#and its definitely 10 times better than the clubs i hate going there but im still wanting to hide away from everyone
cantsaythetword · 1 year
I hate how overwhelmed I get in loud alcoholic social situations
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danakin-skywalker · 3 years
ho ho heyyyyyy <3
itsa me, santa!! here on this awesome (joshua michael) monday, december 6th.
about your last answer... i completely understand because im the exact same way!! i havent read a real, new book in quite some time - mostly fanfic and random amazon uhhhhhh spicy novels/series. anything i have read recently has just been me rereading those same classics - twilight, the selection series, pjo/hoo, ya know... or some of my other older favs.
i dont really have any new, fancy, and/or fun book recs :(((( buttttt out of my fav comfort books i highly recommend “between shades of gray” & “out of the easy” by ruta sepetys if you havent read them!! theyre historical fiction. any of huntley fitzpatrick’s books are good, theyre a little fluffy but have 10x the depth any sarah dessen book could ever have. and “eleanor & park” makes me cry every time!! ooo and the “american royals” series (current duology but i think getting a third?) is soooo good, multiple perspectives and all are really well characterized. theyre all ya lit but honestly just so good, fairly easy to read but still well written and make you actually want to keep reading.
anywayssssss enough about my fav books i want to hear about you!!! and since i know im later than usual sending my message - (im so sorry pls forgive me, i didnt forget u i promise, it just got a little busy up here in the north pole) - im just gonna throw some easy(ish) questions at ya...
questions of the day:
1. why are you in dannys lane? and what do you love about him?
2. what trope(s) is your favorite to write in fanfiction for you? and why?
i hope your day has been very holly jolly!!! 🎄 and as always... remember santa loves u<3
(also santa belongs to a sarah dessen hate club... im so sorry but its the truth😞. and major apologies none of my suggestions are fantasy😩)
Good morning Secret Santa!! Unfortunately I wasn’t having the best night last night and I fell asleep before I saw your notification but that’s okay!! I’m already having a better morning answering these questions, so let me be the first to say happy (Jacob Thomas) Tuesday to you!!
Honestly it was really affirming to see that you too have slowed down on the physical books in recent years. I get a lot of flack from my older brother, who is very much still a book boy, for not being “into actual reading anymore.” I’m definitely going to look into your suggestions though- I love historical fiction, my senior thesis screenplay was a historical fiction!!
Well let’s get into this because quite honestly, Santa, I could talk your ear off all morning about both Danny and fanfic tropes.
I don’t know what it is about him. I’d liken it to the way I feel about cats vs. dogs, the way I feel about him vs. the Kiszkas. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. If I see a dog on the street I will 9/10 times point it out. Dogs make me very happy and sometimes a cute enough dog will come around to get me really excited. But when I see a cat— any cat— my heart just melts into a puddle. I literally have, like, tunnel vision focus on that cat until it leaves the vicinity because I immediately love it and want to give it affection. Basically my heart could burst when I see any given cat ever. Yes, this makes living in a city quite the emotional rollercoaster.
But that’s the only thing I can relate how I feel about Danny to, it’s just different from the others. I’ve always been one to root for the underdog of sorts- I never have a favorite of anything who’s the expected answer (main character/protagonist, frontman, etc). I want that guy in the back who isn’t getting the love and attention he deserves. Like, across the board, every fanbase I’ve been in this has been the commonality for me. There’s something about his kind and gentle nature combined with his sense of humor that peeks out every so often and his insane talent and physical appearance that just absolutely takes my breath away every time. Plus, the fact that he’s managed to find and maintain a loving stable relationship (with THAT lifestyle) like he’s found with Mackenzi only makes me love him more, she seems like an absolute sweetheart and I couldn’t be happier that he has found love like that for himself. I can only hope I will one day; find the Danny to my Kenzi.
I’ve been reading fanfiction for a while, majority of my teenage years really, so I definitely do have some favorite tropes. I feel like this can be a very revealing question to ask, at least for me, because I always thought that the kind of fanfiction you seek out can serve as a reflection for what you want, what’s missing in your life. Starting more broadly, I’d say my favorite to write is a good friends-to-lovers. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind pre-established relationship fics, but there’s something that gets me a little more excited when I realize there’s going to be an admission of feelings by the end of the story. In a way, it’s probably because I’ve always wanted that for myself. In that same vein, I also get really excited (in a very confusing way as a feminist) to see fics with any sort of variation on the “damsel in distress” plot line. I love the idea of being rescued, saved from my dire situation by a knight in shining armor. Very classic, very cheesy, I know.
I also sometimes like fics with danger in general- somebody gets hurt on accident, or on purpose. Or even non-physical danger, like when the relationship is forbidden (but not in a im-cheating-on-my-partner-with-you way, I’m not down w that). I want the stakes to be high, ya know? I’ve never been super into writing the more slice-of-life fics, I need that plot structure. Finally, to get more specific, I’m an absolute sucker for a soulmates!AU, or anything with a supernatural element. Like I mentioned before, my reading foundation before I found fanfiction was fantasy novels, so whenever I find a fic that marries both I get extra excited (like how excited I get when I get a Lost Boys notification from @tlexx). The real perfect marriage was the couple years when I was writing and reading fanfiction for Teen Wolf around like 2014. That was really interesting because the stakes could literally be life or death and you didn’t have to write a ton of prior circumstance to get there, it’s just part of the show.
Thank you again for these questions, I don’t really share this hobby of mine with a lot of people irl so I don’t really get asked about things like this but both are things I spend time considering! I’ve been really looking forward to getting your messages this past week, so thank you Santa❣️
also omg I completely forgot about the selection series I absolutely read those too
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guccybangtan · 4 years
Pull Me In - Jung Hoseok
pairing; hoseok x reader
word count; 3,058 ( a lil baby compared to some of these other fics 🥵)
genre; fluff, smut, non idol! au
warnings; semi public sex, spanking (like once maybe), blow job, daddy kink, unprotected sex, shower sex, impreg kink/breeding kink; let me know if anything needs to be added
a/n; I know I haven't posted since blue side chapter 10  (which was like three months ago??? I'm so sorry???) 
but!! im back with this small fic for ‘The Summer Bucket List Collab’ hosted by @jamaisjoons​
now, usually my fics are longer and better but on top of my issues with my college(long story) my dad is also in the hospital with some serious health issues so its been a whirlwind of the last few months
I hate making excuses but I wanted you all to know what’s been up but im hoping to get some more of my wips done now that I have classes again :)
regardless pls enjoy this fic I enjoyed writing it even though its not the best 
(also I still haven't written that much smut so pls don't crucify me)
shout out to Maggie - @kimtaehyunq​ for helping me with the wonderful banner for this! pls support them in their works 
enough blabbering, here we go :)
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In the heat of the summer, there's nothing more relaxing than relaxing than a nice trip to the water. Since your little brother's birthday fell right at the height of summer, your family frequented the local water park to celebrate, effectively hitting two birds with one stone. Everyone got to cool off and your brother got to have an amazing party.
This year Y/B/N was turning ten and he took special care in selecting which of his friends he wants to attend. Your mother permitted him to bring along five friends, not counting you and the family.
Much to everyone's surprise, the first person he asked for was Hoseok.
Hoseok was your boyfriend of three years, and he and Y/B/N hadn't always gotten along. You and your little brother were very close, and when Hoseok first started coming around Y/B/N felt like he was taking you away from him.
Even though things eventually lightened up and Y/B/N became like a second shadow to him, Hoseok still worried that Y/B/N harbored hatred for him in secret.
"He really wants me there?" Hoseok asked you, fingers halting their ministrations.
The two of you had been settled on the couch nestled among the pillows even though it was sweltering, and Hoseok had been gently massaging you as you laid on top of him.
"You were the first person he asked for. Must be all that energy you have.'' You poked, causing your boyfriend to begin shaking with laughter.
Silence ensued once more and as Hoseok continued to run his fingers across your skin, you found yourself drifting closer and closer to sleep.
Just as you were about to fall over the edge, the rumble of Hoseok's voice in his chest woke you.
"What should I get him?" He voiced his out of the blue question.
You chuckled, shaking your head.
"He'll love whatever you decide on regardless.''
"Well what about..'' As Hoseok prattled on, you let sleep come again.
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Before you knew it, it was the day of your brothers party and you were trying to decide which bathing suit you wanted to wear.
"Should I wear this one?" You asked your friend, light blue bikini in your grasp.
"Didn't you say Hoseok liked red, though?" She began digging through the pile on your bed, "wear this.''
From the bottom of the pile she produced a bright red bikini, complete with lace details around the straps and waistband. It wasn't too sultry, but for a birthday party, it seemed to be a bit much.
"It's a ten-year-old's party, Y/F/N! Not a strip club,'' You snatched it from her hands, tossing it to the side, " not to mention my little brother's party.''
"You wore that exact bikini at Namjoon's the other day?"
"That was different...'' You countered, cheeks now as red as the bikini.
"Sure it was, because you knew you were getting laid.'' Y/F/N rolled her eyes, kicking her feet up on top of the pile of discarded suits.
"I don't know what else to tell you then,'' She shrugged,'' you said no to all of these.''
"I'll figure something out.''
Sighing, you began to dig through the pile again. Hoseok was going to be at your place in 10 minutes, and then the two of you were going to be meeting the rest of the group at the waterpark.
You needed to think fast.
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Just as you finished adjusting the straps of your top, knocking could be heard on the door of your apartment.
"Would you mind getting that?" You asked Y/F/N, packing the last few things you needed into a bag,"it's probably Hobi.''
"I would but...'' She trailed off, motioning to the chips that were on her lap.
"You're a piece of work,'' You rolled your eyes, dropping the bag on the floor and heading toward the front door, "I don't know what Joon sees in you.''
"My big brain and beautiful face.'' She called after you.
Sighing, you flicked the lock on the door and pulled it open revealing Hoseok.
"Well hello there.'' He spoke, eyeing you up in down as he pulled you toward him.
"Nice to see you too, lover boy.'' Giggling, you fell into his embrace.
"You know I love this bikini on you,'' Hoseok whispered into your ear as he toyed with the spandex material, pressing a kiss against the side of your head," red suits you.''
Before you could respond Y/F/N's voice rang through the air.
"Okay kids, have fun, time to go!'' Y/F/N came around the corner with your bag in hand and began ushering the two of you out the door.
"You don't want to be late! Tell Y/B/N I said happy birthday! Be sure to use protection!'' She continued shouting as the two of you approached the car.
"Use pro- What is she talking about?" Hoseok furrowed his brows as he settled in the drivers seat.
"Haha, she's just joking.'' You blurted out nervously, flicking Y/F/N the finger as Hoseok reversed out of your driveway.
All you got in return was her cheeky smile as she retreated back into your apartment.
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The waterpark was near the edge of town. Considering how much space it took up, it was a miracle the city hadn't decided to demolish it yet to build another shopping mall.
The drive to the waterpark wasn't long, but with the windows down and the music blaring as the two of you drove down the open road, you couldn't help but feel relaxed.
Summer wasn't your favorite season, but you didn't care what you were doing as long as you had Hoseok by your side. The two of you did most things together but you never got tired of him, and he never got tired of you.
You were like peas in a pod and you wouldn't change that.
"Here we are!" Hoseok sang with a smile on his face as he pulled into the nearest parking spot.
You could see your family and Y/B/N's friends waiting near the entrance of the park.
After greeting everyone, the group made their way inside of the park and looked for an empty table everyone could place their things at.
Y/B/N and his friends immediately ran to the tide pool and rushed into the water, splashing around and trying to dunk each other.
You laughed at their antics as you sat at the table under the umbrella, reaching into your bag for the sunscreen.
"Can you spray me?" Hoseok asked, pulling his shirt off and setting it next to your bag.
"Yeah, uh, yes. Turn around,'' you nodded, gulping as you uncapped the bottle.
Hoseok was definitely fitter than the average man, and seeing him bathed in the golden sunlight was enough to have your mouth run dry.
"Are you coming or not Hoseok?" Your brother shouted.
"You're keeping the little man waiting, baby. Help me out here.''
Shaking your head to rid yourself of the stupor, you mumbled an apology and quickly applied the sunscreen, making sure he had a nice even coat to protect his skin.
"Keep your mind out of the gutter,'' Hoseok smirked at you as he made his way toward your little brother. "You ready to get dunked?"
For most of the afternoon you sat with your mother and talked while tanning and watching the boys roughhouse. Eventually Y/B/N decided it was time to move to the area that has the big wave come crashing down over everyone and he was adamant that you were coming too.
"Who's gonna stay with mom if I come?" You tried reasoning.
"I'll be fine, go have fun,'' She waved you off, reaching into her bag and pulling out a book," I always come prepared.''
You groaned internally, but didn't fight when Hoseok pulled you out of your chair and began to drag you along behind him.
"Y/B/N and his friends seem to be getting tired," Hoseok whispered to you as the two of you trailed behind the pack of ten-year-olds," we'll probably end up leaving sometime after this for the pizza place.''
"Good, I'm starving.''
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Generally, you were a good big sister. Being older you often had to watch out for Y/B/N and make sure that he never got into too much trouble. Since the age gap between the two of you was also so large, you were also often bending to every whim of the little boy.
Waterparks were fun, and you enjoyed spending the time with your little brother, but if there was one thing you hated it was the big wave.
For some unknown reason (definitely not your lack of balance) you always managed to get knocked down and swept under the water when the recurring waves came crashing over everyone.
“I’ll be right here,’’ Hoseok spoke,” you’ll be fine.’’
Sure enough, for the first few waves you were okay. With Hoseok standing behind you, you managed to stay on your feet. But with each oncoming wave, you felt him becoming more restless as he stood behind you.
“Are you alright?” You turned around to ask him as the water calmed.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well you just seem to be wiggling a lot.’’
‘Oh, yeah…’’ he trailed off, “ about that.’’
You followed his gaze as he glanced down and noticed the bulge forming in the front of his shorts.
“Really? Now?” You asked incredulously.
“You’ve been rubbing up against me for the last ten minutes. What did you expect to happen?”
Oh. The waves had been pushing you back into him, but you hadn’t thought anything of it.
“Shouldn’t you go take care of that?”
“Me?! You started it!’’
Looking back over to where your brother and his friends were, you saw that they were still enamored with trying to dunk each other.
‘Perfect time to make a getaway,’ you thought.
“After the next wave you need to head back to mom to get ready to leave,’’ you called out to your brother, “Hoseok and I are gonna go get rinsed off and change.’’
A chorus of ‘okay’s came from the group of boys.
Grabbing Hoseok’s hand, you told him to just follow you.
The good thing about this place was that there was an abundance of showers and they were fairly large, so fixing Hoseok’s- issue- wouldn’t be a problem.
As soon as you were safely in the shower, you threaded your fingers through the hair on the nape of Hoseok’s neck, and you smashed your lips to his.
“We’ll have to be quick.’’
You nodded, groaning as he fondled your breasts through the swim top.
"Careful baby girl,'' Hoseok smirked as he tugged at the waistband of your bottoms,"don't want anyone to hear us now do we? That would ruin the fun.''
Reaching over, Hoseok turned the shower to full blast, the only sound that filled the small cubicle being the water beating against the tile.
"Maybe we shouldn’t.'' You shook your head, realizing how risky the situation actually was.
You couldn't deny that you wanted Hoseok to shove you up against the wall and fuck you like your life depended on it, but you couldn't help but be worried that someone would barge in on you.
The sheer embarrassment that you would have to deal with, especially if it was one of your parents that walked in, was enough to deter you from the railing that you so desperately wanted.
