#and it turns out I can’t go because I cant afford it so I did all of that work and spent so much of my time worrying over LITERALLY NOTHING
strohller27 · 1 year
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marinetteplztakeabreak · 11 months
My personal “screaming about the lack of Ladynoir in the finale” post TM
Don’t know how to preface this???
this isn’t hate for the finale,
this is more, me reveling in the Angst of what they Chose Not To Put and screaming and wailing about how ladynoir has me in a chokehold
Im coming to terms with the s5 finale and finding bits of hope for my Ladynoir heart, etc. And i have decided that the finale has a ton of very very cool potential.
But i still can’t stop imagining… what if Adrien had gotten the messages from Ladybug??? What if he was About to give up being Chat Noir and give in to hopelessness and nightmares and terror and the cage he was trapped in and THEN (probably via Plagg, they could make it work) he got the frantic terrified messages from ladybug that were like “hi where ARE you?!?!?! Kitty cat come in NOW i NEED YOU!!?!? Hawkmoth knows my identity i think i am going to die i am all alone please please please show up i need you pick up pick UP.”
What if he was like. “Oh.” And his world just. Shifted. He thought his worst fear was ending the world as chat or being trapped even further by transforming in front of his father and being Caught but now Neither of those matter… now the only fear is just… not being Enough for ladybug… the fear of losing her or letting her down or making her feel as alone and abandoned and hopeless as he does right now????
What if he just????? Transformed without a moment of hesitation??? What if he was there taking to her on the phone coaching her through breathing and telling her he promised she would be okay and he promised he would be proud of her no matter what happened???? What if his own nightmares and fears started slipping through on the call and SHE turned around and reassured HIM that she trusts him fully and if he can’t trust himself he can at least trust HER judgement????? What if they both managed to avoid the mind control by being Each Others’ alliance?????
What if Ladybug found out that Chat Noir was in London ,,, because if Her identity’s been revealed to Monarch and she’s In His House than it’s Already going to hell and secrets don’t matter anymore, it just matters that they trust each other??? All they ever WANTED was to be open and trust and now its all they have left??? And theres not identity reveal or speculation bc it doesnt MATTER right now it just matters to SURVIVE or at LEAST be together for the end.
What if she told him not to come to Paris because it’s too dangerous to be in the same spot and he was like “im so sorry but i Cannot do that i cant leave you there Alone” and she was like “i know. and i love you. And id do the same. And that’s also why i cant tell you who monarch is or where the house is because i KNOW you’ll come here and i cant stop you. We cant both be in his grasp i just need you on the phone”
What if she fought in the basement for her life while getting support from him whilst he rallied all the other heroes and the resistance across the surface of paris???? What if we had ladybug and chat noir fighting the same battle on two different fronts, both Very Aware of each others’ situation nonstop,,, working as a Team despite the distance????? What if chat was just nonstop doing everything he could to reassure ladybug that they were doing okay and everyone supported her and he Trusted Her to do anything because the nightmares were STILL debilitating for everyone including them and they couldnt afford for either of them to get akumatized or even DISTRACTED and they just told puns and reminded each other when to use their powers and when to breathe?????
And chat could be captured or whatever and have to call out to ladybug and she could be like “send me your kwami its okay you did so good, i’ll be okay ill see you again”
Bug noire could still happen but it would be a strategic choice BOTH of them made TOGETHER with pain and love mixed together rather than the result of major decisions that they both were forced to make Independantly with no communication only fear and guilt and lonliness???
I dont know how to explain this but this is not salt this is not hate towards the episode this is just,,,, UGH this show has made me SO INVESTED in the dynamics and they had a CHANCE to do stuff and make it so fun and they DIDNT ,,,, they CHOSE to make it darker and grittier this time and i think it’s probably going in a cool direction,,, i think that ladybug and chat noir are gonna have some Fun (for me not for them) things to Discuss after this and some brand new abandonment issues combined with weird bits of Hope that Apparently they can survive on their own, all in a messy weird blurry pool of fears and relief and guilt and lonliness!!!!! And there’s so much to explore
But ALSO i miss my ladynoir goddammit i miss when it was the ladybug and chat noir show and i feel a little bit hollow seeing how ALONE!!! BOTH OF THEM were!!! this entire finale!!!!!!!!! Why are they ALONE those are my LADYNOIR they are PARTNERS do not SEPARATE THEM!!!! Stop doing PLOTS and HARD DECISIONS and IN CHARACTER MISTAKES to them and PLEASE just let them be perfect and together anyways aaaaaaaaa
(Bonus u can read the absolute essay i accidentally put in my tags for more scrambled thoughts)
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caffeine-cookie · 2 years
Really badly put together ramble about all the new fucking screen time and shit Espresso got because I’m ecstatic and nobody understands me and I really want to talk about this with someone but I cant
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(Rest under cut)
Espresso, although being respected as a well known scientist and researcher,, he doesn’t seem INSANELY respected. Whether its from his ‘humble beginnings’, or maybe even the that his geniuses could be being taken advantage of and being severely under appreciated. Some key points I made from this is that, 1. He used to live in poverty, he was one of the people living in the lower city. 2. His housing situation is very.. scarce, if thats the right word. 3. he’s constantly being rushed(but let me elaborate on this. 4. He’s probably being severely underpaid and being undermined.
1. his entire childhood situation is SO fucking interesting to me. Not only did I (and my best friend) have a similar thing of how he used to be like, living in poverty,, AND NOW ITS CANON. I imagine as a kid the only thing he ever wanted was to become somebody important, research about things, explore the world. Despite how he didn’t have much, he made do with what he had and studied hard, and slowly but surely made his way up into the upper part of the city like nobody else has done before. He was a kid genius, and he KNEW that he was, and he knew that he could use that to his advantage and actually accomplish his dreams. It’s also really cool that he doesn’t seem any more bothered by the ‘disgusting’ part of the city. The place people are so obviously revolted by, seen by the cutscene between the Republic citizens about the night market. He doesn’t seem like he feels any more superior of the people who live there, and he honestly just seems like he hasn’t changed very much. He’s still very kind to Seaweed, and its overall just.. really cool to see.
2. The random scene of him and his landlord going back and forth about his bills and rent was FASCINATING. Its such a random thing, but it must be some what important because Devsis added full voice acting to it. Espressos whole demeanour throughout it all appeared like he really didn’t want to be there. Sure, having your fully-paid rent raided would be absurd to anybody, but he reacted REALLY shocked. Complaining about it too, and I really think he might already be pretty tight on money in the first place. I imagine he genuinely isn’t being paid the load that most people would assume he gets from working with the Elders and being in such a high position. Like its definitely more than enough to live, but its not worth the amount of work he puts into everything. Which leads to things like his rent and bills becoming a problem occasionally,, mostly his bills but along side that, the pricing in the Republic is going up which is just going to cause more of an inconvenience to Espresso.
3. Okay this one might be a stretch, but again with the idea of him working way more than what his salary pays is fun to me. Everyone was constantly on his ass, telling him he has no time and borderline rushing his research and experiments. And they’re not wrong; obviously, he knows he has no time. But literally everyone next to him is basically saying ‘hey not to rush you, but you have like no time LOL so better chop chop lol!!!’ As if he isn’t told that constantly. And he’s not stupid, that’s probably the only thing on his mind right now. I want to think he is like kinda always in this kind of pressure. He works with unrealistic due dates and time limits, he has to pump out months of work in a matter of a few weeks. His brain is constantly gearing and turning because he can’t afford to just stop and relax, he isn’t given the option to do so. Its the ‘pressure of working with the council’. Thats what he convinces himself, but by no means is anyone else being rushed like this (maybe CLC but he has daddy issues that’s his equivalent to Espressos constantly being rushed issue). He worked so hard to fucking get in this position, going from living on the streets and eating scraps when there really wasn’t anything to eat, to now working for and with the Council. He isn’t going to stop, if the Council wants him to work this fast than so be it.
4. I think he is being severely underpaid. Just like how my best friend suggested! He isn’t AS loved, he isn’t AS popular, and he certainly is not on the same level as Madeleine. I feel like the idea of them underpaying him is interesting. Like— he’s a lot more close to the Council than any other researcher, supposedly, he has the literal SOUL JAMS in his possession right now because he’s that trusted. But the Council does not care enough to pay him the amount of what he should be paid for all his work. He does so much shit, but the Council doesn’t respect him enough to go over the top with his salary. He’s just a researcher and professor, after all.
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jazzzyx · 9 months
Raison d'etre
Episode 1
-Beginning Story 2-
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<Next day seisoukan, near the entrance to the residential area>
Absolutely disgusting…..
Hey there, can you please nod “yes” sensei
-kuro bows his head-
Aren't you friends with itsuki?
Yeah, but I also want to do whatever kuro-chan asks.
But I hate what I hate.
What is it? You’re not so naive that you’d be embarrassed to be dressed in any strange costume now, aren't you, Nito?
That's true, But…….
I'm about to turn 20 and I'm a good adult, but sometimes I look at myself in shorts, and think, “what am i doing”? Worrying about being cute.
Ra*bits is that kind of idol group, so i guess it can't be helped.
Oh, if that's the case…~
And this is a different story! Why is it so sad that I have to wear female clothes made by my friend, Kuro.??
No! It feels nasty!
It is not nasty! Don't say such bad things, it's disrespectful
Why are you so reluctant? I'm just asking you to try on the outfit I made for my sister. Aren't i!
Are you saying that you don't have the nerve to ask a man of your age to do that~!?
Kuro-chin's younger sister, if i'm not mistaken, she's still in elementary school, isn't she?
It's okay! Nito can do it!!
My little sister is similar to me in growth, and is getting taller and taller. Nito can wear it!
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I believe in you! Nito!
I wanted to hear those words in a different context…
Yes, yes, this story is over! It's unpleasant, Go back to your room!
Because of my friendship with Kuro-chan, I'll ignore this incident, so you can take a walk and cool off already!
Don't say that… I'm begging you, Nito~......
My younger sister has recently become more attractive and wants to be fashionable, but the clothes and accessories she wants are all ridiculously expensive.
I can’t afford it in our financial situation, so i thought i'd sew it myself, it's cheaper that way.
But with clothes, you cant know if they're good or bad unless you actually put your arm through the sleeve, So, what? Nito understands, right?
I'm begging you……… I don't deserve this. Nito……
This is not something i usually say, but ES idols are always pretty good-looking, Nito is a valuable human resource
The only person who seems to be able to wear girls' clothes normally is Nito, even if it's out of the whole world.
Go buy a mannequin.
Wow, it's been a long time since ive seen that Glass ball, your eyes are cold…
Most of all,i didn't want to go back to the days when i was acting like a doll in “Valkyrie”, in such a stupid scene
Huh? Look ahead and talk, doesn't that hurt?
Hey…………. Did you bump into each other and not say hello? Did something happen, kagehira?
Oh, how unbearable, Mr. Ryu-kun…!?
What's Wrong–..... Any trouble?
Hmm? No, I have nothing to do with Ryu-kun….
Ah, but “Ryu-kun” is “Ryu-kun”! How are you?
Huh? You call me by the nickname I used when I was a kid, but frankly, it's about the same now, isn't it?
“Ryu-kun” is Oshi-san's childhood friend, isn't he?
I can't tell what you are talking about, but what about itsuki?
-Story 2 End-
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
„I’d take you anywhere you want to go, Songbird. I cant wait to hear you sing” -> did Raiden take Burde anywhere she wanted to go ? 😏😏
Oh!! Raiden and Birdie Mae are the sweetest little things.  They did exclusively date in high school, but Birdie Mae isn’t as experienced as Raiden.  She is taking things at a snail space, and he’s okay with that.  Fable went to NYU and sweet Birdie is navigating school life without her partner in crime, and also the one that would speak for her.  This will be a good experience for Birdie Mae, and we know Raiden would never let anything happen to her
A Cheesy Chick Flick
Summary:  Birdie Mae is questioning her relationship
Pairings:  Raiden X Birdie Mae
Rating:  mild
Warnings:  language, a bit of bullying, talks about sex, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  550
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Raiden Baizen Masterlist
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Birdie Mae walks into her art class ready to showcase her newest work when she hears the quiet murmuring behind her. Keeping her head in front of her, but her eyes sting with tears.
“She’s only with him for his money.”
“I heard she’s baby trapped him. He got a full scholarship and didn’t need it. Wonder if that’s how she was able to afford this school.”
Unable to take anymore she turns around glaring at the two girls, “He would never give you the time of day because you’re disgusting. Raiden is the nicest and most generous person I’ve ever met. And my parents paid for my tuition,” without another word she leaves her piece before running out of the classroom.
