#and just because u didnt understand what the show is trying to do doesnt mean its bad writing
a-nybodys · 8 months
spending any amount of time on twitter is like walking slowly towards the chernobyl elephants foot
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old-stoneface · 23 days
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my ship chart for the five main characters of camlann 😁 notes on the categories: best friends and romantic are self explanatory. for 'complicated' i just mean that they arent 100% sure how they feel abt each other, whether their current feelings are leaning towards positive or negative, thats just a blanket category for complex feelings. 'self recognition through the other' is about how the characters interact with each other; for example, morgan and gwen's conversation abt their trust in each other in episode 8, or perry and gwen both being obviously dedicated to keeping people safe in a very physical way. in the case of gwaine and gwen, their conversation in episode 9 makes me think that they have a lot to talk about when it comes to trust, because gwen doesnt trust other people enough to show her true feelings, and gwaine doesnt trust other people enough to form meaningful relationships, but they each have a tendency to be very clear about when theyre unhappy with how something is being handled. for gwaine and perry, this element goes hand-in-hand with how similar they are to their namesakes. perry is very honest and self righteous, always doing whats right as a matter of moral imperative, and while they do have a temper, its because they are angry at themself for being selfish or unfair. they put a lot of thought into being a good and fair person, very selfless, and because of that they build relationships with other people really easily. gwaine, on the other hand, comes across as very self centered and selfish. it is not easy for him to open up and rely on other people. he seems very isolated and always puts himself first, trying to build relationships with other people in order to gain security (making the feast and bringing all that food as an apology without actually saying sorry), only figuring out how to be selfless at the very end of season one. but their similarities are interesting too: the high temper, the self reliance, the protectiveness of their loved ones, etc, not to mention their shared affection for dai... i havent tried to put this all into words before but i think im phrasing this in an understandable way dfkghafh anyway the last category i should explain is the 'story connection' one. thats just to refer to the fact that their namesakes and the stories thereof draw them together and make them bounce off each other like magnets. the closeness and complexity of relationship is influenced by who they are named after - thus, the slight knightly rivalry of gwaine and perry, the complicated and intense familial love between morgan and dai, the messy connection and strong similarities from gwen to morgan and how morgan, as a magical figure, has so much more freedom than a queen would, no matter how much alike they truly are.. i have more thoughts on all of this, but this is already really long, and i didnt plan on writing this all out hfgsalkdhfskj hope u enjoy my light analysis! special mention to how much i love the romantic undertones between dai and perry in their friendship and how bad i want gwaine and perry to attack each other in a gay way
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davekat-sucks · 10 days
>Pride month includes trans pride, and who’s deemed canonically trans by the Huss? THAT’S RIGHT! HOPE YOU LIKE SEEING JUNE EGBERT ON YOUR DASH A WHOOOOOOOOLE LOT AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MONTH!
(hopefully this formats the text right i dont use tumblr a lot and i usually only lurk)
Listen anon, this shit aint gonna work. June Egbert is not canon and she wont be, it doesnt matter if she appears on HSBC because let me tell you, its already on its name: BEYOND CANON.
You are not owning transphobes or helping trans people by screaming that June is canon everywhere you go, all you do is annoy people who arent trans and help make those trans stereotype become even worse and that just makes everything more awful than it already is. What you are doing is not helping ANYONE and it just makes you look like an asshole.
In fact Homestuck trans rep sucks as a whole. Vriska sucks in general and people like Kate will use her being "canonically" trans as an excuse when like I said all that does it make things WORSE. June is forced and people like you usually try to force people that its canon when its not and the Roxy one from HSBC is the same thing but nobody gives a shit about one so people usually dont talk about it.
And no just because Hussie said it doesnt mean its true (ie. Andrew Hussie Formstring) and sure the circumstances are different but the webcomic is done, its like if George Lucas claimed Luke Skywalker was actually a trans girl in secret all this time or some shit, it would be nonsensical to suddenly say that when theres never evidence for it + the main material having ended years ago. It has already ended and HSBC is just a non-canonical continuation.
And I don't know how much it "being planned from the beggining" means but I'm pretty sure its about being planned since the epilogues or something and not since the Homestuck Beta from april 10th, look at me in my invisible eyes and tell me that the Hussie from that era was thinking about transgender rights and not about his next webcomic and i dont fucking know that creepy puppet he had as a kid or horses.
AND before you assume Im transphobic, Im not and support trans people because i know how gender dysphoria feels [even though i do feel like some people online are faking it for attention or are there not for support but because they have some fetish which is pretty fucking bad (and Im unsure if fit the label or if I want to fit it considering I dont tell anyone about it at all and everyone online nowdays seems to suck overall and I also dont want to go around telling online strangers on a public profile about it)], so please understand this. June Egbert is not canon and is not a good rep, if you like it then keep it on the parts of the community that like it and stop trying to force "dubiously canon" on everyone. You are causing more harm than good, in fact I think that you are doing might not be doing any good at all.
And because I feel like I didnt let enough steam off Im gonna say this
Fuck June. Fuck her stupid fucking name. Fuck her rep. Fuck Post-Canon. And she and other shit reps deserve to be forced to take a permanent vacation straight to Hell.
