#and many ohers
emzii-hi · 1 year
My little theory rant
Okay so today I got caught up in some of Tubbo's streams in specific the one on him questioning the one and only "Enjoy the island" Curcurcho. First, I want to say that boy was that highly entertaining to watch like omg Tubbo was killing it.
But from that whole thing we got really useful information on some bits of the lore and shit that goes on in the island. So here are the points that i found the most interesting
like firstly we know that Forever won the election and is given tasks to do in his presidential reign. I personally full on thought he worked with the Federation but he's more like a sub section in the way a towns major or representative might be in a province or state. And Cucurcho basically was like yeah, he's the pres of the island basically but so far, he doesn't have any actual big pres power. Oher than a bit that was given to him by the feds.
Tubbo then beings to ask about the buildings such as the wall, which until know all we know it was to separate the first people who arrived at the island and that they pushed a red button which left to the destruction of a bit of said wall and the later introduction of the eggs. And the recent random build was built were all build by the qsmp feds. Who in the feds built and for what reason was classified information. (kinda saw that coming as a secret)
Now the honestly the most intresting part of the convo was the subject of the eggs. Our dear tubbo asked so many of the right questions. Like if the eggs hatch which honestly in the long game i hope they do because of the headcannon/cannon lore on the eggs looking like the parents being more accurate after hatching. And he touch on the fact of there being more eggs which if you haven't seen Quackity's and Celbits pov we can definitely say there are more eggs.
Though on Quackity's pov it shows more of either the eggs being recreated in a lab and are trying to be replicated. (The egg we see in quackity's pov was A1 who was doing some sort of test and failed.) Or maybe each time a egg fully dies they are revived and have their memory wiped and gets tested again for other reasons. Which is possible cause ElQuackity came back with no recollection of the eggs and most events of the island. With that being said we know for sure that the qsmp febs have something weird to do with the eggs in general and that Quackity also had some to do with the qsmp feds as he was the one who invited everyone to said island.
We also know that just like the first few eggs that appeared to the first few players that arrived in the island were found in a adoption centre just like the one that cellbit found with the hidden room and the book. Could that be why after richas and pomme kinda just appeared to the other parents after awhile? was it that they learned from their mistake? Who knows all we know is that there are definitely more eggs that was first thought and possibly a more secret adoption centres. (This could also maybe tie in the fact that the codes are trying to kill eggs and now trying to be them.)
Juanaflippa is the only egg to be revied throughout the whole smp. Now when tubbo asked about this whole ordeal on getting eggs lives back, Cucurcho first was like that's classified but the was saying no which could be their way of confusing and avoiding the whole question as a whole. This obviously could just be them confused on the question but its still iffy.
Again the whole thing was super interesting.
The Federation
The Federation it self was a crazy clue in its self. Tubbo compared the whole this to the stranger thing for those who don't know Stranger things there is this lab where they experimented on children such. And Cucurcho being all the island is perfect and Tubbo was like agreeing for the most part. Leading to this.
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We know that the qsmp Feds what them to enjoy the island but we aren't entirely sure why. This was super interesting to me in the sense of double meaning like yes the island is "perfect" for players and for the most part they are content but there is a whole theory that the reason that they gave them eggs was to distract them but from what? I think its like a whole simulation backroom idea. That the true enjoyers of the island is actually qsmp feds as they have ways to test and recreate certain things and certain people. Again possibly tying the blue bird theory of Jaiden being a escaped backroom project that was later brought back by Quackity's request.
Tubbo again asked a great question that i never really have thought of and I don't see most people wonder this. Do these Cucurcho's have free will. This was question bit was weird back and forth momment of yes they kinda of do have free will to a weird I am a employee of the Federation moment. I would say that for the most part they do have free will in the sense they can walk around and talk with people but have maybe a signal que of other Fed workers looking at them closely to make sure they don't step out of line and do their required tasked kinda of like it you ere told to do something at gun point. I honestly don't know.
They the whole might there be other island.
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Its in the name itself. The Federation Census Bureau. The word Bureau itself means a office or department of for transacting a particular action or a government office. Obviously in the context of the book it was used in singularity and not plurality to identify more but it still slightly concerning cause a Bureau it self is a of agreed divided specialties. So it would make sense is that Quisadilla Island to not be the only one in a large network. Again Tubbo be asking the right questions. Also the fact that Cucurcho's answer to Tuboo being like on the idea of more then one island was saying classified was amazing cause it makes it even more believable that there is more island as one island in singularities existence does not need to classified
IN CONCLUSION!! Tubbo was crazy in getting the most general answers and vague questions that allowed us to get at least and idean of wtf is going on with feds and the island. And im sorry for going on this whole rant but i had to get this off my chest so yeah. That whole bit was wild and really had me being like wtf moments
(1) Tubbo Asks Cucurucho All The Lore Questions He Could Think OF! QSMP - YouTube
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So heavy, he couldn't barely move: Conrad, a 56 yesrs old bodybuilder from a big city, was happy to see so many oher big-built bulls here!
His bodyweight are impressing 560 pounds, and he plans to get much, much bigger!
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lyssaterald · 10 months
Take Flight, Part?: Stood Up
Content Warning: General spoilers for the main story. Minors and ageless accounts do not interact! First person writing, named character, and slight mentions of character’s past and history which are not expanded upon as they are not important to this chapter. Weirdly, I switch between past and present tense. Sorry, not sorry. Unbeta read.
SMUT: LucixMCxDia
Word count is around 6k and was supposed to be PwoP but developed plot as I went, lol.
Staring at the empty chair in Ristorante Six where Lucifer was supposed to be sitting made me angry and sad at the same time, and also made my gut twist in ways I hadn’t felt since before he and Dia had accidentally kidnapped me to the Devildom in the first place. Swirling the Demonus in my glass and sipping at it while the staff glanced quickly to me and then away as they took other customer orders was very humiliating. The reservation had been made by him under his name for the two of us where we were to meet up after we had each finished our work or school for the week and spend a few hours together outside HoL and away from his brothers.
How many times had I texted Lucifer now?
My thoughts had gone a little wild over the last hour since he had failed to arrive at his self-appointed time to start our date. Had something happened? Was HoL on fire? What if Mammon or them had done something to distract him? Maybe there had been a prank gone wrong or Diavolo had kept him over for a meeting they were having?
But my D.D.D has been silent for most of the day. Asmo has found out about our date and insisted on getting together my outfit for the evening (a somewhat racy little black number with red and black lingerie) and had even promised to keep his oher five brothers distracted for a few hours tonight. And Asmo usually pestered me about my nights with Luci when he could feel when I was horny and knew when I’d spent a satisfying evening with one of my two lovers. So…that was probably what was going on with Luci’s brothers and he or Diavolo usually text if a meeting is going to interfere with plans we had set before the plans take place. So…
Was this a subtle way of punishing me or telling me that he was unhappy with something I had done? But Luci was usually fairly direct in when he was unhappy with something. Flirting was a subtle thing with him in public. Our disagreements had been…heated…but also resolved in private and…sometimes…with sex. We had never had a public disagreement…
Or, and this was what was making my gut twist, was he breaking up with me? And had just lost his nerve or something?
I’d done that before with others back home. I know the reasons I am unattractive as a mate to those individuals, but…since arriving at the Devildom…Diavolo and the seven Avatars had all been courting or showing possessive, familial behavior. 
This wasn’t normal with them.
Lucifer was fucking prideful. If he had lost interest in the relationship, he would have said so. So…
That’s why I had stayed for an hour and tried multiple times to call and text him, to which there had been no reply and there had been just the gut-churning anxiety. So…so, I met the eyes of one of the waiters and waved them down after setting aside the glass of Demonus and gave them my best smile with my hands folded under my chin.
“What was the charge the last time Beel was here?”
“Si-six-m-m-m-m-m-million grimm,” the waitress stutters nervously and I instantly feel bad.
The Avatars are some of their rulers and I live with them.
“Has the bill been satisfied?” I ask kindly.
“N-not…exactly,” the demoness tells me and casts her eyes down and away further. 
I want to scream in frustration over the negligence that they get into…instead, I simply smile and pull out the cards that Diavolo and Lucifer both gave me and hand them over. “Bill six times the leftovers of that bill to both cards and then half that for a tip for all the server staff that deal with Beel on a regular basis, but make sure to take what you need from the cards for your month, too,” I tell her and she looks like she is about to burst into tears. “What is your name?”
“R-r-r-r-Raya.” She is sobbing now and everyone is looking on, but I give zero fucks.
I reach towards her and she gives me her hand automatically and then I tumble up and into her, giggling. If Luci wants to make a scene or forget me, I will make this demon’s month. Especially since she seems to be having a bad day or week…or year.
“The kitchens, please,” I whisper to her amidst my sudden giggling. I stumble and giggle as she leads me towards the kitchens. As soon as we are out of view of the public eye, I smile and thank her and then wait for her to charge the two cards to be returned. It takes a few minutes, but the looks the staff are giving me shift from pitying to straight up adoration and I have to wonder when the last time they were tipped generously. It’s something I’ll have to shake into the Avatars, apparently. The manager straight up cries when I leave both cards on file for the next time that Beel visits them and I leave them instructions on how to reach me if any of the Avatars get rowdy or leave an open bill.
Their gratuity and the way that I was stood up makes me pissed. Shoving my hands in my pockets and embracing the dark mood without reservation makes the usual demons who would harass me flare off and hide in the darker corners of the market.
My D.D.D has been silent this whole time despite close to a dozen calls and texts that I had sent to Lucifer. Either he’s ignoring his phone or he is dead and both options have their appeal right now.
The one night I feel like getting into a fight and no one tries to pull something. Some of the local children who recognize my more human form run to greet me and “steal” the leftovers that I took from the Ristorante Six employees for them. I can’t help the smile I give the “blob” child that was the distraction and slip them an extra treat for letting their friends practice on me. Once they are gone, tho, it’s hard to maintain the smile as this is just another reminder of how broken systems can be.
It's an odd reflection to see how children are forgotten amongst different cultures. For my dame’s, they are always hyper aware of how precious children could be, but as soon as we hit maturity that’s another story and leaves us open to all the blood prejudice that the species can harbor. Here? I am standing in front of the burnt out building that harbors the refuge for the children of the Devildom’s capital. Dia is a special kind of ruler, but even he can’t do everything.
A frustrated hiss leaves me and I feel the eyes of the children on me before I drop the rest of the food off for them and then turn away to allow the privacy they want for the scavenging they will do from the offering. I pretend not to hear the light, hurried footsteps or delighted exclamations of joy over such a little thing. It makes me want to shake Dia or break out of the Devildom early so I can bring these kids to my mother to be adopted amongst the clans, but I still don't know enough about their developmental lifespan.
For now, this has to be enough.
With Luci…
I have to pause and scowl at the dirt under my feet for a hot second as I contemplate what I want to do. My D.D.D. goes off in my pocket and I pull it out, smiling instantly at the notice. Dia. Our other lover, the one that hadn’t forgotten me once since coming here. 
Dia: Barbatos informs me that you just spent a large sum of money at Ristorante Six. Did you two have fun?
Me: Nope. You free?
Dia: I have several stacks of paperwork, but I would love to see you later. Perhaps that will serve as motivation to finish everything tonight. Should I be worried?
Frowning at the screen, I leave him on read for a moment as I collect my thoughts. My relationship with Luci is a little more intense because he is a sadist and likes to try to dominate the relationship where I feel it is unnecessary. Him standing me up tonight is just a new tactic that he hasn’t used before and it hurts, because I’ve been forgotten by others but never someone this important to me.
Dia and I have a little more...complex...of a relationship. It made our start a little rough because he had technically kidnapped the daughter of a dragon royal and he himself being a prince had set us on the entirely wrong foot. It was his persistence and warmth that had drawn me in where others had hurt me before.
My heart was aching and Dia had never stood me up before. In fact, he was consistently trying to find ways to keep me and Lucifer with him for an extra couple of hours, however childish and inane those were sometimes were.
Dia: Should I be worried?
His repeat in his text makes me smile and seals my decision. It's an easy one to make now that I reflect on things again.
Me: No. Lucifer stood me up and has ignored my calls. So, it wasn't very fun and I am coming over for a few days if that's ok?
The anxiety in my stomach is a knot as I hit send and watch the little dots that indicate he is typing something. Maybe I shouldn't have assumed...
Dia: I would love to have you over for a few days! Is everything else alright? Do you want me to do anything?
The little flutters in my stomach with his easy acceptance and offer of help leave me blushing a little. My bad mood evaporates a little more, but I retain a little niggling doubt because demons are so much like dragons.
Me: Did you do anything directly or indirectly that would have kept Luci from our date tonight?
Dia: Never. He's been working so hard recently, I thought it was a great idea for you two to have this date tonight. I'm shocked and very disappointed that he missed it.
Dia: But I am quite happy at the chance to have you to myself for a few days.
He's already planning how he can keep me in the palace all for himself for the next few days. After everything, all the heartbreak and the doubts and the second guessing, it's a hot feeling in my stomach to know that I am wanted. But...I know the boundaries I have to set. Lest things get out of hand.
Me: 48 hours, at a max, of making them hunt for me. We can arrange something else later down the line.
Dia: Deal. Now come over before I hunt you down.
Perhaps a thrilling thought for a different day...
It's exactly 48 hours later that Diavolo allows Lucifer to find us in his office. Lucifer is hovering on the threshold, his crimson eyes tracking the way that one of Dia's undershirts hangs off a shoulder and how I sit away from him on Dia's lap. He can clearly see the new and fading hickeys on my skin that Dia left there and knows for a fact that I don't keep clothes at the castle, so he also knows I am sitting in Dia's lap in nothing more than this shirt.
