#and maybe try to fix up my drawing issues lol
shadesofnavy · 10 months
holy shit Pico looks so freaking nice there! Though I have to say that I had a friggin double-take when I saw you mention that he's like in his 20s there. I'm just "wtf I thought he was a bit older here, not friggin younger" lmao
That life-style stress doesn't do him favors, but he's in his maybe late twenties there. I'll admit my art style's in a weird phase right now where I'm struggling with how I want my faces to look (realistic shaped, simple eyes? The rounded cartoony cheeks? Which one?? How do I make it look good???) I'm still in "art puberty" as you can see lmfao, so that's probably why he looked older augh
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The Thing About Redesigns, Rewrites, and Reimagines…
(Part I: Broader Discourse)
To those of you who’ve been keeping tabs or maybe seen my posts floating around the tag, you might recall me mentioning that I felt a bit of hesitancy toward the prospect of joining in on the recent wave of redesign/rewrite content. In the more likely scenario that you haven’t or do not know what the crap I’m talking about, that’s fine lol. Understandable. It was a little thing I had written into my first rewrite/redesign post about Charlie. In a short aside, I explained that it was because I’d felt “bad about tinkering with someone else’s work like this”, and then I’d left it at that. So… yeah. Why am I bringing it up now?
Well, I don’t think I need to tell you that this fandom is… a lot. Y’know people have been talking…discourse is being had… heated, moral arguments are being hurled left and right. And in light of all the growing, reactionary accusations, I…found myself starting to feel bad again.
My initial issue, the reason why I didn’t immediately jump to sharing my ideas was that, for all her faults, I empathize with Viv as a creator and didn’t want to feel like I was disrespecting her, her characters, and her vision by reworking it to suit my own. I had frustrations and criticisms, but I never wanted to make it seem like I was trying to ‘fix’ her work or her style. I really didn’t want to be one of those pretentious dipsh*ts (the kind that take a piece of art, digest it through their own preferences and biases, then spit it back in the artist’s face with a, “There. I made it better”). In the end, I went through with it because I had a small hyperfixation and a tendency to project my own issues onto characters I love (I’m sure some of y'all can relate). And also, I was having fun. But… then more discourse poured in, and I saw all the concerns I expressed reflected in the arguments presented by other fans and artists.
And well… That made me feel like I was doing something wrong, like perpetuating and becoming the exact problems I had wanted to fight against. So, I took a step back. I reevaluated.
Now, I have thoughts (shocker!).
And they are conflicted.
On one hand I agree with the idea that redesigns/rewrites are not inherently bad or disrespectful things when it comes to productions like Hazbin since Viv is not a small creator with no power. She and her team have ultimate authority over the show’s events, and those plans will not be derailed by what is basically some random tumblr artist’s fanart/fanfiction.
In regards to the critical side of things, that kinda comes with consuming and digesting the messages and presentation of a work of art. Ideally, it should get people to discuss in this capacity, especially when it deals with such sensitive subject matter as Hazbin does (and especially when it is executed with evidently problematic notions which do bleed into the designs at times).
Still, I do think this trend can be disrespectful if the intention and presentation are made with an aggressive holier-than-thou attitude which explicitly seeks to one-up the creator. Though I understand where it comes from, I think that can be just straight, undiluted maliciousness with a generous helping of pretentious, self-appointed superiority. And I don’t think it’s necessary to pick apart the style itself. You don’t have to like it, of course, but I feel like stating your preference for one way of drawing over another and asserting it as if it were some objective truth antagonizes the entire point of individual artistic expression and personal taste. Criticize the lack of diversity (something which, I’d like to add, is not actually unique to Hazbin) and potentially problematic aspects, but not the style. Even then, it’s important to be constructive not destructive.
That being said, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me (especially if anyone who’s a die-hard fan finds this) Whether you do or not is on you, and that’s okay.
This is more a snippet of my thoughts than a fully developed rant. I just wanted to share where I’m at right now. There will be a part 2 to this expanding some of my feelings while also outlining where I might go from here because things are going on in my head, and I don’t actually know whether I will continue or not with this project. Right now, it feels like it’s drifting toward a more original direction (Charlie feels like an entirely different yet vaguely similar character and dang it I’m attached…It’s kinda weird lol) so….anyway—I digress.
Thank you for reading.
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sukirichi · 3 months
my biggest issue with dtd is the fact that SUNA IS JUST SO FUCKING ANNOYING (not your writing, just him) like wdym you have an issue with your wife going on a trip with your mistresses husband? you think she’s gonna cheat? you think she’ll do exactly what you’re doing?
also he’s just so confusing. like you LOVEEEE your wife but you’re still fucking that idiom chick or whatever. men are so dense, it’s like he takes yn’s actions at face value and can’t see her inner turmoil where she is very much still in love with him. he plays into the cocky “i can’t let you go” role but he’s so blinded by his jealousy over her friendly nature with his brothers, that he can’t see that - even though she’s trying to make friends - she’s trying to forget about the pain suna’s causing her.
i will say though, i think him being forced to stay away from his brothers during his younger years played a huge role in why he is the way he is. i don’t wanna say he was raised spoiled, but i feel like to an extent the queen maybe kept affirming him “everything in this kingdom is yours” or gave him gifts to make up for the fact that he has no social skills with family, and that’s led to this situation where as an adult he still believes he can get everything he wants.
ORRRR, my final theory. (i’m so sorry my brain is fried i can’t remember iris’ mother’s name.) i think her name was kate? but i genuinely feel like she’s the ultimate puppet master. she’s playing suna, she’s playing iris, she’s playing the whole kingdom. it’s a game of chess and she’s so close to checkmate. i don’t know what her ultimate goal would be, im assuming it’s that whole “if /I/ can’t become queen, then you must do it in my place.” like those mum’s who live vicariously through their child star kids… if it turns out iris’ mum was the issue the whole time then i MAY feel a little bad for iridium, but i still don’t like her.
