#and it can break your conceived notions about them
mistprints · 1 year
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utterlyotterlyx · 6 months
Hello! Can I request a fic for Helion where reader finds out she is pregnant after years of trying, where she had started being hopeless and close to giving up, and decides to surprise Helion with the news.
Hell yeah you can! x
Precious Gifts
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Summary - After centuries of trying to conceive, you're just about ready to give up, that is until the Mother decides to give you the most precious gift of all.
Warnings - mentions of sex, mentions of miscarriages, depression, so much fluff that my heart can't cope.
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There was nothing you wanted more than a baby.
After everything had finally come to an end and Prythian felt safe again, it seemed like to perfect time to bring your own bundle of beautiful babbling joy into the world.
Helion was your mate, the love of all of your lives, the one your soul searched for in the darkness, the one you always knew you'd find no matter what world you landed in next. He was yours and you were his and that was it.
You and Helion had tried for centuries to have a child before Amarantha, and each time your nights entangled in one another had been successful it seemed like the Mother had decided it wasn't your time yet and ripped your dream out of the palms of your hands. It was painful, and it made you feel like less of a woman, like you weren't worthy of Helion.
Of course Helion thought that notion was nonsense, he loved you for you, not what your body could give him. He remembered the moment the bond had snapped for him, he spied you walking along the sandy shores of the Day Court beach by his palace, your hair was unbound and you wore a loose fitted white dress, no shoes to be seen. Helion believed you were an angel plucked from the heavens and sent to him, so beautiful and pure, and submissive in the only way that mattered. In the bedroom.
Helion recounted the copious amounts of times he had pulled orgasm upon orgasm out of your body, turning you into a bumbling ball of pleasure beneath him that shuddered with oversensitivity as he worked you through endless highs. No one could compare to you, his old ways went out of the window abruptly, all he wanted was you.
Trying for a baby had made him so happy, the excitement in him was so clear that it hurt even more when your body failed your dreams. The sex became more of a chore, neither of you were enjoying it anymore, and it was breaking him to see you so torn and conflicted, so you decided to stop actively trying to conceive, to love yourself and your relationship again.
A babe would arrive when the time was right, Helion had cooed it to you plenty of times whilst you had cried in his arms, apologising for what you couldn't do. Helion would tell you that babes were rare, that it took some couples a few centuries to conceive their first.
Then Amarantha happened, and Helion was taken from you whilst she raided your plush libraries to the ground, taking what she wanted whilst teasing you cruelly about your failures as a woman, to not do the only thing your High Lord required of you.
You had spent fifty years ruling over the Day Court in his absence, you had spent everyday missing him and yearning for him, your touch starved body crying out for its mate. Every citizen had made it clear how well you were doing, how you did your best to not let them feel as though all was lost, it was exhausting but you did it, and the Day Court was thankful for your endless efforts to preserve their way of life.
Helion had returned, and his advisors had sent him to you, telling him you were in your usual place along the shore with your pup trotting along behind you with ears flopping in the breeze and splashing in the waves.
He had ran to you, you had both cried endlessly, and he had made love to you on that beach with the sun dipping low against the ocean and the sky kissed with orange and pink.
Then the war with Hybern, the war you doubted you'd win. But you did, and Helion had come back to you, weary and traumatised; he had fallen into your arms, and you had caressed his hair until he fell asleep on your lap.
And then finally, you both knew it was time to start again, that the reason you weren't able to withhold a pregnancy was because the Mother needed you elsewhere all of those years, she didn't want to burden you with being a single mother whilst your mate was locked away or fighting in a war to save all of Prythian.
Helion had always been the most doting and passionate lover, rolling his hips into you with perfect precision toward that spot he knew made you go wild, his lips attached to your neck, his whispers telling you how much he loved you and how good you were for him, his fingers always knowing which part of you to touch next. Helion was the best in Prythian, you were sure of it, and had no issue expressing that fact to him as he made your vision explode in a kaleidoscope of white sunshine foaming with golden fire.
Then, one morning, you felt it. The panging pain in your breasts and the slight nausea that pooled in your stomach along with the dull throb of your head. Inhaling, you gasped, noting the all too familiar change in your scent. Your hands drifted to your stomach and you smiled, tears pricked the corners of your eyes and you giggled, allowing a shaky exhale to flow from your lips.
The sun streaked through the thin curtains that danced in the summer breeze, the ocean twinkled against her light and your looked to your right to find Helion still softly dozing on his front, his body bare and perfectly sculpted. It was clear you had both slept right through to the afternoon.
Quietly, you tiptoed to your shared bathroom, filling the tub with hot water and oils to make your skin glisten, and you submerged yourself in it, you hair tied up so that it didn't get wet. You felt like you were glowing, like you could feel that swelling seed inside of you growing with each passing moment.
"Hello, My Sun," Helion purred from the doorway, his lower half covered with a thin sheet that left little to the imagination, he truly was delicious.
Your mate approached, lips still swollen from your hours long entanglement from the night before, and pressed a kiss into your hair before dropping the sheet and climbing in behind you. Helion's fingers grazed along your sides and he tugged you into his embrace, humming in relaxation as the water and oils soothed his body.
"Wine? I know you love a glass whilst you bathe," he worked his fingers into the knots of your shoulders, unknowing to your changed state due to your scent being masked by the oils and candles he had lit, ocean salt drifting through the room.
You hummed, "No, I can't drink anymore," you ran your fingers over his muscular thighs, having vivid flashbacks of you riding them the night before with shaky moans falling from your lips as you came on them.
Helion frowned, "You've never said no to a wine," he noted, huffing and moving you so that you were straddling him, you bottom half was submerged and wrapped around his nose, your nipples just reaching under the surface of the water. Helion searched your face, "What's going on?"
A bright smile beamed on your face and you reached for his hands, playing with his fingers before resting them on your stomach, "Nothing, I just can't drink anymore."
Helion looked at you with pure bewilderment before following to where his hands now lay flat against your stomach, he gasped and snapped his gaze back up to you, inhaling deeply before laughing softly, "You're pregnant," he breathed, wasting no time in bundling you into his arms and kissing you deeply, tears of pure joy flowing down his face.
"It's our turn for some happiness now," you told him, squealing in laughter when he scooped you from the tub and took you to back to bed, hovering over you with that delicious arousal you adored.
"A baby or not, I will never not be happy with you, My Sun."
Let's just say that neither of you left the bedroom for the next three days, Helion was happy to keep you wrapped up with his body, making you feel things you hadn't before, all whilst taking every opportunity to caress and whisper his love to your soon-to-be bump.
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For An Elephant is Warm and Mushy, what's the deal with Ichigo and Isshin? Cause I hate Isshin, but I want to know what your take is on it. (Sorry if you've already addressed this.)
I think my thoughts on Isshin in AEIWAM are best summed up as such:
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To elaborate: I think that, if he had been a father under normal circumstances, Isshin would have been a perfectly competent and even a good father.
...But he's not parenting under Normal Circumstances.
He's parenting as widower (alone) with three psychic (no how-to guides on this!) and traumatized (Especially Ichigo) children, while processing his own trauma (Again, Widower), while in a HIGHLY demanding and stressful career (Emergency care specialist/Surgeon), while technically on the run from the law (he's still wanted for being a deserter), while also in Apex Predator Central (Karkura is CHOCK A FUCKING BLOCK fulla hollows).
And BY GOD, the man is trying! AEIWAM! Isshin does his best to keep his children informed of the dangers of their world while not also risking them breaking his witness protection scheme. He works extremely hard and his best to keep them fed, housed, safe, educated and loved, and he LOVES them SO MUCH. Isshin is NEVER shy always genuine with affection towards his children! Hell, he even reaches out to who he can (Urahara, Ryukken, his neighbors, the kid's teachers) for help because he knows he's in over his head and needs help and that's a hard damn thing for a parent to do, but...
...It's not enough.
He still lies to his children. For perfectly sane and understandable reasons, but he still lies to them. He still doesn't understand his children- He gives them all the love he can, as best he knows how, but Ichigo especially speaks an entirely different love language. He's still not there for his children. Balancing three kids is ROUGH when you're a single parent and I'm afraid Isshin has some old-fashioned notions about gender that cause him to prioritize the twins over Ichigo. And worse, he's not there when Ichigo, and later the twins, start being in mortal danger from the fallout of his connection to Soul Society.
He grit his teeth and moved heaven and earth to rise to the occasion and still managed to fall well short of it.
A+ for Effort
D- for The Actual Results
So. Why DOES Isshin keep failing at healthy communication? Why DOES he make bizarre choices? Why DOES he suck at being a father?
As I was writing I realized the answer is that he was in the right time and place to accidentally learn some VERY bad habits from his friends and colleagues during his heavy involvement in the Soi Fon-Yoruichi Debacle.
This is already a very long post, so the explanation is under the cut:
To be clear: It's not their fault.
It's one of those awful "Its nobody's fault specifically, but the way human minds work means that this sort of conflict and bad behavior was inevitable" situations. The tragedy of being discrete beings.
The crux of Soi Fon and Yoruichi's relationship was that two people who had previously only moderate issues met another person whose own issues massively exacerbated their own in a continuously escalating cycle.
AEIWAM! Soi Fon is the SOLE surviving child of the Fon Clan. He five older brothers were all killed in service to the second division and the Shihon clan. Possibly under Yoruichi's direction, if I understand the timelines right. She was also raised from a very young age to ignore her own needs as a person, use violence as a Solution to her problems, largely starved of affection, and to hero-worship Yoruichi. Girl was already messed up when she walked into the Second division.
