#and it's a genuinely great movie and you should all go watch it on youtube
thuskindlyshescatters · 6 months
Hilarious reminder that this epilogue comes BEFORE RWBY gets isekai'd to Earth to fight Watts But He's General Grievous with the Justice League
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mcelroyfamilystaff · 6 months
It's MaxFunDrive! If you're already a MaxFun Member, all of this year's Bonus Content should be in your feed already - this year's TAZ BoCo is a one shot of Plato's Rave, with all three boys GMing while Clint is the only PC, and it is ART. The MBMBaM BoCo is a recording of the boys trying to figure out how to run that game, and it's so, so fun - honestly you could listen to either one first and I think it would work well, but imo listening to them plot how they think things will go first is a very fun way to go about it.
Sawbones has another Kid's Q&A this year, with Charlie guest-hosting along Syd and answering questions from young listeners, Shmanners has an episode and video all about emojis, and Wonderful! has a one-off return to Rose Buddies! If you're not a member yet and you wanna listen to all this great stuff, head on over to MaximumFun.org/Join and sign up at $5 or more a month! You'll get access to not just this year's Bonus Content, but all of the Bonus Content from every show, from every year we've done the Drive. There's a TAZ episode DM'ed by Matt Mercer, the Charlieverse episodes, the Prankee Doodle Dandy episode of MBMBaM, truly an abundance of s-tier goofs await!
Also we have so much other stuff planned for the Drive! We're gonna be streaming more or less daily on YouTube, starting with Griffin doing a Fuser DJ stream today at 10am ET, and then Justin and Sydnee streaming watching a buckwild Netflix movie, I Believe in Santa, around 1pm ET.
On top of all of that, we've set our own bonus goals for the Drive, starting with this: At 3,000 new & upgrading members, Fungalore will hear your wishes LIVE. What does that mean? That's such a good question. Only one way to find out! If you wanna see the rest of our goals, you can check 'em out here. If you want to stay up to date on everything we have going on this week, turn on notifications for our Instagram story, that's where we'll be posting all the time-sensitive stuff.
Last but not least, thank you. Truly, from the bottom of all of our hearts. Whether you can afford to join or not, y'all's support is the reason we all get to do this for a living, and it genuinely is a joy to get to spend our days making these goofy things in hopes of bringing a little levity to someone's day. Means the absolute fuckin' world to us. We hope you have an absolute blast during this Drive, you deserve it.
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m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 4.1
This is embarrassing but I'm actually so obsessed with the first five minutes of this episode that I've got it bookmarked in my YouTube account. It's just so perfect!
“Say you don't looooove him, my salamander. Then why did you neeeeeeed him? Ono don't answer.” He genuinely thinks need and love are the same and I really hope he's got therapy for that messed up mindset by now.
Officially honored as the most successful musical composer and recording artist of all time. That damn well better be mentioned in his movie. And people still don't take him seriously. But also. John definitely smashed his TV.
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I'm screaming. I love Linda the promoter so fucking much!! Interviewer: I knew a lot of your records had went gold and platinum and– Linda: a lot of them? All of them! Ugh I wish she was still with him now.
And then THIS! “What really happened between you and John?” As the first notes to “I Will Survive” play. It's too good. Everyone has to go watch that bit right now.
Linda coming in for the kill again with her fake posh accent: critics? Critics? Oooooh! … They're always three years behind.
Look at him (to the tune Bitch by Meredeth Brooks) he's a whore, he's a father, he's a star, he's a success, he's a lover he's smug, he's laughing, he's having fun, he's working hard. He's everything.
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Interviewing Wings concert goers and this one girl goes, "oh I just got off on all of it" and another one goes “It was great, i came twice!” Literally it should've been me!!!!
The McCartneys are seriously such a big family. And it's been Paul's responsibility since was about 21, really, to make sure they're all okay financially. That Francie story of him crumbling in the street in Liverpool haunts me.
"Why shouldn't they go to the same school as everyone else goes to?" State schools should be the only legal schools btw.
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I love what the creator does to contextualize their songs by pairing them with other contemporary footage. It makes it much easier for me to understand why something like “arrow through me” (which I love but none of the people I've shown it to do) would've been so popular.
Oh here we go again. Just show us the marriage certificate already.
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Cackling at the contrast between “Old Siam Sir” which is one of my all time fav rockers and footage of the Stones being cringe AF and Dylan being so beyond done he's basically dead.
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Oh. Okay. And then they slap us in the face with John's poor baby late 70s demo voice crooning, “Don't want your looooove. Anymore.” “I die each time I hear your name.” I'm fine. It's fine. I'm just vomiting my guts out because I'm sick. That's why.
The pairing of “Mr H Atom” with Paul's would've-been drag show is genius, but what is that clip of some sort of trial stuck in there? If anyone knows, please inform me. (16:15)
John sounds so sad talking about the “endless search for . . . Scotland . . . Within an hour of New York.” I can't help thinking of the Mull of Kintyre. But John was also the one who turned Paul on to Scotland in the first place, ≈always waxing poetic about the heather and the hills≈.
Sean is so adorable. Reminds me of my little guy a bit actually.
Why do I always want to tell Paul to be nice to John? John is worse to him. Idk maybe because John's pain is more visible.
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gffa · 8 months
Hi :)
I'm a pretty new SW fan, not because I didn't like the movies/hadn't seen them but because I grew up thinking it was extremely nerdy and would often feel awkward trying to bring up anything related to SW.
Fortunately I've finally reached and met awesome people who love SW just like I did but I feel like I lost A LOT of important stuff and there's so much content to the saga that it's extremely overwhelming for me to even think about diving into the whole SW universe and catch up.
I've been following you for a bit and your posts are just extremely interesting to me but again, sometimes I'm a little confused about certain things and so I wanted to ask you if you had any recommendations about where to start catching up (besides the movies which I will be binge watching soon hehe)
Hi! Welcome to Star Wars fandom, I hope you're having a good time! And around here we embrace being as nerdy as possible--I mean, fandom is such a mainstream thing these days, but I still like to embrace being a nerd about things because it leads to a lot more happiness, to just be silly and having a good time with the thing that tickles our brains.
