#and macaus gonna be okay
wildelydawn · 1 year
Woke up this morning thinking about Macau and Chay and their reluctant proximity in the Main House after canon happens. No one knows why Chay’s dropped out of school but Macau finds out. He finds out and he feels just a bit jealous because everyone around him has someone, and he feels just a bit sad because Chay did have someone and now Kim’s gone.
He does his best to help Chay move on. They develop hobbies together. Movies. Gaming. Chay even starts writing music again. He admits to Macau that he used to write little notes on cute stationary paper for Kim and now doesn’t know what to do with the other 100 sheets. So Macau teaches him how to fold the notes into little shapes so he can write and put them away, like Pete taught him. (Something something, Pete is a father and brother and mentor figure, Pete is just perfect)
Somewhere along the line, Macau sees how Kim is pining just as badly for Chay. He convinces Chay to hear Kim out. It’s not easy for anyone; Chay is confused, Kim is broken, and Macau is watching his friend leave him behind. But Macau, who’s always been a smidge selfish, finds himself okay with that. It’s okay to be left behind because Chay and Kim can be happy. He just hopes it’ll be him one day.
He and Chay spend another day folding notes. Chay folds a really simple flower and says he’s going to be honest today, with everyone: Kim, Porsche, etc. Macau watches him write I love you into another purple note before folding it into another flower. He should feel sad. He’s not.
Days later, Macau is only beginning to make his peace with Chay going back to Kim. But it’s okay because Chay still hangs out with him. Kim does too. It’s like they’re inseparable, and Macau feels safe. He wonders if Kim’s just putting up with him but Kim has a way of making Macau feel like he’s not alone, not the forgotten son of this family. He and Kim go out for smoothies and judge the Thai Top 10 weekly singles. Kim picks him up from school and even pays a visit to Vegas when Macau wants to switch faculties. Whatever their new bond is, Macau is grateful because he doesn’t quite know what love is, but this is very close to that. At least he has his friend and his family.
Macau thinks he’s fine until Chay shows up at his dorm room, the folded purple flower from weeks ago, in his hand, telling him that he needs to be honest with Macau too. Macau breaks down, sobbing. It isn’t right, it’s not supposed to be him. And he’s so scared. He’s so scared that Kim’s gonna be mad. That if Chay stays a minute longer, he’s going to lose his best friend and his cousin all at once. He cries so hard that he wants to throw up, but it’s Chay soothing him. It’s Chay, and then it’s Kim, and it’s them, and Macau doesn’t know how it’s supposed to be but for the first time in his life, he knows it’ll work out just fine.
EDIT: This is officially a fic now!
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glamgoblin · 1 year
Okay so they had to know Pete was going to spy on them right? Because
Macau: Ugh Pete is gonna spy on us again today 🙄
Vegas: Oh hang on I need to change! Is my hair okay? I think we should go to the temple. Not because I want Pete to reincarnate with me but for…older brother reasons. Yeah. That.
Macau: ?
Vegas: Is my shirt witchy enough?
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lu-sn · 1 year
for random braindump, chay and macau being classmates in canon and recognizing each other post season 1 at some family function
congratulations you've revived my macau & chay besties 4evr agenda. this is not quite what you asked for but it is what fell out of my brain 😅
chay is fresh off of baby's first kidnapping, and porsche sits him down in an interrogation room and slides a picture across the steel desk and goes, "okay, this kid. this kid goes to your school. this kid is also the little brother of the guy who kidnapped you. well, kind of. well-"
"hia," chay says, pinching his nose, "i get it. what do i do?"
porsche grabs him by the shoulders. "do not go near him. don't talk to him. don't even LOOK at him. DON'T-"
chay endures this lecture very patiently and then does actually follow porsche's instructions, because the kidnapping completely scared the shit out of him and now he lives with the mafia and his life is legitimately in danger. he's gonna listen to what porsche says, no questions asked.
and then macau, who has literally never spoken to chay before ever (he has no reason to, he's one year younger and he's not studying music) starts popping up everywhere.
"hey," macau says, leaning precariously over the water fountain to stare at chay, who sprays water in his own face as he jumps six feet in the air before immediately sprinting away.
or, chay turns around in the lunch line and macau is standing right behind him, wagging his eyebrows, and chay lets out a small "eep" and then whirls back around and pretends very hard that macau isn't there.
or! chay is walking to his bus stop and macau is standing there looking at his phone, and this is ridiculous. chay has never seen macau take this bus before! so chay throws his hands up in exasperation and books it for the next bus stop, he's not putting up with this bullshit, no sir.
(macau is absolutely doing it on purpose. he's known about chay for months, but is actually on explicit orders from vegas to not bother or spy on chay in any way. he definitely wanted to help, but vegas didn't want macau to be thinking about that kind of stuff at school.
macau is flouting these orders now because vegas has been banished and porsche had something to do with it and he's hoping at first that he can fish information about all of that out of chay. but now he's in it for the trolling 😂)
macau doesn't know about the kidnapping. he doesn't know how personally chay is taking this — until he spots chay under a tree and saunters over to bother him, except. chay looks fucking wrecked. and like he's trying to hide it.
something clicks for macau. he totally gets it. sometimes you have to have a mafia-related breakdown at school, and all you can do is find a quiet place to have it.