"C'mon, Y/N. We'll be okay as long as you keep quiet? Can you do that for daddy?" Hoseok hummed, hard cock rubbing against your back side.
“On your knees then.’’
Without a second thought, you dropped down, knees chilled by the tile floor; a stark contrast to the warmth of the water that was raining down on you.
Shimmying out of his shorts, Hoseok’s cock was red, precum smeared over the tip.
You complied, the familiar salty taste spreading across your tongue as he slid his cock into your mouth.
“Now suck.’’
Wrapping your lips around the head of his cock, you mouthed at the tip, fisting the rest of his length in your hand.
Quiet pants fell from his lips, droplets of water racing down the front of his chest as he dipped his head.
“The things you do to me Y/N.’’ Hoseok growled, gently rocking his hips forward, pushing his cock further into your wet mouth.
Letting him take control, you felt the tip of his cock nudge the back of your throat.
“Relax for me,’’ he cooed, fingers brushing across your throat.
It didn’t take him much effort for him to force his cock past your tonsils, beginning to trust once more.
Reaching down, you slipped your hand into the waistband of your bikini bottoms and ghosted your fingers across your clit.
Sighing around Hoseok’s cock, you applied more pressure, making small circles over the bud to provide some relief.
Hoseok pulled out of your mouth muttering something about how he wasn’t gonna last as he helped you up from your position on the ground.
“These gotta go.’’ He pulled on your bottoms, sliding them down your legs.
Hands planted firmly on the wall, Hoseok tapped your hip signalling you to spread your legs.
“Ready for me, baby girl?”
“Yes daddy, please.’’ you mewled, wiggling your ass at him.
“Remember, you have to be quiet.’’
Lining his tip up with your entrance, Hoseok pushed into you in one swift motion, causing you to cry out.
Clamping a hand over your mouth, he pulled your head up so it was resting against his chest.
"Ah ah,'' He shook his head,"what happened to silence, baby? You know the rules, bad girls don't get to cum.''
"I'm sorry, daddy,'' you choked out,'' your cock just fills me up so good, I-''
“What? Can’t seem to follow instructions? If that’s the case you can just suck me off and we’ll go.’’
“No! No, please. I’ll be good.’’ You pleaded, already feeling the tightness winding up in your stomach.
Hoseok had that effect on you. Sex with him was the best you’d ever had. Somehow he just knew your body so well he could play you like a fiddle.
“Fine,’’ he tsked, pulling out to the tip and thrusting back in,’’ but next time I won’t be so kind as to give you a second chance.’’
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the small room, moans intermingling with the sound of water continuing to hit the tile.
True to your word you managed to keep your moans in, tiny gasps being the only sound that escaped you as Hoseok continued to pound into you at a steady pace.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over how sweet your pussy is.’’ Hoseok growled, running his hands across your back and over the swell of your ass.
“Only for you.’’
“Damn straight,’’ He panted, words punctuated by a particularly hard thrust, "So good to me, baby.''
" 'M close.'' You whimpered, letting your head loll backwards against his shoulder.
Hoseok picked up the pace, fucking into you at a brutal rate. His deft fingers reached down to your clit and started rubbing circles over the bundle of nerves much like you had been minutes ago.
It was like you could feel his cock in your throat, he was so deep in you.
"Wanna put a baby in you.'' Hoseok growled, thrusting getting sloppier.
"Do it then. Cum inside of me. Want you to fill me up.’’
"God, Y/N, when you talk like that,’’ Landing a swift smack to your asscheek, he kneaded the supple flesh.
“Oh, fuck,” You bit down on your lip,” I’m gonna cum! Please, daddy.’’
“Let it go, baby.’’
Hoseok continued rubbing small circles on your clit, pushing you over the edge. Stars clouded your vision as your eyes clamped shut, walls clenching around Hoseok’s cock as he continued to pound into your cunt.
“I’m almost there.’’ He moaned, fucking into you with a newfound fervor.
After a few brutal thrusts, he was spilling his load into your cunt, gently rocking his hips to milk himself for everything he had.
“You better keep that in.’’ He panted, pulling his softening cock out.
“I’ll do my best.’’ You rolled your eyes, body feeling the affects of the day.
“I love you, you know that right?” Hoseok mumbled, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips as he let his bodyweight rest against your own.
“I know, why do you think I let you fuck me in the shower of a waterpark?”
“Shits and giggles?” He shrugged.
“You’re an idiot.’’ You laughed, pushing his shoulder.
The two of you stood there for a moment, letting the warmth of the water run over you both.
As you stood there, you began running your hands over the expanse of Hoseok’s back, figuring it would be best to actually wash off the germs from the park water.
“I guess it’s smart to actually wash off.’’ Hoseok leaned up from your shoulder, leaning in for another kiss.
“It’s probably almost time to go eat anyway. I bet the others already left.’’
“Oh, crap!” You exclaimed, swifty pulling your bottoms back on and shutting off the water.
The two of you stumbled out of the shower to your bag.
After drying off and slipping on your actual clothes, you reached for your phone to check the notifications
“We’re gonna be late for dinner!” You cried, frantically shoving all of your stuff into the bag and rushing out the entrance of the waterpark.
Hoseok just moseyed along like there wasn’t a care in the world.
“Why are you being so slow today?”
“It’s funny to watch you get all worked up over pizza.’’ Hoseok said, signature grin plastered on his face.
“I’m hungry.’’ You pouted, reaching for his hand to pull him along.
“What, earlier wasn’t enough?”
“Shut up, you nasty!’’ Smacking his chest you dropped his hand and started walking again.
“I’m just joking. You should see the look on your face.’’ Hoseok was doubled over with laughter.
“The pizza won’t be there forever, hurry up!’’
“Race you?” He offered.
“You’re on.’’
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littlespaceporgs · 4 years
The Clone Wars Reacts - Part 3
Alternatively, Leah misses daddy Plo, gets annoyed by droids and is thoroughly entertained by Jar Jar Binks while simultaneously simping for Padme.
TA~DA! Welcome to part 3 of the reacts series, where we cover episodes 6, 7 and 8! I won’t lie to you, I actually found episode 6 really boring, 7 was less boring and 8 was maybe a little bit funny and I lowkey enjoyed it so much. So yeah, the first two reacts are kinda boring because I was super bored, but 8 is kinda funny. As usual, major spoilers for season 1 of the clone wars.
Part 1 - Episodes 1 and 2 Part 2 - Episodes 3, 4 and 5
So, lets do thissssss!
Tags (as always, let me know if you want a tag!): @acciokenobi​ @roseofalderaan​ @catsnkooks​ @peacelandbread​ @littlevodika​ @icedcoffeeandgays​ @captainrexstan​ @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky​ @mcu-padawan​ @onabouteverything​ @fractiouskat​
Episode 6: Downfall of a Droid
Notes: since writing these, I’ve discovered that I am 100% without a doubt very much a simp for Plo Koon and it shows.
> Pre-warning, I’m writing this on paper and on the train, so there may be slightly less thots thoughts in this one
> “Suffering serious defeats by Grievous”??????? All we’ve seen for 5 episodes now is Grievous lose????????
> Yeah Anakin! You should listen to Ahsoka!
>> (you need to trust my babey)
> Where the fuck is Plo when you need him? I WANNA SEE HIM
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> Maybe that image will tide me over? (we all know it wont but that’s off topic)
> Oh for fucks sake I’ve had enough of Grievous
> “this is too easy” oooohhhhh boy, you say that now......
*Grievous ditches his ship*
> ✨ disappointed, but not surprised ✨
> THERE IT IS!!!!! “I got a bad feeling about this” - bringing the total count so far to 2
> W H A T
>> R2D2?????????????????????????
>> This is one of the few times I am more annoyed with Obi-wan than I am horny for him
>>> Wait no scratch that - i just looked at his face again 💖💖💖💖
> I miss Plo already, can he come back now?
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> Oh Ahsoka, you’re so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
> omg Goldie???? I LOVE IT he’s kinda adorable
> ooooohhh boy R2 is going to be on that dodgy ass ship isnt he?
> hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah
>> fart humour, i love it!
> Unique items, huh
>> just thinking about the mandalorian reminds me of the new armour/helmet kink i discovered I had and how much i love pedro pascal
> Goddammit R3. oh shit oh shit bad droids BAD DROIDS
> is R2 just a really good droid? or do all of them make this many mistakes???
> hahahaha ‘gramps’, Ahsoka he’s literally only 5/6 years older than you
> *GASP* Anakin, he’s not a lightswitch!
> Oh shit, R2 was on the ship!
> fuck fuck Grievous no dont take R2 bad droid
> okay, I love obi-wan but he’s being a little harsh
>> mild turn-on but ok 👀👀
> aaaawwww the little stomping when he’s excited
> Do we get to see R2 do a mad escape?
>> WE DO!
> oh no, R2 you were so close
> tracking beacon?! R3, what’re you doing?!
> sorry anakin, they definitely saw it
> You, know, I’m starting to wonder if R3 is doing all this deliberately??
> lowkey, I want to tally the amount of droids grievous hurts/destroys
> well, i want R2 back in the next episode, please and thank you.
Episode 7: Duel of the Droids
> Okay, all I want is for Anakin to hurry up and find R2, because I want this arc to be over
> I’m going to keep this reacts fairly short because I’m a little bit bored
> All I want is more Plo content, is that too much to ask???????
>> If you can’t tell I have a thing for Plo Koon and I officially joined the simp club for him.
> This trandoshan guy is just.... bleh 🤢
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* insert gross shiver* 
> I said it in part 1, and I’ll say it again, R2′s whirring is a mood
> Okay so fucking R3 just turned R2 down, so I am definitely starting to think this is deliberate?
> Rex’s expression when he’s told to carry R3 is comedy gold by the way
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> Oh please Captain, kindly fuck me
> *sighs* Oh the droid humour
> I mean, it is a type of head adjustment I guess 🤷‍♀️
> ...
>> Did you seriously think grievous, being the slimy bastard he is, wasn’t going to kill you?????
> AHSOKA KICK GRIEVOUS’ BIN CHICKEN LOOKI- oh no she was thrown into a wall, never-mind.
> oh this is awkward, I love how R2 is insulted that he got R3 hahahahahahahha
> okay the most interesting point of this episode is ahsoka is escaping grievous
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> anakin looking out for R2 is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen
> ngl, i had a small degree of satisfaction when I saw R3 get smashed to bits
> “oh anakin... one day” obi-wan is a mood
> oh thank god its over, alright what’s up next?
Episode 8: Bombad Jedi
> please tell me it has jar jar in it, then it will surely be funnier than the last 2 eps
> oh in the white outfit too, i love this woman so much
> I’m going to put a photo hear so you can appreciate it too
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> My horny bisexual senses are tingling
>> *for context he already fucked up once and we are 1 minute and 15 seconds into the episode
> she has a point though, C3PO does usually get into trouble
> oh boy, he sounds mad.... I’m getting a sinking feeling about this
> oh no
>> ah shit he’s gone and joined the separatists
> I am much more entertained nonetheless by this episode
> wait so they fart insults???? it sounds like a fart and i giggled a little
> Oh and now jar jar’s trying to talk to them
> HAHAHAHAH C3 always gets shit thrown at him or shot at, whenever he’s in an episode I get a little bit happy 
> why does he automatically jump to jar jar’s been killed oh my god so little faith like its a swamp planet???? and jar jar comes from a swamp planet????? of course he gone survive falling into water????
> buta mesa sav-ed you? i love this stupid creature oh my god hahahahaha
>> definitely 100% anakins, and I love the Padme has the equivalent of one of his hoodies
>>> I want one too
> ooooohhhh this is not going to go well
> oh boy
> I’m guessing this is where the bombad jedi comes from?
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>> I am so sorry no its not mine, but I have no idea who’s it is
> wheresa jedi? OH MESA JEDI?
> have you guys seen zootopia? specifically where they trigger a ‘howl’ with the wolves??? Thats what I headcanon the droids are like with ‘roger roger’
>> crush me with those muscles please
> “There’s no jedi in here, wait there’s no prisoner in here!” hahahahahahahahah
> One day I’m going to have to do a little audio recording so you all know what sound I make whenever I’ve written hahahahahaha
> “I’m afraid the ship has been destroyed.” 
>> “Battle droids?” *shakes head*
>>> “... Jar Jar?”
>>>> “Jar Jar.”
> obviously Padme was right, she usually is
> oh boy Jar Jar is your only hope? you’re in for a shock buddy
> Padme is an excellent shot by the way
> “I think Jar Jar’s dead.” “Oh again?” goddamn it C3PO
> ...
> excuse me????
> okay he has my forgiveness now :))))))
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alright, I enjoyed episode 8, 6 and 7 were a little lackluster, but I did like 8 a lot actually, more than I thought I would 
anyways, see you next time for 9, 10 and 11!! (I’m pretty sure I saw ventress and kit fisto in the title image, so be prepared for major ass thots because i am very heavily attracted to one (1) assassin and one (1) fish man)
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lnarizakis · 4 years
a two-player game (2 lives left!) | k. kenma
2 lives left! | a two-player game: kozume kenma x f! reader 
SHOCK: — — — — — 5/5
ADVICE-GIVING: — — — — 4/5
IN LOVE: — — — — — 5/5
SHOCK: — 1/5
OBLIVIOUSNESS: — — — — 4/5
ADVICE-GIVING: — — — 3/5
FRIENDLINESS: — — — — — 5/5
IN LOVE: — — — — — 5/5
(U/N): hello? u still there?
(U/N): hellooooo
(U/N): afk much? haha
(U/N): u didnt finish what u were sYing\
Kenma stared at his screen, wondering what he should say. His mind wandered, thinking about the fact that (Y/N) was somewhere out there, in the comforts of her own home, sitting and playing the same game he was playing. He thought about how she was probably sitting cross-legged, or slouched, or her back completely straight as she probably wore headphones over her ears, or earbuds tucked in the confines of her ears, or blasted the game soundtrack through the speakers of her computer. Kenma sighed, as he slouched back in his chair. A blush crept over his face. He was talking to his crush over a video game. It was practically like texting her. Kenma began to type once more.
applepi: yea im still here
applepi: so abt my crush
No, no, no! What was he doing? He couldn’t possibly tell his crush about his crush! Why? Why would he do that?! He immediately typed in a “never mind.” Despite some protests from the other person, the two pretended to forget that ever happened.
All throughout the weekend, Kenma sulked and sulked. There was no particular reason, but he just felt so uncomfortable knowing that he told his crush that he had a crush on someone. There was also the factor that (Y/N) didn’t seem quite interested in what he had to say about his predicament, unlike past times where he could talk about anything he wanted and she would gladly contribute all she had to offer to help the poor boy out.
And so the terrible weekend had ended. It was a nice break for Kenma, being away from everything and everyone; he immersed himself in the virtual world as he let go of all of his worries. But now he had to face reality once more - he had to face (Y/N), the terrible final boss. He had so many more enemies he had to defeat (his teammates, according to Kenma), but the powerful weapon of ignoring them always beat them in the end.
He wanted to stay in his bad mood for the entire school day. It was his plan, and it was a really good plan, but (Y/N) just had to ruin it.
Kenma sat at his desk in his classroom that morning they returned from the weekend. He stared at the nothingness that lay before him on his desk until he heard the sweet sound of (Y/N)’s voice when she came through the door to the classroom. He heard her laugh as she greeted those around her a good morning. He relished in the music as she walked towards her desk.
