#and like. i like her a lot hehehoho
drawnecromancy · 5 months
Nine People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
Tagged by @pizza-hats-of-the-world-1882 !! (hope you don't mind me using my main instead of irianeth to do this LOL) :D
3 ships : Uh. Mmmh. Uhhh. The only things that come to mind r remnants from my time i the Elder Scrolls fandom - The Hero of Kvatch/Martin Septim, the Last Dragonborn/Miraak, and. Baurus/Captain Steffan they're random fucking Blades from Oblivion don't ask me why I'm shipping them.
First ship : Man I have no idea. Statistically it was probably either Ewilan and Salim back when I read the Ewilan books as a kid, or a ship from the Knights of Emerald although I couldn't tell you who.
Last song : According to Spotify, it was Let the world burn by Chris Grey. According to my phone, it was The City Gates by Jeremy Soule.
Currently reading : Life in a medieval village by Frances & Joseph Gies. I am very slow. It's not bad, it's interesting, I just can't fucking focus on shit.
Last movie : Haven't watched movies since the other time i visited my parents sooo it's still A Better Tomorrow by John Woo lol
Currently craving : Beer, which is a terrible idea. Luckily I am in pyjamas, and i have commitments tomorrow which means I won't give in.
Tagging : uhhh I don't think I know 9 people who are chill with being tagged. Anyway i'm bothering @logarithmicpanda @psychofullmoonwerewolf @lee-thee-bee @strawberry-possum @isabellebissonrouthier @nerdlemons
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jabberwockprince · 4 months
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happy pride! here's the fullbody refs for spina venatores <3 I still need to work on other stuff for their artfight profiles like their i2 illustrations and battle chibis but soon ..... s o o n ....
extras and rambles under the cut o7
reworked their manus fits from this old ref and tweaked the colors to make them more blue bc they looked SO purple on certain screens
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venison has little to no changes, other than their scrapped i2 outfit, but its really funny how they have 3 fucking refs. 3 of them. plus a whole fucking obsolete i2 garment illustration
favoritism fucking SUCKS
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mutton is pretty much exactly the way i pictured her so shes perfect and gave me zero issues <3. then there's chevon who is annoying and wants to exclusively dress up like some dramatic pirate/vampire but his fit reminds me so much of julian the arcana i cant get that out of my head.
poultry and veal are the ones who changed the most in their i2 garments, cause it hit me that poultry cannot be exclusively tied to vertin's team like venison and chevon on account of poultry being a human--she needs ties to the foundation or foundation adjacent groups like laplace to survive storms like ezra (laplace being the one organization she would love to join). but then it also hit me that she would not be allowed to join laplace THAT easily on account of. the horrors the crimes and whatnot, so for now she's on probation working as madam Z's assistant
the arrangement also works wonders bc veal is the one who has the most trouble graduating from the school of discipline, and spina venatores consists of ppl who Cannot Be Separated. so having the two somewhat close and still in touch is good <3 it prevents a lot of accidents. veal wears the foundation uniform just because they want to match with poultry
it also works bc venison's colors outside of manus are very similar to the foundation's palette, so i get to keep the visual dynamic between them, poultry and veal hehehoho
im STILL debating on how to organize their respective banners, since there's 5 characters instead of the usual 3. my brain is still trying to make their event coherent and its a mess in there AUGH. i could always make venison a limited character bc theyre my beloved blorbo. or make veal a limited character bc it would be very fuckign funny to have them randomly shapeshift into a different 6* that you own and just have that be their mechanic
i could also add aianteia to make the numbers even and have four 6* and two 5* but. then i would have to make refs for that bastard. and i dont have it in me. WHATEVER, I'LL FIGURE IT OUT!!!
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head---ache · 2 years
Hiya! I was wondering whether you had thought of a backstory for how Emmie came to be?
I know she’s a ‘tube baby’ like Shadow, but was she carefully planned by her dads or more of something that “happened”?
Hello!! I do have a backstory!! I kind of mentioned it in this post but I just gave a really general idea of how it happened, and also the story in my head has changed a bit since then jxkecjckdj
So!!!! First of all, at the beggining I wanted Sparks and Emmie to have almost the same age, their birthdays only being months apart, but forget that, Sparks is like a year older than Emmie hehehoho
I imagine Sonic and Shadow spending a lot of time with Sparks, being proud uncles, and that eventually leads Sonic to having an 'oh shit moment'
Like this
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So of course that leads them to talk about it, and before they can come to a final decision Sonic tells Tails because he's his little brother and wants him to know what's going on with his life!!! And Tails is just like a kid you say??? I can make that happen
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And so Tube Baby Project begins.
