#and michael mentioned the idea of sitting still and letting time pass and trying to guess when 10 years had passed
melynnwater · 1 year
an immortal being is sitting, motionless and silent, in a blank room
they have sat here, unmoving, for the last 3,648 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes, and 47 seconds. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.
Then, they stand up.
and the other figure in the room responds to this.
"Tsk tsk, impatient again, young one. You were less than 2 days short."
"Dang. How far specifically was I off?"
"You waited 87,559 hours and 14 minutes exactly."
"I see.. Ah well. Should I attempt 10 years again?"
"It may help you to practice smaller scales. Try for 3 weeks."
"Hmph. Alright."
And they sit back down, (1 second.) returning to their (2.) stillness, not moving (3.) for the next 21 days. (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.)
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rowyn-writes · 1 year
Cinnamon and Sugar
Chapter Five
Warnings: Self hate, mentions of abusive ex, mentions of a minor character death, fluff
Characters: Reader, Dean, Michael, Jo
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
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You had been living with Dean for five weeks now, and everything felt surprisingly normal. You both woke up early in the morning for work, so you got to have breakfast together. You liked having someone to talk to before going to work.
It was five in the morning as you and Dean shuffled around the kitchen in a comfortable silence. You had made some eggs and bacon for the both of you while Dean got ready for work. Since Dean passed the coffee shop to get to work, he would drop you off, and in return, you made him coffee to get him ready for the day. 
"Mornin' sweetheart." Dean grumbles as he comes out of his room, yawning. His hair was still tousled from sleep. You chuckle softly at the sight.
"Morning, Dean. Forget to brush your hair?" You snorted. Dean laughs as he smooths down his hair.
"Maybe I was trying out a new style, Y/n, ever think of that?" He sniffed, pretending to be mad.
"Aw, c'mon now, you never change up your routine, so I find that highly unlikely. And besides, you can't be mad at me forever, I made you breakfast." You set his plate down on the table, pouring a glass of orange juice for him.
"I got damn lucky to have you as a roommate." He sighed happily as he ruffles your hair before sitting down at the table, tucking into his breakfast.
"I could say the same." You smile as you eat with him. Storm was still asleep on the window seal. Despite Dean buying a cat bed for him to get into his good graces, the cat refused to actually sleep in the bed. He just sniffed at it before going back to what he was doing.
Once you and Dean were finished with breakfast, he took the plates and put them in the dishwasher, starting a load. You went and grabbed your apron for work before heading out the door with Dean, sliding into his beautiful Impala. "I hope you know that if I actually still drove, I'd totally wanna take Baby for a joyride." You joked.
Dean laughs softly, his eyes crinkling up at the edges. "You're more than welcome to drive her anytime you need, sweetheart. I won't stop you."
"Oh, um, nah." You shook your head gently. "I don't really drive anymore. I um, I got into a really bad car crash about a year ago and I don't really drive anymore because of it." It was the first time you had really talked about the car crash with anyone other than Jo or Jack.
"I'm sorry to hear about that sweetheart. Was everyone alright?" He frowns, looking over at you.
"Oh, um, yeah, I just had a broken arm. . . The other driver was okay too." 
Dean could tell that you wanted to drop the subject. "So, I was thinking, you don't work tomorrow, right? And you're done with exams?"
"Yeah, why?" You tilt your head curiously.
"Well," Dean said as he pulled into the parking lot of Chuck's. "I was thinking that tonight we go to my favorite bar and have some drinks, my treat. They're having karaoke tonight too, and I think it would be a lot of fun."
You mulled it over for a moment. You didn't drink much, but you thought this would be a good chance to get to know Dean a little better and let loose some. "I think that'd be a lot of fun, actually." You give him a gentle smile. 
"Perfect, I get off work tonight at 5. I'll pick you up and take you home on my lunch break, I don't want you walking home alone or anything." Dean gives you a boyish grin, the one that you had come to adore. 
"Thanks, Dean, you have no idea how much I appreciate your kindness." And it was true. Dean was kind to you when it felt like you hit rock bottom. Being evicted from you apartment was rough, and you never expected him to offer his home up to you. Even though you hadn't known Dean long, you trusted him, and it seems that he trusted you. You hated to think about where you'd be without him right now.
"Don't mention it, sweetheart. I'm just glad I could help you out. I've been where you've been before. My life has never been put together in the slightest, and there was a time when I had no place to go. I really could have used some help, and I want to be that person for you." He said softly, looking over at you.
"Well, I know I'm not much, but I'm here, and I can be the support you need. We can help each other." You offer him a gentle smile.
"I like the sound of that, Y/n, thank you." You lean over and give him a quick hug. 
"I'll see you on your lunch break, then. Let me go make your coffee really quick." You went in and unlocked the doors, making Dean a brown sugar latte and grabbed him a scone before bringing it out to him. "Have a good day at work." I reach through the window and ruffle his hair before heading back inside to tackle the day.
Jo was the next person scheduled to come in, and you hoped it was one of those rare days that she was actually on time. You had talked to her many times before about her punctuality, but it never seemed to stick with her. She was your best friend, and you didn't want to have to reprimand her, but it seemed that it was going to have to come to that. Thankfully, she was on time today, and you didn't have to say anything to her.
"Thank god my car started." She said as she walked in, clocking in on the computer. "I was scared she wasn't gonna crank. I really need a new car."
"Well, you're here, that's all that matters. Today's a Wednesday, so I'm expecting it to be a good day for us. This is usually our dead day, so I think it should be okay with just the two of us until eleven when Maddison comes in."
The day went off without a hitch, the customers were nice, it was a slow day, and everything seemed peaceful. That is, until the end of your shift. Dean was on his lunch break and he was waiting for you to clock out so he could take you home. He didn't mind hanging out in the coffee shop, as he found it rather peaceful. The front door dinged, signaling that there was a customer inside. "Hey, welcome to Chuck's! We'll be right w-" You broke off as you stared up at the man in front of you. Michael. You could feel your heart pounding out your chest as he glared down at you. You hadn't seen him in nearly two months, what made him want to come confront you now?
"We need to talk." He said gruffly, crossing his arms over his chest. He was 6'3 and he towered over you. It was something that had always intimidated you, especially when you were together.
"We have nothing to talk about. You need to leave." You tried to make your voice sound strong and determined, but it came out as just a small squeak. You hated the affect he had on you. For years he made you feel small, and even after the break up, he could still make you feel that way.
"Oh we have plenty to talk about, Y/n. Like how one day you just changed the locks to the apartment and had all of my stuff sitting out in the hall?"
"And you're just now wanting to talk about this, huh? You had nearly two months to reach out to me and to talk about this, but you picked now as the prime opportunity? When I'm at work?"
"Oh please," He scoffed. "You can hardly call this a job. Besides, I've been busy with other things." Dean's head perked up at the sound of arguing. He looked over at you and Michael. He could clearly tell you were in distress.
"Michael, just fucking leave. You're not welcomed here. Our relationship is over and there's absolutely nothing for us to talk about. You cheated, you were abusive, you were a shitty ass boyfriend. What else do you want me to say? I've listed a billion reasons as to why we broke up and you still can't accept that."
"Don't speak to me like that." He grabbed your wrist. "I guess I better teach you some manners." You try to pull away from his grasp. Before you could even shout for help, a fist connected with Michael's jaw. 
Dean looked pissed as he grabbed Michael by the shirt, slamming him against the wall. "What kind of pathetic coward lays hands on a woman?" He growled as he punched him again. "Come near Y/n ever again, and I swear to God himself, there will not be anything stopping me from beating you within an inch of your sad life. Got it?!"
You had never seen Dean so angry before, let alone get physical with someone. "And what's it to you, huh?! Why the hell do you care for some whore so much? Oh, I get it, you're fucking her, huh?" Michael laughed, throwing his head back.
Dean said nothing in return as he punched him once more before throwing him out to door. "Don't ever come near her again." Dean snarled before going to check on you. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he? I swear to God-"
"Dean. . ." You hugged him tightly. "I'm okay, he didn't hurt me. . . Thank you for sticking up for me." You whisper, tears in your eyes. Maddison and Jo watched as Dean wrapped his arms around you protectively. 
"No one's going to hurt my best girl on my watch, I promise you that." He said lowly, gently rubbing your back. "I'm guessing he's your ex boyfriend?"
"Yeah, he is. . . I thought I was finally free of him, but he keeps popping back up like an infectious disease." You were holding back tears, not wanting to cry in front of Dean.
"C'mon sweetheart, let's get out of here." He wrapped his arm around you and led you out to his car. "Do you need me to stay with you? I can tell Bobby something came up." 
You shook your head gently. "No, that's okay. . . I don't want to impose. I'll be okay until you get off work tonight. . . Honestly, I don't even what to think about what just happened. And it doesn't even surprise me that he came here. I guess I was just hoping he'd forget about me." You ramble on, looking at your hands.
"You wouldn't be imposing, sugar." He said, his voice soft and gentle. "If you need me, I'm here, okay? There's not much goin' on at the shop today, so Bobby can afford to be on his own for the rest of the day."
You felt tears brim your eyes as you kept looking at your hands, refusing to look Dean in the eye. "I-I could use some company. . . If t-that's okay." You whispered quietly. Dean tilts your head up gently with his finger so you would look at him.
"I'll stay with you as long as you need, darlin'." He then surprised you by kissing your head. He was so caring and gentle with you, which was something you weren't used to. He drove back to the house, letting you pick the music for the drive. Once you got back, he called Bobby and explained the situation before following you inside. He grabbed some blankets and popped some popcorn. "So, what movie should we watch? Comedy, rom-com, action?" 
"You really don't have to do this for me, Dean. . ." You felt like a burden. You made Dean call out of work just so he could sit here and watch a movie with you. You were an awful friend and roommate.
"You're right, I don't have to, but I want to. . . You're my best friend, Y/n, I want to make sure that you're okay. You've had a stressful day, and you need to unwind a bit. Plus, work was slow, wasn't much for me to do. I'd much rather sit here with my favorite girl and cheer her up." He sits down beside you, draping his arm on the back of the couch. 
You leaned into his side, resting your head on his shoulder as you let the tears flow. "I-I just want to be rid of him. He never let's me have any peace."
"Shh," Dean whispered softly, running his fingers through your hair. "I'm here sweetheart. . . He won't hurt you as long as I'm around, okay?" He kissed your head again, making you feel comfort. Storm jumped up on the couch, settling himself in your lap, purring softly. "See, darlin'? Even Storm's here to help you." That made the tears stream down your face harder. It felt like you couldn't breathe. Everything that you had held in from the break up came bursting out all at once, despite your attempts at pushing it down. Dean held you in his arms as you cried. "Breathe, Y/n, I need you to breathe for me, okay?" He murmured gently. You tried to breathe, but it just came out as choked sobs. Your body was shaking as you cried. Dean let you know that he was here, and that you were safe. You knew he was right. Being in his arms was the safest place for you. You knew that Dean would never hurt you, and that he would do everything in his power to protect you. 
Once you had calmed down, you found your voice. "Thank you for being here." Your voice was raw and hoarse from crying. Dean didn't mention it, he just smiled softly, kissing your temple.
"Of course, sweetheart. What are friends for?" He continued to run his fingers through your hair, as he could tell that's what was keeping you grounded. "We don't have to go out tonight, we can go some other time, I'm sure that you're tired after the day you've had."
You thought it over for a moment. "Actually, I think I still want to go out tonight. . . I just need to feel normal, and show that what he did doesn't get to me." You state confidently.
Dean grins at your confidence. "That's my girl." He let you get ready for your night out with him. You picked a pair faded ripped jeans from your draw, a black blouse, and a black leather jacket. You combed through your hair, trying to find a style you liked, eventually settling on having it braided. You came out of your room with a smile. Dean let out a low whistle as he saw you.
"You clean up nicely, darlin'." He grins. He was wearing a green flannel over a black shirt that fit him nicely and a pair of faded blue jeans. You couldn't help but smile at the compliment. 
"Thanks, De. Shall we get going?" You grab you wallet as Dean grabs his keys.
"Let's go." He smiles, resting a hand on the small of your back as he leads you out the door. You were very aware of his hand against your back. But you shouldn't be thinking about that. Dean was your friend and roommate. You couldn't risk anything. You slid into the Impala as Dean going into the drivers seat. You grinned as the car roared to life. The car was absolutely gorgeous, and you'd love to have an old car like this. That is, if you still drove. Past pains rear its ugly head into your thoughts, making you think of things you wish you could forget. You push it aside. Tonight was about having fun with your best friend.
You showed the bouncer your ID and you were let into the bar with Dean. It was packed since it was karaoke night. You and Dean slid up to the bar, you ordered your favorite drink and Dean got a whiskey and coke. "So, ya thinking about gettin' up there and singing?" Dean smirked as he looked to you.
"Me? Nah, I can't really sing." You shrugged.
"One, that's bullshit. I hear you singing in the shower all the time and you sound amazing. And two, no one who sings karaoke can sing. I'll do it with you if you sing." He offered you up a smile. You could never resist that boyish smile he had.
"I hate you, I hope you know that." Despite your words, you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face.
"Say what you want sweetheart. But hey, you get to pick the song and I can't complain."
"Oh really?" You smirked. "So if I picked a Taylor Swift song, you wouldn't say anything?"
"Hey, I can get down with TSwizzle, okay?" Dean held up his hands in defense. You couldn't help the laughter that racked through your body. 
"You did not just say TSwizzle-" You continued to laugh, Dean joining in.
"All I'm sayin' is that you can pick whatever song you like."
You went up to the karaoke machine, scrolling through until you found the perfect duet for you two. I Remember Everything by Zach Bryan and Kacey Musgraves. "We're up next." You grin as you pull Dean towards the stage. Dean followed you up on stage, grabbing the mic. "Ready?" Dean nods as the song starts. Despite having never heard the song, he did it justice. You never knew Dean could sing. When you sang your parts together, Dean smiled over at you, his eyes gleaming. Once the song was over, he helped you down from the stage.
"Y/n, you were amazing! I knew you had a good voice, but damn, that was beautiful." He praised you, gently patting your shoulder.
"Me? Dean, I had no idea you could sing like that. You were fantastic!" You gently punch his shoulder.
Dean chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck as the tip of his ears turn pink. "Thank you, sweetheart, I appreciate it." He grinned.
"Aaand I think that some of the girls over there found your singing attractive." You chuckled as you looked over to a group of girls that were eyeballing Dean. "You should go talk to them!" You encouraged.
"Nah," He shook his head. "This night is about you and me, and celebrating our friendship." He gave you a smile. You couldn't help the small butterflies you felt in your stomach. Instead of going off with a girl, he wanted to spend time with you. But at the same time, you felt bad, because you felt like you were keeping him from having a fun time.
You felt like screaming at yourself, because you always did this. Every time there was something good going in your life, you found a way to get in your head and overthink things. You wished you could turn those voices in your head off. Sometimes those voices got particularly loud, especially in times like these. You tried to push them away and have a good time with Dean, but you couldn't help it.
"You okay, Y/n? You got really quiet all of a sudden." Dean said softly. Damnit, he knew you too well.
"Oh, yeah, it's um, it's just been a long day, y'know?" You cleared your throat, looking up at him.
"We can head home if you'd like?" He suggested, tilting his head to the side.
"No no, I'd hate to be a bother. You look like you're having so much fun, and I don't want to ruin that." You spoke softly.
"Sweetheart, if you're tired or you just don't feel up to being here anymore, you can tell me. I won't be upset. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or feel like you have to stay for my sake. Besides, I don't care where we are, as long as we're together, I'm happy to spend time with you."
You gave him a soft smile. "I just don't think I'm in the right headspace right now." You sighed. "It's just been a long day with a lot going on. . . I promise to make it up to you."
"Don't worry about it, Y/n, we can just spend some time together and watch a movie if you'd like?"
"I'd really like that, De. . . Thank you." You whispered gently. Dean ruffled your hair and went to pay for the tab. You rode home in a comfortable silence as Dean hummed along to the radio. You were stuck in your own head again, per usual. You were leaned against the window, feeling the cool glass on your cheek.
"Are you sure everything's alright, sweetheart?" He asked, looking over to you. "You've been awfully quiet."
"I dunno, I'm just really struggling mentally today. After everything that happened this afternoon, I just feel so. . . empty?"
"I get it darlin'. What do you need? Do you need some time by yourself, or do you wanna curl up on the couch with me and watch some Dr. Sexy MD?" He questioned, his voice gentle.
"I think that spending some time with you could help. . ." You couldn't help but smile. You felt safe with Dean, and even though you were having a tough time, you knew that everything was going to be okay as long as you were with him.
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insatiabledogs · 25 days
If he'd let me, I would've kissed every mole and freckle streen across his skin.
Teen Michael Afton x Bsf Male Reader
Was listening to bad idea by gir while writing this lol
Summary: reader and mike hadnt seen each other for a while, and mike snuck reader in thru his window with some weed.
Tw: homophobia, and mentions of abuse.
Blue eyes followed my fingers as they danced across the strings, the sound of my voice singing a peaceful lullaby made him feel as if weights were being placed on his eyes.I gently placed my guitar on it's stand, lighting another joint with one hand and ruffling his auburn curls with the other. My eyes meet as his eyelids attempt to cover them.
We were both higher than a kite, the smoke and smell filling the air in his room. My fingers slipped from his hair, tracing his features carefully like he's made of porcelain.
My thumb lingers on his lip, tracing a scab on his lip. "Where'd you get this one?" I'd asked, despite the feeling I already know.He placed his rough palms over my hand, wrapping long and slender fingers around mine. "Father," he replied curtly, and I didn't bother asking further.
"I missed you," he said fondly, pressing his lips to my palm.
"I wish you'd kiss me somewhere else" nearly slipped through my teeth, substituted hastily with "I missed you too."A stupid grin forms on his face, placing more kisses on my hands. He knew what he was doing when he placed one on my wrist. He could settle for this but I couldn't.
I wasn't supposed to. We weren't supposed to. It still happened, but can you blame me? The way his eyes looked, glazed over and relaxed, scrutinizing every inch of me. The desperation was evident in his eyes, but I could see fear, shame, and restraint.
I've never been one for patience, or self control. He could stop himself all he wants, but he couldn't stop me.
Grabbing his collar, I pressed my lips against his, the cold metal of my piercings sending shivers down his spine. I tangled my hands in his hair while his hands busied themselves with sitting up and pulling me onto his lap.
Neither of us could get enough, finally letting go of every concern and doubt we had, holding onto each other like the world would end if we didn't let this happen.
I couldn't let go. I wish I didn't. Footsteps hit hard wood at the hallway outside his room, hinges screaming, begging, as the door slams open to see a his father.
He covers the little amount of light pouring in from outside, instead filling the room with a sense of fear.
Michael had pushed me off, and I could see the sinking feeling on his face, shaking like a leaf.
His voice waivered, trying to ingore the tears forming in his eyes. "I think you should leave."
I did as I was told, two pairs of eyes staring holes into me as I softly shut the door behind me.
That was the last time we spoke. I saw him at school the next day, a face full of bruises and a slap mark. He wore a hoodie I let him borrow once, bandages concealed under sleeves. He avoided me every time I tried to talk to him, scared into distancing himself from me.
I don't think he told anyone, god knows what would happen if anyone found out William Afton's son was kissing boys.
"I wish I never kissed him," is what I tell myself every night, but with each passing day I start to wonder if it was our faults or if we're really that bad. If only they saw the way he smiles at me, the way he intently listens to every song I show him, and the way he blushes at the slight brush of my hand.
It didn't take long for me to start wondering why he's scared of liking me. Is there something wrong with me? Is it how I act? Or is he scared of how others will act? Why should it matter? We don't need them, we shouldn't care what they think. They can say what they want, and do what they "must" but the stars watching our every move will align the way I wished we would.
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kkkkkafka · 2 years
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Pairing: Michael Afton/Charlie Emily
Tags: First Time | Fluff and Smut | Vaginal Fingering | Pet Names | Oral Sex | Size Difference | Biting | Creampie | Come Swallowing | Overstimulation | Aftercare | Tattoo Artist Michael Afton | Autistic Michael Afton | Autistic Charlie Emily | Florist Charlie Emily
Summary: Michael was nervous. In fact, saying he was nervous was an understatement. He swore that all of twenty years in his life, he had never felt such an anxious feeling like this. Yet, also, he was very excited for the event tonight.
Notes: Can be read as a standalone fic or a sequel to Kitten Problem
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"How are the doors?"
"Basil, Pepperoni and their kittens?"
"Towel, lube and condoms?"
"Here. I’m on birth control, so no need to."
Michael was nervous. In fact, saying he was nervous was an understatement. He swore that all of twenty years in his life, he had never felt such an anxious feeling like this. Yet, also, he was very excited for the event tonight.
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A year ago, Michael first met his current girlfriend, Charlie. Sure, he had a fair share of partners in dating before, both men and women alike, but they said they could not keep up with his antics. Like how he talked a lot about his interests instead of small talk, how he could not sit still or read their facial expressions, so they stood him up. He did try to force himself to become "more tolerable" as they told him, but he failed because he could not stand how he had to try to hide his authentic self. Plus, it was his sister nagging him to join in speed dating, claiming it would be fun for him, he was really not into it at first but did not want to let the red-head down. With those failed attempts, Michael thought that he only could be fine alone, despite craving a companion that could trust and understand him. 
Until he met Charlie. 
Although she was very different from him, from looks to behaviors, Michael felt as if the girl was literally a part of himself. In fact, despite those visible contrast things, he knew that she was not much different from him. He knew it the moment Charlie started to passionately talk and show him her tattoos when he mentioned about his job and how she acted when she saw Basil's kittens. She even helped him go through a nasty art block, and suggested ideas for his future works. That was when he knew he developed a crush on her. And luckily, Charlie felt the same.
Three months after they first met, both of them confessed to each other.
Michael remembered it was very awkward. They were all blushing and stuttering, to the point Charlie even had to whip out her phone to write out her intentions and send it for him, and until then Michael did the same thing to her, despite seeing in person.
But what was done was done, now they were each others' partners. It was a memorable reminiscent though . It always made them laugh when mentioning it. 
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And that led Michael to the current situation right now. 
Just a moment ago, he and Charlie were chilling on the couch inside her house, watching some sappy soap opera per his requests. It was not even interesting (Charlie literally stared at him and grumbled  "I fucking told you this was not even a good idea. Should have watched Saw instead."  ) and they talked to each other to pass the time. The talk went from how Basil had to take up a diet cause she was too chonky for her own good, to a customer of Charlie asked her how to say  "Fuck you"  in a flower language, then and there with the soap opera playing as background noises.
It went fine and smoothly until the topic of sex coming up.
It was not really that uncomfortable, but more on the embarrassing side, because both of them are virgins without any experiences. Charlie did say that she just never did it with any other person but she did try to masturbate quite often, in which Michael said he did the same. So they agreed to be each other's first time, and also to test out what they liked most in bed.
After a lot of "research" online together and trying to prepare as much as they could, then taking a shower together, Michael and Charlie went upstairs and sat down on the edge of bed, facing away from their partner in bashment. They were silent for a while, then it was Charlie who broke the ice.
"So… Should we get started now? I kinda don't want to postpone this. Like, we have prepared through and I have always wanted to try doing this with someone else…"
"Yeah, we should…"  Michael replied, averting Charlie's eyes. His face was flushed and hot, as if smoke was coming out from his ears.
"Then, do you want to strip yourself or can we take turns?"  Charlie fidgeted with her shirt, her palms were cold and clammy and she sneakily glanced at Michael.
"Take turns! I think it will be fun!"  An enthusiastic answer coming from Michael that made Charlie snapped out of the nervousness and snorted out loud. Honestly, she felt like her boyfriend was somewhat a manchild, but nodded along with him and stood up to sit on his lap when Michael started making grabby hands motions at her.
Michael's hands are huge, one of his palms could even cover her whole belly, Charlie noticed. He gently lifted up her shirt as if asking her if this was okay, and Charlie wordlessly threw her hands up high so it could be easier for Michael.
Michael just stared at her in awe, his blue eyes widened. His girlfriend was just too gorgeous. Her pale skin was covered in black ink which was a nice contrast. Her chest was small and Michael felt like they would fit perfectly in his hands, and the cold air made her pink nipples stand up. He gave her chest a light squeeze, and he could feel Charlie shivered subtly.
Without a word, Michael suddenly leaned down and captured a pert bud inside his mouth, one of his hands wandered up to the other one. Charlie gasped in surprise, blush spread all on her cheeks while her hand tangled in her boyfriend's hair. Michael took it as a cue, so he started to flick his tongue and moaned in delight when he noticed that Charlie started to arch herself into his mouth while letting out soft whines. His other hand massaged and squeezed the neglected breast. 
Then, feeling like he was satisfied with his work, Michael bit down hard, making Charlie jolted up with sudden pain and pleasure. He gave the swollen nipple one last lick and then did the same with Charlie's other breast.
It was too much , Charlie thought. Her head was clouded with euphoria, her eyes were filled with tears and her mouth let out sinful moans from her boyfriend's work on her body. She could feel that her panties were getting more and more drenched. Yet she was helpless, she could not do anything besides succumb to the lascivious feelings and gripped the man's hair and pushed him closer to herself. For someone who had not done this before, Michael was really excellent for his own good.
Charlie did not realize that Michael had done playing with her chest as she was so lost in the contentment, she only noticed when he leaned close to her face and locked her lips in a kiss. Unlike his eager behaviors before, he shyly licked on her bottom lip as if asking for permission, and Charlie compiled by opening her mouth to let him in. It was so tender and full of love. Their tongues intertwined together while letting their hands gently caressing each other's bodies. Michael pulled away for a moment to let Charlie breathe in. He was going to reach for Charlie's shorts, then a hand stopped him.
"It was unfair."
"You agreed for us to take turns undressing each other and now you are going to pull down my shorts next? You are not even out of your shirt."  Charlie frowned and let out a small huff. 
Right, Michael almost forgot that offer. Well, could not blame him though. He was so immersed in looking at his girlfriends' face painted with lust that he did not even notice. So he leaned back and let Charlie unbutton his shirt to make up for her. The girl shakily slided his shirt down and stared at Michael's body, carefully placing a hand on to feel the hard muscle beneath. Michael was not nowhere near a small guy, hell, even he was bigger than average. It was just his preference for loose button-up shirts that people thought he was just some lanky guy. 
Charlie continued to stare in admiration, then she leaned down and bit Michael on his neck. Suddenly, the man let out a loud whine, his eyes closed and his face flushed up.
Oh. It must be his erogenous zone,  Charlie thought. A mischievous smile spread across her face as she began to lap and pull the skin on Michael's neck by her teeth. As a result, Michael began to whimper and moan in tandem, his arms wrapping Charlie's waist until she pulled away. She looked very pleased with her work as the bitemarks started to bloom like small flowers on her boyfriend's neck. Now the marks would indicate Michael was her only.
"You are so mean Charlie! Now people are gonna see those marks you left on me next morning!"  Michael pouted with a whine, his head rubbed against Charlie's chest while wrapping his arms around her to fake throwing a fit.
"Well, it's fine that now they know who you belong to, right?"  Charlie chuckled, amused with her boyfriend's antics. 
Michael did not say anything more, but gave her a false angry look. Suddenly, he flipped Charlie over and caged her under his body. He quickly pulled her shorts and panties down in one go then laughed at Charlie's yelp of surprise. His laughter slowly died down after he took a sight of Charlie's completely bare body, gulping. 
