#and it IS a big fucking deal 🫶🏽
faithinlouisfuture · 6 months
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“Nights like tonight — you know it just reminds me how hard i’ve worked to get here and — it’s a big fucking deal.”
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“Woke up on the day, and I just kept trying to tell myself it was just any other show. But no, it didn’t feel like that, and actually for the best way.”
Louis talking about his sold out show at the O2 Arena (x)
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theemporium · 9 months
Foreplay with norstappen when lando cums in his pants and is a bit embarrassed but y/n and max assure him they find it hot
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It was hot. 
So unbelievably fucking hot that it made his head spin. His body felt like it was on fire, his cheeks were burning up and he couldn’t tear his dazed eyes away from the sight in front of him. He didn’t think he ever wanted to look at anything else again.
Maybe it was the stress of the upcoming season. Maybe it was the fact he had been away in England for the last week because of meetings and factory visits. Maybe it was because Lando was a simple man with simple desires, and everything in front of him was a wet dream come to life. 
Or maybe Lando was just really fucking weak when it came to you and Max. 
He had landed not even a few hours ago, finally coming back home to your shared flat after a week of messages and late night calls. He wanted you. He wanted Max. He just wanted to be at home with his people again. 
And somewhere between the greeting kisses and murmured catch-ups with a show playing on in the background, Lando found himself sprawled across the bed with you on top of him, hips rolling and grinding down on his painfully hard dick. Max was behind you, his fingers threaded through your hair as he tugged your head back so he could kiss you. 
Lando tried to hold himself back. He tried to grip the sheets beneath him and think about anything except the scene in front of him, but your hips kept rolling and Max was moaning into your mouth and he just couldn’t help himself. 
He let out a pathetic whimper as a rush of pleasure ran down his spine, hot and white and breath-taking. His face burned in embarrassment when he realised what he had just done, and now he wanted to be anywhere but near you and Max.
“Stop, stop, stop,” he exclaimed, catching both you and Max off-guard as he lifted you off his lap before he pushed past the two of you to try and make it to the bathroom.
“Lando?” Your brows furrowed together as you reached for him but he jerked away from the contact. “Babe, what’s wrong? Are you okay? What happened?”
“I–” Lando closed his eyes when he felt hot, shameful tears well up on his lash line. “It’s nothing. I’m fine. I just…I need a sec, okay?”
You shot Max a look, your concern only growing tenfold.
“We can stop, it’s fine,” Max murmured as he took a step closer to the boy, his hand resting on the Brit’s back. “Just tell us how we can help.”
Lando let out a low groan as he covered his face with his hands. “It’s embarrassing.”
“You can tell us anything, baby, you know we would never judge,” you murmured as you stood up off the bed, moving closer to your boys.
“I—” Lando paused as he let his shoulders drop, turning to face the two of you as he tried not to wince at his next words. “I…finished.”
You both stared at him. “Okay, and?”
“And it’s embarrassing!” Lando retorted, his cheeks flushed a pretty pink colour. “Look, let’s just not talk about this ever again and pretend it never happened—”
“Lando,” you called on him softly, stepping forward to take his face in your hands so he couldn’t turn away. “I was humping your dick, I’d be more offended if you didn’t come.”
“But…I usually do better than that,” he muttered. 
“You haven’t seen us or touched us for a week,” Max reminded him. “You missed us. It happens. It’s hot. It’s no big deal.”
“It’s not hot, it’s embarrassing,” Lando grumbled. 
“I agree with Max,” you said as you wound your arms around his neck. “It’s hot, baby. It's so hot that you can't help yourself.”
Lando gulped slightly.
“Do you like watching us?” Max murmured as his fingers gripped Lando’s chin, turning his face to look at him. “Answer me.”
“Yes,” he whispered his confession. 
“Knew you were a little freak,” you teased jokingly as you nosed his jaw. “Do you wanna keep watching? Wanna watch Max absolutely ruin me?”
Lando’s eyes fluttered shut. “I—”
“Words,” Max reminded him, his voice a little sterner this time.
“Yes,” Lando whined. “Please, I just…please.”
You grinned as you glanced at Max before turning your attention back to your other boyfriend. “Anything for our good boy.”
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ontheshroom · 2 years
ooh, I loved the worst. Would you consider continuing it? Maybe Jack tries to win the reader back and she slowly falls back in love or something.
The Worst pt 2
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Jack Harlow x reader
A/n: enjoy!!🫶🏽
Synopsis: Jack realizes he needs Y/n.
Every day without you felt longer and longer. Jack attempted to get over you, well thought about it. Word has gotten around that he’s been with girl after girl, but that’s only partly true. He’d try to get over you through them. He’d take ‘em on expensive dates and do things he wished he could do with you, with them. But it wasn’t the same. He’d sleep with them, sure, but half the time he’d have to fake any pleasure they thought they were providing. He’d kick them out immediately, not wanting to deal with them any longer. Minute after minute though, it was all becoming too much. Not having you with him, hit harder than anything he’s ever had to go through. Sure, he’s angry at you. You left him and he didn’t even get to hear your voice tell him goodbye. He didn’t get to look into your eyes while you said the words, just so he could beg you to stay. He didn’t get to tell you how much he loves you, how much he needs you. The fame and money are only fun when you’re there with him.
His apartment never felt this empty before, the whole thing just feels too lonely without you in it. Your music constantly playing, that he used to get on you about. The way you’d sing and dance as you do house chores. The way you’d leave little bits of your personality everywhere, finding different knick knacks everywhere.
“Fuck.” Jack sighs.
