t careful, however, they can fall prey to the rest of society on a platform. “Cancel culture” is the act of boycotting or banning a company, person, or product for various reasons. Something “cancelled” may undergo public humiliation, loss of shares or profit, brand injury, loss of customers and business opportunities (Cancel Culture: How to Protect Your Business from Being “Cancelled,” n.d.). A very recent example of this was Spain’s postal service’s public campaign, which released a video and several stamps colored various shades of skin types (#EqualityStamps, n.d.). They were trying to make a statement about racism in order to raise awareness and work towards societal equality. Their ad claimed the “Equality Stamps … reflect an unjust and painful reality which should never exist.” This backfired because they made the skin-colored stamps different prices (Goodman et al., 2021). The “white” skinned was the most expensive, meaning a person would need more of the other stamps to equate to how far a white one would ship a package. There was public outrage and a few days later, the stamps were removed.
While personal employee usage of social media can hurt a company’s work force and possibly put them at risk of leaking vulnerabilities, a company’s own social media platform can be just as dangerous if not properly handled. Social media holds many threats for businesses because of its effect on its employees, brand image, and the undeniable reliance on a fickle and outspoken public. Employees are best managed with work policies, and companies should be sure to hire professional and knowledgeable individuals for their social sites. Overall, social media usage should be carefully planned and monitored, with generic public apologies at the ready to mitigate possible “cancellations.” These scripts can be rounded out in real time with genuine behavioral policy changes that meet stakeholder and public needs. This will keep a company up-to-date in their CSR.
Beatrix M P van, D. (2014). Social media and the employee's right to privacy in Australia. International Data Privacy Law, 4(3), 222-234. http://libproxy.ecpi.edu:2055/10.1093/idpl/ipu015
Cancel Culture: How to Protect Your Business from Being “Cancelled.” (n.d.). Ecowarriorprincess.net. https://ecowarriorprincess.net/2020/02/cancel-culture-how-to-protect-your-business-from-being-cancelled-2/
#EqualityStamps: The stamp collection that reflects the unjust reality of racism | Correos. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved May 30, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq3dftc2q0k
Fernando, J. (2021, February 2). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Investopedia; Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/corp-social-responsibility.asp
Goodman, A., Andrew, S., & Chavez, N. (2021, May 28). Spain’s postal service ends its skin color-inspired stamp campaign that made the lightest stamps the most expensive[Review of Spain’s postal service ends its skin color-inspired stamp campaign that made the lightest stamps the most expensive]. CNN; CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/28/world/spain-stamps-skin-color-trnd/index.html
Lee, Y. (2020). Motivations of employees' communicative behaviors on social media: Individual, interpersonal, and organizational factors. Internet Research, 30(3), 971-994. http://libproxy.ecpi.edu:2055/10.1108/INTR-06-2019-0264
New York City schools issue guidelines for employees' using social media. (2012). American School & University, http://libproxy.ecpi.edu:2048/login?url=https://libproxy.ecpi.edu:2281/trade-journals/new-york-city-schools-issue-guidelines-employees/docview/1010620810/se-2?accountid=142826
Priyadarshini, C., Dubey, R. K., Kumar, Y. L. N., & Jha, R. R. (2020). Impact of a Social Media Addiction on Employees' Wellbeing and Work Productivity. The Qualitative Report, 25(1), 181-196. http://libproxy.ecpi.edu:2048/login?url=https://libproxy.ecpi.edu:2281/scholarly-journals/impact-social-media-addiction-on-employees/docview/2350114073/se-2?accountid=142826
Stohl, C., Etter, M., Banghart, S., & Woo, D. (2017). Social Media Policies: Implications for Contemporary Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility: JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 142(3), 413-436. http://libproxy.ecpi.edu:2055/10.1007/s10551-015-2743-9
Tavani, H. T. (2012). Ethics and technology : controversies, questions, and strategies for ethical computing. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Yu, L., Cao, X., Liu, Z., & Wang, J. (2018). Excessive social media use at work: Exploring the effects of social media overload on job performance. Information Technology & People, 31(6), 1091-1112. http://libproxy.ecpi.edu:2055/10.1108/ITP-10-2016-0237
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Trump postpones Denmark trip after prime minister declines to sell him Greenland
Trump postpones Denmark trip after prime minister declines to sell him Greenland
By Felicia Sonmez, Anne Gearan and Damian Paletta | Published August 21 at 4:53 AM ET | Washington Post | Posted August 21, 2019 9:26 AM ET |
President Trump on Tuesday abruptly called off a trip to Denmark, announcing in a tweet that he was postponing the visit because the country’s leader was not interested in selling him Greenland.
The move comes two days after Trump told reporters that owning Greenland, a self-governing country that is part of the kingdom of Denmark, “would be nice” for the United States from a strategic perspective.
Trump’s announcement suggests that, despite his denials, the central purpose of his trip had been discussion of a U.S. purchase of the massive, glaciered island, which holds increasing value as melting sea ice opens new parts of the Arctic to shipping and resource extraction.
The episode was also a rare window into secret White House national security planning, albeit with a Trumpian dealmaker’s twist and an element of the surreal. Trump touts his real estate background as a primary job qualification, promising voters he can negotiate better than his predecessors and spot a good deal. But the notion of buying a part of another country was widely met with surprise and bafflement when news broke last week of Trump’s interest in the island.
In his tweet, Trump said that while Denmark is “a very special country with incredible people,” he is postponing his scheduled meeting with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen based on her statement “that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland.”
“The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct,” Trump added. “I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!”
Denmark’s government did not immediately respond to the visit’s cancellation, instead scheduling a news conference for Wednesday morning U.S. time. Danish lawmakers, however, were outraged. “It’s an insult from a close friend and ally,” said Micahel Aastrup Jensen of the influential center right Venstre party, who said talk of purchasing Greenland had originally been viewed by Danes as a joke, not the whole reason for the visit.
Over the weekend, Frederiksen had visited Greenland and told reporters there that Trump’s idea of buying the island was “absurd.”
