#and let’s not forget that billy was punched four times and backed into a corner before he landed a punch
pendinganchor · 1 year
people really think steve and billy were fighting over lucas??
they we’re fighting because steve lied to billy about 1 knowing his 13 year old sister and 2 her whereabouts. and her whereabouts were the middle of the woods in the middle of the night in a stranger’s house that didn’t belong to steve.
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Agitation (or disturbance of the mind)
Here is my piece for the Harringrove Big Bang!! I’m so so proud of how this piece turned out and I’m so excited to share it! @harringrovebigbang
Read on Ao3 (highly recommended. It’s over 16k).
Special thanks to my beta readers @thinger-strang @crispysteve without whom this story would’ve been scrapped in many fits of emotions.
Art for this story to be linked soon by @thedogsled
Check out this amazing moodboard by @memes-saved-me !!
Steve Harrington is a liar. 
He always has been. 
Nearly everything about him is a perfectly crafted facade. 
From the story of his family’s move to Hawkins when he was eight, to the smile that slides easily onto his face when he tells Robin I’m fine. 
Steve is a liar. 
But it's all out of necessity. All for the greater of some good he isn’t all that clear on anymore. 
It was always about protection. 
Protecting his friends and everyone in Hawkins from the truth about Hawkins National Laboratory. 
Then it was about protecting himself from his powers. 
From the way his words had a knack of worming their way into someone’s brain. Of setting up shop inside and clanging around until they could do nothing but bow to his suggestion. 
Just because he could get his way with the right inflection and the telltale shiver down his spine, didn’t mean that that was okay. 
It was drilled into him the first night he arrived in Hawkins. 
After his file was stamped with a large red mark that read defective, he was given to one of the scientists and her husband. 
The Harringtons. 
A normal new family from Eastern Oklahoma. 
That’s what they told everyone. 
That’s what they made sure Steve parroted to everyone in his brand new school. 
His new father took a cigar to the tattoo on his wrist, welting the flesh with an ugly burn. He ignored Steve’s screams and tears. 
You have to fit in here, Steven, he had said, the cigar smoldering between his fingers, Steve clutching his wrist, eyes shining with tears. You have to fit in and be normal. 
So Steve lied. 
He smiled and told everyone he came from a normal family from normal Oklahoma. He said that he lived in a normal house, and read normal books, and played normal sports. 
And he tried, and failed, to convince himself the lab was a dream.
“We should do something after this.”
Steve was careful to keep his voice casual. He didn’t want to let Robin in on how much he was dreading returning to his empty house tonight. 
Robin didn’t acknowledge him. She was sorting the returned movies, placing them in piles of genre so they could easily be returned to their proper section. 
Steve quietly lifted his leg, and lightly kicked her hip. 
She glared at him. 
“Quit ignorin’ me. Just say yes, or no.” It’s not like if she said no it would crush him or anything. No. It’s fine. 
“I just have a bunch of homework that’s all, like, due tomorrow,” she said it slowly, as though telling him a beloved relative had died. 
Was it that obvious how lonely he is?
“Don’t worry about it, Buck.” Robin took school real serious. She had perfect grades every year and had already applied to sixteen colleges and universities, including four Ivy League options. 
So Steve didn’t blame her for not skulking around with him. 
With college-less, nowhere bound Steve. 
“I’m really sorry,” she began, getting that sad look in her eye like that night in the mall bathroom when Steve spilled his drugged-out guts. Literally, and metaphorically. 
“Nah, I was just lookin’ for something to do. It’s okay, Robin. Really.”
And it was. 
It’s just that, Steve’s not got a lot going for him right now. 
He’s got a big empty house, and a brain that likes to give him excessive nightmares, and one age-appropriate friend in the whole place. 
But he doesn’t wanna talk about all that shit. 
And Robin looked like there was something on the tip of her tongue. Something her teeth were barely holding back. 
So Steve just scooped up the stack of neatly ordered Action films, and made his way over to the far shelf, taking himself out of the situation before it would get to a place that would only make him lie more and more. 
Robin means well. He knows she does. 
It just feels like a lot of her well-meaning chats end up with Steve lying through his fucking teeth and Robin nearly in tears of frustration at his lack of openness with her. 
She feels like being tortured and drugged together gives them a close kind of kinship very few share. 
Steve feels like he’s got just too much fucked-up baggage to dump on her. 
Not when they’re trying to put the Upside Down behind them. 
Not that Steve could ever put it behind him. 
He felt something build in his gut. Something hot and heavy. Something that always meant his powers were scraping at the walls of the neat little cave he had shut them in. Something that meant his skin would burn until he unleashed some of his pent-up energy. 
He took a deep breath, blowing out the air slowly through his nose. 
He had rules to his power. Rules he had given himself, mostly. Things he’d never use his powers for. 
He tried to avoid his powers at all costs, but he had seen what could happen if he tried to tamp them down. It was less dangerous to open the lid of the box just a tiny bit. 
Especially if he did it right. 
He made his way back over to Robin, finding that spot in his brain that made a shudder zip down his spine. The spot that was made of cold and electric heat. 
It was always too simple when he let the power take over. 
Locate her feeling. Let him consume him. 
And then just, twist it as much as he wants. 
“Robin,” he spoke slowly, honing his suggestion. “You don’t have to feel bad about not spending time with me tonight.”
He felt her sadness and guilt about the evening recede about as fast as the tide. 
She really shouldn’t feel bad about ditching him, especially not when her education is the main priority. 
He matched her lazy grin, wiping his nose discreetly, only a small drop of blood smeared against his hand. 
The rest of the shift passed without incident, and the roaring feeling in Steve’s gut had been sated enough for the time being. 
So he pushed it back out of his mind, and returned to his empty house. 
He was saving up to get his own place. He really was. But it was easier this way. He didn’t pay any bills, had lots of space to himself, and a pool in the backyard (that he never used). 
And it’s hard for him to explain, but there’s something tugging him back into this house all the time. 
He doesn’t know if it’s because it’s the only home he ever knew after the pain and fear that was his childhood in the lab, or if it’s something else that makes him feel tethered to the too-big house. 
Sometimes he thought there was a sense of safety in the old place. 
With parents that spent excessive amounts of time doing research for things he didn’t understand but was sure were important, it was largely an emotion-free place. 
Which was good for Steve. 
High emotion situations made his power boil up and spill over the edge like a pot of water on the stove. 
A place like his empty house, he could keep everything in check. Not get his feelings tangled with those around him. Not catch thoughts that were just beginning to be molded into something brand new. 
He clambered into bed, punching his pillows around in a way that was decidedly not petulant. 
There was a steady silence in the old house. A silence that was as depressing as it was easy on his brain. 
And there wasn’t silence. 
Creaks issuing from downstairs. From the floorboards in the hallway. 
Steve was out of bed in a second, bat held aloft in as close to ready position as he could maintain while bolting down the stairs in his socks and faded green gym shorts. 
He knew how to navigate the house without a sound. Practice of tip-toeing around a volatile not-father kinda ended up giving him something useful. 
The creaks were still progressing, moving up the hallway from the back of the house, where his parents’ empty bedroom sat still. 
The person was getting closer, lumbering slowly as if they were trying to be quiet themselves. 
Steve adjusted his grip on the bat, taking proper batting stance, ready for the intruder to round the corner into his section of the hall. 
First sign of a person, and Steve would swing. 
No questions asked. 
The floorboard before the bend in the hall gave a loud sound, and he could’ve sworn he heard someone curse under their breath. 
He closed his eyes, and swung. 
His bat sailed through the air, and connected with, not an intruder. 
And then he was filled with an overwhelming sense of fear. A completely feral state of fight or flight made him nearly bare his teeth in an animalistic growl. He felt fear, and dread, and pure stubborn, stupid resolve. 
It nearly blinded him, the emotions were so thick and clear. 
And then there whooshed out of him, as though being sucked up by a feelings vacuum, leaving him empty and confused. 
His top lip was covered in blood. 
He had a lot of fucking questions as he stared at the bat, hanging by it’s long nails in the hallway wall, the ominous creaking moving past him towards the stairs. 
The footsteps that were caused by no one. 
It’s official. 
Steve’s lost it. 
He’s fucking crazy. 
He’s hearing footsteps and voices swearing quietly, and he’s going mad and completely batshit and should be tucked away in a padded room for the rest of his life. 
He didn’t even bother to wrench the bat out of the wall as he stumbled after the imagined footsteps. 
He clearly needed to get a good night’s sleep, and to forget that anything happened at all tonight. 
Billy hates Harrington’s house. 
He doesn’t, really. It’s given him excellent shelter while he pulled himself together, and it’s out of town enough to serve as a good base for the little gang of Lost Boys he had accumulated. 
It’s just that, the old house likes to make a lot of noise. 
It keeps him on edge. 
Every squealing door hinge, and every creaky floorboard sets his teeth on edge and makes him whip around in a frenzy, expecting to see a demogorgon snarling at him from the sitting room. 
He nearly had a heart attack when he heard the thuds coming from upstairs. 
He generally liked to avoid the top floor of the house. 
Harrington’s bedroom was up there, and it wigged him out something fierce. He’d only been in the dilapidated version of it one time, his first night in the house he had claimed for safety. 
He didn’t intend to stay the night in there, he had just stumbled upon it, and curled up in the bed. 
He remembers not sleeping the entire night. He was so scared after coming to in the library, something slimy and disgusting slipping its way out of his throat. 
The whole place had been screaming, as though the Upside Down itself was alive. Alive and being horrifically murdered. 
He didn’t know what it was called then, all he knew was that Harrington’s house was the first one he came across, and that Harrington’s room was depressingly empty and impersonal. 
But, there was a thudding coming from that general area, and if some kinda shitty creature was making its way into the house, he needed to hedge it off before it did any damage. 
He took hold of his ax, never far from his side these days, and slipped out of his cot. 
The floorboards in the hallway were creaky, and he tried to walk slowly, muffling his footsteps as much as he could in his heavy boots, not wanting to warn the monster he was coming for it. 
He cataloged the crew in his head: Hopper had his troop of three in the basement where they were resting up for the supply run tomorrow. Timothy was on nightwatch with his team of five. Billy was in a pack with four others; Heather Holloway, her mother, Janet, and the two boys they found skulking around the library the same night everyone seemed to wake up. One of the boys was called Andrew. The other hadn’t spoken a single word the entire time they’d been trapped. 
Billy liked to call him by different names each time he referred to the kid. Trying to get him to laugh. He couldn’t’ve been more than seven years old, and he was trapped in this fucking hellscape with the rest of them. 
Andrew was thirteen. Billy didn’t like to look at him much. Andrew reminded him of Max. Which made Billy feel empty and achy in a way he didn’t think was very productive for survival.
But Andrew took a shine to Janet Holloway. Probably missing his mother and needing more comfort than his thirteen-year-old self was willing to admit.
The Holloway women were a hell of a lot feistier than Bill originally gave them credit for, saving his ass in a scrap just as often as he had been there for theirs. Heather and Janet were equal parts caring and soft, with the right amounts of clever and bossy to take point on their team. 
Billy let himself be the muscle. 
He let himself be the watchdog and attack dog. He took nightwatches and never let his weapons out of his grasp.
Everyone had a role. 
And that was perfectly okay.
They had to keep together in this world. They wouldn’t survive it otherwise. 
They’d all lost enough people to understand that. 
One of the boards gave a hefty creak under his left foot, and he breathed a quiet fuck through his bandana, listening for more of the thudding. 
It had stopped about forty seconds before, Billy had counted, and he couldn’t hear any other sounds of something forcing its way inside. Plus, the nightwatch hadn’t sounded any alarms. 
He took another step, ax held ready and aloft in case he came face to ugly face with one of the horrible creatures that prowled the night. 
He rounded the corner, and there was a loud bang on the wall next to his head. 
He jumped as paint chipped off the wall and flew all over him. 
He was hit with a feeling of intense fear, and adrenaline rush that caused all the blood in his ears to rush. He looked wildly around, seeing, nothing. 
Billy bared his teeth, ready to go down fucking swinging. 
As long as he took the fucker down with him, that’s all that matters. 
Save the rest. 
And he stood, ready to fight, ready to die. 
And there was nothing.
Nothing in the hallway. He was all alone. 
None of this shit made any sense. He hadn’t dreamed the wall cracked beside his head, and looking back, there were holes in the wall, and a big dent that had splinted the white paint and drywall beneath it. 
There was some fucked up shit going on, and Billy didn’t like it one bit. 
He continued down the hall, creeping to the stairs to check the original source of the noises that had woken him up. 
Harrington’s room was pretty much just as he remembered it from that first night in the house. 
It was sparse and sad-looking. The covers on the bed were all jostled and thrown around, the horrible spindle-like vines covering nearly every surface in the room. 
They had cleared the tendrils in other rooms, cutting them and burning them back, ensuring the vines didn’t start creeping over them when they weren’t looking. 
Billy didn’t fancy being covered and tethered by the slimy black vines. He was pretty much over all this Upside Down shit. 
He took a cursory look around Harrington’s room, not noticing any signs of forced entry from a creature, really nothing was out of place. 
The meager school trophies on the bookshelf next to the closet looked rotted and tarnished, just like everything else in this absolute hell called a parallel universe. There were few pictures in this room, much like the whole house. It had taken Billy a long time to notice the lack of inhabitancy the house had. The way it seemed to feel so cold and empty, it would be that way in the real world too. 
His eyes swept over the dilapidated dresser, cataloging the room quickly for anything that should worry him. 
Billy deemed the whole scene safe, and made sure to close the door tightly as he retreated back downstairs. 
Steve’s going fucking crazy. 
He was still in bed, his alarm clock ringing angrily at him as it had for the past six minutes. 
He hadn’t slept at all last night. 
Something just felt. Off. 
The feelings in his chest were scrambled, and they felt foreign to him. Like he had taken in somebody else’s emotions. 
But proximity was the key to his power, and he was alone. Alone alone. 
Like, the closest person was Mrs. Gardfeld in the next house, all the way across their combined, much too big, yards. 
It felt like. It felt like someone was in the house with him. Someone was in the house with him, and they were scared, and stubborn, and tired, and a flurry of things that made Steve feel ill. 
And he couldn’t push them out. 
He couldn’t find the chasm between this slew of someone else’s shit, and his own messy cocktail of feelings. 
The other feelings were like those awful vines in the tunnel. Snaking around under his feet, wiggling up his ankles and keeping him stuck in the mud. Wrapping around his own emotions and squeezing until they just merged into one. 
He’s lost the metaphor. 
Doesn’t matter. 
His feelings are fucked and his brain is fucked and his day is fucked. 
And he has to work a double at Family Fuckin’ Video. 
He found his way out of bed. Not going very far, just standing next to his warm nest of blankets, debating getting back in and hiding for the rest of his life. 
He was going to be late for work. 
He didn’t really give a fuck. 
Keith would be all smug and probably make some remarks about Steve not even being worth the less-than-minimum wage he was making. 
He took a shower, not so much cleaning himself as letting the lukewarm water cascade down on him and hope it got rid of the stench of sweat and anxiety and bad sleep that was clinging angrily to his skin. 
His brain was empty. 
Empty save for the pounding otherness that were these horrible fucking feelings. 
Robin didn’t even have the heart to call him out for being nearly half an hour late.
“You look like shit.”
No, she just called him out for looking like shit. 
“Y’know, it’s really wonderful to have such a caring and thoughtful friend in these trying times.”
She rolled her eyes. He always told her one day she was gonna get stuck like that. With her eyes permanently fixed towards the ceiling in exasperation. 
“Drop the attitude, Steve Harrington. Just because you didn’t sleep doesn’t mean I have to suffer.” 
Sometimes it was hard to tell if she was joking. Steve just clenched his jaw and stared at her blankly. Either she would get mad at him, or sigh and roll her eyes. 
She sighed and rolled her eyes. 
She wasn’t actually mad at him. 
“You okay?”
“Jus’, some weirdness. Bad vibes.”
He couldn’t give her more than that. Couldn’t say I can feel someone else in my house and I don’t know if someone is hiding in my house or if I’m going crazy, oh and by the way, I was one of those freaky lab kids and I can manipulate and feel people’s thoughts and emotions, by the way.
That’s too much for a slow shift on a Saturday morning. 
That’s too much for really any time of any day.
No, Steve fully plans to take all that shit to the grave. Like a real man, his dad would say. 
“Well, if you could take your bad vibes back to rewind duty, that would leave all the good vibes up here to me.” She shooed him off with her hand, landing a quick slap square on his left asscheck when he groaned and dragged his feet dramatically on his way to the back room. 
Not that Steve would ever actually complain about rewind duty. Steve preferred doing it to anything else in the place. Especially re-shelving. That was just asking for someone to come ask him for a movie recommendation. Steve only watched the same five campy old westerns and when he recommends any of those, people seem to wanna get out of his face right quick. 
No, rewinding was dull and monotonous and solitary, all the shit that Steve really needed on a day like today. 
There was a strict routine and he didn’t have to think or do anything. 
Just sit. New tape. Rewind. Put in case. Put in re-shelve bucket. New tape. Rewind. Put in case. And again and again and again until all the tapes were ready to go. 
Hawkins tended to take out a lot of movies on the weekend. Not much else to do when you aren’t sixteen and ready to hit up any party you could possibly weasel your way into. 
So, Steve had about fifty some odd tapes to rewind from the past few days and he was feeling benignly excited about sitting in the small room for most of his shift. 
It was easy to pass the shift like that. 
Sitting with the quiet whirring of the tapes being tracked back to the beginning. Not having to deal with anyone’s thoughts except his own tedious ones about when he should take his lunch break and reminding himself to check the TV Guide for anything good tonight. 
It was an odd emptiness that took hold of him throughout the day. And he almost felt, well. 
He almost felt lonely. 
Which is fucking bonkers because that horrible feeling of someone else had well and truly fucked him over last night, and well into this morning, but he kind. Missed. The other presence. 
He’s officially crazy. 
Someone find this boy a padded fucking cell because Steve Harrington has officially gone all kinds of batshit bananas wacky. 
He’s feeling lonely because the horrible not his feelings of fear and anger and betrayal and desperation aren’t clogging up his little brain sink. Even when they were, the brain sink was threatening to burst and leak all over his brain kitchen. 
Or something to that effect. 
He let his eyes unfocus, watching Jaws at double speed and backward for the fourth time that day. 
There was something about the foreign feelings he just couldn’t quite wrap his head around. 
Something twinging in the back of his brain, screaming at him to open his eyes and pay attention. 
But that’s never been Steve’s strong suit. 
“Stupid. Fucking. Vines .”
Hopper muttered to himself a lot. 
It was usually too muffled underneath his own bandana face covering and the hefty beard he had been sporting to discern whatever he was thinking, but it’s not like hating the awful black tendrils of gross plant/monster/everything-that-made-up-the-Upside-Down hybrid of vine-ish tentacles was something that just Hopper experienced. 
It was a sentiment they all shared as they hacked away at the new growth in the dilapidated Bradley’s Big Buys. 
They had already ransacked the general store five times over, and took as much as they could salvage from the wreckage of the other-dimensional mall. 
Supplies were needed, and they had to be smart about it. 
Things had been quiet lately. 
Not many beasties out and about since the night they all seemed to come to. 
Hopper had said something about the gate closing and the brain being cut off from the body. 
Billy hadn’t listened. 
He’d been scared off his ass and all that had really registered was clear for now. 
So, they made supply runs. And poked around town for any survivors left to take back to Basecamp Harrington. Only Billy called it that. 
They had the runs down to a system. 
Pry away any vines they could, burning them back as they went, making enough room to slip into the bargain store, gather as much canned food and grimy medical supplies as they could manage, and book it back to the relative safety of the big house on the edge of the forest. 
Nobody talked about what they’d do when they ran out of supplies. When they’d exhausted their resources and were stuck with nothing but the vines on the ground and the spores in the air. 
Billy got it. 
It’s not like he wants to hear he’ll probably die of starvation and/or a gangrenous infection before he’s eighteen. 
They just. Make do. 
Ration food and keep each other safe. 
Always thinking about the minute they’re in and the minute coming up. Not looking too far forward. 
There’s nothing to see too far in the future. 
Billy crashed the blunt end of his ax through the sliding door at the front of the store, clearing away as much as he could. 
Janet and Andrew would slip inside first go, taking as much as they could carry with them. Next round, Heather would take the little one and gather anything left. 
Billy would keep watch. 
He always kept watch. 
Things had been too good for too long. 
After the first wave of those who didn’t make it, the whole broken side of the Earth was too kind to them. Not sending horrible fleshy monsters to nearly suck out their very souls. 
Billy didn’t think this could last for much longer. 
Heather took the little one by the hand, rushing past her mother and Andrew as they returned with their supplies. Billy did a quick scan of them, noting no new injuries. Nothing out of the norm. 
Supply runs were choreographed down to the minute. 
Should the group not return in forty-five minutes, a search team was sent out. 
The small group trudged back to the Harrington safehouse, keeping in the shadows, not a single one of them daring to speak. Billy walked slightly behind the others, never letting himself relax for a single second. 
Things were too quiet.
The feeling hit Steve over the head like a sack of bricks being whacked against his skull. 
Walking into his home was like walking into a stinking den of fear and anxiety. The air was clogged with so many emotions Steve felt like he was choking on them, slowly being crushed under their weight. 
Whoever was emitting all these, Steve felt sorry for them. He can’t imagine living with this much bad energy taking up space in someone’s brain. He could barely cope with his own terrible bullshit. He doesn’t know how someone could cope with this. 
He tried to move through his evening to the best of his ability. 
He nearly set the house on fire when he left the tin foil covering on his frozen meal, causing the microwave to spark angrily at him, the potatoes underneath the corner of foil that had nearly caught fire to smolder and blacken. 
Even in the shower, the water as hot and steamy as he could stand, he felt that prickle he couldn’t get rid of. 
Like if he could just close his eyes and reach out far enough, his fingers would brush someone else. Someone nearby. 
He’s felt it before. That there was a person just out of reach. A person he could feel clear as a bell, but couldn’t alter. Couldn’t manipulate. Just had to experience everything that was going on inside and try to hold on for the ride. 
He wore headphones to bed, blasting a mixtape Robin had made for him last month. Something with a lot of heavy guitars and girls wailing about society. 
He doesn’t think it was all that good, but it helped. Helped him feel like maybe the person wasn’t seeping into his own soul. 
And the whining synth of Patti Smith finally let him get some goddamn sleep. 
It was his house. 
But it wasn’t his house. 
It was a blank void. It was nothing. It was nowhere. 
But for some reason, his brain kept telling him it was his house. 
It was Billy. Hargrove. 
But it wasn’t Billy. 
He was dirty, covered in soot and horrible black sludge that made Steve’s stomach churn. 
“Why are you in my house?”
Billy looked around the blank void all around them. Water sloshed on the floor, lapping at Billy’s black boots. Steve observed his own toes. 
He was barefoot, but he couldn’t feel the water. 
“This is your house?”
Steve didn’t want to explain. 
“You’re dead.”
“Could be soon.”
Nothing Billy said made any sense. But then, Billy never made much sense when he was alive, either. 
He was an enigma to Steve. A big question mark all wrapped up with a gorgeous face and perfect body.
“Where is this to you?”
Why was Steve’s brain so adamant on declaring this place his house?
“Somewhere safe.”
That’s something. 
Dreaming about Harrington. 
Not necessarily something that Billy wanted to have happen to him while he was experiencing the worst possible time in his life. 
Or maybe he did. 
He’d said it in the dream. 
Somewhere safe. 
It’s what he felt in that blackness. 
Safety. Warmth. Hope. 
All the shit he hasn’t felt since he opened his eyes in the rank-ass library. 
That darkness was like a harness, keeping him grounded to something real. Tucking him in gently at night and kissing him on the head. 
It made waking up that much shittier. 
Knowing he’d be on nightwatch with Heather and Janet tonight, he used resting up as an excuse to lay on his cot, hardly moving in the clouded air. 
He needed to process. 
There was something so fucking weird about that dream. 
It felt real in the moment, and he didn’t question anything that had happened. 
Why there was water on the ground at his feet? Why Harrington was there wearing pajamas Billy could only describe as skanky? All of this made perfect fucking sense to dream Billy. 
Awake Billy, had some fuckin’ questions. 
Mostly, those previously listed. As well as: what the fuck?
He blames seeing Steve specifically on being in his house. That makes sense. You tend to think about a guy quite a lot when you’re living in the broken shell of his family home. He blames seeing Steve in those itsy-bitsy shorts and a homemade cropped t-shirt on the well repressed sexual interest he refused to admit he felt towards the guy. 
All that made sense. 
But everything else. 
Steve said he was dead.��
Was he dead?
Was this Hell?
He’s read The Divine Comedy, and this doesn’t quite match up with any of the shit Dante waxed on about. 
And dream Billy didn’t think that was a weird thing to say to someone. To accuse them of being dead. He just said could be soon and then acted like that was a normal fucking response. 
His head was spinning out of control. 
The only thing that made sense was when Billy said they were somewhere safe. 
Because, they were. 
Even in the void place, he knew they were safe. 
There was a small tapping sound on the wall next to the open door frame. 
The door had long since rotted right through. 
“Miss Janet sent me to see if you’re alright.”
Andrew was always calling Janet Holloway Miss Janet. 
It makes Billy wonder if manners like that were beaten into him by a father like Neil. 
He hopes not. 
He likes Andrew too much for that. 
Andrew hovered around while Billy swung himself out of his cot. 
He changed out the bandana over his mouth and nose. 
Most of them slept fully dressed, even with their shoes and socks still firmly on their feet. 
You had to be ready to go at the slightest sound of Bad in this place. 
Plus, everything was so goddamn dirty, what’s a little mud in the sheets in the grand scheme of things? And the rancid rotting smell of the Upside Down did wonders to cover the smell of body odor.
Billy followed Andrew down the L-shaped hallway, to the sitting room where he found Janet and Heather huddled together on one couch, the little one between them. 
“Apparently something happened on the run last night.” 
Billy’s blood ran cold. He couldn’t make out Janet’s expression under her face covering. The little one got up from his spot on the couch, standing in Billy’s shadow. He liked to do that. Billy figured he felt safe behind someone so much bigger and stronger than him. Someone with a big fuckin’ weapon that was never too far away. 
“Who’d we lose?”
“No one. Everyone’s okay. Hopper just called all of us for a discussion, then went to the basement.”
The basement was Hopper’s domain with his little chunk of the crew. 
He had found some busted up H.A.M. radio from somewhere he refused to explain, and spent all the time he wasn’t watching over his shoulder for threats or gathering supplies from smashed grocery stores, trying to fix it up, tuning it to different crackling stations, and yelling into it. 
El. El, I need you to copy if you can hear me. El!
The pillow was a mess of blood the next morning. 
It was congealed and cracked and tacky against his face and made the pillowcase stick to his cheek and his bloody upper lip in a way that kinda made Steve wanna puke a little bit. 
His nose had bled in the night. 
He never got nosebleeds. 
Unless he used his power. 
And that dream. 
That blank void space and that mucky scraggly Billy lookin’ like the hunky star of some apocalypse movie.
Blood forgotten, smeared on his face and neck, Steve tossed himself towards the phone on his nightstand, smacking his shoulder against the wooden corner and tumbling to the floor, his legs still tangled in his sheets on the bed. 
He couldn’t deal with anything, snatching the phone up and punching in the only number that was grinding through his head. 
“ Pick up pick up pick up pick up pick up, ” he muttered into the receiver. 
His upper body was still flopped over to the plush carpet, legs twitching and shaking on the bed with his anxiety. 
He’s had some massive fucking realizations and he needs backup. 
“This is the Byers.”
“Put El on the phone.”
“Oh. Steve’s covered in blood again. The Upside Down must really be back,” Dustin said in complete monotone as Steve opened the door. 
Steve couldn’t give less of a fuck right now. 
He felt like he was on the verge of a major breakthrough, all coming in the neat package of a major breakdown. 
He felt manic and shaky and so what if he forgot he was covered in the aftermath of a superpower-nosebleed-explosion?
“Shut up. Just get in.”
El had rallied the old troops from St. Paul, calling everyone at the ass-crack o’fuck in the morning and saying something about catching some weird Hawkins vibes all the way from Minnesota. 
It was a fucking weak excuse, but explaining the whole Steve situation was just not really in the cards today. 
He’s got an agenda and they need to stick to it. 
Robin said she’d gather Max on the way to Steve’s place, and Nancy was probably hauling Mike and Lucas over faster than a speeding gun or whatever that expression is, so all Steve had to do was get his story straight. 
“And maybe you should think about putting on a clean shirt? At the very least. I’d say, maybe just start over. Take a shower. Powerwash your face, even.”
“When the fuck did you become sarcastic ?”
“Right after you became friends with the coolest chick on the planet and then decided you’re too good for her.”
“ Chick. Don’t call Robin a chick. And I’ve told you, we’re just friends. I’m not too good for her.”
Really, Steve thought she was too good for him. 
Well, that, and there’s the whole part where she’s super totally not into guys at all. 
“So, what’s this all about, anyway? Mike said on the phone that El called him and left a really cryptic message.”
“Look. She called me to explain and ask if everyone could meet here,” Steve lied. “I’ll give you guys a recap once the rest of the gang shows.”
“But she thinks there’s something going on with the Upside Down? Again ?”
“I think she knows there’s something going on with the Upside Down.”
The more Steve sat with the memory of how Billy looked in that dream, the more he was certain of where he was. 
Billy had been ratty. His normally perfect hair was long and limp, greasy on top and matted around his face. He was sporting a patchy beard, nothing like the fuckin’ pornstache the guy had been rocking all last summer. 
And he was filthy. Covered in grime and dirt, and Steve’s sure if he’d looked harder, he would’ve seen traces of that viscous black goo that only meant bad news. 
There was a squeal of tires, an alarm signaling the arrival of Nancy in her mother’s station wagon, toting her brother and Lucas. 
“I’m in this now, Lucas Sinclair!” came Erica’s voice from the entryway. 
Steve was tapping his foot impatiently.
“Erica, you accidentally found out about all this!”
“So did you!”
The Sinclair siblings’ bickering was only cut by the sound of the Wheeler siblings snapping at one another in turn.
“Am I the only one that thinks it doesn’t make sense to meet up this early? El and Will are like, seven hours away!”
“Mike! It doesn’t matter. We all have to talk and figure out what’s going on.”
The sounds of arguments all quieted abruptly as the four people rounded the corner and caught sight of Steve.
“Oh, Jesus. Who kicked your ass this time?” Mike snipped at Steve. 
Oh, yeah. He keeps forgetting he’s covered in his own nose blood. 
“What? It’s nothing. I kicked my own ass. Just take a seat.”
“I told you to-”
Steve didn’t wanna hear it. 
He loves all these people, but his head kinda felt like it was full of mushy jelly and runny pudding and all the loud talking wasn’t doing much to help. 
He stepped out onto the porch, snagging the pack of cigarettes he kept stowed in the flower box next to the door. 
It took two to finally tame his nerves any. 
Sitting there with all the people in his house waiting for an explanation, he kinda felt like his haphazard plan was shit and going to fall through immediately. 
Just tell them El called. Tell them she saw Billy in the nowhere place and she thinks he’s alive. Easy as pie. 
The tell-tale sound of a skateboard making its way closer and closer announced Max before he saw her. 
Robin was pedaling next to her, helmet lopsided on her head and not buckled underneath her chin. 
They were talking animatedly to one another, their laughter dying as soon as they saw Steve waiting for them.
“Fuck. So this is real.”
“Why does everyone think I got the shit beat outta me?”
“Your ass gets creamed every time some spooky shit goes down in this place, Harrington,” Max informed him. 
She was a little Billy replica, all the way down to the way the corner of her mouth twitched up when she said his name. 
It would’ve been sad. The way she tried to become her brother after losing him so violently last summer. 
But something like relief settled into his bones, strong and real and wait ‘til I tell her Billy’s not dead and he was laughing. Curling in on himself cackling so hard his stomach had already begun to get sore
“Fuck. He’s lost it,” Robin sighed, ditching her bike next to Dustin’s and heaving Steve up, both hands underneath his armpits.
Nobody dared speak. 
“And you’re sure? You’re positive you heard one of those things?”
Janet had her arms twisted over her chest, her jaw tight as she watched Hopper’s every move. 
“It’s not really a sound you forget.”
Billy’s hand was shaking, he was gripping the ax so hard. 
“So, we’re fucked,” Angela said harshly. Her cold voice sent ice down Billy’s spine. “If those things are back, we don’t stand a fucking chance.”
Hopper scrubbed his hand over his brow, sighing through the cloth over his mouth and nose.
“It just means I have to try harder. I can get to El, I know I can.”
Hopper said that a lot. But he never explained what getting to El meant. 
Heather had explained she met El once, but she said it was weird and she only saw her like some kind of shadow, a figment in this dark empty place. Somewhere as cold and broken as the Upside Down felt. 
The little one was leaned up against Billy, his left hand balled in the edge of Billy’s leather jacket. He stood like that a lot. It was grounding for Billy. Kinda like holding Max’s hand when she was young and still thought he was the coolest person she’d ever met. 
“But, you only heard something, right? So it very well could be nothing.” Timothy was good at keeping mediator. He always kept a level head and talked slowly and calmly. They needed someone like him in this nightmare.
“They make this noise. This kind of wet chirping. Like this gurgle that just sounds like they’re watching you, ready to pounce out at any time, shrieking and attacking. It’s not a sound you forget.” Hopper had this horrible haunted look on his face, and Billy fucking believed him. 
“Then we up nightwatch. Stick together,” Billy offered. He never usually piped up with strategy, but that’s the best he’s got, and frankly, he thinks it’s the only way they’d all be able to make it through. 
“Exactly. We move in a pack now. Keep track of everyone together, and stay aware of what’s around us. I think we should do a major run and then lock up for a few days to see what goes down.” 
Hopper leaned back in the ratty armchair he was taking up, looking around to see if anyone challenged his ideas. 
Billy had given up his alpha male attitude the second Hopper yanked his upper arm and nearly screamed at him, asking Billy if he was ‘one of the flayed’ all while aggressively checking him over for injuries. 
First time any of Neil’s lessons actually sunk in. 
Respect and responsibility. 
If that fucker could see Billy now, doing nothing but respecting authority and taking responsibility for all these peoples’ lives. 
“We should rest up. Take a run tonight. Get a lay of the land,” Timothy said with an air of finality. Nobody argued. 
Hopper nodded. 
Everyone broke out from the Harringtons’ living room, milling around to get prepared for tonight’s run. Taking stock of what they needed to keep going for the next few days. 
Billy was itching to slide back into his cot and try to seek out that space if he can. The empty space where Harrington and that warm feeling of safe existed. 
The little one stayed clinging to his jacket, and Billy took a loose hold of his wrist, trying to provide some kind of basic comfort to the tiny kid. 
“You wanna go raid the cabinet?” The kid stared up at Billy with big eyes. Billy could never tell what color they were in the gloom. He thinks maybe green. 
The cabinet was a large door, built into the wall of the sitting room, and clearly where the Harringtons kept their games. 
They had these excruciating couple thousand-piece puzzles, the pictures peeling and faded on the pieces. They had Trivial Pursuit and backgammon, and all kindsa shit. 
The little one went and pulled out the checkers board. That was the only game Billy knew how to play anyhow. 
He and Max used to sit for hours, playing with this dinosaur-themed checker game Max’s dad got for her one birthday. 
It helped, playing a game. Helped pass the time. Help bait the anxiety. 
Helped them all feel a little bit closer to human.
“I don’t. Get it.”
Apparently, Nancy was not the only one, if the blank stares Steve was receiving from around his living room were anything to go by. 
“Yeah, why did she call you ?” Mike’s snitty tone was really grating on Steve’s fragile nerves.
“She said, she called to make sure everyone could come over here before she told you all to just show up this early on a Sunday morning and then she kinda explained what happened.”
Max was white as a sheet, tracking Steve like he was playing a horrible joke on her. 
“And she saw Billy. Billy Hargrove .” 
Steve nodded at Dustin. 
“Why does she think he’s in the Upside Down?” Robin asked, perched on the coffee table, sitting closest to where he was standing nervously. 
“She just knows .”
It was frustrating, trying to impart the seriousness of the situation without just spilling his guts. 
He rubbed absentmindedly at the cigar burn on his wrist. 
“I just don’t believe this. I talked to her three days ago, and she’s still having trouble with her powers. She can barely move a book, and hasn’t been able to get to the void since July, and you’re saying she accidentally saw Billy Hargrove, who we all saw murder a bunch of people and then get killed -”
“Shut up! He wasn’t himself!” Max shrieked out over Mike, the only time she’d even opened her mouth since Steve had mentioned her stepbrother’s name.
