#and it's of a gabriel that doesn't suck
yolowritter · 5 months
In Defense of Gabriel Agreste
Oh dear Kwami, I can't believe I'm actually doing this... I can't believe that it feels necessary. Before we begin, I want to make a huge clarification. I am NOT supporting any of Gabriel's actions AT ALL, especially anything done in Season 5. That's abuse, that's child neglect, that's grounds for calling CPS. I will never excuse that kind of thing, and frankly this isn't what I'm here to talk about. I simply want to state my opinion on how canon has absolutely ruined Gabriel as a character, and give my own perspective on our local supervillain, including an understanding of his reasons and how Gabriel devolves the way he does in the actual show. This is a mixture of headcannons I've had that are somewhat supported by canon, and I hope you all enjoy my little analysis piece.
First off, let's kick things into high gear by discussing Gabriel's themes. From the get-go of Bubbler, it's blindingly obvious that he serves as the "strict parent" antagonist to Adrien's quest for freedom and self-expression. As an archetype, this works quite well in a lot of stories and media, so I was fine with it when I watched the episode. Through the rest of Season 1, we quickly come to realize that Adrien's mother (and Gabriel's wife) is "missing", due to some reason or the other. At this point some may suspect his relation to Hawkmoth, but there's no legitimate evidence to go off of so we put a pin on that. During Simon Says, specifically Chat Noir and Gabriel's little interaction, we get to see that Adrien does hold some repressed anger against Gabriel because of how overprotective the man is, and then comes the fond remark of Emilie's flair for dramatics. It's a line so many of us have discussed or used in fanworks, but rarely do I see people talk about how Gabriel delivers it. The usually stoic personification of dissapointment seems to finally have some emotion in his voice, for the first really important moment of his character. Combine this with the earlier talk between him and Ladybug, where he praises Adrien and seems genuinely proud of his son for keeping up with all the activities/modeling/etc. Therefore, we get a good general idea of who Gabriel Agreste actually is. A grieving father who has lost his partner to "mysterious circumstances", and is trying to protect his son from any kind of harm. Sure, he's going about it the wrong way and is definately overdoing it, but the act itself doesn't come from a place of malice. Keep this in mind as we move forward.
In Season 2, we start off with the episode Collector. And learn that Gabriel is Hawkmoth. Because of course he is, Adrien is one of the titular characters in the show, naturally the writers want to pull a Luke Skywalker at some point. "I am your father" and all that, we've seen it a million times before. Still, this brings up the question of why? Sure, Gabriel is an asshole. That's very obvious by this point, even though we don't have enough information to truly cast judgement on his reasoning for such behavior. But there's a significant gap between "overprotective single parent who stifles their child" and "local butterfly man who has beef with teenage superheroes". Therefore, this reveal immediately has alarm bells ringing as to what Gabriel's motive is. In a later episode, we have the Gorizilla Incident. And this is where he finally becomes a much more complex, much better character! Because Hawkmoth has captured Ladybug. She's right there, helpless, and all he has to do is either show up and steal her Miraculous, or just wait until she loses her transformation and then take the earrings. His arch nemesis, the person who has been preventing him from accomplishing whatever his goals are...is at his mercy. But...there's a problem. His son is also on the field of battle, and just jumped off a building. Wonderful! Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Gabriel releases Ladybug, therefore saving Adrien's life at the cost of the Miraculous. And much later, during Queen Wasp, Hawkmoth genuinely ponders if he's done more harm than good by trying to defeat the Heroes of Paris. (Side Note: I don't actually remember if we'd seen Emilie in the pod by this point, but whatever.) He would have quit, hung up the suit, and lived out his days as Gabriel Agreste. Miserably maybe, but he would have stuck to that choice. No more Hawkmoth. Until...he gets the chance to Akumatize a Miraculous Holder. And if you want to rewatch this scene, notice the mania in Gabriel's eyes. This extreme emotional reaction is the complete opposite of what we've seen from the man so far (dramatic monologues aside), and the chance at victory rips Gabriel's sanity away from him. Cue Queen Wasp, and later Scarlet Moth.
But I want to stick to this moment for a second. Queen Wasp takes place directly after Style Queen, in which Adrien gets turned into a gold statue. And sure, the show can tell us all it wants about how "he's been turned to dust" or some bs, but we all know Adrien is dead right now. And Gabriel knows it too. This is literally the reason why he tries to convince himself that he shouldn't be Hawkmoth anymore. Because he finally understands what kind of harm he's been doing. By this point it's like the 3rd time that Adrien is in immediate proximity to an Akuma and promptly gets bodied by said Villain, specifically because of Hawkmoth. I do not care what Season 5 says, Gabriel Agreste loved his son with every last shred in that broken, shattered fragment of a heart that was left after Emilie's death, and he shows it very clearly on multiple occassions. He even tries to connect with Adrien again, and has a genuine moment when they watch Emilie's movie together. Gabriel, for all his supervillainy and prancing about in a butterfly costume, seems to be healing throughout Season 2. So why does it only get worse from here?
Well...this is where my headcanons come in to fill the void. Obviously I could go on a tangent about the writers here, but I don't care enough to waste my breath on that again. Swiftly moving past that, I honestly think Gabriel suffers from Tunnel Vision during this show. And yeah that's not a "condition", but think about this for a second. Nooroo warns that there are terrible consequences for misusing a Miraculous in Origins, and the show...never follows up on this? Well, that's weird. Unless the consequences are mental. A deterioration of the self, in a way. Consider: a good portion of the fandom already talks about Gabriel and Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth/Monarch as different people sometimes. What if that's literal? What if that's the consequence? Gabriel was depressed, desperate and heartbroken after Emilie's demise, but according to a cutscene from Miraculous Rise of the Sphynx (and I swear to God why didn't they put this in the actual show???) Gabriel and Nathalie actually spent around a year looking for the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous before deciding to use the Butterfly. It was Gabriel's last resort. And look at how Hawkmoth acts in Season 1. He's...well, he's acting. Playing the role of a villain to lure them out and defeat them, knowing full-well (at least after Stoneheart) that Ladybug can fix pretty much anything he destroys if she wins, and he can just do the same if she's defeated. Gabriel has a safety net, he's acting the part of an evil villain, complete with dramatic monologues and "curse you Perry the Platypus" moments after ever defeat. Then in Season 2, he knows the jig is up. The stakes are too high and this Hawkmoth bs is hurting the one piece of Emilie that he has left...so Gabriel decides to quit.
And this is where the corruption comes in. During "Feast" in Season 3, Hawkmoth re-states his goal of "taking all the Miraculous!" Uh...hold on just a second. Didn't Gabriel only need the Ladybug and Cat? Yes, exactly. That's why the events of the show even happen to begin with. So why has it now changed to all the Miraculous, if the rest are useless in terms of bringing Emilie back? Well, Gabriel's thirst for power is slowly corrupting his mind. Hawkmoth is officially in control by this point, and it gets much, much worse from here. With Mayura at his side, Hawkmoth has a real person to care about, and take care of. Nathalie supports him, keeps Gabriel afloat in this ocean of despair that they're both slowly drowning in.
But what happens when Mayura can't be there anymore? What happens when Gabriel (now as Shadowmoth) spends hours upon hours inside that dark lair, deliberating his victory? It becomes his sole focus. What tiny specks of humanity were still left inside of this hollow shell called Gabriel Agreste have been devoured by a beast that hungers for only one thing. Power. Emilie is no longer loved by him, barely even remembered to begin with. Now instead of genuine heartbreak over his wife's loss, Shadowmoth is using her as an excuse to keep going. He rationilizes it all to himself, saying "this is for my family" and "they will understand" to hide from the very obvious fact that neither Emilie or Adrien would ever stand for this. His ambitions have stripped Gabriel of all sense and sanity, leaving behind a madman simply wearing his skin. The last time we ever see even a flicker of clarity in his head is during Glaciator 2.0, when Adrien is about to be Akumatized. But this is also the biggest indication that it's almost too late for Gabriel, because has to think about it. Sure, he doesn't actually Akumatize Adrien, but even since Chat Blanc it's become perfectly clear that he can and will go through with that to get an advantage over Ladybug. Here, Shadowmoth considered Akumatizing him anyway, even with just the usual chances of winning.
And in Ephemeral (I'm pretty sure, could be just before or after), Nooroo's worst fears have finally come to pass. Gabriel affirms that he wants to destroy the entire world using the Wish. And then re-shape it into one where he's the top dog, by extension making the Agrestes like the Supreme. Gabriel has gone completely off the rails by this point. I'd even argue that the person he was only a few months ago (don't get me started on that timeline btw) is dead. Gone, burried six feet under along with his wife, because Gabriel Agreste would never do something like this. Monarch just makes everything even worse, especially with Evolution. Just like Nathalie said, he had the perfect chance to warn his past self about the Peacock being broken. Step in the portal, detransform, explain that he's Gabriel, then tell them "hey so the recipe to fix it is on this page of the Grimoire, you need to do this before Emilie makes Adrien" and that's it. But he just ignores it completely because of his obsession, hence proving the point I'm trying to make.
To circle back to the beginning of this post, I am perfectly fine with how Gabriel's character devolves and spirals into madness across the show. It's a cool plotline, could have been really interesting if the writers bothered to explore it but even with only what we have, I'd say it adds a ton of depth to his character! Or...would, if they bothered to explain this! Like seriously, you can pretty easily infer than something of the sort is happening, especially in later seasons. Just give Nathalie or Nooroo one or two scenes where they are worried about Gabriel going insane! Especially Nooroo, give the poor guy a few lines trying to warn Shadowmoth like "Master, please! You need to think about what you're doing! Can't you see this isn't you anymore?" or something of the sort. Sure, it doesn't have to be so on the nose, but you get my point! Instead they did nothing with this amazing idea that's already there because they wrote it by accident! And guess what? Gabriel goes from a sympathetic villain in Season 2 to an utter maniac who locks his "beloved" son in an insane asylum during Season 5!