“Good morning, Kenma-kun!” (Y/N) chirped, as she sat down. Kenma jumped at the sudden words, and he felt warmth everywhere, especially in his cheeks. He smiled at the sound of her greeting, and said one back. God, no one could make him feel the way she makes him feel when he’s around her. He took a deep breath, knowing that his unrequited love consumed his whole heart. Ah, if he were only as smooth as Kuroo was and knew his way with words.
Kenma frowned; from a mile away, one could tell he was clearly in a bad mood. He hung his head down low, as he was reminded of (Y/N)’s date last weekend.
“Kenma-kun, are you okay? Is there something wrong?” (Y/N) asked, her voice laced with concern. Her eyes studied his face, discontentment written all over it. She wondered what she should do; if only she could consult applepi in this situation. The setter faced (Y/N) and he smiled.
“Ah, it’s nothing, (Y/N)-san, please don’t worry,” he murmured, hoping that she would get the feeling that he would like to be left alone.
And so for the rest of the time they sat next to each other during class, (Y/N) thought about everything that applepi had advised her to do with every problem that she had:
(U/N): help!!! i cant decide between buying a sword or a dagger from this shopkeeper
applepi: hm get a sword bc u will get more gold out of the enemy
(U/N): theres this one friend i have & i feel like she rlly hates me??/?
applepi: are you only focusing on the small details?
applepi: look at the big picture & notice her behavior around u,
applepi: is it different from when shes around other ppl?
(U/N): do u think its weird that talking to u feels like an escape from reality?
applepi: no i feel the same.
applepi: i think that talking to someone u barely know is a good way to let loose bc they dont know who u r
(U/N): how do you get rid of the feeling of missing someone?
applepi: i talk to them thru text as if they were sitting right next to me
applepi: like how im talking to u right now
(Y/N) looked down at her notes to see that she had written nothing compared to all the complicated words written on the blackboard. She had been staring at the blackboard daydreaming about how she had fallen in love with her internet best friend. (Y/N) thought it was silly, really; it was stupid how she had fallen in love over text on a screen. But those words, all of those words that some guy out there named “applepi” had accompanied her throughout her best and her worst times. She could stay up all night to see them up as well, fighting away enemies to clear the level. From in-game items to wise words of advice, (Y/N) owed so much to this person.
And Kenma had no idea that his crush liked him back.
(Y/N) was a very friendly person; everybody in the volleyball club could see that. It seemed to Kenma, of course, that (Y/N) was the friendliest with Kuroo Tetsuro, the captain. All throughout practice they would constantly make jokes with each other, teasing and pushing each other around. It hurt Kenma; it really did. But (Y/N) did not know that.
In fact, after that dreaded date over the weekend, (Y/N) and Kuroo promised to each other that they would not go out on a second date. They realized that they were better off as friends, for Kuroo could sense in (Y/N)’s eyes and her words that she had the ability to break Kenma out of his shell, even further than Hinata had done. She also told off Kuroo, telling him that she couldn’t date someone who had such weird bed-head hair, much to his disdain. He couldn’t get rid of it! And besides… she already had someone in her heart.
But the point of the matter is: Kenma was taking this completely the wrong way. He watched with jealous eyes as Kuroo and (Y/N) shared playful banter. Her beautiful laugh rang in Kenma’s ears for all the wrong reasons.
As they practiced serving, Kuroo used this as an opportunity to try out his jump serves. He was consistent, but the one time he hit it into the net, (Y/N), who was watching for stray balls, called out to him, teased him to no end. The other teammates laughed on, especially Haiba Lev, whose serves were just as bad. Kenma mentally cursed at Kuroo, for stealing away (Y/N). He could never possibly curse at him for real; everyone would be in shock at his sudden outburst and ask him what was wrong. (Y/N) would ask him what was wrong. And if that happened… he would freeze up and definitely lose another life.
When they began practicing receiving, Taketora called out to Yaku to try out Karasuno’s libero’s “Rolling Thunder,” or whatever it was called, to which Kuroo made a sarcastic remark that Yaku could never pull off something as flashy as that. (Y/N) laughed, despite not knowing what the “Rolling Thunder” move was. Once again, Kenma mentally told off Kuroo to stop saying funny things that (Y/N) could laugh at. His jokes were the ones that made (Y/N) laugh; he knows this because she laughed at all the jokes he made over their chat in their video game.
During their water break, Kuroo and (Y/N) played a little chasing game as she playfully refused to hand him his water bottle. She tossed his bottle to Taketora, who then threw it to Fukunaga, handing it over to Yaku. Kuroo chased the libero around, who passed it on to Inuoka. He gave a hearty laugh as he tossed it to Lev. Silly, clumsy Lev called out to Kenma as the tall boy threw it to Kenma, who with his slow reaction did not catch it in time. The lid of the bottle flew open, and water poured out everywhere. Everyone else watched in shock, but the initial shock passed by them as they all began laughing.
Kenma thought they were all laughing at him.
The same ordeals continued even after the water break, and after a millennia later, the practice ended. Kenma, along with everyone else, helped clean up after practice. They also cleaned up the little water spill, which (Y/N) thanked Kenma for helping clean up.
Kenma changed his clothes in the club room. He was the only one inside, as Kuroo and (Y/N) were outside waiting for him. He could hear their laughter through the doors. Then they suddenly went silent. Kenma groaned, knowing that they were probably making out or something, as he buttoned his uniform back up.
He opened the door, and to his surprise, Kuroo and (Y/N) were actually not exploring each others’ mouths with their tongues. Instead, he opened the door to see a smirking Kuroo and a very, very flustered (Y/N). She gasped slightly when she caught sight of Kenma and she turned her flustered face away from his prying eyes. Poor Kenma thought that he had accidentally caught them making out and they pulled away right as he opened the door.
And so he walked away, leaving them in the dust.
He thought he heard her call out, “Kenma-kun, wait!”
hello! thank you for reading! next part is the last part, so please comment if you want me to tag you on the last part! whatchu guys think so far? lemme know! i also take requests too........... B)
taglist (comment/ask to be added!): @i-bitch-you-bitch @cadememe @animefan7420 (wont let me tag u :( !!!!) @issalilmessy
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ikevamp-shrine · 4 years
It’s a match up baby
Hi there love! I just say your post saying u do matchupz 😱😱❤❤❤ i got so excited so now im here requesting one❤🌈🔥hope u dont mind🥰 okay so... ❤🥰 i am a aries, infp, Hufflepuff female 🦊 i am shy and difficult to get to know (apparently it took me 2 months to start opening up to my friends, ooops), i tend to bottle up my emotions, my friends would likely describe me as incredibly stubborn, gentle, kind, over dramatic, goofy and fun loving. Okay ima do this in 3 asks hope ya dont mind❤ 1/3... ❤🥰  I am pretty aloof and blunt, i like i will 9/10 times tell you to your face how if feel about you if you ask 🙈once u are part of my inner circle i am playful, teasing, i am an extremely sarcastic person that makes snarky remarks under my breath and my kind of humor is a bit of dark and self deprecating. I will definitely be the person making jokes at inappropriate times and something about inappropriate things (its one of my coping mechanisms) 😂 2/3... I love my friends and family and will fight anyone how threatens them, although when it comes to me you can do or say anything to me and i wont do anything (I honestly cant stand up for myself). I swear like a sailor although i am trying to get that under control, however the road rage is real. I tend to blush easily which i hate 🙈 I am very go with the flow, and i never burn my bridges 🙈 i am very forgive and forget🦊, okay one more 3/3 + one more🔥🙌sorry if this is TMI...I enjoy my own alone time and i definitely dont like crowds and loud sounds (ie you will never find me in a club) i love cuddles although i look like someone that wouldn’t. Ive been told i come across as calm and confident, while in truth on the inside i am really scared and insecure.  I am incredibly awkward when it comes to boys and have been told my sarcastic comments are x100 when i talk to them (oops).🙈 Thanx so much dear ❤ Sorry if this is TMI🔥Cant wait to see who i get matched with 🌈🎀
Thank you for requesting @nad-zeta . I hope you enjoy and have a good rest of your day.
Napoleon Bonaparte
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Charming people and getting them to open up is one of his things he does ya know? So your difficulty in getting to know is no problem to him
Napoleon is also a very patient man so you being shy does not effect him since he is used to it from being around Isaac 
He honestly finds it absolutely adorable 
He would understand bottling up your emotions since he is so used to putting others before himself (including other’s emotions before his own) but he would do every trick in the book to get you to slowly open up to him and to get you to talk about your emotions, wants, and needs
He would find your stubbornness incredibly sexy as he loves a challenge from time to time you would keep him on his toes
Your gentleness and kindness would always bring a tender smile to his face and make his eyes soften with adoration
He would roll his eyes at your goofy, fun loving, and over dramatic side but would ten out of ten join you in your antics then tackle you to the ground all while having one of his famed laughing fits
He can’t help but feel pride well up in him at your bluntness and confidence when you tell someone how it is but at the same time would inch closer just- and only just- incase you need him
Napoleon can’t help but to get turned on by your teasing but if you go too far he will quickly turn it around on you and leave you like a puddle of goo
He always snickers at your sarcastic and snarky comments unless they are directed towards then he will once more leave you breathless and begging for more
The first time you made a self deprecating joke... he was a little taken back- why was such a strong, beautiful, amazing woman joking about herself in a self deprecating way? 
He figured out after a little that your way of joking was unique and soon found humor in it himself- though he will always kiss you hard and tell you how perfect you are if he feels as if you start believing the jokes you say about yourself
Napoleon finds your badly timed inappropriate jokes endearing though he will still give you “the look” as if telling you not right now even if he is laughing hysterically on the inside
When I tell you this man would be head over heals in love with you when he seeing your protectiveness I mean it
The first time he sees your protective side he feels as if the whole floor falls out from under him because how is this woman so perfect? Like damn girl get you some. Go off hun- he finds it extremely hot.
Don’t expect to walk the next day lol
he finds your inability to stand up for yourself confusing (since you’re so quick to protect others) but won’t question it cause you won’t need to defend yourself... after all he will protect you with everything he has
He would absolutely make you put a quarter in the swear jaw each time you say a naughty word though he would see how hard you work to keep your mouth under control so he would go easy on you time to time 
You blush easily? He is going to use that to his advantage (after all he thinks your blush is so cute so he loves seeing it)
He would appreciate your go-with-the-flow approach to things and your ability to forgive and forget so easily
He would respect your alone time aka leave you alone when you wanted him to- no questions asked
Dislike crowds but you both need to go out in public? You better believe this man already made a map of the least populated streets in the city and if you had to go in a bigger crowd he would snake his arm around you and put on his most imitating expression to make people part like the red sea around you both
He doesn’t like loud noises either- war and all- so when there happens to be a thunder storm, a holiday that people have fireworks with, or if it’s just too loud in the mansion that day he would pick you up, carry you to his room, and snuggle in the bed with a blanket over both of your heads to try and block out the sound
He will even cover your ears with his hands if the sounds get too much for you
He knows everyone has insecurities and fears, and that it’s normal, and he can’t just kiss them away or say a few pretty words and they will disappear, he knows that, but he would want nothing more than for you to feel good about yourself and for all your fears to disappear all at once
He would see himself in you when you showed your calm and confident side (remember children confidence is sexy- and if you're not confident fake it until you make it)
he would have to hold himself back or he would end up jumping you and taking you were you stood
Napoleon would also keep you so busy- inside the bedroom and out- that you wouldn’t have time to feel or be awkward, but if you happen to be at anytime he can’t help but pat your head at how adorable you are
Other Matches:...
Leonardo da Vinci
You two would definitely have your ups and downs but he would always respect your space. He would find your protectiveness attractive and wouldn’t make you open up to him- instead he would wait until you were ready to talk. You would probably find his clutter and sleep schedule annoying but would get over it or learn to work around it. His flirty side would defiantly frustrate you (mainly because you wouldn't stop blushing while you were around him). You two would butt heads with when it comes to stubbornness but Leonardo would find your persistence sexy. He doesn't mind your not so PG mouth.
He would join in on making self depreciating jokes, so both of you would end up spending a long time just going back and forth absolutely roasting each other/ yourselves. He would encourage you to stand up for yourself but will always be there when you need him. You want to cuddle? This personal heater is yours for only the small price of a kiss. And cue the awkward, blushing mess Leonardo fell in love with.
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aeirithgainsborough · 5 years
very Important adam/ronan things to take away from the cdth sampler:
“like the other lynch brothers, he was a regular churchgoer, but most people assumed he played for the other team.” i am SCREAMING. top tier gay joke. well timed.
everyone: ronan’s eyes aren’t pretty. adam: mhmm  e y e l a s h e s
much to say about the revelation that ronan is partly at the barns to keep his dreams hidden and in check, and how much he relates an inability to change and be like everyone else to having to stay there. almost like he’s stuck huh! i’ve been saying!!
of note that words used to describe ronan’s existence are BORED and MALINGERED.
fingers crossed he finds some balance between his dreams and his wants/needs that allows him to leave the barns and grow but after the Great Crab Disaster I’M WORRIED.
fire imagery EVERYWHERE. i’m WORRIED again.
“there are stains that spread faster than you drive. if you drive, it’ll take fourteen years to get there. seventeen. forty. one hundred. we’ll be driving to your funeral by the end.” good to know ronan is still the most DRAMATIC boy in the whole of virginia. absolutely no chill.
dont like the possible foreshadowing of that driving to your funeral by the end, though. must leave lynches alone!
“it’s very safe” asjkajjka DECLAN PLEASE 
“ronan kicked one of the volvo’s tires” asjkajjka RONAN PLEASE. 
ronan trying to act nonchalant by cramming chocolate covered peanuts into his mouth and choking a little is Peak Disaster Gay. 
matthew’s music must be awful if ronan and declan are in agreement over it, must have playlist. 
ronan who lives to pretend he doesn’t care wondering if his brothers didn’t say anything about his moving because it didn’t make a difference to them is huhhh. don’t like it, take it away pls.
shut up!!!! shut upppppp! 
“is there any version of you that could come with me to cambridge?” tbh nothing would have readied me for this. adam i-can-do-everything-alone asking ronan if he could go with him. so much growth, too much pride, nowhere to put it, send help.
the fact that ronan doesn’t stay in cambridge when he visits adam because of plausible deniability, that if he doesn’t try there’s no evidence he can’t make it there. rip. 
ronan! missed! him! like! a! lung! 
dramatic again, but entirely relatable bc damn, same ronan, same. 
a) ronan thinking about how his heartbeat is the same as everyone else’s so he wasn’t that different and b) JUST LIKE ADAM’S HEART WHEN HIS HEAD WAS RESTING ON HIS HEAD = much too much to think about. need to lie down for a bit.
he could move to follow the guy he loved!! we all knew it was love, we’ve always known it was love, but! the words. the words!!!!! brb sobbing.
i have only had jordan for a day and a half but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. 11/10 would marry.
art forgery plot confirmed!
bitch fkajdkajksja GIVE ME A WARNING. 
still can’t compose myself RE the info that ronan saw adam and immediately sent a desperate prayer up to god 
will the word please ever be the same again? definitely not!
adam’s arms adam’s hands his lovely! boyish! hands!
the description of his expressions with all its contradictions and multitudes is just my favourite thing ever. it encapsulates everything i love about adam fucking parrish.
and the fact that ronan instantly recognised all those multitudes in him. there was always a level of understanding ronan had for adam throughout trc that no one else did and this tells us he had that before he even met him, he just... recognised something in him i just... ;______; 
ronan knowing all the harvard stats because he was the person adam could crow to, how he takes on that adam that is still full of contradictions and multitudes, how he finds it hard but he absorbs all the facts and all of adam’s anxieties, even in the face of his own anxieties about adam leaving and falling in love with the shining, educated people that ronan thinks are better than him. that absolute, unwavering support 😭😭😭
tbh there’s a whole ass lot to unpack in this section so imma try and do it briefly (she says!)
ronan lynch is a romantic cdth confirmed: 
he could have texted adam but he liked the soft surprise of it
over the past few days ronan had played his reunion with adam over in his head MANY TIMES
adam i love you but that outfit sounds awful. you are a student, it’s a friday night, put some sweats on and stuff some cheetos in your mouth. 
the sweet nervousness of their reunion, how they walk past each other and both seem so uncertain. they’re a year into dating and the still get nervous and unsure after a few weeks apart and it’s CUTE and definitely speaks to their excitement/anticipation levels.
