#and maybe mob as well
romance-incubomp3 · 1 year
fellow schizoids what are some pieces of media (songs, shows, books, etc) or characters that heavily resonate with your szpd I’m curious and want recommendations even.
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clownsuu · 20 days
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my apolocheese for not posting lately, life has decided to turn 180 (again) and I have had very little time to draw and do other personal things 😔🥄
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quirkle2 · 6 months
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a little bit crazy
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rassebers · 1 year
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Pull yourself TOGETHER man
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 months
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found an old ekurei comic rotting in my files, decided to finish it. upon my rewatch of mp100 i kept noticing how many times dimple was referred to as a pet- but he's not ! ! ! he's a friend :)
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highfivecharlie · 2 months
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i think hed just have a bunch of caterpie and maybe a metapod that just kinda. follow him around. i like to imagine hes a major pokemon magnet but has absolutely zero interest in owning a pokemon
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basuralindo · 2 months
Checking on the guest room every other day like,
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Sorry for the lazy ass editing but anyway I've been needing to make a visual for this joke
Now I'm not saying that I always picture this man as Yuu, but I have definitely become obsessed with the raw comedic potential of Tommy Shelby being isekai'd into magic college surrounded by people he actually Cannot boss around
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mangysah · 5 months
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Talks Over Tea 🍵
— My recipient for @mp100secretspirit is @abovo-adastra! 🎁
— He had requested for Serizawa & Teru bonding, and so I made them talk with each other in the S&S office. :) They could be catching up with one another, and Teru’s telling him all about his and Reigen’s recent spirit case. I wish to have drawn the other prompts too since they seemed so fun, but I still hope you liked this one! Happy holidays and I wish you a good new year as well. 🎊
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+ Ver. w/o speech bubbles
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sallymew4 · 2 months
do yall think like
sorry got a yoohoo
anyways do yall think teru like went to the barber. or got his hair cut by a professional . cuz i can totally see him doing that and (pre-mob era) just showing the stylist something new n trendy so his friends r like ah teru youve done it again you cunty bitch .but also
what if he just does it himself
ten year old teru in the bathroom with his ipad on the sink, playing a “coolest boy haircuts and how to get them” youtube video while he haphazardly snips away at his locks with a regular old pair of scissors. because it just started to get too long and he couldnt stand it anymore.
i mean yeah he could just go to a salon or something but imagine being a worker at one of those places and seeing a young child waltz in, hand over like a debit card or whatever and be like your finest haircut please. youd be weirded the fuck out like wheres yo mommy lil thang ???? would anyone have even done it without asking for a guardian first ????? maybe by a certain age its be less concerning but he would definitely get some looks for a while
anyways thats really it . i was just thinking about teru.. . ….i wish that Boy the best
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winterspiderpurrs · 10 months
" Get the car now!"
More gunshots rang out. Three men were running down an alley, the tall blonde pausing to snatch up and lift the older gentleman to carry him bridal style to protect him from the stray shots. The older man made a growling sound out of frustration.
" Fuck you Rogers! I don't need to be carried!"
A man behind the pair fires off another shot, the sound of glass breaking. The driver in the car slumped over, the car was turning and crashing into the wall once it spun out. The other men in the back of the car scrambled to get out.
Another car speeds up the alley facing the men running toward it and stops just long enough for the trio to get in. The blonde practically toss the older man in.
" Happy get us out of here!"
Tires screeching as the car goes into reverse and backs out onto the street.
" What happened? We need the doc?"
Tony is fuming. It's been a while since someone has tired to double cross Him. And in such a sloppy and public way.
" Friday, scan all signals, any video ctv radio transmission nionitnin the bud, file away for my eyes online so I can analyze late"
He throws his phone at the blonde " What is your problem? I had it handled! You know it will be seen as a weakness when word gets out. Fucking bridal style? I ain't a princess Steve."
Sighing the blonde picks up the phone and tosses it lightly on the empty seat next to Tony. " Boss. I know but you didn't see the blinking green light on your forehead from the sniper. This... was an unexpected move... thank God for Bucky"
Bucky snorts from his seat next to Steve as he types away on his phone. " Clint took out the sniper on the roof. Natasha is going to find out who set this up as we lay low. Best to hide away for a few since this was so public... only going to the Gala tomorrow night and back on lock down."
Happy makes several more turns. Driving away but to no certain destination. " Lake house?" He questions.
Adjusting the cuffs on his jacket, Tony looks out the window. " To far away.. I'm not hiding but we need to lay low.... take us to Warehouse B."
If you were paying attention you would have noticed Happy's eyes widen be he nods his head. He puts up the privacy partition. Steve stares at Tony for a moment, glances over at Bucky then back to Tony. " I trust Bucky... but are you sure.."
That causes Bucky to pause and look up and glance between the two before eyeing Tony. Tony was fidgeting with his watch and his wedding band before nodding. " It's fine. If it gets out we will know why. " Tony raises an eyebrow as he stares Bucky down.
Bucky was newer to the group. Only in the sense of actually all three of them working a deal. Bucky had a civilian life. He was the owner of half the gun ranges and pawn shops in the state. Sometimes, he lets Steve, and by extension, Tony's "group" borrows guns from the shop. He just happens to be with them this time when a meeting went wrong. They wanted Bucky's opinion on the guns that might have been purchased.
It wasn't log til they ended up at a huge warehouse. You can tell that the neighborhood has gone under a major renovation. Happy drops them off down a side alley. Tony stands at the door, pushing a bunch of buttons on the key pad before a door slides open.
