#and it just kinda hit that 30 minutes before hand i had held this animal alive
i think the hardest thing with rehabbing is that sometimes from your point of view there are no success stories some days. we have the birds who are doing well of course but im not really working with them. i did one exam today and the bird had to be euthanised because of the injury severity. the other intakes we were waiting for either didn’t come during my shift or died before they could get to us. the only other bird i worked with was a window strike with severe neurological damage who had to be force fed. sometimes i come home emotionally drained just because rehabbing isn’t always happy endings
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op, p l e a s e do this one.
gn-mc is a great fighter according to their profile, but everyone severely underestimates them, since they’re kinda short and they’re thinking it’s to human standards. as soon as they come though the three (Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer) realise that the number of fights have gone down, and that RAD is a lot more quiet. Apparently mc had fought all the trouble makers or scary students on a whim, and has forced like 30+ scary demons into pacts, and plans to conquer RAD’s bad students. on top of that, they’re just like “one day i’ll beat the shit out of diavolo too fair and square, and conquer him as well.” for the brothers and undateables. bonus if mc said they only started their “conquest” because someone tried to bully Luke, so they decided to just conquer the demons for him like a good? older sibling
Holy shit OP this is what I signed up for when I started doing headcanons. Recently I’ve been working on my actual novel but I am still writing these out! I decided to answer this first because the creativity just HIT me.
The part that killed me is just how they did it for luke, I love him like my own son. Also side note the goth theme on tumblr hits different I really like. WARNING - a little bit of language, and violence.
Everyone reacting to GN!MC “conquering” RAD’s demons
He had chosen you and noticed your profile, thinking that is was almost cute humans would consider a tiny thing like you strong.
He immediately brushed you off when he saw how close you were to the chihuahua, thinking that you too, are just like a tiny chihuahua then.
But he soon hears less and less about fights going around, and even Diavolo investigates with him, and he is beyond shocked. He severely underestimated you.
He finds out because he forced some lesser demons to talk, and they were in tears saying you forced them to make a pact with you each time they lose, and by your order they weren’t allowed to fight students anymore, or else you’d punish them.
Although it was the truth he didn’t quite believe it, so they followed you around for a day before realising it absolutely was, you kicked ass so hard, the demon was crying and unrecognisable, and you forced him into a pact while snot was even coming out his nose.
He then sees you open the door behind you and take Luke’s hand before walking away from the bloody scene you had just caused. He was slightly angry and a bit intimidated, how did you, a tiny human do that?
When he confronted you about it, you just held onto his shoulders tightly, answering with “I’ll conquer you too, I’ll conquer Diavolo, I’ll conquer all of RAD, fucker. I am going to protect this child with my life.”
He was about to argue back, possibly attack you, but according to all the students investigated, you had well over 50 pact marks by now, and Diavolo found it amusing, so you were let off with that.
He swears he won’t submit to you, and has to stay on high defense because even at the HOL you will try to attack him with murderous intent to get the pact. 0/10, wants a new exchange students.
He was the first one you made a pact with, and afterwards he started following you around like a dog, despite literally calling Luke a dog.
He knew you were a good fighter since you kept saying so, but he kept telling you demons were another level, and you should be glad to have him.
You and Luke hung around a lot, while Mammon thirdwheeled, and finally came the day of your first fight. Mammon was ready to defend you, but you ordered him to sit as you beat the literal fuck out of the demon.
Mammon couldn’t tell if that was a lesser demon or a dismembered corpse at that point, and covered Luke due to all of their screaming in agony. When you were done, you kicked their head into a wall and demanded a pact, making him slightly pouty but happy he’s alive:
Getting the pact, you left and gave a head pat to both Luke and Mammon, telling them that they’re safe with you. Mammon didn’t like it at first but then he loved it.
It didn’t take Lucifer long to find out, and when you told him with such confidence that you’d “conquer all of RAD, including Diavolo” he was like woah!! You’re going to die for that, but you’re amazing!!
And then you didn’t die, because Diavolo found it funny, and you were only serving justice to those who cause mayhem at the moment, so it was fine. He also accidentally finds out that you rival Lucifer in power, and absolutely won’t let Lucifer punish him, because in your words, “Mammon is my property now, whore.”
You were the only person to protect him, and he absolutely loves you, he may be weaker than you, but he loves staying by your side and saying he’d beat people up for you anyways.
Levi never really talked to you at first, nor found out about the incidents because he didn’t go to school, but when he heard Mammon talking about it he thought he was exaggerating a lot.
Even Lucifer said you were strong, but he refused to believe it at first, even denying the pact marks you had. Until you beat the life out of Levi during the TSL games.
He got angry at you and tried to kill you, so you ripped him apart, quite aggressively. He swore his tail had bite marks in them, and that he couldn’t see out of his left eye for a week. The icing on top was you demanding a pact from him. He finally believed.
After you calmed, he made a pact with you, and was now afraid of you, until you comforted and apologized to him, telling him he did try to kill you first.
When Luke comes over one day, you invite him into Levi’s room, no permission, and start to talk, and when Levi tries to make fun of him, Mammon shuts his mouth.
“Luke is the whole reason they decided to start their conquest, the whole school knows that by now!” Mammon shushed him, and Levi began feeling a little jealous that the chihuahua got more of your attention than him. But when he hears that you ALSO want to conquer Diavolo, he’s just like !?!!??? You’re crazy.
But more than that you���re like some over powered anime protagonist who got sucked into a different world with over powered plot armor, Levi thought, and he really liked it.
Begs you to come with him when he’s trying to buy stuff in lines, so anyone who tries to cut gets the life beat out of them when they do.
Absolutely member #2 of your fan boy club, Diavolo being the first one in it.
He thinks oh yeah, you can fight sure. But when he witnesses it he absolutely loses his mind. A human shouldn’t be that strong, but the way you force a pact mark from them, and even defended the tiny chihuahua before leaving, while being tiny yourself, he was interested in how your body worked.
But what really excited him and made him like you is when Lucifer entered the room and you sent a flying kick to him, putting up a harsh fight as well, before you break the table when you were knocked into it, calling it a tie.
“I swear one day I’ll conquer you and force you to make a pact with me. I’ll wipe that smug look off your face, fucker. And once I do that, I’ll beat the shit out of your prince, too.” You spat, getting up and holding your back.
So now you went from protecting the chihuahua to devildom domination? Basically asks you to make a pact with him so you can use him to fight Lucifer. When you tell him you want a fair fight, and that you’ll beat Lucifer yourself, he’s just so excited because you held your own for five minutes, and Lucifer can’t even kill you!
Literally tags along each time you decided to fight Lucifer and cheers you on so hard. Will purposely try to make you and Lucifer run into each other at the halls, so you automatically try to hurt him.
Please tell him not to eat so much popcorn, we know the show is good but it’s like he has boxes of them now knowing you’re hating? on Lucifer like him.
Has absolutely freaked out and began cowering in a corner, shaking, begging you anywhere but the face.
He came to watch the show of you beating up a demon, not realizing it was you at first. When he did, he was so shocked and got closer to make sure.
You mistook him for the demon’s crew who made fun of look and tried to attack, seeing red. He held his own for a minute, before you almost rip off his wing in one swing.
He’s begging for forgiveness like the demons, despite not doing anything wrong at all. When you calm and realize it’s just human, you make the other demons unrecognizable and get your pacts, before making your way to him.
He’s just crying not his face, while you just say “Pact mark.” Pointing out you won fair and square against him, too.
He gives it too you beyond willingly, just not his face, he doesn’t even think twice. Nodding, you take Luke’s hand and leave.
He has to leave too for then next class, but then sees Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos confront you.
Is afraid for you but then you literally punch Lucifer and tell him you’ll conquer him, and then turn to Diavolo and declare his ass as your own, making Asmo secretly swoon but worried.
Actively tried to avoid you while at the HOL for awhile, but noticing your docile nature when you’re not fighting, he felt a little comfortable with you, and right now his only concern is how many callouses your hands are getting from punching thick skulls.
This man wanted to believe you when you said you were a strong fighter in passing conversation with him, but he just couldn’t. You were the tiniest creature he’d ever seen, and he was so sure you’d crush under one of his hugs.
He heard you were protecting Luke from the whispers of lesser demons, but he didn’t think it was through fighting.
This all changes when on his way to practice, he watches you beat up one of his teammates so hard they’re crying, they’re so huge, and yet lost to you, and the fact you sent him flying and cracked a wall, by one kick.
When you said you wanted a pact mark, he was shocked the rumors were true. On top of that, Luke was near by holding a cake he planned to give Beel as thanks for something he did for him earlier that week.
He watched you wipe the blood off your hand and pat Luke’s head, with a gentle smile. When he came in, Luke ran to him and gave him the cake, and he learned everything.
You were the one subduing the demons around here, big or small, and even protected Luke. He even learned that you challenge three totally strong demons, Lucifer, Barbatos, and Diavolo.
He totally believed you could do it now, with what he just witnessed. He’s seen his fair share of fights with egotistical demons thinking they’re so tough just because they play sports, and he’s seen guys at the gym, you were beyond that.
You had speed, strength, and great perception. Wasn’t even mad that practice was delayed, and began going to the gym with you, and will happily play with Luke too, another older sibling figure for Luke.
When he exited the attic and tried to kill you he watch his brothers grab popcorn from the sidelines, as they said to him enjoy dying.
He was confused at first, but then got the LIVING HELL beat out of him, oh how the turns have tabled. He intended to murder you, but you nearly killed him.
You forced a pact out of him as well, kicking him repeatedly where the sun doesn’t shine until he agreed, understanding why even Lucifer stood back. It’s not because they wanted you dead, it’s because they couldn’t stop you.
When he gains consciousness later, he finds out Lucifer is the only brother you haven’t made a pact with, and that you have over 80 pacts at this rate, and that you even planned to conquer Diavolo.
He thought it was stupid at first but after seeing you fight Lucifer, with no cheats just your normal hands for combat, while Lucifer was in demon form struggling, he understood he really liked you.
“Soooo... when are you beating the shit out of Diavolo?” He asks, and he also nearly makes the mistake of calling Luke a dog before Beel puts a hand over his mouth.
Jaw nearly drops and he loses his mind when he finds out you only started beating the shit out of people to make Luke happy.
This man just fucking cackles, like after watching you fight, he’s just in full tears from laughing. He’s just clapping, and telling you that’s amazing.
When Lucifer asked why you did it, you stood tall despite your short stature, and looked him in the eye with no fear. “I’ll beat each fucker who approached Luke, I’m going to defend him with all my fists got, and if you get in my way, I’ll do the same to you.” You said, before turning to Diavolo.
You walked up to him, and pulled his tie down so he could meet your eyes, and declared, “I’ll even beat the shit out of and conquer you too, one day, prince. I’ll be the ruler of this place one day. Prepare yourself for that day, until then, I won’t stop:”
This makes him laugh, not belittling you, but telling you he can’t wait, and he hopes that day comes soon, because he wants to fight you as well, and he hopes you hold nothing back against him.
He loves how strong you are, he loves how you want to protect Luke, he loves that you only did it to protect, and didn’t even bother to summon a demon, you did it with your own style. That took guts, confidence, and the fact you told him of all people with that confidence you would one day conquer him, his heart fluttered.
He would definitely start watching over you, and probably fan boy over you. The first person to ever force the prince of the Devildom to lower himself; and they even declared they would be the one to make him their’s, by forming a pact mark. It was honestly amazing to him, and he likes it.
He really should of seen this coming, a new fighting student, who was clinging to Luke protectively, and suddenly all the bad demons were being silenced.
Guess there’s no need for his torture chamber anymore, you’re much more feral than whatever he does, he just needs to sick you on them.
Joking aside, he doesn’t really take it too seriously. It’s great you can get a lot of pacts, and defend yourself, and even want to conquer Diavolo by forcing him to give you a pact mark, but he knows you’re still no match for him yet.
To get to Diavolo, you’d need to beat him up, and he’s a bit of a harder fight than Lucifer, by that he means a lot, he won’t even flinch if you bite his tail when he grabs you by it and puts you out the room, with a smile on his face.
It’s become a game at this point for the both of you to try and fight each other, you trying hard to get a pact mark out of him. He even offered it to you at one point, but you told him you wanted to win it fair and square, and he’s just in love with you even more because of that.
He’s pretty much a dad to Luke, so he appreciates how kind you are to him, and appreciates how you have your own set of morals for fighting, making him know that if Diavolo were to ever make a pact mark with you, it would all be fine.
“Hey... are you sure you’re not actually the demon?” Solomon asks you, looking at the sheer amount of pact marks on your body, one week after coming to the devildom.
He’s seriously impressed by you, considering how easily you beat up demons without any weapons, magic, or underhanded tactics. You simply use your fists and legs, sometimes your head, but you get the job done scarily.
He’s even more impressed when he finds out the reason, you were visiting purgatory hall and Luke was being rather loud. “I can’t believe that’s the 7th demon this week that fought with you! You’re just so cool, you’re so strong! Thank you for protecting me!”
Probably wants to try to enhance your strength with a potion, and offers it to you when you try to have your epic showdown with Diavolo, claiming he is the boss and Barbatos and Lucifer were his right hand men who dragged Luke into this mess.
You decline though, wanting it to be fair and square. Truly admires yet fears you. But then again, i don’t think you stabbing him would making him afraid of you. I don’t think this man can feel it at all, unless it was you dying.
Anyways, he’s delighted to ask the demons you make pacts with to make pacts with him as well.
Nearly loses his mind at first. He’s so concerned if you’re hurt,, but then he’s just like wait what.
Luke had told Simeon all about it when he reached purgatory hall, about how you beat up a demon for him, and even promised to always protect him. Simeon is really distraught you may of been hurt protecting Luke while he was busy.
But then Luke tells him about how you forced a pact mark out of the demon, and you didn’t even break a sweat, and that is was the coolest.
He doesn’t tell Diavolo about this thinking it was just a one time thing, and tries to watch over you two more. But then he sees you and he’s literally just frozen.
Humans aren’t that powerful right? And when Lucifer Diavolo finally confronts you about it, he watches as you just stare him down and declare that you’re going to conquer him as well, to make Luke feel happy and safe in devildom.
Needless to say Simeon is extremely panicked about your well-being, but extremely happy Luke is protected by someone so kind to him. Probably doesn’t approve of the violence, but Luke adores you.
The first time you met him you told him not to worry about the demons, because if they ever bullied him you would beat the life out of them.
He thought you were just saying that, and he said that he too would protect you, which you found extremely adorable and nearly went “I’m taking this kid home with me and he’s my child now.” not that anyone could physically stop you.
He found out you were actually sincere about it when the two of you were alone in RAD’s hallway, trying to leave for purgatory hall since he invited you over.
You two were stopped by a demon, who tried picking a fight on easy prey, and it was quite frankly, the worst mistake of his life, ever.
You beat the LIVING SHIT out of him, and even told Luke to look away, because this man was beyond recognisable, because you were so small you could easily duck and move fast, so the demon didn’t even land one hit on you.
Just because he’s a demon, doesn’t mean his stamina is forever you figured, and beat him up, forcing him to make a pact with you. You had one with Mammon already, so you knew how it worked, especially knew you could have multiple due to Solomon.
When it was over, you told Luke he could look, and there was zero damage to you and he was just like woah!! You’re so cool! And from then on you stuck close to him, literally demolishing any demon he thought looked scary, or just stared at him for too long.
When Diavolo comforted you about it, you stared him dead in the eyes saying “I would literally beat the shit out of you for Luke, so you better hope he starts liking the devildom soon, fucker.”
Diavolo laughed and Luke insisted you didn’t have to go that far, but you just patted his head and said it was okay.
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
“I Wanna Push Your Limits”
Dom! Klaus Hargreaves x fem! Reader
Request: "Hi l love your writing so muchh! Do you think you could do something Fem!reader x Klaus Hargreeves where he's dominant for once and tries to make her come as many times as possible.." ~ Anon
A/N: Dear lord this ask has been in there for a while, I am SO SORRY ANON! Thank you for submitting a request, I really like this idea. I think it's super fun! As always, don't be afraid to make a request. I also write for anime too, like MHA and Jujutsu Kaisen so hit me up!
Warnings: Dom/sub, butt stuff, light bandage, daddy kink (kinda, I guess), multiple orgasms. Damn this bitch be S P I C Y
Time is an illusion. But, if you had to make an educated guess as to how long you've been laying there, it would have been between 1 to 2 hours. In reality it was more like 30 minutes but time ceases to exist when you're gagged, blindfolded, and tied to your bed frame.
Not to mention the obnoxious buzzing against your poor clit. The sounds echoing off the walls, the vibrator torturing you. Two clitoral orgasms had already ripped through your body and a third threatened to erupt.
"Are you gonna cum again, baby girl?" Klaus whined. Even in a dominant position, Klaus's voice moaned and whimpered so sweetly. It sent chills down your spine. You whimpered back, nodding your head as your teeth knawed on the rubber ball tied to your mouth. Fuck this was a big one. You felt yourself reached the edge again, hitting you harder than the last two. Your legs bobbed from side to side as you came. The vibrating sensation continuing through your orgasm. Your muscles tensed and relaxed, only then did the buzzing stop.
You huffed, catching your breath as your toes curled from the remaining pleasure. Finally, he'd fuck you now. Or so you thought. You felt the bed move under you as he adjusted his position. You felt him between your thighs, pulling them aside to look down at your arousal. Suddenly you felt his wet tongue come down to your poor clit. He licked at it a few times, watching you loudly gasp and whimper as you tried to pull away. He chuckled to himself.
"You make the most adorable sounds when you're like this." He cooed before lapping at your pussy, playing with your sensitive flesh. You eased up as the pleasure began to build again. He really didn't need the vibrator at all. He was fully capable of torturing you without it. He continued to tease you before denying you a fourth climax. He sat up and wiped his slick covered face before smiling down at you.
His hands came up to caress your body. Groping your breast and hips as he pleased. He took deep breaths and moaned out words of praise. The fabric of his boxers coming to rut up against you. You moaned, wishing he'd just fuck you already.
"God, you're just...magnificent." He purred as he came down to pepper kisses across your chest and neck. Working up to nibble on your ear before whispering, "I wanna know how much you can take." Suddenly his hand came down on your clit in a harsh but not harmful slap. It stung your clit, forcing a sharp gasp from you. "I wanna push your limits." Another slap. Fuck, it felt good. "I want you to cum, over," slap "over" slap "and over," slap "again."
You whimpered in response, raising your hips for another slap. You swore you would have cum if he just touched you one more time. But no, he didn't. Instead, he took your gag off and rutted his clothed cock up against you once more. Your poor little pussy quivered at the action.
"Do you remember our safe word?" He asked.
"Mmhm." You bit your lip and moaned. He smiled again before kissing you, passionately. He quickly released you from your bed frame and had you get on all fours. Finally, finally he'd fuck you. But suddenly you felt something cold and wet drip over your back door. Fuck. You'd prepared physically but mentally- "aaaahhh." You let out a small gasp as his finger entered your ass. He curled his finger down repeatedly, adding another finger with some more lube.
"Gooood girl." He praised, his other hand coming down to rub lube across your ass as he fondled you. Fuck, it made your toes curl. Was he gonna make you cum from fingering your ass alone? Fuck, it sure felt like it. Your pussy clenched and you felt the knot in your stomach tighten as he continued to curl his fingers, playing with you. You let out a long moan as it built up, finally a smooth and warm orgasm washing over your body.
"F-Fuuuuuck babyyyy." You moaned as you rested your head down on your pillow.
"That's it, good girl cumming on Daddy's fingers." He pulled out, his fingers soon being replaced with a cold metallic plug that continuously pressed against that perfect spot. You wiggled your ass from side to side, hoping to persuade him to fuck you already. He smiled and gave your ass a good smack that made you help and giggle. "Naughty girl, you want my cock already, don't you?" He moaned. You nodded and continued to wiggle. He moved to push down his boxers and let his hard cock spring free. You smiled at the sight, anticipation building.
"Please Daddy. Fuck me." You whined playfully. He giggled, his tip sliding up and down your soaking wet slit. He held his tip still against it for a moment, teasing you. You pushed back against him, his tip entering for a moment before he pulled out and watched you whine in protest.
"Alright, fine. Have it your way." He scoffed before sliding inside. You let out a content sigh as he filled you, his hips slowly rolling back and forth. You happily moaned and relaxed as you let him slowly fuck you. Almost, too slow. The dragging of his shaft inside you hit all the right spots but the pace was tortuous. So...slow. Too...slow? No, wait, he's teasing you. He's being mean again and teasing you. But the knot in your stomach continued to tighten. The pleasure was still there, it was just slow and sweet. He made your body work for it's orgasm.
Much like the last, this orgasm washed over you. Forcing out more long and loud moans from your chest. Suddenly, he stopped. You pulled yourself up to protest but before you could say anything, his hips bucked into yours. His cock slamming into you abruptly.
"Ah!" You cried. His hands grasping onto your hips as another came. And then another, and another until he was fucking you hard and fast. Pouding into you. He reached out and grasped a handful of hair to pull your head back so he could whisper in your ear.
"You like that? You like it when Daddy fucks you like this?" All you could do was moan out a string of bouncing noise.
"Uh- uhhuhuhuhuhuh." As he bounced you on his cock. Your eyes rolled back in your head. Yes. This. This is what you wanted. To be fucked senseless. The absurd smack of skin filled your ears as you came around his cock again. This one racing through your veins to make you weak. Continuing to pump into you, he reached down and roughly played with your clit. You cried out in pleasure as you quickly came again. Fuck, the pleasure was slowly turning to pain.
"That's it, cum for me. Cum for me baby. Fuck yes." He panted in your ear. His tongue lolling out for a moment before he adjusted himself to fuck directly against that spongy spot. Your toes curled. Fuck. FUCK. You couldn't possibly be cumming again, and so soon. He felt weak. Your head dropped back down to the pillow as his cock plowed into you. Your mind going blank with nothing but feeling. Nothing but the motion of him. The plug aided in his mission, as another slap to your twitching clit brought another orgasm crashing over you.
Too much. You thought. It's too much. You should say...you should say the safe word. Right? Uh...maybe one more- fuck! He began to loudly pant and moan your name. His hand occasionally coming down to spank your ass, of play with your clip until you came yet again. Finally, his thrusts started to sputter. He let out a loud whimper as he came inside, filling you as your pussy clenched around him, your last orgasm milking him for all he's worth.
"F-Fuuuck." He panted. He leaned down to you, kissing up your back until he reached your neck. "Hey, you alright?"
"Mmmmh..." you sighed, still coming down from your finally high.
"H-H...How many was that?" He asked, dazed and still regaining myself. You shrugged in your bliss. "Fuck. I should have kept track." He sounded disappointed in himself. "Neck time I'll write it down." He joked, pulling himself out. You let out a sharp whimper. His cum oozing out of you. "Hey." He layed his hand flat on your back. "You okay sweetie?" You nodded. "Okay. I'll go run you a warm bath, okay?" You nodded again with a content hum. "Okay."
"Could you grab me some tea while you're up?"
"Tea? Sure thing baby. Honey?"
"Yes please." He smiled and kissed your cheek.
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cuteykat · 3 years
Perhaps some angst/fluff if you're up for it? Maybe Shanks and Luffy who's s/o just wants them to take something seriously for once? But like usual they kinda just let other people walk all over them/insult them and they don't care? So their s/o who is nOT A FIGHTER tries to teach the bastards who insulted them some manners?
But she ends up getting kidnapped or something? Fluffy ending with angry Shanks and Angry Luffy? S/o finally sees them taking something very seriously.
I'd prolly be terrified watching them go from ☺️😘🙂 to 😠😡👿
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Warning: mention of stockholm syndrome in luffy’s reading!
Word count: 2.5k words
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It was a rainy day on a fall island. You and the rest of your crewmates decided on coming to the island for supplies but for the upcoming storm that was soon to come, they decided to stay here and stay in a hotel. Everyone had their room except you and Luffy to which you shared one. You both decided it would be nice to spend more quality time with each other and this afternoon you both decided to go on a date to a nice small restaurant. Everything was going great till Luffy started bringing up how he wanted to be a pirate king and people started laughing
“ Seriously?! King of the pirates?! What kind of joke is that!!” Laughter could be heard as more people smoke “ Are you that stupid?”
You try to speak up but Luffy stops you and smiles at you. You both get your food but all you could focus on was people laughing at him “ Luffy you aren't going to do anything about it?” You ask having your voice be laced with irritation
“ Why would I?” Your lover ask while shoving food in his face
“ Because it’s not right for being to make fun of you! Your dream is inspirational and is a part of you. Plus” you start to mumble “ all I can hear is people laugh at you and it hurts to know that you're just letting it happen”
“ It doesn’t bother me (name). You shouldn’t let it bother you either, it’s not like they are making fun of you” Luffy finishes up what seems to be his 4th plate before asking for more
The whole date was a disaster and you had it when people started throwing stuff at the man “We're leaving!”
Luffy goes to ask you why till he sees tears forming down your eyes. You both leave the restaurant not noticing how some people were staring at you.
Both of you get to your room and you sign hearing the rainfall and the thunder hit the ground. You put your hands in your face and when Luffy goes to hug you, you deny him “ Luffy I need to go for a walk. I’m not upset at you, well I am but more upset at the others” you walk to the door and give him an air kiss before opening the door and leaving to walk to the lobby
“ I love you Luffy, I just wish you wouldn’t let people walk all over you like that. Maybe I’m just not understanding his view on all this. I should apologize” you go to walk back but you feel someone grab you by the throat and feel a cloth over your mouth before passing out into someone’s arm.