His hands gave Charlie a squeeze on her chest again, then gradually trailed down, from her tummy, then to her thighs, taking time to admire how smaller her body was compared to him and spreading her legs apart to look between them.
Michael tenderly rubbed his fingers against the bare cunt before him as if to test how Charlie felt. Nothing came out of her except a whine came along with a slow nod. 
Keep going.
As he got the green light, Michael felt more confident, he adjusted Charlie's legs to place them on his shoulders and leaned down, one hand spreading her labia wide apart and the other hand gathered slick substance to coat his own fingers while Charlie panted and whimpered softly.
Then in a blink of an eye, Michael slipped two fingers inside of Charlie and started to thrust in and out. She slightly jolted up because of the sudden intrusion, then melted away with the ectasy when Michael's fingers reached her sweet spot. She swore his fingers were so big, it pleased her better than the dildo she kept inside the drawer next to her bed. Her hands tightly gripping the bed sheet, her hips bucked up as a silence plead for more. Submitting to the demand, Michael bent forward and licked a stripe from her entrance up to her puffy clit, making her keened in desire. 
With both of her hands, Charlie tugged on Michael's hair, making him moan as she kept him closer to her wet core. Her body began to feel hotter, and she felt a coil slowly building up inside her stomach and was so close to burst with each slide of Michael's tongue against her clit and his fingers continuously thrusting in and out her cunt. 
It was too much, and Charlie did not know if she could take more. The noises coming out of both of them were so lewd, it set a wild blush from her cheeks down to her neck. She did not know whether she wanted Michael to stop because she was so sensitive now, or she wanted him to eat her out until she became a moaning, broken mess.
Her train of thoughts was interrupted when Michael harshly sucked on her clit, and his finger pressed firmly on the sweet spot inside her, and abruptly, she saw lights flashed behind her shut eyes with a loud wail of his name. 
"Let go for me honey, you are being so good for me. Please make a mess on me."  Michael slightly tilted his head up to talk, his face was smeared with Charlie's release. His tongue and fingers slowed down the ministrations on her cunt, drawing out those cute whines of sensitivity from her lips. He waited until Charlie gained more consciousness to completely pull away and let her bask in the presence of post-orgasm feeling. 
Her eyes were hooded, her cheeks were painted in a bright blush and her mouth occasionally let out heavy pants due to what Michael did to her just a moment ago. Slowly, her hands raised to his face, tugging him in for a kiss. Their tongues met again, and Charlie could taste herself on her significant other's tongue. Michael lightly tugged on her lip piercings as to tease her, then he drew back.
"You have done so good, Mike. But it’s my turn now."  She stated when pulling away from the kiss. 
Charlie lightly hit her hands against Michael's chest, telling him to lean back to the headboard so she could get on top. When his back hit the wooden surface, Charlie's dainty hands moved to undress his lower part.
Her face heated up as she began to tear down Michael's trousers, now leaving him in the boxers, stained with precum. She was speechless, her eyes opened wide. 
That thing was so big. Massive, even. How the hell was it going to fit inside Charlie?
Sensing the girl in front of him's nervousness, Michael placed a hand on her cheek, lightly rubbing.
"Don't worry, if you are nervous about it won't fit, we can find another way to please me, okay?"
"But I want to have yours inside me!"  Charlie exclaimed, then suddenly clasped a hand over her mouth in embarrassment, cause she accidentally voiced her thoughts too loud for her own liking.
"Oh. Then, do as you please, okay? Just don't strain yourself too hard."  Michael tilted his head to the side, the hand on Charlie's head now back beside the pillow.
Charlie silently nodded, her hands wobbly stripped down the final garment on Michael's body, his leg now spread open for easier access. She took a deep breath to prepare herself for what would come, then deliberately leaned down to give a small lick on the head, which made Michael shivered.
He loved this.
Getting the signals, Charlie began to bob her head down until the tip touched her throat. It was not that uncomfortable like she thought, but Michael was too big, the remaining part of him was not fit in her mouth, so she pulled away and decided to lick around his cock first. Charlie could feel him twitching under her touch, which was a good thing. She hummed in approval, then took it inside of her mouth again while her hand stroked the part that did not fit inside. First started out slow, now she began to pick up the pace, trying to alternate between sucking on the head and tracing her tongue against the vein there. 
As Charlie tried to quicken her pace, Michael began to grow hotter and bothered. Who knew his girlfriend was that good with her mouth?  He looked down, seeing drool and spit coating his cock and groaned at the sight. He started to thrust up his hips, his hands settled down on Charlie’s head to push her deeper. The girl almost choked on his cock, tears beginning to well up in her eyes, her pace paused. Now the one in charge was Michael and he would make sure to take the whole advantage out of this. His hands clutched Charlie's hair firmly, eyes shut tight from the thirst overcame his body.
“I did not know— Argh, you can do this well with your mouth, baby. Are you gonna let me cum inside of your adorable little mouth?”  Michael growled, he could sense his climax coming. His thrust was getting sloppy, so he decided to shove Charlie’s head down more and held her in place, as his cock jerked and shot the release into her throat, some of it dripped outside of her mouth and down to her chest.
He began to soften when Charlie’s mouth left him. She pulled away, panting in exhaustion. Michael noticed her face was stained white with his cum, so he placed a hand on her cheek and wiped the remaining with his thumb. He was going to reach for the tissue box to clean up, but Charlie caught him off guard by leaning over and letting her tongue out, licking up the salty liquid with a smile.
Fuck, why did she have to be such a tease?
Michael helped Charlie to sit on his lap again, letting her use his body as support to rest a bit from their previous activities. He softly patted her head, gently stroked her back and whispered  “You did very well for me Charlie, I’m so proud of you.”  as the girl in his lap recovered from the orgasm.
“Mike? You with me?”  Charlie chirped, as she noticed Michael started zoning out. Her voice snapped him out of the daydream immediately. He blushed, scratching his head.
“O-Oh! Sorry, just zoned out. Do you want to continue?”
“Mhm. Let me fetch the lube inside the drawer. Gotta prepare well for the main event, big boy.”  As Charlie talked, she crawled out of Michael’s lap and bent down to pick up the said thing. Michael could not help but let his eyes wander to her ass. It looked so round and soft, he made a mental note to get his hands on it next time. He could feel his cock starting to grow stiff again.
Charlie was now back on her bed again, in her hand was a bottle of lube. She uncapped the bottle and poured some on her hand and rubbed them against each other so they could be smeared evenly. Her hands reached out to coat Michael’s cock with the substance, and when she felt that was enough, she leaned back and thrusted her fingers inside of her to prepare herself.
Michael watched as Charlie lubing him and herself up, and when she was done, he picked her up and maneuvered her with her back to the mattress, his body on top of her. Her legs clasping around his waist, her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders. He took a deep breath, then started to slide his cock between Charlie’s wet folds and bumping against her clit, making her tremble with need. He continued to do it a few times, until Charlie whined, begging him to just put in already. 
Michael took a deep breath, one of his hands now engulfed Charlie’s smaller palm and set them beside her head and he let out a breath.
“Always. Please, Michael, I need— Ah!”
Charlie’s words were cut off midway when Michael started thrusting in. He tried to go slow at first, because Charlie was really tight at the moment, her velvety walls clenched around him just like a vice. He felt like it was almost impossible to go furthermore. As an effort trying to ease his girlfriend, Michael bowed forward, placing a few kisses on her forehead, on her cheeks and a quick peck on her lips.
“Relax, Charlie. You are so tight, how will I be able to go in?”
Just as he said, Charlie sluggishly nodded and took a deep breath and angled her hips up high so Michael could go in more easily. Complying with the request, Michael slowly pushed inside, until he was bottomed out inside of her.
It did not hurt a little bit, but Charlie felt quite unfamiliar due to having something large like that inside. Michael paused his pace, as he was allowing her to get used to the feelings of him stretching her out. It was not long until Charlie nodded and told him to go on with the flow.
It was the only confirmation Michael needed to continue.
Then he splitted Charlie open, his thick cock went inside her and made her whole body shudder in delight. Her teeth bit down on her lips and drew out some blood, small whimpers escaping her.
“No, don’t do that darling. I want to hear from you. Don’t shy away.”  Michael noticed that she was trying to hide her moans, so he pulled out his sad puppy eyes on her, to persuade her not to do that. As he was doing that, one of his hands snuck down to rub on her swollen clit. Charlie obliged, turning her hips upwards and let out more moans, which were louder than before. Michael beamed with happiness, praising her.
“Good, that’s my girl. You were so good at taking me. Can you handle more?” 
He did not even wait for her to answer his question, his head now settled down on her shoulder, and bit on her neck while still did not stop thrusting inside Charlie with a steady pace. Pulling back and adjusting his back straight, Michael tilted his head down to look at his girl. 
She was truly a masterpiece in his hands, an angel at his mercy. Her black hair, usually combed neatly, now was a mess tangled up and Michael reached out to swipe her bangs up. Her forehead was sweaty, her cheeks were stained with red blush. Her green eyes were clouded with satisfication, her supple pink lips were swollen and let out soft pants and moans, and her neck was littered with the pink and purple evidence of his teeth. 
But what made Michael almost out of his mind was the imprint of his cock on her belly. He tugged Charlie’s hand from its place beside her and set it down on her stomach.
"Here honey, easy. Can you feel how deep I am inside of you? Must have been good, right?"
That made Charlie’s face heated up, her eyes rolling back. She didn't say anything beside nodding along with his words in agreement, since now she could know how deep and how hard Michael was fucking her.
A pitiful moan escaped her mouth, following with a hard thrust from Michael. His hand on her belly could feel the movement of his cock stirring up her inside.
“O-Oh god, Mike— You are, ah, s-so deep…”  She trailed off as he began to speed up his thrusts. 
Now since Charlie was used to the feelings, Michael took it as a cue to fuck into her roughly. The sounds of labored breathing, their moans mixing up with the slapping noises of their skin against each other, all combined to make a lecherous orchesta. There were praises and words of encouragement coming from both of them, telling how good it was, or if the spot was hit, they were so lost in the pleasure that they could not realize whose voices it was.
Heat rushed through Charlie’s veins, warming her whole body in the process and made her become wetter. Michael was too huge, the way his cock stretching her, the way her cunt deliciously hurted by his actions drove her to insanity. Her whole body trembling in lust, she swore she could feel how tears began to roll down her cheeks and saliva escaping her mouth. 
Michael was not too different from her. His sweaty bangs stuck to his forehead as his hand tightly held Charlie’s in his, the size difference between them making him shudder. His blue eyes now blurred and he could feel his whole muscles tightened. The fact that Charlie’s tight pussy was pulling him in greedily was not helping much as he almost lost his mind to the delight. The flow of bliss continued to invade his body, making Michael unable to stop thrusting his hips. His hand rubbing on Charlie’s clit previously now moved up and planted next to her head to hold himself up, occasionally moved to place over the girl’s hand on her belly to press down on his bulge. 
Michael suddenly stopped grinding inside to Charlie’s surprise, then he moved her legs, adjusting both of them into the mating press position. With this stance, he could reach deeper inside of her, and it allowed deeper grinding as he trailed light kisses down her thighs and bit down.
Charlie yelped, pouting at Michael and the latter licked at the bite marks as if saying sorry before continuing his abuse on her tender cunt. If it was so good before, then now it was definitely better, because not only Michael could reach deeper inside of her pussy, the position also created a wonderful friction between her clit and Michael’s happy trail. His cock continuously hit her sweet spot, and Charlie did not know if she ever could take much more. She had never felt such much pleasure like this in her whole life, she felt like she was going to lose it, as Michael was going to break her. She could not do anything else besides crying out, demanding him to keep going. His hand now came up to pinch on her nipple, making her vision hazy and littered with stars. There was nothing inside of her mind right now, besides Michael, his cock kept pushing inside of her, his hand roaming on her body and his praises.
With another rough thrust, Charlie felt as if her world had been broken.
Her body arched up, one of her hands still tightly held Michael’s hand, while the other gripped the bed sheet. Charlie now was a mess, she looked like a ragdoll. Her eyes were unfocused, her legs were trembling. Her body was covered in a layer of sweat and blush. The orgasmic feelings spread out all over her body. She was so tired, but also very content.
However, Michael had not cum yet.
Charlie only realized that when she looked down and realized Michael was still inside and the younger man kept a steady pace of thrusting. She let out a pathetic whine, pleading with him to stop because she was too sensitive and did not know if she could handle more, or at least slow down but Michael just looked up at her and pouted,
“I’m sorry, but can you endure a little bit more for me baby? Please, just a bit longer, I was so— Ah!”
He shuddered, his cock twitched inside of Charlie and flooded her walls with milky white liquid, also triggering another orgasm from her. His cum mixing with her own release, and it was too much to the point his cum dripped down the sheet even when he was plugging inside her cunt. For a few moments, Michael stayed like this with Charlie until his cock was softened enough to pull out. He let out a loud sigh as he removed himself from the girl’s used hole and gently placed her legs back on the bed. 
Charlie winced as she felt his cum leaking out of her and making a mess, as Michael gathered the white substance with his fingers to stuff it back inside. She sighed, using her hands to cover up her eyes as she was tired and the lights were too blinding for now. Her chest slowly rose and fell with each breath she took. It was such an erotic sight, and he felt like as if he was blessed to see this, Michael had to admit.
Michael moaned out loud when he stretched, as he realized his muscles now were a bit sore. He flopped down gracelessly beside Charlie, humming in delight. He was no longer a virgin now, and it was far better than those amateur porns he beat his meat to before. He snuggled closer to Charlie, and she also moved closer to cuddle him. 
It was such a peaceful moment, there was nothing but their soft breathing and the sound of rain falling outside.
Charlie almost fell asleep due to the tranquil atmosphere, then Michael’s warmth against her left her unexpectedly. Her eyes widened.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to fetch a cloth to clean us up. Also you need to pee after sex, duh.”  Michael replied nonchalantly while standing at the bed’s end, hands on his hips.  “Can you walk or do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?”
“Carry me please.”  Charlie whined, her arms opening so her boyfriend could pick her up. Her legs felt like mush now, and she thought if she took a step she would fall flat on her face.
Michael snickered, saying  “As you wish, my liege.”  before bending down and picking Charlie up in bridal style. He set her down on the toilet so she could deal with her bladder while he changed the sheets and grabbed a clean towel to wet it. After cleaning himself up, he turned to Charlie and gently patted her private parts with the dampened cloth. Then he carried Charlie back to her bed, and got up again to find some clean underwear for both of them to wear. He found himself some spare boxers that Charlie kept  “just in case”  and put them in. When he returned back to the bed with a pair of cotton panties for her to wear, he found Charlie asleep soundly, still stark naked and curled up into a ball.
He smiled to himself because she was so adorable looking like this. The sex must have worn her out so much, so Michael tried to be quiet as much as possible when he slipped the cotton undergarments on her. Then he laid down next to her, pulled up the comforter while hugging her closer to himself.
His nose was nestled in her hair, inhaling the soft smell of her natural scent mixed with the smell of after sex and caressing her back. He murmured out a quiet  “Love you so much ”, then the weight of the dreamland began to crash down his eyes.
But before he completely fell asleep, he could swear that he heard a sleepy feminine voice slurring out,
“Love you too…”
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dire-kumori · 1 year
2 ways i'd continue with the whole time is breaking lots of evil robots Idea. (This is not me saying you should end the AU!! I just like sharing my ideas-)
Normal idea: The Afton siblings work together and kill the reaper along with scrap trap and scrap baby. I don't know why but I imagine that Elizabeth and Evan fire a bunch of fireworks directly into the reaper's chest and then they explode and he explodes- The reaper is killed and like everything goes back to normal basically- Michael wakes up and begins his life with no reaper... Maybe everything goes the way it's supposed to maybe it doesn't... Maybe things will be better this time...?
Crackpot idea: Okay so I'm gonna sound insane but... What if instead of teaming up with scrap trap... scrap baby actively tries to help her pass self and the other Afton siblings? Like roll reversal (Mike's the rampaging murderer and Elizabeth is The one trying her best to make up for past mistakes) Anyway team up happens, Mike get one-on-one withh the reaper. the reaper goes on this long monolog about how: "You honestly think that killing me will stop all of this? No matter what you do our dad's always gonna be a b******, we're always going to be a terrible son and everything we care about will always fall to pieces..." Somehow The reaper, Mike and scrap trap are all kind of in a room together... scarp trap attacks past Mike in his anger and nearly kills him. Reaper realizes how terrible he's been watching his father nearly kill his past self (he's turned into the thing he's hated most) Saves past Michael. Kind of breaks the cycle and time sort of fixes itself... Everything from the future is mostly sent back. (A couple things are still in the past-) Including adult Michael and scrap baby. They basically warn their past selves not to trust their dad and then just leave. Planning on finding something better... Theaften siblings are left confused mentally scarred and miraculously alive. All of them agree that no matter what they're not turning into those things.. This one is more of just a branch off idea- Again very crackpot..
Normal idea:
We bring in the new year with fireworks. Marking the end of the time loop with fireworks feels only too appropriate!
Normally the Reaper can track Mike wherever he goes, but with the appearance of countless time traveling animatronics, not to mention multiple iterations of Michael Afton, the Reaper's memories are becoming disjointed and confused. He's lost his biggest weapon, and the Afton siblings are finally able to gain the upper hand. Springtrap and Scrap Baby and the Reaper all close in on the house, hunting each other and hunting young Mike. There's a big argument, but eventually Mike convinces them that he should be the bait to lure the monsters into a trap. While Michael leads them into the basement, Evan and Elizabeth prep the fireworks outside.
I'm gonna gloss over the long, arduous battle, the Scraps brawling with Reaper and the Reaper brutalizing young Mike, young Mike barely escaping by the skin of his teeth, drenched in his own and the Reaper's blood as he crawls out of the house. Long story short, monsters are trapped inside, tearing one another apart in a gory display while the Afton children put an end to this nightmare in a show of sparks and flame. They sit and watch their childhood home burn, and feel a sense of peace as time crumbles around them.
When they next wake up, it's at the side of a small pond in a black and red world.
Crackpot idea:
This makes for a pretty interesting idea! Okay, I'm gonna say that Scrap Baby still starts out following Scraptrap, still determined to earn her father/creator's love. But as her pursuit of the Reaper leads her to the Afton kids, she comes across that girl. The one from her memories/nightmares. The one whose voice she can sometimes still hear, screaming. Baby freezes. Long enough for Elizabeth and her brothers to get away from Scrap Baby. When he finds out that she let them escape, Scraptrap is furious with Scrap Baby. He makes sure to let her know what a disappointment she is before he resumes his own hunt.
The shock of seeing her past self has caused Elizabeth's soul to awaken inside of Scrap Baby. She begins to remember. And slowly, she begins to break free of Circus Baby's murderous programming. Suddenly the Afton kids gain a powerful new ally in the fight against the Reaper.
And she's not the only one. I didn't touch much on it earlier, but the other animatronics, even as they're going berserk, won't harm children. Kids all over town are being ripped away from their parents, adults left in bloody heaps in the streets as the animatronics sequester the children somewhere 'safe.' Of the animatronics, only a select few seem to have any sense of reason. The Puppet watches the carnage and weeps, searching for the cause of it. She knows on an instinctive level, that William and the Aftons are involved. And as she chases down Scraptrap, she discovers the newly awakened Scrap Baby, and soon the Afton children, sticking together and trying to survive in this hellscape.
Fast forwarding again, sadly, this ends with everyone being forced to say goodbye. Once time resets, nothing that shouldn't physically exist in 1981 (that's when I'm saying this takes place now, even though I never specified before) remains. Only thoughts and memories. To the Afton kids, this whole event will become one long, particularly vivid nightmare. To Scrap Baby, the Reaper, the Puppet and all the others, it's the end of the world. The future in which they come to be is erased, despite time resetting, as although nothing physically remains out of time, the event still leaves psychic scars on the Afton kids. For Mike in particular, this event lingers as a particularly vivid dream he never fully forgets, though it does fade in time. Michael, Elizabeth, and Evan aren't the same kids they were before the Reaper entered their lives, and they don't make the same choices or mistakes that they might have without his intervention.
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hooman4ever · 2 years
ok sorry another one, also rough
just anything with maybe (kinda angsty I guess) a trans woman just not feeling very confidenglt or like a "real woman" (either just in general or maybe due to physical reasons)
ooor, more happy - maybe being gifted a dress, or make up, or just dressing up somehow, and being very happy with her slasher partner ^^ and being showered in compliments
- 🔪
Did a mixture of both ideas! Tysm also I loved these ideas sm <3
Also, I didn't do the mini scenario I usually do with headcanons since I am trying to get these ones done quickly!!!
Contains: Mentions of Dysphoria, Mentions of Murder, MTF Reader, Trans Reader, Fluff & Angst, Comfort, Bo Being a Ass but a Loving One
Michael Myers
As soon as you had come to Michael questioning yourself and your womanhood Michael would be awkward about it but he would be quick to do his best to reassure you that you were a valid and wonderful woman whom he cares deeply for.
When Michael sees you having bad days with your identity he would offer head pats and some physical comfort but let's be honest, this man isn’t big on emotions. His affection would be more in the way of gifts and small acts of kindness.
Michael would be out on a kill and see a dress or skirt that he thinks you would like and snatch it, only to leave the item sitting in front of your bedroom door for you when you leave your bedroom next. Also, expect some half-dead questionably sourced flowers to be left half haphazardly on the dining room table. Just ignore the roots still attached for Michael’s sake.
God forbid someone was responsible for your sudden dysphoria. If Michael even catches a whiff of someone misgendering or belittling you he’s going crazy dog mode right away. You wouldn’t even need to tell him who, Michael will find them.
Asa Emory
He will shut down any attempts to belittle yourself and your identity. As soon as you question yourself or start to feel invalid this man will be swooping in and grabbing hold of your shoulders. “Don’t say such things, my dear.” he would say before finishing with– “You’re the most beautiful woman in my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” all while rubbing your arms itching to simply pull you into a hug.
Asa doesn’t put up with any hate towards you whether it be from you or others. As soon as the words tranny, he/she, or not real woman are muttered Asa is losing his cool and cutting them down. This man is more than happy to also lock you away keeping you in his home to ensure no one hurts you with their invalid outdated opinions.
This man loves to shower you with the finest gifts, if you try to deny anything he will simply brush your words off saying “I will pamper my beautiful woman when I want to.”
He also loves doing your makeup if you let him but you’d need to teach him a thing or two if you don’t want it to be a disaster.
Bo Sinclair
I could see him getting angry if you try to belittle yourself, not at you of course but at the people who instilled “such idiotic thoughts in your head” according to him. Bo will be sweetly aggressive with his comfort saying things like “Last I checked I had a girlfriend, [Y/n].” and “Stop spewing that bullshit, you're my woman, and I ain’t toleratin’ it.” along with other things along those lines.
When you get super bad dysphoria it tears Bo up and this man will be the equivalent of a puppy dog staring from afar just wanting to make everything better but not knowing how. He will try his best though, dropping in random compliments and such throughout the days to try and make you happy. Before locking the both of you away in your shared bedroom and cuddling the pain away.
Bo would often snatch things off of tourists passing through town he thinks fancies you before not so slyly putting them in your wardrobe and acting like they were there since the beginning of time. Occasionally he would check out the luggage collected from the tourists but that's mainly when he feels bored or you ask him to.
If anyone coming through town even tries anything with you they’re being locked in the basement of the gas station for some personal lessons on respect from Bo.
Vincent Sinclair
He hates to see you down and as soon as Vincent sees any displeasure he will be strolling up to you and questioning you on what’s wrong just wanting to remedy whatever it is. When he learns you don’t feel like a real woman Vincent will be so confused before signing how “I don’t understand” and how “You’re my woman no matter what,”.
Vincent has no qualms with instantly cuddling you and giving you whatever you need till you feel better.
This man regularly rummages through the tourist luggage/bodies to find things you would like before presenting them to you like they were the best thing in the world, well almost, I mean you do exist after all, and nothing can trump how much Vincent values you. You will 100% be posing in everything Vincent gifts you as he whips out his sketchbook.
Vincent doesn’t like you being far from him ever so you will practically have this man with you at all times, or he’ll be hiding and watching you from afar if tourists are about. Due to this tourists who dare talk down to you will lastly see a raging Vincent charging them at full speed from the treeline.
Lester Sinclair
Lester is happy to have any good company in Ambrose, but when he gets you? The most beautiful woman he’s ever seen in a relationship with him this man is over the moon, absolutely head over heels in love. That’s why Lester is even more baffled than usual when you start down talking yourself.
This man will talk in a hushed voice, reaching out to you and soothing away your worries as soon as they come with an overload of kisses and words of affirmation. Lester will constantly gush about his “Pretty girl, and how he “Wouldn’t trade ya for any other woman,”
When you’re having bad days dealing with dysphoria Lester will stick by your side getting you anything you need and doing anything to comfort you. Even if Lester must resort to absolutely suffocating you in his affection this man will make you feel better all while making you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
Now Lester is one of the more tame Sinclair brothers, he really only chooses violence when needed. So let’s say you were accompanying him on his usual roadkill sweep when tourists are spotted that need a ride into Ambrose, as soon as any of them are uttering anything slightly transphobic Lester will do two things. First, he will slam on the breaks demanding they apologize, if they don’t he’s killing them. If they do apologize Lester is kicking them out of the vehicle and calling up Bo to get them, either way, same result.
Lester will also rummage to look for clothing for you. Since he is usually the one to pick up tourists and drop them off at Ambrose I like to think he has a big part in moving whatever vehicles/stuff they brought with them and had to leave behind. In other words that would mean that Lester would get first dibs on anything brought into Ambrose. This means you get your pick of clothes before Vincent can snatch stuff for his wax statues.
Instead of just bringing you just clothing though Lester will bring you anything that looks remotely interesting no matter what it is. One day this man will be bursting into your shared home clincking metal in his hands as he presents you with handfuls of shiny jewelry and odd-looking trinkets.
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tootiredmotel · 3 years
Inspired by @ledzeppelinmixtape 's emoji prompt: ⛈
Read on ao3 or below / 2.3k words
It's 11pm and storming biblically when Dean and Cas's apartment goes dark.
"Great," Dean mutters under his breath. "Fan-freaking-tastic."
From somewhere else in the apartment, his roommate asks "did the power go out?"
"What do you think, sunshine?" Dean replies sarcastically.
He has a half-written essay in front of him, but he knows his old-ass computer won't last long unplugged, so he saves the document before shutting it off. He leans back in his chair, stretching for the first time in an hour and running a hand down his face. He actually needed a break from the screen, he realizes, feeling his eyes relax as he rubs them.
The steady rain and strong winds outside make an overwhelming white noise track, interrupted only by thunder that goes from faint and distant to deafening in volume. If Dean wasn't stressed out of his mind and completely exhausted right now, he might actually find this kind of nice.
"It's raining cats and mice out there," he hears Cas say, his voice now in the room.
Dean smiles, still rubbing his eyes with the backs of both his hands. "Cats and dogs, Cas."
"Right. Cats and dogs."
It’s really no use correcting him; the entire animal kingdom could be falling from the sky right now and there wouldn't be much of a difference. The winds are definitely knocking things over, and the streets will certainly be flooded come morning. Dean wonders for how long the university will cancel classes after this (if at all, the heartless bloodsuckers).
