#and it does not drive us mad. not to ourselves. but to those around us not privy to the holy truths we have witnessed… well to them we Are
lesbaurinkos · 10 months
i do not “watch” riverdale. riverdale is not a show that you “watch.” riverdale is something you witness. akin to the divine. every week roberto aguirre-sacasa himself has allowed us to witness some kind of unhinged godly message beamed down directly from the heavens to our televisions and it is only the brave and devoted few who stand witness to the history unfolding before our eyes. the holy truths of the universe (homosexuality) being written before us
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starsaroundsaturn · 4 months
why do we accept the way that men (and yes, women too) act towards their partners in the romantic genre?
in this post, I'll be discussing sarah j maas, colleen hoover, the pretty little liars franchise, twilight, the vampire diaries, and many more.
many of these I happened upon as a teenager. even as a teenager, I saw some of these as overdramatic and even problematic, but I could see the appeal.
the love interests, all men in these instances, were obsessed with their partners. they were distracted about them.
regardless of the novel, the protagonist can be the stand in for the reader--I am almost certainly not the only one who imagined myself fighting the white witch in Narnia, eating at the Redwall feasts with my companions, dancing with a special someone at a ball, or saving the world with the spy kids. protagonists are made to be relatable, to be appealing, to be somebody we'd love to be or at least like to listen to throughout the story.
and in these romances, the main character is super special. she is the obsession, the person who drives others distracted, she is so, so wonderful that the love interest cannot resist her.
we all want to be that kind of special. we all want to be seen and known and loved and admired. it's not just human, it's human instinct. we want to be accepted, we want to be loved, because that's family, and family means we survive. we need people.
so this is a really attractive premise. this person who we can see ourselves in--she or he is irresistible.
I think that's where we fell into this pit. he can't resist her. he wants her so much he loses control over himself.
it sounded super romantic.
till it didn't anymore.
she is so special and irresistible that he ignores it when she says no (hoover). he's lost control so much that he obsesses over her and watches her when she sleeps and stalks her, because he wants to be with her all the time (twilight). she's so special to him that she's his (soul)mate, and he can't help it if he acts possessively over her all the time and can't bear men looking at her, because she's just that important and irreplaceable (maas). she might be his student, but that doesn't mean they don't belong together! (pretty little liars).
when you say it like that.
but the thing is, if you don't think about it too hard--like a smaller me might not have--it sounds exactly like the dream. it sounds like Mr Darcy falling in love with Elizabeth against his better judgement--but then, when she doesn't want him, he leaves her alone, takes the advice she gives, helps her family when it's needed because he wants to take accountability for his mistakes. only when she initiates does he tentatively bring up his interest in her again. when he's accepted, he's overjoyed, and grateful for her love for him.
huh. crazy.
the fact is, I think we've gotten to be so used to the idea that love is madness that we don't realize when it really is unstable, unhealthy--and awful.
we want people to do great things for us. we want demonstrations of love that often we've lacked in our lives. we want somebody to be willing to drop everything to help us and make it better when we're lost. we want a pair of solid arms around us (and I include myself, uninterested in romantic relationships, in that population). (there's a reason I'm obsessed with friendships and father figures and siblings).
we want passion and adventure and excitement.
and I think romance novels, and those who still romanticize these relationships, look in the wrong direction. they take the phrases madly in love and irresistible in the direction of unstable, passionate desperation rather than steadfast care and devotion.
I loved the phrase madly in love when I was a kid. not so much anymore.
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f1ghtsoftly · 1 year
I know a lot of women here are anti religion and intellectually, I agree but also like? Im curious how you engage with the older women in your life? Your culture without, at the very least, religious stories and symbolism? And what do we do without that?
Im…somewhat of a practicing Catholic, I really like spending time with older women and I appreciate this sort of shared compassionate space and how people merge folk magic practices in particular with catholic rite and ritual.
Often like, people like to paint all Christian religions as these patriarchal, colonialist institutions and those institutions are what they are-but they’re also often the only cultural spaces, outside of courts, average lay people had any contact with. Catholic schools were the first places women were educated in Europe, catholic priests, nuns and bishops have not all been paper pushing engines of empire, a great deal of the American labor movement, charitable catholic organizations have . That doesn’t sanitize the history and it does not sanitize the brutality, but to forget it? Especially to forget how people worked for their needs and their goals within those institutions. You don’t have to forgive The Church™️ of course you don’t, their colonizing, child molesting fucks. But you do have to sit on the grass and grapple with the reality your foremothers prayed to their god in the back pews of a catholic church, in the din of a tenement or cottage giving birth, maybe even alone. And you very much have to grapple with the reality that for most women the church is a critical part of their social fabric and….idk. I think it’s silly to change that exactly. A lot of older women have interesting and cool theologies if you ask them about it. They don’t necessarily agree with everything the church does or says or believes. Sometimes they definitely do but idk, dig into why, you can usually, not always, find some common ground.
Class, in particular, and then marriage, motherhood and culture bars women from a lot of opportunities that men might not be. It’s not always wise I think to overlook older women or women in more conservative institutions. Those institutions offer protection from men too.
Our foremothers have buried treasure in those spaces. There are women with protofeminist consciousnesses working in church groups right now probably in your local community. Go hangout, do charitable work. Connect to them.
I think, a large part, of my hesitation around radical feminism is it’s ungroundedness and unwillingness to take stock of women’s suffering. The focus on the new is good it’s a right urge but that also needs to be balanced with some grief, for ourselves and for the women who came before us. It is this refusal to reckon with the brokenness of the woman trapped in patriarchy that leads so called radical feminists to their worst excesses. It’s very easy to call a woman a c*****cker when you’ve never been raped as a child, or are busy pushing those memories away.
From this I hope we can gain a greater sympathy for our fellow woman in the past and the present. The violence and loneliness of this trapped existence, this hall of mirrors between the humanity of woman and the “woman” we are supposed to embody/one which almost always allows total violation of the self, presents oneself as a vessel to the worthy male..is extreme. It is enough to drive one into cruelty and madness a million times over. Count yourself lucky, not strong, to have been spared it’s worst faces. No woman, no matter her mistakes, deserves to be shamed, hurt or forgotten.
And it is in a woman’s little work, her lacemaking, garden growing, candlewax making that we can find her again. Don’t denigrate the tiny ways women have historically found spaces for their creativity, genius…. Above all, I want us to carry average working women who taught their kids the best they could, who served their communities, who grew vegetables and braided hair and took care of their daughters with us. Not all reminders of enslavement are poisonous but rather, precious tokens to the strength of our spirit.
Their are aspects of femininity I will likely never give up not because of fear, not anymore, but because I want women to know that I am with them. I do not mind donning the garb of their enslavement because when one of us is enslaved, when one of us is demeaned we are all demeaned. We share that boulder together. I am no better, no tougher, no stronger than she. I want to meet her hands, in prayer, in communion, in laugher in work with a sort of respect and acceptance women are so rarely afforded in a world that treats violence, even verbal, against women as sport. Against men’s eyes, against the world. I want her to see me as an equal and friend. I am reluctant to empathize with a woman who foolishly believes she is better and stronger than other women because it’s not really true-almost no women are.
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blazekurumu · 2 years
This may be an unpopular opinion about Miraculous Ladybug.
I think one of the central themes of Miraculous is emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the basic understanding of how we view and handle our emotions. Whether they be good or bad, we all have to process how we feel in every moment. Through the acknowledgement of our emotional state, we can better ourselves and mature into a healthier state.
Does this mean that negative emotions are bad? Of course, but we need these emotions in order to learn and develop.
I see the usage of akumazations as a reflection of how people act and function in the real world. When one doesn't allow themselves to feel those negative emotions, they overwhelm them and overtake their reasoning centers. In a way, we become easier to control or become uncontrollable monsters.
Maturity happens when you realize that you have those negative feelings and turn them around for good. Take Kagami for example. When we first meet her, she's stubborn, driven by anger, and determined to win no matter what. As she progressed as a character, that stubborn nature was used more to protect her friends and assert herself. That anger that one akumatized her was now the driving force to save those who too was akumatized. That determination to win was changed into determination to pursue relationships with friends and, to a lesser extent, maintain one with Adrien.
The show is about teenagers, so don't expect them to be mature at this age. The frontal lobe, which dictates logic, reasoning, and emotions, hasn't fully developed yet. Everyone has to understand that Marinette, Adrien, and their peers haven't fully grasped their fluxating emotions yet. They are still learning discernment, how to communicate their feelings, and thinking before they act.
Marinette doesn't learn from her mistakes? That's not true. Marinette does learn from her failures because she's allowed to. Most of her mistakes weren't meant to be bashed, but to teach us how to behave. Sure, we may not have taken a friend's phone or snuck into their house, but some of you did far worst than that at her age. The mercy your parents, peers, or other important figures in your life showed you when you messed up is the same way you should treat her mistakes.
Adrien should be mean to Marinette or shun her? But why? The boy yearns for emotional connections and Marinette is one of the healthier ones in his life outside of Nino. Adrien is learning how to express himself, assert his feelings, and conveying his thoughts far more now than when we first saw him. I think Marinette being a positive influence in his life helped him to mature a bit as well.
