#and maybe subconsciously the oc design too
spaghetti-aldente · 6 months
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Cricket, dragonslayer, wandering mech-knight
I did this for a zine my buddies @rat-on-string and @nighttimetapestry organized! Thank you again for the opportunity, I had a blast making this piece.
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comvi · 9 months
I always have to remind myself that I don’t need to push myself to make art, and I don’t need to apologize or feel bad for not making a lot of art. art is something that should make me feel happy, so if I’m pushing myself to the point of not enjoying it anymore, then I should just stop and calm down for a second. and take some time for myself. Art won’t disappear, it will always be there waiting for me again, its okay for me to take some time doing others things sometimes.
#sorry this is a bit negative. most of the art i’ve been making latelyis personal/ocs so i dont post it here and thats been stressing me out#since im scared a lot of people are expecting things from my art that i cant give#my art changes a lot because i get inspired by so many things each day. and a lot of my designs are personal and mean a lot to me#so seeing other people like them is both a happy thing for me. but also so scary.#most people i see post art in fandoms im in will post so much of it so often#so i think i subconsciously think that i have to do that too. Make a bunch of art super fast and i HAVE to post ALL of it#but from the things that disabled me to just. that not being how i do things. i cant keep up with that#art takes a long time for me to feel happy with. And i dont always have the motivation or energy to finish all my drawings#Or even do things past a messy sketch#so i keep most things to myself for one reason or another#i dont know it just feels like everyone needs to have things “now now now. fast fast fast” nowadays.#or else the stuff you make isnt worth it. or isnt as good as everything else. In the case you make art late into joining the fandom#I think someone called it fast consumerism? or something? But yeah its just#bad. i dont like it at all#sorry for the long tags. i might stop posting as much art for a bit so i can take some time for myself.#go outside more. learn a new hobby. maybe even join a club or something#if you read through this hi. feel free to ask for my toyhouse if you want to see my ocs or whatnot.#I was very lax on checking my grammar here. not sorry this time. im getting seen for dysgraphia and im tired and need a break#myposts#rambling
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sirensea14 · 2 months
Sona redesignnnn‼️
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This is quite out of the blue buuut i wanted my sona to be more fish accurate so here she is
Oh my shit, i have references i only noticed just now (my mind just subconsciously put them)
I'll yap about it and no one can stop me
The dots under and above the eyes are a reference to what i did on my Masskara (mask for a festival: Masskara festival) the day we performed it (so many sections were there and and we were the last to perform i think, so i had time to decorate a bit lol)
That diamond on her forehead is a reference to tsunade/sakura's diamon mark (forgot whats it called but it was one of my favorite powers as a kid)
Her always-floating-up hair is kinda an indirect reference to my previous version when angry (or possibly my oc who can control her hair like tentacles, i wont tell anything abt her tho)
The 4 urchins are a reference to my country's flag: 3 stars (3 visible urchins ) and the sun (1 hidden urchin) Filipino pride🗿🇵🇭
My sona in IM still remains the same, only difference is the hair, but im too lazy to edit it so meh proceeds to forget my sona in batdr as a cutout, anti-heroine, NMT and EF au, etc etc shit that ive done when i still had time to do art. Nahh i will never redo those shit, unless my future self decides to lol
Blank version ig
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Also, i adjusted her scale color because she lurks on the dark deep waters more compared to my prev sona design. And by dark deep depths, i mean by the angler fish type of depths, or maybe deeper. Other than that, dont interact with that creature, she'll either steal your soul (literally) or slice your throat (if lazy)
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cythanadiel · 6 months
Hello! I wanted to ask about your oc, Ice. So the question is which agents Ice likes the company and doesn't like it much? Sorry for this strange question, but when I saw your oc and I really liked him and I saw some of him with Skye so I thought about what his relationship with others would be like.
Omg that's such a cute ask thank you!!! This got me really really excited💕💕💕
I made a small list of agents he likes, dislikes, is neutral about and his relationship to them underneath the line:
Agents he is tight with:
Reyna - I think Reyna and Ice are the closest to one another, not necessarily personality wise but definitely goal wise. I can definitely see them bonding and talking over their Sisters, as they share the same pain: Ice lost his, and Reyna is fighting to keep hers alive. He understands why Reyna is the way she is, and he cannot blame her for it. In fact, he would be subconsciously driven to help her gather souls.
Brim - Ice has a military background and sometimes talks with Brim about the time with the Special Forces. He holds deep respect for Brim as a commander and blindly puts his trust into him.
Sova - Same as with Brim, He respects Sova. Ice not only sees him as friendly and good company, but also as very competent and fierce. He appreciates his coldness on the battlefield and not letting emotions get in the way. He carries out commands without questioning a word, which Ice can relate to. It's like looking in the mirror, except the reflection smiles back.
Skye - The day she threw him over her shoulder and slammed him into 3 walls was the day he straight up couldn't get his mind off of her. That girl can pack a punch and does not bet an eye at getting her hands dirty. He was VERY much smitten by her. Although I don't think I could say the same about Skye tbh. She's the sole reason he wakes up at 4am to go jogging together.
Raze - While Ice is very much for Order and discipline, he likes Raze's Chaos. There is something about her energy that gets even his bitch face to smile.
Deadlock - That is....they're the same person. Personality and very close background wise they're literally the same person. Hell, Ice even lived a large part of his life in Norway, (he's not Scandinavian tho) and even speaks a little Norwegian. They're definitely gym and sparring partners as well.
Clove - While I can't say too much on Clove yet, I do feel that they'd get along, solely because they give little sibling vibes. He had one sibling he couldn't protect, he sure as hell won't let that ever happen again. So imagine the relief he'd feel after Clove comes back to life, seemingly unharmed.
Viper - Viper sees herself as a monster and had to do things beyond her Control (or maybe it was all in her Control) and Ice can heavily relate to that. He has had some of the same experiences, yet he still sees himself as Human. All in all he genuinely pities Viper.
Cypher - He's fascinated by Cypher and isn't actually too bothered by his secrecy. He understands the need for it and wishes it'd be the standard for the other agents as well. Plus, in the strangest way possible, Cypher is like a father figure to him.
Agents he's neutral about/likes them:
Sage - He likes her healing skills but hates the Mother Hen vibe coming from her. He thinks it influences her and others too much on the battlefield. She could be so much more than just the nice healer lady next door.
Astra - He's genuinely delighted by her presence, but they don't have much in common. Though he's legitimately scared of her powers.
Chamber - He shared the same opinion as everyone else when Chamber first joined, and he still keeps an eye out on him, But Ice can't help but be intrigued by his efficient weapon designs and use of nanotech. They're currently in the talks about nanotech prosthetics and improvements.
Jett - Same as with Clove, Jett gives lil sis vibes. She is also very promising on the field and if she took things a little more serious, she could become very deadly on the field. (Like them instalocks on immortal)
Omen - Similar to Viper, Ice pities Omen. They both share the same pain of being torn apart and coming back to life, but as changed people, possibly without being able to go back to what they once were. Although Ice is, to some degree, scared of becoming like Omen.
Fade - Initially he was ready to snap her neck when she leaked everyone's profiles, and caused the nightmares, but... he ended up forgiving her after learning her motives, that she was doing it because she was looking for someone very dear to her. He would practically do the same if he was in her shoes.
Harbor - INCREDIBLE duo, even if they're not always on the same wavelength. They're also gym buddies.
KAY/O - they're not too friendly with one another, but they do play pool or cards, and they both enjoy taking money from Breach. It's the one thing they can bond over.
Gekko - Ice sees Gekko as a Mini-Me if things hadn't gone south in his past. Gekkos connection to Reyna only strengthens that. Also he needs someone to help him dye his hair, as Ice does a very poor job on his own. On a side note,, I constantly get the feeling that Gekko would fanboy a little over Ice.
Neon - He gets motion sick from her zip zapping. She's also a little too snappy for him, a la "What's with this sassy lost child?" Although he can appreciate her ruthlessness and that she, quite literally, can zap you out of existence within the blink of an eye. He likes that she's more serious on the field despite being one of the youngest members.
Agents he actively dislikes:
Phoenix - Ice has active PTSD cuz of how many times he's nearly been burned around Phoenix. He tries to stay at least 50m away from him if possible.
Killjoy - He's experienced KJs bots first hand and hates them. But also, he thinks she shouldn't be on the field, especially when she's hiding behind her toys.
Breach - Opposite to Raze, Ice HATES Breach's Chaos. He does not understand how the two got along in the first place and how Breach hasn't been booted yet. Guess he'll have to trust Viper's judgement on him. To Breach tho, Ice is just another loyal dog, one that can be tossed aside when he's of no use anymore.
Yoru - Too cocky with no direct excuse for it. You can't even say his skills match his ego, because they do not. Ice is about staying humble and giving your best, and if you don't, then stfu. Plus, he's a direct adversary when it comes to Skye
Iso - Him and Iso basically have the same background but he wouldn't like Iso because he thinks he's taking the easy way out of his contract. Plus, Iso listening to music while on a mission or getting easily distracted gives Ice the sense of unprofessionalism, no matter how good he actually is.
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disastress-i-guess · 5 months
Ranking the Psichikers based on drawability instead of doing my homework. By drawability I mean how closely I can draw them to canon design btw. Criteria is:
1. Do I need a reference to draw this character?
If I do not need a reference = +1
Sometimes I need it= 0.5
If I do need a reference = 0
2. Are they fun to draw?
Yes = +1
Some parts are fun = +0.5
Not at all = 0
3. Do I want to draw them often?
Frequently = +0.75
Sometimes = +0.5
Not very much = +0.25
Never I only draw them when I have to = 0
4. Can I be creative with this character?
Yes = +1
Sometimes= 0.5
No = 0
That is four questions! Exactly the number of PSIkickers, what a coincidence! Totally not planned at all!
Ranking begins:
4. Reita Toritsuka (1.75/4)
Sorry tori. I need a reference for his hair pretty much everytime I draw him, which to be fair is so far like 4 times in total. Honestly I have a love-hate relationship with his headband because on the one hand, it's kinda iconic, on the other it's fucking horrendous I'm sorry.
Moving on from the hair, the most fun I have with drawing him would be his uniform (I like the rosary beads and Geta) and his face since he's an expressive character so I get to do a lot of fun stuff with that ( this technically does not count since it's not a part of the design but his points are already kinda low, I felt generous).
Lastly, no, I don't really have many "creative" ideas with him, I had maybe 3 but I never really felt passionate enough to finish them I'm sorry.
2. Mikoto Aiura (2/4)
This feels way too low but I can't really break the rules.
I do need to use references to draw her everytime I do ( which I think is...1 time? That is criminally low what the fuck am I doing) mainly due to her hair, speaking of which, I LOVE HER HAIR I LOVE HER NAILS I LOVE HER EYES I LOVE HER!!!! She is so fun to draw and it's so fucking nice to have a character with some fucking MELANIN OMG HER SKIN I AJDBDJ SHADING TANNED/DARK SKIN IS SO FUN WHY DONT I DO IT MORE OFTEN. This doesn't count since it's supposed to be about their canon design but there are so many outfits you can put her in it's crazy!!! I think it's mainly because she's kinda the only one with an aesthetic idk.
I WANNA DRAW HER ALL THE TIME I JUST DONT FOR SOME REASON WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!??? Off topic I do not draw any of the female characters that often even though I regularly lose my mind thinking about them what's up with that?
Do I get to be creative with her? Not really but that's not her fault that's on me, she's perf I'm just uncreative that's all.
So sadly this is her rank. ATM anyway I'll draw her so often after this trust.
2. Saiki Kusuo (2/4)
He scored 0.5 on everything... How!??? Last I checked he is not Satoru Hiroshi.
Main reason I need a reference is due to the hair which for the most part is a bunch of zig zags and so I don't need it that often.
He is fun to draw, mainly his eyes they are very pretty. I do want to draw him often, I doodle him a lot. I think it's the limiters and glasses. I don't have to worry about him looking accurate cuz if you throw the limiters and glasses on it immediately looks like saiki so Im not that scared about drawing him.
Fun fact a lot of times when I'm drawing him he ends up looking like Kuboyasu. Until I put limiters on. Then all of a sudden it's saiki! Amazing! Chouno Uryoku who?
I guess I'm somewhat creative with him? I have a few ideas laying around, one or two animatics, maybe a fic and a couple crossover fanart ideas. Dunno if I'll ever get around to doing it though.
1. Akechi Touma (3/4)
No I do not need a reference I drew him once and then his hair and face were ingrained into my long term memory for eternity in fact i remember it so well I subconsciously gave it to an OC.
Is he fun to draw? FUCK YEAH HE IS. Hair was the problem for all the other characters but not this one, no sir! because THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS THE HAIR THAT GIVES ME GENDER EUPHORIA. It was my first 'boy' hair cut and I love how androgynous it made me look so looking at him gives me pure joy. And his eyes GOD I LOVE HIS BIG PURPLE EYES SJDIEBD.
I used to want to draw him all the time but I've drawn him too frequently so I need to take a small (miniscule really) break so I can continue liking it. Maybe that'll give me time to draw more Aiura. Anyways I gave him 0.75 on that part but that's entirely my fault for over drawing him. He did no wrong I take the blame.
Can I be creative with him? No not really since just drawing him covered in blood and/or eating sweets does not count as creative in this criteria. But I do have many ideas of just putting him in other universes and meeting my other favs and then the two of them ramble about an interest of choice and are just get to talk talk talk and talk I love them I love their yapping onjdhdiehd and I have a couple of animatic ideas I may never finish. GOD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE HAS A 4/4 IN MY HEART.
Oh god it's 1:22 am I should finish this homework.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 177. brb x oc
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a/n:i did have an anxiety attack BUT I MANAGED TO WRITE...im okay tho,I swear. (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! they make my nights they really do<3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: slight angst and mcallister being the fanboy we all love.
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989
Either the coffee got better or Rooster was really sleep deprived these past days. He sips it slowly, focusing on the outside and seeing the snowstorm only intensify, “No flying today,it seems.”
“No, no flying.” Maverick says, sipping his own coffee, ‘It’s been like that the entire night.”
“It’ll pass.” Rooster says suddenly, following some of the lighter flakes that stuck to the windows, he could almost see it’s design if he squinted, “We’ll be ready to do it by tomorrow…at least that means they won’t act on anything.” he doesn’t seem worried, which is really good in Maverick’s eyes, like he said before, he needed the rest to have a clear head.
“I agree…now,” he sets his mug aside, ‘Tell me about this dream of yours.”
“What about it?”
“You did ask about Beatrice, so…”
Rooster takes another sip of his coffee, relishing the warmth that spreads through his body. He looks at Maverick, trying to figure out a good way to explain what he felt during that.
"Well, it was a dream," Rooster starts, his voice thoughtful and one of his hands holding his head up. "It felt so real, like I was actually there. I was falling, and then I was saved by this mysterious woman.” Maverick arches his brow “She had short hair and was wearing a flight suit, just like us. She seemed familiar, but I couldn't place her."
Maverick leans back in his chair, listening intently. "And Bea was there too, right?"
Rooster nods, a wistful smile on his face. "Yes, Bea was there. It was such a relief to see her, to know she was safe. But then I woke up, and she wasn't there anymore. And… here we are.”
Maverick observes Rooster's expression, sensing the mix of emotions within him. "Was it…your mother? She had short hair.”
“No,no I dreamt with my mom before.” he says softly, “She had, her hair was a bit wavy? A little bit from what I could see it.Her face was just blurred but I could hear her laughing. It sounded like Bea’s a little bit.” he smiles softly, huffing out a laugh, “Maybe it’s my conscience.”
“The woman?”
“Bea.” he whispers, “Bea is my conscience…the woman,I don’t know, maybe she was there to help me wake up. But besides that, I have nothing.” he runs his thumb over the mug’s rim, following the movement with his eyes, ‘...Bea once told me dreams can have meanings…” his uncle doesn’t seem weirded out, in fact he was almost expecting that from Rooster, “...she’s a fairy,I keep saying that she is.”
"Dreams can indeed hold meanings, Rooster," Maverick responds, his voice gentle. "They often reflect our subconscious thoughts, desires, and emotions. Sometimes, they can serve as a way for our minds to process and make sense of the experiences and feelings we have in our waking lives."
“That’s a lot of big words coming out of you.”
“But I’m not wrong.”
Rooster nods, absorbing Maverick's words. "You are not." he says, his voice filled with wonder. "I've always felt a strong connection with Bea, like she understands me on a deeper level. Maybe she represents more than just a person in my dreams."
Maverick smiles, his eyes filled with understanding. "Perhaps Bea symbolizes your inner voice, your conscience, as you mentioned earlier," he suggests. "She's someone who knows you well, very well and can guide you in times of uncertainty. And the mysterious woman who saved you in your dream, she could be a representation of strength and support, an embodiment of the resilience and determination you possess." he pauses, “Or…she’s just a random woman in your dream.”
Rooster ponders Maverick's interpretation, his gaze drifting towards the snowstorm outside. "So, you're saying that Bea and this woman are like my guardian angels in a way?" he asks, a spark of hope in his eyes. “...that makes sense.”
Maverick chuckles softly. "You could see it that way, Rooster," he replies. "They're there to remind you of what's important, to offer guidance and support when you need it most. And perhaps your dream was a reminder to stay focused, to keep your head in the game, as the woman in your dream mentioned." he leans on his fist, shrugging at Rooster, “You know Bea would do so if she was here.”
“If she was here she’d want to come with me.” he smiles, still rubbing his mug, his brows furrowing a bit. ‘...can I ask you something?”
Rooster licks his lower lip, then rolls his lips into his mouth before folding his arms over the table, “...this mission,when it was asked of me to lead it…do you think that–”
“You might be promoted?” Maverick ends with a smirk, “I don’t know,what do you think?”
Rooster chuckles, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "Well, yeah," he admits. "I guess that's what I'm getting at. It's a big responsibility, and I want to make sure I'm up for it."
Maverick leans forward, his expression serious. "Rooster, you've always been an exceptional pilot and leader," he says sincerely. "You have the skills, the determination, and the heart to handle any mission that comes your way. I have no doubt that you're ready for this."
Rooster meets Maverick's gaze, gratitude and uncertainty mingling in his eyes. "But what if I make a mistake?" he asks quietly. "What if I let everyone down? And…I don’t want to be good just because of that in mind."
Maverick reaches across the table and places a reassuring hand on Rooster's arm. "We all make mistakes, Rooster," he says gently. "But you've always shown resilience and a willingness to learn from your experiences. Trust in yourself, trust in your training, and trust in the support of your team."
Rooster takes a deep breath, his grip on the mug tightening slightly. "You're right," he says, laughing a bit. “Don’t think, just do."
Maverick smiles, pride evident in his expression. "That's the spirit, Rooster," he says. "Whoever taught you that was pretty smart."
“Eh,he’s alright.” he shrugs with a small smile, “What he lacks in height he makes up for in pep talk.”
“Alright,I’m five foot seven. That’s tall!’
“Mav.” he begins, “You are the same height as Bea.”
Maverick knows he’s joking but he just rolled his eyes, “Alright, alright, I won’t go on with that.”
Rooster chuckles, appreciating the lighthearted banter between them. It's moments like these that help alleviate the weight of their responsibilities ,especially his own.
"Thanks, Maverick," Rooster says sincerely. "I mean it…now…” he looks up,seeing a known pilot not too far from them, “I think McAllister wants to talk to me.” he points to where he was, which in turn makes Maverick look back to the younger pilot. He smiles awkwardly, then he waves his hand at the two, holding his mug with the other one, “Or he’s just being…him.”
“He could come over here.”
“He could,” Rooster wipes his mouth with a napkin, then pushed himself to his feet, ‘But he won’t, be right back.” he walks around the table, taps Maverick on the shoulder and makes his way over to McAllister. The pilot almost saluted him with the hand holding the mug filled with scalding coffee, but he was quick to notice it and prevent a very bad accident.