An hour goes by and Luffy starts to get concerned. Usually, when you are upset you take a 30-minute walk at most, and not noticing it’s been an hour he starts to worry and goes to Nami’s door to which she opens looking confused
“ Has (name) come here at all?” Luffy asks to which the women look surprised
“I thought you two were on a date. She hasn’t come here. Did you do something lu-“ she sees Luffy start to worry before seeing women walk to them with an envelope in her hands
“ Monkey D Luffy. Open this when you are alone. It’s an important note for you” the women let out a small smirk before leaving having her skirt drag against the floor
Nami looks worried before seeing Luffy walk off but knows once Luffy has his mindset on something you can’t change it but decides to let everyone know about what’s going on.
Luffy goes back to his and your share room and opens the envelope reading the letter
‘ To the man who wants to become king of the pirates.
We heard of your little dream back at the restaurant and when you didn’t get angry at it we decided if you really could be strong enough to somehow make that idiotic dream of yours reality. So let’s play a game, shall we? You and you alone shall try to find out the base is in town. You have 24 hours before we leave. If you win you can take back your lover. If you lose we keep this adorable girl like ours.
You have 24 hours since the envelope was delivered to you. Have fun and if you try to get any help, the girl gets punished’
Luffy's aura intensifies. He’s filled with rage, he was gonna kill the bastard who kidnapped you if it’s the last thing he does. He storms off out of the hotel into the cold rain.
You were awake now being in a strong caged. Your limbs tied up to a wall with chains and only a small bowl of water like you were some animal. You try to pull on the chains to which you felt a shock of electricity go through your body making you scream. You see two men walk up to you as one goes to hold your chin
“ Such an adorable little pet aren't you? But as a pet we have a few rules you will follow. If you don’t you will be punished. The more you misbehave the worse the punishment is.” He stands up and claps his hand as one of his men now speaks
“ The rules are as listed, no pulling on your chains, no asking where you are, no begging for food, water, or any mundane things like that. No asking for personal information. No going against what the leader says. And rules that may be added to the list” the man leaves before a woman enters being beautifully dressed up and hugs the leader
“ I use to be his hostage but now I can’t get enough of him and I wanted a new plaything too and you seemed too cute to pass up. Don’t worry love, you will grow to love it as I did along with his other lovers. Who could deny such a beauty like him? A real pirate”
“ He’s not a real pirate-“ you start to scream being shocked again but with higher volts and start to cry. Your body goes limp against the chains. Your lips part as your breathing gets heavy. You were in so much pain already. Physically but also emotionally. You felt so weak and so scared. You wanted to fight back but couldn’t. You close your eyes wanting to see Luffy again and your crew. You wanted to be saved and held into your lover's arm and hear his laughter, to see his smile, to feel his heartbeat and feel warm in his arms “ Luffy...” you put your head on the ground having it be near the water bowl
“ Aw, is my new pet thirsty? Go ahead and drink up, I won’t deny you water. And if you behave you will get some yummy food later. And in 24 hours you can get so much more~” he smirks watching your figure. You were so cute, so beautiful. He wanted you to be all his, to make you his pet, his plaything.
Time goes on, hours felt like days to you. You were exhausted, wanted to be free wanting to be with Luffy. You couldn’t cry, Couldn’t scream couldn’t do anything except being a rag doll. You were starting to lose hope until you hear a scream from one of the henchmen. Your body lifted you on your own having your hopes start to be lifted and next you knew it you see him, your lover, Luffy. He was different from his regular cheerful self. His aura was strong, violent. It was pure anger and hatred.
“ Luffy” you call out quietly having your arms tug on the chain not caring if you get shocked.
Luffy looks over to you. He was concerned but he had to deal with the other problem at hand first. He grabs one of the men looking directly at them, daggers in his eyes. “ where’s your leader?!” Once the man answers he puts them down and finds the leader. You see Luffy walk away but the next minute you could hear screaming and crying. You had a feeling Luffy was taking care of the problem. Everything went silent for a minute as the cuff comes undone and the cage opens. You try to stand and go to him but your legs shake being in pain along with your arms and neck. Luffy scoops you up gently and hugs you like he never wanted to leave your side again
“ Let’s get you back to the hotel and have chopper check your wounds. I promise I won’t let those things happen again”
You nod your head and close your eyes falling asleep. You were exhausted. Luffy carries you back to the hotel where he brings you to chopper who looks surprised but starts to work on you carefully not wanting to hurt you. Luffy stays right beside you having his usual smile not come back yet.
After a bit you wake up to see your captain look at you. You notice he isn’t smiling and you move your arms ignoring the pain to grab his mouth and form it into a smile “ I don’t like seeing you this upset. I love you Luffy and I love your smile”
Luffy was still upset but seeing you awake makes him feel better and he starts to smile and put his straw hat on you before getting into bed with you and hugs you slowly going back to his regular self. You both make jokes till you fall asleep again. Your head on his chest and his fingers roaming your hair “ No one will ever hurt you again” He was gonna be the pirate king and make sure no one would ever hurt you again.
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Today was a sunny day as you and your crewmates had stopped on an island to stock up on some things. You along with the rest of your crew were now drinking at a bar partying like usual. You sing and drank with everyone until some other people started making fun of shanks and throwing alcohol at him. You couldn’t stand it anymore. This was supposed to be a friendly party. You were getting upset and one-sentence sit your mind to ablaze
“ How are you even a pirate with one arm?!” They laugh and made fun of to which everyone just laughed off like it didn’t bother you, and especially shanks to who smiled and laughed it off
“ How is this not bothering you shanks?! You are the best pirate and you are gonna let them walk all over you? I can’t sit here and watch it!” You usually never yell and lash out but the alcohol you drank changed that “ You are not going to do anything?!”
“ Why would it bother me cutie?” Shanks says holding up his glass to which you pushed away causing the man to be shocked
“ I’m not gonna sit here and watch all this happen! I can’t stand when people make fun of the people I care about! I-I’m heading back to the ship!” You get up and walk to the ship to which shanks wondered why you were so bothered about it.
You walked to the dock until a man grabs you from behind pulling you close from the waist, a knife to your neck “ Do you belong to that red hair pirate? You know we are looking for some beautiful pirates to join us?” The man licks his lips to which you try to get away but the grip on your waist becomes are hard as a vice grip he cuts off part of your hair on digs the knife into your neck having a bit of blood drip “Don’t you dare try to run darling. We wouldn’t want to mess up your beautiful skin now, would we? Men!”
Three-man come up and tie your arms and legs together putting along with a cloth in your mouth and bring you to their ship which wasn’t that far but hard to see in the dark.
45 minutes go by and shanks get concerned. He knew you were drunk but the thought of you being hurt concerned him. He rather takes you being angry than hurt. He goes to stand up when hearing a flare go off and the other people that were there smirk and leave and before they all leave a smirk looking at shanks “ Make sure you have... everything~”
Shanks immediately caught on. You weren’t back and the leader had left and now they are leaving to a signal of a flare. He didn’t like this one bit.
Within a second he next to one of them holding him by the neck “ Where is she?!” His grip gets sharp and his eyes turn into daggers “ If you don’t wish to tell me you may not get your last word” he says with venom laced into his words. To anyone who pissed Shanks off was getting a death wish. The man and his crewmates caught onto this and regretted this decision by their leader.
The man being held by the neck speaks “ The docks on the right side of this island” he chocks out and falls to the ground to which shanks crew tries to follow him but shanks look at them giving them a signal to go to their ship.
Shanks walks to get to you, everyone who saw was immediately scared. Who dared to upset this man and what would happen to said person. People avoided him and when getting to the ship he didn’t dare to hold back the way he felt. She stepped inside having the waves shake and he sees a man holding you by the chin whispering sweet nothings in your ears.
You looked over and try to run to shanks but the chains kept you doing so but before you could say anything the chains were cut off making you run and hold your lover tightly. His arm holding your body to which he saw the man looking scared and backing away
“ One thing you should know. You may laugh at me, make fun of me and do what you think is funny. But the minute you hurt my crew and my lover, your DEAD” shanks picks you up and holds you walking away “ Let’s get you back love. I promise no one will ever lay a hand on you again darling” shanks start to carry you away but looks back at the men glaring at him to which he will never forget “ Your lucky you didn’t hurt her. There would not remain a single piece of you left”
Shanks gets you off the boat and brings you back to their ship where he holds you in his arm and the lap the rest of the night.
I hope you enjoy reading it!!
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the-weeping-author · 3 years
A/N: hey so this is a AU! Where Eren and the reader are both 18.. so yeah lol I hope this is good.. this is my first fic into the anime fandom, and more importantly my first fic of the AOT fandom so request are open. I have a list of characters I write for so feel free to request I write angst, fluff, and smut.
Taglist: @augustweb @harrystylesupremacy
Warnings: bullying kinda?? cussing, slight angst, SEX!! 18+ quickie, oral , stimulation. Dirty talk, unprotected sex slight choking,
Summary: Y/N and Eren had parted ways as children, one wanted it the other didn't. Y/N's life was just fine until a certian brown haired guy showed up at scouts one day. Will Y/N and Eren make up?
Word count: 5,728
Enjoy 😊
Eren and I had been friends since I could remember, we were close growing up. Eren and I were as thick as thieves, but slowly over time there became a HUGE disconnection between us. I never understood when or why it had happened, but it did and it put a strain on Eren and I. It hurt more than anything, our families had always been close, but maybe that was our downfall. We had always spent summers together at the lake house.
The lake house was just 30 minutes away from the wall, and Eren and I would always ask why Titans never showed up like they did around the walls. Our parents never told us, but my father always brushed me off, and told me I wasn't old enough. I never understood what he meant until that day 9 years ago, back then I had everything.. a family, a home, friends, comfort. Now I have nothing, I was truly alone. I knew what my father was talking about now. To be a warrior you would have to be willing to sacrifice everything, and guess what? That's exactly what I did, that's what made me lose everything including Eren.
Losing everything wasn't what I wanted, but who did? I was foolish back then. I was childish and gullible about the real world, I never knew how cruel and cold the world was until the wall came down for a second time 4 years after the first. Eren leaving my life was what finally did it for me, and I thought there was no escaping the cold dark thing that I called my soul. No one was let in. It was like the whole world around me stopped, and I started to distance myself more and more from everyone.
It wasn't until I decided to join the scouts that I felt alive again, just going out and taking all the built up frustrations out on the Titans. After all, they are the reason why I am the way I am. Tell me who wouldn't feel the way I do after they lost everything then on top of that to get stabbed in the back by someone who claims to be your best friend. Eren and I had stopped talking around three years ago, and honestly it's not gonna change anytime soon.
I'll never forget the day Eren told me he didn't want to be friends anymore. In fact I'd never forget that day for as long as I lived, the day had started sunny and beautiful. The sun was warm dancing across the city, the wind was blowing just enough to send a nice calming breeze through the hot summer Hills. The birds had sung happily that morning, the air had finally felt lighter. For once everything felt… Okay, but there was no telling how long that would last.
"Y/N… why are you always so hopeful?"
I turned my head to Eren, my green eyes Shining in his gray ones. I smiled softly before he intertwined our fingers together, I laid my head on his shoulder. I Felt his toned body tense under my simple movement, and I hummed softly looking out upon the town of Shiganshina. I thought it over for a brief moment before I let out a breath answering softly.
"Well Eren, I believe that if we succumb to the horrors of life we fail not only as warriors, but as humans too. I'll never succumb to the enemy or anyone for that matter."
The few minutes of silence made me lift my head off his shoulder, and look at him. His face was unreadable, and it threw me off. Did he have this expression the whole time? Why ask a question if you were just gonna ignore it? Before my mind could go any further into the negative thoughts Eren's voice pulled me from my thoughts making me let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
"Y/N.. we can't do this anymore."
I looked at him, my eyes quickly searched his face for more indication of what he meant. I watched his jaw clench before he unclenched it. His hand slowly slid out my hand, he pulled it back into his lap leaving my hand alone. My stomach flipped, and immediately it locked up making my stomach twist making me nauseous.
"W-what do you mean Eren?"
His gray eyes finally locked with my green ones, and he stood up turning his back towards me before walking away. I quickly stood up, and followed after him.
"Can't do what anymore? Eren answer me!"
He stopped in his tracks, and he stood up, turning away from me. He dusted off his hands as he started walking away from me. I stood, and I clenched my fist squeezing my eyes shut as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I felt my heart pound against my ribcage, and my lip started to quiver. When I opened my eyes my sight was hazy from the tears getting closer, and closer to breaking the dam.
Eren let out a breath, and he looked up at the sky. The grey clouds hid what was left of the beautiful blue sky. I knew his next words were gonna change the rest of my life, I stared at the brown locks covering his head. Before I knew it tears were sliding down my face, after a few silent sobs I wiped my nose sniffling a bit. Immediately I regretted it. Eren looked over his shoulder looking at me, and when his suspicions were confirmed he let out a "Tsk." He took in a breath before looking away from me.
"I can't be your friend anymore, don't try to change my mind because it's already made up. I don't need you around, you're too gullible to have around, you'll just get yourself killed after all… you're weak."
My eyes widened, and I dropped to my knees, balling my fist sitting them in my lap. I felt a few cold drops fall onto my thighs, and I looked up at the gray sky. A few cold rain drops dripped on my burning face as the realization hit me, I was alone. I let out a gut wrenching scream as Eren disappeared out of my life.. forever. I hunched over, and I let the once quiet sobs out my body, Jolting forward as each sob broke through me.
"Why me, I'm only 10 years old, why am I alone? Doesn't anyone love me?"
~End Of FlashBack~
I was walking down the street to a small building where the scouts would change, I walked into the Women's side and quickly put my training uniform on. I looked at the clock on the wall, and my eyes widened. The clock read 5:50 am.. shit If I didn't leave right now I'd be five minutes late, and Captain Levi hands out extra punishment to those who are late. It had been two years since I've joined, and I hadn't been late this far and I definitely didn't plan to start now.
I rushed out of the building, and when the wind hit my face I immediately started running. Two years on and off the field, and I didn't want to stop training. I was always quick to learn new moves, or get better at hand to hand combat. When I finally reached the field I stopped to take big breaths, and a voice caught my attention making my blood run cold. He couldn't be here... of all days why today, why me? My green eyes quickly found the voice that made my heart drop to my feet.
Eren Yeager.. my Ex best friend, the anchor that once held my body firm in the ocean unscathed by the violent waves. My eyes started to burn, and my throat started getting itchy. His gray eyes met with mine, and when Mikasa, Armin, and Levi turned towards me I quickly turned my head, and rushed the opposite way. My wrist was grabbed by someone, and my head shot up to meet Hanji''s gaze, concern sketched onto Their face.
"Y/L/N are you alright?"
I nodded my head, and I mustered up the best smile I could give them at the moment. I parted my lips softly before taking in a breath before letting it out.
"Yes Hanji I'm fine, thank you for asking."
They smiled at me before intertwining their arm with mine, and before I knew it we were walking towards the little group.. including Eren immediately I stopped in my tracks making them get pulled backwards towards me a bit at the sudden lack of movement. When Hanji turned their head to look at me, confusion was written all over their face. They followed my eyes as I glanced at Eren, and they let out a knowing oooh.
"I see now Y/L/N, your disturbance is between you and Mister Yeager. Am I correct?"
Before I could say anything they quickly cut me off their eyes shined at me softly before their lips turned upwards into a smile.
"Ah well whatever is going on you can't let it affect
you to the point where you can't be there for your team. That will only get them and you killed, so please for our sake along with yours please handle this however hard it may be. After all, what would I do if my favorite scout got killed?"
I listened to Hanji intently. I knew I couldn't face him, but Hanji had a point. This "issue" could jeopardize the safety of not only myself, but others and I wouldn't be the reason hundreds of us got killed. How could I approach Eren? Why would I? Would he even talk to me? Hanji''s voice pulled me from the depths of my own hectic thoughts. I'd have to thank them later in the mess hall, but I did plan to talk to Eren.. just not today.
The day of training was spent avoiding Mikasa, Armin, but especially Eren. A part of me envied two of the three of the trio, I was currently sparring with a new scout. My eyes looked towards Eren every once in a while, but this time it got the best of me. As soon as Eren lifted one of the trainees off the ground making his firm muscles flex. I can't help but wonder how-... I was instantly pulled from my thoughts by a fist meeting with my face.
I fell against the dirt of the huge field, I held the side of my face shaking the hit off. When I raised my head a bit I saw a few people looking over at us, Eren included. A slight smirk was on his face as his peers looked on, and I felt my blood instantly boil. I wanted to go over there, and wipe that eat shit smirk off his face. The person I was training with held their hand out to me, and I instinctively slapped his hand away. I stood up, and I dusted myself off getting into a strong sturdy stance. Of course instinctively it was the one Eren had taught me when we were kids.
Training had ended, and I couldn't be happier. My body ached, and when I showered the hot water helped ease my aching bones. Once I changed back into my regular clothes I walked into the mess hall, once I got my dinner I sat at a table alone. I started eating until I felt eyes on me, and with a quick flash I noticed Eren walking my way out the corner of my eye. I gulped, and I gripped my cup tightly. As he got closer and closer my heart thumped harder, and harder.
Mikasa, and Armin were across the mess hall watching Eren get closer. I prayed to whatever was up there he wouldn't be coming to talk to me. That it was just exhaustion altering my mind, however I was quickly mistaken when he sat right in front of me. His Gray eyes stared into mine calmly. We just stared at each other not knowing what to say, he was basically a stranger to me. He wasn't my Eren Yeager anymore, and I didn't know where to begin to search for him.
"Hey Rosie."
My stomach dropped hearing him use the nickname he used to call me. The butterflies in my heart almost gave in, and acted like nothing happened. It had though, he abandoned me like I was a nobody to him. Rosie came from my feelings towards him, every little thing he did made me blush, or get flushed. I always disliked blushing until he called me that nickname. I used to love it, but now resentment constantly burns through my veins.
"You don't get to call me that anymore."
The smirk that was once on his face faltered a bit, and he just stared at me. Neither one of us spoke, the air was thick with tension. He looked as cute as I remembered he did, his eyes still the color of the sky on a rainy day. His lips still looked as soft as ever, he looked exactly the same, but older. My Stomach turned with every glance I took at him. My thoughts were all over the place, why here? Why now? Is he gonna hurt me just like he did back then? What if he did still care about me?
"No Remember Y/N he's not your Eren anymore you don't know him, he never cared about you. He never will, he doesn't-."
As my thoughts swirled through my head like a tornado on a dark spring evening. I felt my face get warm, and my bottom lip started to tremble softly as tears stung my eyes. His deep intoxicating voice pulled me from my overbearing thoughts, he whispered across the table to keep some sort of privacy between us, his lips parted softly.
"Oh? Well why is that?"
His warm voice pushed any decent thought away, he sounded so stupid.. Why is that? Are you serious? He has to be joking right? I licked my lips before I squeezed my thigh softly. Once I cooled off some I cleared my throat, my back straightened in the chair. I wasn't gonna play his game, not now, not ever his game of cat and mouse was over. I was no longer gonna let Eren Yeager hurt me the way he had.
"You know exactly why Eren Yeager, if you want to talk to me about why you haven't talked to me in years please refrain from playing stupid. It doesn't fit you."
I grabbed my tray, and I stood from the table walking away from the table but more importantly I walked away from him. It felt good to walk away from him, but unfortunately I knew we'd have to talk sooner or later. Mikasa, and Armin both smiled at me softly. I nodded my head at them both before I kept walking, leaving everyone in the mess hall behind me. Little did I know a plan was getting made while I slept the night away.
I woke up to the birds singing, and I smiled to myself before throwing the covers off of me. I got ready for the day taking care of my morning duties. Once I finished breakfast I brushed my teeth, and after I was done I grabbed the mouthwash, swished it around my mouth and spit it in the sink. I braided my hair while I walked down the hallway, I stopped when I heard Captain Levi's voice.
"I'll let her know when I see her, for now go to the field I'll see you out there."
I heard footsteps get further, and further away until I couldn't hear them anymore. Once I knew for sure the conversation was over I stepped out walking around the corner seeing Captain Levi standing there, and I smiled softly walking up to him.
"Morning Captain."
He raised his head, and turned towards me. The blank expression on his face as he nodded his head at me his raven hair moved at his simple movements.
"Morning Y/L/N I was just about to come looking for you."
My smile faltered a bit at his words, and I tensed up a bit remembering the conversation I eavesdropped on. My heart dropped a bit, and my hands started to get clammy. I pushed the smile back onto my face, and I started to play with the end of my shirt.
"Well here I am sir, what's on your mind?"
He let out a breath, and he rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. My heart almost stopped, Levi was never one to express himself no matter the situation. So to say I was nervous was an understatement, I'm sure Captain Levi could hear my heart hammer against my ribcage. I took a soft deep breath preparing myself for whatever he had to say.
"Well Y/L/N I've heard from a few of your comrades that you've been working hard, and you've taken some of the discipline I've given them.. is that true?"
My blood ran cold, I knew he was about to give me kitchen duty, or worse he was gonna make me clean the rooms again. I immediately deflated at his words, I was ready to take whatever he was gonna give me.
"Well Y/L/N as much as I am displeased by your actions, the same comrades offered to take your punishment In return for you having the day off from training so go knock yourself out."
My mouth dropped open at his new claim, my eyes scanned across his face to try and see if he was lying, which I already knew the answer to. I closed my mouth, and I licked my lips letting the moisture circulate in my mouth. My eyes looked back to him, and I smiled softly at him looking into his gray eyes.
"T-thank you Captain, I uhh really appreciate it. If you don't mind me asking who exactly told you about what I did?"
His eyes looked back into mine, and he let out a huff. This is the most I've heard him talk, except for when he's with Erwin in the mess hall or barking orders at us. Other than that it was silence, but I had to know who exactly got themselves in trouble for me.
"Well I probably shouldn't tell you, bit Armin, Connie, Jean, Sasha, and Eren."
My stomach twisted at him mentioning Eren, and my smile faltered just for a split second. Levi definitely noticed, and I knew he was gonna pry. I didn't want him to, but he's my Captain and I can't lie to him. Even if I did he'd see right through it, and I wasn't gonna let that happen at all. I'd have to run laps, clean, dishes, clean oh and did I mention CLEAN!? don't get me wrong, I loved cleaning, but not after a bunch of slobs.
"Oh well thank you for letting me know Levi, thank you oh and tell them I said thank you too."
Levi did a double take when I didn't say anything else. He looked normal, but I could tell there were a few things he had to say. I went to turn back around to get ready to go into town, but his voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Oh by the way Y/L/N… you need to deal with whatever you're dealing with, and I can tell you've been distracted lately."
I turned my head to face him, and I nodded my head at him. When he started walking the other way I did the same, when I reached my room I changed into a pastel pink summer dress. I let my hair down, and I brushed it out slipping on a pair of my black flats walking out of my room. When I reached outside the warm sun kissed my skin, and I closed my eyes for a moment humming softly.
I said hello to the scouts that passed me on my way by, I hummed a little tune as I walked. I felt eyes on my body, and I stopped midwalk looking around trying to find who was looking at me. When I didn't see anyone I just shrugged it off before I continued to walk. It wasn't until I got to a secluded area that I felt eyes on me again, and this time I stopped completely, my arms crossed over my chest.
"Okay whoever is following me, come out you're starting to annoy me."
As soon as the last word left my mouth I heard footsteps, I turned around, and my breath hitched seeing Eren come out from behind a wall. My lips parted, and I put my hand up stopping him in his tracks.
"Don't you dare come any closer Eren or I'll drop you where you stand."
A look flashed across his face I didn't recognize, and he smiled softly at me before he got closer to me.
"Oh Rosie, you still have such a temper, I thought you were gonna drop me?"
My mouth opened and closed every few seconds searching for something to say, when my hand pressed against his toned chest. A pink tint crossed my cheeks, and I let out a huff seeing his face. Anger quickly flows through me all over again before I just let my top blow.
"Eren, who do you think you are? You can't just say what you said, and then years later just come waltzing back in my life wanting me to act like nothing happened cause it definitely did."
His eyes narrowed a bit, and I saw the side of his mouth twitch. I could tell he was mad, the sudden urge to slap him was eager in my mind. I quickly swallowed that urge, and I decided to let him defend himself If he planned on it. The Eren I once knew was warm, sweet the list goes on, but the new Eren was a huge ass.
"Y/N it wasn't like that, I was only trying to protect you."
"Protect me? Eren you hurt me, you've been a dickasaurus rex."
His eyes widened at the new nickname, and before I knew it he was dragging me along with him. I tried to get out of his grasp, but unfortunately it wasn't working so I just walked quickly with him. We walked down a hallway taking two lefts and a right, and when he opened the room door I looked around the hallway noticing we were alone. When he pulled me into the room I quickly turned around, and tried to escape.
"Y/N I know I hurt you, but I thought I was doing what was best for the both of us. I know you hate me, but please just forgive me. I've wanted to reach out, but I never knew how I was afraid you wouldn't talk to me."
He pulled me back around to face him, and my heart softened at his words, but I couldn't just forgive him could I? He hurt me, and I wouldn't let him do it again. I refused to be his fool or anyone's fool again, I tried to repair myself over the past few years, and I wouldn't let Eren break down what I accomplished.
"Eren you told me and I quote. "you didn't need me around, I was too gullible to have around, I'd just get Myself killed after all… I'm weak" you know that stayed with me for a long time, but I joined the scouts instead of listening to you. I'm glad I did because I proved to you, foe's, and anyone who doubted me that I am strong, and that I could save myself if needed. So my question to Eren is if I'm so weak and we weren't good friends why have you been trying to get me to talk to you?"