Ultimately, no matter how we see it, the real people getting mad at Marinette and Adrien are those whose emotional intelligence aren't the highest. Those who haven't matured past their high school stage in life and trying to justify their reasons for hating a character that is a reflection of their own. Maybe we all need to improve our emotions and learn how to show mercy and forgiveness to those still developing.
After all, we wouldn't want to become slaves to our own emotions.
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sshbpodcast · 10 months
Won’t someone think of the children?! A Zero Appreciation Post
By Ames
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Okay, I meant to only do a Rok-Tahk appreciation post because a) she’s the best and b) who has the time to write all these blogposts? But I just can’t help myself. The community’s efforts to #SaveStarTrekProdigy have motivated me to keep the posts going, so here’s some more love for Star Trek: Prodigy. These installments probably won’t be as intense as the Rok post, but check out what makes Zero such a great character.
[images © CBS/Paramount… I guess? For now? Yikes.]
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Zero reintroduces us to the Medusans
“Is There in Truth No Beauty?” is one of my favorite The Original Series episodes. It’s very understated, but it’s one of those gems from season three that actually holds up and does something interesting. Not only is its guest character Miranda Jones one of the most unique characters of that show, but it also introduces us to the Medusans, a race of pure energy, the sight of which will drive a corporeal being mad. They’re also naturally brilliant navigators, telepathic, profound, agender, and just plain cool! I was so jazzed that Prodigy not only reintroduced this species, but also built on them in creating Zero’s character. Zero’s Medusan experiences form a lot of their character, from their intrinsic communicating abilities, to their guilt whenever their appearance is used as a weapon, to their natural curiosity which comes out all the freakin’ time, as you’ll see below. Plus they built themself a cool containment suit that hovers! What’s not to love?
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Zero loves a good puzzle
This Medusan might be the most curious character in all of Star Trek (you’d think it’d be a Caitian, wouldn’t you?). It’s no wonder that Murder Planet lures them into a trap by tempting them with a hedge maze that conceals even more confounding secrets. Zero is also this close to solving the boat puzzle in “Time Amok” before getting outfoxed by the fox, and of course they’re a regular denizen of the “Cellar Door Society” holoprogram: purveyors of puzzling puzzles, amateur sleuthing, and milquetoast mysteries. This sense of wonder with everything in the world around them is positively contagious! Zero is basically a nebulous nerd, and that’s just adorable! It’s a boon for Trekkies everywhere to be able to see geekiness played so positively and we can see ourselves in Zero all over the place. Hoot hoot!
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Zero is the perpetual optimist
“A dying star. What a rare and exciting way to meet our doom,” says Zero in “Starstruck.” It almost becomes a running gag that Zero finds every single experience to be a perplexing thing of wonderment and intrigue, even when it nearly kills everyone. Especially when it nearly kills everyone. When they think they’d died in “Time Amok” (and specifically have memories of doing so!), they treat it like it’s just a new phenomenon to analyze and cherish, which would be a little unnerving if Zero weren’t the quirky character they’ve been consistently portrayed as. It’s all part of that Medusan nature of theirs: one that is renowned for having the most beautiful and complex thoughts in the universe. It’s unclear how young Zero is in their species, but I assume they’re considered juvenile, and their natural wonderment at everything is something childlike and pure, making the perfect entryway into science fiction because they make every concept sound fascinating!
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Zero fights assimilation
By “Let Sleeping Borg Lie” (great title, by the way!), Zero is at their lowest moment in the series. While saving everyone from The Diviner’s control in “A Moral Star,” they accidentally harm Gwyn, causing some memory loss (Hey, we did a whole blog on that topic! Cross promoting, ftw!), and are feeling like an absolute butt about the whole incident. And they see an opportunity to make it up to the crew by volunteering for what could easily be a suicide mission: getting assimilated by the Borg to figure out how to shut down the Living Construct on the ship. Zero is tempted by the appeal of belonging to a hivemind again like they’d been with other Medusans, but it is their devotion to the rest of the crew that snaps them out of it (and probably a little bit of Medusan superpowers for good measure). Belonging to the Protostar is already enough of a family for them, as has been the pattern with the other characters as well.
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We love you, Zero! We love the other crew members of the Protostar too! We love Star Trek: Prodigy! Check out the other character appreciation posts for Rok-Tahk, Dal R’El, Gwyndala, and Jankom Pog while you’re here. I know I can speak for not only the other hosts here at A Star to Steer Hey By but for myriad other fans when I seriously hope someone picks up this wonder of a show. We’re really looking forward to seeing more from these amazing child characters, and we’re seriously wishing we get that opportunity. #SaveStarTrekProdigy
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37q · 1 year
not even being resentful or engaging in bad faith here i genuinely think social justice voyeurs on tumblr got burnt out on reading critiques of stuff they didnt have the energy or drive to negotiate with in their personal lives.
this happened around 2017 ish, maybe before the twt exodus, when at some point the voiceless masses stopped reblogging those deeper critiques based on years of foundational build-up bcuz so many ppl were, until then, just suspending their disbelief for their "listen to marginalized voices" performance, and whatever that breaking point was made them shift from "nuanced interrogation" to "passive survival".
like during the pandemic for ex people got upset and were very smart sometimes, and then people got so mad at people getting upset, and then we all sucked back in to our most comfortable self-affirmations like how humor was one of the only things keeping intangible friend groups together. sure as hell cant bond forever over complex trauma.
my god the elevation of humor as like a social object over all critique and action... the virology of privately shared memes, the black and white publicity of thoughtfulness; if youre not fully entrenched in or committed to alternative lifestyles then the role humor plays in your group identity formation will be of status quo comfort.
humor pulls the ends of something we know and plucks it to make the sound of our laughter, with the distance and tension between the poles producing the frequency. and the thing about comfort is that... well actually i dont care to get into it like that. all i know is that nostalgia and comfort are crazy for anyone under, like, 45-50 at this point, and any kinda of meme can serve that purpose.
we dont see these objects of humor as any thing. they exist only in our appreciation, a prompt without cause. its so odd to me because i feel like it was only yday that ppl were unafraid to get long-winded about something seemingly innocuous, but now anything serious over a joke is just totally inappropriate.
i feel like so many ppl have jettisoned their critical compassion for the sake of small pleasures. sometimes i dont blame them because if i could find a cheap laugh somewhere id take it, but then i come back to my reality where cheap laughs are blatantly reactionary. it makes me wanna throw up a lil what my friends friends can detach from enough to laugh at.
see thats the thing about humor being elevated to its status as a social object -- we dont see anything for what it is or what it does, we detach it from social life but now our social life from it. we need to push back against "maybe the curtains are just blue", because its seriously meddling with ppls willingness to interrogate how we ourselves interpret seemingly neutral messaging!
its not intentional, because nobodys signing up to shill for their prison anymore, but we carry with us all the funny little stigmas that feel good to pluck, and it feels even better to pluck them in an orchestra! we "propagandize" ourselves and each other: the "cop in our head" seeks safety and order, and she conditions our social instincts to decay and stasis instead of growth. be skeptical of comfort!
we are given the tools to make meaning and play with it, but so many ppl are just too tired to consider who made those tools! the value we derive from humor and its conditions comes from somewhere, and its our responsibility to trace the ethical lineage of our actions imo!
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
Feel like a Womanizer!Tav that barks up every tree besides Minthara & Darkshart would drive them MAD. With all these foolish miscreants about Tav does not seek out the clearly superior options? Preposterous! They must have answers, even if means to eavesdrop on every conversation!
Wyll: "My friend curiosity as gotten the best of me, Surely all that skirt-chasing has to have come back to bite you?"
Tav: " Not really Wyll, I know what I'm worth. To be honest I'm not worth it, for anything other than one night. "
Wyll: "I don't believe that one bit! I'm sure if we ask any of our lady friends around camp they'd disagree! Your caring and kind-"
Tav: " Now, let's not get ourselves in trouble, I don't think our friends would appreciate us running around implying they have low standards."
Wyll: "Oh Tav, that not fair-"
Tav: " IT IS, hells even our ENEMIES think that way. Don't your remember Zrell hoping for me to be a notch in her bed post before we slayed her at Moonrise?"
Tav: "Now, I'm getting irritated. Can we just make it to camp quietly, please?"
Well, answers were easier than they thought
Omfg secertly womanizer Tav is this way because they don't want to be hurt. They are afraid of showing their true self to someone and getting rejected, so instead, they condense all their attractiveness into a one night stand where they water down themselves and break it into bitesized pieces to be digestible for everyone.
They think they're so impossibly to love that no one will ever love them if they didn't go through all of that effort of making themselves appealing and easy to get along with. Of making themselves a convenience.
Yet they collect all those one night stands and friends with benfits because they believe it's the only way to feel a resemblances of love.
That's beautiful anon.
I mean, my Tav was doing it because they thought they were too good for everyone, that anyone who got a chance with them should feel lucky because it won't happen again.