Irritated that no matter what, it’s always these stupid accusations about her and Raiden. Unable to stand out on her own merit because he overshadows her.
“Hey. Hey,” Raiden comes up to her, catching her trembling body in his own large one. “Birdie what’s wrong?”
“Nothing doesn’t make your eyes this red. What’s wrong?” he watches her a few minutes wishing she would just tell him something when she looks away.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“This. Us. You and me. It’s always…”
“What happened?” Birdie Mae shakes her head no, and he pulls her chin up to him. “Let me fix it.”
“You can’t fix everything just because of your last name.”
“It has nothing to do with my last name, and everything to do about some making my girlfriend cry. And clearly it’s enough to think that we…Birdie don’t do this. Please, I…I finally have you in my life, and I can’t lose you.”
“We were kids.”
“My feelings have never changed. I tried. I tried a lot. Keisha, Avani, Fleur, Taylor, Taraj…”
“I get it,” Birdie Mae rolls her eyes. “You’re…they had a piece of you that I haven’t. And…Raiden, I-I…”
“You have a piece of me that no one ever will. And that’s this right here, Burd-Dee,” he taps on his chest and gives her a look over. “If you want sex, all you gotta do is ask.”
“Raiden,” Birdie Mae sighs, pushing her head against his chest. “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“You’re huge.”
“Yeah, so I’ve been told,” she gives him a little swat to his back, still not lifting her head up to look at him. “Birdie, I’ll wait forever for you. You’re more than a lay.”
“That’s what we should be doing. And…I did not baby trap you.”
Raiden pulls her up to him, and she naturally wraps her legs around him. “How can you baby trap me if you’re a virgin? That’s what got you upset? Stupid jealous girls? They’re just mad that I have no desire to date them. It’s only ever been you.”
“And I’m not after your money.”
“I know. You’re after me because of my piercing blue eyes, long hair, fat ass, broad shoulders, and skinny waist.”
Birdie gives him a little giggle, moving forward to kiss on his nose, “You figured me out.”
“Sweet Birdie Mae gonna corrupt this sweet Baizen boy.”
“Raiden?” he raises his eyebrows looking at her seriously. “Can I stay the night at your place? Your apartment is bigger than my dorm.”
“Is that all you want?”
“I don’t know.”
“Fine, we’ll watch a cheesy chick flick, get to making out, and you tell me how far you wanna go?” she nods her head and he starts carrying her back to the room. “Now, I gotta see this new piece of yours.”
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novelvoid · 2 years
Okay so....
I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I have finally realized why I don’t like Cal. I always thought it was because he was very traditionally masculine and as someone who is very feminine and is a lesbian I never understood that but I realized today while explaining Cal’s story to my friends its because he never *once* chooses to do the right thing. The right and moral choice is constantly shoved in his face and he just has to accept it.
He doesn’t side with the scarlet guard. He turned in Mare and Maven knowing that at least Mare would be executed and we never get to see if he would fight back against his father if it meant saving (at least) Maven’s life. Elara interjects and forces Cal to instead kill his father. Taking away his autonomy in the situation. We never get to know if he would have let Maven who was guilty of only a little murder (instead of the lot of murder and betrayal later on)
When he stays with the scarlet guard at the end of red queen it is out of necessity because he has nowhere else to go. He is a fugitive and has no one on his side. He isn’t given the option of siding with the guard at first, and honestly it isn't hinted that he would have taken it. He is locked up and must escape later.
When given the choice between the throne of Norta and siding with the scarlet guard he chooses the throne. Even though he promised Mare he wouldn't, even though these people saved him multiple times and became his comrades, even though he “believes in their cause” he just cant say no to his grandmother and let down his father. He has to take the throne because he while he believes red bloods are people and deserve rights he doesn’t believe the Scarlet Guard is capable enough to handle any challenges that come with running a country. He doesn’t believe in Montfort’s support either.
When he finally does chose to give up the throne it is because the war is already over. It had been won. Maven is no longer in power and soon to be dead. The fight isn’t in his favor and he can’t disappoint his mother.
When he and Mare split at the end of kings cage its on her terms. She says they cant be together because of what Maven did, he doesn’t get to decide that either. He doesn’t fight to keep her (in that book) or decide for himself that he needs a break. Mare needs a break and she decides he does too. and while I cant 100% remember he tells her he will wait for her to be ready? Instead of working on himself and handling the traumafest that had been the last year for him.
When he chose to have Maven executed its not because its whats best, its not him making a hard decision of knowingly giving up the brother he loves and cares for. Its because MAVEN decides for him. Maven decides that Cal cant afford not to kill him and so he makes it as easy as possible. Cal doesn’t get to know that at the end Maven wanted him to be happy with his decision. Cal doesn't get to know Maven was still there somewhere and he doesn’t get to go against the scarlet guard and Montfort and everyone. THAT IMPORTANT GAME ENDING MOMENT IS DECIDED BY MAVEN.
I haven’t read any part of Broken Throne except the Farewell so i cant say if that changes in that book. but if it did it was about 4 books too late. Cal has no autonomy and the only choice I can think of that he made all by himself was kissing Mare in that first book. And that was a questionable choice at best given we were lead to believe that Maven was a good person who cared for both of their best interests. I just... don't understand.... why he’s written like this. if you’re a Cal fan feel free to let me know why and i will try to take that into account but i just don't get it.
(If this shows up in the Cal tag I’m so sorry i promise i didn't intentionally shove Cal hate in your face but i am not censoring his name. I didn't even add his last name anywhere just in case)
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thelostboys87 · 4 months
out of the blue complaining about writing degrees but the way writing degrees (and other departments but anyways) build up barriers of no access is soooo not talked about enough i cant stop thinking about how even if i wanted to, I literally can’t apply for a writing MA at my own university — where i did my BA and was told my writing was already at the level for their MA course (whatever that means) and am eligible for an alumni scholarship (which in turn makes it more accessible for me than others which is not fair too!!) and received offers for their MA course twice in a row — all because they don’t allow references to be more than two years old and i haven’t done a writing class at uni for more than two years. and i can’t get an industry relevant job to get a reference that way because i can’t afford to move to a part of the country that has writing and publishing industry jobs. so i will have to rely on one day getting remote work, which i already have (voluntary) but that would only amount for one reference, and i don’t have time to get any more remote work than i already have because i have a job i have to focus on if i actually want money 😃 mind you i literally got in and couldn’t go because MY MOM DIED and they just told me to reapply and never gave any opportunity for financial support except a single broad scholarship application despite me having multiple extenuating circumstances that made postgrad inaccessible to me
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strawberryspeachy · 7 months
I was scrolling through my pictures and found a guide for things to study to prepare one of my students for moving to america
Its pretty detailed and makes me wonder if im getting stupider as time goes on because i forgot about several things that i came up with without even researching 2 years ago
While looking at it i remembered
The boy asked me actually. He asked me about school in the states and he was worried about some of the classes. I tried to put his mind at ease for the transition and assure him that he’ll have help for most things.
He was half white and his dad was american. His dad was a writer actually and he told me about his books during a speaking test. So he spoke english fluently. Actually that was something he was worried about. He said his dad told him he has an accent - he really didnt.
But on that I started to ask him about things we do in English class back home. He had no idea about even the basics. Not surprising. They dont do things that involve critical thought in japanese schools.
I started briefly explaining some things to him and told him id make him a guide
Then. We were cut off
The teacher came and told me he needed to go eat lunch.
Later she came and apologized to me because he told her that he asked me for advise and that he was nervous realizing that he wasnt prepared for American English classes.
She thought i just went to talk to a kid. Stopped him from going to lunch. And was stressing him out.
Not because i do that but because thats how japanese teachers see foreigners here. Being weird idiots that bother ppl
And the thing is id forgotten about that till just now.
I HATED that feeling as an ALT. Im s weird person - but not a fucking weirdo who harasses children to talk me. I hated when the teachers tried to make me do that. And i hated when they assumed thats what happened whenever a student came to talk to me.
Theyd always look worried and annoyed when students were talking to me and theyd shoo them away. And i couldnt say its ok or anything. I couldnt say or do anything. Just smile and encourage the kid that the jaapnese teacher had a good reason for telling them to not talk to me
The thing is. I liked the teacher i just mentioned. She was one of the nicest ones i worked with as an ALT. I forgot about all the shitty times with her. She got nicer to me after my mom died. All the teachers did. I noticed and i know. But somewhat also forget.
It took a horrible thing for them to see me as a human. And to just look at what i do as another person and not a strange alien they must protect the children from.
I came to japan for a paid vacation. I wanted to explore and enjoy traveling going to concerts meeting ppl and just having a good time.
Id planned to go home and take care of my mom. I thought i could write stories while i was here and look for a job back home.
Then corona hit and ruined everything. I never even got to see my mom again
Never got to feel stability
Now the money ive saved up is worth half the value back home
I have nothing to fucking show for my time here
I cant afford to go back to america
My moms not there
I dont even have a house to return to
Im so much worse off now than when i left if i go back
But i also cant deal with that degrading treatment again. Even as a legit teacher in a school working through a company middleman im treated as less than.
As an ALT i was treated like a fucking idiot mascot play toy. Like equipment. Not a person.
And as a native teacher - last year - god do you know how fucking annoying it is to have ppl who can’t speak your native language tell you whats correct?!? To be told to keep students in line, motivate them, teach them, and entertain them all while having someone undermine you at every turn. Them complain the students dont respect you. I mean that was only with 5 kids in 432 students. And thats the other fucking problem. Last year my schools students were wonderful. They were friendly smart motived and kind. Except 2 bitchy girls and one boy - the girls turned like 3 more kids in their class against me. But the rest of my students liked me. And because the PE turned English teacher didnt like english he bitched about me and used those few kids against me. I have more than 420 actively improving their assignments and having full english conversations with me. I have the two loud classes all the teachers hate because they refuse to do their work - coming to me and asking if they did my assignments correctly and asking when they need help - but because a handful of kids dont like me - that teacher turns me into a bad guy and gets me the boot.
And thats the shit to expect with even the better job i have.
The school im not rn has a native teacher who uses his charisma to make life better for the native teachers at the school. This is the best im gonna get
I cant find another job. Im trying but too many ppl want to come to japan rn
I really cant afford to go back home
And im entirely out of the patience to be treated like a fucking slave. Literally at this point. Between the shit wages that keep going down and high costs. I cant afford the shit job that wants me to act like the japanese assholes dog. Treating me however they want and i have to just smile back
I want my mom. I want to go back to when i had my pets and my house and lived near my friends.
I keep saying it but its true. Im living the future that i used to have in my nightmares and wake up screaming from. I want to wake up again back before 2011
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nauticasdatalog · 11 months
Therapy with the Bots:
Because i cant afford it and my shifting attemps are only giving me a good sleep schedule...here you go.
“You know, I feel like I’ve never known what it’s like to be loved.” She whispered but his audials heard it loud and clear, making Ratchet turn his helm too quickly for his attempt of being nonchalant.
But the teen standing on the platform beside him, overlooking Emma and Jazz currently teasing each other about where they were going for their date tonight, only laid her head down against her palm with a look so lost on her face that Ratchet had become accustomed to too easily.
“People say you should give what you want to receive. But I’ve seen people give their whole world to someone or something only for it to let them down. I thought having my dream come true of finally being able to meet your team would make me feel at home but I still feel the same. I still feel left out, I still feel…unneeded.” She sighed before tucking a wisp of her bangs behind her ear after it had brushed under her damp eyelashes and gotten caught.
“I feel like I give all that I can. That I project my feelings as simply as possible but what do I get in return?” She asked before laughing to herself, “I get called a mother. I get, not friend-zoned! But ‘Mothered’ and in some cases that's not bad but when I can’t shake it off that someone I like will only ever see me that way…it hurts. I just want to be normal. Why is how I care for people not normal?” she questioned and Ratchet's frown only grew as he watched her left hand come up to scratch at the bracelet on her other wrist.
“And now we live in a world where people just assume I don’t want to date, or I haven’t figured out who I want to date but they don’t know that I know who I am. I know what I want I just-” she stopped because of the tears beginning to clog up her throat and closed her mouth to try and get rid of it without being too loud about it.
“I just don’t know how to get what I want.” she managed to finish and when she tucked the same piece of hair further back against her scalp, Ratchet took a deep vent before leaning slightly closer to lean against the stairwell structure.
“Before I met Drift, I felt confident in myself. In being alone, in being the only one who understood the things I did, in being an easy name on a schedule but not someone major but just ‘another medic’.” He began to explain and it gained enough of her attention that she softly looked up even with tears welling in her eyes to make contact with him as he spoke to her.