He pulls out his phone and scrolls through your Instagram. A lot of your friends were the Instagram type, and have thousands of posts and millions of followers. Nearly their whole life is shown on their page. You’d always scold them on how not everything had to be through social media, and that was Jack’s favorite thing about you. You loved your privacy. You’d always tell him that the purest things only become corrupt when others know about it. But now, he watches as it looks like you’ve been out clubbing day after day. Each post shows you wearing seemingly less and less clothes and more and more makeup. You’re starting to look like your friends. Jack taps your glowing profile to view your story. He smiles as his song plays in the background and you scream his lyrics. Always his biggest fan. His smile quickly fades as he sees a guy wrap his arms around you in the video and smile at the camera.
“Who the fuck is that?” Jack yells to himself.
A big rule when the two of you were dating was having each other’s location on. Now, it wasn’t for any toxic reason, just because y’all travel so much and wanted to make sure each other was safe, this time might be different though.
Jack grabs his keys and quickly makes it to his Jeep, driving to some house that was definitely not yours.
He taps the steering wheel a couple of times eagerly looking for the house 4017 he repeats in his head. He finally finds it and parks the car quickly, leaving the car on.
He walks up to the door and knocks harshly. After a few minutes and a couple more hard knocks, a man answers the door.
“Where the fuck is she?” Jack says to the man sternly.
“Chill, man. She didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend.” He yawns.
You stumble out of his bedroom with your heels barely on and your hair disheveled.
“Jack?” You question, still heavily hungover.
“Come on, y/n,” Jack says sternly.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Come on?” You ask him, furrowing your eyebrows.
“You didn’t say you had a boyfriend.” The guy says.
“I don’t.”
“Come on, y/n. I’m not going to ask you again.” Jack orders.
“Just like how I didn’t ask you to come here?” You ask him, crossing your arms over your chest.
Jack nods, tongue against his cheek tightly before he storms into the house and throws you over his shoulder.
“Put me down!”
“Why do you have to be so challenging, Hmm?” He shakes his head, opening the passenger door.
“I gave you your time, I even had my time. But you never came around. Why? Was it me?” He asks you.
“Jack, I’m too hungover for this shit.” You sigh.
“Shit? Us talking about our relationship is shit?” He yells.
Surprised by your outburst, Jack rearranges in the driver’s seat and sighs.
“Why did you leave?” He asks quietly.
“Cause I couldn’t deal with it anymore.”
“Deal with what? You never talked to me about it so I don’t know what was happening.”
“Your career, your fans, the fast life, it was all too much. Then, you were barely there. I mean we were together, but you weren’t there.” You admit.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because when we first started dating I asked you what would be the biggest reason you’d break up with a girl, and you said she didn’t support your career. It wasn’t that I didn’t support your career anymore, I just felt lonely, but I didn’t know how you’d take it. So, I broke up with you before you broke up with me.” You shrug, playing with your thumbs.
“Y/n, baby. I promise you, I wouldn’t have broken up with you.” He says, holding you hard.
“How was I supposed to know, Jack.” You say, tearing up and looking at him.
“You wrote all these songs about having other girls, you’re always around so many pretty girls, and I just. I don’t compare to what you could have.” You tell him, tears falling down your cheeks.
Jack pulls into a random parking lot and parks the car.
“Y/n, I don’t care about any other girls, and I certainly didn’t have any other girls on the side. You’re the one I love. If you needed me I would’ve been there.” Jack says, cupping your cheek, and wiping the tears away.
You just look at him, tears falling.
“Y/n, take me back. Let me try again.” Jack pleads.
“I don’t want to hold you back.” You sniffle.
“Baby, I don’t give a fuck about anything that doesn’t include you. Forget my job, don’t even think about it. Think about me and what we could have. Please.” Jack begs.
You cup his cheek like you did that night at the Halloween party. For a second Jack thinks it’ll be the same, that you’ll tell him that y’all aren’t meant to be.
You look up into his eyes, the eyes you’ve missed for months. You literally have all that you’ve wanted in your hands and it’s begging for you to take him back, but instead, you settle back into your seat.
“Take me home, please.” You say barely above a whisper.
Jack nods sadly before reversing the car and driving out of the parking lot, to your house.
The drive is quiet and full of tension.
“Take me on a date. Take me on a date and show me we’ll have enough time together.” You tell him.
A smile appears on Jack’s face as he realizes you’re giving him a chance.
“Where?” He asks, a full-on smile displayed on his face.
“You choose, just don’t flake on me.” You tell him.
“I won’t.” He smiles.
“Okay, text me when and where.” You tell him, getting out of the car.
Jack watches as you walk into your apartment building. He breaks out in celebratory yells and dances, pausing when he hears two knocks on his window.
“I, uh, I forgot my phone.” You laugh.
“Right, right. Here you go.” Jack says, giving you your phone.
You turn around and walk to your apartment, still laughing.
“Way to go, Jack,” Jack says, putting the car in drive and pulling off.
Jack: Can I come get you tonight at 7
Y/n: it’s 6
Jack: I know.
Y/n: I mean..sure?
Jack: Dress as casually as you can.
Y/n: I am confused.
Jack: don’t worry about it.
You sigh and get up from your spot on the couch, walking towards your room. You pick out a cute sweat suit and put it on. You decide to go for a simple and light makeup look and by the time you’re done with everything it’s 6:45. You sit on your bed for a bed swiping through Tik Tok when Jack texts you to tell you he’s downstairs.
“I said to dress casual.” Jack sighs.
“This is casual!” You argue.
“You could go out like that.” He smacks his lips.
“In Nike sweatpants and a matching hoodie?” You ask him.
“Maybe you just look that good.” He smiles.
“Tomato, tomato, tomato.” You say to him, gesturing your hands as if you’re throwing tomatoes at him.
“Man, I can’t compliment my date?” He smacks his lips.
“No. Now, where are we going?” You ask him, smiling.
“We’re gonna go pick up some food to go and that’s all I’m telling you right now,” Jack says, putting the car in drive.