Oh and davekat-sucks please keep existing and dont let these people put you down, you are one of the few people in this community nowdays that seems to not be overly aggressive and you allow people to show their opinions without having to fear getting harassed on or getting dragged on a full blown warzone just for not thinking like most people on the community do. Your blog means a lot for fans like us and remember, just because a lot of people seem to disagree with you it doesnt mean you are wrong! ^U^
Thank you for the kind words, Anon. And thank you for this amazing post here too. ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
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kaeyx · 6 months
I honestly dont think people understand that Asmo is literally the only one from the transfer of Obey Me to Nightbringer that didnt treat MC differently from day 1. (disclaimer, i havent played nightbringer in MONTHS im still on like lesson 14 if that gives you ANY idea on how long its been since ive played) But like...........yes people notice it but i dont think people UNDERSTAND it. Asmodeus was THE ONLY ONE. Solomon is the exception but imagine you build a life with these people, you build relationships with these people, your like romantically involved with at least one of them, your best friends with at least one, youve shared secrets with them, you share a connection with them that NOBODY does, and then you get thrown into the past and ALL of that gets erased, all of the affection, all of the memories, your pacts, all of the time and effort you put into them is basically just.....gone. So imagine how it must feel to have Mammon back to being how he was at the start, or how it must feel to be shut out by Lucifer again (as a lucifer persuer it was so fucking hard to get through to him and to be thrown out and forced to worm my way back into his heart again- EXCUSE ME!? LIKE BITCH I EARNED MY PLACE IN HIS HEART HOW DARE YOU-!? THAT TOOK TIME-! ) Or how it must feel when Satan doesnt look at Mc the same anymore, or how it must feel when Simeon doesnt show the same amount of love he did before, and then being able to have that sense of........liek.....warmth when talking to Asmo because you know that....nothings really changed. Asmo is still YOUR Asmo. Asmo is the ONLY one, out of everyone, who treats Mc like nothing really changed the moment they met in NB. Its like......Solo and Asmo are not only a package deal, but theyre also a sense of familiarity and comfort in the chaos that is being thrown into the past and being told "you'll be happier here" (also i feel like i have a right to be extremely upset with whomever yeeted MC into the past because ITS MY CHOICE ON WHETHER OR NOT ILL BE HAPPY NOT URS WHY TF DO U GET TO DECIDE IF IM HAPPY OR NOT!? WHAT IF I /WANTED/ LUCI TO KILL ME?! HUH!? LIKE. BITHC. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I FIND KINKY OR NAH STFU >:( its my life how dare you try to tell me whatll make me happy- tho im 100% okay with it if it means i can romance Dia and Barbs within the plot instead of just gathering intimicy points- like.....marry me pls dia i beg of u- pls for the love of the gods make me ur husband- on my hands and knees for u ANYWAYS-) I feel like thats something nobody really pays attention to and like.....understands and acknowledges about NB is that like....everyone else changed EXCEPT Asmo- SORRY IF THIS ISNT LIKE A THIRST OR ANYTHING LEO I JUST THIS HAS BEEN ON MY MIND FOR A WHILE AND I WANTED TO SHARE <3
It's a rlly good point! Asmo is generally very nice to MC even when they're a complete stranger, and it's a bit harder to tell when his affection becomes... deeper? More genuine? Idk how to say it, when he starts caring for them as a person instead of just "cute/interesting new person to play with", but he's still being nice even in that first stage. Beel also behaves like this imo, he's very sweet and opens up to MC pretty quickly (especially when compared to like. Lucifer or Satan)
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dollfaceksj · 11 months
because i cannot understand his hypocrisy. He fucks other girls with an intention to try to move on from reader. But still ends up at her door and to some extent its okay, but still even saying I love you to her doesn't seem at all like he is even trying to move on.
Not to offend someone but if I were in reader's place, I would've gladly let him fuck me (cuz why not!) But yeah that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Even if I would still have feelings for him, that doesn't me a I would walk straight into his toxicity.
He really puts blame on the reader even when he knows she broke up with him for his own sake and there was even full conversation of it, so it also doesn't leave the option for any misunderstanding either.
She even told him that she would be there for him while he is learning to improve himself. She is kind. To me what he does is plainly an asshole move and is making no redemption for it and his moves doesn't make sense to me.
Like what does he expect from the reader now? Seriously reader should also fuck with others if he is doing it. It should be from both sides. Only him doing so and still if reader takes him back, would only prove that she is blinded.
They should just break it off for real
dang this is crazyyy
something tells me u didnt really get the story so ill explain it to you again:
as mentioned, jungkook has never been by himself. he comes from a line of short relationships and situationships and his first actual love is y/n. he is extremely, extremely attached to her.
jungkook has never once blamed y/n, he has only stated the fact that she walked out on him which is true, she did choose to break it off with him. he doesn’t blame her for it, not at all, in fact he understands. he only reminds her that she has no right to fuss over what he does when they are not together anymore and he is right.
you say that y/n should just ‘start fucking others too’ and that it should ‘come from both sides’ but that’s where you’ve lost the plot.
again, jungkook has never been by himself. so his attempts at moving on is looking for affection some place else, he can’t imagine living without it because he never had to nor has he experienced it. (until y/n broke up with him.) he is scared of being alone.
y/n on the other hand, has a healthy relationship with herself as stated in pt1, doesnt cling to the past, forgives anyone that has hurt her without a second thought, always trying new things, always looking for change. the thing with her is that she has fallen deeply in love with jungkook but she isn’t terrified of being alone like jungkook is so for her to start sleeping around doesn’t make sense, she doesn’t crave that. you saying that just tells me you read reminder in a very black and white/one dimensional mindset when its much more complex than that.
i do agree that jungkook saying ‘i will never let you forget about me’ is narcissistic however he never once claims ‘i will never let you move on from me’. yes, he doesn’t want her to move on from him but that doesn’t mean that he’ll actively prevent it.
yes, he keeps showing up at her front door. yes, he knows she can’t resist him. that is selfish of him.
but its been made clear that if she tells him to stop, he will stop. jungkook will listen to whatever she says. he couldve thrown a way bigger tantrum when she first broke up with him but all she had to say was ‘stop’ and he stopped. he processed her words. he asked for one more night and he left without another word.
because he trusts her with his life. he loves her too.
every single time he returns to her home he very clearly asks if he can kiss her and if he can have sex with her because she can decline, she can tell him to leave and he’ll obviously respect that. she just cant bring herself to make him leave because she still loves him, still wants him, still craves him.
so that being said i hope i gave u more insight because i wholeheartedly have to disagree with what ur saying. i respect people’s opinions and thoughts nonetheless and i always encourage my readers to share their thoughts and reactions but you completely misunderstood the story and i just wanted to take the time explain it to you.