But, yes, it is pretty overwhelming when you're first arriving, I still remember when I first came back to SW several years ago, having really only watched the movies as a kid, and there was All This Stuff and it seemed impossible to ever reach the deep end of the pool, and that was before the last seven years of books, games, movies, comics, etc. came out! I will hopefully set your mind at ease with this, though: The vast, vast majority of content that Star Wars puts out isn't anything I would consider "essential". It's wonderful, fantastic stuff! But a lot of us have just been around so long that we're combing through the finer details of supplementary material, rather than those being absolute Must-Read/Watch To Get A Feel For Star Wars.
My recommendations for How To Get A Feel For Star Wars is basically, start with the animated series and the live action series, they're the second layer of foundation in the Star Wars building, all the comics and novels and such will be built on them, and in this order: - The movies, this is the foundation on which everything else will be built. - The Clone Wars, season 1-6 are part of George Lucas' story and they're pretty essential (at least in this corner of SW fandom) to understanding wtf anyone is talking about or even watching many of the live action series. (Season 7 is fine and should be watched! It's just not part of Lucas' Star Wars.) - Star Wars: Rebels, starts off light-hearted but really is one of the best developed shows and does a lot of connective work between the prequels and the original trilogy. - The Mandalorian, set 9 years after Return of the Jedi, this show just massively blew up and while each season is slightly less well-done than the previous one (imo), it's well worth watching for wtf fandom is talking about half of the time. (The Book of Boba Fett is somewhat optional in this corner of fandom, but imo worth the watch. Generally, it should go Mando s1-2 --> TBOBF --> Mando s3.) - Obi-Wan Kenobi, because this corner of fandom lost our goddamned minds about it and still haven't gotten them back. - Andor, which is a really great show and, as long as you've watched Rogue One first, you'll follow along just fine. Does some solid connecting the dots between the prequels and the originals, but not as much as Rebels did. - Jedi: Fallen Order, you can look up a "movie" version on YouTube for the story of this game, which is a really good plot, has some great new characters, has some genuinely effective cameos, and will be referenced fairly often in other materials/in fandom.
If you're not feeling overwhelmed by All The Star Wars You've Consumed, I would personally suggest going for the comics next, over any of the novels. The novels are great! But the vast majority of them are self-contained and meant to be supplementary material even more than the comics, which get to tell bigger, more connected stories. I always suggest starting with: - Star Wars 2015 by Jason Aaron + Darth Vader 2015 by Kieron Gillen, both of which are really, solidly fantastic stories about the timeframe just after A New Hope, like there are so many absolutely banger lines that came out of these comics. I won't spoil them, just know that I think these were legitimately good comics, not just legitimately good Star Wars comics. (The first six issues of each series are meant to be read concurrently, but after that, you can just pick one and read in that specific title.) - Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 2017 by Charles Soule, which is set in the immediate aftermath of Revenge of the Sith. If Gillen's Vader keeps the mystique of the originals Unknowable Darth Vader, then Soule's Vader is more about the absolute BATSHIT DRAMA that is blending Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader. This series is BANANAPANTS in the absolute best way. - Obi-Wan & Anakin 2015 by Charles Soule, which is a five-issue mini-series set between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones and is both stunningly beautiful art and a solidly good plot that survives fairly serious analysis of. It's got some great worldbuilding details, but even more I like it for the look at why a young Anakin chooses to stay with the Jedi Order.
The one book I will recommend--for a list aimed at getting you caught up on what fandom is referencing--is the Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover, that book is quoted constantly, and I'm not sure any other SW book has ever been as good as it is.
I feel like this is the best set of reading to get you familiarized with the source material that tends to come up the most! There's lots more that's really good, but once you get through the above, you can let me know what era or characters you're most interested in or if you have a specific question about something and want to see where it comes from!
But there's one thing to address and you're kinda going to have to figure out how to approach it on your own. 😂 There is a ton of stuff in SW fandom that's ostensibly from a book or a comic, but the version in fandom often comes from those who never actually read the books/haven't read them in a long time or are just picking them up from other fic and meta.
For example, the AgriCorps or Melida/Daan get referenced in fic and in posts all the time, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend reading the Jedi Apprentice series (I mean, I'm not your mom, feel free if you want to!) and often times how they're used in fic is not how they were used in the source material. Or the clones speaking Mando'a comes from the Legends books by Karen Traviss and she is a whole big can of ugly worms (both what she wrote and her IRL politics), as well as much of what she wrote was overwritten/discarded when The Clone Wars came out, but fandom likes the idea and so they put that into their fics (as they should, if they like it!). The idea of Mace using the lightsaber form of Vaapad is from Legends sources (the best source probably being the Shatterpoint novel by Matthew Stover, I'd guess?), same for his ability to see "shatterpoints" in the Force, which aren't part of Lucas' continuity or Disney's continuity, but fandom enjoys using them to flesh out Mace's character. This will get you started and, if you're looking for something more specific, feel free to ask, I enjoy these kinds of question--and don't feel you have to stick with any of the above if they're not fun for you. This is meant to be enjoyable, it's meant to have a good time, there's no wrong way to consume Star Wars media! <3
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mjlovescm · 2 years
can we get a clingy rodrick fem reader fic? maybe the reader is trying to get homework done or something? idk you’re a better writer than i💀
Stage five clinger, Rodrick Heffley
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting this sorry it took so long. I feel like Rodrick would definitely be clingy, and I'm sure you are an amazing writer. <3
It may be hard to believe, and maybe he only acted this way when he was with you, but Rodrick Heffley was a top tier, stage five clinger. And to be completely honest, it should have been a bit obvious. This was the same boy who spent a very, very long time trying to get his crush to acknowledge him for more than just five seconds. So of course being his girlfriend, this only intensified. By a lot and in many ways. 
But the top three were: 1. Wash day  Before the full extent of Rodrick's clinginess, wash day was a lonely, tiring and highly frustration day. But with your own personal helper, things were definitely a lot easier. Having him run to the store real quick if you forgot something, playing video for you on his phone while your hands were greasy, and even helping you make even parts. 
“You know I can help you with more than just parting.” Rodrick yells over the shower. 
“You should be lucky I'm letting you in here to begin with.” 
You yell back, referring to the fact that he was sitting in the bathroom while you were in the literal shower. 
“Whatever.” He mumbles under his breath.
