#wanna do digital too but been pretty tired to lately
shadesofnavy · 10 months
holy shit Pico looks so freaking nice there! Though I have to say that I had a friggin double-take when I saw you mention that he's like in his 20s there. I'm just "wtf I thought he was a bit older here, not friggin younger" lmao
That life-style stress doesn't do him favors, but he's in his maybe late twenties there. I'll admit my art style's in a weird phase right now where I'm struggling with how I want my faces to look (realistic shaped, simple eyes? The rounded cartoony cheeks? Which one?? How do I make it look good???) I'm still in "art puberty" as you can see lmfao, so that's probably why he looked older augh
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umemiyan · 8 months
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𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗨 𝗚𝗢𝗝𝗢 𝗫 𝗚𝗡!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥. ⌇ fluff / established relationship / cuddling. that’s pretty much it it’s basically just pure fluff!!! but really sappy because apparently i’m in a mood. there’s some slight selfship vibes because i couldn’t help myself but overall i don’t think it’s too bad / 1.1k words
HAPPY EARLY VALENTINE’S DAY!!! i got hit with this all of a sudden and decided to write and share it while i had the time/motivation. hope you enjoy, this made me rather emotional to write tbh!
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He’s like a large dog that’s unaware of its own size, inviting itself to sit upon its owner’s lap despite the near crushing weight of its body. That’s the best comparison you have to how Satoru positions himself as you relax together in bed, his torso covering your own as his head rests happily upon your chest.
The hour is late and it would serve you both well to properly dress down and nest beneath the covers for the night, but the energy for the task has yet to strike either of you, and, well… it simply feels nice to be close like this, even if you’re admittedly struggling to breathe. Satoru’s weight is heavy upon your ribcage, his muscles limp and eyes closed with the intent to drift off at any moment.
You’ve lulled him into a state close to slumber with your rhythmic breathing and the dancing of your fingertips along his scalp, white strands of beautiful silk slipping between your digits in a most soothing manner. He could write endless prose about how your heartbeat feels like home thumping beneath him, and the tender touch of your hands helps welcome him to the abode. Your presence brings him closer to peace than almost anything ever has, and that’s why you feel reluctant to disturb his rest. But he is indeed stealing your breath, and not in a lyrical way.
“Satoru, baby… you’re crushing me.”
Your confession is soft and warm against him like an angel’s breath, and that only makes him want to further solidify his position, to hold down his fort.
Without even opening his eyes, he just petulantly hums against you in protest, almost like a whine as he tightens his grip and more forcefully presses his cheek to your chest.
You wriggle beneath him, the motion providing you with an inkling of relief so that you’re able to settle again, allowing Satoru to continue his reign unchallenged. You simply sigh as you both go lax again, falling into the same quiet rhythm as before.
This time you pay more attention to the familiar slope of his nose, the gentle white sweep of his eyelashes, the pink tint of cheeks heated by contentment and fatigue. What a beautiful form, not just for being cut in ways that are pleasing to the eye, but for being completely and unapologetically him. And for waiting on you to love him like you do now.
There’s a sensation in your chest and it isn’t from the weight of Satoru’s skull on it. It isn’t sudden either—it’s more so like it has been there for some time, and you’ve just now taken the notion to realize it. There is no fright or ambiguity. Only peace and acceptance.
“Satoru,” you call in a gentle yet determined breath as you gaze down upon him. He is unaware.
“Hm,” he replies. It’s a half-conscious staccato grunt of acknowledgement. Your fingers still their motions in his hair.
“Do you wanna marry me?”
You speak as casually as you might when asking him what he wants for dinner.
It takes a moment for it to register, but when it does, he’s sleepily opening his eyes and resting his chin on your chest to look up at you with genuine inquiry. “Huh?” His hair is mussed, blue eyes squinted, brain layered with fog.
You repeat yourself, expression neutral. “Do you wanna marry me?”
The second utterance from your lips rouses him further from his tired state, body shifting somewhat from the fresh anticipation, his eyes still glued to your face.
“Yeah… yeah, of course I do.” It’s the truth. He’s made it rather clear on several occasions, whether it be through somewhat teasing tongue-in-cheek remarks or more serious speculations about how he always pictures you in his future. But what you don’t know is that he’s had a ring picked out for you for quite some time now, waiting until the moment it seemed like you loved him enough to not say ‘no.’
Satoru’s bleary eyes now sparkle with hope as he watches you, wondering what this is all supposed to mean.
Valentine’s Day is in a mere few days but that matters little to you. What really does matter is that feeling in your chest, that realization that came from being willing to let him smother you beneath his weight if only to allow him a few more moments of peace. The realization that you would gladly run short on oxygen for him because you know he would do the same for you in return. The realization that you gladly linger on the beauty of his existence and his willingness to offer you his vulnerability on a silver platter. The realization that you aren’t afraid to love him anymore.
This wasn’t planned. It wasn’t overthought. It simply blossomed following a period of growth.
Finally, after a few more moments of letting that feeling settle, you speak. “Well… will you?”
His gaze never falters, but he’s propping himself up more properly now, jaw going slack as he searches your face for any signs of humor or dishonesty.
“Will I…?” he trails off, dumbstruck, brain working to become fully alert as his heart thumps.
“Will you marry me?”
Satoru is still unsure of whether or not you’re joking, but if you were, he’d say you’re the greatest actor on the face of the planet. Your expression is serious, determined, and unwavering, and it causes every inch of him to flutter. Surely he’s dreaming. Surely this isn’t truly happening.
“Don’t mess around with me,” he says defensively yet with a hint of hope still coloring his tone. He’s expecting you to grin and laugh, to say that it was all in good fun. But your aura remains sincere.
Your hands move up to cup his cheeks, thumbs stroking over the rosy hue as you speak. “Do I look like I’m messing around?”
Several beats of silence pass and your eyes are locked, and Satoru gently shakes his head after discerning that you are in fact not playing a practical joke. Looking closely enough, you swear you see the subtle mist of tears adorning his lower lashes.
“…So?” you question in a half-whisper, urging him to give you an answer despite the suddenness of it all.
Satoru blinks and stares, absorbing it, accepting it as reality and internally rejoicing.
He had bought the ring but you had asked the question. You’d met each other in the middle without even knowing it, without him having to roundabout beg for it anymore. It’s all he ever could’ve hoped for.
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mintjamsblog · 1 year
Phone call
Tommy/Alfie (+Cyril) drabble
It's gone 2 am when his phone rings, late enough that he knows nothing good'll come of answering. Private number the screen says. He hesitates, and swipes right with one hand pressed over his eyes.
There's silence at the other end, heavy and deliberate. He shouldn't have bloody well picked-up, but since when did shouldn't matter? Teeth clenched, he listens whilst a familiar weight settles itself in his stomach. Slowly he reaches over to mute the black and white war film he's been watching. He's long since lost the plot, having dozed on and off through most of it. Easy enough to guess the ending, they're all the bloody same — victory mixed with grief mixed with a dose of moral high ground. He leans back on the leather sofa to wait.
Beside him, Cyril opens his eyes and raises his chin a little. Alfie shakes his head in response — I know, mate, I fuckin' know. Cyril slumps back down on his paws. It's late, and Alfie's tired, and he ought to hang up right now. Never fucking does though, does he? 
He tucks the phone into his shoulder and laces his hands together, stretching his arms out in front of him until the knuckles crack loudly. 
Over his shoulder, in the kitchen, a little red clock on the oven indicates ten past. He watches the seconds blink, counts them in his head as if he suspects the digital display is trying to cheat him. It isn't. Time ticks by just as slowly as it always bloody does.
"Right then," he says when the minutes have clicked over to eleven. "Time you went out, Cyril."
He puts his phone onto speaker and sets it on the coffee table. There's movement at the other end of the line, a shuffling sound and breaths. Still there then. 
Cyril's reluctant to move from his spot; it's cold outside and he has no desire to leave the warmth of the sofa. Alfie grabs hold of his collar and hauls him over the edge. Cyril moves like a sack of potatoes, waiting until the last bloody second to plant his feet on the rug. One of these days he'll forget to bother and land like a seal on his belly, looking pretty fucking embarrassed.
"Oi," Alfie curses mildly. "Mind me fucking feet!" 
There's another noise from the coffee table. Footsteps, perhaps, the rhythm scuffed and uneven. Alfie takes Cyril to the back door and shoves him into the garden. "That's it, go sniff out some rats. Do yer fuckin' business."
He slides the door closed and peers out, watching Cyril plod towards the shed. As he steps back he catches sight of himself in the door — it's dark inside and out, and so the television flickers both behind him and in front of him, reflected in the black glass. He looks like a ghostly figure trapped between two realms — hair stuck out at all angles, fingers entwined at the back of his head. He really should hang up. Put an end to this fucking charade.
He will. When Cyril comes in.
There's a deep cough and a slurred word from the coffee table. Alfie doesn't turn, he watches the phone screen flicker in the glass, as if seeing it in reverse somehow means he ain't complicit.  
"M'sorry," the phone-voice says, and Alfie closes his eyes, holds his hands briefly over his ears.
"Tommy" —he turns back towards the room— "go the fuck to bed, alright?"
The line goes quiet once more, save for the distinctive slosh of liquid against glass. "I know you don't wanna hear it."
Oh how much Alfie wishes that were true. He squats in front of the little screen, rests his head in his hands. How many nights has he spent searching for an explanation he could stomach? Bargaining with unknown gods for Tommy to deliver anything close to a palatable excuse? He listens to Tommy swallow. His heart feels like a butterfly being squashed by a giant fist.
"S'true. I'm so fucking sorry. If I could just ... if I could go back, Alfie—"
Alfie stands too suddenly. Strides away, black spots speckling his vision. He wrenches open the back door. "Cyril!" he bellows into the night. "Get your arse back in here." His skin feels hot in the gush of cool air. His pulse unaccountably fast. He slams the door and locks it, ushering Cyril towards the stairs. "Bed!" he barks at the dog. Cyril makes his way out to the hall, obedient in the way he only is when he likes the order.
The phone remains silent as Alfie checks the kitchen window, locks the front door, turns off the TV. He glares at the coffee table, willing Tommy to speak. Or not to speak. He doesn't fucking know. He picks the phone up, thumb hovering over the power button. It's a simple enough fucking thing: switch it off, go to bed.
"Don't go." Tommy's voice is a whisper, so quiet it makes Alfie jump.
"Go to sleep, Tommy," he sighs and takes the phone upstairs. Cyril has already settled down at the foot of his bed, in the dark.
"Can't," comes Tommy's voice, thick and tired and undercut with that little thread of defiance that Alfie's too weary to deal with. 
"Well some of us have to, mate." He puts the phone on his bedside without turning on the lamp — the shroud of darkness makes all of this somehow more deniable. He pulls off his clothes and shuffles beneath the duvet, the silence hammering at his ears.
"Good night." He means to sound final, but his voice is too soft, too quiet.
"Leave your phone on."
"Tommy. This has got to stop."
"Why do you only ring me when you're out of your fucking tree?" He doesn't expect an answer. Doesn't get one neither.
"Please. Alfie."
"Fuck's sake. Five minutes, alright?" He turns over, closes his eyes. 
Next thing he knows, it's light and there's a sick feeling in his stomach. He reaches out for his phone; the screen is black, the battery dead. He tucks it under his chin.
At the bottom of the bed Cyril huffs and rolls over, but refuses to take his usual spot on the other pillow. He peers up at Alfie with a disapproving look.
"I know, mate." Alfie sighs. "I fuckin' know, alright?"
Or read it on A03
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 2 months
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I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I
Did I mention I love him? Haha, but yeah, I adore Hinata. He’s just so babyyyyyy. And every once in a blue moon, I get in this random mood just obsessing over him… which doesn’t last long because there’s, like, no new content, ackkk. I’m just looking at the same stuff over and over again ;~;
So… why not make some? I do get into bouts where I really do want to draw him but not anything substantial since I have other planned artworks. So I decided to draw the bab on his birthday… last year… but those two super late IH posts took up my time… But, yeah, can do that now, finally! (It’s still the 23rd somewhere in the world… Like, Hawaii, at least, I think. Though, I’m still very much cutting it close ^^;;)
You’ll see him pop up every now and again on this blog, but also, there’s another reason I really wanted to post about him, too. See, I made this OC back in middle school who is still very much an active one rn—it’s just, middle school me was shameless and she based him heavily on Hinata, eheh. And I wouldn’t wanna post about my OC without posting about Hinata first. 
I’ll get around to posting about that OC plus his cast sometime in the future, but yeah, it’ll be pretty obvious which one I’m talking about when I do (plus, there’s another OC who is also heavily based on another character—shameless, like I said, eheh—but that one should be pretty obvious, too… Ig the whole main trio kinda has obvious-ish basis, but the third one isn’t as obvious (unless you know who the first OC is based off of, Ig) and he’s more superficially based off another character compared to the other two. That said, they’ve all developed very much into their own characters, mm hmm. It’d be… unfortunate if they didn’t, considering they’ve been in the works since middle school…
Anywho, one last OC-related tidbit! So, while I had based the OCs off of canon characters’ appearances, personalities, and interests, things like birthdays were just based off of the vibes my characters gave me. Which is super funny, ‘cause I never looked up Hinata’s birthday until last year to know when to draw him, and wouldn’t you know it? My OC’s birthday just happens to be a day before his, pffft. I just thought my OC gave off peak summer vibes, so July was the obvious month. And he also seemed like he’d fit an identical double digit birth day, and he’s definitely more of an even than an odd. So… yeah, what a coincidence p, eheh. Ig it’s a really fitting birthday for this kinda character, eh?
Back to Hinata, though. I have very mixed opinions about maid-sama as a whole (I… rant about it every so often…), and I never thought about reading the manga… but I got desperate for Hinata content, so… yeah, I read the whole thing just for him. It was… painful at times… But it was worth it for him… I’ve got so many screenshots, eheh. That said, I don’t plan on ever revisiting it (if I want to revisit anything, it’d probably be the anime, and then, only certain episodes y’know, the ones featuring Hinata, cough, cough), but if I do, it’s to take every single screenshot of Hinata just so I never touch it again, haha. 
It’s so funny, though: Hinata’s not even one of my top five favorite guys (definitely top ten, though, but top five’s positions are set, while the rest of the five flip-flop), but I treat him a lot better than my favorite guys, pffttt. But… like… he’s so precioussssss…
Ahhhhhh, I wish there was more content for himmmm, ahhhhh…!
Anyway, I’m very much sleep-deprived rn, hence you get… all this… I’m too tired to be embarrassed at the moment; sorry, future me.
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danpuff-ao3 · 6 months
You know...I'm very proud of my playlist crafting skills. A playlist just for me and my jam out sessions is one thing, but making them for my fics was a whole other ballgame. Cue my perfectionism. But my love of music and my love of stories has come together pretty well, I think.
Going back through the Contempt playlist recently was such a great experience. It's like living that story all over again through the songs. Maybe that works best for me as the crafter of both story and playlist, but hey...it's magical for me, at least.
"Pressure" by Muse
I'm trying to keep up to speed with you Your lane changing is oscillating me I'm hitting the ground and I'm sprinting I'm falling behind now I'm tuning out
"I Feel Like I'm Drowning" by Two Feet
All my friends think you're vicious And they say you're suspicious You keep dreaming and dark scheming
"Obsession" by Joywave
There's something Lurking in the back of my mind And lately I feel it sliding into the light
"I Hate You So Much" by Alexander 23
I close my eyes but all I see is you I hate that, I love you so much
"Say It" by Maggie Rogers
I cannot fall in love with you I cannot feel this way so soon I cannot be this way with you I cannot fall in love with you
"Do I Wanna Know" by Arctic Monkeys
Maybe I'm too Busy bein' yours To fall for somebody new
"State of Seduction" by Digital Daggers
You keep my heart under the cover of night Could be the devil in a clever disguise Temptation leads us, it's too late for goodbye Say you're here on my side Want you here on my side
"Mind Over Matter" by Young the Giant
And when the seasons change Will you stand by me? 'Cause I'm a young man built to fall
"Neptune" by Sleeping at Last
Thread by thread, I come apart If brokenness is a work of art Surely this must be my masterpiece
"A Little Death" by the Neighbourhood
Touch me, yeah I want you to touch me there Make me feel like I am breathing Feel like I am human
"Animal Impulses" by IAMX
I'm tired of this human duet No civilizing hides Our animal impulses
"I Don't Mind" by FNKHOUSER
I am not afraid to Let you be who you wanna be Let you do what you do to me Close my eyes but I wanna see
"Stargirl Interlude" by The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey
A vision of my nails in the kitchen Scratching counter tops, I was screaming My back arched like a cat My position couldn't stop, you were hitting it
"Ride" by Lana Del Rey
I am alone at midnight Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble, but I I've got a war in my mind So, I just ride
"Kiss Me You Animal" by Burn the Ballroom
Kiss me you animal I need to take you in real slow Cause dying on your lips is how I wanna go
"After Dark" by Mr. Kitty
I've been waiting for this moment We're finally alone I turn to ask the question So anxious, my thoughts Your lips were soft like winter In your passion, I was lost
"Bloom" by The Paper Kites
Can I take it to a morning Where the fields are painted gold And the trees are filled with memories Of the feelings never told?
"Don't Let Me Go" by RAIGN
Forever is not enough Let me lay my head down on the shadow by your side Don't let me go Hold me in your beating heart
"Comatose" by Mikky Ekko
In another life we can work it out But we never speak So it's hard to do We don't really want to live this way
"War of Hearts" by Ruelle
I can't help but be wrong in the dark 'Cause I'm overcome in this war of hearts I can't help but want oceans to part 'Cause I'm overcome in this war of hearts
"You're the One" by Rev Theory
You are the hurt inside of me And you are the one that makes me weak Shadows that crawl all over me Swallow the light that lets me see
"I Wanna Be Yours" by Arctic Monkeys
Secrets I have held in my heart Are harder to hide than I thought Maybe I just wanna be yours I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours
"Unintended" by Muse
I'll be there as soon as I can But I'm busy mending broken Pieces of the life I had before
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weird-dere · 10 months
*poke poke* Hi lovely!! How are you?? Been a hot minute since I said anything to you, and for that I apologize!