AEIWAM! Yoruichi is ALSO a sole surviving clan heir (Yushiro is conceived as a direct result to her vanishing in TBTP) and ALSO taught to use violence as a first solution, but instead of a self-sacrificing mindset, Yoruichi was raised to believe that other people sacrificing themselves for her was normal, good and even virtuous on their part. She was also sort of doted on by her parents, who were thrilled that their last-chance heir was shaping up so well (So far as they knew).
You can see how this was always going to go badly.
Soi fon is desperate to please. Yoruichi thinks this is perfectly normal and desirable behavior, and so she rewards it with copious affection, because Soi Fon responds to that well. Soi fon, receiving her first hit of positive reinforcement in her whole life, promptly falls head over heels for Yoruichi, and works even harder for her. Yoruichi, thrilled to have someone so capable, continues to reward this behavior. The cycle continues, and escalates.
Eventually, the two of them are operating in completely different worlds. So far as Soi Fon can tell, She and Yoruichi are in a Grand Romance, like a knight and her princess in the fairytale stories she used to comfort herself with as a little girl. She assumes this is a normal relationship between lieutenant and captain. So far as Yoruichi can tell, She and Soi Fon are in a Perfectly Normal And Platonic Working Relationship, because this is how every 2nd Division Lieutenant has fawned over their Shihon captain since the division's inception, and she assumes this is perfectly normal.
At some point, Soi Fon realizes that their relationship is really one-sided and she's giving 110% for maybe 4% on Yoruichi's behalf, but she's invested so much and every authority figure in her life is telling her that this is Right and Correct, that she actively chooses the fantasy over reality to cope with her circumstances. At some point, Yoruichi realizes that she's wildly taking advantage of Soi Fon's romantic feelings that she... well. She likes the girl well enough, but not romantically. But She relies so much on Soi Fon to run the 2nd Division and every authority figure in her life is telling her that this is Right and Correct that she actively chooses to play into Soi Fon's fantasy to preserve this very beneficial (for her) status Quo.
...Enter Kisuke Urahara.
Urahara has no horse in this particular race- in fact, he doesn't even know there's a race going on. He's deeply enamored of this ABSOLUTE BABE that's into his schlubby little ass, who's cool and funny and involved in the same insane workplace he is, and when Yoruichi sometimes complains to him about how crazy her lieutenant is, his only frame of reference is... Mayuri. He thinks this is normal, and the romantic relationship between him and Yoruichi continues to grow. She's his unexpected 11 out of 10, he's her fun dirty little secret. It's kinda tawdry, but it is honest.
Then TBTP happens. Kisuke and Yoruichi sorta accidentally frame themselves for treason, then someone (Aizen) very on purpose frames them for treason.
And so far as Soi Fon knows, the woman she loved, the woman she devoted her life to, the woman who (allegedly) loved her back- has lied to and discarded her.
It hurts. It hurts A Lot.
...Enter Isshin Shiba.
In AEIWAM, Isshin becomes a captain the same week TBTP happens, though he's on the other side of the rukongai when that shit goes down, so he shows up to his first captain's meeting with more than half the captains being brand new to their jobs, not totally sure what he or anyone else is doing-
-And there's Soi Fon. Alone and Miserable.
Isshin is an older brother to a younger sister (who never gets a name in canon) and an uncle to her three children, but they all live way out in the middle of nowhere so he hardly ever sees them and seeing Soi Fon at the meeting, exhausted and distraught (And maybe a little bit hungover) activates every single Big Brother And Uncle instinct he's been looking to inflict on someone.
It's VERY easy for him to hear Soi Fon's side of the story, conveniently ignore the part where she actively chose to believe in a romantic relationship she knew didn't actually exist, and cast Yoruichi as The Bad Guy Who Took Advantage Of My Poor Substitute Little Sister.
Soi Fon, who had *almost* been on the verge of being realistic about the breakup, leans into his version of the story, because, again, she's massively starved for affection and Isshin is giving her the type of love her now-dead brothers used to. So Isshin learns Bad Gender Habits here, and Bad Listening Habits, and Bad "Casting People Into Roles Instead Of Treating Them Like People" Habits, and gets rewarded for them with Soi Fon's attention and sisterly affection.
This is also probably where his decision-making skills start to decline- Soi Fon is a Trusted Colleague of his, and he goes to her for advice on Tricky Political Things, because that's what 2nd division DOES. Unfortunately, Soi Fon lives in Information Opsec Paranoia Spy Shit Hell, and gives her advice out accordingly. He starts favoring not giving out details unless he thinks it's REALLY necessary, and using bad-faith decision making. Even More unfortunately, the Gotei-13 is a hot mess of an organization and these habits serve him well.
...Enter Masaki Ishida, and shortly thereafter, Exit Isshin Shiba until he appears in the Human world as Dr. Isshin Kurosaki, and his wife, Masaki Kurosaki.
It's during the "I met a woman who is *technically* an enemy of the state, but she was so cool I fell so hard in love I decided to do a desertion and light treason" mess, Isshin becomes properly acquainted with Urahara and Yoruichi, and eventually, he hears Yoruichi's side of the story. He reverses course, now Soi Fon is the Crazy Ex, and Yoruichi was just doing what was necessary to survive in their demented military-industrial-spy-governement workplace.
Yoruichi doubles down on his "Shut the FUCK up or Yamamoto or worse is gonna come and kill us, and everyone we love" paranoia, because she's also on the run, and when he comes to her for advice on "So apparently the hollows are WAY stronger than I thought, they KILLED MY WIFE, how am I supposed to keep my kids safe?" She advocates teaching them how to recognize and hide from hollows rather than proper self-defense or the truth, because her first fear still is retribution from Soul Society. It's not insane of her- Yamamoto has a very literally fiery temper and can hold grudges for millennia.
So Isshin Tries. But he's also very burdened by paranoid neurotic behavior he doesn't even know he has, and dodgy-if-not-totally-insane advice from his friends.
And that's what I think of Isshin Kurosaki :)
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anamericangirl · 4 months
It drives me kind of crazy how often I see you having to argue the same points over and over with people. It seems to me as if I should just be able to scroll your blog a bit, get a good idea of your feelings on things, and then know everything I need to know about how you'll answer. How do you deal with this strange, perverse popularity you've garnered? How many times do you think you'll have to tell people that an unborn baby is a person and entitled to all the protections any other person should be? Every other 'gotcha' and nice and narrow circumstance that someone could possibly ask about abortion should be a 'don't make me tap the sign' moment, right? Yes, aborting a child conceived of rape is bad because the baby is innocent. Yes aborting a child because the mother's circumstances changed is bad because the child has a right to life too. Yes, when you fuck someone you're consenting to the risk of bringing a new life into the world, and you don't get to revoke that consent later for any reason. I can't help but think these people keep trying to mental-backflip their way into a position where their beliefs aren't barbarically monstrous has to be coming from some feeling of guilt. At some point in their lives they coerced someone to kill their baby, or maybe they killed their own baby, and if they confront the idea that they took part in killing an innocent person they will burst into flames or something. They're desperate to try to convince people that they're actually a good person, that they're not monsters, and that they don't need to repent for the lives they've ended.
I'm convinced that most people are motivated by compassion, but it's so devilishly easy to trick and coerce people in misdirecting that compassion towards evil means. Change the lens and perspective on a situation and you can find someone gullible enough to believe what they're advocating for is good and righteous. When compassionate people are confronted with the notion they've been tricked and used for evil, I think they tend more often than not to break. They have to twist themselves back up into a deluded mindset to defend their minds and souls from the pain of admitting they were used, and in the process they only perpetuate more evil...
Anyway, I think you're great. The only thing we seem to be able to do with these people is to be a wall they can't break down or climb over. We have to be like concrete, so when they slam into us they only cause themselves pain. There can be no bending or breaking in the face of people that will take any sign of weakness as an indication they are right. If there's any chance of them coming back from where they are, then walls like you need to help guide them along the right path as they seek to slam through you.
I think you are pretty much right. Some of it might be guilt, some of it's misguided and warped "compassion" and some is just straight up indoctrination. That's why for the majority of them, once they make their initial argument they can't engage with you in an intellectual discussion after you challenge it. All they know is the line but they can't rationalize it because they surround themselves in echo chambers where they don't have to rationalize things. They're not used to engaging in discussion with people who don't just nod in agreement with them or don't accept what they say at face value.
And, like, yeah it does get a little tiring to have to say the same things over and over again when it's not hard to find my answer by taking a quick glance at my blog. I've literally addressed every single pro-abortion argument in existence at this point I think lol. But on the other hand I don't mind especially if it seems to be someone who I haven't interacted with before and is genuinely curious (even if it's something I've answered before) versus someone who keeps asking me the same things over and over again and is just completely ignoring my answer or thinks if they slightly change the scenario my answer will be different. And sometimes it's hard to differentiate between those two types of people lol.
For whatever reason, they just can't accept that there's never a time where you have to kill a baby. And that might be where a little bit of the guilt comes in. They see me and others say that and they immediately start trying to invent scenarios (some completely outlandish) where it's necessary to kill a baby. Because if they can't find an exception then that means they have actually been advocating for something truly horrible this entire time and none of them want to admit they've been doing that.
Thanks so much!!
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 2 months
I don’t believe in Canon Events, but I this theory on how they might work.
My idea is that if you jump to another universe and change stuff in that universe by your own doing! (Not helping, helping is a different case) so let me break it down even further.
Miguel went to a universe not of his own, and impersonated a dead version of himself. He wasn't supposed to change things there since it's not his home universe.