one final thing, IM SO WEAK OH MY GOD, i get why yn isn’t over şuna im not even joking, i hate him but id be on my hands and knees begging for him to just help fix our marriage. unless…. he’s being blackmailed to be iris’ affair partner…. 👀
wait — i’m cooking… WHAT IF HES BEING BLACKMAILED AND HIS BROTHERS ARE THE ONES IN DANGER?? like he never got to grow with them, but maybe he feels if he saves them from this he will be part of the silly drawings?? and the blackmail theory might work, i have a feeling if he’s gonna be betrayed by a brother, it’s going to be through sensitive information being given to iris’ mother so that it can be used against him and the royal family? idk i lost my theory half way through LOL
-shhh anon
you’re so real for that, suna is one big (misunderstood, but still!) asshole here 😭 also i get you, canon sunarin is PERFECT and is a total baby, he would never <3 HELP NOT THE IDIOM CHICK I’M CACKLING SPSPS
also also yes! you’re right! jealousy blinds him sm that he can’t realize that the princess is friendly and she gets along well with everyone - even with the stoic ushijima and tooru (who shamelessly says he doesn’t like anyone) she’s overall a very likeable person, but bcos rin is insecure n jealous, he assumes she’s immediately replacing him OR that his brothers are out to woo her. i mean, some of them would, but you catch my drift. it’s really just hypocritical of him that he wanted someone his family would like, and when they do like her, he’s like 🤨⁉️ and your theories ooh, very interesting 👀 i can’t confirm nor deny the effects of suna’s upbringing to him but we will have suna’s childhood + backstory in ch11!
iridium, i’m gone lmfao 😭 i’m like part laughing out loud and part nodding at everything you say. kate is, well... she’s a mystery pretty much to everyone, and so is iris. i kinda wrote it that way because i wanted iris’ role in the series to slowly unveil itself. ALSO NO I GET YOU i see sunarin fanarts and i CRUMBLE. lowkey i hate the way i wrote him to be an antagonist in his own story because it’s so hard to like him but also i like the canon sunarin sm so it’s hard 😭 i’m so torn between wanting to stick to his dtd characterization and just making him an irresistible guy :( but maybe i could do both? let’s see. BUT IK HE’S JUST SO QBSKWKW i do have to give him a winning card though, so suna will have more scenes in the future where we might just hope he’d be the endgame. and that final theory hello ?! again, i can’t say much BUTTTT i can say for sure, suna does actually want to be part of the drawings </3 he wishes he had his own section in omi’s library too :(
anyways thank you sm for taking the time to share with me your thoughts, i really appreciate it 🥺💫 and i’d love to hear more of your theories bcos dare i say... you’re close to cracking the code on some of them 👀
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learninglore · 4 months
Lol not me chattering at Loki my whole commute, every day.
Depending on traffic each drive is 40 minutes to an hour (read, 1 h 20 to 2 hours in my car every day). I don’t have the mental clarity to speak aloud this whole drive every day on purpose, but as I’ve asked Him to accompany and protect me on these drives (I don’t trust my old car) I feel the least I could do is assume He’s there and actually like. Talk to Him. Often I feel Him, but I try to speak to Him there whether I feel Him for sure or not, like I do when I light His candle. I ask Him how He’s feeling, and if I think I can tell the answer I’ll comment, if not I’ll admit to that and let Him know I still hope He’s well. And then if I can think of anything to talk about I might want His guidance on or opinion on, I speak.
But beyond that, I hope He hears a good deal of what I’m saying, because boy do I get some shit off my chest to Him here. More than I build up the nerve to bring up at my altar or when pulling rune cards. Stuff that makes me insecure in my whole practice. I have to call my family on the way home most days, which takes varying amounts of time, but I try to greet him as I get in. I’m not perfect at keeping that seat clear for Him, but i mostly try to, not cause I can’t imagine Him being “present” without imagining a physical body in the seat beside me, but because it feels respectful to kinda “leave Him a seat.”
Pretty much decided that even if I begin to give some of my limited time to other Deities, the car is going to remain a time I share with Loki. It’s one of the places that’s built up the most of my faith in Him, because some of His most obvious touches on my life, beyond my simple request to Him to help me get home safely in that unstable old car, have still been around my car- dangerous problems with it being discovered where they’d been overlooked, my family immediately assisting in getting these issues fixed, and the tumultuous weather that’s been almost constant the last few weeks all but stopping minutes before I get behind the wheel and restarting minutes after I get home.
But anyway… it helps my driving anxiety to talk to Him, and I think driving focuses a certain portion of my mind that takes away a lot of the pressure of talking to Him. I don’t expect immediate communication back though it might be possible if I’m feeling particularly connected that day.
I don’t know how much He hears. Maybe He only hears me when I light His candle in my room with an offering officially in His tray, but I try to offer throughout the day from what I eat and occasionally do small rune draws or just pay attention if I think I’m feeling Him. And I’m gonna keep talking to Him in my car, cause it just feels right and like it works.
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riwooga · 1 year
Hi!! Sorry for disappearing on everyone
I really appreciate all the people who've stayed interactive and also the people who've sent me asks and messages to check upon me!! That was seriously so unexpected thank you 🥺
But I figured making a quick general post was probably a good idea to clear stuff up
So long story short... I am not dead, I am okay, and no I haven't abandoned DOL as an interest nor decided to never draw it again! I promise! I'll try to return eventually just some health issues!
And under the cut I'll go further into details about my health, so if you don't wanna hear about that, that's totally fair! <333
Be rest assured I’m okay! 💕
But.. For the ones who are curious.
I have in general been on sick-leave with stress for 2 years, mostly dealing with mental health struggles, and mild physical symptoms.
However, my physical symptoms in particular worsened slowly due to a lot of stuff that's just too complicated to get into lol,,,, but it basically all culminated here in February where my physical symptoms have stayed bad™ since, and kinda just… keep getting worse because of my own stubbornness.
Much to my own dismay, I ended up having to actually go to the doctor, which I've put off for a long time,,,, I've already been there numerous times and am also waiting on being sent to 4 different special-clinics that can hopefully also help figure it out, on top of waiting to get into therapy again
But yeah uh there's been a lot of testing, with little results.. For now we're looking at it being most likely that I'm some sort of chronically ill. Right now the suspected ones are POTS and ME/CFS.. Maybe fibromyalgia but I don't personally see the connection on that one-- but we don't know yet. (And it'll likely take a good while to figure out sadly)
My symptoms have, as I said, stayed pretty bad, and in turn my energy is hard to put onto drawing as a priority, when even just as much as standing up takes energy.
But I do still really wanna draw and I do intend to come back to it once I hopefully get a bit more stable again!
