#and like i know it's bc they can't find out until later that Vampires are afoot and vh is Going To tell them all eventually
viennafantasies · 8 months
hey can I request dating damon salvatore hcs?
heyy, of course I can do that for you. this might be a bit terrible bc it's my first time, but I'll give it a go! <3 18+ warning (kind of)
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Damon's love language is physical touch. He's always trying to find a way to touch you. He gets super jealous if anyone touches you in some way, even if it's a simple brush of hands.
Damon worships you; he sometimes jokes around . If you walk into a room that he's in, he goes down on his knees and says soft words: 'my saviour'. If he gets horny (which is easily) he'll say 'I pray to be in you right now.' He's not usually the religious type because of how the church disgusts people like him but he'll definitely do a little roleplay in bed. ;)
If you and damon ever get into an argument he'll never break first because he thinks he's always right. He will definitely keep a grudge until you say sorry first. He'll hardly say it but if it's been too long and he misses you he'll say it just to kiss you. You're usually the one saying it first.
Damon would do anything for you; he'll travel the whole entire world to find something that you need because your his priority.
Damon would definitely kiss you bridal style. He always dreamed to marry the girl of his dreams - which spoiler is you. He'll kiss you passionately most of the time if your in bed or lounging away.
Damon for sure is obssessed with your ass. Don't get me wrong he'll of course love every part of you but he obssesses over that physical part of you. Anytime you're in front of him he'll grab your ass saying 'can't wait for you to ride me later so I have a perfect view of your ass.'
Damon is extremely protective, he made multiple enemies in the years he's been a vampire and his weakness is you. So if they find you he'll get super angry.
Damon knows when your upset; so even if you try and hide it with a fake smile he'll always find out. He'll do anything to make you happy even if it means risking his own life for your safety.
Damon worries about you every day, you're a mere human unfortunately. Thus, if any vampires, hybrids, werewolves or any other mystical beings try to kill you or turn you he'll protect you at all costs.
Damon thinks you're the most beautiful girl he's ever lay eyes on. Therefore, you occasionally catch him staring at you with a charming grin that makes your cheeks turn pink.
Damon made a vow to you that he'll never kill a human being again. Which is extremely hard for someone like Damon who's only way of living is to feast on mortals. Not even blood bags will suffice the hunger he has once he hears or sees a drop of blood. Hence, if his hunger is stronger you'll always try and give some of your blood to him even if he refuses multiple times.
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading this and if you've got to the end. This isn't proofread so it might turn terrible. I hope you enjoyed and I wish you an amazing day, byee. <3
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local-fire-dumpster · 2 months
Ds as Vampires Au!
I can't get the idea of Vampire Luffy out of my head. Shanks and his crew anchor at Foosha and suddenly there is this cute little kid running towards the pier,excitement visible in his voice and eyes.He is sipping his red juice and Shanks is like "whatcha got there little buddy" and Luffy grins,showing off his bloody fangs and awnsers blood.
The rest of the crew goes pale and Shanks simply laughs,bc he's had a Vampire as captain afterall. (he still almost chocks on his drink when he hears who the kid's grandpa is though)
During his time in Foosha he helps little Vamp Luffy with his bat transformation. The crew starts coowing at how cute he is everytime he does it though so he stops doing it in front of them.(They are upset but it's their own fault).
Things proceed as in canon,shanks leaves with an arm and hat less,garp takes Luffy to dadan and luffy meets Ace(another vampire!he is so excited).
Except in this AU Sabo lets the two of them feed on him. So when Dragon saves him,he immediately connects the bite marks to his son.
Ds are "True Vampires" and therefore can turn others into vampires. Sabo was in critical condition when Dragon found him so he turned him.
"Turned Vampires" aren't like Ds. They can't turn others,they can't transform into bats and their powers are noticeable weaker. They also struggle to deal with their newly turned body.They are connected to their sire who is supposed to help them through the first few years post changing due to that.
So Luffy and Ace find out that Sabo survived but they also find out that he can't stay.Reasoning with the distressed children is hard but once they finally grasp that 1) they can't stop Sabo if he accidentally goes into a frenzy and attacks a human like the bandits for example 2) sabo's scumbag father might come after sabo again and even kill him due to the change, they accept that he has to leave.
Sabo's memories are still foggy, like he can't quite remember them but he KNOWS that they are his brothers so he promises to come see them once their first bounty drops.
Years pass and eventually Luffy sets out. Zoro is pretty cool with his captain drinking blood and being a vampire and all. Nami and Usopp freak out but hey you gotta roll with the punches if you want to be a straw hat. Sanji is a bit freaked out at first but eventually starts making vampire friendly food for Luffy, such as blood sausages.
Then the crew meets Vivi. She is really shocked to meet a Vampire other than herself. Unlike Luffy who is very casual about his vampirism, Vivi hides herself.She thinks it's shameful,that the royal family needs it's subject's blood to stay alive.She learns to be more comfortable about herself thanks to Luffy though. Meeting Ace also helps.
The Au progresses moslty like in canon with a few exceptions here and there until Marineford.Thatch actually survives getting backstabbed bc Ace bites and turns him. Also Sabo is there and Ace consequently survives.
Ace and Luffy are so fucking exhausted though, that they are stuck in bat form for an entire week.The Whitebeards tease the shit out of them for being so cute and tiny. Sabo is sleeping the whole time (koala yells at him for almost giving her an heartattack).
I might add more lately if I get more ideas later
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nono-uwu · 8 months
First oc post i am shaking crying throwing up for multiple reasons and also anxious as hell- anyways, meet the man, the failure disaster gay, the forever doomed ginger(derogatory/lh)
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I forgot to add his birthday omg, it's march 13th
Lore utc (i wrote a lot lmao), the uh post ch 134 stuff will be elaborated on later (or if asked. Actually, ask me anything about him. And my other oc's once they're posted. Please. I will answer in great detail. I also need a distraction. Pls.)
So basically, among the first few vampires (a 4th progenitor to be percise) turned by Shikama was a woman who showed great potential for spells and magic. She had a loving husband and child which she tragically lost in an accident. Upon turning into a vampire, her family was still the only thing on her mind. She accepted to help Shikama in his endeavors to revive Mikaela since she hoped she could revive her own family in the proccess. Unfortunately it didn't work. Disillusioned, she abandoned vampire kind and started searching for the possible reincarnation of her beloved husband, whom she may be able to have a child with and have family again.
Fast forward a a lot, and I mean a lot, of years and she arrived in 60s japan. None of the people she had hope for turned out to be the reincarnation of her late husband until that fateful day. She encountered a (rather pathetic may I add) man in his late 20s and it was like a miracle. The woman cornered the man in disbelief and from this awkward first meeting blossomed true love. Then everything went to shit lmaooo
The first problem was that the mans family didn't approve of the woman. Tough this didn't stop their love. Next was the issue of bearing a child, something that a vampire simply can't do. Well, an ordinary one but this woman was anything but ordinary. By some impossible miracle she bore a child. A biological child. (GIRL HOW?? We will never know and frankly, i don't want to think about it💀)
The child was, as expected tbh, kind of a disaster. Already born with pointy ears and sharp fangs. The child needed both human food and blood to properly sustain themselves. Drinking blood outside of their family would permanently stop their aging. Despite this, the couple was overjoyed. (And then named their child "mistake" bc that would help /s.) They named him "Machigai". Why tho?? I dunno man something along the lines of "a mistake but the best mistake of their life" bruh
So after Machigai was old enough to walk, but not old enough to remember, the mother diappeared, leaving father and child behind. The father did his best to raise such an... extraordinary child but it was understandably kind of impossible. Machigai grew up alone and isolated from his peers. He was always wearing a hood of some kind and rarley opened his mouth to talk. In high school, he met a girl who he became good friends with but she is another oc I'll post about sometime adlf,wpl.
Anyways! Come Machigai's high school graduation and 18th birthday, his father... disappeared. All he left was a note saying, that Machigai now owned the apartment and that there is enough blood in the fridge to sustain Machigai's thrist while he could grow and mature. To an already depressed and disillusioned Machigai this obviously didn't help. Throughout the next years he became a shut in, who only left the house if absolutely necessary. All he did all day was play video games, watch tv and later be on the internet. Once he ran out of his fathers blood was when things changed. He had to go out and actually find a new source of blood. Welp, sorry to unlucky bastards who went into dark alleyways at night bc these types of people became Machigai's source of blood. (That's when he stopped aging)
On one of these nightly escapades, Machigai was greeted by a large man in a neat black suit who called himself "Saito". Saito claimed to have known Machigai's mother and offered a deal: Machigai would offer up his unique constitution to the Hyakuya sect's research and in turn get a well paying job and a guaranteed source of blood. He agreed. "Welcome to the Hyakuya sect. I look forward to your performance"
Machigai was practically a lab rat for the development of cursed gear. Thanks to his half-n-half physiology he could tank wounds from cursed gear/magic n shit while still providing useful data to how effective it is. During this time Machigai aquired knowledge of vampire culture(?), became familiar with magic and it's quirks and learned how to perform simple spells and whatnot.