“But then he sauntered into my life and suddenly, I began to become frustrated with myself over things I couldn’t control. I started to want him to see things in me that I hadn’t told him about so that I didn’t have to explain them because I couldn’t. I wanted him to know how I felt about him without the words spoken because I didn’t know how to speak them. Instead, I came off as pushy, ignorant, and probably downright mean when I’d snap at him after a long shift that he had just randomly popped in for during his breaks to chat with me.” He explained and when he saw her small look of concern he smiled down at her and was instantly rewarded with an eyebrow raise in return.
“I’m never going to forget the first time I snapped at him and how he just stood there. Still as a statue until I started to cry. I had hated in that moment how vulnerable I felt. How simple it was for his presence to knock down all of my training and make me cry like a sparkling because I was upset and frustrated. That day I hadn’t felt good enough for my position, for who I wanted to become, and for who I wanted to be for him. Nobody knew the stresses of my job, no one could understand how much pressure I put on myself not to fail because not only was my designation at stake but so were bots' lives. But after he got over his shock, he placed down the cubes in his servos and hugged me. I hadn’t ever shown him any physical affection because I didn’t honestly know how or when to appropriately. I was always so terrified of other bot’s fields because I knew from experience I didn’t like bot’s in mine. But he hugged me, out of the blue and I felt a part of me snap and I was sobbing into his chassis like I had just lost a life.” He expressed with a shake of his helm before turning to gently watch her as she kept her gaze low and towards the red marks now covered by her bracelet.
“I didn’t know how to love but he told me neither did he. When we first bonded and he showed me what it was like to see me break down like that from his point of view, I could feel his spark stuttering in his chassis and the want and the need he had to make me feel better. Because in his glyphs, I -’work so hard to fix others without ever taking a moment to pause and check in on myself’. I let things overwhelm me, I bit my glossa if something bothered me because my opinion wasn’t wanted unless I was giving a possible diagnosis.” When Ratchet stopped again he held out his servo but she hesitated before climbing through the railing and slowly lowering down to sit herself up against his digits.
He slowly laid his thumb down across her lap and he heard her sniffle before rubbing at the underside of her nose for a second before he continued.
“I know what it feels like. To overanalyze everyone else's view of you so that you know what they expect from you. It’s why to me it always felt so easy to walk into my faction because bots expected me to be one thing, a medic. A bot who told you what happened, why it happened, and how to fix it. Not my opinion, not my emotions, not who I had hidden way too deep inside that I thought no one could ever find me.”
“But then Drift had. Without me even knowing it and I still didn’t let it sink in until the darkcycle we bonded.” He said such with a smile big enough that she smiled back while leaning her head against the curve of his digit as the last of her tears dried up on her skin.
“You may feel unseen or buried but have faith that they trust you. That they want to get to know you more the same way you crave to know more about them. You aren’t alone sweetspark. This feeling will pass.” He reassured her with a gentle rub of his thumb against her body and even though the action should have felt wrong, it was the closest form of a hug she felt like she was going to get due to their size difference.
“Thank you Ratchet,”
“You are always welcome youngling.”
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 119
You Can’t Handle the Truth/The End of Time Part 1
“You Can’t Handle the Truth”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean investigate a series of suicides and discover someone is invoking the Goddess of Truth, forcing people to be cruelly honest
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: why is there a fully loaded gun just in a locked drawer at this restaurant but like where any employee could just get it? Honestly? I’d just move. I wouldn’t blow my brains out
How did Bobby not notice there was something off about Sam for a YEAR?? Of course Dean sees it from the get go but damn
Good LORD. The writers were like “what’s the most hurtful shit someone could say to another person” and then put it in as the dialogue for this episode
Yeah, see. If someone confessed to assaulting my teenage daughter, and I had access to dental tools, I’d be taking those matters into my own hands too
Calling it now: we’re gonna get a scene in the last 10 minutes of the Goddess of Truth getting Dean to say that he doesn’t trust Sam and/or Sam to say he did just sit back and watch Dean get turned by the vampire
The dentist had not one but two pictures of Kenny G hanging in his office??
So there’s a Goddess of Truth who has Gabriel’s Horn of Truth…cool
I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be the Winchesters dealing with all these angels and demons. They disappear in the middle of conversations but will come back with relevant information for what you’re going through but it’s JUST enough time for you to have fully cursed them out
God…someone hug Dean
Does GONE gone mean cremated? Or….MISSING?????? They’re just missing???
No, Dean!!! (This lighting is very flattering on him though)
Is the news anchor the Goddess of Truth?? She’s been on the tv every time someone has said they want the truth, I’m pretty sure. Or…is that just some weird coincidence because this IS the cw
JESUS, BOBBY. “I never told anyone that. Why am I telling you? Probably because you’re my favorite, though Sam’s a better hunter. Lately, anyway”
Yeah. I knew we’d be getting a classic Winchester confrontation that could only happen through supernatural forces
Oh no. We’re gonna get a Lisa/Dean break up under this curse Dean has??? I feel bad for both of them.
Does…does it only work on people with SOULS? God. Now Dean’s gonna feel like shit for doubting him even though he’s right
Omg was I RIGHT??? It IS the news anchor?? That wasn’t just the cw not being able to afford other stock video in the background??? Look at meeeeee being so smart
We’re in the last 10 minutes now…I’m still holding out for that confrontation.
Ok but like she’s VERY pretty. I’m glad she got dressed for the occasion
See this?? This is what I mean. Supernatural forces making them spill their guts (metaphorically). Dude, Dean. I can’t tell you that punching Sam repeatedly in the face was wrong though.
“Been On My Mind…”: ohhhhh, the exact opposite. I think we’re at 5 now…I am BAD AT COUNTDOWNS
"The End of Time Part 1"
Plot Description: The Ood have given a warning to the Doctor. The Master is returning yet that is not the biggest threat. A Darkness is coming which brings with it The End of Time.
Am 👏 I 👏 ready 👏 for 👏 this?👏 NO.
Um. Where'd that lady who was just talking to Wilf go? I don't think she's related to Cas. She cant' just go disappearing like that after telling the story of why the TARDIS is in that church's stained glass
You're being very cavalier about all this, Doc.
WELL, after THAT, he's got his ass in gear. Literally everything the Ood said was terrifying.
Hmmmm, that's uncomfy. The lady who found the Master's ring is now freeing Lucy Saxon. Why's it take four humans to sacrifice themselves to bring back a timelord?
I love, GENUINELY love things just happening because we say and for the drama of it all. I love when you don't have to explain all the details of why there's a potion of life and one of death in science fiction. Sometimes, you just wanna enjoy stuff
Oh, I love Wilf rallying his old folks group to find the Doctor.
The bleach blond look is a good one for The Master
CAN THERE BE ONE DAY. JUST ONE. WHERE SOMETHING I WATCH DOESN'T REMIND ME OF HIM. (this is about the intermittently skeletal Master propelling himself super high in the air and then diving down at his victims while yelling for the Doctor) I would just like ONE. DAY.
No because why am I also getting Todobros fight, a little bit, from this Doctor and Master confrontation. The Doctor just wants to help because the Master is BURNING UP HIS OWN LIFE FORCE. I CAN'T DO THIS
Ma'am, that is sexual harassment.
Pain. Agony, even. "I'm going to die." "I will, too, one day" "Don't you dare" All while knowing one of if not the last thing Bernard Cribbins ever filmed was the 60th anniversary special WITH David. I am unwell.
Their discussion about Donna as she's getting in the car is equally heartwarming and heartbreaking. Every moment is Wilf not even that subtextually begging the Doctor to just DO. SOMETHING. so she can travel with him again all the while they both know he can't. And then doing it very plainly. They both want her back with him SO. MUCH. They made each other SO MUCH BETTER.
Positively WHINING at this scene between the Doctor and the Master. The Doctor wants to help him, and the Master WANTS to accept that help...but he can't. Because the Doctor can't. hear. the. drums. So how could he possibly help?
Oh my god. Hundreds of years of having to deal with that sound driving you mad, and finally FINALLY someone else hears it for barely a few seconds, but it's enough. It's enough to know that all the suffering you've been through has been real. It's something that's been done to you and not something you've done to yourself.
Oh, hey, it's the outfit I did for the only time I cosplayed at a con.
How'd she have a whole conversation with Wilf through the television. This isn't Blink. You don't have anyone transcribing half the conversation
Knowning what I now know about the industry, this must have been either a wonderful or HORRIBLE day on set for John Simm, having to shove that much turkey in his mouth for however many takes it took
OMG RIGHT. He turns EVERYONE into himself.
ba-RACK Obama? Really??
I love the stupid ways things happen on this show. The way everyone turns into the Master, their heads shake really really really fast for a minute
No no no no no no, Donna. Nooooo.
He's so cringe.
1 note · View note
theamazingannie · 3 years
I need a rich significant other for the sole purpose that they will take me on dates to fancy restaurants and galas so I can finally have an excuse to buy all the dresses I favorite online but never buy because I have no occasion to wear them to
0 notes
grippingbeskar · 2 years
had you said the words
Tumblr media
obi-wan kenobi x fem!reader
word count: 7.5k
warnings: ADULT CONTENT MINORS DNI (oral m and f receiving, general sexual content, obi-wan is a virgin but they don’t actually fuck but yeah) swearing, think that’s it??
a/n: obi wan i love youuUuUuUu. okay in honour of the show coming out i am finally letting go of this lil thing I made. i wrote it months ago but never felt like it was good enough to post but here we are!! im feeling okay about how it turned out so i hope u enjoy and if you didn’t just lie and say you did!!! also this is inspired by that one line from the clone wars u know the one. okay that’s enough goodbye!
“This is ridiculous! You can’t do this!” You shout to the Jedi council. In front of you is some of the galaxy’s most respected members, the most seasoned generals from the clone wars, and yet not a single one seems to be able to see reason.
“We must. For the good of the Jedi.” Mace Windu says from the corner of the room, not meeting your eye. Your face drops, unable to comprehend their callousness.
“How could you? You know me. I would never jeopardise my career. This is what I’ve done my entire life! I-’
“This isn’t permanent, however the council has made a decision. We cannot afford to have a Jedi falter in their cause - not now, in the middle of a war.” Plo Kloon says, empathy guarded behind the crushing words. So that was that. All this over one decision.
You made one mistake.
During the heat of battle, you lost sight of your focus, lost control, all because of one particular member of the council who sits in front of you now, saying nothing. Obi-Wan cant even look at you, and you dont know if its because of disappointment or if he just doesn’t care as much as you thought he would. Maybe he agrees with them. A sense of anger washed over you and you see him fidget in his chair, locking eyes with you for the first time since the council called session.
“He would have died.” Your voice shakes as you tilt your head towards Obi Wan Kenobi, leaving his gaze to find the rest of the council staring at you. “I saw the situation and reacted. I only did what I had to - to save him.”
“Had to, you did?” Master Yoda croaks from next to Mace, and you shudder a breath under his accusation, but nod.
“Yes.” The council all look at you, well, all except Kenobi, who’s knuckles are going white gripping the side of his chair, and nod. You bow your head, knowing you are fighting a losing battle, and spin to leave the room.
“You are one of the best of us, child. We know you meant no harm, but this is the Jedi way.” Kit calls and you dont get a chance to respond as the doors shutter behind you.
You were heartbroken. All day you had been turning over the events of yesterday in your head, trying to see a way out - another way you could have saved his life without compromising your career. There was none.
It started out as any battle did, the longevity of the Clone wars hardening most Jedi to become seasoned generals. Anakin and Ahsoka took troops around the back to catch the droids from behind, while you and Kenobi engaged the main platoon. It was going well - even perfect, you and Kenobi working seamlessly together, able to read each others minds, know the others thoughts without ever having to look at each other. It had been that way since he found you on Corellia, a teenager with a strong connection to the force and an attitude to boot. He trained you - in spite of everyone who told him you were a lost cause, showed you the ways of the Force and watched you grow into one of the best Jedi in the Republic - you were part of the reason he took a chance on Anakin. 
Either way, no matter how well you knew each other, you never could have expected what happened next.
Breaking the droid lines, you breached their hold. This was the main prize, for it contained the systems that held hundreds of documents detailing the battle regiments of the droids entire army, including exact numbers, weaponry and AT-AT deployments. What neither of you knew was that they had one last surprise set up.
As Obi-Wan entered the hold, you could both feel something was off immediately. You told him as much, and said you should wait for Anakin and Ahsoka to arrive so you could go in together and scan for entities. Obi Wan was convinced there was no time, the droids already beginning to regroup outside the hold. He wasn’t wrong, you could feel them caging you in, but he had always taught you to be patient; to clear your mind before rushing into battle. The role reversal threw you off guard as he pushed forward into the hold.
