#and my mom was like oh living in the countryside sucks all people do is gossip. did i tell about the time a blablabla like shut up
cupuasu · 1 year
i think i'd do just fine in a countryside village as long as they were very friendly
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bokettochild · 11 months
u seem like the perfect person to ask
but I need to know if you've got any Scottish or Irish headcanons about the boys
you out of all people seem like the one to have em, just based on vibes
I hear bagpipes playing for some reason.....
Yes! As a proud descendant of the Stewart line and an partially Irish family, I very much have some Scottish headcannons for the boys! Granted, I didn't get a lot of cultural education from my parents because ✨american military family✨ but yeah.
Warriors in my fics is actually the Hylian equivalent of Scottish! It's not super apparent because he tends to hide his heritage and mask his accent (on account of maintaining the respect of his men who, like many hylians, are pretty racist), but he and his sisters are all very Scottish. Heavy accent, lots of pride, absolutely overflowing with the stories and fairy-tales and heroes that they adore, but they rarely speak of any of it in front of those outside of their culture. I tend to headcannon they lived in the North of Hyrule before, but moved to the capital in hopes of finding better work and maybe improving their standard of living, which happened when Warriors joined the army. They miss the Hebra countryside though.
Do you want to know how many times I've almost drawn our captain in a kilt? The answer is probably the same as how often guys think of the roman empire. The only reason I haven't done it before is because I hate drawing legs (I might do it anyways though, for reasons) and my experience in kilt drawing reminds me that, oh yeah, TARTAN is tricky to draw too. (So many variations and patterns, and what tartan would I even put him in? My dad's? My mother's? My mom's might be appropriate because the Black Watch sort of suits a knight, but also I don't think his family would have that one?)
Yes though, Warriors is just straight up Scottish!
As for the others, I like to think that the fairies and those of the Kolkiri forest tended to also have something of an Irish accent, and are sort of like the fae of Celtic legend in some ways. So, whenever I write Time speaking the fae tongue it's literally just Irish-Gaelic from one translation service or another (I suck at learning languages so yeah...) So yeah, Hyrule and Time have some influence from the culture. They don't have it as fully as Warriors though, so it's kinda annoying because he speaks their mother tongue better than them and despite not being fae or fae adjacent, he is incredibly informed about it all?!?!?!?!
Proxi adores this. Mask kinda hated it, but it also made him feel more at home because Warriors was the first person since Saria to speak to him in his own language.
I've been tempted to throw out a fic where the boys actually meet Warriors' family (sisters and mother) but accents are not my strong suit in writing and the idea of writing eight people with heavy accents is...daunting. I need to get my hands on some George MacDonald again if I want to do that, so I can tune myself in properly (if you enjoy stories set in Old Scotland please read his work, I love him! The Fisherman's Lady and The Highlander's Last Song are two of my favorites!)
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kimboatfloats · 1 year
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Today’s weeded book was a doozy. The title — intriguing. Very gothic romance and the art style screams Italy countryside. Maybe France.
It was first published in 1978 with this one a reprint in 1992. Could be interesting, right?
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Back cover:
‘Where do you live?’ asked Paul.
‘In the big White House on the hill,’ said Maria. ‘Where do you live?’
‘In the little brown house near the market,’ said Paul.
They laughed. But Paul was sad. The house in the hill was big and important.
Maria was rich and he was poor. And Paul was in love.
Riveting. Also fun facts, there’s an audio cassette available for this book.
Please note, I am not making fun of this book for being a beginning level reader. I think these readers are important because they offer content to adults learning to read or learning a different language that is something other than children’s books
I am, however, totally making fun of the content.
This book was absolute trash. Unbelievable trash. With a cool ass name like that I hoped it’d be some kind of gothic, intense storyline.
Instead there’s this dude named Paul.
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Paul is a writing apparently. He needs his coffee cup to say “Coffee” on it. He writes by hand. It’s the late 70s after all. Paul loves Maria. Maria looks different in every picture of her.
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Maria the changeling is a rich girl that Paul love. No. If she was a changeling, she would be way cooler. Her main trait is that she's rich. That half-chopped woman in the second last image is her rich mother. Her mother's main trait is that she's snobby.
Paul recites poetry to Maria. This is a Paul poem:
I met her in the evening By the riverside Her dress was creamy white And her hair with ribbon tied. She turned and smiled at me, And I asked her for her name. Though I am young and poor, My love will stay the same.
So Paul's main trait is he's poor. He's added one more trait to Maria. She wears ribbons. These two have a riveting romance. Paul likes that Maria wears beautiful clothes. She's lovely. That's about it. They hang out at the river's edge. Maria tells Paul she loves him.
This is enough for Paul to propose to her. But alas! Maria can't marry Paul and she flees.
Paul's mother, who looks like an Edwardian cook in like Downton Abbey or something is all, "Oh shit Paul. She doesn't love you."
Cue angry rich woman that's Maria's mama. She sends her driver in a Rolls Royce down to Paul's place, picks him up, and brings him to the House on the Hill, pretty much just to shit on him. She's all, "You're so poor you stupid stupid boy. My daughter is rich. I've married her off to a rich. Go away poor." She leaves the room and sucks out all the rich with her with ... Except Maria's all, "Well Paul. Mama's right. You're poor. I might love you, but you can't buy me fancy things in the late 70s like a disco ball or a rattan settee." Paul flails down the hill, tears in his eyes, and he's crying, "Maaaaarrrriiiiaaaaa! Why don't you love me? Oh because I'm POOR!"
Paul's mom is all, "Paul. Those people are dicks."
Paul ignores her.
Now this is the section that's like Twilight Part Deux where Paul sits in a room alone, not eating, not sleeping, and then he goes to the river but he doesn't recite poetry because he's not going to cause that cruelty to the world again.
Inexplicably, the local newspaper "THE CLARION" has RICH MAN'S BEAUTIFUL BRIDE as the byline of the main page of the paper. It's a shit byline. Of course that's Maria and her new rich husband. The husband has the traits of rich, old, and fat (of course in this book that seems to be a focus that makes him a monster).
Luckily Paul sees an ad for a Story Competition. Here is the ad:
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Somehow Paul thinks, "Yeah if I win this by writing a self-insert fan fic about Maria and me getting together she'll be all over me and super pissed she married the old guy."
There's no preamble. He wins the stupid competition.
Somehow that leads to him being a reporter. I love how he didn't have to go to University or anything for that. Because the newspaper manager (with the story competition?) is all, "Wow you're such a good writer I want to hire you as a reporter!" I guess since they have a shitty byline writer they need someone?
This is Paul, our new reporter. This is Paul's reporting style:
Paul to Celebrity at some big event: "Any more news sir?"
This is the best multipanel comic ever. I LIKE YOUR NEW STORY PAUL.
Paul's still obsessing over Maria. He's working hard asking all the hard questions. He's also an extra in an 80s office setting movie. Look at this image. So much plastic Ken doll hair.
This is the big news room story meeting. I guess. A reporter comes into the office and is all
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ryupioupiou · 1 year
Tag game!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I don't think so. My name is kinda rare. People who know me on other social media know what it is.
And this name brings me a lot of problems with official matters as it is rare and looks a lot like another, far more popular name.
Needless to say that I hate it. But no. Not named after anyone.
2. When was the last time you cried?
On thursday. Therapy yanno.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
As a special viking once said "you gestured to all of me"
Yes. I use sarcasm. A. Lot. It's annoying a lot of people, but do i care? Of couuuuurse!
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Archery. I don't know if we "play" archery but firing arrows on stuff is kinda therapeutic to me. I need to go back. Had to stop because of time and shoulder problems.
I play basketball with friends sometimes and I show my natural talent and expert aim.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
If I am going to get along with them or not. So far I have not been mistaken a lot. Too bad it doesn't work for romantic relationships though.
I am a very reserved person so when I meet people, they must be very special for me to notice anything more of them.
7. Eye color?
Brown eyes
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I usually say that there is no movie I hate. I mostly say I dislike them when it's the case, but hating is a far too violent word for me regarding movies, but I say that I hate media genre and I HATE scary movies. So out of the two, happy endings. Bittersweet ones are good to me as well.
Yeah I don't make any sense I know.
9. Any special talents?
Annoy people! Oh man :D.
No seriously. I have skills. Some. I guess. But talents? No I don't think so.
10. Where were you born?
FRANCE! And no. Not Paris. Never Paris. NEVER! Countryside ftw!
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, gaming, travels, bikes, annoying people, eating cheese. Falling in neetles... (heh...)
12. Do you have any pets?
Technically no. Not at the moment. But I still consider my mom's cat as a pet I have a long lasting love/hate relationship with. We love annoying each other. We call that "amour vache" here.
13. How tall are you?
170 cm. That would be .. 5"6 or something like that?
14. Favourite subject in school?
History. I loved this subject, fascinating, but I suck at remembering dates and ... oh boy.. the order of kings in this WONDERFUL country I live in.
15. Dream job?
Working in videogames as programmer or in a field that helps people in need. I plan on getting an engineer degree actually.
Thanks for the tag @per4mancecheck !
I tag @keichanz, @dragonnnfly, @triumphantfury and @katergator84 (only if you want to that is)
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 4 years
Once Upon A Dream | Kyoutani Kentarou/Reader
Characters: Kyoutani Kentarou, Reader, Aoba Johsai Club Members
Pairing: Kyoutani Kentarou/Reader
Genre: Fluff, just happy fluffy times
Warnings: I don’t think there are any, but if you see any, tell me please!
Word Count: 2111
Summary: For almost 3 years, Kyoutani had seen glimpses of your life in his dreams. It was his favourite part of the day. So, when you move to Miyagi, he's far too excited to meet you. Only, he doesn't know your name or your what you look like. And what's a soulmate supposed to do when you go silent at school?
A/N: This has sort of been shoddily thrown together to help me get out of my weird funk lately, but I like it, so sue me. UwU. Check it out, I posted it on AO3 too (here)
Kyoutani hated school. Not for any other reason than the fact that the people just annoyed him - much less the fact that he wasn’t particularly good at his - his grades could attest to that. Sure, he loved volleyball, and that might’ve been his favourite part of the day; except his favourite part was sleeping. That was because during the times of slumber, he could see glimpses of what happened during his soulmates day - what happened during your day.
He’d never admit to anyone how happy it made him. He’d do anything to learn everything about you.
At this point, he was sure he knew just about everything about you. Most nights you’d feign studying to your mom - you’d always end up watching far too many episodes of the latest anime that had you hooked - even so, you somehow had almost perfect grades. Every time you were in lessons, you took notes effortlessly, though he only ever saw those notes during class. When you weren’t watching anime, you were writing, listening to music far too loud; a thousand playlists that he could never wrap his head around - he was never sure how you’d managed to memorise where one song in each playlist was all because it took you too much effort just to like it. You couldn’t sing very well, that didn’t seem to stop you - he thought the same about your dancing - but something about seeing a section of that from your day always made him extra happy in the morning. You got along well with your mom, most of those clips you were laughing about something incomprehensible. You seemed to get along with a lot of people, though your closest friends were a pair of twins by the names of Anaka and Anoko. You lived in Tokyo, which hurt his heart far too much than he’d admit.
The one thing that irked him was your dislike for sports, you put in little effort to gym every time. Waking up after those clips of your day were his least favourite thing - he’d even put school before that.
Despite the fact he knew everything about you, or as much as he could, there were two things he didn’t know: your name or your face. He hated that so much. It was as if you never looked at your reflection, or took any pictures of yourself. He had a basic idea of what your hair looked like, but most of the time the strands were out of his vision.
From what he could tell, you were in the year below him; it wasn’t that that particularly mattered to him, it just meant he’d been seeing your life for a year longer than you’d been seeing his life. For the almost three years that he’d been able to see you, you’d barely had two years.
One night, a week before he’d be transitioning into his second year, he’d dreamt of you:
The world zipped by through the car window; you rested your elbow on the door hands, leaning your head into your open palm, forehead pressed against the glass. The view wasn’t one he was used to seeing, it looked more like the countryside rather than the cityscapes; a gentle wave of sadness mused inside of you.
“I know it’s going to be a lot to get used to-”
“You have no idea…” you cut off your mother, not even bothering to glance in her direction. Sadness was replaced with an eruption of aggression. You hid it, opting to clench your fist. Your jaw tightened so much that it ached.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” Her voice was soft. You let out a soft sigh, nodding slowly. “I mean, you were so happy when you found out what high school he went to. Although, even the idea that you’re going to meet your soulmate won’t take away from the fact we’re leaving behind…” she paused, grip tightening on the steering wheel.
You finally tilted your head to look at her. Something swirled in the pit of your stomach and you reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
There weren’t any more words needed between the two of you. It was easy.
Kyoutani woke up, running his hand through his short hair. That felt different than normal. He couldn’t explain it, not well, at least. And what had your mom said about meeting your soulmate? None of it made sense. Did you actually move to an entirely new place? Why?
It frustrated him more than it was worth.
Weeks passed and nothing.
Kyoutani had hoped for something, anything. There hadn’t even been a single sight of you in person. He saw you in his dreams; in class, your stare would be focused out of the window intently; you were quiet, rarely interacting with your classmates. You looked at them with such an indifference.
He loved the days when he could see you at home; you did your usual song and dance, but this time you had a small puppy at home. You’d shower it with endless affection. You didn’t seem to watch as much anime before - he even saw you studying sometimes - but the joy in his heart when he listened to you lazily sing an opening was unfiltered and so pure.
He still had yet to see your face, to hear your name.
At the start of volleyball practise, Oikawa announced that the team would be getting a manager - as long as things went well with them, that is. Most of them were confused, Kyoutani included, until Iwaizumi explained that unlike the others, and there had been so many others, this girl wasn’t interested in Oikawa in the slightest - in fact, she didn’t even know who he was. Kindaichi confirmed this, since she talked to him about this.
Out of nowhere, a girl appeared at the door, she seemed frazzled. Completely in a daze. By that point, Kyoutani had zoned out, choosing to focus on literally anything else.
He missed the looks she gave him the entire practise.