Please accept my basket of goodies as an apology. As well, I hope you are willing to sit with me and tell me all about what is new within your life 💛
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Oh my, what a delectable assortment of sweets 🥺. How kind of you, my dear 🫶🏾.
Please! Let us sit and enjoy them together? 🩷
I can make us some cocoa (or coffee or tea if you prefer :3) to have along with them uwu.
I am doing okay. Just recently getting over a cold. Feeling better owo. Also have been pretty busy as work has called me in a lot lately (retail position during the holidays, go figure 🎄).
But I mean at least I am compensated with money 💵✨️.
Aside from that, not much has really been happening. Haven't been as active on here in recent times. Idk it's just been that kind vibe lately? Not that it's dead here, but it just kinda feels like it y'know? Maybe it's because I've just been tired. Have felt a little bad cus I haven't been interacting as much with mooties myself.
Something fun tho, I modded my 3ds recently and I feel so cool about it 😎 🎮. And I'm really excited :3. Because of it, I've got more storage on it, I can put custom themes on it, download a whole bunch of games I never got to play on it for free!
(The official eshop you could get digital games from closed down in March of this year and no one is trying to pay scalpers for games that have a physical version).
It's cool cus I get to give my device a new life and can in a way return to a simpler time, have some new experiences and try new things along the way, y'know? Nice little Christmas present for myself I think 😊.
Have gotten gifts for my parents and a couple friends. Looking forward to having them all open their stuff up ☺️. Wanna see them smile ówò.
But yeah. I have been existing and generally trying to rest; hoping for good changes to come forth n such. Always thinking about Ichidere too ofc lol.
(have been more indulgent with that lately as well; it's been lovely 🥰).
How has life been treating you beloved? What is happening in your life, if you don't mind sharing? My ears are open and I am holding your hand UwU 💛💛💛
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maybeimamuppet · 2 years
i'll take you anywhere but dinner
hiiiiiiiii happy wednesday 
have this 
based on the tumblr post above bc i’m real creative 
also big thanks to parker (@parkitaco /Whyyyyy on ao3) for letting me borrow her brand lol. please go read their stuff bc they do it more beautifully than i ever could lol
tw for 
mentioned sexual harassment 
mentioned canon stuff (outing etc) 
and as always if i’ve missed something please let me know so i can add it in!
“Do we have to go out this time, guys? I’m tired,” Cady whines, fluffing her hair out after tugging on her Mathletes jacket. 
“Yes,” all of her teammates say at the same time. 
“It’s tradition, Africa,” Kevin tuts. “We won, don’t you wanna celebrate?” 
“Ew,” Cady groans as Kevin wags his eyebrows suggestively. “We’re going to Sunshine’s, not Hooters. Pervert.” 
“I got game anywhere, Heron,” Kevin hums. “Let’s roll out!”
“It’s a block away, Kev.”
“Heron, get off my dick!” 
The diner is mostly empty since it’s past midnight, so they all seat themselves in a booth and wait to be served. Kevin and Tyler immediately start dicking around, blowing straw wrappers at each other and pelting one another with the peanuts on the table. 
After a brief wait, their waitress finally walks up to their table with their menus. 
“Damn, girl!” Kevin says immediately after laying eyes on her. Cady looks up to see what he’s on about this time and nearly chokes on her peanuts. 
Their waitress is gorgeous. Tall, vaguely muscular, beautiful even in the unflattering uniform the employees wear. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail, the ends of it a platinum blonde and the roots a brown so dark it’s almost black. 
She looks at Cady’s motley crew, mirth twinkling in her coffee brown eyes and a smirk gracing her red-painted lips. Her makeup is darker than Cady thinks Sunshine’s uniform allows, but damn if it doesn’t work on this girl. 
“Welcome to The Sunshine Diner, where the sun always shines, even if it’s the middle of the night,” she begins with a small sigh, clearly tired of repeating the schtick to every table. God, even her voice is beautiful. “My name is Janis, I’ll be your server this… uh, morning. What can I get for you?” 
“Your digits,” Kevin says. Janis looks at him with a small grin. 
“We’ll see how well you tip,” she replies easily, scrawling down their drink orders in her notepad. “Back in a sec.” 
“Kevin, quit skeezing on the waitress,” Cady huffs as soon as she’s out of earshot. 
“Africa, I have been single since the eighth grade. I can and will shoot my shot anywhere,” Kevin replies. 
“Clearly,” Cady grumbles. 
“Ooh, is Cady jealous?” Marwan teases. 
“No!” Cady says, too quickly, as all the boys laugh. 
“You so are!” Aaron teases. “Want her to take you in the back and show you how they make their milkshakes?”
“Her milkshake would certainly bring all the boys to the yard,” Tyler sighs, resting his head on his hand. 
“You guys are so gross!” Cady groans. 
“Please don’t be gross in my section, I have to clean up after you,” Janis says as she returns with a tray of drinks seemingly effortlessly balanced on her arm. “Alright, lemonade for you, Sprite that we’re legally not allowed to call Sprite for you, coffee for you, bold choice but I dig it. A water, and… a chocolate milk for the lady.” 
“Loser,” Tyler teases, gently kicking Cady in the shins beneath the table. She kicks him back a bit harder. 
“Hey, caffeine is legal!”
“It’s midnight!” Cady retaliates.
“It’s morning,” Tyler hums, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“And I gave you decaf,” Janis smirks. “Are you ready to order?” 
“Thank you,” Cady says, genuine gratitude in her voice. Caffeinated mathletes are not what anyone needs this late at night. “I’ll have… um…”
“A piece of that-”
Cady claps a hand over Aaron’s mouth before he can even finish his sentence, knowing it won’t end well for anyone. 
“Maybe for dessert, pretty boy,” Janis hums. “But, I don’t get paid if I don’t feed you, so. Food?” 
Marwan and Tyler both get cheeseburgers, Kevin gets a chicken pot pie, Aaron decides on fried chicken for his actual food, and Cady tries not to stutter through ordering her Belgian waffle. 
“So, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?” Marwan asks flirtatiously once Janis has their orders written down. Janis tucks her pen behind her ear and looks down at her uniform, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Smooth, Marwan,” Kevin teases. “Seriously though, I thought this was a diner, but it must be a museum, because you are a piece of art.” 
“I’m gonna go give you guys some time to work on your chat up lines,” Janis says, putting her notepad in the pocket of her apron and walking away with a smirk. 
“Nice going, Kevin,” Aaron huffs. 
“She’s just going to put the order in, that wasn’t my fault!” Kevin defends. 
“You scared her off!” Tyler accuses. 
“Why do you care? I don’t see you trying to get in there!” 
“‘Cause you made her leave before I got the chance!” 
“Guys,” Cady begs softly. “For the love of god. Can I please just get my waffle?” 
That gets them quoting Vines instead of trying to work on pickup lines for when Janis comes back. Which is still insufferable, but slightly less so. It’s manageable, at least. Cady groans quietly and gives up on having a peaceful evening, resting her head on the table while she waits. 
“Alrighty, sorry about the wait,” Janis says when she returns with their meals. “Here you go.” 
Her hand brushes Tyler’s when she hands him his burger, prompting him to joke, “Wow, I’ve been touched by an angel.”
“You’re certainly touched by something,” Marwan retaliates. 
“Can I get anything else for you?” Janis says with a slight chuckle. 
“A picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas,” Kevin says. 
“You don’t even celebrate Christmas!” Aaron accuses. 
“I would for you,” Kevin says, blinking at Janis like some kind of cartoon character trying to flirt. 
“I’m flattered,” Janis responds flatly, but she’s still smiling. 
“Can I please get a refill?” Cady asks softly. Janis takes her empty glass of chocolate milk. 
“Coming right up.” 
“Thanks,” Cady grins. Janis winks and heads back to the kitchen. 
“How is Cady the one who got a wink?!” Marwan asks in shock. 
“Because I’m respectful,” Cady hums haughtily. “Unlike you perverts.” 
“Nah,” Kevin says. “Must be the Kenya magic working its charm.”
“Yeah, definitely,” the other boys all agree. Cady shakes her head in exasperation as she pours syrup over her waffle and cuts it into bite sized bits. 
“Why do I hang out with you people?” she asks. 
“Because we are the chillest, dopest crew in town!” Aaron scoffs. Kevin gives him a high five, happy his slogan has caught on. 
Cady begrudgingly gives them a smile. “Yeah, I guess.”
“You love us,” Marwan teases. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Cady hums. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” 
“This is definitely going to,” Tyler pouts. “I can’t believe she gave me decaf!” 
“Can you blame her?” Kevin asks. “It’s one in the morning.” 
“And that is a perfectly reasonable time to drink coffee!” 
“Just shut up and eat your cheeseburger,” Aaron says. Tyler huffs and pops a french fry in his mouth, choking a bit as their waitress makes her return. 
“Here ya go,” Janis says, placing Cady’s new glass of chocolate milk in front of her. “And… I snagged you a crazy straw. Can’t drink chocolate milk without one.”
Cady laughs as Janis hands over the bright purple twisty straw. “Thanks.” 
“No prob,” Janis grins. “Everything good for you guys so far?” 
“Yeah, thank you,” Cady says. 
“A date with you would make it a lot better,” Marwan purrs. Janis laughs. 
“Would it now?” she hums. Marwan nods. 
“Is your middle name Gillette?” Kevin asks. “Because you’re the best a man can get!” 
“You guys just keep those coming, huh?”
“They could go all night, save yourself,” Cady says. Janis laughs again. 
“Duly noted. I’ll be back in a bit. Enjoy, guys.” 
“Oh, we will!” Tyler calls. 
“You are truly exhausting,” Cady sighs. “All of you.”
“Thanks!” Kevin replies. 
“Not a compliment.”
“I think that’s for us to decide.”
After they’ve gorged themselves on delicious, greasy diner food, they all slump down in the booth as they try to kick their digestive systems into gear. 
“How was everything?” Janis chuckles as she returns, resting their bill on the table. 
“Incredible,” Aaron groans. 
“Glad to hear it,” Janis replies. She looks at them oddly as they all suddenly sit up and wordlessly begin rock paper scissors, excluding Aaron since he paid last time. Cady and Kevin eventually end up neck and neck, but Cady comes away with the win. 
Kevin sighs and plops his card on the tray, breezing through the mental math to calculate a generous tip. Janis takes it back to process. 
“I hope you tipped her extra for having to deal with you pervs,” Cady jokes. 
“I’m not a total douche,” Kevin huffs. “And hey, maybe I’ll get her number. She said it depended on the tip.”
“No way! If anyone is going to it’s me,” Aaron says. “I’m handsome.”
“Yeah, and that’s your only character trait,” Tyler retaliates. 
Cady massages the bridge of her nose as all four of her friends get into another argument. She’s very grateful that they’re the only ones left in the diner. 
“We can never come back here,” she whispers. 
“Pfft, yeah you can,” Janis says, making Cady jump. “I need the money.” 
“Thank you,” Kevin says genuinely when she hands his card back. 
“My pleasure. Oh, and uh…” all four boys look very excited as she pulls a scrap of paper out of the pocket of her apron and scrawls something on it. She folds it up and passes it to Cady. “Text me. Have a nice night, guys.”
She winks at Cady and saunters away, leaving Cady blushing like a fool and all the boys yelling at her in indignation. 
“God damn it, Africa!” Kevin grumbles as Cady dances out the door. “You got too much game, it’s not fair.”
“Someone has to balance out the rest of you dweebs,” Cady says. Realization dawns on her then. “Oh my god, I got her number.”
“Yeah, yeah, rub it in.” 
Cady has a small panic the next day, trying to work up the courage to text Janis. It takes a full hour of her Mathletes screaming at her in their group chat and threatening to text her themselves for her to send the first message. 
She pulls the crumpled paper out of the pocket of her Mathletes jacket, tapping the number into her phone. She grins a bit seeing the messy half-cursive scrawl, and realizes with a small grin that Janis wrote it on the back of their order ticket. 
africabytoto: Hey it’s Cady! :) 
She sends it and clicks her phone off, resting it facedown on her bed and curling into a ball as far away from it as she can get. She doesn’t know why she’s so nervous, but she can’t help it. 
Her anxiety only grows when minutes tick by and by. Almost a whole half hour goes by before her text tone pings off. 
snarkisian: do i know u?? 
africabytoto: OH shit uh
africabytoto: I was at the diner last night, you gave me your number 
africabytoto: Sorry I forgot to mention that
snarkisian: oh!! hey :)) 
snarkisian: it’s all good
snarkisian: sorry it took me a while to get back to u i just got off work 
africabytoto: It’s fine!! 
africabytoto: I’m sorry about my friends by the way
africabytoto: They’re good guys but they can be a lot sometimes lol 
africabytoto: I’m sorry if they made you uncomfortable 
snarkisian: nah they’re all good 
snarkisian: part of the job and all that
snarkisian: and i much prefer when it’s dudes my age and not sixty year olds staring at my ass yknow 
africabytoto: Oh god yeah 
snarkisian: i do have one question 
africabytoto: Oh yeah go ahead 
snarkisian: have ur friends ever like
snarkisian: *seen* a lesbian 
africabytoto: HAHAHA no way 
snarkisian: i gave u my number for a reason ;) 
Cady feels her heart skip a few beats. It wasn’t just to prove a point? Janis… actually wanted to give her her number? 
snarkisian: shit i didn’t scare u off already did i 
africabytoto: No
africabytoto: You didn’t 
Cady starts typing out Sorry I’m just and then pauses. What does she say? 
She eventually settles on thinking and hits send. She laughs when Janis responds with a few eyes emojis and a care to share?? 
Cady sighs. She starts typing a few times, deleting everything every time she gets past a few words. Does she really want to tell this girl she only met yesterday everything running through her head right now? 
She decides to at least broach the subject. Janis does deserve to know at least a little bit. 
africabytoto: You’re just the first girl who’s ever like, maybe shown an interest in me 
africabytoto: And I don’t have much experience in general 
africabytoto: Idk I’m just weird 
snarkisian: that’s not weird 
snarkisian: not like many pretty girls willingly take my number lol
snarkisian: and if u don’t want it to this doesn’t have to be anything like that. u seem chill and like you’d be a good friend 
Cady bites her lip, worrying it between her teeth as she tries to think of what to say next. Kenyan courage, come on. 
africabytoto: What if I do want it to be like that?
She thinks she can taste blood as the typing bubble pops up and disappears no fewer than five times. Did she read this that wrong? 
She only snaps out of it when she hears the little whoosh signifying she’s gotten a message back. 
snarkisian: really? 
africabytoto: Yeah
africabytoto: I don’t think that much harm could come from giving it a shot at least 
africabytoto: As long as you want to
snarkisian: i think giving it a shot sounds tits 
africabytoto: Is that a good thing? 
snarkisian: tits are the best thing 
africabytoto: Oh
africabytoto: Then grool
snarkisian: grool ?? 
africabytoto: Huh?
africabytoto: Oh shit
africabytoto: I meant to type great and then started to type cool
africabytoto: The one time autocorrect doesn’t come to my “rescue” 
snarkisian: oh lmao 
snarkisian: so
snarkisian: would it be grool of me to ask you on a date ?
africabytoto: Very much so 
africabytoto: What did you have in mind ?
snarkisian: idk i’ve never made it this far 
snarkisian: uh
snarkisian: do u have any ideas ?? 
snarkisian: i’ll take u anywhere except dinner 
africabytoto: Haha yeah that sounds fair enough
africabytoto: Ok I know this might be super babyish 
africabytoto: But I really want to try mini golf and I’ve never done it 
snarkisian: really ?? 
snarkisian: we can totally do that 
snarkisian: but how have u never done it ?? 
africabytoto: Not many places to mini golf in Kenya 
snarkisian: kenya ?? 
africabytoto: I grew up there 
africabytoto: My parents are zoologists 
snarkisian: that’s so cool omg 
snarkisian: if i ever introduce u to my friend damian pls never tell him i just used omg in earnest 
africabytoto: My lips are sealed 
snarkisian: man so the africa thing makes a lot more sense now
snarkisian: i thought u were just a really big fan of the song 
africabytoto: It’s a song ?? 
snarkisian: holy shit
Cady spends the rest of the day texting Janis without really realizing it. Conversation with her is just… easy. She even puts talking to Janis ahead of her calculus homework, something not even Regina managed during Cady’s brief stint as a Plastic last year. 
Eventually, regretfully, Cady does have to go to sleep. She’s stayed up so late to chat that her keyboard is starting to go blurry beneath her thumbs. 
africabytoto: I hate to do htis but I’m fallinh asleep
africabytoto: I gotta goto bed 
snarkisian: i do too 
snarkisian: talk more tomorrow ?? 
africabytoto: Sounds grest
snarkisian: tits 
snarkisian: goodnight caddy 
africabytoto: Goodnight
africabytoto: It’s Cady 
snarkisian: ;) 
Cady rolls her eyes affectionately and plugs in her phone before rolling over and drifting off to sleep, a fond smile on her face. 
They wind up texting every single day that week, every free second they have in common going towards talking to one another. 
Janis sets their mini golf date for the next Friday, and Cady finds herself unreasonably excited. She (begrudgingly) allowed her Mathletes to help her choose an outfit over FaceTime, and surprisingly, they did a pretty good job. A yellow t-shirt with ruffly sleeves paired with some jeans. 
A panicked text conversation with Gretchen confirms it’s not too casual, so she finishes it with a matching ribbon tying her hair half-up and her usual converse. 
Janis texts that she’s outside right as Cady is tying her shoelaces, so she quickly calls a goodbye to her parents and rushes outside. “Whoa.”
