#and it turns out I did sksk
hausofmamadas · 11 months
| To live and leave fast |
Pairing: Andrea Nuñez x Horacio Carrillo
For @narcosfandomdiscord NarcOctober - Day 16 (+ a bit of Day 15 tbh)
Prompt: Day of Surprises (+ a smidge of Day of Absolute Filth) - create a fanwork that focuses on dreams (+ a smidge of character's moral corruption)
Word count: ≈ 2.3K
TWs: Canon-consistent violence, Real Big Sad, angst with some smoochin'
What was he doing here? He couldn’t answer her. The blankness of before was all he could conjure up and that vast emptiness set him on the edge of panic. okay sjsjs the way I told myself that I was gonna stop at 800 words and it becamekfjs this. So again, imsorryforeverything but uhh yea, I barely proofread this so the Spanish is prolly rough and so is everything else but hey! We can just blame it on it’s all a dream, right ….? Right??? Anyway, enjoy some shockingly non-antagonistic and sometimes tender back-and-forth btwn these two and probably the most ooc Carrillo to ever exist bc I’ve never written for him before. Idk why I’m so obsessed with this crackship but I am and it is what it is
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Her voice rang out, “So, tell me. How long do you really think you can go on like this?” almost in time with the flashing red light that cut through the half-broken blinds, filling the dank, dingy room.
Carrillo tried sitting forward from where he must’ve fallen asleep slumped against something, presumably the wall of someone’s living room. No, not someone’s living room. No one’s living room. Because the place was a mess, covered in old takeout wrappers from Tijuana’s finest dining establishments, broken glass, cobwebs, and dust that would’ve been more befitting of an ancient tomb than this place. The smell of vodka or maybe rubbing alcohol burned his nose but he couldn’t pinpoint where it might’ve been coming from.
Was he even still in Tijuana? Huh. Well, that would have to wait till later. Anyway, he didn’t need to know what city he was in to know he was in an abandoned safe house. Which narco faction it belonged to didn’t make a difference. This one had to have been empty for at least a month, probably more, judging by the disarray. That and the insect activity. From Escobar to El Señor de los Cielos, the pace of the narco-lifestyle only lent itself to living and leaving fast, and whatever got left behind was usually beside the point.
Okay, but how’d he get here.
Maybe if he asked her, she’d stop looking right through him from where she stood across the room, arms crossed, leaning back against a mostly empty bookshelf that housed a few old books, some technical manual for car engines, and what looked like some old issues of Penthouse or some other stag magazine. High brow reading. He wondered if sicarios knew how much of a cliche they all were. Just once he’d like to meet one who enjoyed basketweaving, or birdwatching, or who was sentimental about their girlfriend. Anything that broke type. Then again, when it came to breaking type, he wasn’t in the best position to judge.
“Ay, por favooor, cabrón.” Startled, he jerked forward at the sound of her voice. “Remember when I told you that you were straight out of Central Casting for a war movie?” Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, she scoffed, “Who are you to talk about breaking type, hombre?”
What the hell. How’d she– He didn’t– Or, had he— Was he talking out loud this whole time?
He sat up straighter and a pain lit up his right side, going from dull to blinding. Hands already at the damp spot on his shirt, trying not to scream, he could tell the wound there was bleeding more now from the pressure of sitting up. Wait no, that was good. Actually, he could use that. Inhaling with the strength of his whole body, he pressed his fingers down, jamming them into the wound, and let the pain accumulate in his chest and ribcage, then exhaled, hoping his breath would send the sensation up further to his face, his forehead, activate the muscles there to share the load of his heavy eyelids.
He didn’t think he was talking out loud, but then, he must’ve been since she’d answered. That meant something, he knew. He couldn’t focus though. Why couldn’t he focus? What’d it mean? Oh right, blood loss. It was worse than he realized. But why wasn’t she helping him? No matter how furious she was with him, that wouldn’t have been like her, standing there while he bled out.
“Ay pinshe Carrillo, no seas mamón. I was helping but you fought me the minute I started trying to clean the thing. And then,” brows knit in his favorite it-is-what-it-is position, she pointed to a puddle by his feet, “you knocked the bottle out of my hands,” then shrugged, looking around the room absently. “And vodka was the only thing I could find in this place that even comes close to sanitary. So, I had to wait for you calm down or pass out before I could do anything.”
He had no memory of that. In fact, he had no memory of anything before that dingy little room. Which was weird. He’d been hit in the head enough times that lapses in memory weren’t an altogether foreign experience, but usually he could remember something from before. Sometimes it might be hours before whatever disaster, but he at least remembered. Now, it was just blank. It occurred to him that he might be–
“–and you might be in shock,” she finished aloud.
Jesus, was he saying everything he was thinking? He watched her and waited, seeing if she’d answer more questions in his head.
That light outside kept flashing, bathing the room in a deep shade of red that danced off the broken glass, creating macabre shadows that skittered up the walls, across the floor, the ceiling. Through the blinds too, it cast alternating stripes of red and black on her face. It would’ve been beautiful if it wasn’t so sinister-looking. Well no, it made her more stunning, in a haunting, alien way, even though she looked how she usually did: hair messily pulled back, a few strands hanging in her face, wearing a tank-top and that button-up he’d found at the Salvation Army in San Ysidro. He couldn’t focus. That’s right, he’d gone to drop off some old dining chairs he had no use for, caught it out of the corner of his eye hanging with the rest of the men’s button-ups. And instantly thought of her. Why couldn’t he focus. The pain finally reached his eyes.
Again, she answered his thoughts. “Well, as much as I wanted to fight you for fighting me,” she looked down, pinching the collar of the shirt and wiggling it back and forth like a dollar bill, “I didn’t get far enough in the process of dressing your wound to ruin it. And it is one of my favorites. I have to give it to you, tigre. Your attention to detail is the stuff of legend, and they were not wrong.”
At that, he smiled tiredly. She rocked forward, kicking off the bookshelf, and strode over to him, bits of glass crunching under the gummy, rubber souls of her boots. Doc Martens. So practical. They really were, the two of them, the same sometimes.
“Andrea,” her name came out in a whisper and a wince as he clutched at his side. He looked down in a daze that no matter how many times he blinked, how wide he forced his eyes open, he couldn’t shake. “How’d th– what happened? What are you doing here? How’d you– ,” he grunted, shifting his weight to his good side, “mm– get here?”
“Te he seguido, obvio.”
What? She follo– he hadn’t even briefed anyone on the raid at Agua Caliente until right before. Trujillo would never. Walt? No, after the debacle in Juarez, he was too wrapped up needing this win to jeopardize it by talking to a reporter. Even one as dogged and persistent as Andrea. And yes, she was resourceful. But resourceful, not psychic.
It felt like a lifetime of sitting there trying put it all together and he didn’t remember when she’d started making her way towards him, but she was already kneeling next to him now, slowly removing his hands from his side. Her eyes and forehead pinched in such a way that would’ve amplified his concern if he weren’t so out of it.
Her fingers felt cold around his neck. “Árre, we need to get this off,” she said, unbuttoning the collar of his uniform.
He was alarmed when his hands brushed hers and he saw they were covered in some dark substance. Oh, blood. Strange, it looked pitch black in this light. Andrea continued working her way down, pulling each button gingerly, so as not to hurt him more. The closer she got to his stomach, the more her hands began to resemble his, covered in black.
“Dale, mija. ¿Me vas a explicar lo que haces aquí ya o qué?”
He wanted to rub his thumb across her lip as it curled up in a smug smile. “Why? Should I not be here? You want me to leave? Sure,” she craned her neck around, and called out into the empty room, “I’ll just be on my way then and let someone in this massive crowd of eager, good samaritans help you.”
He chuckled thinly. When she faced back to him, she began untucking his shirt as delicately as possible. It hurt like a sonofabitch but it was going to hurt no matter what they did, so he softened the corners of his eyes, trying not to make her feel bad.
She continued. “The better question I think is, what are you doing here?”
Once he was free from his dress shirt, she grabbed both sides of the hole in the white shirt underneath and tore it wider to get a better look at the wound. Blood leaked out in streams down his stomach to his waist. It appeared to be a large gash from some kind of shrapnel. Much too jagged for a knife. The harsh sound of air through her teeth was a good indicator of what kind of shape he was in.
Alright so, shrapnel. But he couldn’t remember an explosion and there was no evidence of one having happened there in the room. What was he doing here? He couldn’t answer her. The blankness of before was all he could conjure up and that vast emptiness set him on the edge of panic.
He’d been doing a passable job not reacting too viscerally with his face, but when she started rifling through his pockets on either side, he grimaced, growling, “Ay, Andrea! Qué coño estás haciendo, porfavor.”
Paying him no mind, she held out her hand like a surgeon waiting for a scalpel. “Knife.”
He jutted his chin toward his feet. Spotting the shiny silver clip, she grabbed the knife from his boot, flicked it out, and made an incision in the hem of his uniform shirt. Catching the free section in her teeth, she tore down the length of the initial incision, and started packing the vodka-soaked gauze that she’d managed to hold onto after his freakout onto the wound and tying it with the strips of cloth cut from the shirt. When she pulled hard, securing the final knot, he nearly keeled over.
“Aycarajoperdónperdónperdóname,” she said, catching him by the shoulders.
She stayed there, acting as his scaffolding until the pain subsided. He lifted his chin to rest his forehead against hers and catch his breath. Just in her wanting to help him, the assurance of her fingertips against his shoulders, he felt her helping him. He couldn’t remember a time he was so grateful for another human being. Grateful in the way only she could make him feel. 
Speaking half to her and half to the ground, he tried putting the pieces together, “I don’t know what I’m doing here. For some reason–“ but lost the words when he’d barely gotten started.
“I don’t know. It’s– I have this strange– I have a feeling we’ve always been here. And will … always be here.”
Andrea nodded, eyes closed, like she knew exactly what he was talking about. It might feel like a trap if they didn’t have each other. She was always more than enough.
After a beat of silence, she pulled back and looked at him sadly, like she knew something he didn’t. Which was odd given what she asked next. “Horacio, por favor, necesito saberlo. Why? Why did you do it?”
Why’d he do it? Why’d he do, what?
“I know it’s in there, I know you remember. You have to, or you’ll never make it out of here.”
He shook his head, squinting his eyes, confused and cranky like a kid prematurely woken up from a nap. “Make it out? I’m not gonna make it out. Not unless you help me. Look at–“ he motioned to his side, “Ni siquiera puedo andar, mija.”
“Yes, you can,” she insisted calmly, her eyes full of an inexplicable mix of hope and resignation.
What did she know that he didn’t?
“I don’t know anything you don’t know. You just don’t want to know it. But you have to try, tigre. Eso es la única manera de vengarte a él. No more cutting corners. No more deals with the devil. Eres mejor que eso, ya lo sabes.”
The devil. The devil. The flashing red light. Deals. Deals with the devil.
Ah. Calderoni. That. That fucking deal.
His own C.I.s in exchange for Calderoni’s intel on Agua Caliente, el Hipódromo, Carlos Hank Gonzalez. A bigger fish than the Arellanos. Even though he knew exactly what the family would do to the informants. They’d have to stop building bridges in Mexico to hang people from. He showed up in Tijuana to clean up Rebollo’s mess and gone ahead and made his own.
Still, she was never part of the deal. But he could guess how that happened. In some boardroom meeting he conveniently wasn’t present for, somehow “journalist” and “informant” got conflated. They were wise not to include him. Not only would he not have agreed, he would’ve ensured not a single one of them made it out of there on two feet and breathing.
So, is this what it’s like watching the boulder come crashing down the mountain for the hundredth? Thousandth? Millionth time?
Carrillo’s face fell with understanding. “But I can’t lose you.”
“Sí, pero lo tienes que hacer. You have work to do. Because I love you. And you love me. And you owe me. And,” she rolled her tongue along the inside of her cheek, and then flashed a dangerous smile, “I want you to burn the whole motherfucking thing to the ground.”
Then, cradling the back of his neck with both hands, she leaned in, lips christening him on the forehead, each of his eyelids, the tip of his nose, coming to a close at his own. There was a finality to the kiss that made him dig in deeper as if he could hold her here without lifting a finger, an urgency she returned so fiercely, when they broke away both their lips were swollen and flushed. Not without passion, but it wasn’t carnal so much as the pure desperation of goodbye.
“Going after those pinshe shingamadres is the least you can do.” He hadn’t even registered tears at his eyes until she brushed one with her thumb that had escaped down onto his cheekbone and mused, “After all, you are the reason I’m dead.”
Slapped with a blast of air, his whole body jolted back to life, as he came to in a cold sweat, ceiling fan taunting him from above while he gasped for air and shivered against the damp sheets. He was so used to waking up violently like this, it didn’t even scare him anymore. Confused him a little, maybe. But reassurance was quick to follow and his breathing slowed as he relaxed, because ah, yes, he knew how to deal with the nightmares now.
Like clockwork, he reached for his life preserver, turning and throwing his arm over to the other side of the bed, expecting to feel the warmth of her back, her shoulders, hear her steady breathing next to him. But his hand sailed straight through empty air and landed on the cold, vacant spot of the mattress instead.
He almost doubled over. Pain unlike anything.
Worse than when Trujillo first delivered the news to him in his office. Much worse. The perpetual renewal of shock that this was real and the place in that dingy room in his head was not, only sharpened the blow each time. But he deserved to be wounded and wounded like this over and over again. After all, he was responsible, she was right about that.
She wasn’t here to help him with the nightmares anymore. Now, she only lived in his.
taglist: @narcosfandomdiscord @ashlingnarcos @drabbles-mc @narcolini
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mejomonster · 2 months
past mejo would be thrilled to learn i officially know how to cut and dye my hair exactly how the fuck i want it to look <3
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footballandfiasco · 2 years
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sukunas-wife · 8 months
Ryoumen “i want a second son” Sukuna except he gets a feral little princess who matches his energy and is not above taking big bites of dad and only yuuji-nii can control her sksks
Eegehehe- warning- I suck at writing for girls actually😭 I’ve never had a younger sister or niece 🥹 my female cousins are literally non existent also,
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The doctor became nervous after your newborn started crying. The maids made quick work of taking care of everything and handing you your child already bundled up. Sukuna was just as confused before he took his child from you, carefully unfolding the blanket.
The room was silent, everyone turning to Sukuna, for a brief second your aching muscles were numb that you didn’t feel after birth. You were nervous, what happened, why didn’t anyone say anything? Sukuna held the child with two large hands supporting it, using his other two hands to carefully pull back the blanket. He didn’t lift his head, but you watched his mouth gape slightly like he wanted to say something. He turned his head slightly, settling on just looking at you through the corner of his eyes. It was a low rasp “she’s a girl,” he cleared his throat wrapping her back up. Without a doubt it was his, his pink hair, she had even taken to his red eyes like Yuji had. His fixed stare didn’t show it but he was concerned for her, even if he had wanted a second son, “Lord Sukuna we co-No.” he turned to Uraume, “It’s my child regardless if it’s a boy or not. She stays here.” He leaned back, handing you your daughter.
After everyone had cleared the room you were breastfeeding your child. Sukuna sat with arms crossed, eyes closed and his head resting back against the wall. You were staring down at your little girl and you realised, “You didn’t want a daughter because it’s going to force you to settle down.” You were grinning like a fool when you turned to look at Sukuna, he grunted not opening an eye or looking at you. “I’d be a fool to let anything happen to my daughter.”
You hummed, “If she’s anything like you I’m sure she can handle her own like Yuji when she’s older.” Sukuna opened an eye looking at you, “Anya..” you turned to look at him. “Her name is Anya.” There was no room to argue with him on that. He stood up, “I’ll bring Yuji.”
He left the room before you mocked him “oouu I’m Sukuna I’m gonna protect my daughter I’m a big bad tough guy.” You scoffed to yourself, “He doesn’t realise he’ll never hurt another child again Anya.” Leaning down you kissed her little head, and she barely opened her eyes.
“hehehe” Sukuna was sitting on his throne head resting on his fist, eyes closed. You left a while ago to do something he already forgot about. Yuji wanted to go with you but Anya held him back, Anyways was an anomaly. She had no cursed energy or presence. Yet she still had the power to read minds, it was something that baffled Sukuna.
He learned she had that power at the worst time, when you were all gathered eating breakfast. When he thought about getting a collar. Anya just jumped excited “are we getting a dog like the one’s old man sells in town?!” Everyone looked concerned at Anya and she pointed at your husband with a bright smile, “Papa was thinking about buying a collar!” You looked at Sukuna “When did you- Right now! He was thinking about looking for a collar and a really good one so it doesn’t slip up or come loose.” It was the heat on your cheeks when you realised what collar he meant, but you were more concerned when you thought he was actually saying these things out loud in front of Anya.
Sukuna was looking away trying to clear his throat, ‘What the hell is this brat on about? I didn't say that shit out loud… did I?’
“OOOO PAPA SAID A BAD WORD!” Anya covered her mouth with her hands and she turned to you, your mind was drawing a blank ‘…what..what’s going on…”
Yuji was spaced out shovelling food into his face before he looked over, “Anya sit down don’t stand on the chair.” She listened to his not so demanding verse and sat down, “okay Yuji-nii.” She plopped down in her chair before perking up, “Are we getting a dog?”
Sukuna cleared his throat again looked right at her, if his hunch was right, ‘No, we’re not bringing some mangy mutt into the house’
Anya deflated and rested her chin on the table pouting, “why not?” ‘Because I said so.’ “Then why’d you say?” ‘Because I’m the owner of this house I decide what goes and comes.’ Anya sighed, getting teary eyed, trying her best to plead silently the way Yuji had taught her. Yuji snickered and he turned to you, you were sitting down whispering and asking Yuji if he knew what was going on. He explained to you that he figured out Anya could read minds not too long ago when she kept beating him in stone, parchment, shears, (please I’m sorry😭), hide and seek, and their little treasure hunting games. What he didn’t tell you was he also used her to out scam the guy who shuffles a gold token and bets money you’ll never find it.
It explained to you why Sukuna was just giving her looks and she was vocally responding.. it left you to worry how many of your thoughts she had actually heard. 😭
On a side note- here are some cannon events in the process of Anya growing up 😭😭
As a baby she was menace 🥺 she liked biting/trying to chew her dads fingers when he’d poke her cheeks. Not a cute nibble either, she’d dive in predicting the “If you eat his finger you’ll get stronger”
When she took hold of his finger the first time he was in love. That was his daughter and she meant the world to him. Then she dug her nails hard into his skin making him wince and immediately clip her nails. But when you don’t clip her nails because you're scared you’ll hurt her he always ends up with a scratched chest and hands when she’d try to take hold of something. She’s the reason he started wearing shirts even if they were uncomfortable on his massive arms 😔
Was kinda glad she didn’t sleep in the bed with both of you. She loved sleeping on his chest and Sukuna did also. But only allowed it when he could put those baby gloves on her.
After hitting age one she loved messing with Yuji and Sukuna while they were sleeping. You continuously went after her picking her up with your hand sunder her arms. She’s let out her baby screams and wiggle her body you could hear your husband’s attitude, “unhand me mother! I crave chaos! Ahahahsgsghshss!”
The older she got the more both of you learned the way Yuji admired his dad but was a total mama’s boy? It was almost the same case. Except she admired her dad.. and was a daddy girl. Yes she loved you and thought the world of you, but daddy’s so cool because he has so many cool powers! 🥺
It didn’t matter if she was sleeping in your arms, she was laughing and having the best time with you. If she even felt or heard the slightest sound, meaning Ryomen was in the room, she would scream and cry for him to pick her and take her with him. The same case as Baby Yu, you were jealous Ryo got all the attention and baby love even if they were attached to your chest most of the time.
Speaking of jealous, Yuji was the most jealous little 10 year old boy 🥹 “MY DADDY!” He’d carry Anya back to you so he could sit in HIS dads lap. Sukuna found it amusing and more often than not bullied Yuji. Which actually led to your funny little schedule where when Anya was briefly awake Yuji would be glued to your side. When Anya was asleep Yuji would run and stick to his dads side.
Sukuna has a permanent dent in his side boob where 2yo old Anya crawled over to him on your bed and then latched on, i don’t mean milk- i mean she saw a mound of flesh and went ‘nom’ He grunted and it took everything in him to not swat her instantly. He sat up after pulling her away. She was dangling by her feet clapping her hands and laughing, Sukuna was pressing his hand to his chest helping himself and cursing because no way he really let this brat catch him off guard and mess him up 😭
Which is also when it hits him, she has no presence because she has no cursed energy. He was disappointed but relieved she’d never have a reason to be caught in trouble 🥹
Here’s a little montage of moments 🥹
An invisible child means invisible crimes. Sure, Ryomen could actively tell where she was. But it’s his child he could let his guard down and close his eyes to think about the things he had to do. Breathing became slower the more he started to relax almost to napping completely.
Kamutoke… she took the Kamutoke
Sukuna was going to get up and chase after her but she tripped and face planted into the shiny floors Sukuna had to pick her up and wipe off her tears and snot while telling Uraume to put up his tool because there was no doubt in his mind Yuji or Anya would kill the other with it by mistake
Anya loves her parents, but when Sukuna is thinking Sinister thoughts she runs to Yuji.
Ex. The four of you went out into the city, Anya was riding on her dad’s shoulders the way Yuji used to. She was patting away on his head when she heard the thought, “I should kill that man, I’ll start by slowly gutting him a- wwaahhhhh” followed by squirming and Anya basically jumping over knocking down Yuji. When you asked her what was wrong she said “…nothing… papa is kinda scary.”
Yuji had to piggy back her the rest of the day when she didn’t feel like walking but she sang her cute little “Family ooting” song
This is both Yuji and Anya when daddy’s home ,
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(I’m sorry I’m so bad at writing for girls 😭 I don’t have a niece to spoil or interact with, I’ll have to steal my friend and her little sister next time and play with her 🥹 I’ll do better for next one i promise 😤)
Tag: @sad-darksoul @cyder-puff @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @sakuxxi @mercymccann @simpforyoubitch @certainduckanchor @domainofmarie @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @dolliira @ilovemybabies378
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wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
I'm Yoongi's bitch so I can have one “What was supposed to be a one night stand with a member turned out to be more when he couldn’t let go” with him?
Where You Belong
Pairing: CEO!Min Yoongi x Secretary!Reader
Warnings: Soft Yandere, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Light Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: I too am Yoongi’s bitch. Also I wrote this while I had six glasses of whiskey if there’s error, pls do forgive sksks. I hope you enjoy this! <3
3000 celebration
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“Fucking finally,” Min Yoongi growled as he thrusted his hard member into you. The loud sound of flesh slapping against each other was loud in his bedroom. He had always thought it would be good with you, but fuck if he expected it to be this fucking good.
You were like a custom made for him, like one of those bespoke suits he was always fond of. The moment you entered in his office four years ago, he had felt the growing attraction he had tried to squash to no avail. Min Yoongi had tried so many things, but you were engraved in his skin…so deep that he knew removing you would be fatal to him.
You were his trusty secretary, someone he could really leaned on. But you were more than that. You proved to be more than that. You were his friend, his confidant, someone who took care of him when he overworked himself which he tended to do a lot.
You were his.
Simply his.
Yet the moment you casually mentioned that some other firm reached out to you to recruit you, he lost it.
Yoongi really thought he could rein his intrusive emotions, but he was proven wrong.
It was late at night when the two of you reached the hotel. You were in another city after finishing closing a partnership when you quietly brought it up to your cold boss. You wanted to slowly integrate him to the thought of you leaving, knowing full well that he didn’t do well with sudden changes.
Not when it came to you.
Never when it came to you.
You had developed feelings for him two years ago, and you knew it wasn’t healthy for you to stay. It wasn’t good for you to wait for him, not when he proved time after time that you were just a secretary to him. Not when he looked at you as though he never saw you for who you were.
You needed to move on from this stupid crush.
Having just finish debriefing with him, you thought that now was a good time to tell him your intentions slowly.
Yoongi closed his laptop, the workaholic in him finally feeling at ease now that the contract was done, and it was all because of your hard work. He looked at you with his dark eyes, admiring your strength and professionalism- yet he knew he couldn’t cross the line…unless you did first.
“Let’s go to the museum you want to visit tomorrow-“
“Enhypen company reached out to me,” you cut him off, your voice strong despite feeling the exact opposite. You almost wanted to take the words back when you saw his face lost all its emotions. You were now facing the Yoongi that people feared.
“Excuse me?”
“T-they want to interview me next week-“
Yoongi chuckled lowly before slowly placing his laptop on the coffee table. He loosened his tie, his movements precise even as his eyes were on you. “And what did you say, kitten? I hope you put them down gently…”
You gulped as he stared at you as though he could see through your soul, as though he knew the secrets you kept.
As though he knew you were in love with him long before you admitted it to yourself. And it was because of that that you knew you had to leave this stupid crush behind and move on with your life. “I told them…” you trailed off when you saw him tilted his head, his dark eyebrow raised as he waited for you to continue with nonchalance in his movements. He leaned in, his elbows resting on his knees as he waited for you to decide on his face.
“Yes, kitten? You told them no, right? That’s good. No one deserves you as much as I-“
“I told them I’ll go next week.”
You could hear a pin drop in the room. The silence was suffocating, his glare was like vines keeping you in place. It took forever before he scoffed. He couldn’t believe you were considering leaving him.
You blinked owlishly at the man sitting in front of you. “No?”
“You heard me,” he postulated as though it was a done deal. “You’re not going to that fucking interview. You’re not going to leave. You’re going to stay by my side.”
Your could feel your heart beat faster as though it was warning you of the danger that was slowly standing and sauntering to you.
And when he was close enough, he leaned in to whisper, “No one can have you but me.”
You cried in pleasure as Yoongi drew another orgasm from you. He was relentless when he heard you would leave him, became unhinged with the thought of never seeing you again.
He couldn’t have that, could he?
Yet, the moment he fell asleep, you knew you had to leave. You couldn’t survive when morning came and he looked at you with indifference once again.
Or when he would tell you it was a mistake.
You just couldn’t.
And so you left his embrace that felt like home.
“Where is she?” Yoongi asked in barely contained anger as he looked at your direct subordinate. It was nine o’clock and yet, you were nowhere to be seen. You were usually here by seven in the morning. When he woke up without you, he lost it. The hotel room was the telltale sign of him losing his ever loving composure. It took you running to crumble his nonchalant facade.
“S-she resigned, sir-“
“You’re fired.”
But the letter neatly placed on his desk was notice enough of you leaving the company, of you leaving him.
As if you could.
He would make sure there was no place on earth you could hide from him.
“Are you insane?” You seethed as you saw him. He was calmly sat down, his evil lawyer looking at you with soulless eyes. “Fifty million just because I left?”
Min Yoongi shrugged, his eyes looked bored. But he was anything but bored. He felt alive now that he could finally see you.
It took tons of lawsuit before you agreed to meet with him.
“You breached the contract.”
“It specifically said that I can leave whenever I want!”
“Tsk tsk,” Yoongi shook his head in faux sadness before smirking at you. “You should have read the contract carefully, my kitten. It says here you can’t leave me. Ever.”
