#but he said he would uber to make it easier for me
cantsaythetword · 1 year
I hate how overwhelmed I get in loud alcoholic social situations
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
ok but what if some girl would be saying that she slept with frat!peter after some party (where he was with trouble) and stuff like "oh yeah he had me calling him daddy and he's totally not a boob guy" and trouble overhears her and goes to peter with "you would not believe what i have just heard" and joking that maybe she has magic tits or something
you weren't listening.
minding your own business, pouring liquor into plastic cups, and cracking a can of sprite for a mixer; a group of friends crowded behind you. not listening, but certain words poked out more than others.
"he's fucking jacked by the way, it's like when i hooked up with parker."
your blood ran cold, frozen in place you were straining your hearing for each word to follow, if she didn't add more context you'd be shaking peter by his shirt.
a friend gasps, "you did? when?"
oh, not old news?
yeah, when did she?
flashing your eyes to peter, he's talking to someone and not paying attention. you'll kill him.
"like, around the start of the school year?"
oh thank god, he's in the clear.
"okay, well... spill!"
you can't walk away, your feet are glued to the vinyl floor. maybe, you just want to know if peter's telling the truth when he says you're different than the rest.
"ass man all the way, insisted on doggy. big dick, strong game, threw me around a little, had me calling him daddy and everything. not very affectionate though, i don't think he kissed me, actually. and not a lick of a cuddle after, threw my dress at me and said 'need an uber?' but, hey, i'd still do it again."
another friend cackles, "too bad, nate begged him to do a double date and parker immediately shut it down and said, and i quote, 'no. i have a girlfriend. she doesn't want me dating other girls.' kinda sweet if you ask me."
your heart soars, this is the first time he's ever referred to you as his girlfriend. not that you were, at least not officially, but it's easier to explain than what you actually were, and you had no idea what you were. you assume he doesn't either.
their conversation falls into something else, making you feel confident in moving away from the counter with a full cup in each hand, walking straight to the most interesting man of the night.
peter perking up instantly, leaving his friend with a fist bump, meeting you halfway.
"hi trouble, i missed you." a warm kiss placed on your cheek, you can't help the grin while handing him his drink, "hi handsome, i got a question..." you trail your words off and shift your back against his chest so he'd have a clear view of who you're pointing at.
"see that group of friends, do you know anyone there?"
he barely gives them a look over, one harm slung over your waist, he presses a kiss to your shoulder, "no, don't think so."
nudging him, "no, really. look." a sigh, "looking, no one looks familiar." the back of your head hits his chest, "peter, c'mon. please don't tell me you're one of those guys."
"i don't know what you mean! are you testing me or something?"
turning in his hold, a small pout hangs. "you hooked up with one of them. tell me which one and you earn two brownie points."
that changes things, because now peter knows what the mission is and how to identify previous suitors. mind ticking and eyes running over each body in a different way. watching him analyze is interesting. You wonder what he looks for in a hookup.
"the one in the middle. i'm sure of it, but i can't remember her name. I think it started with an 's' or 'v' maybe 'l'?"
"It's whitney," peter cheers his cup on your shoulder, "oh yeah, that's right."
you spin in his grasp, "liar. i made that up." peter pulls you closer, "you're just so convincing, trouble. call me gullible."
humming, you press a kiss to his chin, "she was talking about you, wanna hear?"
"this feels like a trap, i don't like this idea."
"oh, you should. i heard all about you in bed, and how you told nate i was your girlfriend." peter shakes his head, "i think you've been hitting the sauce hard tonight and you're making things up."
shaking your head like a toddler, "nope, i heard the truth about daddy." peter's head is thrown back with a groan, "alright, wow, we're really doing this. what else did you hear?"
"that you're an ass man, and," you sway on your feet and pretend to twirl a stand of hair, a nasally sarcastic tone rips, "you're like so, super fucking jacked. like, seriously so sexy. ugh! with a big dick too!"
peter presses a kiss to your cheek, "thank you for the compliments, baby." another kiss, the corner of your mouth, "even if you're sarcastic." a delicate kiss to your lips, "and a little wrong."
"which part was wrong? she's right, you've got a fucking wrench."
your cup is pulled from your hand, "alright, it's done. we're done."
a whine, "no! c'mon, please, daddy?"
"i'll silence you and you won't like it."
"will it be with your monster coc-"
a hand is slapped over your mouth, "i'll kill you, and won't have a problem with it."
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ohnococo · 5 months
Fight Night | CHAPTER 5 | MMA Fighter!Sukuna x Reader
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While you’d come to tolerate the risk of being ass out and full of cum in the dark of a nightclub while out of your mind on drugs, you weren’t willing to accept the same in a cute little lunch spot in the middle of town. 
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Sukuna invites you out for lunch.
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Warnings: Vaginal sex, public sex, squirting, manhandling, car sex
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You’re hesitant to set expectations with Sukuna, not just yet. It feels like it’s too hard to get a read on him, and it’s hard not to think a man like him could take advantage if he really felt like it. Even though he’s made it clear that you’ll keep seeing him for now, and that he enjoys your company in some capacity, he’s still the man that fucked you raw and disappeared completely from your life in the days between doing it all over again. Then disappeared for two months on top of it.
It doesn’t help that he clearly has his whims catered to often by those around him. With that in mind, you can’t help feeling like you needed to figure out if you were just one of those whims, or if it was more. Otherwise you couldn’t even entertain the feelings you spent far too much time trying to minimise. But, as you remind yourself again, he said in no uncertain terms that he would be keeping you around, so you treat it like a kind of fresh start.
A fresh start where he was already setting a less than ideal “first” impression. You hadn’t stuck around long at his house the last time you saw him, leaving before dinner because you had just shifted plans with your friends back a little rather than bailing completely. He’d left you with a parting gift, another orgasm while you pushed aside the worry in the back of your mind about how near your Uber was to picking you up, but he’d sent you out just in time nonetheless. Then, nothing.
No text, no call, nothing at all for the rest of the week. You didn’t want it to bother you, you didn’t want to be clingy, but there was a clear pattern here that wasn’t shifting along with whatever was happening between you two.
But then Sunday finally comes and so does a text from Sukuna, now named properly in your phone. It has those inconvenient butterflies stirring up again in your stomach, and it has you pushing your worries aside as you read his message and remind yourself hey, blank slate, right?
Then you read the text again, smiling to yourself.
have you had lunch?
It’s still not a proper greeting, but it somehow felt a little warmer than his usual opening. Warm enough to try pushing him to be a little more clear with you.
why, you gonna take me out?
When he texts back right away yet again it has you on the verge of swaying side to side and giggling like a schoolgirl before you snap out of it and remind yourself that this was really the bare minimum.
wouldn’t be the first time
Technically he’s right, but this is different. For you at least, and the small pit in your stomach as your emotions teeter back towards anxiety starts to remind you why putting yourself out there can be such a nuisance. It all seems so much easier for him though, so you push that aside and try to make it easy for you too.
yeah but this time it sounds like you’re asking me on a date
You see that he’s typing, then stops, and you’re left staring at your screen for what felt like an eternity. You read your message back and find yourself wishing you’d been able to say it in real life to get your tone across. It was joking, lighthearted, except it wasn’t entirely… but in plain text it looked a little more cold than you really wanted it to be.
Well? Well? You know it hadn’t taken him that long just to type one word, but you decide to just get out of your head, and get out of your house, texting back your agreement to this lunch date. As usual, he’s already got a place in mind, sending you the name and address. Then,
i’m guessing you’ll be more comfortable in something casual here
The heads up is appreciated, though you’re annoyed that he’s obviously picked up on how awkward you’d felt being so overdressed during your last encounter. You still take his advice though, opting for jeans and a fairly simple top, flat shoes too. When you give yourself a final once over in the mirror, makeup simpler, accessories in place, you feel like he might not recognize you. But you feel like yourself, and that’s good enough to send you to your meeting place feeling more clear-headed than last time.
It helps that you actually know what your plans are, of course.
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As you walk into the modern little cafe, Sukuna is easily spotted amongst the tables, and it occurs to you that with his size and appearance he’s incapable of being truly casual. How he’d looked last time was the closest he likely got, but here he’s closer to his clubbing attire than that. Nice pants, leather belt, button up shirt that had to be custom made to fit a body like his. It is toned down though, no flashy sheen to his shirt, no chain, not even one of his giant watches that probably cost more than a month’s rent.
You catch his attention as quickly as he’d caught yours, and he’s eyeing you up before you even reach your seat. The inevitable remark on your appearance is ready by the time you’re sitting down across from him at the little metal table and sliding your purse onto the floor.
“Who’s this cute little girl next door?”
He seems intent on earning an eye roll from you first thing every time, so you oblige as you lean back into your seat, not letting his tone go unnoticed by him slipping ‘cute’ in there. “I’m not always dressed like a party girl. Shocking, I know.”
He cocks a brow and you can see from his smile that something wicked is on the tip of his tongue, so you stop him there.
Sukuna is a bit taken aback at that, but pleased as well as he chuckles, “You look good.”
You smile, feeling a warmth in your chest that he seemed compliant.
“Especially those thighs.”
And you’re back to rolling your eyes. You let out a dismissive sigh, picking up the menu in front of you, deciding you were done humouring him. Even if you have to purse your lips to hide the smile tugging at the corners of your mouth because, well, it was still a compliment.
He’s silent, until you look up at him over your menu and see him watching you carefully, smiling as if he knew very well that his words had blood rushing to your face. You are actually hungry though, so you redirect the course of the conversation.
His brows raise in an apparent acceptance of your shift in tone, and he sits back and sips the water he’d already had waiting at the table. “The salmon is nice here.”
“Like nice nice, or extra protein for your muscles nice.”
“Well cooked, well seasoned. The muscles will take a little more than a meal to build, though.” His review is playfully pointed, and you nod, considering the options before you.
As you make your choice, asking Sukuna for his feedback on a few things since he seemed familiar with the place, you don’t even notice how easy things seem for a moment. It isn’t until you’ve both ordered, and wait with your drinks that you realise how relaxed things feel between you two out in public, surrounded by people having as quiet an afternoon as the two of you were. There’s a different energy present, one that makes you feel like it might be okay to consider that there’s something there from both sides of the table.
It makes it hard for you to keep from smiling at seemingly nothing as Sukuna is telling you about his morning, which had started much earlier than yours. Talking about runs, about flinging heavy ropes, about flinging heavy men until they asked him to go a little easier on them because it was just training. You could see that it was more than that for him, though. It’s incredible how he can seem less intimidating when talking about these things. He was honing his body to hurt people after all, but it was clearly something he truly loved. He almost seemed boyish as he talked about it. Maybe even cute.
His hand is next to yours on the table, with his index finger resting on one of your knuckles. It’s an odd form of affection, but it has you trying your very best to keep your attention on him and not the small touch once it connects. When he starts tracing a small line up and across your fingers you jump in to contribute to the conversation, forcing yourself to focus.
“You’re not that scary for practising submissions too, right?”
His brows move up then down again, almost a twitch it’s so fast, but you can tell he’s surprised you seemed to know anything about what this part of his life might entail. “I don’t hold back, there’s no point in that.”
“So you’re just out here trying to break legs on the daily?” You let out an exaggerated puff of air, shaking your head. “You couldn’t pay me to train with you.”
He leans forward, extending his arm forward to slide his finger up your hand and along your arm as he does. The table is small enough, or rather Sukuna is big enough, that he can rest his arm parallel to yours as he traces his fingers idly near your elbow.
“It’s a good thing you aren’t aiming to get in any fights then. You don’t have a face meant for hurting anyway.”
You want to ask what kind of face you do have, in his opinion, but your waiter is approaching with food in hand so you sit back in your seat to give him the space to set your plates down.
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Sukuna’s appetite is as big when he’s sober as it was when he wasn’t, and you find yourself surprised he was finished eating just when you were, despite ordering several extra sides of steamed veg. It feels familiar in a nice way though, the comfortable silence as he eats, and you waiting for whatever comes next.
It turns out, it’s more talking, something you’re coming to enjoy more and more with him. This time, you’re recounting your stressful week at work, plates long cleared, another glass of water being dropped off at your table.
“I just can’t fucking stand him, he’s so sneaky. He’ll never respond to emails either, he’s always running to your desk so you never get any of his bullshit in writing.”
Sukuna’s lip curls lightly, and he speaks like you two were even remotely on the same level financially, “Don’t put up with that.”
“He’s the department head’s little brown noser, no one can say anything about him.”
He half shrugs, “Then go somewhere else. You don’t need them.”
“I can’t just go somewhere else, you don’t go and get a job just like that.”
“You can.”
He says it like it’s an indisputable fact, like a shitty office job was remotely the same as being able to beat people up so well that you were any old company’s darling moneymaker. It should annoy you more, but your brain is more focused on how confident he had been that you could do better. Despite his being slightly out of touch, you can’t help feeling flattered that he seems to think highly of you.
Your discussion is stopped for now though as the waiter comes over to drop off your bill. He sets it down in the middle of the two of you before heading off to whisk away another table’s empty glasses. Sukuna is quick to reach for it, but when you put a hand on top of the corner of it, pinning it to the table, he frowns at you.
“I want to pay.”
He scoffs, pushing your hand away easily and reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. “No.”
It’s said with a sense of finality and a curled lip that imply there was no point in even thinking of questioning it, but something about today leaves you unshaken.
He looks at you, amused, but clearly still discounting your persistence. Then, with a sternness so fierce you remember how often he must go unquestioned, he repeats, “No.”
You sit back, crossing your arms, drawing your lips into a pout. He’s unmoved, continuing to open his wallet and pull out a card, eyes on you all the while.
“Sukuna, how many meals have you bought me?” The drinks, the drugs, the entrance fees, those all go unmentioned.
His hand lifts, signalling the waiter nonetheless, but when he looks back at you that amused chuckle rings out and you wonder if you’ve somehow won him over.
Apparently you have, sort of, as he sighs and gives you his compromise, “You can pay next time.”
It shouldn’t feel like such a victory, but it does, and you’re practically bouncing in your seat as you sit up a little straighter and smile. “That’s what I thought.”
Your lighthearted antagonism amuses him further and he shakes his head at you. And you decide to retreat with your half-win. “Anyway, where’s the bathroom? I’ve gotta pee.”
Sukuna points to a little hall at the back of the cafe, and you pull your purse onto your shoulder as you give him a nod of thanks as the waiter approaches and he begins settling your check.
The bathroom is as stylish as the rest of the place, a single enclosed room with glossy dark green subway tiles and gold fixtures. As you shut and lock the door behind you, you take the opportunity of a little privacy to let out a long breath. It was going well, really really well. Another deep breath, another unstoppable smile, and you handle your business quickly.
As you wash and dry your hands, you look at yourself in the mirror. You feel present, hopeful even. Like something good was happening, instead of just something uncertain. Sukuna had taken you out. Not just somewhere to fuck, out on an actual date. You were actually getting to know each other on a level that felt more intimate, despite it being surface level in comparison to some of the things you’d done together. Still, it felt like progress.
You open the door, and gasp when you see Sukuna standing right there, massive frame blocking out the much brighter lighting of the cafe behind him.
“Jesus, don’t hover outside like that. It’s creepy.”
He doesn’t appear to have even heard your light scolding, large hands coming forward to grip your hips, pushing you back into the privacy of the bathroom as he reaches back to close the door behind him. Instead he’s focused on bringing his mouth to yours, kissing you roughly, hands already sliding behind you to grab at your ass. He squeezes hard enough to have you letting out a small squeak into his mouth before one of his hands is sliding up your back to hold the back of your neck, letting you recline into his grasp as his tongue explores your mouth.
His cock is already hard when he presses his hips against you, and you pull back to speak right when he does the same, but he’s quicker, and it leaves your mind racing until you’ve forgotten what you were even going to say.
“You can’t talk to me like that and expect to not get fucked.”
It was your usual playful banter, but apparently it had done something for him. Enough to have him kissing you until you’re both out of breath, both needy for each other. He pulls back again, tongue reaching out to lick at your open mouth before he’s turning you around and bending you over the sink, trying to keep his eyes on yours in your reflection as he paws at your jeans for access.
You know he’s not exerting himself, not really, but he’s still panting as he finally undoes your pants and roughly tugs them down your hips. “Your thighs really do look amazing in these, but they’re fucking inconvenient.”
Your hands are quick to help, starting to worry he might actually rip them if you don’t, and while you’d come to tolerate the risk of being ass out and full of cum in the dark of a nightclub while out of your mind on drugs, you weren’t willing to accept the same in a cute little lunch spot in the middle of town.
He’s impatient once they’re over your ass, shoving them only a few more inches down, then tugging your panties down to meet them as well. He pushes the middle of your back downward, making you arch so he can access your pussy more easily, and he’s foregoing foreplay in favour of sliding inside of you as quickly as possible. Luckily for you, the clatter of his belt being undone has your body responding almost as much as his kisses and firm hands had moments before, and when you feel his thick fingers fanned across your thighs and ass, spreading you, you hold your breath in wait of that familiar feel of his fat tip pushing at your entrance.
When he has just the head anchored inside of you, your eyes shut, letting a long slow breath out as your walls stretch to accommodate him so suddenly. When the sting is a little too much, you open your eyes and find he’s watching your face intently, catching a wince of discomfort in your expression before he’s spitting down and onto where your pussy was gripping him tightly. He pumps in and out, shallow thrusts spreading the saliva around until he’s spitting again, giving you a little more relief as he slowly shoves his way in deeper.
As you squeeze and rock back into him he leans over you, bracing his hands just above where yours were positioned on the sink. He practically purrs into your ear with his deep groans, kissing along your neck, biting at your clothed shoulder, and rutting into you like he might not fit this time.
“You’re so tight like this, can you even take it all?”
He knows you can, but his words leave you dizzy as you arch your back more and stick out your ass for him to be able to slide deeper, until he’s buried to the hilt. Then he’s sucking air in through his teeth as he reckons with the tight squeeze of the position even as he’s thrusting at a steadily quickening pace. It’s not long before he’s fucking you properly, your breasts bouncing with the force of his snapping hips, head lulling forward, knuckles white from clinging to the porcelain sink for balance. His hand wraps around you, arm keeping you up as he grabs your jaw and forces you to keep your face up and looking into the mirror.
“Don’t hide from me.”
Your eyes roll back, heat building in your stomach as his cock churns at your insides.
“I need to see your face.”
You bite your lip, trying your hardest to stay quiet, even though all you wanted to be doing was whining his name while the underside of his cock, and those thick metal piercings, put a blinding pressure on the spot that had your toes curling in your shoes.
It feels strange, like your pussy is trembling uncontrollably though your orgasm hasn’t quite come yet, like the pressure inside of you is more present than it ever has been before. When you start to fold in on yourself, arching your hips forward as you move your hands onto either side of the mirror in front of you, he’s forced to only give you shallow thrusts and his tip is angled to press against your sweet spot in a way that has you panicking, realising exactly what’s going to happen.
“Sukuna stop!”
“Stop? When you’re gripping me like this?” He’s still thrusting, like he’s unable to control himself as he outright laughs at your frantic request.
“I’m gonna squirt, stop!”
His laugh is wicked, and far too loud for where you were, “Saying that isn’t going to stop me.” He means it, forcing his hand between your tightly clenched legs, finger shoving its way between your pussy lips to rub at your clit roughly.
There’s genuine fear in your eyes as it only pushes you closer, and you pull at his arm, pleading. “Please, stop. We can’t hide it, please!”
You’re half frightened that your pleas will fall on deaf ears with the way Sukuna was already worked up into a frenzy, but he takes in your face and stops. He doesn’t say a word, but his gaze is off of you for the first time since he’d slipped inside of you, and he’s pulling out, tucking himself away as you lean over the sink, head hanging as you catch your breath while your whole pussy feels like it’s throbbing.
Then, he’s roughly tugging your pants up, and you’re forced to quickly zip and button them with trembling hands as he unlocks the door, grabbing your bag in one hand, your arm in the other, and pulling you through the restaurant. It’s a little embarrassing, the way he was handling you in front of all these people, but you also know looking like you’d pissed yourself from squirting down and onto your light blue jeans would have absolutely been worse.
You can barely keep up with his long strides, though you’re forced to as he doesn’t let go, heading into a parking garage next to the block the cafe was on. You have to actually catch your breath when he stops in front of the elevator, pressing the button impatiently as you’re now grateful for his firm grip keeping you standing. With the suddenness of his movements, and the budding orgasm that you’d halted earlier, your legs are weak.
When the door dings and opens, he finally lets go of you after pulling you inside, roughly jabbing at the button for the 4th floor, then the close door button. You lean back against the wall, still trying to get your wits about you, and you swear you can feel the tension rolling off of him as the elevator quickly makes its way up. His jaw is clenched, he’s shifting from side to side, and swallowing thick. You don’t have to ask him to turn around to know he’s still hard.
The smallest wave of relief washes over you as the elevator door opens and you see that there were hardly any cars on this floor of the garage, and you’re not surprised Sukuna had parked somewhere so quiet as he tugs you in the direction of a shiny black Range Rover. You can only imagine the hell that would be raised if someone scratched his car.
Your thoughts are back on him as he’s grabbing you again and pulling you over to his car and unlocking it quickly. He shoves you into the back, cool leather squeaking as your elbows hit the seats, then throws your bag into the front before he’s on top of you in seconds, having not even bothered pulling the door shut.
“You can’t steal that from me.”
He’s pulling at your jeans again, and you’re forced to scramble to undo them again even as you voice your confusion, “what?”
“This cunt was ready to make a mess, for me.” He tugs your jeans and panties down, then over your feet and off, the force pulling off one of your shoes in the process before they’re tossed over and into the front seat. He’s so serious you’d be genuinely frightened if he were talking about anything other than making you cum, unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it aside to join your jeans in the front as he speaks, “Now give it to me.”
His demand is serious, as he frees his still-hard cock again and puts one of your legs over his shoulders, folding you in half as he leans over you and lines himself up.