A particularly loud clap of thunder startles Dean. He drops his hands from his face and opens his eyes, expecting to see pitch black nothingness, but the room is faintly lit by the flashlight Cas is holding as he rummages through their kitchen drawers. He approaches a minute later and sets a candle down on the small table.
"Thank you, Dean," Cas says, sitting down opposite him. Dean smiles again, this time shaking his head.
If anyone ever asked him to mention one thing he likes about Cas, just one, he'd probably say how genuine Cas is, how he takes everything to heart and speaks from it as well. Dean said just one word, smart, a simple comment on the fact that it occurred to Cas to light a candle instead of wasting the battery of their one flashlight, and Cas genuinely thanked him for the compliment. He's just ridiculously cute in his earnestness.
Cas is trying to light the candle now, but their lighter is tricky. Despite living together in that apartment for a year and a half now Cas has never really gotten the hang of it.
"Here, let me."
Dean means to take the lighter from Cas and do it himself, he really does. That is 100% his intention as he reaches across the table. Except he sees an opportunity, and Dean Michael Winchester is nothing if not smooth.
He wraps his hand around Cas's, gently guiding his fingers until they’re placed just right, and the lighter clicks on with ease. Cas meets his eyes, smiling, and Dean can feel the slightest brush of Cas’s thumb against his hand. It’s a small gesture, but clearly deliberate, and it sends Dean’s heart into overdrive. Cas leans away, puts the lighter aside, and starts leafing through a book he brought. Dean’s heart is still racing as he watches him.
Scratch that first thing. If anyone ever asked him what’s one thing he likes about Cas? His hands. God. Neat nails, slightly calloused palms, and overall larger hands than you’d expect. Cas is an environmental science major and he wants to get a Ph.D. in botany, so of course, there’s a small garden on their fire escape. He tends to those plants every day with more gentleness and care than Dean has ever seen, and Dean loves to watch him, even though he has no idea what Cas is doing with them half the time. He just knows that not a single one of their plants have died under Cas’s care. He names them too.
His attentiveness. That’s another thing Dean might say if anyone ever asked. Cas left to visit his sister Anna last winter break. He left Dean in charge of the plants, three of which died inside the week. (For Dean’s birthday a couple of months later, Cas got him a book. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant. Dean keeps it on his nightstand.) Dean went out and bought new ones, but he knew Cas would notice the difference, and he did. He wasn’t mad at Dean though, and he appreciated the effort, and as Dean apologized profusely over and over again, Cas looked at him in the eyes oh-so-softly and told him he was forgiven.
How could Dean possibly forget? If anyone ever asked, he’d say that Cas’s eyes are one of his favorite things about him. One of his favorite things, period. Dean is absolutely mesmerized whenever Cas looks him in the eye, and the guy loves making eye contact, which means that Dean lives in a perpetual smitten daze. He has never seen that shade of blue anywhere else on this earth. Or maybe he just hasn’t been looking, content to get his fill of that blue by staring into Cas’s eyes as much as he gets to on a daily basis.
“Are you alright, Dean?”
Dean blinks himself back to reality. “Hm?”
“You seem… spaced.”
Dean is staring. He’s been staring this whole time. Shit. Crap.
“Yeah, um. Just tired.”
Mr. Smooth, everybody.
“Maybe you should go get some rest. I doubt the power will be back anytime soon.”
Castiel Milton, always looking out for you. It makes Dean melt.
“Yeah, maybe.” I wanna stay here with you, though, he thinks. Instead, because he’s pathetic, he asks “what’re you reading?”
Cas shows him the cover. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant. Dean breaks out in laughter.
“So you’re going into my room and stealing my shit now?”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t touch your Vonneguts.” Cas puts the book aside, an easy smile on his face. “Just wanted something light to pass the time.”
“You done with your homework?”
A soft yawn escapes Cas. “For now.”
“Dude, why not just go to sleep? You look exhausted.”
“Look who’s talking.”
Dean tries to deadpan him. He fails, because around Cas, it’s near impossible for him to not smile.
“Besides, I might be done but you weren’t.”
“And you wanted to keep me company.”
Cas shrugs as if to say I guess, but he does it with a knowing smile. The smile doesn’t falter as he meets Dean’s eyes, and he doesn’t look away when silence settles between them, the only sound being the stormy white noise.
Dean is sure he could drown in that blue and die happy.
Before that train of thought gets away from him again, Dean tears his gaze away and stretches. “We should really go to bed though, I’m not getting any more done tonight,” he says as he stands.
“Of course,” Cas says, but he grabs the book again.
“You not going?”
“I want to finish this chapter.”
The seriousness in his tone makes Dean smile. Again.
“Well, g’night, Cas.”
“Good night, Dean.”
Dean thinks he detects a bit of shakiness in Cas’s voice but decides that he’s probably just tired.
He gets to his room and changes into something comfortable, the first t-shirt and sweatpants he finds as he rummages in the dark. He goes to set his phone on his nightstand and crawl into bed, but in place of the book he keeps there and puts his phone on top of– the book Cas has at the moment– he finds something else.
It’s paper. It’s folded into the form of a book, like one of those youtube craft tutorials with bad music, and it's no bigger than his own palm. The cover is handwritten, and Dean immediately recognizes it as Cas's. He smiles, expecting a prank or joke of some sort, Cas knows how stressed Dean can get with the start of the semester. However, his smile falters as he reads the cover:
How to tell your best friend you’re in love with him.
With a shaky hand, Dean opens the small book. The first page is the only one with any more writing on it, and it reads:
You leave him a note and hope it’s enough.
Dean is storming out of his bedroom (no pun intended) before he knows it. He barely even feels his feet moving, too focused on the pounding in his ears and the dryness in his mouth. He doesn’t go into the living room, not yet; his feet stop at the end of the short hallway and he braces himself against the wall. The room is spinning and he can barely breathe.
“Cas?” He chokes out.
Cas puts the book back down on the table in front of him and interlocks his fingers in front of him. He doesn’t look at Dean– Cas, who makes too much eye contact – and takes a deep breath before saying “yes?”
He’s nervous.
Dean takes a step forward, still keeping one hand on the wall just in case, and holds up the note. “What is this?” he asks, because his brain is just not there with him yet.
Cas stands, still not facing Dean. “Dean, do you know what day it is?”
He’s asking this now???
“September firs–”
Oh. Oh shit.
“Cas isn’t today the–”
“The night we met. Two years ago.”
Dean feels his brain catching up now as the memory starts coming back to him. Cas helps, starting to recount that night.
“Two years ago tonight, I was leaving my night course at the university, and it was raining. Not as bad as this,” –Cas looks out the window and lightning strikes, as if on cue– “but pretty badly, and I was an inexperienced freshman without an umbrella.”
Dean remembers. He was walking Charlie to her dorm when it started drizzling, and it was pouring by the time he made it back to his car. Dean had a night shift at the gas station and was about to head there.
“Two years ago tonight,” Cas continues, “you invited me into your car to shelter me from the rain.”
Dean saw this guy running in the direction of the men’s dorms, which were on the other side of campus. He felt bad, and he had a car, so he opened the passenger door and let him in.
Turned out to be the most gorgeous guy he’d ever laid eyes on. He was a bit awkward, but he had no filter, which made him weirdly funny. He asked about the music playing in the car and listened intently to Dean's rambling. He laughed at his jokes too.
At the end of the five-minute drive, he said his name was Castiel, and Dean asked for his number and saved it as Cas with a thunderstorm emoji. Because even if he didn’t know it yet, Dean was already whipped.
“Two years ago,” Cas says, finally looking up at Dean. His eyes are wide and vulnerable and he looks terrified and Dean can barely stand it. “Two years ago tonight, I started to fall in love with you.”
Dean can’t breathe. His ears are hot and he can’t stop fidgeting with the note in his hand and he can’t breathe.
But his feet start moving again, out of their own volition. They move toward Cas.
“If you don’t feel–” Cas starts, but Dean swallows his words.
Again, Dean’s brain isn’t all there yet, and he doesn’t realize what he’s doing until he’s already in it. He’s grabbing Cas’s face, digging his fingertips into the back of his hair, and the note is forgotten on the table, and thunder rumbles not that far away. He’s darting out his tongue, begging to explore Cas’s mouth as he’s wanted to do since forever, and Cas lets him. He tastes like toothpaste and coffee and honey and Dean never wants to taste anyone else ever again.
Cas is wrapping his arms around Dean’s waist and pressing his entire body against him. It’s making Dean weak in the knees but it’s okay because Cas is almost holding him upright at this point. There’s another clap of thunder, much closer this time, and the lightning probably illuminated the apartment, but it wasn’t enough to make them part. They’re moving and grasping and exploring frantically, and Dean is afraid Cas is going to disappear, or that he’s going to wake up and this will all have been another dream. But no, it’s real, and they’re playing catchup on two years worth of desire and longing and love.
They eventually pull away, breathless and giddy. The only sounds are the rain and the wind. Dean opens his eyes first, needing to see Cas and make sure this is completely, definitely, unequivocally real. Cas is smiling and taking deep breaths, and a weight seems to be lifted off his shoulders. He opens his eyes a second later, and even in the darkness, even with just the faint candlelight, the blue in them seems to shine. And even though there's no power, it feels as if there's electricity crackling in the air around them. It might be the storm.
No. It's the moment. This moment with Cas is what feels electric.
“Come to bed?” Dean asks, feeling brave and going out on a limb. The only way Cas responds is by interlocking his hand into Dean’s and kissing him again.
And after tonight, for the rest of his life, if anyone ever asks him “what’s one thing you love about Cas?” Dean won’t be able to narrow down an answer.
He’ll just say: “Everything.”
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
I absolutely loved the doll! mc one with the brothers and diavolo. Could I ask for the same idea with the rest of the undateables and luke? If it isn't too much though. Thank you very much, don't forget to take care of yourself and stay hydrated!
I’m glad you enjoyed the first part!! I hope you’re staying safe through this pandemic and that you’re drinking plenty of water. I’m so happy that people liked the Doll!MC scenario so much (it even became one of my top posts and I was NEVER expecting that to happen 😳 click here to read it with the Bros and Diavolo). I got an UR card for Barbatos today and immediately thought back to this scenario cause I was just imagining the different situations with Doll!MC. Hope you enjoy!
Also, Luke’s part is strictly platonic, just FYI!
The Undateables (Minus Diavolo) with Doll!MC
Let me just say, you make this man’s day so much better
Your presence is just so calming for him. You could just be standing there (which is heavily enforced in the kitchen), not doing anything, and he would still be fully relaxed
Definitely loves you being in the kitchen with him, and will find ways to invite you so that you guys can spend time together
“MC, the young master has a tea party planned for this afternoon, and I’m afraid I may need your assistance to help prepare.”
“But Barb, I thought you didn’t want me touching anything-”
“I don’t want you touching anything that can cause you harm. I can easily handle the labor, but I do have a task for you...”
Cue to you sitting perfectly still and taste testing his sweets
“Barb, are you sure that I’m helping you like this? I don’t want to be useless to you!”
“Nonsense, MC. This is perfect. I needed someone with an exceptional palette, and you’re just the right person for me.”
Just you and him, and his sweet creations. What more could he ask for?
Maybe being in a relationship with you, but he is very sure that it’s going to be happening in the near future...and he didn’t even have to use his powers to know that
He stares at you a lot. He can’t help it, he loves to just admire you!
Barbatos is the type of guy where he doesn’t have to rely on words to express his love. His love language is acts of service: packing you lunch and extra sweets every week, giving you recipes that he wouldn’t even share with Luke, and gifting you mini accessories that you can wear with your outfits!
He gave you this adorable three-legged crow holding a cupcake hairpin and you’ve been wearing it ever since
He tries to hide his blush everytime he sees you and now he has to work even harder because of the pin lmao
You both have a designated day and time where you don’t plan anything in order to have your own tea parties
No Diavolo, no noisy demon brothers, no other exchange students (sorry Luke). Just you and him, enjoying each other’s company and him basking in your glow
If someone did try to harm you, he would already know of it and properly disposes of the problem. Lord Diavolo can’t afford to have any issues interfering with the exchange program, and he can’t afford to have anything happen to you so...no harm no foul, right?
Please continue to do what you’re doing MC. Stare at him with your bright, doe eyes and give him that lively smile everytime. It makes his day go by much easier, especially since he knows that you’ll still be there, waiting for him with your own desserts and that smile reserved just for him
Was convinced that you were an angel
Lowkey still convinced that you’re an angel
Really, you just look so...angelic
Wasn’t upset when you revealed that you were in fact human; he was happy because this meant that he could show you around the Celestial Realm!
Speaking of Celestial Realm, be prepared for Simeon to be your very own personal tour guide everytime. This could be your 50th time up there and he’ll still try to point new things out
“And over here is-”
“Michael’s favorite resting place, since the lilies always seem to bloom whenever he’s around,” you giggled. “I remember Simeon, you tell me this everytime we visit!”
He’s a tad embarrassed
“Forgive me, MC. It seems that I get so elated over the fact that you’re here with me, I tend to repeat some things over.”
“That’s okay! I still have fun with you everytime!”
Oh MC, you’re too adorable!
Which causes him to worry over you. While he knows that the brothers and Diavolo (along with Barbatos) wouldn’t dare cause you any distress, the same couldn’t be said for the other demons lurking around, both in and out of RAD
But not to fear, Simeon your friendly guardian angel is here!
I am so sorry for the rhyme lmao
He may not have been personally assigned to you, but that doesn’t mean he can just let anything happen to you! He’s only doing his heavenly duties in protecting you! He’s also being a good friend by watching over you too, his little lamb
He wouldn’t attack anyone, but if he made a complaint or a very serious concern to the right person (Lucifer or Diavolo), consider the problem handled
You have your own tea time as well, and Luke would join you sometimes. But, every now and then, Luke would have to finish some homework or study, or Barbatos would miraculously call for him at the castle, or if it was just too late and Luke just had to go to sleep, then it would just be you two. Sitting by the fireplace, discussing matters ranging from RAD to your life in the human world, drinking tea that you would take turns preparing
Not to mention the downright dainty little cakes you would bring. One time you brought him angel cakes and he found so lighthearted and precious that he requested you bring them everytime, just for him
May or may not base a character in his new story around you
Simeon wants to shield you from the horrors that are surrounding you both. You’re so pure, he just wants you safe. From the way that you would dress to the way that your eyes would just look so amazed and innocent at him, he just knows that he needs to watch over you, always. The brothers do get a little wary when they see how much time you do spend at Purgatory Hall, but they know that Simeon couldn’t possibly have feelings for you, and you were always so giddy after leaving there, they couldn’t bring themselves to say anything
And Simeon knew that he was starting to feel more than he should. He couldn’t profess his love for you now in risk of falling, but he can wait until you get your wings. Just imagining you in your cute little Ceslestial Realm outfit (which he hopes still mimicked your current style) with your very own beaming halo was enough to keep him waiting and to make sure that you stayed on the right path
He deemed that you were worth the wait
When he first saw you he could just cry
Someone innocent like you got sent down here with these monsters?! He had to keep you safe!!!
Simeon thought you were angel and then realized that you were not; Luke thought you were an angel and refused to believe that you weren’t
You didn’t have it in you to burst his bubble so soon, so you just let him run with it until Simon broke the news
It was like telling a kid that Santa Claus wasn’t real; you can only imagine how Luke took the revelation
Not well from what Solomon told you. Simeon kept saying he just needs some time to process things, and you just felt so awful about the whole thing
Which lead to you bringing him so much sweets that it made Beel jealous and very upset
But we all know how Beel can be around food, so it wasn’t a huge surprise. He chased you around all day and you had to use your pact to get him to stop!
And you promised to make him double the sweets in he forgave you so all is well
Luke was still obviously sad, but he wasn’t going to stay sad forever. Especially not after you brought this many sweets just for him!
Lucifer was not a happy demon when Simeon arrived at the HoL’s doorstep with you groaning and clutching your stomach. And Solomon took so many pictures of Luke while he passed out from his sugar high that he dedicated a whole album in his phone to it
Favorite activity to do together: Baking! (Obviously)
Trading recipes, shopping for ingredients together, baking things for each other to try (where really it was just to have double the desserts)
When you two are in the kitchen together, no one else is allowed (except for Simeon, but only if he’s looking and not touching). It’s now MC and Luke time, everybody else is gonna have to wait!
Luke only wants you to do the the activities that he sees as harmless: which is everything that doesn’t include sharp items and anything else that can hurt you
“MC get away from that! That can seriously hurt you! Let me get it for you instead!
“Luke, honey, it’s just an oven it’s not my first time using one-”
Too late, he already took it out of your hands into his own, mitts already on
Speaking of oven mitts
You guys have matching aprons and mitts!!
Barbatos may be a little bit jealous, but he likes the bond that you two have. And he knows that Luke won’t be a romantic rival so he’s alright lol
Luke is your deemed protector/bodyguard, and he proudly wears the title since no one bothers you because of him (or so he thinks). Everyone makes fun of him calling him a chihuahua, but jokes on him, when Luke complains, he complains
Won’t take long for Simeon or even one of the brothers to pick up on his whines complaints if he thinks someone is bothering you
Luke believes that while he’s small, he can protect you and try to keep you free from danger. He may be young, but he sees himself as the older brother out of you both (even though it’s really you being the older sibling and him being the baby). Always looking out for you especially since you’re too fragile to be left alone!
You’re one of the only people that genuinely likes him and don’t make fun of him. You’re dear to him MC, please don’t ever change!
Also, he definitely talks to Michael about you all the time so excitedly and sends him sweets that you both made together. Michael is a proud dad at this point
Knew you wasn’t a doll but loved to tease you about being one anyway
Was there a spell that can really turn you into a doll? You wouldn’t mind if he tried it out on you, right MC?
Don’t tempt him please because he WILL do it
“Tell me, MC. Hypothetically speaking, if I were to purchase-”
“No Solomon, you can’t shrink me down to fit me into a dollhouse, no matter how nice it sounds. Besides, I can’t bake in a dollhouse, the oven wouldn’t work!”
“I can fix that.”
You’re very amusing to him for some reason. Was it because of how doll-like you are? The fairytale way that you dressed? How you were still human and was able to live with seven of the most powerful demons and not die? Maybe it’s the way that you still radiated such positivity despite being in literal Hell?
Honestly all of the above
Poor Solomon doesn’t realize that his cooking isn’t...the best
And you took the best approach in helping him atleast cook something that looks edible
You didn’t say his cooking was disgusting like some people (literally everyone else), so he took that you giving him lessons was a date of sorts
He wasn’t complaining. Your time spent in the kitchen was scenes straight of a romcom (no matter how cheesy it sounds); his arms wrapped around your waist and dotting icing on your pretty nose
May or may not have licked some icing off of you at one point, will definitely do it again
Solomon is a very confident man, borderline arrogant (Oh who am I kidding he IS arrogant). So yes, while people may see you as an easy target, he’s here to remind them that you’re not. And that if they want to try, chances are they won’t be walking away in one piece
He’s powerful, too powerful in fact. He may not be the strongest physically, but if even the entire student council recognizes his knowledge and what he’s capable of, no one should be dumb enough to test him (keyword: try)
But he wouldn’t mind showing off if it’s for you
You’re one of the only beings to ever peak Solomon’s interest genuinely. Yes, he loved to tease and bug you whenever he pleased, but you also made him want to come around you more and more. He was drawn to you, and that doesn’t happen a lot with him (at least without ulterior motives)
*coughcough* making pacts *coughcough*
You were the only thing that made Solomon feel weak, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Don’t get him wrong, he’s still The Greatest Sorcerer, but he couldn’t help but feel himself get weak in the knees when you gazed at him with so much sincerity. He loves it and loves you
Once your back in the human world, he’s going to be so selfish with you. I mean, he already kinda was now, but this time there won’t be any interruptions or distractions around to take your attention
Us humans have to stick together, and what better way to stick together than to be together, wouldn’t you say MC?
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thesquidkid · 2 years
feels like we're going home
A sort of but not really coda to 4x01. I have written many fics about the meaning of home, and I will write many more 😂
Welcome to another introspection on Michael and home (except this time it's canon, they are living together!)
There are mentions of canon child abuse in this fic, so please beware. Also this was written in a single sitting, at midnight, so uhm, please ignore any typos? I am just so excited to get them back ❤️ (Read it on A03)
Michael stared at the piece of paper in front of him, gripping the pen tight. He rubbed his left hand on his jeans, trying to dry off the sweat, with no success. His stomach felt twisted in a knot, his chest tight. His right leg was bouncing up and down rapidly. 
He was nervous. Scared. All because of a simple word. 
He knew what to write. Had memorised Alex’s address before they even got back together. When Alex had gone missing. He tried not to think of those days, where he didn’t know if he’d ever get to see Alex again. But seeing the word ‘Home’ written in front of him, he couldn’t help but think about everything that word meant. Every bad memory it carried. 
For the past decade, whenever he had to specify his home address, Michael would put down Sanders Auto. It was the place he was most likely to be found, unless he was working on Foster’s ranch. But even then, it was simply an address, a place to lay low, to rest. It was the closest Michael had known of a home, and yet. 
The keys in his jeans pocket felt heavier than usual, the metaphor they represented clearer than ever. He placed his hand over them, feeling the shape of the little alien keyring. And despite himself, he smiled, for a short moment, before the nerves got the better of him. He took a deep breath, and focused his attention back on the paper in front of him. 
All he had to do was write down an address. Why was it so hard? He exhaled sharply and shook his head, before placing the pen on the table and leaning back on his chair, looking at the ceiling. 
All he had to do was not be a coward. He knew, logically, that Alex would always let Michael come home, even if they had a fight, even if Michael himself didn’t think he deserved it. Because Alex had always been the best part of him. 
All he had to do was grab that pen, write down Alex’s address – his address – and it would be over. Except Michael couldn’t help but think about all the other times he had written down a home address, especially those he hadn’t built himself. 
Every foster home he’d been in, he’d broken something. Had gotten something stolen. Had been forced to move out within a night. Had gotten kicked out. Every time someone who was supposed to love him, to protect him, failed. 
What did that word mean, exactly? Home, for the longest time, had been something he’d dreamt of, looking at the stars in the sky. It had been his escape, when things got bad. He’d dream of his family, of home. But back then, home was an idea, a planet far far away that he’d probably never see again. 
He looked around him, and even if he wasn’t home – in the physical sense, the house he currently lived in – he felt home. He was sitting at a table in the corner of the Wild Pony, during closing time. Maria was somewhere in the back, doing inventory, and she had let him stay, while he pondered about this particular piece of paper. 
He wasn’t at the bar as often as he once had been. He still went there at least once a week, but it was mostly for various repairs, or to hang out with his friends. He couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten drunk – and not in the way he used to. 
But this bar wasn’t home. Sure, he had passed out there a few times, had hooked up many times in the bathrooms or in the back rooms, but that doesn’t make a place a home. 
It’s the people. The people who Michael considered family. His siblings – with whom he was closer than ever. His boyfriend, with whom he was entering this new chapter of his life. And all his friends, the ones he talked to, about deep existential stuff. The ones who knew the darkest secrets of his life, and who didn’t think less of him for them. 
Maybe, all along, he had been looking in the wrong places. Instead of looking up to the sky, he should’ve listened to Max, that home was in Roswell after all. 
However, that wouldn’t be fair to his past self. To the kid who wanted nothing more than to have his mother hold him. To the adult who only caught a glimpse of who she was, before losing her forever. To the kid who had given up on family, on love, on home. To the adult who was finally letting his walls down, building his own home. 
He was interrupted in his thoughts by a bottle of beer being slammed on the table, followed by a gruff as Sanders sat on the chair in front of him. 
Michael raised his eyebrow at him. “Anything I can do for you old man?” Even though his voice carried a hint of sarcasm, they both knew that Michael would probably drop everything to help him.
Which was probably the sad reality of it all. Home wasn’t based on how useful you were. It wasn’t something you had to earn. Michael was trying to understand that. But some things were hard to unlearn, especially when they had been literally beaten into you. 
“Maybe you can stop staring at this piece of paper, and get back to your job? The one I pay you for?”
Michael snickered. “Sorry, you pay me?” He chuckled at the dark look Sanders tried to give him. 
“Look,” he continued, “I need to fill in the taxes form. I’ll get back to the junkyard afterwards.” 
“Aww look at him”, Sanders laughed, “paying taxes and all. What a growth.” 
“Fuck off,” Michael blushed, ducking his head. Living with Alex meant that he wanted to do things right. Wanted to be a responsible adult and all the shit that came with. And that included taxes. 
“You didn’t drive all the way just to get me to work did you?” Michael tried to hide the concern in his voice, but he didn’t quite succeed. It was no secret that Sanders was old and half blind, and that Michael thought he shouldn’t be driving. But as always, Sanders only did as he pleased. 
“Nah,” he drank a sip of his beer, turning his head to the bar counter, where Maria was drying glasses, her phone stuck between her shoulder and her ear, turned away from them. 
“Your lovely bartender asked me to check on you.” 
Michael huffed. “Well, you have now. I’m fine. Go back to the junkyard.” He was already all over the place with the damn piece of paper, he didn’t need people worrying over him. 
But then, he remembered what he and Alex were trying to do this time round. Trusting each other, communicating, talking when things weren’t good. He took a deep breath, about to apologise to Sanders, who beat him to it. 
“Kid.” The old man simply said, in that tone he used to get Michael out of his own head. 
That word was like magic. All Sanders had to do was say it, and lean back. And Michael would start talking. Ever since Michael found out about his mother, and who she had been to Walt, a bond had formed between the two. 
“I’m gonna screw it up.” He didn’t have to say what exactly he would screw up, Sanders had connected the dots. 
“Yeah, you are.”
Michael looked up surprised, expecting a different kind of speech. One that didn’t confirm his doubts. 
“What did you expect? That I tell you you’re gonna live a happy life with no mistakes? We both know that ain’t true,” Sanders continued. Michael nodded, he did indeed know that. 
“So, you’re gonna mess up. And that boy of yours is also gonna mess up.” 
Michael snorted, as if Alex could ever mess up. 
Then, it dawned on him. Alex probably didn’t think Michael would ever mess up terribly, just like he did about Alex. And that was the thing about them, wasn’t it? They doubted themselves, but never the other. Nothing was stronger than the love they had for one other, and the faith they put in each other. 
That made Michael smile, and some of the weight on his chest went away. 
Sanders continued, seemingly unaware of the realisation that Michael had come to. “What matters is that you two have each other. That no matter how badly you fuck up, you try again, and you try harder. You do better each time, and eventually you’ll get it right.” 
Michael nodded. He was willing to try, to build this home with Alex. Because it was all worth it. Because Alex was worth everything. 
“‘Sides, you gotta stop thinking so badly of yourself kid. You are worth what Alex is giving you. You do deserve a home. No matter what you keep telling yourself. You ain’t bad.” 
And with that Sanders stood up, leaving Michael with a nod. 
He was trying to do better. Not just by Alex, but by everyone he was close to. He was drinking a lot less, he wasn’t getting into stupid, pointless bar fights. He took care of himself, and of the people he cared about. 
He took a deep breath, and grabbed the pen, writing down what he had always dreamt of writing. Home address. Not just the place he lived in, but the place he belonged in. 
As he filled in the rest of the form, his eyes lingered on the box for spouses. He spinned the pen in his fingers, a soft smile drawing itself on his face.