It was not clear whether Trump will still go to Poland, as he had been scheduled to do for two days ahead of his trip to Copenhagen in early September.
On Sunday, Trump confirmed that he has asked his administration to explore the possibility of buying Greenland, opining that “essentially, it’s a large real estate deal.” But he added that the matter was “not number one on the burner” and claimed that his visit to Denmark was not related to his interest in the island.
“Not for this reason at all,” he said.
Trump had also jokingly acknowledged his interest in purchasing the island for the United States on Monday, when he tweeted a doctored photo of a huge gold Trump Tower planted on what appears to be a fishing village there.
“I promise not to do this to Greenland!” Trump wrote.
People familiar with the president’s interest in Greenland said he had been talking about the potential purchase for weeks. Senior administration officials had discussed the possibility of offering Denmark a deal in which the United States would take over its annual $600 million subsidy to Greenland in perpetuity, said two people familiar with the talks who were not authorized to reveal the internal deliberations.
They also discussed giving Denmark a large one-time payment as well to incentivize the transfer, the people said.
Greenlanders, many of whom chafe at Danish rule, reacted with scorn to word last week that Trump was keenly interested in making an offer.
Both Danish and Greenland officials have said in recent days that the island is not for sale.
“Greenland is rich in valuable resources such as minerals, the purest water and ice, fish stocks, seafood, renewable energy and is a new frontier for adventure tourism,” Greenland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Friday in a tweet. “We’re open for business, not for sale.”
The United States has become increasingly interested in the Arctic because of Chinese and Russian expansion there as melting ice makes it more accessible.
China declared itself a “near-Arctic nation” last year and has defended its desire for a “Polar Silk Road,” in which goods would be delivered by sea from Asia to Europe.
China also recently sought to bankroll the construction of three airports in Greenland, drawing concern from then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and prompting the Pentagon to argue to Denmark that it should fund the facilities itself rather than rely on Beijing.
One U.S. official involved in Arctic issues expressed surprise Tuesday night that Trump was interested in buying Greenland. The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the issue’s sensitivity, noted that the Alaska congressional delegation has been trying to get the Pentagon to spend more money on operations in the Alaskan Arctic and that they probably would be concerned that a Greenland deal could jeopardize that.
The effort to get more attention on Alaska in Washington this year included Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) putting a temporary hold this spring on Gen. David Berger’s nomination to be the new Marine Corps commandant. Sullivan eventually dropped his hold, saying only that he had worked out his concerns with Pentagon officials.
Trump had planned to dine with Denmark’s queen before meetings in Copenhagen with Danish political leaders. Before news of Trump’s interest in Greenland, his visit was seen as an offbeat thank-you to a small country that has been a stalwart NATO member and that supported U.S. military actions.
“This is no longer funny. Danish troops fought alongside the US in Afghanistan and Iraq. 50 Danes died,” Brookings Institution Europe specialist Thomas Wright tweeted Tuesday. “The president dishonors the alliance and their sacrifice. On the same day he sought to appease [Russian President Vladimir] Putin by supporting his return to the G8.”
Trump earlier Tuesday renewed his call for Russia to be allowed to rejoin the Group of Seven industrial nations whose annual meeting he will attend this weekend in France.
Trump is not the first U.S. president to propose buying Greenland. After World War II, Harry S. Truman’s administration offered to purchase the country from Denmark for $100 million. The U.S. military had a presence in Greenland during the war as a means to protect the continent if Germany tried to attack.
Trump told reporters Sunday that owning Greenland is “hurting Denmark very badly” and that “they carry it at a great loss,” although he did not immediately provide evidence to back up those claims.
Although many in the United States have mocked the idea, one Democratic lawmaker on Sunday voiced openness to considering it. Sen. Joe Manchin III (W.Va.) said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that “changes are happening” in Greenland as a result of climate change, “and the people up there understand it, and they’re trying to adjust to it.”
“We have a very strategic base up there, a military base, which we visited,” Manchin said, referring to his visit to Greenland earlier this year as part of a bipartisan congressional delegation. “And I understand the strategy for that in that part of the world and the Arctic opening up the way it is now.”
In an appearance on the Fox Business channel Tuesday night, Fox News host Pete Hegseth, a favorite of the president, took an optimistic view of events, musing that perhaps Denmark was simply holding out in the hopes of getting Trump to reveal how much he was willing to pay for the island.
“It’s one of these big, bold ideas that no one would’ve thought of, that the modern era mostly bats aside and says would never happen,” Hegseth said of buying Greenland. “But hey, maybe it’s just an initial rebuff. Maybe it’s part of their negotiations. ‘Hey, we want a better price for Greenland.’ ”
“You never know,” he added. “You never know.”
Dan Lamothe contributed to this report.
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Lawrence Solomon: Trudeau stands alone as Canada — and the world — abandons green energy
Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s repeal of the Green Energy Act and balks by premiers of other Canadian provinces at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate agenda aren’t rearguard moves by Donald Trump wannabes. They are part of a worldwide trend rejecting renewables, rejecting climate change alarmism, and embracing coal and other fossil fuels. Renewables and the high electricity rates they ushered in drove individuals into energy poverty and led industry to flee, putting the lie to the claim that wind and solar are the fuels of the future. Wind and solar, rather, have become the fossils of the energy industry; oil, gas and coal remain the fuels of the future.
China was once the poster boy of the renewable energy industry — just a few months ago Bloomberg stated, “China’s investment in renewables is leaving the rest of the world in its wake” thanks to its subsidy-driven growth. Now China has now begun to throw in the towel by cutting subsidies to renewables, an augur of the demise of investment in its renewables sector. With the cutting of subsidies to renewables in the EU, investment last year dropped to less than half of its peak six years earlier. Japan’s investment halved in just three years.
