#and is not a poludnica????????
berrysquared · 1 year
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Noonwraith / Południca
This one is really me seeing a frame in grains 2nd session of Scar standing in the wheat right after he was killed, waiting for his timer to go down and my slavic brain going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
(Mini explanation for non slavs: Południca (referred to in English as "Lady Midday", "Noonwraith" or "Noon Witch") is a slavic demon, which appears in the wheat fields during noon time. They usually carry either a scythe or shears. Noonwraiths stop men in the fields and ask them difficult questions, if the person answers them wrong or tries to change the subject, they cut his head off. Very often those demons are young women who died tragically before, during or short after their wedding (also its my favourite slavic demon, love them)
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slaviclore · 1 year
cheatsheet to your slav folkloric downfall
Since several people had questions about the lore that inspired this poll, I'll jot some notes down about what I was thinking. All of these have long and complex tradition that can't possibly fit in a tumblr post, but there's tons of great content on tumblr alone, so pls feel free to scroll through my tags for more info (you may like "demons", "witches", or "original art" for contemporary interpretations of the lore...) or use this post as a springboard for more research.
Because much of Slavic folklore was passed down orally and not written down, and because it covers a wide geographical range and is told in different languages, there are many versions of common stories, tropes, characters, etc.
Baba Yaga is a witch, super popular, tons of great lore about her, historical and contemporary. She was never just one single entity, but rather a version of herself in many different stories (more like fanfiction than like canon). Her character is inherently unpredictable, existing outside our societal rules and moral compass, and the variability in lore makes her even more impossible to predict. A young woman named Vasilisa did manage to perform all of Baba Yaga's tasks to her instruction, but not without her own magical help. Sometimes Baba Yaga is helpful and reasonable, and sometimes she will just casually eat you like a handful of berries. You never know what you're going to get.
The fern flower is a beautiful mythical flower that offers its holder immense knowledge and magic. It blooms very briefly only once a year during Noc Kupały (in Polish, the EN is Kupala Night). If you want to find it, you'll probably grab your boyfriend (gender neutral) around dusk and poke around your local woods for a while before giving up and just making out and then meeting up with your friends afterwards like "did you find it?" "no we didn't find it :( did you find it?" "nooo :(". Really, this is about seducing the boy you like, since you probably need magic just to see the flower anyway. If you do manage to find it and pick it, tons of greedy demons will appear and chase you to attempt to take it from you (and your life). You have to outrun or outsmart the demons. The demons may be metaphors for the corrupting forces of great power.
There are tons of ways to get lost in the woods. Some people help themselves by tying ribbons to trees as they go, but anything can spook you -- you can run into a demon, a werewolf, a ghost, a witch, a cat, anything -- and if you have to run away, you will most likely lose your way in the process. More specifically, if you have annoyed a leshy (a forest spirit/god-type thing who protects nature), he will use magic to confuse you, and even if you're very good at Not Getting Lost In The Woods, you're kind of screwed. You think YOU won't piss off the Leshy? Oops you just stepped on his favorite beetle -- screwed. Leshy can be placated with offerings of food and drink, but sometimes he needs something bigger...
There are actually lots of hot girls who live in lakes, much to the delight of about 20% of you, but probably the most common are the rusalki -- dead girls who experienced some tragedy in life, probably ending in drowning, and are now exacting revenge on the living, especially men. They will seduce you, take you into the water, and drown you with their hair, or possibly tickle you to death. Baby marry me, amirite? The original rusalka lore was probably nicer to them, treating them more like water spirits than vengeful ghosts. Rusalki are not mermaids and appear as women with legs. We do have mermaids, but usually these are river or sea beings -- the most famous is probably Syrenka Warszawska (the Warsaw Mermaid) who lives in the river Wisła and will not attempt to kill you unless you're trying to invade Warsaw, but also she's a warrior queen and you have no shot.
Slavic mythological entities love riddles, and if you're good at riddles you are really going to help yourself, but you don't want to get into that situation unless you have no other choice. A common demon you meet on the side of the road will probably not give you a hard one, but Poludnica (the Slovak name) will find you at high noon while you're working hard in the fields and the sun's been beating down on your head since dawn and you're feeling woozy and dehydrated, and she'll give you the hardest riddle you've ever heard, and you're going to blow it, and she's going to cut off your head with her scythe or give you heat stroke. If it's any consolation, she may be hot (pun intended). Pro tip: you may also wield riddles to your advantage. Demons are as egoistic as you are and can be enticed into solving your riddle. If you stump them, you may assure your safe getaway.