I imagine Tails taking a lot of influence in what he knows about Shadow's own biology, but trying to keep the baby's chaos energy down to lower levels, since Shadow's powers are so unstable. Of course Emmie is Tails' first living creation and there's some things that could've gone better. He's not sure exactly how powerful she is, or how much Black Arms DNA she posseses, so she wears inhibitor rings just in case and goes through a lot of testing during her first months of life. There's some things they're still not sure of, tho, but they'll be noticing along the way lol (like in this comic >:])
So yeah, she was definitely planned mckrjcricrjcix
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thunderboltfire · 8 months
Being a centaur sounds like ass (hehehoho), because of the human-centric infrastructure. Try using a human toilet or navigating a supermarket, man.
I actually had to solve similar problems while playing as my centaur DnD character. For instance, she can't use ladders at all, pretty much has to have a whole room for herself while sleeping, and always has snacks with her because she has to eat pretty often to fuel her huge body. That being said, I imagine the question was more of a fantasy world/urban fantasy situation, or maybe a whimsical fantasy than being changed into a creature on the spot!
As I know a bit (hehe) about horses and I had to do a lot of worldbuilding around Xaere and her people, I believe one could find accomodations for most of centaurs' problems. Some difficulty using stairs -> living in a single-story houses. Bumping heads on doorframes -> higher ceilings and wider doors, etc. etc. It's also worth remembering that equines are dangerous in closed spaces because they are naturally claustrophobic, and I imagine not every centaur would be this way.
For the problems You mentioned, I think a bigger chamber pot would solve the first problem (mythical problems require ancient solutions XD), and horse boots would solve the problem of potentially slippery tiles in a supermarket. A centaur would probably need to kneel to get to something on a lowest shelf, but I don't think it's that much of a problem. I can imagine one could persuade the staff to let them go around the turnstiles.
I actually love talking about day-to-day life of fantasy people, this is my favourite part of worldbuilding. I imagine searching for solutions in real life would be tedious, but in an urban fantasy world that already has many of these accomodations? It probably wouldn't be that bad.
Being a unicorn thrown into a modern world would generate even more problems (for instance, they don't have hands and a presence of telepathic/magical powers making precise object manipulation possible heavily depends on an interpretation).
That being said, hey, being a big and strong magical beast living in the forest in peace and quiet and minding one's own business doesn't sound half bad.
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aceiduna · 3 years
so ok maybe it’s just sleep deprivation but like. i think im bi
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corvidcrowned · 3 years
regular question: do you have any headcanons/personal stories/ocs/etc you want to talk about but never had the chance to?
Oh. oh bee. Oh goodness.
(I hid everything under the cut so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash)
so I’m slowly creating this fnaf au right. Might make a whole sideblog for it. But basically it’s focused on Vanessa and her silly bunny man possession.
but with a FUN TWIST:
Vanny is her own entity separate from peepaw Willy and Vanessa. Who vanny really is is a spoiler, but basically she’s been stuck in the game with willy for a while before Vanessa played it. Will just. Stuck her in there. to keep track of both of them bc it’s convenient yknow.
so it’s all silly goofy for a while bc. there’s a lot of shenanigans at the pizzaplex and stuff. Co-workers exist because I like writing random other characters hehehoho (this one girl with blue hair, her twin, a daycare worker who hangs out with sun/moon, there’s some others I just don’t have them fleshed out yet)
but THEN!!! willy shoves Vanessa into the game bc she keeps trying to prevent all of the child murder and all that. And it’s getting a bit annoying. So now vanny is panicking a bit. She gets to do whatever she wants now though so she’s not that mad.
that’s all I got for now but. I am redesigning the animatronics :D
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laventae · 4 years
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Summary: You accidentally bump into Suna once, then a second time, then a third time.... before it starts seeming like fate has already decided its course for the both of you.
Pairings: Suna Rintaro x F!reader
Genre: Mostly fluff, College/Uni au
Word count: 3.2k words
Part: (1) , (2) , 3 , (TBC)
(A/N: I’m so sorry ;-; this, unfortunately, took me way longer than expected to write. I was kinda in a writer’s block, and also me trying to write cute, casual dialogue = me having a breakdown 😫 anyways... I tried to make this longer than the last chap, so I hope you enjoy! Also if you want me to start a taglist for this story pls let me know.)
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You go through the menu for what feels like the one hundredth time that night, and try to subtly glance up at him every once in a while, wondering what he was thinking
You’ve both been sitting at your table for a few minutes, without either of you saying much
‘Why did you do this to me Hina...’
You finally put your menu down, and clear your throat, but before you could say anything, Suna starts
“Honestly, I’m not really used to places like this” he says, putting his menu down as well and looks at you
“Didn’t you book this place though?”