“Sukuna- ah!” You’re squirming beneath him, cock buried to the hilt inside of you in no time. Still, you try to manage his expectations. “Sukuna I can’t just make that happen.”
“Yes you can.” It’s oddly encouraging, but you can’t dwell on that when he’s pulling your other leg up too, bracing himself on the backs of your thighs as he presses you further into your uncomfortable position.
You understand his thinking perfectly once his long thrusts start leaving just his tip anchored inside of you before he’s pushing back in and you feel that undeniable pressure again as he has you angled just right. He sees it, from the way your eyes roll back, lips forming an ’oh that your lungs don’t let you release. He sees it even more clearly once he’s moving fast and your pussy is gripping him tight even though it’s impossibly slippery.
He moves one hand further into your thigh, still keeping you in place, but able to swipe his thumb at your clit. It’s so intense you can hardly make a sound, though with the door still open and the car rocking with the force of his thrusts it would be undeniable to any passerby what was happening.
It’s like you can feel his cock throbbing even more like this, and when you lock your eyes on his you know he’s nearly as close as you are. He leans further over you. Kissing and biting at your calves as you’re forced even deeper into your position, legs nearly at your ears.
The sounds of your pussy only get louder, and as that pressure builds again you’re ready to let it burst, panting out an urgent cry of his name just as your climax hits. You can’t even think, orgasm ripping through you as you finally find your lungs enough to let out a long whine, voice shaking when the last of the air is being forced out in your prolonged cry.
“Fuck, there you go.” He’s pulling out, swiping his fat tip over the spray of juices while he keeps up his movements on your clit, absolutely soaking both himself and the back seat.
Then you cry out again, thighs shaking, as he slides back into you. His body cages you in as he fucks you hard and fast, ready to finish even as you’re being pushed into overstimulation, but you want it, so you grab onto his ass as he thrusts. He offers you an encouraging groan at this, and when you lean forward as much as you can to bite and suck at his pecs, all you can reach while folded in half, he’s practically roaring out his approval as his stomach tenses and he fills you with his cum, thrusts hard enough to have your legs jumping in his grasp.
He keeps snapping his hips against yours a few times, even though his balls are already emptied inside of your twitching pussy, until you’re squirming and pushing at him. When he pulls out, he leans back, looking at your fucked out hole involuntarily pushing his cum out as you clench with the aftershocks, then at the sweet little droplets covering your thighs and ass.
You aren’t looking at anything at all, eyes shut as you come down from your high. Once he’s sliding his fingers in you, pressing at your walls, pulling more cum out to join what was already on his seats, you finally open your eyes, surveying the damage. There’s plenty of those same droplets all across his abdomen, and as you look around, all over his back seat too.
“Oh my god, your car.”
Sukuna chuckles, eyes now on your fucked out yet worried expression, and he swallows thickly before his fingers leave you and he’s tucking himself away. “It’s leather, it’ll be fine.”
You take his word for it, stretching your legs out as he gets out of the car and pops the trunk open. He returns with a gym bag, pulling out a towel and wiping off his own stomach before tossing it to you.
“Jesus,” you pant, taking the towel and rubbing up and down your soaked thighs, “thank god you’re a gym freak.”
He surprisingly has nothing to say to that, seemingly too content to have gotten his way as he reaches into the front to retrieve his shirt, then your jeans. You guess he’ll have to deal with his ruined pants later as he gets into the driver’s seat, looking back and waiting for you to join him.
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During the drive home Sukuna is quiet, and not in a comfortable silence, a tense one. His jaw is clenched, so is his hand on the steering wheel, and every so often his hand tightens on your thigh as he lets out one of his annoyed sighs. It’s leaving an unpleasant taste in your mouth, so you decide it’s best to be direct.
“What’s wrong?”
He glances at you, as if the question came out of nowhere, and you think it’s cute that he seemed unaware of his tells slipping. His jaw relaxes and he moves his hand from your thigh to make a sharp turn before placing it back.
“I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Me squirting?”
He glances at you again, and lets out a half chuckle that seems to slightly dissipate the tension that had been coming off him in waves. “No, the fucking.”
Your mouth is left hanging open at that admission, when he was the one that had come barging into the bathroom, “You didn’t want to fuck?”
“I was trying not to fuck you.”
The ‘why’ of it all is pushed aside for the unavoidable need to poke fun at him just a little “So there is something Ryomen Sukuna can’t do,” the words aren’t out before you’re chuckling at the ridiculousness of it all, “you can’t not fuck me?”
Despite your laughter, your words have his jaw clenching again, hand tightening on both your thigh and the steering wheel as he finally pulls up to your place.
“Okay, okay, then don’t fuck me.”
He parks, turning to look at you with a slight sneer, like you were still daring to mock him.
“I’m serious.”
His eyes narrow, like he suddenly wants no part of it now that it’s presented as you telling him what to do, so you rephrase it.
“Next time we go out somewhere, we aren’t going to fuck. Think of it as a challenge.”
The sneer dissipates, and leaves a mild curiosity in its place as he considers your challenge. Then, he shrugs. “Fine.”
You smile, and so does he, though it’s a much more muted expression. With your confidence slightly bolstered, you decide to make another demand too.
“And text me too.”
“Text me.”
“Right now?” He’s genuinely confused by your half-formed demand.
“Always. I mean… whenever. Not just when you want to fuck me.”
He sighs, brows raising as he gives you a tone that tells you he won’t repeat his sentiment again, “I told you I didn’t intend to fuck you.”
“But you did. And you didn’t speak to me all week.”
“You know I have-“
“And!” Your interruption has his eyes narrowing, but he allows you to continue nonetheless, even when you pause for a moment to let your words catch up with your brain.
“I think,” or rather, you hope, “that doesn’t really line up with whatever your intentions are.”
There’s a shift in the air, like Sukuna is considering closing himself off from this, eyes pulling focus as his face goes blank and he’s silent for a long, heavy moment. Then he speaks quietly, and you wonder if he’d meant to speak out loud at all, “You wipe off that makeup and put on a pair of jeans and suddenly you’re even more of a brat than usual.”
Whether he’d intended his words to have a bite or not, they’re effectively toothless to you, not when he wasn’t outright saying he wouldn’t give you a little more attention.
“A cute brat though, right?”
His tight line of a mouth spreads into a begrudging smile, and he leans in, large hand coming up to hold your jaw, and the way he carefully enunciates his words has your heart racing again.
“Yes. A cute. Brat.”
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ash5monster01 · 7 months
Learning to Love Part 4
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: 18+, langauge, angst, fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, fake relationship, eventual smut, minor enemies to lovers trope.
Summary: It's not uncommon for you to be shamed for your size, it is however uncommon to be told that no one would ever date you because of it. Rafe on the other hand is used to being called a jerk, that is until he is accused of seeing people for only what's on the surface. It's purely coicidental you two meet right after these accusations are thrown your way. So even though you two don't know each other, and probably never would've looked the others way before this, now you're both going to prove a point. It's simple really, prove others wrong and don't fall in love. Easier said than done.
word count: 2.5k
Part 3 ←→ Part 5
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You’re awoken to the bright island sun shining in your eyes. You can tell your hungover by the way it aches through your whole body. You don’t panic until you realize the open curtains aren’t the same shade as your own. You didn’t go home last night. Frantically sitting up you find your red dress has been abandoned by your bra on the ground. When you look down you find you’re wearing Rafe’s undershirt and the black spandex you had worn under your dress last night. The material is stretched tightly over your chest and the idea of Rafe seeing you like this sends you in a panic. Your eyes flick beside you to see the boys bare back as he sleeps peacefully on the pillow. He’s so perfect but you don’t have time to care as you free yourself of the covers and move to change back into your dress.
You don’t realize the movement has woken Rafe but he stays quiet because right in front of him you’re grabbing at the ends of his shirt and lifting it from your head. It takes everything not to make a noise as your breasts are freed from the fabric. He wants to give you privacy, he really does, but he can’t turn away. Not with the way your nipples harden in the cool room air. So he swallows and watches as you grab your bra and try to confine yourself once again. It’s when you have your dress pulled back up your torso he closes his eyes and prays you didn’t notice him watching. The last thing he would need is that kind of humiliation and you being upset with him for perving on you.
“Shit, my phone” he heard you starting to shuffle through things in the room, more than likely in search of his own pants that he had carried your phone and ID in all night.
“Everything okay?” his deep morning voice makes you freeze, parts of your body tingling just from those two words.
“Your pants, I need my phone. Mila is probably freaking out” you tell him as calmly as you can, having absolutely no idea what kind of wreck you look like at the moment.
“By the door I think, I don’t know. A lot of things are blurry about last night” he rolls over and his bare torso now being revealed to sober you has your knees going week. You have to get out of here. He watches as you dive towards the door, finding the grey slacks and digging deep into the pockets and finding your phone. He doesn’t miss the way you double check your ID is still stuck in your case before checking the notifications. You sat there perfectly on your knees and he wishes more than anything last night had ended with you just like that in front of him.
“God she’s pissed” you say to no one in particular as you glance at the mountain of messages on your phone.
Mila 💜
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“What, not common for you to partake in a one night stand?” the glare you send his way is enough to shut him up.
“Look, I’m just gonna grab an uber and make sure she didn’t send out a search party for me” you tell him and Rafe pouts at the mention of you leaving. You don’t have time to care as you shoot a text back to Mila
Mila 💜
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When you roll your eyes at the message on your phone Rafe finds himself wanting to know exactly what it said. Before he can ask you’re standing up and walking to the bathroom, flicking the lights on and gasping at your reflection in the mirror. The pool water had run your makeup under your eyes and your lipstick was smeared for what you hope was other reasons than kissing Rafe. As you try wash your face as best you can with the water and hotel soap you try to recollect everything that happened last night. You remember Levi, AJ, going drink for drink with Rafe, the swimming in the pool, but everything else was extremely blurry.
“Don’t get an uber, I’ll give you a ride” Rafe says and you sigh but allow him to anyway. He collects his own clothing from around the room, placing it all back on as best he could without looking like he had a last minute hookup. It didn’t matter, you’d both look crazy walking out of here.
You join him after only a moment, tying your hair on top of your head with the elastic band you had on your wrist. By no means do you look as perfect as last night but this would just have to do. Rafe smiles softly at you, collecting his phone, wallet, and keys from the nightstand. “Ready?”
“Sure” you say as you head towards the door and Rafe is right behind you when you swing it open. Just your luck the door across the hall from your own swings open to reveal a still perfect looking AJ followed by Levi doing the buttons to his own shirt from last night. “Great”
“Morning” Levi grins at you both and it takes everything for you to not roll your eyes.
“I’m going to the car” you tell Rafe and he nods as you do your best to escape this awkward encounter, heels dangling from your hands.
“What happened? She couldn’t finish or you?” Levi teases and Rafe knows he’s meaning Rafe couldn’t finish due to you being unattractive which isn’t true. He had practically finished last night just lightly grinding on you in the pool but since you didn’t seem to remember he wasn’t going to be one to bring it up.
“Shut the fuck up Levi” Rafe says before spotting AJ who looks embarrassed to even be caught with the exact man in particular. “Don’t forget work place romances are highly discouraged”
“I’ll have the report on your desk Monday” AJ gets out meekly and Rafe gives them both a stern look before stomping down the hallway and after his own girl who had been humiliated one too many times this morning.
He finds you in the lobby, waiting for him to join you, and based on the sad look you wear on your face he officially feels bad. Lacing his fingers through your own he gives the softest smile he can muster as you look at him with ready eyes that are a mix of humiliation and hangover. “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, I just want to get home” you tell him and he nods as he leads you both to the door. The walk to his truck isn’t long and thankfully the ride to your apartment isn’t either. When he puts the car in park he see’s you staring at the windows inside. That’s where he see’s Mila with a slightly annoyed expression but not tearing her eyes from either of you.
“She’s watching” he says and you chuckle, turning to look back at him.
“She’s mad I scared her but she told me she wouldn’t be if it meant I hooked up with you” you tell him and Rafe chuckles before taking another glance at the brunette girl who watched you both in the window.
“We better give her a reason not to be mad then” he says and you swallow the nerves away as he leans over, hand curling around you neck, the tips of his fingers sliding through your hair. When his lips meet your own you sigh into it and allow him to kiss you like a boy should kiss a girl. It’s when his tongue slips inside your mouth you squeak in surprise and it has Rafe grinning against your mouth. After curling his tongue with your own he breaks free, that signature smirk back on your face.
“I’ll see you” you tell him and he nods like it’s already a confirmation for tomorrow or even later.
“Bye” he grins because you look like a girl who was just kissed dizzy and he was proud to be the one to do that. When your outside of the car and looking back at your apartment you’re met with Mila still looking out the window but instead of an annoyed expression she wears a proud one because she just watched you get kissed and get kissed good. So you ascent on the walk of shame but you still wear a smile because you’re pretty sure you’ve never quite been kissed like that.
“So that is why you didn’t come home last night” she smirks the minute you’re through the door and you’re rolling your eyes as you drop your shoes next to the others on the ground.
“I can talk about this once I’ve showered, brushed my teeth, and have had the greasiest breakfast possible” you tell her and she laughs, seeing the hangover, and slight hickey on your neck that you truly have no idea about.
“I’ll work on breakfast while you shower but then you have to give me all the juicy details” she says and you agree but only because a shower sounds like actual heaven on earth. So you pour yourself a large glass of water that accompanies you to the bathroom where you can start the road to recovery.
It’s only thirty minutes later you’re sitting in the kitchen, now fresh and clean, damp hair hanging over your shoulders as you devour the pancakes and bacon Mila had whipped up. While finishing your third glass of water. After finally getting a better look at yourself in the mirror you decided it’s safe to not drink so much in front of Rafe again, especially since most of the night still hadn’t come back to you yet. You didn’t even recall leaving the pool and going to the hotel room. “I’m still waiting”
“I’m recovering” you tell the girl but you know you can’t hold out on her for much longer so you sigh and drop your fork. “I spent the night with him”
“And?” she urges on and you shake your head, grabbing a napkin to wipe the syrup from around your mouth.
“We went to his work event, had one too many drinks, we couldn’t drive, so we decided to get a room. I wanted to swim so we went to the pool, and then we went to the room and slept” the pointed look she gives you says she doesn’t believe that was all that happened and you knew you’d have to give her something other than sleeping and swimming.
“Fine, we made out in the pool and things got a little heated. So we went back to the room and he touched me, I touched him, we didn’t go all the way, and then we slept” it’s a lie, majority of it. You just need to give her something so she wouldn’t be so on top of things.
“How big is he?” the question has you almost spluttering your water out of your mouth and she giggles at the deep blush you wear on your cheeks from this whole conversation. Yet the sentence does flash the memory of those tight black boxers he wore and exactly how big the package underneath looked, and that was soft.
“Big, I don’t know. I didn’t measure” she giggles like a girl who was just given the best gossip of her life and you can only smile at your one true best friend. The amount of boyfriends she goes through in a month is five times the amount you do in a year but nonetheless you two still loved each other.
“Gosh, I have no idea what has gotten into you” she tells you with a grin and the deep red blush you wear makes her smile somehow even wider.
“I have no idea what you mean” you tell her but you do. You’re not the kind of girl who has sleepovers with boys, especially after a week. You’re also not the kind of girl to even date all that often. You usually assume the worst of most men and the ones you do let get close you never let this close. Rafe had his tongue down your throat almost an hour ago and Mila had watched. You were different and both of you knew it.
“Yeah you do, you’re finally allowing yourself to be loved. I’m so happy for you” and this breaks your heart because if only she knew it was fake. That you and Rafe were just friend with some strange agreement between the two of you. “Did he see you naked?”
This is a loaded question. One you know she asks because whatever your answer is tells her everything she needs to know about how much you trust him. You still wouldn’t undress in front of her so if Rafe had seen you, in your purest and most vulnerable form she would know it’s real. At least real for you. “Topless, I’m not quite ready for that”
“That’s good, it’s a start” she says with a nod and you wish it wasn’t a lie. That Rafe really had seen you topless and you were okay with it. Okay with him seeing the stretch marks under your breasts and the small rolls under each arm. You may have a large chest but that comes with big girl territory. Not the kind of big chest a boy wants to see. Hence why you could never let Rafe see because the idea of you disgusting him would break your heart. Boy how you are wrong.
“I guess” you tell her and she smiles as she pours herself another cup of coffee.
“Well I better get ready for work, wouldn’t want my boss to fire me” she winks at you and the roll of your eyes has her giggling as she retreats down the hallway and into her room. It’s then your phone dings and takes away your attention.
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Your stomach flutters at the sentiment and you wished so badly it was a romantic gesture. Yet you knew it was only because you two had become close. Had shared personal things with the other because what you were doing revealed the most vulnerable sides of you. You can’t fake date someone you don’t trust. To bad trust for you meant falling in love.
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You were so screwed.
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redrose10 · 4 months
The next chapter of Cinnamon & Vanilla should be out mid-to the end of next week. We’re getting close to the end and I really appreciate all the support on that one. Here is a little sneak peak at the next story that I plan to release. As you can probably tell I’m very Yoongi biased. This one will probably just be one big story instead of a multi chapter thing, but that could change. Let me know if this is something you’d actually be interested in reading!
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Inn Keeper Yoongi x Female Author Reader
Summary: You have never experienced true love which is hilarious considering you write romance novels for a living. When you end up staying at The Interlude Inn located in Holly Falls you start to wonder if maybe the answer to your newest love story is sitting behind the welcome desk. Quickly, you find out that Min Yoongi hides a lot of pain and sorrow behind his shy smiles and quick glances.
Warnings: (may get updated) Swearing, character death, very very angsty for a while, mentions of physical and verbal abuse, bullying, a really mean letter, panic attacks, eventual light smut, it will get better
Teaser Below The Cut
Once you arrived at the airport you really wished you’d done a little more research about Holly Falls. After some digging and a conversation with a very outgoing Uber Driver you found out that eleven months out of the year the town is very low key and relaxed, but for one month it is a tourist hotspot thanks to the insane amount of blooming cherry blossom trees. According to your new Uber friend, people come to Holly Falls during this month to see the fields of trees blooming in all their glory. The normally quiet town embraces the crowds providing various festivals and parades and gimmicks to draw in the guests as well as their wallets. And of course you just happen to travel over there smack dab in the middle of it all.
The driver dropped you off in the middle of the fun so with your bag slung over your shoulder you started heading into different hotels trying to book a room. In the city you could walk into pretty much any hotel at any time and book a room. You had assumed it would be same in this small town so you had decided to wait to book a room until you could see them in person wanting to get the feel and make sure you chose the right fit. You imagine in any other month it would be much easier to obtain a place to stay here, but due to the large tourist presence every single hotel was completely booked for the entire month.
You were just about ready to give up and head to the airport to see about booking a flight home when an older gentleman came up to you carrying various handmade trinkets for sale.
“See anything you like miss? All of these are under $10.”, he asked.
Politely you smiled, “No thank you. Not right now.”
You thought he had left until you saw him dangling a hand painted sun catcher in front of you. The design a beautiful beautiful cherry blossom. Trying to bite your tongue and not snap at the elderly man you again shook your head.
“Here have it for free. You seem to need a little cheering up.”, he smiled.
Reaching up you grabbed the delicate glass from him, “Thank you. I really appreciate it. I’m sorry if I came off rude. I’m just really stressed out right now.”
“Didn’t know about the cherry blossom season and now you can’t find a place to stay?”, he asked.
“How did you know?”, you replied wide eyed.
The elderly man chuckled while taking a seat next to you, “There’s always at least one person that gets stuck here with nowhere to stay because they didn’t know how crazy things can get around here this time of the year.”
“Mmh yeah that would be me this year. I need somewhere to stay for a couple weeks or I’m going to have to head back home.”
“You know there might be somewhere that still has a room available. It’s just outside all of the hubbub. About ten miles just over that hill. If you get to Taehyung’s Strawberry Farm then you’ve gone too far.”, he said pointing in the opposite direction of the festivities.
“Really? You think they’d have a room? I wonder why they wouldn’t be booked like every other place.”
The gentleman stood up from the bench you were both on, “Its worth a shot. It’s a little farther away from all the action than people like to be. Plus the owners are a little on the unique side.”
You were concerned at this statement. The last thing you wanted to do was end up being the story line of a true crime documentary.
He continued, “They are very nice people. A young man and his grandmother. They just tend to be very secluded and to themselves. It’s called Interlude Inn. You can’t miss it.”
You thanked him for the information and watched as he walked into a large group of people trying to sell the rest of his merchandise. Placing the delicate sun catcher in your bag you ordered another Uber to take you over to the inn. A familiar vehicle quickly pulled up in front of you with the same talkative man from earlier. You wondered how there weren’t any other drivers available, but you smiled as you slid in the back seat anyways.
“Leaving so soon?”, he asked.
You chuckled, “No I just need to find somewhere else to stay. Can you please take me to The Interlude Inn?”
Suddenly the man stopped, turning to look back at you.
“Miss you don’t want to stay there. Surely there’s somewhere else around here you can stay.”
“Every hotel is completely booked. If this inn doesn’t have a room then I’ll have to just go home.”
He sighed, “Alright miss. If you insist.”
He began the drive to your location. His words about finding somewhere else stuck in your mind.
“Yes Miss”
“What you said earlier. What is so bad about this inn?”
“Well, the grandma, I think her name is Mae, is very sweet. She’s done the best she can with what she had. But that Min boy, he’s a little odd.”
“Ohhh…Like serial killer odd?”
The man chuckled, “No not that kind of odd. He’s just very quiet and keeps to himself, but he is polite. He’s never seemed to have any friends and I doubt he’s ever had any kind of relationship. He comes into town only a few times a year, mostly when his grandmother needs something. He doesn’t acknowledge anyone, even when they speak to him directly. People usually only stay at the inn as a last resort during this busy season.”
From what you’re hearing he seemed like just a quiet introverted person who loves his grandma. You weren’t sure why everyone seemed so leery of him.
The car pulled up infront of the inn. The large wooden sign out front verified you were indeed at The Interlude Inn. Thanking your driver you grabbed your bag and made your way up to the entrance.
