#and my brain cannot be unfucked because it just works that way
literally what is even the point of trying
#personal#vent#i'm trying so hard to be positive but it's completely unsustainable#basically everything that is supposed to *make life worth living* is inaccessible to me because I don't make enough money#(despite making damn near the average uk salary lmao)#i will never own a property (or at least nothing WORTH owning i.e. not a suicide-inducing mold hole)#i will never be able to keep up with my more normal and successful friends#and i don't mean in a keeping up with the joneses way#i mean if a friend asks me to go on vacation i cannot afford to go#fuck it's lucky if i can afford to go out for dinner once or twice a month#the economy is getting more and more fucked by the day#but my brain doesn't work properly so i can't keep up the career climb because working actively makes me want to die#but also having nothing to do also actively makes me want to die#basically i just want to die and there's no good reason not to#and my brain cannot be unfucked because it just works that way#and treatment of any kind is inaccessible until i'm ~officially~ diagnosed#which could take a year or more to get an appointment#and in the meantime i'm supposed to just... lmao idefk just die i guess#i am so so so terrified of the future i want to die just to escape it breathing down my neck#i'm at the age where my loved ones are building their own lives with their partners and having kids and beginning to draw away from friends#into their own family units#and i do not see how i will ever have a family unit#so either i'll be genuinely alone by the time i'm forty#or (worse) i'll be the pity friend who gets invited as the awkward plus one to gatherings#literally look me in the eye and tell me my future is worth staying for#i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i want to fucking die i want to quit i want to quit#fuck it we ball
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theunderdogwrites · 4 years
In Defense of Marilyn Manson
Just kidding.
This is another one of those ‘if you live under a rock, you might not know what is going on’ pieces. But because this story appears to be unfolding daily, I’d think you’ve heard a murmur here or there even if you haven’t really paid too much attention to it because for many, I think this may fall into the “that guy has been a messed-up weirdo for years so I’m not surprised” category.
Please note that in NO WAY I am making fun of this situation, but I learned a long time ago that I require a certain amount of humor to be able to digest much of what this world presents to me.
As always, let me give you the Coles Notes version with the hopes you will go and do your own reading as well.
On February 1 actress Evan Rachel Wood posted this on her Instagram:
"The name of my abuser is Brian Warner, also known to the world as Marilyn Manson. He started grooming me when I was a teenager and horrifically abused me for years. I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I am done living in fear of retaliation, slander or blackmail. I am here to expose this dangerous man and call out the many industries that have enabled him, before he ruins any more lives. I stand with the many victims who will no longer be silent."
Quick history lesson – They started dating in 2007 when she was 18 and he was 34 and were engaged for a brief time in 2010.
This was Manson’s response to what she wrote:
"Obviously, my art and my life have long been magnets for controversy, but these recent claims about me are horrible distortions of reality. My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners. Regardless of how - and why - others are now choosing to misrepresent the past, that is the truth."
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Since the original statement on February 1 a number of women have come forward with stories of their own ranging from physical and emotional abuse to human trafficking. And everyday something new is revealed. Evan Rachel Woods is feverishly posting on her Insta-Story and is slowly burying Manson in an ocean of consequences. She isn’t “fired up” or “a woman scorned”, she is a victim rising above the shame she has felt and the fear of what others will say about her to tell her story and encourage others to do the same. She is the voice that started the ball rolling. The ball that is about to crush Marilyn Manson.
Whenever I write stuff that is currently being heavily featured in the media, I always dive into articles so I can get as much information as possible. But more importantly, I plunge my sensitive little soul into the murky depths known as “the comments section”. I do this because unlike those polished, finished pieces the comments section will give you a better idea of what your fellow human beings think and feel about the topic at hand. And it is never polished or even polite. And often not for the faint at heart. In case you didn’t already know – people can be quite terrible.
The comments section is the modern-day gladiator pit. Only most (not all) of the participants are not ripped, athletic warriors but rather drooling basement dwellers with one hand down their pants (not gender specific by the way) and the other hand maltreating the letters on their keyboard.
Side note: Look, I am not the grammar police as I often just push past all the warnings from the Gestapo editing program in Microsoft Word. BUT I know the value of proper spelling, well placed punctuation and valid attempts to appear smarter than a domesticated turkey by making sure sentences are well-thought out and complete. Raising your argument doesn’t mean USING ALL CAPS AND ABUSING THESE THINGS -> !!!
I just deleted three paragraphs going over the recent “reckoning” that has taken place in the past few years with regards to sexual and physical abuse accusations against (mostly) men in positions of some kind of power. I eliminated all that writing because I started to tumble off topic. I’m not writing about all the dicks now getting their comeuppance, but rather the reactions to it being Marilyn Manson’s turn in the chamber.