THE WATCH. big time softness. 
they hugged hard ;_____; 
im just so relieved that they’re allowed to touch each other and be intimate and aren’t consigned to the ‘boys in love aren’t like that boring boring’ corner. 
the way ronan thinks about how adam fits as he remembered. huh. you’re really gonna do this to me.
his hand still pressed against the back of ronan’s skull the way it ALWAYS did when they hugged. 
you smell like home. you smell like home!!!!!! brb ive gone absolutely fucking feral. 
i both want to play repo because it sounds fun and don’t want to because it sounds complicated and i fucking hate instructions. much confusion. 
adam pressing his shoe hard against ronan’s and then his leg and then breathing in ronan’s ear I AM HOWLING. ronan’s nerve endings being made a marvel of I AM SOBBING. it’s very important that m/m ships are afforded the same level of explicit attraction as m/f (and i don’t mean explicit as in nsfw, i mean as in obvious)
no offence because i love them but all of adam’s friends sound Extra™
“to the outside eye, ronan lynch was a loser” pls ronan, you are giving me an ulcer.
scary spice i asjkjdkjskdjak
queer crying club! i stan!!
also adam saying in the epilogue of trk that he wanted to save all the adam’s hidden in plain view and then going to college and scooping up all the criers and giving them something to do is far too much to handle.
don’t think about that and the time he thought about how he used to spend his nights crying on the trailer steps and wondering why he bothered until gansey came along and offered him friendship. dont think about how he’s essentially paying that forward DON’T THINK ABOUT IT.
hand holding, arms around each other, hip to hip walking, can’t wait anymore kissing, I MISSED YOU. love that for me! 
but also the fact that adam reaches down for ronan’s hand and its so natural. ronan’s hand is there so he just. takes it. 
hearing ronan’s thoughts on what happened with robert at last is A Lot. the way it’s still happening, always happening, kept fresh and savage shows how affected ronan was by it all and still is and i think its so important that he’s not just. angry and hot headed. there’s more to it than that. its painful, it makes him feel sick, its unending and it really speaks to how much adam means to him. 
adam thinks he has no one BITCH YOU’VE GOT ALL OF US. 
and ronan. 
but. how he feels like he has nothing still. the way his voice hitches on ‘because’ because it’s all still so painful. i wanna wrap him up. i wanna take everything that hurts away. i wanna tell him he’s so loved. guess i’ll just have to sit back and watch him work his way through it all I GUESS. no but i am looking forward to his growth in this trilogy, especially considering how much he’s grown already. adam parrish invented character growth lets 👏 be 👏 real 👏
it had never been a fight between them/it was a fight between adam and himself, between adam and the world/for ronan it was a fight between truth and compromise, between the black and white he saw and the reality everyone else experienced. i LOVE this. it so well encapsulates them. and it’s so important that they can realise their differing world views and their complexities and meet in the middle somewhere.
“ronan put his lips on adam’s deaf ear, and he hated adam’s father” FUCK ME UP. my absolute favourite bit 103930%. absolute incoherent mess over here. not! okay! see other post for more coherency because i only had it for 5.7 minutes. 
frowning, guarded, crumpled adam who i’ll literally. never be over in all of my life. 38983/10 will love him until the end of time. 
i want it too much. !!!!!! going feral again over here. WHAT DO YOU WANT ADAM? I WANT IT TOO MUCH. definitely will never shut up about this. 
scared adam is going to be a visionary so pretending chapter 6 doesn’t exist. 
LINDENMERE ;________;
i love it already
i CANNOT believe that ronan is being dream invaded and challenged and he’s over here like hmm nice bike ELEGANT and ROUGH and READY like ADAM asjkasj please ronan you are so embarrassing!! 
also. ronan thinks adam is elegant and rough and ready so! there’s that!
i literally. cannot. cope with the HILARITY of chapter 8. the whole thing is a complete and utter DISASTER. it’s absolutely gone off in adam’s room after all his work at constructing a well put together boy. ronan comes for a night and everything goes BONKERS. amazing. 
(really worried about what this means RE ronan being able to exit the barns and grow and change and not be bored and not feel like a loser so we’re focusing on the hilarious disaster of it all.)
p.s. adam sleeping slotted between ronan and the wall OKAY. THIS IS FINE! 
p.p.s. adam’s bed hair is WILD. 
p.p.p.s i have missed adam and ronan so so so so so much and im an emotional fucking wreck
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
back at it again with the white vans
episode 6: the alchemy exam
alrighty then
um mustang calling edward “ed” is EXTREMELY offputting
ohhhhhhh noooooo not shou tucker
im wholly unprepared
them all being in central instead of east is low key jarring like my brain isnt computing it
alexander’s intro is basically the same 
nina bbyyyyy girl u deserved so much better
ed is such a fucking nerd...chemistry club modern au confirmed
god the more tucker talks the more i wanna beat his face in
al pretending to eat by tossing a potato in his armor i-
aww theyre playing in the snow theyre so pure
wonder how long thatll last
“bigger brother” and “little big brother” and ed doesnt even get mad
ed’s birthday party????????
so 03 had ed’s bday instead of elicia’s...CAUSE THEY GOT ELICIA IN THE WOMB
“it’s here!” “the tea?” “the baby!” hughes is a fuck head
ok so now they’re having elicia replace rush valley baby arc
this was winry’s time to shine in fmab i miss her 
if winry isnt here who is gonna birth this baby
oh my god they just realized ed can use alchemy without a circle
no wonder he’s been using circles this whole time
“i dont think thats very funny” NO ALPHONSE IT IS NOT
damn bradley what up homie
im so thrown off by the way theyre doing the exam omg
seriously what the hell is fuhrer bradley’s purpose right now is he even the fuhrer in this i feel like they wouldve mentioned it
oh lord ed is about to impress everyone with his clappy hands
ok so next episode is nina FUCK
episode 7: night of the chimera’s cry
havoc babeeee
im gonna marry him my himbo king
“huhhhhhhhh nina” ew tucker that was weirdly gross
wonder why
cant do it cant do it
do we think jean kirstein was modeled after jean havoc slightly looks wise
was that purposeful 
ill have to google 
serial killer who only targets women?  it cant be scar...scar drinks respect women juice
barry or slicer bros maybe? um ok
why did we start with liore if they were just gonna hop right back into the past for a huge chunk of episodes idk
assessment day??? oh noodles
ed r u writing to winry??? that’s a bit out of character for u good sir
no tucker put that baby down
im gonna fucking SCREAM
aww he burned nina’s picture thats not sus at all
wait does the ironblood alchemist know what tucker did to his wife? thats kinda the vibe im getting
looking like a pirate too damn
his voice sounds different is that j michael tatum 
apparently not it was dameon clarke in 03 ya learn something new everyday 
ew elicia has a lot of hair for a FUCKING NEWBORN
ed really is such a cynic very suspicious of everyone as he should be really
basque grand knowS SOMETHING
oh jesus oh fuck oh god please do not TOUCH THAT BABY
ed and al snuck back in to the house well u know what its for the best
im gonna cry again please god no
she’s hurting? oh my god
my sweet angel
ew his eyes!!!!!!! 
tucker is such a fucking failure...like look at the chimera squad and greed’s theatre troupe being the way they are. ugh it really hits how fucking unfair it is 
ed was really about to split them? boy you know better
where is nina going...im hurting
ed really tried to save her in this one
thats different
oh snap 
that was fucked.
episode 8: the philosopher’s stone
can yall get ed and al away from nina’s fucking MURAL 
get out of the car mustang
finally jesus christ
roy mustang talking about healthy coping mechanisms dont make me laugh but alright baby boy go off i guess?
im curious about who this goddamn serial killer is though lets turn to that plot thread
r u kidding me
mustang is making ed and al take over tucker’s research?? thats actually wildly messed up
oh tucker was straight executed that’s a choice i guess
tucker and the philosopher’s stone sounds inaccurate but ok
ed please stop being mean to your brother
03 mustang has got me reaching for a fucking baseball bat on GOD
scar and edward having this conversation right now i literally cannot
WINRY yes bitch
alphonse shut your mouthhhhhhhhhhh
im so confused what is bradley up to
“alchemists are not cold blooded murderers?”
i mean
kimblee would beg to differ for one
whos this creepy lady 
her voice sounds familiar
barry’s food shop?
the killer is barry ok got it
ok so i VASTLY prefer suit of armor original manga canon barry
this is such an odd plot what in fuck
um OW the meat cleaver
im so confused this fucking plotline
oh hey alphonse nice of you to show up!
is barry still gonna become a suit of armor later on
it makes NO SENSE to introduce him otherwise 
everytime i see 03 mustang i wanna beat his ass HONESTLY
literally i will shove my foot up his ass
fullmetal here we go
ed thinks he’s so punk rock 
oh great scar’s seen the watch
episode 9: be thou for the people
ed you simp buying winry all this stuff my edwin heart is ascending
“mr. elric”?? you mean MAJOR ELRIC
to be fair though fuck the military
im gonna need to read a full chronology of this show
 alphonse continues to be a precious angel 
where’s my boy yoki!!!!!
edward you idiot don’t go flaunting your money
woof woof ed
al looks so offended by ed saying they just met
whereas in brotherhood didnt he totally throw ed under the bus??? 
a choice to be sure
ah there he is hello yoki
who’s the chick
shes a lesbian
yoki makes me miss my baby girl mei chang
mei where r u
hawkeye getting a promotion yes bby girl
jesus theyre transferring them to east now OKKKKKAY thats not how it happened it the book but ill take it....just doing it the opposite way i guess
who is lyra who is she
cute some military bribery 
umm lyra what the fuck did you do
lyra is a homunculus im callin it now
they definitely invented/changed up some homunculi in fact im certain they did and shes one of em. gotta be
i feel like 03 wrote ed as much more insensitive towards others than he really is...just a vibe im getting
i know he was faking for the townspeople’s sake but i still get this vibe from other instances 
i mean i cant say its not “canon” because its 03 canon
anyways what a show off
i cant believe theyre going to east...fuery and breda better be there
ok finally some answers on their ages....ed got his license at 12 like normal and nina and youswell were when he was 12...liore was 15, 
if they didnt flash the ages on the screen id be lost honestly
at least we’re back up to “present day”
episode 10: the phantom thief
ed saying he doesnt wanna see mustang
03 mustang is activating my fight or flight and im choosing fight
ed cheating at cards totally checks out
um who the fuck is this woman
what is she wearing
idk but this is fem!hisoka
“hey shouldnt we talk first” after getting handcuffed??? christ almighty these innuendos
siren??????? siren is probably also a “fake” homunculus
ok so the nurse is siren
ya aint slick girly
alphonse control your crush
why is al’s hair so brown in this flashback anywayssss
oh its spelled psiren ope
like she’s literally a batman villain...
oh my god...............the tiddy grab. my son would never
my son is respectful
is this her homunculus tat or just a random alchemy tat
the added plotlines and original content continue to confuse and astound me every single time....
ok but if psiren really was doing this for the hospital she wouldnt be so flashy about it. like thats how you get caught sweet cheeks
girly stop flirting with this child on god im gonna fucking kick you
now shes a nun????????????????
Shes a fucking troll i hate her
im going to kick alphonse into the sun 
oh great now shes a teacher
wow shes a savior. the savior of amestrian venice. greatttttt
ed looking exactly like this emoji on this gondola rn 🧍‍♀️
alphonse plzzzzzzzzzz she aint your girl
ok so probably not the last we see of this ding dong con artist
ok so its starting to get muddy. im scared the 03 stans are gonna come after me like i do like it and im having fun watching it but some of the plot and characterization choices are just....odd??? idk i gotta keep going though!! im sorry i just stan arakawa and her work in all her glory!!!
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calsgirll · 4 years
Paris - Ashton Irwin
Ashton Irwin X Reader
word count: 1711
authors note: this is based around the song Paris by the chainsmokers! I heard the song for this first time in a while and this immediately hit me so here it is!❤️
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  We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
It had been a rough year for you and Ashton, with him on tour and you still living at home with your parents. You felt like he’d had no time for you since he started touring with the guys. Due to your past relationships your brain didn’t settle thinking of all the things he could be doing and you wouldn’t even know. One morning you woke up to the sound of your phone going crazy with text messages from the whole band telling you to open your front door. As you padded downstairs at 3am you tried to keep it quiet knowing your parents where probably asleep, you unlatched the door and peeked out not knowing what it would be and being very wary but you looked down and all you saw was a heart shaped foil balloon with a note and rose attached. You picked it up reading the note which said
‘pack your bags and be ready for 6 am. We’re going somewhere special’- Ash
you smiled rubbing your thumb over the small sticker of the Eiffel tower in the corner of the note.
And I thought, "Wow If I could take this in a shot right now I don't think that we could work this out"
“fuck you ash” you scream at him throwing a mug at the wall in anger “are you serious right now y/n, you really believe a few shitty rumours you saw on twitter?” Ashton asks trying to keep calm while you stand in front of him with puffy eyes and damp cheeks “the paparazzi has photos of you leaving a club with her what am I supposed to think” you say trying to collect yourself “do you trust me at all? Because I’m starting to get the hint that you don’t. you knew what you were getting into when we started dating” he snaps back at you now visibly angry at the fact you’re questioning his fidelity. You grab his hand as he tries to walk out “Ash im sorry, it just gets a lot knowing your out there being an amazing drummer with millions of girls throwing themselves at you” you squeak trying to hold in the tears that are threatening to fall any second, he looks at you with a sympathetic smile and sighs “I know its hard not being together all the time but please stay strong because you know I love you” he pulls you into his large frame.
It felt like that was yesterday, the first real fight you’d both had with each other. It was almost as if it was like a polaroid that was constantly hung up in your head. You where so grateful for him and the fact he stayed with you and allowed you both to get to this point.
Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought "How Could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else"
Ashton glanced around at the Paris skyline as you both sat on the balcony. The glimmering Eiffel tower caught his eye, a thought popped into his head as he stifled a giggle you looked at him confused as to what he was so amused about “are you a tower? because Eiffel for you” he says with a smug smirk on his face like he’d came up with the line. You smile at him knowing how much of a idiot he was, you were both glad you had this time together, it felt like you were in a relationship with a ghost as he was almost never home and you were waiting around for someone who was out there with a load of other people probably not even having a second thought about you but he was extremely quick to reassure you that wasn’t the case and if it was as much as it would hurt you both he would break it off knowing that it wouldn’t be fair to you.
