#and my leg huuuuurts
deeeeeep in autistic meltdown mode oh my god everything is happening so much and my new roommate who is a shitty tall skinny white guy who smokes an inordinate amount of weed is listening to horrible dutch rap in his own bedroom in a way where i can still hear it happening and my legs hurt so so so so so much and the painkiller hasnt kicked in yet and oh my god im about to start crying
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panzer-of-the-lake · 5 months
call me dracula with a headache the way I be taking these vladvil
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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withabeeart · 1 month
for a change today im hauling my ass all the way across a slightly bigger small town, truly fascinating
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regalis · 1 year
Woke up and I'm in so much pain today :(
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c0smiclatt3 · 1 month
SATORU GOJO: i need you (like i need a broken leg!)
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after you started securing your role as a healer at jujutsu tech, satoru quickly learned that the surefire way to get close to you was to conveniently 'get injured'. (wc: 1k)
☾₊ ⊹ TAGS: fluff!, sfw, satoru is just an attention seeker, descriptions of blood and injuries, x reader
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Of all people, Satoru Gojo has no reason to be coming to the infirmary. He is completely capable of avoiding any and all injuries on his missions and is, for all intents and purposes, untouchable. Invincible. He was the strongest after all, wasn't he?
And yet once you started displaying an affinity for complex RCT and dedicating your time working in the infirmary, he'd mysteriously return from missions with angry gashes along his back, scrapes along his forearms, and bruises down his legs, moaning and whining like a baby as he hobbles into the infirmary like a wounded animal.
"Fuuuuuck, he'd groan, dragging his feet on the tile as you look up, unamused, from your seat by the window, "that huuuuurt..."
Admittedly, the first few times this happened you immediately rushed to his side. What in the world could possibly be so strong as to overpower the Satoru Gojo?
That first time had been a complete accident, back when you both were just teenagers. You began your apprenticeship as a healer and dedicated less time to being deployed on missions, more time in the infirmary. And as strong as he was, Satoru was still a sixteen year-old, and had yet to perfect his technique (and his attention span), which earned him a clean slash to the chest and a blast out from under his feet, sending him rolling down the concrete.
He had stumbled in the infirmary, weakly raising his hand to knock on the doorframe to get your attention. "... Yo." That's when you saw the blood on his chest.
Your mouth fell open. You virtually shoved him straight into the infirmary bed.
"Calm down woman, it's just a scratch-"
"Oh my god -" your hand lightly dabbed the blooming wound through his jacket, "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," you muttered under your breath. Hovering your hand over the wound you focused your energy to the source of the bleeding, your brows knitting together and lips pulled in a tight line.
"Damn it," you hiss, "I can't penetrate the fabric," you reach for the buttons of his jacket, tugging it open, hands so jittery you virtually tore the thing right off. He flashes a wolfish grin.
"Heh, at least take me out to dinner first."
"Can you shut up?!" you snap, exasperated. "Be serious, Satoru, you're hurt!"
You set your hands on his chest, solid and firm under your trembling. You tried to focus on the wound, but seeing the blood blossom from his chest -from Satoru's chest - made you queasy and terrified.
You were all sorcerers here, but your early years of sparring were small potatoes compared to the proper missions Yaga was sending the team out on now. In all fairness today's curse was a little bit above the team's pay grade, but Satoru knew he'd be just fine, anyway. Whether or not you believed that was another story.
Satoru watched your eyes flit from his chest, to his scratched arms, to his bruised abdomen, and your eyes were wild, frenzied, as if completely overwhelmed by the sheer extent of what you were seeing on a body you never imagined could even be touched. You grit your teeth. "Damn it," you hiss. You squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head. "Damn it, Satoru."
Satoru blinked, his expression softening while he watched you, lips parting. You usually hated his guts. This was quite a change of pace for you two.
He could get used to this.
And so since then the visits became more frequent. An odd scratch or bruise on his arm or leg. A slash on his shoulder. Scraped knees. And since they became more frequent you realized... That little shit is doing this on purpose.
So now when he walked into the infirmary, bitching and moaning about some painful wound he'd picked up on today's mission, you barely even looked up from your phone as he slumped into the infirmary bed himself, falling over backward onto the pillow like some kind of princess. "Oh, my shoulder," he'd sigh, "won't someone take pity on this poor, injured sorcerer?"
And you'd sit there in your corner, feet up on the desk, idly scrolling your phone as if you hadn't even noticed his presence at all. So he'd walk up and collapse behind you, drawing his arms around your neck and pulling your back to his chest. "If only some kindhearted healer could help me out of the goodness of her pretty soul!" he declared to 'no one in particular', sighing dramatically and resting his head on your shoulder, flashing his eyes at you, innocent like a little puppy waiting to be pampered.
