#and like. it would just be a day wasted bc i wouldn’t be getting paid
lesbiacnh · 9 months
when i really needed a day off for mental health (two weeks ago) (after a family members funeral) i COULDNT take off. now that things have calmed down (at home and at work) my boss was like omg do you still need a day off
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alwaysonthemend · 10 months
Carpe Noctem | JTK x Reader
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Author’s Note: Naming this fic Carpe Noctem in honor of my new tattoo lol. The beginning of this fic is inspired by the shitty date that I went on last night... Unfortunately, Jake did not in fact sweep in to save the day but a girl can dream. I was complaining to @jakeyt and she had the wonderful idea to turn this into a fic so I hope you all enjoy! As always, apologies for any typos/mistakes
Word Count: 4979
Content Warnings: Fem!reader, terrible flirting (bc I can't flirt in real life either), oral (m and f rec), unprotected sex, edging, orgasm denial, p in v sex, slapping, sir kink, pirate kink? idk. 18 + MINORS DNI
You don’t think you’ve ever been on a date worse than the one you’re on right now – and you’ve been on some interesting ones in the past… But this guy just takes the cake. To begin with, he’d chosen a very expensive steak restaurant in East Nashville and while you’re not opposed to finer dining every now and again, this just seemed like overkill for a first date. 
But you’d agreed when the guy had suggested it and had proceeded to spend a far longer time than you’ll ever admit trying to pick out a nice outfit for the date; Time, you came to discover, which was totally wasted given that your date had shown up in basketball shorts and flip flops. And normally you wouldn’t give a damn about what someone else wanted to wear, but damn he could have at least tried a little bit – especially given the location.  
Still, you’d persisted and sat down with him – intent on giving him the benefit of the doubt. But he’d quickly let you down, launching into rant after rant about himself and all the amazing things he’s done and about all the places he’s traveled, hardly letting you get a word in edgewise. 
The few times that he did actually ask you about yourself, you could tell that he was only asking because he knows that he’s “supposed to.” Everything you said he just turned into another way to talk about himself, and it didn’t take you long before you just gave up on trying to say anything – choosing instead to just sit there quietly and let him go. 
By the time the bill was paid (at least he’d had the decency to pay for your meal), you were more than ready to get the hell out of there. You walked briskly to the door with your terrible date hot on your heels. 
“Y/n.” He said, turning to you as the two of you stepped outside onto the pavement. “I think this date went really well.”
You open your mouth to protest but he continues on, yet again preventing you from being able to say a fucking word. 
“I think we have a real connection, and… I think you should come back to my place tonight.” 
Your jaw drops at his audacity and you whip your head around to gape at him. Seeing your reaction, he’s quick to try and backpedal. 
“I don’t mean to presume, but-” 
“Oh would you just shut the fuck up? Please?” You bite out, and it’s his turn for his jaw to drop in shock. 
“Excuse me?” He asks, voice raising in volume. He looks so offended but you can’t find it in yourself to care. 
“All you talked about at dinner tonight was yourself, you hardly let me speak at all…” you gesture angrily towards his lower half, “you show up in fucking shorts and flip flops – and you have the audacity to ask me to come home with you?” 
You’re suddenly so angry you can barely think straight and his stupid face – gaping at you like a fish out of water, is only making it worse. 
“Well I’m sorry that I didn’t realize that you’re such a stuck up bitch.” He says angrily, glaring at you as you both stand there staring at each other. 
“Oh fuck you.” You say, whipping your phone out of your pocket to call an Uber. 
“You wish.” He snarks, turning to leave. 
As he passes you, he bumps his shoulder into yours, sending your phone flying from your grip and crashing to the ground. He keeps walking, not bothering to stop or to apologize. 
“Douchebag!” You call after him, huffing angrily as he climbs into his car without a second glance back. 
You sigh, turning your attention back to your phone lying face down on the concrete. Hopefully it’s not broken, because that would honestly just be the icing on the cake for your horrible night. 
Just as you're about to stoop down to grab it, another hand darts out and grabs it for you. Startled, you take a step back, noticing a man standing next to you, holding your phone out to you. You don’t know where he came from, but you’re stunned into silence for a moment upon taking in his appearance. 
He’s gorgeous, to say the least: long brown hair flows down his shoulders, and a light dusting of facial hair adorns his top lip. In the dim light of the night, you can just make out his chocolate brown eyes staring at you from beneath his wide-brimmed black hat. His shirt is only buttoned at the very bottom, leaving his chest on display for you. His silver necklace glitters in the moonlight. 
“Um.” You say eloquently, trying to swallow around the sudden dryness in your throat. 
“It’s not broken.” He tells you, and fuck his voice is attractive too – smooth and lilting in a way that makes your knees weak. 
“Thank you.” You take your phone, shoving it into your pocket without even glancing at the screen to confirm that it’s not cracked. “How long have you been standing out here?” 
“Long enough.” He says, giving you a smile that makes butterflies erupt inside you. 
“So you heard all that, then?” You gesture vaguely in the direction of where your date had gone, cringing at the thought of this beautiful stranger bearing witness to what just transpired. 
“Yeah, I heard all that.” He confirms, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants. “Seemed like a real piece of work.” 
You nod your head, grinning a little at him. 
“I seem to only ever attract assholes, unfortunately.”
“I’m not an asshole.” He says, eyes twinkling in the moonlight. “At least, I don’t think I am.” 
It takes you a minute to catch onto what he’s implying, but once you do your cheeks grow impossibly hot under his gaze. He’s attracted to you – the thought seems almost ridiculous given how beautiful he is. He doesn’t seem real with the way he’s standing before you: seemingly appearing out of nowhere and practically glowing under the light of the moon. 
“Oh?” You raise your brow playfully at him, “You don’t think you are?”
“I think I’m alright. Most definitely better than that guy.”
“That’s a low bar.” 
He chuckles, and the sound of it makes you feel all warm inside. You’re struck with the sudden desire to make him laugh again. You want to hear it over and over and over again. 
“I’m Y/n, by the way.” You say, extending your hand for him to shake. 
He pulls his hand from his pocket and grips your hand. His palms are warm and smooth, but his fingertips are rough and calloused. You revel in the feeling of touching his skin for the first time. 
“I’m Jake.” He tells you, and you can’t help the snort that escapes you. “What? Something wrong with my name?” 
You shake your head, grinning from ear to ear as you assess him. 
“You just don’t look like a Jake, that’s all.” 
He quirks a brow. 
“And what do I look like, then?”
You hum, looking him up and down for a moment. 
“I’m not sure. William maybe? Or just Will for short.” You shrug, “Just not Jake.” 
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.” He says honestly, tilting his head at you. You can’t help but notice how the moonlight accentuates the curve of his jaw in the most delicious way. 
You pause for a moment, thinking. 
“It’s a compliment.” You finally assert, nodding your head once as you speak. “You just seem so…” You trail off for a moment, searching for the right word. You can’t think of one. 
Jake just laughs again, shaking his head at you. He takes a step closer, and you swear your heart skips a beat. 
“Can I ask you a question, Y/n?” He says, voice suddenly a lot lower than before. 
“Technically you already did, but go ahead.” 
He shakes his head again, lips quirking into a mischievous smile. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” He jerks his head towards the restaurant. 
You can’t for the life of you think of one reason why you shouldn’t let him buy you a drink. 
“You promise you’re not an asshole?” You ask, though your mind is already made up.  
“I promise.” He assures you, holding his arm out so that you can link your arm with his. 
Grinning like an idiot, you loop your arm with his and the two of you make your way back inside, this time taking your seat at the bar. As you sit, Jake signals a hand for the bartender. 
“Whiskey. Neat.” He says before panning his eyes to you. “M’lady?”
That makes you smile, and the butterflies are back in full swing inside you. 
“Gin and tonic. Hendrix if you’ve got it.” Jake raises his eyebrow at you again but you ignore it, opting instead to smile at the bartender. 
He smiles back before turning his back to make your drinks. 
“Wouldn’t have pegged you to be a gin girl.” 
You just shrug. 
“You most definitely seem like a whiskey guy.” 
“Again,” He says, smiling at the bartender as he places your drinks in front of you, “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.” 
“It is.” You say, taking a sip of your drink. Silence lapses between the two of you for a moment before you speak up again. “Mysterious.” 
“What?” Jake asks, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. 
“I couldn’t think of a word to describe you earlier when we were outside.” You clarify, swiveling in your seat to get a better look at him. “Mysterious is it.” 
“What makes you think I’m mysterious?” 
“Dunno.” You nod at his form, eyeing his clothes. “Maybe the outfit… It's very piratey.” That earns a chuckle from him and the sound warms you even more than the alcohol has. “Or how you just sort of appeared – like a knight in shining armor, to save me from the worst date of my life.” 
“I hardly saved you. I just picked up your phone.” He reminds you, placing his elbow on the bar top and leaning his cheek against his palm as he watches you. 
“Saved me from the boredom of going back to an empty apartment, then.” 
He inclines his head, accepting your addendum. 
“Happy to help. Though I much prefer to be likened to a pirate than a knight.” 
“Righty-o, Captain Jake.” You exclaim, putting on your worst pirate accent you can. 
Jake laughs – a full belly laugh, for the first time tonight and you can’t help but preen over eliciting such a reaction from him. His laugh isn’t loud, but it’s downright musical and so very contagious. 
Your conversation flows freely after that, as the two of you talk about anything and everything you can think of. Your work – he’s actually interested in hearing what you do and what you’re passionate about (he even asks questions and seeks out more detail as you speak.) His music – it’s very fitting that he’s a guitarist, and you’re in awe at the passion and love that he so clearly carries for his music and his other bandmates. You talk about books, movies, your cat, his brother’s dog – you talk about just about everything, and it seems like no time at all has passed before the bartender lets you know that they’re closing. 
Disappointed, you rise from your seat and turn to leave. Quickly, almost as if he doesn’t want you to see, Jake leaves a $100 bill resting on the bar before he turns to follow you. You make no mention of it. 
“Thank you.” You tell him as the two of you find yourselves out on the pavement for the second time. 
“For what?” 
“Restoring my faith in men.” 
Jake smiles, sweet and genuine, and his eyes practically sparkle as he looks at you. 
“Glad to be of service.” 
The two of you are silent for a long moment, both seemingly unwilling for your time together to end. The thought of leaving him… of going your separate ways, almost makes you nauseous. Though you’ve only just met, you feel an unexplainable pull towards the man in front of you – like your very soul is reaching out to him, desperate for some sort of comfort that you didn’t know you needed. Not to mention the dull ache between your thighs that makes you want to latch onto him and never let go. Seemingly reading your thoughts, Jake speaks up first. 
“Y/n,” he starts, and you shiver at the sound of your name from his mouth, “I’m trying to come up with a way to ask you this in the least asshole way possible, but I’m failing miserably.”
Without a doubt, you know exactly what he’s going to say.
“Ask anyway.” You demand, taking a step to close some of the distance between the two of you. 
“Carpe noctem.” He mutters to himself, and you look at him in confusion. 
He just shakes his head. The phrase wasn’t meant for you. 
“I’d love it if you came back to my place with me, Y/n.”
“And here I was thinking that you’d never ask.” 
He grins wickedly at you, and you get the sudden feeling that there’s trouble waiting for you – the good kind. The kind that makes your thighs tremble and your body weak with pleasure. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks, pulling his car keys from his pocket. 
“No, I took an Uber.” 
“Perfect.” His beautiful white teeth glitter under the light of the night sky and your breath stutters in your chest. He really is stupidly attractive. 
The drive to his home is torturous. You’re so close to him – close enough that you can smell him (vanilla and whiskey and his natural musk), but you can’t touch him. At least, not the way that you want to. Not yet.
He looks downright sinful behind the wheel, and you take the opportunity to admire him. Your eyes track the angle of his nose and the way his plush lips look so soft. You watch his adam's apple bob as he swallows and you watch the way his long fingers wrap around the steering wheel. His beauty is like nothing you’ve ever seen – like some divinity coming down from the heavens to bless you with his presence. 
“See something you like?” 
His question snaps you out of your trance and your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment after being caught. 
He just hums, the corners of his lips just barely turning up into a smile. 
Your body betrays you, and your thighs clench together as you watch him. 
He tracks the movement from the corner of his eye and his smile widens. Wordlessly, he drops his right hand from the steering wheel and brings it over to rest on your thigh. He squeezes, pressing his fingertips into your flesh and earning a breathy little moan from you. 
Seemingly satisfied with the way you react to just a simple touch, he pulls his hand away from you and returns it to the steering wheel. You ignore the whine that wants to bubble out of your chest at the loss of contact. 
After what seems like ages, he finally pulls the car into his driveway. You make the conscious effort to unbuckle yourself and exit the car slowly, trying and failing to conceal how desperate you’ve gotten.
As soon as the front door closes behind the two of you, Jake pushes you up against the wall. A surprised squeak falls from between your lips as he presses into you with his body. He’s warm and solid and your core throbs with need. 
His face is close to yours – so close that your lips just barely brush against his. 
“Kiss me.” You whisper, not caring about how needy you sound. 
“As you wish.” He says, before pressing his lips to yours. 
They’re warm and soft and the feeling makes your knees go weak already. You part your lips, allowing Jake to explore you with his tongue. His hands grip your waist, pinning you to the wall as he presses his hips into yours. You slide one hand beneath his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin and the softness of his belly while the other travels up to tangle in his hair. You give it a slight tug, eliciting a groan from him. 
“You’re divine.” He whispers, pulling away from you so that he can look at you more clearly. 
“Speak for yourself.” Your voice sounds wrecked. You hardly recognize it. 
He attaches his lips to the skin of your neck, licking and biting, and you toss your head back to give him better access. He presses one thigh between your legs, and you can’t help but rock your clothed pussy against the hard muscle. It’s thick, and you whimper at the thought of the power that it likely holds. 
With shaky fingers, you unbutton his shirt and slide it off him, tossing it somewhere on the floor. He pulls his lips away from you just long enough to pull your own shirt over your head, before he resumes leaving searing kisses down your throat and over the valley between your breasts. As he does so, you take the opportunity to splay your hands over his torso, exploring the feel of his skin beneath you. Everything about his body is solid – a perfect mixture of soft and strong and your mouth waters as you explore him. Though he isn’t a tall man, the power and strength that his body holds is undeniable. 
“Jake.” You finally mutter, the ache between your thighs becoming unbearable. “Take me to bed, Captain.” 
He smirks and groans, before taking your own hand in his and presses it against his clothed erection. You can feel him – ridiculously hard and throbbing beneath the fabric of his pants. 
“Feel what you’ve done to me?” He asks and you nod breathlessly. “So hard it hurts.” 
He extracts himself from you, and your body thrums with the desire to press yourself into him again. He beckons you, leading you through his home and up the stairwell to his bedroom. The house is dark, lit only by the moonlight that spills through the windows. 
A king size bed waits for you. The room is tidy, with small little bits of messiness that just show that the room is lived in. A pile of books shoved into a corner, reading glasses left out on the nightstand and an empty whiskey glass sitting next to them. 
Jake unbuttons his pants and steps out of them before turning to you. Wordlessly, you follow his example – stripping until you’re completely bare. Somehow, you don’t feel overly exposed as his eyes drink in your naked form. The way he’s looking at you: predatory and dark, only serves to stoke the fire between your legs. He wants you – no, he needs you. And you’re more than willing to give him whatever he wants. 
At last, Jake slides his boxers off himself, letting them join the pile of yours and his clothes on the floor. His cock, hard and throbbing, springs up and slaps against his belly. It’s just as beautiful as the rest of him – long and flushed red with his own need, and just barely curved to the left. 
“Jake.” You whine as he brings his hand up to stroke himself, spreading his precum over his length as he watches you struggle to find words at the sight of him. 
Giving up on trying to formulate a coherent thought, you approach him slowly before sinking to your knees. You look up at him, eyes wide, as you silently beg for his cock.
“Let me taste you.” You implore, slick dripping down your thighs. 
His eyes are so dilated they look black, and his chest is flushed and heaving as he looks down at you. 
“You look like an angel on your knees like that.” He tells you, his voice husky and rough. He traces the velvety head of his cock across your lips for a moment, before pushing the tip between your lips. You relax your jaw and push forwards, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can. He groans loudly, tossing his head back as he nudges the back of your throat. Pressing your tongue into the vein that runs up the underside of him, you slide your mouth almost off him before pushing back down again. You use your hand to grip his base wear you can’t reach, and you use your other hand to massage his balls. 
“Oh fuck.” He whines, tangling his fingers in your hair. 
You pull off him for a moment and look up at him through your lashes. 
“Fuck my throat, Jake.” 
He groans and nods as you swallow him again. You brace your palms on his thighs as he rocks his hips, thrusting deeply into your throat. You relax as much as you can and focus on breathing through your nose as he fucks into you. The sounds he’s making are sinful, and you drop one hand to finally rub tight circles onto your swollen clit – the relief causing you to moan loudly around his cock. 
His length twitches, and he pulls himself from you and he moans at the string of saliva that connects your lips to his tip. 
“On the bed.” He commands, and his voice has lost the softness of earlier. It’s an order, and you scramble to obey. Though you must not be quick enough for Jake’s liking, as he grabs your hips and lifts you – tossing you into the bed on your back. His strength surprises you, and you whine out his name as he settles his weight between your legs. 
“You’re soaked, angel.” He says appreciatively, admiring the view of you spread out before him. “Wish you could see how you look right now – dripping and needy.” 
You spread your legs wider, trying to entice him to finally touch you where you need him to. 
He leans down and kisses up the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. You whine and toss your head back as he nips at your skin, so very close to where you want him. 
“Jake, don’t tease.” You beg him, squirming as he continues to ignore your throbbing cunt in favor of your thighs. 
You cry out as he delivers a sharp smack to your ass, the sting of it catching you off guard. 
“Patience, angel. I’m calling the shots.” He tells you, and it’s all you can do to nod your head at him. 
Another harsh smack lands on your skin, and this time a loud moan escapes you at the feeling. 
“Say ‘yes sir.’” He demands, and if you weren’t so desperate, you’d laugh because of course he has a sir kink. 
But your mind is far too clouded with lust and you quickly do as he says. 
“Yes sir.” 
“Good girl.” He says with a sinful smile, smoothing his hand over the red mark that he’d left. “Good girls get rewarded, you know?” He says, before diving downward to lick through your wet folds. 
You cry out his name, eyes screwing shut as he eats you out – the pleasure of his tongue like no other pleasure you’ve ever received from someone else. 
“Oh fuck, Jake.” You whimper, rocking your hips downward onto his face. His tongue breaches your entrance, fucking in and out of you as the bridge of his nose presses against your clit. 
He grips your thighs in both hands, spreading them apart as he lavishes attention on your cunt. The sound of your wetness is obscene, and you’re embarrassingly close to orgasm already. 
Fighting to get your eyes to focus, you glance downwards to see him resting between your thighs. He's got his legs kicked out behind him as he buries himself in your weeping cunt and you whimper as you watch him rock his own hips into the bed. He's groaning into your heat, coming undone at the sounds that are escaping you.
