#and it will most definitely happen again
mocha-illustrates · 1 year
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fun little collab i did in the weekly magma with @venomous-qwille (moon) and @maudiemoods (sun)
These boys belong to the lovely @naffeclipse
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oldbutchdaniel · 9 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to speculate about the sexual and romantic undertones of celebrities’ professional relationships
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gatoburr0 · 2 months
This might be a bit of a dark question about the fuzzy AU but.. was Acht alone when they died? I'm assuming timeline wise that side order didn't happen pre Grizz winning (unless it did) so did they spend their last few days(?) alone in the Deepsea Metro with no idea what was happening to them or did something less heart wrenching happen?
Man that is a massive plot hole I completely forgot about and did not see coming. Honestly I think I can make it so somehow Acht already met Callie before getting fuzzed up? Because if not it wouldn’t be so interesting (and most importantly there wouldn’t be enough angsssssst).
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Also yeah this post is a bit sad so just sayin’.
Acht and Callie already knew each other and went out together constantly, but they got fuzzed up when they were far from each other. Acht couldn’t get out of wherever they were in, because they were just so weak, until it was too much to handle and they died, alone, nobody knew they were struggling with it.
Callie often gets flashbacks about the time they spent together, however her memory gets blurred by her instincts and she doesn’t seem to be affected by them that much anymore. But she does remember them vividly, being probably their first true love.
She sometimes stays up at night thinking about them.
And the saddest part is that she still thinks they’re doing okay somewhere around.
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tojiscrack · 19 days
to my all little liars!! (edit: wtf happened to my english? 😭)
we’re at 24.6k words rn 😟 if you plan on reading it next week, i recommend you read it on the weekends when there’s no school or work for you waiting in the morning 😀
calling in the troops rn ‘cause there’s still one final scene i have to write and it’s gonna be LONG (this isn’t including the bonus scene btw) but it’s extremely important for the story to continue, and without it, the rest of the story literally cannot go on 😭
we’re locking in guys. it’s 100% gonna border 30k words for sureee. sm has happened in that ONE chapter and i literally cannot wait to release it for all of you, you have no ideaaa
gonna go to bed and then wake up, study, break, write for the fic, repeat. had to randomly drop an update here cuz i’ve been edging you guys for so long i’m sorryyy, but it really is nearly here <333
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edit: fck it guys i’m writing it rn (the immediate comments got me motivated)
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angelsdean · 4 months
tapping the sign that says: IF the confession / dean reciprocating is going to be something further explored in the revival then jensen / anyone involved cannot make definitive statements abt dean's feelings or destiel's reunion until it's actually shown. it would be spoiling future arcs or getting ppl's hopes up for a specific outcome that they don't have the authority to promise yet.
of course jensen is going to continue to give vague / deflecting answers. the only thing they CAN canonically speak on IS the confession because that's what's already happened. jensen can also speak on his acting choices in that scene, like how he's previous talked about where dean's headspace was at when he was sitting on the dungeon floor after.
but they literally can't be making Official Statements abt if dean reciprocates or how their reunion will play out bc we likely will be seeing that on screen and to speculate or talk abt it would potentially spoil what they're planning (since the revival at this point is pretty much a WHEN not IF scenario)
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pluvio-floret · 2 months
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I enjoyed chilaios week a lot!! I wish I’d done more for it, but alas, artblock… I did manage to do this quick thing for them for day 7 however (and on time!! (rare for me!)), so yay :))
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wickmitz · 1 month
big believer in rocky being an extremely angry person actually! so much of it is internalized and he very much channels it into specific things ( like wick, or more recently, marigold ) but this doesn’t negate the fact that he is angry and resentful. sometimes being mad is more than just punching people and threats of violence! sometimes it’s quiet seething and forced joy. sometimes awful things happen to you and you letting them happen doesn’t mean you won’t become angry about it. sometimes your anger is fear, and sometimes it’s another thing, and actually maybe it’s always coming from some other emotion but it feels like anger and that’s what sticks. and i’ll also just say that his head trauma won’t be helping him with any of these problems in the future either <3
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madzillus · 24 days
Finished IWTV. I will need 3-50 business days to recover. I thank you for your patience
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dobythealpaca · 9 months
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ik its a bit late but here was the piece that i did for my lupin secret santa @vampiricmetalhead!!
