#and it’s annoying to constantly be trying to be considerate of if i’m making too much noise and not get the same in return
lauronk · 2 months
the absolute lack of awareness and consideration some people have continues to astound me. (personal life rant under the cut)
i live in an apartment complex with a neighbor across the breezeway who regularly plays music so loud i can make out THE WORDS in my own living room
and a downstairs neighbor with a sound system up against the wall so when they watch a movie it vibrates our floors despite us repeatedly going down to ask them to do something about it, be it adjust the bass or move the sound system or just simply turn it down a little (and every time they’re snippy with us about it)
and people who like to gather at the pool right across from our building and play loud music until past midnight ON WEEKNIGHTS
i’m all for people having fun in their homes and enjoying life and music and parties and whatever. but also it takes just a minute to consider that there are other people existing around you and be considerate of them
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
A while ago you said in a post that Ace’s isolation seems to come from how he values Yuu and Deuce’s friendship more and I think you perfectly worded how I feel. I would like to hear more about it if you have more to say!
Like yeah he’s a very friendly and outgoing guy. He can easily make friends/acquaintances but there’s also a clear line between those friends and where Deuce Yuu and Grim stands.
He gets along really well with his seniors as seen by his relationships with the basketball club, Playful Land and hell I bet this new event will prove that too. But it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Among the first years, he doesn’t seem to be as close to them as Deuce is. Like Deuce and Epel have this whole bond going on because of Chapter 5, Deuce and Jack are in the same club etc. Ace is kind to his fellow first years and helps them out like in Fairy Gala If with Ortho but again there’s this divide. Everyone knows it’s Ace, Deuce, Yuu and Grim as the group.
Multiple people have mentioned how those 4 are constantly together and how it’s rare to see one without the other and I think that’s really important when you take into consideration on how Ace literally ditched his last girlfriend because they were too different in terms of taste (well there’s more to unpack with that but that’s not what I’m here to talk about). Quality time is hugely important with Ace in my opinion, he wouldn’t hang out with people he hates and seeing the amount of time he spends time with those three and how the game makes an active effort to make us pay attention to it tells us that yeah Ace definitely values his friendship with Deuce, Yuu and Grim more than the others and why Ace feels so separated from the other first years at times.
He also tends to keep people at arms length because of his inability to really express affection towards his friends so it just comes across as him being snarky and mean when that’s really not the case. This also does show with Deuce Yuu and Grim yet goes to help them whenever he gets the chance, buys gifts for them, spends time with them etc. Like bro his actions tell otherwise it’s so funny he’s like a tsundere.
I think his exterior kind of makes it hard to people to really get close to him and I think he purposely does that, so to see him have obvious bias towards a group of people is really important.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
I would like to thank the aceyuu community for their continued dedication to putting deeply insightful character analysis in my inbox. I love you all so very much. I also love your icon very much, Gen 5 best pokemon (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Yes very much this. Ace is the baby of his family, and there seems to be a decent age gap between him and his brother. He repeatedly talks about wanting to be like his seniors, and Jamil mentions at least once he is generally respectful towards them. His level up lines imply he wants to try challenging Riddle again, but it seems less because he disrespects him and wants to be dorm leader and more because he wants to prove he's gotten stronger.
Friend groups
So I have been thinking since the first and second time we talked about this trying to pick out who exactly Ace's friend group even is outside of Yuu and Deuce and ??? Deuce knew who Epel was before you properly met and he and Jack do seem to get along pretty well but Ace? I feel like maybe the intention might be to have him be closer to Ortho and Sebek, which sort of makes sense. They're all the youngest in their families and look up to their seniors to varying degrees but still. Ace specifically, like you said, is literally always around either Yuu or Deuce. In Idia's lab wear vignette Ace literally stays over alone with Yuu to watch horror movies and sends Grim to get the drinks alone 💀 like sir? Hello? And he implies he's done this more than once??? I like the idea of quality time being important to Ace, he says the most important thing for him in a partner is someone you have fun with and like being around so yeah. That makes sense for him.
I think back on how Ace initially interacted with Yuu and Deuce and, while at first I was a bit hesitant to say Ace keeps people at arms length, but you can literally see him doing that in the prologue. He's a brat towards people his own age, and while I imagine he has always been super popular to a degree I don't know if I can see him ever having had as deep of a friendship with anyone as he has Yuu and Deuce. I'm not sure if I would say he does it on purpose 100% of the time, but his Suitor Suit vignette does seem to imply he does it when he feels particularly embarrassed by something. He isn't just like a tsundere, he is one and honestly I was not expecting to like him as much as I do because tsundere isn't really one of my favorite tropes.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
Never apologize for rambling, it is the last thing I will ever take issue with and that goes for anyone in my inbox.
I hard agree. Ace's loyalty to Deuce, Yuu, and Grim should scare anyone trying to mess with them. I am waiting with baited breath for Grim overblot he is just going to pop off I JUST KNOW IT PLEASE YANA PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE
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papillon-stories · 9 months
Go Eunhyuk x reader ꕥ Argument headcanons ꕥ
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OMG, I'm so sorry... ! 🫣 I was so caught up with classes and work!
I’m not blind to the requests you sent me, I just paused everything because these last few months were so intense. But I feel like writing about Eunhyuk is my only pleasure of the day (in my era delulu)
But I didn't give up, ehehe. In the meantime, here's a little headcanon, hoping you'll like it. I love you all! Please have an Eunhyuk in your life, it's important for your well-being.
Happy reading !
Warning : No warning, just a lot of fluff and broken English
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He hates arguing with his s/o.
Most of the time, he is the mature one in the relationship. Most of the time.
Eunhyuk is generally very calm and not the type to start a fight, but he also has a bit of a temper.
In truth, arguments with Eunhyuk are very rare because he keeps a lot to himself, but like in any couple, arguments happen.
If something is bothering you, he will give you time to confide in him.
He wants to resolve the problem, but he tries to think about it on his own before discussing it with you.
It's important for him to understand the problem on his own (poor guy, he's going to get gray hairs from it).
If he can't find the solution himself and he sees that you're taking time to confide in him despite clearly showing your annoyance about something he might have done or said, he will eventually ask you directly what bothered you (at the right moment).
Generally, during a big argument, he prefers to leave if he feels his temper rising.
He doesn't avoid conflict, but he doesn't want to regret saying something mean out of anger.
Eunhyuk knows where it hurts, and when he's annoyed, he has a hard time holding back his words.
He can be very direct and straightforward.
He will take the time to calm down and come back to you when he's no longer heated.
You communicate a lot, and he doesn't want to be someone who leaves his significant other sad or angry at him... he doesn't want to be like his father.
Eunhyuk always takes your feelings into consideration and respects you a lot.
Because communication is good, but without understanding, it's useless.
