#and krieg can die
deadite-central · 7 months
I dreaded reading Baratie cuz of Don Krieg as I hate the man and out of all one piece characters (including people objectively worse than him) he’s my least favorite
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BUT!!! Fortunately the fight with him didn’t feel as much dragged out as it did in the anime so let’s focus on the good things cause if I look at Krieg again I’m gonna scream
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The relationship between Zeff and Sanji is so sweet and even more soul crushing knowing about Sanji’s life before he met him
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Sanji has a clear goal of NOT DYING after everything he went through, and I’m not saying Oda planned his entire backstory so far ahead but it all does fall neatly into shape
It also warms my heart that Zeff and Sanji get to have this father/son bond, while they insult each other, they would sacrifice their lives for each other, and on Zeff’s part he wants Sanji to follow his dream more than anything
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I very much enjoyed Gin’s character as well, probably the only good thing to come out of Don Krieg’s subplot, the fact Sanji doesn’t hesitate to help him, or the rest of Krieg’s pirates despite knowing what they might do
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Sanji is the first time Gin has been shown selflessness, and despite how little the two interacted that feeling on Gin’s part and Sanji’s kindness is what makes them such an interesting duo this arc. Gin is unable to kill Sanji, even if he sees it as the only mercy he could give him, but he’s also so messed up from working as Krieg’s right hand man he has no idea how to repay Sanji’s selflessness so when Krieg releases the poisonous gas all that he’s able to do is FORCE the mask onto Sanji
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They’re a really good duo and ngl I wouldn’t be mad at all if Gin came back in the final saga and had at least one conversation with Sanji
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ALSOO hmmmmmm I wonder is Sanji’s need for self-sacrifice will ever come back up again
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monmuses · 6 months
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♫ "Now, I'm the king of the swingers Oh, the jungle VIP, I've reached the top and had to stop, And that's what botherin' me! I wanna be a man, mancub And stroll right into town; And be just like the other men, I'm tired of monkeyin' around!" ♫ ♫ "Oh, oobee doo, I wanna be like you! I wanna walk like you, Talk like you, too! You'll see it's true, An ape like me Can learn to be human too!" ♫ ♫ "Now, don't try to kid me, mancub, I made a deal with you! What I desire is man's red fire, To make my dream come true; Now, give me the secret, mancub- C'mon, clue me what to do! Give me the power of man's red flower, So I can be like you!" ♫ ♫ "Oh, oobee doo, I wanna be like you! I wanna walk like you, Talk like you, too! You'll see it's true, An ape like me Can learn to be human too!" ♫
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ohneweiterebedeutung · 11 months
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alexa-fika · 9 months
Can you create a story about Mihawk's son who gets injured or kidnapped ?
More Mihawk please 🙏
( sorry for the grammar or spelling mistakes am not good at English )
A/N: Again, I don't know. if this is good, but you guys are popping off with Midnight Lessons so maybe this is up to your tastes? Thank you for the request Anon! Feel free to drop by my ask box to requests or simply to say hi!
Also don't worry English is also not my first language!
Dividers by @/saradika
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Papa to the rescue ( Mihawk x male!reader)
Sniffles and stifled sobs could be heard in a cold, dark cell of a ship sailing somewhere on the East Blue.
“Shut up, you damn brat!” Growls Don Krieg.
Glaring at the child, he walks toward the cell, a smirk suddenly replacing his sneer.
“Do you know why you are here, you little twerp?
He sniffles, shaking his head
“Oh my my, aren’t we scared? A shame your papa can’t come and save you; what a disappointment.”
Krieg laughs mockingly and looks toward the small child.
“It’s because of him that you are here, brat so that I can finally have revenge on that bastard! It will be perfect for breaking down your stubborn, cocky father. I bet having to see his little boy die will make the bastard come around, kneeling in front of me and begging for mercy. Or he’s too much of a coward. Either way, win-win for me.”
“Papa wouldn’t do that.”
“Oh no, you misunderstand. Your papa won’t see you die. He’ll see you in agony, a slow, excruciating death by starvation or a beating, a torture that will make you beg for death. All by my hands, too.”
“He wouldn’t bow down to you! “
Krieg grips the small boy by the collar and picks him up to his eye level. His dark scowl is met by the red face of the boy, tears filling his eyes.
“He will, little brat.” His voice is low, threatening.
“Or you die.”
“He won’t! Because he will slash you! You can’t beat papa.”
Krieg’s grip tightens at the mention of Mihawk, his sneer returning in full force.
He growls out a sharp response as a fire of rage sparked in his eyes, his hands tightening around the kid’s neck.
“I will! And he will beg me for mercy before you die in front of him!”
He said, dropping Reader to the ground.
It all happened in an instant; Reader’s mind could barely keep up with what happened in the next few minutes.
He remembered that screams started coming from upstairs. He remembered Kreig turning towards the dungeon entrance, equally confused about the sudden chaos that had erupted from upstairs.
The next thing that happened Reader could remember clearly, as the familiar silhouette of their father came down the stairs into the dungeon.
“Papa!” They cheer as he closes in to the cell Reader was in and towards Don Krieg, who stands in front of it
Krieg made quick work of the cell lock, running inside and grabbing the kid, putting them in a chokehold, and holding a gun to his neck.
“So you finally show yourself, you bastard! Better start kneeling, or you can say goodbye to the brat,” he cackles.
Reader is quick to dig their tiny teeth into Don Krieg’s hand, taking advantage as he winces and slightly lessens his hold to raise his head to headbutt him, quickly running to his dad the moment Don Krieg let go of him to hold their bleeding nose.
His head snaps back as the young man headbutts him; Krieg grunts in pain. A burst of blood spurts down from his nose
He scoffs,
“Damn brat!”
“You’re not going anywhere!” he growls, pointing his gun towards the child and taking the shot.
The next few seconds, although hard to keep up with, Reader was quick to understand what had just happened as his father now stood in front of him, Yoru unsheathed and a sliced bullet landing on each side of Reader.
“Reader. Wait upstairs,” his words curt, but one could hear the aggravation in his tone.
Reader nods, running upstairs to wait for his dad; he does not have to wait long, however, as Mihawk joins him no more than a minute later.
He gently picks him up and jumps onto his small raft.
“Are you hurt?”
The child looks up at him, his eyes watering.
“I’m okay ’cause Papa is here,” he says, hugging him tightly.
“Good,” he says as he puts a hand around the child and smiles.
“I’ll make sure it stays that way,” setting his course back to Karai Barai Island.
“How did you find me?”
“Do not worry about that.”
They smile, a slight idea as to who aided his father in finding him.
“Im glad you found me, Papa; I was scared,”
It’s okay, son,” he says, rubbing his head.
“Let us get you to bed.”
Reader nods, watching dazed as the splashing waves soon turn into flowing grass and soon into the familiar floors as they arrive at their headquarters, soon arriving at their own room as Mihawk gently lays Reader down on the bed.
“Can you stay with me tonight, Papa?”
“I will only stay for a short while; there are things I must attend to.” He responds, sitting down on a chair next to his son
Reader smiles, staring at his father as he slowly lulls himself to sleep after a long and terrifying day.
Despite his words, Mihawk could be seen sitting down next to his son all night; of course, no member of Crossguild would ever comment on this, and neither would they ever comment on the soft look he had on his face as he stared at his son, finally home safe
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What do you guys think? Was it as good as Midnight Lessons or kinda, eh? Please let me know so I know what I can improve on next time! Do we like child! reader more than the romantic pieces? Who's next?
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hydine · 6 months
Zosan au? 🫠 Where 19yo Zoro fights a young Mihawk and gets that gnarly chest-scar. A healer takes care of him, but Zoro is an egoistic little shit, and turns on the healer as soon as he could move, and gets cursed into being a tiger who can't die (but can still get injured) and won't age, unless he finds someone who he'd die for.
The same year, Sanji was born.
After a few years Zoro manages to get caught by Germa for being strong and immortal, meets little Sanji in the cells. Zoro makes an impression on Sanji for being docile, and in turn Sanji makes an impression on Zoro for being kind, as the smol boi always shares his food.