(macau doesn't know chay is sad because of kim, but he doesn't need to.)
so when chay spots him, and tenses, and looks ready to bolt — macau halts and holds his hands up in surrender. then he waves, kind of awkwardly. and he leaves.
this very sudden generosity does surprise chay. and it continues to surprise chay when macau continues to wave at him whenever they see each other, but doesn't try to approach him. chay is still suspicious of macau, but chay is also a nice kid, and macau really isn't doing anything objectionable. so chay starts waving back.
this truce goes on for a while. and sure, chay isn't following the letter of the law anymore, but it's not like he's giving away information. he's not putting anyone in danger. and it's kind of comforting to have this shared understanding with this kid he doesn't even know. they're in the same boat. chay might not be able to talk to him, but chay feels a little less alone.
there's a million ways they could start talking after this. maybe macau just decides to take the plunge and plops down in front of chay during lunch and starts rambling about valorant. maybe macau is searching his pockets for change for the vending machine, and chay watches him do this for like five minutes and decides he needs to put macau out of his misery.
or maybe one of them finds the other having a panic attack in the bathroom, and talks them through it. (they're both better at this than they should be.)
or. maybe it's after the coup, and now macau is the one looking horribly withdrawn and jittery, and chay knows macau's brother is in a coma, and chay isn't feeling particularly happy about his own brother or anyone in the goddamn main family right now. so he says fuck it, and goes over to bump shoulders nonchalantly with macau.
maybe it's all of those. doesn't matter. they become friends. they're both lonely, and they're just too similar. too young, too tied to the mafia, too scared for their brothers, too little control over their own lives.
and it's not like they ever actually talk about being in the mafia. both of them know better than to give secrets away. they mostly just talk about gaming and homework and roast each other's tastes in music, and occasionally they allude to not being able to sleep, and sometimes they stutter to a stop to avoid saying something they shouldn't — but they both know to let it go. no need to fill in the gaps with lies, to pretend like everything is normal and okay.
it's nice. they're chill.
later, when porsche tells him they're having "family dinner" tomorrow night, chay doesn't realize that includes the former minor family, and he DEFINITELY doesn't realize macau is going to be there. which means he isn't prepared for macau to spot him at dinner and grin and start walking towards him, BECAUSE MACAU DOESN'T KNOW CHAY IS STILL BANNED FROM TALKING TO HIM.
chay is frantically gesturing at macau from behind porsche, making shh-ing motions and throat-slitting motions and shaking his head threateningly. and macau stops, puzzled, narrows his eyes — sly grin flickering across his face for a split second — points directly and dramatically at chay and goes "what are YOU doing here???"
chay facepalms.
macau puts a hand over his mouth and gasps. "have you been in the mafia this whole time?" then, louder, "i can't believe NOBODY told me."
"oh god," chay mumbles into his hand.
porsche is watching this go down, totally bemused. (vegas is also watching this go down, except vegas actually knows what's going on and is mostly amused about it.)
"chay," porsche says tentatively, "this is macau, vegas's little brother." then he nods expectantly at chay — like chay is supposed to do something now? is chay un-banned??? when the hell did that happen?
chay sighs. "hi, macau," he says, deadpan.
macau shakes his hand vigorously. "you play valorant?" he asks, like macau doesn't roast chay over vc every night.
"i'm gonna kick your ass to the curb," chay mutters, low enough that only macau can hear him.
"maybe when you get good," macau says, unrepentanly smug.
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7nessasaryevils · 4 months
well the title that interested me the most was "korn dies" because its what i wanted most from the show lmao
but this was fun, totally gonna join in this walk down memory lane (i have way more wips than i originally thought)
Pfft okay, so I've got the bare bones notes from this but essentially, I wanted to write a one-shot in which we get all the boys there.
Porchay and Macau are on a couch together, because they demanded to be here and didn't give two shits about their brothers saying no. Pete and Vegas stand together in one corner of the room; Pete didn't know if Vegas would want to be there but Vegas figured that if he couldn't put a bullet through his uncle's head, he'd at least like to be there to see the life drain out from his eyes.
Tankhun has taken up residence on a single armchair, Kim perched delicately on one arm rest. Tankhun looks at ease, but Kim can tell that he's tensed up, by the slight shake in his shoulders, the way he keeps fidgeting with one specific gem on his neon-blue jacket. Kim, for his part, flips a knife between his fingers, his own way of trying to deal with the nerves, although he wishes he weren't nervous. Because he knows that this deserves to happen.
Kinn and Porsche are standing, facing Korn, both quiet, even as Korn watches them with those benevolent eyes of his, pretending that he hasn't fucked up every single life in this room. He's not tied to the chair but he's also not going to move. Every single person in this room is armed and won't hesitate to stab him and pin him to the chair if required (Porchay has a tiny knife that was gifted to him by Kim and Tankhun has a bedazzled one tucked away in his boot: Arm helped him bedazzle it with pink and green Swarovski crystals)
Korn asks who's going to kill him. Kinn says that everyone here has motive to do so but there's someone here with that trumps all of them.
And that's when Nampheung walks into the room, her hair tied to one side the way her husband liked it, her eyes clear and knowing as she walks closer to her step-brother.
Kinn is the one who hands her his gun but she shakes her head. Instead, she pulls out Korn's knife, the same one he'd used for that stupid metaphor about apples and rusting.
Korn doesn't even have the chance to say anything; Namphueng slides the knife clean across his throat in one swipe.
Tankhun twitches and tcches at the blood splatter but other than that he comments to say that that was anti-climatic as fuck. And then says he's hungry.
Namphueng offers to cook and they all saunter off into the sunset to live murderously ever after!
There's a lot of nitpicking and fixing I wanna do to this but yeah... this was an idea I had 🤷🏾‍♀️♥️
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leclerdelune · 11 months
Macau GP 70th Anniversary
YOU. YEAH YOU READING THIS. This is me trying to pursued you to go watch the Macau GP this weekend. This track is historic and legendary. And one of the most fun and dangerous street circuits (imo) with tight corners and varying elevations. It is still the oldest (active) street circuit that still holds F3 (+other races) and isn't part of the F1 World Championship (the other being New Zealand🤝)
Since it’s the 70th anniversary and they are holding two wholeass race weekends with a BANGER entry list this year (full list at the end of the post), so why not take a trip down memory lane and talk about some iconic races and drivers throughout the years. [LONG POST, just saying][Also, surprises underneath]
Macau Grand Prix, Guia Circuit (or Circuito da Guia)—a circuit that spans 6.120km, with different elevations over 30 meters top to bottom (in non-metric terms: 2 small pine trees, or 2 volleyball courts for all non-metric people out there👍). Top speed: 260km/h for an F3 car, which is already a handful. This circuit has had little to no changes since the beginning of its grand opening. While this track serves as a stepping stone for drivers, it remains an independent circuit and race of its own. Though still having an affiliate with the FIA.