If something annoys or saddens you, he won't dismiss your feelings and will simply try to fix it.
For him, there's always a solution.
Like you pointed out that this girl was crazy about him? She's already non-existent in his eyes.
But sometimes he finds your random outbursts of anger toward him amusing.
He finds it cute and doesn't take them too seriously.
"Why are you laughing? I'm serious."
There are no real reasons to be angry with each other.
Maybe out of jealousy?
YES ! In a relationship, he has no reason not to be honest with his feelings.
If something annoys him, he will probably take his time to talk to you about it.
He has enough trust in you to know that you won't hurt his feelings.
Despite his attitude, Eunhyuk is someone who thinks a lot.
He constantly questions himself.
The truth is, he will distance himself from you to sort out his thoughts because he knows that talking about it in the heat of the moment can escalate things.
You will notice his change and decide to talk to him about it.
Again, the last thing he wants is to hurt you.
But he knows that sometimes his silence can hurt more than harsh words, so he will come back quickly.
The best thing about your arguments is your reconciliations!
You cherish your relationship.
If he acted poorly, he will be the first to come to you and timidly apologize.
Conversely, if you are at fault, he will wait for you to take the first step.
He doesn't really expect apologies; he just wants you to understand his point of view.
Depending on the severity of the argument, he might ignore you at first.
Again, he needs time; he is constantly reflecting when it comes to you.
But he will never push you away if you come to make peace.
In essence, arguments are rare, but when they happen, you know how to handle them.
Thank you for reading ! Do you have any suggestions ? :)
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thatgirlonstage · 11 months
I keep seeing that “people who died due to hamlet’s tomfoolery” post going around and I know it’s not that deep but I am getting Annoyed
Hamlet spends the entire play being reprimanded for mourning his father, stalked, spied on, and then subjected to repeated assassination attempts. More than one of the deaths he “causes” occur as an act of self-defense. And yes part of the point of the post is that there is collateral damage to revenge that one doesn’t intend but it is so so so important to the play that Hamlet’s revenge is driven by fundamentally different forces than, say, Iago, or Edmund from Lear, or even someone like Prospero. Those characters could just stop. At any moment they could just make the choice to stop and they could come out better for it (Prospero does). Hamlet could stop, but the price is the genuine danger that his uncle will have him killed. His uncle does have him killed. The poisoned sword is on Claudius and Laertes’ hands. It depends on your staging and acting choices, but Hamlet does not have to go into the duel with intent to either die or be killed.
Even before assassination becomes a serious consideration—before Polonius’ death—Hamlet has still been backed into a corner where he is being constantly harassed by his uncle, his mother, Polonius, two school friends his uncle and his mother recruited to spy on him, and the girl he likes, who may or may not be doing it willingly but is still engaged in spying on him nonetheless. Like. Do you get what kind of hyper-defensive, paranoid mental state that would put you into? Is it really a surprise he overreacts to Polonius’s presence behind the curtain?
I don’t know man, I’m just ranting, I just think people are way too ready to drag Hamlet for failing to fix the rotten thing in the state of Denmark when he spends most of the play just trying to fucking survive
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pebblume · 4 months
guys i haven’t had time to write in weeks and it’s driving me INSANE. to help cope here are a bunch of percabeth fic ideas i have rattling around my brain that i may or may not get around to writing at some point
annabeth is assigned for cabin inspection and percy slept in (cue speed cleaning and attempted flattery and bribery to avoid punishment). this one is deeply unserious
since we didn’t get it in the show with the spider trap in the tunnel of love i’d love to write some other situation where annabeth gets scared by spiders and percy helps her through it and they talk about their fears 
ok ok. hear me out. pjo tv trio watching the lightning thief musical. i’m normally not into “characters watch their own media” type fics, but i think it could be fun to write while also allowing for some introspection! they’re just experiencing this weird uncanny valley where everything is familiar but it’s so different at the same time and also everyone is singing?? percy laughs at his own jokes of course and grover is a theatre kid so he’s nerding out and annabeth is confused (the only musical she’s ever seen is the wizard of oz) but entertained. i think it could be silly
lovesick au with an extra dose of angst. percy gets accidentally drugged with aphrodite’s love magic (and naturally annabeth is the first person he sees) so now she has to deal with a very clingy percy who's sweet and considerate and would do anything she asked but it's not her percy. like she wanted him to like her back but not like this ;-; happy ending tho obviously
hypervigilance and hyperfixation - annabeth has always had to be aware of her surroundings and never let her guard down (ptsd from her childhood and being a demigod), until this boy comes into her life and now all her attention zones in on him whenever he’s within a 50 yard radius. just a little drabble on all the little things you notice when you’re constantly aware of your crush and how even their annoying habits or flaws become hopelessly endearing
annabeth with glasses would be so cute?? (credit to @vicwritesfic for the idea!). basically just some percabeth moments told through glasses: annabeth first getting them and percy helping her feel comfortable with them when she gets self conscious, annabeth losing them in the lake and percy retrieving them, percy trying her glasses on because i think that’s a universal glasses wearer experience, percy finding her asleep at her desk with her glasses askew and taking them off gently, etc. etc. you get the idea
ok y’all know that saying that’s like “you know you like your crush when they get an awful haircut and they’re still attractive to you”? that’s it, that’s the fic. i’m thinking percy gets an unwilling haircut and he gets all embarrassed because his head is a fuzzy egg now, but annabeth still finds him cute because she's down catastrophically bad. he gets his curls back at the end tho don’t worry!
percy is cursed to be honest when he lies to a god and now he can’t stop telling annabeth how pretty her eyes are and how much he admires her; he can’t even use sarcasm - he’s defenseless! basically an excuse for me to torture percy and make him finally talk about his feelings
post tlt. annabeth ran away again after fighting with her father, but instead of going back to camp she goes to stay with the jackson’s (with the obligatory shows-up-on-their-doorstep-sopping-wet-and-pathetic scene and sally decides to adopt her immediately). it was supposed to be for a weekend, but percy convinces her to just stay until they have to go back to camp (about three weeks) and cute domestic shenanigans (and angst) ensue!
percy just got his driver's license after the titan war and takes annabeth for a ride to montauk to meet grover (she obviously has to tease him about the time he was 12 and crashed a car because he was too busy looking into her eyes). they sing along to their favorite songs and percy gets road rage and they stop for ice cream. basically a chance for them to be normal teens because they deserve it!
pen pal au where percy and annabeth write each other letters during the school year (takes place after tlt). just little moments in their lives told through letters and photos and mementos (sally insists on express mailing annabeth blue cookies after a fight with her parents ofc). it’s not the same as having each other there in person, but it helps with the distance. my way of coping with the hiatus between tlt and SoM ;-;
bi percabeth my beloved!! fic about percy’s bi awakening after reflecting on all his boy crushes (childhood friend, luke, beckendorf, etc). he comes out to annabeth after the war and they have this very touching moment where they talk and hug it out. then annabeth is like “oh also I like girls” “you couldn’t have led with that??” “i didn’t want to steal your moment!”