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever
You sipped your latte as you sat on a small metal table in front of a small café. Ashton’s scrolling through his phone while you admire the city around you “what are we gonna do today?” you ask Ash like he’s your personal tour guide since he’s been here before. “whatever you want to do, anything you can think of we’ll do it” he says looking up from his phone and squinting when the harsh sunlight hits his hazel eyes. His eyes where like honey in the sun, he always claimed he hated the colour of his eyes whereas you believed they were the most amazing things you’d ever seen “you know I’m bad at making decisions Irwin” you smirk at him “we could go to the Louvre?” he looks up at you once again, you hum in response as you take another sip of your latte “even though they don’t have the best masterpiece, you” he snickered you kicked his shin under the table “youre so lame you know” you state he nods his head gazing back down at his phone.
You look so proud Standing there with a frown and a cigarette Posting pictures of yourself on the internet
You snapped a shot of Ashton next to the Eiffel tower he looked amazing as always he stays stood in the same spot for a while just staring at you, cigarette between your fingers fumbling with your phone he presumed you were adding filters etc. to the picture you just took he strolled over to you resting his chin on your shoulder watching your phone as you tap away at different things trying to make the picture match the theme of your Instagram. As you add the finishing touches to the photo you switch to Instagram before stamping out your cigarette and post it with a rose emoji as the caption and tagging him in it. He turns his head placing a kiss on your cheek “I love you so much” he states, you turn around facing him putting your hand inside his leather jacket wrapping them tightly around his waist “I love you too Ash, thank you” you say breathing in his citrusy cologne “thank you for what?” he asks with a confused look on his face “just being you and sticking with me through all my crazy meltdowns, there’s no one else id rather be with here than you” you say, you feel him kiss the top of your head as he holds you even tighter.
Out on the terrace We breathe in the air of this small town On our own cuttin' class for the thrill of it
Getting drunk on the past we were livin' in
You and Ashton found yourselves back out on the balcony in only your robes in a comfortable silence, tipsy and tired. Your mind began to wonder to where it all started.
“no you didn’t even get close to the bullseye, take a shot” you laugh as you watch him swallow down another shot after missing a dart yet again “I’m starting to think you’re cheating” he mutters “how can you even cheat in darts? You’re just a sore loser who’s to drunk to know I’m the best darts player ever” you giggle slightly slurring your words. It was nearly 2 am and all your friends had left after a drunken night of embarrassing ourselves which left you in a bar on your own with the one and only Ashton Irwin who you recognised from that one underwear song a few years back. He was quick to correct you that it was called she looks so perfect and was also quick to tell you he had changed a lot since then. You both started talking also noticing how his friends also left one bye one “and then there where two” he giggles “I guess so what are the plans then” you ask him sipping the tiny straws that are floating in your mojito glass “back to my hotel to watch some shitty lifetime movie?” he ask studying your face to see your reaction by the way it lit up he knew that you were in “watching shitty lifetime movies is actually my favourite past time” you say grabbing your bag and drinking the last of your cocktail.
You thought it was strange how that one night you spent with him ended up becoming such an amazing relationship. Youre glad it happened so naturally because online dating wasn’t your thing it felt kinda forced. The story was definitely one to tell the grandchildren you though smiling looking down at the empty beer bottle in your hand.
We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
It was your last night in Paris and you and Ashton decided to go on a walk around the beautiful city, it was almost 9pm and the sky was sparkling almost as much as the Eiffel tower in front of you “shall we go up?” Ashton asks quietly “Ash you know I’m afraid of heights” you whined wondering why your boyfriend would ask such a dumb question after knowing you for so long “come on please it’ll be worth it I promise” he pleads and after around 10 minutes of bargaining you find yourself half way up the tower waiting to get to the top. Your tight grip on Ashtons hand not releasing in fear you may just drop and fall without his strong arm holding you. You make it to the top and see the twinkling city which makes you forget how high up you are because of its beauty. You speed walk to railing wanting to get a closer look not noticing Ashton wasn’t by your side anymore “Ash have you seen how beautiful this is?” you ask expecting him to come to your side but he didn’t “ashton?” you say turning around to find him down on one knee with the biggest smile on his face ever. Your hands instantly fly to cover your mouth which was agape in shock. “y/n will you marry me?”
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heather-holloway · 5 years
how i, kiara heather-holloway, would plan and write the upcoming live action dylan dog tv show (thats being produced by james wan rn):
OKOK first off. my god. this has to be as comic accurate as it can be. this has to be better than the fucking movie or ill literally d*e oh my god. the movie was so bad and was only dylan dog in name and outfit. 
he needs the clarinet. and not for one scene. gotta have that shitty car, hes gotta be broke, hes gotta live on that craven st, hes gotta have the fucked up doorbell nd hes gotta have that p*lice officer backstory (though i dont want them to go too full into the backstories of the main characters cuz that takes away from the main story of the episode, and is really just unneeded)
this shit will be set in london. but as for the time im kinda on a fence? its always had a timeless sorta feeling, esp as of late with the comics only now starting to establish itself in the 21st century, but i would really like for it to be set in the 80s cuz a lot of the classic comic stories r from the 80s and it would fit in with how old timey he is with his car and movie references
i hope they have the budget to actually get the rights to use groucho marx’ likeness cuz like... the biggest thing the movie was missing was groucho nd even though there was a little easter egg in the beginning of the movie with them dressed like him... it wasnt enough bro, it’s not the same without him :(
if they cant get the rights then i hope they go the felix route, by making him act like groucho and shit but hes not like.. actually groucho i guess
i dont know where this show’ll get distributed, but im hoping netflix, since a 10 episode format (which is what it was confirmed to be) would be perfect on there with all their other shows with short seasons. 
im biased bc i love monster-of-the-week type shows but i think it would be perfect, since the comics are exactly that, where the story is self contained within its episode. i guess they could have some small overarcing story (maybe abt morgana and her tie to dylan?) over the season but idk how something like that could also fit in with the amount of story needed for the monsters and shit
id think itd be perfect if they adapted the first comic “dawn of the living dead” for the first episode of the series, since that comic is the introductory comic for dylan and groucho and how his shit works yknow? the audience could be like following sybil for that first episode as shes asking for their services and is just seeing their BullShit at close hand
idk about the rest of the series, but id love if they adapted the anna never story for an episode tbh
the tone id like for the show would be gothic, with european style of horror, but still crackheaded and bullshittery with grouchos and dylans antics and jokes. i hated what they did in the movie, making it a generic american action horror movie with the club scene of vampires vs werewolves. im so tired of vampires vs werewolves. let this represent european horror and bring that style into american culture Blease
idk who id cast for dylan. someone lanky, british accent definitely, early 20′s/25 maybe. i like brandon routh but hes too old for the part now u_u and honestly, though he kinda looked like dylan in face, he didn’t fit into dylans lanky profile at all. i hope maybe he’ll get a small cameo in the show tho😭 he got did so dirty by that shitty movie
the cast would be revolving, with only dylan and groucho and maybe bloch (if hes in the episode) being the main characters. the romantic interests and side characters for the specific story would last for the episode like in the comics.
this is just for me but id love for there to be a throwaway line about dylan and groucho being married at one point, to reference their marriage in the recent comics
also make the show rated r. i think the titties are the most important part of the comics
while id like for it to be set in london, id also like for it to travel to other places in europe, and take it to interesting scenery nd shit like they always do in the comics. idk how id feel about that one werewolf school story thats set in germany being adapted, but id like to see that german forest scenery lol
there needs to be a few groucho, la pistola! moments where groucho tosses him the pistol ok............also there needs to be the classic pistol
oh and dylan has to say dancing judas at least like 4 times ok .. god
umm for the effects of the monsters, i think itd be best if it was practical, rather than cgi. ive seen netflix’s cgi monsters nd while they work...... the practical effects i think would fit really well in the timeless/80s tone by being like various 80 horror flicks with their practical fx. since the comics were inspired by those classic horror films, like night of the living dead and shit
instead of making dylans personality be the cocky action hero that the movie made him out to be, i... would like for him to still be that jokey loner romantic that he is in the comics, getting himself into trouble cuz he accidentally slept with the monster or the killer or whateva. 
like he’s smart with paranormal shit but he only has 1 braincell and neither him or groucho have it most of the time
oh my god i just realized i hadnt even thought of xabaras ok fuck uhhh OK maybe he is part of the overarcing story. maybe yes he gets introduced in the first episode like hes first introduced the in the first comic. but maybe in the end, with the finale he comes back again, after you thought he was dead but noo ho ho hes alliivee and hes always gonna fuck with you dylan you cant get rid of him. whatever fight happens in the finale, it ends in a sort of draw where maybe dylan thinks he defeated him for good, only for the final scene to be xabaras just chilling, clearly not dead, maybe watching over dylan
(if there was to be a season 2, id like for them to do the “i am your father” reveal then, instead of doing all of that in the first season)
(id actually really like for dylans backstory with the time traveling shit and morgana in the second season to be honest now that i think about it)
the first season can be about the monsters of the week and the second possible season could actually focus more on his character story and how he even got into this shit lol
this show really has the potential to be a really great show that breaks out of the usual horror genre and im going to be SO disappointed when it inevitably becomes like riverdale or sabrina the teenage witch’s unnecessary edgy teen adaptions OR just becomes the generic horror franchise shit that james wan usually fucking does with saw and insidious. 
im really fucking praying that he actually pays attention to the source material and accurately brings the more gothic and european style of horror forward with it, introducing it to a larger american audience... blease for my sake .. i cant do dylan dog: dead of night (2010) again...
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ohshcwrites · 5 years
Maybe it’s cuz I’m wearing your cologne (Kyoya x reader)
So, I hope this is good lol. I redid this like 10 times and im still not ‘happy’ with the outcome. Requests are open!
“Hey. Hey, (y/n)? Wake up, we’re going to be late for school.” Kyoya’s voice brought (y/n) to her senses. Shooting up straight in a hurry made the two bump heads.
“Oh crap, That's going to leave a bruise. Sorry babe.”  (y/n) rubbed the growing red spot on her forehead, while using her other hand to run Kyoya’s growing bump.
“You're even clumsy when you just wake up.” Chuckling lowly, Kyoka pulled (y/n) into his chest. “We leave for school in 10 minutes, I have an extra toothbrush in the bathroom.” nodding (y/n) gave Kyoya a small kiss and ran to his bathroom.
Once she finished brushing her hair, teeth, and she washed her face she called out to Kyoya. “Hey, babe?”
Looking up from his solid black notebook he grabbed his and (y/n)’s school bags. “What is it?” It wasn’t normal annoyed voice, this one had a bit of caring undertone to it.
“You wouldn’t happen to have another uniform dress, would you?” Her (s/c) face popped out with her natural (wavy, straight, poofy, etc) hair swinging behind her.
“Kyoya’s mouth turned up at the sight. What turned into an accidental sleepover was probably the best thing that had happened to him in a while. “Now tell me, sweetheart. Have you ever seen me wear a dress to school?”
A bright smile came from (y/n). The exact opposite of what Kyoya that would happen. “Y’know, Haruhi and I were talking and she told me about how the whole host club cross-dressed just to stop her from moving schools.” (y/n) let out a mocking laugh going back into the bathroom to try to fix the wrinkles in her long yellow dress.
With a sour face, Kyoya looked at his watch, “Time to go, I need to have a talk with Haruhi. I got your bag.”
“Huh? Wait, I didn’t shower today! Or get my contact solution! Do you have any perfume I can use.” Sighing Kyoya took her chunky black glasses out of her bag so she could see. (y/n) hated her glasses, she thought it made her face look weird. But on the opposite side, Kyoya loved seeing her wearing glasses. No real reason, he just loved every part of her.
“(y/n), look me in the eyes and tell me if you really think I have perfume.” Kyoya’s sarcastic voice made (y/n) blush as she acknowledged her mistake.
“Okay, at least let me use your cologne. I don’t want any chance of me smelling rank at school.” rolling his eyes Kyoyawalked over to his dresser and grabbed his cologne.
“It’s strong, just use-” too late, (y/n) sprayed one squirt on her neck and one on her wrist rubbing her two wrists together. (y/n) was used to the weak smelling perfume that never lasted for a minute. “One.”
“Ugh. come on, I just want this day to be over.” (y/n) grabbed Kyoya’s hand and pulled him out of his room.
A fond smile found its way onto Koyay’s lips. The saying opposites attract seemed to be true in this situation, and surprisingly Kyoya didn’t mind at all.
Fast walking down the extravagant stairway, the couple came face to face with Kyoya’s father.
“Hello, Sir.” A polite smile spread across (y/n)’s face. “I apologize for staying over without your permission. Kyoya was helping me study, since he is one of the smartest people I know, and I fell asleep.”
“Don’t worry. Your company is always welcome here.” That was the biggest compliment in the world, well at least to (y/n). She was glad that one of their dads approved of their relationship. Yes, (y/n)’s mom knows and she accepts it with a full heart, but her father was a different story.
“Thank you, Sir.  If you would excuse us, we’re running late to school so we best be going. Thank you once again, and for raising such a smart and wonderful son!” With a blush on her face and a red tint on Kyoya’s, they were out of the house and settled into one of the Ootori’s limousine.
“You look beautiful, darling.” Kyoya pulled (y/n) by her waist and kissed her forehead.
“You think so? I’m bare faces, my hair is a mess, and I'm wearing my glasses, plus I didn’t get to shower.” (y/n) whined leaning into Kyoya’s uniform blazer.
“I believe you're gorgeous no matter what you wear.” (y/n) ‘aww’ed and gave Kyoya a lengthy kiss.
“What are we going to tell people when they see us leaving the same car?”
A bit of background information; (y/n)’s father doesn't approve of her dating Kyoya. Why? Well, the (l/n) business was doing much better than the Oortori’s own. (y/n)’s father's plan- not her mothers; she hated it- was for (y/n) to marry up in the business food chain, so to speak. On the other hand, Kyoya’s father was as proud as he could be towards his third son. A marriage between the two families would be a huge deal for the Ootori business.
“Would it be so bad to have our relationship go public?” Of course, Kyoya had his doubts about what people would do and say, most of all how Mr. (l/n) would react.
“You should be worried about the host club. It’s one of the ways you want to show your father you can run your family's company. I’d be happy if we would go on dates outside of your house, but I love the close intimate moments that being alone provided. And with my father, I’d deal with whatever he says or does because I love you that much. I’m not going to leave you, well unless you get tired of me.” sliding her smooth, (s/c) hands to his cheeks making sure she conveys her true feelings to him.
Kyoya moves his face away from her hands and gave a small hum, showing he was deep in thought.
“Well, it looks like we're here. (y/n) go ahead and get out now, ill have the driver pull around.” A cold smile was stuck on his lips, disappointed that (y/n) would want to continue to hide their 7th-month relationship.  
“Kyoya Ootori, I love you! And only you. Don’t you dare doubt that for even a second! I just like you being alive rather than dead. If you were dead then I would kiss you,” With a sweet lingering kiss, (y/n) took her to leave and walked up to her friends as the sleek black limo pulled away.
“Hey, (y/n)! You're late today. Come on we have class in 10.” another second year, Mina, said as she linked arms with (y/n).
“Wait for me!” A giggling Keia
“Hey, do you smell that?” Keia walked closer to (y/n), smelling the air as she went. “Why do you smell like cologne?” Keia asked with a smirk on her face. The two girls had been trying to convince you to tell them you had a boyfriend. Yet they had no luck or even proof.
“Oh my god! We knew it! You DO have a boyfriend!” The yelling Mina did in the hallway caught most people attention. (y/n) was popular, well not her but the business aspect of it, there would definitely be rumors by the start of lunch if not sooner.
“Hush will you?! If I tell you will you be quiet?” (y/n) snapped, pulling the two girls by their wrists making sure they go to class on time.