Once Jack gets on the highway you notice he’s driving downtown.
“You told me to dress casual and we’re going downtown?” You ask him, flabbergasted.
“Yes.” He nods.
“This sounds like a setup.” You sigh.
“Shut up.” Jack laughs.
Jack parks outside of some food place and goes inside. He comes out carrying two bags filled with food.
“Damn, Jack.” You say surprised.
“What, I look good or something?” He smiles.
“No, dummy. Why we got all this food.” You laugh.
“So I don’t look good?” He asks scrunching his brows.
“Of course you do, Now why did you get all of this food?” You question him taking the bags from him and putting them in the back seat so he could drive.
“Cause I wanted you to be able to pick from whatever you wanted.” He shrugs.
He pulls up to a gas station.
“Go get two large slushies, while I fill up the tank.” He says to you, handing you his card.
“I can pay for that, Jack.” You laugh.
“Take it.”
“Nope.” You tell him and walk away into the store.
You grab two large slushie cups and fill one half and half with red and blue and one with all red for Jack.
You pay for them and join Jack who’s waiting in the car.
“Here ya go.” You say handing him his drink.
“Thank you, pretty girl.” He says out of habit.
The nickname makes you blush just as it did when y’all were together.
“Where are we going now?” You ask him, taking a picture of the setting sun with your phone.
“See that building right there?” Jack asks, pointing to a tall building.
“Yeah.” You nod.
“You can park your car on top, we’re gonna watch the sunset from up there and eat, and then we’re gonna drive around.” He says.
Your eyes soften as you realize what he’s doing.
“Like, our first date?” You ask him, tears forming in your eyes.
You didn’t think Jack even remembered your first date with him.
“Exactly.” He smiles.
Jack goes up the building's parking ramp, smiling at you laugh the whole time he goes through the swirls.
Once he parks on top the view is beautiful.
“Wow. It looks exactly the same.” You sigh, remembering your first date up here.
“You look just as beautiful as you did the first time.” He says.
He brings out the food and you laugh as you realize it’s the same food y’all ate the first time you came up here too.
“So, you just had this all planned out, huh?” You ask him.
“I did.” He nods.
“Thank you, Jack. This means a lot.” You tell him.
“I only have one request.” He tells you.
“You end this date how we ended the first one.” He says.
You pause for a second, thinking about it. Jack went through so much to make sure this date was perfect. You’re sure you can make the relationship work this time with more communication.
“Okay.” You agree.
“Okay?” He celebrates.
“Okay.” You nod, laughing.
“Okay!” Jack yells, leaning over and kissing you.
You kiss him back, both of you smiling.
“We’re forever this time, baby. I promise.” Jack beams.
“We’re forever.” You agree.
“Put this back on,” he says digging your promise ring out of his pocket and placing it on your left ring finger.
“Thank you.” You smile.
“Promise to never take it off.”
“I promise.”
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lordsukunas · 2 months
so basically, writing for aged up! Satoru is fine because he IS aged up in the manga but just because an aged up! Megumi doesn’t exist in the manga all of a sudden we can’t write for him? so what if I’m 18 and wanna write for an aged up megumi, I don’t want megumi as a minor I want him aged up so I WILL age him up and write smut and then put a pretty minors dni on it, like it’s fictional, everything is. it’s not that big of a deal. years pass, I was 14 when miles Spider-Man itsv started now I’m 19, is miles 14 year old cute appeal gonna stay for me? No, am I going to binge marvel comics of him actually aged up and then going to write smut about him and put another mdni banner on my fic , you guessed it? It’s all fictional, don’t stress so much kids.
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ur saying alla this to me like im the op of that post, i jus reblogged it
nigga if ur EIGHTEEENNNNN ur barely not a minor, fuck u putting minors dni for? u was just one of us a few months ago cmon now
but if u have to age up a character whos 15/16 JUST to write smut for him, then ur weirdt. theres plenty of adult characters from other media that r similar to megumi personality (and probably look) wise
and ur miles argument is dumb asf. writing for i/astv!miles and writing for comic!miles whos an adult (like u said) is TWOOO different things. they not even the same universe 💀 pls dont be slow on purpose
and if it isn't that srs according to u, then why r u bothering to respond to my reblog thru an anonymous ask? pls do wtv u wanna do n gtf off my page 🫶🏽
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sleepingnova · 2 years
Y'all have been waiting for like a month so here it is guys <3
𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜!
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These are the more laid back ones. The angstier ones will be later.
Cw: self harm and suicide mentions, transphobia, uhh that might be it?
Miles is a ftm trans boy. (This'll cause problems later on.) He realized this when he was 13, but he was scared and in denial.
His birth name was Michaela.
People always thought he was a guy because he looked like one, which made him happy.
The first person he came out to was his uncle, Aaron. (Aw ye Aaron angst soon hell ye)
He is also bisexual, which isn't a big deal to him, he's scared shitless at how he's gonna tell his parents he's trans.
As he gets older, he doesn't care much about having a s/o, but we'll come back to this later.
For the sake of these headcanons and where I'm planning on going with this, Aaron lives till old age :D
Miles fessed up about being trans to Aaron when he was 14 going on 15.
Aaron being the W uncle he was, supported him with his whole life because believe it or not, Aaron was also trans. He had his surgery young so miles grew up never knowing.
Aaron was the type of guy to think that it'd be better if Miles told his parents instead of keeping them in the dark.
Miles didn't come out as trans officially to his parents until he was 17. He went to Aaron's apartment and cut his hair. He had a BUNCH of hair.
Like the good Samaritan he was, he donated it to cancer centers for the causes of cancer and alopecia and all the other diseases that take your hair away.
Okay here's the angstier part of these headcanons 🤪🫶🏽
He went home that night with Aaron behind him and officially told his parents. His mother welcomed and supported him with open arms, changing her use of pronouns and names and calling him son immediately.