“I’m not really familiar with a lot of places here, so Hina suggested this place...” he answers, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck
“Yeah, honestly, me neither...” you say and you both fall into silence again
“You wanna get out of here?” he speaks up again, and you hesitantly nod
You get up and grab your bag, then you both head for the door
As soon as you get out, you let out a sigh of relief
“It's kind of suffocating in there, isn't it?” Suna says when you’re both outside the restaurant
“Yeah... it kind of is” you chuckle nervously
He nods and starts walking away
“You coming?” he asks you, turning around
“Oh,” you hurry and catch up to him, “Uhm, yeah... Wait, where are we going?”
“-And I'll have the chocolate waffles with vanilla ice-cream, please” Suna recites his order
"Alright, I'll bring your orders shortly” you both thank the waitress as she rings your orders up
You both stumbled on a small, cozy diner near the restaurant your date was supposed to be in so you decided to grab a bite there instead
You look out the window next to the booth you were sitting in, hoping to drown out the silence between the both of you, and watch as people walk past, couples hand in hand, people walking their dogs, kids running around
‘It's a nice evening outside’
“So how do you know Hina?” Suna asks you suddenly, interrupting you from your thoughts
You turn him, “Oh, we met in Uni. We’re not in the same major, but we got along quickly” you tell him and he nods
“And you’re her cousin, right? She told me you came back from abroad recently” you continue
“Well, technically, we’re not really cousins”  
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Our parents were neighbors and super close friends. We were also born around the same time, so we grew up together, she’s like a little sister to me. But because we weren’t technically blood related, Hina started introducing me as her cousin instead”
“Uh... cousins usually are blood related though...”
“I don’t know; she said that when we were kids, and it kind of stuck. I'm used to it by now, though, so...”
You chuckle at how ridiculous that sounded
“What?” he asks
“It’s just kind of cute” you say and he looks at you a little surprised, and maybe a little red(?)
‘Is he kind of embarrassed?’
Or maybe that was just in your head, you weren’t really sure
“The story I mean” you quickly explain
“Right...” he says and uncomfortably shuffles in his seat
‘Do I make you that uncomfortable?”  
‘shit... did I say that out loud?’  
“What?” he asks you
“I mean,” you sigh, “Ever since the last time we spoke, it feels like you’ve been avoiding me or something. And, even though I know it’s weird meeting again like this, you kind of look like you don’t want to be here, which is okay, it’s understandable, but just let me know, we can just leav-”
He interrupts your rant, “Wait no, I thought you were the one who is uncomfortable”
You look at him confused, “Me? Why?”
“The last time we saw each other, you looked like you were the one trying avoid me, were you not? I guess I thought I should give you some space” he answers
“Oh... My bad,” you say, feeling bad as you recall that you were, in fact, trying to avoid him that time, “I was just embarrassed to have met you again like that after you supposedly walked me back home. Which, again, thank you”
“I told you, it’s fine” he says waving his hand and looking out the window, “As long as I don’t make you uncomfortable”
“No! you don’t!” you feel embarrassed at how quick your reply was and his head snaps to you
It looked like he was about to say something before the waitress comes right then, handing you your orders, and you both thank her again
After about half an hour of eating, and trying to make casual conversation every now and then, you both finish your meals and sigh in satisfaction
You then notice your phone vibrate on the table and you pick it up
You open it
FROM ‘Wifeyy <3’: “Heyy! So, hows the date going? hehehoho”
You smile and shake your head
‘Oh, yeah, definitely think I found the one, we actually agreed on officially dating now!’ you think, sarcastically, and can't help but let out a chuckle
“What’s up?” you hear Suna ask you and your head snaps to him
“Oh, nothing sorry, it’s just Hina asking about the date”
He looks at you, still slightly confused
“I was just thinking it would be funny if I told her we decided to start dating seriously” you say and look back at your phone to text Hina back, “but I was just jok-”
“Wait” Suna interrupts you
“What?” you ask looking back at him, “Wait, I was just joking-”
“That could work though...” he says looking back at you
“What do you mean...?”
“I mean... we could tell her we actually want to date each other seriously”
You look at him for a second, waiting for him to laugh or something, even though you didn’t take him as the type to actually make jokes like that
‘Wait... is he actually serious?’
“But... like... why would we do that...?” you ask him, getting even more confused by how serious he looked
“I mean, if you think about how Hina is like, we both know she will keep setting us up on blind dates if we stay single, right? Unless... you’re okay with that, then, my bad I said anything”
“Wait, no” you say thinking about it as well, “that’s actually not a bad idea...”
It was getting pretty late at that point, and after spending a bit more time at the diner discussing how you were going to tell Hina about how you guys were oh-so-in-love, you decide it was probably time to get home
“Oh shit,” Suna says as soon as you get out of the diner, “I think I forgot my phone inside, I'll be right back” he tells you and you nod before he goes back in to get it
You take out your phone to check the time
‘Damn, it’s almost midnight already...’