While China is pulling back from renewables, it’s plunging into coal. According to a BBC report this week, China is boosting its reliance on coal by 25 per cent through construction of hundreds of new coal-fired generating plants. Once completed, its incremental coal capacity will be equivalent to that of the entire U.S. coal fleet. Coal aside, China this year will become the world’s largest importer of natural gas, both via pipeline (up by over 20 per cent) and by ship (up over 50 per cent). It is already the world’s largest importer of coal and oil.
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Germany, another renewable-energy poster child, is following the same unwinding, cutting subsidies to wind developers while upping gas imports and local coal. To extract that coal, Germany has decided to expand an existing open-pit coal mine, Europe’s largest, by subsidizing the razing of a 12,000-year-old forest. To round out Germany’s retreat from the demands of the country’s green lobby, it is relaxing regulations that would have required automakers to produce low-CO2-emitting vehicles.
Japan plans to remove its modest renewables subsidies while aggressively expanding fossil fuels — it is adding 40 coal stations to its existing 100. The U.K. is likewise turning from renewables, where investment is expected to decrease by 95 per cent by 2020, in favour of the development of the country’s immense shale-gas resources. And Australia is ending its renewables subsidy program altogether by 2020, giving its abundant coal resources a major lift.
The most consequential change of all, however, occurred in the United States, where the Democratic Party — adherents to the global warming orthodoxy — first lost control of the Congress and then the presidency to the Republicans under President Donald Trump, an outspoken critic of the global-warming lobby. When Trump abandoned the Paris climate accord in favour of coal and other carbon-based fuels, the world’s leaders rose up almost as one in outrage. Today, with the U.S. having revived its coal industry, having become the world’s largest oil producer and having propelled its once-moribund economic growth rates past the others, those world leaders are following America’s lead while falling silent on Paris. The once-powerful United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, formerly a fixture in the news, is defanged and forgotten, having lost its U.S. funding and its relevance.
The decline of government funding for renewables follows years of public opinion polls that consistently show the public isn’t much fussed about climate change. Governments finally got the message that the green lobby wasn’t all-powerful. The most timid, least principled players in society — the corporate sector — may be next in showing some spine on the climate change file. According to an internal memo leaked earlier this month, BusinessEurope, the EU’s largest employer association, intends to counter EU plans to tighten carbon-dioxide emissions at their expense, albeit ever so mutedly. If it carries through with its plans and actually dares to publicly represent the interests of its members, it will be one more sign that environmental NGOs and their enablers — the mainstream media — have lost their power.
The global-warming cause won’t be completely expunged, however, until its last man standing, heading the last politically correct government, leaves the field. That would be the world’s finest, if most retrograde, exemplar of the global warming orthodoxy: Canada’s own Justin Trudeau.
Lawrence Solomon executive director of Toronto-based Energy Probe. [email protected]
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alamante · 6 years
Furor about the faulty vaccines, an estimated 250,000 of which may have been administrated to children, has continued to dominate Chinese social media, further eroding public trust in essential services.
There are also suggestions the scandal could affect China’s standing overseas as the country tries to position itself as major player in the global pharmaceutical industry.
On Tuesday, the chairperson of the company at the center of the scandal, Gao Junfang of Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology, was detained, along with 14 other people involved in the case, according to an official police statement.
The swift actions of the police have so far done little to quell the outcry. Outside the Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing, one of the country’s premier children’s hospitals, one parent told CNN the company had “no conscience” and the government needed to regulate more strictly.
Another parent, Peng Yubin, said he was considering using foreign vaccines for his child. “Even though they are more expensive, they are better,” he said.
Several days on from the initial news, there is still no official information regarding how many children may have been injected with the questionable vaccines or what effect they may have.
In an article published Tuesday, state-owned China Daily quoted experts calling for “a rational attitude” towards immunization, saying the faulty diphtheria and tetanus vaccines (DPT) “won’t harm people’s health,” while the official newspaper of the Communist Party, the People’s Daily, ran an interview with an expert alleging the vaccines were “safe,” just ineffective. Evidence in support of these claims has yet to be provided by authorities.
State Drug Administration Deputy Director Xu Jinghe was interviewed on state-owned CCTV in an attempt to calm public concerns, but the footage provoked scorn, with social media users mocking Xu’s expensive, blue Burberry polo shirt and stilted answers.
One Weibo user reprimanded Xu for his choice of clothes: “Improper dressing for such an occasion.” “The people are fed up with you!” another user posted.
Government censors had initially allowed public discussion. However, by Wednesday, attempts were being made to control the flow of information, with the word “vaccine” among the most restricted on China’s social media platform Weibo, according to the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at the University of Hong Kong.
Numerous essays were scrubbed from online platforms, including a widely shared article titled “King of Vaccine,” which accused the owner of Changsheng of corruption and unethical behavior.
International ramifications?
There is growing evidence the scandal could spill beyond China’s borders, impacting the country’s long held ambition to become a major player in the global pharmaceutical industry.
“The Changchun Changsheng scandal jeopardizes Beijing’s efforts to push domestically made pharmaceuticals on the international market,” wrote Viola Rothschild, a research associate in Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, in a blog posted Tuesday.
“Under China’s ‘Made in China 2025’ plan, pharmaceuticals are a target industry: President Xi has identified China’s reliance on imported drugs as an issue that can be resolved by overhauling the pharmaceutical industry and ultimately creating globally competitive firms,” said Rothschild.
In Changchun Changsheng’s 2017 annual report, which it filed to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the company claimed to have sold products to “more than ten countries like India, Cambodia, Nigeria, Egypt, Belarus and some other European, African, Middle Eastern and South American countries.”
According to the report, Changchun Changsheng sold more than 36 million yuan ($5.28 million) worth in goods overseas in 2017.
There is no indication that the defected vaccines were among those shipped to other countries. CNN has contacted health ministries of the countries listed in the annual report for comment.
“Chinese manufacturers (across all sectors) have worked hard to shake the conception that ‘Made in China’ is synonymous with ‘low quality,’ but incidents like these undermine trust and are a reminder that despite recent reforms and advancements, safety and testing requirements in China are not up to international standards,” said Rothschild.