Noticing your concentration on your phone, he used his technique to lift your phone from your hand. "Hey!" you huffed, "I was watching something."
"Me first. Watch later." He has a pout on his lips like a toddler deprived of attention. You roll your eyes and raise two fingers to his forehead, gently pushing him off your shoulder. "Hey!"
It almost makes you want to laugh. He wasn't fooling anyone. Not even his students, who he often accompanied to the infirmary when they got injured (and who also noticed that he'd then get a little too excited seeing them get hurt). Your lips curl into a smile you hope he doesn't notice.
"Alright. Get on the bed."
He chuckles, leaning by his elbows back on the bed as you pull up a chair like you've done all these years. "Easy tiger."
"Don't test me, Satoru."
"Yes ma'am!"
Nobara, Yuji, and Megumi knew their teacher was kind of a wackjob but this was something else.
Satoru Gojo had his arms crossed, levitating the cursed spirit they were meant to be fighting in midair, his face right up to the thing's grotesque 'fist'.
"You can't be serious, right? You've gotta be able to hit me harder than that!" Satoru groans, "that was, like, nothing!" He turns off his infinity, grabbing the thing's hulking arm, miming the arm socking him in the face. "Like this, see! Preferably on my mouth," he flashes a wide grin.
His students stand back, dumbfounded. Yuji lowers his fists. Nobara lowers her hammer. Megumi shoves his hands in his pockets and frowns, unamused.
"... What's he doing...?"
"... No clue."
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writing masterlist | bot masterlist
☾₊ ⊹ AN: this is a rando headcanon i've had about gojo for a long time hehe. thought i'd write something short about it.
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ENTRY 002: Dreams (Part 2) [with transcript]
"Isaiah embarks on a chase in the night. Aran helps someone in need."
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[Chronicles in Lavender. Art and Story by Koishi. ENTRY 002: Dreams (Part 2)]
[December 13, 2019. 3:33 AM]
ISAIAH: That was a new dream! A NEW DREAM!!! I've never had a dream like that before! But what does it mean? Is there even any meaning behind it?? What did that butterfly mean when it said it'd help me??? And why does it's voice sound so... familiar?
ISAIAH: wait WAIT HOLD UP!! [thinking] SHIT! I'm gonna lose it! [through text to Amaliah] headin out for a bit will prolly be back in the morning dont touch my shit
ISAIAH: [thinking] What the hell am I doing? Am I really gonna ride up a mountain just to chase after some dream butterfly? ...Goddamn sone of a bitch. Some horror movie-ass shit I'm getting myself into...
ISAIAH: No no NOOO UGH why couldn't you stay on the path... Okay... I guess... Since I already came this far... Where is that stupid-- Ahah! I see it! Why am I doing this?
???: Child Of The Moon, First Of The Descended, From Across A Thousand Lightyears And Ten Thousand Lifetimes You Have Been Led Astray. A Wrong That Must Be Righted, A World That Shall Undergo, A Great Change, A People Who Must Be Brought Home, With This, We Shall Mend What Is Broken And Burn The Bridge. Take On This Burden, And You Shall Be Given All That Has Been Promised.
ARAN: [unintelligible]
ISAIAH: uuuuuuugh... hmmmmg.... everything huuuuurts..... christ, my head... w-wha?
ISAIAH: hnnnk- hah... guh... w-where the... hell is the... fucking mirror?
PROPHET: Let me pull one up for you!
ISAIAH: Wait, who just said... that? yo wHAT THE FUCK!?!?
ISAIAH: Where the HELL am I??? What is this... shit on... my... FACE!? AGH-! ow ow ow... Is this some kinda weird prank? My head still hurts... I can't remember how I got here. I need to get my bearings. ...My journal! Please please please please... Oh thank GOD I still have my phone on me. No signal... That's... not ideal. Okay, I have no clue where I am or how I got here... But I ain't finna stick around and find out.
ISAIAH: w-whoa... WHOA!!! OW--! Okay, maybe... go at it a little bit slower... I need to get outta here before whoever brought me here comes ba--
ARAN: ...so if I leave now I-- Ah! You're awake! Thank the stars! I was worried for a beat that you weren't going to come to! Are you feeling okay? how's yo--
ISAIAH: nah nah NAH whatever you are you stay the HELL away from me!!!
ARAN: Whoa whoa, bug, it's okay! I just wanted to check that you're alright! I'm not going to hurt you!
ISAIAH: Yeah, sure, good for you. I'unno what kinda fucked up prank this is, but I ain't in the mood! Y'ALL HEAR THAT!? i AIN'T PLAYIN AROUND NO MORE!!