Around 2011, when the internet was already fairly well used, Machigai came across a forum dedicated to paranormal sightings. Various users claimed that a secluded spot in Kyoto was home to vampires. (Ferid was the one spreading these rumors btw) Most would have dissmissed this as someone wanting attention, yet Machigai was intrigued. He was well aware that vampires existed across the world but he mever knew how to actually contact them. Perhaps out of morbid curiosity, perhaps out of a genuine want for connection with people like him, he went to check out the spot. There, he met none other than the eccentric Ferid Bathory who specifically manufactured the rumor to meet Machigai (extra much?). He was well aware of Machigai's work for Rígr "Saito" Stafford and was trying to one up his father by stealing his most prized lab-rat. Machigai declined, not trusting a single thing out of that vampires mouth. Ferid left, already proclaiming that one day Machigai would be working for him.
Machigai stuck around that area as it was already well into the night and public transport wouldn't start up until the early morning. There he met another vampire: Crowley Eusford. Their meeting wasn't planned or meticulously calculated, it was actually rather awkward. Their chat was meaningless and short but in the end leagues above whatever Ferid likes to plan. Crolwey has already unwillingly heard about this curious being from Ferid and seeing Machigai himself left him wanting to learn more about him. Machigai was left a little hopeful, that perhaps it's not too late for him to look for connections.
So the apocalypse rolls around-
Machigai makes a deal with Saito that in exchange for his freedom (*eagle screech*) he would keep his mouth shut about anything the Hyakuya sect discovered while Machigai was there.
Machigai seeks out the Demon Army where he successfully keeps his half vampire identity a secert until someone on his squad gets blackmailed into revealing it. Before that, he gets a cursed weapon, a pair of daggers. And lo and behold, the demon possessing the daggers is his own mother. Unfortunately since the now demonic mother didn't witness Machigai growing up, she falsey believes to be able to still shape Machiagi to her will. After getting locked up by the army, Machigai completley gives up, only wishing for his miserable existence to end (spoiler: It won't! Ever. :) ). He ultimately loses any and all trust he has in humanity or just anything in general.
After about half a year of grueling torture and some experimentation, Machigai gets freed (kidnapped) by Ferid and promptly brought to Kyoto Sangiuem. Krul Tepes, finding Machigai to be useful in her fake-ish war against humanity and whatever she's planning with Yuu and Mika, lets him be part of the japanese vampires under Ferids faction. Ferid found himself unwilling to deal with the often uncooperative and irritated new "recruit" so he did what he does best and made it Crowley's problem.
After a rather agressive and disrespectful first impression, Machigai was officially a... coworker? of Crowley and thus also Chess and Horn in Nagoya. The three got the additional task by Ferid to somehow domesticate this feral and angry stray animal and get him to open up. At least that's how Ferids orders were phrased. Shenanigans, Drama and FeelingsTM ensue.
(How did I write so much??)
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i-want-my-iwtv · 5 months
(Cont'd from here)
Anon asked:
5. Is a possible interpretation of the ending that Louis&Lestat are working together again? Lestat said he could go out again if he had Louis but Louis said he had to go. Lestat then somehow ends up going after the guy that Louis was just talking to? Obvi not a coincidence so maybe he's just following Louis…but what if he's doing what he said? He's going out again bc he has Louis. Louis set up Malloy; or at least did so only after his reaction to his story? Maybe a stupid theory lol. ^2/3 anyway, sorry to come at you with all these questions, I just can't find answers anywhere else. Loved the movie and would just like to understand it better. I also think Louis&Lestat could be working together again because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive, which is all Lestat ever really wanted him to be, is there any real reason they can't be in eachother's lives anymore? Thank you so much for any time you can give me and my questions lol! ^3/3
No worries, these are interesting questions!
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I mean, that's an interesting thought, that Louis set Daniel up for Lestat to feed on... 👀 Could be true, but based on the script and the books, and the fact that Louis never hunted with Claudia... (Louis does hunt with Lestat or other vampires on occasion later in canon) but I don't think Louis would send an innocent victim out for Lestat to kill*.
I think in the movie version of the story, my interpretation was that:
Lestat had been following Louis for a while.
When Louis and Daniel went indoors, Lestat crawled into the open backseat of Daniel's car, conveniently parked nearby. This way, he could listen to them talk (the window was open!) and it put Lestat in place for acquiring the tapes of the interview afterward (and the car! And some human blood!).
In the movie's timeline, Louis had visited Lestat in NOLA (we don't know when, but based on Louis's clothing, it looks like late '80's or early '90's) and then left him there...
We don't know how much time passed until he met with Daniel, San Francisco looks like the late '80's or early '90's, too.
So maybe Lestat went to great effort to track Louis down to San Francisco and followed him, still wounded but desperate to reconnect with Louis when he had revived with more strength.
I also think Louis&Lestat could be working together again because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive,
Yes, Louis seemed to get over his issues with killing ppl when Claudia entered the picture, she never saw him eating rats.
Maybe he wanted to set a good example for her, or maybe he just finally agreed, having tried to kill her, that human blood is more nutritious for vampires... we don't know! Lestat makes some snip at Louis about eating rats in front of Claudia and he tells her it was a long time ago, before she was born, and "I don't recommend them," with this little slurp to amuse her:
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because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive, which is all Lestat ever really wanted him to be, is there any real reason they can't be in eachother's lives anymore?
But no, Louis & Lestat aren't clearly back together again at the end of the '94 movie, but at least Lestat is mostly revived by the very end, there's hope that he's going to be his old vibrant self in a new age, and maybe even turn Daniel! I don't know what the plan was for the next movie, but there was a sequel planned for a long time, the movie rights eventually expired. The more book-focused fans might say that Louis enjoys his space and doesn't need a constant lover, and that Lestat is somewhat of a manwhore who struggles with monogamy (maybe partly BECAUSE he can't get Louis to commit to him, so he goes out looking for love surrogates), but he always pines for Louis. Now matter how hard you ship Louis and Lestat you will never ship Louis and Lestat as hard as Lestat does. [X][X @high-fructose-lesbianism]
The more book-focused fans in VC fandom generally agree that Louis gave the interview in order to get his story out, and if Lestat was still alive, it could provoke him enough to come out of hiding** bc maybe Louis still has feelings for Lestat, but killing people was not the only reason they couldn't be in each other's lives. Louis suffered in the dynamic they were in during the 65 years together in IWTV. There's been a lot of writing on it over the years but most book-focused fans agree there was some level of abuse from Lestat to Louis (and Claudia), whether emotional, verbal, and/or physical. Lestat threatened them both with harm at different times, and he had been very secretive, which created frustration for Louis and Claudia about their nature as vampires, and even if Lestat did all this out of fear for their safety, or worry that they might leave him, or any other reasons, it was still Not Great, not something Louis would want to throw himself back into so easily!
If you read the books, Louis/Lestat has a tension as a ship that continues throughout, and Anne Rice basically tried to have them finally together in the last book. She had teased us about a L/L wedding over the years, and that never went through in canon. 😭💗
**And in the Vampire Lestat, Lestat does rise and he wants to join a rock band, when he tells them his name, they thought it was marvelous that he was pretending to be the vampire Lestat:
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*In canon, Louis kills random people, so that he's not responsible for judging them as deserving of death, even murderers can serve their time and return to society! If Louis gets to know a victim at all, he has too much empathy for them to kill them. However, canonically and in the '94 movie, Lestat kills evildoers, it stems from him saving his village from wolves when he was alive, when he was praised for protecting the villagers and the livestock from those terrorizing wolves. It justifies his need as a vampire to kill, while also making him a kind of hero bc he's protecting the innocent ppl from the evildoers.
Killing evildoers takes more effort in some ways, bc Lestat has to read their minds first or see them be criminals in order to be sure they're really evil, but he enjoys it! Sometimes he spends weeks, months, years pursuing a victim.