So I just wanna say please don't worry about me, it's definitely far from deadly, it's just,,, a major inconvenience and it's been a lot of strain on my mental health in turn. While I am still desperately hoping for a cure or a fix... My doctor said quite firmly not to expect either-- but that there's small chances of eventually lessening the symptoms. So that's what we're hoping! 🥲
Once again thank you to the people who’ve been checking up on me, I really do appreciate that so much 🤧💕💕💕💕
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cinnabundolly12 · 11 months
Hey I was thinking about making the fnafhspr au into a comic again now that what I needed before having to be made into a video isn't necessary anymore I still have no knowledge how to make these but I'm going to try ;v; with every new fnaf drop I end up trying to adjust my au to fit in the new details and I thought that maybe once I am so sure that what I have later down the line with to be locked in place I'll be able to go back to video and fix any errors I had or changes I made when it's "finally ready". this is also for an art style problem of mine which doesn't matter rn I don't think I have to say cuz I'm sure you guys already know
Official fnaf stuff (movie, games, books, and merchandise, ect.) will be heavy inspiration but also some theories I hear online will most likely be the reason I end up doing stuff in the story
The main characters will be the animatronics (freddy, bonnie, chica, foxy, gold and) so when it "shifts(?)" to another characters story it's not like what edo kept doing with her mistake in forgetting freddy is the main character but it's that the whole 5 missing kids is what started all this they were the main reason for the whole story to start so the animatronics will be the main characters with their own mc story while still being in their little friend group but to also let in other characters come in even for a moment but also because I'm terrible at story writing I've never actually written publicly cuz I get nervous and I get horribly side tracked and so far the writing process has bounced around from character to character
I'm still going to try making it horror maybe not so much gore like I had originally planned now that the villains motive for the au has changed. they'll still be violent tho because I really want it to be what I vision for fnaf but you know- it's high school lol
The whole art problem I have is I really want to actually try drawing backgrounds properly I still need to practice buildings and furniture design for rooms I have to teach myself how to do everything so I hope you forgive me for some of the wonky drawings. I'm going to try simplifying a lot of stuff not for shortcut purposes but skill issue reasons as I unfortunately do not have resources to help me
Last thing I want to clarify is some stuff will be nonfiction I don't want to offend anyone so a lot of health issues with a certain character is not going to be real it will be made up because story purposes so when a character has a real health issue I will try my best to make it as close to the real thing since I am no doctor obviously and I don't trust doctors here as they lie or gaslight you into thinking you're actually fine so anything I find will be online and if the source I use lies to me I am very sorry for being stupid 💀
The comic will have no schedule as you guys know I go from one drawing to another and then back because my brain doesn't know how to function on one task all the way through and people ask me for art stuff and idk how to say no plus I like to enter into art contest stuff from time to time c: aND I'M SLOW AT ART
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ducktracy · 2 years
5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
OOOOOOH… quite a few actually! i keep a list of drawing ideas saved, so that i have a backup… many of those ideas have been ruminating since 2019/2020 now LOL. i’d like to get them all done this year! i get too preoccupied with how i present my art—not what i should draw, but what order i should draw it in (you can see this is already a very redundant issue HAHA.) i try to make each piece different from the last—say, i do a painting, then do a halftone/comic inspired piece next, then a mix of lineart and painting, maybe lineless, back to comic, back to painting, etc etc—and so i get a little too in my head when i have a bunch of ideas that are similar and end up pushing off on them. which is something i need to fix! lots of it is style imitation and Porky and/or Daffy related
in general though, it’d be nice to do more studies again! whether of people, cartoons, or landscapes. i’d like to get a bit more “messy” and candid with my art instead of releasing something polished once in a blue moon!
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wifiwuxians · 1 year
ship game ship game⛵️
ok,first I want to say that xuechao makes a lot of sense,actually. jiaojiao and xue yang are actually a bit similar,if you think about it. true,we don't know about wang lingjiao's past,and I guess she at least did not grow up on the street. but both of them are pretty and love torturing people and are quite overdoing it on the revenge front.
now,since that one got asked already,pick whichever you feel like🍉:
-xuexiao💀 if you want to and you won't be getting haters on here from answering that
-sorry,I'm basic,but,songxiao🌟 I just want to read a love letter to my fav ship and who better to ask than my fav shipper of my ship
-lanlan! (at first I was like,no! song lan would not move on even after 800 years! but then I read some fics and it made sense for lan xichen and song lan to at least become close as friends)(but I want to know what YOU think so don't worry about disagreeing)
omg okay first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH for your compliments!! I am really thrilled I am your favorite songxiaoist lol 😳 Second! You are so big brained actually! Jiaojiao and Xue Yang both have come from bleak backgrounds and are trying to cling to what little they have! I believe Jiaojiao was just about sold by her family lol and she is illiterate 💔 And they are both petty batshit revenge machines! I've actually briefly considered xuechaojiao LOLLL... HMM... but okay, onwards to the
I'll give you my love letter to Songxiao first so you don't need to go digging for it hehe
I hope I won't get hate for playing the game jhdgjsg I hope everyone will be a little more mature than that
Do I ship it: I do not. (Tim Allen AHUUUAHH?) But on a single day of the year my aversion to it lessens and I'm able to retweet art of them kinda smooching so my tolerance is overall getting better, maybe? lol
Why don't I: There are many factors... I like mutually destructive toxic mess ships, right? We've established that. But I don't like ships in which one person is doing all the hurting and the other person ends up, uh. Like XXC did. "But DJ I thought you were the fixit king" I am! It's just not exactly appealing to me, and the other big factor as to why is that I just... Never really saw them that way. Like even removing their canon storyline and only leaving their dynamic, which removed from context is lovely don't get me wrong, it never registered as romantic. It registered as XXC looking out for his goofy little brother, you know? I dunno. There's nothing there for me, sorry. "But DJ the devotion" yeah. There are many ways to love someone. Even if that were romantic, it's too onesided for me.
What would have made me like it: If they actually liked each other LMAO I have no issue with the thought of them loving each other, just not romantically! Outside of canon they're pretty much cemented as family in my brain, though very rarely I'll maybe entertain the idea of some sort of QPP dynamic but then it slingshots right back into family again. Just friends who really love each other and tried to do the do only to find out they don't see each other that way is the furthest I'm willing to go for them and this is a HUGE leap from where I was a year ago LOL
A positive: I appreciate that a lot of people just really want them to love each other. Maybe try and find some healing in all the mess. I get what that's like.