Plus with the whole sorcerer bloodline, i wanted them to be secretly paranoid that people were only sleeping with them or starting relationships for their bloodline and not for them. That they wanted their kids to have magic and Tav was just a walking point to get there.
So they cut off all relationships after one night. They still tease and flirt but refuse to sleep with the same person twice.
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
NEVERAFTER ( starters from episodes 1-5 )
trigger warnings: spider mentions, death mentions
"you think i can't sew a dress for a ball?"
“it takes a great deal of strength to hold onto whatever little we might have.”
“it would be wild to have a fan but yeah i can do an autograph or something.”
“is he turned on? is this a sexual thing?”
“i bravely fled when things got dodgy.”
“my guy, i barely know you.”
“our whole thing is over!”
“please tell me how you’re a monster, too, so that i don’t feel so alone”
“i can’t trust the authority figure!”
“you seem like right on the edge, you know?”
“we could need to scrap hard.”
“this is my first good day in a while.”
“when i am handsome again no one is going to be laughing.”
“it’ll drive you mad if you think about it.”
“maybe you’re brave and we need to work on your self worth”
“we can stray! we just have to stray together!”
“do i feel like i can finger the doorknob?”
“in your mind you’re like ‘uh-oh what if i’m a liability?’ and then you’re looking for proof and it’s exhausting to keep batting that out of your hands every second.”
“an evil stepmom would scoop you right up.”
“if anyone wants to spelunk this well i could definitely get into that.”
“you can all get ready to pop the fuck off at the same time, if you want”
“wow, we’re in hell”
“even curses are gifts in their own right.”
“you’re saying it in that tone that’s like ‘you idiot’, which is scaring me a little bit, but i think i’m going to do it.”
“a bunch of cowards, and the bravest little girl in the world”
“that’s the guts, baby!”
“this is not the time for process! we’ll process afterwards!”
“tell my wife i did cool stuff, so that she loves me again”
“be brave.”
“with your fine boots, don’t you want to be a man!?”
“who disturbed my mushroom!”
“ooo, i got your back girlie”
“i think this was the only way the story was going to end anyways…”
“i need a spicy margarita!”
“how many times can you do this? there’s got to be a limit, right?”
“turn around and face me.”
“who am i to disrespect an authority figure?”
“hey, don’t be, okay? fix it.”
“i don’t have to worry about it? i’m really worried about this!”
"you gonna kill me again? ‘cause if you’re going to kill me again, i’ll leave right now. ya know, i don’t like to die.”
“you bugs, you better skedaddle.”
“what the fuck do i need to do?!”
“with that attitude it might just stay different”
“and all it costs was my father’s blood! yay...?”
“oh, okay! i think i get it. what do you mean?”
“it seems fun, and it seems correct to just fuck it all up”
“well, yeah! cause laying downs the best”
“you guys think i don’t know how to trick people? what’s over there?”
“i’m not a hero! i’m a piece of shit!”
“not all shit’s the same, buddy!”
“many of the places that are meant to keep us safe are cages”
“we know that we can die, and that after dying, those memories can be remembered by other versions of ourselves.”
“is true love even real?”
“because you were lied to, does not mean everything is a lie.”
“do not take the crimes of those who have manipulated us, and put them at the feet of the world.”
“oh, fffff- freak, really?”
“i’m sorry i said freak at you.”
“i wouldn’t have even known to be offended by that.”
“i think the true cruelty would be for me to spare some and not others.”
“we’re pulling a grandma heist, okay? give me your hand and we’re just going to run.”
“really? you’re just going to parrot back at me what my mom said?”
“there is no way to have the joy of the oatmeal cookie, without walking through the woods full of wolves.”
“but when you’re gone, i don’t really know what i’m supposed to be fighting for.”
“the real friends, the ones that make miracles happen, the ones greater than any treasure you could find on any adventure, they see the wolf in you and love it too.”
“you’re my princess... but we are still broke, so.”
“the goose ices you.”
“one man’s dead is another man’s alive.”
“oh that man is bleeding he probably needs my help and or seduction.”
“someone as flirty as you doesn’t have pet names?”
���saying that your handsome isn’t flirting okay? that’s just stating facts.”
“i have to kiss my husband really quick and then we can go on a long adventure.”
“moms are complicated, okay?”
“i’m not trying to be reductive about moms.”
“how much to eat off of you?”
“pretty much ginger ale with a lethal amount of garnishes”
“i say ‘garnish me daddy’“
“loves not real.”
“spiders love spheres.”
‘if you wanna go fast go alone but if you wanna go far go together.”
“if you wanna succeed, go alone. if you wanna fail together and as a team, go together.”
“have an apple i’m not going home.”
“this is all temporary, we’re gonna get there.”
“do you want one of these rotten apples? it’s kinda like a water balloon.”
“we’re team ‘fuck around and find out’”
“i need help, certainly. and just know i will yell if i get caught. just know it’s everyone’s problem.”
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
So am I officially Batwoman now? 🦇👀 IG - bigtoysdubaimall #batmobile #ba...
It does not turn into a motorcycle that has different tires but they want to do that but we're working on stuff that they're transformers supposed to be a few motorcycles we'll have a craft in two motorcycles but what you're seeing here is the Batman Tumblr so version of the Tumblr that's what he designed it to look like and to ride like and he put a truck rear into it and just like they have here and it worked it is intense Max have a lot of those these guys are trying to build it and they can't seem to get it right this one is not bad the wheels are they're attached correctly the horsepower is up there in the axle handle it that's why the axle is there. She was so pleased then she was in it and she was getting pictures with her with the machine and the Batman is actually a Mac who drives it and he says no I think it's isn't it the Trump version and it is so she didn't want pictures with him he tried to find Catwoman and she was unavailable but she showed up anyways and she's in the distance and she saw I drove up to her and asked her if she would take a picture or two and she was happy to it's a lot of fun but he's treated poorly and it's his design and they thought this was intense he said you should see the one we have it's like a toy and it flips over like this but different it's very fast flipping over you can ride upside down and they said that's really weird
Thor Freya
It rides upside down and you just turn the fuselage and you can turn it back the other way I mean it's just intense it's different we had a new one everyone's buying the car I have data we have about 200 million they're not ours and their sales by Aston Martin and it's of the new supercar and everybody is just absolutely mad about it 200 million is the most sold of a new supercar yet so we're still talking about Pontiac and we're talking to them about it and they want to know about the supercar they don't know what kind of engine it has and how to make it fast and stuff like that so in a little meeting this morning they said if we draw it and give basic specs and how are you going to achieve the speed and basic design meeting the exterior schematic basic Hull configuration and frame they probably will try and build it as something or as a Pontiac and we will sue them the old fashioned way if they do it without us involved and they pretty much don't intend to have us involved and they said we see that and we need something like that and same with the firebird and the fiero and they started listing off a bunch of stuff like this 737 and they said we should start making it ourselves and be ready to make more than they do but really it's a method is what we're looking for to do just have to bite the bullet again so they said we're going to go ahead with it and then they said I did a great job and it's true
And this is the Tumblr or as Chris says as Stewie the Tumbla. It's going to be a heck of a night the game is on but boy that was a lot of fun I think it was fast I want to go into the desert and all sorts of stuff came across my mind that's if I go up the stairs and stuff and they said no and he heard why not she could be the next Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer and they said we don't want to do that so they thought about it and it might happen anyway call me back to driving around in the desert and stuff we can sell them or something they could I'm looking forward to it again you're fighting these guys and you don't have this out there and it looks simplified it should be and it said it should be simple it doesn't look it though and you separated from electronics make them modular and they said okay it made a lot of sense to them and the hardware on the on the machine you make the fuselage almost one piece and the writing equipment is separate that way if it breaks you can repair it easily so they're going ahead and working on it and I couldn't believe the speed of what you were relaying it but that's probably with the max did because he said it before
You have a few more things to say but we're going to make our own and we got her advice you should probably make these and we have seen in the desert and it looks like that it's intense we're going to have a football game tonight that's going to be intense Kansas City we think it's going to get beaten up by San Francisco against the perimeter and rumor has it he's involved with the team and he said no they're not they don't have any involvement with the football game or the team it's just the area and if we win it looks bad so we get that can't take the wind out of sales because of that
Stan we're working on the contract and we're trying to get it out and you say I know the time frame we're going to call in and we should make it before the first at least this is going to look a little better I think tomorrow and maybe more will happen he says they have a few more enemies than just us and it's true if they go up there and do this again fight them and they'll keep sending them for a little bit then the clones up north we hear they're going to try and start their engines this week and attract a lot of them
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rollingredneck · 7 months
Ethan Liming and Double Standards
So if you're not following the news out of Ohio a group of black people who defended themselves from Ethan Liming were found not guilty of manslaughter charges.
The basic story goes like this: Ethan Liming, a white high school drug dealer, decided that his definition of prank included driving around shooting random people with frozen gel pellets from his van. Likely for a TikTok challenge. Some of those people didn't like being shot at and when confronted, Liming got out of the car and continued to shoot at people.
As it turns out, committing assault and battery on random people unprovoked is not the recipe for a long and healthy life as the people he and his dumb stoner friends were assaulting beat him to death.