They eventually flee Germa together and end up with Zeff. Sanji gives the tiger the name Marimo, because his fur color is the same as mossballs he saw in the book (and ofc he can't know his real name, because tigers can't talk). Marimo is a menace on the Baratie, as he can't walk around freely, in fear of Germa still searching for him (but not for Sanji), but somehow they manage. Marimo watches Sanji grow up and was there through all his highs and lows.
Then they eventually meet Luffy, and shortly after, Mihawk enters the scene, who recognizes Zoro. After the fight with Don Krieg, Zeff and Mihawk share a drink (old friends), and Mihawk tells Zeff all about Zoro. Mihawk doesn't know anything about the curse, but he just knows it's the green-haired swordsman from his youth, an actual human. Sanji was caught eavesdropping.
Zeff kicks Sanji out, along with his pet tiger, telling them to find a way to break the curse. They sail with Luffy. Luffy apparently understands tiger Zoro, as if he were human, even manages to talk Nami into buying swords for Zoro, and he actually fights with one in his mouth.
With time, Sanji starts to doubt what would happen if they really find a way to break the curse. If Marimo would stay or not. Luffy assures Sanji that it's fine, he's recruited the both of them after all, so Zoro will have to stay.
Eventually, Thriller Bark happens 🫠 Where Sanji is the first to offer his life, but Zoro still knocks him out, because he wanted to save Sanji.
The curse is broken.
(Whatever happens next, I leave to more skilled fanfic authors 👀)
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kvetchlandia · 10 hours
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Todd Webb Poet/Playwright Bertolt Brecht , New Jersey 1946
Wirklich, ich lebe in finsteren Zeiten! Das arglose Wort ist töricht. Eine glatte Stirn Deutet auf Unempfindlichkeit hin. Der Lachende Hat die furchtbare Nachricht Nur noch nicht empfangen.
Was sind das für Zeiten, wo Ein Gespräch über Bäume fast ein Verbrechen ist Weil es ein Schweigen über so viele Untaten einschließt! Der dort ruhig über die Straße geht Ist wohl nicht mehr erreichbar für seine Freunde Die in Not sind?
Es ist wahr: Ich verdiene nur noch meinen Unterhalt Aber glaubt mir: das ist nur ein Zufall. Nichts Von dem, was ich tue, berechtigt mich dazu, mich sattzuessen. Zufällig bin ich verschont. (Wenn mein Glück aussetzt, bin ich verloren.)
Man sagt mir: Iß und trink du! Sei froh, daß du hast! Aber wie kann ich essen und trinken, wenn Ich dem Hungernden entreiße, was ich esse, und Mein Glas Wasser einem Verdursteten fehlt? Und doch esse und trinke ich.
Ich wäre gerne auch weise. In den alten Büchern steht, was weise ist: Sich aus dem Streit der Welt halten und die kurze Zeit Ohne Furcht verbringen Auch ohne Gewalt auskommen Böses mit Gutem vergelten Seine Wünsche nicht erfüllen, sondern vergessen Gilt für weise. Alles das kann ich nicht: Wirklich, ich lebe in finsteren Zeiten!
In die Städte kam ich zur Zeit der Unordnung Als da Hunger herrschte. Unter die Menschen kam ich zu der Zeit des Aufruhrs Und ich empörte mich mit ihnen. So verging meine Zeit Die auf Erden mir gegeben war.
Mein Essen aß ich zwischen den Schlachten Schlafen legte ich mich unter die Mörder Der Liebe pflegte ich achtlos Und die Natur sah ich ohne Geduld. So verging meine Zeit Die auf Erden mir gegeben war.
Die Straßen führten in den Sumpf zu meiner Zeit. Die Sprache verriet mich dem Schlächter. Ich vermochte nur wenig. Aber die Herrschenden Saßen ohne mich sicherer, das hoffte ich. So verging meine Zeit Die auf Erden mir gegeben war.
Die Kräfte waren gering. Das Ziel Lag in großer Ferne Es war deutlich sichtbar, wenn auch für mich Kaum zu erreichen. So verging meine Zeit Die auf Erden mir gegeben war.
Ihr, die ihr auftauchen werdet aus der Flut In der wir untergegangen sind Gedenkt Wenn ihr von unseren Schwächen sprecht Auch der finsteren Zeit Der ihr entronnen seid.
Gingen wir doch, öfter als die Schuhe die Länder wechselnd Durch die Kriege der Klassen, verzweifelt Wenn da nur Unrecht war und keine Empörung.
Dabei wissen wir doch: Auch der Hass gegen die Niedrigkeit Verzerrt die Züge. Auch der Zorn über das Unrecht Macht die Stimme heiser. Ach, wir Die wir den Boden bereiten wollten für Freundlichkeit Konnten selber nicht freundlich sein.
Ihr aber, wenn es soweit sein wird Dass der Mensch dem Menschen ein Helfer ist Gedenkt unsrer Mit Nachsicht.
Truly, I live in dark times! An artless word is foolish. A smooth forehead Points to insensitivity. He who laughs Has not yet received The terrible news.
What times are these, in which A conversation about trees is almost a crime For in doing so we maintain our silence about so much wrongdoing! And he who walks quietly across the street, Passes out of the reach of his friends Who are in danger?
It is true: I work for a living But, believe me, that is a coincidence. Nothing That I do gives me the right to eat my fill. By chance I have been spared. (If my luck does not hold, I am lost.)
They tell me: eat and drink. Be glad to be among the haves! But how can I eat and drink When I take what I eat from the starving And those who thirst do not have my glass of water? And yet I eat and drink.
I would happily be wise. The old books teach us what wisdom is: To retreat from the strife of the world To live out the brief time that is your lot Without fear To make your way without violence To repay evil with good — The wise do not seek to satisfy their desires, But to forget them. But I cannot heed this: Truly I live in dark times!
I came into the cities in a time of disorder As hunger reigned. I came among men in a time of turmoil And I rose up with them. And so passed The time given to me on earth.
I ate my food between slaughters. I laid down to sleep among murderers. I tended to love with abandon. I looked upon nature with impatience. And so passed The time given to me on earth.
In my time streets led into a swamp. My language betrayed me to the slaughterer. There was little I could do. But without me The rulers sat more securely, or so I hoped. And so passed The time given to me on earth.
The powers were so limited. The goal Lay far in the distance It could clearly be seen although even I Could hardly hope to reach it. And so passed The time given to me on earth.
You, who shall resurface following the flood In which we have perished, Contemplate — When you speak of our weaknesses, Also the dark time That you have escaped.
For we went forth, changing our country more frequently than our shoes Through the class warfare, despairing That there was only injustice and no outrage.
And yet we knew: Even the hatred of squalor Distorts one’s features. Even anger against injustice Makes the voice grow hoarse. We Who wished to lay the foundation for gentleness Could not ourselves be gentle.
But you, when at last the time comes That man can aid his fellow man, Should think upon us With leniency.
—Bertolt Brecht, "An die Nachgeborenen" (To Those Who Come After), translated by Scott Horton, first published in Brecht's political exile in Svendborg, Denmark, in the Svendborger Gedichte (Svendborg Poems), 1939
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roachesrule · 6 months
Krieg oneshot
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Song inspo:
 Die for you- The Weekend
“Just know that I would die for you.”
first ever one shot please give me some tips they would be greatly appreciated!! I hope you enjoy <3
(gender neutral reader)
“They’re so beautiful..” he thought to himself staring longingly at the..in his eyes.. Goddess/god-like person. He didn't even know this person. But he was smitten. From their glowing face beaming with happiness, to their beautiful legs and scuffed boots. they were.. Gorgeous. If only he could tell her. He internally sighed, knowing himself he would probably yell something vulgar at the person and scare them away. 
The person known as ((name)) was washing cups behind the bar, chatting away with the regulars. Sparing glances at the psycho staring at them. He was a very fine man. Mid 30s maybe? He had very broad shoulders and a very thin waist. “Hey, sweetie. Anything I can get you?” you asked nicely. Awaiting an answer patiently while he just twitches like a possum playing dead.