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang said questions about tainted vaccines being shipped internationally were not a matter for his ministry at his daily briefing on Tuesday.
Hundreds of thousands potentially affected
The crisis began when more than 250,000 doses of Changchun Changsheng’s diphtheria and tetanus (DPT) vaccine were found to be faulty, according to the Jilin Provincial Food and Drug Administration.
The vaccine is part of the national mandatory program and an unconfirmed number of children have been given the questionable drugs, authorities said, provoking widespread outrage and concern.
Another 113,000 doses of Changsheng’s rabies vaccine were also affected, according to authorities.
The controversy is just the latest in a series of public scandals around Chinese goods and medicines.
In 2008, baby formula produced and fed to infants in China was discovered to be tainted with melamine, a chemical compound mainly for industrial use, affecting tens of thousands of children and provoking widespread panic.
Anxious parents emptied supermarket shelves in Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand, among other places, in their search for safe milk formula for their infants.
It isn’t even the first vaccine scandal China has faced — in 2016, a criminal organization was found to be selling millions of improperly stored vaccines, which had been widely disseminated.
CNN’s James Griffiths, Catherine Wang and Nanlin Fang contributed to this report.
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   The post Chinese state pushes back against widespread outrage over vaccine crisis appeared first on MySourceSpot.
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Somnis Sleep Aid Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
Somnis Sleep Aid natural sleep aid that is designed to relax the user’s mind and body, allowing them to drift to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. The product states it has a unique premium blend that allows the user to wake up energized and without a feeling of grogginess.
Each bottle of the product comes with 60 capsules, of which one or two are supposed to be taken each night prior to bedtime. Many users state that they used two capsules for more noticeable results, meaning each bottle is a month’s supply.
If you’re looking for a sleep aid it is easy to become overwhelmed by all the choices that may be presented to you, fortunately Fenotrex has been named the top-rated sleep aid on the market. Customers have reacted positively to the product’s unique blend of ingredients that has led to them experiencing better sleep. Follow this link if you want to learn more about Fenotrex and what it has to offer you.
Top Rated Sleep Aids of 2017
Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2017 ?.
Somnis Sleep Aid Ingredients and Side Effects
There is no official website for the product, but we were able to get a look at the supplement facts label through the Amazon page. They fully list all the ingredients as well as the specific dosage information for each ingredient that is used. This means that users can be fully informed as to what they are putting into their bodies and the possible side effects that may occur. It also allows medical professionals to properly vet it and set expectations.
Here are the four active ingredients in the product:
GABA L-Tryptophan Vitamin B6 Melatonin
GABA: A chemical that is made in the brain and can also be taken as a supplement. It is generally used to relieve anxiety, improve mood, and treat ADHD. Additionally, it can also help to burn fat, lower blood pressure, and develop lean muscles. It can block neurotransmitters within the brain that allows the nerves within the body to relax.
L-Tryptophan: Amino acid the can be found in many plant and animal proteins, and it must be acquired by food. It has a variety of uses, including insomnia, sleep apnea, anxiety, depression, and ADHD. It is also thought by some to increase athletic performance. After entering the body, it is eventually converted in serotonin which can improve mood.
Melatonin: A hormone that occurs naturally within the body and can also be made in a laboratory. Its main function is to help regulate the body’s internal clock and establish sleep and wake cycles, particularly for those who have alternative or changing sleep schedules. It can also be used to help those who suffer from insomnia as a result of ADHD, rapid eye movement, intellectual disabilities, and high blood pressure.
Follow this link to learn what makes a quality, effective sleep aid and what is actually worth you money.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.
Somnis Sleep Aid Quality of Ingredients
Somnis features a simple blend of effective ingredients, nearly all of which have been shown to be effective in treating different aspects of sleep issues. Melatonin is vitally important for setting your internal clock and sleep schedule, while GABA’s ability to relax the body physically and mentally is always a benefit. We also enjoy that they provide transparency by stating the specific dosages that they use.
If there were a criticism of their blend, it would be that it is a bit simplistic. It seems like a great start to a quality sleep aid, but it is missing the less common natural ingredients, that can help support the body in relaxing further, improving their mood naturally, and benefiting them long term. Some examples of these sorts of ingredients would passionflower or valerian root, but there are many more.
Find the what the right blend is for you by searching our experts list of the top 10 sleep aids listed here.
The Price and Quality of Somnis Sleep Aid
Through Amazon, the product is sold for $21.95 plus shipping and handling. It is unknown what the manufacturer sold it for through their site prior to it being inactive. Each bottle comes with 60 capsules and a serving size is one capsule, but they say you can also take two capsules and based on consumer reviews it seems most effective at two, so each bottle is about a month’s supply. $21,95 plus shipping and handling for a month’s supply of a sleep aid is not outrageous, but is a bit on the expensive side.
Additionally, since it is only sold through a third-party vendor, there are no free trials or money back guarantees that are included. This means if a consumer purchases it and finds it to be ineffective, then it will just be a sunk cost.
Business of Somnis Sleep Aid
It is unclear exactly who manufactures Somnis Sleep Aid, as it is hard to track down any relevant information about their company. It does not appear that they have a working website, but they are still sold through online vendor Amazon.
Here is what we were able to find for contact information:
Address: No physical address is given.
Phone Number: (877) 763-6663
Email: No email address is given.
They are not listed with the Better Business Bureau. Their facebook page has not been updated since May 2016 and they offer a link to their company site that does not appear to be active.
Find the right formula for your sleep issues, but looking over our expert’s top list of the best sleep aids available now.
Customer Opinions of Somnis Sleep Aid
It appears that currently Somnis Sleep Aid is only being sold through Amazon and does not have an active website. On the plus side, there are still several hundred reviews for the product on the Amazon page, so we were able to find a strong variety of opinions. For the most part the consensus was generally mixed to negative.
Here are some of the reviews we were able to find:
“Really disappointed in this product. I took 2 at 9 and woke at 3, then couldn’t get back to sleep. Won’t be using them again.”