You slammed your hands on the desk, your anger getting the best of you. Couldn’t you just moved on in peace?!
“I know what I signed! This isn’t it!”
“Then prove it.”
But how could you when he had all the resources in the world to make you stay? He knew it. You knew it. That smug smirk of his was a sign he knew he had you cornered.
Kitten, you really should have known you couldn’t leave. Not when he finally understood what he felt for you, not now. Not ever.
At your defeated expression, he softened his expression and reached out his long, veiny hand to clasp yours. “Or come back to me. This is the only way, kitten.”
Come back, and he swore that he would always make you happy.
That he would be the best husband for you.
That you would never, ever want to leave him.
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2K notes · View notes
sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
it's samu's birthday 🥹 (and atsumu's but this isn't about him sksks)
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words: 652 cw: fem!reader, sleepy sex, dubious consent, minors dni
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"get off of me," he groans once again, making no effort to push you away. osamu won't admit that he's hard right now, cock pressed against the soft fabric of his sweatpants. it's all your fault, really. your small hands keep rubbing against him while you kiss the sensitive part of his neck.
he just wants to go to sleep.
you're straddling his lap, hand slipping under his sweats to wrap around his length. if osamu had been more awake right now, he'd probably question why you were being so forward with him. you're usually never like this—always so shy and timid, even after all this time.
but tonight's different, you're grinding on him and doing everything in your power to turn him on and it's fucking working. a long day at work left osamu's body sore and sweaty. after a shower, he dropped into your shared bed and didn't want to be disturbed.
of course, you came into the room at some point, ready to be a nuisance and giving osamu the sweetest kisses. he'd never complain about having your attention, but he just wants to fucking sleep. "yer this desperate fer me to fuck ya? can't it wait?" he asks, trying to hide the moans almost slipping from his mouth.
you were fully stroking him now, letting his precum ooze out so you could tease the head of his cock. he supposes that's what he gets for teaching you how to be his personal slut, you'd eventually use it against him.
"i can do all the work, samu," you mumbled, tugging his sweats down with your free hand just enough to pull his cock all the way out. his eyes are still closed, so he doesn't see the way you bite your lip upon seeing his thick length hit his stomach. "wanna make both of us feel good."
he shrugs, letting you do what you want with him. "don't expect me to help. ya want it so bad, better make sure both of us get off."
osamu expects you to suck him off or give him a handy and maybe after he cums, he'll be nice and eat you out. he knows his words are harsh but there's no way he'd leave his dumb baby high and dry.
but you go beyond his expectations when osamu feels the wet warmth of your cunt sinking down on his cock, easily stretching your walls until he's buried as deep as he can go. "fuck," he grunts, definitely not ready for any of that. "holy shit gimme some kind of fuckin' warnin' next time, idiot."
"sorry," you hum, waiting a few seconds before grinding your hips ever so slightly. how did you get so wet? were you really that desperate for him? does he need to pay more attention to you? you're fucking insatiable.
osamu grips the bed sheets, trying to keep his word and let you do everything, but it takes all of his will not to buck his hips into you. what has gotten into you? he's definitely not upset at this new side of you tonight, but it's so uncharacteristic. "shit, what's this fuckin' attitude of yers?" he whines, opening his eyes to see you bouncing on him—a sight he'll never get tired of.
"you really don't know, samu?" you giggle, easily creating a steady rhythm. you pull your shirt up, letting your tits bounce freely with every thrust. if osamu had the energy, he'd twirl the sensitive buds between his fingers. "look at the time…" you leaned down, changing the angle of osamu's cock inside you, and shove your phone in his face.
the bright light hurts his eyes, but he can clearly see the time. it's past midnight, october 5. oh, he thinks, another curse slipping out when your walls tighten around him.
"happy birthday, baby," you say against his lips. "let me be your gift."
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
5K notes · View notes
slightlymore · 2 years
the neighbour
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bangchan x fem reader
genre: neighbours!au, slow burn, smut!!!!, romance, tiny angst, some fluff moments, strangers to lovers, sexual tension, dual perspective 
content/warnings: +18, solo m, solo f, accidental auditory voyeurism (auralism), toys solo f, lots of dirty thoughts, lots of dirty talks, raw, oral f, oral m + deepthroating + swallowing/facial, manhandling, multiple orgasms both, body worshipping, praise kink, light degradation, edging both, begging both, thigh riding, finger sucking, hand necklace, hair pulling both, biting both, spanking, mirrors, fingering, titty and nipple play, cum play, creampie, spit, overstimulation both, aftercare + they’re both lowkey perverts sksk
words: 14k
When he heard the first noise, Chris sighed deeply, puffing his cheeks before releasing the air. He considered himself lucky to not have had a neighbour for the longest time - not because he was worried of them being annoying - he just liked the freedom of being the only one on that building floor. 
And when he heard the second noise and the buzz of many people talking, he knew he had to go outside and check on who was in the middle of moving in. 
Not because he was nosy (he was) but because he wanted to understand the kind of person (or worse, family with children? god) was moving in. Also maybe they needed help (he wasn’t actually going to help, he was just a Libra and a people pleaser). 
“Hey-ya” he nodded once at some uniformed men, carrying boxes upon boxes into the next door apartment. The men tipped their little hats as a greeting and Chris leaned on the door frame with arms crossed on his chest. He was a good diplomat. He was a great diplomat even. No. A spy. And he was sure he’d get all the information he wanted out of them. 
He opened his mouth to start with the first of the questions when a voice blocked the words in his throat. 
“Be extra careful with that one box, please. It’s fragile.” 
Chris had to start from the bottom. 
No, his eyes did a quick look at everything but then he thought he must start again from the bottom. 
And slowly. 
He stared at your shoes. Heels. Not too tall, not too short. Pointy and black. Classic. Then your ankles. God, he loved ankles. No hosiery although it was pretty cold. Did you care too much about fashion? Or not enough? God, he loved legs too. Pencil skirt. A bit outdated but it worked. Shirt and blazer? Office worker. 9-5 person. Fuck, he definitely had to stop blasting his music at night. Unbuttoned shirt. Daring. God, he loved necks. Wait, wait. Hands? Hand. Left hand. No rings. No partners or children? Maybe. Single mom? Could be. Career woman? Perhaps even worse - full or rules. 
“Are you going to keep staring or will you finally turn around, go inside, and mind your own business?” 
The voice returned and Chris had to finally analyze the lips. God, he loved li-
“I’m being serious,” you added. 
Chris cleared his throat and straightened his posture. “Hi. I noticed you’re moving in.” 
You let your eyes drape over his body, from his nude toes (you made some kind of face and Chris felt really self conscious about his toes for a moment there), then his thighs (he shivered), and when you lifted one eyebrow he felt completely naked. 
“Alright, I get it. It’s uncomfortable to be stared at,” he fought the urge to cover his crotch in the damn grey sweats he chose for the day. 
“Yes, I am moving in. Congratulations, you have eyes,” you made a little smile. Those types of smiles you do when you hate someone and you kinda want them to notice but not too much. 
Chris let out a dry chuckle in the form of air from the nose. “Thanks. Do you need any help?” 
You were going to say no. You were definitely going to say no. Not only you had a whole minions squad to move in for you, but you also looked like the type of person to refuse help altogether. 
“Actually,” you leaned towards the wall and Chris followed your movement as you grabbed a square soft-looking bag-box thing with both arms and handed it to him. 
“Could you please take Nyx in for a few hours? She’s scared of all the noise.” 
Chris silently took the bag-box and looked inside. 
“It’s a cat,” he said, one beat before realizing again he was sounding a bit stupid. 
“Do you always say at loud everything that goes on in your-” 
“Don’t finish that,” he interrupted you. 
You closed your mouth with a little smile. 
Chris looked at the cat again. It was black with gorgeous green eyes. 
“Hello?” he tried.
The kitty hissed and Chris impercetibly jolted in place, blinking a few times. 
“It means she likes you,” you explained. 
“Oh, really? Like owner like cat, I guess,” he gave you another glance. 
Your eyelids dropped at the comparison as if a bit annoyed but not surprised. The glint of amusement didn’t disappear from your eyes though, so Chris was glad to understand he didn’t particularly cross any boundary. Besides staring at your legs. 
“She doesn’t bite by the way. No worries.” 
“I don’t mind a little kitty scratch,” Chris replied. 
You stared him down for the second time, as if that information renewed your curiosity about him. Or maybe you were just making sure if he actually looked like able to survive a cat attack or not. Or handle your scratches. 
“Can I pet her? Your kitty,” he asked. 
Your gaze went back to his face. The little innuendo banter didn’t go unnoticed to you. He wondered if that was going to be the boundary that would make you snap. 
“Too early. She needs time to warm up to you,” you simply said. 
Chris nodded. “Of course.” 
He went inside and placed the kitty near the living room window to have both sun and shade. Not that cats were plants by any means, but he never owned one. 
Then he realized he didn’t even ask your name or get any kind of information as he planned. 
Maybe he wasn’t that good of a diplomat as he thought. 
You sat down on the plastic covered couch as the last man exited the apartment and you stared at the myriad of boxes in front of you. 
“Fuck,” you whispered, one hand to rub at your temples. You wished you could still have the keys to your old place for the night. You weren’t in the mood to make your bed. Maybe you were going to sleep on the couch, still dressed and makeup on and stuff. 
Then you remembered Nyx. 
The neighbour opened the door after a few seconds. 
“Hey,” he greeted. “Figured it was you.” 
“Hey,” you said back, a bit awkwardly crossing your arms on your chest. “Thank you for taking care of Nyx,” you added. 
The man took a step back as to invite you in. “It was honestly a pleasure. I realized I really enjoy cats.” 
You thought for a second if you should actually get in or just ask him to go grab her and leave. But then you saw Nyx sprawled on his couch, paws in the air and all, and a smile bloomed on your face. 
“You should not have let her out. She probably left so much hair around,” you took of your heels and walked towards her. His living room rug felt very soft under your toes and you made a mental note to ask him where he got it so you could plagiarize the choice. 
The man closed the door behind you and walked the same route, sitting on the couch arm and staring at Nyx with a genuinely fond smile. 
“I do not mind hair at all.” 
You knew he didn’t mean it in a dirty innuendo way that time. 
Nyx purred happily against your hand as you pet her. “Let’s go home, baby,” you whispered. 
“Wait, stay. I am in the middle of making dinner. I’m sure you got nothing to eat today,” the man got back on his feet and indicated towards the kitchen. 
You got up from the crouching position. “Thank you. But I was thinking I could order something. It’s fine.” 
He bit his lower lip as if wondering if your refusal was politeness or if you hated him and wanted to just go home. You realized he was lowkey cute conflicted that way and you chuckled. 
“Why are you laughing?” he asked, the smile already blooming on his face as well. 
“What are you making?” you ignored him. “Chicken breast and rice?” 
The man smiled again with a hum. “Oh, so you think I look fit although that comment feels a bit insulting.” 
You chuckled again shaking your head in disbelief. 
“Well, it’s not chicken breast tonight but if you want that come over any meal of the day besides Friday night and I’ll probably serve you that,” he continued. 
“Okay, noted. We’ll see each other only on Friday nights.”
“It’s noodle soup,” he finally answered. “And I think it’s ready.” 
You watched his large shoulders as he walked towards the kitchen to check on it. 
Your silence told Chris that you considered noodle soup a decent meal and he hoped it was decent. He wasn’t a great cook but his food was alright enough to not make him die and for the longest time he thought that was a decent level of skill. Now, seeing the spoon inching towards your mouth he really wanted the food to actually taste good. 
“You don’t have to stare at me like that. I won’t die,” you lifted your gaze on him. 
Chris exhaled at the tension. “I’m just worried.” 
You smiled. “I can see that. I’m sure it’s more than okay.” 
The reassurance didn’t help ease his nervousness. 
He lifted one eyebrow, teeth gritting as he stared at the way you gently slurped on the soup then had a mouthful of noodles right after. 
Your cheeks puffed a little as you chewed and the view made him smile for a moment before he remembered you were about to communicate your review. He got nervous again.
You swallowed and nodded. “Good.” 
Chris blinked. “Good?” 
You hummed. 
“That’s it?”
You scoffed incredulous.
“I’m joking I’m joking,” he chuckled and grabbed his own chopsticks. 
It went quiet for the next moments but Chris didn’t feel awkward. Nyx was rubbing herself on both of your calves and the way your eyes would soften looking down at her, with that little eyebrow lift and the sweet voice made Chris feel some type of way. 
“Thank you for the meal and taking care of her,” you said and Chris waved his hand as his mouth was full. 
“No need to thank me,” he replied after gulping. 
“What’s your favourite food?” you asked after some more silence. Small talk huh?
Chris looked towards an imaginary point, thinking. “I like pretty much anything.” 
“Okay, then next Friday you’ll eat whatever I’ll give you.”
He locked eyes with you as you reached for the glass of water and had a sip. The silence engulfed you again. 
God, he felt like leaning on the table and biting your lower lip with his teeth and he didn’t even know your name. 
The following days passed quickly as you worked full time and came home to a disastrous apartment still filled with boxes. You could swear you’d get rid of 10 and 20 appeared in their place. 
You were sighing, absentmindedly rubbing your lower back while the other arm was trying to carry a few flat packed boxes you managed to empty that evening. 
You weren’t sure of the time but the young woman walking towards your neighbour’s door in what seemed like a night booty call told you it was probably pretty late. She was gorgeous and you had to force yourself to look away and close your mouth as she gave you a small smiling nod, passing you by and engulfing you in a dizzying perfume. You walked quickly towards the elevator in your indoors duck slippers, not in the mood to make eye contact with the man who took care of your kitty (actual cat) and fed you last week as he’d open the door to let the woman in. 
It was Thursday and you realized with a certain degree of embarassment that you have been looking forward the Firday night dinner since the moment you left his apartment after that noodle soup date. 
You couldn’t understand why the sight of that woman could make you feel that uneasy and you hated yourself for the speed of your brain trying to make up excuses as to why suddenly you wouldn’t be free anymore the following day. 
When you came back up the woman was presumably inside already, probably sipping some fancy wine from a fancy glass with toes in the fancy carpet the man had - that apartment complex was for wealthy people, you weren’t stupid to guess the neighbour man was pretty well off as well - or perhaps already bent over the same table you sat at the previous week. 
The quiet of your apartment got disrupted by a single thud, like something falling on the ground, or well, a bed frame hitting the wall as someone throws themselves on it - or gets thrown. 
Suddenly you felt like wearing your coat and shoes, and after giving Nyx a little head kiss, you exited the apartment again for a weird urge to buy a night snack from the corner shop. 
“Working this late?”
A deep voice made you snap your head upwards, your fingers stopped in front of the door pad as you were about to type your password. 
The neighbour was bringing out dirty laundry, you realized, and you wondered if he intended to wash the bedding right after the woman left. The thought was a bit ridiculous and it put you in a bit of a better mood. 
“No. I went out for a corner shop trip,” you explained and the man blinked as if finally realizing you were wearing pajama pants under your coat and your hair didn’t look work appropriate. The plastic bag in your hand was also still full of the snacks you didn’t have any appetite to eat while counting minutes sitting at the white and cheap tables outside the shop wondering how come time goes by fast when you have sex but it’s so slow when others have sex. 
“Got any good snacks?” he asked just to fill in the silence, you figured. 
You hummed as a reply. “Laundry this late?” you asked in return. 
The man looked down at the basket in his arms as if he forgot he was was carrying it. “Oh. Couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d get productive instead.” 
Good excuse, you gave him that. 
“Well, have fun, then,” you pushed the front door in, waving a hand. The man gave you a little square smile, making his dimples pop. “Good snacking.” 
You closed the door then for some reason turned around, staring at him through the peephole as he walked towards the elevator. 
Chris loaded the washing machine with an empty head. He didn’t think much about the one night stand. It has been a normal, not the best, but satisfactory one night stand. Just the usual. He’d normally work a bit or go to sleep after the person would leave - this time he was doing laundry. All standard stuff. 
But then he saw you and he felt a weird lump in his throat, as if he got caught red handed. 
Maybe it was because his date left minutes prior and he was still a bit disoriented, or maybe it was your nighttime look, the youthful but tired expression on your face with no make-up on, or maybe the sleepy eyes you had. 
Or maybe it was the impression that you left your house on purpose. 
He couldn’t recall if he made the woman loud enough for you to hear anything and his bed technically should not creak, but he wasn’t fully sure because he was too - well, busy - to analyse that in the moment. 
He scratched his head, staring at the way the washing machine slowly started to hum. 
You wanted to pretend like you somehow forgot about the dinner. 
Of course, you didn’t. And honestly it would have been rude to. 
Somehow you were hoping that he forgot about it. 
It was a random invitation anyway, a joke. You didn’t give him a specific time frame. He didn’t even confirm that he’d come. 
Somehow you were hoping that he didn’t forget about it. 
And if he did, should you just go and knock on his door to say hey so are you coming over or what?
You shook your head, stirring the pasta sauce with a shiver down your spine. That would be- it would be- you couldn’t even think of a proper word for that feeling. Somewhat along the lines of humiliating. 
Or would that be cool? Just knock knock hey, I have dinner. 
You sighed, tapping the wooden spoon on the side of the pan before placing it down on a plate. 
Why were you getting so worked up over a damn dinner with some random neighbour? 
What if he had plans Friday night, anyway? He looked like he could be a busy and sociable man. 
You sighed again, looking around the apartment which you deep cleaned. Then you stared at the abundant portion of pasta boiling gently. 
God, you didn’t even know his name. 
Chris looked in the mirror hung near the entrance door for the last time. He felt stupid. And his hair wasn’t cooperating. 
He wondered if you’d think he only wears the same black shirt all the time so he wore a black shirt with a different logo to convey the message that he changes clothes like a normal human being. Not that it mattered. 
He was ashamed to admit that he has been lowkey pacing the apartment for a bit that day, brainstorming solutions for the weird up in the air dinner invitation. He should have asked for confirmation last night. 
What if it was a mere joke? A random polite made up phrase in the let’s go out for coffee sometime category? 
But what if you were waiting for him? He needed a back up plan in case he showed up and you’d blankly stare at him with no dinner prepared. 
He felt very stupid. 
And he was glad you couldn’t see the way he jumped in place and felt his heart fall down to his ass when he heard the doorbell. 
“Hey,” he opened. 
“Hello,” you lifted your gaze. 
Were you a bit- nervous? 
“I came by just in case you forgot- well, not that you’d forget, but just in case I wasn’t clear enough about the dinner invitation, but, of course, if you made other plans in the meantime and you’re not free anymore or if you’ve already eaten then-”
“I was on my way to come over,” he gently interrupted your rambling. You unclasped your hands and put them behind your back at that information. You relaxed. 
“Oh,” you smiled, “well, then. I made pasta. Hope it’s okay.” 
“Hello, baby,” the neighbour giggled entering your apartment. He placed the wine bottle he prepared - sign he really didn’t forget, you were relieved to notice - on the floor and knelt down as Nyx lazily strutted towards him and rubbed her head then back on his hand. “I really missed you.” 
You walked towards the kitchen to grab the food. 
“You can come over and see her whenever you want to. I somehow feel like she missed you too.” 
The man got up and walked the distance towards the arranged table, placing the bottle on it. “Did she?” 
His tone was low and you wondered if he talked like that to his last night date. Or maybe he could do worse? More? How deep could his voice go? 
“Yeah. I guess you have good vibes,” you complimented him. 
He eyed the pasta you were carrying and he whistled impressed. 
“Definitely better than my noodle soup.” 
“Well, let’s see about that,” you gave him a look. 
“You don’t seem like you’re bad at something,” he watched you serve him while sitting down. 
“Perhaps this is the only thing I’m bad at,” you murmured back. 
For some reason, maybe the ambient lights, or the closeness of your plates, maybe the way the shadows on his face looked accentuating his jaw, or maybe his gaze, compelled you to talk softly. 
The neighbour liked your reply and gave you a smile, those languid smiles with one corner lifted more than the other. 
You served yourself and sat down. 
Your gazes met again and that was his cue to taste and review. You could understand why he was nervous last week. 
“Hmmm,” he simply replied after a long long chewing moment. 
You lifted one eyebrow. “Hmmm?” 
He chuckled. “You must be so curious to know. I want to keep you waiting some more. It’s fun.” 
You scoffed amused, taking a sip of water. “Well, I won’t beg for any comment, if that’s your plan.” 
Did he do this with his date too? Edging her as she looked eager for a single touch? Or did he edge her when she was about to orgasm in his arms? Did she beg? Was he capable of making a woman beg?
Well, you were close to say please is this good or not I’m going to go insane, any moment now so probably he was more than capable of doing that. 
“It’s very good,” he finally said with a proud expression, seeing your shaking and annoyed leg under the table. “I really like it.” 
“Hmmm,” you weren’t fully pleased, but you tasted the pasta too and you let the smile bloomed on your lips warm up the space between you. 
It was a bit too spicy for him, Chris realized after eating half the plate. But he wasn’t just going to back away. Maybe that was a test. Do you only entertain men who can handle the spice? Well, he was going to finish the plate and ask for more.
“Your apartment is coming up nicely,” he commented after a moment of silence. The bottle was almost empty and he really liked the light in your eyes because of the glass you were sipping from. 
You looked around as if staring at it from his perspective. “Still a long way to go but I am pleased with it so far.” 
“It’s curious. We have specular apartments.” 
Chris made a mental note to remember that you were probably sleeping head to head. Maybe he was too loud last night. Did you mind? Was the noise bothersome? Did you even hear? Somehow he wished you did. 
“I met with your girlfriend last night in the corridor,” you casually thew it out there as if reading his mind. 
So you met. 
He knew that you knew she wasn’t his girlfriend. You just wanted confirmation, didn’t you? 
It made his fingers tingle. He had a sip of his wine. 
“Did you talk?” he simply asked. 
He felt a bit cruel seeing the faint shadow of something in your eyes. And he felt even more cruel because he loved it. 
“No, just said hi.” You had a sip of your wine. 
Should he drag it some more?
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Chris finally said. 
The relief that washed over you made you cringe. You pretended to be a bit surprised. Not too much. A bit disinterested. Neutral. 
“Oh,” you just said, unsure of how people replied to something like that. Questions roamed your head? Why not? Do you have another person you’re interested in? Are you too busy for a committed relationship? Was she not your type? Are you still not over your ex? Are you some kind of fuckboy?
But none felt appropriate. 
“Do you have a partner?” 
He took you by surprise. “No,” you replied. “I am too busy I guess.” 
The neighbour leaned back in his chair, his fingers lazily making the glass leg roll. 
“Can I ask what you do?” 
You rested your face in your palm. “You can ask me whatever you want.” 
The man smiled. 
“I’m an Executive Director,” you continued. 
He smiled more widely. “Of course you are.” 
“What does that mean?” you leaned in with a giggle. 
The man shrugged. “You said you wouldn’t beg. Also you look like someone who doesn’t take orders, you give them.” 
You relaxed in your chair as well, arms thoughtfully crossed on your chest, taking in the information. You were sure you didn’t look like that but you accepted the compliment. 
“Also, you live in this luxury apartment complex,” he added as if that could make his reasoning more rational and less rooted in his will to compliment you. 
You nodded with an amused expression. “Well, and what do you do? Since you also live in this apartment complex?” 
The man stretched his arms and back. “I’m self employed.” 
You tilted your head to the side waiting for more information.
“I’m just a music producer.” 
Somehow it wasn’t surprising. You nodded. “Why ‘just’? That’s very impressive.” 
“Well, it’s not more impressive than your job,” he replied. 
“Knowing the C major scale is already very impressive, what are you talking about?” 
The neighbour blinked a few times then gently threw his head back in a bright laugh. You stared at his closed eyes. Then his perfect teeth. Then his dimples and the earrings shaking a bit in his ears. His neck was extended and it just exposed further the chicken and rice body he was farming. Gorgeous, although it made you a little sad and you hoped he was eating well. Not that you cared for a stranger. You didn’t care at all. You didn’t care-
He opened his eyes again and your gazes met. 
You didn’t care? 
Chris was confused. He discovered everything he initially needed for his nosy spirit. But somehow it wasn’t enough and with every question he asked, a new question came to mind. Your family? Siblings? How old is Nyx? Did you have other pets before? Why did you move? What did you study? 
You were polite and answered each and every one of them, exchanging the favour of asking him the same back. How long has he been producing? Was it hard? Are his songs popular? Oh, you probably heard some of them around? No way, you made that song?? 
Chris was very confused, especially since it was very late and he was exhausted, yet he didn’t want to move his ass from the damn chair and go home. 
But then you hid a little yawn and he realized he should probably just go. He thanked you again for the dinner. Should he ask you out for the next Friday?
But you perhaps just wanted to repay him the favour. Booking you for three Fridays in a row would have been too much, he figured. You looked like a busy and sociable woman. 
He was outside your door and you smiled at him seeing him out although he only had to take a few steps towards his own apartment. 
“Well, goodnight-” he kept that phrase suspended. 
You blinked at him.
“Y/N,” you finally said with a little smile.
He repeated your name. 
“Goodnight-” you replied. 
“Chris,” he added. 
“Goodnight Chris.” 
Chris felt like a pervert. No, worse. He felt like a stalker. Was it weird that he memorized the time you’d go to work and the time you came back? He didn’t try to, for real. It just happened. He’d hear your morning alarm at 7am and the way your shower ran ten minutes afterwards. Then a pause, he figured you prepared breakfast and got dressed. Then the sound of your hairdryer or whatever you did to your hair, he wasn’t fully sure. Then another pause. He liked to imagine you were putting on some makeup. His 7am brain has been busy imagining you putting on bright red lipstick, gently bent over your sink to see yourself better in the mirror, although he fully knew you would never wear that kind of lipstick to work. 
Then the sound of the door closing. It wasn’t a loud bang, you were considerate, but Chris had good hearing. 
He’d sleep late in the mornings usually. But your routine influenced him. So his routine became waking up at 7am with you, listen to your movements, then after you’d be gone, he’d also get up and go about his day. 
Was this normal neighbour behaviour? He wasn’t sure. He’s never had one before you. 
During the day he wouldn’t think of you at all. Maybe once in a while. 
And then he’d hear the sound of your door opening and closing. Nyx’s meow as she’d welcome you and your muffled far away baby talk, probably calling her my love and other nicknames Chris low-key wanted to hear directed at himself. 
He wouldn’t listen to you after that, he was a busy man afterwards, and he didn’t want to be a full-on creep.
But he knew you’d get in bed at around 10pm so he started to go as well. Not to sleep, he could hear the sound of the Tik Toks you were watching or the movie you’d put on. Sometimes it would be silent and he was dying of curiousity to know what were you doing. Reading? Puzzles? Listening to music over earphones? 
One night it was particularly quiet, maybe you fell asleep, and Chris was about to grab his laptop and do some work when he heard a low buzz. 