“Even if he is alive, El couldn’t have seen him! It doesn’t make sense!” Mike’s voice rose over Max’s, and Steve has a fucking headache and he’s over it.
“It was me! I had a dream. I went to the void. I saw Billy in the Upside Down. I called El to say she saw him.” 
Everyone went dead silent, staring at him.
“Steve,” Robin began, searching his face.
It was like all the wind that had been filling up his sails, powering his energy ship, had suddenly quit blowing. 
Steve was tired. 
He sank to the floor, crossing his legs where he sat.
“I need you all to shut the fuck up for a moment and let me explain, because I only wanna say all this shit once.” He covered his bloody face with his hands. “I’m like El.”
That statement hung in the air for a moment. 
And then there was a roar of noise.
“How could you keep this a secret?” Dustin shouted.
“Not in a million years !” Lucas decided. Erica yelled something back at him, vaguely defending Steve, which was nice.
“You mean you came from the lab?” Mike had a look on his face like he’d swallowed a particularly bitter lemon. 
“Everybody, shut the fuck up!” Max roared, glowering at each person until they were silent again. 
In all this Robin hadn’t said a word. She was pale, staring at Steve.
“Look, I don’t wanna go into it because it fucking sucks to think about,” Steve still hadn’t uncovered his face. “But yeah. I was in the lab. I got out because they decided I was a failed experiment. My mom worked at the lab and she took me and we pretended like the three of us moved here from Oklahoma and my dad told me never to tell anyone. And I haven’t. Didn’t even tell El. She recognized me from then. Don’t even know how, I left when she was like, three. Doesn’t matter. I’m a freaky lab kid and last night I fell asleep and saw Billy in that-what’d you call it? The void? Yeah, I saw him, and he’s covered in dirt and gross black Upside Down shit, and he’s fucking stuck there, and now we’re here.”
There was another silence. 
Steve didn’t dare to look at any of them.
He didn’t want them to laugh in his face. Tell him he was making all this shit up and leave him alone to deal with Billy trapped somewhere else. 
He wanted them to take his word for it. To quietly believe this crazy fucking shit of a story because the scared other feeling was back and clawing at his spine and making him want to burrow into the ground and find somewhere safe and secure and-
Of course it was Robin. 
It was always Robin. 
Steve let himself look at her. 
She was pale, but she was smiling at him. 
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
Steve nodded once.
“Okay. Uh, great.”
“Wait, if you’re defective, no offense, then how did you see Billy?” 
Steve stared at Max weighing his answer carefully. 
“Because, well, the defective thing, that was all, I didn’t mean to, that was before I really understood what I could do. Don’t get me wrong, it really worked out, but it was an accident.”
“Spit it out, Sailor Man.”
“ Erica .”
Erica just rolled her eyes at Lucas. 
“Okay. Uh, before I explain, just, just keep in mind that I have rules, and I don’t use my powers if I can avoid them, and I’d never use them to be a creep, but-”
“Fine!” The words were right there, ready to tumble out of his mouth and ruin his life forever. 
There was no going back after this. 
The second they knew, everything would be different.
“I can feel other peoples’ emotions and, like, change them.”
Another silence.
“I don’t understand.”
Nancy was the last person he’d ever want to have this conversation with. 
He knows what she’s thinking. He knows that the great anger brewing inside her is because she assumes he made her like him. Made her attracted to him. 
Made her want him. 
“I don’t use it like that. I would never, put something there that shouldn’t be there. It’s just, When someone feels something near me, I can tap into it. Let it become my own feelings. And then I just, change it. Just a little.” He cast around for a harmless example because so far, everyone was staring at him like a goddamn creep. “Robin!”
She startled slightly when he yelled at her.
“Okay, so Robin. I’d never, ever make you feel something not true to you. Like, I’d never make it so you were into me when you’re totally not, right?” He cast a glance at Nancy. “But, like, the other day, when you felt really shitty when I invited you over and you were studying, I just, I made it so you wouldn’t feel bad. I felt all this guilt you had for leaving me alone when you thought I was having a shitty day, and I made it so you didn’t feel guilty because you shouldn’t. That’s the kinda level I allow myself to work on.”
The look Robin was giving him was breaking his fucking heart. 
Worse still, was the feeling of betrayal that began eating away at her. 
“So, right now. You can tell what we’re all feeling?” Even Lucas, ever the level-headed one, couldn’t look him in the eye.
“I don’t want to. I don’t try to, but I can’t really avoid it. I just try to ignore it. But sometimes, sometimes if I bottle it all up for a while, it comes crashing out of me, and that’s when bad shit happens. If I don’t use it occasionally, it only wakes things worse, and I-”
“I can’t hear this.”
Robin’s anger crashed through Steve like a wave, nearly knocking him over. She stood, towering over him. 
“When we were in that bathroom, all drugged out of our minds. I-” she sniffed, rage tears pooling in her eyes. Steve likes her eyes. So crystal blue. “Are we even really friends?”
Her last question was nothing more than a whisper. 
And it made Steve wish he was never born.
He gaped at her like a dead fish.
“Rob, of course we are! I would never-”
“Because I hated you. And then one summer. Two whole months where we’re close enough that you can get all up in my brain, and suddenly I’m telling you shit I’ve never told anyone before.”
“It wasn’t, Robin I swear, that whole time, I never once used-”
She held up her hand, cutting him off. 
A sob caught in his throat as she turned on her heel. 
She slammed the door closed behind her. 
Another fucking silence. 
Steve couldn’t look anyone in the eye.
Their feelings were enough for him now, betrayal and anger and disappointment rushing into his lungs, drowning him. Choking him. 
“You’ve used them on all of us.”
It wasn’t a question. 
It was just a statement. The coldest he’s ever heard Dustin sound. 
“I just want everyone to be happy.”
“Jesus, Steve. You realize that’s actually totally fucked up, right? You can’t just make us feel whatever you want,” Dustin bellowed at him, standing up like Robin had done, looking down at Steve where he sat pathetically on the floor. 
And, when it’s put like that. 
It’s kinda fucked up. 
But he’s only ever meddled in a way that’s good. He only ever tries to make his friends feel the positives. Hell, on the night of that stupid Snow Ball, he’d given Dustin enough self-confidence to make Madonna seem insecure. 
All he does is try to help. 
“All I do is try to help.”
More fucking silence. 
Steve was so goddamn sick of silence. All he had was silence. He had the nothing, empty quiet. And he didn’t want it from the people who were supposed to make his life loud. 
“El won’t be here until later tonight. I think we should just meet up then.”
Steve buried his head in his hands, biting back sobs as the small group filtered out of his house. 
This is why he had wanted to take this secret with him to death. 
He told everyone who he really is, and now they all hate him, and he’s completely alone, and wherever Billy is he’s fucking scared and-
Max’s voice was small, mirroring the way she was curled in on herself in the plush armchair near the wall. 
“Do you really think Billy’s alive?”
Steve nodded at her, desperately begging her to stay. To help him. 
“I know he is.”
“I have an idea.”
He doesn’t remember falling asleep. 
Doesn’t remember much of anything in this place. 
He studied the water lapping at his muddy boots, dragging his toes through it to make the water wave and ripple. 
It didn’t make a sound. 
“I want to help.”
Billy knew Steve was there even before he spoke. 
Something about the warmth he brought to the void place. 
The safety. 
“Don’t know if you can.”
Steve’s lips twitched into a ghost of a smile at that. His face was covered in blood, dried and flaking away from his skin, painted all the way down his face and neck, some staining the collar of his shirt.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“That happens when the only interactions you have with a guy are to beat his ass.”
Steve cracked a real smile at that. Something big and bright that made Billy’s gut twist in a way he didn’t quite like. 
“You’re forgetting all those other times we spent together. You’re not very subtle, you know.”
Yeah, Billy knows. 
Mostly because he wasn’t trying to be subtle. 
He had talked to Steve about his bitchy ex while they both had their dicks out in the shower. He was trying to be very much un-subtle. 
“Wasn’t trying to be.”
“I know.”
Steve knows. 
And all he had done was stare blankly at Billy. 
“I need to know where you are.”
“Because I can help.”
Billy just blinked at Steve. 
“Do you know El?”
Something funny happened to Steve’s face. He kind of gave a little smile that flickered into a frown and landed on something a little pinched and awkward. 
“Yeah. How do you know her?”
“Hopper keeps saying he needs to get to her. None of us know what he’s talking about.”
And with that, Steve’s eyes went huge, and his jaw dropped. The water at Billy’s ankles sloshed quietly. 
“Hopper’s there? Chief Hopper? Jim Hopper is there?”
“Jesus, yeah. Been here since we all woke up.”
Steve acted like Billy had told him that Farrah Fawcett herself was on her way to shave his head. 
Meaning, he looked struck fucking dumb. 
“I’m gonna need you to explain.”
“I don’t know. Don’t remember much. Crashed my car on one of your shitty backwoods roads, and then everything is just, kinda, gone. I woke up in this shithole version of the library and Hopper found me here and we’ve kinda set up camp.”
Billy shrugged lamely. Something was dripping, he could hear the sound of it far behind him.
“There’s more of you? How many?”
“Not as many as there should be.”
Steve’s mouth pinched, and his big droopy eyes went all sweet and sad. 
“Where are you? Where’s the camp?”
Billy was suddenly embarrassed. There was a sound like a stream flowing over rocks.
What’s he supposed to say? The hellscape skeleton of your house oh and by the way all your stuff is here and I slept in your bed once because I was scared and sad.
“Someone’s house. Don’t know whose.”
Steve huffed some air out of his nostrils, his mouth pinching again. 
Billy hadn’t realized someone could make so many different expressions just by pursing their lips in different ways. 
“Find out. We’re coming to get you.”
A crash of a wave, and Billy was back in hell. 
Steve sucked in lungfuls of air, tossing the towel that had been covering his eyes to the ground. 
“You saw him.” 
Max was sitting in front of him, the t.v. playing static behind her. 
“Yeah. He’s okay. I mean, he’s really gross. Like, he’s-sorry. He’s okay.”
Max was still staring at him like she didn’t quite know how to proceed. 
“But he’s in the Upside Down?”
“Yeah. And there’s others. He said Hopper’s there, that he’s been trying to contact El.”
“Wait, Hopper? He’s alive?”
“Billy said all of the flayed woke up after the Fourth of July in the Upside Down. He doesn’t know anything that happened in this world, and Hopper was there and they’ve set up, like, some kind of camp, or whatever. He said they’re in someone’s house. He doesn’t know who.”
“ Fuck .”
Yeah, Steve agrees with that sentiment. 
This whole thing was like, kind of a lot. 
And deep inside him, those other feelings had yet to leave him alone all day. 
There was some kind of disappointment knocking about in his brain. 
He knows it’s Billy. 
All of those other feelings, it’s whatever Billy is feeling right that minute wherever he is. 
And it only happens when Steve is-
“Max, he’s here.”
She whipped around behind her, staring at the front door like Billy could waltz through it at any moment. 
“No, no not here, here .” She clearly didn’t understand. He used the towel to wipe the fresh blood from his upper lip, still having yet to clean himself up any. “The camp, the safeplace, it’s here. They’ve set up in my house!”
It felt like a revelation on par with the greatest inventions. Steve felt like the scientist that landed the man on the moon or the very first person to melt cheese onto fries. 
A genius. 
“So, he’s, I mean, he could be, just, here .” She looked over the room wistfully, and Steve knew how she felt. Like she wanted to pierce her hands into thin air, tearing a hole in between the two worlds and ripping Billy straight outta hell. 
(Really, she just filled him with a wave of fierce determination, but Steve likes to take poetic license on other people’s feelings sometimes.)
“And you can feel him.”
“Is he, okay?”
And he knows this question. 
Not the okay he assured her of when he first saw Billy. Soothing that he wasn’t missing any internal organs or possessed by any monsters. 
She wants to know if he’s held it together. 
“He’s scared. He’s always scared. But he’s really fucking stubborn, and he- I don’t know why he feels these things, but sometimes he gets kinda sad. Almost like he’s lost something, and sometimes, it feels like he’s caught fire, and his insides are just going up in flame and he gets overwhelmed by them. And sometimes he feels-” He hadn’t meant to continue.
“Tell me.”
He’s pretty sure Max knew what he was going to say next. 
She just wanted it confirmed. 
“Hopeless. Sometimes he feels hopeless.”
She sniffed, her eyes shining as she looked anywhere that wasn’t Steve. 
“But, we know now. He doesn’t have to be hopeless anymore. We’ll find a way in, and we’ll get him out.”
He didn’t want to manipulate her. 
He didn’t want to cross the boundaries everyone clearly thought he already had. 
But he was positive he would find a way to Billy. He was positive he would get him out and get him home. 
He sent a wave of that determination and hope and conviction to her. 
“Yeah. We’ll get him.”
“Hopper, man, some funky shit is going down.”
Hopper whirled around quickly, halfway to his feet and asking who's been hurt before Billy raised both hands, acting like he was calming an anxious horse.
“Nah, sorry, shoulda worded that better. I just mean, something’s happened to me. With me, maybe. I don’t know. Just hear me out. This shit’s gonna sound, insane.”
Hopper didn’t say anything as Billy explained, beginning with that night when the wall shattered next to his head, and ending with his most recent trip to the void place. 
Billy shrugged lamely when he finished explaining. 
“So, Harrington, huh? Never woulda guessed he was like her. You sure you didn’t see a little girl anywhere in the blank place?”
“No. It was just us. Both times.”
Hopper leaned back in his chair, scratching a hand through his thick beard. 
“The first time one of the demogorgons showed up on our side was behind Steve’s house. Took Will Byers from his shed. They live some few miles away. Second time was in Harrington’s backyard. Took Barbara Holland.” Hopper sighed, looking in the direction of the busted radio. Billy could more or less see the cogs turning in his head. “If you see him again, tell him where we are. Tell him I think the walls are thinnest here. That maybe he and El could tear through. Better yet, tell him to find me if he can.”
He clapped Billy on the shoulder, looking right at him in that way he did sometimes. It always made Billy feel like a little kid. 
“Thank you, kid. You might’ve just saved us.”
Billy felt awkward and didn’t really know what to do with his face. Thankfully, Hopper turned away from him, cutting the moment short and moving back to fiddling with the old radio. 
Billy ducked his way up and back to the furthest bedroom on the ground floor, taking a seat on his low cot and digging his palms into his eyes. 
He didn’t know how the void happened. If he could only get there in his sleep, or if it was Steve’s doing somehow. 
“C’mon, Steve. Where are you? Come find me, Pretty Boy. We gotta talk.”
When he moved his hands away, he was in that blank place. 
Billy was taken aback a bit, thinking somehow he had created the place around him. 
Until he saw Steve, standing nervously and staring at Billy. 
“I felt you. What’s wrong?”
“Sorry, you felt me? What in the fuck’s that supposed to mean.”
“Don’t worry about it. What happened? Are you guys okay?”
Steve wasn’t covered in blood anymore. 
In fact, he looked freshly showered, his hair slightly damp and soft-looking without product. 
It’s how he always looked right after having a post-practice shower. Clean and warm. Soft and inviting. 
“I talked to Hopper. He told me to give you a message.”
Steve’s eyes lit up, and he took a step towards Billy, the water rippling where his foot disturbed the surface. 
“He said, well. He told me where we are. Apparently, we’re at your place.” Billy tried to smirk a little, act like this was brand new information to him.
“Yeah. I gathered.”
“He thinks the walls are thinnest at your place. Said that maybe you and El could tear through easily. That mean anything to you?”
Steve nodded so hard his bangs flopped right into his eyes. 
He pushed his hair out of his face, tucking some behind his ear. Billy tracked the movement. 
“We’re going to try tonight. Maybe around six. Can you guys be ready by then?”
“We don’t have any way to track time around here. Don’t even know if it’s day or night, really.”
Steve bit his soft bottom lip, looking at Billy like he wanted to cry for him. 
“Then I’ll come and get you before. Warn you when we’re about to start. Make sure everyone stays close. I don’t know how long we’ll be able to keep it sustained, and we want to get everyone out if we can.”
“Steve, man, what in the fuck is going on? I’ve been shut up in this place for, for I don’t even know how long, and all of a sudden, you just start showing up in my head and telling me that you’re gonna take point on this big fuckin’ rescue mission.”
Billy doesn’t want to admit it to anyone, least of all Steve Harrington, but he’s scared, and confused, and he genuinely wishes that he had died in that library instead of waking up. 
“I’ll explain it when you get back.” 
And Steve smiled at him and the corners of his eyes crinkled and Billy didn’t quite feel like he wanted to die anymore. 
“Where are they?”
El didn’t even say hello when she pushed Steve’s front door open, just made straight for Max and Steve in the sitting room.
“They’re all being dicks,” was Max’s answer. “Steve told us about how you two know each other, and everyone kinda freaked.”
“I mean, it’s pretty freaky.”
“Yeah, sure, but they didn’t need to be such shitbirds about it.”
Somewhere between feeling harshly angry at Steve and his powers and hearing her brother’s voice crackle through the television speaker, Max had pretty much ensconced Steve as her sidekick. 
Which he didn’t mind in the least. 
It was kinda odd seeing the Byers in his house. 
Jonathan looked. Exactly the same. 
Like literally. His hair had grown out since his mother had taken a pair of scissors and a bowl to it last summer, and he looked just like the Hawkins Jonathan Steve was used to. 
It was kinda nice. 
At least one thing hasn’t changed. 
Especially because Will is pretty much unrecognizable. 
He had shot up, growing until he could nearly look Steve in the eye. And thank God, he must've followed Jonathan’s footsteps and stopped letting Joyce cut his hair. 
It was longer, adn shaggier, but it made him look so grown up. 
Nearly as grownup as El, her hair nearly down to her shoulder blades, the top of her head coming up on Steve’s chin, showing off the signs of her own growth spurt. 
Even Joyce was sporting a new look. Longer hair with bangs that were swept off her face.
She gave Steve a comforting hug, and those were just the same. 
Unease filled the room. 
Nobody knew what they were walking into. El had to have given them the basics, and Steve figures she explained some on the long drive back to town, but there had been even more developments since the last they had spoken this morning. 
Steve sifted through the borderline panic of Max and the Byers, clinging onto the fierce calm that El was radiating. Probably for his benefit more than her own actual experience. 
“I know where Billy is. We talked. I have an idea.” He took a deep breath, bracing himself for the feelings. “Hopper’s alive.”
It took a second. 
El’s carefully maintained calm wavered for a moment. 
And then it crashed down. 
Disbelief, relief, denial, anger, hope, joy. 
Everything a person could possibly feel at once poured out of El and Joyce both, nearly knocking Steve off his feet with the sheer velocity of the emotions. 
“Saw him?”
“No. But Billy mentioned him. He said he’s been trying to get to you.”
El’s eyes filled with tears, and Steve could feel the satisfaction, the pride, welling up in her that Hopper was still thinking of her. That he was trying to reach out. 
“My powers,” she trailed off.
“Yeah. I know. But, he said, well, he told Billy to tell me, he thinks the walls are thinnest here. Maybe in the woods outback. He thinks we can do it.”
Sorry,” Joyce interrupted. She had gathered herself somewhat, but her feelings were still shaky. 
She always felt like she was trembling emotionally. Joyce felt everything nearly as viscerally as Billy did. 
“I think we’re not on the same page. Steve, you spoke to Billy? El said she sensed him.”
“Steve is like me. From Papa.”
“You mean, from the lab?” Jonathan clarified. 
Everyone was staring at Steve again and he felt like burrowing a hole right through the floor and hiding underground forever. 
“Yeah, I got out when I was a kid. My parents were pretty hell-bent on hiding it from everyone. But. You know. Cat’s outta the bag now. But yes, it was me who saw Billy. He’s in the Upside Down. A bunch of people are. Including Hopper. It sounds like they were all taken and the flayed people out here were like, fake. Like evil twin versions.”
Sure, it’s a shitty explanation.
It’s the best he can do, okay? Leave him alone. 
“So, what’s his plan, then?”
That’s the good thing about the Byers, though. They get the whole, priority thing. Now’s not the time to focus on shit like Steve’s fake life. Not when the Upside Down is concerned. 
“Billy didn’t say much. Just that he thinks maybe El and I could like, band together to open it. I don’t really know how, I mean, I haven’t thought about it much, I just spoke to him, but that's the idea. I told him I would meet him in the void or whatever before we go so he can gather everyone and get ready.”
“So, is it just us?” Will asked quietly, biting the inside of his cheek. He was disappointed. His friends not being where they were needed. Not being there to see him for the first time since his family moved away months ago. 
Steve shrugged.
He was battling his own disappointment and hurt at everyone ditching him. 
“No. Let’s start calling. We need to stick together for this one. Billy hasn’t said anything about how bad the Upside Down has been, and we need to be ready to fight off anything that tries to get through.”
“Max is right. They should be here.” Will was already making his way to the phone placed on the side table. “They need to be here.” 
Jonathan caught Steve’s eye, jerking his head slightly to the hallway. 
Steve followed him, already knowing the line of questioning that was about to hit him. 
“I knew you called El. I picked up this morning. Now the story makes a lot more sense, I guess.”
“Yeah. I’ve been getting this weird feeling for a couple months, but I finally put it all together. Probably would’ve happened faster it is was El.”
“I don’t know. She’s been struggling a lot. She practices every day, but,” he sighed” I don’t know if she’s strong enough to make this work.”
He’s worried, adn scared, and has that exact same tremble-feeling that his mother does. 
“I know. I just don’t think we can leave them any longer. Billy said they’ve already lost people. I don’t know what it’s been like for them, but they’ve been stuck for fucking months, and-”
This time, it hit him so hard he really did blackout. 
His vision clouded around him, and his whole body burned with the raging fear inside of him. 
He could hear something, could hear someone screaming, adn something, something that sounded horrible, and so very very like a-
It’s like it had come out of nowhere. 
This towering figure, long and thin in all the wrong fucking ways.
And the sound. Billy realized what Hopper meant about how it’s not something you forget. 
They were in some form of a ready position. 
Billy among the front of the group, holding his ax he had never let go of in the first place. 
His heart was pounding. 
We’ll be out soon. We’ll be out soon. 
He didn’t believe it. 
How could he?
How the fuck is Steve Harrington going to get them out of the worst place ever? No offense to him or anything, but the guy could barely make a goddamn milkshake without spilling something on the sticky tile floor of Scoops Ahoy! and now, Billy’s life is in this guy’s hands while he stares into the jaws of a monster that looks like it stepped right out of H.P. Lovecraft’s wettest dreams.
It’s not like this is the first time he’s had this realization, but he is in way over his fucking head. 
“Steve,” Billy grumbled to himself through gritted teeth. “If you can hear me, get us the fuck outta here.”
The thing ahead of them wasn’t moving. It stood in the line of the trees behind Steve’s house. 
It was staring down the clump of people on the other side of the backyard. 
The air was still. 
Billy’s ears were ringing. 
He stared the thing down. 
Its long fingers twitched. 
Someone screamed. 
And the thing charged. 
It roared like nothing Billy had ever heard before. A shriek that seemed to vibrate Billy’s bones and tremble the earth underneath his feet. 
It charged. 
Sprinting forward on long thin legs, it loped with a grace that turned Billy’s stomach and made his knees wobble and threaten to give out. 
Plant your feet. 
It rang through his head, Steve’s voice from, some time Billy couldn’t remember. Or maybe Steve was just the little voice that commanded his bravery now. 
Either way, he dug the balls of his feet into the cracked ground, and waited. 
Don’t stop fighting.
He swung. 
The ax clocked right into the side of the thing, barely cutting into its thick leathery skin, but it slowed it down. 
Well, actually. 
It made it change course from attacking the group as a whole, to honing in on Billy. 
Which was less than awesome. 
Billy wrenched the ax out of its tough body, thick, sticky black goo connecting the ax with its entry point as he drew it away. 
He swung again, nearly hitting the same place. 
The thing cried out, roaring over the sound of screaming and gunshots. 
Hopper had his rifle trained on the flowered head of the one Billy was furiously chopping into like a tree. 
There were two more, two he hadn’t noticed in his preoccupation with the one in front of him. 
He didn’t know who was who. Which gunshot belonged to which gun, which shriek belonged to which animal. 
He didn’t know if the cries of pain were from the awful beasts or the people in his camp. He was hoping the former. 
He swung again. There was a sickening sound of the metal blade connecting with something solid. Something like bone. 
Hopper shot it, once, twice in the head. 
It was whining, making a high-pitched noise as it staggered about. 
One last blow to the side of the thing, and it was finished. 
The monster flopped onto the ground, dark liquid oozing out of it, its body nearly split in half where Billy had hammered it with his ax. A great gaping wound that showed sticky dark entrails. 
Billy turned. 
His brain was working in slow motion as he charged into the battle still raging. 
He didn’t know how many of the things had arrived. 
All he knew was taking them out.
His arms were sore from the force he was putting into each blow with his ax. His muscles threatened to give out at any moment.
Drive them back. We’re coming. 
The thought was shoved into his head. He didn’t know where it came from but he believed it. 
“Help is on the way!” He shouted to no one and everyone. 
He had taken down two more demogorgons with the help of the others. One was missing its body, a petal head lolling on the ground, getting trampled on in the fight. 
Steve had felt the demogorgon before Billy saw it. 
It was an odd feeling, almost like it was a black hole sucking up everything he thought and felt before he could cling onto it. 
It made him feel cold, and empty, and just like the Upside Down felt. 
“We don’t have time!”
El was insisting on contacting the others. She was livid with them for abandoning Steve, but things were taking a turn for the small group trapped in that hellscape. 
“Steve’s right. If there’s a demogorgon there, that means the Mind Flayer has gotten some strength back, wherever he is.”
Steve nodded at Will gratefully.
“But, what’s the idea? You two open the gate. Then what? We wait for those things to come through to our side?” Jonathan asked, kinda harshly, if you ask Steve.
Steve rubbed his eyes, his fists pressing against them so hard he was seeing odd shapes. 
“No. I go through. I get them. I bring them back.” His head was a fucking mess. Billy was all over the place. Fear, desperation, and a horrible calm that only came when things looked like the end. Plant your feet, he thought, trying to get his feelings to Billy through the thin dimensional wall. Don’t stop fighting. “For the past few days, all I’ve been able to feel is somebody else’s fucking fear and this stupid stupid stubbornness and I know it’s Billy, and I know he’s in trouble. Like right now. The demogorgons are coming for them, and he’s so scared. He’s so fucking scared and he thinks he’s gonna die, and he’s trapped .”
He looked at each person individually, glaring at them all in the eye. 
“We don’t have time.”
So it was decided. 
He brought El outside, and stared into the shimmering water of the pool. 
The pool where a demon came out and dragged Barbara to her death. 
It gave him the fucking creeps. Well, it more gave him the severe anxiety, but there was something about it that made it seem like it was the best place to try and rip the fold between himself and Billy. 
Drive them back. We’re coming. 
He wanted Billy to have some hope. Something like a lifeline that would keep him fighting the monsters. 
He had wrenched his nail bat out of the wall it was still planted in from a few nights ago, and stood next to El, ready to try. 
“To be honest, I don��t know how to help you.” It was the only thing that scared him about this plan. “I don’t have the same powers as you. The telekin-the moving stuff around. I don’t know how to open this.”
She looked at him thoughtfully. 
“In Chicago. Kali. When I’m angry my powers are better,” she took his hand. “Make me angry.”
Steve closed his eyes. 
He tried to push Billy to the side, clinging onto the first bit of El he could sense. 
Her anger was like a melted core running through her. Driving her in a lot of ways. 
He grabbed onto it. 
Papa. Everything he did to your mama. Being locked in isolation. Fights with Hopper. Being trapped in the cabin. Feeling alone and not knowing how to fix it. New kids at school being mean. Techs in the lab that treated us like rats. The smell of skin burning. Parents that called you a freak. 
He didn’t know when he had stopped using El’s ready-made rage, and began siphoning his own straight into the beating heart of her fury. 
His gut began to feel white-hot, and he could feel the blood dripping down his lip. 
Lying to everyone. Being abandoned for the truth. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. 
Steve was livid. 
He’s never felt an emotion consume him like this. Felt one feeling take over so completely it’s like there was nothing else in the world. 
He opened his eyes. 
There was blood flowing steadily from El’s nose, and he knew his was doing the same. 
He could feel his heart pounding against his ribs, his body going into overdrive to divert all of his energy to his powers. 
The rift glowed red through the clear pool water, splitting open like a seam on a well-worn shirt. 
The burn on his arm ached, and he pushed into it. 
He remembered being held down on his father’s desk. Remembers the cigar being forced against his skin, bubbling up and disfiguring the tattoo beyond recognition. 
He remembers his father, this is for your own good, Steven. You’ll tell everyone you had an accident. People won’t question a burn like they will a tattoo. 
Like no one would take one look at the quarter-sized mark and know what would make it. 
He remembers getting the tattoo. 
It was nearly the same process. 
He was strapped down in a chair, his screams going ignored as the needle drove into his skin over and over, leaving a neat black number behind. 
Number One. 
The first in a series of children bred for something more, and beaten into acceptance. 
His head felt like it could explode. He didn’t know what was going on around him, was barely aware of El’s sweaty hand in his, and the bright red light coming from the cracked bottom of the pool. 
It was open. 
Number One took a deep breath, and dived into the pool. 
It was the little one that noticed it. 
Billy had been trying to yell at him to get back inside, to keep himself out of harm’s way. 
They had killed six demogorgons, and more were certainly coming. 
The trees in the forest were rustling in a way they never did on their own. 
The little one was pointing frantically, his eyes wide and scared. 
Billy turned, and his blood ran cold. 
Something was moving in the pool. 
It was making the thick non-water slosh around dangerously, the dark liquid lapping over the sides and staining the concrete. 
There were vines crisscrossing over the surface of the liquid, and Billy approached it carefully, hoping whatever was coming out would be trapped underneath them. 
“This is the last fucking thing we need,” Hopper gritted out, cocking his rifle and aiming at the sludge. 
And then Billy’s head felt like it had been cracked open. 
He was blinded with pain and rage and 
Help me, Hargrove!
He started swinging his ax wildly at the vines. Trying to break them apart enough for a body to fit through. 
His heart thundered in his chest, and he dropped to his knees, ripping at the slimy black tendrils. 
He shoved his left arm in.
It was like dousing his arm in ice. Like the liquid was made from the purest essence of cold. 
He searched frantically with his hand, finding something solid and yanking with all his strength. 
He had to put both arms in, grabbing hold of whatever he could, using his body weight as leverage to extract Steve from the cold. 
He was limp when Billy finally got him out, but breathing heavily. 
He opened his eyes, wiping his face free of the goop and blood covering him, and grinned at Billy. 
“Told’ya we would get you out.”
They shepherd him inside, most of the gang speechless and struck dumb from the events of the past while. 
Steve was given a change of almost clean clothes, and allowed to use some of their bottled water ration to clean the freezing black fluid from himself. 
He wasted little time, and was down in the Upside Down version of his living room with everyone else. 
“We can’t be long. El had to use a lot of strength to open it, but she’ll need her strength to close it, too.” 
Nobody knew what in the fuck Steve was going on about. 
Nobody but Hopper, that is. 
He still had disgusting pool sludge all over his front from when he pulled Steve into a tight hug when he had gotten his bearings back from his journey through the rift. 
“We can’t send people through that shit. It took all of Billy’s muscle to get you outta there.”
“So we drain it,” Steve insisted. “My parents drain it sometimes, I know how to do it.”
“I’ll keep watch. Make sure nothing tries to make itself known.”
Billy had barely wiped himself off. 
He didn’t care anymore about how freezing that shit was, he just wanted to surge forward, and get back the fuck home.
Hopper studied them both.
“Bring weapons. Yell if you need help.”
Billy nodded once, and turned on his heel, following Steve out the back door. 
Steve led him to a wooden shed on the side of the house. Billy had to clear the vines away from it before Steve could pry open the doors. 
It was full of pool equipment, and it didn’t take long for Steve to locate a large grubby pump. He knocked it against the wall of the shed until the filter attachment clattered off, leaving bigger openings for the sludge to, hopefully, run through. 
“Shit. This thing is electric. You got electricity?” 
It was the first time Steve had really gotten a good look at Steve since being in the Upside Down. 
He looked exactly as he had in the void place. His hair had a lot more disgusting black fluid in it, and he overall looked kinda shitty with the flecks of grime and blood on his face, but he looked bright. Alive. Strong. 
“How did you do it? Take me to that place. Figure out we were here.” 
Steve flushed. Billy had become overly aware that his face was completely covered under his bandana. Steve should cover his face. 
He drew another one of his back pocket, and, he didn’t know why, but he tied it around Steve’s face. 
Seriously, he could’ve just handed it to the guy and called it good there. But no. He had to set his ax on the ground, propped against his leg, wrap his arms around Steve’s shoulders, and tie the bandana like this was some intricate ritual. 
All while Steve just stared at him with those fuckin’ eyes of his. 
“It’s a long story.” Billy could barely hear Steve speak through the dirty cloth now covering his mouth and nose. “I’ll tell you when we’re back. When we’re safe.”
“I’m holding you to that, Harrington. Can’t have a guy poking around my dreams and shouting in my head without knowing his intentions.”
It was as close to flirting as Billy dared right now. 
Right before they tried to journey between worlds. 
“Good to know you heard me. I was trying to give you something of a pep talk.”
“Well, it worked. I would’ve just put my arms out and let those things rip me to shreds if I hadn’t have known.”
Billy didn’t know what Steve’s face was doing behind the cloth, but his eyes dropped, and Billy imagined that little cinch of his mouth that he had noticed Steve doing so much in that void place.
Billy meant it as a joke. 
He really did. 
And the Billy that was torn to bits in the mall wasn’t this Billy. Wasn’t the real Billy that was made out of real Billy materials and real Billy personality. 
But it still made Steve feel queasy, thinking about his arms spread wide, black goop pouring out of his mouth and nose as the Mind Flayer decimated him. 
“We’ve got a lot to talk about, Billy. Just, not now.” 
And Steve turned off, hauling the pump back to the pool and taking calming breaths. 
The pump sank without much effort, like there was some kind of gravitational pull at the bottom of the pool. 
Steve had connected the thickest hose he could find, adn sent Billy off with the extension cord to find an outlet that didn’t spark and threaten fire. 
Before no time, the pump was humming, and pushing black slime through the hose and onto the dead grass. 
They didn’t need to get it all out, just as much as they could shove everyone through. 
Steve closed his eyes, trying to reach El like he had Billy. 
We had a hold up. Shouldn’t be long. 
He could feel her on the other side. 
She promised she would stay close enough to the rift that Steve could get in touch with her. 
He could feel something slither down his spine, a wordless confirmation from her. 
The liquid in the pool was slowly edging down, leaving a stain on the once-white walls of the pool. 
“Gather everyone up. Tell ‘em to meet out here. Tell ‘em to leave it all behind.”
Billy was still staring at the edge of the forest when he commanded Steve. 
It was odd, being in his house that’s not his house. 
Everything was so. Wrong. 
From the way the house seemed to be crumbling down, reduced to its studs in some areas, to the way it was still clearly his house. Paintings his father had bought. Elegant furniture his mother selected. 
It was all there. Just under a thick layer of dirt and nightmares. 
He thought idly about his bedroom, wondering if it would look like it did on his end. A little messy, the sheets typically rumpled and unmade. 
He resisted the urge to wander upstairs, reminding himself he was on a mission. 
“It’s time. Don’t bring anything. It’ll probably be ruined along the way.”
Everyone looked grave. Steve tried to smile at them, tried to push through some calmness to them all. He had forgotten Billy’s bandana was tied around his face. He sent one last wave of quiet confidence around the room, and led the group through the kitchen. 
They had barely rounded the corner of the kitchen island when they heard a strangled yell from outside. 
Steve put his head down, and sprinted through the shattered glass doors, skidding to a halt in the threshold. 
Billy was staggering backward, his ax forgotten on the ground and his left hand was clinging wildly to his right shoulder. 
His jacket was in tatters, thick blood dripping bright crimson down his arm, standing out like neon against the dark, dirty ground. 
Steve didn’t feel himself moving forward. He didn’t feel his hands raising in front of him. 
He just felt anger. The same anger from before that had ripped through him like a raging forest fire and straight into El. 
The thing shrieked. 
It backed away from Billy, twisting and writhing as its horrible screams filled the air, making the hair on the back of Steve’s neck stand on end. 