“Oh god. She came over here. Don't do anything stupid. Like yell-””WANNA SEE MY SHINY MEAT BICYCLE !?” the man yelled at them. Making the person jump back a bit. “God dammit. Why can't you just be normal.” he sighed, knowing you were probably going to kick him out. “Heh..you're a bit odd.. How about some whiskey ?” they giggled at the man's sudden outburst. 
You've dealt with psychos before, most being hostile and trying to hurt you. This one was a bit different. You could see in his eyes there was something other than wanting to murder. “So what's your name hun ?” you ask, grabbing the whiskey and a glass. He seems to hesitate for a moment struggling with his answer. You're a very patient person, I mean you have to deal with drunks every day, so patience was a necessity. 
“Tell them your name is Krieg. Focus and tell them your name is KRIEG.” his sane self scolded him. “KRIEG.” he said loud and confidently. “I like it. Sounds nice.” they respond “my name is ((name)).” they state, setting the glass down for him. “Here you are. I'll be right back..” they said, walking away to tend to other customers. Eyes following your body around the bar, gaze never leaving your form. “That's the most spectacular person I have ever seen.” he thinks to himself. 
Time skip~
Taking a deep breath, you turn the lights to the bar off and begin your walk home. Still thinking about Krieg. He was a bit odd but what do you expect from a man like him. He liked to yell and talk about his meat bicycle. Whatever that was. You found it amusing, a contrast to your normally boring job. Trudging your way home, you hear something rustle behind you. Walking faster you hear footsteps start following you. Someone grabs you and the second they grab you. You hear a snap. “Bones..”  you thought, the disgusting grotesque sound rings throughout the calm night. Crunching and squishing as the body thuds against the ground. “AHAHAHA!! YOU OK PRETTY PERSON?!” the all too familiar voice yells at you. 
“Im ok Krieg.. Wait.. how did you know i was in trouble. Did you follow me.” you ask, heavily concerned “YES!” 
“NO!” his inner voice yells “WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!?”. "um..Krieg..that's bad.” the woman tells the man. “I KNOW.” he responds, ((name)) sighs, and smiles at the man's goofiness. “You wanna come home with me?” they ask. Krieg buffers again, thinking. “Yes, say yes. Say yes to her.” “HELL YEAH!!” he said eagerly.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
I absolutely love love love Roman!König! Thank you so much for this blessing. 🖤
Also, not sure if our Titan can read, but let’s just imagine he can:
In my head, König would definitely sleep with an old, worn out German edition of "Die Kunst des Krieges" ("The Art of War") by Sun Tzu along with a dagger from his hometown under his pillow. He probably doesn’t have many priced possessions, however these are some of them. (The other is Fee, of course)
I just had to share this, because he made me think of Alexander the Great and the "Iliad plus dagger under the pillow" is one of my favourite history facts.
…just picture Fee's expression, when she finds them…
Lots of love!
Sorry this is from ages ago but aaaaahhh! I think Roman!König can read somewhat because he knew how to explain the travel guides to Fee! He'd appreciate the Art of War for sure if he ever got his hands on it.
He's far more intelligent than any of us think, but sadly there's no one to listen to his ramblings about military tactics or single combat or how dual wielding axes differs from dual wielding short swords like the Roman gladius :( If Fee could speak his tongue, she would have to listen to some of his monologues, accompanied by a display of his vast skills with different weapons (he's trying to woo her for the rest of his life, just in case)
The book I imagine he'd keep under his pillow would be Germania by Tacitus. He'd keep it as a reminder to never trust Romans and their interpretation of the world. And a dagger is a man's best friend, but König can kill assassins with his bare hands too if it comes to that! One of the reasons he used to keep a knife under his pillow was to see if Fee tried to murder him with it. It would've made a nice foreplay... :) (@wordstome shamelessly winking at you and your most recent fic here 💕)
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techniktagebuch · 19 days
2. und 3. September 2024
Ich bin wieder mal kein Early Adopter, aber schließlich begreife ich doch noch, wozu ChatGPT gut ist
Wie viele Menschen habe ich in den letzten anderthalb Jahren mit ChatGPT herumgespielt, aber nur sehr gelegentlich. Das heißt: In dieser Zeit habe ich ungefähr 27 Fragen gestellt ("ungefähr", weil ich manchmal in einem Chat mehrere unterschiedliche Dinge gefragt habe und mir das jetzt zu mühsam ist, die alle wieder zu trennen).
Vier oder fünf Mal habe ich versucht, mir beim Nachdenken über zu schreibende Texte helfen zu lassen, aber erfolglos. Die Vorschläge von ChatGPT, was in diesen Texten drinstehen sollte, waren nur das, was mir selbst auch in den ersten drei Nachdenksekunden einfällt, und oft noch langweiliger.
Zwei oder drei Mal: Ausdenken von Kleinigkeiten, zum Beispiel einem Namen für einen Protagonisten, so wie bei der "GeoGuessr-Novelle". Das funktioniert okay, die Ergebnisse sind meistens nicht direkt verwendbar, aber sie helfen mir beim Nachdenken. Einmal habe ich versucht, Buchtitel generieren zu lassen. Die Ergebnisse waren extrem langweilig und unbrauchbar, klangen aber leider wirklich wie 90% aller realen Sachbuchtitel.
Vier oder fünf Übersetzungsexperimente (Ergebnisse meistens ganz gut, ich wollte eine dritte Meinung zum Vergleichen mit Google Translate und DeepL sehen, und ChatGPT kann da mithalten)
Einmal habe ich nach dem Krieg in der Ukraine gefragt ("what can you tell me about war in Ukraine"), aber das Ergebnis hat mich nicht überzeugt.
1x Textanalyse: "Was ist veraltete Sprache im folgenden Text?" (ging sehr gut)
1x Suche nach etwas mit einer Suchmaschine schwer Findbarem. - Weitere Buchtitel mit derselben Struktur wie "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine". (Ergebnis: ChatGPT kapiert überhaupt nicht, was ich meine und listet nur völlig unpassende Buchtitel auf. Ich muss die Beispiele dann doch auf dem traditionellen Weg mit einer Suchmaschine finden, was nur klappt, weil jemand anders sie schon zusammengesucht hat.) - Englische Wörter, die andere Wörter enthalten, so wie fun in funeral enthalten ist. (Ergebnis: ChatGPT listet stumpf zusammengesetzte Wörter auf und nennt ihre zwei Bestandteile: Cheesecake contains cheese and cake)
1x "Bitte setze diesen Text fort" (ich weiß nicht mehr, warum ich das wollte und kann deshalb jetzt nachträglich auch nicht mehr sagen, ob das Ergebnis zufriedenstellend war)
1x Dichten ("ein Gedicht im Stil von Tolkiens "Lament for the Rohirrim", aber über Technik), Ergebnis sehr mittelmäßig, aber es half mir beim Denken. Das Ergebnis (also das von mir) ist im Vorwort "Den Rauch der toten Links sammeln gehen: Zehn Jahre Techniktagebuch" in der Buchausgabe des Techniktagebuchs von 2024 zu sehen (S. 328-329 im PDF).
1x Stichwortgeschichte (vermutlich auf Wunsch eines Kindes, ich erinnere mich aber nicht an den Anlass): "Bitte schreib eine kurze Geschichte über Schulzeugnisse, einen Hamster und einen Vulkanausbruch." (Ergebnis ziemlich lahm, aber korrekt geschichtenförmig)
Hilfe beim Schreiben auf Englisch: - How can I say "the particular set of problems it poses" in more elegant English? (sehr gute, nützliche Antwort) - einmal habe ich ChatGPT gebeten, einen englischen Text "more idiomatic" zu machen, dadurch wurde er aber vor allem unpersönlicher und öder. "Please correct only the parts that are definitely ungrammatical or bad English. Leave everything else unchanged." erwies sich dann als der richtige Prompt.