i've also been drafting out some percy pov chapters to my fics "i miss you like a little kid", "nothing's going to hurt you baby", and "punched in the gut (feels like being in love" so those are in the works!!
phew. and that's not even all of them (i think about them an unhealthy amount). i miss writing these two so much, but i won't really have a chance to breath from my school work until spring break so wish me luck ;-;
as always you can find my finished fics here :3
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treehuggerthegreat · 3 months
something i really need to get off my chest even if i just post this privately is That i really dislike ‘caretakers’ in whump writing. or ‘whumper’ i feel like it makes a character (even if they’re just a hypothetical one) feel very 1 dimensional and it makes me so OKAY JUST HEAR ME OUT!!! whumpee i don’t mind much, it makes the prompt or what your talking about a little clearer. But it feels like it’s putting it into a box and making sort of roles which makes it feel less like a prompt and more like we’re in an omega verse fandom and i mean this really lovingly and affectionately and no hate to any of yall. I have a vast amount of characters and i write stories and books and I can say with out a shadow of a doubt, not ONE of them fall under ‘whumper’ or ‘caretaker’ because i develop them as their own individual character. Not even my antagonist are ‘whumpers’
So one of my main antagonists literally burns cigarettes on the MC and abuses the MC. Tries to kill her on her 18th birthday. Shes her mom, and the main character PHYSICALLY cannot leave that situation with out getting the authorities involved until she turns 18. Mom sounds like an ass, she beats ‘whumpee’ up! why would i NEVER call her a whumper? because she’s a whumpee by that logic. Her mom was extremely emotionally abusive, and half the time not fully there. Her shitty ass dad got murdered in front of her when she was just a kid. but Her mom isn’t a whumper either, because she too would be considered a whumpee. She was a world renowned flapper girl, everyone loved her. she LIVED for the fame and her face in newspapers. But behind the scenes she was actively ignoring her distant parents as they continued to try and marry her off. She was then forced into the marriage when she got pregnant with the guy (much so against her will which is why she killed him.) and ever since she’s been delusional and not fully there. It’s generational abuse.
more ramble under the cut + extra clarification on what I’m trying to say
okay but that’s just generational abuse right? There are other whumpers in the real world! Yeah i guess there’s sadists and serial killers, but like, there’s SOOOO much more guys.
I have a mini antagonist, he’s in highschool and he’s meant to be the toxic narcissistic ex of one of my characters. But he’s falling apart trying to get attention, he’s not fully aware of the damage he IS doing. Ass he may be but again behind the scenes he’s constantly fighting with his dad who refuses to do anything around the house and who is also transphobic (she’s bigender but i’ve been using he to make it less confusing right now) and now she has to take care of her little sister and act like a whole ass mom. As a sophomore. In high school. Not only that but her mom died, so she has to struggle with that. She’s just an annoying ass teenager, she doesn’t understand how to treat people or how she’s supposed to be handling what she’s dealing with. But getting attention and being liked at school? now that’s the shit. That’s like drugs for her. But to what lengths does she go to get that extra validation? He uses his boyfriend almost like an accessory. He’s not considerate of his feelings, and most likely doesn’t understand what a relationship is SUPPOSED to be.
Unless you’re making a sociopath character, which i LOVE a good sociopath character, you have to treat them like they also have humanity. Most of the time villains don’t just. Do shit to do it, they have some sort of background that lead up to this!!! And also even then with sociopaths they’re their own individual characters separate from the people they hurt!!! and also NONE of these are end all be alls and all characters must be developed this way!!!!
just my advice and stuff <3 i love all of you out there and i can understand why using certain roles and terms are the go to, and i’m not stopping you!!! i just really wanted to give my two cents so i can possibly help other writers!!!
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
in honor of drunk vacay tiff, what kind of drunk do you think eren and jean are ? for some reason i picture jean as a hothead who’ll try fight people who look at him wrong 😭
my friends and i regularly rent out airbnbs and just get drunk all week/end so i’m going to write this in the context of that as opposed to just a regular party or drunk over dinner or something
drunk headcanons- eren and jean
jean kirstein
jean wakes up early every morning and is immediately productive. he’s tidying up from the night before, he’s making coffee, he’s going for a walk, reading a book, w/e. he’s already been up for hours before the next person wakes up
he’ll start the morning w a baileys coffee but won’t drink too much until after he’s made breakfast for everyone. then it’s another coffee or a mimosa before the real drinking starts
casually drinks beers all day. cracks a new one the second his last one is empty. will play cards or outdoor games all day until the alcohol really hits him around late afternoon/early evening
then he gets HEATY. any game is now extremely competitive. he will argue with you until he’s red in the face if he thinks you’re cheating (but he was actually the one cheating 💀)
all that motherly cleaning up and cooking from the morning?? yeah, forget about it for dinner. he’s so lit up that he’s yelling instead of talking now, absolutely no volume control
despite being so tall, he’s surprisingly coordinated while drunk. he’s not the type to stumble around or knock things over, but he’ll breathe REALLY heavily. like he’s constantly sighing or blowing air out of his cheeks.
he’s also a big whiskey drinker, but he won’t do it alone. if someone else suggests it he’ll light up and go run to grab the bottle he brought. he’ll pour cups for everyone, even if someone doesn’t want it
he doesn’t fall asleep like a normal person. eventually, the alcohol knocks him out and he falls asleep on the couch or on the ground and then he’s out for the rest of the night. usually happens pretty early in the night, so that’s why he always wakes up early 💀
if you catch him alone right before he starts getting sleepy, he’ll have the deepest most emotional conversation with you about anything. his eyes will be completely glazed over and his cheeks will be pink but he’ll sit there and talk to you about your insecurities and vulnerabilities with no judgement. (but in the morning he hardly remembers anything)
eren jaeger
sleeps in until like noon, and then crawls out of bed, hungover from the night before, and immediately cracks a beer. hair of the dog, he claims. probably brings it into the shower with him
isn’t a functional human being until after he’s had a few drinks. then he’s a menace.
drinks mostly whiteclaws/other low calorie seltzers, but will have the occasional beer during the day. won’t drink hard alcohol unless it’s mixed into a shot
turns everything into a drinking game/only wants to play drinking games. will rally people to do shotguns or shots. always wants to play beer pong.
is generally a pretty happy, smiley, friendly drunk. also very touchy-feely. will put his arm around your shoulder if you’re talking, lean in really close to your face and stare at you intently, lay across your lap on the couch
if you’re playing as a team for beer pong and you win, he’s picking you up and spinning you around like you just one a sports championship. kissing your face, screaming and cheering, meanwhile the other team is just 😐
LOVES WRESTLING WITH THE BOYS!! idk what it is but as soon as the sun goes down, he’s ripping off his shirt and challenging all the guys to a wrestling contest 💀💀 isn’t even considerate enough to move it outside, he’ll just be rolling around on the kitchen floor with jean in headlock
his contribution to the house is doing the dishes. he can’t cook so doesn’t bother helping w that but he’ll clear off the table and clean up the dishes so nobody complains that he doesn’t help.
gets really annoying if people want to do low-activity stuff like cards or something. will spend the whole time whining and complaining until someone (probably jean) tells him to shut the fuck up
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prussia x reader: childish games
Hello Lovelies~ Was ridiculously bored at work, and this silliness was birthed. Please enjoy!