Anyway, since Daniel's not shown in the '94 movie or canon to be an evildoer, I don't think Louis would feed him to Lestat.
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crowleys-hips · 1 month
2, 10, 22 and 24 for the ask game! Hope you're having a good day 💙
elloo thank youu i hope you're having a good day too 🐍
2. What was it that drew you to Good Omens, and what was it that sucked you into the fandom?
*breaks down sobbing lungs burning chest contracting heaving shuddering gasping for breath mascara running down my cheeks snot dripping from my nose* ahem sorry needed a little moment of drama it's all cool now dw about me im absolutely hella gucci never been better 😎 anyway where were we oh yea
when i was a teen i used to sort of like this one author but i can't remember the name for some reason, i just kinda remember picking up literally every single thing of his i could get my hands on, i mean, super casually, i wasn't obsessed or anything. and so i saw his name on the title, saw it had a demon and an angel and something about Armageddon and then i blinked and had somehow consumed the whole thing.
then flash forward to 2019, i see ohh they made a series of that one book i kinda sorta very casually liked a normal amount. and then i shrugged and never watched it bc they didn't look the way they had looked in my head and i had a Very Serious Issue w that apparently. then last year i got covid and i was really bored and i didn't know what to watch and i came across that one show tumblr was losing their minds about for some reason, so i went ugh fine i'll watch it. and then i relived the worst heartbreak of my whole life through a much more brutal dramatization and i was left in pieces, clutching my chest, crying on the floor, begging the universe for mercy. so naturally, like a very normal person, i went, "damn i need to watch this whole thing again 10 thousand more times until i memorize the dialogue word for word" and came on tumblr to scream into the void about it. and so here i am, continuing the lovely tradition of breaking hearts with unhinged poems and occasionally making memes friends will later find reposted on pinterest and instagram 🤡
10. What traits do you share with Crowley?
Yes well first the dumbassery and the unfortunate habit of shooting myself in the foot, le dépression, constantly in alert mode, cant for the life of me ever sit like a normal person, sunglasses out in public always bc my vampire ass is allergic to light, clothing only exists in black, antes muerto que sencillo ✨ (sooner dead than a simple hoe) flash bastard, blasting Queen, horrible plant dad, former raging alcoholic, Aziraphalesexual, drama queen, in fucking pieces 🪦
22. Bildad The Shuhite: hot or not?
look i can see the appeal, but personally i wouldn't fuck him
24. Who would you choose to run off to Centauri with?
you guys keep asking me this as if i even know other people lmao anyway. my answer is still: a copy of The Awakening by Kate Chopin. iykyk 🖤 if not and you wish to find out, get tissues
thanks for the asksss! this was fun to write lmao
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eric-the-bmo · 5 months
Blood and Silicon ep19.5: Road Trip
[Summary: This road trip is off to a horrible start. There's also small lore crumbs.] @kentuckycaverats @sanguineasylum @zwoelffarben
In the car, it's a bit tense. Percy is drawing and using a locket photo for reference; when asked, he said the subject was a good friend of his. Leo's still a bit pissed over earlier, so he's trying not to make it obvious he's curious about Percy's drawing.
Blake pushes Percy on the pack comment he had made earlier, and they go back and forth on the subject, dancing around actually saying what Blake is accusing him of. Leo is confused, like he's missing something, until finally Percy admits he is/was a member of the Sabbat. Blake is Not Happy about having a cultist in his jeep, and Percy isn't happy that Blake views the Sabbat as a monolith of wild killers.
Leo tries his best to silently follow along/ take notes as Blake and Percy begin to argue about the Sabbat and sectarian politics, dropping bits of sect lore and Percy backstory along the way; it turns out Percival is trying to find his former coterie. As they do this, Blake (who's implied he's encountered some Sabbat loyalists at some point) mentions the viniculum while making a jab at Percy- Leo stops like he's realized something, but the other two don't notice bc they're busy arguing. Blake also tells Percy to stop using Heightened Senses all the time at some point, and the whole thing is Very Tense. Neither of them really "win" this argument, so to speak.
The coterie eventually gets to a rest stop. Blake exits to go to the store section, and Percy stays in the car to read a detective novel he brought along. Leo gets out for a moment, and yells into his hands out of frustration before going "God, we're so fucked." He follows Blake into the store where the Gangrel is buying a few things to keep up the appearance of us still being human. They have a small chat. Leo is gifted some cheap sunglasses.
Blake and Leo go outside so the Malk can feed [and ends up drinking from a woman who was on some sort of drug cocktail??? He's fine, the effects passed super quick, but he maybe took too much from her :-( ], and Leo heads back to the car. Here, he requests something from Percy in regards to what happened in the locker room: ["Just don't... don't fuckin' look at me like that, yeah? It brings up things I'd rather not think about."] Percy says he can't entirely promise it, but will try his best. Blake returns to the car, and we get back to driving.
At 2am we get to Reno; Blake realizes he forgot to give Leo something, and hands him the Gameboy they'd taken from Kyra's base. We check into a motel, and Percy sets up a gun to point at the door while Blake takes a quick shower. We get set up; Percy watches the news, and Blake might've stolen some stuff based off a new report they see. Speaking of Blake, he exits the bathroom, and Leo notices the bandages on his arm. Leo confronts him about it (as well as the arm), and while Blake doesn't say anything about his injury he does admit to pawning things for cash and then coming back later to steal them back (as well as anything else he might like there). It's something he had apparently picked up while being a vampire; Leo's more concerned about the "possibly getting caught" part.
To avoid the sunlight from the curtains, the coterie all sleeps in the bathroom.
This is a bit shorter because it wasn't an official session? Anyway
Blake and Percy should physically fight each other /j Those two argued for the better part of an hour it was a whole thing
Leo's finally figured something out!!! My god. I'm gonna be real: I don't think I know how to roleplay his emotions about it. oh no and Oh Boy!
crumbs of lore from all of them....
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sovonight · 9 months
notes on xan's near-death event in radri's canon bc i'm never going to write the scenes themselves:
before bg2:
radri & xan don't get premonitions/dreams about his death at bodhi's hands, they're not forewarned at all
xan does quit the greycloaks, but he still knows about the vampire coven bc he'd been told about it before he quit
before spellhold:
xan doesn't consider the vampires a significantly greater threat than all the other threats that they face; yes he finds the threat of undeath particularly abhorrent, but he knows that his moonblade would sooner kill him than let him turn, so his fate there would just be death like normal. (radri doesn't know that his moonblade would just autokill him, and xan doesn't think to tell her)
radri notices that his moonblade has grown dim, and xan admits it worries him--maybe it's mad at him for choosing her over evereska--but he's already made his choice, and it's not like he could ever abandon her. they talk a bit about consequences, xan cautiously mentions that maybe there's a way for her to save him if his moonblade grows so unhappy with him that it smites him, and radri is immediately on board. he warns her that it's risky, asks her if she's sure, etc etc, but radri would do anything for him, especially to not lose him. he needs a few days to work out how to do it (he's really just trying to confirm that it won't kill her), then they do it--radri is now partially tied to his moonblade, and can share its punishments with him. like in the mod, radri can choose whether or not to take the damage for him; unlike in the mod, xan can't choose whether or not to give her the chance to choose to take the damage in the first place (because i think he should relinquish some control and be a little vulnerable)
even though bodhi hints that she might try to turn xan into a vampire, neither xan nor radri really register this as foreshadowing until later. i'm just gonna say they had other things to worry about at the time
unlike in the mod, xan doesn't start secretly giving his life essence (or whatever the specific phrase was, i'm too sleepy to open the mod script) to radri while she's without her soul. not only bc in my version of events he doesn't expect to die soon, but also bc i think he would've asked her permission first (as in he would've suggested it expecting her to accept it, only for her be horrified and refuse… i've written a scrap of a script for it >->o)
graveyard confrontation:
just like the mod, in a very quick sequence of events, bodhi tries to turn xan, xan's moonblade attempts to kill him & foils bodhi's attempt in the process, radri who doesn't have any time to physically react only feels with her whole being that she would do anything to save xan, and the connection they created pre-spellhold kicks in to split the damage between them so that the moonblade's blow isn't fatal. honestly, i prefer to think of this as happening so fast that xan only puts together what happened after the fact, and as he muses on it out loud later radri is silently struck by terror like, so if we never had that conversation weeks ago xan would have died today???