Eren didn't reply for a few seconds, his mouth opened and closed just like mine did earlier. Now it was my turn to do the smirking, I knew I was fueling his fire, but I didn't care. It felt great to finally tell him how I felt and just get it off my chest. Before he could say anything I turned back towards the door, and started walking towards it.
"Eren I'll see ya around, I'm not wasting anymore of my -."
Before I could get the rest of my sentence out he was pulling me back towards him, and as soon as I faced him our lips met. It woke every part of my body up, and I was just frozen to the ground. It wasn't until he pushed me back against the wall that it registered within me what exactly was going on. My body ached for Eren, and I didn't know it until this moment. The way his lips fit against mine, or the way his rough hands moved against my soft skin.
My hands went to his pants undoing the button, and I pulled down his zipper. I let my warm fingers curve into his pants before yanking them down, and his boxers were quickly following his pants stopping around his ankles. I bunched his shirt in my hands, and I flipped us his back smacked against the wall as I pushed him against it. I dropped to my knees, and I looked up at him waiting for his permission. He let out a soft grunt, and I looked up at him, and my breath was caught once again.
Anger was slightly evident in his eyes, but his pupils were blown with lust. I hummed softly at his reaction to the cold wall making me smirk again so I decided to tease him a little bit.
"Awee what's wrong? Did little Rosie hit a nerve?"
I let out a knowing giggle, and before he could respond I was taking his hardening cock into my mouth. I moved my head softly back and forth around Eren making his hand instinctively go into my long H/C locks. I opened my eyes feeling the sentimental contact, and when I looked up it made the knots in my stomach twist tighter. The way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and the way his bottom lip tucked tightly between his top and bottom teeth just made my thoughts fuzzy.
Hollowing my cheeks around him made his grip in my hair grow tighter, and each time I moved my head forward his his jolted to meet my face. His now hard cock roughly grazed the back of my throat making my eyes squeeze shut, when my lips met the base of his manhood he used the hand that held onto my hair in place. I let my hands softly graze his thighs until I needed air, and when the time came I gave both of them a firm squeeze.
When he let my head go I quickly pulled back gasping for air, only a moment passed before he was burying his cock back into my willing mouth. when he slid back into my mouth something changed him, and I definitely wasn't complaining after all I wasn't glass. I used my pointer, and middle finger to tap his bare thigh softly before I tightened my mouth around him, feeling his hard throbbing cock against my swollen plump lips. The arousal pooling between my legs proved how much I wanted- (more like needed) him at this moment.
I wanted Eren so bad there was no denying it, in fact I'd be a fool if I denied it. Anyone could tell I was head over heels for the boy I grew up with regardless if he knew it or not. I wanted this just as much as he did, but we were both too stubborn to admit it on our own Accord. I knew this was bound to happen at some point. Some people call it fate, I call it intuition. The way his breath got heavy when I swirled my tongue around the tip of his member just made me want to do more.
Our eyes stayed locked together even as I teasingly moved my head back and forth sliding my wet lips down his member, and when I got half way down I moved my head back letting just the tip of his cock rest in my mouth. I sucked softly on it at first letting him catch his breath, and one look up at him was all it took for me to know he was holding himself back. The look of hesitation was very evident in his eyes, when I let the tip of his cock slide out of my mouth I heard him groan out of annoyance.
"W-wha- Why did you stop?"
I looked up at him humming softly before I kissed his swollen tip, making his breath falter as the taste of precum spread across my lips dancing onto my taste buds.
" I still dislike you, but Stop holding back Eren, I want this just as much as you do."
He nodded his head, and he grabbed my H/C hair wrapping it around his fist before he started jolting his hips back and forth into my mouth. The lewd wet noises leaving my mouth were enough to get a response from Eren.
"S-shut u-up you make it very hard to concentrate, and that's not a complete compliment."
I pinched his thigh softly at his smart remark, and before I could reply he shoved his hard cock into my mouth immediately burying it in the back of my throat making me Gag almost instantly. I slid my hands back on his thighs, and I squeezed my eyes shut moaning loudly defining vibrations around his throbbing member.
"S-sorry, but ugh. Couldn't let you think you had control."
After a few moments passed he let my head slide half way off his throbbing cock before he pushed it back down to the base of him. After a few moments the actions repeated, and at this point tears started pooling at the corners of my eyes. When he let his cock slid out of my mouth it twitched as the cool air hit his warm salivated cock.
"Get up."
Before I could get up his arm was wrapping around my arm yanking me up. Before I could get my balance I was being shoved against the wall, and he fumbled with the button of my pants undoing them. His fingers pulled my zipper down, and with one swift movement my pants and panties were on the floor. The breeze from his quick moments brushed against my wet arousal making me shudder softly against the cool wall, my perky nipples brushed against the concrete wall making me moan softly.
"Spread your legs."
My mind wanted to tell him to fuck off, but my body reacted before I could get myself together. Before I knew it I was spreading my legs for him.. exactly as I was told.. thanks alot to whoever was watching, I hope you're happy. The feeling of the tip of his cocl rubbing against my soaked folds made me roll my hips against him sliding my folds back and forth on him, the way he sounded when he groaned was intoxicating itself.
When he pushed himself into me it was like striking a match, every inch of my body was on fire, and I didn't want it to be extinguished. I immediately squeezed his hard cock, and as it stretched me out I felt it twitch and throb as it went further and further into me. I let my head slide back against his shoulder as he started thrusting softly into me, his pace wasn't enough to cause any discomfort, but it surely got me used to taking him the more he thrusted into me.
The sound of our skin connecting, and our lewd noises echoed in the room. Little drops of sweat broke out across my forehead as he pulled himself halfway out, and rammed himself deeper into me hitting my g-spot. I arched my back into him making his cock hit at a better angle, the tip of his cock raked across my g-spot with each thrust making me squeeze his hard shaft. The knots in my stomach started making itself more evident, and my breath picked up.
His hand snaked around my hip softly going to my clit, and when his hand pressed against it I moaned against the wall the vibrations made my little tickle. I bit my bottom lip softly letting out a whimper, and his lips pressed against the top of my ear. His tongue slid across the warm skin, and when his teeth sunk into my sensitive skin I let out another louder moan. His hips snapped against my ass making the sound bounce louder off the walls, each time his cock raked against my g-spot I felt myself getting closer and closer.
I felt my walls flutter around him, his break brushed against my wet skin making goosebumps dance across my skin as his voice softly whispered in my ear.
"You can cum If you want Rosie."
Hearing his words were enough to make my orgasm crash over me, but the use of my childhood nickname gave it more of a surreal feeling. Little white stars blurred my vision, and when I closed my eyes they seemed to multiply. I rolled my hips on him as I rode out my orgasm, and I soon felt his warm seed go onto my back. As he rode out his orgasm he fell against my back his heart pounding against my back.
His breath was heavy, and he kissed my shoulder softly moving up my neck. I let out a huff, as much as I'd like to pretend everything was okay I just couldn't. Just because we had sex doesn't mean that I forgave him, and he knew it. I may have given in this once, but I already made my mind up. As much as I loved Eren Yeager for now we were just acquaintances who just so happened to get reacquainted with each other.
When he nuzzled against my jaw my eyes moved to the corner of my eyes so I could look at him, and when I did my breath hitched. His grey eyes were soft, and his smile was warm.
"Rosie.. I've missed you, and I'm so sorry, please forgive me."
I looked at him, and I hummed kissing the top of his damp head before moving my head away, closing my eyes letting out a soft breath.
"I've missed you too Eren, and don't worry it's gonna be okay one day."
A/N: thank you so much for reading!! I appreciate it alot, and thank you for the support it means the world to me!! I do birthday request fics so if you have a birthday coming up I worth for Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, and Steve Harrington for now!! I hoped you guys liked it mores on the way.
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littledrummeraussie · 3 years
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At Christmas All The Roads Lead Home | part 1
Christmas morning finds Ashton and Y/N reminiscing about their very first holiday together – with both of their flights cancelled the strangers make the hasty decision to rent a room until they can leave for their own destinations. The pair soon finds out that there’s much more than they’ve bargained for when there’s only one bed in their hotel room. story masterlist. | masterlist. word count: 4492 words tags/warnings: past: missed flights. some swearing. slow burn flirting. room sharing. “there’s only one bed”. & present: dad!Ashton. fem!mom!reader. married fluff with kids and a dog. Christmas morning cuteness. tooth rotting fluff. nostalgia.
Ashton wasn’t sure what woke him so early in the morning – it definitely wasn’t Tyler bouncing on the bed with Bailey hot on his heels, barking from the door because he knew he wasn’t allowed in the master bedroom. And it wasn’t Henry either because he would have been already up if he heard his younger son crying for one of you. He found that the house was dark and quiet, and that his back was cold even though the sheets were wrapped around his body the way he liked them. He squinted an eye at the clock on his nightstand, the green digits showing 4.38 AM, slowly ticking towards Christmas morning.
He reached backwards, fingers looking for the body that was never too far away, wanting to wrap his arm around his lover and go back to sleep. But the bed was empty, the sheets almost cold where he grasped them, and he sleepily turned around, furrowing his eyebrows. Propping himself up on his elbow Ashton looked around the room, searching for any sign where you could be, and when finding none he kicked off his blankets, reaching for his discarded shirt on the floor to look for you.
There were no sounds coming from the closet or the bathroom so he checked the guest bedroom where he usually found you curled up in bed with the boys and Bailey for an afternoon nap. A smile pulled at his lips as he saw his sons sleeping soundly in the big bed with the dog keeping them company, guarding their dreams. Ashton still remembered the day he brought home the puppy as a gift to you, just a month before finding out that you were pregnant with Tyler. For a while he wasn’t sure that keeping the dog was a good idea, especially as he grew bigger by the day and with Tyler’s due date drawing closer he needed to realize that he was scared how Bailey would react to the new addition to the family.
But Bailey was in love with his new little owner from the moment you brought him home from the hospital, and the two of them were inseparable to the point that you let go of all the previously set rules and let him climb up on the sofa to curl around the little boy while he slept. When Henry was born you let Tyler introduce his brother and the dog to each other, ready for every possible outcome, and happily finding out that Bailey loved the new baby just as much as he loved Tyler.
Ashton stepped closer, tucking the sheets back around his sons, lightly chuckling as Bailey snored next to the sleeping boys. Tyler begged you to let them all sleep together in the guest bedroom since it was Christmas and neither of you could say no to him as he hugged the dog’s neck, both of them giving you puppy eyes and an all too familiar pout that Ashton was sure was your genetics. Henry fell asleep during the first five minutes of your bedtime story, and Tyler wasn’t far behind as he clutched his favourite stuffed animal with Bailey snuggled behind him. With the boys sleeping it was time to put all the presents under the tree and stuff the stockings you hung over the fireplace, both of you giggling as you shared the cookie and milk left for Santa. You fell asleep the moment your head hit the pillow, and Ashton buried his face in your hair, mumbling one last ‘I love you’ before closing his eyes.
He made his way back to the hallway and down the stairs, ready to look for you in the living room or the kitchen. The lights were already up on the Christmas tree in the corner of the room, and another smile pulled at his lips as he finally found you snuggled up in front of the window, a big fluffy blanket wrapped around your legs with an empty mug sitting on your lap. When you heard his footsteps you looked up at Ashton, smiling back at him as he leaned closer, pressing a kiss on your cheek.
“There you are,” his voice was slightly scratchy, still heavy with sleep, and he nuzzled his nose against your skin, smearing a kiss on your lips. “Was scared Santa took you because I was a naughty boy this year.”
“I like a naughty boy,” you giggled, kissing his pouty lips, fingers tangling into the hair at the back of his head. “Just wanted a little peace and quiet before the boys wake up. I love them, but they are little firecrackers.”
“Wonder where they’ve got it from,” Ashton grinned, knocking his forehead against yours. “Can I join you?”
“Only if you bring me more hot chocolate,” you tapped a finger against your empty mug, making Ashton chuckle.
“Of course, hot mama,” he blew a raspberry on your cheek before going to the kitchen, your giggles making his heart skip a beat.
He busied himself with making hot chocolate for the both of you, his eyes meeting yours every now and then, sharing smiles and winks as he put an extra dose of marshmallows into your mug and a little more whipped cream than necessary on top of his own – after all, it was Christmas. You held onto both mugs as he settled behind you, legs bracketing you in, pulling another blanket around his shoulders as you snuggled up together. Ashton rested his chin on top of your head, taking small sips of his drink as he held you close, enjoying the quiet moment he got to spend with you.
“Remember London?” Ashton asked, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, knowing all too well that you could never forget about London.
“I kinda miss the snow, you know,” you tilted your head back onto his shoulder, looking up at him. “Makes me wish the kids could have a white Christmas.”
“I think we could take a trip next year. Maybe not London, but definitely somewhere where there is snow.”
“Yeah, I would like that,” you reached for his free hand, fingers tangling together in your lap, and you felt Ashton’s ring knock against your own, making you smile.
“I would miss a thousand flights for you,” he whispered against your temple, pressing a kiss onto your hairline while squeezing your hand.
“We both know you did not miss your flight, Ash,” you gave him a cheeky smile while tapping his nose, making him scrunch up his face in a giggle. “But I appreciate it nonetheless.”
“Thank God for snowstorms, right?”
“You’ve got to be shitting me!”
Your eyes lifted from the book you were reading, trying to kill your time while you waited for news about your delayed flight. The terminal was packed with confused and irritated people, all of them wanting to get real information why the planes weren’t landing or taking off. The guy sitting from across you mumbled another curse as he listened to the woman talking on the loudspeaker, announcing that the flight to Sydney will be delayed for another two hours or so. He ran his fingers through his hair as he tapped his phone, rapidly texting someone before pocketing it again, legs bouncing nervously. You knew the feeling all too well – your plane back to Los Angeles has been delayed three times already, and deep down you were ready to spend the night at the terminal, curled up in a plastic chair; you already knew you won’t make it back home on time.
Another 30 minutes passed before the announcements finally came – one after the other flights got cancelled because of a snowstorm hitting London. The crew worked hard to at least help the planes land, but you caught word that there won’t be any take offs for the next few days. You still held onto the little bit of hope you had that your trip back home will happen; they did not say anything about cancelling your flight yet. Your handsome stranger wasn’t so lucky – as they started listing off another set of cancelled flights he realized that the one to Sydney won’t be taking off, making him kick his chair as he scrambled for his phone again.
He paced the floor in front of you as he called one person after the other, quickly going to the front desk for more information before coming back and continuing his phone calls. You kept an eye on his things while you’ve read just to be sure he doesn’t come back to missing bags and another misfortune to deal with. A series of colourful curses caught your attention as he plopped down in a chair, pushing the button on his phone and trying to make it work, and you were sure he was seconds away from throwing it to the floor.
“You wanna borrow mine?” you found yourself asking, and his head snapped up, blinking at you. “Or if you need a charger I can give you one.”
“Uhm– yeah. A charger would be great, thanks,” he closed his fingers around the phone before standing up and stepping to you, and you reached into your bag to hand it to him. “Thank you.”
“It’s nothing,” you gave him a smile, nodding to the wall behind you. “You can plug it in here. I don’t mind.”
He mumbled another quick ‘thank you’ before plugging in his phone, and as he waited for it to switch back on he brought over his bags, settling down next to you. Another set of phone calls were made, apologies spilling out of him as he tried to let everyone know that he will be a few days late, don’t worry about him, he will figure this out, he just won’t be home for Christmas.
“Still hoping that plane will take you to Sydney?” you rested your head back against the wall when he finished yet another call. “Or are you planning on set up camp here for the next 3 days?”
“You don’t seem like someone who plans on leaving either. So where’s gonna be your tent?” he quirked an eyebrow at you, making you chuckle.
“They did not cancel my flight. Yet,” you added, knowing that it was a possibility that you have to spend the next few days here.
There was static coming from the loudspeaker again, making everyone turn quiet as the woman from before announced that unfortunately the weather was so bad that all flights got cancelled for the next few days. You looked back at your stranger who gave you a knowing look, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
“What did you say? I couldn’t hear you over all of this.”
“That my name is Y/N.”
“Ashton,” he held out his hand and you shook it, both of you holding onto the other just a little longer than it was necessary. “Should we set up camp now?”
“Whose clever idea was it to rent a room and share it?” you scooped a melted marshmallow onto your spoon, holding it up to Ashton’s mouth.
“Probably mine,” he mumbled around the sticky sweetness, licking the rest off the spoon. “Not that you objected.”
“I really didn’t want to sleep at the airport,” the confession wasn’t anything new, but still to this day it made you blush. “I just wanted a shower and a few hours of sleep.”
“And you ended up with a bed full of me,” grinning Ashton pressed a series of kisses along your cheek, nuzzling close to you and rubbing his scruffy chin against your skin, making you laugh. “Shh, don’t wake the kids!”
“Are you sure about it?”
“It’s not like planes are going to magically take off just because we’re stubborn and wait here.”
There was much less commotion now that people started to accept the fact that the snowstorm over London was no joke and that all flights were cancelled. You’ve spent another two hours sitting in your chairs with Ashton, talking about whatever came to mind as you waited for things to calm down, contemplating your options. He offered to buy you a warm drink and both of you moved to the Starbucks that was mostly empty now, your little corner secluded and quiet in the place that never seemed to stop.
He was scrolling through his phone for a long time before finally looking up at you, and you rubbed your eyes, trying to stay awake. Your plans originally included a long nap on the plane, followed by another 12 hours of rest to sleep off your jetlag. Cancelled plane rides and being stuck in London wasn’t on your list, yet here you were, drinking hot chocolate with a stranger who was just as lost as you were.
“I’ve found a hotel room nearby,” Ashton announced, pushing his foot against yours under the table. “We could split and stay until we can both travel home.”
“You don’t even know me,” you rested your chin in your hand, playing with your empty paper cup. “I don’t know you. Sharing a room sounds like a crazy idea.”
“What I know is that you’re about to fall asleep right at this table, and that I don’t plan on staying here for 3 days if I can help it. I also don’t plan on leaving you here since you were really nice to me and I could use the company,” Ashton shrugged his shoulder, a faint blush colouring his cheeks. “And… it’s Christmas. No one should be alone.”
“So you don’t think I’m a crazy fan trying to take advantage of you?” you raised an eyebrow at him, smiling and kicking your foot against his, making him huff out a laugh.
“Geez, you’re so weird,” he shook his head. “You couldn’t even remember the band’s name even after I’ve told you it five times. Five times, Y/N!”
“You’ve also told me it was 500 Years of Winter and made me listen to a song that was called Pizza.”
“That look on your face was priceless,” his smile was wide, making dimples appear on his cheeks, and you needed to remind yourself to start breathing again.
“Are you sure about it?” you stirred the conversation back to the topic, biting your bottom lip. “Do you really want to share a room with me?”
“It’s not like planes are going to magically take off just because we’re stubborn and wait here,” he took both empty cups to throw them away, holding his hand out to you in invitation. “So – are you coming?”
“You know… I could really use a shower,” you slipped your hand in his, letting him help you up.
Something caught both of your attention, eyes meeting before slowly looking up above you, finding a mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, placed perfectly over the table you’ve shared. His eyes were hazel with green and gold flecks, and you’ve realized you were staring at him for longer than you should have. Ashton’s lips were slightly parted, teeth sinking into the bottom one before quickly licking over it, another blush colouring his cheeks. A moment passed, and you both let out an awkward chuckle, stepping away from the table, mumbling about silly holiday traditions. But it was too late – the spark was already there.
“I really wanted to kiss you under the mistletoe,” Ashton wrapped both arms around you, and you burrowed against his chest, head resting over his heart.
“I wanted you to kiss me,” you pressed your lips against his throat, following the line of his shirt to the back of his neck, turning so you could straddle his thighs. “I remember getting lost in your eyes.”
Your fingers played with the short curls at the nape of his neck, foreheads knocked together as you stared into each other’s eyes. Ashton tilted his head forward, brushing his lips against yours in an almost kiss, tongue poking out to lick the corner of your mouth. You both giggled and Ashton curled his palms around your jaw, pulling you in for a real kiss, one that took both your breaths away.
“I wonder if you would have tasted like this back then,” he mumbled against your lips, voice full of longing and nostalgia.
“You’ve bought me a hot chocolate, so I would like to think so,” you pecked his nose, brushing the stray curls back from his forehead. “I wonder if you’ve looked for mistletoes after our missed chance.”
“I was ready to drag you under one for a kiss,” Ashton squeezed your hips, pulling you even closer to himself. “But I guess we didn’t need one in the end.”
“Hey, I’ve called ahead to reserve a room for two,” Ashton lightly tapped his fingers against the counter, smiling at the girl behind the desk. “Under Fletcher Irwin.”
The lobby was heavily decorated with Christmas ornaments and sparkly garlands, and you could see a tall Christmas tree behind a set of glass double doors, probably leading to the other side of the hotel and the restaurant. You felt slightly overwhelmed by the place and the fact that you’re gonna spend the next few days here with a man you barely know, but you’ve tried to tell yourself that this was an unexpected emergency case, and anything was better than sleeping at the airport. Ashton said something and the girl giggled before looking at you, a knowing smile spreading across her face as she handed the keys to him, wishing the both of you a pleasant stay at the hotel.
Ashton stepped back next to you to grab both of your heavy bags and suitcases, ushering you towards the elevator. The ride up to the 7th floor was quickly over, and you dragged your stuff to the room at the end, ready to drop for the night. Ashton opened the door for you, letting you go in first.
“They’re sending up some dinner in half an hour,” he said as he closed the door, locking it behind his back. “In case you’re hungry.”
“If I can stay up that long then I’m sure gonna appreciate it,” you nodded, giving him a small smile.
“Come, let’s settle down and then you can shower first,” he tugged off his jacket, moving behind you to help you with your own coat. “Here, let me help you.”
“You’re way too nice to me,” you chuckled, giving him a pointed look. “I’m onto you.”
“My Mom taught me manners,” he rolled his eyes with a chuckle of his own, hanging up your coats before kicking off his shoes. “It’s just who I am.”
“I’m sure she’s proud of you,” there was a bashful smile on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck, and to take the attention off of him he nodded towards the bedroom. “Let’s check that out, shall we?”
You turned around and stepped into the dark room, fingers fumbling for the light switch. When you’ve found it you flicked it on, making the room light up. You felt a blush heat your cheeks as your eyes looked around the room, biting your lip in the process.
“Uhm– Ashton?”
“Yeah? What’s that?” he stepped next to you and you saw the moment realization hit him as well.
“There’s only one bed.”
“Do you think we were set up?” your forehead rested on his shoulder, fingers drawing over the lines on his palm, and you felt Ash push his cheek against the top of your head, humming slightly.
“You still think the girl at the front desk did it?” his other hand settled on your waist, drawing the same patterns on your skin.
“Maybe,” you chuckled, tangling your fingers together. “Maybe not. But I do remember you asking for separate beds. Twice.”
“I did tell you I was okay with sleeping on the couch,” Ashton moved so he could pull your interlocked hands to his lips, kissing over your knuckles and your ring. “More than two times.”
“I just didn’t think it would be fair, you know?” you still played with his fingers, giving him a pout. “You offered me that we could share a room, so making you sleep on the couch after that… no, I couldn’t do it.”
“Y/N…” Ashton nudged his nose against yours, tilting your chin up to press his lips to your lips, whispering against them. “Thank you for not letting me sleep on the couch.”
There were phone calls made down to the front desk, but it was clear that they couldn’t do anything about the situation – all the other rooms were full already. You pulled your legs under yourself on the couch, hugging a pillow to your chest as Ashton asked once again if they were sure, but as he finished the call you knew he did not succeed.
“Look, it’s… it’s fine,” you’ve tried to break the sudden tension between you two, not wanting to spend the next few days awkwardly stepping around each other. “The bed’s big enough, I’m sure we can figure this out.”
“No, look, I– I’ve promised you your own bed, and I’m gonna keep my promise,” Ashton ran his fingers through his hair, giving you a forced smile. “I’m just gonna sleep on the couch. I’ve done it a hundred times before, it’s nothing new.”
“I’m not sure I like this idea,” Ashton quirked an eyebrow at you, and you shrugged your shoulder. “My Mom also taught me manners and told me to share what I have with those who have less than me.”
“Trust me, it’s no trouble at all,” he shook his head, standing up when there was a knock on the door. “It’s probably our dinner, I’ll go get it.”
While you ate your food you’ve tried a few more times to make Ashton change his mind, but he brushed off your offers even though you could sense a small crack in his armour when you gave him a pout. He made a joke about how you should stop with the puppy dog eyes, and you were quickly back to teasing each other like the discussion about your sleeping arrangements didn’t happen at all.
An hour later you were out of the bathroom, freshly showered and feeling like a brand new person. Ashton was lounging on the couch, getting used to his bed for the next few days; he gave you a smile when you passed him, eyes lingering on your form just a second too long before going back to his phone. You pretended that you did not just blush under his gaze as you pulled the robe tightly around your body.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed now,” you leaned against the doorframe as he looked up at you again. “I see you’ve already taken your side of the bed to the couch.”
“I promise you I’ll be fine,” he chuckled, sitting up. “Stop worrying about me.”
“Are you really sure…?”
“I’m sure, trust me.”