But I ignore him for now.
Diavolo bites the strawberry out of my fingers and glares over my shoulder as the study door clicks shut behind us. He takes my wrist and begins to delicately suck the juice from each finger. His golden eyes flash to mine and I just return his amusement with one of chagrin.
"Dia," I breathe at him and his gaze darkens.
"You've been hiding her," Lucifer observes. "For two days. My brothers have been mounting a very large search effort." It's a subtle dig at my feelings for his brothers and it turns my hard gaze to the scarlet, slitted gaze.
"Good for you," I say mildly, tuning back to Dia to sink my teeth into his neck, surprising a moan out of our lover.
"Lyssa, I do not believe this is the-" Lucifer begins.
"Fuck off and shut up or leave," I cut in, tugging at Dia's buttons. A glance up at his face confirms that he is totally invested in this, not that I had doubted his erection or the gentle hands on my hips.
"Lord Diavolo, this is hardly the time to-" Lucifer began again.
It was remarkably easy to launch myself off Diavolo's lap, plant a foot on his desk and leap at Lucifer, wings flaring in aggression. He caught me with his arms around my waist as we toppled over with my momentum. Lucifer landed on his back with a soft grunt and me straddling his hips with my hands on his shoulders, wings still flared as I stared down at his slightly parted lips.
"Two days and this is what you have to say for yourself?" I ask him, struggling to maintain the mildness of before. "Was this your way of saying it's over? Or are you just tired of spending time with me? What was more important two nights ago that kept you from even calling?" The tears are hard to choke back once my fears are voiced and his stare only remains blank and shocked. "Fine, I get it," I mutter and lean away from him, allowing my wings to Veil.
I attempt to push to my feet, but his hands tighten on my his as he purses his lips and studies me. "Two nights ago, I was dealing with Mammon and Satan for having broken into my study and stolen-"
"Let go of me," I snarl at him, but he doesn't budge.
"Allow me to explain," he says with infuriating patience.
"No." The word is a shriek of pain that has Diavolo wrenching me into his chest and knocking Lucifer's hands away from me.
"That's enough, Lucifer," Diavolo says with cutting gentleness as he strides towards the couch where he settles me in his lap. My arms wrap around his neck and I am sobbing into his neck as two days of pent up fear explode out of me in silent, wrenching gasps and tears. "Lyssa has been hiding with me since you stood her up two nights ago."
There is a slight scuff of shoes on the floor and the rustle of clothes as Lucifer tries to approach us, but Dia removes his hand from my waist and must hold him at arms length. His thigh muscles tighten and ripple beneath mine as he fights with himself, but I keep my head buried in his shoulder until the tears have eased and the shaking has ceased.
Dia's gentle hand through my hair rouses me and I look up at his concerned gaze, noting somewhere in my head that his other arm is still raised. "D?" I ask muzzily.
His lips are gentle on mine, a comforting touch after so much fear and a reminder that I am wanted. It's when his tongue slides with mine and begins stoking the embers of the earlier arousal that he jerks his extended arm and there's a gasp and thud that startles me from the kiss.
Turning to look behind us, I find Lucifer surprisingly close to us. More surprising is that he's on his knees in front of us, his hands on Diavolo's knees, and Dia's hand fisting his collar. Lucifer's expression is so fractured that I almost reach out to him.
A glance at Diavolo finds a molten, golden gaze flickering between us. Placing a kiss on his jaw lands that gaze on me and it softens into something gentle. "Are you feeling better, Lys?" he asks.
It's hard not to blush under the realization that they had watched me ugly cry into Diavolo's uniform. "A little," I mutter.
"Do you want answers from him now?" he asks. "Or do I send him away?"
He's giving me the control so easily that I stare at him for a second, then glance at Lucifer's desperate gaze. They're normally the dominant ones, the ones calling the shots and making the decisions in our relationship. It's not that I'm a submissive for them, it's just easier to flow along with them and more fun most of the time, whether in bed or in public.
"Lys," Lucifer says quietly and then gasps when Diavolo fists a hand in his hair and yanks his head back.
"Or we can punish him and get answers later?" Diavolo suggests thoughtfully, snaking an arm around my waist to shift me to straddle his thighs and face Lucifer, who has dropped his hands from Dia's knees. The blush deepens as Diavolo's erect cock rubs at my ass through his slacks. "I have a few ideas," he breathes into my ear and ruts gently into my bare ass. "But it's up to you, sweetling. We can stop and cuddle for the rest of the night if that's what you want."
Arousal overwhelms the fear and last traces of sadness as I study our positions. Diavolo has left the decisions to me tonight even with how clearly obvious what he wants is. But...
"Ease up a little, Dia. He can hardly breathe let alone answer a question," I request and Diavolo instantly releases him to lean back and slide his hands along my bare thighs as he continued his gentle ruts into me. They feel good and I arrange myself so that he's rutting into my core and not my ass. I lean forward towards Luci, who is watching us with growing hunger, and place my hands on Dia's knees to support myself.
Lucifer leans eagerly towards me to accept my kiss, but I knock his hands away when he reaches for me. He settles for twisting his gloved fingers into Diavolo's pants by my hands where I place them again. For a long minute, it's a desperate flurry of movement as Lucifer yields to my tongue and Diavolo's ruts turn into not-so-gentle grinding with his hands hard on my hips. I have to yank myself back from the kiss to breath and Dia halts his movements, though he does so with a desperate groan.
"Are you done with the relationship between you and I, Lucifer? And I am not talking about the sex. I ask about the emotional commitment we made to each other independent of everything between the three of us," I tell him and he almost surged in to hug me but Dia stopped him with a hand to his throat.
"She hasn't given permission for you to touch, Morningstar," Diavolo growled behind me.
Lucifer hits his knees again, his hands fisted in Dia's slacks close to where mine rest again. I lean back into Diavolo's broad chest and deny him even that closeness. His scarlet eyes flash with something like fear when he presses against Dia's hand.
"No, Lys, never," he answers and draws breath to say more but I press a finger to his lips and he stills.
"If I asked you to beg, would you?" I ask, feeling Diavolo widen our legs a little and groan softly.
Lucifer looked conflicted for a second but then nodded and felt heat rushed through me. Pride's embodiment had stood me up, but I had him on his knees now, willing to beg. I slipped a finger under his chin and rubbed his lips with my thumb. His tongue darted out to wet the digit and I slipped it into his mouth to let him suck on. I could feel Diavolo harden further beneath me.
"You're going to kill me, sweetling," Diavolo groaned with a sharp thrust that had me gasping.
"Then fuck me while I decide what we do with Luci," I ground out.
That was all the encouragement it took for Diavolo to lift me off his lap, unbuckle and free himself before he slammed my hips down to his in one sharp thrust. Stars burst behind my eyes at the slight burn of his girth stretching my cunt. Then his hands tightened on me so my hips wouldn't move and his thrusts were so long and deep that he fucked the strength out of my arms. I could only fall towards Lucifer and cling to his shoulders while I whimpered and gasped into his neck.
Diavolo didn't pause in his thrusts when I felt Lucifer move. He slapped the fallen angles hand down and growled. Then he leaned over my back and spread my legs to change the angle and was suddenly hitting that spot that had me almost screaming and then biting sharply into Luci's neck to muffle myself as I clenched down on Diavolo's cock with the force of my orgasm.
"Mine," he growled at our lover. "You left her alone, so mine until she allows your claim again."
The tears that slid down my face as he leaned back and continued to fuck me through my orgasm weren't entirely from oversensitivity. Wanted wasn't something I had felt a lot of throughout my life and this man, this demon prince, was claiming me. I could only curl my toes around his ankles and attempt to rock back into his body to be closer to him.
The taste of copper on my tongue had me squeezing and clenching on Dia's cock again and whimpering through another orgasm. Blood. Life blood, at that. I relaxed my jaw and just let myself float while he continued to use me as a fleshlight to chase his own orgasm and exhaust his stamina a little.
Heat filled my cunt as he thrust one last time and shot his seed into me. I was a whimpering mess and Luci's gasping breaths in my ear was the only grounding thing that kept me awake.
"Please," Luci breathed into my ear.
"Mmm," I hummed at him as I continued to lap at his blood, still oozing a little from the wound left by my fangs.
He shifted forward so that more of my weight rested on his chest. "Please, Lys," he continued. "I'll beg, but please let me touch you. I'm sorry. Please."
The memory of humiliation and fear rose in my chest and I growled at his words. He'd left me there with all those eyes on me in a public venue. Lucifer had forgotten me. Begging wouldn't reverse that humiliation or fear or the tears or the doubt it had caused.
"No," I told him, tears gathering.
Diavolo's warm hands slid up my stomach and gently cupped my breasts as he carefully shifted me back to lean into him. I groaned in protest of the heat but he slipped the shirt gently off me and it was a relief I hadn't realized I needed until I was gently kissing his neck. All while Dia was still rock hard in me.
Sated once for a demon wasn't the same kind of round as compared to a human, but he was kind enough to care for me and wait if I needed it. I groaned at Dia's tweaking of my nipples and sucking more bruises into my skin.
"Dia, please," I whimpered and his attentions eased except to wrap his arms around my cold breasts and continue to suck different hickeys into my neck. When he rocked into me again, his pace was gentle and slow and had me squirming in his arms as heat gently pooled in my stomach and spread until I was boneless on him.
"I love you, sweetling," he whispered into my ear as I came around his cock, squeezing and milking him through his own orgasm. His fingers were gentle as he wiped my tears away and continued to kiss me. "What do you want to do?"
Gold and scarlet gazes met and held before Luci dropped his from Diavolo's. "I'll leave if you want me to, Lys," he said quietly, moving to push himself to his feet.
My hand darted out and snatched his tie, pulling him in close for a kiss. Diavolo assisted in dragging him closer to us by grabbing a handful of his vest and pulling him flush. For a moment, Lucifer's hands fluttered at my sides before settling in Dia's hips and pressing as close as possible to us. For once, he didn't try and control the kiss as our tongues slid together with easy languidness.
I don't know how long the kiss lasted but a soft knock and a click had us pulling apart and looking over at Barbatos. "The other six avatars have arrived and are demanding to see Lyssa and Lucifer." He looked as unruffled as ever even as a blush dusted my cheeks and I was basically speared on Diavolo's cock in front of him. All three of them looked at me. Barbatos gaze held just a hint of amusement, Lucifer looked conflicted, and Diavolo just grinned at me. "Shall I pass along a message to them that you three are, shall we say, indisposed?" The amusement in his voice left me further blushing and hiding my face in Luci's neck.
"Yes, thank you, Barbatos," Diavolo said merrily. "If there is nothing more?"
"Just a reminder that you have several important meetings with outlying principalities tomorrow and paperwork that you have fallen behind on these last few days,"Barbatos said crisply and we both winced at that one. It hadn't been my intention, but I had distracted us from his work as the Devildom's prince.
My fingers slipped through Luci's hair as I considered him and frowned. I still wasn't anywhere close to being ready to forgive him but I also didn't want to go home just yet. His brothers would be barking up all sorts of trees, especially Asmo and Mammon.
There must have been something in my expression because Barbatos' next words were softened and aimed directly at me. "There is nothing today that cannot be pushed back until tomorrow, Lyssa. I will see to Lucifer's brothers and ensure that they are taken care of tonight. Reconciliation is more important to you and the Young Master at present and so should be prioritized," he said and I glanced up at him and wince back from the sympathetic gaze.
"So how far has the story traveled?" I ask, setting my chin on Lucifer's head.
"Not far at all. The employees who were present as well as some of the chattier guests have either been dealt with or bribed to keep quiet on the matter," Barbatos replied and Lucifer winced at that one. "Although, as it turns out, none of the staff would say one word of the incident until I myself spoke to them." There was a hint of amusement and pride in his voice that made me further blush. "That being said, I do believe I shall take my leave to ensure that Beel has not devoured the contents of the kitchen." The door clicked quietly shut behind him and left the three of us in silence.
"So," I said into that silence. "Barbatos and your brothers have now all seen me naked." It was difficult to keep a relationship like ours private in a house of seven rowdy brothers who all liked to burst randomly into Lucifer's room and study over little things. Diavolo's unhappy growl startled me into looking back at him. His lips were furrowed in a deep frown. "I am not moving to the palace just because my roommates lack personal space boundaries. You know they would just all follow me here. And no, that's not a good idea either. They need space to be themselves and you need to keep up some appearances."
He was actually pouting at that and I could only chuckle at his expression before laying a kiss on his jaw. Then, my gaze flickered to Lucifer again, who was watching me with an expression of mixed longing and frustration. It twinged a little at my conscience that he was still on his knees waiting for something that would set things right with us. I pushed at his shoulders and he sat back on his heels.
To Diavolo, I said, "I need to get cleaned up and Lucifer and I need to talk." I saw the excuses to accompany us brewing and added, "Alone. And you need to catch up on some of your work." The pout intensified and I laughed. "Just because Barbs gave you blanket approval for today doesn't mean you should abuse it. Just give us some space and we'll have dinner in your rooms tonight."
It wasn't so easy to extract myself from Dia's grip but I managed it and snagged the shirt he had tossed aside while he made himself presentable again. The kiss he dropped on me when I turned around was both sweet and gentle, making me lean into it until I realized what he was trying to do. I broke away with a laugh and smacked his shoulder. "I will see you in a bit, love," I told him and he smiled.
Lucifer was still kneeling where we had left him and his expression brought me up short. He was staring at Dia with unbridled jealousy? Dia must have seen the look but had chosen to ignore it.
"Luci?" I asked, holding out a hand to him.