His dad on the other hand actually wasn't there. But when he came home, he saw Rio and Miles hugging so he was confused. Aaron left and Miles asked to talk outside privately.
He told his dad and..his dad didn't respond to it in the best way.
His father told him it would be a change and that he didn't want to say goodbye to his daughter so soon.
Jeff never wanted a son in the first place. He wanted a girl.
All of the respect he had for his father was gone in like 2 seconds.
Miles went back inside with tears in his eyes. His mom looked up from the kitchen table and asked him how it went but when she saw the heartbreak in his eyes, she rushed over to him.
When Miles told her what happened, she was so pissed. She wanted to cuss his dad out so badly, but she didn't. Instead, she called Aaron and told him to come get Miles so she could talk to her husband.
As Aaron was driving back to get Miles, he was fucking furious. While Miles was in the car, he got out and quite literally punched the shit out of his dad and started yelling at him.
That was the end of it at that time.
Aaron bought miles a new binder (after finding his old one that he's had since he was 14)
He got miles basically everything he needed, and Miles started saving up to get surgery.
The first thing he got was too surgery. He didn't care too much about bottom surgery but he still wanted it.
As time went on, his dad's comments actually started to get to him. His dad would misgender and deadname him almost every day.
For a while, miles was actually really depressed. He didn't let anyone see it though. Not Peter, or Gwen. Which brings me to my next point.
Miles actively quit being spiderman 3 times. He quit for the very first time when he was 14, he was actively failing his classes because of stress and exhaustion and his parents had no clue why. Then he kept going and quit again 2 weeks before his 16th birthday. He had a bunch of wounds that needed to heal and he played sports so he didn't want anyone who didn't know he was spiderman to assume his parents were hitting him. After some time and much exercise, he went at it again. He quit for "good" the 3rd time, 3 days into his 17th birthday. One of his friends had gotten injured during an attack and almost died while he was trying to get the guy away from his friend. He swore he wouldn't let anyone get hurt and he thought not being spiderman would prevent that. ( His depression also played a major role in why he kept quitting as well)
It did not.
So he went back at it and is currently still spiderman.
He actually was in the hospital for a suicide attempt. Twice on different attempts.
He begged the hospital not to give him his mom. There were like 15 nurses w the last name morales so when his mom came in it went a little something like this.
"Hello, my name is Rio, I'll be your nurse today. It shows you're in here because of a failed suicide attempt. I'm so sorry to hear that it got that bad and I'm glad you're still with us. It's funny, you have the same name as my son...Miles..?" As she turned around, there he was. Miles was in the hospital bed with stitches and scars on his wrists from bleeding out in Aaron's bathtub.
The tears came flooding out as miles avoided her gaze at all cost. He was ashamed. He was scared. It brought him back to being 14 again. When someone found out he was trans.
She rushed to his side.
"Mi niño, cómo sucedió esto? ¿Quién hizo esto? (My child/boy, what happened? Who did this?)
She instantly realized what happened when he did not speak. Her eyes softened and tears flooded out of her eyes. She began to sob as she walked out of the room and into the hallway. Passing patients looked at her as they had never seen a nurse or doctor lose their cool at the hospital.
Once miles was out, he was placed on suicide watch and his mom was watching over him like a hawk. For a while, he was actually getting better and doing really well.
Truth be told, he's scared of dying so he'd never actually kill himself.
When he draws, he draws all his characters with small little self harm scars on the bodies as a comfort thing because he did the same thing.
Aaron and Rio are trying to talk sense into his dad because that's kinda one of the main reasons miles attempted in the first place.
Miles has a playlist for when he feels sad. It consists of Cavetown, Melanie Martinez, SZA, his favorite song (Sunflower post Malone & swae Lee), Mac Miller, and a bunch of others <3
Okay that's actually kinda it, I went a bit overboard with this but I hope you guys liked it :)
Likes and reblogs are always appreciated <3
I'm considering doing a small fanfic with these headcanons so let me know if you guys want it.
I'm also gonna make a taglist as well, so for now if you'd like to be on it, just send an ask :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone 💙
Btw, if you want me to drop the playlist, send me an ask and I got you ❤️ (>▽<)
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j0kers-light · 9 months
Chapter 21 review
Chile why you not giving us more details on readers pass😩🙄 got me all excited to finally hear what happened to her and just to get cliffhangered😭😭
I’m surprised joker ain’t stab Morgana when he seen her😂 reader really is changing joker for the better without her knowing
I feel like Florence is dead even though there’s another side of me saying she is. But it just doesn’t make sense to kill Florence and let Morgana live since they know about him🧐 I at first thought since joker told neo to handle Florence that Neo would just kidnap and hide her but then in the chapter joker said he had to handle the whole Florence situation so I’m guessing he killed her. (By the way I don’t really care if she’s dead or alive in my opinion🤷🏽‍♀️ after how she treated reader I give less fucks about her🙄🤣)
I know you said there was going to be a new person in the story which I didn’t think it was the nurse Sarai I thought it would be a a certain clown girl🤡 herself from jokers past🫣🤔
Look I’m really REALLY trying to like Bruce in this story but he makes it SO difficult 😤 but reader LITERALLY said she didn’t see him that way and she was with some other dude and he ain’t taking the hint🤦🏽‍♀️
MY THEORY: I think for the next chapter Florence is dead which will affect joker and readers relationship to downfall. She gets mad at him curse him out blah blah blah and she says she don’t want to deal with him anymore which makes him sad and turn himself into the GCPD police since he feels like he don’t want to cause anymore heartache and problems for her and can’t move on in life without his light✨😩
I ain’t gonna like I would like both their exes to come at some point to fuck some shit up. Whoever the guy was to fuck yo the readers mental so bad I hope joker give him a slow death where the reader participates in killing him😈 Harley Quinn is literally my favorite villain or all time and if she is going to be in the story if she goes against reader it is going to be heartbreaking 💔 🥲
That’s all just wanted to share my thoughts ✌🏽🫶🏽
Hey hi anon!!