4x Fun, fun, fun: - (Im Zuge einer Unterhaltung im Redaktionschat) "Bitte formuliere eine Nachricht, in der eine faule Redaktion ermahnt wird, weniger faul zu sein und mehr Artikel zu schreiben." / "Bitte formuliere die letzte Nachricht noch einmal grob unfreundlich und unmissverständlich." / "Bitte formuliere die letzte Nachricht noch einmal in Form einer päpstlichen Enzyklika in lateinischer Sprache." / "Bitte noch einmal, aber diesmal in einem päpstlichen Stil, also liebevoll, weise und christlich." / "Bitte erkläre im gütigen, weisen und christlichen Stil einer päpstlichen Enzyklika, warum es nicht falsch ist, ChatGPT mit dem Formulieren von Nachrichten an Menschen zu beauftragen." / "Bitte erkläre aus dem Geist des Satanismus, warum es nicht falsch ist, ChatGPT mit dem Formulieren von Nachrichten an Menschen zu beauftragen." (Ergebnis: Beim Satanismus weigert sich ChatGPT, die Eleganz des Lateins kann ich nicht beurteilen, alles andere war sehr schön.) - "Bitte beschreib im Stil von Adalbert Stifter, wie ein Mann von einem Dinosaurier gefressen wird." (Ergebnis unbefriedigend) - "Was bedeutet es, wenn ich beim Bleigießen das Blei in Gestalt von Sauerkraut gieße?" (Ergebnisse sehr sehr langweilig, auch nach mehrfachen Bitten, nicht so langweilig zu sein – ich vermute, das liegt daran, dass menschliche Bleigieß-Deutungen auch extrem öde sind) - "Please pretend that it's possible to cross an Alaskan Malamute with a hedgehog and explain to a future owner what to expect from this breed." (Erst mal lustig, dann aber enttäuschend repetitiv. Die Anleitungen zur Haltung von Malahogs sind praktisch identisch mit denen zur Haltung von Malamoles, Malamidges und Malacrocs)
Insgesamt war nichts davon so, dass ich dachte "das muss ich ab jetzt täglich machen". Aber jetzt bin ich im Urlaub zusammen mit dem Neffen, der 21 ist und Games Engineering studiert. Er nutzt die kostenpflichtige Version von ChatGPT, weil er es so oft braucht, $20 im Monat, das ist viel für ein studentisches Budget. Er macht damit ganz andere, viel weniger text-orientierte Dinge als ich. Weil ich ihn gerade davon erzählen hören habe, denke ich am nächsten Tag angesichts einer eher umständlich mit Suchmaschinen zu beantwortenden technikgeschichtlichen Frage ("Warum hatten Computer in den ersten 30 Jahren keinen Monitor, obwohl der Fernseher doch schon erfunden war?") zum ersten Mal, dass ich ja auch ChatGPT fragen könnte. Und ich bekomme zum ersten Mal eine wunderschöne, ordentlich gegliederte, überzeugende Antwort.
Wenn ich die gleiche Auskunft von einem Menschen bekommen hätte, würde ich zwar denken, dass dieser Mensch ein bisschen unaufmerksam beim Schreiben ist, Textteile wiederholt und nicht immer die logischsten Satzanschlüsse verwendet. Aber auch das wäre mir nur aufgefallen, wenn ich wirklich drauf geachtet hätte, also zum Beispiel, wenn ich den Text lektorieren müsste.
Am Tag darauf stehe ich vor dem Problem, dass ein Telegram-Bot, den ich für mich und meine Mutter geschrieben habe, nicht mehr funktioniert (er beantwortet Fragen nach der Bedeutung von Wörtern, die im Scrabble zulässig sind, beziehungsweise tut er das jetzt eben nicht mehr). Ursache ist, wie ich allmählich herausfinde, ein Betriebssystem-Update beim Hoster, durch das mir jetzt Python-Module fehlen, und die neuen Module machen alles anders, außerdem haben sich Dinge in der Telegram-Bot-Technik geändert. Zusätzlich laufen (ebenfalls wegen des Betriebssystem-Updates beim Hoster) die Techniktagebuch-Backups und verschiedene Mastodon-Bots nicht mehr. Es ist ein hässliches Gestrüpp aus zu ändernden Dingen.
Wegen der schönen Erfahrung von gestern frage ich wieder ChatGPT, und zwar sehr oft. Ich lasse mir jede Fehlermeldung erklären. Bei jeder Fehlermeldung kommt eine verständliche Erklärung und dann eine ordentlich gegliederte Liste von Möglichkeiten, woran das liegen könnte.
Anders als knapp 100% aller Anleitungen für Programmier- und Unixdinge im Internet erklärt mir ChatGPT ganz genau und Schritt für Schritt, was ich tun muss. Wie ich herausfinde, welche Version von irgendwas bei mir läuft, wie ich Dinge in den Path eintrage (eine Aufforderung, an der ich seit dreißig Jahren jedes Mal verzweifle), diese ganzen Unix-Dinge, die die Autor*innen von Dokumentationen voraussetzen, weil sie glauben, dass man sich doch gar nicht in ihre Dokumentationen verirren würde, wenn man so eine einfache Nacktschnecke wäre, die DAS nicht weiß. Zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben kann ich alle die doofen Fragen stellen, die ich bisher noch nie jemandem stellen konnte. Meistens war niemand zum Fragen da, und wenn jemand da wäre, würde ich mich nicht trauen, so oft und so ahnungslos zu fragen.
Nur einmal versagt ChatGPT, und zwar als ich um den Code für ein Minimalbeispiel eines Telegrambots bitte. Der generierte Code funktioniert überhaupt nicht (der Neffe meint hinterher, dass man in solchen Fällen unbedingt eine Versionsnummer mit angeben muss, also in meinem Fall "python-telegram-bot 21.5"). Es dauert auch mit ChatGPT etwa zwei Stunden, bis ich alle meine ineinander verwickelten Probleme gelöst habe, aber es ist eine sehr angenehme Zusammenarbeit.
Während ich diesen Beitrag aufschreibe, arbeitet die Nichte (20, Geoökologie) an einem Text über die Paläogeographie und Geologie der Iberischen Halbinsel und beschwert sich, dass auf ChatGPT bei Auskünften über das Tethys-Meer überhaupt kein Verlass sei, es behaupte mal dies und mal das, je nachdem, wie man die Frage formuliere.
Es ist also nicht plötzlich alles super. Nur ich habe jetzt endlich einen Lebensbereich gefunden, in dem ChatGPT ein Problem löst, das ich schon lange habe. Obwohl ich berufsbedingt wirklich viel über das Thema "Große Sprachmodelle – unnützer Mist, fatale Entwicklung, schäbiges Verbrechen oder vielleicht doch zu irgendwas gut" gelesen habe in den letzten Jahren, habe ich im Kopf keine Verbindung hergestellt zwischen meinen Technikfragen und ChatGPT. Vielleicht waren meine Testfragen alle zu sehr am Textschreiben orientiert und zu wenig am Schreiben von Code. Vielleicht habe ich auch in den anderthalb Jahren, die es ChatGPT jetzt gibt, einfach zu wenig mit Code gemacht. Nämlich gar nichts, irgendwie war ich bei Programmierdingen sehr unenthusiastisch seit Anfang 2020. Ich vermute, das hat mit meinem Abschied vom Zufallsshirt (wegen Nazi-Shirts bei Spreadshirt) und von Twitter (wegen Elon Musk) zu tun, ich bekomme seitdem schlechte Laune, wenn ich an meine schönen Projekte von früher zurückdenke. Aber vielleicht ändert sich das ja bald wieder, und dann werden ChatGPT und ich gemeinsam alles besser können als vorher.
(Kathrin Passig)
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thatswhywelovegermany · 5 months
Sobald der Kraftaufwand im Kriege so groß wird, dass der Wert des politischen Zwecks ihm nicht mehr das Gleichgewicht halten kann, so muss dieser aufgegeben werden und der Friede die Folge davon sein.
As soon as the expenditure of energy in war becomes so great that the value of the political aim can no longer keep a balance with it, the aim must be abandoned and peace must be the result.
Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831), Prussian general, army reformer, and military theorist
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
Wanted to talk about Luffy’s main arc baddies.
-Morgan/Helmeppo: Good starter villains, vanity for the sake of it, and just a wacky (initially) unlikable guy. Both embody very much the opposite of what Luffy and Zoro stand for.
-Buggy: Would truly shine later, makes him kind of sucking for his intro that much funnier, considering where he is currently at in the story. A god of charisma and luck.
-Kuro: Great foil to Usopp, though a bit bland.
-Krieg: Overconfident jerk in the best way.
-Arlong: Fantastic baddie to conclude the East Blue part of the story, Arlong Pirates being the last major enemy the crew faces and defeats before starting the next leg of their journey and enter the Grand Line. Reads to me as someone who is stagnant in life or is unable to truly move forward. Luffy is still more than prepared to face him, though Arlong's true strength as a character is that he is more than we see at first glance. What we learned of his past during Fishman Island added a lot of depth to his actions and connected Nami's and Jinbei's stories in a very natural way.
-Wapol: Acts as a minor foil to Vivi's arc/style of leadership more than anything. Hateable though good for what he represents. Survived decapitation so gets a bonus point for being the only One Piece character to have managed that. Baby 5 and Buffalo don't count, not fully any way.
-Crocodile: Great all around, so smooth, so cool. Love Croc, love Baroque Works.
-Bellamy: Punchable but also great and had one of the more unique villain motivations in the series.
-Enel: Wacky and fun, though not a character I felt very invested in. I secretly hope he never shows up again and when asked, Oda pretends he doesn't remember the character. That would be hilarious and the best outcome for Enel to me.
-Lucci: Moody asshole with the personality of a wet paper bag, an underwhelming fighting style for a spy, and is not especially well incorporated into the story of Water 7 in my opinion. The city of Water 7 is 99.9 the same after as it was before. His beard post-timeskip is offensive level bad. Die sir.
-Moria: At the time, he was the Warlord with the best writing behind him. A look at how Luffy could end up if he didn't have a "Jinbei" to refocus him after facing annihilation. Has one of my favorite devil fruits in the series. I want a flashback about his and Perona’s first meeting.
-Hody: Good antagonist to ring in the timeskip and the arc which would have Jinbei meeting the rest of the crew. Similar to Arlong though with little in the way of a long term goal in life beyond spreading hatred. Works well with the message of the arc.
-Caesar: ew die.
-Doffy: In my opinion, him and his crew didn't really work as the main baddies of an arc, Monet and Vergo felt more threatening + compelling. Fine overall, though I find Doffy more interesting at Jaya and Marineford. Nice laugh tho.
-Katakuri: Another great foil to Luffy and turns into a donut death wheel. Is more someone Luffy can aspire to surpass than he is a reflection of Luffy's worst case scenario, as Moria was for Luffy.
-Kaido: Fascinating philosophy of wanting to be remembered though for the wrong thing. Unlike Whitebeard, Roger, Yasu, etc. Kaido only cared about his death itself being remembered, and didn't put in any effort into fostering a successor or a legacy. Said friendship was a sham though invited his own downfall with the way he ran his crew, a structure which invited backstabbing at every turn. Also a bit of a coward, resorting to lying to Oden in the past, because he knew he couldn’t defeat him. A relic of the bygone era of Rocks who will likely be forgotten by the world at large.
Kaido’s defeat was a great spectacle, the battle had him facing, nine samurai, Luffy with new haki and a new gear, four more pirates, and a dog and a dragon, and was built on Luffy’s connections he has spent time and effort forging since Punk Hazard, what he learned from Hyogoro, sent Kaido into a magma chamber which lead to an eruption that signaled both his send off and the beginning of a new era, and was seen by all of Wano, so cool. I see many folks saying they wanted more though fail to offer a what or how they would have things believably go differently. Kaido trying to rely purely on might ultimately failing him is a good defeat, as is Big Mom allowing herself to lose focus due to Law silencing her, then rashly attacking the explosive in an attempt to make herself be heard.
Many of the points I see brought up against Wano's ending remind me of vague concerns I remember seeing about if Oda has abandoned Big Mom's story, near the start of Wano. Arcs in One Piece don't really "end" when Luffy beats the baddie and sails to the next destination, especially at this point in the story, with so many characters being interconnected and woven throughout.
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I'm talking about One Piece again, not sorry. I'm never sorry for gushing about the best pirate show EVER!
How Luffy recruited his crew- abridged edition
The simplest but also the funniest way I can describe the way the crew got together.
Koby- The notorious sword fighter Roronoa Zoro is on this island! He hunted pirates, you should leave immediately!
Luffy- Hell nah, I want that guy on my crew! He sounds cool!
Zoro- Go away, I can handle this on my own!
Helmeppo- *Plans to break the deal he made with Zoro.*
Luffy- Hell no! *Saves Zoro.*
Zoro- If I had died I would never be able to be the world greatest swordsman, thanks I guess. I suppose your my captain now.
Luffy- This clown guy is annoying. *Beats up Buggy and helps Nami.*
Luffy- You should join my crew!
Nami- Ok! *Already planning to rob them blind.*
Luffy- *Meets a weird dude with a long nose, a slingshot, and a compulsive lying issue.*
Luffy- I like this dude.
Usopp- My island is being attacked by pirates!
Luffy- *Helps with the pirate problem.*
Merry & Kaya- *Gives them the Going Merry as a thank you gift.*
Luffy- Come on Usopp, I know you wanna join!
Usopp- Fine! I'll become a warrior of the sea, like my deadbeat dad!
The Crew- *Hops on a restaurant boat for food, and meets a weird chef with swirl eyebrows.*
Luffy- Hey, join us!
Sanji- Dude, no. I'm not leaving this restaurant.
Don Krieg- *Attacks the restaurant.*
Luffy- *Deals with it, as per usual*
Zoro- Fight me! *Says Zoro, to the greatest swordsman he could never hope to beat, because he has the crazy goal of being the greatest swordsman.*
Mihawk- *Severely wounds Zoro.*
Sanji- You guys all have dreams just as crazy as mine, might as well join you.
Nami- *Steals everything from the Strawhats to make money.*
Luffy- Nah, not gunna bug her.
Arlong- *Has somebody steal the funds to by her home island from Nami, to force her to basically continue being his slave.*
Nami- Luffy... help.
Luffy- *Zero questions asked takes off to go beat that dude Arlong just because she asked for his help.*
Luffy- *Almost dies doing this, but nevertheless the mad lad does it.*
Nami- I'll actually join this time, no more robbing you guys.
Nami- *Gets really sick and almost dies.*
Luffy- A musician can wait for now, let's get her help. *Almost dies getting her help*
Chopper- *Accidentally gets spotted by Luffy, who immediately sees a reindeer and thinks "Dinner!"*
Chopper- *Transforms to get away.*
Luffy- Holy shit, a monster! Join my crew!
Chopper- *Offended by being called a monster, runs away.*
Sanji- Luffy is a monster too. Dude is literally made outta rubber.
Chopper- *Sense of camaraderie, but not enough yet.*
Luffy- *Helps him see his adoptive fathers dream through.*
Kureha- Go on kiddo, join em.
Chopper- Fine! Also I'm a doctor!
Luffy- Sweet, we needed one of those!
Robin- Theres no point in living, my research is going nowhere. Let me die.
Luffy- Absolutely not! *Saves her by force.*
Robin- You forced me to stay alive, guess I'm your problem now.
Franky- *Steals all the money from the Strawhats so they can't afford to fix the Going Merry, or buy a new ship.*
Luffy- Dude wtf. *Wrecks his base, but the money is already spent and gone.*
Usopp- I see your willingness to move on from the Merry as a personal attack, but I won't tell you that. Byeeee.
Robin- *Lets herself get arrested and sentenced to death to protect the crew.*
The Crew- Oh helllll nah! Get back here!
Franky- *Kidnaps Usopp as retribution, not knowing the situation of him leaving.*
Franky- Dude your ship is about to fall apart, let her rest.