Human characters in Slavic lore tend to be young and naive, representing the listener of the tale, since they can't use magic or navigate the world they are entering. Knowledge and magic are two sides of the same coin, so if you want to survive, you will need to gain some wisdom (learning some riddles will help). Being nice is not good enough, but! If by being nice you manage to seduce someone who has access to knowledge and magic, or get adopted by a bored witch with an axe to grind, you'll really help yourself out.
The path to the endless dead wood is guarded by a giant magical cat, whose name I never knew but have recently learned that the Russians call him Baiyun (latinized name, obvi). If you ask Vasilisa, she'll tell you that sometimes he lives with Baba Yaga, but generally he hangs out on the boundary to some other dimension. Probably, if you go to meet the cat, it's because somebody sent you there to get rid of you, so if you survive the cat, whoever is trying to kill you will probably keep trying so fyi. Baiyun will purr or tell a tale in such a soothing way that you fall asleep, and then he'll eat you. If you manage not to fall asleep, you may attempt to catch him and earn magic. But probably you're cat food.
There you have it. If you learned your story differently, let me know! And if you're ever lost in a Slavic forest, you can put your clothes on inside out and maybe that'll break the magic. Good luck.
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
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This was supposed to be a quick shitty doodle to figure out colours idk what happened. Also ive been drawing a lot of wheat lately idk why
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alexkujawa · 1 year
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This illustration is from my new, color, illustrated folklore book, 31 Female Ghosts, Monsters, and Demons from Around the World, that you can get in my ETSY right now! 🖤💀🌿
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savielart · 4 months
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Południca, Lady midday
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legend-collection · 1 year
Poludnitsa is a character common to the various Slavic countries of Eastern Europe. She is referred to as Południca in Polish, Полудница (Poludnitsa) in Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian, Polednice in Czech, Poludnica in Slovak, Připołdnica in Upper Sorbian, and Полознича (Poloznicha) in Komi, Chirtel Ma in Yiddish. The plural form of this word is poludnitsy (or poludnici). Poludnitsa is a noon demon in Slavic mythology. She can be referred to in English as "Lady Midday", "Noonwraith" or "Noon Witch". She was usually pictured as a young woman dressed in white that roamed field bounds. She assailed folk working at noon causing heatstrokes and aches in the neck, sometimes she even caused madness.
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Pic by Elena Samko
In some accounts, she symbolizes the midday star, thereby being the sister of Zarya-Zarenitsa (the morning star; also called Utrenica), Vechorka (the evening star; also called Wieczornica/Vechernitsa) and Kupalnitsa (the night star; also called Nocnica/Nochnitsa); Poludnitsa is the second youngest among the sisters, with Zarya-Zarenitsa being the youngest and Kupalnitsa being the oldest.
Poludnitsa, who makes herself evident in the middle of hot summer days, takes the form of whirling dust clouds and carries a scythe, sickle or shears; most likely the shears would be of an older style, not akin to modern scissors. She will stop people in the field to ask them difficult questions or engage them in conversation. If anyone fails to answer a question or tries to change the subject, she will cut off their head or strike them with illness. She may appear as an old hag, a beautiful woman, or a 12-year-old girl, and she was useful in scaring children away from valuable crops. She is only seen on the hottest part of the day and is a personification of a sun-stroke.
According to some northern Russian regions, Poludnitsa has a giant frying pan in her hands, with which she either blocks the rye from the scorching sun's rays, or burns the rye along with the herbs during the flowering period. She may also appear at midnight and show a person how to find a flower that can make them invisible, as was believed in the Arkhangelsk Governorate.
Poludnitsa, according to beliefs, loves to dance. If she sees a girl lying down to rest in the field, she will wake her up and begin to persuade her to dance. If the girl agrees, she will be forced to dance until the evening dawn. Poludnitsa cannot be beaten in dancing; however, if such a girl is found, the noon spirit will present her with a rich dowry.
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murphyishaunting · 3 months
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mishkakagehishka · 3 months
Re2make in august, knotting in july... what an eventful summer.
