#and its overwhelming
spacedace · 1 year
What is it about laying on the floor when you're overwhelmed that makes everything feel so much better?
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hattersarts · 1 year
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im already at the south downs cottage guys, catch up
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itsaspectrumcomic · 9 months
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There's a lot of going on over the Christmas season - it's understandable to get overwhelmed. Happy holidays and take care of yourself <3
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nikothebookdragon · 10 months
hey btw. being platonically in love is so real btw. having a silly text convo with your friend and thinking "I love you" with every message. studying together in silence and feeling the most comfortable you've been in years. having a huge cheesy grin on your face after you spend time together, or even just text for a bit. your worries becoming a little easier to bear when they hug you. worrying about them, wishing you could magically give them all the happiness in the world.
being platonically in love is one of my favourite feelings in the world, and you know what? I'm so grateful that being aspec let me experience this in full. I fucking love being on the aromantic spectrum <3
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yugiohz · 11 months
damn i'd be suffering from "activism fatigue" as well if this was the first time i'd be keeping up with news and politics
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plesiosaurys · 1 year
getting emotional over footage of an amateur scuba diver interacting with a coelacanth. they are hunted by large deepwater predators, and here comes a large creature bearing the brightest lights it's ever seen, making strange noises, but it does not shy away. it hovers, calmly, as the diver reaches out and trails a hand down its back. im strongly against the anthropomorphizing of real life animals but the stupid emotional part of me loudly insists this is because it recognizes us, the alternating movements of its four paired limbs matching the diver's four paired limbs, & it is thinking, "hello, cousins, we missed you these 66 million years, it's so good to see you again. welcome back, welcome home."
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r3ynah · 7 months
Family of Distinguished People.
So like what if, the Fenton family is just a family full of heroes, villains, and vigilantes. like.. just imagine a long line of people that had or has contributed to the world somehow. Like the Fenton parents as Supervillains, Jazz as a Vigilante, Danny as Hero. Dani just decides to travel not too interested, but does help with her family if needed, Dan does the same thing.
BUT WHAT IF joker is actually a close relative of the Fenton Family (ex. Uncle, Cousin,Family Friend) and like he's just there all happy with his (found)family during family reunions, birthdays and shit.
And the batfam are just like so confused and stressed to why the joker goes missing once a month.
While Joker is literally having a game of Monopoly with the elementary kids at amity park (the kids couldn't bother, they've saw scarier things they handled scarier things) cue Joker giving the kids a hundred dollars because he lost.
This is just one of my what if prompts, that i got locked up in a vault. Might delete this later who knows.
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titan-god-helios · 1 year
bitches be like "oh i don't get sensory overload" and then nearly scream and smash their phone into the ground because their little cousin wanted to play roblox and they really like their little cousin and adore her so much but this time the fact that she is constantly talking and her voice grates ever so slightly on the ears and that she's very loud and bubbly and that she's singing and talking and there's music from the game blasting through her tablet as well and cooking noises and smells in the background from their mum and their sister who is also a darling keeps putting her fucking arm on theirs and they can feel their clothes and skin and its also hot and they're also expected to talk and play and be high energy and they just cant fucking take it so wind up ranting on tumblr about it whilst also wishing never to interact with a human ever again.
its me, i'm bitches <333
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ambisweetiepie · 6 months
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I wanted to join in @yamujiburo 's DTIYS!
I dont know what else to say here! Hope you're having a nice day!
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dingledraw · 6 months
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If you can’t handle cringe fail disco Crowley, you don’t deserve disco goddess Crowley!!! 😤💃🏻
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOLF 359!!! a little late but who's counting!
I started the show many years back, but only just last month decided to come back and finally listen through the whole thing! by complete coincidence, right on time for the 10 yr anniversary!
Wolf 359 means so much to me, so I'm excited to celebrate with some sick ass fanart.
version of the art without the CRT effect under the cut <3
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itsaspectrumcomic · 24 days
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not my usual kind of comic but just... how I've been feeling recently
if you're feeling the same, maybe it will help to know you're not the only one
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what-the-floofin · 1 month
So how do baby taurs work for the equitaurs and cervitaurs in your stuff?