One day, he thought happily. One day, that box would be filled. 
He finished the glass in front of him, folded the form and placed it in his pocket, and went to say goodbye to Maria. Then, he got into his truck, and drove towards the town hall, dropping off the form for his taxes. That registered him as living with Alex. That registered his home. 
He drove back home, and used his keys to open the door. Alex wasn’t home yet, but that didn’t matter. Because he would be, eventually. He will always come home to Michael. They both will. 
While he waited for Alex to get back, Michael started on dinner – some leftover vegetables and chicken that he mixed into a pie. Then, as it was still too early to put the oven on, he went into the bathroom and started a batch of laundry. 
And that’s how Alex found him, when he came home from Deep Sky, hanging his shirts and underwear on a string, to dry in the sun. 
At first, Alex didn’t see Michael anywhere. But his key was on the living room table, which meant he was here somewhere. Ever since that first fight they had, when Michael moved in, he didn’t go anywhere without his keys. It was a metaphor. When the keys were home, so was he. 
Alex didn’t have to look for long, it was like he always knew where Michael was. Like a compass, pointing at its north. Michael was Alex’s magnetic pole. They attract each other, in ways that cannot be put simply into words. In ways that they themselves did not always understand. 
“You’re home.” Michael said, with a smile bright enough to light up a room, or simply light up Alex’s world. 
Alex would never get tired of hearing that word, especially not coming from Michael. He had dreamt of home since he was a child, building his ideal version of Roswell with his mom. Now, he gets to build the real thing. With Michael. 
He walked over to Michael, and wrapped his arms around his waist, placing his face in the crook of his neck. 
“I love coming home to you.” 
“Me too,” Michael whispered back. 
Home: the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. 
Later in the week, Michael found a dictionary in Alex’s bookshelf– which was now his. He opened it to the letter H, and stared at the definition he found for home. 
Something didn’t feel right. He sat on the couch, reading it over and over, not quite putting his finger on it. Until his phone buzzed in his pocket, revealing a message from Alex. 
“I’ll be home in thirty. Love you.”
With a smile, he went to grab a pen from the kitchen, and sat back on the couch. He scribbled over the definition, before placing the book on the living room table for Alex to see when he got home. 
Home: what Alex and Michael are building together. 
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emmyhem · 4 years
it’s about time (l.r.h)
a/n: hi again! first of all i want to say thank you for the support on “seven things” it means the world. secondly, my requests are open and i’d be happy to write something for you. this is a jealous bff!luke imagine i wanted to get up this weekend, i didn’t do a very thorough edit before posting so hopefully there aren’t any typos. i am working on the request for a lashton x reader love triangle piece right now and will hopefully have it up by monday or tuesday. thank you, i hope you enjoy - emmy :) 
pairing: luke hemmings x reader 
summary: being best friends with the guy you’re in love with is extremely taxing especially when you have to watch him be with another girl all night. just when you’ve finally had enough of waiting around for him he ruins your plans for moving on. 
warnings: alcohol, using alcohol as a coping mechanism, slight angst, jealous luke, mentions of throwing up, cursing, luke’s a bit of an asshole. 
word count: 3.3k
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“God, could they get a room?” you scoffed leaning into Calum as you watched your best friend practically eat his date’s face from across the club. 
“Jealous are we y/n?” Calum laughed slinging an arm over your shoulder. 
“No, just utterly disgusted.” you said before slamming back your fourth shot of tequila.
 That was a lie, you were jealous. You were so insanely jealous that you could scream. 
Luke had met his date, Hannah at the studio last week. She was new, working at the front desk. She had caught Luke’s eye the second she walked in the room with a bright confident smile, and a flirty look in her eye. Luke had asked her out the next day and was practically giddy when she accepted. 
And that’s how they ended up in the corner of the club, Luke’s hands tangled in her hair, and her tongue down his throat. All the while you were trying to not look bitter, and distracting yourself with one too many drinks. 
It wasn’t a new routine. You couldn’t count how many times you’ve had to sit back and watch a girl way prettier than you, be in the exact position that you would quite literally die to be in, with your best friend of 4 years. And somehow it seemed to hurt more each time, which meant more drinks for you. 
As you felt the familiar and comforting burn of your fifth shot of the night slide down your throat Calum shot you a knowing look. 
“Maybe you should slow down there, kid.” 
You rolled your eyes and took his Corona from his hands using it as a chaser. 
“Corona girl?” you heard from behind you. When you turn, your eyes meet a pretty pair of green ones (you still preferred Luke’s blue, but what the hell). 
“Tequila girl.” you clarified. 
“Respect.” the man said, extending a strong tattooed hand. “I’m Austin.” 
“Y/n” you said, shaking his hand. You glanced over your shoulder at Calum who was now engaged in a conversation with Mikey and Ashton beside you. 
“Pretty name, pretty girl.” he smirked. “So, can I get you a tequila?” 
You giggled, happy for a distraction from Luke.
“You can get me a margarita, on the rocks.” 
The two of you chatted as you sipped on your drink, mind getting hazier with each sip. And you don’t know if it was the alcohol or your determination to get Luke off your mind but Austin was really, really hot. 
“Do you wanna dance with me?” you asked before you had a chance to convince yourself otherwise. You were never really a dance in public kind of girl, normally the closest you got to showing your moves on the dancefloor was Just Dance in Luke’s living room. 
“Absolutely.” Austin replied, sliding an arm around your waist to lead you to the dancefloor. 
The bass beat shook the floor as the two of you made your way to the middle of the club. As you stopped you realized you had absolutely no idea what to do. You never did stuff like this. You can’t even remember the last time you went on a date, let alone danced to sleazy house music with a stunning stranger. You glanced around you hoping to follow the lead of the more experienced dancers around you.
 A redhead to your right swung her hips, inching closer to her partner's body with each movement until she was pressed directly to his chest. 
“Seems like a good place to start” you mumbled to yourself. 
The second your hips were in movement Austin’s hands gripped them strongly guiding your movements closer and closer to him. As the beat built and your movements slowed to a teasingly slow pace his grip tightened causing your tight white dress to bunch up on your thighs. 
With the alcohol in your bloodstream and Austin’s breath on the back of your neck you nearly forgot about Luke and your perpetual sadness, that is until you locked eyes with him from across the room. 
Hannah was tucked under his arm sipping on her drink, but his gaze was locked on you, he had an unrecognizable look on his face, and a jaw clenched so hard you feared he would break his teeth. 
You took him staring as the perfect opportunity to spin around, inches away from Austin’s face looking up at him through your lashes. His pupils were blown a bit, eyes filled with lust. He was practically breathing into your mouth. You will yourself to just kiss him. It’s not like you were Luke’s girl you thought, so you started to lean in. 
As Austin placed his hand on the back of your neck you felt someone grab your arm tugging you out of Austin’s grip. 
“Y/n”  Luke appeared next to you.
“Is there a problem man?” Austin said grabbing one of your hands. 
Luke rolled his eyes with a sly grin on his face, “Cal wants to talk to you.” he said to you not breaking eye contact with the pissed off guy in front of you. 
“I’m a bit busy.” you said annoyance brewing in you as you ripped your arm out of Luke’s hand. “Can it wait?” 
“Nope, said it was important.” he said nonchalantly “Better go find him.” 
You internally groaned, “I’ll be right back.” you said leaning in to peck Austin’s cheek. 
“Y/n, C’mon!” Luke shouted over the music. 
“Fine!” you groaned leaving Luke and Austin behind you as you scanned the bar for Calum. 
After searching for a few minutes you saw him in a booth with Ashton, and Michael talking and laughing. 
“Calum,” you called. He glanced up at you waving a hand above his hand. You slid into the booth next to him, your patience growing thin. 
“What is it?” you said. 
“What?” he said, confusion spreading across his face. 
“Luke said you needed to talk to me, what’s up?” 
Calum’s eyebrows tugged together glancing at the other guys. 
“I haven’t talked to Luke since we got here.” 
You rolled your eyes and turned to the corner across the room where Luke had Hannah pressed up against the wall. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you said out loud, rubbing your temple in frustration. 
Ashton gave you a sympathetic smile and glanced at Michael who was practically sleeping on Cal’s shoulder. 
“Maybe we should head out.” he said motioning to the drunk mess that was the three of you. 
“No” Calum whined, dragging out the oh sound. “y/n was about to get some.” he teased poking your side. 
“Just take him home, y/n/n.” Michael groaned, not even opening his eyes. 
You pondered the idea, you never did stuff like this. But Austin was hot, and Luke was preoccupied. To say the least.
“I could take him home.” you say aloud trying to convince yourself. 
“Then do it.” Calum challenged. 
“I will.” you stated proudly. “You guys get Luke. Ash, you get the uber, and Austin and I will meet you at the door. “ you gave a quick nod to the boys and went to get Austin. 
Austin stood exactly where you left him on the dance floor. 
“Thank god you’re back. I-“ 
Before he had a chance to finish, you crashed your lips onto his. He quickly fell into the kiss moving his hand to the small of you back. Before it went any further you pulled apart about an inch, and spoke into his mouth, 
“Come back to my apartment?” 
“Absolutely.” he said an excited smile growing on his face.
When the two of you made it to where your group was struggling to stand by the door Luke pulled apart from Hannah, looking Austin up and down. His eyes stopping where your hands were interlocked. 
“Love, a word?” he slurred, nodding his head away from the group. 
You walked with him just outside the door. 
“What’s up?” 
“What are you doing?” he asked. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean with this guy, what are you doing with him?” 
“Um, taking him home with me?” you said confused. 
“You can’t do that.” 
“Who says?” anger began building as you looked up at him. 
“Uh, me I guess. You know nothing about him.” 
This caused you to scoff, a laugh passing your lips, “And you do a background check on every girl you take home with you?” 
“That’s different,” he alleged. 
“And how’s that?” your patience was growing thin, and you could feel this conversation sobering you up. 
“I don’t know y/n, you're just not one night stand material.” 
Okay, ouch. Tears began to prick at your waterline. 
“Go to hell.” you breathed, pushing past him. 
“No, y/n/n. You know that’s not what I meant. C’mon love, hey I’m sorry.” he called after you. 
As you approached the group, holding back tears, you took a glance at Austin in front of you and realized that no matter how hot he was you really didn’t even want this. How could you when you were head over heels in love with your asshole of a best friend.
 But it was too late now, you would do it. Even if it was wrong. Even if you didn’t want to. Even if it was just to spite Luke. 
“Ready to head out?” you questioned aloud, swallowing your hurt. 
“Yep, uber just got here.” Ashton confirmed, guiding a hammered Calum and Michael out the door. 
You all climbed into the Uber X Ashton had ordered, Luke, Hannah, and Calum in the back, Ashton in the passenger seat, and Michael, Austin, and you in the middle. 
As you pulled away from the club, Ashton spoke over the light music coming from the car radio and gave the driver Luke’s address. The group had made plans to all spend the night at Luke’s, like you typically did after a night out. 
“We have one more stop actually” you choked out, feeling Austin lean into you, lips attaching to your neck. 
You gave the man your address and turned your attention back to the sexually charged man glued to your side. As he moved his kisses up to your jaw you closed your eyes, in order to prevent yourself from breaking down. The constant reminder that Luke had no interest in you, being thrown in your face as Hannah released soft sighs behind you. 
Ashton glanced back at you from the front seat, 
“You feeling okay, kid?” he asked. 
You nodded gulping, and looked up at the ceiling to deter your threatening tears. 
His eyes narrowed in concern as he adjusted his body in his seat so he was looking you in the eyes. Luke turned his attention away from Hannah (much to her despair) to the front of the car as Ashton spoke.
“Y/n, you sure? Maybe you and your friend should continue this another night.” Ashton suggested, noticing how you had tensed up and your expression had faltered since entering the car.
 Austin pulled off of you and shot him a frustrated glare from his seat. Ashton raised his eyebrows in response, silently challenging Austin to confront him. 
Austin moved in centimeters from your ear, “Your friends are kind of cockblocks.” he complained. 
You tilted your head away from him and looked out the window Michael was sitting next to.
“Maybe they’re right.” you muttered. “Maybe you should just go home, and we can do this some other time. I’m not feeling well.” 
You kept your gaze directed outside of the car, too afraid to see his reaction to your sudden rejection. 
“Your kidding right?” he scoffed. 
You were becoming more anxious by the second as he rambled on about how you must be joking. 
“I’m not laughing.” Luke interrupted flatly.  
“Okay, what’s your deal man?” Austin’s demeanor had quickly changed as he turned to face Luke, aggression clear in his face. 
Luke held his hands in the air before resting them on the back of your seat. “No deal, she’s just clearly not interested, so maybe you could give her some space.” 
Calum and Michael perked up in their seats as the mood in the car shifted. In the front Ashton was talking to the driver, explaining how you would be getting dropped off with the rest of them. 
Austin was in a confrontational mood now, one that made you uneasy. He and Luke continued to bicker back and forth. Hannah sat confused and aggravated next to Luke.
 You were seconds away from crumbling, feeling extremely upset and overwhelmed. Michael placed a hand on your shoulder, hoping to ease some of your distress as you pulled into Luke’s driveway. 
Everyone got out of the car, leaving Austin stirring in his own anger. Ashton patted the top of the car twice before it drove away.
“Well, y/n you sure know how to pick em’” Luke commented. 
Calum shot him a disapproving look as you shoved past, running inside. 
You had officially reached your breaking point. You couldn’t have Luke but you were in too deep to be with anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Luke seemed to be taking pleasure in your misfortune for the night. 
You went straight for the bathroom. All the alcohol and confrontation hadn’t been kind to your stomach. 
You hunched over the toilet and began throwing up before you even got the chance to close the door all the way. Your eyes were red and stinging from your tears and your throat was stripped raw. Hugging your knees to your chest you sat with your back against the sink. 
Three soft knocks came from the cracked door and you peered up through cloudy eyes to see Ashton looking at you with pity clear on his face. 
“Can I come in?” 
You nodded into your knees, staring down at the familiar tiles of Luke’s bathroom. 
You couldn’t count how many times you had been in this exact spot. Whether it be dealing with the consequences of your unhealthy coping mechanism after a night out like you were now. Early mornings after sleeping over, sitting in the steam while Luke showered because he just couldn’t wait to tell you a story, or late nights he would convince you to paint his nails. All of it was replaying in your head. 
“Why can’t he just love me the way I love him?” you whimpered as a sob broke from your throat. 
Ashton was quick to wrap his arms around you, taking a seat on the floor. 
“It’s okay, y/n.” he shushed. “You’re okay. 
“I love him, Ash” your voice muffled from being pressed to his shoulder. 
“I know.” he comforted you, rocking your frame lightly. You sat in silence for a bit, trying to control your breathing. 
By the time you left the bathroom Calum and Michael were asleep on the couch and Luke and Hannah had gone to Luke’s room. Ashton laid on the couch with the other guys and you made your way to the guest room, falling asleep the second your head hit the pillow.   
You woke up early with a throbbing headache and an insatiable craving for iced coffee. There was no doubt in your mind that you were first one awake, the guys wouldn’t be up for hours. You tiptoed through the living room past a sleeping Michael, Calum, and Ashton being careful not to wake them. As you turned the corner to leave you heard a voice from the kitchen, 
“Morning,” Luke called, his gravelly voice making it very clear he had just woken up. He was leaning on the cabinet in a pair of sweats, a cup of coffee in hand. 
“Oh, you’re up.” you responded still moving towards the door. 
“Going somewhere?” he questioned walking towards you. 
“Yea I gotta go, I have uh…” your mind was drawing a blank. “ya know,  laundry.” 
“Wait,” he sprung forward in two big steps grabbing your shoulder. “as urgent as that sounds, I wanna talk.”
“‘bout what?” 
“I feel like I should apologize for last night.” 
“It’s okay, we can talk about it later. I really gotta get going.” 
“Y/n! Will you let me say sorry, please?” he pleaded 
“You have.” you replied nodding at him before turning away once again. 
“Fine, then can I ask why you tried to take someone home last night. You never do that.” 
“No reason.” you lied, opening the front door. 
“Really? Cause Cal said something last night about you being jealous or something and then I went to check on you and I overheard-” 
“I gotta go.” you panicked, taking a step outside. 
Right before the door swung closed and you made your escape Luke stopped it with his hand and spoke, 
“Are you in love with me?” 
You froze where you stood, squeezing your eyes shut completely mortified. 
Slowly, you spun back around to face Luke. He stepped out of the door frame allowing you reentrance and led you to the kitchen. Once you had both sat down he spoke again, 
“So is it true? What you told Ashton last night, is it true?” 
You placed your hands over your eyes and shook your head.
“Does it matter?” you responded. 
“Of course it matters, what do you mean?” 
“I mean you have Hannah and it doesn’t matter how I fe-” 
“Hannah’s gone.” he interrupted. 
“It wasn’t gonna work out with us. I ended things last night.” 
“Why would you end things with-” you paused, eyes narrowing.
Luke looked down, suddenly not wanting to meet your eyes. 
“Do you...you love me?” 
At this Luke shot up from his seat and started pacing around the kitchen.
“Well, of course I do. But I asked you first, and you can’t just..” he rambled on but you stopped listening after “of course I do” 
“Lu,” you said, standing up
He continued talking, not even hearing you over his own nervous talking and fidgeting. 
“Lu.” you called a bit louder. 
He turned to you, stopping mid sentence his mouth still hanging open. 
“I am.” 
“You…” he spoke slowly, eyes frozen on you.
“I am in love with you.” 
Both of you were frozen in place, terrified that if you moved you may wake up and discover this was all just a dream. You stayed like that for about a minute till you broke the silence. 
“I have been, for a couple years now. And I never told you, cause I always thought that-” you were cut off by Luke’s lips. 
He had one hand on the back of your neck and the other pulling you closer by the waist. You melted into the kiss pressing a hand to his chest. It may sound cliche but you swore you were seeing fireworks as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip.  
“I love you.” he sighed as you pulled apart. “I am so in love with you, fuck I can’t believe-” Before he had a chance to ramble again you pulled him back in for another kiss. 
After a few minutes you broke away to catch your breath. Luke moved his hands to cup both your cheeks, 
“Hi.” he cooed. 
“Hi” you smiled. “I need coffee” you turned away walking towards the kitchen.
“Hey no wait” he whined pulling you back by the waist. “m’not done kissing you.”
“We have plenty of time for that, but I need coffee now.” you teased pressing a swift kiss to his lips. 
“Mmm, I know but we’ve got a lot of catching up to do” he said chasing behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as you walked to the coffee machine. 
As you fixed yourself a coffee, Luke's chin resting on the top of your head, you heard shuffling from the living room. When you looked up Michael was walking in with messy hair and eyes puffy from sleep. He glanced at you in Luke’s arms, his expression unchanging and mumbled while pulling orange juice from the fridge, 
“It’s about time.” 
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So if you want
Polylostboys x reader x star (micheal too if you want)
Loose morals
And you be you
That's it that's my ask
OOOOOH we love a poly!lost boys + Star & Michael/reader ask!! This is gonna be a fem!reader as we discussed, and since I was basically given free-reign here, here's an idea that's been in my head since Oh, Loverboy!!
First Time For Everything (Poly!Lost Boys + Star & Michael/Fem!Reader)***
Warnings: 18+, smut, hand-jobs, fingering, blow-jobs, vaginal sex, reader is afab, sexual experimentation for Michael, initiation for Michael, switch Michael, Paul/Reader/Dwayne, Marko/Star, David/Michael, blood mention/description, consensual blood drinking, slight ooc for Star, implied same universe as my fic oh loverboy,
Word Count: 1756
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It wasn't an unusual occurrence for you to hang out in the cave. It was where most of your partners lived, and where you practically lived, so you ended up being there more often than not. You even had a bed, which you were currently sprawled out on.
It wasn't unusual for one of the boys to be between your legs, kissing down your neck while another held your face and stole your lips. When you felt Pauls hands reach for the waistband of your bottoms, you lifted your hips to help shimmy them off. And when you felt his fingers rub you through your panties, his hips tilting forward as if searching for the wetness he felt, you let out a shuddering moan against Dwaynes lips and fisted the sleeves of his jacket.
You could feel his lips turn upwards into a smile, the hand on your jaw giving it a gentle squeeze in response. Paul wasn't nearly as patient as Dwayne was, and it didn't take long for his fingers to run through your folds, pushing two in to the first knuckle before your mind had time to catch up.
It wasn't unusual for Star to be sitting on one of the boys' laps, a thigh between her legs and hands holding her hips down as he grinded his thigh up. She was holding onto the long strands of Markos golden blonde hair, moaning into his mouth as he ground her down onto the leather of his chaps.
His grip was hard and firm, moving her hips as the heat between her thighs grew and grew. Her hands moved, from his neck to his chest to the roughness of his jacket. Almost as if she was searching for the friction she needed.
When they finally landed on his belt, Marko nipped at her bottom lip. Nearly hard enough to draw blood. His eyes were heavy and hooded, and he bit his own lip before lifting his hips for her to continue. Her fingers were long and nimble, and they worked the belt of his chaps open with ease before she set for the button of his jeans.
The only out of the ordinary occurrence was Michael, who had the hair at the back of his neck fisted and made a noise just a tad too close to a whine when David yanked it. Though, you supposed, there was a first time for everything.
David was holding him tight, in danger of crushing Michaels half-vampire bones under his hands in a fight for dominance that Michael was quickly proving to be losing. But Michael still tried, and it only egged David on more. He wanted him to listen to him like the rest, let him lead. Maybe Michaels defiance wasn't even intentional.
Michael just knew that he liked to go slow, liked to be thorough, and that his attempts to touch and pet at the platinum haired blonde only earned him a tug that sent blood south. He tried to smooth a hand down his neck, run a hand down his chest. It only earned him a tug at the back of his head, and for David's other gloved hand to cup the side of his throat. For David to press closer, harder, so much so that he was nearly on top of him. And Michael couldn't find it in him to mind. Even if his grip was starting to hurt.
Dwayne had done Paul the favor of unzipping his white football pants and reaching inside them. He stroked him slowly, even if Paul jerked his hips up into the circle of his hand. It was a mess of hands, and Paul had to push himself up, lean on his other arm, to give Dwayne space to reach between the pair of you.
Paul mouthed at your lips sloppily, his focus elsewhere as Dwayne coaxed him to follow his rhythm. It was slow and steady, the twist and curl of his fingers inside of you. It left you breathless, and you could hear Paul's breath hitch when Dwayne commented,
"You're doing so good, Paul." And you were surprised the blonde hadn't melted right then and there.
Star stroked him, having licked and spit into her hand to slick her motions. Marko had let his head roll back for a second, the back of his head touching the couch as he focused on the feeling. But he was quick to regain himself, and pulled his head up to draw her back into a hurried kiss.
He yanked up her skirt, reaching to pull her undergarments down and give her the same treatment. She moaned into his mouth, letting the boy push her back to stand so he could tear her undergarments down her legs before pulling her back into his lap to straddle his hips.
When Star sunk onto the blonde, he held her. She'd moved so her thighs hugged his hips, one arm around his shoulder while the other positioned him inside her. He had an arm around her waist and a hand reaching up to the back of her shoulder, holding her close and steady as she adjusted to the size of him. When he finally began to move, she'd let out a soft sound, a gasp that was stolen by the air, before Marko sealed his lips over hers.
David had pushed Michaels shirt up his chest as he leaned him back on the bed. He'd, for a quick moment, had ghosted over the muscle of his abdomen, before holding his side and smoothing his hand down to his hip. David gave his hip a squeeze, grinding his thigh down and feeling Michael stifle a moan against his lips. It made a smile creep up his face as he kissed the brunette, and David wondered just how long he should tease him.
He rolled the thought over in his mind, even as his hand moved from his hip to palm him through his jeans. They'd already fallen behind the others. David could hear Stars breathy gasps, the moans that Paul didn't bother to try to keep quiet, and your own quieter ones. He heard a tear, and he wondered which one of you had just gotten some of your clothes torn off.
But David was brought back to the present when Michael reached for him. When he drew him close to roll his hips up into his hand. David squeezed him through his jeans, and relished in the sound that Michael made. His grin only grew, and David pulled away to see the growing flush on Michaels face. The dazed look in his eye.
David watched as Michaels eyes moved from him, flicked over at the sound of a cry. David looked as well, greeted by the sight of Paul slipping inside you. One of your legs was pulled up around his waist, the other held back by Dwaynes helping hand. The brunette was adjusting, moving. The pair watched as he pulled himself up, sat back on his knees, and went to undo the zipper of his jeans. But David's attention was caught by something else.
The smell of blood.
It had followed a quiet "yes", and David would've almost missed it completely if the smell hadn't hit him. David's eyes flicked to find the source, and he was rewarded by the sight of Star digging into Marko neck. Her shirt had been ripped off and discarded, as he could tell by the exposed expanse of her back, and she was trembling in Markos arms as she drank through his thrusts. She was holding the back of his head, her fingers carding through his hair and cupping the back of his neck. David watched as Marko ran a hand over her own thick, curly hair, and how it only took a single tug for her to dislodge. He kissed her, blood smearing from her mouth to his.
David saw that the sight, and the smell, had caught Michaels attention as well. His eyes were watching the sight, a hint of yellow peaking behind them as David was sure his own thirst was begging to be satiated. David peeled open his jeans, digging a hand inside to wrap around Michaels hardness. He was hot and heavy in his hand, and the brunette dragged his attention back to the platinum blonde. Even if David could see the beginning of his vampire face starting to slip. Michael rolled his hips up into David's hand, asking for more and David leaned down to press a kiss to Michaels mouth.
It seemed to catch everyone's attention. Like the first domino in a line, it set off the others. The clap of Paul's hips against yours got faster and faster, the wet sound of Dwaynes dick down your throat almost being muffled by it. David could hear another gasp, albeit muffled, and he recognized the sound of your voice. When the smell of blood filled the air again, David thought that they were almost being cruel to the brunette.
He pulled away to glance over, to put a picture to the sound, and he wasn't surprised to see Paul biting just above your breast. When another wave hit the air, David saw Markos vampiric features peek over Stars shoulder. He nearly wanted to sigh, to shake his head and laugh. Like the bridge and the campfire, this was another initiation for Michael to pass. To see if he would fit inside the world they'd created. And it seemed that the others didn't plan on leaving any part of that life out.
Michael was closing his eyes, and it was difficult to tell what urge he was fighting. The urge to cum or the urge to drink. David pulled himself up, moving to sit on his knees instead of laying besides the other. He pulled his glove off with his teeth, and he tossed it away.
"Michael," He started, trying to draw the brunettes eyes to open. He continued when they did. He held his wrist out to him, hoping that the brunette would be smart enough to piece together what he was offering by himself. It seemed he was, and it barely took a second before Michael was pulling him closer by it and digging his fangs into the flesh of his wrist. He let out a small hiss at the pain, but it barely lasted a second. "There you go, Michael." David praised, and, silently, David knew that, no matter how else the night went, Michael had passed.