“Jake, I’m close.” You warn him, thrashing your head as the pleasure inside of you builds. Just as you’re about to fall over the edge, Jake pulls away. You groan in protest but he silences you with a look. 
“I’m nowhere near done with you, baby.” 
Slowly, he dips his finger into your folds, swirling through the wetness and grinning like a little kid on Christmas morning. 
“You make such pretty noises, Y/n.” He tells you, pressing the tip of his finger just barely into you. You whine and rock your hips. "Almost came from the sound of you alone."
His voice is low – gruff and warm and you wish that somehow it could fuck you too.
"Fuck, I feel like I could explode." He admits, and you whimper at the honesty in his tone.
“More. Please.” 
He laughs wickedly and pulls his hand completely from you. 
“Greedy little girl. Want me to play you like I play my guitar, angel? Make you sing for me?” 
“Yes. Fuck. Yes sir.” You correct yourself, and he smiles approvingly. 
“Since you asked so nicely.” 
Finally, he sinks his finger into you, messaging your walls for a moment before adding another finger. He curls his fingers, brushing against your sweet spot and your entire body jolts as you moan loudly. 
“There it is.” He mutters to himself, repeating the action – sending white hot sparks of pleasure shooting through you.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, making sure to hit that spot with each thrust of his fingers, and his thumb circles your swollen clit. Once again, it doesn’t take long for your orgasm to build up in you. This time, you can feel the strength behind it after being denied your release last time.
“Ooh, you’re close aren’t you?” Jake asks, increasing his pace to bring you even closer. “I can feel you squeezing around my fingers.” His attentiveness to you and your body would be sweet if it weren't for the desperation clinging to you as he coaxes you to orgasm yet again.
You can’t reply. All you can do is moan and cry out his name as you approach that edge again.
But you should have known. Jake pulls his fingers from you, denying you your climax once again and you could sob at the loss. You let out a wail, and tears leak from the corners of your eyes. 
“I know, baby.” Jake croons, looking down at you in sympathy. “But not yet. Just a little longer.” 
Jake sits up and grips your hips, flipping you over and pulling you onto him so that you’re straddling him. 
“Ride me, angel. Been thinking about it all night.”
Without hesitation, you line him up with your entrance and sink down. You both moan loudly at the feeling and you bring your hands up to grip Jake’s shoulders for support. 
“Oh fucking hell.” He groans out through clenched teeth, “you’re so fucking tight.” 
“Jake.” You cry, lifting yourself up and then slamming back down again. Your body feels like it’s on fire – overstimulation and the need to cum battling within you as you ride him. Your thighs burn and your mind is completely overtaken with your need to finish. 
“Jake, fuck. I’m gonna cum. M’gonna-” You can’t finish. 
“That’s it, angel. Cum on my cock. Let me have it.” 
Your climax tears through you – completely overtaking you as you ride out your high, You’re shaking as the pleasure slices through you, and the noises that fall from between your lips aren’t even English anymore. Just animalistic, helpless little noises as you finally start to come down. Your body falters, unable to continue and so Jake flips you over, pressing your back into the mattress. His cock is still inside you, hard and throbbing as he begins to fuck into you. 
His hips snap against you, the sound of his skin hitting yours and the sound of your wetness filling the room. You blink your eyes open to see Jake, hair stringy and messy, with his mouth open in a silent scream. He places both hands on the bed on either side of you for leverage, and the muscles in his arms and shoulders flex with each thrust of his hips. 
He’s fucking you like no one else ever has – hard and deep and so. fucking. good. 
Little grunts accompany each thrust and his skin glistens with sweat in the moonlight. 
“Fuck you feel like velvet around my cock.” He’s reckless, driving into you like an animal in rut. All you can do is lay there and take it, eyes rolling back into your head as you let out high pitched, pornographic moans and whines. 
“Touch your clit, angel. Take care of her for me. Fuck, I’m so close.” His voice is completely wrecked and his thrusts are growing sloppy. 
You bring your hand down to your clit, frenziedly circling it as your entire body begins to tense up. 
“Give me one more. Fuck, one more, angel.” He’s begging now, face contorted as he holds himself back – waiting for you to cum again before allowing himself to finish. 
“Jake!” You scream, walls clenching around him as you cum. Your vision fades to black around the edges and your entire body shakes and quivers. 
“Oh shit. Fuck! I’m gonna cum. Where- fuck.” He’s losing it, face contorting into agonized pleasure. 
“Inside!” You manage to say and that’s all it takes for him to explode in you. 
The growl that he lets out is sinful as he finally allows himself to cum. His eyes are closed tight and his mouth hangs open as keeps fucking you – riding out his orgasm until there’s nothing left in him. 
Spent, he collapses on top of you, breathing heavily and cock growing soft inside of you. 
“Holy fuck,” You breathe out, beginning to come back to yourself a bit. 
“Mmm.” He mumbles into your skin, lips pressed into your neck. 
Jake sits up, and the both of you hiss as he pulls out of you. 
“I am so glad that asshole knocked my phone out of my hand.” You say breathlessly, and Jake lets out an honest-to-god giggle. The sound catches you off guard and you can't help but to laugh alongside him.
“Me too.” He smiles, and pecks you on the lips. 
“I’m keeping you by the way.” You tell him, brushing some of his sweaty hair behind his ear. "Captain."
He smiles wide and jubilant at you in the dark.
“My very own Elizabeth Swann”
If you're reading this, I love you! 💗
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
LU Mermaid AU
I don't think I'll be finishing this, bc I'm not exactly sure where to take it. But I like the bit I've written so far, so here you guys go :) No idea if any of this makes sense, but whatever!
Wind wasn’t crying.
For one thing, Mers couldn’t cry. What was the point of leaking water from your eyes when you were already underwater? Wind thought Hylians were very strange for leaking water, even if they did live above the surface. They just wasted water when they did that. With the dry environment they lived in, it didn’t make sense to go about spilling water from their eyes whenever they were upset. But Hylians could be a little stupid sometimes. 
So no, Wind wasn’t crying. But he was releasing the semi-involuntary chirps and trills that accounted for the same thing, to Mers. It was meant to signal to his pod that he was in distress and needed comfort or help.
Wind was a big boy, though. He should be able to control his calls. It was especially necessary for him to learn how to do so. His pod was so small, and consisted of only pups and juveniles. They absolutely could not afford to attract predators. No matter how upset you were, nothing was more important than keeping yourself hidden.
Wind’s pod couldn’t afford to fight. They’d learned that a long time ago, and Wild had paid dearly for it. It was only by the grace of Hyrule’s healing magic that he’d survived, and even then he hadn’t come out of that encounter in one piece. 
So Wind knew how to be silent, even if he was upset. He knew how to muffle his chirps as well as any adult could. At least Wind had thought he could, but here he was, chirping desperately for his pod.
Wind wanted them, where were they? They wouldn’t leave him alone, would they? They said they would stick together for as long as they could. 
Wild and Hyrule’s species were usually solitary, but they had promised Wind that no matter how much they each wandered, they would always return. And usually, they made sure one of them stayed with him while the other went hunting to blow off steam.
Their species might typically be solitary, but Wind’s wasn’t, and he was only just shedding his pup fat. His scales along his ribs and the end of his tail were taking on the brighter colors of a juvenile of his species, but the rest of him was still firmly the dull orangey-brown of a pup. He was still too young to truly be alone. 
When Wild and Hyrule had found him, Wind had thought the universe had been kind to him. He’d thought he had found a replacement pod for the one he’s lost. But it’d been four days since Hyrule had last wandered off, and then Wild had gone hunting, but that was two days ago! 
Wind was hungry, but he didn’t want to leave to try and find something to eat, because what if his pod came back when he was gone and they couldn’t find him?
It would be better to stay in the little cave they’d been staying in. Wind was hungry, and it was getting colder at night, especially without anyone to cuddle with, but he had to stay. Wild had told him to stay, so he would stay. 
So he curled up on the cold floor, his tail coming up to drape over his neck protectively. Normally it would be one of his brother’s tails draped over him to keep away the chill, or an arm slung across his vulnerable neck. But they weren’t there, so he had to do it himself. He did his best to ignore the chirps and calls that escaped his mouth. There was no one to answer him anyways.
A familiar screech woke Wind the next day. Wind discovered he’d slept in late. The sun that filtered through the shallow water shone brightly into the cave entrance, and the water had warmed slightly while he slept. It only took a few moments for him to shake off the haze of sleep.
That was Wild’s call, and from the sound of it, he was fighting something. 
Wind was at the entrance of the cave in a flash. The relief he felt at hearing his podmate’s return was quickly squashed by the sight outside the cave. 
A good distance away, Wild was facing off against four other Mer. A spear of dread shot through Wind for a moment. Relief hit him when he released Wild wasn’t actually fighting them, at least not yet. Wild was a good fighter, but there was no way he could win against four Mers at once. 
Wild had stopped a good distance away from the cave entrance, evidently not wanting to lead the strangers directly to Wind. He faced off against them, but WInd could see it was hopeless.
One of the strange Mers looked like a pup at first glance, but his colorful scales revealed him to at least be a juvenile, despite his small size. A second Mer with a royal blue tail with orange markings hovered hear the back of the group, observing the going-ons on with a critical air.
The two that drew the most attention were the two that were closest to Wild. They were both large, especially compared to Wild. One of them practically towered over Wind’s podmate. He looked especially fierce, with scars criss-crossing his white scales. One long scar covered his eye, bisecting the red and blue marking he had on his face. 
Wind knew, logically, that Mers didn’t stop growing when they reached adulthood, but to see a Mer this large was still startling. He must be positively ancient. 
The fourth Mer had a seal’s pelt tied around his shoulders. He wasn’t nearly as large as the white one, but even from Wind’s distant view, he could tell the Mer was rippling with muscles under a healthy layer of fat. In fact, all four of these Mers looked incredibly well-fed. They looked better than any of Wind’s pod, who were all a bit too scrawny to be healthy. 
Wind could see Wild pressing himself down to the sea floor. His mouth was open in a silent hiss, fear stealing his voice from him for a split second. His silence only lasted a moment, before the Mer with the pelt made an aborted movement towards him.
His movement seemed to give Wild a bit of courage. The siren flung himself up, all his fins flaring out. 
Even with half his dorsal fin being a mess of scar tissue, Wild’s threat display was truly impressive. He still wasn’t fully grown, and his colors hadn’t come in all the way, but he was still a sight to behold. Wild’s bioluminescence didn’t add much to the display in the middle of the day like this, but Wind knew from experience that at night or in deeper waters, the eerie blue glow could make some fully grown Mer back off. 
These Mer remained mostly undeterred though. 
The large white Mer seemed utterly unphased. He flicked his tail, sending himself effortlessly through the water, closer to the Wild. Wild snapped his jaw threateningly, which finally caused the Mer to stop moving forward.
But he was much too close to Wild for Wind’s taste. Wind couldn’t stop the chirps from rising in his throat. 
Here, here! I’m here, I’m scared, I want you here!
The attention of all four of the Mer snapped towards Wind at the sound of his chirps. Wild screeched in anger at that, but no matter how he flared his fins, he wasn’t able to grab their attention away from Wind.
The small one with the colorful scales huffed when he saw Wind peeking out of the cave. “Exactly how many pups are we going to find swimming around in our territory?”
The royal blue Mer seemed to agree. There was a hint of amusement in his voice when he spoke. “It seems we have an infestation.” He agreed
The one with the seal skin around his shoulder was frowning at Wind. It would be rather intimidating, especially with the crooked fangs poking out of his upper lip, but Wind got the feeling that the Mer wasn’t frowning at him. 
“Is that a pup? He doesn’t look like he’s yours.” The question was directed at Wild.
“He is mine! Don’t you dare touch him!” Wild’s voice had risen to a fever pitch of stress and anger. Wind flattened his ear fins to his head at the sound. “You already took Hyrule from us. Go away! Go away, we don’t have anything for you!” Wind felt an icy chill shoot through him. These Mers took Hyrule? What did that mean? Was Hyrule… dead? 
Wind didn’t want to think of that possibility.
Wind is about 10, Hyrule is ~13, Wild is ~14/15, btw
This is all really just a big misunderstanding. The others are just concerned and confused at what three pups are doing alone in the middle of their territory. Meanwhile Wild/Wind/Hyrule are having the most stressful day of their lives, which is an achievement considering their lives have generally not been good.
Hyrule went exploring and ran into Legend, who tried to convince him to come back to the pod's camp willing, but Hyrule took it to mean that he didn't have a choice. Now Wild and Hyrule are under the impression that Hyrule has been kidnapped for his healing magic, which is a bit of a rarity.
Meanwhile, the others are just like... "Oh god oh fuck why are there suddenly children in our territory. We are not equipped for this."
The trio end up getting adopted into the pod in the end, obviously.
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
im here to be a menace to society (= a menace to myself actually) n request some (very basic but very needed) rivals to ? not rlly lovers more like fwb + juyeon for the 1k event thing . ofc smut 👹👹👹 -🦦
Whores for Juyeon rise up😩😩😩😩
Rivals to FWB’s with Juyeon:
cw - smut, a whole bit abt big cawk Juyeon just because, Reader has a coochie, infuriating Juyeon, squirting
You and Juyeon’s are each other’s rivals
And you’re petty
So petty that you don’t even know why you’re fighting over a stupid chair in the common room
Just that you are
“I sit here every day!”
“I came here first!
“I need it more!”
“It’s my spot!”
The student body there has given up all hopes of telling you to be quiet
And all of the staff refuses to step in the mess and tell you both to leave
However, all of them have their fingers crossed for you to get over it quickly
Yk. As toddlers do.
You grab Juyeon’s collar and yank him up as hard as you can
“You can’t pretend that your empty brain is retaining any information whatsoever. Move!”
“You should do more comprehension activities because I said I wasn’t moving,”
“Stop wasting my time,”
“Stop fucking my vibe,”
“Some of us need to study!”
“Then find some place else!”
“Selfish prick!”
“Desperate bitch,”
That shuts both of you up
The head person looks at you both sternly before threatening you of suspension if you both don’t stop using such preposterous language and showing this childish behaviour
You two retract to your respective dorms after that
Unfortunately, the staircase is the same for both of your dorm rooms
And you always need to have the final say
“Do you get paid for being a pain in my ass? Genuine question,”
“If you got laid more often you wouldn’t let your sexual frustrations out like this,” he rolls his eyes
“How dare you assume stuff about me!”
He presses you against the railing in an instant
“It’s hardly assuming stuff considering your voice is constantly behind me giving a headache. So unless you’re fucking someone invisible next to me, it’s pretty obvious that your cunt hasn’t gotten any action since the start of our degree, if ever,”
“You’re so shameless!”
“I’m shameless enough to strip you down and fuck you in this stairwell if you don’t shut the fuck up,”
Someone actually passes by but neither of you see it bc you’re too busy sending daggers to each other with your eyes
“Bite me, you irresponsible manwhore,”
“I’m the whore? Really? As if you don’t wet your panties thinking about getting a train ran on you by the entire football team,”
At that he grinds his crotch into yours
“But I’m in the football team too? Guess that’s why I can never seem to hide from you,”
“Are you insinuating I want to fuck you?”
“Im insinuating that my cock is your only cure to actually shutting the fuck up for once,”
“You couldn’t even if you begged all the gods in the universe,”
“So full of yourself,”
He’d grab your face and squeeze your cheeks together
“If i fail, you can have the stupid spot in the common room forever,”
“And if I fail?”
“I get to fuck you whenever I want,”
Overconfident, you don’t even give it a moment to decide
You two barely make it up the stairs without sustaining any injuries
Juyeon did stumble a couple of times but at this point the adrenaline would keep him alive for an orgasm or so even if he broke his neck
Clothes? Off
Pussy? Drenched
Juyeon? Stiff and erect
“Are you a fucking horse?”
This is the first time you hear him laugh so genuinely at something you said
“Why would you say that?”
You look at him incredulously
“Because that thing looks like a fucking dragon!?”
“It’s not that big,”
He’d brush you off
“Of all the things in your life, THIS is the one you decide to be humble about??”
Juyeon would just roll his eyes and catwalk towards you
Hips swaying and all
“Nah you’re not getting that deep water whale inside of me, buddy,”
And you’d scoot back on the bed
(It’s really not that big okay)
Juyeon would grab your ankles and drag you back
“What? Thought you said no challenge is too scary,” he raises a brow, “you scared, dove?”
“It’s called being practical,” you’d retort, “That’s actually not going to fit inside me Juyeon,”
“I’ll make it fit, don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,”
And make it fit he did
Your ass is hanging in the air off the edge of the bed, legs hooked on his shoulders
Juyeon’s huge palms fixed on either side of your waist
He’s bringing you down on his cock brutally
Not caring that you’re trying to close your legs
Because it’s too much stimulation too soon
But he doesn’t care
At all
His head hangs back as he pounds into you fervently
Pretty mouth open
“Fucckkk… guess your heavenly pussy compensates for your annoying mouth,”
You don’t even have it in you to retort
You can see your belly inhumanly shaking every time his cock jams into your cervix
Your lower half has completely gone numb
Because not only is Juyeon fucking huge
But because he hasn’t stopped fucking you for over three hours
Your thighs cramped and uncramped somewhere in between the fucking
All you could recognise now was his cock ramming inside you to the hilt
And his pelvis slamming against your clit
You lost count of your orgasms long ago
He tells you he can feel his cock shape your slick insides
And honestly
You feel it too
So you let him say all the filth he wants to say to ride out his own climax
You’ve been bent and curved in a million different positions before getting put in the one you started with
And one last vicious hit of his cock straight at your g-spot makes you blow up
You squirt so hard that it pushes his cock out from you
All the creampies he gave you drip down in an unruly stream with your own squirt
Some of it even got to his face and his hair
But it doesn’t matter
He only swipes a sweaty hand over his face once to clearly see the aftermath below him
You twitch uncontrollably with your lower half still suspended in the air, now supported by his toned arms
He unceremoniously pulls you up and drops you off on the other side of the bed
“You with me?”
He would tap your face to make sure you’re still alive
When you groan and curl into yourself, bones aching like you ran a marathon, he tells you the information you already knew but were dreading nonetheless
“You lost, sweatheart. Good luck being my pocket pussy from now on,”
He’d smile sweetly before leaving your disappointed figure to clean himself up.
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raceweek · 2 years
fun added things for mick seat shitshow:
the ferrari side
it definitely started with ferrari extending sainz for 2 years, meaning the earliest mick can get a top car is in 2025 and basically forcing him to choose between ferrari and actually driving a competitive car.
major faux pas on their end because they have spent MILLIONS on mick's development and now they're going to lose him
not to mention their highest feeder series driver is currently in f3 (because illot will go and shwartzman will likely go to hypercar next year) and will most likely not be ready in 2025, when they will inevitably have either lost leclerc to a team with a strategist or given him everything he wanted because building a team around sainz would be stupid considering he's got half the talent leclerc has and is 28 years old (and will be 30 by then lol)
they're literally going to lose a schumacher over this LMAO. the lack of race strategy extends to the contracts department i'm afraid
genuinely this team has no foresight it's so hard being a tifosa these days
#firebinotto #firerueda #LOCKTHEMUP
please ferrari hire some non-italians and non-spaniards. please
the haas side
guenther and mick do NOT get along
guenther has this weird hard on for kmag that makes 0 sense because he obsesses over his driving instead of his looks???
mick has been outdriving kmag consistently since baku
the haas is still absolute shit (slowest car at spa) and is on average the 8th or 9th worst on the grid, but mick is still outscoring zhou and tsunoda in better cars.