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Over the years, you had compiled a list of all the things you most loved about your husband, and somehow, only slightly surprising, his zest for life and the itch to have fun easily slotted its way into your top ten.
 For someone nearing 1000 (a fact you loved teasing him with), you would have thought that he would have grown more reserved by now, bored and listless with the world. But the truth was that he was restless, and rarely allowed for a single dull moment.
 And while you had grown yourself- maturity and social obligations demanding a certain image, he had a knack for making you forget all of it, embracing that whimsy and playful energy that you refused to completely abandon in your childhood.
 Which was what often led to moments like these.
 Gil was sitting across from you at a table in some cafe in Constanța, eyebrows furrowed in an almost comical way as he glared down at the series of incomplete triangles on your napkin.
 A little riddle or trick- you couldn't really decide which- you had briefly remembered from your childhood, one you knew would annoy your husband to no end.
 As much as you loved him, he did have a habit of over-complicating things.
 So far, his guesses had all followed a pattern you had expected: an ECG, a triangular sound wave, and then he rambled off something nearly incoherent involving quantum theory which had you giving him a Look. Seeing your expression at that last one had him offering you an embarrassed half-smile, before he went back to staring at the napkin with annoyance. "I'm going to hate myself when you tell me, right?"
 It wasn't really a question, but you hummed in acknowledgement, fighting and failing to hide your grin. "Probably."
 To his credit, he had more guesses, a couple theories, even asked if it had something to do with your own work, eyes slanting towards you in curious consideration. When you shot that down as well, he huffed melodramatically in defeat, flopping back into his chair and gesturing magnanimously towards the offending piece of recycled paper and its 18 unassuming little lines.
 "Alright; you win. Hit me with it."
 You were enjoying this way too much, but you couldn't help it; he brought out the best and worst in you. "Sure you don't want another guess?"
 "Can't you just put me out of my misery instead?"
 You leveled him with another look, fond and irritated all at once, catching too easily on the smile hidden in his words. "No martyrdom before supper."
 "Wow. Rude."
 Ignoring his comment, you spoke with perhaps a little too much presumption. "Gilbert Wilhelm? Prepare for me to blow your little mind."
 "You already do that every day." You bit your lip at his fond murmur, digging in your pocket for a different colored pen. Carrying an assortment had become a bit of a habit as of late; Gil was constantly losing his, and sometimes you just needed a change from the monotony of black-and-white. 
 Finally, you pulled out a purple, a good offset to the black. Pulling the napkin back into drawing range, you motioned for him to watch.
 You took it slow, intentionally choosing the option that would take the longest for him to guess. He loved puzzles and thought experiments, and you wanted to savor this for as long as possible.
 Starting with the furthest edge, you connected every third triangle with an inverse arc, the temporary image almost reminding you of the base of cartoon campfires. Gil was hovering over your shoulder now, having swapped chairs sometime in the past few moments.
 You paused, intentionally drew your pen away long enough for him to analyze the new data, catalog the latest information. Some part of you had a feeling he would be trying the same trick on Vlad at the conference tomorrow, and you couldn't fight your smile. "Want me to keep going, or do you want another minute?"
 He hummed after a moment- a quiet acquiescence.
 For a moment, you stared at your work in progress, contemplating your next move. With a small quirk to your lips, you scribbled what looked like three clouds, one for the top of each of the tallest triangles.
 "Was zum Teufel," Gil demanded eloquently.
 That was enough to finally make you giggle, turning to him with a smirk and a feigned attempt at innocence. He leveled you with a look of his own, before indicating with a pointed glance that you needed to continue.
 You waggled your eyebrows in playful amusement, now turning to add two dots to each of the three connected shapes, followed by another cloud-like doodle at the based of each of the three tallest triangles.
 As it stood, you could argue for some funky mountains or some kind of sailboat, but you were only half finished.
 "One more guess?" you asked in an effort to be nice, to at least sound like you weren't secretly enjoying his suffering. Instead of a proper answer, your ruse easily seen through, you received a poke at your waist, the lightest threat to continue.
 Biting your lip, trying not to flinch away, you added six arrows- two per shape, each facing the center of its respective shape from the left and the right.
 "Wait..." Gil's voice was scarcely a whisper at this point, teasing your neck. "Are those..?"
 With a small triangle and two quick flourishes each, you announced the final results with pride, no longer holding back your giddy grin. "Behold: Three Cats in Party Hats!"
 It was worth it just to see him bringing his palm to his forehead, hiding his face in his hand. You could see him fighting a smile though, and knew the last few minutes had done more than enough to help him out of his prior languor.
 "I hate you sometimes; you know that?"
 It was too affectionate to be true.
 "Love you, too."
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Inspired by my remembering learning this about 20-ish years ago from some random guy while I was helping out at a market stall. He also taught me how to draw a cat by stacking C-A-T atop each other. Anyway, have some kitties~
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cowgurrrl · 10 months
I’m writing (I swear) but in the meantime here are
June’s One for the Money, Two for the Show family headcanons:
Joel definitely releases an album with your and the kids names as song titles
Lucia definitely pronounces Samuel as Sam-well and he loves it
When Ellie turned eighteen, Joel gave her the option to seek out her biological father/family via DNA testing if she wanted. He told her it wouldn’t hurt either of your feelings and that she had a right to know considering they knew so little about Anna. After a few days of consideration, she agrees to do some health screenings to learn about what she may be pre-disposed to, genetic information, etc., but says she doesn’t want to seek Anna’s family out. “I already have a family.” She said. And yes, Joel cried
Violet has asthma (my poor wheezy baby)
Sarah and Ellie got matching tattoos before Sarah moved to Sacramento: two honey bees because Joel always called them ‘bug’ or ‘honey’ when they were kids
The Miller kids love tiktok like it’s bad. They’re constantly making TikTok’s with each other or with you or Joel and making the internet explode when Joel goes viral for doing the Baby Mama dance. You both had to release a formal statement saying you weren’t pregnant, Joel was just trying to make his kids laugh
You continue to do projects but as the kids get older, you settle into teaching acting at UCLA every other year to give yourself a break. That’s how you come up with the idea to launch your own production company to give young actors a chance to get their foot in the door
The girls, being identical twins, definitely tried to do the thing where they switch places and pretend to be the other but you always know which is which because you’ve literally had their features memorized since you could see them on a sonogram. Joel, however, is sometimes stumped by their identicalness
Sophia definitely dated one of Sam’s teammates and Sam definitely hated every second of it
All of the Miller kids can play instruments but never together because they all think they get to be the one to keep tempo and they all get annoyed with each other. Sarah and Sophia are partial to the keyboard/piano, Ellie to the drums, Sam to the guitar, and Violet to the bass.