“Yes,McAllister, something the matter?”
"Sir!" McAllister  almost salutes again, nearly spilling his coffee in the process again. "I just wanted to check in and see if there are any new updates on the mission. I've been going over the flight plans and running simulations in my spare time, and I think I've come up with some innovative maneuvers that could give us an advantage."
Rooster raises an eyebrow, impressed by McAllister's dedication and eagerness. He nods appreciatively, placing his hands behind his back as he listens. "That's great, McAllister," he says, his tone encouraging. "I'm always open to new ideas and strategies. Let's find a quiet spot to discuss it. Follow me.”
McAllister's face lights up, a wide grin spreading across his features. "Thank you, sir!" he exclaims. "I've been itching to share these ideas with you. I think they could really make a difference. And-and since I’m your co-pilot I thought that…um…”
Rooster interrupts McAllister with a warm smile. "No need to be so formal, McAllister," he says, using a more relaxed tone. "We're a team. Just call me Rooster."
McAllister looks ready to cry, his voice shaky when he lets out an ‘oh my god’ and he nods enthusiastically. "Yes, sir... I mean, Rooster!" he corrects himself. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Y-You can call me Sparks if you want!" he pauses, “...bu-but if it sounds weird you can call me McAllister!”
Rooster pats McAllister on the shoulder, “I think I can call your McAllister for now.” he guides the young pilot to his office where they can have a discussion without interruptions. As they settle down at a table and he closes the door, Rooster leans forward with his eyes focused on McAllister.
"Alright, let's hear your ideas," Rooster says, his voice filled with genuine interest. "Don't hold back. I'm all ears."
“And you said your nausea is getting worse?”
Beatrice chews her lower lip as she lies on the hospital bed, her doctor finished with the ultrasound that day, “Yes. It’s..it’s been bad, I mean,worse than normal.”
‘Are you able to keep food down?”
“Most of the time,yes.” she explains, “I um…I am kinda hating apples? I think the texture is messing with me a lot. But bananas are fine. And so is yogurt…but only the natural,unsweetened kind. The sweet one gives me the heebie jeebies.”
Her doctor chuckles a bit as she writes some things down,”You can sit up,” Beatrice slowly sits up, pushing herself upwards and fixing her shirt before hopping away from the bed, following the doctor back at her desk.
"So, what's going on, doctor?" Beatrice asks, her voice slightly shaky. "Is everything okay?"
The doctor sets aside her pen and notebook, offering Beatrice a reassuring smile, interlocking her fingers together. "First of all, let me assure you that it's normal to experience some discomfort and changes in your food preferences during pregnancy, as you well know." she explains. "Nausea and food aversions are common symptoms. The important thing is to ensure you're getting the necessary nutrients for you and your babies."
Beatrice lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Okay, that's good to know. But why is the nausea getting worse? Shouldn't it be getting better by now? It stopped a few months before I had my baby girl."
The doctor nods understandingly. "While many women experience relief from morning sickness after the first trimester, some may continue to have symptoms throughout their pregnancy," she explains. "It varies from person to person. However, if it's becoming severe or if you're having difficulty keeping food down, it's important to let me know."
Beatrice's brow furrows in concern. "I haven't been throwing up that often, but the nausea has been really intense. It's been affecting my appetite and energy levels a little.”
“Are you done with the bar for now?”
“It’s my last week.” she says softly, “I um,my boss is actually,” she points to the closed door, “Outside with my friend, her niece, they came along with me.”
The doctor listens attentively, then takes a moment to process the new information and adjusts her approach accordingly. "I see," the doctor replies, her voice gentle. "It's understandable that the combination of pregnancy symptoms and your work at the bar can be challenging. It's important to prioritize your well-being and take breaks when needed."
Beatrice nods, her gaze dropping slightly. "I am taking breaks and I've been trying my best to manage, but it hasn't been easy," she admits. "I don't want to overwork myself. Hence why this is my last week. I am going to rest these next months."
The doctor smiles and nods, "That's a wise decision, Beatrice," she says. "Resting and taking care of yourself is crucial for your well-being and the health of your babies."
She pauses for a moment, considering something as she reads her notes. "Given the intensity of your nausea,” she flips the paper with her brows furrowing. “Here’s what we are going to do. You can take some vitamins to help alleviate the symptoms," the doctor continues. "I'll prescribe you a prenatal vitamin that includes essential nutrients for you and your babies. This will ensure you're getting the necessary vitamins and minerals even if your appetite is affected."
Beatrice's face lights up with gratitude. "Thank you, doctor," she says, relief evident in her voice. "That would be really helpful.I…I was nervous about getting pills or something.”
The doctor smiles warmly, still looking down at her notes, “While there are some that can be taken by pregnant people,I don’t see why you should take something like that right now.” she puts her notes aside and removes her glasses "You're doing a great job, Beatrice," she reassures her. "Taking the prenatal vitamins will help support your health and the healthy development of your babies. Additionally, make sure to stay hydrated and try eating small, frequent meals throughout the day to manage the nausea. And if you find that certain foods are more tolerable, focus on those for now."
Beatrice nods, absorbing the doctor's advice. "Okay,I will.” 
“Good,” she writes something down then rips the page, handing Beatrice a prescription slip. "Here are the prenatal vitamins I'm prescribing for you," she says, passing it to her. "Take them once a day as directed, preferably with food to help with absorption."
Beatrice takes the prescription slip and looks at it carefully. "Thank you so much, doctor," she says, adjusting herself as she stands up.  "I really appreciate your help . I-I'll make sure to follow the instructions and take these vitamins regularly!”
The doctor nods with a smile. "You're welcome, Beatrice," she replies. "If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out."
“Yes ma’am.” she smiles sweetly, letting the doctor open the door for her so she  could step out. She exhales once the door closes, looking down at the slip of paper before walking away to where Penny,Shells and Nikki were. Her daughter was happily babbling and clapping along to whatever song Penny was singing to her. 
It was Shells who noticed her first, looking past the other women who were walking by, “Babes!” she raises her hand as if Beatrice hadn’t seen them already, “How was it?”
Beatrice smiles with her head dipping, “Good.” she says as she gets close, smiling wider at Nikki when she noticed her mother’s presence. She reaches out to gently touch Nikki's hand, making her daughter giggle. "The doctor was really helpful, and she prescribed some prenatal vitamins to help with the nausea. So here’s hoping it’ll get better.” she has a bit of a hard time opening her bag to put the paper inside, “I was getting worried.”
Nicole reached for Beatrice so Penny stood to her feet and helped the brunette - with Nicole holding onto the strap for good measure- as she put it in a safe place,”Well, a twins pregnancy can be complicated.” she says, “That could explain why it’s so bad.”
“Yes, the doctor mentioned that every pregnancy is different, and carrying twins can bring its own set of challenges," she replies, her voice tinged with a mix of exhaustion and relief once she closed her bag shut, taking Nicole from Penny’s hands. "But I'm grateful that I have the support of all of you. And…thanks Penny,for being such a cool boss.”
“That’s just going to give you more points.” her boss grins, “But seriously, you are a trooper, I had a hard time with Amelia and you are still working with two babies inside of you.” she does lead the two women out of the clinic since she drove them all there, “But are you sure you can handle this week?”
“Yes.” her boss peers over at her through her lashes, “I promise.”
“Bea…I can give you the week off, there’s no problem.”
“I..I know,but I’m okay.I’m not overworking myself, you know that.” the brunette explains, walking alongside Shells to Penny’s car, “I know it’ll be fine.” she thanks Shells when she opens the back door for her, “Besides, I’ll miss all of you for six months.”
Penny and Shells enter soon after her, with her blonde friend sliding on her sunglasses and turning her body towards Beatrice’s after she latches Nicole on the seat, “Babes,” she smiles, “You are my best friend and sometimes I don’t agree with my aunt–”
Shells shifty glare was ignored by Penny, “As I was saying, we just worry because of all that nausea…what if the twins are just saying ‘hey mama no working, just play in the jacuzzi inside of you right now.” 
Beatrice chuckles at Shells' comment and leans back in the car seat, adjusting herself and making sure Nikki is securely buckled in. "I appreciate your concern, really," she says, her voice warm and genuine. "But I promise, I'll listen to my body and take breaks when I need them. And I'll be sure to prioritize rest and self-care." she holds up a hand, “Girl scout honor.”
Shells narrows her eyes, “You weren’t a girl scout.”
Beatrice smiles because that reminds her of Rooster immediately,”Rooster was.”
“W-what does Rooster have to do with that??”
Penny starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot, joining the flow of traffic as she rolls her eyes with a smile listening to the bickering between the two. She glances at Beatrice through the rearview mirror. "Alright, kids, calm down. Shells, sit back down your ass is almost out of the window.”
“Ass!” Nicole giggles, kicking her legs, “Ass!”
“Nikki!No, bad word.” Beatrice looks at the two women who just stare in pure surprise, “...I..she’ll get better! It’s just fun for her…r–right now.” and she tries to change the subject quickly, “By the way,Penny, did um those suit guys give you any trouble again?”
“No but I know they’ve been wanting to. Did you see their bar?”
“Looks like a bunch of old white dudes who built it.” Shells mutters, propping her legs on the front panel, “Looks terrible. You know they have no chance, Aunt Penny, you have been there longer.”
“I know.” Penny says as she turns the street, “But they don’t care. Ever since they offered Bea a job I’ve been keeping my eyes on them and I know they are trying to find spies to send to the bar.” she ignores Shells’ comment of ‘what is this? the Cold War?’ “I know,for a fact, they’ll try something, it’s obvious. And no,” she holds up a finger, glaring at Shells, “We won’t hit them up, we won’t cause any damage.”
Her niece huffs then crosses her arms, “Fine,but if they try something,especially with you,I’ll be pissed.”
“I don’t think they’ll go that far.” Bea whispers, “...will they?”
Penny frowns, taking a while to reply, then she inhales, “...No, I don’t think so. Now, let’s get some ice cream and forget about it. Deal?”
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lacrimosathedark · 3 months
Fuck it. I drew Hellaverse ocs for each "species". Might as well share em.
Standard Imp to start.
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The horns are supposed to look kinda funny. The thicker stripes are splotchy cuz they're painted to be thicker, since females have thin stripes and males have thick stripes. Gender-affirming cosmetics. Nonbinary, so one of each!
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Dalmatian because I was obsessed with dalmatians as a kid. Also very covered in spots lol. Outfit is very basic, basically Rantaro Amami.
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tbh very Conner Kent inspired because Conner gives me gender envy. That arm band is supposed to have the ace flag on it. I imagine the back of the jacket has stupid stitched print that's like "can't touch this" or something dumb like that lol. Collar bone piercings too cuz I used to think those were really cool for some reason. Top surgery scars because FUCK YEAH
"Loan Shark", or those sharky demons from Greed
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I just threw shit at the wall on this one honestly. I love bone motifs but all the sharks have weird body types and it took forever to decide on a shape let alone an outfit that didn't look like a goth hipster. I love the braid though. When I was little my mom always braided my hair before I went swimming so it wouldn't tangle. And it looks like a fishy tail!
"Baphomet", or those goaty fiery Sloth demons
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The only really fem one and also fucking gothic lolita because I'm a sucker for that shit, but the idea literally came from they have candle heads -> Litwick looks like emo hair.
They also look vaguely librarian-y don't they?
"Possessor", or those fishy demons from Envy like Glitz and Glam
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I thought the "fishnet" thing was funny, sue me. Gave very shy vibes to me for some reason so...yeah
"Goetia", or whatever the fuck bird demons
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Finally, Sinner
I didn't realize until after I drew it that it was basically the same concept as Husk (winged cat with heart motif). Oh well, Husk is my favorite after Lucifer so maybe it was subconscious.
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They're a cheetah, for a lot of reasons. One, another animal I was obsessed with as a kid. They are also a big cat with a lot of domestic cat traits. They can't roar. They chirp. And they can purr. They are shy and quick to flee, known most for their speed. But they are also a wildcat so they could just as easily rip your throat out as run away. This dichotomy feels unpredictable and chaotic which, me.
The spots fit me in part because I'm covered in spots--acne scars, unhealed bug bites, benign moles, all over. I scar real easy. And their natural tear track marks felt fitting because, well, I'm kind of a crybaby. And it's actually the meaning of my username. Lacrimosa means weeping or tearful.
The wings are another avenue to flee, which is really the focus of the design, but it's also thin and bony because I like bone motifs and I thought it would suit them to look weaker.
The outfit is really I just like really big hoodies and I've found when I wear my most comfy shorts, it looks like I'm just wearing a hoodie. So they are wearing pants, the hoodie is just super big with fun floppy sleeves.
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peapod20001 · 10 months
Taking a moment out of my study time to share some ways to help u feel more comfortable an confident when drawing characters :>
1. Try drawing characters from memory: no one wants to draw a character wrong, but sometimes you gotta see what parts of their design really stick with you and which ones kinda fade away. When u always check a reference you may subconsciously just redo the same thing over and over, and that can make every drawing just seem like a copy paste of the original. I promise no one is going to kill you for forgetting a detail or 10 lol so just wing it every once in a while
2. Try drawing at a different size than what you normally do: something I found can help is drawing either bigger or smaller than your normal drawing size. Having to compress or enlarge proportions can actually be very enlightening as to how you draw specific things (when I draw smaller I tend to make facial features bigger, and I do the opposite when I draw bigger). You may even find that you actually LIKE drawing at a different size, so it’s good to try at least once lol
3. Purposely make characters with traits or body types you need practice drawing: speaking from experience here when I say that nothing makes you wanna better yourself more than a guy you love but can’t draw lmfao. This also goes for things you don’t even necessarily LIKE drawing. Give characters what some deem as “ugly” features, it’s actually the best thing ever and I love it and I will fight someone over it (crooked teeth and overbites and big ears and fat all over and body hair and fucked up hairlines I am kissing it all with my mouth)
4. Draw existing characters/others characters: am I telling you to make fanart? Yes. Draw that character from your childhood cartoon, draw the dude from the comic you like, draw that pretty handsome lady oc you saw cross your dash. Even if you end up not sharing it, the practice with drawing something NOT from your own brain actually helps quite a lot with figuring things out that ARE in your brain
5. Just get fucky with it: ok so pretty much, just go ham. Draw fast and loose, draw rigid and dark. Try different line weights, make em scratchy, make em clean. Just try every possible thing you can (maybe not all at once, or do. That’s fun too LMAO) and hold nothing back. Try something you have NO practice in at all just to see how it goes. Try to add shading, try making everything flat, try adding color, try adding different filters. Worst case scenario you don’t like how it looks, best case scenario you LOVE it. I know this point is kinda vague or whatever, but really doing just whatever without rules is so fun! I didn’t like making digital color things until I fucked around and did smth I liked, and now I color things a lot more. Really truly, just try things!!
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
Sorry to bombard you with asks but I just had an epipany that your drawings of Miyuki (and honestly Dava as well) remind me of Charlotte from the 1973 Charlotte's web movie. I just got a tiktok of a clip from the movie and that thought just got into my head lol
That version of Charlotte was one of my first cartoon hyperfixations! I thought she was so pretty. As an adult I realize she looks more like a fuzzy ant than a spider, but I still think she's neat.
Maybe subconsciously Charlotte creeps into my drawings of Miyuki and Dava. Neither really resemble Charlotte personality wise.
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Both Miyuki and Dava were formidable soldiers before they were tallests. Both were successful and ruthless conquerors.
Miyuki was famous for her charm and social grace. She maintained a high-class persona even towards the rend of her reign when she really started to get power drunk.
Dava was the opposite. Much of her history is watered down to mentioning little other than her 3 successful births, but she was a mighty tallest in her own right. Dava had once aspired to be a frylord, but was measured tallest before completing her culinary ops training. She spent many stressful battles fighting on Irks surface in between shifts cooking in the mess hall. She worked and fought alongside the tiniest drones. She kept her hive's army fed. She stayed very grounded even after she was measured because of that.
Fellow tallests considered Dava to be "trashy" and disgraceful. Dava made little effort to learn or practice tallest etiquette. She usually showed to formal events in functional armor and war paint. She engaged in conversation with shorter drones, especially scientists, doctors and techs, much more often and openly than other tallests. She made her demands heard. Naturally this is covered very little in holo training texts.
The one oc I have that strongly resembles Charlotte's design is Dow, the Colossus's adopted coddle drone.
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Long post is long already, but I must include this, because it was a perfect excuse to use this dialogue. I love the book/ movie, but I think the story of Charlotte's Web may be a little more distressing to Irkens.
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Ms. Bitters "Zim! You're up. Present to the class your oral report on...oooh."
Dib "Ow!! Damn it, Zim!"
Ms. Bitters "Dib, don't curse. Zim! Don't throw the books. There's nothing in the budget to replace them. The board used it all on new baseball uniforms."
Zim "What was the point of that stupid book?!!"
Ms. Bitters "It's YOUR oral report, Zim. You tell me and I'll tell you if you're right or wrong according to the curriculum."
Zim "Charlotte DIES ALONE in a fairground? She sacrifices all of her time, energy, silk and health and she doesn't even live to see her smee-er- babies leave to spin their own webs?! Why?! To save a stupid pig?! The humans are just going to eat him next Christmas, Charlotte, you shmizz!!
Do we really need reminders that life is short and death is inevitable?!
That our efforts will have little impact on the universe?! That our hard work will most likely go unrewarded?! DO WE?!
Rot, E.B. White!! If you're going to make shit up, make it uplifting! Come on!!
Zita "But the book also reminds us that the friendships we make along the way make life worth living and the acts of kindness we do for each other gives us hope that the future may be a little brighter for future generations-"
Zim "You rot too, ZI-TA! You WOULD side with that dumb pig!! Typical!!"
Zita "Ms. Bitters!!"
Ms. Bitters. "ZIM, as much as I agree with your assessment, Zita's fits closer to the curriculum. You get a D. Sit down and be quiet for the rest of the day."
Zim "Sure! Who cares?! Earth fiction is STUPID! I'm never reading fictional earth literature EVER AGAIN!"
Ms. Bitters *sigh*
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wulvert · 1 year
Um so I've been a fan of ur comics for a long time now, and I'm just a little curious- where did the character red appear from in your mind? What is his character based off of and what is the inspiration behind his whole design, look, and personality? He's #1 on my character tier list so idk lol
Hii! thank u so much im glad u like them.. so ive had red in different forms since i was like 16 maybe so I don't entirely remember- but from what i do remember me and a friend were like we should make collab ocs like where theyre both in the same universe..... and red was one of them but he was nothing like red currently like the idea was he was a superhero who was completely lying about having superpowers and was just rly good at looking cool. I used to really like spiderman comics so i think that was like. a mysterio kind of thing. i think. idk ripping off for sure. and he was really annoying and then it was like ok hes more a villian type character with the same idea, then like kinda the same but more tired and then i mushed him in the same universe as tex and then changed him to be a chronically in pain exhuasted guy who just wants a bubble bath. I think it ofsetts tex better, - so I changed his design from kind of. dare i say tumblr sexyman to like guy who is just trying not to be obliterated by the murdersun- he used to have little knee patches which were probably subconsciously inspired by a character from a cbbc kids sitcom called bear behaving badly who had patches on his elbows but i removed them from all the pages they were in like a week after starting the comic because i kept forgetting to draw them.
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i dont know why thats so in my mind but it is.
im so sorry my explanations are so bad, I need to write things down about characters while i make them so i can answer better! but ive had him for like no it has to be from before i was 16. maybe 15, 16 feels too recent like he has 2 be at least 4 yrs old...tex surely...
anyway sorry that was terrible, thank you for liking him so much I wish i could give u a better design history
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justassorted · 1 year
Meta character design (( here too ))
Oooh okay let’s see.