And oh when the verdict came down, a lot of my fellow white people started crying on social media. They claimed, "It was just a prank bro!"
Meanwhile, a lot of black people were celebrating. And the white people started whining about that too.
"Would black people feel the same way if the situation were reversed?" they say. The thing is, the situation happens in reverse constantly. And white people defend, excuse, or even celebrate them.
Take for example the shooting of Ralph Yarl. Ralph, a black child who got lost, knocked on a door looking for help and got shot in the head by the person inside unprovoked. And there was so much celebration from the white people who are now wailing and gnashing their teeth that "It's just a prank bro!" didn't justify Ethan Liming assaulting people.
I heard so many white people saying that Yarl's mother should have been more "personally responsible" so he wouldn't have been out there alone getting lost. I heard my fellow white liberals trying to minimize the shooter's culpability by pointing to a media diet that made him more paranoid. And plenty of white people were openly saying "Yeah, I'd shoot anyone who rang my doorbell."
And keep in mind, as a white guy, I only saw a small trickle of this bullshit. Actual black people got the bullshit firehose.
So when white people spent all Spring trying to justify shooting a black kid in the head for knocking on the wrong door, of course black people are going to say, "FAFO" when a white kid gets his ass stomped in for committing assault and battery even if only on a technical level. Because let's face it, if a black kid were driving around a retirement community (which basically describes 90% of American neighborhoods at this point) shooting random people with gel pellets or BB guns, they'd probably get shot by real guns and all the white people clutching their pearls over Ethan Liming would be celebrating in between sanctimonious lectures about "personal responsibility."
So what do we as a society do about this? For starters, parents need to take great pains to define what does and doesn't constitute a prank. Secondly, we need to deal with the fact that a lot of people are actually making their real guns look like toy guns. This may have been part of the reason for the reaction Liming's "prank" got. And perhaps we need to start tightening up what qualifies as self-defense if we're that concerned about future "pranksters" getting their ass kicked under broad self-defense laws. You can't make self-defense laws as broad as humanly possible and then get mad when they're used by people you don't like.
But I think we as white people need to understand that we are the reason minorities don't have any empathy for white people when we do stupid shit and get killed for it. It didn't start with Ethan Liming or Ashli Babbitt.
It started with demanding the school transcripts of black kids who got killed by cops or other white people in an extremely transparent attempt to determine whether or not the kid "deserved" to die.
It started with demanding that minorities of all ages and intellectual capacities live by the strictest code of "personal responsibility" possible while we ourselves shout "Boys will be boys!" When our white kids do stupid if not outright criminal crap.
It started with "I don't mind the government doing things but I'm worried they will apply to someone 'undeserving'" with the clear implication that "undeserving" means "black." Blame who or whatever you want for current racial tensions. But at the end of the day, white people are at the root of racial tensions in America. We have to be the ones who take the first step in fixing it.
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velociriker · 1 year
Your reblog on my post was so hot and spicy I needed a fucking WATER BOTTLE.
People who have "bi/pan lesbian" in their DNIs confuse me so much. Like... we're supposed to be united to fight those really trying to oppress us? The LGBTQIA+ community needs to band together instead of bitching about who is/isn't a valid transgender person, pronoun combinations, bisexuality—whatever the hot take is on Wednesdays.
I don't care if someone uses a label "not in a way the gay dictionary dictates". We "misuse" words and labels all the time, especially when figuring shit out! I care more that the person feels comfortable using it and expresses themselves than if it's "correct usage" of the term.
Thank you. I'm um.. I get shaky just a little when engaging in the discourse. But that's been a thing that has bugged me for a super long time. Hence kind of my raw rage.
Being strict and obsessed about labeling, especially that around queer women, comes from a historically dividing theory. Mainly TERF theory, hence biphobia and transphobia often go hand in hand. But there's also an assimilation theory to it. If we "make ourselves not confusing" then "the cishets will not kill us."
It took a long time for me to accept I was asexual. And it was mainly because I had a sex drive and I enjoy sex. People find that so confusing. And get mad at me taking this label. But like, it's for me to take. I do barely have sexual attraction. It's super rare for me. It's part of me and I'll take it. I don't be little the asexual label by being sex favorable.
Before that I went under many labels. Same with my gender.
As for the bi/pan lesbian stuff. Yeah, not one minute to people actually think about what they're talking about. Lesbians got divided once TERFs came in and started putting in "who is an ACTUAL LESBIAN" to exclude trans women. Gold Star Lesbianism really did a number. But not once are people engaging what they're talking about. Okay, if you know about patriarchy and rape culture, why are you blaming women on the predatory actions cishet men take? That theory clearly states that predatory actions happen because we live in a culture that enforces that certain bodies are property to be taken and conquered. Such a culture does not care about the purity test of a lesbian because to such a man, it doesn't matter! Yet here you are claiming that "Bi/pan lesbians give men the idea that they can score a REAL lesbian. it's why they rape REAL LESBIANS." Like how can you not see the misogyny in this statement?
ANYWAY. Thank you. I have a lot to get off my chest. Please if you find yourself in this loop to actually disengage and really think about this stuff. Look where this stuff comes from. Because it's not a healthy place.
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Second trip down today. A bit of a messy start. Slept like crap, I got about 8 hours but woke up like 3 times. Either I'm having sleep apnea breathing problems that are waking me up again, or I was starving in my sleep. Either way, I started the day with my Sims-style Needs meters like this:
Food - 0/10
Water - 2/10
Sleep - 6/10
Confidence - 7/10
I called my mom to get some help with some logistics stuff and shit went haywire. I was super stressed so I wasn't too surprised, but I stood by it and we worked it out pretty quickly. But it cost me half an hour. And my plan was to get caffeine and food on my way out of town.
My mom brought a dolly and a foldable cart thing, which helped the move monumentally. My new mattress showed up today, which was perfect. An early christmas gift, to make life infinitely easier not having to strap my ancient 15 year old mattress to my rental car for a 2.5 hour drive. It's one of them space mattresses from Helix or whatever it's called, my brother recommended it. The thing was fucking heavy. So the dolly was a must, and it bailed my ass out big time.
I got shit sorted, leveled stuff out with my mom and started the drive. Got a gigantor Monster and some shit food from the general store. I did the self-checkout they installed in this like small-town general store. The dude working the counter tried really hard to like go above and beyond to like... kinda flex his usefulness a bit? I say this because I know this guy. I have no idea if he remembers me, I would wager he does... I think he's the manager? At least a supervisor. He had kinda been friendly for a bit to me about 3 years ago - this general store is like right around the corner from my current house. But one day he was out in the parking lot and yelled out "get a job" to me as I drove by on the wrong fucking day, and I really don't know why he even would... at his own place of work... but it stuck with me hard. And I kinda avoided the place after that. So... like 3 years later... I'm pulling my car out of the parking lot kinda laughing to myself, thinking back to him yelling that at me... and now saying, "Who needs a job now, dude? You got replaced by a fucking iPad."
I struggle a lot with self-worth... as in... struggling regularly with imposter syndrome. We live in a culture where survival is dictated by wealth, so... your contributions to society and your capabilities seem to be valued superficially by income as well. At least people seem to try to push that narrative, and for some reason seem to be succeeding. Your ability to survive is not based on the quality of your contributions, your quality of character or your level of skill - it's based on whether you make motherfucking money. See, my big mistake in my life has been following my passion, my thirst for knowledge, my inspiration and my unshakable will to create. Training my skills, going outside my comfort zone, devoting myself to my craft. Instead of just doing something for money so that people won't be mad at me or jealous of me, and then standing on the edge of a bridge in my mid 40's wondering what the fuck I did with my life. I genuinely feel horrific for people who have the talent, inspiration and commitment that I have, who don't have financial stability to pursue it. And our society, fuck, our species should be deeply ashamed of ourselves that we treat those with true gifts as... worker ants. And we sneer at Asian countries like only they exploit their populations for cheap labor... Meanwhile, multi-billion dollar companies bait creatives to come produce "content" for them - a product that, if absent, would disintegrate their company overnight - and then take a fucking 45% cut. Minimum.
See what happens when I think about this shit? I rabbit-hole so hard, it's so goddamn embarrassing how exploited creatives are. And the peer-pressure to sell out to corporate interests nowadays is like... I have legit never seen it like this. I came from skateboarding, punk and hardcore music origins. The core of it was community supporting community, and fuck selling out. Fuck selling your soul. We've got each other's backs, we support each other. I'm getting stressed out just going on this diatribe and I'm too tired to continue right now, you get the idea.
So... I kinda felt bad for the guy, for real. Because he probably doesn't really have a lot of marketable skills short of hospitality. So maybe he could open a bed and breakfast? Or work as a concierge or something? I bet he'd be good at that. As long as he can like... keep his jealously or whatever it was that he was pissed off at me that one day for in check. I hope he finds a good future that brings him a sense of peace and purpose, I truly mean that. And I hope I can stick to mine, and come back to him one day and say "hey, you yelled at me one day 'get a job', well... this is my job." And then pull out something I made for him and give it to him, on the house. Part of me wants to say something like "don't judge a book by its cover", but a big lesson I'm trying to learn lately is this idea that... it's really not my job to "teach people lessons", it's their job to learn lessons. And you can't "change" people. So... I think a gesture of just demonstrating that you don't really know what's going on in someone's life, and having that karmically go in his favor rather than being bitter and laughing at his misfortune... it's just a better ending all around. At least I think.