1&1 are one of the more invested sponsors that haas currently has, but they are there because of mick. their sponsorship with haas was contingent on haas signing a german driver.
under armour and schuberth are also tied to the team through mick, whereas kmag only brought along lunar.
based off all reports haas do NOT have the money to spare for this (they're not even meeting the budget cap) and giovinazzi doesn't have that many sponsors (or talent) either so like. we'll see
the fun bit
SO many other team principals (including horner and wolff) and other team officials (including marko i think) have praised mick on MULTIPLE occasions for his driving this year and last. they are watching him
added bonus of these teams getting one of THE most marketable drivers on the grid (he's german and he's a schumacher) without having to spend a CENT on his development because ferrari paid for all of it.
getting a driver who is very clearly extremely talented and whose talent is currently being wasted on the back of the grid making crazy overtakes to get p17
it's such a shit show because like...haas and ferrari have absolutely fucked it. mick is probably the only driver on the grid rn that could lose his seat for a year, take a year off, and get a new seat (ocon style lol)
hehe. i am afraid i disagree with…a lot of this which is absolutely fine it’s okay im not like arguing or anything and i completely get your points!!
i agree ferrari are incompetent and i think steiner is an absolute prick, but i don’t think ferrari particularly care about the money spent on having mick in the fda they’re the richest team in the sport and red bull consistently write off a handful of juniors every year and it doesn’t really impact them so unfortunately money is just an object to them
i think mick has improved recently however his average quali lap this season is 0.478s slower than kmag and he’s an average of 0.293s slower every lap in the races - i can’t see how ferrari could possibly justify putting him in one of their race seats based on those numbers and i can understand why haas would be questioning if they want to retain him
i think the haas has been really slow recently yes and i wouldn’t expect mick to pull miracles out of that car bc at certain tracks it’s really really awful. but comparing his points tally to zhou (a rookie and a driver who has four dnfs that weren’t his fault) and yuki when the alphatauri hasn’t been a quicker car than the haas the whole season. i just don’t see the value in that comparison. mick scored points in two races - austria was a great performance but silverstone there were 7 dnfs/cars involved in incidents ahead of him and he capitalised for sure and i don’t take that away from him but i don’t think he would have got points that day if not for the incidents
im not anti mick or anything i just can’t see where the justification is for him being in a better car then he currently is if im being perfectly honest, sorry!!!!
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mythiccheroacademia · 3 years
—lunch box
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A/N: just another cute idea i had because i’m obsessed with barbarian/dragon king!bakugo and fantasy shit in general. some context: you and bakugo are betrothed—although, sometimes you wish you weren’t bc he can be a real asshole. luckily for you, he’s willing to work on it bc he likes loves you just that much. a litte angst (it wouldn’t be a mtha story without it) but it ends in fluff <3
Warnings: cursing
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Your friends looked at their food with heart eyes and dug into the neatly wrapped box with fever.
“Ahh! Thank you for making this, Y/N!” one of them exclaimed. The other could only nod in agreement, too into your cooking to speak.
You smiled and waved them off. “It was nothing. Consider it a thank you for letting me copy the homework last night,” you chuckled.
“Did you cook one for Prince Bakugo? I’d imagine he’d love it! If there’s anyone’s cooking he loves more than his own, it’s yours!”
At the mention of his name, your expression fell. You looked down at the case of food you had prepared for him as an apology.
Four days ago, you two were hanging around his residence. You managed to get him to dance around with you. Well, it more like you were dancing and he was doing his best not to combust in embarrassment. Katsuki warned you that you shouldn’t be too reckless otherwise you’d break something.
Of course, you paid him no mind, too enthralled with your fun to notice your proximity to a nearby statue—one of the Bakugo family’s treasures.
One thing led to another, and you knocked it over, shattering it before either of you could even react. Your rich skin lost its glow and your boyfriend cursed something nasty.
Least to say, his parents were not happy. But instead of being rightfully scolded, Bakugo had taken the blame for it.
They found him attempting to clean it up and assumed it was his fault. You wanted to correct them, but he threw you a nasty glare, sealing your mouth shut. He was now under punishment until they deemed fit and from then on, he hadn't spoken a friendly word to you.
A little sigh escaped your lips. Your two friends looked at each other before offering you encouraging smiles.
“Hey,” one spoke, placing a hand on your knee. You met her gaze. “You should go give it to him. He’d love it.”
There was a moment of silence before you decided to act. Taking the spur of confidence, you stood up and briskly made your way to the other classroom. Just before you entered, you heard his voice and felt your heart waver with anxiousness.
However, now wasn’t the time to let doubt consume you. Things wouldn’t get better until something was done.
You took a deep breath, calming your nerves, before opening the door and walking in. Your eyes scanned the room and found the young dragon prince amongst his group of friends.
Jaw set, you walked over to them, hands firmly around the packaged food.
Kirishima saw you first and gave you a friendly wave.
“Hey Princess L/N!”
“Hi boys! How’re ya doing?” you politely asked, putting on your best smile.
They gave you an upbeat answer that lifted your spirits.
Despite that, you hadn't heard a response from Bakugo. In fact, he hadn't even looked at you—but you wouldn’t be disheartened. You fueled herself with faux confidence and held out the dish to your betrothed.
“I-I made you something small yesterday, as an apology,” you stuttered.
Katsuki finally looked up, indifference in his stare. Ruby eyes flickered down to the box filled with rice, chicken, vegetables, and a small pastry on the side. His favorite kind. For a moment, he seemed like considered your offer, but you suffered the low blow of humiliation when he turned away to look through the window.
“Thanks, but I’ve already eaten. Should’ve given it to me earlier.”
Something in your stomach fell. Crushing rejection blossomed up your throat with each passing second. His words were cold, harsh, and unforgiving. It might’ve been stupid, overdramatic even, but it hurt.
Heartbroken wasn’t even the word.
Your nose burned, eyes blurring before you could stop it. Your chest tightened with embarrassment. Luckily, you mustered enough strength to hold in whatever was threatening to crumble you.
“Oh,” you dumbly responded.
“I’ll take it!” Kaminari excitedly said.
“No, I will! I’m still starving!” Kirishima chided.
You placed the box down, struggling to keep up your act.
“Split it between the both of you. I hope it’s good!” You internally winced over how high your voice had become. “I’m gonna to get going now. I’ll see you guys after school, yeah?”
And before anything else was said, you bolted straight out of the room. You hadn’t bothered to look at Katsuki. Knowing him, he probably hadn't noticed the strain in your voice.
As soon as you were out of sight, the tears flooded. You held your hands against your mouth, desperate to muffle your cries. You quickly took you into the nearest bathroom and you prayed no one had seen you lest there be questions. If you went to your friends, it’d cause a commotion. Your parents would eventually find out and you didn’t want any more problems.
So, you cried your eyes raw and eventually willed yourself to stop when it was time to return to class.
The week had gone by without another interaction. The weekend brought you some relief since you wouldn’t be forced to see Katsuki’s face for the time being. Or so you thought.
All you wanted to do was run some errands for your parents and then go back home and continue sulking. Yet the universe would not let you rest.
The moment you caught Bakugo’s eyes, you pivoted on your heel and booked it the other way. You assumed his anger with you would force him to keep his distance.
But you were thoroughly surprised to find he was following after you.
“Y/N,” he called.
Irritation and hurt filled your chest. You only walked faster, clutching the purse against her chest.
“Y/N, stop,” he demanded to which you promptly ignored.
This went on for a good thirty seconds until Bakugo decided he had enough. Without much noise, he ran up to you, grabbing you by the shoulder.
You weren’t having it.
You harshly shrugged off his hand. “Don’t touch me,” you snapped, keeping your eyes forward.
“I need to talk to you,” Katsuki grumbled.
“Well I don’t want to talk to you. So maybe some other time.”
Truthfully, the crowned prince found himself shocked at your coldness. Despite your innate boldness, he wasn’t used to such an icy tone. Especially directed at him.
His father warned him to never attack in these situations, but Bakugo let his temper get the best of him. His first reaction was to frown and deal back harsher words.
“What’s your fucking problem, dumbass? When I say stop, stop!”
A spike of anger flooded your veins. You whirled around on your heel and glared at him with frosty eyes. You felt compelled to drop your papers and slap him, but instead, you settled for a finger in his face.
“First of all, I’m not some dog you can just order around, you jerk! And just because we’re betrothed doesn’t mean I’m some girl you can treat like dirt whenever you feel like it! Until you apologize, leave me alone because my only problem right now is you. Bye.”
And just as quickly as you came, you turned to leave.
Now Bakugo was actually stunned. Forget, cold, this was a side of you he hadn't ever experienced. Admittedly, he hadn’t been spoken to like that from anyone besides his mother—and she only got away with it because she was not only the queen…but he was his mom.
Katsuki honestly didn’t know how to handle it. It was only then that he concentrated back on his father’s advice. Whenever his mother was upset with his dad, his father would fight back, but never with emotional anger. Always with humbleness and an understanding tongue.
It usually did the trick considering his mother could never stay upset with him for more than a night. It always struck the teen with hidden awe. Sometimes, Katsuki thought his dad was an angel.
Bakugo was no angel, but he hoped it’d have the same affect on you.
The blonde teen softened his face and walked up behind you. He stopped you, wrapping his arms around your waist to lie his forehead against the decorated braids the fell down your back.
“Damn it. I’m sorry okay?” he lowly said, face burning from such a public display of affection. “Just hear me out.”
You didn’t speak and he clenched his jaw.
You inwardly cursed your rapidly beating heart. If it weren’t for how stupidly nice being in his arms was (he was definitely working out more), and the fact that you found him kinda cute begging for your permission, maybe you wouldn’t have caved in so easily.
For now, you’d blame it on the fact that you two were destined to wed. It was better to start dealing with fights now so, hopefully, the future held less of them.
You heaved a sigh, unwillingly ignoring your body’s urge to curl in his arms. Instead, you pulled away and turned to face him. You peered into unsure crimson eyes with as much harshness you could conjure.
“Fine. Speak,” you permitted.
There was a small pause as he gathered his thoughts. When he opened his mouth, you instantly regretted it.
“I’m still mad at you for being dumb and breaking one of family’s treasures. And I’m still fucking pissed that my old hag is on my ass about it,” he started and noticed how your eyes narrowed in contempt.
You were about to turn away, thinking this was a waste of time. However, Bakugo took a hold of your wrist before you could leave.
“Leave me alone! If you didn’t want to get in trouble, you should’ve just let me take the blame. I can't believe I thought you’d apologize—“
“Let me finish, princess.”
It was your title, yet you felt your stomach flip when it came from his lips. You refused to let it influence you…but you’d give him another chance.
Bakugo stepped closer to you. “I’m upset, but I took the punishment because I wanted to. You didn’t mean to break it. Accidents happen, I understand that.”
There was a pregnant pause. Then, you softened your gaze a bit, eyes still lit with inquiry. “Why? Why would you do that if it meant getting in trouble? I could’ve taken the blame just fine.”
“Y/N, you freak the fuck out whenever you don’t get a perfect score on an exam. You try not to mess up and when you do, it’s like the world is ending,” he explained with a teasing smirk. You ungracefully snorted. He had a point. “When you broke the vase, I could hear your heart drop. You were two seconds away from crying. And when I saw how scared you looked I just—I don’t know.”
The look on your face was something between shock, surprise, and wonder. You blinked, thick lips parting slightly in awe.
“Katsuki…” you breathed to which the boy heavily blushed. Realizing how sappy he sounded, his mind screamed at him to cut it out.
Bakugo looked down and noticed he was still holding your wrist. He quickly let go and instinctively rubbed the nape of his neck.
“D-don’t be dramatic. I just didn’t wanna see you moping around or some shit. My father said that it wasn’t that important anyway…the vase I mean,” he mumbled.
Sure it wasn’t, you thought. What were you gonna do with this boy?
You supposed an apology was a good start.
“That was very nice and admirable of you Katsuki. Thank you,” you eventually said. “I’m still really sorry about the vase, and for being mean to you just now.”
He shook his head. “I know, but I’m the one that should be apologizing. I ain’t hafta treat you the way I did. I was being an ass for not accepting the food you made for me earlier.”
“Yeah you were, ya bastard.”
He chuckled at that. “The two idiots wouldn’t stop raving over how good it was.”
“Well, I had the best teacher in the kingdom,” you grinned.
“And I had an even better student,” he winked.
Your smile widened. Maybe marrying him wouldn’t be so bad.
You couldn’t help yourself when you heartily embraced him, enjoying how his arms slowly slithered around the small of your back. Your eyes met and you kissed him on the lips, leaving him with a little gasp. You pulled away and giggled under your breath.
“You know, you're a sweet guy underneath all that false bravado.”
“False brav—what the hell are you going on about!?”
Ignoring his explosive behavior, you readjusted the straps on your shoulder before turning on your heel.
“Don’t bring anything for lunch on Monday, okay? I’ll see you later, blondie.”
Despite his little tantrum, Bakugo still watched you disappear into the store with a gentle expression. You gave him more headaches than he cared for, but you were worth it. Besides, he was sure you could say the same for him.
Bakugo turned to leave and passed his fingertips over where your lips touched his own.
He’d never admit to the giddiness in his chest. He’d take that shit to the grave.
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sweettodo · 3 years
Animals ⟿ Levi Ackerman x fem!reader
Includes : cockwarming, smut, swearing, riding, slight praise.
Word count : 1,8k
An, ik this is short. But I’m down bad yall. I am so dick deprevied it is just sad. ANYWAYS. Also I couldn’t think of a good title bc this is just smut w no plot??
Levi was not the one for pda, quite the opposite- no surprise there; he hated kissy couples who laid all over each other like idiots. It was really disappointing when you were more or less ignored besides meal time throughout the day, where in the dining hall we would be able to have some conversation.
You sat across from him at dinner, the smoldering heat from the summer evening which kept you all from wearing your normal uniforms, you wore a white tank top with some random shorts while Levi looked incredibly sculpted, his pecs and abs filling out a tight-ish short sleeve shirt, sweat slightly sticking to his arms, restricting, that- that tight...
“Oi, staring much?” My gaze snaps back to his dark eyes, deadpan face and all. You smirk and roll your eyes, his eyes fell deep into yours; he bit his tongue in anticipation of what you were planning next.
“Sorry, Captain.” You drag, with that slight whiney undertone you purposely allowed to slip from your lips. he scowled at you, obviously irritated at your childish behavior, you playfully kick him under the table, Hange eyes you from the corner of her eyes, smile planted on her face. Everyone knew you rarely called Levi ‘Captain’ and the only time you did was- quite frankly- in the bedroom.
She turns to face Levi, her smile only growing when she sees how irritated he looked, “why the pout ‘Captain?’” She laughs teasingly, patting his shoulder. It was all fun and games until you don’t expect the sharp kick into your calf, you jerk backwards and wince, followed by a hiss and you stand, your legs hopping over the bench and as you pass Levi, you feel his eyes burn holes into your backside. Steering yourself across the halls and finally down to Levi’s office with the adjoining bedroom, sneaking into the office; making sure no one saw, you close the door behind you in excitement; your stomach giddy knowing you did a sufficient job planting a little bug in Levi’s ear; enough to get the ball rolling.
One thing no one knew, a surprising fact that left you baffled the first time you had heard it; Levi was a switch. At least when he felt like it. It came in handy when he didn’t want to do any work.
He liked to watch you get yourself off and use him like a toy.
Slowly walking around his perfectly neat desk, the infamous Levi walks in, slamming the door behind him. While he stood there, you continue strolling around the wooden desk, fingers lightly trailing across the smooth finish of his desk, “do you think you’re subtle? Practically moaning my title in front of our peers?” He grits, walking over to his bedroom door, opening it and standing there waiting for me, “get on the bed. Now. This is what you wanted right? To piss me off enough?” I slyly walk by him, ignoring his tantrum, my fingers once again trailing across his immediate tensed stomach. He shuts the door behind him and watches you sit on the bed, legs hanging off the side.
It didn’t take long for the air to quickly become thick in the moderalty large room. Your neglected pussy throbbing at the idea that it was about to be packed to the fucking brim.
He slips off his shirt whilst standing in between your legs, you gulp and look up at him. Suddenly grabbing your jaw, a tight grip which you quickly realized he wasn’t going to make this any easier for yourself, “I’m gonna get on this bed, and you’re gonna ride me.” You blink innocently, incapable of nodding from his freakish Ackerman strength. He shoves you off his hand, your back hitting the bed, your hand raising to your jaw and rubbing the tenderness.
Unbuttoning his pants, kicking them off his thighs and propping himself against the rustic wood headboard, you slip off your top, followed by your shorts, you approach him to straddle him, starting to throw a leg over his waist.
But before you can do that...
Grabbing ahold of your hips, he begins manhandling you, turning you around to reverse him, “that’s unfair.” You pout, his hands dragging up and down your thighs, applying a loud slap against your right ass cheek, your cunt clenching as he slaps you again with his hard calloused hand.
“What’s unfair? What’s there to look at if you’re facing me?” He chuckles, you crane your head back to look at him, a smug look on his stupid face.
You bring yourself up and deciding to give yourself a little pleasure. You find yourself bringing your clothed heat against his hard cock, grinding.
This. This, for certain Levi could not resist, he allows you to give a little friction, knowing he wouldn’t allow it to go on for too long regardless, “I wanted to look at your face.” You hum, whining your hips slightly against him, his mouth falling dry.
“Tch, show me what you can do, yeah?” His hands massaging the small of your back, gripping and kneeding tightly as you sit up only a little, leaning down so you can snake your hand between your legs and releasing his dick from his boxers with one hand, he uses his two fingers to move your underwear to the side, adjusting so you can ride him.
Your hands grip his thighs, the curve to your back which he looked at, your shoulder blades rolling, fitting him into your cunt, your head moving almost erratically as he stuffs you, “so fucking wet, how long have you been like this princess? I fucking love it.” He praises, his hands still helping you up and down still at a slow pace.
“All day Levi.” You admit, he lets out a little ‘hm’ in response, he was just so fixated on the way your hips and thighs moved while on top of his slightly sweaty body; the sound of skin sticking together was echoing throughout the bedroom.
His hand lingering up your spine, reaching for your hair, his fingers entangling into your roots, grabbing hard and yanking your light headed - head back, he sits up and brings his head right to the crook of your shoulder, you stop thrusting yourself up and down momentarily, “I love it when you sit pretty on my cock like this, mh’ could be like this all fucking night.”
You can only wimped in response, walls uncontrollably flexing and twitching around his cock which sat nested in you for what felt like forever, with his hand still in your hair, he used his free one to weave around to your front, slipping into your underwear, you gasped and cried out, panting like a fucking dog as he plants firm and pressurized circular motions around your clit.
You couldn’t move; body being help down on his dick, you couldn’t even squirm underneath him, “Such a feign for my cock aren’t you? Tell me what you want.” You could’ve cum right then and there.