I love love love love your thoughts!! You are close but not quite on the money 🤭
This story is far from being over beloved!
I like cliffhangers lol but there’s a reason why I’m dragging Y/n’s past out. It will be confirmed next chapter but resolved much later.
Joker is learning patience and how to better understand other people’s emotions from Y/n! Joker was ready to snatch Morgana up but he stopped himself. He listened to what she had to say and he definitely can’t kill her now since his Light warned him not to. She said, “You hurt my friends..” plural. Joker in trouble.
Now onto the Flo/Morgana situation. Morgana is smart. She’s keeping her mouth shut and proving her worth as a friend to stay in good with J. Florence on the other hand is threatening to expose Joker to the authorities on top of yelling at his Bunny AND she made you cry which is the catalyst for you having your PTSD episode. You were stressed from that interaction and couldn't handle when Bruce accidentally said your trigger. She has a lot more tally marks against her than Morgana does.
I will say this: Florence left your apartment building alive.
Sarai isn’t a new character, she’s a returning role from chapter 7 🤭 So the new character is still at large.
And yes, Harley Quinn will make an appearance in His Lighthouse. I love her too much not to include her.
I love Bruce and in any other story I'd root for him BUT! I needed a male anti character and......... *stares at Bruce* you're up babe.
Now this next chapter theory of yours 🤭 I love you but
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Joker does surrender to the GCPD but its not time for depressed J yet. Him and Y/n are still going strong. Two more hurdles gotta happen for Joker to feel like he’s backed into the corner and forced to surrender.
The theory on exes. Oh boy. Y/n's ex has a big role here.. and he's not done. 👀
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reputationgf · 9 months
auggie!! how have you BEEN??
ANGIE !!! I'm doing pretty good 🧿🩷
my classes r going super well, I've been doing amazing in tests!! (top 10 consistently in a batch of 300 people! even in chem which is like holy shit bro. 🧿)
my friends r so so amazing and we have such an amazing time together like fr the first time I feel so fulfilled and wanted and love in friendships and it's so cool 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
in a talking stage kinda but it's also annoying but I also want him and like idk THERES JUST SM !!!
also went to a party and stayed out until 12 fucking am which is such a big deal to me cause I've never stayed out for that long with just my friends it was insanely fun omg
i wish I got the time to write and be on here more!!! i miss it sm and i miss interacting with mutuals <\3 I'll try to balance everything and see how it works outttt
didn't study much today cause i rlly didn't feel like it even though I've a bio test tmrw (i actually hate this chapter so much learning abt plants sucks 😭😭😭) I'll read some notes before sleeping ig 💀💀
ANYWAYS. this was a whole ass essay 😭😭😭 WHAT'S UP WITH U!!! TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!! miss u mwah 💞💞🩷🩷
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vilsoo · 10 months
You are my inspiration to keep writing and i'm trying my hardest to pump out my own works, but I feel like my inexperience with sexual or hell even healthy romantic situations is making it really hard for me to even capture the right emotions or pacing in scenes. Like they're off what *I* want, but what *I* want is just a bunch of pent up emotions conceptualized into a big fucking mess... Sorry if this is weird, I feel like maybe you'd have an answer since your works are fucking amazing and paced really well imo :((
also I PROMISE IM OF AGE (04) i know it's weird for an almost 19 y/o to have no experience whatsoever so i didn't want you to think i'm a minor 🙏🏽🙏🏽 -M
aw anon my beloved 🥹🫶🏽 it’s all good no worries!! i think it’s common for writers who have little/no sexual experience to be writing the filthiest smuts online (ngl i wrote my first smut when i was 16 and i was still a virgin with no relationship experience as well LOL) but my best advice is to not let your reality take over what you’re trying to write. it’s a fictional world; it’s supposed to be your safe space and you can create a desired experience for yourself instead. do you often find yourself fantasizing about that *perfect* relationship with your significant other ? you can totally incorporate it however you like !! also, i see that you’re struggling on how to create emotions in fics which is what i still deal with till this day even tho i’ve been writing for ~8 years. try reading romantic poetry/novels. lots and lots of inspiration comes to me when i read. you don’t even have to master writing the most sophisticated sentences/paragraphs with massive vocabulary and perfect grammar, or make your writing style seem “complex” because that’s just like… too much. especially for a fanfiction lmao. you’re writing a fic, not an essay, it doesn’t have to be perfect. once you keep learning and developing your own writing style, you can definitely go all out and express ur creativity (like how i tend to do it lol)
tldr; read lots of romance novels and poetry if you can. and maybe some ao3 fanfics because there’s so many talented writers on there too.
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menalez · 1 year
y’all need to go touch some fucking grass and stop getting offended over everything fr why is it a problem to differentiate between bi ppl who are in hetero relationships and bi ppl in same sex relationships.
(if you don’t like something you can scroll! i promise no one but you cares for your opinions bc they suck 🫶🏽 hope this helps)
i wish they would understand that from the jump i knew bi ppl without preferences exist and wanted to add an option for that too but 3 options for bisexuals on radblr is simply overkill lol 😭 i know i should’ve put preferences in a separate poll for more accuracy but damn. its not a big deal at the end of the day
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theemporium · 7 months
🧸 maxiel baby taking its first steps? Thank you for writing such amazing blurbs!
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
As much as the boys loved racing, the winter break was eagerly awaited for both Max and Daniel. 
They adored their job. They adored that they were able to do the thing they dreamed of doing their whole lives. They adored that they were lucky enough to be on the same team, be by each other’s side and help each other through what could be a taxing and rough racing season. 