Honestly, you didn’t expect he would be the one to even suggest that type of idea to you, but it was true, you weren’t necessarily in the mood to go on any more blind dates, since you were hoping to enjoy your break in peace this time
And apparently, after discussing everything with Suna, it seemed like he had that same idea as well
Even though the both of you kept meeting under weird situations, you were kind of glad you at least were able to clear any misunderstandings you both had of each other
Also, having found another thing in common now, other than living in the same building, you felt like you were becoming more like friends now
'Well... I hope it’s not just me who feels like that anyway’
You didn’t know why, but the thought that you guys were getting closer made you feel happy
You smile at your phone as you look at Hina’s message again; you didn’t answer her yet, but you and Suna decided to let her know of the ‘Big plan’ soon
You suddenly hear faint footsteps from behind you right then and you couldn’t help but freeze in your place
‘Fuck, Fuck, Fuck’
You start feeling anxious  
‘Look up, just move, just... go anywhere...’
You keep telling yourself to move in your head, as you hear the footsteps get closer, but somehow, you couldn’t bring yourself to
‘I’m so fucking scared...’ you think as you shut your eyes before someone grabs your shoulder gently
“Y/n, I was calling you” you hear Suna say, as he turns you to face him, and you open your eyes
“Wait, what’s wrong?” he asks you, looking worried, as soon as he notices your pale face  
“Suna...” you say, unconsciously reaching for his wrist, and try to hold back your nervous tears
He notices your trembling hands and looks around, before a couple passes by the both of you
You let out a sigh of relief when you realize it was just the couple and nobody else around, but you were still finding it hard to calm down your heart
“I’m sorry, I just thought...” you trail off, your breath hitching in your throat, as you let go of his hand
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m here” Suna assures you, “do you want me to hold your hand?”
It seemed to you like Suna understood what was going on without you having to explain, and if you weren’t as anxious as you were then, you would’ve felt embarrassed feeling that vulnerable with him, yet again
You hesitantly nod and he reaches for your hand and interlocks his fingers with yours
“I mean, that’s what a fake-boyfriend is for, right?” he says with a soft smile on his face, trying to lighten the mood
You couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle, feeling yourself calm down a little, but your heart was still beating fast. You felt like it was for a different reason that time, but you pushed that thought away
You stand there for a few moments, trying to calm yourself down before you look back at Suna, and notice the same worried look on his face
He quickly gives you a soft smile when he notices you looking back at him, “How you feeling now?” he asks, as he lightly squeezes your hand
“Yeah... I’m feeling better, thank you” you answer him looking away, the embarrassment finally hitting you
“You sure? You look a bit red?”  
You let go of his hand and cover your face with your hands, “I’m not! I’m fine!”
You weren’t sure if he was just worried and clueless, or he was teasing you right then; you weren’t even sure what you were even embarrassed about, the fact that he had to ‘save’ you again or the fact that he was holding your hand to help you calm down
You hear him chuckle next you and feel his hand on your head as he ruffles your hair lightly, “Alright, alright, you seem better now”
You slowly put your hands down and can’t help but feel charmed when you see his smiling face
“Come on,” he holds his hand out to you, “let’s go home”
“You sure you don’t want me to call a cab or something?” Suna asks you, breaking the comfortable silence
“No, it’s alright, this is more comfortable for me” you answer then quickly turn to him, “unless you’re tired..!”
He chuckles lightly, “No, I'm okay,” he looks up at the midnight sky, his hand still holding yours tightly, “It’s a nice night for a walk”
You slowly nod, hoping he meant what he said, and you weren’t forcing him to continue walking with you home, before you both fall back into the comfortable silence again
After a couple of minutes, Suna suddenly stops
You turn to him and find him looking at an unfamiliar building
“I guess this is you” he says pointing towards it
“No, our building is on the next blo-” you say before realization hits you, “Shut up!” you say as you lightly slap his shoulder
He then starts laughing, “What? Didn't I drop you off here last time?”
“You got jokes, huh?” you say, dragging him away from the building, which makes him laugh even harder and you can’t help but hide and embarrassed smile
“I’m sure it was that building, was it not?” he sarcastically asks, catching up to you
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
“I’ll have to think about it” he answers smugly, as you continue walking towards your actual building
After a few more minutes you finally reach your building and go up the elevator
As the elevator opens up to the familiar hallway you're used to, you couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed
Suna walks you to your apartment door, and after a few moments you both start letting go of each other’s hands
You sigh disappointedly, but hope he didn’t hear you
“I’ll, uh, watch you go in” Suna says, putting his hands in his pockets, and slowly shuffling backwards towards his apartment  
“Right,” you say as you go through your bag to look for your keys
You find them and take them out of your bag, but before you turn to your door, you start to speak up and you notice he does as well
“Sorry, go ahead” he quickly tells you
“I, uh just wanted to thank you again for tonight, and really the other night as well” you say looking down, feeling slightly embarrassed
‘What is this? A confession? Stop feeling this embarrassed’
“It’s okay, you don’t have to thank me” he answers and you both fall quiet
You look back up at him, “You were going to say something as well?”