“Seemed like a placebo to me. Didn’t get me to sleep but didn’t hurt either. Kind of a waste of time.”
“I have chronic sleep problems because of PTSD, and these didn’t help but still made me drowsy the next day.”
Sleep problems can come from any number of issues, so find a sleep aid that is well-rounded and effective with our experts top 10 list here.
Conclusion – Does Somnis Sleep Aid Work?
The blend of ingredients that are included in Somnis Sleep Aid are of high quality and have been clinically studied for their effective in the past. The formula is simple, but they do provide the specific dosage information to the consumer, so that they know exactly what it is they are putting into their bodies. It would seem that this product could potentially help at least some consumers.
Unfortunately, there are some red flags that prevent us from recommending this product. First and foremost, it is unclear if the product is still be produced. You have to dig to find any relevant contact information for the company as their website is no longer up and their Facebook page has not been updated in over a year. The product is still being sold through Amazon, but the consumer reactions to the product are inconsistent and not nearly strong enough to recommend a product made by a company that seems to be on such unstable ground.
Fenotrex has been named as the top-rated sleep supplement on the market as of this writing, mostly because of good customer reviews and a blend of ingredients that is safe and is known to get results. The product can put you to sleep faster and keep you asleep throughout the night.
The effectiveness comes from ingredients that have been studied clinically and found to be effective to treating symptoms of sleeplessness. The product is produced in a GMP approved facility. If you want to learn more about Fenotrex, the just click here.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2xrCjbI via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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hudsonespie · 5 years
12 International Mobile SIM Cards for Seafarers And Globetrotters
Seafarers are frequent travellers who love their mobile phones – the vital tool which helps them to connect to their family anytime, anywhere!
We asked a couple of our seafarer friends as to what is the one thing they never forget when they leave for sailing, and “mobile phone” is the answer we received from every single one.
One of the seafarers answered, “To be honest, a mobile phone is one equipment which helps to restore our sanity onboard ships when all other equipment is giving us a tough time.”
We can’t agree more!
Life on the ship is not exactly the same as advertised on social media. The allure highlighted by social media is just 10% of the life on the ship whereas the rest 90% is boredom, monotonous life and a journey with the risk of life-threatening accidents.
Some ships have Wi-Fi facility whereas others don’t. In real case one out of every four ships has Wi-Fi connectivity and even rare chances of phone signal, so the crew on ship cut off completely from society and friends.
During this long period of their voyage, seafarers have to go through the same faces and surroundings for certain months or even a year. For ships without Wi-Fi connectivity, SIM card with internet connectivity becomes a primary need so that seafarers feel closer to their friends and family not only in holidays and on port but on board too, a number of SIM cards are developed by a number of companies with different value plans.
So the question is – Which mobile SIM cards do seafarers use? Do they buy a new SIM card at each port or Do they activate international roaming on the number they use on land (Which is outrageously expensive!) or buy a global sim card?.
Credits: lunamarina/wikipedia.org
We received a number of different answers. Some said that they buy SIM cards at the ports, which are to be frequently visited by their ships; whereas some prefer to buy mobile cards in those ports wherein the calling rates are the lowest.
Some uber-social seafarer even activates international roaming on their local numbers or take a Global sim card which will allow them to have the same phone number around the world. However, they mainly use such services to receive text messages (which is usually free!) and to make urgent calls.
Considering the importance of mobile SIM cards/ international calling cards that seafarers have in their lives, we decided to make a list of the most commonly used global sim cards (those which will allow them to have the same number wherever they go).
Note- There are hundreds of international SIM cards providing companies in the world and it would be difficult to accomodate all of them in this article. Thus, we are starting with the list of cards that are used by Indian Seafarers or those that provide their services in India. This is NOT a sponsored article! 
Though we have personally used a few of these cards, we haven’t tried all and thus cannot comment on them. Kindly use at your own risk as some of our seafarer friends have complained of unimaginable bills, especially on international roaming.
Which Mobile Sim Cards Seafarers Use – The Real Problem
International roaming SIM Cards or global data cards: Among these SIM cards, international roaming SIM cards top the order on the basis of quenching the need for connectivity during the voyage and on ports.
But owning these SIM cards is a problem in itself this is due to the fact that when we travel from one country to the other, we have to keep roaming mode on. As in roaming mode network from an overseas network provider is used which has hefty roaming charges on texts, calls and data as well.
These international SIM cards provide internet services with reliable uploading and downloading speed but the rates are quite expensive. These high charges make the calling balance to vanish within some seconds or minutes.
Different ports have different SIM card network accessibility. So one must have to replace his SIM from one to the other port which give him/her an extra burden of purchasing local SIMs at different ports.
Also sometimes the shops for these local SIMs are not available in the vicinity so the seafarer has to travel a long way to purchase costly local SIM cards. Not only this but also buying a SIM card in another country requires a great paperwork and important documents and passport.
Port is the best place to enjoy the newly established internet by the SIM cards purchased by the seafarers but it is not possible for a seafarer to remain always on port, he has to board the ship. This is due to the reason that he has to serve many job orders assigned by his officials on a ship.
Different SIM cards used by seafarers: This huge importance of connectivity necessitates the development of a not only a number of SIM cards but also SIM cards which can be used as global SIM cards by the seafarers.
12 SIM Cards For Globetrotters
These global SIM cards will allow the seafarer to connect to anyone throughout the world from the same number, no matters wherever he/she is. Some commonly used SIM cards by the seafarers are briefed as below:
1. Three UK SIM card: In March 2003, three UK was launched. This is a service provider which allows both telecommunication and data connectivity as well. It is self-sufficient in providing both 3G and 4G network services. But the extent of these SIMs developed by three UK was limited to the UK only.
In 2009 with peak advancement and by reducing charges it launched a better version of SIMs with cheaper rates of calls, texts and data. About 71 countries enjoy the services of these three UK SIM cards without additional roaming charges.
These SIM card services when used in countries other than these 71 countries, additional roaming charges will be incurred over call, data and text. Different policies are there in different countries regarding telecommunications and also it is not easy to penetrate your network in different countries.