In Gwen’s universe. Gwen’s father quit the police force, so he’s not going to be a police captain. So that canon event is not going to happen.
Basically, canon events can be altered but they have to done by the Spider-Man/Spider-Woman in their original universe.
So with Miles situation, he can save his father and the universe would be fine but if someone like Peter B. saved him the universe would crash.
What do you think?
. . .
Okay, I had been staring at this question for days (make it two months now, fuck I am sorry.), unsure of how to answer, and not for the reasons you may like.
So, I kind of have two answers for this:
If this is for a story, fic/comic on your own? I think is a good idea! It works perfectly fine, and it could lead to some really interesting possibilities in the right hands.
Now, as for this being the explanation of why things are happening how are happening? ...Boy how I phrase this.
This is really, the thing that has been taking me so goddamn long to answer this question; and is honestly more my own fault than anything else, I can tell you that much.
So, here is the thing, is this plausible? Yes, it could be the case.
Here is the part that has been making me trip for 2 months: Why you believe this is the case?
Let me tell you guys something about me: I don't make long essays with screenshots and receipts because I'm some snotty asshole who thinks is smarter than everyone, is actually pretty much the opposite: I trust my own judgment so little I make long ass explanations with proof from the canon material, to show that I am not pulling things out of my ass because I would not assume anyone would believe me otherwise.
You are going in the right direction with this, you are looking at the problem, the different pieces, and trying to make sense of it. But what I am going with all of this, is to try to look into why you think this is the answer to this puzzle, instead of something else.
This reminds me to something I heard growing up, from edgy classmates who liked to be a contrarian "Who says g-d exist, instead of things happening because an invisible wizard is doing catastrophe happen across the globe in his Antarctic resident?"
As you can see this is an absurd example brought by some 11 yo kid who loved being a shit head, however it does bring up a valid point: You can't prove that wizard doesn't exist, but in exchange, he couldn't prove the wizard existed, either.
Something being plausible is not enough most of the time, even when people heard something plausible and believe it, is normally because they already had per-conceived notions that made them skew in that direction.
You asked for my opinion at the end of your post, so I am giving you my honest answer: I don't believe in Canon event, none of them, because the prime example of one going wrong has more holes than a gruyere cheese, and nothing in either movie has made me think they are real.
This is what I am asking from you: Do you think Canon Events can be true under certain circumstances? Why these circumstances, rather than them being fully nonsense, or working exactly as Miguel said they did? What was the reason you thought this works this way, and no other?
I am asking you this because there may be a logic only you can see, there may be a way to see these scenes, this story, on a way that makes your theory make more sense and be more cohesive than my arguments, I can fully think this is the case.
But you are the one with the theory, meaning you are the only one with the eyes able to see the rest of this thread. Maybe you subconsciously came up with this theory because there are parts of the movie that point on this direction.
So go for it, go down the rabbit hole and see what you find.
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loeyshandtattoo · 2 months
the lady of moonreach
FIFTH CHAPTER, The Pawn on the Board
chapter summary: days after the war, Namra determined to know what her dreams meant, and as she pieces the things. For her things are starting to finally make sense, the truth that costed her life. chapter warnings: character death oof, labor (giving birth)
a/n: the events in this chapter may confuse you a lot 😅 but they'll be shed light to in the future. thank you so much to the people that has been supporting this story, it is about to end in two more chapters to finally give me the allowance to write the second book.
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Picture is from Pinterest, ctto
In this world, there is absolutely no one, you can trust.
AFTER THAT DREAM I KNEW WHAT WAS LEFT for me to do, and the answers lay behind the doors of Lord Greenwell's study, amid the evening glow where the moon's position was definitely at its peak, and the night was growing. Luckily, father's study was one of the places that survived both the fire and the attack.
The lantern continued to illuminate my path, as I was trying to be silent through the still and sound quietness that enveloped the halls of Moonreach as I made my way towards my father's study. Once I have reached the door to the room that once belonged to my father, I unlocked it open with the key that I remember that he once gave me back then, and he thought that he must forge a spare just in case, and this evening this key will answer all the questions.
The study was filled with dust in the air signifying how old the place was, the shelves that held the books and archives as well as important documents, and right at the center was the table, both the quill and ink were there, but the ink, now dry. The place that I still refuse to open before as my mind was occupied with preparing for battle and strategizing with the allies. I forgot everything in this room could've led us to win favor.
What caught me off guard was that on the top of the table, everything in this room is dusted and untouched except for the table. As if someone has entered this room before.
I decluttered all the papers and documents that might be of value in the drawers, and at the bottom most drawer contained a wax sealed letter adorned by our house sigil. A letter that was supposedly be sent to someone, and that I opened the envelope and started reading what is inside.
To the loyalist of the usurper king Fritz,
Skybound has been the bountiful land of the House Greenwell for 200 years, and that we can never give up. I have known the real mastermind behind the assassination that ended the House Actaeon, and now the return of the true heir will mark the end of your rebellion against the peace of Iris, as it was supposed to be for the last two centuries.
The end of your rebellion will serve as a reminder to your leader of what it is to break an oath, to be a murderer behind a loving family and a kingdom that is flourishing by itself for centuries ever since that day where the agreement was made on the lands where now the Long River resides. The prophecy no longer applies to us, our abilities no longer make room for us to make use of it, and the people of Iris have no slightest notion of the curse, you call a gift, they were born with.
Tell them that we know. The blood of Admes Actaeon runs in my veins. The family of Actaeon that sided with him and converted our new names to Greenwell to pass on the legacy. We have known of the stunt you pulled with king Fritz's daughter that was conceived in a brothel, you have had her adopted by the House Ambers without any knowledge of her identity, using her now as your pawn and your only remaining hope now that your king is dead.
Let us shed blood,
For the Creator, Iris.
Lord Alliser Greenwell
As I have read the letter, my jaw slacked. All this time, the usurper king has been a puppet all along. This was not a solo show, and all this time I thought Asia and I have been working by ourselves all this time. They destroyed my family just because father refused to give in to the demands of the loyalist group.
I made haste towards the shelves that will allow me to search the family history of each noble house in the kingdom of Iris, and I finally found the one that I have been looking for, and the date that it was last updated. Year 451 AC (After the Creator) and grabbed the book that was entitled, 'The Noble House of Ambers: Family History & Tree'
Making my way through the pages and looking for the particular page, and read something that caught my eye.
Lord Derrick Ambers married to Lady Nymeria Silverhades of Silverhaven (a distant relative of the current Lord Elwick Silverhades)
The children are as follows: Lord Dwayne Ambers (446 AC - 449 AC), Lady Estella Ambers (448 AC - 449 AC), Lady Irene Ambers (451 AC) ADOPTED
My breath hitched, it was all making sense now, the loyalist members in the king's council and an arranged marriage with the usurper's daughter conceived with a prostitute, and now they plan to consolidate their control over the crown using this engagement as their opportunity. They thought that the battle would end with my death, and for that to happen, would be very unfortunate, unfortunate indeed.
"We almost lost you, Namra. We almost lost Moonreach." Asia cried. "I thought you were going to leave me alone to fend for myself."
I shushed her and tried to free her from her worries, "It won't happen that easily, you underestimate me, sister." I chuckled as I consoled her.
"We were supposed to arrive the day before just in time for the battle, but the Dawnspire Knights were delayed on the time that they were supposed to arrive. Chanyeol and I agreed that they are to arrive the day after Chanyeol ordered Lady Ambers to send word for more reinforcements in the battlefield." Asia continued to complain of the delay in time.
It was really beginning to make sense now. She was meant to delay the backup, but failed, she almost thought that I would die in this battle. At least that is what the council should have told her. Biggest mistake.
Then a knock on the door interrupted me from my thoughts. "My lady, it's Lord Baekhyun." He called from behind the door.
"Come in." I loudly replied. Then he busted the door open, "Urgent news from the capital from Junmyeon." He announced and quickly grabbed hold of the letter and immediately tore the adhesive that sealed the letter.
Chanyeol is about to wed in a secret ceremony the day after tomorrow. Think about this one, Namra, there is still remaining time left.
"Baekhyun. I entrust to you Moonreach." I commanded. "Have your men send word to the Lady Asia Silverhades, tell her that we have a wedding to crash. I don't have much time. I'm asking you a big favor again." I pleaded and he smiled at me.
I rushed to my room finding a set of comfortable clothes for my journey down south, and I'll be able to return to the capital by midday.
As I ran down the stairs and went out, bringing me with essentials that would might lead me back to Stonehearth just in time for his wedding. I pulled the leash on my horse, fed her enough for the journey, and calmed her down before mounting and left for the capital.
I remembered the time I saw Stonehearth for the first time. I sat across Asia, who convinced me that Chanyeol was the right person to aid me of my grievances about Moonreach and father despite a strained relationship, but now in his letter, he was about to declare for him. He was about to swear his loyalty to him not until the fire that happened.
How did father knew about the family? How did father knew of the prophecy?
"Namra." A familiar voice called. I turned my back, and it was Asia.
"I hope old age isn't consuming you yet. We have a ton of work to do." I said. Asia smirked, "Finally, we're back at it again." She squealed in excitement and I chuckled at her reaction.
Junmyeon quietly talked in his chambers where Asia and I are in hiding, "They can't know that we are here. They might do something if they know I'm here." I whisphered.
"Lady Irene Ambers is an illegitimate child of the usurper king. I have read it in the letter of my father, but the letter he was to reply to went missing." I said and then quickly showed Junmyeon the letter and he read the letter.