“Oh,” he says, looking away for a moment before looking back at you, looking a little red, “I just wanted to tell you that you could call me, if you ever wanted me to walk you back home again or something. You have my number now, so,” he says, nervously scratching the back of his neck
You feel your heart start beating fast again, and your face flush after hearing him say that all of a sudden
‘Is he just being nice? Or...?’ you weren’t really sure
“O-Okay” you say quickly turning to your door and unlocking it, “Goodnight!” you exclaim before going in and closing the door
“Calm down...” you whisper to your heart as you lean on your door for support, before you hear Suna’s door shut as well
A week had already passed since your last 'date' with Suna, but you've both bumped into each other a couple of times in the morning before you left for work, or as you were coming back home after shifts
However, you only shared a few good mornings, hellos, or goodbyes
It slightly disappointed you that you weren't able to spend more time with him, but you were glad it didn't seem like he was avoiding you like before, well, that you both weren't avoiding each other
It was your last working day of the week before your weekend started, so you were texting Hina during your break, wondering if she had anything planned
Wifeyy: Omg                  Actually I met this cute guy recently                And he kinda asked me out on a date this weekend!@!
Y/n: No way!            thats cute          Where from?
Wifeyy: We met at the pub during my birthday party actually                It was right after you left                We been talking and he seems sweet
Y/n: thats so cute!!            Im excited for you!
You ask her about the details of the date and she excitedly tells you about it
Y/n: that honestly sounds super cute           you have to give me all the deets after           you understand?
Wifeyy: Obvo!                I mean now that you found someone                Its my turn too hehe
'Right..' you remember how you told her you were 'supposedly' officially going out with Suna a couple of days ago, and you feel your face flush slightly
'Wow, I feel like a little schoolgirl right now...' you think as you shake your head at yourself for getting embarrassed at just the thought of it
Hina took the news well as soon as you told her, actually, she was way too excited, telling you she knew you guys were meant for each other, especially after learning he was the neighbor you kept talking, or more like complaining, to her about
You couldn't help but feel bad about lying to her. You usually are very honest with each other, and you would never tell her such a stupid lie, and you hoped it wouldn't drag on for too long
You think that maybe you and Suna would be able to break the news to her that you ‘broke up’ after a couple of weeks. Now that she started dating someone herself, she wouldn't really have much free time to think about you and Suna's love lives, when she has to focus on hers
You feel bad again, but you hope the guy she decides to date is a nice person, and you decide to text Suna about this later
Wifeyy: im actually rlly nervous though                been a while
Y/n: hey, its going to be great          youre a strong, smart, and beautiful person          And if he doesn't see that,          then its on him
Wifeyy: ur right, ur right...                But i cant help but feel like that
Y/n: its okay, its normal          is there anything j could do to help?          i**
You sip on your drink as you wait for her reply and check the time to see how much of your break was left before you had to go back out
'2 more minutes...'
Wifeyy: omg wait!                I have a great idea!                It would defo help me be less nervous
Y/n: oh god, im scared
You reply and chuckle, knowing full well it's probably going to be another questionable scheme she plans, as usual, and you take another sip of your drink
Wifeyy: lets go on a double date!!
You choke on your drink as soon as you read the message
‘Uh oh...’
Y/n: hahahaha
‘Oh god, please say you’re joking...’
Wifeyy: no im serious!!                you, me, rina and my date!                what do u think?
“Hey y/n, you done with your break?” you hear your colleague ask you from the door of the staff room
“Yeah, sorry, I'll be out in a sec” you reply and you see her nod
Y/n: uhh lemme get back to u on that yeah?          break just ended
Wifeyy: Sure!                goodluck!
You shake your head as you get up from where you're sitting and head for the door
You knew things were going too smoothly, something like this was bound to come up, you just didn’t expect it to be so soon
‘Whatever, I'll worry about this later...’ you think to yourself as you get to the counter and nod to your colleague, as if to tell her she could take her break now
“Thanks!” she waves to you as she heads back to the staff area
You sigh as you clean up the register area, it wasn’t a very busy day today, but there were a few customers in the shop
You hear the café’s door jingle and your eyes snap up to welcome the customer
You’re taken aback when you see a familiar face peek in from the door
“Suna?” you ask quietly, as if you weren’t sure yourself if that was actually him
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(HQ Masterlist)
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constellaj · 4 years
🔥valerie x danny?