Although the first race event began in 1954, they didn’t introduce F3 until 1983. Which they had a strong start for F3 with the likes of Ayrton Senna and Gerhard Berger, respectively taking first and third place.
A few years later; Eddie Irvine, Damon Hill, Jean Alesi also left their marks on this race track.
But the most iconic moment came in 1990. The battle of Schumacher vs Hakkinen. The beginning of their motor rivalry.
Schumi took first place while Mika unfortunately crashed out at the back of Schumi’s car.
Jenson Button (a literal child) in 1999, second place. God works hard but those mechanics work even harder
In 2003-2004, both Lewis and Nico took part, whilst Lewis took pole and they both showed great results in qualifying. Neither of them went on to podium in both years.
2005: baby Seb starting to shine through and took third at the main race, just behind Kubica
They put a baby in a fast car
2009: Daniel, Valtteri, and Jules took the challenge. Jules started near the back end of the grid but was steady racing and finished 10th. Valtteri started 4th, had the opportunity to be on podium until he got a puncture on the last lap that saw him finish fifth. Daniel-not the best start- clipped the wall and punctured his left rear, carried on a little bit more until he crashed out of the race :( can’t find any video cuz apparently no one cared enough about 2009
2011: Valtteri’s third year in a row; the previous got him third place but this one he retired the car on lap 4 due to an accident. Kmag, da Costa, Carlos participated but all in all, half the grid retired in the end.
Pre-mustache Bottas and baby redbull Carlos
Bloop! 2014: a wild baby Max appears! Boy had good results in qualifying, placing him third, but in the quali race he lost control and crashed. Main race-7th. Nick Cassidy, Nicki Latifi, Antonio Giovinazzi, Alex Palou finished 3rd, 5th, 12th and 16th. Unfortunately, Antonio Fuoco and Estie Bestie retired :(
Yes, Max did get the fastest lap
2015: Everybody’s favourite! Charles Leclerc has entered the ring. Charlie’s aggressive attack led him to second place and on that podium. Giovinazzi-4th, Lance Stroll-8th, Nick Cassidy-12th and following close behind, my boy, Alexander Albon-13th
The race was that good even FIA had to post it on their channel lol
The infamous onboard camera
2016: we see the introduction of George Russell, Landon Norris, Callum Ilott, Guanyu Zhou and Ticktum (But we’re not gonna talk about him🤭). It was an okay race, António Félix da Costa took first (came 9th in the recent WEC👏) and Nikita crashed.
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That year gave us baby Lando and baby George who took his first pole *surprise🎉*
2017: A fucking great racing year, Lando came second due to Habsburg and Sette Câmara crashing out in the final corner. It’s Mick’s first year, though not the best result but did manage to snatch the fastest lap 💨
2018: it was a scary ass race and I remember standing in front of the TV just watching this. Lisboa corner is famously know for a lot of accidents, Sophia Flörsch made contact with another that send her airborne and crashed into the barriers and fractured her vertebrae. Final standing: Mick-5th, Ilott-7th, Schwartzman-9th, Zhou-11th, Vesti-15th
I’m not gonna post the video, you can go look it up if you’re interested
2019: a lot more familiar faces: Richard Verschoor, Jüri Vips (yeah that one), Logan Sargeant, Callum Ilott came back for another year, Liam Lawson with his bestie Yuki Tsunoda, Enzo Fittipaldi, Max Fewtrell🫡, David Schumacher, Felipe Drugovich, Schwartzman’s second attempt and Sophia Flörsch
3 years of absence and we are back! 2023!
This year there’s two whole weekends, from 11-12th November and 16-19th November. And they’ve a banger list of drivers like Bianca Bustamante for F4 and Richard Verschoor taking another stab at it.
Macau F4 race is happening on the 11-12th:
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F4 is happening the week after on 16-19th
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The FIA is streaming F3 on the YouTube channel (streaming f3 not f4🥲…go watch motor gp too it’s on the same day) but you could probably watch it on other streaming platforms too (you know the ones👀👀)
If you haven’t seen the Macau GP before…give it a go! It’s brilliant!
*side note: if Fernando or Lewis ever retires from f1 and have nothing else to do…I’d like to see them tackle this track (again for Lewis) maybe not f3, maybe something like GT cup or something. It would be verrrry interesting👀
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issei-rainsworth · 1 year
I thought for a while(as in, I had this in my notes for months) as to why Vegas asked Pete to be the one to kill him, and in the end I see it mostly as hope for forgiveness. Not for himself but for the one who kills him
In this house, the major family's house Vegas is surrounded by people who hates him and who he equally hates, people who would want nothing more than to put a bullet in his head.
Be it because of hatred or for a greater plan, his death would make a lot of people happy. And due to that Vegas must hate the idea of being killed by them.
It would mean victory for them, defeat for him. He would somehow make everything is father has told him, every insecurities he has just that much more true in his mind because it would be a proof he's a failure.
His father finally gave him a chance to prove himself, he gave him a glimpse of approval, and dying now would mean ruining it and dying for nothing, with only left the resentment of his father or worst, the indifference.
He would never forgive the one who killed him, resenting him after death and never knowing peace. He would never forgive himself either and that would be overall a bad death (if there is such thing as a good death... At least one slightly less worse)
But he's no fool either, he knows there's a high chance he's running to his death. He would be lucky to make it out alive. So he's gonna die, and at the hand of his enemy none the less.
But what if it was Pete?
If it was Pete who pulled the trigger then everything would be different. Death wouldn't be a punishment anymore but something closer to a relief.
First of all because it would be much more personal. It wouldn't be about his dad or the theerapanyakul family but about Pete and him. They mean too much to each other for it do be any other way. It would be personal even if Pete was directly asked to shoot by Korn or Kinn, because the one pulling the trigger would still be him. Pete, that Vegas love. Pete who was the first to truly see Vegas. Pete who protected him despite everything, Pete who cried in his arm, Pete who kissed him first.