2. Homework  In the same way that his clinginess could be helpful, it was often not. Although you agreed with him on his point of homework being useless and annoying, you still had to get it done. And the best way to do that while being in the same vicinity as Rodrick was to ignore him. But with his sneaky nature, Rodrick would also find a way to have you in his arm doing something actually fun rather than stupid homework.
“Could you just be serious for like five minutes.”
You told Rodrick and was met with an utterly appalled face. One which you ignore and go back to trying to do your homework.
“I am being serious, I read it somewhere.”
“By “read it somewhere.” do you mean saw it on YouTube.”
“No.” He's quick to respond. “I saw it on Instagram.” Rodrick smiles because technically you were wrong. “Look it up, it's the most effective way to get things done. Study for thirty minutes, then relax for thirty.”
Still ignoring him, all you did was roll your eyes and try to focus on the work in front of you. Plus, the method was to study for twenty-five and have a five-minute break. A great method, sure, but clearly not what Rodrick was suggesting.
Leaving the bathroom, you walked back into Rodrick's room to find your homework textbook and pencils gone. And across the room was an overly casual Rodrick whose TV just happened to be playing your favorite movie. Without a word, you walked over to him, faces contradictory to each other. In fact, the smile that played on Rodrick's lips was burning a frown onto yours. Deciding not to play his game and, more importantly, not give in, you simply turned around to look for your things that had magically gone missing.
Before you realized what was happening, you were already sitting. The same hands he used to get you there now wrapped around your hips, keeping you in place. 
“You don't think this is a bit much?” You asked him genuinely. 
“I think.” He starts, and you can already tell where he's going, “That you need a break.” 
Rodrick peaks his head over your shoulder for a moment, that cocky smile still on his lips. Before it disappears into the crook of your neck. 
“Come on.” He whispers against your skin. “Well, only watch like five minutes.” 
Reluctant and knowing that it was a lie, you still agreed. Quickly getting comfortable and settling into your favorite seat, Rodrick's lap. 
3. Accidental sleepovers This one you could admit was partially your fault. I mean, if you really didn't want to stay you could just leave, but sometimes Rodrick was just too hard to resist. 
“We have school tomorrow.” You groan, sleepiness already creeping into your voice. 
“Yea, that's why you should stay.” He told his voice sleepier than yours. “Plus, I already drive you every morning.”
He was right, the van had been your go-to method of transport for a while now. 
“Yea but-” You tried to think of an excuse but nothing came to your half asleep mind. “I think I'd like to sleep in my own bed.” 
You told Rodrick, which triggered him to move him body more onto your chest, his way of trapping you. He shushes you before bringing his lips to your skin. Pressing gentle, slow kisses to your neck and jaw. 
“Tomorrow we can sleep wherever you want.” He whispered. 
“Fine.” You say, as snuggling into him. “But just because you're warm.” 
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 6 months
some of my favorite YouTubers! Some of these are coquette but some of them are not, so I’m still going to tag the coquette tag but it won’t apply for all of these
CZsworld, a horror themed channel that focuses on the intricate histories, theories, characters and stories of many horror movies, books, and sometimes tv shows. He also talks about people/figures from real life in more parody-esque horror history videos. He’s extremely cool and an amazing channel to watch to get into the Halloween mood during October, but watching him at any other time is enjoyable as well
glamourdaze, a collection of different videos from the 20th century, such as beauty and healthcare videos, or just videos of people from different decades in this century living out their lives. What makes this channel one of my favs is that they revive the clips of people from decades such as the 1920s to color them and slow them down (to make it look less choppy and more realistic in how the people move) and it really gives a whole new different perspective on these eras and makes us realize that this wasn’t too long ago.
Erin Parsons Makeup, a very talented makeup artist and vintage collector who’s really cool and someone I love seeing talking about makeup and fashion from history. She’s very similar to glamourdaze except she mainly focuses on vintage/antique fashion and recreates retro looking styles in her looks and it’s just really neat :>
Schafrillas Productions… yeah he’s just very neat and I like watching his movie/tv show reviews. Though his content where he’s passionate and excited about a piece of media is enjoyable, watching him rip apart something he genuinely despises with an infinite amount of rage is funny as all hell
Micarah Tewers, a very talented, artistic, and funny seamstress who makes different types of dresses and outfits in her videos. I love how much dedication and detail she puts into her work to make it stand out and look amazing whenever she wears it, and I also really enjoyed her prom dress videos. She’s also really funny and I love all the extra hijinks she shows herself getting into in between making her project and the video itself lol
Nylijah Myeesah, aka the channel of @/lovesickbrat is a really great coquette channel, and she also has some very good points on different parts of the coquette community and how some aesthetics (such as traumacore or doelet) need to be criticized more because of what they promote.
Colin LooksBack, a Disney based channel that focuses on the characters and movies/other media from Disney, as well as the behind the scenes details of how classic Disney films were made, especially the animated movies made during Walt Disney’s life/career
Karolina Żebrowska, a history fashion themed channel that you probably have heard of. She makes a lot of historical videos as fashion videos and she’s just very talented and intelligent and you should check her out.
Finally, Lavendertowne, the channel I have the fondest YouTube memories of as she was the one who inspired me to start art. I used to love her creepydrawstas and her videos where she drew different stuff as people, as well as her art tutorials. I wouldn’t have gotten to my point in my art journey if it weren’t for her, and overall she’s very cool and sweet.
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mrmarxy · 5 months
You ever look at a Scott the Woz thumbnail - specifically the little image of Scott in the corner? I know I do. And here are a few of those that I like the most.
Did anyone ask for this? No. But it's too late to turn back now.
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This particular image of Scott (from the actual episode) is one of my preferred reaction images. It's just so versatile!
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What's there not to love, y'know? An absolutely perfect choice for the thumbnail.
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He looks like,, almost uncomfortable. But not quite. It looks like he doesn't know how he should be reacting exactly. I don't know why, but my mind always goes drifting back to Night Trap thumbnail Scott. What a guy. Interestingly enough, the image in this thumbnail and the image used in the It's Awesome Baby! thumbnail are very similar! (I say as if they are not of the exact same man.) They've both got that same expression going on.