Janis is leaning casually against a truck, clad in an Alanis Morissette t-shirt covered with a black leather jacket, dark shorts over fishnet tights, and clunky combat boots. Her hair is down today, and Cady notices that one side is shaved past her ear. Her makeup is also significantly heavier and darker than it was at the diner, with dark eyeshadow and eyeliner surrounding her eyes and a deep purple lipstick coating those perfect lips. 
She distantly notes how creepy that sounds as she makes her way over to this goddess. Janis smiles as she sees her, and Cady almost trips. 
“Hey,” Janis says. Cady can’t bring herself to look away from a single part of her, nor can she control her muscles enough to speak. 
“Legs,” she blurts. Nice start, dumbass. She shakes her head and tries again. “Shit. I mean hi.” 
“Hi,” Janis laughs, gently nudging her with an elbow. “You ready to go?” 
“Yeah,” Cady says eagerly. Janis grins again as she chivalrously opens Cady’s door for her, closing it again once Cady manages to awkwardly clamber her way inside. “Your truck is really nice.” 
“Thanks,” Janis says as she puts the key into the ignition. “I kinda rescued her from the dead. Was what I did with my free time before I started working.” 
“That’s really cool,” Cady says. “You did a great job.” 
“Thanks,” Janis says again. “Jodie’s my favorite child.” 
“Like Jodie Foster,” Janis explains.
“Who’s that?”
“Only the most iconic lesbian in all of Hollywood!” Janis scoffs. “God, I have so much to teach you.” 
“If you really want to,” Cady giggles. “You seem like you’d be a good teacher.” 
“Teach gay classes,” Janis nods. “I could do that.” 
“Like… classes on how to be gay, or about gay stuff?” 
“Both,” Janis says. “I’m versatile.” 
“Nice to know,” Cady says. Janis flushes slightly and clears her throat. 
“So, um…” she begins awkwardly. “What sport do you do?”
“Sport?” Cady asks, tilting her head in confusion. 
“You were wearing a… sport… jacket,” Janis says. “At the diner.”
“Oh!” Cady laughs. “No, I’m just a Mathlete.” 
“A Mathlete?” Janis chuckles. “That’s cool.”
“No it’s not, you don’t have to lie,” Cady teases. 
“No, it is! Means you must be smart,” Janis says. “Maybe not the… most traditionally cool choice of extracurricular, but it’s still… neat.” 
“I guess so,” Cady says with a grin. “But you saw the boys, did you really think any of us do anything remotely athletic?” 
“One of them looked kinda sporty. Figured the rest of them must be water boys or something.”
“Actually, Aaron is the water boy for us,” Cady laughs. “But he does play soccer too.” 
“You have… water boys… for Mathletes?” Janis asks. Cady can tell she’s biting back laughter. 
“It’s hard work!”
“I never said it wasn’t!” 
“You implied it,” Cady humphs, crossing her arms and turning away. 
“No, I’m sorry,” Janis pleads, gently resting a hand on Cady’s arm. Cady tries not to jump and scare her off, trying to figure out a way to keep Janis’ warm, soft hand where it is. 
Janis mistakes her brief panic for a bad one, and starts to pull back. Cady, in a fit of bravery, gently rests her hand on top of Janis’, sliding it down to link their hands together. It could easily be mistaken as a platonic motion, but they both flush like they’ve done something particularly scandalous. 
But, to both of their delight, Janis decides to leave her hand there. She switches her grip on the steering wheel to drive the rest of the way one-handed, leaving the other for Cady. 
“So how long have you been working at Sunshine’s?” Cady asks once she’s recovered from the lump in her throat that came as soon as Janis’ warm hand touched her. “I go there all the time and I’ve never seen you before.”
“Not too long. A few months,” Janis says. “My usual shifts are right after school or, like, the lunch rush during the weekends. So we probably just didn’t overlap.” 
“Do you enjoy it?“
“God, no,” Janis laughs. “I mean, I meet some… interesting people, I guess. But it’s just a job. Something I do for extra money.” 
“That makes sense,” Cady nods. “So what do you enjoy, Snarkisian?” 
“Already giving me nicknames, eh?” Janis chuckles. 
“Just your screen name.”
“For now,” Janis winks. “I enjoy… um… painting. I still wanna do some stuff in here.” She gently gives a pat to Jodie’s dashboard. “I like art and stuff. And I’ve always liked anything I can do with my hands. Hence getting Jodie back into shape.” 
“I like stuff like that too,” Cady grins. “I’m not an artist though, god. I was homeschooled until last year and still failed all my art classes.”
Janis laughs out loud at that, and Cady can’t help but smile at the sound. That’s just unfair. “Maybe on our next date I’ll teach you some stuff.”
“Next date?” Cady grins. “We haven’t even had this one yet.”
“Oh- I-I mean- uh…” Janis stutters frantically, blushing a spectacular shade of scarlet. 
“I’m teasing. This one is going pretty well so far,” Cady says with a smile. Janis looks at her for a split second and smiles back.
“Glad you agree.” 
They keep making light conversation as they drive, until Janis pulls into the parking lot of the mini golf facility. Cady looks around eagerly as best she can still buckled in. “Whoa!” 
“Come on, Cads,” Janis chuckles, being a true ‘gentleman’ and opening Cady’s door for her. “Let’s go smack some balls!”
“You’d get on really well with the boys,” Cady sighs. It’s much more endearing coming from Janis. 
“They do have excellent taste in women,” Janis says sarcastically, tossing her hair over her shoulder. Cady laughs and follows her into the building, taking a second to spin around and look at everything. She jumps when Janis calls to her from a ways away. “Cady. What color ball do you want?” 
“Huh? Oh!” she replies, running over to her. “I get to pick?” 
“Yeah,” Janis says. “Here.” 
Cady looks at the rainbow of golf balls and putters on the wall, considering every one carefully. Pink, yellow, orange? Blue? Purple? 
Janis already chose purple, so she supposes picking purple too would just be confusing. She eventually settles on green, pulling a ball from the plastic tub in front of her and standing on her tippy toes to reach the putters hanging from the hook. 
Janis laughs slightly as Cady only succeeds in batting at the handles a couple times, and comes up behind her to pull one down. 
“Thanks,” Cady says sheepishly, taking the club when Janis hands it to her with a grin. 
“No problem. This way,” she says, gently taking her hand and leading her out one of the doors to the outdoor area. She pays their entrance to the golf course before Cady can protest and leads her in through the gate. “You wanna go first?” 
“Yeah,” Cady says anxiously. She gently rests her ball on the tee, looking at Janis to confirm this is what she’s supposed to do. Janis nods, so she gets into what she assumes is the proper stance, takes a breath, and whacks the ball as hard as she can. 
“Jesus!” Janis yelps as the ball ricochets off the small wall and heads towards her at great speed. She manages to duck and avoid being concussed at the last second, throwing her hand up to catch the ball. 
Cady watches everything go down in horror, her hands pressed over her mouth. Janis bends at the waist, green ball next to the purple one in her hand. Cady is concerned she’s crying, or otherwise upset with her, as she’s well within her right to be. But then Cady notices… Janis is laughing. 
“God, Cady,” she gasps around her laughter. “It’s mini golf, you-you don’t have to hit it so hard!”
“I’m so sorry,” Cady mumbles, hands still firmly over her face. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” Janis laughs, wiping tears from her eyes. “God, you could join the military with that. Death by golf ball.” 
“Hey!” Cady whines. “I’ve never done this before.” 
“Come here,” Janis says, still chuckling gently. She puts Cady’s ball back on the tee and presses against her back. She gently moves Cady’s hands to where they should be on her putter. “Gentle. Like… that. There, try now.” 
Cady pulls back the way Janis showed her and hits the ball, with much less force than the first time. The ball rolls down the green, in a straight line. The first hole doesn’t have any obstacles, so she can get a feel for the stroke. Her ball gently bounces off the wall and comes to a stop about four inches from the hole. 
“I did it!” she says proudly. 
“Yeah, there ya go!” Janis says. “Much less lethal.”
“Hey!” Cady whines again. “I’d like to see you do better.” And also for you to hold me like that again please and thank you. 
Janis rests her own purple ball on the starting spot and takes a second to look down the green, before she takes a gentle whack and her ball. It rolls perfectly down the fake grass and into the hole with a satisfying clunk. 
She straightens up and looks at Cady with a cheeky wink. Cady huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “Cheater.” 
“Attempted murderer,” Janis retaliates, pulling her ball out and waiting for Cady to take her next shot. 
“Hey, at best that would be accidental manslaughter,” Cady huffs, lining up and putting her ball into the goal. 
“I’d really prefer not to find out,” Janis chuckles. “Nicely done.”
Cady grins and follows her to the next hole, making light conversation as they both make quick work of the next few. 
“Can I ask you something?” Cady asks as she’s lining up a shot. 
“Yeah,” Janis replies. Cady pauses when it sounds far away, just before her putter makes contact with her ball, and finds Janis cowering behind a garbage can. 
“Hey!” Cady whines. “Just because I almost accidentally killed you once.” 
Janis laughs and pokes her face out. “I’m just being extra careful. Can’t tell with you.” 
“Hmph,” Cady grumbles, putting her ball through the little windmill a ways down. 
“What do you want to know?” 
“Oh! Yeah,” Cady says, suddenly remembering what sparked this whole thing. “How old are you?” 
“Seventeen,” Janis chuckles as she gets ready to take her turn. “How old did you think I was?” 
“I dunno,” Cady shrugs. “Close to me. But I haven’t seen you at school. So I wanted to ask.” 
“I transferred to the south side when I was a sophomore,” Janis explains. “I used to be at North Shore too. So that’s why you haven’t seen me.” 
“Transferred?” Cady asks, tilting her head in confusion. “Did you move?” 
“Not by choice,” Janis sighs under her breath, whacking the ball with a bit more force than she has before. 
“Oh. I’m sorry,” Cady says frantically. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, I was just curious. Sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” Janis says, groaning when her golf ball bounces off the windmill and lands almost back where it started. “I was outed by my best friend in eighth grade. My parents pulled me out for the rest of the year so I could go to therapy and stuff, and then I went back as a freshman. But when I went back I was bullied so badly I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. I didn’t want to, but I wasn’t safe at North Shore. So we moved and I started going to another school.” 
Cady freezes in horror as her story continues. “Oh my god, you’re Janis,” she whispers. 
“Yes, I am,” Janis chuckles. “Nice of you to notice. You okay?” 
“No! Oh my god, you’re Janis!” Cady says. “I was… I was friends with Regina last year!” 
“Really?” Janis asks, like this is still a casual conversation and the two of them haven’t dropped major bombshells on each other. 
“Yeah,” Cady says. “I was new and she invited me to sit with her on the first day.” 
“That’s even more surprising,” Janis chuckles. 
“Aren’t you mad?” Cady asks in worry. 
“Why would I be mad?” Janis replies, looking at her in confusion. She takes another solid swing at her ball and sighs as it bounces off the windmill again. “Other than that.”
“Because I used to be friends with the girl who kinda ruined your life?” Cady asks. 
“Used to be,” Janis replies easily. “And you’re from Africa. Can’t imagine you were aware what you were getting yourself into.”
“Definitely not,” Cady agrees. 
“Exactly,” Janis says. “I can’t hold that against you. And you’re not friends with her anymore, so something must have happened to, er… show you some sense.” 
“She got hit by a bus,” Cady says, in the split second Janis hits her ball yet again. The shock seems to knock Janis towards the right angle, because her ball finally rolls through the windmill. 
“Yeah,” Cady giggles. “I shouldn’t be laughing. But yeah. Surprised you didn’t hear about it, it was all over the news.”
“Did she-”
“No, no. She’s fine now,” Cady says. “I think. She’s definitely not dead, anyway.” 
“That’s good,” Janis hums. “Anyway. Tell me about your Mathletes.” 
“Okay,” Cady giggles. “What do you want to know?” 
“Why are they the way that they are?” 
Cady bursts out laughing, taking the last stroke to sink her ball into the hole. “That’s a good question. They’re just… like that.”
“Fair enough,” Janis chuckles. “Do they do that to every waitress you guys have?”
“They all flirt with anything that moves,” Cady sighs. 
“I’m hurt,” Janis says in mock offense. “Thought I was special.” 
“You are special,” Cady says as she links their arms together to go towards the next hole. “They usually give up if it’s obvious none of them are getting anywhere. And I only go on dates with the most special of people.” 
“Is that so?” Janis hums, looking at Cady with a smile. “How many people have you been on dates with, then?” 
“Two,” Cady mumbles. “Including you.” 
“Really?” Janis asks. “That’s surprising.”
“It is?”
“Yeah,” Janis says, flushing awkwardly and massaging the back of her neck with her free hand. “You’re just… really cute. Surprised only one other person managed to get a date with you.” 
“I’m cute?” Cady asks in confusion. Janis grins and gently bumps their shoulders together. 
“Yeah, you’re cute. If I may be so bold,” Janis chuckles. Cady hums happily and rests her ball on the next tee. “So who was it?” 
“What?” Cady asks, entirely missing the ball on her first hit. 
“The other person you dated.” Janis says. “Can I ask who it was?” 
“Oh. Yeah,” Cady says. “Aaron.”
“Really?” Janis says. 
“Yeah,” Cady sighs. “We were in the same math class last year, and we got together in the spring. But we’d both been through a lot with Regina, and I was… realizing I’m not straight. And I realized I had been, like, projecting on him when I actually had feelings for… um, Regina. And we just realized we worked better as friends.” 
“Makes sense,” Janis nods. “Regina was your queer awakening too, huh?” 
“Yeah,” Cady admits shyly. “I’m surprised you guys were friends.” 
“I’m surprised you guys were friends,” Janis chuckles. 
“Then I guess we’re both full of surprises,” Cady says. 
“Gotta leave some for later,” Cady says with a wink, for once being the one to fluster Janis so much that she hits her ball in entirely the wrong direction. 
“That was fun,” Cady says when they’re back in Janis’ truck on the way home. “Thank you.” 
“It was fun,” Janis agrees. “But you don’t have to thank me.” 
“I’m gonna,” Cady insists. “So, um… my turn to take you on a date next time?” 
“Next time?” Janis grins. “I think that sounds doable.” 
“Where do you wanna go?” Cady asks. 
“Mmm… have you ever been roller skating?” Janis asks. Cady shakes her head. 
“I’m clumsy enough without wheels on my feet,” she says. Janis laughs again. Cady wants to hear it forever. 
“You gotta try it once,” Janis says. “Next date.”
“It’s a date,” Cady confirms. 
Janis pulls into Cady’s driveway and chivalrously escorts her to the front door. Neither of them are totally sure what to do. Probably too soon to kiss goodnight. Shake hands? Dorky. 
Cady decides on a hug after about forty-five seconds of trepidation, giving Janis a quick squeeze. “Today was great.” 
“It was,” Janis whispers, squeezing her back. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Text me,” Cady says, echoing what Janis said when Cady first got her number. She winks and heads inside, leaving Janis blushing like a fool on the front porch. 
Janis does text her, letting her know she got home safe. Even though they spent several hours together, doing essentially nothing but chatting, they still text well into the night. 
And the next day. And the next, and the next, and the next. 
After two weeks, Cady decides it’s high time for their roller skating date. 
africabytoto: Do you have work on Saturday? 
snarkisian: nope 
snarkisian: for once lol 
africabytoto: Then 
africabytoto: Drumroll please 
snarkisian: Sent a gif: drumroll 
africabytoto: Can I take you out on Saturday? 
snarkisian: let me think about it
africabytoto: :0
africabytoto: I Have Been Slandered 
snarkisian: lmao i’m kiddiiiiing 
snarkisian: i’d love to go out again 
africabytoto: Yay
africabytoto: Roller skating? 
snarkisian: hell yeah 
snarkisian: time for me to kick your ass at another thing 
africabytoto: Hey!
africabytoto: I almost won mini golf 
snarkisian: *almost*
africabytoto: I’m starting to question your intentions here lol
snarkisian: my intentions are to romance you and kick your ass at everything we do together 
africabytoto: Romance me eh?
snarkisian: damn straight 
snarkisian: wait
snarkisian: damn gay
africabytoto: I really do have to properly introduce you to the boys 
snarkisian: i should probably introduce you to damian 
africabytoto: Maybe on the third date 
snarkisian: are we already working on that one?
africabytoto: Let’s focus on rollerskating for now lol 
africabytoto: Pick you up at five? 
snarkisian: sounds tits :) 
Cady is outside Janis’ house at five sharp, and is bold enough to go up and knock on the door. 
Janis opens it and smiles when she sees her, wearing one boot with the other in her hand. “Hey.” 
“Hi,” Cady grins. 
“You wanna come in for a second?” 
“Sure,” Cady says. She gasps and squeals when a chocolate lab comes running up and sniffs at her. “Oh my goodness, hi!” 
“That’s Colbie,” Janis chuckles. “She’s friendly, you can pet her if you want.”
Cady needs no further permission, immediately lying on the floor and letting the puppy lick her face and do somersaults to cuddle into her. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you have a doggyyyy?” Cady says, squealing a bit as Colbie snuffles especially close to her ear. 
“Because I didn’t want her to steal you from me,” Janis chuckles. “Colb, cmon, let Caddy breathe.” 
“Nooo,” Cady pleads. “I don’t need to breathe. Puppy.” 
Janis laughs and finishes tying the knot in the laces of her boots, coming to pry her dog off of Cady. Or, more accurately, pry Cady off of her dog. 
“Come on, Colbie, you don’t get to go roller skating,” she chuckles. 
“Yes she does,” Cady pleads, reaching back for the puppy. 
“This is why I haven’t introduced you two yet,” Janis sighs sarcastically. “She’s a real lady’s lady.” 
“I see where you get it from,” Cady giggles, standing and brushing fur from her baby blue jumpsuit. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Janis nods. Cady heads back out the front door and down the porch, waiting for Janis to lock up. 