i don't think xan would make a big deal out of this near-death experience (especially since it hasn't been built up in this version). i do think he'd be shaken, definitely, because he hasn't directly faced the possibility of his moonblade killing him since the moment he first let it judge him worthy, but he wouldn't be grateful to the extent that he is in the mod. in his mind, they already nearly die every day; he could've easily died like five times this week. this was a really close one, but other than that, it's not really remarkable in his book.
meanwhile, radri is super shaken by this. and it's not just that he came so close to death, it's that she's been in the mindset of like, i won't let anything happen to him. if i'm there with him, nothing can happen to him. but in front of bodhi, she couldn't do anything. it doesn't matter that logically, she had no time to physically act; what freaks her out is how utterly helpless she felt in the moment--like she was back in candlekeep again frozen before her first would-be assassin, like all the time that passed and the experience she'd gained meant nothing when it really came down to it (i have a short script for this too lol)
the bath:
i'm honestly unsure whether or not to keep this in radri's canon, partially due to the fact that i already wrote them sharing a bath days after they killed sarevok. i fully knew that the mod has them share a bath after killing bodhi, so like, what was i doing. creating a tradition for them? they share hot baths after boss battles?? anyway--
they go back at the copper coronet to rest, and normally xan & radri spend time apart before bed, but radri's so affected by xan's near death experience that she doesn't want to let him out of her sight. on xan's end, he's worried about how radri's reacted to today, and in the back of his head he's also still worried about radri's near-breakdown not so long ago--so, he suggests the bath. they are covered in crypt dust and cobwebs, but he mainly suggests it in hopes that it'll help her relax, correctly thinking that she needs another break from all this.
xan's focused on taking care of her (as in, wash off the battle, relax and get rest) and radri's preoccupied by how she's been taking his life/presence for granted, and this presents itself as radri being completely distracted by thoughts/guilt/staring at xan to reassure herself that he's still alive, while xan's just. gently trying to guide her through her routine & take her mind off death
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thelittlestspider · 4 months
me: ooh vampire wip what's tha--
the vampire hunter wip is like what if jennifer check was a vampire cheerleader and jennifer and needy were even more toxic
i wish i had a specific ask besides "how much can you infodump without giving yourself carpal tunnel" because like. i have to know more.
okay so i haven't really planned this out because i sort of hit a block with this wip. idk if all this is actually going to make it in, but here's what i have so far:
- it's sort of vaguely inspired by buffy and jennifer's body. really it's inspired by toxic girl friendships and trying to get away from an abusive friend who you had a thing with. also vampires.
- it's part of a set of stories set at a college in a fictional town called hell's gate. they're all supposed to be holiday themed: slasher (halloween), the house at lake sinister (xmas), and the vampire hunter wip (valentine's day). but i have other stories set in hell's gate that aren't holiday themed like The Birthday, the werewolf sorority wip, and The Blue Period.
- the mc is barbara kinney (21), a former cheerleader from texas trying to forget the traumatic event that caused her to transfer to [redacted], along with her childhood friend sidney. i haven't figured out what her major is yet. she's in sort of a casual poly thing with sidney and his boyfriend manny, and she's just broken up with veruca, the soon to be vampire in question.
- then we have veruca seether (21), the antagonist. i feel like veruca is a rich girl who just sort of got into college because she likes to party, and is really selfish and cruel. like the only person she really vibes with is her roommate/girlfriend lisa, and it's because lisa is just as awful as her.
- barbara meets a new girl shannon who just moved to hell's gate (to investigate the vampire attacks) and is moving into the rental house to replace barbara's old roommate, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances (this happens a lot in hell's gate). barbara offers to show her around campus, and the two hit it off.
- unfortunately veruca finds out and flips shit over it.
- i can't decide whether veruca either gets attacked by a random vampire or whether there should be a vampire sorority next to the werewolf sorority that she joins and they turn her as part of initiation, but something goes wrong?
- so veruca gets bitten and starts to change. her teeth start falling out to make room for stronger ones/fangs. she gets these weird dark veins around her eyes. she looks corpse like. until she finally gets blood, then she looks healthy again.
- another thing i can't decide is if veruca confides in lisa about needing blood, because lisa is a cannibal serial killer and they could hunt together. but it might be too easy? idk. but if she did, they would get weird about it.
- veruca gets more obsessive and vengeful and decides she's going to kill barbara and shannon.
- okay so. i had planned for the showdown to happen at the valentine's day mixer, but i'm not sure if it's going to happen. but it would be funny if it did.
- another idea i had was that after they kill veruca, somehow barbara and shannon get struck by lightning and become immortal like an age of addaline situation. then they show up later in the future in the present timeline. (not sure about this one, because if someone asked me the reason behind this choice, i couldn't give an answer lol. i'd just be like bc i thought it was cool.)
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zhaoly · 1 year
k so I didn't know this before but halsin apparently originally wasn't even intended to be a companion plus he's intended to be part of a poly romance... which is why his mono romance was barely developed??
man how were we supposed to know that :\ but suddenly it all makes so much fucking sense... why his character arc and romance fell so flat and why you can't romance him for so DAMN long. I suppose you're supposed to romance another companion and then bring halsin in to be part of a poly relationship instead and it's not intended that you get to act 3 with no romances--they assume you've romanced another companion already
i'm really damn disappointed that his mono romance is pretty much nonexistent and that his character development is so all over the place. I don't think I'll ever be doing a poly romance because I'm just not into that at all so unless they fix halsin's mono romance guess I gotta live with it
the only other companion who really interested me for a romance was karlach but her story is almost equally nonexistent and apparently she's got bad endings only?! like just kill me man. i want to try karlach's romance but i feel like her story is just... nonexistent, i mean all you do is find infernal iron and go to dammon. there's not even a specific quest arc or challenge for her, you just sort of naturally find the iron during regular exploration.
guess i'll be trying the other romances more out of curiosity rather than desire. like they all have aspects i like but then there's just like one (or two) things that turn me off.
i liked gale initially bc i was like holy shit an alistair/anders lovechild but then he started all that weird mystra stuff and i was like aight im outie. and i was also like wait we're supposed to be able to romance this guy?! isn't he very clearly not over this thing with mystra? i mean dude's gonna blow himself up for repentance or sth
wyll is like... fine i guess but too nice LMAO and i wont lie the dance scene was just like........... not my thing at all. just really not. and i honestly really don't like his devil appearance, i feel bad for saying it bc it's not his fault lol 😭 i liked him way more as a human but then quickly realized he doesnt stay that way for long. i think his story is definitely intriguing with the whole mizora thing and him being the son of the duke but man.
astarion is insufferable lord i can't stand the way he talks. i kicked him right after the nighttime blood sucking scene bc his voice/personality were so grating and i'm just not into the vampire shit at all. he also just like... looks like a creep and the way he talks doesn't help... tbh i think the only way i'll be able to tolerate him is to mod his face he just comes off as a creepy insufferable old guy i'm sorry
i like shadowheart as a companion but not really into her for a romance. her whole utter devotion to shar was also a huge turnoff lmao and for this first run I just decided that my tav wasn't into that. i did make the choice that basically had her turn against shar but i'm like yeah she can be besties with my tav i like that more. I actually really like sh's arc as a close/best friend
couldn't stand lae'zel initially either, left her in the cage after she wouldnt say please since tav is petty like that. found her later and reluctantly went the creche with her and then ended up killing her oops but hey she threatened to kill me first 🤷‍♀️ i'll def take her on future runs but i don't think i'll ever romance her
so like who does that even leave me with?? halsin basically fit a lot of parameters i like in a companion until i played through more of the game and realized that they really didnt deliver with him. i'm sure if i play through these companion quests/romances further in the future i'll warm up more to these characters but my initial impressions were just... not favorable and hey it's an rpg and my tav has opinions! who knows maybe i'll end up loving one of these character romances but rn i'm still lamenting over halsin's utterly lackluster one
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ryttu3k · 7 months
List of cool bits of foreshadowing, compiled from this post
Volo being freed from the Goblin Camp: "I can't wait to pick your brain!"
'Wyll thanking Balduran that we haven't sprouted tentacles yet.'
Raphael in act 1: "Hope… SUCH a tease."
'First time I heard Barcus Wroot say "If we meet again, then we will have met again," I knew I'd be seeing him later.'
'After saving Arabella, I was SHOOK about Arabella’s parents in Act 2 in my first run. In my second run, after you save the Grove, their parting words are surprisingly negative compared to everyone else’s and it’s very sad in hindsight. Komira says “We didn’t die today. Tomorrow perhaps, but not today. Thanks to you” and Locke says “One sorrow ended. The next soon to begin.” the FORESHADOWING-'
'Astarion's sardonic laughter upon discovering what the tadpole will do'
'of course it will turn me into a monster…'
'hows this one foreshadowing?'