Victim shaming is sadly a real thing.
The easiest way I can explain this to you – if a person gets pickpocketed and then blamed because they should’ve known better than to carry their wallet in their back pocket.
Evan Rachel Woods and others have come out to accuse Manson of some pretty appalling acts of abuse and what I’ve found to be the biggest reaction is, “How did they not know he was a bad guy? His music is so graphic and they thought it was all an act? Why did they stay so long?”. As innocent as those questions might seem, and I say that because our brains don’t always serve us or others well, it is a form of discrediting those women. Let’s be honest here… it’s hard to look at Marilyn Manson and his art form and not say, “What the fuck, this guy has bad idea written all over him!”. I feel that is a perfectly reasonable response, but that is where it should end. I think it is fair to pause and attempt to understand the choices of others, but it’s heartless to minimize their experience by placing blame on them for a situation we couldn’t possibly understand if it has never happened to us.
And like I’ve quoted before: People only understand from their level of perception. But that doesn’t stop them from laying on the judgement and damaging already fragile individuals with their inability to show compassion for a fellow human being. Reading through comment sections isn’t just maddening, it’s disappointing and sad but also a real look into how awful many people feel about themselves… to the point where they seem to derive some pleasure or satisfaction from condemning a rape victim for wearing a short skirt and getting drunk.
So… we have to touch on this to be balanced: innocent until proven guilty. Only these days it’s an automatic trial by media with the public acting as judge, jury and executioner. This is where “cancel culture” steps in and within days can destroy an entire career / life. I am not a fan of cancel culture. It does not give people a chance to learn from their mistakes or make amends as it immediately harms their very existence. Often times even before any proof has surfaced. I don’t think I need to tell you how dangerous this is… the fact that just an accusation could ruin your life.
Let me make this clear: if someone comes forward and claims they’ve been sexually assaulted/abused, they need to be taken seriously and not dismissed based upon the circumstances, their gender identity, the color of their skin, their economic position or profession or the person they’re accusing. In turn, the individual being accused should be given time to address the claims before the public begins demolishing their life.
A reoccurring comment in almost all these cases where someone comes forward and alleges abuse YEARS after it happened, is – “Why did they wait so long to come forward?”.
Is this a fair question? Sure. And I feel it is asked because our brain needs to find a way to understand the information we are being given. Because while we’d all like to think that if in the same situation we’d be unfuckable with and anyone who dared to bring damage to our doorstep would immediately suffer the consequences, we actually cannot predict our reaction. There are too many unknown variables to be able to confidently say we’d instantly speak up and seek retribution.
The fear of not being believed. The fear of being blamed. The fear of rejection. The fear of retaliation from the person being accused. The fear of being forever defined by your experience. The fear.
It does not matter the why, what matters is the chance they’ve taken by speaking up at all. Those who come forward should be embraced, not ridiculed. Not abandoned. Not criticized.
“Don’t ask why victims wait so long to speak up. Ask what systems were in place to keep them quiet”. Anonymous
I own a few Marilyn Manson CD’s. And I’ve even attended one of his concerts. Would I say I am a fan? Probably a number of years ago I was but truthfully, I’ve not paid attention to any of his music in recent years because I feel it devolved while my taste evolved. That’s not a slam against him or anyone who fancies his work, it’s more a statement on how I’ve matured and now seek out music that feels authentic to me.
The one concert I attended was opened by Courtney Love. I know, what a duo to pay money to see. Near the end of Manson’s set he made a disparaging remark about Love and trashed her music. At the time he was wearing some pretty hefty platform shoes so it made it all the more hilarious when from out of nowhere she charged like a rhino and tackled him to the stage; throwing punches at his head all the way down. When he finally was able to get up, he announced the show was over. There would be no encore and then him and his bandmates trashed the stage in a temper tantrum worthy of a toddler Napoleon. Still makes me laugh to this day.
Shoutout to Evan Rachel Wood and her most recent movie ‘Kajillionaire’. Watched it on demand about a month ago and it’s a brilliant comedy that will also pull at your heart. I highly recommend you give it a chance.
Check out the trailer:
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
(If you’re in a difficult place right now or don’t have the energy, please ignore this ask. I won’t be offended.) When I have a bad health day, irrational fears start to take over. I’m a single mom to two young kids. How do you keep your head positive when your body feels like shit or if you’re having an episode or feel so weak you’re gonna pass out? It’s counter intuitive. A positive mind feels so fake when I’m in pain. And physical stuff is bad enough without the anxiety of failing my kids.