“Bye Colb,” Janis coos, giving her pup some goodbye scritches. Colbie whines. Janis whispers, “I know, you like Caddy? I like her too. I’ll bring her back to play soon. Be good.” 
Cady grins, having to pretend like she hasn’t overheard their conversation as Janis locks the door and comes to join her. 
Cady returns the favors Janis paid her on their first date and opens the car door for her. Janis smiles as she climbs in, and smiles wider when Cady gently shuts the door and goes to the driver’s seat to join her. 
“I’m guessing you’re a dog person, then?” Janis asks as Cady enters the address for the roller rink into her GPS and gets them going the right way. 
“I’m an everything person,” Cady says. “But my favorite animals are lions, so I guess I’m technically a cat person.” 
“Lions?” Janis grins. Cady nods. “Why lions?” 
“They’re good listeners,” Cady begins softly. “People don’t really understand, but they’re not as scary as you’d think. They’re just protective. They will still hunt you, but they can also be so cuddly and playful and sweet. And they’re so majestic. I miss that most. Watching them on the savanna. And I miss playing with the cubs.” 
“You’ve cuddled a lion?” Janis asks in slight concern. 
“A few,” Cady nods. “Africa, remember?” 
“No, yeah, I remember that part,” Janis chuckles. “But when you said you lived in Kenya I didn’t think you meant, like… the actual savanna.” 
“I lived in a tent for thirteen years,” Cady nods with a giggle. “I think you’re the only person who didn’t immediately assume I lived in the middle of nowhere.”
“I think it’s the first time I’ve ever been wrong not to,” Janis says. “A tent?” 
“Yeah. We moved there when I was three for my parents’ work, they’re both zoologists. They got a grant to study migratory patterns in lions. So we had to be able to migrate too,” Cady explains. “So we had tents that we could pack up easily to follow them.” 
“That makes sense,” Janis nods. “And that’s really cool.” 
“Thanks,” Cady murmurs. 
“Do you have pictures?”
“From Kenya,” Janis says shyly. “I wanna see.” 
“Oh, yeah, I have tons of pictures,” Cady nods. “You really want to see them?”
“Yeah,” Janis says. “Of course I do.”
“You’re the first one who has,” Cady grins sadly. “I’ll definitely show you sometime soon, though.” 
“Can’t wait,” Janis says. 
Cady tells her some of her favorite Kenya stories until they pull into the parking lot at the roller rink. Janis is halfway out of the car before Cady even finds a parking spot, and hauls her into the building by her hand as soon as they’re both outside. 
“Janis, slow down,” Cady pleads. “I got little legs.” 
“Sorry, short stuff,” Janis chuckles, panting a little after their run. 
“Hey!” Cady pouts. “It’s not my fault you’re a giant.”
“Am I actually a giant or are you just tiny?” Janis teases. 
“I dunno, how tall are you?”
“Five foot ten,” Janis says. “You?”
“Five two,” Cady mumbles. “On a good day.”
“It’s both,” Janis chuckles. “Come on, let’s go get our skates.” 
Cady happily takes her hand again and lets herself be led to the skate rental counter at a much slower pace. Janis pulls out her wallet and seems fully ready to pay, until Cady sneakily snatches it and puts it back in Janis’ pocket. “My date. You don’t pay.” 
“Quite possibly the most aggressive way I’ve ever been told I don’t have to pay for anything,” Janis laughs. “Thanks, Peanut.” 
“Peanut?” Cady asks, blushing furiously. 
“Peanut,” Janis confirms with a nod. “You were eating them when I first saw you. And chocolate milk and Belgian waffle aren’t the cutest of nicknames.” 
“I like it,” Cady grins. 
“And you’re short.” 
Cady tries to protest again, but they’re interrupted by an employee coming up to check them in. Cady pays for their hour and a half on the rink and their skate rentals. Janis is obviously biting her lip to hold back a laugh when Cady asks for her size six skates. 
“Short,” she whispers in Cady’s ear when they head to a bench to put them on. 
“I’m gonna smack you with this,” Cady threatens, brandishing one of her skates. 
Cady sighs and rents a locker for them to store their things. “The carpet here is interesting.”
“That’s one word for it,” Janis chuckles, putting her boots next to Cady’s sneakers in the locker. “Probably hasn’t been changed since the eighties. Or cleaned.” 
“Eww,” Cady whimpers. Janis laughs and motions for her to sit down. 
“You’ll be fine, trust me. This’ll be fun,” she comforts. “Put those on.”
Cady does, tying the laces on her skates and tucking them inside so there’s no chance of them getting caught in the wheels. With her luck, it’ll probably happen anyway. 
Janis finishes tying her own roller blades and stands up, reaching out for Cady. “Ready?”
Cady nods and takes her hands, letting Janis gently pull her to her feet. She immediately loses her balance, leaning every which way and clinging to a remarkably steady Janis for support. 
“Easy,” Janis murmurs. “There. How’s it feel?”
“Dangerous,” Cady replies immediately. Janis laughs and keeps a hold on Cady’s hands to help her keep her balance. 
“You’ll be fine, I promise. You wanna try moving?” Janis asks. Cady shakes her head. “You won’t fall, I gotcha. You can do it.” 
Cady warily scoots her feet, doing a sort of grandpa-shuffle style motion over to the actual rink. Janis, infuriatingly, manages to skate backwards, helping Cady over. 
“There, see? You got it,” Janis says once Cady has a wall to grab onto and carefully makes her way onto the slick wooden rink. Cady immediately slips, clinging to the wall and narrowly avoiding a rough landing on her bum. “Maybe not.” 
“No, I can do it,” Cady says determinedly, pulling herself back upright and continuing to scootch along and cling to the wall. 
“Cads, you’re going backwards,” Janis chuckles. “Push your feet more.”
“I’m moving, though,” Cady says. “So it’s working.” 
“You do what works for you,” Janis laughs. “It’ll actually help a little if you let go of the wall.”
“No thank you,” Cady says immediately. Janis laughs again and rolls the slightest bit closer to her. 
“Look, just watch what I do for a second. You can do it. This should be fun, I don’t want you clinging to the wall the whole time.” 
“But I like my wall,” Cady pouts. She does look at Janis expectantly, so Janis goes into teacher mode and demonstrates the proper form Cady should be using. Cady continues her slow scoot after her. Janis realizes when it’s too late that she’s not allowed to skate the other way back to her, so she finishes a rapid lap around and comes up behind Cady. 
“Got it?” Janis asks. Cady nods shakily. Janis gently takes her hands again and pulls her away from the wall, but leaves them close enough that Cady can still grab it if she feels the need to. “Straighten your back a little bit. Yeah, there. That’ll help you balance better. Now big pushes with your feet.” 
“Don’t let go,” Cady pleads for more than one reason. Janis’ hands are warm and soft against hers, and her presence is giving Cady much more confidence. 
“I won’t,” Janis says soothingly. “I gotcha. Give it a try, come on.” 
Cady does, trying her best to copy the big sweeping motions Janis did earlier. To her surprise, it is a bit easier, and she looks up in delight when she actually moves forward this time. 
“Yeah, there! You got it,” Janis cheers. “Keep going. Try to push me away from you. And tell me if we’re about to crash into anyone.” 
“Okay,” Cady says anxiously. She continues the motions, getting gradually more comfortable with how things are supposed to work. Before she knows it, she’s made a full lap around the rink. 
“Nicely done,” Janis says. Cady smiles at her. 
“Thanks. And thanks for not making fun of me,” she says. 
“I have plenty of other things to make fun of you for,” Janis says. “You think you’re ready for me to let go?” 
No, I’m ready for you to hold me forever, Cady thinks. But she nods, so Janis gently lets go of her hands and skates to the far wall. All Cady has to do on her own is skate the distance from one wall to the other, twenty feet at most. 
“I feel like a baby giraffe,” she grumbles. Janis laughs and reaches out for her. 
“You can do it!” 
Cady sets off, pushing off the wall for the slightest bit of a boost and trying her best to do the same things she did before. 
She only realizes when she’s within three feet of Janis that she doesn’t know how to stop yet.  Janis seems to realize this flaw in their logic too, because her eyes go wide and she braces. 
Cady crashes right into her, trying not to press her against the wall too hard and hurt her. 
“Hey,” Janis greets, gently wrapping her arms around Cady’s back. 
“Hi,” Cady giggles. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” Janis chuckles back. “Probably should’ve taught you to stop, but I’m okay.” 
“Good,” Cady breathes. 
Neither of them move. Cady could easily let Janis go, and Janis could easily push her away. But instead, she pulls her closer. Cady stares into her eyes, losing herself in Janis and completely forgetting where they are. 
Janis inhales a bit more heavily, before she murmurs, “Would it be, like, terribly presumptuous of me to ask if I can kiss you?” 
“Oh, very,” Cady whispers back, gently resting a hand on Janis’ cheek and leaning in to press their lips together. Janis leans in as well, gently holding Cady against her and tilting her head slightly to the side for a better angle. 
They smile at each other when they take a second to breathe, before they both lean back in. 
Janis makes the mistake of moving her hands to Cady’s hair, gently tangling her fingers in it. Cady holds Janis’ waist, until she feels herself slipping. Before either of them can stop it, Cady falls flat on her face with a dull smack. 
“Shit, Caddy,” Janis yelps, bending down to check on her. “Are you okay?”
Cady just groans, resting her head in her arms and staying on the ground. 
“Peanut,” Janis pouts. “Did you get hurt?” 
“Only emotionally,” Cady grumbles. Janis grins in relief and gently helps her to sit. 
“You wanna go check out the arcade instead?” she asks, gently playing with the ends of Cady’s hair. Cady shakes her head. 
“You wanted to roller skate. We’ll roller skate,” she insists. 
“Are you sure?” Janis asks. “This is supposed to be fun.” 
“I’m having fun,” Cady comforts. “I mean, kissing you is the best part. But the skating is good too.”
Janis chuckles and gives her one more kiss before pulling her to her feet. “Well, in that case, I’ll have to kiss you a lot more.”
“Yes please,” Cady hums happily. “Catch me if you can.”
She skates away as fast as she can, about half a mile per day. Janis could easily catch her if she wanted to, but she just watches her go for a while, proud of her skating student. Until Cady falls onto her bum. 
“So what did you think?” Janis asks as they head back out to Cady’s car. 
“My butt hurts,” Cady grumbles. “But I had fun.” 
“Good,” Janis grins. “I did too. We’ll do something less rough on your butt next time.”
“Great,” Cady giggles. “Did you have fun?” 
“Are you kidding? Watching you fall on your ass over and over and then kicking your ass at skee ball? Of course I did,” Janis says. 
“You’re so mean!” 
“I’m sorry,” Janis murmurs, gently pressing Cady against the car before she can open any of the doors. Cady looks at her with a faint smile gracing her face. 
“Maybe you should make it up to me,” Cady says softly, looking between Janis’ eyes and lips a few times. Janis grins and gently rests a hand on Cady’s jaw, fingers gently brushing behind her ear as she leans in to kiss her. 
Cady kisses her back eagerly, resting her hands on Janis’ hips and gripping the fabric of her jacket. 
“Better?” Janis whispers against her lips when they break apart. Cady nods happily. “This part’s fun too.” 
“Glad you agree,” Cady whispers. 
“Can I see your phone?” Janis asks when Cady drops her off. 
“My phone? Why?” Cady asks in confusion. 
“Just trust me,” Janis says. 
“You can if I can say hi to Colbie again,” Cady says, ever the compromiser.
“Deal,” Janis says. Cady hands over her phone and watches as Janis flips her camera open. “Can I kiss you?” 
“Um… yeah,” Cady says in confusion. “What are you- mmph.” 
She can’t find it in herself to wonder what Janis is up to as soon as their lips connect again. Janis cups her jaw with one hand and holds Cady’s phone in the other. Cady winds her arms around her neck and kisses her back. 
She jumps a bit when she hears the shutter sound effect go off, and briefly breaks away from Janis. “Okay, what are you doing?” 
“Are you up for making your Mathletes a little jealous?” 
“Oh, always,” Cady replies immediately. “Clever thinking.” 
Janis hands back her phone so Cady can unlock it and taps into her messages. Cady is briefly confused when she sends the photos to herself first. Janis explains with a simple, “For prosperity.” 
Cady watches as Janis finds the Chill Dope Crew 🙄🤑➕ contact and correctly assumes it’s her Mathletes group, tapping into it and putting the photo in a message. She types something out before she turns the screen for Cady to check. 
You guys are really missing out, by the way -J 
Cady laughs and immediately hits send. It takes no more than a few seconds for the replies to start coming, the first being a Janis how could you?!?! from Kevin. Cady clicks her phone off as it pings frantically, the boys rapidly descending into chaos. 
“I was promised puppy,” Cady murmurs, winding her arms around Janis’ neck again. Janis gently kisses her once more before unlocking the door. Colbie comes rocketing out as soon as the door is open, almost knocking Cady off her feet. 
Janis rolls her eyes affectionately and sits down, watching her favorite creature and who’s rapidly becoming her favorite person rolling around in the grass to play. She listens with fond smiles as Cady promises to bring Colbie lots of toys and treats next time she comes to visit. Next time. 
Cady tires Colbie out within a few minutes, the pup panting and resting her head on Cady’s belly as she lies on the grass. Cady lingers there for a while, playing with Colbie’s ears and getting her fill of doggy cuddles. 
Eventually, she pries herself off the ground and back to Janis. “Bye, Jay.”
“Bye,” Janis replies, returning the kiss Cady offers. “Thanks for tonight.”
“My pleasure,” Cady grins. She waves and turns back around, heading back to her car. Janis turns to head inside, until she realizes something very important is missing. 
“Hey, gimme back my dog!” 
A few more weeks pass, with more dates and more kisses and more them sprinkled in. She knows it’s probably just the honeymoon phase talking, but everything with Janis just feels right to Cady. 
She’s surprised when Janis texts her relatively early on a Saturday morning, knowing Janis well enough by this point to know she sleeps in whenever she gets the slightest chance. 
snarkisian: Sent a picture: do you wanna come to the dog park with us? 
Cady squeals at the adorable picture of Colbie, looking very stylish in her little bandana and holding her favorite rope toy in her mouth. 
africabytoto: Yes
africabytoto: Yes please yes 
snarkisian: tits
snarkisian: you up for a walk? colb needs some exercise 
africabytoto: Yeah totally 
snarkisian: tits
snarkisian: we’ll pick you up in ten
snarkisian: ish
africabytoto: Can’t wait <33 
Cady gets dressed for the day and ties her hair into a ponytail, in lieu of actually brushing it. She packs up the special treats she bought for Colbie and grabs the elephant squeaky toy she couldn’t resist either, and waits for Janis to arrive. 
She grins when the doorbell rings, opening it to find Colbie sitting very patiently on the porch. Cady can see how hard her tail is wagging, and she smiles back. 
“Hi, sweet puppy! Where did Janis go, did she leave you here all alone?” she coos, giving Colbie some scritches behind her floppy ears. Colbie doesn’t seem fussed with where her owner has gone, relishing in the attention from Cady. 
Cady shrieks as Janis sneaks up behind her and scoops her up, spinning her around in a circle and gently pressing a kiss to her neck. 
“Janis!” Cady squeals. 
“Hi,” Janis murmurs into her ear. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” Cady breathes, releasing a startled chuckle. “Don’t do that.” 
“Sorry,” Janis replies, not sounding sorry in the slightest. “You ready to go?” 
“Yeah,” Cady grins, taking Janis’ free hand. Janis holds Colbie’s leash in the other and sets them off down the road towards the dog park. “When did you get her?” 
“When we moved,” Janis replies quietly. “So a bit less than two years ago. She’s still a baby.” 
“She’ll always be a baby,” Cady replies. “She’ll just be an old baby someday.” 
“Yeah, she will,” Janis chuckles. “Especially if you keep spoiling her the way you do.” 
“I have an entire bag of treats and a toy for her in my pockets.”
“Of course you do,” Janis laughs, leaning down to kiss her. “No wonder she loves you more than me.” 
“Nooo, she doesn’t,” Cady pouts. “She loves you the same.” 
“She never gets as excited to see me as she does to see you,” Janis says. “You should’ve seen her when I told her we were coming to get you.” 
“Aww,” Cady says. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I’m always excited to see you.”
“It does,” Janis mumbles. Cady grins and gently kisses her hand. “I get excited to see you too.”
“I’m honored,” Cady giggles. 
Colbie happily trots ahead, taking the occasional pause to sniff around or stare at squirrels. She tries to rush ahead when she sees her favorite place, so Janis and Cady lean in and run after her. Janis unclips Colbie’s leash once they’re inside the fenced in area and lets her run free. 
Janis and Cady sit on a bench and watch her dart around, sniffing at some of the other dogs before taking off like a shot again. Cady leans into Janis, resting against her shoulder and smiling as Janis kisses her hair. 
She gently fiddles with a stray thread on Janis’ jeans, feeling the warm skin of her thigh exposed by the rip. “Can I ask you something?” 
“Yeah, of course,” Janis asks, looking at her in concern. 
“What… what do you want us to be?” Cady asks softly. 
Janis thinks for a while, twisting the end of Cady’s ponytail around her fingers pensively. “I don’t know. I’m happy with however I can have you.” 
“I am too,” Cady says. “I like what we have now.”
“But?” Janis asks, sensing one lingering behind Cady’s words. 
“But… I’d like… more,” Cady admits. 
“More?” Janis asks. “Like-”
“Be my girlfriend,” Cady interrupts desperately. “Like, officially. For real.” 
Janis feels her eyebrows raise and her lips turn up. She gently cups Cady’s face in her hands and pulls her in for a kiss. 
“I’d love to officially be your girlfriend for real,” she whispers. She feels Cady smile against her lips as they both lean back in, feels her small hands come to rest gently on Janis’ wrists, keeping the two of them held against each other. 