Like are you kidding me??? What alternate universe did I get dropped into where this is the "logical" followup to Hawkmoth's storyline? One of the only things Gabriel even had going for him in terms of complexity was his genuine love towards Adrien! And like I said, I'd be fine if this how they wanted to make things and play the "tragic villain consumed by a lust for power" card! For Nooroo's sake, it's dangling right in front of them like a carrot on a stick! But instead of making the slightest bit of effort and explain that this is happening, or that it's an intentional plotpoint for Gabriel's character, their innaction just reduces him to a one-dimensional "evil because he's the villain" cardboard cutout! Believe me, I love unapologetically evil characters, who do the worst things for funsies! But Gabriel Agreste can never be that type of bad guy because you set up an entire storyline about his poor wife who died because adoption is apparently illegal in this universe! Don't get me started on Emilie Agreste, she's getting a rant of her own soon enough! But come on, would it kill you to at least try and give your villains some depth???
Thomas, do you want me to have a stroke? An aneurysm? To keel over dead like Gabriel's character development? Should I maybe put a fridge in my basement for good measure? And do not talk to me about the "tell Adrien how good a father I was" bs the finale had in it! Just- just don't touch that with a ten foot pole! But...I will admit, there is a very interesting direction they can take Gabriel's character now that he's dead. Because sure, he's now a one-dimensional asshole that screamed in his basement a lot before beating up a cat(bug)girl and dropping dead, but hey! Gabriel Agreste can haunt the narrative now! Have Lila use reunion to talk to him! Have Marinette be tormented by the stupid promise she made! Have Adrien be conflicted over how Gabriel treated him! Give us an existential crisis because "the hero who defeted Monarch" doesn't match up with the abusive asshole Adrien has known for the past year! Gabriel Agreste's character has been utterly trainwrecked by the writers' refusal to explain anything about him beyond a superficial "boo hoo my wife keeled over". Yeah buddy, so what? You can at least be interesting about it!
Anyway, I'm going to go cool off and make another draft for how to fix this idiot's character development. Or you know, give him some in the first place because he's lost it all. I'll see you all soon with an "In offense to Emilie Agreste" post, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!
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purgatorygrl · 6 days
edits of these handsome boys that I love so so much 𐙚⭑ .ᐟ.
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peaachypie · 11 months
life as a spiderdad
Warning : fluff + smut (cunni, needy!miguel, p in v, breeding kink, lactation kink a bit)
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Dad!Miguel who can't sleep at night, he doesn't have any spider sense so he's always on alert. Waiting for any sigh of Gabriella crying or whining. Gabriel sleeping between him and you.
Dad!Miguel who always complain about his kids being too noisy but when the house is silent he start to panic and go find them quickly. Before complaining about how silent they are, leaving them a bit confused.
Dad!Miguel who take the sport his kids like very seriously.
Gabriella want to do soccer ? He will go to any match and play with her in the garden.
Gabriel want to do swimming ? He will buy a swimming pool.
Hockey ? Let's go train on a frozen lake !
He could spend hundred just to make sure his kids are happy.
Dad!Miguel who every chrismas says that we'll do a tiny chrismas this years but at the end, buy more gift than your own parents.
He gain enough money for the all family.
Dad!Miguel who stare at the baby sucking on your nipple for milk. Thinking how tiny they are, and how hot you look.
You're tired, almost sleeping standing but yeah he find you hot.
Asking if he can have a taste too.
Dad!Miguel who don't hesite to take your stress away by licking your cunt, holding your thighs. Sucking and licking your poor clit, and teasing your wet hole with the tip of his tongue.
Dad!Miguel who everytime has you underneath him have this urge to see his cum dripping out of your hole. This urge to make you pregnant again because you looked so pretty with a round belly.
" you want a baby again ? Please ... please ... tell me you want it again, that you want my seed ... you want me. Look so pretty for me cariño ... feel so good inside...fuck..."
He can get so needy, a whimpering mess.
Dad!Miguel who no matter how your body had change, will love you and his babies.
You're the most important thing in his life and he would never change that for a thing.
Maybe the constant cry but that something else.
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oval3000 · 11 months
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Chapter 3
Yandere Psych Patient König x Nurse Reader
Warning: Possesive, Obsession, Death, Gore, Blood, Smut, Toxic behavior, age gap.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
(This might suck idk. I don't know German so it's all Google translate)
He hasn't left his room for a month. They kept him in their with the straitjacket on. His meals are just vitamins that he has to swallow. You would go in to check up on him, but new orders from the administrator's to not go near at all, so you pass by his room. You would peak through the little window and see him laying on his back with little no to motion on his arms or body entirely. His psychiatrist, Dr. Smith is the only that goes in there. They have sessions in his room instead of the usual spot they have it in.
She was pissed at everyone, specifically you. You are her punching bag, even though it was Ben's fault. "Why hasn't he been given his meds!" She yelled at you.
"We are not allowed to go i-" you tried to explain your her, but she could care less.
"You are his nurse right! Your job is to give him his meds! How did you graduate when you can't even do that!" She yelled at you.
You plead for her to listen to you "I'm sorry, Dr. Smith. I can't it's Mr. Millers orders. No one can go in except you because you are his psychiatrist."
So she strolled her way to the administrator's office.
Ignoring his assistant from telling her that she can't go in. Slaming the door open to see him sitting on his chair, writing whatever cral he writes on paper.
"Sarah calm down!"
"Do you have any idea how dangerous he is, and you want me to deal with him alone! On top of that the lack of guards is making my job harder!" Dr. Smith argued with a hand on her hips and her finger pointing towards Ben.
"Do you remeber when you wanted a nurse to look after him." She rolled her eyes. Yes, you, the nurse. "Do you have any idea how much money is going towards her. Triple the pay for looking after him."
Her hands swing in motion, showing her frustration. "She can't even do her fucking job Ben!"
"If she's alive, then she's doing her job well. What's making this hard, is you barging into my office and telling me what to do when you are the one demanding this." He stood up from his chair, fixing his navy tie. "We're loosing staff. People don't want to go near him. Gabriel is threatening to sue the company. Gaurds are quiting left and right so sorry that there aren't enough staff attending your needs."
She crossed her arms with an annoying sigh leaving her lips tinted with red lipstick. "Then hire more people, I don't see the problem?"
"Did you not hear what I said" he walked towards her, standing toe to toe to her. "Majority of our budget is going towards (Y/n). She's been here for two months now, lasting longer than any other nurses. We can't afford another hire with the same pay to deal with König. Besides he hasn't actually killed anyone in those two months, I'll take that than dealing with someone who has a broken jaw from a simple punch."
"Then ask for more money." She scuffed like if it was a joke she said.
He laughed at her face, "Do you think the government cares to fund more for this place, I already have the staff on my ass for new medical supplies, do you think they are gonna hand me the budget to hire someone with triple pay just because you are scared."
"Then fire (y/n) and hire a new guard, maybe someone with military experience."
"Why would I do that. You came into my office, spreaded your legs cause you were so desperate for a nurse and now you want me to fire her. She hasn't done anything in particularly wrong."
"She doesn't follow orders!"
"She does, you just make it difficult." He came in defense.
"Wasn't she trying to stop you from putting him into a straitjacket?" She smirked while her arms crossed at her chest.
"Yes, and she was right. Putting him in a straitjacket does nothing. He was fine it's just that..." he closed his eyes taking deep breath.
"Just what?" She came closer to him, placing her hand on his shoulder, gently caressing it.
He turned his head to her, he used to lovy dovey with her seduction, but now it's more annoyance. "Eli, the other guard, came to my office the other day and told me that Gabriel was provoking König."
She rolled her eyes, looking around his office. Paying attention to the paintings hanged up on the wall and the light objects he has on his desk. "Like what? Making fun of him? We all make fun the people here what else is new?"
"I don't know the full details, but that's what he told me." He sat a bit on his desk.
"Why does that matter?" She shook her head without a single thought in her brain.
"Gabriel is threatening to sue us. If we fight the legal action, we'll have to defend König. König, just like any other patient represent us, our care. If they find out that Gabriel was the one that caused this, making König the victim it doesn't look good after we placed him in the straitjacket. Like we silencing him out. It will ruin our reputation, we'll all loose our jobs and you fucked your way up here for nothing."
"But he harmed a worker, beside murdered multiple people." She let out a little chuckle, placing her hand on his chest.
He didn't give in, instead, he gave her a stare. "He's ex- military and as for you being his psychiatrist, you'll have to speak on behalf of him. Meaning that people will find out about you, how you never studied to become a doctor you fucked every professor you had to get your degree."
"What are you saying, Ben." Her smile dropped.
"I won't fire (Y/n). She stood up for König, making us look like we care about our patients. As for Gabriel, all he's asking is for some 20,000 thousand dollars, which we can easily give him worth than standing infront of the judge. Which means that we can't afford new guards for you. Besides they're taking off his straitjacket today, so stop being so scared and do your dam job."
"I still think you should fire, (Y/n) atleast." She hummed, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"I'm not doing that. Beside she's the only staff that doesn't barge in here demanding stuff. She nice and sweet...." he looked down to the side, " and...young and beautiful. "
She let go of his waist, clenching her jaw. Yes, you being so beautiful. "So what? You want to fuck her? Is that it. Never head young pussy before?"
"You should leave, I have work to do and so do you. This discussion is over." He walked to his desk, sitting down on his chair, unbutton his last few buttons from his dark, navy, blazer.
She stormed off his office, angrly stomping on the white tile floors with her heels creating a louder noise.
You heard the word going around that their taking of his straitjacket, so you quickly gathered what you need to check him up. You saw as the guards took off. He let out a big stretched, flexing more of his muscles. It caused a scare to the guards like a lion letting out a roar.
You walked up to and saw more of his face. He stared at you.
He missed you. He never thought he would miss you. During that month of not seeing you was a time he contemplated about you. Are you made for him or not. He will shut his eyes and images of you will pop up. You smiling at him. Taking good care of him. Watching you squirm under him as you take his full length cock inside your pussy. He'll treat you with respect as long as you do what he says that's all. Seeing your belly swell up with his baby. Can't wait to fuck your tits filled with milk. Can't wait to impregnate you with multiple of his children, making one big happy family. How protective he'll be for his kids, for you. To stand up to the bullies, to show them not to be scared of anything. To hold them if they cry.