"So, if Lady Ambers is wed to Chanyeol, then the loyalists will have much more control over the crown." Junmyeon inquired.
I nodded in reply.
"We just can't let her get away with this." I raised my voice.
"Oh, the power of love." Junmyeon chuckled.
Asia and I stood up, surprised of this anticipating feeling that is creeping up my veins.
"I was looking for this letter all along, and now you have given it to me because the letter that was addressed to your father was with me all this time. I sent this letter, and I was the one behind the fire." Junmyeon declared.
"He has made you weak. I've known that since you left for Moonreach." He added. I was shocked. Asia and I were betrayed.
"I supported your restoration to of course retrieve this, and that." He was pointing to the letter. Then he forcedfully grabbed the letter from my hands and in my attempt to fight him off, he was one step ahead and pushed me, weakening my stance, as Asia was about to follow suit, she was also stopped by Junmyeon.
He laughed, "I love how much passionate you are of rebuilding your father's legacy and all about that."
"But the thing about you, is that from the moment you were born, we knew of the failure you'll bring. That's why mom and dad sent you to the orphanage." Junmyeon said.
"What?!" I was caught off guard.
"I'll do some explaining next time, sis." He said and left and attempted to retaliate, but I felt my body weakened and tried to look at Asia, she was already sleeping.
What Asia and I both know, our vision blurred, and all our hope was lost. We thought we were playing the upper hand from both sides, I thought that I could still avenge my father's death and even bring at least justice to Chanyeol's family. To be robbed of people you depend on for life is the most brutal crime you can commit against another person.
Chanyeol was just learning his trade. At five months old, he lost his family.
"I thought we're one step ahead, but we were also pawns being played on the board." I sighed as I watched our wrists chained, locked away in the dungeon, made to rot away.
Asia reassured me despite the situation we're both in, "You have always tried your best, Namra. We both know it. You wanted to avenge father, and you love him deeply that's why you're doing this." She mumbled as she hung on both of her wrists.
I looked at her, feeling apologetic of everything, why did I have to drag Asia into this. "I don't know if everything is worth it for him. Doing this."
"So, you think Chanyeol's not worth fighting for? Even he was engaged to somebody else, he told me of how he dreamed of you in a battlefield and how you have died. I can tell from his tone that he was scared, scared of losing you." Asia explained.
"Oh. I never thought about that one exactly." I admitted.
"Yeah, poor guy was so love sick he could almost die." A female voice interrupted and I looked to my right and saw Lady Irene Ambers as she smirked right at us. "I must say, you two are gullible and slow." She chuckled.
"He just wanted you, it was so cute honestly, but I can't help that if I'm queen to be someday. It's going to be such a sight to behold. You both will bend the knee!" She laughed as she continued taunting us to make us further miserable about ourselves.
Then she stopped, "Oh yeah that won't happen 'cause I'll kill you right here!" Then I saw her slashed Asia's throat. Blood spilling out from her throat. Right in front of my eyes. Asia was dead in such fast motion.
I screamed at how swift and quick she was. I was already boiling in anger, "That ought to teach you a lesson." Irene said.
Driven by anger, my tears falling, "Why didn't you just kill me instead?!" I raised my voice right at her, releasing a deafening sound and she held both of her ears.
Irene continued to laugh, "Honey, you're dying already. Your brother poisoned you in your sleep, a sense you won't be able to understand. He did the same thing to you, lured you into his trap, and your brother merely did the same thing."
"It's as if your brain is slowly being eaten away." Her voice starting to echo as I try to stay sane. My brain is like hurting and aching severely. "But if you do insist a knife in your heart. You could've just said so." She said as she fumbled with her dagger looking still straight at me. "Oh, I see it's taking effect..." She continued to chuckle.
Then I felt a sharp blade cut through my left chest, and my head is pounding. "That is for everyone you left behind." She mumbled and I remember my breath hitched as I succumbed to the only fate I was heading towards to, and that was death.
All my life I have believed that I had no purpose to serve at all. Every point in my life, it always has its way of reminding and belittling me of my value.
I thought that through this I'd finally have it. I thought I could just give it up and be happy.
A flash of white continued blinded me of my vision, supposedly afterlife, they call. Then my heart accelerated, a phenomenon I just can't fathom, then a voice called my name.
"Your Grace, we need to push." The midwife sternly said.
I examined the room, the bedchamber was decorated with such medieval touch. It was almost evening as I see the sun setting as the door to the balcony was left ajar, perhaps to allow air in. My struggling and frail body, surrounded by a number of people, which I do not know at all.
Then my hands were gripping the white pillows. I continued to scream and welp in pain.
"We can see the head, keep on pushing, Your Grace." She continued. Then once again I yelped in extreme pain, as if my internal organs were about to exit from a one more push.
"Keep pushing. Your Grace." She encouraged.
I continued to miserably moan in absolute stress and pain trying to push the other infant out. I took a couple of breaths, and then I braced the headboard for more control and screamed once more, and from the moment I released that loud growl, the ground trembled as if a massive earthquake was occuring amidst me giving labor.
I let out another screamed and the shaking intensified. "Your Grace, another one." She said as she carried the other infant safely tucked in her arms as they both cleaned them up. Then he entered, the king. He was overjoyed to see the twins being nursed and tucked at my embrace.
"What do we name them?" He asked.
"Apollo and Historia." I glanced at him and he smiled and nodded in reply. "They will be both great rulers some day, carrying my name." He answered.
Hearing that made me smile. I thought I was in love.
One night, while peacefully rested in my bedchambers. A creak of a door was heard, the sound alerted me to sit upright and I was greeted by a frightening figure. "No need to be scared." She softly spoke as she lit the candles to light the room.
"You're good at hiding." She praised. "Aaron thought he married an idiot woman from the highest of the noble houses." Her voice becoming so menacing and annoying. "He was wrong." She chuckled.
"It's quite admirable how you've become the king's childbearer now, when the queen is supposed to be fulfilling that duty."
"Ah, yes. He mentioned me about how different and important you are to the realm." She mumbled as she swiftly paraded around the room. "Listen, carefully."
"They're our children now. I'll be their mother, and they will call me mother, I tell them every now and then that I gave birth to them, and if you dare show your face to them. I'll have them both killed." queen Amethyst threatened.
"No. Not my children, Your Grace. He offered me a deal." She continued to mock my plea and continued to laugh.
"You shall not worry, you are to stay here, so that we can keep a watchful eye, but Aaron has to know that you succumbed to your childbirth illness that just came. You will be provided for."
"The wheel does not break."
"The line of House Actaeon carries a curse, a curse I produced. All the matter of life created, upon death will be destroyed."
"Our house is in ruins! The war has brought great destruction in this family."
"Her life is in danger, my love."
"That is why she needs to be separated from our kind, where she does not know of her destiny."
"Do you believe that love can be, you know, a power, a force, Namra?" I heard father's voice.
I was back again in Skybound, it's as if nothing happened. Father is still yet alive, we're happily strolling around the grounds of Moonreach, untouched, our family, unbroken. We're still leading our lives happily.
"What do you mean, father?" I asked.
"I have been waiting my entire life to tell this story to someone, someone like my daughter." He said.
"Iris was a pure hearted woman and that is why she is named after this kingdom, she had everything a girl could ask for." Father narrated as we both walked in the gardens.
I looked at him, invested in the story. "However, inside, Iris was broken. She longed for love, the feeling she lacked to receive from her parents, and even men that told her would bend the world to their will, and for that, she easily believed those men."
"Iris visioned a phenomenon of pure lasting love, so that she could one day know if the man she loves also reciprocates them back."
I snorted, "Okay?"
"Stop acting like that. She said that the truest and the most genuine form of love, is that when love does its works, it forms a bond with someone. That bond does not break under any other case, but a foretold future."
"Like a prophecy?" I asked.
"Yes, dearest." He nodded. "It has the power to bring back someone to life, to protect them from someone else. No matter the odds they'll be together."
"Whatever, father. You are definitely consumed by the books in the library. You read more fairytales than me." I trailed off. "Where are you heading off to?" He asked.
"I must return to my chambers. Read books." I tried to escape from the conversation.
"You do love him, don't you, child?" He asked, and he was still there remained seated in the beautifully well-crafted garden bench.
Being reminded of him, the night in the library, where it was only the two of us. The lingering feel of his touch branded on my skin, his affections that he never second guessed to declare right before me. The way he said that he loved me. The way he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.
"Yeah, I do very much." I replied.
"The Creator resides in you, child." He spoke.
Meanwhile in the halls of Ironhold, steps can be heard, quickened pace and tried to urgently make its way to the throne room.
Baekhyun, barged into the throne room in search of the only person, and there he was seated in the actual throne.
Chanyeol Actaeon.
"Lord Baekhyun, we are glad to have you here in Ironhold." He greeted. Then, he just stood there in the middle, reacting nonchalant to his words.
"Is something the matter, Lord Baekhyun?" He queried.
"Yeah, there is." He replied cooly. "A matter that is still waiting to be resolved and is long overdue."
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Okaaaay, re your commentary on A Smuggler's Tale of Woe: how would Silco react if Mel did get pregnant? And if she wanted to keep it?
Ditto if the same happened with Sevika or one of his 'favourites'.
I imagine he'd be very cognisant of how his existing daughter would react to the notion...
tw: talk of reproduction, tubal ligation, pregnancy, child abduction, custody sharing
Oh, Jinx's reaction would be the first thing on his mind.
In FnF, Silco is a man who never conceived of himself as a father - but rather someone who would leave behind Zaun as a legacy. Jinx as his flesh-and-blood legacy - the embodiment of his own devotion to freedom but also a miracle in herself - is something that happened purely by accident, and that altered him at the cellular level.