Oh that's a good one actually - lots to talk about! Too much for one post, but gotta start somewhere. Enjoy some messy micro scribbles peppered throughout. They were originally very very tiny so, pardon blurriness.
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I've got my Taurs running overall pretty similar to equine cycles and gestations - meaning they are what you call 'long-day triggered' by the spring and summer seasons.
(Though they do cycle throughout the year, just at slower rates and less consistently over cooler seasons)
This goes for the cervitaurs too - rather than using the shorter gestation of their deer alikes - as they and their foals are a bit bigger and more complex to deal with. Which also goes to suggest that twins/multiples are not a frequent occurrence for cervitaurs in comparison to actual deer, and inherently poses as much danger as it does for equines instead. Possible, but high risk and incredibly demanding.
So, you're looking at an 11 month gestation on average, and typically starting in a mid-spring to late-summer window. Which places most taurs at being born early-spring to mid-summer. It's most uncommon to be winter born, but not weird tbh.
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Foals are super awkward, there's no getting around that, and in the first year they have a ridiculous growth rate when compared to other sentient creatures of similar lifespans.
These things are weeds - the difference from one day old to three months old is phenomenal alone. They are, however, cooked a little further along than what you'd be comparing to for a newborn human. They're able to support themselves enough to avoid outright injury (think like a 3-4 month old baby), but gaining actual control of all those limbs takes a bit more time. The equine half however would be a touch undercooked for a horse. Just physically, in size. No worries about comparative internal developments, that's all good and ready to go.
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So they're typically gonna spend shy of their first month feeding and sleeping, practicing rolling up, sitting and limb coordination to build strength for self-standing. If mama has places to be, that baby is getting carried.
I also absolutely subscribe to the idea of arms being naturally held close to torso prior to having balance and coordination. It would support them a lot! Then it becomes a self-soothing gesture seen in the anxious, and an instinctive positional response when badly startled. Tuck in!
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By three months you can expect them to be racing on their little stilt legs - albeit still with the occasional wobble and spill. And wowee did that happen fast when you think about it.
While the zoomies are a lot, they're balanced out by the fact that so much oncoming growth means foals crash nap very frequently. These buggers sleep a lot. It's go hard and sleep hard on endless rotation. Play, snack, nap, rinse and repeat.
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This accelerated growth races away throughout their first year, and then drops right back into something a bit more reasonable - at least when you're considering it from the human perspective!
Yet in comparison to how they first started out, it's practically snail paced.
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I'm meaning, you look at the size of a 3 month old horse foal, and that's the closest comparison to a 2 year old taur foal in body. Every 'horse foal month' thereafter starts guiding the next 'taur foal year' visual until you hit that yearling horse look for a taur when they're 10-11 years old. Then by that point, they've reached most of their full leg length, and the next 10 years is focused on finishing the bulking out of their frame.
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(click to enlarge I hope) - Featuring my lass Thalo here haha
By rule of thumb I just have both equid and humanoid aspects grow in relative balance to each other, lanky stages and all. From the human perspective, the humanoid half grows crazy fast at first and then becomes comparatively similar. From the horse perspective, the equine half is crazy slow and always is. It would also give credit to having a higher physical durability than their animal counterparts. More time was spent growing!
It's worth noting that a lot of perceived 'weirdness' only comes from trying to compare them purely 1 to 1 with either horse, deer or human kids. Taurs are their own thing though! And nature's most consistent attitude is to Find What Works and Do it. No matter how wack, if it works it's used.
So, a rapid starting growth tapered into a much slower rate once they're stabilised and running was just the path that worked best for this Taur survival. Keep it simple!
There's always more to cover, but this is chunky enough for now. Whew!
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puppyeared · 6 months
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digital painting practice with my favorite pkmn
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sinlizards · 1 year
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next batch of kofi requests!
requests are still open here starting at $15! might be closing em up soon so get em while you can >_o
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