Sleep could not come sooner for him. He wondered what you were seeing right now, if you were even asleep; he wanted to know so badly what you thought of him, how you felt, he wanted to see your face. Just once. That was all, if he saw your face just once, he would be happy.
Time passed and still nothing. He hated it. He hated how close you were to him, yet how out of reach. Things didn’t change much. You were still as quiet as ever in class; you were still as loud as ever at home. He memorized each word you spoke like it was gospel, because what if you just happened to talk near him one day? How else was he supposed to recognise you if it weren’t for your voice?
He didn’t learn much about the new manager. She was quiet, too quiet. She agreed to things too quickly and acted like she would break. Because of that, everyone treated her like she was going to.
He had caught her staring at him a few times, something that pissed him off because he didn’t want her, he wanted his soulmate. Wherever she was…
If he were being honest, he’d really tried his hardest to find her. No one in particular caught his eyes. He searched every first year classroom several times a week to make sure that he had never missed anyone on any particular day, the idea that you could be somewhere else other than right there hurt him. He looked at the desk where you normally sat. Every time he went it was empty. It sucked.
Oikawa only noticed his mood get more foul as time went on - even managing to hold off on commenting about it considering how he looked like he might actually kill someone.
One night, during his dream, it felt like all the pieces finally fell together.
You stared down at the ground- were you wearing sneakers? -rubbing your thumbs together nervously. There was light conversation in the background. He couldn’t make out a lot of what was being said. Not until you stepped towards a bench, grabbing a vibrant yellow water bottle. “Thanks, L/N!” Kindaichi’s voice chimed, puffing out his chest. He was dripping with sweat.
You gave him a half smile before your eyes wandered around. This sight had become a typical one for you, watching the volleyball club running around and practising. Your eyes land on someone in particular and your heart races, although it doesn’t last long, not until he turns and meets your eyes, glaring.
Maybe you just had your hopes too high; he clearly wasn’t interested in having a soulmate. You turned your head away quickly. Giving him a side glance. “Oh Kyou…” you muttered, turning away.
Kyoutani shot up awake. Never had his body been more alert in the morning. The volleyball manager hadn’t just been some girl, but it had been you? All this time you never said a word to him about it, and he had just glared at you like you were nothing.
It made him sick. The idea that he had been hurting you.
Never had he rushed to get dressed faster. Never had he been so excited to go to school. His uniform was haphazardly tossed onto his body, he almost forgot his bag. Everything felt heightened. The wind was hitting his face harder than normal - that might’ve been because he was sprinting - the ache in his legs was nothing compared to the excitement in his heart. The closer he got to the gym, the more nervous he became.
“You’re here early…” Yahaba snickered - normally Kyoutani would have threatened the brunette, but not today. His eyes were almost frantic as he changed into his gym clothes, darting around like there was something big he was waiting for. Because there was something big he was waiting for. That was you. For you to finally appear. So that he-
“Good morning, L/N!” Kindaichi cheered towards the door of the gym, waving frantically at you. You smiled and offered him a small wave before yawning, glancing towards Kyoutani. When you met his eyes, you seemed to pause mid-yawn, tears building up in your eyes.
He walked over to you. Not really knowing what he was going to say. Not really knowing what he wanted to say. Just knowing that he needed to be next to you. To talk to you. To hear your voice again, right now, right in front of him.
When he stopped in front of you, you almost seemed scared, sucking in a deep breath and leaning back slightly. You averted your eyes, not wanting to upset him in any way. He didn’t move, not an inch. His eyes danced over you, examining every part of your face that he hadn’t been taking the time to examine. This was his first time actually seeing you.
“Beautiful…” it slipped out before he could do anything to stop it. A warmth rushed to your cheeks as you smiled awkwardly, looking away from him.
“Um… thank you… Kyou…” The look on your face could only be described as elated, even as you avoided his eyes, you knew he meant it.
All of the other members looked at you confused, trying to understand what Kyoutani had said that had made you so flustered. That was quickly washed away when he grabbed your chin, lifted your head up and smashed his lips against yours.
Your eyes shot open wide, body frozen before you seemed to collapse. His arm caught you, holding you against him with such a need that it was destroying you. When he pulled away, the gym erupted into screams.
“Took you long enough.” You muttered, gently punching his chest.
“I… I never saw your face before-”
“You see it every day?” You tilted your head.
“No. I mean… t-this…”
“Oh…” He didn’t need to explain. You knew exactly what he meant, “I don’t really like my own reflection. So I just… avoid it?” An awkward laugh slipped out.
“But you’re beautiful.” He caressed your cheek, such a softness in his eyes that you didn’t know he was capable of.
“Can someone explain what just happened?” Kindaichi yelled, eyes darting between both of you as you shared such a tender moment.
“That’s what a pair of soulmates looks like,” Oikawa mused, wrapping his arm around the first year, “well, at least she’s cute. Sucks she has such a… strange soulmate.”
Kyoutani slipped away and pounced on the setter.
You simply laughed at them.
After all this time, you’d finally met him.
If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a DM or an ask <3
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 11: New home
Words: 2166
“Man, this mask is not cute at all.” The girl said as you looked at her 
“I think it looks fine, all that matters is that it works.” you said
“Oh look, some new friends.” She said looking at a girl with long green hair, adn girl with short brown hair, and before you knew it she was out of your line of sight and sliced the brown haired one arm, before you even knew that happened, she was fast. She grabbed the slash mask and her friend placed an arm in front of her
“Is your arm okay?” she asked “what type of person just comes swinging out to cut someone with a knife.”
“Asui and Okacho.” you said as you were still in a tree, good thing hawks taught you how to use your quirk for blimbing and packing
“Who said that?” Asui said
“How do you know our names?” Okacho said looking around
“The sports festival.” Asui said
“Correct.” you said as you looked at Toga
“To shallow not enough blood.” She said as you were kept on look out and out of sight “usually with a  good wound I can just suck out the blood, but with this it makes it so much easier, so i'm going to stab you now.”
And with that toga charged and Asui flung ocacho out of the way and right towards the tree you were in, you grabbed her by the suspenders and flung her back down before she could run down to the camp and alert the others, you had to make sure to avoid her hands otherwise you could be sent to the atmosphere and never returned
“Tsuya, I found the other one.” She said
“Aww tsuya is such a cute name, i'm going to call you that too.” Toga said pulling her mask down to give a smile
“No only my friends can call me that.” Asui said as she tried to run but toga flung a needle at her it got caught in her hair and she was pinned to a tree, ocacho made eye contact with you as you patted the sides of your belt, aka telling hawks you needed to go up, which he did, a system of touches to indicate, left, right, up or down
“Tsuya she can fly, must be her quirk.” Ockacko said as she ran to help her friend who toga was about to drain, and to your surprise she was able to take toga down, the two were having a chat, before toga stabbed her in the leg and drained her, you patted your belt and feel down and kicked Ockacko off, and getting toga back up.
“Thanks bestie.” She said as a group of guys came into view, time for you to leave
“(name) there are too many here and I don't feel like dying.” TOga said and you nodded and grabbed her and patted your belt to go up “bye bye besties- oh who is that.”
“Who is who?” you asked as you were on your way out.”
“The green haired one covered in blood and mangled.” Toga said
“Oh izuku midoriya, he destroyed himself during the sports festival, he is really strong but his quirk has a habit of destroying his body.” you said as you set her down and got the notice that The guy you had been sent to capture was good as got, you looked over at Mr, compress who had been the one to get him, then you saw hawks land in a tree and stare the kids down, he put his hand out and Mr, compress set something in his hands as the kids were yelling for their classmate back, you patted your belt and hawks sent you flying to him
“Huh where did she come from?” izuku said “hey give him back.”
“What bakugou does not belong to anyone you egotist.” Mr compress said handing you a marble
“Now which one of us has the Bakugou? That is the question.” He said and booked it, you gave hawks a look and he sent you flying in the other direction, and hawks in another one, the kids split up
“The nighthawks have to have him.” Todoroki said “he is the fastest so he is trying to get away, 
“I got a plan.” izuku said as you are sent on your way, hawks had entrusted you with tokoyami, once you were far enough you patted the belt and he let you down, you look into the marble he was passed out and asleep, you didn't feel right about this, this isn't right. You broke open the marble and The bird you saw at the sports festival was laying on the ground unconscious
“Are you going to kill me?” he muttered out
“No.” you said and patted the belt and flew off, hawks on the other hand was laughing at the kids attempt to catch up to him, he thought he would throw them a bone and slowed down, right before he crushed the marble and a giant boulder came out and the kids ran into it as they fell, hawks used his feather to stop the bolder from crushing him
“YOu are fast, but not fast enough, and you really think they would interest a free bird like me with a big stakes mission.” 
“GIVE HIM BACK.” Izuku said, hawks gave a half smile
“He is that way, hope you are fast enough this time.” Hawks said and flew off to regroup with you, you landed on his back
“We tricked em, this is all over, the portal is going to open up soon.” Hawks said “between the fire, toxic gas, a tank of a man being demolished by a teenager, lets go.” Hawks said
“What did you do?” you asked
“Eh nothing much.” Hawks said remembering how he sent Muscular over the side of a cliff after The finger destroying kid broke all his arms, before looking over to you and placing you on his back “Lets go...oh you have gotta be kidding me.”
“What happen?” You asked
“They are leaving without us...screw them, I'll find our own way home.” Hawks said before turning himself around and getting out of the training camp, you briefly heard the blood curdling scream of a student yelling for his friend.
Hawks was a master of stealth however when word caught wind that Nighthawk and “talons” as they dubbed you, what a dumb and mediocre nickname, how original. Still Hawks isn't talking much on the way back, maybe he was mad that his so-called “companion ditched him to get caught with the others that were defeated. The two of you landed on top of a building and you slid off of hawks back and looked over the skyrise.
“Alright hand him over.” Hawks said sticking out his gloved hand
“Hand who over?” you asked, you knew playing dumb wouldn't work but maybe it woudl of been better if you told hawks about your slight change in plans.
“The student, Tokoyami, the one I handed over to you for safe keeping.” Hawks said “did you lose him?”
“Of course I didn't.” you said
“Great, then hand him over.” Hawks said
“...i didn't lose him, but i did.” you gulped “I Didn't take him with us.” “Oh.” hawks said “You did what now.”
“...look It didn't feel right okay.” you said “i don't care about what this “League” is doing, but i don't want to be put under kidnappers.”
He looked upset, he looked a bit angry, then he let out a sigh of relief, putting a hand to his chest as he exhaled. 
“Ah i knew i could trust you.” he said then patted your head “
“Excuse me?” you said
“It was a test chickadee, look I didn't want to help those people, and they knew that, but if they knew i wanted to get on of the U.A kids then they would let me off the hook with all that suspension.” he said waving his hand “But they had there eyes on me, not you that much since you aren't well known, i didn't want them getting their paws on anyone but...well devil's advocate i guess.”
“So you aren't angry that-”
“Nope stop being a worry wart, but still I can tell this is going to set off something big...so how about we get out of Kamino and hang out in the countryside for a bit.
“What do you mean something big is about to happen?” you asked
“My third secondary covert is puffing up, which means something bad is going to happen, and I don't want us to be around when it does.”
“You are a very weird man, but I'll trust your gut...or feathers.” you said as he used one to tickle under your nose as you swatted it away
“Stop that.” you said
“Nah.” he said as he kept tickling under your nose till you sneezed
“Ew you got your snot on my feather.” he said, shaking it off before reattaching it.
“So where are we going?” you asked
“You will see once we get there.” Hawks said with a smile “now hope on i've had my rest hope back on.”
“Are you sure you don't want to rest for the night, you look a bit tired.” you suggested
“(name) im fine now let's get going, I don't want to travel in the morning.” Hawks said, you internally signed and hoped on his back again and the two of you were off, you wondered where he was taking you exactly.
So standing outside an old shack that looked like it was on it's last leg was a bit of surprise
“Welcome home.” He said
“What type of dumb is this.” you said
“Hey, that's no way to talk about a man's childhood home.” Hawks said moving a piece of plywood
“Childhood house?” you said as you say hawks open the door only for the door to home off the hinges, the wood was so old the screws just slipped out.
“That is easily fixed.” Hawks said “And yes this rusty old shack is where i would sleep, eat and shit as a kid.”
“Was it always this ummm run down?”
“Your harsh words wound me.” Hawks said as he used his wings to get the cobwebs dusted out, well it was Hawks you trusted him so you walked in, only for the floor bored to crash under you Hawks caught you and lifted you up and placed the piece of plywood that was covering the door on the floor
“Sorry should of warn you about that boobytrap.” Hawks said, ``We remove this plywood when we go out, or when we sleep, so if someone tries to come in, stitch to the bottom.” Hawks said
“Okay then.” you said “Any other bobbytraps I should know about?” you asked
“Hmmm there is this one bean that if you lean against will make the one above it swing.” Hawks said pointing to the beam with the “X do not touch.”
You gave him a side look and kept walking around, you saw an old tv that was covered in a thick layer of dust, you dusted that off with your hand, this palace was littered with cans, trash, dust and whatever that green stuff was.
“You really lived here as a kid?” you asked
“Well I did till my dad got caught by the authorities, then me and my mom had to skedaddle.” Hawks said
“...Where is your mom?” you asked
“Doesn't matter, I don't know, like I said she thought I wasn't worth the trouble of having around so she abandoned me on the street because the HPSC was after me.” Hawks said “Wonder how different things could've been if the HPSC did get a hold of me.”
“...well, you weren’t, why is your dad arrested anyways?” You asked as you found an old tattered blanket
“Petty thief, murder, jaywalking.” Hawks said “oh hey look at my blanket you found it i forgot about this tattered thing.”
“Oh I was going to use it as a dust rag.” you said handing it over, and Hawks tossed it to the side
“Look I know the palace sucks, but we gotta lay low for a bit okay.” Hawks said, as you patted his head
“I know.” you said “we just grew up in very different conditions yet we are in the same spot.”
“Well when you put it that way you make it seem like there is no hope.” Hawks said “I wonder if the water still works. I got to clean my wings.”