“Bend me over.” You begged, he picks up the pace of his three fingers which spun crazily around your bud, his fingers becoming soaked. He completely ignored you, “fuck! Levi!” You wail, your pussy twitching, eyes rolling back, still restrained over his hard on. Thighs twitching as you feel the slick of your cum bathing Levi’s already drenched cock. His fingers had slowed tremendously, working you through your first orgasm, he releases his fist from your hair and your weak neck drops down and you breathe, you wanted him to fuck you now.
“You better not move. I’ll fuck you when I’m ready.” He growls, feeling you attempt to lift your hips back up for any type of thrust; which he stopped.
His hand leaves your slit, you groan in frustration, “Captain, please bend me over.” You whine and plead once again.
This time it works, he quickly pulls out and pushes you onto your elbows, he gets on his knees, lightly slapping your shoulder, motioning you to turn your face towards the head frame as he stood perched behind you; your head in the pillows as he kicks open your legs with his knee, pushing down against your hips so he could look at your throbbing pink pussy, screaming to be fucked.
“I shouldn’t even be touching you right now.” He grits, angling himself against your cunt, sliding back in, it truly stung, the time he spent sitting inside you only heightened those nerves, they exploded when they came into contact. “Annoying me like that? You think you deserve this?” He insults, contradicting his words with his slow thrusts, crying into the pillow, his tight grip which held your legs in place, he’s pulling your hips towards him; fucking you onto his dick.
“I-m sorry Levi.” You moan, he smacks your ass, the stinging sensation onto going straight to the most sensitive area. You were so close to releasing again; luckily for you Levi wasn’t they type to stop you. Loud moans being somewhat silenced by the pillows yet didn’t block all the sound. Levi, who is drilling your hips onto his, he stops and switches roles, him doing the pounding.
Levi’s hand grabs ahold of the headboard, watching you fall apart under him, arm and back flexing beautifully as your cum juiced down his cock. You were so fucking wet, wetting his thighs and your own from the skin to skin contact.
With one hand placed roughly on your back, the other on the headboard, he wastes no time gaining momentum and fucking you absolutely silly; fucking you till’ you were seeing stars when you closed your eyes.
Your weak hand reaches for his moving body and you keep it on top of your tail bone so you could touch his stomach as he thrusted back and forth into you, the tips of your fingers touching him was enough for you to orgasm.
Not to mention the headboard banging back into the wall as well- which neither of you paid any mind to-while he was assaulting the absolute fuck out of your cunt. Your tears and drool which have destroyed the pillow are no match for the amount of cum and sweat that both you and Levi had soaked the sheets with. You two fucked each other like animals, you two could be going all day and night if you didn’t need the sleep for the coming day.
Nor did he care about pulling out, not even warning you, or even himself for that matter- he’s catching himself unloading a thick load deep into your squeezing pussy. His grunts filling the room; followed by a repeated ramble of your name. You had lost count to how many times you had cum, which came to no shocker when it was Levi.
He stays inside you, his sputtering thrusts, he panted as he still kept you full and warm with his softening cock, not wanting to feel cold, stubborn about the fact he needed to stop fucking you at some point. People were bound to have heard the banging headboard and wailing, which you and Levi would be hearing about with the neighboring headroom and office... Hange’s room and office.
He finally slides out of you, entertained at the sight of his cock covered in slick. You lift your head up and throw yourself onto your back, whilst Levi is doing the same. He looked a mess, glistening with sweat, hair either sticking to his forehead or little pieces even clumped together; with his cheeks red, mouth slightly open with heavy breaths from his chest- he was a hot mess, but you didn’t even want to know what you looked like.
“Let me pee and we go again Captain Levi?” You tease, body perking up, he looks up at you and smirked, nodding and as you roll out of bed, he slaps you hard against your ass, you jump and scurry to the bathroom.
“We don’t have anything to do tomorrow anyways.” Levi mumbles as he stands up to follow you to the bathroom.
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids’ reactions when finding out that you’re pregnant ↠ all members
genre: reaction, fluff, angst word count: 3.3k warnings: discussion of pregnancy (obviously), mention of abortion, discussion of sex & kinks, swearing, suggestive request: yes (anon) a/n: i tried to make this inclusive of anyone who can and decides to bear children. this is in no reflects stray kids in reality, as this is purely a work of fiction. also, thanks to lin for the cheesecake and twirling bits~ reminder: respect a person’s right to choose whether they will have a child or not. it’s their business and their’s alone. if you have a problem with that, then perhaps this fic isn’t for you. and, please remember to practice safe sexual habits and always, always, get continued and enthusiastic consent!
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
bang chan
a year after getting married
the two of you had decided to have children
and had been trying to conceive for maybe 5 months
for the first couple months, you’d both been stressed and so your bodies hadn’t exactly cooperated
but just this last time you’d tried, everything had been perfect
the mood was just right, you’d moved seamlessly together, it was exactly the right time of the month
everything was as it should be
so, a few weeks later
you’d called chan into the bathroom and taken the little test
having woken up feeling a little off
…..well, not necessarily off, but just different
you thought it’d be a good idea to take the pregnancy test
you sat on chan’s lap as the test slowly revealed the information
and since you’d done this several times before,
you leaned your head back against your husband’s shoulder, waiting with bated breath
after a few minutes, chan, who’d been looking down into your lap, rubbed your belly excitedly
“oh love, you’re pregnant!” he said,
you turned in chan’s arms and began to cry from sheer relief and happiness
you’d had a little nagging worry in the back of your mind that you might not be able to get pregnant
but it was just that now: meaningless worry
you couldn’t believe it
you were going to have chan’s baby
and honestly, you couldn’t think of a better person to be a father
chan was practically vibrating
because, oh my gods, he was so excited
i mean;;;
he now gets to channel all his dad energy into
actually being a dad!!!
he’d been wanting to be a father and now he was!!!!
he was on cloud 9
and so he scooped you up to carry you to the bed, gently laying you down
“i’m not going to break like fine china” you giggled, and chan just kissed your nose
for the rest of the day, chan absolutely worshipped you (and your body)
making it extremely obvious that he was even more in love with you than before
that he would love you until the end of time and beyond
lee minho
you hadn’t exactly been trying to get pregnant
but pregnant you were
you’d used protection—two kinds!
and were careful
but sometimes that’s just not enough
you noticed that your period was late
only by a couple days but your cycles were freakishly regular
so, you went and got a pregnancy test
minho was at work when you called him
(he’d had to go in on a saturday to finish something ajhskjfh)
so you really just couldn't wait to tell him
when he picked up, you didn’t waste any time
“minho, i’m pregnant”
you could practically hear minho’s look of shock through the phone
“i’m pregnant, minho. can you come home early so we can talk about this?”
“yeah i’ll be home as soon as i can!!”
you just curled up on the couch with the cats, waiting for him to get home
minho was a little panicky bc neither of you had planned for this
not now, if ever
the two of you were neck-deep in your careers
and had been doing perfectly fine without children
while the idea of it was nice, you knew that, realistically, you probably wouldn’t be able to support children
it seemed like you were being tested by the universe or something
as much as you didn’t want to admit it
the decision was fairly clear to you
so when minho came home
you’d been thinking about the situation for a long time
and had already cried once
“i can’t, min,” was the first thing you said when he sat down next to you
“i know, honey. it’s okay.”
“i feel horrible but i can’t have this child. we haven’t planned for this or anything. this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
your voice was a little shaky as you laid your head against minho’s shoulder
“so, what are you thinking you’ll do?”
minho’s voice is gentle and leaves all the space in the world for whatever answer you’ll give
“i— please don’t be mad?” you’re starting to worry now
“y/n, love, it’s completely your choice. you know that. i support you whether you decide to have the child or not.”
minho wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer
“i don’t think i can see this through right now, min,” you said quietly
he nods, knowing what your next words will be
“i’m going to get an abortion. it’s still so early—it’ll be fine.”
minho just held you as the weight of what you’d just said crashed down
but you knew it was the right choice
there was no way you were ready to have a child
minho was the most supportive and understanding he could be
you were glad that you’d chosen him as your life partner
and, if you ever did decide to have a child, you knew that he’d make a great father
just his reaction and support in this situation alone told you that much
maybe, just maybe, you’d try in a few years
seo changbin
you and changbin were kind of neutral on the whole “having kids” thing
you weren’t trying to get pregnant
but then again, you weren’t trying not to get pregnant
plus, you’d just found a new kink of changbin’s
he’d come home one night and was ~very much in the mood~
he was just praising you over and over, and telling you exactly how he was going to make you feel incredible
then one little thing slipped out, one totally new thing
“i’m gonna fill you up so well”
but there was no denying that it was insanely hot
especially in his slightly husky voice
he’d continued, over and over, his face buried in the crook of your neck
and by the end of the night, you’d felt a bit like an eclair with too much cream in it
it wasn’t your period that had alerted you
no, not that because your period was annoyingly irregular
it was when you started to feel a bit funny in the mornings
that you decided to take a pregnancy test
you’d been shocked (well, only a little bit) to find that you were indeed pregnant
you waited until changbin got home
and then sauntered up to him quite sexily
you trailed your fingers over his chest and whisper “hey baby”
changbin looked more than a little excited and was all “just give me a minute and then i’m all yours”
and then, you just dropped the news into the conversation like a child drops a particularly large rock into a pond
knowing there will be a splash but not really caring
“i’m pregnant” *y/n grinning like a fox*
changbin spluttered and had to lean against the wall for a moment
he finally got himself back under control
changbin: “well, i guess my impregnation kink paid off”
y/n: “fucking hell bin, you’re not supposed to say that!”
changbin: “i’m right tho…..”
yeah okay changbin was right
and it had been a hot several weeks in the bedroom since he’d realized that kink
you definitely couldn’t complain
the two of you decided that you’re ready to be parents
and that, of course, you’d stay together
the child would have two completely devoted parents
who, when the child turned 25, would insist on telling them the story of their conception
changbin was absolutely over the moon
he couldn’t wait to cuddle you while your belly grows
bc you’d be even softer than usual
and absolutely lovely
just knowing you’re carrying his child makes him even more in love with you than he already was
hwang hyunjin
mild panic
nothing major
what if his mother found out
he’d definitely be dead as a doorknob, then
hyunjin would be nothing but incredible
yeah, he wasn’t expecting that he’d get you pregnant
and you’d been on birth control and being very careful
he also completely expected you to not want to have the baby
and, really, he was okay with that
it was your body, after all
but when you told him that you were pregnant
and that you wanted to have the baby
he immediately went into full-on support mode
telling you he’d never, ever, leave you
and that he’d always be there for the kid, too
he snuggled you for hours
(literally some of the best snuggling you’d ever had)
just talking about how you’d be parents
and what color you should paint the child’s room
hyunjin voted for peach, since it’s a warm color that would both brighten the room and calm the little one
you also talked about whether, now that you were pregnant, you wanted to get married
“while i’d be heartbroken if i couldn’t marry you, y/n, i understand if you don’t want to.”
you’d immediately shot down that idea
“nope, i’m marrying you, hwang hyunjin. you’re not getting out of that one so easily!”
hyunjin was extremely relieved, since all he’d wanted to do since you’d started dating was marry you
and now he was going to!!!!
you’d kissed him thoroughly and were well on your way to doing more
when hyunjjin remembered that he should probably tell his mother that
a) he was getting married
and b) he was going to be a father
you promised to tell your parents, too
everyone was surprised, but not too surprised
your mother actually said she’d been waiting for one of those two things to happen so the two of you would just get it together and be together for the rest of your lives
(ajfgakjdfghalkj moooooooom;;;;; )
you decided to have the wedding after the baby was born
after all, you were committed to each other
and there was no reason to think otherwise
all you could think of as you lay in bed that night was how your child would definitely be taller than you by the time they were twelve
as hyunjin lay beside you, all he could think of was that the baby would have your smile
he was sure of it
and he knew that everything would be okay
as long as he kept you smiling
han jisung
jisung’s immediate response was:
“oh my god, we need cheesecake to celebrate!!!”
and proceeded to drag you out the door to buy cheesecake
he’d be just as excited as chan
and had definitely been thinking about what it’d be like to have kids with you
so when you’d told him you were pregnant
jisung was ecstatic
he’d already been thinking about names
and wasted no time in telling them to you
the day after you told him
you spent an entire day in bed, just talking about what you’d name your child
how you wanted to raise them
what you’d like to be called as parents
if there were things that you were completely against in parenting, you’d discuss those, too
aaaand after a particularly lovely morning in bed,
jisung just kinda mumbled to you
“baby, you’re gonna be so hot”
“ji what’re you talking about?? i’m not already hot?“
“you’re gonna be even hotter. when you’re showing. like, holy fuck!! just knowing you’re pregnant with my kid is the hottest thing ever. you’re gonna be an amazing parent—it’s all you! there wasn’t, um, much for me to do…”
“hmmm, enjoy it while it lasts, because i’m gonna have dark circles under my eyes for the next 10 years”
“you’ll still be hot as fuck, though, baby”
he’s just really sweet and excited hhhhhh
jisung would also try to learn everything he could to support you
and make sure that you and the baby stay safe
oh and then that one time you went to the obstetrician for a routine check early on
and welp you’re having twins
jisung kind of freaked out
but mainly around his friends
to you, he was nothing but excited and totally ready to take on the challenge of raising two kids at once
but he would be determined to do everything right for the kids
and would be such a fun and loving father
lee felix
felix hadn’t said anything about it to you before
but once you’d gotten married
he’d really wanted to have kids
felix, though, being a sweetie, hadn’t brought it up because he wanted you to have full choice over whether you’d have kids
but he’d secretly hoped that you’d decide that having kids with him was what you wanted
so when you told him that you wanted to go off birth control
bc you thought it was time the two of you should start a family
felix felt like it was his lucky day
when you told him you’d waited long enough for the birth control not to affect you
felix had texted your friends, who were supposed to meet you for dinner, that something unavoidable and important had come up
and that you had to cancel
then, he’d pulled you into the bedroom and you hadn’t gotten any sleep
two months later, you told felix that you were, indeed, pregnant
he picked you up and spun you around, squeezing you so tight!!
and then put you down quickly, a look of horror on his face
“what if i just hurt you and,,,,the baby,,,,”
“felix it doesn’t work like that, you know that”
“true, sorry. just paranoid.
he kissed you so deeply that you thought he must have some merman in him
no normal human could go without proper breath that long
felix then called every single one of his friends and family to tell them the good news
he called chan twice by accident
and chan just acted like he’d never heard the news before
(chan texted you shortly thereafter, wondering if felix was okay)
felix was all smiles for weeks after,
telling anyone and everyone that he was going to be a father
he’d leave little post-its around for you with baby names
or would add random things to the shopping list, just to see if it was something you were craving
on more than one occasion, your cravings found new and surprisingly delicious food combinations that felix managed to create proper recipes for
once the baby was born,
felix’s favorite thing was to fall asleep with the baby on his chest
he’d sing soft lullabies to them, usually putting you to sleep, too
all he wanted to do was show both of you all the love in the world
kim seungmin
you’d called seungmin a month after a surprisingly wild night together
you’d been seeing each other off and on
just casually, nothing serious
mainly just physical but with a nice friendship
it was the perfect thing for two graduate students who sometimes needed to take the edge off
but now he—
he’d gotten you pregnant
he couldn’t believe it, especially since the two of you were always careful
you sounded so bewildered over the phone
and seungmin insisted that you meet up to talk about it
when he saw you, he immediately wrapped you in the tightest embrace possible
and just whispered “i’m sorry” over and over again
then, you had a long conversation about next steps
you wanted to have the baby,
since you’d wanted to have a child someday
and thought, seeing as you could actually provide for the child, you were fine with being pregnant
but you also wanted seungmin to be in the child’s life
he wholeheartedly agreed
and then…
and then you suggested actually dating
seungmin, who’d “caught” feelings months ago, was overjoyed
he was all for becoming a couple
and being there for you and the child in all ways he could
he began by asking you out on a date
and all you could do was laugh
bc here he was, the man who’d gotten you pregnant, asking you on a date
it was mildly ridiculous
but you said yes to him faster than you’d said yes to anything else before
seungmin researched the things pregnant people should and shouldn’t do
and then made sure not to suggest any of those things for dates
oh and he always had a little note in his wallet with the foods you shouldn’t eat, too
he just wanted the best for you
and completely spoiled you
seungmin felt a little guilty, as if he’d somehow tricked you into dating him
but you insisted that it was nothing like that
you truly wanted to be with him
and had, honestly, just been waiting for a chance to broach the subject
even after you decided to be life partners
and even after the baby was born
seungmin still felt amazed that he’d been lucky enough to end up with you
you were amazing
and the baby had your laugh,
which only made his world all that more brighter
yang jeongin
jeongin absolutely smothered you in kisses when you told him
it was as if he wanted to show his purest self
totally and unashamedly in love
and intent on showing it at all times
he’d carried you to your bedroom and told you to just rest
you’d giggled, insisting that you didn’t have to be bedridden yet
meanwhile, he’d gone to the kitchen and made you breakfast
he was determined to do everything for you
after all, another life was growing inside you
it was the least he could do
later that day, he started dismantling his office so it could be the child’s room
and insisted on going out and buying you every single piece of maternity clothing you could ever want
he researched all the right foods for you to eat while pregnant
and make sure to do a lead test on the paint in your slightly older home
(it was all okay, but he just wanted to check!)
jeongin was so, so excited that he was having a child with you
he couldn’t stop talking about it when you went to a small get-together of friends
he definitely told all his co-workers
and was just glowing with pride
jeongin had a list as long as his forearm of all the different baby names he loved
and he hoped that you would want more than one child
he was incredibly excited for the whole experience of being a father
after being the youngest in his friend group and being babied so much
he wanted to show that he could be responsible and mature
(even though he was already 34 years old and mature enough)
sometimes he acted a little silly and giddy
but who could blame him?!
bc after months of careful planning and attempts
you were pregnant!
and jeongin couldn’t be happier
he would show you and the child (or children!)
that life was sweeter than ambrosia
and that he’d love you with his whole being
completely and utterly, as deeply as he could
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sleepyfemme · 3 years
hi !! do you have any advice on how to improve/grow your yoga practice ? rn I'm mainly doing yoga by watching yoga with Adrienne but I feel stuck ? ig i want to try new things and push myself more but I'm a little bit lost on how to do it. so if you have any advice, that would be great !! thank you ❤️
yes i absolutely have some advice!!!! sorry this ended up being kind of long lol
i think adriene is great, but she does stay within a kind of limited range & style of movement which can get boring & uninspired after a while. what i did at the beginning of covid when i was trying to form a home practice was skim a lot of other youtube yoga classes for ideas & take screen recordings of things i wanted to try later. i hate to recommend anyone venture into the instagram yoga world, but i did that on instagram as well lol. it is definitely possible to find people on instagram who have reasonable, normal yoga practices and don't just do crazy inversions and stuff, and i've definitely drawn a lot of inspiration from them this past year. if you're into following videos, maybe find a yoga instructor you like who has a paid app or service and try that (i don't really enjoy following videos so i wasted some money doing this, but everyone is different!!). i understand because of covid or other reasons this might not be possible for you (right now at least), but truly nothing is better in my opinion than an in person yoga class. if that's accessible & safe for you, i would really recommend it!!! if not, check to see if your local yoga studios have any video classes on their website. they often will be better than what you can find on youtube
also, listen to your body & move in whatever ways feel good!! it doesn't have to be in a sequence & doesn't have to be an actual asana, just stretch & move around your mat & figure out what feels good. closing your eyes & breathing through different parts of your body will help you with this. just learning to move intuitively in ways that work for you will really open up your yoga practice in a big way.