The expression melted away as he took my fingers in his and shifted to his feet. We stared at each other for a moment before I pulled him along behind me. The walk to a guest room was quiet with nothing more than the tap of my bare feet on the marble. The servants that we passed gave us a sidelong glance but didn't even blink at the sight of Luci and I. It was an open secret among them that Diavolo and Lucifer had become involved with the "human." They also knew better than to gossip about us, lest Barbatos overhear something.
We took the first guest room we came across and Lucifer opened the door for me to enter before him. By the time he had closed it, I had bounced down onto the bed to watch his approach. What surprised me was that he knelt in front of me and settled between my legs, draping his arms over my thighs so as to touch me without actually touching me. Draping my own arms over his shoulders, I leaned into him and pressed our foreheads together.
"So, you're not done with this relationship but you still stood me up at the restaurant," I summarized for him and then kissed him into silence when he would have spoken. "Let me guess, Mammon broke into your study and Satan used that as a chance to steal your phone. Your entire calendar was deleted somehow and you spent the evening distracted by punishing your brothers."
"Levi-Levi erased the phone's contents," Lucifer said thickly. "Without knowing it was mine. Asmo was the one to remind me. He was...livid." His lips on mine were tentative and a question and he drew back when I didn't reciprocate. "I missed you by ten minutes." It wasn't an apology, but I had denied him of that earlier. "By then your phone was off and it took me too long to get anything out of the staff."
"Hours, Luci," I said mildly and the regret in his expression almost broke my anger, but not quite. "You made me feel unwanted and left me humiliated in public. If we didn't have Diavolo in this with us, I probably would have gone home, sparked a giant fight, and dumped you." I rubbed a hand across his throat, enjoying the little hitch in his breathing. "Instead, I made you and your brothers run around the Devildom for two days while I was here with Dia."
"They were all worried sick," he said distractedly.
"And I'll have a chat with them tomorrow. For now, let's focus on us, yes," I tell him.
"What...can I do to make it up to you?" he asked, pushing a little more into my space. It was like he could sense the cooling of my ire. "Let me make it up to you." His tone had dropped to sultry and he was starting to push me back into the bed, leveraging his knees under mine to usher me back. I didn't resist, but I gave him absolutely no help.
"If I say no?"
He froze, halfway to getting me to his intended destination. "Then I would ask for a chance to court you again, to show that this is not something that will happen again. To show that you can still trust me."
"And if I asked for something else to give you that chance?"
"Anything," he promised, stretching his body out along mine on the bed.
My hands on his face bring him down to kiss me and I let him get away with that...for now. "What have I said about that word?" I chide him.
He actually smiles at that, relief beginning to ease in. "To be careful of it unless we could give you the whole of the realm," he answered, the old disagreement coming easier with time. "Because one day you might actually take up that offer and we look forward to it."
"Then it's a good thing I'm not Madrigora," I tease him right back.
"If you were Maddi the Great witch, we would not have fallen for you," he stated, running his fingers over my face. His kiss is easy, then. "What would you ask in return for the chance to court you again?"
"The usual. Just promise not to use and discard me if you ever get tired of me. Don't do it again," I say and if my voice is a little tight then he chooses to overlook it with another easy kiss.
"Of course, my heart," he whispers against my skin. "I will swear it in blood if you want me to. I will never tire of you and I will never stand you up again."
I let him have his way for a little while, just touching and cuddling with kisses to reacquaint ourselves with each other. It's as I can feel his desire is awakening that I pull back with the broadest smile I have ever given him. Slipping my arms around his neck, he returns my smile without a hint of a clue as to what I am going to do next.
"I never gave you permission to touch." He freezes above me and seems to do a review of the last hour. "Me giving you my hand does not imply an invitation to touch."
His shrewd look makes me laugh and I can't resist the urge to run my hands through his dark locks. "Well, my heart, what shall we do about this infraction on my part?"
I give him an amused look. "Let's start with a bath and go from there." The bath itself is a fun way to reconnect with him and he takes exaggerated care to implore my permission with every touch. By the time we were done and dressed with clothes Barbatos had somehow laid out for us, the bathroom was sopping wet with water everywhere.
When we stepped out of the room, the servants waited for all of three seconds before rushing in. The way they still wouldn't look at me had bothered me before but it didn't any more after I found out what they had tried and Barbs fierce reeducation among their ranks.
One of the succubi directed us towards the gardens that Dia was fond of and it was an easy walk as we discussed his brothers and the roles they had played. Levi was ruled innocent because it seemed like Satan had tricked Levi into the prank, thinking it would lessen guilt by association. Belphie had slept through the entire thing. Beel hadn't had anything to do with it. Asmo had attempted to fix the issue when he had learned of it and we both agreed that Mammon had been uninvolved except to break in in the first place and steal something unrelated.
It was as we approached the gardens that we first heard the soft murmur of familiar voices and then Asmo's high laugh. Barbatos was whisking away a tray of empty dishes when he caught sight of us. He gave me a chagrined look and then carried on his way.
Everyone was present and chatting happily, except Mammon and Levi, over several trays of food. Two servants flitted about here and there refilling glasses and food. One seemed intent on keeping Beel's plate full and preventing him from consuming the table, untensils, plates, glassware, or anything else of a non-consumable variety. Mammon and Satan were sitting on complete opposite sides of the table, Satan involved in his own conversation with Levi over a book. Levi kept glancing around nervously and then froze when he saw me on Lucifer's arm. Asmo kept sliding up to the second servant and getting handsy, which he didn't seem to mind and even seemed to enjoy the attention. Belphie was snoring against his twin's shoulder. Mammon's face went white when he saw us, too.
"Lys!" Mammon yelled and sprang up to half sprint at me and engulf me in a hug. He completely missed the flash of jealousy on Diavolo's face at the action.
Asmo abandoned the servant to sweep in on the hug. Beel waved happily at us and carefully did not wake his youngest brother. Everyone else just stared at us in varying degrees of fear and-in Satan's case-seething rage.
I wrapped an arm around Mammon and Asmo's necks and let them lift me off the ground. It was when Asmo went for a butt grope that I shrieked with laughter and swatted him off. At least he knew he was safe.
"Where ya been, Lys? I been worried sick about ya," Mammon muttered into my hair before releasing me.
"I've been right here," I answered him, floating over to Diavolo and kissing his forehead. The crease in his lips eased a bit as he caught my hand and kissed my palm before letting me drift away. I didn't usually flaunt my romantic relationships openly in front of them, but
"I'm sure you had a grand old fucking time while we were looking for you," Satan sneered at me.
I smiled at him. "And whose fault is that, Tantan?" I shoot back sweetly and he flinches at that. He hasn't liked me using his nickname since I became involved with his brother and his lord.
I walk towards him, opening our pact just enough that his cold, twisted wrath can leak through and touch my even colder rage. There was so much pain laced through my rage that he flinched back from me and refused to meet my eye. Instead, I leaned down to his eye level and waited for him to look at me out from under his mop of blonde hair, his lips twisted in an unhappy frown.
"No one and, I mean no one, gets to make me feel unwanted and humiliated in any capacity," I tell him.
Satan knew what I was driving at, knew what I was saying, but he chose to ignore it anyway. His smile was so stiff and fake that it hurt just to look at it. "So I guess you and Lucifer are done, then," he shot back.
"Satan!" Asmo gasps in horror and even Mammon is staring at their brother, aghast.
In answer, I smile and turn away from him, stalking towards the frowning first-born. I don't give him time to react when I seize his golden belt and pull him in close for a passionate kiss that he returns. Asmo's gasp and the click of a camera are the only sounds as I wrap an arm around Luci's neck to prolong the sensation. I let myself enjoy the kiss for a good minute and then lean back. His eyes are half lidded and roving my body hungrily. Glancing over my shoulder, I grinned at the horribly blushing Satan.
"I guess not," I said.
"Do that again," Asmo says happily.
"No, Asmo," I return. "I think once made my point."
"Oh, yes, it made a point for me that I'll thoroughly enjoy later," he said with a wink. "And several other points, if you catch my drift." He subtly nodded at Diavolo who was studying us in a way that made me suddenly self-conscious.
"Yes, well. You'll be deleting that photo, Asmo," Lucifer cut in. "Hand your phone over so that I am sure it's gone."
Asmo clutched his phone protectively. "No! I never get any good photos of you and that was perfect!" Lucifer growled and stalked off after his brother when Asmo took off.
Satan was silent after that, his angry gaze tracking my every move. Diavolo let me float around between the other four brothers for a while, soothing and cajoling them in each their own way. I could see Mammon thinking he had gotten away with everything as he became more relaxed and animated through the meal. The demonus was eventually brought out and a disgruntled Asmo and Luci returned. Diavolo snagged my waist and pulled me into his lap and all chatter ceased for a moment, even the servants. Then Asmo started admonishing Lucifer for taking out a chunk of his photos instead of just the one.
The servants nervously glanced at each other and then returned to their respective tasks. Beel continued to shovel food into his mouth and Belphie was still asleep. Satan turned an interesting shade of magenta. Levi continued on pestering Mammon about Grimm he was owed.
"Feeling possessive?" I teased Dia quietly.
"Jealous," he admitted, pressing a kiss to my neck.
We didn't usually advertise the relationship even if it was an open secret among the brothers and palace servants. "Why?" I asked him, trailing a hand through auburn locks.
He looked conflicted for a second and then gave me his public smile and I almost smacked him. I hate that smile, the look of genial mirth in which no one could ever penetrate deep enough to find the demon below. It was his lonely smile.
"You came to me but you go home with them in the morning," he said lightly. "It's been nice having you here the last two days."
And suddenly, reading his behavior is so much easier from today. He's struggling with the idea that I am abandoning him after getting a taste of something that he wanted. Luci comes when called for dinner and evening activities but I chose to run to him during a potential relationship ending screw up on Luci's part and now the problem has been more or less resolved. I chose and I stayed and now it's bringing up some of his issues with abandonment now that I leave in the morning again.
"Not yet, Diavolo," I murmured to him. "You can't just end thousands of years of society and not see bloodshed and war. You're doing this the right way if you want a demon male consort and female, non-demon consort and do what is right for your people." I placed a lingering kiss on his temple as he pressed an ear over my heart.
The servants were looking at us again and I frowned at them until they ducked their heads and went about their duties again. I made no mention of the odd behavior again as Diavolo continued to hold me close. It was Mammon's eye that I caught and nodded towards Asmo when he kept making passes at the receptive servant. There was simply something I hadn't liked about those interactions and it was better safe than sorry. Meanwhile the others continued to wind down and Luci had a few glasses of demonus to be completely relaxed and Dia did the same, becoming progressively more handsy with me under the table. It's when I intercepted Dia's hands again on my knee that Barbatos appeared with what looked like night caps for everyone.
Beel was watching me closely as he kept an eye on Belphie and Levi, keeping the latter from tipping over into his own food. Asmo had vanished a bit ago to find a different bed partner with Mammon hot on his tail and Satan...was still watching us from where he was slumped in his own little corner. Diavolo noticed the intent of Satan's gaze and set his chin in my shoulder. Satan turned a bright red under his lord's sudden regard but refused to drop his gaze.
Diavolo's smirk catches me off guard as does the sudden way that he grips the top of my thigh under my dress. His possessive kiss and the slide of his fingers into my core have me gasping against him when his thumb gently circles my clit. His other hand settles on my hip and keeps me from bucking into the feeling and all I can do is grip his dress shirt as he fucks me hard on those fingers. The sudden stop has me clenching on him and whining.
"Mine," he rasps at me and I try for a kiss that he denies me. "Say it and I'll make you cum."
"Yours," I snarl and then scream as he plunges his fingers in again and grinds down on my clit. The smirk he directs over my shoulder makes me growl. Putting me on display for his own amusement and to stake his claim? Fine. I grip his wrist when he makes to pull back. It's satisfying to watch the smirk turn to shock when I move to straddle his hips with his hand still inside me. "Again. And do it right. Make me fucking scream it so everyone knows."
I feel his dick start to harden in his pants under me. "Out," he starts to command everyone but his words end with a moan when I capture his lips and slide my tongue into his mouth. I'm fucking his mouth like that when Asmo comes running back to the gardens and then stops and full on stares.
"Again," I demand with a snarl.
"Lys," Lucifer starts forward and then pauses under my look.
"Consequences, Lucifer," I rasp and he blushes when I fuck myself on Diavolo's fingers. To Diavolo, I say, "Again or you can fuck this fist for a month by yourself."
He rocks his fingers out of me for a moment and I release his wrist. Four fingers slide back into me and I'm arching into the feeling with a low moan. His other hand finds my breast and he squeezes possessively. "Mine," he rasps out, thrusting his fingers and circling his thumb on my clit. "Scream it and I'll maybe let you cum."
"Make me," I grunt and he's smirking again. My stomach drops at that look.
His pace then is relentless and hard, his fingers hitting my g-spot and making me gasp. "Say it," he demands, stopping suddenly and making me curl into him with a whimper. His thumb lifts and I'm screaming "Yours" in a desperate chant. His free hand slides to my hip and stops the little rocking I'd been doing. "Beg."
Frustration wells up in me as I try and continue to rock, but his hand is a solid weight against my skin. "Please, please, please." The last word is almost a scream.
"No," he says with an easy smile and I slump into him with a sob. My hands claw at his jacket when he gently teases my clit again.
"Dia, please," I cry at him but his lips seal over mine, muffling my words.
Hands smooth down my back and settle on my shoulders, then Lucifer is leaning into my back, trapping me between them. "Games are all well and good, but I believe a more private venue is in order for the rest of this evening," he breathes into my neck, his hardened cock pressed flush to my ass.
I moan around the tongue leisurely exploring my mouth. Tears well up as the fingers slip out of me and are then held up Luci. Crimson eyes meet mine briefly before Lucifer takes Diavolo's wrist and wraps his tongue around the first digit.