He should kill you for making him react this way. He should just kill you. You are just another nurse thinking they have control over him. He use to give orders to people, being the colonel and all, he got the respect he fought for, why does he feel weak around you. You are so sweet and joyful to him. If he was back in the field and saw you, would he kill you. Or maybe fuck you. Maybe that's it. He hasn't done it in so long, so long he hasn't touch a women. He should've just fucked one of the other nurses. Yes, maybe he should do that. Fuck a nurse, just to see. I mean what's the harm in that.
"Aah...yes. right there ngh.... yes...oh fuck that feels good."
The sound of König's footsteps were low that they couldn't hear over the sound of skin slapping against eachother. Watching a men fucking his girlfriend on his bed.
"Does your boyfriend fuck you like this?" Slaming her ass back and forth on his cock.
"Ah....a-aah....he-..he could barley...make me- fuck!..mmgh....wet." She grip the bedsheets hard while he kept pounding her.
No. No. He can't. Not you. He can't. He can't betray you like they did. He can't imagine the face you'll make if you know he fucked another girl. No he should be pure to you. You should be the only one he touches.
He needs you. Okay, it's done. He'll make you his and you'll love him. You'll love him and care for him. Rather you like him or not it's done.
You wrapped the cuff around his bicep and squeeze the bulb reading the numbers on the circle, writing it down. Doing the usual things you have studied for. As you were checking his heartbeat, he reached up which caused you to flinch a bit. His index finger, gently, caressing your cheek. Your back was turned to the guards, making it hard them to see what's going. You stared at him as he touched you with such charisma. His thumb reaching to your chin, hovering over your lips. He placed the tip of his thumb on your bottom lip, gently pulling it out a bit.
You shouldn't have this feeling at the pit of your stomach. You couldn't tell of you didn't smack his hand away because you are scared or because you enjoy it. You never had this much attention, not like this.
"I don't have time to argue with you (Y/n)! Go to your room!" The little girl tuged at her moms shirt.
"Where's daddy?" She felt tears running down her face as her mother poured more wine into her glass, already finishing up the fresh new bottle.
"(Y/n)! Seriously go to room! You are such a headache! Why couldn't your father take you with him! Nauseating!" She dranked the entire glass, slamming the cup on the table.
"Where's daddy?" She said one last time not letting go of her blanket. The same blanket her father got her when she told him she was cold.
He palmed your cheek, feeling your warmth. He went in closer to you. You could feel his hot breath, quicken as he got closer to your lips.
You pulled back, "I shouldn't- we shouldn't. I mean." You whispered to him.
"Mein liebling (my darling)." He whispered to you. The first time he spoke to you. You couldn't understand him, but he spoke to you. "Du bist mein (you are mine)." He pulled you closer to him, he didn't care if the guards were staring, if anything, he enjoys it. To show everyone that he is yours to touch. "Mein schatz (my sweetheart)," his lips were hovering yours, you felt a little tingle at how close he was.
You know this shouldn't happen. You turned your away from his. You walked back, feeling his grasp letting go. He stared at you witch a smile on his face. You saw the smile he gave you.
When your shift ended and went back to your apartment, the thoughts of what happened lingered into your mind.
That night, you couldn't sleep. He was in your dreams. What if you never pulled way. Were you really going to kiss him. You glazed over the parts where he touched you.
You searched the words he said to you to translate it. Sweetheart, darling, mine.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach again. You never felt so complicated before.
Having a crush on a patient.
You have a crush on König.
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exhaslo · 10 months
Hi love! How are you? I’m so in love with your writing and I wanted to see if you could write something for me? 🥺 (only if your requests are open.)
I was wondering if you could write a Sugar daddy!Miguel? The reader is working at little club and notices her one night working, running all over the place serving drinks to other drunk people. Miguel calls her over for a drink and talks to her for a bit. He tells her “someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t be working in a place like this?” And offers her to be his sugar baby, she’s surprised at his request but takes it. After he spoils her she realizes she starts to have feelings for him and he does too. 🫶🏻💗
Sure thing! This might be late from when you originally requested, but I finally got it done! Haha. I won't do too much of a age difference, since I'm not too comfortable with large age gaps, but hell, sugar daddies can be the same age too!
Warning: Fluff, language, teasing, fluff fluff and fluff
Another day, another dollar. That's how you tried to keep motivated. Did it work? No, but your bills sure did play a part in getting your ass off the bed. Being an adult sucked. Where you worked, also sucked; but were you going to quit...Not yet.
Although, you were desperate for something new.
You hated your job. Working at a stripe club, serving drinks to drunk and perverts. It wasn't your ideal choice, but it was the only place that was willing to give you a chance. You couldn't afford to go to college and your bills were too high to wait for anything else.
You had been told by your boss that you'd make more money as a stripper, but to hell with that. You knew the risks and quite frankly, you were afraid to dance half naked in front of so many men. Though, it didn't stop you from getting some tips here and there.
"Another round over here, sweet cheeks!" One of your regulars called out.
You let out a huff, pouring more beers into glasses. Before hitting the floor, you fixed your booty shorts once more and hurried to him. The drinks hit their mouths before you even put them on the table.
"Geez, trying to hit a record? At least let me get them on the table before inhaling them," You teased.
"Drinks from you are too good to not have, baby. I'll take it nice and slow next round if you get on that stage."
"Not even in your dreams, pal." You huffed, walking to the next table.
You hated this place. You hated the customers. Hell, sometimes you hated the pay. It was not enough for the shit you had to deal with on a daily bases.
"(Y/N), VIP guest is requesting you from bring them a popular drink. Doesn't care which one, he just wants you to deliver it. Don't fuck this up." Your shitty manager said over the radio.
Miguel let out an obvious sigh, signaling to his brother that he was not happy to be there. He would groan and grunt, but unfortunally Gabriel had gotten used to those noises and somehow tuned Miguel off. Honestly, it was a talent.
Since Miguel was forced to come to the club, he might as well have made the best of it. Miguel grabbed the VIP room and made himself comfortable. His sunglasses making him the center of attention sure did help with keeping Miguel seated in his seat.
He watched the crowds of men cheer towards the strippers, begging for more and throwing their money. Miguel exhaled softly, looking at his private stage. There was no need for him to be here. He should be outside, stopping crime.
"Miggy! Stop being such a brood and have fun!" Gabriel huffed, poking his head into the room. Miguel shrugged,
"I am having fun. See? I'm here."
"Such a bore."
Miguel rolled his eyes towards his brother. He hummed lowly, watching the people in the club. He furrowed his brows, spotting you run around with a scowl on your face. He couldn't help but smile. To think there was someone else in here who was just as unhappy as him.
Miguel pondered to himself. He had been wanting to do something risky lately. That and he was touch starved. Perhaps he could save someone tonight, but in a different matter. Hell, it could be fun too.
Requesting for you, Miguel leaned back in his seat and waited. With his heighten senses, Miguel resisted a chuckle as he heard you cuss under your breathe. By the time you arrived, you had a obvious fake smile against your lips and a tall, colorful drink in your hand,
"Hello! You requested me?" You asked sweetly. Miguel raised a brow as he took a sip of his drink,
"Couldn't help but noticed you working too hard out there," He said smoothly and motioned to the seat across from here, "Your boss can't see us from here. Take a break."
"Ha, you trying to get me fired?"
"Perhaps, if you're willing to listen and take my offer," Miguel said, continuing to force the sweet drink down his throat.
Miguel watched you hesitate before taking a seat. Your clothes were obviously too tight for you.
"So, what's your offer?"
"It's obvious that you're too good and beautiful for this job. So, hear this bored man out," Miguel tried to get you to smile, "I have too much money and not enough to spend it on. Would you allow me to waste it on you?"
"Huh? Like...Have you as my sugar daddy?" You questioned, observing him, "You only look a few years older than me. How can you be that rich?"
"Plenty of ways. I won't have you do anything you don't want. Just a date here or there, and in return you can spend as much money as possible on whatever you want."
"So....just a date in return?" You hesitated and glanced at the club, "I am being punked right?"
"Why would I lie?"
You glanced at the club once more, honestly considering the man's offer. You were desperate and what was the harm in just playing along for a date or two? If you can pay off your bills and get enough money, you could run away if things got too scary.
"Deal, I'm (Y/N)"
Part of you still doubted Miguel and his offer. Even as you quit on the spot and held his card in your hand, you still doubted it. It was only until you officially paid off a bill and was asked on a date that it hit you. This was real. You nabbed yourself a Sugar Daddy.
And a hot one at that.
Honestly, you weren't too disappointed with your situation. Miguel was really kind to you and didn't ask for much. Your first few dates were honestly some of the best you've ever had. The most you did was hold hands and a small peck on the cheek here and there. It was sweet and simple.
You really only used his money to pay off your bills and do some small groceries here and there. Honestly, you were more into having another date with Miguel. He actually listened to you and took care of you. Something that made your heart flutter.
"Hey, Miguel, want to come over to my place tonight? I'll make dinner." You asked him over the phone.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. I want you to come over," You said with a smile as you cleaned your apartment, "I want you to try my cooking for once."
"Then I'll be there."
Miguel was honestly surprised by your request. He was new to this whole Sugar Daddy business and was enjoying it for what it was. Your little dates gave him energy after a long day of Alchemax and the Spider Society.
Your little touches made him want more. Honestly, Miguel was having a hard time holding back. He was enjoying this too much and wanted more from you, but that was not part of the deal. Miguel didn't want to push you away.
Swinging around the city, Miguel tried to think of ways to approach you in the matter. He wanted to kiss you. He wanted to tell you that he liked you, but what if you didn't? Miguel only approached you because of how beautiful you were and how much you looked like you needed a break.
This wasn't part of the deal.
"But please say yes."
You could feel the sweat on your palms as you finished prepping dinner. You even wore a sexy dress to get Miguel's attention. Hearing your door bell, you hurried over and let Miguel inside. You greeted Miguel and pecked his cheek, hiding your blush.
"Um, don't mind the mess." You motioned him inside. Miguel tried his best to keep his hands to himself,
"It looks fine. You on the other hand, beautiful." He hummed. You hurried to the table, placing the plate before him, "Smells amazing. You truly didn't have too."