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It's basically like a slightly worse version of Night Trap's Scott image. I guess that's just my opinion, though. For all I know, the entire STW fanbase prefers It's Awesome Baby! thumbnail Scott over Night Trap thumbnail Scott. But that's okay. I will fight for my beliefs no matter what.
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I don't know he just looks really funny to me in this one and I'm not sure I can explain why.
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He looks extremely concerned. Possibly terrified. Like he has seen something that is very heavily weighing on his mind. (The Check Mii Out Channel will do that to you). I have to imagine I look somewhat similar when I'm trying to play my backwards compatible launch model PlayStation 3 knowing it could fucking explode at any moment.
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Have you ever seen a man look so genuinely hopeless.
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So before I address the image of Scott itself, I think it's so great and clever that there are so many subscription services in the thumbnail that there's not even any room for the title of the video.
(Listen. I know this is far from the only video that doesn't have the title in the thumbnail but I choose to believe this was an intentional design choice let me have this.)
As for the image of Scott, does he not perfectly embody how we all feel about subscription services? Seriously. Now whenever I want to watch a movie and it's only on one lame, obscure subscription service, this image of Scott is what pops into my mind immediately.
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I saved the (arguable) best for last. I'm not sure if it's my favorite, but if it's not my favorite, it's definitely top three. Touch! Generations thumbnail Scott you are everything. Look at him. He looks like you just put him in time out for watching a YouTube video with swears in it. He looks like you told him that you're not gonna take him out of school early because it's national little guy day. He looks like someone completely ignored his "no miss no dodge" attack in his Animal Jam roleplay. He looks like all he got in his lunch was a sandwich (no cosmic brownie... :( ) meanwhile all his friends got lunchables. I could keep going forever. And I could keep looking at Touch! Generations thumbnail Scott forever. Enough said.
so making this made me come to the realization that being autistic and then trying to describe a person's expression and how you feel about it is actually hard af who would have guessed.
im sorry I made this lmao
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
whats ur non mainstream film taste then? genuinly curious to hear. as someone whos ended up in some weird ass corners of the film world like Neil breen Zachary Oberzan 0 budget stuff i love hearing what kind of weird indie corners other people have gotten into :3
i will talk a lot below that prob wont be interesting anyway, but i have to say first that i mostly stopped watching movies and now i mostly watch things @yasminewestbank chooses (not all the time but mostly) bc shes a movie nerd, so she picks movies that are usually either genuinely good or at least watchable, and if it was just me alone id prob not be bothering to watch those anyway, bc even a great movie just doesnt give me that much. i suffer from pretty severe apathy :( so if u want someone who hypes up genuinely good movies rather than me who is like "this is genuinely good but im still apathetic and dont really care" then yasmin is better to talk to. (im also generally more of a nonfiction type when it comes to video content, i could hype up Tasting History on youtube most days of the week but i struggle to hype up any movie at all. oh, and animated shorts, there are always some interesting student films and stuff.) the rest ⬇
my taste is usually "its [symbolic or not] critical commentary on something i care about" (feminism and misogyny, classism, bigotry, racism, the queer experience, abuse, trauma, violence, human self development, etc etc) or "its portraying human experiences [internal and external] in an interesting or just realistic way", like. realistic but in a highly specific meaning of realistic. i dont care about realism as a concept itself in art (realistic visuals or realistic setting or realistic costume etc i rly do not care about), what i mean is just about capturing a real essence of human brains and experiences, not copypasting stereotypical ideas without meaning. i can also enjoy some more abstract like david lynch bc its expressing human feelings and experiences in an appealing way. im really big on symbolic stuff and will just keep talking about what different parts of the movie meant or represented after i watch something w yasmin.
(edit to add... i should prob note that many of the movies i mention have adult content and heavy topics depending on who you ask? but i assume ppl who read this would already know to check ratings and warnings)
on the criticising / teaching side of meaningful, it would be for example, Poor Things [2023].... on the realistic / documenting side, for example Burning [2018] or Naked [1993], and i liked ryuusuke hamaguchi's movies Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy, and Drive My Car (tho that one has a really badly written scene in it by the end that i hated) for the characters too. i dont know if those are the best examples its more just off the top of my head. theres also mainstream movies that fit my criteria, so for that criticising / teaching side, there's for example Pleasantville [1998], and Pretty Woman, which yasmin told me ppl tend to hate, but if thats the case i think ppl really didnt understand what it was about (it showed so much about misogyny and class issues, coated in such a way that you could get average boomers to watch it as a "romantic" movie without being aware of the actual meaning of what youre going into, the same way pleasantville can be watched as a goofy gimmick movie without being aware of the meaning youre going into, tho pleasantville is heavyhanded by the end, and i guess pretty woman manages to still fly over ppls heads? but not too surprising considering all those mainstream things now will literally just explain every joke and every meaning.... its like all of media is mickey mouse clubhouse, you know?)
i more or less prefer to watch an animated short or a weird animation on youtube/social media than watching a good live action movie. some animated shorts i really liked recently are Au Revoir Jerome, GLOIRE AMERE 40000, and BOLAVLK/WEREAWOLF, and vewn stuff. and i like those Molly Moon game tiktoks, as an example of like, low production stuff…. i dont care at all how much money or time went into something, but bc im usually not actively seeking fiction video content on my own, its more about what falls into my lap by chance, or yasmin/someone shows me.
i thought of listing more movies but its kinda hard for me to remember them after a while (re: apathy). i remember i liked another one from the Poor Things guy called The Favourite but i barely remember what happens in it. I liked one called This Must Be The Place, and one called Annette. those are movies yasmin showed me or that she picked for us to try together.
oh, one movie i saw on my own that i liked a lot is And Then We Danced. it has some less good parts, but overall it for some reason really lives rent free in my head. it felt like i went and lived in georgia with the characters for an hour, idk, it was done in an immersive way that impressed me and i found appealing. another one i remember from years ago is Lille Soldat (little soldier) which i really enjoyed the main character in. that stuck with me. ive tried to find this movie to show to yasmin, but its been hard to find.
i used to watch lots of random movies (from different countries, different times in history, i had a phase where i watched a bunch of really old horror movies) but most of its been forgotten and then i just stopped watching movies whatsoever bc the mainstream ones are generally unwatchably bad and i didnt have motivation to go out of my way to find good movies anymore. its still hard even with good ones. like, The Square, and Triangle of Sadness, i watched with yasmin and it was fine, but i had already tried watching The Square alone and had to stop after a minute bc it just made me cringe and feel bored. but watching it together with her was fine and i did enjoy the meaning. so thats why i say i might not even be watching good movies if it was up to me alone....
if u werent interested in that ramble i hope u stopped reading before now for ur own good :D i have an opportunity to express myself in rambles -> i will express myself in rambles
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ctrl58 · 27 days
14 and 1 from the ask game
14) what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but have maybe been to scared to? 