Please whoever reads this don't take this as an invitation to start talking to me about it though as it still does cause me to react negatively 💀 some days I really cannot stand it at all, I'm just mature enough to not be a hater 100%
Do I ship it: I'm in the process of being converted, we will see how it goes! Kind of sucks this game doesn't have a maybe option so I'll make up the questions myself
What's drawing me to it: I, like you, was originally like "naur Song Lan has his man already thanks, and after he fixes him he's going to bed", but one of my close friends made the very good point that just because he's on a quest doesn't mean he can't be loved on the side, too! So I'd like to see Song Lan get loved on, and Lan Xichen deserves this, too, and I think stories about processing grief are very potent
Things I like about it: It seems this ship is about healing oneself and each other, and I'm a big fan of that! Both characters also complement each other well, with each having characteristics of someone the other has loved before (i.e. NMJ's righteousness, XXC's gentle energy). I also think canon gave them really sad endings, and in LXC's case it's a bit of a bitter one, too. SL's is at least bittersweet so sharing the joy is nice 🥺
What would seal the deal: Strong characterization aligned with my view of the characters! Being in character goes a long way for me, so if you've got them down pat, then I'll be more likely to give it a chance. If you add that they've both been in love before and that they're not looking for a replacement then we're set! (:
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sanchoyo · 2 years
2, 8, 13, and 24 :3c
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
umm picking absolute favs is very hard but heres some I like a Lot. def click for bigger size on these ^^; also, the 4th one is a comm for a friend, whos sister is a PROFESSIONAL MERMAID, LIKE AS A LIVING?? and it was a gift for her sister (THE MERMAID.) very very cool story behind that one. :)
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(and the original posts these were from: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) )
8. What do you like most about your own work?
...I feel like the thing I get complimented on most is the colors, but tbh? i like how ..flexible? I am sometimes. like I feel pretty good saying I can switch up my style pretty drastically when I feel like it, which is a nice thing to be able to do. (I owe it to yrs of trying to imitate very specific anime styles LMAO)
13. Show your favourite drawing from last year
...this is gonna sound SO conceited but I had a hard time picking bc I liked a lot of drawings from last year (which is funny considering I dont think I did that many compared to other years...)
i kind of want to say one from my ekleipsis illustration series just bc they are SO different from my regular cutesty style, it was FUN doing smth so out of my comfort zone!
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like, whos style is this? certainly not my Usual, does not feel like a ME drawing but thats kinda why I liked it a lot...felt like I was proving a point to myself 😭 all of them in that series are kinda like this bc the story had borderline horror fantasy elements lol
24. How do you deal with artblock?
it Depends. the thing abt art block is that it happens for different reasons (at least in my case) and its easier to fix when i know WHY its happening. dont feel like working on a comm? thats a self-discipline issue, gotta prioritize it, its a job I am being paid for, so Gotta do those. (even if usually fun, art block has been known to happen w them before lol) not liking a drawing and getting frustrated so I dont wanna keep working on it? skill issue or lacking technical knowledge probably, time to dig for refs or do studies. bored of looking at the current drawing? well now the issue is I Need to figure out how to make it more interesting, or go work on smth else for a while. and honestly a lot of the time it personally helps me a lot to just...step away from art for a bit. maybe a few weeks or even months before...during that time I focus on other art forms (like, I'll not draw but write or craft or smth) OR just try to find new artists, and sit and analyze THEIR work. what do I like abt their styles? what makes it work? i find it helps me appreciate my own art more when I love other ppls, esp when I see speedpaints or smth and can appreciate their processes too ^_^ and having fresh eyes after a while of not drawing is...nice? refreshing...weirdly enough lol.
tysm for asking!! this was rly fun to answer :D
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hospitalterrorizer · 7 months
sunday - monday
ate popcorn and feel kind of sick.
otherwise though, feeling good. working on the 2nd of the 2 problem songs rn, it's def getting there.
and now i think it's there. the other also feels 'there' even if it's just roughly.
i also just finished the gut thing i started last night, very cool.
the next one is gonna be kind of a doozy, i think, as well, so tomorrow i'll probably spend a long time on that, and then the next day, i have a monster, maybe i can drink that and do a bunch of something. i kind of hope i can put that energy to writing though.
also it is late and i kept saying i had to work in the morning tomorrow but that changed, it's now 6 pm to 9pm, which is better for me in every way, basically. it'll give me more time to do music before work and also keep the workout routine up w/o having to insert a weird rest day into it.
the 2nd trouble song, i feel like i want the guitars to have a little more high end, i'll try that now but i just wonder if that's part of what the saturating is doing..
it's an easy test/fix so it's nbd.
and yayy it sounds good.
and hopefully soon i can get my card situation squared away so i can order clothes from japan and then take a bunch of annoying + vain selfies in clothes that make me feel cute and not ugly or something.
speaking of clothes, i have this rlly tiny cardigan i love because it goes w/ everything as a nice layer when i can't figure anything else out, it's like a perfect piece of clothing, idk where it is, making me very very upset kind of. hopefully that turns up soon.
i think my hair will stop wigging me after like, one more day probably. i don't know why my bangs can give me such dysphoria lol it's dumb. i'm just so used to them being like, i guess the thing that makes me feel like i 'pass' i guess. idk. i don't know if that's true or not. i don't think so. it's not like they're gone, i've done this before, even, in the lifespan of the blog, and like, worse, even, for instance look at me when i gave myself this hair:
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those are like, psychotic bangs, i'm not there rn, looking thru my selfies there's another pic of me w/ bangs that are kind of like where i'm at rn:
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it's funny, in that one i took the selfie while my phone was super messed up so it died whenever it wasn't plugged in, and i was so like, dysphoric or whatever, idk what to call this even, saying it's 'dysphoria' seems not entirely accurate or whatever, but when i felt hideous and needed to capture like, myself not being ugly, i had to plug my phone in, in the bathroom, to do that. that's so embarrassing huh.
anyway, this whole stupid issue is making me look up how to blowdry bangs, which is something i do already, everyday, and know how to do basically, but i guess i'm just trying to get better so i don't make myself go coo coo every time i want to 'fix' my hair.
anyway look at me in akasaka, this was a fun time:
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i remember, they had a bunch of harry potter stuff up here, cuz it's so big in japan, and we'd see people come up and look and get really excited, take pictures with it, it was very sweet, honestly, i'm glad that's a primary thing my mind goes to, thinking of harry potter, over anything else, it just pays to not be very invested in it.
i did another gut drawing thing, but it's sort of a practice run for another idea i guess, cuz i don't like the novel part of it, i wanna draw intestines getting cut, and the sinew holding / almost snapping, and stuff. that bit is harder to get right w/ pixels but i think tomorrow i could.
also, since i got paid, i have started looking at some other stupid things, like a digicam. thinking about getting a sony cybershot 8.1 megapixels (i think) (or 7.2), there's one for 30 bux on ebay rn (same w/ the 7.2 mp variant), seems cute and fun. might give me some cool options w/ photography stuff.
n - e wayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, i need to sleep, it is 3:43 am and i do want to fix my sleep schedule at some point, it'd be good for me.
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jaderimehardt · 9 months
I have been super MIA for months now, I know, and I apologize! Its been a mesh of things keeping me away.
#1 Holidays, #2 Getting sick (yuck), #3 Game Events, #4 Temperature - Honestly I didn't think this would be a thing until it became a thing, y'know?
So resin doesn't cure optimally unless it's in 70-72 degree climates and I was working with it in my garage typically around 80-90 degrees, which was fine.