i use a progress tracker app (the one i use is called done if anyone is interested) & having a way to track my practices was super motivating to me, and it might be for you as well!! setting a small goal for yourself could be very helpful (but don't put too much pressure on it either). for me when i started using the app i didn't necessarily have a specific goal in mind, but it did force me to get on the mat every single day even on low energy days or days when my mental health wasn't great, and i learned how to move & care for myself in those moments & i wouldn't have done that if i hadn't made myself practice every day. for me at least, i was only really motivated to practice on days where i had high energy & was in a really good mood, and i think having a steady home practice means you have to get on the mat more than just when you feel like it (especially bc when you DON'T feel like it is probably when it will help you the most). also, getting a nice non-slippery mat was a game changer for me
try keeping a yoga journal!! this is something i've personally failed at (but i do keep trying at least), but maybe try keeping a journal near your mat to just write about how you felt during practice, how you feel after, anything new you tried, emotions or feelings that came up in your practice, etc etc. if you aren't already meditating, trying some meditation can really help you connect with your body, especially body scanning meditation & breathwork meditations. incorporating breathwork into your yoga practice also will help with that.
my favorite thing about home practice personally is how playful they can be!! your time on the mat should be fun. for me personally that means putting on music & dancing/singing to it while i flow. it also means that when i fall out of balances or other poses i'm not strong at, i laugh about it & keep going. having a practice that's playful & fun & joyful is like, the whole point!!
if you're comfortable with it, take some videos from time to time!! this is helpful partially to check your form & alignment & making sure you're doing things safely, but partially bc it's so cool to be able to physically see all the progress you've made!! i found that super super motivating to keep practicing.
i hope this was helpful, best of luck to you!!! 💖💖💖
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Forgiving - Tom Holland
alright so this was vaguely based on a dream i had? idk how to feel about it, but i felt the need to write it bc it’s been on my mind for two days so here we are.
summary: You and Tom like to experiment sexually. After having your first ever threesome with him and an unknown guy you realize it was not what you wanted but you’re afraid to come clear to Tom. 
word count: 2.3k
warning: slightly sexual? kinda NSFW, not too detailed threesome, some emotional stuff going on i reall don’t know
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Sex has always been about experiments for you. Ever since the beginning, your curiosity has been driving you along to try more things, find what you like, expand your boundaries. It has been all about being pleasured and to pleasure. Through the years you can easily say you’ve tried more than the average, explored unknown territories from time to time, mapped your own body, figured out what works best for you. It was all just about satisfaction, not too much about the emotions, until you met Tom.
The shy smiles he sent you at the pub that night, keeping his gaze fixed on your while his friends were trying to catch his attention, he surely caught your eye. He luckily worked up the courage to talk to you, ending up talking with you for hours before it was closing hours. The two of you exchanged numbers without hesitation and the rest is history. It’s been almost an entire year and you are confident to say you are completely and utterly in love with him. You found the person who doesn’t just clicks with you on the field of humor, interests and passions… but he shares your curiosity about undiscovered levels of sex.
You still remember the open and honest conversation you had with him just two months into the relationship. You felt nervous to bring it up, a little scared about his reaction, but he seemed just as excited as you, interested to try out things you’ve already did. It took the two of you some time to catch up with each other and get to the part where new things were unexplored by the both of you.
Experiencing these things with Tom made it all way more intense than before. The trust and love you’ve been feeling since the beginning turned it into something so much more intimate and memorable. See him grow, delving into sides of himself he hasn’t connected with and just be there for him, with him, makes you feel fulfilled. It surely brings you another level of satisfaction you haven’t been able to experience with anyone else.
You don’t think anything into it when the idea of having a threesome comes up. It has surely been a thought you played with, but didn’t feel ready yet. However, when it just casually comes up between the two of you one evening, you are surprised to see how interested Tom has been too.
“Definitely thought about it,” he hums to himself, glancing up at you from his phone while you lie next to him, tugged under the covers comfortably.
“In which setup?” you question, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
“Both,” he confidently answers. “But I have to admit, I thought more about the two women one man version,” he smirks and you smile back at him.
“Yeah? Had anyone in mind for the third party?”
“Not specifically, no,” he truthfully admit and you believe him. An agreement has been made in the beginning to be open and honest about anything regarding your experiments and you trust Tom with keeping his word as you do the same.
“How about you, Darling?”
“I have a few celebrities in mind, but that doesn’t count,” you smirk at him coyly before bringing back the seriousness into the conversation. “Would you want to give it a try?”
Tom thinks about it, clearly chewing his answer before he nods shortly, his eyes returning to yours.
“I think yes. But only with a person we would never ever meet again.”
“I agree,” you smile at him.
Somehow, in the upcoming weeks, the situation progresses fairly and quite steadily. Following a few more discussions you end up choosing to have another man participate in your intimate session and the two of you reach out to a professional party, wanting to make sure you don’t just fetch someone up from the street. You choose a guy based on three photos and a short description. His name is Lucas and he seems like a genuinely nice guy, it all seems like it’s going to go smoothly, he is even up for signing and NDA, something you both agreed would be essential in your current situation.
You don’t feel particularly nervous that evening you and Tom head to the hotel where you booked a room for the occasion. It was evident you wouldn’t let the third party into your bedroom, so Tom was quick to look for a room.
Holding hands, you arrive and check in, Lucas texts you that he’ll be arriving in ten when you walk into the elegant looking room. The bed is huge, could easily fit three people and you bet Tom paid extra attention to this detail.
“Hey,” Tom catches your attention when there’s still a few minutes until Lucas arrives. His hand slides into yours, squeezing it gently. “Whenever you want it to stop, just tell me, alright?” he softly tells you and it warms your heart to know that he just wants to make sure you’re comfortable with whatever happens.
“Same goes for you,” you smile at him. Leaning down he kisses you lovingly, murmuring a quiet I love you before letting go of you.
All your past experiences in sex couldn’t prepare you to what a threesome would bring to you.
It all starts just fine. Lucas is just as likable as you thought, completely open to anything you had in mind. Tom has one rule that he makes clear in the beginning: Lucas can’t kiss you, that’s just for him. And that’s a rule you easily agree with.
After a short round of do’s and don’ts you finally get down to business. Right from the beginning there’s a slightly numbing feeling in the back of your mind that you just can’t put anywhere and you are not even paying enough attention to it to figure it out. One thing follows the other and you are so focused on what’s in front of you that you are too overwhelmed to analyze your own feelings that keep just piling inside you, pushed down inside your guts until they finally erupt.
It’s happens when Lucas is inside you for the first time. Immediately, you think it must just be the unfamiliarity that you are too used to Tom, so you keep going, focusing on your boyfriend who is kissing you in the meanwhile, ushering his hand to his erection. You’re eager to please him first and utmost, but each time Lucas slides inside you, it’s like something breaks in you.
You don’t want him to be inside you. You don’t want anyone else either, just Tom. It doesn’t feel right, you want to stop it, but then you get scared, because it seems like Tom is enjoying himself and you don’t want to ruin the experience for him. So swallowing your tears you keep going until your body refuses to continue. As you get off of Lucas, you try your best to make it look like you just want a change, your hands eagerly pull Tom with you, urging him to take Lucas’ place and when you finally feel him inside you, you still can’t enjoy it the way you’d want. Clinging onto him, you are breathlessly praying to forget what it feels like to be touched by someone else than him, but the foreign, burning feeling of Lucas’ touch still stains your skin and you wish you could just shed it, get rid of it. Burn it.
Drained. That’s how you feel when the night eventually ends. Lucas doesn’t stay any longer, he thank you both that you chose him and wishes you a great rest of the night before he takes off. Lying in bed, you are still fighting your tears back, feeling nothing like yourself. You hear Tom making his way back to the bed, but before he could see the torn expression on your face, you quickly jump out of bed and lock yourself up in the bathroom. With no clothes on, you don’t waste any time to stand under the hot water, hoping it would wash away this restless feeling. Sitting down in the walk-in shower you take some time to figure out what you really feel.
You remember clearly the lustful look in Tom’s eyes, the way he seemed to be enjoying it fully. And you just now realize that’s what hurt more. That it didn’t affect him the way it affected you. Feeling another man do things only Tom does to you made you want to scream, it simply didn’t feel right and you wanted it to end. While it seemed like he didn’t. Like he didn’t mind seeing you with another man and it makes you question if he loves you the same way you love him.
Didn’t he feel jealous? Did he like seeing you like that? Didn’t he want it to stop? The questions flood your mind entirely, making it impossible for you to think about anything else.
Time is completely forgotten as you remain seated on the ground, the water flowing down your face, mixing with your salty tears. You didn’t even realize the bathroom door opens and Tom walks in.
“Y/N?” he calls out and your eyes snap up at him, meeting his gaze that’s filled with despair and confusion. “Baby, what’s wrong?” he asks, immediately getting inside the spacious shower, kneeling down, his arms going to wrap around you, but you move away and he freezes as a sob erupts from you. “Fuck, baby, please talk to me! What’s wrong?” he begs, desperate to figure out what’s gotten you so shaken up, but you don’t feel like you are able to talk. You just cry and cry and he stay right there until you feel like there are no more tears to shed.
“I fucking hated it,” you breathe out eventually, not even daring to look him in the eyes. “I fucking hated that he wasn’t you. I didn’t want anyone else, just you.”
“Why didn’t you tell?” he asks and you can tell he is getting mad now and he has every right. He told you to speak up if something doesn’t sit right with you, yet you chose to keep your mouth shut about it. You sniff before daring to look into his eyes again, feeling smaller than ever, like you were nothing in that moment.
“Because you liked it. I didn’t want to ruin it for you,” you admit truthfully and Tom exhales sharply through his nose. It feels like eternity until he finally speaks up.
“I didn’t,” he simply says and your mouth falls open.
“I didn’t like it.”
“Really? But you looked like… I thought—“
“Darling, you always seem to forget that I’m an actor. I pretend for a living,” he states matter-of-factly.
“How would you pretend to have a fucking erection?” you snap, letting your arms to fall from around your knees. Tom lets out a soft chuckle.
“My imagination was proved to be stronger than I expected. I wished he was gone the whole time. Fucking hated seeing someone else touch you like I do.”
“So then why didn’t you speak up?” you ask the same question he prompted just a few seconds ago.
“Because I thought you were enjoying it.”
His eyes are soft on you and most importantly: forgiving.
“We were proper idiots,” you breathe out, hands reaching out for him as you finally let him scoop you into his arms, your head lying on his naked chest.
“Seems like we both broke out rule,” he mumbles, his hands continuously brushing up and down your bare back and arms.
“I’m sorry. I should have told you. I just wanted you to enjoy it, I love knowing that I get to give you all these new feelings.”
“I’m sorry too, baby. I was afraid you’d think of me different if I didn’t go through with it.”
Lifting your head up you look into his eyes as you cup his face in your palms, your thumbs gently caressing his cheeks.
“I could never see you differently, Tom. I just want you to be happy and satisfied with me.”
“I am. Always.”
Pulling him down your lips meet his and you are finally able to kiss him without feeling any guilt. He kisses you back passionately, as if he is trying to strengthen the words he just spoke.
“I have a new rule,” he says out of breath when he pulls back.
“What is it?”
“From now on, sex is just about us. No third party.”
“Tattoo this on me, I don’t want to live by any other rules,” you blurt out making him laugh and you smile seeing him with that wide grin.
“Alright. Come on, I think we both need to sleep it off,” he tells you as he helps you up from the floor.
Though you’d love to replace your bruised feelings about sex with some new experiences with the only man you love, for now you still just want to lie in bed with his arms around you and that’s exactly what happens.
Not bearing to stay in the hotel room any longer, the two of you quickly pack everything up and go straight home. Stripping from all your clothes you’re quick to climb under the covers and make yourself comfortable in the safety of your own bed that still only holds the sweet mixture of your and Tom’s scent. He wraps his arms tight around you as you nuzzle against his side, a hand lying flat on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat under your palm.
“I love you,” you whisper quietly, pressing a kiss to his abdomen as he squeezes you gently.
“I love you too,” he mumbles, already half asleep, but you know his words hold the truth.
general/forever taglist for Tom Holland
i do separate taglists for different people, but not for different works of mine! if you ask to be on my Tom taglist, you’ll be tagged in all of my Tom fics!
@zaahidahhh​ @shawn-youth​  @wildflower-cth​ @imaginashawnns​ @haute-shawn  @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @cutepenguin1​ @madatmendes @harrysleftchelseaboot​  @bookwormmusiclover15 @dontworrysunflower​
if you’d like to be taken off or added to the list, please let me know!
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mysmegrace · 3 years
hey love, how are you? i was wondering if you could do mc (any gender) and 707 going on a dinner date:)
hello love, i'm excellent (bc of u). of course i can, anything for you :3 i've decided to use they/them pronouns in this fic so it's easier for people to insert their own pronouns and gendered language as well as it being applicable to more people yknow. anyway i hope i did this justice <3
summary: saeyoung and mc got out to dinner to end the day. unbeknown to mc, saeyoung has a surprise to ask you.
words: 1.8k
Elly The Fourth (707 x MC)
you knew saeyoung had a tendency of being late, sometimes he’d even push it to the 15-20 minute mark. you vividly remember telling him about it in the past, but you two always came to an agreement. after all, you couldn’t stay mad when he’d grab the cat ears he had laying around, putting them on while puckering his lips to express false innocence.
however, he had failed to hold up your previous agreement of “if you are to be late, let me know beforehand”. passing a new number on the clock every time you looked up, the restaurant continued to populate with no sign of the man you longed for. boy would you let him have it this time.
you needed something new as a form of punishment. something that would make him stick to your agreements. maybe the silent treatment, or perhaps you’d whip him with the belt he spent a ridiculous amount of money on? “wait no... that wouldn’t end well on my end” you thought as your memories reminded you of his sadistic nature.
while trying to come to a consensus, the vermillion haired man entered the establishment. showing off his typical goofy, yet tender, smile as he eyed your sitting position down. you could hear the clicking of his shoes coming closer, but paid no attention as you had heard that the entire evening from strangers surrounding you.
“boo!” you hear suddenly, almost springing out of your seat, partially convinced your heart would jump out of your chest for a split second. however you had no time to take in sudden scare as your body instantly started to heat up. he arrived 25 minutes late and has the audacity to make his grand entrance by frightening you?
being met with silence on his end, he decides to quickly break the tension. “sorry i’m late, it was an accident” he says, only telling half of the truth. it was an accident in the fact that he was late and didn’t intend on being, but wasn’t an accident in the sense that he knew what he was doing beforehand.
however, he would keep that a secret until the time was right. surprises are better if they’re unexpected after all. snapping out of his thoughts, he noticed how your lips haven’t dared to move in the few minutes he’s been here. trying to come up with ways to lighten the mood while getting a response from you, he says “i’m really sorry. please forgive me and talk to me. it was for a good reason, i promise. you’ll find out soon enough”.
watching as your eyes softened and your posture lightened exactly when he was now eye level with you, he takes it as a sign to continue on with the original plan. only hoping your body language was from you being convinced by his words rather than because of your growing disappointment towards him. going to take the seat across from you, you answer “saeyoung, we’ve talked about this. why were you so late?”.
“babe, i can’t tell you yet. it’s a secret, please understand. let’s enjoy what i have planned for now and we can talk about it later, please?” he answered quickly, not giving a moment for him to accidently spill the beans. after a few seconds, he saw the look on your face as you decided to give into his proposal and make amends later.
for the next hour, tonight would strictly be about you two. he loves nothing more. once you give your verbal agreement, he gives back a small smile. one that reads of gratitude. calling the waiter over, you both receive your menus. 
the food all looked so good, but it wasn’t something he’d want everyday. that kind of taste isn’t much appealing to him. after all, he only chose the restaurant because of your open wish to eat there one day. hence why in classic saeyoung style, he decided on honey garlic chicken wings. commoner food, as jumin would say. honey garlic chicken wings, honey buddha chips, close enough.
on the contrary, you were in awe at the food selection. as long as you ate a few things off the menu, you could die happy. yet shock consumed you when your eyes glided across to check out the price. it was incredibly expensive. guilt started eating you up by the second.
you couldn’t ask him to get you something, it was simply too much. your conscience wouldn’t let you. unbeknownst to you, saeyoung noticed your sudden distress. he could read you like the back of his hand. “what’s the matter?” he asked.
taken aback, you responded “well.. everythings so expensive.” you had tried to mask your emotions in the moment, but to no avail. you should’ve known better than to think your love wouldn’t have his eyes on you 24/7. 
saeyoung could sense that was the issue. you had always been hesistant about spending other peoples money, however that just made him love you more. attempting to calm your worries, he says “don’t worry about it. you know i get paid well”.
you paused, thinking about his statement. “i know, but you should put that money towards savings. after all your work is illegal” you respond, after giving it a half-assed thought. your eyes peered up to find the love of your life smirking, just before replying “pshh, laws are just words on a paper”.
you had to admit, that was a playful thing for him to say. so far he had succeeded in his plans of lightening the mood, it being confirmed when you returned his reply with a giggle. god he loved hearing that giggle.
calling the waiter over again, you two placed your orders. meaning now you both were participating in the waiting game. in saeyoung’s mind, this was a perfect opportunity. he would have at least 20 minutes to explain everything he had been planning to.
so, he starts to go for it. opening by saying “so, about why i was late earlier.” now he had your full attention as you were dying to hear his reasoning so you could decide whether or not an ass whooping would be an acceptable punishment for this evenings occurrence.
“i had booked an appointment to sign some paperwork, but the appointment got moved 30 minutes. i didn’t have a choice but to leave you waiting. and i was too caught up in the moment to let you know beforehand” he continued, giving you a second to take in his words.
yet your mind began racing with questions. what paperwork? why did he need an appointment? why would he plan it for today? you left no time to waste before you let the questions out, not wanting to waste a single second.
perfect, he thought. you were going along with what he had planned out to happen beforehand. giving you your much deserved answers, he continues “well, i needed to do it today so i could give you a proper surprise. i never want you to be in any unnecessary stress, hence why i did everything in advance.”
he left you hanging for no more than a second. he loved being able to see the face you made while you were practically on the edge of your seat. he also loved the dramatic effect, the one he’d never be able to nail unless he were an experience actor. nevertheless, it was fun to try.
so to finish his statement, he lets the secret free, exclaiming “since we both have an undying love for cats, i’ve decided to adopt one. we pick her up tomorrow” giving a genuine, ever so loving, smile at the end of the long awaited sentence.
focused on your end of the table, his heart nearly exploded seeing your face go from suspense to pure joy. he couldn’t ask for anything more. you had began to let out an excited scream, only to contain yourself once the table next to you started to stare. however that didn’t stop you picking yourself up to meet the red head sitting across from you, smiling like a saint.
pulling him into a hug, you whispered “we’re really adopting a cat?” as your lips stood 2 inches away from his ear. his head pulled back from the embrace for a quick moment, only to confirm your statement with a nod of happiness. 
standing there in pure bliss, fantasizing about your new life with your fur baby, you found yourself nearing crying from the overwhelming announcement. only to be brought back to reality once the waiter arrived with your meals. you pulled away, only slightly embarrassed, to become your feast.