The Inn looked cozy and welcoming. It was smaller than you had imagined. There couldn’t be more than three or four rooms. Off to the side you noticed a little garden with various plants starting to bloom.
On the door hung a welcome sign adorned with hand painted lady bugs and butterflies. Turning the handle you gently pushed in the door being greeted by a heavenly aroma making your stomach grumble. The entrance room which also doubled as a living room had two couches, one on either side of a coffee table. A television hung on the wall above a fireplace. In the corner was a small desk which you assume would be where you could request a room.
Walking over you noticed a younger man crouching down so he was eye level with one of the drawers. He appeared to be about your age, mid to late twenties. Black hair with a slight curl to it hung over his forehead. Beautiful cat like eyes and his soft lips formed into a deep pout. You wanted so badly to reach over and squeeze his chubby cheeks, but you knew that was a weirdness you didn’t want to invoke. He was fidgeting with a drawer that seemed to be stuck and you could here the argument he was having in soft whispers,
“Come on you stupid thing.”
“It shouldn’t be this difficult.”
“Please, I just need a pen and then I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the day.”
You chuckled hearing him begging the drawer to cooperate. Reaching into your bag you grabbed one of your spare pens and set it on the desk, “Here I have a pen you could use.”
The young man let out a sudden squeal after you startled him. He jumped backwards and landed on his behind with a loud thud.
“Oh no I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you had heard me come in.”, you apologized feeling terrible.
The poor guy sat on the ground trying to collect himself before bringing himself back to a standing position. That’s when you noticed his cheeks were a bright shade of red, making you want to squeeze them even more. The man didn’t say a word. His eyes were barely able to focus on you, instead they would move around the room before returning to you for just a second before he’d quickly look elsewhere.
“Ahh this must be the Min boy the driver was talking about?”, you thought to yourself.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 4 months
gax + corporate/law vibes + ‘The powerpoint was steadily taking over their relationship, something that Max was not willing to stand for.’
gax?? gax!!
power (you make some points): a gax ficlet
rated m, ~1.2k words now also readable on ao3
author babble:
bear in mind i wrote this before i knew more about the Gax Lore i.e. karting together, actually being nice to each other blablabla. you could also just retrofit the vibes and hopefully they still work. anyways!
will throw this up on ao3 when i’m not sitting bleary eyed in an airport
If there was one thing that Max Verstappen wouldn’t tolerate, it was George Russell having the monopoly on good PowerPoint presentations. Max had won all four years of debate in College, as well as the dubious title of “most radical deployment of Google Slides templates” at his MBA, and he was not about to be usurped by the other guy in his department who actually knew how to use an animate transition.
“You missed an indent there.” Max says, pointing at the monitor. Yellow and red lights wink at them from the outside, as if to say: you’re both in your mid-twenties, quit wasting it on a computer screen at 11pm on a Wednesday, maybe?
Max is not staring, very determined not to look at his teammate’s facial expression. But George is almost certainly rolling his eyes right now.
“Was coming back to that, alright?” George huffs back. Max is very professional most of the time. But something about how wound up George is, how insanely pedantic he is about everything from semicolons to coffee cup placement for the Directors to taking insanely detailed minutes that nobody except Max reads after the meetings – well. What is it that Nietschze once said? We hate in others what we most identify with about ourselves. Or was that from Twitter? Max does not really use Twitter except to look at Bloomberg News updates and cat videos, so he does not know. And anyway Nietzsche never made a six figure salary.
“It would just be easier if you would let me do it.” Max says.
“Fuck right off, mate.”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like me to.”
“Not now.”
“Just share the link to this. I’ll do it.”
“We agreed to take turns on this.”
“Yes, Russell. But sometimes, the rules are meant to be bent.”
George swivels his chair to Max, then. Fully attempts to pin him with his gaze, commencing an awkward stare-off that lasts way too many seconds and makes Max once again realise that George’s eyes remind him of the expensive fish tank he saw at the Partners’ sushi dinner once. Max doesn’t think those same fish were the ones they ended up eating. But he does remember that dinner because it was the one where the Partners had dangled the promise of a huge promotion if they could help carry the company merger across the line successfully. The problem is, there was only one spot.
George’s distracting aquatic orbitals aside, fortunately, Max (i) never backs down, and (ii) has been told that he has the dead-eyed emotional stare of a robot missing an empathy software upgrade sometimes.
And clearly, the powerpoint was steadily taking over their relationship, something that Max was not willing to stand for.
Max leans back in his chair, stance all mock-relaxed. “Do you want to be out of here before midnight, or not?”
“We’re expensing the Ubers either way, so it doesn’t make a difference to me, mate.”
Fine. If George is so hyperfocused on The Tasks that he’s forgotten the fun part of being Questionably Close Coworkers, so be it.
Max deploys the nuclear option.
He sticks his leg out, nudging the toe of his Pradas onto George’s slacks. And strokes his foot halfway up to a sensitive point on George’s thigh. Max may even flutter his lashes a little.
To his credit, George does not react. Merely swings his eyes like a lamp to Max’s face again. His hand does, however, goes still on the mouse.
“What exactly are you doing?”
“I don’t know.” Max feigns. He knows that George hates, more than anything, anyone getting dirt on his precious Ralph Laurens. But at least he has his attention now. “Was hoping we could move onto the more fun part of the typical evening activities. Maybe.”
“We shouldn’t be doing that again anyway.”
“That is not what you said the last, hm, fourteen times that we have done this, eh?”
“Who’s counting?”
“I thought you were the most careful of rule followers and data analysis, knapperd.”
George is a human being, but Max is almost certain the other man shakes himself like he’s preening right now.
“Well. It’s what the team likes me for, and it’s what I’ll keep doing.”
“Oh yes. Surely we must keep in mind the team. And the shareholders. They are very important.”
“But should we tell them that you like it so much, George. When I do this.” Max says. Rising up, fully crowding George in, hands gripping the cool handles of the computer chair. Leaning in to nibble the side of George’s neck.
George swallows. Max watches his throat move.
Next, Max mouths the words onto the side of George’s jaw, stubble prickling his mouth. “And this.”
The click of the mouse continues steadily as Max moves his mouth to the shell of George’s ear. “And let’s not forget. This.”
Max tilts George’s face up fully, then. George’s face is flushed, eyes sparkling, all surprise at the sudden change of pace, but eager, too.
When Max seals his lips over George’s, George groans, and his hands shoot up to Max’s waist immediately. It doesn’t feel quite like winning a deal or a pitch does for Max, but the completion comes pretty damn close.
Max sweeps his tongue into George’s mouth. George opens willingly, like he always does. In the back of Max’s logical brain, a warning sign blares that the computer chair may not be able to support the weight of them both – because they spend a lot of time pretending they don’t work out together at the gym but Max knows exactly what George’s deadlift PB is and it’s pretty damn high for a scrawny looking dude.
And despite the keening protest of said chair, the two of them are both lost to it now. Max jams one knee between George’s legs, George nibbles hungrily at Max’s lower lip, Max thrusts his hips all needy, and maybe if Max is nice about it George might suck him off under the table, and–
Outlook chimes again.
“Blasted piece of shit.” George says, breaking away. His hands go still at Max’s waist. “Why we’re using G-Suite and Microsoft Office at the same time I will never know.”
George squeezes his eyes shut, as if making himself stop this is causing him physical pain. Maybe it’s that or the workflow incompatibility when George tries to move his custom Excel-Trello gantts into a third party API.
And Max won’t lie. He kind of likes it when George gets so irritated about these things. When he cares a bit too much. Because what is Max but exactly like that, too.
“Hazards of a merger, I guess. But without that, I would never have met you, no?”
George makes a noise like he knows what Max means. The other man straightens his shirt collar, and Max runs a hand through his hair. He’s been growing it out lately, because George had made a passing comment at the bathroom sink once about it looking good.
Sleeping with the person competing for the same Chief of Staff position is possibly the worst decision he could’ve made, and Max once dyed his hair platinum blonde. But, they’re stuck here together. Hell is a slightly more tolerable place when Satan’s right hand man looks this good. And knows his coffee order without asking.
Besides. Max is not bothered. He knows that the promotion is his. This is just a minor plot inconvenience.
Later, they will expense the uber back to George’s place, where Max will put his mouth on George’s arse, and give him a practical demonstration of the three different ways he’s learned to elicit pleasure from the male prostate.
George will whimper and whine the whole way through it, and after they’re both sated, they’ll both roll over to check their emails, barely concealing their smiles. They will pretend that what’s happening between them could be as clean as their zero-email inboxes. As if their connection is not violently seeping through containment.
All in the name of team bonding. For the firm. Yes.
(Or this is what they tell themselves, to maintain the illusion, anyway.)
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joeybsversion · 10 months
I miss yous
Joe Burrow x Reader
You and Joe work through a messy break up
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“Who Dey!” Ja’Marr stuck out his hand for a high-five from Joe. “What’s wrong, bro?” He asked as Joe blinked his way back to reality.
“Good game, Ja’Marr.” He pulled the cigar from his mouth and gave a weak smile.
“You should be celebrating, Joe. That was a big game. What’s going on?” He asked taking a seat next to Joe.
“Just tired.” He lied. “Like you said, big game.” He pressed the cigar to his lips again.
“You miss her, don’t you?” Ja’Marr questioned. He took no response from Joe as a yes and patted his friends back as he walked off.
Across the city you finishing another drink, making yourself look busy so you didn’t have to watch Joe’s post game interview.
You pulled yourself from the couch and stumbled into the kitchen to pour another drink, your best friend close behind.
It had been 4 months now since you and Joe had broken up. Seeing his face all over TV didn’t make it any easier as they progressed their way through the division. The breakup was messy, Joe was away for a game and neither of you really got any closure. With work and taking care of things at home, you weren’t able to travel as much this season with him. You both had wanted to keep your relationship private but it almost became too private. Not even the two of you knew what was going on some of the time.
“You’ll be fine without him.” Your friend reassured you as she watched you down another drink.
“I know. I’ll probably even be happy.” You lied.
“So what’s the problem?” She asked, taking the now empty plastic cup from your hand and tossing it into the garbage.
You stared at his face on the screen across the room. The rest of our friends are watching his post game interview and celebrating another win. “It would have been easier,” you paused “to have been happy with him here.” You looked down. “I’m going to head home.” You pulled out your phone and ordered an Uber. “I’m tired.” You lied, much like Joe had done to Ja’Marr earlier that evening.
“Meet you at my place?” Tee stopped by Joes locker on his way out. They team always celebrated at Tee’s after the games.
“I’m pretty tired, might just head home. Next weeks a big one and I want to make sure I’m ready to go.” Joe lied, taking another long draw from his cigar.
“Ok man, I understand.” He walked towards the door “but if you change your mind you know where to find me.” He hollered as the door swung shut behind him.
Joe pulled on his hoodie and closed up his locker. “Time to get out of here.” He mumbled to himself, digging through his bag for his phone and keys. “Another night alone.” He sighed.
By the time he left the stadium, the sky was dark and it was starting to rain. As he got home, he dropped his bag at the front door, headed upstairs, and got into bed. You were still on his mind as you had been every day for the past 4 months, he so badly wanted to hear your voice. But you hadn’t reached out even one time since the breakup. He figured you had moved on and were fine without him.
Joe pulled out his phone and clicked through until he found your contact. Everything in his head was telling him not to text you. It was almost 2:30 AM now, you were asleep he thought to himself. But he didn’t care. Without another thought, Joe fired off a text “I miss you.” It read.
The rain was coming down hard now and it was pitch black outside. “I should’ve left a light on.” You mumbled as you climbed out of the Uber and made your way to the front door. “Where is my phone?” You fumbled through your bag trying to find it so you could use it as a flashlight. “There it is.” You heard it buzz and dug it out of the bottom of your bag. As you pulled it out you saw 2 new messages pop up.
yourbffsname: Let me know when you make it home!
Joey: I miss you
“I must be so drunk.” There is no way Joe texted you thought. You flipped your phone around and used the light so you could see to unlock the door.
You made your way to your room, quickly threw on an old sweatshirt Joe had left here and climbed into bed. You plugged in your phone and saw you had 2 new messages.
Joey: Alot
Joey: And I want to see you
You froze. Was this really happening? Was it some sort of prank? He should be celebrating with the guys, right?
Joe put his phone down, took a few deep breathes, and covered his face. He wanted you back so bad. He picked up his phone again, checking for a reply but nothing had come through yet. And then he did the unthinkable, he pressed the call button and placed his phone up to his ear.
“Hey.” He croaked out. “Did I wake you?” He asked.
“Hey…. No, no. I’m up.” You replied.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes waiting for each other to speak.
“How are you?” Joe asked.
“You can’t ask me that.” A tear slipped down your cheek. You tried to stay quiet so he wouldn’t know you were crying. “You can’t ask me how I’m doing…” you paused “after you tore me apart.” You managed to whisper into the phone.
“I’m sorry, baby.” His voice cracked. You thought he may be crying. You couldn’t talk without sobbing, so you sat quiet for a few minutes. “I miss you,” he whispered, “I’ve tried to tell myself I don’t. And I think I mean it too when it’s 4 PM and the crowd is going wild and we’re seconds away from winning another game. But before I know it, it’s 2 AM and I’m in bed staring at the ceiling and there’s a tiny ache in my heart that wishes you were here. I can’t close my eyes because it’s too hard to decide if I’m more scared of your absence or the possibility that I’ll always miss you.” His voice cracked again and you were almost positive he was crying now. “I miss how we use to talk. I miss our calls. I miss going to sleep knowing you were still mine the next day,” there was a long pause, “I’m missing you like shit tonight.” He croaked out. “This just sucks because I still care, I still want to fix things, and I still want you. I still want us. I still need closure.” He sighed. “I need you to say something.”
You sat in silence for a few seconds, trying to think of what to say next. “I miss you, Joey.” You whispered. “I really miss you.” Another tear rolled down your cheek. “We keep on exchanging ‘I miss you’s” you said, “but it’s sad because neither of us did anything to just see each other again.” You finished, referencing how you hadn’t seen each other since before you broke up. “I don’t think I can come to terms with how things ended,” you paused, waiting for him to say something. “You told me you loved me in the morning on your way out to the door,” you used your sweatshirt sleeve to wipe your eyes “and that night when you got to your hotel for the game, you didn’t anymore.” You cried out.
“I never stopped loving you.” He interrupted. “I’m sorry for how things ended….” There was another long pause as you both sat in silence. “I read through our old messages earlier when you use to tell me how much you loved me and I would tell you that you meant everything to me,” he continued, “those words are still true. I want to fix things. I’m sorry for hurting you.” He sniffled.
“I’m sorry too.” You cried.
“Come over, baby.” He said.
“Joey, it’s almost 3 AM. It’s late.” You reminded him.
“Please.” He whispered. “I need to see you.”
“Good night, Joey.” You whispered and ended the call.
You put your phone down, dried your tears, and rolled over. It was best to sleep this off and see how you felt in the morning. You really did miss Joe, but you were nervous to see him.
As you drifted off to sleep you heard knocking on the front door. “What time is it?” You rolled over and pulled out your phone. It was 4:27 AM. You had a message from Joe.
Joey: I can’t wait until tomorrow. I’m coming to see you and make things right.
He couldn’t actually be here you thought. You imagined the noises. It’s way too late and it would be too crazy for him to be here right now. You rolled back over.
Joe couldn’t fall back asleep after your call. The next thing he knew, he was standing outside your front door, knocking a firm sound against it. You opened the door, still half asleep, your face showing a mix of confusion and happiness.
Joe reached out and grabbed your hand, pulling you onto the porch with him in the rain. He puts his lips against yours and his hands in your hair. You can feel the uncertainty behind the kiss, but you don’t stop.
When you pull back he looks at you and says “Your favorite way to be kissed is in the rain, you hate the color orange but will always wear it on game day. You love sleeping in on the weekends and vegetables disgust you.” He lets out a big breath before continuing, “You’re still on my mind and I don’t think that’s ever going to change.” With a watchful eye he looks for your reaction.
Your mouth turns up into another smile and you crash your lips together again
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alovesreading · 2 years
Be My Mistake
Summary: Under the influence, Matty makes one of his biggest mistakes which ends up with him losing you. And now there’s nothing more to do, other than deal with the heartache and pick up the pieces. 
Word Count: 7.1k 
Warnings: cheating, use of substances, substance abuse, rehab. 
A/N: Hi!! I'm so excited to be posting this, even though is a heartbreaking one. I had been wanting to write a oneshot based on this song for so long so after watching La La Land for the millionth time one day, I finally felt in the right mood to do it. I hope I did it justice lol. Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy! Happy reading!
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You were a dream anyone would be too stubborn to let go of, refusing to let themselves wake up and pushing their heads further into the pillows in hopes to carry on with it. But just the same way everyone fails to resume said dream, Matty couldn't keep his mistakes from ruining the most precious thing he'd ever had.
The way ink can't be fully cleaned once it's spilled. The way a snowball rolling down a hill can become huge and fatal.
Matty remembered when it all went down. It had been unusually warm outside, sky clear and enough wind to deem the weather 'perfect'. But it was completely different inside your flat. He felt freezing cold as he watched you crumble in front of him. Your cheeks stained as your eyeliner ran down with endless tears, your nose red and your eyes puffy.
He hated seeing you cry, so he was crying with you. He had told you about the night before, how he had succumbed to temptation and gotten too high to even remember what had happened — he just knew he woke up beside someone else, clothes all over the floor of a hotel room that was definitely not his.
You had asked if he'd lied about going out with his mates, if it had been a regular occurrence and he had shook his head earnestly. The last thing Matty remembered was Jamie asking him if he had ordered an Uber already to get home, to which he had lied and said yes.
His only plan was to stay and drink a little more, even if it felt pathetic to do so by himself. Matty remembered a girl approaching him and making conversation, and he knew he was a tad too tipsy by then. That's why he had found it easier to say yes to sharing some lines of coke and heroin in the bathroom, but after that he couldn't remember anything.
Matty's heart sank with every word, his voice breaking as he recounted the night and blurred images of the stranger and him in bed flashed through his mind.
And you had cried, knowing the only one who could bring you comfort was the one breaking your soul apart. You were desperately trying to find answers within yourself, as if you could figure out his mind about the situation just like you had always done before.
But this time, there was no way you could read his mind. This was your worst nightmare, and nothing could've prepared you for it. You'd never imagined you would be going through all this with him, not with Matty.
Because it had been that for so long, Matty and you.
You had been one of the first talent scouts that had shown interest for the band, and even though the label you worked for hadn't finalized any agreements with them, you had kept constant contact with them.
Eventually you went from acquaintance to friend, and then to a very close friend to them all. Until one day, under the influence of several joints, Matty had told you he really wanted to kiss you. And after that kiss, it was as if your names had been welded together.
You had been there for the other, through it all. Everyone would say how you were perfect for one another, how you were meant to be. Four years you had been together, and you had really thought the same as everyone else.
And Matty thought he knew love, because he loved you, but what did he truly know then if he'd done that to you?
It had taken you half an hour to get all your important things in a suitcase that rolled beside you as you walked towards the door. Matty was still frozen, sat on a chair in the living room, and his words tangled in his throat when you sniffled and opened the door.
"Fuck you Matthew." was the last thing you said to him, and it echoed louder in his head than the door slamming behind you as you left.
Just like that you were gone.
When he managed to gather his thoughts and he made his way to your room, it hit him what he had done. The closet was half empty, the bathroom seemed deserted without all your bottles laying around, your favorite book was gone, no necklaces were spilled on your bedside table.
You were gone but remained in every single one of his belongings, pictures of you two still on the walls, the vinyl you got him still beside the turntable, your scent lingered in the air. The mirror you had picked out for the room, the walls painted your favorite color. You were engraved in everything.
Matty couldn't stay in the bedroom for longer, he felt like he was going to be sick. So he went to the kitchen and called George, praying that he would let him stay over. And he did, so with barely anything in a small bag, he got a taxi to his best friend's house.
The second George opened the door, he broke down in his arms. Panic had settled inside the drummer, as Matty kept mumbling between sobs.
George had him breathe with him, slowly and controlled until he managed to settle down enough to make out what was going on. And when the words finally slipped past Matty's lips and he could make out what he said, he'd had a hard time believing it all.
"What?! That's gotta be a joke innit? You're just taking the piss right?" his questions sounded like a beg, because he adored you both. And as much as Matty was like his brother, he would be fuming if what he had just said was true.
Matty sobbed as he shook his head, "Do I fucking look like I'm fucking joking George?!" he felt defeated as he heard the hostility of his tone and he could only sob harder as he mumbled apologies to his best friend.
George held him as he cried, feeling pity for him but anger was overcoming him at the same time.
Once Matty had passed out on the guest bedroom, George had debated within himself if it would be good to call you. Would it be too much to call and make sure you were alright? He knew the story already from his best friend so he didn't want to know more of that, he just wanted to make sure you were safe.
So George called you and it only took your weak "Hello?" to feel his heart break for you.
He had let you rant to him, and he listened as his silent tears fell. He felt so useless stuck in the middle, fuming at Matty for fucking up something so beautiful and for ruining a person who was nothing but sunshine.
"Please George, I wanna know if I deserve this? Did I do something wrong? Should I have done something different? Maybe I should've gone out with you lot, maybe I should've canceled on my cousin to go along with you. Maybe—"
"Y/N/N, sweetheart, you did nothing wrong okay? You're not the one to blame here, please don't do that to yourself."
"But then why, George? Why?!"
Your desperation ripped a sob from your throat, and it had burned to let it out. George had to bite his lip to not sob himself, he would do anything to take your pain away. He had no answers for you either, and as you kept crying, he wasn't sure what to do to try and fix anything that was in his power.
So all he could do was promise you that he'd keep Matty for as long as he could the next day, so you could finish getting all your stuff from the flat.
And the next afternoon, when the curly headed man made it back to his flat — it was just his now, not yours —, he felt his blood running cold. Your key was on top of the kitchen table, there was framed artwork missing from the walls — the ones you had gotten and were your favorites. Your silly little ceramic decorations no longer sat on top of his furniture. All of your vinyl gone, as well as your vhs film collection.