Sometimes I'd notice it get issues when I'd work with it around 95-100 and I'd be like okay~ not today, lol 😅. That didn't bother me, those days were too hot anyways.
I'm on the west coast. We didn't get ideal 70 degree days. It dipped quickly from 80 degree days to 60 degree days (too cold for resin) in like, a matter of days maybe weeks.
I've been trying to research if a curing machine would fix it but I'm just finding a whole lot of "some curing machines are designed to cure at room temperature blah blah" and "heat can be added via curing ovens, radiant heat, expoxy curing blankets". Yeah okay thanks google AI 🙄 /s
It's something I need to either look into a lot more or just wait until the weather gets warmer.
In the meantime, I can either draw more stuff for my RedBubble (which I'm not happy with at all), + deal with the holidays- which is what I've been doing (dealing with the holidays).
I may also just start drawing and make this a seasonal thing? Resin in the summer and drawing in the winter? Ping Pong back n forth? I'm trying to figure things out.
I was also bouncing the idea around of bringing the resin into the house but we don't keep the house above 70 degrees either, lol. I know people will think we're crazy for that. We keep the house between 62-68 degrees. Just barely missing that 70 mark. And then I don't know if the room I'd work with the resin in, would get proper ventilation cause I'd have to open a window, thus making it colder inside 🤷🏻‍♀️ (because it's around 50 degrees outside, and still only Fall).
There has to be a solution here 🫠. And it may be the seasonal ping ponging. Because I don't have a shop up yet so it's not like this is a 'business' yet for this to be a dire need or anything.
Sorry for the rambling, just thought I'd drop an update 😅
Last night and today I've been working on a couple of Emojis for Discord- as in a literal two.
I haven't drawn anything in 10 months, and I've never drawn this character before so I'm really out of my element with this. And we know emojis are something I mostly do for fun that I do to improve myself, so go easy on me when I post them 😅.
Originally I wanted to make 4 but the inexperience of never drawing him before and having not drawn in so long, paired with having an event tomorrow... had to trim it to just the 2. It's better than none I guess. I want to say maybe more in the future but don't hold me to that; I get weird especially when people hold me to expectations 🫣
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cheriipop · 10 months
I’m obsessed with fiction and outlandish things so much to the point where I try to apply it to everyday life, I think purely just because of the mental conditions I experience along with the insane circumstances I’ve been apart of, that my existence is somehow something of fiction. There is clearly something fundamentally wrong with how I am, often to my closest friends telling me that they don’t even view me fully as human because of just how strange everything about me is. I think I lack things that make up a human as I find it increasingly harder to relate to them, I know everything a human wants or needs, why logically they might do something but I’ll maybe never know why they do things out of intense emotions as its just something I’ve never experienced, I can understand from a third person view but I can never put myself in their perspective. This thought was actually inspired because I told my friend that I relate heavily to denji, and makima (I’m a very contradictory person I know) and they really don’t like denji, and I think it’s kind of a human thing not to or to at least not understand him. lol I’m basically leaking my core beliefs because of kin lists this is so stupid. I remember they said they heavily relate to makima which is just painfully wrong, they don’t have much media literacy. Ironically enough given my circumstances I feel like appealing to people and finding what they want is really easy and comes naturally. I’ve had people tell me that i’m really good at talking about emotions and problems with others and helping them despite not really knowing my own. Everything about me I don’t understand, I don’t know my own emotions and they always feel fuzzy, there’s a small amount of emotions that I feel strongly (fear, anxiety, nervousness, rage) I try to lean towards rage as its the only emotion that I can feel strongly that doesn’t make me feel incredibly uncomfortable. But I never know what my actual reasons for doing something are, my brain likes to tell me that everything I do and say is a lie even when i’m completely alone. While I can draw conclusions that sound clear, I never actually feel satisfied with the answer and can never truly resonate with it. Everything I do is an enigma to even myself. I handle my own issues and state of being by just gaslighting myself into believing whatever I want, sometimes I shape my core beliefs around them if it means protecting myself or others. My core beliefs feel temporary when I say that but they usually come back around, eventually I’ll stop caring about whatever it was and go back to a neutral state of mind while keeping in the back of my head whatever it was so I hopefully never make the mistake again. I think a reason why I love fiction so much is because I can view characters so out of the norm, almost delusional and find something to relate to. I like having those I can relate to for whatever reason. I only have one person in my life that I can actually somewhat relate to and it’s nice but our circumstance together also just lead me more into fictional thoughts. It’s nice reading characters I relate to and knowing the author probably harbors some of the same feelings, I got a crush on fujimoto he can fix me. I think one of the biggest things I wish I had was the feeling of importance or surprise I guess for others or events. My memory is really terrible so I often forget important moments in my life or with others, or they might tell me something that should logically be a huge deal to me or something basically life changing and I don’t feel anything from it. I only feel something if it fits the emotion of fear. Sometimes I wish I could witness someone die to see if I would feel something intense that will actually stick with me, I wouldn’t actually want someone to die but it’s a thought I sometimes exercise.
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keefwho · 1 year
April 26 - 2023
8:17 AM
Okay straight up I hate how I’ve been feeling/acting lately. I’ll try to change my behavior today, whatever that means. Maybe I haven’t been very true to myself and that’s whats wrong. I’m not sure, all I know is I don’t feel very good. 
11:30 AM
Holy fuck I hate myself lol.
2:37 PM
Well here I am having another episode. One that will end over time but I know I’m gonna be in a dark place for a little bit. 
I feel alone and hopeless. For years I feel like my life has steadily been going downhill. Like I’ve desperately tried to hold onto everything I have but I lose things one by one until one day it’ll reach a breaking point and then it’s game over for me. People don’t care about me as much as I’d like, or at least I don’t always feel like they do. Probably because ultimately I’m a bad person to rely on no matter how hard I try. I feel destined to fail in everything I do. I struggle to find meaning in literally anything and the things I do find meaning in might just be coping mechanisms or otherwise unhealthy. I can’t even tell. All I can think to do is stick to my miserable schedule and wait for tiny moments of what I think is true happiness when I end up being able to gaslight myself into thinking I’m okay for a little bit. 
3:11 PM
Part of my horny problem is not even knowing what I want to do. I don’t just want to orgasm, I want something conceptually intense. Thats why I started leaning into watersports. I just love the humiliation aspect of it, no nutting is required to get my fix off of it. A lot of things have gotten old to me, like I’ve gotten much pickier when it comes to how scenes I like are portrayed. I wish I could get over this problem and have an easier time enjoying what I used to. My current plan has been trying to delegate horny behavior to more specific times. I think being a porn artist has led me to constantly seeking the sexuality in situations like it’s my job. I don’t want to constantly idea generate because it ends up getting in the way of wholesome times and burns me out on concepts. 