Heh, you caught me just as I was about to fill out my therapy work sheets so… yeah, here’s the thing, there’s no one size fits all  for this type of thing, but I’ve found EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to be extremely helpful with helping me deal with my chronic pain and all the other shit in my head I have to contend with on a daily basis.
I’m going to put this under a cut cause it will likely get long, so if you’re on mobile and don’t want to read, you may wish to start scrolling now.
My therapist specifically went out and got qualified in this type of therapy in order to help me, after she read some studies on how it’s being used to help people with chronic pain to better process their pain. It doesn’t remove the pain, but it can help some people to better manage it, which in turn lowers stress levels, which in turn lowers stress hormones, which in turn directly affects certain types of chronic pain, and can help to manage the stress/pain cycle many people suffer from. And considering my body is so fucked up that stress can tip me over into an anaphylaxis episode, I really cannot stress enough how important and vital EMDR has been to me in helping me manage that stress level.
It’s also been really useful for me in starting to overcome certain traumas and triggers, making my world slightly less traumatizing and anxiety inducing to live in on a daily basis. I really don’t know how to describe it, but it’s like the method gets both parts of my brain talking to each other again in a way no other form of therapy ever has, and suddenly it becomes easier to deal with the thought or memory, which then in turn makes it somewhat easier to deal with any new events normally associated with that trigger. It doesn’t make me feel numb or suppress or remove the memory, it just helps lessen the emotional response and better regulate it.
I’m still very much in the early stages of this type of therapy, but it’s helped me a lot so far in terms of lessening my intrusive thoughts, lowering my stress and anxiety, and also helping the “positivity” to feel less “fake”.
If anything it lets me acknowledge my feelings from a safe emotional space, so instead of “fake it till you make it” I have come to terms with the fact that I will sometimes have moments of absolute soul obliterating rage and grief, and rather than try to bury them or push past them, I will instead take the time to sit down cry my eyes out. Crying, as it turns out, can be quite good for you, it helps the brain balance out certain chemicals and is a bit like trying to hit the reset button on the brain.
So rather than put a brave face on it, I’ll lock myself in the bathroom if I don’t want anyone else to know and I will sob it out, and rather than feeling like a failure for those moments like I used to, I now know that’s normal. That’s part of the grieving process, which is something I will likely always be going through because of how my life is. I have no constants, only variables (far more so than other people), so coming to terms with that and allowing myself to experience it rather than constantly fighting it has been beneficial. Hugely overwhelming and majorly exhausting, but helpful.
Cause being positive doesn’t mean feeling no negative emotions ever, it means dealing with the emotions, all the rage, the anxiety, the pain, the loneliness and everything else in between, and letting yourself experience them without falling into a spiral because that’s all part of the human experience. Nothing is constant, everything is variable and as terrifying as some people may find that, for me it’s a great source of comfort. It means one day, with the right medical advancements, I might get better. It could mean the opposite too of course, but I’m not going to dwell on that. There’s no point, it’s all, to quote my favorite angel, quite ineffable.
And again, this is not a magic cure and it won’t be a good fit for everyone, it’s just what I’m currently doing to try and unfuck my own head, and it’s been very helpful, especially cause I can’t take any meds and sometimes regular talk therapy would leave me feeling triggered and escalate into an episode all by itself. EMDR has been bloody hard work, but it’s also given me my perspective back in some instances, and helped me move on from some things I thought I’d never come to terms with. So if you’re struggling and you’ve tried other things? Maybe look into giving it a go.
Also reaching out to support groups can be very helpful. I don’t know what your life or social situation is like, but a lot of the time we can feel very isolated and alone with our conditions. That’s precisely why I started blogging about my illnesses the way I did. I never wanted anyone to feel as lonely as I did, even if it meant having only one other person in the world who understood. Online facebook groups can be a good way of finding other people who might understand, and they may be able to point your toward face to face groups if you’d like the real world social interaction. You could also try googling for them.
If you have friends who are willing and able, opening up to them on what you’re going through and talking about your limitations can also be very validating and reassuring. I lost a lot of face to face friends when I got sick, but the ones who understood and stuck around? Who made accommodations to ensure I could be part of the social group? Literal life savers.
And you’re not failing your kids. You’re trying your hardest, all the time, even when it doesn’t feel like it. And that’s all anyone can ever do.
Take care, okay? And I hope things improve for you.
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oscarswildetiger · 5 years
I’m just taking a break from an unfuck your habit cleaning spree to complain.