“i’m glad you’re so excited” saeyoung spoke. god was all too good to him, he thought. you smiled, softly replying “thank you”. your eyes glanced up from your newly delivered meal to find your lover looking no different than a child being delivered delicious ice cream.
“shall we begin our meal then, 606?” he proposed. you nod, picking up the utensil placed to your right. creating the passage way for the two of you to continue your night full of bliss, no more, no less.
as you silently decided against an ass whooping as reasonable punishment.
BONUS: *on the way home*
“saeyoung” you begin, feeling the once scorching sun hit your revealed arm. “do you have a picture of our future daughter?” you ask. after receiving a gentle laugh, your eyes are met with your loves phone. once inspecting the picture, you could feel yourself melt on the spot.
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“she’s adorable, isn’t she?” saeyoung asked, taking a notice of the way your eyes lit up like stars at midnight. with an aggressive yet playful nod of confirmation, in the next second he could feel the way your body pushed into his side, your arms wrapping around his torso.
“thank you so much” you let out, barely being heard from muffling yourself in your lovers flesh. although you couldn’t see it, you had a sense of saeyoungs current facial expression.
one full of excitement, love, passion, and warmth. he would treat this cat like his child, you were positive of it. and on the plus side, jumin wouldn’t have to worry about saeyoung trying to get a hold of elizabeth now.
in that moment, almost as if he heard your thoughts, he says “we should name her elizabeth the fourth, elly for short!”. there was the silly, child-like man you loved, you thought. 
for the remainder of the late hours, you would be convincing saeyoung not to name her any variation of the name elizabeth the third. you knew for a fact that letting that name slide would result in a lawsuit by the morning. 
elly the fourth did sound cute though... perhaps you should propose keeping it as a nickname for times jumin isn’t present. 
3:07 AST - 07/22/21
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mammons-sugarbaby · 4 years
Can you please write hc about the bois reading mc's diary where they might state somethings (why do they like the bois , their dreams with them , or the nice gestures they do to them)
Sorry this took so long! 
Okay so here’s the platonic version of the bros reading MC’s diary, there will be a romantic, and dirty version as well. Including the undateables (Luke’s obv is platonic only).
I’m putting most of it under a read more bc it’s a lot.
Lucifer ⦁ He'd started giving MC piano lessons after their RAD classes, they'd requested it and he wasn't going to pass up a chance to show off his talents. ⦁ After MC leaves he notices they forgot their things, namely a few schoolbooks and notebooks ⦁ He also notices when he gathers them up that one notebook seems different than the others and opens it to see what it is ⦁ It's a daily journal of their time in the devildom ⦁ He flips through a few more pages and lands on a page that, to his surprise, is about him ⦁ He goes to the beginning and sees where it becomes less about general happenings and more about him
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Lucifer seems more stressed lately....he played the piano for me once and he seemed really happy then. Maybe I can ask him to teach me to play, but he might see it as another thing on his already full plate. But it would be nice for him to have a break from the usual headaches."
⦁ "I asked him and he agreed! He seemed surprised but also has a small smile! I hope I'm not putting too much on him. "
⦁ "He's been teaching me for a few days now and he always seems much more relaxed and happier during our lessons. I'm happy I found something to get his mind off his stress, he works too much. He's nice deep down, but he has a lot going on that makes him irritated. Still, I'm glad he's my friend."
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ Lucifer is touched that MC was worried about him
⦁ And also surprised that they noticed his mood while playing the piano, and his reaction to them requesting he teach them to play, he hadn't realized they were so observant.
⦁ When he thought about it, he realized he had been enjoying their lessons, looking forward to them even. MC wasn't a bad student, they actually picked up the basics quickly. 
⦁ He wouldn't tell them he'd read their diary, but he couldn't help but smile he entire time when they joined him for their next lesson
Mammon ⦁ He was looking through MC's stuff to sell for quick grim ⦁ Finds an intricate looking book, it's looks expensive ⦁ He opens it and notices its a scrapbook ⦁ He soon realizes that there a lot of cut outs and pictures of him ⦁ And there are full pages of writing ⦁ Of course he's going to read about what they have to say about him, The Great Mammon!
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Mammon got another multi page spread! He's so cool."
⦁ "Mammon offered me some of the clothes he'd gotten from a recent shoot because his closet was full, they were super expensive brand names! I'm still in shock, I would have thought he'd sell them. They'd probably go for a good bit of grim since they were what he'd wore in the shoot, I mean he's one of the most in-demand models! But he gave them to me instead, I feel silly for being starstruck."
⦁ "I want to buy something to repay him, but he has everything.... If he wants something, he just buys it, so it's hard to get what he'd want that he doesn't already have...Maybe I could make something?"
⦁ "Went shopping today with him and bought the stuff to make his gift, he didn't even notice! I bought him a few things he asked for, I hope he likes my real present..."
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ He's SHOCKED. Yeah he always boasted about being the greatest, but he hadn't realized MC was an actual fan of his??
⦁ It seems like they had collected pictures from every shoot he'd ever had, and that was saying something.
⦁ He didn't even consider selling the clothes he'd gotten from the shoot that day, he just saw MC admiring them  and rather than try to find room for them, he just let MC have them. He hadn't even thought anything of it, but it made him happy that he'd brought so much joy to MC.
⦁ He wondered what they were making him and tried to think back on their shopping trip, but he'd been too focused on the things he liked, rather than what MC was buying.
⦁ Guilt hit him like a train, he may not have stolen anything, but he's going to buy MC something real nice to make up for trying.
Levi ⦁ He'd gone into MC's room to retrieve some games and manga he'd lent them ⦁ He saw a pile of books near a neat stack of games and assumed they'd left it on their desk for him. ⦁ It wasn't until he got back to his room and was organizing them that he realized he grabbed a book that wasn't his. ⦁ He opened it then quickly shut it after realizing it was their diary. ⦁ He argued with himself to read or not to read, but he saw his name! ⦁ Deciding, he opened the diary again, he just had to know what they were writing about him
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "I hung out with Levi today and watched him absolutely obliterate a raid! It seems like he's super high leveled on like, ever game he plays! He even gets me into some of them and helps me level up and get rare items."
⦁ "I don't know if he's joking or not when he calls me his best friend but I feel the same. He's my best friend. Though sometimes I worry he'll get bored of me since I'm not nearly as into gaming as he is. And I worry that some of the games and stuff I like he'd probably say the were such "normie" or "main stream" things...it doesn't mean they're not fun. I try to stick with games he likes to play, because I don't want to lose my best friend. Is that something I should actually worry over?"
⦁ "We were watching a new anime today and one of the characters said something that set him off. He paused it and went on an hour long rant about how out of character it was for them. It may be weird, but I love listening to him going off about things he's passionate about! It's both entertaining, and I get to hear his thought process, usually I end up learning a few things that I had missed while watching. It seems like he never misses anything! I know he'd never in a million years believe me, but I think he's actually really cool and fun to be around."
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ His heart is ready to explode, he really did think of MC as his best friend, but he was worried they just went along with it to make him happy. Reading that they thought the same thing, it was scary how alike they were!
⦁ When he got them into a game that he had been playing for a while, he wants them to be able to run raids with him as fast as possible, but he also likes MC's excitement when they complete a particularly difficult quest, because he felt the same way.
⦁ He feels guilty reading that MC thinks he'll get bored of them just because they like games he typically would scoff at, they're right, just because they're mainstream doesn't mean they aren't fun. They became mainstream BECAUSE they were fun. He makes a mental note to find out MC's favorite game. Their actual favorites.
⦁ He blushed because he did have a habit of going off on tangents in the middle of an episode and then not finishing it for the rest of the night. But reading that MC enjoyed his rants, this human really was his best friend, his Henry!
Satan ⦁ MC returned some books he'd lent them ⦁ While putting them away, Satan realized they'd accidentally given him one of their books ⦁ They'd already left though, he opened it to see what the book was about ⦁ It was a thick journal and he realized it was specifically a diary ⦁ And the page he'd opened to was about him ⦁ Intrigued, he sat down and flipped to the first page.
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Today I asked Satan if he had any books about devildom fauna and asked him since there was no sun in the devildom, what did the flowers use as a food source. He had a few books and was nice enough to sit down with me and go over the material. He asked why I wanted to know and I explained I wanted to try growing something."
⦁ "Satan saved me from failing the test today! If he hadn't suggested we study together, I wouldn't have realized I had studied the wrong thing! At first he seemed annoyed but when I apologized he asked 'For what' and I said for bothering him, I felt bad because we'd have to waste time studying something I should already have had a good grasp on. He seemed surprised and explained he wasn't mad, things happen. He told me that at least when the time came to test for what I accidentally studied, I'd be more prepared. After all knowledge is power. I'm glad he's patient with me."
⦁ "Satan showed me some of his favorite books today. A lot of them were books about curses and hexes and the like, but it made him laugh. He was so excited to try some of the new curses he'd learned on Lucifer. It shows a different side to him, a more playful side. Dangerous, but still playful. Hopefully he'll never try to prank me with a curse haha!
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ He remembered MC asking about local fauna and how things worked here in the devildom. He had almost laughed because things like that were basic knowledge, but he remembered that in the human realm, the sun was essential for most fauna growth. He admired MC for trying to learn new things and put that knowledge to use.
⦁ Satan smiled at MC remembering the phrase he had told them a few times. He'd been surprised when MC had opened to the wrong chapter to start studying, and the look of shock on their face when he told them, he felt bad. Nonetheless, this was a chance to see just how much he understood the reference material, now that he'd have to thoroughly explain so that they understood. He enjoyed his time with them and he was glad that their hard work paid off.
⦁ He hadn't realized how much he held back when around his brothers and MC, but he felt comfortable around MC, like they understood him. He felt like he could let down his guard a little with them, and he was glad to read they took his interests in curses and pranks in good humor. He might have to prank MC soon....nothing dangerous or over the top, but he wanted to tease them a bit.
Asmo ⦁ He went into MC's room to show off some new beauty products he'd bought ⦁ They weren't in their room, so he texted them, they replied they'd be there shortly ⦁ he takes a seat on their bed and notices a notebook on their nightstand ⦁ He opens it and sees it's their diary ⦁ And more importantly, they're writing about him
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Ugh, I had such a rough day today! I'm glad I ran into Asmo on my way back to my room. He wanted me to come with him and try some new stuff he got that was supposed to help with fatigue. At first I refused because I just wanted to lay down, but  he wouldn't take no for an answer and eventually he wore me down and practically dragged me to his room. He was right, the products he used really did make me feel more energetic!"
⦁ "I ran into Asmo in town today, he was on his way to majolish. I joked with him that he owned every item of clothing in the store and he told me that's why he was going to buy me clothes! Once again I found myself dragged along with him. I feel like I need to just start going with things when it comes to him, it always ends up for the better. I feel bad that he spent so much grim, but he kept finding clothes that I 'Absolutely had to have!!!' he does have a good sense for my style at least."
⦁ "Today I went to Asmo's room, I was feeling down and it seemed like spending time with him always cheered me up. At first he seemed annoyed to be interrupted, but as soon as he saw it was be he perked up and pulled me inside his room. He asked why I looked so down in the presence of someone as beautiful and him and I had to laugh. I told him a little bit of what was on my mind, and it didn't seem like he was listening, just going about his beauty ritual. But after I had stopped talking he started giving advice on the more important things I had complained about. He's a great listener, I'm really happy he's my friend, even if he keeps trying to get in my pants! Though at this point I think it's just habit because he doesn't seem as pushy as he did at first.
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ Asmo recalled when MC was more resistant towards him, to be fair though they needed a good spa day! A lot! And now that he had read that they were thankful for his impromptu self care sessions, he was going to make actual plans for spa days with MC. They'd thank him in the future.
⦁ To be fair, he was glad he ran into MC while on his way to majolish. He knew MC's size, but wasn't entirely sure about what they liked personally. He knew what he thought they would look good in, but when they had started trying on clothes, he quickly noted what they seemed uncomfortable in, and what they actually seemed to like. An outfit may look cute, but if the person wearing it looks like they'd rather be wearing anything else, then it defeated the purpose! Eventually Asmo tuned into the styles and materials MC liked and went from there. He didn't even spend half as much as he usually did, so he found it funny that MC was worried over the total price of their new wardrobe.
⦁ He remembered the night MC came to his room, they had indeed interrupted him in the middle of his usual nighttime ritual, but as soon as he saw the look on their face he had to pull them in. He listened to MC pour their heart out while he went about his routine and when they stopped talking he assumed they were done and started giving them pointers. When he looked back to them, they look surprised. It confused him at the time, but now he understood it was because they thought he wasn't listening. He was always listening darling! It's how he knows so much. 
⦁ He also hadn't realized that it had in fact, become more of a habit to flirt with MC, than to actually try to get somewhere with them. He didn't know how to feel about it.
Beel ⦁ To be fair, MC told him he could borrow their study notes, but didn't tell him where in their room they left the notebook ⦁ He sees what he assumes is the notebook on their bed and grabs it and heads to his room ⦁ Once he gets settled, he opens it and reads half the page before it clicks that these are definitely not study notes ⦁ This is their diary, and they were writing about him ⦁ He shuts it so fast, super embarrassed, but he can't stop thinking about what he'd read ⦁ Guilty, he opens it to read more
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Today I forgot my wallet today so I couldn't buy lunch, but on my way back to the classroom I ran into Beel. He was actually looking for me so we could have lunch together! He even grabbed my favorite foods. I don't think I've mentioned my favorites though...how did he know??"
⦁ "I had a major leg cramp today while walking with Beel today. After sitting down he asked if he could massage it to help. I agreed and it hurt so much at first!! He kept reassuring me through it though and after a while it stopped hurting. He told me I probably needed to drink more water and get some potassium. He also suggested I join him for his stretch warm ups to avoid cramps in the future. I had no clue he knew so much!"
⦁ "Beel is always so supportive and nice, he always makes my day brighter! I'm really glad to have him as a friend, a best friend even. Going to watch him at practice today, I'll make sure to bring his favorite snacks!"
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ He didn't realize MC had left their wallet that day, he just remembered how they looked so down, and then when he asked them to eat with him at lunch, and gave them their food, their face lit up. He wondered if that was how he looked when MC gave him his favorite snacks. It wasn't hard for him to tell when MC really liked something, they had an excited expression every time they saw certain food, was it usually a hard thing to notice?
⦁ Beel remembered that day, how MC practically dropped to the ground clutching their leg. They told him it was a cramp and as soon as it stopped hurting so much, they could just walk it off. He scoffed at the memory, but was glad he taught MC something, and they had been joining him for his warm-up stretches since.
⦁ He was touched, he definitely saw MC as a close friend, they were his second favorite person, after his twin of course. He was glad he could make their day brighter, and felt guilty again because he was reading their diary. ⦁ He'd admit what he'd done later and apologize, hopefully MC wouldn't be too angry...
Belphie ⦁ MC texts him asking if he could bring their notebooks they forgot ⦁ They were having a study session but it turned into a nap session instead ⦁ He opens one of the notebooks to quickly scan over the notes they were supposed to study ⦁ These are not school related ⦁ This is their diary, and whats more, there's a lot about him in it ⦁ A wicked grin spreads across his face and he settles in to read what MC had to say about him.
Platonic (diary content) ⦁ "Oof today Belphie made me laugh so hard I could barely breath today! I had tears and everything. He was doing impersonations of his brothers and when he did Lucifer, I lost it! Even aside from that he has a great sense of humor."
⦁ "I forgot it was may day to cook and took a 3 hour nap. Luckily Belphie covered for me and came to wake me up when dinner was ready. I owe him big time, which owing Belphie something....is a scary thought. I'm sure it'll be fine though!"
⦁ "Lucifer was running me ragged today! on top of homework he was making me help him with his paperwork! Belphie saw me on my way back to Lucifer's office and grabbed me and told me I was going to take a nap with him since I looked like I was about to drop anyway. I tried to argue, but as soon as Belphie tossed me onto the pile of pillows and blankets, honestly I'm pretty sure I just passed out. I had to hear it from Lucifer later on, but Belphie made me laugh after so all in all it was worth it.
Platonic (his reaction) ⦁ He didn't realize MC thought he was actually funny, he thought they were laughing to make him feel better, but he remembered them near pissing themself when he mocked Lucifer and grinned. 
⦁ Belphie went to remind MC it was cooking duty but saw they were asleep. He knew what it was like to be woken up from a nap, so he just figured they could return the favor later on. It was funny to him that they thought he would have something insidious in mind for repayment. He might have to think of something besides covering for him for cooking duty...
⦁ He remembered vividly seeing MC's haggard face and realized they were heading to Lucifer's office. They looked dead on their feet so he grabbed them up. Part of it was and excuse to nap with them, the other was to piss off Lucifer. And maybe a little bit of pity for them. He had listened in on some of Lucifer's lecture to MC, and had a lot of new material to mock him about that he wanted to share with MC.
⦁ He was going to tease them so much about carrying their diary around and leaving it for whoever to read.
360 notes · View notes
Dew Covered Rose
A/N: So we’re ignoring the fact that I haven’t written in like......two, three months. I honestly just haven’t felt like it, and my brain has been busy thinking about writing, or getting back to my daydreams, or thinking about Midnight. Comfort character tingz. But yeah, I’m bringing Topazi back (i also forgot when juneteenth was, I was supposed to do something for her then, I missed the day, but here I made up for it :) This is mild hurt/comfort, except my OC is tired, not hurt. Also this is probably time to mention that Topazi is a gardener, and goes to clients houses to plant things for them! Enjoy!
Tag List: @joz-stankovich, @misskittysmagicportal, @badsext, @super-unpredictable98, @the-freckled-luba, @magic-multicolored-miracle, @ghouls-buddy, @maerenee930, @frogs--are--bitches, @neuroticpuppy, @forenschik, @bisexualnathanyoung, @robert-sheehan, @firstpersonnarrator, @salvador-daley
Warnings: kinda unsafe driving bc sleep deprivation, brief mentions of nudity, swearing
  Topazi had a bit of a tiring day. The house that she’d been working at had almost no shade. The customers were as nice as they could be.....but it seemed as though every tulip that she planted correctly, they would request it to be put in a different place. Even though there was an extremely limited amount of space that she had to work with. It was very frustrating to her, to be honest. However, she got the job done. It took hours of her digging things back up and wiping sweat off of her face to be happy with the result. She was sure to make sure that everything was as good as it could be before the left for home. Even the thought of having to get back in her car and do something other than cuddle up and or sleep was killing her.