In his mind, he wants and needs nobody else.
Also, in FnF, Silco's sperm has been altered by toxins from the Pilt. Neither he nor Singed know what sort of offspring he might engender. ("A two-headed chimera, perhaps...") However, he's on Shimmer, a known curative for illness, so he might, all unawares, be producing healthy swimmers by this stage...
A second child would catch him utterly flat-footed.
I should note, in FnF, Mel has taken advantage of her wealth and access to healthcare, and gotten 'fixed' at age 30. (Jayce doesn't know). To her, legacy as a Medarda is trauma, and her arc in FnF is trying to break it - even as she succumbs to old habits and types i.e. Silco.
Sevika, meanwhile, is extremely savvy with midwives and has gotten a hundred lessons from Nandi, a former Priestess, on ways to both prevent and end a pregnancy. She has her own trauma re: legacy - specifically the history of violence, addiction and abuse that runs in her family.
Either woman getting pregnant would result in them having an existential crisis.
It being Silco's kid would compound the horror.
In Mel's case, it would end up becoming a hushed-up scandal. She'd do her best to keep it under wraps, because of both hers and Silco's positions, and also because of her mother, who would a) salivate at the idea of an heir to House Medarda after Kino's death and b) ragefroth at it being a Trencher's bastard.
Either choice might result in Ambessa trying to take her grandchild from Mel.
In Silco's case, post-freakout, he'd be adamant about wanting to see his child. Mel trying to keep a distance would have him seeing red - and reliving the trauma of everything else Piltover has kept from the Undercity. He'd be distinctly unhinged about the whole matter - and I'd honestly be a bit afraid for Mel's safety. I can see him going the same route as Ambessa and trying to take the kid away by force.
If he manages to cool down - and acknowledges his own feelings for Mel - he'd offer to resign as Zaun's First Chancellor if she steps down as Councilor, so they can wed and raise their child together. Mel would... not be okay with relinquishing her hard-won prestige for motherhood (cue her having a secondary meltdown and wondering if she's just as bad as her mother).
I can see them coming to a bitterly sobering arrangement, similar to what occurred irl when the Duchess of Devonshire had a child out of wedlock with the Earl Grey, and the girl was sent to live with her biological father's kin. Mel's child would be sent to Zaun (in her mind, a better alternative to Ambessa taking it home to Noxus, because Silco plainly adores the baby already and will go full-on Papa Wolf if any harm comes to it.) Mel would visit in secret, and shower the baby with a hundred gifts and a thousand letters. She'd also spend her whole life guilty and wonder if she should've been braver and just accepted Silco's offer.
Jinx would be... deeply disenthralled. But I can also see her bonding with the lonely thing, and becoming a weirdly devoted sister down the line, because, like her, the sibling would grow up feeling displaced and vaguely isolated.
Sevika getting pregnant would be a whole 'nother drama. I can see her going into panicky denial when it happens, and waiting until the absolute last moment to tell Silco. She'd expect him to order that she get rid of it.
Silco... to both their shock... would not.
His reasons for wanting to keep it would be complicated - and many. Maybe subconsciously wanting to redo what couldn't be with Nandi? Maybe wanting a clean slate and no baggage (i.e. no killing Vander and stealing his child as his own)? Maybe wanting to lock Sevika down because she might be one of the few reliable people in his life, and he refuses to let someone else reap those benefits?
I imagine they'd end up having a shared-custody/timeshare type thing, so they can both be active presences in the baby's life. Maybe a marriage, if she's up for it and he can get over himself and share his space?
Jinx - again - would be super Not Pleased. It being Sevika might have her throwing a full-on fit and trying to kill her. Assuming she doesn't succeed, she'd not want to be around the baby when it's born. But despite herself, she'd end up looking out for it, and trying to be a good big sister, because the thing is so pathetically helpless that it ends up triggering the inner-Vi in her nature.
I should note, legacy/choice and children/consequence are a huge theme in FnF, so these are plot threads that will be explored as the fic goes on...
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halfagone · 11 months
*serious sasuke pose* I. am at. my. limit. i can't stop daydreaming.
danny becoming a monster. not the one he swore to never become, but the kind he had always been running away from.
he becomes part of the giw. and. is close to destroying all of the infinite realms once and for all.
jack and maddie, who finally sees and accepts the truth, but too late, is saved by jazz and pushed into another dimension.
in order to survive, jack finds himself being hired to play an Uncle Eddie for a young boy. he agrees and finds out that the child is too smart for his own good.
the three figure out how to make their new fake identities as legitimate as possible. and since the child is so smart, they just decided to tell him what they were planning to do.
and because the child, tim, is just. so sweet, he helps them.
bruce is getting worried because tim seems to be becoming a bit... like a supervillain? a mad scientist? he updates the contingency files.
i dunno what to add in the middle, but the amount of blood to be spilled when Tim becomes a replacement (of course he isn't but he'll be called it) of not only Jason, but ALSO DANNY has me cackling with morbid glee.
jack and maddie just wants their son back. they manage to filter out the lazarus pit from jason, but when danny appears, there's not a single ectoplasm to battle against. danny was going against them fully human, never turning into a ghost, just to show them exactly how monstrous a human can be than their pre-conceived notions about ghosts.
he threatens to make their new son into a ghost, to rip him apart molecule by molecule for simply being a ghost, and tells them exactly how he's going to break his core.
just. it's all over the place, but basically i want redeemed jack and maddie and villain danny. tim is just there to be tortured bcuz i love him and this is the consequence of it >:3c
Oh how we love to torture the blorbos. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you're the author's favorite, you're gonna pay for it! I am curious why Danny would have joined the GIW and the Fenton parents wouldn't, because often times the only reason why the Fentons change their mind about ghosts is because of Danny's halfa status.
Danny's motivations in here are interesting. It doesn't make sense in a logical standpoint. However, there are plenty of villains whose entire philosophy don't really make sense to begin with. This does remind me of Owlman from DC, who was so intent on destroying the multiverse because he just hated everything and everyone??? (I can't remember how it was explained, because he made this whole speech that was total BS so I wasn't inclined to pay attention.) Maybe Danny is this kind of villain too, just- DP style I guess. XD
There are plenty of ways to write a villain Danny, I think most people just tend to use Dan for that, understandably so. A lot of us love Danny as a hero or a good person, so it's kinda like- why make Danny a bad guy when Dan is right there. Maybe this would be a human Danny's Dan-origin. Who knows!
It is interesting how Tim is still considered a replacement in this too, albeit in a different way. This boy really cannot escape the allegations. LOL
While this AU might not be for me, go nuts with it! Keep gnawing on it like that beloved chew toy. Rotate it in your mind like a rotisserie chicken. It will simmer and cook and maybe one day you can write it too. ;3
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invinciblerodent · 11 months
The more preoccupied I get with Wyll (because apparently he's the one about whom I am hopelessly in my feelings today), the more certain I am that I inadvertently struck gold by choosing him as a romance option for my Inquisitor!Tav playthrough.
An older version of Ray is... pretty much exactly the person I can imagine working best for the kind of story I'd personally love to tell with Wyll.
I mean...
Regardless of the universe they're in, the Trevelyans are old money. They're not quite as high ranking as a Duke, but the Thedosian "Bann", I kind of see them on roughly the same level as a Baron. A minor lord, but a long-standing family with deep roots that make them politically quite significant. So it's conceivable that during Ulder's rise, the Ravengards and the Trevelyans occasionally rubbed elbows: this Ray (or Lord Trevelyan in this case, much as he hates being called that- had to assume the title after his father's passing though) may even know Ulder in passing, and if he didn't know Wyll, he must have known of him.
He may even have thought briefly about how it's been a while since he's heard anything about Ravengard's boy. Maybe he wondered for a few seconds about whatever could have happened to the lad.
Maybe Wyll even remembers seeing Lord Trevelyan, often by the moniker of "The Inquisitor of (I'll figure it out)", and his beautiful sorcerer husband at some function. Maybe meeting again and seeing that pain etched deep into the man's heart, he wonders what could have happened to break the man most thought of as a hero of the past. Maybe sharing that loss brings them closer.
The parallel of one of them missing his dominant hand and the other missing an eye works really well. It wasn't intentional at all, but Ray was barely older than Wyll is now when he was "Inquisitor" (I'll need to workshop how to adapt that to DnD) and lost his arm, and has since learned to live with it- but nevertheless, these are both very traumatic injuries that result in a pretty fundamental alteration of one's life. Loving the "broken" parts of one another, I think that's as bittersweet as it is kind of beautiful.
I'm electing to believe that the prosthetic limbs in Faerun are fairly sophisticated, so while the prosthetic hand has some pretty severe limitations, it does move (if jerkily), and it looks almost convincing as a flesh and blood hand under a glove. Cue dramatic reveal of silvered mechanical fingers glinting in the firelight the night after recruitment: just a small nod to mean "I know all too well your sacrifice."
(Solas vs. Mizora, who's the bigger douchebag, let's discuss)
I'm not going to say "daddy issues" because that's a very gross and oversimplified way of putting it, but after being so.... so cruelly rejected by his father, early on just receiving approval from an older male figure (this Ray is like ~55-ish) of similar social standing as his father probably... does something. To Wyll. Messes with his head. I mean, for a character who downplays his emotions because he just wants to please others so much, unconditional praise and positive reinforcement from someone who is outwardly so much like a storybook hero AND the father/mentor who rejected him must leave a deep impression on Wyll's heart. (I quite like the thought of an honest "Good lad!" and a slap on the back making Wyll's stomach clench.)