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for christmas this year i got a cameo from joey richter and i still cannot believe at all that it happened.. and for all my verboseness, especially when writing many of these posts, i dont think i could ever explain just how much it meant to me 😭 ...but if you've been following the blog then maybe you have somewhat of an idea 🥺🥺
for years now joey has been such a source of inspiration and joy for me 💖 i think about him all the time, i talk about him all the time! his characters have become so important to me, and i think he's such a talented and hardworking performer and person. he has an energy about him that i've connected with since i was first introduced to starkid — he's just so genuine and sincere, and it always comes across in everything that he does. whenever he's performing i can always tell how much he absolutely loves what he does and the people around him. it feels absolutely fucking unreal to have that energy directed toward me at all, let alone in the form of a ~6 min video message (and i cant emphasize enough how SWEET the video message/cameo was, i feel like crying again whenever i even think about it)
confession time? i was kinda scared to start this blog because i feel some anxiety towards posting online and putting myself out there on the internet, even when it's behind a blog like this one. and even now, i still feel a level of anxiety about it. but im so glad that i did make this blog that is not only an outlet for me, but also a super cool way for me to spread the joy that joey brings me every day! and i think it's so awesome that this blog has reached so many people already so if you're seeing this and you've ever interacted with this blog or any of my posts: THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️ and i truly hope you have a wonderful rest of 2023 and a wonderful new year!
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randomfandomss · 3 months
I mean if Rolin said that the main reason they wouldn’t show Daniel’s tuning is because it would mean they’d have to re-build a set they’re not going to re-build because it’s too much effort/$$$… that’s him also confirming that Daniel’s turning DID happen in Dubai/the penthouse. Otherwise it wouldn’t be an issue and they could show it in S3 but like, he said it *because* that’s where it happened, unless I’m missing something 🤔
Oops sorry, I guess I didn't remember the whole comment but I still strongly feel it's such bs. He is definitely trolling us.
First of all, he literally can't and shouldn't be telling us what happened or didn't happen.
On top of that the reason is kinda lame according to me. They couldn't film because the set has been destroyed? Come onn. I don't think so. They could've filmed and then destroyed the set then maybe.
If they won't show us Daniel's turning then it must be because it is important for the way the story unfolds. If that is so, then I'm excited to see what's the reason.
From what I can gauge, Rolin and co. respect the story too much to not show such important moments they know the fans are dying to see. They simply won't do that and if they do, it must be due to strong reasons.
Also I feel it would be a bit sudden if Louis moves to some other place in the beginning of s3 after finally have carved out a space for himself in the Dubai penthouse. After decorating it, putting up Paul's portrait and Claudia's dress.
I think that place, at this point, holds a lot of meaning to not come into picture at all at any point in the future.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 1 year
why wouldn’t you want to play the original 2005 English translation of Pathologic 1?
it’s got all the good shit, such as…
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Georgiy’s nephew, Maria
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this atrocious spelling of naive, which is misspelled EVERY SINGLE TIME the word appears
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Hump Man
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this fucking guy
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the way every single model is absolutely fried to the point where you can count every single pixel
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and i didn’t get a picture of it, but the game’s weird obsession with using the word “penetrate”
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nocturnalnewsiestrash · 4 months
So do we think Charles got to see Dead Poets Society before he died or...