Easy answer, I wanna be able to watch horror movies so bad! though i’m super jumpy, if someone were there next to me I could manage, just promise to hold my hand through all the scary parts !! 
the problem comes with nighttime, i can get really really paranoid and even the slightest thing can keep me up at night. when i was a kid i had terrible insomnia because of this. things like seeing a scary youtube thumbnail, even without clicking the video, would prevent me from falling asleep. didn’t help that i was obsessed with watching fnaf gameplays, b/c during the day it wouldn’t scare me, but at night i’d be trembling and clutching a cross lolol (not exaggerating). this is the reason i can’t watch horror movies, the only real horror movie i’ve watched is Get Out
1) What are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are today?
this one is really hard. 
1. i think having depression in middle school is the main thing that shaped me into who i am today. I switched schools in fifth grade and back then didn’t have good social skills so i couldn’t make friends, i developed a sort of selective mutism and never spoke. it stayed like that for four years, i literally never spoke, none of my classmates have heard my voice and i spent pivotal years for development alone. it sucked, i remember the pang in my heart whenever the teacher announced to get into pairs and i sat motionless knowing i had no one, or being picked last in gym, or sitting alone at recess.
January of 2023 i took a lot of pills but survived, and in the mental hospital spoke to someone my age outside my family for the first time in years. we became friends for the week i was there, then never got to speak again, i still miss her sometimes.
i spent most of those years bedrotting. it was in those years alone i desperately needed something to be happy about, something that could make me keep going. so i gained an appreciation for the world around me. the sun, the clouds, the leaves, the architecture, the sky, the bugs, anything and everything were the most wonderful pieces of art to me. the most mundane of things stiked awe in me, absolute beauty i wouldn’t have been able to see without having been forced to. for that i’m thankful, but i’ve been effected negatively in a lot of ways too.
i don’t want to just vent so i won’t list everything, but the main thing i notice is how desperate i am to be surrounded with as many people as possible at all times. if in school im alone for even a second, or im walking in the hallways without anyone to talk to, i feel the same pang in my heart from middle school and it causes an inherent panic in me. i desperately want to be liked, i want to be the centre of attention at all times, i need someone to talk to all school day. that’s the only reason i’m popular, because i need to be. i guess i should be grateful, i forced myself to gain great social skills and have a lot of friends, but when someone shows the slightest bit of disinterest or dislike in me it feels world ending. 
2. the second thing that shaped me into who i am today is my best friend. i met her first day of high school when we happened to speak and noticed how we had the exact same schedule. if sunshine were a person, it’d be her. she brings colour into people’s lives, she lights up rooms. I want to be jealous of her, but she’s so authentic and beautiful that I find myself unable to be anything but entranced. she’ll do great things in life because she’s a great person, no matter what path she decides to go down. there’s a reason people are so charmed by her, she’s what those loud kids who think that they’re ‘popular’ aspire to be, she’s genuinely just likeable. she radiates happiness, it rubs off on the people around her. I didn’t think people like her existed in real life, and I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life by her side. I know God is real because He let us cross paths, i’m lucky to have met her. i don’t think i’d be here if it weren’t for her. 
i’d add a third thing but i already wrote too much lolol tldr it’s my experiences and the people i’ve met that have shaped me as a person
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi stormy, please help!!!
I’m obsessed and I don’t know what to do. I got into bts last year and it has been amazing. But I’m scared for mental health 😭😭. I’m an adult, 26 years of age with an healthy life, relationships and a job. My bias is jimin, hobi and yoongi. But here lies the problem, I can’t function properly anymore. I have a unhealthy obsession with jimin. Not sexual at all. But I look him up obsessively. When I’m alone, my thoughts just automatically turns to him. Is he eating well? Is he okay? What is he doing? Stuffs like that. I wake up sometimes in the middle of the nights thinking about him and I would watch compilations of him till day break. I can’t do without checking up on him in a span of 30 mins. Whether on twitter, YouTube or Facebook. Just general updates on him. I thought it was a phase, you know when you meet someone new, you want to learn about them. This month makes it a year since I knew about him😭😭. How can this behavior go on for too long? My friends complain a lot because when I’m with them, I get distracted. I would rather be watching jimin’s giggle compilations. My question is that is this normal? Last week I promised myself that I was going to stay away but I didn’t last for 24 hrs. It’s frustrating sincerely because I lost a lot of my hobbies… I used to be an avid reader, movie enthusiasts, fun person to be around but now I concentrate on jimin almost every hour of the day including at work. To be candid, I’m not happy but I can’t help it. It’s nothing sexual but it is unexplainable. Do I need to see a therapist 😭😭? I’m ignoring a lot of things I should get done but I don’t know how to stay away.
I'm genuinely not really in a great place to be giving mental health advice myself. Lol BUT I will open this up to anyone who wants to chime in in the comments or a reblog. I'll also just say that's it probably important that you try to make an effort to be able to focus on other things in your life as well. It's okay and good and great to love Jimin and BTS so much. I don't think that's a bad thing. But too much of anything can start to negatively affect you. Bringing something back into your life that you also enjoyed pre-BTS could be a good way to start and spread that hyperfixation around. And as long as you get the things done that need to get done, don't neglect your personal relationships, and are taking care of yourself. Wanting to spend your free time watching BTS and cute Jimin compilations is a perfectly fine thing to do. Wanting to share your love and connect with your friends over BTS is also a perfectly fine and wonderful thing to do. Your happiness is important! Finding more things other than just Jimin to make you happy is also a good thing too and healthier in the long run. For me, my other "love" and hyperfixation is reading, and lately anime. Good luck. I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to also!