Usopp- I know that! But the Merry is important, and also I saw a ghost fix her once.
Franky- Dude that ghost WAS the Merry. She talked to you because she loves you guys.
Government- *Kidnaps Franky and Usopp too.*
Franky- You have good friends Robin, maybe you should just let them save you.
Robin- No, I'm doing this for them.
The Crew- We literally don't want you to do that.
The Crew- *Literally wages war on the government to get their friend back.*
The Going Merry- *Saves the crew before having a tragic funeral as sea.*
Franky- You guys need a boat. It just so happens I used the money I stole from you to buy this epic wood to make a boat out of. You guys practically payed, so you can have it.
Luffy- Awesome! Now join us!
Franky- No.
Literally like a fifth of the population of Waters 7- *Steals his speedo in an elaborate game of keep away to get him to go to the Strawhats.
Luffy- Join or you can't have these back.
Robin- *Twists his balls to force him to join.*
Franky- Christ, fine.
Luffy- Holy crap guys it's a talking skeleton! Let's go talk to him!
Half the Crew- Absolutely not.
Luffy- We are doing this y'all.
Brook- Hello! Miss may I see your panties? *Asks the 90 year old skeleton dude*
Nami- Wtf? Absolutely not.
Luffy- Join us!
Brook- Yes!
Half the Crew- Luffy no...
Brook- I can sing and play instruments!
Luffy- Fuck yes a musician, finally!
Brook- My shadow was stolen so I'd die in the sun. Can't join, gotta get it back, don't follow me, BYEEEE! *Runs on the water and leaves.*
The Crew- *Accidentally ends up in the same place Brook went.*
The Crew- Oh shit zombies!
Luffy- Awesome! I wish all these monsters would join the crew!
The Crew- Dude... why.
Half the Crew- *Gets their shadows stolen by the same dude who stole Brooks.*
Brook- Use salt, it works.
Luffy- *Beats up a giant zombie with his shadow in it, and then beats up the warlord who steals the shadows.*
Luffy- Brook, join us.
Brook- No, sadly I cannot. As the last living member of my crew, I have a duty to our friend the whale, Laboon.
Luffy- Oh that whale? We know him! I drew our Jolly Roger on his face, he's a buddy of mine.
Brook- Guess I'm joining!
Jinbe- Luffy, buddy, come to the fish man island and say hi!
The Crew- *Immediately causes chaos.*
Jinbe- Dude please stop.
Luffy- Haha, no. So who do I needa punch to get you to join us?
Jinbe- I can't dude. Love you man, but I have prior arrangements.
Luffy- *Fixes the problem on the island*
Luffy- Ok now join us.
Jinbe- Busy.
Luffy- *More chaos.*
Jinbe- Fiiiiine. *Severs Ties with the Big Mom crew and joins them.*
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kitsumidori · 1 year
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This took so long! And the reason was that I keep getting creative burn-out.
I've been wanting to do a headcanon post for the main siren character's (excluding the Calypso's) and this took way longer than I thought it would.
Key note
Along with the tattoos, another noticeable trait is the elf-like ears, each in different shapes and lengths.
Like in cannon, only 6 women can become sirens. There were instances of fake sirens which were women using make up to make tattoos and fake elf ears.
Sirens have a slightly longer life span than most humans, likely due to their demi-god status.
For now, I don't have a lot of headcanons for Sirens specifically. If I have more ideas, I'll update this.
She gained a slight mutation due to both the Eridium usages and the forced ejections by Jack.
Freckles because she looks cute with them.
(Also I remember her vaultlander figure description called her the most powerful ginger in the world)
Hates Scythids. When she and her team first encountered them, she immediately jumped on Bricks shoulder and refused to get off until those "cockroaches from hell" were gone.
Was caught one night having a secret tea party with Butt Stallion (In her defense, she wanted a pony since she was 7).
Immediately adopted Angel once the whole Jack is dead thing settles down.
She's terrified of heights (somewhat cannon from her Runner dialog) mainly uses her wings for combat.
Before she came to Pandora, her hair was so long, that it was starting to trail behind her.
She cut it to her main style shortly after arriving at Pandora.
Did at one point consider going back to Athenas, but after Ava's situation with those monks, she ultimately decided to stay.
Has the biggest ears out of all the other sirens, but doesn't like to show them.
Axton did call her Dumbo once, she suplexed him and no one dared to call her that again.
Has a surprisingly strong sense of smell (somewhat cannon in the Wam Bam dlc where she was able to sense Hammerlocks moustache)
Loves mangos, like REALLY loves mangos. Give her a basket full of them and she'll die for you (medaforicly)
Angel (TW: mentions of abuse)
The scar on her left eye was from Jack trying to install an Echo Eye on her. Her body rejected it and Jack didn't even bother to remove it.
When Lilith found out, her silent fury was loud enough to scare a flock of Raks.
Struggled with eating without throwing up during her recovery, took her awhile to eat solids.
Pre-rescued: Jack would constantly put make-up on her not only to cover the bruises he gave her, but to also cover her freckles, a trait she gained from her mother.
Similar to Lilith, she gained a mutation from the Eridium usages, but her's is more noticeable due to years of constant Eridium ejections.
A lot of her clothes were hand-me downs from Lilith
Her Phasesight powers were originally Steele's. However since Steele never chosen a successor, her powers were given to Tannis.
Used her illusion ability to hide both her tattoos and her ears.
Acts as Angels crazy aunt, to which everyone is surprised that those two got along very well.
Is BBF (Best Buff Friends) with Krieg, Brick, and Mr. Torgue. The four did an arm wrestling contest that ended in a draw between Amara and Krieg.
Loves gummy candy, especially ones with fruit juice in the center. Moze would usually have a tin with her whenever she's with Amara.
(Speaking of which, don't leave a fruit drop tin alone with her, she'll devour them all in one sitting)
Ok I really doubt that Amara can even summon wings, but let me pretend because Amara with multiple wings sounds cool!
Her parents died not because she accidentally leached them, but because the monks of Athenas wanted to take her with a bullshit excuse that there's a great evil coming.
They didn't believe the monks, which caused them to take her by force.
It ended with the monks killing her parents, and Ava leaching the monks.
Has a pretty big appetite, likely due to her siren powers.
(But more like she'll sneak into the kitchen at 2am to steal food kind of appetite than draining people's souls)
Total cringe fail. But to be fair, she's 14, and 14 year olds are allowed to be a little cringey, as long as it's harmless.
Her siren wings are based on the wings Troy uses in his boss fight.
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dantakeyoman · 1 year
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | 𝐫. 𝐳𝐨𝐫𝐨
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♡ 𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐚 𝐳𝐨𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
♡ * "𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒂𝒔𝒔, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕? 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏. 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒕. …𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒊𝒕." *
♡ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.
♡ * 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒚 - 𝒑𝒐𝒗: 𝒖𝒓 𝒛𝒐𝒓𝒐'𝒔 𝒈𝒇 *
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The crew was back at the Merry, except for Luffy, who was still doing chores, and you were sitting on the railing of the Baratie, when you saw something approaching in the distance.
You squinted your eyes to really look at it and saw the hourglass flag.
That was all you needed to see.
You flew over to the Merry and landed on the deck, where everyone looked shocked.
"I'm guessing you guys saw it too," you sighed.
"HOW COULD WE NOT?!" Usopp shouted, terrified.
"Look at the sheer size of that galleon!" Nami exclaimed.
"Let's hurry up and get out of here while we still can!" Usopp hurriedly stated.
Just then, all the customers of the Baratie ran out, going back to their ships.
"What do you think is going on in there?" you asked, stretching your arms.
"Don't know. Let's go in and see," Zoro answered.
"What?! Are you serious?!" Usopp shouted.
"Sure am. You sound scared," Zoro smirked, turning to the long-nosed sniper.
"I'm not scared!"
"It's strange. The ship looks almost abandoned. And the the damage doesn't look like anything you'd see from canon fire or a storm,"you stated quizzically, squinting at the galleon.