“Alright,” you held his gaze for a few seconds before dropping it to the floor. “Good night, Ashton.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
You could feel his eyes on your back as you closed the door, almost turning back around to ask him one more time. You heard as he was moving around in the small living room, probably setting up his makeshift bed before going to the bathroom to shower. With the blanket pulled up to your chin you listened to Ashton’s sounds, letting them slowly lull you to sleep.
But your rest didn’t last long as you found your eyes opening in an hour or two, trying to work out where you really were. Then it all came back to you – the delayed and cancelled flights, your handsome stranger and how he bought you coffee and offered you to stay in a hotel room together. How there was only one bed and how Ashton promised you that he was absolutely okay with sleeping out on the couch. You could hear a slight bit of moving coming from the living room, quiet snores breaking the silence around you. Another moment passed and you slipped out of bed, opening the door and looking out into the next room.
Ashton was sprawled out on the couch, one arm thrown over his eyes, a leg hanging off to the side as he slept. It didn’t look comfortable at all, and without thinking twice about it you slowly moved to the couch, crouching down next to him on the floor. You felt your heart beating in your ears, your throat working around silent words as you tried to speak them. A finger brushed against his forearm, stroking over tattoos you didn’t know were there, and he moved his arm above his head, burrowing against his pillow.
“Ashton,” your voice was only a whisper, knuckles lightly running down his arm again, slowly moving to his forehead to brush the hair back from his face. He hummed in his sleep, leaning into your touch before his eyes fluttered open.
“What’s wrong?” he furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing his eyes to wake up a bit more.
“No, nothing, I just– just come to bed, please,” your hands fell into your lap, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt as Ashton propped himself up on his elbow.
“I’ve thought we were over this,” his fingers ran through his hair, a confused expression on his face.
“I know and I’m sorry, but please understand that my conscious won’t let me sleep until you’re out here on the couch,” you were well-aware of the pout on your lips, the one that seemed to work on Ashton, and he let out a sigh. “The bed is big enough for two. We can sleep on the two ends, I really don’t mind.”
“Only because my back is killing me,” he finally sat up, moving his neck and shoulders to work out some kinks in it. “Alright, lead the way.”
He pulled the blanket around his shoulders while you grabbed the pillows from the couch, shuffling back to the bedroom with Ashton following you. You moved your bedding to the far side of the bed, piling his pillows onto his side before sliding back under your sheets. Ashton climbed up next to you, quickly finding a comfortable position for himself as he buried his face in his pillow.
“Will you be able to sleep now?” he yawned, smacking his lips as he burrowed into his blankets.
“Mmhh, yeah. Good night, Ashton,” you turned so your back was facing him, and you heard him do the same.
“Night-night,” he whispered, probably already falling back to sleep, and you closed your eyes, trying to do the same. He shuffled around a bit, lightly jolting the mattress until he settled down then a moment later you heard him mumbling. “Y/N?”
“Thank you for not letting me sleep on the couch.”
» part 1 » part 2 » part 3 » part 4
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fatiguing-thoughts · 3 years
“Natural” - Chapter 7 - Embry Call x Reader
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Graduation Party
I roll over in bed, waking up once again to an empty pillow to the side of me. 
I was getting used to Embry falling asleep with me, though I don’t think I would ever get used to him not being there when I woke up, the lonely feeling it left behind was quite intense. 
 I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I walk over to my desk to find the usual good morning note from Embry. 
I take the note and put it in a little box, with the others I’ve saved from him. 
I look over at the time, seeing it to be only a little before 8:00. I decided that I should probably join my dad downstairs for some cereal and chatting before he heads off to work on this fine Friday morning. 
“Hey dad.” I walk down the stairs and greet him in the kitchen. 
“Hey kid. Leah was here last night?” He asks, taking a bite of his frosted flakes. 
“Yeah, we watched some movies and talked, caught up a bit.” I grab a bowl to pour my own. 
I sit down at the table across from him, taking a bite of my cereal. 
“So what’s going on tonight, any big plans for the weekend?” He asks me. 
“Yeah, I’m actually going to Bella’s graduation party tonight.” I smile at him. 
“That sounds like fun, Billy mentioned that to me. The guys are going, too, right?” He asks me with a slight face of concern.
“Yes, dad. They’ll be there. What’re you worried about?” I laugh. 
“I worry about everything, I’m a dad.” He chuckles. 
“Alright there, dad. There’s nothing to worry about. Jacob, Quil, and Embry are going. I’m the tag along. Nothing usually gets past them.” I laugh. 
“No, not usually. They all really shot up since we left.” His eyes widen, soft laughter escaping his lips. 
“I know, it’s crazy. I can’t believe it.” 
“How tall is Jacob now? Him and Embry are really up there.” 
“Jake is 6’7 and Embry is 6’4.” I take another bite. 
“Wow. When’re you gonna grow?” He laughs. 
“Hey, relax there. Not all of us hit insane growth spurts.” I defend. 
“I know. Just messing with you.” 
“Yeah, I get it. Bully your daughter. Ha ha.” I smirk.
“Oh stop. You know I love you more than anything.” He gets up to put his bowl in the sink, nudging my shoulder on his way over. 
“I know, I love you, too.” 
“So how’s the Embry thing going on?” He asks. 
“Pretty good.” I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks. 
“I’m really glad it was Embry, honestly. He’s a good kid.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. 
“He is.” My cheeks still held that red tint. 
“Well, I should get going now. I’ll see you later, if not-- enjoy the party and keep in touch.” He kisses the top of my head before leaving. 
I finish my cereal and clean it up. 
Heading up the stairs I feel a little tired still from the night before. I lay back in bed to relax, maybe play on my phone for a bit. 
I unlock my phone and see some messages from the guys. 
“We’re gonna pick you up at 7. Be ready.” - Jake
“Good morning, bean. I love you and I can’t wait to see you today. Can I come over before the party?” - Embry
“(Y/N) important question. Do you think that snails are animals? Are slugs just homeless snails? I saw one on my porch last night and it’s keeping me up. Lmk what you think.” - Quil 
I shake my head, wondering why I even have a phone in the first place. I decide to text them all back. 
“You got it, chief.” 
“Good morning, Em. I love you, too. Come over whenever you can :)” 
“According to google, snails are basically octopuses. I don’t know about the slugs, though, bud. Do some research and keep me posted.” 
I laugh as I put my phone on my nightstand, walking over to my mirror. 
I look myself up and down, in my pajama shorts and a band t-shirt from a concert Embry and I went to three years ago in Port Angeles. I remember it like it was just yesterday. 
Embry and I walked around the venue after the show, passing by the merch table to take a peak. 
“Oh wow, that shirt’s pretty cool, look.” I point to him. 
“It is, why don’t you get it?” He asks. 
“I don’t know, I really shouldn’t buy it. My dad would get annoyed at me for buying another band tee.” I shrug my shoulders in disappointment, as I usually get a shirt at every show we went to. 
“Ah, that’s fair. Sorry, bean.” He pats me on the back. 
“It’s alright, I’m gonna head to the bathroom.” I let him know and he walks me over to the bathroom before entering the men’s room himself. 
I walk out a few moments later to see a smiling Embry, holding onto his backpack straps. 
“You ready to catch the train back?” I ask.
“Yeah, let’s go.” He smiles.
We make our way back to the train station and sit down, beginning our hour and a half journey. 
“Hey, (Y/N)? Can I tell you something?” 
“Yeah, what’s up?” I look up into his sweet brown eyes, filled with excitement. 
“So I got that shirt. I really liked it and I kinda wanted to add it to my collection. I just don’t want you to be upset with me.” He looks at me, pursing his lips. 
“No I’m not mad, Em. Why would I be mad at you? You’ll look great in it. You always get a shirt, we have our concert shirt collection going on.” I smile up at him, kinda kicking myself for not buying one to keep the tradition-- though not wanting to be lectured by my dad for it being a “waste of money.” 
“Great, I didn’t think you’d be mad. Especially because I got you one, too.” He smiles, reaching into his bag. 
“Embry! Why would you do that? Don’t spend your money on me.” I scold, trying to hide the blushing and insane smiling from appearing on my face. 
“Oh, shut up. You wanted the shirt, I wanted to get you the shirt. We both got what we wanted.” He smiles. 
“But, Emb-” 
“No, shh. Just say thank you and wear it.” He smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 
“Thank you, Em.” I look up into his eyes, not even attempting to hide my severe blushing. 
“Anything for you, bean.” He smiles. 
I hold the shirt in my hands, clutching it excitedly. A yawn escapes my lips but I try to fight it back.
“You can lay on my shoulder, take a nap. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He smiles. 
I nod, placing my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.
I observe how long it is for me, as he bought it in his size because “it’s just cuter that way” as he would say. 
Sitting down on my bed, I unlock my phone to see the responses from Embry and Quil, Jake only gave my message a thumbs up. 
“I’m on my way, should be there in a few minutes :)” - Embry 
“I’m on it.” - Quil 
I smirk before I make my bed and try to tidy up my room, just what I teased Embry about yesterday. 
A few minutes into me cleaning, I hear my phone going off. It was Embry texting me that he was here and to let him in. 
I jog down the stairs and open the door to see an excited Embry. 
“Good morning.” He picks me up in his arms and spins me around. 
“Hey there, Embry.” I giggle into his neck.
He places me back on the floor and I lead him upstairs. 
We get into my room and I notice his staring. 
“Is something wrong?” I ask him, eyes widening in nervousness. 
“No, no. God no. I just-- you look cute like that. I just, I like your outfit.” He stumbles upon his words. 
“Thank you, Em.” I blush. 
“I’m glad I got you it in my size. Maybe you should just switch over to my clothes completely. I think that would work.” He flirts, smiling like the goof that he is. 
“Hmm, maybe. I’ll steal some more of your hoodies soon.” I smirk.
“I can’t even complain.” He leans down kissing me softly. 
The kiss once again, as all the rest, felt like electricity shot through my entire body. I felt my knees going weak.
Emby’s hand on my hips felt like absolute heaven, making out with him was a rush, it felt like heaven on earth. 
He pulls away, placing his forehead on my own.
“Hi.” He breathes. 
“Hey.” I smile. 
“Wanna watch some Rick & Morty?” He asks.
“Sure.” I laugh. 
We always talked about Rick & Morty while I was gone, trying to watch it together. 
We situated ourselves in my bed, my head on his chest and my legs sprawled amongst his. 
The next few hours consisted of laughter as both he and I took turns falling in and out of sleep. 
At 5:30 I decided it was time I got up to begin getting ready to go. I put some mascara on, a little lip tint, style my hair and head over to my closet. 
“Whatcha doing, bean?” Embry asks, a yawn escaping his soft lips. 
“I’m trying to figure out what to wear to this party. Are you guys dressing up?” I turn around, and eye him up.
“T-shirt and jeans, all of us. Except maybe you. I’m sure the others will be dressed up but don’t feel pressured.” He smirks. 
“I see. I should have known.” I smirk. 
I search through my closet, feeling Embry’s hands find my waist behind me, pressing a kiss to the back of my head.
“You’ll look great in anything you wear.” He whispers.
“Thank you.” Thankfully he couldn’t see my blushing from behind my head. 
“Ya know, I’d say wear that. But I’d have a hard time controlling myself… And keeping you to myself.” He chuckles.
“Embry!” I laugh.
“I’m just saying, you look really cute.” He says, walking back over to my bed. 
It took me a while, but I decided on a black dressy-ish sweater, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black chelsea boots. 
I turn around to begin changing and I notice Embry covering his eyes, 
I giggle to myself as I change, thankful of his eye shielding-- I wasn’t ready for that just yet. 
“Thank you, Em.” I say as I finish pulling the jeans up my leg. 
“Of course.” He says, blush appearing across his cheeks. 
“You can open your eyes now.” I say when I finish, walking over to sit on his lap. 
“Hey, welcome.” He kisses my cheek.
“Look at you, the king of respecting women.” I laugh. 
“You know it, baby. Forever and always.” He laughs. 
It was true, though. Embry has always been one of the most respectful people I had ever met, especially with women-- including myself. 
“How long until Jake and Quil get here?” I ask, leaning my head into his chest. 
“Any minute now, time moves fast when I’m with you.” He presses a kiss onto my shoulder. 
“That it does, you’re my favorite way to spend my time.” I giggle. 
“You look beautiful, by the way.” He smiles into my neck, leaving a soft kiss at the nape. 
“How do you do that?” I ask. 
“Do what?” 
“Always have that effect on me? Everything you do… it just feels intense.” I admit. 
“I think that’s just because we’ve waited so long for this. You’re also my imprint, now.” He laughs softly. 
His phone begins vibrating, causing him to pull away and answer. 
“It’s Jake, they’re here.” He says hanging up the phone.
I nod and we get up, going downstairs. 
“Have fun! Be safe.” My dad smiles from the couch. 
“Thank you!” We call out in unison. 
“I’ll text you, dad. I love you.” I smile before we walk out the door and get into Jacob’s rabbit. 
“Let’s have some fun tonight.” I smile. 
“Too many leeches, but there might be pretty girls. So this could be good.” Quil chuckles from the front seat. 
“Ooh, Jacob. Pretty girls.” I say in a sing-song manner. 
“(Y/N), you know it doesn’t matter to me.” He laughs. 
“I know, but just try to have a good time. It’s my first party with you guys in like forever!” I grab the back of Quil and Jacob’s seats, bringing myself forward. 
“You’re right.” Quil agrees.
“Oh Quil, what’s the news?” I ask, referring to our conversation from this morning. 
“Oh. They’re cousins, not brothers.” He turns around to me, nodding.
“Oh damn, no way.” I smirk.
“Who?” Embry asks. 
“Snails and slugs. Ya know, the octopus things.” He shrugs. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Embry asks. 
“We’re here, please stop… whatever this is.” Jacob smirks getting out of the car. 
“I can explain later.” I grab onto Embry’s hand, following Jacob into the giant house that belonged to the Cullens. 
“Holy shit.” I mutter, walking through the enormous front door. 
“Right?” Quil agrees.
We walk up the stairs, finding the main area of the party. 
Embry stayed behind me, his hand on my lower back, guiding me up the stairs. 
“I’m not made out of glass, you know. I’ve done stairs before.” I turn around giggling. 
“Can’t risk an accident with you, bean. Especially in a house of leeches.” He reminds me. 
“Embry, stop it. I’m not that accident prone.” I defend. 
“Says the girl with five bruises just on her left leg.” He chuckles.
“Hey, don’t do this.” I laugh. 
Jacob soon finds Bella, greeting her.
“Hey, why are you here?” She asks. 
I felt strange, were we not invited?
“You invited me, remember?” Jacob responds. 
“I thought our argument and me calling you a dick was me uninviting you.” “Bella, I’m sorry. Look, I brought you a gift. I made you it.” He holds up the wolf charm bracelet that he spent hours carving. 
“You made this? It’s beautiful.” Her demeanor softened. 
“Of course.” He smiles, pulling her into a small hug. 
“Hey Bella. Congratulations.” I smile at her. 
“Oh, hey (Y/N). Thank you. I’m glad you came. Hopefully you can keep them under control.” She jokes. 
“Eh, maybe. Usually only Embry will listen to me, though. Fair warning.” I laugh. 
We sit around, listening to music for a little bit. Eating some snacks before we found our way to Bella again. As I was chatting with her and Jacob, Bella’s eyes frantically peered over to a very tiny woman on the stairs. 
“Alice. What did you see?” She asks, walking over.
“The decision has been made.” She answers, wide eyed. 
“What decision?” Jacob asks. 
We are all led into Carlisle’s office, me basically velcroed to Embry’s side, especially in such close proximity to the Cullens. 
“So they’re coming here?” Bella asks. 
“Yeah, in four days.” Alice responds. 
“We don’t have much time.” Carlisle says in a worried tone. 
“Who’s coming?” Jacob asks. 
“Newborn army. They’re coming for Bella.” Jasper says. 
We then got the whole rundown of what that actually entails, how scary of a situation this truly was.
“Wait, they’re after Bella?” Jacob asks. 
I look over at Embry, worried eyes. 
“Well, then the pack will fight.” Jacob agrees. 
Embry and Quil nod, my eyes wide with fear. 
“You think Sam would be willing to come to an understanding?” 
“We’re going to have to train, this is a very dangerous fight. Lives could be lost. Jasper has the experience and knowledge we will need.” Carlisle explains. 
“We get to kick some ass.” The large one, Emmett, grins. 
“When do we start training?” Jacob asks. 
“Tomorrow.” Carlisle answers. 
“Okay, I’ll tell Sam tonight.” 
“Jacob, please.” Bella begs. 
“This is what you wanted, remember? We’re working together.” He really rubbed her face in it. 
“Newborns won’t even know they exist, they’ll be a great help to us. Plus we need the numbers, Bella.” Jasper reasons. 
I looked up at Embry with a worried face, feeling my heart begin to beat faster. I needed him to be okay, I needed all my friends to be okay. 
“Don’t worry, bean. Nothing is gonna happen, okay?” He whispers in my ear, leaning down to press a kiss to my temple. 
Quil looks at me, nodding in confirmation. 
“This is what we were made to do. At least we get to kill some vampires.” Jacob grins. 
Going back to the party wasn’t the same after that. I felt like I was in a constant state of nausea, like my heart was about to fly out of my chest. 
When it was time to leave, we went out and drove back to my house in complete silence. I bid Jacob and Quil a goodnight and Embry walked me to my door. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked. 
“Well I was, earlier in the night.” I admit. 
“I know, bean. But please don’t worry. Everything will be okay, this is our job. It’s in our blood, this is what we do.” He smiles, trying to comfort me as he pushes my hair behind my ear. 
“I know, I’m just scared.” I admit. 
“Don’t be, bean. I would never let anything happen to you.” His eyes stare deep into mine, seriousness completely taking over his face.
“No, I’m scared for you.” 
“Oh, don’t be. I never got hurt before, and now I have just another thing to fight for.” He softly smiles. 
“I want to come to practice.” I tell him. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” His voice trails off. 
“Embry, please. I need to know.” I plead.
“Okay, but you have to stay where it’s safe. Stay by me.” 
I nod and he pulls me into a tight hug. 
“Thank you.” I whisper. 
“I’d do anything for you.” He smiles. 
His arms find my waist before he gives me a sweet kiss goodnight. 
I manage to find the strength to go inside my house and separate from the warmth that Embry was.
Sleeping was something that seemed to be out of the question as I stared at my ceiling in complete silence for hours, mind racing with anxious thoughts. I don’t even know when I even fell asleep. 
Word Count: 3087
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Other students masterlist
|Shinsou Hitoshi|
Dead Romantics (modern magic au)
The young necromancer spent his entire life being all by himself, and now he had no idea what to do when an enthusiastic classmate went out of their way to be his friend.
I Take Thee (Shinsoubowl Week Day 1)
You remembered the promises you made to each other in your vows as you waited for your husband to come home.
Tough Competition (Shinsoubowl Week Day 2)
Nothing like a bit of friendly rivalry to get the tension going and affection to blossom.
The Usual (Shinsoubowk Week Day 3)
Shinsou was by no means a coffee drinker. But if it meant that he could see the cute barista who worked at the coffee shop by the corner, he would gladly pour that disgusting cup of liquid down his throat every day.
Good People (Shinsoubowl Week Day 4)
You had lost your hope that there were genuinely good people in the world a long time ago. So no, just because this hero was nice and didn’t want to fight you could not convince you anything.
Battle Scars (Shinsoubowl Week Day 5)
It was rough to see your lover coming home soaked from head to bottom and with a huge cut on his chest, but it pained you even more to see him so deep in self-blame.
Soft Spot (Shinsoubowl Week Day 6)
Shinsou’s plan to get some good rest was ruined but how could he say no when his classmate asked him for help in search of a lost kitten?
The Wizard’s Castle on the North (Shinsoubowl Week Day 7)(fairytale au)
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a wizard who lived alone in his castle on the north of the kingdom. The people of the kingdom hated the wizard, and so the king made an order that whoever could enter the wizard’s castle could be married to his heir and become royalty.
Hearts to Give
He had no idea that it was you who put a paper heart on his desk every day but it was fine, you’ve got plenty of hearts to give anyways.
Winner Takes It All (nsfw)
Shinsou felt the need to defend himself here, because he had no idea what the prize was before he actually won.
10 Things I Hate About You
You hated Shinso Hitoshi, mostly because you could not believe yourself when you said it no matter how much you tried.
“You have 1 new message”
Satin & Lace (nsfw)
The only thing better than a man in lingerie is two men in lingerie.
General romance stuff with Shinsou (hc)
Shinsou with a kuudere-like s/o (hc)
Talking to his wife’s pregnant belly (hc)
General nsfw stuff (nsfw)(hc)
Shinsou with a s/o who is allergic to cats (hc)
Shinsou’s s/o struggling with mental health (hc)
Shinsou with a low self-esteemed s/o (hc)
Shinsou with a s/o who goes mute when upset (hc)
Pro hero Shinsou with a pro hero s/o (hc)
General nsfw stuff 2.0 (nsfw)(hc)
Helping his s/o cope with the loss of a close pet (hc)
Soft hcs (hc)
Shinsou’s s/o being stressed over school (hc)
Sex with s/o with selective mutism (nsfw)(hc)
Taking care of s/o who is on their period (hc)
Sleepover with Shinsou (hc)
Camboy Shinsou but is he really??? (kinda nsfw???)(hc+drabble)
“I’m sorry, I think you got the wrong number.”+ “You know what’s funny? No matter what you’ve done, I’ll still fall for you all over again.” (drabble)
Falling off while cuddling (drabble)
Surprising Shinsou with a kitten (drabble)
Overhearing s/o’s “friend” making fun of their weight (drabble)
Leaving a bite mark on s/o’s cheek (slight nsfw)(drabble)
Shinsou with a crush that acts flirty towards everyone (drabble)
A statue comes alive when its soulmate held its hand (soulmate au)(drabble)
Purposing to his s/o (drabble)
Waking up to see his hair all sprawled out (drabble)
Cuddling with Shinsou (drabble)
Seeing s/o with a cat quirk naked after transforming from cat to human (drabble)
Trying to fuck Shinsou into sleeping (nsfw)(drabble)
Taking care of his drunk s/o (drabble)
His s/o mistaking that he might be cheating (drabble)
Teasing cat quirk s/o with catnip (nsfw)(drabble)
Overstimulating cat quirk s/o (nsfw)(drabble)
The smell of softener filling your senses as you have blankets wrapped up around you (drabble)
When you smell the cookies baking in the oven after your arms are sore from beating the mixture till white and fluffy for 30 minutes (drabble)
“So you’re just gonna abandon me?” (drabble)
“They warned me about you, I should have listened.” (drabble)
Feeling him up from behind while he was cooking (nsfw)(drabble)
Fisting (nsfw)(drabble)
Thigh riding (nsfw)(drabble)
Going into heat after being hit with a cat quirk (nsfw)(drabble)
Making reader ride a fuck machine with his quirk (nsfw)(drabble)
Fucking his s/o in front of a crowd (nsfw)(drabble)
Walking in on him moaning your name (nsfw)(drabble)
Thigh fucking (nsfw)(drabble)
Eating s/o out because they were not giving him attention (nsfw)(drabble)
Spiderman kiss while he hangs down the ceiling (drabble)
Worshipping his muscles (nsfw)(drabble)
Tutor Shinsou rewarding you (nsfw)(drabble)
Accidentally tying yourself up with his capture weapon (nsfw)(drabble)
Glade in a forest under the starry sky (drabble)
Coffee shop (drabble)
Comforting s/o (drabble)
Shinsou falling asleep with the cats (drabble)
Meatball Shinsou (nsfw)(drabble) > bonus drabble
Cooking with his s/o (drabble)
Tired Shinsou (drabble)
You dreamt of him (drabble)
A Teenager In Love (drabble)
Random snapshots of random animals at random times because they know you like that animal + brings you up naturally in a conversation you are not in (drabble)
Checking your phone late at night and see them go online the moment you open their message (drabble)
He slept on the couch once because the cat was napping against his arm and he did not want to wake it up (drabble)
The pet shop worker (harvest moon au)(character route archive)
La Petite Mort (ghost!Shinsou series)
|Amajiki Tamaki|
Your First Name, My Last Name (modern magic au)
There was something extremely important the fae would like to ask you, the only issue was that he didn’t know how.
A Day at the Fae’s Cottage (modern magic au)
Just another day at the shy fae’s cottage deep in the woods.
Tamaki taking care of sick s/o (for Red<3)(drabble)
The smell of softener filling your senses as you have blankets wrapped up around you (drabble)
Birthday present (nsfw)(drabble)
|Togata Mirio|
Party Night Fever (nsfw)(college au)
You got more out of a party you dreaded than you thought you would.
The scent of cinnamon filling the kitchen (drabble) 
|Monoma Neito|
Soft hcs (hc)
416 notes · View notes
hxhhunterxhunter · 4 years
Onii-Chan (Child reader)
⭐️Chapter 5: Oink!Oink! 💧
Illumi was carrying the small girl, after putting his disguise back on, went back to where the second phase was going to be.
As he set the small female down as they got there and went his own way. The female sat down with her fox plush and unzipped the back of it pulling out a small pinata out from the plush, she opened it and took the sweets out and started to stuff her face with sweets. She noticed her fox was looking at her, so she quickly closed the zipper and placed a candy in front of him and patted his head.
"There you go foxy" She giggled at the panda plush and smiled.
"Oi brat, is Gon with you?" Y/n looked up to see Killua, she smiled at him.
"Hi Kil-Oniisan!" Killua blushed lightly at the nickname, since he wasn't expecting it, he sat down next to the female, and her plushie fox, he picked up one of the candy from the small pile and popped it in his mouth.