It was so faint that the wondered if he was just imagining it. Maybe his dirty mind was just trying to fill in his brain with images of what he’d secretly desire you to be doing. But no, it was there. He fought the urge to place his ear on the wall like a total loser and ignored it for the night, blasting music in his ears instead. 
But then it happened again the following night and Chris sighed, heat travelling down his abdomen. He scratched his ear then nape. Then he huffed, closing the laptop and putting it on the side. He didn’t want to listen but he couldn’t push himself to not listen either. He was just curious, he told himself. Also, it wasn’t his fault you were masturbating in the head to head bedrooms you guys had and it wasn’t his fault that the walls weren’t particularly thick for a luxury apartment complex. 
But he wasn’t curious only about the buzz. 
Well, yes. He wondered what kind of toy could that be. Was it small? Was it internal or external? Was it a vibrating dildo or a clit sucking device? 
But no, not really. He was more curious about the sounds you’d make. Were you a noisy person? Would you be loud or muffle your voice into the pillow? What position were you in? 
God, he felt like a pervert. It wasn’t his fault you were masturbating but it was his fault for listening like that and imagining. 
He reached for the headphones when the first noise arrived. He froze, fingers in mid air. 
The noises increased in number and volume. Whimpers and moans. 
He let his hand fall on the bed and he dug the nails into the covers ever so slightly. 
He blinked, eyes towards the ceiling, your eyes probably rolled back in your head. Was that good? You were probably swallowing that toy so well, all wet and warm. He exhaled. 
Like a reply, you kept moaning. He shivered, a single shiver coming from his toes up his scalp. He closed his eyes for a moment then opened again. 
It was no surprise that he was hard. He wasn’t particularly dressed either so he couldn’t even lie to himself and say that he didn’t notice. 
“Shit,” he mumbled out loud, passing one hand in his dark curls, then on his face. It stopped on his chest, where it buzzed with self restraintful force. 
No, he wasn’t going to rub one out to the sound of his neighbour. He was not going to do that. 
But you sounded so good although muffled, and the universe gifted him with too much imagination for his own good. His hand moved on its own on his flinching stomach going over the short trimmed hair and he exhaled as if he has not been breathing for the past minutes.
Oh, it felt better than usual. He was way past teenage years but with the way the precum leaked on his fingers, the thumb collecting it, he felt like a virgin masturbating for the first time. His adam apple traveled up and down his throat and he closed his eyes, pushing the head into the pillow, trying to pace the movement of his hand with the rhythm of your moans. He’s never felt dirtier and it went so quick to his head that he didn’t need much. With a groan then a higher pitched whimper he came messily on his stomach, some of it reaching his chest. Your moans increased in the same moment and Chris thought he was going to go insane, imagining you sprawled and shaking because of your own orgasm. 
If he came so quickly like that, what was he going to do if you were in his arms?
It has been a few horny days, you realized as your hand automatically reached for he drawer on your right. Then you stopped. You felt a bit tired of your toys and that month’s ovulation felt too intense for you to keep using them. 
Somehow, well, somehow you wanted the real deal. Should you go out? Go back on Tinder? 
You sighed and crossed your arms on your chest, eyebrows furrowed staring at the ceiling. 
Fuck it, you got up, throwing the duvet on one side. 
It has been too long since you went outside or dressed up. Hell, it has been too long since you actually fucked someone, and although you mastered your own shit down to a notch, you really missed human contact. Perhaps you were very lonely and not even that horny. 
The dress was on, heels were worn, hair done and your girlfriends complimented your makeup. The night seemed promising. 
The man you eyed a few hours into the night wasn’t that bad either. Decent height, good breath, normal man cologne, and the alcohol in your system did the rest. You didn’t even need to hear him talk or anything. You brought him home and got down to business. 
You tried, really.
And the poor dude probably also tried a lot.
But nothing could beat the way you felt on your own, thinking about your neighbour Chris with a toy buried deep inside of you pretending it was him. 
Chris decided he wasn’t going to be creepy that night. He wondered what was going on in your life to make you masturbate that much every night. It was completely normal but he usually masturbated mostly because of stress so he couldn’t help but ask himself if you were also very stressed or if the job was talking a toll on you. 
Maybe he could go over and check, maybe with the excuse to see Nyx. The evil part inside of him wanted to go over the moment you started to touch yourself, just so he could interrupt and force you to come to the door, maybe all heated up, maybe a bit pissed at him. He wanted to see your annoyed expression at the fact you couldn’t finish. He wanted you to be so pissed and horny to just slam him into the damn door and find relief through his body. Chris didn’t want anything back. He could have just watched the way you sit on his thigh and ride it, head thrown back and your nails digging into his shoulders. He could be completely content just to stare at the way your breasts moved gently, not as hard as if you were to ride his cock, but almost. He really wanted to see your frustratred expression as rocking on his thigh would not be enough for you so you’d stare at him frantically, begging with your eyes for more, because you’d never beg with your words. Chris would pretend he doesn’t understand just to see you even more impatient. Even more eager. Perhaps he could drive you to the point of pushing him down the couch and sitting on his face. 
The slam against the wall made him open his eyes. That wasn’t a familiar sound. The second thud made his lift one eyebrow. Were you renovating the bedroom? 
But then a male grunt made his boiling blood chill in one second. 
You had guests. 
You had guests who were probably slamming into you given the sheer intensity of your sudden moans. 
“Busy and enjoyable night?” 
You looked to your right where a man was loading his own washing mashine. He wasn’t looking at you but no one was around so you knew he was talking to you. You took a moment to stare at his profile, the perfect flinching jaw muscle the only detail showing his emotions, whatever they were, on his otherwise calm face. 
“I guess you can say so,” you answered, a bit embarassed. “Was I too noisy?” 
“I wasn’t sleeping so I didn’t mind the noise,” Chris finally looked at you. He was very casual about it. 
“The fact you were awake,” you threw some other clothes in the washing machine, “makes it all somehow worse. I am sorry you had to hear all that.” You hoped he didn’t see the bed sheets you were washing but if he heard you the whole night it was probably useless to hide it. 
You gave him a small smile and he imitated you. You looked as if exchanging opinions on the weather instead of commenting on your one night stand. 
“I was working, so big loud earphones on. Didn’t hear much.” 
Although he made sure to say that, you couldn’t fully trust him. The way he even started that conversation in the first place instead of pretending to not have heard anything, as it would have been polite to, was as if he wanted you to know he heard. 
But instead of feeling shame, the situation just made your blood run faster. He heard you. He heard your moans. Was he even a bit turned on? Or maybe just pissed because you ruined his night? 
“To answer your full question, busy yes, enjoyable?” you trailed off, closing the washing mashine and staring at the way the clothes started to lazily twirl around. 
“not much,” you finished. 
Chris was also done and he was grabbing the hamper. His eyes looked like two cuts under his curly fringe. You wondered if his hair was soft as it looked. The dude’s hair wasn’t that soft and when he went down on you and you grabbed it, your mind couldn’t help but imagine Chris’ curls instead. 
He was waiting for more information. 
“Didn’t make me cum once,” you shrugged and didn’t give him any time to comment on it, leaving for the stairs instead. 
Chris turned his head to watch your back disappear behind the corner. His gaze trailed down on your ass then legs. 
He exhaled through his nose. 
Why was he annoyed? 
Because you fucked someone? Or because you didn’t get fucked well enough the way you deserved? 
Your perfume was lingering in the air as he made his way up on the stairs as well and he waited the same elevator you took. The image of you getting railed into the mattress didn’t leave his mind for a minute since last night. But he knew that no fantasy of his could get close to reality, seeing you in your skimmy pajamas that morning. Your hair, the exposed delicate skin, the curve of your neck, your lazy amused voice. 
Chris gulped once as he entered the elevator. He pictured taking you against that wall. Or maybe, against the damn mirror, so you could see your expression as your knees would give up from the sheer intensity of the orgasm he’d give you. 
But he couldn’t fully blame the guy. Chris wasn’t that confident either and he was sure no man could prevent cumming in his pants in seconds if you were sprawled on the bed underneath him. 
What the guy had to be blamed for is that he had the opportunity to pleasure the most incredible woman Chris knew, and he failed completely. 
He was sure you won’t see him again, but if the dude came around the second time Chris thought he could break his fingers, that way maybe he could remind him they exist and can be used. 
He exhaled through his nose again when the elevator communicated with a ding that it arrived on the right floor. 
You were waiting for him and Chris stopped in his tracks for a moment, before walking up to you. 
His gaze fell on the plate your were holding. 
“Made some pie,” you smiled. Your eyes were shining a bit. If that was your expression when embarrassed then he really wanted to find ways to make you shy again. 
“Take it as a token of my sorry I made you listen to me moan at 2am,” you added. 
“You really don’t have to feel sorry about it,” Chris smiled back but he really wanted the plate, the hamper down at his feet already to free his hands.
“Well, you clearly wanted something from me by mentioning it,” your eyes shone again. Yes, that was your embarrassed expression, but there was something more to you, he realized. Malice. 
Chris didn’t confirm nor denied. “I will enjoy it, thank you,” he simply replied, your fingers touching as he grabbed the pie. Your hands were a bit cold and a shiver went down his spine, imagining those fingers trailing down his body until they would warm up on his skin. 
“I hope you do,” you said then turned around, disappearing behind your apartment door. 
Chris put down the pie on his kitchen table then looked down at his hand which was still faintly burning from your cold touch. 
He hummed and closed his eyes, sliding it under his waistband. He fucked his fist harder and rougher than usual. 
You realized finding human contact wasn’t that satisfactory after all, so you huffed that night and after a short tik tok trip you reached for your drawer. 
Then you changed your mind. Could you just do with manual that night? It would take more time but you somehow were in the mood to be a bit frustrated physically so that the emotional frustration could be drowned instead. 
You relaxed into your pillow and the realization that Chris was probably on his bed in the same position made you bit your lower lip. Your delusions made you think he was a bit upset that morning because he was jealous but then again, if he wanted to he would, right? So he probably didn’t want to. 
That thought took you out of the horniness you were slipping into and brought a little of sadness instead. 
Hell, he’s never even asked for your phone number. Not even as a neighbour. Weren’t you at least supposed to talk about hot water and the trash bins?
No, you weren’t horny anymore. You were pissed. 
But you didn’t need Chris to masturbate. 
You could just do it as usual. You didn’t need to imagine his palms on you. Nor his veiny forearms. Definitely not his pillowy and pink lips, dragging down your skin. 
Your first whimper took even you by surprise but you couldn’t stop. Not when the image of Chris’ face between your thighs was burning inside your closed eyelids. Would he be gentle? Would he be rough? The only thing you were sure of was the way his velvety and wet tongue would feel like. Would he grunt while eating you out? Would he moan, desperately trying to find relief in the friction with the mattress? 
Oh that was a good image. 
That was such a good image that your toes curled and your fingers picked up the pace. Was he a head pusher? Or was he a good boy waiting for you to please him with your mouth the way you wanted to?
You moaned louder. 
You were so close. So so so fucking close.
And then the knock on the door made your legs shake in frustration. You opened your eyes, fingers still deep inside of you, and you furrowed your eyebrows. If the person didn’t leave in the next second you’d lose that goddam orgasm. 
The person knocked again. 
Brain hazy with murderous intent and anger you didn’t even consider that the only person to be able to get inside the building and knock instead of ringing the outside bell was your neighbour. 
“Hey ya,” Chris smiled, lifting one plastic bag. It clinked and you figured it was beer. 
Chris ruffled his hair at the whimpers. 
He couldn’t go on like that anymore. The evil plan to well, edge? no, cockblock you and your toy? yeah, sounded too evil for him. But after you careless display of noise with the dude the previous night he though you deserved it. 
At the second louder whimper he was already outside, all of the beer he accumulated in his fridge in a bag and the poor excuse of hey im bored and I wanted to see Nyx, well, I wanted to see you as well.
“...I hope I am not interrupting anything,” he repeated the phrase and completed it after you opened the door. 
You were a mess, a complete mess. Your eyes were shining and he could tell you were boiling hot from the effort of fucking yourself and probably from the anger of being interrupted. 
He loved it. 
“No, I was- uh,” you took some steps backwards and sideways to welcome him inside. “Working out,” you finished. 
Nyx came meowing towards him and he knelt down, taking her in his arms. The sleeveless shirt he was wearing didn’t leave anything to the imagination and you wondered if he also has been working out - actually working out - prior coming to have those huge and pumped biceps. 
“Hello, hello,” he nuzzled his nose into Nyx’s and you smiled a little, taking the beer bag and putting it down on the low coffee table you added to the decor some days ago. 
“Working out?” you heard him ask after a cuddling moment with your kitty (the real cat). 
“Yeah,” you turned around, one hand on your lower back, one to scratch your forehead. “You know,” you shrugged, “Youtube pilates and such.” 
Chris nodded, joining you near the couch and letting Nyx down. 
“That’s great. I’ve never tried Pilates before.” 
“Are you flexible?” 
He thought about it. “A decent amount. Not too much I guess, though? Are you?” 
You gulped at the question, your brain still hazy witht he images your dirty mind created for you some minutes ago. 
“Yes? I think so,” you sat down. 
He hummed as if your frantic state amused him. Well, you were probably very amusing to look at. A whole mess. And you wondered why he didn’t give you his number? Yeah. 
He looked around and you thought it was because he wanted to comment on the new decor. “Do you not use any mat?” 
You were starstruck. “A mat?” 
Chris looked at you. “Mat.” 
“Oh, it’s uh, in my bedroom.” 
He nodded. 
“Do you just go to the gym?” you really wanted to move the subject away from you. 
He leaned forward to grab the bag and take out two beers. 
“Yup. I do mostly weights.” 
“Of course,” you commented. 
Chris opened the bottles of beer on each other - which you actually found sexy - and handed you one. You jolted in place when you felt the cold glass on the back of your hand. 
“You seem very jumpy? Is everything okay?” he murmured. 
You took the bottle and chugged. “Yes.” 
You couldn’t look him in the eyes. He was talking, something interesting even, but you couldn’t concentrate. You didn’t know if it was the fact you’ve been masturbating to the thought of him ten minutes ago, or if he somehow was more fine than usual that night, or if you just were getting heated up because of the beer you kept downing like water, but you really wanted to just jump on him. 
He kept moving on the couch, backwards, forwards, side, adjusting his hair, his shorts. He was pissing you off because your eyes were forced to glue on either his arms, or his rib muscles, or his hands, or his lips, or his eyes, or his jaw, or his-
“Right?” he asked again. 
“Huh?” you woke up. 
Chris chuckled. “Where are you?” 
“I am here,” you replied, hand moving the bottle to your mouth in an already repetitive movement. 
Chris stopped the bottle by placing his hand on top of yours. 
“What are you doing?” you asked. 
He opened his mouth. 
Chris smiled. “It’s empty.” 
You looked down and you realized it was indeed missing any beer. But you couldn’t let go because his hand was still holding yours. 
You looked at him. “Can I have another one?” 
His eyes analyzed your features as if to understand if you were drunk or not. Perhaps he decided that you weren’t. “Yes,” he replied. 
You waited. 
He didn’t move his hand. 
“Then let go?” you tried. 
Chris let his fingers slide down the back of your hand then forearm before leaning in and grabbing the full bottle on the table in front of you. 
The swif of his cologne made you swallow dryly. He was so close. He was too close. He was too close for your tipsy and horny brain. 
His touch, the second time, gave you goosebumps and, fuck, he noticed. His gazed trailed your nude arms as he exchanged the bottles in your hand and your gaze was on his face. So you noticed the languid look on it, as he slowly traced your skin with the fingertip of his ring finger, from elbow to shoulder. 
You shivered and the goosebumps got more severe.
“You’re very sensitive,” he murmured. 
He was having fun. 
He was having so much fucking fun. 
You eyes looked wide, staring down his finger touching your skin like that. Your quivering eyes, your trembling lower lip, your quick breath. Was he being too evil? 
He touched your beer with his and took a sip. 
The sound woke you from your trance and you imitated him, licking the opening of the bottle with your tongue for a moment before pressing your lips into it to drink. 
Was that a habit of yours or were you also set on making him go crazy that night?
“What were you talking about before?” you resumed the conversation.
Chris chuckled. “So you weren’t listening.” 
You lifted your legs on the couch to sit on them. Your knees was touching his thigh and he leaned into it instead of moving away. He was as close as to rest his arm on your legs. Perhaps he should do that. 
“I got lost, sorry,” you smiled back. 
Chris took another sip and indeed rested his arm on your legs. You didn’t flinch. 
But when his hand naturally cupped one of your knees, the nude thigh in your pajama shorts got covered in goosebumps again. 
His chuckle was bright as he laughed at you. “You’re very very sensitive.” 
You rolled your eyes with an amused scoff. “It’s normal. Everyone is like this.” 
“I am not,” he challenged you. 
Would you fall in the trap? 
Your eyes tightened in a knowing smile taking another sip. Perhaps you were drinking too much too quickly but he wasn’t going to be the boss of you. 
“I believe you,” you simply said.
Chris let his tongue poke his cheek in a visible display of disappointment and he loved the way you giggled. 
And when you suddenly dragged your nails on his bicep he was ashamed to realize he probably needed a pillow to cover his crotch. 
Of course you picked on that. Of course you had to. 
“Is this all it takes?” you voice got suddenly low and sensual, confident as you haven’t been that night. You were having fun now. 
Chris didn’t let himself lose. Not even when you reached his nape and you slowly played with the short hairs of his undercut. 
His gaze never broke the connection with yours. “I’ll be honest. I’ve been bricked up since I heared your whimpers on the other side of the wall.” 
Your hand stopped and your face fell. It wasn’t anger or annoyance. It wasn’t even shame as he thought. It was arousal and shock. Maybe even relief. 
Chris openes his mouth to add something else. Were you going to hit him?
And when you suddenly leaned in he was almost sure you were going to give him a good slap but he found the air knocked out of his lungs instead thanks to your lips of his. 
One second he was looking at you and the other he was grabbing your ass as your straddled his thighs. You hummed into the kiss and he imitated you, one palm to lift your shorts up and the other to rub at your back until reaching the back of your neck. 
You were soft and warm. So soft and warm and he wanted you closer to him so he pulled towards himself until he felt your body flush on his. His fingers frantically came in the front, to feel better what he was feeling with his chest, your braless breast, first on top of your shirt then, slowly, underneath it.
 You shivered and your broke the kiss to moan against his lips. His hands were warm and your breasts too tender. Your blood was buzzing like electricity under your skin and you desperately wanted Chris to touch every inch of it with whatever he wanted to - his body, his hands, his lips, his tongue. 
Chris, the neighbour. 
The neighbour that attached that damned plump lips to your neck now making you flutter your eyelashes. He wasn’t even doing that much. He wasn’t basically doing anything. Then why were you already moaning? Why were you feeling on the verge of shaking in his arms? Fuck, those arms that were wrapped around your waist, so huge and too strong for your own good. Would he throw you on the couch soon with those? You let your head fall back as he traveled down your throat, one hand to keep you in place, the other groping at the soft flesh of your ass. Then his mouth, his open wet and hot mouth, felt your cleavage and you couldn’t see anymore. 
You whispered his name, or you moaned it, you weren't sure, and you felt his hard cock flinch underneath you. You hummed, hands grabbing at his hair, pushing his fringe back to see his eyes. They were sharp looking up at you from the swell of your breasts. Just undress me already, you wanted to yell, but you knew he enjoyed taking his time with you. 
Chris needed all of his self control to not reach down and feel if you were as plump and wet as he imagined. He could tell you were on the verge to beg. You were almost there. He really really really wanted to hear your pretty voice use your polite words. Just a single please would be enough for him. So he waited. He let his tongue tease your hard nipples on top of the shirt, elliciting the sweetest moans from you and the way you rolled your eyes back made him wonder if that guy you fucked was completely clueless or if Chris was just too skilled.
But Chris could also tell he wouldn’t break you that easily the moment you let your hips down even more and rocked them once from the base of his cock to the tip. 
His throat growled without him wanting too and the sound made you pull his hair a bit to make him look at you. Your eyes were presenting a challenge and he smiled teasingly on top of your chest. 
Okay, he thought, and in a single movement your shirt was off of you and on the floor somewhere across the room. 
He thought having you half naked sitting on him would add to your mental fuckery but he didn’t take into consideration what the view would do to him. 
“Fuck,” he murmured, cupping your breasts as if seeing a pair for the first time. He gulped and looked back up right when you leaned in to kiss him deeply, arms around his neck and tongue inside his mouth. 
He lost it. He completely lost it, feeling your nude back with his knuckles, and you scent, god, it inebriated him so much that he was the one on the verge to beg you for something, anything, just fucking anything. 
You felt like mush. You felt like putty in his arms, like nothing. And when you broke off the kiss to breathe and he went back to torture your nipples, this time no fabric to rub on it but just his delicious and wet tongue on them, you felt like cumming. You actually felt like cumming. You felt like hiding your face and scream. It was already too much. It was already too much and you weren’t sure if you were thinking it or saying it out loud but Chris increased his pace, kitty licking your buds in ways that made you dig your nails into his shoulders. He didn’t even wince, he didn’t even care, teeth gently biting on the hard but tender skin and stretching it, before popping in as much as he could fit and suck until his dimples showed. 
Oh, it was sinful, the movement, the sound, your noises, his heavy breath, his cock so fucking hard right underneath you. You wanted more. You needed more, the begging word lingering on the tip of your tongue. 
“Shit,” you said instead, a high pitched and messy moan escaping your chest. Chris hummed deeply against your chest and his arms tightened around your body as you leaned forwards and felt your body spasm uncontrollably.  
You heard his chuckle from a haze as you slowly calmed down your breath. 
“Adding making woman cum just from nipple stimulation to my CV now,” he giggled, his pretty eyes right above your cleavage. You smiled, rolling your eyes. You couldn’t believe he was giggling after doing all that to you. 
“Stupid. It’s just my body being sensitive, as you said.” 
“And yet, that motherfucker didn’t make you cum even by accident,” his tone changed completely. 
His jealousy gave you butterflies - you were kinda ashamed to admit - and all you could do was leaning down to give him a smiley kiss, and it somehow tasted sweet and gentle. His cock didn’t feel sweet though and when he slowly pushed his hips upwards his tip bumped into your sensitive clit making you jolt. Then again, and again, until you had to let his plumped lips go and breathe on them instead. 
“Yeah?” he murmured back. 
You whined, foreheads pressing together. 
Chris thought he was going to just cream his pants. He thought that was it, that was the moment. Because besides creaming one’s pants, he didn’t think what other appropriate reaction one could have seeing you slide down from his legs onto your knees on the floor and rest your hands on his thighs with that needy expression of yours. 
“Oh, fuck,” he swallowed, one hand to messy his hair even more. 
The corner of your lips lifted in a confident and amused smile. “You think I can add making man cum just from rubbing his thighs in my CV?”
“Oh, I fucking think so,” Chris replied with somewhat of a choked and amused voice. Your warm palms were doing just as you said, touching him on top of his thin shorts, until reaching underneath them for a moment and feelin his boiling skin. The print of his cock was so obvious that you wondered if it was painful so you leaned down and just touched alongside of it with your nose, making his muscles twitch, then with your open mouth, warming him through the fabric. 
Chris let his head fall back for a moment, unable to keep his eyes open, then he looked back down, not wanting to lose a single movement of yours. 
You looked up at him from underneath your lashes and you smiled, almost purring, letting your tongue wet his shorts ever so slightly. 
“I know what you want,” he smiled with a heavy breath. 
Your head tilted to the side in a silent oh really?
He hummed. “But I don’t have issues with begging. So, please,” he added in a whisper, “please please I need to feel your mouth on me.” 
You felt a new wave of wetness pool inside your panties.
How could a man look so hot begging for it? He drove you crazy. You thought you were breaking him but he broke you instead.
He was pissing you off. He was pissing you off so badly. 
“Shirt off,” you lifted yourself and he chuckled, obeying you. The way he reached back and took it off by the collar made your knees weak and they weren’t strong in the first place. 
“Better?” he leaned back again.
You felt your head spin. You felt like about to choke on your breath or spit or just air. One couldn’t just look like that. 
So all you could do was just to lean in, tasting that immaculate skin with your lips on his neck, feeling his collarbones, then open mouth on his chest, then finally you bit the tender but firm skin right above his waistband, close to the few veins disappearing into his underwear. 
He exhaled deeply, then he inhaled sharply, and finally he whimpered, a single sound, sweet but husky. You wanted to hear more. You wanted to hear all of it. And when you felt satisfied with the mark you left on his pristine stomach, you grabbed his waistband and pulled. 
“Lift your hips for me, princess,” you smiled and Chris let out an incredulous offended giggle. 
Yet he did as you ordered, letting you take a moment to try and understand in which hole you could fit all of that. 
“I’m sure you could make me cum only by looking at it, but I would appreciate a little help too,” Chris let his hands caress your jaw and then he slowly dug them into your hair. 
You looked up at him then back down. “Shit,” you murmured, rubbing your thighs together. 
The movement didn’t go unnoticed to him and it just made his cock jump. You looked gorgeous. He thought you looked like a wet dream but none of his wet dreams looked that good. 
He exhaled with a groan as you finally let your tongue travel from the base up his tip, feeling the most prominent vein, until tasting the pre-cum. Then you grabbed it, lazily pumping as much as you could, tongue teasing his slit before swallowing half of it in one go and making him choke on air. 
“That’s- this is-” he mumbled, eyes fluttering and hands imperceptibly shaking. 
You hummed a question but just sucked not even letting him process anything else besides the feeling of your perfectly wet and warm mouth around him. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, his fingers pulling on your hair a bit the moment you started to bob your head even lower until almost touching the base with your nose. The gag sounds made him dizzy and he relaxed the grip as you let his cock out with a gasp, some saliva strings attached to the tip. You broke them with your tongue and started to eagerly sucking on his tip again, lungs trying to take in as much air as you could before diving in again. 
Chris was a sinner but if that was what heaven felt like he thought he might start repenting soon. 
“You’re so fucking good,” he murmured with a husky voice. He was losing it completely just like the life you were sucking out of him. “So so so fucking good,” he let his head fall back again as you hummed pleased around his cock, the short eye contact making him close his eyes, feeling the pleasure pooling too quickly inside of him. You gagged again, this time for longer and your jaw relaxed, taking him deep inside your throat again and again and again until he pulled away, his thighs shaking and his breath completely irregular. 
You looked at him disappointed and a bit mad. “-m cumming, are you sure-” Chris explained with a broken voice and you huffed, taking him back inside your mouth and making him groan as if he was almost in pain. 
“Shit shit shit,” he repeated like a mantra, relasing so fast and so intensely that he almost missed the way your throat moved as you swallowed almost to the last drop, letting the last sprut land on your extended tongue instead and cheek. 
Chris exhaled as if he just finished running a marathon and relaxed his muscles. His fingers collected the drops of cum from your face and you smiled, grabbing his wrist with your hands and directed it towards your face. 
“God,” he gulped dryly, watching you suck on his fingers and coating them with your spit. The view was almost more erotic than the one he just witnesses and he wondered if he should add a third one inside your mouth to get them all ready for what he wanted to do next. 