Diavolo leaned back, still smiling and I suddenly knew what he was going to say. I dropped my head to his shoulder and moaned as he said it.
"She started it here and she'll finish here." The smile in his velvety voice was genuine, as was the lust that sent shivers up my spine. "You cannot tell me you've never wanted the chance to claim her in front of your brothers."
I knew better than to argue with him, I really, really did, but... "You started this, Dia," I muttered at him and he laughed low in his throat.
"I was content to let you finish after the first time. You started this," Diavolo replied, rolling his hips into my slick core and dragging his clothed cock against me. Heat pushes me up and almost...
"Dia," I scream in frustration, balling my hands into a fist and hitting his shoulder.
His golden eyes danced merrily as pulled Lucifer's hand to my waist. "Yes, sweetling?" He asks innocently.
"Please," I return quietly.
He looked like he was thinking it over but Luci was tracing my sides like he was contemplating ripping the dress off my body. "There is a way for you to end this," Diavolo says, his eyes flickering up and then around.
"No pacts," I say automatically and he pursed his lips as he looked back to me. "Fuck me in front of them if you like, but I won't order them to do anything." His eyes flickered between Luci and I for a long moment.
"Are you sure?" He asks and I scowl at him.
"Do you want me to safeword out?" I snarl and his gaze softens.
"No, sweetling. It was just a thought," he says, cupping my cheek and kissing me. It was a sweet thing that turned into a gasp when Luci shifted my dress up a few inches.
The touch of leather gloves on my hips has me moaning into the kiss and trying to wriggle back and forth to find friction, but I was still trapped between them and Diavolo's hands kept me anchored in his lap. Diavolo looks up at Luci and apparently got what he needed because he sat back and released my waist, only to have Lucifer's hands take his place and lift me into his chest just enough that Diavolo could undo his belt and work himself free of his boxers. The long, thick shaft had me clenching in anticipation of the coming pounding.
Like this afternoon, Diavolo took my hips and pushed into me in one long thrust, leaving us both moaning at the stretch of him in me. I sink my teeth into Diavolo's neck and he makes a low noise at the feeling of it. Dia's hands hold me flush to his hips as his eyes dart up again before Luci steps away from us for a moment.
"Think you can handle us both?" Lucifer asks me softly, biting the finger of his glove and pulling it off to toss it somewhere out of my sight. His cool finger sliding into my ass has me clenching down hard on them.
"Lucifer," Diavolo moans out. "Keep doing that and I won't last."
"Oh?" Luci asks and I can hear his smirk as he thrusts another in.
Stars are popping in front of my eyes and I tense up further, tears starting to fall. Releasing my teeth from his neck, I plead, "Dia. Please. I need to cum, want to."
He rocks his hips up a little, just rutting into me without enough friction. It has me panting and sinking claws into his jacket with a frustrated gasp. "Relax, sweetling," he chuckles. "Keep begging and you might get to cum before we're finished with you."
So I do until I'm almost babbling as Lucifer continues to work me open with my own slick for lube and Diavolo continues his little ruts. Asmo is the only one that dares to creep around into my sight. It's his blue gaze and the light dusting of a blush over his cheeks that finally reminds me of the other Avatars.
The words die in my throat as embarrassment rears up. Looking away, I bite down onto the tendon of Diavolo's neck and startle a sharp gasp out of him. Hot seed fills me and he pauses in his motions at the same time as Lucifer.
"Now, Lucifer," Diavolo growls and pulls himself out just to slam me back down on himself. Pleasure makes my eyes roll up and give a strangled sob against Dia's neck as a second cockhead pushes slowly at the muscles of my ass.
"Hold her steady," Luci chides our lover.
Strong hands grip my ass and part me for Lucifer as he eases in, taking his time to let me clench and unclench around them. He rocks out and then a little further in each time until he is balls deep inside me, stuffing me full with both cocks.
Tears are flowing freely as I struggle with the burn and ache between them. I'm limp when Diavolo starts thrusting and then Luci joins him, jostling me between their bodies like a living doll. My teeth remain tight in Dia's neck, making my jaw ache and all I can do is whimper.
Luci runs a hand through my hair and then fists his fingers in my locks, yanking my head back sharply. No longer muffled, my moans and screams echo through the garden. His free hand slides down my stomach to my clit and he flicks it, making me scream and plunge over the edge. They continue to fuck me through the orgasm at a brutal pace and then continue to chase their own pleasure.
Lucifer keeps me on a tight edge between the pleasure and pain of multiple orgasms, expertly playing my body and keeping me boneless against his chest. Diavolo kept my thighs tight to his and my ankles propped on his knees so he could change the angle of their thrusts with his hips. My hands rest on Luci's shoulders behind me and weakly grip at his jacket when they hit my g-spot.
At some point, the dress is ripped off and Luci continues his torment of my breasts free of the cloth. They both spill their seed numerous times until they're fucking into me and pushing slick and semen down my thighs and onto their slacks. It keeps going like that until Diavolo pushes up from the chair and uses his hips to maneuver Lucifer into stepping back against the table and traps me firmly between their chests. My bare feet brush the ground and I groan at the cold.
Diavolo's warm hands cup my face and he gently peppers my cheeks and forehead with soft kisses. "You've done so well for us, sweetling," he says, his eyes darting over my shoulder to Luci. "Just a little longer and you can rest." Louder, he growls at the other avatars, "Leave. Now."
Levi is watching us with wide eyes and a hand over his mouth, but at Diavolo's words he's gone faster than a hunted rabbit. Belphie is draped over Beel's shoulder and the other four reluctantly and slowly drag themselves out of the garden. Beel's reluctance comes from his protective, backwards glanced at me and only stops when I drape myself over Diavolo's shoulder to wave weakly at them. Asmo lingers by the palace door until Mammon grabs him by the scruff and physically drags the Avatar of Lust away with one last worried look at me. It's Satan who stubbornly remains seated, though I can't actually see him.
"I can take care of Lyssa if you're done with her," Satan grinds out.
Very clearly still aroused and both still tucked inside of me, they were not done with sex for the evening, with or without me. Exhaustion might be making me hang limply between them, but I was not going to let Satan touch me like this. That would be one boundary too many crossed for me today.
A growl rumbles up from Diavolo and Lucifer's chests and vibrates through mine. Luci's hands tighten possessively on my hips.
"Leave," Diavolo reiterates.
"Do not make more trouble for yourself, Satan," Luci warns quietly.
Stupidly, I can hear his footsteps approach. Diavolo bursts into his demon form, making me groan at the way he stretches me out that much further. If I hadn't been holding onto him, he would have attacked Satan. As it was, I tucked my head under his chin and looked at the usually intelligent Avatar of Wrath. The look that he gave me was one mixed of despair, desire, and longing.
"You want to leave with me, don't you, Lys?" Satan asks, stopping just outside of Lucifer's striking range.
Luci was watching me with more patience than I had and very carefully trying to control the temper I could see in his eyes so as not to transform as well. Diavolo's wings curled around us protectively but I could still see Satan's blue eyes trying to plead with me. He took a single step towards us, raising a hand, and I snarled weakly at him.
My wings unVeiled and threaded gently through the gap of Diavolo's and I placed a clawed hand possessively on Luci's. "Mine," I growl. "G'way, Tantan." The draconic features Veil again at Satan's pained look before he retreats without another word.
Lucifer is looking at me with a surprising softness after the rough treatment. Diavolo kisses my head and says, "I love you, too, sweetling."
And they are still fucking hard inside of me. The thought of another round has me whimpering with a little fear. "Please," I half sob into Dia's mantle. "No more. Please, Dia."
Too late, I realize I shouldn't have tried begging again. Luci and Dia both groan and I give an actual sob, clutching at Diavolo's chains as he pushes me harder into Luci's body. "One more, sweetheart," he murmurs into my hair, thumbs wiping away my tears. "You have one more, don't you? You do." Luci begins to suck a new mark into my neck as Dia pulls out and starts to rock his hips again.
"Marigold," I sob out and they instantly shift gears. "Marigold." Their hands are gentle at the safeword and disentangle our bodies. It's a relief when they pull out of me but leaves me achingly empty.
Lucifer steps from behind me and Diavolo hoists me onto the cold table. Dazed, I let the clean me up as best they can in the garden and then Diavolo carries me because I refuse to let go of his chains. Lucifer goes ahead of us to make sure the way is clear and at some point, I drift off.
Later, I come to in a warm bath with Diavolo's chest to my back and Luci sitting on the other end of the bath. He's gently rubbing the sole of my right food and working his way up the calf while Dia keeps me from accidentally drowning. His touch is so gentle against the aches across my whole body that I groan and then cough at the rawness of my throat. A glass of water appears before I can ask and Dia holds it for me as I sip on it.
Diavolo sets the glass aside and kisses the top of my head. "Hi," I manage to Luci, who had been watching carefully.
"Hi," he returns softly with a smile.
Rolling my head back, I meet Diavolo's pleased gaze. "Hello, sweetheart," he murmurs.
"That was...intense," I croak.
"You lasted longer than I thought," he replies. "Thank you." He shifts and I eye him warily and his chest rumbles with a deep laugh. "We're re done with you for tonight, promise."
"Feeling better?"
His smile is cat-like and lazy. "Much. I doubt Satan will try anything like this again," he says and Lucifer pauses in his massage of my left calf.
I look at him and find an expression of mild regret and chagrine on his face. "I am sorry, my heart. I shouldn't have let my brothers distract me in the first place. It was...unwise...of me to neglect you. Will you forgive me?"
My throat is still raw but I open my arms to him in response. He carefully crawls between my legs and hugs me tightly to his chest. The rest of the bath is quiet as he returns to his massage of my body. I drift in and out as Luci and Dia discuss small matters they would need to review the next day and I wake to Diavolo's gentle fingers in my hair as he massages the conditioner into my scalp.
Lucifer is elsewhere.
I glance questioningly up at Dia and then look pointedly around the bathroom before back at him. He smiles and kisses my head again. "I asked him to get some things ready for us," he says, helping me to rinse my hair out. "We might be done with you for tonight, but I am hardly through with him. Do you want to watch or rest? Or we can just cuddle for the rest of the night."
The idea of watching sent a thrill of arousal through me but made me wince at the throb of aches that it also set off. Still, it wasn't often that Luci allowed Dia to indulge in their stamina and not something I wanted to miss.
"Watch," I say firmly and his deep laugh sends water cascading over the edge of the tub.
After I am dry and bundled into a large robe, Dia carries me out to his bedroom where Luci is waiting for us. He's dressed in only a low hanging pair of slacks that leaves hardly anything to the imagination where they taper down at the v of his hips. He watches us with a hint of nervousness as Dia settles me on the couch and takes care to wrap me in a blanket and ensure I have access to plenty of water and honey that Barb had dropped off.
When Dia is satisfied that I am comfortable, he finally turns to Lucifer and lets his gaze track hungrily down our lovers body. Lucifer's cheeks dust with a bit of color and I realize he's going to sub tonight for Dia. Oh! An even rarer occurrence since he hardly ever gives up control.
"Knees, Morningstar," Dia croons and Luci slowly goes down, eyes flickering between us. Dia tugs the towel from his hips and drops it as he walks to Lucifer, his shaft already visibly hardening. Taking his face in his hands, Dia continues, "Do you want to explain to her or shall I?"
Luci glances at me and the blush is in full effect. "Diavolo believes that you are being too lenient with me and wishes to see to my punishment," he explains. "With your input."
Both of them are watching me now and, oh, wow. Talk about feeling wanted. "Y-yeah," I stammer. "That sounds good. Um...how?"
"Since I like making excuses, Diavolo will have me make better use of my mouth...on him," Luci explains with the blush beginning to creep down his chest. After that, he glances at Diavolo, who is smiling that smile again.
"At first, then we'll have to see what interests you," Diavolo finishes for him. "But I wanted to ask you to make an exception to your no using your pact without an emergency." He lazily pumps a hand along his cock and smirks as I watch the motion. "Will you place an order on Luci to only cum when you command him for the next twelve hours?"
My eyebrows shoot up at the timeframe. "Twelve hours?" I repeat.
"My suggestion, Lys," Luci says quietly. "I would like your commands tonight, to ensure your words are thoroughly engraved in my memory."
Well, then...ok. Drawing on our pact is almost as easy as breathing and opening it between us allows a wave of love and regret to wash through me. "Lucifer, you will cum only when I command it for the next twelve hours." The command stretched between us like a physical caress and the pact slipped down to an unconscious link again, there but not.
Lucifer made a noise when Diavolo gripped his hair in one hand and pressed the head of his cock to Luci's lips with the other. His hands flew to Diavolo's hips as Dia fed him his cock and forced his jaw to accept the girth.
"Fuck, yes," Dia pants when Luci's throat bulges and his balls met his chin. "So good." Without giving him time to adjust, Dia took his fistful of hair and drew himself back to thrust forward. Luci made a choking sound at the fast intrusion but could only swallow at Diavolo's brutal pace of bobbing our lover's head and thrusting his own hips.
Diavolo's gaze is half lidded as he continues to use Luci's mouth without cease until he jerks his hips one last time and held Luci to him with a low moan. His head rolls back as his abdomen muscles ripple as he shoots his load in Lucifer's throat, making the former angel dig his nails into Dia's hips as he struggles to swallow around the cock.
The heated, golden gaze turns to me and I feel flush again. "Again," I order and he smiles beautifully.
Tears are streaming down Lucifer's face by the time Dia cums a third time in his mouth and spit and semen are dribbling down his chin. Diavolo pauses again and looks at me. "Sweetling?" He asks, voice breathy.