But, fuck, did they miss their little family.
It had just been before the end of the last race season when the three of you welcomed Beatrice Ricciardo-Verstappen into the world. And now almost a year later, they were eager to have an undisturbed three months with their daughter and with you, after neither of you were able to visit the different races over the season. 
“My little bumble bee,” Daniel cooed as he prepped kisses on his daughter’s chubby cheeks as she giggled and laughed. Beatrice wiggled in her father’s arms but he just continued until the sound of her laughter was echoing through the apartment. “Oh, I missed that sound.”
“You’re hogging her,” Max complained as he sat on the other side of the carpet, both of them surrounded by most of her toys they had dragged out from the nursery into the living room. “This isn't fair. I missed her too.”
“I missed her more,” Daniel teased, only for the Dutchman to let out a scoff. 
“Put her down and I bet she will crawl over to me,” Max announced, puffing his chest out a little.
Daniel’s eyes lit up. “I’ll bet you nappy duty that she crawls to me instead.” 
Max smirked a little. “Deal.” 
“You both are ridiculous,” you stated as you walked into the room, shaking your head as you saw the boys place Beatrice in the centre of the room before moving to different sides. “She loves you both, is that not enough?”
“No,” they both answered at the same time.
“Give me peace,” you grumbled under your breath as you took a seat on the couch, waiting to see the event unfold whilst knowing full well one of your boys was going to be pissy in a few minutes.
However, the last thing any of you were expecting was for little Beatrice to start pushing to stand up. And you especially didn’t expect her to start taking wobbly steps towards the couch where you were sitting whilst the three of you gaped proudly at your little girl. 
You didn’t even realise you were crying until the warm tears ran down your cheeks as you swooped her in your arms, kisses and mumbled praises pressed against her cheeks as the boys quickly clambered over to the couch.
“What a smart girl,” Max praised as Beatrice reached out to him, a big toothy smile as she accepted her father’s cuddles and praises. 
“Little Bumble Bee is learning how to fly,” Daniel murmured, his eyes wet but his grin huge as he watched his partner coddle the baby.
“Shut up,” you muttered, swatting his arm. “You’re gonna make me cry harder.” 
“She is gonna be buzzing away soon.”
“One more comment from you and you’re stuck on nappy duty for the whole week.”
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theemporium · 10 months
Hi, sweetie. I think it would be fun to read about Sunshine and Daniel moving in together and dealing with the chaos involved with that.
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
The decision to move in together was a unanimous decision.
Between the fact both of you wanted to take that step in the relationship and the fact it was insanely stupid to be paying for two places when you only used one when you weren’t abroad, it seemed like the most logical step. 
But your place didn’t feel right and neither did Daniel’s. He wanted a place that felt like yours, something you shared and were both proud of. Even if it was a little more hassle than could have been avoided, getting a new place together was the step you both wanted to take. 
Even if moving itself was an absolute bitch. 
“Yeah, Sunshine?”
“Where’s the bottle opener?”
“In the box in the kitchen!”
You stared blankly at the room that was supposedly meant to be your kitchen, but it was hard to tell with a variety of boxes and bubble wrap covering the place on every possible surface.
“Which one?”
You heard his footsteps approaching where you stood, and not even moments later, he was saddled up behind you. He was breathless and a little sweaty—probably from trying to build the bedframe he was convinced he could build himself—and clad only in sweatpants. You almost forgot what you needed.
“Fuck, they dropped off more boxes,” he murmured, a crease forming between his brows. “How much shit do we own?”
“A lot, apparently,” you snorted before you glanced down at the bottle of red wine in your hand. “Fuck, I was really looking forward to this.”
Daniel raised his brows. “And what were you going to drink it from?”
You paused before you let out a groan. “I fucking hate this.”
Daniel only smiled as you leaned against him, his arms around you before your body even had a chance to fully settle against him. He leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “I am glad you’re so happy about moving in together,” he teased.
“This was your idea,” you murmured lamely.
Daniel snorted. “Yeah? Making me the big, bad guy, Sunshine?”
“You seduced me,” you sighed dramatically before you tilted your head back, your chin pressed against his chest as you looked up at him. “You’re a bad influence, Ricciardo.”
“You seem to be forgetting the best part of moving,” he mused as he watched your eyes narrow slightly in confusion.
He leaned down, his nose brushing against yours and his breath tickling and teasing your own as he spoke. “We get to christen every room in this house, Sunshine,” he murmured as his hands slid down your body, cupping your ass and tugging you closer to him. “That’s a lot of rooms to defile.”
You pressed your lips together to try and hide your smile. “Wanna get a head start?”
“Don’t mind if we do,” he grinned before he leaned down to kiss you, his hands holding onto the back of your thighs as he held you against him.
“Do we even have a bed to fuck on?” you asked, whispered words shared between kisses.
“No,” he admitted, smiling when you leaned back to snort. “But I reckon I can fuck you dumb perfectly fine on the mattress on the floor, Sunshine, don’t you worry your pretty little head about it.”
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theemporium · 10 months
could you maybe do a sirius x fem reader where he's feeling in a cuddly mood but r is too hot bc of summer and just being grumpy? and he's jus all pouty and wants to be held and kissed, please and thank you xx
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“I’m comfy.”
“That’s great for you but—”
“I just wanna show you I love you!”
“Sirius,” you let out a groan, a small huff of frustration following as you sunk back against the sheets. Your eyes narrowed at the ceiling. “I’m fucking sweating my tits off, please let me go.”
Warm weather was a rarity in Britain, everyone knew as much. The country was made for rainy days, nipping winds and stormy nights. On the odd day of warm weather, it would be enough for people to abandon their jackets and get out their shorts for the few hours of sunshine they got.
But this? This was hell.