The drive went well, pretty easy. The energy drink and food helped a lot. I was fading towards the end but I did it. I lugged the mattress in, luckily I'm really close to the back door which is the bee's motherfuckin knees because I'm gonna be able to go out and smoke super easy before bed. I have a loft bed with steep stairs going up. I was tempted to just... leave the mattress there for another day because of how ridiculously heavy it was. But I said fuck it and hauled this thing stair by stair up. 10 stairs total. The dolly was a life saver, no way I would've gotten it in the door without it. I got it out of the box and had to cut through like 15 layers of shrink wrap plastic on it with my mailbox key because I didn't have scissors. But after that, the rest of the unpacking was a breeze.
I got back on the road and back home before 7. Pretty solid trip. I tried out the auto-brights on the rental car, which is a pretty cool feature. Oh yeah. I noticed something really crazy, check this out.
So I have astigmatism, which can make headlights and really any lights at night pretty overwhelming. They just kinda burst out like fireworks and can overwhelm my vision, which makes driving at night pretty scary. Especially trucks, good lord. The worst is when I have a car behind me and the headlights are in the rear-view mirror just overwhelming my vision the whole time, even regular headlights will do it. Brights are just flat-out dangerous. I've pulled over my car many times just to let people pass me because I've been like convinced I was going to get in an accident. But in this rental... they did something to the rear-view mirror. I could tell because the side-views were the same way my car is, the light is bright and starbursts out and overwhelms me, but in the rear view... it was like... it must've had some kind of light filter on it or something? I could look directly at it no problem. Like the light barely even did that flare thing, it was pretty hard to believe. It made me feel so much safer on the drive back. Now... I did still have that problem with oncoming cars, so that was the same issue I always have, but I went like 20 minutes with someone pacing off of me and I didn't have a problem with it at all. It was crazy. So I really think I need to talk to my eye doctor about that and see if she knows what kind of glass treatment that was and whether I can get glasses with that on it for night driving. That would be actually life-changing, I would feel much safer driving at night.
So today started on a rough foot, but ended strong. My mom left some Thanksgiving food for me, which was very sweet, so I had a nice fancy dinner for myself tonight. And I kinda just sat here at the computer working on the Zen garden the rest of the night. I'm wiped. So I'm gonna head to bed.
Gonna pack some stuff and lay low, rest and recover tomorrow. Should only be one or two more trips up and I'll be moved in. =D
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dailyaudiobible · 2 years
08/30/2022 DAB Transcript
Job 34:1-36:33, 2 Corinthians 4:1-12, Psalms 44:1-8, Proverbs 22:10-12
Today is the 30th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian and it is awesome to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together. And our next step forward is certainly leading us toward the end of the month, which is tomorrow, but it’s leading us also back into the books that we are reading. And that first book that we will encounter today is the book of Job. And we have a new voice speaking trying to set Job straight. His name is Elihu and he's younger than the others, and so he has waited his turn to speak, but he is certainly speaking now. And, so, let's dive in. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Job 34, 35, and 36 today.
Okay. So, in the wisdom literature of the book of Proverbs today we found something, a saying, very very ancient, extraordinarily relevant. This little bit of wisdom is as relevant now as it ever was. The proverb tells us, “drive out a scoffer and strife will go out and quarreling and abuse will cease.” And, so, we could read that and go, okay, so there's a problem, I gotta get rid of the scoffer in my life until we realize maybe where the scoffer. And, so, how can we look in the mirror of our own soul and see what we are? One way to know is to look at our relational style when we find ourselves in conflict, when we find ourselves in an argument. And every human being faces interpersonal conflict in their lives. That's how things are supposed to get worked out. But a lot of times the argument or dispute isn't aimed. The goal isn't to work things out, to wrestle through things together and come to an agreement. So often the aim is domination. And we have to look at ourselves and wonder what lengths will we go to to win in this conflict even if things don't get worked out so that it's a useless conflict other than causing division. A lot of those tactics are the tactics of the scoffer. The lows that we’re willing to dip into, the things that we’re willing to say, the names and labels that were willing to assign because we need to be right. And, so, as we’re in this conflict we are elevating our position in our own mind as absolute truth and absolute right. And, so, we subtly diminish the other person as inferior. And it's easy to become a scoffer. It's easy to say things that aren’t…aren’t appropriate and can't be unsaid. It's easy to start throwing names. It's easy to start picking at soft spots that we know are there just to keep the conflict going so we can dominate until we win. That's what's scoffing does. It brings scorn and contempt into our interpersonal relationships, and then we use scorn and contempt to get the upper hand. In other words, we become the scoffer. Basically, wisdom is telling us that if the scoffer isn't brought to the conflict, then all of the things that the scoffer brings to the table won't be at the table. The quarrels and insults and scorn won't be present in the mix of this conflict. Therefore, the purpose of conflict can actually be employed, wrestling through it together with the goal of reconciliation, restoration, and peace. This is really…like this is really true. It's also really hard when there are well-worn pathways and people push our buttons and they know what's going to happen and then it happens and then there's a conflict and everybody's mad at everybody and it's horrible and it turns into World War III in our house is a war zone. It's like the scoffer comes out and begins speaking before we even become aware of what's going on and what is flying out of our mouths. And, so, how do we keep the scoffer from even coming into the conflict? I'm sure there are many many tools that can help with that. The one thing that I have found that is very very helpful is the assumption about the person we find ourselves in conflict with. How are we looking at that person? Do we believe there is good there? Is it possible for us to believe that our hearts are good toward each other and we are in conflict, which is a natural thing that can be wrestled through, or do we have to label ourselves good and them bad? Because once we’ve put the label that diminishes the other person. The scoffer is out. We must remember that there is a problem to be wrestled with and we attack together that problem, that issue, and refrain from attacking one another because once we've attacked one another the issue turns into a myriad of issues, all of the problems. But when we’re focused on wrestling through an issue together with the desired outcome being shalom then we have decided in advance who we’re going to be in the situation as opposed to just falling to the lowest version of ourselves possible. Drive out a scoffer, the proverb says, and strife will go out and quarreling and abuse will cease.
Holy Spirit, we invite You into this. There isn't a person that doesn't understand what's being talked about. We also know it's a slippery slope. It’s very, very hard to navigate in the heat of the moment and we confess that rarely in the heat of the moment when the scoffer is about to be let loose we’re normally not asking You what we should do. Normally we’re doing what we want to do and saying what we want to say and its destructive. And, so, help us to take this proverb to heart because this can actually change the atmosphere of our lives. We confess that we have not mastered this and maybe we can't master this. But You are the master, and You give wise counsel and comfort. And, so, we turn to You now as we look out in front of us and we make decisions now that the next time conflict arises our assumptions aren’t going to be to crush the person that we’re in conflict with, but to wrestle through the issues of the conflict with the hope that Your spirit will lead and guide appropriately which is going to force us to surrender not only to You completely, but also to our deep need to dominate and be right. We don't want quarreling and abuse and scoffing and strife in our lives. Those things have never lead us anywhere good. We haven't planted those things in the soil of our hearts and got bountiful crops of shalom and order. It's been the opposite. And, so, what we’re talking about here – scoffing, strife, quarreling, abuse - these things are poison to us, and we allow them to exist. Forgive us, heal us, restore us, transform us, we pray. In the powerful name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
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And then while you're checking things out check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources in the Shop that are here for the journey to take it deeper, to take it wider, to make it a more meaningful journey through the Scriptures in a year. And, so, yeah, check out the resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible thank you humbly. If being around the Global Campfire is life-giving and brings comfort and clarity, then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi DAB family this is Jessica in California. Today I'm calling in abut the August 25th prayer section and I heard a gal, I believe her name is Joy from Mabel New York. She…she said that she had a brain injury 27 years ago and she’s in an electric wheelchair that's purple and she's in a nursing home. And praise God she's still able to lead a Bible study at least twice a month and she's considering having a math class when school starts up. And this is just such a wonderful testament to you God, that there's nothing impossible. And God, You give her the strength to want to do things even though she has limitations. And Lord there's nothing stopping her because You're supporting her. You're the…You’re the leader of her life Lord and I just thank You God for everything You're doing in her life, and I pray that You bless her Bible study and everything else that she has going on there, her time. I pray that Your Holy Spirit comes and blesses the words that come out of her mouth where people really feel Your love and Your touch. And I just thank You Lord that she has a heart for You even though she's going through hard times and has been through all this tragedy in her life Lord that she's overcome, and she doesn't let her get her down. I thank You Lord and I just wanted to say hi to you and encourage you sister and I'm so proud of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Good day Daily Audio Bible family. It's Lora Lee in Boynton Beach. I'm calling in to thank you Hardin family. Thank you. God bless you, all of you. Known for so many years and gosh we've concentrated ourselves together, is it 18 years, 17 years? I'm coming up on a season where I will be moving out of my apartment into the housing that our church provides for a program called project 516 based on Matthew 5:16. Urban youth impact is how our church got birthed. So, I will be serving with the urban youth impact and with three or four other girls together in a house in that neighborhood, serving the church, serving in outreach, serving in our Christian School, being mentored, going through inner a healing ministry that our church provides there. I'm really looking forward to being a blessing and to grow and to repent of serving God when I want, how I want, in the comfort of this culture we live in because it's a conviction in my heart and I'm going forward with that. So, I ask your blessing to be a blessing and to be blessed and also that I roll over the salvation of my mother who is progressing with dementia onto the Lord every day knowing that He is faithful to bring about her salvation in Jesus’…
Hey everybody this is Annette from Oklahoma City. Margo, Margo from Liberia. Sister, O my sister I just truly did not know what to say. I'm so sorry that you went through this and Liberia. I know that this has been really really hard for you over there. I can't even imagine. I can't even imagine going through this situation. And, you know, before I got a little bit more educated and…and in the Bible and how God feels about children. Like He says, it would be better for somebody to hang a millstone around their neck and drown in the sea then to harm one of these little ones. And I tell you, you know, we all do bad things in our life that we're gonna have to answer for one of these days, myself included. I'm number one. I'm like Paul. I'm the worst of the worst. And I tell you, it is the one thing that I thought when I get to heaven I'm gonna ask God, why does he let things happen to children? And now I know that it's not Him sister. We all know it's the bad guy who does these things or allows things that happen. And O, I really hope something good comes out of this tragedy somehow and I hope you can keep up your work there if that's where God intends to keep you. And I'm going to pray for your strength and your courage and just to love people because we sure do love you sister. Alright. You have a good day, and you just know we're praying for you.