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phatburd · 7 months
I was tagged by @cadmusfly for this little ask game.  It’s like 4AM in the morning here, but I can’t sleep, so this may go sideways. 😅
Last Song: Eternal Flame by Atom Music Radio
These lyrics can be generically heroic but my brain has insisted on applying it to dead heroic Frenchmen.
This flame we carry into battle
A fading memory
This light will conquer the darkness
Shining bright for all to see
We will be legendary
And from this moment on
We will not be forgotten
Our flame burns on and on
We′ll fight for all the glory, and hope that burns in all
And from the dark of the ashes, we will rise up and stand tall
Currently Watching:  Literally nothing except the dark void of my bedroom.  More like, I should be watching the newest episodes of the Quantum Leap reboot and the new season of Halo.  I’ll get to it eventually when my attention span returns from the war.
The last thing I watched was some reaction videos to The Expanse from Warp Reactor on YouTube.  He’s got some great takes and he genuinely loves sci fi, and it amuses me endlessly.  He’s going to be reacting to S1E04 soon, and it’s always fun to see how people new to the show react to that scene.  
(If you've seen The Expanse, you know exactly what I mean.)
Three ships:
I’m a multishipper, so I have lots of ships in my head.  At this hour of night, there’s these:
I love the sweetness of childhood friends to lovers in Murat/Bessières.  There’s the angst and dysfunction potential it has towards their later years but they try anyway.   
TBH, Bessières/Duroc is probably more psychologically healthy than Murat/Bessières, and I’m perfectly willing to ship them too.  Duroc is very sweet and he deserves love too.
Augereau/Masséna has been on my brain a lot too, lately.  These two guys are – at minimum – morally grey on a good day, total bastards most other days.  Literal partners in crime, they’re a lot of fun to just cut loose with.
There’s other ships in my head, like Booker and Nile from The Old Guard, and some OC ships in Star Trek I’d actually love to write about some day.
Favorite Color: I’m an old trad goth, so black has been a staple color for me for a very long time.  But lately, as I get older, I’ve been finding that I’m – gasp – getting tired of black.  I’ve been accumulating more and more accessories in pink. 
Currently Consuming: Last thing eaten was some focaccia bread.
First Ship: OC/Pike from ElfQuest.  It was a really long time ago and I don’t remember much about that one.  The next one I remember clearly was Achilles/Patroclus.  I shipped them before it was cool.
Relationship Status: I’m in a steady relationship with my cockatiel. Lately he has been trying to destroy me for getting too close to “his” nest, which is also my closet.
Last Movie: Austerlitz (1960), but I made it ⅓ of the way through before my stream crapped out on me.  I’ll give it a try again later.
Currently Working On… this thing I last touched.
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Tagging @scribblerinthestars, @sindirimba, @gaal-dornick, @flowwochair, @the-orion-scribe, and a whole bunch of other people whose names escape me because I should be sleeping.
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ryotarox · 10 months
(GODZILLA MINUS ONE Final Trailer - YouTubeから)
「ゴジラ-1.0」 米国での評判を反映した予告編が登場!これまでとはまた少し違い、冒頭からブッ込んでくる仕様。
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@LernestW This is survivor's guilt Godzilla. I cried several times watching it a second time. (DeepL訳)これはサバイバーズ・ギルト・ゴジラだ。2回目見て何度も泣いた。
@tomtalker2000 5 日前 This is not just a film about Gojira. It's a film about what the Japanese people went through when we dropped 2 nukes on them. It got me VERY VERY emotional as i have a great affinity for the Japanese and there culture. I don't look at Gojira as the monster here it's mankind that made him. In terms of our devastating weaponry. And now we know why they are a "nuke free" nation. And rightfully so. (DeepL訳)これは単にゴジラについての映画ではない。核兵器を2発も落とされた日本人が経験したことについての映画だ。日本人とその文化にとても親近感を持っている私は、とてもとても感情的になった。私はゴジラを怪物として見ていない。私たちの壊滅的な兵器に関してね。そして今、私たちは日本がなぜ「核兵器のない国」なのかを知っている。そして当然そうなる。
@joninosaka The movie is amazing. Godzilla is genuinely frightening. Maybe downright evil. I've never been scared of Godzilla before, but in this movie you dread the arrival of Godzilla because you care for the characters so much and you don't want to see them suffer or die. And then when he shows up, you're heart is racing as you are right there with the characters and you're rooting for them to survive against Godzilla. Its truly a masterpiece. (DeepL訳)映画は素晴らしい。 ゴジラが純粋に怖い。 もしかしたら正真正銘の悪かもしれない。 今までゴジラを怖いと思ったことはなかったけど、この映画では登場人物をとても大切に思っていて、彼らが苦しんだり死んだりするのを見たくないから、ゴジラの登場を恐れてしまう。 そしてゴジラが現れると、登場人物と一緒になって心臓が高鳴り、彼らがゴジラに対抗して生き残るのを応援する。 まさに傑作だ。
@jamesm.1467 5 日前(編集済み) I saw this yesterday in IMAX and this movie is frigging insane. Minus One is for sure the best Godzilla movie to date. The movie delivers on the human aspects of the story and the hardships of post war Japan and what it's citizens were going through. Then, Godzilla comes a knocking and throws everything for a loop. Wait til you see the boat chasing scene. That scene alone is goddamm incredible and downright creepy with the way Godzilla looked. The eyes and the determination that he was just gonna rock your world right then and there. But the human story is what sets this movie apart from the Monster-verse versions. The human story alone makes this movie a winner. I promise you all, you will cry at the end... This movie is just fucking outright awesome and should be seen in IMAX, it's well worth the price. This movie you have to see on the big screen. Don't wait for it to be streamed at home. Hollywood has nothing on this one...I'll be seeing this probably a couple more times while its in the theaters. 昨日IMAXで観たけど、この映画はとんでもなくクレイジーだ。マイナスワンは間違いなく今までのゴジラ映画の中で最高傑作だ。 この映画は、ストーリーの人間的な側面や、戦後の日本の苦難、市民が経験したことを伝えている。 そして、ゴジラがやってきて、すべてを混乱に陥れる。ボートを追いかけるシーンは必見だ。あのシーンだけでも、ゴジラの目つきは神がかっていて、実に不気味だ。ゴジラの目つきと、その場であなたの世界を揺るがすという決意。 しかし、この映画をモンスターバース版と一線を画しているのは、人間の物語だ。ヒューマンストーリーだけで、この映画は勝者なのだ。 皆さん、最後は必ず泣きますよ...。 IMAXで見るべき、値段以上の価値がある。 この映画は大きなスクリーンで見るべきだ。家でストリーミングされるのを待ってはいけない。 ハリウッドはこの映画の上に何も持っていない...映画館で公開されている間に、おそらくあと2、3回はこの映画を見るだろう。
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walkcycle · 1 year
genuine question abt ur bio.. whats wrong w little women? idk anything abt it :0 hope u have a good day!!