I love that in most of his romance, from what I've seen, Wyll does the "wooing". He is the one who courts and pursues the player character, which works really nicely for this kind of May-September romance: A gallant, strapping young man honestly pursuing the widower with the bruised and battle-scarred heart makes my own little heart ache, but in a good way. And the chasteness of the romance only adds to it, imo: definitely dispels in me any notion of it coming off... I don't know, icky. This is not about sex, or exploitation, or a power imbalance, not about someone gross manipulating a young, inexperienced person into anything: it's just about the... the tenderness of starting anew. It's about learning that.... that there can be more than just one "great love" in a life.
But also, adding to this, them trading the well-fitting role of the "dashing prince" back and forth also makes me smile. Coming to each other's rescue, dissolving the pact, maybe punching Ulder in the face after saving his shitty little life for good measure, it can make them both feel both like they're protected AND the protector. Like they can rely upon the other and be relied on in return.
.... Maybe I should finish at least ONE playthrough before I become enamored with the romance of a fkin FOURTH, huh.
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miroararose · 2 years
Gojo x Reader
Reader has been triggered by the elders. No snu snu, Not so much Fluff. Saving Gojo
Gojo is kidnapped~
People have criticized you as too soft before. Naive, kind and ignorant you’ve heard it all. It seemed that everyone had a pre conceived notion about how easy it is to hurt and break you.
Although all of that were true, you never paid attention to it. Actually you love being the baby of the family and in some cases you like exaggerating it more.
But it wasn’t the best quality you have to survive the world of JJK. Where monsters and evil spirits roam, you can’t be weak or act weak here.
Still, you’ve kept the same habits from your reality up to now, mostly because Gojo was there to protect you.
On times he wasn’t there, you’re with Itadori and Megumi. They were kind and understanding with your situation at first, but you failing to defend yourself has been slowly getting under their skin.
They were busy with fighting curses and checking whether you’re still alive, as you feel guilty about this you start training to be better.
Gojo would always shower you with gifts, you never heard him complain about you being too soft and naive. And when you started training, he was always there to guide your improvement and he’d often praise you a lot.
He treats you even better than his students by giving you the desserts he specifically bought for you, as both of you have a sweet tooth.
Gojo remained sweet and affectionate to you even though you refuse to kill curses. But sometimes he can’t fathom your logic, resulting to philosophical conversations. You thought as the strongest he wouldn’t care about what you think, but all of a sudden he’d ask you about your thoughts and feelings.
“Do you think they’re alive?”
“They’re mindless beings to me. Even though some of them are capable of speaking.”
“Then why wouldn’t you kill them? They hurt people.” He said softly, you noticed that Gojo would speak to you in a soft manner unlike with others.
“I can’t bring myself to kill them. They’re quite similar to us humans, we also live off other organisms energy.”
“You do realize that human beings have to eat to survive.”
“Well, that’s how humans are Gojo. Those curses have to eat to survive and pollute the world. Like how humans have been eating and destroying each other. In the end they’re all the same to me.”
He loved those conversations, even though admittedly they were hard to digest for him as someone who has given all their time to defeating curses. But as you talk about it, Gojo have discovered new sides of you.
“This is just my guess….but I think you refuse to do anything because you’ve given up on everyone and everything”
“Did I sound that pessimistic? I just think that not caring and not hurting others would do me more good than harm. And like I said, all of them are the same.”
“Can you promise me one thing then?”
“If a time comes when no body can protect you. Please, fight.”
“When it’s my time to die, I’m bound to die.” You shrugged.
“But it will be boring for me. I look forward to seeing you everyday, talking with you everyday, eating with you and seeing your smile everyday. And if I woke up one day… without you.” He sighed, and hugged you.
“What will happen without me?”
“Things…wouldn’t be the same. Maybe I’ll forget how to breathe.”
You’ve thought what he’d actually be like without you for the whole evening, not sleeping a wink.
It was too late before you’ve thought about what will happen without him.
You couldn’t find him anywhere, you’ve searched the school, called him, reached his relatives, the principal, his students…yet it’s as if he disappeared without a trace.
That’s when Nanami reached you with news, Gojo was subdued by the elders.
You felt your head blazing, every atom of your body was on fire from anger!
“They will regret taking him away from me.” You whispered as you dissipate in tiny particles and teleport to where the elders held him captive.
As soon as your feet landed on the ground, the grass died along with the flowers. Seemingly it was as if death came to the place.
“Where’s Gojo?” You asked the shamans standing on guard. They were afraid of you, but they also knew that you were dubbed as the useless transmigrator. One of them even had the courage to be an obstacle.
“Go back! You useless thing, Gojo wouldn’t be able to—“ You didn’t let him finish his sentence as your magic suck his blood dry, transforming his body to something that alike of a mummy.
The other guards were stunned, and so were the members of the other clans.
“Listen well all of you, to those who dare stand in my way I will show you no mercy. Give me back Gojo, or we’ll do this the hard way.”
All of them were stunned by your sudden threat, but you were serious. They can’t just kidnap your Gojo and expect you to just cry.
Blood will rain.
You don’t hurt things for you really couldn’t bring yourself to care about them, all this time they thought it’s because you were soft.
This twisted principle of yours was only familiar to one person, Gojo—whose probably laughing his ass off at the moment given the current situation.
When all of them didn’t agree to give him back to you, your view about them changed. Now they’re only specks of dust rather than his human captors.
“If this is what you wish, this is what you’ll receive then.” You clapped your hands, from your magic formed a gigantic black snake.
This snake wasn’t a curse, so the shamans had a hard time trying to defeat it. But with no fail, it devoured them all and dissipated into ashes.
You took your time walking to the underground room they kept Gojo in.
“Toru” You smiled as his familiar scent mixed in the air embrace you, he’s been gone for two weeks at most and you’ve been missing him really bad.
You clapped your hands twice and the large door opened revealing a Gojo tied on a rock like table with enchantments like they were holding a ritual and he’s the sacrifice. You also noticed how rough the stone is for his skin…and you groaned.
You hated every single one of them except for your darling, dearest Gojo Saturo.
“That was a long rest, it’s time to wake up now.” You said as you broke the talisman they cast upon him. You could easily wield unique magic in this world that cancels out whatever the shamans were using, so even though you don’t understand them it was easy for you to break it.
As the talisman and spells were lifted Gojo sat up.
“Ugh” He held his head up as he awoke. He turned towards you with tears in his eyes.
“Waaaah, looove, babyyyy, honeeeey. I love you.” He confessed immediately and hugged you.
“You are the prettiest, the smartest, the bestest love I knoooooow. I was scared here.”
You laughed, as he buried himself in your chest.
“I know that’s why I came here. Oh by the way how’d they trick you here?” You asked while running your fingers on his soft hair.
“Limited edition mochi’s…you said you wanted them. They tricked me with that, I can’t believe they were so cruel.”
He was really using this event to get the most affection out of you, and you’ll gladly give it.
“Don’t worry now, Gojo. I won’t ever let anyone take you away from me.”
You hugged him tightly, and he smirked because he actually knew what you did to all the elders and clans.
The shaman world has been destabilized, but you ended your day by eating ice cream and talking about how being apart scared you both.
Note: I love this kind of dynamic, where one character has an unchanged philosophy or ideology but when something bad happens to another character they get triggered and easily throws that away. So I wrote about it, thanks for reading.
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beigeshiba · 1 year
Pluto in Aquarius: The Naked Cyberpunk Emperor
I've been thinking again about Pluto in Aquarius.
For quite a while, it was a big source of anxiety, given how Saturn in Aquarius were some of the toughest years of my life and some people were making out Pluto in Aquarius to just be 2 decades of that utter bullshit.
Thinking about it, especially after listening to Gordon White's take on Pluto in Aquarius (and he tends to be one of the more doomer voices about it) I think there may be some source of unexpected optimism.
Pluto is the planet of Black Swan Events, of "If only you knew how bad things really are" going from being a topic that only insiders with experience in certain niche careers can conceive of, to becoming common knowledge. It is the planet of "Normies getting Red Pilled on X". Please do contain your excitement, because normies waking up to reality mostly just improves your daily conversation. It rarely leads to political change because the average person is powerless and politically irrelevant. Democracy is just a slogan for military recruitment posters, after all.
Let's take Pluto's transit through Capricorn. At the start of that, concerns about the potential for abuse of powers granted by laws written after the 9/11 attacks was a niche issue for political wonks. By the end of it, it's now a mainstream opinion that the US Government is as openly and nakedly corrupt as the banana republics it used to be respectful to scoff at.
I suspect that Pluto's transit through Aquarius is going have as devastating effect on the credibility of industries associated with it (chiefly technology, medicine & education) as the transit through Capricorn left government and financial institutions with approval ratings in the high single or low double digits)
There's a lot of really bad stuff that's been going on in the Aquarian industries, which I've had plenty of contact with in my career, that feels as though it's just about ready to come to light. A lot of these chickens coming home to roost are going to be in large part because the Capricorn institutions meant to regulate against this self destructive behaviour were too busy fucking around and finding out.
Some highlights:
Pretty much the entireity of the ad supported internet is fake. The numbers are fake, the engagement is fake and the business models lack any path towards sustainable path to profitability.
"Dead Internet Theory" - The notion that humans are a minority on the internet, websites are short lived and going away at a greater rate than new ones are being created.
The persistent failure of the "Gig economy" to pay for itself, despite its exploitation of participants.