I signed up for Noom shortly after my 30th birthday because I felt like absolute crap about myself.  I didn’t want to do any trend diets, I haven’t done that for years, and the whole 30 was a lot more dedication than I really wanted as well. Noom promised something different and well so far it has been. I’m not going to get into Noom too much, but I just wanted to lay the basis that is what I’ve been doing and since when (Last week of November to mid Jan)  According to the scale today I’ve lost a total of 21 lbs, but I’m so frustrated. The scale goes up and down. Noom has you weigh yourself every day, and I think the point of that is to see exactly how your weight fluxates, in the beginning I was shedding lbs pretty evenly, then the scale would tick up, I would go 3 days without pooping, then I’d poop and it would be back down. Then my digestive schedule evened out and I would see still a cycle of upticks then downward, then a few days at the same, then up, then down, you get the picture. Yesterday morning I weighed 6 lbs more than I did this morning. I think the scale will say I’ve gained 3 tomorrow, so it’s a victory but also one that feels rather fleeting. 
I’ve been exercising a lot more, running on treadmill, I even started derby! But thats a post for another time (though we’ll touch back on this a bit more shortly) my clothes fit better, I’m feeling better, but I’m just fucking annoyed. 
My job is so boring that I realize I spent a lot of time eating snacks there because I had so much downtime. Now that I’m not eating so many snacks I’m frustrated at how slow the clock goes between the time I get to work and the time I get to lunch and then again the time that means I can go home. So I sit at work trying to keep myself busy and I’m just annoyed at all the things that I COULD be doing at home and that I can’t do because I’m stuck HERE at a job that doesn’t give me enough work to fill 7.5 hours worth of my day. It feels like a punishment having to wake up, drive 45 minutes to a place where I have to sit in a quiet room and can’t do anything that makes me feel productive. Not to mention my coworker (whom I don’t even like, and I know doesn’t care for me) tells me REALLY personal health information that I would never want to know about anyone, and that no one outside her doctor, husband, and maybe best friend should ever know about (Kidney stones, UTIs, and Yeast Infections OH MY!) I know more about my coworkers scheduled cervix exams than anyone outside an OBGYN’s office should know. Honestly is this a form of sexual harassment? Your coworker oversharing information about their genitals that you never asked or showed any interest in? It’s a form of something thats for sure, and it’s sure as hell not appropriate.  Then I come home and either go for a run first or just go straight to spend time making dinner, this is mostly okay, I enjoy cooking and baking so trying new things is nice, sometimes it’s annoying when it doesn’t come together but c’est la vie.  But then I’m done cooking and eating and then I’m not sure what to do. I’m tired at this point but I’ve eaten enough food and I’ve been on my feet enough. Counting calories (and types of calories) often leaves little to no room for any alcohol. I used to love a glass of wine with dinner and then usually another glass or two after the fact, and maybe a snack.  But now I’m realizing that these things helped me relax and unwind, just like eating snacks throughout the day, eating and drinking after dinner was like part of a ritual, and now I’m stuck without that. Sometimes I drink an herbal tea or a hot chocolate, but its just less satisfying. I came home today early from work because I have a hectic weekend schedule and need to do this deep cleaning that I am currently procrastinating on. I’ve already gotten so much done and I’m glad I took the time off, but like, I also want to make a cocktail and have a pizza right now like it’s no ones business and I simply cannot do that right now. 1. I do have derby practice tonight so I couldn’t drink right now or eat something heavy if I wanted to, and 2. I don’ have that kind of stuff in the house so I’m not going out to sabotage myself. I also know if I chowed down on a whole pizza (a feat that would be a piece of cake a few months ago) I’d feel like ultimate garbage and probably give up cleaning entirely and just lay down and zone out to netflix. This thought is comforting because I know I’m getting more shit done and not eating something that I’ll regret later.  Roller Derby gives me a lot of anxiety, I was never the best player but I was excited to be back, but I’m scared to go tonight because I’m feeling frustrated and just want to stay home. My thoughts are telling me that I’m going to suck at laps and that I’m going to make an idiot out of myself tonight because I’m already feeling like a big useless baby anyway from not having anything to do at work all week, but I know I will be self defeated if I don’t go. I’m hoping that by going I’m able to get some of this frustration out (it’s contact tonight so time to hit people!) and I can transfer the negative energy that I’m feeling into some positive endorphin fueled brain matter.  I don’t really have a point for any of this, other than my frustrations are at an all time high this week and I have no way to get it out of my system because my previous habits weren’t entirely healthy and I’m not sure how to channel them in a healthy way so now it’s effecting me in all aspects of life and I’m not feeling very healthy at all. It’s just a vicious cycle I’m in right now and I’m fucking fed up.