They are in public, so they keep things more chaste than they want to, but they do linger against each other’s lips for a long while. 
Cady shrieks when she feels a cold nose suddenly nudge against her arm. “God, Colbie, don’t do that, you’re as bad as your mother.” 
“Hey!” Janis laughs. “What’s up, Colb? You wanna play? Where did you find this ball, this isn’t yours. Go give it back, you have your own toys.” 
Colbie whines and drops the ball she found on Janis’ lap. Cady pulls out the elephant toy she brought as a bargaining chip. Colbie sniffs it excitedly. “Go give the ball back and you can have it.” 
Colbie runs off back towards a friend she made with the ball, delivering it back to the dog’s owner before she comes barreling back to them. Cady pulls the tag off and offers her the elephant, which Colbie chomps on eagerly, her tail wagging in delight. 
“Say thank you,” Janis instructs, laughing as Colbie leaps onto the bench with them and rapidly switches between each of them, giving them both kisses and wiggling happily at the cuddles and pets and love she gets. 
Cady stands as she runs off again with her elephant, ready to follow her and play. Janis leans in to gently kiss her cheek, which Cady returns.
“You smell like the dog.” 
“You’ll just have to cope with that,” Janis hums, kissing her lips this time. “Girlfriend.”
“Fine,” Cady sighs, a smile betraying her. “Girlfriend.” 
If anything, they spend more time texting each other now that they’ve made things official. Practically every moment they’re not in school and Janis isn’t at work is spent with one another. And even some of that time is spent together too. 
Cady has long since given up on trying to hide who she’s talking to from the Mathletes during practice. She’s been busted more than once, but she doesn’t let it stop her. Janis has also been scolded for being on her phone while she’s on the clock, but hasn’t let that keep them apart either. 
What they haven’t done is called. Neither of them particularly enjoy talking on the phone, so they leave it to texting, Facetime and just meeting in person. 
Which is why Cady jumps out of her skin when her ringtone goes off in the middle of the night, getting startled out of her half-asleep state. 
She paws at her nightstand for her phone, squinting at the screen. Her heart drops when she sees Janis’ name and the picture of the two of them kissing lighting up her screen. 
She immediately presses the green button and holds her phone to her ear. “Janis?” she mumbles sleepily into the phone. “What’s up?” 
“Shit, were you asleep?” Janis asks immediately in lieu of an answer. 
“Almost. What’s going on?” Cady asks worriedly, sitting up in bed.
“Can-could… could you maybe pick me up?” Janis asks so softly that Cady can barely hear her. Cady frowns when she hears the slightest waver in it, too. 
“Of course. Where are you?” 
“Work,” Janis replies. “I’m sorry, I just-”
“No, hey, don’t be sorry,” Cady says, already sneaking down the stairs and tugging her shoes on. “Give me fifteen minutes, okay?” 
“Okay,” Janis says. “Thank you.” 
“Of course, darling,” Cady says. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” Janis says immediately, but the tremble in her voice again tells Cady the real answer. 
“Alright. Fifteen minutes,” Cady repeats. 
“Fifteen minutes,” Janis echoes, gratitude flooding Cady’s ears through her phone speaker. 
It winds up being closer to ten minutes, since Cady practically white knuckled it the whole way to the diner out of concern for her girlfriend. 
She finds her by the employee exit, sitting under the single light above the door and clutching her work apron in her hands, like she couldn’t bear to wear it any longer. 
Janis looks up when she sees her pull up and get out of the car. Cady blinks in surprise as she goes running to her and practically tackles her in a hug. 
“Hey,” Cady says gently, squeezing Janis against her and gently resting their heads together as Janis hides against her neck. “What’s up, buttercup?” 
“It’s nothing,” Janis whispers thickly. “Just-just… bad day.” 
“I’m sorry, darling,” Cady pouts. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
Her only answer is a sob, which stuns her enough she totally freezes. Janis always seems so cool and collected. Cady knows her girlfriend well enough to know how practiced it is, has been lucky enough to see through the little cracks in the act Janis has slowly but steadily been allowing to form and grow. 
“Sweetheart,” she whispers sadly. “Shh, come here. Come here.” 
She gently leads them back to the car, sitting sideways in the drivers seat and leaving the door open so Janis has enough room to cuddle into her lap. She does so eagerly, straddling Cady at the waist and continuing to weep into her shoulder. 
“Shhh, Jay,” Cady murmurs soothingly. “I got you, just let it out.” 
Janis does, sobbing into her shoulder and clinging to her neck. Cady wraps her arms around Janis’ waist, tracing gentle circles against her back with one hand and cradling her head close with the other. 
Whatever is on Janis’ mind is clearly quite significant, so Cady is perfectly content just to hold her and let her cry as long as she needs. She hushes her from time to time more as a reassurance than a genuine hush, rocking her gently from side to side and kissing her hair. 
“I’m sorry,” Janis snuffles suddenly.
“Don’t be sorry, darling,” Cady whispers, kissing her forehead gently. “You’re okay. Just do what you need to do.”
Janis nods slightly against her shoulder, continuing to cry gently. She’s quieter now, and Cady can feel her trying to breathe and ground herself in the moment. 
“You okay now?” she whispers when Janis’ sobs eventually slow to a stop, still cradling her in her lap. 
“Yeah. Sorry about the waterworks,” Janis mumbles. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Cady murmurs, gently pulling Janis away from her shoulder and brushing her thumbs over her cheeks. “Do you wanna tell me what happened?” 
“It’s stupid,” Janis mumbles in embarrassment. 
“That’s okay,” Cady says. “If it’s making you this upset, I’m sure it isn’t. But you’re allowed to cry over stupid things too.” 
“I just… everything went wrong today,” Janis says, voice still thick with emotion. “Jodie broke down again, so I was late and I got yelled at, and then I had a bunch of homophobes in my section and I didn’t know how perceptive they were and I spent their whole meal panicking about whether or not they were gonna do anything and then they left me one of those fake tips that’s actually a bible verse-” 
“Oh, honey,” Cady says sadly.
“And then right before closing I had another perv and he grabbed my ass when I was walking away from his booth and I thought I was gonna get kidnapped and then I remembered I didn’t have a solid way home and I hate closing,” Janis continues. 
“God, Jay,” Cady murmurs, gently kissing the corner of her lips. “No wonder you were so upset, you poor thing. That’s awful.” 
Janis shrugs. “Comes with the job.” 
“It’s still terrible,” Cady insists. “You deserve to feel safe wherever you work. Can I stay with you for a while or do you just want me to take you home?” 
“I wanna be with you,” Janis admits softly. Cady smiles and kisses her once more before she motions Janis over into the passenger seat. 
“Then buckle up.” 
Janis does, fastening her seatbelt and getting comfy in the passenger seat of Cady’s car. She absolutely refuses to let go of her hand, so Cady lets her borrow it and drives with the other. 
Janis looks confused when Cady pulls into a drive through, about the only place to get food that’s still open. She orders two milkshakes, one chocolate and one vanilla, and an extra large order of french fries. Janis holds it all in her lap as Cady drives, and it takes her a concerningly long time to realize Cady’s driving them in the wrong direction. 
“Where are we going?” she asks softly. Cady shrugs, which doesn’t fill Janis with a spectacular amount of confidence. 
“Here seems good.” 
“What?” Janis asks in confusion, looking at Cady as she pulls over and climbs out of the car. “What are you doing?” 
“You just sit there and look pretty,” Cady comforts, opening the back door and pulling out the blankets she keeps there in case of emergencies. 
Janis does, continuing to hold the food she’s been handed and trying to guess what Cady could be doing. There seems to be a lot of noise coming from above her, which is concerning. 
“Okay, come on!” Cady calls when she’s finished whatever she’s up to. Janis climbs out of the car and looks around, getting a bit panicked when she can’t find Cady. “Up here, darling.” 
Janis whirls around and looks up, finding Cady perched on the roof of the car. “What-”
“Come on,” Cady says, reaching out for her. Janis can’t hold back a laugh as she hands Cady the food and struggles through hoisting her way up. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Janis says. “What are we doing?” 
“Midnight picnic,” Cady shrugs, resting the fries and both milkshakes between them. “Doesn’t technically count as dinner, I think.” 
“I guess not,” Janis chuckles, taking a few fries and dipping them into the chocolate milkshake. “Thanks for coming to get me.” 
“Of course,” Cady replies, reaching out to hold Janis’ hand. She links their fingers together and leaves them lazily tangled between them, both of them using their free hand to dig into their midnight snack. 
The french fries, much like a man, last a disappointingly short time. Cady puts all their trash to the side to be thrown away later, and lies down on the blanket she’s spread across the roof. Janis lies down next to her, cuddling into the second blanket Cady pulls over them and looking up at the stars. 
She looks next to her when she feels eyes on her, finding Cady looking at her intently. “What are you looking at?” 
“You,” Cady whispers. “You’re pretty.” 
Janis rolls her eyes lovingly and turns onto her side. Cady follows the motion, and they both inch the slightest bit closer together. 
“I love you,” Janis whispers entirely out of nowhere. Cady blinks in momentary surprise before she smiles and leans in for a kiss. 
“I love you too,” she murmurs. 
Janis stares at the girl before her, a faint smile lingering on both of their faces. Janis braves poking a hand out from their warm blanket cave into the chilly night air to gently trace Cady’s features. 
“I fucking hate that diner,” she whispers as she brushes her fingers over Cady’s eyebrows and down her nose. “But I’m really glad it brought me you.” 
“I am too. Can I tell you something?” Cady asks, shuddering slightly as Janis traces the shell of her ear in a particularly ticklish way. Janis nods. “I didn’t even want to go out that night we met. We’d been in a tournament all day and I was so exhausted. The boys made me go.”
“Really?” Janis asks with a smile. Cady nods. “Can I tell you something?” Another nod. “You guys didn’t actually sit in my section. I thought you were so cute when you walked in, and my friend noticed, so he made me take your table instead.” 
“Really?” Cady giggles. “Well, I’m glad he did.”
“I am too,” Janis grins. “You have no idea.”
“I think I have some idea,” Cady responds. “I love you.”
“I love you,” Janis echoes. 
“I love you.”
“I love you.” 
They both repeat it, over and over and over until they both dissolve into giggles and lean in for kisses, smiling against the other’s lips and continuing to whisper the words in between. 
“I’m still not taking you to dinner,” Janis whispers after they break apart. 
“I think I’ll live.”
thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed!
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keefwho · 3 months
July 11 - 2024 Thursday
Instead of cleaning today I played some VRchat and checked out new worlds hoping to meet some strangers. All I encountered were some Japanese folks. But the important thing was that I had nothing to clean and I wanted to shake things up so I shamelessly got on to do what I wanted.
This morning there was a tree in the road that mom asked me to help her move. It turned out it was much bigger that we thought so I used my survival chainsaw to cut and move it myself. I felt good about that, I did something helpful. In exchange mom took me to buy a bottle of sweet tea. In the store her friend Rick started talking to me about Home Depot and digital advertising wondering if it could be relevant to my work. I told him probably not but that it was interesting.
Work was fine today and afterwards I wrote about my insecurities. It's been on my mind a lot today and I made some good progress. I realized my need to talk about certain heavy topics so much comes from a need to know that I'm not being judged and that everything is okay. Because I severely judge myself for my issues. On and off today I was feeling super shitty and pretty good, bouncing between proving and disproving myself right and wrong. But at the core of it all was a need to face my insecurities and make sure that I do not let them go anywhere.
I skimped out a bit on work this afternoon, my motivation was lacking and I did the usual where I have a Twitch stream up that keeps distracting me. I felt lonely and that wasn't helping but also that I wasn't in the mood to socialize with acquaintances. I tried joining AE and them but I got kind of annoyed and left. I didn't do as much work on my pony avatar as I wanted today.
I found a potential new horse avatar base for DS if she likes it which would entail a daunting amount of work, but work I am willing to do. Its that weird "Im up for the potentially severe challenge" attitude. Maybe because it's for a cause I'm so passionate about, I will face anything to get it done and bask in the glory of my accomplishment.
I was very lonely this evening but I joined BD to try my damnedest to open up and chill. It almost kinda worked but everything was cut short by them all going to watch Smiling Friends which I didnt wanna do. I started thinking maybe I needed some alone time anyways.
There were no puzzles tonight because poor DS is getting to be SUPER late and blew out her vocal chords at the baseball game. I am proud of myself and feel good about the little bit I got off my chest tonight. Now more than ever I need my friends by my side, in a HEALTHY way. It feels good not being afraid I'm being too much knowing Im speaking from a more genuine place. I do not want to take from others to fill my void anymore. I will take only what is offered and source the rest myself. I want to give, I want to love. But I can only do that if I have some to spare. I need to build myself up so I can love in the capacity I want.
I also want change and thats why today I did some stuff a little bit different. Also changing how the journal is told because I'm tired of writing the same mundane stuff over and over. I see some value in documenting events like I was for analytical reasons but I dont need that. I want to write what stuck out and made the day special. I want out of my time loop.
Oh also trying to stick to the decision to just stay off of Twitter for awhile. I thought about going as drastic as deactivating my account for now but maybe I won't do that. Or maybe I will if I really want to stick to this idea.
0 notes
genderbent-yt · 4 months
Every single day I wish I could get better.
Mas the job, don’t know what to do. I don’t want to move out of this place, I’ve been feeling at home, been feeling OK here. I got a weird sensation about not decorating just because I didn’t know how long I would stay here. I know as soon as my husband figures out that I lost the job we are going to fight a lot. He’s been acting a little sassy lately anyway, so that’s whatever. I really wish that I had some other skills that the job market could take an abuse so I can squeeze some money out of it, but I’m pretty fucking stupid. I want to cancel that. I have some natural skills like clay, manipulation and basket weaving and farming, but that’s really it. I hate the city, there really isn’t any because they’re really worth staying at that aren’t corporate or customer service  related positions that I would be willing to take on. I don’t wanna go back home; My parents have acted really fucking vicious last time I was there for no reason. I made a post a while back about worrying about rent and shit, but I deleted it. I regret deleting that. I’ve grown. I’ve literally grown up on the site and feel weirdly safe about posting kind of sensitive moments about that type of stuff even though I don’t go into too much detail.
I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. It may I say it again, I am very very tired. The job market is not it. I really really wish most days that I had some sort of skill that I can use to my advantage that isn’t creative stuff that makes me happy but all of those options doesn’t make any money. I used to doodle a whole lot digitally and animate stuff even though I never posted a lot of that on here. That was mostly just practice and shit. More than anything, I would love to reserve and truly be able to pursue my passions, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to.
Going back to my parents this is not an option. I really wish that they were sane and healthy people but they did not grow up in environments where concepts like therapy and going to the doctor for medicine was for mental issues was a good thing. I’m very glad that young people, my age + 20 and onwards, are able to express that they need help in many forms. They are just not able to do that.  I strongly suspect that my mother has some mental degradation going on because she asked me on Friday what happened to my middle right finger. I have always chewed on my fingers since I was five years old. This is nothing new, and that really really worried me. Before then, my dad had an absolute meltdown about my pet turtle and what we are going to do with her. I wanted to make sure that she ended up in a place where she could get healthcare because she never got a check up while she was living with us. She got adopted out to a nice family out with another turtle apparently, but all of the screaming and shit that was about her earlier was so unnecessary. I got most of that shit on Camera just because I know that majority of people won’t understand the obsessiveness and aggression of the screaming that was used or the words that were used.  I have no clue if after the whole situation if I ever updated the OLD post that is now deleted about the gaslighting after that, but she said “oh, he didn’t mean to say that, he actually just loves you!“. There is no doubt in my mind now that there has been a change in that relationship dynamic… They are no longer before the cool party people I knew when they were 40 and I was just a young child. we had so much fun back then.
I’m just trying to figure it all out now. I called my friends and whined about my situation. I know I don’t ever really talk about how all the things have been happening on here in the past 5+/- years because for the longest time, it was just related to abuse with school and abhorrent  transphobia. A lot of it was transphobia. There was almost always something happening even if I was mic silent about it. Unfortunately, in my house, I think if you aren’t white and skinny for whatever reason they don’t believe you. I know personally that I don’t need to rip open that scab of trauma because I know personally, they were just raised in a different environment and had trauma related to trying to understand LGBT people. I was figuring stuff out in a very weird political time anyway, and never really had the chance to finally how I felt before it all popped off. 
Overall, I don’t think I will ever truly get better. I really hope one day that I do, but I don’t really see that happening. I can do all of the things that make me happy on my free time that I want but it’s not going to really change anything. I will always be sick. I will never get better. That is just how I am going to have to live my life. I guess all that really matters at the end of the day is that I am trying, right? 
0 notes
rafecameroninterlude · 6 months
₊˚⊹˚ 𐙚 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧
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pairing: rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary: ❝when i’m down on my knees, you’re how i pray.❞ — you show rafe how much you appreciate all the hard work he’s been doing.
warnings: slight praise, the L word, oral (m receiving), throat fucking, unprotected sex, dirty talk, slight breeding kink
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i’m sooo sad my spring break is over, but i still had so much fun! i hope everyone who’s had or haven’t had a spring break yet has a good time <3 series masterlist
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“damn, it smells good in here.” you smiled, shutting the stovetop off as you heard the front door close. rafe had been leaving early and coming home late since him and barry started selling off the gold he found. he’d been exhausted the last few nights, so you took it upon yourself to help him relax the best way you can. “i hope you didn’t eat yet.” you rounded the corner, the sight of your boyfriend manspreading on the sofa had you pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. rafe lifted his head, his jaw ticking as he looked you over.