One moment you were between his thick thighs, and the other you were staring at the ceiling, your back flush on the couch. 
You couldn’t make sense of when or how he grabbed you and pushed you into it, the only thing you could concentrate on being the feeling of his kisses on your stomach. 
And not only. The way his neck chain felt rubbing on your skin with every inch he touched with his mouth. And when you felt it, cold, sliding between your legs, you inhaled deeply, hands trying to reach and grab anything to anchor you to reality. But Chris grabbed your wrists and pinned them down to your sides. Then he pulled your shorts and underwear down your legs with a harsh pull. 
“No princess for me?” you joked, trying to fight the sudden feeling of being completely naked and very much open-legged in front of him. 
Chris leaned down until almost lying on you and you welcomed his naked body between your thighs, feeling how deliciously he started to get hard again only by pleasuring you. 
“Princess? But you want to be fucked like a whore, don’t you?” he teased your lower lip with his teeth and you whimpered at the sweet tone but dirty words. 
“Yeah?” he asked again, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck, reaching for your ear and languidly tracing its shape with his tongue. 
You exhaled, caressing his wide back, feeling his muscles flex as he came back towards your mouth. 
“Words, princess,” his voice was husky and deep and you felt it in your chest going down to your core. 
“Yes, yeah,” you breathed out. Chris smiled pleased and the glint in his eyes got darker as he disappeared from your sight and pulled you by the hips towards his mouth. 
You felt like melting. You felt like melting and disappearing into his touch. 
Yeah, no, it was even better than you’ve imagined. You thought you knew how his velvety tongue would feel like but no, you didn’t. You had no fucking idea, not a single clue. And in that momen you realized you were so glad for not having a third neighbour because the way Chris got you moaning and swearing was probably unbearable. He just flicked your clit, and sucked on it, then kitty licked, then let his tongue flat on you, going down to collect all drops. Again and again. It was so dirty, it was so wet and sinful, it made you unable to keep your eyes open. He fucked you with his tongue, sliding it in with a groan, and when you thought it couldn’t get any better you felt his finger making space for itself. You gasped and stared down, catching a glimpse of Chris’ almost black eyes under his fringe, and the white of his teeth, like about to devour his prey. He pumped his finger in and out, tongue back to torture you, and when he added the second one and curved them towards the sweetest spots, your spine curved as well, and you frantically grabbed at whatever you could reach. Chris kept you down with the other arm, snaking it around your thigh and pressing his palm on your lower stomach. The pressure made you choke, heighteing the pleasure until something broke inside of you and you lost control of your own body and mind, shaking so violently that you couldn’t see anymore. You felt yourself clenching around his fingers rhythmically after another gasp of air, and you realized he was shushing you, lazily kissing your thigh, and whispering quiet praises.  
Then he came forwards, his bicep full and his forearm flexed keeping his body weight, the other hand still buried inside of you. 
You reached up and wiped his chin and lower lip and he smiled, catching it with his mouth and slowly sucking on it. 
The mewl that escaped your throat at the view made him chuckle so we wanted more, finally sliding his fingers out and shoving them inside your mouth. 
The kiss that came afterwards was slow and deep, your tastes mixing together in it, his body resting on top of yours, caging you down with his weight. 
Chris hasn’t felt that aroused in a very long time. Although your whole body was doing the conversation, your touch, your eyes, the way you’d pull him into the kiss, your legs around his waist, he really really wanted to hear you beg him for it, beg him for more, beg him to not stop. 
You didn’t stop kissing him and he was grateful for your almost identical apartments because eyes closed and hands busy groping at your ass as he carried you in his arms he had to only rely on his instincts to find the bedroom and drop you on the bed. The view of you sprawled on it the way he has imagined many times in the intimacy of his dark room made him exhale with his mouth and when you lifted one foot, gently rubbing it on his abdomen he lifted one amused eyebrow, desperately wanting to bite on you. So he did just that, trying to suck on the tender skin on your hip to get you a matching spot to the one you gave him. Your gentle but amused whimpers made his cock throb almost painfully and he lied fully on his stomach, his thumb lazily pressing into your clit in circular motions. Your body kept jolting ever so slightly as he peppered kisses all over your abdomen, still sensitive, and your hands in his hair made his spine shiver deliciously. 
He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to feel you. 
Slowly and deeply, just like the kiss he gave you, caging you under his body. 
He wanted to see your expression as he reached down and lined himself up to you. He wasn’t disappointed, the gasp you let out, feeling him slide inside of you mirroring his. 
Chris needed to close his eyes for a moment, lips rubbing on yours, and his nostrils filled with your perfume. 
And when he opened them, your blowned out pupils, your open wet lips, your eyebrows curved in a way that communicated lust and desire made him push himself in until a single choked sound escaped from your tender throat. He did it again, and again, slowly, making you feel every bit of him, stretching you out in ways that made you wrap your legs around his waist and squeeze with broken breath. 
It was overwhelming. So much and so full. But you needed more. You wanted him deeper. You wanted him everywhere. 
“Faster,” you whimpered, arms abandoned on the pillow you pushed your head into as he obeyed, snapping his hips into you. The louder moans filled the room and you extended your throat. Chris leaned down to bite on it, the sounds of his groans reverberating inside your chest. His hands reached yours, pulling them near the headboard and pinning them down, making you bite your lips at how you let yourself be fully to his mercy. He pushed his hand on your wrists more, the other sliding back down to your hips to keep you in place. 
The bed started to creak and the sheets wrinkled underneath your bodies. A thin layer of sweat shone on his silky skin and you desperately wanted to feel him. You tugged at his hand but he smirked, pressing you down again. 
A single disappointed mmh made space between your whimpers. 
He clicked his tongue. “You want to touch me?” 
The breathy yes visibly amused him too much. 
“Ask nicely,” he whispered on your lips, his hips never stopping to turn your brain into a mush. 
Your reply was a dry chuckle and he caught it with his mouth transforming it into a growl. 
“I see you’re not fucked up enough,” he said in a second your wrists were free, but so was your body as he got up on his knees, sliding out of you. 
Your whimper of protest at the sudden emptiness made him exhale satisfied.
“Come on,” you eyed him and his beautifully arrogant face. 
“What?” he turned his head to the side in that little play. His cock was heavy resting on you as he slowly slid it on top of your clit, not enough to give you any relief but enough to keep you on that edge he desperately wanted you to be on. 
You extended your arms, almost touching his chest, but he grabbed your wrists again keeping them together as he kept playing with you. 
“Say it,” he purred. Your hips twitched at that delicious torture. “Say what you want.” 
“I want you inside of me,” you opened your eyes. “I want you to make me cum,” you tried. Maybe you’d break him. Maybe you’d make him lose control. 
But he just smirked. “Yeah?” 
You hummed back, your fingers shaking in the air. 
“What else?” 
Your bit your lower lip. “Fuck, Chris-” you skin shivered. 
“Just say it, come on, and I’ll fuck you the way you want me to,” his tip teased your sensitive clit deliciously as a little taste of what he would be able to do to you. 
“Say it, baby,” he added and the petname threw you off completely, making you grit your teeth. 
“Please,” you voice was faint. 
Chris’ cock twitched and his grip on your wrist tightened. 
“Louder,” he ordered and you whined as a reply. 
“Please,” you repeated. “Please please plea-” 
Your words got choked as he slammed into you, so deeply to cut your airflow completely. And when he slid out and thrust into you again you tried to breathe but it felt impossible. Your pants got louder and louder matching the intensity of the skin slapping and wet sounds. Chris pulled you even closer by your hips, reaching your throat and resting his warm palm on it to keep you in place. 
“You have no idea how gorgeous you look right now,” he murmured. 
“I want- to see,” you admitted and Chris stopped, just the insinuated offer making him close to finish. 
He grunted and slipped out, grabbing your sides and turning you on your stomach with a single movement. You exhaled at his manhandling and when he grabbed your arms, pulling you up on your knees to face the mirror on the right, he felt your body shiver at the view, your eyes drinking in your own body then his figure right behind it. 
"You want to know how you look in my arms?” he whispered in your ear, snaking his hands on your body. “You want this pretty hole stretched and filled with cum?”
Your back curved and he could see in the mirror the way your eyes almost rolled back when he slid back inside of you. 
“Yes,” you whimpered back.
“That’s why you’ve been so loud, weren’t you?” He thrusted slowly and deeply. 
“Yes,” you added, with a choked sound. 
The realization made Chris completely dizzy. “You knew I’ve been listening?” 
“I was hoping you were.” 
“And what were you thinking of while burying your toys inside your cunt?”
You rolled your eyes back, his movement inside of you making it hard to speak. “About this,” you whined, one palm tentatively reaching back to touch his abdomen but you had no more force. 
You fell forwards on your hands, letting him grab your waist and fuck into you faster. Between your lashes you could see his body, tall on his knees, and his gritted teeth behind those gorgeous full lips. It was too much. His touch, his strokes, his scent all around you, his voice - deep and breathy - made you dig your nails into the sheets, twirling them as hard as he thrusted inside of you. 
“-m close, Chris, I am-” you tried to speak, voice muffled by the sheets you were burying your face into. The man leaned down to grab your chin and lift your head up. You exhaled, staring at your teary eyes and fucked up gaze. “Cum for me,” he grunted in your ear and you didn’t see anymore. 
Your body seized up and the sounds got drowned as you screamed. Chris’ hands trembled in your peripheral vision and the feeling of his cum filling up your pulsating cunt made you moan again dragging it until you could hear again. His breath was heavy and his voice hoarse as he whispered your name laced with swears. 
Your lifted your gaze in the mirror, drinking in the way he licked his lips, eyes trained on your ass as he slid his cock out. He looked at you under his eyelashed and grinned, his palm bouncing on one cheek as he gave it a good spank. 
You inhaled then gasped as he knocked your thighs together and slid back in slowly. 
“Chris, I’m too sensitive-” you choked and he exhaled. 
“Me too,” he grunted. “You can give me another one, right, baby?” 
His voice made your skin shiver with goosebumps as he leaned down to pepper wet kisses on your cheek and jaw. “Or I can just stop,” he added, stilling his hips. 
You whined. “Don’t stop-please-” 
Chris hummed and moved slowly, fucking his cum back in. “Fuck, you’re perfect.” 
You let your face back down and moaned, jolts of electricity running down your veins at the overstimulation. 
“Look at me,” he ordered. “If you stop looking at me I’ll stop.” 
His name excaped your throat like a sob. You didn’t want him to stop but you had no force to keep your head up. 
Chris’s glistening body leaned down again as much as to reach our head. His fingers were delicate but firm when he grabbed your hair and pulled up, his hips picking up the pace. 
You moaned, keeping your neck extended in his hold, the swears coming out of your mouth matching his. The heat in your abdomen felt like an explosion about to happen and when he felt your walls clench he grabbed your elbows again, pulling you up on your knees to wrap his arms all around you. His face nuzzled in the crook of your neck and his hands kept groping at everything until his knuckles would get white. They rested on your breasts, the other to hold your waist, and you grabbed his veiny forearms, open mouth in an initial silent scream. 
“That’s right, that’s it, cum baby-” he grunted, his voice caressing your shivering skin. 
Your body spasmed and if it weren’t for his hold you would have heavily fallen on the bed. Chris stilled for one moment, groaning as you clenched on him, but then he thrusted again, fucking you through your orgasm until you heard the choke on his breath against your ear, releasing into your for the second time. 
You didn’t know for how long you remained both still, catching your shaky breaths, gazes talking to each other because you had no more words. But the moment he pulled out you watched, his cum sliding down your thigh and pooling on the sheets underneath you. 
Chris’ chest felt the perfect amount of hard and soft. You nuzzled into it even more and your hair tickled him. He giggled, wrapping your body even tighter. 
“I’ll get you new sheets,” he murmured. 
“I can get the stain out,” you murmured back. Your eyelids felt heavy after his sweet praises and the delicate touch of his hands cleaning you with a soft warm towel. You didn’t even realize how thirsty you were until he brought a glass of water and he laughed watching you down it. Then he got you another one. Then he gave you a kiss. And another one. And he giggled again when you pulled him down on top of you, making out slowly like you had all the time in the world. 
And being like that in his arms you did feel like you had all the time in the world. 
“I’ll just get you new sheets,” he argued. 
“If you need to get me sheets everytime you fuck me you’ll go bankrupt.” 
Chris remained silent so you lifted your head to look at him in the face. He was grinning. 
“Is that-” he started. 
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, it’s an invitation to do this again.” 
Chris cupped your face with his palm. “I love how you look when you’re embarrassed.” 
You chuckled dryly. “I am not embarrassed!” 
Chris nodded. “Hm-mh.” 
You puffed and sat up, then turned on the other side. Chris only giggled and wrapped your body again, pulling your back towards his chest. The little smile you had on your face was visible to him in the mirror in front of you and he kissed your neck once before falling asleep with you. 
In the morning you both used a single washing machine. 
“Busy and enjoyable night, neighbour?” he leaned on the door suddenly as you finished loading it. The kisses he kept giving you in the elevator made your breath heavy. 
You rolled your eyes amused at his little theatrical act. “Yes.”
He hummed getting closer and you clicked the Power button. 
Chris grabbed your hips loosely and pushed you towards it until your ass hit the low vibrating machine. 
“He made me cum many times,” you whispered against his lips. They were curved in a smile. His eyebrows shot up as if surprised. 
“Oh, really?”
“Hm-hm,” you replied then gasped as he suddenly grabbed you and lifted you on the washing machine. His body naturally slid between your thighs and the way his fingertips trailed on them made you almost mewl. 
“Chris-” you tried to stop him as his mouth fell on your tender neck. 
“Not here,” you murmured. 
The washing machine started to rumble underneath you and you exhaled. 
His eyes shone with mischief. “Why, you’re afraid some neighbour is going to hear you? Shouldn’t that turn you on?” 
“I only wanted you to hear me.” 
“Well, if I gag you no one will hear a thing,” he whispered. 
You gulped and your thighs impercetibly tightened around his waist. The vibrations of the washing machine kept sending jolts of pleasure up your bust. 
“What if someone comes in suddenly?” 
“We’ll be quick,” he peppered kissed on your neck. “But I can also stop.” 
His gaze was dark and twinkly with lust. Your eyelids were getting heavy. 
“No, don’t stop. Please,” you whispered. “Please.”
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v0rewhxre · 8 months
Punished (Short Noah Smut)
18+ MDNI
A quick short smutty fiction with a very cold dom Noah Sebastian! Don't ask where this idea came from, just know it came to me sksks. I have a lot of requests that I will be working on throughout the day today!
18+ MDNI
CW: [unprotected p in v, m masturbation, power play, wrist grabbing, m dom, cold dom Noah]
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I slowly stumbled into the house at 1 am, trying to be quiet because I knew Noah was sleeping upstairs. It was the first night I had gone out without Noah since moving to California. A few of my coworkers chose an LA nightclub to really immerse me into the nightlife culture. Well, I never really drank so I definitely got way more drunk than I expected. I was embarrassed by the amount of noise I was making, but I knew Noah was a very heavy sleeper.
I climbed into bed, immediately pulled in by arms that were waiting for me, and fell asleep despite the room constantly spinning.
When I woke up I had quite the large cock digging into my back and rubbing against me, indicating Noah was ready for our morning sex session. With a slight groan, I was still half asleep, I shimmied my butt backwards arching so I was easily accessible.
In one smooth glide his cock slipped right into my already wet pussy, filling me up and stretching me. But what was supposed to be slow morning sex turned into Noah pushing me onto my stomach. I turned my head and saw a muscular tattooed forearm and felt his hot breath in my ear. His breath was stinky, but I didn't mind. He set a grueling pace, my back and butt arched even more. I could feel his cock slip even deeper which caused my closed eyes to roll into the back of my head.
"Did you miss me last night?" Noah whispered, nibbling on my ear lobe. I let out a breathless moan as his tongue moved down my neck to my shoulder. He knew his tongue was my weakness.
"Not really, I was only gone for four hours," I said slowly, enjoying the enticing bites he left in the crook of my neck.
Suddenly, the bed shifted to my right and my pussy was suddenly empty. My closed eyes now shot open. I clenched around nothing, letting out a frustrated huff as I turned in bed to look at Noah.
"What are you doing?" I whined.
"Well, you said that you didn't miss me so I guess I didn't miss you either," He pouted as the grip around his cock tightened, his pace picking up.
I watched as Noah pleased himself in front of me, his head fell backwards and his mouth was hung open. His tattooed hand expertly moved up and down, with a slight twist and squeeze at the top which I knew he loved. My pussy nearly caved in on itself at the sight. It was from need, but also extreme jealously. I could feel it pooling in my belly, the anger and rage that accompanied it.
"Noah, what are you doing?" I asked trying to grab his cock from his hands.
He grabbed my wrist, keeping my hand away from his cock which was beginning to pulse.
"I thought you didn't need me anymore, y/n," Noah said through gritted teeth. I knew he was getting close, my clit was begging to be touched. I could feel my pussy dripping on the sheets. Instinctively, my other hand moved to touch myself, but Noah dropped his cock and grabbed my other hand before I could relieve myself.
"Noah!" I yelled locking his eyes in a death glare.
He put my hands together and grabbed both in one hand. This mans hands were huge.
He kept my gaze as he went back to pleasing himself. His pace quickened, earning him a few beads of precum to lubricate himself as he continued. His soft breathless moans turned into loud groans, he was getting close. And my pussy was roaring!
Why the hell does he not want to use me?
What the fuck is his problem?
He knew jealously made me horny, I had admitted that to him the day I caught him masturbating in the shower. It made me feel so powerless and insecure and for some reason that turned me on. My therapist said often times people's kinks correlate to trauma's they had experienced. Noah understood that.
"Noah, pl, please," I begged as I began to let out small sobs. Tears had begun streaming down my face. My pussy was so excited that it was painful. I needed some relief soon.
His cock started to bounce and twitch, his orgasm was imminent. At this point, his eyes were closed and no longer on me. He didn't even care. His stomach was quivering, his movements became sloppy, and suddenly I knew it was too late. I had hoped he would have stopped, purposely edging himself but then using me instead. But he was selfish.
"Noah, please no no no," I said as I watched the strings of cum shoot all over his tattooed stomach. He moaned so loud I thought I was going to cum just from the sound. If I wasn't so mad I probably could have. But I was upset with him. I was actually crying now as I watched him milk his cock until there was nothing anymore.
He waited a moment before moving his gaze to me. The expression on his face was cocky, there was no remorse in those eyes from the incident he just pulled. He simply grabbed a t-shirt and wiped himself off, getting up to go about his day.
Before he stepped outside the bedroom door, he turned and said, "If you touch yourself, I will do that again later. If you use your vibrator I will do that every day for the rest of the week, then you'll miss me," He said before walking away leaving me in practically a puddle of my own mess and tears.
Happy Monday!!!!!
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patrophthia · 2 years
sycamore girl | sirius black
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pairing: sirius black x reader
genre: fluff, fake-dating/relationships, the tiniest bit of angst, con artists sirius and reader sksks
word count: 12.3K
originally posted on my wattpad
"listen, i hate my father and i'm positively sure that he hates me too but he is filthy rich so i curated a-" he paused, considering his next words "-plan of sort."
"so you." he pointed to her.
"and i." he pointed to himself. "get married."
"we then inherit a trust fund that he and mother had set up for regulus and i when we were to be married and split." he finished explaining his plan."what do you say?”
“what do i say?" she repeated his words after a while. "no— you want to know what i think?"
at his nod she added, "i think that it's a stupid idea."
or two (one really) reluctant person chooses to marry the notorious sirius black for the price of many millions galleons.
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"is this seat taken?" the voice caught her by surprise, raising her eyes to meet the asker's waiting ones.
"avril normally sits here," she replied, sparing a glance towards his usual seat; there sat lupin, potter and pettigrew bantering like they always did as they waited for the lesson to start. did they have a fight?
"well she's not here." he pointed out with a small smirk, making his way around the table to take a seat despite her words. "i'm sure she can find another spot."
she only bit her tongue, stopping herself from responding. black —whether he was purposely ignoring or genuinely failed to notice how irritated she seemed to be— cleared his throat, asking her a question that should've been expected from him, yet still managed to surprise her.
"are you seeing anyone?"
feeling as though something was stuck in her throat, she muttered quietly, "pardon?"
"you heard me," he said boldly, pulling his things out from his bag. "why is that any of your concerns?" black paused his actions, keeping his head low as he stared into his bag. "it's not," he admitted after a while, "i'm just curious."
she said nothing, watching as he continued rummaging his bag for his supplies. black lifted his head back up; quill in hand, his grey eyes meeting hers. "are you not going to answer my question sweetheart?"
"i'm not," she said eventually, turning towards the front of the class. "i'm not seeing anyone right now."
it was late, she was tired; extremely tired but sleep didn't seem like it will be making its way to her anytime soon. lily had asked to meet her after class, when she asked why she couldn't just tell her more about the issue during their lunch break lily quickly told her that she had a prefects meeting to attend to (as if lupin eyes didn't grow wide, giving away that it was clearly a lie).
still, she went to the gryffindor's tower anyway, at the exact same place and time that lily had asked to meet her but the redhead wasn't there. instead there was potter, letting her into the common room and insisting that she wait on one of the couches instead of going up to the dorm to see her.
it wasn't until two minutes later when black showed up, sitting down besides her with a —somewhat— uncomfortable look (that didn't suit his handsome features at all) did she realize that this was another one of lily's lie.
"look," black started. helga, whatever did happen to hello, or how are you?, people really just skip to the point now these days. "i'm sure you're wondering why i'm here instead of evans and i will tell you that but i need you to hear everything first before you react, will you be able to do that?"
merlin, gryffindors are weird. "i'll try?"
"great, trying will do." he smiled charmingly, shuffling his weight so he could properly meet her eye to eye. "i have a..." he trailed off thinking to himself, "proposition?"
black licked his lips, mustering up his courage to continue on with his words. "listen, i hate my father and i'm positively sure that he hates me too but he is filthy rich so i curated a-" he paused, considering his next words "-plan of sort."
"so you." he pointed to her.
"and i." he pointed to himself. "get married."
"we then inherit a trust fund that he and mother had set up for regulus and i when we were to be married and split." he finished explaining his plan. "both the money and our relationship, you can go on your merry way and i on mine." he was searching her for a reaction, she knew that, she could feel his eyes roaming around for the most minuscule of movements that came from her. "what do you say?"
she was too stunned to speak; speechless at the shock of it all, it didn't help that his recap was half-assed. "what do i say?" she repeated his words after a while. "no— you want to know what i think?"
at his nod she added, "i think that it's a stupid idea."
black frowned at her words. "honestly, i think it's a solid plan, we just need to get married— we don't even need to be in love! just get married and you get money! it's that easy! it's not like i'm forcing you to join a cult-" to that she opened her mouth, trying to state that the noble house of black itself is a cult but sirius was quick to read her expression, shutting her up by continuing with his pleading, "-besides, i'm not bad looking and great company from what i've been told!"
"well if you're such great company why don't you go find someone else to be fake married to? i'm sure that they'll be plenty of girls lining up for the chance to be your fake wife."
"i don't want any of the other girls, i want you. you're not currently seeing anyone so no one will get hurt from this!" he replied, running a hand through his hair in a stressful manner. this was not how he had planned for it to go. "and i— i want it to be with someone i know and i just so happen to know you."
choosing to ignore how black both admitted that he wanted her for this specific purpose, or how the question that he had asked hours priors to this was in an ulterior motive, she exclaimed. "you also know dorcas. ask her! she's a great girl!" her voice was loud enough for the said girl to turn to her direction with a questioning look. "or marlene, she's extremely good looking."
"i can't," he retorted, sounding the slightest bit annoyed, "everyone and their mother knows marlene swings the other way."
"how are you sure i don't swing the other way then?"
"i don't— do you?" he asked with sudden interest. sirius shook his head, going back to the topic at hand when he stated, "the minimum that you'll get out of this is a million galleons, that's the minimum! i know there's more in that trust fund and i am willing to split it equally."
she thought about it for brief second before asking, "why me? and do not tell me because i'm someone you know because we barely know each other; i only came here to see lily but obviously i was tricked, so tell me why i should agree to this?"
black sighed, his voice growing grim when he answered, "you're the only girl i'm willing to invest in." he paused, maybe those weren't the smartest word choices but he was a flirt not a romantic and the difference had never been made clearer. "so won't you just... think about it, please."
"are you going to do it?" lily asked, settling herself on the seat across from her. please lord, let her finish her essay in peace. "are you still mad at me? c'mon [name] i said i was sorry!"
and here she thought she would be safe in the library.
"i still have the rights to be mad about it," she retorted, keeping her head focused on finishing her work. "you made me sit through that god awful plan!"
"only because i thought you'd agree!" that grabbed her attention, making her turn to the person with an incredulous look. "you're extremely easy going so you could at least stand one another and it's a lot of money!"
"lily, you think i'd marry black for the money? i barely know the guy!"
"then think of it as an opportunity to get to know one another!" she exclaimed loud of enough to get the pair shushed by the librarian. "i mean i personally would for that kind of money."
"then you marry him!"
"no that's weird, i'm in love with his best friend!" she argued in return, a disgusted look on her face. "plus i can't stand him, i could barely talk to him for an hour without lecturing him let alone plan a whole wedding with him."
"i'm not going to marry a stranger."
"he isn't. think of it this way, by the time you finish all the planning he'd be a friend to you," she said, "or you know, something more than friends," she teased with a soft smile.
"lily, a divorce takes at least six months to be finalized. that's half of a year of my life being spent with someone i have no romantic feelings for." she replied, trying to get her friend to understand her reasonings. "not to mention the amount of paperwork i'd have to go through."
the head girl huffed, admitting to herself that she had made good points. she spoke again, this time a lot softer, drawing her into her, "black really needs this."
"he's been living at the potter's after leaving home and if he does get this; he and his brother could get a flat where they'd finally be free from that terrible place," she said slowly, "well at least i think that's why he's planning on doing this. he never told me why exactly, just that he wanted to scam his family."
"i don't think he'd ever tell me the real reason as to why he wants to do this but he doesn't owe me the truth." it was clear that she cared for him, lily's heart was too big for her own good.
"fine, i'll think about it," she muttered, defeated.
lily gave her look, one of disapproval. "you've been saying that ever since you found out about the plan. you don't expect me to believe you when you say it now do you?"
"okay, well i promise that i'd think about it for real this time, is that good for you?"
"it's more than good." she smiled happily.
it was a week later and she had kept her promise to lily, thinking over every possible outcome of what could be the results on the marriage would be:
1. they get married, everything goes according to plan, they get divorce, she becomes a millionaire.
or 2. they get married, the promise of money was fake, she was stuck with him for the rest of her life.
or 3. they get married, everything goes according to plan, she catches feelings for him, she becomes a millionaire with the desire of a man she cannot have.
but maybe that was her dwelling on the negative, not everything is always bad. right?
her eyes scanned the corridor, looking between the crowds of students who were making their way back to their common room after a day of lessons for a group of four rowdy boys. after spotting them, she held onto her bag's strap, ensuring that they won't move when she made her way through the bustling crowd.
with a call of his name, black turned; halting his step as he waited for her to catch up. his friends stood beside him with a curious look. "i thought i'd never see you again," he said with a smile, "you've been ignoring me like the plague."