Mirian was originally a bug alien type creature who was an NPC for an adventure I was running on an rp forum! So when I switched to designing her as a human, I made the potentially misguided attempt to try to keep her overall value scheme and a few other design hints? I.e. very pale eyes and somewhat darker skin, and big old glasses in place of the v. big mirrored eyes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
On the plus side, it has at least shaped her human backstory in interesting ways! Even if I somewhat regret the ocular albinism thing — it feels like a cop out to conveniently have her on the very upper end of good vision among people with albinism, there are enough misconceptions about albinism as it is. :’D I’ve been waffling about retconning it for years now.
Other than that it was all vibes based. I asked my brain “somewhat unhinged lesbian scientist?” and it went “Short. Short is good,” and here we are. xD
I already had purple and grey associated with rock creatures in my brain (my other OC Brian), so that was probably part of his overall color scheme. Goliath (?) from Gargoyles was probably haunting my subconscious, too, even though I’ve never watched more than an episode or two of the show. xD
But mostly, I was on a crest of my eternal “bat wings are versatile limbs! They grab things! And climb! And walk with them! And it’s neat!!” kick. So then I was having fun thinking about prehensile limbs in general, and gave him prehensile feet — because hey, wings, maybe they can hunt like raptors?
I also had Medusa on the brain — not literally, I don’t know much about the actual myth, but just… general petrification and turning things to stone thoughts. Thus the stinger (paralysis).
As for his human design, for whatever reason that’s… just what felt right the first time I started trying to sketch him and make picrews, hah. No thoughts head empty!
So this isn’t strictly visual design, but there were two things on my brain when I was first designing Oscar, and those were:
1) Duck Newton from TAZ Amnesty’s abysmal lying
2) Maurice from Disney’s animated Beauty and the Beast
Which. Mostly just informed his general flustered and blustery speech patterns in my head, hah. xD And idk how well that will be preserved in writing moving forward. As for his appearance… once again, it kind of just formed? Not a whole lot of conscious decision making.
The achondroplasia was very intentional, though. He was originally a D&D character, and I imagined him visually how I imagined him, but I also very much imagined him with a human attitude and cultural background. Plus I wanted the variant human stats for backstory & class building reasons. So… even in fantasy settings, he is definitely not a dwarf. :)
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honeybyte · 2 years
3, 4, 6, 14, 17?
thank you!
3. What ideas come from when you were little?
giving my ocs a twist or powers. i think i was 5? when i had a fox girl, and then around 10 i got super attached to an assassin i designed that was really just a lot of ink blocking bc i thought it looked cool (and it meant i didnt need to know anatomy dsnjdsnjs)
4. Fave character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Odelia in full dress, or Kennyo von ikesen if i'm having a rough day wheeze
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously
i'm not entirely sure but i think maybe K Project. i'm not hyperfixated on it like i was when it was first coming out but i always liked the different relationships explored in the manga, and the saturation of the colors from the anime slips into my art sometimes
14. Any favorite motifs
flower language and eyes are my big ones. w some luck ill lean into bugs in the future too
17. Do you eat/drink anything when drawing? if so, what?
oh ALWAYS eating, ill take anything in a bag or box and just go to work, chow that shit down completely by the end of the piece. sometimes i do tea or coffee to get me going too
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dearheartwitcher · 2 years
all of the questions for the art ask meme! :)
ouhh!! under the cut for u! <33
1. Art programs you have but don't use
loll i bought clip studio on sale but i havent drawn anything in it because i cant find a good dupe of my sai brush
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
hmm i guess left!
3. What ideas come from when you were little
lol every time i draw self insert im just feeding my inner 12 year old
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
rosiers moth form.......... i love him sooo much but i need to try redesigning that form... also im trying SO hard to learn how to draw bloodhound but they have so many fucking Pieces to their design😭
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
i would say i post a good majority of the art i make!! ive gotten worse at it in recent years, mostly because i keep wanting to save things to post at "peak hours" or whatever but i always forget lmfao. i dont usually keep things to myself intentionally
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
art that my friends make always inspires me the more i see from them! mostly in little ways that only i really notice lol
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
traditional painting is sooo nice... i especially love gouache... i like when traditional painters dont blend their work and use a ton of different colors as well. also people who draw traditionally and put stickers all over their work, i think that's phenomenal
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
oh god so many lol. one that comes to mind is i was going to make a little animatic with a tiktok sound of my dnd party but uh. one character died and the other two belong to people im no longer friends with due to two separate falling outs 😬
9. What are your file name conventions
i usually name them based on whats happening in the drawing! or just the character's name, if ive only drawn them once. i also have all my art sorted into folders by subject matter (commissions, dnd, ocs, etc) and by date
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
hmmm.... probably long sleeve tshirts/sweaters.... regular jeans can be fun too
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
ohh lots of things. i have a drawing playlist on youtube thats got a couple hundred videos on it, i also have a ton of spotify playlists. i either listen to something that fits the vibe of what im drawing, or something that will motivate me to stay in the zone lol
12. Easiest part of body to draw
boobs. sorry eyes <3
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
i cant think of one!!
14. Any favorite motifs
eyes and hearts maybe 🤔
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
usually just in my room! one of the best parts of having a laptop tbh is that i can just draw digitally in my room instead of using the computer in the living room
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
hmm. thats hard to say! maybe designing characters? i like to think that im pretty alright at making diverse characters, and i do enjoy it when they’re finished, but it takes soooo much of my brain power to do it lol. i love having little guys that i made but its so hard to make little guys!
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
not really tbh KJSHDF i tend to uh forget to eat or drink for long periods when im in The Zone.....dont be like me. have some orange slices
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
NONE haha digital 4life. i dont use screen tablets so my tablets last foreeeeever.
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
fried eggs :)
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
hmmm i cant think of anything. i Can shade black, which my bf struggles with, but its not something i need to do often lol
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i love hyper-stylized art and lineless super colorful art!! theres probably more, thats just off the top of my head
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none 😬 i rawdog it... i do some wrist stretches afterward most times tho
23. Do you use different layer modes
a little bit! mostly overlay + multiply on low opacity. i put them over a finished drawing to make the colors more cohesive!
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
steven universe omg. like MAYBE back in 2015 or something it contributed to the way i use shapes a little bit but??? like i love the show, ive made fanart n shit! it just didnt contribute to my art style and i used to get that comparison A Lot
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i cant think of one! i dont really do conceptual stuff so theres not usually a ton of room for misinterpretation
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
sometimes i do! my go-to doodles are fried eggs and little cartoony heads, but a warm up for me can even be a fully lined drawing lol
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i participate in art fight every year!! ive been playing since 2018 :)
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
i think all media i love inspires me artistically!! even if it doesnt contribute to my art or anything, anything i love i spend a lot of time thinking about
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
um most of them imo AKLJSDHFSJ but thats the price of doing mostly oc art lol... people simply will not see your stuff
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bbeelzemon · 4 years
my entire childhood, my older brothers kept telling me to shut up about my interests, so i learned to stop talking about them to other people, and now that we’re all adults, my middle brother now decides he wants to infodump his current obsessions at me for 20 minutes straight every few hours, as if he wouldnt have told me to stop it if i were to do the same thing to him when i was younger
#if i was a pettier person i would do that. but i am mostly too nice#juuuust petty enough to think about it but not petty enough to not feel about about thinking about it LOL#my youngest older brother used to tell me frequently 'i dont like pokemon because you always talk about it so much'#so that uh kinda stuck with me#i think thats why im so obnoxious online. its my outlet from having to be Very Normal Human in real life FSDGHSJD#and im mad because i cant even do what he does back to him NOW either!!#if i watch fucking ANYTHING and he sees it. hes like. oh youre watching RANGO? oh youre watching DANNY PHANTOM?#with this air of 'why are you watching this - its shit'#i dont even know if thats what he means to imply when he says it like that but thats how it comes across!#i dont care if the things i watch are shit - im watchin them cuz i wanna watch em!#sometimes things can be nostalgic and interesting!#but saying things like that guarantees i will never want to discuss it with you!#maybe thats his subconscious overarching plan eh? make me not want to infodump to him? its possible#pppbbth its just annoying#i have to sit here and listen to him talk about some mobile card game hes been spite playing#and i Have To Listen because i KNOW how it feels to be told to shut up for infodumping#and i dont want him to feel BAD about it i just wish i couldve done that when i was younger without getting told off#or even if i could do it NOW#sometimes ill tell him about my ocs but thats ONLY because he's explicitly told me he thinks some of them (SOME of them) have cool designs#i cant talk to him about things HE doesnt care about#and so i overcompensate here and shove my hyperfixations in all yalls faces instead LMAO
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Hotel California - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Based off of This ask and Hotel California by Eagles
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Slight Humor
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Yes, all 8 of them)
Words: 13,318
Warnings: One stabbing mention. Seonghwa gets a little handsy at one point. The boys are very horny for the OC. I make too many direct references to the song and its lyrics, don’t at me please. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: You know, I never expect a simple Drabble to turn into this beast right here, but I'm happy with the way it turned out. Not gonna lie, this fic is a bit self-indulgent at certain parts, but what fic isn’t? Lmaoo anyways, I do not believe Ateez would ever act like this. This is just my interpretation of this particular Drabble request and the yandere archetype. I really hope you all like this one; feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~ (Seriously though guys, please don’t let this flop haha)
Extra: The whole time I was writing this, I had a chubby!reader in mind, but I don’t explicitly describe anything that would indicate that so I don’t feel right tagging it as such. Just know it’s heavily implied, but anyone can read this!!
Mini Masterlist
Driving down the dark desert highway, cool wind whips through your hair. The sun has slowly been setting, its last few rays of light drifting over the land and casting shadows in their wake.
You've been on the road all day, having had the urge to take a spontaneous road trip by yourself. Work has been really hectic lately, so since you have the next three days off, you decided to use them to your advantage.
The only problem is, the last sign of civilization you passed was forty minutes down the road, and you're not quite sure when the next hotel, or even a place to stop for the evening might pop up. Luckily, within the next five minutes, it seems as if your thoughts have been answered, for a hotel appears in the distance.
Pulling into the parking lot, you eye the place skeptically. For a building right smack in the middle of the desert, it sure doesn't look like one. The bright stone walls practically shine beneath the light of the now risen full moon, the place looking more like a resort than anything. Hopefully it's not too expensive then.
Cutting the engine after rolling up the windows, you let out a long breath through your nose. Slowly, you step out of the car, rolling your neck all the while. Standing only makes you realize just how stiff your entire body is, stretching your arms and back out slightly before you slam the car door shut.
Oddly enough, there are no other cars in the parking lot, save for your own. Your brow furrows slightly as you make your way towards the front entrance. Though, you suppose it makes sense. You are in the middle of the desert.
Pushing open the door, you immediately feel the affects of the air conditioned lobby, your shoulders subconsciously relaxing as you step inside. Your eyes skim the name of the hotel as you enter- HALA HALA- it's modern design seeming to fit it well.
Walking up to the reception desk, you notice that no one seems to be in sight. Perhaps you missed someone on your way in, so you opt to turn around, giving the lobby a quick sweep with your eyes. Still, you fail to see anybody, so you turn back around. Maybe there’s a bell you can ring or something.
Your whole body jumps as you see a man now standing behind the counter, seemingly having appeared from nowhere. His split dyed black and blond hair is slicked back and a smile rests on his features.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He says. "My name is Hongjoong, and I'm the manager of this hotel here. How may we be of service?"
You blink, needing a moment to collect your thoughts before you're able to remember the reason why you're here. 
"Oh, right." You chuckle, somewhat awkwardly. "How much is a single room for the weekend? Two nights in particular?"
"Hmm, let's see," Hongjoong hums, typing something into the computer in front of him. His eyes scan the screen, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "You're in luck. We're having a special this weekend only on our single rooms. Two nights for the price of one."
Your jaw nearly drops at the amount he tells you. "Seriously?"
"Of course." He smiles.
"Great." You say, shock still clear on your face at the outrageously low amount he's quoted you. "I'll take it."
"Perfect." Hongjoong purrs out, eyes becoming hooded as he gives you a quick once over.
Again, you blink, and as soon as you do, his expression is back to being chipper once more. Without another thought, you're reaching into your purse to pull out your credit card, handing it over to Hongjoong in the next moment.
It only takes him a few minutes to ring you up, handing you your card back in the next moment.
"If you have any bags, Wooyoung will be more than happy to help you with them." Hongjoong smiles at you yet again, to which you return.
Thanking him with a nod of your head, you take the keycard he hands you. A shiver runs down his spine as his fingers graze yours, but luckily, you do not seem to notice. 
In the next moment, you go to turn around, coming face to face with yet another man who seemingly appears from thin air.
"Need any help with your bags?" The new male asks, completely oblivious to the startle he just gave you.
"Oh, uh," you stammer out a reply, eyes drifting to another man who now sits on one of the front couches reading a newspaper. You swear he snorts out a laugh at the scene that's just played out before him. Weird, you could have sworn there was no one else in the lobby before. "I think I'm okay, but thanks for the offer."
"Really, it's no problem at all." He insists, already following you out of the front doors and back to your car.
"No, really," you huff out a faint laugh, reaching into the front seat to grab your backpack. "I only have the one."
What you fail to see as you lean into your car, is the way Wooyoung eyes you up and down. Licking his lips, his gaze settles on your ass, thoughts already running wild with what he wants to do with you. Finally, you’re here.
Blinking to clear his thoughts as you pull yourself back out of your car, he grins. Before you can protest, he's slipping your backpack out of your hand and slinging it over his shoulder.
"After you." Wooyoung's eyes shine as he watches disbelief paint your features, followed slowly by acceptance.
Pride fills his chest as you begin to lead him back into the hotel and to your assigned room for the weekend. He can feel Yunho's eyes piercing into his back as he walks past with you in front, the jealousy clear as day within the older male's gaze. The sound of paper rustling from behind him has a smirk pulling on Wooyoung's lips.
Reaching your room, you go to unlock the door.
A gasp escapes your lips as you step through the threshold, and Wooyoung knows that he's going to have to share with his brothers later the memory of that beautiful awestruck expression painting your face. Only, in the next second, worry takes its place.
"I don't think your boss gave me the key to the right room." You say, eyes taking in the grandiose space. "This looks like the Presidential Suite."
"It is." Wooyoung hums, placing your backpack carefully onto the chair beside him once he fully steps into the room.
"This can't be right." You shake your head, moving to rush past him and back into the hall.
"You asked for the single room, didn't you?" He quirks a brow, stepping in front of you to block your path.
"I did, but-"
"Then this is the right room." He assures you. "It is what you payed for."
"I don't think it is," you say, sidestepping him and moving into the hallway.
You manage to make it all the way back to the lobby in no time, walking straight up to the reception desk to see if you can catch Hongjoong once more. Unfortunately, he doesn't appear to be anywhere in sight, nor does that man from earlier that had been sitting and reading the newspaper on the couch. Wooyoung has up and disappeared on you, too. You sigh.
"How may I help you?"
"Holy-" you startle, spinning around to see another unfamiliar man now standing behind the reception desk. Yet again, it's like he’s appeared out of thin air. You clear your throat. "Uh, is Hongjoong around? I need to speak with him."
"He's busy at the moment, unfortunately." The man smiles kindly at you. "I'm Seonghwa, the assistant manager. I'm more than happy to help if there's something wrong. What seems to be the problem?"
"Oh, uh, there's no problem, really," you clarify, a nervous pull to your lips. "I just think Hongjoong gave me the key to the wrong room."
"Did he?" Seonghwa hums, somewhat amusedly. He doesn't blame Hongjoong one bit. The poor male was probably too distracted by your beauty, and the fact that he was finally seeing you in person for the first time. "Let me check for you."
"Thanks, I really appreciate it." You smile, handing the key card to him over the counter. This time, it’s Seonghwa who shivers as his fingers brush your own. ”I think he accidentally gave me the card to the Presidential Suite or something."
Swiping the card through the reader, Seonghwa types a few things on the keyboard. A few moments later, he's placing the keycard back in front of you on the counter.
"No, everything's right on our end. That's the correct key." He informs you.
Your eyes widen, lips parting as clear disbelief takes over your features. "You're sure?”
"Positive." Seonghwa smiles, purposely sliding the card closer to you. "Our policy here is to always put our guests' pleasure above anything else. So really, your reaction to the room is the highest compliment you could give us."
"I- uh-" you blink, taken aback by his words. "Sure?" You don't quite know how to respond, but you take the keycard back, nonetheless. "Thanks."
"Of course." Seonghwa straightens the front of his blazer out, a sly grin tugging at his lips. "I live to serve."
Though he fails to add a key word to the end of his sentence. Most certainly does he live to serve, to please. Most importantly, though, he lives to serve and please you.
“Okay…" Brushing off his words, you turn back around, shooting him a subtle side eyed look at his last comment once he can no longer see your face. 
Heading back to your room, you shake your head, muttering about how odd this place is. First, it's literally in the middle of nowhere. Secondly, the exterior and interior looks brand new, much too pristine for the likes of the desert. Third, you've barely seen another occupant in this hotel besides the staff and that one guy from earlier. Fourth, a single room means the equivalent of a Presidential Suite. And finally, the prices are apparently dirt cheap.
Seriously, just what is going on here?
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts once more, you reenter your room. Well, if you’ve technically payed for it, you might as well enjoy it.
Ten minutes later and you finally figure out how the jacuzzi tub works, allowing your body to sink into the frothing bubbles. The scent of lilac and honey drifts through the air, the complimentary soaps feeling fancier than anything you've ever experienced in your life.
Soaking in the tub for a bit, you allow yourself to relax, basking in the way the water seemingly eases the tension from your body. The only thing that could make this better would be a glass of wine, and maybe a massage, but that can wait for another time.
You close your eyes, letting your head fall back against the headrest as a content sigh leaves your lips. You haven't felt this relaxed in a long time.
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of lustful eyes watches from the shadows. More than anything, wanting desperately to join you. To truly help you relax, in any and every way you desire.
Once you're done, you're quick to dry off, changing into a fresh pair of clothes. Smiling at your reflection in the mirror, you wink at yourself, blowing a kiss in the next moment. You need to start appreciating yourself more. Besides, you look damn good, if you do say so yourself!
Immediately, a thud sounds from behind you, making your heart skip a beat in your chest. Whipping around, your eyes scan the bathroom, searching for anything that could have made that loud noise. Nothing seems out of place, so it doesn’t look like anything could have fallen.
Odd. If you didn't know any better, it almost sounded like someone ran into something, or even stubbed their toe.
You frown, shaking your head. You've had a long drive, and an even longer day. You're probably just imagining things. Besides, you could really use that drink now.
Making your way back towards the lobby, you wander aimlessly, not really sure where to go. You're sure this hotel has a bar somewhere, you're just not sure which direction it would be in. Luckily for you, a plaque that you hadn't noticed before on the wall points you in the direction that you're looking for.
Stepping into the bar area, once again you're taken aback by how empty the place is. Well, empty except for the lone man standing behind the counter wiping at a glass with a cloth in his hand.
Walking up to the counter, you sit down at one of the stools, returning the kind smile the bartender sends your way.
"What can I get for you, pretty one?" The man asks, placing the glass onto the counter in front of himself.
You look down at the pristine wood beneath your hands as a warmth blooms on your cheeks. "Surprise me."
The man takes a moment to observe you carefully, his lips twitching upwards at the corners from seeing the affect his words have on you.
"I know just the thing," he replies, already moving to grab all of the ingredients he'll need to make you a drink. Two minute later and he pushes the now full glass towards you. "Et voila."
"Wow," grabbing the glass with a wonder filled expression, you take a sip. "This is my favourite drink. You must be a mind reader!"