High tech products are increasingly being designed to extract money from users constantly, break before they've achieved positive return on investment and be impossible to fix when they break.
Most of the effective medicines were invented so long ago they are off patent, most of the new stuff is inferior to the off patent drugs and most doctors are on the take to prescribe inferior drugs.
A medical licence is a more reliable indicator of a poor quality, negligent or unethical doctor than a good quality one.
Education is a more reliable path to financial ruin through debt than towards upwards socioeconomic mobility.
Most modern education is teaching people wrong on purpose and setting them up to fail, to ensure that young folk can't become a threat to the people up top and living large.
I suspect that as Pluto does its thing and wakes people up to the realities in the Aquarian industries, those opinions given above will go from being fringe, "extremist" opinions to being mainstream opinions.
Of course, I fully expect loyalists to still toe the official line on all these issues. After all, their main source of income is barely laundered patronage and so publicly endorsing complete bullshit from their paymasters is the essence of how they make their living.
And I expect technology is going to go from being huge publicly traded for profit companies making shiny things that break, in factories around the world with elaborate and gossamer fragile supply chains, to being stuff made in people's backyards, from designs made and circulated within a community of enthusiastic amateurs, with end results that are rough and janky, but still get the job done acceptably well.
The open source hardware community are doing some very interesting things, learning how to get high VGA output from old 8 bit microcontrollers and single board computers using similar components to the 1980s home computers but with much better performance. Even if the really high end silicon fabrication from the likes of Intel, Samsung and NVidia collapses under its own weight, it's not going to mean the death of computers, thanks to the very innovative uses of older, modestly specced microcontrollers that people are quietly coming up with.
There's likely to be a lot of that in the automotive space, all kinds of backyard conversions to run on gasified wood or liquid biofuels. The result will be much less powerful engines that'll go much more slowly than people were used to, though it'll still be a damn sight better than a horse and cart.
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subkaikelly · 2 months
A letter to my son:
"My dearest Kai,
Please only read this when you have some free time, as I know this will be something you will need to process. "
His brow furrowed, but he resisted reading the rest until he had a quiet moment to tuck away.
"You may think it's strange, me writing you, but to be perfectly honest, I'm feeling too cowardly to attempt this on the phone. I fear my voice would break or fail me, or your expressive face would make me falter. I don't want you to think that my writing you means you can't ask me questions, because you can. I am doing this selfishly, but I hope you'll understand I thought this would be easier.
I don't want to leave them, my love. I may not have had the chance to chose them, but I got lucky when it was them who bought me. I'm going to be completely honest and open with you now, because at some point you started regarding me like a saint, someone mistreated and in need of rescue, but that's never what this was.
You often remarked that your father seemed to defer to Mistress June, and perhaps I hoped you would realize it yourself, but I fear you've vilified her and held me up so high that it skewed your rationale. It's a very private matter, but I feel it important to tell you now.
Mr. James very much considers Mistress June to be his Dom, and that is how she prefers it also. I admit that she has not always been the kindest to you, nor motherly, and I can't excuse her actions. That said... I was primarily bought for her. Any and all experiences I had with your father, in conceiving you, were under her watch, and her instruction. Something she says she regrets, though I of course will always see it as a blessing because it gave me you.
Because of religious beliefs, she thankfully didn't make me abort you, but I think she has seen you as a reminder of something painful for her. Again, not something I can excuse, and if she ever hurt you or spoke to you in any way that caused you injury, I swear it was never something I knew about or condone.
I was perhaps blind to her attitude toward you. Truth be told, I was just so grateful and happy that I got to have you in my life, I never wanted to cause her any trouble. Everything you saw as her putting herself above me was because it was true, and because I felt so thankful I got to keep my boy, and that you got to grow up along side KO, even if your circumstances were a bit lower, having a mother as a slave.
They do treat me well, my love, and I do feel purpose. This has been a secret that has been tightly guarded so long, I fear the walls put up by Mr. James and Mistress have made them scared to let anyone see inside, and cautious about how anyone might perceive them.
It has made me beyond happy that your found Mr. Harrison, he is everything I could have hoped for and more for my sweet son. (Though if you could find a way to give me a grandbaby or more, that would make my dreams complete)
You are young and I want more than anything for you to simply live life. Take all the opportunities given to you. Perhaps one day, when I can be of no more use to my Mistress and her husband, there will still be a place for me in your home. Until then, visit when you can, call me whenever you want. I simply want you to take all your worries about me, all your your notions of saving me, and to let them go, my darling. Your heart is so good, so big, and it makes me so proud. To raise such a caring soul has been the greatest thing I could have wanted to accomplish, but you don't need to feel you're the only one to care for me, my darling. I am cared for, I feel cared for. We are rediscovering our lives together without you boys to keep us busy, so I promise I'm not at so much of a loss as you believe me to be.
Thank your beautiful sir for me, that he was so willing to bring me into your lives, but right now, all I need is for you to enjoy your youth and your claim as much as you can in these early years.
All my love, Mum."
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nickgerlich · 11 months
A Convenient Truth
Next time you are in your vehicle, take a look around and start counting how many convenience stores you pass en route to your destination. They are on practically every street corner, and there are often two or more sharing the same intersection. C-stores are among the most necessary of retail establishments today, especially since most now sell gasoline.
It wasn’t always this way. The first 7-Eleven opened in 1927. It and the ones that followed were tiny by today’s standards, did not sell gas, and were not beholden to street corner locations. Often they were in the middle of a block, which now seems ill-conceived in that it could not attract people from two streets.
Today, c-stores are much larger, have much broader selections of merchandise, sit on two or more acres, and may have a bank and/or fast food co-branded outlet inside. There are more than 150,000 of these today, and without them, most of us would find our lives increasingly inconvenient.
But there’s a growing chain that is spreading out of Texas that challenges the notion of what a c-store is. Buc-ee’s, with 58 units spread between here and Florida, considers itself a c-store. It’s just that their stores don’t look at all like a 7-Eleven. Oh, and they’re going to break ground soon in Amarillo.
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The new store here will be 74,000 square feet and sit on 20 acres. Need gas? An array of 120 pumps will be there from which to choose. While it is not quite the biggest unit in the chain—the biggest is in Sevierville Tennessee with 74,700 square feet—it’s not far behind. But an even bigger one—75,000 square feet—is planned for near Ocala Florida.
Is it truly a c-store, though? One for thing for certain, it is not a truck stop, because trucks are not allowed. RVs are welcome, but you can’t spend the night. How about we just call them travel centers then? Given the location on Amarillo’s east side (near where US 287 branches off I-40), it will be among eight legitimate truck stops, meaning that travelers will have a plethora of choices. It’s little wonder why some people consider Amarillo to be a truck stop town.
As a marketing prof, I stand in amazement every time I stop at Buc-ee’s. No, it’s not because I am buying food or merchandise. To me it is crazy how Buc-ee’s has developed a cult-like following, and people will interrupt their travels for an hour to shop and dine there. They have shopping carts, something you don’t see in a c-store. Perhaps their biggest claim to fame is clean rest rooms. They are immaculate.
Although the chain dates to 1982, it is only in the last five years or so that it started its explosive growth, as well as venturing out of state. A large portion of the merchandise is private label foods, along with a wide variety of souvenirs ranging from t-shirts to plush toys.
And umbrellas. I confess. I bought one, not because I wanted to show my allegiance, but rather because I was trapped inside their St Augustine Florida store when a downpour broke out. It was either buy an umbrella, wait it out, or get drenched. I gladly forked over $15.
So powerful is the Buc-ee’s brand that it sometimes spawns other retail, hotels, and dining in proximity. Take the Terrell Texas store, for example, which is situated near where US 80 breaks off I-20 east of Dallas. The area has blossomed from just Buc-ee’s to three hotels and a variety of fast food and retail choices. All because of a c-store that attracts hundreds of customers each hour.
Given their popularity, I am surprised they have not adopted e-commerce. Their website is pretty basic, much like you would have seen in the late-1990s. This is a golden opportunity missed, because specialty clothing, toys, and packaged foods can easily be sold this way to folks not lucky (I suppose) to have a Buc-ee’s nearby. Then again, Trader Joe’s has followed a similarly austere marketing program with great success.
I have monitored social media reactions lately concerning the groundbreaking, and noted that some folks wondered why Buc-ee’s did not build on the west side, closer to where much of Amarillo lives. But Buc-ee’s is not building this for Amarillo people. No, it is building it for travelers. And all this at a time when QT has arrived in Amarillo, along with the return of Circle K, adding even more c-stores—and more in keeping with the typical size—to the mix.
I am pretty sure that when c-stores arrived on the scene nearly a century ago, no one could ever imagine how the genre has evolved, especially with Buc-ee’s. I’ll be watching for them to open in Amarillo, and will no doubt pay a visit. I won’t be going to shop but rather to people-watch. I’ll bring the umbrella just in case.
Dr “Fill ‘Er Up” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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Piggyback from Inner Beauty Tip: Radical Acceptance is Key!
Radical acceptance will grant you inner beauty. Why? Because you will be an easy going person, tolerating a lot (not as a doormat though), forgiving all and accepting everyone - this is the basic definition of radical acceptance.