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noeggets · 11 months
Fellow scan2go liker.... what do u think about the JET Kids.....
I watched the English dub of the show so ima use the English names
KAZ - love him, hes trying his best me a d my friend talk about how we understand this is a kids show but it would have made him such a different person if he lost some of his battles. Like it would have helped him learn something but he never lost any of his races. And I still have a whole ask to answer about Tiga and his brother so I'll leave that out of me talking about Kaz lol
Remember the ep where they were at the racing school and Kaz wanted Shiro on his team but he also wanted his friends on his team? I feel like his friends were a little over reacting because they know hes dumb and he didnt mean he wanted a new team he meant he wanted Shiro and them on his team which he couldn't have and it was later explained to him but aggressively cause they were all mad at him I understand this is a kids show but c'mon! Me and my friend have long conversations about this little kids show and how it could be better alot
FIONA - alright squirrel girl, I enjoy Fiona but I feel like they always had her jealous for no reason like she would just always get jealous of things she never cared about. Like when Titi wanted to race or when the boys just wanted to get a autograph from her, there was never any indication that Fiona liked any of her friends so it makes 0 sense for her to be upset that Diego and Myron wanted to see Titi and then later they had a rivalry that made 0 sense but before that I believe Tete did get mad at her and tell her at least she gets to race whenever she wants or maybe I'm crazy and I just imagined that
HOWEVER I will say I do enjoy Fiona and Hebina having a Rouge and Amy kinda thing going on I just wish they would let Hebina win sometimea cause I feel like Hebina never wins but shes supposed to be a treasure hunter pirate thing
MYRON - this child has o business being this sassy and hes supposed to be the Tails character but I'm here for it. Love how he lashes out and doesnt stay in the stereotypical nerd character he will put you in your place as he has done Kaz and many others the sass on this child is out of this world lol I don't remember a whole lot of things besides this but he had his moments that's all I can say love him
DIEGO - gotta say I was concerned about this boi because when he left the team that one time and he was walking the train tracks me and my friend was on high alert cause we thought he was looking to get run over BETTER NOT
Also it was really funny when Taiga was talking to Ryu Kaizel and Digeo went into like Tigas head or whatever d he told him talking to him wasn't worth his time and Tiga was like yeah you know you right
Dndhdndjfnfh Diego is the goat
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butchviking · 1 year
i dont understand how conservative desire for single sex spaces differs from feminist reason. i understand that conservatives typically think of trans people as gay plus, sure, but like. in the actual desire for single sex spaces, what difference does it make
the difference it makes is in the bills they push through and the lack of care or provision for the fallout of those bills. if conservatives were pushing through a bill that said all use of mens/womens bathrooms, shelters, changing rooms, etc should be decided on birth sex alone - what are they putting in place to enable that? birth sex is not something stated on legal documents, bc legal sex can be changed. so how does one prove their sex? what happens to transmen who pass as male? i don't think most women are going to be happy with them coming into female spaces. how do they prove that that's actually where they're legally required to be? and what DOES happen to transwomen who pass as female and are forced to use male spaces? that IS dangerous for them and i understand its not the job of feminism to care about that issue but i personally do. and people can say "well this issue doesn't affect passing trans people bc no-one will ever know" but that only works if the person is completely stealth, which not every passing trans person is. and hell, what about passing butches?? how do THEY prove they're women if we know ID doesnt always reflect birth sex? all these people are just collateral damage to conservatives and i'm not okay w that.
ok. i will level with u. thats me making smthn up on the fly to justify my position. it didnt go very well at first so i gave up, but then i thought on it some more nd went back to it and i think that response does stand on its own now. at first i kind of thought "well, i guess this is the one issue we DO pretty much agree on" but the way conservatives do things is still always going to leave a lot of people caught in the middle and they definitely don't care enough to make sure those people are considered in their lawmaking.
however. u know the real answer? like the instinctive gut answer? because i dont fucking trust them. i dont fucking trust them and i dont trust them bc ive seen OTHER shit theyve pulled in this vein. like the anti-transition bills that have given no consideration to people who are ALREADY transitioning and would suddenly cut off their hrt or blockers if they don't meet the new requirements; like the bill against gender non-conformity in public spaces sold to the public as being about protecting children from predators within drag communities; like the combination of the attempt to reclassify authorising a child to transition as a sexual abuse with the introduction of the death penalty for sexual abuse. i do not fucking trust them and i know they do not have womens or childrens interests at heart i know this all just comes from them finding transgenderism degenerate and i do not think any good can come from supporting them bc they are always trying to slip smthn in under the radar they are always presenting laws to the public as one thing but wording them just right so that they actually have a whole different effect than people expected.
also, as a sort-of sidenote: given that regular ass people don't actually vote on laws, just elect people to do that, what would supporting their bills actually mean? voting for conservatives who will pass anti-gay anti-trans anti-woman pro-gender laws in the hope that they also throw a "oh and womens spaces for women only" in there? promoting the politicians who proposed the bills? i guess there's contacting state representatives and asking them to vote yes or no on a specific bill, but i get the impression most people don't really do that and more just make a public show of support for such-and-such a bill, which also promotes the party and the politician.
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scaredgirlsilly · 5 months
I'm aroace and coming up on my 1 year anniversary of engagement to my lovely fiance who is not aro or ace and I do not use the term qpp. I have the type of relationship that tends to cause a lot of arguments so when irl people or strangers ask I just say I'm straight. (There's also an added layer of confusion from some people since I'm an ace guy and that seems to be a hot button topic rn)
I tend not to share this because people who know that I'm aroace think that I was previously going through a phase when I say I love my partner. I do love my partner but I'm still aroace and it looks different and this is the first time I've ever felt so secure with another person and what we were able to create is beautiful because I stopped listening to people tell me what a relationship is or should be. And we work amazingly together.