So, this is a great achievement in maintaining network homogeneity in 71 different countries. These countries are from Europe and the United States and referred as go roam countries. This advancement allows unlimited net surfing or browsing to its user without fearing of hefty roaming charges.
2. iVitta: Special SIM cards developed for seafarers for establishing their connectivity to the world outside the board. The general features of iVitta SIM Cards are as follows:
Easy top-up can be ensured quickly by online transactions.
A large number of seafarer centres around the globe, make these SIM cards available to their users.
It provides hassle-free and quick sign up process.
Compatible in wrist watches along with cell phones.
Allows phone calls, texts and data usage at regular charges over hundreds of countries. So, no burden of expensive roaming charges.
The iVitta Sim Cards are specially crafted for seafarers, considering the communication issues they face. They are available at several seafarer centres around the world and “top-up” can be done online from anywhere.
3. Reliance World SIM: There are thirty countries which allow free incoming calls to the person having Reliance World SIM and ensure their connectivity to the people in about 160 countries around the globe by international roaming services. The general features of Reliance World SIM are as follows:
Unbelievable low rates for SMS and calls
Connects more than two hundred countries.
3G and 4G high-speed data without any monthly contracts. It implies a wide variety of plans are available with this SIM card in which you have to pay only for your usage.
You can use a single number wherever you go so there is no need to return this SIM at different locations after the end of the voyage.
It also allows free CUG services through which you can connect to your shipmates free of cost.
The Reliance World Sim card claims to offer international roaming services in more than 160 countries with free incoming calls in over 30 countries. The service providers assure of 70% less on the bill than what you would pay by activating roaming services on your own number.
4. One SIM Card: An International SIM card provider named One SIM Card allows roaming services in 190 or more countries at reasonable rates. Other important features of One SIM card are as follows:
This network provider has a wide span of free incoming calling over about 150 countries whereas messaging facility is free of cost around the globe.
As per its name indicate it is a single permanent SIM card which can be used throughout the world.
One Sim Card is an International SIM card provider which offers international sim card roaming in more than 190 countries at affordable rates. It offers free incoming calls in more than 150 countries and free text messages worldwide.
5. Matrix: Prepaid, as well as postpaid SIM cards, are provided by an international SIM card provider named Matrix. Other salient features of these SIM cards are briefed below:
These SIM cards allow easy and quick online top-ups. These top-ups can be done from any part of the world.
These are the travelling cards siphoned with exiting initial data package offers.
An international SIM card provider which offers both postpaid and prepaid SIM cards. These travelling cards also come with a data package offer and can be recharged online from anywhere in the world.
6. Airtel World Calling Card: Airtel world calling card has comparatively shorter span international roaming services only in 95 countries but there is no processing fee or hidden fee for these SIM cards
Airtel World Calling Card  – Airtel world calling card offers international roaming services in more than 95 countries. The card doesn’t require any additional deposits or processing fee.
7. Clay SIM Card provider: It is an Intercontinental SIM card provider which facilitates free incoming in 40 countries. Other features of clay telecom SIM cards are as follows:
It facilitates 24*7 customer support.
It provides data cards, prepaid SIM cards and postpaid SIM cards and e-mail services.
There are available unbelievable deals at local rates with these SIM cards.
It provides same number facility round the globe.
Cheaper country-specific and global data cards with great network speed.
8. Uniconnect: It was established in 1996 and became the first Indian company to receive DoT license. Other features of Uniconnect International SIM cards are as follows:
These are the first choice for regular travellers.
They make any local country SIM card available to us online by applying to Simple forum.
Least paperwork and no hidden cost.
The online top-up facility is also available with Uniconnect.
Both pre-paid, as well as postpaid SIMs, can be provided by Uniconnect.
9. Euro Calling Cards: These are a sort of calling cards which are recharged for special plan in advance to serve the needs of seafarers.
10. BNE SIM- Global Data SIM Card: It is a cost-effective SIM provider with 95% cost saving as compared to other global SIM cards. There is no roaming fee with these SIM cards. Other features of these SIM cards are as follows:
These are used in about 170 small or big countries throughout the world today.
BNESIM users can enjoy free calling and messaging to the other BNESIM user.
There are several other companies which offer international sim cards for seafarers/ frequent travellers in India. It is extremely important to go through the terms and conditions, call rates and other important information before buying an international sim card from any service provider.
11. Poginet SIM: The service providers claim it to be the best SIM card for a seafarer. It is advanced and developed in Europe, America, Africa, Asia & Pacific. Important features of Poginet SIM cards which make them global choice are as follows:
A single SIM card can be used efficiently at a number of destinations.
These provide excellent and easy to use SIM cards.
Reasonable data and calling packs with bonus initial credit at purchase.
12. Planet Roam Seafarer SIM: These are specially crafted global SIM cards for seafarers only. These SIMs have lifetime validity and available with a single number starting from +44. In almost all the countries these SIMs allow free incoming calls and free intergroup calls on the ship. The rates of these SIMs and their plans are the same throughout the world.
Connectivity is the basic need of every person in the world and becomes most important for a seafarer who lives far from his /her house for months or year.
To quench this need of connectivity and pacify the overseas relations of seafarers with family and friends, telecommunication is the only way. For telecommunication all we need is a SIM card and network connectivity. There are different SIM cards and data cards available in the market to serve the seafarers around the globe.
Some of them are Poginet SIM; BNE SIM; Planet Roam seafarer SIM, Clay SIM, Airtel World SIMs; Reliance global SIMs; Matrix SIMS; One card SIMs and many more.
Many of them allow free incoming calls and text messages throughout the world. Different ports have different SIM card network accessibility. So one must have to replace his SIM from one to the other port which gives him an extra burden of purchasing local SIMs at different ports.
But, today with the advancement of technology even a single number can be used all around the globe. The network penetration of these SIM cards from one country to the other is commendable. These internet connectivity and calling facility make the world of a seafarer to converge.