"Like I said...I wanted too." You sat beside Miguel, watching his reaction, "I can only thank you for much. I want to show more of my appreciation."
"You don't have too, baby," Miguel rubbed your head, "I chose to take care of you."
"And if...I want more?"
"No!" You nearly yelled and inhaled deeply, "Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice, but I'm not that greedy. I was wondering if maybe, I can give you more....affection."
"I don't want to force you to-"
"I want too!" You told Miguel, grabbing his hand, "Miguel, we've been in this relationship for about two months now. You've done so much for me and honestly...I really, really like you. I want to be with you and kiss you and-"
Miguel was the one to interrupted you this time as he pulled you into a kiss. Both of his hands cupped your cheeks, holding you in place. He could feel shivers run down his spine as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
This was what he needed. What he wanted. Thank whatever God listened, but Miguel was grateful that you shared his feelings in return. Breaking the kiss, Miguel stroked your lips and hummed in response,
"You are such a good girl for me," He whispered. You rested your forehead against his,
"You know, I never mentioned how much of a turn on that is whenever you say it."
You couldn't help but laugh as Miguel immediately grew flustered. He nudged his side and signaled towards his plate. Miguel cleared his throat and finished his meal alongside you. Once the two of you were done, you both decided to watch a movie.
More like make out on the couch.
Your Sugar Daddy soon turned into your 'Daddy' really quick. You now had new bills to worry about, aka pain killers and muscle relaxers because Miguel was a beast in bed.
But hell, it was worth quitting your job for him.
Waaaaaah, I hope you liked it!!!!
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m4ng0-gh0st · 4 months
Spn boys NSFW headcannons (CIS male reader)
You had to help him out the first few times but after that he got it DOWN.
One of his favorites are you on your knees sucking him off.
He definitely teases you by moving his hand really close to your crotch or sometimes he full on just palms you through your pants when your sat next to him however it highly depends on what is going on and where you guys are at.
If you were one of the "villains" you two definitely used to have hate sex.
If you aren't them you two just have sex to release some steam if it's more of a friends with benefits relationship but if it's a romantic relationship then it's because you two genuinely enjoy having sex
Most definitely rough sex most times but if he has the time and or nobody will be around for a while then it'll be more sensual.
He more of a groaner than like a moaner/whimperer.
I mean maybe you can get him whimpering 🤷
Don't pull his hair no matter how tempting it is...
He definitely likes you riding him but if you are the dom you then missionary. (He definitely does missionary even when he's Dom)
He does like seeing your face during sex.
Nothing to out of the normal he's pretty simple when it comes to sex.
He doesn't make much noise I mean maybe a groan here and there and if you're lucky a moan or whimper.
He's a little clueless when it comes to sex despite him watching the pizza man and the baby sitter... But that's okay! You help him the best you can.
You can definitely get him to moan or whimper if you suck him off.
You most definitely end up the dom most times.
If you like rough sex then he’ll participate but he does enjoy gentle and sensual sex more.
You two have most definitely gotten caught and or have been overheard while having sex.
You know he's in the mood when he starts getting handsy.
He'll pull you into his lap or if you guys are around people he'll pull you away or teleport you two away.
This does happen quite often.
You don't really know what you do to make him horny but you do make him horny a lot.
You've two been caught making out somewhere in the bunker because Crowley had pulled you away.
You two have experimented quite a lot.
He denies it but he does really like intimate and soft sex.
He does occasionally like you as the top but when you are the top you are 6/10 times a soft top
He does get whiny and bratty. Mostly when you two have been very busy and haven't had sex in a while.
Definitely sasses you during sex. He has a loud mouth and he can't help himself.
Praise him and he seems fine but on the inside he is DYING
He's even worse than Crowley when it comes to getting handsy.
He is a brat when he's the sub for sure.
Kinky as hell 💀
You've guys practically have tried EVERYTHING.
A little bit after he returned from being tortured you guys basically had a whole day spent on having sex.
He enjoys either making your brain turn to mush or having you turn his brain to mush.
He has a lot of energy and when I say a lot I mean A LOT.
He is a major switch when it comes to you.
I don't know if it's alright to do some for him since he's technically like 3 but he's fully grown so let me know if it is 😭💀
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lenaellsi · 11 months
I've never understood what people mean when they say that Crowley is hiding the truth of Heaven and God's cruelty from Aziraphale to protect him or spare his feelings. That's like...the complete opposite of what Crowley does.
Crowley spends all 6000 years of their time on Earth together making snarky comments about Heaven and God at every opportunity. It's his opening line in Eden, and even before Eden, he meets Aziraphale and two minutes later goes on a rant about how unfair it is to end the world before it’s really started. "What's the point of making an infinite universe if you're only going to let it run for a few thousand years?" He's been forcing Aziraphale to grapple with God's plan literally since the moment they met. Those moments make up like half of the S1E3 intro, and it happens again in every single S2 minisode. "Same God that wants me to whack the kids?" "Tell her that poverty is ineffably wonderful and life is worth living. Go on!" "That's the trouble with you lot. You tend to see things in black and white." Like. Crowley's not trying to hide anything! He thinks Heaven sucks! He thinks God is playing a fucked up game! He tells Aziraphale that all the time!
Crowley sharing or not sharing the minute details of Aziraphale's failed execution is, honestly, a nonissue, and it's kind of frustrating to see it constantly brought up. We don't even know for sure that Crowley never told Aziraphale exactly what was said. Crowley says Aziraphale "doesn't remember it either," when he's talking to Jim--not that he doesn't know, just that he doesn't remember, because he wasn't physically there. But regardless of whether Aziraphale knows the exact words, he absolutely knows that Gabriel "tried very hard to cast [him] into Hellfire and destroy [him]." And he already knows Gabriel is an asshole. That's not news.
And I'm unconvinced that Crowley wouldn't have shared what he learned in Heaven about the Second Coming and Gabriel's trial over breakfast at the Ritz if things hadn't gone completely to shit. Here's my hot take: in the fifteen minutes he and Aziraphale had alone after he got back, he had other things on his mind. Would it have been helpful for Aziraphale to know? Eh, maybe. But honestly, Aziraphale is already aware that Heaven 1) is fully on board with the end of the world, and 2) has no problem punishing angels who try to stop the end of the world. Because, you know. They tried to kill him about it last time. And regardless, I don't think this is an issue of Crowley hiding things--I think he genuinely just forgot, because he was busy getting broken up with. If he'd thought about it, you bet he would have weaponized that to get Aziraphale to stay. And he kind of did! "When Heaven ends life here on Earth, it'll be just as dead as if Hell ended it."
And then there's the Fall, and yeah, fair enough. Crowley probably hasn't shared what the Fall looked like for him, and I think that's information Aziraphale could benefit from. Aziraphale clearly doesn't understand it--if he did, I can't imagine that he would have asked Crowley back to Heaven.
But that's still not Crowley trying to hide the truth about Heaven to protect Aziraphale's feelings, or whatever. He just doesn't want to talk about it! Because it fucking sucked! Crowley's communication problems stem entirely from his reluctance to grapple with his own emotions, and his reluctance to be vulnerable. Bitching about Heaven doesn't make him vulnerable; talking about his Fall really, really does.
Crowley has never once shied away from telling Aziraphale exactly what he thinks about Heaven, or the archangels, or God. He's constantly challenging him, forcing him to consider the people hurt by policy decisions like the Flood, the Crucifixion, Job's trials, or the "virtues of poverty." That's a huge part of their dynamic. Sure, he sucks at telling Aziraphale about himself--he doesn't communicate why he wants holy water, or that he's been living in his car, or anything at all about the Fall (as far as we know)--but when it comes to God? He is painfully honest. That's why Aziraphale is so unsettled by him. Crowley is generally very good to Aziraphale and conscious of his happiness, yes, but he's also not afraid to push him. It's baffling to me that people think that all he does is coddle him when we spend about half the show watching them bicker over this exact issue on screen.
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tarjapearce · 6 months
That First Kiss
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Pre Soccer Family! Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Warning: 0. Just fluff. Mildly suggestive towards the end
Summary: The first kiss shared with Miguel ~
After that dance back at Peter there was something undeniable blooming between Miguel and you.
He had tried to kiss you after all, only to be denied by a simple yet crucial mistake made by none other than his own doubts.
He mulled over your words over and over. Would've something changed if he invited you properly to the party? Maybe something, maybe everything. He didn't know anymore but his mind was set into achieving that kiss.
Would it be too desperate if I want to kiss her?
He had asked Peter.
Cause in all truth, Miguel O'Hara, a prodigy, and soon to be ascended in the Alchemax's bureaucracy lines, didn't know a peep in flirting, much less in when to make a move.
The epitome of such thing was him telling you about the party, but not inviting you.
Social gatherings weren't his forte but Peter and Gabriel had been kind enough to include him in every activity and prevent him from being a forever stunted wallflower. The reason why Peter always asked him to cook for his parties.
And the reason he was having an override in his system after you left him with his lips pursed, perfect to touch yours.
"If you wanna do that, means you're into her. That you like her."
Peter mumbled while sucking the sauce off his fingers.
Despite the disgusting sight his red eyes got at the moment, he knew Peter was rather intuitive when it came to these things. He wasn't a complete idiot.
But with MJ at his side, Miguel had secretly made Peter a prime example of what to do and not do when it came to women.
"Can't believe she refused to kiss you." his friend snorted while drinking the last bit of his Corona.
"Don't remind me."
Miguel rubbed his face and picked up the dishes.
"Look, you're the only one that hasn't realized she also likes you." Peter smirked when Miguel gave a faint and proud chuckle at his words.
"You just gotta make a little more effort if you know what I mean."
"Not really."
"C'mon pal, I know you had a girl back in college."
"Dana? We just lasted a semester."
"Still is experience. Negative or positive. But your friend that's into you too, is a new chance to make things right. If that's what you're after."
"I wanna take it slow and see where it leads us."
Peter nodded but then shrugged.
"Tell me something. Do you want just a hookup with her?"
"What do you want then?"
"Get to know her more and see where it takes us." Miguel mumbled a tad sheepishly.