cute potentially but trash in most execution. val is a complex and multifaceted character and it hinders her ability for growth and realization if she never gets to find out dannys secret identity. not to mention that tying a lot of her tangible plot to danny reduces her capacity to be a unique and separate character. the ship on its own feels less like it wouldve evolved organically and more like writers desperately trying to drum up drama for the show. hehehoho imagine the Wacky Shenanigans if danny has to DAAAATE his VILLAIN?? WHAAAAAAAAT???. it’s more of a narrative device for a couple episodes that couldve worked out just as well if they had only wanted to be friends. (valxdanny is ten times more valid than samxdanny though, as epitomized in “did you know he wants to be an astronaut/did you know she’s a blackbelt.” that’s genuinely wholesome writing). 
valxdanny sets the audience up for a lot of potential regarding character development (val learning danny’s secret, danny’s lesson in Life Lessons hinting at this, etc) and then throws it aside because the status quo can’t be allowed to change regarding who knows whos identity. danny knowing val’s identity but val not knowing danny’s is not only kinda dumb (hearing a voice vs seeing the exact same face?), but it gives a power imbalance in their dynamic that makes me kind of uncomfortable; danny has all this information that val doesn’t get about danny. danny should reveal himself to val to make things even if he actually wants to date her, and the fact that he doesnt just doesnt sit right w me. so much of val’s character development (when she gets it; I still don’t buy what a lot of fandom says about her growth as actually happening past shades of gray) hinges on danny, when it doesn’t have to, and untethering them might allow her to grow even more.
overall this ship is like, The Only heterosexual ship in danny phantom that is allowed to exist, but it feels like it was built to be shallow and then never does anything to refute that claim
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Tumblr refuses to let me reblog the post again, so this is the second part of me reading the second btg book! ☺️
Still Chapter 211
Son on son violence
Chapter 212
This dude pretty cute ngl
Shit, rip
It's almost like they are a regular father and son 😭🥺💔
Chapter 213
Look how thigh those shirts are hehehoho 🥴
Ooooh there goes my man Jyaku ready to kick some ASS
Baki really just forgot his mom eh, thought you were getting stronger for HER smh
Oh Jyaku vs Retsu? Nvm Jyaku i can only hope Retsu is nice w you
I like how most are like, confused over who to cheer for lmao
I know he won't make it but I'm cheering for Jyaku btw i like him more <33
Chapter 214
Love that title, can't believe Jyaku is gonna ask Retsu out 😍 /j
He really is just honest Igari
I love that he apologizes
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
That smile so cute...
Jyaku is a king
Love it when Retsu throws that pose, though y'all know why
HDGSSGSGF you are coming to Japan wether you like it or not 🔫
Chapter 217
Finally Jyaku got serious too
King is just obsessed i luv him
It does seem like Jyaku is trynna confess his love jfnshdshdf
Chapter 218
I remember i almost laugh cry with my dad when we saw this
His damn beard... 💔
He has a good point
They be calling my man Jyaku a masochist noooo yfjdhdgs
Chapter 219
Okay seems kinda into it <:/
Old man? He doesn't look that old Baki :/
That was so smart 🥺
Chapter 220
Retsu calm down please you are gonna break his back
Oh my god Retsu, oh my god.
He did apologize at least
Chapter 221
Damn dude be a little more gentle with him
Oh, get was picking him up, okay
Chapter 222
I love how everyone completed him (except Yujiro but not surprising), these warriors are such a good team
I want to eat an apple too now
That was fast
I got distracted watching a vsauce react video sorry
Okay I'm glad a comment actually mentioned Sik
Chapter 223
Had to take a uh idk 5 hour break bc lights went out :/
Feet be fuming lmao
Ohhh that's a cool analysis
Chapter 224
What a good punch
That "please",,,
Poor Li man, having to see his brother DIE /j
No, Viêt Long, i have not been hit by a truck before.
Chapter 225
It's so funny how Jyaku lost bc he fought a main charac and only those win
Sad day for the Chinese citizens
Mf got tits in his back
This is gonna be so goodddd
Chapter 226
Look at the size of his tits, the slut
These two are cool fighters
Chapter 227
Old man showing skin
His smile is so fucked up lmao
Chapter 228
Baki what the FUCK are you wearing?
I just remembered when Hana did a flip, that was so good
Retsu babey 🥺
I love how confused Yujiro looks
Chapter 229
Hey, i recognize that name...
Kaku just too op
Yujiro you are gonna pop your testicles if you do that with your leg
Chapter 230
God that's such a good threat
Love Retsu's confusion
Damn bitch you saying we gotta keep up w this whore cuz you were too slow? Ffs Kaku 😢
I love when you can tell someone is still hanging around just quietly by seeing their response in a comment
Chapter 231
God this just feels so good, to see Yujiro actually scared 😍
Chapter 232
I wanna finish this book and start the next one grrr
This fight is so satisfying
That last bit is so cringe but whatever that's okay
Fight so controversial comments were deactivated
Chapter 233
Itagaki hincha de boquita el más grande? 😳 /j
Okay yeah it IS just rude
Hohoooo shit getting nice
Chapter 234
This asshole lmao
Yuji-chan really went "how many times do i have to teach you this lesson, old man?!"