Hey by incredible DAB fam this is Kingdom Seeker Daniel. Family today August 26th is my birthday and it's a special birthday. In fact, I'd say it's the most special birthday I have ever had. And I say that because the Lord has been so faithful, and He has done an amazing thing in my life. Many of you recall the death of LOVs son about a year and almost two months ago. But what most of you don't know is that shortly after that LOV and I began to clash in our communication. The grief began to take a toll on our relationship and things began to just fizzle out of control so much so that my bride felt it necessary to move back to Chicago. And on December 18th my wife moved back to Chicago. After a series of fasting and praying and praying and fasting and counseling and intervention and waiting on the Lord I stand here to tell you that eight months later, on August the 19th my wife came home. Hallelujah! To God be the glory. Listen family wherever you are in your situation, believe God, trust God, wait on Him. He can do it.
Father, we thank You for Daily Audio Bible. Thank You, Lord for Brian and his family who are faithful to the reading of Your word. Thank You, Lord, for every precious request and testimony that is shared on this app. We thank You Lord for working in each one of our lives for having Your plans and Your purposes fulfilled in us for using us to be salt and light everywhere that our feet walk on this earth Lord God. Thank You for letting Your Kingdom come and Your will be done Lord on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You, Lord for setting the prisoners free Lord. Anybody fighting unhealthy addictions, You are going before and setting us free Lord. We love You and we need You. In the name of Jesus. This is Cindy from Cosby TN.
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blazekurumu · 1 year
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I posted 10 times in 2022
10 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 10 of my posts in 2022
#miraculous ladybug - 7 posts
#adrien agreste - 6 posts
#marinette dupain cheng - 4 posts
#marinette deserves better - 2 posts
#miraculous ladybug rant - 2 posts
#genshin impact - 2 posts
#adrien sugar - 2 posts
#marinette sugar - 2 posts
#chloe bourgeois - 2 posts
#capitano - 1 post
Longest Tag: 29 characters
#it's not the end of the world
My Top Posts in 2022:
Is there a problem with disliking characters?
Throughout my run of the Miraculous Fandom, there seems to be a notion that you aren't allowed to dislike certain characters. If you dislike Chloe, you get people spewing hate at you for not understanding her redemption arc or claiming you don't know how much she's suffered. If you dislike Lila, then you get people throwing insults your way about how you don't get her character or accusing you of being an apologist. Heaven forbid you dislike the main characters, especially Adrien! Seems like the so called 'golden child' is too special and lovable to be disliked, but we can slander Marinette till the cow comes home.
It's quite surprising how much we place attachment on fictional characters. Say someone likes Zoe for example. They say she's a great addition to the cast and has one of the best designs in the show. Now, depending on the person, they would either say that you are wrong for liking a "replacement" Chloe, spit at you for thinking such thoughts since Chloe was better, or even say you shouldn't like her due to Thomas being a jerk.
So, when we have people making art, stories, or post about a character we dislike, we want to get angry and tell them why they are wrong and that they should assimilate with those who enjoy the character.
This is forcefully imposing your ideals upon someone. Not cool at all.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, likes, and dislikes. Not everyone is going to see a character the way you see them. The problem we have is that when we anchor ourselves to that one character or characters, we tend to get defensive as if they were their own child. If you feel the need to impose your own opinions on a person, that just makes that character worse for the person.
Respect is a two way street. Maybe try seeing another side to the story. Instead of bashing the person, ask why they dislike the character. When you get your answer, respectfully nod and don't give sass. The worse you can do is force someone to like what you like.
Or you can be mad at me for not liking Adrien Agreste. Whatever catches your eye...
38 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
This may be an unpopular opinion about Miraculous Ladybug.
I think one of the central themes of Miraculous is emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the basic understanding of how we view and handle our emotions. Whether they be good or bad, we all have to process how we feel in every moment. Through the acknowledgement of our emotional state, we can better ourselves and mature into a healthier state.
Does this mean that negative emotions are bad? Of course, but we need these emotions in order to learn and develop.
I see the usage of akumazations as a reflection of how people act and function in the real world. When one doesn't allow themselves to feel those negative emotions, they overwhelm them and overtake their reasoning centers. In a way, we become easier to control or become uncontrollable monsters.
Maturity happens when you realize that you have those negative feelings and turn them around for good. Take Kagami for example. When we first meet her, she's stubborn, driven by anger, and determined to win no matter what. As she progressed as a character, that stubborn nature was used more to protect her friends and assert herself. That anger that one akumatized her was now the driving force to save those who too was akumatized. That determination to win was changed into determination to pursue relationships with friends and, to a lesser extent, maintain one with Adrien.
The show is about teenagers, so don't expect them to be mature at this age. The frontal lobe, which dictates logic, reasoning, and emotions, hasn't fully developed yet. Everyone has to understand that Marinette, Adrien, and their peers haven't fully grasped their fluxating emotions yet. They are still learning discernment, how to communicate their feelings, and thinking before they act.
Marinette doesn't learn from her mistakes? That's not true. Marinette does learn from her failures because she's allowed to. Most of her mistakes weren't meant to be bashed, but to teach us how to behave. Sure, we may not have taken a friend's phone or snuck into their house, but some of you did far worst than that at her age. The mercy your parents, peers, or other important figures in your life showed you when you messed up is the same way you should treat her mistakes.
Adrien should be mean to Marinette or shun her? But why? The boy yearns for emotional connections and Marinette is one of the healthier ones in his life outside of Nino. Adrien is learning how to express himself, assert his feelings, and conveying his thoughts far more now than when we first saw him. I think Marinette being a positive influence in his life helped him to mature a bit as well.
Ultimately, no matter how we see it, the real people getting mad at Marinette and Adrien are those whose emotional intelligence aren't the highest. Those who haven't matured past their high school stage in life and trying to justify their reasons for hating a character that is a reflection of their own. Maybe we all need to improve our emotions and learn how to show mercy and forgiveness to those still developing.
After all, we wouldn't want to become slaves to our own emotions.
81 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Why I relate to Marinette: She's clumsy, but has good reflexes. She's organized, but gets frazzled when things don't go her way. She's smart and beautiful without needing confirmation. A natural born leader that makes mistakes. Able to make decisions, whether good or bad. Doesn't take crap from no one, but treats people how they liked to be treated. Is able to make friends with the most unlikely people. Always determined to make things right.
Why I relate to Adrien: Oblivious to people who have a crush on them, yet yearns to be loved.
141 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Hey Miraculous fans,
So that new Kuro Neko trailer dropped and I already see the salters having a field day. They all are mad that Ladybug finally told off Chat Noir. They're mad that she decided to replace him. They're mad at Marinette, blaming her for all the stuff that's been happening for season 4.
You know what...I'm gonna be real honest with everyone.
I'm getting bored of Adrien as a character.
It's the same sob story we've all heard before. The Fandom wants to coddle the "sunshine child" so much that it's getting old. It's as if Adrien doing something wrong gets overlooked while Marinette is the spawn of Satan. They're like, "Ooh, Adrien lost his mother and he uses Chat Noir as an outlet to get away from his abusive father." Or, "I cannot believe Adrien wasn't chosen as the Guardian or that Ladybug should have told him about Master Fu."
