#and lizards and tortoises
temmiemew · 1 year
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look at my friends snake
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markscherz · 9 months
Why are lizards and salamanders so similar in shape?
That’s just what peak performance looks like
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
It’s possible I’ve already done this post but, eh, fuck it, let’s do it again
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bjekkergauken · 1 year
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Lion king: north africa DLC
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nemfrog · 1 year
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"Compare these reptiles which live now with their early relatives, the dinosaurs." New Pathways in Science: The Earth Then and Now - Book 6. 1940.
Internet Archive
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In general, do reptiles make happy sounds? How do we spot a happy animal versus an unhappy one?
Reptiles generally do not make happy sounds, nope. Snakes and lizards won't, and a content crocodilian might make a little rumble, but in general if you hear a reptile making a noise, it's because they're not pleased about something. Birds are a whole separate ballgame, but we're leaving them out because I know basically nothing about birds.
Here's how to spot a content reptile! This is a general guide, and it can be super easy to misread reptile body language, so do take care to remember that there are exceptions to every rule.
For snakes:
A content snake will have a relaxed posture, and won't be holding their body overly stiffly. Their mouth will be closed, their tongue flicks will be regularly timed (not super fast and not super slow), and their breathing will be slow and steady. If they're curled up, they might be resting their head on the coils of their body. Their movements will be fluid and easy, not jerky.
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An exploring, curious snake will have their body extended, moving easily and with fluid motions, not jerky movements. An exploring snake might stretch their neck out real far - a stretched out neck generally corresponds to a content snake (except with elapids, who might stand up straight as a threat display!).
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For lizards:
Even a content lizard might hold themselves a bit more stiffly than a content snake (they're just built like that), but they won't be super tense. They will look alert, and their movements won't be frantic or overly sluggish. They'll be calmly enjoying natural behaviors, like basking, digging, or just hanging out.
A scared or upset lizard will clench their eyes shut tightly, and might hold their limbs super close to their body. A content lizard will appear unhurried but alert.
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For turtles:
A happy turtle will be alert, ready to eat, and taking life at their own pace. It's pretty easy to tell when a turtle is feeling scared because they'll try to tuck their head and limbs into their shell, and a turtle that's feeling more confident will have their head and limbs fully out. A content turtle's movements will be unhurried but steady and even.
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For crocodilians:
A content crocodilian will look like it is melting. Happy crocodilians just look super relaxed! They'll often lay down and bask in the sun, and a content crocodilian will often splay their limbs out. The mouth will generally be closed (they might open it to thermoregulate, though). They look like they are simply luxuriating.
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quackkaz · 1 year
here are some pics of animals from the pet store close to my house because they were adorable!!! 😭😭
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frog (I believe its a pacman frog)
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turtles (one is on top of the other lmao)
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parrots/birds (there were frickin lovebirds, AAAAA!!)
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ferrets (I took so many pics of the two because they were ADORBS and I adore ferrets so mmmmmuchhhhh)
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and finally…. so. many. RATS. /pos but I can only put some pics because tumblr doesn’t let me put any more 😭😭
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that one kept wanting to escape lol
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and some sleepy rats 💤
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thanks for your time :)
(@rataticaisdreaming here is your dose of serotonin from rats for today >:D)
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vintagepromotions · 11 months
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Advertisement for Clorox bleach (1968).
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thomaswaynewolf · 8 months
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Do you have kids, grandkids, nieces, or nephews? Do you like to color (who am I kidding this is Tumblr, of course y’all do)? Then I’ve got 27 digital images to print at home of critters, creatures, and creepy crawlers from the American Southwest and beyond that you can fill in till your hearts content.
Mammals, reptiles, bugs, and a whole lot more from the Pleistocene Ice Age to today. All hand drawn by me, Thomas Wayne Riley. There are butterflies, mammoths, moose, bison, prairie dogs, mountain lions, wolves, and a bunch of other wild and woolly critchers. And they’re all based off of pictures I took in the wild or at museums.
All pictures are 8.5x11 or standard paper size and all are black and white.
These are not AI drawn or prompted. These are all drawn on the iPad by Thomas Wayne Riley from pictures that Thomas Wayne Riley took.