When Matty got to the bedroom, his knees failed him and he fell to the ground beside the bed. The shirt you'd been wearing the day before, which was his, freshly washed and folded on top of the duvet; and resting on top of it was the ring he'd got you for your fourth anniversary, next to it the locket necklace he'd gotten you for your birthday, the first one you celebrated as a couple.
You never took those off so that felt like a slap, a stab and a gunshot, all at the same time. He had ruined it all, that night would forever be the biggest mistake and regret of his life.
Weeks had gone by and it was like the world was completely different. Making music was the only thing that pushed Matty to wake up in the morning so in order to feel like he had a sliver of purpose, he stayed cooped up in the studio.
The lads were angry at him, they didn't ignore him but he could feel their distaste towards what he'd done. Matty knew they kept in touch with you, having caught fragments of conversations between you and them on the phone multiple times. But he didn't feel any resentment towards them, if he was in that situation, he'd choose to side with you as well.
Regardless, it stung, the way he felt like he had no one.
And that feeling of loneliness had brought him to make another insanely stupid decision: he called the girl.
Kendall was her name, and he only remembered the fact because she had texted him when he was on his way back to your flat that awful morning.
The second she picked up and greeted him with insinuation in her voice, Matty regretted the thought ever crossing his mind. It was too late to hang up though, so he kept the small talk in the most uninterested tone and ended the call right after they arranged a meeting place.
After that night, Matty had felt the guilt wash over him once more. But it was the feeling of someone actually needing him in any way for the first time in weeks, that overshadowed the disgust he had for himself.
That's why he had kept this secret agreement with the girl, because it was the loneliness getting to him. He kept telling himself that, every night.
Matty had lost count of how many times he'd taken the same steps as if this deal had a schedule. He'd go up to the receptionist and check in whatever suite they had available, he would go up to the room and lay in the bed as he cried while staring at the ceiling, and then he'd text her the room number but tell her not to wait outside — he'd always ask her to wait for him at the hotel bar.
The first few nights she had tried to make him laugh as they drank, but Matty had tuned her out and afterwards he just decided to have them drink separately. He'd felt bad for the way he was treating her, but she liked this play of mysteriousness — it somehow got her going.
So he would sit and drink alone now, in the furthest corner of the bar, slouching as he swished his drink around the glass. He wouldn't stop drinking until he'd lost count, and that's when he'd decide to go upstairs.
The singer would usually nod his head with his eyes stuck on her, a sign that meant he was going up and for her to follow after him in a few minutes.
When she knocked on the door, Matty was always smoking on the balcony. The smell of cigarettes followed him as he opened the door for her.
It didn't take them long for their clothes to end up scattered around the floor. The girl was pretty, Matty couldn't deny that, not when his body reacted like it did to her naked complexion; but it was nothing compared to the way you would make him feel.
Even with a hundred layers of clothing on, you'd leave him breathless. His knees got weak at the sight of you, from the very first moment he'd seen you and he was sure that it'd be the same until his final days.
To beat his thoughts, Matty forced his hands to be fast and his feet to take them to bed as soon as they could, so his need for release would scream louder than his subconscious shaming him for his actions. Some nights they'd even do some lines before getting to their main purpose, it helped when he was fully gone, he felt less guilty.
But for some reason that night felt the worst, a knot formed in his throat when he came back down from his second orgasm. Kendall had noticed something shift in the air so she scooted close to him and rested her chin on his chest, but he didn't look at her, his eyes were stuck on the big light burning his corneas.
"You alright?" she'd asked with a hint of worry, but when she was met with pure silence she decided to tease him to get at least a reaction from him. "Do you want a cuddle?"
He looked down with a frown, a smirk was plastered on her face and he wanted nothing but to put as much distance as he could between them.
"No, I don't want a cuddle." his voice was sharp, and she tensed at the bitterness in his tone. "Let's just sleep."
The girl chuckled awkwardly and turned to her side of the bed. He caught a whiff of her hair's scent and his heart dropped when the sensory memory of you came to the front of his mind.
Jasmine and lilies. Her hair smelled exactly the same as your feet.
Matty remembered the endless times he'd grab your lotion and give you a foot massage after a long day of work, and he sounds you'd make from the pleasure of his work on your sore limbs. And how those moments would almost always end in you two tangled up in bed, chanting each other's names as if it was a prayer, like the loudest you'd get for the other would bring you closer to the chance of seeing heaven.
In the past four years, there was not one day when he'd refuse to hold someone or let that someone hold him. But that was because it was you, Y/N. He used to hold you like a devoted christian holds a crucifix to their heart, desperately and passionately — like you were his lifeline. He'd refuse to let go of you, even if you used to stir like crazy in your sleep — he would move along with you with his arms firmly around your frame, and your legs always intertwined together.
Matty felt his tears making a path through his temples until they fell on the pillow. He turned around, his back to the girl beside him, and he forced his eyes closed.
"Can you turn out the big light?" his inquiry sounded weak, his voice was a single thread from breaking as the tears kept falling and wetting the pillow under his head.
He felt her stand up and comply, going to the bathroom and then coming back after a minute. He probably should've done the same but he couldn't be arsed, he hated himself and he had no motivation to do anything at all.
When Matty woke up and absorbed his surroundings, his hangover got worse, his heartache multiplied and he was sure he deserved the title of the worst person on earth.
Kendall was still there, sleeping peacefully like his whole world wasn't crumbling down around them. It sure felt like that to him, like the end of times.
He ran to the bathroom when he felt everything he'd consumed the night before rising up his throat. The loud noises woke up the girl who had scrunched up her nose at the gagging.
"Yikes." she mumbled, rising to her feet and getting ready to leave.
Matty had come out of the bathroom as pale as ever, and went straight for his clothes. He only wanted to leave the room as soon as he could, he couldn't keep this going anymore.
He dressed himself as he thought about which way would be best to approach the situation until her voice interrupted him.
"Where are those jeans from? I love them."
She seemed so relaxed as she watched him, leaning on her elbows on top of the messy bed sheets.
He let out a humorless chuckle, melancholic as he replied, "Dunno, Y/N got them for me."
She shrugged, not caring about who that person was and just as she was about to ask him for the date of their next rendezvous, Matty cut her off.
"Look, this has to stop." he said absentmindedly as he sat on a loveseat to tie his shoes. "You're a smart girl so, I reckon you won't be going around telling this to your mates. Don't make me have you sign an NDA."
She snorted, "Fair enough, this will be our dirty little secret then." The smirk she had on her face only made him want to crawl into a hole and never come out.
Matty shook his head, unamused. "Don't–"
"It was fun while it lasted." she added, cutting him off and jumping to her feet.
Kendall grabbed her purse from the floor, and then walked up to him. He frowned when he saw her leaning in and froze when she pressed a kiss to his lips.
"Thanks for the shag, Matty." she winked and proceeded to leave the room.
The sound of the door closing snapped something inside him, and he went back running to the bathroom to be sick again.
When he flushed the toilet, he screamed. Like he was getting murdered.
Matty truly couldn't care less for whoever was in the rooms next to him or if they'd heard him. He felt pure rage inside of him and he had no idea about what he should do.
He yelled as he cried, tiring himself out until he got a knock on the door and was asked by the hotel staff to either stop or to leave the premises.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." he kept apologizing between sobs, "I– I was about to check out. I need to check out." he said as he walked to the lifts, the tears barely letting him see the way.
Behind a pair of sunglasses he hid as he dropped the keys to the receptionist, giving her a fake smile as she wished him a good day.
Fuck that.
When Matty got back to the flat, he made a beeline to the shower. He scrubbed his skin raw, as if that would help him feel better about himself.
And as he banged his fists against the shower walls, he continued yelling. He was sure he would lose his voice, but the ache wasn't enough to distract him from the way it felt like his heart was malfunctioning.
After changing, he had decided to open wine bottles and let the alcohol lull him to sleep. He hoped for a long deep sleep, but as he finished the second bottle and his eyes refused to close, he chose to call you.
Your contact picture tore his heart apart a little more. Your smile beaming at him behind the camera, you were opening presents in the morning of Christmas day and you just looked too adorable waiting for him to open his present.
Why had he been so stupid?
Matty pressed 'call' and the phone rang and rang, but you wouldn't pick up. He was filling your voicemail up slowly, his words slurred and broken, his voice so rough that he thought he might've caused some worse damage to his vocal chords than he'd anticipated.
He fell asleep eventually, his phone in his hand but out of battery. His third bottle of wine three quarters empty on the floor beside him. And the long deep sleep he had asked for was interrupted by George opening his front door and coming in at around eleven in the morning.
"Matty what the fuck?"
The singer had grumbled, his cheek pressed against his carpet. He'd fallen asleep on the floor.
"Why don't you answer your phone?"
Matty sighed, and rubbed his right eye as he tried to turn his phone on with his other hand. "It's dead."
"Fucks sake. Well get up mate, you need to eat something. You look terrible." the tall man frowned before disappearing into the kitchen, Matty had caught a glimpse of take out bags on both his hands.
He rolled his eyes, "Thanks, G. Very lovely."
The reason George was there was because you had heard every single voice message he'd left her, and your soul had left your body from how worried you were about him. You called George as soon as you got a break from work, you sounded so shaken up that the drummer thought something had happened to you.
"I'll go check on him as soon as I'm done here Y/N/N, I promise."
"Just try and hurry please, G? I don't know if he's taken anything–" you had started to frantically breathe as you talked, you were gonna spiral so he interrupted you.
"Hey, hey. It's okay, I'll be on my way in a bit. Stop worrying about him okay? He doesn't deserve to disrupt your peace after everything he's done, that's why we're there so you don't have to deal with it."
"You know I will never not worry about him G... It's like he's cursed me."
George sighed, completely heartbroken at your state, "I'll text you when I see him, I'm sure he's alright. Just take care of yourself okay?"
You hummed but he could hear you were still agitated. "Okay..."
"Love you, Y/N/N. You're gonna be okay"
"Love you too George, thank you."
That had been about forty minutes before George had shown up, but he would not tell that to Matty. He shouldn't know that you still cared, not from him, it wouldn't be good for either him or yourself.
Matty felt like a kid, George was basically babysitting him now: making sure he was eating enough, filling up a glass with water over and over so he stayed hydrated, plugging his phone to charge, making small talk to keep him distracted.
And he felt even more like a kid when his phone buzzed alive and when he unlocked it to show the drummer some demo he had come up with, it opened on your contact. His voice had died at the sight and at the memory of him calling her tirelessly the day before.
"You shouldn't be calling her, you know?" George's voice sounded reprimanding, "You're only hurting her more when you do that."
Matty could only nod, changing apps and showing George what he had meant but his words were long gone and lost somewhere. The drummer had had to scoop things out from him after that.
When it reached seven in the evening, Matty told George he was just going to sleep. He was knackered, all his energy had drained and if he wanted to go to the studio the day after, he'd need a long rest.
So George left him with a lengthy hug and made him promise to call if anything happened before they saw each other the next day.
Matty went to his ensuite right after he closed the door behind George, washing his face and brushing his teeth slowly to then plop on top of the bed.
It felt so big without you, the room wasn't familiar anymore, the place didn't feel like home.
All the lights were out, so the reflection of his phone blinded him when he picked it up. He had ignored the device for most of the day and he would continue to do that, because he was too tempted to call you again and after what George had told him, he didn't want to keep hurting her. You deserved better than the ache he continued to cause you.
Scrolling through his notifications he found himself laughing at the memes Adam had sent him, sending one to his mum that he thought she'd enjoy.
Denise had found out about what had happened, he had called her crying and apologizing like she was the one also needing to forgive him. As any mum would do, she had consoled him, taking a coach to stay with him for a week just to keep an eye on him, but she had also been firm with him, not downplaying what he had done.
She had taken one of her days in London to visit you, at your best friend's flat where you were staying. And you had cried in Denise's arms for hours, as she rubbed your back and kept telling you it wasn't your fault.
His mum was heartbroken for the two of you, she encouraged Matty to find help in regards to his addiction. "A few lines cost you Y/N," she had said and what a tragedy that was.
When he kept scrolling down his notifications, he found a missed call from you. Just one. And that was enough to startle him like he'd just gotten shocked back to life.
He deflated thinking he had missed the ringing of his phone, meaning he had missed the one and only chance to talk to you — maybe for the last time.
But then he caught a voice message sitting on his voicemail. From you.
He played it instantly, his whole body washing in relief at the sound of your voice.
"Matty?" you had asked softly, and he sighed but then you sniffled and he heard you take a shaky breath before continuing, "Hey, erm, I don't know what's going on but I just–," you cleared your throat when your voice broke. "I hope you're doing okay, don't do anything you will regret okay? There's people who can't lose you for something like this."
'There's people.' Not her.
Matty started crying, trying to keep his sobs down so he could hear you.
"Fuck," you whispered, "That sounds like I don't care but no matter how hard I try to trick myself, the truth is I will always care about you. And I fucking hate that." his heart was shattering more and more as you spoke.
"You know... I loved you Matt. I still do." you sighed, and he could picture you so clearly picking at your cuticles like you always did when you were upset and anxious. "The worst part is that even knowing how it all ends, I'd still do it all over again." You broke down after that, your sobs making him sob and it was like you were crying to each other again in the living room as he told you what he had done.
"But I'm gonna need you to stop calling Matty. And I know how hard that is because, despite it all, the one thing I've been dying to do is call you and hear your voice. But please, I need you to stop." You were begging now and you sounded tired, "You have to let me go, so I can heal. Maybe one day we can be friends again — I hope we can."
Your voice had broken once again and it sounded like you had covered your mouth so your sobs were less audible. "Take care of yourself okay? I want you to promise that you will, make me that last promise Matty..." the line went quiet and he would've thought you were gone if it wasn't for your heavy breathing. It was like you were waiting for him to magically say 'I promise' as you recorded the message. He had started chanting it, as if you could hear him, over and over until your defeated sigh was heard and all you had left to say was, "Goodbye, Matty."
He replayed it several times, until his heart couldn't take you saying the final goodbye anymore.
That night Matty fell asleep crying, and woke up barely being able to see from how swollen his eyes were. He had woken up in the middle of the night after he'd dreamt about you getting married, he had hugged your pillow and fallen back into slumber. Until a nightmare woke him up before his alarm, the image of your body cold and covered in blood after you'd been in an accident stuck in his mind as he got ready for the day.
When he got to the studio, Matty made the decision to keep his promise to you. He felt like he owed it to you. So he made some calls and when the lads arrived, they were met with the news that he'd go to rehab.
They had engulfed him in a massive hug, which made him break down in tears. Matty wasn't sure how long he'd be gone for, or where exactly he was going but he was determined to go through it again and fully commit to getting better.
It had been almost three months since your life had been shaken up. You had moved to your best friend's house for a little bit before finding a place of your own. It was slowly coming together but small things like getting the post always made you feel like this was actually your home.
There wasn't much, a parcel you had been waiting for and a couple bills. You found yourself surprised at a small envelope that was under everything else, it had an unfamiliar stamp on the top right corner.
Barbados, it said.
Your fingers were quick to open it, inside was only a small usb. No note with a name to give you a clue of what it was.
Curiosity was eating you inside so you almost ran back up to your flat.
You opened the door with too much force, causing it to slam against the wall. After making sure the door was intact, you went to your room and hurried to find your laptop. You cussed when you tried turning it on and realized it was out of battery.
You plugged it in and paced around the bedroom waiting for it to turn on. And when the screen lit up alive, your curiosity turned to nerves. You didn't even know why, but you had a gut feeling and those you never ignored.
When you inserted the usb, the only thing you could see inside it was a video named 'dec. 22nd, 2017'.
Your frown was set hard on your face, it was past the first week of the new year already. What could this be?
All of your questions were answered when you clicked on it and a face you missed was shown on the screen.
Matty looked so different. For a start, the curls you'd adored for years were gone — replaced by a buzzcut that he so effortlessly was pulling off —, his skin looked glowy and he'd ditched his usual vintage band shirts for a light knitted sweater. He looked healthy.
Your heart felt like it was going to burst, from happiness and relief but also from the memory of everything that had gone down.
What was he doing in Barbados? Why would he send a video on a usb through the post? Why not email it?
You were so confused, questions flooding your head. Eventually, you just decided to play the five minute clip and hear what he had to say.
Matty cleared his throat, his chest covering the lenses as he was leaning over the camera to press record.
There was a chair a few steps behind him, set in front of a massive window that allowed you to see outside the place he was at, and it looked like the definition of paradise.
"I, erm... You're probably so confused at the moment." Matty rubbed his eyes with his hands before letting them drop on his lap. "I'm in rehab. In Barbados."
You felt the oxygen leave your lungs for a few seconds before you took a deep shaky breath.
"We are doing this thing where we think back about the worst things drugs have made us do to the ones we love and, erm, apologize for them." he chuckled, it seemed in an ironic way. "They had us forgive ourselves first which, as you may imagine, was really hard for me to do. Ever since October, I haven't felt more than hatred towards myself. So that was a challenge."
Matty tried looking into the camera but his eyes didn't know where to concentrate, he just let his head fall in defeat. "This is weird. How do people manage to record themselves and not feel like an absolute idiot?" He looked up, rubbed his face and sighed in frustration.
"This rehab has been so different to the last you know? I've been bonding with this bloody horse– They have me talking to a horse, Y/N!" Matty laughed genuinely this time, and his giggles made you giggle as the start of your tears rolled down your cheeks. "Fucks sake, can you believe that?" You wiped the tears as they fell but eventually gave up when they came faster than your fingers could clean them.
Matty sighed, taking a look outside the window before looking back at the camera. "He's amazing though, you must know horses are great listeners and they are so majestic." his hands were on his lap and you noticed how he'd started fiddling with his fingers. "Gonna miss him much more than I anticipated once these seven weeks are up..." he trailed off and his smile faltered as he came back to his main point in his head. "But, erm, I digress."
He cleared his throat before continuing, "The second part of that forgiveness ordeal was to apologize to those we've hurt. We were told we could write letters, record voice messages or videos. I wanted to write a letter to you but it wasn't– I feel like it–" he paused, gathering his thoughts. His brain going faster than his mouth like always. "I couldn't hide behind words this time, you deserved better than that. I owed you a different level of vulnerable, raw me."
"I started this because of that last promise you made me make to you — thank you for leaving that voice message actually, I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't." His eyes stood stuck on the lenses so it felt like he was staring into your soul. "So, yes, I started this because of that promise and I felt like I owed this to you but they've made me realize here that I owed it to myself." You saw the way his chin wobbled and it had you letting out a sob.
"I don't like how it's always taken me fucking things up to realize what I had." Matty let his head drop as he shook it, disappointed in himself.
"This isn't some kind of plea for you to take me back, you just deserved closure from me I suppose — and to hear a proper apology." You didn't know if you could take that at the moment but you just couldn't pause it, so despite your heart begging yourself to stop for at least a minute you let it continue. "It's too late for anything else, and you definitely deserve so much better than someone who could do that to you just because he was under the influence." The memory stung like a fresh slap, causing a river of hot tears to run down your cheeks.
Matty sighed before continuing, tears falling down his cheeks as well and his voice wavering as he spoke. "I'm deeply sorry for what I did, for ruining everything we had and making you go through something you were the last person to deserve. I ruined you and I am eternally sorry for that." He kept fiddling with his fingers, "I'm sorry for letting something so mundane and stupid come between us, I'm so sorry for not being the person you deserved." Matty started listing all of his regrets, and it felt like a thousand needles to your heart. "I'm sorry for being weak and letting myself break. I've hated myself so much for saying yes to some lines and then seeing it all unfold like it did." His head shook, letting himself let out a few quiet sobs.
"You have to know I regret that night and everything else that happened afterwards, that's my biggest regret in life and I will carry that with me forever but please, Y/N, don't feel like you have to." You clutched your chest like you could somehow bring your heart some comfort that way, the way he was staring at the camera with his eyes starting to redden made you hurt so badly.
Matty let out a shaky breath before continuing, "This makes me sound like such a cunt, that I'm asking you to move on as if I have to be the one telling you to do it for you to actually do it but this is me begging to not let my mistakes pull you down because you're so fucking wonderful Y/N/N." his voice wavered at the end of that, and in unison both of you started sobbing your hearts out like you were in the same room in front of the other.
Your desperate cries bounced off the walls and you felt like your chest was being ripped open again. You watched as Matty looked up at the ceiling and harshly wiped his cheeks, taking a deep breath to keep talking. "You are easily the best thing that has ever happened to me and so I also wanted to thank you."
It was so complicated for you to understand what that caused you to feel, it was like a hug but it punctured your heart that this was the situation he was thanking you in. "You were our absolute biggest fucking fan, going through all of it with us — going through so much shit with me. I'm still having a hard time figuring out what I did to deserve you. I clearly didn't." Matty's lips twitched up in an attempt to smile, as if he was trying to make it a tiny joke but it failed.
"Now, this isn't something I'm entitled to do, I shouldn't have the neck to ask you to make me a promise but I don't think I'll ever stop caring about you, not tomorrow, not in a year, not in this lifetime nor the next. So I want you to promise me that you'll always choose yourself and take every decision that will lead you to feeling the happiness you deserve as many times as possible." his knee started bouncing up and down now, but his eyes were stuck staring straight at the camera and you could see just how pleading they were.
"You know I've never thought happiness was ever a destination but if it turns out to be, then I wish only that for you." his hands fell on his knees then and you saw through the tears his knuckles turning white as he held them.
Matty went to speak again after a few beats of silence but he stopped himself as his voice didn't come out. He let himself stare beyond the camera for a few seconds before his gaze fell once again on the lenses, "I don't think I'll ever not love you, you know? My love for you goes beyond the grasps of time and space, and maybe that's extremely selfish to say — fuck."
He wanted to kick himself when he realized how unfair he was being, just saying shit like that, like it wasn't his fault that it had all happened. "I'm sorry, I just—" Matty backtracked and he stopped himself as the knot on his throat tightened again. "Sorry. I'm still a mess, and unfortunately human."