And if he has to die by his hand then so be it. He won't blame him for choosing loyalty over his feeling, he won't blame him for taking his life. Hell, he might even thank him.
And in the end Pete is the only person Vegas would forgive without hesitation. Saying "it's okay" As he dies to make sure Pete doesn't feels bad about his choice. Pete is the only one worthy of taking his life, the only one with a valid reason to resent him.
And yet he is the only one who doesn't. The only one, apart from Macau, who doesn't dream of seeing him dead despite being technically his enemy.
But even with a promised forgiveness Pete doesn't kill him. Because he loves him back. Because he choses love over loyalty. And he is here, calling for him, saving his life.
Pete is the only person Vegas would try to understand, even with a knife in his back. Because that's how much he loves and trusts him.
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shubaka · 1 year
And the KinnPorsche rewatch continues...
First we have the side story.
Oh my god. I forgot about Tankhun's fake tears. Bless this over-dramatic idiot <3
Oh, Vegas, your flirting is really a sight to behold. By someone. Not named Porsche. Or Kinn. In fact, Kinn can't even bring himself to open his eyes and look. :')
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THE WAY PORSCHE CLUTCHES KINN'S HAND! <3 This is so cute *sobs*
And now Episode 7!
Ahhh, I really enjoy the set for this casino.
OH THE GRENADE. It always cracks me up how they left that one dancer with the grenade at the end.
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RIP, my dear, I hope you made it out of this mess unharmed :')
Okay, I don't know if I'm just tired, but the way Vegas pops up on screen in his bloody raincoat made me laugh. :')
Ooooooh, okay. Right after Vegas says you can eat whenever you want the camera pans to Pete, who nods (albeit with a bit of attitude). I see, I see, I see. 👀👀👀
I know it's a lot for Porsche to take in, but I wonder if he ever clocks that Macau is wearing the same school uniform as Porchay? alskdjflakwj :')
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How to get a Porsche: 1) get a motorbike 2) psspsspsspss
Macau is so easy with his physical interaction with Porsche. Like, he feels comfortable enough to pat Porsche on the arm during this apology even though they barely know each other and had a pretty shitty introduction to each other... It's interesting, especially since Macau seemed pretty isolated from the rest of the minor family during the dinner. Whether it's because of how he sees Vegas and Porsche interacting, or if Vegas told him something.... that's for the fanfics I guess :')
Chay: "I'm sorry I lied" Also Chay: *immediately lies again*
OHMYGOD I THINK BARCODE IS ALREADY TALLER THAN JEFF HERE??? I noticed the camera angle looked a little tilted and
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DID THEY TILT THE CAMERA ANGLE SLIGHTLY TO MAKE KIM LOOK SLIGHTLY TALLER IF YOU SQUINT? ADSLFKAJW;KGJLKA someone please tell me i'm just being delulu i can't take this asldkfjawka sorry i'm gonna be thinking about this for the next 12 business days i'amfkwje;lgakjga
ANYWAY now that I sort of recovered from *gestures upwards* that let me get back to my apple thoughts real quick.
So back in episode 2 I basically assigned the green apple as Kinn and the red apple as Porsche. And of course in this episode Korn was cutting up the red apple (Porsche) as he talked about how cutting apples for his wife essentially weakened and, in his mind, rendered his favourite knife useless. And he tells Kinn to find his hold self.
But then he gives the red apple to Kinn! *cue flashback montage of Korn insisting that Porsche is hired to work for Kinn* And Kinn eats the red apple! *clue flashback montage of Kinn eating Porsche uh romantically*
And now we have Kinn telling Tay that he doesn't want to find the old him. He's all about them red apples now. No more green apples.
And look, this post by @technicallyverycowboy about how the green light bleeds away during the bathroom scene.
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Okay but like I have this idea of a KinnPorsche fic that starts with Gun disappearing pretty much when Pete was supposed to infiltrate the minor family
So that never happens and neither does the torture
And everyone is very wary cause they don't know what's happening, just that Gun seems to have vanished into thin air
Weeks go by
Months go by
Some (or most) of the bodyguards of the minor family just bolt, leaving Vegas and Macau exposed
While Korn is deciding if this is just an elaborate plan of his brother, a woman shows up and leaves a baby at the minor family compound, saying that he's Gun's child
They immediately run a DNA test and of course it's true
Korn decides that he's gonna grant the minor children protection in exchange of Vegas keeping Venice safe (Korn knows bodyguards talk and the baby is a Theerapanyakun and must be kept safe)
Vegas is furious, especially because Korn granting them protection pretty much means lending them the less competent bodyguards
So he refuses to take the deal unless Korn gives him at least one of his best men to be in charge of Venice's security
...enter Pete.
Vegas and Pete being an absolute disaster, like, the two people less qualified to be in charge of a kid
It's so bad that every single day a different Theerapanyakun, one of their significant others, one of their very close friends or one of the bodyguards is being summoned to help out
TanKhun flat out refuses the moment he steps in the house and the kid is crying, so he just walks out and promises to send cute fashionable outfits
Chay tries his best, but really, he's only ever been equipped to be a younger brother, so he ends up matching Venice's cries before Pete saves them both from their misery
Arm and Pol come together the first time, but while Arm gives it a try, once the baby is in his arms he gives him back immediately, feeling a surge of anxiety creeping in his body at the thought of being in charge of this very tiny human being. Ant then, the moment Pol takes the kid in his arms...Venice instantly falls asleep like he has finally found the place where he belongs in the world (Pete is impossibly jealous of his power, especially when Vegas mentions how much sleep he would be getting now if only Pol had been Korn's choice of Venice's head security)
Ken is called up by a desperate Pete who's been left alone for almost two days - Vegas is out in the field - and desperately needs a shower and a nap; the minute Ken steps in, Pete shoves the kid in his arms and disappears. A very confused Ken leaves the kid unattended for exactly fifteen seconds - he was checking that his gun had the safety on - and when he turns he sees Venice putting something in his mouth and he realizes right now and then that Vegas will have his head by the end of the day (it does not happen, but just because a very amused Macau puts him out of his misery after SOME time and informs him that his baby brother had just brought his empty fist to his mouth)
On one memorable occasion, even Chan is summoned to help out, and upon seeing Venice in the arms of the older bodyguard Pete just whispers a "daddy" with eyes full of devotion (Vegas is furious and shouts "I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH" before storming out, leaving Pete very curious about the whole reaction but also feeling vindicated after the Pol comment)
(Chan is never called again, despite being by far the best babysitter)
Big and Tay show up at the same time one day, having being called separately by Pete and Vegas. Their strategy is "divide and conquer", so while one is in charge of the food, the other is in charge of the diapers. By the time they're leaving, Pete and Vegas are eyeing them curiously when noticing how they're distractingly stealing glances at each other.