"Do you want whatever it is to be something more?"
"If she wants to. If she doesn't then... I'll leave her be."
"And how would you do that?" Peter kept inquiring and Miguel seemed to actually consider his words.
"By inviting her to a dinner or a movie."
Peter smiled and nodded proudly. "You're welcome. Now... All you gotta do is save her number I totally did not asked MJ, and invite her." Peter sent him your number and washed his hands.
"I got you, pal. Don't screw it up this time though."
Would you be asleep? Would it be rude of him to suddenly text you out of nowhere? It had been a week of staring at his phone screen, glaring at your name on the chat log and watching the profile picture change a couple of times.
A week of pure self torture and replaying the many scenarios of him being fooled and rejected. He was angry at you for making him this nervous and, angry at himself for not being able to press send after rewriting several times the future message that could either make it or break it, before anything could even take off between you two.
"If you're trying to see if you have telepathy, I'm telling you, it's not working Miggy."
Miguel rolled his eyes and heaved a frustrated sigh.
"I like her. You haven't even started something and you're already nervous."
Miguel threw a pillow at Gabriel and the latter laughed to then return it.
"It's just a message, not a proposal."
"How do I know-"
"Goddammit" Gabriel groaned annoyed.
It felt like time slowed down when Gabriel pressed his fingertip against the screen on the send button.
Three letters were sent. And the seen icon showed up.
But his heart thumped harder when the three dots appeared on his screen along a message
Hello, stranger :)
Gabriel snorted and patted his shoulder.
"Good luck, Miggy."
Hello, stranger :)
It's Miguel. Peter gave me your number.
Oh? Too afraid of asking it yourself, Dracula?
He chuckled while accommodating the pillow behind his head.
It always escapes my mind doing so, Pitufina.
Sorry if I'm interrupting .
My overthinking maybe, so thanks for that.
His smile widened
Must admit though, didn't expect you to message me.
Sorry for taking that long. Wasn't that sure you'd engage into this.
'Engage into this' he says. Relax, I ain't biting.
Unless that's your sort of thing. I don't judge :) .
A little warmth spreaded through his cheeks as he read the message with an airy chuckle.
Wanna find out?
I believe the polite thing to do before that happens, is for you to take me out on some dates, sir.
He had you right where he wanted. With a deep breath he typed, not letting the sudden burst of boldness that took over to waste.
Then next week, a dinner on Friday. I'll pick you up at 7.
He left no room for doubts, just a yes from your end.
Yes, sir.
And it was official. Miguel O'Hara had a date.
Then a second and a third. Tonight was the fourth one. Something regular, more intimate and comfortable. A movie night.
I'm going through the popcorn section and there's no spicy one. And I know you give the caramel ones the mean eye.
They get stuck in my teeth, preciosa. Not precisely something I enjoy removing.
I've got Butter Lovers and classic.
Bring the classics and some tajín. I'll prepare them here.
Ok. On my way
You closed the chat log and went to the cashier.
Even though he had explained you that he didn't have a problem by paying up in all the dates, you still wanted to give some of that back. He had refused but eventually agreed upon sensing your pouting through the texts.
So you were in charge of the snacks this time. You'd be a liar to say if you didn't go overboard with it. The usual candies and some Mexican snacks he talked about in the past dates.
Movie begun, both of you laid on his couch, inches away from touching each other's knees and shoulders. A bowl of popcorn on his hands big enough for the both, some soda and other candies.
The movie played, earning a few giggles here and there from you and sometimes Miguel.
You didn't know when his fingers grazed your shoulder, or when his arm draped around you.
You could feel his heart thumping through his solid and warm chest, inviting you to rest your head on it.
And when you did, his whole body tensed, to finally relax when you smiled.
His eyes had long stopped focusing on the movie, rather your expressions and reactions.
The way your eyes crinkled with joy, your lower lip trembling on a specific sad scene and how lovely they stretched whenever a laugh came out of them.
"God, that's so corny."
You tittered while resting your head ontop of his chest again. Body relaxing with a deep and silent sigh.
Your fingers curled softly ontop of him and his hand immediately opened to hold yours. Long and calloused fingers entwined with yours.
The darkened room and the dim light irradiating from the tv were the perfect catalyst for him to inch his head closer to yours.
Miguel gulped when you craned your head upwards to watch him,
"Are you ok?"
He nodded but gulped again when your tongue misted your lips, as if preparing them for an emerging endeavor.
"You? Are you enjoying?"
A sweet smile stretched again in your lips. But your eyes were locked in his, breaking the contact for a minute to stare at his lips.
His arm pulled you closer and one of your hands slid through his cheek, caressing his skin, mildly prickly with stubble.
He was about to speak, but closed his lips to finally dip his head and kiss you. As if deciding that going for it instead of asking made it better.
Your lips received him with a soft sigh that only deepened when he placed a hand on the slope of your jaw to keep you in place as his lips kept kissing and marking yours in slow and gentle motions.
Your hands thrummed over his chest, and soon both of his hands were gently cupping your face. Some of your strands entangled in his fingers.
Neither wanted to break it. Not when his tongue was curling and playing with yours, fighting sensually for control. But your lungs demanded air. And when the kiss broke, he took a deep inhale to give gentle pecks on your sweet tasting lips.
"Happy?" your forehead rested against his and his hands roamed your back. Taking a much heat he could from you.
"Very." Another peck and you bit him softly. He returned the bite with his fangs trapping your bottom lip to then deliver a gentle lick on it.
"Can I have more?"
He put a strand of hair off your face and tucked it behind your ear while nodding with dazed eyes and a warm smile on his face.
"Los que quieras, mi amor." (As many as you want.)
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oc kink list 2
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Mdni🌺 enjoy (this is highly nsfw)
dog hybrids;
Brutus: knotting, breeding, impact play, scenting and marking
dolly: risky play, femdom, light bondage, dirty talk, praise
Bladviba: vanilla mf. BORINGG. atleast his aftercare is amazing
molly is technically a minor, so skipping
Sweet pea too
bubba: choking, knotting, dirty talk, degradation
Cat hybrids;
Princess: pillow princess all the way. Lactation kink, bratty sub, bondage, spanking,
Prince: breeding kink, scenting, marking, a little bit of an exhibitionist, mild humiliation
King: sadistic, heavy bondage, sensory deprivation, non-con roleplay, impact play, daddy kink, spanking, loves making his s/o cry, humiliation, jealousy sex. He likes doing all these things to his darling, but doesn't like it when his darling asks to return the favor
cow & bull hybrids;
big daddy: dilf. daddy kink, soft dom, breeding, tummy cock bulge, overstimulation
Mrs.bené: milf. Mommy kink, soft dom, lactation kink, threesome, edging
ms.blackberry: spanking, degrading/praising, light bondage, lactation kink, roleplay
Ms.polly: hunter/prey dynamic, blood kink, knife play, marking, body writing, high libido
ms.frufru: food play, squirting, teasing, edging, orgasm denial, overstimulation
Ms.vivian: soft dom, praising, very vanilla
Johnny: cock warming, overstimulation, breeding, lactation kink, impact play
jacqueline: service top, soft dom, cunnilingus, overstimulation
timothy: brat taming, power bottom, tummy cock bulge, cum inflation, brutal sex, marking, slapping, degrading
maya is a Minor
casper: praising, doesn't say much during sex, pining, overstimulation, spit swapping
miguel: let him tap it he'll cum immediately. Dirty talk, whiny switch, screams too much, very sensitive, leaks so much precum, foreplay, cum smearing
harmony: this motherfucker has so many kinks. Roleplay, impact play, cunnilingus, face sitting, edging, orgasm denial, cock slapping, breeding, cum inflation, tummy cock bulge, power top, overstimulation, marking, brutal sex
Sydney: ver sensitive. Cums easily. Whiny bottom brat. Very vocal In bed
Evangeline: vanilla #3. Breeding
gabriel: bratty top, degrading, impact play, jealous sex, overstimulation, dumbification, breeding
fajarah: aroace #2!!
foolish: cunnilingus, whiny bottom, cock rings, overstimulation, orgasm denial
simon: gentle dom, slow sensual sex, praising, teasing, long foreplay, overstimulation, scenting, breeding
Koi quintuplets: they all like taking special roles in pleasuring you. Tancho and korom take turns bullying your poor hole. Kiko and Hime take turns riding your face or fingers, tsu sucks your nipples and fucks your throat
Mason: slow sensual sex, very quiet, overstimulation, breeding
sally: vanilla #4
Opal: pillow princess, needy bottom, lactation kink, roleplay
Sasha: exhibition, praising, dommy mommy
Kim: switch, soft dom, gentle sensual sex, very vocal
poka and juniper: threesome, breeding, cunnilingus, scissoring, overstimulation, dirty talk, needy switches, light bondage
violet: gentle dom, praising, slow sensual sex, scissoring, face sitting
Azucar is a minor
wehrner: vanilla #5
Wolf pack;
roxy: soft dom, rough sex, knotting, breeding, cum inflation, breeding, overstimulation
Milo: soft dom, lactation kink, knotting, breeding, dry humping, cunnilingus
silas: daddy kink, spanking, praising, knotting, overstimulation, edging, orgasm denial
kiki: knotting, brutal sex, humping, impact play, knotting, marking
Coachella: breeding, Marathon sex, oviposition, degradation, teasing, edging
Cotton: Marathon sex, intense breeding kink, mommy kink, impact play, degradation/praising, cunnilingus, edging, whiny switch
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ineffablebookgirl · 1 year
Like. Here's the thing. They were BOTH getting there. To the point where they can look at each other and say, I want to be with you.
Seeing Gabriel and Beelzebub just being openly happy like that. The whole season is an arc of both of them getting there. The way Aziraphale looks at Crowley. "Yes, I have a plan, but saving me makes him *so* happy." Getting Crowley to dance with him at the ball. Like. I need to rewatch it a couple times before I can put together a coherent meta on this, but. I really think Aziraphale was *almost* there. And without the Metatron's interference, his reaction to Crowley's speech would have been very very different.