“Okay i'll try to make a bed.” you said as he left and you smacked a couch cushion against the floor trying to remove the dust before you heard hawks scream from the bathroom
“WATER WORKS BUT IT'S FREAKING COLD!” He yelled out, you gave out a tiny laugh before getting back to work.
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selfetishizing · 3 years
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In which Eiji grossly overestimates the amount of mandarins he and Ash can eat. / 🍊 / ao3
Eiji comes home with a carton of mandarins and drops them at the entrance step with a dull thump.
“It was a good deal,” he tells Ash between breaths. “Ten kilograms for six thousand yen.” And then something about Mikan mandarins being nothing like those Floridian jokes for citrus and how the season for them is coming to a close. Ash never asked in the first place. It was as though he was defending himself from something before Ash could even open his mouth.
“Okay.” Ash kisses him on the cheek and helps him out of his coat, always in that order. Eiji stands on his toes, balancing himself with the cords of Ash’s sweater to aim another on his mouth. Ash leans down to help him, unconsciously souring his expression as he pulls back. “Have one on your way home?” He kisses him again for surety and, well, sure enough, his lips taste like they had been doused with Tang.
“A couple. Two couples.”
Ash whistles. “Dang. These oranges must be somethin’.”
"Mandarins, Ash. Mandarins. Not that I’d know the difference,” he sighs. “Oranges, mandarins... They're all kind of the same aren't they? Maybe it's about the size, the firmness, the peel. Maybe it's about the taste. All I know is that mandarins are like candy, and whatever this is,” Eiji pushes his chest out and wildly gesticulates to the accursed box before them, “is not it. These must be clementines from— oh, I don't know!— Pensa-fucking-cola!” He erupts all at once, shooting up like a thermometer on a dog day June afternoon and fizzling out like cola foam.
Eiji leans back against the door and Ash on the bannister. They stare at it, Eiji with utter disdain and Ash with morbid curiosity. Like a pack of Tic Tacs magnified by one hundred, he muses.
Ash crouches down to pick one of the mandarins up. Eiji moves in accordance, hand reaching out as if to stop him— that the fruit would poison him if he so much as hovered over it. Despite this silent warning, Ash grabs three and plays court jester for His Highness.
He juggles.
He juggles and he absolutely sucks at it while Eiji watches in complete horror; seeing the mandarins not as mandarins, but clipped grenades ready to blow the very hands that handled it. The color had gone from his face. He is but a pale sheet reflecting the warm hue of the ball pit that tormented him from below.
Eiji flashes him a mortified look. What the hell do you think you're doing?
Ash concentrates. Trying not to mess up.
Eiji frowns. This isn’t funny.
Ash almost cries. Yeah it is.
And he messes up.
The mandarins drop to the floor, sad little balls with not a lot of roll in them. Their eyes trace them as they huddle next to the box, like they had desperately wanted to go home and out of the reach of these two men that were belittling them.
Defeated, Eiji's back slides down the door. He holds his head in his hands.
“I miscalculated,” he says exasperatedly. “What are we going to do with all of these oranges?”
Ash sits level with him on the first step, eyes gleaming with warrior morale. He grabs the enemy and thrusts his fingers unto him, peeling them from their leathery armor. Ash— the fearless brute!— sections his enemy into eighths and tears into their head, innards spilling down his chin. In savage fashion, he wipes their juices with the back of his hand, going as far as offering their remains to Eiji. He grins. “We’re gonna eat ‘em.”
The sun slowly filters through bleary eyes and he sees a blob of Eiji watching him, head propped on both elbows. Ash hums as Eiji runs his hands through his hair, neither awake or asleep.
“An angel,” he murmurs, grasping his wrist and pulling him in. He presses his lips on the inside of his arm.
“Not quite.” Eiji climbs over him, heartbeats tethered. He smooches his jaw, laces their hands loosely. “Your worst nightmare, actually. A real devil with horns and a pitchfork.”
“Oh no.” Ash wraps an arm around Eiji’s waist, keeping them fixed together. He aims— bullseye!— for his lips, scrunching his nose when he tastes him on his tongue. “Oh no.” Mandarines today. Tangerines yesterday. Clementines the day before.
The wisps of Eiji’s hair tickle his skin as he laughs into his chest. “Told you so.”
“Sugar, you’re sour!”
“You really won’t like what’s for breakfast then.” Eiji rests his cheek against his shoulder, looking up from behind his lashes. Ash stares at him, the world in his eyes. It's enough to mask his disappointment.
“Yes, again. It was your idea."
“Can’t I have you for breakfast?”
“No, silly. That would be cannibalism.”
“But you’d be so delicious." Ash brings their held hands to his mouth, playfully biting one of Eiji’s fingers. Oranges. Of course it tastes like oranges. “Actually, on second thought....”
“Poor thing,” patronizes Eiji, patting his head like he’s the star player of a losing team. “You poor, poor thing.”
“You’re evil,” Ash whispers.
“I know, and you’re absolutely mad about me for it.” Eiji winks and untangles himself from Ash’s cling. He swipes his bangs up and pecks him on the forehead. “It’s waiting for you downstairs.”
“‘It?’ What is ‘it?'”
Eiji is already out the door, down the hall before he can answer.
Ash rolls himself up with linen wraps and lays lax in their unmade bed, ruler of this citrus peel mausoleum. He curses to himself, at the sun, at his sweet-turned-sourheart. He wishes it was the weekend. Then, he'd have an excuse to stay in bed all day and never leave their room. He'd be able to snack on all the Eiji he wants without burning the roof of his mouth with acid fruit.
The low table is dressed with white lace placemats and their finest floral china— courtesy of Missus Mom Okumura. A carafe is the centerpiece, replacing the vase of lilies Ash had bought Eiji when he went into town. Ash looks through the glass, Eiji’s head bobbing in the saffron pool.
“Come sit,” beckons Eiji, motioning to the cushion adjacent to him. His smile is distorted by pulp. Cautiously, Ash enters. He keeps it cool, keeps it blasé as he shuffles his feet inside with his knuckles tucked into the waistband of his brief, elbows pointed outward. There, his place is set with wooden chopsticks and their granite stopper. And lo and behold, the main course’s presentation is that of a rose, blooming from its peel. He should’ve known.
“You’re joking.”
Ash would've laughed had the situation not been so ridiculous.
“I wish I was.”
“How is it that we have an infinite arsenal of mandarins?”
“Not infinite. The box is almost empty.”
“It took us four days of constant snacking to get to this point.”
“And it will take us one more to finish it.”
Ash points an accusatory finger at him. “You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna stuff myself with another one of those. My shit is literally orange.”
“Put me in a sanatorium then.” Eiji slides the plate in his direction. “Breakfast is served.”
Ash always liked train rides in Japan, liked how silent it was, and the comforting voice of the announcer telling them they’d arrived at their destination. Living in the countryside meant sprawling fields for hours until they reached the city, a scene Ash never seemed to tire of. A cow would greet him for a second before they were replaced by some grandpa with muddied ankles, before he was replaced by a young girl on a Tiffany blue bell bike, before she was replaced with…
As he stares out the window, he can see Eiji, sitting across from him cross-legged, peeling another offending mandarin. Ash sighs, trying to immerse himself back into his one-man game of I Spy. Eiji wins his attention again— he always does— and so Ash settles on watching Eiji’s reflection behind him.
Eiji always starts at the middle and digs his thumbs into the peel, pulling its skin off as if he were undressing it. Erotic, Ash thinks fleetingly. He strips it sensually, letting it unfurl into a sproutling. Juice drips down his hand when he carelessly breaks into its flesh. Eiji licks up from his wrist, the heel of his palm and sucks on a finger. Naughty, naughty. Ash smiles into his sleeve, letting the thought float up in his head and burst into a million soap bubbles.
Finally, for once this week, his mouth waters, parched. Ash supposes this is what it means to be in love. Even the most mundane of tasks can look enticing if your other half is doing it. He’s sure he’ll be over the moon about this snapshot scene for the rest of the month. He’ll count the replays of Eiji in the train instead of sheep just before slumber, ensuring him tender dreams.
“It’s a lucky sweet one.” Telepathic. Eiji seems to know exactly what he wants.
Ash nods.
Eiji breaks it into fourths, a fourth into a half. Instead of giving him a section, Eiji rises from his seat to sit beside Ash; crosses his legs, leans in, opens his mouth to say “aaaah” as he feeds him. Ash devours, nips his nail.
“There’s people in this car,” Eiji whispers sharply, eyes darting left and right. A man is reading the paper— a huge parrotfish is its cover story. There’s a teenage boy in the back fiddling with his phone, neon lights of his game reflecting softly on his face. A woman Ash presumes worked the night shift is sound asleep.
“No one’s looking.” Ash wraps an arm around him and scooches closer. “Quickly.”
Eiji, Mister Goody-Two-Shoes, puffs his cheek and scans the area one more time, switching his gaze from Ash’s mischievous stare to his near-empty surroundings. He surrenders and angles his head up, eyes closed, waiting, aching. Ash captures him.
“You taste like Sunday morning,” Ash coos, supping the remnants of his juice-glossed lips.
“Ever the poet.” Eiji, blushing, concentrates on turning more quarters into halves. “We still have four of these left. Hopefully they taste just as sweet.”
Ash is sure they will be.
He wouldn’t mind eating mandarins for the rest of his life so long as Eiji is peeling them for him.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
Summer Solitude
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Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC) 
Story Rating: Mature
Genre: Fluff / Romance / Domestic / 
Story Warnings: Cursing, sexual terms and themes, flirting, playful spanking, vague mentions of kinks, mostly fluff and just silliness
Words: 2,395
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3
Written for the @bnhabookclub​​ ‘s members bingo event!
Crossed off: Lake Date
Bingo Masterlist
Art in banner by me
“Katsuki, where the heck are you taking me?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
“Yeah, I would. That’s why I’m asking, you smartass.” With a playful scrunch of her nose, Koge brought his hand up to her lips, placing soft kisses along his knuckles. “We’ve been driving for almost two hours and we’re out in the middle of nowhere now!” Their hands flopping back to lay on her bare thigh, the petite woman turned her gaze back to peer out at the passing trees, the thick forest surrounding the small countryside road not giving her any hints to where they were. All Bakugou had told her was to pack things for a day outdoors and to either bring or wear her swimsuit. Koge had decided on the latter, even though the tight material had begun to grow a tad uncomfortable in specific places, especially with her minidress coverup that had a tendency to cling to every curve. 
Bakugou had followed her example, dressed in just some orange swim trunks and his typical black tank. Because of the way they had dressed, Koge thought they wouldn’t be going far, but it was clear at this point that she was mistaken. He had refused to tell her, and he wasn’t using a GPS to help her cheat or get hints, so the only real couple of clues she had was that the location was in nature and involved them getting wet somehow. 
The curiosity was killing her. 
“Well I’m not telling you. Be a salty bitch all you want, you aren’t getting shit out of me.” Bakugou rubbed his thumb along her skin, his palm hot against her thigh. “It’s a surprise for a reason, Utsuro. You’ll like it. Besides, it’s been a while since we’ve been able to go out on a date and not have two wild children to deal with.” 
Koge gave a small sigh of relief at the thought, leaning her head back against the headrest. “I know! I can see now why you asked your mom to babysit. Those two little gremlins have been driving me crazy.” 
“Natsuki’s not even a year old yet, either. She’s going to be a handful.” 
“Just like her handful of a Daddy.” Koge smiled at her husband sweetly, rubbing up and down his forearm gently. “She’s literally going to be just like you. I hope you can handle it.” 
“Tch, I think you’re the one that needs to pray. I can deal with one of myself, but you’ll have to deal with two.” A small grin stretched across Bakugou’s lips, careful as he turned the car through a tight corner. “And Matsuki might be a calm little squid right now, but who knows. He may just turn into a crazy person when he gets his quirk.” 
“Katsuki, love, I have dealt with you my whole life. I can handle more of you. But you have never dealt with yourself. You’re going to go crazy, because you are crazy-- OW, hey-!” Koge burst out into giggles, trying to escape the wrath of her lover as he squeezed her leg right above her knee where she was ticklish. “No, no, don’t-! I’ll jump out of the car if you do that!” 
“Well then you’ll be left alone to wander the woods all alone while I go enjoy our date.” 
“Psh, yeah right.” Koge leaned over the console, hugging onto his arm with her cheek on his shoulder. “You’d miss me. You’d come looking for me.”
“Maybe in like… two days. Or a month.” 
“You couldn’t last a day without me. Admit it!” 
“Fine, fine. You’re right, Utsuro.” Bakugou took a moment to place a kiss on the top of her head, though he kept his focus mostly on the tight and uneven road. “Wouldn’t last a single day. Why else would I have married you?” 
“‘Cause you like the way I suck your dick.” 
“I only pretend.” 
With a click of her tongue, Koge sunk her teeth into his skin, though he didn’t bother to react as he turned off the road onto a dirt and rock path. Distracted by the change, Koge released him and sat back in her seat, beginning to see some breaks in the trees that hinted at what was beyond. “Oooh, I think we’re almost there.” 
Bakugou gave a small grunt in confirmation as the path curved, and before Koge could really prepare, they were out of the woods and thrust into a completely open field. Just as soon as they left the woods, the path turned back into a regular paved road, which ascended and curved along a grassy hill. When Koge finally caught sight of what was below, a small gasp escaped her lips, leaning against the door with her nose pressed against the window in an attempt to see better. “Wha-, Katsuki! Look at that! The water is so pretty!” 
Below them, surrounded by forest and grassy parks, was a huge lake that extended farther than Koge could see, snaking around hills and islands and coated with the early morning fog. Having left the house a little before sunrise, the earth was still coated in a misty, glowing haze as the sun struggled to climb over the rolling clouds. The beams of yellow light that broke through glistened against the beautiful blue water, sparkling like millions of tiny diamonds. Along the right side that was visible to her, Koge could see a little beach area, with tables and a few people already scattered about, trying to prepare before the summer sun hit them in full blast. 
“Are we going to that little beach?!” 
“No, fuck that. My family pays for some exclusive land up here.” 
“And you never told me this?!” 