You still felt uneasy, but you didn’t argue and stepped inside with him. It was huge, monotone walls shutting you into a sphere shaped room, two steel doors that shuttering behind you. As Obi-Wan took one more step, you both heard the click at the same time, heads snapping to find each other’s eyes, and you didn’t even think before you reacted. 
Obi-Wan turned and threw himself at you before you even got a glimpse of the explosive. Within seconds you knew he would be blown to pieces, but his body would shield the blast from you and the board of computers behind you, which contained the information the entire mission was hinged on. Time stood still. This is what is was to be a Jedi - to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, the bigger cause, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
Obi-Wan looked down at you, and his eyes were so piercing - so satisfied in his decision to die so that you will live, and you felt him through the Force, a warm longing drifting into your heart. You knew what he was saying; all the words you could never speak out loud, the thoughts you were too afraid to have in fear he would reject them. It was his final goodbye - and you couldn’t take it.
You threw out your hand, finding the explosive through the Force and flinging it behind you, right behind the computers main frame. The blast went off a split second later, shattering the entire set up and motherboard. The information would be gone, a shimmering snow of computer parts and wires falling around you. All you could focus on, though, was how Obi-Wans’ hand had come up to cup the side of your face, and how warm his skin was against your cheek, the failure of the mission worth every second of contact.
“You saved me.” He had said, voice a whisper under the still falling pieces of the destructed technology. You just nodded, and he didn’t move from on top of you, reminding you how it would have been the other way around had you acted half a second later, and he would have been dead. 
His eyes were filled with an emotion you have seen a few times before, but you don’t know what it is. You only know that when he looks at you like that, your heart beat shoots into your throat, and every feeling you tried to lock away when you became a Jedi fights its way back to the surface. 
Once Anakin and Ahsoka arrived, they found you both in amongst the rubble, and it wasn’t until the shock had surpassed that you realised you were both all cut up from the debris. They brought you back to the main base, and you weren’t thinking straight, immediately spilling about how you sustained these injuries. You put Obi-Wans life above the Jedi cause, and even though you knew you would get in trouble for it, you couldn’t hide from the truth.
What you hadn’t expected was Obi-Wans complete silence. He hadn’t spoken to you since you arrived back to base, and you were sure he was just preparing for the council meeting where he would back you, abide by your decision, or at the very least say something. He didn’t. Anakin and Ahsoka tried their best to influence the council, but neither of them held the power to do much. Anakin was still not yet a Master Jedi, and Ahsoka; although she had the attitude of one, was not yet a general.
So now you were marching back to your room, empty halls of the ship seeming colder and colder the further you get from Obi-Wan. You knew what you did betrayed the sacred oath you made the day you put on your Jedi robes. Jedi did not make emotional connections, the order had to be put first, and the good of the galaxy depended on it. You knew you risked countless lives by losing that critical information, and you knew you would be reprimanded.
You didn’t regret it though.
You were always a rule breaker, a little bit of a rebel in regards to the orders strict guidelines on that kind of behaviour - how were you to truly care about the galaxy if you had no one in it to protect? It was human nature to form connections - and practically impossible not to care in the case of Obi-Wan’s life. Did they expect you not to attempt to save him, even when there was a way to do so?
Obi-Wan was one of the many times you broke the rules. You were infatuated with him ever since you met him - he was significantly older than you, yes, although not by so much it would be deemed inappropriate. You were both adults, so it was more your occupations that kept you from admitting your feelings. He found you on Corellia, sacrificed his time and patience to mould you into the perfect fighter, fought for your right to train beside the Jedi even with your training being so late. He stuck up for you your entire life, and it made his silence that much more painful. 
You finally trudged through the ship far enough to find your room, and as you go to enter, you feel two familiar figures come up behind you, and a female voice calls your name.
“We were waiting outside, but they made us leave after they called the session.” Ahsoka says, and she reaches out to hold your arm, careful to miss the bandage holding you together. 
“It’s fine. Nothing happened we didn’t already know would happen.” You knew they would remove your titles - take away your leadership of your battlement. It was a glorified way of grounding you, sending you to your room as if you were a child.
“What of Obi-Wan? There has to be a way to change their mind. He has to be trying.” Anakin says, shaking his head. Him and his master have always gotten along, and their bond is one that rivals brothers, but you know Anakin takes after you in the attitude department, so as he paces up and down the corridor, you know he’s as pissed as you.
“What of him? He couldn’t even look at me. I don’t think he even blinked the entire session.” You scoff, and even Ahsoka shakes her head, more confused than angry.
“He’s going to have to speak up sometime.” Ahsoka says, and releases your arm.
“He will if I have anything to say about it. Padmè will talk to the council about the diplomatic influence, she’s already speaking to the other generals. We will have you back out there in no time.” Anakin’s eyes are fiery, and you smile at the man who was once a boy, small and unsure now so confident and clear.
“If he wanted to, he would of. Thank you, both of you for your help, but I’m just going to have to ride this one out. There’s nothing I can do about it now.” Both of them look at you with the same sympathetic frown, and you would laugh at how similar they are if you weren’t feeling so defeated.
“For what it’s worth, I would have done the same thing.” Anakin says, and he steps forward. You know he’s talking about Padmè, and you nod, a mutual understanding of the conflicting emotions of the Jedi way. They both turn to leave, and you can hear the hushed conversation of their plan as they round the corner.
You enter your room and fall onto the bed, the air rushing out as soon as your head hits the pillow. The past few days have been entirely exhausting, and you weren’t just thinking about the cuts and bruises that now littered your skin. This little incident has forced you to really own up to your feelings towards Obi-Wan. The way you felt when you were faced with the possibility of him dying tore you to shreds, and the strength of those emotions were impossible to draw up to just an admiration of a friend, or a small crush born of gratitude. You were in love with him, and you had been for a while. You knew it was wrong and you wanted to fight it, fight the feeling you drowned in whenever he was in the room, whenever he smiled at you or pulled you away to talk about battle plans, knowing no one else would understand the way he thinks but you.
It also forced you to think about how he may feel about you. He reacted so quickly, throwing himself on top of you when the explosive dropped, and the look in his eye told you he wouldn’t of regretted dying for you. His Force - the energy you knew so well felt different - like he was reaching into your body and touching everything inside you, giving you no option but to yield to him. The intensity of it - it was nothing you had ever felt before.
It made it hard to breathe, thinking about that. Would he have ever felt the same? He was one of the most accomplished Jedi in the galaxy, surely there was no way he would return those feelings, right?
It was impossible - you and him, for so many reasons, the main one being how you were now banned from fighting, banned from council meetings and practically shunned from the Republic just for presenting the idea that he meant more to you than you let on. One mistake, you said to yourself, but you weren’t entirely sure it was a mistake.
Your eyes began to close, and even with everything in your life being pulled apart, you can’t help but drift off. Your energy is drained, and maybe that’s why after you fall into a deep sleep, you don’t feel Obi-Wan’s presence at your door before he knocks, softly, almost as if he doesn’t want you to hear it.
You know its him as soon as you open your eyes, able to recognise his energy anywhere, but when he says your name, you throw the blanket off and move to open the door.
Dull lights from the hallway don’t show you any emotions on his face. It has to be the middle of the night. His hair is out of place and he looks so unlike himself. He is almost always put together, in his robes and armed with his lightsaber, but he stands in front of you in just a few layers and no weapon to be seen.
“Wh- What are you doing?” He shifts his weight onto the other leg and finally looks at you.
“I needed to see you. The council held me all day. May I?” He motions to behind you. Was he asking to come in to your room, at three in the morning? After what has just happened?
“I don’t know if thats a good idea, considering.” Your voice is small. The truth is that you do want him to come in, more than you’ve wanted anything. To have him in close quarters, all to yourself - it’s what you’ve wanted for years, and you hate that you have to sound even slightly hesitant.
“If you don’t want to see me, I understand. I’ll go.” He steps backwards and your hand shoots forward to grab the wrist of his robe before you can think.
“No! I do.” Damn, you folded fast under those puppy dog eyes he was giving you. You step out, looking left and right. The hallway is completely empty, and you dont have long before the skeleton crew of night guards come back through on their rotation. “Come.”
He moves swiftly past you and closes the door behind him, you going to sit on the edge of your bed. You sigh, trying to get a hold of the swirling array of emotion twisting in your stomach. It felt similar to wanting to puke. On one hand you want to scream at him, demand him to answer for the way he acted, or rather didn’t act in the council meeting.
On the other, you want to take advantage of this time. You have already lost the one thing that kept you from admitting your feelings to him, what more could you lose? You don’t get a chance to decide, because he speaks first, standing in front of you.
“I wanted to apologise. The way that I behaved today - it was cowardly. I should have spoken sooner.” You were nodding, but when he says sooner you look up at him and tilt your head. “When the council dismissed you, I felt the true consequence of my actions. I ordered a reconsideration.”
That makes your eyes widen a little. The thought of the Obi-Wan Kenobi arguing with the entire council on your behalf makes the heat in your cheeks heavier, and you look away, hoping he can’t sense it.
“A reconsideration?” You repeat, and he nods.
“Yes. I was afraid I may of found my bearings too late, but I explained how your actions were only fuelled by your respect for me, and that you would have done the same for any council member had they been in my place. I know how much you respect the order and your superiors, and I told them as much. We have a… unique connection, something other people might not completely comprehend. I explained as best I could.” You blink, trying to take in every word, but you are stuck on the first part. Your actions weren’t fuelled by respect. Your heart acted before your mind did, and he had just lied to the council for you, because he knew it too.
“I find it hard to imagine you had anything to say, considering you stayed so silent during the three hours of my own hearing.” Anger bubbles up your chest at his dismissing statement, and he rubs his hands over his face.
“I apologise. I was - not in the right mind to speak. I was afraid I would only make the situation worse.” His voice shakes slightly as he stops talking.
“So, you lied.” 
“I did not lie. You deserve your place, on the battle field and on that council one day. I will not let this incident ruin your career. Not over something like this.” The unsaid words hang in the air, thick as smoke.
Not over me.
“You did lie. You told them I did it out of respect.” You can’t look at him, nerves starting to break up that anger you felt as his voice gets softer. He says your name again, and you take a deep breath, preparing yourself for his response.
“I also told them about what I did. You are not the only one who acted on instinct. I was unprepared; arrogant even. I should have listened to you.” You scoff and shake your head. “Tell me how I can make this right.”
“Look, whats done is done. Thank you for speaking in my favour, but the council has made up their minds.” Defeated, and convinced you weren’t going to hear what you so desperately wanted to hear, you move further away from him on the bed and let your back rest against the wall. He was quiet for a moment, letting you sigh and sink into the wall. Maybe he thought you were going to continue - he seemed to be anticipating something. After a while, though, he starts to fidget and shifts his weight to the other side again.
“I know you have more to say to me. Argue with me; yell at me, if you must. Just speak to me.” He finally speaks. You dont remember ever seeing him this unsteady. You sigh again and find his eyes, already looking at you, pleading.
“You threw yourself at me. You would have died today if I hadn’t thrown that explosive. Do you really expect me to believe you also did that out of respect for the Jedi?” His face doesn’t change, he doesn’t even move. “Because I didn’t. I didn’t think about the Jedi, or the information on those computers. I wasn’t even thinking about myself. I thought of you. I wanted to save you.” The confession sheds a weight of your shoulders you didn’t even know you were carrying, and your mouth is suddenly dry as Obi-Wan continues to stare at you. He goes to speak and his voice cracks, so he swallows hard and tries again.
“I wanted to save you too.” You think you stopped breathing. “If you had gone in first, you would have.... It would have been my fault. I couldn’t bare it; to lose you would destroy everything.” Your eyebrows furrow together and you slide off the bed, standing only a few steps from him.
“Destroy your plan to get me on the council?” 
“It would destroy me.” You see it beginning to crack; the fragile glass ceiling that kept your deepest secrets below. You suck in a breath as his voice cracks and he keeps talking somehow. “What you said, about lying to the council. You are right. You know I respect you as a general, and I want all those things I spoke about for you. I want to provide that for you. To think you would lose that because of me - it couldn’t happen.”
It couldn’t happen.
This, the heat swirling in between you in the dimly lit room, it couldn’t happen. It would mean the destruction of both of your lives, and you knew that. You never expected him to say any of this in front of the council, but a small part of you dared to hope he would say it to you. 
“I understand.” Your head drops, and you see his hand rise up, and a finger coming underneath your chin. Your breath hitches as he gently brings your face back up to his, the warmth of his skin a welcomed return. This was it. The crossing of the invisible line. It felt so much easier to do now that you were here. You resist the urge to press into his touch.