You fail to see the way his brow quirks ever so slightly at your words, his smile turning nervous in the blink of an eye. Just as quickly as the expression appears, it's gone.
"So, what has you here on a Friday night?" He leans against the counter, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows as he rests his forearms on the edge of the wood. "Lover got you down?"
Your eyes widen, and you're quick to shake your head. "Oh, no. Definitely not."
"Huh," he has to hide the pleased smirk that threatens to pull onto his lips as he confirms what he and his brothers have only hoped. This makes things so much easier. "That's hard to believe, given a pretty one like you."
For the second time this evening, pride swells in his chest at seeing the affect his words have on you.
"Thank you," you mutter, not quite used to men being this bold with you upfront. "You're very kind, uh-"
"Mingi." He replies. “Please. Call me Mingi."
"Well, Mingi," the way you say his name has a pleasant shiver running down his spine. "You're sweet."
The smile that radiates from him nearly knocks the breath out of you.
"Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you," he says, and his eyes flash. "Anything at all."
"Yeah, actually," you nod a few times, looking around the room as if you’re afraid of being overheard. "Be honest," you lean in slightly and he can feel his heart beginning to race in his chest, "is the room service here good?"
"Uh," his brain malfunctions as his eyes glance down to your lips, a completely different form of room service other than what you probably intend flitting through his mind. One which he and his brothers would be more than happy to provide for you. 
He swallows the sudden dryness in his throat. Thank fuck you don't seem to notice.
"You know, since you probably have an in with the cooks cause you're the bartender, and all." Your voice manages to pull him back to reality, and out of his all too vivid thoughts of what kind of room service he could provide for you. "Anything you would recommend? I'm starving."
"Oh, if you're hungry, why didn't you just say so?" He chuckles. "I'll order something for you, and have them bring it over to you here."
"That'd be great, thanks!" You reply happily, taking another sip of your drink. "I don't have any food allergies, by the way. Well, except for lactose, but it's more of an irritant than anything. No heavy creams or full glasses of milk."
Mingi blinks at you, and your mouth parts, a heat once again rising up your neck and all the way up your face. You can't believe you just said all that. To a stranger, no less. 
A smile spreads across his lips, "got it. Thanks for letting me know."
Of course, they all know everything about you. Well, not everything. Yet. Still, it means so much to him how open you already are with him. Mingi knew you'd be perfect for him, for all of them. This just proves it even more.
Heading over to the tablet that he's left at the end of the bar to place an order for you, Mingi's heart warms. Already, he and some of his brothers have been able to show you how well they can take care of you, how well they can provide for you. All so that you will become theirs. And you will be, all in due time. After all, once they have you in their sights, you’ll never be able to leave them again.
"Lucifer Morningstar!" Mingi curses as he rounds the corner of the counter, the thud echoing in your ears as his knee makes contact with the side of the bar.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Your eyes widen, watching as he hunches over, hands placed over his one knee as he balances on his opposite foot.
You fail to see the way his eyes flash for the briefest of moments at your own exclamation.
"Yeah," he lets out a breath, easing into one of the barstools beside him. "I'll be fine."
"Ouch," you wince, thinking of how hard he must have banged his knee to have exclaimed that loudly. Speaking of, his words echo through your head, and you cannot contain the laugh that escapes you. When you see him turn his attention from the tablet to look at you, you wave a hand apologetically in the air in front of you. "Sorry, I've just never heard anyone use that exclamation before. Usually, they swear, or say ‘Jesus Christ’, or something like that."
It's low, but you swear you hear a growl reverberate throughout the room.
"Oh," Mingi laughs awkwardly, a nervousness to his demeanour all of a sudden. "Yeah, it's just something my brothers and I always say instead of your typical exclamations."
"Huh," you nod, turning back to the drink still held in your hands. "Interesting."
Not even ten minutes later, another man is entering the bar area with a plate of steaming food in his hands. Jealousy flares within him as he sees you conversing so casually with his brother, a soft smile he's only ever dreamed about being directed towards him resting on your face.
You hardly notice the new presence in the room, but Mingi does, causing a smirk to subtly pull at his features. You're simply too busy conversing with him at the moment. That is, until movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention.
"One freshly cooked meal for the lovely lady," the man says with a flirty smile as he places the plate of steaming food in front of you.
Thanking him politely, you're quick to turn back to Mingi once more. The men at this hotel certainly are something else.
"Okay, have we met before?" Your eyes narrow teasingly at the bartender who sits a few seats away from you. "Twice now you've made my favourite things."
"Hey now," the other man chimes in, a teasing lilt to his voice. "I was the one who cooked it. He didn't make squat."
He continues to stare at you, almost expectantly now, and you're quick to avert your gaze. Turning back to your food, you grab the fork that's been provided, and take a bite.
"Holy shit." You say once you've swallowed the food in your mouth. "This is incredible."
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Lovely." The man replies, eyes shining with a certain fondness as he watches you eat what he’s prepared for you.
"Seriously, this is best dish of this that I’ve ever had," you say, placing another forkful into your mouth.
He chuckles, loving the way your praise has Mingi glaring dagger at him. Serves him right.
"Oh, where are my manners?" He tuts at himself. "My name is San, and I am very pleased to meet you."
Suddenly, your hand is in his, and he's bringing his lips down to place a gentle kiss onto your skin. Tingles erupt throughout his own body wherever he makes contact with yours, and he has to stop the rumble of contentment that builds within his chest from escaping.
Again, you're taken aback by his boldness, and you swear you see something in Mingi's eyes flash black as San does this. Only, when you blink, it's like nothing ever happened. Weird.
The next hour is spent with the both of them at the bar, simply conversing with each other. You can't count the amount of times they've successfully made you laugh, or even shy at some of the things they say, but they are. 
Purposefully, each time one of them does something that has you reacting a certain way, the other is sure to do the same. There's no way they're letting each other one up them. That is, until Hongjoong is scolding them within their mind's link to knock it off.
All too soon for their liking, you're heading off to bed, much to their disappointment. It is late at night, and you have had a long day. Needless to say, it's starting to all catch up to you. You can feel the exhaustion beginning to claw at your mind.
Falling into the plush bed, you're practically out as soon as your head hits the pillows. Funny, you could have swore you saw something shift within the darkness of your room just before you closed your eyes. Only, you find you're too tired to care, quickly falling into the realm of your subconscious as sleep takes hold.
Within the confines of your room, two figures materialize from the shadows. Carefully, one moves to stand beside you while the other gently sits on the opposite side of the bed.
"I still can't believe that she’s here," Jongho says breathlessly, hand reaching out to caress the side of your face.
"Finally, we have her," Yunho replies, feeling as wonderstruck as Jongho right now.
You shift slightly, breath hitching in your throat. 
They both freeze. Luckily, you don't seem to wake, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief as they continue to watch over you as you sleep.
“She's so beautiful," Jongho watches you in awe, thumb stroking over the skin of your cheek as his heart soars in his chest.
Yunho hums his agreement, his eyes flashing briefly in the darkness. "Ours."
"Ours." Jongho confirms, a content smile pulling at his lips as his own eyes flash, watching over you like he always should. Like he always will be. From now, until forever.
Morning comes with bright light streaming in through the large windows, the sun's rays warming you as you stretch your body out on the bed. A yawn escapes your lips as you rub at your eyes. Sitting up, you throw off the covers, making your way to the bathroom to freshen up for the day.
One look outside the windows, and at your weather app, has a sigh escaping you. It's going to be awfully hot today, the sun shining unapologetically in the sky with few clouds drifting along. In the back of your mind, you begin to wonder what else there is to do in this hotel.
Opening the door to your room, you go to step into the hallway, only for your path to be blocked. Sitting there in front of you is a trolley, what appears to be an extravagant spread of food placed precariously before you. At least, you're hoping that that's what's beneath all these trays with metal food coverings on them.
Leaning out into the hall, you shift your head from side to side, attempting to see if this cart was meant for anyone else. When you don't see anyone around, you look back at the cart. This time, your eyes catch on a folded card placed just beside the small vase with a single red rose held within.
Picking up the note, you're quick to open it, seeing as it's addressed to you. You blink as you read the note over a few times, a soft smile painting your features, yet still surprised, nonetheless.
Please enjoy this complementary breakfast from us to you.
~ Your friends at HALA HALA
Rolling the cart into your room, you're quick to remove all of the coverings. The smell of your favourite breakfast foods greet you as you take in the fresh spread before you. Your jaw nearly drops, torn between thinking that this is incredible, and that something strange is going on here.
Oh well, at least you're getting free food out of this.
Once you're finished eating, you clean up as best you can and head downstairs for the day. A book rests in your hand, figuring that you can find someplace quiet to read and pass the time. Maybe you’ll even listen to music while you do so. 
Reaching the lobby, you figure you can ask Hongjoong or Seonghwa where the best place to read in the hotel might be. Someplace that’s quiet. Someplace that’s comfortable. Luck seems to be on your side this morning, too, for you see both Hongjoong and Seonghwa standing behind the reception desk. They seem to be in a pretty heated discussion, their voices too low to hear even as you approach them. Once you get close enough, they're both turning to you with fond smiles on their faces. You didn't even know they saw you approaching.
"How can we help you, dear?" Seonghwa is the first to speak, meeting your gaze.
"Uh, a bit of a weird question, I know," you begin, somewhat nervously, "but where's the best place to get some reading done around here? You guys don't have a library, do you?"
Even though you say it jokingly, Hongjoong's response surprises you.
"We do," he hums, and seeing your mildly shocked expression, eyes widening and all, has a warmth flooding his veins. He knew he'd be able to impress you with the amount of time and effort they put into this place. "Unfortunately it's closed for cleaning today."
"Aw," your expression falls slightly, "darn."
"I would recommend our outdoor seating area beside the pool," Seonghwa motions a little ways off to the side, and you can see a set of glass doors leading to a courtyard of sorts. "It'll be warm today, so you can also benefit by taking a swim if you'd like.”
"Oh, no, I don't think I'll do any swimming," you shake your head.
At this, they both frown. Your words manage to pull them from their thoughts of holding you in their lap with their arms around you, their head resting on your shoulder as you read.
"Why not?" Before Seonghwa can stop himself, the question escapes him, and even the younger male beside him shoots him a look. Though, where yours is of confusion, Hongjoong's is of warning.
"This is really the best I have," you reply sheepishly, motioning down towards your outfit- a simple t-shirt and shorts- with a tilt of your head.
"Go ahead and at least dip your feet in." Hongjoong replies, softly assuring you with his next words. "No one will judge you here."
"Okay," you smile softly, "maybe I will, then."
Again, you thank the two men before you as you begin to head towards the glass doors Seonghwa pointed out to you. 
Stepping through the archway, the heavy desert heat surrounds you immediately. You let out an exhale through your nose, taking in the sight of the tropical plants around you. There's a small path leading further into the courtyard and to the pool which you can see sitting right in the centre of it. At least there appears to be tons of shade. Just how you like it.
Setting yourself up in one of the plush outdoor chaises, you kick off your sandals. 
Leaning back onto the comfortable pillows, you bring your feet up to rest on the cushion, keeping your knees bent so you can hold your book on your lap. You smile softly as a gentle breeze flits passed. 
Opening your book, you begin to read.
Not even five minutes later, a man approaches you, a glass held in his hand. You tense, worried that something's about to happen considering you're the only one sitting outside by the pool. Or so it seems.
"Here, I thought you might like a glass of water," he smiles kindly at you as he hands you the glass. "You should stay hydrated in this heat."
"Oh," you reply, placing your book down momentarily so that you can take the glass of water he's offering to you. "Thank you."
"Damn, beat me to it already," another voice says from the opposite side of you, successfully managing to startle you as you hadn't heard anyone approaching. "That's our Yeosangie for you."
"Yunho," the man you've now learned is apparently Yeosangie says, his eyes narrowing slightly at the taller male, "what are you doing here?"
The man - Yunho - is one that you recognize form last night. He was the one reading the newspaper in the lobby.
"Seonghwa told me that our very special guest here was sitting by the pool, and that I should bring her some water to help keep her hydrated." He replies, and sure enough, you see another glass of water being held in his hand. "Like I said though, it looks like you beat me to it."
"One can never have too much water," you say, catching both of their attention, and snapping them out of the pointed looks they had just been sharing.
"Right you are, gorgeous," Yunho grins, handing you the second glass.
Your brows raise slightly at the name he calls you. Hell, it seems almost all of the male workers at this hotel have called you some variation of a nickname or pet name at some point or other. Needless to say, it's a bit odd; you aren’t used to this kind of attention.
"Anyways, I'm Yunho," he says with a grin, pointing over at the shorter male in the next moment, "and that grump over there is Yeosang. If you look over there," again, Yunho points in a specific direction, drawing your gaze to the two men that have appeared on the opposite side of the pool, "that's San and Jongho. Though, I heard you already met San last night."
You nod in response, noticing how the one you've recently been told is Jongho waves quite enthusiastically at you with a large smile on his face. You huff in amusement, lips quirking upwards as you send a polite wave back. If you didn't know any better, from the way the male averts his gaze in the next moment, you'd say that you've just made him blush.
"If you need anything, do not hesitate to let us know. " Yeosang draws your attention to him once more, a certain spark lighting behind his eyes. A spark which you do not understand, but the other males do. One that is practically begging for you to come to them, to seek them out for anything and everything you might need. Anything at all.
"Thanks," you smile. "I appreciate it."
Really, you'd just like to be left alone to read your book now in peace.
"Well, we'll leave you to read in peace now," Yunho grins, walking over and wrapping his arm around Yeosang's shoulders. “Enjoy.”
Blinking in shock, your whole body tenses. Okay, this is starting to get a bit freaky. It’s almost as if Yunho just read you mind.
Shaking your head slightly to clear your thoughts, you grab your book once more. No, that isn’t possible. You’re just overthinking things due to the stressful week of work you’ve just had. This is your chance to relax, and you have every intention to do so.
Opening your book once more, you begin to read.
Across from you, the four boys converge. 
Jongho is still reeling from having you smile so brightly at him, and you waved back. Yeosang, on the other hand, crosses his arms, his eyes narrowing at the three males before him. Yunho watches you carefully from across the pool, his eyes subtly trailing over your form. Even San cannot help but drink in the exposed skin of your legs on full display, the sight of your bare thighs making his mouth water.
What each wouldn’t give to be between them right now…
“Control yourselves,” Yeosang hisses through his teeth, sending pointed looks towards San and Yunho, “the both of you.”
“Like you haven’t been thinking the exact same things since you saw them.” San rolls his eyes, keeping his voice low while Yunho just chuckles from beside him.
“At least I have some subtlety,” Yeosang huffs, annoyance clear on his face as he crosses his arms over his chest. “The decency to not have my thoughts project themselves into everyone else’s subconscious.”
Well, I for one, was rather enjoying the mental image of her lounging in that chair by the pool. Wooyoung’s voice echoes through all of their minds. I’d much rather be out there spending time with her, you lucky bastards. Instead, I’m stuck inside on cleaning duty.
Stop complaining. They can all practically hear Hongjoong roll his eyes. You’re the one who begged to be the one to tidy up her room.
That I did. Wooyoung hums. Really, you guys are missing out. Her scent is everywhere.
Now you’re just rubbing it in. Mingi sighs, and they can all hear the pout in his voice.
Oh, panties! Wooyoung cheers, and they all practically let out a groan in need. And they’ve been worn! Don’t mind if I ‘yes’.
Wooyoung. Seonghwa’s voice echoes through their heads, serving as a warning. That is, until they hear his next words. Save some for the rest of us, yeah?
You’re all despicable. Yeosang has to resist the urge to shake his head.
Says the one who was peeping on them having a bath last night. San adds, hiding his smirk behind his drink as he takes a sip.
Immediately, Yeosang’s cheeks flare, his harsh gaze landing on the aforementioned male. That’s different!
Relax. Yunho chuckles, leaning back in his own chaise as he watches you turn the next page of your book. So beautiful, and so oblivious to the desire swirling within each of them for you, and you alone.
We’ve all thought about it before. Jongho adds.
Well, some more than others. Hongjoong’s laugh reverberates through all of them. Let’s just make sure everything is ready for tonight. Then we can really have our fun.
Without hesitation, they all agree, and unbeknownst to you, four pairs of eyes turn to look at you from across the pool. You don’t even look up from your book. At least, not until movement catches your attention. Then, you cannot help the way your eyes widen, gaze flitting between the pages of your book and subtly attempting to check out the male making his way over to the edge of the pool.
"Put a shirt on, you heathen." Yeosang hisses at San. "You're making them uncomfortable.”
San simply quirks a brow, turning to face Yeosang in the next second. His expression says it all. 
A smugness soon settles over his features as he feels your gaze trailing over the expanse of his back. The skin of which he knows would look even better if it were covered in your marks. He rolls his shoulders.
Turning back around, San watches you quickly avert your gaze, focussing a little too intently on the page you’re now on in your book. He smirks, slowly sitting at the edge of the pool so that he can lower himself in. Purposefully, he tenses the muscles in his arms as he sinks in, wanting- no, needing- your gaze on him. As soon as he feels your stare, he knows he’s captivated you once more.
See? See how toned his arms are? How well they would look wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear? San bets you would sound so divine as he makes the sweetest love to you, but he knows that you’ll taste even better.
He doesn’t even need to probe your mind to know you’re thinking about him, too.
Okay, now you’re just showing off. Mingi whines.
Not my fault you got caught having to set up for tonight. San smirks, and he watches as you seemingly come back to reality, only to see that smug expression on his face. 
You avert your gaze, embarrassed you got caught staring yet again. Reaching for one of the glasses of water on the table beside you, you suddenly feel your body going hot. All of these attractive men will be the death of you, you’re sure.
You fail to see the way their lips quirk upwards as a result.
Taking a sip of water, you feel yourself start to relax at the coldness that meets your tongue. Carefully, you tilt your head to the side, placing the cool of the glass onto the skin of your neck. You let out a content hum, eyes fluttering closed as a result. At least this is helping to cool you off.
Jongho swallows the sudden dryness in his throat, and he’s knows he’s not the only one affected by your actions. The sudden display of your neck as you tilt your head back, so open and vulnerable, is practically begging for them to have a taste of your delicate skin with their tongues. Perhaps a few bite marks would suffice as well…
Thoughts of tonight, and what is still yet to come fill Jongho’s head, and he can feel the anticipation eating him alive. Making you theirs could not come soon enough.
Speaking of… Hongjoong’s voice resounds through the younger’s head. Jongho, it’s time.
The other three watch as Jongho stands from his spot, beginning to slowly make his way over to you. There’s a sort of nervousness to his steps, one which they all understand. Your answer right now will depend on how the beginning of this afternoon and evening with them will begin.
Glancing up from the pages of your book, you notice Jongho now hovering near you.
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” A soft smile rests on his features as he meets your gaze, an air of nervousness surrounding him.
“Uh, sure.” You blink, quirking a brow at him in curiosity in the next second. “Those guys bothering you too much, or something?”
Even though you say it teasingly, Jongho lets out a chuckle, “you could say that.”
Slowly, and with each move deliberate, Jongho takes the seat directly beside you. It’s the closest he can get to you currently without sitting in the same chaise with you, and pulling you into his lap like he so badly wants to do.
Soon. He tells himself. He’ll be able to do that soon.
A few minutes pass by, and it kills him not to have your direct attention on him like his is so attuned to you. No, you’re still much more focussed on your book for the moment. That is, until your tongue clicks loudly, your book slamming closed once you place your bookmark carefully back inside.
“That bad, huh?” He jokes, one of his eyebrows raised in amusement as he looks at you.
“You don’t know the half of it,” you roll your eyes. “But it’s the last book in the series and I’ll be damned if I don’t see it to completion.”