Sam, like his dad, is a big softie and will cry at the drop of a hat HOWEVER there was a time after Vi came out that she was getting bullied and that’s the story of how her 6’4 collegiate baseball player brother almost got arrested for threatening to fight a homophobic sixteen year old
One night, after a particularly hard day on set, you came home to Sam, Sophia, Violet, and Joel standing on the kitchen counter singing along to “Benny and the Jets” way past an acceptable time for a sixteen year old and two twelve year olds to be awake but goddammit if you didn’t climb right up on that counter and join them
Sophia and Violet have matching crocs
Sam, despite being his uncle, is only about seven years older than Isaac, making for a super weird conversation when they’re older
None of the kids sound like they’re from Texas until they’re in Texas and when Joel gets going too, it’s over
Sam pierced his ears because Violet said he wouldn’t do it
The kid’s group chat is called “Miller Time”
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brightgnosis · 9 months
Today is just one of those days where my Mother in Law is in one of those moods of hers that makes her super extra unnecessarily neurotic about everything, and just consistently pokes every single one of my buttons at once, repeatedly, apparently … And to think I’d woken up in such a great mood both today and yesterday. Now I’m ripping out my hair in droves.
My Husband put a bag of dishes on the counter in the kitchen yesterday. It's a counter that's at eye level right as you walk out of the basement door. And we want it there specifically to help remind us to wash them with the next dishwasher load tonight, because (from experience) if it gets put anywhere else- like on the floor out of the way- we tend to forget about it. Which then ultimately results in a lot of incredibly moldy, difficult to clean dishes no one wants to do at all.
Now ... No one is currently using this counter at the moment. No one likely will be using the counter until much later today- and when it does finally get used today it will be my Husband and I who will be the ones using it to cook; my Father in Law will not be home tonight, and my Mother in Law very rarely uses the kitchen anymore, because she doesn't really cook anymore. And so there is no actual reason it needs to be moved; it is not in anyone's way right now.
And yet my Mother in Law and I have still, somehow, been locked into playing ping pong with the bag all day.
She moves it onto the floor, I move it back. She moves it over by the Keurig, I move it back. She puts it on the floor again, I move it back; how many times do we have to go through this ridiculousness for no reason. Just leave it there!
She claims it's because she's "trying to clear the counters" ... And yet all of the other counters are still dirty; this is literally the only item that keeps getting moved. She has done absolutely no work anywhere else in the kitchen to try and clean the actual problem areas (like their piled dishes taking over the counter near the sink- which is a perpetual problem I have literally given up on after 4 years) ... She has only moved this particular bag of dishes onto the floor 3 times now.
And now sent me an annoyed message about me putting it back each time, because she doesn't want it there ... In a kitchen no one is even using at the moment in the first place, and hasn't been using the the last 3 hours we've been playing this game ... Because she wants the counters clean (when this is, again, the only thing getting "cleaned") ???
Ma'am. For the love of HaShem, please stop. I'm going to go insane.
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Next Day ETA: The absolute nonsense that is “communicating” with my Mother in Law- but which is never actually communicating with her in any capacity at all because she refuses to actually tell you what she means until 24+ hours after the fact, when you’ve already done the damage because she told you something other than what she meant and you took it at face value like a sane person.
It turns out she wasn’t “trying to clean the counters” at all like she told me … She was taking 5+ hours to slowly try and "make herself food for the week after seeing someone on Facebook say she precooks a whole pack of Bacon at the start of every week”. And she “kept getting stressed because there was too much stuff on the counters for her to work” and that’s why she kept moving the bag (and only the bag).
But instead of just telling me that plainly yesterday like a normal Human Being, so that I could have the perfectly rational opportunity to say “oh, then it’s ok if you put it on the floor- just please remember to put it back on the counter when you’re done”? I get a ridiculous tirade this morning on Facebook Messenger about “how difficult it is to share workspace with others”.
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She is literally the household’s Queen of lack of communication, passive aggression, and complete inability to coordinate with or be considerate of others. And I am constantly having to pick up because they will not clean up normally after themselves ... Her supposed “problems with sharing a workplace with others” could literally be solved entirely by actually bothering to communicate and coordinate with, and have consideration for the rest of us in this house (not to mention actually pick up after themselves so there was less of a mess in the first place) … But okay.
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eeteernity · 2 years
Thanks for the advice
Sano Shinichiro x reader
warnings: i’m not sure what happened the the sanos parents so i’m just gonna make a little something up but it doesn’t go against the plot of the manga at all
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Just like any child, Shinichiro was upset at his parents recent mishaps. First the divorce, now their fathers death and mothers absence, he had a right to be upset. Everyone around him knew that, an 12 year old boy, with his 2 year old brother. Thankfully their grandfather took them in, but it still stung to be abandoned like that. He was constantly sluggish and in a bad mood. Not showing his kind and caring self to the world anymore, he shut himself off, from his friends, family, even himself. But that didn’t sit right with (y/n).
She wasn’t friends with the boy, only sharing a few classes with him in the past few years, and he would be joining the same dojo as her, the one his grandpa ran. Still, They talked a few times in class, but that was the extent of it. But he was being so obvious about his bad mood it pissed her off. Usually she wouldn’t care about these kinds of things, but it felt different with him. Maybe because of his situation, the way he was handling? She really didn’t know; All she knew is that she was annoyed at him. 
It had been a mildly warm day, at lunch time she went to some shaded area, one near the edge of the school, so people would be less likely to find her. It’s not that (y/n) hated people, she wasn’t bullied or anything. She had quite a few friends actually. Hot days just weren’t her days. So imagine her surprise when the boy she’s most annoyed with comes to her spot. Just plopped himself down almost next to her. On a warm day too! she could feel her body heat rise.
“It’s really hot today.”
he said out loud, (y/n) wasn’t really sure if he was talking to her or not. so she wanted to reply just in case.
“mhm i feel my skin peeling off right now.”