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noblueskies · 5 years
I just need to know
Last Friday 22/11/19 I got my nerves tested because the MRI was clear and my feet are apparently perfect. They stuck electrodes on my leg and feet and took readings he also stuck a needle into my muscle on my arch so that should hopefully give the surgeon enough to determine whether it is tarsal tunnel or not. I just need to know what it is I need to find out BC it's driving me crazy the meds are fucking me up and my feet are just hurting more and more. I slept for 14 hours in total last night (24-25/11/19) which is impressive but I know it is the medication. Although here I am rambling at 1AM (26/11/19) and it's just taking a toll on me. I'm not in the mood for anything anymore. That's a lie I am for somethings but I just feel more useless than ever. I can't do anything. I've started to play a bit of guitar again although I can only concentrate for 15 mins ish and schoolwork I just can't do. I've missed most of mock exams it finished Friday I think and I'll have missed them all. People say focus on getting better then on school work and catching up but it's not that simple school will determine what happens in the rest of my life especially these exams at the end of the academic year.
I like this song. Partly BC I can play it and on the other half it shows how much you value things despite deciding to cut them out. TW :This is cutting for me. I miss it so much and I miss controlling the pain I feel. Now I'm in a stable relationship feelings about others aren't the problem it's the way the pain messes with my brain. I just feel like I deserve it idk why. But I want to get a release to stop feeling like noone else understands me. They don't understand me or what I'm going through and idgaf if they say it could be so much worse be grateful for me this is the worst u can't walk I can't go to school I feel pain which is intolerable even when I'm not standing and I'm having to drug myself up with things that make me constipated and shattered just to help alleviate that pain. I've gone from being sporty to being in a wheelchair. So don't say it could be worse because that makes me feel worse; it makes me feel more insignificant and like my problems aren't valid. And at this point I'm beginning to believe they aren't. The only reason I'm not cutting is if someone finds out and I'm starting not to care about that which worries me but I can't tell my parents again. It "got fully better" it got better but I didn't feel like it got fully better. I still get suicidal, I just hide it better now. I've still got the scars. I've still got the memories of planning it. I'm far from perfect. I waste my parents money on private appointments and even though they can afford it and it helps it get better so much faster I cannot help but feel like it's a waste. It could be free on the NHS but it would take months. In a couple of months I've had two consultations two MRIs and nerve testing. This wouldn't be the case with the NHS but it still feels bad that they've spent this much money on me.
I should just get over it. I should "man up" and I fucking hate that phrase but I need to get over it BC it's hurting everyone around me so much and it's my fault. I hate doing this BC it feels like I'm an attention seeker but I don't want to depress anyone by properly talking to someone about it and they'd take me off of the amytriptline which I think is helping/ doing something and I can't have that. They'll think it's a coincidence and that it caused me to start feeling worse but it isn't it's been going on for a longer period of time and I can't have the time it's taken to build it up in my system be reduced BC I'm fucking having suicidal thoughts sure I've had tendencies but I'm not feeling more pain that'll just make it work. I just need to keep it inside my head but I also just want someone to talk to about it. I can't talk to t BC she'll get annoyed and leave me BC I'm depressing like p did and I can't tell t or p or d BC it's unfair when they're already struggling and I can't honestly talk to my family about it. I want to cut and idk how long I'll last before I do again. I just want my feet to get unfucked asap.
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xntimateria · 7 years
Ways To Stay Motivated In This Shit-Shellacked Era Of Epic Stupid
Everything is dumb right now.
From nose to tail, we have become the dumbest, saddest pig at the county fair. Historians will not refer to this period as THE DARK AGES, but rather, THE DUMB AGES. The greatest question I get, right now, is how to simply persist creating art and staying motivated and creative in this epoch of syphilitic dipshittery, so I thought I’d bop in here and try my hand at answering that.
1. Stop staring at the news and at social media. This is hard, because presently the news is a series of constantly crashing cars right outside your window. One after the next, bang, smash, crash. The symphony of shrieking metal is very, very hard to turn away from. In many eras, the news is only marginally relevant to you on a day to day basis but, to me it seems that ratio is going up, up, up. The healthcare debacle alone affects me, um, rather significantly. If I don’t have access to healthcare via health insurance, then this thing that I do gets a whole lot harder. Just the same, I gotta know to turn away from it. The news is a vampire. It’ll bleed you dry and leave you a desiccated husk on the carpet. You can look at it, but pick your times. Write or make art first, then go and stare into the unswerving gaze of Sauron himself.