Over to you…
Which global sim card do you use while sailing? Do you use one or do you prefer buying local sim cards at the ports you visit? Let us know in the comments below.
Disclaimer: The authors’ views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of Marine Insight. Data and charts, if used, in the article have been sourced from available information and have not been authenticated by any statutory authority. The author and Marine Insight do not claim it to be accurate nor accept any responsibility for the same. The views constitute only the opinions and do not constitute any guidelines or recommendation on any course of action to be followed by the reader.
The article or images cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form without the permission of the author and Marine Insight. 
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mredwinsmith · 7 years
Making Art in a ‘Vacuum’?
5 Simple Ways Savvy Artists Can Exhibit Their Artwork
This cartoon by my friend, Gary Hallgren, shows an artist working alone on a blank canvas in the “vacuum” of his studio.
  At times you may feel you are just making art for yourself; no one sees it; no one knows about it; and, ultimately, no one cares about it. However daunting showing your artwork to others may seem, it can help you get out of a rut and become more confident with your art-making process.
Ready to be seen? Here are five helpful ways you can start exhibiting your artwork and garner more exposure as an artist.
1. Get Your Foot in the Door
If you don’t have much experience, seek out possibilities to show your work at public libraries, government agencies and municipal buildings. Check into your local city hall or chamber of commerce, which may have empty space available to use for free. Likewise, you could find a native politician willing to put up your work on loan to decorate their office—a win-win for them and for you.
Another great way to start promoting your art is by joining a nearby art club, artist co-op or nonprofit gallery to exhibit your work. Restaurants, coffee houses, and other businesses in the area might also be willing to let you showcase your art.
Various places and businesses around your hometown are generally low-cost, high-effort prospects that offer exposure and free publicity and visibility for your work. Keep in mind you likely will pay for show cards, listings on social media, reception costs and doing any necessary legwork on your own, but this all saves a lot of money in the end (while also putting you in the right direction to start making money!).
2. Collaborate with Other Artists
If you are really ambitious, make up your own show with a group of artists by renting a space in a vacant storefront and sharing the costs. You likely can get free publicity from news outlets looking to cover something unique—an art “happening” rather than just another gallery opening.
    I organized a show in a local hardware store where the artworks were placed in and among the tools, nuts and bolts, fertilizer bags and barbecue grills, mixing art into an everyday business.
Local as well as national media sources covered this peculiar event, which brought in more than 150 people at the opening reception. In fact, the store doubled its business over the two-month run of the exhibit.
    Please feel free to steal this idea if any hardware stores in your town would be up for the exhibit. At the very least, I hope this unusual art exhibit inspires you to think outside of the box. The lesson here is to use your own creative brain to make a place for your art.
3. Be Cognizant of Online Opportunities
A cautionary tale, there are lots of opportunities to exhibit your work all over the web. These online exhibits most likely will encourage you to enter art competitions for a fee, sometimes exceeding $30 or more. Though many of these are legitimate contests and galleries offering actual exhibitions and prizes, it’s important to remember there are a lot of scams, too.
Read over the entry guidelines, look for past winners or featured artists from preview competitions and galleries, and find out what all is included if a fee is charged.
Remember, these competitions are pretty much art lotteries that may or may not go your way. Make sure if you do enter any online galleries or competitions, that they are worthy of your investment. For example, international shows and contests will attract large numbers of people from across the globe, which means tons of other artists are also submitting their art, too.
Moreover, look into how the online gallery/competition requests your art. Are there shipping or uploading costs involved in addition to the entrance fee? Are there any limitations or extra charges for weight and size dimensions?
My advice: Do your due diligence and research, research, research. Make sure there aren’t any hidden fees and that the online gallery/competition is legitimate before submitting your work.
4. Take the Open Call
Oftentimes, open calls are available to artists to apply for shows organized by public galleries in museums and colleges that have little or no application fees. If you find an open call for such an event, it’s well worth the effort to apply. Often these sites have thematic exhibitions that your work may fit into—landscapes, portraits, still life, abstracts, etc.
Due to the exposure and the likely large-scale audience that will be in attendance, these opportunities are very desirable to most artists. What’s more, being accepted into a museum show is also a very good footnote on your resume, too!
Apply for Galleries
By Design by Dean Nimmer
  Applying to show with an established private gallery can be an intimidating and frustrating process. A reputable gallery already has their own group of artists, many of whom have been with them for several years, and they rarely look for newer artists to invest in.
Running a private gallery is indeed a huge investment of time, effort and money which can be a tough road no matter how good the economy. So when a gallery director looks at your work, it’s not just about whether they like it, but rather if they can sell it for a profit.
Private galleries typically get 50-60 percent commission to exhibit your work, and that’s standard in the business. If that seems outrageous, keep in mind they have to pay an expensive rent, a salaried staff, for advertisements of your work as well as foot the bill for the reception and any other expenses.
The real talent of sales managers at galleries, however, is to convince a prospective buyer that your work is worth the price they’re asking. If they fail, you fail, too; and that’s a lot of pressure all around.
Dean Nimmer is a North Light Books author, artist and teacher. Check out his art his fun-filled video workshops on ArtistsNetwork.tv and/or at the North Light Shop. You can also learn more about Dean and his art by visiting his website, DeanNimmer.com.
The post Making Art in a ‘Vacuum’? appeared first on Artist's Network.
from Artist's Network http://ift.tt/2tMSlIK
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Jeep Ignition Repair & Key Replacement Baytown TX
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Jeep Ignition Repair & Key Replacement Baytown TX - CALL (832)930-4422
Baytown Key Replacement is a well rounded expeditious and consistent keys replacement and vehicle lock out services to the adjoining Baytown TX area. Our amicable and adroit lock smiths are prepared adept to be on the way to you in a very short period of time to help you with each and every Jeep ignition, keys or locking dilemma for pickups, SUVs or sedans accommodating an immense collection of replacement keys, copy transponder key, car lockout or fobik key programming all done onsite 24hr.