Mfs be doing Jojo references in the comments lol
Chapter 235
Ffs Kaku you are doomed 😢💔
Yujiro so strong my mouse disconnected
Chapter 236
Abs in his back...
Crying and shaking that is NOT true
I thought Yujiro was bleeding for a second there smh
Chapter 237
Yujiro surprised is good shit
Kaku has boyboss energy
Chapter 239
This cover almost gives me a stroke
I love how they all just shat their pants
These minor Chinese characters were so good tbh, sadly i don't think they will ever return
Don't worry Retsu, we the viewers have seen a man revive before
King i don't think any of us understands
It really is
Oh my god i though Yujiro was sitting on the air for a second i almost cry 😭
Coca cola must have paid Itagaki /j
Chapter 240
Oh so the Kaioh part takes the name, not the surname
...is Yujiro wearing a floral shirt? 😭
Jyaku has his eyes fixated on Retsu eh, proud of having him come to Japan lmao
Chapter 241
Jk though i do miss Yuri 🥺
Oh hey Jr
You gonna fuck his girl, bro?
Chapter 242
So straight forward lmao
I'm starting to appreciate Baki's feminist ass every day even more
This page didn't allow me to call two mfs virgins smh, 1984
Chapter 243
Grandpa they shrunk you
Chapter 244
Kings idc about this
Okay true but also he's 70 dude pls... Though idk if this guy will go thru worse than Jack lmao
Such a nice lad
Chapter 245
Baki being such a feminist icon is so meaningful considering how his parents were,,,
Doppo he's called Ali Jr how are you surprised?
These men love throwing their glasses eh
Chapter 246
If only Igari and Toba had done this lol
Me lo re devaluaron a mí pelado eh
Scenes that give me a boner
Such a good callback...
Chapter 247
My man got serious, sweet
Doppo has been trying out his luck a bit too much like he's been betting with his life an uncomfortable lot like king do you need to talk? Are you okay? First asking Gouki to kill him now this like, is everything alright Doppo?
I love that blocking technique
OSHWOWHIWWH "gay ass Orochi, out of option so he touching dick" SHUT UPPP 😭😭💀
I really wish he got kicked in the nuts again see if he's still using his technique
Chapter 248
Poor guys thought he was bout to get murdered
A kiss? 😏 /j
When i saw this in the anime i actually thought Orochi was going to die, i was gonna get sooo angry
Chapter 249
What a way to cockblock em
Feminist icon
Jack is that the only sweater you own?
Chapter 250
I have been thinking of that scene of him eating the whole steak a lot
Jr like 🥺
Imagine being stupid enough to tease Jack like, i get he defeated two masters but they are NOTHING compared to this monster
Imagine jack just smoked some weed right there lmao
Jack needs to bite people more
Chapter 251
My shitty ass son gave me parkinson's
Jack that's not how human anatomy works what the fuck did Kureha do to your body spine?
Chapter 252
Looked like Jack was going for a handful
Those techniques must fuck your neck up so bad
Okay Jack you are going a bit far now don't cha think?
Chapter 253
You are tempting your luck sunny boy
Look at that, you pissed him off!
You cannot just know out jack hanma bro
This was so stupid yet, unironically, iconic
Chapter 254
Bruh i thought it said Pog 😭, ain't manslaughter poggers Mr Hanma?
Such a simp he downed that coffee cup
Grandpa put here cockblocking
Chapter 255
"no he didn't >:/"
These two masters are a pair of fucking idiots like understand this i love my grandpa and i love my man but mfs have to take the L for this one time sksgwjgshgw
Gouki bro my senses gonna shut down if you put your sucks against the dirt again OUGH sensory hell 😭
Chapter 256
Hoho Gouki out here getting a panty shot 😳
Grandpa i love you but this was unnecessary
Chapter 257
Kozue should wear a Korn tshirt
Love how consistently round his hands are, king got no knuckles
King hasn't changed his clothes ever since i see
His shoes look so nice...
Doppo i love you but shut UPPP you lost get over it!! You are just going for the rematch bc you have the higher ground against a injured guy!!! Like Shibukawa didn't have time but you were already getting serious!! Hhhgrrrrrr doppo i love you but I'm going to bark
Hehe nvm he still hella fine... keep talking king 🥴
This was so mean of him sjsgwjwg
Chapter 258
Low-key starting to believe these two mfs plotted against Jr sjshsj
If i didn't know you would get your ass handed in a plate i would be a lil mad he's planning on being that savage
He has been thru worse, sunny boy
Tbh. I don't care anymore. Doppo is in the wrong, but GOD I'm a simp and i love seeing him fight 😍😍🥴
Yeah a comment mentioned it, we all were on Jr side until he threatened to kill Doppo Orochi like, even if not everyone here is as horny as me we all like an og fella
I also love how the prisoners really changed them all, the scars (both physical and mental) those 5 left will be remembered lol
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celisea · 3 years
hi to my fav artist! hope ur day is good <3 i was wondering if u have ever drawn a genshinsona of urself or made any genshin ocs?