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raspberry-beret · 2 years
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Mythology Weekend - Poludnica
The Poludnica is a mythological creature from Slavic folklore and is present in many East-European folklores. Known as Lady Midday in English, she is the personification of heat stroke and seen only at the hottest point of the day. She is often depicted as a young girl dressed in white that carries a scythe or a sickle. Poludnica would target those working alone at midday with illness, madness, or death, sometimes offering them a chance to save themselves by solving her riddles.
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mystmoon · 9 months
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Lady Midday strikes people down who work in fields at midday, which is honestly p based wish I had someone force my bosses to let me take my lunch at a consistent time
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withsideofwings · 11 months
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I had an idea and I plan to expand it soooo I will cut to the chase. Behold! Polonia- Pokemon region based on Poland where old and new generations have yet to find common language. Starting off with one of its regional variants- Polonian Misdreavus line
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Polonian Misdreavus-The Lonely Ghost Pokemon Type-Pure ghost Abillity-Oblivious Hidden abillity-Levitate Dex entry-"They seek love through collecting flowers off fields to make crown out of them. If Misdreavus catches wedding bouqet it will bring misfortune to the newlywed couple" Evolves into Misbridus on Level 30
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Misbridus-The Jealous Ghost Pokemon (Mismagius + Bride) Type-Ghost/Flying Abillity-Oblivious Hidden abillity- Wedding Gift (If Misbridus doesnt have an item it will steal it off opponent pokemon) Dex entry-"Vengenful spirit that cant tolerate other couples happiness. It often stalks newlywed couples and causes fights between them until they divorce or even attacks them." Inspirations and explanations Misdreavus Red stripe on "chest" - reference to polish highlanders outfit worn by women. Flower crown- reference to young polish higlander women passtime hobbies Hairstyle- wedding gown covering the face Misbridus Two flowers- Its believed that two flowers stand for love or funeral. Entirety of Misbridus is inspired by slavic ghosts known as Poludnicas. They are angry spirits of women who died during or after their weddings. They are known for attacking people in the fields and kidnapping the children. Sickle hands and "hay"-Poludnicas were depicted as dead young women carrying sickle and a hay bag. Flying type- The possible origin of Poludnica might have come from small whirlwinds that occur in summer before storm. Hence Poludnicas themselves are usually coined to the wind itself.
Stay tuned as next on the list will be Polonian starters.
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slaviclore · 11 months
explanations under the cut
Morana/Marzanna is the goddess of winter, death and rebirth -- you will freeze or starve if you have not prepared for her
Leshy is a forest spirit -- if your family has cursed you, he will come and take you away into the wilderness
Poludnica is the midday demon -- if you don't cease to work in the fields at high noon, she will make you answer riddles and, when you inevitably can't answer, kill you
Baba Yaga is a powerful witch and wastes no time on the useless
Kikimora is a domestic demon, and while she does not usually kill, she has little patience for a messy house...
Vodnik/vodyanoi is a water spirit -- he dislikes hubris and lack of awareness and respect for the power of the vast water
Liho is the ultimate evil -- when you are preoccupied with greed and the material, he will grab your hand or your neck and not let go
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springsteens · 2 years
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🌾 Poludnitsa (from: Polden or Poluden, 'half-day' or 'midday') is a mythical character common to the various Slavic countries of Eastern Europe. She is referred to as Południca in Polish, Полудниц�� (Poludnitsa) in Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian, Polednice in Czech, Poludnica in Slovak, Připołdnica in Upper Sorbian, and Полознича (Poloznicha) in Komi, Chirtel Ma in Yiddish.
🌾 She is a noon demon in Slavic mythology. She can be referred to in English as "Lady Midday", "Noonwraith" or "Noon Witch". She was usually pictured as a young woman dressed in white that roamed field bounds. She assailed folk working at noon causing heatstrokes and aches in the neck, sometimes she even caused madness.
🌾 In some accounts, she symbolizes the midday star, thereby being the sister of Zarya-Zarenitsa (the morning star; also called Utrenica), Vechorka (the evening star; also called Wieczornica/Vechernitsa) and Kupalnitsa (the night star; also called Nocnica/Nochnitsa); Poludnitsa is the second youngest among the sisters, with Zarya-Zarenitsa being the youngest and Kupalnitsa being the oldest.