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tarosin · 3 years
did i do that p2
paring implied past platonic tommy/tubbo/ranboo x reader
tw: cursing, de realisation, mentions of suicide/death/paranoia
TW: de realisation, mentions of suicide/death/paranoia
Dear quackity,
if you’re reading this, it’s too late. you’ve probably noticed me and dream are nowhere to be found, you may ask yourself why did sam let the pair out well the answer to that is simple. he didn’t i’m sure you can find what remains of him somewhere around the prison. you really have yourself to blame, now before you start to get defensive and say ‘i didn’t do anything this is bullshit everyone’s trying to attack me’ let me tell you why. before you decided to give us weekly visits just to abuse us mentally and physically, we couldn’t stand each other. I’d go as far as to say I despised dream, but you helped unite us against a common enemy..you. now we’re unstoppable. I'll spare you the details of what happened to your precious warden. see you soon - Y/n + dream :)
“do you think he’ll be convinced we killed sam?”
“dream i’m in here for the murder of a child, of course he’s going to believe it.”
of course the pair of you didn’t actually kill sam, dream simply manipulated ranboo whilst he was enderwalking into bringing supplies you’d need. you have no idea how he managed, but at this point you didn’t care. you know damn well you shouldn’t be in this prison as you didn’t kill michael. you knew this because the ghost, at least you hope it’s his ghost and that your mind wasn’t messing with you, would stand in the corner of the cell telling you that it wasn’t you who murdered him that night. It was a range of factors: the skeletons, fear, pure exhaustion of trying to run from the mobs after him. you often found yourself ranting to dream about what you had been seeing every night for the past god knows how many months at this point, but alas it was no use. he swore he hadn’t seen anyone but you, occasionally sam, and quackity, definitely not the ghost of michael. It was now midnight according to the clock hanging on the wall. the plan was pretty simple, you would scream that dream had disappeared, causing sam to run into the cell, from then you’d use the rope ranboo gave dream to make temporary handcuffs, and whilst you all make your way to the locker room, where you’d temporarily keep sam assuming quackity would find him sooner or later, then that was it you’d finally be free.
“ready?” you nodded and dream hid in the corner, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched, but nevertheless you began screaming that dream disappeared, laughing to yourself as you heard the platform moving towards the cell.
“y/n calm down what do you mean- dream get off of me i don’t want to have to kill you but i will!”
dream rolled his eyes as you tied sams hands together.
“shut the fuck up sam, do you understand how pathetic you sound? you’re outnumbered you’re not going to do anything. if you know what’s good for you and your beloved quackity, you’ll tell us which pocket has your key cards in, okay?” this seemed to trigger something in sam as within 10 minutes you and dream had him in the locker room.
“bye sam, i’m sure your boyfriend will come and collect you soon enough, we left him a letter in the cell and a note from you where you always sit saying to just go on through, don’t miss us too much!”
there you both stood, in-front of the now locked locker room, no home, no friends, no plan, but you were free, that's all that matters to you.
“dream, i have something to ask, okay? promise no matter whatever happens, whether you don’t see me for weeks or you over hear something, you won’t come looking for me.“
“stay safe y/n, a lot of people aren’t going to be happy you’re out. whatever you do, avoid quackity.”
and just like that you went your separate ways, where dream went, you have no idea, you’ll probably hear something soon enough. as for you, well you didn’t really have a plan, you weren't really sure you wanted to be alive at this point. there was a little voice that sounded a lot like tommys ringing in your head, telling you to go to the old base you and tommy made years ago, so that’s where you went. you were clinging onto the hope tommy would be there and let you explain what happened that night, you’d make up then just like old times you’d plait his hair, as the pair of you sat under moonlight listening to whichever disk tommy felt like playing that night. this of course wasn’t the case, instead you were met with previous memories of your friendship. a photo book lay in the middle of the floor as if someone knew you escaped and would go to this base, you shut the door locking it behind you for your own safety, remembering what ranboo said to you the day you were thrown in the prison. picking up the photo book you noticed something odd, the words ‘i know what you did’ and ‘i know where you are’ were scratched into the leather cover. you threw the book onto the floor scared as hell. after you calmed down, you picked the book up from the floor, which was now open on the page of a group photo of you tommy and michael, which ranboo had taken the day you both agreed to babysit him for a while. as you flicked through the book, the images got dark. It went from photos of you tubbo ranboo and tommy laughing at the beach to the night michael was killed. the last page made your blood run cold, there was two photos, one was of michaels funeral, and the second was a picture of you sat in the middle of the base holding the photo book. this was the final straw. You were no longer in control of your breathing, you began feeling like you were being preyed on by something who really wasn’t happy with you and wanted you gone, you picked up the book one last time and everything was gone. the book was back to normal no threatening messages no pictures of michaels death or of you looking through the book, the cover was back to its original state full of happy memories of when you were friends with everyone, back when you were happy.
“hello y/n.”the rooms temperature dropped suddenly you began feeling like you were being watched, you turned around to see michael sat on the floor holding a photo book a lot like the one that caused you to panic.
“hey y/n why are my parents acting like they can’t see me anymore? this isn’t funny anymore, i miss them. can you talk to them?”
“michael... this isn’t real. you’re not real. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”
everything went silent as if the world stopped turning for a few seconds, that’s when you heard the child laughing.
“what do you mean i’m not real? of course i am!”
“michael darling, you're dead remember, we spoke about this in prison. the skeletons shot you in the nether”
you continued talking to michael, not even realising ranboo had followed you to the base and was watching you talk to the wall.
“who are you talking to?”
you honestly didn’t know whether you felt relieved he was there with you or if you were pissed he found you, either way you ran to him pulling him into a hug despite him constantly telling you to let go of him.
“michael, he’s over there.”
“Is this some sick joke? There's no one there. he’s dead. you killed him!”
“ranboo please.. you, you don’t understand i didn’t kill him. please just let me explain what happened. he was surrounded by skeletons. they shot him please, you have to understand I loved that boy, I still do, I would never do something like that!”
“save it y/n, i don’t want to hear it now if you don’t mind i’m going to go tell sam that you have somehow escaped.”
you fell to your knees as ranboo walked away, you sat alone with the quiet comprehension of the ending of it all before realising if someone comes back you would be in big trouble, just before you was about to begin the long walk back to dream he showed up to the base you were currently crying in, not knowing tubbo and ranboo were not far behind him listening in to your conversation with dream.
“dream please i’m begging at this point. Please end my suffering. I can't do this anymore, no one’s listening to me. I CAN'T KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS! there’s a bow and arrow in that chest over there.”
“y/n, this isn’t a funny joke.”
“dream, do i look like i’m joking?”
“hey, what can you say? we were overdue.”
tubbo and ranboo couldn’t believe what they were hearing right now, their best friend was about to die and there was nothing they could do about it. as soon as they heard dream open the chest, they ran as fast as they could to go and get tommy.
dream left straight away, it was hard to feel regret when you’re used to bloodshed. tommy couldn’t believe what tubbo and ranboo said and was convinced they were messing with him.
“Oh, I'm sure they did. how’d they get out the prison? did they fly out?”
he stood laughing, tubbo stood staring in disbelief, ranboo stood wiping his eyes trying not to cry knowing it would scar if he did. tubbo shook his head and grabbed his husbands hand for comfort.
“you’re really joking at a time like this?”
“we should tell phil.”
the three of them made their way to phil, guilt following them as they went they couldn’t believe what just happened. after they told phil, they all made their way to the base. as soon as the three teenagers saw the trail of blood dream left behind, they completely broke down and began walking, holding onto each other in an attempt to convince themselves this didn’t happen, and that you would be there. phil went in and saw your lifeless body laying there, knowing the others wouldn’t be able to handle seeing you like this, he sent them away to go and get technoblade. A few days later they found themselves sitting with puffy explaining what happened and what you had told them. realisation slowly hit them that you did in fact not kill michael, they felt awful the three of them couldn’t sleep since the day you passed. after the funeral, they often found themselves at your house as it was the only place that they could sleep and feel as though you were still with them. everyday they would visit your grave, placing anything they found that reminds them of you, and would apologise for not believing you sooner. now you were gone and there was nothing they could do about it.
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Lost & Found (Yunho/Pirate au!/smut)
Ateez Masterlist                                                     Group Masterlist
Tag list: @wooyoungiesdaisy​ @brrrrpolar @224-12​ @pancakes-for-teddy​ @wannatinyus​ @amultislifeforme​
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Pirate!Yunho + fem!pirate! reader
Story Tags: Pirate au! Friends to lovers au! kidnapping, Aged up Ateez (slightly other members) cursing, fighting, explosions, directed by michael bay, smut, kinda angsty, mentions of a brothel, explicit language
Smut Tags: Fondling, male oral receiving, female oral receiving, fingering, slightly dom! Yunho (kinda), unprotected sex  👉👈
Word count: 10699 (she’s very long) 
A/N: I think we know by now that I have a too much gene and can’t write short stories. 
“Get back here!” His voice rang from behind you as you ran. You couldn’t help but laugh as you dodged the working crew members. The sound of his boots on the wood close behind you. “Watch out.” One of the crew members grumbled as you zoomed past him, barely missing him. 
You couldn’t help but laugh and look behind you, Yunho hot on your tail. Only for your foot to get caught on some rope and for you to go flying into the wooden deck. “I got you now!” He yelled, staddling your waist as you laid on the floor. He was laughing and you were too. It was such a relief to have someone like him to hang out with. 
Yunho’s fingers tickled over your sides and you squirmed around trying to avoid them before letting out a deep sigh. “Fine. I surrender.” You said, raising your hands and revealing what he was chasing you for in the first place. 
“The ship would be in shambles if you two were left in charge.” Your father’s voice boomed from the deck behind you both. “She stole my apple.” Yunho explained, taking the fruit from your hands and taking a bite. “Sorry captain, for the ruckus.” Yunho said, still sitting on you. Kicking your legs and squirming, you tried to push him off of you but to no avail. 
Yunho enjoyed it too much really. He thought you were ridiculously cute and just loved teasing you so much. He was the second youngest on the ship, it was just nice to have you there too. 
“Big arse, get off of me.” You stuttered, shoving the older male slightly. You both got up off the floor of the deck and your father laughed at how disheveled you looked. Yunho blinked innocently, munching on his apple as your father dusted you off. 
“Sometimes you two remind me of your mother and I when we first met.” Your father said and pinched your cheeks. “All this teasing just because you like eachother. So funny.” Your father said softly and both of your eyes went wide. “I don’t like him!” You said and pouted, looking at Yunho with disgust all to hide the blush forming on your cheeks. 
“I don’t like her either.” Yunho said with a small laugh, looking at your face. He was head over heels for you, but judging by your face you really didn’t need to know that. 
“Whatever you say.... Yunho when you’re done with that apple Seonghwa could use some help below deck.” Your father said and Yunho nodded. “Yes, captain.” He nodded and left the deck. You watched him walk away and crossed your arms over your chest. 
You did like him, you liked him alot. Ever since your father had brought him on board of the “Desire” you had been inseperable. He was your best friend and even if you didn’t want to admit it, you might have even loved him. 
“One day, you two will look back on this and say: He was right.” Your father said, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Maybe, but not right now.” You said and turned to him. 
Your father may have been a pirate, but he never left you wanting for a thing. He taught you how to read, write, how to take care of yourself and protect yourself. Regardless of the situation, your father did his best with what the cards had dealt him. 
You walked below deck as the night fell, seeing Seonghwa and Yunho pushing crates around and stacking them. “I’ll help from here, Seonghwa. You go grab some dinner.” You said and the older male smiled at you. “Alright.” 
Talking to your father made you realise how silly you both were being. You liked him and you thought he might like you too. Even if he didn’t, things really couldn’t get awkward between you two. Where was he going to go to avoid you? You were in the middle of the ocean. 
“Why are you helping me?” Yunho asked, raising his eyebrow. “Because I can. Don’t act like I do nothing around here.” You said and helped him push a crate into a corner. “No you do a lot. But I thought you didn’t like me?” He teased, leaning against a wall and looking at you. Perching yourself on top of the crate, you kicked out your legs back and forth. You were nervous. 
“You know that’s not true.” You said softly and Yunho perked up. Was this happening? 
“You know I like you. You know I like you a lot.” Your fingers fiddled with the hem of your shirt. The atmosphere in the room was warm, maybe because the only light in the room came from a small oil lamp hanging above your heads. Finally looking up, you could see Yunho’s eyes sparkling. 
“I like you too. I like you a lot.” He said softly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He had never done this before. Coming closer to you, Yunho grabbed one of your hands. His heart was pounding in his chest and he could feel his ears burning red.
You looked at eachother, just simply watched eachother. Taking in eachother’s features mainly because you were both too painfully awkward to say something. It was just you two and the sound of the waves outside. 
Until it wasn’t. The sounds of gunshots and canons quickly filled the air and you and Yunho let go of eachother. “What was that?” You asked, pushing off of the crate and heading towards the stairs. “I have no idea.” The male said, grabbing your hand and following you out onto the deck. 
There was a ship next the “Desire” and planks connecting the two. The crew was fighting the intruders, the sound of guns, canons and swords filling the air. You could see your father fighting and Yunho instinctively pulled you back slightly. 
You both drew your swords, not knowing what to do but knowing that just standing there was more dangerous. 
Arms wrapped around your waist and knocked your sword out of your hand. Panic swallowed up your body and you started to kick, scream and shake at the same time. The culprit’s face was covered, all of their faces were covered. The enemy wasn’t identifiable, not even by the black sails on their ship. 
Yunho turned to see you being pulled away, and started panicking himself. “Y/N!” He yelled, garnering your father’s attention from the other side of the deck. Yunho ran pushing people out of the way as you continued to fight your agressor. You didn’t realise it until it was too late but the man was dragging you to the plank connecting the ships. 
“YUNHO!” You screamed, still trying to reach out to him or to anyone that could help you. You weren’t winning, he was a lot stronger than you. Yunho was so close, your outstretched hand being centimeters away from his. Your father was close behind 
However your heart stopped, watching another masked figure grab Yunho and drive his sword into his stomach. You couldn’t remember if you screamed, you couldn’t remember if you cried out or if your body gave out watching him fall to the deck practically lifeless. 
But before you knew it, you were on their ship and the planks had fallen into the ocean and disconnecting the two ships. Thrown to the floor of the deck. You were numb, speechless, scared and heartbroken. You had been stripped of everything you knew in a matter of minutes. 
- 5 years later- 
Surely you were going to die. This was it, you were sure of it. You could practically feel the ship breaking apart around you. But you weren’t scared, you had been living a life of misery and if it was your time to go, you were ready. 
Or so you thought, but the second a canonball tore through the wood a few feet from where you were standing, your fight or flight senses took over. You weren’t even thinking as you ran onto the deck, your senses being filled with yells, screams, the waves and the canons. Your captors were incredibly preoccupied, not noticing your scrambling onto the deck in hopes of finding a way to survive this. 
Captain Richards was warned by his crew that these waters were dangerous, ships appearing and disappearing in the middle of the night all supposedly looking for the same thing. Utopia. 
But he disregarded them, claiming ‘he knew what he was doing’ and that ‘if they disagreed so much, going overboard was their other option’ you only heard about the journey ahead because of his crewmates being below deck and bickering over it. You were wishing the evil Captain would have had enough sense to listen to his crew, now you might actually die because of it. 
Splinters were flying around you as you tried finding a way out, but you were in the middle of the ocean and being shot at. Your choices were slim and you knew this was probably the end. 
You paused for a moment, feeling the deck underneath you starting to rip apart. Coupled with the screams of crew mates, you felt yourself start to fall and yet all you could think about was your father, Yunho and the crew that was your family. 
Oh Yunho, sweet, sweet Yunho. If everything would’ve stayed the same, that could’ve become something. But you were almost 100% sure he was dead and the thought that you would see him soon after you passed comforted you as you hit the cold, black water. 
“Y/N? Y/N.” His voice filled your ears and boy, did you miss that voice. “Yunho?” You could hear him, but you couldn’t see him. You couldn’t see anything except for black and you couldn’t feel anything except for the water in your lungs. “Yunho?” You called out again, feeling an intense pressure on your chest. “Yunho?!” You were yelling but you weren’t sure if any sound was coming out. 
Were you alive? You absolutely could not tell. You only felt panic as you felt yourself the pressure in your chest becoming unbarable and your mind slowly starting to shut down. 
Until it felt like a thousand point weight was lifted off of you, a loud gasp coming from your lungs as you coughed out water onto a wooden deck... a wooden deck? 
Your vision was blurry, the edges of your sight laced with black as you turned your head slowly. It felt like your body weighed a ton, your actions being in slow motion as you held onto the deck for dear life. Blinking furiously and trying to get a grip on the fact that you were as a matter of fact, not dead. 
You finally lifted your head, trying to gather your surroundings only to be greeted by sparkling eyes. Horribly familiar, horribly beautiful eyes that surely meant you were dead. “Yunho?” Your voice was weak before your arms gave out and your eyes shut once more. You were definitely dead, there was no other explanation. 
Yunho stared at your lifeless body on the deck, completely frozen. He couldn’t bring himself to move, he almost forgot to breathe. He only remembered to breathe whenever he watched you cough up a large amount of seawater, thanks to Seonghwa’s help. Yunho was too shocked to do anything, then the shock turned to pure fear that you might have been dead. 
“Yunho?” Your voice made him shudder as he looked at you, eyes locking for a moment. You looked dazed and confused, hair sticking to your face and your clothes soaking wet. You looked so scared and it broke his heart. But then you collapsed again, any strength that you had managed to gather disappearing. 
“Y/N’s body temperature is really low.” Seonghwa commented, grabbing your limp hand to feel your temperature. It took Yunho a moment to shake everything off and he looked at around to his crew. “Salvage anything possibly of use from the water, Mingi once that’s done change course and get us out of these waters. I don’t trust them.” Yunho started giving everyone orders, moving to the practically lifeless body on his deck. 
He scooped you up effortlessly, feeling just how cold your body was against his and needing to hold back his emotions. “Seonghwa, come with me.” Yunho said, walking towards the door that lead below deck and his chambers. 
“Who is that?” Wooyoung asked, watching his captain walk below deck with the woman in his arms. “Captain Y/L/N’s daughter.” Mingi responded and the younger male’s eyes went wide. Some of the crew joined after the attack, only knowing about you through stories told by Yunho and your father. You were a legend, a legend everyone thought was dead.
“We have to get these wet clothes off and wrap her up in blankets.” Seonghwa explained as Yunho laid you down on his bed. He looked at Seonghwa with wide eyes. Seonghwa was still his hyung even though he was captain and in moments like this, he was filled with fear and need his hyung. 
Quickly, the two made work of your wet clothes, avoiding looking at your body as much as they could and instantly wrapping you in the blankets on his bed. He attempted drying your hair to the best of his ability and also under the watchfull eyes of Seonghwa, who was grabbing more blankets to keep you warm. 
“How is she not dead?” Yunho asked, completely befuddled as to how you were still alive, 5 years later. “She’s always been strong. But I have to admit, I thought she was dead too.” Seonghwa admitted softly, feeling your pulse on your neck. “Her pulse is already stronger, I think we might have acted fast enough.” He added on and his words were calming to Yunho. 
Yunho sat next to you on the bed, just looking at your face. You hadn’t changed much, well you had gotten older but so had he. Even if in that moment he didn’t feel like it. He felt like he was seventeen again and everything was normal, like your dad was still around and you didn’t disappear for 5 years. But that wasn’t the case and Yunho was now the captain and you were slowly coming back from the dead. 
“I should stay down here, with her. If she wakes up, you know.” Yunho said, looking at Seonghwa. He nodded his head in understanding, he knew Yunho loved you. Even when he was seventeen it was obvious, he wasn’t going to stop him from being with you now. 
“You want me to take care of things on top?” Seonghwa asked and Yunho nodded. “Please.” His voice was barely a whisper, but Seonghwa understood and left. Yunho was racking his brain as to how he was going to tell you everything when you woke up, because he absolutely knew you would, you had too. 
But it had been a few hours and he was starting to lose hope, tearing himself away from you to walk out onto the deck. “Is she up?” Seonghwa asked, watching the taller male walk from below deck. “No, not yet. I just couldn’t sit there any longer.” Yunho shook his head leaning on the railing and taking his head into his hands. The sky had turned dark amidst the chaos, telling Yunho just how long of a day it had already been. “If she doesn’t wake up soon, I don’t think she will.” Those weren’t words anyone wanted to hear. 
Your body was filled with an overwhelming sense of warmth, you weren’t dead, this couldn’t be what death felt like. No, it couldn’t be. Heaven or hell wouldn’t be the smell of seawater and the sound of wood creaking filling your ears. There was a flickering light as you opened your eyes slowly, one you knew all too well from spending time under decks. No, you weren’t dead. 
Blinking slowly, you allowed your eyes to adjust to the light and sat up slowly. A sudden rush to your head made you lay back down a moment. “You did almost die. Maybe you should take it easy.” You said softly, throat sore from your previous gasping for air. You sat up again, even slower than before and looked around the room. Holding the blankets wrapped around your body tightly as you did so. 
This was familiar, the quarters you were in. They were very familiar, comforting almost. This was your fathers’ ship, this was the ‘Desire’. But it couldn’t be... could it? 
You whipped your head around, looking towards where you knew your old room would be if it was and low and behold. There was the door to your old quarters, the little sign your father had made for you with your name carved into the wood. Tears couldn’t help but pool in the corner of your eyes, you were finally home. 
You scrambled out of the bed, feeling a sudden rush of energy and adrenaline. You had to go find your father, you had too. It had been 5 years and they must’ve thought you were dead. Wait, did that mean that you really did see Yunho. Or was that in the inbetween, the space between life and death?
You had so many questions and so many uncertainties. Priority number one was to find your father. So you pushed yourself off of the bed, stabilizing yourself as the blood rushed to your head. The blanket that was wrapped around you now laying on the floor as you pulled your slightly damp clothes back on. You tried clearing your throat but it burned immensly from the water inhalation, making you cringe. 
‘The Desire’ was your childhood. You knew the ship like the back of your hand, even if it had been 5 years. You instantly found yourself climbing the stairs leading to the door to the deck. Maybe you shouldn’t have rushed yourself to move so quickly but, your family, you were home. Weakly, you pushed the door open and took in the fresh air and dark blue sky. 
Yunho heard the deck door open and turned his head around. Low and behold there you stood, holding onto the door for support because it felt like your legs were going to give out at any moment. He couldn’t reach you fast enough, running over the deck to take you into his arms before you could fall. You had strained yourself entirely too much since you had woken up, your body wasn’t ready for any of it. 
You were sure Yunho was a hallucination when you saw him prior, but now holding him, feeling the warmth of his skin and seeing the glitter in his eye, you were aware that he was very much real. 
“I thought you were dead.” Your voice was scratchy, cracking as your emotions took over too. “I could say the same thing.” Yunho laughed, holding you against his chest. “The last thing I saw that night was a blade going through your stomach.” Tears were spilling now as your scratchy words came out. “Shh, it’s okay we’ll talk more once you’re a bit better.” He said, still simply holding you. 
His voice was comforting, it reminded you of home. The ship was comforting, it was your home. 
“Where’s my father?” You asked, allowing Yunho to put you back on your feet and his arm wrapped around your waist for support. Glancing around the deck, you recognized a few familiar faces but not the one you were most excited to see. “Where is he?” You asked again, looking at Yunho. He was avoiding your gaze, but he found it hard to look at you in this state: injured and upset. Especially after having just gotten you back. 
How was Yunho supposed to tell you that your father had died looking for you, or that he had gone half mad doing it? 
“Yunho?” Your scratchy voice brought him back to reality. “Come on let’s get you warmed up again. I’ll explain things.” Yunho pulled you back below deck, your feet barely touching the ground as he supported all of your weight. 
You took the moment to really look at him, as he rushed around the quarters to keep you warm. He’d gotten taller, alot taller. Yunho was always taller than you but now it was quite prominent. His shoulders were wider now too, a lot more muscular than what he used to be. He had aged well, he was handsome. 
Burrying deeper into the blankets, you relished in the warmth and watched as he sat down next to you. It took him a moment to look at you, but eventually he looked up. Sparkly eyes not having changed once in the 5 years you hadn’t seen him. He swallowed thickly, fiddling with the blanket between his fingers. Yunho was trying his best to avoid telling you, even if he knew you should know. He wanted to spare you the pain. 
“The night you were taken, the captain found me on the deck. I was pretty sure I was dead already. Felt like the whole world was going dark.” Yunho started to explain and you thought back to the pain you felt, thinking that he had died. “Seonghwa somehow, managed to patch me up all in the mean time your father was doing anything and everything to try and find you. Every waking second spent trying to find the ship with the black sails that comes and goes like a ghost in the night.” His voice faltered talking about it all and well you weren’t dumb. You just needed to hear him say it.
“He was so convinced you were alive. I feel so bad that we didn’t believe him, but we humored him and helped him look. Catching odd jobs every now and then to get by.” You sat up, placing your hand on his for comfort. Even though you were gone for 5 years, it seemed like the crew of the ‘desire’ didn’t have it easy either. 
“Your father got sick, really sick. He always used to say ‘Of all the things to take me out, I never thought it would be an illness’” Yunho squeezed your hand and you felt yourself starting to tear up, so much had changed. “Your father passed away 2 years ago and left the ship to me, making me the new captain.” The tears fell at his words, one of the few things that kept you alive all those years was the thought of seeing your father again. 
“He never stopped looking for you.” Yunho finally looked at you, hating to see the tears rolling down your cheeks and you cold hand holding his. He lifted your hand, rubbing it to warm it up. “I’m so sorry we didn’t believe him.” You could hear all the remorse in his voice, remorse for not believing your father, remorse towards his passing, it was hard to hear. 
“It’s alright, Yunho.” You wiped your tears away quickly and he grabbed your other hand to try to warm them up. He ignored your words, blowing warm air onto your hands and continuing to rub them. “I’ll go get you something warm to eat.” Yunho needed to get out, for his own emotions sake, he was a captain now and he needed to be strong. “No, don’t leave. Please.” You whispered, gripping his hands as tightly as you could. 
He hadn’t even realised that a tear had slipped until he looked at you, weak, tired and sad. “Okay, okay.” Yunho nodded, kicking his boots off and moving to lay next to you in his bed but on top of the sheets. Your cold fingers reached out and wiped his tears away, heart breaking for him and yourself. If there was any time for self pity, it was now. 
The feeling of him laying next to you warmed you up almost instantly, making you curl into him even more and revelling in the feeling of being home. “Relax, you’re home now. You’re safe. We finally have you back and we aren’t letting you go anywhere.” You burried your face into his chest at his words, knowing they were true and let your body relax to slowly fall asleep. 
It wasn’t Yunho’s intention to fall asleep with you, but he couldn’t help it. The day’s emotions had gotten to him and naturally had exhausted him. But he did wake up again with a start and a panic filled chest. It must’ve been the dream he was having, or maybe it was the fact that you weren’t next to him anymore and not anywhere in his room. 
Did he dream up that you were back?
Pushing himself off of the bed, he rushed out of the room and onto the deck. He wasn’t sure if you were real anymore and needed that confirmation for his own sake. 
However that confirmation came quickly as he found you sitting on the stairs, eating some soup and laughing with Mingi and Wooyoung. That panic in his chest subsiding at the scene and allowing himself te release the breath he was holding. 
“She came out this morning, claiming your snoring woke her up along with her stomach growling. Seems her personality hasn’t changed much.” Seonghwa laughed and Yunho smiled. “That’s a relief.” Was all he could say before turning to finally look at Seonghwa. “You should’ve woken me up.” He added and Seonghwa shook his head. “Y/N told me not too, that you seemed tired the night before. I figured since she’s the captain’s daughter, I should listen.” Seonghwa had a point to that and it was something that Yunho hadn’t thought about before. 