The weather forecast had warned about a heatwave, though most citizens rolled their eyes. Britain doesn’t get heatwaves. It seemed nonsensical to even think as much. But then the weekend hit, the temperatures went up and now you were dealing with the consequences of the houses being insulated to keep heat in, rather than air conditioned and ventilated.
“But I just wanna hug you,” he groaned as he nuzzled his head further against your stomach. “C’mon, love, let’s take a nap.”
The whole house was stuffy, your body felt like every inch was covered in clammy sweat and the fact your boyfriend was a fucking walking heater a majority of the time wasn’t helping. The sheets felt like they were sticking to you, the duvet felt claustrophobic and the heavy mass of your clingy boyfriend wrapping his body around you was only making you snappier.
“A nap?” You seethed before scoffing. “Absolutely not, I need to be sitting in a freezer right now.”
“Just use a cooling charm,” he murmured.
“I am,” you snapped before letting out a heavy sigh. “You’re too warm to cuddle with right now.”
Sirius raised his head, a pout on his lips as he stared up at you with big, doe eyes. “I just want some love.”
You rolled your eyes. “Now you’re just being dramatic.”
Sirius sniffled. “Prongs would cuddle with me.”
“Then go annoy Potter,” you grumbled as you tried to wiggle out of his hold once again. “I’m gonna go stand in the shower until I feel like an ice cube.”
Sirius’ apprehension quickly disappeared, and was replaced with a knowing grin. “Got room for one more?”
“And let you hog the cold water?” You scoffed with a smile. “As if, baby.”
Sirius’ eyes narrowed. “You’re a cruel woman.”
“I’m a dying woman,” you corrected as you finally managed to scramble out of his hold and get off the bed. You turned back around, leaning over to press a chaste kiss on his lips before swiftly moving out the way before he had a chance to pull you back down onto the bed. “I love you, but not that much.”
Sirius snorted. “I love you too, babe.”
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theemporium · 10 months
omg hockey!sirius who is always a little mean and teasing but especially so when he’s teaching you how to skate for the first time! like he would never dream of letting you fall but does he let go of your hands and scare you a little just for giggles? yes
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Baby, I’m gonna let go now.”
“Sirius, don’t you fucking dare!”
“You’ll be fine, love.”
“Three, two, one—”
“Get back here, you fucker!”
The boy only laughed as he skated away from you, just out of your reach so you were unable to latch onto him again. He had been begging for you to come to the rink with him, to share such a big part of his life with you. You always disagreed—or at least, you usually did—until he flashed his big, puppy dog eyes at you, and you were unable to say no to him.
Now, here you were at the ice rink on a Saturday morning, cursing out your boyfriend as he skated around with ease after abandoning you in the middle of the ice.
“Sirius, I’m deadly fucking serious,” you gritted out, your arms extended out on either side of you as you tried to stay still and upright.
“C’mon, love, how are you gonna learn if you don’t try?” He called out as he continued to skate around you in circles with a level of ease that just pissed you off further.
“Sirius,” you whined, staring helplessly at your boyfriend.
“Just try,” he said as he stopped a few feet ahead of you. “Just skate to me, nice and slow, baby. Just that small distance.”
You looked doubtful at the space between you.
“You can do it, love, I believe in you.” 
You tried to damper down the fear bubbling inside you as you slowly pushed forward, letting out a small noise of surprise as you started gliding forward. You did it again, keeping your eyes locked on your feet as you slowly skated towards your boyfriend.
It was after the fifth time that you realised you hadn’t reached him yet. 
You lifted your head to find Sirius looking at you with a massive grin spread across his face, holding back his laughter as he continued to skate away from you for every step you took closer. You let out a small huff, and that was all he needed before he cackled.
“Baby, you were doing so well, I didn’t wanna stop you!” He defended, grinning boyishly. 
You rolled your eyes, lifting your hand suddenly to flip him off. However, the movement only seemed to throw you off balance and you found yourself waving your hands to try and save yourself from falling flat on your ass. 
However, before you could even make contact with the ice, Sirius was already beside you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight against him.
“You’re an asshole,” you muttered as you clenched the fabric of his hoodie in tight fists.
“I may be an asshole but I’d never let anything happen to you,” he murmured as he raised a hand to cup your face. “You know that, right?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, and despite yourself, you sunk into his touch. “You’re just a dick who likes scaring me.”
His grin widened. “You like the adrenaline rush, baby, don’t lie.”
“I prefer other adrenaline inducing activities more,” you grumbled, showing no sign of letting go of him.
His head dipped down so his lips were brushing against the shell of your ear. “How about we go practice some of your favourites in the locker room?”
You snorted. “In your dreams, Black. I’m not shagging you in the same room you and your teammates run around naked in.”
He raised his brows. “Is that what you think we do?”
“I don’t care what you do, I’m still not shagging you in the locker room,” you responded.
He pouted playfully. “What about the car then?”
You paused. “If you get me off the ice safely, then maybe.”
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theemporium · 7 months
🐈‍⬛ i don’t have a specific request but I can’t get the phrase “don’t hex and drive” out of my head. maybe driver reader who’s witchy and starts cursing anyone who’s rude to her boys right before a race sksjsks
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“What a bunch of little c—”
“Amor, it’s fine.”
You snapped your head around, your eyes narrowing at your boyfriend sitting on the couch. “No, Carlos. No, it’s not.” 
He sighed. “No, but I need you to calm down before you do something stupid.” 
You almost wanted to scoff at him. 
It was ridiculous. It was ridiculous that such a historical and iconic team could make Formula Two teams and lower leagues look like saints. It was ridiculous that you had to watch your boys suffer through mistakes and situations that weren’t their fault. It was ridiculous that just when you thought Ferrari couldn’t fuck up anymore, they always seemed to find a way.
And it was ridiculous the way your boys had been conditioned by their own team to deal with it. 