“They just bought it!” Bakugou huffed at the accusation secrecy, glowering at his wife out of the corner of his eye. “I wanted to surprise you with it! You always say you want surprises, but then you get annoyed when it’s something I didn’t immediately tell you about.” 
“Is there a house on the land?” Koge continued her questions, ignoring his gripe for the moment. “Is it gated or fenced in? How many acres? Does it have a dock and-” 
“Utsuro! You’re rambling.” Bakugou reached over and pinched her backside, since there was a little peek of her left butt cheek while she leaned forward to see the view over the dashboard of the car. With a yelp, Koge was quick to sit back down, pouting up at him while she rubbed the now stinging skin. 
“Ouch! I’m just asking questions!” 
“You’ll see when we get there. And stay sitting down!” 
“I’m not going to go flying out of the car, Katsuki.” 
“No, I don’t mean that. I just can’t focus on driving seeing your ass peeking out of that little coverup.” 
After another thirty minutes of driving around the hillside roads with Koge asking questions that Bakugou refused to answer, they finally pulled up to a gate that was secured with a chain and large lock. After plopping a key into her hand, Koge hopped out at his request and unlocked the gate, pushing it open to allow him to drive in. Once they were through, Koge secured the gate back in place with a rattling of chains and a click of the lock, before crawling back into the car. “Oooh, that’s fancy! So secure!” 
“My mom wants to get an electric gate with a keypad later down the road, just in case we have guests and shit that one to come stay here.” 
“‘Stay’? So there is a house?” Koge smiled up at him slyly, putting the key back away where he had pulled it from originally. “You just gave it away!” 
“Tch, whatever. You can see it through the trees, anyway.” 
Sure enough, as they made their way down the driveway, a two-story house soon came into view, bringing a smile to Koge’s lips. “Damn! I can see why your parents wanted this place! Ooh! It does have a covered dock and everything! A fire pit too! Oh Katsuki, I want to live here.” 
“Maybe when we retire and the kids are out of our hair, we can get a lake house. Or just move out here, I’m sure I’ll get it when my parents are gone, if it hasn’t gone to shit or anything. Utsuro, stop bouncing in your seat, you’re shaking the car!” 
“It’s so amazing! Katsuki, I’ve always dreamed of a beach or lake house like this! I know it isn’t ours, but it’s so beautiful out here! Have you seen it all yet?” 
“Just pictures,” Bakugou parked the car, glancing at the outside of the house before looking down at his impatiently wiggling wife. Unable to resist an amused smile at her excitement, he leaned over and gave her a firm kiss on the cheek to catch her attention, though it was followed by a softer, more affectionate peck. “Happy?” 
Giggling softly with the affection, Koge turned her head to catch a quick kiss on his lips, caressing both of his cheeks. “I’m happy, Katsuki. And excited! C’mon, where’s my grand tour!” 
“I don’t know where shit is, I’ve only seen pictures. You have to take your seatbelt off before you can get out of the car, you dumbass!” 
The tour of the house was a quick one, with Koge bouncing down the halls and excitedly pointing out this feature or that detail and anything else that caught her eye. In design, it was very much like a traditional style Japanese home, much different from the modern design that Bakugou’s parents usually preferred, which is why he believed they decided to buy it. He was indifferent, but Koge was ecstatic, even her modern preferences fading away at the beauty of the house. By the time the couple got to the end of the dock, she was smiling nearly from ear to ear, taking in the beauty of the tranquil nature that surrounded them. 
“It’s beautiful here, Katsuki. I’m not as much of a nature buff as you are, but this really is so nice! The water is so clear and clean. And there’s not another person around at all! Total privacy.” Leaning over a bit, she peered down into the water, looking about for anything interesting such as fish or plants. Most of the area was just rocks that she could see with very little vegetation, which would be good for swimming, and she already found herself wanting to jump in. “Let’s go get the stuff from the car so we can swim!” 
“Sure. Y’know, it is beautiful out here. But nothing can compare to that ass in that swimsuit.” Smirk on his lips and malicious intent undetected by Koge, Bakugou waited until she was really close to the edge of the dock before bringing his full palm hard onto her ass. Paired with a push, Koge was sent squealing and flailing into the water, landing with a loud splash that rippled through the air, though it was dwarfed by Bakugou’s laughter. “Got you!” 
Coming back up to the surface, Koge first took in a large breath to gather herself, shaking her head to rid her eyes of her hair and water to glare up at him. “Katsuki! You can’t go for two attacks at once! That slap hurt.” 
“Boohoo. How’s the water-” Before he could even finish his question, Koge had stripped her coverup off and threw the bundled up ball of clothing at his face, hitting him before it fell to the wood at his feet with a slick plop. Face and chest now dripping with water, Bakugou stood there in shock for a moment before his menacing glare returned, slicking his hair back with the water that coated his forehead. “You think that was funny, Utsuro?” 
“Yeah, big guy. You deserve it.” 
“Oh yeah?” Stripping off his shirt, Bakugou tossed it aside, using only his feet to slip off his sneakers. “I deserve it? You know what you deserve?” 
“What?” Koge began to swim backwards a bit, sly smirk on her lips. “Another spanking?” 
Once all clothing was discarded besides his swim trunks, Bakugou took a few steps back before jogging forward, propelling himself off the edge of the dock to land full cannonball right in front of Koge. Before she could recover from the wave, Bakugou snatched her by the ribs, using his advantage of strength to lift her up and toss her into the air, sending her flying a few feet away as she squealed in delight. Laughing as he pushed his hair back from his face, Bakugou swam towards her. “That’s what you deserve, Utsuro.” 
“It’s not fair!” Koge latched onto him, her arms around his neck and legs latched around his waist. “I can’t do stuff like that to you! You’re too buff.” 
Caressing her body in close, Bakugou kissed her lips softly, placing a few last punishing pats on her previously spanked butt cheek. “Poor Utsuro. Too tiny to retaliate.” 
“I could retaliate. I could pinch that cute little butt. Or give you some nice blue balls. You don’t get any pussy.” 
Bakugou laughed, a sharp and amused chortle that brought a blush to Koge’s cheeks. “Yeah right! Utsuro, you’re obsessed with my dick, you wouldn’t be able to brush me off.” 
“You don’t think so?” 
“Nope.” Smirking against her lips, he squeezed a handful of her ass, only making her blush darken. “You’ve wanted to hop on my dick since this morning. You, retaliate by not letting me fuck you? That won’t ever happen.” 
“Well, how about I bet you.” Koge nudged his nose playfully with her own. “I bet you that I won’t fall for your sexual advances until tomorrow. If I win, then we buy your parents a hot tub to go along with this place-” 
“The fuck-?”
“-But if you win, then we can do that kinky thing you wanted to do, since we have time alone.” 
“Seriously? With the knives?” 
“Mhmm. But you can’t be all try hard. Everything has to be natural. Deal?” 
“You’re gonna lose. But I’ll get you tonight, you have no idea what I have planned. You’ll be falling into my arms.” 
“Apparently the only thing I’ll be falling into is the water, as you’ve so lovingly demonstrated. Ah, wait- No, Katsuki, don’t throw me again!”
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kailedger · 4 years
for all the YOI fanfic author, p.2
Oh wow, let me tell you, I really didn't expect the previous post on Russian culture to blow up ahaha (Here’s the link to it, in case you’re wondering: https://kailedger.tumblr.com/post/621351027189350400/for-all-the-yoi-fanfic-authors) But since it did, I decided to make a part two, sort of? It's not gonna be about mistakes in fanfiction, but more about things English-speaking authors don't mention simply because they don't know they exist.
I’ll give you the general info and then maybe throw some thoughts about how specific YOI characters would relate to that info in my personal opinion.
HOLIDAYS. We have a lot of those TBH, but I'll mention the most important ones - the ones for which we have official days off. I mean, yeah, you can find a list of those in Wikipedia, if you want, but it doesn't actually tell you the reality of things. I've already mentioned the New Year in the previous post, so let’s skip it.
23rd of February is the Defender of the Fatherland Day. It's actually for those who served in the army, but the tradition is to congratulate everyone who's male. Must have something to do with the fact that on 8th of March we have an International Women's Day, when we congratulate everyone who's female. Doesn't really make sense to me, since, you know, there are women in the army too. And a lot of men haven't served a day in their life, what the hell do I have to thank them for? (Here's an example: my dad used to be in the navy, submarine's captain actually, and every year when I congratulate him, he says something along the lines of "Why? There was no war conflict when I served". That's him being humble, but still, the point is there).
ANYWAY! We're not very big on celebrations of these two holidays, most of the time you just give a call to your respective male/female friends and relatives, give flowers to the ladies and just... enjoy your day off?
 Next one is the May holidays. Those are usually on the 1-3 of May, the official name (as Wiki states) is "The Day of Spring and Labour". Honestly, no one uses it lol We just say "the first May holidays" (since we also have the second, that's how much we don't wanna work in May; kinda ironic the holiday is called "the day of labour").
You don't congratulate anyone on this day, usually you just have a couple of days off. If we're lucky, the weather would be nice and then people go to the countryside to have a (oh my god, this is gonna be a mouthful) SHASHLYKI. We'll get back to this thing, and you know why? Since if you want someone to embrace the real Russian culture, you would make them go to shashlyki, trust me.
 The second May holiday is the Victory Day, and it's kinda... controversial in a way. It is a big celebration for the victory in World War II. Soviet Union suffered a lot during the war with the Nazi Germany, St. Petersburg was under the siege for more than TWO YEARS. And this holiday is both somber and happy since thanks to our ancestors we survived this hell and are now able to live in peace. The celebration is pretty big on official levels - there are military parades everywhere, concerts, people thank the war veterans (there are precious few of them left by now). When I was still in school, they made us visit those parades every year. Guess what? I've never been to a single parade since I graduated. It's not that I don't value the heroism of people who fought in WWII, it's that I think our government uses this holiday to brag how great we are (or, rather, THEY are), 'cause they haven't done anything worth of praise since 1945, which is... depressing, when you think of it. The ridiculous thing is the parade was canceled this year due to coronavirus, but GUESS WHAT? They've used BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to still have it on 24th of June. While the rate of people getting sick is still abnormally high. All because on the 1st of July we're having a vote on the constitution amendments and our government needs an extra boost in patriotism from our people (should I mention some of the amendments are homophobic? Yeah, it sucks).
Well... that was a rant completely offtopic lol. But, you know, this is the opinion of the most people below the age of 35. Also a huge problem here in Russia. Anyway, as I was saying. Used to be a really great holiday where we thanked the veterans and were reminded of the price they paid. Now it's just a sad excuse for the government to waste money sigh
So, a day off. Some fireworks, a hell lot of traffic problems due to parades. Not much else, if you're from the younger generation.
 Same thing goes to the 12th of June. Officially a "Russia Day", but since up until the point I graduated from the uni I had summer holidays, I barely even acknowledged the holiday, cause I didn't have to study/work anyway. So like... I lived my whole life here in Russia, and I have no idea why we celebrate this holiday on the 12th of June. I can google it right now, but that kind of would contradict my point here lol.
The last one is on the 3-4 of November. I think it's called something like "Unity Day", but, again, no idea why. Most of the time we just call it "the November holidays" or even "fall holidays". Honestly, most of the time we just care about the days off, especially if the holiday is supposed to be "patriotic". (When I put it like this, we kinda sound like assholes. Probably cause we are lol).
Birthdays mainly depend on the specific person. I used to love my birthdays and it was a big holiday for me when I was a kid, but then I turned 18 and it kinda lost its charm. You still celebrate it, especially if the date is something like 30, 35, 40, 45 and so on. But it gets less and less exciting over the years. I gather my friends at home and just have drinks, my fiance goes to a bar on his birthday. Not very... celebratory, ya know?
So. YOI characters. ALL OF THEM would definitely celebrate New Year. They would probably send some congratulations on 23rd of February and 8th of March. It you think of the Russian rinkmates as friends, they can go the countryside together on the first May holidays, but not actually do anything on the Victory Day (Yakov may attend the parade since he’s from the older generation). Nothing specific to do on 12th of June or November holidays, most likely the rink would be closed, so, like, just a day off.
  And now to the important stuff. SHASHLYKI. Oh my god guys, I’m so excited, cause this is one of those things that is AWESOME in Russian culture. And also makes most of the foreigners really confused. But it has some similarities with the American barbeque gatherings, I think.
First of all, many of us live in big cities (like I live in St. Petersburg for example), but we still have countryside houses. Sometimes it’s where our grandparents live, sometimes we buy it specifically. The thing is – we usually go to these places we call “dacha” to have some rest from the noise of the big city and enjoy the fresh air. Usually dachas have gardens, my mom is crazy about all this greenery stuff (I personally don’t see what’s the big deal with taking care of the plants, but I was told it comes with age ;D).
And to enjoy the experience even more we have shashlyki. It’s usually grilled meat (chicken, pork, whichever you prefer) and vegetables, but the process is what makes it really fun. Most families have their own recipes for marinated meat, you prepare it beforehand. Then, on the day, you make some snacks (salted pickles and fresh vegetables come to my mind immediately; pickles are like a must-have, it’s almost an obligatory food since it goes really well with vodka lol). While some of the people sit around the table, have drinks and catch up, there’s usually one person responsible for grilling meat. And this process is very important – it’s gotta be cooked on the brazier with actual flame (or, more like, coals). You put pieces of meat on a metallic skewer and then grill it (I think there’s the word “kebab”, but we usually use it to describe an entirely different meal, so, shashlyk it is). And let me tell you – having a freshly grilled shashlyk with some vegetables and a drink like wine (or vodka if you’re into it) is the best feeling in the world.