-a fellow aro mutual still too nervous to talk about being aroace with my actual unsername (but wanted to show solidarity)
omg hiiiiiiii!!!! ::3
ok first off CONGRATS ON ALMOST A YEAR OH EM GEE!!!!!!!! thats awesome im glad you found someone you can be yourself with ^u^
and uh. the rest of this is gonna be gibberish sorry jfkshdksj i was literally walking around my kitchen last night when i first got this ask trying to figure out how to word what i want to say for like an hour or 2 😭😭
but like. i think alot of people dont understand just how *open* the terms aro and ace can really be. like. idk at least to me its kinda like nonbinary. like nonbinary is anything that doest strictyly fit into the gender binary. and thats. uh. A Fuck Ton Of Things jfkshdjsj. like im aro but i might honestly feel romantic attraction. but for me its my strong dislike of the idea of being in a relationship, along with like. almost being disillusioned with the very concept of romantic attraction. (and being sorta kinda poly??)
this is the part that is gonna be incomprehensible jfksjsks. but the way i think about it is almost like. idk a diagnosis jfkshdks (NOT to be the weirdos that are like "romance is an illness" i just want to describe the fact that the borders and definitions of these attractions are socially constructed)
like romantic attraction has a bunch of "symptoms" (again value neutral i canmot stress enough that im not like anti people who like romance hfkshdjsj) like yk liking someone a bunch or butterflies in their stomach or like. yk whatever doesnt matter you get what i mean. the different thoughts and feelings and experiences that typically come up when someone is romantically attracted to someone. what im saying is i dont think there is *actually* a single Romantic Feeling people get, i think a lot of people just have a very similar experience, and so it sort of becomes a seperate thing yk. there isnt actually a Romantic Emotion but its a combo of a bunch of stuff that alot of people experience close enough to each others experiences that it is helpful for it to be named something.
but like. then people assume the Thing is actually real. or not that it isnt real but like. that the Thing came first and is law. when really its just a bunch of components that commonly make up the thing. and so when you share alot of those components of the Thing (saying i love you or being in a relationship that isnt a qpr with an allo person), people will say that you feel the Thing. but *you* know that you dont.
i dont really know where im going with this other than like. i wish people didnt see aro and ace people (specifically aro people jfksjsjs) as like. either you feel the Thing or you Dont. like 1. the Thing (romantic attraction) is something allo people cant even define comprehensibly and 2. the human experience is so varied that like. every single person is different and its v frustrating when people shit on others for not fitting into their idea of what that type of person is (shitting on aro people for not being what they think aro people are).
god this is nonsense im sorry but hopefully you understand what i mean. tl;dr everyone is different and everyones experiences of queer labels are different, id argue *especially* aro and ace people, and if you shit on aro and ace people for acting or feeling in a way you didnt expect or like, im killing you with a chainsaw
hopefully you can find other people who are not weird about your aroace-ness and if you ever need to talk about it id be down ^u^
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b-s-123456 · 1 year
Stay With Me?
Tate Landon♡︎Fluff/Angst♡︎American Horror Story
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Desc♡︎Tates the master of skipping school ~ this is just me being lovesick over Tate ☺️ and Violet doesnt exist in this story the reader takes her place ~ Y/N and Tate are in a relationship😊
♡︎Tates P.O.V♡︎
I know she doesnt want to go to school, I know that its her lousy parents who just cant seem to understand that she isnt fucking happy. Of corse im the only one she talks to about how much she hates it because who else does she have. All those asshole kids arnt shit. which is why im hiding the the hallway closet right now waiting for Y/N to come downstairs. We’ve been hiding in the attic for the past 12 days and her parents havent even noticed.
♡︎Y/N P.O.V♡︎
Lets make this clear the only reason im doing this is because my peice of shit father is forcing me to. Hes the one who made us move across the fucking country and im finally somewhat happy and now hes trying to sell this house, and now he thinks im depressed which he isnt totally wrong about. Sometimes I wish I was like Tate. Dead and trapped here, but im not. I forced myself to walk down the stairs to the hallway. A hand reached out from the closet grabbing me inside I let out the start of a scream when a hand covered my mouth. My back was up against the bookcase I knew the person infront of me all to well.
I shoved his hand off my mouth “Tate! You asshole.” I said, playfully shoving his shoulder. “You scared me!” “I didnt mean to.” he said leaning down. His hands cupped my face and mine went to his neck. Tates kisses are always the best, like neither of us are really good at it but when you put us together it just works. “Tate,” I pulled away “I gotta go I promised my dad id go to school.” “But you dont have to though.” he said “whats one more day?” “Tate-“ “Please?” I swear I cant say no to this boy. “Fine.” I said I cant hold back my smile who wouldnt want to stay home all day with Tate.
“Uno or go fish?” Asked Tate coming up the ladder. “go fish? What are you 90 years old?” I asked “Hey dont be talking to me its your games.” he said “How do you play Uno?” He asked I stared at him “Tater tot how do you not know how to play Uno?” “Im a ghost, that kinda limits your card game range.” “Cmere” I said patting the floor next to me “Give me the cards.” I said holding my hand out. Tate sat down criss cross apple sauce next to me and handed me the deck of cards. “Everyone gets seven cards.” I said handing them out. “Hey whats this do?” he asked holding up a yellow four “Your not supposed to show me your cards.” I said pushing his hand down. “You showed me your card, and I took it” He said laughing at his own joke. “When you laugh at your own joke Tater tot that means its not funny.” “Cmon you know that was funny.” He said “Okay if you say so.”