  It was late into the night, and the owl in the front yard stared at her as she pulled into the driveway, eyes barely open. She took multiple deep breaths and rubbed a calloused hand over her face before stepping out of the car, not even bothering to take her tools out of the trunk. She trudged her way into the house, carefully unlocking the door, as to not disturb Klaus, who should’ve been close to sleep, or in bed at that point. She tossed the keys into the bowl by the door, and hung her coat up, silently grimacing at the soreness already developing in her arms. 
  Not having the energy to call out to Klaus, she walked into the kitchen, finding one of the cats on top of the kitchen island, fast asleep. A small smile found its way onto her face as she gently pet it, smoothing down the fur on top of her face. She made her way over to the fridge, which she opened, very slowly, to find leftovers of spaghetti that Klaus had cooked for himself. She could never stand the noodles and sauce together, so she looked around for more things. Canned soup in the pantry....she’d have to heat it up, and she needed something instant. Juice wouldn’t be filling enough. She began to nod off, looking at the fridge once more, and she found a solution that she’d looked over. A sandwich.
“Thank fuck for bread.” she thought to herself as she grabbed the bologna, mayonnaise, and cheese slices from their respective spots before grabbing a knife and paper towel. By the time she put the bread back, her sleep levels had reached almost the maximum, and she began nodding off, head on the side of the fridge. She quickly came to her senses, and trotted back over to the island, joints creaking.
  She sat down on one of the stools on the kitchen island. (”Klaus, I need the stools, if my legs don’t look like a pretzel, I’m not sitting correctly.”) As she took a bite of her sandwich (crust first), her brain decided to shut down temporarily, and she almost fell asleep eating. The suds episode of Spongebob Squarepants, however, prevented her from doing so. She slowly ate the sandwich, grateful for the purpose that it served. After she finished her first bite, however, she completely knocked out. The cat woke up, looking at her owner, before hopping off of the counter, and walking up the stairs.
  Klaus had heard Topazi come home, but it’d been a while since he heard her open the fridge last, so he went to check on her. He avoided Minnie on the steps (as in Minnie Riperton, not the mouse) and walked into the kitchen, to find his lover fast asleep, small snores coming from her mouth. He smiled, almost letting a chuckle past his lips when he realized his task.
 “She looks fucking wasted.” he thought, before gently shaking her awake, resulting in a groan of annoyance.
“Come on T, you gotta get to bed.” he whispered, rubbing her back. She leaned against his chest, and shook her head into it, too tired to utter a rebuttal.
  Klaus chuckled lightly, and put Topazi’s used paper towel in the trash can, and her utensils in the sink, to be washed when he eventually came back down for his late night (and sometimes morning) snack. He gently picked her up, leaning down to press a small kiss to her forehead. He thought back simply how much he just loved her. He didn’t know how, as he said that “I can’t fall for someone completely. At least not again.” but he did. Although, it wasn’t completely all at once though. 
 Klaus made his way up the steps (once more avoiding Minnie), and into their shared bedroom where he gently laid Topazi down on the bed. He figured that she may want to be clean when she slept as well, but was somewhat confused how he was to go about the entire “my partner is half asleep and I’d hate to disrespect her boundaries”. So, he settled on simply getting rid of her outer clothes, and bra, then placing nightie over her form. It was one of the newer ones she’d bought. She would go on and on about how “there’s tiny flowers on this nightgown Klaus, I need to buy it”.....ah he loves Topazi with all of his heart.
  He gently tucked his lover into bed, making sure that she’s close enough to her phone that she won’t be grouchy about having to move from her spot in order to reach it. Topazi stirred in her slumber, but only a bit, and Klaus went down to the kitchen for his meal, which was going to be a good old fashioned lover boy nutter butter. Klaus thought back to when he first met Topazi as he ate his sandwich. It had been right after he met his....other siblings...like other other siblings. She was quietly sitting in a coffee shop, where she had her knees to her chest, reading a book. She was deep in concentration, but when Klaus found nowhere to sit, he had no choice but to ask her. (or to leave the shop and drink his hot chocolate elsewhere, but nah)
“Um, can I sit here?” he asked, pointing to the seat. She nodded her head without looking up, making a small noise of affirmation at the back of her throat. Klaus sat in the booth across from her, his shoes making a squeaky noise on the tile below. He awkwardly crosses his legs, taking small sips of the drink.
“What are you reading?” he asked, eyebrows quirked upwards. She gently lifted her book, and it read “The Human Anatomy, Down to the Bone Cell” He hmmed in acknowledgement, and resorted to looking out of the window. 
 The drops of rain raced each other on the windowsill, determined for few seconds at a time, only to puddle together in the end. Klaus stared at a single corner outside, where nobody seemed to be walking over. It was the crack where the sidewalk met the much smaller border of the sidewalk. He watched the rainwater trickle into it, and he felt himself start to zone out. But that was alright...he needed time to think.
  This, in turn, was perfect for Topazi to stop reading her book and stare at this stranger. New people aren’t really her thing, as they’re usually below her standard of who she liked keeping in her circle. She peered at the way his curls were somewhat tussled, like he’d been caught in a windstorm of some sort. (Although it’s been rainy all day, no wind whatsoever.), she thought to herself. His eyes were beautiful, but so tired, it seemed. Wonderful shade of green, she thought, too. She pondered the different shades of green that she could remember, which lead to her thinking of the floating diamond of Sims’ characters. (plumbob, she repeated, overenunciating the first syllable). She went back to the thought at hand, and looked at the hand clutching the cup of hot chocolate, still seeming to be warm to the touch, judging by the steam coming from the mouthpiece of the top.
  His hand was veiny, somewhat red, (maybe because of the heat). His fingers looked very pale though, almost as if they’d recently been subjected to extreme cold, or flashes of it. (the rain, she thought) His chest was partially exposed due to the.....vest that he was wearing (maybe he’s some sort of performer, he does have a cowboy hat) She paid more attention to his face, also tired, and glanced at his lips, but only for a moment, as she didn’t need to get exceedingly horny in a public space over a complete stranger.....again. She softly gasped when he looked back at her, and she softly smiled, getting back to her book.
“Were you just staring at me?” Klaus asked, looking back at her.
“Yes.” she replied, eyes skimming over her paragraph on metacarpals. She had a fleeting thought to wiggle her hand in front of her face in order to properly label everything, but she could do that back at home.
“Why?” he asked, his tone giving off the fact that he wasn’t in fact upset, just curious.
“Eye contact isn’t my favorite thing, neither is small talk, especially if I’m preoccupied, so I sometimes stare at people in order to get a better understanding of them.” she explained, glancing at Klaus.
“Oh, well, don’t mind me then. I won’t bother you.” he said, looking at the table. Topazi put her book facedown on the table, apologizing.
“You’re fine! You didn’t try to talk to me, and you respected me when I didn’t reply with the name of my book, verbally at least. I like that.” she replied, deciding to look Klaus in the eye.
“Oh, thank you. Care to tell me why you’re reading about human cells?” he teased, a smirk coming to his lips. Topazi panicked for a moment, because she thought “fuck....he’s a charmer”
  She did tell him about why she was reading about human cells. And why she kept scratching a portion of the book as she read. He even noticed how she bit her lip when she read, which lead him to think that she was actually reading some sort of cell erotica, only to remember what she had previously told him. They talked for hours, it seemed. For once, Topazi found someone that she could talk to and not get tired. Interests, parents, everything (maybe a bit too much). They eventually had to separate, but not after giving each other their numbers, and Klaus found a small feeling of joy in his chest as he walked out of the coffee shop. He walked back into the Hargreeves (uh.....Sparrow) mansion with a small smile on his face. His face hurt, not from too much sun, or biting his lips too much. From pure excitement and joy, he found. Bubbling out of him, steamrolling its way out into the open. His fists shook in glee, and he squealed, and he didn’t care. For once. He needed something good, and she was it. Beautiful Topazi. Wonderful Topazi. That’s the answer.
  Klaus came back to his senses as he realized that some of the marshmallow fluff had leaked its way onto the counter where he scooped it up with a finger, tempted to put it into his mouth. A few moments of thinking gave him his decision. He imagined Topazi’s look of disgust when she caught him doing that once, and stuck his finger under the tap for a few moments, wiping the water off on his bare thigh. He finished his sandwich, and went back upstairs (once again avoiding Minnie). He snuggled next to his partner in bed, breathing in deeply. Yeah....she’d need a bit of a shower when she woke up, but that’s alright. That’s alright though. She would spend the rest of the day at home, to rest from being on her feet and knees for hours the previous day. And he’d tell her how important and beautiful she is, and think about how he’d almost went to the pizza shop across the street. But he didn’t. And he chose right, so right. With no regrets, for the first time he could think of in a while.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
hi! may i request a scenario where bakugo is helping his s/o with homework, and he keeps yelling at her for not focusing, and she gets really self conscious/upset bc she has ADHD and can’t help getting distracted? maybe he feels bad after and the next day he brings her to his room to help her again and does it much more softly, and cooks up her favorite meal as an apology for yelling at her before? thank you!! (*´꒳`*)
a/n: hi love! of course!! i apologize if i get some things wrong, please feel free to correct me, i used google for a little bit of help with getting things accurate!
summary: during a study session with bakugou, he gets onto you for losing focus, but he eventually finds out that you have ADHD and he comes up to you to apologize.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, a smidge of angst
wordcount: 1.4k
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“Can you please focus? You’re not going to learn anything if you keep spacing out.” Bakugou groaned, continuing to scribble down notes into his notebook neatly. 
You were trying to focus. Keyword, trying. Little things kept earning your focus, like the sound the clock was making, the small ticking noise happening every second. 
You wiggled your pencil between your fingers, anxiously re-reading over the question. You’d read it a thousand times it seemed. It was getting any easier to understand.
You were bored and Bakugou yelling at you wasn’t helping.
“Yeah, sorry.” You said quietly, trying to ignore the urge to yell at him back. You couldn’t help that you were losing focus. Maybe if this history worksheet was a bit less wordy it’d be okay.
But before you could re-read the question for the thousandth and second time, you took interest in Bakugou’s collection of All Might figures, which you had been sworn to secrecy about.
Bakugou’s eye twitched as he noticed your head moved and your eyes moved away from the paper. He let out a low growl and slammed his hands onto the table.
“Pay attention! It’s not that hard!” Bakugou was losing his patience with you. Everything was fine until it came to your study sessions. He’d never been this angry with you before. But you were just wasting his time if you weren’t going to pay attention.
Your head snapped back to Bakugou, a feeling of guilt washing over you.
“What did you get for number five.” Bakugou asked monotonously.
“Uh...” You looked down at your paper. On the thousandth and third time, it seemed to click.
“Oh well, it’s obvious the guy was a controlling leader so his people killed him.” You answered, a small feeling of relief washing over you. Bakugou sighed and accepted your short response.
“Was that so hard?” Bakugou mumbled. You looked down at your lap and began moving your leg. Sitting criss-cross, your right leg was now moving up and down.
You went back to wiggling your pencil and reading the next question.
You got lost in your train of thought to the point you didn’t hear Bakugou yelling at you again.
“Focus!” Bakugou slammed his hands down on the table again. But this was enough to make you snap out of it and bring tears to your eyes.
“I-I’m sorry.” You apologized. Bakugou softened slightly when he noticed a tear roll down your cheek.
“I’m sorry I can’t fucking help I can’t focus.” You groaned, grabbing your things and standing up.
“Hey wait-”
“No. Go spend your time with someone useful who can pay attention.” You slammed his door on your way out.
You made it back to your dorm and sat on your bed. You’d struggled with ADHD for as long as you could remember. Focusing in school was hard, paying attention was hard. You’d even gotten in trouble for trying to control your fidgeting.
You’d always end up moving a leg, or a pencil in your fingers. But hearing all that stuff from Bakugou, the guy you liked, your boyfriend.
It hurt on a whole other level.
- - -
“How’d your study session with (y/n) go?” Kaminari asked, devouring another bite of his food.
“She kept losing focus. It was annoying.” Bakugou left out the fact that he’d made you upset. He didn’t think it was really anyone’s business what happened between you and him behind closed doors.
Especially not Kaminari.
“Oh dude, that’s a little harsh don’t ya think?” Kirishima chimed in. Bakugou raised his eyebrow and rolled his eyes.
“What was I supposed to do?!” Bakugou groaned.
“Did you yell at her for not paying attention?” Mina asked, worry filling on the rest of the Bakusquad’s faces.
“Yeah? I’m not gonna waste my time for her to just sit and stare at walls and shit.” Bakugou was getting fed up with all these questions.
“Bro.” Sero looked upset.
“That’s a little messed up.” Kaminari added. Bakugou was now utterly confused.
“What am I missing!?” Bakugou raised his voice. He felt tense. Something wasn’t right.
“She has ADHD dude.” Kaminari spoke.
Bakugou’s face drained of color.
He’d royally screwed up.
“Don’t tell me you-”
“I didn’t know.” Bakugou mumbled.
“You owe her an apology.” Mina stated, going into mom mode. Bakugou nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets, his appetite had disappeared.
“It’ll be alright, you didn’t know, but you still talk to her about it, and apologize.”
“Yeah, you messed up big time bro.”
- - -
Bakugou knocked on the door to your dorm. When it pulled back and he saw you, he engulfed you in a hug.
“I’m sorry.” Bakugou apologized. You were confused, but eventually, you connected the dots and assumed he was apologizing for before, during your study session.
“It’s fine-”
“It’s not. Even though I didn’t know, I shouldn't have raised my voice at you like that. I hate seeing you cry.” Bakugou said softly. This side of him was rare. You’d only ever seen him like this once before.
“I thought you knew, I figured Kaminari would’ve told you as soon as he figured it out.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Bakugou asked. You didn’t have an answer to that. It never crossed your mind, especially since Kaminari had found out pretty early on, it made sense that Kami would have told Bakugou.
“I assumed Kaminari would’ve told you, he found out pretty early on, like the second week of school. You wouldn’t even look at me then.” You laughed.
Bakugou remembered. He wouldn’t even talk to you, let alone be caught looking at you. Until the two of you got paired up for a project and Bakugou fell head over heels for you.
“Let me make it up to you. We can study again tomorrow, and-”
“Okay.” You agreed. You didn’t let him finish, instead, you pulled him in for a kiss.
- - -
When you got to your study session with Bakugou, he had prepared your favorite food. You smiled and didn’t hesitate in taking a bite of the yummy food.
“Did you make this?” You questioned, your eyes filled with joy.
“Yeah. I had stupid IcyHot help me with the recipe. It’s his sister’s.” Bakugou grumbled. You giggled and raised a piece for Bakugou to try.
“Are you feeding me?” Bakugou asked. You nodded. He opened his mouth a tried a bite.
It was good. Bakugou was proud of himself. He assumed you must be really happy about it too.
“Alright let’s get this done!” You said happily.
You and Bakugou began your session. Bakugou paid close attention to you, making sure you were staying on track. 
You began to lose focus again. You could feel his eyes on you.
“We can take a break if you need too.” Bakugou said calmly. You looked up, a small smile on your lips.
“O-Okay.” You blushed. He was being nicer. Bakugou and you stood up, taking a quick break to stretch and get a sip of water. You sat back down, this time beside Bakugou instead of in front of him.
“Changing up on me now?” He chuckled. You smiled and looked at his worksheet before your own.
“Okay let’s read this passage. You start and I’ll finish.” Bakugou awaited your response. You gave him a nod and began reading the long passage for your literature class.
About halfway through you could feel yourself beginning to fidget. Bakugou’s thumb rubbed your leg, tracing small shaped into the fabric of your pants. While you still fidgeted, you felt at ease, calm.
You stopped after the sixth paragraph, allowing Bakugou to take over. Listening to Bakugou read was nice. His voice sounded good, and it was funny when he pronounced big words wrong. 
“It’s pronounced-”
“Are you listening to me reading or how I’m saying words?” Bakugou raised an eyebrow.
“Both...” You blushed. Bakugou leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“We’re almost done and then we can watch a movie.” Bakugou whispered in your ear.
- - -
The study session was over before you knew it. And as Bakugou had said, the two of you watched a movie in his room, cuddled up beside each other on his bed.
You snuggled under his All Might blanket, the one you had gotten him for Christmas that he loved but would never admit.
“I love you.” You said softly. Bakugou smiled, unbeknownst to you.
“I love you too, you nerd.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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anonyfamous13 · 2 years
ADHD as a Student
Some days I love adhd and some days it embarrasses the heck out of me
I was in a very small class today where I’m the youngest by far bc I went to grad school straight out of my undergrad. So I already feel a little out of place. We were supposed to be researching for our papers but my thoughts were going so fast that I couldn’t figure out how to word and present my topic to the lady in the library that was helping us.
I was being asked questions and she was really nice about trying to help me but it was overwhelming so I was shutting down and got super shy (and I normally have a big personality).
I ended up not following along with the class, putting in my headphones, and doing my own thing. I had so many thoughts and I couldn’t organize them but I knew the idea was there.
I think my adhd helps me be creative by making lots of connections so my research topic is a synthesis of 3 different ideas to make a point that none of them make alone. Most people choose something simple that there is already books about and they just have to pull the info and summarize but I can’t do that because I wouldn’t be passionate about it.
The girl I sat next to was super sweet and let me process it with her after I finished getting my idea on paper. Which took writing and rewriting before it was all in the right order.
But I was so scared to talk about my topic out loud. My prof has a gruff personality and I knew my topic doesn’t make sense unless my thought process is thoroughly explained. But if he didn’t get it, he would probably reject it right away. And I knew I was tired and might cry if all my work from that week was rejected.
I’m also not good at processing or presenting things verbally. My thoughts get jumbled and I bounce all over the place even though what I’m saying makes sense to me.
After class ended, I asked the librarian lady if she could work through my topic with me. She listened to me and was super helpful and completely followed my line of logic. I would mention things and she’d say “that would be a good topic for a thesis!” which was really encouraging. She said my connections between the concepts were valid and she even took interest in the fiction books I am writing.
My prof was still in the room and stayed the whole time we talked which was scary for me but I felt good knowing the librarian thought my topic would work.
I apologized to the lady and thanked her for helping me and told her that I just take a little longer to process things than some people. I was finally able to do it when the rest of the class had left, taking the noise and a lot of the pressure with them, and I was being listened to one-on-one.
I’m 22 but I felt like a child and like I was faking it. I could’ve paid attention to her presentation on research and taken better part in it, but I was overwhelmed and didn’t know where to effectively begin without my topic fully set. And I hate doing something knowing my effort is wasted. Plus, I couldn’t relax until my brain figured the problem out.
I just needed time, extra help, and to work removed from distractions. And that’s okay. I can improve for next time and be more confident in asking for help. But it’s okay that I struggled today.
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peaceisadirtyword · 4 years
Don’t Play With Fire VI (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: HELLO🥺💜 I’m so happy and so excited to post something again! After months with a huge block, not being able to write more than 1000 words, I managed to finish something. It’s not perfect, but I'm quite happy with the result! And I really hope you like it too, and you forgive me for being such an horrible writer these months. I hope I can keep writing like this now🥰 I hope I can post something more this week, but I can’t promise you anything because I'm working, finishing my final project for uni and I have to study bc I have a Danish test next week, but I’m going to try!