“haha! me too. I’m sano shinichiro by the way, we share some classes together if you remember. You can call me anything, i really don’t mind. Especially when it’s a pretty girl like you!”
the boy laid back on the tree, trying to cool himself down.
“pretty? Usually boys wait a bit before saying that. You shouldn’t just throw out compliments willy nilly, they lose their meaning then!”
“h-huh?! I’m being serious though! you’ve always been pretty. You think i call every girl i see pretty???”
he said, shock laced in his voice as he jolted up, staring you down.
“hm? always? we haven’t talked enough for you to call me that.”
“huhhhh no way. We totally have…. I asked you what the date was.. and.. you borrowed my eraser… WHICH YOU DIDNT GIVE BACK!”
he said, yelling the last part a little loud.
he huffed out.
“kind and considerate huh.. you were like that before. You were really loud in class, and you always helped everyone out. Now… you’re kinda just a shell of yourself. It’s weird.”
“weird? it’s not my fault! i have a lot going o-“
you cut him off, you really didn’t want to hear his whole pity speech.
“Oh my god, get in line. Everyone has a lot going on. You should be glad you do have things going on! some people never got to live long enough to experience things going on. You’re so lucky to have the life you have, to breath everyday, drink clean water, eat when you want, hang out with your friends! some people will never experience that. So stop pitying yourself. Things happen! life goes on, deal with it just stop being so fucking fake.”
Shinichiro was speechless for a bit, he just looked over at the school, staying silent. he spoke up after a bit.
“you know what… you’re so right (y/n)! i’m not enjoying being sad all the time. Thanks for the advice.”
“i didn’t think that would work, wow.”
With that he stormed off, leaving you to cool down by yourself again. later after lunch when you went back to class, you did see good old annoying shinichiro. Talking to all his friends, being super enthusiastic. It was nice. Everyone in class seemed to be having a good time. That was until the teacher came in.
After that, You and shinichiro grew closer. Hanging out almost everyday after school. one day when you two were 13 you were hanging out like any other day with a few other friends at the park. having your usual talk, until shinichiro brought up a crazy idea.
“guys let’s make a gang.”
various huhs came out of everyone.
The black haired boy had stars in his eyes. while the others sweat dropped.
“Chiro… no offence but you’re weak as. Weak at fighting and weak to women.”
one of your friends said, bursting his bubble.
“bro we played slaps the other day, and you started crying when you flinched, and not to mention you do everything (y/n) says. You’re like a puppy towards her.”
another friend chimed in too, crushing his ego even more.
“you know what. I believe in him!”
(y/n) declared to all their friends, also met with huhs
“think about it guys, Shinichiro is so charismatic it’s scary sometimes. He can gain the respect of gang members easily! so he’ll have tough guys to fight with him. And the jackets would be so cool.”
Everyone agreed with (y/n). Leaving the boy even more head over heels with the girl. not only was she pretty on the inside and the outside, she also believed in him. Shinichiro honestly could’ve cried tears of joy. but it wasn’t the time. Right now it was the time to make a gang.
From that day on, the black dragons was formed. the leader who was weak at fighting, and weak to women. Sometimes he would wonder what got him so lucky, to be surrounded by so many people who loved him. And every time he realises that they were there all along.
he just needed some advice from a beautiful girl to get him to realise.
a/n i wrote this in 40 minutes and i haven’t written in like 5 months so,,; sorry if it’s ass. i just felt like writing
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danstupidaushit · 1 year
Swapnegative (CANON)
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This is probably the main AU with the smaller amount of information i'll be able to give because, i honestly really never thought about an actual main concept for this au. All i did was make up some simple concepts for sans and papyrus, and later on slowly tried to build them into something slightly more interesting so Yeah.
Sans: Ok so, the most recent idea for him was that, instead of acting like the megalomaniac douche that papyrus is in Negativetale, sans was more or so an annoying prick trying to rule around snowdin (or whatever the replacement name would be here). The idea was that, after he got rejected from the royal navy from being way too weak, he decided to go out and change his plans on how exactly could he get respect from the people around him, and the change of plans was to kinda make himself to be a cop in the city. He constantly tries to keep everyone in "check" and practically demands respect from anyone he starts messing with, so now everyone thinks he's extremely annoying and would definitely want to have him killed than anything else, being the only reason he wasn't ganged up yet that he is the brother of papyrus, a considerably "strong" monster.
Papyrus: The idea for papyrus was that he is a pretty strong monster, but instead of using it on his advantage, he's just turned out to be a lazy asshole, he doesn't treat anything with even the tiny bit of seriousness, which can be annoying to some, but also kinda cool to others, as a lot of people know that if papyrus wanted, he could be a massive threat, so they are glad that he is too lazy to even try anything. Another idea was that the reason he's so non-serious is because he's always mildly drunk due to have sunk himself into alcoholism , so he's always kinda zoned out, not really paying attention to his surroundings and stuff.
And that's it, i genuinely don't have much else to say lol If i had continued with Cruel, Cruel World i'm sure this AU could have had some more effort put into it, but eh.
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514ko · 1 year
YNaM Retrospectives – Chap. II
         It’s me again, back with another chapter of my Retrospectives~  Just in time too, for the second Koishi day, apparently…  Anyway, I’m not too sure of the ethical considerations of making these sorts of posts with YNaM still unfinished, but a few people seemed to enjoy the last one, and that’s more than enough for me!
         Here’s a link to Chap. II, the chapter in question:
          Y’know, as I keep writing these, it feels like I’m veering into writingcraft more and more.  So I’d like to address something—basically, that I’m still very much an amateur!  While I’ve been writing for a good bit (12-ish years), and I like to think I have some things nailed down, I’m far from an expert.  I’ve never actually published anything (not that I’ve tried), and a lot of what I “know” I learned from trial-and-error, just figuring out what I liked and didn't. It feels kind of...self-important, in a way, writing about what I think as if I somehow know what I’m doing.  But then again, I feel the same way about posting on Twitter, and everybody already does that, so maybe it’s just me?
          So I’ll just put it like this (and never mention it again):  I like explaining how I think of things, but I don’t know if they’re right!  I’m just a hobbyist who loves Touhou yuri, trying to get better at writing~  I’m just super happy and grateful people enjoy my work!
          Anyway, now that that’s out of the way—Scene 1!