2. Writing is an act of resistance. Art is an act of resistance. Shit, just living your life in the maelstrom is resistance. Here’s how you know when something is a act of resistance: would the Shitty People, the Petty Men with Axes, want you to do it? No? Then do it. They want you showing your belly. They want you to stop contributing your ideas. They want you to shut the fuck up. So, don’t. Don’t get sad. Get mad. Get fucking pissed. And then —
3. Put that piss and vinegar into the work. Pour it right in. Glug, glug, splish-splash.
4. Do some real resistance, too. Make your calls. Join a protest. Contribute some cash to an organization who will carry the fight in ways you cannot. Key point: do this after you’re done doing the thing you need to do. You know how the airlines tell you to put on your own mask first? Put on your own mask first. Make the words. Art the art. Eat that cheese. Pluck that banjo. Then when you are done for the day, get down to the acts of resistance major and minor.
5. Hey, also, just take care of yourself. These are dumb times and dumb times often call for tireless marathons of beer and donuts and naps — and definitely do those things from time to time! — but also, like, eat some fucking vegetables, get some exercise, get some rest. Trust me, I get it, pretty much every day I hit a period where I’m like, “The best thing I can do right now would be to drink whiskey until I stop recognizing the world,” but I don’t, because I have to stay sharp. I have to stay sharp to make stuff and to be ready for whatever this era of epic stupid is going to throw at me. Take care of your shit.
6. Don’t dismiss what you do. If you’re making the words dance or you’re snapping photos or drawing pictures, and you worry that what you’re doing is somehow shallow or insignificant, fuck that right in the banana-pipe. Even at the barebones level, entertainment has value. In times far worse than these, people needed to be entertained — not in a bread and circuses way, but in a way where, if you wanna regain some sanity and light in the middle of deep fuckery, then you need something fun. If you’re writing to entertain, I salute you. No shame in that. You’re awesome. Keep doing it.
7. But also don’t be afraid to go bigger. If your mode is to use the work to carry a greater message or elevate your ideas or to even just contextualize the bees and murder that are currently living in your heart, hey, do that. Do whatever you gotta. Just make stuff. It feels good. And we need you to do it.
8. Art has meaning. Obama talked about the books that made him who he was. Most world leaders are readers. There are reasons that a book like Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is so popular right now — art leaves its mark, indelible and essential, and it helps us both understand what has come before, what will come again, and what’s happening right now. It gives context and inspiration. It challenges and us and can unfuck our heads — even as it sometimes fucks with our heads in equal measure.
9. Talk to others like you. Sometimes you just have to be with your people. Either to commiserate about current global shenanigans or, better yet, just to talk shop. Talking shop energizes me. The news enervates me. Find your people. And together, you find your way.
10. Remain cautiously, grimly optimistic. Optimism is hard. So fucking hard. Optimism is in itself an act of resistance. But optimism, as long as it’s not blind and naive, has value — and can inspires others to be the same. I’m not saying to simply assume that everything will be magically fine. But optimism paired with a bit of realism and a lot of effort can actually do a world of good. The world has gone wonky in the last year, but we still live in a far better time than most other times throughout history. We still have dogs and otters. We still have shitloads of ice cream. We still have options and a way out of the storm. We have art, too — ours, and others. Train your brain to look for good stuff. And even better, train your brain to look for ways to make things better — in small ways, in big ways. And then, most importantly, train your brain to make art. Think about words. Think in images. Distract yourself with your work. Be hopeful, if not about the world, then about what you can contribute to it. Make cool shit. The end.
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C’mon. Play the Game.
This just popped into my head re: the Sherlock ARG getting underway in earnest, and some anxiety around that. Folks who’ve been going harddd since January 15th are exhausted -- all the more so because the Sherlock fandom is used to operating on a years-long hiatus schedule and we’ve suddenly been pushed into hourly realtime effort. It’s decidedly uncomfortable on one hand, but also thrilling.
The ARG is basically an epic game of chicken. Do we trust we know the rules and parameters enough to play it without getting bruised or overly frustrated by TPTB who are playing it with us? We’ve been burnt before. If there is no explicit prize of another episode, promised upfront, then what does “winning” mean other than knowing we were smart enough to risk our pride to prove we’re clever? 
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Answer: we play it because we can, because we want to, and yeah, because we’re clever. And maybe we also know we can rescue each other from it if it gets too cray. And because it makes us fall in love with the brilliant members of this fandom a bit more. (John has a role also in this scene.)
A Study in Not Blinking
It strikes me that there are a lot of parallels between the fandom’s feelings around the ARG and this scene in ASiP when the cabbie (Moftiss) convinces Sherlock (us?) to stay at the table, even though S. knows there is no gun keeping him there. The cabbie’s gun is fake. Just as many brill folks have determined that the gun at the end of TLD/bracketing TFP is also _not a tranquilizer gun_.  It’s not what we are told it is, based on the evidence of our eyes. And same goes for the representation of a J&S romantic relationship on the show -- we stand by our visual understanding of what is real and there, vs. the “official” view point that it isn’t, and also btw who you are doesn’t matter. 