"I don't know where Gon-oniisan is sowwy..." She replied as she ate a piece of candy.
Y/n noticed her brother carrying Leo-Oniisan towards a tree and placed him there. Her brother went somewhere in the crowd, and she lost sight of him.
Y/n popped a candy in her mouth and noticed the questioning look from Killua as he was eating some of the chocolate that came from the female's candy stack.
"I saw Onii-Chan." She smiled at Killua.
"Are you really related to Hisoka, you're much weaker than him." Killua flicked the female's forehead, making her squeak and cover the small red mark on her forehead and pouted.
"You're a meanie Kil-Oniisan!"
"Leorio!" Y/n looked to see Gon and Kurapika heading over to the said male, who was siting against a tree, he looked beat up. 
Gon placed Leorio's suitcase down and looked at the beat up male.
"Hey... why am i beat up..?"
"huh?" The 2 looked at Leorio confused.
"My memories are kinda hazy."
Kurapika whispered to Gon something. Killua had also noticed and got up, making the female watch him as he headed to Gon.
"Gon." Killua was walking to them with his hands in his pocket.
"Killua!" Gon smiled seeing his friend.
"I can't believe you actually got here... I thought you were done for." Gon went over to killua and were talking for a bit.
"Excellent every one" Mr Satotz said, making everyone look in his direction. "The second exam will be focused here, in Biska forest Park. So I shall take my leave. Best of luck to you all." Mr Satotz began to walk back to where the first phase was held.
The Gate had started to open, revealing 2 people, seemingly the 2 examiners for the second phase.
"Will all the applicants who passed the first phase please enter?" A female spoke to the group. "Welcome. I am Menchi, the second phase examiner..." Soon the other examiner spoke
"And I am Buhara, the other examiner." Everyone stared at them, waiting to hear what they had to do in the second phase. Soon a loud growling sound was heard, startling some of the applicants.
Y/n jumped slightly when hearing it, expecting it was an animal or something. Menchi looked at Buhara.
"You must be hungry."
"I'm starving" Buhara replied to Menchi.
"There you have it. Phase two will involve... Cooking!" Everyone didnt seem to happy about it.
"Cooking?" One of the applicants questioned, while another.
"Wait! Cooking?!" he continued "We're here to take the hunter exam!"
"That's quite right" Menchi replied to the angry applicant. "For the second Phase, your challenge is to produce a dish that will satisfy our platter."
People continued to argue with the female on how cooking isn't important to the exam. 
Y/n wasn't listening really until she only heard Buhara say.
"The required ingredient is pork."
"Pork as in pig's meat?"
"You are free to use any meat from the different species of pig in the forest. You must use the cooking faculties here to prepare the pork. And you will only pass if both of us find it delicious."
"We will evaluate more than just taste." Menchi added on. "Don't underestimate the intricacies of cooking. Got it?"
Y/n nodded, even though she was asking it rhetorically.
"When we both have eaten our fill, the exam will end."
"We get it. We get it" The second guy, who was insulting them, told them. "Let's just get started."
"Then the second Phase of the exam begins now!" Soon as Buhara said that everyone quickly left.
Y/n was following Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika since she lost sight of her brother
"Catch a pig and cook it" Leorio said as he looked around for the pigs. "This is way easier that the First Phase."
"I hope it will be that simple.." Kurapika replied to Leorio.
Y/n didnt say anything as she looked around.
She soon noticed Gon and Killua were sliding down the hill. She giggled a bit and slide down with them, she was cheering as she went down.
As soon as they reached the bottom, She slammed into Killua's back, then Kurapika hit her back slightly and leorio hit his.
"What was that about Gon!" Killua yelled at Gon who replied.
"I found them..."
They looked to see giant pigs, eating some animal.
"Their carnivores?!" Leorio yelled, getting the attention of the pigs.
"Piggys!" Y/n cheered, she liked animals in general, soon Kurapika grabbed her arm, running away. They ran as quickly as they could before the pigs could devour them.
They were running, soon other applicants were running with them, but some were hit and thrown into the sky.
As they all tried to attack the pigs, Y/n stood off to the side with a baby pig, it bumped her, trying to send her flying off, but the female looked at it and patted it's head. 
"I'm gonna name you Mr. Oinks!" She giggled at the pig as she hugged it.
"Y/n~ You need to kill it to be able to cook it~" Y/n looked up at her older brother and shook her head, holding the pig close to her.
"No! Mr. Oinks is my friend!" She huffed at her brother as he let out a sigh at his sister's stubbornness.
"Let's get a different pig for you then..."
As she got to a station, after about 30 minutes of getting a different pig for her, and Hisoka killed it, she stood there having no idea what to do.
"Mr Oinks don't look..." Y/n said as she covered the eyes of the baby pig, to stop it from seeing all the killed brothern of the poor pig. 
She looked around to see what everyone was doing.
She had only seen Leorio and Gon leave where Menchi and Buhara were seating seeming in defeat.
She saw Kurapika was there with his pig, it looked quite good, but Menchi failed him for it not tasting good.
"I'm stuffed"
"Same here" Everyone looked at Menchi and Buhara 
"So therefore no one passed."
"We're finished here!" 
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Gold stained hands, red stained teeth - chapter 3
sorry this took so long I was feeling kinda lethargic over the past few days but hopefully I’ll get back into the Writing Mood
“One hot cup of cocoa, coming right up!”
Lloyd laughed as Kai dramatically poured the chocolate powder into the mug. He was sitting at the table reading a book on engineering Jay had given him to keep him entertained. Kai was in the kitchen making himself a nutritious breakfast of instant ramen, while also making Lloyd a cup of hot chocolate. Zane would be upset if he saw how much of a mess he was making, but that was future Kai’s problem.
“You gonna be okay here while I’m gone?” Kai asked as he wiped up the milk he had split on the counter. He handed the warm mug to Lloyd, who accepted it graciously.
“Of course, I’ll be very quiet,” Lloyd said, taking a sip of his hot chocolate, “if anyone tries to come in I’ll just turn into a bat and hide.”
Kai took his ramen out of the microwave and poured it into a thermos. “I’m more worried about you getting bored cooped up in here…”
Lloyd raised an eyebrow. “I’m sixteen, I can keep myself entertained.”
Kai sighed, and grabbed his backpack off the coat hanger. “Maybe I should just skip…” he hummed, looking up at the clock that was swiftly ticking towards 11:30.
Lloyd put his mug down and shook his head furiously. “No, I’ll be fine here, don’t miss class because of me.”
Everyone else had already left for morning classes, leaving Kai and Lloyd alone in the dorm room. He only had one class today, but it was two hours long. While he didn’t want to leave Lloyd all by himself, Wu would kill him if he skipped for the third time in a month.
“You sure you’ll be okay?”
“Yes!” Lloyd grabbed a pillow off the couch and tossed it at him, “now get a move on!”
Kai squawked as the pillow hit him in the stomach. “ACK! Okay I’m going!” Kai shielded himself with his backpack, and darted out the door to avoid a barrage of pillow torpedoes.
Lloyd turned back to his book. He didn’t want to admit it, but reading about automobile engineering basics wasn’t exactly the most interesting, especially considering he didn’t even know what an automobile was. He closed the book, and laid his head down on the table.
It’d only been two minutes since Kai left, and he was already bored. It was rather pathetic, he was a centuries old vampire and yet a few hours alone sounded awful to him.
A shrill noise startled him out of his thoughts. It sounded like a distressed animal, and it was coming from outside. He leapt out of his chair, and ran to the kitchen window. He tried to peek through the blinds, but his eyes were burned by the flash of sunlight.
He hissed and drew back. The one thing he was asked to do was not go outside, and Lloyd didn’t want to lose the trust of the few people he knew in this time period. But… the pained cries were only getting louder, and he hated the thought of some poor creature being in trouble. It wouldn’t take more than a minute, surely…?
He grabbed his cape off the coat hanger, and draped it over his head. It wouldn’t completely block the sun, but it would be enough if he was quick. His eyes clenched shut as he opened the door, and stepped out into the daylight.
As he stepped out of the dorm, his attention was immediately drawn to the tree planted at the edge of the parking lot. That was where the noise was coming from. Being careful not to let his cape fly away in the wind, he ran over to the tree.
“Oh no!”
There was a small gray cat sitting high up on a tree branch. It was shivering and meowing sadly, clinging to the branch like its life depended on it.
“Are you stuck?” Lloyd called up to it, “I’ll get you down, don’t worry.”
It blinked it’s emerald green eyes at him, and meowed in response. Climbing the tree with a cape draped over his face would be a difficult task, but luckily for him, he had an easier solution.
Lloyd dropped his cape, and transformed into a bat in a puff of golden sparkles. The cat yowled in alarm, and sped further up the tree. It hissed and swatted at him as he flew up and clung to the branch. He tried to say something to soothe the cat, but all that came out was squeaks.
He gulped at the hungry look in the cat’s eyes. Bats did look an awful lot like flying mice…
The cat lunged toward him with its claws out. Lloyd transformed back in a panic, not thinking about how he was still hanging upside down from the thin branch. He heard a SNAP, and he and the cat were sent hurtling towards the ground.
In the split second before they both hit the hard ground, Lloyd caught the cat in his arms. It mewed softly, and nuzzled against his chest. His head was shaken a bit from the impact, but his powers healed any other injuries faster than he could notice them. He stood up, and held the cat up in the air.
“It’s very rude to eat someone trying to rescue you,” he scolded, “what do you have to say for yourself?”
The cat sneezed, and stuck it’s tongue out. Lloyd giggled and rubbed his face against it’s velvety fur. “Alright, I forgive you.”
Lloyd jumped, and turned to see a woman running towards him. She had silvery gray hair, but she looked like a young adult. She huffed and leaned against the tree.
“Thank goodness, you found her,” she gasped, out of breath, “where was she?!”
Lloyd glanced away awkwardly. This was exactly what he had been afraid of. God, what an idiot he was. Now she was probably going to tell everyone he was here and Kai and the rest of them would get in trouble and it would be all his fault and-
“U-Um…” Lloyd stuttered, “she was stuck in the tree…”
Meowthra squirmed around in his arms. He let her go, and she bounded over to the woman and rubbed against her leg.
“Silly kitty…” the woman sighed, “I’m Pixal, thanks for your help.”
“Oh, um, don’t mention it…” he said quietly, trying to figure out a way to escape the conversation. He couldn’t go back into the dorm, not with Pixal watching. He couldn’t exactly walk off either, at the moment the shade from the tree was the only thing protecting him from the sun. “I’m Lloyd.”
“Are you a student here?” she asked.
“Uh, yes!” Lloyd replied without thinking, then mentally slapped himself.
Pixal scooped up Meowthra, and held her under her arm like a suitcase. “You must be in the drama program, that’s why you're dressed like that right?”
Lloyd looked down at his clothing in confusion, before remembering he was dressed for a totally different time period. “O-Oh, yeah, I was just on my way to class actually-“
He bit his tongue. Great, now he had an even deeper hole to get out of.
“Oh, that’s perfect actually!” she said cheerfully, “do you think you could help me move some boxes into the theatre?”
Lloyd blinked. “Theatre…?”
“The tech crew needs some extra cables, but the guy who was supposed to help me move the boxes bailed on me…” she explained, “and I haven’t even started yet thanks to this little demon,” she glared at Meowthra, who just yawned and twitched her ears.
“U-Uh…” Lloyd realized there was no way he could politely say no without having to say he lied about being on his way to class. Great. Just great. “Of course, it’d be a pleasure!” he said, hoping she wouldn’t notice how much he was sweating.
“Thanks so much!” she turned and walked towards the parking lot, “the boxes are in my car, follow me.”
Lloyd discreetly grabbed his cape off the ground and threw it over his head. He winced as he stepped back into the sunlight, already regretting this decision immensely.
It’d been many years since Morro had stood before the gates of Garmadon castle. Nothing had changed a bit. It looked just as decrepit as it had centuries ago.
“Why is the gate locked?!” Morro snapped, rattling the bars as if he could somehow yank the gate open with his bare hands, “this is ridiculous! What kind of arcane barrier is this?!”
Bansha sharpened her knife against a rock she had picked up off the ground, indifferent to Morro’s tantrum. “Probably because this is a tourist attraction now, I’d guess… and I assume the gate is opened with a button inside that box over there,” she said, pointing her knife towards the ticket booth.
The lady inside the booth was fast asleep in her chair. She had music on loud enough you could hear it blaring from outside the booth, and she had a sleeping mask on.
Bansha clicked her tongue. “Not very good at her job, is sh- HEY!”
Morro snatched the rock out of her hand, and stomped over to the ticket booth. He aimed the rock at the woman’s head, but before he could throw it the woman stirred. She pulled her sleeping mask off, and looked around groggily. “Huh? Is someone there?”
Morro hastily hid the rock behind his back, and cleared his throat. “Open the gate… please.”
The woman turned her music off. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of decay emanating from him, and she tried not to stare at his medieval looking clothing. “You mean you want… a ticket?”
“Yes, a ticket for the gate, because I would like inside,” Morro said stiffly, “please open the gate.”
Behind him, Bansha groaned and rubbed her temples. “Dear god help me…”
She nodded, and leaned down to open the safe tucked between her feet. “I’m surprised we’ve been getting so many visitors lately,” she mused, shuffling through the papers stuffed in the safe, “we rarely get two groups visiting in one month, much less in the same week-“
Morro frowned, his hand brushing against the dagger strapped to his belt. “There were people here before us?”
“Yeah, a couple of college students from NCU,” she explained, stamping two tickets, “they were acting kinda strange when they came out though… fortunately for them I don’t get paid enough to care if they stole anything.”
Morro exchanged a look with Bansha, who pocketed her blade and approached the ticket booth. “And just where is this ‘NCU?’” Morro asked.
“Downtown, just north of that big shopping mall, you can’t miss it really,” she said absentmindedly, sliding the tickets to them. “That’ll be ten fifty please.”
“Uh…” Morro gripped the rock he was still holding tighter, “we don’t have any money, but-“
“Enjoy your day miss,” Bansha cut him off, and pulled Morro away by the arm. The woman watched in confusion as she tugged Morro far enough away that they were out of earshot.
“What was that for?!” Morro sputtered, “must I remind you that I am the one in charge?!”
Bansha eyed the rock he had in his grip. “I feel I must remind you, our queen would prefer if we performed our mission… quietly.”
Morro scowled and tossed the rock aside. “I wasn’t going to kill her… I was just going to give us enough time to open that gate.”
“The castle is obviously no longer a reliable fortress for Lloyd,” Bansha said, crossing her arms, “I believe his new lair is that college she mentioned, NCU.”
“Then what’re we waiting for?” Morro stomped his foot impatiently, “let’s go-“
“Patience, Morro, patience…” she hushed, “do you not remember what I taught you when you were a child?”
“...A good hunter must always wait for the ideal opportunity before striking, I know…” he turned away from her, and stared up at the crumbling towers of the castle. It was poetic almost… a dying castle for a dead family. Soon to be completely dead, that is.
His attention snapped back to Bansha. “I’m not a child anymore, you don’t need to teach me anything,” he grunted.
She let out a raspy chuckle. “Don’t be arrogant, everyone can be taught something.”
Morro watched as she summoned a wisp of blue fire in her hand. She whispered something incomprehensible to it, and it floated out of her hand and disappeared into the forest. “A message for the others,” she told him, wiping the excess blue powder off on her coat.
Magic had always seemed to allude Morro. He had begged the preeminent many times for magic lessons, but she had always said he just didn’t have any potential. His queen always knew best. Still, he was bitter about constantly feeling inferior to his subordinates.
“I’ve been patient enough, let’s go.”
Bansha rolled her eyes as he sauntered back towards the parking lot. She followed behind him, putting an arm out to stop him just in time before he stepped in a large puddle of water.
“Water is our only weakness, remember?” she said in response to his confused expression, “if it touches you, your flesh will melt right off your bones.”
Morro shuddered, and lurched away from the puddle. “A horribly inconvenient weakness…” he murmured.
“Perhaps if you hadn’t failed to kill Lloyd, then we wouldn’t have such a weakness,” Bansha hummed, lifting her skirt so it wouldn’t drag along the wet ground.
She stiffened. A brief hint of sadness flickered in her eyes. “It’s nothing,” she said, shaking her head, “let’s get there before it rains again.”
Class went by uneventfully. Kai didn’t pay much attention during Wu’s lecture, his mind was too preoccupied worrying about Lloyd. He didn’t fully realize how much he had spaced out until he looked down at the blank notebook page sitting in front of him. Whoops. He’d just have to ask Skylor for her notes after class.  
“Please remember your assignment is due by the end of the month,” Wu announced, “see me if you need any assistance.”
Kai closed his notebook with a sigh. He was way behind on his history paper, he could thank his shitty adhd brain for that. None of the tips he was given on focusing ever helped, so he usually just did all his assignments last minute and prayed his professors wouldn’t notice. To his credit, they usually didn’t.
As he was wading through the mass of students exiting the classroom, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Wu standing behind him. “May I speak to you for a minute Kai?” he asked.
He beckoned Kai over to his desk. “I’ve noticed you’ve been having some trouble on your assignment.”
Kai stuck his hands in his pockets, and gave a half shrug. “Uh… yeah, a little bit, but I’m fine.”
Wu stroked his beard thoughtfully. “Nya told me you all visited Garmadon castle yesterday, yes? How was it?”
“It was… interesting,” he replied, suppressing a laugh. Interesting was a severe understatement, what went down yesterday was straight up fantastical.
“If you have yet to pick a topic for your paper, may I suggest you do some more research on the castle?” Wu said, “I’m quite… knowledgeable on it myself, so I could offer you plenty of help.”
Kai’s eyes lit up. Of course! Lloyd probably knew everything about the castle's history, he wouldn’t even need to do any research. Who needs google when you have a friendly vampire living in your dorm room?
“Yeah, that’s an awesome idea!” Kai cheered, “thanks Wu!” He waved goodbye, and ran out of the classroom.
Wu watched him go with a smile. His eyes drifted to the framed handwritten letter he kept on his desk, the letter he’d received from Misako just before Lloyd’s sixteenth birthday. He held the picture frame in his hands and read the letter aloud.
My dear brother-in-law,
I hope this letter finds you well. We’ve all missed you terribly while you’ve been away, Lloyd especially. He grows more beautiful and darling each year, like a blooming flower in springtime. He’s become such a charming young man. I wish you could be here for this momentous celebration, but I understand your business abroad must come first. Garmadon has planted a tea tree for you in the garden, if that entices you to return sooner. We could all sit and have dinner under the moonlight, just like we did in our youth. I know Lloyd would love that.
Adoringly, Misako.
It was the last letter he’d ever received from them. He’d spent centuries rereading it over and over, torturing himself with it as punishment for being the catalyst in their deaths. A teardrop landed on the glass as his shaking hands clung to the frame.
All these years, and he still wept every time he thought of them. Thought of how his mistake of taking in one child, caused the death of another.
Jay groaned and dropped the box of lightbulbs on the ground. “Y’know, we’d be able to get the lights fixed a lot faster if you actually got off your ass and helped.”
Cryptor didn’t look up from his phone. “Not my problem,” he said curtly.
“But you're the one who made half the lightbulbs in the damn theatre burst!” Jay snapped back at him.
The doors to the theatre slammed open. “Sorry I’m late!” Pixal cried out as she wobbled past Jay, carrying two boxes of various cords and cables in her arms. She set them down, and she leaned against them to catch her breath.
“Meowthra got out again and Cryptor bailed on me, so I almost had to move these all by myself- HEY!” she angrily squinted at Cryptor, “where were you?!”
Cryptor avoided her gaze. “I was… busy.”
“If by busy you mean making half the lightbulbs in the theatre explode, then yeah, you were pretty busy,” Jay scoffed. He grabbed a long cable out of the box, and swung it around like a whip. “I oughta hit you with this!”
“Please don’t,” Pixal chided, “how did that even happen?”
Cryptor shrugged. “Long story.”
The theatre door gently opened. Lloyd stepped tentatively inside, a huge stack of boxes in his arms. “Um, where should I put these-“
He locked eyes with Jay, and froze. Jay stared at him with his mouth agape, the cable he was holding clattered onto the floor.
Pixal gave them both an odd look. “Uh… what’s wrong?”
Jay sputtered, his eyes darting between Pixal and Lloyd. “Lloyd?! Your not supposed to be-“
Lloyd bit his lip and set the boxes down. He could feel his face heating up in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, I promise I won’t go outside again, please don’t be mad-“
Jay’s eyebrows shot up in alarm. “No no, I’m not mad!” he said quickly, “I was just-“
“Okay, I don’t care about whatever drama is going on here,” Cryptor interrupted, “what I want to know is how the fuck did you carry all those?”
“Cryptor!” Pixal snapped, “don’t be rude! He’s obviously just very strong.”
Jay glared at Cryptor, then grabbed Lloyd’s hand and led him out of the theatre. He scanned the hallway for anyone else, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw they were alone.
“Are you okay?” he asked anxiously, “you didn’t get burned in the sun did you?”
Lloyd shook his head. “No, well, a little bit… but not very much,” he replied, “I’m alright, I promise.”
Concern washed over Jay’s features. “Shit, don’t scare me like that kid… if anyone finds out about you we’re gonna be in big trouble.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Lloyd stammered, “I shouldn’t even be here, I should just go back to the castle-“
“Lloyd!” Jay grabbed him by the shoulders, “look at me.”
He tilted Lloyd’s chin up and brushed a stray lock of hair out of his face. A tear fell down Lloyd’s cheek. “I’m sorry-“
“Stop apologizing, it’s not your fault,” Jay told him, “we’ll figure out a better solution for you soon, don’t worry.”
Lloyd choked back a sob, and nodded. “Okay.”
“Speaking of which,” Jay added, “I think I might’ve found something you might like.”
He pulled out his phone, and showed him the tab he had open. Lloyd squinted as he looked at the screen. “Blood meal…?”
“Yeah! It’s dried blood powder, usually used on plants,” Jay said, pointing to the picture on the website, “I don’t exactly know how you’d eat it, but maybe you could like… add it to a smoothie? Or, I’ve heard that coconut water can be used as a blood substitute, so maybe-“
“I’m sorry, are you two talking about drinking blood?”
Jay whipped his head around to see Pixal standing behind them. She had her hands on her hips and one eyebrow arched. “What is going on here?” she demanded.
He shared a nervous glance with Lloyd, and then chuckled wearily. “Uh… hey Pix… you think you could keep a secret?”
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somekindoftuber · 5 years
vld youtuber AU (klance, part 6)
Note: The city where Shiro and Keith live is called Springdale. I’d pictured both of these towns being in the Carolinas. Again, there are tense changes everywhere (sorry) but I plan to fix them later.
Thank you for all the great feedback!!
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
Lance woke up surprisingly early on Saturday. Today they were headed to the fair. He brewed coffee and made a tentative battle plan for the day: walk around, see stalls, a few rides, some games, lunch, maybe renting a scooter to drive up to lookout hill to watch the sunset. It was the perfect opportunity for Lance to stop dancing around the issue and just tell Keith he’s in to him already.
Pidge pokes fun at him through breakfast as Lance makes a group text thread with everyone. They agree to meet up at the south entrance of the fairgrounds at 10:30.
Lance ends up making them late by spending too much time picking out his clothes. Keith and Shiro are both sporting a little pink on their noses and cheekbones from the sun on the beach the day before, but they’re all smiles as they pay for their wrist bands and head into the fair. It’s a typical American county fair ordeal, with rickety rented rides, badly rigged carnival games, and endless booths of cheap nick-nacks and fried foods. But there was always something about the Harborville fair that set it apart. There was an energy here, like the last bang of summer before cool autumn weather swept down the coast.
They buy tokens and move as a group at first, taking a lap around the fair before splitting up. Pidge and Hunk stick together as always, Allura drags Shiro off at a rather brisk pace, and that left Lance and Keith.
“Anything you wanna do?” Lance asks him.
Keith shrugs and smiles. “Anything’s good.”
They walk around for a while, stopping at booths here and there. They run into other members of their group from time to time, and Lance uses his phone to film bits of a vlog for later editing, catching Shiro and Keith in a few bits (“I’m here with my good friends Shiro and Keith! Say hi guys!”). Lance buys an inaugural funnel cake to split with Keith before hitting the prize games. Keith rolls his eyes as Lance goes for the ring toss, a game he swears up and down he’s mastered despite it being horribly rigged.
“Just you watch,” Lance tells Keith as he lines up a ring. “I’m gonna win you the biggest stuffed animal they have, and then you’ll understand my prowess.”
He swears Keith’s cheeks go red as he smiles. “Well, have fun. I’m gonna grab a soda.”
Lance is half disappointed and half relieved that Keith is no longer watching. So of course, when the guy he’s trying to impress leaves, Lance lands all three rings on a pole. He’s carefully eyeing the selection of stuffed prizes when Shiro appears at his left, seemingly out of thin air.
“You know,” he leans in a speaks close to Lance’s ear. “Hippos are Keith’s favorite animal.”
Lance turns to look up at him, confused, before Shiro gives him a knowing smile and walks away. Hippos? Okay, weird, but also kind of cute. When Lance re-examines the prizes, he spots a large pastel blue hippo near the back, with big button eyes, exaggerated stitching, and a white bow around its neck.
“That one,” he tells the game attendant, pointing.
Keith comes trotting back with a soda in each hand a few minutes later. He stops short when Lance comes up to him with the prize hippo in his arms, easily the size of a dog. Keith’s eyes go wide.
