#and live energy is electric
thelastattempt · 1 year
I tried to send this but my phone froze so I don’t know if it went through so I am sending it again
Oh, no, I was using Louis’ wording to describe the incident where he was assaulted. I think he described it as a bit weird, as too far? So I was just using how he worded it. There was really no other way for Louis to bring it up, he brought it up in probably the best way he could. There really was no better way to address it and I hate that it happened to him. Fans should know better. I only brought up Beyoncé as she is a massive artist who has gone crowdsurfing, which is a form of what Louis does by going to barricade. When an artist gets close to you like that, you don’t cross the boundaries and touch them inappropriately. That is a human being and no one should ever be assaulted
Oh I see - thank you for coming back and clarifying, I appreciate it.
And again, you’re so right in what you’re saying. And as a part of a fan community, it is our responsibility to call out these behaviours when we see them. It doesn’t need to be aggressive or confrontational - a lot of people are young and maybe get caught up in the moment. But glorifying anything like this is wrong and we do have the ability to cut that out.
He is a human being. A whole real person. Who is putting himself out there to connect and give us the best night possible. Don’t reward that by being the worst version of yourself.
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kays-artstuff · 7 months
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My take on a revived clover AU
I like to think that monsters preserved the human children as a sort of remembrance using similar magic to their food since it doesn’t expire, but since humans have more physical matter it only delays rotting rather than completely stopping it, and since clover had died being much less harmed because they gave up their soul rather than getting murdered they get to be the first to come back with minor changes since they didn’t rot that much and their internal organs stayed in tact.
Also in this au flowey kinda goes MIA on frisk and doesn’t wanna be friends/isn't ready to talk to them juuuuust yet, clover’s kind of an exception though :D which also means frisk doesn't reaaallly know about clover til weeks later cause clover isn't ready to face martlet starlo or anyone else until they feel ready, dying and choosing to be alone as a 12 year old can be not great for the brain
Flowey is technically clovers guide through the underground but is still trying to get the other humans to wake up so he’s kinda busy but will know if clover is near a save like in game.
I might give this clover figerless gloves to hide the more human-lookin' skin
Clover is actually essentially sneaking around places like waterfall and snowdin town, staying places that have small shops and less people that would be able to recognize them
The tumblr user howlonomy gave me so much brainrot in their au so look at it!!! Their clover is such a creaturr!!!! /pos
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kellterntempest · 1 year
Don't cry, Stone
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I am everywhere
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chronicallyuniconic · 2 years
📢🗣️ In case anyone doesn't know, in the UK, warm home discount has changed & you have to ring 0800 107 8004 to apply for the £150 discount, instead of going via your supplier 📢🗣️
You will need your electricity account information available & you only have until the 28th February 2023.
Lines open 8am to 6pm.
✨Share to your low income friends & family so they can stay warm for the rest of the winter without having to worry about debt. We can do this together✨
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sodrippy · 26 days
god just hates the idea of me doing any hobbies in a serious way, whenever i get the money and sincere interest to pursue an activity i lose my job and/or theres a global pandemic and its like. ok fine you crusty fuck ill just stay home and rot forever! are you happy now?
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sanguith · 1 year
I had to look up "causes for carbon monoxide inside home" online because I kept being reminded that CO detectors are common in america for personal home use but I could genuinely not think of a single reason why carbon monoxide could form inside someone's living space unless they had a fireplace on at all times and terrible ventilation, but then I remember how non-electric stoves are so common in america and everyone has cars in a garage that is directly connected to the house or whatever and it made sense
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Tintin in black island (which is already his highest injury count*) rly just grabbing those unknown electrical cables and walking along running them Through his hand without ever checking if they’re live or having any idea how much power they might be carrying 💀
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beyblaiddyd · 1 year
Loving the TX energy crisis btw our electric bill this month is $800 when no one is even home 1/3 the day
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orcelito · 1 year
OK WAIT here's a ITNL chapter 14 section that's not really spoilers. just a sweet lil section
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after this is where it's more Spoilers. but for now. HERE U go. happy birthday vash & also Uhhhh @ ITNL readers I PROMISE i am working on the chapter. things r just hard lol
#speculation nation#itnl shit#spoilers bc of uhh. Conversation. i wanna keep the conversation a secret for now lol#not bad spoilers it's just better digested as a whole probably#ANYWAYS heres some more vash & kaite bro time. god im gonna miss kaite when we gotta say goodbye to him#but he's still here for now and he gets to watch vash tinker with his (very internally fried) arm#before and after this section is vash inspecting the damages & thinking of what he can do to try to fix it#which i do have a lot written. but im gonna be going thru it for accuracy & also keeping in mind the thing from earlier#the possibility that average operational power of his arm comes from vash himself rather than extra batteries#this is with the assumption that a (relatively) small output of electricity is not smth that would fuck with his lifespan#just a normal expenditure of energy. like moving his flesh muscles. just a constant lil stream of electricity that he gets from eating & w/#no need to dip into his life reserves for it. bc if he did that would get impractical.#idk im going to think about it more. i really dont Need to figure out how his arm works#but listen. ive built a robot before. im in polytech. i wanna think about wtf his arm actually Is#even if this is coming in the context of all the internal wires being blown & a bunch of shit straight up Melted#his arm is... very very blown... he's gonna be going one-arm for a While still lmao. oh well#i think it's a good thing to remember that he is in fact physically disabled. he can make up for it Especially in a fight#but it still will inconvenience him in a lot of ways. cool biotech arm is cool but also it's nice to remember that he Is physically disable#and so i am embracing it. he's tinkering with his arm in his free time but if he has to spend weeks (or months) w/o his prosthetic#well that's just the reality he's gotta live#anywyas. Here u go. snippet. that's a few hundred words so idk if this counts as a snippet but im calling it a snippet. Here You Go
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whatevergreen · 2 years
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I was going to avoid this rant, but no:
People who work for debt collection agencies are among the lowest of the low. The scum of the earth. I wouldn't want anything to do with such people.