When Vegas is the one left alone with Venice, he doesn't even last 24 hrs before loosing it and going at Yok's, leaving the baby in the - fortunately - capable hands of the bar owner before he gets smashed. When an annoyed Porsche shows up to pick both Vegas and the baby up, Vegas makes him promise to not tell anything to Pete, "I don't want him to think I'm not responsible enough when one day we're gonna get kids of our own" and Porsche is just like "... WHAT" but there's no way he can get Vegas to elaborate when he's like that so he just leaves it (for now)
Unfortunately the next day Pete ends up finding out (but not because of Porsche...bodyguards talk) and he and Vegas enter a screaming match, which prompts Macau to call the only person they would have never called. When Khun Kinn shows up, they both are so stunned that they instantly shut up. Kinn picks up Venice, tells them he's gonna take him out for a couple of hours, which is all the time they are allowed to get their s*it together, and he walks out. (He regrets it instantly. Venice cries for the whole time, even when Kinn desperately calls for help and Kim shows up. They end up being both really, really bad).
In the end, when Gun shows up again to take the baby away with him, he finds that he won't be able to. A whole squad of babysitters, led by Vegas, with Pete and Macau by his sides, are ready to give him Hell if he even thinks about approaching Venice (who's safely sleeping in Pol's arms).
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thisautistic · 9 months
Last Line Game
tagged by @saturnskyline, i actually have something new-ish to post here so THANKS!
They were quiet for a few more minutes. Macau would give Bangkok one thing over New York. The traffic was somehow worse. He was practically vibrating with nerves, biting the skin around his nails.  “Look,” Pete said finally. “We’re all nervous-” he ignored the token protestations from the two Theerapanyakuls before continuing: “We can leave for the rental as soon as we say hi, if you want.” 
my as-yet untitled macauchay epic that i stared for @mightymightygnomepriest for the secret santa. we'll see how long it takes to become publishable but i made a good start, i think.
okay soooooo i'm gonna tag
@omegaphobe @skinsharpenedteeth @no1petesimp @zhaozi @loveable-sea-lemon and @viva-yas-vegas
no pressure! love yall *smooches*
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magicaldreamfox1 · 1 year
hiiiii that's me again about your choose your character gifset that is just amazing, like again looking at it, i just- WOW that had to be A LOT of work, and it's great 👀 but what i'm especially curious is that effect in the first gif with the moving cursor selecting characters and them getting highlighted (tbh looking at it with less sleepy brain i probably get some idea of what's happening here but still) 👁️👄👁️
hi hi!!! thank u sm it really was a lot of work akhkdkd
so for reference i'll explain how i made this gif
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from this gifset
tutorial under the cut!
okay so!!!
i'm gonna explain it in as much detail as possible so anyone can try and follow it! (also maybe this isn't the easiest way to do it but this is just how i did it)
the cursor
for the cursor i used keyframes! everything i know abt that i learned from this tutorial (feel free to follow my sideblog @dreamyslibrary where i store my giffing resources) but since that is abt panning entire gifs i'll explain anyways
so u're gonna get a little cursor picture and place it on ur gif wherever u want ur starting point to be. then u move the playhead (the blue thingy on the timeline. i didn't know what it was called either until 30 seconds ago) to wherever in the gif u want to start ur motion
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when u click on the little arrow to the left of the name of the group u get this. once u've positioned ur playhead where u want ur motion starting point to be u'll click on the little stopwatch next to transform
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now u have an active keyframe. which just means that it has saved the cursor's current position as the starting point. then u can move the playhead to the point where u want ur motion to be done, then u'll move ur object (in my case the cursor) to its end point in the gif. photoshop will automatically create a second keyframe for the end point.
u can move the keyframes around on the timeline to adjust if u want!
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important note: photoshop won't follow the movement u do, it'll save the starting point and the end point and move ur object between them in a straight line in the time frame between the two keyframes. from what i've gathered at least
so this is what i ended up with in my gif:
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the first movement goes up to arm, then there's a pause and then the second movement goes down to macau and pause again!
the highlighting
so behind all the small gifs is a white rectangle (no stroke, fill 15%) lined up with the top of the gifs and longer so it peeks out at the bottom. for everyone except arm and macau i added an outer glow to the rectangles here are my settings for that:
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now for arm and macau i did this:
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going from the bottom the first layer is a white rectangle like i described before but without an outer glow. the second one is another rectangle with the fill on 0% and an outer glow with a fadeout that starts once the cursor touches macau
transition effects like fade-ins and -outs can be found at the little square next to the scissors. i would show a screenshot of that little screen but it won't let me. u click on ur effect and then drag it onto ur object on the timeline. a fade at the beginning is a fade-in, at the end it's a fade-out. u can adjust the length of the effect when u click on it and then just drag it around like u would with any other object
the third layer is the same as the second one but with a white outer glow:
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this is what i looks like for arm:
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so there is a black outer glow which then fades out while the white outer glow fades in, as the cursor moves off it fades out again and the black outer glow fades in again
could you just fade the white outer glow in and out over the black one? maybe but i didn't do that
i hope this makes sense? if not feel free to send me another ask or dm me 🫶
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lu-sn · 2 years
i'm gonna braindump my kimchay manifesto i am apologizing in advance
ok there are so many good fics out there where kim posts his video on the internet and everyone is like *points* you??? *points* PORCHAY??? and then everyone on the planet earth gives him shit for it and he learns to open up about his feelings :') and then chay writes a song back and then kim writes a WHOLE ALBUM and the peanut gallery is living. and then they talk and they get together and they produce even more sappy music because they're in luv. i love this for them.