I watch Luci's gaze dart to me as his fingers flex hard on Dia's hips with the effort of not pulling himself off Diavolo's cock. His chest heaves as he inhales deeply through his nose. "Ease up, Dia," I say and Diavolo releases the former angel, who jerks back to wheeze and cough.
"Quite the mess you've made, Luci," Diavolo chuckles. "Clean it up." Diavolo's hand is gentle on Luci's head as he guides our lover's face to his still hardened shaft again. Lucifer catches his glare and instead glances at me before complying, licking and sucking at Dia teasingly until the larger demon is moaning and has to jerk Lucifer off himself. He strokes himself and then pinches his fingers at the base of his shaft to prevent from spilling another load. "Should I cum all over that pretty face of yours or start fucking your tight ass?"
Lucifer makes a low noise in his throat and my blush deepens with Dia's filthy words. Usually he doesn't do this, but I guess he's in the right mood for it.
"Luci?" I prompt in his silence. "Will you continue to try and make excuses about what happened?"
He gives me a wide-eyed look. "N-no," he coughs. "I-"
Diavolo's hand yanking his head back with a fistful of hair cuts off his words and the dick rammed into his mouth again has him coughing and choking on it. He's face fucked again at a brutal pace and Diavolo groans loudly when he cums. "Don't speak unless it is to beg or answer our questions," Dia orders him, rutting his hips a little and continuing to choke Luci on his cock. "Understood?"
Luci coughs again when Diavolo yanks him back. "Y-yes," he manages.
"Yes, what?" Diavolo demands.
"Yes, my lord," Lucifer says softly.
The demon lord gives our lover a long look before he drags him up by the hair and wraps an arm around his waist, bringing them flush together for a kiss. Luci fights for control for a second but a sharp tug to his slacks and even sharper slap to his ass has him gasping and lets Dia take over again. The handprint is bright red against his light skin and my gaze lingers on it for a moment.
"Luci, Dia," I call softly and they break apart to look at me. "How did that make you feel?"
Diavolo frowns at me in confusion but Lucifer turns an even brighter shade of red. "Shocked," he murmurs.
Diavolo gives the former angel a thoughtful look as his hands slip back to Luci's ass and start to knead the flesh. Luci gasps and bucks his hips at the touch, grinding his own shift into Dia's stomach.
"And?" Diavolo prompts again.
Lucifer struggles visibly with himself and Diavolo slaps his ass again. Then again and again until Luci is bucking against him to try and escape the blows.
"Cum for me, Lucifer," I order as Dia lands another slap and Lucifer gives a sob as his seed spills onto their stomachs and clings to Diavolo's shoulders.
"Please," he says, but Dia grins at the reaction.
Golden eyes flicker to me and I can read the mischief in them. "Couch or bed, sweetling?" he asks and Lucifer buries his face in Dia's neck with a strangled moan.
I consider the mischief. "Couch. I want to touch the both of you," I answer and Diavolo's smile turns into a smirk.
Lucifer puts up a small resistance as Dia manhandles him to the couch and turns him around by the couch arm. Diavolo lets him stand for a minute so that I can admire Lucifer's body and the long, slender cock that is still hard. Sweat is starting to sheen across their skin and I can smell the sex on their skin as I crawl towards them. Hazy, scarlet eyes track my movements and he shivers at the first touch of fingers on his stomach. I wince when I try and sit up on my heels.
"Sit," Diavolo orders me and I fall back onto my ass. To Luci, he says, "Bend over." He does so with a hesitant glance over his shoulder and then at me. I scoot forward until I can catch his lips before he fully settles onto the arm rest. Diavolo presses a hand to the small of his back and he breaks the kiss to settle his hips over the swell of the arm rest with his head in my lap and one arm looped around my waist.
"Beautiful," Diavolo murmurs, his eyes raking across our bodies. "How are you feeling, sweetling?"
"Sore," I answer him, threading my fingers through dark locks. "Better but still sore."
Lucifer slides his free hand into my robe and I let him open it enough to have skin contact with me. "I'm sorry, Lys," he murmurs and then yelps when Diavolo slaps his ass sharply.
"Since you can't follow directions, we'll continue your spanking and you will count to fifty. One miscount and we continue until my hand gets tired or Lys believes you have learned your lesson," Diavolo cheerfully informs the fallen angel. "Understood?"
His grip on my hips tightens a little and, with a small whimper, says, "Yes, my lord."
Except Dia doesn't start right away. Instead, he slips a finger into Luci's ass and has him squirming in pleasure. "Cum for me, Luci," I whisper to him and he moans with the orgasm.
Diavolo's hand cracks across his ass then and Lucifer shouts. The demon lord pauses for a second and Lucifer drags the first count out somehow. After that, Diavolo is relentless in the spanks that he delivers, varying the rate and strength at which each were delivered, but Luci somehow manages to keep the count until thirty-five. Diavolo looks at me and smiles, his question silent.
"Cum for me, my love," I whisper again and Lucifer gives a broken moan at the orgasm and Diavolo's sudden intrusion. "Again." And he does, clenching down on Diavolo's fingers. "Again." He cums with a small sob and Diavolo glances at me. "Again."
"Lys, please," Lucifer moans. "I am sorry. Please. Not again. Not again."
"Cum for me," I murmur and he presses his face into my stomach with a strangled scream.
Diavolo is staring at me hungrily, all movements ceased. Then, he removes his fingers and smooths a hand across Luci's reddened skin. He keeps eye contact with me as he slaps Luci's ass again.
"T-thirty-five!" Luci half screams into my stomach and Diavolo smiles. "N-no! That wasn't a miscount. It was..." he struggles for the right words as he realizes his mistake "...a recount!"
"It sounded like a miss to me," Diavolo muses to me, continuing to work Luci open on his fingers. "What do you think, Lys?"
Lucifer tightens his hold on me to an almost painful degree and his back tremble under my touch. I knead the meat of his shoulders and answer, "I think... that's enough...for now."
Diavolo pouts at that but doesn't argue as he pulls back from Luci and then helps the other demon to find his feet and collapse beside me with his face in my stomach again. I watch Diavolo re-emerge from the bathroom a moment later and watch as he cleans Luci with a warm rag.
"You're very...intense tonight, Dia," I say, coaxing Lucifer to drink some water. My eyes trail over Diavolo's still half-hard member and then glance back at him. "Are you still jealous?"
He avoids eye contact with me then as he tucks a blanket around me and Lucifer. "Yes," he says finally.
"Of what?" I ask, reaching a hand for him.
He twines our fingers for a moment and just stares at them. "You seem to love Lucifer more," he admits softly. "And he's able to spend more time with you than I can, which means your bond is stronger over time. If he hadn't stood you up, I never would have had this chance." He follows the tug of my hand and lets me put his hand on my cheek.
"Our relationships are fundamentally different, Dia," I sigh. "I don't love Luci more or less than you, just differently." I kiss his palm and he sits down at my back and wraps his other arm around my waist.
"You forgave him so easily when you would have made me beg much longer."
I hesitate and search his golden eyes for sadness or anger, but there was nothing. Masking his emotions, then. "You're right, but you're also wrong," I admit and he shifts us so that he can see my face. "I expect the two of you to learn from each other's mistakes the way I learn from yours and Luci's with each other. If you stand me up on one of our dates in the future, so I would make you work harder to win me back. The same goes for Luci going forward." My look turns shy and I blush again. "And besides, you can't tell me that you didn't have fun making him beg with me. I'm positive Luci would have as much fun if or when your positions were reversed."
Diavolo smiles at that and we both look at Luci's sleeping form. "Too true," he murmurs and lets me lean into his side.
The silence that envelopes us after that is a comfortable one and Dia plays with my hair as we chat idly and wait for Lucifer to recover some more. The topics aren't important, but spending this time with them like this is and I can practically feel Diavolo relaxing out of his jealousy.
"What are you going to do about Satan?" Dia asks abruptly.
"What about him?"
"He wants you."
I wait a beat before asking, "And?"
"As much as I want you."
I give him a confused look. "How is that my problem? I've rejected him three times, including tonight, Diavolo. How much clearer can I be without starting a literal fight? He'll get over me or he won't and that's his problem." His expression twists and I sigh. "Satan is my housemate, not a friend at the moment. He's too fixated on Luci and I's relationship for anything to be healthy between us so I keep my distance and let Luci deal with him. Occasionally, like tonight I have to step in and do something but that's the extent of my involvement."
"Maybe I should step in," he mutters to himself.
"No," I say firmly and he scowls. "I allowed you your little show tonight in front of your avatars because I knew it would either drive Satan to do something stupid or it would reinforce that I would never be with him. Either way, leave it alone or tonight will look like icing on a cake."
"Tonight was not icing on a cake," Luci mumbles from my lap and our attention shifts to him. "Is it over?"
Sharing a glance with Diavolo, I ask, "How do you feel?"
"I will feel better knowing that the both of you have fully forgiven my transgression," he murmurs, laying a hand on Dia's thigh and squeezing my waist.
"You are," Dia and I agree at the same time and then share a smile.
"Thank hell," Luci mumbles.
"Unless you have a second round in you tonight?" I tease. Crimson eyes glare at me and golden eyes stare hopefully. "We still have about ten hours left to that command."
Lucifer just moans weakly and buries his head in my stomach, making me and Diavolo both laugh. "I may not be able to walk tomorrow as it stands," he complains and sends us into another fit of laughter.
Diavolo eventually took us to his bed where we cuddled and enjoyed the post-sex endorphins. We chatted about small things we needed to do the next day and eventually drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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trollprincess · 2 years
So my hometown is building a community center, and some people are livid there’s going to be an LGBTQ+ presence. Since I’m not sure I trust my hometown newspaper to publish the letter to the editor I just wrote, I’m going to post it here with some names and whatnot redacted.
Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter in regards to the proposed community center, and the response which appeared in your newspaper.
My name is Jennifer. Many of you know me well. You went to school with me, you’ve worked with me, you know my parents or my brother. You know me as the bookworm who learned to cross the street just to get to the library, the bundled-up woman walking her barky beagle mix down Main Street, the friendly girl with the colorful hair who tries to smile at everyone she meets.
I grew up here. I remember buying penny candy and comic books in a store which burned down years ago, picking up groceries for my grandmother in another store which is now just a public eyesore, and writing my self-published novel in a cafe which changes hands only to fail every oher year. I have spent the vast majority of my life living in [this town].
I’m also bisexual.
The proper term may be more like pansexual. As described by a character on a certain sitcom, “I like the wine and not the label.” It’s the person I love, not the body parts. And in part, that might make me demisexual as well, meaning that I am only attracted to people after I get to know them well.
That last paragraph might be confusing to some of you. It’s not hard. I don’t like everybody, but I keep my options open. Better?
I questioned for years whether or not I was bisexual or pansexual or straight, but I was never - not once in my entire life - afraid that if I told my parents I was not straight they would hate me or reject me. I’ve got great parents. My mom and dad love me more than any words I could summon up can describe. And what’s upsetting for me right now is how many people in this town I thought felt the same about me, or about their own children, don’t.
I don’t remember when the people here became so cruel. Am I just seeing the past through rose-colored glasses? Probably. I don’t think I remember anyone here being so cruel and filled with hate, and then I recall my high school years in the 90s, when “gay” was the worst slur you could call someone. I don’t want to think that people I’ve known since I was in kindergarten have been bigoted all this time, but then a memory will slip through of some racist comment or grumbled slur someone I thought was a nice person I could trust said.
Now, sometimes, I’m afraid in my own hometown.
I shouldn’t have to be. No one should have to be. Hence, the community center.
Putting aside the LGBTQ+ community, this town needs somewhere where kids and teens can go. I grew up here and every time we came close to having somewhere to go, it would be snatched away in a heartbeat, only for the adults to wonder why teens were out kicking out the slats in the gazebo or burning the playground equipment. Go outside and play! Just don’t hang out here, or there, and definitely not downtown, and nowhere around people. And God forbid, not in groups.
A community center is something this town has desperately needed for decades. Decades. A place where we can go in the rain, where kids can go to hang out safely with our friends, and where we can learn about each other’s differences.
I’m sick of the cruelty I’ve seen in this town - from older folks, from people with inflammatory bumper stickers on their car, even from members of the town council. I’m sick of that cruelty not being called out by others around them because those people “grew up in a different time” or “are my friends, I can’t tell them not to say that.” I’m sick of living in fear of the cruelty of my own neighbors. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Why is it important that LGBTQ+ people be included in the community center? For the same reason non-Christians should be included, and people of color, and others who are different. Because some of you are so ill-informed you think gay people are recruiting (we’re really not, although we appreciate you think we can agree on a grocery list, much less an agenda), that we’re grooming children to molest them (oh, if anything cut down the possibility kids in this town would get molested, it was tearing down most of the churches), and that transgender people are going to go around forcing people to be a different gender and cutting off people’s genitals (please stop thinking about other people’s genitals, it’s rude and gross).
Talk to us. Listen to us. We’re actually pretty nice. And not just us, but other people who have different life experiences than you. That’s the whole point of a community center - to learn, and to grow, and to become a better person by correcting the harmful beliefs you carry with you.
I’m going to close my letter with a quote from Waymond Wang, a character from “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” He said, "The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. Please, be kind. Especially when we don't know what's going on.”
Thank you.
[Yours truly, fuckos.]
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sarah-denial-cq · 1 year
three nonstop hours edging this morning and I mean nonstop my fingers have lost a little feeling im' dripping sweat my tongue is sore from being out so long i think my brain is meelted
people who don't edge and don't do denial you're so much better and smarter than me I haven't cum in over three montnhs I think I promise I'l be more oherent later but right now I'mm just all fucked I've hit my trigger sound button so many times
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chaotic-cuttlefish · 2 months
What turtle do you think each of the saltburn characters would be?
i LOVE this question. Let's see....