Another thing is how much more I used to enjoy doing things with other people. I erp’ed with a few people I wouldn’t have considered “close” and had fun, but that desire went away a long time ago. Partially because I always thought I was supposed to be giga horny and fucking around just to fit in. These days I like to save myself for more meaningful interactions which unfortunately results in less activity than I think I’d like. But there is no way around this. 
This’ll probably stop being such a big deal when I stop blueballing myself and finally do something. I think it’s been about a week of keeping myself pent up for basically no reason but at this point I’d wanna end it with something good so I’m still being patient until I’m in the right mood. 
8:26 PM
I am unlovable because I can’t even accept myself for who I am. I am alone because of myself. I will always be alone unless I can change. 
Honestly I wish I could have an existential giga crisis that either results in me offing myself or developing a miraculous life changing perspective. 
What have I ever done to deserve love anyways? Let down everyone I’ve ever known? Hence why I’m a friendless loser clinging onto to the few people that bare to put up with me. I don’t want to live knowing I will always end up with nobody. 
12:09 AM
Well obviously today was shit. Getting all my work done didn’t even feel good in the end, just pointless because who cares about when I draw my own OC? I didn’t really care too either so it feels like a total waste. 
I calmed down over the course of the evening but I’m still aware of my fundamental issues. Being inspired by what my friend is going through, I think I need a sort of change as well. I know how bad I am at hanging onto the past and how much it keeps me from moving forward. I more or less feel like I’m still meant to be living up to things that have long expired. For example, I still feel like I’m supposed to be a part of the TDS group and that I’m not allowed to move onto a different group. I feel like I used up my friend group slot and it cannot be replaced. I feel like that with friends I no longer talk to as well. I really need to move on from them. Yeah what we had was cool and maybe it would have been nice to salvage it but in most cases, things are far beyond that point. Ideally they’d turn into actual memories instead of current thoughts in my head. I’d have so much potential if I just didn’t consider them to still be relevant. 
Nothing is “used up.” There is so much potential in anything I choose to do if only I can see it. But that’s the hard part. 
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kaoarika · 2 years
Honest question, has anyone had this “Wacom_Tablet.exe not found” window before?
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“Windows cannot access to the device, the access route or the specified file. It could be you don’t have the appropiate rights to access this element”. (more or less in English?)
And the tablet (Intuos, Intuos Pro, and/or Cintiq) still works?
Like I have mentioned before, it’s weird issue thing between Microsoft and Wacom, and this window is a little pesky persisting one (this is the third time it started appearing between changing laptops, reinstalling Windows 10, in, what? 4 years?). 
I have read about ppl finding it and also not knowing what to do (or maybe it also became quite usual they don’t bother). I have reinstalled the Wacom driver once before and it kept appearing... and oddly enough? Even if this silly window appears, I have managed to get the tablet working as always, so I tried to not bother to do much after it... I mean, I did try to get rid off this issue with no success whatsoever (although I think a previous version of the Tablet driver DID mess up with my Tablet settings, and, who knows, maybe it’s the reason my old Windows 7 laptop started lagging up towards its last legs, even though it was an already old laptop with its own bunch of issues). So, I’m at a loss of words here.
This window appears just after I start on the computer, and I GUESS, sometimes it does appear before I shut it down and I’m not able to click it off since it shuts down quite quickly :’D. It’s a mess and I know, that whenever I install the Wacom tablet driver, this window is going to make its appearance rather sooner than later (usually 8 months after the fact, for some godforsaken reason? Coincidentally after that amount of months???)
My brother has an even older Bamboo tablet and he did tell me he had a similar issue with his old (Windows 8.1) laptop, until he basically got rid off of the driver... and just when he installed it on his work computer (with a Mac iOS), he had to uninstall it since it was making Adobe programs hard to work with, I GUESS no one is a winner (and yes, I know, it IS a Bamboo tablet model, relatively 10+ years old at this point, while my Intuos is fairly recent, but it is already 5+ years old).
Whenever I start having this thing, I always put my mind on actually getting a non-Wacom tablet next time (once I also have a new laptop, lol OTL), because it’s been 5 years and I always have to go through the same sh*t over, and over, and over. So, I also ask: what kind of alternative brands to Wacom for drawing tablets would you suggest me to get in the future?
Honestly, I have even though of getting a tablet to draw on it, but honestly I’m a potato on what art programs work there besides Procreate and maybe Medibang? (and I’ve heard that CSP manages a different license than the ones for PCs/Mac... but also, CSP is going through a quite weird time with their new subscription models and other sh*t annoucements no one is liking, so, lol)
I’m tired of this nonsense, once again, and I’m not a fan of “installing, uninstalling, reinstalling” especially when, in this case, it doesn’t fix anything and I have had several issues that made me (unavoidable) move to another laptop AND had to reinstall its OS because it had an issue beyond my control...
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twocorvids · 2 years
OKAY SO- don't feel pressured to write this or anything, but i wanted to send you a request about a fic since you're trying to get back into writing :)
so, in the comics there's this little scene where morty gets scared at night after an adventure and goes downstairs where rick is sitting on the couch watching tv. rick ends up offering to hang out with him on the couch all night and they fall asleep there together.
just cute, wholesome grandson-grandpa realness. ofc- feel free to adapt it however you want, haha.
maybe you could write something like that, but with our rick and morty? i think the idea is so cute lol.
okay so more notes or whatever will be after the actual fic/request lol. sorry if it’s too ooc or anything! (also this has to do with the latest ep hope u don’t mind!)
Rick Sanchez is a man of many extremes.
His anger is a hot, wiry thing. Brittle in the way that it will pierce whoever dares break it. Morty knows this intimately, both from watching the aftermath and being victim of it. He is also victim of his grandfather’s flickering joys, and his snowy lows, because Rick is the type to draw others into his vastness, his tide. But, Rick’s always brittle, always hallowed in a way pride can’t hide.
His grandpa is breakable in a way that breaks — shatters anything and everything else around it — Morty does not know how else to describe it. He is the man who will sharpen his own bone to a blade, if that’s what it takes.
And that is all the very reason why Morty stands by the doorway towards the kitchen, feeling more like a festering mold the longer he stays there. The longer he watches Rick flick through the channels with varying disinterest.
Even more so as he watches Rick’s head tilt back, eyes closed to slits as his brows furrow and he sighs gruffly.
“Morty,” Morty freezes. “The fuck are you doing?”
Morty gulps and stiffly grabs at the wooden doorway hard enough for his nails to hurt. “I — I dunno, I was just trying to figure out how you were feeling, I guess.”