They're both being given a Solution, a Way to finally get there. And Crowley is shown the human way, and goes for it, as he always does. And Aziraphale is shown a Heavenly way, an option that satisfies all the traumatized loops and addresses all the fears and insecurities that have been abused into him, and it's so much easier to take that option, to collapse back into those eons-old patterns and emotional habits than to do the hard thing and say yes to Crowley. And it sucks, and it's awful, and you know it, I know it, Aziraphale knows it, he *knows* it's wrong, but he just doesn't have enough practice yet doing it another way.
But he will get there. I have faith he will get there.
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
From what I’ve know, the fandom mostly dislikes Andrey for reasons related to Chloe (bad mother etc.), but what are YOUR reasons for not liking her?
Cuz she's an asshole? On top of being qualified for the Top 3 Never Should've Been Parents to Begin With Award (next to Gabriel and Tomoe), she's an elitist dick waffle without any on screen talent to back it up. So she's a fashion critic. So what? What makes her qualified, have you seen her outfit? And I just have a special hate boner for people who look down on the service industry, so she already wasn't winning any awards for "firing" people left and right.
Meta-wise, I hate her because she just confuses things. "Despair Bear" makes it out that Audrey abandoned the Bourgeois when Chloe was small, though at least old enough to remember, so maybe at minimum 3 years old, though in a sensible universe, closer to 5 or 6. Yet despite being absent from Chloe's life for about a decade, if not more, we're supposed to believe Chloe is the way she is because she's emulating her mother...who isn't there to emulate? Okay. Sure Jan.
Totally unnecessary, Chloe's personality has a good foundation in the fact that her father is rich, powerful, and ready to drop everything to cater to her every petty whim. What does Audrey even add to Chloe's story as presented? Personally, I would've liked it more if Chloe deeply resented her mother and was determined to prove she was BETTER than Audrey. Then have her be frustrated and pissed off every time the two of them are accidentally in sync. Show me a love-hate relationship, at least that would've been interesting, and better yet, would've had something to say about a parent abandoning their child.
But the show just sorta soft balls it. Chloe and Audrey immediately "resolve" a lifetime of abandonment issues because another 14 year old pointed out that they both suck and the two bonded over the fact that she's...right? Audrey decides Chloe's name is worth remembering, she's worth staying in Paris for, and she's "exceptional" in less than 3 minutes because Chloe yelled at the Butler. And for the rest of the series, Audrey is just another Chloe-Patsy, doting on her like her Dad in "Malediktator", cowering under her outburst in "Sole Crusher", and acting as her enforcer when Andre ever puts up a fight. A duo made in hell, but they ARE getting along.
Which makes the leaks for how they're going to end things for the two are confusing.
I don't like Audrey because she was made to be unlikable, but I also don't like Audrey because of her effect on the story. She's used to excuse Chloe being The Worst because look! An Even Worse person! And she made Chloe sad! So you should ignore those several felonies Chloe's committed because her mommy sucks! Nevermind that Chloe and Audrey get along just fine now!
And on top of that, she's used to excuse Andre. Andre, who spoiled Chloe from the beginning, who acts as her attack dog when Chloe cries wolf, who's taught Chloe how to lie, cheat, steal, and bully her way to the top. Somehow HE is getting off scott-free now because He CaN'T bE a DirEcTor aNd fUlFiLL hiS dReAm cUz HiS wIfe'S a BiG meAnIE. Even though Chloe is mostly his fault.
Why couldn't Audrey just stay in New York so we can pretend she doesn't exist and just let Chloe's behavior make sense like it did back in Season 1?
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callmegaith · 1 year
The only thing ineffable bureaucracy showed me is how hyper focused this fanbase is at seeing one thing and one thing only and everything else is a result of that one thing
1) no, Beelzebub and Gabriel are not a straight couple. Nor is Crowley and Aziraphale a gay couple. Stop the non-binary erasure or go outside and talk to an actual non-binary person cuz clearly you have no clue what non-binary is "they're straight presenting" wtf? If you think that please give me your name so I can block you. Cis people, I fucking swear.
Reminder that Beelz used they/them pronouns btw. Sorry that Beelzebub doesn't "pass" for you, it doesn't make them any less non-binary. Not to mention it was stated and already IS CANON that none of them have genders. They're god damn demons and angels, bruh.
2) "it's Gabriel's and Beelz's fault that ineffable husbands didn't get their happy ending": no. It's their own damn fault for not communicating and Aziraphale's inability to accept Crowley as he is. Gabriel and Beelzebub put each other first. Y'all sound salty as hell cuz two people managed to work their relationship out and yours didn't work out. "But if they didn't get together---" y'all really saying shit like this??? Do you hear yourself? That's so sad. Wishing for the doom of one LGBTQ+ ship cuz the other fucked themselves over. THEY CAN BOTH CO-EXIST. And you know what? They will. Cuz Ineffable husbands is clearly canon, the story just wants time with them cuz they're the main characters, not like Beelz and Gabriel who were side characters so had their story summarized.
3) "that should have been ineffable husbands" no, cuz Crowley and Aziraphale aren't Gabriel and Beelzebub. They're different characters with different backgrounds, personalities, relationship structure, and different relationship dynamic in general. They'll get together in a way that fits THEM. And that way requires ups and downs that makes them finally understand that they're perfect for each other without the need for either of them to change.
4) Gabriel was such an asshole wish Crowley got his revenge and--- bla bla BLA : Crowley was happy for them. You hold a grudge over Gabriel that Crowley himself doesn't. Y'all worse than a literal demon. Smh.
Be happy for what we got and look forward to the future where ineffable husbands will certainly become canon and it'll be worth the wait. Don't tear down the LGBTQ+ presentation we got just cuz the main ship didn't get the limelight THIS TIME.
Let things cook, that's how writing WORKS.
But I'm just an Agender demi person and tbh? I would prefer if things took their time.
I love both ships a lot but I'm not gonna hold pitchforks over one ship getting a happy end and one still developing. Come next season, that happy end for Gaberiel and Beelzebub might not last. We DONT KNOW. Do we really need to sacrifice one for the other? Why can't we be happy to have both?
Just really think the vibe of the fanbase rn fuckin SUCKS and I'm not enjoying trying to go through the ineffable bureaucracy tag and seeing people complaining about how it should have been ineffable husbands or how it's their fault.
Okay? Alright.
After this imma start blocking ppl I swear. Just had to throw in my two cents.
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scoobydoodean · 1 month
minor vent feel free to ignore but someone said bobby barely gives a shit about sam like he didnt tell dean to suck it up when dean tried to cut ties with sam during lucifer rising like come on guys.
Bobby certainly has a soft spot for Dean, but this is also because Dean is much more proactive in his relationship with Bobby as far as supporting Bobby and seeking support (3.10, 5.07, 5.10, 5.15). Sam has a tendency toward emotionally distance—especially when he's afraid to lose someone he cares about (post here and here and here). Dean has been at Bobby's side as an emotional support during some really tough moments—even when Bobby was very difficult to be around and lashing out (even with physical threats as in 5.15), and Bobby's done the same for him. Sam tends to focus on the mission to help Bobby instead of sitting with him and having emotional conversations. He leaves that role to Dean.
Dean also starts referring to Bobby as his father from 3.10 onward. Sam doesn't call Bobby his father as far as I recall (?) but he does see Bobby as a father. We just learn that indirectly (and hilariously), when soulless Sam tries to kill Bobby for a spell requiring patricide in 6.11. There's also Gabriel trying to use Bobby to tug on Sam's heartstrings, and Sam's emotional denial in 7.13 when he can't face the idea of Bobby potentially haunting them. When a demon possessing Bobby makes Sam believe that Bobby is disowning him in 5.01, Sam leaves the motel nearly in tears already.
Bobby definitely cares for Sam and sees him as a son! When Samuel gets snippy with him, Bobby acknowledges both of the brothers as his boys. Both of the brothers (bickering lightly with one another over a movie and snacks) is the memory Bobby chooses to be his last as death takes him in "Death's Door". And when Bobby screams at the memory of his father, it's with pride about both of his children.
As fate would have it, I adopted two boys, and they grew up great. They grew up heroes. So you can go to hell!
You are also right for sure to point out Bobby very emotionally advocating for Sam in 4.22 (and 4.21 for that matter). He also makes sure to quickly correct the words a demon put in his mouth in the beginning of 5.01 (even while in the hospital newly paralyzed!! It's still on his mind to make sure to let Sam know he still loves him!)
BOBBY Sam? I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that...that was the demon talking. I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever.
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oval3000 · 11 months
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Chapter 2
Yandere Psych Patient König x Nurse Reader
Warning: Possesive, Obsession, Death, Gore, Blood, Smut, Toxic behavior, age gap.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
(This story might suck idk)
Jacob slammed one of the medicine drawers close after getting the bottle of pills from a specific patient. "I don't know what miracle came down here, but we haven't had an accident in a month." He said to a fellow nurse standing next to him.
"Don't jinx it," she said grabbing the pill bottle from his hands.
"You know," he stared at your section, watching as you typed what you needed into the computer," ever since she started working here, König hasn't bashed anyone's heads."
"Well it's only been a month since she started working here, I wouldn't be relieved yet." She said, popping two pills into a Dixie cup.
"Yeah well I'm very optimistic about this." He got up and walked away. "Oh if the drawer gets stuck again, just bang on it a few times."
"It would be better if they just get new ones," she sighed, walking away towards her row of patients.
He rolled his eyes, "please they're too stingy to buy new bed sheets."
You have been working here for a month and so far everything was okay. You do what you need to do and things go smoothly.
As for König, he hasn't said or do anything towards you. You honestly felt like they were fooling you by telling you all those stories about his past nurses and guards.
You learned more about the staff names on all floors. König's two guards are named Eli and Gabriel. They both make sure that nothing happens to you aswell as any other staff.
You met Dr. Smith. You first impression of her was a little stiff. Mainly because she was direct and serious. She doesn't really make small talk to any of the nurses only the administrator. She also doesn't really fond of you. Well it's not like she hates you, is more of she critics anything you do. From the way you gather the medical supplies to the way you check patients vitals. During her visit with König, you stay outside the room so you don't know what goes on in there.