"you are the plague," she retorted, "if i stayed close to you for long enough you're narcissism will rub off on me." sirius only chuckled, knowing that her comment was light hearted. he looked down at her, meeting eye to eye; silently prompting her to talk about why she decided to call after him. "i thought about it."
to that his grey eyes lit up with recognition, now awaiting the answer that she'd give him whether it be bad or good. "and i thought why not? a million galleons to babysit a gryffindor is an easy pay."
sirius grinned. "great."
"great," she repeated awkwardly, "although i'd have to talk to my parents about it first. i wouldn't want to deal with them if they found out i had eloped."
"it's a good thing i already talked to them then," he said, his smile getting wider when her face dropped. "you what?"
"i knew that you'd need your parents approval so i reached out to them," he spoke while he started leading the way towards the great hall, "they like me."
"black when did you talk to them?" she asked him urgently, why hadn't anyone from her family reached out to her about this? were they planning on leaving her in the dark?
"when i asked you to think about it."
"after you left for your common room i wrote them a letter, your mother agreed to meet me and we talked it through," he added easily, "i of course told her it was because i'm in love with you and wanted nothing more than for you to be mine —keeping the lie going, you know? she told me to talk about it with you but i already did, i just needed an answer from you."
"and now that i've got it. i just need our parents to finalize our betrothal." he finished his words, meeting her gaze.
she shook her head, not believing him. "how did you even find out where they live? i've never once told you where i live."
"i just told the owl to find mister or missus [l/name], it was a simple as that." there was an air of obviousness to his tone, as if she should've figured it out by now but he still answered her anyways. "now can we have dinner? i'm starving."
the words about sirius black and [f/name]'s engagement spread fast. hell, it has barely been three days before a fourth year approached her, asking her if the rumors were true before they sobbed at her answers. their nightmares was coming true.
sirius black was no longer single.
the rumors were okay for the most part, for it was true yet it brought her nothing but an unsettling feeling when she heard her name being whispered in the hallways. even now, as she was sitting at her house's table; barely paying attention to her friend's playful banter did the gossip follow her.
"have you selected a date yet?" avril asked, buttering her toast while she looked at her friend. "yup, his mother wanted a summer wedding, august to be specific. pure-blood accustoms or something," she replied with mild interest, stirring her tea. avril frowned. "it's your wedding, shouldn't you be the one making the decisions?"
"you'd think so," she retorted, lifting her mug to her lips, "but his mum's a nasty witch." she took a sip of her tea before placing it back down on the table. "we met her this weekend where she told us her plans for our wedding."
"she also gave me the black family's engagement ring," she added, lifting her left hand up. on the ring finger laid a dainty silver band that resembled a serpent of sort with a green diamond on top. it was no where near the traditional muggle engagement ring but it was beautiful in its own way. "it's an heirloom and to be completely honest i'm scared wearing it. what if i turned into you know who or something?"
avril laughed good-naturedly, amused by the situation. "honestly, a million galleons would not be enough for me to get involved with the blacks."
"well i've already bought the ticket and there's no turning back now." she shrugged, dropping her eyes to the table. "plus, sirius is actually a decent person to keep around."
"really?" she asked testingly, chewing on her toast.
"really." she nodded. "we have astronomy together and he's incredibly useful. black knows everything about it since his family are named after them. i think he's growing on me." she added. "although every time i remember i'm technically his investment, i second guess that idea."
"what do you mean you second guess that idea?," cut in eric, a ravenclaw who was dragged into their small friend group by avril. "who wouldn't want to marry a man who calls you an investment."
she opened her mouth, a sarcastic remark at the tip of her tongue when the owls flew into the great hall in one large flock; instantly heading towards their respective owner. she hadn't expected any mails today, she was all caught up with the wedding plans along with the letters from her family. so imagine her surprise when one of the many owls soared down, perching on the table in front of her, waiting with a wrapped parcel between its feet.
her eyes raised to meet her friend's curious ones, all of them wondering what's within the wrappings and most importantly who it was from. she hesitated, unsure whether she should take the package from the owl. with a prod from eric, she reached out; untying the parcel from the owl.
the owl flew away immediately, retreating to the crowd of birds. it didn't take long for her to realize what it was, "flowers."
"they're flowers," she repeated, holding up the arrangements for her friend to see, "they're really pretty." she added, biting back a smile. helga, it felt good getting flowers.
"who's it from?" avril asked excitedly.
she looked down, there was card tied to the strings of the bouquet, "black."
"oh," eric muttered, "of course he did, he's your fiancé after all."
"yeah, but it's not why he got it for me," she said, staring down at the card, "it's a thank you gift for dealing with his mother." she giggled, she separated the card from the strings before handing it over to her friend, "here look."
i know my mother is a bitch, thank you for talking to her. you made her tolerable.
- sirius black
now if she remembered correctly, the gryffindor table was seated to her right. with that knowledge in mind, she turned; wanting to thank black for his gift only to find him —coincidentally, sitting with his back to her. she poked at his shoulder, trying to steal his attention from his friend.
he turned reluctantly, looking (maybe more than) a tad bit annoyed only for his eyes to soften when he realized it was her. it took him another second to realize what she was holding before he said, "i see you've got the flowers."
"i did." she smiled, an action that he quickly copied. "i also got your message."
"i knew you would."
of course he would. "right." there was an air of awkwardness that she couldn't quite explain. "well thank you for this, it's lovely sirius."
his smile widened. she wasn't sure why it widened but she was incredibly grateful for it. how could one person's smile be so breathtaking?
"it's no problem. i'm glad you like it my love."
"good evening." an unexpected greeting came, making me her jump from her spot. she looked up from her bed, only to find the source of the voice smirking down at her in amusement. "did i surprise you darling?"
it was pretty evident that his sudden presence startled her. "of course you did dumbass. who even let you in here? i could've been naked!"
"but you aren't," he quipped smugly.
"i could've been!"
"and yet you aren't."
"you're impossible," she grumbled, "are you going to tell me how you got here or not?"
"how i got into your dorm?" he asked, still standing by her bed.
"where else?!" she replied, sitting up and shuffling her blankets away. despite her hostile tone, she made space for him to sit down, patting it slightly to indicate that he could sit if he wanted to. sirius gladly accepted the offer, making himself comfortable while he thought of an answer. "well?"
"i just told the first years i was your fiancé." he shrugged, his smirk still prominent. "they didn't even think to hesitate."
"of course they won't, you're you," she retorted, looking into his eyes. "are you going to tell me why you're here then?"
"what? i can't just come to see you because i missed you? you're my bride to be after all," he teased playfully, holding her gaze.
"no," she smiled unkindly at him, "you can not. now will you tell me why you're really here?"
"alright," he huffed, for a brief second she thought she saw his shoulders deflate, but he was quick to recover, asking her, "you know tomorrow is a hogsmeade weekend don't you?"
at her nod, he continued, "well i wanted you to meet my brother."
"regulus?" she asked dumbfoundedly, brows furrowing together. "why?"
"i uhm-" he stuttered, seeming embarrassed? that was unlike him. "-i wanted you two to approve of each other."
"hmm?" she hummed to signal that she was listening while also simultaneously prompting him to go on.
"i wanted regulus to meet you, and like you and i also wanted you to meet him —and like him." he explained, breaking eye contact to stare at his hand sheepishly. "i want my brother to like you since we're going to get married and all that."
"sirius," she started attentively, "he doesn't need to like me, our marriage is fake remember? it'll be over in a blink of an eye, i'm just trying to help you out."
"yeah, i know that," he said frustratingly. "still, he's my brother, he is important to me; and despite him already knowing that our marriage is a false one, i want the two of you to like each other."
she considered his words. eric will throw a tantrum when he finds out about this. "alright, what time shall we meet?"
maybe running down the stairs of the entrance hall at full speed wasn't the best idea but she was late and sometimes being late justify being a menace to everyone surrounding her. sometimes.
if that sometimes is being late to meet your soon to be husband's brother of course, one that you desperately needed approval from. one who has been waiting for your arrival with his brother for —atleast 15 minutes now. she felt incredibly sorry for making them wait but honestly, it wasn't her fault her hair decided not to cooperate with her this morning.
she wanted to look her best for them, first impressions matter after all. what would it say about her if she should up with frizzy hair that stuck out in every direction possible.
"there you are!" sirius exclaimed, approaching her the moment he spotted her, "c'mon the carriage's leaving, let's not be late."
listening to his words, she did what she was told, following him and his brother into an empty carriage. "i'm so sorry for making you wait, i didn't mean to, i was getting ready and before i knew it i lost track of time-"
"it's okay," regulus cut in, his eyes scanning her every expression. "we weren't waiting that long," he added, trying to reassure her, "the carriage was already planning on leaving when we got there so we technically only waited mere minutes."
fuck, he's charming. "i'm regulus black, you must be [name]?"
"i am, it's nice to finally meet you." she smiled, offering him her hand. she should've expected it, really she should've, with him being from an aristocratic family and all but regulus lifting her hand to press a gentle kiss on it still stunned her. she cleared her throat, "sirius has told me quite a lot about you."
"he has? and here i thought he was ashamed of me." he arched an eyebrow, whether he was teasing her or being genuine she could not tell.
"how could he possibly be ashamed of you, he's not even ashamed of himself." at that regulus chuckled, his smile no different from sirius'.
sirius rolled his eyes, watching their playful interaction with a small satisfied smile on his face. "i'm glad that the both of you can bond over bullying me," he said as the carriage pulled to a stop, "it's good to know that both my brother and fiancée thinks so highly of me."
sirius got out first, helping her get down from the carriage as best as he could. the three of them made their way to the three broomsticks, wanting a comfortable place where they could sit and chat their heads off.
seeing the black brothers in their natural habitat was entertaining. they were similar in many ways, from the way they talk to the way they carried themself and yet they were so different. sirius preferred to talk and make outward jokes while regulus listened, mumbling sarcastic remarks that had you smiling to yourself at how cheeky it was.
sirius had a habit —she was quick to note— of glancing down at regulus' left arm, a worried look always took place when he did so but he was swift in changing his expression. replacing it with a neutral one whenever he caught himself doing so.
regulus was as great company as his brother, charming, and fascinating to a certain extent.
they spent a large majority of their time talking. all of different topics ranging from quidditch to their favorite subject until regulus dropped his eyes to the table where her hand laid, playing with a napkin. "i see mother gave you her ring?"
"yes, she did," she said, her ring finger suddenly feeling heavy, "it's beautiful."
"it doesn't look very you," sirius joined in, pointing out the obvious. "it's still beautiful sirius, it doesn't need to be very me." his brow furrowed, countering, "but that's not good enough, it's your engagement ring after all."
"in case you've forgotten, i'm marrying you for your money, as of right now i'm the definition of a gold digger," she reminded him with a small smile, "an engagement ring being very me is the least of my concerns."
at that sirius frowned, dropping the topic. regulus stifled a laugh, the corners of his lips curving upwards. "has mother took you dress shopping yet?" he then asked with interest.
"no," she answered, "my mother wanted me to pick a dress of my own, your mother didn't like that idea very much. long story short i have the freedom to pick out whichever dress i want."
regulus pursed his lips, thinking. "i'm glad to hear that. i know mother is exhausting to deal with, i hope you find exactly what you're looking for."
"thank you regulus." the door bell rang to signify someone's entrance, the said boy turned, spotting a girl standing by the door before turning back towards his brother; pink creeping onto his cheeks. "is that her?"
he nodded sheepishly. "we'll leave you to it then," she said, standing up from their booth; she grabbed onto sirius wrist, smirking down at him in hopes that he knew of her plan. sirius got the memo, holding onto her hand before briskly bidding his brother goodbye. "do you think they'll end up getting married to scam your family like us?"
sirius laughed as the pair left the inn, walking down the streets that were so fond of. "probably not. i don't think he has it in he."
"i didn't think i had it in me to marry someone for his money at 17 either but here i am," she replied sarcastically, looking up at him. it was then did she realized that they were holding hands, she hesitated; not sure whether to pull away or to keep holding onto him. his hand was warm, it felt nice.
sirius, as if he had read her mind decided to squeeze it reassuringly. "can i take you somewhere?"
"there's a shop around the corner," he said, maintaining eye contact, "can i get you something from there?"
"oh sirius you don't need to get me anything-"
"i know i don't need to," he cut in softly, "i want to. so i can please take you there?"
she thought about it briefly, knowing full well that her answer would be yes because who was she to deny him anything. "what is it that you wanted to get me?"
sirius broke into a smile, turning to lead the way. "do you remember how i said that the ring wasn't very you?"
"the thing you said barely 10 minutes ago? yes i do."
"good," he muttered, turning the corner, his grip on her hand never once faltering, "because i want to get you want that actually does feel like you."
"sirius i already told you it doesn't matter, you've already bought me flowers and that's more than i could ask for."
sirius paused for a split second, pursing his lips. "look, if i don't get this for you then how would people know you're mine? that ring is no where good enough for you," he questioned, leading them into the store. he held the door open, smiling at the shop's clerk who was ecstatic to see a customer. "just think of this as my thank you for marrying me gift."
"i don't think that's real thing sirius," she said, stilling besides him as he looked at the different rings the employee had put on show.
"it doesn't need to be real if it's what is needed in order for me to spoil you," he muttered in return, his full focus on studying the different rings. finally he picked out one he thought best resembled her. sirius took off his mother's ring, placing it in his pocket and slipped the new ring on her finger. "what do you think?"
"i think it's beautiful."
"i can't really take that as an answer love, you also said that about dear mother's ring."
"fine, i think it's magnificent. i love it sirius." she smiled, eyes glancing between him and ring.
"it's perfect then," he muttered, taking it off and handing it to the clerk for it to be sized. "that will be  our engagement ring."
it was later on that night, with avril and eric passed out on her bed after discussing their outfit plans for her wedding did she opened up the box that contained the new ring.
she lifted it out, examining it when something caught her eyes. engraved into the back of the ring wrote: yours S.B
avril loved throwing parties, she loved plying people with food and making sure they were enjoying their time, she loved gathering her friends round a circle to play silly games that captured the true essence of adolescent. avril loved everything that one could love about parties.
so when she told her friends that she wanted to throw one in the hufflepuff's common room it was in their nature to help out. it was sunday, dinner had just finished and the common room was empty, each person in their own respective dorms getting ready when eric and [name] made their journey out, heading towards the kitchens for as much snacks as they could gather.
facing the broad stone basement corridor, it brightly lit and decorated with food-themed paintings, she reached out to tickle the pear on the painting. the  pear giggled, turning itself into a large green door handle that revealed the entrance. she took the first step, entering the kitchens with eric behind her.
"what are you doing here?"
her eyes widened, not expecting anyone besides herself and eric to be in the kitchens at this time. "i could ask you the same thing sirius."
"i asked you first."
she turned, briefly looking at eric for help but her effort was to no avail, the ravenclaw was as at a loss for words as she was. "i'm here to grab some snacks, we're throwing a party and it would a pretty shitty one without any food."
"oh," he muttered, "no wonder you look so pretty."
"you're wearing the ring," sirius pointed out after minute, gesturing towards her finger. was all conversations between two people who would be married to one another always this strained?
"i am," she said, looking down towards the ring, "how could i not? you bought it for me."
there was the silence again; her, eric, sirius and his friends all awkwardly glancing at one another. "oh! uhm- eric this is sirius, my fiancé and sirius this is eric, my friend."
"nice to meet you," sirius smiled, offering him a hand. eric hesitated, eyes drifting towards to her direction, she tilted her head slightly, an action he took as cue to accept sirius hand.
eric shooked it, smiling in return when he spoke, "i know she's marrying you for your money." sirius smiled dropped, slightly taken aback when eric added, "i'm sure potter knows it too, doesn't he?"
in truth potter did know, sensing by the way his shoulder tensed up at the pretense of him knowing. eric had a weird way of wording things, making everything seems hostile when it wasn't supposed to be. helga, why does men have to make everything so hard?
"eric you can grab the cheesecake?" she asked, making their attention shift to her, "i need to have a word with sirius about the wedding, then i'll grab the punch and meet you back outside."
"i'll see you in a bit." after she waved her friend off, she grabbed onto sirius' arm, pulling him towards a secluded spot where his friends wouldn't be able to eavesdrop on their conversation. she looked at him hesitatingly, studying his expression before asking, "are you mad at me?"
sirius frowned, furrowing his brows in concern. "no," he answered, "why would i be mad at you?"
"i dunno." he was taller than her, having to look down in order for their eyes to meet. "i just thought that maybe eric had said something to upset you."
"he's a bit... straight forward, no subtlety whatsoever," she added, "also a little untrusting at first but he's very kind, he's a great guy." the way his gaze hardened at her words, turning from attentive to resentful didn't go unnoticed by her. is he sure he's not mad at her?
"i'm not mad at you," sirius said softly, consoling her, "nor am i mad at your friend."
"then why do you seem so uneasy? especially when you're with your friends? you're never like that."
sirius pursed his lips, thinking. "because," he started, a smile tugging on his lips, "you look very pretty, and i just happen to not know how to act around pretty people."
she scoffed, rolling her eyes despite feeling her cheeks flush at his words. "right, of course."
"love, i'm being serious!"
"of course you are you're sirius!"
"hey! i'm being truthful here," he argued, chuckling slightly, seeing her flustered over a compliment had to be his new favorite thing. "you look as pretty as a picture."
she smiled, brushing it off. "that's sweet of you to say." noting how his eyes was lingering onto her every movement. "but you're still not welcomed to the party."
sirius laughed, throwing his head back at the lame joke she made. his words was never meant to be anything more than praise, wanting her to know just how breathtaking he thought she looked. "that's a shame, i was looking forward to get a taste of that cheesecake."
"better luck next time," she said, biting her lips. "i think i should go now."
"i think so too," he replied after composing himself, still smiling down at her due to their height differences. "it's unfair to keep my darling away from them for too long."
she watched as he took a calculated step forward, bringing the front of their shoes to contact. staring up at him, she felt her breath get caught in her throat.
leaning down abruptly, sirius pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead; her eyes fluttering shut at the warm contact. he stepped back then, he smiled once more, "invite me next time, won't you?"
next time came in the form of a gryffindor party instead. it was james potter's birthday and it would be an understatement to say that the marauders went all out. despite the party being a "secret", the room of requirement was packed with students from every house that is cool enough to join an inter-house party.
upon arrival she was quick to spot regulus, introducing him to avril and eric who he both charmed his ways with them. eric and regulus, both cut-throat people bonded easily, making good natured jokes about how big of a mistake it was that she chose to marry sirius. eventually the slytherin led them to the life of the party.
"[name]!" james cheered excitedly, walking towards her with open arms, his face flushed. she returned his hug, turning towards his friend with a confused look only to receive chuckles from them. pulling away james grinned at her, slurring "i'm so happy you're here!"
right, he's drunk. "and i'm so happy to be here james," she replied, making him his smile stretch out even wider. "although i'm not too late am i? it seems like i missed out on the fun."
"oh no don't worry," lily shook her head, answering for him, "he just wanted to be that shit faced drunk person of every party."
"ah," she nodded in acknowledgment. "oh, uhm- i hope you don't mind, i brought some friends?"
"no it's okay, the more the merrier," lily smiled kindly, taking one look at them before noting, "eric from potions and avril from care of magical creatures."
"weird way to identify me but i've been called worse," avril said light-heartedly, earning smiles from their small group. "now, would you be kind enough to show me where the booze is?"
"it's just right around the corner, i can get some for you actually," lily offered, being the good host that she is, "[name], peter, would you mind helping me?"
"oh," she muttered not expecting herself to be mentioned. "no i don't," she smiled, taking the hand that lily offered and following off behind her.
"so," avril started, turning to sirius, "she looks great doesn't she?"
sirius nodded, not thinking much about his actions. she really did look beautiful tonight, although —if he really thought about it— there wasn't a day where he didn't think she wasn't good-looking.
"you like her don't you?"
remus, with his curiosity now piqued, dropped his head, leaning down to hear their conversation over the loud music. regulus doing the same, finding the topic of his brother's real love-life intriguing. "yeah pads," remus started tauntingly, "you fancy her don't you?"
"i hate you did you know that?"
"avoidance is not an answer black," eric commented with a small smirk, "if you fancy her just say it."
"i don't," sirius stated, his tone now on edge, "i mean it, i only care for her as a friend and nothing more."
it was the truth, as of right now he thought of her as a friend that just had some extra steps to it. she was kind and pretty but so was lily and regulus' new girlfriend but that didn't mean he was attracted to them. really, whether they want to believe it or not, sirius could be friends with a woman and not be in love with them.
"are you sure princess?" eric added, provoking him. sirius rolled his eyes, now used to the (for the lack of better words) asshole demeanor that eric had. "alright, i'll leave you to it," he said with a condescending smile, "but just so you know, [name] is the shit faced drunk at every party."
"and potter does not stand a chance at taking that position from her."
"speaking of the devil," avril murmured, breaking apart from their small group to welcome the two girls with open arms, refusing the spiked punch that lily offered for a shot of firewhisky that she immediately downed when her friend handed it to her. "you know me so well."
"i'm really the best aren't i?" she joked, turning towards sirius; she smiled up at him, an action that he copied and handed him a shot of firewhisky as well. sirius shook his head, opting on a butterbeer that peter handed him. "you're not drinking?"
"i'm not," he replied, taking a sip that resulted in foam being stuck on his upper lip. she frowned, disappointed, "why not? it's your best mate's birthday!" sirius only stuck with his decision, deciding to stay sober so he could take care of james whilst lily had her fun. "don't worry darling, i know how to have fun without getting drunk."
"what a shame, i brought these with me for nothing," she said, staring down at the three shot cups between her finger, "well i better not waste it then."
and with that she downed one, grimacing at the taste right after. she held another shot for remus who took it with a polite smile; the pair cheered, drinking the shots, for the party has officially started.
"pads," came james, pouting, "mate my throats dry," he complained, eyes going heavy. "will you be so kind to grab me a cup of water?"
from the corner of his eyes sirius spied lily talking to some of her friends, seeming just the slightest bit under the influence. "sod off prongs, go find your girlfriend."
at the other side of the room was [name]. the alcohol had hit her about an hour after her initial shots, drunkenly laughing at every joke that remus made as the two of them found themselves to be partners in drunken crime. remus chuckled, throwing his head back with a punch still in his hand, she sat besides him, listening to the story he was telling with a small smile.
"honestly, at one point during fourth year i had considered starting a hogwarts protection group from those two maniacs," the brunette said, incredulous by how stupid his fourteen year olds idea was. "i was part of the pranks too but still."
she only snorted, finding everything funny in her current inebriated state. as she opened her mouth, ready to tell him a funny story of her own sirius approached, a cup of water in hands. "hullo dear husband."
"hello," he greeted in return, handing her the cup of water, "i think you've had enough my love," he said patiently, ignoring the cringed looks that remus was sending him. "drink this so you won't feel so hung over tomorrow morning."
"sirius if i can handle getting married to you then i can handle being hung over on a tuesday." despite her comment, she drank the water anyways. alcohol sure does make your throat dry out. "you know you don't look like you're having too much fun."
"i don't?"
"you don't," she said, getting onto her feet to face him eye to eye. she placed a hand on his shoulder to steady herself, looking at him with an intoxicated gaze. pulling her hand away, she exclaimed enthusiastically, "anyways, me and remus are going to dance, have fun being sober!"
and with that she left, hand pulling at remus so the lanky boy would follow after her. sirius' eyes trailed after them, noting how they both were bad dancers and yet did not seem to be stopping anytime soon. it wasn't long until eric, tipsy enough to be nice to anyone other than avril and [name], dragged sirius onto the dance floor as well.
she found her way to him, smiling as she moved badly to the beat. she said something that she couldn't quite hear; sirius leaned down, his ear close to her mouth, ensuring that he could hear her over the loud music. with a drunken giggle, she told him, "you're so handsome."
he pulled back to his full height, looking at her with amusement. "thank you chérie, 'preciate it."
"do you still think i'm handsome?"
"shut up," she scowled, ignoring the delighted look that sirius had from eliciting such response. "i don't want to deal with you right now."
"why not? you thought i was handsome last night and now you suddenly despise me?" he teased quietly, not wanting to distract other people with their conversation.
"sirius i'm too hungover for this right now," she said, trying to keep her eyes straight at the board. oh how she missed the days where avril was sat beside her. "and if you say something along the line of i told you so, i will hex you into oblivion."
sirius bit his lips, holding back his tongue from stating that he did warn her about this. instead he commented, "you know i think i like you a lot better when you're drunk."
"and i like you better when you don't speak but we both can't have what we want now can we?"
"actually," sirius said matter-of-factly, "i've already gotten what i wanted."
"and what's that?"
"not the drunk you but having you is good enough for me," he clarified, "but i can always count on avril to bring out my favorite version of you-"
sirius continued to talk, but no sounds came out. don't you just love the silencio charm? she patted his thigh, causing him to pause in order to look at her. she smiled at him kindly, her expression the direct opposite of her next words. "you are so annoying right now."
"your mother picks the worst time for us to meet her," she said, not once bothering to greet him. maybe he was rubbing off on her. "i mean seriously, couldn't she have planned to see the venue on a hogsmeade weekend."
she closed the hufflepuff's door behind her, walking to his side. sirius shifted his weight off of the pillar he was waiting for her at and started leading the way, "i've just had a long day of school and now i have to be nice to her. no offense boys, but i hate your mother."
regulus let out a small laugh, smiling at her words. "no offense taken [name], we hate her too."
"good," she said cheekily, "i'm glad we have that in common."
they made their way up to the great hall, then up again towards their usual passage beneath the one-eyed witch statue by the stairs. sirius tapped the hump with his wand, muttering a quiet dissendium. the witch's hump open just wide enough for a person to slide down to the hidden passageway.
sirius went through first, pushing his way up into honey duke, regulus followed soon after, leaving her last. with help from sirius, she climbed up the ladder, shutting the trap door below her.
sirius helped her make her way out of honey dukes and into the streets of hogsmeade. after reaching their destination, a spot that allowed for them to apparate, he let go off her hand, knowing that she (like him) was legal and could apparate on their own while regulus on the other hand. their unofficial adopted child, could not.
regulus, now used to being babied whenever he traveled with the couple made his way between them, letting sirius throw his arm around his shoulder while [name] slipped her arm around his waist. with a flick of both their wands, their small group landed in a secluded alley way where their wedding venue would be held.
the pair let go off him, heading towards one another and —as of muscle memory— interlocked their fingers, holding hands like they always did when they were to fake their relationship. the three walked, pushing pass the grand door and quickly spotting both walburga and her mother.
it was the second week of june, the finals had passed,  their NEWTs were completed. it was two weeks before the school year ended and roughly two months away from their wedding. it would be a lie if she said she wasn't nervous, she was, of course she was. marriage was a scary thing —especially when you're marrying into a family with old money who also simultaneously praises dark magic.