Fierce fury was exploding out of him, and he grit his teeth against the pounding in his head. 
“You don’t get to hurt him,” Steve barely barked out. 
All went still, and the demogorgon snapped into pieces. 
Steve felt like he could pass out where he stood. 
He had never felt so wrung dry. 
His vision was waning at the edges, and he felt an arm around his waist, coaxing him toward the red light now barely shining through a thin layer of slime in the pool. 
“Hold your breath, Pretty Boy.”
Steve was limp against him, and Billy was doing his best to ignore the searing pain in his right shoulder as he held Steve close to his side. He had fumbled off both of their face coverings, moving clumsily through the pain of his injury. 
He took one last breath, and jumped into the rip between worlds. 
He plunged into the water, the crystal blue of a chlorinated pool. 
It was the best feeling in the world. 
Being covered and surrounded by clean. The heated water doing more to soothe Billy’s frayed nerves than anything in his life. 
He kicked hard, swimming one-armed to the surface, Harrington a dead weight in his injured arm. 
His head broke the water, and he took in deep lungfuls of clean, crisp air. 
Someone was tugging at Steve, and Billy, for the first time in his fucking life, was glad to see those kids Max was constantly hanging around. 
A woman Billy didn’t know was fawning over Steve, feeling for a pulse, and looking relieved when she felt his hot breath against her palm. 
“There’s more coming,” Billy coughed. 
He barely managed to get the words out, dripping muck and grime on the cement by the pool, when it felt as though he was hit from the side by a speeding train. 
He buried his nose in bright orange hair, hugging Max back as tightly as he could manage. 
He was exhausted, and feeling her there, alive and okay, was all that was keeping him standing. 
“I thought, I mean, we all thought you were dead. We saw it. That thing killed you .” Billy realized, with a whole lotta horror, that she was crying. Sobbing outright into his dirty chest. 
“Yeah, I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” How could they have seen when that monster just came at him? 
“Oh, you’re bleeding.”
And if she only just realized he was hurt?
Max frog-marched Billy inside, to a very pale-looking Nancy Wheeler, sitting ready with a first aid kit. 
Billy had to peel his clothes off his body, the fabric stuck to him like a second skin. 
Nobody was speaking, and more of the people locked in the other place came traipsing into the room, fluffy towels wrapped around their shoulders. 
Hopper was the last to come in, holding the woman tight to his side underneath the striped pool towel. 
“Steve and El are closing it back up.”
There was a quiet murmur around the room.
Nancy patched up Billy’s shoulder, Max still stuck to his side like glue, the little boy from camp pasted to his other side. 
He had no idea how much time had past when Steve finally came traipsing into the room with Max’s little friend, both of them sporting matching bloody noses. 
Steve looked like shit. 
His face was covered in blood, old and new, and he still had some of the gross not-liquid in his hair from the Upside Down. 
But Billy doesn’t think he’s ever been happier to see someone in his life. 
“I’m sure everyone has questions,” said the woman tucked against Hop’s side. El, Billy assumes, had taken her place on Hop’s other side, wrapping the towel around her shoulders as well. 
The woman launched into a story that made Billy feel like his brain was oozing out of his ears. 
A monster. One they had all met before. Playing body snatcher in their sleepy little town. 
Apparently, one had been wearing a Billy meat-suit and wreaking havoc around town, which made Billy wanna throw up until he died. 
Which, not-Billy, had died. Fuckin’ brutally. And in front of everyone. Which sure as shit explained why Max wouldn’t let go of his sweaty hand. 
The story made Billy queasy, and he took to studying everyone in the room instead. 
All the kids were there, even the one that had been following Steve around like a little shadow, but they were all glaring in the very much opposite direction of Steve. 
Steve himself was pressed almost against the wall, looking like he’d collapse if the wall weren’t supporting him. 
“What’s up with the cold shoulder?” Billy muttered to Max.
“They’re mad at Steve right now. He’s been lying to us all.”
It was all he got out of her before everyone started moving around. 
The woman, Joyce Byers, he’s learned, had finished her story, and the group from the Upside Down had begun clamoring for rides home, or maybe something to eat. 
Billy just saw Steve manage to slip away before he followed him. 
It took some doing, shaking off the little one, who still wasn’t speaking, and looked ready to burst into tears when Billy told him to stay behind in the living room. 
But Janet Holloway took the kid’s other hand and gently led him back into the living room. 
Billy nodded at her, and sped up the stairs. 
It was weird, being in Harrington’s actual room. 
It was messy, and looked like Steve spent most of his time here tossing clothes on the ground or twisting up in his bed covers like a tornado. 
But it was oddly comforting. 
Being in Steve’s real room, and not some perverse dirty copy. 
Steve was standing, facing the bed, peeling his borrowed jacket from his shoulders and leaving it there on the floor.
“I never said thank you.”
Steve startled at Billy’s voice.
“Yeah. No problem.” Steve’s tone was light and airy, but Billy heard him sniff.
“Max said the little shitbirds are mad at you. Something about you lying.” 
Steve turned around, giving Bily a watery smile.
“It’s a long story.”
“I got time.”
So Steve told him. 
About the lab. 
About the experiments. 
About the torture. 
He explained that he had rules. Never making anyone feel something they already didn’t. Never altering someone’s opinion of, or feelings towards him. 
Billy grit his teeth as he imagined Wheeler giving Steve a hard time about that.
Steve was silent for a moment, not looking at Billy.
“It’s okay if you hate me. I mean, everyone does now.”
“You'd be able to feel if I hated you. You and those powers of yours just saved my life, Pretty Boy. I’m pretty sure I’m feeling the farthest thing from hatred just about now.”
It was as close to a confession as Billy would let himself get. 
But if Steve knows what he’s feeling at any given moment, then that means that he knows, and he didn’t-
“Quit it. Insecurity isn’t a good look on you.”
Steve sounded tired, and he flopped back onto his bed, staring at the ceiling with his arms out. 
At first, it didn’t sit quite right with Billy. 
He had barely even begun to identify what he was feeling when Steve swooped in and just point blank told him what the emotion was. 
Billy spent nearly all of his time being a big fuckin’ facade. 
He tried his very best to hide any emotional tell from anyone around him. 
He prided himself on being a chameleon. That nobody would ever truly know how he felt in any given situation. 
And here’s pretty boy Steve Harrington. Who is feeling just as, if not more, strongly as Billy is. 
But, it takes out all the parts of emotions that Billy hates dealing with. 
Showing them. Talking about them. 
He’d never once had to grapple with the words to explain how he feels to Steve. 
Steve would just. 
He’d know. 
And god, that’s kind of a nice idea. 
Billy sat down gently on the bed. 
Steve’s head popped up to stare incredulously at Billy. 
Billy just grinned at him. 
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missroserose · 3 years
WIP snippet meme!
@redmyeyes tagged me to share a snippet of my WIP! (Luckily, she didn't specify which one.) I'm going to tag @paperbodiesamongthestars, @twobrokenwyngs, @sirsparklepants, @withoneheadlight, @trashcangimmick, @wendigosam, and @keziahrain—let's see what y'all are working on!
As for me, while I haven't actively worked on Act III of Waters for a while, it's been haunting my ruminations for some time now. So here's an early version of one of the early scenes. It's the week after Billy and Steve got together in secret, and things have been a little rocky between them—and then, of course, there's school...
Steve thinks about skipping the lunchroom, maybe going out to his car for a smoke—it’s been a while since he did, Nancy didn’t like it, but Nancy’s in the lunchroom and not out in his car, and frankly that seems like as good a reason as any. But Tommy’ll be there, and Eric, and the rest of the guys, and even if it is unseasonably warm there’s something of an unspoken rule that they all eat together in the lunchroom come December. So he shows up fashionably late, grabs a tray, takes his apportioned apple and slice of pizza and pint of chocolate milk—
A round of applause interrupts his good old fashioned pity party. Sends his attention towards the corner of the cafeteria where the guys from the basketball team are sitting—all clapping, whistling, giving those weird hooting gorilla grunts combined with a spun arm of approval.
All at Billy, standing in the doorway.
Billy’s staring, hostile, mean, but then Tommy runs up to him, slaps him on the back—“hell yeah, stud, like father like son“—and of course he misses the flash of anger this sends across Billy’s face. Steve crosses the room, careful to put a careless saunter in his step, and stands at the end of the table, watches as Billy takes the guys’ semi-sarcastic congratulations. Leans over, where Dan Miller’s sitting, stabbing at his rubbery pizza slice with a plastic spork. “What’s going on?”
“Something about his dad,” Miller responds. “It’s dumb but Tommy got it into his head that it’d be a funny joke.” He looks over at Steve, half surprised. “I would’ve thought you were in on it.”
“What, like Tommy can’t think up unfunny shit on his own?” Steve elbows Dan, gets a half-smiling chuckle in response, straightens. Returns his attention to the drama playing out at the head of the table, hears snatches of conversation. “Lydia Hayes—“ “God, I’ve had a crush on her since middle school—“ “those tits though—“ “shame her daughter didn't get those, huh?”—this last greeted with a round of knowing nods and chuckles.
“Hargrove, what the hell? You weren’t going to tell me it was your bachelorette party today?” Steve bumps his way in through the receiving line, gives Billy an elbow in the ribs.
“Ha ha. Save your congratulations for my asshole father. Apparently he banged some bitch's mom that these idiots have been drooling over for years.” Billy’s eyes slide over the rest of the team with unveiled contempt—most of them have gone back to eating at this point, the joke over.
“Not just some bitch. Lydia fucking Hayes, dude.” Tommy, never one to understand when a joke’s been stretched to its limit, claps Billy on the back. “Loud and proud enough that his wife went nuclear on the Hayes’ holiday decorations over the weekend.”
“It was a public service, really,” one of the guys cracks.
“Jesus, you hicks are hard up for entertainment,” Billy mutters, and stalks off to go grab a tray.
Steve nabs the seat next to Tommy, does his best to change the subject. Remembers his own words to Billy, earlier. “So, what’s your family doing for Christmas?”
“My family? Skiing again. Lame-o.” Tommy gives an exaggerated yawn, stretching one arm up as if flagging for the entertainment. “Luckily, I’ve talked my way out of it. Told the ‘rents I’ve got way too much homework over vacation. Wouldn’t want to risk my GPA, maybe get my college acceptance withdrawn.”
Steve flashes his best Risky Business smile. “So you’re throwing a party?”
“Fuck yeah I’m throwing a party. Friday night. You coming?”
Steve’s smile turns into a grin, all teeth. “I’ll bring the keg.”
“That’s King Steve.” Tommy punches him in the shoulder approvingly. “Wonder if we can set up two. Get you and Hargrove in direct competition—that’d be a hell of a draw. I bet we could sell tickets.”
“Psh, a kegstand’s no draw if you don’t have girls.” A thought occurs to him. “Can we get the girls to hold us up? Like wrestling champions. That would bring in the crowds.”
“What’re we bringing?” Billy’s returned, alotted pizza slice and milk carton and fruit cup all perched on his tray.
“Your A-game!” Tommy, never one to wait for an idea to finish baking, practically crows the words. “This Friday, man. Start-of-Christmas-vacation party! We’re gonna knock the socks off these hicks.”
Steve would swear he could see Billy’s eye twitch at Tommy’s easy appropriation of his personal vocabulary. “I’m not sure I’m really in the mood for partying, Hagan. Besides, didn’t Kristie just throw a kegger last week?”
Tommy scoffs. “Hardly. It was sad, man. There were, like, five people sitting around in ugly Christmas sweaters. Not even enough to play Spin the Bottle.” He shakes his head, expression as tragically pained as someone looking at those pictures of the starving children in Ethiopia. “You going to tell me we can’t do better than that? We’ve got the whole team!” His voice rises on the last note, as if he’s expecting the others to cheer, but he barely garners a couple of glances before the rest of the guys go back to their conversations. Steve can’t blame them—nobody cheers for Tommy other than Tommy.
“So what’re you gonna do if the team’s all who show?” Steve glances over at Billy’s sharp tone, realizes he’s got that look on his face—eyes narrowed, tension across his shoulders, and (Steve would bet) at least one fist balled up beneath the table. “Can’t play Spin the Bottle without girls.”
“Yes! Exactly what Steve here was saying.” Tommy nods, as if he’s some kind of expert on girls and their partygoing habits. “So we were thinking, new idea: two kegs, and we get four of the prettiest girls to assist. Double keg-stand!” He practically crows the words. “King versus king! The ultimate battle for keg supremacy!”
Steve has to give Tommy this much credit for cunning—in the mood for partying or no, there’s no way Billy can turn down an invitation like that. His face goes easy, lazy—the sort of half-smile where you’d never see the knife hidden beneath if you didn’t know to look for it. He turns it on Steve. “Wha’d’ya say, Harrington? Shall we settle the question once and for all?”
The knife is there, Steve knows—always is, with Billy. Even if Steve didn’t know him as well as he does, he’d guess—there’s something a little too clear about the sudden sparkle in Billy’s eyes, something aggressive about the way he suddenly focuses all of his attention on Steve. But frankly, Steve hasn’t gotten where he has by backing down from a challenge.
And it feels good to have Billy’s attention on him again.
“Only if you’re ready to bow before your king.” Steve keeps his voice mild, takes a sip of milk as easily as if it were a longneck. Watches Billy from the corner of his eye.
Billy’s eyes flash, and his voice raises just a hair—nothing obvious, but enough that the whole team’s attention is on them now. “All right. Let’s raise the stakes. Loser crowns the winner, and offers a forfeit.” He takes a sip of his own milk, considering. “We’ll need a crown.”
“And a robe,” Tommy says immediately. “I’m on it. We’re gonna determine this thing right.”
A satisfied nod, Billy turning his smile back on Steve, hitting him with the full wattage. “Don’t worry, Harrington. I’m a generous ruler. I’ll only have you streak around the block once.”
Steve laughs along with the rest of the team. It’s all in good fun, after all. Just guys being bros. “And here I was gonna say, I’ll only make you call me Daddy once.”
Against the backdrop of the team’s ooooos, Billy’s face loses its smile, eyes pale as they look at Steve. “I’m gonna fuckin’ take you apart, Harrington.” He downs the last of his milk, bares his teeth, traces of white still clinging to his gums. “And don’t you forget it.”
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A Green Day concert, a bloody nose and a coming out – Sunset Curve & Green Day I
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Summary: Luke and Bobby got them tickets for the Green Day show in LA on November 2nd 1994, also known as the night Billie Joe punched a homophobe and Alex came out to the guys.
Friendship fic, super Alex & Bobby centred, Luke and Reggie are not straight but don’t know that yet. Also, I know most people think Alex came out way earlier, but he has to not be out for this story to work.
((warnings: homophobia, homophobic language (not fully written out except in the band name of the opening act), slight violence, mentioned: alcohol, underage drinking (I am german, so for me it’s not underage drinking but yeah), in general: swearing))
word count: 4.9k, read here on AO3 x
Luke and Bobby got four tickets for the Green Day show in LA on November 2nd in 1994, it was one of Green Day’s bigger shows at that time. The boys previously have been to other concerts of the band, but the last one was in a small club in ’92, of course, all four of them being way too young for that place. Luke and Reggie were the first ones out of their group to get fake ID’s, mainly to go to gigs and play gigs. In the beginning, Alex thought he would never do the same, too scared of possible consequences, but then Luke used his stupid puppy eyes. (They still work even after Alex crush died, dead and buried). And if he was being honest, it was really helpful for playing clubs if the owners can at least pretend that they believe the four boys are old enough to be there.
Alex was aware that Green Day’s opening act, Pansy Division, was an all-gay band. And he was excited and scared at the same time. He found out because this one kid in his English class, Josh, went to the San Diego show earlier that week and told one of his friends that he shouldn’t go to the LA show as Green Day was just a bunch of “f*g lovers” and not worth their time. So Alex was scared: what if his friends would say the same thing?
They arrive late and the line is massive, Alex anxiety pitches in and reminds him that if it takes too long for them to get inside, he might miss Pansy Divisions performance. Logically he knows that they wouldn’t start letting people in so late that the opening band already starts when most people are not inside yet, but his anxiety is not that into logical thinking. He can’t help being fidgety, at one point Luke noticed and asks him if the crowd is making him uncomfortable. “Yeah, a little bit” Alex responds, not wanting further questions about why he was so anxious. The boys keep close to the bar, staying in the back first, not too excited to get into the crowd just yet. Alex knows the others would be inside the first mosh pit if it wasn’t for his anxiety, but not once did they show any signs of annoyance about his hesitancy. They just patiently wait for Alex to get used to the crowd and atmosphere, never angry when he has a bad day and he never signals that it is okay for them to go into the more crowded areas. Sometimes, especially when Luke doesn’t know where to put his energy he and Reggie go, but they always make sure that at least one person stays with Alex. He probably should tell them how thankful he is for this more often (the others would disagree here since they feel like Alex thanks them too much).
When Pansy Division started playing Alex didn’t expect them to actually sing about hooking up with guys at rock concerts, loving men, having real, deep and meaningful relationships and just, in general, doing normal daily life stuff, living with a boyfriend and how it feels after a breakup. He feels so excited, almost jumping up and down to the beat, not able to put his excited energy out on the drums like he would if it was their own concert. Alex completely forgets to check the guys for any reactions, too involved in the music. He doesn’t see that the other three boys enjoy Pansy Divisions music just as much as he does. He doesn’t see Bobby eyeing him from the side, a knowing glint in his eye.
Alex doesn’t know that Bobby saw the way Alex would look at Luke when they were 14, at Brian from History when they were 15, and how he sometimes looks at pictures from Billie Joe Armstrong in magazines. Bobby also didn’t miss Alex’ obsession with the song Coming Clean. The other boys sometimes forget about how Bobby’s parents are genuine open-minded people, who introduce him to a lot more diverse people than his friends’ parents do. So yes, maybe Alex was discreet enough for Mr Luke Oblivious Patterson and Captain Reg Oblivious Peters, and his parents who anyway only see what they want to see, but not for Bobby. Bobby, who might from an outsider’s perspective looks like he is standing a bit outside this friendship group due to him being less loud and sociable than his friends, but Bobby who loves his friends with all his heart, Bobby who truly sees his friends and knows that this is where he belongs. Seeing the absolute bliss, happiness and excitement streaming from Alex like waves is contagious.
After Pansy Division finished their set and there was a short break before Green Day would start theirs, Bobby slips from their group, mumbling that he would get another beer. Instead, he goes to buy Pansy Divisions EP, because the band was genuinely good but mostly because he knows Alex wouldn’t buy it, but he will definitely want it. On his way to the little corner where they sell the Green Day merch as well as Pansy Division stuff, Bobby realises that it was actually packed, but he soon saw that it was just a long long line for the Green Day merch. Actually, there are so many people he can’t even see the Green Day merch salesperson. He manages to get to the guy who took care of the Pansy Division stuff, he greets him with a head nod and a short “hey”, while scrambling his money out of his pant pockets to count it. He’ll have to nick a bit off of Luke’s beer later, not having enough money left to buy another one. When he reaches out to hand out the money for the CD somebody joins the guy who cared for the merch. Bobby recognises that it’s the singer of Pansy Division and he smiles at him. “Great performance, really enjoyed you guys’ music!”. The singer grins at that and holds out his left hand, which Bobby finds a bit strange, but takes it nonetheless.
“Jon, nice to meet you.”
“Bobby, pleasure is all mine.”
“Ah, you’re a musician yourself!” Jon says while checking out Bobby as if he could tell whether the kid in front of him was any good based on his appearance. It took the guitarist a second to realise that Jon must’ve felt his calloused fingers from playing the guitar during the handshake. “Yeah, I’m actually here with my bandmates.” A voice in his head, that sounds suspiciously like Reggie tunes in with “We’re Sunset Curve, tell your friends.” But Bobby pretty much felt like a child trying to play in the adults’ league, so he doesn’t say anything else. Jon grabs the CD he was about to buy and opens it while asking “So Bobby, is the CD for you or someone else?” Taken aback by that question Bobby tells him without thinking “We kind of always share records. Em, so maybe Sunset Curve?” Jon who was about to sign the inside of the CD case, pauses and looks up again “You’re in Sunset Curve?”
“Yeah, rhythm guitar.” He answers without much of a thought, it takes him two seconds then he adds: “You’ve heard of us?” Jon chuckles at Bobby’s shocked tone.
“Saw you play a few months ago. Didn’t remember your name till Mike mentioned one of your songs, always called you “the band with the cute drummer” actually.” Jon casually explained to a still shell-shocked Bobby. The comment about Alex makes him choke on his own spit though. Jon smirks, but before he can say more Bobby’s mouth starts talking before his brain gave its okay: “You saw us well enough to say that Alex is cute, but you didn’t recognise me?” After the words left his mouth, he feels his face heat up.
‘Way to embarrass yourself by having too much of an ego, Robert, great job’, he thought to himself. But Jon again laughs it off, as if he made a funny joke, smirks and asks if Alex was here tonight.
“He is,” Bobby says, voice cold, “he is also sixteen.”
Now it was Jon’s time to look embarrassed. “Oh shit, never mind then.” He pauses. “Sixteen is a bit young to play that club you played, isn’t it?” He pauses again. “You guys take this whole music thing seriously, I like that!”
More at ease again after Jon’s reaction to Alex’ age, Bobby’s brain finally catches up with everything Jon said before he called Alex cute.
“Wait, Mike as in Mike Dirnt? As in Mike Dirnt mentioned one of our songs?” he asks astounded. Jon laughs at the utter bewilderment that the younger one’s face was showing. But before he could say something about it a loud voice behind Bobby sneers: “Oh look at that, Bobby the f*g lover.” He turns around and sees Andrew from his math class. “Always knew at least one of you would be a shirt lifter!”
Bobby tries to take a deep breath before he answers but Jon beats him to it. “I would really think people were clever enough to listen to lyrics, but you still find the poser ones at these concerts, especially since Dookie got Green Day so popular outside of the scene!” Bobby needed a few seconds to realise that Jon wasn’t even talking to Andrew but instead just talked about him to Bobby and the guy selling the merch.
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that you fucking fairy!” Andrew sneers, stepping closer to Jon. As soon as Andrews anger is directed towards Jon and not Bobby anymore, the guitarists fight instinct kicks in.
“Fairy? Really?” he asks Andrew with a snigger in his voice, “Didn’t know we live in the 50s, Andrew. Learned all these terms from your daddy?” Bobby tries to make his voice sound as degrading as possible. For a second it seems like Andrew might shut up and leave but then Jon starts laughing loudly about Bobby’s comments and before anyone can react Andrew takes a swing and hits Jon right on the mouth. Without thinking, Bobby copies his action and the next thing he knows is that his hand hurts and Andrew has a red square on the side of his face. He glares at the guitarist and strikes again. This time the fist hits Bobby’s nose and he sees black stars in front of his eyes for a few seconds. After that, all hell is breaking loose and Bobby is being pushed around for what feels like a few minutes before he gets pulled aside and finds himself behind the selling booth with Jon by his side who has a busted lip that is still bleeding. Jon has a hand on the teen's shoulder and looks worried at him. “Fuck your nose does not look too good!” he says. Hearing the words Bobby brings his hand up to his nose and winces when he feels a sharp pain as soon as his fingers touch his nose. “Fuuuuuuuuck, Alex is going to kill me!” he groans at the thought of how the blond will react to seeing Bobby like this.
“Hey man, good punch you got on the dickhead there!” an excited voice states beside Bobby, which makes him turn his head probably a bit too quick, considering he just got punched in the face a few minutes before. But the guitarists' instincts were right: standing beside him was no other than Green Days’ singer, Billie Joe Armstrong. The blond (with fading blue in his hair) is smiling at Bobby and continues with “but I think mine was even better” while pointing at something behind Bobby, who turns around just in time to see security carrying a half-conscious Andrew out of the venue.
“You know that guy?”
“He goes to my school!” Bobby answers, still in awe looking after Andrew.
“Oh, you need to tell me about how he looks tomorrow, man I don’t miss high school but I’d love to go to school just to see that!” Billie Joe tells him and Jon, still sounding way too excited. When Bobby turns around again to look at the two musicians in front of him, he catches Jon telling Billie Joe that Bobby is part of the band they talked about the other day. Somehow getting even more excited by the news he fully turns back to Bobby. “Love that! We need more good people in this scene so we can make sure the music stays clean of dudes like that! Well, it was lovely punching homophobes with you Bobby, but I actually have a concert to play!”
And with that Billie Joe is gone through the door leading to the backstage area and Bobby looks at Jon hoping that he can find answers with him (like is he hallucinating?) but he just chuckles at the teenagers in awe face and takes the CD Bobby wanted to buy all along, as well as the money he had already paid and hands both back at the teen with the words “I think you paid enough for this already, thanks for sticking up for me!” And adding, when Bobby tries to give the money back again, “You better go so your bandmates don’t worry and you don’t miss the Green Day show!” Bobby thanks him and with a smile he makes his way back to the other boys while putting the money and the CD into his pockets.
When Alex finally sees Bobby come back to them, he feels relief washing over him. Alex always hates it when they split especially if one of them is on their own and Bobby has been gone for way too long. The first thing Alex notices is that Bobby doesn’t carry any beer or anything else that he could’ve brought from a bar, the second thing is that Bobby’s nose is bleeding. The easing relief is instantly replaced by worry as Alex's brain catches up with his eyes. As soon as the guitarist reaches them Alex starts searching his fanny pack for tissues and anything else that can help with a bloody nose, all while berating Bobby about getting into a fight. Reggie and Luke excitedly ask Bobby about it, but when their bleeding bandmate tries to tell them about what happened Alex just shushes him and gestures for him to look up so that he can take a better look at his nose. While Alex is still cleaning up Bobby’s face the crowd starts cheering and Alex turns around quickly to confirm his suspicion that the main act finally made it on stage. He keeps on cleaning his friends face from now slightly dried blood when he hears Billie Joe's voice over the speakers.
“Sorry guys, I know we’re late, but I had to punch a homophobe…” The rest of the sentence does not reach Alex’ brain as he looks at one of his best friends, whose nose was bleeding after obviously being punched and all he can hear is white noise, while the realisation, that Bobby being the homophobe who was just punched by Green Days’ singer, sets in. He feels a sharp sting in his chest all while feeling overwhelmed by fear, cold naked fear. And his thoughts race through his brain, too fast to actually make any sense, all he knows is that his worst nightmare seems to be coming true: the people he trusts the most will eventually leave him. They will hate him. They will think he is disgusting, and they will leave him. Unconsciously he takes a step back from Bobby, taking both his hands off his friends face but before he can totally spiral into his thoughts, he is caught by Bobby who holds the drummer by his wrists and looks at him like Alex offended him deeply.
“Seriously?” Bobby’s voice comes out sharper than he probably intended, softening his tone as he sees Alex flinch at him, “You actually think I am homophobic? Fuck Alex do you really think that poorly of me?” The guitarists' words and face are both filled with what Alex can only describe as hurt. Bobby attempts to say more but he is cut off by Billie Joe's voice coming over the speakers saying his name.
“A special thanks to Bobby from Sunset Curve! Make sure you check them out they’re a local band that’ll make it big one day, I’ll promise you! I swear, give them less than a year and they’ll be playing here on this very stage! Thanks, Bobby, for helping me punch a dickhead!” And with that they start into their first song, leaving the boys standing completely mind blown in the back, each one trying to comprehend what just happened. After a few seconds, Reggie, Luke and Alex all turn to Bobby with questioning faces, but Bobby concentrates on Alex’ face. “Do you believe me now?” When Alex nods the, still bleeding, guitarist feels relief wash over him. “Good! Because I already have your Christmas present and I literally know no one else who has the same taste that you have!” He actually manages to make Alex smile with his stupid comment, feeling like they might be okay again, he holds onto Alex’ sleeve, needing something to ground him, knowing that Alex is uncomfortable with public affection. He turns to Luke and Reggie who as soon as they have his attention try to bombard him with questions, but he stops them and promises to tell them later.
After the concert:
When they leave the venue, a wave of, for L.A. unusually cold air, hits Bobby’s face and clears his head a little, making it easier to think about everything that had happened. As he was the first one out of the four to step out in the cold air, he takes a deep breath before turning around to see the other three boys walk up to him. He notices that Alex pulls his jean jacket tighter around his body, clearly not enjoying the cold air as Bobby does. He smiles at Bobby and then follows Reg and Luke who started walking towards the side street where they parked the van before the concert. The two boys talk animatedly about the Green Days show, analysing every detail. Seeing one of their favourite bands live did distract the two enough for them to not ask any further questions, right now. Alex smile tells Bobby that the same did not count for the blonde boy. Bobby jogs up to Alex to walk beside him, but when he tries to initiate a conversation with his bandmate, the blonde just shakes his head and mumbles, that he has things to think, but as if to calm Bobby down, Alex takes his hand and squeezes it before they reach their van. The van they brought because they actually started to be able to book enough gigs to pay for it (and to actually need it), they all paid for it, even though they don’t talk about the fact that Bobby paid the biggest part, with him having the only parents who actually support the band.
Bobby is driving, with Alex in the passenger seat lost in his thoughts and Luke and Reggie in the back, trying to get Bobby to finally tell them about what happened at the venue. The guitarist promises to tell them as soon as they arrive at the garage, but despite the impatience from Luke and Reggie to find out about everything they still have a quick stop at a small diner on their way home to get their after-concert food.
Alex, Reggie and Luke all go straight for the couch while bobby prefers sitting on the floor, facing them. For a few seconds they all munch happily but soon Luke starts bugging Bobby about what happened at the club, so he puts his sandwich aside and takes a short breath. He doesn’t know where to start, he kind of wants Alex to know that he got the CD for him, but he doesn’t want to put any pressure on Alex, nor does he want the other two to find out about Alex liking boys before Alex wants them to.
“So,” Bobby starts, “we all really liked Pansy Division, right?” he asks with a nervous laugh tinting his words. He looks at the three boys on the couch for confirmation and gets it from two of the boys while Alex looks like he gets scared by the simple indication that he might have really liked the queer band they all saw tonight. Bobby acts like he didn’t see it while deciding, that he won’t tell the blond that Jon was hitting on him. That might be a bit much information for one night. “Well, I thought,” he continues while pulling out the CD he brought earlier “I’ll get us their CD.” He waves the CD then places it on the table in front of the couch so the guys can look at it.
“And that’s where I met one of the band members, Jon, he is the singer.” He looks up at his friends who all stare at him with a mixture of shock and curiosity on their faces, even Alex nervousness seems replaced. ‘I didn’t even get to the really shocking parts yet’, Bobby thought to himself.
“Okay, so we got talking, he found out I play in a band and when he asks for a name to use to sign the CD I just said Sunset Curve, because we always share records, like I mean I don’t even know who owns what anymore!” Luke looks dead serious while nodding his head, Alex starts smiling slightly and Reggie looks like he is trying really hard to separate their shared music collection in his head.
“Anyway, it turns out he saw one of our shows earlier this year and apparently, he was talking about one of our songs with Mike, but before you get too excited, I couldn’t ask him about it because that dick Andrew from my math class interrupted us. He called me a – eh, never mind” he stops himself, giving Alex a short glance – “he started calling me and Jon names and I kind of started making fun of him for using really outdated terms and when Jon laughed about that, Andrew hit him and then I hit Andrew and he hit me back and suddenly everything got crazy. Next thing I know is that I am behind the merch booth with Jon and Billie Joe Armstrong, and Andrew is being carried outside by security.” He tries to rush the words out fast enough so that Luke doesn’t stop him because of the band being recognised and Alex doesn’t stop him because he hit someone.
“And then Billie Joe finds out I am in Sunset Curve and he says something about it being good that more good people will keep the scene going or something and then he pretty much left to play the show and Jon gave me the CD and I went back to you guys so you wouldn’t worry too much.” When he finally finishes his story, he is staring at three really shocked looking faces.
“Mike Dirnt and Billie Joe both know of Sunset Curve?”
“Who knew Bobby is such a badass!”
“You hit Andrew?”
All three started talking at the same time, but then Alex stands up and he looks real mad and everyone else shuts up. Bobby looks at him. “Alex, I didn’t plan to, it just happened. I got so mad when he started calling Jon these awful names and when he hit him, I just snapped.”
“What about our no fighting rule, huh?”
“So, when someone is being super homophobic, I am just supposed to do nothing?”
At that moment Bobby realises that Alex didn’t process until now that Andrew was using homophobic slurs against Bobby and Jon. He sees Alex anger vanish from him in mere seconds, replaced by fear and sadness settling in his eyes. Lips pressed into a thin line Alex sits down on the couch again. It breaks Bobby’s heart to see his friend like this. They all stay silent for a while.
“What did he say?” Alex asks with a voice so quiet Bobby almost misses it.
“Alex,” he sighs, “I am pretty sure you don’t want to know!”
With that Alex's eyes, which were glued to his hands before, snap up and meet Bobby’s. “You know, don’t you?” Alex asks Bobby, seemingly completely forgetting that the other boys are in the room.
Bobby does not know what to answer, not wanting to make Alex come out because he feels like he has to, or because Bobby figured it out already. “I only know what you want me to know, everything else is just a hunch.” He finally settles on.
Alex laughs. “So, you definitely know, and I actually thought I was being subtle.”
“I still love you, you know that, right?” Bobby just needs Alex to know that. Even if this is a weird one, Bobby wants this to be the reaction Alex gets for his first coming out.
It takes Alex a few seconds but finally, he looks up again, searching Bobby’s face for any trace of him lying. As Alex realises that the boy in front of him means what he said he feels like the biggest wave of relief washes over him. This, black-haired, awkward and quiet boy in front of him, who buys CD’s from queer bands, punches one of his classmates because he was being a homophobic bigot to a complete stranger and whose first reaction to Alex half-assed coming out is to tell him that he still loves him. This boy, who is so uncomfortable with most people touching him, who still wants to hold all of their hands all the time, calling them grounding. This boy, who would probably punch more people to protect them because he gets crazy protective about the people he cares about. And suddenly it’s difficult not to start crying and Alex feels like his voice will break if he tries to talk so he just nods.
And in that second, knowing he has Bobby on his side for this, he decides that he wants them all to know. So, he gets up from the couch and “gets on the runway” as Luke likes to call Alex’ nervous walking occasionally. After walking up and down three times, he suddenly stops, turns to Luke and Reg who look super confused by what is happening and he blurts out “Iamgay” so fast that there was no way that any of the guys could’ve understood a single word. So, he takes a deep breath and repeats: “I am gay” while standing there, eyes closed, and breath held.
“Oh, that…” Luke starts, but he gets interrupted by Reggie who says: “That makes so much sense, that is why you were staring at Brian so much last year! That really confused me, man!”
“I was... I was not staring at Brian Denver!” Alex sputters embarrassment creeping in his cheeks.
“You totally were, you even knew who Reg was talking about right away!” Luke laughs and gets up to pull Alex in a big hug, squeezing him tight. Reggie gets a hold of them and pulls them down on the couch where he squeezes between them, and wooshes through Alex’ hair affectionately. Alex, now half sitting on the couch and half lying on Reggie looks up to Bobby, who stands awkwardly in front of the couch. As the other two notice Bobby as well they all kind of freeze in their cuddle pile. Even as Bobby was more comfortable touching his bandmates than he was with touching his parents, or literally anyone else, he still never expressed any interest in being part of a cuddle pile before. Seeing how all of his friends stopped as he approached, the guitarist started taking a step back, but Alex stopped him by holding out his hand for Bobby to take. It takes him a few seconds but finally, he lets himself being pulled on top of Alex into the cuddle pile and even though it feels strange at first he likes the feeling of Alex’ soft t-shirt under his cheek, Reggie’s arm around his waist and the smell of Luke’s cologne.
Later that night Bobby snatches a picture of his best friends still cuddling on the couch hours later, now all fast asleep. He hasn’t shown that picture to anyone except for his daughter when she finds out about the band 25 years later and he decides to tell her about the loves of his life, even if most people wouldn’t recognise them as it since it was purely platonic love. And even though he got married, he never loved anyone as much, with the exception of his daughter, as he loved the three boys who left him when he was just 17 years old.
The next day Bobby snatches a picture of Andrews black eye. He shows that picture to Billie Joe, backstage at an event he attempts without his best friends after the man recognises him as the kid with whom he punched a homophobe. After that Bobby leaves the event early, not being able to hold up the image of Trevor, too consumed by grieve and guilt. Guilt over not being able to protect them. Guilt over not dying with them. Guilt over using their songs.