You do realize that Adrien has never had to work for anything in his life? He's given almost everything to him, is rich, a model, never had bullies, was basically sheltered, and seems to be emotionally detached from the world! When he does feel something for Ladybug, it's akin to a lovesick puppy who can't take no for answer.
Take a hint Goldilocks, Ladybug isn't into you like that. She sees you as a partner, someone whom she needs to fight evil with. There is literally a time and a place for flirting and on the job isn't it! I'm getting sick of people defending Chat Noir's advances as "professing his love" when it is akin to a man child stalking a woman he likes. As much as people want to point out Marinette's stalking, let's talk about how Adrien has pictures of Ladybug on his desktop too!
Which brings up why I'm getting bored of Adrien. People see the new trailer and immediately want to bash Marinette, but I want to point out Adrien. Marinette is dedicated to her superhero job and guardian position. She's not perfect, she makes mistakes, but at least she takes credit and apologizes. She never felt like giving up, only in Origins do we ever see her wanting to give up the mantle. Not only that, she is a fashion designer, works in her parent's bakery, the emotional support of her friend group, and is being threatened by girls like Lila and Chloe on a constant basis. What does Adrien have to worry about? He has his life planned out, doesn't have to worry about much. He doesn't take his superhero job as seriously as Marinette. Like stated before, this is more of a whiney angst teen trying to "break free" of his oppressed environment. If this was a job for him, he would be more intuned and serious.
So pardon me if I react to Adrien getting mad at being rejected and quitting as a sign of a child who hasn't really progressed.
Because I feel that unless Adrien realizes that he's being a gaslighter towards Ladybug, doesn't take his superhero job seriously, and continues to threaten Plagg with quitting....
Then I just don't have to be that invested in why people defend this supposed "sunshine boy".
224 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Harbinger Men Make You Tea
(Y/N): Can you make me some tea?
Tartgalia: *Brewing the water* All you had to do was ask comrade! Let me grab your favorite cup and maybe you'll let me have a sip.
(Y/N): *Blushes* Thank you Childe.
(Y/N): Can you make me some tea?
Pantalone: I didn't know which one you like, so I bought you the entire tea company.
(Y/N): I just wanted some tea, but I guess that's fine.
(Y/N): Can you make me some tea?
Scaramouche: *Slams down a cup of ice and some herbs* Here. Tea.
(Y/N): *Stares at him* Seriously?
(Y/N): Can you make me some tea?
Dottore: *Places a cup of tea on the table* Here you go dear!
(Y/N): *Stares warily at the cup* What did you put in the cup?
Dottore: *Grins* Take a sip and find out.
(Y/N): Can I have a-
Pierro: *Places a cup of tea, some cakes, and even a napkin in front of you* Anything else?
(Y/N): *Tears up* Marry me.
(Y/N): Can I have a cup of tea?
Pulcinella: *Starts making you some tea* Oh dear, are you okay? Should I put in honey? A lozenge? I put some sugar in to cut the bitterness.
(Y/N): *Smiles* Thank you.
(Y/N): Can I have some tea?
Capitano: I didn't know which one you wanted, so I got every tea in the store. *Places all the tea bags on the table*
(Y/N): *Shakes head, smiling* Pick one for me please.
Capitano: *Nods* I will do my best to make you a good cup.
555 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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theydjarin · 3 years
Audio of the Hoth rescue scene from the 1983 ESB radio play, featuring some really great Han & Luke dialogue 
Luke: So what’s your excuse this time? Han: ...for what? Luke: For coming out after me. I guess you can’t claim it was the money this time. Han: Well, ah. I’ll figure something out, Luke. Luke: I bet you will. 😏
Full transcript under the cut:
Han: Chewie? Hey, Chewie! You got the Falcon fixed yet? We’re getting this snowball right now before they close the shield door for the night.
Chewie: Argh?
Han: Because I’m sick of this planet, that’s why! Because Jabba’s hunting for our heads. Now warm her up and let’s raise ship.
Chewie: Aghh!
Han: WHAT?!
Chewie: Agh aghhh
Han: You took what apart?! What are you doing fine-turning the hyper drive now? Look at that mess, are you crazy?
Chewie: Ahhhhhhhhhhgghhhhhhhhhh
Han: Okay okay calm down, we still got a little while before they shut the shield door. You close up the vector guides, I’ll put the transition rig back together.
Chewie: Aghh
Han: All I want to do is get us out of here, Chewie, now put her back together the best way you can. Just so they’ll get us to our next stop.
Chewie: Aughhh
Han: Who? Her royalness? Never what she said. Remind me to tell you sometime about hob-knobbing with the other classes, it’s such fun! Oh, great, it’s just what we needed, here come the loose wiring brothers. What are you doing, Chewie? Are you a saboteur?? You think I want to spend the rest of my life here for face--
C3PO: Captain Solo--
Han: Listen, Chewie, those vector guides will do for now. Just get em back in place and tighten up the hole. I don’t want em perfect, I don’t want em pretty, I want em NOW!
C3PO: Princess Leia has been trying to get you on the comlink--
Han: Whoa whoa there. What’d you say, Threepio?
C3PO: I was attempting to draw your attention to the fact that the Princess Leia has been trying to reach you by comlink now for some consid-
Han: I turned my comlink off, I don’t want to talk to her anymore, it’s bad for my disposition.
C3PO: Indeed. Oh, well, Artoo and I are to inform you that the Princess Leia is worried about Master Luke. She doesn’t know where he is.
Han: Well, I don’t know where he is.
C3PO: Nobody knows where he is.
Han: What do you mean nobody knows? He was only a couple of minutes behind me when I rode in.
C3PO: Well you see sir--
Han: Deck officer, deck officer, come here will ya!
C3PO: Excuse me, sir, but might I inquire as to whether you intend to organize a-- mmph!
Han: Will you shut up for a sec?
Deck Officer: Sir, what can I do for you?
Han: You can tell me where Commander Skywalker is.
Deck Officer: I haven’t seen him. Is that droid malfunctioning, sir?
Han: Not anymore than usual.
Deck Officer: Then why are you holding your hand over its vocal swath?
Han: He’s got a cough. Now what about Luke?
Deck Officer: Commander Skywalker hasn’t come through the main shield door, it’s possible he came in through the south entrance.
Han: It’s possible? It’s possible? Why don’t you just go find out whether it really happened, huh?
Deck Officer: Very well, Captain, as soon as I get the rest of your--
Han: It’s getting dark out there, friend, and cold, in case you didn’t notice.
Deck Officer: I’m aware of that. I joined up with the rebels because I notice things. I’ll go and check on the Commander at once.
Han: Okay, yeah yeah, look, hey, thanks, pal.
R2D2: [angry beeping]
Han: Huh? Oh, sure, Artoo. Sorry, Threepio.
C3PO: Thank you, Captain Solo. Although there was really no need for that, I’m sure. And might I now inquire what has happened to Master Luke.
Han: Well you just go ahead and inquire all you like, Threepio, it never does any good around this deep freeze.
C3PO: Well!
Han: Seal her up, Chewie, I’ll be right back.
C3PO: Really, Artoo, have you ever met such an impossible man? Come along, let’s find the Princess Leia and tell her what’s happened. This is what we get for allowing Master Luke go off on his own, without us to look after him.
Chewie: Aghh ahhhg!
C3PO: Yes, Chewbacca, of course we shall keep you informed of any new developments. Between ourselves, Artoo, I think Master Luke is in considerable danger.
[scene break]
Han: What’d you find out? Where is he?
Deck Officer: Sir, Commander Skywalker hasn’t come in the south entrance either. No one’s heard from him since his last communication check with you.
Han: Well he was clear up on the ridge line then!
Deck Officer: He might’ve forgotten to check in.
Han: Luke? No, where he grew up, people learn to be careful. I’m going looking for him.
Deck Officer: But Captain Solo!
Han: Have the techs got those snow speeders working? I’d use the Falcon but she’s on downtime right now.
Deck Officer: The snow speeders aren’t ready yet. We’ve been having all kinds of trouble adapting them to the cold. The techs are running up a bunch of replacement parts, they should be ready by morning.
Han: Well, morning ain’t likely to do Commander Skywalker very much good, is it? Isn’t there anything in this whole base that’ll fly?
Deck Officer: Nothing that can handle a Hoth blizzard, sir. Those winds would smash you down before you got halfway--
Han: Alright, alright, forget it, I’ll have to ride out and look for him on a tauntaun. Come on, move it, we haven’t got much time.
Deck Officer: Captain Solo! General Riken gave orders no one’s to leave the base!
Han: This one over here will have to do, it’s still saddled.
Deck Officer: Captain Solo!
Han: Tell the command center that I’ll keep in touch with them over comlink band alpha.
Deck Officer: Sir! General Riken doesn’t want anyone leaving the base!
Han: Lieutenant.
Deck Officer: Sir.
Han: Lieutenant. What did you just call me?
Deck Officer: Sir?
Han: Right. Now get outta my way.
Deck Officer: But the temperature’s dropping too rapidly. Even a tauntaun couldn’t survive for long!
Han: Yeah, my friend’s out there someplace, and I’m giving you a direct order to make it easy for ya, so don’t waste my time!