“i’m starved.” was all he said before pulling you on top of his lap. you were wearing his favorite lingerie set, a white lace bra and a matching thong, your hair and makeup freshly done. “you wear this just for me?” his fingertips skimmed across the small bow in the center of your bra, your eyes meeting his dark ones. “yes, and i made your favorite.” you raised your eyebrows at him, your heart fluttering in your chest at the smile that graced his lips. he stared at you for a moment. “that’s too bad, i thought i could have you first.” you gasped when you felt his hand snaking between your thighs.
as much as you wanted to fold and let yourself be overcome by him, you knew tonight was all about rafe, the man that worked so hard for both of you and never told you no. “i had something else in mind.” rafe looked almost offended when you moved his hand away, his expression softening as you kneeled in front of him, your hands running up his thighs.
“you do everything for me..” you shifted so your hair was on one shoulder. “you take care of me, spoil me, love me..” rafe’s mouth fell as you palmed him through his jeans. “let me show you how much i appreciate you.” he watched as your fingers worked to get him out of his pants, his cock straining against his boxers. “fuck, you look so pretty in front of me like this.” his hand traced your jaw before his thumb poked your lips, ushering you to suck on the digit. you did, but not without a teasing bite, both of you laughing softly at your antics. “i love you.” you’ll never get tired of hearing those words leave his mouth, your heart melting in response.
without wanting to make him wait any longer, you pulled him out of the confines of his boxers, your eyes widening slightly as if it was your first time seeing his hardened cock. “i love you, too.” you whispered, gripping him at the base before licking a long stripe from the underside to the tip of his length, a shuddering groan erupting from his throat. “fuck,” rafe’s head rolled to the side, his eyebrows knitting together. you moaned around him, a hiss leaving his lips. “i thought about you all fucking day today,” he gasped softly when you swirled your tongue around his sensitive tip. “i hate leaving you alone.” rafe squeezed his eyes shut as you took him deeper.
“i promise you, baby, after i get this money i won’t have to leave you again.” the thought of waking up and rafe actually being there to spoon you made you bob your head up and down his length even faster, his muscles flexing with restraint. it wasn’t until he hit the back of your throat that he found his fingers in your hair, his hips bucking on their own accord. you stayed still like the good girl you were and let him fuck your throat until he was a groaning mess. “can’t-” his thrusts slowed down, “don’t wanna cum if it’s not in that pretty pussy of yours.” your tummy fluttered with the prospect of rafe being inside you.
“you want that?” you pulled away with a pop, nodding your head before taking your place back on top of rafe. he attempted to lay you down, but you stopped him, taking hold of his shoulders. “i’m doing all the work tonight.” he took your lips in a deep kiss as he pulled your panties to the side, your own fingers guiding him to your entrance. slowly, you slid onto him, both of you moaning in unison. “sucking my cock gets you this soaked baby?” you took a moment, adjusting to the size of him. “yes, just looking at you makes me wet.” rafe cursed under his breath. “i love when that mouth talks dirty.”he planted both hands on the globes of your ass, your hips slamming down on his.
“fuck, y/n,” he whimpered, watching the way your expression turned to one of complete bliss. “you feel so good, always make me feel so full.” you praised him, the cold air hitting your now exposed tits. rafe threw your bra, his mouth immediately latching onto one of your nipples, a yelp sounding from you at the added stimulation. rafe looked down at where you two connected, mesmerized by the way you took him whole, your clit just aching to be touched. he reached for the sensitive bundle of nerves, pinching you softly, making your hips stutter. “o-oh!” you cried.
your sounds were like heaven to his ears, he never wanted to stop hearing them. “you wanna know something?” he licked his lips, his thumb now rubbing firm circles on your clit. you hummed, slowing down so he could speak clearly. “the thought of coming home to you every night, whether you’re sleeping in our bed, or waiting for me like this, it makes me the happiest man in the world to know i have you on my side.” your eyes connected with his, his words making you fall even more in love with him.. if that was even possible.
you kissed him, sweet and slow, now letting him thrust into you instead. “you’ll never understand how happy you make me. how happy i am.” you smiled, stroking the side of his cheek. “i want to get you pregnant so bad right now.” both of you laughed, the action being short lived as you started moving against him again. “cum inside me, baby.” those words were dangerous, especially now since you and rafe stopped caring about the risk a long time ago. “yeah?” he stroked your clit faster, your head falling against his chest.
“please.” rafe was never one to deny you anything, his hips meeting yours as both of you neared an orgasm. “ah, fuck, please don’t stop!” your nails dug crescents into his skin. he obliged, rubbing your clit until you fell over the edge, sucking him in like a vice. while you shook in his arms, the prettiest sounds known to mankind filling up the room, pure euphoria washed over him as well as he held you tightly, thick ropes of cum filling up your velvety cunt to the hilt. “oh my god,” you sighed, your eyes struggling to stay open.
you two stayed in the same position for a few minutes, listening to the fall and rise of each other’s breaths. “i’ll be right back.” you pecked the corner of his lips, pulling off of him with a hiss. you quickly made his plate, the food still steaming hot as you met him in the living room. he had his boxers on now, and once he saw you with his favorite food in your hands, he pinched the bridge of his nose with a smile. “are you serious?” he accepted the plate, placing it on the coffee table. “you know i am.” he waited for you to bring your own, giving you a kiss on your head before both of you dug in, a movie now playing on the tv.
“if you finish early enough, you could have dessert later..” you said to him, in which he stared at you in awe. he knew he would never regret buying the engagement ring that waited in a jewelry box in the pocket of his jeans.
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seven-cents · 1 year
dont like how the matryoshka logs were taking up so much space so I'm gonna copy and paste them here so can get rid of them
Day 1
Dear Devlog,
Today is day one of my long and mentally torturous journey. I am writing to you at the hour of 11am.
I have made minimal progress today. But important progress. Starting with setting up my normal preferences, running tests to get the ratio. Lame stuff, yknow.
I went on to outline many of the scenes and character sprites, there are quite a bit of them so it was arduous but thankfully my best friend, quentin, was here to help me out with a hip new video. His help will be invaluable throughout this timeframe. I love you quentinreviews.
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I feel pretty good about how its going, and I'm sure as long as I don't sleep or do anything else for even a moment I'll be done in time. Easy peasy for me, the laziest most adhd person on the planet.
Word count: 0
I can only hope I can make it at least playable before the madness sets in.
Day 2
The madness has set in.
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Dear devlog, I feel like a clown and not in the hot way. I got minimal sleep due to me being woken up at an unreasonable hour.
This morning I heard a crackling in my walls, like electricity behind my outlet. This was super concerning since I had a bunch of flammable shit near it. I immediately hopped up and started rearranging my entire room, moving all my canvasses and paint in boxes and whatnot, and in my cleaning I found what looked to be several tiny beads. The crackling had been a necklace I had on a shelf snapping and all the beads falling on the ground. Now I have to unpack everything.
I did however did get quite a bit done, though, 3000 words worth. Most of it is garbage that I'm going to rewrite like ten times but it's something.
Word count: 3,295
Day 3
Dear devlog,
everything is a sick cesspit of misery
I got some sprites done tho. By done I mean they're NOTHIGN, but I will fix them later.
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Day 4
Didn't get any sleep last night! Had to do stuff today!
Yet, I'm still keeping up pace. With the power of a gallon of chocolate milk a day. HAHAHA.
now get in the hole cunt
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Day 5
Dear Devlog,
I've grown to dislike these horrible paints. I have to use craft paints because they're not shiny. They're fifty cents each so I've bought maybe fifty of them. They're all brown and green. All I dream of is brown and green. I hate brown and green.
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Who knows what I'll do with them when I finish.
Day 6
Gonna be hard times for the next few days. Won't be able to paint as much but hopefully I can make up for that in writing. Which is terrible because I only have a million paintings to do. Regardless, I can program and write at the same time. nbd.
Words: 4851
Day 7
I didn't update last night because I was so tired! and I had to take time out of my schedule for my weeping break.
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The thing about this painting is, I hate it. Like it's way too late to change the colors or pretty much anything without losing a day. That's the problem with doing traditional art, I can't make tweaks without losing so much time. I'm on day 8, that's a little over a fourth way through and I'm looking at my checklist and I'm gonna throw up. But also it's okay. I'm moving things around to keep the important stuff first so some things may be cut.
Day 8
The name is starting to piss me off. I keep having to look it up to remember how to spell it.
I painted rats today.
Day 9
Wahoo! i finshed some painting. Some of the easiest but good enough. I want to get all of them through with by the twentieth so I can make alternates and then digitally edit them in the next ten days. I think I can have a scene and the menu done by today but who knows.
Day 10
couldnt do anything got too sick from pizza cookie
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Day 11
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look at this fucking bitch what the fuck is his problem
Day 12
I dont think i wanna paint ever again.
its like on every surface of my room. why am i like this why did i wanna do this. oh yeah, its my drive to be the best in the universe.
Day 13
People are gonna make fun of me for making a character look like a vagina. I KNOW I KNOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A VAGINA. you dont understand yuri.
Day 14
I've gotten most of the backgrounds almost done. I've got the sprites almost done. Well I don't have the hallway even remotely done because I just sort of forgot it was there. CGs need to be done. I've only got the sketches.
Day 15
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ive watched all of adventure time painting these. now i need a new show.
Day 16
Yeah baby parts of the gui are done. Rats are done. That's all I really need right?
Day 17
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behold. all my goddam sprites. there's at least fifteen. almost complete bitches.
Day 18
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Have you ever seen a prettier textbox? No you haven't.
Day 19
I don't waaaaaaanna paint. I don't wanna do it. I don't wanna have to be like okay what colors should I use here if I fuck up I have to do everything over again. How many times do I have to paint the same thing. I hate painting AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Day 20
My goal was around 10000 words I'm like 9379 so like I'm almost there baby but it will probably be shorter. I might cut some things.
Day 21
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8 days left. I have so much to do in eight days.
Day 22
I stopped updating after this because i lost my cunting mind.
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uwusenpaiuwu · 3 years
Sleepovers At The Baji Household feat. A Fed-Up Chifuyu
Summary: Chifuyu just wants to sleep, man, but Baji wants to be a jealous crackhead at 2 AM.
Pairing: Sano Manjiro | Mikey x Male Reader
Note(s): I had a little free time and wrote this. So, please enjoy! ALSO, to the anon that sent me a request a few days ago, I saw it and have it filed on my to-do list!!! I will definitely get to it as soon as I get a break in my schedule :)
"Chifuyu, ya wanna see some real discrimination?"
No. No, Chifuyu does not want to see what Baji means by 'real discrimination.'
Does he tell him that, though?
Yes, actually, because it's 2 in the fucking morning and, as much as he respects the other boy, he wouldn't put it past himself to smother him with a pillow after having his dream of cuddling with a sea of puppies suddenly destroyed.
Unfortunately for his sanity, Baji either doesn't hear him or, more likely than not, doesn't give a fuck, because he's already flopping onto his belly and whipping out his phone to do God knows what.
The dial tone that sounds from the speaker a few seconds later makes Chifuyu cringe, especially since it's only ever been a calm silence fit for a good night's sleep prior to Baji bulldozing through it with his absurd question. (At the very least, he's thankful that the latter has half a mind to keep the brightness on the lowest setting, otherwise, Chifuyu would have had to fight.)
On the far end of the row of carefully-laid futons, you shift in your sleep, eyebrows furrowing together at the noise. Rotating onto your side, you unconsciously reach for Baji, and just when he thinks you're being cute and trying to cuddle him, you smack him in the head.
Baji doesn't flinch, instead, takes his pillow and shoves it in your grasp to keep your unconscious self occupied, so that he can focus on getting through to the person who reuses to pick up (understandably so).
Releasing a frustrated groan after being redirected to voice mail for the fifth time, he dials the number again, muttering an impatient, "Pick up already."
Chifuyu feels sorry for the poor soul on the other end. He would've blocked someone following the first call, because again, it's-
The blond has to squint his eyes up at the digital clock on Baji's nightstand, which confirms that it's already 2:22 A.M, further solidifying the fact that he shouldn't be awake right now. And this also applies to the ever persistent first division captain, who insists on bothering who Chifuyu soon discovers is Mikey from the contact ID that flashes across the screen.
Why Baji is so keen on bothering him is a question he doesn't have the mental capacity to ponder over. The most energy he'll expend is to listen in when the call miraculously connects.
"What...?" comes a muffled voice from the receiver, tone laced in an irked grogginess birthed from a slumber rudely interrupted.
There's an absurdly loud, almost angry, roar of Mikey's name, one that has Chifuyu curling in on himself in a futile attempt to escape a sound that should be illegal at this hour.
But you know what else should be illegal?
The fucking whiplash Chifuyu gets when Baji's deep voice takes an abrupt 180°, switching from its normal gruffness to a squeaky, ear-piercing shrill as he screams, "I love you, love you, love you! Do you love me, too, Mikey-kyun~♡?!"
The room is dead silent.
Not a word. Not a murmur. Not a breath.
Just pure, unadulterated silence as both Chifuyu and Mikey process the words that hang in the air, permeating it with a goosebumps-inducing eeriness from having heard such a...a girly, overtly cutesy screech from Baji.
"What the fuck? He hung on me!"
Chifuyu opens his mouth, thinks better of reacting to the cursed scene he had the misfortune of bearing witness to, and promptly closes it.
Other people may have sleep paralysis demons.
But Chifuyu?
Chifuyu has Baji.
With both hands partially raised in prayer, he begs for the shenanigans to be over and done with.
They are not.
While his eyes remain closed in a last ditch effort to convince himself that it's all a bad dream, he hears a lot of grumbling happening on your side of the room, courtesy of Baji, who's scrambling around in search of...something. One quick peek reveals him fiddling with a phone - yours, to be exact, as evidenced by the distinctive phone charm of your favorite anime character hanging from it.
"(Y/n), wake up for a second," he hears him whisper. It takes a bit of prompting, until he's able to successfully rouse you enough from sleep to elicit any kind of response, which is, essentially, nothing short of an incoherent, slurred mess. Although, Chifuyu is pretty damn certain he heard you call Baji a 'dickhead' for the trouble.
Unperturbed, he continues shaking your limp form, coaxing you into wakefulness with, "Repeat what I tell you, and I'll let you go back to asleep. Deal?"
You squint your eyes at him, only able to make out a vague outline of his visage in the lightless room. "Promise?"
"Cross my heart, hope to die," he automatically responds with the same phrase he's become accustomed to saying whenever you two made a promise, something done purely out of habit, formed when the two of you were just kids and he wanted to get you to do something absolutely ridiculous either for him or with him. And just 'cause he knows you're more susceptible to complying if he does it, he also interlocks his pinky with yours.
The approval is his cue to proceed, and it's as he's putting the phone on speaker that he turns back to a regretfully wide awake Chifuyu, mouthing a wordless, 'Watch.'
The phone rings, loud and clear, precisely once and only once.
"(Y/n), what's wrong?" It's important to note that even though Mikey still sounds tired as hell, his tone is much lighter, much happier really, than when it was Baji, which is an offense in itself to the said teen that's off to the side, attentively listening to the conversation unfold.
Then, it strikes Chifuyu, what Baji is trying to do, and fuck does it give him an instant headache.
Meanwhile, your mouth morphs into the dopiest of smiles with the pleasant surprise of hearing your boyfriend's voice, chest instantly overtaken by a warm fuzziness that never fails to make an appearance whenever he's involved. Sappy, you know, but it's true!
A light but firm nudge to your shoulder reminds you of your mission. It's too bad that, teetering along the edge of sleep as you are, the words Baji whispers are barely repeated correctly.
The initial phrase from before, the one Baji greeted Mikey with, is shortened to a simple, "You wuv I...?"
But, without missing a beat, you receive Mikey's confident reply of, "Mhm... I wuv you a lot."
There's a sleepy giggle then - a fucking giggle - before your voices drop to sweet whispers that the third and fourth wheels can't fully comprehend from where they are.
"Where the fuck was my 'I wuv you,' huh?!" Baji whisper-shouts, considerate of your conversation even when ranting and raving. "Shit, I would've taken a simple 'I love you,' too! I've known that bastard way longer than (Y/n), and this is what I get?!"
Okay. Toman's president answers his boyfriend's late night calls faster than he does anyone else's and openly expresses his love for him. So what? Chifuyu wouldn't exactly call it 'discrimination,' per se. 'Favoritism,' maybe if you wanna stretch it, but using as strong a word as discrimination, especially taking into account you two are dating; it's normal? Nah.
"You wanna say 'bye' to them? Mm. Baji and Chifuyu." A pause. "Fuyu, Mikey says 'bye.'"
"Bye, Mikey-kun."
The other person in the room waits, and waits, and waits, and when it's clear that there is no intention to address his presence whatsoever, Baji turns to Chifuyu with an almost scandalized expression, making wild gesticulations with his hands, clearly distressed. "See?!"
Blank blue eyes stare back at him, unblinking. Honestly, it's a common occurrence - Baji spiraling in a nonsensical rage - so it's easy for Chifuyu to block out the muted, jealousy-driven temper tantrum as he takes his pillow in both hands, raises it as high as he can, and-
-lets it flop right back onto his face.
He can't suffocate Baji. Shouldn't. Wouldn't. Couldn't. After all, they're best buds, meaning he has an obligation to put up with shit like this once in a while. (Plus, he'd probably get his ass kicked before he succeeds anyway. Totally not worth the beating.)
"Did you hear? Mikey said he wuvs me," he hears you drawl dreamily as soon as you hang up, sounding very close to clocking back out for the night.
"Yeah, yeah. Cute shit. Happy for ya, dude," Baji huffs. Thankfully, he sounds like he's in a similar state to yours, if the yawn that follows his sarcastic comment is anything to go by.
"...He soooo ignored you."
That warrants a punishing punch to the arm, dulled only slightly by the combination of the thick quilt you're swaddled in and the raven-haired boy's fatigue.
"I'll fucking throw you out right now, (Y/n). Don't test me."
"You won't."
"I will."
The conversation gradually dies down shortly after, the exhaustion that took its sweet time getting to both of you having reached its peak with the help of the childish bickering. It takes 10 minutes, maybe 15, before two sets of light snores fill the room.