He knew that if you were never taken, you would now be captain. Your father was always training you to become the captain and it was purely circumstancial that Yunho was the captain now. It was only right in his mind that you should be the captain now. 
You smiled as you noticed Yunho approaching you three and you wiped your lips from the soup remnants. “Goodmorning, sleeping beauty.” You joked and Yunho instantly sighed. “Your sense of humor hasn’t changed at all.” He sounded annoyed, but he was relieved, your traumatic experiences didn’t seem to dampen your spirit. He wished he could say the same. 
“Anyways, Captain what’s your first order?” Yunho asked, causing confused looks from you, Seonghwa, Mingi and Wooyoung to be shot his way. “I’m sorry, what?” You asked, not understanding if this was a joke or not. “You heard me. You were the captain’s daughter, he always wanted you to be captain. Now you’re here.” Yunho stated and you felt an odd pit in your stomach. It had been years since being mentioned as possible captain had happened and now Yunho was simply giving you the position. 
“I-I-” You stuttered and Yunho looked at you, deadly serious. “Yunho, he made you captain.” You started, Wooyoung and Mingi excusing themselves from your conversation with Seonghwa following suit. “I know he made me captain. But he wanted to make you captain, you know that.” He explained and you shook your head. “Those things don’t matter. They stopped mattering the second I was taken off this ship. My father, loved you. He wanted you to be captain for a reason. Besides, the crew knows you, they trust you and they obviously follow you as a captain.” You paused, looking at him and making sure to look into his eyes. You needed him to know you meant this, because your desire to be captain was so low it was practically non-existent. 
“You’re the captain, you should stay the captain. I will be on the sidelines and help where I can, but I have no desire to be captain.” Yunho felt slightly reassured at your words or maybe it was your expression, either way he felt better. 
“I missed you.” Yunho said after a long a pause, but now he was looking at the ocean. He found it hard to look you in the eyes to tell you things weighing on his mind. 
You looked at his face, really taking the moment to take it in. Age had been kind to Yunho, turning him from the boy you knew into a man. His jaw was more defined, his shoulders were wider and he was definitely taller, even more attractive than he was 5 years ago. Maybe that was because you were both grown up. 
“I missed you too.” You said back, tucking your knees under your chin and wrapping your arms around your legs. You meant it, you cried for a week thinking that Yunho was dead and all because he was trying to save you. It was a guilt that you had carried with yourself for years and that was wiped away the day prior. 
“Well captain, where are we headed?” You asked and he finally looked at you again. “We are headed to port. However, you should be resting your body faced a lot of trauma in the last 48 hours.” You sighed at his words, but you knew he was right. “I’ll rest until we reach port then, but I haven’t been on land in 5 years. I’d like to go.” You compromised and Yunho looked down at the wooden deck, you were as stubborn as ever. 
“Fine. We need to get a few things, food supply has been running low. Need to stock up.” He explained and you smiled. “Sounds quite honest for a pirate.” You remarked and he shook his head with a smile. “I never really was good at attacking others.” He explained and you couldn’t help but smile too. You hadn’t smiled this much in so long, your cheeks were starting to hurt. 
“An honest pirate. What are the odds?” You remarked to yourself and stood up from your spot on the stairs. “I won’t do any work then, because you don’t want me too. But I will stay on deck and watch, to remember what it’s like to be home again.” You brushed past him, making sure to pat his back as you did. Yunho watched you walk away and towards Mingi who was by the helm, steering the ship. 
There was already such a difference from the way you looked yesterday and the way you looked now. With your hair blowing in the wind and the smile on your face, you looked just as beautiful as you did 5 years ago and it made Yunho weak in the knees. 
It took a few days for the ‘Desire’ to reach port, pulling it’s very obvious pirate sail down once they reach the horizon of the island. There was no need to alarm people, not when you were there to do honest work. 
In the meantime you tried to abide by what Yunho had asked, for you to rest. But it was sure proving to be difficult, you hated feeling useless. Yet you still tried to help out, marking inventory, charting routes, trying to get your sea legs back to the best of your ability. You did all this while trying not to get caught by Yunho and failing. 
If it was the you from 5 years ago, you wouldn’t have listened to him. But things had changed, the captain role suited him well and he had an air of authority to him, you couldn’t help but listen when he scolded you. Yunho had even insisted you take the captain’s quarters, knowing they gifted more privacy than the crew’s quarters, much to your dismay. A captain needed that privacy, not you. But you had lost the argument with him and slept in his bed while he lay in a hammock way below deck. 
“Ahh.” Yunho hissed, stretching out and feeling his joints cracking. You shook your head at his noises, knowing they were because of the hammock. “I told you to take the bed, but you insisted. You can still have it, I don’t mind.” You said and he shook his head. “No, it wouldn’t feel right.” Yunho said as the island came larger and larger into view. “Yes it would. Especially for your back.” You retorted and he sighed. “You still argue too much.” “That’s besides the fact. How long are we staying here?” You asked, feeling excited to be so close to land again. 
Yunho could see the excitement in your eyes and the little excited bounce in your step as you walked over to the railing to look at the island. He followed you after telling Seonghwa to prepare things to anchor. 
“5 years of not being on land. I would’ve gone insane.” He remarked, standing directly next to you with his side pressing into you. He wasn’t wrong, you were on the verge of going insane when your captor’s ship was blown to bits. “This is going to sound insensitive...” Yunho started and craned your head to look up at him, preparing for his question. However, he couldn’t help but pause and take in the way you looked at him.
“But why did they keep you around... for 5 years? It’s something I’ve been thinking about since we found you.” His question wasn’t insensitive, it was something you wondered too. It was something you had asked your captor’s almost everyday, but you had only gotten the answer recently. 
“I asked the Captain, almost everyday why he took me and he wouldn’t respond. But the sea was slowly starting to drive him mad and he finally told me.” You paused, smiling softly to reassure Yunho you were okay speaking about it. “He said he took me because of how close my father and I were. That meant I must’ve known the info he did. But dad never told me about the Aurora and well, the Captain didn’t know that.” Yunho’s ears perked up at the mention of the Aurora. The Aurora was a myth, or so he was told. 
“And then he wanted to use me as bargaining, for information. But that got postponed and postponed, new things, new adventures for him and his crew. So the deals never happened.” You stopped, making sure Yunho was still listening and well he was, intently. He wanted to make sure no one hand physically hurt you more than he was already aware of. The memory of the stuff you had went through wasn’t good, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as what people would of thought, you were treated more as a servant than a prisoner and you were kept fed. Judging by stories your father had told you, you could have had it way worse. 
“Secretly I think he just liked having me around.” You joked, you were never one to wallow in self pity long. Yunho sighed, looking down to the ground being very obviously deep in thought. You extended your hand to cup his cheek, making him look back up at you. “I’m alright, despite everything, I’m alright.” You reassured and he simply nodded his head, nestling his face further into your hands. 
The moment was endearing, sparking something in the pit of your stomach that you hadn’t felt in a long time... butterflies. 
“Anchor’s down and we are docked, Captain.” Mingi came by to say, ruining the moment slightly and snapping Yunho back down to Earth. “Right, we docked. Uh, supplies we need to get.” He pulled away from you, walking to the other end of the deck to try and get some things ready. You sighed, leaning back onto the railing of the ship. You were happy to be on land, but you were quite enjoying holding him. 
Yunho walked down from his ship and onto the dock, nodding at some of the royal guard shaking all suspicions that the ‘Desire’ was a pirate ship. “It costs 10 silvers to dock.” A man registering the coming and going ships remarked, looking Yunho up and down. Yunho was young for a captain, people always underestimated him or thought less of him because of it. 
“Here.” Yunho dropped the coins onto the mans registery before going to walk off. “My legs feel all shaky being on land again. So don’t mind me.” You said and grabbed onto Yunho’s arm for support. It seemed like your sea legs were fine, your land legs were the ones that needed work. Yunho laughed, allowing you to link your arm with his and he guided you towards the market. 
Half of the crew stayed behind, guarding the ship and to come up with excuses should the royal guards feel the sudden need to investigate ships. The other half wandered around town with the money they had made or better to say looted. 
But Yunho didn’t want you to wander far from him and in reality, you didn’t want to be far from him either. The feelings you remembered having 5 years prior were very much coming back. Something you always thought was a stupid little teenage crush was definitely not the case anymore. Yunho became a man, a man you loved. 
You stayed by him as he bartered, laughing at the chortle the farmer gave him at his suggested price and making Yunho sigh. “Fine.” He sighed, slipping the man a few coppers and telling him to place the crates by the ship. 
The last few days you had spent observing him in his position as captain, well admiring more. He was a just and kind captain, something that you didn’t see often and well definitely not in pirates. It was a rare quality your father had too and it seemed he taught Yunho well.
Even now, you couldn’t help but watch him as he conducted business. It seemed like everyone liked him and the way he held himself. It was entirely fascinating and well it seemed it wasn’t just that way to you. He was catching the eyes of alot of women, be it the daughters of the farmers he bartered with or the ladies standing outside of the local brothel. You absolutely hated it, but you didn’t own Yunho in any way or form. However this just further justified that he had grown up incredibly well. 
“Captain, you aren’t joining?” You heard Wooyoung call from a window as you walked through the dark street. Night was about to fall and it seemed the crew members were indulging in a night with the local brothel’s prospects. You really couldn’t blame them, they were at sea for months at a time and they needed to get rid of their frustrations... of any sort. 
You glanced at Wooyoung, not being able to help yourself but stare at the woman who was kissing down his neck. “I’ll sit this one out.” Yunho called back and Wooyoung laughed. You remained quiet, it was his choice if he wanted to stay and indulge. It would hurt if he decided to, but that was his choice. He was a captain after all, he must’ve been stressed. 
“You’re funny, come on Captain.” Wooyoung taunted, one of the girls coming out of the building’s entrance and leaning against the door frame. She was beautiful with dark hair and golden sunkissed skin, there was no question and even you were tempted, let alone Yunho. 
“I’m not holding you back. If you want too, go ahead.” You said and Yunho looked at you in surprise. Was he tempted? Only slightly, but you telling him to go made him second guess things. Part of him wanted you to tell him not too because it meant you might have still had feelings for him or at least that they were rekindled in the past few days. 
“I was planning on going to bed on time anyways, today cost a bit more energy than I anticipated.” You lied, but you meant that you wanted him to have a good time. Yunho fumbled with his fingers and for a split moment, he looked like his 17 year old self. He mentally debated for a moment and decided to go inside. 
You had only been back a few days, there was no way your feelings were there. Or so Yunho thought as he watched you head in the direction of the docks and the hand of the girl ran over his back. “Captain was it?” Her voice was soft in his ears as he ridirected his attention to her, nodding. “Tell me some of your stories then, Captain.” She smiled, pulling him into the brothel by the fabric of his jacket. 
It hurt your heart when he entered the brothel, even more when you saw her hand on his back but you let it go, he had made his choice and you had made yours. 
“Where’s the rest?” Seonghwa asked as you appeared on deck. You scoffed at his question and sat yourself down on one of the barrels of grain that you had bought that afternoon. “I’m assuming balls deep in some girls and boys from the brothel.” You stated and Seonghwa was taken back for a moment. “Sorry, I- nevermind.” You started but finished just as quickly, letting your emotions speak for you. 
“So Yunho is also partaking in this.” You don’t know how Seonghwa ended up being so wise and the person you’d go to when you needed to talk, but he did and you appreciated him for it. “Yes, Yunho is also partaking in this. I told him he should. Being captain must be... stressfull.” You could understand, you had needs. It was just, you would rather deal with his stress... with him. 
“Your father always knew you liked him and well he had a hunch that Yunho liked you too.” Seonghwa laughed and you shrugged. Your father was always right, you missed him for it. 
“That day, that day that I was taken I told Yunho how I felt. He told me he felt the same and then all Hell broke loose. Seemed almost like fate was intervening.” You chuckled and played with the hem of your shirt. “I got kidnapped and Yunho almost died.” You found it almost comical, how your lives could’ve taken such a turn. 
“Yeah, it seems that way almost. But you made your way back and Yunho lived. Two things that seemed impossible happened.” Seonghwa leaned against the barrels as well and looked up at the stars. He wasn’t wrong, not at all. If you love something you have to let it go. If it was meant to be, it would come back to you and well you had managed to come back together. 
“I haven’t said it yet since I’ve been back, but I missed you too Seonghwa. You always listened.” You hopped off the barrel as you spoke. “The crew missed having you around too and well,  I missed having the ship’s princess here.” Seonghwa laughed, placing a hand on your arm. You leaned into his touch slightly and then pulled away. “I’m going to go to bed, however. To sit in my anger alone.” You joked, heading towards the captain’s quarters. “Don’t sit in anger too long. Anger and the sea don’t mix well.” He called after you, making you simply smile as you disappeared below deck. 
You were angry, angry at yourself for telling him to go but also angry that he chose to go. You let out a disgruntled sigh as you undid the ties on your boots, kicking them off before working to undo the ties around the collar of your blouse. 
As you did so, the door to the captain’s quarters flew open. The sudden rush of air and the sound made you jump up, clutching your chest as you looked at who it was. 
“Yunho?” You asked, looking at him and holding the top of your blouse shut. He looked disgruntled, hair tousled and chest rising and falling deeply. “How could you let me go?” He asked, taking you back immensly. “I’m sorry? How could I let you go? You’re a grown man, you made that choice.” You were almost laughing, his actions were most definitely his choice. “I know and it was stupid but how could let me go?” He sighed, running his figners through his hair. “It didn’t take much convincing. The girl was absolutely gorgeous, I don’t blame you. Besides everyone has needs.” You explained, looking at him with a confused expression. 
“Was she not good?” You asked still thoroughly in the dark of why he was upset. “I was in there for half an hour, drinking an ale and the whole time while she tried to... I was thinking about you, so I left.” You were frozen at his words, your hands falling from your blouse to your sides. Yunho was scared, this confession was different from the one 5 years ago. This was real, this wasn’t a crush. This was a mix of lust and love. 
“Was I dumb to think you felt the same? Because you telling me to go in there told me you don’t.” Yunho questioned your silence and tried to avert his eyes from the cleavage that was now very much out. You took a deep breath, not allowing yourself to think too much about your actions as you did them. 
Stepping forward, you placed a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him to your level. His lips pressing against yours roughly as you did so, but you really didn’t care. This was years of pining and being concerned of each other wrapped into one kiss. 
Yunho didn’t need to think twice in kissing you back, hands coming up to cup your cheeks as he did so. He pressed his lips against yours even harder, feeling your fingers tangling into his hair. 
You could taste the ale slightly on his tongue as it dipped into your mouth, making you smile. “You taste like ale.” You mumbled against his lips only for him to shake his head. “You either talk too much or too less.” He replied in response, leaning down to grip your thighs and lifting you in the process. “What am I doing now?” You asked, arms wrapping around his neck. You couldn’t help but tease a little, especially with the way he was looking at you. “Definitely talking too much.” He said and kissed you again, even more feverishly than before. 
Your legs wrapped around his waist as his hands moved to your ass, holding you up effortlessly. He gave you a squeeze and revelled in the way you hummed against his lips. Your hand caressed his cheek and you pulled your lips away from his for a moment, just so you could look at him and take him in. His eyes sparkled in the light from the candles and they were a significantly darker than usual while looking at you. 
He walked you backwards, a small smile playing on his lips as he did so. Yunho was doing the exact same thing, taking you in. The way your lips were soft under his, the way your chest rose and fell as you tried to catch your breath and the way your skin looked golden under the light of the candles. He took it all in because as fate had shown before, he didn’t know when it could be taken all away again. 
Yunho dropped you onto the bed, maybe a little rougher than he intended too but you didn’t mind. Especially not as he slipped between your legs and hovered over you, still standing as you sat in front of him on the bed. He leaned down, hand holding your neck as he kissed you again. Tongue swiping over your lips as you tried pulling him further down to your level. The hand on your neck moved down slightly, tracing the skin that was revealed from your blouse and down your chest. He grabbed your breast throught the fabric, kneading softly as you whimpered against his lips. 
“Take it off.” He told you, hardly pulling his lips away from yours as he did. The demand sent goosebumps over your body and the dominance he was radiating made your core ache. Your fingers found the hem of your blouse, not wasting too much time in taking it off. Yunho helped you, grabbing the thin fabric and pulling it off of you to reveal your bare chest. 
His lips instantly attached the newly revealed skin and his hands cupped your breasts, massaging them a little harsher than before. Your mouth fell open at the feeling of his lips all over your chest, leaving marks where he could and simply because he wanted too. This was his new favorite feeling, the feeling of you under him and his lips on you. 
“You’re so soft.” He mumbled against your skin and sinking down to his knees. Yunho was now practically the same height as you as you sat on his bed. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling your chest nearly flush against his face. His tongue ran over your nipples gently before allowing his lips to wrap around it, sucking softly as your fingers carded through his hair. You were a whimpering mess under his mouth and you could tell he was only just starting. 
“Yunho-” You moaned, starting to tug on his blouse. You just wanted to feel his skin on yours. He took his lips off of you with a chuckle. “How about you take it off now?” You asked, your hand tilting his chin up to look at you. This was such a sight, Yunho sitting between your legs and looking up at you with those big beautiful eyes. He smiled at your request before allowing you to help him with the ties of his blouse. His hands fumbled along with yours, admiring the size difference between the two as he did before deciding it was done enough to pull it off. 
You watched him throw the fabric to the side before turning back to you. Your hands moved before you really put much thought into it, moving from his bare shoulders and down his chest. He was so much more muscular than 5 years prior and he had little scars from fights and accidents. But one stood out the most, the big scar just off the side of his belly button, the one that showed that he had evaded death. 
Yunho shivered slightly, feeling your fingers graze the scar before bringing your hands back up to his shoulders. “Stand up.” You said, kissing his neck gently as you did so. He faltered for a moment, raising up from his knees to stand before you again. As if he wasn’t incredibly hard already, the sight of you dropping to your knees infront of him definitely helped. 
Your hands moved down his stomach stopping at the ties of his trousers as you looked at him. Lifting yourself slightly, you kissed down the faint v line that dipped down and made shivers go down his spine. Yunho’s hand moved to your hair and pulled the loose strands out of your face so he could see every expression. 
You tugged his trousers down, allowing his cock to spring free and he let out a hiss. With a soft smile, your hand wrapped around him softly and you thumb ran over his slit to spread some of the precum around. Yunho couldn’t hold back his moans at the feeling, your hand was better than his own or some girl from a brothel. To you he sounded absolutely heavenly, making your lips part in a sigh before leaning forward and taking him into your mouth. 
Instinctively, his grip on your hair tightened as he felt your tongue swirl over his tip before throwing his head back. “Oh shit.” He hissed as you bobbed your head over him, forcing yourself to take more of him and using your hand for what didn’t fit. You pulled your mouth off of him and took a deep breath, giving him a soft squeeze with your hand just to see his response. Yunho almost whimpered and tugged your hair again because of the pleasure. “That feels so good.” He huffed as you took him into your mouth again. Your nose brushed his lower stomach as his cock pressed against the back of your throat, making you gag but you took it. His sounds were most definitely worth it. 
Yunho back away from you, his hands running through his hair as his chest rose and fell deeply. “I don’t want to finish yet.” He said, catching his breath as he looked at you completely bewildered. You smiled, loving that you had that effect on him before wiping your mouth slightly. 
He moved back towards you, lifting you onto your feet before pushing you back onto the bed. Hands, almost instantly finding the ties to your trousers to pull them down harshly. Yunho was feeling an almost feral need to taste you, fuck you, have you in any way possible. His patience was running thin. 
You let out a surprised sound as your trouser were ripped away from your legs, very much feeling the same need Yunho was at this point. Holding onto your ankles, he pulled you to edge of the bed and sank down on his again. He lifted your legs over his shoulders. His lips moved over your thighs, slowly but surely getting closer and closer to your dripping core. 
You watched with heavy breaths as his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking gently at first. The action left your hips bucking and Yunho smiling against your core. “Stay still.” He demanded and pressed your hips back down into the mattress before his lips became a bit harsher. With his eyes watching you and his lips against your core, the pleasure was incredibly intense. Your hands moved down your body, over your breasts and down to his on your hips. You just needed something to hold on to. 
His tongue circled over your clit as your fingers laced with his, your back arched off the bed. His other hand moved off of your hips, pointer finger circling around your entrance before slipping inside. It caught you off guard, making your hips buck again and a moan tear from your lips. He added another finger, thrusting them into a little harder and fast as lips continued to suck on your clit. Yunho just wanted you to cum, he wanted to see you fall over the edge, he wanted to see just how far he could push you. 
“Yunho- I’m, Oh.” You whimpered, squeezing his hand harshly as you tried to keep your hips still. The pit in your stomach was on the verge of exploding and he was doing everything he could to make it happen. His fingers continued to curl into you and your moans were almost soundless as you toppled over the edge. “That’s it.” He cooed as your thighs shook around his head, his fingers not slowing down one second to ride out your orgasm. Yunho watched your face contort and listened to your whimpers as he did so, a soft smile on his face the whole time. 
“You sound so good.” He complimented, fingers not easing up any as he did so. Your legs closed around his hand and you pushed it away, the overstimulation being too much for you. Yunho stood back up, hovering over your body as you caught your breath. You opened your eyes, locking with his for a moment as his hands massaged your hips. “Are you going to fuck me already?” You asked, words surprising him. 
The massaging of your hips ended as he lifted you up and flipped you over, catching you incredibly off guard but making you laugh none the less. “I told you, you talk too much sometimes.” He whispered in your ear as you adjusted to sit on your hands and knees. You smiled and arched your back slightly, ass pressing against his bare cock and he let out a sigh. 
You could feel his hand move up your back and to your hair, tugging harshly and pressing your back against his chest. You could feel the tip of his cock sitting at your entrance and you squirmed slightly. You had never been quite this needy before and it was all Yunho’s doing. 
He released your hair but wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you in place as he wasted no more time. Yunho thrust himself fully into you, hardly giving a moment to adjust to the stretch. The mewl that left your lips was a noise he knew he’d never forget and the way you felt gripping his cock either. It was like you were made for him. 
Yunho started fucking into you hardly giving you a chance to breathe because of his brutal pace. His arm remained around your waist to keep pressed against him and his other hand gripped your chin to make you look at him. This was it for him, knowing your completely blissed out expression was because of him and only him. He revelled in the feeling. 
Your sounds egged him on to fuck you even harder, pace being sure to leave bruises. You lifted your hand to hold on to the back of his neck, just so you had some leverage. “You feel so nice and tight around me, you were absolutely made for me.” He mumbled into your neck and kissed the skin. His words were making you blush which was almost funny considering the position you were in. “Fuck-” Was all you could muster as he hit that sweet spot inside of you, your fingers lacing with his on your waist. You were pretty sure that anyone on deck could hear your moaning but you really couldn’t care less. 
You could feel yourself getting close and so could Yunho, the way you were squeezing him left him moaning into your neck. The hand holding your chin moved down your body and stopped at your clit, rubbing harshly as he mumbled sweet nothings in your ear. 
“I want you to cum for me.” He started, kissing your lips as he picked up his pace even more. He continued to rub your clit as your body shook, that familiar coil in your stomach tightening. Yunho’s hips stuttered as he felt his own orgasm tear through him, moaning your name into your ear. As you felt him cum inside you, your own orgasm washed over you leaving your frozen and breathless. 
You sat there for a moment, catching your breath as Yunho laced gentle kisses over your neck doing the same. The arm that was wrapped around you waist remained there, holding you up as you both calmed down for moment. Your fingers traced shapes into his hand, tickling him slightly and making him laugh. 
“Well that was something.” You mumbled, moving away from him to lay down on the bed. Your body was in dire need of some rest, you could imagine his was too. You laid down on top of the sheets completely naked, looking up at Yunho who still standing and watching you. 
There was a sort of after glow surrounding you, your flushed out cheeks, the marks over your chest and the sparkle in your eyes. He found himself simply staring as you blinked at him. “Don’t look at me like that.” He started, finally moving to lay down next to you. “I can’t guarantee I won’t fuck you again if you don’t stop.” He laughed and you couldn’t help but giggle too as you rested your head on his chest. 
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You asked and kissed over his chest lightly, teasingly almost. “A promise.” Yunho answered, cupping your cheeks and making you look at him. “Captain Yunho, I think I might’ve fallen in love with you all over again.” You admitted, looking into his eyes. Yunho really couldn’t help the smile that pulled over his lips or the pink tint that covered his ears. “That’s a relief. I don’t think I ever fell out of love with you.” Yunho said and let his hand massage your bare thigh. 
“As long as we’re on the same page.” You said even softer, feeling incredibly tired after your day. Yunho settled with you in his arms allowing himself to also fall asleep with peace in mind for the first time in a long time. 
The next morning, Yunho woke up to an empty bed and he panicked for a moment. Only to realise you were sitting at the desk in the corner of the room, completely bare as you flipped through a journal. 
“This is a view I could get used to every morning.” Yunho mumbled, making you look up from the scribbles in the book. “If you play your cards right, you will.” You joked, standing up from your seat and wandering back to the bed. Yunho’s cheeks and eyes were puffy with sleep as he watched you saunter back to bed journal in hand. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” You asked, laying back down next to him and allowing his arms to wrap around you. You hadn’t noticed the journal lying there originally, but it had peaked your interest as you lied in bed that morning and rightfully so. It was your father’s sea journal and you had never looked in it before that morning. 
Yunho kissed your bare shoulder slightly as he watched you flip through the pages. “I was going to when you woke up, if you woke up that day. Then I had to explain everything to you and I didn’t want to overwhelm you.” Yunho explained, hoping you weren’t upset with him because of it. “It’s alright, I understand.” You reassured him, your hand stroking his face gently. “Have you flipped through this?” You asked, pausing on a page that had sparked a lot of interest for you a few minutes prior.  
“No, it didn’t feel right. Like I was reading through his personal thoughts.” Yunho shook his head and moved to read the page. His eyes widened at the words over the page. “Is this real?” He asked and you shrugged. “I have no idea but there are directions... he never told me about this.” Your voice trailed off, wondering why your father never explained the Aurora to you or how to get there. 
“Where were we headed after this stop?” You asked, reading the directions he had scribbled haphazardly over the page. “Nowhere specific. Somewhere, anywhere. At this point we were just surviving with the name pirate branded onto us.” He sounded lost for a moment, not enjoying the life they were leading. You both paused and looked at eachother. “If we don’t have a set course... What’s the harm in going?”You asked, knowing if you actually found the Aurora you’d be set for life. It was a legend but according to your father’s notebooks the legends were real. According to your captors, the legends were real. 
The Auroura was the cause for your life being taken away from you for years, the reason Yunho was almost killed and the reason you would never see your father again. If there was an ounce of truth to it all, it was worth finding. 
Yunho thought for a second, looking at your expression before standing up. He shuffled around for a moment, pulling his clothes back on that were thrown around during the previous evenings’ events. You watched him expectantly as he shuffled around, holding back your laughter as he stumbled slightly. 
He extended his hand to you and you looked at him in confusion. “I’m going to need the directions if I want Mingi to chart a course.”  He laughed, explaining himself and you felt your chest fill with warmth. Yunho leaned over the bed to kiss you, pressing his forehead to yours. 