🌾 Poludnitsa, who makes herself evident in the middle of hot summer days, takes the form of whirling dust clouds and carries a scythe, sickle or shears; most likely the shears would be of an older style, not akin to modern scissors. She will stop people in the field to ask them difficult questions or engage them in conversation. If anyone fails to answer a question or tries to change the subject, she will cut off their head or strike them with illness. She may appear as an old hag, a beautiful woman, or a 12-year-old girl, and she was useful in scaring children away from valuable crops. She is only seen on the hottest part of the day and is a personification of a sun-stroke.
🌾 Poludnitsa, according to beliefs, loves to dance. If she sees a girl lying down to rest in the field, she will wake her up and begin to persuade her to dance. If the girl agrees, she will be forced to dance until the “evening dawn“. Poludnitsa cannot be beaten in dancing; however, if such a girl is found, the noon spirit will present her with a rich dowry.
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kakyoinisgay · 5 months
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Miku as a slavic demon, Poludnica
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Creature of root and wire? Folks gods? I am listening
GJLKDSJLKMK there's!!! not much thought that went into those doodles, honestly! i've just been listening to a lot of folk related stuff (and thinkin of my own n irish/scottish/sailor culture) mainly cuz it's connected to The OC Lore
but some thoughts that did spawn: the iterators are dieties of nature hiding away and just wanting to be more or less left alone (with possibly some meddling from other creatures, wink wonk ancients, this would take place from the perspective of slugcats again)
Pebbles is known as The Creature of Root and Wire. he hides in the dark depths of a secluded forest of dark oak. his place is protected by twisting branches and roots that seem to come alive, attempting to either guide lost creatures away or straight up kill them (The Rot are sickly trees that no longer listen to Pebs). Pebbles himself has skin of bark and moves around thanks to a living branch his body seems to be growing out of. within the bark are mechanications and his throat is made mainly of wires and some pipes, with a mask just kind of slapped on top of that to give the illusion of a head and a face
Moon is known as the Fallen Patience. she's hidden in marshes that the elders claim weren't always there, especially since the marshes are the domain of another (Nish). only the most daring or the most idiotic make their way to her. there's stories of her either cursing or blessing passerbys with knowledge, if they stay with her a kind little while. she kind of reminds me of a kelpie
going off of some slavic folk stories i know, a lot of iteractions with them revolves around being kind and hospitable. if one brings them offering of food (bread and salt is most appreciated since in my culture that is a way to welcome your guests!!!! :D) and is nice to them, they ought to repay the favor. if given gold and one is rude with them, they are gon either curse the beggar in some Folk™ way or just strike them down right then and there
Moon's domain used to be more or less plains with shores and bushes but because of Things like in canon RW shit went down. with time her place changed into a marsh and when it did, Nish found out about her condition since he just knows whats up in his own domain. purposing a little energetic glowing dragonfly, he sent his beautiful daughter (-cough- Hunter, she's pretty to me ok -cough-) to guide and protect the dragonfly all the way to Moon. Nish himself i'm thinkin would have similar stuff going on like a vodník (waterman??? lil green man that collects souls in cups) combined with the slavic deity Živa (goddess of life and spring, život translates to life)
oh! and neurons for Moon and Pebs are fireflies and for Nish they are dragonflies!
Suns i GUESS could be something like Poludnica. a guardian being of the holiness of midday (poludnie means midday so u can see the connection!). i remember some stories about how if one would work in the fields during midday, a beautiful woman would appear in the tall grass and tempt them to come to her. once close, it'd be revealed that she's actually quite an ugly old thing and then would kill the guy cuz of course what else this is Folklore
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nishihii · 2 years
in slavic mythology there is a creature called "poludnica" or the midday lady. the mad ones from hemwick remind me somewhat of her with their dried, skeletal face (not without skin though!) and sickle they carry. instead of appearing at midday though, perhaps they appear at midnight- sure, you also need insight for you to even see them but that doesn't matter much in the comparison i'm trying to make. the midday lady would appear in fields during noon and ask farmers to stop working, if they disobeyed, she would kill them. something something working at noon in the fields can give you a heatstroke
but perhaps the mad ones are actually undead creatures of some kind, i wouldnt know
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