Deck Officer: I’m afraid I can’t let you do this, Captain Solo! I have my standing orders.
Han: Lieutenant, have you ever seen my first mate? ‘bout, uh,  three times your size, covered in fur, got a bad temper?  
Deck Officer: Everybody in the base knows Chewbacca, sir.
Han: Uh huh. Well if you or anybody else tries to stop me from riding that tauntaun outta here, Chewie’s gonna take it real bad.
Deck Officer: But General Riken has clearly instructed me that no one--
Han: Do you think General Riken wants a quarter of a ton of roaring mad Wookie running around this base?
Deck Officer: I’m reasonably certain that he doesn’t, sir.
Han: Smart boy. Now, stand aside!
Deck Officer: I’m trying to save your life! Your tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker. Even with an insulated suit, if you’re on foot out there, you’re dead.
[scene break]
Luke: Ughhh. Ughhhhhh. Dagobah. Dagobah!
Han: Luke!
Luke: What?
Han: Luke!
Luke: Ben?
Han: Luke! Whoa, girl, whoa, hold on. Luke! Speak to me, kid. Here, come on, sit up.
Luke: Ben? Han? Han!
Han: Yeah, it’s me, kid, it’s me.
Luke: It’s cold. Han. So cold. I’m warmer.
Han: Warmer? No, Luke, that means you’re freezing. Fight it, come on! Don’t go to sleep on me. Don’t do this to me, Luke. Come on, give me a sign here. Luke. Stay with me. Stay with me, kid.
Tauntaun: [death noises]
Han: Oh no, girl, don’t you give me problems too. The tauntaun’s dead, Luke. Where’s your lightsaber. I need it.
Luke: Ben! Yoda--
Han: There’s not much time. There’s only one way to keep you warm until I get the emergency shelter. [lightsaber zuup] I’m sorry about this, old girl. Okay, Luke, I’m going to have to shove you inside the carcass.
Luke: Dagobah!
Han: This may smell bad, kid, but it’ll keep you alive until I can get the shelter built. And I thought these tauntauns smelled bad on the outside.
[scene break]
Han: Hold still, Luke, I gotta give you a stim shot. There, that oughta take hold and bring you around in a second or two. This is Solo to base. Solo to base. Command center, I don’t know if you can read me, but I’ve got Luke. He’s alive but my tauntaun’s down for good. We’re in an emergency shelter. Do you copy? The storm’s kicking up pretty bad. I don’t know if this hut can take it. Just come for us as soon as you can. I’ve got the homing beacon on. Do your best for us, you guys.
Luke: Han...
Han: Lay quiet, Luke. Come on, there’s not much room in here.
Luke: Han, I can’t see!
Han: You’re snowblind, Luke, but it’ll pass. We’ll get you taken care of soon, I promise. And keep that thermal wrapped around you, we gotta warm you up a little at a time.
Luke: Han... it would be you. How’d you find me?
Han: Snoozing in the snow, that’s how I found you.
Luke: Nice going. You have some sense of timing is all. Where are we?
Han: Emergency shelter. North side of the glacier field.
Luke: You think this thing’s gonna hold up?
Han: Well. I’m sort of hoping for the best, buddy.
Luke: We sure picked a great time to field test it, huh?
Han: Haha, yeah, perfect. How ya feeling?
Luke: Oh... terrific. Why don’t we go outside and get some calisthenics in before it gets too dark?
Han: Sure. Heh. We could always play some tag.
Luke: Hehe. Oh... How’d you get out here?
Han: Tauntaun. There wasn’t any other way. She didn’t make it, though.
Luke: So we’re here til the weather breaks.
Han: Yeah, that’s about it.
Luke: I can’t feel my legs. I’m numb!
Han: You’re gonna be okay. There’s not a lot more I can do for you with a medikit. But they’ll put you through nerve therapy and float you in a regenerative tank and you’ll be as good as new.
Luke: Too bad the nearest one’s a couple kilometers away through a blizzard-
Han: No more talking like that. You’re gonna make it, ya hear? What happened to your face? You look like you walked into a rotor blade.
Luke: Oh. It’s a wampa. Ice creature jumped me on the ridge and killed my tauntaun.
Han: How very rude! as Threepio would say. I hope you killed it right back.
Luke: Well, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Whew. What smells so bad in here?
Han: Hehehe. You. You spent a little time inside my tauntaun while I was having a house raising party.
Luke: Well I guess you can cancel all my social engagements for the evening. So what’s your excuse this time?
Han: Huh? …for what?
Luke: For coming out after me. I guess you can’t claim it was the money this time.
Han: Well, ah. I’ll figure something out, Luke.
Luke: I bet you will. 😏
Han: This hut’s gonna hold, Luke, and you’re gonna make it.
Luke: I only wish I could’ve seen Leia. Said goodbye one last time.
Han: I got an idea, pal. Why don’t you just settle down and relax, and tomorrow you can say hello to her instead.
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thesolyanka · 2 years
Cancel russian culture
by Ivan Semesyuk
Greetings, I'm Ivan Semesyuk, a Ukrainian artist, writer, musician and the host of the media project about Ukrainian identity – Instruction.UA. The objective of this project is to tell Ukrainians about Ukrainians. About who we are, what we are, and the meaning of our existence. Before the war, we managed to have shot only 12 issues with various expert guests: historians, cultural figures, businessmen, strategists, politicians. We remembered ourselves, planned our common future, and looked for our real names in these issues. And we have those names. According to our media research, Ukrainians have two more titles. Ukrainians are the Love. Ukrainians are the Freedom. And as you can see now: Ukrainians are the passionate, indomitable, overall love of Freedom.
However, now is the time to tell the world about something else. Not about us, Ukrainians, but about those who have now come to our Ukraine with a horrible invasion. About the russians, whom we now know all too well, and about what drives them in their bloody madness. The world condemns russia's horrific, unprecedented aggression against free Ukraine. The attack with ballistic missile launches on our cities, with jet artillery on peaceful neighbourhoods, with the shooting of civilians, with Ukrainian children killed by russians and many other disasters of ours.
The world strongly condemns putin and condemns the russian government and russia's political elites, which is correct. Yet the world still does not know, understand, why has it happened again? Why does russia kill everything it sees again and again? Where does precisely the russian ring of almightiness, the Ring of putin's power, of this new Sauron, lie? A ring that radiates endless and forever massive tragedies. We, Ukrainians, know the answer, and we know it better than you, naive people of the free West.
The ring is hidden where you will never look for it - deep inside the russian culture, within its foundations. The world condemns everything but does not condemn (more important, actively defends) the leading cause of the new war - their well-spread culture, so mysterious and so romantic if perceived in bad translations. The culture of russians is that same ring of Sauron, which has been nourishing pure evil for a long time.
It will be hard for you to believe it, but you will. Their culture is a culture of war, death, contempt and pride, and bloody sacrifices, a culture that has been fundamentally chauvinistic since its foundation. It is fundamentally chauvinistic about everything DIFFERENT.
Acting by the principle of viral invasion, russian culture is well disguised under such familiar to you humanistic, at first glance relatively Westernized forms. Still, in essence, it has an entirely opposite to European (and Western in general) cultural code. A living person has never had a place in this culture, except for the great ideological projects. Hence, the total falsehood, bloodthirstiness, insidiousness, regular famines, genocides and wars. In this lies the meaning and purpose of the existence of russian culture - to be the open gate for entropy, to be the black funnel of the destruction of God's world.
We appeal to you to start acknowledging what is simple and obvious to us: your favourite tolstoy and dostoevsky exist only to sanction evil, to provide it with a reliable cover, through which for years you cannot catch the essence of what is going on in Eastern Europe. They exist only to put you to bed and then break into your house at night and kill all its inhabitants. From this point of view, russian culture is not a culture at all. It does not serve manhood and its humane aspirations, but imposes black chauvinism as a single national idea. It is a deceptive, cyclopean forgery; this is a Frankenstein, collected from fragments stolen all around the Western world. It is a mummy drenched in a cult of pain and suicide. This culture crushed many, and most importantly, russians themselves, turning them into numb servants of the historical death harvester named “russia” (just as stolen as everything else).
Naive people of the Free West, You have been deceived. Russia does not make and has never made any human senses. You got fucked. Russian culture is a stretched in time cyclopean terrorist act. Do not believe them. Do not ever believe a thing of theirs. Do not let them into your head and heart, or they will come to you with tolstoy and dostoevsky, and together, they will kill your children, as they have been killing ours for centuries. What is it that every citizen of the world can do now to prevent Russia and its barbaric terrorism from invading the civilized world ever again? Stop consuming the russian cultural product: literature, cinema, music, art, bloggers - cancel. Submit petitions to exclude russia from all international cultural organizations and unions. Do not allow russian artists to participate in international festivals, exhibitions, symposiums, etc. Forget about the "mysterious russian soul". It is the soul of the prisoner and murderer. You will not find there anything but the wish of death to everything that differs from it.
We, Ukrainians, will never be put to sleep or deceived by these orks of putin. We will definitely obtain the victory in this war for Freedom because we can see right through this ferocious enemy - right to its slavish core.
Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦
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