  “You’re not wrong about there being no harm. We’ve been sailing for months without a purpose. Seems like with you back, we have our purpose again.” 
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A/N: I left the ending kinda open to a part 2... so some feedback would be amazing. No in reality this fic took me months to write so I really hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for being patient with me, I love you guys and I’m sorry for being m.i.a while writing and stuff. ♥♥♥
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mslynnwrites · 3 years
So Dathen brought up the idea of Martin going with Jon to America in the Discord. Things snowballed, and all I could think about what Jon expecting the worst after he finds he’s dependent on the statements. I mean, our boy has like. NO self-esteem and is prone to martyring himself for what he thinks is right. It seemed like something he’d do.
AKA I had another excuse to write Jon being sad and then being comforted and I took it. Also they kees :3c
CW: panic, addiction (statement dependency) discussion, Jon’s incredibly low opinion of himself/depression
Jon leans over the balcony and watches the smoke of his cigarette drift up into the night sky like impossibly long fingers. He shudders and tries not to think about Michael. Tries not to think about the Circus. Just...tries not to think.
He...he wants to believe that there’s a perfectly rational explanation for why he feels...better. Martin had been fussing over him for days, now, trying anything to make him feel better, and that should have been all he needed! But now...well, he knows—perhaps Knows—that the statement was all he needed.
And Elias...he’d known and done nothing! Was that the point? To turn Jon into his little puppet to tug around along a string of statements he needed in order to...to what, exactly? He’s dependent on them, now, he’s sure—no matter how awful it is. But does he need them to...live? Is...is this what Jude meant?
He lets his head droop, despite feeling more awake and alive than he has for a week, and takes another drag of his cigarette. He doesn’t want to think. He doesn’t want any of this.
There is movement behind him, and he doesn’t need to turn to know that it’s Martin. He smiles internally; Martin has been...so much more than he’d ever dreamed. He never complains when Jon passes out on his shoulder during a long travel time. He’s pretty sure he remembers him wrapping an arm around him one of those times. He always takes Jon’s concerns seriously, even if they seem completely ludicrous. Hell, he even agreed when Jon mentioned he thought they were being followed. And he…
Jon doesn’t deserve him. Martin deserves so much better.
“Hey,” Martin says softly, leaning on the railing beside him. “Are you...how are you feeling?”
Jon lets out a dry laugh. “I feel good,” he rasps. “I shouldn’t, but…”
Martin looks over at him. There is something dark in his eyes, and Jon knows it’s because of what he is. “So it’ll...it’s going to ‘tide you over’, then?”
“I-I think so. Yes.”
Martin looks away again and starts picking at his fingernails. He doesn’t say anything, and his face is pinched in thought. Jon wishes he would just tell him off already. Tell him he’s disgusted and walk away.
His throat constricts. He knows it’s coming, and he hates it. He hates what he is, he hates Elias for doing this to him, he hates that Martin is trapped in this hell with him. He hates that he’s going to lose the only person who seems to care about him.
“So what do we do?” Martin asks, still not looking at him.
Jon swallows back his emotions and reels himself in. He will not cry here. He’ll save that for when Martin leaves; he doesn’t deserve to be pitied. “Th-there’s um...there’s a train leaving for Washington in the morning,” he croaks. “And...there’s a plane to London with a layover in Chicago leaving in 5 hours. I can...I’ll...stay- o-out here while...while you get your things together. Th-that way y-you don’t have to- to see...me.” He finishes with a half-choked sob. He doesn’t want Martin to go. He doesn’t deserve Martin to stay.
He wonders: will he treat him like Tim does? Or will it be more like Georgie—distancing himself? Honestly, that might be worse than violent hatred. Maybe it’s what he deserves.
Martin is looking at him, his expression twisted into confusion. “What? What are you talking about?”
His entire body is shaking, and he can feel the dam starting to break. He can’t—he can’t—let himself break, no matter how terrified and horrified and awfully good he feels. He is a monster. He deserves nothing. Nothing but pain and terror and abandonment.
He’s hyperventilating. There’s a panic attack tingling in his bones. It’d be so much easier if he were alone; he wouldn’t have to pretend. He could let everything out that he’s keeping bottled up right now. But he’s not, and he can’t.
There is a hand taking his. He thinks he hears Martin say his name. He thinks he must be hallucinating.
“Jon,” Martin says again, his voice urgent and stressed. He has both of his hands in his, now. He’s staring intensely into his eyes.
He can’t speak. He tries anyway, and all that comes out is a quiet whimper. Pathetic.
“Oh, Jon.” Martin’s hands leave his, and he screws his eyes shut because he cannot bear to watch him walk away. But then there are arms wrapping around his torso, and he is being pulled against a broad chest. “I’m not going anywhere, Jon.”
The dam overflows, and Jon crumples. His legs give way to the concrete floor beneath him, but Martin holds him. He gently settles him onto the ground, never letting go.
He tries to speak. He tries to apologise. He tries to do something that isn’t burying his face into Martin’s chest because he does not deserve this no matter how scared or upset he feels and he doesn’t understand why Martin isn’t walking away nor why he’s holding him so tightly and gently and warmly and he is scared and Martin is not leaving.
He’s whispering things that Jon can’t understand through his guilt-ridden haze, quietly shushing him and rubbing circles into his back the way he’d always wanted someone to but no one ever had.
Slowly, his sobs taper off until he can only shiver under Martin’s bulk with an occasional painful, wet gasp. Martin loosens his grip, and Jon doesn’t want to move even though he knows he should because he is a monster and Martin is wonderfully, beautifully human.
“It’s okay,” Martin whispers. “It’s okay; you’re not alone. I’m here. We’re gonna figure this out.”
“I don’t understand,” Jon gasps. He doesn’t understand why Martin is still here. Why would Martin want to stay—to help him?
“I know,” Martin replies. “None of this is your fault.”
“How could it not be?”
Martin shushes him. “You didn’t know. None of us knew. I’m not going to throw the blame on you just because- because you think you deserve to be hated, Jon.”
Jon finally finds the strength to pull himself out of Martin’s embrace. The warmth is gone and he is cold and afraid and he doesn’t understand. “I’m a monster,” he rasps. You should hate me.
Martin’s hands cup his cheeks and softly caress away the tears. “You’re not a monster,” he says, “not to me.”
If he’d had any tears left, they would be falling now. His whole body aches and his head is pounding and Martin is looking at him with an open yet unreadable expression and he has never been so close before.
He is slowly leaning closer, then stops when their noses touch. Jon searches his eyes and finds hesitation, fear, concern hidden in their oceanic depths. He is dizzyingly close and his fingertips are gently pressing into his cheeks while they’re sitting on the floor of the balcony of their shitty motel. Jon closes his eyes, barely breathing, anticipating, fearing, wanting.
Martin’s lips taste like mint. They are soft and gentle and do not pry. Jon balls his hands into Martin’s shirt and leans into the kiss like it’s the last drop of goodness in his hellish world.
It only lasts a few glorious seconds before Martin pulls away. Jon lets out an unconscious breath. He is still shaking, he is still a mess, he’s still a monster. But Martin...doesn’t care. Martin is going to stay. He doesn’t have to do this all alone.
“Where you go, I go,” Martin murmurs, resting their foreheads together. “Okay? I’m not going to leave you. Not ever.”
Jon takes in a shuddery breath. “O-okay…,” he whispers. “Th-that’s the deal.”
Martin is still smiling when he kisses him again.
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corysmiles · 3 years
The angst idea?
You know the one
Friendly Giant AU
CW: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, angst, extremely brief mentions of blood/violence, mentions of depression(Also this can be treated as canon or not, if you want to believe a different ending that’s okay! )
Notes: sorry :) Also please read the whole content warning before going on, I hope you like it!
Dead grass crumbled under Ranboo’s feet as he walked through the forest. The leaves from the tall pines around him shuddered and whistled under the frigid wind, but his thick fur kept him warm.
He’d go into hibernation soon, most likely in a few days, so he knew he had to make the trip then. He’d been avoiding it at all costs, but he needed to see it. At least before he went to sleep.
His breath clouded up in front of his eyes as his feet led him on the small dirt path to the graveyard. He’d been to the destination many times before…As his friends, his family, passed away they held the burials in the same place. It was a beautiful clearing he had to admit. But every time he went he could feel the dread building up in his stomach. The clearing took too much from him already, and it hurt to see the graves.
Only a few minutes into his trek, small blue and purple flowers started to pop up across the dirt. He recalled that Michael had planted the blue ones a few years after Wilbur had passed.
And the purple ones…they were added after Tubbo…
“They attract pillbees,” Michael had told him, when the pain was still fresh and his tears wouldn’t stop flowing, “He loved those.”
Ranboo felt a fresh wave of guilt crash into his heart as he realized he’d have to step through the flowers. The wild buds had completely covered the area, and while it was beautiful, to get to the the graves he would have to walk over them.
He hoped Michael wouldn’t mind too much if some of the flowers were flattened.
He winced as he felt more of the soft petals crunch under his feet, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a pair of pillbees fly past him.
“Sorry,” he whispered as the bees buzzed around his face, “I’ll be gone soon.”
He watched with amusement as one of the bugs curled up and plummeted through the air before catching itself and soaring upwards again. It’s small translucent wings glittered under the light like a tiny ball of fire.
Tubbo always loved watching them fly around.
Even near the end, when he could barely walk on his own he’d ask to see the pillbees, and Ranboo would bring him out without hesitation. Tubbo hated how helpless he felt, but Ranboo would do anything to help him.
Even as his vision failed and his memory started to falter, it always made him happy to feel their tiny bodies crawl over his hands. And he’d always smile so brightly when they fluttered around Ranboo’s face.
Ranboo wished he could see him smile like that again. Just once more, but there was nothing he could do. The closest he had to Tubbo’s face were the old chalk drawings Michael had made in the den.
And even they were starting to fade away from old age.
“Come on,” he whispered under his breath, he couldn’t put this off any more.
It wasn’t long before the graves came into view, and immediately he felt his whole body tense up. Memories of funerals and burials weighed down his heart.
The stones were all lined up in a perfect row. The farthest one on the left was already crumbling at the top, a sign of how long it had been there, while the newest one on the right sat pristine and fresh. There was still a bundle of flowers neatly tied up on top of it.
‘Probably from Michael’, his brain input.
As carefully as he could he knelt down in front of the stones and tried to keep his breathing steady. Every inhale felt like liquid fire running down his throat. And the sight of the newest grave made him feel nauseous.
He could do this. He had to.
“Hey,” he exhaled finally, “It’s been a while…”
The wind howled around his ears making them prick back from the icy cold. Tubbo always thought it was funny how his ears twitched, his mind reminded him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier. And that I missed the uh…that I missed the burial,” he choked after a few moments, “I’m so sorry Tubbo.”
Slowly, he wrapped his tail around the base of the stone- it was so so small. Even near the end Tubbo had never felt that small. He was so magnetic and larger than life, it hurt knowing he was deep under the dirt.
If he closed his eyes he could almost imagine it was still Tubbo, his husband and his best friend instead of a cold lifeless stone.
“You know Michael joined the guard,” he hummed, keeping his eyes trained down at the grave, “Sam convinced him to after you passed… He’s doing great; you’d be proud of him. But you probably already know that huh? He visits more than I do.”
Ranboo willed away the tears threatening to spill as his fingers found the human-sized ring in his pocket. It perfectly matched the ring still snug around his horn, even with it being worn down from how often Ranboo rubbed it between his fingers.
“Oh and they finally found it you know…Tommy’s badge. I know you spent a long time trying to find it,” he swallowed, “Some hunters found it in a cave. Whatever killed him must have spat it back up, and Michael has it now…It’s pretty beat up but he refuses to wear any other badge.”
The mention of Tommy’s death was like a stab to his heart. He couldn’t help it as tears slid down his face and wet the ground underneath him.
Tommy’s death was brutal…and the first time he’d felt loss. But it was also the first time he’d really seen Tubbo break.
It was a few years after Phil had already retired from the guard. It was supposed to be a normal roundtrip, the ones the guard did every night, but Tommy never came back.
Later that night Techno showed up at the walls alone and covered in blood. The entire town had watched as he fell into his father’s arms, not wanting to think about what it meant. Tubbo and Wilbur didn’t find out until later, when they got back from his den the next morning.
And Ranboo didn’t know until hours after.
That night the town held a funeral, but there was no body to bury. They’d set up his stone right next to his mother’s under the tree Phil had planted years before.
The tree Ranboo now sat in front of where one by one each of the humans he loved had been buried.
“Sam said I probably have ten more years yaknow,” Ranboo stuttered out as he grazed his claw against Tubbo’s gravestone, “I feel bad for leaving Michael but…I’m happy- I’ll get to see you all again. I miss you so much.”
“Michael isn’t in the den much anymore, and it feels so empty now that you’re not there Tubbo,” he broke, “I miss you so much. I don’t know what do with myself anymore.”
He was bordering on dangerous territory as his mind sped up. He knew he needed help, and that the way he coped wasn’t healthy but he missed Tubbo so much. Sam checked on him every few days, but often he just stared at the chalk drawings of his husband and cried until he fell back asleep.
“Most of the time I can’t even get up,” he admitted sadly, “I don’t want to move because it means you won’t be there. And I know you didn’t feel good near the end but…but I want you back so badly Tubs.”
He paused to wipe away a tear that dripped down onto Tubbo’s stone, “I know it’s selfish but I want you back so badly. I love you…You meant the world to me Tubbo. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Ranboo let his head fall forward as tears streamed down his cheeks. It was unfair. He didn’t know why everyone got to pass on except for him. He wanted them back so badly.
He missed guard practices with Phil and Techno and sitting and watching Wilbur strum on his guitar. He missed Tommy running around with Michael and joking with him as he worked.
And he missed Tubbo most of all. He missed laying down with his best friend and sleeping curled up with him at night. He missed fishing while Tubbo sat on his head and told him stories. He missed Tubbo teaching Michael how to speak and draw until Michael was taller than Tubbo himself. And he missed the soft touches he received from the boy.
He missed everything about the only human who’d ever given him a chance.
With quivering lips he bent down and pressed a kiss to the cold stone. For a moment he swore it felt warm under his touch, and he could almost convince himself Tubbo was there with him.
“I love you Tubbo,” he whispered, “I’ll be back again.”
But only the wind whispered back.
The next day Ranboo went into hibernation for the first time without Tubbo, and when Michael arrived to check on him he found his father curled up around a pair of rings and a small clump of purple flowers.
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
Stopping You [Part 10] - Michael Gray
Words: 8.9k+
Summary: Y/N’s recovery from both her feelings and her wound takes a step back after a specific night.
Warnings: Female!Reader. Mentions of wounds, a lot of blood, death and night terrors. Emotional cheating. Self-hate (discrediting their own sadness and feelings; hateful inner voice).
Prologue    Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5     Part 6    Part 7   Part 8    Part 9    Part 10    Part 11
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It has been a total of 24 hours.
Yesterday was a bad day. Both mentally and physically.
Polly tried her best into bringing your mood up, which worked in some way. She eased your mind by telling you that what you were feeling is completely normal, but as soon as you were alone, it was like the whole world was crashing on you.
Over crying so much as hateful questions filled your mind, you were sore at the end of the night. You contracted your muscles so much while sobbing that you could feel your wound pulsate against your skin in pain.
You questioned almost everything about your life before and after Michael left and when he reappeared. Things have changed, not just around his family, but also around you. And that seems to be one of the most confusing matters.
You never cared too much about this, but you can’t help but think about how so many things have changed since Michael came back. From your behaviors to how you function. Everything has changed in some way.
You’ve always suffered with night terrors in your life, ever since your parents left, but they were almost never about Michael. The exception being when the whole Italian/New York mafia situation went down, and Michael got injured. But other than that, it was always you, or anybody else close, that would die.
Never Michael.
You want to know what could’ve possibly awaken those thoughts and that part of your brain that makes you think like that. Could it be because you now connect him to something bad in your life? Or that when he came back, he had-
No, you’re not going there. It’s useless. It will cost you nothing pain, and it won’t grant you any answers. Might as well push that away and live your life.
Or at least try.
You bring your hot mug back to your lips and take another sip of your tea, letting your eyes fall to the ground.
Polly believes you could talk to him. Tell him about how you’ve been feeling lately. But, honestly, for what? To say that you’re falling right back in love with him just to later be thrown in the face that he does not love or feel anything for you anymore.
He. Is. Getting. Married.
It would just be simply ridiculous to do such a thing.
He doesn’t feel anything for you and that’s okay. All he feels is pity and maybe he got a little scared over you being shot, but that’s it. There are no feelings attached, no romance. No nothing. Just simply… a connection through pain, which awoke lost and forbidden memories.
Maybe this could just be your pride talking over your heart but, you just can’t believe that you’re letting yourself fall so easily. After so long of crying over him and overworking yourself to become a Peaky Blinder and just- not worry about anything in your demolished love life. All of it going to the trash because… You caught feelings for him again?
It’s disappointing to say the least.
Today, you awoke as soon as the sun made its way into the living room and since then, you haven’t done much. You walked back to your room after getting yourself a warm drink and sat by the window staring at the green grass of the neighbors’ house like it’s the most entertaining thing in the world.
A book is resting beside you. You have read a few good pages, but you can’t bring yourself to read more than 20 at a time.
Your mind is too heavy.
Voices coming from downstairs make you look away from the window and up to your door. You try your best to identify them as soon as you find them familiar.
You can hear voices and the laugher of Lizzie and Arthur. Which is awfully strange.
You scowl at the sound, and the soft patter of quick feet running around the house squeezes your heart. The kids are here too.
You rise from your seat and walk across your bedroom to the door. You open it softly and the sound of everyone’s voices is now louder. Confusion is the most prominent emotion you can feel right now, but you can’t help but welcome it better than any other one you’ve been feeling lately.
While walking down the main stairs silently, a soft gasp is heard over the loud voices. Ruby’s.
You smile at her as she spots you walking down the stairs and she quickly let’s go of her mother’s hand to run towards you.
As you’re distracted swallowing down the jab of pain at your middle while leaning down to grab her, Polly’s eyes meet you. The smile in your face is almost like a warm hug in the winter. She could get used to this sight forever.
“Look who came back from war,” Ada jokes as she spots you.
She walks towards you and her arms wrap around you as soon as you’re close enough. You lean towards her, even with Ruby on your hip, and she squeezes you in closer.
“I was so worried,” She tells you, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
You pull away from the hug with a small smile and she gives you a wide one in return. It’s been a few weeks since you last saw her. She had left back for London not long before the whole event happened. You honestly didn’t expect to see her this soon.
As Ada moves back, everyone’s attention goes over to you. Everyone, or at least, almost everyone pulls you into a hug, sharing their words of how grateful they are from knowing that you’re still breathing.
You know they had visited you back at the hospital when you were still asleep, but nothing compares to actually seeing you move like nothing had happened. Arthur’s words, not yours.
Talking about Arthur. He was awfully apologetic while you two hugged it out. You believe he must have blamed himself for what happened, but you were quick to take that idea off his head.
You’re not about to see anybody else beating themselves for something out of their reach.  Unless that’s you, of course.
Tommy and Arthur, not even 20 minutes into stepping in Polly’s home, excuse themselves and leave off to work.
The crowd in the living room doesn’t consist in much more people. Both Ada and Lizzie, and of course the kids, stayed behind and took a seat on the couch. The kids surrounded you as soon as you all sat down, while the women in front of you were distracted on talking about whatever, or rather, whoever worth of gossiping.
You listen to some of their words while being continuously pulled into conversation by Charlie as you let Ruby sit next to you, leaning to your side.
Karl is sitting closer to his mother, but looking at you and joining the conversations, nonetheless.
“What about you, Y/N?” Ada asks as she sips her tea.
“What about me?” You ask confused, obviously having no clue on what she’s on about.
“We were talking about weddings,” Lizzie explains, “Sharing our opinions on what is the best wedding. And Ada asked if you have anyone in your mind as your future husband?”
Her tone is playful more than anything. Both Lizzie and Ada expect a disgusted scowl or a roll of your eyes as an answer, but Polly can’t help but tense up against her seat at the question.
As innocent as this conversation was, it was more than powerful to push you back into your inner darkness.
“Not that I know of.” You answer, trying to mimic Lizzie’s tone.
“Oh, come on. You don’t find any man attractive?” Ada asks, putting her cup down beside her, “Not even one?”
You shake your head slowly and she stares at you with half closed eyes, almost as if she has a suspicion of some sort about your feelings towards any male presences.
“There has to be someone,” Lizzie agrees with Ada, “It’s been… what? 3 years?”
You shrug, fighting your urge to correct her since it won’t do you any justice, and the two women share a look as Polly watches all the action unfold.
“What about Finn?”
Oh god, you almost gagged right here.
Ada laughs under her breath at your disgusted yet shocked look and shakes her thoughts of that couple even be slightly real, away.
“God.” Polly scoffs out loud, making every woman rip a slight smile.
“What’s so wrong about my baby brother?” Polly asks, hands over her hips, playful grin on her face.
“Nothing is wrong,” Polly explains, “They would just be the most chaotic couple to existence. Can you imagine?”
You chuckle at her words and shake your head.
“They would burn down the church right at their wedding,” Polly jokes making both Lizzie and Ada laugh, “Probably even when saying their vows.”
There’re a few seconds of silence as the women let their giggles die down.
“Where is Finn?” Lizzie asks curious.
“Oh, Tommy has been making the boy work double the shifts now, for some reason.” Polly answers, “I don’t understand why, but they changed a lot of his shifts since their last meeting.”
“There was a meeting?” You ask confused.
Polly looks over at you.
“Yes, there was. It was only between Tommy and some of the men.” She answers with a short nod, “Nothing too important was talked about, I’m sure.”
You nod at her a little bit unsure and Charlie is quick to grab your attention back to him. He pulls you by your sleeve to look at him and he starts showing you his new toy horse, again.
You feel like you’ve seen that horse a thousand times, now.
Another conversation restarts between the women and you lean back on the couch, letting Ruby continue to play with your gold necklaces as Charlie talks his heart out about the horse that his dad gave him.
Your mind is constantly somewhere else. But this time, it focused on work. Mainly, on what the meeting could’ve possibly been about. As if any meeting with just the men was ‘not important’. They always have the most interesting meetings.
And with that train of thought, hours go by.
You were so distracted by listening to the women beside you laugh and talk, or just with looking down at the kids, that you didn’t even notice the time pass.
Your mind is still on that damned meeting, but you don’t let it get the best of you. You’re sure that the information will eventually reach you. In one way or another.
Three knocks are heard from the front door, and only Polly stands to open it. Nobody thinks too much of it. Everyone knew that eventually someone would come and pick up Ada, Lizzie and the kids.
It’s soon to be dark out, they must be almost leaving now.
“I’m sorry that we’re late.” A familiar voice sounds from the door.
Ada freezes and at the same time she looks up at you, you look up at the door. Not even 5 seconds later, Michael enters the house, followed by, of course, Gina. His blue eyes travel to the couch in the living room, and as he finds you, you’re already looking down at Charlie.
Your hand rests against Charlies’ head, smoothing his soft hair between your fingers, detangling it softly.
He forces his gaze to go back to the blonde behind him and his mother closes the front door behind them.
“Go sit. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll go make more tea.” Polly says, voice strong, not as soft as it was previously.
Ada’s and Lizzie’s eyes stay on both Michael and Gina as the couple stands in silence. They don’t find the women’s gaze as nothing more than their way to look at guests before exchanging some welcoming words, so, the tense air and shock just came unnoticed.
“Oh, hi Michael” Ada says, standing on her feet. “Didn’t expect to see you today.”
She gives her cousin a quick hug, in which he hugs back, but her eyes quickly fall on the blonde.
“And who are you?” Ada asks softly.
“Michael’s fiancée, Gina” She says with her American accent, extending her hand towards the other family member she hasn’t heard of before.
Ada shakes her hand, feeling slightly confused and shocked with her words, but, just like anyone else in this room, she’s quick to hide her emotions.
“Please, sit. I don’t want you standing all night.” Polly says to the new guests, from the kitchen door.
Michael is the first one to move towards the couches. You don’t dare to look up at him and he notices, fighting his own urge to start a conversation.
Your heart quickens the closer he gets to you and Charlie looks up at him, probably recognizing his face somewhere.
“Charlie, honey, scoot over a little.” Lizzie tells the boy.
The boy in front of you nods in response and takes his eyes off Michael. He stands on the couch and carefully steps over your lap and sits on your other side, by the arm of the couch.
Michael takes his seat next to you and you hold in your breath as your arms rest completely against one another. Lizzie moves a bit to the side and Gina sits beside her fiancée, who has his attention somewhere else.
“How are you?” Michael whispers down at you and you still don’t look up.
Your tone is cold and distant, which he finds extremely strange and awfully uncomfortable.
The couch is surely not large enough for 4 people, but you and Michael are having it worse than anyone else seated down on it. Lizzie and Gina have at least a few inches between themselves, while you and Michael are almost completely leaning against one another, trapped between Gina and Charlie.
Michael’s hands rest over his lap as he hears the awfully awkward conversation between the women start, not finding it at all surprising that you are paying them no absolute attention.
Ruby lets go of your necklaces for the first time and looks down at your hands.
They’re slightly sweaty over the presence of the man beside you but she pays them no mind, grabbing onto them as she eyes the expensive jewelry, surely something she loves a lot about you.
Polly comes back not too long after, and she’s quick to serve everyone another cup of tea.
You refuse any more, since you feel like you’ve already drank too much and explode your own bladder if you keep on going. And as your hand lifts to dismiss the tea from Polly, Ruby catches it.
You smile a bit at her and Michael grins slightly at the sight of the small girl being so interested in your hand. You let her twist the rings on your fingers and her gaze moves up at Michael.
His grin seems awfully contagious to her since she ends up smiling shyly at him as she continues to hold your hand up. As they do their staring contest, you look over at Charlie, who entertains himself and his mind with his new, and very loved, horse.
You sigh softly as your heart continues to beat quickly against your rib cage and you can’t tell if it’s just because you’re anxious about Michael or is it just his presence that is making you react like this.
“Have you taken your pain meds?” Polly asks.
You look up quickly as you notice that the question must be for you and a shiver runs past you as everyone’s eyes fall on you, even Gina’s.
“I will when I go to sleep.”
She gives you a disapproving look and you give her a grin in return.
“It helps me sleep.” You justify, and she sits back in her chair.
Michael grins at the exchange of words and your stubbornness and Ada notices it before continuing with her conversation.
Ruby rests your palm against hers and starts comparing both sizes.
You chuckle at her and as your body jumps at the laugh beside Michael, he looks down at Ruby to see what made you react. The small girl looks up when sensing his eyes on her and as Gina joins the conversation between the other women, Ruby extends her other hand at Michael, holding it upright.
He looks at her confused and you notice.
“She wants to compare your hand to hers.” You explain in a low whisper.
He takes his hand from his lap and extends it to her. His hands are surely bigger than yours, and that seemed to shock the small girl.
You smile as she lays her hand over his with widen eyes and Polly looks up from her tea at you, mind still on the conversation she started.
Her heart swells up at the sight. You and Michael smiling down at the girl sitting on your lap as she holds your hands up and compares them to hers. She can’t hear what you say over the loud voices and from being across the room, but she sees you saying something to Ruby, making her nod.
Michael’s smile widens at the small girl and you look up at him quickly, stealing a look before you get caught, which you don’t, not by him at least. Polly surely did, but she doesn’t say or do anything.