“Why do you continue to read it if it’s that horrible?” Jongho’s head tilts, genuine curiosity shining in his eyes.
“Spite.” You reply immediately. “Pure spite.”
Jongho blinks, intrigued. “What’s it about?”
So you tell him, and fuck, if Jongho doesn’t fall harder for you right then and there. The passion in which you speak with, the fire he sees light behind your eyes as he watches you wave the book around in your hand, even going to far as to hit the cover a few times to emphasize your points, has him hanging on to every word. 
You’re so captivating; mesmerizing to watch and listen to, that he doesn’t even realize just how much time has passed since he first came to sit beside you. Plus, he’s gotten to learn so much about you in such a short period of time. Ecstatic doesn’t even begin to describe how he’s feeling at the moment.
The only thing that would make this moment better would be if you agreed to what he’s about to ask you.
“Anyways, sorry for the long ass rant,” you apologize, somewhat sheepishly. “There’s just so much I could say about these books and this author.”
“Never feel like you should apologize for something you’re passionate about.” Comes his honest reply. “Especially not to me. I could listen to you talk for hours.”
Jongho’s words catch you by surprise, stunning you into a shy silence. In the back of your mind, his bluntness makes something within you question his words. You’ve only just met, and he’s being very forward. Still, his smile is kind, and it causes you to crack a small one of your own.
“Really, though,” he adds, a calculating look to his gaze now. One which you miss. “We’re hosting a special dinner tonight for everyone. You should join us.”
“Everyone at the hotel?” You question, a minor furrow to your brows.
“You could say that.” Jongho nods. “We’d really love it if you could attend.”
“How fancy are we talking here?”
Jongho smiles. You seem interested, and he could not be happier. “Wear you finest.”
“Oh.” Immediately, your expression falls. “I don’t think I’ll be able to attend, then. I’m afraid I don't have anything with me that’s appropriate for a dinner like that.”
“No need to worry,” Jongho assures you. “There’s a tailor’s shop that Seonghwa runs at the far end of the hotel. I’m sure there’s something there that you can wear for the evening.”
“That’s…” you try and find the right word. Suspicious. Convenient. “Interesting.”
“Great! We’ll be expecting you around eight.” Jongho stands, and it’s only now do you realize that the other three males have vacated the vicinity, leaving the two of you utterly alone. Something in his eyes flash, the smile that paints his lips serving to unnerve you slightly. “Don’t be late.”
Without another word, or even giving you the chance to respond, Jongho is leaving you to yourself by the pool.
Glancing around, you blink a few times, hardly able to wrap your head around not even seeing the others so much as leave. Checking the time, you see that it’s about halfway past two in the afternoon. Perhaps you should go check out this tailor’s place Jongho had mentioned earlier. The last thing you want to do is be stuck without an outfit for tonight, especially if they’re now expecting you for dinner.
A few minutes later, and after dropping off your book back to your room, you’re standing in front of the doors to the tailor shop. Taking a breath, you step inside.
Quite a spacious room greets you, fairly open concept in design with clothes scattered along the walls on different racks. They seem to be organized by type, and a part of you wonders if some of these clothes have been accidentally left behind or forgotten by previous patrons of the hotel.
The sound of a curtain sliding on a rail catches your attention, and your eyes are drawn to the back of the shop where Seonghwa seems to emerge from.
“Ah, there you are. I’ve been expecting you.” He smiles, and at your questioning look, he adds, “Jongho was just here to fill me in on what you need.”
“Uh,” there’s a certain drawl to the way he says those words that have your lips parting slightly. You clear your throat. “That was quick.”
“Come.” Seonghwa seemingly brushes off your statement, turning around to step back through the way he came. “I’ve got a few options you might like.”
Following him into the back of the shop, you realize that there’s a small fitting area with a large panelled mirror positioned around a raised circular stand. A dressing room rests just beside it, another curtain drawn in front of it for some semblance of privacy. To the opposite side of the mirror, a rack rests with eight different dresses hanging delicately on silk hangers.
The awe filled expression that rests on your face has his heart racing in his chest, a soft grin tugging at his lips. “Pick out your favourite, and then you can try it on.”
You step closer to the rack, hands ghosting the material of the gowns.
“Are you sure these aren’t too…” you hesitate, searching for the right word as you turn to meet his gaze, “extravagant for me?”
“If anything, none of them could ever do you justice.” His honest reply has a heat rising to your cheeks, and even though you turn to continue inspecting the dresses, you can feel his gaze piercing your back. 
Saying nothing, your gaze lands on one dress in particular. Pulling it slightly out from the rack, you examine the lace material. The black colour which starts at the swooped neckline slowly transitions into a navy, until it fades into a royal blue at the very bottom of the floor length skirt. Plus, as an added bonus, there are lace sleeves which look as if they’ll reach all the way down your arms and to your wrists. You’ve never seen a dress more perfect for you, or that you’ve loved more at first glance.
“Do you like that one?” Seonghwa’s voice manages to pull you out of your own thoughts, an eagerness to his words. He knew he picked right when he grabbed that gown for you. The thought alone of you wearing it nearly sent him to his knees, and it’s in his favourite colours, too.
“I do.” You confirm with a hum, looking over the dress for another time.
There’s only one slight issue that you can see. The dress appears to be slightly form fitting, and you’re not sure how it may look on you.
“Well, go on then,” he encourages with a smile, motioning to the dressing room behind you. “Try it on.”
For a brief moment, you hesitate, your hand pausing halfway when you go to reach for the hanger. That is, until you decide that there’s really no harm in simply trying it on. If you don’t like it, there are several others you can choose from. Besides, the red one you see hanging right next to it is definitely not a bad second choice.
Gently, you remove the dress from the rack, stepping into the small dressing room in order to change. Fortunately for you, the dress seems to fit like a glove - having no issues slipping into it, and pulling the zipper up with ease. Unfortunately for you, there’s no mirrors in this little dressing room, which means you have to step outside in order to see how you look wearing the gown. 
Really, in hind sight, you saw this coming. However, faced with the prospect of stepping out in a slightly form fitting gown in front of a man you don’t know, a handsome man who has complimented you, nonetheless, you find yourself feeling a bit self conscious. Perhaps this dress wasn’t the best choice after all. Still, you really do want to see how you look.
Taking a deep breath to steel your nerves, you slide the curtain open.
“Wow,” Seonghwa’s breath gets stolen right from his lungs as he sees you step out in his dress. His desire for you, which roars unashamedly beneath the surface of his skin, becomes the most difficult it’s even been to hold back. So much so, that he lets his eyes slip for the briefest of moment, the darkness swirling within.
Thank fuck you don’t seem to notice, too busy smoothing out the front of the material as worry seems to tug at your features.
“That bad, huh?” You grimace, fingers twitching at your sides as you stand there in front of the mirror, tense as anything. “I knew I shouldn’t have-“
“You look beautiful.” His raw voice- a few tones deeper than usual and on the verge of sounding strained- rumbles out from his chest.
So badly does he just want to walk over to you, rip that dress right off, and pull you into his arms as he pleases you in any and every way he knows how. He’s glad he blocked off his mind link with the others for this occasion, otherwise they’d receive his much too vivid thoughts about taking you up against the wall right now and claiming you as his like he’s always longed to do.
Besides, they wanted who’s dress you wore tonight at dinner to be a surprise.
Seonghwa’s lips part as he swallows the dryness in his throat, attempting to at least control his breathing to no avail. You really have no idea the effect you have on him, on all of them, do you?
Lifting your head to meet his gaze through the reflection of the mirror, you’re caught off guard by how dark his eyes have become. Even his breathing has gone irregular, his chest rising and falling dramatically with each inhale that he takes.
When you blink, you expect it to all just be your imagination. Only, this time, that does not seem to be the case. Seonghwa is still looking at you with those eyes when you reopen your own - dark eyes filled with an undeniable lust for you.
Slowly, Seonghwa begins to close the distance between the two of you, stalking towards you like a predator would its prey. You cannot help but freeze, eyes following his every movement as he comes to stand behind you. The way he places his hands tenderly onto your waist, holding onto you so gently, completely contrasts the darkness continuously swirling within his irises.
Tilting his head forward, Seonghwa presses the lower half of his face against your shoulder, placing his lips onto your bare skin. His eyes flutter closed, nose slowly trailing up the side of your neck as he shifts to breathe in your scent.
A shiver runs down your spine as you feel the ghost of his breath tickle you right below your ear. Your heart jumps into your throat.
Of all the words he could use to describe you right now - sinful, breathtaking, gorgeous, his - he finally settles on the perfect one.
“Divine.” He exhales, voice low as he leans forward to rest his head against your own.
Your breath hitches as you feel his grip tighten around your waist, fingers sinking into the softness of your skin as he scents you once more. The uncertainty he can sense coming off of you has him halting in his tracks, a sense of dread washing over him. He might have taken things a bit too far just now. You’re not even officially theirs yet. 
He silently curses himself. What good is control when he apparently doesn’t seem to have any around you? You make him go crazy. You’re just so irresistible.
Feeling his grip slacken ever so slightly, you move to turn around in his arms. Only, when you twist your body to face him, he’s no longer standing behind you. Instead, he seems to be rummaging around in a box off to the side, not even looking at you.
Did you just imagine what just happened?
You shake your head. That can’t be possible. You aren’t that touched starved so as to imagine intimate scenarios with the first handsome man who gives you an ounce of attention. At least, you don’t think you are.
“Oh, are you finished looking over the dress?” Seonghwa hums, head lifting to meet your gaze. Straightening himself back up with a small smile on his face, you notice  an elegant pair of shoes in his hands. “You’ve been staring at your refection for quite a while. Is everything okay?”
You blink. Did you really just zone out for the last few minutes?
“Yeah-” you clear your throat. “Yeah. Everything fine.”
“If you’re still not sure if you like the gown, why don’t you try it with these?” He offers you the shoes that he holds in his hand. “They should fit.”
“Oh,” you take the shoes from his outstretched hand, “thanks.”
It was only for a second, but his fingers grazed your own. Immediately he felt that all too familiar beast stirring within him, and after he had just managed to calm it down, too. His hands are still burning from being able to feel you beneath his touch.
Slipping the shoes onto your feet, you turn to your reflection once more. This time, a smile rests on your features as you take in your appearance. You really do look stunning.
“Are you really sure I can wear this tonight?” Your voice manages to call Seonghwa’s attention once more. “I mean, is it really okay if I borrow it?”
“Of course!” His answer is immediate, eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiles at you. “In fact, why don’t you keep it? It looks far better on you than the hanger, anyways.”
Again, a warmth spreads itself across your cheeks as you glance away shyly. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure, Darling.” He hums, a fond look shining within his eyes. “Now, why don’t you change and I’ll wrap up that dress for you?”
“Alright,” you reply softly, already heading back into the little dressing room and sliding the curtain shut behind you.
In no time at all, you’re back into your regular clothes, gown resting on the hanger once more. You take a moment to admire the material again before exiting the dressing room, the dress draped over your arm.
Handing it over to Seonghwa, he places it into a carrying bag for you, careful not to damage the material. The sound of the zipper closing pulls you out of your thoughts, many of which you’ve been attempting to sort through in the past few minutes alone.
“If you need any help with your makeup, I’m sure Hongjoong would be more than happy to assist you.” Seonghwa tells you, handing you the bag with the gown held within.
“I didn’t know he could do makeup,” you hum, impressed. “That’s pretty cool. I think I’ll be okay, though.”
With a nod of his head and a final farewell until tonight, Seonghwa watches you leave the little tailor’s shop. His eyes follow you for as long as he can, and as soon as you disappear from his sight, a sigh is falling from his lips. 
Running his fingers through his hair, he shakes his head. 
You really have no idea what you do to him. To all of them. How long they’ve waited just to catch a glimpse of you in person, planning everything out perfectly down to each and every last minute. Nothing is going to stop them from finally claiming what they’ve all long since desired. 
By the end of the night, you will be theirs.
Making it back to your room, you’re quick to step inside. Carefully, you hang the dress off to the side for later tonight, a soft smile tugging at your lips. Glancing at the time, you see a few hours have passed already, and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head. 
There’s no way time should have moved that quickly! It should have only taken you an hour, maybe an hour and a half at most to have tried on that dress with Seonghwa. You could have swore it was only half passed two when you first made your way over there. So, how can it already be five o’clock?
You huff, shaking your head to clear your thoughts. Maybe you really are losing it. First, you’re missing seeing people that are apparently right in front of your eyes. Then, you keep swearing you’re hearing things, like that weird thump in the bathroom last night. Now, you’re pretty sure you’re starting to hallucinate things.
Perhaps it’s best if you leave this place after dinner tonight instead of in the morning like you originally planned. You would leave sooner, but they’re already expecting you for the evening, and you do not want to be rude. Especially given everything they’ve done and provided for you in the past twenty-four hours alone.
Either way, you just hope this evening passes quickly, and without a hitch.
An hour later and you begin to get ready for the evening. You’re just glad you remembered to pack your makeup bag. Once you’re finished, you still have a bit of time to spare, so you spend the remainder reading some more of your book while you wait. Around five to the hour, you head to the lobby.
Emerging from the hallway, you actually see someone standing in front of the reception desk wearing a finely tailored suit. You watch as the man turns around, and you come face to face with Yeosang whose eyes light up as soon as he sees you. You return his kind smile with a polite nod of your head.
“I’m here to escort you to dinner.” He says, extending an arm out to you. “Shall we?”
You loop your arm around his, “we shall.”
As Yeosang walks with you down a separate hall and to a section of the hotel you have yet to traverse, he revels at your touch. The feeling of your arm wrapped around his is like no other, skin tingling beneath the material of his suit wherever you touch. The whole time, he cannot help but steal glances at you from the corner of his eyes.
When he first saw you emerge from the hallway, his breath got caught in his throat. You look absolutely divine, even if you’re not wearing the dress he had picked out for you in hopes that you would wear it. 
His jaw had twitched at that, slight irritation flooding his veins at the thought of you wearing Seonghwa’s gown tonight. Well, let’s see what the others make of it, and if they think the eldest might have influenced your decision as well.
After a solid minute of walking, in which you make idle smalltalk with Yeosang, you reach a set of intricately carved wooden doors. You marvel at both the size and design as they open, seemingly on their own, to reveal a finely decorated room. A room which looks much too small to house all of the guest that you were sure were going to be joining you for dinner. 
A single table with nine place settings sits in the centre of the room, lit candles lining the middle.
Around the table, the other seven stand precariously placed throughout the room. Some converse with each other while a few others sip on the drinks they all seem to be holding in their hands. Each wears a finely tailored suit, wanting to look their absolute best for you.
As soon as those doors open, and they see you walking through the threshold being escorted by Yeosang, all of their focus immediately belongs to you.
Heartbeats accelerate all around, shivers running down a few of their spines as they take in the ethereal being that is you standing before them. Each man takes his time trailing his gaze over your body, drinking in the image that is you, and searing this moment into their memories for years to come.
Finally, after all of their planning, after all of their efforts and hard work, there you stand. Ready for their taking.
A few send pointed looks in Seonghwa’s direction at seeing the choice in dress you’re wearing, but they can deal with that later. Even if you are not wearing their own chosen gown for you, there is no denying your beauty.
Mingi is the first to seemingly snap out of the spell you’ve captivated them in at your arrival. Instantly, he’s appearing at your side, offering you a glass similar to all of theirs. You take it with a small nod in thanks, noticing how Yeosang already seems to be holding one of his own. You didn’t even notice him take one.
Taking a sip of your drink, your eyes search the room once more.
“Not to be rude, or presumptuous, or anything,” you begin, a look of mild confusion on your face, “but isn’t this dinner supposed to be for everyone staying at the hotel?”
“It is,” Hongjoong confirms, a gentle expression taking over his features. “Everyone is already here.”
He seriously cannot be telling you that you are their only guest at this hotel. It’s impossible.
“I know,” Yunho chuckles. “It’s hard to believe that you’re our only guest.”
There he goes again, seemingly reading your mind.
“Please,” Hongjoong motions to the table before you, “join us.”
A smile that you’re sure is meant to assure you appears on his face, only serving to unnerve you at the way his eyes lock onto your figure, watching your ever move.
Stepping towards the table, you see Seonghwa already pulling a chair out for you to sit in. Of course it would have to be the one right in the centre of the set of three. 
Four chairs rest across from you, while two more sit at each head.
Slowly, you take your seat, allowing Seonghwa to tuck you in while thanking him politely. 
As if they’ve done this countless times before, the eight men slide up to the table beside their own respective seats, moving fluidly as one to sit down. Hongjoong sits to your left while Seonghwa takes the seat to your right. Mingi sits at one head of the table, while San takes the other end. Across from you rests Yunho, Yeosang, Jongho, and Wooyoung in that order exactly, starting from your left.
You’re starting to think you stumbled upon a cult or something by accident.
Wooyoung has to cover up a snort of laughter just as he goes to take a sip of his drink, choking on the liquid in the next second. Jongho pats his back comfortingly.
“Are you alright?” Your brow furrows in concern as you look at the male across from you.
“Never better.” He clears his throat, offering you a cheeky grin in response.
In the next moment, Yunho is drawing your attention onto him as he asks you a question, a casual conversation soon starting between the nine of you. The more time you spend surrounded by these eight men, the more you start to relax. You don’t necessarily feel uncomfortable around them, it’s just the hotel that’s giving you such an ominous feeling.
Perhaps that’s where you go wrong.
It happens so suddenly, that you almost miss it. One second the place settings in front of you are empty, and the next, a steaming plate of food appears before your very eyes.
You startle in your seat, pressing yourself as far into the back of it as you can. With wide eyes, you stare down at your meal.
“Is something the matter?” Hongjoong asks, and you look up to find eight pairs of eyes all staring at you.
“Uh-” your voice catches in your throat, not quite sure how to describe the phenomenon that has just occurred in front of you.
“San worked very hard all evening on the meals,” Hongjoong adds, a glimmer in his eyes.
“I hope you enjoy!” Said man calls from just off to the side.
“Right,” you reply, somewhat warily. How can they all be acting like nothing abnormal just happened? “Thanks.”
Picking up your utensils, you clutch the steak knife tightly in your hand. Intently, you stare down at your food, half expecting your asparagus to come alive in the next second and start swishing from side to side like dragon tails.
“Go ahead,” Jongho catches your gaze from across the table, a piece of steak already speared on his fork and poised in the air halfway to his mouth. “Dig in.”
Immediately, you comply, worried you might appear rude for hesitating for so long before taking a bite of your meal. Softly, you chew the bite of your steak, the flavour melting on your tongue.
“Well?” San looks to you, almost expectantly.
“It’s delicious,” you reply, your whole demeanour calming as you see that look of joy take over his features. “Like always.”
“Our Sannie really knows how to cook,” Mingi says, a teasing lilt to his voice despite his praise.
“He’s the only one who won’t burn down the kitchen if left alone in one.” Yeosang replies, and you notice the way Mingi looks almost scandalized at his words.
“I would never!” He gasps dramatically.
The laugh that they all hear fall from your lips is like music to their ears.
The more they continue to bicker, the more you seem to ease back into your own comfort around them. You even go so far as to chime in here and there once again in the conversation, much to each of their pleasure, and relief in some cases. Just as you’re beginning to converse with Yunho, Jongho, and Yeosang about your favourite books, Wooyoung spares a glance around the table, locking gazes with the man sitting across from him.
So, are we going to discuss how our eldest here influenced our beloved to wear his dress? Wooyoung’s eyes narrow ever so subtly at the man before him.
Do you really think that little of me, brother? Seonghwa hums in response, quirking his brow slightly in challenge.
He’s not the only one suspicious of what your intentions were. San chimes in, resting his elbows on the table in front of him and clasping his hands beneath his chin, seeing as he’s finished his meal for the time being.