The tears ran down Matty's face, matching the ones running down your cheeks as you stared at your laptop screen. You felt the urge to reach out for him, to touch him but he wasn't there and that broke your heart even more.
"I don't know what else to say, this introspective shit is harder when you have so much time to think about yourself. I have never been more self aware in my life... Maybe this is what I needed." He trailed off and he shifted in his seat, looking back outside for a moment and smiling slightly at the view.
Matty took some time, trying to gather his thoughts and see if he could form any more sentences that he wanted desperately to tell you but his brain was a tangled mess and he felt awful for making you waste more of your time on him when it was the last thing he deserved.
"Well, I will leave you now, I hope I didn't disrupt you with my bullshit. And, erm, I hope you had a lovely Christmas time, you truly deserve it. Hope George got you that drumming set he promised you back in May." He chuckled remembering the messy lessons George gave you and how he'd promised to give you one so you could practice with him.
Matty struggled to find the best way to finish the video, you could see how hard he was racking his brain for what he wanted to say. He ended up settling for honesty, because that's what you deserved from him.
"I miss you, as selfish as that sounds. And I love you, always, as selfish as that is. Goodbye, Y/N." He gave you a tight lip smile, before he stood up and the frame ended in the same way it had started, with him covering up the lenses as he leaned forward to press the button.
Your heart settled heavily on your chest and it was how concluding it felt that had your head dizzy. A bitter taste on your tongue as you once more looked back at it all and at how, after months, the overwhelming amount of love you felt for him was still there.
Hidden away in the back of your heart.
A/N: I'm so sorry for that... But I hope despite the heartache you still enjoyed it! Thank you so much for taking the time to read, the fact that I'm even posting this for everyone to read is mental to me. Please let me know what you thought of it. I’ve got more things coming that I’m so very excited to share with you all!! *screeches* okay, thank you again and see you soon!
Send me a message if you want me to add you to the taglist :)
Taglist: @imagine-that-100 @red---moon @drinkurkombucha @vinylandcoffeecollection @better--oblivions @kennedy-brooke
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theycallmebecca · 1 year
Can I request either Ari or Chris jealousy prompt “do you ever ask why I get this way? Maybe it’s because - y’know what, never mind”
Hey nonny! Thanks for this fantastic prompt! I wrote most of this the other day and I had another ending in mind.. but it just wasn't working with me... but oh well.
This Memorial Day weekend, I’m accepting prompts. The information (and links to stories written for it) are in this post.
Title: Secrets of the Heart
Pairing: Ari Levinson x female reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context. 
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Women love Ari.
Ari loves women.
You love Ari.
Ari loves you like a best friend.
You sigh into your drink as another woman stops Ari on his way back to your table. You avert your eyes, not wanting to see the same routine they all do when they see him in a bar.
She’ll touch his arm.
He’ll flex his biceps.
She’ll giggle and coo over his “big strong muscles”.
He’ll give her a panty melting smile.
She’ll give him her number.
He’ll pocket the number and promise to call her.
She’ll go back to her friends, who will all giggle and steal glances at him.
He’ll come back to your table and drop into his seat like nothing has happened.
“What’s that face about?” he asks, picking up his beer and taking a swig of it.
“Just thinking,” you lie as you adjust your expression. He doesn’t know you’re in love with him and it’s better that way. Afterall, you are the opposite of his type, judging by the women he’s gone out with.
“Sounds serious,” he says, leaning forward. Then, because he doesn’t have a serious bone in his body, adds, “Tell Ari what’s troubling you.”
“I’m on my period and I have cramps,” you say, knowing that will make him uncomfortable. “So I’ve decided to go home.”
He cringes at the womanly stuff, but his expression turns to a frown when you say you’re leaving. “You haven’t finished your beer,” he says.
“I don’t need the calories,” you state as you stand up. “I ordered an Uber so you can stay and -” You motion in the general direction of the woman he was flirting with. “- do whatever.”
You don’t wait for him to respond as you cross the bar as quickly as you can. You have no intention on going straight home, instead, you plan to walk the two blocks to the ice cream parlor where you’ll get your favorite ice cream and eat it while you wait for the Uber to pick you up.
It’s still early in the evening, so you aren’t alone on the street as you walk to your next destination lost in thought. You know breaking ties with Ari would make your life a little easier, but the thought of not having him in your life is more heartbreaking than watching him flirt with nameless women in front of you.
You’re waiting for the light to change around the corner from the ice cream shop when an all to familiar voice says, “I thought you said you ordered an Uber.”
Spinning around, you stare at Ari in shock. “What are you doing here?”
“Trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with you,” he counters, pulling you out of the way as another group of people walk past.
One of the women in the group stops and looks at his hand on your arm before looking at you. “Are you ok?” she asks.
Ari smartly let’s go and takes a step back, but you nod and assure the woman that you’re fine.
She glares at him and then takes his picture of the two of you with her phone. “Just in case,” she says then she walks away.
Ari curses under his breath before turning to you. “Why are you acting like this?” he asks, his tone calmer, likely to avoid anyone else stopping.
“Why are you following me?” you counter. “I told you I was leaving so you could go home with that wannabe model.”
Ari lets out a satisfied noise. “And there it is,” he says in a sarcastic tone. “The real reason you left the bar.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you demand.
“You always do this,” he says, throwing his hands up. “It’s Thursday, our night. Yeah, I flirted with her, but I wasn’t going to ditch you for her. I don’t even know her.”
You roll your eyes. Not knowing a woman has never stopped him from taking her home.
“You know what, fine,” Ari says. “Leave. Go home. I’ll see you later.”
“Do you ever ask why I get this way?” you call after his retreating back, the words coming out of your mouth before you can stop them. 
He pauses and turns to look at you, his face unreadable.
“Maybe it’s because -” His eyes roll, obviously expecting another dumb excuse and you get control of your tongue. “- y’know what, never mind, fuck you, Ari Levinson.”
Taking advantage of the green light, you race across the street, embarrassed that you almost spilled your secret to that asshole.
A series of honks makes you turn and you see Ari running across the street, traffic lights be damned.
“Because why, damn it?” he demands once he reaches you. “I fucking need to know.”
“Ari, please, don’t,” you beg softly. “I -”
“Because I can tell you why I go home with those wannabe models,” he says. “Because I can’t be with the one person I want to be with.” He tilts your chin so he can look you in the eye. “You.”
Your heart skips a beat as you stare at him. “What?” Your brain is too stunned to say anything more.
“It’s always been you,” he says. “Just you. Perfect you.”
“But I’m not your type,” you state.
“You are my type,” he argues. “I only date the wannabes because they don’t look like you, don’t act like you… because they aren’t you. If I can’t have you, I don’t want a substitute. For the longest time, I’ve just been your best friend and I accepted that fact. But I want more, I need more. I want you, all of you.”
“You do?”
“I do,” he whispers. “But the question now is, do you?”
“Yes,” you say, on the verge of tears. “Ari, yes, always.”
“Thank fuck,” he says before he pushes you up against the brick wall of the closest building and kisses you, ignoring the cat calls and the ‘get a room’ comments from people passing you on the street.
That first kiss is better than you ever imagined it would be. The second kiss is even better than the first.
Pulling away, Ari rests his forehead against yours and says, “How about we get some ice cream then go back to your place. I think the rest of this conversation would be better in private.”
"Yes," you reply, looking down at your hand that clasped in his. "Ari."
His eyes meet yours in question.
"I love you," you say, needing him to know the full extent of your feelings for him.
"I love you, too," he replies.
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cookiesupplier · 6 months
Every Rose Has It's Thorns - Part Five
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc (Talia)
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. Not that it is any easier for the soulmate in question. Thus is the fate for Ricky and Talia. Sooner or later, however, life is bound to collide, but what will happen when it does?
author’s note: Unbeta’d, so please readers beware.
tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @witchyweeb34 If you would like to be added feel free, please let me to know, whether to this list specifically or in general.
Even though Talia already knew she had her appointments cleared, and nothing was scheduled for the day, she’d called into the shop just to check in on her books while Ava was driving the car to the hotel that Vinny had messaged her late last night while they were driving home. She could only guess that he’d sent her the message the moment he knew where they were staying when she’d gotten the message. Ava didn’t say anything about Talia calling in, and Talia didn’t either, but they both knew there was at least half a chance she was hoping that someone had called in hoping for a last minute appointment and she could get out of this trip somehow.
Not that Ava would have let her take the appointment as it was supposed to be her arranged day off, even if she didn’t have the planned hangover that she’d thought she would have. Either way, no such luck, her clients had all been told it was her day off, and they were all respecting the fact that she was going out for her birthday. Dammit. Couldn’t even one of them just complain?
Timing however was horrible when they pulled up outside of the hotel, and there was Grace. Grace with luggage, and it didn’t look like she was going in with all of her things, she was leaving. Talia swallowed, Ava nudged her, but while she knew Ava probably thought this should excite her, after that look Ricky had given her, that hated, and knowing she’d caused this, she was not excited.
Then there was the withering look Grace was giving her as the Uber driver was packing her luggage into his car,
“Remember, he wanted me first, freak, enjoy my left-overs.”
Once she was in the car and and they’d driven off, Ava just re-iterated,
“I said it last night and I’ll say it again, soulmate stealing hussy, and she isn’t worth it, let’s go.”
Talia just wished Ava would figure out soon that today wasn’t about her, at all, maybe as soon as she saw Vinny again, that excitement would take over, she hoped so, she really hoped so.
Ricky didn’t want to be coming down for breakfast. He’d barely slept after last night. Considering Grace was with them at the moment, usually he’d be sharing a room with her, but with the development, naturally he’d requested to not. She had her room paid for one last time by the tour, and he paid for her transport home, just to get her gone. It might be a mistake, but she wasn’t wrong, they had been together for years, and stranding her away from home would just be heartless because he’d gotten her to come on tour because he’d had to genius idea to recreate the way they’d met in a silly cafe on an off day to propose to her. He felt like an idiot, and now Vin wants him to go and be social?
Honestly, he’d rather just order something in and eat it in their room considering Vin was dragging him down to meet with his soulmate, and, the other one. No Vin, there was no way in his mind she was his real soulmate. He refused to go down that path after all of this. It was insane, and he was tired of it. He was tired, and angry, and he was done. He would rather give up and refuse all the soulmate issues entirely than deal with one more soulmate tattoo ever again.
Yet, here he was, being dragged downstairs, by Vin, to meet with Ava, and what the hell was her name, oh, right, Talia. Okay, he didn’t want to know, he didn’t want to care, he was only going down because Vinny was making him. His hoodie pulled up over his head, he stepped out of the elevator into the lobby of the hotel, Vinny was so obviously excited, and he wanted to be happy for him, he did.. Watching for him, he was trying not to be bitter. He swore he was trying as he saw him grinning walking over to the one that he knew was his soulmate, Ava.
The other one, what-her-name, right, Talia, just off to the side. Ricky glanced at her. He didn’t even bother to say hello. Spiteful yes, but he didn’t care, last night his life imploded. He knew it wasn’t really her fault, it wasn’t like she forced Grace to fake a soulmate mark, but he didn’t believe for a second that this one had the real thing, not one second.
“So, since you two are locals, we’re guessing you guys might know where is good for breakfast right? Somewhere quiet hopefully?”
Vinny was asking, Rick just shrugged, and Ava grinned,
“Absolutely, my favourite place is this nice little dinner, they have the best chocolate chip pancakes, I’m sure you’ll love something there.”
Talia glanced between the pair and felt a prang in her chest at the way Ava giggled, actually giggled and clasped her hands in front of her, she never fucking giggled. This was a woman that would punch her in the arm so hard she’d bruise for a week just because she made a idiotic joke, and she was giggling like a schoolgirl, wow. Smirking a little, but then, she glanced at Rick, and seeing the dark look in his eyes directed at her, and it was like shards of ice shredding her veins. Tearing her eyes away from him, this was going to be such, fun.
Settling in at the diner, ordering breakfast was simple enough, but as they waited for their food, coffees in front of them, that was when things really started to get awkward. Before Talia just tried to ignore Rick, focus on Ava and Vin, being all lovey, smiling at each other, nudging each other, yea, that was what they were doing, it was stupid. So stupid, and so nice that they seemed happy. At least someone was.
However, that was when Vinny brought up what she’d told him the night before about her soulmate tattoo,
“You need to tell him what you told us in the greenroom Talia, Ricky needs to hear it from you, not from me, or Ava, you.”
Talia looked out the window, the empty stare, no, not empty, she could feel the glare without even looking at him, the glare she was getting from Rick was.. He didn’t want to hear anything from her and she knew it. Looking across the table to Vinny she paused before looking over to Ricky.
“I was a fan of the band for a while already, the moody teenager phase according to my parents, so when I turned eighteen and I got my tattoo, I was shocked. It wasn’t just your rose, it was right there.”
Shrugged, she wasn’t going to give him the pity party about no one believing her, about being harassed and tormented about being a psychotic fan. About how even her own parents had thought she needed therapy for honestly believing she had a famous soulmate with no real proof. He didn’t care, and she didn’t want yet another person treating her like shit, he was doing that enough already, and it hurt worse than anyone else ever had, not that she would admit that, she’d built up a tough skin over the years, she had to.
“I went to every concert I could get to, I could afford to, both because I loved the music, and yes, hoping to meet you, there were some almost moments.. But the last one, it was right there. I was right there.. You were.. But you were with her, and you looked hap-”
Talia paused when he frowned,
“You seemed happy, and I thought, you were happy, and who was I to try and take that away from you. So I just let go. I moved on, just lived like my tattoo was a normal tattoo.”
Ricky scoffed, so he was supposed to believe she was some sort of saint putting his happiness before her own? Fuck that. No. If she was willing to go to all those concerts, why the fuck would she just back of?
“It is a normal tattoo, I’m not stupid, sob story, best friend soulmates? Yeah right. Ava I can buy, she’s got the unique mark, but you too? No. I might have been duped by Grace, but I’m not doing it again.”
He looked away when the waitress brought over their food, setting their plates down and they all took the moment to start getting tucked in. Vin took the chance to change the subject and seemed to start asking questions instead.
He was asked about them, about their friendship, how they became friends, when they met, and Ava happily launched into the tale. Pre-school. In the sandbox. Talia had been building a sandcastle, always the artist, and some idiot boys came over and smashed it, so Ava had come over and smashed them, literally pushed them over and made one of them eat the sand. She’d gotten in so much trouble for that, but Talia had made a friend for life.
Ricky rolled his eyes. Of course Ava was her defender, but at the same time, it was good that she could stand up to the trolls, she wouldn’t survive a relationship with Vin if she couldn’t handle trolls. Talia would be crushed with the slightest bully online if she couldn’t handle a couple of preschoolers.
“Okay, fast forward to now, what do you both do for work, it sounded like you both worked at the same place with how you talked leaving last night.. Something about clients?”
Ricky snorted, Talia glared at him, she could only imagine what was going through that head of his, probably the worst possible thoughts..
“I’m a tattoo artist, and Ava is a- what do you call it again?”
Ava grinned at her as she swallowed her bite of, yes, chocolate chip pancakes,
“Customer Service Representative.”
Talia smirked as she lifted up her coffee and glanced over to Vin,
“She would make an amazing personal assistant arranging things for you guys to make things easier on tour, even if it's just personal things. She does wonders for me at the parlour. My schedule would be a mess without her.”
Yes, she was talking her up, she wanted her to find a good place in Vin’s life, and Talia knew, Vin going off on tour all the time was going to kill Ava, it was, and as much as it would kill Talia if she started going off working with him on tour, then at least she’d be happy with him.
Talia was glancing at Rick now, who was scrolling on his phone with a frown,
“This is your work, isn’t it?”
Turning his phone to her, he’d brought up a photo, a photo of a piece of work she’d done a couple of weeks back and posted to the shop's instagram. Nodding,
“Yes, Inkfinity Tattoos, that’s us.”
And yes, that was one of her tattoos, but he’d be able to look that up now, the shop website had bios of each of the artists, including their pictures, saying what they specialise, and hers was right there on the website.
It took her a moment to realise when Ricky pulled his phone away, that he hadn’t brought up the shop's instagram to show her the photo. No, he’d opened his photo app. Ricky had saved a photo of one of the tattoos she’d drawn and tattooed, before they’d ever met.
Her eyes flew up from staring at his phone with the realisation, meeting his, no idea what to say with that. Shit.
Swallowing, so why was he still glaring at her, from the way he was looking at her you’d think that the discovery was the worst thing in the world.
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The Price You Pay - Part 2
Wanda Maximoff x f!reader
[TPYP Masterlist]
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: Life as a college student isn’t always easy, so when the opportunity to make some money by pretending to date your best friend’s sister arise, you decide to take it.
Tags: fake dating, paid dating, jealousy, possessiveness, Pietro’s bestie, darkish!wanda, no Avengers, bad life decisions, college!au, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, divorced!parents, Vision is kind of a dick, other mcu characters apparition, no proofreading (lemme know if im missing something)
Warnings: Bad language, alcohol consumption, some violence, smuttyfruity (so, 18+, minors dni, dom!Wanda, bratty!reader, hair pulling, will add warnings when we get to it)
A/n: i didn't expect the first part to do so well, but im very happy it did! Thank yall so much for the support you showed, it really helped me keep writing cause i actually scraped that chamter before rewriting it completely.
Also it seems like the no power gang won, so, there won't be powers in this fic
Tag List: @red1culous @sayah13 @princess-kennys-rats
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For a hot minute, you considered telling Pietro about what happened with his sister, but then you thought better of it. You had an inkling that Wanda would strangle you if you did, and he would also likely be unhappy that you actually went with it, so for now, it was easier to keep it hidden. It could be a funny story for later, when things were over and you were both retired. At this point he should be unable to kill you. Probably.
In the meantime, you needed to get ready for the party. At least it was a casual event, so you could go in tight jeans, a simple shirt, and your trusty leather jacket. You were putting your boots on when you heard the doorbell ringing. You opened the door to find Wanda in front of you, her usual good looking self, with a red dress and long coat, her eyes adorned with black makeup that made the green pop all the more. Her newly red hair cascaded around her face and you found yourself staring maybe just a little bit too much. She was truly beautiful, and your old crush made itself known in the way your skin hummed with the desire to grab her by the waist to kiss her. You stomped the need mentally.
"Are you ready?" She asked with an annoyed voice, cracking up an eyebrow. That brought you back to reality and you nodded.
"Yeah. How are we going?"
You put your hands in your pocket, making sure you had your keys before you closed the door behind you. She pointed to the uber waiting for you on the curb.
"Okay, cool." You looked at the time. "It's thirty past eight, so, I'll consider it starting time."
She looked at you. "We're not at the party yet."
"Do you want me to go home?"
She cocked her head and approached you, her fingertips tracing your shirt's collar. "You're lucky you're so pretty," she said, before she took your hand and dragged you to the car.
You ignored the way her words made you feel, putting it on the account of your old crush on her, following her to the car. She opened the door and made a small hand gesture for you to get in. You were about to protest, but the way she looked at you made you swallow thickly and simply enter the car.
Most of the time was spent in silence, with you looking outside of the window at the leaves-chipped sun. When you reached the house your confidence from the day before had slightly eroded. Would you really be able to fool Wanda's friends as her girlfriend? You knew a lot about her through observation and from her brother, but chances were her friends knew her better. It took her opening your car door to actually remember you had to come out of the car, and when you did you took a deep breath.
She smirked slightly and grabbed your hand, pulling you to follow her inside. Even from the street you could hear the music, so when the door opened it only got worse. People were already partying and you recognized a few of them from your old high school days and some from college who lived in the area. You followed Wanda inside and she told you to wait for her while she got you some drinks. You drifted away a bit when someone called your name and you recognized Carol Danvers. You used to be in the same tennis team in middle school, until you switched to the swim team at the insistence of your dad who knew how much you liked to be in water. And he was right, you were much happier there than you ever were playing tennis.
"Hey Carol, it's been a while." She gave you a quick embrace and looked over you.
"Too long if you ask me. I wasn't expecting you to be at one of Vision's parties."
You shrugged and pointed at Wanda who was getting a drink for you. "Wands insisted that I come," you said matter of factly and the blonde looked surprised at that, but since she wasn't big on gossip, she simply nodded.
"Well, I'm glad you're here, I remember you being good at beer pong. Maybe I'll finally have a real challenge," she sent you a look, and you grinned.
"Oh, you're so on, Danvers."
"What are we on for?" A blond man inserted himself in the conversation and you recognized Vision Stark.
"Oh, Y/n and I are gonna play beer pong," Carol answered.
"Y/n? He asked with his posh accent and extended his hand for you to take, which you did. "I don't think I ever met you."
"We haven't. Who are you?" Those kinds of guys always went crazy when people didn't recognize them, and he quickly proved he wasn't an exception.
"Vision Stark. Funny you didn't know, considering you're at my party."
That's when Wanda came back, handing you a red cup. You took it and she laced your fingers together, imposing a clear lead to you, so you leaned against her like the dotting girlfriend you were supposed to be. "I brought her here, Vis," she said with a large hypocritical smile towards her ex-boyfriend. "I figured you wouldn't mind. You're so tolerant, in so many aspects of your life. A party guest shouldn't be a problem."
You pinched your lips and drank some of your alcohol. Punch. Not bad, too. Way better with the whole tension taking over the conversation too. You decided it might be a good occasion to fuck with the guy who clearly didn't expect Wanda to be here even if he was the one who invited her.
"Well, that's a pretty good party, still, not as good as the one we were having back home," you laughed, your lips finding Wanda's cheek with a colluding spark in your eyes. "I'm almost sad we came."
Carol drank her cup, looking everywhere but at you two in order to hide a smile at the way Vision just nervously moved on his feet.
"Oh, detka, don't worry, we won't stay long."
"Well. I think I'm seeing Barton and Bishop, I'm going to tell them hi," he said very awkwardly, interrupting the both of you who were just devouring each other with your eyes. You almost ignored him, Wanda even biting her bottom lip at the way you would bat your eyelashes at her.