yes... what IS wrong w little women? in short it annoys me. i find it annoying. when i have to talk to little women lovers i start to go crazy and insane like that post about going on youtube without adblocker and turning into the riddler. i find the way most people discuss little women to be at best dick sucking levels of critical thinking (meaning none. they are just sucking dick) which whatever that's your business. but i love looking for meaning and thinking and ripping books up so it does not work for me. mainly what i think is wrong w little women: people still talk about it. stop making movie adaptions stop WATCHING these movies adaptions stop it just stop it !!!!
little women well reading it you have fun. or i had fun. and the reason i had fun is because i have a parasocial relationship with louisa may alcott and i justknow she was a hater and i DO know she hated little women (this is because she is dead and you can just read her diary). but unfortunately other people that read little women and had fun well they don't have this insane girl bond with alcott so they aren't haters. alcott thought the concept for the book was boring and she only turned to writing it after facing critical failure with previous works. by critical failure i don't mean failure of critical levels i just mean critics did not like it. critics read moods and were like wow alcott you should try to unlearn the written word this sucks and she was like ok go fuck yourself what if i wrote the most boring shit on earth kill yourself and that's what makes reading little women fun the whole thing is double speak you know with every sentence alcott is mocking the entire book and the views presented in it she hated women she was like god this sucks.
alcott did not view the book as progressive she was having to include all kinds of shit... that book was about a household centered around a man and written to mirror books like pilgrims progress (pilgrims progress is this christian allegory like how narnia is about christianity like that only not fun). after it became popular she had to pull back on literally all the fun stuff in it bc she was so hateful and annoyed towards her fans she was like god can you all SHUT UP? just for that everyones lives are going to be miserable just for that im going to write the worst endings on earth for these little bitches and then she did and giggled with her friends about it
ok i lost my main point. my main point abt america just never shutting the fuck up about little women. to me these people just dont get it they literally dont theyre like wow little women...... feminist book about women written by a woman....... this is soooo great we should keep talking about these white women for the rest of all time like omg they literally had servants. be real. but people just continue to praise it without having anything of substance to say like ok girl can we move on can we talk about other books why are we stuck in the white women jogging track just walking around and around can we get out of here. people use little women and its impact on american culture as an excuse to just keep circling around white women it is literally 2023 can we talk about something else. little women fans are just insufferable to me they're trapped in this little women loop where because little women is "progressive" (i have other thoughts about this too) they never have to consider works by other groups of minorities and they never have to consider if theres anything fucked up and twisted about or being mainlined by its narrative. little women is an insincere book and its thematic messages are also insincere and if you read it knowing this then you can become an insane crazy guy like me and then i would loveeee to talk about little women with you. but unfortunately no one is doing this
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gffa · 1 year
hi lumi! pls don't feel pressured to answer this but i'm currently reading Phasma by delilah dawson (i'm loving it so far) and i was wondering if you would know some nice sequels' books and comics to get into (preferably the ones that delve more into the first order but anything works tbh)? I know your thing is mostly the prequels (it's more my thing too tbh) but i was wondering if you could help me or perhaps if you would know someone who could help me with it?
Hi! I actually do have a handful of sequels-centric content that I've liked! When the expanded world of SW comics and novels was first getting started, there was a lot of focus on the sequels and a lot of it was genuinely delightful and to this day I still heartily recommend them! Phasma is one of them (I loved that that book was just so joyfully batshit in exactly the way a Star Wars book should be) and my recs for other stuff you'll hopefully enjoy are:
Captain Phasma by Kelly Thompson (comic) - Gorgeous art, a solid story, and even some Feelings if you've read the Phasma novel, because it features some flashbacks from there.
Poe Dameron by Charles Soule (comic) - In addition to being one of the best SW comic runs out there, it's also a great look at Poe's character, has gorgeous art, and is just a fantastic read all the way around, I would put it at the top of my recs list.
Aftermath, Aftermath: Life Debt, Aftermath: Empire's End by Chuck Wendig (book) - I always recommend that I think this series almost MUST be in audiobook form, that I could not get into it in novel form, but the audiobooks were such a fun adventure. This does the most establishing of the galaxy after the Empire falls, it gets into several of the characters that would go on to help form the First Order. It's mostly a set of new characters (that I grew to love) and the OT characters, but I think it helps set the world a lot, so if you don't mine the lack of ST characters, it does lead into ST worldbuilding.
Bloodline by Claudia Gray (book) - Is a Leia story and is mostly about why she stops being a Senator and founds the Resistance, but it helps tell the foundation of the New Republic (along with the Aftermath trilogy) and the rising of the First Order. It's still quoted a lot for some pretty iconic Leia moments, but I think if you're looking for ST worldbuilding (as opposed to sequels characters), it's good for that, too.
Star Wars Battlefront II (game) - The story of Battlefront II is focused on the OT characters, but I like recommending it because it does a lot of great work in connecting the OT to the ST, including moments of how the First Order came to be, and has some really great Luke characterization. You can look up a "movie" version on YouTube and watch it that way!
Spark of the Resistance by Justina Ireland (book) - I hesitate to recommend this one whole-heartedly if you're not already hip-deep in SW books, because it is very referential to other SW comics/books, but I genuinely enjoyed it as connective tissue between the ST movies where it showed all the characters coming together in this fight. It was cute and charming and had some delightful moments of the main cast!
Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse (book) - Is much in the same vein as Spark of the Resistance, it does a lot of good connective work, is a charming read, and has good focus on the main ST characters!
Age of Resistance by Tom Taylor (comic) - This was a series of one-shots focused around several main characters and they're solid, fun highlights of the characters. I remember especially enjoying the Rey and Rose ones!