"mother," sirius said with a small bow, greeting her as politely as he could. "and missus [l/name], you look as gorgeous as ever."
her mother smiled, dismissing his compliment with a wave of her hand. "no need to flatter me, i've already approved of you sirius."
he smiled, feeling proud of himself for some reason he couldn't pin point. walburga coughed, causing the other four people to turn to her, giving them her full attention. by her side stood a short women with short blond hair, "shall we get started?"
the five followed her through a path that she had prepared, using magic to help visualize the venue the way both mothers wanted it. there was a hall that led into the main ballroom, its ceiling high with fancy chandeliers. her mum who had wanted a more natured feel to their wedding, asked if the person who was showing the venue, andria, could incorporate plants to the walls.
andria followed through her request, and within a flick of her wand the walls were lined up with vines, the ground spilling with purple flowers that made a satisfied smile find its way onto her mother's lips. andria then added a gate for a dramatic flair, making the hall seemed ethereal in its own way.
"this is nice," sirius murmured just loud enough for her to hear. she turned her eyes away from the various plants to him, finding him already looking back at her. "it is."
they then moved towards the ballroom, with it already being set up due to walburga's perfectionist personality; the couple stood in awe. this would've been the wedding of their dreams had they been actually in love.
looking down the isle, she found herself drifting off for a second, imagining her friends waiting by her side while her husband stood happily by his. softly she muttered, knowing that sirius could hear her despite how quiet her words was, "do you think you could cry when i walk down that isle?"
sirius watched her, considering her words for a moment, "do you want me to?"
"yeah..." she trailed off, tearing her eyes away from the isle to look at him. "i mean i bought a beautiful dress so you better cry, if not then i might just have to cancel the wedding right then and there."
sirius let out a small laugh, finding her request incredulous. "okay, i'll try then."
"thank you."
"it's no problem, i'll try anything for you."
the school year ended, the pair passing the NEWTs with flying colors and now the only thing they had to worry about was the wedding.
during the first week after their graduation sirius had invited her to stay at his place, an offer that she was quick to decline. her mother was a pain to deal with on a monthly basis already, let alone having to live with her for as long as it took until their wedding came.
instead she agreed to come by his place, keep him company all the whilst plan out the final details of the wedding. after coming over for half of july she had grown quite used to his spacious room, with its many plastered posters and pictures that left only little of the walls' silvery-grey silk visible.
now she sat, kicked back on his bed while sirius stood ranting, filling her in on everything his mother had said when she was absent. she thought of anything and everything she could say to reassure him. after a while she stopped him, patting the empty spot besides her for him to take.
for a moment she remembered just how close they were now, not even a year ago she was denying him a seat at her table and now she sat comfortably on his bed as if it was of her own. "do you want me to fight her for you?"
"what?" sirius cracked out a smile.
"she's you know- she's the most unloving, conservative woman i've ever met," she confessed, "but i suppose being married to your cousin does that to you."
sirius chuckled, feeling slightly better by listening to her shit talk his mother. god he hated that woman. "[name], you're absolutely amazing but her being inbred was so unnecessary to bring up."
"like you have a say in this sirius." she gave him a look that he knew was her ridiculing him, causing him to grin. "you're a product of their work."
sirius cringed, feeling disgusted by her insinuation. he then cleared his throat, remembering why he had invited her over in the first place. turning serious, he said carefully, "there's something i've been wanting to ask you."
"what is it?" she prompted him, letting him know that she was listening and for him continue on with his words.
"can i kiss you?"
and before sirius knew it, he was rambling, "for when they announce us as man and wife i just- i wanted to know if you were okay with it before it's time and i kiss you without you being fine with it, i don't want to make you uncomfortable, you've already done so much for me-"
"you can." she cut him off with a small smile, one that brought him nothing but comfort. "it's okay sirius, you can kiss me."
"thank you for asking," she added after a minute.
sirius gazed at her, a small smile breaking onto his face. his eyes glancing down to her lips then back up to her eyes. he knew that she was watching him, watching how his eyes were lingering onto her lips like a tattoo kiss.
there was a cough by the door, making them both turn their attention to it. regulus stood awkwardly, shifting his weight; with his eyes wide, he spoke, "mother sent me."
"she wanted me to make sure that you guys weren't-" regulus let out another cough "-having sex."
august seventh came sooner than she would've liked, maybe it was for the better, having it be over sooner. or maybe it was for the worse, not having been ready to see herself settle down yet. but she knew —despite her doubts— that the show must go on. keeping an even head she breathe in, feeling the air in her lungs before letting it go. it was time.
"are you ready?" eric asked, helping make last adjustments to her wedding dress. "no." she huffed honestly, hearing the orchestra music begin even behind the large door. eric smiled softly at her, letting her father come to her side, "well it's too late now."
she took a deep breath, the doors opening on its on accord in a dramatic manner. charmed rose petals pelted at her feet as she took her steps forward. she  took a moment to look around at who was gathered, and where, but she barely recognized them. a large majority of the people were ones who came to honor the noble house of black name's while the other half were distant family and friends that her mother had invited.
down the isle sirius stood, james, regulus, remus, and peter by his side. watching her walk with clouded eyes, she beamed at him, playing with the bouquet in her hands. when she arrived in front of him she noticed his watery grey eyes. as quietly as she could, she commented, "you're crying."
"i am," he said, agreeing. "i told you i'd try anything for you."
the music cut out, the ceremony was starting. the pair shared cheeky smiles as they listened to the officiant drone on and on, following the normal wedding procedures until it was time for them to recite their vows.
"with this hand i will lift your sorrows. your cup will never be empty, for i will be your wine. with this candle, i will light your way into darkness. with this ring, i ask you to be mine."
sirius slipped a golden band around her finger first, her repeating his actions not long after. sirius stepped forward, his shoes touching her's. leaning down slightly, he pressed his lips onto her, his right arm finding its way on her waist and tugging her ever closer to him.
his cheeks were wet, presumably from the tears he had had. she kissed back, melting underneath his touch. sirius smiles into the kiss, a feeling that she knew she'd never forget. the kiss breaks: her pulling away from him, feeling flustered. and then it was official, they were married, this was just the beginning of the end.
"where should we go for our honeymoon?" she asked suddenly, surprising sirius. they were once again in his room, this time alone, the door close with no regulus standing by to make sure they weren't up to something. "since we're married and all now, i think i deserve a break."
sirius thought for a second, laying down on the cold hard wood floor, a place that he somehow had found solace in. "we have a home in paris if you want to go."
"paris sounds nice," she mumbled. her gown was still on her, having come to his room immediately after the recessionals. she was to live with him now, husband and wife after all. staying with sirius, in his room, alone, for roughly a month, won't be so bad. will it?
"it does," he concurred, "do you want to go?"
"maybe," she said, unsure. "gosh this is awkward."
"what's awkward?" he asked, looking puzzled. from his position on the floor, his eyes searched for her. finding her on his bed, sat with her knees pressed to her chest, looking down at him.
"us right now." she answered, straightening out her legs. he frowned then, even more confused. "the people who attended probably thinks we're going at it right now but we're sat here talking about paris."
"we can go at it if you want," sirius said, sitting up. at the roll of her eyes, he smirked, "i'm not denying you anything, it seems as though i can not."
she threw a pillow at him, one that he expertly caught with one hand. she felt her neck heating up, whether it was from the drinks she had or his words she could not tell. "you're insufferable you know that?"
"i'm anything you want me to be my love."
"stop it or i'll punch you in the throat," she warned. watching as he stood up from his spot and made his way to the empty side of the bed, sirius laid down, inching himself closer to her every second. "are you... trying to seduce me right now?"
"maybe," he murmured, finally landing his head on her thighs, the tool of her dress providing him a sense of cushion. "is it working?"
"no," she answered, giving him a smile that was meant to ridicule him but all it did was make his smirk grow more narcissistic.
"why did you never join the quidditch team?" her hand found it's way into his hair, twisting round the onyx curls. "you were really good at it you know? i saw you sub in during james' practices."
sirius shut his eyes, leaning into her touch when her hand landed on his scalp, scratching it lightly. "i didn't want to compete."
"with who?"
"regulus," he answered softly, "we weren't on good terms when he joined the team and i could not bring myself to handle seeing him. especially not during a time where we were to compete for who would be greater."
"oh." her hands paused its movements on its own accord. "i never thought of it like that."
she thought about him?
"well i also never thought of us going at it until you mentioned it minutes ago," he retorted, earning himself a slap on the arm. good godric, he loved drunk [name]. "the offers still stands you know?"
"baby i wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth."
sirius cheeks grew pink at her choice of nickname, never once in their roughly eight months long relationship had she called him anything but sirius or black. she noticed it, smiling when she leaned down to face him. "you like being called baby don't you?"
and —for the first and last time ever, sirius told her to, "shut up."
"the man has mummy issues, of course he likes being called baby," eric scoffed. avril laughed, joking at the expense of her friend's husband. "i wouldn't be surprised if he lets you boss him around in bed."
"alright that's enough," she stopped him, hiding a smile. "my lack of sex life should not be the topic of today's conversation. lily here is literally getting married."
"no, no," lily protested, dismissing the topic change, "i'm more fascinated about you and sirius than james' proposal to me."
"seriously?" she asked incredulously, her eyes moving to everyone around the table for at least one person to be on her side. "i feel like i've said this way too much but in case you've forgotten, i married sirius for his money, i don't like him that way and vice versa. me and sirius haven't slept together."
"but you want to," marlene pointed out, taking a sip of her wine. helga, how did a dinner celebrating lily's engagement turn into them trying to prove that she was in love with her husband. "i can see it in your eyes."
she sigh, defeated. they weren't going to believe her words so what's the point in trying to deny it any longer. lily, seeing her expression shifted the topic, telling them about how she had already made an appointment for herself to go dress shopping and that all the ladies were invited.
the rest of dinner went on smoothly, all of them catching up with one another. spending the night switching from topics to topics, eric's love life didn't escape their conversation, being the only man in the group and all. the former ravenclaw boy had found someone who was kind to him, and from his description, the complete opposite of him but then again, they do say opposite attracts.
after bidding goodbyes, they went on their separate ways. after walking to an empty alley way with avril, she hugged her goodbye before flicking her wand, apparating herself back into sirius' room.
sirius who heard the unmistakable crack, sat up straight, wiping his eyes with his sleeves just as she noticed him hunched over on their bed. her faced turn to one of concern, standing in front of him, cautiously she asked, "what's wrong?"
"nothing," sirius answered, smiling up at her.
she frowned, taking a seat besides him. "not to be a dick but you're a terrible liar."
sirius laughed watery, wiping his nose with his sleeve. "it's just walburga, you know?"
"she did something again?" she asked, clearly not surprised by the news.
at his nod she carefully wrapped her sirius in her embrace. it was weird, hugging him, the most they've ever done was kissed and that was under the pretense of marriage. she's seen him angry, sad, frustrated, and disappointed over walburga but had never once seen him crying. she did not know how to comfort him but she sure as hell will try.
"do you want to talk about it?" she felt his head shook, feeling his tears dampening up her shirt. instinctively, she leaned down, pressing a kiss on the crown of his head. her voice was soft, whispering reassuring words in an attempt to calm him down. 
his breathe steadied enough for him to speak, sirius lifted his head from her shoulder and looked at her with embarrassment. "i'm sorry."
"it's okay," she said lightly, "it's what having a wife is for right?"
there was a small smile on his lips, feeling relieved to have her presence besides him. with a small laughed, he repeated, "i'm sorry you had to see that."
giggling slightly, feeling better about how the mood having been slightly lifted, she quipped, "i don't mind it, seeing a handsome guy cry had always been in my bucket list."
sirius paused, eyes bloodshot red, "you think i'm handsome?"
"are you still sad?" she asked slowly.
"i always thought you were," she answered, watching him lower his eyes awkwardly, a small smile finding its way to his lips.
"what if i said no?" he questioned timidly, his voice coarse.
"the i would've lied and said you're the most mediocre looking man i've ever seen."
"you and sirius looks like a couple," regulus mumbled, pushing his brother's leg over to make room on the couch.
she turned to him, the heat of sirius' hand around her waist getting warmer and warmer as she thought about her brother's in law comment. "what kind of couple?"
sirius kept quiet for a moment, gazing at her seductively.
"why are you looking at me like that?"
"like what?" he said innocently, giving her his best doe eyes.
"like you're flirting with me."
"i'm flirting?" he muttered as if it was new information to him, "flirting with you?" he added, squeezing her waist, his thumb sneaking beneath her sweatshirt, pressing onto her skin. "please don't get me wrong."
"so you're not flirting with [name] right now?" lily asked from her spot on the arm chair, green eyes watching his hands placements.
"maybe i am, maybe i'm not. we're married after all, i need to keep sweeping my darling off of her feet or else she'll fall for someone else," he said smoothly, smirking at lily who then rolled her eyes at him.
over the course of the first month of their marriage, sirius had managed to open his own vault, transfer all his parents trust fund money, found a flat that deemed fit for him and his brother and found a lawyer to begin their divorce's process.
maybe it was all moving too fast but the whole situation had never been taken slowly in the first place. he had asked for her to move in with him and regulus, an offer that she didn't clearly thought through and had accepted. with the help of magic, moving was done within two days which james ended up calling for a celebration. a house party where everyone within their circle was to be invited.
"you shouldn't flirt with people that easily," she commented, stealing his attention back to her.
"and you shouldn't fall for people who flirts with you," he countered, keeping his eyes on her.
"well i didn't! i don't fall for people easily."
"you were just telling me not to flirt with you because you fell head over heels by my beauty when you saw me," he said smiling accusingly, his thumb drawing circles on her skin.
"i didn't tell you not to flirt with me."
"then what did you say?"
"don't flirt with people so easily."
sirius hummed in thoughts, his hand not once stopping it's movement. "so i can flirt with you but not other people. sounds pretty controlling." she looked at him warily, awaiting his next comments. "good thing i like a woman in charge."
"you're ridiculous," she scoffed. eric, who was sat on the floor opposing her, smirked, giving a look that she knew all too well. i was right. pushing herself up and off the couch, she gave him sirius one last look. "i'm filing for a divorce."
the months went by fast, before they even knew it they were halfway through their divorce trial. sirius had filed a no-fault divorce, giving them both equal amounts of legal property. he had served her, and initiated the negotiation process. it seemed as if he was rushing to get rid of her and it would be a plain out lie if she said it didn't hurt her feelings.
"hey," sirius greeted, spotting her read on the couch the moment he entered their flat. "i got you something."
she lifted her head from her book, giving him a questioning look. an expression that sirius took as cue for him to continue.
he shrugged his jacket off, hanging it by the coat stand and dropping his keys in its pocket. he lifted the item in his hand, and made his way to sit besides her. she bookmarked her page, shutting it and giving him her full attention. "what is it?"
sirius only kept quiet, handing it to her, "open it."
she did as she was told, slowly unwrapping the package to reveal a small cake with the words happy anniversary written on it. she looked up him with surprise, smiling. "what is it for?"
"for our anniversary!" he exclaimed, pointing out the obvious.
"sirius our wedding anniversary isn't for another ten months."
"not that anniversary." he shook his head. "it's the anniversary of me sitting besides you despite you saying no."
"you remember that?" she asked with a small laugh.
"of course i remember!" he exclaimed, running a hand through his overgrown hair, "i was so nervous to talk to you."
"you were nervous to talk to me?" she followed up, settling the cake on their coffee table. "why?"
"because i thought you were cool, and i didn't know what to do since i had already asked evans for her help with the whole plan thing and i still hadn't talked to you nor was i certain you'd agree."
"you thought i was cool? and here i thought i was the only girl you were willing to invest in," she teased earning a pout from sirius. "fine fine i won't hurt your feelings today, thank you for this, sirius. i will definitely owl regulus and make fun of you about it later."
sirius lips jutted out even more, giving her his best doe eyes. "i feel like you love regulus more than you love me."
"how could i ever love regulus more than i love you," she said sarcastically. sirius faced turned to one that she could not read. curiously she asked, "what? is there something on my face?"
"no, nothing," he dismissed, still gazing at her.
"than what is it?"
"you said you can never love regulus more than you love me," he said slowly, his own grey eyes drifting between her lips and her eyes. she nodded cautiously, not wanting to overstep him. "prove it then."
"p-prove it?"
"prove it."
"prove what exactly," she said with a short lasting laugh, trying to take some of the tension off of herself.
"prove that you love me more than regulus."
she laughed, thinking that it was another one of his joke that she never fully understood but sirius remained —well, serious, keeping his eyes on her.
sirius was slow with his next action, giving her an out if she wanted it. he made sure to watch for her most minuscule movements, the last thing he wanted to do was mess this up and make her uncomfortable. sirius very casually —even though he felt as though his heart was to explode any second, leaned his head down, capturing her lips with his own.
why did he spent so long denying it when it felt so good to have her by his side he would never know. what he knew was that he liked the feel of her, liked that she was kissing him back, liked that she had seen the worst of him (and his sick family) and chose to stay, like that she was —in the most dysfunctional way possible— his.
when sirius pulled away, the first thing he noticed was how her eyes widened with fascination, which only made him fall deeper into the hole he dug for himself. "was that weird?"
she laughed, snapping out of her trance and shook her head. her hands moving on its own accord when the found its way to his cheeks, feeling weak after the chaste kiss. "no, no, it was fine. amazing even."
sirius smiled in return, feeling relieved that she seemed nowhere near mad at him. "it was okay then?"
"it was more than okay sirius," she reassured him, bringing his face forwards and pressing a kiss to his forehead before she even registered her gesture. sirius turned to the side, hiding his blushing face in her palm but his red ears was no help to his case.
sirius own hand reached up, covering her hand with his and pulled it away from his face. "we should call our lawyers."
"we should. they're not going to like this."
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—from bee: i no longer support the artist i’ve chosen to name this fic after but that doesn’t change a thing,,, i still have a song for it hehe
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tyxoxo · 1 year
Feel It
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: smut, pornstar!jaehyun au, 00’ dream inserts
words: 5.1k
warnings: pure filth, exhibitionism/voyeurism, degrading, choking/breath play, humiliation, dacryphilia, sex toys, ball gag, shibari, allusion to cum play, unprotected sex
a/n: san francisco armory, das the setting lolol (thanks kink.com 🫡)  also!! since the reader would have no way of knowing the names of 00’, hopefully i did a good enough job describing them for you all to know who is who sksks.
“okay, we’ll just have you sign this.” the producer with the name tag K said as he handed you a clipboard with a pen; the two of you sitting across each other in a large auditorium. 
you were fidgeting the more you sat there in the middle of the “playroom”, excitement rising with every glance of the various s&m props placed on  antique plaques. whether it was the torture rack, assorted floggers, or cattle prods, you couldn’t wait to try it all.
never in your years of living did you expect to be at an armory-turned-BDSM studio, preparing to do your first adult scene. yet here you were, only wearing a pair or your underwear, completely bare everywhere else. 
the use of a National Guard armory was oddly fitting for the company—20th century Moorish Revival architecture, albeit refurbished, still gave a sense of “grittiness” and rustic charm.
 “i know that you already submitted your online waiver but we just like to have an additional one for in-person. physical signatures are always preferred.” K snapped you out of your thoughts for a second, though your mind couldn’t help but drift back into the depths—thinking yet again to your upcoming scene.
the single sheet of paper reiterated everything you read through just a week prior:
“Mission Statement and Company Values”
typical header to start a waiver…littered with the expectations to provide a “consensual and safe space for all participants.”
your eyes scanned further down, taking a few minutes to read their “Right to Distribute Media:
By signing here, you agree to having any and all media in your presence posted to our website Kink.com, with potential distribution to other pornographic partnerships…”
you provided your signature for the two spots provided, officially sealing away what modesty you had left.  
as soon as you handed the clipboard back to K, he spoke into his bluetooth earpiece, presumably notifying the other producers of your newly sealed fate, “you guys are good to head this way.” he said before placing the clipboard on the floor next to his water bottle. 
“in a moment you’ll be able to meet your partner, and go over the do’s and don'ts, that kind of stuff.” he said, followed by a closed-mouth smile.
you smiled back, trying to hide the anxiety creeping under your skin. there was no telling what kind of man would appear through those doors, meters away from where you sat.
you kept your eyes trained on the entrance, tapping your leg up and down to pass what seemed like hours.
but then again, this was a four story building…maybe it was just taking them a while to get to where you were. 
just as you looked down at your twiddling thumbs, the heavy sound of the double-doors filled the room. the man that appeared was unlike anyone you’ve ever seen. 
he was gorgeous…
and he smiled as soon as he laid eyes on you. his dimples being the first feature that caught your attention. 
he strutted towards you, confidence exuding with every step. he only sported boxer briefs, definitely nowhere near as self-conscious as you, now that you saw his toned body. 
you tried not to make it obvious that you were eyeing his subtle six-pack. but it was hard. his body was perfect; not too overbearing, not too ordinary. still, his biceps and his quads showcased the work he put in to maintain his physique. 
the last you could observe before he stopped in front of you, was his happy trail, leading all the way to the package he had confined in his briefs. he completely ignored K, standing right in front of his field of view. 
your eyes slowly made their way to his face, still smiling so bright, with ivory teeth to match. 
“hello, my name is jaehyun. nice to meet you.” 
his voice was velvety deep, baritone. 
another surprise to you. 
jaehyun held out his right hand, but you noted the single platinum band adorned on his left ring finger, to your disappointment. 
your thoughts were outlandish, there’s no way you’d have a chance with him even if he wasn’t taken.
you returned the handshake, voice visibly shaken as you gave him your name.
“i’ll go ahead and let you guys have the floor. i’ll be back in 10.” K said with a clear of his throat. he then gave up his seat for jaehyun, making his leave towards the double-doors.
jaehyun looked back at the medieval-styled chair before sitting down, chiseled thighs growing in size once he found a comfortable position.
“so tell me a bit about yourself…”
he leaned forward in his seat, placing his hands criss-cross in between his thighs. 
the simple action of trying to close the distance between the two of you, paired with his now sultry-tone, caused you to gulp quite noticeably.
“i uhhh, this is—s-sorry i can’t form my words today.” you covered your mouth as you laughed, embarrassed by the effect jaehyun had on your intelligibility.
if only you noticed his faint smile. 
“would it be better if i asked you something different?” he spoke with a tilt of his head, bangs sweeping softly across his eyelashes.
“no its not that…i’m just not super interesting.” you pursed your lips together, shameless in admitting how average you were. 
“i highly doubt that. for you to come here, i know that you’re more interesting than you let on.”
he smirked to himself, dimples even more pronounced as he looked down at your feet.
“so what do you like…don’t like? or what are you willing to try today?” 
he looked back up at you, but the ability to maintain eye contact with him was becoming harder and harder.
but for you to have come this far, sitting almost-nude in front of a stranger…there was no use in being shy anymore.
“i’ve just always wanted to be controlled, dominated, humiliated…reduced to nothing, pretty much.” you spoke matter-of-factly, knowing he’s probably heard this all before. 
you decided to keep your eyes on his mouth, and then his sharp canine’s that gleamed under the warm sepia light as he licked his lips. 
“what about degrading?”
he continued to list everything that came to mind, making it somewhat easier for you to communicate your needs and expectations.
by now, barely 7-minutes in, jaehyun learned that you were practically open to anything. 
“one last thing. the most important.”
you raised your eyebrows at his sudden announcement, already having an idea of what it could be.
“what’s your safeword?”
“alright, we’ll go ahead and get started. if you at any time need to take a break, just let us know. remember, there is no time limit, and most of all, enjoy yourselves.” one of the producers said while adjusting his camera.
now in the auditorium with you and jaehyun, were two different producers, with the names I and N; an obvious attempt to mirror their company, which definitely made it easier to recall. K was nowhere to be found this time. but you weren’t concerned about that anymore. 
the entire auditorium was now your’s, filled with all the props to make your fantasies come true. the chairs were pushed away, and the camera’s were now rolling.
jaehyun stood face-to-face, still in only his boxer briefs. he studied the floor beneath you, seeming to psych himself up with a smirk. 
you didn’t even really know how to stand, or carry yourself, fearing that too much focus on the lesser details would ruin your adrenaline. 
just as you watched his head rise to your level, you were swept away by a kiss.
he was as spirited as you hoped, using his left hand to hold onto your cheek, and the other to rest against your hip. still through the shock of how soft his lips were, you managed to taste the balm that he chose to wear—peach with a hint of vanilla. 
you raised your hand to wrap around the wrist that kept hold of your cheek, eventually closing more of the gap between the two of you. 
despite how delicate the kisses were at first, you could hear them echo throughout the auditorium, surely to get louder once you could taste more of him.
you tried your best to keep up with the different angles that his head moved, but thinking back to the fact that these were among the first kisses you shared, you could bear the inconsistencies until you found a proper rhythm. 
so far, he did everything right. starting off slow just how you liked it… just how you told him just a few minutes prior. 
his left hand caressed your cheek back and forth, brushing against the small hairs in front of your ear. the other made its way down to your ass, gripping tightly, but not without your breath hitching through the fiery embrace.
he took the opportunity like you had guessed, to brush his tongue against your own, finally gaining more out of the subtle start towards your undoing. 
you had only known him for roughly half an hour, yet you already felt in tune with his way of leading you to pure bliss. 
he intertwined with you effortlessly, regardless of the mess the two of you made with just your lips. combined saliva pooled at the corners of your mouth, and you found yourself whimpering at his attempts to clean up the remnants with his warm tongue.
“you’re making a mess already?”
he spoke against the corner of your mouth, the smell of vanilla becoming even more evident from his suckled lips. 
you didn’t want to give in so soon to his early teasing. he needed to do more.
though you realized within a flutter of your hooded eyes, that he needed just as much as you. without any warning, he flipped his warm persona, the hand that held your cheek moving down to grip your throat tight. 
his fingertips knew exactly where to apply pressure, causing you to wince as the sting resonated on both sides of your neck. your hands immediately wrapped around his, knowing he liked to see you struggle.
you had made a point of that too. 
“you won’t say anything? what about when i do this?” his face remained mere centimeters away from you, denying you of any further kisses. 
you could see through the haze that his dimples were still just as evident from his now-sinister smile. 
his right hand cupped your clothed core, causing you to shudder against his palm. 
he would definitely be able to feel your growing arousal through the thin material. 
“maybe you don’t deserve any of this…i should just leave you here.”
he backed up his shaming effortlessly, all the while palming you through your damp underwear. 
the friction felt electric against your clit, causing you to buck against his touch.
“ride my fucking hand.” he smirked right in front of your face, like a complete switch from the gentleman you just met.
you were sure that you looked pathetic, getting off to just the palm of his hand. practically humping to get some sort of release. 
being self-conscious no longer mattered, not when he provided you with a means to an end. proving not only to yourself, but to future viewers that you were outwardly desperate.
the more zealous you got with your gyrating hips, the more jaehyun was inclined to stop and just watch you yearn for it.
he decided immediately, stilling his movements. 
for the first time, you whined.