Oliver - Mata mata. Great at camouflage, sneaking up on unsuspecting prey. Somewhat unusual appearance, compared to other turtles.
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Felix - Green sea turtle. Charismatic, everyone loves them, the poster child of turtle conservation. Objectively pretty.
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Farleigh - Painted turtle. Very American. Colorful, but not excessively so. Often found basking in large groups (often alongside oher kinds of turtles).
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Venetia - Pig-nosed turtle. The only freshwater turtle species with front flippers resembling those of sea turtles. As though trying to be as adored and appreciated as green sea turtle felix, but entirely different in nature, and doomed to fall short of the ideal. Deserves more love.
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Elspeth - Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle. Rare, highly sought-after and attractive.
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Sir James - Aldabra giant tortoise. A bit dry, old-fashioned, but with a noble air to them. Wait a long time to die.
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Duncan - Leatherback sea turtle. Black and white in color, resilient, can tolerate a broad range of temperatures. Kinda mysterious/elusive. Nobody knows exactly how old they can get. Also they're vulnerable - not as many in the world these days as there once were.
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Poor Dear Pamela - Painted terrapin. Flashy, eccentrically colored. Critically endangered (rip pamela)
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Michael Gavey - Common musk turtle. These guys have a great skill for repelling potential predators by releasing an awful musk. A bit repulsive to anyone who gets too close.
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Annabel/India - Red-eared sliders. Too many people get them as pets, then quickly realize they dont want them, and let them go, like the one-night-stand of pet turtles. Pretty, but so common that they end up just blending in with the background. Often bask in groups.
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The 2012 Boys and Mikey
I have seen so many posts and fics claiming that most of the '12 boys are abusive towards Mikey, as well as saying that 12 Mikey would be treated so much better by the Rise boys, and I just wanted to take a minute to explain why I don't really agree with this take, why I think it is painting the other 12 boys in a particularly unfair light, and why I can't really see the Rise Donnie treating 12 Mikey in a different way than 12 Donnie.
Firstly, and an argument that probably everyone has heard before, is that whenever Mikey is slapped or is made fun of, this is a normal things for siblings. And I 100% agree with this. I myself only have an older sister, so I can't quite say that I know what having brothers is like, but from my own experiences (and what I've seen/heard from family members and friends), most siblings, especially brothers, will be at each ohers throats both physically and verbally one minute, and the next will be laughing and joking together. Because you know your sibling doesn't really mean it, and most of the time you're giving as good as you get. Which brings me on to my next point, which is that Mikey absolutely gives back as much crap as he gets.
Throughout the series, Mikey is consistently shown to be a stereotypical, annoying little brother. He will constantly poke and prod at his brothers, despite being well aware of their tempers and how they will respond to his taunting (he does this to both Raph and Donnie's tempers, and also messes with them when they are stressed out/scared). He is also very willing to insult his brothers, as they do to him. He's not some innocent baby getting assaulted whenever the mood strikes his siblings, he instigates all the time.
Another thing that irks me is when fanfics portray 12 Donnie as being a worse brother than Rise Donnie for not wanting his Mikey in his lab. This is completely unjustified seeing as both Mikey's are pretty different characters who react to things differently, which in turn influences how their Donnie's treat them. Rise Mikey seems to come across as more mature in many ways than his counterpart. Sure, he still likes to fool around, and he can still be clumsy, but for the most part he seems to be (for lack of a better word) a bit more respectful towards his brothers' boundaries. 12 Mikey, on the other hand, is often shown to be messing around in Donnie's lab/with dangerous things, causing a bunch of accidents and endangering others numerous times. Of course 12 Donnie wouldn't want him anywhere near his lab, Mikey could get hurt, could get someone else hurt, or could destroy a bunch of research/equipment which would mean wasting a bunch of Donnie's time/effort, as well as a need to replace items which are already hard to come by when you are a mutant living in a literal sewer.
I also believe that Rise Donnie would refuse to let 12 Mikey anywhere near his lab after seeing the carnage he regularly causes. No little brother from an alternative dimension privilege would stop Rise Donnie's homicidal tendencies one his lab gets blown up for the nth time after 12 Mikey touches something he was warned to stay away from. His own brothers barely get a pass. Also, the Rise brothers are also shown to hit each other when someone is being too annoying etc (of the top of my head, I know Raph smacks Donnie with a sandal during The clothes don't make the turtle)
This is in no way me bashing 12 Mikey, he doesn't set out to hurt anyone most of the time (again, he does set out to rile his brothers up a lot though), but I'm rather frustrated with people acting like he gets treated absolutely awfully in the show, when half the time he doesn't even get held accountable for his own actions (his negligence mutated ice cream kitty, he gets a cool pet out of it. His actions almost get Donnie's mind destroyed, he somehow manages to create the cure and faces basically no punishment for it. Other characters are punished in similar scenarios, for example, Raph loses Spike due to his mistake with the mutagen, and also almost gets himself and his brothers killed, even when Slash becomes good, it still isn't the same.) It's also unfair to act as if Raph and Donnie are abusive. Sure, they aren't always perfect, and they could probably stand to shout at him and slap him less, bit I think their reactions are mostly justified, and again, fairly standard when it comes to siblings.
12 Splinter also seems to get on Raph and Donnie's cases more for teasing/taunting their brothers, whereas I can't really recall Mikey being told of for doing the same thing (please let me know if I am wrong on that), though that is a whole different kettle of fish, looking at how Splinter definitely favours Leo, and to an extent Mikey, over Donnie and Raph.
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myminecraftfantasy · 5 months
This AU seems to follow the initial RWBY storyline, but immediately steers off course because I’ll be trying to smash DSMP discourse and RWBY logic together.
While most of the settings and scenarios are the same, there won’t be any direct parallel counterparts for characters roles.
The names of the schools and most of the locations remain the same, with some differences such as the kingdoms:
Atlas = Greater Dream (XDream for short)
Mistral = Kinoko
Vale = L’Manberg
Vacuo = Las Nevadas
Menagerie = Badlands
Also while Salem may not exist, the maidens and magic still do.
TEAM RSGD (Rose Gold)
Race: Faunus - ??; Grimmborn
Weapon: pair of bladed tonfa/pistols
Semblance: he can use his aura to mark a spot that he can teleport to. Marks can only be used once per teleport, and will need to be renewed. (Each teleport also cost aura)
Notes: His partner is Dream.
Allegiance: L’Manburg
Race: human
Weapon: assault rifle/sword + flamethrower
Semblance: can immediately consume aura for a temporary boost in all physical abilities
Notes: specializes in fire dust; animals are usually uneasy around him. His partner is George
Allegiance: Kinoko
Species: human
Weapon: crossbow/spear + small shield
Semblance: Can mark a target with aura to always track the target’s location
Notes: a true hunter. His partner is Sapnap
Allegiance: Kinoko
Race: human?
Weapon: twin axes that are also pistols. combines together to create a large battle axe that is also a sniper rifle
Semblance: ???
Notes: mask and arm guards also have practical applications. His partner is Ranboo
Allegiance: XDream
TEAM TTWT (Titan White):
Race: human
Weapon: shotgun that’s also a bat
Semblance: can use aura to strengthen/power boost allies
Notes: Youngest student in Beacon. His partner is Wilbur.
Allegiance: L’Manburg
Species: Faunus - pig
Weapon: rocket launcher/giant sword. Can divide into an submachine gun/short sword + fishing rod
Semblance: can steal aura from opponents that he fights. Becomes stronger per battle
Notes: He was saved by Philza when he was younger
Allegiance: L’Manberg (formerly XDream)
Wilbur Soot
Race: human
Weapon: double-edged sword. Separates into two short swords that can transform into pistols
Semblance: can ignite his aura to cause an explosion. Uses it to make landmines. The more aura is used, the bigger the explosion
Notes: Tommy’s older brother and his partner.
Allegiance: L’Manburg
Race: faunus - ram
Weapon: war hammer/machine gun
Semblance: Can create better shields and barriers powered by his aura
Notes: His partner is Technoblade.
Allegiance: L’Manburg
Team PNFJ (Pink Flamingo):
Captain Puffy & ItsFundy
Niki Nihachu & Jack Manifold
Puffy and Fundy are faunus (sheep & fox)
Niki is the current summer maiden
Team QFSP (Kingfisher Purple):
Quackity & Slimecicle
Foolish Gamers & Purpled
All of them are from Las Nevadas
Team BSPA (Bright Spark)
BadBoyHalo & Skeppy
Punz & AntFrost
2nd Year students from Beacon
Punz is from XDream. Everyone else is from Badlands
Bad is a Grimmborn. AntFrost is a cat faunus.
Foreign Student Pairs:
Karl Jacobs & TinaKitten
from Kinoko.
Karl has reincarnated many times. He was once the founding king of Kinoko.
Hannahxrose & Connoreatspants
They’re friends with the KT pair
Connor is aware of of Karl’s past
Hannah is the current spring maiden
Eret & Eryn
from XDream.
Eryn is an old friend of Tommy
Eret is a silver-eyed warrior
Oher Characters:
Philza - Secretary, Vice-principal;
Schlatt - Principal; Ram Faunus
Ponk - Professor at Beacon;
Michael Mcchill; Callahan;
ItsAlyssa - the current winter maiden
Kinoko: Vikkstar; LazarBeam; Hbomb
Las Nevadas: Awesamdude; Boomer
Aimseytv - the current fall maiden, whereabouts unknown
(This note was last updated April 21, 2022)
So how did Ranboo ended up with the dream team? Leader, nonetheless?! Well, I don’t know! Mind telling us, Dream?
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Wondrously Wrought
Many thanks to @jouissants for the ask that kept the spark alive and @meadowlarkx for helping revive this fic.
Child-making was a craft as any other among the Noldor, as full of complicated collaborations and covetous secrecy as goldsmithing or alchemy. All parents had their preferences in design; it was only that not all of them sought so pointedly to build a matched set as Nerdanel and Fëanáro. “What do they even want another one for,” Macalaurë demanded.
Very unlike one another they were, and very near in each other’s company always; very much as if they had been constructed for it. Oh, but it was a difficult charge to rally against! - Macalaurë did his best, sometimes. Oher than as an exercise to train the art of the spectacle, it had little use in itself, and little conviction. 
But the exercise was necessary. Maitimo did not begrudge it, and certainly not tonight. 
The door was knocked upon, and opened, and his brother came to throw himself at the bedspread, complaining already, “Might as well have named me Faithful Finwë, if that was the intent! I tell you already I am not sorting any jewels; go let down your long hair yourself, I am not in a mood to be dutiful just now."
Maitimo narrowed his eyes, appraising, because he knew it was what was expected and wanted. He had a fondness for theater himself. More for the politics of the seating than the art; but enough knowledge, in performance and politics, to play the judge when his brother demanded. 
“Tolerable,” he decided. “But a bit too brash for an entry. No dignity - not in that line of advance, at least."
His brother rose up enough to lean back in repose with a florish, and hide his face half in the duvet and his trailing sleeve, a curled vengeful shape. “Thanks ever so, my lord! Your squire and servant I might be, but some tendrr brotherhood might be liked time to time."
Maitimo snorted, and reached to right his squire's veils, the neat braids underneath. "I have never heard of a servant that made such a fit; I am not certain it would be very creditable before an audience." Not least because the tenderness netween them was very great, and too well-known. It would take an actor better than him to pretend otherwise.
"Have you not heard," said Macalaurë, raising up his freckled nose, lofty and mocking but not yet laughing. "I am a prodigy, you know."
Macalaurë would not speak so in public. But it might have been worth it if he did, and the punishment besides, for the reactions in the court if his charming cup-bearer started throwing such barbs. The politics alone, between the factions of Indis and their father's partisans, would keep his brother in a sea of accolades, one half so he might not complain and the other in praise of vindication so neatly aligned to the principles of the Vanyar.
He would not, of course. He had not the stomach or the heart for it, and preferred to put all things of anger and true spire in his art. If it were done to flush out spies and sympathizers, that would be one thing, and the performance surely a spectacular coming-of-age tantrum, a shiver down the backs of those that feared another generation of brothers at war. But presently it served no use in particular, and Macalaurë was a creature of useful performance.
Still, the pretense was worth encouraging. Not any real disobedience, which would have been painful; but he was old enough that Maitimo felt the occasional responsibility to cleave them apart a little, if only so they would not strangle each other. Even in private, he always grew bored of trying to be wroth at Maitimo swiftly enough, and sometimes deeply saddened afterwards.
Already he sat nearer, and started to sigh, looking at the jewels in the stand and the papers on the table waiting to be transcribed.
“Try that again,” Maitimo ordered, striving not to lose all chances of a smile. “With more conviction, if you please. Loosen your hands - no, alright, like that. And the tone-” 
There it was - a little thing, and false, but brave. “Yes, I know, I knew as I heard myself.”
 Macalaurë sat upright to bind back his hair, cleared his throat. And then again. Maitimo knew it was true hesitation. Macalaurë  never wept without intention; he kept all his sorrow in his throat, the ruined line of his mouth.
“Ai, sweet one,” Maitimo said, and offered his arms.
Whatever the pretense, in the end Maitimo was the concert-master, Macalaurë came, and curled close, sighing against his neck. Otherwise he was very still.
It was worse, sometimes, when he did not even attempt to be wroth at all. Findekáno had accused Maitimo of arrogance, an entitled certainty that charmed and compelled; and it was true, of course, for he was a prince, but mostly because he had Macalaurë with him, Macalaurë's great conviction in him, that dwarfed the Trees and turned the world in his favour. Maitimo knew it. He was not careless with it, or very demanding; but it was his, and it would be crueler to pretend otherwise.