'The laughter comes with the line "of course it will turn me into a monster"
It's foreshadowing that he is 1) already a monster (which the PC technically doesn't know yet) and 2) his whole situation around escaping from cazador
He says it with a tone that's like "oh of course, I thought I was free but in reality I'm about to turn into another fucking monster bc that's just how shitty my life is." You don't really pick up on this tone until your second playthrough, after you've learned more about him'
'Better: He say “I hope when we next meet, we’ll be wearing the same skin” if you don’t recruit him, and when you see him again at Cazador’s, he’ll have been flayed.'
'Similarly, the option to say "It felt like you weren't really there" after the first romance scene with him. I remember thinking it was kind of a strange choice to include and his excuse about not wanting to lose control seemed convincing but somehow off.
Finding out why that line was an option in Act 2… oof.'
'He's also not even aware of whats happening to him in act 1. he only realizes this in act 2 when he starts to be more self-aware about his own feelings and starts to prioritize them over the whims and lusts of other people. Until act 2 he doesnt think about his own feelings at all. in act 1 he has almost fully convinced himself that he wants to do this because he cant see why he wouldnt. there are only benefits to sleeping with Tav. Tav is attractive and the leader of the group who can protect him so theres no reason for him not to do it. but If you play with karlach origin he has a reason not to do it(her burning condition) and is relieved but doesnt understand why he's relieved. So he lashes out at karlach to blame her for the night being ruined rather than his feelings of relief that he has a perfect excuse not to have sex with her.'
'It’s a great example of what long term disassociation does!'
'Yup. And if you manage to get him to proposition before the tiefling party he tells you “you deserve a reward” (for letting him drink blood) and you can reply “you don’t need to do that just because you feel like you owe me” and shrugs it off and says “its more of an excuse it anything”. its like hes trapped in his own coping mechanisms.'
'Coming from someone who knew nothing about the Forgotten Realms before Bg3, I love the books you can find and read very early in Act 1. They hint at the Dead Three, Astarion’s vampirism, and Shar’s evilness. My favorite book may just be the Shar one, “The Unclaimed.” Is that not a warning for what awaits Shadowheart if she continues down the path of Shar? Amazing foreshadowing about what’s at stake, and the book didn’t quite hit me until my second playthrough, running into it again, and realizing just how much was at stake for Shadowheart. We were fighting for her soul.'
'to add onto this, theres the book that talks about Selunite rituals of children having to fend for themselves in the forest and find their way back to civilization in order to become her follower (paraphrasing) then our first glimpse into Shadowhearts memory is… her lost in the forest.'
'Withers' library of foreshadowing books.
Bro has The Unclaimed, The Curse of the Vampyr and The Mortal View: Eyewitness Accounts of the Bhaalspawn Crisis all in his library, all appearantly hundreds of years before we even come across it.'
'In my head, he actually prepped the temple in a hurry before the gang makes it there.'
(Ry's note: On that note, Withers being Jergal is pretty much spelled out long before any plot-relevant stuff like Durge rejecting Bhaal and the ending scene, mostly in the temple itself.)
'Talking to Alfira in the grove you can ask if she’s having trouble with her song, she says “I’m about to suffer a grisly death… at the hands of this bloody song”'
'To add to that - the song is called Weeping Dawn, and Durge likely kills her right before the dawn, as you have little time to react before the companions wake up'
'The cow in Grymforge that reveals Ketheric is back.'
'He also tells you it was a devil that destroyed the place'
'The extremely blatant musical foreshadowing of the Emperor being Balduran, with a bit of melody first appearing in an instrumental when his true form is revealed and then re-appearing as “The Song of Balduran” in the Elfsong, the lyrics of which tiptoe right up to just spelling it out plainly.
Super obvious and in your face and yet I absolutely did not notice until like my third playthrough.'
'Not to mention the opening Larian logo animation when you first boot up the game :)'
'It just occurred to me that, since the singing in the Elfsong is supposed to be the actual ghost singing, it could literally be the ghost singing to the players about the Emperor, who is also in the room with them. The lyrics to the song actually appear in the game after all, in a book, so they aren't "meta". And the ghost would clearly know who the Emperor was, since his hideout was in her basement.'
'When you meet the Emperor for the first time (the reveal that he's a mindflayer) it's playing an instrumental version of the Song of Balduran in the background.'
'Speaking of the Emperor, he's the first guy we see when we boot up the game as there's a statue of Balduran on screen right before the main menu.'
'shadowheart will say "we can't save them all" in a banter referring to the refugees at the grove. after my first run, i found out it was an achievement.'
'Volo says “every story benefits from a dragon!” and then there’s a random dragon in the final battle'
'Omeluum telling Durge someone else has been in his mind and carved a tunnel through it was a pretty good bit of foreshadowing on the Durges story.'
'Similarly, I love finding the "Disorders of the Nerves and Mind: A Treatise" book everywhere. It's such a cool Durge-related story (very tangentially related). Ditto with Durge's prayer you find in the colony in Kressa's room.'
(Ry's note: The Prayer for Forgiveness gives away everything. That Durge is a Bhaalspawn, that it's the Chosen of the Dead Three behind everything, that they used to be Chosen, that Orin is their sibling and thus Bhaalspawn herself, and that there was some kinda Thing between Durge and Gortash. Even if you're not playing Durge, it still gives away that Orin is only a replacement Chosen and there was another one earlier on.)
'All the hints of Yurgir in Grymforge in Act 1. You find evidence of some massive hellish creature that seemingly wiped out all the Dark Justiciars, but it's a mystery that won't be resolved until Act 2'
'And you piece together why they’re there in the first place if you read books in the shadowlands, as well as seeing a certain debtor in the house of hope'
'"Who's to say ? Perhaps my Goddess is keen to see me corrupt you . She'd be delight so see a follower of Selûne towards the darkness"
When you romance Shadowheart as a selûnite . It's pretty funny the first time but once you know what happens then it's a little bit more amusing to hear her say that'
'just got one last night where lae’zel says that she feared the dream visitor was some illithid deception, but after speaking to voss, she believes the dream figure can help them. oh lae’zel, you truly were onto something…'
'There's a note outside of Waukeen's Rest that basically reads "Statue of Beloved Ranger missing, please return." As someone who didn't play the previous games, it took until act 3 to learn that Minsc is the beloved ranger, he'd been turned into a statue, then un-petrified (hence the "statue" is missing), and also that's why his crime boss name is Stone Lord.'
'Astarion's comment on Malus Thorm "He just like Cazador, utterly insane!" and both Malus and Cazador actually share the same battle theme'
'Alfira casually dropping the line, “I’ll be gone by first light”
Yeah, she will.'
'Act1 Astarion: the biggest threat to a vampire is another vampire. They are scheming paranoid, power-hungry beast, so why would any vampire give up control over response to create a competitor?
Ascended astarion: you wouldn’t just be some spawn on your far more than that to me my dark consort, my right hand, my most beloved spawn.
Tav: spawn? I want to be a true vampire.
Ascended astarion: and you will in good time.
Later when you ask him if whats going to happen to you now that youre his spawn:
Ascended Astarion: 'Spawn' is an ugly word. I really do prefer 'consort'.
Six months later in the epilogue Tav is still a spawn. Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.'
'Shadowheart's wound flaring up anytime she interacts with something Selune-themed in act 1 is my favorite. Shar's method of negative reinforcement is subtle.'
'There’s a book in True Soul Gut’s chambers that is contains what is very clearly an account of Orpheus pre-imprisonment appearing before some random citizen of Baldur’s Gate, that just seems like normal flavour text when you’re unaware'
(Ry's note: And this appears as early as the Nautiloid!)
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'the symbol of the Absolute being a mashup of the symbols of Bane (handprint), Bhaal (skull surrounded by blood drops), and Myrkul (skull in a triangle). it’s there as early as the goblin camp brands in act 1, well before you learn about the three'
'When you explore the Emperor’s Hideout and the Emperor points out the cutlery set on his desk, he states that the butter knife is gone/missing. A direct reference to the colloquialism “by Balduran’s butter knife”.'
'Not just that!
Balduran's Butter Knife is a weapon from the previous games. It is enchanted to be stronger against shape-shifting foes.