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keroujack · 4 years
what about billy teaching steve how to fight
because they’re not exactly friends. two people that smoke four feet away from each other and pass a lighter, maybe a cigarette back and forth between classes aren’t exactly friends
but they’re not. nothing. 
billy feels like he can breathe. around steve. feels like he can slip. like he can let some of the mask slip. isn’t so careful about what he says or how he says it. just says outrageous shit to hear the way steve’s laugh bubbles up when he’s not expecting it. teases too much so that he can watch steve’s cheeks turn red
and they’re at the point now where they can joke about it. the fight. billy’s laughing about steve’s poor excuse for a right hook and steve’s a little red in the face
says, “made your sorry ass bleed, didn’t it?”
and billy says, “yeah,” while he takes a hard drag on the cigarette they’re passing back and forth, speaks on an exhale, through a cloud of grey smoke, “but it didn’t even leave a bruise. you coulda done so much better.”
and by better he knows he means worse. billy knows he deserved worse
but steve just kinda frowns. goes all quiet. is sorta looking through billy rather than at him when he asks, “how?”
and billy stops a second. to think about it. thinks about all the hard-covers on the bookshelf. the plates on the counter. the lamp on the end table. the phone on the wall hook
lifts his shoulder in half a shrug and lets it go. says, “lots of ways”
and steve takes the cigarette out of his hand, has the tips of his fingers brushing billy’s when he says, “tell me some”
and billy does
tells steve about the hard-covers, and the plates, and the lamp, and the phone, and watches the way steve processes the information, brow pinched tight, mouth a thin line. can almost pinpoint the exact moment steve realizes that all the things he’s always considered off limits are actually fair game
that winning’s winning, no matter how you gotta do it
it’s a lesson billy learned young, and it’s not one he’s all that glad to pass along. not to somebody like steve
doesn’t like the idea of steve fighting, or wanting to know how, how to be better. worse.
like he’s just waiting for the next one to come find him 
and a couple days later, billy can tell the next one’s somewhere around the corner because steve shows up to smoke and he can’t stand still. he’s got his hands balled into fists. shoulders drawn up. steam between his ears
takes the cigarette right from the purse of billy’s lips so that he can put it between his own and take a long drag and
billy hardly has to wonder, “what’s got you wound so tight?” when steve tells him about tommy
about how tommy’s been hanging on his back worse than normal, making comments that have crawled so far under his skin, billy thinks he can see the words tattooed on him
can see poor king steve written in the flush on his neck and prissy little rich boy written along the line of his jaw
and suddenly tell me some becomes show me some 
steve’s got his eyes in billy’s when he says, “show me some”
and billy does
shows steve how to hold his fist, how to lock his wrist. how to land a hook that’ll hurt and how to dodge a cheap sucker punch and how to get enough power to leave a nasty bruise
reminds him that winning’s winning, not matter how you gotta do it. that nothing’s off limits and that you gotta be quick or else it’s game over
taps steve’s chin with the knuckle on his pointer finger and says, “and don’t forget to plant your goddamn feet”
steve kicks tommy’s ass three days later, shows up to smoke in the alley outside the gym with right hand torn apart, a big, fat split in the middle of his lower lip
the words pull and rip it wider when he tells billy that he won
that he used his chem textbook to push tommy into the lockers and planted his feet and locked his wrist, landed hooks that hurt and caught tommy in the eye so good, it was already half black by the time steve left him lying in the middle of the hall
but it’s just too bad billy doesn’t give a fuck about tommy
cares more about steve’s rosy cheeks, his wrinkled shirt. the faint purple on his jaw and the rips in his hand and the split in his lip
brings steve’s right hand up and kisses the blood on his knuckles, pulls him in by nape of his neck and licks it from his mouth, drags his tongue over the cut 
tastes like copper, like steve when he whispers, “lemme help next time.” a blood red promise he wants to tie around his pinky with string
lemme help you and lemme be there and lemme protect you, ideas mostly unspoken, but interwoven and intertwined, intrinsic to the fabric of billy’s whole being
and steve doesn’t say anything, at least not out loud
but he brings billy’s left hand up, his strong hand, rough, clean, kisses his knuckles and leaves blood red behind, a bright stain against billy’s tanned skin. tastes like a fight, like adrenaline when he leans in and presses his mouth to billy’s
a blood red promise tied around his pinky with string
i don’t need your help, but i want you there
billy wants to be there
would let that blood red string drag him anywhere
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passivenovember · 3 years
Let the Great World Spin. 
Steve made the mistake of asking what Billy's major in Romantic Literature was, exactly, like two minutes after moving the last box into their new apartment. He tucked each corner of a baby blue fitted sheet into one side of the mattress while Billy worked on the other and wondered aloud If spending all day writing artsy-fartsy poems would be able to pay the bills.
Billy had frowned, and.
Clenched his jaw. Raised a dismissive hand when Steve began his usual parade of that's not what I meant and hey I'm sorry when Billy snatched his special box of shit--
A treasure chest containing rolls of floss, tube tops made of repurposed bandanas, one vintage lava lamp and a stack of True Crime trading cards--four from Dustin and one from Max-- 
Off the dresser before moving into the living room.
Steve followed, because.
He watched from the tasteful archway as Billy threw his box on the coffee table, lava oozing through ridges and tears in flimsy cardboard, and made up the couch with sunburnt looking cheeks.
Billy passed out there, with book on his chest, every night for a month.
Naturally they were off to a great start.
Steve tried to apologize but Billy wasn't merciful. As annoying as it was cute, he couldn't deny it was one of his favorite things about Billy, the way he made people work for a spot in his life.
Steve tried to sweeten the deal.
A new Metallica tape here. Primary status library card there, but.
Billy wouldn't give.
Ever the poet, he didn't bury corpses in the sand until grand gestures were made. Declarations. Speeches. So on Friday night after spending two hours at the pub and returning home to find Billy asleep on the couch with a towel around his head, Steve climbed onto the coffee table and started talking.
"Billy Hargrove," Steve announced.
Billy started drooling on his chin.
Steve cleared his throat, embracing a more heroic stance; hands on narrow hips, foot on Billy's cardboard treasure box. "William Patrick Hargrove."
Billy startled awake, towel going lopsided as he sat up. He stared wildly around the room, raising his copy of Let the Great World Spin and aiming it at Steve's head. Poising the paperback to crack walls made of flesh and bone.
Steve held out his hands. "Wait, I just--"
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"I have something to say."
Billy snatched the towel from his head, folding it with as much grace as a hurricane. "What time is it, Harrington?"
Steve checked his watch, blinking sharply as the numbers started doing the macarena. He sighed. "Doesn't matter. Look--"
Billy looked.
Steve lifted his arms. Cleared his throat and repositioned himself on the coffee table to show that, after tonight, they would never have to be alone again. Billy's mouth cocked patiently as the third leg on the coffee table snapped and Steve fell headfirst into a mountain of beanbags.
"Fuck this," Billy stood, grabbing his paperback from where it lay discarded over ratty green carpet. "Let's go to bed already."
Steve gaped at him. "You don't wanna hear what I have to say?"
"What, you gonna finally admit that you love me, or something?" Billy scrubbed adorably at his eyes, and.
Steve clambered to his feet, noticing for the first time that Billy looked tired, and admiring the way his curls stuck out in every direction like a wad of blonde pipe cleaners. Steve opened his mouth to speak. To preach, but Billy was already hobbling away, sweatpants wedged up his ass.
"Love you too, shithead, 'm fuckin' tired."
Steve wanted to burst into song.
Or burst into tears, but.
The bedroom door slammed shut.
Apparently, scribbling love stories on the backs of takeout menus can funnel into all sorts of practical things. Like kitchens full of new pots and pans, monthly oil changes for Steve's car, and a pantry stocked with individually wrapped protein bars from the organic store across town.
They finally start sleeping in the same room again when Billy lands his first job as a research assistant.
For Steve this means getting to quit his shitty job at Family Video and focus on school, in between guitar lessons and trips to the farmers market.
For Billy, this means spending fifty hours a week in the office of a PhD. that definitely wants to fuck him and focusing only on school.
Forgetting their anniversary in favor of Shakespeare's Life and Work, Masterpieces of World Literature, an Entire course on John Milton's Paradise Lost. Steve forgives him until a lecture series on Folklore has Billy crying every night over the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.
Asking Steve red-eyed, coffee induced, panicked questions like; "Would you follow me into the underworld?"
So Steve holds him. "Of course I would."
"Even after I missed our anniversary?"
And Steve doesn't have anything to say to that, so.
He goes to bed alone, just like every night, while Billy falls to pieces in the next room.
It's maddening.
The tentative bones of each of Billy's fingers are sure to peek through before graduation. Skin caught between the pages of books, left behind like loose pencil shavings as Billy puts one pad in front of the other, marching on his way to The Great Big Somewhere.
By March, Billy's a shell of a man. Sleeping less than five hours a night, burning through packs of tea candles because he studies under a haze flickering amber, like some sort of medieval poet, and only eating one meal a day if Steve cooks it for him.
And Steve's worried.
Crying on the phone to Joyce. Throwing up in the toilet when Billy passes out at the supermarket. Preparing himself to be a widow at twenty-five.
He decides to say something.
The first time he brings it up Billy pours rice milk into his lap.
The second time he bursts into tears over a stack of files.
Steve decides to put a sock in it.
But then it's April. Spring Break. Steve expects that they'll follow through with their plan to visit Hawkins, but right as their bag is packed to board the train home, Billy insists on staying back to finish his dissertation.
Steve throws his suitcase at the wall. Billy bursts into tears and locks himself in the bedroom. One phone call to Joyce and half a sentence from Hooper proves it; Billy will starve to death if Steve leaves him alone.
So they stay in New York. Cooped up in their massive, empty, hard-earned apartment while Billy writes about love without ever showing it.
Steve thinks about leaving.
Packing his shit in the middle of the night, sticking a note to the fridge with the magnet Billy had made for their first anniversary, but.
This will pass. That's what Steve keeps telling himself; Billy will have his Masters soon, that precious slice of paper that burned their relationship to the ground, and then they'll move to a house on a lake like Steve's always wanted, and.
Love won't exist between the pages of a book anymore it'll be real. Like first meetings on a high school basketball court, secret kisses at the top of a Farris wheel, Sunday mornings in green meadows.
Love will fall just like it used to.
Bright red across hardwood floors.
The last and final straw comes at 4:45 in the morning.
Billy punches their lamp off the table in his sleep, shouting about the structure of a novel and cutting his knuckles open and that's it.
Steve has, well and truly, had enough.
He tells Billy just as much over a stack of alcohol wipes and a fist that, luckily, doesn't need stitches. Steve tries not to cry, and then tries not to weep, and.
When the love of Steve's life falls to his knees and says, "I'm exhausted," and it feels true.
Like red books full of hymnals.
Steve fails when Billy hugs him around the waist and says, "I only ever write about you," and it feels heavy.
Like shattering church windows.
Steve cries and he hates himself. And Billy. And the universe; nuns and religion. Mountains, valentines day cards, bouquets of lilies, and poetry most of all. When his fingers card through fuzzy blonde curls.
Steve tugs his poet closer, and.
Decides to follow him anywhere.
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steveusesfaberge · 5 years
3AM Talks
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Hargrove!Reader
Request: Hi!! Could you possibly do a Hargrove!Reader, where she’s Billy’s twin and Neil, hurts her one night and billy comes home after being out to find the scene and he loses it and he takes reader out to steve(whom she’s secretly dating) and tells Steve that she’s staying there whilst his parents are out and they’re both like “how the fuck do you know?” AND just super fluffy and angsty and ahhh
Summary: Y/N finds herself in charge of watching Max...except, Max is missing... By the time Billy gets home...the damage is already done. His father had never been an understanding person. Hargrove takes his sister to (begrudgingly) the one person he knows for sure will take them in. Her not-so-secret boyfriend...Steve Harrington. Billy and Steve end up have a..nice, long chat...
Type/Style: Requested, Imagine, female pronouns
Warning(s): Abusive father, violent-beginning, cursing, angst, a protective Billy-goat...
Word Count: 8,800+
a/n: Here it is! Finally!!! :D Thank you all for sticking with me! <3 Coming up are Steve Requests (I did not forget them, do not worry! :) )
It’s a bit longer than I thought...but I figure a topic like this deserves more time to be explained.
I live for Steve & Billy interactions! -- Sorry if this wasn’t what you all expected...I tried to make it as realistic as possible...without making it too long...<3
Next is a Billy fic - one that someone requested, and I’ll be doing it happily!
Sunsets Back Home & Some Steve requests as well! Hopefully getting them all out tomorrow or in the next few days! :D
I hope you like my take on the request! <3
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Y/N hummed to herself, the faint sound of Crazy For You by Madonna filled the hollows of her room. The walls were simple - the same tan coloring that Max’s and Billy’s rooms were. Unlike her brother’s innuendo posters of half-naked women, cars, and motorcycles (all of which, these bare women, were probably riding) - Y/N had band posters and a few (dressed) models scattering her four walls of space.
Her vanity mirror was placed in the corner of her room, across from her small desk. She remembered helping Max with simple things such as straightening her hair or even doing playful-one-time makeovers...(Billy had been dragged into it once...but Y/N had to promise no one would know about it and Max wasn’t allowed to see her big brother look like a complete softcock).
Y/N was sprawled out on her bed; Vogue magazine advertised before her on the sheets as she pondered if she could pull the looks these beauts did. She’d one time asked her brother if she’d be able to make Vogue - to which he responded with a snicker (the ass he was) hell no, Y/N/N. She’d roll her eyes, the running joke being well we’re twins, so looks like you ain’t makin’ it big either, B.
Normally, she and Billy would be hanging out...it was a Thursday night and she and her brother always did something fun on Thursdays (usually that involved just sitting around, swapping music and talking - but sometimes they went for late-night drives or paired up to find a party to crash...and Hargroves knew how to party...that was for sure). Time spent with Billy was time well spent, in her opinion.
But not tonight, he mentioned something about a date (which was code for one-night stand). I’ll be back, kid. Is what he’d told her, stopping by her room on his way out, leaning on her doorframe (like the ‘cool kid he was’, or as she said ‘like the fingerprint leaving asshole he was’). She’d frowned. Where are you going? Billy rolled his eyes, scratching his neck as he lazily watched her from across the way. I got a date. Sighing, she waved him off with a scrunched up nose. That’s fucking disgusting - ew, no! Billy don’t wiggle your eyebrows...get out - get out! Goodbye, Billy! He only laughed, saluting her before he continued down the hall. The thud of the front door and the piercing rev of his engine marking his departure.
She wanted to catch a movie - Back To The Future had come out and she was itching to see it...Y/N supposed she could wait another time. For now, she judged the too-skinny, too-perfect figures and welcomed her radio as a white-noise. Maybe she’d give Steve a call...was he babysitting tonight?
Her door was abruptly slammed open, giving her a heart attack on the spot - her hands fumbling with the booklet. Her y/c/e eyes snapped up, her body shocked rigid as she spotted Neil. Letting out a slow breath, she sat up, Vogue in hand as she fidgeted with the pages.
“You need something, sir?” She asked, remembering Billy who constantly told her to always stay calm, be relaxed, and act as civil as possible (even if he didn’t listen to his own advice...always being arrogant, sarcastic, and short with the man their father was...Do as I say, kid, not as I do).
Neil scanned her room as if searching for an imperfection to bring to light. Y/N only waited in a choked buzz of Bowie’s Let’s Dance, thankful that there was something else sounding off other than her own heartbeat. The tension in the room was suffocating...absolutely terrifying. When he found none, he spoke (she could almost taste his disappointment).
“Me and Susan are going out. You and your brother are going to watch Max,” He was fixing his coat’s collar and Y/N bit her lip for a moment, tapping her pointer on the magazine’s cover.
Clearing her throat, Y/N grabbed his attention,” Billy’s not home.” It felt like playing a game of chicken in the streets...which car was going to pull away first? Or...would there be a brutal accident to deal with? Would one car be worse off than the other? Y/N wasn’t sure who was winning and who was losing, all she knew, was that this game was not fun.
“You’ll be watching Maxine then, got that?” Y/N nodded. Her father raised his eyebrows - waiting for a proper response. Her mouth felt dry. “Yes, sir.”
They were gone after Susan gave a soft wave passing by, her father not giving a second thought of her as he left. The door banging shut behind him. She could breathe again...how did Billy do this? He spoke more to Neil than she did, always taking the initiative into his own hands...time and time again.
Standing up, Y/N forced her legs to work with her after that soul shaker of an interaction. Walking down the hall to Max’s room, she knocked on the door with her right hand; four raps. When there was a heartbeat of silence she wondered if Max heard her. She tried again.
“Hey, Riding Hood? You in there?” She asked, bouncing on the balls of her heels as she waited - wanting to finish the section of Tips & Tricks For Flawless Skin - maybe she and Steve could have a spa-day...He happened to like facemasks, believe it or not (but had an odd tendency of eating the cucumbers for your eyes...). The white door was never opened, so she sighed, turning the doorknob herself.
“Hey - Maxie, did you hear me?” Y/N’s words trailed off, crashing to the floor along with her heart. The room was empty. The only sign of recent inhabitance was the open window and the absence of a familiar skateboard...
Running a hand through her hair, Y/N exited the room - calling her little sister’s name as she briskly walked to the kitchen...to the living room...and back to Max’s.
Y/N could feel a creeping terror in her throat and she wondered where Max could’ve gone. Mike’s? El’s? The Byers’? She was back in her own bedroom - pacing the carpet swiftly. The radio had been turned off so she could think and she was listening to the rhythm of blood coursing through her veins like her favorite song.
She didn’t have a car...couldn’t afford it - besides, Billy always took her wherever she needed...Y/N hadn’t needed a car up until this point. Not even when she needed to sneak out...Steve had his own car...a simple park down the block and no one would know who she was with, and where. Saying that...this was bad.
It hadn’t been the first time Max left without as much as a trace... Most times, she was back before anyone knew she was gone...other times...Billy paid for it (He tried his best to keep Y/N’s skin as flawless as Vogue’s stupid lures...he’d joke even with a busted lip that she needed to keep her skin healthy...so she can show their asses up one day!).
But that was when it was the both of them watching her...Billy wasn’t here now, it was eight o’clock...he wouldn’t be back till later...her father would be back in two hours tops - leaving her only one-hundred-twenty minutes to find Mayfield.
She quickly crossed the bedroom - exiting, and walking to the living room. She picked up the house phone and dialed the Wheelers’ number. Y/N was nervously curling the cord around her thumb and index finger, biting her lip as her eyes subconsciously kept flickering to the front door. The other line was dead for some time...she wondered if anyone was home...maybe the kids were caught up playing DnD - but then wouldn’t Karen or Ted answer for them?
There was a slight pause, a seeming hiccup - and then a voice.
“Hello? Who’s calling?” Y/N sighed, thanking her stars.
“Hey, Mrs. Wheeler - I was wondering if Max was over, it’s Y/N.” she explained while listening intently (pretending Billy and her didn’t make fun of Karen for flirting with him at the pool...That’s gross, B! -- Yeah, but it’s so funny how easy it is, Y/N!).
“Max? - Oh, the little redhead! No - haven’t seen her-- have you seen my son, by chance?” Y/N sighed, realizing Karen was in a similar situation.
She quickly mumbled a no, I’m sorry, before hanging up and biting at the skin of her cheek. “No need to worry,” she told herself softly,” Call Hopper!”
Long story short, no one picked up. She assumed El was out - probably with the party, God knows where, and Jim was probably down at the station working... The last-ditch effort she had was the Byers’. As she began punching in their house number - she stopped - remembering their phone hadn’t been working for some time...something with the kids accidentally knocking it off the wall - all Y/N knew, was that Steve had warned them not to do it (That’s all you said to stop them, Steve? -- Welll...no...I said a few other things...-- You’re useless, Harrington!) - whatever it was - but they’d done it anyway and...now the Byers’ receiver didn’t work.
Glancing at the clock mounted on the wall entering the kitchen, she saw that she had roughly an hour and thirty-six minutes...that was enough time to walk to the Byers’ and back...right? Riding a bike was out of the question, she didn’t have one and she didn’t have time to just...go buy a brand new bike either...so walking it was.
Billy had always been a good brother. In his own way, he cared (even for Max, who claimed that Hargrove couldn’t give two shits about the air I breathe as long as it's not his). Billy would always look out for both his sisters - in ways they’d never notice. He was subtle like that.
Like the times he’d scare twerps off from bothering the party...it seemed that Hargrove could be rather intimidating - especially if you were a fourteen-year-old who liked to bully his step-sister and her nerdy buds.
Or when Billy would purposefully stay up late - knowing that Y/N was upset, or maybe something was wrong; waiting for her to come knocking on his door at eleven o’clock...asking if he was still awake...
Y/N had learned, through eighteen-years of knowing Billy, he’d always be there for them...no matter what. Support them through hardships, celebrate with them through victories, and holding their hands when they were scared. He may not...always show it...but...he was doing his best - and that’s all anyone ever asked for; could ever ask for.
Y/N had halfway ran, halfway walked to the Byers - tired beyond all hell when she got there, her calfs burning. Knocking on the door obnoxiously, she waited impatiently; how much time had passed? Twenty-five minutes? Thirty-five? She wasn’t sure. It couldn’t have taken long...right?
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang--
The door was yanked open. There stood Joyce, eyes wide and a clear confusion and worry crossing her features as she took in the girl in her doorway. It was just coming nine and she hadn’t been expecting anyone...certainly not Y/N Hargrove.
“Are you okay, sweetie? Do you need something?” The mother asked quickly.
Y/N shook her head, y/c/e eyes desperate as she tugged at her y/c/h locks. “M-Max, I’m looking for Max -- is she here?”
Joyce crossed her arms, shaking her head,” No, sweetie. She left a little while ago - said she was going home.” Thank, God...
“Why did so--,” “Oh, no, ma’am! Don’t worry! I-I was just...I was...I thought she was here...turns out - she’s not...and...and she’s at home.”
Y/N’s happiness slowly melted away as she realized Max was home...alone. Max was home alone.
“I’m s-sorry for bothering you, Joyce! But I can’t stay t-to talk! I-I need to go!”
Running home was not fun. It was not easy. It was not what Y/N wanted to be doing at nine o’clock on a Thursday night. She was sweaty, exhausted, and scared. Y/N was panted hard, her legs screaming, as her street now came into view - date night was always two hours...two hours...she could be home, and act like nothing ever happened...everything would be fine...until it wasn’t.
Her father’s car was parked out front. Slowing beside it, she felt tears well up in her eyes. How long had it been there? When did they get back? Was Max home? Did they realize Max was gone? Did he realize she was gone? Which she Y/N was referring to...Y/N didn’t even know herself...either way; she was still in trouble.
She’d never been so hesitant to open the front door - the porch light wasn’t on - so maybe they weren’t expecting anyone home...but...that was just Y/N trying to comfort her raging nerves. They knew Billy was out; even then, the light was off. Neil never turned it on - claiming it was a waste of money to have it burning all night.
Y/N opened the door. It was unlocked. Had she left it unlocked? She couldn’t remember. Her house keys were in her pockets, but that didn’t mean she necessarily used them in her haste to find Max...
The lights in the house were all off...a good sign...a very good sign (she’d shut them off when she left). That’s how she took the sign anyway. The door clicked shut with a soft sound, and she inched her way down the hall. She checked Max’s room...not having to open the door as she could make out the faint glow (of what she thought to be) Max’s desk lamp casting orange underneath the doorway. Then, Y/N walked past her closed room - to Billy’s...his door was wide open and was empty. It was only nine-forty-three (which she checked while walking back to her room - stopping in the kitchen) and the house was completely still.
She didn’t like how quiet it was...but...maybe that was a good thing.
But didn’t they say; good things never last long?
She turned her doorknob and pushed the opening to reveal her room. The lights were off, save for the tickle of silver moonlight from her window. Stretching a handout, she flicked her light switch on. Her hand shot up to her mouth as she muffled a scream of surprise.
Her father was seated on her bed. He didn’t look happy.
“I-I can e---,” “Max was home alone, Y/N.” his words dug into her, slow and menacing.
“I-I didn’t--,” “I thought I told you to watch her, Y/N?” She felt small...so, so small.
“I-I know, sir - and I-I w--,” “Then tell me, why did I come home, to find your little sister, home alone...” He was standing, and at this moment, Y/N wondered over and over (like every time this happened) how Billy did it.
She couldn’t sell Max out now...if she told him Max had snuck out - Neil might get angry at her...yet, Y/N knew he always blamed the sitter...even if this was the one exception - she wasn’t going to risk it. She’d cover for Max...because...that’s what Billy would do.
“I’m s-sorry, sir.” She whispered, the fear stopping her from crying out like she wanted to do. The fear tore at her, leaving Y/N helpless and stunned like a deer in headlights. Very harsh, powerful headlights.
Neil shook his head, wiping his hand over his face, dragging it along his chin as he watched the girl still frozen in the doorway. “Come here, Y/N.” Her body didn’t move, every sense in her telling her to run...run...run...
“Y/N. Come. Here.” Like a game of Simon Says, not wanting to lose - and the commanding word being Y/N...her feet drug her forward. She stood with an arm’s length between them...but that was all he needed.
He’d struck her across the face, her head snapping to the side at the impact. She’d expected it...but...she never could prepare herself for it. She wished Billy was here, he’d know what to do...God, she wished Billy was here...
Her chin was seized roughly, Neil forcing her to look him in the eyes, his free hand clutching her wrist tightly. She bit her lip, trying not to look weak...not to give in.
“I thought we talked about this, Y/N...what did we talk about? What do I tell you and Billy all the time?” He hissed, his fingers digging bruises into her jaw and forearm.
Her eyes welled with tears and she was thankful for the dim lighting, saving her from looking the man in the eyes and seeing the monster that lived under her bed, that ran to her closet whenever she had Billy check for her as he’d done growing up...The monster always showed up when it was most unwanted...
She was thankful Neil couldn’t see her eyes. Y/N’s y/c/e eyes were filled with fear. Filled with anxiety and a stormy glaze that could only describe this; I knew this was coming...she left...but I won’t sell her secret to you...not the devil...no... If she’d learned one thing from her brother - it was that hell was never a pretty place to be...and sometimes, it was closer than you’d think...but despite that - you never made a deal with Lucifer.
“What did we talk about? Answer. Me.” Her arm was splintering in pain, his grasp so firm she wasn’t sure blood could find her fingertips anymore. She’d turn away from him, but he held her jaw so tensely she was scared to breathe.
The number of times their father will drill into them...Respect and responsibility. Until they learned that - until he was satisfied by it - then they could rest easy. But Y/N knew...she knew the devil never played fair. No matter what she did, or what she said - she’d never hold an ace hidden up her sleeve. Not like him.
“R-Respect. A-And responsibility,” she gritted out, her lips barely moving to produce the words. Panic, frustration, and hatred keeping her mouth locked in place.
Another strike to her face, her cheek stung and she could feel the making of a bruise find her nerve ends, but she refused to cry.
“Respect a-and responsibility, sir.” Y/N repeated while trying to pull away from her father.
“Don’t.” His hand holding hers whipped up and then down, throwing her to the floor with an immense thrust. Y/N moved to stand, but a sharp pain to her side had other plans.
It rained down like a hurricane and she could only wish for it to stop. Biting back her pain, she tried protecting her head and neck - Billy taught her that.
“We went over this, Y/N!” He yelled - fists, boots, and words flying as he gave into his anger. She wondered how much her body could take before she gave up. Billy would be strong...Good God...where was Billy?
From the moment she walked in, she could tell Neil had been drinking a little - his breath smelt of dead dreams and alcohol. She assumed it came with dinner...or, for his own enjoyment...it was hard to think while her body rippled with agony.
She tried zoning it out...all of it. The beating, her father, his words...she focused on her brother, Max being safe, the party, Steve...yeah...Harrington had taken her on a lovely date the other night - he’d taken her out to the cinema, and then they’d picked all the kids up for dinner...Y/N had ended up with milkshake on her shirt (thanks to Lucas and Dustin) and Steve had offered her his jacket...it was still a fond memory - the party was like a family to her...a better family she knew than her own kin to be...
She didn’t know when it stopped, or if it would never stop...all she could see were swimming images of whom she loved until she couldn’t feel anything anymore. Everything went numb...but...maybe it was better this way.
Billy had just gotten home. It was well past one and he knew for a fact, that Susan and Neil were asleep. They were never up this late - so he’d never have to worry about getting laid in on for being out at an hour like this.
His car parked outside, he entered the house as noiselessly as silence itself. He walked down the hallway hesitantly, but the faint sound of his father’s snoring was enough to ease him to walk normally.
“Y/N? You up?” He was standing at her door. It was cracked open, the lights off. That didn’t mean she was asleep - there had been plenty of times he’d find her awake, just sitting in the dark; listening to a soft hum of her stereo...except the radio had been turned off and the only noise was the lull of night muffled by the house.
He pushed the door open, the dim touch of moonlight having him squint to see her laying on the floor. Billy rolled his eyes. Dumbass probably fell asleep - had she been reading or something again? Nonetheless, he walked over, gently leaning down to pick her up.
She didn’t even react to his arms lifting her; Y/N felt like deadweight - but it didn’t bother him. She seemed tired. He was carefully walking her to the bed, making sure she wouldn’t stir - and she didn’t...and it was now that he questioned if she were a heavy sleeper or not...Billy couldn’t remember.
He settled her down, and when he moved to cover her with the comforter - he noticed something by her nose. It was like a dark line - a streak almost. Billy used the palm of his hand to rub it away. He leaned to the lamp on her nightstand, and when it clicked on, he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t feel his heart in his chest anymore...
Black and blues littered her arms, her face was swollen and an ugly handprint was nestled on her right side, her nose was bleeding, her bottom lip was busted...he was sure if he lifted her shirt - he’d only be met with a terribly splotchy rendition of the night sky.
“Fuck, fuck, fucking hell,” he cursed, touching her shoulder gently - attempting to shake her awake. “Y/N? -- Kid? Wake up, c’mon -- it’s okay now...you’ll be okay now...it’s me...it’s Billy.”
She only groaned, a whimper escaping her at his touch - his hand jerking away like he’d encountered something hot. It seemed everything hurt...
“Y/N - please wake up, I...I need to know...what happened,” Billy knew what happened...but he needed to know how bad it was...she only moaned, a painful noise, swelled eyes not opening. He needed to know if he’d be sending a demon back to the gates of hell right now...he could live with murder...
Damnit. He slammed his hand to the headboard. His anger tickling his neck red as he thought horrible thoughts...he’d kill the bastard, he’d fucking kill him. Billy wanted to yell, he wanted to scream, but he also wanted to cry. Why’d he go out? For some stupid fuck? Why had he left her alone? Why had he left her alone? Why? Why? Why?
He’d left her...it was Thursday, for fuck's sake...it was supposed to be their night...and he’d ditched that for an easy hit and run... Billy felt like a fool. This was all his damn fault. If he’d been here, he could’ve helped her....he...he could’ve done something for her...anything...he’d have been taken the--
The low murmur of his name drew his attention, and he fell down to his knees - grabbing her hand softly in his own. He was shaking. “Y-Y/N -- it’s okay...it’s me...It’s Billy,” the blond repeated, pulling her hand up to touch his cheek, letting her know it was him; the warmth of his skin. His presence heavy as he watched her frail figure.
“H-How was your...d-date?” When she asked him that, Billy almost didn’t know what she was talking about. He shook his head and moved to pick her up - scared by the sounds of someone walking around the house.
“It was shitty,” he grumbled, easily carrying her out the door, out the house, and into his car. Her breathing was troubled - like it hurt to do so...and God, did it hurt BIlly to watch her in so much pain...
“Wh-What’s happening, B?” She asked softly, throat dry, head splitting with pain.
Billy didn’t answer her. Only held her hand as he drove...drove fast down the road.
Steve had been asleep. Why wouldn’t he be? It was one-thirty-one in the morning and it had been a Thursday night. He liked to have stayed up late, talking to his girlfriend on the phone - but Harrington knew Thursdays were reserved for Billy (even if Steve pouted...Y/N never traded those nights for anything). So, instead he figured he’d catch up on well-deserved rest - the kids had been dragging him around recently like a doll and he wasn’t sure how well his body was doing. He didn’t get paid enough - well, he didn’t get paid at all.
To be woken up by a brash hammering, he thought maybe it was just a dream...but then the sound of his name being called - along with Harrington! Get your fucking ass out here or I’ll break this goddamn door down, shithead! - was not a dream.
The brunette was groggy as he trucked down the steps, a pair of plaid boxers covering his lower body with a loose hanging T-shirt adorning his chest. His parents were out of town for work and he had the house all to himself (another reason he wanted to spent the night with Y/N - but it was Billy and her Thursday night...and she religiously scheduled it every week).
“What the hell...?” he groaned, swinging the door open to reveal a blurred figure.
Rubbing his eyes - Steve realized who it was, and suddenly his unstyled hair didn’t seem so important (because yes, he’d thought about fixing it before answering the door...he hadn’t had his priorities figured out yet, okay?! How was he supposed to know the importance?).
“H-Hargrove--,” “Move.” Billy shoved his way into the nice home - heading straight for the living room...carrying Y/N with him like a fragile piece of art. Steve raced to turn the lights on, still not understanding why the Hargroves were here - until he saw the state his girlfriend was in. (He didn’t even have time to think about how Hargrove knew exactly, where he lived...)
“W-What the fuck happened to her?” He asked, crouching down to Y/N’s level, a hand coming up to brush some y/c/h strands from her bruised face.
Billy was quiet for a moment, wiping his forehead with his shirt. “Our father.” That was all he had to say for Steve to understand...he’d been together with Y/N for...well...coming five months? He’d met her in school - fresh out of Cali...the three siblings had been the talk of the small town (especially the supposed party animal and his drop-dead-gorgeous sister).
It was love at first sight - for Harrington at least. He had tried acting cool...but that backfired as soon as he realized just how perfect Y/N was. A pretty smile, sweet laugh, delicious-smelling hair, smooth, sun-kissed skin, and to tie it all together - she came with an overbearing little bow of Billy Hargrove...
He remembered when Billy had shown up at the Byers’ house just last year - asking for his sisters...claiming a little bird told him they were with him; Steve had been trying to persuade the children to calm down and just let the starting team do their job (it hadn’t worked out).
Billy had seen Max’s head peek out and he’d already had Steve on the ground before he could justify himself. I thought I told you to stay away from my sister, Harrington? He’d given Lucas the same treatment...it had only gone downhill from there... Ending with Y/N offering to stay there with Billy for a little while, coming to help them later. She said I can’t leave him here like this...he’s my brother, Harrington... (Steve liked that idea better anyway, kept her away from the trouble).
So, when Steve had finally gotten the courage to ask Y/N out...he hadn’t been surprised when she turned him down. It only had him fight harder to prove his worth and after a torturously slow convincing...she’d finally broken...five months later and counting...and she was still by his side.
Steve had always been a bit of a worry-wart, he couldn’t help it - he watched six headass kids twenty-four-seven...it was in his blood now. “I-I’ll get the first-aid kit,” he quickly mumbled, leaving Billy to stand by his sister - a savage glint in his eyes that Harrington didn’t feel comfortable being around (they weren’t best friends after all, and Steve was sure if Billy had the chance - he’d skin him like a jack-rabbit...).
Returning within seconds, he gently lifted Y/N’s head, her slight hum all he needed to feel more relieved. “H-Hey...how you doing?” He offered weakly, placing her head back down in his lap as he balanced the kit on the armrest.
“B-Billy?” Steve shook his head, pulling a clean cloth to her face, dabbing the blood from her nose. “It’s Steve, hun.”
Y/N’s eyes were barely open, she frowned with a wince. “I’m here, kid...I’m here.” Billy’s gruff tone was enough to have her relax into Harrington’s touch without having to worry for her brother. Steve’s eyebrows furrowing, it made him sick to think she even had to worry about Billy like that.
“Hargrove - you wanna grab something in the freezer for me, like ice or whatever?” Steve asked, eyes focused on the bruises along Y/N’s cheeks. His heart was twisting, all he wanted was to cuddle her and take away all her pain...instead, he resolved on playing nurse for now.
Billy gave a curt nod, his boots fading into the kitchen. Steve took the small moment of isolation to press a gentle kiss to Y/N’s forehead. The y/c/h haired girl only looked puzzled after a half-smile tossed in his direction.
Steve was mumbling an apology as he applied disinfectant to her cut forehead, when she spoke,” W-Why am I here?” He was about to ask what she meant - Harrington figured she was here because Billy didn’t like the idea of keeping her in an unsafe environment in the state she was in...when he halted. Hand hovering over her brows.