♡︎A/U ~ I feel like its to short but I dont wanna add anything else because i feel like id rather make a different drabble about that so yea :/ also ISTG TATE IS LIKE A WHOLE NEW OBBSESSION BECAUSE LIKE SNSNBSSJSJNSSBSGJS FUCKME JSNSBDBDJ
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What do you think was / is Lilith's greatest fear?
being useless. not having some greater purpose. being unlovable.
her whole life she has a purpose (become warrior nun) that is pretty clear cut yknow? but then someone else takes that purpose. someone who doesnt even understand it, doesnt appreciate it. n it frustrates her n angers her, sure. but it also hurts her. because if ava can have the halo just like that, what was the point of her legacy? if she was supposed to be the warrior nun, why isnt she?
so. no warrior nun. no greater purpose. okay sure. but she can still be of use. she can still fight, be a sister warrior, n begrudgingly help ava be the warrior nun lilith cant be. duretti wants the halo back, any means necessary? yes ofc on it. ava needs training to become the warrior nun n fight alongside her n the others? she's there, resentfully, but shes there, n even almost helps ava when she is stuck in the wall in that one scene. she needs to protect the halo n prevent it from getting taken by the tarasks into hell? she'll sacrifice herself. n thats what fucked her up. because now shes different. now shes *something*. she doesnt understand herself, her new powers, her new abilities. n if she cant help herself, how can she help others? even in s2, where we see her more in her skin in the first ep, it takes one hit to make her go back. she needs help, she needs to understand, she doesnt want to be a mystery, because she might be a dangerous one, n all she wants is to help. to be of use.
n under all that? all that emotional mess, that feeling of having to be doing smth to be worthy of anything? whats that under all that-? ah yes, a want to be loved. its in everything she does, yet she hides/masks it so well. she just wants to do good, she just wants to be loved. she tried to be the warrior nun, knowing or thinking it would earn her her parents love. didnt work, they dont love her. she keeps trying, keeps chasing that goal, keeps moving. but that part of her personality, that ambition above everything else. it drives ppl away. her friends hold her back, mary is fighting her. ava is afraid of her. n even after coming back all lilith can do is try. try to accept her new nature, try n accept this love shes given, but its hard. its hard to be loved when u think u need to earn it. its hard to be loved when u think u havent earned it *yet*. or that u shouldnt be loved. she wants it so bad, but will she believe it when she finally gets what she wants? when she has never gotten it before, not truly or purely?
she thinks love is this bargain almost. if lilith does smth agreeable to that person, they will love her. it makes perfect sense. so even with adriel it was like that. even with all he gave her or whatever, she still gave her loyalty to him. that was smth given, smth taken. only then it makes sense for her i think. she wants so badly to just. *be loved*. but she doesnt get it!! she doesnt get love because she never had it unconditionally from her fucking parents, who should've given her love just for being her parents n lilith their child, they never did that, always held that fucking warrior nun legacy over her, always pushed her into their agendas and NOW?? its all lilith knows. its what she was taught n shown in her formative, growing years, n trying to detangle that while: fighting demons, handling angels, training, meeting expectations that didnt even matter in the end, dying n coming back monstrous, NO ONE including her knowing how to deal with that, etc etc, we all watched the show. trying to make lilith see what love IS or what it SHOULD or COULD be, would be so fucking hard!! AND YET. ITS ALL SHE TRULY FUCKING WANTS!!! FUCK!!!!
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i watched a bluey ep for the first time recently with my youngest sibling and its a very cute show, it actaully disapoints me people are very weird about it though. and i mean both people who dislike people for watching it and those who are just gross about it. i really hope that doesnt affect the show :( i know that happens sometimes.
but anyway i think you really pushed me into watching it and you rbing bluey reminded me i did and i loved it it made me feel like a little kid. but i have to ask how do you tell the characters apart because i had such a hard time doing so and i don't know why?? maybe i just need to watch some more lol.
!!!! AHHHH IM SO GLAD I WAS ABLE TO HELP INTRODUCE U TO THIS SHOW!!!! its so so cute and funny and charming and heartwarming im glad u like it :) and yeah, every show has its fair share of haters and Weirdos which is unfortunate :( thankfully ive been lucky enough to avoid seeing Gross stuff when searching for fan content which is a relief bc i remember stumbling across that stuff all the time in the mlp/brony days lol. i think thats why a lot of ppl are concerned abt there being a Fandom for it and while that is an understandable worry i personally havent had any problems w the community (Yet AJSJDJ) and while i know for a fact there are ppl who are Gross abt it i think its generally easier to avoid them compared to how it was back then which im glad about LOL i do hope its the same for kids bc i dont want them to have to go thru what i went thru as a young mlp fan 😔😔😔😔
and YEAH AKSKSJS i can see how telling the characters apart could be p challenging at first. i didnt rly have a problem w it but there is a p large cast of side characters so i can understand forgetting who some characters are, especially when some of them have relatives who look like them and make it difficult to remember whos who. in my experience the more i watched the show the more i started to remember characters names and designs, so its probably just a matter of waiting it out until youre used to em. i think it also depends on what order u watch the episodes in; i try to watch eps chronologically bc i find its easier for me to remember characters that way.
but!!!! once again im rly happy u enjoy the show, its become a big comfort for me recently and it took me a while to be less self conscious and more open abt liking it so im glad u were able to fall in love w it too!!!! ty for the kind words anon i hope u have a great day :)
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wonusite · 1 year
I FOUND IT sorry again for the dms
i saw SO MANY daddy!gyu asks and i love it cuz he is the puppiest daddy and im here for all of it but im here to talk about ceo!daddy!jihoon cuz hAVE YOU SEEN HIM HE IS A FUCKING DADDY MATERIAL IN MY EYES
tw: daddy kink (i mean obviously) and i little bit subspace, also this get out of hand just like the minghao one, looks like i cant stop myself
i will go for ceo!jihoon who is also your boss but not directly. he owns one of the biggest international companies (leaving out the part about what company actually is about because im too lazy to go into heavy detail) and you were working as an assistant for cfo!soonyoung but technically jihoon is your boss.