I really hope you enjoy this, it was much longer, but I decided to crop it a bit because it was too long! And I hope you like this part enough to read the next part as soon as I can post it! Thank you and please enjoy💞
Warnings: violence, an abusive relationship, mentions of sex, mentions of death and Ivar might be a bit out of character! 
Words: 3967 (told you it was too long)
DPWF Masterlist
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gif belongs to @justacripple 
A dog barking on the street startled you, and you nearly dropped your phone out of the window. You frowned and took a deep breath before turning around and entering your living room, letting yourself fall down on your couch, groaning. 
A soft meowing and small paws pressing against your head made you open your eyes. 
"What?" you glared at the intense green eyes fixed on you "Don't look at me like that, I really want to tell him, but he's not answering his phone" 
You looked at your phone again, biting your lip. You had sent like six messages to Erik, asking him to call you or come home. You hadn't heard of him in two days, since you arrived from Stockholm... And even if you wanted to be worried, you were more angry than anything. 
You had made your decision. After spending a whole night sleeping beside Ivar, with his arms around you and feeling safer and more relaxed than ever you decided to end everything. It was over for you. 
You weren't going to keep risking your own life for Erik, when he obviously didn't care about it. You were tired of his shit, and of dealing with things you shouldn't be dealing with and that affected you on many levels. And, at the same time, you were terrified of breaking up with him; even if you were ready to let Erik go, you were worried about him and what could happen to him. 
But you were being selfish for once and put yourself before everything. 
As usual, Erik didn't answer his phone, but appeared a couple of hours later without a warning. As always, drunk and hungry, barely looking at you as he opened your fridge and started taking your food, the food you had bought with the little money you had left from work and that was meant to be enough for two weeks until you got paid again. 
You just got back from Sweden, risking your life for him and he didn't even look at you. 
With tears of rage burning in your eyes, you stood just in front of him. He looked annoyed, but he frowned in confusion when he saw you glaring at him.
"I called you" 
"I know baby" he rubbed his eyes, leaving the food on the kitchen counter "I was busy"
"You were busy in your friend's house getting wasted" you scoffed "And I needed to talk to you" 
"You can talk now" he shrugged.
"Yes" you took the piece of bread from his hand "I'm going to talk"
Erik clenched his jaw. 
"What? Did something happen in Stockholm?"
Yes, you thought, a lot of things happened. 
"Erik, I'm done" 
"You're done with what?"
"With everything, with this stupid mission you gave to me, with you, with all this shit, Erik, I don't want to keep risking my own life so you can get your revenge, you care more about your revenge than about me, and I'm done with it" 
He looked confused. You saw him getting angry, but it was like he had a learned role, and immediately his face changed and he tried to look like a puppy, like he was sad. 
"Baby... What do you mean?"
"Don't call me baby" you rolled your eyes "Look, Erik, I care about you, but I'm not risking everything for someone who I know wouldn't risk a thing for me" you shook your head. 
"Don't do this to me" he muttered, and you felt like punching him when he let a couple of false tears roll down his cheeks. It was the same performance as always, trying to make you feel guilty and sad "I need you, I love you"
"No you don't" you looked away from him. For the first time, you didn't even feel bad for him "I'm tired, it's over" 
Immediately, his sadness turned into anger. You pressed your lips together as he glared at you. 
"You can't break up with me" 
"Well, I'm doing it right now, so I think I can" you shrugged, trying not to feel intimidated by the way he clenched his fists. 
"You're nothing without me" he spat, making you flinch softly "No one will ever love you, you're useless" 
You sighed, feeling too exhausted to go through this again. 
"Please, Erik, leave" you said softly, not really wanting to fight or anger him. You said what you had to say and it was over for you. 
He was trembling in rage, panting and looking around. For a moment, you thought he'd hit you, but instead he stood up and took your phone from the kitchen counter, slamming it on the floor before you could react. He continued walking around the living room and slamming everything he could take as you moved away from him. You were relieved to remember you had locked your cat on your bedroom, fearing something like this would happen. 
"Did you fuck him?" he raised his voice at you and you flinched again "Did you fuck him during your little holidays in Sweden?" He approached you and you pressed your back to the kitchen counter, grabbing the knife you had left on the sink after dinner to wash later. He wouldn't hit you, you were almost sure of that, but if he did, you'd defend yourself. 
"No" you answered, glaring at him "I wasn't on holidays, I was risking everything for you, and you didn't even care about how I was" 
"You're a whore" he growled, and you held yourself from rolling your eyes "I knew you would betray me, I knew I couldn't trust you" 
"Erik, please, leave" you muttered "Seriously"
"This is not over" he muttered, getting so close to you that you turned your head. He reeked of alcohol, and it made you nauseous "You'll hear from me again, you fucking bitch" 
And then he left. As quickly as he had entered, he left the house, leaving the door open and muttering different insults and threats that you couldn't hear. 
Immediately, you took your keys from your purse and locked the door leaving the keys on so no one could open it from outside. You took your phone from the floor, relieved to see it only had the screen broken, you were really thankful to that employee at the store that convinced you to buy a tempered glass and that big phone case. 
You weren't sure of how much time you spent in there, standing between the kitchen and the living room, not really sure of what you were feeling in that moment. Your eyes scanned the room, the tv was okay, Erik didn't have the strength in that moment to throw it to the floor, but some other things, like the beautiful crystal vase you had on the table, full of beautiful flowers that Mrs. Larsen, your neighbor, had brought for you when she went to her holiday cottage in Jutland, just before you went to Sweden. 
And then you heard it; a small meowing and a scratch on the wooden door that lead to your bedroom, and your eyes widened. 
Smaug seemed mad at you when you opened the door, hissing a bit when you kneeled on the floor to take him in your arms, hugging him tightly. He meowed again in protest, but you ignored him. 
"Are you okay? Did the noise scare you?" You pouted, tears already burning in your eyes. 
He licked your cheek softly, and you let out the first sob. 
You woke up with your phone vibrating on the bed next to you. You needed a couple of seconds to realize you were in your bed, still wearing the same clothes you did the day before before taking the phone. 
"Hello?" You muttered, rubbing your eyes. 
"Y/N, were you sleeping?"
Ivar's voice woke you up completely. You widened your eyes and looked around, remembering everything that happened the night before and that made you cry until you fell asleep. 
"Yeah" you muttered, rubbing your face. Your voice was hoarse and weak, and the silence at the other side of the phone made you understand Ivar knew something had happened. 
You could nearly see him frowning and pressing his lips together. 
"It's lunchtime" 
"Really?" You looked at the clock next to your bed, biting your lip when you realized he was right "Well, I went to sleep really late, so I'm not surprised"
His sigh sounded like he wanted to ask you what happened, but at the same time he knew you wouldn't tell him. 
"Anyway, I called because I wanted to ask you something" 
"Okay, tell me" you shrugged. You realized that the only source of information about Aethelwulf you had was Erik, and he wouldn't tell you anything, of course. But telling Ivar the truth was even more frightening.
"I was wondering... If you'd like to come to my apartment to have dinner tonight" 
He spoke so fast that you barely understood him, but then you raised an eyebrow, smiling unconsciously as your fingers played with the edge of the blanket. 
"For what?" You asked, with your heart beating faster. 
"To... Have dinner" his confused tone made you laugh softly. 
"I mean, you know I don't have any information for you" you giggled "So, unless you want me to do something else I..."
"No, I just want to have dinner with you" Ivar sounded like he had his teeth pressed together, and you allowed yourself to imagine him blushing. 
"Oh, okay" you nodded, your smile getting bigger "That would be nice" 
"Yeah" he cleared his throat. 
"Should I bring something?" 
"No, it's okay, I already bought everything" 
"Why? You didn't know if I'd say yes" 
"If you said no, I'd invite Hvitserk" 
You bit your lip again to hold back a laugh, and you'd swear Ivar chuckled on the phone. 
"Well, then... See you at five?" 
"Half past five" you frowned, looking at your reflect on the mirror in front of your bed and realizing you'd need some time to look like a normal person. 
"Okay, half past five" he agreed, surprising you "I'll send a car to pick you up" 
"I can take the bus..."
"No" he scoffed "I'm not letting you go all alone, you're important" 
The both of you stood in silence, listening to each other's breathing until you parted your lips again. 
"Important for what?" You asked softly "For your business or for... you?" 
Ivar didn't answer. You kind of imagined he wouldn't, but it was still disappointing when he spoke again. 
"The car will pick you up at quarter past five" he said "Be ready"
"I will" you muttered "Bye" 
He hang up without a word, and you stayed there, looking at your phone for a few minutes before laying down on your bed again. As soon as you stopped talking to him, the pressure on your chest came back, as did the tears. You wished you could go back to Stockholm, to snuggle into Ivar's chest again and to sleep peacefully for hours. You remembered how warm he felt, how safe you were with him, and then felt like the worst person in the world. You had lied to both Erik and Ivar; you were still lying to Ivar, and wouldn't tell him not because you were scared of him, but because you knew he wouldn't ever forgive you. 
Taking a deep breath, you stood up, making Smaug hiss in annoyance, and walked into the bathroom, ready to have a nice and relaxing shower. 
Suddenly, any of the clothes you had were nice enough. You hated how you looked even with the new clothes you bought a few weeks ago, when the sales started. Smaug looked amused as you frowned in annoyance when you realized your favorite skirt was now too short. Had always been that short? 
You looked at the big mess of clothes that was your bed. You still had the Dior dress Ivar had gifted you, which was probably more expensive than the rest of your clothes all together, but it was too much, right? Besides, you had already worn it to go dinner with him. 
After deciding you didn't like how your ass looked in a skirt, you started trying on the jeans. Half an hour later, you were already dressed with skinny jeans and a white blouse with some cleavage -you were happy to see that blouse still made your chest look even better. 
You didn't put too much make up on, and left your hair loose. You put your favorite converse on before taking your purse with some money, your keys and your phone before taking Smaug into your arms, ignoring his protests and trying to keep him away from your clothes. 
You didn't want to leave your cat all alone in your apartment just after breaking up with Erik, afraid he'd try to hurt you by hurting Smaug, so you had called your lovely neighbor, Mrs. Larsen, and asked her if she could take care of him for one night. She agreed, and you felt much better leaving him safe with her.
After promising her you'd enjoy yourself and stop worrying about your cat, you left the building biting your lip nervously. 
The thought that Ivar might have discovered you had crossed your mind more than once that day, but for some reason you didn't think that was the reason for his invitation. In fact, you felt like it was a date. 
The car stopped in front of you. You blushed when the driver got out and opened the door for you so you could enter. Muttering a weak 'thank you', you sat down and licked your lips while looking around. It wasn't the same as when you went with Ivar; you felt awkward and, even if no one could see you through the tinted windows, you covered your face until the car stopped next to a huge building in the center of Copenhagen. 
You tried to pretend not to look too amazed by the luxury around you. It was hard to imagine Ivar, the dark and mysterious Ivar, living in that place. 
"Take the elevator to the attic" the driver opened the door for you "Mr. Lothbrok will be waiting for you in there" 
You nodded, smiling at him as you walked to the door. Suddenly, you regretted your election of clothes and realized you should have worn the Dior dress. 
Ivar was leaning on his crutch next to his door. You nearly forgot how beautiful he was, and you had to bit your lip again to hold back a smile. His lips were a bit curved, and his eyes didn't leave you until you arrived next to him. 
"Hello" he nodded with a soft voice, so different from that Ivar you had met in the club "You look pretty" 
Was he blushing?
"Thanks" you allowed yourself to look at him; he wore a t-shirt and some jeans, really different from the suits he had worn in Stockholm "You look nice too" 
Ivar smiled, but hid it by looking away, moving to leave you enter the apartment... Well, to call that 'an apartment' would be a lie. It was bigger than probably all of the apartments on your building together, and had a huge window from which you could see the entire city. 
"Wow" you muttered, walking around the living room. You forgot your shyness and let yourself wander around, trying to imagine Ivar living there. Would he fall asleep in that huge couch while watching TV after midnight? How would he look having breakfast sitting on the kitchen counter, with sleepy eyes and yawning? The thought of him doing his normal life in that apartment made you smile softly as a warm feeling spread through your chest. 
Ivar closed the door. You turned to look at him, the smile still present on your lips. 
"I don't know how I imagined your house" you confessed "But it definitely wasn't like this" 
Ivar raised an eyebrow as he approached you leaning on his crutch. 
"How did you imagine it?" 
"Darker" you shrugged "Smaller... Full of smoke and with weapons" you giggled.
"Maybe you don't know me that well, then" 
Was he flirting? You had never realized when people flirted with you, and this time wasn't different. 
Blushing, you kept looking around, your eyes widened when you saw the mess on the kitchen. 
"Did you cook?" you forgot your embarrassment and approached the kitchen. Did Ivar the Boneless cook?
"Yes" he cleared his throat "Hvitserk helped me" 
You tried really hard to imagine the two brothers cooking together, and the thought made you smile. 
"Yeah, he's actually a good cook, my mother taught him" 
"So this is how the dangerous Lothbrok family spends their free days... Cooking... Lasagna?" your eyes lightened up when you saw one of your favorite foods in the oven. 
Ivar nodded slowly. 
"It's your favorite, isn't it?" 
"Yeah but... How do you know that?" 
"You mentioned it in Stockholm, while talking to Hvitserk" he blushed, but this time you didn't realize, as he pretended to be busy fiddling with one of the kitchen rags he had left on the counter "I heard you.. As you won't tell me anything about you, I have to eavesdrop" 
You bit your lip to hold back another smile and your eyes went to the wooden table in the living room, set with candles. Something told you Ivar hadn't been the one setting it. 
"You look tired" Ivar didn't stop looking at you as you tasted the first bite of the lasagna. You licked your lips and controlled yourself to avoid moaning at the taste of food. You had barely eaten that day.
"Yeah, I've had trouble to sleep these past days" 
"Can't sleep without me anymore?" He muttered, and you hid your face behind the glass of wine to hide your blush. 
"The lasagna is really good" you cleared your throat "Tell Hvitserk he's a really good cook" 
Ivar frowned and glared at you. 
"I did most of it" he scoffed "Hvitserk ate the ingredients" 
"Okay, then congratulations, Ivar, you're a good cook" 
Ivar smiled, looking down as he played with the food on his plate. 
"Thank you" 
After a couple minutes eating in silence, you raised your head and bit your lip. 
"Why did you invite me?" 
His eyes found yours and you felt thirsty again. 
"I... Wanted to see you" he shrugged "Outside of that club or without forcing you to go to a foreign country with me" 
"But why?" You insisted "You said you didn't have any other job for me or..."
"No, I just wanted to see you... Talk to you... Stop asking questions, woman" he rolled his eyes, making you smile "I'm the one who wants to ask questions" 
Your smile faded slowly. Even if he hadn't said anything, you were still terrified of him knowing the truth about Erik and your role in his revenge. You wanted to be the one telling him, but... How? 
"You're mysterious" he tilted his head "I'm not going to tell you you're different from other girls and all that bullshit, but I find you intriguing, I know everything about you, but I feel like I don't know you" his cheeks reddened as he spoke "And I want to change that" 
"So Ivar the Boneless went from wanting to kill me to inviting me to have dinner at his apartment, I'm flattered"
He smiled again, you didn't remember Ivar smiling so much. 
"I must admit you surprised me, going to meet me with that attitude... So brave" he winked at you "To be honest, I was sure you were lying to me"
You sighed, taking another sip from your glass of wine. Would this be the moment? 
"But you didn't" he smiled gently "And, believe it or not, you've showed more loyalty than people that I've been trusting for years... For me, loyalty is the most important thing" 
"Did anyone ever betray you?" you asked.
"A lot of people" he chuckled "More than I can count... My own half brother, for example" 
"Yeah, but he wasn't the worst. I kind of imagined we'd end up like this, we're just too different" he shrugged "But a woman betrayed me once" 
"A woman? Your girlfriend?" you forgot your food and abandoned your fork on the plate.
"My wife" he corrected you. Your eyes widened, Erik never mentioned him being married "I loved her with my whole heart, Y/N, she..." He sighed "She was my first love, but... She betrayed me, she went behind my back and lied to my face"
He raised an eyebrow. 
"Apparently someone who wanted me dead thought that would be a good way of fucking me up so I would be vulnerable and weak..."
"What happened to her?" 
"She died" you'd swear he had tears on his eyes "He killed her when she was useless to him... And when she was pregnant with my child" 
Your lips parted and you gasped in a mix between surprise and horror. 
"A car accident" Ivar shook his head "I discovered everything when she was already dead... And I killed that bastard with my own hands" 
You didn't really know what to say. 
"I didn't know... I'm sorry" you moved your hand so caress his softly. He looked surprised by that, but his expression softened and stood in silence. 
It must have been awful... You scanned his beautiful face, and realized he had trusted you with something very private, something no one knew, and he told you... Suddenly, you felt like throwing up, feeling like the worst person in the world. 
"I already told you my big secret" he chuckled then "You can tell me yours now" 
You bit your lip, shaking your head. 
"I'm afraid we'd need more alcohol for that" you giggled nervously. 
Ivar stared at you intensely, but sighed and nodded slowly, taking his crutch to stand up again. 
"I'm not hungry anymore, do you want to see the rest of the apartment?" 
You nodded, standing up and following him through the living room. He opened one door, turning to look at you. 
"If you liked the window of the living room, you'll love this one" he winked at you before entering the room. 
The last thing you expected that night was to end up inside Ivar's bedroom. You stepped in with an eyebrow raised, and smiled in excitement when you saw the big window from which you could see the entire city. The bed was situated just in front of it, which was like your dream. 
"It must be amazing to wake up to that view" you muttered, approaching the window "I barely have sunlight in my bedroom" you sighed. 
"I bet you'd love to wake up in here, wouldn't you?" Ivar teased, and you blushed again, even if this time you were facing away from him. You weren't sure if he meant something else, but decided not to ask.
"It's even better than the suite of Stockholm" you admitted, ignoring his comment. Ivar chuckled and you heard him approaching you. When he spoke again, he did it closer to you, and your heart started beating faster and faster. 
"I think we could make it even better" 
His hand found your waist, and you stopped breathing, holding yourself back from leaning into him. You turned around slowly, and did what you had been dying to do since you did it for the last time. 
Ivar kissed you back, letting his hand grab your neck and sighing into the kiss. 
"How?" you asked softly, feeling braver than ever. 
"Spend the night" he replied, his lips still brushing yours "With me" 
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @thevikingsheaux @chimera4plums @therealcalicali @blushingskywalker @awkwardfangirl02 @gruffle1 @poisonous00 @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @kalonthecat @nataliehasgrace @atlas-of-the-world @justrepostandlove @persephones-deadgirlwalking @justacripple @love-dria​ @heartbeats-wildly​ @sw-eat-ing​ @letsrunawaytotomorrow​ @inforapound​ @sallydelys​ @hellogabysblog​ @winchesterwife27​ @chinduda​ @tofadavidson​ @hecohansen31​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @tgrrose​​ @eteramfools​ @flokidottirsstuff​ @lovessce​ @tootie-fruity​ @didiintheblog​ @alexhandersenx​ @belovedcherry​ @fantasydevil2002​ @laubluered​
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