“I lied to the council, but I am not sure how much longer I can lie to myself.” His eyes search yours for any sign of confusion, or resentment, or anything other than the heavy longing that has been building over years and years of close proximity. However, its you who hesitates this time, although you dont pull away.
“Obi, this - I won’t let you risk your position for this. Mine is already at threat, we can’t - I know what the order means to you. I couldn’t - ”
“Had you said the words, I would have left the Jedi Order.” Your heart flutters and your stomach drops. Left? “I nearly lost you yesterday and I - I don’t know what to do. How can I continue on this path when I feel this way? The one thing that feels right - how can it be viewed as so wrong?” You step towards him this time, wanting to be closer.
“You mean you-”
“When I threw myself over you yesterday, it was because I couldn’t imagine living in this galaxy if you were not by my side. You are the only thing worth more than this. Any of this. I want - truely, I want to serve the republic - the planets, bring aid and peace where I can and protect those who cannot fend for themselves. It is all I’ve wanted my entire life. I never knew I could- that I would want anything else- until I met you.” You bring your hand to cover his own on your face, and he closes his eyes when your hands thread together.
“You won’t have to leave this behind. I swear. I’ll talk to the council, admit it was my fault. We can figure this out, together.” You can’t compute his confession, not yet, not when he’s going down this road of throwing everything he’s worked for out the vat - for you.
“You will do no such thing.” Your face is screwed up with worry and your anxiety of the danger of confessing your feelings is creeping up, but you feel his energy mixing with your own, and he is so calm and steady it makes your hands stop shaking.
“I care for you, too. A little too much, I think.” He smiles for the first time in days, absorbing the heat of your words and letting them sink into his skin. “We- we just need time. We can figure this out. Let this whole thing settle down first.” You nod at your own plan and hold his hand tighter to your face, not wanting the contact to end.
“Whatever you want, I will make sure of it. I will not silence myself again, I swear it.” You smile this time, and his thumb comes to run over your bottom lip. His eyes widen with the contact, as if he’s surprised by his own actions.
“I know why you did now. You didn’t want them to think it was true. Because you already knew how I felt about you, didn’t you?” You smile a little and he mirrors it.
“You were never all that proficient at hiding how you feel. It took everything in me to cover your anger during the session.” You think of how he was so concentrated, looking almost in pain as he watched you in silence. “But yes, I have known of your feelings for a while, although I wasn’t sure if they were aimed at me.” You step forward again, and you can feel his chest against yours, robes brushing your bare arms.
“How long?”
“A few months. My own - affections, however, have been stirring for quite longer, if I am honest with myself.” He almost sounds ashamed, and you want to punch every single council member for making him feel that way.
“If it makes you feel better, I have definitely had a crush on you for longer than that.” He breaths out a laugh, and you feel it on your cheeks. 
“Is that so?” You loved this side of him, teasing and lighthearted. It was rarer these days, but it made you feel warm inside that he let you see it.
“Don’t let it go to your head.” You roll your eyes and grin at him, and he closes the distance between you. He doesn’t kiss you, but he’s close enough that if you stuck your chin out just a fraction, your lips would touch. Your legs feel like jelly and you are sure he can feel how nervous you are through the energy you must be putting out, but you never hide it. Not from him. You hear him swallow, and you keep your eyes closed.
Just in case.
“I don’t know what this is.” He says, his honesty making you feel a lot more at ease. Neither of you have any idea how to play this, of what is too far. All you know is how badly you want him to kiss you.
“Neither do I.” He nods and leans his forehead to yours. Now all you would have to do is tilt your head, and you could finally feel him against you how you have wanted to all these years. “We can just- go slow. Okay?”
“Slow.” He says and you can feel him sigh, and then he moves. He tilts his head. You stay deadly still, afraid to scare him off. As much as you both are completely inexperienced, you are pretty sure he has less an idea than you do. You were 19 when he found you, and didn’t become a Jedi until two years after, so you had some time to experiment in that department, but from what you know, Obi-Wan has been dedicated since childhood - something you admire about him.
His breathing picks up and his lips brush against yours. He was right there, all you had to do was move. He makes a small sound in the back of his throat and you cant contain yourself anymore. You move your head to capture his mouth in yours.
The kiss is as perfect as any first kiss you could imagine. It was sweet, no tongue, just slow, simple movements as you both explore the feeling of each other. His free hand comes to your hip on instinct, pressing you harder against him. He clearly wasn’t prepared for his own action again, a moan of surprise vibrating against your lips as your bodies come together. You move both of your arms around his neck, one tangling in his messy hair.
As you start to find a rhythm, the hand on your hip gets tighter, needing you to be closer, to touch more of him. You need it too, and as much as you wanted to rip his clothes off right now, your sense of urgency is dulled by the unknown of if this would ever happen again, so you were going to be as slow and explorative as possible. 
You swipe your tongue along his bottom lip, and you feel him jolt a little under the movement. It sends warmth through your entire body to know how affected he is by you, and it only makes you want to give him more. You owed everything to him, your entire life, and you wanted to show him just how much you appreciated him. 
He opens up to you and you slide into his mouth, the feeling of him moving against you making you moan. The sound mades him tense, and he gets a little more desperate with his movements, kissing you a little harder and walking to back you up against the bed. You spin and push him back, and his legs give out so he sits on the edge.
He looks up at you, chest heaving. He extends his arms and you take the hint, straddling him and bringing your mouth back to his. Both of his hands stay off your ass, one coming back on your hip, which you think he likes because he can create the tiniest amount of friction between you, the other resting on the small of your back. You keep your arms around his neck and he twists his head a little, inching your hand back up into his hair. You smile a little and oblige him, twisting your fingers through the soft strands. 
You start to feel him harden underneath you, but you don’t want to push him. Instead, you just follow the grip on your hip and start to move when he does, grinding against him ever so slightly. He moans instantly, a deep, low sound that vibrates to your bones. You do it again, and he gasps, so you tear your lips away from him to let him breath. His mouth chases yours and you giggle.
“I don’t think I will ever get enough of that.” He murmurs as he kisses your nose. You roll your hips again and his spine straightens, capturing your lips in another kiss. “Or that.”
“So greedy.” He laughs and kisses you again, and you can tell he’s not really sure where to go from here as his grip begins to loosen on your hip. “Have you ever..?”
He shakes his head, and drops his forehead to your chest. You let the tips of your fingers lightly scrape against his scalp and he ‘hmms’ under his breath, enjoying the sensation but also hiding from you.
“Thats okay. We don’t have to do anything. I just want to be with you right now. Whatever that means.” He looks up and kisses you again. You know what this would mean, the final nail in the coffin for him.
Technically, its the emotional connection that the Jedi do not allow. The physical side of things is not forbidden, as long as there is no relationship, although most Jedi observe celibacy as a general rule. You have since you met him, it would have been impossible for you to have one without the other. 
The movement of your hips is not the problem for him, though. It’s the fact that you both know there is more here than just a physical attraction. You admitted it. This would be breaking the code.
You only care right now if he does.
“I want- Maker. I want to. This is-“ He talks and cuts himself off by kissing you, never finishing a sentence. You look up and laugh and he just kisses your throat, turning to kiss your neck when you look to the side. You stop laughing when you feel his arms wrap around you tighter and a slight scrape of his teeth against the spot that makes you shiver. He pulls back to look at you, and then does it again, kissing and scraping his teeth, biting experimentally.
You can tell he’s enjoying it, and he spends a while moving himself up and down your neck, finding all the little places that make you gasp and hum.
“Oh, Obi. Shit.” Your head drops to his shoulder and your hips start to move on their own. He keeps kissing your neck, starting to suck and bite in the spot he seems to have deemed his favourite. He moans against your skin, and a small fire in the pit of your stomach sparks and warms your entire body. You pull on his hair again, and his hips buck slightly.
“This is okay?” He says against you and you nod and roll your hips again.
“Yes. Yes.” He continues, and that same shiver goes up your spine.
“You are so soft.” His nose drags along your throat and your mouth drops open.
“Can I- Can I touch you?” You ask desperately and he pulls away from your skin, nudging your head up to find your eyes.
“You want to?” He seems genuinely curious, and you nod. Your hands come to his chest and you slide them up to his shoulders, bringing the two layers of robes off his shoulders slowly, giving him ample time to stop you. He helps to pull them off, and then you bring his hands to your shirt. His eyes widen a little at the thought, but you see him try to regain composure.
“Do you want to?” He grabs the hem of your shirt and fists the material.
“Please.” He breaths out and pulls your shirt over your head slowly, goosebumps appearing where his fingertips brush your skin. When the shirt finally comes off he lets his eyes trail along your now exposed skin, just a small bralette holding you from him. You lean back a little so both of his hands can find your ribs, and they run strong lines up and down your sides.
“So soft.” He repeats and you begin to melt into his lap.
You bring your hands to the hem of his shirt, and he clearly is not as patient as you, his own coming over the top and whipping the shirt over his head. You have seen him without his shirt before, sometimes after training he would tear it off before he disappears into his room and you would get a glimpse of his back, but now you were up close and could look as much as you want.
He was built; bigger than he looks under all those robes, and you run your hands over the hard muscle, wanting to remember the feeling of every inch. He keeps one hand on your rib cage and brings the other to your chin to kiss you again.
“You are beautiful.” He whispers, and your heart sparks at the compliment.
“So are you.” You return and he smiles into the kiss. Your hand finds the hem of his pants, fingertips dancing along the seam and he sucks in a deep breath. “We don’t have to do anything. Tell me if you want to stop, okay?”
“Have you done this? Before.” As much as you want to tell him no if only to make him relax, you can’t lie to him. You nod your head.
“Not for a while. Not since I met you.” This sparks something in his eye, and you would never have picked him for a possessive guy, but it seems he likes the idea of him being the reason you haven’t.
“I have not. I am not sure I know-“
“Anything you do is perfect. Just relax, okay? Let me make you feel good.” He tilts his head as you slide off him, and sits up a little to come with you. You just stop him with your hands on his thighs, and slip your fingers into the waistline of his pants.
You aren’t sure how you manage to be so patient with the way he’s looking at you - eyes wide and bottom lip between his teeth, but you wait. Wait for him to say stop, or to bring you back into his lap and change the direction. He does neither, and you pull ever so slightly, revealing skin you’ve never seen before. You tilt your head up at him and he just nods repeatedly, moving his hips in a silent plea.
“Oh, Maker. What do I d-” With another deep breath, his eyes flutter closed and then back open, trying to figure out if he wants to watch or just feel you. You slide his pants down a little more and you can see how hard he is already. You look up at him again, and he’s staring so intently that you feel he would have said something if he wanted you to stop. His energy is warm around you, like nothing you’ve ever felt and it is full of curiosity and heat. You pull his pants down past his knees.
Sliding in between his legs you bring your face closer to his length, and your breath is hot against his skin. His pants drop to his ankles and he quickly kicks them off.
You start slow, placing a kiss to the inside of his thigh, and his hips jolt in response. You laugh breathlessly, and decide there will be plenty of time to tease him later.
You were going to make this so good for him that he will never be able to think of anything else when he looks at you.
You start at his head, kissing him gently. Then, finding his eyes you lick a long stripe up him from base to tip. He strangles a moan, and his eyes never leave you as you take the tip of him into your mouth and suck gently.
“I-oh maker. Fuck.” You can see the way every part of his body relaxes under your manipulation, and a rush of heat floods your body. Something about Obi-Wan swearing, coming undone because of you makes your own arousal begin to grow, but you try to focus all your energy on him. You stay there for a while, gently sucking and letting your tongue swipe over him, enjoying the little moans he makes every time you do so.
When your sure he’s relaxed, you look up at him again and spit, bringing your hand up to coat his length, making it as wet as you can. His eyes roll back at the image, and every time your hand works him his hips buck to meet you.
You take him into your mouth and hollow your cheeks, letting him fuck your face as much as he wants. He was acting off pure instinct, it’s still slow and a little uncertain but he starts to go a little deeper when he feels you moan around his length, a wordless plea for him to take what he needs. A hand finds your hair, not to push you down but just to hold, a reminder of where he is. The other arm supports his weight as he no longer holds himself up, and you pull off of him after a few strokes, saliva coating your mouth.
“How does it feel?” His eyes are squeezed shut and his abs are flexing so hard he almost looks like he’s in pain. You don’t know why it didn’t occur to you before, but he’s probably also never had an orgasm. It makes you want to work even harder, make him feel even better, so you take him back inside your mouth before he answers.