“please let m-me cum.” your voice barely produced any sound, restricted from his hold on your throat. 
“should i?” 
“mmh, yes. please…” 
you hoped that your look of pity was convincing enough. 
“go on and show me then. show me that you deserve it.” 
he gave you free reign, lessening the hold on your throat, and continuing to keep his palm still against your aching core.
you were practically salivating, trying your hardest to hit a certain spot along your sensitive nub. with a few more hellish rolls of your hips, you succeeded, feeling that familiar high surge through your body. 
jaehyun was beyond satisfied, enjoying how you broke down from barely nothing. his eyes drifted over every part of your trembling body, mentally noting the parts that would be destroyed by the time he was done with you.
as you started to come down, he had already tugged your underwear off, even taking a moment to smell the now-ruined fabric. he could’ve spent longer doing so, showing off his guise for as long as he wanted.
but you were fidgeting quite noticeably, shifting your thighs to subdue the constant throbbing of your clit. it was obvious there was more to come.
once he tossed the flimsy fabric to the side, he ushered you towards the far left of the room where two red velvet sofas were positioned against the wall, and a small antique dresser sat in between. 
you could barely keep up with his stride as he interlocked your hands together. but you let him control your movements, until you were centered in the middle of the makeshift formal room.  
on top of the dresser were bundles of rope, a ball gag and a vibrating wand, with images of all the ways you would be ruined flooding your brain. your eyes then drifted up towards the ceiling, immediately catching sight of the metal ring hanging just above you.
the cameras were paused momentarily; had the recording continued, the producers would’ve captured your look of wonder as you watched jaehyun gather the jute material onto his arm to begin the process. 
you’d only had a few experiences with bondage, but all of the preparation seemed to come naturally as you followed jaehyun’s instructions. he was patient and soft-spoken with his directions, all the while marveling at how pretty you looked while listening to him. 
it was evident he was experienced in the art of shibari, as he adjusted the intricate designs to fit the contour of your body within minutes. your eyes were conflicted on where to look, whether it was his concentration or the way the rope cupped your breasts perfectly. either way, you felt beautiful. 
“take deep breaths for me, you’re doing great.” 
his sultry tone was enough to relax you as you felt gravity disappear under your feet.
your eyes remained shut as you inhaled and exhaled, gradually soaking in the feeling of complete ascension. 
you were in the most exposed position—frogtied. suspended upwards, arms secured behind your back, knees bent, and ankles bound to your thighs. 
even though it took a while to get into this arrangement, he made you feel comfortable, and you were still just as wet, eagerly awaiting his next move.
“how do you feel? talk to me.” he stood in front of your suspended body, watching your face for any signs of discomfort. there was anything but, you surprisingly felt purified, as if a literal weight had been lifted. 
“i feel good.” 
you weren’t the best at exclaiming your feelings, but you could tell that jaehyun sensed your approval.
“anything pinching or pulling?” he asked again, leaning in close to inspect the knots littered across your body. 
“okay good. just wanted to check before i put this on.” he replied while giving the “ok” hand signal for the producers to resume rolling. 
he stepped over to the dresser, grabbing the black leathered ball gag. your pussy involuntarily clenched around air at the sight of the large red ball, and the realization that you were now being filmed in suspension, every bit of your cunt on display for the world to see.
you licked your lips one last time before he placed the gag. the taste of plastic overtook your senses, unfortunately masking the remnants of his lips balm. nonetheless, you felt complete, relishing in your own fantasy being brought to life.
saliva managed to escape not even seconds later, dribbling onto your chin. jaehyun eyes grew dark, switching back to the sadist he truly was.
your eyes tracked his every move, watching as he finally exposed himself.
you wished you were well-spoken enough to describe how perfect he was. but you could only manage whimpers through your restraints, hoping that he heard your reaction to seeing his lower half for the first and probably only time.
you were finally able to see where his happy trail ended, branched out into a sea of nicely trimmed hair. his length stood proud, snapping back onto his outie bellybutton as he kicked his briefs off to the side.
he stepped over to the dresser one last time, grabbing the vibrating wand. you were expecting the sound of the device to come to life, even squinting your eyes to brace for the feeling of it hitting your clit. but instead he kept it down by his left side, while his right finger came up to collect the saliva that had now leaked down your neck. 
“not yet…you’ll have to prove that you’re worth my time. i don’t reward sluts that whine in my face.” his words hit you hard, but his finger worked even harder.
your body began to shake as he used his slicked forefinger to paint a trail down the center of your chest. he eventually found your nipple that had swelled through the coarse rope, pinching hard.
he released quickly, doing the same to the other. 
his right finger continued its descent, now finding your cunt that was glistening under the warm lighting. he seemed satisfied enough from the sight of your juices dripping onto the floor meters below you. 
your breathing grew ragged as you felt him group his digits together to press against your sensitive nub. he leaned further into you, preventing you from seeing him work your pussy into overdrive.
the filthy sounds of your essence sloshing against the flesh of his fingers filled the room, even overpowering the pathetic moans that tried to escape through the soaked ball gag.
“think you could cum again? hmm?” 
he cooed against your ear, determined to kick all of your senses over the edge.
you failed miserably at producing a coherent “yes” through the pleasure, and you feared this would have consequences.
the high was building up a second time, but unfortunately it was met with jaehyun’s cruelty.
he backed away from you completely, leaving you there to wiggle in the ropes that kept you hungry and docile.
“yes…i can do it.” you words were muffled at best, barely audible. but your body showed enough of your desperation, trying to move within the confines of your unrelenting submission. 
“fucking filthy whore…you’re too late.” 
jaehyun tortured you by staying back, twirling the vibrating wand in his hands. 
regardless of the fact you were granted an orgasm moments ago, you made it known that you deserved another.  
tears began to pool in your eyes, eventually flowing from your eyelids onto your warm cheeks. breathing seemed more difficult, as you sniffled and heaved against the ball gag.
jaehyun looked down at the floor, in awe at the amount of your juices that had hit the floor. you were more than soaked, practically painting the floor in an abstract design of delicious filth. usually he was able to drag out teasing for a while with his other “co-stars” but for you, his patience was wearing thin; not out of distaste, but out of the eagerness to finally feel your walls around his cock. he would have to fuck you soon, so he could see if you felt just as good as you looked.
he had done plenty of scenes, even similar to this; more than he could count. and none short of bragging, he ruined every single one of them, and you were no exception. 
without a second thought, jaehyun stepped up to you, placing the vibrator on your engorged clit. a shriek escaped through the gag as you slumped in the ropes, head falling backwards as a wave of relief hit you. 
finally, you were given more.
through your hooded eyes, you were unable to see his erect tip awaiting your entrance. 
“are you happy now? what do you say?” he gripped your jaw hard, forcing your head forward to stare into his dark eyes. 
“thank you s-so much…thank-...”
your gratitude was cut short as he pushed himself inside you. 
a guttural groan fell from his glossy lips as he paused halfway, utterly amazed by the way your walls welcomed his cock, trying his best to draw out the way you sucked him in. 
he could’ve stayed like this forever, relishing in your ability to grip him for dear life. 
“you’re so fucking tight…did you save this pussy for me?” his voice was just as shaky as yours, completely high off the energy that filled the room.
you nodded your head up and down, mind too absorbed in the pleasure that overtook your body.  
your eyes blew wide as he continued to inch himself further inside your dripping hole; beyond satisfied from being stretched full. 
you watched his jaw go slack as he bottomed out, pupils dilating not only in front of you, but the cameras too. 
the realization that everyone would witness his transformation, caused you to contract around his length; the vibrator intensifying your actions as if you no longer had control. 
he wasted no time thrusting inside you, hips snapping against yours in an immediate, steady rhythm. your body recoiled against his tireless momentum, eventually swinging from the metal ring every time he connected his tip to your cervix. 
“do you think you could hold out sweetheart?” 
you were sure that you could, but you couldn’t help but entertain the idea that it was much deeper than that. 
nonetheless, you mumbled “yes”, hoping to prove your worth so that he would never stop fucking you senseless. 
yet again, your head fell back, pitiful howls escaping through the gag as you felt your orgasm building up a second time. 
“come on, look at me. watch me fuck this pussy.” he used his non occupied hand to usher your head forward, watching you choke up as many moans as you could through the soiled gag. 
he continued to support your head, and it became obvious that it was done for a reason. the sound of the double-doors caught your attention soon after, echoing through the auditorium. your eyes looked past jaehyun’s broad shoulders to catch sight of the four attractive figures that appeared. 
their presence would be burned inside your mind forever—an aura of complete deviance, walking towards your suspended frame with an obvious intent to ravage you beyond repair. 
your eyes couldn’t look away, not even with jaehyun still drilling inside your pussy. 
you noted the two tallest, one with wavy silver hair, and bangs long enough to cover his dark eyes. he had the most  chiseled features out of the four, with full lips to complement his sharp jawline. the other didn’t look nearly as intimidating as the first, with rounded facial features despite having a broader frame. he adorned blue eyes, which you assumed to be contacts. either way, the sky blue color fit his chocolate hair, setting him apart from his yang counterpart.
the third reminded you of a sunset, with golden skin that radiated far beyond his charming presence. his jet black hair offered contrast to his warm exterior. 
the final one—the blonde, surprised you the most, he didn’t seem like the type to present himself in this type of environment, but maybe that was his ruse—to deceive anyone into thinking he wasn’t as filthy as the next. he made sure to be the last one following behind in the ensemble, but you still noted his elfen-like appearance, seeming delicate yet playful. 
they were all just as flawless as jaehyun. 
you would have to refer to them by their features, as there was no indication of their names. truthfully, the idea that you may never know, made this all the more fulfilling. letting four strangers do whatever they wanted to you, was the pinnacle of desire. 
the silver-haired boy made sure to greet you first, standing next to your right side. though you weren’t sure if gripping your chest through the rope was a proper greeting, it still caused you to whimper from his robust touch. he squeezed your nipples harder than jaehyun, watching you crumble from his assault. 
“another slut for me to fuck with hmm? you better hope you make this worth my while.” he snarled against your ear, taking the time to tug your earlobe between his teeth. the kisses that followed were messier than the brunette that stood to your left. you made sure to make eye contact with him and acknowledge his existence despite his silver-haired fiend stealing the show with his unhinged words. the blue-eyed boy had a smug grin on his face, caressing your cheek with no care in the world that your saliva had covered his fingers. 
he began to pecker along your collarbone, keeping his eyes locked onto your own, tongue swiping upwards to taste the sweat that had formed on your flushed skin. 
“i bet she’s been good so far?” the brunette’s voice caught you off guard, completely teasing, even mocking your predicament. you saw him look forward at jaehyun, then down at the vibrator that was still pressed against your clit.
you hoped to god that he would grab and use it on you. that any of them would use it on you.
“hell yeah she’s been good. taking my cock like a good little slut.” jaehyun licked along his upper lip, baring his canine’s again. 
“here...i know she’s close.”
jaehyun offered the vibrator to the brunette, the sensation temporarily leaving your core. you whined in dissatisfaction, hoping it wouldn’t be off you for too long. 
“you’re so pretty…” 
the blonde haired boy soothed your worries, coming up beside the brunette. his hands were noticeably smaller than the rest, but still just as skillful. he took his slender fingers and began to rub your abused clit in circles. the pads of his fingers were a few degrees colder, but it soon warmed up after making contact with your heated skin. 
you jumped, as best as you could, when he increased the pace, and began swiping his entire hand across your wet mound. the sounds of your juices splashing past his digits bounced off of the walls of the auditorium. 
he truly proved your point of his devious nature. 
the golden boy rushed to jaehyun’s left side, getting a clear view of the mess you kept making. his hands trailed down to palm himself through his black denim jeans. even through your tears, you watched him bite his lip, hard enough to make the skin underneath go pale.
you were so close. 
“pl…please. i’m cl…” you thought your words had drifted off into the void, overpowered by the multitude of bodies in the room, but they didn’t go unnoticed. 
“awwh, she’s gonna cum. so wet, so pretty…” the fairy teased, taking the time to lower his mouth to your knee, making sure that he had made at least one mark on your skin by the time the evening was over.
the familiar band from within your core snapped. a wave of pleasure surged from your core all the way up to where the silver-haired boy had gripped your throat. moans managed to escape through the hold he had on your neck, stinging against his palms as he squeezed harder and harder.
the sea of white that flashed across your vision had turned red when the fairy’s hand left you and the vibrator took his place. the brunette’s smile grew wide when he witnessed first-hand what overstimulation looked like, and for him to be the one to blame, made an obvious power trip show across his cheshire grin. 
you were completely ruined. it was evident by the way you began to convulse, the way you cried out, the way your walls continued to contract around jaehyun’s cock. 
“fuckkk, just like that. you're sucking me in so hard. keep doing that sweetheart…”
jaehyun chanted out, an indication that he was close to exploding inside of you.
“take that ball gag off, i wanna hear her scream…” the golden boy directed the fairy to do his bidding, not wanting to pause on his own self-gratification. he had already freed his cock from his boxers, nowhere near patient enough to pull his pants the rest of the way down. 
you weren’t still enough for the blonde as he tried freeing the clasp behind your head. eventually with the help of his silver-haired friend, you were finally able to voice your sounds of another orgasm. 
“i’m gonna cum again!!” you screamed out, making the rest of them smirk with pride.
“are you even gonna say thank you? ungrateful whore…” the same one that had been giving you the most hell, spat against your ear. his words made it all the more damning; you enjoyed how he tested your mental stability. 
“thank you! thank you so much!” 
you were sure that you looked broken, slumped from the actions of these four strangers and of course, jaehyun, who was just as close.
his thrusts were beginning to show cracks, losing the rhythm he had held onto for so long. the two of you stared at each other, in your own world as you both came. 
with one final snap of his hips, he let out a moan, pumping you full of his seed with every inhale and exhale. 
your voice gave out, vocal chords spent from all of the prior screams you produced during your time of luxury.
your mouth hung open as you felt him fill your walls to the brim, creating a salacious mixture that bubbled inside your painted walls.  
even though the vibrator had stopped, a phantom sensation caused you to tremble against the now-still wand. 
all that remained was the comedown. and you weren’t sure you wanted it to end.
jaehyun remained inside you, drawing out the aftermath of your back-to-back orgasm. a thin sheet of sweat decorated his chest, illuminating under the tan lights.
your breathing had finally calmed down, and by the time you tried to get a good look at everyone, they were already huddled around jaehyun, waiting to see the creampie. 
their eyes followed jaehyun’s every move, watching as he exited you with a single plop.
“i’m first.” the silver-haired boy spoke quickly, immediately lowering himself to be level with your weeping hole. 
it was obvious that this wasn’t over. and you were more than okay with that.
//tagging: @pradajaehyun @glitchfiles @stargrll13 @the-universe-in-you-jjh
1K notes · View notes
sinning5sos · 5 months
No Shame | Luke
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surprise, I'm alive bitches XOXO
Requested: YES! I took a few requests and put them into one
i was wondering if you could write about dom!luke fwb kind of situation where luke tells you about his thought process when writing no shame and admitting it’s like about the reader ? 
literally the sluttiest kinkiest shit you can write for luke
leaving hickeys all over luke, JUST IMAGINE SKSK
Word Count: ~3.1k
Luke: wyd?
You rolled your eyes at the text that just came through, and your eyes flickered up to the clock. 9:45 PM. This was the usual time he texted, but you couldn’t help the smile forming as you typed your response.
You: On my way to you?
Luke: Wow so eager for me. See you soon angel.
You loved the message and got off the couch to head to your car. Your engine started up and you turned the radio on as you started to drive to Luke's apartment. You couldn’t help but laugh as one of the band's songs started playing over the radio, a song from their second album. You had met Luke through a mutual friend at a party after they released their first album, but slowly became closer whenever they would be back in L.A. or if they flew you out. 
You made the first move, kissing him when you were slightly tipsy and the two of you realized you had a lot of chemistry. It was mainly physical, but there were a few moments where the two of you would go on dates but neither of you would call them dates. Just friends with benefits. It was too busy for either of you to date but you loved fucking him too much to let him move on, to let yourself move on.
The drive to his house was quick, that’s also part of the reason that the two of you continued hooking up with one another. You entered the code into the gate and pulled into the driveway next to his car, shifted into park and sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. You applied just a little bit more of the lipstick that he loves, and ensured your make up was fine. He loved the disheveled makeup look after he fucks you thoroughly, so you knew what you were doing. 
You climbed out of the car and walked up to the door, about to knock but he already opened the door by the time you got to the threshold. He’s just so attractive.
His curls were freshly washed, the smell of his body wash hitting you immediately - you were the one who bought it for him, one of your favorite scents. He had a basic white tee on but it fit him so well, as well as the gray sweats he had on. 
He pulled you in immediately, his lips meeting yours as you wrapped your hand around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you. There was no need for introductions, no need for any conversation. You both knew what you were there for.
“Now listen angel, there’s going to be a few things happening. I want you to go upstairs, strip down and get on your back. Next, I am going to put your ankles in the spreader bar and show you what I bought for you earlier today,” He murmured in your ear, his hands coming down to grip your ass.
“The first part of the toy goes right on your clit, and then the other part of the toy goes right inside that pretty little pussy of yours. Then, I’m going to fuck that sweet ass.” He muttered, his words echoing in your head as he slapped your ass. “Understood angel?” 
His nose nudged yours and you nodded your response, his lips moving to meet yours again.
“Go.” He whispered, and you eagerly went up to his bedroom and did exactly as he said. Your eyes landed on the toy, a bright pink vibrator that was sort of U shaped, on his bedside table beside a bottle of lube. You quickly stripped down and laid on the bed, your anticipation building as you heard Luke slowly come up the stairs. 
You shifted slightly as he opened the door, his normally bright blue eyes darker, lust evidenced on his face as you slowly opened your knees and his gaze fell directly onto your center.
“Ankles up,” He murmured, and you lifted your ankles up into the air as he slowly clasped the cuffs around each of your ankles, the bar separating your legs further and he pushed the bar up into the air.
“That cunt is so fucking beautiful. And it’s all mine to devour,” He muttered, his gaze snapping up to yours as he pulled his tee over his shoulders. He pushed down his sweats as well, his cock already hard and you smiled up at him, knowing that it was you who caused him to be like this.
“Devour?” You whispered, and he nodded as he knelt in front of you on the bed and pressed a light kiss on the inside of your thigh before pulling you down on the bed. He ducked his head underneath the bar and you rested your ankles on the top of his shoulders. He spit directly onto your center, and you knew the gentleness was gone.
You loved giving up control to Luke, loved giving him everything you could offer and loved that he took it all.
He immediately bent his head down, his tongue laying flat against your center as he licked up, your juices coating his chin. You watched him, every swipe of his tongue jolting your body a little bit, and moaned as he finally gave in and sucked your clit into his mouth. He pulled back and spit onto his fingers, pushing two of them inside you as his mouth enveloped itself around your clit again. You pushed your head back into the mattress, your eyes closed as he continued fucking you with his fingers.
He pulled back, “I want you to cum at least once with my mouth, cum once more with that toy inside of you, then cum again as I fuck your ass. Got it?”
You whimpered out a yes, your ability to form any other words gone as he grazed his teeth against the bundle of nerves, your back arching into the bed as your orgasm quickly approached. Luke had such a way of making you cum, and so quickly too. His mouth was talented, in more ways than one.
“Cum for me angel,” He pulled his mouth back, his fingers working quickly inside of you as you rode out your orgasm on his fingers, your body shaking as your high crashed over you.
“Good girl,” He muttered, moving back under the bar and leaned over to his bedside table. He grabbed the toy, your core still sensitive as he brought it up to your mouth, “Now lick.”
You did as you were told, taking the toy into your mouth and Luke chuckled as he brought it down your body. He rubbed the bigger end over your clit, then brought it down to your core and pushed it inside of you, then lined up the top part of the toy and pressed it against your clit. He pushed the button in the center, the vibrations jolting your body as the toy filled you and sent waves of pleasure throughout it.
“Oh.” You gasped out, your hands grasping his sheets as he watched you wraith beneath him, his hands not even on you. Your breathing caught, your gaze focused on him as he had his own hand wrapped around his cock. He slowly started stroking himself, stopping occasionally to grab some of your juices that were flowy freely, and used it to fuck himself.
“Such a good girl for me. Look at you, taking that toy so well. Your cunt looks so pretty being this full,” He murmured. Your breathing became ragged as your second orgasm was approaching, his cock and the idea of it being in your ass soon overtook your thoughts. 
“Don’t you cum without my permission,” He snapped, and brought his free hand down to your cunt, giving it a gentle slap. Your body jolted and you nodded, your eyes moving to his.
“Can I cum please Luke?” You nearly begged, and he chuckled at the desperation in your voice. He didn’t give you an answer, instead he just tugged the bottom lip between his teeth as he continued stroking himself. You were writhing beneath his gaze, your eyes following his hand as he pushed another button on the toy and the vibrations increased.
You cried out, wanting to close your legs but that damn spreader bar held your ankles apart still. 
“Luke, please,” You begged, nearly screaming out his name as he nodded.
“Good, cum again for me. God, what a fucking beauty you are,” He whispered, and you released your mental block and quickly came. Your thighs were shaking, your hands dropping down to your core as you held the toy against you, the overstimulation starting to become too much.
“Luke,” You whimpered, and he turned the toy off. 
“I’m going to give you a minute to relax and then I’m going to turn that toy back on.” He muttered, and you attempted to catch your breath as he grabbed the lube. He poured some onto his fingers and brought them to your ass, and slowly pressed in. The two of you had done anal plenty of times, but that wasn’t when you were full from a toy as well. He had one finger in and slowly added his middle finger. He chuckled as he started to stretch you out, having your body relax beneath his touch.
“Such a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
“Anything for you Luke,” You breathed out, loving the way that he looked down at you.
“Since you’re being a good girl, I’m going to go ahead and set those ankles free, but I want them on my shoulders instead.” He instructed, and you nodded as you brought your hands up over your body and stretched them over you. 
With his free hand, he undid the clasp on one and your ankle moved from the bar and onto his left shoulder. He did the same on the other side, and you felt a slight relief from the stretch but then Luke lined his cock up with your hole and started pushing in. You melted into his touch, the stretch turning into pleasure quickly. He switched the toy back on and you gasped again, your body quickly returning to the overstimulated mess you were before.
“Luke,” You called out, his name becoming all you could muster as he started fucking your ass.
“What a fucking vision this is,” He grunted, holding onto your thighs to keep you secure as he pushed in fully, his cock filling you so well. 
You couldn’t form words any more, his name falling from your lips as you felt your third orgasm approaching again. Between the vibrations on your clit and inside your cunt, and Luke fucking your ass, you weren’t going to last long at all.
“Please,” You gasped out, your body clenching, “please,”, your thighs starting to shake as Lukes own orgasm started approaching, “let me cum, please.”
“You want to cum?” Luke asked, and you shook your head as your interlocked your hand with his, and he nodded, “Cum for me, angel, go ahead and let go,” 
Your legs shook as your third orgasm crashed over you, moaning his name loudly and clenched your eyes shut so tightly that stars danced across your vision. Your body continued to shake as Luke fucked you, and it looked as if he was about to cum too. His chest was moving deeply, his breathing labored as he was focused on you. 
“I’m going to cum in your tight little ass, is that okay with you angel?” He asked, and you nodded lazily as the toy still vibrates inside of you, the overstimulation draining your body as he finally came. He moaned and nearly collapsed on top of you, his hand coming between your legs to turn the toy off and you nearly cried out in relief. Your body hadn’t been used to this quickly, your orgasms draining your energy.
“God, what a good fucking girl you are for me. Look how fucking hot you are,” He murmured, and you nodded in agreement, watching as he slowly pulled out and pulled the toy out from inside you as well.
“Stay here, don’t move,” He whispered, leaning over your body to give you a gentle kiss before he went into the bathroom adjacent to his room. He took only a moment, before he returned and pressed a warm washcloth to your core and helped soothe your body. He helped clean you up, and tossed the rag into a hamper nearby before climbing into bed beside you.
You curled up in his arms, his shoulders so broad against you and he hummed quietly in your ear.
“You did so good,” He murmured, his warm breath tickling against your neck and you giggled slightly. He pulled the covers up over the two of you, and you sank deeper into him.
“I have a song that I’ve been working on. Would you want to go to the studio with me tomorrow?”
Your eyes flickered over to Luke at his question, and you bit your lip as you thought. Nothing really could come of it, so you agreed.
“Yeah I guess. What time?” You whispered, pressing your lips to his chest and deciding to tease him further. You sucked the skin there and he sharply drew in a breath, and looked down at you.
“11:00 am is when we start recording. There’s a few things I want to work on first and then you can come in. Maybe 1:00? And you can bring lunch?” He asked, a hopeful smile on his face and you pulled away to laugh at his eagerness.
“Sure, I can do that. But you’re paying. Go ahead and send me some money now, Mr. Internationally Famous Lead Singer.”
“Good. I have some ideas, I’m going to write real quick.” He murmured, pulling away from you and you sighed at the loss of warmth, but he returned after a minute with an old notebook and a pen. He climbed back beside you and began to scribble on the paper. You attempted to peek, but he quickly shifted so you couldn’t see.
You leaned over h8im, pressing your lips to the base of his neck and decided to give him another hickey and he chuckled quietly.
“Angel, you’re not marking me to embarrass me tomorrow, are you?”
“Embarrass? Please, you should be so lucky to broadcast that you were laid.” You whispered against his skin, before moving slightly up his neck and he leaned into your touch, your lips grazing the soft part of his neck that was so tender for him.
“You’re right, I’m insanely lucky to have such a good girl like you for me,”
* * *
It was 1:15p now, a little after when he said to come and you were listening to his bandmates mess around with you while he finished up the song.
“You know he’s never brought a girl here,” Calum mused, and you felt a slight blush creep through your cheeks but shook your head.
“We’re just friends,”  You insisted, but Calum chuckled.
“What sort of friends? My friends never leave hickeys on my neck.” Ashton shot back, and the blush darkened throughout your skin, 
“Or scream my name out in the hotel room when you thought the others were gone,” Calum quipped.
“Or used as a writing inspiration before. That’s why you’re here, he’s got a new song he’s been working on and he won’t let us listen to it yet.”
“Mind your business,” Luke rolled his eyes as he walked in, leaning down to kiss your cheek and you nearly pulled away but he grinned. “Just saying thanks for lunch,” 
He plopped himself down right beside you, a little too close for someone that was just a friend, and started to eat. You felt Ashton and Calum’s gaze on you, but avoided eye contact.
The two of you had established many times that you were just friends, but friends who fucked and went on dates because neither of you had wanted to deal with the pressures of a relationship. At least, so you thought.
“Alright angel, ready to go listen?” He asked, slurping down his drink and you nodded as the other two started giving him the same treatment they had just given you. Luke waved them off, his middle finger in the air as he led you into the studio space. You always loved seeing what they did, whether it was seeing their process or seeing them perform. 