Let it be known that there is a lesson to be learned from tonight's events. Really, there is. Y'know, something along the lines of 'Don't agree to a sleepover with Baji, if you plan on actually sleeping,' or whatever.
Alas, Chifuyu's consciousness fades before he realizes what it is.
"Mikey, be honest. Who do you love more? Me or-?"
Baji is only momentarily discouraged, sharp eyes glaring at the blond that lays his head on your lap after hi-fiving you. He didn't want to do this, but he's left with no choice.
"(Y/n) or Babu?"
From the way Mikey stiffens up, refusing to look at either him or you in the eyes, Baji knows he has him right where he wants him, has him torn between a cute face or a sweet ride.
"Oi! Don't pretend to be asleep! Answer the damn question! OI!"
(After hours of serious contemplation - even though you told him it doesn't particularly matter - it's revealed that, of course, Mikey loves you more. Babu just happens to trail behind as a very close second.)
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seita · 4 years
in-game | kenma kozume (m.)
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pairing: kenma/reader genre: angst, fluff, smut wordcount: 𝟸𝟼𝟶𝟸 tags: established relationship, gamer!kenma cw: neglectful behavior, crying, hurt/comfort, cuddling, riding, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, squirting, overstimulation, praise kink, dom!kenma.
+ note: self indulgent bc im a hurt/comfort whore and i was going thru some KENMA FEELINGS when i wrote this.
˖˖ summary: kenma’s been awfully neglectful lately, preoccupied with his video games. you eventually get fed up and he has to comfort you and fix the hurt he caused you.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not repost or modify.
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Your lovely boyfriend had been playing video games nonstop for days. It had gotten to the point that even your personal time together, curled up in bed before sleeping, had been infringed upon. Instead of him coming to bed with you to cuddle and talk, he was staying up and coming to bed after you fell asleep. You’d wake up to him already sitting in front of his computer or the TV resuming his gameplay when you woke up.
You got it was his job and he loved to play with every fiber of his being but you couldn’t help but feel...neglected. You tried to ignore the aching feeling in the pit of your chest when you greeted him good morning and only sometimes received a grunt in response. 
It was weighing heavily on you and you were saddened that he didn’t even notice your downed state. He also didn’t seem to miss your presence when you began to hide in different rooms away from him. 
It all came to a head one evening when you found yourself craving him. Craving like having his touch on your body, making you feel good and loved like you knew he did so well. Kenma didn’t have the biggest sex drive around and as a result it sort of caused your own to dim as well. But when either of you had the urge you usually had no problems going to the other to have it sorted. 
This time, however, you found yourself hesitating. 
There was no way he’d choose you over that video game right now.
So with a heavy heart you laid back in bed and slid your hand down your panties, shuddering when you felt your wet folds beneath your fingertips. 
You could hear Kenma’s video game through the thin walls of your shared apartment. It was distracting, knowing he was out there so close yet so far. It had been a long time since you had to get yourself off; you never needed to when you had the sweetest boyfriend ever living with you. 
After touching yourself for what felt like ages, you realized you were nowhere near orgasm and promptly gave up. The frustrations of being stuck horny mixed with your hurt over being neglected by your boyfriend finally bubbled over and you felt tears pricking at your eyes. You rolled over, stuffing your face into his pillow as you cried. It muffled your whimpers and wails, not that your boyfriend would notice anyway. 
Suddenly, you sat up and sniffled a bit. Something dawned on you as you sat there, listening to your boyfriend’s video game blast explosions through the walls. 
There was no reason for you to be made to feel like this. You had to step up and talk to him. Communication was always the most important thing in your relationship with Kenma. He was a quiet, introverted guy who kept 99% to himself. When you first started dating back in high school, you both made it completely clear that you needed to talk to  each other. 
Yet there you were, ignoring that rule you’d made with him. 
You crawled out of bed and wiped your eyes with the back of your hand as you stumbled out of the bedroom. 
Kenma was sitting on the couch, feet propped up on the wooden coffee table as he slouched back. His hair was in a messy bun, a bored expression on his face as he slammed his thumbs against the controller buttons. 
“Kenma,” you said, pausing in the doorway to the living room. 
He didn’t reply, making you huff and try again. You called his name louder, stepping into the room. Finally, he tore his eyes from the screen to cast a glance at you before immediately looking back to the screen. However, it only lasted a second before his head was jerking to look back at you with wide eyes. 
He sat up straighter, hitting pause on his game as he frowned up at you, “Have you been crying?”
You sigh and nod, stepping closer to him, fidgeting nervously with the hem of your shirt.
“Why?” he asked, the sincerity in his voice making your eyes tear up again.
Your bottom lip trembled as all the feelings you’ve been holding back flooded forth; “I just...really miss you lately, Kenma. You’ve been so...busy and I...just feel like you’ve forgotten me.”
His gaze softened as your words sunk in. He uttered your name, soft and sympathetic before reaching his hand out for you. You quickly slipped your fingers into his palm, letting him tug you into his lap. His arms wrapped around you, one hand cupping the back of your head as he pulled your face into his shoulder. You felt the tears you’d been holding back come forth as you heard him whisper soft apologies in your ear.
You didn’t say anything more, feeling yourself begin to doze, nestled in his lap as he rubbed his hand down your back. You sighed happily snuggling into him. The music to his game played in the background and you found yourself speaking; “you can play again.”
“A-Are you sure?” he asked, skeptical though he knew you were bound to doze off.
You nodded and closed your eyes, relaxing against him. You felt him shift as he grabbed the controller once more, settling back into the couch cushions before resuming his game. You quickly fell asleep to the feeling of the occasional kiss against your temple from him. 
When you woke up, it was from being gently jostled. Kenma quickly noticed you had awoken and he frowned, reaching over to tuck some hair behind your ear.
“Sorry…” he whispered, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“It’s okay,” you reply, sitting up, “How long was I out?”
He shook his head, “Like an hour or so.”
You rolled over and got out of bed, making Kenma frown before you disappeared into the bathroom. He went back to the living room to resume his game, sitting on the couch with his controller in his lap. When you came back from going pee, you paused to take a look at him. 
His bun was loose, hair falling prettily around his face. He had changed into a loose t-shirt that was too big so it fell off his shoulder, revealing his collarbones and an expanse of unmarked, pale skin. He wore a pair of soft sweatpants that he owned several colors of; they were his favorites. 
He looked up at you when you came in, patting his lap before holding his hand out for you.
“You’re tired, why don’t you go to sleep?” he asked, thumbing beneath your eyes, which were still a bit red from crying earlier.
“Wanna be with you,” you whisper, leaning forward to rest your head against his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers resting his hand on your back before pressing a kiss to your head, “Take all the time you need.”
You smile, relishing in having his attention, even as you heard the game play on in the background. He occasionally pressed a kiss against you. 
Suddenly, the arousal you had been feeling came back to the forefront of your mind and you found yourself squirming in his lap. He grunted, brows coming together.
“Settle down, baby,” he mumbled, kissing your shoulder, eyes glued to the TV.
“Kenma…” you whimper, leaning back a bit, making sure to stay out of his way of the TV, “Can I…” he hummed, glancing at you for a second before looking back at the TV, “I really wanna ride you.”
He shuddered, nodding his head, “Go ahead, baby. Get me hard.”
You grin gleefully, and reach down to palm him, finding he’s already rapidly growing harder. Tugging at the elastic band of his sweats, he shifts a bit so you can pull his cock free, tucking the band beneath his balls. He sighs at the feeling of your hand wrapping around him to give his length a few squeezes. 
You pucker your lips and spit down on the head, using it to slick up his shaft to aid in your movements. Before long, hot puffs were coming from his lips and he was at full hardness. 
You sat up and yanked your panties down before tugging your shirt over your head. Completely, naked, Kenma sat back to admire your body with a low curse. 
Reaching beneath you, you gripped his cock to line him up at your entrance.
“Don’t hurt yourself, baby,” he whispered, glancing up at your through messy bangs, “Run and get the lube.”
“D-Don’t need it,” you whine, running the head between your folds. 
He hisses but hits pause, gripping your hip to stop you from sinking down with a pointed look, “Go get the lube, now.”
You pout but do as you’re told, crawling off his lap to rush to the bedroom. The bottle sits inside the bedside table on his side and you grab it quickly. 
When you return to the living room, he’s sitting as you left him, cock resting against his t-shirt, leaving a wet spot from where it steadily drools precum. 
“Here,” you grunt, crawling back into his lap, “I really don’t need it.”
“Why do you say that?” he asks, putting his controller down to take the bottle from your hands.
You watch, mouth open as he pours some into the palm of his hand. His hands were always so pretty; lithe fingers and prominent veins. He wraps his fist around his length and coats the smooth skin in the liquid. Using what was left on his fingers, he slides two fingers into your cunt. You grunt and grip his shoulders as he scissors his digits.
“You are wet,” he hummed, crooking his fingers to find your g-spot easily.
“T-Told you,” you pant, “I’ve been...wet for hours…”
“Why didn’t you just come and ask me?” he mumbled, frowning as he focuses on your fingers swallowing his fingers before he slowly adds a third.
“D-Didn’t think...oh, that you’d care,” you confess.
He shakes his head and pulls his fingers free, wiping them clean on his sweats before grabbing his controller.
“Don’t be stupid,” he mumbled, but you can hear the hurt in his voice at your words, “I’m always here, even if it doesn’t seem like I don’t because I’m being an ass.”
“Can I ride you now?” you ask, kissing your forehead.
“Take what you need, baby, I’m all yours,” his breathing stutters as you line him up with your entrance and begin sinking down, “That’s it...it’s all for you, make yourself feel good.”
You let out a slow breath as you sink down, taking his cock into your dripping walls. The stretch burns just a bit but it only feels pleasurable. Kenma sighs, biting his lip as his grip on the controller tightens as you squeeze him so perfectly. 
You do your best not to jostle him too much as you ride him, grinding against him so stimulate your clit. After being unable to cum earlier, you feel yourself getting closer to your first orgasm. Your movements stutter and you press your cheek to his shoulder, panting and whining as you work yourself over the edge.
“That’s it, use my cock, baby,” Kenma pants, throbbing within your spasming walls, “Cum for me.”
And you do. It’s a calm, slowly cresending orgasm that fades almost as quickly as it arrived. But still, it left you trembling in his lap. Taking a breather, you sit quietly with your eyes closed, his cock still buried inside you while you waited for the oversensitivity to pass. 
He let you, kissing your cheek and head as you came down, patiently waiting for you to do as you needed -- just as he promised. He was there for you right now, even though his eyes were on his game, his mind was concentrated on you and your sweet cunt wrapped around him. 
Before long, you were moving again, but this time you began bouncing. 
He groaned, leaning back as you expertly worked your hips so the tip prodded every sweet spot in your walls. You were dripping down his length, making a mess of his sweats but he truly couldn’t care less in that moment. He cursed under his breath, accidentally pressing a wrong button on his controller. 
“I’m cumming again!” you squeal, nails biting into his shoulders as you toss your head back and shudder, soaking his length in your cum. He hisses, hitting pause and tossing the controller to the other end of the couch. He grabs your hips and plants his feel on the floor, jackhammering his hips up while holding you stationary, “K-Kenma!”
“Cum again,” he groans, his own eyes rolling back. 
“F-Fuck!” you toss your arms around his shoulders and hug him tight as you cum again. Perhaps you never even came down from your second one. Regardless, you’re hurled into a third -- this one messier than before. 
You squirt, soaking his shirt and abdomen, “Good fucking girl, good girl.”
“Th-Thought you’d let me take what I need…” you pant, trembling as he moves your hips under his strong grip, working you through the aftershocks. 
He huffs out a laugh, head resting against the back of the couch, “Why let you take when I can give?”
You moan, head falling back when you ride him once more. Your body trembles in overstimulation but you just can’t get enough. He cups your breasts, pinching your nipples between his fingers as he stares up at you as if you were a goddess. Hell, to him, you were one. 
“I love you so much,” he confesses, gaze soft.
You meet his eyes and feel an overwhelming sense of love overcoming you. Leaning forward, you press your lips to his and pull him in for a deep, sweet kiss. 
He reciprocates naturally, cupping the back of your head.
“I love you more,” you reply, resting your forehead against his, “I love you more than anything, Kenma.”
“Shh, baby,” he coos, hearing the raw emotion bleeding into your voice, “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
You whimper, burying your face in his neck as you resume riding him. He holds you close, caressing your skin and whispering words of encouragement as you crest once again. This time, you take him with you. 
He spills into you, a heavy groan in your ear as he pumps his hot load into your spasming cunt. You both relax, your body trembling as tears trickle down your cheeks and you sniffle. He pulls you back so he can look at your face. He cups your cheeks and presses a kiss to your nose.
“I’m sorry, _____,” he whispers sincerely, “I never meant to make you feel like I didn’t care about you.”
“It’s okay now,” you whimper, snuggling into him, neither of you caring about his cum dripping from you cunt. His cock is soft now, but still sheathed within you and you have no plans of separating.
He reaches over to grab his controller again, feeling you sag against him as you begin to doze off. His thumbs work over the buttons and he relishes in the feeling of having you close, wondering how he had missed it for so long without realizing. 
The sight of you crying because you felt neglected still rang in his mind and he made a mental promise to the two of you that he would never make that mistake again -- no matter how into his games he became. 
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ushiluv · 4 years
Good Little Girl 
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step-daddy!atsumu x reader 
recently divorced, your mom was quick to find a new boy toy to spend her time with, but what happens when that boy toy finds interest in you? (wc: 1635)
somnophilia (kinda?), creepy tsumu, overstimulation, age gap (reader is an adult), one (1) pussy slap and one (1) face slap, dumbification, reader has female anatomy, size kink, nipple play, breeding kinda, sex with no protection... also NOT proof read (yet)
note from the author 
this is the first smut i’ve ever published pls lmk what you think about it and what i could improve! always open to criticism 
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The divorce did not take as big of a toll on your mom as you thought it would. You thought that being cheated on by her husband of 20 years would ruin her life but it didn’t, quite the contrary actually.
When you met Atsumu, you didn’t really know what to think. 28 years old and a career already secured, you wondered what he and your mother had in common. The age gap between them was big, big enough to make people’s eyes widen at the revelation of it, but neither him or your mom seemed to care.
Atsumu was quick to develop an interest in you. Who wouldn’t? You were everything he wanted and more; the thought of the woman he was dating was already far gone for him, he wanted you and what Atsumu wants, Atsumu gets. That probably explains the lingering touches on your body, the far too heavy stares on you, the weird interest in your love life. You couldn’t deny that the attention he gave you didn’t make you feel a little funny on the inside. Atsumu was a clearly attractive and successful man, but it felt wrong. Wrong, but not wrong enough for you to play with yourself at night, wishing it was his fingers instead of yours, and fantasizing about a reality where you two could be a couple.  
Little muffled moans left your mouth, it was late at night, your mom and her boyfriend already fast asleep. With a hand on your mouth and the other down your pretty baby blue panties, you started wondering how Atsumu’s hands would feel, how his calloused experienced hands would toy with you. The thought was enough to bring you to the edge and you finally released with a whimper of his name leaving your pretty lips. Too tired to move, you fell asleep in the same position, one hand on your stomach and the other on your naked chest.
Atsumu was a morning person. Getting out of the bed he shared with the woman next to him last night, he made his way to your room, hoping to catch a glimpse of you before the day started. Slightly pushing your bedroom door, the sight in front of him left him breathless. Your nipples were perked due to the cold temperature of the room, your sleeping face was so peaceful and calm, Atsumu felt his boxers getting tighter. He didn’t know what pushed him to do his next move, he knew deep down it was wrong but he couldn’t contain himself anymore. He welcomed himself inside your room and quietly closed the door behind him.
“You’re so pretty” he whispered to himself as he placed a knee on your bed and leaned down. A hand of his came up to your face to push away a few strands of hair, letting him catch a better view of you. He placed a kiss on your forehead, “Gonna take good care of you.”
He was quick to kiss the skin of your boobs, warming them up for his hot tongue. He would look up at you once in a while, checking if his ministrations had woken you up but you were still in deep sleep. Feeling bolder, he opened his mouth and let himself suck on your left nipples, coating the little bud with his saliva. He couldn’t stop himself from biting down a bit, causing a little whimper to leave your mouth. He smirked to himself as he continued toying with your chest.
The weight on your chest began to be hard to ignore. Opening your eyes slowly, the sight in front of you almost made you believe you were still dreaming.
“T-tsumu?” your voice was quiet and sleepy, but it only made his cock twitch.
“Shh pretty girl” he kissed your jaw “Just let me take care of you, yeah?”
You nodded. Taking this as a sign, Atsumu properly straddled your hips and helped you take off your shirt.
He let out a breath. “Bet you’ve been dreaming about this, haven’t you? Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you look at me when your mom is away.” his voice was raspy and soft, he tried to keep it down. “You’re a dirty girl, you know that? Fantasizing about your mother’s boyfriend.” a low chuckle left his mouth as your cheeks turned a bright red colour.
He left a kiss on your forehead and lowered his hand down your body until it reached your crotch. He didn’t break eye contact with you as his hand toyed with the hem of your cotton panties. With a finger, he circled your clit and hummed as he felt the sticky wetness that slowly grew on the fabric.
“You’re soaking wet. Gonna let me ruin your pretty panties? Gonna let me make a mess out of you?”
You were about to respond but the only sound that left your mouth was a loud moan caused by how two of his fingers pinched your clit. “Please touch me.” you breathed.
“But I am touching you, baby. You gotta be more precise, use your words.”
“Please touch me properly, daddy, I’ll do anything.”
Cooing at your begging attempt, he pushed your panties aside and pushed two fingers inside of you. The tightness made him groan and the sound only made you clench around him.