Why did Billy bring Y/N here? There were so many other places to take her - Steve’s house couldn’t have been his first thought...and yet, as Billy walked back in, ice pack in hand...it felt like it had been.
Hargrove took a seat in the armchair nearest the couch Y/N was laid across, his elbows resting on his knees as he hid his mouth in his hands. Steve was staring at the curly-blond and Billy’s blue eyes dodged up to meet his brown ones.
“What?” Was all Billy charged while leaning back, his hands falling to his lap as he squirmed with the rings on his fingers.
Steve shook his head, breathing nothing, before looking down to his girlfriend. Billy...didn’t know...did he? No...they’d been cautious about it - meticulous and secretive - it’d been the most planning he’d ever done in his entire life...and he’d fought demodogs before...
Sure, Hargrove had the knowledge of mutual friendship between his sister and The Hair - they spent time with the party and so that was expected, being the only teens each other’s age. But, as far as Steve knew; they promised not to tell him...not yet anyway. He’d specifically told Y/N he didn’t care who she dated (it was her life after all) but God forbid it, kid - you better not end up fawning over that shithead, Harrington. No sister of mine is gonna sling it with the ex-King of Hawkins.
The distaste from one another stemmed thick and deep; Hargrove didn’t like Harrington, Harrington didn’t like Hargrove... Hiding their relationship was something that came with dating Hargrove’s beloved sister - Steve didn’t mind (much). He figured Billy would rip him a new one if he ever found out. Probably feed him to the Upside Down...or worse (What’s worse than that, Harrington? -- Being feed to Billy).
There had to be another reason Billy had taken Y/N here...and unless it was brought up in the short conversations of rival men - Steve wasn’t going to give Billy the ammunition to do shoot Steve in his own foot.
“More bruises...?” Y/N grumbled, hands skimming the ghosts of what he assumed were blooming blemishes along her stomach, back, chest...and well... her entire torso...
Steve nodded, licking his lips, his mouth dry as he ran a hand through her hair. It didn’t make him feel so hot to see the love of his life so...broken. He felt useless.
“Take your shirt off, Y/N/N so I can see what we’re dealing with,” Harrington decided, helping her sit up.
“Let it hang around your neck, kid,” Billy’s stern tone cut in, and Steve choked on his spit - Billy had been so quiet he forgot Hargrove was there.
Steve only nodded. He figured it’d be easier than taking it fully off anyway. Billy’s burning gaze didn’t help though - did he think Steve would try something? Wow...makes you feel great...Steve had some decency.
Y/N had difficulties getting her arms through their proper holes; so Steve gingerly helped her - trying not to do it for her, while also trying not to touch her for too long, on top of trying to well....help her. Billy was not making this easy.
Once the T-shirt was around her neck, hanging loosely (a pleased Billy following as it hung covering her chest, presumably what he wanted - only causing Steve to roll his eyes. He wanted to say - You know how many times I’ve seen her naked? Screw that - you know how many times I’ve undressed her? But he didn’t think he’d be safe to do so...).
“Oh, Y/N....” Steve muttered softly, biting his lip as his eyes filled with guilt. Her back was to him, and the litter of blue, black, purple, and yellow was like a child’s poorly done finger-painting. Streaks here and there, uneven and messy. Lifting his left hand, he warily brushed the skin; it was hot...feverish hot.
“I-I know...” she answered with a choked sob, her hands flying to cover her mouth. Billy was looking away from her, his eyes blinking away anger (he wasn’t about to let Harrington’s ass see him cry). “I’ll get more ice.”
Billy stood up swiftly and left the room - a slow string of curses finding him - Steve swore Hargrove thumped a fist to his kitchen counter...was Billy aware how much granite cost?
“Come here, my love,” he whispered, tugging her back into his chest. He swung his leg up to rest on the sofa, bordering where she sat as if his limb were a railing to keep her from falling.
Y/N leaned back, crying softly into his chest (it didn’t help that doing so was causing her abdomen hell). “Shhhh, it’s okay now...I’ve got you, babygirl...I’ve got you.” Y/N found solace in Steve’s words, gripping the thin material of his shirt she listened to the fast beating of his heart...
Bu-dum, bu-dum, bu-dum, bu-dum...
“I-I’m sorry...y-you have to s-see me like this,” she apologized, which only had Steve sink lower, drawing her as close as humanly possible.
He shook his head against hers as he rested his chin atop her. “No, no, no! Don’t you dare say you’re sorry, darling...this...is not your fault. It never is.” He kissed her hair tenderly and felt his own eyes well up (he refused to cry...he didn’t need Hargrove seeing him as a total softie - and Steve needed to be strong for his girl right now...).
“I-It’s so late-e though...y-you must’ve b-been asl--,” He tilted her head back, hating the way he could almost fit his hand in the same spots as the growing bruises on her jaw. He hated how the print of Neil was still glowing.
He gently shared a kiss with Y/N - forgetting Billy was in the kitchen...he could always deal with that later. She needed to know he was there...really there. Always.
“You, are the most beautiful creature...ever, and I don’t ever want you to say you’re sorry...for-r --,” he paused licking his lips and rubbing his nose to hers,”- for that bastard’s mistakes. You’re too good for that, you don’t deserve that, babygirl.” Steve would never blame her, not for anything. Certainly not this...She was like a flower - a flower that Harrington kept and cherished in his garden of gold.
He took care of it; watering it with hugs and kisses (sometimes drowning her in them...but he found that her particular type thrived on excessive gestures like so). He made sure she was healthy - always getting enough sunlight - making sure she shone that brilliant smile of hers...outdoing any star he’d ever seen...Steve made sure she could always call his garden home...that even if she had nowhere to go - he’d receive her with open, consoling arms.
Steve only hummed softly, Y/N entangled in his arms, their legs entwined as he threaded his fingers through her hair, holding her head close to his heart. He whispered sweet nothings and means of okay to her...and eventually, she gave in...Y/N fell asleep there in his arms and he’d never have it any other way.
“God, you’re such a fucking sap, Harrington,” Steve’s neck hairs stood on end - Billy was standing in the archway that connected the kitchen to the living room. Steve told himself that maybe he hadn’t heard Billy right - or hoped that Billy hadn’t heard him right...
The muscular boy walked over, handing Steve frozen peas, mumbling something about how it’d do better than the lousy packs in Harrington’s freezer.
Steve nodded, moving slowly to take it from the brother - not wanting to disturb Y/N’s sleeping form. He pressed the cold bag to her exposed back, he felt her tense up, before easing back into him.
“She um...she kinda just fell asleep on me,” he explained while avoiding eye contact with the blond. Billy took his original seat - the armchair, but this time, he wasn’t fidgeting or staring at the floor. His blue eyes were fixed on the girl.
Clearing his throat awkwardly - Steve readjusted the bag, he was sure to help sooth these marks it would end up taking more than one bag of frozen veggies to make an impact.
 “How long?” Brown eyes flickered up, meeting blue.
“For?” Steve asked confused, though tried to sound as casual as possible. There weren’t very many times he and Hargrove were in one another’s company...this was the first they’d not been at each other’s throats...
Billy rolled his eyes, scratching at his neck. “How long have you been in love with her?” No beating around the bush, it seemed.
“I-I, uh, well,” Steve’s face flushed pink. The soft lighting of the numerous lamps already bathed him in orange...hopefully hiding the blush well enough. His eyes glanced to the clock by the fireplace...two-twenty-seven. God, it’s too fucking early for this bullshit....he’s really gonna do this to me? -- His sister’s half-naked on top of me...passed out -- and he’s really gonna do this to me?
Billy chuckled, though Steve didn’t see amusement reach his eyes...it was almost a forced laugh (like he was mocking Harrington). “You do love her? Don’t you, Harrington?” Steve could only nod, unsure if the answer should be yes or no...he could see both ending terribly as it was.
“God, and here I thought you were more of a man than this, Pretty Boy,” Billy scoffed, shaking his head as he reclined into the cushion of the seat.
“Since I met her,” Steve suddenly mumbled, his eyes set on the slow rise and fall of breath from Y/N. The hand not holding the frozen packet, circling her waist to keep her in place.
Billy observed his movements as if examining an opponent on the court....looking for a bluff, a flaw, a weak advantage. Hargrove thought he found it without having to try...and it was sitting in Steve’s lap - cuddled close to his chest. “Speak up, Harrington.” He grunted.
“The first day I met her,” Steve repeated, his voice steadier than before...louder than before...the sudden wave of confidence was found when he realized...it didn't matter what Billy thought...Steve loved Y/N...and she loved him. That’s all the reassurance he needed, and he remembered it with each breath she took.
“I fell in love when I saw her,” Steve confessed, his voice softening at the memory. “I-I think she was walking to find you, actually - it was after school one day...she’d asked me where the boy’s locker room was,” he chuckled to himself, hand running through her y/c/h locks. “I had been dying to meet these Hargrove twins for weeks now...but...I guess...I’d never had the pleasure of being formally introduced.”
“It...it was like watching a movie. She was walking down the hall, in my direction...and she said hi to me...nothing much. Enough to keep me coming back, y’know?... To want more.” Billy was quiet as Steve spoke, letting him ramble for as long as he wanted - Hargrove was trying to prove a point that he wasn’t sure blockhead could see just yet (that he knew about their relationship but getting Harrington to spill his guts out was even better).
“Then, I remember walking with her - I had to grab my gym bag anyway, and she had the prettiest laugh. I don’t remember what I said, but I remember the feeling of pride...-- Like, I’d done something really good...”
“She said I was nice - she said she liked my hair and - you know, that sent me over the moon,” Steve was laughing softly, trying not to move too much with Y/N’s head rested on his chest.
“I love her, Billy,” he told while glancing the brother’s way - his silence had been a bit mortifying...but Steve didn’t want Hargrove to think he’d actually been terrified to hear what he had to say. “I love her and I know you don’t like it - but...I can’t change how I feel.”
A few minutes passed by, and neither spoke again. Billy had gotten up, exchanging the now thawed peas for a fresh pack of them (mumbling something about the Harringtons’ having too many frozen vegetables). Roughly fifteen minutes of eerie stillness was carried between them - Billy had an arm bent at the elbow, holding his face up. His other hand tapping his jean covered thigh.
Steve was keeping himself occupied with moving the makeshift ice pack around, looking out for missed cuts (which there were a few) and treating them accordingly. Y/N was still propped between his legs, using him as a pillow - her hands rested around his waist peacefully locking him down.
“She loves you a lot, you know.” The suddenness of Billy’s low tone startled the brunette. He had thought that because it’d been quiet for so long...their conversation had long been shut down.
Steve gave a short closed-mouth smile. “You think so?” Harrington asked while shifting the pack to rest on Y/N’s shoulder.
“We have thin walls at home, Harrington. I hear her talking to you for hours on the phone,” Billy noted while shaking his head at the thought. “Did you know our houselines are all connected?” Hargrove was clearly messing with Steve - as if indicating he’d snuck on calls with them...it was a joke...but...coming from Billy - Steve was slow to react.
Steve sighed. “So you know then?” Billy shrugged. “Give or take, I know enough to realize she’s been seeing you for more than a month.”
The curly-blond chuckled. “I know my sister, Harrington. There’s no reason for her to be going on walks a seven o’clock. It’s not like we have a dog.”
“Maybe you’re not as dense as I thought,” Steve jabbed. Billy only grunted in response, not laughing, but not taking too much offense to his words.
Hargrove rolled his lower lip between his thumb and forefinger before saying,” You know - telling me wouldn’t have done anything.”
“You’re saying my head wouldn’t have been on your wall? Like a trophy?” Steve snorted while rolling his eyes,” Yeah - okay.”
“Don’t get pissy with me, Harrington. You’re the one who went behind my back, screwing my sister, amigo.” Billy had him there.
Steve swallowed a sarcastic bite and answered honestly instead,” We were scared you’d not approve--” “Because just doing it anyway helps your case” “--so we just decided to wait till the right moment...” Steve pretended not to hear Billy’s sardonic interruption.
“Was this the moment you were looking for, Harrington?” Billy’s voice didn’t hold its usual arrogant demeanor. He sounded as if he were genuinely trying to talk to Steve. At least there was that much going for Harrington.
“What, you mean at three-am, sitting in my living room - your sister not even conscious for the talk?” he concluded,” No...it wasn’t exactly the ideal moment.” Billy chuckled at that, and Steve joined him. They surely weren’t friends...no...but...they could understand one another and that made all the difference.
“Take care of her, Harrington.”
Billy understood that Steve loved Y/N as much as he did. He cared for her like he did, and only wanted the best for her. Hargrove could see the way Steve looked at her, and it was like she were the only person in the room. The only smile that mattered, the only mind that counted.
Sure, Billy didn’t exactly like Harrington...but he could get over that (for now) because the dipshit somehow made her happy. Steve could make Y/N smile when Billy wasn’t there to do it himself...so he thanked the brunette for that. He thought his sister deserved the world - more than the world really, but if Steve was the only thing the universe had to offer...and that only thing that Y/N wanted from the universe... Billy could understand.
“I will.”
It wasn’t much different for Harrington. He knew that Billy loved Y/N - may be more than he did...they’d always have a bond that Steve would envy. Y/N never stopped talking about her ‘big brother Billy - the coolest guy she knows, the strongest guy she knows, etc’. Steve felt like he knew Billy better than Billy knew...and yet, here they were - sitting roughly half a room apart - the only thing tying them to civility being a girl whom they both loved.
Sure, Steve didn’t exactly like Hargrove...but he could get over that (for now) because he knew no matter what he did or said; Billy would always be her big brother who made her happy. Billy would protect her when Steve couldn’t, and maybe that’s why it was so hard for Billy right now...because he hadn’t been there at all for his sister when she needed him most...and Harrington wondered if it was eating away at Billy’s conscious.
He’d always been so hard to read - whether cross or content - it all looked generally the same (Steve had told Y/N that once and she’d laughed, saying you just had to know the tells...for example when Billy’s nervous - he usually gets antsy and fidgety). Either way, the pain would always be the same... Steve could understand.
“Just because you’re dating my sister - doesn’t make us buddy-buddy, Harrington,” Billy clarified, a wicked half-smirk finding his lips.
Steve rolled his eyes, brushing the hair from Y/N’s face. “I know - it’s not like I’d want to be friends with you anyway...I can only stand one Hargrove at a time.” Before Billy could say anything (he was going to warn Steve that a certain y/c/h haired girl was not asleep...and had been up for quite some time...), Harrington sputtered a sound of shock as he was jabbed in the side.
“Dumbass,” Y/N grumbled, scooting closer to his side.
Steve’s eyes widened and he stumbled to find his words,” Oh - You’re up...how long have you been up...?” His tone was light, and yet - why was his heart racing so fast? She pushed away his hand holding the pack of frosted peas and sat up with a stifled groan. “Long enough, Harrington,” she looked to her brother sheepishly - he returned the simper, Billy was glad the swelling went down - her face almost looked normal again (and Steve was gaping at the fact that Billy was smiling...like genuinely).
Billy began chuckling shaking his head - the waves of relief and security finding him as Y/N seemed..if not okay...she was at least holding up. He was sure shed be in pain for a few days more, the bruises needing some time to heal. Y/N only giggled, wincing at the ache caused by laughter - whoever said it was the best medicine...was a liar.
The little shit she was...she’d been awake for the last ten minutes or so - sleeping with bruises wasn’t easy...he’d know. She was also a terrible actress - while Steve had been talking, busy with cleaning nicks and cuts, Billy had watched how his sister’s face would momentarily contort at the contact of hydrogen peroxide. Billy was very observant, especially when it came to his little sister...he’d have been lying if he said he had never followed Steve’s BMW back to his house before...he was Billy supposed to know where he was taking his baby sister? (Little? -- Billy, we’re the same age! --But you’re way fucking shorter than me, pipsqueak).
Steve was blushing, very confused, but also glad to see Y/N was feeling a bit better. “I was up long enough to hear that...um...Billy....you know...,” she paused eyes drifting to the floor. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you earlier...I think Steve would’ve been in the position I am if we’d told you.” Y/N made a grime gesture to her battered body.
Billy clicked his tongue, standing up to stretch his back and neck. “Nah, he wouldn’t look like that,” his low voice droned out as he began walking towards the door (not before placing a kiss to Y/N’s forehead and gently ruffling her hair). “He’d look much worse if I got to him, kid.”
Steve rolled his eyes, his girlfriend laughing as she pressed a hand, hissing, to her side. That’s what you get for making fun of me, she swore he said that under his breath - the intimation of a smirk creeping on Steve’s sweet lips.
“Where’re you going, B?” Y/N asked while watching her brother reach for the doorknob.
“Home. I’m tired and I have work i--,” “Stay.” Both sets of Hargrove eyes turned to watch Steve with a bewildered manner. Billy gave a huff of amusement, be licked his lips, hand running down the side of his face as he raised an eyebrow at Harrington.
“Come again?” He demanded.
Steve ran a hand through his hair, a small uplift of the corner of his lips sealing his attempt at kindness. “You can stay here - guest bedroom’s upstairs. It’s almost three, man. Just spend the night.”
Billy looked conflicted. Pride and logic always had a hard time understanding one another...a constant battle of the mind. He was so used to doing things on his own...taking Harrington’s charity wasn’t exactly an ego boost.
It bordered his whole issue with having Y/N and Harrington be together in the first place... He’d spent his whole life taking care of himself. Of her. Making sure she was always safe, making sure Y/N never got the worst of it. His father was not a good example of a man, and Billy certainly had his rough edges.
He knew that if anyone were to be with his sister, they’d have to be a man worth her time. First meeting Steve, Billy took him as the same old, same old...playboy wanna-be, who drank too much, partied too often, and flirted too quickly...Steve reminded Billy of himself (not the kind of man he wanted Y/N with).
Over time though...it seemed Steve Harrington was hiding behind a mask. Billy had been skeptical, seeing as good things always came with a sharp end...but...he saw how happy Steve made Y/N...the sincere consideration he put into everything...Harrington had become the only exception.
And still...that battle of pride and logic waged on and Billy wasn’t sure of the generous offer of sleeping at the Harrington estate.
“I can take care of m--,” “I know, I know. You’re a big boy - but...it’s more convenient for you to stay here, Billy.” Y/N cut in, squeezing Steve’s hand in hers as a silent signal of her appreciation. She didn’t want Billy going home...not (without her), anyway. She didn’t care what happened to her - as long as Billy was okay...she knew she couldn’t do much, but if this was what she could grant him - then she’d do everything in her power to keep it that way.
“Harrington.” The soft reply was barely heard, following a thank you in the form of a head-nod, but Steve waved in response. “Y-Yeah, any time man.” 
Billy’s footsteps were fleeting and soon enough, they were alone. Steve puffed his cheeks out, eyes wide as he looked down to her. “You’re trouble, you know that?” Y/N scoffed, moving to stand up - she was thirsty and water sounded good (or alcohol...).
“Woah, woah - slow down there, tiger -- let me help you,” he shot up, arm around her waist protectively, hand holding hers as he walked her in the direction she pointed. He easily lifted her to sit on the countertop (even though Y/N complained he was being dramatic).
A cold glass of water was handed to her, their fingers touching through the pass. Steve stood between her legs and hesitantly placed his hands on her hips, unsure of what pain may lie there.
“You scared me, babes,” he admitted while resting his head on her shoulder, one of Y/N’s hands combing through his hair, the other holding her cup. “I did?”
“Mhmmm,” Steve hummed, turning his head to look at her, his brown eyes outlining the purple on her jawline. His muscles tensing at the thought of Neil’s hands on her. “I was scared - why wouldn’t I be?”
Y/N shook her head, not wanting to cry again. She placed her drink down, and cupped Steve’s face, lifting his head up, their foreheads pressed together. She closed her eyes, soaking in the scent of a faint shampoo and gentle body wash.
“I’m here, I’m breathing...I’m okay, Steve.” Her thumb rubbed a small circle on his skin and Steve melted into her touch. His arms holding him up, on either side of her as she sat there.
Steve couldn't hold himself back any longer; he tilted his head up, lips meeting hers. The faint taste of copper lingering between their kiss - but he didn’t mind. His body shifting to have Y/N’s front weighted to his, he kissed her, a hand coming to delicately - hold her tender face in his palm.
“I love you, so much, Y/N,” only pulling from the kiss to speak, Steve laughed wistfully. “Don’t cry, darling...you’re way too pretty to cry.”
Y/N shook her head, her hands falling down to hug his neck, he closed his eyes, rubbing her back instinctively. His face in the crook of her neck.
“You think Billy’s okay with this?” she whispered.
Steve tsked, glancing at the clock on the kitchen wall, he clicked his tongue,” I’ll give it till eight before he comes searching for my ass.”
a/n footer: I know this may not be what you expected...but...it turned out sweet..no? I personally love Steve & Billy interactions, like...they’re not friends - but...they’ve both got something worth being civil for... I hope you all enjoy! <3
Sunsets Back Home pt. 2 will be out very soon! <3 Along with some Steve requests~
Tagged: @the-first-breath-of-autumn-air @dazedimagines @danielathedoll @allisjustok @wallflxvver @naomiiiiiiiiiii04 @frnchpy @kimmydespell @editsbyjenny @dazedimagines @novaddictx @mairalynn416 @wefracturedmotivation @truthdaze @xxcxrolinexx @savingprivatecass @emmalbg @timeladygallifrey @the-first-breath-of-autumn-air @billyhargrovescigarette @krystalane @truthdaze @neverlandsoundsgood @friendlyneighbourhoodmercenary @imarockstar145 @foryoubarnes @winchestergirl907 @anniethepanda 
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
PREVIEW: Will You Take Me as I Am?
i’m working on a fic for @biillys for something long overdue that i almost feel embarrassed talking about bc?? it was so long ago that the fundraiser has since been cancelled! have i apologized enough yet??? i don’t think i have!!
ANYWAY the title is “Will You Take Me as I Am?” and it was supposed to be super light and fun and happy and it will be but it’s also going to be angsty bc Quarantine is doing some Shit to me over here ~♥ BUT it will have things including, but not limited to:
- Billy, Steve, Max, and El bickering over music
- big long road trip to Cali
- stupid roadside attractions
- sunny summer days in San Diego
- Billy’s friends from back in the day (bc he had them and we need to talk about that!!!!)
- Max Max Max Max and Max bc Max is so good and we need to talk about her too
- Tony fucking Hawk
it’ll hopefully be done soon! this is just a super tiny snippet bc i feel awful for not having it finished yet and i need to post something or i’ll cry. so!! @biillys, i love you so much and hope you’re well and it’s COMING but until then, have this slightly sad but also heartfelt scene with our little Disaster Siblings! ♥
(title from California - Joni Mitchell bc DUH)
~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
Driving Max to school doesn’t set Billy on edge anymore.
“And it’s just so stupid because Cindy swears to everyone that she looks like Molly Ringwald. She doesn’t stop talking about it! Like anyone even cares.”
As irritating as it might be to hear about 9th grade gossip.
“And she still makes fun of my hair. Because it’s not the ‘right’ shade of red? What the hell?”
Billy smirks and listens vaguely and thinks about a few months ago. He remembers when the fall air bit him hard. When it felt invasive and aggressive and piercing rather than just present and embracing and knowing. The chill doesn’t hurt him anymore. The sound and smell of the farms doesn’t boil his blood anymore. The idea of Max having a life here doesn’t grind away at his memories anymore.
He’s laughing without hearing her. He vaguely hopes she doesn’t take too much offense by it, but the rest of him doesn’t really care. She’ll just hit him and grumble and he’ll give a vacant yet amused apology and they’ll continue on their car ride listening to Joan Jett.
Except she doesn’t hit him. His chuckles die down and the only sound through the car is Joan Jett wailing and Max tapping her fingers on her jeans.
It’s got Billy curious. He looks over quickly and sees her mouth moving- mumbling to herself.
“Telling yourself secrets or something?”
She glares, but it’s half-hearted. She chews on her lip and then she’s looking back down at her lap.
Billy’s just a little tempted to just let it all slide, but...
“Alright, what’s up?” He caves.
The quiet of the car makes Billy nervous. The air is whipping past them through the slightly rolled down windows, shoving itself into the absences of their conversation. Billy’s fingers start fidgeting with nerves and he’s on the verge of cutting in before she can get any words out, but then Max is speaking, hurriedly and with a furrowed brow as she says-
“How old are you again?”
Billy pauses.
“The hell kind of question is that?” He asks, looking over at her incredulously, confused at the question. She’s still trying to glare.
“Shut up! Just… you’re like… graduating soon… right?”
Billy raises an eyebrow at the road.
“No, Maxine.” Billy says with dripping sarcasm. “I love high school so much I was thinking of just staying there for the rest of my life.”
“Let me talk!”
“I am letting you talk! You’re just saying stupid shit!”
“Augh, you are so annoying!”
She’s crossing her arms now, and for some reason Billy can’t find it in himself to be amused by it. So instead he heaves a little sigh and bites his lip and waves for her to continue.
She sighs back.
“It’s just… my birthday is kinda close. And yours is like, right after that. And I was… just thinking. The other day...”
She trails off, hands fidgeting and head turned to the window. She doesn’t pick back up the conversation. Iggy Pop is howling through the radio, now.
“Thinking? Pretty dangerous thing to do when you’re-”
Max hits Billy with the hardest glare yet of the car ride. He concedes.
“Alright. What were you thinking about?”
The glare softens. Her eyes fill with worry… and nerves. Billy finds something vaguely reminiscent in them, even if it’s not exactly the same as in his memory. He knows he’s being a little shit but he hasn’t done anything to warrant fear... has he? He racks his brain while they sit in the silence she lets settle between them.
“I was just thinking about… well… remember that one birthday?” She’s had a few birthdays while they’ve shared a roof. A couple of them he’s purposefully decided to forget-most notably that first one. “When you took me to the boardwalk?”
That one he definitely remembers, with more color than most memories. She was turning 12- it was right before they found out they were moving. Things had been going so well. That birthday saw them walking down the boardwalk together to pick up some ice cream sundaes and talk about friends. Old ones and new ones. Gossip and interests. Max has mentioned that birthday a few times before- she says all the time it was the first time Billy treated her like a real person. Like a sister. He used to roll his eyes at her confession until he stopped. Because he realized maybe she was right. Maybe before that, “sister” wasn’t really in his vocabulary- not with a real definition and most definitely not with a face.
It was a nice day. They skated down the boardwalk and he taught her a couple of tricks on her board and he bought her something from the knick-knack store at the corner where the boardwalk met the street. She smiled at him genuinely for the first time ever. It seemed like they could be friends.
He chews the inside of his lip. He doesn’t like to think too far past that memory.
“Yeah, I remember.”
She’s fidgeting still. He wants to slap her hands to get her to stop because it’s making his leg twitch.
“Well I was just thinking about it. And… and… well…”
She’s picking at her cuticles. He winces whenever he sees her do that. He used to do that too. Used to bite at them when he was nervous, so much it’d make his fingers bleed. He’s stopped for a year or so now. She’s still doing it. He wonders sometimes if she picked it up from watching him and his shifty eyes. He can’t take watching her so nervous and he’s starting to feel on edge and-
“Spit it out, Max.” His voice is a little snappy, but he really doesn’t mean it. She sighs rather than glares.
“Are you still gonna move out to California?” She asks, all the words slurred together like they’re one but it doesn’t matter, because Billy understands them all.
He loses his breath for a second. When he looks over, he sees her eyes are screwed shut, but then she opens them and there’s tears there. He hates seeing tears there. Something squeezes his heart at the thought that he’s responsible again... only this time he doesn’t even know what he’s done.
“Like after you graduate.”
A tear falls down her cheek.
She looks down at her lap. Billy looks back at the road and has to hit the breaks hard when he realizes he’s about to run a stop sign. He takes a deep breath.
“Maybe. I dunno.”
“Take me with you.”
It’s sudden. He’s staring at her and she’s staring at her hands, picking at her cuticles viciously. It’s the faint sound of someone honking behind them that gets Billy to start driving again.
“Not like… forever...” Max says in such a small voice Billy is speechless. “Just for… a little bit.”
They ride in silence for a bit. They’re almost at school. Billy almost wants to stop the car because Max is going to cry and she’s gonna be pissed about walking into school while crying.
There are too many thoughts swirling through Billy’s head, some of them colored like a carnival, before Max is speaking again.
“I just… I miss home.”
It punches Billy in the gut. His memories fade to the sand and the waves and teaching Max how to break through the surf. He’s swirling down into thoughts of ice cream and babysitting her and walking along the boardwalk and telling her to make sand castles while he ran away with his friends. Tanned skin and sun-bleached hair and darker freckles blooming on their faces.
“It was stupid.” Her voice cuts quickly through the fog of memories. “Forget I said anything.”
“What? No.” Billy can’t forget. He doesn’t know how to answer but… but she’s crying and he’s not going to pretend like that’s not something he should be worried about.
“No, it’s stupid. You’re gonna be going with Steve. I don’t even know how I’d get back… it’s fine-”
“Are you trying to live with your dad?” Billy asks because it’s the only thing that makes sense to ask right now. She shakes her head vehemently.
“No no… I wanna live with my mom. I wanna stay here. I just wanna… visit, I guess…”
He so often forgets she’s still such a kid. She’s four years away from where he is. She’s four years away from being able to be independent. From having the ability to leave. They moved and Billy felt like he had been put in a cage. The word “landlocked” was the cruelest, harshest, most disgusting word imaginable to him because to him the only synonym was “trapped”. He knew it meant staying for another two years. He didn’t think about how for her it meant six. For her it was either plant your roots or let them dry out and crack in the Indiana sun. He couldn’t see that as he screamed at her back then.
“I dunno, I just miss it.” She says, but it’s quiet as she wipes at her cheek with the back of her hand.
Billy pulls into the school and picks a spot in the back of the lot, even though the bell is gonna ring soon and it’ll probably take too long to walk onto campus. She’s still sniffling a bit and his heart is squeezing tight. His chest is constricting. He’s watching Max right now and thinking about how the Billy he was a few weeks ago and even beyond was making a whole plan to just fuck off to California with Steve. How he didn’t even give a thought to leaving Max behind with the knowledge that he’d be back in the San Diego sun. He’d be back where the world made sense and she’d be here still shoving her roots in the ground to find some comfort.
Now suddenly he can’t imagine ever doing that.
“Well uh…” He starts, but his voice is bubbled. He clears his throat and tries again. “I still gotta convince Steve… I was planning on taking him just for a trip over there. Just so he can check it out and see if he likes it.”
He hasn’t even extended an offer yet, but she turns to look at him and the only way to describe her face is glowing. She’s so hopeful. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is slightly tilted up into a smile, open a little in shock. He just shrugs it off, even though it lights up his chest.
“I guess we can squeeze you into his fancy little car.”
“Oh Billy thank you.”
She reaches across the center console to wrap him into as good a hug as she can. He rolls his eyes, but he pats her back as he does it.
“Yeah yeah… chill out.” He sounds tired to his ears, pulling away from Max and getting ready to leave the car when-
“We should take El, too.”
Max crosses her arms, suddenly looking pretty bossy for a girl with tears still shining in her eyes. Billy can’t say he’s exactly surprised at seeing her capable of that.
“We should take El too.”
“You just invited yourself and now you’re inviting other people?”
Her brows furrow.
“She’s my best friend! And she’s like... your sister now, right?”
“Yeah yeah, but-”
“I’m going to be there all alone with just you and Steve! I’m gonna need someone to keep me company while you two try to suck face.”
“Okay I get it-”
“Plus she’s never seen the ocean! She’s never left Indiana… she’s barely left Hawkins! She needs something like this-!”
“Al-right! Alright, I get it. I’ll ask Hop, alright?”
Max seems to let up, taking a deep breath and sitting back in her seat from where she was getting dangerously close to the edge in her excitable anger.
They sit in the quiet for a second before Billy elbows her and mutters: “Trying to guilt trip me, huh?”
Max shrugs, but she’s chewing her lip and picking at her cuticles and she’s giving Billy a side eye and-
“I just wanna show her around…” Max shrugs again, like she can’t think to do anything else. “It was my home too, Billy.”
She’s still picking at her cuticles and her leg is bouncing and she… she’s so young. He’s not sure how he could forget so quickly. She left a home behind, too. And family and friends. She left a lot behind. He always forgets.
“Billy…” Max starts, voice trailing.
There’s a small beat of silence where Billy waits breathlessly.
“We’re going to California.”
It’s a statement- like there’s no doubt in her mind that it’s happening. It’s going to happen. He hears her certainty and feels it too. She’s starting with concentrated eyes down at her lap but she’s so sure it looks like it hurts.
She sniffles and his heart nearly cracks. He rubs her shoulder kind of harshly and rather than a glare she gives a sort of grateful smile. That is, before she pushes at Billy’s hand and wipes at her eye and gripes about how “we’re gonna be late.”
Billy snickers.
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anika-ann · 5 years
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold - Pt.3
The Mission
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Matt Murdock x reader (no SR x MM x r)
Word count: 2700
Summary: Avenger!reader AU, love triangle. Mission in progress; You’re going in. Spoiler alert: it goes about as well as Steve expected.
Warnings: violence, blood, swearing, banter, unconsensual drug use (kinda?), injury 
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Story Mastelist
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“Alright, guys. We’re clear about everything? I’m coming in first, opening the door for you. Natasha, you’re with Clint, you’re going after Vasiliev and intel. Frosty and Daredevil are onto the girls and their guards. Tony, try to get to the basement level, I’ll join you as soon as possible. Questions?”
“Won’t Secretary Davis be pissed about Frostbite coming to save his daughter instead of Captain America?” you noted, a bit annoyed that you actually had to ask that question. You couldn’t care less and you were actually fine with your task, but… sadly, this was politics too, not just a rescue mission.
Steve sighed. “I’m the leader of the mission. I’ll be everywhere, that has to be enough.”
“What’s in the basement?” Clint questioned and you could see a shadow of worry covering Steve’s face as he put on his helmet.
“I don’t know. And I don’t like it. That’s why I’m sending the least vulnerable people there.”
You gulped, chill running down your spine. You didn’t like they should be going there just the two of them. “You should wait for us.”
Steve shook his head. “Can’t do. If there are weapons the guards can use against you, we need to secure them.”
“Goddammit, Steve! You told me-“
“You have your orders, Frosty. Follow them. You know this distribution of resources makes sense as it is,” he shut you down, his blue eyes piercing yours in warning.
You knew he had told you something he didn’t want to tell the others and you shouldn’t have pulled it out. But you trusted his instincts and you felt like this was the source of his concerns and the others should know that.
You raised your chin, crossing the short distance between you and the Captain.
“You don’t go there alone. You stay with Tony.” He escaped you gaze and you grabbed his forearm. “Steve.”
He looked back at you, his eyes burning with honesty. “Same goes to you, Snowflake. Everyone. Don’t do anything on your own. We’re a team. Don’t forget that.”
As if someone could ever forget being a teammate to any of you – you were all a bit too special for that. But you could see what he meant.
The team nodded in agreement, gradually leaving the jet. They ‘parked’ it about a mile from the building Tony had located the girls in, nothing but woods around you. You kinda envied Tony his suit – what you wouldn’t give for a flying suit to avoid the running right now. Or any time, really.
Alright, stop whining. Let’s do this.
────── ·❆· ──────  
You hated Steve sneaking in alone, but he was your best shot; he could be the most subtle apart from Natasha, who lacked the super-strength needed for breaking the locks. You could have frozen the locks, made them fragile and broken them easily, but Steve was better at hand-to-hand combat, which allowed him to get rid of the guards. Also, his body was less vulnerable. You agreed with Steve being the best choice; however, that didn’t mean you liked it.
When he opened the back entrance for you, you couldn’t supress the wave of relief; he seemed unharmed. It was ridiculous, because the mission barely started, but you hoped that from now on, he wouldn’t be alone.
“The hostages are in the west wing of the building,” Tony’s voice sounded in your ear and you nodded, glancing at Steve one more time. He smiled at you warmly before taking off.
“Stay safe,” you murmured as if he could hear you.
“Let’s go,” the Devil encouraged you softly and you both broke into a jog. Time to save some sorry asses.
The Devil turned out to be a good partner in crime – he always stopped you before taking a turn, warning you when someone was close, which gave you enough time to prepare yourself and won you the element of surprise. Also, he totally kicked ass; so far you had had the opportunity to see him in action once, because your own opponent had already been knocked out, and if you would say you didn’t forget how to breathe when seeing his quick sharp blows, you would be lying through your teeth.
“You okay?” he had asked you then and you had just shaken your head to snap from your trance and beckoned to him to move.