Cause I feel like the answer to this question influences a billion shrimp emotions I may or may not feel. Cause it came out in 1989 in June and I've seen people saying he died in December so it's possible
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seaofreverie · 16 days
Sparkstember Day 10: Whomp That Sucker (Where's My Girl)
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A good time!!! That's the first thing I associate with this album. It's one of the earlier ones I've heard too and I was certainly a big fan of it from the very start. Not only that, but I think it was a bit of a groundbreaking point in my experience as a new Sparks fan, since I was trying to figure out where to go next and this was a good plunge somewhere in the midst of it all that proved that no matter where you go, you're going to get something special! And after a couple more months (I mean, it's been a bit over a year since that first listen already! How time flies) it still holds up in my personal rankings. Soooo well. Definitely very special to me!
I think it's safe to say by now that between the pair of Whomp and Angst I'll always stay partial to Whomp. The latter seems to be much more popular among fans, and I can understand that, but something about Whomp speaks to me much more. Both are fun, energetic new-wavey albums, still in the realm of rock but with some cool use of synths that would soon become even more important and a core element of the music. Still though, I think Whomp is more PURE fun - between many hilarious lyrics and the overall playful and lighthearted nature of it, I don't think it's possible to listen to this one and not feel even a little bit happier afterwards.
I especially love the whole atmosphere of it, what I call the spacey / sparkly synth, that gives it a little bit of an outer space feel, much moreso than the actual album called In Outer Space (but i'd better not get ahead of myself yet when it comes to that one, lol). This album really feels sparkly and even glittery to me in a weird way, and unexplainably, this all reminds me of like, sweets and chocolates like those cosmic brownies or daim candy?? That's what this album would taste like to me! Sweet and a little extra and always a good little treat. Damn, and now I want to try a cosmic brownie.
Favourite songs (and other highlights):
I don't even have that many personal favourites from this album even though I really really love it as a whole!! I guess it's a bit of a Propaganda situation, where there isn't that many super big standouts compared to the rest of the tracks, they're all just very cool and I mostly don't have that much to say about them individually, they're all just!! So fun!! (I mean, ok, Suzie Safety might be the only one here that I don't care about all that much. I'm sorry, Suzie.) So this is more of a Moments list than anything
I Married A Martian: mostly I'm just incredibly charmed by the story here
Where's My Girl: AARGHHH!!! WAAUUGHGH!!! I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! SO MUCH!!!! The closest I can come to describing the feeling here is something like... song you heard a couple times when you were very young, enough that you remember how it goes when you hear it again, but can't recall it on the spot otherwise, and you forget about the song's existence until you hear it again after all those years and are hit by the biggest wave of nostalgia and longing for the past that you've ever experienced in your life. All that despite me never hearing this song until last year. Or is there just something I'm not aware of... Anyway, this was one of those rare and treasured moments of THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!! *MY* MUSIC!! Needless to say, this song stayed on repeat countless of times and I will never get over how awesome this guitar solo is. And again, the spacey synth!!
Upstairs: upstAAAAAAirs!!! upstAAAAAAirs!!!
Don't Shoot Me: big fan of the whole thing but I'm especially charmed by the little high-pitched "shoot!"s and such in the background, and "WHO'S HEEE???"
The Willys: the song itself isn't even my fav but the PHYSICALLY! MENTALLY! MORALLY! part is always very chuckle-worthy. That's the wondrous humour I'm talking about here
That's Not Nastassia: Sparks songs with uncomfortably long endings my beloved... can also be pretty hilarious under the right circumstances (like listening to the vinyl of this album with my dad and watching his reaction). And can't forget how cool the transition into the last song is
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scribefindegil · 11 months
My crackiest mp100 headcanon is that Shinra is not normally attracted to Reigen at all but IS very into Reigen-when-Dimple's-possessing-him, but since nobody ever tells him that this is what's happening it just haunts him for years.
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fiercestcorpse · 1 month
still absolutely baffled by the fact that when the untamed got popular on here you had people posting stuff like "i know it seems kind of weird and confusing for the first couple of episodes but don't worry, it picks up after that" like what the hell are you talking about. i loved the first couple of episodes. i was having the time of my life right from the opening monologue and it only got better from there.
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