“Promise!” Mina and Keia said together.
“Fine, yes I have a boyfriend I’m not saying who. But i-”
“Class has started ladies. If you do not quiet down I will send you somewhere else. Now separate.” The strict voice of the physics teacher rang out, embarrassing all three girls. A little laugh that (y/n) could place anywhere. Fu***n Kyoya Ootori. He was laughing at (y/n)’s pain and no one knew it was him chuckling, which pissed (y/n) off further. Not even giving him the satisfaction of looking in his direction,(y/n) got up out of the desk chair and walked further away from Kyoya.
A vibration only (y/n) can feel comes from her satchel bag. While pulling out her books, pens, and pencils, (y/n) also took out her phone.
‘ ’ - (y/n)
Underline- Mina
Bold- Keia
U need 2 tell us y ur wearing his cologne
(y/n) rolled her eyes, knowing there was no escaping them now.
‘I stayed the night at his house...’
AHHH! Girl, I knew u were dirty
Yeah! Did u do the Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang?
‘Oh no,’
‘We were studying and I fell asleep.’
‘I’m still in my clothes from yesterday, so I’m wearing his cologne’
“That's it!” A bang of a ruler as it hits the table rang out causing some female students to yelp, including the three that were on their phones. “(l/n), outside now! And leave your phone on your desk.”  blushing, more like wearing a mask of, red (y/n) quickly put her phone down and walked out of class.
Tears of frustration welled up, “God, why am I crying?” (y/n) sat on the floor, sitting against the wall a few feet away from the classroom door. Time has passed, most likely 10 minutes before (y/n)’s tears stopped.
The door to the classroom swung open making (y/n) tense thinking it was the teacher. To her surprise and fortune, Kyoya walked out of the room. Once the door closed Kyoya walked to (y/n), helping her stand on her feet.
“Kyoya I-” The tears came back, but before they could fall Kyoya squeezed her forearms tightly.
“Can you hold on for a little while longer?” His silk like voice sounded into her ear.
“Y-yes…” came (y/n)’s unstable reply.
“Then hold out your hand.” Pulling back Kyoya sets his own hand out for (y/n) to grab. Once (y/n) placed her hand into his, Kyoya pulled on (y/n)’s hand spinning her into his chest so her back is smooth against his chest. “We are having a talk about why you're so distracted later, my love, but until then try to behave.” kissing (y/n)’s neck in various places Kyoya tries to be cool when he really happens to be anxious about why (y/n) causing so much trouble today.
“Go back to class, baby. We don’t need you getting in trouble too, now do we?” (y/n) laughed as Kyoya spun her back out.
“No more tears. I’ll see you later. Don’t worry I’ll get your phone back.” With a sweet kiss, Kyoya walked back inside the classroom.
“I can’t believe that a** hole left you outside of the room for an hour,” Keia complained as she handed (y/n) her school bag.
“I know! And this is the first time that (y/n)’s ever been in trouble, well in her class that is.” Mina slightly laughed. A tense silence was strung along while (y/n) was waiting by the door. “Sorry, about getting you in trouble. And that we couldn’t get your phone back.” Mina whispered as she shifted her dirty blonde bangs out of her eyes.
“No worries guys, I’m not upset.” A true smile set on (y/n)’s face made her two friends very confused.
“What do you mean? You literally never go anywhere without it.” Keia pried, something she was very good at.
“I just have someone dealing with it…” A fond smile slowly crept upon (y/n)’s face.
“Oh my! It’s has something to do with your secret boy toy doesn't it!” The perky girls yelled out in unison, making everyone around them stare hard. Including Kyoya and Tamaki who just strolled up next to the trio.
“Girls! He’s not my ‘boy toy’, I actually love him- very much.” (y/n) snuck a peek at the boys next to her blushing all the while.
“Wow, not even going to tell us off for being loud? You must realllllly like this guy.” Mina’s words caught Tamaki’s ears and were implanted into his brain, which told him to butt-in on their conversation.
“Ah, what are my dear princess talking about?” The blonde boy asked as he stepped before Keia, knowing that she would be the one to spill the gossip.
“Ah, Tamaki, what do you want?” Mina, and (y/n) obviously, visit the host club enough to know the host king himself. Plus being personal friends of Haruhi (knowing she is a she, but others not knowing that they know) helped a bit too.
“I overheard that one of my favorite princess’ has a crush on someone. So, (y/n), whos the lucky guy?”
“Ha! More than like, she told us that shes in loooove with him.” Keia laughed bumping shoulders with the most embarrassed girl in the world.
“Pray tell, Keia,” Kyoya said sliding into step with (y/n), his hand grazing hers.
“Keiaaaa!” (y/n) whined, if the girls only knew that (y/n)’s secret boyfriend was walking right next to her. “I told you to keep quiet!” An angry blush spread across her face.
“Oh hush, now. I don’t see why it’s a big deal to announce your love for him to the world!” Mina laughed, mocking (y/n) a little bit.
“Hey, (y/n)?” Tamaki asked suddenly turning serious.
“Is everything okay… at home?” A confused expression sprung across (y/n)’s face, totally unknowing where Tamaki was going with his point.
“I guess? I didn’t go home last night.” (y/n) shrugged, turning her attention to the blonde male.
“Yeah, hehe, (y/n) stayed with her boyfriend.” Keia laughed, but on the contrary, Tamaki’s expression darkened a bit.
“How did you get that bruise?” (y/n) had totally forgotten she had bumped heads with Kyoya this morning, her skin is sensitive so when she got hit even bumping into a table she would bruise.
“Tamaki, what are you implying?” Kyoya asked his jaw tightening. Tamaki, even if he doesn’t know he is the one dating (y/n), pissed him off by thinking he’d even lay a single finger on (y/n). Just the thought was sickening to him.
“(y/n), I think what Tamaki is trying to say is…. Did he-- hit you? Is that why you didn’t go home?” (y/n) stopped walking, her chest tightening in an angry fashion.
“Excuse me?” The group stopped walking and turned to face the angry (h/c), haired girl. “You obviously don’t know him that well then! I mean Tamaki you literally spend every day with him! How can you possibly think, even for a second, that he would hurt me in any way? And you girls, I literally tell you not to tell anyone- but no, you had to open your mouths. I have to get to class. Kyoya you're the only one who isn’t pissing me off, walk with me to class.” (y/n) and Kyoya left the three others in their wake, both of them upset.
“I want to go public.” (y/n) said abruptly, making Kyoya shift his eyes over to her smaller figure.
“You’re only saying that because you’re angry.” A loving kiss is placed on top of (y/n)’s head. “We will talk about this after school. I think that since you told Tamaki about your secret boyfriend, we need to tell the host club… before this gets any more attention.” pressing a gentle, slim finger to her purple bruise.
“Fine, I love you.”
“Love you too.” they walked into their separate classes, both waiting anxiously for the day to end.  
Walking out of (y/n)’s last class of the day she wandered the empty halls slowly making her way to music room 3. The teacher held her back to go over some questions she missed on her last math test.
(y/n) decided to get her stuff out of her locker before heading over to see Haruhi. She gently placed her hands on the lock and twisted in her combination. She took her books out and closed the locker. Turning around (y/n) didn’t expect to be pushed into the lockers.
“What the hell?!” (y/n) yelled, the metal digging into her back making her cry out louder.
“I saw you today. With Kyoya.’’ the voice of some girl (y/n) has never seen before gives (y/n) a light scare.
“Let go of me you psycho b*tch!” (y/n) struggled but the force of the shove knocked the air out of her lungs, making her not able to put up much of a fight.
“No, you listen to me. You will break up with Kyoya. You will not talk to any of the host club members again. And you will never speak of this to anyone. Understand?” the girl pushed (y/n) into the lockers with more force, pulling (y/n) up and then slamming her back down. The sound echoing around the spacious hallway.
“Or what? You’ll t-tell daddy? I think y-you’re forgetting who I am.” (y/n) grunted out her chest having a hard time breathing with all the force on her.
“I don’t care who you are. You’re pathetic and ugly. You’re not good enough for Kyoya!”  The mystery girl swung her hand up fully prepared to slap (y/n) across the face.
“Enough!” The strong voice of the boy they were ‘discussing’ bounced off the walls of the corridor. Kyoya pushed the girl back hard enough to have to step a few paces back.
“WHat the HeLl is gOinG oN?” Haruhi yells as she, and the rest of the club run up to a shaking (y/n) in Kyoya’s arms.
Tamaki and the twins are left in charge of taking care of the girl, a terrible decision really.
“Kyoya, how did you know where I was?” (y/n) asked, ignoring the others that had crowded around them.
“Nevermind that, are you okay?” Kyoya leaned away to check for any noticeable damage.
“My back hurts, but it’s mostly my pride.” (y/n) giggled a bit, trying to lighten the mood.
“You’re such an idiot sometimes,” Kyoya said with a sigh.
“Yes, but I’m your Idiot!” (y/n) giggled before kissing Kyoya slowly, it was only for a second or two before (y/n) could hear Hikaru yelling,
“Woah, Woah, Woah! There are children here.” Haruhi pushes the hand that Hikaru had over her eyes.
Ignoring the yelling between the twins, Haruhi, and Tamaki- with the occasional yell from Honey- The couple gets lost in their own conversation.
“So, have you decided on our ‘secret’ relationship?” Kyoya hummed into (y/n)’s neck making her laugh the wholeheartedly.
“Okay, okay. You got me, let's go public!” (y/n) laughed as Kyoya kissed her. “Thinking about it now, it’s not a big deal.”
“To me it is. I get to claim you as mine- and only mine.”
“Hold on! Since when did you start dating?!”
“Hush Tamaki-senpai, they’re having a moment”
“But mommy hid something from daddy!”
“Oh no, not again-
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It will be alright, alright, alright | Carrotflakes
Finn reaches out to Nemo and Tae after an argument with Ariel. The conversation sort of devolves from there. Talk of prom, goats, etc. Group chats man.
@justkeepdancing-nemo​ @moon-yeongtae​
Finn: hi Nemo! hi Tae! I hope it's not weird to put us all together in a chat like this.
Finn: it might be weird Nemo: course its not weird ahah we've group chatted before :heart: Finn: :heart: Finn: I want to ask you guys Finn: well I want to talk Nemo: yeah? whats up!
Finn: i got in a fight with Ariel? Finn: i mean not physically Finn: though she did. got in a physical fight Finn: with ASHLEY A! Nemo: ohhhhh yeah i heard Nemo: at mei's party right??? Nemo: but wait why did u fight ariel then Finn: everyone's heard. Finn: well she just Finn: she's just so Finn: reckless? i mean she told me not to panic Finn: and I know I panic a lot okay. but whenever she says that I swear my heart rate picks up ten times because I know something's happened Finn: and that she's gonna be super casual about it and laugh about it while I have my tenth heart attack of the year Nemo: oh i see Nemo: she's not taking your worry seriously, thats why? Finn: I guess? I mean she never does really. Which I get kind of. Finn: I worry about everything. I know that. Finn: but the ashleys are really awful and I'll cry if they do something awful to her. Finn: I mean it's one thing if it's me, I mean I get it and I'm used to it. but she's my best friend Nemo: :/ ok well she should take your worries seriously Nemo: i get why you'd be upset over that Nemo: and the ashleys arent a joke! they seriously messed with robbie for months under everyone's noses Finn: I've never fought with her before! But this is so... Finn: god and Robbie! Finn: she talked about how you and Robbie were in the burn book too and were 'doing okay' and acting like none of what the Ashleys do is a big deal. Finn: I reminded her of what they did to me and she said it was more reason to stand up and fight them! Finn: I wouldn't ask anyone to do that! Nemo: i mean i think it is important to stand up... i dunno about fight... Nemo: i just mean that we cant let the ashleys rule our lives but yeah purposefully antagonizing them is bad haha why sneak into a falcon's nest you know! Finn: they've ruled my life for years so I guess it's hard for me to even think about that. Finn: i don't want them antagonized and doing awful things to you or to robbie or to ariel. Nemo: :/ Nemo: i mean i get where ariel is coming from Nemo: and you too Nemo: is she really planning to...uh...fight more? what would that even mean? didnt she like punch ashley a or something Finn: I don't know. I think so? Finn: she didn't give me details which made me a little more suspicious but after I reminded her about what the ashleys did she said Finn: ' Youre only giving me more reasons to stand up to them and not let them get away with all of that' Finn: and Finn: 'I cant just stand by anymore and im sorry if that makes you upset and that i didnt do something sooner' Finn: i'd rather be homeschooled again than be the excuse to pick more fights Nemo: aw jingles i hope she isnt gonna involve you Nemo [deleted]: i already feel like i made you a target as it is D: sdlfkajs Nemo: maybe give it a day?? she could calm down! maybe it wont seem so important anymore Nemo: to her, i mean Finn: I asked her not to but there's really no telling with her sometimes. Finn: she really makes rash decisions! Finn: i hope she will but I don't think so. And now we're not talking so I don't know what I'm gonna do Finn: besides maybe idk Finn: do you think Tae would make sure Ariel stays safe? I could make cookies Nemo: course he would but Nemo: ...i dunno if ariel would uh, like that Nemo: i dont know much about her but from everything you're telling me i mean Nemo: though maybe she could eat lunch with us if that would make you feel better! Nemo: except ur fighting Nemo: well after you make up! Nemo: though maybe having three burn book victims in one place is a bad call.... Nemo: hm Nemo: hold on let me think ahah Finn: I just want her to be safe. But I guess you're probably right. she'd hate it Finn: and I feel stupid for not being able to do anything to keep her safe either Nemo: well no matter what we would ALL be there for her if she needs it Finn: I'm so lucky to know you guys. Nemo: im so lucky i know you finn :heart: Nemo: im sorry there's more ashley drama ugh Nemo: if i could go back to new years eve and do it all over again i really would Finn: there's always drama with the ashleys. Finn: next year they're gone though from school! and then it'll be fine! it'll be good. Finn: but I wouldn't change New Years Eve. I did something I'd never do otherwise and I had a lot of fun with my friends before everything Finn: Ashley A can...she can....ugh I can't insult her yet not even like this Finn: but you know what I probably mean Nemo: i can Nemo: she's a wartface who can choke on tree fungus Nemo: and ashleigh q is a literal monster who needs to be exorcised from the planet Finn: I can't believe I giggled at that. Finn: that's a very unique insult Nemo: ii got plenty more where that came from! Nemo: but i  will keep them to myself and this group chat!