“Told you I’d win,” Lance beams, then holds out the stuffed animal. “Here you go.”
There’s an awkward shuffle as Lance takes the sodas so Keith can take the hippo, and Lance absolutely notices how Keith hugs it to his chest.
“Thanks,” Keith tells him, and his cheeks are pink in a way that has nothing to do with his sunburn.
Keith keeps holding the stuffed animal as they walk around, earning him a few stares. Lance has to admit he looks adorable - all sharp and intense, holding a giant fluffy toy like it’s precious treasure. They find the Racho Alegre food truck and Lance buys enough food for five people, setting the trays of empanadas, pork tamales, fried yucca fruit, papas rellenas and fried green plantains. He films a little, too, Keith protesting with a “don’t film me eating!” Lance passes Keith a mate soda and instructs him on how to properly enjoy Cuban food, and is pleased when Keith seems to enjoy all of it.
He might like the guy, a lot, but if Keith had ended up hating the food he grew up with? It might have been a deal breaker.
They chat at the picnic table for a good half hour as they digested, then walk around some more, Lance filming on his phone here and there. He spots the scooter rental place nearby, and eagerly points at it. But when they get closer, he frowns.
“Aw man,” Lance bemoans. “I was thinking it’d be cool to drive up to the hill to watch the air show, but all the scooters are rented out.”
Keith raises an eyebrow. “They’re not? There’s a whole bunch lined up.”
Lance shrugs. “Yeah, but those are the 50cc engine ones. You need a motorcycle license for those.”
“Yeah?” Keith looks unruffled. “I have one.”
Lance hears a record scratch in his brain. “You do?”
With a chuckle, Keith motions him towards the rental desk. “Who do you think test drives the bikes when Shiro’s done with them?”
Lance held the hippo, which he’d dubbed Blue, while Keith filled out paperwork, showing his motorcycle ID and insurance card. Lance caught a glimpse of it, and cooed.
“Aww, short hair!” He smiled at the photo of a younger Keith, scowling at the camera, and noticed two things: first, Keith didn’t have a middle name, and second, there were little tufts of what might be considered a mullet sticking out from behind his neck.
Keith shoved his ID back into his wallet. “Is your photo any better?”
“Actually,” Lance pulled his wallet from his back pocket and produced his driver’s license. “It is.”
Lance was proud of that picture - he was one of the only people he knew that actually took good ID photos. It was like a superpower. Keith was staring at his ID, his eyebrows raised.
“Leandro Sebastian McClain?” He asked.
“Uh.” Lance’s face flushed hot. “Old family name. Lance is kind of a nickname.”
Keith’s smile as he handed the ID back was magical. “Cool.”
Helmets secured, Lance climbed on the back of the dinged-up rental bike behind Keith as he started up the engine, giving him quick directions to the hill that overlooked the bay. Then, with Blue shoved between them, Lance wrapped his arms around Keith’s middle. They took off, and Lance felt a surge of adrenaline as they rode. He could count on one hand the number of times he’d been on a real motorcycle, and it was as scary as it was exhilarating. It was also cold, even the warmth of the sun unable compete with the wind that whipped past them. Lance hugged Keith tighter, wishing there wasn’t a stuffed animal between them.
It took a good ten minutes to drive up to the hill, and by the time they arrived, the wind had all but chilled Lance to the bone. The weather was beautiful that day, but it was a different story when you were going 45 miles an hour. His t-shirt and loose button up had done nothing to protect him, and as they reached the hill and stepped off the bike and took off their helmets, Lance set Blue on the bike seat and rubbed at his frozen, goosebump covered arms.
“You okay?” Keith asked.
“Yeah,” Lance laughed a little. “Just kinda cold. Wind’s kinda brutal at that speed.”
Keith blinked at him. “Oh.” Then, like they were in a movie, he removed his leather jacket and deftly swung it around Lance’s shoulders, patting it against his arms. “There, that better?”
Lance willed himself not to melt, because holy shit. That was the most suave thing he’d ever seen. Keith was one seriously smooth bastard. He caught of whiff of the scent coming off the warm leather and blushed hard. It smelled so good.
“Y-yeah,” he stuttered, letting his fingers grip the edge of the jacket and pull it close.
They sat on a patch of grass nearby just as the air show was beginning. Keith watched with rapt attention as the jets performed aerial acrobatics, leaving bright trails of colored smoke that twisted through the sky. When it was over, Keith sighed beside him.
“I wanted to be a pilot,” he said, his gaze fixed on the sky where the sun was beginning to dip towards the horizon.
Lance bumped his shoulder. “You still can be,” he said. “A pilot’s license can’t be that hard to get.”
Keith looked at the ground, shaking his head with a wry smile. “No, I mean… I wanted to be a fighter pilot. In the navy, or the air force.” He picked at a blade of grass. “But I wasn’t exactly cut out for it.”
“What do you mean?” Lance asked carefully.
Keith shrugged and leaned back on his hands. “I’m a high school dropout with a juvenile record,” he explained. “I’ve gotten my shit straightened out since then, but… that stuff sticks.”
Lance frowned. He was starting to realize just how little he knew about Keith - they talked a lot, but it was all superficial information. He didn’t know anything about Keith’s past, or his ambitions.
“It’s fine,” Keith said, interrupting Lance’s train of thought. “I can’t really complain about my life. I’ve got Shiro, I like working on bikes, and I enjoy my job. I’ve got it pretty good.”
Lance was glad to hear that, but it made him frown for a different reason. “Sounds like you’ve got it figured out. I have no idea what I’m gonna do.”
Keith hummed in questioning, and Lance let go of where he was clutching the jacket to wave his hand. “I’ve just been sort of… coasting for the last two years. I have no idea what I’m doing.” he chewed his lip. “YouTube is fun and all, but my dad keeps asking me what my career plans are, and I have no clue. I can’t just work cafe jobs forever, and Pidge is probably leaving after she graduates in a few months. I don’t even know where I’m gonna end up living.” He rubbed at his eyes.
Keith was quiet for a long time. “What about music?” he offered. Lance shrugged.
“Dunno if I want to go down that road,” he answered. “Being a musician is really unpredictable, unreliable. I doubt I could swing it.”
If Lance wasn’t spiraling into a pity-party, he would have appreciated how adorable Keith’s little pout was. “Well,” Keith offered. “What about teaching music?”
Lance blinked owlishly at him. “Say what?”
“I mean,” Keith started fidgeting. “You’ve said before that you like working with kids, and you play like four instruments, and you can read music…” He looked at Lance. “Why not combine them?”
Lance heard a record scratch for the second time that day. Holy crap. Holy crap. He’d never even considered it, but a career as a music teacher? That sounded… okay. That sounded good.
“I’d--” he swallowed, feeling his pulse quicken with excitement. “I’d probably need to get a degree in music education. But it’s doable.”
Keith beamed at him. “Yeah! Plus…” His face went pink as he looked to the side. “I was thinking, um. Since Pidge will be leaving and all, and there’s a good school in Springdale, you could..” Keith bit at his lower lip. “You could move there. With m-- with us.”
Lance inhaled softly as he looked at Keith. The sun had turned golden, lighting his face and making him glow, and it took Lance’s breath away.
“Also,” Keith put his hand over Lance’s where it rested on the grass. His fingers were shaking. “I, uh.” His voice dropped, so quiet Lance could barely hear. “I really like you.”
Lance gasped. Keith’s confession was so sincere and scared and it made his heart thump against his ribs, a wide smile cracking his face. Oh god, it was happening. He’d fantasized about this moment more times than he could count and it was happening, up on the hill overlooking the bay, with the beautiful sunset and Keith’s jacket around his shoulders. He had to be dreaming.
“I really like you,” Lance told him, turning his hand to thread their fingers together. “A lot.”
Keith huffed a little laugh and oh, he was so gorgeous, his hold on Lance’s hand tightening. Lance wants so badly to kiss him.
“Go out with me?” Lance asked.
Keith’s face fell, shock replacing the gentle smile he’d been wearing. “Oh. Um.”
It was like a bucket of cold water was dumped on Lance’s head as Keith pulled his hand away. Had he misread everything anyway? Was that too forward?
“I was thinking,” Keith began, his voice shaking a little. “That we could just… get to know each other more first?” He began clasping and unclasping his hands. “I’ve never really been in a relationship, plus we live five hours apart, and…” He pouted. “I mean, I didn’t even know your name wasn’t Lance until twenty minutes ago.”
“Oh.” Oh. Keith… had a point. Lance didn’t even know he had a motorcycle license until today. It was probably a good idea to get to know Keith better before attempting to dive headfirst into romance. Lance felt the relief like a physical weight. “You... wanna take it slow?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
Lance could barely believe this was real. He leaned forward until his forehead rested against Keith’s and laughed softly.
“Sounds good to me.”
He thought this would be a good time to kiss, but they didn’t, eventually pulling apart to drive the bike back to the rental shop by the fairgrounds. Lance kept Keith’s jacket, slipping his arms through the sleeves and pressing his chest as close to Keith’s back as he could for the ride.
They made a trip to Lance’s car to stash Blue in the trunk for safe keeping, and as the sun was setting, grabbed a couple of beers and headed to the meeting point they’d arranged with everyone to watch the fireworks. Allura and Shiro had already spread a blanket out on the grass and were chatting. Keith and Lance took a seat near them, sitting close together.
Allura laughed, then Lance remembered his promise to Romelle. He whipped out his phone.
(+328) hey ‘melle you wanna come watch the fireworks at the fair??
(+396) Lance I just finished a 10 hour shift, that’s a hell no
He frowned, then discreetly aimed his camera at Allura and snapped a photo just as she was laughing, then sent it.
(+328) but cute girl looks lonely
There’s a long pause.
(+396) BE THERE IN 15
Pidge and Hunk eventually joined them, just as the grassy field was becoming crammed with people wanting the best seat for the fireworks. Beside Lance, Shiro looked a little odd, swaying slightly, his eyes dilated.
“Shiro?” Lance asked, keeping his voice down. “Are… are you high?”
Then Shiro laughed loud, threw his head back and really laughed. “Nah, no. Well, okay, yeah. Kinda.” He shrugs. “Fireworks kinda freak me out, after - y’know. So I took a xanax. They make me loopy as fuck, but I didn’t want to miss this.”
Lance blinked. He didn’t think he’d ever heard Shiro cuss before.
Romelle arrived twenty minutes later, just before the fireworks were scheduled to start. Lance did introductions and was pleased to see Romelle take a seat next to Allura, the two of them immediately striking up a conversation about coffee. Mission accomplished.
When the fireworks started, Lance leaned into Keith, feeling Keith return the motion. It was nice to not have to hide his affection anymore, or stay on guard. And if Lance watched the fireworks from the reflection in Keith’s eyes? Well, that was no one’s business but his.
After the fair, they retreat to Lance’s apartment to hang out and chat. Shiro is coming off his xanax and is having trouble staying awake, perking up only when Keith hands him a glass of water. Romelle and Allura trade social media handles and Lance feels a little smug about getting to play matchmaker for them. But mostly, he’s happy about Keith, who sits so close to him, who let Lance keep wearing his jacket.
It’s late and Allura decides they need to go, so everyone piles out of Lance’s apartment at once. Keith is the last one out, and Lance shyly lets the jacket slip off his shoulders and hands it back.
“Thanks,” He says. Keith grins.
“Anytime. See you tomorrow?”
Once the door closes, Lance leans his head against it, grinning wide. He gets about sixty seconds of peace before Pidge and Hunk lay into him.
“Please,” Pidge groans, “Please tell me you two are dating now.”
“Nope,” Lance grins wolfishly at her as Pidge flings her body backwards onto the sofa with a howl of frustration. Hunk just smiles knowingly at him.
“But you’re going to. Right?”
Lance toes off his shoes and goes for his room. “Eventually.” From the couch, Pidge yells that she hates him.
The next morning they have an early brunch at Lance’s favorite diner on the marina, trading stories of their adventures at the fair. Pidge and Hunk show videos on their phones of the rides and games they played. Lance films again, and takes a group photo of all of them with their mimosas and fancy biscuits.
When Lance sees them off for their drive back to Springdale, Keith pulls him into hug. It’s soft and nice and Keith is so warm, Lance taking a deep breath and inhaling his smell. When they pull apart, Keith’s eyes are glittering.
Lance waves at the car as his three friends drive off, feeling happy and light.
Continued in part seven!
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thesummerstorms · 4 years
Rev Recaps Hard Contact (Chapter 16)
After last chapter, I had two glasses of moscato, so we’ll see how this goes.
CW: repeated mentions of rotting animal corpses/smell, characters getting covered in sewage (again), claustrophobia, mind influence
TL;DR Recap: Atin and Darman go through the gdan warrens into Uthan’s facility and discover they’re claustrophobic. Niner blows up the villa to cover the explosives Darman is using to enter the facility, and Majestic bombs some droids from orbit. Etain tries her best to be helpful. The blogger makes fun of both Atin and Dar for their explosives use. Atin and Dar find Uthan.
Beginning Kal Count: 30 Ending Kal Count: 32
So we’re gonna open up in Darman’s point of view.
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I don’t know shit about guns. I live in Texas, but have never held, much less shot one. Does this mean that Atin has his finger on the trigger or is holding it just above it in the little circle thingy?
Also, Darman, sweetheart. Being the bomb factory does not stop you from blowing up. Just saying.
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Kal Count is upped to 31, but mainly I just kinda love this quote. If you’ve read Triple Zero, then you may join me in the delicious irony of them wanting black armor this entire mission for disguise purposes only to finally get it right before a mission to Fest. Thus proving Atin’s point above. Anyway Jinart is sniffing echolocating her way along ahead of them, and eventually comes to a stop and points out the entrance to the gdan tunnels. They need to crawl through the warrens in order to capture Uthan inside the facility... so of course this is the moment that Atin and Dar both find out that they’re claustrophobic:
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I’m not even claustrophobic, and it sounds miserable to me, to be quite honest. But, on a more... pointed, note. Izzy has already explained much more fluently than me how much this scene means Kal is an absolute shit planner. Because Kal built a home on Mandalore that was supposed to be a safe haven for any clone deserters who wanted to become Mandalorian in True Colors/Order 66... but Kyrimorut was built  at least partially underground and partially uses underground tunnels both as exits and as connections.
I’m just saying, as we go through this chapter... we’re gonna see why that might be an issue.But first-
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Listen, I may hate Jinart, but this scene makes me laugh pretty much every time. Every time. No inspirational metaphors for Atin, and Jinart is 100% scowling at him.
They continue on through the tunnels, and honestly the details get gross. Not just in the typical “fantasy escape through sewers trope” kind of way, but Darman smells something rotten that reminds him of bodies and Geonosis, so on top of his dizziness from the claustrophobia, he now has nausea, as does Atin. They ask Jinart about it and her first reply misses the point: 
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Listen, my guy tells me this is some sort of health code violaton, but I know fuck all about plumbing. And no, that is not all they can smell, but Jinart apparently doesn’t notice the smell of decomposition until it’s pointed out to her. Jinart eventually realizes what they’re talking about and assures them that it’s from the gdan’s prey. Darman feels relieved for at least a moment (that stops when he sticks his hands in entrails) but I’d just like to point out that the gdan, while primarily hunting merlies, have tried to eat our human protagonists literally every time they step foot outside. Anyway, Darman puts his hand in entrails, has a flashback of Skirata running next to him in something called the “sickener” which was essentially training in a pit full of nerf entrails, and struggles not to throw up in his sealed helmet. Joyful.
Kal Count is now 32.
Eventually they reach a larger chamber where Dar and Atin start digging out their tunnel to the pipes under the facility and Jinart leaves them to go back to Niner after Dar sends her away. Darman notes that it would only take one or two shots from the rifle to clear, but that would bring the roof AND  a bunch of droids on top of them, so he and Atin keep working and sweating like pigs.Once they dig close enough, Darman uses their battering ram to break into the drain, and is promptly covered in a spray of shit from the pipes. This sends both him and Atin into hysterics, because again, they’re both not doing well in the confined space and are exhausted.
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“Darman had never even seen the man smile.” And the first time is when Darman is covered in shit from a sewer pipe. Darman comms Niner to tell him they’re almost through, and the scene switches to Niner’s point of view.
Dar explains that they’re stuck at a filter in the pipe that will have to be blown open with explosives because it’s permacreted in. Darman asks for two minutes to set the charge, and Niner worries the entire time. He, Fi, and Etain don’t have anything to do yet, but he’s worried for Dar and Atin.
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Niner is literally counting seconds and dealing with anxiety, Fi is calmly waiting with the cannon... and Etain is pacing. This is her nervous habit. Like, I had already headcanoned that, but it’s nice to be confirmed by canon. Even if Niner wants to chastise her for it and can’t. 
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Man, he’s literally counting the seconds. Etain is the queen of asking well-intentioned but awkward as hell questions, and I’m pretty sure the lack of “ma’am” is the closest Niner is every going to get to saying “fuck you”. I could definitely live without yet another mention of mind influence, but as I say, addressed in Triple Zero... and at least Niner’s not nauseated anymore I guess?
They blow the filter on the facility and the bombs in the villa at the same time to disguise Atin and Darman’s entrance. Droids start coming out of the facility, which is disguised with a barn, to investigate, but Niner orders Fi & the E-Web to wait and tries to dismiss Etain/get her out of the way.
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Etain is already not content with her Trandoshan shotgun array blaster or Traviss has forgotten she has it, which isn’t unlikely. She wants the concussion rifle instead (looking at it “longingly” already!), and she wants a job to do.
Niner gives Fi the go ahead, so he opens up with the E-Web (which again a literal, actual cannon) and starts firing, with Niner assisting via grenades. The entire time, they’re being rained on with “hot, metal shrapnel”.  But the droids stop advancing. so then Niner asks Majestic to bomb them from orbit if the droids start headed towards them from another direction.
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Other than Fi’s comment, I’m not particularly sure why Niner expects Etain to be “in distress”. Or how he missed the fact that he was almost decapitated by shrapnel until Etain deflected it. Ngl it took me several readings of this scene to even parse the exact sequence of events. BUT it is nice for Etain to finally, actually get to be useful to Niner and Fi and do Jedi things without everyone including her beating her up about her weakness.
The scene cuts back to Niner & Dar, who have successfully made it in to Uthan’s facility:
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Apparently if you leave Darman and Atin alone together without Niner or some other regulating force, you just get unending sass.
Dar has no idea what’s dangerous and what isn’t, so they decide to just explode everything, to be on the safe side. They make it through the inner chamber and are approaching the front of the complex, but haven’t seen anything yet. Majestic is bombing things outside. Dar is literally sticking high-burning explosives to everything he can.
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“Disappointingly small” Darman please.
Darman. Why are you opening the potential virus box, Darman. 
You can’t set in NEXT to the potential virus box? Like the box is somehow gonna withstand that charge?
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Yes, Atin, the fridge door is going to withstand the military grade explosives.
Anyway, Atin uses a mini emp to partially unseal a containment door, which is useful and also will later screw them over. It raises just enough for Dar to wedge something under it and the two of them the muscle it open, and then they start the “house clearing” portion of the op, headed into the part of the facility that’s actually inhabited. Droids and Separatists pin them down, so they comm to Fi & Niner. Then things get worse as they’re pinned in place by bulkheads.
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So things are not looking great. They’re trapped by bulkheads, surrounded by Seps on the other side of those bulk heads, they no longer have access to their explosives.
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I had to google what “half look different” meant. Like, I was pretty sure it meant “really” but I had to use google to confirm. Provided the British don’t also use a different connotation of “amazing” when using it in slang though... Atin likes Uthan’s hair?
Anyway, they found the mad scientist trying to kill them, and she’s armed and trapped in a confined space with them, so we hit a pretty good cliffhanger here, or would’ve if this were an episode and not a chapter.
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Pt 2 of monster hunter post
Deviljho - Deviljho is truly the Dark Souls of monster hunter. Deviljho was the hardest fight in the game when he was first released, not through gimmicks like Kushala or strange attacks like Kirin, but through aggression, ferocity, and broken hit boxes. Deviljho’s main weak point is it’s face, and you harvest needed parts from breaking its face, which is nothing new. It’s face is also it’s most dangerous part, still nothing new. However the level of danger that comes with fighting Deviljho head on was higher than any monster before him, as he could legitimately kill combo you off one hit, especially from a bite or from dragons breath. Deviljho, also, is incredibly tall. So tall that you probably won’t hit it in the head unless you’re using a long gunlance or ranged weapons, and trying more often than not will get you killed in your attack animation. Deviljho also loves to stagger, stun, and use tremors, which he can then turn into a kill combo. Just by being near one of his attacks, you are at risk of losing the mission. He was the first taste of how unfair monster hunter can be, and it gets much worsea in Iceborne. 10/10.
Kulve Taroth - Very cool looking, but an introduction to the ugly side of MHW grinding. At the time of release, KT had some of the best weapons in the entire game. However, they just had a random chance of dropping, and he could drop several types and degrees of these weapons, making you fight him over and over, battling RNG to get one fucking weapon that didn’t even look that cool. Neat design, nice fight, wouldn’t wanna do it 100 times like people have before.
Lunatsra - I didn’t fight lunastra lol
Beotodus - The first monster you encounter in Iceborne. Beotodus is actually okay. It is just a Jyuratodus/Laviosoth clone, but it’s model and move set are just different enough to make it stand out. Probably not a good first monster, not very impressionable, but palatable.
Banbaro - Banbaro is what should have been the introductory Iceborne monster. He is an incredibly fun fight with great environmental interactions and weapons. My only complaint is that you should be able to break his antlers more than you can. I know it’d be kinda game breaking to just shatter his main offensive weapon, but it’s monster hunter, lemme break his fucking horns
Viper Tobi Kadachi - The first of the Iceborne subspecies, Viper TK is a pretty challenging fight. His poison seems to act faster than other poisons in the game, and he rarely stops attacking. This is a trend that continues in Iceborne. One of the best gunlances in the game drop from him.
Nightshade Paolumu - Annoying. Puts you to sleep and then one shots you, while just kinda floating around. Really unremarkable, but unfun.
Coral Pukei-Pukei - Honestly, a really fun fight, his water jets are unique and his vibrant colors make him easy to look at even in spite of his horrific asshole tail that jets water at you.
Barioth - One of the hardest monsters to fight in Iceborne, Barioth is the first cat Wyvern you fight. His attacks are relentless, his hit boxes are huge, and every move sends him flying across the map. It’s a challenge just to keep up with this monster, and it’s incredibly difficult to be able to consistently DPS his health bar down. Even if you’ve memorized his attack patterns and can stay alive during this fight, his attacks send him so far and they happen so frequently that comboing him without a knockdown is nearly impossible, making you rely on chip damage for the majority of the fight. Because of this, the fight takes a much longer time than it should.
Nargacuga- Another cat wyvern. Coming off the fight with Barioth, I was very afraid of Nargacuga. I was worried this would be another 30 minute fight with a cat that just wouldn’t keep still, and while Nargacuga can match Barioth in aggression, he is significantly less mobile and some attacks even keep him held in place entirely, making the entire fight much more streamlined and fun. However, his weapons and armor are significantly less worth farming than Barioth.
Glavenus - At first glance, this monster was giving me flashbacks to Deviljho. His massive frame, heavy, fast attacks and fire breath brought back memories I wasn’t ready for. Luckily, Glavenus is a bit of a pushover in comparison. Unlike Deviljho, it is fairly safe to just sit at Glavenus’s legs and fire gunlance shells through his weak points without much worry. Obviously it isn’t the fastest way, but he really can’t do much about it and gunlance shells do set damage no matter if they’re hitting a weak point or not, so it gets the job done.
Tigrex - Tigrex is quite the difficult fight. His ferocity matches Deviljho’s and his attack range and speed is on par with Barioth. If you don’t know how to approach this fight, Tigrex will probably just roll you. His enormous hit boxes and constant attacking seems almost insurmountable. However, if you play the beginning of the fight slowly, sever his tail and break his arms, the fight is much easier. His tail no longer has the incredible range it did before, and his wild charge now had a chance to make him stumble, granting you a free knockdown. Some of the best armor in the game stats wise.
Brachydios- Really not much to say. His design is so different from every other monster, yet he manages to be incredibly boring to look at anyways. He slimes and he explodes, break his hands and head to castrate him. His armor is Shinjis mech from NGE and that’s kinda cool.
Shrieking Legiana - I want to mention that I won’t bring up every subspecies from here on out since most don’t really add to the monsters fight or how you approach it, but Shrieking Legiana is different. Legiana was already a fast, aggressive apex predator with Iceblight and constant flight to worry about, but pair that with the constant attacks of Iceborne monsters, and this is a new beast entirely. Shrieking Legiana NEVER slows down. She is always flying through the air, staggering, inflicting Iceblight, and one shottinf you. This fight is annoying.
Velkhana - Imagine Barioth if he could fly. Same situation. Fuck this fight.
Namielle - Another one of the coolest elder dragons in the game. Namielle has one of my favorite designs of any monster, with an almost squid like appearance and the aesthetic of the abyss. She’s a water themed monster, and her gimmick is the fill the arena will puddles then elecrocute you. Her armor is woefully ugly, but the weapons are top notch.