Jeep keys replacement in Baytown TX
Our Jeep lock-smith is an up-to-date resort for a cost-effective and acceptable Jeep key replacement, escaping the ferrying to the dealerships and wait unnecessary time for your turn. Baytown Key Replacement indulges migratory OEM transponder, ignition key made, ignition switch back upping, keyless entry or remote fobik keys on site, including a 24 hours emergency lock out service for conditions like sized keys in car or trunk, misplaced keys formulation or crushed ignition key excerption and more. Baytown Key Replacement dispense terrific Jeep transponder keys services in Baytown TX on-site.
About Jeep keys and locks platform
Jeep is an American car-maker of top quality cars functions as a Fiat Chrysler Automobiles section and one of the United States of America's widest manufacturer of cars of Sport utility motor vehicles world wide. with an head quarter in Auburn Hills, Michigan, entered the market in 1941,  Jeep mainly accommodate the same style of immobiliser infrastructure on most of their designs starting from 1998.
On decrepit designs, to duplicate another key on the dash-board console, the driver should have not less than one programmed operational key, nonetheless to cut and program a supplemental key for latest model, a unique diagnostic appliances and key programmer is needed.
Since 2007,  Jeep designs can accommodate the Keyless Go for it's a push start ignition or proximity key as a optional or standard system.
Ignition repair
The Jeep ignition system is a mechanism that employ a distinct key to flare up the electronic parts and allow your motor vehicle engine to start and because of heavy use, the car ignition system shift, strip and tumblers deteriorate over time. Manifestations of a troublesome ignition could be key have problems turning in the ignition, key caught in the ignition or ignition key wont turn at all.
Due to the reason that ignition replacement service can easily cost outrageous amout of a $1000 for some motor vehicle models when handled by the dealer rather than a car lock-smith that can many times of replacing or repairing the ignition internal parts for half of this amount and furthermore exclude towing your car to the dealer.
If you have prblems turning your ignition cylinder or have to jiggle your keys to get your ignition cylinder to turn the smartest alternative will be to schedule with a car mobile lock-smith highly trained to come out to your location to repair or outplace your ignition replacement onsite. Our locksmiths have years of experience ignition replacement repairs, can come out to your places of choice with dedicated Jeep diagnostic equipment and lock cracking tools to get the job done at your convenience.
Transponder chipped key make
Up to date motor vehicle equipped with car computer module and vehicle keys are fitted with digitized chip placed on the blade (in V.A.T.S) keys or hidden in the crest of the key. When the  key is put in the ignition crack-hole, the transponder emits a unique message for the immobiliser to be approved. Without this compatible indication code, the car will not kindle.
When Jeep owner lose or want to duplicate his key, the transponder must be de-coded with a new code so it would be identified by the immobiliser.
Some auto manufacturers models and years hand dash-board console catering for reproduction of keys, yet if all keys are gone, the car computer system must be re-programmed by suitable programmer owned by the dealer-ship or a locksmith.
Jeep smart key
Push button start ignition infrastructure come with a remote fob that a user can keep tucked away in the purse, pocket or briefcase, or wherever within 5 ft to the immobiliser in the vehicle.
The chip in the keyless entry transmits a compatible low level combination of audio and infrared signal to the ECM, which then confirms that the proper signal has been transmitted and allows the user to remotely open and close the doors locks and moreover press a push-buttons on the dash-board to ignite or goes off the car avoiding using a key or pressing a toggles on the fob.
Although smart keys and push to start ignition has become widely usable, even on affordable cars, these instruments haven't yet reached the status of automotive prerequisite as power door locks and windows, yet, the comfort aspect is a the main issue for a lot of smart keys consumer.
Copy vs lost car keys
The old times of duplicating a vehicle key by obtaining an inexpensive metal bladed blank key and cut at a walmart or a hardware store  are pretty much over. Majority of contemporary cars assembled either with immobiliser and transponder keys and furthermore push to start ignition and smartkeys.
The keys consists of an embedded chip which interacts with the vehicle ECM in the car. If the car computer system does not identify the authorized key, the car does not start.
This contemporary electrical keys and locks mechanism combine supplementary security and convenience and prooves to be incredibly handy antitheft infrastructure, nevertheless replacing them if they get stolen or broken must be done by the dealer-ship or a mobile locksmith with a unique Jeep diagnostic tools and key programmer and commonly is way more expensive.
24 hour car lock out
Locked out of your car? No problem  WE CAN HELP!. Our local staffs minister a skillful lock out services 24-7. With our stylish lock cracking machinery besides professional and cordial experienced staff, Baytown Key Replacement can guarantee fast and reliable service for your motor vehicle lockout emergency needs.. Our main goal is to conduct first class nimblest vehicle lockout Our roadside agents specialize in exceedingly all key complications on site, for most model, year and auto manufacturer.
Motor vehicle locks correcting
Did you got one of your Jeep keys filched?, procured a brand new Jeep ignition and require to compensate an obsolete one? or lost the keys to your car?, would like to confirm that no one else procure the skill to run your vehicle? Good News! You should continue reading those lines, as long as updating of car locks is one of Baytown Key Replacement capital idiosyncrasy. Our specialists can change the internal pins in your ignition or door lock, so it would apply the brand-new key and repudiate the aged one. Upraise the cellphone and call our call center to get your car lock adapted by a know how key-smith swiftly
Baytown Key Replacement technicians are on a line of duty 24-7-365 with the fastest nimblest response in town. If you lost all the keys to your car, cannot turn your ignition key or locked-out of your car and want sidestep the towing to the dealer-ship, call us at (832)930-4422, share your year, car manufacturer, model and your location. Our thoroughly equipped emergency staff are ready to arrive at your location instantaneously recover your lost key, replace your ignition lock or duplicate a switch-blade key or a key-less entry on premises and put you back inside your car promptly with cost-effective rates. . If you’re in a search for Car key replacement service in Baytown Texas call (832)930-4422 for a reliable local automotive locksmith, who duplicate and replace trunk, door and ignition keys and remote fob made on the spot.
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