Bear with me a sec. I think based on what we have seen so far in the ARG, they have been playing a very long game indeed. Witness @tjlcisthenewsexy’s recent brilliant discovery & explication about the cabbie’s license # from ASiP (X). My hunch is that they’ve been building in meta-ARG stuff all along, all so that they would have the option of using it later if they wanted. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the ASiP classroom showdown from the perspective of where we are now, dipping our toes into the ARG.
Read this through, please:
Transcript courtesy of the lovely and astute Ariane DeVere (X) -- S1 E1, part 4:
CLASSROOM. SHERLOCK: What if I don’t choose either? I could just walk out of here. (Sighing in a combination of exasperation and disappointment, Jeff lifts up the pistol and points it at Sherlock.) JEFF: You can take your fifty-fifty chance, or I can shoot you in the head. (Sherlock smiles calmly.) JEFF: Funnily enough, no-one’s ever gone for that option. SHERLOCK: I’ll have the gun, please. JEFF: Are you sure? SHERLOCK (still smiling): Definitely. The gun. JEFF: You don’t wanna phone a friend? (Sherlock smiles confidently.) SHERLOCK: The gun. (Jeff’s mouth tightens, and slowly he squeezes the trigger. A small flame bursts out of the end of the muzzle. Sherlock smiles smugly.) SHERLOCK: I know a real gun when I see one. (Calmly Jeff lifts the pistol/cigarette lighter and releases the trigger. The flame goes out.) JEFF: None of the others did. SHERLOCK: Clearly. Well, this has been very interesting. I look forward to the court case. (He stands up and walks towards the door. Jeff puts the gun onto the desk and calmly turns in his seat.) JEFF: Just before you go, did you figure it out ... (Sherlock stops at the door and half-turns towards him.) JEFF: ... which one’s the good bottle? SHERLOCK: Of course. Child’s play. JEFF: Well, which one, then? (Sherlock opens the door a little but shows no sign of leaving the room.) JEFF: Which one would you ’ave picked, just so I know whether I could have beaten you? (Sherlock closes the door again.) JEFF (chuckling): Come on. Play the game. (Slowly Sherlock walks back towards him. When he gets to the table, he reaches out and sweeps up the bottle nearest to Jeff, then walks past him. Jeff looks down at the other bottle with interest but his voice gives nothing away as he speaks.)
Aside: Aaaand now I get the deeper level of all the Russian roulette gun-swapping references that have been going around (maybe kept up most hilariously by @joolabee originally). 
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ARG Meta Interpretation of the ASiP Classroom Showdown
Sorry if this is just reiterating something that someone else has already done. My brain is mush at the moment, and it is entirely possible folks have already thought of this exchange in a post-S4, mid-ARG context.
Here’s the mid-ARG meta view of this scene:
The fandom doesn’t have to play the ARG (alternate reality game). No one is making us. We could just walk out of here.
But. We don’t like being manipulated. We decide to play along only so far as to call the puppet master’s (cabbie/Moriarty/Moftiss) bluff, and make them show us what we are playing for, and force them to surrender.  I’ll have the gun, please. We know what we are looking at (johnlock) and we believe we are right. We cannot be intimidated. I believe this corresponds to the anti-S4 backlash campaign, and the earnest expectation of more content.
The bluff is called. Definitely. The gun. Gun is not what it appears to be. The fandom unpacks TFP and other elements of S4 that are “fake,” and documents/discusses, all in record time. Some of us come out of shock and begin to see elements of narrative threads that can make sense of the mess, the true signals buried in the fake noise.
The Powers That Be (TPTB, the cabbie/Moriarty/Moftiss, all of whom are in charge of the game structure and who know us well enough to be always changing it to suit us with perfect temptations) applaud our skill in seeing the fake gun. We are unfuckable; no fear. We insist:  I know a real gun when I see one.
On our own, we look back over all the times in BBC show canon, esp. within that TPTB seemingly acknowledged fandom interpretation as being deeper than casual-viewer understanding of the show. This was them saying to us: None of the others did. TAB’s heart of the conspiracy, TST’s references to ice lollies, tea code, the best secret societies having acronyms, TFP shockproof elephant glass, etc.