So you’re enjoying the fresh air, really tasty meal, have some drinks with family or/and friends. A pretty common thing (not for everyone, but I personally love it) is having someone play the guitar and sing songs around the campfire. The songs we sing are usually either stupid or old, and you would never just casually listen to those on your own, but when the time comes and you sit with the guitar, somehow EVERYONE knows the lyrics. The point is to have fun, not make a concert out of it :)
I actually think that Victor and the rest of the gang would at least try to give Yuuri (and other non-Russians, who knows) this kind of experience. I also headcanon someone (Otabek or maybe Victor himself) knowing how to play the guitar. But I wouldn’t trust Victor with the grilling, honestly, it requires a lot of attention, and… well… you all know what Victor is like ;D
  And since we’re on the topic of music, let’s discuss it. Me and a dear friend of mine @clarie-foster, who also happens to be both Russian and a YOI fan, had a lot of headcanons on this.
What you need to know, is when it comes to music, here in Russia we’re pretty flexible. The popular music is the one you can here everywhere, it’s on European and American charts, like, I dunno, Beyonce, Ed Sheeran, Gaga etc. There’s Russian pop-music and, honestly, it sucks lol. Most of the time I listen to it cause it’s dumb and catchy. There are some good artists, of course, I can throw you a couple of name bands like “Ночные Снайперы”, “Сплин”, “Би-2”, but the songs are in Russian, and although the lyrics are pretty damn good, they’re kinda hard to understand if you don’t know the language (I mean, just reading the translation won’t give you the whole experience). And those bands are… depressing? In a way? Not that the songs are extremely dark or something, but you kind of listen to those in a melancholic mood. Me and one of my best friends used to go out on the balcony in summer, sit wrapped in a blanket and listen to those songs. Great experience, if a little sad.
BUT. There’s the old pop-music. We have some of those artists, who were really popular when my parents were young and somehow still popular these days. Their music is honestly average – the tunes might be catchy, the lyrics are mediocre at best, but… when you have a little bit to drink, you get in that mood, where you start singing those old pop-songs. And it’s not like listening to ABBA or, I don’t know, A-ha, since those are classic and still good these days. Russian pop-songs SUCK, they’re horrible, but somehow that is the best kind of music when you’re drunk.
I personally think Victor is one of those people who would totally jam to the old Russian pop. It’s funny, since most of it is from female singers (There’s literally a song from a Russian singer Irina Allegrova called “Go crazy, wild empress”, no kidding). I just can picture him so clearly being drunk and singing those old songs with abandon lol.
Mila would probably join him while laughing hysterically. Georgi too, since he’s a drama queen. And Yuri would make all kinds of disgusted faces.
 Two facts which I have never seen being mentioned in fanfiction, which is really weird. So Victor lives in St. Petersburg, as we all saw from those last scenes in the anime (in the background you can see actual places from St. P like our sports stadium). And St. Petersburg is mostly known for two things: bridges and white nights.
WHITE NIGHTS OH MY GOD. I don’t want to go to deep into the details since I don’t really understand the nature of this thing (something to do with sun not really going down? I dunno), but in summer, especially in June and July it basically doesn’t get dark in St. Petersburg. I mean, the sun does go down, you can see the sunset and everything, but the sky stays like… white-grey, almost as though it’s midday, just cloudy. Like we’re in the middle of white nights right now, and the darkest hour is around 1 am, but even then it doesn’t really get dark at all. A lot of people from other cities and countries get confused by it, like, there was this time when Stephen Colbert was a guest on a Russian talk-show and he had a hilarious convo with the host. It was something like this: “So I’ve been in St. Petersburg for one day. It has lasted for 46 hours. Please tell me if the sun will ever go down, ‘cause I’m going crazy”.
For us common people white nights can get really annoying, if your curtains are not black-out, you can have a hard time falling asleep (since, you know, it’s too freaking bright outside). But it’s actually really great for late-night walks and is considered really romantic.
And, speaking of romantic, the bridges! What’s so special about those, you’d think. So St. Petersburg is built on the river Neva – it’s like really big, has a lot of tributaries and distributaries and flows through the whole city. Hence why we have tons of bridges.
And those bridges are drawing bridges, meaning they are separated in the middle by a special mechanism and are being lifted in the air so that the trade ships can pass underneath them. The most impressive one is the Palace Bridge – it’s one of the main sightseeing spots in the city. For most tourists it’s obligatory to visit St. Petersburg and see the drawing of the Palace Bridge. It happens at night, around the time of 1 am or 2 am. It’s really pretty, cause there are lights everywhere, you can see the ships passing by and the view of this huge structure being lifted in the air is really magnificent. Combine it with the white nights and you’ll have one of the most romantic dates you can have here in Russia.
(On the more realistic and depressing note: despite the drawing of the bridges being really beautiful, it’s SUCH a pain in the ass for the regular people. Like, because of the drawing you can’t really get from one side of the city to another. For example, I live in the northern part and if for some reason I couldn’t get to it from the center of the city before the drawing of the bridges, I’m stuck till like 4 or 5 am. Subway only opens at 6 am, and although we have a couple of bridges which never draw, those are on the outskirts of the city, so taking an uber and driving there would cost you a lot of money and also would take like and extra hour or so. Thankfully, the drawing of the bridges lasts only from April to October-November, while the ship navigation on the Neva river is possible).
Last, but not least, SOCIAL MEDIA.
So, like, Instagram is pretty popular in Russia and so is Twitter. But what people rarely mention is our own social media site – Vkontakte (www.vk.com, if you’re interested). It started to become popular in like… 2008, I think? Basically it used to be and knock-off from Facebook, even the color scheme is the same. It became more and more popular over the years, since Facebook was never really a thing in Russia (like, I had a profile there, but I’ve never used it). Now it’s like… if you don’t have a VK profile, it’s super weird lol. I communicate with most of my friends through it, since it has a lot of really cool features: chats, group chats, communities, music, videos and photos. It’s gotten so big that VK even hosts its own music festival each year with a lot of popular Russian artists.
Victor is a social butterfly, so he would definitely have a VK profile. So would Mila, Yuri and Georgi, I personally think most of their communication would be through it. Maybe they would even force Yuuri to create a profile, but he’s not really into social media much, so he wouldn’t really use it.
 I think that’s it for now. Like I said, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I would be happy to answer! ;)
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himbowelsh · 4 years
If you want to, 9 or 19 with webgott? I hope you have a wonderful week 💕
i’ve got another prompt for #19, so how about #9?
sha-la-la-la my oh my, looks like the boy’s too shy  💋 (accepting!)  9.  one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other 
The stars are brighter tonight than any other time in recent memory... and it’s not like Austrian skies aren’t impressive as a rule. The nights shine brighter in the countryside than they ever did over the bustle of New York City. No matter how many times he sees the skies alight, David will never get used to it. Something divine shimmers in each blinking star, something earnest and mythical in the constellations strewn like New Years’ confetti across the sky. He is not a spiritual man, but Austrian nights make him feel like he could be, maybe.
Tonight, the sky is putting in extra effort. Each star feels like a beacon, calling him away from war and mourning. One of them, he muses, might be Janovec. 
He spun off the road just that morning, with little warning and no fanfare. One second, he was alive. The next... the war had claimed him too, and he didn’t even have a bullet wound to show for it.
The men who died on D-Day were heroes. David saw them drown in waist-deep swamps... gurgle to death on blood and bullets... strangled by their own risers and left hanging from trees like Halloween decorations. Heroic deaths, all of them, and their parents must claim some sense of pride in knowing their sons lives ended, not in agony and fear, but in resolute patriotism.
American heroes still sob for their mothers in their last moments. David still hears their screams.
Isn’t it such a privilege to die for one’s country?
Janovec didn’t even get that. He wasn’t taken out by enemy gunfire — only it was an American Jeep, and an enemy tree. Hoobler didn’t die in the heat of battle. His killer was a German pistol, but an American hand. Van Klinken caught machine gun fire, but he bled to death on Dutch soil, with Dutch dirt in his mouth and Dutch ash mixing with his tears.
Will they be called heroes, now that the fighting is done?
Austrian summer is warm, but there’s always a chill this high up. It bites at David’s exposed skin. He draws himself up a bit tighter, knees pulling close to his chest. There’s no real danger of overbalancing. The street may be a dizzying distance below, but this part of the rooftop is steady and nearly flat. He’d never have climbed out otherwise. David is not in the business of risking his own life unnecessarily. He fought a war, which ought to be enough; he’s got no intention of dying now that it’s done.
(Done for some, in limbo for others. In a few months, will they all be speaking Japanese?)
It’s chilly up here, but quiet, and perfectly dark — exactly what he was looking for. The sky sprawls above him, endless and alive with constellations. Each one welcomes him, calls out to him, tugs at the exposed threads of his soul. There, glistening brightly off to the right — is that Janovec? There, the one with the steady glow — Hoobler? Or maybe it’s Jackson — maybe those twin stars, glittering playfully side by side, are Muck and Penkala. Maybe there’s a place in the sky for more — hundreds, thousands, him —
“You gotta be kidding me.”
The unexpected voice jars him, like waking from a deep sleep. David flails. If the roof were any more perilous, he’d have certainly gone over the edge — but if this occurs to the intruder clambering out the rooftop window, he doesn’t seem to care.
“Of all the places — ow, fuck —“ Joe Liebgott smacks his head against the top of the frame. He’s too lanky; on the ground, he carries his long limbs with the grace of a feline, but he clearly wasn’t made for cat burglary. David sucks his lip, determined not to laugh, as Joe awkwardly forces his too-big body through the opening. “Of all the places to get yourself killed, Web, you know how to pick ‘em.”
“Figured it would have happened by now, in some way or another,” he replies with an easy shrug. “Why wait for anyone’s help?”
Joe says nothing — unless another muffled curse as his foot gets caught on the frame counts. By the time he manages to haul himself out onto the rooftop, he’s got a tear in his shirt sleeve, and multiple bruises to show for the effort. Never mind the fact that David didn’t invite him, or tell him where he was going; Joe still huffs at him as if it’s somehow his fault.
“People who can’t climb out windows typically shouldn’t,” is all David has to say on the subject.
“If they were made to be climbed out of, they’d be bigger.” Joe inches forward on his hands and knees, peering over the ledge with his typical morbid curiosity. A low whistle echoes through the quiet night. With a sigh, David settles back in his comfortable spot, watching the interloper warily. He doesn’t know why Joe’s here. Nevermind what he wants — he’s never been able to figure that out, and they’ve known each other for nearly a year now.
Instead of explaining himself, as he can usually be relied on to do, Joe goes quiet. It’s... somehow worse than chatter. Silence is heavy, like a lead blanket draped over their shoulders, weighing them both down. It feels more intimate, somehow. There’s not much space on this rooftop, only a few feet of distance between them, but the longer the quiet stretches on the more that distance shrinks to inches.
If only he’d brought cigarettes — that’s something to share, and a good excuse for sitting alone at night. As it is, if Joe asks what he’s doing out here... David doesn’t know what he’d say.
Joe isn’t paying attention to him, though. His gaze, too, is trained on the sky. No one can escape it tonight.
Unexpected, unbidden, Joe breaks the silence. “You ever think about what’s up there?”
David tenses. Too close to home. “I mean... sure. Sometimes. I guess... lots of gasses, and dust particles, water vapor... and that’s just in our atmosphere.”
Joe casts him a glance that’s half-annoyed, in the way that isn’t really annoyed at all. David hates how  accustomed he’s grown to all those outspoken looks. “You know what I mean,” Joe says — and David says nothing, because he does.
“I used to... think there had to be something up there. Not really people, y’know? My Mom, she tried to raise us the right way — when our pet hamster died, she told us about immortal souls, olam haba, everything that’s supposed to come after. Except I never really...” He gestures for a minute, snapping his fingers like the words elude him. “Got it. My Mom will give you her opinion on anything, but even she can’t say for sure what happens when you die. It was all too hazy for me as a kid. I didn’t know what to look for, or... what it meant.”
David tries to understand. He comes up short, in ways he can’t identify but is painfully aware of. Even so, he tries.
“My mother’s family was Protestant. She used to say there were angels watching over us all the time.” His nose crinkles. “Just to get me to eat my Brussels sprouts, I think. The angels saw me feed them to the dog.”
Joe laughs, sound sharp as a knife in the gentle night. David can’t say why he’s pleased.
“Exactly, though. You Christians pretend to have it all figured out. God’s up there, he’s watching everything, and when your time’s up you’ll either go upstairs or downstairs.” His lips purse, the way they do when he’s trying and failing not to grin. “Jews are still arguing about how many heavens there are.”
“What do you think?” He asks the question before he means to, without really thinking. As soon as it’s out, David regrets it... but Joe doesn’t even spare him a glance.
“Aliens. Real ‘War of The Worlds’ type shit.” Finally, he allows himself to grin, and it only widens as he keeps talking. “Like to think Flash Gordon’s saving the universe up there somewhere. Maybe Superman too, but he’s kind of a chump. Probably some planets we ain’t found yet, suns and moons we ain’t seen.” He’s hesitates. “But I think I like that other idea now... that maybe there are people up there. Maybe there is something... something real after.”
He falls quiet. His hands are braced in front of him, taut as straining metal. David studies them, and doesn’t dare look at Joe.
“How many stars d’you think there are, Web?” Joe asks after a moment.
David has no damned clue. “A lot,” he answers confidently. “Millions.”
“Millions,” echoes Joe. The glittering stars are reflected in his eyes, like black pits sending each beam of light back outward. It’s almost hypnotizing, the way they flicker. If he stares too long, David knows he will get lost in them, so he forcibly tears himself away. Wherever Joe’s mind is going, he can’t — possibly shouldn’t — follow.
Guessing isn’t safe. Wondering isn’t safe. Seeking insight into Joe Liebgott’s mind, when it’s so… enigmatic to Webster’s own has never been, and will never be, safe.
The acrid smell of tobacco startles him. When he looks back over, Joe has lit up a cigarette, and is blowing a long cloud of smoke against the black sky.
“No, really, I’m fine. Thanks for offering,” David drawls, inching closer. Joe’s eyes flicker towards him; his mouth curls up around the cigarette. 
“Only got this one left, Web. If I had one to offer, you know I would.” He clicks his tongue. “I’m generous like that.”
“A modern day Santa Claus, huh?”
“Ho ho,” Joe replies.