Bucky was pleasantly surprised with the layout. The warehouse was converted into a loft. He was still taking everything in when he appeared. He stepped down from what it looked like a roof access point covered in plants, a look of worry on his face. Bucky feels like he has seen him somewhere before. But where?
"Tony? May's cooking still bad?"
" Yeah, kiddo. May's getting more flowers delivered, maybe 2 or 3 bouquets"
You could see the relief on the young man's face before he smiles over at them. It's obvious to Bucky those were code for everything being alright.
" I start dinner then.... How's. ..a.. Pepper and Morgan"
" Fine. Great. Morgan started Kindergarten."
The man nods, finally making his way down the steps to the living room area, turning to smile at Steve and opens his arm for a hug. " Steve! It's great to see you. It's been too long! You should visit more! " Steve laughs and walks over and gives the man a hug.
" I know. Missed you to Pete. I'll try you know Tony keeps me busy"
Bucky glances at Tony and can see his jaw click, a penvise expression on his face. Clearly irritated.
There is definitely a story to tell here.
The man let's Steve go from the hug before tilting his head at Bucky and offers him a smile. He holds his hand out to shake.
" It's nice to meet you. I'm Peter Parker and don't worry I'm not as half as much trouble as this pair" Bucky smirks a little shaking his hand. " Bucky... and don't worry I know this Punk takes all the stupid with him wherever he goes" Nodding his head towards Steve.
Peter laughs.
Bucky squint for a moment " Hey.. aren't you that..."
Tony rolls his eyes and walks between them to separate them to head to the kitchen. " Yeah yeah he is that singer"
Bucky remembers seeing his photo online as the paparazzi stopped him while he was signing autographs.
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pocketramblr · 7 months
5 headcanons for an AU where All might deflates in front of the crowd after defeating the sludge villain?
OOOOOOH now that's fun
1- it's quiet, for a moment, as everyone stares and tries to process what they just saw. Izuku, who saw the truth already, still is stunned for a second. And then he realizes everyone else sees too, and his feet move before he can think more about it.
2- Izuku needs everyone to stop looking at All Might as the crowd begins to murmur, shaking itself. Izuku knows that Kacchan is very good at being loud and the center of attention. So, 2+2=4, he gives Bakugou a little push into a hero and a civilian and let's that work out.
3- As the explosion begins, Izuku grabs All Might's hand and runs, down between two buildings that still smell like smoke and sewage. Mt Lady grows for crowd control, and sees where they go- but the look in their eyes makes her turn back to the crowd and block a few civilians from following. She pretends everything is normal, and she's an actress. If that really was All Might- and it had to be, she felt that power- he'll be grateful when she contacts his agency later to demand what happened. If it isn't, then she can point out that letting non-heroes follow a villainous impersonator of that power level would have been disastrous.
4- they go a few buildings further when All Might's feet drag and Izuku's burst of motion slows. He pants, and stops at the street. "Go one way, All Might, sir, I'll tell them you went the other way." He can still hear Kacchan shouting above the other voices, and Mt Lady arguing back, but they don't have a lot of time. "Yeah, no." Toshinori says, and drags Izuku instead into a store, heading for the clearance section and hats.
5- the good news is, most people had put their phones down at this point and weren't filming. The TV cameras had turned away to show the people cheering and the blond victim fine. The bad news is that some people still were filming, and the TV crew went back, catching sight of All Might's skinny back fleeing the scene as the crowd erupted. As Toshinori pays for a change of clothes for both him and Izuku, his phone starts to ring. He mutes it as they change and put on the hats. Izuku asks where they are running too, but Toshinori just goes two buildings down to a ramen shop and sits at a table. He points out that no is going to look for All Might at a restaurant a block from the crime scene, much less expect him to be casually eating there in an Endeavor hoodie and a ball cap. He thinks the bright orange FG jacket izuku is now wearing to hide his school uniform clashes horribly with the lilac beanie, but it works to make the few curls escaping to look less green. As they eat, Toshinori tells Izuku about OfA, and makes his offer. Izuku bursts into tears because he just ruined All Might's secret, revealed it to everyone, he doesn't deserve his quirk, and now that it's in the open All Might can pick someone else, the best choice. Toshinori disagrees, because all Izuku did was inspire him to save that other boy, which was more important. Izuku agrees to be his successor, numbers are exchanged, and after eating Toshinori walks him home just in case- but it seems Izuku wasn't identified, probably because Bakugou could only scream "Deku" when shoved, so Izuku gets a quiet night of pure stress to himself while Toshinori heads to ask Tsukauchi for a ride to Might Tower for a very loud and very long night of pure stress and demanding answers.
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nesbiter · 10 months
In the MP100 epilogue, Dimple eats some of Reigen's cake- DIMPLE CAN EAT Now I suddenly had this thought that Mob just slips the food he doesn't like under the table to Dimple like he's a dog lol
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
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manga seri
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doopn00p · 9 months
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30 day ekurei challenge
Day 8: Human/Living Ekubo
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wampabampa · 5 months
After thought but this is the original background and idea I had for the mob howdy piece before I got tired and scrapped it!!!
CW: mild gore (head not attached to the body), strawberry jam accident, bright colors
Mob howdy human design belongs to @/goorfy
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I really liked the more colorful one (I used the Wh colors of red blue yellow orange) and all the colors surrounding them are the neighbors colors!
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emptyspaaace · 1 year
Happy April here's some characters that are autistic:
Peter Parker
Papyrus Undertale
Milo Murphy
Luz Noceda
Ben Wyatt
The Doctor (all of them)
Philip J. Fry
Prince Zuko
Hero from The Property Of Hate
Dipper and Mabel Pines
Pidge Gunderson
Sparks Nevada, Marshal On Mars
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