I had no influence over her decision what-so-ever. She made that choice all on her own. Seonghwa replies. It’s not my fault you all seem to lack taste.
Mingi chokes on his drink, blood rushing to the tips of his ears as annoyance floods his veins. At least you spare him a concerned glance, your inquiry into whether he’s okay or not immediately soothing his anger.
Watch it, Hwa. Hongjoong warns, sparing a glance at the male from the corner of his eyes, only to get enraptured by your excited expression in the next moment.
What happened in there, anyways? Yeosang adds without so much as breaking eye contact with you.
Wouldn’t you like to know? Seonghwa leans back slightly in his seat, a certain smugness surrounding him.
Yes. Jongho’s voice echoes through their heads. I think we’d all like to know that.
What did you do? Yunho asks, somewhat accusatory. He’s still suspicious that the eldest had something to do with which dress you picked for this evening, just as the rest of them are.
Fucking hell. Seonghwa lets out a small puff of air, low enough that you do not take notice. In a flash, Seonghwa is sharing his memories with the rest of them. Well, only certain aspects of them. There. Happy now?
No. Mingi grumbles. Now, I just feel worse.
Somehow knowing you were telling the truth makes my blood boil. Yeosang adds bitterly.
Can we not focus on how wonderful she looks instead? Jongho questions, a glint of awe shining in his eyes as he looks across the table at you while resting his head in the palm of his hand.
Has anyone thought to compliment her yet tonight? Hongjoong’s brow furrows only slightly as he doesn’t recall any of them showering you with any of the praise you deserve.
“By the way, I must say,” Wooyoung speaks, drawing your full, undivided attention towards him, “you look absolutely riveting this evening. That dress looks wondrous on you.”
“Oh, uh,” instantly, heat flares to your cheeks and your eyes go wide. A mental image of your little escapade, or rather, what you think you had simply imagined in that shop with Seonghwa flits through your mind. You blink, unaware of how the males around you all stiffen, the air in the room shifting in intensity. “Thank you.”
Park Seonghwa. The way Hongjoong drawls his name out has the elder male holding his breath in anticipation. Is there something you’d like to share with the rest of us?
Not particularly. Either Seonghwa is incredibly brave to continue hiding this from his brothers, or incredibly stupid. As soon as he feels seven mental spears probing at his mind, he knows it’s the latter.
A thwack resounds around the room as Yunho bangs his knee from beneath the table, the sound enough to make you jump.
“I thought we agreed not to touch her, to indulge in her until she was finally ours.” Hongjoong’s voice is low, ominous, as he stares right past you to the male directly to your right.
“You can’t blame me!” Seonghwa replies. “I know any of you would have done the same if given the chance. Don’t act so innocent here.”
Your eyes widen, heart hammering in your chest at his words. You have no idea what’s going on now, and you don’t think you want to stick around to find out.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Mingi warns, making eye contact with you just as the thought of fleeing crosses your mind.
“Okay, just what the hell is going on here?” Your voice draws all of their attention to you once more, and you end up shrinking back in your seat when you suddenly find yourself beneath the gazes of all eight men’s stares.
“There’s no point in keeping it from you any longer. You were bound to find out anyways, this is just not how we planned on telling you.” Hongjoong sighs, leaning back in his chair as he closes his eyes for a brief moment. “I’m sure you’ve noticed something’s amiss by now.”
“Tell me what?” Fear spikes within you. “That you guys are all part of some weird cult?”
Wooyoung, Yunho, San, and Mingi all burst out laughing at your words.
“You could say that,” Yeosang sighs. “It certainly feels like it sometimes.”
Your heartbeat rings in your ears.
“Stop that, you’re scaring her.” Jongho frowns.
Before you can say another word, someone is beating you to it.
“No, we’re not cultists.” Seonghwa sighs. “Though, I don’t think you’re going to feel much better learning what our true nature is.”
“Your ‘true nature’?” The furrow in your brow deepens, panic clear now on your features. “Don’t tell me you all think you’re vampires, or some shit like that.”
“Not quite,” San chuckles from the end of the table.
“More like demonic entities, if you will.” Again, that unnerving smile is back on Hongjoong’s features.
Your heart jumps into your throat. “You’re demons?”
“More or less,” Yunho shrugs casually, as if this is a conversation they have every day.
“No.” You state, placing a hand onto of the table to brace yourself with. “No. This isn’t possible.”
“Anything is possible, my dear,” Seonghwa grins. Truly, a chilling sight which sends a shiver right down your spine.
“This is insane.” You hiss, shaking your head as you stare at your hand placed on the table. Your fingers brush against something familiar.
“The first step towards sanity is embracing the insane.” Hongjoong replies, and you turn to see him stand from his chair.
“Do you really think that everything that’s happened to you within the past thirty-six hours has been natural?” Hongjoong cocks his head at you as he tilts your chair slightly to face him. “We have powers that you cannot even begin to comprehend, Love.”
You swallow the dryness in your throat. “I don’t believe you.”
“It wasn’t some random force that compelled you to take a road trip on your one weekend off,” Hongjoong grins, his eyes flashing black. “It was us.”
A gasp escapes you as his dark eyes lock onto yours. So you haven’t been imagining things. Their eyes really do shift black.
With your heartbeat ringing through your ears, you lean as far back in your seat as you can to get away from him. Your one hand still rests firmly on the table beside you, and you can feel the other’s eyes on you, watching your every move. Waiting with bated breath. For what, you’re not quite sure, but if they have strong powers, and what you’ve been experiencing- been assuming- is all true, then they can also read your mind. Your thoughts are no longer safely your own.
“What is it that you want from me, then?” You meet Hongjoong’s gaze, and you watch as it softens.
“I thought we all made that obvious by now,” he shares a quick glance with the males all sitting around the table, grins pulling onto all of their faces. “We just want you.”
“Me?” To say you’re caught off guard would be an understatement. “You mean you want my soul?”
“Sure, your soul would be nice.” Mingi nods.
“To have and to hold,” Jongho agrees with a nod of his own.
“To cherish and protect,” Wooyoung adds.
“To love and to care for.” San hums, taking another sip from his drink.
“Only if you give it to us willingly,” Seonghwa’s voice is surprisingly soft; tender.
“But never for us to take.” Yeosang shakes his head slightly, as if to emphasize his words.
“Or to keep.” Yunho assures you.
You spare a glance around you as best as you can, confusion clear in your eyes. “I don’t follow.”
“What we’re saying is,” Hongjoong takes a moment to meet your gaze, a tender look shining behind his irises as a smile tugs at the corner of his lips, “we want you. All of you. Mind, body, and soul.”
You can do nothing but stare at him, words failing you as your lips part. You swear your heart is about to burst with how intensely it thunders away in your chest.
“Of course, we would love it if you agreed to become ours willingly,” Hongjoong adds, and you can hear the underlying threat beneath his words. At the sense of fear that spikes within you, he’s quick to assure you. “I promise you that we would never hurt you.”
“We only want to love you,” Seonghwa adds softly.
“To cherish you,” Mingi breathes.
“To protect you,” San voices gently.
“To worship you,” Wooyoung says, voice barely above a whisper.
“To live out the rest of our lives together,” Yeosang’s breath catches slightly in his throat.
“To always be there for you,” Jongho nods his head assuringly in your direction.
“You are everything to us,” Yunho whispers, voice raw with the honesty of his words.
“So please,” Hongjoong draws your attention back to him, his forehead coming to rest against your own as he stares deeply into your eyes, “won’t you let us?”
A small silence settles over the nine of you as you allow their words to sink in. You can barely form any cohesive thoughts, sitting as still as you possibly can as you attempt to wrap you head around this turn of events. Never did you expect for this to happen.
Your lips part, and they all find themselves holding their breaths, greatly anticipating your answer.
Hongjoong blinks. This time, it’s his turn to be stunned by your response, pulling away slightly in his shock. “No?”
“No.” You repeat, much firmer this time.
Before any of them can say anything, or even react for that matter, you’re stabbing Hongjoong with your steak knife and pushing him off of you. Standing from your seat with enough force to knock your chair off its balance, you send it toppling to the floor. Not even a moment later, you’re sprinting for the door and out of the dining room, fleeing down the hallway in which you first arrived from.
Your footsteps echo down the corridor as the eight men can only sit there, stunned for the moment at this turn of events. Well, that didn’t go at all how they had planned.
In the blink of an eye, San, Wooyoung, Mingi, and Yeosang have disappeared, chasing after you without a second thought.
“She stabbed me.” Hongjoong voices incredulously, disbelief clear on his face. “She stabbed me.”
“Yes, and?” Seonghwa quirks a brow, amusement dancing in his eyes as he watches Hongjoong pull the knife out of his shoulder, blood dripping onto the floor as he stares intently at the weapon in question. “How does that make you feel?”
“Honestly?” Hongjoong looks over at the older male, nodding his head slightly in awe. “Impressed and horny.”
“Come on,” Seonghwa rolls his eyes at his leader. “Let’s go get our girl.”
Nothing but the sound of the knife clattering to the ground echoes throughout the room as the remaining four of them teleport to where you managed to run off to. You didn’t get very far, only able to reach the lobby before the first half of their group found you. They had appeared in an instant, surrounding you on all sides, and preventing you from escaping. Your pleas to let you go fall on deaf ears.
As soon as you see the other four appear out of thin air, your panic rises. Any and all chance of escape that you had had just now becomes slim to none.
“That wasn’t very nice,” Hongjoong pouts. “And after all that we’ve done for you, too.”
“Just let me leave, and we can pretend that none of this ever happened.” Comes your reply, noting the way a small blotch of red stains the front of his shirt where the knife had pierced him.
“I don’t think you fully comprehend your situation right now,” Hongjoong shakes his head, tutting all the while. “I already told you. You’re ours, and we’re not going to let you go so easily.”
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” you explain, voice coming out much firmer than you thought it would. “I’m going to grab my bag from my room, and then I’m checking out of this godforsaken hotel. I’m going to get into my car, drive home, and none of you will ever see me again.”
“Sure, you can check out of here any time you’d like. This isn’t even a real place,” Hongjoong chuckles as he watches your expression fall, horror at the realization of what his words mean painting your features. “We tried to be reasonable, to give you a choice. Now, you’ll just have to accept the terms you’ve signed yourself up for. You’re ours, and you’re in our domain now, Love. You can never leave.”
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blindingdutchy · 3 years
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{pornstar!tom x pornstar!reader}
summary: you don't like to share, but Tom's going to show you what happens to stingy girls on the playground.
word count: 10,663
warnings: i consider this a part two to switch. smut, little bit of angst, fluffy ending. language. explicit warnings under divide.
18+!!! minors stay away!
warnings: mean dom!tom, slight dom!fem oc, voyeurism, mff threesome, degradation, oral (m+f receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it up folks), orgasm denial, touch denial, slight bondage (hands tied only), jealous reader + arrogant tom, some daddy + sir kink
There was a familiar ache in your core as you made your way into work that day. It was a sensation that shouldn't have embarrassed you anymore considering it was in your line of work to take a beating of the sexual sort, but your blood bubbled with fluttery shame anyways because you knew it was definitely not from any job you'd done. The handprints that lingered on your skin were Tom's, as was the throbbing between your legs.
Your coworkers had grown accustomed to the funny way you'd been walking; after all, it had been months of you turning up to the studio just like this. Aching all over, exhausted, and all flustered smiles as every little jolt of pain in your body reminded you of him. Tom really knew how to keep a woman coming back for more, to say the least.
Despite the tender way you were forced to move around, you were excited to get into work that day. You'd been working on a new project behind the scenes for almost a month already, and today you were finally meeting with your favorite director and photographer to start the ball rolling. This was what you'd been fantasizing about doing ever since you'd been brought into the agency--straying away from your dominatrix persona and onto a more personal, enjoyable path.
Priscilla was already waiting for you in the conference room, bursting with energy as she always was and chatting the ears off of Archie. The two of them were sliding a few of your scribbled mock-ups around, along with more than a few stills of your naked body, and nestled so deeply into a conversation that they didn't notice the click of the door as it shut behind you. Even clearing your throat couldn't break their concentration.
"Starting without me?" you questioned, loudly, and finally caught the glimmering eyes of Priscilla.
Priscilla was practically buzzing with excitement as she grinned at you, clapping her hands once before waving you over, "(Y/N), perfect timing! So, Archie and I were thinking about your ideas for doing a cam-girl style video--"
She chattered on and on, only pausing every so often to take a heaving breathe before continuing. The more she said, the more you realized just how much work the two of them had done without you--Priscilla was already pitching set designs and potential scenarios for each video, and Archie was doing his best to help you visualize the filmography he had in mind. It was pretty hard to keep up, but you had to admit seeing their passion for the project only spurred your own to burn a little brighter.
The project was something you'd been dreaming of for awhile. A solo series of videos in the iconic style of a cam-girl; just you, your camera, and whatever you felt like putting out there for the world to see. For so long you'd been afraid to even pitch the idea out of fear of being denied funding, and rightfully so.
You'd had to fight tooth and nail to gain the backing of the agency. It had been a month of pitching idea after idea, crunching numbers and screening all the statistics of solo work so that you could propose a target profit for the company. In the end, you'd gotten the green light--but there was a lot riding on this first video.
If you failed to meet the target you'd set for yourself, the agency would pull the plug on the project and you'd be right back to the leather outfits and whining men. The thought of it urged you to outperform all the standards you'd set for yourself. You were peddle to the metal, full throttle ahead, and Priscilla and Archie's sounding board of ideas were exactly the encouragement you needed.
Archie fiddled with some settings on his camera, instructing you on a few head shots until he was satisfied. "That's it!" he cheered, "You like it? Obviously we'll work on better lighting for the videos, and there'll be editing--but I think this suits you."
Peering over his shoulder, your heart soared at the work of your favorite camera man. "Oh, Archie! That's perfect... If you'd just shown me that I'd definitely think it was the real deal." you gasped, and he grinned at you cheerfully. "How about a lunch break before we get back to work?"
The two of them muttered some hushed agreements, nodding absentmindedly as Priscilla looked over the photos and they returned to the scatter of papers and film on the table. "Yeah, yeah, you go ahead, honey." Priscilla cooed, waving a hand over her shoulder carelessly before tilting her head and squinting her eyes at one of your drawings. "Oh, what do you think about--no, that won't do... but maybe?"
With a hushed chuckle, you shook your head at the two of them and backed out of the room quietly. It almost seemed as if they were more excited than you were, but your stomach was rumbling and you needed something to eat before you started chewing on paper like a goat. Only, along the way toward the exit you paused outside one of the studios at the sound of Tom's voice.
Peeking inside, you smiled at the sight of his mop of curls bobbing--the smile faded to a grimace as you realized he was in no position to talk at the moment. You trailed a little further into the room and shot a tentative smile to one of the crew members who nodded to you, no longer surprised by your presence. Many times before you'd sat in on Tom's filming days, as he had done yours, but never before had you seen him at work with his most frequent costar.
Her name was Melaina, a startlingly attractive woman with what you were fairly certain was the world's most perfect face, and she was the star of most of Tom's work. You had nothing against her, having run into her quite a few times at work and never being anything short of pleased with her sweet and charismatic aura, but man was it hard not to feel inferior as you watched the two of them in action. It was as if they knew what the other would do before they even moved, connected on some spiritual level that boosted their chemistry to an astronomical level.
Tom's body was glistening with sweat and oil, his eyes dark and hooded with lust as he towered over her. The muscles in his back, chest, and arms all rippled with every move he made and caught the light just right, and you found yourself shifting on your feet subconsciously as you watched. Your hands twitched with the desire to push that one stubborn curl out of his face as it slid across his forehead, heavy and sodden with sweat.
Melaina gave a breathy moan that had you swallowing down a lump in your throat, her hands raking down Tom's chest only for him to swat them away and pin them to the bed above her head, "No touching!" he snapped, voice booming through the cavernous room, and you nearly groaned in sync with his counterpart. Too many times he'd growled those words to you, just like that, and the heat between your legs throbbed at the memory.
"Please, daddy," Melaina wailed, "I wanna cum!"
For a moment you rolled the name around your tongue, pursing your lips as you pondered what it would feel like to call Tom such a thing. It didn't feel right though; a sour taste compared to the deliciously sweet way sir rolled from your lips. His low, devilish chuckle brought you back to the present as you focused on the scene before you.
With a long, drawn out roll of his hips, Tom leaned down to Melaina's ear and spoke, "Bad girls don't get to come, darling."
Oh, fuck.
Hearing that name, that one little word, spill forth from his lips in reference to someone other than yourself ignited a certain flame within you that you hadn't felt in quite some time. It was green; everything tinged green in your vision like the sickening tone of the clouds before a treacherous storm. Jealousy wasn't something you wore often, but hearing that was enough to sit the crown of envy heavily upon your head.
Almost as if he could sense it, sense your turmoil, Tom's head tilted back until he looked you heavily in the eye. Your jaw tensed as he continued to push his hips harder through Melaina's cries and pleas, fingers clenching into fists as you tried to get yourself under control. It didn't mean anything.
You and Tom were nothing but friends with benefits, heavy on the benefits and light on the friendship, and this was his job. Hell, it was your job too! It didn't mean a damn thing.
His eyes never strayed from yours as that familiar pinch formed between his brows, his entire body growing rigid. He was brutal with the force of his hips, his hands groping roughly at Melaina's perfect ass and his lips parting in a silent 'o' that grew wider and wider until--there it was. His eyes locked on yours, Tom thrust twice more as a gritted laugh burst from his chest and he stilled completely. She mewled beneath him like a vixen, arching off the bed and crying, "Yes, daddy! Cum for me!"
He knew. His haughty smirk, ticked jaw, and glinting eyes told you well enough that he knew exactly what you were feeling, all the bitter and envious thoughts swirling through your mind. He knew, and he was thoroughly enjoying the way you were rooted in place under the weight of all your jealousy, your eyes locked with his and unable to break free.
The sound of the clapper snapping and the director's loud shout startled you out of the strange limbo of envy and hunger you'd been trapped in. Tom muttered something to Melaina with a flirtatious grin that made your gut twist, and she laughed loudly whilst slapping a hand across his chest playfully. Suddenly, you weren't so hungry anymore, nor were you entirely interested in speaking to Tom.
You were out of focus for the rest of your day at work, earning disgruntled and concerned stares from your two colleagues who were working tirelessly to perfect all of your plans before the test shoot the following day. All of your thoughts were consumed with Tom, though, and it left you feeling nauseous. Never before had you cared much at all that he was with other women, knowing it was just a day's work for him, but seeing him with Melaina had truly rubbed you raw in the worst way.
The ache between your legs didn't make your heart flutter for the moment. Instead, each time you moved wrong and felt that persistent twinge, it made bile creep up your throat and your face burn with a mixture of bitter emotions. It wasn't that you were suddenly craving more from Tom--because you weren't, and as much as you enjoyed his company you weren't interested in a relationship.
Inferiority was a hell of a bitter pill. That was the root of the green eyed monster that was steadily taking control of you; Melaina made you feel inferior, and you hated it more than anything. Clearly he found her to be a better costar than you, considering he'd not once requested you even after starring in your own special. That was the first strike.
But, was she a better lay than you? Did she feel better, make him feel better than you? Did she talk dirtier, obey faster, and mold herself into whatever he wanted better than you? What if you weren't the only one he invited into his own bed at night?
By the time you left work the sun was setting, hours had passed, and you were exhausted from your racing mind. Usually Tom would have come to find you after he finished filming, but he hadn't and that bothered you. You knew it was probably all a game to him, a way for him to get you all riled up and tease you for it, but you weren't playing. You didn't want to play his games today, and when he finally texted you that night you left all of his messages on read with an acrid taste in your mouth.
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"Ready for the big day?"