Shara Ishvalda - My number one monster in the entire game. The fight is amazing. The appearance is amazing. All the armor and weapons are amazing. The design of the monster is amazing. This monster is what Xeno’jiva wishes it could be. It blows Xeno’jiiva out of the water in every single way, the lackluster, dull fight is now an epic, beautifully scored battle, and Xeno’jiva boring and uninspired appearance is put up against one of the most unique designs of any video game enemy I’ve ever seen. Shara Ishvalda starts the fight encased in rocks, appearing as a giant stone golem that is slow moving but lethal. Once you break away it’s armor, it reveals the most disturbing but beautiful monsters in the game. Shara Ishvalda is sickly, but vibrant at the same time. The freakiest part is it’s eyes, which do not follow the player, but the camera as you fight it. It’s a very weird feeling, making it seem like Ishvalda is staring at you behind the screen. The issue is that the fight takes fucking forever, but for a one time final boss, it’s fine. However, like I said, Shara has some of the best weapons and armor in the game. If you want them, you won’t be just doing the fight once. Grinding Shara Ishvalda is one of the most tedious experiences in the game. Each fight takes in excesss of 30 minutes, amounting to a damage check where you simply are spamming the same combo on its legs over and over and over. Not fun to farm, but a great final boss.
Rajang - monke
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midnightmarev · 4 years
Just To Pet My Dog?!
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Pre-Moxiety
Word count: 2285
AO3 link
Notes: Based off of an incorrect quote by @ssslimyboy
Summary: Whatever Virgil had imagined would happen today, it most certainly wasn’t this! This man nearly died, just to pet his dog! Like, what? Okay, let’s rewind the day a bit to see what actually happened, shall we?
Just To Pet My Dog?!
“Alright, Ann. It’s 4:30. We gotta head out now if we don’t wanna be late for the vet’s.” A whine was heard. Virgil chuckled. Anastacia really didn’t want to go the vet. Virgil couldn’t really blame her. He himself never liked going to the doctor’s office either.
“I know, Ann. But it’s just a check-up,” he said, finding the leash as well as some of Anastacia’s favourite treats. She starts wagging her tail when she catches their smell. She was a beautiful albino German Shepherd, and he’d had her since she was a pup.
After another minute of dosing her with love, they were out of the door. It took about 15 minutes to get to the clinic, and their appointment was at 5 pm, so they would have some time to spare once they got there.
They were walking peacefully down the street when Virgil was abruptly pulled out of his thoughts at the sounds of tires screeching. Virgil looked up and saw a bespectacled man with curly honey-brown coloured hair. And he was crossing the road at what one would call superspeed without a care for his life. All Virgil could do was stand there and stare. What the actual hell was going through that man’s head?! The road was heavily trafficked this time of the day with people just wanting to get home from work.
Virgil visibly winched when a bus nearly hit him. Luckily the bus driver stopped just in time to not hit him. What was this guy thinking?!
Oh no! A car! Virgil stands there in silent terror and anxiety, praying to any and all deity that the man stops before he’s run over. He doesn’t, but the car does, and he slides across the hood. And a second. And third. And suddenly he’s standing on the pavement in front of Virgil, out of breath. But he’s smiling like a goofball? He seems super excited. Why?
“Oh my gosh!! Can I please pet your dog??” he asked, looking like he had to physically restrain himself from attacking Anastacia with love and pets and cuddles.
The question catches Virgil entirely off guard. What?
Anastacia also seems baffled. Humans were weird, but she never thought they would want to risk dying just to pet her.
“Um… sure?” Virgil hesitantly answered. And the man began to pet Anastacia, who gladly, but very confused, accepted the soft strokes to her fur.
“Did you just- did you nearly get hit by a bus and slide across the hood of three cars just to pet my dog?” Virgil asked incredulously after he broke out of his stupor.
The man giggled while petting Anastacia and getting concerned face licks from her. “Obviously.”
Now, Virgil wasn’t really the type to fall for people just like that, but the only thought that crossed his mind after that response was ‘is this love?’ and Virgil was in a daze. Here was someone who risked his life to say hi to Anastacia, because he thought she was the most important being in the world. Just like Virgil did.
All Virgil did for the next two minutes was stare at the man. The man who nearly got himself killed to pet Anastacia. The man who almost died and was now cooing at Anastacia like nothing had happened. The man who now casually told Virgil his name. “I’m Patton, by the way.”
And instead of answering Patton politely with his own name all Virgil could say was “You could’ve died! Are you out of your mind?!” And Virgil, anxious, awkward Virgil, internally facepalmed at his own words.
“Hmm?” Patton looked up at Virgil, eyes widening. “Oh my, I’m terribly sorry for distressing you! I can be a bit impulsive at times,” Patton sheepishly admitted. “And I’ve never seen a white German Sheperd before, and I kinda let my impulsiveness take over.” He looked down to Anastacia again, emphasising it by scratching her behind the left ear. He looked very guilty. That would not do.
“Uhm, I get that. Not many have. Well, she’s not just white, she’s albino. And albino German Shepherds are rare, to say the least.” Virgil scratched his neck, not knowing what to say next. “Where were you headed?” he then asked, feeling extremely awkward.
“Nowhere in particular, really. Just needed to clear my head. Had a small argument with my brother.” Patton looked, and sounded, sad at that. Why did Virgil always screw things up? Patton had been in a good mood for getting to meet Ann, and now Virgil made him think about something bad that happened to him. Stupid Virgil.
“I- I’m sorry to hear that. But that happens sometimes, right? Between siblings?” Virgil asked, trying to help. He didn’t have any siblings, so he didn’t really know the feeling. And he never spoke to his parents. They had basically disowned him at this point. But that wasn’t the same as having an argument with someone you loved and who loved you back.
Patton nodded. “I suppose. It’s just not often it happens, but it’s too often for my taste. I hate fighting with him,” Patton said, just as sadly. “But enough about me!” His cheery smile was back. “Where are you two cuties headed? Maybe I can join you?”
“Uhm, we’re just going to the vet for a check-up. But uh, sure?” Virgil stammered out, still trying to process the innocent nickname.
“A check-up? Has she been sick?” Patton asked worriedly. They started walking together.
“No no, she hasn’t. It’s just standard procedure with albino dogs. They just need to make sure her immune system is alright, and no genetic errors have popped up, or something like that. Anastacia’s as healthy as can be.”
Anastacia whined at the mention of them going to the vet. Strangers groping on her body was not her pack of treats.
Patton chuckled. “Sounds like someone doesn’t want to go, though. And that��s such a beautiful name! Anastacia.”
“Yeah, she’s been complaining a lot today because of it,” he smiled down at her. She responded by looking up at him, innocently. Their interaction made Patton giggle, and oh if that wasn’t the most beautiful sound Virgil had ever heard.
“Well, I don’t blame her. Going to the vet isn’t the most fun thing to do with your afternoon. You know? If it’s the vet just down here, you might be lucky, Anastacia. My old friend, Logan, works there, and there is no one as gentle as him!” Patton happily exclaimed, bending down to her to scratch behind her ear.
“Really? Do you think you would be able to make him do the check-up? She’s not very comfortable with most people, and last time she bit the vet we ended up with…” Virgil trailed off, remembering the day. He was very picky with who got to examine Ann, and they went through several vets before ending with the one she bit.
“Really? Patton asked, looking down at Ann, who purposely avoided looking at him. “So she chooses who get to examine her, or what?” Patton enquired.
“… and I’m also really “picky” with who is allowed to examine her,” Virgil sheepishly admitted.
“As you should be. She deserves only the best and most caring hands to do the examination!”
Virgil was glad he wasn’t the only one who thought her a treasure to the world. She was his emotional support animal and had helped him get through some of his roughest times and a lot of panic attacks. He would only accept the best for her.
Before they knew it, they were at the clinic. Virgil sat with Ann next to him while Patton was talking to the receptionist about getting Logan to do the examination. They had arrived ten minutes before the check-up, so they had some time to themselves while waiting.
Patton and Virgil held a light conversation, talking about anything and everything. They really hit it off.
“Anastacia?” someone asked. Virgil looked up to see a man dressed in the usual vet attire. He had a tie around his neck, making him look even more professional than any of the other vets. He had glasses on, similar to Patton’s, and black hair slicked back.
“That’s us,” Virgil answered. He encouraged Ann to stand up and say hello. He really hoped this Logan was to her liking. It seemed so.
“Salutations. Please, follow me,” the vet, Logan, said, motioning them towards a room down the hall. “In here, if you will.”
Virgil nodded. He went inside the examination room with Ann following on his heel.
The human vet the nice, but crazy, human had introduced her to was not so bad. She still didn’t like it here though, and would much rather go home.
“Patton told me she bit the last veterinarian to examine her?” Logan inquired.
Virgil looked a bit sheepish. “Yeah, she’s not all that crazy about going to the vet, even if it’s only a check-up.”
“I see,” Logan mumbled. He then went to a basket to search for something. When he emerged, he had a plushie in hand. “Here, this should help her with what I assume is her anxiety.” He handed the plushie to Ann. “It has helped my own canine companion a great deal.”
Virgil watched as Anastacia cautiously sniffed the plushie before slowly taking it, accepting coordinated and gentle strokes to her fur by skilled hands. No other vet had ever been like this with her. He faintly smiled.
“Now, if you will guide her to lie here?”
The examination went well. She was calm all throughout and not once did she growl at Logan. When the examination was over, Logan declared that she was much healthier than most dogs her age.
During the examination, Virgil learned that Logan had a husky named Laylin, but whose pet name was Star. He learned that Patton and his brother, Dee, were really close and it hurt Patton a lot on the rare occasions they fought. He also learned that Patton was very much gay and very much single. And he was waiting for Virgil and Anastacia.
“Salutations, Patton,” Logan greeted when he recognised Patton, sitting and waiting for Virgil.
“Heya, Lo! How did it go?” he asked. He looked genuinely worried. It was sweet. He already had formed some sort of connection to both man and dog.
“Anastacia is as healthy as a dog her age should be. It’s not many dogs that have the optimal health, but it seems like you are excellent at keeping her at peak health,” Logan said, the last part directed towards Virgil.
“Ooh, that’s good to hear! OH! Maybe we could set up a playdate so that she and Star can meet each other! And Nini could join too! She’s Dee’s snake! She’s sooo cute!! They would love each other!” Patton exclaimed, making some of the other patients look at him with various expressions; pet and owner alike.
Virgil and Logan chuckled at Patton’s antics. “You know, it would be good for Anastacia to interacts with other dogs, and to have a healthy experience with animals that aren’t dogs,” Logan pondered to Virgil. He already knew Patton would win. Nobody could resist his puppy dog eyes, and once he’d made up his mind, there was nothing that could deter him.
“Why not. My friend, Roman, is always on my ass about me having to leave the house more,” Virgil shrugged. They seemed like kind people, and his anxiety wasn’t telling him not to.
“Language!” Patton scolded him. Virgil was so surprised he first stood with his mouth open like a goldfish before bursting out laughing. “What? There are innocent ears here!”
When Virgil’s laugh died down to a giggle and had gotten a hold of his breath again, he looked incredulously at Patton. “You just do that? Scold people for their language? At the vet’s?” Virgil giggled.
Logan leaned over. “You’ll get used to that. And no, not just here. Anywhere,” he stage-whispered.
They laughed with each other before exchanging numbers. Logan had to get back to work, and Virgil urged Patton to go back and clear things up with his brother. Virgil could see the strain in Patton’s smile and the pain in his eyes.
Patton insisted on following him and Anastacia home, though. “Just to make sure no one else tries to cross the busy road to pet her,” he joked, bumping his shoulder into Virgil’s.
They said their farewells at the door, Patton declining the invitation to come inside for a glass of water. He needed to get back to Dee and Nini. Patton gave Virgil a small hug instead, saying thank you for being allowed to befriend Anastacia as well as being a well-needed distraction from his thoughts.
After Patton had left, Virgil gave Anastacia some of the promised treats for being so docile with Logan, before letting her trot into the living room and jump onto the couch. She was proud of herself. She had singlepawedly made sure her human got new friends. And a love interest. Dogs above knew he needed love from another human. And if she got new animal friends out of it, who was she to complain?
Virgil sat next to her, scratched her behind the ear, and grabbed his phone from his pocket. He was so going to text Roman about his crazy day. He wrote a short message saying he so needed to talk face-to-face because his day had been beyond absurd. Before he pressed send, he looked at Anastacia, smiled, and thought about Patton’s smile and adorable giggle. Only one thought occupied his mind. Ann looked at him and voiced it:
“Yeah, this is love.”
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Our Golden Rule ( Bucky X Reader )
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Summary: You know that you’re no superhero, but dating one makes you feel like you can fly. That is, until he broke something, leaving you with a broken heart.
Note: I was heavily inspired by @softlybarnes story “gentle” so thanks for being such a good writer dear!! This was also written for our very own BatQueen, as she wasn’t feeling so swell at the time of writing. This is for you love!!
Warnings; fluff than angst than fluff!
The night was cool. Not too humid, not too moist. Perfect weather for a Saturday in New York. Sparse lightbulbs hung from the night’s navy ceiling. The ones that were visible to naked eye flickered to the beat of a heart. Window watchers gazed upon the streets of Manhattan, watching drunks become expelled from the lips of exhausted bars. Some kept an eye out for their little rebels who were out past curfew. Others just wanted to make sure their neighbors arrived home safely. NYC is truly the city that never sleeps. Y/N can attest to that.
The toilet flushed with a fight. Icky green-colored vomit made its way down the drain. Usual contemplation of what actually happened to this disgusting bowel reaction would start right after the obnoxiously long flush, but tonight just wanst the night. Y/N had been throwing up all week. That thinking session was the least of her worries.
At first, she thought it was food poising from her job’s first annual Sushi Festival. A quick trip to the physician proved to be a waste of time. Her doctor eliminated food poisoning, as well as fever and pre-period sickness. She knew it wasn’t pregnancy as she hasn’t had sex for a while. But that was when it all hit her. She hasn’t seen Bucky in a while.
3 weeks to be exact. Slowly creeping to 4.
Hot, icky liquid ran up her throat again. The sink would have to do sadly. Body flipped 90° and ejected the gross reaction from the poor girl’s esophagus. Breaths felt heavier than normal. Her head felt heavier than a 18 wheeler. Y/N somehow managed to roll her hefty head off to the side. The water rushed down from the mouth of the faucet to clear out the vomit.
“H-hey, it’s kinda t-throwing up too” Y/N stuttered, followed by a sad chuckle.
Sadly, it slowly started coming together. This sickness was a side effect of missing Bucky.
The throw up. The sleeping trouble. The paranoid thoughts and cognitive disorientation. All because Bucky-
Bucky broke the golden rule.
It was a story come straight from a fairy tale. Y/N was taking her 30 minute lunch break in Central Park. Tiny feet carried that small body all across the park. She even decided to stop by the zoo. Red Pandas were her favorite animal, so playful and cute! When she arrived, she found someone cutier than a Red Panda.
Y/N knew his name from the papers. Winter Soilder. Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. Sometimes they’d call him Bucky, but more often it was an american disgrace. She couldn’t stop staring at the man. He turned his head slightly, totally catching her in the act.
“They say staring isn’t nice, yknow” His already deep and smokey voice had a very serious tone to it.
Y/N’s face morphed into a tomato “S-sorry...you’re-“
“A monster? A freakish killer? Dangerous and savage? Say whatever, I heard it all”
“-very pretty in person”
Y/N watched crimson rise on his cheeks as he chuckled softly. “You think?”
She couldn’t help but nod.
The only thing killer about him was his smile. It was really more of a sly smirk. It didn’t matter, it still sent her heart racing, her stomach flipping.
“What’s ya name pretty girl?” He asked, his tone more friendly.
“Y/N, I-it’s nice to meet you” She told him shyly.
“Pleasure is all mine. Just call me Bucky.”
They then spent the rest of Y/N’s break watching the red pandas. Shutting up was not an option for them. Even when parents told them to be more quiet, Bucky would crack a joke and Y/N would burst out in her happy laugh. At the end, they traded numbers and went out on their first date a week later.
She remembered how precious he looked. Those beautiful brown locks were slicked back, leaving his beautiful blue spheres of mystery open for viewing. That white shirt clung to his body tightly, leaving nothing to the imagination. Bucky was still nervous about going out, so they enjoyed a lovely night in at Y/N’s apartment. They ate, watched tv, and even danced to soft music from the 40s.
“You’re a cheeseball, Bucky Barnes” She remembers telling him.
“You agreed to it, I guess were equal”
In the span of two weeks, the two went on four more dates. Simple hangouts, but it made them happier to call them dates. A week later, Bucky moved in. SHIELD was in the midst of relocating their newly hired superhero. Bucky had no where to go, so Y/N joyously gave him a home. Only one condition, Y/N could officially declared them “a thing”
“A thing?” He asked her, shoving a case under their bed.
“Well youre not technically my boyfriend yet, but you’re not just a friend. A thing is basically dating”
His laugh lightened up the room. “You millennials and your weird terminology”
With a simple shrug, she shot him a smile and helped him with his boxes.
Those weeks became months. Things were going so well between the two of them. Bucky welded up the courage and asked if they could be boyfriend/girlfriend, and Y/N managed to be more brave and agree.
“Oh you just made me the happiest man alive, Y/N”
“You’re such a dork!!”
She giggled as her feet forgot what the floor felt like. Bucky behelded her like a young Simba.
Being in a relationship with a superhero made Y/N feel like she had all the power in the world. When she held his hand, kissed him gently ( by the way, their first kiss was magical. They were watching tv when Y/N snickered “wish someone would kiss me like that”. This of course prompted Bucky to trap her soft plush lips in his cracked, plump ones. It lasted a while, and she was speechless at the end ) or snuggled into his chest she felt like they were the most powerful couple alive.
Sadly, since Bucky was a superhero, he had missions to go on. At first, they’d last only 3-4 days. Y/N was okay with that. Once he came through the apartment door she’s kiss him until those precious lips were raw.
Then it became a week. Y/N would go a little further. He’d come home and she’d jump on top of him, full blown making out with him.
Once it became two weeks, she allowed him to her body. He took her virginity quicker than a kid who was sneaking a cookie. They snuggled up together, panting heavily. Their skin stuck together.
“Hey, Princess....” Bucky mumbled to her
“I love you”
Y/N gasped louder than she ever did before. Her body started shaking again, her face was bright red.
“I-I love you too” she mumbled back.
He stayed around for the next few days and went away for 2 weeks. That became routine for a while. Go away for 2 weeks, stay for a few days. He couldn’t make it home in time for your one year with this new schedule.
Bucky came home all bruised up and broken a day after though. Y/N lead him to the bathroom. Gently, she rolled her thumb over his face scrapes to remove the blood. He looked up at her, his once happy blue eyes seemed to be more exhausted
“Doll, I-“
“Bucky, you don’t need to explain. I understand”
“No, I missed our anniversary just to save a ungrateful world! I couldn’t even get you anything because I was too busy being beat up!”
Y/N rested a finger over his lips. He sighed softly, kissing her slim finger.
“James Buchanan Barnes, this world needs you. And I’m happy you’re out there saving the world. I truly am! I hate seeing you like this but you’re saving people. And I love you for that my dear!
Bucky looked down. His weary body fell into Y/N’s. She smiled weakly, running her fingers through his hair.
“How could I feel like I hero when I’m not one to my girl”
“I never said that silly boy. You are my hero”
“I’m barely here. I’m a disgraceful hero if any”
The both of you fell in silence. The New York City cars zoomed down the road. Beeps and honks. Screeches and screams of angry cars.
“Let’s make a golden rule” Y/N said softly
Bucky looked up at her. “What’s that sweetheart?”
“You can’t be out longer than 2 weeks. Once you come home, you stay home for a week. And you can tell the SHIELD boys up there I said so”
He laughed softly “I like you’re moxy love. It’s a deal. It’s our golden rule.”
And she couldn’t believe he just broke it. Gone for a month. No contact. No visits from SHIELD. nothing. Not a peep.
Her stomach thrashed around in her body. Vomit fought its way up. She swallowed it quiet bravely. She couldn’t believe he broke it.
Y/N was beyond heartbroken. Now tears roll down her soft cheeks. She ripped off the shirt given to her by the man who left her alone and broke the rule. She sat on the empty bed stripped to just a tank top and underwhere. She sobbed harder. Her body fought between anger and blaming.
Y/N couldn’t believe what was happening.
Did he leave her? Did he move on? Did he find another girl that didn’t demand him to be here at least once a week? Maybe he found a girl who could please him better then she ever could?
Hours passed. She couldn’t get Bucky off his mind. It only made her sicker. Y/N has never felt this sick before. She didn’t even realize it was already dawn.
The bedroom door creaked open. That handsome man ( well at this time Y/N didn’t think he was ) walked in.
Bucky’s eyes widen at the sight of you.
“Shit” He mumbled
“What the fuck happened to the golden rule asshole???” Y/N screamed. She couldn’t even help it at this point. Bucky couldn’t just easily be forgiven. “I MADE that rule for you because you wanted to be with me more !!! Now here you are, running around for a month not texting me a single word and just expect me to be happy you’re home??”
“No James I’m speaking!!!”
He cringed hearing his name.
“I am completely heartbroken....you said you’d never hurt me well guess what! You did! I have been sick non-stop, I can’t even think straight. I don’t even remember the last time I slept properly!! I was even contemplating burning everything you gave me to me!!”
Bucky stood there motionless. He listened to you.
“Where have you been asshole?? It better be a good fucking explaina-“
The boy went down on one knee. Y/N’s eyes widen and she gasped louder then she ever did before. Even louder than when Bucky confessed his love.
“Y/N...I am so so sorry. You know I would never intentionally break the rule. This mission changed me. I watched my life flash before my eyes, and I realized how I spent most of it without my perfect girl. I quit the superhero business. I went around the world looking for the perfect ring. And I found it”
He opened the box slowly to reveal the cutest ring. The band, decorated like a red panda. Y/N fell to her knees, covering her face.
“O-oh B-Bucky...”
“My true love, I am so sorry for causing you pain. But I’m here with you forever and always. Will you marry me?”
Y/N sniffled and collapsed into his arms.
“Yes, yes I will”
Bucky lifted up her face and moved into the perfect puzzle piece of her lips. His big hands rubbed her cheeks. Y/N relaxed. Her stomach relaxed. Every part of her body relaxed.
“I love you so much my little red panda”
She giggled weakly “I love you more my big red panda”
“Shut up and kiss me again so I don’t have to yell”
Bucky chuckled “with pleasure”
Send all suggestions to the Inbox! 💌
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nerdypinupcrystal · 5 years
Every Breath You Take Chapter 9: Girls Night
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I’m BAAAAACK! I’m so sorry for taking forever to update, guys. I had so much going on; school and work back to back, I seriously get no days off! My aunt was in the hospital for a month, but she’s okay now. And I was also hit with the dreaded writers block.  But I’m finally here with a new chapter, it’s a fun lengthy one, I hope you guys enjoy it!
Chapter 9: Girls Night
After our talk in Matt’s apartment, he walked me back to my place to rest, obviously noticing how drained the talk left me. With one more lingering, spine tingling kiss, he walked back to his apartment with the promise to see me later. 
I called Lucy to invite her to have a  sleepover with me. This day of honesty has encouraged me to want to open up to my new “best friend” as Lucy fondly titled herself. 
I slept the day away until a knock on the door woke me up. I reached for my phone to check the time. My eyes widened with disbelief at reading the large bright numbers on the screen. 6:15 PM 
Holy shit that talk really did drain me!
The knocking continued until I heard a familiar voice through the door. 
“Iris, open up! The strippers are getting restless!” Lucy yelled impatiently. 
I let out a snort of laughter as I made my way towards the door, opening it to reveal my quirky best friend wearing a yellow dress and carrying a green stuffed animal with little tentacles in its face. 
“Good evening, Miss. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Cthulhu?” Lucy asked, sounding every bit like a missionary. 
“I was under the impression you brought strippers with you.” I replied, arching one brow up as I patiently waited for her response. 
“They got impatient and went back to Chippendales. Now you get Cthulhu.” She responded as she thrust the green stuffed Cthulhu doll into my hands. “He like praises, occasional human sacrifices, and cuddles.”
I giggled as I held the stuffed monster like a baby. “Thank you, I’ll do my best.” I opened the door wider for her, “You may enter if you dare.”
“Thank you, kind gentlewoman.” Lucy replied with a curtsy. She stepped inside carrying a medium sized overnight bag on her shoulder, but surprised me with the tall pink train case she rolled in behind her. 
“Please don’t tell me you have luggage for Cthulhu.” I pleaded, my brows furrowed in slight worry. 
Lucy was quick to respond. “Nope! I came prepared with some essentials.”
She unlocked each compartment of the large case and proceeded to open and separate the case. Each compartment, to my amazement, revealed an assortment of pastries and desserts from the bakery. The top compartment had a protective container filled with a variety of cupcakes; the second compartment held a wide selection of French macarons, truffles,and fruit tarts; and the third compartment held various cronuts, puff pastry treats, and dulce de leche cookies. 
My eyes nearly bugged out of my head at all the sweets. “Holy shit, Luce! There’s no way we’re gonna finish all of this tonight!”
“Oh don’t be silly!” She replied as she started handing me the desserts to put in the fridge. “Some of this can be our breakfast too. Maybe you can even take some over to Matt.” Lucy wiggled her eyebrows at me with a smirk. 
I blushed at the thought of Matt, my lips still tingling from our kiss this morning. 
“And besides,” Lucy continued, interrupting my thoughts. “You haven’t seen the best part. Guaranteed to hype up that appetite.”
With that, she opened the bottom largest compartment. Revealing six bottles of Stella Rosa wine. 
“Three for you, three for me!” Lucy exclaimed in excitement as she pulled out the bottles and set them on the counter. 