You saw when she exited the room alongside Eli and Gabriel, taking König back to his room. You didn't need to look up to know that Dr. Smith was walking towards, her heels made it obvious. "He will no longer take his usual calming medication, he'll take this one." She gave you the doctors order.
"benzodiazepines?" He was fine with his usual one.
She looked at you with her eyebrows forward "Yes. Is there a problem."
"Wouldn't the short term use cause him more problems compared to how he is now. I mean, he's been doing good lately and his oth-'
"Are you a doctor (Y/n)?" She tilted her head as she gives you a serious stern look.
"Right, I call shots for what is good for my patients. So if I tell you to order his new medicine then you order his new medicine! Is there a problem!?" Her high pitch tone caused the other nurses to look at you.
You look around mentally slapping yourself in the face. Of course she knows more than you, you are just a nurse. "No, Dr. Smith. I'll order them asap."
"Good. Make sure that his primary physician knows about it too and next time you question me, go back to school to get a lab coat. You are a nurse, you do what I say."
She left leaving the echo of her heels scraping the white tile floors. You cursed under your breath while picking up the phone. Calling in orders for prescription is a pain in the ass. Well the hospital it is, you're not familiar with a psychiatric hospital. The last thing you need is to be at hold for three hours trying to get it through.
"We need medical attention at room #526!" You heard Eli. You quickly ran to König's room and saw Gabriel on the floor, holding his mouth as blood was coming out. You turned your head to take a look at König. He was standing there with blood on his nuckles. He's tall, you never got a good look on how tall he was. This man is a mountain an actual mountain.
"What happened?" Jacob entered in seeing the mess.
"I need gauze pads and bandages.' You said holding onto Gabriel. König saw as you attended him. You're his nurse not Gabriel's. You should be attending König not him. The other guards came in to help Gabriel getting up while the others trying to hold König down. Jacob came in with the medical tray. He flicked a needle, trying to get any air bubbles out. You got up as they took Gabriel out, "what are you doing?"
"Everytime he does this, we have to put him down" He made his way towards König while two other guards were trying to hold him down. Compared to the guards themselves they looked like little children against König.
You went in front of Jacob, "You don't have to do that. It will make him think more irrationally. Please he is my patient."
He lowered the needle down giving you a sigh, "Fine. I'll go make a report. But you still can't be here unless two guards are present."
"Okay." The two guards let König's arms go.
Eli and Jacob left to talk to the administrator. You picked up the gauze pads and bandage from the trey.
You haven't made eye contact with König. You've always been too nervous about that, but you had to see him to examine him. You saw him, you saw his face. He had stuble. His features are strong and sharp, his jawline looks like it can cut anybody. He had scars on his face one through his mouth and the other one through his eye. His eyes are blue a nice clear blue, which stood out against his dark under circles. He was probably the most handsome patient you have ever seen. No, not patient, the most handsome men you have ever seen.
You walk towards him, slowly. You looked up to him, your face aligned to his torso . His white t-shirt was snuged and hugged all his curves on his abdomen. You can see the outline of his perfect abs and chest area. His biceps make it look the arm holes of his shirt are going to pop open. His hair was a perfect shade of brown, almost golden. Like before, it wasn't long or short, it was a good length, enough to make a little lazy ponytail.
You stuck out your hand as he placed his on top of yours. Your hand looks barley visible compared to his. You took a peace of gauze and dabbed it on his bloody nuckle. He didn't have any wounds from the punch he gave grabriel. If anything, the blood you are wiping away is Gabriel's.
König stared at you. He saw how concentrated you are with him, how gentle you are with him and how carring you are to him. The fact that you stood up for him from getting sedated, it was a like a call for him that you are his officially.
I mean he did it for you. No one knows the other half the story, they always accuse of the one that looks guilty. When Eli and Gabriel went to take him back to his room, König heard the comments they made about you. All the comments made by Gabriel.
Sure, Gabriel is nice to you, but he looks like a jerk and he is one. He's nice to you, but behind your back he thinks you are an object. Talking about how he wants to take you, not for a date, but for a nice dinner so that he can fuck you later in his car and most likely never talk to you again afterwards...unless he's desperate for sex again
König couldn't let that slide. Talking about you like a sex toy. Talking about you like you don't have emotions. Yes, König has killed men and women that don't really deserve it, but you. Someone that stood up for him. That attends when he needs or wants something. He wanted Jell-O during lunch, but no one was giving him one. Then you came inside the dining room and saw that he didn't have Jell-O like the rest so you gave him one. It's like you read his mind. You don't deserve to be treated this way. It reminds him of himself when he was a kid.
Being bullied for just being nice, for being who he is. He wants to protect you that's all he wanted to do. So he punch Gabriel after hearing his plan to seduce and fuck you then leaving you alone for yourself without a care in the world. He was easy, just one punch and he was down on floor holding his bloody mouth.
You cleaned him up and sat him down on his bed. He wanted to grab your waist and pull you closer to him. To kiss you as a thank you.
He was never lucky with the women, who would be with someone who's a looser. He remembers the time in high-school when girls will ask him out only to laugh at his face when he thought they were serious. Before he left to go to the military he met a girl. The girl just wanted some free drinks so she talked into him for some free stuff. He lost his virginity to her and felt as if he found the one. But to her he was her wallet, a way to get free things and rides for her and her friends. He bought her flowers, teddy bears, chocolates. Took her out to romantic dates that he tried so hard to assemble. Only to walk in on her having sex with another men, in his bedroom on his bed in his place that he pays for. He hoped that she was just drunk or scared..maybe, but no.
"Seriously König, you thought that I cared about you? I mean you are not even good at sex. I was just using you for the free stuff. I just wanted free drinks jeez! It's not my fault you couldn't take a hint."
He saw how they both laughed at his face. How they both just sat there naked, laughing at him as if he was the punchline to a joke.
"Believe me I never wanted this to happen! Especially after getting that dam abortion. But it doesn't matter cause you paid for it."
She wanted money to buy a new dress. She used it to have an abortion. He felt tears running down his face. They didn't feel bad, no, they laughed harder at him at how pathetic he was.
"Why would I even be with a looser."
He remembered how those kids would push him down the slide. How they would rip away his comic books. How they broke everyone one of his toys.
his fist turned white, he felt his fingernails, cutting deep into his palm. The girl he thought was the one was taunting him along his boy toy. He walked up to them. They expected him to bawl like a baby and beg for an apology. Instead, he choked her. His hands gripped tight around her neck. He felt some punches coming from her boy toy, telling König to stop, to let her go.
He saw as the life of her eyes went away. He heard as her neck cracked and dropped her back on the bed. He turned the guy, choking him to death aswell.
He hid the bodies, ran away, joined the military and found a new way to live.
You heard other male voices coming from the elevator and the administrator coming in. "What happened!?"
"He attacked Gabriel." You said to him, you saw what was behind him, other doctors.
"Put him in a straitjacket." He pointed to König
"What no!" You said getting in between him and König.
"Excuse me!?"
"Putting him in a straitjacket isn't going to solve anything."
He crossed his arms while looking down at you "Doing nothing will solve nothing, (Y/n)!"
You turned to König who had a stoic expression "I know, but I'm sure there are oth-"
"What are you again, (Y/n)?" he blurted out.
You knew where this is going. Twice in one day, you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. "A nurse."
He gave you a small smirk, the same one Dr. Smith gave you. "Exactly. A nurse. I'm your superior, you don't get to tell me what to do. Your job is to take his vitals, and give him medication not to throw orders around! Do I make myself clear!" He stepped closer to you. You wanted to back away, but you felt frozen. He was directly infront of your face. "Now, move aside so we can our jobs!"
You looked down on the floor. You never felt so light headed as you did now. The other voices coming from them were echoes. You felt nausea and sweating. Your heart felt like it was pounding from your chest, but it sounded like a blur. "S-sorry.. sir." You always feel week when people yell at you.
"Next time you do something like that, you're out of here, (Y/n). " He said as you all watched König being put in a straitjacket.
The administrator, Ben, saw König. He was taken back a bit. The look he gave him. As if he was killing him right on the spot. König no longer had the stoic expression, he gave him a death stare.
Who does he think he is to yell at you for being nice to him. To threatened her. They are all the same. Everyone here is all same. The same kids that shoved him around the boys bathroom when he was 10. The same as those girls that laughed at him that laughed at his face.
But instead of him being the victim, is you. You're so weak and innocent, how can someone treat you like that.
But it's okay because you'll have König by his side. He'll make sure to save you.
To care for you.
To love you.
To make you his.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 9 months
Lewd Thoughts
Pairing: Cassian x Reader.
Summary: Just reader simpin' over cass😁
A/N: Again unedited🫣 I changed it a little from the original story plz dont mind😅Also I'm 5'1 so I wrote this from my perspective. I hope you like this!❤️
The Winter Solstice has always been an important day in Night Court. The celebration and gifts and everything about it is always perfect. It has to be and Rhys makes sure of that. This time especially since it Feyre's birthday too. He goes all out. Doesn't matter if it's just between family, he still did his best.
I wear red cotton dress with white puff sleeves and stockings, matched with pearl earrings. Mor dressed me up tonight making sure I look my best. She even painted on my face with somethings and even though I thought it'd be too much, I love how I look.
We were allowed to bring one guest if we wanted tonight, I didn't invite anyone but mor didn't let the chance go. She invited two people a female who she met at Rita's and a male named Gabriel, I think. When I reminded her that the option was only one guest she told me Gab can be my date to which I had laughed but agreed.
We sit around the living room, talking and waiting for others to come. Rhys, Feyre and Azriel were already there when Mor and I arrived, our guest informing us they'll be a little late. We are now waiting for Cassian, Elain and surprisingly Nesta. I have to admit, I was a little shocked hearing she said she was coming too but then I got to know that Feyre had threatened her to come, using the small apartment she is living in at the moment.
I and Mor were conversing our gifts to everyone when Cassian came exclaiming his arrival. I take him in while he wishes everyone. His tan skin and tousled half ponytail, those silky hair I always wanted to run my finger through and those amazing Hazel eyes that I wished were always on me. His casual clothing hiding those strong muscles that always make me drool. I never could pay attention to my morning training sessions because if he was near, all I can ever think about is how hard they'd feel against my body.