Rick’s forehead creases further. “How I was feeling? What are you, a therapist? Figured I’m an easy meal ticket if you study up enough on how to fix me?” He continues to switch through channels, body eventually going lax again.
Morty shifts forward, rubbing his arm. “Geez, I just didn’t wanna pass through if you weren’t in a good mood.” His grandfather shoots him an incredulous stare, setting the remote down temporarily.
“Okay, well, I’m not anymore. Go to bed, piss off, shoo, whatever.” He picks the remote back up again, clicking away while Morty fidgets.
Quieter, he adds, “. . . night, kiddo.” Rick glances off to the side. “Just stop eyeing the back of my head. It’s — it’s getting creepy. Or, or, just tell me what you want now instead of pretending that there’s no issue and wasting any more of my time.”
Morty takes another step forward, letting a huff out right as Rick starts tapping his foot.
“I just — I just feel so weird!” Morty bursts, running his fingers though his hair. “Everything feels so unfamiliar after that Roy game! Like, way more than usual! It usually doesn’t take so long for things to feel . . . normal, again. But everything is still weird and, and shitty.”
For a few moments, Rick hesitates.
“You always struggle coming down from Roy.”
“I know that! Damnit, that’s what I’ve been telling myself all day,” Morty says, “but it’s not helping! Nothing is! You sure as hell aren’t!”
Morty cringes harshly as Rick turns to look at him again.
“Shit, sorry, I know I shouldn’t be treating you like that — “
“Morty — “
“But why?” Morty breathes tiredly. Rick goes rim-rod straight.
“Why? I can’t help but feel that I should be angry at you, or should be treating you like that, but I’m not. Well, it’s not that I’m not angry at you, it’s just — “ Morty gestures wildly, voice exasperated.
“I don’t feel like I’m angry enough. And — and I think I was, once. Or, I knew how to be? I don’t know, Rick, I just feel different.” Morty wipes at his eyes, his mind feeling raw and blistered.
“I know I ended up killing a lot of myself, and you probably think it’s stupid to be talking about this, but it’s not stupid to me. It’s not. . .”Morty trails off, jumps when Rick makes the couch creak when he sits up.
“Morty, either go to bed,” Rick jabs his thumb towards the stairs, “or quit monologuing at me with your teen angst bullshit and sit down and relax.” Rick pats down the cushion next to him.
After a deliberating silence, Morty hesitantly sits down, staring at Rick suspiciously the whole way down. Because Rick is a brittle old man, he always is, and Morty must be vigilant.
Rick reached for the remote, and Morty speaks without thinking: “Didn’t you just say to stop pretending?” Morty cowers when Rick glares at him, and Rick pauses and sighs deeply.
“Yeah, and I said to stop wasting my time. Fi — Figures I could only count on one of those conditions happening. The one most convenient for you.” Rick burps, which is worth mentioning because it’s rarer nowadays.
“Rick, can’t you try to be a bit nicer to me? Y’know, have a bit more empathy?” Morty says, but he is the one burning this time because these passive words aren’t right. The majority of him thinks so, but a part of him throbs at it, at the sentiment. Something aches in its own incompletion, a strange phantom pain that makes his head swim.
“I just feel like I need something more. From you, and myself. Like I just — just — “
“You’re incomplete.” Rick says, idly picking at a faint stain on his shirt. Morty’s attention snaps to Rick. His grandfather’s face is perfectly neutral, unreadable in the way no one knows what goes on in the depths of the ocean when looking at the surface.
“I guess.” Rick sighs at Morty’s response, facade wrinkling.
“No you don’t ‘guess.’ You are.” Rick holds his hand up before Morty can blurt anything, can panic.
“But nobody really is.” Rick rearranges himself on the couch. “You probably weren’t even really before.”
“But I could’ve been,” Morty says, mind splitting and spinning. His perception of himself is distorted, and he can never know the true level of it. He can’t know himself truly, not anymore, and that knowledge sits heavy on his chest, like a heart attack waiting to happen.
“So could’ve been anyone else.” The words feel like ice on Morty’s skin and goosebumps start to raise, but then a cautious hand is on his shoulder.
“You’re gonna be fine, Morty.” He says, a touch exasperated, but the hand on Morty’s shoulder is warm. And that specific prospect pokes at his mind, all-consuming. Rick, the brittle old man that can do very little with what he has besides hurt, has callouses deep enough in his hands that they can be felt even through a shirt. His hands should be cold, or at the very least, burning hot.
Because for all of that — for all of the hot and cold moods — Rick is not warm. There is not a piece of him that is lukewarm, or moderate, or temperate. Not a piece of him that doesn’t break off a little when he brushes against something hard enough.
But Rick’s hand is warm, warm enough to make Morty’s eyes prickle. Enough to make him lower his head as Rick finally clicks onto a channel and settles on it.
A part of him isn’t really comforted by Rick’s words, but it’s rare for the whole of him to be comforted by Rick, anyway. He’s gotten used to that.
But Rick’s thumb rubs at his shoulder, and it’s probably the closest he’s gotten to feeling as though Rick is trying. As though Rick misses as much as Morty does. As though Rick aches a similar tune to Morty.
He can’t say it’s enough in the grand scheme of things, but he does start to doze off. His vision gets bleary and his head stops pounding, so it’s enough for tonight.
He’s tossed vaguely awake when Rick wraps his arm properly around him, seeming to decide to settle down for the night too.
“You promise I’ll be fine?” Morty mumbles irrationally into the air, a vague afterthought.
Rick is a warm heartbeat beside him, steady and even gentle when he rubs Morty’s arm again.
“For fuck’s sake, Morty, yeah.” Rick’s frustration is practically palpable, but Morty still barely processes Rick pulling him just a bit closer just as he falls asleep, warmth gathered in his chest.