Finn: hahaha that's probably smart. No need to cause more fights. Nemo: all i wanna do iis get through school without getting grounded again im really trying not to get into trouble lol Finn: a good goal to have too. Finn: it'll be fine. We've all got each other. It should be. Yeah. Nemo: yeah! Tae: I CANT BELIEVE I WAS WORKING Tae: ARIEL FOUGHT ASHLEY A? Nemo: omg u didnt hear yet?? Tae: no I was in Jun's all work and no play orbit Nemo: lol did he take ur phone again Tae: yes next time I'm gonna axe murder him Tae: THE POINT IS THAT ARIEL KICKED ASHLEYS ASS YAAAAAAAAY Tae: sorry I hate her Nemo: join the club aha Tae: I can't believe he took my phone at such a critical time I'm gonna point to this as an example that u cant just take a teens phone bc their friends might need them Nemo: well the fight happened like a day ago Tae: does he have to know that? Tae: no Nemo: i dont think this is a very convincing argument anyway tae yah Nemo: say someone was dying Tae: right yes also I'm really sorry finn Tae: I'll protect ariel Tae: if I can Nemo: just dont get in trouble yourself Nemo: can we all try not to get in trouble??? Nemo: we gotta go to prom in a couple of months ago we need CLEAN RECORDS Tae: sometimes trouble just finds u neems did John mcclane ask for trouble Nemo: (prom is real right thats not just in movies..........) Tae: prom is a real (stupid) thing yes Nemo: tae yah u r going to prom Nemo: sorry not sorry Tae: I dont have a suit and we are poor I cant go Nemo: i dont have a suit and im even more poor and im still gonna go Nemo: i bet you can wear jun's suit Tae: jun is an oddly proportioned dorito Nemo: and you're not??? Finn: pfft Finn: I'm not going to prom Tae: I am a beefcake with angelic proportions thank you very much Finn: oh god Finn: no Finn: i mean respectfully Finn: no Tae: wow rude
Nemo: what!!! finnyyy you gotta Nemo: we'll all go together Finn: please no Nemo: D: Nemo: but why not? Nemo: its not an ashley party, its school sanctioned Nemo: there will be chaperones right? Finn: yeah but they'll be there Finn: they have to to get their devil horns Finn: i mean crown Nemo: but there will be grown ups! Nemo: also lol Tae: we could carrie them Nemo: no Finn: isn't that the scary thing with blood?
Nemo: we'll just mind our own business ok Tae: :))))))))) Nemo: we'll dance and eat food and look fit in our suits and be home before 10 because thats my curfew it will be so lame and fun! Finn: alternative plan: we could not go and have an anti prom hang out Nemo: but i wanna go to prom :/ Finn: oh. that's not fair Nemo Finn: i can picture your sad face Nemo: :(((((((((((((((((((((((((( Tae: you cant go with us anyway nemo u have to go with rooooooobbbbbbieeeeeee Finn: NEMOOOOO DDDD= Finn: that's true too Tae: finn do u wanna be my date? I'll fight everyone for u Nemo: i wanna go with YOU LOT TOO Nemo: c'mon Nemo: i wanna do the big group thing Finn: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nemo: we have to go to prom at least once Finn: remember the last party we went to? Finn: it can't be that soon to be forgotten Nemo: if not this year then next year when the ashleys arent at school??? Tae: I cant believe I just put my WHOLE HEART ON THE LINE and finn ignored me ya_bae_nemo [this is a snapchat]: 
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Finn: WAIT I'M SORRY Finn: TAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Finn: dgpsodjpgojgspdgjdsg Nemo: i meani really wont make you guys go if you dont want Finn: if i were a prom person i would definitely go with you tae of course Finn: wait Finn: why do i have to feel GUILTY Finn: meanies Tae: nemo I'm asking for a date shut ur mouth Nemo: sorry i just realized i was doing the same thing i did at new years!! Nemo: im the worst lol Finn: omg NO Finn: no you're NOT Nemo: nevermind nevermind we'll do anti prom this year that sounds fun too Finn: stooooop it right there Nemo: seriously you're right anti prom could be cool Finn: Nemo Nemo: i mean it! Finn: Nemo: i could go to prom prom next year! Finn: 
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Finn: stop Nemo: WHAT Finn: ugh i don't wanna fight with more than one friend today and Finn: who's to say prom wouldn't be fun if Finn: and ONLY IF Finn: Mr. Hot Date over there doesn't leave for another hot date ever Finn: during the time of this Nemo: we arent fighting Finn: it feels like we could and i don't wanna make you sad Tae: I'll stay by your side the whole time Finn: wow Nemo: no im not sad at all Nemo: you arent making me sad Finn: you sure? Tae: only bc u called me hot ;) Nemo: its too early to be talking about it anyway!! who knows maybe robbie will dump me and i'll be too depressed to go to prom lol Finn: omg. you're both going to kill me Finn: here lies Finn Finn: rip Finn: and if Robbie ever dumps you Finn: he'd be the BIGGEST IDIOT ON THE PLANET Tae: nemo u r literally so dramatic ok robbie is so far up ur ass hes like coming out ur throat Finn: that's gross tae Nemo: im just saying its literally three months away Tae: WHERE IS THE LIE FINN Finn: too vivid a mental picture Tae: what's our color scheme picasso Nemo: the theme hasnt even been announced Nemo: u cant decide that yet tae yah c'mon even i know that Finn: can i make our clothes? Tae: oh hell yes you can Finn: :heart:
Tae: also nemo u can always decide first if ur not a coward cmon Nemo: i think the theme makes it fun Tae: ok fine ur right bc I could be something cool like die hard then I could wear a tank top and no shoes Nemo: id just go shirtless Finn: nooooooo Nemo: rub myself up in blood and oil Tae: hahahaha Finn: sounds like the most terrifying form of prom Nemo: its HOT Finn: blood and oil? Finn: gross Tae: yeah Finn it's for the aesthetic Nemo: its so i can take out the germans Finn: ...... Finn: what Tae: have you never seen die hard either Finn: no? Nemo: omg you dont know my husband john mcclane!!! Tae: do I have to do all the work around here Finn: i guess so Finn: you've never invited me for a movie night this isn't my fault DDD= Tae: nemo we have to make him watch die hard with us Nemo: duh! Finn: is it a scary movie? Nemo: yes Nemo: but cool Tae: no Finn: .... Nemo: there's guns and stuff Nemo: and death Finn: ahhh intense Tae: yeah and a really ineffectual police department Nemo: people die hard lolol Tae: I learned that word today Tae: ineffectual Nemo: i dont even know what that means Nemo: tae yah dont get smarter than me Nemo: its not fair lol Tae: good because I probably used it wrong LMFAO Finn: no Finn: you did fine! Finn: :smile: Nemo: see finn is already smarter than me Tae: jun bought me a word of the day calendar bc I called myself a dumbass last week Finn: wahhhhh Nemo: ahhahaha Tae: so maybe I wont sound like a dumbass while still secretly being the biggest dumbass ever Finn: you are NOT Tae: UNDERCOVER DUMBASS HAHAJAHA Finn: D= Nemo: i'll still sound like a dumbass Finn: DD= Nemo: hopefully i'll be cute enough to make up for it Finn: you guys are making me sadddddddd Nemo: :kissing_heart: Tae: nemo ur the cutest it's ok tell him hes cute finn Nemo: im kidding finn i mean im not super smart or anything but im a fairy so who cares Finn: you're smart and funny and kind and cute? Nemo: oh jingles Nemo: i really wasnt trying Nemo: i didnt mean i mean i really was kidding !! Tae: yeah and I wanna be a cop and if you've seen any movies you dont have to be smart to do that either Nemo: now im blushing Finn: my friends are great! i just wanna hug you guys when you say stuff like that about yourself Finn: and we can talk about pots and kettles but i won't hear it Finn: today at least Nemo: also thats tru tae yah all cops are terrible except for hopefully one day u Nemo: well finny you ARE also smart and funny and kind and cute too Nemo: and kind of a bad ass wow Nemo: i promise i wont call myself a dumbass anymore Finn: i'll try to believe everything but the badass part lol Finn: but good :heart: Finn: YOU TOO TAE Tae: I promise I wont call myself a dumbass out loud anymore Tae: lmfao sorry Finn: -.- Finn: fine i guess Finn: sorry. i just really love you guys a lot Nemo: i love you too :slight_smile: Nemo: tae is just okay :slight_smile: Tae: that's me ok tae Nemo: what we call it Nemo: u Nemo: tae just ok moon Nemo: wow saying it like that was weird Tae: lmfao Finn: tae a great friend moon Finn: moon great friend yeongtae Tae: yeah I hate it too just put moon first white people it's not hard Nemo: omg ok is in tokki Nemo: tOKKi Finn: people should figure out how to say names right though Nemo: mine isnt actually hard im lucky Nemo: people butcher my appa's its awful Tae: tae is easy it's like Taylor's swift Finn: I think they'd butcher mine Nemo: Taelor Swift. Finn: but only my mom and aunt called me it anyway Nemo: tae yah thanks for giving me so many great nicknames for u Finn: taelor swift is good lol Nemo: wait finny u never told me your birth name? Tae: if u call me taelor swift i might kill everyone Nemo: i didnt realize you had one Finn: yeah I don't go by it so most people wouldn't xP Finn: dad said it was 'too hard' to say Finn: and they named me Finn Nemo: yeah i get it i dont go by nammin either Tae: i'm gonna pull a power move and use my goat's name Nemo: omg dont Nemo: tae yahasdfja Finn: isn't the goat just Finn: no wait never mind Nemo: dont get him started Tae: MY GOAT HAS A BEAUTIFUL NAME NEMO Nemo: i know that tae yah Tae: i'll just walk into class one day and pronounce myself Hanuelbyeolimgureumhaennimbodasarangseurouri Nemo: theeeeeeeeeere it is Finn: my eyes Finn: what am i trying to read Nemo: ha nuel byeol im gureum hae nnim bo dae sarang seurouri does that help Finn: i wish it did Tae: HAHAHA it's basically the most genius sibling win ever Tae: i named my goat something that basically means more lovely than the sun sky and stars which are, coincidentally, my sister's names HAHAHAHA Tae: it is my legac Finn: oh my god. i'm a lot slower on trying to read hangul and I got some of it Nemo: it IS pretty hilarious Finn: but not all Finn: wow Nemo: and the goat IS pretty sexy Tae: the sexiest goat Nemo: i want her to call me oppa Tae: HAHAHAHAHA Nemo: >) Finn: oh my god Finn: so is this gonna be Finn: 
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Finn: not judging Finn: lol Nemo: whoa is that a movie about a romance between four men and a goat Nemo: humans are wild Finn: i honestly don't know. I just know this movie exists Tae: that's one i've actually never seen so i can't help Nemo: im gonna believe its a romance between four men and a goat Finn: should we find out? watch die hard and then Finn: a goat movie Nemo: i will watch anything so sure!! Tae: that's true he is a slut for movies Nemo: hey Tae: um i've seen more than u so Tae: i'm the biggest movie slut around Nemo [deleted]: well u werent called a whore so Nemo: lol true Finn: we could do a movie night at my place? Finn: or yours if you want Tae buttttt Tae: no yours is fine Nemo: if its yours i can play with pannieeeee Finn: i was about to brag and show a picture again Finn: i guess i don't have to Finn: xP Nemo: were u gonna show a picture of pannie!!! Nemo: you read my mind!!1 Finn: i mean Pannie is a treasure! i will definitely cuddle him for all scary things! Nemo: guess that means i gotta cuddle tae yah Nemo: sorry tae yah ur stuck with me Finn: guess so. we could both cuddle pannie too, i could share i guess Finn: check this out Finn: 
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Tae: HIS SHIRT Nemo: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Finn: he gets to be stylish with me Nemo: U DID NOT Nemo: did u make that! Finn: of course! Tae: there is no way nemo will cuddle me now look at him Finn: well if nemo desperately wants to cuddle pannie i gueeeeess i could cuddle you tae if you're sad Tae: it's okay i'm a big strong man who doesn't need cuddles lmfao Neems: I CANT BELIEVE U MADE THAT Finn: oh. so you don't want to cuddle me? D= Finn: so very sad Finn: nemo cuddle me with pannie Neems: i will cuddle anyone who needs it tae yah knows im a big rotten coward Neems: HE LOOKS LIKE A GENTLEMAN Neems: sorry im still not over it Finn: =DDD Neems: u should make him a little tie :((( id cry Finn: ooooo that's a good idea Finn: i'll make him a black tie so he can feel fancy Finn: or black bow tie? Neems: both! Neems: one for the office one for special occasions duh Tae: tie the tie around his head so he looks like a karate master Finn: i think he'd just chew that off Finn: but i like the creativity Tae: thank u i'll be here my whole life Neems: tae the tie master moon Tae: omg that sound cooler than taelor swift i'll take it Finn: a bit wordy though. TTTMM Tae: just call me tm Tae: traDEMARK BITCHESSSSSS Finn: hahaha
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royalrhaposdy · 6 years
Of Course I Care [ Brian May ]
Word count: 1.2k+
Request: Heyy, i only wanted to tell you that i love te way you write, it’s so cooooool. I was just wondering, could you do a Brian x Reader roommate au? iluuuu
Your morning was already off to a rough start, you had woken up late, with no time for breakfast and now you couldn’t find your bag that had paperwork that had to be submitted today. You were running around the flat desperately trying to locate your missing bag. In the meantime, your roommate, Brian, was just watching you with a big smirk plastered on his face.
Realization hit you, you must have left your bag lying around. One thing you have learned after living with Brian was he really hated it when you left your belongings just lying around, “Brian, where did you put my bag?”
“Y/N, if you would put stuff away, you’d know where it is.”, you groaned, you knew he was just trying to teach you a lesson normally you would’ve just apologized but you were getting later by the second.
“Please Bri, I’m already late,” you were getting ready to beg when Brian just let out a big sigh and said, “It’s in the closet where it belongs.” You rushed to the closet, pulled your bag out, and rushed out the door.
You and Brian had met in college and had almost instantaneously felt comfortable with him. It didn’t take long for you two to become best friends. He would invite you to come to Smile’s gigs and you would invite him to your art exhibitions; you were each other's biggest fans. Once the both of you graduated you decided to find an apartment together. It’s been about three years since you moved in with Brian and it was still one of the best decisions you’ve ever made; he was the perfect roommate and the perfect best friend.
Eight long hours later you finally returned home from work. You opened the door to find Brian sitting on the couch strumming his guitar, he looked up at you when you entered the room. “How was work?”,he asked.
“It was fine, my boss didn’t even seem to notice that I was late, thank god.” You sat in the chair across from him and put your feet up, it was good to be home.
He nodded and began strumming his guitar again. A comfortable silence fell between the two of you, you closed your eyes and listened to the first few chords of Keep Yourself Alive, when all of a sudden he spoke up and asked, “Hey Y/N, are you doing anything tonight?”
“No, I’m not, why?”every time Brian invited you to anything it was always fun.
“Queen was invited to play at the club downtown, do you wanna come?”
“I’d love to! What time?” you were hoping you’d have a few more minutes to relax before you had to start getting ready.
“Umm, I think it starts at 10, but I have to leave at 9.” you glanced over at the clock on the wall, it was somehow already 8:00, you’d definitely have to start getting ready now.
You quickly pushed yourself up off the chair and gave Brian a pat on the shoulder as you made your way towards your room. “Good luck tonight, I know you guys will kill it like always.”
He smiled up at you, “If you get there before the show come backstage, I’ll give security your name.”
“Okay thanks, Bri, I’ll see you there.”
After taking a shower, drying and styling your air, applying makeup and choosing an outfit you were finally ready to go.
You grabbed your car keys and checked the time, it was only 9:15, you were delighted that you still had time to wish the guys good luck before their set.
Fifteen minutes later you pulled up to the club and made your way in, you noticed that the crowds seem to be tripling in size every time you go to see Queen perform. You made your way past security and to the boys’ dressing room. You knocked on the door it was quickly opened up by a very hyper looking Roger. “Hey Rog, how are you?” you quickly found yourself wrapped in a hug.
“I’m great love,” he said as he gestured for you to come in. You gave the same greeting to all of the boys before settling into the seat beside Brian. “The crowd out there is huge, congrats guys!”
Freddie was beaming at your comment, “It’s all thanks to the release of our album, darling.” You sat around chatting to the band until a man came into the dressing room to give the guys a 5-minute warning.
“Well guys, I guess that’s my cue to go find a place to watch from. Go kill it.”
As you left the room and made your way to the stage you noticed that the room was even more packed than before. Luckily you were able to find a good spot to watch the boys from.