Near and dear they were, Fëanáro's children. Maitimo could not yet believe his brother was soon to go to the musicians for study; he thought he might go a little mad, even with the visits and the seeing stones and the letters. He knew Macalaurë would certainly go a little mad; and not for the first he wondered at their parent's ambitions, that stitched vast talent and hunger for the Song with the most binding fealty.
They had not meant harm in it. But it was a difficult thing for Macalaurë to be; and a difficult thing for Maitimo to be held to.
Child-making was a craft as any other among the Noldor, as full of complicated collaborations and covetous secrecy as goldsmithing or alchemy. All parents had their preferences in design; it was only that not all of them sought so pointedly to build a matched set as Nerdanel and  Fëanáro had.
“What do they even want another one for,” Macalaurë demanded. It came out stifled, words tight in his mouth. He was not whispering, but Maitimo could tell he was being very careful for his voice not to carry. 
“To love, I gather,” Maitimo chided. “That is the end in itself, when making a child.”
In the privacy of their quarters, Macalaurë made an atrocious face against Maitimo's breastbone. “O, that is prettily said! Go quote the Indisian Sonnets at another quarter, if you please. Are we not satisfactory, as the fulsome performance of brotherhood? In blood and heart, surely, there is nothing lacking."
Maitimo's shoulders shock with swallowed laughter. He knew his brother felt it, and did not even think to apologize; there was no arguing with that tone, he knew. "Are your abilities feeling slighted? For my part, I have no complaints, and few criticisms that cannot be addressed. Indeed I should think we have done well enough that the feat is worth repeating."
"Not all encores ought to be sang," said the minstrel prohibitively, commanding as the name foretold. Maitimo pitied his orchestras already. 
But not very much, and not at all. His opposite and equal by design, Macalaurë had a talent for the mastering of meaning in sound, and form, and intent, and would make an excellent concertmaster for much the same reasons he was an excellent scribe to a jurist, and was made miserable by it.
Indis had not allowed any of her children to serve his husband's firstborn. That Vanyar did not hold to hierarchy in that fashion; they kept their devotions to their daily prayers and  mountain shrines and the presence of the Valar.
Fëanáro loved Finwë better than any son ever had or could, but not even for love made any secret of his thoughts on the smithing of sons and the delineation of princely lines. In this one thing alone he was unfilial.
And it was worse, he thought, because Finwë did agreed with his son in his heart, or wished to agreed; and also never to concede that it ought to have been otherwise, never to betray his living wife, never to renounce any of his children, or their joy, or their liberty. Maitimo had been firstborn of the firstborn, Third Finwë from before the first drafting, and his obligations were right and correct, immense, and himself perfectly suited to meet them.
But Macalaurë was his opposite, and that demanded an equal share of the task, in the fashion of the Noldor who were not Unbeggoten, those made for brotherhood from the first thought. Findekáno ran to cartography and the games and the salons, and Turukáno painted, and of their sister - what did Írissë not do well, and evade to do even better? But their cousins were singularly made, singular unto themselves; they had the time, and the liberty, and the joy of it, though also they were of the lines of princes.
How still the King had been, when Nerdanel gave the joyful news! Full of joy, of course; but he had made such a kind point not to look at Macalaurë, or Maitimo, or the empty place where his second-born sat, when she was not making herself a wonder to other eyes in Valmar. 
They had waited until Macalaurë was hold enough to be his brother’s scribe, as well as his squire. The next one would not follow the same steps - would have to find somewhere else to apprentice under. Maitimo had been very clear on this, when Nerdanel told them she was with child, before he had allowed himself to be happy at the notion.
He suspected, though he did not know, that their parting to come was the cause of the new arrival. Soon Macalaurë would be a minstrel in all accomplishment, and no one's scribe. He did leave a very distinctive silence, wherever he went away from. In it ran the small league of their cousins through the archways and gardens of the city - brash, bright, laughing, untempered, full of study and leisure and no service.
It seemed rather drastic an enterprise if Fëanáro's intent was to make a point, to fill the courts of Tirion with his own sons raised and bridled, proud in the manner of the Noldor. But then, the ones that lived already were hardly diplomatic, Third Finwë and his Commander.
 Their mother had called them  to her side before the formal dinner, and explained the matter: all the steps, the discussions, the preliminary drafts. It had been alarming in itself, but not so very unlikely, and Maitimo had felt briefly cross with himself, that he had not thought it a possibility soon to come.
More alarming by far had been Macalaurë. He was made to last and endure, his sea-changing brother of the many faces, and for restlessness. It was not a good sign to have go that stone-still, and certainly not to have him go that quiet.
We did not wish you to be alone in this world, she had said . Nor your brother. But I know you do not agree, and I shall hear your advice, for we mean to return to the work in time, and none are as qualified to speak their mind on the matter.
As long as the argument was well-presented, it would be well-considered; so it was in the house of Nerdanel. Maitimo had made his case. He could have that satisfaction, at least. The next one would be a new thought, or at least not built to fit a map of lacks and qualities from the preexisting models.
And there was the love, of course; it did exist. Neither of them could complain of indifferent craftsmanship.
“Mother will not be sorry, regardless of the result,” Maitimo said, for Nerdanel never regretted any of her designs, regardless of whether they held up outside of the over in the light, or grew up to be children willful enough to have opinions on the mold used in the making. “But I shall speak to Atar. He cannot rescind your leave now; you are expected in Valmar already.”
Fëanáro would not ever apologize. Not to Macalaurë, not to Maitimo, not to Finwë his best beloved father, who went still and striken whenever his grandsons were brought before him. He adored them well, his firstborn’s first son and his brother; but he knew the distinction well between the moulds. 
And the inspiration, besides. Certainly Findis had received no mentions that he had heard, and the comparisons were few and always unwise.
 Maitimo was made for perfection, articulation, calculation and might and skill and laughter. Perfection of form accomplished, Fëanáro had set forth to bring his firstborn the best brother he could, and he had.
It would have been more easily forgiven, if he had not managed to do it.
Never would Fëanáro’s firstborn be lonesome, or less beloved, have any cause to resent the one to follow him. The son that came after was made for him, a useful joining of opposite qualities, jointed together as limbs on an automaton and imbued with a talent that sprang from him clear as running water.
No one, he thought wryly, would name either Fëanáro or Nerdanel derivative. Yet there had been a reference. A prodigy of the dance, most gentle of Finwe’s get; the great rider, the swift swimmer, Finwë’s second-born who loved not and was not loved by her half-brother. Maitimo knew his Aunt very little; but he knew the lack of loyalty between his father's kin so very well.
As an experiment, Macalaurë was better than a success. Plainly they meant to try the crucible again. Maitimo was still in debate on whether he ought to forgive it. He was quite certain he ought not to; because Macalaurë would never be able to hold it against him. 
“Findekáno does not have such a role,” Macalaurë said, without any resentment. Maitimo read him better than most, who rarely saw even the need for translation, and even he did not know what lingered under that tone. “And Arakáno’s has never polished his boots. Not even once .”
“Poor Findekáno,” Maitimo said, meaning it entirely. “No wonder he goes barefoot so much of the time.”
Macalaurë laughed. Maitimo knew that much was real, for it made the windows in their panes shiver. 
 Maitimo liked his cousins very well, and too much his father would say. Whenever they were in company they had an enjoyable time, not least because he found them and they found him amusingly foreign. They ran and played without rank or quarter, a baffling nonsense of petty squabbling and easy laughter. Maitimo had never tormented his brother with a snake at the end of a stick - he could not imagine how his father would have reacted. He could not imagine wanting to do it, when Macalaurë was more than anything certain to learn too much unsightly advice from the serpent, and go sharing the notions with Finderáto.
A notion came to Maitimo. He jostled his brother and peered down curiously. “You know how Finderáto has been, with the new one - are you going to be jealous, dearest?” 
Macalaurë, who was of age and quite dignified about it otherwise, pinched him ruthlessly in the arm.
"As if it would make a difference," he said. "As if I could!"
Maitimo did not say, I am sorry this is what you are . Macalaurë knew all his tells, anyhow; he was not sorry. Only for all the rest of them, the children of Indis. Finno and Arakáno, and sweet, selfish little Finderáto and his smaller brother. The ones that walked alone, and had no living shadow, no singing squire.
There was no space for doubt in the love between them. The next one, whoever they might be, was unlikely to come with any divergence in that regard.
Another brother, then; sketched along the same foundations, made of the same materials. An opposite, and a stranger. Maitimo allowed himself the happiness of the thought, sparingly enough that it could become habbit. Once he did, Macalaurë would follow, and it was better on all accounts that he should be made to be happy about it, and not merely sorry for himself and Maitimo and the nameless creature.
"The next one will be different," Maitimo promised. "We shall make certain of it."
Macalaurë peered at him with his eyes like a finch’s, still and opaque and sorrowing. “Will we?”
Maitimo took his hands. It was not a difficult thing to do, after all. He had decided on it already; had plotted already which course to set, with their brothers, the teachings, the care. He knew what his brother ought to do, and how he would do it. He could not be sorry to have him as he was; but he could do this, which was manoeuvring, might, cunning and wit, the application of his gifts.
“I swear it,” he said, very solemnly. “They shall be wild.”
That pronouncement was a strain for the imagination of a prince of the first line, but Macalaurë was a prodigy.
“They shall rise as they like, run as they like. They shall grab what they like, and fight all they disdain, and make no apologies; a wildling creature." Macalaurë lifted his chin, smiling, imperious, training already for the next role - older brother, mastering and clement, trying to predict which iteration he would like best. "And none shall stop them until his quarry is found - and they shall speak well, and laugh often - as often as we do, Maitimo, and most inconveniently for all the times we cannot."
“A horror,” Maitimo agreed. “Awfully selfish. And if they feel the lack, and suffer for it, we shall tell our parents, so they might return to work and correct it in another; but I do not think it shall come to that."
“And they will be angry,” said Macalaurë, all the power of his voice bound tightly, tame and striving. “When they wish to be angry, as often as they like, and as harshly. Let it be so! Are we not an immaculate performance, in heart and blood?.”
Macalaurë’s face shone so brightly in the lantern-light. Such a talent for the invention of faith he had, Maitimo's own ambitious minstrel. He wondered whether that was a thing Macalaurë chose, to go with his voices and his faces, his duties, or something that had been given to him to hold for his brother.
It made no difference from whence it came, of course. It was not a thing that could be asked of their parents, nothing that could be accounted as finely as the moving of a gear or the placing of a rivet. But at times, then and afterwards, far afterwards, Maitimo thought he would dearly have liked to know.
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ukfrislandembassy · 10 months
Lexember 1 - New man, new conlang
So I've decided I'm actually in with a shot of doing a full Lexember this year, so I'm taking this as an excuse to start a new conlang! Frislandic's nice and all and it's not going anywhere, but 2 years into a PhD at the Surrey Morphology Group has made me want to try out some of the really funky morphological that make up our bread and butter (morphomes, stem alternations, inflection classes, syncretism, defectiveness, overabundance etc.). So I'm taking the opportunity of Lexember to try and fashion a conlang that does more of that stuff that I've been able to add into Frislandic so far. Name tbd; orthography is IPA so phonology should be evident.
So the first word that I'm going to talk about will be a pretty basic one: sok 'man, person'. Simple, right?
Except no, of course not. Firstly, let's have a quick note about the actual inflectional paradigm. The good news; there's only four grammatical cases (let's call them nominative, oblique, ablative and locative for now) and a two-way contrast of number. What's more, these two categories aren't mixed to any great degree. In fact, the ablative/instrumental and locative/allative are pretty consistenly marked with a final -m and -tʃ respectively.
The bad news is everything else. Firstly, there are a series of stems to learn. In the singular this consists of a nominative stem and an oblique stem, the latter serving as the basis for the oher cases, while the plural usually just has the one (separate) stem. However, in this instance we have an additional wrinkle of the plural being suppletive, and furthermore, since this suppletive form arose from what was presumably a collective noun, it exhibits an additional nominative-oblique stem alternation not otherwise found in the language (we'll get to more regular plural stem formation another time, maybe even tomorrow!).
And what are these stems for sok? Well, to make sense of them we need a little bit of history. In the proto-language, the nominative had the shape *sog with a final voiced stop. Normally this consonant would have given a reflex ɣ, but as it came word-finally in this form it was instead devoiced, giving the current shape. However, the oblique stem, like many nouns of this shape, added an echo vowel with stress shift: *soˈgo. Subsequent vowel reduction and syncope gives the current shape sɣo.
A similar story holds for the plural. This was originally *ˈlin(i) in the nominative but *liˈni in the oblique, giving the modern stems ɬinʲ and ɬnʲi respectively (palatalisation in the nominative is inconsistent for some speakers so might be analogical). Use of the nomintive stem is optional: the nominative-oblique contrast is otherwise generally collapsed in the plural, so nobody will get angry at you if you generalise, however the nominative plural here is frequent enough that it's not likely to disappear in the near future.
Putting this all together gives us the following paradigm (Tumblr please give us the ability to make tables natively).