David reaches for the cigarette. He doesn’t know why — it’s not like he really wants a smoke — but the idea of doing nothing, of letting silence linger between them as they both stew in their own thoughts, is worse. Also, if Joe gets a bit of relief via Lucky Strike, he’s got no right to hoard it. Determined, David leans forward, even as Joe angles away from him.
“Yeah, no, nice try.”
“Share! You — quit moving, we’re going to fall off the roof.”
“You’ll fall, and I won’t catch you.”
“I’ll drag you down with me!”
He catches the cigarette between his thumb and forefinger, and deftly plucks it from Joe’s grasp. Victorious, David brandishes it high, letting a thin stream of smoke blaze into the night. Over the chorus of Joe’s curses, he takes a drag. It goes too deep into his lungs, too quickly; he ends up sputtering, lurching forward in a chest-rattling burst of coughs. His grip on the cigarette goes loose, and it falls from his hand.
“Shit, Web!”
David is too preoccupied with his lungs turning themselves inside-out to pay attention to Joe… until a hand finds his back, rubbing steady curves between his shoulder blades. He sputters, but Joe is there, coaching him through it, until he’s finally able to take a breath without gagging.
“Oh boy,” he mutters. “Oh god.” Then, realizing Joe’s last cigarette has fumbled straight off the roof, to the cobblestones down below, he hisses. “Shit. Sorry.”
“Nah. Don’t bother.” Joe is still rubbing his back, even though there’s no need to — really, he’s fine. “I can get more when I need ‘em.”
“No, I’ll — I’ll give you some of mine when we get back inside.” He breaks off with another harsh cough. By the time he’s done, David is spent; only a moment too late does he realize he’s slumped back against Joe’s chest.
The other man doesn’t pull away. Joe supports him, easing David upright and bracing his weight. He handles him like a delicate thing… and from Joe Liebgott, who David has never known to be delicate in his life, the treatment is jarring. David looks up at him, gaze pulled as though caught in a magnetic current; he finds Joe staring back. His eyes are dark as ever, still lit with starlight. His lips are wet.
“You okay?” Joe asks.
“Yeah. Fine,” David replies.
“I ain’t mad, Web,” he says, “but I would’ve liked a little more of that smoke before you tried to eat it.”
“I got enough of it to share.”
David’s not sure what the hell he's saying. It doesn’t matter. Joe’s lips twitch.
His head tilts. David’s eyes close. A second later, Joe’s mouth is on his, warm and tender, and he couldn’t exhale even if he remembered how.
Maybe David’s the first one to cup Joe’s face; maybe Joe’s hand is the first to find his hair; maybe they're twined together for hours, or only a few precious seconds. When they break apart, none of it matters. Joe’s eyes are wide, pitch black. Surely his incredulity must be reflected back in David’s own face, because right now, his heart wants to pound out of his chest.
Joe’s hand is still on his face. He only realizes this when a rough-padded thumb caresses his cheekbone, unspeakably tender. “You okay, Web?” Joe asks again.
“Yeah,” he replies, voice shuddering. “Incredible.”
He’s not sure who moves forward then — it’s probably both of them at once, seizing that impossible instinct driven only by heat and instinct. Everywhere Joe’s skin brushes against his, his nerves explode into an electric shower; his mouth is hot and needy, consuming David’s as soon as they find each other again. Joe draws him in like he’s the only thing left that matters, and David is helpless in his desire to give himself up.
Please, he thinks desperately, kiss me like I matter. Kiss me like we’re both alive, and going to stay that way. Kiss me like the stars aren’t watching, and we’ll live forever.
Joe’s lips are a fantasy, and they thoroughly carry him away. For a moment, he lets himself go. Nothing matters but the pressure of Joe’s lips, sucking dark bruises along his jaw, or the determined hands that grasp at his shoulders. In the heat battle, you learn to zero your focus in on one thing, and that concentration keeps you alive. This is a different heat, a different ear waging between them, but David gives every ounce of attention to Joe all the same. He drives him forward, keeps them moving even when their hearts are beating out an urgent symphony in twin ribcages, and David’s is ready to burst.
“Joe —“ He gasps, over the sound of the other man’s harsh breathing. Joe shushes him, fingers brushing his swollen lips. David leans into the touch. Joe leans back to accommodate him. They both lean too far.
For a second, it’s blind terror — the ground sliding away beneath them, fumbling for a hand of foothold as the ledge looms closer… 
David catches them both, his heels catching on a gutter and halting his descent. Joe’s still holding onto him, so the momentum carries over. They’re dangerously far down the inclined roof; a certain broken back looks twenty feet below, the ledge within spitting distance. They don’t go over, though, and that makes the difference.
After a moment, Joe exhales a great, shuddering breath. One hand runs through his hair. “Fuck. Jesus fuck. Just lost two decades off my life.”
“Better than losing it all,” David mutters. He’s determined not to look over the ledge. Unconsciously, his grip tightens around Joe; he doesn’t realize Joe’s holding him just as fast until a small tug pulls him back from the roof.
“Come on,” Joe mutters. “Let’s get the hell outta here before we both end up weird stains on the ground.”
He doesn’t need to tell him twice. David casts one last look up at the night sky — serene, twinkling like it knows a secret but doesn’t dare say — before huffing, and clambering up in Joe’s wake.
Existential questions can wait until morning. Joe, on the other hand, has never been good at waiting.
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1, 8, 12 and 52 for the writing thingy!!!
Look at me finally answering these after like a whole month lol
Thanks for the ask!
1. Tell us about your WIP!
Which one lol, I’ve got many of them. Too many. Really. That, coupled with the fact that I am a slow writer because I keep getting distracted and procrastinating (like with answering these asks,,,,) means that pretty much everyone on this site will die of old age before I finish like any of them :’D
Anyway, I guess I’ll give brief summaries of all of the… main ones. This is gonna be a long one, fellas! I guess in the order I came up with them? Or the order I’m pretty sure I came up with them in.
TT: My original story I’ve been low-key working on and reworking since… 2012…? It’s a fantasy story, and it is… way too long probably. Also needs a lot of work. Worldbuilding and character building and plot building… At the moment, I guess I could summarise it as, our world gets wrecked for some reason, and the main characters, these two girls, who got saved into another, fantasy world with like… a bunch of other survivors, leave the Earth-refugee camp and get tangled with like, politics? Of that world? Well, politics and then eventually like, a war type thing… I didn’t say it was good, and I did also say it needs a whole lotta work. I’m pretty happy with some names younger me came up with though! Also it has dragons, so. Yup.
Fantasy fanfic: I am very good with names, as you’ll come to notice. Anyway this is a.. Hetalia fantasy fic..? I came up with in, like, 2014. I’m not actively working on this one at the moment, but I would like to maybe write it one day, and my most beloved OC originated in this story, you may have seen me mention her in my tags? I haven’t managed to come up with a name for her, but I call her the Asshole Goddess, because she’s a goddess, and also an ass. So.
Anyway this one’s pretty cliche, and it’s like, an absurdly large cast of Hetalia characters ending up in a fantasy world, where a bunch of other characters, who’d gone missing earlier, have apparently been taken to? Then it’s a journey to find and get them back, friendships are formed and magical things are encountered, but uh oh! They’re mortal here and can die! And many do. You may note I was 14 when I came up with it, so. Well. It is quite edgy. Had some good concepts though!
Kingdom AU: Great with names, as I said. This one is also a Hetalia fic, because that is the fandom I’ve been stuck in forever, though mostly just because I’ve so many fics for it. This is the odd one out in my fics though! This is like, a royalty AU of an rp AU me and my friend made by accident one time? The RP, not this AU, this is all my invention. It’s really just for me and my friend, since it’s based on that strange RP and the main thing in it is like and OC x canon character ship? That’s also why it’s the weird one, I don’t usually have much romance in my fics because I’m not big on ships and just prefer gen stuff, but this one is like primarily romance? Lots of pining. And it’s very soft. And I love this AU with all my heart. It’s also got a whole lotta angst!
Basic plot is the more or less classic, kinda cliche, peasant girl goes to get a job in the royal palace to help her poor family and meets the crown prince, and they become friends, and slowly fall in love.. Except, well, this is weird also in that the end point isn’t them getting married or confessing their love or anything, that’s like...Maybe the midpoint? There’s also politics, kinda worldbuilding? It’s set in like a 1700s type setting, I think, And while it’s not really a fantasy world since no magic, it’s not like, a real world setting. Anyway, yeah, this is near and dear to my heart.
The Home Front Fic: This! This is the one I’ve been trying to work on lately! It’s about life on the Finnish home front during WWII, and yes this is uh, also a Hetalia fic. Sorry. Though to be fair with this one and the previous one everyone’s probably gonna be so OOC and the setting is so different they might as well just be original works lol. Anyway, it’s a human AU, and also had a lot of OCs for that reason because it’d be tough to make a story of this scope with like. Three characters.
Basically! Tino is a 8, soon to be 9-year-old boy living in the Finnish countryside in 1942. His dad’s gone off to war, as well as the farmhand they had at the farm, and his mom and grandma can’t take care of the whole farm by themselves. So when they hear a nearby factory and some other farms in the area are getting extra work force in the form of Soviet prisoners of war, they decide to ask for one, too. They get a worker, his name’s Ivan. It takes some time, since they’re technically enemies, right, but eventually Tino befriends him and slowly he kind of becomes a part of the family… But you know what happened when the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union ended in September 1944? :) Well, I’ll just say that Stalin did say “There are no Soviet prisoners of war, only traitors.”
This one also has angst. But it also has found family! I like it a whole lot, I wish I’d written it already, but I have been having such a hard time starting it. :(
That BNHA Fic: I can call it that because I’ve only got one so far! So this is a My Hero Academia fic, and hmm. I haven’t talked about it too much, but I do like it, even though my focus has been pulled back to the Home Front Fic again. I do wanna write this one!
So this is like a future fic? It’s canon divergent because some stuff happening in the manga rn is not gonna work with the plot, I guess it’ll diverge at least from like… all the New Year’s chapters? I don’t remember what the number is.
Anyway, the main character is Eri, who’s been going to like this boarding school meant for kids with volatile quirks. She wanted to go there herself when some years ago her quirk had gone bonkers, she thinks? Something like that, she doesn’t remember that well anymore, but anyway, she’s going to apply to UA! Just the Gen-Ed, her quirk isn’t any good against robots. She’d love to be a hero, though, she knows so many heroes and she just wants to help people, but her quirk is no good. :( Anyway she’s back in Musutafu for the summer break in her last year of middle school, and she meets Mirio and Aizawa at the train station, and they go around the town meeting everyone! In the entrance exams she meets Kouta, who for some reason doesn’t want to be a hero though he’s got a really good quirk for it, and he’s proud of his parents who were famous heroes! They both get into UA, and she manages to convince him to try to get into the hero course through the Sports Festival, and he does! She doesn’t get that far in the festival though, because even though she’s practiced using her quirk, she’s scared to use it on people when in battle and stuff. Anyway, she’s very upset about it, and when she tells Mirio about how she wants to help people, but can’t, because her quirk sucks, he gets this look on his face and later tells her that he knows someone who could help. They go to meet this scarecrow lookin’ dude, and oh wait, is that All Might?? Why’s he refusing to help her out from Mirio’s request?? And later, what’s this One For All Mirio’s talking about?? And whose kind arms does she keep dreaming of in her sleep??? 
So yeah. That’s the BNHA fic. One more WIP to go!
Space Fic: Back to Hetalia, and this is technically an older fic but I decided to someday actually write it just recently. So it’s my Historical Human AU No. 3. It’s based on a space facts video fact, where it said that in 1963 Kennedy had proposed the USSR and US go to the Moon together, and Khrushchev had been meaning to agree, but then Kennedy died and the plan was abandoned. This story idea was like, but what if they’d gone through with it? And then, because why not, what if they’d included other countries as well? And this WIP was born. It’d be like, the main characters would be representatives of their home countries, sent to take part in the program and they’d all be candidates for going to the Moon, but there’d be only 3 spots on the rocket so like, they’d kind of have to compete for the spots? And the ones that wouldn’t pass would take part in the mission on Earth. So then there'd compete, there’d be personal drama, their personal relationships would be affected by the relationships between their home countries, but overtime friendships would be forged, and they’d all just become… one big ole found family. A space family. A big ole found space family. And the Overview Effect would also play a part. This is kind of on the back burner, this’ll need lots of research and the Home front fic also needs a lot of it, so I’ll try to.. write that first, I guess? We’ll see.
So that’s all my WIPs. There are other fic ideas that I haven’t put much thought into yet so they’re not on the list, but yeah!
8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?
I don’t have any one person who I’ve talked to about all of my stories, but I have discussed my stories with a few people! Both online and irl. I’m also on a couple discord servers that are for writing or where people talk about writing, even though for the most part I’m too shy to talk much on any of them ;u; But the people who’ve been awesome enough to listen to me ramble about my stories have helped me a lot!
12. Which story of yours do you like best? Why?
Aaaa, don’t make me choose between my children! ;__; I love them all,,,
Well, I am very fond of TT, since it’s my own original story and I’ve worked on it the longest… Then again, the Kingdom AU has a lovely aesthetic and those two pining idiots in it… But also, that BNHA fic has some really nice plot and character moments? But also I’ve spent so long researching for the Home front fic and it’s got my boys in it! And the atmosphere in it is so nice, and it has found family,,, But then also… Space??? And even the fantasy fanfic has the Asshole Goddess in it?? And a nice storyline with Liech?? See I can’t choose ;_;
To be fair, the story my dumb brain takes interest in changes every now and then, for example lately I’ve been mostly thinking about TT, the Kingdom AU and the Home front fic, so I guess those would be my favorites at the moment? But a couple weeks ago I was really into the Space Fic, and at the start of the year it was the BNHA fic. So it depends! But I do love them all.
52. Who do you write for?
Well, primarily probably for myself. I do often find myself in a situation where I’m looking for fics or books to read but none of them really click, and then I realize I’m looking for my own story. Which I haven’t written. So that’s definitely a big one! Then, to some extent, I also write for the people I’ve rambled about my fics to, so they might maybe someday get to experience the whole thing through something other than just my ramblings :’D But mostly for myself, I think.