As always you enjoyed every minute of their set, it never ceases to amaze you how easily they connected with the crowd. Once the set was over you made your way backstage to congratulate the boys on a great set. As you made your way into the dressing room you couldn’t help but blurt out, “You guys absolutely killed it, they loved you!” The smiles on the boys' faces told you that they already knew how well they did.
“Thanks, Y/N, hey the boys and I were offered free drinks you wanna stay?” as much as Brian’s offer was tempting, you were absolutely exhausted and had a ton of paperwork to finish.
“Thanks for the offer guys but I think I’m going to go home, don’t get too drunk now.” The boys couldn’t help but laugh at your comment. You said your goodbyes and headed home.
You were used to Brian staying out late partying with the boys since Queen really got popular every Friday night Brian would be out until 3 in the morning partying with the boys.
You had even developed a routine, Brian was a creature of habit he would always be home by 3am like clockwork. He would never come home super drunk but you always like to be there to help him just in case.  
When you arrived home, you got ready for bed and set your alarm on your phone for 2:30am and then went to bed.
2:30 came way quicker then you had hoped it would, you got up and sat on the couch to wait for Brian. However, 3 am came and went but Brian hadn’t come home yet, you began to panic this wasn’t like him at all.
You were all of a sudden woken up to the sound of a kettle boiling, you must have somehow fallen asleep on the couch last night.
You drowsily walked into your kitchen to find a tried looking Brian making tea, you so relieved to see he was okay but your temper began to boil at the sight of him.  “Why the hell didn’t you come home! I was so worried about you!” your sudden outburst caused Brian to jump.
“Jeez Y/N, it's fine I got too drunk so I decided to sleep in my car, calm down.”
“Calm down?! I was worried sick. God your such a twat sometimes.”
Brian began to laugh and walked closer to you, “Aweeee, does someone care about me?” you couldn’t help but let out a little laugh the goofy smile of his always got you.
“Of course I care about you. You’re my best friend.” he pulled you into a tight hug before whispering in your ear, “Are you still mad at me?”
You shook your head and smiled up at him, “No but you better not do that ever again.”
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bakedpieceofchicken · 5 years
ao3 tag meme
its my blog and im allowed to run it like the anxiety-ridden coward i am...
tagged by @waxwingedhawks 
Ao3 account: lemondropped (if you go look for it, theres 0 works attached. you can still find my bad apple series though... bleh. thanks, i hate it. despite it being the most popular thing ive ever written)
Current Writing Summary:
Current word count for the year:  68252
Number of stories (including drabbles) posted to ao3: 26 
Fandoms I wrote for: 9
Pairings I have written for:
Background pairings? Tododeku, Bakushima, Tsuchako, Shigadabi 
Main pairings? Dabihawks, Shigahawks, Shigadabihawks (oh, there’s a pattern, isn’t there?)
Story with the most kudos: Bad apple, regrettably
Story with the most bookmarks / Story with the most subscriptions: I’ll find you sooner than the stars, more regrettably (people wanna know what comes next? why?!)
Story I’m most proud of: shitty dad club (its the one fic i can say i have no problems with despite having written it like 4-5 months ago.....)
What’s ahead: 
- family dinner reunion future fic  
- hotwings music festival AU ft. league of villains (was written for day 2 quirkless dabihawks week 2k19, want to put a lot of care into it. i have no idea if ill get hate for associating myself with this fic cause someone out there might have a problem with it but eh i guess ill just have to post it when finished and see.)
- shigahawks childhood friends AU (i have like 4k words written so far? its more canon divergence than actual AU but im taking my time with it. whether its any good or not is anybody’s guess)
- the second half of supreme art of war...................................... camera pans into my face if i ever told you i had any idea what i was doing, it was all a fucking lie. Also the first half needs to be renovated/edited to be like... better. it feels a little unpolished and even at the time of writing that first chapter, i was perfectly aware how OOC the last part was but also i’m getting a little better at writing shigaraki because this man somehow sneaks his way into all my fics now... anyways...
- i started working on this pro heroes interact with Hawks story but idk if i’ll ever finish it lol. i think im like 4/9 pro-heroes done? there’s a +1 too (is this story format dead? who knows, ah whatever im still doing it)
- fuyumi fic thats getting finished at the pace of a snail. im putting a lot of care and effort into it, is all. probably will turn out boring but eh :) that’s the risk you gotta take when writing fanfiction
- chapter 4 of ill find you sooner than the stars? here (i made this a couple of weeks ago):
Tumblr media
i probably... need to go back... and edit this one too.... to be less edgy................. or maybe i should just embrace the edginess. become self aware. like dont half-ass the edginess, go all the way in. deliver the edgy angst story everyone wants me to!!!! ahahaha starts coughing i can’t believe im associating myself with this piece of hot garbage that people apparently like. nobody cares but im definitely going to shift the story (assuming i continue it) to monoma and shinsou because im kinda sick of deku and the deku POV probably doesnt serve the narrative too well in the long run. amazing, 10/10 bakedpieceofchicken, youre hot edgy deku trash we all know now :eyes: 
ill tag @izdekumidoriya (have u done it already? i have no idea! sorry for making you look at this lol... hopefully u just scanned it instead of actually reading what i put down), @tsvchakos (if youre seeing this, it means i got over my anxiety to post this! woo!!!!), and uh... im not feeling particularly brave enough to tag more mutuals (knowing they have to see this post...) so i’ll leave it at that. if you want to do it, go ahead. you can say i tagged you too :>
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lokbobpop · 3 years
Fair derives from Old English faeger (beautiful, lovely, pleasant), which came from the Germanic and Norse fagar and fagr for beautiful. Until the 1550s, fair was used to describe a beautiful or attractive person with no regard to the color spectrum, and indeed with not much regard to sex
Fairness is when everyone is treated equally and no one is left out. People that are fair follow the rules in sports, games, activities, and in their community. They are honest and trustworthy. ... Fairness is very important in a community.
Fair f air fa ir fare
Writing fair
Was it fair i was didn’t know what others did at school it seemed very unfair that I couldn’t learn like them i didnt feel right that I couldn’t do what they did easily it gelt very unfair and frightening to me i didnt know what was wrong no body could tell me what was wrong i was just slow and thats it but i though why why why i wan to be like al the others as it wasnt fair when i came ot sports I couldn’t do that either i just didnt know why i was slow my body wouldnt do what other people body’s would do it wouldn’t move like others bodies move when i ran i was told i run like a duck chest out and it looked funny bu then a run I couldn’t feel this at all but all thought it was funny i hated this part of school for sure but just imagine i would of been so much worse i had some looks which mad boy interested imagine if i didnt have that my life would of been very uneventful im sure i wouldnt be out parting clubbing i would of been plain Jane sat a home with nobody and hopefully i would have met someone who would like me. So it might not of been fair but it was what it was and i hope me fully getting through this i can help another see its not everything what you fail at its just a part of you not all.
Reading fair
Cutting that chocolate again lol so it was fair
My mother liking my brother more than me and my drunken father liking me more than my brother when my dad told me this in my teens i was a bit gutted my mum didnt love me as much and i swore blind id never do that to my children then a forturn teller in my 30s said it again you will like the younger one better an i thought no way and i dont i can honestly say i not like one better than another i like different parts of each one equally i really do just because someone says something you really don’t have tp believe this made me realize this about myself nothing is set in stone change is always available to you look at me and all this writing i wouldnt for a millions years 10 years ago say id be doing this but here i am i love this part of me.
Fun fare coem up like going to fare i love antique fares the best when i was younger wed go to coin fares and postcard fares then theres fun fare with all the ride which i hated because i felt sick al the time pin them yep i didnt and dont like scary rife or ride that make me sick.
We are all uneven when it comes to fairness on this planet its ll out of balance and unfair for so many who are starving to death everyday where is there fair where is there food like mine what os fare here nothing at all life isnt fair its all uneven.
Saying fair
Fairs fair like when you’ve been hit at school someone hits back and you say fairs fair you did it so will i then my brother and i would do this hit each other until one thought ot was fair but what is fair does this have ot sort fair out i think not nothing it actually fair right now we have to step out of out blame to make fair fro all and stop the blame of another having more or done more to another to stop the cycle of being unfair.
Is it fair i eat tonight and hundreds of thousands of people dotn eat nothing is this fair? No its not fair and fare from it i need to create fair within me to be fair to mysel fall the time so others can see what fare id i need to stop beating myself up and be fair to me to myself if i fare to me life will be much easier i dont need ot beat myself up I just need to be fair with myself.
Does this definition support me no ive not been fair to others or even myself within my thoughts about myself and the judgement i have had on another this also hasn’t been fair who know what they have been through what they have believed about themself who knows so how can i judge another when i have never been them or never will be them and only me i have ot be fair to me so others can see fair to themselves
Fair care
To live within oneself a person of whats best for all to see all as equal to self to have no imbalance within me so other can see where they might be out of balance so they can change whats no t correct within themselves.
I will live this word to be fair on me to live whats fair for me to support me fairly not to judge me or another unfairly to see all as equal and fair its its fair within me im fair so all can see and be fair i and a fair taskmaster of myself.
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this one for the special club of ppl who have no friends
idk abt yall but even for myself im not sure exactly how long it took me to work out that i was & had been more isolated than the avg person over my life & realizing that the feeling i had since ever being around a group of ppl (preschool) that i couldnt fit in or have more than like, one friend that was mostly defined as “wanted to actually play together at recess or smthing”, was just actually generally true. idk what it is but you know what its like when ppl have some tendency to ignore you. or quietly gain contempt for you because they think you’re weird, which i havent known to stop being true between like 10 yr olds & ppl in their 20s. when ur being talked over even in a group you’re supposed to be in and its like listen. what is going on that this happens so much
anyways when you have no friends its always wild when anyone does show up and actually act like a friend more than like once & show the slightest interest in you as a person. for me though i did have to learn to just not care as much when this happens because its like the sheer math of it all yknow. a person who is used to having like, a more avg number of friends across life is gonna make a friend and be like “oh man awesome” but on the other end of things when u have only a handful of friends and/or little access to friends &/or no close friends, getting a new friend seems way more significant because its like wow this is only 1/18 in my whole life or something. whereas for the other person you are 1/143 idek. not to say that each friend is less important to someone who has more of them. but it is less of a big deal to gain a new one, and a new person theyve just been talking to a bit IS going to be a less important friend
where this is going is just that, never having friends = everyone else being a big deal to you, but you arent a big deal 2 them....a lot of wondering why you always like ppl more than they like you. in my experience its not fun so, with the motivation to stop feeling terrible over that repeated revelation, and also figuring out that its because being so isolated / having few to no Reeeaalll Friends = valuing new friends way more than they value you, rather than just that everyone definitely hates you....i personally have tried to stop caring less about getting the opportunity to talk to new people.
thats not to say i dont enjoy it or value it or like the people i talk to.....i do enjoy it, im a social person in my own way, and i appreciate it when it happens b/c i dont consistently have conversations with anyone. i just don’t get excited abt a potential friendship or expect to ever reach what feels like a real & solid friendship w anyone. i have picked up a few ppl in the past like 5 yrs i do consider friends but its always taken a while to get there.
its kind of funny because like i said i AM kind of social & i do really care about people i get to grow a bit close to.......there is definitely plenty of ppl i dislike right away & have the opposite interest as being friends with them....but when i do like ppl, idk, i like to try to support them and be nice to them and be there for them in the usually tiny ways i can.....i love to talk to people actually. in person when im actually comfortable, i can actually come off a bit overly talkative....i can be energetic when i’m happy & i do have a lot to say about things sometimes but usually only in my head. even typing it out is difficult b/c i can only type so fast, especially with a phone. but in other situations i can have trouble actually getting my voice to come out at all, or i choose not to speak at all b/c i dont want to. or when im frustrated i dont want to talk for a moment but thats generally because there is no one around i want to talk to about it. i can talk abt something for hrs....and it is of course extra special to me b/c i dont get to be around ppl i like talking to them that often
idk and i like to do nice things for friends when i can......i dunno. i do like people. i can be pretty choosy about who i hang on to, i might only have a select group of friends even if i wasnt isolated; but still....theres a lot of people in the world. even being picky about it, you could have a huge friend group
little tangent i dont trust trying to make friends in groups at all really lol.....like even if you’re friends with someone who’s in a bigger friend group. i might cautiously give ppl a chance just b/c of the good endorsement but ive also had bad times w it. and often like, even ppl i all individually like, to be in a group w everyone is to realize that my way of socializing means im a lot of times off on the tangents and it just makes it clear that there’s a whole Thing going on in the middle that you’re not at all involved in. and then there’s ongoing Things that nobody lets you in on and its like alright i guess i’ll do my own thing that nobody’s interested in. idk and its happened that i’ll be in a group and again just like....not be even noticed physically and its like. feels great man
anyways i guess theres general things about Friendship that i feel i miss out on, on account of never experiencing it
like ive never felt like i had someone i’d tell anything to, not even collectively, like i have three Things to tell & maybe i cant tell anyone all three but i know three ppl i’d tell one of each to
ive also never quite felt like i’d always have someone to talk to just in general......or been in the situation where if i wanted to go out and do something w someone i knew i could find someone to go w me.....idk theres never been the feeling that i always had access to friends in any way. or like, ever had access to friends, most of the time at least
i also have no idea....when ppl talk about having longtime friends like known all their life im like wtf. ok. weirdo. ive had a friend for ten seconds
kind of a bummer b/c i think a lot of ppl consider College to be th easiest place to make friends...like before that you mostly have school friends and afterwards its like oh work friends but college you have a bit more mobility and different situations to meet people.....but post-college its supposedly just increasingly difficult to make new friends. and being more isolated makes it even more difficult as ppl tend to ostracize ppl for being lonely weirdos
im always lucky i get to talk on here tbh......it occurs to me it’s probably bad to feel completely unheard. because it frustrates me a lot at times to feel that way. even nowadays i dont really say anything about the stuff i think & dont ever find myself wanting to....im picky about who i really feel like having long or even short but actually genuine convos w like i said...............and idk its not that infrequent too for ppl to seem to not really care one way or the other or listen or even like it when i talk. i only wanna talk in situations i feel good talking obv lol....otherwise i’d rather stay quiet, but staying quiet is frustrating also. but i do it. but i can say things here at least even if i’m not actually talking aloud
i cant expect to ever have this mythical friend group or whatever.....i dont have Expectations like that. and in the meantime ive been lowkey for a few years just trying to lower my expectations even for ppl im just chill-ly talking to. its not that difficult nowadays, i get a bit pumped to just be talking, but i dont get Pumped Abt New Friends or anything. i know it doesnt work like that....and its not like i was ever like, wanting a blood oath after two conversations or anything like that. it just tends to mean more to you and then you find out you dont mean as much to anybody else really
oh but a good silver lining is that now i have better standards for ppl anyway, to be like “well it sucks that it turns out my connection w all these ppl wasnt that solid at all, but hang on now that i think of it do i even Like this or that person”
life is wild huh. back in preschool i thought something was wrong w me that nobody liked me & nowadays i dont care if they do or not. im doing my own thing over here & may be chillin in hell but at least, even if i’m sad i don’t exactly get to consistently interact w ppl, it only matters to me if i get the attention from ppl i genuinely like anyways. i could drop off the face of the planet & probably the biggest giveaway was that i had reblogged a joke in a few days but wtf does that matter anyway. some of us got to be on the tangents still w no friends. not because its necessary but b/c it happens and it has to be someone, might as well be me or you. it happens to be me, thats for sure
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