It’s so obvious that you still feel something for him, at least for her. But Michael seems to be unreadable, sometimes. It’s hard to figure anything out.
Gina stares at Polly while grinning at what Ada says and finds her staring at her son, she follows her gaze and clenches her jaw. The urge to roll her eyes feels stronger than her, but her bottled up rage triples at sight of you smiling.
Ruby takes her hands off yours quickly, shyly putting them close to her chest. You continue to smile down at her and as you and Michael try to retreat your own hands, she holds on to them.
Her actions are innocent, purely curious on the size of your hands, but she still leans both of your palms together, still holding them upright.
You and Michael don’t give that much of a reaction as Ruby tries to align them perfectly at the base of your palms and see the size difference from the top of your fingers.
An idea pops in your mind as your hand rests against Michael’s, and as Ruby pulls back to check the difference after so much adjusting, you slide your palm against Michael’s, so your fingers align right at the same height.
Michael chuckles at the confused look on Ruby’s face and she smiles at the contagious sound.
But as soon as the small girl notices what you’ve done, she sends you a glare, making the two of you laugh at her.
Your conjoined laughs catch everyone’s attention for a quick second and Gina doesn’t even care to take a second look. Ada smiles as she sees Ruby readjusting your palms, and, this time, it’s Michael who moves his hand, almost making his fingers only lay over half of your palm.
Ruby glares at him too and you two laugh, again.
“Alright, we’ll stop.” You tell her.
Ruby retries, but this time she has a tactic. As she makes sure that you are aligned perfectly, she holds both your and Michael’s thumb and force them to rest against the other’s back of the hand.
She leans back and stares at the difference between your hands, now happy with her achievement.
You two let her stare at the size difference with her big wide eyes, but something interrupts the sweet moment.
“Michael, honey.” Gina calls out as the conversation between everyone restarts, “Can you pass me that cup?”
Michael takes his hand off yours and you can’t help but feel disappointed at the loss of his touch. He leans forward on the couch and grabs the cup of tea for Gina from the center table, something she could easily get it herself.
You let your hand fall back to your lap and you take a sharp deep inhale, not wanting to be sitting on this couch for any longer.
You let some minutes pass, so you don’t seem like a total bitch, and when feeling ready, you lean forward on the couch, wincing in pain as your body shows to have grown sore over the lack of painkillers and from not moving at all for the past few hours.
Polly’s eyes go over to you at the sound only her seemed to notice, and you look back at her.
“I’m going to bed, I think.” You explain, making everybody get silent and look at you, “I feel exhausted.”
“Need help to find your meds?” She asks, already starting to get up, and you shake your head.
“No, no.” You hold your hand up stopping her, “Stay here. I’ll find them.”
You make sure to sit Ruby on the couch comfortably before forcing yourself up from the low couch. You fight off any sound of pain as you stand on your feet, but your face made it quite obvious.
You really should’ve taken those meds earlier.
You walk to the kitchen, trying not to show any other expression of pain, and everyone’s eyes are on you. Gina stares as you lean against the doorframe to regain your strength, yet she doesn’t feel anything in return. Not even an ounce of pity.
You stumble into the kitchen and look at the main counter, expecting the meds to be sitting right in the middle, just like you left them. But this wouldn’t be Polly’s house if they were.
Your feet get dragged as you take your time walking around to the kitchen.
You start opening every cabinet and drawer that could possibly have your meds, but there are too many to find them right away. Maybe going to bed without your meds wouldn’t be that bad.
You just need to lay down, now.
“Need help?”
You turn on your heels to find Michael by the doorway, already in the kitchen. You look away quickly back to all the drawers and try to hide any type of emotion towards his sudden appearance.
“No, I think I got it.” You answer back.
You continue to look through the many drawers and only after 2 minutes of seeing you struggle; Michael decides to move. He walks towards you and you stand still as he does so.
As he passes between you and the counter behind you, he holds onto your shoulders to make you stand back a little and let him pass. Something that surely made your skin react, but, thankfully, it all came unnoticed to him.
He opens a drawer slightly away from you and pulls out exactly what you’re looking for.
“How did you know?” You ask, curious.
“This is where she would put my meds after I got shot. It’s her drawer from stronger meds.” He explains.
How the hell did you not know that?
You walk towards him as he opens the small paper bag, taking your medicine out and handing it over to you. You take it from his hands carefully and put it down on the counter beside you.
“Thank you” You whisper at him.
You take your medicine in silence as the conversation restarts in the living room, and you try not to cringe at anything that you’re taking. Why is everything so bitter?
Whenever you’re done with one of the meds, Michael grabs them slowly and puts them back on the bag without saying anything.
He slides the drawers closed when done and you start taking the jewelry off your hands, just to start and get your way to the bed way quicker.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks and you look up at him.
“No. But I’ll be.” You say sincerely before looking away and taking a step away from him, “That’s what matters.”
Michael notices your hesitation into continuing some sort of conversation, just like your slight cold tone, but he tries his best to ignore it.
“I’m going to bed,” You announce while turning your back to him and making your way out of kitchen.
“Good night.” He says as you reach the doorway.
You send him a tight-lipped smile and walk out, back into the living room. Polly is, of course, the first one to notice you.
“Did you find it?” She asks.
“Michael did.” You answer.
You walk over to her and once close, lean over and kiss her cheek. The rest of the family distracted with something else or some other type of conversation.
Michael walks out of the kitchen and you reach the stairs, after saying a quick good night, loud enough for everyone else to hear.
You jump up the steps with your rings in your hands as you bring your cold and clammy hands to your neck to try and unclasp your necklaces. Your eyes land on Michael’s as you reach the top floor and he’s staring back.
Gina calls his name in a whisper and he looks at her, breaking your eye contact. And as soon as his eyes reach Gina’s, he doesn’t hesitate into giving her a sweet smile.
As he looks back up while walking around the couch, his eyes meet nothing but some painting on the wall.
You’re not there anymore.
The sound of birds surrounds you, their soft and energized tweeting coming from the trees far away from you and some branches above you, as the warm summer wind hits your body like a warm hug.
You shift your position on the ground, laying on your stomach and looking up at the sky between the branches high up, far, far away from you.
Solitary clouds float over the bright blue sky, almost not shielding any land from the sunlight.
Your exposed back is warm, erupting into chills whenever Michael moves his hand. You close your eyes again and let yourself relax again.
A hand touches the side of your head softly and slowly you feel its fingers start to trace your hairline. You open your eyes, blinking the sunlight away, and look up at Michael.
His hand falls to your cheek as you move and a small smile spreads over his lips.
“Let me sleep,” You whine, and he finally gives you a full smile.
“Alright,” He answers in a whisper, “Sorry.”
You sigh and hold yourself up with your hands, you push your body up on his torso and his hands go to your waist. Not caring over only wearing a dress, you lay yours legs over his hips, straddling his lap while pulling yourself up.
“I forgive you.” You whisper back playfully.
You snuggle into the crook of his neck and his smell hits you like an embrace. The small bit of communication pulled you away from your sleepy thoughts and movements, but you still felt just as clingy and slow.
As you lay back against him, his arms wrap around you, pulling you close to him with everything in him. You snuggle in to welcome his tight hold and one of his hands stretches over your skin of your back.
You’re wearing a simple black dress, baggy from your waist down, but completely backless.
“Can we lay here for, like…” You pause, “Forever?”
Michael chuckles from under you and leans his head to the side to rest it against yours.
“We’ll get hungry eventually.” He answers, and you smile.
“I’m sure there’s some animals around here.” You continue to play around, smile prominent in your voice.
“I hope you know how to make a fire, then.”
You giggle into Michael’s neck and pull away slightly. His hold loosens slightly so you can move a bit and you look down at him.
“Don’t you know how to make a fire?” You ask and he frowns.
“Why would I?”
“I don’t know” You shrug, “Weren’t you like a country boy or something?”
With that, Michael lets out the biggest belly laugh ever, leaving you to smile as he cackles away at your words. Your tone had been obviously playful, but it still made it just as funny for him.
“I lived at a farm. I wasn’t a cave man!” He exclaims, tilting his head to look at you better.
“Sounds the same to me.”
He smiles at you and you bring one of your hands to his cheek, caressing it with your thumb. You lean in and give him the softest peck you could. When pulling away, you look at him in the eyes as he tries to pull you into another kiss. You let him, letting your lips rest over the softness of his as you too fall into the pit of slow and lovingly making out.
He sits up in the middle of the kiss and you sit over his legs as he does it. His hands travel effortlessly down your waist to your legs, lifting your skirt enough to slither in his hands underneath.
You pull away and look down at him as you stand on your knees, adjusting your seating on his thighs. You peck his lips multiple times before sitting back and eyeing him.
“I love you” He confesses in a whisper, eyes staring back onto yours, “so much”
“Really?” You ask, serious, leaning a little back and he frowns.
He’s confused, but soon your playful smile reappears.
“How much, again?”
“A lot.”
“How much is ‘a lot’?” You keep going. “Like, ‘a lot’ like the size of a mountain or ‘a lot’ as in…” You think for a second, but he interrupts.
“How old are you again?” He teases about your childish words and you force your smile to disappear, just so you can scowl at him.
“Oh, fuck off” You say to him, “I was trying to be cute here, no need to ruin the moment for us.”
“Alright, keep going then” He says, “The size of a mountain or…?”
“Uhm… The size of…” You try to think, mind completely blank over any ideas. “The size of… the ocean?”
He chuckles at your final words and you grin.
“The ocean.” He says, sure of his words, no hesitation.
You stay silent for a bit.
“Which one?”
“Oh, come on!” He says, completely bored out of this conversation, making you laugh at him, “The biggest one you can think of”
“Yes. Now, can you please” He emphasizes the word comically, dragging it, “for the love of God, just tell me that you love me back?”
You kiss his lips over his frown.
“You’re so romantic.” You comment sarcastically.
“I know.”
You smile at him and decide not to give in just yet. The boy can suffer for a bit.
Telling him that you loved him now or in 5 minutes won’t exactly make that much of a difference.
You stand up on your feet, away from his lap, and he stares up at you while letting out a sigh.
“You gotta earn it.” You say with a playful look, making his frown break slightly.
“Oh really?”
“Yes.” You nod.
You take a step back as he stands up and your smile doesn’t disappear at all as you move away from him. Every step forward from Michael is a step back for you, making his urge to get to you bigger.
And soon, the running around starts.
You laugh as you run from him, sometimes feeling his fingers graze over your arms, making your heart beat faster with the adrenaline.
The tall weeds slap the skin of your exposed legs softly, tickling you as you ran away from your boyfriend. The scenery in front of you motivates into keeping on running, the summery flowers all open and colorfully staring up at the sky.
All you hear is your soft steps over the plants and the birds, it gives you peace. You can still hear Michael running behind you.
You let out a giggle as he’s about to touch you and out of nowhere, it stops.
The warm breeze lifts into a cold one and you look around confused.
You know that the weather can be unpredictable, but this is too radical for it to make sense.
Your hands start getting cold rapidly and soon your body is enveloped into complete body chills, your dress being nothing but useless when it comes to make you stay warm.
The breeze goes from cold to freezing in the matter of seconds, leaving you nothing but panicked.
You feel lightheaded and short of breath and as you try to warm yourself up with your own arms, soon you realize… You can’t feel your own palms touching your skin.
The sunlight fades as clouds fly their way in to color the skies a dark grey and you stare up.
You’re in a dream.
You’re dreaming.
You look over your shoulder at Michael to find him just as confused just a few steps away. He must have stopped running right as you did. But his skin, is not reacting like yours. His exposed arms, from the folded sleeves are not reacting to the cold in chills. It’s like it’s not affecting him.
He’s not the real Michael.
“What’s happening?” He asks you.
“I don’t know” You lie. You know exactly what’s happening.
Your dream is becoming a nightmare.
You look around as the wind gets harsher and your heart starts to beat more violently, just like your shortness of breath forces you into panting your way to find your peace again.
You step closer to Michael and cup his face.
He stares back at you still with his confused eyes and you kiss him. Your lips touch his and his hands come to rest over your waist as the wind continues to come at full force towards you.
Your hands feel numb, not being able to feel the texture of his suit, just like you had felt a few minutes prior. But you feel his hands, the way they rest on your waist, warming your skin under the violent and freezing wind.
“I love you,” You tell him as you pull away.
You open your eyes and you’re met with Michael’s pale face. His eyes are empty, with absolutely no light or sign of life.
You caress his cold cheeks with your thumbs, and you notice blood over his bottom lip. His hands had fallen a second ago from your waist, and you already miss his familiar warmth.
You bring your finger to wipe the blood away carefully and notice that it’s all over his mouth, coloring his white bottom teeth.
A small trail of blood starts falling off his nose and soon from his ears as well, slowly coloring your hands into the color red.
Red, hands completely filled with deep red, now that you try and wipe it.
Michael falls onto his knees and you do the same, holding him close to you even though it’s just his corpse. He’s cold and his hold is not even there anymore. His arms are by his sides as his head rests over your shoulder.
You wrap your arms around him, and the wind becomes more and more violent.
You force your eyes closed and let it take you too.
You open your eyes, and a loud gasp escapes your mouth. You’re not panting anymore, but your heart is beating quickly.
You try to sit up, but a sudden jab of pain hits you. You gasp and wince in pain but still bring yourself to do it. A sob escapes your mouth too right as you’re able to sit upright.
Your face feels wet and cold in the air of the room. You must have been crying before you woke up.
You whine in pain as you bring yourself to turn on the light beside you and as the warm yellow light illuminates the room, all you see is blood.
Your own blood, spread around your white shirt and white sheets, painting your hands just like in your dream.
“Pol-” You try to call out, but your voice breaks in a sob as pain runs through you.
You sob into the empty and silent air and try it again.
“Polly!” You sob out loud, hoping that that was enough to awake her if it’s late enough for that.
You wait a few long seconds for any sound coming from the hallway or stairs, but nothing.
“Polly!” You try to scream louder.
Polly holds her hand up to shut up Gina and the room falls silent. Michael leans forward from the railing of the stairs and looks at his mom confused; arms still crossed over his chest.
“Poll-” You cough.
Michael, before Polly could even get up, makes his way up the stairs and runs down the hall, trying his best to be fast enough to get to your room.
Your door swings open and you continue to sob as the lights are turned on.
“I don’t know what I did wrong.” You sob to whoever is at the door, staring down at your hands, “I-I, I woke up and…”
Michael shakes his shock away at the sight of your bed all bloodied, just like your hands, and walks towards you. His eyes fall to your shirt and notices from where your blood is coming from, your wound.
“Mom!” Michael shouts while looking up at the door.
Your ears start to buzz as panic starts to set in in your system and two hands move yours away from your eyes.
“You’re okay, you’re okay.” The voice repeats and you sob helplessly.
Michael sits in front of you in the bed and brings you close to him, ignoring that he’s now being covered in blood as well.
He makes you rest your hands on his shoulders so that they’re away from your eyes and starts to unbutton some of the buttons of your shirt.
Polly finally gets to the door and the sight is absolutely terrifying.
“She ripped stitches. I think.”
Polly forces herself to walk to the bed and to help Michael check your wound. He continues to unbutton your shirt with one hand only and he’s quick to rip the bandage off.
You sob in pain as he does it and both him and Polly try to look past the blood and ignore your sobs to see what happened to your wound. It opened, maybe 3 of the 9 stitches ripped.
“I’ll call the doctor.” Polly says.
Michael nods and holds you closer to him, not wanting you to move too far away. Your side rests against his chest and he wraps an arm around your shoulders, while one of his hands grabs the sheets and holds them over the wound.
You sob silently while leaning closer to him and he looks up at your face.
“Hey. You’re okay, look at me.” He whispers at you and you do it, “You’re okay. It’s not too bad. You’re safe. I promise.”
You stare at him in the eyes and he leans his forehead against yours.
“You’re okay” He whispers lower.
You nod as tears continue to roll down your face and he nods with you. Your breathing starts to slow down, and he presses a kiss over your wet cheek.
“I got you.” He whispers against your skin.
Michael sighs loudly as he walks into the kitchen and he feels exhausted.
“Is the doctor finished?” Polly asks him and he just nods, “And her?”
“Passed out before he could even start” He answers, “The doctor said to just let her sleep.”
He walks towards the sink and he turns on the water, holding his bloody hands under it. The two women standing in the kitchen are silent, watching him wash his hands carelessly while staring at the wall.
“I’ll go get you a clean shirt.” Polly says.
His mom walks out of the kitchen and he turns off the water, turning around to face Gina.
“Are we going to the hotel after this?” She asks softly.
“I can drive you there, but I’m staying here, tonight.”
She takes a deep breath and brings her hands to her head, annoyed.
“Why? She’s asleep. You can visit her tomorrow.” She tries.
“I’ll sleep better here.”
She scoffs.
“You’re fucking unbelievable.”
“I’m unbelievable?” Michael answers, bringing his hand up to point at his own chest.
“Yes!” She almost screams, “You are unbelievable! And you want to know why?” She asks, “Because no matter what I fucking do or fucking say, you will always put her before me.”
“Always, Gina? Are you serious?” Michael asks in disbelief, “You’ve been my fucking priority ever since we met, and now because I show some sort of affection towards a girl that is fucking bleeding and crying her lungs out, I’m supposedly putting her before you?”
“Yes! I don’t even know what you had with her before me!” She shouts, “Ever since I step foot into this shit hole I’ve been listening to her name and seeing her over and over again. Do you really think I believe that she’s simply a ‘family friend’?” She air-quotes.
“You want the truth?” He asks, no shouting needed, but he sounds mad.
“We dated for 4 years, almost 5. I ended our relationship when in America.” He answers and Gina stands silent, “See? I can tell you the truth when you ask nicely.”
“And if you broke up why do you still like her?” She asks, ignoring his hateful tease at the end of his sentence.
“You have to be joking-”
“Are you going to say that that’s a lie?” She asks, crossing her arms over her chest, “Let me give you some of my truth, Michael. I honestly don’t give a shit about what you two went through, or if you were in a good relationship or not when with her, but you broke up. I don’t care why, but you did. And there was a time when you chose me over her. That’s why you proposed, right?”
Michael doesn’t answer her.
“So, please, for the love of God, stop being a child and move on with your life. You’ve been mopping around her, touching her all the time as if you’re dying to do it at every second of the day… Even if she does still like you, you are with me now, not her.” She spits at him, “Move. On. She’s not yours anymore, Michael. I am.”
He swallows hard at her words and looks at her emptily.
Polly makes her way back inside the kitchen, acting as if she didn’t hear a thing, but that seems to not scare off Gina from continuing.
“Are you even listening to m-?”
“I am.”
“Then say something, Michael.” She scolds, “Is it not true, what I’m saying?”
Polly looks between them as if waiting for it to evolve in any way, and simply extends her hand towards Michael, so he can grab the clean shirt.
“Is she your priority or no-”
“Yes.” Michael answers, “Y/N is my priority.” He nods, sure of himself and his words. “Yes, I’m engaged to you, Gina, but I care for her, and she will always be my priority.”
Gina bites her tongue and looks at Michael.
It honestly comes to no surprise. She had just thrown these words at him not that long ago, at lunch. He had just never confirmed it for her, and now… he did. But ‘always’? You will always be his priority? Now, that, doesn’t sit right with her.
They stand in silence and Michael leans back on the counter, finally taking the shirt from his mom’s hands. He thanks her with a look but to no avail because her eyes are not even on him.
“You’re serious?” Gina comments in slight disbelief.
“I am.” Michael confirms.
“What does that mean for us, then?” She asks.
Michael stays silent and the blonde slides off the highchair she has been sitting on, standing on her heels. Her eyes stay on him as tears threaten to swell up at her eyes.
“I’m not sure.” Michael answers truthfully.
She nods at his words and brings her eyes to the ground. She feels disappointed but mostly betrayed. Her eyes are good to show that emotion, but soon, it evolves into something else.  Pure anger. Anger over the betraying words and truth, the one that just got thrown around as if it was nothing.
And Polly notices it.
“I think it’s better if you leave, Gina.”
Michael takes his eyes off his fiancée to stare at his mother, who just opened her mouth. He didn’t expect her to get herself involved in his worries, but she did.
“What?” Gina asks, bringing her head back up to stare at Polly.
“You heard me.”
Her eyes travel to Michael in hopes that he would defend her, but nothing. He’s just staring back at her, almost holding the same look as his mother.
He doesn’t want her here. He wants her to leave.
She shakes her head, overcome with emotion, and forces her feet to move. Her palms tingle with the idea of hitting something, or rather, someone, but her eyes fill with tears.
How could have she been so stupid?
She slams the front door shut behind her and the Gray family stand in the kitchen unphased.
“Rather dramatic that one, uh?” Polly asks her son.
Michael doesn’t answer her venomous comment, but that didn’t seem to surprise her. His mother walks around the counter and grabs the cup Gina used for her whiskey, bringing it to the sink so she can wash it.
It’s like this conversation didn’t affect her a slight bit.
Michael feels weird. He doesn’t regret telling Gina anything but the look she gave him spoke more than any of her words could. She felt betrayed by him, and she was holding back so many emotions and words.
He knows that if it wasn’t for his mom, Gina would be screaming at him, maybe even throwing stuff at the walls. Just like she usually does when she’s upset. But she didn’t do anything, she decided to contain herself and not scream or even curse him out.
And honestly, Michael doesn’t know what’s worse. The fact that she could be destroying his mom’s kitchen or the fact that she’s bottling up all her frustration and anger.
He thought he knew Gina before coming back home, but the trip only made him and her show their true colors. One can’t stop comparing his newfound love to his old one, and the other obsesses over the idea of power and desperately wanting to overthrow anyone in her way.
Quite a pair, that’s for sure.
You open your eyes as the lights burns your eyelids open and an involuntary groan runs off your mouth as you’re hit with the morning light right in the face. You turn your head to the side, but you’re met with another window with the curtains open.
“Fuck.” You curse out loud.
You sit up and another sound escapes your mouth, but this time, a whimper of pain.
It takes you a few seconds to connect the dots and you finally remember why you’re in pain in the first place.
“Jesus Christ.” You comment to yourself, again.
Your bloody sheets are set to the side, right next to your door, and before your mind could even try to process it, you push any thoughts of your nightmare away from you.
You pull yourself up carefully and try to ignore the tightness that you feel over your wound. You’re not quite sure what happened after the doctor appeared, but if you’re still at Polly’s house, it could only mean one thing…
It’s not as bad as it looked.
You walk to the bathroom and the sight that meets your eyes is, just, great.
Your shirt is mostly unbuttoned, bloodied, just like your bra. Some of your skin has been cleaned, but not all. Your face as some blood smeared on it, but it doesn’t surprise you. You remember moving so much when you woke up, it would be a miracle it your feet would be clean.
You throw the clothes into the bin and start cleaning yourself off. You can’t exactly bath over having to make the wound be dry at all times. But you have been able to manage quite nicely. With weird positions, for sure, but you’re able to wash your body and hair quite nicely.
You put on some washed clothes on and make your way out of the bedroom. It must be really early since the house is more than silent.
Before you walk down the stairs, you walk over to the guest’s room just to check. Finn is laying on his back over the large bed, mouth partly open as some light snores escape his lips, making you smile at him.
You take a step back and close the door back up. He must’ve gotten here after the doctor.
You make your way down the stairs easily, and as soon as your eyes land on the couch, you see Michael.
He’s awake with a mug on his hands, eyes on the carpet as he is completely lost in thought. He has a scowl over his face, hiding any kind of emotion from anyone’s eyes, and as your feet finally meet the last step, he looks up.
His scowl disappears and a slight grin appears over his lips.
“Good morning.” You say before he could.
“Good morning.” He answers back.
You walk towards him and he watches you as you carry yourself with ease over to the couch. You take a seat next to him and notice that his mug is still filled with warm coffee.
He extends the mug your way when noticing your interest and you smile, taking it.
“Thank you.” You whisper.
The hot mug burns your cold palms, and you welcome the almost uncomfortable heat into your skin. You bring it to your lips and take a small sip of the dark liquid.
You’re sitting close to Michael, sitting on top of one of your legs as you sit looking at him. You’re not wearing much more than a shirt, exposing your legs to him and to anyone in the house, but you don’t seem uncomfortable with your lack of clothing.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asks and you bring the mug down from your mouth, licking your lips at the same time.
“Yeah” You nod.
You give him back his mug after taking your generous sips and he takes it back onto his hands.
“When did Finn get here?” You ask him, curious.
“About half an hour after the doctor left.” He answers, leaning forward to put down the burning mug on the coffee table, finding it impossible to drink from how hot it is, still.
You nod at as his answer and while you’re thinking about what else to ask, he speaks again.
“You scared the living shit out of us last night.” He says, making you look back at him.
His eyes are back on the carpet and your chest tightens at the sight.
“I’m sorry.” You apologize.
“Don’t.” He says, finally looking back up, “It’s not your fault.”
He leans back on the couch and both of you continue to look at each other. The air is not thick as it usually is, it’s light and easy to breathe in. Your looks are both familiar, always taking your minds back in time for a quick second.
Your mind takes you to your dream and soon his pale face reappears in your mind. You shake the thoughts away, right as Michael opens his mouth to talk.
“Are you hungry?” He asks, “I can make you something to eat.”
You smile widely at him and bring your hands to your lap.
“Are you finally proving yourself useful around the house?” You tease, making him smile back, “I must be in a dream. Since when do you-”
“I’ve always been able to cook” He defends himself.
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s true!”
“Michael, you couldn’t even cook potatoes!”
“Couldn’t!” He says to you, leaning forward to be right in front of you, “Things have changed in my kitchen.”
A laugh escapes your lips as he smiles down at you and he stands from the couch. He gives you his hand and as soon as your palms touch, he pulls you up from the couch.
“Come on, I’ll show you my experienced cooking.” He encourages as you take small, demotivated steps his way, “Do you want me to make you potatoes, just so I can prove my point?”
“No.” You giggle, “Just- Do whatever.”
He turns around and starts walking to the kitchen, letting your hand fall from his as you stay a little behind.
“You know what?” You ask him as you get in the kitchen, making him look back at you, “Maybe you’re not as insufferable as I thought you were”
Michael laughs at your words as you say them, and he nods.
“Oh, why, thank you!” He says enthusiastically, “Aren’t you lovely right as the sun rises?”
You let out a loud laugh and he moves over behind the island counter, looking around the cabinets to look for something to cook for you.
You stare at the back of his head as he walks around and take a seat on one of the chairs.
One could get used to this.
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Taglist: @ohhersheybars @woodland-mist @onlythechicagoway @soleil-dor @finn-shelbys-bulldog @oh-theres-a-woman @peakyxtommy @ms-reader @beautycinders @lovemissyhoneybee @graceedwards @jadesbabylon @marvelismylifffe @a-dorky-book-keeper @peakascum @shanetoo @hufflemendes @cherrytop02 @http-cherries @burnitup @livingforbarnes @iccyyyybitch @ravennaofasgar @carezzesuigraffi @fernweh-fangirl @hufflepeople @huskyhunny @desertgremlin @fireawayxx @lemur46 @sugarcoated-lame @i-sneeze-to-appease @gabytodd​ @cococola-cocaine​ @namelesslosers​ ​
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Hope you enjoyed this! If would like to make any questions about the characters or when the next part will be available. My ask box is always open.
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