Thanks for the ask again and sorry for taking so long!
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swordbreakerz · 5 years
✨ for all of them, 🎥 for treasure planet and guardians of gahoole, 🍀 for 9-1-1 and penumbra, 📃 for unicorn chronicles, 🏳️‍🌈 for howls, treasure planet and legend of zelda, and 💎 for any ones you have facts for lol
you spoil me uwu
🎥 - ok for treasure planet, gotta be the 12 years later scene in the beginning and the zoom in to the spaceport, the way it transitions from jim reading under the blankets to him flying on his solar surfer is so chefs kiss, and just like. everything about to the spaceport lmao, fr guardians definitely the scene where soren flies through the fire and then blows up the pulley system to get rid of the flecks energy, bro when hes flying above it all holding the lantern before he dives down to save them? chills
🍀 - you know im on that projection shit w/ juno steel, ive truly never like connected with a character like that before and he’s really really helped me thru my recovery and transition lol, fr 911 uhhh ig buck or eddie? i havent Thought About It or like consumed it enough times yet to rly settle on someone but fr now,,, they
🏳️‍🌈 - ok for howls, Everyone Is Bi/Pan, howl is trans and autistic and i will die on that hill, fr treasure planet jim and cpt amelia are both trans and both of them + doppler are autistic, fr loz link is trans, autistic and semi nonverbal and communicates primarily with asl, post twilight princess zelda says fuck it and finds a way back into the twilight realm and she midna and link hang out, most of these boil down to everyone i love is trans gay and autistic because i say so lmaooo
📃 - OK SO. without like, spoiling too many plot points, our main character is cara and she lives with her grandmother. her mom is dead and dad is out of the picture. one day theyre getting chased by these people that her grandma knows and cara gets thrown into an alternate realm full of fantasy creatures using her grandmothers amulet. she meets a unicorn named lightfoot and a bunch of other rad people and basically, starts a journey to save that world from the Hunters. the Hunters are an organisation who specifically hate unicorns and want them all dead, led by Beloved, and cara and her friends have to try and stop them from entering the world and wiping them out. its sooo so so good and i highly recommend it cause i have no one to talk to about it please god
✨ - oh boy uh, well. im just gonna like list them out lmao
unicorn chronicles: i loved unicorns as a kid and read it when i was in elementary school, and over the years its remained just as compelling and well written as i remember and like. god the whole concept is so godamn cool and all the subplots that get introduced are fuckign fantastic and like all the different creatures are amazing i literally cant sing its praises enough
howls moving castle: must i have a logical reason? is it not to vicariously live my fantasy of running away to the countryside with a wizard boyfriend, his demon and his apprentice?? for real though, its such a fantastic story with beautiful visuals in the movie and wonderfully compelling prose in the book, and esp in the movie the whole time travel subplot with sophie seeing howl and calcifer in the past and then howl finding her in the future makes me go feral
penumbra: gays in space. need i say more? im a huge slut for gay found family and especially in futuristic space, and im a huge big fan of the lgbt utopia its created. like yeah capitalism sucks but at least im not gonne get misgendered in space starbucks, u kno? all the writing and dialogue is so incredible and the SOUND DESIGN GOD, alex i know u specifically can relate when i say i would kill a man for sophie and her incredible sound design skills, like dude the dance scene in man in glass p2 you can hear every single individual step they take and every swish of junos dress and i jusT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god its so good, plus the whole the characters help me work through my trauma and repressed anger haha
911: this one is entirely your fault. so obligatory horny on main everyone on that show is so hot i want oliver stark to cradle me gently in his beefy arms oh my god. other than Men, the way it drives home the whole ‘you can’t save everyone, and it will kill you to try, so just focus on what you can do and keep living’ makes me so emo. the way it tackles big bureaucratic issues as well as closer to home interpersonal ones is amazing and i love how it shows people going through and dealing realistically with trauma.
treasure planet: again, who doesnt want to live in Cool Steampunk Space Travel Future? i really really love jims story and his arc, the way he deals with his trauma is uhh very familiar lol and his relationship with silver is like the ideal. the story is just the coolest concept and i love all the wonderful character design and animation, plus the soundtrack SLAPS and everything is beautiful
legend of zelda: ive been associated with this series from a very young age due to my name and as soon as i gave into my fate and looked it up for real i just kinda fell into it lol. i cant really tell you exactly what draws me to it besides ‘wow fun game!’ and ‘god i wish that were me,’ but like the absurd amount of detail thats put into each installment and the creative ways they retell essentially the same/similar story over and over is incredible
guardians of gahoole: so i had the same experience with this and treasure planet which is i remembered ‘oh hey this is a movie that exists and i cant clearly remember watching it, ill look it up :)’ and then it consumed my life for a solid 3 months. firstly this movie is absolutely gorgeous, the animation and framing is fucking stunning and the way they handled owls talking like people as far as the movement of their very inflexible beaks was amazing. it sort of has the same draw for me as warrior cats? secret animal society ft incredibly traumatic experiences and the characters dealing with it. like, the whole concept is just so fuckign wild and it works so well, i rly enjoy this niche genre.
💎 - alright trivia time, so guardians of gahoole is based on a book series and the movie only covers part of the first arc i think idk, BUT theres another series set in the same universe called wolves of the beyond that i devoured when i was younger! i didnt know they were connected for the longest time and when i found out i was :000, i still rly love wolves of the beyond and wanna reread it, as well as read the actual gahoole books. in the howls books, sophie is a redhead! also, markl is named michael and like a fully functioning young adult who ends up marrying one of sophies sisters. treasure planet is, obviously, based off treasure island but its so much better than the book dont bother reading it lol i tried and it was boring. there was plans for a treasure planet sequel that was fully scripted and cast but it was cancelled cause disney sabotaged treasure planet from the start with the shitty release and advertising and tldr we were ROBBED, also amelias concept was much more octopus like and while that wldve been rad im p glad she was switched to a cat for. several reasons lol. uhh i dont have a lot of Fun Facts abt the unicorn chronicles but for the longest time i thought there were only 3 books and then last year i found the fourth book by chance in a kitsch store and nearly had a breakdown i was so happy, like full on i started shaking and crying cause there was so much joy in my body i cldnt contain it.
thats all i can think of tysm ily, to anyone who read all of this bless u please watch guardians of gahoole and read the unicorn chronicles i will love u forever
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cxrnxticn · 5 years
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name: Mariko Fujimoto
eye color: Amber
hair style/color: Strawberry blonde, usually unkempt and/or pulled back in a ponytail
height: 5′0″
clothing style: Well-worn street clothes on weekdays, girly tops and skirts on weekends
best physical feature: Legs
your fears: Living out the rest of my life alone and forgotten.
your guilty pleasure: Period Dramas
your ambitions for the future: Build a small cottage in the woods, and retire there.
your first thoughts waking up: ‘One of these days, I’m going to wake up crippled. God I miss having a bed.’
what you think about most: A multitude of feel-good scenarios to help me cope with my dismal life.
what you think about before bed: Whether or not it was worth dropping out of college for a cheaper life on the streets.
you think your best quality is: My honesty?
single or group dates: Single. I can’t help but clam up in groups, even small ones. I’m more of the one-on-one type.
to be loved or respected: This is hard. If there’s love without respect, that’d suck; But respect without love... I suppose it depends on the relationship. The latter I can deal with when it comes to work... but if this refers to relationships of the romantic variety... Ugh, can’t I say both?
beauty or brains: Brains are hot, man. Though I have been guilty of fawning over good-looking guys... *narrows eyes at a select few people* Blame my human instincts.
dogs or cats: I like both but I think I’m more of a cat person. They sorta... do their own thing, and aren’t as needy for attention.
lie: I value honestly above all! Buuut I do tell a little white lie every once in a while to get me out of a jam...
believe in yourself: Mostly, but I don’t really have faith in my life choices, considering where I’m currently at...
believe in love: My family is solid proof. Even after dealing with that shitty woman I once called “mom,” dad was dead-set on keeping us together, and giving us a secure life in spite of his dream for a life on the road with his Harley. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.
want someone: ...To give me money to retire? Yes, yes I do. But seriously, I don’t really need to be with anyone. I’ve been doing fine on my own. (Though a cuddle buddy wouldn’t hurt...)
been on stage: No, and I plan on keeping it that way. 
done drugs:  ^
changed who you were to fit in: Nope. I’ve always been preoccupied with my own little world to feel the need to accommodate to others. Too troublesome.
favorite color: Yellow, the warm kind you’d find in sunflowers.
favorite animal: Goats, specifically the fainting type. There’s a family back in my village who keeps several on their farm. They’re just too funny and cute.
favorite movie: Books are better.
favorite game: That one writing game where one person begins a story, and passes it around for others to continue it. The results were always interesting.
day your next birthday will be: April 21, 2020
how old will you be: 23
age you lost your virginity: *sweats* W-what’s wrong with being a virgin? (20 in haru verse)
does age matter: Yes, that became evident with my mo- er, that woman’s ex-boyfriend who was ten years older than me, and kinda had a thing for...- Thankfully, he was enough of a gentleman to resist his feelings, and went his merry way after lending me some money. It was weird but if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have afforded college.
best personality: Thoughtfulness
best eye color: There’s a best eye color?
best hair color: There’s a-? oh never mind. All of ‘em. I don’t care.
best thing to do with a partner: Honestly, I don’t mind what we do as long as we enjoy each others’ company... But cuddling is nice; so...
i love: mother nature for inventing peppers. They’re life.
i feel: indifferent about everything, honestly. Kinda sucks.
i hide: from the city sometimes. Many times I just need a break from the loud buzzing outside.
i miss: the quiet of the countryside each and every day.
i wish: I had more courage to take charge of my life instead of staying within my pit of a comfort zone. I think I have enough money to go back to college but I can’t help but think of the worst case scenarios. Losing money, starting all over with those damn minimum wage jobs that have been draining me dry. I can barely take it anymore.
tagged by: @cxnfectioniism  (tysm i forgot what being tagged felt like ;7; ) tagging:  @subserviiient​ @electricea @deathspaired @aquaaes @theworldio @akummaa @bcbybats
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hiyadarlingirl · 6 years
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
Summary; You have some free time from uni so you visit your parents who live in gloucestshire for a week and study for your upcoming finals. When you get back to London it has started to snow. After your last final,  adventure with Rog awaits you!
I strongly suggest listening to the pride and prejudice soundtrack  ‘The living sculptures of Pemberly “ as it matches the tone of this part perfectly.  
wordcount; 1,9k
Warnings; fluff
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Disclamer; I wanted to give reader a bit of a backstory, but if you want to keep reader neutral, I suggest skipping to the last part (under the -----line)! Thanks for reading y’all! Tell me what you think! Request are Always open! :) 
‘Can you tell mom I’ll come home this Tuesday?’
You were on the phone with your younger sister Mia who still lived at home. It was Friday evening and you were sitting in the windowsill of the library with your knees pulled up, talking quietly to prevent people from getting angry.
‘Sure thing. Having dinner with us too?’
‘Yeah I think so, yes. Will Jane be home too?’ Jane was your older sister and studied English Literature at Cambridge.
‘Not sure, I’ll ask mom.’
‘No prob. Glad you’re coming home Y/N, we missed you.’
‘Missed you too sis.’ You looked through the window over the courtyard of the library. It was minus 5 degrees outside and it would get even colder over the weekend. You looked forward to going home. You truthfully had missed them a whole lot, having seen your family far too little in the past couple of months.
Your parents lived in the Glaucestshire countryside, twenty minutes out of town and it was honestly the calmest place on earth, especially compared to crazy London. You could study undisturbed in your room overlooking the fields and help your mom making the garden ready for spring. You were yearning for some time away from the chaos and also some time away from Roger.  
You had seen him at class earlier today. He was late for the lecture and stumbled in while muttering apologies to the teacher. He then sat next to you and gave you a tired smile.
‘So how was the date?’ You asked
‘Splendid. Great fun.’ He answered, then leaned over you to read your notes, face close to the paper. ‘What is it about?’ He tried switching to a different subject.
‘Photosynthetic electron transport.’ You answered, tagging along and dropping the Christina thing.
 You wondered if they would start dating properly now or if it was just a one time thing. Either way you were glad you could spent some time away from it all. You had finals in a week and couldn’t use any distraction. Especially not from the worst distraction of all.
 That Tuesday morning you packed your suitcase with some essentials and said goodbye to Ally and Sam.
‘If Rog calls, can you tell him I’m at my parents and I’ll be back for finals?’ You asked, just in case.
‘Sure thing babes.’ Ally answered and hugged you goodbye. You then took your suitcase and headed to the train station.
It was freezing cold and you were glad you were wearing a thick parka and knitted hat, but cursed at forgetting to take gloves as your hands were icy-cold. You blew little white clouds in the air while you waited for the train to arrive.
When it did you walked to second class and sat down in a small four-seat compartment next to the window. You put your bag next to you on the seat and made yourself comfortable for the three-hour trip. You loved train rides, always had. When you were little your dad would take you and your sisters out for little trips to villages across the country. Those were the days of building campfires from driftwood at the shore and camping out in the wild. But also the days of being stuck in swamps and wanting to go home. Days of excitement and days of tears.
    When you arrived at Bibury your mom picked you up.
‘Hi sweatheart.’ She gave you a hug and helped you carry your suitcase to the car. Mia was in the backseat and wrapped her arms around you when you sat down in front.
‘Ahh you smell so good! What are you wearing? Is it new?’
‘Yes, it’s Yves-Saint-Laurent.’
‘Can I borrow it?’ She asked cheerful.
‘Steal it, you mean? Sure but I don’t have it with me so you’ll have to come to London.’ You said smiling.
Mia groaned and let you go form her grip. ‘Ugh, alright…’
‘Sorry Mia.’
‘No boys to impress here huh?’ She jokingly added, not knowing there was truth in her words. You rolled your eyes at her, just like when you were younger. Some things just never changed. 
    It was a short drive to the house and Mia chatted away from the backseat about a winter ball at school and her dress and how Jane was coming home tomorrow and how glad she was you’d all be together again. 