The Sword of the Emperor, found in the same hideout has the same enchantment.'
(Ry's note: I wonder if that includes dragons who can take dragonborn-esque forms?)
'You can find a book written by Gortash in the zhentarim hideout in the act 1 inn, before he’s ever mentioned'
'Right before they meet with Gortash for the coronation, Wulburn fucking Bongle tells Durge, “You have a knack for passing amongst these bastards as if you were one of them.”
There’s lots of other ones, but that one was very TRAGIC! Worst person makes great point!'
'I just realized that in the camp in the act 2 -> act 3 transition (maybe before that too?? I'm not 100% positive) if you ask Halsin a lot of questions he asks "you're not a doppelganger are you? Trying to learn all about me to take my place?" and I GASPED. It's only sort of foreshadowing since we see Orin shape-shifting in the scene between her and gortash RIGHT before but, you know, still funny'
'Probably that Durge-specific line with Astarion during the cutscene where he asks how you would like to be killed if you turn into a mindflayer. If you ask him how you should kill him, he says "Oh my dear, I'd like to see you try". Hits different now that I romance him each time as Durge'
'You can see Bhaal's glowing red circle on the floor beneath the Dark Urge, when customising his character.'
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localvoidcat · 2 years
entire fantasy au plot so far
i dont know what im doing with my life anymore but here's the story under the cut
so we've got mark. he's a guard/ranger that protects his town, he lives with his adopted sister sarah (doesn't know his family. yet :]) and he just makes sure everything is fine. he's friends with cesar who's some vampire guy living in an abandoned castle mark hangs out over there it's nice
anyways mark gets sent out to find these two bandits that have been causing trouble in the area, but their base is in a treehouse with a ladder. which is definitely because mark is a centaur and can't climb. so he enlists the help of cesar, who manages to talk to the bandits, but they refuse to come down (until threatened. at which point they do)
these bandits, adam and jonah, are thrown in jail but adam, who's this fuckin fish guy is like heyyy. let us out of here and we'll help you with your curse thing. for context mark's constantly being tormented by demons. like thats just always been a thing for him and he doesnt tell people. but he decides that he doesnt have many other options if he wants to get rid of it, so he breaks adam and jonah out of the jail and they strike up a deal that he wont turn them in if they help him break his curse thing.
well the only problem is that they have no clue how to. they're both bandits that don't know anything about magic so they just keep having to pretend that they do. constantly taking the other members of the crime quintet (mark, cesar, sarah, adam, and jonah) to random places, getting in trouble with high wizards, you know how it is. they realize that they have to actually find a way to fix things otherwise mark's gonna catch onto them.
meanwhile, over in mandelidon kingdom (the counties are different kingdoms in this au. bc they can be) we've got the mandelidon kingdom guard service (mkgs) and they're just this au's version of the mcpd. thatcher, dave, ruth, and evelin all work as guards.
one night thatcher gets sent out to investigate some missing persons in the woods, and when he goes out there she ends up getting attacked by a werewolf. it leaves but ae ended up getting bitten, so he manages to get back to the town and just collapses. doesn't tell anyone about the attack, mostly because he knows that something is absolutely wrong. and there IS something wrong because a couple days later she turns into a werewolf and ends up killing a couple townspeople in the process. people dont know that ae did it, and he isnt about to tell people that it was aer, so she keeps it a secret.
which is difficult because. you physically change in appearance after becoming a werewolf but she attempts to hide it. anyways he is constantly in this cycle of killing townspeople and then having to investigate the murders. while pretending to be a completely normal guard. he gets some relief from this when reports of a group of bandits in the town come in, and she goes to hunt them down, with ruth coming along
this group is the crime quintet, and they're like oh shit the guards are onto us. mark REALLY doesnt want to be reported so he's especially worried about this. thatcher ends up finding them but. oops he still doesnt have that werewolf thing under control. so she ends up attacking them and ruth has to intervene. but ruth and thatcher are tied in power so they just end up fighting until they both just collapse
uhhh the plot after this point is uncertain but what i DO know is that
thatcher has to run from mandelidon kingdom after the murders are found out (the werewolf thing is fine but the murders. are not), he ends up joining the crime quintet and ruth and dave go to find her. only to find out that hes working with criminals. just another day on the job
this is how mark and dave reunite though and we get some story there!!!
ill update this once i get more ideas but yeah take this for now
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reinemichele · 8 months
Okay, I was going to make this post the day it happened, but I was already really distraught & felt like typing it all out would just like push me over the edge, and I still had to survive NYE fireworks. I decided to at least wait until after the 1st, but then Life Things kept happening, so I didn't get around to it until now.
My righteous anger has mostly simmered down, so but I think it'll probably still get long, so this'll be another read more post. TW for mentions of animal death, emotional abuse, and declawing
To be 100% super duper crystal clear: I am entirely against declawing; it's unethical and cruel and inhumane. This will become abundantly clear as the post goes on, but I just have seen too many pointless disc hoarse posts filled with people who gleefully, willfully misinterpret posts for any reason to harass people. I'm not going to leave myself open to people who'd send me death threats without even reading the full post. As it is, I'm turning reblogs off bc I don't want my post about my cat dying to be reblogged, but if I need to I can turn anon/asks in general off.
So. At 11PM on the 29th of Dec my cat gets hurt, we get to the vet by 12:30, and by 3AM he died. We got home by 4:30AM and none of us could sleep. We were all still awake at 10AM, and dreading the fact that it was a 3-day weekend and we'd have to face all of it trapped with our thoughts without having our normal day-to-day routines to buffer the first 3 days.
We know a lot of energy vampire type people. Liars, manipulators, people who'd come over to our house just to steal something for funsies, abusers. One of my mom's sisters was an accessory to murder. The same one stole my mom's SSN to open credit cards with. I have more examples, but my family tree bullshit could be its own post. A lot of them are in our family and there's some my mom basically has to keep in contact with due to her job.
So, it's 10AM, and my mom is dreading the 2-5 energy-draining people who consistently text her all day long, no matter what's going on or how busy she is. She can be with a patient who's actively in the process of dying, and they'll just text her "?" repeatedly when she doesn't respond.
She decides to tell these people about our cat dying the night before, in hopes that they'll give her space. Unfortunately, abusers like these people love to violate unsaid boundaries like this, so nothing less than blocking numbers/turning off her phone would work. But it's a step towards being able to say "no" that I've been trying to help her with, so we're going to be proud of her for it.
I don't want to use this person's name because as shitty as they are, they deserve privacy, so I'm going to use her initial.
V . responds . "Oh. My sister is trying to rehome her cat, maybe you can take it?"
So let's go over the timeline again. 11PM on the 29th -> 10AM on the 30th. In less than 12 hours since our cat died, V is trying to shove her sister's cat at us. Please don't try to give her the benefit of the doubt or say she was trying to help us feel better. There's not a single thing this person does that comes without ulterior motives; I've known her since 2015. She goes to strangers' funerals so she can brag about it later. She doesn't feed her own cat wet food, not because she can't afford it, but because she'd rather buy cheap dry food at the dollar store and spend the entire rest of her money on herself, like going on cruises/vacations while I petsit her cat. (And use our own wet food for her cat because it's cruel and fucked up and genuinely a detriment to a cat's health to only feed them dry food). This suggestion was nothing short of an impulsive launch at an opportunity to make her life more convenient, by finding a new home for her sister's cat, so her sister would stop complaining or asking her to take the cat.
My family has always had pets, and I'm the youngest in our house, so by the time I was born, a lot of our pets were already getting old and sick (12-15 for dogs, 20-25 for cats). The first pet that died in my lifetime was our dog Killer, when I was 4. My dad had already died, so I didn't need any lies about going to live on a farm or something. And of course it's always sad, but we've always felt like the best thing you can do to ease that pain is take in a new pet and provide them with a home. You get mutual love and happiness from each other, and day by day it gets easier. But, like, you take in that new pet after maybe a month or so. Not a fucking day.
Before continuing, for some extra context, 2 of our cats already had been from V.
The first one, Joey, she only had for a few months before becoming convinced he was peeing all over the house (hint: it was her 20 yr old cat who had chronic kidney/urinary tract problems from being fed nothing but DRY FOOD FOR 20 YRS @%^#&*^*&@#) and offering him to my mom's sister, who ended up dying a few months after that. (We don't know why or how; coroner declined performing an autopsy.)
We call V and tell her what happened, because we don't know what to do with Joey. Her reaction is like, "Oh... hmm. Huh. That's really a shame. Let me know if you find someone who can take him."