Breaking into people's homes when they're out. Sitting on their furniture and playing about with their belongings while knowingly ensuring they'll freeze during the winter?!
There is no excuse for them. And it's no surprise the type of people this so-called job attracts. I'd like to take a bat to them.
I'm fuming.
This is the video:
"The Times has been investigating how British Gas and other major energy firms are treating vulnerable customers during the cost of living crisis. While British Gas claims it helps families facing financial difficulties, there have been reports of aggressive debt collection tactics, including breaking into vulnerable people’s homes and forcing them onto pay-as-you-go meters. As a result, some families say they have been left for periods without any heating or electricity."
Somebody at the Times seems to have remembered what actual journalism is.
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a hard thing about having my brain is that when i am really into something, i enter a state of weird mania where my creative energy is completely crackling and tireless and single-minded, as evinced by the three fics, one vid, and one zillion posts i have inflicted upon the romangerri tumblr community since sunday D:
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obstinatecondolement · 9 months
Honestly though, southern hemisphere babes, I would give you your daylight back if it were up to me. Yours sincerely, a guy on two different prescription vitamin D supplements.
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mari-beau · 11 months
PSA: Utilities Charge Whatever They Want
So like, if you're paycheck to paycheck, if you're having financial difficulties, pay close fucking attention to your utility bills...
Because look at this bullshit.
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Guess what happened in the 61 day billing period for 9/28/2023 statement date?
I moved into my fucking house. And started running my stove/oven and then eventually my furnace.
Guess what wasn't being used in every previous billing date shown here...?
NATURAL GAS. Like literally (in the actual definition of literally) none of it. Almost had my dad going to check if there was a leak in the lines at one point over the summer because nothing was being used. But nope, it's just the gas company charging whatever the fuck they feel like, whether you've used anything or not.
CONCLUSION: Pay attention to your bills because what they do is charge you based on an estimate of what your neighbors are using, not what you actually use. If you're having financial issues, call up your utility company and tell them that you will be calling in a reading every month (because they only send a person out to do an actual reading every other month, or now, every few months with ours, and just charge you whatever they want otherwise, and adjust it later when they do an actual reading... you can see in my bill they owed me a ton of money, because $11.17 is lower than the base charge for even having the gas turned on). And at least in NYS (or my county anyway), you have the right to demand they bill you on your actual usage by calling in a reading yourself because they don't want to pay someone to go out and do it monthly (but you can be damn sure they're going to charge you monthly).
*Also note: the double-billing 61 days on top of already being billed for 35 days of presumable the same time-period, and yet still, completely nonsensical invoice when you click on it. Their numbers come out of their ass.
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juniperandjustice · 1 year
I wrote this for a discussion post in the Theology class I'm being forced to take: The concept of eternity has always fascinated me.  I don't know why, but I have never seemed to experience time the way that other people do, which can be challenging.  The god of the Bible is said to be eternal.  I feel that we all are- everything is.  Nothing ever disappears, it just changes.  We know through science that time is not linear and that it is relative- it is basically just an illusion, an experience of living and thinking on this planet.  Human time and the time of different species is likely different, too.  I have always felt and known my eternal self and seen the same in everyone and everything around me.  Energy just transforms.  Everything is energy.  That would include any spirit or being, as well as on a physical bodily level.  We experience energy in different ways, including as solid materials, living as humans.  That is how I have always experienced being.  That is what I remember.  Energy/spirit is all sacred to me.  I know many others who have the same understanding.  The way I see it, everything is alive, always, in some form.  I feel it all around me at all times. "If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden." -The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett If you look the right way, you can see that the multiverse, everything in existence, even the void, is living energy- a metaphorical garden.  Infinity.  An eternal loop.  Eternal existence.  Eternal transformation.  All divine.
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vaugarde · 1 year
Jumping to Gates, I've always loved the idea of Emolga and Eris growing super close because he helps him figure out how to control his electricity since they're such similar Pokemon
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taperwolf · 1 year
So my guitar is a bit of an odd duck. It's very much an entry-level instrument, a Squier Bullet Strat HSS (a humbucker at the bridge and single-coil pickups in the middle and neck positions), but it sounds pretty good and keeps in tune. But the unusual thing about it is that it's a big advertisement for Monster Energy drinks.
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The branding is a big vinyl cling across the whole front of the guitar; it's actually under the pickguard. From what I can gather, this is one of 12 or so guitars given away via a sweepstakes in Canadian 7-11s. I found this one in a pawn shop in Oregon, and I've seen what I believe are two others online. (Monster have given away other branded guitars, of course, just not HSS Bullet Strats.)
Now, I'm not a big Monster Energy fan; I'm not really an energy drink guy to begin with, and the company's habit of suing folks in completely unrelated industries for trademark infringement does not endear them to me. But I'm still reluctant to just take the big sticker off, both because it's an interesting conversation piece, and because I'm not really into covering up the guitar's origins. And while I'm not planning on selling it, it's probably worth slightly more as a "Monster Energy Sweepstakes Guitar" than as a "black Squier". But I've been wanting to slightly obscure the branding for a while, and I do have that vinyl cutter.
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So it's now Rina-chan Monster Guitar. I'm not sure it's entirely successful! I made sure to use removable vinyl, so I can just take it off if I want, and I may be doing that.
(It just occurred to me that what I should do is put a triptych of Shioriko's, Lanzhu's, and Mia's symbols on over the big M, and have a Monster Girls Energy guitar. Maybe next time.)
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