A pinch to my elbow makes me yell out and snap my eyes to the provider of my pain. I glare at mor, rubbing my sore skin I exclaim,"What?!". She raises her eyebrow at me and says,"Stop looking at him like that. You're drooling."
I gasp,"I am not! You-"
"Hello my dear friends." Cassian interrupt me. I turn to him, towering over me he smirks. I look at the end of his tugged up lips. Oh what I would do to feel those full lips wrapped around my nip-
Nope, not going there. I blink out that thought as quickly as it came and smile in return. I greet him back, hearing Mor do the same. They talk about something which I'm not paying attention to and use that time to adore him. Oh how good he looks. My eyes trail from his eyes to his sharp jaw and his stubble. I wonder how those tiny hair would feel like if we kiss. They'd tickle my chin, deffinately. I'd like that. And I'd for sure like feeling them on my sensitive skin when his head is between my le-
I avert my eyes and scold myself for thinking these lewd imagines with him right in front of me. I sigh to myself and try to fosuc on what he is telling Mor. I fix my eyes to his neck knowing if I see his lips again I'll go crazy. But their voices again drone out in the background when I focus on his neck. How is it that I find even his neck so sexy? I want to suck on it. Leave a little trail of red markings with my lips. Even bite a little as I sink down on his co-
"Are you even listening to me?" I hear his voice, bringing me from my imagination. I blink up at him in embarrassment when I realized he had said something to me and I didn't listen. My face flushed with heat as I try to recall what he said.
"I-um," I stammer glancing at Mor in hopes she helps me a little but all she does is give me a knowing look. Cassian chuckles above me and I look back at him.
"What's gotten into you? Are you alright?" He gives me a soft smile. "I-yeah! Yeah of course I am! Yeah." I nod and give a, what hopefully is a, convincing smile. My few loose hair strand away in front my face, before I can raise my hand to put them back, cassian's hand tucks it behind my ear. I freeze. The callus skin of his hand feel too good against my ear. It lingers their for a second before droping back down. I stop myself from shivering from the intensity of these situation.
A yell of Mor's name catches our attention and we all look at the female and male that just walked through the door.
Right. I forgot we invited plus ones. Gabriel's eyes lock with mine and he smiles, walking towards us. I observe him. His white skin and ocean blue eyes with high checkbones and sharp jaw. I have definitely seem him before. I juat dont remember where. Mor introduces five of us and walks away with her friend leaving Gab, Cass and Me alone.
"Y/N, Its been a while." Gab smiles. I, in return, and nod to him, stilling trying to remember him and failing miserably.
Maybe I should juat ask him... No that would be rude. Wouldn't it? Oh I don't remember anyway so might as well.
I clear my throat,"I'm sorry if I offend you by saying this but I don't really remember you." I smile apologetic, watching his face fall and nod. "It's alright," He nods,"I understand, I mean it was almost a century ago. But I can try to make you remember." He tilts his face.
"I would love that." I breath out a chuckle. I notice cassian's face switching between Gab and me depending on the speaker.
"Well, it was seven decades ago, on starfall. We met in the celebration party and got along well, wether that be our personalities or the alcohol, I don't remember." We laugh. Cassian still listening. "That night I walked you to your house and well, we kissed." My eyes widen as forgotten memories flash through my eyes.
"Oh, I remember! We kissed and I invited you in and we-" I abruptly stop remembering how the rest of the night went. We didn't even make it to the bedroom. After the adrenaline ran out along the drunkness, we had been so tired that we fell asleep on the floor. "Yes, We did." He eyes fall to my lips, down to my body and come back to my eyes.
Cassian frowns. He clears his throat and I look at him. Confusion fills me when I something like anger in his eyes. Gab's words makes me look at him again. "So how have you been?"
I go to answer but the words get stuck in my throat when I fell a pair of arms hug my waist. I look down, seeing the arms of the man I adore so much. My heartbeat fastens when he pulls me back to his chest. I gasp when my back touches his hard muscles. He puts his chin on top of my head and my heart feels like it will fall out of my chest. Gab's eyes take in the massage Cassian is clearly stating.
Stay away.
I know almost all versions of Cassian. His friend version with me. The brother version with Az and Rhys. The teacher version during training sessions. This is new. I love this version of Cassian too whoever he is. It's exciting.
"I'm doing really good." I answer Gabriel's question, blushing profoundly. "And you? What are you doing nowadays?"
He answers but I hear none of it, thanks to a certain lord of bloodshed wrapped around me. I'm sure he can feel how hard my heart is beating right now and still choosing to ignore it.
All I can think about how hot the veins on his arms are. And how large his hands they are. How they fold around waist perfectly. How his two hands cover my entire stomach. How good it would feel it they tighten around me. How his big palm would feel covering my neck. I bet I'd look and feel so small with his chest passed tightly to my back, one hand choking me, and other wrapped around my waist holding tightly so that I don't move and have no choice but to take everything he gives me while thrusting-
"Are you listening to me, Y/N?" Gabriel's question intrupts me. I try focus on him again, smile and answer,"Yes. Of course."
This is gonna be a long night.
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Adrien Agreste and Why Motivation Matters
One of the most important things you can gift a character is a motivation that correlates to their intended role in the story. It's a big part of how they truly come alive. And if they have a motivation that doesn't correlate to their role? That can make them come across as a total ass!
A few days ago I got an ask about Lila. I ended my response with this:
I'm totally fine with complex, master-manipulator Lila, it's just hard to figure out the best way to make her work when we don't know anything about her backstory or motivation.
This got me thinking about motivation in general and how much it plays into the show's poor writing. I talked about Lila above, but I wanted to point out how much it's responsible for Adrien's issues, too.
Motivations are one of the main ways you create strong characters. You come up with the thing they want and then keep that in mind whenever you're writing them. Motivations can be very simple and straight forward (I want to get home) or extremely complex and nuanced (a person wanting to create a new government with a very detailed idea of what that means). A character can even have multiple motivations!
Unfortunately, all motivation are not created equal. There is such a thing as a bad motivation and I'm not talking ethics or morality here. I'm talking about picking motivations that match the character's intended role. For example, Gabriel's motivation is fine! It perfectly suits a villain. On the other hand, Adrien's motivation sucks because it makes him into a terrible hero.
Adrien's motivation as given in the show seems to be this: win the heart of my Lady. Later on, that motivation changes to: date Marinette and be the best boyfriend possible. And that's it. He has no other overarching motivations. Individual episodes might give him a one-off motivation to jazz things up for a bit, but generally speaking, romance is all he cares about. It's why we get baffling moments like this one from Dark Cupid:
Cat Noir: Falling for me already, my lady? (pulls Ladybug down next to him) I need to talk to you. Ladybug: It’s gotta wait. Dark Cupi- Cat Noir: (hushes her) I swore to myself that I'd tell you as soon as I saw you. Ladybug, I-I... Look out! (Cat Noir spins around to shield Ladybug, and is struck by one of Dark Cupid's arrows.)
Or this one from Oblivio:
Nadja:(from a helicopter) Looks like Ladybug and Cat Noir are struggling today. (Ladybug is rapidly spinning her yo-yo to deflect Oblivio's blasts while Cat Noir sits down casually.) Ladybug: And stop calling us a couple!
These are just two out of many examples I can pull from, but they highlight a reoccurring issue: Adrien often doesn't take akumas seriously. He's been shown to happily prioritize flirting over fighting and, as a result, he's put himself, his Lady love, and all of Paris in danger.
It also gives us things like Kuro Neko and Kwami's Choice. Episodes where he quit without any concern for protecting his loved ones or even just protecting the freedom that comes with being Chat Noir, things that he only really cares about in the realms of fanfic. As far as the show is concerned, Adrien doesn't care about his loved ones or his freedom. His only constant driving force is his current crush.
Don't get me wrong, he's going to react if he sees Nino in danger or if his father bans him from going to a party! But in terms of what generally guides Adrien's actions? His father, Nathalie, Nino, Chloe, and Alya are out of sight, out of mind. And being able to leave the house? Well, who cares about that? He'll happily sacrifice freedom for a date. Outside of Origins, I think we only ever see him sneak out or otherwise break the rules so he can have a date.
You'll note that Marinette doesn't really have this problem*. While dating Adrien is a big motivation for her, she has a second motivation: protecting Paris. Sometimes those motivations clash, leading her to make poor choices, but that story never treats this as a good thing the way it does Chat Noir's endless flirting. Instead, Marinette's crush is treated as a character flaw or an interesting source of conflict like Volpina threatening to kill Adrien, making Ladybug having to chose between her two main motivations: love and duty.
This is why I've had several posts where I offhandedly mentioned Adrien needing a second motivation. It's also why I've mentioned that Gabriel should have been claiming that akumas were the main reason that Adrien was getting locked up because that's a really simple way to give Adrien personal stakes in the fight. Are those stakes selfish? Sure, but that's okay because it's a selfish motivation that doesn't go against being a hero. If Marinette was only being Ladybug for the sake of her parents, her motivation would be selfish, but still suited to a hero because it doesn't stop her from being heroic. It actually drives her to be heroic. As written, Adrien's motivations do the opposite. Whenever Ladybug or Marinette are seemingly safe, he will do very unheroic things because romance is his only main motivation and that's a problem. To make him work in his intended role, he needs to match Marinette and have (or discover) a motivation that suits a hero.
*To be extra clear and hopefully save myself a salty ask or two, I'm NOT saying that Marinette never does questionable things in the name of romance, she absolutely does. I'm saying that it's extremely rare for her romantic motivation to get in the way of keeping Paris safe because keeping Paris safe is her second motivation and it overrides the romantic one most of the time. Once an akuma is on the loose, she's usually all business. It's one of the reasons Passion (the episode where Nathalie becomes Safari) is so awkward. They did a full role reversal for Marinette and Adrien and it really doesn't work on Marinette's end because it feels out of character for Marinette to ignore the akuma threat in favor of flirting. She never did that for Adrien or Luka or even Catwalker. The worse we ever saw was a crush distracting her from making the right call, but even then, she was always at least trying to protect Paris. Compare Desperada (Viperion's debuted) to Passion and you'll see what I mean.
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