A peculiar sense of deja vu washed over you as you opened your dressing room door to reveal Tom perched on the other vanity seat, a tiny smile twitching at his lips and a twinkle in his eye. You really should have expected him to be there considering he'd been eagerly talking about watching you film for days, but after ignoring him you were more than surprised to see him waiting patiently for you to arrive. The door shut with a dull click, and Tom watched you closely.
Whatever he was playing at, you weren't going to bite--today was a big day for you, and nothing was going to distract you from your work. "What are you doing here?" you asked, huffing as your voice cracked and robbed you of your attempt to play it cool.
He just chuckled, a hoarse and airy sound, and licked his lips, "You think I'd miss the chance to see my girl touch herself for hours?"
His girl?
The words swirled around your brain the entire time you got ready, Marlena eyeing you curiously as you twiddled your thumbs quietly and payed no mind to either of the two people in your presence. What the hell did he mean by that? Why did your heart go on the fritz at those two silly words?
"Are you mad at me, lovie?" Eyes flickering over to Tom, you grew hot under his speculative gaze. Head tilted to one side, brown eyes narrowed slightly, and lips puckered in a tiny pout that made you swoon, he asked, "Have I done something to upset you?"
In the mirror you could see Marlena fighting back a smile, looking between the two of you with quivering lips as she held herself back from interrupting the moment. "No," you muttered, dropping your eyes back to your fiddling fingers, "I'm just nervous."
You didn't have to look to know that Tom was smirking, the sound of his soft laughter cluing you into the fact well enough. There was that deja vu again, your mind traveling back to that first time he'd sat in your dressing room and asked if he made you nervous. Teasingly, he asked, "Am I making you nervous, darling?"
Rolling your eyes, you huffed, "No."
Tom's eyes were all over you the moment you stepped onto the set and dropped your robe into an assistant's waiting arms. Clad in a skimpy lace negligee with nothing underneath, it was understandable that he'd be quite enraptured--never before had you worn something so dainty for your work, nor had you ever worn anything quite like the transparent scrap during any of your visits to his apartment. Even you yourself were quite enthralled by the look of it, having admired your reflection in the mirror for ages before finally joining the crew to start working.
As you soaked up the warm, tingling sensation of his ravenous eyes trailing over every inch of your body, you slowly relaxed into his presence. All the thoughts of Melaina drifted away, and you were biting back pleased smiles each and every time you acknowledged his gaze. It felt nice; it felt like it had every time he'd watched you film before, only better because now you were finally fully enjoying your project.
He hung back beside Priscilla in front of the big screen which displayed all the different camera angles whilst you ambled your way around the set. It wasn't complete, but it was enough for you all to get an idea of what the final design should be. A queen sized bed with dark, silk sheets in the center of a warmly lit stage, piled high with pillows of all sizes--already you were imagining towering bed posts with chiffon curtains framing the beautiful space.
There was one camera posted at the foot of the bed which was to be the main view point for the video. Climbing aboard you shifted until your bottom was posted over the scribbled X and leaned back onto your elbows, your knees propped up and spread wide. "How's this look?" you called out, craning your neck to see Priscilla, Archie, and Tom.
"Slide up a bit," Archie bellowed back, "a bit more--that's it! Oh, fuck, that looks amazing."
Having slid up the mattress half a foot, your head fell onto the bed of pillows that were finally within reach. From your new vantage point you could admire Tom, and the sight of him was enough to already have your thighs dampening. It seemed as if he were unsure as to where to look, his eyes flickering back and forth from the blown up, pixelated version of you to the real deal hastily.
The angle was awkward, and no matter how hard you stared he never made eye contact. It was then that you realized he couldn't see your face, at least not the real one, and a certain thrill sparked within you. Trailing your fingers over your stomach slowly, you reached for the frilled edge of the fabric and bit back a giggle as he tensed all over.
Licking your lips in time with Tom, you shouted, "Should we get started, then?"
Within seconds the clapper was dropped, and Priscilla boomed, "Test one, rolling!"
It was strange having to force yourself to look into the camera, rather than avoiding it so as not to ruin the flow of a scene. But, after a few moments of running your hands over your body and trying to get into the right mindset, your mind drifted away from the crowded room and into your own personal bubble. In there, that secret place you escaped to, it was just yourself and Tom.
Your body heated as you pictured him in place of the camera. In your vision he was bare and glistening, just for you; sitting on his heels with his knees spread apart and his hands ghosting over his length languidly. So many nights you'd laid before him like this, aching and begging for his hands to take the place of your own.
"Show me what those fingers can do, darling." he cooed, voice silky and sweeter than honey. It was a stark contrast to the dark, all-consuming pull of his brown eyes that lusted for you greedily.
Breathing a little harder, you tugged the stretchy lace further down your chest until your breasts were exposed to the chilled air. Tom's eyes glimmered, his tongue swiping over his lower lip, and you desperately wished it were his lips wrapping around one of your pebbled buds instead of your clammy fingers. Your eyes fluttered shut for a second as you imagined it; reminiscing on the sensation of his hot, silky tongue swirling around your nipples and tugging them delightfully into his mouth.
It was incredibly hard not to cry out for him as you descended further into the scenario you'd created for yourself. Nevertheless, you swallowed down all the whimpers of his name that bubbled to your lips eagerly, instead whining soft noises that even turned yourself on. "Love those pretty sounds, (Y/N)." he always hummed down your ear, scorching breathe fanning all across your neck.
The facade didn't fade as you opened your eyes again with heavy lids that begged to fall shut again. You tugged hard at one of your rosebuds in sync with Tom's harsh pull over his cock, and your back arched as you gave a loud cry. He moved his hand faster and clenched his eyes shut for a second as he groaned, "Enough teasing, lovie, show me that perfect pussy. Wanna see you cum all over your fingers f'me."
You couldn't have agreed more. Your heat was hot and dripping, your thighs slipping across the sheets a little more easily as you pooled your juices onto the mattress longingly. Tracing your fingers over the swell of your chest and down your stomach, you peeled your flimsy gown back until it was all bunched up beneath your breasts.
Tom watched with baited breathe, held perfectly in sync with your own burning chest, as you teased your fingers all around where you ached to be touched the most. Just as you finally dipped the tip of your middle finger into the slick, a shuffle and quiet laugh shattered the vision of Tom. You huffed in frustration the buzzing in your veins dulled and your hand fell limp over your bare middle.
"Cut!" Priscilla shouted, and even she sounded frustrated as you sat up and ripped your negligee back down, "That was really good, (Y/N)! Wanna have a look?"
You did, but you could barely hear the words coming from Priscilla's mouth as you took in the scene before you. There was Tom, hands cupped over his crotch like they always were when he watched you film, but this time he wasn't watching you. Instead, he was entirely focused on Melaina who stood beside him with one dainty hand stroking his arm, the other twirling the skirt of her sundress lazily.
Your blood boiled to life once more, but no longer was it out of desire for Tom. Pursing your lips, you called back to Priscilla, "No, let's just keep going." He was still engrossed in his hushed conversation with her, and you added pettily, "Might I remind some of you to be quiet on set!"
Melaina's stifled giggle turned the green hue in your eyes red, but you took a deep breathe and resisted the urge to roll your eyes. It didn't mean anything, it didn't mean anything, it didn't mean anything. The mantra echoed through your head as you did your best to keep your ridiculous envy at bay; Tom wasn't yours, nor were you his, and you had nothing to be jealous of.
You did, however, roll your eyes at the sight of Tom's devious smirk. It only widened at the action, and in spite of your wish to pretend he didn't affect you, your thigh clenched subconsciously. "Sorry, darling, we'll be quiet." he hummed, greedily soaking up the distasteful purse of your lips with his eyes.
It was harder to get back into the groove once the cameras started rolling again. Tom's image wavered in place of the camera, your mind clouded with all the conflicting emotions you were feeling, and no matter how hard you tried you just couldn't get back into that bubble. You pushed through, though, and picked up where you'd left off.
"Look at you," Tom simpered as your fingers dipped into your slick once again, your jaw slackening as you toyed one finger through your entrance, "absolutely dripping for me. Does it get you off to see me with another woman?"
What the hell was that? His words were like a record scratch in your mind, your fingers recoiling from your throbbing core in shock. Trying again, you changed your direction and drifted your fingers to your clit with a soft sigh. Closing your eyes to shut out his smirking face again, you rolled the soft pads over your bud and felt your lips part in a hushed moan.
How easy it would have been to keep them closed and push yourself over that edge with nothing but the sensation to edge you forward, but you knew that wouldn't make for a satisfying watch. So, begrudgingly, you opened your eyes again to the scene you'd created for yourself. Tom was sitting on the bed now, his legs spread wide before him to leave space for you between, and his length was laid against his thigh lazily. The tip was weeping and blazing red, a thick drop of pearly precum making your lips tingle with desire.
His hands wrapped around the footboard of the bed, gripping the solid wood so tightly his knuckles turned white and his arms rippled with unbridled strength. All that muscle, the sinewy, languid curl of hard muscle beneath soft flesh pulled taught in restraint; it was enough to have you drooling. Your fingers slipped easily from your swollen clit to your slit, and you dipped the tip of your middle finger inside with a choked cry.
Tom moaned back at you, his cock twitching as he flexed his stomach, eyes glued to the tight clench of your cunt around your fingers. "Fuck, lovie, do your fingers feel as good as mine?" he asked, "Does that pussy feel as good as hers?"
What the fuck?
Melaina's giggle echoed through the set, piercing the thickened air and startling you nearly as much as the wild turn your imagination had taken. Growling angrily, you slapped your hands onto the mattress beside you and pouted, "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Sorry, I'm so sorry!" Melaina squeaked, sounding so genuinely apologetic it only irritated you further, "Stop it, Tom, you made me laugh."
Sitting up once more, propped up on your hands, you scowled fiercely at the sight of Tom's arm draped over her shoulders and his head dipped low to whisper in her ear. His eyes were trained on you, though, and you knew damn well that coy smirk that teased at his lips was meant for you alone. Melaina gripped the hand over her shoulder tightly as she stifled another laugh, eyes twinkling to match the beaming smile on her face.
Backing his lips away from Melaina's hair, Tom faced you dead on as his head cocked to the side playfully. Narrowing your eyes, you scoffed as he winked at you. That bastard! You flopped back onto the bed with a growl, wanting nothing more than to kick him off the set, but you refrained. You knew it would only cement what he'd already figured out within his head; it would prove that you were without a doubt, one hundred and ten percent jealous.
"How about we take five, everyone!"
You practically threw yourself off of the bed, snatching your robe from the timid assistant with a huff before stomping off the set entirely. What was he playing at? It was one thing for Tom to toy with you, but to purposefully throw you off when you were working? That was low.
Alone in the small room, you dropped your head onto your vanity with a loud groan of annoyance. So many new emotions were swirling around you, plaguing your mind and twisting your gut up into knots so tight you actually felt ill. You couldn't even begin to unravel the twisted mess to pick apart all the different things you were feeling.
There was a quiet knock on the door, and you didn't have to look to know who it was. "G'way!" you grumbled, hissing angrily when the door opened anyways, "I said--"
Tom crashed his lips to yours, choking your words and the muffled squeal of surprise that escaped you. Pushing his weight onto you and pinning you to the chair, he bit down on your lower lip until you whined pitifully, pulling away to look you heavily in the eye, "You ignored me last night."
"So? I wasn't feeling it." you retorted, the almost lie making your stomach flutter. "Is that why you're trying to ruin my test shoot? Another bullshit punishment?"
He gaped at you for a moment, his lips parting in surprise as he blinked down at you wordlessly. But, just as you were settling into the triumph of finally rendering him speechless, he sputtered a sinister chuckle and smirked. Clicking his tongue reproachfully, he tutted, "Are you jealous, darling? Is that what this little tantrum is about? Are you jealous of Melaina?"
The words of your imaginary Tom echoed in your ears, the thin flesh and cartilage heating up in embarrassment as you scoffed, "No, why the hell would you think that?"
Smirk widening, he leaned close to nuzzle his face into your ear as he hummed, "Mm, I think you're lying, lovie. I think you were jealous watching me fuck her yesterday, and today you're so bothered you can't even perform. Envy is a hell of a thing, wouldn't you say?"
His lips sucked on the tender skin of your earlobe, drawing the faintest of whimpers from your lips, and he released it with a dramatic suckle of a wet, sloppy kiss. He whispered tauntingly, "Did it make you jealous to see me cum for somebody else? To see me fuck Melaina instead of you?"
"N-no-- oh, fuck."
Tom's fingers dragged heavily through your folds, a gush of your juices immediately flooding into his open palm in response. His thumb rolled over your clit faintly, teasing the rapidly swelling bundle as he chuckled right into your ear, "Don't lie to me, darling."
That stupid name that he'd called her made you steel your resolve, stubbornly repeating, "'M not jealous, Tom. You can fuck whoever you want."
His fingers plunged into you to the knuckle, earning a loud gasp as your hands flew to his arms and clutched him tightly. "Yeah? 'S that so?" he asked, nipping the hot skin of your neck until you whined desperately, "Think I'd like a taste then, love."
This was certainly turning out far better than you'd expected. With a racing heart and a quivering breathe, you gasped, "Please, Tom." Tom's eyes narrowed at you, his expression hardening as he pinched your hip in warning. "Please, I want you to have a taste, sir."
He grinned, patting your cheek in a playful slap as he cooed, "There's my good girl. Spread your legs, darling."
Obediently, you eagerly spread your legs until your thighs were digging into the sides of your chair and shaking as you fought to keep them splayed so wide. The lace of your negligee was pulled taught and curled up over your hips at the movement, exposing all of you to Tom's greedy eyes. He licked his lips as he gazed down at his fingers still buried inside you as deep as they would go, flexing the two digits and closing his eyes as you cursed and clenched around them.
You crooned as he pulled them out and thrust them back in slowly, curling until the tips dragged over your spot lazily. "Please, sir, want your tongue, too." you pleaded, digging your thighs further into the seat as you rutted down onto his once again motionless fingers.
His eyes snapped open and he quirked his one ruffled brow playfully, "Yeah? You want my fingers and my tongue?" Tom dug the pad of his thumb into your clit deeply, pressing your button down and making your entire body spasm from the harsh stimulation, "I don't know if you deserve both, lovie. You're lucky you're even getting my fingers."
Whining, you threw your head back childishly and ground your hips into his fingers indignantly. He kept them steady, only slightly brushing your g-spot through your forced motion, and his free hand clamped down on your thigh in a bruising grip. "Please!" you begged, "Please, sir, I'll be so good!"
Your pleas molded into a shout as his lips closed suddenly around your clit, his thumb sliding aside to spread your folds open for him as he sucked at your sensitive nub harshly. Tom's fingers pulled out slowly before slamming back into you, his fist effectively punching your core and making you ache, but you moaned and begged for more. Each forceful blow pushed his fingers right into your spot, the tips curling to drag against your upper wall with every motion.
In mere moments you were seeing stars. Your stomach was tightening beyond measure, that coil winding so tight you feared you might break when it finally snapped, but you met each thrust of his hand with a jerk of your hips eagerly. His tongue flicked against your clit in rapid kitten licks, sparking your body to spasm violently each time. "I'm so close, sir!" you gasped, digging your nails into the armrest of your seat as your back arched in pleasure, "I'm gonna--"
With one last long, hard suck on your bundle, Tom pulled away from you completely. His fingers ripped away from your dripping slit and slid in between his glistening lips, that tongue swirling dramatically around the digits as he sat back on his heels much like he had in your imagination. Gaping, you huffed, "What the hell, Tom?"
He grinned devilishly, "Admit you were jealous, and I'll let you cum."
Sputtering, you spat out, "I told you I wasn't jealous."
"Mm, but I know you're lying, darling," he teased, eyes glinting playfully, "and I want to hear you admit it. You wanna cum all over my fingers and my tongue?"
You nodded hesitantly, swallowing the lump in your throat as you whispered, "Yes, sir."
He leaned in close, his nose brushing against yours and his lips ghosting over your own as he whispered, "Admit you were jealous."
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breathe. You felt hot all over with embarrassment, your skin burning and your blood boiling beneath, but fuck, you really wanted that sweet release that only he could give you. So, with trembling lips, you whispered, "I was jealous."
Eyes still closed, you jumped as his fingers brushed over your clit in a feather light touch. He pressed a slow, soft kiss to your lips that had you chasing him for more when he backed away and asked, "Are you still jealous?" One finger toyed with your slit, drawing a harsh line up and down your entrance as you resisted the urge to push further into his hand.
He chuckled, and your eyes snapped open as he backed away from you, his hand disappearing from your core. His eyes were dark in a ruthless stare as he stated, "You need to learn to share, love. Stingy girls don't get to cum." And, just like that, he retreated from the room leaving you staring after him in utter shock.
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You weren't sure what you were expecting when you rocked up to Tom's apartment that night following his typical, "You up?" text. What you most certainly had not expected, though, was to find Melaina sprawled out on his sofa in nothing but a sheer negligee--nothing at all underneath. In a strange sense, you figured you should have seen it coming; what better way for Tom to torment you than to make you face the root of your jealousy?
"Mm, on second thought," you hummed, pursing your lips as you took in the woman's sensual form upon his couch, "I think I'll be going."
Turning to leave, you crashed nose first into Tom's hard chest with a muffled grunt of surprise. His hands crept around your waist in a lazy fashion, dragging the fabric of your shirt up until his warm palms found the icy chill of your bare skin. It sent a shiver down your spine, much to your own chagrin.
He pouted, jutting his lower lip out at you tauntingly as he leaned close to brush his nose along the high point of your cheek. "You've only just got here, darling," he mused, "I missed you last night. You left me all alone."
It was really pathetic how easily he broke through your walls. Despite your tireless efforts to re-stack each brick he knocked down, the feeling of his soft lips ghosting along the supple skin of your cheeks had those same cinderblocks crumbling to dust. A gentle kiss on the apple of your cheek, a fleeting peck at the slope of your forehead, one slow trail along the angle of your jaw--you were putty in his hands when his lips finally found your own.
Even as his tongue traced the outline of your lips, you desperately tried to fight his hold on you. Grumbling into his mouth, "I'm sure you could have found company elsewhere--"
Tom bit down on your lower lip, hard, and pulled until it snapped back with a loud pop that made you whimper. Yet, his eyes were tender in a way you'd never seen before as he gazed down at you longingly, whispering, "I wanted you, though."
Yeah, you were fucked.
Breathing a little heavier, you gave into your more animalistic desires in spite of the jealousy and irritation that still boiled deep within your veins. A childish, prideful part of you boasted over his words; he'd wanted you! Not Melaina, not anyone else, just you. It was utterly ridiculous.
Tom's brown eyes were warm, inviting, and curious as he waited for you to make the next move. You could see the questions bouncing around behind them; would you leave? Would you stay? But, there was a familiar glimmer of mischief buried behind the thick honey gaze that had you waiting for the other foot to fall.
Taking your lack of movement as an answer, a desire to stay, Tom pressed another kiss to your lips. Long, slow, and mind-boggling--it felt like your soul left your body with the way he curled his plush lips into yours. Already you were heating up, your body buzzing and growing hotter with desire in each second that passed.
You clawed your fingers into the hem of his shirt, scratching your nails along the flesh of his lower abdomen in a futile attempt to ground yourself. It was a frantic plea to him to hold you there, to keep you from floating away as his kiss took you to higher places. He gave a gentle hiss into your mouth at the sting, but pushed harder into your face as his hands inched higher up your back to toy with the band of your bra.
Fingers gently swept the collar of your shirt down, exposing your neck as fuller, softer lips ghosted along the line of the fabric. Wait--lips? Jumping, you reeled back from Tom's face with widened eyes to find Melaina blinking back at you, eyes blown wide with lust.