but in the deepest darkest corners of my heart, i don't want this in s2. what i ACTUALLY want is: secret relationship.
and i want it to become the lynchpin that causes all of korn's plans to crumble.
kim makes this video. he sends it to chay, and that's it. he doesn't post it. he doesn't perform it, ever, because the only person who he wants to sing that song for is chay, and he can't bring himself to perform it publicly if chay isn't by his side. he tells no one about this because he's a sad repressed boi.
and chay also tells no one! because he has never been more isolated in his life. and the video tears at his soul, he thinks about it all the time, and there's a very devastating war going on in his heart. kim said he never cared. but then kim wrote a song based on his song, and it's so beautiful, and kim wants him to stay. is chay weak, for wanting to go back? he shouldn't do it. but it's killing him, so eventually he caves, and he asks kim to talk.
and it's such a heartwrenching conversation, because they're both just two boys who are so alone and they've been in such pain, but they spill their hearts and cry all over each other and then they kiss so softly and it's okay, they're gonna be okay.
then, they decide to tell no one, for now. and part of it is because kim is so fucking paranoid about his father knowing any of his weaknesses, and the sad truth is that in their terrible mafia world, chay is his biggest weakness of them all. and chay isn't opposed to this because he's very used to keeping this relationship secret, first because it involved his idol, and then because it involved kinn's family so directly. and chay kind of wants to take it slow, without any of their big brothers freaking out, because no matter what anyone thinks, this relationship makes the main family so much messier than it already was, and he's already been bitten once before. he wants it to be a sure thing first, before they tell anyone.
guys. the potential. DO YOU SEE IT
korn's whole thing is that he keeps close tabs on the relationship bonds between everyone around him, and then he manipulates them ruthlessly to his own ends. he uses namphueng to control porsche, uses porsche to control kinn, uses kinn to control his entire mafia empire. he keeps kim in line because kim cannot shake his loyalty to his brothers despite his own best efforts, he uses macau's safety to corral vegas, he uses gun's obsession with namphueng to throw him completely off of his game.
but if kim and chay keep their relationship secret, korn is suddenly missing a very important puzzle piece as to kim's motivations.
let's say korn starts trying to pit kim against kinn. (i heard someone say this was being set up in the novels.) but if he tries to do this, he doesn't realize that he's also setting up chay and porsche against each other by proxy. and on this i have zero doubt: chay will not stand for that. kim will side with chay, and porsche, and kinn, well before he tries to fracture anything with kinn.
let's say namphueng is actually functional, and knows things, and starts communicating with chay because it's her only hope of getting herself out of her prison. (if this sounds familiar, it's because i am insane about namphueng and wrote a bunch of words about this.) i bet you anything korn is keeping very close tabs on all of porsche's interactions with namphueng. but why would he do the same for chay? chay has no power, poses no threat to korn. and it's true! i love the boy, but he is not trained in the ways of the mafia, and he has no contacts to help him... EXCEPT KIM, who would definitely drop everything to help him figure out the mystery behind namphueng and maybe even help free her. let's be real, kim would be fucking delighted to do this. down with the patriarchy, in with the matriarchy, and all that.
let's say korn starts blatantly using chay to keep porsche in line. maybe keeping him under tight surveillance, or even as extreme as having him be kidnapped in retaliation for something porsche has done. well, korn is fucked, because kim cares about chay to an unreasonable extent, and he's such a snoop, he could figure it all out and then light all of korn's plans on fire.
and this one is pure self-indulgence on my part, but throw a macau-chay friendship into all of this and now all of a sudden every major player in the game is tied to chay somehow. and they would all die for him.
korn, the master manipulator, against chay, who has no schemes to his name. just love and friendship and kindness.
korn's going down, y'all.
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emberfaye · 10 months
Okay. Cleaning up this somno fic, and then I need a palate cleanser. Gonna either work on Macau series or do the mafia bro snippets
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
I think its already established that Daemi don't know how to write shit to save their lives. This just further cemented it.
I also think it's funny that one of the authors' favorite character is Vegas, so why the hell they would just make him suffer more and more... I don't know what to tell you. They just suck and I will not accept this as canon. Like there is just no reason to kill off Macau wtf... like, you leave fucking Venice (who provides very little to the plot) and kill off Macau??? Wtf wtf wtf wtf??? Nobody wants that fucking baby ffs, not even Vegas.
I think the authors may have a grudge against the cast/fandom considering all the controversies that have happened concerning them 2 so I think they're like "let's kill someone everyone cares about and actually like as payback! *evil laughter*" and everyone else KP, VP, KC are too important to the plot and the bodyguards aren't that much so they decided on Macau... oof
I think that if we get a S2, they will keep Macau's death, just make it better or have him die a noble death (just like how they changed it for Big- who ended up dying for Porsche- who was the actual traitor in the book instead of Ken) since I do think BOC may be obligated to follow the broad strokes of the novel and I don't think they have bought the rights off Daemi...
hiiii anon!!!
god i am MAD. like. idgaf about venice NO ONE gives a flying fuck about venice and YET!!!!!!!
they absolutely do not know how to write for their characters nor do they care much. so they kill off macau ... can you imagine the PAIN and ANGUISH that vegas would feel? at that point, knowing vegas as We know him, he himself wouldnt wanna live anymore, no matter if he has pete beside him or not. he was gonna blow his brains out just at his DAD dying and pete talked him down. i dont even think pete could talk him down if he saw macau comitting suicide in front of his eyes. like. what?? they wanna play the misery porn card on vegas????