“So go-ah! So good. Stars- You feel so good. How are you so good?” He’s completely lost in his own pleasure and it makes you feel all tingly in your stomach. You try to keep your eyes on him and work him faster, grip him harder as you push to get him over the edge. You keep pumping him in your hand as your mouth comes off him to catch your breath for a second.
“I can make you feel so much better.” You take him back into your mouth, and the sounds of him inside of you are only muffled by how loud he is, moaning your name and strangled cries every time he hits the back of your throat. Small tears start to form in your eyes but you keep going, every sound he makes only making you feel hotter. You can feel him everywhere - and when you start to take him as deep as you can, he hits the back of your throat once and he shudders.
“Wait! St-stop. Wait.” Immediately you pull off him, and you can see how fucking close he was, the tip of him leaking pre cum and his entire body shaking.
“What’s wrong? Are you ok?” He nods, trying to catch his breath. You wipe your mouth with your thumb, and slip it into your mouth wanting to savour the taste of him.
“Something feels - strange. I don’t know wh-” He’s breathing so hard it takes him a moment to get the words out in a way you understand - but you know. You know exactly what he’s going to say, and save him from his clear embarrassment when you lean up to whisper on his ear.
“Good strange? Or bad?”
“I can’t- good. Overwhelming; I can’t feel a-anything else.” He sounds a little worried, but the pleasure is evident in how he drags out his words. He’s worried because he can’t feel the familiar safety of the Force when his mind goes blank.
“It’s- it’s okay. I promise. Relax, okay? I’m right there with you.” He nods rapidly and even though he’s noticeably a little nervous his body scoots further off the edge, closer to your mouth. You smile and lean in, and he instantly falls right back into his building orgasm.
You work him hard and fast, swirling your tongue and taking him as deep as you can. He gets louder as you get quicker, and you can’t help but moan around him as he thrusts into you with less composure.
“Hol- yes, that’s- right there oh gods-“ His entire body shakes as he cums in your mouth. His orgasm takes all the strength in his body and he falls back, arm giving out as he flops onto the bed. He says your name over and over and it’s like it hits him in waves, you just keep pumping him into your mouth and taking whatever he gives you. His abs are flexing every time you take him into the back of your throat and the slight reaction as he stops moaning your name makes you slow down.
His hand comes over his abdomen and you watch as he begins to come back to his body, the rise and fall of his chest becoming a little more even as you slide him out of your mouth.
“Come here.” He says, his voice so low and thick that you move faster than you thought possible. You come up next to him, and gasp as his hands find your wrists and he pins you against the bed, both of you vertical on the bed and your head perfectly centre on the pillows. He looks over you, completely naked and kisses you deeply, his tongue sliding into your mouth. He was a quick learner. The taste of him is still on your tongue, and the mixture of his mouth makes your head spin.
“Was that okay?” You ask under him and he presses a short kiss to your lips and then laughs.
“You are joking, right? That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt.” You blush at the way he looks at you, completely enamoured. “I want to make you feel like that.” You freeze and all the blood in your body rushed to your core. A look of determination you’ve seen from training covers his expression.
“You don’t have to, don’t feel like ob-“
“Let me make you feel good.” He purrs your words from earlier in your ear and your eyes flutter closed as he pulls your pants down your legs. He leaves your underpants on, and shifts so his body is between your legs. He hangs above you, and the way his eyes drop down to your underwear and slowly work their way back up to your face makes you feel hot all over. He stays like that, above you as he does something you can only describe as admiring you.
One of his hands brushes over your stomach, fingers tracing aimless lines along your skin. You try to stay as still as possible, but the way he looks at you, how he runs his hands so so close to the hem of your underwear, and then slide away to explore somewhere else. It isn’t long until your squirming underneath him.
“Please, Obi-Wan.” He blinks a couple times, focusing back on what he was doing.
“Sorry. Your beautiful.” He leans down to press a kiss to your stomach, and then copies what you did to him, moving down your body, kissing your thighs and it making your back arch. “Show me.”
“Wh-what do you want to do?” He looks up at you and, after seeing you smile at him encouragingly, slowly drags your underpants down your legs, making sure his fingertips touch all the exposed skin they can on the way. Then he lays down between your legs, and looks up at you, awaiting instruction. “Fuck. O-okay.”
You open your legs a little more and let your hand tangle in his hair. He leans into that touch, and he ‘hmms’ again as you run your fingertips through it. He kisses your thighs again, and his tongue darts out to lick the skin there a little bit. You realise he’s still waiting.
“Just- anything. Please touch me.”
“Hmm. You never were a good teacher.” Your jaw drops open and you laugh without making a sound, way too distracted with how sexy he looks between your legs.
“Give me your hand.” He does as you ask, and you run his hand down over your stomach. His hands are softer than you thought, and when you bring one of his fingers over your clit, you let out a long moan of his name.
You show him how you would touch yourself, but somehow it feels a hundred times better with his hand. He follows your motions and you let go, fisting the blankets as he copies you. It takes him a moment but he never takes his eyes off you, watching as each time he touches you right your body reacts, and faster than you were prepared for he starts to build a perfect pattern.
“Like this?” He applies more pressure and you arch further off the bed. Of course he would be a fast learner. You feel him move closer, his breath hot on your arousal. You nod frantically and moan in a loud, long release. “What about this?”
“Oh fuck! Yes, just like that!” He flicks his tongue over your clit. You don’t remember a time you’ve been this sensitive so fast, but then again you’ve never had someone as incredible as Obi-Wan Kenobi between your legs. He swirls his tongue in the same pattern he was creating with his fingers and the feeling intensifies, your nerve endings buzzing with pleasure.
“Need more. Wanna feel you.” You break out between gasps and he unfortunately takes his expert mouth off you to answer.
“Okay, darling. Show me, okay?” He brings his hand up again and you quickly bring two of his fingers into your mouth and suck on them. He never takes his eyes of you, the image of you sucking his cock earlier surely running through his mind. You run his hand back down and guide them to your entrance and he slides them into you.
“Move them- oh, shit - up. Just a little.” You prop yourself up on your forearms but your head drops back as he curls his fingers inside you, and you practically sob when he does it again while returning his mouth to your clit.
He starts slow, and you are too enveloped in your own pleasure to give him instructions, but it’s like he reads your body. You both work so in sync with each other on the battle field and in meetings, it makes sense he would be able to give you exactly what you were so desperate for without having to speak. He can feel every time he does in the right way, when his tongue and his fingers sync up, and he chases the form every time.
Once he figures out a pattern that makes you squirm he goes faster. The pace makes your eyes roll in the back of your head thinking about how good he makes you, and only you, feel.
“Right there. Oh m-“ He takes your clit into his mouth and sucks. If you thought he was loud, you were definitely louder as you cry out, begging him not to stop.
“So- stars; so pretty.” He says and you can feel the heat of his words on your wetness. “And so wet. For me?”
“Yes. Always for you.” He groans and goes faster and faster, his entire mouth exploring the taste of you while still hitting that spot that makes you cry out.
“So fucking warm. Thought about this - feel perfect.” The lewdness of his words make your legs begin to shake and you can’t see - can’t feel anything but the earth shattering sensation filling every part of your body.
Pleasure builds faster than ever and you can’t prepare for how hard you cum in his mouth. Everything flashes in sparkles of heat and melts your mind until you can’t think - pulling his hair and riding his face through your pleasure.
Your leg muscles were sore already and you manage to open your eyes to see your thighs have seized up around his head, keeping him in place. He doesn’t seem to mind, and although he has taken his fingers out of you his mouth remains, aimlessly tasting you seemingly for his own enjoyment. He has no idea the effect he’s having on you, and his tongue brushes over your clit occasionally, the overstimulation making your lungs burn.
“Oh Maker. Obi please come here.” You say, and your shakey legs drop open from his head. He looks up at you, and takes a final taste of your pussy before crawling up your body, kissing you.
“You taste sweet.” He whispers into your mouth. There’s something about how dirty the words are mixed with how proper and polite he always is that makes your legs shake for a different reason, and you pull him down next to you, curling your body into his.
“You are amazing.” It’s his turn to blush, and you see a little red come across his cheeks in the dim light of the room.
“Hardly in comparison, my love.” Your heart is slamming in your ears. That was your favourite nickname, you think. He brushes the hair out of your face, a finger tucking it behind your ear so he can see you better.
“Can you stay?” He shouldn’t. You know he shouldn’t, because if anyone sees him leaving tomorrow everything you both said at the council meeting will be worthless.
“Of course I will stay. As long as you want me to.” You smile into his neck as you bury your face there.
“I want you all the time.”
“Then I will stay all the time.” You both smile, enjoying the simplicity of this moment, knowing it will not last.
“We don’t have to talk about it right now, okay?” You can sense his worry - and you are relieved you sense no regret like you were so sure he would feel. His muscles relax under your words and he nods, pulling your back against his chest so you can feel his slowing heart beat. Somehow - as if it was possible, you feel more connected to him that before. Your energies were always intertwined, but now it’s like they were fused. You could still tell who was who, and they could be taken apart, but together they formed something greater - stronger; and you knew he could feel it too.
You both fall asleep soon after, knowing tomorrow will bring forward a thousand new challenges, with a million new consequences.
You don’t care.
The world could burn down around you, and you would happily watch it, as long as you could do so in his arms. There will be nothing they can take, nothing they can say that will diminish how you feel, and no Jedi Order could convince either of you that what you felt for each other was wrong.
If anything, it made you stronger, and maybe one day you could prove it to them.
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xbunnybunz · 2 years
Sticky Situation [Wolf Keum X Reader]
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Summary: You make the mistake of thinking Wolf Keum had any sense of fine-motor skill.
Genre: Romance, Humor
Author's Note: Sorry I was gone so long! I'm back in business people, and here's a cute little oneshot as penance. Thanks for the support, enjoy the read!
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“Shit. Dammit. This thing is so fucking sticky!”
You lean closer to the mirror and nearly press your eyeball against it, peering at your lashline.
False eyelashes were hot and sexy until you had to take them off.
“Ah, I really cant afford to just rip it off again like last time. I lost 5 real eyelashes like that…” You mutter to yourself, brows furrowing.
You blink at your reflection and try grasping at the end of the lash, but the proximity makes it hard to focus and you fail miserably each time.
Just when your frustrations are mounting, you see Wolf sauntering into the kitchen out of the corner of your eye.
Perfect timing.
“Wolf? Can you come here for a sec?”
You’re still gouging at your eyes when he stalks over to your room, peering curiously at your hunched over form.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m trying to remove my false eyelashes. I got one off, but I can’t get a grip on the other one. Do you think you can help me?”
You straighten up and bat your lashes at him, attempting to use covert womanly charms to subdue him and accomplish your menial task. Unsurprisingly, it does not work given you looked like a one-eyed circus donkey.
“Holy fuck,” He snorts, his lip twitching upwards. “You look so dumb.”
You roll your eyes and turn back to the mirror. “Seriously? Eat shit.”
Wolf sighs and grabs your arm, pulling you closer.
“I was kidding. What do you need me to do?”
Your face flushes and you cough, tugging your arm away from him.
“Just… Grab the eyelash and peel it off.”
He places a large hand on your shoulder, leaning in the inspect the eyelash in question.
“Is that it?” His breath fans across your face, hot and warm.
You gulp.
His amber eyes narrow a bit, shuffling a bit closer now and you can’t help opposing his movements, shyly maintaining a modest distance.
“Hey, stop moving.” He mutters, then presses a palm against your back—to which you nearly have a stroke and die on the spot.
“Sorry.” You squeak, eyes diverted, counting the scratches on the hardwood floor.
He doesn’t respond, only furrowing his eyebrows in concentration.
“This one?” He points at the culprit and you nod, unable to speak without sounded hoarse.
“Alright, hold still.” He mumbles, moving his hand closer to your face and holy shit he is giving off so much warmth it’s driving you insane.
He presses the back of his hand against your cheek to angle your face towards the light, which also unfortunately means you’ve got front row tickets to Wolf Keum’s face.
You watch your own reflection in his glasses as he draws near, breath shaky and heartbeat pulsing in your throat.
You feel the faint sensation of fingers grazing your eyelashes and squeeze your eyes shut, unable to stare at him for much longer.
There’s a strange ripping sound as the eyelash detaches from your face.
“Fuck.” He hisses.
Your hand flies to your eye and all at once, the butterflies you felt in your stomach drop cold and dead to your feet.
“Oh my god, Wolf. What did you do?”
Wolf releases you, staring at the false and not-so-false eyelashes between his fingers with a mix of disgust and rapt fascination.
“I told you not to move, why’d you close your eyes?” He asks, but you refuse to answer him because of how stupid and embarrassing your thoughts had gotten the moment he laid hands on you.
“Oh, forget it.” You stutter.