“Holy shit.” I said, too speechless to say anything else. But then I realized to my dismay, “I don’t have a corkscrew.” 
Lucy, being the ultimate problem solver replied. “No worries, I have one on my keychain.” She held up said keychain in all its pink bedazzled glory. 
“Always prepared.” I spoke with admiration. 
“Never know when you’re gonna need it. My sister and I learned that in Girl Scouts.” Lucy replied as she uncorked one of the bottles. 
My eyebrows raised in surprise, “They taught you about corkscrews?”
“My mom was our scout leader, she insisted. But enough about that,” She thrust the open bottle to my hands as she opened a second bottle. “Let’s drink.”
“Shouldn’t we get some wine glasses?” I asked perplexed. 
Lucy scoffed. “Sweetie, please. We’re ladies. We drink straight from the bottle.” I let out a laugh as I put the rest of the bottles in the fridge to chill. “Now let’s sit down, drink up, and talk about what’s going on with you.”
We got to the couch, I took a healthy gulp of the wine and told her everything. 
She took it pretty well. 
“I’m gonna fuckin kill him.” Lucy growled as we both wiped our tears. “I’m gonna fly out to Miami, and kill him to death!”
I let out a snort of laughter. “How do you kill someone to death?”
“Oh there are ways.” Lucy was quick to reply. “I can get quite creative when the inspiration hits me.”
“I don’t doubt that for a second,” I chuckled. “But I just got away from him and I hate the idea of you being in the same room as him. What he did to me was horrible enough. The thought of him doing anything to you or anyone else I care about terrifies me.” I felt a chill of fear go up my spine just saying it. 
Lucy frowned in sympathy and pulled me into a comforting embrace. “Hey now, get that thought out of your mind. He’s thousands of miles away back in Miami. We’re in New York. You changed your look, it’s a huge city, and he thinks you’re dead. And most importantly, you’re not alone anymore. You have me, and two adorable kick ass lawyers that will fight for you. Especially Matt.” Lucy finished with a wink. 
My cheeks reddened at the thought of my sweet, gorgeous neighbor. “That’s a pretty valid point.”
“Does he know?” Lucy asked. 
I nodded. “Yeah, I told him this morning before I called you.”
“How did he take it?”
I hesitated before I answered. “Better than I thought. At first, though, he was silent. I guess he was processing everything, but I was so sure he hated me.” Lucy looked confused before I elaborated. “For lying. For running away from my problems like a coward.”
“Oh sweetie, you’re not a coward!” Lucy exclaimed, her eyes meeting mine. “You were being abused, you were alone and scared! You said yourself that cops couldn’t help you. It would’ve gotten even worse the longer you stayed. You did what you had to do, and on top of that, you snuck out to move your mom and faked her death to protect her even though you knew that you were gonna get hurt for disappearing like that. That took a lot of guts, you must know that by now.”
I nodded shakily, fighting the tears threatening to shed. “I do now. Matt said as much himself.”
Lucy’s face brightened. “See? That man is as smart as he is gorgeous...”
“And kissable.” I muttered as I took a sip of my wine. 
Lucy continued, “Just like my Foggy- time the fuck out!” 
My eyes widened at the sudden outburst. “What?”
“You kissed Matt?!” She asked excitedly. 
“Oh, yeah, I did.” I replied with a timid smile, my cheeks flushing into a rosy pink. 
Lucy could barely contain her composure, her hands were flailing and her body jumping from excitement. She shot up off the couch and rushed to the fridge, returning with the container of cupcakes before going back to the fridge to grab two more bottles of wine. She gingerly sat back on the couch, her legs folded like a kid eager for story time. 
“Okay, I’m ready! Tell me everything.” She begged with glee. 
Exasperated, I shook my head and replied. “Luce, there isn’t that much to tell. It wasn’t hot and heavy, it was sweet and tender during a vulnerable moment.” 
“You say there isn’t much to tell, but I don’t care. Tell me about it anyway!” Lucy exclaimed impatiently. “Finish your first bottle and we can share all the dirty fantasies about our guys.” Her eyebrows wiggled suggestively as she nudged my open bottle towards me. 
“Luce!” I laughed out. “I don’t really talk about this kind of stuff.”
“Oh you will,” Lucy stated. “Now sip sip.”
30 minutes, one and a half bottles of wine later….
“Matt’s so fuckin beautiful, it’s unfair!” I cried out dramatically, fully feeling the effects of the sweet wine. Lucy giggling like a drunk hyena as I continued. 
“Like, he’s so sweet and precious with that smile made of sunshine, but he’s also sexy as fuck with that body- oh God, that body! I’ve bumped into him like a billion times, he even caught me in his arms once, and sweet baby Jesus that man is pure muscle! I wanna play with it like a jungle gym. Like every time I look at him...I feel it in my bones,” My eyes welled up with drunk tears, “I know his dick is big, I know it! I know it’s big! Oh God, my heart hurts!” 
I was full on sobbing as I bit into my fifth or tenth cupcake. 
Lucy was no better off than I was. She was on the brink of tears as she hugged me sympathetically. “My poor, sweet, thirsty flower child needs to get Murdocked so bad.”
“I really do!” I replied as I wiped my tears. “I’ve never had an orgasm and I really really wanna know what one feels like before I die of old age or something.”
“You what?!” Lucy exclaimed with and inhuman sounding gasp of breath. “How have you never had an orgasm?!”
I rolled my eyes and took a huge gulp of wine. “I was a virgin when I met Paul. He insisted we wait until after the wedding to make it more ‘special’. And the whole time during our honeymoon, it was uncomfortable and kinda hurt like hell, but he was a little gentle with me.” My mood began to dampen as I went on, “When he showed his true colors, he stopped being gentle. He took what he wanted and I just laid there and let him. It was better if I didn’t fight.”
I took another gulp of wine as Lucy processed everything. “Could he be any more of an asshole?!” She yelled in disgust. “If he has to be so controlling that he doesn’t care whether or not you cum, then he’s probably shit in bed anyway.” 
I nodded in agreement, “That actually makes so much sense. He’s…..” I hesitated for a second. 
Come on, girl. Say what you want about him. He’s not here to stop you. 
I stood up on the couch, holding my bottle up high and proudly cried out, “Paul Burney is a fuckin asshole! I hate him with every inch of my body, and I deserve a better man that will give me all the love and orgasms I want!”
“Fuckin A, babydoll!” Lucy cheered as she clumsily stood up on the couch alongside me, holding her own bottle up high as she pledged, “Love and orgasms for us! A lifetime of STDs and...um...unlubed anal for Paul!”
I laughed so hard, I couldn’t control the sudden spray of wine from my mouth. I collapsed onto the couch, struggling to breathe through my drunken laughter. 
“What the fuck?” I managed to ask. 
Lucy hopped off the couch to sit back down. “It’ll be my birthday present to you.”
“My birthday isn’t until October.” I replied. 
Lucy’s eyes widened in excitement. “Ooh only two months away then! What day? I wanna start planning now.”
I snorted in amusement as I replied. “The 31st. “
Lucy looked almost ready to have a heart attack. “NO WAY!!! Your birthday is on Halloween?!” She waved her hands ecstatically. “Halloween is my Christmas! And you get to have it for your birthday! That’s so cool!! It must’ve been so fun celebrating it.”
My smile dimmed. “It was when I was with my mom. When I got married, I didn’t get to celebrate either holiday anymore. Paul doesn’t like celebrating holidays, especially Halloween. He finds them childish.” 
I looked down at my feet in shame, hating myself for letting him control me for so long. Lucy’s smile dropped; her face turned red, either from anger or the wine, or possibly both. She shook her head in disgust, relaxing her face back into a smile. 
“Well he’s not here, and this is a new start for you, right?” I nodded for her to continue. “So it’s decided. I’m throwing you the spookiest, most epic Halloween birthday party ever! Costumes, Halloween themed birthday cake, booze, candy, the works! What do you say, birthday ghoul?”
Lucy wasn’t prepared for me to pounce onto her into an attack hug, she let out a yelp as the impact caused us to fall off the couch and onto the floor. She giggled hysterically as I peppered her face with drunken kisses. 
“I take that as a yes?” She asked with excitement. 
“Can we make jack-o-lanterns?” I asked, my eyes widened with childlike glee. 
“Are you kidding? That’s gonna be the first thing we do, of course we can make them!” Lucy replied happily. “We’ll have a day at the pumpkin patch, ooh and I’m sure there’s a corn maze out there too. This is gonna be so much fun!” She clapped with excitement. 
I was too drunk to keep any ounce of composure, l squealed and kicked my feet in the air like I just didn’t care. Then a thought occurred to me. 
“Do you think Matt and Foggy would wanna join us? Would they even be into that sort of thing?” I asked, starting to feel a smidge of doubt. 
Lucy gave my hair a gentle tug. “If they’re as into us as I’m pretty positive they are, then they’ll totally wanna join in. You can find out when you see Matt tomorrow.” She replied with a wink. “Besides, you pretty much have to be a soulless asshole to not wanna celebrate Halloween- let alone someone’s birthday!”
“Well, that explains Paul.”
Lucy scoffed. “Fuck that dumpster fire of a human being with something hard and sandpapery.”
I let out a snort of laughter, “Oh Luce, you have such a way with words.”
Lucy grinned with pride. “It’s a talent. However speaking of assholes…” 
I caught her finger before it had the chance to poke at my bruised cheek. 
“Who’s the asshole that hurt your cheek? What the Hell happened? Tell me everything!”
My clouded brain didn’t understand what she was talking about, until a certain sexy vigilante in black pajamas flashed through my mind. 
“Oh my god, I totally forgot about that!” I exclaimed. “I had a crazy night last night.” 
“Well don’t leave me in suspense, Woman! What happened???” Lucy asked impatiently. 
I sat up before I started my tale of the night before. “So, I didn’t go home after seeing you. I needed to go somewhere to breathe. And while I was out, I made some new friends. Like this nurse who I ended up spilling my guts to about my situation, and she gave me a checkup. Her name’s Claire, very cool chick, she gets a free treat from the bakery, I can’t wait for you to meet her. Oh and I met this super cool group of musicians and jammed with them at Guitar Center, they’re my own band of gypsies, you’ll love them!” Focus, girl. “Anywho, I was walking home and it was dark. Then this dirty creepy guy dragged me down an alley. My dumb ass thought it was Paul, but nope, I was just being mugged. I tried to get away, but he threw me against the wall, which caused this,” I gestured to the bruised scrape in my cheek. “He started groping me and wanted to do other stuff to me,” I shivered at the memory. “But then, out of nowhere, this guy shows up, throws the mugger off me, and beats the mad shit out of him!”
“No way!” Lucy exclaimed as she sat up facing me. “Who was it?! Ooh was it one of the Avengers?”
I shrugged, “I don’t think so. Do any of the Avengers dress in head to toe black and fight like some kind of sexy acrobatic ninja?” 
Lucy let out a dramatic gasp. “Oh my god, you lucky bitch! You got rescued by Daredevil!”
“Who?” I asked, not familiar with the name. 
“Oh that’s right, you haven’t lived here long enough to be familiar with him. He’s our local vigilante, also known as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. He’s been around for about a year now, I think, trying to clean the streets of criminals and scumbags with some epic ass kicking from what I’ve heard. And you got rescued by him!” Lucy finished excitedly. 
I sat there in disbelief. I couldn’t believe that not only did someone care enough to save my life, but that it was by an apparently famous crime fighter. 
“What happened after that?” Lucy asked. “Did he talk to you? Or did he disappear mysteriously into the night?” She finished with a dramatic whisper. 
I blushed as I remembered how close and intimate my moment with the masked man felt. 
“He spoke to me…” I trailed off. 
“And????” Lucy asked impatiently. 
She wasn’t going to let it go until I told her, so I let out a sigh and continued. “He asked me if I was okay. He got really close to me, he touched my cheek…” I felt my heart race remembering his touch. “It felt so intimate. Like he really genuinely cared about me. Like he wanted to hold me, you know?” Lucy dreamily nodded as I continued. “He told me to go home and be safe. I thanked him, and then he was gone.”
Lucy sighed. “That sounds so romantic. Having your own superhero to keep you safe. What a dream!”
I couldn’t help but agree. “He certainly got my heart racing, that’s for sure.”
“I heard he has a killer body under those black pajamas.” Lucy pointed out. “How did it look? And most importantly, did you check out his ass?” She asked, causing me to almost choke on my wine. 
“Oh my god, Luce, warn a girl next time!” She simply shrugged. “And seriously? I was in danger. I saw him beat up that creep who wanted to hurt me!”
Lucy’s excitement deflated , “You’re right, I’m sorry-”
“Of course I checked out his ass!” I cut her off. “I’m not stupid! If my life was about to end, I needed something good to look at.”
Lucy let out an excited giggle. “And how was it?”
“Round and juicy, like a perfect peach. If I were to rate it, I’d give it two palms up.” I replied, holding my hands palm side up with a grabbing motion; causing Lucy and I to burst into hysterical laughter. 
“You’ll have to get a good grip on that peach the next time you see him.” Lucy wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. 
I snorted, “Groping a vigilante? Oh yeah, I see that working out well. He’ll probably have me arrested!”
Lucy shrugged, “You know a couple hot lawyers that’ll defend you.”
The thought of him instantly sobered me up. 
“Fuck, how could I have forgotten about Matt? I shouldn’t be thinking these things about some masked stranger! What’s wrong with me?” I asked, frustrated with myself. 
Lucy seemed unfazed by my thoughts. “Don’t worry about that. He won’t mind.”
“What makes you say that?” I looked at her in slight confusion. 
Lucy’s eyes widened as she took a huge gulp of wine. She hesitated for a second before replying. “Maybe...he’s into kinky shit and would be open to a sexy three way. Then you really would be the luckiest bitch in the world!”
I just barely swallowed my wine before cracking up. “I don’t think Matt and I are at that stage of our relationship to talk about that kind of stuff yet. We haven’t even really talked about what we are yet. And besides, I doubt he’s into threesomes and stuff like that anyway.”
Don’t act like the thought didn’t cross your mind. I shrugged at my thoughts. 
“Hey, don’t rule it out,” Lucy insisted. “Just because he’s blind and catholic, doesn’t mean he’s not kinky as hell. In fact, he’s probably very adventurous indeed.” She finished with a wink. 
I rolled my eyes and replied, “I’ll keep that in mind, you weirdo.”
“Dancing!” Lucy exclaimed out of nowhere, immediately changing the subject. “We have to have dancing at your party! Ooh the Time Warp is a must, remind me that we seriously need to go out for a Rocky Horror night, by the way. Ooh we can do the rockabilly stroll! That’ll be a fun and easy dance to do.”
“What’s the rockabilly stroll?” I asked once Luce stopped to take a breath. 
She immediately jumped up and ran for her bag. She pulled out a portable speaker and her phone. A moment later, rockabilly music filled the air. Lucy grabbed my hands, yanking me to my feet. 
“You’re gonna learn today.” She declared before my new dance lessons began. 
The rest of the night was spent dancing, eating, drinking, and leaving all my troubles behind. 
Next Morning 
I woke up the next morning expecting a killer hangover despite Lucy making me take some aspirin and orange juice before passing out, but no such hangover occurred. I wanted to go back to sleep, sure, but thankfully there was no splitting headache from all that wine. 
The smell of coffee brewing prevented me from falling back asleep. I slowly started to rise up from the scattered pillows and tangled blanket on the...floor?
I guess we were too tired or too hammered to make it to the bed. 
“Rise and shine, Ginger!” Lucy called out from the kitchen. 
I forced myself up and clumsily stumbled towards the kitchen. Lucy stood at the counter wide awake and perked full of energy. 
“How are you so full of energy?” I groggily asked her. 
“High metabolism and an iron liver. I get that from my mama.” Lucy replied with a cheeky grin. “How do you take your coffee, my sleepy ginger snap?”
“Sweeter than Matt’s smile.” I replied dreamily, still half asleep. 
“What was that?” Lucy replied with a chuckle. 
“More cream and sugar than coffee.” I clarified, blushing at the realization of what I said. 
Lucy complied, handing me my fresh cup. “One sweet ass coffee for one thirsty ass lady.”
“Thanks, darling.” I replied, drinking the coffee. “So what time are we opening the bakery today?”
“Well I think we can get away with opening up shop a little later today. The boss is pretty lenient.” She winked. “So we can take our time getting more awake and ready for the day.”
“Sounds like a great plan.” I readily agreed. “I love my boss.”
“Love ya too, doll.” Lucy replied with a wink. “But first thing’s first.” She made her way to the fridge. “You’re gonna brush your teeth, get dressed, and take some goodies over to the handsome Mr. Murdock.”
“You don’t mind if I leave you behind for a few minutes?” I asked, not wanting to be rude to my friend. 
Lucy put that worry to rest. “Don’t worry about me. I might take advantage of your shower if you don’t mind?”
“Knock yourself out. I’m just gonna freshen up real quick.” I replied as I raced to my room to change and brush my teeth as well as my birds nest-looking hair. 
I was ready in no time; I rushed over to the kitchen where Lucy had just finished putting together a container full of pastries for me to take. 
Lucy looked at me knowingly. “Wow, someone is eager to get Murdocked.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, you perv.” I replied innocently as I reached for the container. “Thanks for putting this together, Luce. I think I’ll bring him some coffee too. I think he’ll appreciate that.”
“Aww that’s so sweet!” Lucy gushed. She grabbed her overnight bag and pulled out a small stack of to-go coffee cups and lids. “Here, take one of these. Last thing we need is a coffee accident.”
“Thanks, Mary Poppins. You seem to carry everything!” I exclaimed. 
Lucy scoffed. “Sweetie, Mary Poppins has nothing on me. Now go get your Murdock fix!” She started nudging me out the door. “I want details!” She finished with a slam of the door. 
I shook my head with a giggle as I walked over next door. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I raised my hand to knock on Matt’s door. 
The door opened after the first knock, revealing Matt, who was looking absolutely sinful in a black suit and tie. His beautiful eyes were already covered by those familiar red sunglasses. 
“Morning, Matt!” I greeted cheerfully, feeling more awake in his presence. 
“Good morning to you too, Iris.” He replied, flashing that gorgeous smile I love so much. “You sound better today.”
“I feel better today.” I replied, the memory of our kiss causing me to blush. 
Matt opened the door wider. “Would you like to come in? I have to leave soon, but I can definitely spare a few minutes for you.” He finished with a wink, causing my organs to bounce. 
I cleared my throat before I could get lost in my dirty thoughts. 
“Why thank you, don’t mind if I do.” I replied with a slight curtsy before entering the apartment. Matt smirked as if he could see my gesture. 
“How are you?” He asked as he closed the door, moving towards me. “I know yesterday had taken a lot out of you. Are you okay?”
He lifted his hand to my shoulder, giving me instant warmth at his thoughtfulness. 
“I am.” I replied with a smile. “For the first time in a long time, I really am.” I leaned up to kiss those sweet lips of his, which he eagerly and gently gave back in kind. “Thank you for listening. And for accepting me and the truth.”
Matt smiled as he caressed my cheek. “Anytime. Thank you for trusting me. I know it wasn’t easy.”
“It wasn’t.” I agreed. “But it feels better to not have to keep this to myself anymore.  I even called Lucy over to tell her.” 
I looked down at the goodies in my hands and remembered the initial reason I was there. 
“And speaking of which, she brought over practically half the treats from the bakery, and I thought you might like some for breakfast. You can maybe share some with Foggy if you want.” I gently nudged the container into his hands. 
Matt’s smile was priceless. “Thank you so much, Iris. That’s so thoughtful of you. Foggy will appreciate this for sure.” He then sniffed the air. “Is that coffee I smell?”
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“Yup!” I replied, carefully placing the hot cup in his hands. “I thought you could use a pick-me-up.”
“Wow, thank you! You’re a goddess.” He sighed appreciatively as he smelled the coffee. 
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I blushed at the comment, “It’s no problem. I don’t remember how you take your coffee, so I left it black.”
“I actually do take it black, so you did perfectly.” He praised. He took a sip, letting out a soft moan, giving me goosebumps. “Thank you so much, you saved me from having to make some myself.”
“Anytime.” I replied. “I’m happy to help.”
Matt smiled back; he was about to speak, but he was cut off by a robotic voice calling out “Foggy. Foggy. Foggy.”
Letting out a huff he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I’m sorry, Iris, can you give me just a second?” 
“Of course, go ahead.” I assured him as he answered the phone. 
“Hey, Foggy.” Matt greeted. 
I couldn’t hear what Foggy was saying, but from Matt’s expression, I would guess Foggy was getting impatient. 
“I know, I’m sorry I’m running late. I overslept.” He explained. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He tightened his grip on the container of pastries in his hand. He continued with a smirk, “And I’m even bringing breakfast. Courtesy of our favorite ladies.”
I felt my face flush even redder at the comment. Matt had to have known how he was affecting me, his smirk grew with a chuckle. Either at me or at what Foggy was saying, I have no idea. 
“Okay. I’ll be there soon.” He finished before hanging up. 
“I take it this is your cue to go?” I asked, already knowing the answer. 
Matt nodded apologetically. “Yeah.  I’d rather stay, to be honest, but we’re meeting a client today, and we have to prepare for that.”
I immediately felt guilty. “Oh god, Matt, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you late.”
Matt tilted my chin up to look at him. “Hey, don’t ever apologize for coming by. You’re a very welcome distraction.” 
Our noses touched oh so softly, only a breath between our lips. My heart pounded in my ears, I think even Matt could hear it. 
This man will be the death of me. But what a way to go. 
The logical part of me should back away before we get carried away. But the aroused part of me wanted to keep going. 
I gave in and eagerly pressed my lips against his, feeling lighter than air. I could feel Matt’s hand lightly grasp the back of my neck, his fingers combed through my hair as he held me closer to him. My hands clawed at his back, trying to get him even closer. 
I felt the tip of Matt’s tongue at the seam of my lips, begging for entry. I let out an eager gasp in response, I softly began to greet his tongue with mine….
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“Foggy. Foggy. Foggy. Fog-”
Letting out a groan of frustration, Matt broke apart from our kiss and answered the phone while still holding me close to him. 
“What, Foggy?” Matt asked through clenched teeth. 
The deep growl sent thrilling chills up my spine. Why does it sound so familiar?
“I knew it!” Foggy yelled on the other end, which I could hear loud and clear this time. “Get your tongue out of Iris’s throat, and get your ass over here!”
Foggy hung up before Matt could even respond. 
We both let out a sigh of disappointment, Matt leaning his forehead against mine. 
“I guess you really have to go this time, huh?” I asked dejectedly. 
“I don’t want to, but he’ll hunt me down if I don’t.” He replied with a half hearted chuckle. “May I walk you back to your door?”
I giggled back, “Of course. Don’t forget the container. You’re gonna need those pastries to calm him down.”
Matt chuckled again, “You might be right about that. Though I think we’ll have to stop by the bakery so he can see Lucy in order for him to forgive me.” 
“That can be arranged.” I replied as we made our way out the door. 
He locked the door just as I noticed something was missing. “Oh Matt, you forgot your coffee.”
He turned to me with a smirk. “It’s okay. I already had my pick-me-up.”
Damn he’s smooth. 
“You’re incorrigible.” I responded, flushing as red as a tomato. 
“And you’re irresistible.” Matt replied with a wink as he held my hand. 
“And you’re running late.” I replied back, trying to control my racing heart. 
Our short walk ended as we stopped in front of my door, our hands still clasped together. 
“You’re right,” He said, sounding disappointed once again about leaving. “Thank you for stopping by. It really made my morning.”
I grinned. “Anytime.” Then I decided to continue my bold streak. “In fact, would you like to come over for dinner tonight? We could whip something up in the kitchen together, it’ll be fun.”
I felt unreasonably nervous waiting for his answer. 
You just soft core made out with the man in his apartment. I don’t think he’s gonna say “no”.
Matt smiled sweetly and replied, “I’d love to. What time should I come over?”
“How about 6:00?” I asked. Lucy won’t mind letting me off before then. 
“Perfect.” He replied. “Want me to bring anything?”
“Just yourself.” I said, not wanting to let go of his hand. “Are you craving for anything in particular?”
I know what I’m craving for. 
Matt smirked as if he heard my thoughts and replied, “How about we bake some dessert for dinner?” His calloused fingers lightly caressed my hand. “I’m suddenly craving for something sweet.”
I suddenly felt hot enough to break a sweat, and my rapidly beating heart certainly didn’t help.  Keep it together. 
“Okay,” Why did I sound so breathless? I cleared my throat before continuing. “I’ll think of something for us to make. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Looking forward to it.” He said as he leaned down to leave a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. “See you tonight.”
“Bye.” I whispered, biting my lip to try to hold back my bashful grin. 
I could faintly hear Lucy’s footsteps shuffling quickly away from the other side of the door. Matt had an amused grin on his face as he turned away and walked towards the elevator. 
I drifted through the doorway of my apartment like I was floating on a cloud. Even Lucy’s knowing smirk couldn’t distract me from the excitement tonight will surely bring. 
A/N: And that was chapter 9!!! I hope it was worth the wait and that you loved the bonding between Iris and Lucy. I love them so much! And Matt...*sigh* he makes my heart sing! I hope y’all liked it, please be sure to follow me, reblog and leave a comment telling me what you think. Your comments truly make my day! Well that’s all for now and I’ll do my best not to take forever on the next chapter. Until next time...*kiss noise*
@jobean12-blog @cametobuyplums @tomhollandeu @writeyourmindaway @annavega333 @lullabylike @persephone-of-tartaros @emilymarie0422 @andrasta14
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