and like. thats just vegas. who's a secondary thought rn. to me its more about macau. like. yes okay he is clinically depressed and on meds in the novel. and you know all this time since kp ended ive gone on and on and onnn about how much of a blank canvas macau was on the show and how if we ever got a s2, i wanna see macau be given depth and be explored more bc theres SO MUCH room and scope with him to do so. and like the novel, i'd wanna see macau go through these bouts of depression bc ... hell ... his entire life has just been one trauma after the next after the next laid upon him. its GOT to get to him. and i could just. so clearly picture what the plotline for macau can be if we got a s2. i could write it myself and do a better job!! and that would include not killing him off just to dump more pain on vegas and to give macau hope in wanting to live bc he has his big brother and his big brother has him!!! and he'd graduate from school and go to uni and make something of his life!!!!
but like. i just dont know. IF. we ever got a s2, would they write macau as being clinically depressed like in the novel. and of course there has to be (a) death involved in the show and WHO BETTER to kill off than macau, who's only attachment is with vegas and then pete and is a well-loved character. like i would Hope they would rewrite it all and Not have him die but then im like ... well someone has to die and whose death would twist the knife in more than macau's for the sake of Great Plot Writing and Advancement. i said it once before that i could so easily see a future scenario where pete and macau are both in some sorta danger and only one makes it out alive or vegas has to choose and that ties in with your idea of the Noble Death trope and macau probably dying that Noble Death. so either that, or they DO write macau as clincally depressed on the show and have him commit suicide, which idk if they will write him as that.
but yeah im just so ... Mad at this all. i wanna say yeah that yeah if we did get a s2, that they could rewrite this all and macau doesnt die but then ...... like. duh. its pretty obvious that macau's death would trigger and offset so much for the plot and facilitate it going forwards.
and fuck that. bc i LOVE macau so much and theres SO MUCH that can be done with him and explored with him that I COULD DO A BETTER JOB AT. like i said, yes, i wanna see macau be written as clinically depressed on the show just like the novel and for that and his headspace and character to be properly explored, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, be given hope of a hopeful ending for him!!!!!!!! ITS REALLY NOT THAT HARD TO DO YOU SICK FUCKS!!!
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milkwaydreams · 2 years
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I posted 334 times in 2022
That's 334 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (4%)
321 posts reblogged (96%)
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I tagged 12 of my posts in 2022
#kpop - 6 posts
#haechan - 3 posts
#nct - 3 posts
#renjun - 3 posts
#jaemin - 3 posts
#chenle - 3 posts
#kinnporsche - 3 posts
#mark lee - 3 posts
#taeyong - 2 posts
#doyoung - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 91 characters
#i just know the one of them is kidnapped out of nowhere and they fall in love for no reason
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay, I didn't know it was possible but, I just fell in love with Seventeen... AGAIN!!
Everyone looks SOOO GOOD this era. MINGHAO????!!!!!!! DK???!!! SCOUPS LONG HAIR??!!! LIKE.... OMG. HELP.
I was down the hole day and now, I'm so happy. This is the effect Seventeen has on me. Thank you boys, for everything 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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7 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Is it possible to be bias wrecked by your own bias??!!
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and the plaque behind does say "caution"...
12 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
VegasPete BREAKING ME DOWN WITH THEN... I can't... How am I going to survive now??
I was getting really mad thinking that Vegas died, I was like "What? Really? Don't do this to me production crew. Please don't...", but, after that post credits scene... I forgive you for everything 🤣🤣🤣
IT WAS SO FREAKING CUTE. OMG... I can't even talk about how much I loved that scene. Macau being cute with his brother, oh my God. And I can't stop thinking about the conversations that Macau and Pete had while Vegas was sleeping. That "That was fast" from Macau, got me thinking they plotted making Vegas act cute AND I LOVED IT 😭😭😭😭
Also, so sad we didn't get a proper ending to KimChay🥺🥺🥺
I couldn't stop smiling and giggling the whole scene🤣🤣🙈🙈🙈
There's still so many things to unveil. I really hope to get a second season 🥺🥺
13 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
I was tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul 😍
Your all time favorite bl character and why?
Wow, there are some.
I have to say Intouch (UWMA) because I love his determination. He says "That boy is gonna be mine" and he gets the boy. I love him for it.
Also Ram (My Engineer) because I loove his personality. I see myself in him a little bit. He only talks to who he wants to and when he wants and I think that's so funny🤣. He also love animals and is afraid of kids just like me so.. 🤣🤣
What’s your one character from a bl you wanted to punt into the stratosphere (you only get one so choose wisely).
Humm... I know that I should choose only one but, Korn and Intouch's (UWMA) fathers for OBVIOUS reasons🤬
Or Llong (TharnType) because, Tharn and Type are toxic to each other A LOT, but, Llong was going to KILL Type if their friends didn't stopped him and, he literally hire some guys to RAPE a completely innocent person just because he was dating Tharn.
The best music moment from a bl.
I guess, Sarawat (2gether) singing "Tine" in the last episode. Or Korn and Win (Cupid's Last Wish) COMPLETELY high singing and dancing like they were recording a MV in the middle of nowhere 🤣🤣
What’s a popular heterosexual text that you would like to see adapted into a bl/gl?
I would love to see a BL version of Boys Over Flowers (or F4 Thailand, or Meteor Garden. You get it). Not exactly a "text" but, I thought about it while seeing F4 Thailand on air "It's always the same. It would be amazing if it ended up being a BL in the end" 🤣🤣🤣
A scene from a bl that always makes you laugh.
The last RamKing (My Engineer) scene where King thinks Ram was drunk and didn't remember their kiss, but Ram didn't drink at all🤣🤣
Also, that one when Saifah and Zon (Why R U?) wakes up cuddling to it other and Zon starts saying nonsense like "Did you used condom? Am I gonna get pregnant?" 🤣🤣🤣 I Love this scene🤣🤣
Biggest disappointment.
Enchanté. The first episode was really cute, but then, I don't know what happened. I loved the whole "Find the Enchanté" thing just to be the own Theo who wrote it because he wanted Akk's attention... And that last episode, what was that? Out of nowhere, after doing all that book scene to get Akk, he's leaving just like that?! And Akk's sister saying those things to him??? That's her way of helping?? Really disappointed.