Luke pressed play as you settled into a chair, your leg crossing over the other as the first few chords of the new song came on.
“Remember, it’s not finished yet but I wanted to hear your thoughts before I kept going.” 
“Angel, with the gun in your hand - pointing my direction, giving me affection. Love is fatal, won't you give it a chance? Center of attention, don't you ask me any questions.” He paused the song, and your mind began to spin but you smiled at him.
“Keep going,” You reached over him and pressed play and he leaned into you as it continued on.
“Go on and light me like a cigarette, even if it might be something you regret. You got me now, now, now…swallow me down, down, down, down.”
You nearly snorted as the song progressed, and Luke paused it to see what caught your attention, “You liked that line, didn’t you?”
“Swallow me down?” You glanced up at him and he chuckled.
“Down, down, down. Just wait angel, there’s more.” He winked at you, and proceeded to press play. The song continued, your mind absorbing every lyric, feeling the beat and you clenched your legs together as the next line poured through the speaker, “I only light up when cameras are flashing, never enough and no satisfaction. Got no shame, I love the way you're screaming my name.”
The song ended shortly, a few other lyrics sticking through your head but Luke just kept grinning at you. 
“I think we ought to fuck like that more often if this good of a song comes from it,” You teased and he chuckled as his right hand planted itself on your thigh, but you nodded, “I like it, especially if the lyrics are as accurate as you say.”
“Of course. You’re a one of a kind girl for me angel,”
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sashamosu46 · 6 months
Inspired by a fanart I saw, take this as a demon!Wrio AU or a scenario of a demon possessing Wrio for a while sksk
Neuvillette: Wriothesley, did it hurt?
Wriothesley: Did what hurt?
Neuvillette: When you fell from 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃
Wriothesley: Haha sweetness no… voice suddenly turns demonic Oh but it did when I was crawling out of ḣ̖̻͛̓ẹ̿͋̒̕l̙͖̑̾ͣl̙͖̑̾ͣ~❤️
Neuvillette: Wriothesley?
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riseswiththesun · 5 months
tell me what you really feel
mini drabble/ficlet based off this comic by @mayskalih! i saw her first hc about this and had wanted to write something but then she did the comic and i literally got up and wrote this sksks so thank you for the brainrot LOL
not sure when the canon time frame of this would be I kinda made it vague, so you can imagine it how you want tbh lol, I kinda imagine them a bit older, so like canon divergence/post canon
ao3 link
word count: 2.5k
title inspired by lyrics from the song like or like like by miniature tigers
He hates to admit how much the words sting when Sokka says them. 
Zuko feels like he did as a child; the way he feels is almost petulant, wanting something he knows he cannot have. The way feelings he can't quite discern—anger, jealousy, sadness, bitterness, perhaps, he isn't sure, and he doesn't even really want to know—pool at the bottom of his stomach, leaving him uneasy. But he knows all of this is so painfully trivial, pathetic even, how such a nonsensical word almost sends him into a downward spiral of emotions.
But Sokka only confirmed what he’s expected—what he’s known. 
He’s seen the way that the two of them smile at each other, the way she seems almost happier, lighter, brighter, around Aang—something he would be foolish to think she would ever be around him. And so even though he’s been clinging to their few brief moments of amicability, the few moments of vulnerability, and the few brief touches that he’s clung onto more than he likes to admit, he knows his place. He’s grateful for the forgiveness he’s been granted, and that, albeit unfortunately, will just have to be enough.
Zukko never wanted to come to terms with these feelings—if that’s what they even are. He’s tried to tuck them into the back of his mind, being content with where they currently remained—something he didn’t want to grapple with. But now, the painstaking realization has hit him that his feelings are large and grand, knowing that it’s more than just admiration or maybe even something as menial as a crush. He cares, feelings that feel large and grand in a way that he can’t quite comprehend. But he knows that he likes how he feels understood, and he likes how he feels that he’s not someone who’s broken, and he likes that he feels that he is someone who is capable of doing good things—of making a change, of becoming good again. And even aside from that, he likes that she is all things good, that she is hope, that she is someone who deserves better—which is something that he knows that he is not.
So because he cares, he allows for the upturn of his own lips as he watches the two of them, the sun casting down glowing rays—something almost out of a picture, and he thinks to himself: this is what she deserves, what she wants.
And because he cares, cares in a way that it aches in the deepest swells of his chest, he turns to Sokka, nodding in agreeance, the same smile on his face as he speaks.
“You’re right, Sokka,” he says almost breathily, forbidding any sort of indication of the affliction that hangs low in his throat to show in his voice. “We should help them.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆
Katara feels a shift—something is off. 
It feels harmless at first; she doesn’t think much of it. It starts with Sokka’s calculated glances towards her, almost as if he has some sort of intention behind his stares. He has the same look on his face when he talks about war plans or whenever he’s discussing something concerning logistics—he’s plotting, but she doesn’t know what. 
She sees the way he and Zuko share mutual looks, almost as if it’s something they’re in on together. It felt harmless at first, the way they’re insistent on certain things, guiding her to certain parts of the camp, directing her to do certain tasks that normally they wouldn’t have her do, but then it crosses into a certain territory where it raises flags, and she knows that something’s off, but she can’t quite figure out what.
It makes the energy within the camp feel strained—she can tell that Sokka is being sneaky, like he’s hiding something from her, or maybe even all of them, which only floods her with additional anxiety—something she already feels she has enough of, and doesn’t need more of at a time like this; Toph is indifferent as always; Suki constantly looks as if she’s worried, almost as if she knows what’s going on, but refuses to say much of anything; Aang tries to keep spirits up, acting as he always does, which that much she can appreciate, her one small semblance of normalcy; but then there’s Zuko, who she doesn’t know how to describe his behavior, but all she knows is his is the person’s behaviors whose bothers her the most. 
She hates that once she finally found herself comfortable with him, almost seeking him out, almost desiring to be near him, he’s decided he no longer wants to be near her, taking every opportunity to push her away. Every instance in which she attempted to even talk to him, whether it be for something small, or even when she tries to seek out his assistance, he’s quick to call someone in replacement of him.
Katara huffs to herself, feeling exasperated by everything that’s been going on the last few days. Part of her feels like she’s being dramatic, something everyone wouldn’t hesitate to tell her, but she knows that something is wrong, and she hates that it bothers her so much. 
She finds herself roaming aimlessly around their campsite, searching for some form of respite, anything at this to put her mind at her ease. She sees Aang and Zuko sitting and talking, prompting her to try and join them, hoping talking with them could jog her spirits even the smallest bit knowing the two of them are two people that as of lately, are the only ones who she feels like understand her most.
“Hey,” Katara calls out as she approaches them, a smile on her face, “Can I join you guys?” She takes a seat before they can even answer, assuming she’ll receive an eventual yes. She somewhat receives one in the form of Aang’s returned grin, but Zuko’s body stiffens at the sight of her. The smile she saw from afar has been replaced by a face she once deemed as cold—an expression she didn’t associate e 
“U-uh,” he hesitates, quickly standing up. “I-I gotta go…” Walking away before the two of them can question his reasonings for leaving.
Aang and Katara share confused glances, before both their eyes follow Zuko to the other side of their camp, joining Sokka in whatever it is he seems to be doing. Aang gives her a shrug before he continues the conversation, but Katara no longer has any interest in talking, her mood seemingly gone sour.
But most of all, she hates the feeling in her chest, something almost like a tear in her heart, that occurred the second that Zuko left, taking all the air in her lungs with him.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆
Zuko concludes that solitude is the best course of action. 
He knows that he’s doing the right thing, the honorable one even, but it doesn’t make it any more bearable. He almost wishes that he felt the petty rage and jealousy that he felt with Mai—anger, at least, is an easier concept to grapple with. 
But he finds that whatever this is, he can only take in strides, the gravity of his feelings being a harsh reality that he’s been forced to come to terms with. Each time Zuko aids in this plan of theirs, he knows it’s for a greater purpose, one that he would put above his own desires and feelings (something that the Zuko before would have never considered), so he continues, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. 
Though despite being someone who's changed, valuing those who he cares about, it’s in his innate being as a person to at times, wallow. So he concludes that solitude is in fact the best course of action. Because in isolation, there he can bask in his emotions without fear of being questioned; there is nobody to judge his seemingly childish tantrums, when all of it just feels so unfair, and why him; but most of all, there he can live in the bliss in  knowing he’s the only one who knows just how much his feelings have amounted to, and just how much he may have fucked up in allowing them to get to that point. 
So he keeps to himself in the moments that he can, doing whatever tasks he can alone, cherishing the few moments of privacy he gets to wrestle with his emotions. He clings to whatever noises around him, hoping they can somehow bring him back to earth, but it’s normally much to no avail—the crackle of the fire and the buzzing of insects in the night sky only provide cursory background noise to the never ending state of chaos of his mind. 
In Zuko's mind, he feels as though there’s a constant influx of emotions, so much so that he almost doesn’t feel smaller hands against his back, jolting him out of his thoughts, stopping him in his tracks. 
“Hey, Zuko,” a voice that could belong to nobody other than Katara calls out from behind him. He feels his body stiffen at her touch, no longer used to the close contact, even in the few instances it had occurred. Zuko turns to face her, her face showing clear signs of displeasure, but before Zuko can even question why, she keeps talking. “Why are you avoiding me?” She asks, anger, or maybe even hurt, Zuko thinks, hanging in her voice. 
His eyes go wide, but he quickly tries to regain his composure, not wanting to raise any sort of concern. He thinks to what he’s done for the entirety of the week whenever Katara’s had any sort of issue, knowing there’s a better solution than him to her problems. 
“Let me go get Aang…” He says gently, trying not to make matters worse. 
Her face scrunches at this, releasing out a huff—she’s upset. Zuko tries to think of what he could’ve done to upset her, all he’s done since they’ve made amends is try his hardest to do right by her, and he feels like he constantly keeps coming up short, only confirming what he’s known for so long—she deserves better. 
“You’re not going anywhere—you don’t need to get Aang, this has nothing to do with him,” she starts, closing the distance between them. Zuko can see the telltale signs of her anger, the face she makes when she’s fed up with all of them, when they’ve pushed her buttons too hard, or worn her patience too thin—the furrow between her brows, the narrow of her eyes, the rosiness in her cheeks, the exasperation in her voice. “What’s wrong, Zuko? Why are you avoiding me? Why is it that every time I try to talk to you or ask for your help, you suddenly call Aang or leave?” She asks angrily, before her voice gets quiet, as if she’s nervous to finish the rest of her sentence, “Did I… do something?” 
Zuko didn’t think there was a feeling that felt worse than how he already did, but the look on Katara’s face, one that had just been filled with anger, that now holds so much hurt, is enough to make him fess up to the whole ruse—he doesn’t want to leave any room for misinterpretation. 
“I-I wanted to help you and Aang!” He blurts out. “Sokka told me you liked each other, so we’ve… been trying to help you two. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea but… that’s why I’ve been doing that, for you two.”
Her face twists, this time not in anger, but what he thinks is annoyance. Katara lets out a pained huff, pinching her nose and closing her eyes, almost as if she had to take a moment to process his words. 
“You two are idiots,” she sighs. 
This time, it’s Zuko's turn for his face to scrunch up, but for him, rather than anger or annoyance, it’s in confusion. He raises his brows, leaning against the wall behind him, “What?”
Katara steps closer, cutting the distance between them from arm’s length to inches away in just a few seconds. She leans in, pressing her hands against the stone wall behind him for support. Their faces are so close he can feel her breath tickling his cheek, he feels his heart racing and his palms growing sweaty, the result of too many emotions and her presence alone. 
“Zuko, I don’t like Aang…” She says. “I like you.”
He blinks at her, feeling dumbfounded. The words hang in the air, almost as if they’re waiting for Zuko to take them and physically make himself process them, screaming at him to comprehend the gravity of what she means, but Katara, instead, does it for him, giving him no time for things like insecurity or misunderstanding. She closes the distance between them, pressing her lips onto his. 
At first, Zuko feels his body tense—one too many shocking proclamations have occurred, leaving him incapable of processing things at a normal rate. By the time his mind has finally processed her words, I like you, his body finally has caught up to reality, taking him out of the state of limbo he’s since been existing in—those few seconds between before and after her profession—he feels Katara pull away, just after he’d finally become accustomed to the way her lips felt against his. 
He feels his cheeks flush, seeing the way she looks at him, waiting for his response. Her eyes have a look in them, softness almost, something akin to hope, Zuko thinks. They stare at one another, at a loss for words, both too scared to break the silence between them, the only sound their bated breaths and the drumming of their heartbeats. 
Zuko has never been the best at emotions or words, he thinks the best course of action in this scenario is just doing. So this time, it’s Zuko who leans forward, cupping her cheek affectionately before pressing his lips onto hers with a confidence he didn’t know that he had in himself. 
And though Zuko isn’t perfect, and he still has so much to learn, so much growing to still do, maybe he is deserving of good things, and there are people who are capable of seeing the good in him too. He thinks that maybe later they can talk more about their feelings and specifics and whatever other misunderstandings may have occurred, but for now, he enjoys the way she feels underneath his touch, a feeling he wants to tattoo in his memory, a moment like this he will remember forever. 
All the feelings of self doubt and insecurity and the little voices that scream inside him, you aren’t enough, begin to dissipate with every little press of her mouth against his. It feels sweet and it feels new and it feels like the good in life that he’s been searching for. 
When he finally pulls away, he looks at her, admiring how the fire casts a glow on her face, her cheeks rosy, and her lips plush. Her eyes sparkle, and Zuko never realized, or at least he’s never allowed himself to admit just how beautiful she really is. 
He feels a warmth settle inside him, the corners of his lips upturning. And there’s more that he wants to say, but his mind, always an influx of emotions, albeit this time, positive ones, settles on: “I like you too, Katara.”
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tmntxthings · 2 years
I feel like Donnie would try to give that toaster an AI system sksks
skskskskskss PART TWO DRABBLE???
Why am I thinking of that old cartoonish movie where the toaster talks and goes on an adventure 💀 that’s not what I’m gonna write but still… anywho I AGREE HE WOULD
part one
It didn’t take the tech genius long to fix a broken toaster. In fact one could say it only took him an hour or so… and with you back at school, Donatello still had a lot of free time to tinker around with the kitchen appliance. Since you seemed to find it so endearing, enough to talk to, Donnie decided to give it more than just a simple refurbishment.
That wasn’t really his style. He’d program it to do way way more than just toast bread. With that, he got to work. Shelldon would fly by a couple of times, mostly to say, “you’re making a talking toaster??”
“Yes. Yes I am.” Was the only response he could come back with. Because yeah, it sounded ridiculous. But if you wanted to talk to the toaster, wouldn’t it be even cooler if it or rather “he” talked back? He could just picture your face. Racing back from school to see Donnie’s progress, and the amazement you would have to find ‘Buddy’ as you called him, could talk. And not only talk but think for itself/himself. And toast bread too of course..
Yes he liked to imagine you would be amazed. Starry eyed and smiling brightly at him. Happy with himself and his near future he worked harder on this little project. Going as far as giving Buddy a few new designs, not the generic silver, adding his signature color. One stripe of purple going all the way around, and another stripe including your favorite color. (He’d have to work on a face display later..)
All that was left to do was to plug it- him in! Donnie would’ve liked to do a few test runs but it seemed time had flew over his head and he could hear you calling out your arrival from the lair entrance. With a ninja’s speed, he raced to the kitchen, plugging the toaster’s cord into the wall and ran back out to greet you.
“Greetings Dearest!! How was your day?” Donnie spoke quickly trying to catch his breath while smiling widely. “Oh Dee it was great! We did this and that..” you droned on about your day. And usually Donnie would listen with rapt attention. But his thoughts were on your soon-to-be reaction. Of making your little friend come to life. So as you continued to talk about school, classes, friends and everything else his hand reached out grabbing yours.
You continued to talk as he not so subtly pulled you into the kitchen. It seemed his patience was wearing thin when you didn’t immediately notice the toaster, so he made a little noise in the back of his throat to get your attention. “Guess what I did today?” He prompted and your eyes brightened. “Did you finish??” Donnie didn’t need to confirm that though because your face turned to the toasters sitting side by side.
“Oh my goodness!!!!! Donnieeeee!!!! Buddy looks so good!!” You squealed and squeezed his hand excitedly before letting go to get a closer look. Donatello was reeling with happiness, just over the moon at your approval. Of course he knew you would like it. Obviously, it was his tech after all. “Donnie fixed you up nice and snazzy huh Buddy? And look you’re sitting with a friend hehe!!”
Donatello was waiting with bated breath. It was supposed to react to its name ‘Buddy.’ But as the toaster sat there in silence, Donnie felt his hopes crash. “It was supposed to- exasperated groan!!” The purple turtle said as he sidled up next to you. Grabbing the toaster and inspecting it for malfunctions or any faulty points.
“Supposed to what?” You questioned curiously. Watching as he examined the kitchen appliance with great care. “Talk, it-“
“Right, he was supposed to reply..” Donnie grumped. And found the cause to all his woes. Of course he forgot to flip a certain switch in his haste. “Okay okay Dearest try again!” He said after placing Buddy back down.
“Hey Buddy!” You said enthusiastically and after a second or two the toaster responded in kind. Greeting you cheerfully with your name. You were jumping up and down, squealing with happiness once more and Donnie watched with a pleased expression. Buddy needed more work, Donnie only had half a day to work with. But his mind was already spinning with ideas, ways to make it- him more lifelike.
You had continued talking to Buddy, but he only had a few phrases before he started to repeat himself. “I’m not finished yet,” Donnie made sure to say. Because he could always make something better. You were giving him the goofiest grin, shaking your head as you turned to him. “What?”
“You’re just too amazing,” and with that you were jumping into his arms. He readily caught you. Enjoying the sound of your laughter, his own joining in. “Glad you noticed,” he teased with a wink. Causing you to roll your eyes. “My boyfriend knows no bounds,” you continued on though your compliments were turning a bit sarcastic. “Indeed, he’s magnificent. A brilliant mind! One of the greates—“
His speech was cut off by your lips. He couldn’t help but chuckle, returning the kiss. This tactic of shutting him up was one that he didn’t mind. Nope not at all. He’d have to gloat more often if this was to be the effect. You pulled back, planting one more kiss to his snout, “Shall I grab Buddy? For his adventures back into the genius lab?”
He nodded, placing you back down on your feet and watching you with such endearment. “I was thinking..” he mused. “Hmm?” “Well I think we can come up with a better name than Buddy!” Donnie turned his back so you couldn’t see his smirk. Leading the way back to his lab. You gasped, “What’s wrong with Buddy?!” A back and forth ensued, you defending Buddy’s name and Donnie teasing you with more sophisticated names. Truthfully he wouldn’t change it. He just liked to bicker, especially with you. You were just too cute.
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Asthmatic petey having an asthma attack at one of tony’s parties..? Pls🙅‍♀️
it’s been forever since i’ve written for a prompt sksk😳💗 thank you for getting me out of my writing slump!! i hope you like it💓💓
Established Peter and Tony, CEO Tony, trophy husband Peter, party, cigars, asthma attacks, whump, comfort
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It’s a warm summer evening and so people are out on the balcony enjoying their drinks and chatting. Peter is not entirely sure where Tony is, but he is somewhere. The young man feels content, despite not being super into the political talk that he is engaged in with one of Tony’s colleagues. Peter sips at his mojito and nods along to what the other man is saying.
Then, Peter catches a smell in the air, a musky and rich scent which tickles his throat immediately. A few people have started smoking cigars, and the evening breeze is blowing it right in Peter’s direction. Peter doesn’t want to seem like a «snowflake» and run away, so he stays a little longer, trying to clear his throat and remain calm.
“You okay? You look a little pale.” The man asks, but Peter brushes him off. He feels hot all over now and loosens his tie. Except, it doesn’t help. Peter is running out of air fast.
Peter excuses himself and hurries away as the coughing starts. He draws in a breath and it is so wheezy that people turn their heads as he passes by. His inhaler is upstairs, God dammit. Can he make it up the stairs?
He tries to, he really does, but the room is very crowded and Peter feels his limbs getting heavier each second with the lack of oxygen. He coughs to try and clear his airways, but when he inhales, it is like sucking air through a straw.
“Shit, are you okay?” A woman in a red dress asks, looking very concerned.
“M-m-” Peter tries to gesture at his throat, but the woman just looks more confused. More and more guests are turning their attention to Peter who sinks to the floor as his lips turn blue.
“Hey, hey! Someone call 911!” The woman cries out and with the help of another guest, they ease Peter down to the floor.
Hearing the commotion across the room, Tony heads over, gently shoving people aside to see what is going on. His stomach drops when he sees Peter on the floor, a tint of blue on his lips and face and eyes closed.
“Shit, fuck! Did he stop breathing?” Tony asks, crouching by Peter.
“Yeah, he was coughing and then fainted.” A guest says.
Tony gets up with lightning speed, shouting for someone to call an ambulance while he runs up the stairs, two steps at a time. He heads into the bathroom, searching the cabinets and knocking things to the floor. He finds one of Peter’s emergency inhalers and sprints downstairs again.
“Ambulance is coming!” The woman in the red dress says, seeing Tony crouch by Peter.
“He needs this first.” Tony says, smacking Peter on his cheek. Some of the guests gasp audibly, but it is necessary.
Peter’s eyes open and he wheezes badly, clawing at his throat and kicking his legs in distress.
“Hey, hey, hey. Take this.” Tony says, shaking the emergency inhaler and helping Peter to wrap his lips around it. The man focuses for a second, making sure to push the plunger when Peter is able to draw in a breath. “Good, good. Try to relax. It will pass, shhh. I’m with you.”
Peter whimpers and tears are welling up in his eyes, both from fear and from all the straining. He keeps clawing at his throat, disloging his bowtie in the process. Tony helps him to take it off completely, unbuttoning his shirt a little.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m with you. Just breathe, try to relax. You’ll be fine, it will pass. Give the inhaler a minute.”
And Tony is right. The inhaler takes effect shortly and Peter can breathe a little easier, but still laboured and far too quick.
“Hey! Someone go out in the street and meet the paramedics when they arrive.” Tony calls out and a few guests head downstairs.
The whole party has essentially come to a full stop. The music has been paused and people have set their drinks down, watching worriedly what is happening. Only now does Peter notice everyone watching him.
“I’m- ‘m so-”
“No, no, no.” Tony says, shaking his head. He cups Peter’s cheeks in his hands. “None of that. Let’s just make sure you’re okay. Nothing else matters. The ambulance is coming soon. You’ll be just fine.”
Peter feels tears welling in his eyes again, although this time they are out of relief and love for Tony.
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parkerpeter24 · 2 years
reader runs into peter parker at central park and they keep him company bc he seems lonely. peter points out that reader has two milkshakes, one being the reader’s normal order while the other one is peter’s? and the reader says something like “i don’t even know why i bought it, it just felt… i don’t know. you can have it.” LMAO this is heavily inspired from that one scene out of legacies
okay sorry for being so late and i have not seen out of legacies but sksks hope you like it!! i also made it fall/winter theme because why not it’s the best season so!
pairing: mcu!peter parker x reader
warnings: angst. little fluff in the end tho 👍
nwh masterlist 🕸️
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it wasn’t unusual for peter to sit in the park with a camera around his neck and his favourite book in his hands but it was a rare occasion after the spell. it had been what, a month? and peter was yet nowhere near getting back to you as he had promised. the trees were almost deprived of all their leaves and the wind was turning cold as peter flipped through the pages, not really noticing the words.
stupid romance novels. they were just hundreds of thousands of words compiled and nothing else. no feelings. the things that happened in these novels, stayed in these novels.
otherwise you’d still be with peter and he would still be with you.
it wasn’t unusual for peter to feel his eyes well up, sitting alone in the park with nothing to think, no one to call his own. not after the spell.
his cheeks were damp with tears when he noticed the crunching of the leaves, when he heard those familiar footsteps approaching. his head immediately snapped up to look in your direction.
you. were there. in the same park. as peter.
clearly coming from a coffee shop, he noticed two cups of coffee in your hands as you came to a stop three footsteps away from him. he hated the distance. now he understood what people meant when they talked about the good old days. if it was back then, he would have closed the distance between the two of you, held you in a tight embrace.
“hey.. you alright?” you asked, pointing to his tears. his face was devoid of expression, though he blinked twice and nodded towards you.
“i’m fine.” his lips pursed in what seemed like a smile which he was too scared to flash. and he was. if peter was being honest, he was afraid that you’d disappear into thin air if he let the joy surface.
“good.” you replied shortly, rocking back and forth between your heels and your toes, before you added, “i’m sorry if i disturbed you. i didn’t mean to but i felt that- well i don’t really know why, i just didn’t want you to be alone. it’s almost the jolly time of the year.” you chuckled softly.
peter remembered how excited you were every year about christmas, only for the desserts though.
he smiled at last, wiping his eyes gently with the hem of his sweater, “no, i’m better now.”
you smiled at him, “what were you reading?” it was unlike you to be so intrusive. you wondered why you were taking such interest in a random guy sitting by himself. for all you knew he could be a serial killer.
but he seemed too cute to be a serial killer.
“oh. it doesn’t matter, it’s stupid.” he replied, turning the book close so that you could read the title, “you taking those somewhere?” he pointed at the two cups in your hands.
you looked down as if to check what he’d meant by that, “these? no, they’re just for me.” you chuckled sheepishly.
“both of them? you must really love caffeine.” he chuckled softly, making your cheeks heat up further, even in the cold.
“i don’t actually know why i got two.” you admitted, “it seemed natural.”
peter looked curiously, “which one is yours?”
you pointed out the one in your left hand, “the mocha.”
“and the other one?”
“americano. um, i don’t really know why, i don’t really like strong-”
“i do.” peter interrupted, “it’s my usual order.”
your heart skipped a beat for some reason, and unbeknownst to you, peter’s did the same.
“you can have it.” you held it out for him and he immediately wrapped his fingers around it, knuckles brushing against yours as he did.
“thanks, (y/n).” he nodded, a shade of red covering his cheeks.
“of course, pete.” you smiled, watching as he took a sip from his coffee. a silence fell between the two of you and hated to break it but it was getting late, “i should probably go now.”
the brunette stood up from the bench, “right. i-i’ll see you around?” he asked nervously but to his relief, you nodded quickly.
“we can get another coffee.” both of you shared a smile.
peter watched you leave the park, packing up his own stuff to make his way back to the new apartment and the fact that you two never exchanged names never really crossed either of your minds.
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taglist | masterlist 🕸️
@httphollands @the-girl-in-the-chair @spideyspeaches @prancerrparkerr @usergarfields @theglitterymess @quaksonhehe @lowkey-holland @starlight-starks @piscesparker @incorrectsourwolf @wildxwidow @blankspaceblankday @raajali3 @kelieah @arvinsvintage @parkersdahlia @icarusafety @uwiuwi @tommyfroggie @saturnpeter @ellabellabus07 @comfort-reads @holland-styles
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