And then there was the door. The door, because Daredevil tilted his head to side, his hand on your forearm to pull you closer.
“Fifteen heartbeats. Four of them younger and scared. That’s our girls,” he whispered almost soundlessly into your ear and you bit your lip, nodding in acknowledgement.
“Few riffles.” His jaw tightened. “Probably knives, it’s hard to tell. There is no wood or water in the room as far as I can tell, but there’s lots of metal, the sound is bouncing off it – I think the girls are on the floor, leaning their backs against it.”
You stared, awe-struck, forgetting to try to imagine the picture he was drawing for you; instead, you were watching him as he had a look of the highest concentration on his half-face.
“You okay?”
You blinked, waking up once more. Jesus, get a hold of yourself, loser. “Yeah, sorry. Just… it’s incredible.” He seemed puzzled. “What you can do.”
A brief smile raised the corners of his lips. “Thanks. Not too bad yourself. Work your magic.”
You obeyed, touching the round doorknob, its metal immediately covering in a layer of ice and spreading to the whole door – its temperature dropped enough for the molecular structure to change.
Daredevil spared one more glance at you and the two of you simultaneously kicked out; the door shattered as if it was made of thin glass.
All hell broke loose. You barely managed to disarm two shooters by icing their weapons before a spray of bullets rained your way and you had to take cover behind one of the metal cabinets, the Devil throwing his billy clubs and disarming two others while knocking one out.
“I’m icing the main alley, you okay with that?” you hissed over the distance and he immediately nodded.
Your hand hit the floor, sending a thick belt of ice down the route – to your satisfaction, you could hear the gunmen curse and few of them went down with a thud and blind gunfire to the ceiling as they slipped.
A second later, the path was clear of ice, the distraction allowing you to attack again while the Devil sneaked into one of the smaller alleys, surprising the men from behind.  
Freezing their hands was the priority; the weapons fell on the ground one after another. Unfortunately, that also meant the men went after you and they were really pissed. The ones who could still handle to carry some kind of a weapon switched to blades; Daredevil had been right.
You did your best to fight off everyone who came at you, using an icicle through their limbs when necessary. It was a method far from your favourite, but it was efficient when needed.
The floor was quickly covering in a layer of bodies of unconscious men. It took them a while to realize that their buddies were being attacked from behind by Daredevil – idiots, lots of them.
Receiving a kick to you lower back sending you into a cabinet, making your belly meet the edge, put you into the category of idiots too.
Shit, how had you missed this one? You quickly turned, still leaning onto the cabinet and blocked his lunge by kicking his stomach, making him stumble backwards. Next thing he knew, he was frozen to the wall and you punched him unconscious.
You spun on your heels to look for another opponent, ducking on instinct – a second later, a knife was sticking out of the wall in the same level your head had been.
A crack echoed in the room, followed by an agonized scream. Your gaze shot in that direction immediately, seeing the Devil cracking a guy’s wrist and dislocating his shoulder. You winced. With the man being the last one standing, you only guessed he had been the one to throw the knife. And Daredevil just elbowed his face, his own teeth barred in a savage grin which only a fool would call a smile. The man fell to the ground.
“Remind me to not to piss you off. Ever,” you panted, approaching Daredevil’s masked figure. His hands were clenched in fists, his chest rising and falling rapidly, but he seemed fine. He snapped his head higher to face you better, his posture relaxing just slightly.
“Same goes to you,” he beckoned to one of the bastards who had their thigh stabbed with an icicle, impressively big even for you.
“Didn’t have the time to be gentle.”
“Incoming. Six more men. Fair sharing? Four for me, two for you?”
You gaped at him, not sure if he was kidding or not. The smug was so evident even on his half-face and you just couldn’t-
“Wipe that smirk off!” you hissed at him, laughing, spinning to the girl who didn’t get the memo and hadn’t hid yet. “Go to the corner, take cover. Things might get messy again. Anyone hurt?”
You took the zero response as a no. Devil confirmed your theory. Because of course he would know. He knew fucking everything.
“Which door?”
Daredevil beckoned to the one that were still in place. You grinned, creating a layer of black ice right away. They deserved a proper welcome. Daredevil gathered his weapons and prepared himself too.
Three fingers on Devil’s hand raised.
Now you could hear the gunmen too.
You hit the ground with your palm once more and let the black ice spread under edge of the door too – they threw it open with their balance already shitty. You and your partner used the advantage immediately. They were disarmed before they even realized what was happening.
The Devil was right in the end – you only got stuck with two opponents, the thugs probably assuming you were the lesser problem. Sweet summer children… the winter is coming, bitches.
By the time you were done with yours, Daredevil was still fighting two of his own, one of them just throwing himself on the armoured figure; you quickly created ice for his feet to be stuck in. He almost lost his balance from the momentum with his feet suddenly disabled. The Devil sent the other man down with a powerful hook, soon elbowing the one standing pretty much frozen behind him to his face. The man lost consciousness immediately, his body going limp; you released his feet.
“Thanks,” the Devil called out and you spent one precious moment shooting him a smile. A second later, his billy club flew inches from your face, successfully taking down a guy behind you that you apparently hadn’t knocked out properly.
“Thanks,” you parroted, your smile faltering. Sloppy.
“That’s why we’re partners, right?”
For a second, you lost yourself in the lopsided grin he gave you. Shit. You heart. His smile widened.
“Get a room,” one of the girls whined and you snapped from your trance, squatting to her to untie her hands. “Thanks.”
“Fuck,” Natasha cursed in your earpiece and you tensed. Had not everything gone as smooth as with you and DD? “Steve, get out of there. NOW.”
Your heart must have stopped that second; she sounded as if she was panicking. Natasha Romanoff never panicked.
“What is it, Romanoff?” Steve asked lowly, a little out of breath. You could hear him fighting and your feet itched to get to the basement. But someone had to stay with the hostages.
“I’ll go,” Devil whispered, brushing your arm and you wordlessly pleaded him to rush. He disappeared in the doorway.
“Just get out! It’s a set up. They’re experimenting, developing an antidote to the serum that-”
She was cut off by gunshot and you sprang to the door as well.
“Stay in position, Gerda! I’m heading his direction,” Devil’s voice sounded in your ear and you had no doubt he was talking to you. You forced your feet to stop, gritting your teeth. If you weren’t so on edge, you might appreciate the nickname he had come up with.
“Steve, run,” you ordered adamantly, silently praying and absently checking on the four girls in the room. They were just bait. Vasiliev knew that taking Secretary’s daughter was a way to get Captain America here. Fucking shit.
Come on, Steve, don’t be a dick, don’t play hero and just get your ass out of there. It’s over anyw-
Three more men burst into your room. Shit. So much for things being over.
You didn’t worry about getting them seriously hurt now. You froze their guns first, their shocked screams echoing in the room as the icy metal gave them an immediate frostbite. Then you created a layer of black ice under their feet, their lunges in your direction ending up in their limbs tangled together. Some of them were frozen to the floor by hands, some of them by their feet, sides. You didn’t give a fuck. You knocked out all of them, stabbing one of the other goons who came back into consciousness with icicle through his forearm. He roared in agony and passed out again.
A different scream made your blood run cold.
You never heard that sound before, but you were sure as hell whom it belonged. It was Steve’s. Steve was in pain. And in horrible pain, because you had never heard him scream.
“Shit!” Tony cursed through the comms and the sound of his repulsors came next. “Romanoff, get the documents on that substance and head to the jet. I’m bringing him in and calling Banner right now.”
You barely heard him over Steve’s cries, though they were falling silent. You didn’t think that was a good sign.
And then they died out completely.
For a second, the world stopped. Everything froze as if you had blasted your energy, yet nothing went cold. No, the time itself must have frozen.
“Get out of your asses!” you yelled after the girls, startling them all. You were coming to the jet right now, all of you, because you couldn’t leave them here, but you wouldn’t worry about the goons. Others would take care of them or the clean-up squad of agents coming after. You needed to see Steve. Now. “NOW!”
The girls shrieked, but complied, stumbling to their feet.
“Move it,” you hissed. “Down the corridor, stay close so I can protect you, but for fuck’s sake move.”
You barely heard them muttering something under their breath, your pulse too loud in your ears.
Steve was hurt. Steve was probably injected with some fucking anti-serum and— you blinked away your tears. Not now. You would see him first and then came to catastrophic conclusions. Not now, not now…
The way out of the building was endless.
The girls immediately did as you ordered. They were probably scared of you; you couldn’t care less. Your friend was in unbearable pain. And shit, you felt cold all over your body. You hadn’t felt that for a while.
Tony had cut himself off, so you couldn’t hear him until you stumbled into the quinjet, seeing his figure hovering over Steve’s, lying unconscious on the improvised bed. There was a hologram of Bruce’s face, Natasha flipping pages for him; at your incoming, she handed the file to Tony and went to help you with the hostages.
“Stay here,” you hissed at the girls, pacing to the bed.
Steve’s back arched, his body in spasm and you gasped, reaching for him.
“Don’t touch him now, let it be.”
“You’re kidding right?!”
“He’s right, convulsing person shouldn’t be held down-“
“Read you fucking files, Bruce!” you shot back, but clenched your hands in fists to stop yourself from touching Steve. You vision blurred.
“Hey, cool it, Elsa!” Tony snapped at you, trying to make a sense of the files as well. “We’re trying! You have a Ph.D. you haven’t mentioned ye-“
“That’s it,” Bruce called out, astonished. “She needs to cool him down until you get him to me!”
Glares of everyone in the room locked you in. You tensed, horrified at the suggestion.
“You want me to WHAT?!”
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Part 4
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Tags: @mermaidxatxheart​, @murdermornings​, @elisaa-shelby​ 
As always; anyone wishes to be added/removed, shoot me an ask or a message.
Thank you for reading!
119 notes · View notes
steebharringt0n · 5 years
dream a little dream of me
as if navigating through pits and perils of high school is bad enough, your life gets thrown in a whirlwind when the universe chooses the last person you’d ever thought to be your soulmate - the red power ranger
pairing: jason scott x reader
warning: like a couple of curse words?
a/n: @mattysheelies and I cranked out some of our favorite AUs the other day and we fell in love with this concept. this is my first time writing Jason so I hope I did him justice. comments are super appreciated! also i went WAY overboard with this so sorry to the mobile readers! 
You can remember the exact night they began to happen. It was a warm spring night in Angel Grove, your bedroom window was slightly cracked open letting in a cool breeze to combat the growing heat that was starting to take over the small town. You were wearing your favorite pair of green cotton shorts and your oversized Angel Grove High sweatshirt.
You remember texting Trini right as your eyes started to become heavy, a conversation surrounding how gross Mr. Lawson from History class is. The last thing yours eyes saw before they found comfort in the darkness of your eyelids was your clock, large red numbers that flashed 10:32
There are four stages of sleep, you had quickly surpassed the first stage and took a nose dive into the second stage where it would become harder to wake one up. The third stage of sleep is commonly known as deep-sleep, where one would sleep through a thunderstorm, an alarm clock, or other environmental stimuli.
But the fourth stage, the dream stage, is where things started to get interesting.
You lived in a society where one was destined to a soulmate - like a red string tied to someone else, you were meant to be with someone for the rest of your life. It was a comfort knowing that there was someone out there just for you, like a missing puzzle piece. The only way one could know anything about their soulmate was through dreaming - their memories became your dreams and vice versa. 
When you entered the dreaming stage of sleep you found yourself suddenly thrown into what felt like a never-ending action movie.
You couldn’t move, just watch from your soulmates eyes - as if you were behind them. You were kicking, punching, fighting the familiar monsters that appeared on the television news station a couple days ago. Your heart sped up during this time, you twitched in your sleep with every hit your soulmate would receive.
The one thing that struck you however, was his red armor. He briefly glanced down at his hands when you caught a glimpse of it. Then came his nickname.
“Red! Let’s go!”
Through his eyes you saw the pink Power Ranger speaking to him. He was suddenly then surrounded by the rest of the Power Rangers, all of them in a fighting stance, standing firmly by his side as they prepared to battle whatever monsters came next.
You awake with a jolt, gasping for air as your eyes frantically scanned your bedroom. You placed a hand on your chest, trying to calm your beating heart. You whipped your head towards your clock, it blinked 3:23 AM.
You run your fingers through your hair, your mind racing as it tried to gather bits and pieces of the vivid dream you just had. You stayed up the rest of the night, restless and anxious from the memories that ran through your head. In the end, before you succumbed back to sleep, there were two undeniable truths,
One, your soulmate lived in Angel Grove, and two, he was a fucking Power Ranger.
You awoke 3 hours later for school. Your head still reeling from the night before. You felt like a balloon, holding in air that was about to burst - you had to tell someone about this, someone that the person you were meant to be with for the rest of your life was a super-fucking-hero.
You dashed your way to Angel Grove High, weaving in and out of traffic. As you stepped into the halls you spotted Trini by her locker. Trini had always been a good friend to you through your middle school years, and you were thankful that the both of you kept the friendship strong throughout the years. You quickly walked over to her, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her into a hidden corner. She looks at you perplexed by your alarmed behavior.
You wait for a couple of students to pass by you before you could tell her the news. You turn to face her, grabbing her by the shoulders,
“Trini, it happened”
She shakes her head, her face is twisted in concern, “What?! What happened?!”
A grin spreads on your lips like a cheshire cat, “The dreams, they’ve begun”
She thinks for a moment before she continues to talk. The dreams happen to everyone, just at different stages. For some they begin earlier, for some they may not begin until their late twenties. But you? Right in the thick of junior year. You can see the cogs working in her head, until it's as if a light bulb goes off. Her brown eyes slowly widen, and her mouth gapes open.
“Oh my god! No way!”
You squeal in confirmation, nodding your head furiously at her. But suddenly, you grow quiet. You pull her in closer, as if what you’re about to tell her could potentially end the world. It’s quite possibly your biggest kept secret, one that you’re about to entrust her with. Her face once again transforms back into one of concern as she watches your demeanor change. 
You then lean down towards her ear, whispering the undeniable truth to her,
“Trini, he’s the red power ranger”
Trini has been punched, beat up, kicked down many, many times. But this? This completely blows the wind out of her like no punch before. Her fingers find your bicep, gripping them tightly, trying to hold herself steady as the realization sinks into her.
Jason, her soulmate is Jason.
She knows she has to play it cool, she’s the yellow ranger for christ sake. You completely miss the way her face freezes in shock, and not in a good way. Instead she decides to play along. When you pull back to watch her reaction, she has a soft smile on her face, her eyebrows raised in complete surprise.
“Oh wow! Y/N! That’s so exciting!”
What more can she say? She has to be a supportive friend.
Right as you’re about to continue the celebration with her, Jason appears out of the corner. He stands at a tall 5’7, built sturdy with his signature blonde curl that hangs over his forehead. He has blue eyes that could give the pacific ocean a run for its money and a smile that could melt the coldest hearts. You glance up to meet the tall figure that cast a shadow over you and Trini, and instantly your heart starts to race. 
It wasn’t like you had a crush on Jason Lee Scott for practically your whole life. Jason was untouchable, he was like some mythical god in your eyes. But you both ran in different cliques, different hierarchies. Your relationship with Jason purely consisted of stolen glances - and his name doodled all over your notebook.
However, you soon came to realize a couple months ago that he only hung around 4 people, Trini, Kimberly, Billy and Zach.
This group of people perplexed you, they all ran in different cliques and yet they spent lunch together, spent study hour together, and you’re pretty sure you’ve caught them at movies together as well. The dynamic didn’t make sense to you, but then again, not a lot of things in life tend to make sense.
Jason gives you a smile, one where he bares his teeth to you, “Hey Y/N, Hey Trini, can I talk to you for a sec, I just had a question about the homework in Mr. Gibson’s class”
Homework in Mr. Gibson’s class is code for, we need to go over what we did right, and what we did wrong in our last mission. It was a rule he implemented after Rita’s demise and Jason takes his role as the leader of the Power Rangers very seriously. 
Trini quickly catches wind of what he means, stepping out of the corner and standing by his side. “Yeah sure, I’ll walk with you to the library”
Trini is currently battling with herself in her head. Should she tell Jason that his soulmate is literally inches away from him? Or should she keep this a secret? Either way, the big reveal should ultimately come from Jason - not from her.
Trini turns her attention back to you, not forgetting that you were still standing there. “Y/N, we can talk later in Mr. Lawson’s okay?”
With a soft smile donned on your lips, you nod at her, “Yeah, of course. I’ll catch you there later.” you pause, not forgetting that Jason was still there. Your heart speeds up as you make eye contact with him - you feel like a blushing school-girl (which you actually are) “I’ll see you around Jason”
He smiles warmly at you, “I’ll see you around Y/N”
You watch as the both of them disappear down the hall, a sense of wistfulness enters you - wishing that you could so desperately switch places with Trini. With a low sigh and your eyes cast down, you turn your attention back to finding your way to your locker, not looking forward to starting the school day.
When Trini and Jason arrive in the library, they quickly go to the back study room that’s always reserved under Jason’s name. It’s the only place where they can discuss their plans in private with the rest of the group without anyone interrupting them. Always under the guise of ‘we have a large semester project to work on’ the librarians don’t bat an eye when Kimberly, Billy and Zach arrive not even a minute later.
Trini shuts the door, her anxiety is starting to gnaw at her and her teammates can tell - it’s a ranger thing.
Jason waits for Trini to take a seat around the square table so he can begin his long awaited speech on how they should have cornered those monsters far away from the public, so that for next time innocent people don’t get caught in the mess, but when he catches wind of Trini’s face and how she’s gone from all smiley to something is terribly wrong, he takes a seat instead.
Kimberly’s eyes scan the rest of the group, wondering if they know what’s going on with her. But they all share the same blank stare.
“Okay Trini, what’s wrong, you’re freaking us all out here”
She paces back and forth, her eyes not meeting her teammates. She fumbles with her fingers, it’s a nervous tick that helps her keep calm during disastrous moments. When she doesn’t answer Kimberly, Jason takes charge.
“Trini, seriously what’s wrong? Is everything okay? Do you - “
She stops her pacing and turns to face them, all of them eager yet somewhat anxious to reveal whatever has been eating away at her for the past couple of minutes.
“Y/N’s soulmate is red Power Ranger - it’s you Jason, you’re her soulmate.”
The sentence slips out of her mouth like word vomit. Everyone tends to have the same reaction, Kimberly looks absolutely flabbergasted, Billy’s eyes just widened, Zach lets out an incredulous laugh, and Jason, well Jason just stays quiet, Trini’s not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
“Uhm, okay, wow … that is big news” Kimberly is the first to speak, but the tension in the room still hasn’t left.
Zach reaches over to Jason from across the table and gives him a pat on his back, “Nice man! She’s a cute one” 
But Jason is stunned, frozen - his eyes are glued to the floor.
He knows that this means - he’s seen Spider-Man a million times. It’s the same reason why Peter Parker keeps Mary-Jane in the dark, to protect her, because he knows his enemies will come straight to her. 
Logically he can’t tell her, he refuses to tell her. Once his enemies catch wind of who his soulmate is, Y/N will forever be a target, and if in the future they were to have a family? His family will be targeted and that’s a risk he refuses to take.
Realistically, he knows he has to tell her. The dreams have already started a week ago for him but he’s kept them to himself because he couldn’t quite figure out who the mysterious girl was. He lets out a small chuckle at his previous dreams - they’ve all been memories of him through her. He knows that Y/N has a crush on him, most of his dreams involved her staring at him from afar, doodling his name in her notebook, peeking at him through corners. It’s almost endearing at how much of a love-struck fool she is for him.
In the beginning he couldn’t make sense of who it was, it was just brief memories of a girl staring longingly at him but now that Trini has revealed who is soulmate is, the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together and it’s all making sense.
“Jason, are you going to tell her? You can’t tell her, with great power comes great - “ Billy begins to ramble to him. Billy is a known comic book expert and he too knows what great dangers comes with telling loved ones their secret.
“Yes, I know Billy” Jason cuts him off, his tone turns irritable and he hates that he doesn’t have a solution for this.
Billy’s shoulders sink, and Jason takes notice. He turns back to his friend, a thin smile on his lips as he regrets his sharp tone with him. “I’m sorry Billy, I’m just … 
“Scared?” Kimberly offers. Jason nods at her - she knows that the inevitable will happen to her too, to all of them but this is uncharted territory and their number one mission as being Power Rangers is to keep humanity safe - especially their loved ones.
“But you have to tell her man, she’s going to find out sooner or later, why not just rip the band-aid off now?” Zach is always the optimist of the group, so Jason is not surprised when Zach tells him to go for it.
Jason stands up and faces his team, his blue eyes scan each one of them. He’s scared, no terrified of what’s to come next. The last thing he ever wants to do is to put anyone in danger, especially his soulmate. He lets out a deep exhale through his nose and he plasters on a smile for the sake of his team.
“Don’t worry guys, I’ll figure it out”
They can read his false smile from miles away, but he is their leader and they trust him - like they have all this time and Jason never fails his team.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly and it’s finally last period - the only class Jason shares with you.
He likes to get to class early to make sure he’s caught up on all the homework, but this time he’s here early for a different reason; to sit right next to you.
You walk into class and almost stumble on your way to your desk when you realize that Jason Scott is sitting in the seat where Nicole Hardy typically sits. Your body language becomes timid, you slowly walk to your seat, eyes gazed down to the floor. Jason notices it an instant and holds back the chuckle that is bubbling in his throat - your crush on him is so obvious.
You take a seat and stare straight ahead. Usually Nicole would make small talk with you but she’s moved to a seat behind (which she was not too happy about) and now you’re stuck sitting there in silence, not sure what to talk about with the blue-eyed blonde sitting next to you. There’s still a good 5 minutes before class starts so you just open your notebook and pretend to catch up on homework (and pray that Jason doesn’t see his name doodled with hearts all over the next page)
Jason turns his attention to you, he notices how your (Y/H/C) hair frames the delicate shape of your face, and how your teeth find purchase on your bottom lip when you’re deep in concentration. He finds it cute, charming almost. You could feel his eyes burning holes in you, but you pretend not to notice him staring. It isn’t until he speaks to you that you turn to face him,
“Last nights assignment sucked huh?”
You bark out a laugh and you want to mentally kick yourself for borderline sounding like a seal. He watches as you fidget in your seat, pulling back a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah! Those poetry terms weren’t too fun”
“Iambic pentameter? Like how am I going to use that in the future?” he jokes.
You laugh, “Tell me about it, I am never going to use blank verse, or enjambment in my life. Those terms kill me”
His laughter joins you and the joyful laughter catches the attention of Mrs. Gerald, an older, wirey, short lady whose thick glasses perch comfortably on her nose. She scowls at the both of you,
“Mr. Scott and Miss. Y/L/N, since you both seem to be having such a grand time together why don’t you two work together for next weeks project”
She stands up and walks over to the both of you, handing you both the assignment. “It’s due next Friday. Keep the laughter down or I’ll ask you both to hand in a thousand word paper on how poetry is essential in the modern world” she snaps at the both of you.
The smiles from both of your faces is instantly wiped away as she walks back to her desk. The assignment is in your hand but your head is elsewhere - you’ve been assigned to partner up with Jason Scott and you feel like screaming with joy. Jason offers you a sympathetic smile and you return it as Mrs. Gerald starts her lesson.
The rest of the period goes by smoothly, Jason can’t help but to stare at you every now and then. He starts to pick up on your little idiosyncrasies, like how your foot taps against the desk, how you would frown when you wouldn’t understand something, or the way you tapped your pencil 3 times against your notebook, stop and think, then continue to write.
As the final bell rings, Jason stands from his desk, pulling his backpack over his shoulder, “Hey we can meet at my house this Saturday to work on this?” he asks, waving the assignment in his hand.
You fumble around with your notebook, trying to play it cool and calmly putting your stuff away, “Yeah, sure”
“Here, let me give you my number”
He rips off a piece of paper from the notebook in his other hand and quickly scribbles down 10 numbers. He hands it over to your shaky hands (your palms are sweating and you hope he doesn’t notice) 
“Text me whenever I'm free all day Saturday”
He hopes he is, he hopes that no weird outer space monsters or creatures disrupts this time with you.
You nod at his statement, and he gives you a final smile and wave and you watch him walk out of the classroom. You let out a large exhale, one that you’d be holding in practically all class. You completely forget about the fact that your destiny is tied to the red ranger and become completely enveloped in the fact that you’re actually going to be hanging out with Jason Scott this weekend.
You curiously wonder if the universe has ever made any mistakes, because there is no way that the red ranger could ever make you feel the way Jason Scott does.
The rest of the week Jason is found sitting right next to you in English class and he’s more than eager to always strike up a conversation when the opportunity arises. The two of you joke about how Mrs. Gerald looks like a chicken if you squint your eyes and angled your head to the right. You exchange notes that hold in hefty discussions about music, movies and the latest happenings around Angel Grove. 
You can hardly believe that Jason is actually interested in talking to you. You’re not sure what weird spell you’ve put on him but you’re actually looking forward to the end of the school day now just to hold your little conversations together.
The conversations don’t stop at school however. With his number now recorded in your phone the two of you start to text non stop - even if it’s about the most trivial things. You find yourself texting Jason instead of Trini at night now
Your red ranger dreams still don’t stop though. They’re all mostly a mesh of the same thing, lots of fighting and lots of chaos but you start to learn a little bit about the red ranger the longer your dreams are.
He’s a selfless leader, one who protects others before him. He makes sure every single person who gets caught in the crossfires is safe. You wish you had half the courage he possesses, you most admire that about your soulmate. You often wonder what he looks like behind the mask. Does he have kind eyes or a cute lopsided smile? Is he a blonde? Brunette? Or even a red-head?
Whatever he looks like, you’re certain that you’re instantly going to fall in love with him the moment your eyes land on him.
Jason finds himself in front of Zordon later in the week. He tells him about his soulmate, and how she’s this cute little thing, bashful and likable - but ponders how in the world can he keep her protected when he’s out fighting intergalactic creatures. He paces back and forth in front of his mentor, his hands shoved in his pocket and his eyes are anxiously attached to his shoes.
“I - I don’t know what to do Zordon, if I tell her then I’m just putting her in danger - she knows her soulmate is the red ranger and if one of our enemies were to find out she’s my soulmate … she’s doomed” he stops his pacing and faces Zordon. He shrugs his shoulders, slapping his hands down his side, feeling completely defeated.
Zordon stays quiet as he observes the young man. It’s been almost a year since their battle with Rita, and Zordon has seen Jason transform from a troubled, insecure boy to a fearless leader who guides his team with confidence. 
“Jason, I don’t know too much about love and how it works here with humans … “ Zordon begins, “But I trust that whatever decision you make, will be the best decision for the both of you. You have guided your team in battle and have always come out successful. I trust you’ll do the same for your heart”
Jason always took Zordon’s words seriously, he had helped mentor him through his toughest times, and was a good person to seek wisdom and advice from. He felt a new found confidence within himself and felt entrusted that whatever decision he would end up making would be the right one.
Jason spent the rest of the evening gathering intel on their new nemesis - Lord Zedd. He had been sending threatening messages to the Rangers for the last couple of weeks, sending in his minions to cause chaos within Angel Grove. He knew that Lord Zedd would strike again soon, him and his team were fully prepared to take on whatever it threw at them next.
He just didn’t expect you to be caught in the middle of it all.
You found yourself walking back home from the movie theater, you and your friend Gina had plans to catch the latest chick-flick that were both dying to see. You didn’t live too far from the shopping center where the movie theater was housed, and since the days were becoming warmer, walking seemed more of a viable option for you. After the movie had finished you and Gina bid your farewells and you started the trek back to your house, cutting through a dark alleyway to save yourself some time.
You had walked through this alleyway millions of time, so you didn’t ever think that you would find yourself being cornered by strange looking creatures that seemingly appeared from the shadows. 
You glanced back behind you, hoping that there would be an escape but more of them just kept appearing, growling menacingly at you.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit” you muttered to yourself as they started to draw in closer. Fear pooled in your stomach as you started to realize how close you were to your demise. They started to circle you in, like a lion hunting it’s gazelle, you closed your eyes and expected some sort of impact, but a loud voice suddenly broke their concentration off of you.
“Hey assholes! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size”
You shoot your eyes open and almost out of thin air the red Power Ranger appeared. He was perched comfortably up on the roof - waiting for the right time to intervene. Coming up from behind appeared the blue, pink, yellow and black ranger, all ready to kick some monster ass.
The monsters soon turned their attention to the rangers, completely ignoring you as you watched, with your eyes wide and full of awe, the rangers take them down. 
Jason watched as his team easily defeated monster after monster. He then turned his attention to you. This was by far the worst case scenario, if Zordon hadn’t sensed Lord Zedds minions, who knows what could have happened to you.
You gazed up at the red ranger as he stood in front of you, his arms came up and he placed them on your shoulders, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he asked.
You shook your head, “N-No, I’m fine …”
Jason nodded at you, but before he could turn back to help out his teammates, he felt you grab his arm, “Wait! Red!”
You had to tell him, you had to let him know you were his soulmate. Jason whipped his head back towards you, and he watched as you took a shaky inhale, trying to calm your nerves, “I need to tell you red … that you’re my - “
“Soulmate, I know”
You frown at him, “You know? B-but how?”
His armored hand comes up and rests on your cheek. It feels cold but the gesture sends a warm sensation to your stomach, “I can’t tell you yet … give me time. Do you trust me?”
You nod at him. Jason gives your cheek a soft sweep with his thumb before he returns back to his teammates, finishing up whatever was left of those monsters.
You quickly take the opportunity to rush back home - but not before Jason watched you from afar, making sure that nothing else attacked you that night.
You dreamt of the red ranger again and this time it was his memories of encountering you. You awake with a smile on your face but your heart starts to feel conflicted - you were eager to spend time with Jason, but the more you dreamt about the red ranger, the more you felt like you were starting to fall for him.
Saturday shows up quicker than expected and you find yourself standing in front of Jason’s front door, your knuckle hesitantly knocks on the wood.
Jason runs to the door, opening it up and greets you with a large smile. He gestures for you to come in. You poke your head inside his house, your eyes scanning his foyer before he takes you over to his bedroom - posers decorate most of his bedroom walls, clothing strewn haphazardly around his floor, his bed messily unmade - it was a typical teenage boys bedroom. 
The both of you find yourselves sitting on his bedroom floor, legs crossed, english books wide open and notebook paper lined with messy handwriting. Soft music plays in the background to combat any awkward silence the two of you might encounter, but you’re both purely concentrated on the assignment at hand.
Instinctively your hand reaches over to the pencil that’s laying between you and Jason, but instead of feeling the hard, cold wood of the pencil, you’re met with a soft, warm hand. You glance up, (Y/E/C) meets his blue and you let out an awkward laugh, pulling your hand away from his as if you’ve been caught in the cookie jar.
“M’sorry” you shyly tell him as the color red takes over your cheeks.
“No, no, it’s your pencil, you take it” he tells you, grabbing the pencil and handing it over to you. You offer him a half smile as you take the pencil from him, jotting down notes from your English book. Jason watches you as chew the end of the writing utensil, forehead puckered, lips turned into a frown. You then perform his favorite quirk, you tap the pencil three times against the piece of paper, pause, think, then continue to write.
You glance up and catch wind of Jason’s smirk on his face, amused by your little actions. You freeze up, eyes widened in fear, “Do I have something on my face?” you question him, panic laced in your tone.
He shakes his head, amused by your sense of urgency. “No, no, you just do this thing - “
“Yeah,” he pauses, licking his lips before he continues, “You uh, do this cute thing where you tap your pencil 3 times, stop and think before you start to write again”
Your eyebrow quirks up at the sound of the word cute, then a smile starts to spread on your lips, “Cute huh?”
It’s Jason’s turn to become flustered, and it makes your heart swell at how bashful the blonde suddenly becomes, trying to backtrack but stumbles over his words, “Not cute! I mean, not that I think you’re not cute because you are cute, but cute in like a quirky kind of cute”
Your smile evolves into a grin, “You think I’m cute?”
Jason is internally kicking himself in the head, but he’s been caught red handed, “Ah, yeah” he lets out a laugh, shaking his head at his choice of words, “I’ve been caught”
Bravery isn’t one of your best qualities, you almost passed out once when you were forced to play a tree during one of your elementary school’s plays. You swear it’s the adrenaline that’s coursing through your blood that prompts you to do what you’re about to do next. You reach over and place your hand over his, squeezing it gently.
With fluttering eyelashes and bashful eyes you gaze up at him, “For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty cute too” you tell him.
Jason lets out a nervous laugh, he’s surprised at himself because he rarely ever gets nervous around a girl - but you’re his soulmate for christ sake; you both are tied together by destiny, the universe specifically made you for him, and him for you. 
He brushes his nerves away and he surprises you by leaning forward, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. His knuckles brush against the apple of your cheek and your breath hitches, heart starts to pound a little harder, as he scoots closer towards you.
“Is this okay?” his voice comes out like a whisper.
With a swift nod, you consent to his next move. His tongue sweeps towards his bottom lip and the next thing you know, his lips are gently brushing against yours. Jason isn’t too skilled in the kissing department, hell neither are you, but the way your mouths move together is like a perfect choreographed dance. He places his hand on your cheek, moving you closer to him. Tongues are then introduced and Jason quickly takes dominance - he tastes like mints and cinnamon and he savors the faint taste of your vanilla chapstick.
Your eyes slowly start to open when you realize you’ve been kissing Jason Scott for the past 2 minutes. 
Panic suddenly shakes your core and you come back down to reality. You push him away, panting heavily as you avoid his confused gaze.
“I - I’m sorry, was that too much?” he stammers.
You quickly start to gather your things, shoving all of your books and notebooks into your backpack. “I’m sorry Jason, I can’t do this.”
He shakes his head, feeling completely confused, “Can’t do what? Kiss me?”
You swing your backpack over your shoulder and promptly stand up, towering over the frowning boy. Your shoulders slump, feeling defeated. Kissing Jason Scott was once a dream of yours, but your effort is completely fruitless because you know you’re not meant to be with him. Jason Scott isn’t your soulmate, you both are tied to completely different people so kissing him just feels … wrong.
“Jason, you’re not my soulmate. You’re meant to be with someone else” you sadly explain.
Jason’s face turns stoic, he bites his tongue back. He wants so badly to tell you that yes! You’re his soulmate, and yes! He’s the red ranger, but he hasn’t decided how to tell you yet. He’s yet to cross that bridge.
“I’m sorry Jason, I really am, but my dreams have begun and I - I just can’t do that to him” you weakly tell him.
Him, her soulmate.
Jason’s lips turn into a thin line, “No, no, I understand …”
“I’m sorry Jason, I really am” your voices falters in pitch, trying to keep your emotions at bay. But it’s useless when he gives you this look that absolutely breaks your heart. His eyes become wide and you can tell, hell you know, he’s hurt.
You can’t stand to watch him any longer so you swiftly turn your back towards him and make a bee-line to the front door.
Jason is left alone in his bedroom, his music still quietly playing in the background. His thoughts are racing a million miles a minute. He now knows he has to tell you, he needs to tell you because he’s certain that he’s falling in love with you and he can’t hold back his feelings any longer.
You head home with your heart broken, your feelings conflicted and your mind reeling. You spend the rest of your Saturday moping around the house, your body planted on the living room couch and the remote control attached to your hand. You’re casually flipping through channels, but nothing seems to pique your interest. It isn’t until the rerun of The Office you were watching suddenly cuts off to a breaking news alert, a live feed of downtown Angel Grove. Another hoard of monsters have invaded Angel Grove and they’re advising people to stay inside while the Power Rangers take care of them. 
You jump off the couch, moving closer to the screen as if it’ll help bridge the distance between you two. Your eyes are glued to the TV, making sure to try to follow the Red Rangers every move. The dedicated news reporter stays a safe distance away from the tumultuous scene, but it feels as if you’re actually there. It was then your heart suddenly drops to your feet and you let out a horrified gasp. 
You can clearly see a sharp object pierce through the red Rangers armor. You watch as he stumbles around, trying to regain his composure. His hands dart over to his side where his armor becomes stained with blood. The other rangers run over to the wounded man, Blue and Black throw his arms over their shoulders while Yellow and Pink finish off the last hoard.
You feel utterly helpless. You want to scream at the television screen but instead frustrated, angry tears leak from your eyes. Sleeping that night becomes impossible for you, tossing and turning all night long. Your mind is hyper-focused on his well being, but how could you even help him when you don’t know who he is?