As in, "NOT IT!"
They hang up and my mom stares blankly at her phone screen. I say we should just take him home instead of leaving him in the empty apartment and stressing about finding him a new owner.
Flash forward to December of 2020. V calls my mom crying, saying that her (now ex-)husband thinks their other cat, Smokey, peed on his expensive speakers and is threatening to divorce V unless they find a new home for Smokey. V says all the local shelters are full and when she looked into people who'll temporarily house cats for owners, they charge $200 per day. She says she needs to find Smokey a new home like, now. My mom says we'll help her find someone but V is like, her husband has Smokey locked in a cat carrier and says she won't be let out until they find her a new home, that kind of now. We're like, jesus fucking christ, silently. I mute my mom's phone and say "tell her we'll take her". I'm sure she would've said that anyway, but like, instinctual response to hearing the thing about the cat carrier.
(Btw, he divorced V the next year anyway. I wanted her to be away from him, because he's so abusive and mean. But it's so fucked up that he forced her to get rid of her cat with the threat/ultimatum of divorce, only to follow through with the threat anyway. He could've just divorced her and let her keep her cat!!! She had to deal with the heartbreak of a divorce without the comfort of a cat she spent 9 years with!!! He moved out of state, but every time I think about this, I wish I could go and break his kneecaps.)
The problem to that is that Smokey . is declawed . So she has to be separate from our other cats 24/7 for her own safety. None of our cats are very aggressive or get into "real" fights with each other, but they're still cats, with sharp teeth and claws, with predator instincts, who act on those instincts when they can tell another cat is weaker, whose instinct during a fight with another cat is to swipe at their stomach to disembowel them. That's not something you want to take a chance on. So Smokey is exclusively in my mom's bedroom. Over time, we've started to let her out for 20-30 minutes at a time with supervision, but that's the extent of what we can give her without putting her in danger, and it can't be done while doing chores like taking the trash out or doing the dishes. All because V declawed her fucking cats. (Not Joey, but only because he wasn't with her for very long.)
Okay, with that context established, let's go back to V texting us on Dec 30th.
Of course, we could rehome her to someone who didn't have other pets, but she spent 9 years with V, and has now spent 4 years with us. She's a 13 year old all-grey short-hair cat with a bald patch on her belly and on her front legs and below her ears, so it'd probably take a very long time to find someone who'd pick her over a cute kitten, and even longer stuck in a shelter if they had room. And if we had chosen not to be her permanent home, we would've been keeping her at arms' length the entire time, trying not to get attached.
How would that be fair to Smokey? She deserves a life where she spends as many days possible feeling wanted and loved and safe. That's what I set out to do, and I think I've achieved it as much as I possibly could, around her being declawed. I do love her and want her. And I do keep her safe, obviously. I spend as much time as I can with her; we cuddle, we play, we watch birds, I share food with her (when it's safe for cats, obv). With V she was always hiding under the bed and never meowed, just came out to eat. With us, she never hides, purrs non-stop, and is very very vocal. She gets wet food and treats, she sits in the middle of the bed like she owns the place. She gets to be a cat.
I leave my room to go check on my mom. She relays me the text. I say . "What the fuck is wrong with her? It hasn't even been a day."
I ask, "Is V's sister's cat declawed?"
We, like, talk about what a transparently selfish and inconsiderate person V is. I tell my mom I'm gonna try to sleep, but then I stop in the middle of the room.
It's a balancing act to watch out for 1 declawed cat with our other cats, so it would take more mental energy to strategize life around 2 declawed cats, especially with how often I'm asked to petsit. You have to factor in how much time you can spend out petsitting (I usually spend 5 hours there at a time), time you can spend with the Have Claws group of pets (including a dog), and time you can spend with the No Claws pet.
Despite the... misconceptions about cats being detached and aloof, they want (and need) to spend time with you. They want to cuddle, they want to hang out in the same room, they want to hear your voice, they want to play, they want to snooze in the presence of someone they feel safe around; they love you. Same as with dogs.
My mom says she'll find out.
I get some sleep, then I wake up. My mom tells me that no, V's sister's cat is not declawed; she can't find anyone in the state to do it. That's why she wants to rehome the cat.
",,,, How could anyone say that without being ashamed?"
My mom shrugs. "I don't know. I told her, 'wow, we're sitting here miserable because we wish we had our cat back, and your sister wants to get rid of hers because she can't mutilate it' I don't think she liked that because she stopped texting me back."
We laughed.
Silence is telling, you know? V's 20 year old cat died last year, and my mom and I spent months hoping to god that she wouldn't get a new cat, because we didn't want her to declaw it. She swore up and down she regretted doing it to her other cats and would never do it again, but she's also a liar. So after she did get a new cat, my mom and I have checked to see if she still has claws every time we go over. So far she does... but probably because V can't find anyone to do it either.
But then it stopped being so funny when I realized it was probably only a matter of time before one or both of them crossed state lines to look for a vet who'd do it. We can't exactly steal V's cat, but if we take in her sister's cat, we can save it from happening.
I don't really have a good way to finish this. We'd rather take in a cat off the street or from a shelter than have Three cats that came from the same asshole, but if V's sister does declaw her cat, we'll feel responsible for it happening, even if we know it's not our fault.
I just wanted to post about how fucking insane it is to try to pawn off your (sibling's) cat less than 24 hours after someone's cat died. She's almost 70 and has no mental illnesses; she knows better. She's just an asshole.
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
hey there! i was wondering - how have you already written such a LONG fic in only so few chapters? did you extensively plan this story ahead of time? make a beat sheet? please reveal your writerly ways 🙏 i struggle even reaching a decent word count for a single chapter 😭
hi!! oh my gosh thank you so much for your question!!! the first question about that's all she wrote ever!!! i have kind of a long answer for you; please find it under the cut
so, the idea for thats all she wrote came to me in november of 2021, and that was the first month that i ended up putting words on a google doc and creating roxy as a character. until a few months ago, this fic was just a silly little thing i could write in my free time so i had accumulated quite a few chapters just from writing whenever i felt like it! i never actually intended for this to be something i published until i had a friend who wanted to publish their own fic in a different fandom and we thought it would be fun to do together. so, i haven't actually written 75k words since the beginning of march, i've been slowly chugging along since the end of november 2021. as of now, since i've seriously began to write to make sure i can meet my every two week posting mark, i'm now writing the very last chapter of the first season - so I've got 17 full chapters written and i'm about 1/4 of the way through the last one (which i'll probably have to split up bc its already super long)
as for the extensive story planning... that is certainly one way to put it. i'm pretty acquainted with the first two seasons of the show, so as i remembered more and more plot points that happened i would just figure how to fix roxy into them and write it down in my notes app. i had major milestones (a plot point in the 7th chapter i cant spoil, a plot point for the dance episode i can't spoil, when she gets together with james... all the way until the end of the big time movie!!) in my head and worked from there. if i knew a major plot point was coming up, i did my best to kind of build the story around that as well as the main plot of the episode. it's kind of hard to explain, but yeah extensive story planning in the way that this story lives in my mind rent free and i love the little character i have made. it's kind of like a beat sheet, but it mostly lives in my brain. honestly, the worst part is writing something in my ideas note and then coming back to it like three months later and having no idea what i meant - for instance i'm trying to figure out what "Mona Lisa, when the world comes down aar finale, obvious westlife" means right now... probably something about the title of the chapter, but maybe i meant i wanted her to play mona lisa by the all american rejects on her guitar... maybe she was listening to obvious by westlife bc she loves '90s boybands... i don't know... we'll have to wait a few chapters to figure it out
when it comes to word count, i don't really have a goal or a cap, but most of the story is already written for me - i do follow most of the main plot and dialogue, just adding in spaces for roxy to exist both on her own as a character and in relation to her band :) a lot of the gags in the show are visual too, so i have to take extra time to make sure i'm able to write that out. plus, the world they live in isn't really fleshed out in the show and that drives me CRAZY, so i like to put my own spin on what i think different parts of the palm woods or rocque records look like... in the 7th chapter i think i went a bit crazy and invented the entire plot of the varsity vampire movies... plus i have little scenes that i either wanted to include in the episode from the get go so the readers can learn more about roxy and her thoughts/feelings about her crazy new life or that i just thought would fit within the episode. i'm really trying my best to give her her own character plot lines and motivations outside of the band, especially outside of james, to make sure she's just as fleshed out as the guys characters are!
tl;dr: i've had literal years sitting on this fic and lots and lots and lots of time to think about how i want it! if you have any more questions/comments/one-shot ideas please do not hesitate to send them my way :)) thanks for your support, i hope you'll like what i've got coming up!