"See you soon, Vutton," you said to the man making his exit, throwing a name haphazardly in the mix. As soon as he was away, you stopped your masquerade, or at least exaggerating as much as you did, and you turned back to Carol who was trying really hard to hide her laugh, and failing.
"Okay, I haven't seen this guy go this pale ever, I thought he was gonna turn transparent," she finally commented and you laughed, Wanda a small proud smile on her lips. This was exactly what she wanted. She leaned her lips closer to your ears so only you would hear what she had to tell you.
"Good job, this will definitely get you a reward."
This got you blushing, and you decided it didn't warrant an answer, simply wanting to not think of the way it ignited a fire in your lower abdomen.
"Huh, hm, anyway, we were talking beer pong?" You told Carol and she caught on your subject change.
"Oh, yeah, come on," she guided you through the house. She clearly came too often to those parties.
You stopped at the table and took off your jacket, throwing it at the back of a chair. Wanda went to sit on a windowsill, but not before she kissed your cheek when she noticed a specific set of eyes on you.
"For luck," she told you.
"If I get luck for all the cheek kisses I got, maybe I should ask for more," you teased, and she narrowed her eyes, considering it.
"If you win." She booped your nose and scrunched up her nose adorably. "Maybe I'll have more for you."
This was now the second time she alluded to more, and you had to remind you it was just her acting like she would with her girlfriend, nothing serious. Nothing real. So you went on to play.
Clint and Kate tried to join at some point but were barred from participating since they were way too good at the game, and you ended up going against Carol, Yelena, and finally Thor before you decided to stop playing. By then you were seriously starting to feel the buzz of the booze and decided to join Wanda - you still were clear enough to remember your role tonight - who was talking with some people she knew, still sitting on the windowsill. You approached her, a bit wobbly, and decided the best place to be was in between her legs, bringing your arm around her neck to get her attention when you took your place.
"I won lots," you told her, and she cocked a playful eyebrow.
"You also lost lots, malyshka." You hummed at that.
"So no kisses?" You pouted slightly and put your other arm around her to get her full attention. At this point, it might not have been acting anymore. You truly wanted those kisses. You wanted a lot more kisses, actually, but you would play nice, chanting in your head that this was all fake. Or most of it, on your part.
She rolled her eyes and gave up, giving you a few on the cheek. You sighed contentedly and simply melted against her after that, vaguely listening to the conversation she was having. Something about your classes. You let your eyes travel around, only to find the jealous eyes of her ex on the both of you. You decided to playfully let your hand scrape along Wanda's legs that were holding you against her, a victorious smile on your lips. You felt her react in your back, her breath deepening. Your fingertips chased around her thigh until it came closer to the inside of it, and that's when she stopped your hand, redirecting it to her knee. You let the back of your head fall on her shoulder so your lips would be close to her ear.
"Sorry, he was watching," you said. You hoped you didn't make her uncomfortable. She answered with a nod and a kiss on your neck that made your core tremble.
"It's okay." The truth was that the way you would touch her made her feel much more than she expected, to the point where she wanted to simply leave the party with you, forgetting her revenge. But she couldn't, not yet.
You ended up drifting away from her again at some point when Natasha and Steve respectively noticed you and came to kidnap you to go to the pool for whatever game they had in mind. Of course it ended up including alcohol, and if you had started to sober up, it didn't last long. You tapped out when you felt yourself reach your limits and came out the water, looking around to wherever you left your clothes. Once you found them, you looked for Wanda. Failing to locate her, you started wandering upstairs where you finally found her. With Vision.
Something in you told you to make your presence known, but another part told you to listen, so you stopped at the edge of the hallway.
"Listen, I'm sorry I cheated on you, can't you give me another chance?" That was Jasion. No, Vision, your blurry brain reminded you.
"After not only what you did but also said? Take a guess." Wanda was clearly pissed at him, which was fair. He did cheat on her.
Sounded like there was something more going on.
"Listen, it's not my fault."
"So it's not your fault you called me a freak?"
"It's not–" he interrupted himself when he noticed his voice growing angry. "You were too much for me, or so I thought. But I miss you. Please."
"Go fuck yourself," she spat out angrily before she came out of the room, only to run into you. You blinked dumbly, and the cold anger in her eyes zeroed in on you. "What did you hear?"
Her question sounded more like an order as she came closer to you. You swallowed hard and took a step back, hitting the wall. "Huuuuuh, what if I say nothing?"
"It depends, are you lying?" There was a threatening edge in her voice, and in the way she leaned closer, her eyes never wavering. The intensity of her pulled you in, and you found yourself having a hard time breathing and thinking straight, and not just because of the alcohol.
"No," you lied, and you could see she knew better. The palm of her hand found your cheek and very slowly she caressed it.
"I don't like liars." Her hand grabbed at your hair, not putting any pressure to move your head in any direction.
"I won't tell anyone."
"That's what I wanted to hear." She let go of your hair, and once again her hand was tender on your skin. "Come on, let's go home."
You nodded, incapable of looking elsewhere. She took your hand and brought you back downstairs, an uber waiting for you outside already.
The way back was as silent as when you came, helped by the fact you were trying not to doze off. You were very unsuccessful, and Wanda had to shake you when you arrived in front of your house. You mumbled something unintelligible and she helped you out of the car and to your doorstep, holding you by the waist.
"You're such a lightweight," she commented at some point and you wanted to protest, but you were too busy trying to open your door. In the end, she took your keys from you and opened, helping you to your room. You fell asleep the second you hit the bed, and she sighed at that.
Wanda sat next to your sleeping form and let her eyes admire you briefly. Her hand put back a few strands of your hair, and when she finally got up, she brought to your side a glass of water with a box of Advil for when you would wake up. She also took off your shoes so you would be comfortable. This done, she squatted next to the bed so her face leveled with yours, her fingers drawing your cheekbone.
"Oh, the things I'd do to you if you were mine…" she whispered. She took a few more seconds before she finally stood up and left you to your sleep. She'd see you tomorrow.
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“Mommy’s night out.”
A/N: Thank you @mortirolo for the idea. I loved this one!!
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Hazel was six months old, and you were going to have your first night out of the house. Jack assured you that you deserved it and he didn’t mind staying home and taking care of Hazel alone. A major part of you felt guilty for leaving the two of them at home but you were excited to have some normalcy back in your life.
Your friend Nicole came over making sure that you weren’t going to flake out on her and the rest of the girls, she knew you were nervous and decided to offer to help you do your hair for tonight. “You sure you don’t mind?” You sighed as you looked through your closet. “Of course! Me and the girls are so excited you’re coming out with us.”
You had a stressed look on your face, Nicole noticed it immediately. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m trying to find a dress that will hide my baby weight, I still haven’t lost it all” you huffed as you grabbed onto your belly, tugging at the loose skin. “You look amazing! There is too much pressure on women these days!” She came and hugged you as you started to tear up. You knew she was right but it didn’t make it any easier.
Jack knew you like the back of his hand, truly all too well. He heard the sniffles coming from the bedroom and picked Hazel up from her swing to go see what was going on. “What’s wrong mommy?” He mimicked a small voice, pretending to be Hazel as he walked into the bedroom.
“I can’t find a dress” you sniffled and he handed Hazel to Nicole for a quick moment. He walked to his side of the closet and brought out a brand new dress he had hidden. “I had a feeling you’d be feeling this way, so I made sure to get you something new for tonight.” He smiled and you bursted into tears. “I love you so much” you said between sobs as he held you close. “I love you too , I just want you to have a good time.” You smiled and watched as your friend held Hazel close.
“She’s squeezing my finger” Nicole giggled and you and Jack did too. You took Hazel from her after a while so you could feed her while she did your hair. Jack lingered around, Nicole didn’t mind because they actually got along very well. “Have you seen Urban lately?” Nicole asked innocently but Jack raised an eyebrow “Why?” Nicole laughed “just making conversation.”
You couldn’t help but laugh too, you and Jack both knew she had a crush on him, even Urban knew it. The two of them both being too awkward to make the first move.
Eventually Hazel nodded off to sleep, you gave her a kiss goodbye and Jack took her into her bedroom to lay her down while you finished your makeup.
When you were done getting ready, Neelam and some of your other friends showed up at the house so that you could ride to the club together. Usually going to a club would be outside of your comfort zone but you were trying something new today. While everybody was piling out of your house and into the two Ubers parked out front of your house, you were making sure to tell your husband that you loved him and gave him your worried goodbye.
“If for any reason you need me to come home, don’t hesitate to call me” you reassured Jack with a smile, he returned it only to say “enjoy yourself babe, you deserve this.” You knew you were incredibly lucky to have such a supportive partner, you had heard too many horror stories about peoples partners changing after having a baby. In this case he changed for the better, which you were really grateful for. 
When you walked out of the door, Jack immediately turned around and went into Hazel’s room. He enjoyed the time alone with her, even though he didn’t get it often. The only time he had been with her alone previously is when you were being forced to take a nap. ”Looks like it’s just you and me kiddo” Jack laughed to himself.
Hazel started to stir at the sound of her dads deep voice. “Are you hungry again Hazey?” Jack put on a baby carrier, just the way you showed him and carried Hazel around in front of him, against his chest. He immediately went to the kitchen and started to heat up a bottle, just in time because Hazel started to get fussy. “I know mommy’s not here right now, but she’ll be home later Hazey girl.” He patted her back and bounced her as he checked the milk temperature.
After feeding and burping Hazel, Jack laid her back down. He scrolled through his phone, putting one airpod in before you facetimed him from a dim lit club bathroom. “How’s it going?” You yelled over the loud music. He turned the volume down on his phone, still walking out of the room to respond to you.
“It’s going good” he said a little louder than a whisper, giving you a thumbs up. “Having fun?” He asked with a smile and you nodded, blowing him a kiss before hanging up.
The rest of the night was going smooth, Hazel ate a few times, and Jack read her stories and told her all about how much he loved her mommy.
It was starting to get late and Hazel was fighting sleep, she had finally realized that you had been gone. this was the first time Jack had to deal with a fussy Hazel all alone. “Hazey, please go to sleep” Jack begged as he swaddled Hazel tighter before bouncing her up and down. Hazel continued to cry, louder than before. “You’re breaking daddies heart, my love.” Jack could feel himself getting overwhelmed, his first thought was to remember to praise you, you never complained even when nights were hard like this. His eyes were teary and heavy, but he kept at it.
Eventually Hazel cried herself to sleep, Jack was careful in making sure he put her down gently. Jack was exhausted and rested his cheek on her crib, closing his eyes for what only felt like a moment.
When you got home from the club you immediately noticed Hazels light still on, you took off your heels, placing them to the side and walked in on Jack and Hazel both sound asleep. You used your phone to take a quick picture before walking over to him.
“Babe…” you whispered “babe, baby, Jackman!” You shoved his shoulder slightly and he woke up frantically. He looked at Hazel first, who was still sound asleep and then you.
“You have crib marks on your cheek” you held back a giggle and he smiled “sorry, I must have fell asleep.” You nodded “that’s okay, she’s fine.” He smiled at you “did you have fun?” You smiled back “yeah, but I missed my babies” you bent down to give him a soft kiss.
“Go get in bed, I’m going to feed her and make sure she’s okay and then I’ll be in there.” You smiled and Jack nodded, he yawned and gave you another kiss before leaving the room.
“Did you have fun with daddy tonight?“ you whispered as Hazel cooed. “Yeah, he’s pretty cool huh? We lucked out.” You giggled in response, not knowing Jack was still listening with a smile on his face.
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emilyssky · 1 year
Chapter 3: Turn Down The Lights
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PAIRING: Lee Know! X fem!reader
GENRE(S): college au, smut, angst
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence and abuse, depression, self harm, eating disorders etc.. mentions of blood, swearing, smoking, smut [ dirty talk, oral; giving and receiving, chocking, spanking, praising, degradation, pet names, sometimes Minho is a dick :)
SUMMARY: "Do you remember what you told me the first time we met?"  
"You said; Always leave people a little better than you found them" he looked at the floor with a small smile for a few seconds and then his eyes found mine. "You really annoyed me when we first met. I envied your optimism and excitement for life. But each time I saw you, I felt a certain thrill. You made me angry, you made me laugh., you made me feel everything. Something about you made me feel a little more alive each time. I know I fucked up and I know I'm an asshole but I'm also brutally in love with you."    
I woke up with one of the worst headaches I've ever had. The events of last night a bit blurry in my head. I groan and search under the covers for my phone. I have 5 missed calls and 12 messages from Chan, a few messages from our group chat, and a missed call from Emma. Last night, after the fight with Minho I got an uber and went straight home, without saying goodbye to anyone. Now I silently curse myself that I didn't. Chan was supposed to take me and Emma home so I decide to go and check if Emma is in her room. I pull myself out of the comfort of my bed and walk across the hall.
"Em?" I gently knock on her door. After a few seconds of silence, I push her door open only to see her bed perfectly made with random pieces of clothing on it and a few shoes thrown around the room which means that she didn't come home last night. I immediately start to panic, Emma isn't the type to sleep around. I dial her number and after 3 rings she picks up.
"What the fuck y/n, you scared the shit out of me. Why did you leave like that? What happened? Where are you?" Her voice is filled with worry.
"I could ask you the same thing. I'm home, where are you?"
"I'm still at the frat house, I slept here last night." She says and I can feel her shyness through the phone.
"Em, who did you fuck?" I giggle.
"Y/N!" She squeals.
"Get your ass over here, we need to talk"
"Do you wanna meet at the cafe near the frat? We need to practice anyway, so we can go straight to the dance studio after."
"Yeah, okay I'll be there in about half an hour. " I say and hang up.
I walk to our shared bathroom and stare at my reflection in the mirror. My makeup from last night is still on, well kinda. I cried so much last night that my eyeliner has spread all over my eyes and down to my cheeks. Last night was too much. It was something that I didn't really want to deal with ever again, seeing him and putting myself in a situation to relive all these bad memories I have with him. I was really grateful for Minho, in a way. I still can't believe that it was him that night. I honestly thought that I would never see that person again. Our conversation that night stayed with me for a long time after. The advice that I was giving him was one that I never seemed to follow, it was a reminder though. I kept the words I said to him in the back of my head to remind me that; I control my life and I can change it any time I want. Which is easier said than done when I find such comfort in the struggles of my life. They become excuses for me to not even try anything better. I shake my head and remove my clothes. I take a quick shower, throw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, grab my dance bag and make my way out the door. As I walk towards the frat, I decide to call Chan back. I know that he's probably worried just as much as Emma was but honestly, I'm a little nervous to talk to him after everything that happened last night. I don't know if Minho said anything to him or not but either way I can feel my heart racing as I wait for him to pick up.
"You're dead” His voice sends chills down my body, even through the phone.
"Okay let me explain."
"Do you know how worried I was? I can't have a single night of fun without worrying about your ass. What the hell happened?" He sounds genuinely annoyed to the point that it makes me feel bad cause it's true, Chan's always there. He's there for me at every party, taking care of me, taking me home when I'm drunk, and making sure I don't do anything I'll regret the next day. Which is hard.
"I know Chan, I'm sorry" I sigh. "I'll explain everything, are you at the frat?"
"No, I'm at the studio with the guys, why?" I inhale a sharp breath cause I know that being in the studio means that Minho's probably with him.
"I'm going for a coffee with Em, near the frat. She said she stayed over yesterday."
"Yeah" He laughs "She will tell you everything herself, I don't wanna spoil anything"
"How long will you be at the studio?" I nervously ask.
"I don't know. Tell me what happened now."
I take a breath, getting ready to lie to my best friend once again. "I just didn't feel well and everyone was having such a good time that I didn't wanna bother anyone, so I just took an uber home"
"Cut the bullshit Y/n." He brushes my lie off. "Did Minho say anything to you?" At that, I stop walking.
"What? Why would you ask that?"
"He left without saying anything as well and today when I came to the studio, he kept asking me about you" He casually says and my hand that's holding the phone begins to sweat.
"What was he asking you about?" I try to sound unbothered.
"Just random stuff but I found it weird cause I thought that the only interaction you guys had was when you met the guys, which did not go well. Obviously, that's not true so tell me what the fuck happened." He demands again. For a second I consider telling him the truth. That a saw Jackson and everything that happened with Minho afterwards cause Chan is my best friend and I can't really lie to him. We tell each other everything. Well, almost everything. The reality of my relationship with Jackson was something that none knew besides me and him. It's something that I wanna forget, a piece of myself that I don't want anyone to see. I'm ashamed of it. But the more I burn it deep inside me the more it's eating me alive. What was happening for almost a year, took a toll on me. It changed me into a person that I never wanted to be. And now here I am, trying desperately to keep up with the image of myself that my friends and family know and love. Hiding the truth about my childhood and my relationship, and fighting to be the person that I dreamt of becoming. Someone with no trauma, weaknesses, or mental issues. Someone who smiles at every situation and a not a burden to be around. I knew it was a matter of time before all my secrets catch up with me and I know that Minho knowing is only the beginning. I need to take control of the situation. Chan seems clueless about Jackson and that takes a bit of my anxiety away but the fact that Minho was asking about me does not calm down my nerves at all.
"Um, nothing we just bumped into each other when he was looking for the bathroom. He was acting like a complete dick, what's his deal?" I try to push the conversation into Minho.
"He's not a dick. Really." Chan emphasizes the word "He's just.." He trails off searching for the right word.
"A dick." I laugh.
"He's complicated. Don't be quick to judge him."
"Whatever" I roll my eyes. "Listen I really wanna talk to you more but I have to go now, we'll talk later. " I say spotting Emma at our usual table.
"Wait, do you maybe wanna meet tonight? Watch a movie or something?"
"I can't Channie, I have dance practice tonight. Maybe  tomorrow?" I offer. Me and Chan used to spend almost every day together but that has changed in the last few months and I have none to blame but myself.
"Um, yeah sure." He mumbles, disappointed at my answer.
"I have to go now, bye ." I hang up and make my way toward Emma.
I pop to the seat across from her. " Tell me everything"
Apparently, Emma ended up hooking up with Seungmin. The moment the words left her mouth, I borderline screamed. She said that they were talking all night long about themselves, life, and other deep shit, and then after a few hours of just talking he finally made a move. It didn't take them long to take it upstairs and they ended up having sex in Chan's room.
"Oh my god, I can't imagine the look on Chan's face when he opened the door" I cover my mouth with my hand, laughing.
"I felt so embarrassed" Emma shakes her head, blushing at the memory.
"Hold up, where did Chan sleep?"
"With Felix" She shrugs.
"Why didn't you guys go back to his place?" I ask taking a sip of my coffee.
"He lives with Changbin, Jisung, Minho, and a guy called Jeongin, which I already know cause we have some classes together."
"There are 5 guys in one apartment?" I scrunch my nose in disgust.
"It's a 2-floor apartment. Apparently, Seungmin's parents are loaded" She lifts her brows for emphasis. "The guys pay half of the actual rent."
"Damn, you should definitely date him" I giggle.
"Stop" She reached to slap my shoulder over the table, which I easily avoid.
"We've been texting nonstop today." She says, blushing.
"Oh." I wiggle my eyebrows at her.
"And he invited me to a party that they're throwing next weekend" She can't stop smiling and that warms my heart. I haven't seen Emma that excited about a guy in so long.
"I mean, you're definitely going"
"You mean, WE are definitely going" She corrects me.
"I'm not in the mood to be a third wheel, thank you very much" I smile at her.
"No, I'm not talking only about you and me" She shakes her head." All of us are invited"
"All of us you mean-"
"Me, you, Hyunjin, and Felix. We all got along so well. Me and Seungmin are not the only ones that started talking." She smiles.
That's just great. If everyone starts hanging out with each other, avoiding Minho will be impossible. I can't believe that the guy that I've been looking for for the past year is now someone I desperately wanna avoid but I can't risk Minho telling Chan anything. I could try and talk to him I guess but I really don't think that he'll care. I'm hoping that he'll just let it go and stay out of it.
"I'm not really in the mood for another party." I try to turn her down politely.
"Y/n, you're coming." She says in a serious voice "You've been locked away in your room for weeks. You won't talk to anyone, you won't go out. What's happening? I'm concerned" Her eyes are filled with worry.
"I'm just not really well mentally. I'm exhausted and I'm stressed with college." I try to brush it off.
"Y/n, mental health is really important and yours has been up and down since I met you. But this 'down' has lasted too long and it's really making me worry" Her hand softly touches mine.
"I know I just- I will get through it, you don't need to worry" I offer her yet another fake smile for reassurance, like the one I've been offering myself as well.
Dance is my life. I've been dancing since I was 6 and somehow growing up I knew that, that's what I was meant to do with my life. While I was in high school I was the best dancer in my studio, but when I got into college I came to realize that I'm only as good as a hundred other dancers here. Hyunjin and Felix are 2 of the best dancers in our year and being friends with them has really helped me. We always practice together and they're always there to help me out. I was supposed to practice with Emma all night long some hard combinations for our class on Friday but around 10 Emma left, claiming she was tired. I decided to stay a bit longer. Late-night practices have lately become a part of my everyday routine. It's a way for me to clear my mind and just let go. For those hours that I'm dancing, the voices in my head disappear. I'm alone in the dance room, just me and the music. None to compare myself to and no teacher to correct my every move. It's the only time of the day that I feel peaceful. Today, however, I'm everything but that. I can't seem to get everything that happened out of my mind and I also can't seem to get any of the steps right. Extremely frustrated at this point, I take a step back and start from the top but it's not long until I step a bit too quickly into one of my turns causing me to lose my balance and stumble backward.
"You're not counting" A voice suddenly says from behind me. I look up into the mirror to see Minho resting against the door with his hands crossed. "You're not counting slow enough. You hurry into the turn, that's why you're losing your balance." He continues when I don't say anything.
"What are you doing here?" I reach for my phone to turn the music off and then turn to face him.
He stares at me, almost as if I caught him off guard. "I was on my way home"
"The studio is on the other side of the campus Minho" I mirror his position, crossing my hands. "Are you stalking me or something?"