ARAN: M-Maybe I should've brought them to a professional... Here, I'll go and get you some water, and summon a skeeter to take you to a clinic-hive. Just wait right he--
ISAIAH: WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Where... am I, exactly?
ARAN: Oh, sorry! You must be so confused! You're in a spare cell of my hive! I kind of panicked when I saw you by the river, and your vitals weren't showing up on Prohet, aso I didn't know if I--
ISAIAH: Okay again, wait... "found me by a river??"
ARAN: Y-Yeah, you were lying there passed out on the riverbank. I was worried you were dead, but I felt you breathing so I thought I should bring you home until you came too, since it was so early in the morning.
ISAIAH: So... this ain't no kidnapping thing? I can just... up and leave?
ARAN: Uh... yeah s-sure! If you want! I'm not trying to kidnap you. You can walk out the front port if you feel up to it!
ISAIAH: Aight bet. L-Lemme just... aH COME ONE! OOF-
ARAN: Whoooaaa I've got you! Here, let me help you to the door!
ISAIAH: Why do my... legs feel so o-off?
ARAN: It's alright! We can go one step at a time. Wati there! I'll get you some water. I need a water dish, Prophet.
PROPHET: Of course! Here you are.
ARAN: Here, just in case!
ISAIAH: The... water's in a plate.
ARAN: Yeah, why?
ISAIAH: ...Thanks, but I'm good for now. As soon as I can stand, I'm gone. Taking this stuff off of me too.
ARAN: Are you... talking about your chitin?
ISAIAH: My what? I dunno, man! Whatever this shit is. ugh... what did you... glue all of this... hmmg... on me or... something?
ARAN: Hey, stop that! You're going to hurt yourself!! Just... let's go outside, alright? Up you go! Maybe some fresh air will do you some good!
ISAIAH: ...yeah, I guess. And... thank for not kidnapping me, um...
ARAN: Al-Aran, but just "Aran" is fine by me!
ISAIAH: Cool... I'm Isaiah.
ARAN: Nice to meet you! Now let's get you out of here!
ISAIAH: I think I've seen this place in a... dream? [coughing] Yo what the he-- oh. OH!!! It came off! Aran, how did you do that--
ISAIAH: ...wuzzat now?
[Ēzm̄fl īn-hōn pi-jalzègxa olsl… (To be continued in the next entry...)]
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Was holding Cat when a small noise startled her and now I have bloody scratches all over from my leg to my neck and it huuuuurts
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magicaldreamfox1 · 5 months
my legs huuuuurt
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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ruvviks · 10 months
My legs huuuuurt this Friday afternoon :(
Doing squats + playing with my toddler niece yesterday has done me in today lmao
NAAAURRR HEALING BEAMS AND SPELLS FOR YOUR LEGS ANON your workout was successful but at what cost
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ummm-no · 1 year
I scratched my leg last week. I didn’t think it was bad, I hadn’t even noticed it at the time. But it’s wide and deep enough that the healing scabbed part is doing that rippling thing and a part of it cracked and that crack in my skin just huuuuurts now
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sleepinglionhearts · 3 years
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sometimes it's the little things, yknow?
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scarybeetle · 3 years
im in so much pain
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🎶 I wOkE uP iN aLl TyPeS oF pAiN tOdAy, uUuuUUuUuUuh 🎶
🎵 Butitsgonnabefiiiiine 🎵
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neonsnarl · 3 years
Hi, can I ask for a monty x pregnant reader? (I know it's impossible but pretend it's possible )
I took a bit of creative license and set this in an AU I'm working on. If you've seen Detroi:t become human, then you'll get where I'm getting at.
Growing Pains 🟢 Monty X Pregnant reader (no pronouns used)
"Ugh. Monty, my feet huuuuurt," you groan.
"Aw. C'mere, sweet pea." He pats his leg, the joints of his hands clicking pleasantly. You could listen to him move for forever.
You take the invitation and plop onto his lap. He's wearing a soft set of sweatpants today. The kind you know feel like heaven, since you've stolen it once or twice. Monty has a picture of one of said occasions on his phone.
"You're doin' great," Monty coos. He soothes your back with a large hand. The silicone is warm and gentle. "Would a bath help? How 'bout some lotion? Or maybe a nap?"
"Just hold me please," you mumble into his chest. He chuckles, and you can feel it rumble.
Monty is a wonderful guy, and you know he'll do his dang best for you and the little one. Throughout the entire pregnancy so far, he's been right there with you, downloading information packets on caretaking and more.
You couldn't be happier about the animatronic revolution. Without it, you wouldn't have your sweet gator.
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