          So in my last post, I mentioned how I always felt Flan’s reaction to Remi setting her up to be at the party was a little melodramatic—well, it seems 2021 me agreed with me!  God, like half of Chap. II S1 is just me backpedaling on that.  Like, I had Flan’s outburst to give her some agency and build tension, but a) she’s not stupid, and b) she can’t be annoying to the reader, so I had to resolve it as quickly as possible (from Flan’s perspective, anyway).  From what I’ve seen in other media, making a character super whiny or stubborn over trivial things is a great way to make your whole audience hate them.  I was really scared of that, back in the day.  And even now, it’s a line I have to toe constantly, since so much of the conflict in YNaM is introspective and psychological…
          Fun fact!  I quite like putting references to other stories in YNaM, and Chap. II S1 has the first of them.  When Flan is describing Satori and Koishi, she mentions their eyes as “just flopping around”—this is a turn of phrase/running gag from the KoiFlan fic Bloody Retrograde Prequel Vignettes, by SumDumMuffin.
          God I love Vignettes so much.  It’s a bit flawed, and it wasn’t ever finished (I sob), but I love it so, so much.  It’s tragic yet sweet, doesn’t infantilize Flan, and there are some great headcanons to boot (indecipherable Scottish Yuugi, truly incredible headcanon); like, Koishi and Flandre just have so much chemistry and heart to them...   It wasn’t what got me into KoiFlan shipping (I have Yohane to thank for that), but it was what turbocharged it to OTP levels.
          Honestly, Vignettes being left unfinished for so long was what pushed me over the edge in writing YNaM in the first place!  Back in late 2020, I’d been reading Touhou and yuri for years, and already liked KoiFlan, but I loved Vignettes so much that once I got to end and realized it was unfinished, my heart hurt.  Around the same time, I decided to dip my toe in the water of Touhou fanfiction with that year’s NaNoWriMo, for which I did a gen adventure fic with Kagerou as MC (that will never see the light of day).  So, of course, I rode a massive wave of misguided confidence all through the rough draft of YNH/YNaM, thinking I could fully finish YNaM in like, six months—at which point I realized I had no idea how much work it took to actually make a longfic, much less a good longfic…  Makes the 100k words of Vignettes seem herculean to me now…
          As a result, I'm determined to see YNaM through to completion.  I’m still a long way from completing that goal (and honestly things looked a little shaky there for awhile), but I’m trying my best!  Doing these little side projects help too; they’re kind of like burnout prevention measures lol       
          Anyway, on to Scene 2—I actually remember this scene quite well because of how inordinately difficult it was to write at the time.  For one, it required actual research (gasp), but also because I had to finalize this same scene twice.
          See, when I was originally hashing out Flan and Koi’s character dynamics in YNH, Koishi was very different.  She was much more quiet, reserved, and flat—basically, the way she acts towards Flan in this scene, only all the time.  She had a distinct speech style too—stiff, formal, and no contractions.  Like, I had a reason for it—it not only Flan’s speech style on the page, but also contrasted open-eye Koishi vs canon closed-eye Koishi.  So I thought it fit.  But, when it came time to convert YNH into YNaM, I completed Scene 2 with that original characterization—and it just felt so off.  The character I’d written wasn’t Koishi, it was an OC masquerading as Koishi.  And worse, that character didn’t even work—I had pages upon pages of stilted speech, dull dynamics (because Flan and OC!Koishi were too similar to one another), and a character that just didn’t feel anything like Koishi.
          I’ll elaborate more on this at some point, cuz I could write a whole article on this, but—even though I’m writing an AU, I still want the characters to be recognizable as themselves.  Otherwise, what’s the point of writing fanfiction?  I dunno, it’s important to me that YNaM Flan feels like an interpretation of Flandre, rather than someone different, someone alien.  Cuz there’s a difference, in my eyes.  Like, I really hope that even though she has a conscious mind, YNaM Koishi still feels like Koishi, even if we only get to see it when she’s happy.
          Now, this is all rendered incredibly ironic considering Chap. III, but I digress.
          Anyway, I finally had the good sense to redo Koishi’s characterization.  But I’d already finalized Scene 2, so I had to rip apart a functioning scene and redo all the dialogue.  A little tedious, but no problem, right?  But transliterating the dialogue wrecked the flow, Koishi’s new personality completely flipped the character dynamics, and above all I needed to make Koishi more expressive without clashing with Flandre, and through doing all this I’d completely destroyed the momentum of the scene—it was a mess. A step away from a total rewrite.
          Even reading it back now, I feel like it’s held together with prosaic duct-tape (particularly towards the middle), but at least I finished it.  That’s the important part, and the part I learned from.
          So yeah!  That’s all I have to say about Chap. II.  Tune in next week for my thoughts on Chap. III—and god knows I have a bone to pick with that one.
          Oh also—I’ll announce this on my Twitter at some point, but I’m gonna start taking oneshot suggestions now~  If you're reading this and you have an idea or situation for a short KoiFlan fic, feel free to shoot me a message over here on Tumblr and maybe I'll write it out! (I mean, you could use the bird app too, but since Elon is nuking DMs for some reason I thought I’d mention it here first).  Like, In Sickness and in Health was just me prompting myself to do a sickfic, lol. I’ve never done something like this before, but it seems like a fun challenge!
          PS: I died laughing reading back that old A/N.  Particularly the words “mostly happy romance story”.  Yeah, because that’s totally what YNaM is, right…?  Just a happy romance story, nothing to see here…
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kenyaraae · 1 year
I’m going to see this guy I’ve been talking to long distance for over a year now. I’m planning on moving there soon and we’ve talked about how hard it is being long distance...it’s been months since I last was there (late June) and going this Saturday. I told him I wanted him to call me before then so that we can talk...he keeps putting off calling me it seems )not opening my messages I’ve sent today, and been asking him to call me all the time because we don’t face time or talk on the phone ever he just always tells me how he wants to see me and also that he won’t talk to me unless I have a date I can go but that he wants to see me...idk why he doesn’t want to face time more or call me though he always tells me that he’s so busy and hard with time zone (he’s 3 hours ahead)...we’ve also had many conversations about how he wants a relationship and not just hookup and how if I move there things would be 100 percent better but why does he have to be so elusive? I even told him that the other day that he’s being elusive and he goes “yes” wanted to talk to him on the phone he told me he couldn’t talk but then continued to text back which made me annoyed...he also tells me “But my love I told you that the only way we make everything better is when you come”. Any thoughts?
he is trying to trap you. no one is ever too busy to get on a phone call. guys will always say they can do things and make your life better. first off, you are supposed to make your own life better. a man who is good for your will add on to it gracefully. even though it's been a year, you still need phone and face to face communication for 3-8 months. most people's mask will come down by 3 but others can come down around 6+. so you truly don't have this mans walls up. im blunt, but you truly don't know who this man is or who he can be. i'm late writing back, so hopefully it went well..but i've been in the same predicament trying to chase after a man in a completely different area then where i'm from. plus no support system. he needs to constantly impress you before you consider ever doing that. he needs proof that he can help take care of the both of you in his home. and show you are going to be safe and loved properly. a good man will definitely be considerate of you time and wishes, and not try rushing things while giving you the bare minimum. right now - he's playing in your face, babes.