after working with soonyoung for long years, giving all you have to the company and trying to be the best you decide that maybe this life is not the best for you, maybe you are too tired to keep this game going, maybe you would like something simpler. livinf in a big city fun and all but when your childhood friend offers you a peaceful summer or maybe even the rest of your life you cant turn it down. all they said was "i have a restourant in the small town we grew up in and i would like it if you were the coowner since we are planing on opening a new one."
when you talk to soonyoung about it and hand over your resignation letter to hr soonyoung once again understands how stupid his friend is for not talking to you sooner. only if jihoon listened to him and confronted you about his feeling...
but its not too late! jihoon still may show up at your house after soonyoung bursts into his office shouting at him about how he is about to lose you.
well, cant lose you so he has to show you that he will you his everything to convince you to be stay with him, by his side. he will fuck you like you are the sunshine of his busy office days (because even though you are working with his friend, you would come across each other on the corridors or he could watch you while council was having a meeting) because you ARE his sunshine, you are the only person he ever felt this strongly about
so he fucks you while making love to you all in the sweetest ways possible, he whispers all of the praises he can think of while also being balls deep inside of you.
and its all over for him when you slip into subspace and moan out that sinful word. he never thought that a word could affect him that much but after hearing it from your puffy lips once again becomes sure that even if you breath in his way he will be ready to beg on his knees for you.
after you came for the nth time moaning and begging for your daddy to give you his cum jihoon thinks thats enough for tonight. he wore you out that you look like you are about to pass out and he can see the sun rising from your window. he will keep "convincing" you after you rest for a bit because he now knows that he wont be able to resist you after getting a taste of your sweet pussy.
and also i believe that jihoon is an aftercare king. after your every session he will run you a bath, order/cook your favorite aftercare dish and do whatever you want for your aftercare routine cuz he takes it so seriously and wants make sure that even in your subspace you know that you can trust him.
i didnt intended this one to be THIS long and add a subspace but i dont regret it, anything for our sugar daddy!jihoon.
also i hope that my longass asks doesnt bother you, if so, i will try to make them shorter
like i can picture jihoon just being stoic and kind of distant w you bc he has the biggest crush on you. but when he finds out that you want to leave and move away his little facade will just disappear and he will be on his knees for you 24/7.
he would worship you and your body, making u come on his tongue several times before finally giving you his cock. you call him daddy and he just snaps, coming inside you as many times as you want bc you’re so attracted to him. ofc he’ll clean you up afterwards and cuddle u bc you’re his princess and he’ll do anything for u.
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otakusheep15 · 1 year
hey im the anon who said ill hit rook once in my life if he existed irl.
I totally agree with what u said about rook's potential being wasted. It too made me uncomfortable watching his interactions and but then at times i end up laughing because of the exaggeration or his actions like when in the halloween event he just started singing out of nowhere very cheerfully in contrast to their stuation. But then i think, what if they deliberately wrote his character to not be very likeable to the viewers because hes based off the huntsman
"Yes, Vil appreciates his opinions and perspectives, but many other characters don't, and they express this heavily, especially the non-human characters" Yep this is what i mean by when he gives unsolicited advice and him failing to be socially appropriate. I really want him to read the social cues. I really hope to see his character development cause we didnt really get that in ch-5 or 6 cause while we do get sides of rook we dont normally see he still hasnt stopped being entirely a creep or or trying to improve on it. While rook's intentions arent bad his actions are very uncomfortable, i really wish the writers would give him his character development so i wouldnt have this like-hate feelings towards him even if it means they graduated nrc cause at least my man got better
"So we can't really confirm if his traits are a result of trauma like the others." the fact that we dont know much more about rook makes it much harder to bear his presence at times, we know more about vil and epel and a got more than a glimpse to understand what their relationship with their parents but with rook.....everything about him mysterious we dont really know much even about his family while we know that epel has a grandma and ace has a older brother,etc and generally doesnt like speaking about himself. I hope to see him open up to someone or seeing the world from his eyes from the past to the present.
"Plus, unlike the majority of characters, Rook is not based on a villain, he's based on the huntsman from Snow White. So, realistically, he should be one of the morally best characters, and he shouldn't be as bad as some of the "villain" characters."
not really,the huntsman isnt really a good character, he is introduced to us as a villain in the beginning who plans to kill snow white and spares her. The Huntsman is not necessarily good, because of his agreement to kill Snow White, but the reason he couldnt bring himself to kill her was because of how much she resembled an innocent child and after failing to complete his task he's try to deceive the queen because he wants to save her and himself as well. This shows the huntsman had a little bit of conscience despite him agreeing to take another's life and almost succeding to do so if she hadnt turned towards the huntsman direction and giving a shriek which was the final straw that he couldnt do that. He is a villain but not a major one at that. His morals are also in a grey area when u consider that and that the queen wouldnt assign a rookie who just killed animals to kill a human being. And rook isnt morally bad and could possibly be consider good because he saved neige from drinking vils poison and trying to help vil in the process in both chap-5 and 6. He has mostly all the time been honest and isnt morally bad in theory but in practicality he sucks at interacting with others even if he doesnt mean it.
"I wish that I could like Rook more, I really do, but he just gives me too much ick, and I apologize to all Rook lovers for that."
Please dont apologise for not liking a character. U have very valid reasons for not liking him. I hope in the future that rook is more considerate of others and that u slowly start to like him a little bit. The fact that u tried to see him in a better light even tho u couldnt is still admirable for the fact u tried to see the better inside of him and for that i thank u because most of the fandom just disregards him and takes no weight of his actual character
Honestly, I can agree with you. There are moments where I do enjoy Rook's character. The Halloween event is probably the only time he hasn't made me feel super uncomfortable, and I found myself actually wanting to see more of him, especially with how funny his dynamic between him, Trey, and Sebek was.
I also really want to see his character development in game. I remember absolutely hating characters like Riddle, Azul, and Vil during their feature chapters, but then loving them after they get their character development. Even more minor characters like Ruggie and the Tweels were much more enjoyable once they were redeemed, so I do hope the same happens to Rook at some point.