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another thing we don't talk about enough: just how fucking weird van helsing number one (1)/lawrence/abraham/j van helsing/the one from horror and brides is. he's meant to be the Straight-Laced, Level-Headed Voice of Reason but he's also kind of a weirdo???
i've always been struck by the scene in Horror of Dracula (1958) when a servant or whatever comes into van helsing's office after vh is studying audio recordings of himself while reading jonathan's diary. vh is all 'send this letter out tomorrow :^)' and the guy is like 'Ok. Bro. But were you just talking to someone?? i could've sworn i heard you talking to someone 👀' and then. Instead of giving him the simple answer that he was listening to a recording of himself. no biggie that's not that weird lol. van helsing instead says 'Of Course I Was :^) I was talking to Myself :^)' totally straight faced like that's a normal thing to say. and the guy is like 'O_O ok. kinda weird but ok.' bc that isn't a normal thing that people do I Guess. and they never touch on it again. i assume it's in reference to seward's voice recordings in the book? but it's a weird thing none the less.
much less weird but still notable as Something We Don't Talk About Enough: later when arthur asks 'oh but what happened to jonathan's body???' vh is all 'it's ok he was cremated :^) he told me like a week ago that that's what he would've wanted 🙏 rip lol' which makes sense enough bc he doesn't want arthur and mina to find out yet about the whole Jonathan Became A Vampire So I Had To Stake Him To Death thing. but idk i think it's funny to imagine van helsing running a bunch of scenarios through his head trying to figure out how to make jonathan's sudden death without a corpse sound plausible.
Van Helsing is meant to seem like the Normal Guy™ but he's also fucked up basically and like *twirls my hair* he could be read as a subversive masculine hero type, couldn't he? whether accidentally or not, he kinda fits the bill, doesn't he??
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darlingpwease · 2 years
NOOOO DKSHSKS OMG YOUR BRAIN IS SO BIG AND WRINKLY HNGGGGG I NEVER READ ANYONE USE VENTI’S PIGTAILS AS LEVERAGE TO FUCK HIM LIKE THAT 😭😭😭😭 you just opened up a whole another experience 😭😭😭 I just know that he wont be crying in pain- but he cried in both pain and pleasure, the latter is stronger than the first AAAAARGH
And I understand <3 while i’m a hard dom with impact plays and all, but i too is obsessed with overstim the precious sub ‘till the bed and pillow drenched with his tears ☺️ Me thirsting about Venti is so rare bc I actually dont tolerate brats 🥲💦💦💦 i mean once in awhile acting up is good, being cheeky is fine but im gonna have a migraine if Venti is my sub ckdhskssk
Also not letting a brat cum no matter how long he begs like... that’s my Jam right there 😭 even if he passed out from the edging then the session stops there and i’ll clean everything up and join him to sleep dkdks i’m too much of a sadist that Ajax would love me BUT having them cry because everything feels too good is Good Shit too. The dacryphilia is so strong like that 🥲 a fellow with culture i see hdjdshs
when I first saw them I was on the verge of growling HSHSJSGSHD I don't believe he wouldn't be into something like this — his pigtails are perfect for any situation, to keep him from pulling away or to silence him when he talks too much, or just pull, as fun <3 he may or may not have mild masochistic tendencies <333
Venti will make a whine or a yap, but you know that he enjoys it more — and teases you,,,,, literally not stopping “om om om” until you find his mouth a better use or make him forget.
Although if you really stop, he goes to “why??? why did you stop???”, pouting his lips,,,, he just got into the taste, and you stop everything? no, he's against it, put your hands back!
that's how I understand you <3 I have a similar situation with pillow ones — I don't like doing all the work, but I make exceptions so often, as if I'm really good at something like this /hj
im gonna have a migraine if Venti is my sub
after your words, it sounds like "SIKE" /j
on the other hand, who isn't? Venti probably makes even those who are already used to brats feel sick, because he knows how to be so draining, as if he is a vampire and drinks blood for the sake of survival </3
the only time he is calm is after sex and after/during sleep, the rest of the time he does not stop being a bouncing ball... unless he is in a 'gloomy aha mood', but this is not something "daily", so it is considered as an exception.
And I understand <3 while i’m a hard dom with impact plays and all, but i too is obsessed with overstim the precious sub ‘till the bed and pillow drenched with his tears
Yes! Undoubtedly, these are individual kinks and all that, but what's the point if at the end they don't cry, feeling how their whole body aches from how often they cum —or how much they want to cum, but you forbid them.
perhaps these are the moments when "good ones" is much better, because it's clear with them that they won't disobey while brats are sitting with a ":3" face or whimpering that it's actually because of you and they're not to blame </3 you don't have to make up stupid rules if you know they won't be able to hold back, okay?
Also not letting a brat cum no matter how long he begs like... that’s my Jam right there 😭 even if he passed out from the edging then the session stops there and i’ll clean everything up and join him to sleep dkdks
favorite trope <333
when a sub doesn't cum, but is constantly on edge, and can't control their sounds, begging — there's something hot about it,,,,
but while you are having fun, they can be from their own, right? don't want you to praise them and tell them how well they did for holding out for so long? you will definitely take care of them — later, if they can hold out until then.
i’m too much of a sadist that Ajax would love me
ajsghsgshsshshshjs it was harsh but honest </3 /pos /j
he just wants someone who can stamp his face into the floor while making him tremble with sensations, knowing that he is just a little fox in the hands of a huge bear — not so much, right?
babyboy<333 probably very sticky and perverted as the relationship progresses, but it's even good huh
BUT having them cry because everything feels too good is Good Shit too. The dacryphilia is so strong like that 🥲 a fellow with culture i see hdjdshs
I remember I once had a post about crying boys, and I don't know why, but sometimes, sometimes it's really hot? like, I usually don't like crying people and try to calm them down, but- if a sub is crying from hyperstimulation or edging, then it's hot
or when they cry during emotional discharge, feeling safe, even if you are 'rough' to them, because they know that you love them, and when their body shakes again, but they do not say the safe word — want to continue and assure you that everything is fine <333
crying is such a vulnerable state- okay, okay, I'm starting to justify myself </333
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bitchfitch · 3 years
Shaved ice + paperclip for Connal ? C: (i sure hope i spelled his name properly xkdkdkdn)
tbh I take a shot in the dark everytime I write it so no worries cbfnbfndn
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Conall's family home is still standing, and all of his things from pre the werewolf attack are still in the exact same place he left them. Old stuffed animals that he didn't have to hand down to his younger siblings, a journal from when he was in highschool, little trinkets his siblings had found and given him over the years. He can't look at any of them anymore, they remind him to much of what he's lost. But he does still keep his father's dog tags, which he inherited when his father passed around the time Conall was 10. He was wearing them that night and is still in the habit of doing so when him wolfing out finally causes the chain to snap and the tags to be lost. He spends weeks combing that section of the woods with a metal detector and the absolute determination to find them until he finally has to give up. Arlo finds out what happened months later and gets after him for not just asking for help. The tags are back in Conall's hands a snap of Arlo's fingers later
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Conall's favorite color is green, and he was in marching band in highschool (drummer, not a very good one)
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Chase can not swim, and has absolutely no interest in learning, mostly bc he does not like physical activity. but he is absolutely terrified of the ocean and will screech like a dying cat if anyone ever attempts to make him enter it. this is not a vampire thing, this is just a chase thing dbbdbd.
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Chase loves his picture taken and having all the attention on him, his go too is anything cute that shows off his outfit and the fake fangs he bought on ali express that he thinks look cooler than his actual fangs. He takes pictures of Everything but his favorite thing to take photos of is Silas, mostly candids of him just existing and being Silas. Silas knows he's taking them and doesn't mind it bc he also knows chase doesn't post them anywhere, and that chase takes all of these pictures bc he's absolutely terrified of becoming like some of the older vamps who have gotten to a point where there memories can't keep up with all the years they've lived. So they are just constantly forgetting things, even the things that they cared about the most when they do remember them.
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Chase shuts down around other vamps, but Especially his sire. Immediately going cold and stiff and doing everything in his power to not draw attention to himself until they leave him alone. Around everyone else he's bright and pushy and constantly seeking attention and admiration. he can come across as preppy and bratty and too full of himself right until his sire or one of his sires friends walks into the room.
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