Do not support AI "art".
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I drew some cute reptiles and amphibians for a reptile show I attended. They will be available at all my other shows too!
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harkthorn · 5 months
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Various reptile sketches, just getting some practice of different things in
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aurorarahl · 1 year
The rescue and education center, Wild Education, needs some help.
I work for a rescue and education center for reptiles and small exotic pets in the Vancouver BC area. Wild Education is the largest rescue of our kind in all of BC. Last year, we took in a record breaking 123 surrendered animals, and this year, we are well on our way to breaking that record with 117 animals (as of Oct 11th, 2023) so far.
We absolutely love these animals, but many of them have come to us sick and in need of veterinarian care.
On top of that, we need a new home. The greenhouse we currently rent is on a property that is going to be sold soon. We need to find a new location and build all new enclosures for our scaley and furry friends. With housing prices and the cost of wood being so high, we need some help.
If you are able to donate even just $5, it would definitely help.
If you can't donate, please share! It really means a lot to us.
Adding some pictures of animals we have rescued this year and others in our education program. If you have any questions about what we do, please ask.
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its days like these where I just want to be one of my geckos
small, brainless, and fed applesauce-adjacent snacks by a large, friendly giant who expects nothing from me
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Vote the EcoVivarium Reptile Rescue in the 2024 All-in 4 Change grant program!
Hello, everyone!
Harrah’s Resort Southern California has opened voting for their annual “All-in 4 Change” grant program, where fifteen non-profits in the San Diego, Riverside, and Orange County areas are awarded a portion of a $150,000 cash grant to fund their efforts in helping people and animals through the various programs they run. This year, the non-profit reptile rescue and living museum, the EcoVivarium Reptile Sanctuary, is one of the nominees. EcoVivarium is a cause very close to home for me – members of my family either work there or volunteer there, and we have adopted a number of animals through them, which is why I would like to ask that anyone interested please cast a vote for them. Each person can vote once per day, so if you’re so inclined, please help get EcoVivarium to the top slot! Voting is open until August 28th.
What is the EcoVivarium Reptile Sanctuary?
Located in Escondido, EcoVivarium is one of the largest reptile, amphibian, and arthropod rescues in the United States. Since 2009, they have been devoted to the health and well-being of the animals that come through their doors, and educating children and adults alike about these unique, often misunderstood and misrepresented creatures. EcoVivarium handles many educational programs, both on-site and abroad, as well as birthday parties and events, where people can learn about lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises, frogs, and arthropods first-hand, even gaining hands-on experiences with some of them. The staff is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about these animals, and has the patience to help even the most misgiving of people the chance to understand these wonderful creatures. In addition to their extensive special programs, EcoVivarium hosts regular on-site tours, both for walk-in customers and advanced reservations. Visitors will get the chance to pet and even hold a variety of animals, as well as meet some of the Animal Ambassadors, such as Ed the Galapagos Tortoise or Mac the Giant Water Monitor Lizard.
On top of this, EcoVivarium also has limited adoption options you can explore if you would like to add a new member to your family and provide a forever home to one of these wonderful animals. As a reptile rescue, they receive many animals regularly, either due to owner neglect or inability to provide for them, or due to injuries and special needs. Many animals will end up calling EcoVivarium their home, due to factors requiring special care (injuries, trauma-related temperament issues, and/or permit-related legal issues regarding private ownership), but still many more are ready to find a permanent family beyond the facility, one who is ready to love and care for a unique, but incredible friend. As of this writing, there are over 400 animals in EcoVivarium’s care, and with so many of them needing special attention, finding homes for those who are capable of being adopted out is a high priority.
EcoVivarium is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, with all funds going directly back into animal care and facility maintenance. The organization is handled by a small staff of animal care professionals and educators, supplemented with a number of volunteers of all ages. For more information, please feel free to contact me, or you can contact them directly at Home - EcoVivarium.
Aside from this grant program, they can be donated to directly as well. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.
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spacefinch · 1 year
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Ms. Frizzle’s students + finding desert animals
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dailyminddumps · 1 year
“Flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood, how could you?”
Me to my pets when they pick another human to pet them over me ⚔️…
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