As much as I love mysterious characters, I do wish to learn more about Rook. He seems so fascinating, and I want him to open up more about his life. Like, he's the only non-beastman character who comes from Sunset Savannah, and I wanna hear more about that. Is he secretly part beastman? Is that why he's so obsessed with the non-human students? I really wanna find out.
I do see where you're coming from about the Huntsman not technically being a "good guy," but I do respectfully disagree. In game, the characters use void magic, as I'm sure you know. Most of them have dark void magic, but three of them are different. Rook, Kalim, and Silver all use a light form of void magic. Silver and Kalim are both based off of non-villain characters (Aurora and the Sultan respectively) which makes sense. The fact that Rook is the only other character with light void magic leads me to believe that, at least according to the devs, Rook, and therefore the Huntsman, are not villains. However, I do agree that Rook isn't morally bad at all, and I do genuinely believe that most of his off-putting nature stems from a lack of social skills. I lowkey headcanon that he didn't have many friends or neighbors growing up, leading to his strange form of interacting with others. I think he could honestly benefit from someone teaching him how to talk to others without creeping them out.
And, yeah, I do have a tendency to apologize when I disagree with someone. I just don't want them thinking I'm trying to start something with them or anything lol. But, really, I do try to see all characters in a good light at least once before I immediately start hating them. In my opinion, all characters deserve a chance, especially in a game where most of them are based off of villains. I do want to like Rook so bad because I love the Huntsman character from Snow White, and Rook does have such an interesting character design to him, both in looks and personality. I hope the devs give him some type of story arch, or at least a side story that delves more into his character.
Also, side note, I like how you cited quotes from my previous post. As someone whose favorite subject in high school was english, it made me laugh a bit, in a good way ofc /pos.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Hello dear!
Here comes the rant😆
What a heck I just read? FB for sure made some strange choices.
First of all - why we should twist with new boys? Mc should be sent home - like there literally was a text "if you single - you'd be dumped". Our theory about Finn and Kat twisting if MC single had much more sense!
Secondly. Suresh, dude, are you for real? Still playing games instead of showing everyone were you stand. And Lulu seems really sweet, how dare he to use her like that? I mean it was obvious she's his safe choice to stay but FB making him such an asshole? Why he didn't tell her "I can bring you but that'll be friendship couple cuz I only want MC"? For someone who's talking"i care about you, MC" he's definitely makes her life much more complicated!
Gabi. I tried to be civil, all right? Why she suddenly thinks she has to show how important she was for Suresh? He's literally told you "it wasn't anything serious for me" and your answer "I think it's a lie"?? Piss off, woman! You've been a rebound, a replacement of a real girlfriend. And your wants won't change the reality.
Alfie. Dude, why are you still trying talk to MC when she made it clear that you are friends, nothing more?? My MC even told you to couple up with Meera and was ready to go home. And now you bringing Meera back and all she's doing - making a show "we're such a power couple" and glaring at MC even though my MC has been telling "you are great together!" Arlo #2 much?? And now I read that she wants to dump MC?? Not cool. MC isn't to blame if you not confident enough in your couple, stop being a bitch!
My poor MC doesn't have any girlfriends on this circus! Please Lulu, you are the last hope for a true friendship!
Finn. Weeell. You giving me Noah vibes with your uncertainty. I have a feeling he fancies MC more then Kat but Kat is an easy option, you know? it's like under all his flirting and bravado he's not confident enough in himself to be with someone so gorgeous and cool like MC. I mean - dude literally said "you are out of my league" to MC...🤔 But maybe it's wishful thinking 😃
And Nicolas... OMG, he's just male version of Kat! I knew there was something about him and playing the game but damn! My girl had enough drama in her life and doesn't need more. I don't fancy men who loves stirring the pot... Now I have even more doubts about him. I don't see him in solid couple with a girl if she's serious and not in all this drama/playing games. But he's definitely a good option make Suresh jealous 😆
Welp... At this point I don't even mind taking money and never seeing those people again 😆 but we'll see new islanders. Maybe FB will give us a dependable guy (maybe an old friend of MC who's always been in love with her and hated Suresh for hurting his favourite girl??)
First - YES!! This made NO SENSE the text said single islanders would be DUMPED and then wait NOT U MC! ur special! No we're not! U literally drag us through the mug every fucking episode
Second- babe thats not suresh...idk who that is but its not him. because the man that said all that stuff to us before he left for casa wouldnt be choosing grandma Lulu who he literally has no spark with over us.
Third - Gabi doesnt seem to understand that one sided relationships exist. One person can like another person more than the other. Sorry babe but this happens more often than not...just because he was around doesnt mean he was around.
Fourth - I personally didnt get the vibe that he was trying it on MC I got more friend vibes from him, but maybe that's how I played it. Meera was being such a bitch that I can't wait for me to not go home next week, but to rub it in her face that her bestie is tho
Fifth - I low-key loved Noah 2.0 and If I find out something shady happened between Gabi/Suresh on that terrace rooftop im jumping ship to Finn so fucking fast.
sixth - idk im getting the ick from Nicolas 🫣 hes too much with the gossip and drama he seems more into that than MC. and saying he needed to fake their connection 🙄 thats a no for me dog.
im staying on the suresh route until it becomes even more obvious that there is none left and then will be jumping ship to Finn.