Arriving at school the next day feels like a large burden. You’re listless, tired, and hurt. You don’t even interact with your usual friends, and you’re absolutely dreading the final period. The last person you want to see right now is Jason. 
You trudge through the halls when you catch Trini, Billy, Zach and Kimberly huddled together, looks of concerns etched all over their face as they speak in hushed whispers. Trini catches a glimpse of you and perks up, the rest of the group follows - their gaze towards you is oddly sympathetic and you can’t pinpoint why. You give Trini a wave followed by a thin smile, she returns it back to you.
You enter 7th period and frown. Jason is nowhere to be seen, in fact, now that you think about it, you haven’t seen him all day. You feel relieved yet concerned - maybe he’s sick you conclude to yourself. With Jason not sitting beside you, 7th period English feels like much more of a chore, no one to talk to or to distract you from Mrs. Gerald’s monotonous lecture.
The rest of the day passes by without any incident, and you’re more than ready to tumble back into your comforter and pass out, hopefully catch a glimpse of your red ranger. Something in your gut tells you that he’s okay, but you can’t be too sure. You pop a couple of sleeping pills to help speed up the process and by 9 PM you’re completely passed out, drool leaking from the corner of your lips as light snores exit through your mouth.
The dream begins and it feels like you’re having an out of body experience. The first thing you notice is hands - actual human hands. They’re jotting notes down on a piece of paper, his legs crossed on the floor. It all looks vaguely familiar but your mind can’t seem to pinpoint it yet. This is completely different from the rest of the dreams you’ve been having. You can sense that he’s at peace now that he’s not cracking skulls and kicking ass. 
The red Power Ranger is a teenager is the first thought you have.
He then reaches across the floor, aiming to grab a pencil when you see another set of hands.
Those hands look way too familiar now, you recognize that bracelet, and the black hair-tie, they currently rest on your right wrist. You can feel your heart starts to pound in your chest. His head lifts up to view the person who owns those hands and you swear, you swear it was like an electric current sent a shock through your system.
His eyes warmly gaze up towards you.
It’s you, you’re in the red Power Rangers dream.
Jason Scott is your soulmate.
You shoot your eyes open, all of your sleep gone down the drain. Your breathing becomes erratic as your mind tries to quickly piece all of the missing pieces together.
And suddenly everything just makes sense - everything in this world, in life, makes sense. 
The painful realization then hits you like a load of bricks - Jason was the one who got stabbed the other night, it’s why he wasn’t at school. 
You jump out of bed, stumbling to throw on a pair of sneakers as you hop around your bedroom. You toss on your Angel Grove High sweatshirt and open up your bedroom window, hopping from ledge and onto your lawns freshly mowed grass. You pull your hair up in a messy ponytail before running towards your garage and jumping into your little brothers bike - the last thing you want is your wake up your parents by starting up your car.
Your calves burn as you pedal through the town of Angel Grove, cutting through homes and alleyways, all for the boy who’d been keeping this burning secret from you this whole time.
You finally reach the white house that looks over the ocean, dropping your bike on his lawn. You make your way towards his bedroom, the only one with the large window that looks out over the coast. You peer inside the large glass and see the blonde boy laying on his bed, his eyes shut, bruises littering his cheeks where his freckles are specked around.
Your heart clenches at the sight of him looking so broken. Your fingers carefully, and quietly pull back the window, opening it enough for you to sneak in without stumbling over your feet. You land in with a quiet thud and pause for a second. When silence continues to welcome you, you start to move towards Jason’s bed, your eyes scanning him more carefully.
You sit down beside him, feeling the bed shift in weight, but he doesn’t wake up. Your emotions have been a mess lately, your heart has been tugging you in two different places, but now that everything has been pieced together, you can finally breathe. You can finally accept what the universe has been trying to tell you since you’ve started these dreams.
That Jason had been your soulmate this whole time.
With shaky fingers, you reach towards his face. You brush away his curl that dangles from his head. He feels warm compared to your cold hands, but just knowing that he’s okay, that he’s alive gives you a sense of peace. You let out a deep exhale as you softly touch his bruises, making sure not to touch them too hard.
Jason slowly stirs in his sleep, cracking his eye open. He frowns, then jumps away from your touch, startlingly you as you dart your hand away.
“W-what? Y/N? What are you doing here?” he sleepily questions you.
You give him a watery smile as your emotions start creep their way up, “Jason … it’s you, it’s been you this whole time”
Jason is still half asleep, and the words don’t quite register in his head when you tell him this. He has completely forgotten that he has a massive stab wound on his side - The rest of the Power Rangers were able to convince his parents and everyone else that he was caught in a horrific car accident. Zordon has him on bed rest for a week - he knows that’s all it’ll take to fully heal Jason and his deep physical wounds.
Jason slowly, and carefully sits up, wincing as he leans up against his headboard. 
“Jason, don’t move, take it easy” you say.
He shakes his head, “No, no I’m okay, it’s not as bad, I’m healing up”
As he positions himself in a more comfortable position he starts to wake up, and it’s then he fully registers why you’re in his bedroom at 2:18 in the morning. His memories have finally lead you to him. He gives you a half smile, before he continues to talk.
“Caught me huh?”
You let out a half laugh at his lame attempt to joke about the situation, “Why didn’t you tell me Jason? Why didn’t you tell me you were my soulmate?”
There’s a hint of anger in your voice, and he understands, completely understands why you’re angry at him.
He moves his hand and places it over yours, squeezing it gently. “I couldn’t tell you. I needed to keep you safe as long as I could before I figured out how to tell you, but I guess my memories caught up with you”
You sigh heavily, “Jason, nothing is going to happen to me - “
“You don’t know that!” he angrily exclaims, “The other day you were cornered by those creatures!” he pauses before he continues, letting out a shaky exhale, “What if I can’t keep you safe?”
Your eyes desperately try to search for his blue ones, but they’re avoiding your gaze. His face is hard, but his emotions are starting to trickle out with each word he utters. Negativity invade his head space, blocking out any rational thoughts.
“Jason, that’s never going to happen and you know that.” you borderline scold him, your eyes darken with anger, the fact that that idea is instilled in his head makes you frustrated. Jason throws his hands down his side, feeling exasperated.
“Enemies will come looking for you” he begins to counter.
“So? I’ll learn to fight or something”
“What if you’re cornered like that again?”
“I’ll bring pepper spray big deal”
“What if you get kidnapped?!”
You roll your eyes, heaving out a large breath. “Jesus Jason, just stop, stop fighting what the universe has been trying to tell us for the last week.”
He throws his head back, eyes cast up on the ceiling. He knows you’re right, he just hates to admit it.
“Jason, look at me, please” you beg.
His hand is still gently placed on top of yours, so in an effort to show him that you’re in this for the long haul you place your other hand on top of his. He then slowly brings his head back down, his large blue eyes filled with emotion as they bore into yours.
“Jason Lee Scott, I love you and I am willing to fight by your side, do whatever it takes to make your job easier in protecting me, in protecting us, all of us” you gesture outside to the general public because you know that at the end of the day, his priority is to keep everyone safe - not just you.
His hard face softens as the 3 letter word leaves your mouth. His heart swells up three times the size as it beats wildly in his chest.
“You love me?” 
His voice becomes childlike at the question. Almost as if he can’t believe that he can be loved by someone else besides his family.
You let out a dry laugh, tears brimming your eyes as a watery smile takes over your lips. You remove the hand that was on top of his and you bring it to his cheek, gently brushing over the bruises that decorate his face.
“Yeah you big doof, you think I’d be up at 2:30 AM for just anyone?” your tone is much more playful with him and the tension in the room slowly starts to slip away.
He lets out a laugh, leaning into your soft touch. You both share a moment of tenderness as he then leans forward and rests his forehead on yours. The two of you shut your eyes and just completely live in the moment. Forgetting what tomorrow may bring, forgetting what happened in the past, and just living in right now.
“For what it’s worth,” Jason says, a smirk slowly creeping on his lips, “I love you too
A laugh leaves your lips as he mimics the same words you told him 2 days ago. Jason then instinctively leans in closer and presses his lips against yours. He pours all his pent back emotion into the kiss, his hands promptly then cupping your face. Tongues are meshed and lips are smashed in a passionate expression of love.
“I can’t believe it was you, it was you this whole time” you breathly speak as he starts to move his lips down south, peppering small chaste kisses down your neck.
“Surprised?” he pulls away briefly, his lips are all red and swollen.
You shake your head, “Honestly, I’m way more surprised that you were my soulmate - not that you’re a Power Ranger”
Jason cocks his head and you return him a smile before you continue to explain.
“You’re a good guy Jason, you’re not the typical asshole jock at the school. I’ve seen how you’ve defended Billy, how you’ve just become this better person - everything the leader of the Power Rangers should be. I just never thought that the boy I’d been crushing on for all these years would end up being with … well with someone like me”
Jason frowns as your voice turns undeniably sad at the end. He can’t find the right words to convey his thoughts, so instead he just sweeps you into his arms. You let out a joyful squeal as he pulls you towards his side and bringing you down to lay with him. Your head nestles into his chest, the sound of his heartbeat lulling you. You close your eyes and melt into his body, making sure to be mindful of the giant wound on his side. 
His arm wraps around your waist as he presses his face into your hair, taking a deep inhale of the strawberry shampoo that scents your hair. 
“Someone like you? Someone incredibly cute, funny, smart, loving, compassionate, kind, oh and did I mention very, very cute?”
Your giggles echos his bedroom as he starts to place kisses all over your head, “Okay, okay Scott, you can stop buttering me up”
“Just one question,” you ask, lifting your head up and propping yourself on your elbow. He looks at you amusingly, his eyebrow quirked. “How did you know I was your soulmate?”
He can’t reveal the identity of Trini, nor the rest of the rangers. It’s not his decision to make at the end of the day and he fully respects that. His mind then wanders back to his dreams, smirking at you before he speaks,
“Mmm, well your memories didn’t really do a good job of hiding your feelings towards me … subtlety isn’t really your strong suit” he says to you. Your mouth gapes, feigning hurt, and you gently jab his arm. He winces mockingly, rubbing his arm,
“Ooh ouch, you sure you’re not a Power Ranger? You hiding something from me?”
You roll your eyes, “Haha, very funny.”
Silence then nestles between the two of you. Crickets chirp in the background, the wind gently howls. The stillness of the night starts to lull you both back to sleep as you find yourself back laying in his arms. Jason’s eyes are slowly drifting shut when he hears you speak,
“Hey since I’m dating a Power Ranger does this mean I can hitch a ride in your zoid?”
His chest rumbles in laughter. “Ha - in your dreams sweetheart, in your dreams”
It was that same night as you slept in your soulmates’ arms that you decided to never question the universe again.
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Prompt: Billy and Steve are on the football team and need to learn how to get along.
Amount of words; 2287
Half of the school would definitely agree that there was a few reasons why their football team always lost their games.
It was because of the hot head of Billy Hargrove and the snarky remarks from Steve Harrington that caused the team to always loose.
When ever Billy got to cocky Steve would bring him back down to size by one simple comment.
When ever this happened Billy would then take his full attention on Steve and say another snarky remark towards Steve and the both of them would get into a argument that once in awhile ended up with Billy throwing a punch at Steve and the whole team breaking them up.
Now the coach has warned them that if they get into one more fight that he would kick them off the team. But it never happens. Billy is the best defense player on his team while Steve is the best runner. And also because of the fact that the man had a memory problem.
So when the two boys get into the hundredth fight, the coach is ready to have a mental breakdown.
Billy had something about how Steve was running a little slow, which Steve replied with something that no one really could hear but Billy already had his fist on Harrington’s face before anyone could get to them.
Tommy was already tackling Steve to the ground and four of the guys already had Billy restrained back as he yells profanites at Steve.
The coach had about enough of this shit. Every single practice this shit would happen and he was ready to just quite coaching.
“Hargrove! Harrington! Get your asses over here!" He yells. He only yells during games to support the boys and only has to raise his voice a little when it came to practice. So everyone knew he was pissed.
The boys let go of Billy's arms hesistantly already ready to jump on him again if needed be. Tommy gets up off from Steve and does the same as everyone else.
Billy already was in front of coach looking right into his eyes. They both were the same height. If coach wasn't so pissed he would say some comment about how bad Billy smelt. The mixture of sweat, dirt and cologne really didn't mix well.
Steve was right next to him after getting up looking at him to.
“You both are gonna be on god damn bench during the next game and you are gonna be wearing your gear and supporting your team. Now both of you give me ten laps if you are going to slow then give me twenty now get your asses moving before I kick you off the team and have the school suspend the both of you.” coach yells in both of their faces.
Billy was beyond pissed and says, “Yes Coach." The same time as Steve. The prick he thinks to himself and he starts running down the field to start one lap.
Steve hadn't slept well the night before and he was way to tired to do this. He starts running and he trys to go his normal speed. But he can't. He would be normally passed Hargrove by now which was pissing him off so much.
Steve continues running pushing his legs to go faster irritated at himself. He wipes the sweat from his forehead and pushes pass Billy who was running his normal. 
Steve goes pass him and makes it pretty far away from him before he felt like he was gonna collapse. Which if he did his pride would definitely be ruined.
Steve was going way passed his limit and he was only on his fourth lap while Billy was about to go on his fourth. Steve moves to run around the coach but his shoulders were pulled back by the coach and the older man looked at him.
Billy wasn't the only one that had noticed that Steve wasn't playing 100 percent today. So did coach.
Steve was panting and was sweating out buckets. He was a bit light headed and dizzy but once again his pride was the in the way.
“Harrington you don't look so hot are you ok?" Coach says as Steve nods his head yes but he stumbles back a little and the coach catches him helping him sit down on the ground.
“Hargrove!" The coach yells as he sees the other boy quickly moves to the coach his eyes going down to the older boy but goes back to the coach.
“Your the strongest guy on the team help Harrington to the nurse before he gets himself hurt. And before you fucking say anything get over what ever girly shit you both have going on  and just take the boy to the nurse." The Coach spits out at Billy who just nods his jaw tightens up and moves helping the other boy who could barely stand.
“Coach I can get to the nurse myself." Steve says but the coach just ignores him and goes back to doing his job, coaching.
Billy on the other hand was already complaining in his own way. He forced Steve up a little bit as he almost starts to drag him a long behind him.
Steve was like a rag doll at the moment as he says, “Hargrove slow down jesus." Steve says before he starts to walk moving his feet the best he can behind the angry teenage boy.
Hargrove rolls his eyes, “Awe is the poor baby gonna cry if I don't?" He says not really believing that Steve was sick. Most of the team faked being sick to get out of laps. Billy has forced himself to puke one time when he was younger in California so he didn't have to run fifteen laps for basketball for purposely shoving a younger player that was two grades below him.
The minute the both of them go around the corner of the wall of the back of the school Billy let's go of Steve who ends up stumbling into the wall.
“Alright Harrington he can't see you stop the damn acting. You don't have to run those laps anymore." Billy says chuckling as he looks over at the football field where coach was having all the guys practice receiving.
Steve stumbles up against the wall rubbing his eyes due to the dizziness. He was probably dehydrated or something. He had no idea. He continues to work his way to the nurses office alone like he wanted to do before.
Billy looks over at him with a raised eyebrow. “Jesus Harrington your acting skills are amazing. But I don't think you have to fake being sick." He says right as Steve almost falls and he quickly moves forward like the coach and grabs him.
“Why the hell would I be faking being sick. Im not no bitch I would run all the laps still if I could even stand up." Steve says irritated groaning a little trying to move out of Billy's arms.
“I have no damn idea. All the guys have already faked being sick to get out or practice I assumed you would to." Billy answers showing a teeny bit of concern now but not to much that Steve could pick up on it.
Steve looks up at the other boy straight in his eyes, “Yeah and all the other guys eat Doritos and drink Pepsi on a daily basis what do you expect them to do." He says.
Billy shrugs not really caring about the other boys. All he knew was that Harrington wasn't gonna make it into the school without not getting hit with a car from the parking lot that lead to the backdoors.
Billy moves and takes Steve again, which Steve shoves him away trying to move away from Billy. Billy rolls his eyes and grabs at Steve again.
“Harrington I'm not gonna get kicked off the team because you decided to not let me get you in the school and you get hit with a car because a drunk man walks better than you can at the moment." Billy says.
Steve still struggles anyway. “Yeah like you aren't gonna kicked off the team, Coach will probably forget and you'll stay on defense." Steve says trying to push pass the boy.
“Harrington, I swear to god if you continue struggling I'm gonna give you another shiner that matches the other one on your face." Billy spits out pissed and irritated now.
By times Billy was able to get Steve to the building it was ten minutes later. Those minutes consisted of Steve arguing with Billy and Billy trying his best not to punch him.
Steve sighs when they get through the doors, the air conditioner hitting him. It felt amazing but it still didn't help the dizziness and the light headiness.
“Hargrove, garbage can." Steve groans as Billy looks at him confused but when Steve throws his hand over his mouth to stop from puking all over and literally shoves Billy away and throws himself at the garbage Billy understood, after Steve starts throwing up.
Steve had one hand on the Garbage to hold himself up and the other holding his hair out of his face the best he can.
Billy didn't bother helping and just looked away not really wanting to see anything that would leave him gagging.
When Steve was finished he sits down back against the garbage wiping his mouth. Now a bit pale as he says, “Sorry."
Billy didn't respond at all except cross his arms and wait for Steve to be able to even get up. Billy was now a hundred and ten percent sure that this boy was sick considering Steve would never apologize. He was way to stubborn to apoligize.
Steve trys moving to stand up as Billy moves hesitating a little and wraps his arm around him to pull him up and to help him walk again.
“Harrington if you pull all over my damn cleats you are gonna get me a new pair." He says in a disgusted tone as he helps Steve continue the twenty minute walk to the nurses office.
Luckily since school was out no one seen them going down the hall together which was one grateful thing Billy was thinking about.
So when they get to the nurse the lady was already to Billy and Steve's side helping them walk in.
She has Steve sit down on the bed before asking if he was feeling up to talking. Steve nods his head as Billy stood next to the wall arms crossed. Only reason why he was staying was so that he didn't have to go back and run laps.
“Sounds like you are a bit deyhdrated and the lack of sleep didn't help you all that much either." The nurse says grabbing a cup of water. “Can your parents come pick you up?" She asks as she moves to the phone to call them.
Steve shakes his head no as he drinks his water, “No, they are on another buisness trip for the rest of the week. They won't be back till next Monday." He says as the Nurse nods her head not picking up the phone.
“Is there any sibling you can have pick you up then? Any Family memebers?" She asks him.
“No, I'm and only child and my parents don't like talking to the rest of the family the closest family member is in a different state." Steve says as the nurse nods her head sighing.
Billy was actually kind of eavesdropping on this conversation listening to all the explanations that Steve would give the nurse.
“Alright, how bout that girlfriend of yours? Will she be able to pick you up?" The nurse asks.
“My Ex? Nah she's probably to busy giving Byers head at the moment." Steve says as he coughs a little.
The nurse sighs, “Steve am I gonna have to give you a ride home again?" She asks.
“Yes." Steve answers as Billy raised a eyebrow.
The nurse sighs as she nods her head and grabs a pillow and blanket for Steve.
“Why don't you rest, I have to stay here until six before I can go home." She goes and sits at her desk as Steve slowly starts taking off his gear to set to the side.
Billy was still standing there when the nurse asks him why he was still there. He just shrugs and turns leaving the office.
The next day at Practice Steve was feeling a whole lot better. He was running his normal and had to drink extra water so that he didn't get deyhdrated again.
After practice coach pulls him and Billy to the side.
“You two dumbasses need to get the hell along when you are on this field. Hargrove you are my best defense but you aren't playing at your full potential because you are always to busy running your mouth off to Harrington.” coach says as he looks over at Harrington now.
“And you need to stop doing the same thing. Im getting tired of loosing every damn game because the both of you can't get a long.
So Harrington you go out on the fifty mark and Hargrove you go on the twenty five. You both are gonna get along and throw each other footballs you understand!" Coach yells at the both of them as Steve and Billy glare at each other but say yes coach and go running at their positions that they were told to get onto.
So I know this isnt a complete one shot but I think I'm gonna write a fanfic for this because when I was writing it I had so many Ideas that i can't just fit in one shot lol
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
sorry for potential angst, but maybe steve being reluctant to tell his birthday to others because he Hates celebrating it (to be fair, his family probably isn’t around to celebrate it) because his parents, surprisingly frugal, always gave him shit about Wanting things and probably think he grew out of needing presents a few years back, steve for once being told he’s mature bc he doesn’t mention his wishes. billy probably thinks it’s idk. “weird”? and learns soon practically nobody knows
modern solely for the opening part lmao
“Bill, what’s your password.”
Steve had Billy’s phone, was playing this stupid chicken game Billy had downloaded explicitly with Steve in mind.
“It’s my birthday.” Steve tapped it in quickly, kept playing the chicken name.
Billy furrowed his brow. He could not remember Steve’s birthday. Felt like such a shit for forgetting.
“Stevie, when’s your birthday?” Steve just shrugged noncommittally. “Steve.”
“You know. It’s in the year.” Billy rolled his eyes.
“Are you mad because I forgot?”
“You didn’t forget. I never told you.”
“But, like, why?”
“I just don’t really get the whole birthday thing. I don’t really tell people when mine is.”
“Can I know?” Billy put on his best puppy dog eyes.
“It’s in the winter. That’s all I’m giving you.” Billy tossed his head back, roaring to the ceiling, Steve raised an eyebrow at him.
“Not even a month?”
“Absolutely not.”
Steve always took about a thousand years in the shower, lived in a place where the hot water didn’t run out in twenty minutes.
The moment he heard the water turn on, Billy raced downstairs.
He had only ever been in this room once, had fucked Steve on the big oak desk.
He pushed open the door to Steve’s dad’s office, heading for the file cabinet in the corner.
He rifled through all the drawers, passing folders marked with work related things.
In the very bottom drawer, there was a file towards the back. Simply marked Steven Alexander.
Billy went through it. He found Steve’s school records, paid no attention to the grades that were always getting him yelled at.
He pushed past doctor’s records, laughed briefly at the discharge paperwork from Hawkins General when Steve had apparently run into a tree on his bike.
He rifled all the way to the back, and grabbed at the document.
He scanned over Steve’s birth certificate.
December 2, 2001.
He put it away, rushing back up the stairs, chanting twelve two oh one, twelve two oh one.
“Hey! Shitheads!”Billy jogged over to the little gaggle of kids, standing in the parking lot of the arcade. “Listen, I got an idea for Steve’s birthday.”
The kids just stared at him.
“Is it, coming up?” Mike asked slowly.
“Yeah, it’s next weekend.” Dustin furrowed his brows.
“How come I didn’t know that?”
“You, you didn’t?”
“No! Steve’s never said anything!” Dustin was getting all worked up. “I’ve known him for two of his birthdays! And he’s never said anything!”
“Okay, calm down, Little Buddy. We’re doin’ something for him now.”
It didn’t sit right in his gut that even the kids, even Dustin didn’t know Steve’s birthday.
“Is there anything special you want for your birthday?”
Steve was curled on his chest, playing with his necklace.
He stiffened when Billy spoke.
“My birthday isn’t for a while.”
“I know it’s this weekend.”
Steve sat up so quickly it gave Billy whiplash.
“Leave it alone, Billy. I don’t want anything.” His voice was cold, harsh.
“Baby, it’s your birthday. Of course you want something.”
“No. I don’t fucking want anything. It’s not allowed.”
And Billy could always tell when it wasn’t Steve talkin’ anymore. When it was his dad’s words tumbling out of his mouth.
“Why isn’t it allowed?” Billy kept his voice even.
“Because, because, money is earned, and when you earn money, you can spend it how you choose. I’m too old for gifts, anyway.” He was all over the place, no doubt years of his father berating him swirling around in his brain.
“It’s okay to want things. Especially on your birthday.” Steve was quiet. “When was the last time someone wished you a happy birthday?”
“When I was thirteen.” Steve was picking at the duvet.
“So, six years. Six years of nothing.”
“Look, I just grew out of it. My dad said I was mature for not being so needy.”
“One ‘a these days, your dad’s gonna get punched in the fucking face.”
“Don’t punch my dad.”
“I never said I was gonna do it.” Steve huffed a laugh, leaning back onto Billy, still a little tense. “It’s okay to ask for things. I want your birthday to be really special.”
“Then I just want a nice day with you. Nothing wild, you don’t even have to tell me happy birthday. I just want to spend the day with you.”
“Well, I can definitely make that happen for you.”
Billy woke Steve up on his birthday with a blow job.
Let Steve cum down his throat, and grinned at him when he came off.
“What was that for?”
“What, I need a reason to go down on you now?” Steve looked at him suspiciously.
“I said I didn’t want anything crazy for my birthday.”
“I literally blow you all the time. There was nothing special about it.” Steve just glared at him. “Whatever. Get your ass up. Make me breakfast.”
Billy flopped back down onto the bed, stretching like a lazy cat. Steve leaned over to kiss his forehead.
“That’s more like it.”
Steve had made them bacon and eggs while Billy brewed the coffee.
Steve glared at him as the doorbell rang.
“If that is people, coming over for a party-”
“Just open the goddamn door.” Billy gave him a light shove towards the entry hall as he finished his plate.
Steve rolled his eyes, sighing when he was all the kids clumped on his doorstep.
“Hello, Steve. What a perfectly ordinary day.” Steve stared blankly at Dustin. “We have come over, unannounced, on this purely mundane Saturday because we were racking our brains for something to do, and we figured you had no other plans on this boring day.”
“Layin’ it on a little thick, aren’t you?” But Steve ushered them all inside.
“Because it is so cold today, we wanted to have a movie day. With you.” Dustin was still speaking all stiff and practiced.
“Yeah? Just ‘cause?”
“Them I get to pick all the movies.”
He was delighted when the ids exchanged looks. None of them shared his movie taste, not even Billy liked his picks. But hey, if they were gonna make a big deal outta the birthday he had asked them to ignore, he was gonna make them sit through every spaghetti western he owns.
“Of course. As it is your home.” Dustin was speaking through gritted teeth.
“Great! Then we’ll start with A Fistful of Dollars.”
He heard them muttering to one another as he traipsed to the tv room, getting out blankets from the ottoman doubling as storage.
He was joined by all the kids later, settling into their usual places, Steve on Billy’s lap.
Everyone was quiet as they waited for whatever movie Steve had chosen, expecting something they would all quietly suffer through.
Steve laughed as they all breathed a collective sigh of relief watching Harrison Ford stroll on screen.
“Look, I appreciate you all not making a big deal. Wasn’t actually gonna torture you.” Billy kissed his cheek.
“We watchin’ all four?”
“There are only three Indiana Jones movies. I refuse to acknowledge the last one. It was so bad.”
“Fair enough, Pretty Boy.”
They settled back into the couch, Max slumped over the other end. El and Mike were sharing an armchair, which Steve kept averting his eyes from, and Dustin, Lucas, and Will had made a home for themselves on the floor.
It was a nice day, just the people he loved being rowdy and loud while watching movies all day, ordering pizza and making a mess.
It was the best birthday he thinks he’s ever had.
“Thank you, Bill. I know I said I didn’t want anything, but this was really nice.”
Billy kissed the top of his head.
“Anything for you, Sweet Thing.”
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placna · 7 years
At Least I Tried
My fic for the harringrove challenge that the amazing @rarsablack​ organizes. Thanks for putting this together, I had a blast! My lyrics prompt: I'm sittin' eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind,wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life. You can read the story HERE ON AO3 or bellow the cut: Summary: Steve has given it a lot of thought before deciding that slipping a note into Billy’s locker is his best option. It’s a solid plan with many advantages. Namely, if Billy reacts badly after reading it, Steve won’t be there to get his teeth punched out. The thing is, Steve’s plans never work out the way he wants. AKA When it comes to throwing himself a pity party, Steve is the king.
Steve has given it a lot of thought before deciding that slipping a note into Billy’s locker is his best option.
It’s a solid plan with many advantages. Namely, if Billy reacts badly after reading it, Steve won’t be there to get his teeth punched out.
“No turning back now,” Steve mutters to himself, squaring his shoulders and striding down the hall to the row of lockers. He steals a quick glance behind him to make sure no one sees him.
It’s super early and save for Jonathan and Nancy, doing god knows what in the darkroom, there isn’t anyone else in the school yet.
One can never be too cautious.
Steve opens and folds the slip of paper again. Now or never.
If his confession doesn’t go as planned, at least he won’t be there to witness the blowout. Billy will have some time too cool off before he has to see Steve again for the third period. And if worst comes to worst, Steve will only have to endure a week and a half of death threats before their graduation.
He’d be forever wondering if he didn’t take this chance.
He pushes the folded note through the slit and hears it flop down inside the locker. He immediately wishes he could take it back, heart speeding, palms sweating.
He lets out a slow exhale. That’s why he chose a note. So that he couldn’t backtrack and so that he wouldn’t blabber nonsense if standing face to face with Billy. Writing might never be his strong suit but in this case, he prefers the advantage of thinking about what exactly he wants to tell Billy.
Steve isn’t sure what kind of a reaction he expected but it wasn’t anything like this.
On the sleepless nights he thought about the anger he might provoke. He created scenarios in his head how Billy could use his knowledge to turn Steve’s life into a pile of ashes. Steve would deny it all, of course, and his parents would surely believe his word over Billy’s allegations but there would be rumours. There would be glances and jeering and Steve isn’t sure how he would cope with that.
On the few blessed nights when he fell asleep, Steve dreamt about Billy waiting for him after their classes were over, watching him with hunger in his eyes. There would be a small, pleased smile on his face instead of his usual smirk. He would lick his lips and stare at Steve challengingly, daring him to make good on the promise he made in the note. And Steve would cross the distance between them and kiss him, maybe earning a surprised moan, maybe managing to talk Billy into taking the Camaro for a ride.
What Steve never imagined was Billy ignoring him completely.
At first it’s a relief. Frankly, Billy beating the living daylight out of him seemed just as probable as Billy taking Steve up on his offer. So, no violence is a good sign.
But as the day goes on, Billy doesn’t do anything. Steve doesn’t catch him lingering with his gaze on Steve, Steve doesn’t see any flash of emotions on Billy’s face when they pass each other in the hallway.
Steve loiters once their last period is over. He’s slow to pack up his things, even slower to get to his locker and slower still on his way to his car, giving Billy every chance to catch him alone and talk about it.
Billy doesn’t wait up for him and his Camaro is long gone by the time Steve shuffles to the parking lot.
The next day is the same, so is the day after that. Billy keeps on ignoring him like nothing ever happened.
Steve can hardly focus on anything that goes on at school. He keeps expecting the other shoe to drop. He keeps shooting Tommy and his new gang of fools suspicious glances, waiting for the moment the whispering starts. But it never does.
When Nancy approaches him, expression soft and uncomfortably close to pity, Steve braces himself, the denial already on the tip of his tongue. ‘It’s all just hearsay, Nancy. You of all people should know better,’ he would tell her. But Nancy only wants to know if Steve would like to join her and Jonathan on a trip to the lake this afternoon. There aren’t many things Steve would like less. Laurie and some other people from their school will be there too, Nancy says.
Steve goes with them and spends the whole afternoon trying not to glare at the way Vicki wraps herself around Billy. To his credit, Billy is as quick to flirt and forget as always. He doesn’t seem really interested but then again, he never does. One of the reasons Steve opted for the note.
It takes four days of this for Steve to understand. His cheeks flame when he realizes that Billy Hargrove, of all people, is being the bigger man and this is his way of letting Steve down gently. He doesn’t want to cause a scene, he has no desire to fight with Steve. He no longer has anything to prove, Steve guesses.
With all the fights Billy got himself into recently, all of which he won, Steve figures he should be grateful.
He closes his eyes and wishes he never wrote that stupid, sappy note. He should have known better.
Billy’s silence hurts just as much as a punch to the stomach.
Steve spends the rest of their school days in a haze. Good thing the grading period is already over because Steve’s grades would take a serious nosedive.
“’Morning, Steve,” Max says brightly. She seems to be in a good mood and Steve quickly plasters on a smile. He doesn’t want her day to turn sour because of him.
It’s the second week of June, the weather is great, everyone is more than ready for the summer break to begin. Except for Steve.
“Hi, Max,” he says as she gets in the car.
“So? How does it feel?” She asks as she fastens her seatbelt, he doesn’t have to prompt her. “Is it any different now that you’ve finally graduated?”
“It’s weird,” Steve says. “I’m still driving to the school to drop you off but I’m not coming inside for anymore lectures, ever.”
“You should sound happier about that.”
“About taking you to school every day because your brother was gone the moment high school was over?”
“Steve,” Max says with a sigh. “I mean, I’m glad you offered, you know. It’s only a few more days and then our school year is over as well. And you should be proud that you finished high school.”
“Yeah. Well,” Steve peels of the side of the road, leaving Max’s house in the distance. “I know.”
She’s right, of course, but he can’t shake the sense of finality that hit him when his old classmates run in all directions after the graduation ceremony. He’ll never see some of them again and he guesses he should be mostly glad about that but he can’t help the mawkish feelings that gnaw on him.
“So what’s bugging you?”
“The college’s starting soon, I guess,” he manages. “Lots of arrangements to make.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Max watching him. “You’ve got the whole summer to figure it out. Still no luck with the housing?”
Steve shakes his head. “Should have started looking into that earlier.”  Earlier, he didn’t even know he was going to Chicago.  Earlier, his head was full of stupid hopes and childish dreams. Earlier, he could look his father dead in the eye and claim he’s not going to college. But now there’s nothing for him to do here in this town. Going to college to get away from it all, from the town as well as from his parents, it doesn’t seem so bad.
“You’ll figure it out,” Max says with confidence and turns her head to stare out of the window.
“Sure,” Steve nods. He doubts it, though.
They’re nearly at the school when Max says, “Billy’s postcard arrived yesterday, you know?”
“Oh?” Steve keeps his tone disinterested. “How’s California?”
Max turns hear head sharply, her hair falling like a curtain off her shoulder. “California? He didn’t go to California.”
“Uh-umm, okay,” Steve hums. He desperately wants to ask but he doesn’t. Something in him is still bitter that Billy didn’t even acknowledge him to turn him down.
Steve parks the car but Max doesn’t get out right away. She bites her lip before blurting out, “You should have asked him, you know?”
Steve’s stomach clenches. Damn it, had they all known? “What?”
Max huffs. “You should have asked him, Steve. He would take you with him.”
Steve lets out a humourless chuckle. “I very much doubt that, kid.”
Max unfastens her seatbelt and grabs her bag. “You would have known if you asked!”
Steve heaves a sigh. What does it matter anyway. “I asked him, Max.”
She’s already fumbling for the door handle but she stops dead in her tracks. “What?” Her voice is a shrill of disbelief.
Steve runs a hand through his hair, probably making even bigger mess of it. “I asked him, he didn’t like the idea, we never spoke about it again.”
Max is frowning at him. “That can’t be right, Steve. I just know it.”
“Yeah, well. You know jack shit.”
Max clucks her tongue, reaching for his hand to tug it away from his hair. “When did you ask him? Did he even hear you? Maybe he didn’t understand what you meant.”
“I think I made myself pretty clear in the note, Max.”
“What note?” She sounds urgent.
Steve rolls his eyes, hearing how stupid he sounds when he says, “I left him a note in his locker, like, two weeks before we graduated.”
Max opens her mouth, then closes it again. Her grip on Steve’s arm tightens. “Have you never noticed,” she says, sounding frustrated, “that he didn’t use his locker anymore?”
“Said he lost his combination, went to ask about it but I don’t know what they told him.” Max’s staring at him, her eyes wide. “He couldn’t care less and didn’t want to spend forever trying random combinations, so he just stored stuff in the car for the last few weeks.”
Steve gulps. “I didn’t know that.”
“Oh, Steve.”
“Hey, do you know if they cleared seniors’ lockers yet?”
“I don’t think so? I think they do that once the school year is over for everybody.”
“Good,” Steve says, killing off the engine and getting out of the car.
“Go to your classes, Max,” he dismisses her. “I feel like spending forever trying random combinations.”
Max looks at him as if he lost his mind and trails after him to the school.
It takes a while but finally he gets the locker open, with the trusted pattern on high-low-high numbers.
The note is there, sitting innocently on top of a pile of some books.
Steve snatches it before Max has the chance to get to it. He barely spares the paper a glance before crumpling it into a small ball in his fist. He doesn’t have to look, he remembers every pathetic word of his confession.
Max reaches out her hand, curious. “What does it say?”
Steve shoves the paper into a pocket of his jeans. “A friendship offer,” he says and it’s only a half-lie.