A laugh escapes him at my accusation, taking a few steps into the room. "Don't flatter yourself darling" He shakes his head, still smiling. I narrow my eyes at the nickname. I take a moment to look at him, finally under normal light. He's taller than I remember and his shoulders are wide. I can only see the outline of his body through his white shirt and grey sweatpants but I can tell that he's definitely someone who works out. I drag my eyes higher, over his chest that rises and falls at a quicker pace than normal like he's out of breath. I look at his face. Full lips, big brown eyes, and dark messy hair that's sticking into his sweaty forehead. His cheeks look like they're on fire and his jaw is tensed. A big, black bag hanging from his shoulder. I take one last look at his appearance before speaking.
"What are you doing at the dance building?" I ask again. "Were you dancing?" He's definitely dressed like a dancer.
He doesn't respond immediately. Instead, he wets his lips with his tongue and tilts his head a bit, his eyes still on me. There's something about his gaze that makes me feel intimidated. We've only seen each other 3 times and in each one of them, I've struggled to hold eye contact. His eyes are calm and completely unreadable but somehow piercing and intense. His eyes are beautiful.
"Are you not going to answer me?" I press after a few seconds of silence.
He smirks."You seem annoyed. Bad day?"
And just like that everything beautiful about him disappears and my frustration grows. His irony is something that I don't really wanna deal with right now, I would rather be alone. "Yes, today has actually been a really shitty day and your presence isn't making it better" My voice is flat.
"Really? Most people find my company quite enjoyable"
"Right, 'cause you seem like such a joy to be around." I sarcastically say.
His eyes light up slightly, at my clear annoyance. " I could say the same thing."
"You don't know me" I spit through my teeth.
"And you know me?" He snaps back without hesitation.
I take a few seconds to breathe. My chest feels heavy and the all-too-familiar knot in my stomach is tighter than ever. I've been feeling like I'm walking around the edges of a cliff for so long now, desperately trying to keep myself from falling. I need to be alone right now. "Minho, please leave, I want to be alone" I run my hands along my face and through my hair.
"It's okay you can dance in front of me, don't be shy, it looks like you could use the extra help anyway." His lips twitch with suppressed amusement.
"The last thing I wanna do is to dance in front of you and give you another reason to make fun of me. And I don't need any extra help, especially from someone that doesn't know shit about dancing." My voice comes out harsher and louder than I intended.
Minho's small smile drops and I notice the slight shift in his eyes. "I wouldn't make fun of you, As a dancer myself, I've known to respect someone else's effort and passion. " He says in a steady voice.
I pause a bit. What? "But you're studying-"
"I've been dancing since I was 4. It has been my passion for as long as I remember" He cuts me off.   "But things change. People change" His eyes soften for only a second as he speaks the last words and then for the first time since he walked into the room his gaze leaves my face and travels the floor and then to the stereo in the corner of the room.
Silence takes over the room and the feeling of guilt grows in me.
"What made you change your mind about dancing?" I question lowly, trying to turn the conversation around and gather any information out of him because for some reason, I'm curious.
His eyes snap to mine as if he wasn't expecting me to press on the matter. "That's not any of your business" He repeats the words I said to him yesterday.
"As you wish" I sigh. "Could you please leave now? I need to practice" I lower the lights a bit and then reach for my phone to restart the music.
"You dance with the lights like that?' He's staring at me. His face is hard, jaw set.
"Mostly, yeah. It makes me feel more comfortable. There're no blinds in this room and people walk by all the time. I feel safer dancing like this"
The loud noise of his bag hitting the ground echoes through the quiet room. I flinch slightly at the sound and lift my eyes from my phone to see him walking towards me. He grabs my phone and presses play to the first song on the playlist that I happened to be scrolling through. He then drops the phone on my bag, turns around, and begins to walk backwards.
His eyes meet mine through the mirror. "Dance for me" His words send chills down my spine. My body doesn't move an inch, his tone and gaze making me freeze.
"I can't. " You confess after a few seconds.
"You're a dancer, and you can't dance?" His lips twitched with amusement once again.
"I'm stuck." My eyes drop to my feet. Minho's words hit me hard, they burn. 'You're a dancer', I smile to myself.
"Dancers get stuck all the time. Listen to the music, let go and dance." Minho's eyes seem softer under the dimmed light of the room and his body stiff as if he's desperately trying to control it, stopping it from moving to the music. I miss that.
"You don't understand" I shake my head. "Everything in my head is stuck, I can't dance" I swallow hard.
He cocks his head. "What do you mean? You're-"
"Yes, I'm a dancer. I am and I'm not. My feet move, they follow the steps, the perform the routines. I keep my legs straight, my toes pointed, arms light and gentle. I try to keep my smile bright and my back straight. I do everything. Yes, I'm a dancer. But I haven't danced in so long. It's like the music doesn't reach my heart anymore, my body moves mechanically and my head is always counting. I don't feel the moves, I can't dance unless it's an already choreographed piece, unless I have to perform, unless I have to be perfect for a class. I don't really see the point in trying anymore. It's not like I'll ever make it professionally." The words pour out of my mouth without my control and I feel like all the suppressed emotions and fears that I've been bottling up and keeping to myself about my future in dance are coming out. My eyes start to burn as I desperately try to control my tears. Every time I meet this man, I somehow end up like that.
"I see people like Hyunjin and Felix, and they're made for this. You can see the passion in their eyes as they dance, even if it's a small piece in class. They put everything they have into it. They dance with their heart. I miss that, so much and I feel like there's nothing I can do to fix it." I'm out of breath by the time I finish talking. And the realization that I just voiced all of this in front of Minho hits me hard. I look up at him, his eyes were clouded and his lips almost frowned. I turn away immediately. The last thing I want is people pitting me, especially him. I quickly grab my stuff and walk past him. He calls my name a few times, but I'm out of the door before he has any time to say anything else.
It's 1.30 am when I open the door of my apartment. All the lights are closed except the light in the hallway that we always leave on. A sigh of relief leaves my lips, knowing Emma is asleep. I left the studio, around 11 pm but I was so emotionally charged that I decided to take a walk instead of going straight home. Listening to music and walking around aimlessly always helps me relax. I think about a million things and nothing at the same time. I think about dance. I think about Jackson. I think about all the people that I call my friends and love more than myself but fill them with lies. So many lies about everything. The person that they call their friend; is that even me? Does anyone actually know me? At that, I probably laughed at loud. I don't even know myself, but that doesn't comfort me. I still feel like the fakest person alive. I think about Minho. I think about how rude he was the first time we met. I think about how he helped me and then how he reacted when he found out I was one of the hundreds of women that have been abused and lied to by a person they loved. Or think they loved. He called me stupid, and maybe he was right. In his eyes right now I probably seem stupid and weak, and after tonight I seem useless as well. I'm fine with it. I'm fine with Minho thinking so low of me, cause frankly, he's not anyone important to me. But the thought of everyone else thinking that way about me makes my stomach turn. Maybe that's the reason I feel so comfortable sharing so much, cause he's a stranger. With him, I don't feel the need to pretend to be someone else or cover up anything. Maybe it's the fact that he already knows or maybe I see it as a clean start considering that he doesn't really know me, either way for some reason I tend to overshare whenever I see him. As soon as I step into the shower, every muscle in my body relaxes instantly, and I stay under the hot water until it turns cold. I slipped into a huge T-shirt that I'd stolen from Chan and climb under the covers. Sleep doesn't come easily to me that night.
"What's up with you?" Hyunjin sits down next to me as I take off my shoes. I woke up 30 minutes before class and basically ran to the studio. My head was all over the place throughout the whole class and Mrs. Martin corrected me about 5 times. I don't really take corrections and criticism lightly. It's hard being a perfectionist when you're the furthest thing from perfect.
"What do you mean?" I say avoiding his eyes.
"Come on y/n." he laughs "You were off throughout the whole class, where's your head at?"
I throw my shoes in my bag, frustrated. Frustrated with myself, with my dancing skills, and with fucking Minho who's the reason I stayed up last night and didn't wake up in time. "I just didn't sleep last night, and I have a terrible headache" I mumble.
Hyunjin runs a hand through his freshly dyed blond hair and sighs. "You know you can always come to me for help, yeah?" He softly says and I know he means it in more ways than one. I've gotten really close with Hyunjin, even though I know him for only 2 years. Both he and Felix have been amazing friends to both me and Emma and I'm honestly so grateful to have people like them by my side.
"And me" Felix sits down beside me, bumping his shoulder into mine. His bright smile is enough to make my day a little better already.
"Maybe we can meet and practice together one of those days. We haven't done that in a while" Hyunjin offers. He lifts himself off of the ground and adjusts his bag on his shoulder. Me, Hyunjin, and Felix used to meet every week, sometimes twice to rehearse together. I guess you can call me lucky that 2 of my best friends are 2 of the best dancers in our class. I always feel safe dancing with them, it gave me room to get better, without feeling judged.
Felix's eyes spark with excitement. "Oh my god, we haven't done that in so long, I've missed it. I've missed us hanging out together." Sadness takes over his voice as we make our way out of the dance room. My heart tightens at the way he spoke. Felix must be one of my favorite humans ever. I haven't met a purest soul than Felix's. He's incredibly kind and thoughtful, always thinking of others first and always with a smile on his face, trying to help as much as he can whenever he can, no matter what. Chan and Felix have been friends since High School. They're incredibly close and Chan's very protective of him. Well, chan's very protective in general.
"Yes, sure we can do that" I end up saying with a smile on my face. "Just not tonight 'cause I promised chan to hang out."
"It's fine, I have plans tonight anyways." Hyunjin shrugs.
"Oh, what are you doing?" I question casually as we exit our building.
"I'll meet up with Jisoo and then I'll go for lunch with Em and Seungmin." Hyunjin says while scrolling through his phone.
"What?" I say dumbfounded. They're already hanging out altogether?
"Yeah." Hyunjin doesn't seem to notice my reaction, instead, his long fingers type something on his phone incredibly fast before speaking again.
"Anyway, I have to go 'cause I really need to shower and I only have half an hour." He swiftly kisses my forehead. "Bye." he yells as he's basically running to his car.
"He's so fucking smitten with her" Felix laughs.
"Yeah, I can see that" I nod smiling.
"Anyway," Felix focuses his gaze back on me. "If you want we can do something together." He says
I shake my head "No it's fine. I haven't hung out with Chan in a while, plus I really feel like going to the studio. It really calms me down"
Felix's eyes soften "Yeah, I know."
"But don't worry, I'll make some time for you in my super busy schedule sometime this week" I joke and my hand comes up to riffle his hair.
His face breaks into a smile. "I hope so."
After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I make my way to the other side of the campus where the studio is. Chan will probably be working late tonight but I don't really have a problem keeping him company since I don't have any classes tomorrow. Plus I love spending time at the studio. I walk through the familiar hallways and stop when I reach the studio door. I lift my hand to knock but before I have the chance, the door opens wide.
"Holy shit!" Jisung flinches backwards and I try my best not to laugh in his face. "You scared the shit out of me" He places a hand over his chest.
"I'm sorry Jisung." I giggle, touching his shoulder apologetically, and walk past him, inside the studio. Chan is sitting on the couch, laptop on his legs, and headphones on.
I walk behind the couch and take them off. "Hi."
His head snaps upwards, and his features relax instantly when he sees it's me. "Hey, there best friend." He smiles at me and pulls me by my hand to sit beside him on the couch.
"What are you doing?" I move closer to him, looking at his laptop screen.
"Just working on some sounds, writing some lyrics. You know, the usual." He sighs, focusing back on what he was working on.
"Did you guys record the song you were talking about?"
"Not entirely. We've recorded Seungmin's and Jisung's parts. We've been a bit stuck on the lyrics actually." He grabs his notebook from the coffee table beside him and passes it to me. " I was hoping you could help a bit. This is what we've got so far."
I take the notebook in my hands and silently read the lyrics. Chan has a way with words like none else I've ever seen. Every time I read something he has written or he plays me songs he's working on, I'm reminded of just how talented he is.
"Chan, that's really good." I honestly say.
A hint of color appears on his cheeks. "Yeah?" He tries to hide his smile.
"Like you don't know that everything you write is fucking amazing" I push at his shoulder.
His smile grows. "That's not true"
He starts playing me all the recorded parts and I have to say, all of the guys are really good, their voices blend so well together. We spent the next 2 hours working on some of the lyrics, playing around with the music, and recording some of Jisung's and Chan's parts. Currently, Chan has gone to the bathroom and I'm on the couch with Jisung. We were supposed to continue working on the lyrics but we started talking and now I'm laughing harder than I've laughed in weeks at stories he's telling me about living with the guys.
"Oh my god, stop, my stomach hurts from laughing" I manage to say through my laughter.
"I swear, he ran around the block in his underwear, it was priceless." He shakes his head at the memory.
"You guys seem so fun."
"You should definitely come on Saturday, so you can see just how fun we are when we're drunk." He smiles. What I've noticed in the short time I've known Jisung, is that he's such a bright person. He's really easy to talk to and tries his best to make you feel comfortable. Bright eyes, and a bright smile, I enjoy being around him. He has a lot of similar qualities to Felix, they would get along well.
"I don't know," I rest my head on the back of the couch trying to catch my breath. My jaw honestly hurts from laughing. "I'm usually a really outgoing person but my social anxiety has been pretty bad lately."
"I get it," He shrugs smiling "I'm also really struggling with anxiety. Have been for years now."
"Really?" He seems so open and sociable that I would've never imagined that he's struggling with something like that.
He shakes his head, laughing. "I'm really shy and I get anxiety over every little thing." He honestly says. "I'm thankful to have people around me that you know, push me out of my comfort zone and help me get over it." My mind trails back to the conversation I had with chan the other day when he told me that Jisung and Minho are really close, and suddenly I'm curious about their relationship but I suppress it. I don't wanna seem noisy.
"Okay, I'll come," I say after a few seconds. "But I'm just letting you know that I'm going to be glued to your side the whole night." I point my finger at him.
A huge smile takes over his face making his eyes disappear. "No problem kid" He ruffles my hair.
"What are you doing here?" Minho's voice interrupts our moment. He's standing by the door, phone in his hand, dressed in black jeans and a simple white shirt that's a bit big on him. His face filled with confusion. I froze a bit not really expecting to see him here and after what happened the last time I saw him I can't stop the embarrassment that rushes through me. I didn't really think about the possibility of him showing up here, but of course, I'm at the studio where he and his friends are working on their music. Stupid.
"She's helping us with the song," Jisung speaks up and I'm grateful for it. "Chan called her."
Minho focuses back on his phone and walks to sit on the chair, facing us. He doesn't seem to share the same uncomfortable feeling I feel towards him but then again he didn't really do anything. I was the one that whined about my problems out of the blue, to a person that I hardly know and hardly cares. But still, the way his face holds the most unbothered expression that I've ever seen bothers me for some reason.
'Why does she knows about music?" He snorts.
"Do you always have to be so rude?" I glare at him.
"It's part of my charm" He smiles, only for a second, and then his face drops again.
I narrow my eyes at him "Oh please-"
"Okay, let's get back into it" Chan enters the room, interrupting me. His eyes fall on Minho, whose eyes are still on me. His face is a mixture of amusement and annoyance if that's even possible and I stare back at him, not breaking eye contact.
"Minho, " Chan pauses. "I thought you weren't coming today. "He sits back on the couch beside me.
"I didn't have anything better to do," Minho shrugs. "and Jisung told me you working on the song." He puts his phone in his pocket and leans forward.
Chan throws the notebook on the table. "This is what we have so far."
Minho grabs it and his eyes scan the page. "Okay," He simply says. "So we're basically done"
"Kinda," Chan scratches the back of his neck. "Thanks to y/n."
"You should come by more often, we could use the help" Jisung pats the back of my head. I feel like a little kid getting praised by his parents for doing the bare minimum.
"Whatever," Minho throws the notebook back on the table. "We were doing just fine. You, Chan, and Changbin are really good with lyrics." He crosses his hands.
"She's good," Chan glances at Minho. "And we could always use some extra help." He says in a steady voice. He seems to notice the clear dislike Minho has for me, not that Minho's trying to hide it in any way. It bothers me, I have to admit. I think that I've been nothing but nice to him since the night I met him a year ago, he on the other hand has been a jerk.
My phone interrupts whatever Minho was going to say. I stare at Hynjin's name with confusion. Why is he calling me? He's supposed to be on a date.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hi, am I interrupting?" His tone is rushed.
Minho is looking back at his phone and Chan turns to talk to Jisung. "Um, no what's up?"
"You won't believe who I just saw"
"I was leaving Jisoo's dorm and I run into that piece of shit you were dating"  My grip on my phone tightens and my eyes widen.
"Jackson? What?" I say shocked. Chan's and Minho's eyes are on me. "Hold on" I mutter to Hyunjin.
"Excuse me" I get up and walk towards the door, ignoring Chan as he calls my name. I walk down the hall and once I'm far enough, I speak again.
"What happened?" I ask, trying not to sound as nervous as I am.
"Well," Hyunjin sighs "We bumped into each other in the halls." He pauses.
"And?" I say, impatiently.
"He asked me how are you doing," I release a breath at that, but Hyunjin continues. "And he also asked me if you're seeing anyone." His tone slightly changes, dropping lower.
"And what did you say?" I nervously play with the end of my shirt.
"I told him that as far as I know, you're not but either way it's none of his business" I giggle at his response. I can almost picture Hyunjin's face, saying that.
"And then he asked me who was the guy that interrupted you when you were talking and picked a fight with him." He clears his throat.
I swallow hard.
"I told him that who you're seeing is not his problem anymore and I left. But as I was walking back I kept trying to remember if you were with anyone that night, 'cause If you had hooked up with anyone, you would've told me." He pauses." First of all, what the fuck? Why were you talking to him? If you're even thinking about forgiving him, I'm done with you." He suddenly raises his voice. Even when me and Jackson were together, Hyunjin never really liked him. After we broke up, I told everyone that he cheated on me instead of the actual story.
"No, it's not-"
"And second, what the hell was he talking about? What guy?" He cuts me off. He sounds annoyed, to say the least.
"Okay, it's not what you think." I try to calm him down. "I was just getting a drink and he somehow appeared in the kitchen. He kept trying to talk to me and I kept telling him that I don't wanna hear shit but he wasn't giving up. At some point, he was almost yelling at me, and then Minho, one of Chan's friends walked in." I clarify.
"Oh, so that's the guy he was talking about?" Hyunjin says, sounding almost relieved.
"Yes. Anyway, basically Minho told him to leave me alone and Jackson was not having it. Long story short, Minho pushed him and we left the kitchen." I explain.
"Bro, that's crazy" Hynjin chuckles." I would really wanna see that."
"You were fucking Jisoo at the moment."
He just laughs at my comment. "So you and Minho?" He teases.
"No, nothing's up with me and Minho." I immediately say, rolling my eyes even though he can't see me.
"What about me?" Minho suddenly appears from down the hall and I almost drop my phone. His hands are in his sweats, a bored-looking expression all over his face as he walks toward me. I glance at him not knowing what to say and hold up a hand in front of his face, silently telling him to wait.
"Yeah sure." Hyunjin says, his voice dripping with irony.
"Really Hyunjin, nothing's up. I have to go now, have fun with Emma and Seungmin." I rashly say.
"Okay wow, rude. Fine but we'll talk about this another time." He says.
"Yeah yeah okay, bye now." I giggle and hang up. I turn to look at Minho, whose back is against the wall, his hands crossed in front of him and his face blank, simply staring at me. He's one of the people that I can never tell what they're thinking cause his face holds the same expression almost all the time. His eyes move around my face. From one eye to the other, down my lips, and back to my eyes again. He stares way too much.
"What do you want?." I speak up, feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze.
He smiles to himself, noticing. "Were you talking about me?"
"Don't flatter yourself, darling." I smile back at him innocently, using his line. His eyes drop to the ground, and the smile on his lips grows. "I was just explaining to Hyunjin what happened."
"So you were talking to Hyunjin about what happened with your abusive ex?" He grins at me.
My eyes widen at the tone of his voice and I look around to see if anyone heard him. "Keep your voice down. " I say through my teeth, stepping closer to him.
His hands come up to his mouth. "Shit sorry, I forgot none needs to know." The amusement mixed with irony that's written all over his face makes me want to punch him right in that perfectly straight nose of his.
Instead, I narrow my eyes at him. "I told you to forget what you saw.'"
Both of his eyebrows lift up for a second. "Well yeah, but you see, your situation is really interesting to me." He uncrosses one of his hands and brings one to his chin.
"I don't care what you're interested in Minho."
"You're so defensive." He shakes his head, that stupid smile never leaving his face.
"And you are so annoying." I snap back.
"You know most women that are in situations similar to yours try to defend their partner, it's a common symptom". He shrugs.
My hands turn into fists as I try to remain calm. "I'm going to hit you." I lower my voice, glaring at him.
"No really, tell me something" He pushes himself off the wall " Why haven't you said anything to anyone?" His face changes a bit, and the smile that was on his lips slowly starts fading. "Does he have anything on you or something?"
"Minho," I sigh "I just don't want to, drop it, you're pissing me off."
He looks to the left and takes a deep breath. I can see his jaw tightening as he shakes his head and then turns to look back at me. His eyes, suddenly harder than before.
"Stop being so weak, just tell me." He spits.
His words trigger me so much that I forget about Chan and Jisung, only a door down the hall and I raise my voice. "Excuse me?"
He releases a breath through his nose and shakes his head once again, probably regretting what he just said. " Forget it" He mutters and pushes my shoulder as he walks away.
I don't move, trying to control my anger and keep myself from dragging his ass back here and asking him what's his fucking problem. I don't care if he's bored or simply just wants to fuck with someone but my personal life is none of his goddamn business. He knows nothing about me or the situation and the fact that he judges me so easily makes me wanna smack him and cry at the same time. I shouldn't care, I shouldn't, he's none to me. What makes my eyes water though is the fact that his reaction is the same that everyone would probably have if they knew.