"What are you--"
Tom popped the clasp of your bra with ease, looking down at you with darkened irises. "Is this okay?" he asked, glancing at Melaina who was waiting beside your twisted, intertwined bodies for approval.
Her fingers swirled slow, tingling circles on your hip, lip caught between pearly, white teeth as she watched you with enraptured intensity. Two minutes ago, the word no would have spilled from your lips without a moment of hesitation--but now? Now, as your eyes lingered on the swollen, bitten lower lip that called for you to taste it; as you trailed them lower to admire the perfectly soft curve on every inch of her body, it wasn't so clear.
There was a supple rise of her chest with every breathe, hardened nipples poking through the transparent fabric of her dress. Rounded breasts upon a gentle, sloping waist, wide hips that certainly gave way to a perfect handful of ass and thigh, all leading the eye down the length of her sculpted legs. Melaina was like a work of art, and every inch of her that you admired sent tingles through your body.
Glancing back at Tom, you nearly moaned out loud. Her eyes burned the side of your face, but it was nothing compared to the heat of Tom's stare into your very soul. It sucked the breathe out of you and left you feeling dizzy, your vision darkening until all you could see were the artful angles of his face.
You spoke hoarsely, swallowing down the lump that formed in your throat, "Yes."
Tom's mouth parted against yours in an instant, his hot tongue slipping inside and making your eyes roll back as Melaina pressed her body against your side and latched onto your neck. Sucking, biting, rolling the soft muscle of her tongue all along each sharp nibble to soothe the tender flesh--it was an overload of sensation all at once. You didn't know where to put your hands as they both crept theirs all over your body.
It was impossible to decipher where one ended and the other began. Whose hand was that gripping your ass? Whose were peeling your bra straps down our arms under your sleeves? Who was slipping their thumbs along the waistband of your pants, tickling your hot, sensitive skin?
Moaning, you gasped, "Please!"
You weren't even sure what you were asking for, but Melaina quickly stepped aside to let Tom pull your shirt over your head as your bra fell to the floor at your feet. He admired your chest for a long moment, palms cupping the swell of your breasts as his thumbs rolled over the stiffened peaks of your nipples, earning a muffled groan from you. Licking his lips, he stepped back and waved the eagerly waiting woman forward.
As Melaina devoured your chest, you followed him with your gaze through heavy lidded eyes. He watched on with an indecipherable glint in his eyes, lips glistening with a mixture of your saliva and his own. Those long lashes fluttered as he dragged his tongue slowly over the plump of his lower lip, nostrils flaring in a sharp inhale as if he were tasting you all over again.
Her lips were wrapped tightly around your left nipple when he finally disappeared behind you, a shiver wracking your body when his fingers caressed the arch of your spine in a fluttering touch. Chest pressed warmly to your bare back, he dipped low to mix his own marks with the ones she had left behind. You dropped your head back onto his shoulder, lulling to the side to expose the entirety of your throat to him in submission.
When had he removed his shirt? The bare skin of his torso was scorching on your back, matching the heat of his tongue dipping in your collarbone in time with a twirl of hers around your other nipple. Fingers, hands, lips, tongues everywhere; your body was reaching its boiling point.
"Come to bed with us?" Tom's husky whisper directly into the shell of your ear had you whining, arching your back until your behind rolled harshly into his crotch. His length ground into you roughly, a quiet groan escaping his lips at the stimulation, "Fuck, darling, you like this?"
Weakly, barely able to focus through all the pleasurable touches to your body, you whispered, "Yes, yes, sir. Please."
You should have known it wouldn't last. You should have anticipated the shift in Tom's attitude, revealing his true intentions to you as he lead you by the wrist into his bedroom to find a dining chair at the side of his bed. But, you blinked up at him dumbfounded as he held up a silk tie before your face with a devilish grin.
Melaina stretched out on the bed with a hand between her legs, knees propped open wide as she touched herself lazily and watched you closely. Glancing at the tie, then the chair, and then Tom's arrogant smirk, you mumbled, "What is that?"
He just chuckled throatily, grinning as he hummed, "Sit in the chair, darling." You blinked again, frozen in place, "Sit, now, or I promise you'll not like the outcome."
Instinctively, your knees crumbled until you fell into the chair with a frown. He snatched your wrists roughly, twisting them behind the back of the chair until the backs of your hands touched and you whined in protest, "That hurts, Tom."
He pulled further, a sharp ache burning through the muscles of your arms as they dug harshly into the back of the chair. "Watch it, (Y/N)." he growled.
"Sorry, sir." you muttered pitifully, eyes downcast to avoid the amused smile on Melaina's face, "What's going on?"
Tom didn't answer you for a long while, taking his time to tie your wrists with the tie until he was certain you couldn't break free. Testing the restraints, you pouted as the fabric didn't yield in any way to your tugs. He hummed under his breathe in appreciation, though, stroking a finger up the length of your arm as he rounded to face you again.
Melaina sat up and leaned into the arm he reached out toward her, your gut twisting bitterly at the sight of her purring under his touch like a cat. "I told you, darling, that stingy girls don't get to cum." he restated his words from earlier, and your body burned with embarrassment, "So, I'm going to teach you to share. You're gonna sit there and watch me, and you're going to deal with it like a big girl. Understood?"
"But I--"
"Do you understand?" Tom hissed, eyes narrowing in a fierce glare that dared you to challenge him further. You couldn't miss the way his fingers twitched, the familiar sting of his palm on your behind ghosting over the skin in anticipation of impact. He remained rooted in place, though, leaning into Melaina's body that was steadily wrapping further around him.
Her lips were on his chest, leaving a flurry of angry purple marks that made you want to scream like a child. "I understand, sir." you grumbled, slumping into the seat.
He smiled, "Good."
It was as if you disappeared from the room entirely in that instant. He turned to Melaina, completely absorbed in her presence as his hands slid around her waist to grab fistfuls of her ass. Groaning, he squeezed the flesh tighter until she whimpered. Your own body ignited in shame and jealousy, fingers clenching into fists that tugged uselessly against their bonds.
The sound of their lips smacking as they kissed, wet and sloppy sounds that echoed in your ears, made you want to whine. How had it come to this, when only moments ago they were kissing you like that? Was this the only reason you were here?
You watched on with an aching core, racing heart, and sweaty palms as the heat intensified between them. There was that chemistry you'd witnessed on set--their movements so in sync it seemed as if they were connected spiritually, a perfect flow of seamless give and take. It was almost painful to watch.
The jealousy that tore you to shreds was not from a desire to be the only woman in Tom's life, though a selfish part of you did secretly relish in the thought. It was an aching, grotesque and petty desire to know that you were the best. You were jealous of the way he found pleasure in someone else, when all you wanted was to know that you were unmatched. You were jealous to feel his touch on your body, and some part of you was growing desirous of hers as well.
It was a purely physical sort of envy; no feelings attached. Or, at least that's what you told yourself. In some sense there had to be a sort of emotional drive behind it, but it was easier to tell yourself it was stupid pride instead of murky, confusing feelings.
Your eyes clenched shut as you bit back a huff of frustration. Melaina's moans grew louder, until she shrieked, "Please, daddy, wanna feel you!"
There was a smack and a rustle, and when you opened your eyes Tom had shoved Melaina flat onto her stomach. The skin of her still rippling ass was reddened in a blazing hand print, his hand rubbing over the mark soothingly. "You wanna feel daddy's cock, princess?" he growled, "Think (Y/N) deserves to watch?"
"Yes, daddy," Melaina murmured, "want her to watch. Want her to see how good I make you feel."
The green eyed monster in your head was stomping circles through your brain, screeching over the cruelty of the situation. Yet, you kept your lips pursed shut as you glared back at Tom with just as much ferocity. He wasn't going to see you break; you'd come out of this on top, you were sure of it. You weren't going to let him see that she'd hit the root of your jealousy right on it's ugly, rearing head with her words.
You scoffed, and he glared at you with a sort of intensity that made your legs quiver, but you faced his scowl head on with a ferocity of your own to match. You wouldn't let him see that she'd hit the root of your jealousy right on its ugly, rearing head with those words; if he wanted to play, then you were going to play just as hard.
Or, maybe you were just emboldened by the fact that he hadn't called her darling again. Either way, you stared him in the eye until he looked away from you with a clenched jaw and twitching hand. Your first, and only, victory of the night.
It was torture. He moaned as he pushed into her, eyes clenching shut and hands squeezing at her flesh desperately when he bottomed out with his hips buried into her bottom. Yet, you couldn't decide which method of suffering was worse; to keep your eyes opened or closed.
Open, you had to watch his face contort with pleasure and the way he interacted with her eager, willing body. Closed, you had to listen to the sounds they made and feel the way your body reacted in accordance. You were dripping onto the seat, angry tears pooling in your eyes, and your arms were going numb from their restrained position.
"Eyes open, darling." Tom ordered, and you bit back the curse that bubbled to your lips. He watched you with hooded eyes until you met his gaze, immediately blocking you out again to focus on the messy, fucked out woman on his bed. She was wailing, and you were trying your best not to join in the chorus.
He was going an an unrelenting pace, each brutish thrust of his hips eliciting a strangled cry from Melaina. She was clawing at the sheets, incrementally crawling away from him until he pulled her back with a forceful tug of her hips. "Daddy, 'm gonna cum!" she moaned, breathless.
You squirmed in your seat, bottom sliding slickly over the wooden surface from how much you'd pooled into it. "Come on, princess. Cum f'me." he urged, voice strained as he rocked his hips faster into her. The sound of skin against skin mixed with the damp sounds from his force into her slick echoed loudly through the room, but it was unparalleled to the unrestrained scream the tore from her throat.
Watching with wide eyes and strained, clenched thighs, you gasped as Melaina arched into the bed wildly. Her actions were so over the top you'd have assumed they were theatrics, if it weren't for the way you could see her physically quivering with full body shivers. Fuck, why couldn't that have been you?
Tom pulled out of her roughly, turning on you and clambering off of his bed to lean over you. His hands wrapped around the arms of the chair tightly, the muscle of his arms rippling as he gripped it so tight the wood creaked. "Learned your lesson yet, darling?" he demanded, nose to nose with you.
Nodding desperately, you gasped, "Yes, sir."
He disappeared from view, Melaina still crumpled into the bed and spent as she breathed heavily. When his fingers brushed your wrists, untying them slowly, you nearly wept with relief. Finally, he was going to touch you.
Pulling you up from the chair, Tom gripped your chin firmly as his thumb tugged at your bottom lip. "Want me to touch you, darling?" You nodded, begging him with your eyes and whining when he chuckled, "You have to earn it."
He sat back on the bed, scooting until his back was propped against the headboard with his legs spread wide. Patting the space between them, he beckoned you forward until you were perched between his knees on your own. You yelped as Melaina crept up behind you, hands sneaking up the skin of your back until they rested lightly on your shoulders, but you relaxed into her touch as she pressed a feather light kiss to your neck.
As she nipped at the skin, blossoming a new mark amidst all the ones she'd left before, Tom grinned deviously. "Let's make a deal, darling," he breathed, "if you can stop yourself from cumming all over her tongue, I'll let you come on my cock."
You squeaked as her fingers dipped down the front of your body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake as she drew nearer to where you were aching for any sort of touch. Deep down you knew how hard it would be not to finish at any sort of stimulation due to how worked up and ravenously needy you were, but if there was a chance to get Tom where you wanted him then you were going to take it. So, you nodded, "Please."
Melaina pushed you forward until you were bent over, propped up on your knees and elbows. Tom's length was straining against his thigh, and he flexed as your slightly frantic breathing blew across the sensitive skin. He reached out a hand to caress your cheek before winding it to the back of your head, pulling you closer until you wrapped your lips around the tip.
You groaned in sync with him as you felt her blow a cool breeze on your clit, your legs nearly buckling as she forced them apart with her hands. Stars were bursting behind your eyes the very moment she drew a line through your folds with her tongue, but Tom's shove against your head kept you grounded. Focusing, you pushed forward until your nose was buried in his pelvis and he moaned loudly.
Her taste was still all over him. Pulling back until you only held his tip in your mouth again, you swirled your tongue around the head and parted your lips to let your spit soak down his length entirely. You looked up and blinked at him coyly, flattening your tongue under his tip and sucking hard until he clenched his eyes shut and raked his nails into your scalp roughly.
Going down again, you gagged around him and tears sprung to your eyes when he held you there. He was choking you, but you weren't thinking about air--all you could think about was how hard it was not to reflexively clamp down each time Melaina tweaked your clit just right, sending spasms through your entire body.
You were fighting hard to keep from going overboard, your stomach twisted up in knots so tight you felt compressed. Explosive, even. He was moaning above you, dragging your head up and down his length slowly, and there were shockwaves of vibrations in your core as Melaina hummed along with him.
Finally, as you took all of him again and squeezed his thigh with your nails digging in, Tom hissed and pulled you off of him. "On your back, now." he commanded, and Melaina jumped back just in time for you to hastily slide into position. "Fuck, need you so bad, darling."
His hands were hot as they slid up your thighs, spreading your legs apart until he could slip between them and crawl over your body. "Needed you last night, lovie, but you decided to ignore me like a brat." he growled, and you flinched as he dropped to his elbows over you suddenly, "Don't even deserve to feel me, you know that?"
"Please," you whined, "I'm sorry I ignored you, I'll never do it again."
Tom dragged his tip roughly through your folds, scowling at you when you bucked your hips into him, "Do that again and you'll go back in the chair."
You froze, and he hummed in approval before continuing his teasing. Up and down, up and down, up and down, he dragged himself over your entrance and clit until you were shaking with need. Each slow rock of his length through your folds was adding fuel to the fire raging within you, your eyes threatening to roll back from the surface level stimulation alone.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally eased into you slowly. You moaned breathlessly, clenching around him and fisting the sheets in a plea for him to just fuck you already. "Fucking love your cunt, darling," he groaned, eyes falling shut in bliss, "perfect little pussy, all for me. This all mine, lovie?"
"Yes, sir." you groaned, arching off the bed as he pushed deeper against you, "All yours."
He pulled back, dragging slowly against your walls until he slipped out of you entirely and left you feeling empty. But then he forced his way back in roughly, jolting you backward on the bed under the force of his thrust. Your lips opened in a silent yell, hands flying up to claw at his back desperately.
Tom's face dropped into your shoulder, mouthing open kisses into the skin that burned like fire. He picked up his pace with a steady, deep roll of his hips against yours that made you shiver all over. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, trapping him against you as you gripped his shoulders heavily.
Your eyes were clenched shut in pleasure as you felt him continue to push roughly against that spot deep inside, sending sparks through out your entire body. The coil in your belly had already been strung so tightly you'd feared you'd burst at the first moment of contact, but you were doing your best to fight it off. You wanted this moment, this feeling of him filling you to the brim, to last forever.
But, Tom shuddered above you and moaned into your ear, "Shit, 'm not gonna last, darling."
He pushed deeper into you with his next thrust, grinding your hips into the mattress as he put his weight behind it. You yelped and your hands left his back to find his face, pulling his lips down to yours in a feverish kiss. It was sloppy, all tongue and clashing teeth, but it matched the desperate, animalistic rhythm of his hips perfectly.
That coil inside you was sparking now, fizzling with pent up energy just begging to burst. "Please, please, please, let me cum, Tom." you begged, and he groaned as you said his name, "Please, Tommy!"
With a sharp snap of his hips, Tom pushed off the bed on one elbow and reached his hand down to the apex of your thighs. His fingers met your clit harshly, swirling rapid circles around your swollen bundle as he stared down at you like a starved man. "Say my name again, darling."
His fingers moved faster, harder, deeper in time with his thrusts that pushed you to heights you'd never felt from him. His eyes were clenched shut and his lips pulled back in a grimace, jaw clenching as his curls slid all over his forehead in a sweaty mess. He looked beautiful like that--all messy and fucked out, desperate to reach that high that you were pushing him toward.
Your legs were shaking wildly, and your stomach was burning as your muscles began to contract. It was the buildup to the explosive release, and you cried out, "Gonna cum, Tommy, yes! You feel so--oh, fuck!"
Wailing, you clamped your legs around his waist and squeezed your eyes shut so tightly it hurt. The coil snapped and you shrieked, his tip ramming into your g-spot over and over as he fucked you through your high. It felt like you couldn't even breathe, couldn't think, couldn't anything anymore. All you could do was feel him inside you, pushing through your pulsing walls as his fingers continued to rub your clit like a madman.
"Fucking--fuck!" he gritted, hips faltering, "Love it when you say my name, (Y/N). Sounds so perfect coming from your pretty lips."
You were desperate to get him there, feeling the way he was shuddering with each thrust as his body protested the exertion. "Tom, please," you begged, feeling the coil in your belly tightening up again, "cum for me. Wanna feel you fill me up, Tommy."
He slammed into you harder than he had all night, making your pelvis ache but you saw white. The world faded away as you burst into the crescendo again, your throat burning as you cried out loudly. Just when you were about to tap out and push him away because it was all too much, he rolled into you deeply and collapsed onto your chest.
So high in your own climax, you barely felt his cock pulsing against your walls as you milked him of every last drop. It was the warmth, though, that brought you back down to earth. The deep, warmth that filled you up had you sighing and sucking in air desperately, blinking up at the ceiling as Tom breathed heavily into your neck.
The two of you laid there like that for awhile, fighting to catch your breathe as your hearts raced against each other's chests. It wasn't until your vision finally cleared and you could breathe a little more freely, though, that a thought popped into your head, "Where did Melaina go?"
Tom laughed, his chest rumbling against yours as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder with a tender kiss to the sweaty skin. "Mm, don't know. She probably left."
"Oh," you muttered, "I didn't notice."
You hoped he didn't notice how you smiled as he hummed back, "Neither did I, darling."
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Curled up in Tom's bed, you shivered as his fingers traced lazy shapes into the bare skin of your thigh that was draped over his own. On his night stand sat two abandoned cups of tea, growing colder by the minute, but neither one of you was in any hurry to reach for them. You were content to just lay there in his embrace, soaking up his warmth.
This was what you'd grown to love the most over the past few months of hooking up with Tom. The sex was great, the orgasms mind blowing, but the time spent just enjoying each other's company afterwards was your favorite part. It felt nice to just be close to him, to feel connected to him in a more domestic sense.
"You know there's nothing to be jealous of, yeah?" he asked, suddenly, and you craned your neck back to look at him curiously. His cheeks were reddened slightly as he peered down at you with tender, timid eyes.
Sheepishly, you shrugged, "It's ridiculous, I know."
He frowned slightly, but the crease between his brows melted as you blinked up at him with wide eyes. "Nothing you feel is ridiculous, (Y/N)," he stated, "and it's okay to be jealous. You think I never felt shitty seeing you with any of the other guys you filmed with?"
The flush on his face deepened at his confession, but you grinned. He felt it too? "Really?" you asked, trying your best to keep from giving him total puppy dog eyes.
"Really." he repeated you, snorting when you grinned wider, "And, you don't need to be jealous of anyone. You're the only one who ends up right here in my bed, like this. Only one I want to be here, darling."
You buried your face into his chest with a flustered giggle, and he chuckled as his arms wrapped around you a little tighter. In a desperate need to keep things from getting too serious, still raw over everything you'd felt the past couple of days, you teased, "Mm, I'm only here for the tea--Tom!"
He dug his fingers into your ribs, fighting through your squeals and slaps as you tried to escape him. Easily, though, he got the upper hand and rolled until you were pinned beneath him. With twinkling eyes, a mixture of emotions you couldn't read, he taunted, "Admit it, (Y/N), you're in love with me."
In love with Tom? Your mind went blank as you stared up at him, but he just grinned down at you. There was a little flutter in your belly, and his eyes sparkled a brighter at your shiver. He knew. He knew the truth.
"Nah, it's definitely the tea--"
"Why, I oughta!"
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