“Oh, Steve,” Max sighs. She can see right through him, Steve realizes.
“He never read it,” Steve says with a sinking feeling in his stomach.
On the bright side, he tells himself, at least he was spared the humiliation of the rejection. And he has the damning note now, so no one from the school can find out.
“I thought he was giving me the cold shoulder,” he says, remembering the past weeks he spent watching Billy expectantly, waiting for the confrontation.
Max gnaws on her lip again. “I’ll… I’ll tell you when he gets back home.”
Steve looks at her and then says, softly, “Kid, he’s never coming back here.” Billy hated this town and he hated everybody in it.
Max shakes her head. “He made me a promise!” She doesn’t sound too sure.
Steve pats her shoulder. “Sure, sure. Hey, you should take all his shit and clear the locker.”
Max grabs the books, then smirks to herself. She thrusts one book into Steve’s hands. “Here, you should keep this one.”
Steve glances down at the book. The spine is slightly cracked. Steve runs his fingers along it. “Firestarter?”
Max hums, shoves some of Billy’s old textbooks into her bag. “I think you might like it.”
“Okay.” He clutches the book to his chest. A keepsake.
The bell rings.
“Go to your classes, Max,” Steve says again.
“Sure.” Max zips her bag, peers into the now empty locker one more time to make sure nothing is left behind. “And Steve?”
“Hm?” His fingers absent-mindedly trace King’s name printed on the spine.
“If you have actually spoken to Billy,” she says, hauling her bag over her shoulder, grinning up at Steve, “you would known he was accepted to the UIC. Right now he’s taking the summer session.”
She sprints to her classes, leaving Steve standing in the middle of the hallway, staring after her in disbelief.
A cautious ray of hope wraps itself around his chest. Maybe, just maybe, he hasn’t blown all his chances yet.
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eyeofthewolfe · 7 years
Ninjago Movie: Different POV - Follow Where the Wheels Go
(Night before the attack of Meowthra)
The rev of the motorbike died out as it jolted to a stop. The two teenagers slowly looked up at their home and stared at it for a good 10 seconds. The sky above the older building was pink and orange, hinting that it was only around 7pm and the night was very much still young. The driver looked over her shoulder and back at her older brother before they both silently agreed to stay out a little longer that night. Curfew was 11 anyways, and they could always sneak in the window. With a malicious smile on both of the teenager’s faces, the motorbike revved loudly in the street and sped off into the city.
Kai wrapped his arms around his sister’s waist, leaning into her punk leather jacket. “Where are we going tonight?” He yelled over the wind and engine of the bike. Keeping her eyes on the road, Nya shrugged and yelled back, “I dunno, bro- where should we go?”
He paused, trying to think of somewhere to chill. When his mind drew a blank, he said, “Just follow where the wheel takes us!”
Nya thought through her brother’s answer, and then smiled broadly. She cleared her mind completely, looked at the streets like it was a maze, twisted her wrist, and then took off into the night.
As the colorful sky drained into darkness, the neon lights lining the streets grew brighter in her vision. Even though she could easily recognize where she was in their giant city, she purposely tried to forget where she was or where she was going. She didn’t know where she was going actually, she was just going. Kai was there for the ride, letting out a whoop or holler every once in a while.
After about 40 minutes of random turns and blurry street signs and empty roads, Nya hit the brakes and the bike screeched to a halt. Her windblown bangs flopped back down on her head and she laughed through the energy that was pulsing through her veins. “Now that was fun, right bro?” she asked, and then stuck her hand out to the side for a high five.
She paused before realizing Kai left her hanging.
“Yo bro, the high…” Nya trailed off when she turned and saw exactly what silenced Kai. “…five.”
The road they were parked in was slightly abandoned because it was about a mile or so outside the heart of the city. There were a few lights, most of them old streetlamps, but some of them were apartment windows where the middle class resided. But the lot that the two teenagers stared at was the darkest lot on the street. No sign of life, or people, or home. Just a boarded up door and an old store-shop sign that read “Four Weapons Blacksmith Shop”.
“Why did you bring us here,” Kai finally spoke from the back of the bike. Nya looked over, and noticed her brother’s charismatic smile was gone. “Of all the places in the giant city, the place you stop is right here.”
“Hey, you did tell me to follow where the wheels go,” she shot back. “I didn’t try to bring us back here. It must of…subconsciously bought me to come here.”
“It?” Kai snorted. “Like, destiny and fate and the other stuff Master Wu tells us?”
Nya leaned away from her brother. “Whoa, bro. Master Wu may be old and weird, but he is still wise. He also has a way better understanding about how the world works than us two combined.” Kai snorted again, but kept quiet after that. There was a brief pause before Nya killed the engine and flipped out her kickstand.
“Uh, what are you doing?” Kai droned as Nya slid off her seat.
She stuck her arms out as she backtracked to the shop. “Well, if destiny led us here, I kinda wanna find out why.”
With a look of annoyance, Kai groaned and rolled his eyes. “Whatever, sis. If it makes you sleep at night.” He slid his legs off the bike and followed her up the stairs.
The door was padlocked and boarded up. “Dang,” Nya murmured. “Guess it belongs to the city now.”
Kai looked up and eyed a broken window on the second story. The sibling’s eyes met, and it was set. With a quick glance down the empty street, the two quickly scaled the wall and slipped inside the building.
The older teen already had his phone out and his flashlight on in a matter of seconds. “Whoa, what a mess,” he whispered as they stared at a broken down living room with yellowed newspaper crumpled and all over the ground, a stained and torn up couch in the corner, and a few colorful, scratched up, and broken toys for young kids scattered throughout the room.
The two looked around for a bit, then realized there was nothing cool here. They located the stairs then went down to the shop below.
Dust was everywhere- on the counters and shelves, and coated on whatever swords and knives were left hanging on the walls. “This place hasn’t been touched since we left,” Kai murmured as he drew a frowny face on the store counter out of dust. “They locked the door and left all this to rust inside.”
Nya leaned against the wall. “It’s actually not a bad place. We could totally have a sibling HQ here.”
He looked over at her with a side smile. “A headquarters just for us two?”
With a shrug, she met his gaze. “Or even better, we could call it home.”
Kai’s smile instantly died. “Nya, I know you don’t like it at-“
“Oh, don’t like it is a huuuuuge understatement.” She laughed at him. “Kai, we don’t belong there. You know we don’t. Here, at least we can at least live a better life and honor them.”
Kai took a few steps closer to Nya while narrowing his eyes. “Honor who? Our parents? Our parents who just vanished when we were young? When I was five and you were three? Honor those people?”
It felt like he pierced her heart with one of the dust-encrusted blades in the shop. He instantly saw the look on her face and then looked down, at the ground, ashamed. “Look, I’m sorry-“
“For what, Kai?” Nya responded sourly. “Sorry that you faintly remember them and I don’t? Because that’s nothing to be sorry for, it’s something to be thankful for.”
He stared back at her in prolonged silence.
“You don’t think I wish I had some memory of them? Some mini clip in my head I can replay over and over to remember mine-our parents so that I can believe that there was something more to my life than just being an orphan?!”
Tears were now beginning to swell in her eyes. Kai had his mouth open, but his neck was visibly tight so Nya continued. “You don’t think I spend every moment of my life wondering if our parents are proud of who we are? Because I wish I could say yes, Kai. I wish I could- but I can’t because I can’t even tell you who my parents are.”
She stopped talking because her throat was so tight with emotion that it made her physically unable to speak another word. Instead, she began to sob heavily, first into her hands, and then into Kai’s shoulder when he slowly took her into his arms. She stuffed her face into his jacket and let the tears and gasps take over.
Finally, he moved his mouth close to her ear. “I don’t remember much about them either, Nya. All I know are two things. What they look like, and where they are not. And they are not here, but we are. And we need to make it without them.”
The gasps paused for a moment while Nya caught her breath. “We’ve made it so far, but I don’t know how much farther I can go, Kai.” Her voice was a weak whisper, a voice Kai rarely heard from his sister.
He pulled her off his shoulder and looked at her in the eyes. “Hey hey hey, let’s try and go for tomorrow, okay? Let’s start there.”
She wiped the wetness from her face and nodded, her bloodshot eyes fixated on her brother. “Okay,” she mouthed. Kai nodded in response, before looking around the shop once more. “Alright, let’s get back before it gets too late. You want me to drive?”
That made Nya bust out into laughter, which made Kai happy. “Uh, of course not.” She snapped. “You know you can never touch that bike.”
“I know…I know…” Kai joked as they went back up the stairs to their second-story exit. “I was just hoping for a one-time-thing.”
“Just know it will be a no-time-thing.”
“Cool. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Within a few seconds, the two of them were back on the bike and speeding off into the night. The neon lights were brighter as ever, but only Nya was admiring their streaks in her vision.
Kai’s vision was blurry and blinded with tears as he cried behind his sister.
He could never show his younger sister his tears. He had to be the strong older brother that she needed him to be, so that meant no weakness. And crying? Tops the list of weaknesses in Kai’s book.
He also hated seeing Nya upset, especially about their parents. There was nothing he could ever do or say to bring them back, so all he had was fake comforting words, a warm hug, and a shoulder to stop tears from falling down his sister’s face. But one thing he didn’t have? He didn’t have his own comfort. He knew he couldn’t break down because even his sister couldn’t rebuild him. He was the wall, the foundation. If he broke, then the scared and heartbroken child he hid all these years inside of him would show, and that’s the end of Kai.
He was able to pull himself back together as Nya parked the bike in their usual spot in front of their building. The lights were all still on, which was more comforting than their first home, but the lights seemed colder today.
Nya kicked the stand out and slid off the bike. “Well, here we are,” she groaned. “Wonder how much I’ll have to fake smile and spread fake encouragement tonight.” She bent over like she was talking to a short kid. “Oh, don’t worry Billy, I’m sure tomorrow will be the day! Oh, head up, Dick, you’ve got another day tomorrow! Let me see your pretty smile now, Sally! See, now I feel better too!”
Kai snorted and slid up next to his sister. “Aw, come on now, Nya- it’s never that bad.”
She let out a single laugh and lightly punched his arm. “You sound like me now,” she joked. She lifted her hand up, palm facing Kai, and he instantly slapped  their sibling high five. The sound of the clap was perfect of course, causing them both to wear a real, authentic smile as they entered the building named “Ninjago City Orphanage”.
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gillywulf · 7 years
you’re a problem but you’re mine (you’re a winner even though you think you’re not)
The pet Hotel AU.
Summary: Jason needs a job and PetStay needed him.
Pt. 1
Jason knew that his dad was going to say something he wouldn’t like. The way he sat at the kitchen table and stewed in silence while his two kids sat over a coloring book and his wife looked over some paperwork she’d brought home from the office. He always took longer to speak when the whole family was there, not that it every actually stopped him from saying it. Jason had just taken hold of the red crayon when he opened his mouth.
“You’ve graduated high school-”
“-but now- Jay, that wasn’t a congratulations. You’ve graduated and you’re not going to college. What are you going to do?” His mother sighed and pinched her nose.
“No, I want to know. Jason, what do you plan to do?” Sam demanded, his voice filling the small kitchen. Jason handed the red crayon to his sister, only for her to reach across him for the pink.
“I don’t know. Get a job, I guess” he mumbled. He put down the red and scanned for a blue to fill in a section at her instruction.
“You guess? If you don’t have a job in the next two weeks you’re out of the house” His declaration was followed by a beat of silence where everyone looked to see if he was joking.
“What? Dad!” Sam just shook his head.
“Two weeks” he confirmed, getting up from the table and disappearing upstairs. Jason barely noticed his mother chase after him to argue. He barely noticed his little sister gape at him pleadingly. He could only focus on the blue crayon and how he had no idea what he was going to do.
“Welcome aboard!” Jason was a little blown away by the excitement in his new manager’s voice. Alvie was shorter than most men and probably grinned more and wider than most Jason knew. However, he was PetStay’s Hotel manager and he was willingly offering Jason a job, so what did it matter how smoothly he pulled his electronic id card from his pocket while clearly focusing on their conversation?
“Yeah, thanks” Jason mumbled. The small man was already far ahead, explaining store policy and how the break room was configured. For a non-chain, they seemed to have everything down to a perfect system. Alvie could tell him where every mop in the store was and how long it would take him to clean up a dog’s elimination. It was actually impressive.
“Here we are!” the manager announced as they arrived at the desk that sat between two large glass rooms, “this is where all the pet parents will check in, for both doggy day care and boarding. You won’t really have to worry about that because that’s Kimberly’s job”
“It’s Kim” The correction startled both of them as a girl appeared from a small room tucked behind one of the glass front rooms. She was drop-dead gorgeous with shoulder-length hair and an expression on her face that made it clear how above the situation she was. Jason was breathless. “Billy’s started on dinner, please don’t mess up his system again”
“Oh, absolutely not, I really shouldn’t have dived in. We’ll just say ‘hi’” Kim shrugged and moved to stand at one of the front desk computers, already forgetting they existed. Alvie didn’t waste any time either, already punching a series of numbers into the code-locked door behind the front desk. “Kimber- er, Kim is very good at her job. She has a 75% add-on addition rate with new pet parents. But don’t let her nice-girl persona fool you. She’s constantly breaking rules with Trini in the back”
Jason had no idea who Trini was, so he just nodded and listened as Alvie explained about always using the air-lock doors correctly. The doors dropped them into a hallway with a room of kennels on each end and they turned right before Alvie tugged Jason into a small kitchen where a boy was studiously scooping dog food from a container underneath the table.
“Hey Billy, this is Jason, he’s joining the team!” the manager introduced excitedly. For a long moment, Billy didn’t acknowledge the statement. His focus was on making sure the cup of food was a cup of food, no more no less. He picked off a pellet and dropped it back into the container before grinning at the two new arrivals.
“Hi, Jason! It’s nice to meet you. We really do need help around here. Whenever Trini and Zack are in camp that leaves just Kim and I do to nail grinds and baths but neither of us like doing those, so they almost never get done on time, so we could really use someone who doesn’t mind being wet with the dogs” Overwhelmed by the sheer number of words coming at him, Jason nodded.
“Yeah that’s...okay. It’s great to meet you, Billy” The boy gave him one last radiant smile before going back to his work. There were at least thirty dog bowls in front of him, some were paper fast food trays and others hefty metal, clearly meant to last. Only five of them had anything in them. Alvie tugged Jason’s sleeve again.
“You’ll learn about meal-times when you actually start, but here” he extended his arm to reference the massive room, “is where the boarding dogs stay. Anyone who stays overnight is on this side” The tour continued to the other side of the hallway where Alvie pointed out the bathroom, the employee lockers, and the grooming room in quick succession until they entered a smaller room of kennels.
“These are the day campers. All of them will leave by closing and over here-” he turned left and they were met with four pairs of large eyes staring at them, barely able to clear the top of the low wall, “-is Bigs day camp. And that’s Zack!” Alvie pointed inside the enclosure to the Asian boy who had a definitely too large dog clutched in his arms. “Please put Bently down”
“He challenged me, as the alpha, I had to respond” Zack shrugged and the Mastiff (Jason had no clue about breeds, who was he kidding?) seemed to peer at them in resignation.
“He didn’t- oh my god, put him down” Zack complied, but only after a massively exaggerated eye roll. The dog plodded off for a drink of water, unbothered. The boy waded through the cluster of big dogs all watching the new arrivals expectantly.
“Hey man, I’m Zack. I’m usually in Bigs. Crazy Girl is so small she’d probably get eaten” he laughed.
“I’m Jason”
“Great to meet you dude. I’d shake your hand but-” he gestured to the bars between them that kept the big dogs from jumping from the enclosure.
“Yeah, I get it” Jason waved him off in understanding as Alvie directed him to the farther of two glass doors a few feet away.
“Don’t let Crazy Girl scare you, Sugar’s in today!” Zack laughed as they disappeared into the cramped space.
“Ignore him,” Alvie muttered, “this is Smalls and that’s Trini” on the other side of the door was another playroom with tiny and mid-size dogs running around, napping or happily chewing on a toy, all while barely coming up to the knee of the small girl who stood grumpily against the wall. At her feet, a tiny dog with black and white hair longer than it’s legs barked constantly at her with it’s high pitched voice.
“I guess that’s Sugar” Jason mumbled. Alvie nodded.
“Most of us love Sugar, but I guess when you’re dealing with that for six hours a day, it’s understandable that she’s grumpy, whatever Zack says. Anyway, all small dogs will go here, along with some big dogs like Bard-” he pointed to a greyhound casually strolling around the room, “-who will freak out if they’re with the big buys” Jason nodded, drawing Trini’s attention to the door. He offered an awkward half-wave only for her to turn back to the irritating dog with a deeper scowl.
So those were his new co-workers.
Seven in the morning was way too early to be up and dealing with other people’s pets but that was what time he was scheduled and Jason wasn’t going to call out of his first day. Or complain. Because that would just give everyone the wrong impression of him. He wasn’t afraid of hard work, he just didn’t want to do it quite so early.
Kimberly was already at the front computer when he walked in, her navy blue polo looking better on her than it ever could on anyone else. She barely spared him a glance before she spoke.
“Follow me” she demanded, punching in the door code.
“Yeah okay” Jason jumped into the midway room before it slammed shut in between them.
“You will always need three things on you at all times; a pen, a lead, and a walkie. Each walkie is color coded and there’s a list of who has which walkie next to the charging station in the kitchen,” she pulled open the second door and stalked off towards said kitchen. Jason made sure to stay on her heels, both because she was talking kind of quietly and walking fast.
“I’ve got a pen”
“Leads are in the midway room,” the kitchen was empty of food bowls or Billy’s as Jason had last seen it. Kim marched over to the bin of walkies and pointed to a small laminated chart with various dots of color and spaces for a name next to each. Beside pink was Kim’s name, and Zack next to black. “I’m always pink, Trini is yellow, Billy is blue, and Zack is black. Tommy Jr, the overnighter, is usually green, but since he’s not here during the day you can use it if you want. Red and gold are also available” Careful to avoided one of the chosen colors, Jason grabbed one at random.
“I guess I’m red then”
“Great,” Kim took the walkie from his hand and clipped it into the neck v of his uniform polo, “sign off for it” She ducked under the computer in the corner and grabbed a stack of the paper fast food trays, dumping them on the table as two more people entered the room. The girl, Trini, never looked at him as she went directly to Kim and wrapped her arms around her waist and pressed her face in to her back. Kim never even paused.
“Good morning Jason” Billy grinned in the doorway, somehow very awake and even eager to be there.
“Hey Billy” Jason twisted the top of the walkie to ‘on’ as he smiled back.
“Okay,” Kim dropped a stack of metal bowls beside the paper ones and placed her hands on Trini’s at her stomach, “Jason, Billy’s going to teach you how to do breakfasts, just an overview so that you’re a little prepared for lunch later and then you’ll do some Individuals with Trini. Individuals are boarding dogs that can’t be in day camp, whether for medical or behavioral reasons usually. Got it?” Jason nodded. “Awesome. C’mon babe, you’re at work now, we can do this later” The front desk manager carefully dragged the girl clinging to her out of the room.
“Alright, let’s get started!” Billy clapped his hands together, rocking back on his heels, and then dove towards the computer, pressing keys until a long strip of white labels protruded from the tiny printer nearby. He dove in just as eagerly to his explanation, all the while pulling out measuring scoops and pulling the bins of food under the table slightly closer.
His words came too much, too fast and Jason could barely follow, but he loved it. Billy’s face was lit with a passionate kind of excitement that most people in this job would never have, hell, he was sure he’d never be that excited to feed a whole bunch of other people’s dogs. However, as it didn’t involve too many moving parts, the explanation finished quickly,
“Thank you, Billy. Do you like working here?” Jason asked, shuffling a small cat-sized bowl off to the side where Billy had put the others.
“Oh yeah! My mom’s allergic to both cats and dogs so it’s really great to hang with them all day. Also, Zack, Kim, and Trini are all super great and we go out to Krispy Kreme a lot. And no one’s mean about the fact that I’m on the spectrum so, yeah, I really do like it” He flashed Jason a grin. “I’m done now, so you should go do Individuals with Trini” Jason blinked in surprise.
“Oh, yeah okay. I’ll see you later, okay?”
“See you later, Jason!” Feeling more awake and optimistic than he had entering PetStay, he left the kitchen in search of Trini. Through the massive windows leading to the front desk, he could only see Kim highlighting charts. The small girl who’d buried her face between shoulder blades was no where to be found.
“Hey, new kid” Jason whirled around and found another playroom in the far corner of the boarding room. Trini stuck her hand through the bars to grab his attention. “We’re in here” He briefly wondered who ‘we’ was, but he’d see soon.
He went through the two doors (there were so many, at what point was overkill?) and was immediately tackled against the wall by 65 pounds of excited dog. The dog was tan with large brown spots and the sweetest face. Jason wasted no time in scratching him behind the ears.
“Mason, down. Cute huh?” Trini pat the dog’s side once he trotted over to her.
“Yeah, why is he Individual?”
“He wants to rip the face off of every dog he meets”
“Oh, okay that makes sense”
“Tommy’s apparently been working with his parents on that but,” she shook her head and Jason noticed for the first time the braids on the side of her head, “I don’t have much faith in that. You’ll see him in a minute” Mason took his time in sniffing around the room. Then, only once he’d found a spot that smelled just so, he dropped into a squat. “Big boy’s a three” she mumbled, pushing off from the wall towards the other corner where a mop, two buckets, and a scoop lay waiting. Mason was back in Jason’s arms.
“What does that mean?” he asked, trying get the excited dog back down to four feet.
“Three. Ya know, like, number one and number two? It’s just both” she shrugged as she scooped the poop up and dropped it into one of the buckets. “You write it on the day camp charts too. Zack will show you. Or not, he’s an idiot”
“Oh” They descended into silence. Mason was perfectly happy to go between them for affection or occasionally attack the ball or the playset against the wall. A pop song he’d definitely heard maybe once before played quietly through the speakers and the image of Trini clinging to Kim’s back and the taller girl calling her ‘babe’ would not leave his head. “Can I ask you something?”
“Maybe” she answered without hesitation. He paused. Was that just a no that she didn’t want to say? Her eye roll answered that. “Yeah, ask”
“Are you and Kim dating?” Trini’s whole body shuddered.
“No” Her jaw tightened and there was definitely more to it than ‘no’.
“Oh, okay, it’s just- it looked-”
“Stop while you’re ahead, homeboy”
“Got it”
So. Keeping track of 18 big dogs for seven hours a day was harder than Jason thought. And far more exhausting. There were behaviors he had to prevent and stop altogether as well as keeping track of who went to the bathroom and what they did. Zack was helpful, but his attention was so scattered and his disposition so wild that Jason wasn’t sure he trusted Zack not to fight with a dog.
It was a new feeling to have.
Dead on his feet and ready for a massive dinner, he dragged himself to the front employee room to clock out. Zack grabbed his shoulder halfway there.
“Hey man, you want to celebrate your first day at Krispy Kreme?” he offered. Zack’s already disheveled hair looked downright messy after the dogs had their way with it. Molly alone, a young lab, could have been the cause with how much she loved licking ears.
“Sure, if you want to pay. I haven’t got  paycheck yet” Zack slung his arm over his shoulder.
“Yeah, pastries on me!” Thankfully, Krispy Kreme was only on the other side of the shopping complex from PetStay, so the walk was mercifully short, especially with the summer heat beginning to set in.
Zack spent the whole walk babbling about the dogs, the ones he loved, the ones he hated, and the ones that were plain odd, like Nero, a wall-eyed and pigeon-toed chocolate lab that never stopped smiling. Apparently he’d slammed a Boston terrier so hard that the smaller dog could only be Individual from that point on.
Trini had apparently pissed herself laughing.
And then promptly helped Kim take the terrier to the vet.
Jason liked the expressive way Zack talked. He used his whole body to tell a story, his hands, his shoulders, his face and his voice. He was so excited to talk about the dogs and the friends he’d made tending to them, just like Billy. It gave Jason hope that he might one day be the same.
The doughnut shop was thankfully not busy as the two of them ordered. As promised, Zack slid a few bucks across the counter to cover both doughnuts and coffees. Jason privately wondered if Zack needed more caffeine with his ingrained energy, but he didn’t know him well enough to judge.
“So what are you doing at PetStay man? You don’t look like you should work there” Zack asked as they slid into a booth. Jason shrugged.
“I did something stupid, lost any chance at college, and found myself in immediate need of a job” He kept his eyes down and took a sip to cover his embarrassed cheeks. Normally he wouldn’t be ashamed, but when he said it like that, it sounded a little pathetic.
“Oh that’s cool, I didn’t even graduate high school. Maybe you’ll get there. I’m here because I wanted a pet dog and this is a lot cheaper,” he grinned sharply and Jason laughed at the joke, “also my mom is sick and we’ve gotta find a way to pay for meds on top of you know, everything else. Trini’s been a great help on her days off. My mom likes her more than me probably” Jason frowned.
“Really? She seems kinda...”
“Oh, she’s absolutely mean as hell. But once you get past the rough exterior, she’s all mush. Just catch her with Kim or Billy. She loves them. And her kid brothers” They paused to take identical too-large bites of their doughnuts. They caught sight of the other with bits hanging out of their mouth and burst into laughter, careful not to choke on what they hadn’t swallowed (well, maybe only in Jason’s case).
“Can I ask you something?” Jason began after a long sip and a calming breath. Zack nodded and shoved the rest of his doughnut into his mouth. “what’s up with Kim and Trini? I mean, Trini said they weren’t dating but, I don’t know” Zack nodded along and brushed his hands free of crumbs before speaking.
“Yeah, they’re not dating, but they are going to be”
“How do you know that?” That seemed to be a very hard thing to know with such certainty.
“They told me. Not at the same time, though. Trini was little drunk and Kim was just getting done with the literal worst day someone could have that Trini helped pick her up from. Trini could be ready at the drop of a hat if it weren’t for the fact that she’s scared what her parents would think since they’ve definitely said some shitty stuff about her questionable sexuality”
“They don’t like it?” Zack shook his head.
“Nah, every time I’m over, they ask if we’re dating yet. It’s why she’s at mine a lot. I think Kim is scared by the inevitability of it all. From the moment they met, there’s been this crazy connection that you’d have to be oblivious to miss. Billy may have trouble with social stuff, but even he got that right away. She said something like, she’s scared by the fact that she knows she’s not going to ever want someone after Trini. We have a store pool on when they get their shit together, you want in?” he asked, downing the last of his coffee.
“How long have they known each other?” Jason narrowed his eyes.
“This has been going on for three years”
“Oh, okay, fuck no”
“Red, you nearly done that bath?” Jason shook his feet in a poor attempt to make them dry faster. He sent Winnie the Newfoundland a withering glare.
“Are you happy?” He sighed and punched the talk button on his walkie. “Yes pink, just getting her into the drier. Do you need something?”
“Yeah, you’ve got some safety videos to watch. The answers to the multiple choice questions are already written down, so it shouldn’t take long”
“Great, I’ll be there in a sec” Winnie was hardly cooperative, but eventually Jason maneuvered her into a kennel dryer with the hope that she could be ready to go sometime in the next four hours. Up front, Kim was typing away at her computer and scribbling names and room numbers onto ID bands. She didn’t turn at the sound of the door opening and closing behind her.
“Just put log in and take the quiz listed at the top. The answer key is-” she froze. “Fuck” Kim rarely looked so affected. Jason immediately felt his heart jump into his throat with worry.
“Kim? are you okay?” She ignored him and marched over to the window where Smalls was easily in view. Most of the small dogs had found a comfortable place to nap and calm down while a few small puppies rolled around with each other, nipping at heels and necks. The main point of interest however, was Trini, sunk to the floor with her back tot he wall and her head fallen into her arms. A black Maltese pawed continuously at her forearms.
“Fuck,” she raised her walkie, “Yellow babe, can you stand? Just a minute please. Blue, do you mind going into smalls to give yellow a break?” They watched Trini raise a thumbs up while they waited for Billy to radio in.
“Yeah! Is it country music time?”
“Yes it is. You’re a saint”
“That’s very nice of you Kim, thank you” They watched as the door to the relief room opened and closed, and the door to Smalls did the same, allowing Billy into the room and waking all of the dogs. They swarmed him like insects to a fruit left unattended in the middle of summer and Trini wasted no time in handing off the squirt bottle, offering him her most sincere thanks, and sneaking out of the room. Kim sighed in relief.
“She likes metal and despises country music. But between that and silence, she’ll choose the music. So she’ll sit there dying. Thankfully Billy loves country, so we stick him in for country music power hour” she explained, heading towards the midway room.
“Does this happen a lot?” Jason watched the dogs jump as high up as they could (never above Billy’s knees) to try and lick their new supervisor’s face.
“Country music power hour is every day at 1. I’m going to go talk to her” Kim wasted no time in punching in the door code and slipping through. Jason shook his head, turning slowly back to the computer quiz with a warm feeling in his chest. It felt like the beginnings of fondness. It took less than five minutes to log in and click the correct answers and no brain-power at all, so he went to the back rooms in an attempt to find Kim and ask what she wanted him to do next.
He found her by the employee lockers, her back to him. He opened his mouth to speak but froze. She wasn’t alone. There, crowded between Kim’s body and the side of the lockers was Trini. Kim’s hands rested over her jawline, her thumbs moving slowly over Trini’s hairline, and the full length of their bodies were clearly pressed together. Kim’s nose traced slow, delicate lines across Trini’s face, and the small girl was the most relaxed Jason had ever seen her. The phone in Kim’s back pocket played a slow soft song that clearly meant something to the both of them with the way they swayed so gently back and forth that it almost looked like they weren’t moving at all.
It was like a scene from a dramatic romance movie.
He wasn’t meant to see this.
Jason careful backed away and decided to do a water check. Those were always necessary and needed. As he worked, he felt the feeling in his chest grow. The beginnings of fondness were clearly out the window.
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Better Together: 10 Unlikely Horror Duos
When it comes to horror and all the subgenres within it, unlikely situations are ironically expected to occur. Most of the time we’re given characters that are blatantly different for the sake of representing  opposites: good and bad, funny and serious, logical and insane. Audiences don’t anticipate these representations to get along, let alone band together to make it to the end. When it comes to the following list of films, no matter how crazy the situation these characters find themselves in, the biggest shock is who winds up teaming up with who.
There really is nothing sweeter than two unlikely characters finding each other in the face of menace and evil. Sometimes those characters are the faces of menace and evil, but that still counts. From catfights and bromances to villainous allies, nothing says ‘I love you’ quite like ‘I hate you’ first. Here’s the Top 10 Unlikely Horror Duos:
  10. Ellen Ripley and Jones the Cat in Alien
In space no one can hear you scream, except the feral starship cat. After a terrifying unknown alien being destroys all of her fellow crew members, Ripley finds solace in the Ginger Tom cat, Jones. She’s not much of a cat person at first, but when you’re left alone in space with a big, slimy, lethal monster of an alien and the harmless feline, you’re gonna choose the cat to keep you company.
  9. Charley Brewster and Peter Vincent in Fright Night
An adolescent boy-who-cried-wolf and a washed-up, geriatric late night star don’t exactly scream ‘power couple’, however Charley and Peter are able to bond over their knowledge of one thing: the realm of horror. The two reluctantly pair up to stop the evil vampire, Jerry, who’s just moved into Charley’s quaint suburban neighborhood. They’re both misunderstood, underestimated men on opposite sides of the age spectrum, but in the end Vincent’s wisdom, Charley’s bravery, and their combined courage puts Jerry to sleep for good
    8. Madeline Ashton and Helen Sharp in Death Becomes Her
It’s no secret that women tend to view one another as enemies, especially when it comes to a man. Madeline and Helen are two women obsessed with two things: eternal beauty and Ernest. These leading ladies will stop at nothing to declare themselves as the only woman in Ernest’s life, even if that literally means physically destroying one another in the process. However, when they realize who the real enemy is (hint, it’s always the adulterer) and join beautiful, flawless girl power forces they are able to serve up a lethal dose of justice. Madeline and Helen’s relationship proves that two heads are better than one and women can coexist is peaceful harmony happily ever after… forever.
  7. Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers in Scream
No one really likes exploitative, nosy, meddlesome news reporters, especially Sidney. However, we see her relationship with the woman broadcasting her mother’s dirty laundry, Gale Weathers, Top Story and author of the Woodsboro Murders, go from punches (sorry, Gale, people don’t forget) to final female survivor stardom. The unlikely duo are able to team up for four installments of the Scream franchise, each time bringing down the man or woman behind Ghost Face respectively.
  6. Arnie Cunningham and Christine in Christine
He was a boy. She was a car. If Stephen King’s Christine taught us anything it’s that love is love. Arnie is the quintessential nerd, totally unfit to be riding around in the red hot 1958 Plymouth Fury he’s lovingly named Christine. However, through a lot of tantrums and a Grease-worthy new look, Arnie overcomes the loser archetype and turns into a full-on villain. A perfect fit for the sleek, devilish ride. No shitter could ever understand the bond between a man and his metal, even if it drives away all of his loved ones or drives over them (oh, the puns). Arnie + Christine 4 Ever.
  5. Dr. Hannibal Lecter and Agent Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs
Classic love story: Good girl meets bad boy. I know the relationship between the intelligent, yet sadistic cannibal Dr. Lecter and earnest rookie FBI agent Clarice Starling isn’t exactly love, but there is something there between them and the plexiglass. Starling must find it in herself to resist Lecter’s invasive psychotherapy all the while coaxing information out of him to catch another murderer at large. A man like him is the epitome of evil to her in the beginning, but over time, and a lot of indirect therapy sessions, Starling begins to soften to the doctor’s odd charm. Lecter begins to trust the young agent, feeding her more and more information on how to catch the real (other) bad guy. Able agent and educated psychopath: a force to be reckoned with.
  4. Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees in Freddy Vs. Jason
Bad guys need love too! What better horror frenemy-slash-bromance (another pun) example could there be? Freddy haunts his victims in their sleep, Jason stalks them while they’re awake. Teenagers of Elm Street and Camp Crystal Lake beware! Here things get kind of messy what with dimensional lines being crossed and a penalty flag thrown here and there. Friendly competition eventually turns into a testosterone-fueled battle royale. What starts out as a carnage war between the two heavyweight champs of horror turns into a fleeting on-screen bromance. Freddy and Jason figure out that teamwork will ultimately take care of those pesky teenagers once and for all, but then it’s back to their respective corners again until the referee calls them back to the field.
  3. Thomasin and Black Phillip in The Witch
The strong-willed, final girl will surely triumph over Satan and his imps by the end of this new-age, witchy tale, right? Wrong. Thomasin and her family are cast out to live in the New England woods where witches and their familiars run amok. Mounting paranoia and evil eventually turn the family inside out leaving Thomasin with the most prominent familiar of all: an ebony billy goat appropriately named Black Phillip aka Satan incarnate. The animal and its evil eye torment Thomasin up through the end of the film. However, like any bad influence, Black Phillip is able to completely isolate Thomasin and coax her inner-witch to prevail. She, in turn, is unable to turn down the devil’s temptation and gives in. It winds up being a match made in Heaven… well, in this case it’s a match made in Hell.
  2. Lydia Deetz and Adam and Barbara Maitland in Beetlejuice
A typical ghost story usually involves the dead antagonizing the living and that does happen in this story, but not in the way you think. Simple couple Adam and Barbara Maitland are new members the afterlife and find themselves at odds with the eccentric nouveau riche family that has moved into their house. Despite their best efforts and befriending the family’s strange daughter, Lydia, Adam and Barbara recruit help from a wild, zany, sinister spirit (I won’t state his name here). When things get out of hand (with the spirit whose name I won’t state) and the family is put in jeopardy, the dead protect the living girl they have grown fond of and ultimately bring down the baddest of baddies (again, it’s best not to state his name).
  1. Tallahassee and Columbus in Zombieland
Tallahassee is edgy, quick, rough, and brave. Columbus is quiet, reserved, cautious, and a “bit of a bitch” as Tallahassee would say. Both are not exactly social, easy-to-get-along-with types of people. When a zombie virus brings about the end of civilization, these two guys are left Twinky-less and dependent on one another for survival. All bets are unexpectedly off, especially when they meet the clever and independent Wichita and Little Rock. Of course the (anything but) damsels find themselves in zombified distress calling on the two opposites for help. Brains and brawn combine to rescue the girls and show that bromance is the real deal. Together they learn that isolation from the world is meaningless whether it’s populated with people or the undead.
  The horror genre can teach us all a lot of things, but one of it’s more light-hearted themes is that in the end together is always better, no matter how unlikely the duo.
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