After S4 airs and is effed up, especially TFP, they begin to lose us for a a bit, first because narrative was false to its characters, and then because queerbaiting hamfistedness. TPTB will not publicly or officially engage to confess what their deal is. But we know what we saw. Justifiable anger/frustration/hurt from fanbase over TPTB’s lack of acknowledgment re: queerbaiting and lack of representation. Fandom amasses lists of canonical show reference points as evidence of our case. We take that case to the wider internet, to the BBC, and elsewhere, to try to hold TPTB somehow morally or legally responsible for all that jazz. There are conversations about the fandom crowdfunding an Operation Norbury PR/lawsuit initiative. We get up to leave, and we say to them: Clearly. Well, this has been very interesting. I look forward to the court case.
And then. And then they challenge us to play the game anyway, with the free knowledge that they cannot manipulate us directly with more bullets of questionable narrative content -- nothing more has been officially announced. We are on the point of walking away to wait passively, to write fix-it fic and make art and chat amongst ourselves, and get on with our lives. . . . But. There is a hint of a vast situation in front of us that offers puzzle-solving, intelligence, close-reading of the world, adrenaline and connections. Also possibly witty recycling of our own in-jokes and crack memes, and helping those to become part of the actual 130-year-old vast Sherlock canon’s Great Game, in the service of making real what we have repeatedly seen and know to be true within the BBC show. It’s rather irresistible. And they say: Come on. Play the game.
Do we turn around and consider it? I have already decided I need to sit down at the table and examine the possibilities. I don’t care about seeming foolish, so pride is not a concern. It’s not risking my life, and has the potential to be great fun. . . I respect the decision of those who don’t want to play, but personally I do. I think this is us losing our patience in the most delightful way possible, and taking the reins. Expect the best explosions.
So that’s that. I have no idea how much of this I can keep up with, simultaneously with work commitments and a personal life. But I have hope that the community can collectively carry it forward 24-7 and keep an open mind, and keep pulling on loose threads because it’s fun, and we’re clever. The fandom knows no time zones; we are global and we are engaged. You’re a scintillating group, and this narrative, this Sherlock-TV-world-real-life narrative, is super compelling. It pushes all my researcher buttons in the best way, with the ultimate reward that finding answers makes them real. No clue whether we will see canon Johnlock but I think this is worth playing to see where it goes.
Especially if we can wink knowingly at each other while doing so. (Pleased to meet you, by the way.)
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Postscript: Suggestions for How to Play
ARGNet post on Getting Started with ARGs (X)
If you don’t want to play the ARG but want to stay otherwise actively engaged in the fandom, consider saying so at the top of your Tumblr blog, and perhaps blocking the (#sherlock arg) tag. I propose that tag should go on everything ARG-related. 
Reminder to please document with links what you do, and tag/share info so that others can easily know what you’ve done and seen, and carry it forward. When you can, read the notes on a post and repost from something useful or new that someone else on that thread has said, done or seen -- this includes folks who want to be part of it all. Embed links in X marks like so (X) so they will show up in notes.
Players who are coming at this from TJLC fandom should throw in the #tjlc tag, to keep it front and center. All ARG playing requires tinfoil hat wearing, so I’m going to say we mostly drop that set of tinfoil hat tags unless you want to throw it in there. It’s more important to keep #tjlc if that’s the flag you fly.
If you are codebreaking, please post:
the encoded source ciphertext and where it came from (with a link also if possible), and
if you have broken the code, include the translated plaintext, as well as
what kind of cipher it was, and what key(s) it used.
be sure to add the tag (#sherlock arg codebreaking) so our army of smarties can become increasingly code-literate within the ARG, as codes become more complex.
If you’re playing, then play. Contribute something. Use the tags to read up and learn for yourself what’s going on. Engagement is always welcome, but try to refrain from just passively asking others to fill you in personally via direct questions to their ask boxes. Folks will be busy pursuing their own inquiries and organizing the info they have found. And ask box space may be precious to some, if that is how ARG clues tend to arrive from mysterious sources. 
Other optional tags: 
#dancing with the octopus = not knowing how many of the arms of the ARG we are or will engage, but enjoying ourselves anyway. 
#the greater game = gives immediate context for what the ARG is in a way that makes folks think of Sherlock and not pirates (Belated epiphany: OMG. Sherlock always wanted to be a pirate. What do pirates say? ARRRRRG.)
#sherlock chess arg = references the S4 chess promo pic that throws the game pieces to us, and tells us it’s our move.
Tagging folks (I’m wary of tagging too many and causing annoyance, but please consider reblogging if you found this useful. We need to spread the word about standardizing our methods and tags! Thank you!):
@the-7-percent-solution, @whimsicalethnographies @teapotsubtext, @ti-ori-se @jenna221b, @inevitably-johnlocked @marcelock @tjlc @tjlcisthenewsexy, @mrsashdown, @materialofonebeing @joolabee, @toxicsemicolon, 
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