And I have to mention Cutie Pie. It's not bad, but I guess I waited too much for too long. Since the first announcement that Zee was going to be in a new BL, I was sooo hyped, but when I finally watched it, it didn't get me. Still going to watch it anyway because I love the actors and I loved the other couples, but I got really lazy, unfortunately🥺🥺
What two random bl/gl characters would make hilarious exes?
I have no idea 🤣🤣🤣🙈🙈
But I thought about a conversation of Fiat (Don't Say No), Jang Jaeyoung (Semantic Error) and Nuea, Kaeng and Team (Y Destiny), they would count bodies all day 🤣🤣🤣
Who would be the funniest person to person to watch a bl in its entirety and which one would you make them watch.
A lot of people finds it weird but, I always watch BL with my mom🤣🤣 She's is best person to watch it with. She loves anything I choose to so🤣🤣
I also would love to watch Cherry Blossom After Winter with @wanderlust-in-my-soul it would be perfect 😍😍
Best wardrobe moment/or character wardrobe from a bl.
I love the red suit Fiat (Don't Say No) wears for the party in the end. That entrance with the twins (who are really cute too) behind him, wow😍😍
And I guess Kinn's (KinnPorsche) whole wardrobe too. That man knows how to wear a suit, as he should cause, wow, he's GORGEOUS in those suits🤤
Thank you so much for tagging me😍😍
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20 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay, I just want to put it out what I'm feeling right now after EP13, but I'm going to focus only on PeteVegas because, too much happened in this episode.
First of all, I just need to leave something very clear here: I didn't knew anything about the novel before watching the series so, I was really blind and didn't know what to expect. That being said, let's move on.
I still don't know what I feel when I think about them. I started watching KinnPorsche BECAUSE of VegasPete, I wanted to see them together. Them Pete got captured and I realized the road that they would go.
I'm completely biased by Bible, so I didn't imagine that I would HATE his character. And I did. For a moment. Now I'm... Confused cause at the same time I want to kill him, I want to protect him ("At the same time I wanna hug you, I wanna wrap my hands around your neck - P!nk")
Something I'm really enjoying is to see how everyone interpret their relationship differently, that's amazing. So I want to leave here what I think they have.
I don't think it Love. I don't think it's anything really rational. I think they developed a toxic emotional support that they crave above anything else. I genuinely think they can't live without each other anymore because of this bounding. Vegas gets better because of Pete, but also he can reach his peak of destruction for Pete too. The same for Pete. He has a pure heart even after everything he did and have been through, but he fakes smiles and happiness too much. With Vegas, he can show the evil part of himself without being judged of anything. They are literally like Yin and Yang. They need each other for balance. Pete needs Vegas to be mean, and Vegas needs Pete to be good.
It's not love, it's balance. They both know what they are doing it's wrong, but still want it ("Mama, I'm in love with a criminal and this type of love, it's not rational, it's phisical - Britney")
Also, the scene where Pete was "eating" the ramyeon and breaks down crying, wow. I also saw a lot of people saying different things about it and, one of the things people said was that his friends and people o cares about him are around him but he is still left alone. I don't think the others left him alone just like that. He's visible hurt, both, inside and out, holding tears all the time... I would give him some time too. And, he may have asked to be alone for a while cause, Khul would talk to much, ask too much, and he's not in a good shape for all Khul's presence at that moment, you know?
And when he touches where the handcuffs were, his chest and neck where Vegas touched, I really think he was missing him, but his crying because he don't want to miss Vegas. Crying because because he knows it's wrong and unhealthy, but he's still worried, maybe even not for himself but for what Vegas may do without him. He can't control him if he's not near him. I guess it's obvious now that Vegas don't control Pete, Pete controls him.
And one last thing, yes, they can't kill each other because, like I said, they balance one another. If one of them dies, the other will crumble. If they hurt each other, they hurt themselves. That's why I think Pete couldn't pull the trigger and Vegas couldn't stab Pete.
All of this is just how I feel about them, how I read them myself.
I love seeing the other ways they are being read so, if you want to talk more about them or other couple, even other series, I will gladly talk to you. 🥰🥰
And I need to say, shout out to the whole KinnPorsche's crew cause I'm really impressed by this series 😍😍
21 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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saturfied · 2 years
okay so idk wtf I'm gonna be rambling, but for all the desi kinnporsche watchers,, imagine a kp!au but in 'dil dhadakne do' setting(bec that's my fav movie I'm fully obsessed) like messed up siblings because of their parents - khun, kinn and kim, sorta runaway/without parents siblings porsche and chay, then you can add the side family of the lesbian sister and cutu putlu as possibly vegas and macau and idk there are still many loopholes and characters to give a proper story and storyline but I want to see this happen and someone write it pls-😭🤚
the other idea I had thought was kp!au based on Don but I think I have somewhat sorta come across a similar storyline already being written on ao3, not sure don't remember
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stormyoceans · 2 years
they just killed all of vegas' character development in A CHAPTER of the new book wtf
me after reading this message and going in the tag to see what they did to my boys in the novel:
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i can't say im particularly surprised, though. im personally not a fan of the novel, and i know i may seem overdramatic when i praise the writing for the vegaspete storyline in the show, but there really are no words to properly express the fantastic job BOC made, not only with them, but with kinn and porsche too. im actually not even that upset about what happened in this last chapter tbh, because to me the novel and the show are two very different beings, and the same goes for their characters
also the show may be an adaptation of the books, but BOC already changed a lot of things (including the MAJOR plot twist of porsche's mom being alive), and they put so much care and respect when handling certain topics that i can't help but trust that, if we do get a season 2, they will keep doing an amazing job in developing the characters
so im going to just.. completely ignore the novel and keep thinking about vegas and pete having very enthusiastic consensual sex with vegas worshipping every inch of pete's body and the two of them just slaughtering anyone who even thinks about laying a hand on the other
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