“I can’t wait to destroy you” he mumbled to himself. His fingers started going in and out of you as his thumb played with your little bundle of nerve. Your little whimpers started growing louder and he wanted nothing more to hear you scream his name but he couldn’t afford getting caught either. He leaned down to press a messy open mouthed kiss on your lips, his fingers still toying with your cunt.
“If you want daddy to keep playing with you, you have to keep quiet.” he said against your lips. You slightly nodded and brought a hand to your mouth, hoping it would lower your sounds.
Feeling you get tighter around his two fingers, he let a globule of spit fall in your cunt, making everything even messier. The sight it was enough to bring you over the edge. You climaxed over his fingers with a hand on your mouth while a few praises left his mouth and traveled to your ears.
“Good girl, good fucking girl.” he removed his hand from your messy hole and gave a small tap to your clit. The gesture made you flinch. “Came around daddy’s fingers with no shame.”
Seeing him bring his fingers to your mouth, you parted your lips open and invited them in. Your tongue swirled around his two digits and you could feel his hard on pressing against your thigh. Grabbing his wrist with two hands, you removed his fingers from your mouth.
“Wanna make daddy feel good now.” you said, looking up at him.
Atsumu swore he lost his mind at that moment. Without wasting any time, he lowered his boxers to his thighs and let his cock spring free. With wide eyes, you wondered if you would be able to take him. He started playing with you using the tip of his cock, sliding it through your wet folds.
“Is it gonna fit?” you asked with a small voice.
“Hm?” Atsumu was mesmerized by how tiny your cunt looked next to him. “We’ll make it fit.”
As he said those words, he pushed slightly into your hole. The tip made it past your entrance. Seeing the tears in your eyes, Atsumu smirked to himself.
“You’re doing so good, doll. Taking me so good” he pushed a bit more, “The worst is already over lemme bottom out, baby, please” he begged as he waited for any form of consent from you. When you nodded your head, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. With one swift motion, his cock was finally fully inside you. You could feel his tip kissing your cervix and that one spot even you have a hard time to reach. It’s when he started moving that you felt yourself completely lost.
“ ‘so… is so good” you breathed.
“Yeah? Princess is going stupid over her daddy’s cock?” he gave a light slap to your right cheek “Look at you drooling like a dumb puppy.” he chuckled.
He kept drilling into you, muttering a few curse words and groaning when he felt your gummy walls clench around him. He started rubbing messy circles on your clit with three fingers, all thought of waking up your mom were already forgotten, he just wanted to feel you cum around his dick no matter how loud you two were being.
“I’m almost there daddy” you said as your nails dipped into his forearms.
“Cum for me, baby, wanna feel you cream”. He groaned
A few more thrusts were enough to make you come undone around him. The clenching of your cunt had him spill his load inside you. With his cock still in your warmth, he let himself fall on you, hugging your body closer to his. None of you said anything for a few minutes, still recuperating from the shock of your orgasms. He leaned back again and slowly removed his dick from your pussy, taking a mental picture of how you clenched around nothing as some of his cum spilled out of your hole. He put his boxers back to place and replaced your panties into their original position. 
He patted your crotch.“Keep it inside you, don’t want you to waste a drop.”
You hummed, too dizzy to hold a proper conversation. Suddenly, a sense of panic took over you. “Wait daddy, I’m not on the pill.” 
“I know, baby.” he placed a kiss on your forehead and left your room as quietly as he entered it.
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nakamoto-aesthetics · 4 years
Phone Sex | j.jh
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synopsis: you were horny and couldn’t cum properly so you decide to facetime your boyfriend
pairing: boyfriend!jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: smut, a crumb of fluff
warning: masturbation (fem!male)
word count: 1.6k
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“baby?” jaehyuns raspy voice fills your ears, suggesting that he was sleeping prior to this call like you’d thought.
“hi babe, I can’t sleep so I called you but you’re… sleeping” you looked at him, visibly disappointed. how were you gonna get off now? you felt bad about calling him this late.
“no, it’s okay baby” he says lowly and holds the phone higher, resting the back of his hand against his eyes. you could see his collarbone peeking out from the loose shirt he was wearing; his hair going in different directions, his slightly puffy face and lips. all of it turned you on.
you slip your right hand into your pants and begin to tease yourself over your panties, moving your index finger up and down your clothed slit. you close your eyes for a split second letting out a small staggered breath.
“so why can’t you sleep?” you hear shuffling from the other side of the screen and see him moving up to turn on his light.
“because I can’t stop thinking about you,” this was in fact true, it was why you were in this position now. you tried to use your imagination, pictures, videos any thing to get the boy off your mind before but none of it worked. you just needed something of him in real time so this is what you came up with.
“well, you woke me up from a dream… that you were in so in a way I was thinking about you too” he takes his hand off his eyes and smiles softly, his dimples showing; his voice was still raspy and deep in this moment. the whole scenery set you off and you had to slip your hands under your panties, feeling all your wetness pool at your fingertips. you let out a soft noise, your face contouring with it.
“what was that?” jaehyuns eyebrows are furrowed.
“uh… I hurt myself, so every time I move my leg it hurts” you quickly make up a lie.
“aw baby,” he pouts and that’s how you know some part of him bought it. “I wish I could kiss it better. what happened?”
“…I hit it on the table leg when I was getting up” you bit your lip, careful not to let out any moans as you watch him bit his lip with a concerned look.
“my poor baby. i’ll kiss it better when I come over tomorrow”
“yes you will” you say with a devilish look. what you were thinking was very dirty, enough to make you throb excessively. you slip your index finger inside yourself, thinking about him eating you out. you slowly thrust your finger into yourself, releasing low, throaty moans.
“y/n” jaehyun says firmly, his tone changing almost immediately. you hum innocently, knowing that any second he was gonna catch on. you paid attention to him, slowing down your fingers.
“what are you doing?” jaehyun was definitely awake now, that was obvious. his whole face was in the camera and his eyebrow was cocked up, looking at you.
“uh… i’m totally not getting off to you” you fake laugh and advert your eyes. you could’ve lied but having to make a lie was tiring and at the same time you kind of wanted him to know.
“you little slut, I should’ve gone with my gut feeling” jaehyun shakes his head thinking deeply before looking back at you. “so you called me at 3 in the morning to get off?”
“that’s right jae now if you will excuse me” you begin to move your finger again, speeding up since he’s already figured it out. on the flip slide, jaehyun whispers the words “fucking slut” and continues to watch you attentively for your facial expressions; it wasn’t long after you notice this and let out a string of profanities, breathily moaning.
“babygirl, let me see that pretty pussy. you wanna open up for me?” you don’t say anything and put the phone down, hurriedly striping your lower half completely naked. you grab the phone and position it between your legs so your legs were spread on either side of the phone. the phone itself was in the center allowing him to see everything.
“damn, look at how wet you are princess. I would lick all of it up in an instant” you hear movement in the background on the other side but don’t think any of it. you slide your hand to your hole, rubbing circles around it, wanting to tease him and yourself.
“jae” you bite your lip, moaning softly.
“babygirl” he bites his lip. he could still see some of your face from the new angle which he was thankful for. he looked to see the way your face reacted to things.
you slide your finger inside and start to go at normal speed, you use your other hand to tease him by running your hands all over your body. you hear him grunt, along with sounds coming from his side, sounds of… small skin slapping and that’s when you put it together.
“yes baby?”
“are you…” you trail off by yourself and he hums, confirming your thought. you bite your lip and speed up a little bit; god you found that so hot.
“now listen to me pretty girl, you’re gonna do exactly what I say alright?” he says, expecting no question to come from it. you hum obediently and wait for his first direction.
“add another finger” he bites his lip harshly and you do as he says, adding another digit. you moan aloud when you feel your pussy stretching. you hear him grunt and the sound of skin slapping gets faster.
“jae I want to see you too” you whine.
“right, sorry baby” you watch him as he repositions his phone. you have to stop yourself from cuming right then and there once his phone is set up and directed right at his area. the farthest you could see was up to his mid stomach and the lowest was his upper thighs. the sight was so hot especially because of his abs and the way they contracted when he stroked his dick. you wanted to lick him up and down. jaehyun had a hot ass body, everyone knew that but you were the only one who got to touch it.
you move your fingers faster, causing him to stroke himself faster. his dick is so pretty, you thought. it may have been weird to verbally admit that but never had it been hard to express it; you often gave him blow jobs and hand jobs just because you loved his dick and the way it reacted to your every move, plus it was just undeniably pretty. this moment was so hot for both of you. the two of you watching each other get off to the other felt so sexy to you.
“jae i-im g-gonna-” you let out a choked moan.
“add another finger and cum for me pretty girl” he groans as his hand starts to speed up. moans and grunts start to fall from his mouth as do yours. you add one more finger just like he says and you let out a lewd moan. your pussy contracting around your fingers as you begin to thrust at an animalistic pace as does his hand, groans and moans are released from both of you, mixing together beautifully.
“jaehyun!” you scream as your hips go into a frenzy, pushing out your warm cum, letting it drip down your centerfold. all meanwhile, his cum spurts out of the slit and land on his abs, thighs, and of course dick. damn was that hot? you swore you would’ve licked him clean if you were there.
“damn babygirl” he breathes heavily and gets up walking out out the frame for a few seconds before returning with a towel to clean himself up. he was all on display for you and so were you considering you hadn’t moved from your position.
“jae” you whine and pout, he hums in response and looks at the screen. “two things, you’re so fucking hot and I want cuddles” he chuckles at that and continues to clean himself.
“two things, you’re the hot one and tomorrow i’ll cuddle you babygirl, I promise” he states and you scrunch your nose, shaking your head at his first statement. he walks out of frame again and comes back with a pair of boxers on. he sits down on his bed and grabs the phone, returning to the position he was in when he first answered the phone.
“clean up babe” he says softly, looking at the mess of liquids all over your pussy.
“i will babe don’t worry” you reach down and grab the phone, pulling it up to you so that he was only looking at your face. jaehyun hated to sit in his cum and so he hated when you did it. “I guess I should go to sleep so then tomorrow will come” he smiles sweetly and nods.
“okay, i’ll see you tomorrow. goodnight I love you pretty girl” jaehyun reaches up to turn off his light and it gets dark, the only light present being the moon, and it was now illuminating on jaehyuns face, highlighting his features.
“goodnight, I love you too jae” you create a kiss sound with your lips and he does the same before hanging up the phone.
you place your phone down, quickly cleaning yourself up with a nearby shirt because you were too lazy to get up and grab a towel like jae. you sigh and pull the comforter up to your neck; not bothering to put on any clothes. you’ll wash the sheets later you decide, closing your eyes, and sighing happily as you bite your lip.
so fucking worth it.
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sneezefiction · 4 years
my turn
atsumu x reader
desc: you get a back massage from a gremlin your fiancé
a/n: @gahdam-beb hollz, thank you bunches for this cuteness! he absolutely would give good back massages. may or may not have gotten super carried away here – i meant for this to be like,, 200 words. not proofread & it’s all lowercase :,)
warnings: language, mentions marriage, mentions stabbing (i promise this entire fic is pure fluff though)
wc: 1.3k
so maybe the couch isn’t the best place to sprawl out on.
but you could hardly make it through the apartment door, much less all the way to your bedroom.
a leg dangles limply off the side of the worn-down sofa while the rest of your body merges with the cushion. the smell of pizza from last night’s takeout lingers on the soft material. an air conditioner unit whirs on and a chill streams across your skin, making your hairs stand on end.
unfortunately, all the throw blankets are either in the dryer or on your bed. and your fiancé? well, Atsumu is nowhere to be seen.
you sigh into a pillow.
it’s not every day you feel deprived of his presence. the blond is a lot to handle and he has a habit of bringing chaos with him wherever he goes, whether it’s a quick jaunt to the kitchen or across the country at a volleyball game.
but you can’t help but miss Atsumu, his chaos included. you’re quite endeared to him, actually.
i mean, there’s certainly a reason you’re wearing that silver engagement ring.
but right now it’s not just him that you’re missing. it’s those warm hands of his.
they tickle and prod and they’re not the softest things in the world... but they sure make for a back’s best friend. if you could wish for anything right now, it would be a back massage — for someone to rub and smooth away the tension of another long day.
but he’s not supposed to be back for another hour.
you shut your eyes, choosing to nap until he eventually walks through the door... but a tapping outside keeps your ears perked at attention.
the steps grow heavier in the corridor and, alongside that noise, your heart starts to thrumb louder too. you got off work early and your neighbors don’t typically come home til late... so you’re definitely not expecting anyone.
soon you realize the footsteps are just outside your door.
your heart jumps as the door clicks open and, from it, a rather refreshed-looking Atsumu emerges.
you thank the couch gods that it’s just him.
you would’ve rather been stabbed than defend yourself — you’re too tired to deal with that bullshit. but you’re glad that the universe hadn’t sealed your fate just yet.
“i’m home,” he calls, drawling out the words, “did ya miss me?”
you acknowledge him with a pitiful groan into the couch. it was an attempt at saying “yes” but even you aren’t sure of the unholy sound you just made.
“i don’t speak gremlin,” he chuckles.
you lift your head, shooting him a look.
“that’s unfortunate since you pretty much are one,” you say, dryly.
his jaw drops.
“i’m gonna tell ‘Samu you said that. we have the same face, y’know.”
okay, maybe you should be a little nicer if you want him to put his hands all over you... in a nonsexual way... at least for right now.
you don’t respond to him.
but that doesn’t stop him from talking.
“did somebody have a bad day?” his voice is high and he juts a lip out, taunting you.
you frown violently (if that’s at all possible). yes, he’s joking, but his face looks a fraction more slappable now.
“not particularly,” is your somewhat honest answer.
he shrugs off his jacket, the fabric tussling as he tosses it onto a wooden coat rack. there’s a clink of keys and the plop of a wallet on the countertop.
soon, those heavy steps you heard from outside are treading in your direction until he reaches the corner of the couch – right where your face is. without any hesitation, he sinks into a squat until you’re at eye-level with the giant.
you don’t move an inch, but even though you’re irritated, you kind of wanna kiss him.
“you’re home early,” you mumble, instead of grabbing his face and crashing your lips into his.
Atsumu tilts his head, “i wanted to surprise ya ‘cus i knew you’d be off early.”
he looks annoyingly attractive under the dingy living-room light. where are his dark circles? why are there no wrinkles on his forehead?
you, on the otherhand, probably look like a sloth on its last leg... arm? sloth appendages are confusing and you’d rather not think about that right now.
“is there anything i can do for ya?” he asks, softening at your grumpy expression.
why are you making this difficult for yourself? it’s obvious you’re not doing too hot... and you really want that back massage – your muscles are practically screaming at you for relief.
he leans in closer, brushing his knuckles across your exposed cheek. they’re gentle on your skin.
“are ya sure?” he asks, his voice just above a whisper.
okay, sometimes he’s sweet. but only sometimes.
“can... you give me a massage?” you mumble through pouting lips.
a gentle smile forms on his lips, “yeah.”
he stands, long legs replacing the space where his face once was. Atsumu then shuffles to your side, but it takes him a moment to get situated.
the couch dips as he places a knee on either side of you, straddling your hips. Atsumu makes ass-to-ass contact. the most romantic of positions.
you squeal as he crushes you beneath him.
“oh, c’mon i’m not that heavy,” Atsumu snorts.
“says the guy who’s not actively being squashed into a couch.”
although you’d rather this than the burning ache under your skin.
he grumbles under his breath, but you choose to ignore it. suddenly, fingers are pressing deeply into your upper back and grazing your shoulder blades.
a quick gasp escapes your lips and you instantly regret it.
his deep chuckle shakes his body and, in turn, yours too. thankfully, his lips stay sealed.
you wish you could see that little smirk of his, as much as it bugs you, while he works his magic on your tight shoulders. there’s something so charming about that lopsided grin – it’s part of why you love him so much.
he adjusts again, accidentally kneeing you in the side.
“shit! be careful,” you jolt, warning him.
he smooths a hand down your hip and mutters out a genuine “sorry,” atoning in both word and deed.
in doing so, a metallic coolness brushes against an exposed patch of skin, making you shiver. you peek over your shoulder to see what it is.
it’s the ring on his finger...
and suddenly you can’t fuss at him anymore.
instead, warmth travels steadily throughout your body and his palms burn against your skin.
how can you be marrying him and still flush over the silliest things? in your defense, the ring is a relatively new thing in your relationship. it throws you for a loop anytime you catch sight of it.
Atsumu kneads firmly into the tissues, loosing stubborn knots and waking up your tired skin. his hands are large and stable; like a potter to unshaped clay, the digits mould and shape and indent.
slowly, but surely, your body relaxes and your mood lifts. a soft, virtually undetectable smile is on your lips.
Atsumu could be hellish and rude and a brat about the oddest things. he’s pretty gross and always tries to hug you when he’s dripping sweat. you’re also certain, positive, without a shadow of a doubt sure that he’s the more disagreeable twin.
but you’re probably the only person who can put up with him.
and he, you.
it’s a good thing you found each other... and even better that you can both give great back massages. it’s likely that’s what’s preserving your relationship.
hopefully, that same tactic works in marriage too.
you hum to yourself and your eyes, already drooping, finally close. Atsumu softens his touch, tracing the curves and contours of your body, lulling you into a hazy state.
Atsumu, rough and tumble as he is, could be gentle when he wanted to be — a side of him that easily made you see stars and super novas where only golden eyes and blond strands exist.
at some point, you think you feel a ghost of a breath against your skin.
maybe even a pair of lips pressing to your neck? you’re a little too out of it to tell.
but as soon as you find yourself drifting off, his hands peel away from you. it’s like you just lost a piece of yourself because you’re desperately searching for that missing warmth.
you whine in protest, turning to face the cruel man. after such a long fucking week, he chose to stop. and you were almost asleep too.
but that bastard.
that disgustingly adorable bastard.
he’s smiling as wide and bright as the milky way. there’s not even a hint of guilt.
“my turn,” he directs through a waggish grin.
alright, he’s slappable again.
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