SG PL N sok ɬinʲ~ɬnʲi O sɣo ɬnʲi A sɣotʃ ɬnʲitʃ L sɣom ɬnʲim
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hellooooo oml i am like drinking so i might ot be the most sensical rn but hello. helloo
i commissioned you ocne and idk how many comms you get so this might be sooo obvious who i am but !!!! your art is so lovely. its so beautifl. i look at it and i see a painting. i see a visison. i look at the piece you made for me and feel like i robbed you with the costs for how it has shifted and tken a new place in my heart. i look at it so fondly bc how can you make something so beautiful ??? oml the skill and dedication you have put into honing your craft astounds me. it takes my breath away. sometimes i feel jealous for not knowing you bc i wish i could peel back your skin and peer into your brain and learn what churns in your head and how you generate your ideas and just. how much effort goes into making such beautiful things
oml and your writing HHAH. i went into the new lycorris radiata fic prologue recently (i can[t believe you deleted the original chap one i lovoveeed that thing king) (it took me like five attempts to speel king right) and i love the changes. i was writing a review in my notes app about it and i was painstaking lygoing through it all and i think i was liikkek??? 600 words in /?? and my phone had the audacity to nottt translates my notes over when i changed phones as if i haven't been working on my review for a week. fml.
but it is so beaitufl. you write like a fairytale. this issooo embarrassig and i'm gonna wake up tomorrow so embarrassed for sending this and feeling so parascial lmao but your art is truly beautiful. its like a microcosm of everything that makes you you even if i dont know you adn tyu build this tneous connection between the reader and the author and the stry and it leaves me in awe. you wrrite like a fairytale. the description is beautiful the characterisation is awe-inspiring and it creates a little place in my ribs where i think back on it and go wow. ths is the kind of story i will think back on for years to come.
SORRY I AM thteee sappiest drunk everr. we've arely talked this is sooo embarrassing but idk. yiour arrt is so gorgeous and i hope you know that. hope you wake up ever morning and you know you've put something so beautifyl out into the world and there is something who dearly anticipates every next word and who thinks your art is beautiful and your writing has changed somethingi nme. i love avra. i love vyla.d i love every word i've read and i wish i could share that oherently in my original review that i lsot but alas.
i'm so sorry LMAMO this will probably bee sooo weird for you to recieve frma strangero ntumbulr. i so need to sober up but its just so breathtaking. your brain is breath taking. i cannot wait for the day you next update or share art or do anything creative bc your wriitng is beautiful your art is beautiful and i smm sooso grateful you shared it with the world. is so beautiful i cannot help but believe you yourslef must be beautiful bc who else could create the kind of art you do
ok im done now im not reading thiisi ober nd i have no idea how long it actually is LMAOA i wish you the best strangerr. you are the kind of person someone would yearn to know (sorry i probs sound sooo parasocial haaha0 and i hope you are soo well
I’m screaming and crying and throwing up and I’m tearing off my clothes so I can run into the woods and howl at the moon and turn into a canine beast
This is
Everything to me, drunk anon, you are everything to me. I will one day get a printer so I can print this ask out, and I will post a YouTube video of me eating the entire thing, with no cuts, and no audio. Full on mukbang. Because I need this to be a part of my soul. And people will argue that consuming something does not integrate it into you forever but I would rather this be a part of me for only a short while than never at all
This has me feral and insane, you’re so sweet about me and you write in such a poetic prose I need you to write some kind of fiction now.
For this alone I will draw you a thousand pieces of art, using my own blood sweat and tears as my materials if I must. You are everything, Anon.
I wish that review still existed simply so I could read more of your words because if this is you drunk then I cannot imagine how you talk sober.
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daisytachi · 2 months
Rewatching Vision of Escaflowne was something. I just love so many characters who are incredibles. Gaddes doesn't get much love while he is awesome. Dilandau remains my favorite but I also have some feelings for Van or even Mirana and Dryden.
Folken is far more complexed than I remembered so it was good to rediscover him as an idealist who felt into darkness for a dream who can't be realized even if we all want peace.
And then, we've got Allen. Sorry I don't like him at all even if he is as complex as the ohers characters. His nonchalence with women, with trying to seduce Hitomi knowing she made him think of his sister is kinda irritating. Even Dilandau agrees with Van about this point!!! He is the perfect representation of the white knight in the shine armor's definition. Like the others, he also have a dark side and it's his Casanova's part. His devotion for his country is interesting as well while he knew so much deception from the royal family.
I don't know how to say it. The show never painted anyone as perfect. All the characters are deeply human even the ones who don't get a huge evolution. The two cat's sisters are great, Merle... I think I will love to rewatch it again anytime soon
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Hello ! Hope this ask finds you well & I hope you dont mind it as I simply just needed to get some words out , so you know just how much your words are valued&taken to heart.
Most of my pieces are rather 'simplistic'(?) in nature and focus hard on self-expression - I believe it is the best way of making art , especially for someone brainsick like me , whom can't focus much on art otherwise or just likes to express their feelings. Express their Soul , as I like to say it ... And well , I tend to talk about this often , I think , but I really do put parts of my soul into a lot of my art. Especially my 'messier' , more 'abstract' art. Art where I just do fuck all , capiche? And seeing it be so ... appreciated , so much , like that ... Well , I'll just let you know I definitely sobbed a little ! In the best way possible though of course HAHA Tears come to me quite easily so it's normal for me. But really. Thank you so much. There was a reason I tagged that art with just one tag - my own tag. My thoughts went something like this : "Well , it's just some quick messy scribbles ... It's not like much people will see it , or be interested in it , anyway ...". But ... Your tags changed that mindset a bit , I feel. It might be 'just some scribbles' , but it's still got a feel in it , still got a value , doesn't it ... ?
Apolocheese for going full on Rambling-Mode in here ... !!!!! Hope this makes you realize just how much compliments can change someones day , someones mind , someones soul ... & It's fascinating just how much you changed mine. From the bottom of my heart , once again - Thank you for appreciating my art : ) ! People like you keep me going , doing what I do ! ( And also - I encourage you to loosen up on your own art as well , absolutely !!!!! It's so SO freeing once you do. It's totally worth it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
RRARFFGHHH!!! YYYESS!!! most inndeedd.. bestie…. art truly… rhe highest form of art to me is the kind that really evokes emotion…… and im glad! so ahppy! unable to word tbe emotions… it reallt is amZinf.. qqqqq….. aaAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!! and soul is a good way to put it… that little part of the art that really evokes… you..? the thing thay makes it your art style.. in a way.. YAHHHH…!!!!!! so glad we could share an art moment together…. many more to come…
art isnt a job to me. its fun. art is having fun. i want to make art because its fun. and i like doing it. and i want to express something i felt needed to exist. and i create to spark joy. i hope people will be inspired by the simple tools i use. and i just draw whatever the damn fucked i want.. i dont want money. i want to make people happy and make myself happy…
also random thought but i just realized how opposite our art is in some ways from eachother..?? one simple, the other focused on maintaining weird small details and anatomy and mechanical accuracy (my autistic ass making sure the internals of robots are functional looking and that their casings would allow free movement broke free oops)
jumping with joy.. srry if tjis is incoherent i am bad at talking when it comes 2 text posts… chew (it is still really hot oher here and my brain feels like liquid)
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justsomeectoplasm · 2 years
I feel like WHA did the one thing many manga series struggle with worldbuilding wise: The horror of history.
I discussed awhile back about how I love how Forbidden magic is written in WHA, where things aren't entirely black and white.
But one thing I also forgot to mention is how the author uses history to express how messed up forbidden is in both the past and the present.
We get glimpses of how Forbidden magic came to be forbidden; the city that turned people into golden statues, the brimhats that used healing magic to conduct inhumane experiments. And this is a good way of worldbuilding! I see it a lot in manga stories that often explain why certain things are taboo. Again, it's a good quick trick to build a solid history of your magic system.
However, the mangaka did a fantastic job to actually echo these horrors throughout the series by subtly hinting at them in the story.
For example, in chapter 39, Olruggio was approached by a mother who was desperately trying to convince him to take oher son as his pupil because the kid could hear everything and was suffering because of it. Olruggio wanted to help him, thinking for a brief moment that maybe he could use a healing spell or even taking him on as a pupil before being abruptly stopped by Hiehart,
Tumblr media
Hiehart's expression may come off as creepy to some, given as to how full of energy and joy he was throughout this chapter, but that's not it.
He's afraid. That's a look of pure terror on his face. It's the same face you'd make when you see a friend doing something that spells something bad or could potentially get them in serious trouble.
He's warning Olruggio, "Don't repeat what we did in the past"
It's such a small detail. What else did the brimhats do? What other tragedies were there in this world? The audience may know only a few, but there might be even more sinister crimes that were committed using forbidden magic.
The fear of history repeating itself is real and at times even we see feel it to some capacity in the real world. It's difficult to write such a small but prevalent theme in a story since writers tend to get lost in worldbuilding that they forget such small details.
But, if used well, it can create a terrifying horror that we can relate to.
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Shili head canons
While I enjoyed TOTJ, making Shili as a green wooded forest frustrates me. there were so many missed opportunities. Come on, Filoni, togruta are colorful and apex predators, why wouldn’t they blend in with their environment? So excuse my ramblings while I write out my ideas. 
Keeping with the forest theme (because I do like that), the grass is actual turu grass from Legends (or fanon, whichever). So instead of green, it is colorful with red, orange, pale green and more. It matches the skin tones of the togruta, which is how they hunt because they blend in with the environment. It’s evolutionary camo! If the turu grass gets tall enough, the top will turn into blue, grey, purple - to match the white and color change of the lekku. 
Now the trees can be tall too. I actually like this idea. With how nimble Ahsoka is, you bet togruta climb trees all the time. Now, since TOTJ has the trees as evergreens (or at least look like them), I’m assuming there are lots of branches, furthering my idea of togruta as tree climbers. Again, keeping with a colorful environment, the leaves are not green, and instead are orange or red. The bark can still be brown though (not quite sure what I would call the evergreens though - evercolors?) 
Okay, so Earth has regional climates and Obi-Wan confirmed oher plants are the same way (”and this is the planet’s tropical zone” - the snarkiness of this man). Since we saw Pav-ti and other togruta in layered clothing, I’m also assuming Ahsoka’s hometown is located in a colder climate. There are changing seasons, but it does not get hot (say average summertime heat is 75-80 degrees fahrenheit). Which would be the reason Ahsoka wears revealing clothing. TPM has Anakin admit to space being cold, but if Ahsoka’s biology is naturally inclined to colder climates, the cold space wouldn’t bother her. And we see in episode A Friend in Need, Ahsoka does not shiver on Carlac (okay, it could be argued about it was adrenalin, but she had no problem taking her parka off before the fight). In warmer climates, togruta wear similar clothes we see Ahsoka wear in the earlier seasons (tube tops, strapless, open back, sleeveless, etc), which is why Ahsoka does not adopt Jedi Robes, because it is too warm. Using this logic for Shaak Ti, it would mean Shaak Ti is from warmer regions from Shili, which is why she wears Jedi robes, but in the video game The Force Unleashed, on Felucia Shaak Ti wears revealing clothing as well (yes, it obviously catered to horny video game players, but this is my fix-it, so idc). 
Okay, let’s talk about the warmer climates. It would almost be an antithesis. The turu grass is the only thing that remains the same. The trees would be shorter and not evergreens (evercolors? I need a name). Instead, I picture the warmest climates being swamp-like with vines. Depending on location to bodies of water, some locations would be a bayou. The vines and shorter limbs change the tree climbing style used. 
Skin tone/colors: 
During the Zygerria arc and TOTJ, we see many different colored togruta. So my follows human melani. The more exposure to sunlight, the darker the skin tone is. This explains how both Ahsoka and Shaak Ti have similar skin tones but Ahsoka is lighter due to her heritage in a colder climate. As for skin colors, that’s evolutionary camo! (no one can sway me from evolutionary camo) 
Anyone else disappointed in the beast that snatched baby ‘Soka? Come on, the teeth were different! Yeah, so I’m not considering that an akul. Obviously if togruta are predators, they are has to be more than one dangerous creator. So for now, I’m calling it a Shili tiger (if Filoni can label wolves as a Loth Wolf, then I can do the same). So this Shili tiger is big and dangerous. Pav-ti was on high alert and it caused chaos for the village. Those people were ready to go after that tiger. That means akuls are even more dangerous, highlighting the skills Ahsoka and Shaak Ti have to take down an akul. So, my idea is that akuls also hunt alone, like the Shili tiger did in TOTJ. But I also want to use Pav-ti’s words about how everything lives and dies (balance of the force, anyone?) So, hunting to simply kill an animal is taboo. There has to be legitimate reason to kill an animal (hunt for food - kybuck, or to get Ahsoka back from the Shili tiger). So, that means when Ahsoka and Shaak Ti killed an akul, it was in self-defense or to protect others. And to make the teeth into a headband? That is a deterrent for akuls to hunt them when they are outside the village. I like to think that akuls are the most dangerous animal on shili not only due to strength or stealth, but also because of its knowledge of togruta. Perhaps togruta are its favorite meal. This could lead to religious aspects of togruta culture (that’s something I’ll come back too later)
Physiology of the akul: large, triangular golden teeth seen on the headbands, scale-like body rather than fur (makes it harder to cut), and really good night vision eyes. (More ideas can be added here but i’m not a zoologist - any takers?)
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TedTalk about a fictional world. I have many more ideas that I want to flesh out but these were the most prominent. I really want to explore possibilities for Shili culture - like why do they have a colony on Kiros, what religion they have, marriage and family dynamics, matriarchal society, rites of passages, other traditions that Pav-ti follows and why they are “old ways”, egalitarianism, the jobs relating to hunting and art clashing on fundamentals of peace vs hunting, and the social hierarchy 
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obi-troll-kenobi · 2 years
You know, for a long time I wondered if I’m wrong for not shipping wlw pairings as much as mlm. But in most of newer movies and shows I find myself instantly shipping women with similar dynamics to my mlm pairings, and I keep noticing that wlw dynamics that are meant to be romantic in the source material share many similarities with male to male dynamics that canonicaly deny any romance.
And the conclusion is old as time and not very suprising:
- The older shows lack of women character with meaningful relationships with each other (oher than familiar relationships). The women, even if they’re great characters, are very few and barely interact with each other.
- Older, male-dominated shows have so much homoeroticism
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