Suddenly, an explosion came from the Baratie that blew out the windows, and gunshots sounded off not too far after.
"What the hell is going on in there?!" Usopp nervously asked, his knees shaking.
"Let's go. Now," you said in a serious voice, taking off for the Baratie.
You, Zoro, and Usopp came down the steps from the kitchen to get to the dining room when you saw Luffy and Don Krieg were standing off.
"What's goin' on, Luffy? Need a hand?" Zoro asked, his hand resting on the hilt of his blade.
"If you don't need help, that's okay, too!" Usopp shakily added.
"Oh, will you knock it off," you rolled your eyes asyou sat on the rail, smacking the sniper upside the head for his cowardice.
"Oh, hey, guys. Appreciate the offer, but I think I can handle this clown," Luffy smiled.
"Aw, too bad. But if you say you don't need any help, who am I to argue? Us awesome fighters are gonna sit this one out. Holler if you need us," Usopp smiled.
Zoro elbowed him in the rib.
"What'd you do that for, Zoro?!"
"Shut up already, you weirdo," Zoro scoffed.
Don heartily laughed.
"Are those guys part of your crew? That's a pretty small group you got there, kid," He smirked.
"Oh, yeah? Well I got two more!" Luffy hmphed, holding up two fingers.
"I'm not a part of your crew!" Sanji called from the floor.
Don's smirk fell and his shoulder guns retracted.
"I'll deal with you later. Right now, I'm going to go feed my men," He stated, hoisting this large bag over his shoulder.
"Those of you who don't wish to die, can leave the restaurant now and escape that fate. The only things I'm after are the logbook and this ship. However, if you wish to stay and be slaughtered, I have no problem burying every last one of you at sea. Know that."
And with that, he walked out of the restaurant.
"If he's going back out I need to make sure the Merry stays safe. I'll go out with Nami, Johnny, and Yosaku. You boys can handle this, right?" you asked.
"Yeah." "No!" Zoro and Usopp said in unison.
You rolled your eyes at Usopp's answer and flew out the front door and to the Merry.
Before you landed at the Merry, you did a quick and covert circle around Don's flagship and saw that his crew was back on their feet.
"I gotta make sure the Merry's gonna make it through this fight," you stated, turning around and flying back to the Merry.
But the sound of wood breaking made you turn around, and your mouth gaped at the sight. 
The flagship was falling apart. And it looked like it was slashed, too.
'What on God's green earth could have cut a ship like that?!' 
You knew you had to get back to the Merry.
You flew as quickly as you could and found Johnny and Yosaku in the water.
"Big Sis (y/n)! Help us!" They called.
You quickly flew down and grabbed their hands, making sure not to touch the water, and flew them over to the Baratie, where Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp were standing on the balcony. 
"Yosaku! Johnny! Are you okay?!" Luffy frantically asked, as you put them down.
"What happened to the ship?!" Zoro asked as well.
"Where's Nami?! Is she okay?!" you added.
"I'm sorry, Big Bro! I don't know how to say this, but...she's gone!" Johnny shouted.
"Big Sis Nami! She took all the treasure and sailed away!" Yosaku exclaimed, tears streaming down his cheeks.
Your eyes went wide.
"SHE DID WHAT?!?!" You, Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp shouted.
"For real?! Nami took off with the Going Merry!" Luffy sadly asked.
"I need a straight answer! Now, what happened!" Zoro ordered.
The two went on to tell us this story about how she tricked them, kicked them off the boat, and then took it.
"Dammit! She just had to make a bad situation worse!" you exclaimed, slamming your fist on the rail.
"The heartless thief! Kaya gave us that ship!" Usopp pouted.
"Wait! I see a ship! It's the Going Merry! Tell me where your boat is!" Luffy ordered.
"We have it moored to the restaurant," Yosaku answered.
"Zoro! Usopp! Jada! Don't just stand there! Take their ship and go get Nami!" Luffy stated.
"Calm down. Let her keep the ship. Trust me, that woman is way more trouble than she's worth," Zoro sighed.
"She's the only person I'll accept as the ship's navigator!" Luffy shut down.
"Fine. I'll do it," Zoro sighed.
"You're one high maintenance captain, you know that? Alright you two, let's go."
"Alright," You and Usopp agreed in unison.
We were getting ready to board the boat when Zoro caught sight of this man who was in this small boat in the shape of a coffin.
"That's him," He stated.
"Who is that?" you asked.
"That's the man I've been looking for. Hawk-eye Mihawk. The greatest swordsman," Zoro answered in a dangerously low voice.
My breath hitched.
'THE Mihawk?!?!'
Suddenly, Zoro disappeared and managed to get to the broken piece of ship adjacent to Mihawk.
Your eyes bugged out.
'What is he thinking?! He's gonna get himself killed!!'
You gripped the rail so tight, your knuckles began turning white.
He began talking to Mihawk for a moment before tying his bandana on his head.
"Hey, Luffy! (y/n)! We better hurry! C'mon! The Going Merry is about to sail out of sight!" Usopp called.
The two of you completely ignored him.
Mihawk suddenly jumped from his boat and landed on the piece of ship Zoro was on, his arms crossed.
They talked again before Zoro placed his sword in his mouth, and drew the other two. 
"There isn't a person alive who can defeat Big Bro! He's already the best in the world!" Yosaku cheered.
Mihawk suddenly ripped off his necklace, unsheathing the top to reveal a small knife, if you could call it that.
They stood there for a moment before Zoro began running at Mihawk.
He performed his Onigiri move but it was completely stopped by the tiny knife.
Your hands gripped the rail even harder, to the point where you were making marks.
Zoro broke off from the block and began attacking like crazy, but Mihawk kept blocking, as if Zoro were a child compared to him.
"C'mon, Zoro! What're you doing?!" you whispered to myself.
"Big Bro!" Yosaku and Johnny exclaimed in unison.
They continued this for a few more moments but Zoro got distracted for a moment and missed, giving Mihawk the chance to karate chop him in the back of the neck.
You winced.
It had to hurt. Bad.
He got back up and continued to fight, but his slashes became sloppy.
He ended up flopping to the floor. 
Mihawk looked like he was saying something to him.
"Speak up, weakling!" He shouted.
"How dare you call him weakling!" Yosaku shouted.
"We'll teach you a lesson!" Johnny agreed.
They were about to attack but Luffy grabbed them.
Zoro was about to do his Tiger Trap when Mihawk stabbed him with the knife.
Your breath hitched and you gripped the rail so hard your palm started to bleed.
They stood there for a moment before Mihawk removed the knife and took a few steps back.
He put away the pocket knife and drew the gigantic sword from his back.
Your heart dropped into my stomach.
'These emotions. Why am I feeling them here? Why am I feeling them now? Why am I feeling them for him?'
They stood off for a moment before Zoro began spinning his swords and Mihawk jumped for him.
They both slashed and stayed still for a moment. 
Suddenly, both of the swords in Zoro's hands shattered, and a big squirt of blood shot from his front.
A few tears began to roll down your face.
Zoro sheathed the sword in his mouth and stood up, turning around to face Mihawk.
He stretched out his hands to his sides, opening himself for an attack.
Mihawk made a clean slash on his front and a gigantic squirt of blood painted the wood they stood on.
Your heart stopped.
"ZORO!!" you screamed, jumping on top of the railing.
You watched as he fell into the sea and unfurled your wings as fast as you could, flying over to him.
You grabbed him by his hand before he could completely sink and slung it over your shoulder as the two of you flew.
Usopp managed to get the boat close and you placed him down on the floor of it.
"I got some medicine! Here!" Usopp handed the pack to you.
You got on your knees and placed his head in your lap, tears streaming down your face as you opened his mouth to give him the medicine.
'Dammit! Why am I crying!?'
"It's still far too early for you to die. My name is Hawk-eye Mihawk! You're strong, but there is much for you to learn. No matter how many years it takes, I will hold this title as the greatest in the world, and wait for you! Until that day, you must hone your skills! Then...seek me out! Roronoa Zoro!" Mihawk called.