Some examples of radical acceptance are:
We cannot be someone else
We cannot have someone else's life
We may get laid off or fired one day from our job
We might get divorced from our spouse or break up with our significant other
We might get sick or be dying with a fatal illness
We may get lost one day, attacked or burglarized (or home invasion)
Someone might steal our identity
We may get depressed at some point or end up with a major mental illness
We may be diagnosed with Cancer, HIV or AIDS
We will lose our hair, lose our teeth, and get ol4d and gray one day
We might not be liked, may get rejected
We may end up broke or homeless or carless
Our kids might die before we do or we might die
We may get arrested and go to prison or jail
Some of women may never get pregnant, may have a miscarriage or have something wrong with our baby
If we live in a fantasy world and think these things will never happen to us then we need to remember that anything is possible, there are consequences for everything and no one is above any of these things. This is radical acceptance instead of being in denial which will make you snap if you are mentally and emotionally prepared for crazy things happening to you.
So how can we embrace Radical Acceptance:
1. We have to let go of our hang-ups about different people such as:(these are generalizations I have heard often so if I offend anyone, please forgive me) 
- Old people are all slow and mean 
- Young people are all annoying and delinquent 
- White people are all supremacists or have a white privileege mentality 
- Black people are all loud and ghetto 
- Asians are all smart and rude 
- Mexicans are all dirty and cheap 
2. We have to let go of pre-conceived notions that are biased: 
- Love always hurts so I'm staying single 
- Men are all sex offenders so I'm staying away from them 
- Women are all desperate so I'm avoiding them 
- Mothers are all nurturers and fathers all task masters 
- Marriage doesn't work and is boring anyway 
- Money is everything and will buy me anything I want 
- Celebrities are all full of themselves 
- Pastors are all greedy so I'm not going to church 
3. We have to give people the benefit of the doubt - allow room for people to make some mistakes and disappoint you because they will 
4. Rejection is a given. Be open, ready and strong in case it happens to you. Somewhere, somebody is going to say no to you no matter how much money you have, how you look, or where you come from 
5. Irresponsibilty carries a boatload of problems and burdens so do your best to be a responsible and stable person. 
6. Reality bites but it's reality and it happens for all of us. Take off yhour rose colored blinders or glasses and face the truth. 
7. Loss is always possible, prepare for it and go throught the stages of grief with the intent to heal, let go and move on.  
8. Seasons change and so do we. We age, we change our likes and dislikes so roll with the changes of your life. If you avoid them or resist them you will go crazy. 
9. God loves us but also judges us and His wrath is real. Don't get caught up in God's wrath. Follow the laws of God and the Bible, the ten commandments and do the right thing as much as you possibly can. 
10.Criminal activity gets exposed at some point in life. Even the Bible says "What is hidden, must come to light." - Luke 7:18 
11.Relationships are hard - risk it all for love anyway, work at it and see where it takes you and your heart and your life. You might just get some beautiful kids out of it that look just like you. 
12.If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Get your planners, calendars, sticky notes, notebooks and notepads, laptops, cell phones, checklists, to do lists and vision boards out and plan up a storm. You will be happy you planned that. LOL! 
13.Arrogance leads to great falls. Be humble about everything as much as you can. Even Jesus, who is God is humble and no one can get any higher than that. 
14.Money isn't everything and greed leads to loneliness and loss. So, save, spend and give moderately and equally so you can reap the riches of your hard work and feel great about having a nest egg and giving to those less fortunate than you are. 
15.If you don't work you produce nothing. Let go of sloth (which is one of the 7 deadly sins. Don't be a lazy person. Get up and do something every day and that does not mean go walk to your computer or t.v. and sit there all day. 
16.Strength, healing, wellness, love and a deep connection with your highe source are all very importan and vital to a fulfilling life. So learn to take care of yourself, get to know your God, make doctor appointments and get check ups regularly, take care of your mental health, express love easily and be ready to receive it when it comes. 
17.You will make mistakes - learn from them and vow to do better. 
18.Aging is truth so embrace the stages of your life and development, grasp hold of wisdom tightly, remember your youth and stay young at heart, take care of your brain, your body, your heart and have some fun every day. 
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roselilacs · 1 year
Tips How To Win The Lottery
We have 5 tips on how to win the lottery. We know you'll be intrigued - everyone fantasies about winning the lottery one day. The lottery draws out some sort of nature in individuals; it permits ordinary individuals to become rich essentially over-night. Something like this doesn't occur frequently, yet the lottery is one thing that makes these sorts of exceptional occasions conceivable.
Great, supportive tips on how to win the lottery are in every case difficult to come by, particularly free of charge. This is because the vast majority essentially need to take advantage of their mysteries, in spite of the fact that to be straightforward I don't exactly comprehend how individuals can pay for lottery winning tips. Definitely if someone knows the key to winning the lottery, they won't offer their mystery for a couple of dollars? We know we would much prefer win the lottery using our own knowledge than share the mysteries.
Here are some of the best tips for individuals really keen on winning the lottery. These suggestions work because they have smart thinking (as frequently individuals' considerations and judgment gets blurred when the energy of the lottery hits them), and because they have realities to back them up
Try not to go looking for lottery 'tip' administrations. The lottery is a draw of haphazardly created numbers, these numbers are dependably irregular so no 'tip' administration will assist you with winning the lottery. Try not to pick numbers that have some sort of importance to you, for example, birthday dates. Most lotteries go from numbers 1 - 46, what number uncles do you have that were brought into the world on the 46th day of the month? Think consistently while picking your lottery numbers. Try not to pick lottery numbers that have won previously. This is an impractical notion, the lottery is irregular and similar numbers aren't just going to come up over and over, as the draws are irregular. If you have any desire to pick your lottery numbers appropriately, attempt and break a program that haphazardly produces numbers 1 through to 46 (or anything numbers are in your lottery draw). Or on the other hand you could just record every one of the numbers on little bits of paper (of equivalent sizes) and put them into a cap. By drawing them out aimlessly you are mirroring the lottery draw system - that the numbers are drawn indiscriminately. Join a lottery organization. An organization is fundamentally a gathering who club together to buy lottery tickets, and afterward share any of their winnings. 1 out of 4 lottery wins are won by an organization, and you have a far more noteworthy chance of winning a life-getting a good deal on the lottery than by basically playing all alone. Make certain to follow these notes on how to win the lottery, yet in addition make certain to recall that it is a totally irregular draw. Attempt and pick numbers indiscriminately, and make certain to join an organization if you can find one to join.
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alojadasjanelas · 2 years
Outside Home Renovation Thoughts to Build the Control Allure of Your Home
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The outside is just about as significant as within your home.
A very much kept up with kitchen, a spotless washroom and a sufficiently bright lounge room don't make a wonderful home. To make the right impact on your visitors, the outside of your home ought to be lovely as well. Likewise, a solid outside surface is expected to shield the home from bothers, form, mold and so forth.
Regardless of whether you are selling your home soon, you should think about putting cash in the outside piece of your home. It is on the grounds that it will build the check allure of your home as well as further develop its selling potential. An outside home renovation project is certainly not a poorly conceived notion in any event, when you need to reside in the home for quite some time. It will empower you to turn into a glad proprietor of a delightful land property and make your home a discussion piece among your neighbors.
How to start the Outside Home Renovation Project?
Homeowners consider home renovation projects as Do-It-Yourself positions. In any case, recall that a little error can result into a calamity. In this way, it is fundamental that you acquire master help from an accomplished home renovation project worker. Pick a respectable worker for hire who can make new plan components in the grass region and upgrade the control allure of your home.
Before you meet a project worker, make a rundown of things that you need to remodel. Likewise, search online for various outside home renovation thoughts. It is vital for meet two or three workers for hire prior to concluding your number one. Remember to talk about your assumptions with him. It will guarantee that you love the eventual outcomes.
What Regions would it be advisable for you to consider for your Outside Home Renovation Undertaking?
Might it be said that you are confounded about endeavor an outside home renovation project? Sit back and relax. There are a few things that you can fix and remodel to expand the check allure of your home. The following are a couple of thoughts to assist you with starting with the renovation project:
· The Front Entryway
The front entryway is the fundamental entry of your home. It is the main thing that an individual will see when he visits you. A dull and harmed front entryway will give an evil shift focus over to your home. Thus, consider painting the entryway in a new variety that gives an inviting enticement for it. Assuming the front entryway is broken, it is vital for fix or supplant it. It is on the grounds that it can make wellbeing issues from now on. Click over here Solar control windows in Oeiras
· The Carport
The carport assumes a significant part in working on the vibe of your home. On the off chance that the carport is broken, it won't have a positive impact on your guests. Likewise, it can bring about mishaps. In this way, fixing the driveway is fundamental. You can put in new pavers and make it look wonderful. On the other hand, you can introduce a warmed carport to eliminate snow from its surface.
· The Walls
In the event that the outside walls of your home are dull and messy, they can bring about development of form, buildup, and so on. It can cause extreme medical problems for your relatives. Thus, request that the project worker clean the walls, fix the breaks and paint them delightfully.
Try not to misjudge the force of painting tones. Homeowners paint the inside of their homes with great paints. Yet, they overlook the outside piece of their homes since they accept that regardless of what nature of paint they use, weather conditions will destroy it. Recall that utilizing great paints on the outside walls will safeguard your home effectively.
· The Grass Region
A very much kept up with grass region can give a delightful shift focus over to your home. Ask the home renovation project worker to furnish you with thoughts for the grass region. Developing plants and blossoms isn't the main approach to embellishing the region. You can introduce lovely water highlights as well as eye-finding lighting installations to make it pretty.
Two Birds; One stone
Try not to disregard the outside of your home since, in such a case that it isn't solid, it will make your whole home frail and defenseless to primary issues as well as medical problems.
Consider undertaking an outside home renovation project since it won't just build the check bid yet in addition reinforce your home. As a homeowner, just you have the ability to change your home into a delightful residing space. Thus, invest energy in embellishing as well as reinforcing the outside of your home.
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