im sososo sorry if this comes off as cringy lmao. this is my first time properly writing them so I hope it doesn’t come off too badly! honestly, it was probably a bit more than I should’ve started with, considering morty is already supposed to be acting different and this is my first time writing him buuuuut. oh well this is what I wanted to write so. the heart wants what it wants and all. rlly tho! I hope you enjoyed @hazelnut-u-out !!! and rlly anyone who reads this! also, I fully intend to write out every other request I got! it just will take awhile lmao not too long tho I got y’all
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Ooh, maybe Morro for the doodle and opinions game thing lol 👀
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Ahhh shadow the hedgehog! I mean, Morro. I’ll be honest tho, this guy has some wasted potential both in universe and as a writing standpoint. I love a good edgy parallel main character and he definitely has an interesting backstory and I wish we got more of him. Idk this is an unpopular opinion but s5 isn’t my favourite (although as I say that, I watched the first 3 episodes this morning and really enjoyed it lol) since it’s a little all over the place. But he’s still very interesting so I’ll get into it. (Note after drawing him and over analysing him for like an hour, I like him even more than I did when I started writing this lol)
(Ps: currently as of this post, I have no more suggestions so feel free to spam my inbox bc I like writing essays on legos and also drawing)
Morro is actually an orphan (or abandoned idk) which is big sad, and Wu finds him when he’s pretty young and he looks pretty experienced in foraging bins for trash which suggests he’s been alone for a while. Although it’s interesting he, as an orphan child, decided he specifically wanted to climb that huge ass mountain to find rubbish. Maybe he’s always been ambitious and decided “yep I can climb a mountain” or maybe he caused trouble in a village somewhere and had to run away, and decided the mountain was a safe, quiet bet. Either I love how Wu found a child and was like “yeah I’ll teach it to kill”. I don’t think Wu should’ve been allowed to have a child actually. But I’ve noticed, in Ghost Story, Wu talked about how when the fsm died he said he’d leave a message to find his tomb and Wu never found it. Kinda sounds like Wu has daddy issues. And so this arc is now about generational trauma. I think the fsm, yknow as an escapee of war himself, probably raised Wu and Garmadon quite strictly and Wu probably grew up with a lot of pressure, first as practically a demigod, and second as one who bares the duty of stopping/saving his brother from evil. So what does a man who was raised as a warrior at a young age do when he sees a young child? Try and raise it in the only way he knew how. Wu also having to deal with Garmadon leaving and also getting ghosted by Misako at the same time so I think Morro’s company would’ve been nice. The discovery of Morro’s elemental power is interesting because we know that wind was one of the elements, the fsm hadn’t mastered, so wu may have never even encountered it. Also since a lot of the elemental masters are shown to be fighters, it might mean that the EMs typically take up some sort of fighting job in general. Could that mean Morro’s parents may have died or got lost to combat? Maybe that’s why he had his powers so young. The more you think about it, the more tragic it gets. I think, with how much of a good omen Morro seemed to be, Wu probably expected he was the green ninja. Morro definitely would’ve had some hero complex, he came in, made his master’s life a lot less lonely, he’s gonna save the world and help Wu fix things with his family. And when he’s not that, he ends up doing a lot of unnecessary and concerning things to prove himself. He gets a little loopy (and honestly it would’ve been sick if they leaned into that in the present plot actually). Morro ends up leaving to go find the Fsm’s tomb and mannn you can tell how brutally militant the fsm and Wu’s relationship was when the former literally makes visiting his grave a test of honour for his son (Ik he also was hiding the realm Crystal but yeah). And Morro leaves. Which is such a L, especially for Wu considering Wu’s father left him with barely a hint of where he died, Garmadon left him to train far away, Misako also, like everyone leaves Wu. Maybe that’s why Wu didn’t go after him. Not only did Wu tell Morro about the green ninja but also about the fsm’s tomb which lead him to his death, so yeah it makes sense why Wu would be so secretive. Because not only did the prophecy push Morro over the edge, if Wu never talked about his father Morro may not have died.
Morro has a really cool intro to the series, from the VA change of the night guard, to Lloyd screaming off screen, and then the fight at the monastery in the dark, his aesthetic, pathetic fallacy (cool weather sets the mood) and his theme, it’s very cool. I do wish though, we got more of a visualisation of Lloyd and Morro fighting for control it could even have tied back to Garmadon and his evilisation yknow? Also Morro unfortunately has a redemption at death arc which is generally disappointing. He changes his mind about all his bitterness without really any reasoning. Wu doesn’t do anything in the season really until at the very last moment, and it just comes out of nowhere. Like s5 is not on my rewrite list but if I could change anything, one of those things would be giving Morro internal conflict. Make Morro feel Lloyd’s love for his family, make Morro briefly doubt what he’s doing and miss Wu. And mannn I wish Wu played more of a role in this season, in regards to Morro. Like Wu never got to see his own father’s tomb.
I get it though, there’s a lot happening with wu already since he’s trying Nya. I do like how he’s reluctant to tell Nya about her powers especially in the season where the villain is a villain because Wu said too much. Morro and Nya also have a few parallels, both are unable to handle failure and struggle to adapt when their life changes. It’s cool because we get to see Nya succeed where Morro didn’t (and that’s why she’s allowed to wear green). I think honestly this season should’ve had more Kai development considering Kai and Morro basically have the same plot, and it would’ve really wrapped up the staff scene in s4. Like maybe with Kai telling Morro of how he avoided being like him, how Kai chose to protect others instead of trying to earn a title that he didn’t need. Maybe that would have then played into Morro’s redemption later on.
Also how come Morro got sent the cursed realm? Well I have a theory but this is basically Ninjago speed run angst percentage. So to go to the cursed realm ya got to get cursed. So what if Morro managed to curse himself? Like his swore he’d find the tomb or else he’d go to the cursed realm and him making a verbal oath actually held weight because spooky superstition. Maybe he dabbled in dark magic to help him on his quest. Idk I just think it’s poetic that Morro’s downfall is himself. Although I wish I knew why he ended up being the preeminent’s lackey. Hmm here’s a suggestion, the preeminent, in true eldritch horror fashion, is like a goddess, like the compelling call of destiny, that has dubbed Morro as her own “chosen one”, which is why he has the highest status of all the ghosts. I just need the preeminent to be creepy.
All in all I think Morro has a really good set up I just wish we got more of a learning arc for him, just to back up his redemption. Villains like the overlord, or the Oni don’t need character development because they only need to be strong, and villains like Chen and Nadakhan don’t need development because they can just be incredibly smart from the get go. But villains that have shifting moralities need to get justification on why that is the case and with Morro and Harumi, imo I think Ninjago drops the ball, and their final moments of not being awful feel very rushed. Also I love Morro aesthetic and think he should be even more insane actually, have him be weirdly connected to the preeminent and also have him be almost delusional in his quest for power because it would be spicy. But in general, Morro is super interesting and that’s why I think fanon is more popular, because people like to lean in and see if they can push Morro where the writers didn’t (although it’s more likely fanon Morro is just popular because he’s emo). Also a note about DotD, I actually love that special mostly for the villain interactions because it’s just gorgeous. Now that Morro is over his intensely huge drama Queen arc, when placed next to the other he’s kinda chill and love the fact when he shows up he scares the life out of the other ninja, but he’s actually pretty civil and other than he can’t help himself from acting villainous. But he has a sense of honour and yknow he probably would’ve made for a great ninja.
Here’s a random hc to close this off, Morro actually loved pirates and would’ve had the time of his life if he was around for s6.
But that’s it for now! Morro good.
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