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livecharliereaction · 2 months
That went by so fast i havent even processed i already read the whole episode after parties included. What the fuck i need to read my own liveblogs
ange didnt actually do shit but its still perfect because just her PRESENCE is so great i just like having her around making her comments. i recall mentioning it at some point but a Sarcastic character as a personality trait is a little hard to pull off because its so easy to make it so unfunny and annoying even... but she is so witty somehow... and shes not really MEAN she is a great talker i do think this she gets along with people GREAT... Yet she has only enemies in this world. How cruel. Ange if i was in your time i would be crying in my bed at night over the fact we woudlnt be friends.
erikas another one whose screentime i aaaalways enjoy now that i got to know her last game shes sooo much fun seriously
i somehow understand beato even less now didnt know thats possible. not sure if i like the dual personality thing she has going on id have to know more
The way she looks just like you is what I really can't get over...! I can't stand it...
kanon n shannon are so Nice. Not mind blowing not life breaking but i did cry over them that one time in the other episode i think theyre very NICE. And maybe im wrong but i cant recall kanon smiling and laughing ever before like he did this episode... Theyre nice both of thme
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THEY MADE HER SAY THAT TOO? the au au (i dont know what to make of it but they obviously want me to think of hanyuu with the last convo with bern but i dont know if its like. Crazy direct in that that IS hanyuu or less tangible of a connection u know. Remains to be seen)
again i dont understand beato at all how did she weave herself up just from kanons words they seemed quite normal to me... is it the additional part about observing the trial and all maybe she understood something when it was said that shannon and kanon have less than a whole human soul But beato its ok because i TRUST you to have an explanation for everything in the end...
Somehow very happy that georges past was explained up it feels like the story knows hes a total loser and leaves it up to me to decide if i think he ha somehow redeemed himself through the power of love or not (me i dont think so because his and shannons love doesnt speak to me aside from the scene where she breaks a mirror - and even that i mostly like from the perspective of shannons character and her trying to become human more than As a scene for the couple...) (but now i feel like the storys giving me room to think that instead of me having to actively hate it something something multiple truths yeah)
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lol i was probab imagining some vague epilogue stuff nuh uh they married right on my screen just now in the tea party (this was about george n shannon but well battler n beato did too) (I dont know how to feel about it yet though it was just golden land so it might not carry over i mean it should in case battler n beato but it might now i dont really get the time physics still)
ange is so amazings
that EVA appearance... the womb stuff yeah that will get to me it will oh eva...
I did trust erika to deliver last episode too but this one stabilized it that girl is an ACTOR and a DETECTIVE and a NEAR PERFECT PLAYER IN THE GAME an ENTERTAINER and has a cute dress too. wow how amazing It feels too early to do some kind of rankings but i will say if she is someones favorite i Will understand
the tea party w the unions and all i do have to wonder if thatll carry over to the next game... Human kanon?.......But maybe probably not since bern game master
HONORARY SCENE MENTIONS: the intro with the wedding and closed room flashforwards (havent had a foreshadowing scene with unknown narrator for a while - higurashi loved to do that) + kanon admitting his feelings for jessica both first to shannon n then jessica aww + erika fiercely fights miss maria age 9 over nothing + battler showing up to the love trial yayyy + the little scene with dlanor where erika goes I love you. and dlanor goes What did you say? cos its so ooc. crumble of erika lore #cheating + doll jessica how cool will probably never happen again + erikas PERFORMANCE to get the packing tape ...I... Furudo Erika... haev packing tape...!! + beato erika duel near the end i forgot how fun her playstyle is that beato
BATTLER REJECTS BEATOS COOKIES AND TALKS TO HIMSELF ABOUT IT! How heartbreaking! Wheres beato i was grieving TOO! Woww
Erika seals battler to the closed room special shoutout to the part where she reveals she "re-killed" everyone severed their heads and shit. Who does that? She is just so crazy crazy girl i loooove her.
The wedding of course... The penetrative description of her putting the cursed ring on him... the festivities... the erika dress... the knox crew argument about the windows with gaap... the overall feeling of a This is a cursed wedding. Someone is going to object and the fact that lambdabern was acknowledging this kinda too they were like Girl where is she... the letter addressed to lambdadelta... the beato gaming... Wowwww
IN CONCLUSION. Greatest episode ever did u notice i listed almost every scene literally. What the fuck. I hear it only gets better too. Ok goodnight. erika fan club
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rrxnjun · 1 year
tbh word counts suck so much imo😭 it must be annoying having to delete parts and even just figuring out what to delete must suck ☹️ (although sometimes i wish i had this problem cuz i never reach the limit🥲) writing essays for philosophy doesn't sound like fun thats for sure!🫡
i don't think u sound like a nerd!! it just shows that u enjoy what u are learning rn, which is a very good thing imo!!!!🥳🥳
this school term is the last one where i officially have to learn german but i will still need to get a language exam from it to be able to finish my university studies one day😭(but i have a couple of years until then so hopefully i will be able to actually learn it properly by then🫡) reading a book in german sounds interesting but u definitely have much will power (?idk if this is the right word to use for it?) that u looked up words!! i don't think i could get myself to do that🥲definitely hoping that we will get better at it!! i agree it certainly is a pretty language!!! although i feel like sometimes it just feels silly in a way(??)😭 idk how to explain it but some words just do not feel like they should mean what they mean (like i just learned the word ernst and it means serious but it just doesn't sound serious enough for it to mean that, i really hope this makes sense and i don't sound crazy🤣😵‍💫)
send your essays over to me i'll do them for you AHAH /j. philosophy definitely isnt fun (at least not for me) BECAUSE IT MAKES 0 SENSE???!? and i picked a topic ive never heard before,, and then all the sources were in english so i had to mentally translate everything into my first language and try to understand it and yeah it was such a struggle 💀💀 and thanks for saying i dont sound like a nerd 😭😭 im definitely grateful and happy that i can study something i enjoy, considering that nobody really believed in me getting into this major lol
oof good luck w the german then!!! im sure you'll get there some day💕 abt the german book,,, i used an ebook reader that has the translator built in so it didnt take that much effort 💀💀 if i had to manually google each word i just wouldnt do it. GERMAN HAS FUN WORDS sometimes they make complete sense and sometimes they just dont. i enjoy words that make perfect sense,, the long ones that perfectly describe what they mean like gloves being Handschuhe and hospital being Krankenhause makes sO MUCH SENSE i love it. but you are right,, ernst doesnt sound serious enough😶
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