Star Wars Adventures by various authors (comic) - There are two volumes of this (they rebooted the title a couple of years ago) and basically any issue that has the sequels characters is a fun read. I mean, the whole entire series tends to be really great for any era, but the sequels ones are fun--including a darling one from the first volume with Poe and Rose interaction that has forever made me pine for more team-ups with those two.
Allegiance by Ethan Stacks (comic) - A mini-series set post-TLJ where they're trying to gather allies for the Resistance and has some lovely character moments, I especially remember feeling a lot for Leia in her scenes of trying to rally people to stand up against the First Order, now knowing it was her own son leading them.
Join the Resistance by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker (book) - This is a cautious rec because it's set during the time of the Resistance, but it doesn't really have a lot to do with them or even particularly strong worldbuilding, I just REALLY FELL IN LOVE WITH THOSE KIDS over the course of the series.
Star Wars: Resistance (TV series) - This show isn't for everyone, it's much more kid-friendly and the animation doesn't do it for everyone, but I adored the characters (especially Kaz, the main character) and their main antagonist is the building First Order, as well as occasional guest appearances by Phasma or Kylo Ren. It had a lot of heart, it was really charming, but it's a cautious rec despite that I loved it very much.
Hopefully, this should help you find some stuff to read!
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scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
Massive thanks to @feartheoldblog for tagging me! It's taken a few days, but I've finally gotten around to participating :}
Three Ships: GOD, must I choose??? Right, let's crack it up.
- Godrick x Ghirahim (Ghirdick???? Godrihim??? 👁❔❔❔). It's a fucking travesty, I love it, and I can't thank @just-another-tokyo-ghoul-fan for bringing the dynamic to my attention. THANK Y O U <33
- Zant x Genesis. I've had them mentally married for over a year at this point now, and you fuckers better watch out for my hacknied envy-themeing-based explanation! Just you fucking wait! I have cross-ships you fools couldn't even DREAM of!
- I'm going to go "classic" and pick out Dark Link x Ravio: Crackfic Edition for old times' sake. I still need to get back into the funk of writing those-- God, it was so much fun, and I just HAD to ruin my streak back in 2019 by introducing PLOT 😡😡🗯 What a fool I am!
Rest assured, my beloved onlookers, there are many more. I have not even mentioned Sephiroth x The Hollow Knight, Barret x Sephiroth, or Micolash x The Plain Doll.
Watch your back.
First Ever Ship: Lmao, probably Zelink. Does selfshipping myself with Bowser when I was six out of a sense of pity count, perchance?
Last Song: "Toes" - Glass Animals (just gotten into them like, last week. Currently have three songs on my repeat-rotation, which is a massive achievement tbh! Love their vibes :} )
Last Movie: Antman and Wasp-- Unfinished. Was on a catchup with my friends to get me to Endgame, as, prior to this my streak was broken at Infinity War.
Marvel isn't great, by any means (EXCEPT Wakanda Forever genuinely good on all fronts very pleasantly surprised VERY MUCH LOOK FORWARD TO WHAT HAPPENS NEXT--), but I'm feeling nostalgic, lol.
Currently Reading: Halfway through ASOIAF A Storm of Swords: Part 2. Currently chickened out because I'm scared for the wellbeing of a certain handful of characters 😭 Very good books, very addictive, if more than a tad brutal (putting it lightly, snkkk).
Currently Watching: Youtube, lmao. Should probably get around to finishing the rest of that 16-hour Elden Ring Longplay for my fic.
Currently Consuming: Just finished an open-faced egg relish sandwich :} (homemade; very mustardy <3)
Currently Craving: Chinese fast-food, if I must pick one 😩 ilysmm bbgygrl mentally chewing ur noodles like cats do their little food-chunks.
Tagging (if you please~): @just-another-tokyo-ghoul-fan, @legendofmarshie, @katyahina, @lucindria, @crisiskuraudo, @breath-of-the-twink, @mrslittletall, @theblindhakune, @no-braincells-inc
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outer-space-face · 2 years
@koro-is-caffeinated You wanted to know my top 5 villains so you've asked and you shall receive! Here are mine! :)))
5. The beast from Over the Garden Wall.
I LOVE me some fairytale style villains! And the beast is just such a good mix of dark fantasy and grotesque unanswered mystery. Visually and conceptually he's just so goddamn cool and strange and alluring, and I LOVE IT >:)
4. Heather Chandler from the heathers musical
Though this isn't ome of my favorite musicals and I REFUSE to interact with the fandom, I absolutely LOVE how stupidly and overly evil Heather Chandler is. She is the definition of villains who have no reasons to be villains but still are. AND THEY ACKNOWLEDGE THIS IN THE SHOW. She is so overly bitchy and it is the absolute best.
3. Lady Eboshi from Princess Mononoke
Always loved how she's such a well written character who is much more than what we're presented with initially. She genuinely cares about her people but she's put her efforts into creating more violence and theft and war. Her refusal to change and belief that she's better because of that belief is what makes her so villainous. She enjoys reaping the forest and the spirits and that's what makes her deliciously evil. Also her design badass.
2. The witch from Into the Woods (the musical not the movie because it's ew, just go watch the musical on youtube if you're gonna watch it)
The witch is, to put it simply, THAT BITCH. She's another one of those overly campy evil for the sake of being evil type villains except She's got a little bit of an actual reason and an actually great arc throughout. Also a KILLER FUCKING SONG. She's hilarious while also remaining fully developed and feeling like a real person with real experiences. She feels like that campy villain while also not being shallow which is VERY hard to achieve.
1.Hades from Hadestown
Probably the BEST interpretation of hades yet. He's the perfect embodiment of greed and capitalistic manipulation and it makes for such an amazing villain. Not to mention his wardrobe and his voice are so commanding and it makes you as the audience feel powerless which is exactly what you should feel like in his presence! It's so spot on to what he represents. He's also not made shallow AT ALL. His complicated and rocky relationship with persephone makes his later actions so incredibly interesting and fulfilling as a villain. He is so well written it's insane! All of his songs, lyrics, wardrobe, lines, everything about him is so commanding and powerful. IT IS SO GOOD OMG
(Some honorable mentions include yzma and prince achmed from twisted)
Hope ya liked some of these and thanks for askin' ! :)))
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