Weak. Stupid. Pitiful.
I remained in the hallway for a few minutes to cool down a bit before returning to the studio, Thankfully Minho was not there when I got back. I couldn't stay any longer. I quickly made an excuse, that I have to study and Chan offered to drive me home, leaving Jisung to work on editing some of the pieces that they recorded.
"Thanks for the help," Chan says as he pulls up to my apartment. "Jisung loved you" His smile is soft.
"I liked him too, he reminds me of Felix" I giggle.
"Um, yeah in a way I guess" I scratch the back of his neck.
'You're really close with them huh?"
"Yeah," He nods "They get me you know? Don't get me wrong I love our friend group, but having people that have the same dreams as me is really encouraging. We connected through our love for music."
"I can tell," I shrug, knowingly. "Even by the little I've seen you guys together, I can tell how close you have gotten."
"We're all close, obviously some more than others but we're definitely a team."
"Who are you referring to?" I ask.
"Um, you know how we're all close but Felix and I are a bit close? Or me and you? Or Hynjin and Emma?"
"Yeah." I laugh.
"Well, Jisung and Minho are like me and Felix" He smiles.
"None is like you and Felix." I smile back. Chan and Felix have a connection like no other, it's truly amazing.
"True." He grins. "But they are kinda like that too. Minho has been through some stuff and Jisung was there for him."
I hate the interest that sparks inside me at his words, but I can't help as the thought of the first time I saw him brushes through my mind. I never learned his story and why he said everything he said that night.
"What happened?" I decide to ask. He stayed a mystery for a year, maybe I can finally get an answer, but Chan shakes his head.
"That's not my story to tell. You should ask him yourself if you're interested. But I'm warning you, it's hard to get him to open up about anything."
"Open up?" I scoff. "I can't even say a word to him without him picking a fight."
"He can come off a bit cold at first." Chan struggles to find the right words.
"Rude is the right word, Chan." I correct him.
Chan sighs. "Do you want me to talk to him or something?"
"Oh no," I panic a bit. "It's fine"
"Okay." He pats my head.
"I have to go, thanks for driving me. " I grab my things and get out of his car.
"Goodnight princess" He waves at me, driving off.
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gokartkid · 11 months
Chalex 23!!!! Please get them wasted!!!!!!
sort of companion to my other chalex breakup
The party was shit. 
They were both too drunk coming home, Charles’ face turned into Alex’s shoulder in the back of the uber. The fabric scratched at his nose as he breathed in familiar smells; sweat, bonfire smoke, the underlying cologne that he’d sprayed on just before leaving the house. 
Charles poured himself a glass of water clumsily, tilting the glass too far to the side and making a disgruntled noise as it sloshed out onto his hand. His thoughts seemed to take a second longer to reach his limbs, fingers gummy and stiff.
Alex was already sat at the kitchen counter, one hand propping up his head and the the other patting around for his phone in his back pocket. 
“Your friends are assholes,” he said, mouth fuzzy as he finally managed to unlock his phone. His voice was on the other side of teasing; Alex always got meaner when he was drunk.
“They are,” Charles said, shrugged and laughed, breathy. They were the friends he’d had all the way from primary school; that came with all the good and bad of knowing someone for that long, “but, you know. They try.”
“Hmm,” Alex made a low disbelieving noise, eyebrows raised, “sure.”
“They weren’t that bad tonight!” 
They were.
“They so were,” Alex was looking back down at his phone, thumbing the surface, “but, you know. My turn next with Lando.”
He made a face, exaggerated, and Charles laughed. Alex’s friends weren’t much better, but they were at least funnier. Worst comes to worst, Alex could ask Lando how golfing had been and then he and George could go at it for hours. 
Charles looked out the window to the yard, dark and quiet. He could just see the orange light of the streetlamps through the leaves. 
“You’re alright with drinks with the boys next week, right? I said we were free on Friday,” Alex’s tone is casual, but he still looks up to check on Charles, quick glance at his face.
“Yes, yes. Speaking of,” Charles swayed, took another gulp of water, “speaking of babe, I have— I wanted— I wanted to ask you something.” 
“Please don’t ask me if we want to get married,” Alex said, tone warm and coloured by teasing. His eyes were soft; Charles had to push past the sudden tightness in his stomach. He wanted to ask, it was better to ask, it was. While he still liked him.
“No,” Charles felt off kilter now. His words tumbling out wrong, the cadence of too much vodka, too many glasses of cheap wine. He could still taste it, sticky at the back of his throat, “no I was— Alex what if we went on a break.”
Alex blinked.
The sinking feeling in Charles’ stomach continued, slow, buoyed up only by the fizz of cheap prosecco. 
“What do you—“ his smile was frozen in placid-turning-confused, as if he wasn’t quite sure of his own reaction yet, as if his face needed some time to load, “mean, a break? Charles?”
“Like, like,” he struggled to put it into words, his english escaping him, “Some time. Where we are not dating.” Alex still looked confused, “I am— I don’t know, I am bored.”
It was all coming out wrong. 
Alex’s face wasn’t moving as he stared at Charles, phone tilting down to the floor as if he’d forgotten its existence, fingers loose around the glass screen.
“Bored?” He sounded incredulous, disbelieving. Charles’ mouth tasted sour, bile at the back of his throat.
He tried for smiling, as if that would help to lighten up the situation.
“It’s just, we have been dating for such a long time, no? And I want to keep dating you Alex, really, but, also what if we got to spend some time apart, so that we can—“ when he’d talked to himself in the bathroom mirror — sober — this had seemed so much easier, “appreciate each other more and, of course when we are then together properly again we are happy?”
“Are you not happy now?”
Alex was focussing on the wrong things. Charles could feel his face heating up, red hot cheeks. 
“I am happy!” 
The volume was too much. Even to himself his voice sounded too high, insincere. He could tell Alex heard it too, face shuttering as he stood. Charles was losing him.
“I am happy but I have never— I am sure that you’re feeling like this too, right Alex? It’s not a bad thing, and we will get back together and—“
“I don’t want to have this conversation with you right now.”
Alex’s voice was firm as he squeezed his eyes shut, shoving the heels of his palms into his eyes. Charles’ hands fluttered, delayed thoughts to movement, delayed thoughts in general. He didn’t know what to do.
“And for the record, Charles. No. I wasn’t bored. Thanks for the consideration.”
Alex was already walking away and up the stairs. 
Charles stared at his glass.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
What He Tells Himself
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Author’s Note: The brainrot for these two is real! I’m thinking of writing a counterpart to this one from Phoenix’s perspective. Let me know if that’s something you’d like to see!
I’d recommend checking out My Favorite Mistake and Friends With Benefits before reading this one!
Warnings: Some language, mentions of casual sex (nothing explicit), lots of secret yearning and angst.
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Jake Seresin was not a man who got attached.
Sex, for him, was transactional. It was pleasurable, even mind-blowing at times, but nothing more than a casual exchange when all was said and done. He’d been with enough women in his lifetime to know that it was easier to remove feelings from the equation altogether. They were messy and just made things more complicated than they needed to be. Pure carnal lust, with no insincere words of love or false promises or tears when it all inevitably came to an end, was exactly what he was after.
Sex with no strings attached. 
And that was exactly what he had found with Phoenix. With her, there was no smoke and mirrors. There was no need to butter her up with phony compliments or operate under the pretense that he would call her the next day. There was no need to pretend their relationship was anything other than what it was. She would tumble into his bed at night, that dark hair splayed across his pillows as she screamed his name, or cascading down her back as she climbed on top of him. And then she was gone. No strings attached. Just like he wanted.
That’s what he kept reminding himself as he lay awake in his bed at night, feeling strangely bereft once she was out the door. Phoenix was exactly what he wanted, exactly what he needed—a girl who could blow in, blow his mind, and then blow out again as quickly as she had come. A girl who didn’t need or want pretty words. A girl who didn’t get attached. Just like him.
Jake Seresin did not get attached. And he most certainly did not get attached to insufferable little pains in the ass like Natasha “Phoenix” Trace.
No, it didn’t bother him how she refused to spend the night in his bed after they’d finished fucking each other senseless. No, he didn’t spend all night privately wondering if she had gotten home alright in her late-night Uber. No, it didn’t frustrate him how she never texted him at night, just to let him know she was home safe. No. Because that would mean he was getting attached. And he wasn’t. He really wasn’t.
Not to Phoenix, of all people.
The desire to start doing things with her outside the bedroom was just a natural result of all the extra time they were spending together, he told himself. The subtle mentions of a new restaurant he heard was good, the question of whether or not she was interested in seeing a new movie that had just come out, hell, even the invitation to get ice cream one particularly hot evening—those were all things people did with their friends. Just because you happened to be fucking that friend on an almost nightly basis didn’t make that any less true.
They were friends. Sort of. Which meant that all of those things were totally normal to do together. It also meant that he had no reason to feel like someone had punched him in the gut whenever she invited Payback or Fanboy or Bob to tag along.
It didn’t bother him. That’s what he kept telling himself.
It didn’t bother him how Phoenix, one of the smartest fucking people he’d ever known, seemed so oblivious to every subtle hint he attempted to drop. It didn’t bother him the way she seemed so unaffected as she climbed out of his bed each night, slipping her clothes back on with nothing more than one of those damn smirks. It didn’t bother him falling asleep every night with empty arms, arms that had not long before been holding on tight to that lithe little body.
What did bother him was the way she had permanently embedded herself under his skin, like an itch he could never quite scratch. What bothered him was the way the ghost of her kiss teased him all night long, the taste of her stuck on his lips long after she had left him. What bothered him was the way she treated him exactly like everyone else, like Bob and Payback and Rooster and all their fellow pilots.
What bothered him was the fact that all of that bothered him.
Because if it bothered him, then that meant he wasn’t as immune to getting attached as he had always believed himself to be. And if he wasn’t immune to getting attached, then that meant he wasn’t immune to developing feelings. And if he wasn’t immune to developing feelings, then he wasn’t immune to falling in love.
Jake Seresin was not attached to Natasha Trace.
Jake Seresin did not have feelings for Natasha Trace.
Jake Seresin was not in love with Natasha Trace.
That’s what he kept telling himself.
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
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Chapter Four The One About The Wedding
Summary: “Did you just ask me if I sell coffee in a fucking coffee shop?” And with that, Taehyung was smitten by the Barista in the crazy flower sweater vest. Friendships will form but most importantly Taehyung will finally meet his soulmate. 
Genre: Idol au, strangers to lovers au, barista reader!, slow burn (friends with benefits to lovers kind of), semi-short storyish format, friendships, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Idol! Taehyung x Barista! Reader 
Side ships: Hoseok x OC 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, homophobia, smoking cigarettes, drugs and alcohol usage 
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
The girls stood in the small bathroom stall with a mixture of annoyance and ignorance (Julia). Y/N tilted her head at Nikki as the older girl looked away from her glare, “You know the more you glare, the more wrinkles you get.” 
“I should kill you right now.”
“How was I supposed to know the door was going to break?”
Nikki took out a pack of cigarettes and Y/N slapped the small white box out of her hands, “You're not going to smoke when we're stuck together. This whole place says no smoking.” 
“If I turn my head, I don’t see the sign anymore. Which means I can smoke.” 
“Guys, I need to go to the bathroom.” 
The two girls looked at Julia and then back at each other, “Fuck.” 
An hour ago 
The organ started playing the famous song that brought two souls together. The soft melody played through the church as everyone stood up to see the bride. It was Nikki’s cousin's wedding and she begged her roommates to come with her. Nikki hated her cousins (well she hated her whole family). They always acted like they were better than her because they were doctors and CEO’s. She only went when her mom bribed her with paying rent for three months for the girls, why would she say no to that?  
Y/N looked down the aisle with an excited look but it dropped when she saw Julia...dressed in all white. Julia was in a white satin floral dress and a white pearl clip in her hair. Y/N looked away and looked at Nikki who was already looking at her, “Is she wearing white?”
“I’m sure she has a reason...”
“Y/N, who the fuck wears white to a wedding if you’re not the bride.” 
“I mean there's colored flowers on it...”
As Julia walked down, everyone stared at her disgustedly but she didn’t seem bothered with the looks. She saw her roommates and waved at them with a wide smile. Y/N closed her eyes as she glanced up with a frown to whisper to herself, “Please give me strength.” 
Julia stood next to Y/N with an excited look, “The uber took forever to get here. Did the bride already walk out?” 
Y/N sighed and looked down the aisle to see the bride glaring at them. She nodded her head and looked at Julia with a stern look, “Yeah, she did.” 
Julia turned her head away from Y/N to look at the bride with a wide smile, “She looks so beautiful. I love the lace work on the skirt.” 
When the Ceremony ended, the girls stood in the waiting room with drinks in their hands. Every time a person walked past them, she overheard their whispears and wanted to hide from everyone. If she was them, she would talk bad about them too but that didn’t make it easier. Julia didn’t seem to be bothered by anything as she continued to drink her champagne, “I met someone.”
Nikki raised her eyebrow at her, “You met someone? Who?” 
“It was someone from Bts, Hoseok I think... He was very sweet, we got drunk and fucked but he wants to hang out again.” 
Y/N’s eyes widen and her mouth dropped, “You had sex with Hoseok?” 
Julia nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders, “I told him I wasn’t looking for a relationship and he said that was perfect for him.”   
“So friends with benefits?” 
“Acquaintances with benefits.”
Nikki nodded her head and turned towards Y/N with a small smirk (something that made her nervous to see), “What about you Y/N? You were with Taehyung last night...did you get dick down?”
Y/N slapped her arm and looked around to see if anyone heard them, “Don’t say that...and no I told you it wasn’t happening any time soon.” For now...
“How can you keep your hands to yourself? It's clear he likes you.” 
“Nikki, you don’t always have to have sex to make it known that you like each other. You can go on dates and that's what I want with him.” 
Nikki raised her eyebrow and took a sip of her drink, “So you really like him?” 
“Yes...I do.” 
Julia smiled at this and brought her glass up to her confession, “That’s good Y/N. I’m happy for you.”
“Julia put your glass down.” 
A group of older women walked past Y/N but stopped to look Julia up and down with disgust, “You should be ashamed of yourself.” 
They walked off and Julia looked at Y/N with a frown, “I don’t think your dress is that bad.”
“You think they were talking about me?” 
“It's probably too colorful.” 
Y/N glanced down at her blue dress and then back at Julia’s dress, “Julia have you seen what you're wearing?” 
“A floral dress? It's great for spring” 
“The dance floor is now open! Let’s welcome the new married couple!” 
Julia smiled at this and downed her drink before placing the glass on a table. She clapped her hands excitedly and looked at the two girls, “Let’s go! This is going to be fun!” 
Y/N watched Julia run into the ballroom, pushing others to get there (making more people talk bad about them). She glanced down at her dress with a frown and then back at Nikki, “I thought this dress was cute...” 
“It is cute, Julia is just...Julia.” 
The two girls went into the ballroom when the crowd went down but they still overheard some of the gossip, “They’re probably going to last for a month before they divorce...”
“She’s a doctor, why would she go for some office worker? What a stupid choice...” 
Y/N glanced towards Nikki who seemed unfazed by the older women gossiping. Y/N frowned at this and she intertwined their fingers together. She rubbed her knuckles with her thumb as Nikki sent her a small smile, grateful that someone cared for her. As soon as they entered the ball room, Nikki dragged her away from everyone and went to the bar. Sitting away from everyone. Nikki looked around and then back at Y/N, “My family are evil and leeches...that’s all they are.”
“Let's not think about them tonight. We can still try and have a good time.” 
Nikki looked at the bartender and nodded her head, “I need more alcohol to deal with these people.”
“Just be careful...I don’t want you getting sick because of people you hate. They don’t deserve your health.” 
“Yeah, yeah...so, are you ever going to tell me about last night?” 
Y/N glanced at Nikki and then at the dark wood beneath her fingertips, “T-There’s nothing to say.” 
“Bullshit, now tell me what happened.” 
And Y/N did just that with wine in her hand. She talked about how they ate together and afterwards watched a movie. She didn’t remember the movie because she was too busy kissing Taehyung (and doing other things). She was going to stay the night but remember the wedding so she opted to leave to make things easier. He had his manager drive her to her apartment as they sat in the back sharing laughs and kisses. Nikki smiled at this, “Wow, you really like him. Do you see yourself dating him?” 
“I mean I would want that but I like the pace we're out right now. I like texting or facetiming him, maybe it can be upgraded to a date soon.” 
“He better ask you out. With the way he grabbed your ass, that means he wants you.” 
“Nikki stop.”
Nikki let out a laugh and she looked at the bartender to order another drink but stopped. She grabbed Y/N’s wrist harshly, making Y/N confused. Nikki quickly left the bar with Y/N behind her confused, “Yah! Nikki, what the hell are you doing?” 
“Gotta go...” Y/N rolled her eyes and stopped walking to rip her hand out of her grasp. Nikki sighed and looked at her with a frown, “What!?”  
“What’s wrong?” 
Nikki sighed at her and placed her hands on her hips, “I saw my ex...” 
“No, the other one.”
“Ding ding. She’s been texting me lately about getting back together but she only wants to be with me to get money from my parents. Now let's find Julia and get the hell out of here.” 
Y/N nodded her head at this and followed Nikki through the “dancers”. Their eyes landed on Julia who was talking to one of Nikki’s aunts. The only thing that Y/N heard from the conversation was “Always wrap it before you do it.” She had many questions but she didn’t want any answers. Nikki ripped Julia out of the conversation, not bothering to say anything to her aunt. The roommates quickly made their way to the exit but stopped when Nikki heard her grandmother’s voice echoed in the lobby.
“Fuck, fuck...to the bathroom.” 
No one questioned the decision, they knew her grandmother could be...too much. They went inside the furthest stall, locking it tight. When Y/N looked around the stall she raised her eyebrow, this stall was different. It didn’t have any gaps underneath and was rather like another room (a very small room) rather than a stall. Nikki sighed and leaned against the wall, “I fucking hate this family so much.” 
Y/N nodded her head at this and patted the top of her head, “I know...we should stay here for ten minutes and then leave. I’m sure your grandmother will be gone by then.” 
“Oh she will. I’ve heard she was the one that planned dinner so I know she'll be there to watch those poor workers.”
The girls sat on the floor (the best they could) and played uno on their cellphones to have the time go past faster. It was an intense game between Nikki and Julia while there was no way for Y/N to win at this point, “Nikki, just let me win. I never win.”
“That sucks for you.”  
Y/N rolled her eyes and opened her text message from Taehyung with a smile on her face. Ignoring the yelling between the two, even though it was funny.
So...you're playing uno in the bathroom?
Yes...well losing at it 
Well, I was wondering if next week you would want to go on a date with me? Jin showed me this private restaurant and I thought...it was perfect for us
Ohhh! I would love to go on the date...if you want lol
Maybe we can dance on the rooftop or you can let me eat you out with the sunset on us
“I WON!!” 
The yell from Julia scared Y/N and she dropped her phone in her lap. She couldn’t tell if her heart was beating fast from Taehyung or Julia. Nikki glared at her and crossed her arms over her chest with a pout, “Lucky, anyways. We should go, I’m sure the witch is gone.”
Nikki was the first to stand and walked over to unlock the door but there was a long pause. Y/N and Julia looked at each other with blank faces as Nikki stood there. She turned around and gave Y/N a fake smile, “What would you do if I told you that the door won’t open...” 
“The fuck you mean the door won’t open.” 
“The door won’t Y/N, like I unlocked it but it won’t open...”
Y/N blinked her eyes at this and pushed Nikki out of the way. She pushed and pushed but the door didn’t budge. She quickly turned around with her back against the door, “It won’t open.” 
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.” 
“What the hell are we going to do?”  
Julia raised her hand and Y/N looked down at the tiling before looking back at Julia, “Yes Julia?” 
“We can die here.”
“We’re not dying...we can’t afford funerals.” 
The girls stood in the small bathroom stall with a mixture of annoyance and ignorance (Julia). Y/N tilted her head at Nikki as the older girl looked away from her glare, “You know the more you glare, the more wrinkles you get.” 
“I should kill you right now.”
“How was I supposed to know the door was going to break?”
Nikki took out a pack of cigarettes and Y/N slapped the small white box out of her hands, “You're not going to smoke when we're stuck together. This whole place says no smoking.” 
“If I turn my head, I don’t see the sign anymore. Which means I can smoke.” 
“Guys, I need to go to the bathroom.” 
The two girls looked at Julia and then back at each other, “Fuck.” 
Y/N tried kicking the door but it still didn’t move. Nikki stood in the corner with her hands in her hair, “Julia I swear to god you better clench.” 
“I can't! I need to go now!” 
Y/N kept kicking at the door but stopped as she let out a loud groan. She turned towards Nikki and then looked at the small gap at the top, “Get on your knees, Nikki.”
“Oh, kinky.” 
“Shut the fuck up and do it.” 
Julia started to jump a little as she looked at the ceiling with sweat starting to form on her face. Nikki let out a groan when she felt Y/N’s flats hit her back harshly, “Fuck can you be nicer?” 
“No, because we’re locked in here because of you. Now push up.” 
Nikki raised up slowly as Y/N started to climb over the stall but stopped when she saw Nikki's grandmother on the toilet. Her eyes widened at this and slowly moved back down. She looked at Nikki with a scared look, “Nikki...your grandmother has a hearing aid right?” 
“Yeah? She usually keeps it off because she doesn’t want to hear anything, why?” 
“Your grandma is next to us.”
Extended ending:
Y/N and Nikki stared at the wall with blank looks. Y/N glanced at Nikki and shook her head, “Next time we should hide our faces.” 
“Listen, I didn’t think about that...Julia are you done?” 
Y/N sighed and shook her head, “You owe us pizza...shit you owe us lunch and dinner for the next week.”
“That’s fair.” 
There was a long pause in the stall and a sigh behind them. Y/N raised her eyebrow at the sigh, “Julia, is everything okay?”
“I need to shit...” 
“Oh fucking hell.” 
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