WAAAA HI!!!! u are very kind... my day has been good! hope urs has been good too x)!!! 
hmmm not really! :o i transformed an OC i had into a genshin character but ive been thinking of genshifying my OC Yoali into an electro catalyst from natlan,,, i have a lot of thoughts hehoehooho... their E would be changing her hands into swords kinda like a stance hehehoho... im still figuring out her Q tho hehe 
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snow-and-saltea · 3 years
I couldn't find the ask on the writing blog, so I'll ask it here instead ^^; For the Fanfic Writer Meme, how about A, B, E, I, X, and Y 💖
hi krys im sorry this took literally forever LMAO but i am Here Now
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
- hmm!! i have to say stream and deer, the fic nyk commissioned from me for reikenn (reika x kennyo). i enjoyed writing it all the way through bc i got to rlly get to know another character deeply, and i spent some time with nyk to know what kind of character she was so that i had an idea of how to insert her into the narrative. i super enjoy it when i can get up close and personal with writing someone else's characters, bc its a way for me to expand my repertoire in writing realistic characters from scratch (aka they're not my own). and kennyo overall is my projection dummy bc i very much dislike his canon so i was just like. ill do it the way i want to do it then!!
B: What was the first fandom you read fic in? Which was the first you wrote fic for?
- this is embarrassing and highkey cringe for me bc im remembering my generic writing but it was for the vocaloid fandom! i just made silly little romance fics and i enjoyed it a lot, i used to write like 4k words in a sitting and nowadays im too tired to do anything more than 2k unless im fueled by smth (like Rage)
E: What character do you identify with most? Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
- hmmm. there's no one i particularly identify w on a holistic lens, bc the only things i identify with characters are their struggles or their difficulties—which isnt the whole of who they are—or what they represent to me. i guess if i had to name someone who is dear to me, itd be furukawa nagisa from clannad. she's so :'))))))
I: How many fandoms have you written in? Do you have a favorite?
- i counted six fandoms, but its gonna be seven soon (im gonna write for tears of themis later with muwi dj'ing hehehoho)!! my favourite would beeeee i suppose ikesen, since its the one ive stuck the longest with. and ive made the most pieces for it, tied for one of my old fandoms!
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading? Are you a voracious reader? Do you carefully pick and choose? Something in between?
- i like to read from writers i personally vibe with! since i would then trust their characterization, and i just enjoy reading the works of someone who looks like they're having lots of fun, its v v cute and adorable.
Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories? Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?
- hmm, i don't feel too strongly about it! like, i like what i write and if i liked it enough to post it and be proud of it, and then it got popular, then that's p cool! but i dont really mind if some of my fics that i were satisfied with aren't my most popular ones. i find value in my satisfying fics through my own experience writing them, and people found value in my popular fics bc of something equally as respectable. its all good, as long as im writing whatever i want and im happy w it, its cool! i just happen to share fics bc i like talking to people and fic is one of the ways i do that.
thank you for your patience krys!!
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pregnantsecondo · 4 years
I would like to hear about your ocs.
Okay, so I’ve been writing this story for a very long time (I think about a year. It’s kind of very big and I’m not even halfway finished), and I have MANY ocs from that.
First, there is Johannes, who is a non-binary sort of elf creature (this is a fantasy story btw). I don’t know exactly what they look like, but I do know that they are short, and their specific race has a natural gift of controlling plants. (There’s backstory to that! Very cool imo)
Then there’s Johannes’ sister (can’t remember her name right now), who is two years younger than them and acts as the sort of antagonist for a bit. She looks a lot like Johannes but I think her hair would be pitch black (and her outfits are usually very white and clean.) She has some issues, is manipulated by the big antagonist, and then gets reunited with Johannes, all while character development happens.
Finally, the main appeal of this story, is this dragon god! I haven’t chosen a name for him yet, so if you have any suggestions, let me know! Basically, this dragon lives in a foggy mountain and protects the locals who live there. He likes to read, and his main goal (in the beginning at least. It changes when the Plot happens) is to collect magical artifacts, determine if they are dangerous, destroy the dangerous ones, and give the helpful ones to those who need it. This dragon, btw, has been alive for a VERY long time. Also he didn’t start out as a dragon (more plot stuff, I don’t want to give the cool stuff away). He was turned into one, and there’s a lot of significance in that.
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