You feel at your eyes. “Is it bad?”
He looks at you and his expression is all the incentive you need to rush frantically to the mirror, clutching at it like it’ll give you your eyelashes back.
“Oh, hell no.”
Wolf carefully approaches and sticks the false eyelash to your cheek.
“I’m… Gonna go now.”
He sneaks off as you stare at your reflection.
Hey, look on the bright side. This means more false eyelashes and more of whatever the fuck that was, right?
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delicrieux · 3 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
y/n is back in brooklyn for the holidays. thinking that a stream will make her feel less homesick for cali, she starts working on her famously titled hentai.free.srv. what was supposed to be a relaxing stream turns into a special delivery about two hours in.
─── corpse husband x reader ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 2.2k ─── ❥ req: Here's one... You know those apps for delivery like Domino's or whatnot... What if reader is streaming Among Us with Corpse, and reader mentions they're hungry and Corpse offers to order them food, and readers like no no it's fine... Then there's delivery at the door (Corpse ordered beforehand) 
author’s note: fucky format is also back in town baby!!! also if you find any mistakes - no u didnt <3 thank u everyone for enjoying this story sm i literally cant believe how feral yall going strawberry cow was a nuclear explosion im still recovering tbh. got an ask a while ago and decided to incorporate it into myso. happy holidays everyone! myso will continue on monday!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.  ҉   next.
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Indeed, being soft on any social media platform was the biggest disgrace and needed to be eliminated post haste. Moreover, it was a slippery slope - once you start flooding your timeline with cute imagery and heart emojis, what will stop you from posting inspirational Facebook quotes? Disgusting. If Rae were here, she would chide you (not you thinking about her as if she’s dead or something). For once in your life, you feel like you deserve it. 
Alas, you hope this little chaos you’ve caused is enough to throw everyone off. The stans, especially. You know the hashtags, you’ve seen ARMY scourging for info online with the same fervor and ruthlessness 1 Direction fans hacked airport security cameras just to spy on the boys. If you had any dirty secrets online, they are out to the public now - thankfully, besides the Harry Styles stan account (with edits and all), you have nothing. Though, now that you think about it, exposed nudes would have been better than your Punk!Harry edit receiving almost a million views. God, your life’s a fucking mess.
Your fans aren’t the only ones out for info - you, too, are trying to decipher Rae’s message. Code: Barbecue Sauce. The two of you had come up with it roughly two years ago, around the same time when you promised that if you didn’t find significant others by the time you’re 40, you’ll just marry each other. It was one of the many rules found in your friendship codex. Barbecue Sauce signifies information - an exchange of information. And depending on how it ends or begins (”So I’m sitting there” alludes to Rae, “On my titties” alludes to you), secret data on that person is given away, usually free of charge. 
But why? And to whom did Rae give away what? You had pestered her mercilessly and even sent some voice messages where you were crying. You were only crying because of a video of a grandpa smiling you saw on TikTok, but you are a snake, and so you put those tears to good use. If streaming doesn’t work out, you’ll just become an actress. Hollywood would love you. Your PR firm sure as fuck wouldn’t, though.
Rae was having none of it. She said you’ll figure it out eventually. Told you to channel your superior puzzle skills. You were quick to remind her that you can barely count to ten without having an aneurysm. Oddly serious, she admitted that she worries for you sometimes. Why only sometimes?! you demanded. She merely sighed. uttering under her breath something that sounded closely to “Boke.”
You leave her for barely a week and she’s already neck deep in the gay volleyball anime, hoodie and cardboard cutout and everything. Your life is falling apart.
But Brooklyn is nice. It had snowed when you stepped off of the plane. Thousands of snowflakes sprinkling into your hair, dotting your cheeks and nose. You missed this sight back in Cali. You missed your parents, too. 
Home cooked meals, old sweaters, your old room and about 40GB worth of old high school pictures on your computer. You went through them all one night. Some were stomach churning, cringe inducing nightmares. You were especially fond of those. Texted some of your friends that were still in Brooklyn, met up, decided to bake. Bad idea, Rae was the resident chef back in Cali. Besides laughing till your stomach hurt, and almost burning down your kitchen, nothing all that significant happened. Somewhere down the line, at about 3 am, half-way through a cheesy rom-com you had the overwhelming urge to text Corpse.
That’s where the problems really started. God, you missed California, missed being in the same timezone with a guy you hadn’t even met yet, how embarrassing is that?! You missed skating around and taking pictures of the beach in the setting sun, sending it to him, silently wishing he was with you to admire the view. 
You really want to call him. And to hang out with him. But for some reason, the thought of that springs up immediate anxiety and you shy away from asking. Him sending you cute good morning texts doesn’t help, either. Maybe it’s better he doesn’t know that you’re a blushing, stuttering mess each time you read “baby”. 
Late evening. Your stream is already set up, people are slowly trickling in and you greet them with a grin and a soft “Hello! Hi hi!”. You did your best to make your room a perfectly chaotic backdrop - led lights, an embarrassing amount of anime merch and plushies. You always try to balance out your weeb side by dressing hot as fuck for your streams - today’s inspiration just so happens to be egirls. Mostly because you watched one too many egirl make-up tutorials on TikTok, and also because you’ve been listening to Corpse’s song all day.
Yeah, no, who are you kidding, you dressed up this way because you were hoping Corpse was watching your stream. You didn’t forget your cat headphones, either. You know he likes them. You want to make him suffer. Perhaps then, finally, he will ask you out, so you wouldn’t have to.
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“I feel like,” You start when you put away your phone, staring idly at the chat, “I feel like I need a new name for you guys. Calling you guys after two years of streaming is just... weird, no? I also don’t respect men so I don’t want to call you guys. Like, so many creator’s have, like, a name for their fans. Uhm, Cody Ko has the chodesters, Kurtis Conner has, uh, folks? Kurtis Town? Citizens! Markiplier has mommy issues--” You can’t help snorting, “So, I’ve been, like, thinking - I know, shocking! - so I was thinking I’m gonna name you cockroaches. Because you’re grimy little shits impossible to kill. And also then I can use the legendary Minaj meme ROACHES!”
Your stream enthusiastically echoes ROACHES, making the chat swim. Yes, if anyone would enjoy such a name, it would be your audience. You’re as equally proud as you are disturbed.
“Well, anyway.” Leaning back into your chair, you throw your arms out with a bright grin, “Big dick is back in town, baby! If you noticed the backdrops different, it’s cuz I’m in Brooklyn now. Don’t ask me when I will return to Always Sunny, I don’t plan that far ahead.”
While Minecraft boots up, you decide to answer a few questions.
r u dating sykkuno?
You want to smack your head into the keyboard, but as it is, you can’t exactly afford a new one, so you refrain, “No, Sykkuno and I are not dating, we are just good friends. Uhm, I’m not sure how much I’ll have to repeat this, but, we really aren’t, so if the roaches could chill - Oh my God, that sounds so stupid, I love it - uh, yeah, if the roaches could chill that’d be great.”
the roaches lmao sounds like we’re a sports team
“Oh shit, yeah it does, uh-- maybe I can make like, jerseys or something. That’d be cool, I think.”
how disappointed are your parents with the way your life turned out?
“My parents are actually not disappointed at all!” You say with a cute little smile, “Uhm, they’re both really proud, actually. They’re glad I found something I love doing and made a job outta it. Dad finds my Youtube videos endearing. Yes, they watch pretty much all of my videos, unless I explicitly tell them not to. And yeah, with all the fucks and thirsting for anime characters. Uhm, it was very embarrassing at first, but I mean, after a while, shame just...doesn’t exist anymore, I guess? Funny thing about my parents, actually, when they watch my videos-” You eye catches a comment, “Oh! No, they only watch my Youtube videos. They don’t know how to use Twitter, thank God. Uhm, anyway-- when they hear a name they don’t know, like, I dunno, Dabi, or something, they google--” You’re grinning by now, eyes crinkling, giggling softly, “--who that is, and buy me like, merch and stuff. It’s really cute. 
can i be adopted by ur parents plz
will you and corpse ever collab?!
You were about to answer, though the man of the hour himself decides to do it for you.
Corpse_Husband: yes.
Okay, not to say your heart skipped a beat, but it totally did. With a pleased smile, you nod, like one of those bobble head toys sold at the dollar store. The motion is oddly reminiscent of Sykkuno’s own nod. Perhaps you had picked it up from him. The chat seems to notice.
pack it up, sykkuno
More questions pile about this mysterious collab you and Corpse are planning. Yeah, you’d like to hear more about it, too, since he single highhandedly decided one was happening right now. Corpse remains silent. Fine, keep your secrets. 
“Okay, guys, oh, I mean, roaches, Oh my God--” You’re covering your mouth, giggling, “-calling all roaches, calling all roaches, calm down. Everyone grab a snack and a blanket I’m turning up the music volume so we can all chill. Entering chill zone. Entering chill zone. Roaches, prepare.”
we are prepared
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An hour or so passes and you grow hungry. It shows with the amount of cakes you had baked in your server. Currently, you find yourself throwing eggs at the wall of one of the renovated houses, your face scrunched in concentration and slight frustration. 24 of the 50 eggs have been wasted. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some chicks around here?” you had uttered under your breath, until, finally, a screech - the egg finally spawns a mob. Your mouth falls open, “Aww, look!” You approach it, so small, walking in zigzags beside you, “It’s a baby chicken! Die, bitch.” The baby chicken is no more as you swing your bedazzled (you have mods) diamond sword. You’re cackling by the time the dust settles.
y/n is a child murderer
“Roaches,” You address your fan-base, spurring another fit of laughter - you can’t get over the name, “I think I’m like, forgetting that eating in Minecraft won’t actually make less hungry in real life.”
take a break and go eat queen <3
“Fuck no, we starve and die like men. Now I actually really need another chicken.”
Another twenty minutes trickle by and you’re trying to lure back a panda from the jungle when there’s a knock on your bedroom’s door. Whipping your head to the side, you slide down your headphones. At the same time, your mom pokes her head through the ajar door, “MOM!” You scream, “Get OUT of my room I’m playing Minecraft!” But your yell has no actual bite to it, as you don’t manage to hide your smile. Your mom laughs, doing some sort of sign language and motioning for you to follow her with her head. That or it’s some sort of performative dance. 
“I’m live right now,” You tell her, pointing at your screen. She knows this already, though, “do you want to say hi?” 
The roaches spam the chat with friendly hellos. You mom, quite impatient now, waves you over. 
“Sorry, roaches, mom needs something. Be back in a bit!”
Stopping the stream, you rush out of your seat and pleased she slinks into the hallway. “What’s this about?”
“Your pizza came.”
“My what now?” You echo, confused.
“Domino’s. You ordered pizza?”
“What? No? I was busy with the stream, I never--”
Thankfully, you had managed to grab your phone from your room before you exited. You almost choke on spit once you read the messages.
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You decide that it’ll be impossible to stream after experiencing what you had just experienced. You tweet out a quick apology to the roaches (God, that fucking name) and say that you had a breakdown but you’re okay. That is as a close to the truth as you managed to muster. It’s a sad sight, chewing and crying; your mom winced when she saw your state - disheveled hair and rundown eyeliner and everything. “D’aww,” She had muttered, caressing the top of your head, “don’t cry my little raccoon.”
If anyone was ever to ask you where did your chaotic nature come from, you’d answer with my mom. To make yourself feel better, you took a selfie - duck face and peace sign and the horrible 2000′s angle. Sent it to Rae. 
looking hot, her message read. 
thanks, was all you replied with.
You couldn’t just leave things as they were. Once you calmed down, you wanted to text Corpse, but how would you follow up the ungodly caps lock and screeching? Impossible. An idea sprung to mind, one that was brave. Taking the first step.
Instead of sending a text, you sent a voice memo.
“Thank you for the pizza, it was delicious.”
You voice still sounded a bit raspy. His reply was instant. Your heart skipped a beat. He sent a voice memo back.
“Glad you liked it, baby.”
He was going to be the death of you.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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leeus-writing · 2 years
oh hi! I hope you and tiny leeu are doing well! may I please request reno + fireplace and nsfw if you would like! :)
I hope you like this.
Smut under cut
Fire Passion
You sat beside the large fireplace in the Junior Suite of the Icicle Inn. Your first trip away with the man you were dating. Just a weekend one. Still, you felt a little reserved. You didn’t know much about Reno, he was a mystery. Gang tattoo’s, yet dressed smartly and a cocky attitude. He was an enigma. He never spoke about his job, only that he worked for Shinra. You’d been to his apartment once, which was in the worst area on sector 3 top plate. Though the worst area of a top plate was still a million times better than the Slums. You’d seen one family photo of his in his apartment, which he’d quickly hidden.