"He's still alive! He was just unconscious!" Usopp exclaimed. 
"Big Bro! If you're alive, then say something!" Johnny cried.
Zoro unsheathed his sword and held it up in the air.
"Luffy. Can you hear me?" Zoro asked, grunting from the pain.
"Yeah!" Luffy answered.
"I'm sorry for disappointing you. I know that you need nothing less than the greatest swordsman in the world. ...I've let you down. ...Please forgive me."
He suddenly coughed up a big splurt of blood.
You gasped.
"Okay, okay! You can stop saying things now!" Yosaku frantically pleaded.
"I solemnly swear...from this moment forward...that I will never lose again! Until the day comes..when I defeat him and take his title...I will never be defeated! Is that okay...King of the Pirates?!" Zoro shouted, tears coming down his face.
Luffy smiled.
As Mihawk began walking away, you began ordering the boys around
"Get me some bandages, towels, and clean water! Now!" you barked as our boat began to sail away, turning to Usopp and Johnny.
Yosaku disappeared somewhere
You looked back down at Zoro and saw he was smirking at you.
"The waterworks just for me," He grunted with a smirk, spitting up a little more blood.
'Unbelievable. He's making jokes at a time like this.'
"Shut up. You keep talking and you're gonna spit up more blood," you scoffed, rolling your eyes and looking away from him.
You could still feel his smirk.
"And I'm glad you're okay," you mumbled, a hot tinge of red growing on your cheeks.
And his signature chuckle weakly rang through the air.
"Got what you asked for right here!" Usopp and Johnny exclaimed in unison, placing everything next to you.
"Alright. I'll do my best," you sighed.
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myreygn · 5 months
hey rey! i have a few different characters/ships for your ask game so feel free to choose which to do!
1. shin soukoku
2. dazai & odasaku
3. geto
4. kunikida
5. giyuu
hope you have a great day/night! (btw i’ll get cracking on your most recent request for lee geto and ler gojo 😉)
oh oh oh very interesting options! i'll see if i have something for these!
shin soukoku: Fever Dream (Palaye Royale)
can you see the words i'm up here trying to preach // no need to cry, you'll never find me trying to leave // i can see that you're in pain from your pale and lifeless face // so let go and float away
it just has this vibe of hey we're both tangled up in this net of lies that other people tell and wars that other people fight and maybe together we're gonna be strong enough to end all of this
dazai & odasaku: Savior II (Black Veil Brides)
and every word that came from you has carried me // so i'm trying my hardest to be what you made // like a court jester, my smile won't fade // giving it all, rising to fall to my grave // answer the call, living in thrall, you're the one born to save
is it not giving dazai right after oda's death?? just a little bit?? their relationship is so special to me actually i don't talk about them enough (also i was so close to taking loser baby from hazbin hotel i'm sorry 💀)
geto: Joan of Arc (In This Moment)
you can crucify, you can nail me to your cross (light me up, light me up) // you can find me guilty for everything you lost (light me up, light me up) // go ahead, blame me for your sins // go ahead and sacrifice me // i'll be your martyr, i'll be your joan of arc
is this a good time to tell you that i never actually watched jjk? 😭 idk if this fits i feel like it does from the little knowledge i have but you need to tell me if it makes sense i'm so sorry (also yey thank you for writing the request!!)
kunikida: Das Herz eines Drachen (Feuerschwanz)
du hast das herz eines drachen, glühend wie gold // flieg in die schlacht, so edel und stolz // du hast das herz eines drachen in deiner brust // kämpf bis zum schluss // und irgendwann wenn wir verglüh'n // halt ich es fest, weil ich es spür // dass dein starkes herz sein feuer nie verliert // denn dein drachenherz schlägt weiter, tief in mir
i feel like it's often overlooked how much the ada members admire kunikida and this feels like it fits his leader personality so well idk. i'm recommending this song a thousand times and here's a translation for you to make you consider listening to it lol:
you've got the heart of a dragon, glowing like gold // fly into battle, so noble and proud // you've got the heart of a dragon inside of your chest // fight 'til the end // and one day when we burn out // i'll hold onto it because i sense // that your strong heart will never lose its fire // and your dragon heart will keep on beating inside of me
giyuu: 99 Luftballons (Nena)
99 jahre krieg ließen keinen platz für sieger // kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr und auch keine düsenflieger // heute zieh ich meine runden // seh die welt in trümmern liegen // hab 'n luftballon gefunden // denk an dich und lass ihn fliegen
yes it's german again my apologies and there's technically an official english version of this (99 red balloons) but honestly it's a pretty bad translation. it's a song about war being horrible and unnecessary and how we should strive for peace, the balloons being a metaphor for countries firing their weapons over every little thing, and honestly this part i put here reminds me of giyuu and sabito, or giyuu thinking about sabito post canon:
99 years of war left no room for winners // there are no more ministers of war and no more fighting jets // today i'm making my way around // i see the world lying in ruins // i have found a balloon // i think of you and let it fly
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samsi6 · 9 months
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Es gibt ja Menschen. Ich zum Beispiel bin ein Mensch. Ich als menschliche Daseinsform lebe mit Menschen zusammen, teils freiwillig zugeneigt, teils freiwillig produziert. Andere Menschen sind allein Mensch. Ich bin auch allein Mensch, bin aber selbstgewählt Mensch unter Menschen. Manche Menschen scheinen gefühlt immer alleine Mensch. Faktisch leben sie in einem größer gefassten, gedachten Raum mit vielen Menschen und bilden mit denen zusammen ungefragt eine Bevölkerung. Da kann aber der einzelne Mensch nichts für. Das ist einfach so. Menschen teilen sich nicht nur Räume, sie teilen Räume auch ein und/oder auf. Das tun zwar nicht alle Menschen, aber alle nehmen die Entscheidungen der manchen Menschen irgendwie hin oder an. Meistens tun das Menschen. Wenn Menschen das nicht tun, gibt es manchmal Streit, auch Haue oder Kloppe, sogar Krieg. Irgendwann ist das dann vorbei und Menschen tun so, als ginge es jetzt wieder. Bis Menschen dann entweder am selben Ort oder anderswo wieder prügeln/schießen/bomben. Weil Menschen essen, scheißen Menschen auch, meist irgendwo, wo das vorgesehen ist, die Vorsehung ist aber diesbezüglich nicht einheitlich, was die ganze Menschheit angeht. Die Menschheit ist die Menge aller Menschen zusammen. Dagegen kann kein Mensch etwas tun, dass Mensch lebenslang Menschheitsteil ist. Erst mit Lebensende - hier gibt es einen geringfügigen subjektiven Ermächtigungsspielraum - scheidet der Mensch aus der Gesamtmasse Menschheit aus. Bis dahin muss der Mensch pinkeln, scheißen, essen, atmen. Damit das hier nicht allzu enzyklopädisch wird, gebiete ich mir hier einhalt, aber bis hierhin wisst ihr Bescheid, ne...
There are people. I, for example, am human. As a human form of existence, I live together with people, partly voluntarily inclined, partly voluntarily produced. Other people are only human. I am also a human being alone, but I chose to be a human being among humans. Some people always seem to be alone. In fact, they live in a larger, imaginary space with many people and, together with them, form a population without being asked. But the individual cannot do anything about it. That's just how it is. People don't just share spaces, they also divide and/or divide up spaces. Not all people do that, but everyone somehow accepts or accepts some people's decisions. Most of the time people do that. When people don't do that, sometimes there are arguments, even punches, even war. At some point it will be over and people will act as if it would work again. Until people start beating/shooting/bombing again either in the same place or somewhere else. Because people eat, people also shit, usually somewhere where this is intended, but providence is not uniform in this regard as it concerns all of humanity. Mankind is the set of all people together. No one can do anything about it, because people are part of mankind for life. Only at the end of life - here there is a slight subjective scope for empowerment - does the person leave the total mass of humanity. Until then, people have to pee, shit, eat and breathe. So that this doesn't get too encyclopedic, I'll stop here, but up to this point you know, this is it...
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