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
CONGRATS ON 800 FOLLOWERS you deserve it (≧∀≦) (Note: also if possible would it be okay to get two characters for my matchup I’m polyamorous and usually like seeing who I’d be compatible with TOTALLY FINE IF NOT I’d understand)
Personality: I’m really quiet unless spoken too Im also usually in my own thoughts because of that, I generally find it hard to start conversations with strangers or I don’t start them at all unless they approach me first tho it’s not to bad if it’s friends but still I don’t start conversations myself too often. I think I am independent or that’s what people + my parents tell me. I’m pretty considerate when it comes to other’s needs seeing as I put others before myself and I can be very compassionate/empathetic making me the therapist friend. I find myself being very patient especially with friends if they’re venting or just talking in general. When I grow comfortable around people I can be a bit more talkative even more so when they have the same interests as me I’m also pretty bold time to time I make dark themed jokes mostly towards myself and I’m kinda dense when it comes to subtle romantic advances. Okay for personality traits I think some people would find difficult, I’m sensitive and very self-critical but I don’t voice it too much, I’m emotionally driven, I can be very closed off even with friends because I don’t wanna be a burden like venting about my problems, I sometimes hold quiet grudges, I’m pretty pessimistic but again I try not to say it out loud and I can sometimes be self deprecating. I find it difficult to complete tasks on my own or when I’m not given direct instructions because I find it hard starting it on my own, I have a short attention span which usually ends up with me daydreaming which I do A LOT.
Hobbies: I really like doing art I don’t usually finish what I start unless I have a lot of motivation, I like playing video games I’m not the best at them and rhythm games are my favourite. I enjoy cooking/baking more because I like tasting the end results, I sometimes do photography too. I enjoy watching anime and reading manga in my free time or when I’m not on social media and I adore late night drives my favourite thing to do even tho my sister is the one who usually drives
Likes: I absolutely love sweets I have huge sweet tooth (I usually buy sweet things when I go out) , music, the rain, sweet/fruity scented candles, anime, video games, rhythm games, art, spring weather, naps, monster energy, thunderstorms(as long as the power doesn’t go out), cats, dogs and I like pastas
Dislikes: bitter things, asparagus, the dark kinda, snakes, bugs, loud sudden noises, getting yelled at, not respecting boundaries, Extreme possessiveness, getting pushed around(example: getting told what to do in a harsh manner), strong smells like axe body spray, yanderes, super hot/cold weather, liars, confrontation, drunkards, Christianity, loud obnoxious people, rejection, failure, not being able to do everyday things and the feeling of getting left out
Extra info: I’m always in locked away in my room either scrolling through social media or playing games I only go out unless I really have too, I also cherish my personal space and some days I really just want peace and quiet to to be alone including dissociating while doing so but sometimes I do get annoyed with my daydreaming gets interrupted, I’m often pacing around my room because of maladaptive daydreaming the door is also usually locked, I don’t always have motivation to do stuff like homework and chores, I constantly have headphones/earphones to block out sound listen usually listening to music which I do a lot and I really like collecting plushies I like having them on my bed (bonus: I actually like cuddling when I sleep either a plushie or body pillow)
I'm going to pair you up with...
Jamil !!! And Trey!!
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-Jamil is pessimistic so he quickly gets your dark jokes.
-You two hang out by dancing to rhythm games and he is thankful that you introduced it to him since he finds it like a stress reliever.
-And Trey.just likes to give you company.
-He likes to share sweets with you and watch a movie with you whilst cuddling.
-As for the both of them, they both allow you to vent and give you space if you needed it even though they aren't clingy already.
-You all cook or bake together.
-Trey and Jamil don't actually hate each other so there aren't many arguments in the poly relationship anyways, just some minor disagreements sometimes.
-Even though they both would like you to himself.
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rrelationshipadvice · 2 months
🩰 <- to find later. this is basically hs drama btw since we’re all about the same aged teenagers; warning for talk of abuse and ableism
how do i tell my friend (ill call her One) that the person everyone is friends with (ill call her Two) and also is her close friend is my ex-friend and was my bully? to explain, to tell her isn’t to point fingers or call out the person, it’s that i fear One will become a victim of Two and i don’t wish how Two treated me on anyone.
apologies for being semi-exhaustive here but Two pretty badly bullied me for just under ten years, as well as kinda physically abused me for four of those years (to the point i still have scars). im pretty sure it’s because i’m autistic and used to be unable to mask, since she’d regularly scream at me (like. voice going raw screaming) for being ‘slow/special/r slur-ed’ and constantly call me an ‘annoying fucking idiot’ (quote). the bullying also included telling people to exclude me, making fun of me in front of teachers or my parents, and calling my interests disgusting or embarrassing even when it was originally hers. again don’t want this to get too long but she would routinely torment me for showing typical autistic behavior by beating me up (ex: punching me in the stomach or trying to stomp on my stomach after shoving me to the ground, almost always slapped me very hard or would punch me in the breast) or screaming at me to basically correct me. she also groped and sexually harassed me a lot. plus she outed my other friend (who is autistic too) to the whole school and regularly fetishized the outed friend’s boyfriend trying to get them to break up. i blocked her everywhere and are now hostile to her irl in january of 2023 which im still relieved for doing despite my being a pushover LOL.
what sucks now is that Two is best friends with just about everyone in the entire school, esp. because we’re in the same extracurriculars which includes a large portion of the school. i normally try not to hold grudges but i’m an emotional and sort of indignant person so seeing literally everyone i know talk about how funny and sweet she is makes me feel violent. i want to tell someone how i have trust issues and get embarrassed being myself around people because of this girl but i feel like a) no one would believe me and 2) they’d probably gossip it off to someone and it would get exaggerated into like ‘she tried to kill the person posting this!!!!’ or some shit which i don’t want her to get painted as a bad person
i had this sentiment until i got closer with One. One is one of my closer friends and is diagnosed autistic, she’s a kind and considerate person who i feel like i can actually trust and don’t have to make myself mask around her. again like i mentioned im scared but also desperately wanting to tell someone Two treated me like trash. however One actively refuses to participate in people spreading rumors and shit talking because she’s been bullied before so that’s a big part of the trust. also with Two being autistic and One exclusively harassing and bullying only me and other autistic people in school, it’s scary thinking of Two doing anything to One.
my strife is that i just don’t know how to word ‘LOL you know your friend who’s buddies with everyone we know? she hated my autistic trans ass and hit me’ without it sounding like complaining or calling her out. One takes me seriously, hence the considerate comment, so i don’t think she’d just wave me off, but i’m not great with cohesion at times LOLL and like i mentioned earlier i don’t want who One considers her friend to be painted as a monster or smth!!!! thank you in advance for any help on this issue
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