You tried asking him questions, but he’d respond with, “You know I can’t answer that right now.” You started to suspect he might be a Turk and you were a little scared to ask. Your friends had already told you to ditch the guy, but inside you wanted some excitement in your life, and he hadn’t hit you. Yes, the sex was rough, but you liked that.
“Hey, want some wine?”
His voice made you jump, dragging you from your thoughts. You turned smiling at Reno, “Oh, sorry I was just thinking. Wine would be lovely,” you replied struggling to your feet.
You joined him at a table where he poured out some of the sweet white wine. He passed you the glass and smiled.
“Well, what do ya think. Don’t say I don’t treat ya,” he said.
“How, can you afford this?” you asked looking around.
“You know I cant talk about my work,” his smile had fallen from his face.
You shifted uncomfortably from his response. It was a little snappy but perhaps you’d asked questions far to often. “I’m sorry Reno but, your just so secretive.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes a little before leaning against the table. “Right… Listen. I can’t tell ya about my job, not without risking your life. Do ya understand? What I do is dangerous,” His turquoise eyes capture yours in a tight grip. You nodded slowly, feeling a little awkward.
“Hey, one day it might be safe enough to discuss. Right now, we’re on holiday, right?” he said picking up his own drink and downing it in one.
You put your glass down and walked over to him, placing your hands on his chest, “It’s just you’re a mystery Reno. My friends tell me to ditch you, maybe I should. But something keeps telling me to hang on.”
Reno raised an eyebrow and gripped your elbows. “Oh? Do they tell ya I’m the bad guy?” He asked leaning down and kissing you, nipping your lip a little.
“Yeah,” you replied deepening the kiss.
The sound of the crackling fire was all that could be heard between your kisses for a short time. He took your breath away. He always did, you sighed and leaned in closer wanting to feel all of his body. His hands gripped you harder as the kissing became fiercer.
Reno staggered back a little sitting down onto the bed and pulling you onto his lap. His kisses trailed from your mouth to your neck. He bit down and sucked, sending shock waves down your body as he marked you as his. He let go and kissed the mark, “Mine,” Snarled.
Your breath was becoming hot and heavy as his hands wondered up under your jumper, helping you free the clothing from your body. You were left in jeans and a Bra. Reno grinned, ripping the Bra from your body.
“I hope you have another because that one is gone,” he said chucking the remains to the floor.
You didn’t but right then, you didn’t care. Reno gripped your breasts, placing his thumps over your hardening nipples, “Nice,” He hissed “You want more?”
You nodded a reply and moaned a little.
“Yes, please more!” You snarled.
Reno laughed and slid you off of him. He lay you on your back and removed your jeans, leaving you in little more than your panties. The fabric already dampening. He started by running a thumb along the crotch line, only gently putting pressure over your most sensitive spot.
Each tantalising touch made you arch your back and gasp. “So Easy,” Reno growled a little, the grin firmly back on his face. He loved to talk even during sex. He rarely had little to say.
“Lets see,” he hissed kissing your belly, he slipped his fingers under the fabric and plunged them deep within you. You came in seconds, eyes wide with shock as you gripped the bed sheets. Sweat beaded at your brow. As you finished coming down from your shocking high, you heard Reno slip his belt and trousers off.
“Not finished just yet,” he said pulling your hips close to the edge of the bed.
He wrapped your legs around his hips and slid into you easily. He tested how much of him you could take before holding your hips down, “If ya good, I might let you cum again.”
You whimpered and closed your eyes as more pleasure pulsed over you, “Reno… I”
“You what?”
“I … Please, I need.” Your grip became tighter. The bedsheets twisted in your fists.
“Just say it,” Reno hissed shifting position so he could slam harder into you, he let go of your hip with one of your hands and held your arm down. Your eyes locked on with his. He looked a little wild. It was … Amazing.
“I need you,” You hissed.
This took him back a little, his rough hold loosened as he looked down. His hand slowly cupped your face. He kissed you softly, hands going back to your hips as he thrust, once, twice three times before cumming. He buried himself into your neck as he emptied within you, tipping you over the edge once again. You clung to him, crumpling his shirt in your hands taking in his spicy scent.
Reno relaxed a little on you before sliding off and laying by your side. You turned your head to look at him, the mystery man who drove you crazy. The fire was the only sound in the hotel room for a little while.
“You need me?” Reno asked a little confused.
“Yeah, my life would be so boring without you now.”
“Hmm… Guess I need you to. Ya stability. My life is a little crazy at time.”
You smiled and kissed his hand, “I can try and be that for you.”
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nyashykyunnie · 3 years
Might as well hope on the bandwagon. May I please request a Father Xiao scenarios? Maybe his child can be a half-adeptus like ganyu (Child auto-corrected to Childe when I was typing this xD)
A/N: took me awhile to think of a Xiao hc cuz I was tryna choose between some scenarios AHWHEGW Also SAME, MY PHONE AUTCORRECTS INTO CHILDE ALL THE TIME AHAHAGAGSG AND YES XIAO HAVING A HALF-BLOOD CHILD EEE NGL HE GONNA BE EXTRA PROTECTIVE AHADHJADGS I’m so excited for this ehehh. Also tyvm for the req!!! I hope you enjoy this anon!! Btw this was supposed to be for three charas but I got carried away with xiao so ahah,.... Woops =w=;;
𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛! 𝕏𝕚𝕒𝕠 x 𝙶𝙽! 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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Having a child, with his own blood running through your veins, you being the spitting image of him- Was the last thing Xiao could ever imagine ever happening to him.
It’s understandable that he was really shocked to know you are his. Xiao is, after all, the Conqueror Of Demons. He is more than used to being in battle, always being on high alert and ready to slash any enemy down since it isone of his duties as the Vigilant Yaksha who protects Liyue.
Xiao was very cautious around you. With your small and fragile body, he feared that even touching you was enough to kill you. The Wangshu Inn keeper had to teach him ‘how’ to hold you because Xiao’s fear of holding you might just make him stay ten feet away from you at all costs.
He watches over you from afar, always ready to strike at whatever dares to bring you harm.
Though, most of the time, the yaksha is always leaving you to Verr Goldet’s care so he can fulfill his duties. It was fine at first- Until Verr had to talk to Xiao about it. He told him that he shouldn’t be too focused  on that job. 
She told him the possibilities of his constant negligence of you, she told him you might grow “Deprived From Fatherly Affection”. Xiao was shocked of course, he didn’t really know that. 
He felt guilty, he was so blinded by not wanting to inflict any form of harm on you, he didnt expect that it’ll inevitably lead you to growing some unwanted mindsets and habits.
Xiao isn’t really one for affection, there’s no need to explain that. Majority of his skills are more on the ‘slaughter’ and ‘exorcise’ expertise.
Regardless, he is not just a protector of Liyue now, he is a ‘father’ now. Specifically your father. This new responsibility isn’t something he will run away from.
Don’t expect much from him though. Xiao is still hesitant to some extent, he’s trying to figure out how he will interact with you.
 Unlike him, you’re fragile. More fragile than glass. He’s afraid of exerting accidental force that will lead him to hurting you. You’re just too small- so small can’t even reach pass his knees(Please this yaksha is just overthinking too much)
Baby steps, that’s what he’ll do. Slow and steady so he wont be too overwhelmed.
He starts off by simply talking to you, maybe even playing with you for a bit with enough begging. Xiao slowly got used to handling you as time went by. Verr was even suprised at one point when she saw Xiao handling you during your tantrums. 
Xiao made good progress with you. He didnt even know that he was unconciously getting attached to you, he didnt know that he adored your presence. He didn’t realize that he gets a little frustrated when he needs to leave you behind. Xiao developed his ‘father instincts’ to such a level to the point that he sometimes wished his Yaksha responsibilties were less demanding.
When you are trouled with nightmares- Xiao will put some stuff to wardoff evil. Though, he also heard that child mortals are more effectively comfoted if they are sung a lullaby, so he’ll do that. Just... Don’t tell anyone else or that will be your last (maybe)
The immortal sometimes even comes home with new clothes since he knew that children grow and he wouldn’t want to see you struggling with the small fit ofyour clothing. He also makes sure to put some spells on them too to ward off evil.
 Xiao unconciously spoils you, his mind always drifting; ‘Maybe they’ll like something like that. Mortal children I’ve seen are fond of those stuff’.  Naturally, he’ll make a way to afford that small gift for you. If he cant, then he’ll just learn how to make it himself.
He loves you, he just doesnt know how to convey that. Being an adepti, being raised as a machine for war- Love wasn’t something he is great at. But even if it’s that, he’ll still strive for you secretly. Xiao will no doubt make the most descreet efforts to adore you. He still doubts himself even after all the progress he’s made in becoming close to you.
“Silk Flowers!” You squeel in delight as you spotted a bouquet of it from afar. You dash off from Xiao’s side, making the adepti startled and call out your name.
But still you were a child, of course you just kept running and running until the ground beneath you rumbled at what seems like caused from footsteps. Your feet wobbled and almost knocked you off of your feeting. Then it stopped, a huge shadow looming over your small figure. You look up only to have the color of your face drained.
“D-Daddy!” You cried out in absolute horror, falling down to the ground. You were terrified, how could you not? Monsters were real, and one of those monsters was about to murder you in cold blood. “Daddy! Help!”
Just at the beast was about to swing it’s flaming axe towards you- The  wind shifted, as if slicing through the air and knocking back the mitachurl.
“How dare such filthy demon dare to even make their presence in front of my child, let alone even dare to strike!” Xiao growled, his eyes flaming gold from raw fury as he walked with the air dancing violently around him. “ I’ll make you pay”
Xiao’s voice was flooded with resentment, his primodial jade radiated as it felt it’s master’s sudden abundance in power. He spun it as his Yaksha mask formed in his face. At the roar of the enemy, Xiao leapt forward, striking the demon in overwhelming speed. He moved so fast it’s too the point the mitachurl wasn’t given any chance to react. But was it done? No, not even a little bit. That demon frightened you to the point your voice faltered in calling him. He has seen you in tears but never to this extent. Xiao was fuming as he plunged down, his anemo spears stabbing the enemy with no hint of sympathy. 
When he finally finished the kill, Xiao’s mask disintegrated and immediately walked to your crying state. He clicked his tounge, feeling a huge pang in his heart as he saw you this disheveled.
“Da-daddy!” You wailed, reaching your arms out for him desperately as your tears clouded your eyes. “Waah!”
He wanted to scold you, he really did. But the sight of you crying like this made the words stuck in his throat. Xiao instead lifted you in his arms, letting you bury your face on the crook of his neck and sob freely. You soaked his shoulder and Xiao didn’t complain, he just rubbed your back to let you know he is there.
“Does anywhere hurt?” His nonlachant voice rung in your ears softly, stealing your attention. “If there is, better tell me now or those wounds will cause  further damage in you.”
“[Y-y/n] is bad.” You hicupped. “[Y/N] is so bad daddy is now ou-ouchie. Daddy now hates [Y-Y/N]”
“Hate? You mortals have odd ways of thinking” Xiao sounded a little rough, making you flinch. “Don’t be ridiculous, I would never bear such hostility towards you. Moreover, I’m not hurt. I’ve lived for thousands of years, pain is something minimal for an adepti such as myself.”
He scoffed.
“On the other hand, your life is counted by only one hand. You have yet to experience what life will truly bring you.” Xiao’s voice started to soften bit by bit as he softly squeezes your small body towards him more “However, I am your father. If darkness decides to crawl at your feet and even when you are frigthened of what’s ahead- Call out my name. I’ll always be there.”
“Da-daddy promises?” You look up to stare at his amber orb. “Daddy will make monsters go bye-bye?”
“Yes” He simply answered. “Now stop your noisy crying, we’re going back to eat.”
He appears cold, his way of talking always straight to the point, but still he loves you. Adeptus Xiao, the guardian yaksha, his power will not simply be used in order to slaughter the darkness creeping around Liyue. With his Vision and might as Alatus, the Golden-Winged King,... He will protect you at all costs and raise you no matter how he is troubled regarding his difficulty in making much of emotions.
You are one his greatest gifts, a treasure he will sincerely hold in his heart forevermore. It doesn’t matter if his karmic binds attack him, he will venture out of it for you. 
A/N: AIGHHTT AAAA ITS MY FIRST TIME WRITTING FOR XIAO HNNN, Did I do good??? AAAA I DUNNO AHDKSGF. I hope you all liked it hngghhhh ;___; Also I’m sorry for being inactive a lot AAAAA, school is starting to get mre and more demanding. I have more hcs upcoming so dw! I wont end up completely turning into a dead ghost!
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