And maybe you should have been glad that such a fierce competitor was no longer such, but you couldn’t care less about that when it was the loves of your life who were suffering. You didn’t care if it made your races easier. You didn’t care when it was chipping away at the men you love and making them shells of who they were at the start of the reason. 
“They need to get a grip of themselves,” you said bluntly, your brows furrowed together as you glared at the prancing horse logo on the wall of Charles’ driver room.
“Yes, but Carlos is right,” Charles said as he reached his arm out to tug you closer, to pull you down on the couch that both boys were currently sitting on. He nuzzled you to sit between them, squished between both Ferrari drivers who just looked exhausted. “When you get angry, you don’t think clearly.”
“I’m thinking very clearly right now,” you retorted as you crossed your arms over your chest with a huff. “And what I’m thinking is that everyone on that pit wall can enjoy my foot up their—”
“And there she is,” Carlos murmured, though his tone was light-hearted as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and tucked you into his side. “We don’t need you fighting our battles, amor.” 
“I know,” you sighed deeply.
“We will sort this out with the team,” he added. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumbled. 
“So no magic, okay?” 
You paused.
“Cherie,” Charles muttered as you continued to avoid both their stares. “No hexing and driving, remember?”
“No magic. We can deal with the grid penalties on our own,” Charles told you in a softer voice. And you believed them. You knew what your boys were capable of, but your lack of faith resided with the team rather than them.
“How about a teeny hex?” You bargained as you looked between them. “Nothing big or serious, it will be harmless.”
Neither Charles nor Carlos looked convinced. 
“Something like…if they fuck up either of your races today, they will have clown noses stuck to their faces for a week?” You suggested, watching the way Charles had to press his lips together to withhold his giggles.
“Mi amor,” Carlos scolded softly but you could see the smile on his face.
“Please?” You murmured, giving the boys your puppy dog eyes that you knew they wouldn’t be able to resist. “If you won’t let me spell the cars with good luck, at least let me do this.” 
The boys shared a look with each other, a few beats of silence passing between you three before Carlos spoke.
“Yes!” You grinned.
“But nothing more,” Carlos quickly added, shooting you a look. “And this is the only time.” 
“Promise,” you said with a smile on your face that didn’t reassure Carlos in the slightest, but he knew there was no stopping you when it came to defending them. 
“Thank you for caring,” he added in a softer voice.
“Always,” you said as you reached your hands out, taking each of their hands in your own as you intertwined your fingers. “I’ll always defend you both. After all, I like seeing you on the podium with me.”
“In second and third,” Charles commented with a snort.
You shrugged. “I like the view from up on the top spot, you can’t blame me.” 
“If you wanted to look down at us, you just had to ask for us to get on our knees, mi amor,” Carlos commented, grinning a little himself when he watched a blush spread across your cheeks. 
“What was that, Christian? You need me for data review? Okay!” You announced suddenly as you scrambled to get up from the couch, your body flushing at his words and the boys laughing as they tried to pull you back down.
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ontheshroom · 2 years
Tumblr media
Jack Harlow x reader
An: I feel really badly about how rushed the last angst fic was 🥺🫶🏽
Were you maybe a bit too possessive of Jack? Yes, but did he mind? No. Jack loves your jealousy and would often egg it on. You never were jealous or possessive out of reason, there was always a reason and right now a very good one. Anger boiled from within you as you see Jack standing in his VIP section in the club with his arm wrapped around some girl. Your body moves before you could think about your actions as you storm up to him.
“So, this is what we’re doing now?” You ask him.
“Baby, calm down.” He says trying to detonate the situation.
“Calm down, Jackman?” You yell.
“What if I let some random dude put his arm around me at a club, in public? Would you be calm, huh?” You ask him.
“Y/n, can we not do this right now?” You scoff at his words.
“I can’t do us right now if you think this is okay.” You laugh, shaking your head as you back away from him.
“Y/n. This is my fucking cousin.” He says under his breath.
That’s when you take in the sight of Brian, Maggie, and Clay. Oh fuck.
“Your cousin.” You say under your breath.
“Nice to meet you, y/n. I heard a lot of good things about you.” She says cheekily. You’d be upset too.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You apologize to the group before walking away.
How could you be so stupid? His whole family thinks you’re some crazy jealous girlfriend now. The bass from the loud music vibrates from under your feet as you make your way to the club’s exit, pushing past people. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. The cool air pinches your skin as you step out, taking in a deep breath. You should’ve known there was a reason for him to make it such a big deal for you to come to this appearance. He’d been doing so many club shows that at a point he started telling you it wasn’t worth it to come, but this one he wanted you there. You sat and thought about it too. What made this one so different, and now you know. It was a fucking family reunion apparently. You let your feet drag you to your car. The second you got into the vehicle all your anger had subdued Into guilt.
Hours pass before Jack walks through the door. You sit on the couch in the living room, terrified of what his reaction will be. Is the end of your relationship?
“So, wanna talk about it?” He asks sitting next to you.
“I am so sorry, Jack. I just got angry and then I acted out based on that. It was wrong, and I want to apologize to your cousin, and the rest of your family.” You breathe out.
Jack chuckles at you and scoots closer to you.
“No one is mad at you. Everyone laughed it off I promise, but what was that about some dude wrapping his arm around you?” He asks, a smiling spreading across his lips.
“No, Jack. Hold me accountable that shit wasn’t right.” You groan.
“You know, you just look so good when you’re angry and jealous.” He says, bending his head into the crook of your neck and leaving kisses.
“Jack.” You breathe out, pulling away from him.
“I’m serious. I feel shitty about the situation.” You sigh.
“Then let me make you feel good.” He smirks.
No matter how low or down things got for you, somehow you could always rely on the fact that at least Jack could get turned on by the situation.
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