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    When you arrived at the house and the car-engine was turned off the silence was almost overwhelming. There was no sound apart from  that of nature and you had forgotten what it felt like.
You carried your suitcase to the porch and took a moment to look out over the fields. Everything was sober, from the white walls of the house to the fields and the empty garden. The white formed a big contrast with the forest behind it and you realized how much you had missed the place.
‘Your dad is  in the back chopping wood, go say hi.’ Your mom said and pointed her chin to the side of the porch. ‘Oh and tell him dinner is ready in an hour.’
You nodded and walked around the house, indeed hearing the sound of an ax hitting wood in a controlled manner.
‘Hi dad.’ You said and waited for him to stop chopping before you came closer.
‘Hi sweetheart!’ His face lit up. You really had been away for far too long, you felt as if he looked older than you remembered.
‘Dinner is ready in an hour, need help?’
‘Help me carry in a bit?’ He said and gave you a smile.
 That evening you spent catching up with your parents and sister. Your mom made soup and fresh baked bread and you talked about life in London and university. You also talked about your friends but chose your words carefully not in the mood to talk about Roger.
 The rest of the week you spent working in the garden and studying in your room. Your sister had come home but you hadn’t talked to her properly yet when she knocked on your door one evening.
‘Hey, how’s studying going?’
You shrugged. ‘Can’t concentrate.’
‘Feel like having a sleepover in Mia’s room?’
‘Ah I could’ve predicted she wanted one of those.’ You said.
‘Not to get out of.’ Jane said and laughed. ‘Come I’ll help you carry your sleeping stuff to her room.’
    That night you spent in Mia’s room braiding each-others hair and talking about boys.
‘How is Charlie?’ Mia asked Jane.
‘Ah, we broke up like three weeks ago.’
‘He… cheated.’ She said quietly and shrugged.
‘Oh shit. That really sucks.’ You said, surprised they weren’t together anymore.
‘Yeah it does, but I’m okay really, I wasn’t that in love with him anymore anyway. He turned out to be pretty…’ She stopped to look for the right word. ‘…Boring.’
‘Yeah I never liked him, Jane.’ Mia said.
‘I know you didn’t sis.’ Jane said and threw her a meaningful look. ‘So we’re all single girls now then huh?’ She added with a melancholy smile. ‘Unless…. Our mysterious sister Y/N has a secret lover.’ She looked at you expectantly, eyes twinkling.
‘I don’t. Sorry to disappoint you.’
‘So where’s your mind then? You seem so distracted.’
You sighed. Jane had always been able to read through you.
You decided to just be honest. ‘You remember Roger right?’
‘Of course, the bambi boy?’
‘Bambi boy?’
‘Yes, because of his big eyes. Bamboy.’
‘Yeah right… that one.’ You said, then continued. ‘You know, I try really hard to not think of him and focus on my finals and understanding the processes in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, but all I end up thinking about is how beautiful Rogers hands are.’
‘Well I can see why.’ Mia said. ‘That sounds bloody boring.’ You laughed but Jane’s face turned serious.
‘Roger is in that band right, smile?’
‘You are not in love with him, are you?’
‘No I am not.’ You said. ‘But I could be. Oh Jane, I really could be.’ You noticed there was a longing in your voice.
‘So why don’t you let yourself fall in love with him?’
‘Because… he doesn’t love me back and he can be a really arrogant self-righteous prick sometimes.’
‘How do you know he doesn’t love you back.’
‘He doesn’t act like it, not in a romantic love kind-a-way anyway.’ You said. ‘And he’s dating a girl now. A really pretty one.’
‘Well you are very pretty too you know.’ Mia said. You smiled but shook your head a little. ‘I’m afraid that if I fall in love with him, and even if we end up dating, he will crush my heart by falling for a different girl in a heartbeat.’
‘You know,’ Jane started and shifted her weight so she was lying next to you. ‘I’ve only met him once at that garden party of yours last May, but he seems very, very fond of you.’
‘He does huh.’
‘I think you should consider telling him. It’s worth the risk don’t you think?’
‘The stakes are pretty high, I might lose my best friend.’
‘Yes, or you’ll gain a love of a lifetime.’
‘I don’t know.’ You said, your heart racing at the thought of having to tell him. You were too afraid to lose him.
 After the weekend you had to get back to London to take your exams and hugged your sisters and parents goodbye. 
Sitting in the train you looked out of the window, lost in thought. It was still incredibly early, the golden morning sun barely giving off any warmth. Your warm breath made a white haze on the window and without thinking you bended forward and pressed your lips to the cold glass. You wondered what Rogers lips would feel like and felt rosy by the thought of kissing him.
When you arrived in London you rushed to university to take your first exam.
The following days were filled with late night studying and more finals and you were glad when it was Friday and the last one had arrived. It had started snowing that morning. Thick snowflakes came falling from the sky and wrapped London in a thin white blanket, getting thicker by the second.
It muted every sound and it was completely silent in the exam hall apart from the sound of turning paper and sniffling and coughing.
You hadn’t talked to Roger over two weeks now, having only seen him once that week at an exam on a subject that you shared. He followed a different major which gave you partly different courses so it wasn’t strange you hadn’t seen that much of him. You had missed talking to him though.
You looked at the clock. Two hours left. You turned back to your paper, focusing on the questions.
When you were finally done you handed it in, a feeling of relieve came washing over you.
 You walked out and went looking for your jacket when you suddenly saw him. 
He was leaning to the opposite wall, wearing a huge jacket and a red knitted hat, completely covered in snow. He smiled brightly.
‘Hi love. Up for an adventure?’
‘Hi Rog. Always.’
‘Good. We’re waiting outside with the van. It’s time you met Freddie.’
He slung his arm around you and pulled you in for a side-hug.
 ‘We’re going on a roadtrip babe.’ 
previous part, next part
taglist; @fics-for-my-heart, @midnightloversville, @killerqueenbucky, @fallinginlovewithwhereyouare, @about-aphrodite, @juliet-taylor, @rogerrrinaaa, @mercuriangel, @daarkdreamy, @fanficsupporter, @rogahtaylahthedrumah, @fortuneboldlyfavors, @int0-you, @sleeping-bobcat, @bensroger, @katexxr, @whitequeenwalks, @bulsaratheopera
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despressolattes · 6 years
Side Character CHAPTER FOUR | the originals/legacies
Klaus went to France looking for Elijah. Of course, I wanted him to bring him back, but a part of me wanted him to stay in France. I had gone to visit once a few years ago, seeing him playing piano and living a peaceful life. It made me happy to watch him be happy. I didn't want us to drag him back into the Mikaelson family drama, I wanted him to finally be able to live his own life.
But, I also missed him. I missed his suits and serious demeanor, I miss the smiles and jokes. I miss Elijah. I had a lot of his journals in my room at this point. I stopped putting them back where I found them, and now they're with me at the Salvatore School under my bed.
I talked to Marcel, and he said that when Klaus came back, the light in his eyes were gone, and Elijah was nowhere to be found. I was disappointed and relieved at the same time. I didn't believe Klaus when he told Marcel that he didn't find Elijah. I knew he just didn't find the version of him he was hoping to see.
I remembered the conversation Elijah and I had two years ago when I arrived in France.
He was at the piano in this bar, and I sat near him. He told me he didn't think a girl my age should be drinking when he saw the drink in my hand. I told him I wasn't sixteen, just looked it. Without words, he understood I was a vampire.
He asked me what brought me to France, and I told him I was trying to be close to someone I once knew. That he loved the French countryside and used to talk about it with me when he was still around.
"Is he your father?" he asked me.
"No," I shook my head quickly, looking down. "He was someone I looked up to all my life, but he was never my father."
I repeated that to myself time after time. Elijah was never my father. Freya was at the school with Hope looking through spells. I felt utterly useless, and guilty for not telling anyone I knew about Hayley.
I sat on my bed, my back pressed against my headboard. A painting of myself and Hope was hanging over my bed. She made it for me herself for Christmas last year. In red paint, her name is signed on the lefthand corner. I wrote in my journal.
If I had only told Uncle Niklaus or Aunt Freya, or even Marcel, maybe then Hayley would be safe. Instead, I protected Hope and her rash decisions, which she no doubt about it got from the rest of her crazy family. I just wish I could do something to bring Hayley home, but I couldn't.
There was a knock on my door, and I opened it to see Freya and Hope.
"Come with us for a walk?" Freya asked. "I'm not just gonna have driven all the way here and not spend time with the both of you. Plus, maybe you can tell me about that cute boy you had hidden in your room last week."
I blushed and Hope looked at me with a knowing look. I still told her I didn't feel anything towards Roman because every time I look at the two of them, I see some chemistry that I don't think he and I have at all.
As we walked around the field, the boys were playing their version of soccer, that wasn't exactly soccer since they could use magic. Roman was running around shirtless with the rest of the boys, and scored a point by headbutting the soccer ball into the goal after a witch stopped it in the air.
"So, which one is he?" Freya asked, leaning towards me.
"The hot one that sweats diamond dust," Hope answered for me.
Freya rose an eyebrow.
"Which one of you likes the dude?" she asked.
"Neither of us!" we both said quickly.
He turned to look at us, and waved.
"Um... keep walking," I said, not waving back and taking my eyes off of him.
"Wait, you're not going to wave back?" Freya asked.
"No, pretty sure his ego can handle it," Hope said, and all three of us laughed.
"The witches back home seem to think you and I are going to go ballistic if we don't get my mom back," Hope told me. "That I'll melt New Orleans, and you'll suck the blood out of everyone."
"Probably," I said, trying to lighten the mood, but no one laughed.
I looked down at my phone to see the time. I had to get to the library to check out a history book on the assignment I had due.
"Hey, Aunt Freya, I actually have to go work on my homework," I said. "Library's gonna be packed if I wait another half hour, and I really wanna get in there without having to deal with other people."
She blinked a few times, nodding. "Oh. Okay. I'll see you later then?"
I nodded, and raised my eyebrows at Hope to say a wordless goodbye. She did the same back, and I jogged over to the school's library.
It was hard sometimes to do history assignments. Especially when in the books, documents, and sources, the Mikaelson family was always the villain. I knew it was a fact, it was historically proven time after time. The family didn't even deny it to Hope and I. I always noticed her face change when we'd cover a unit that had to do with any of the Mikaelsons, and the even bigger change when the topic is Niklaus.
I was working on a report about Elijah in the 1650s, comparing it to him in the 1950s to show the character change within 300 years. Any similarities and difficulties. I probably could have used his journals as a primary source, but some of those stories weren't in textbooks. Some of them were things Elijah liked to have private, or something only his family could go through.
It felt wrong to add it to a paper to turn in for a grade. So, I didn't even attempt to.
After gathering the information I still needed, I put the books back. I hadn't even realized the fact that I had been there studying while other people were in the library, or that it had gotten dark. I looked out the window that Henry had jumped from, my side pressed against the wall as I stared out the glass.
"Is it just me," I heard, and I jumped a little, startled. I turned my head to see Roman next to me, leaning on the wall near the window as well. "Or is this room starting to get a reputation?"
I looked at him weird, confused as to what he meant. People were always in that room.
"Henry jumped, and now you look like you might," he explained.
I sighed, and turned so that my back was against the wall. His back was against the wall, too, the window the only thing in between us. I sighed again, at a lost for words, and I shook my head.
"I've just been thinking, I guess. I've been having a day... or week. Maybe past hundred years."
He laughed at the comment, and asked, "Hayley's mom?"
"She's still missing," I said, becoming even more annoyed with myself that I was partially to blame. I couldn't helped save her. "And the New Orleans witches seem to think Hope and I will rampage the city if we don't find her. That she'll melt the city, and I'll go around sucking everyone's blood dry."
"Would you do that?" he asked.
"I don't know," I said, unsure. I had flashbacks to my past, knowing the answer to his question. I wouldn't tell him, though. "I'm just tired of the people there being scared of me. They all know I'm basically a Mikaelson, and since no one who knows Hope is here, they also don't know of my affiliation, so... no one's scared of me here. I think."
"That's understandable," he said.
"This is the part where you tell me you aren't," I said, taking a step closer to him.
"Oh, me? I'm terrified," he replied, his classic smirk on his face. "But I'm a risk-taker, as you'd know from our little booze party a month ago."
The way he was looking at me, I felt different. Like I was important, somehow. Not just to the side, not just there.
There was a cough, and I looked to the door to see Freya approaching with a smirk.
"That's my cue," Roman told me, pushing off of the wall and walking out. I didn't want him to leave.
I looked at Freya, who waited for him to leave before saying, "A private audience with the boy who sweats diamonds. Nice."
"He's nice," I nodded, walking towards her. "I think he has a thing for Hope, though."
"Why would you think that?" she asked, and we stood in the dark room together talking.
I found myself letting someone in more than I usually did. Sure, I was close to all of the Mikaelsons, but they didn't know my past or any feelings I had.
No one knew that before I knew Josh was gay, that I had a crush on him and would write about it in my journals hoping he'd fall for me. No one told me, and one day I found out because whilst trying to flirt with him, he mentioned this guy he found cute.
No one knew of the small and very secret crush I had on the witch Kaleb Westphall up until he got possessed by Kol, ultimately dying via hex. It didn't bother me too much since I didn't know Kaleb, I just used to see him around New Orleans all those years ago. How could I not be attracted to his colored eyes, curly hair, and accent?
Feelings like that, I kept to myself and my journals, not to be uttered to another soul.
"Everyone prefers Hope," I replied, shrugging. "Plus, he tends to ask about her a lot when he's with me."
"But he came to talk to you, not her."
"It doesn't matter," I said, shaking my head.
"You know, in all the years I've known you, I don't think you've ever talked about an ex."
I nodded. "Yeah, I've been around a long time, certainly have had them. But that's forever ago. I think I might've spent the past two hundred years at least single."
"Doesn't it get lonely?"
"Sure," I said, nodding but also shrugging. "But I got other things to keep me busy."
"For two hundred years?" she asked, and I nodded. "What have you been up to?"
"Things," I said, smirking knowing the vagueness would bother her a little.
"You know, sometimes I know I know you. Sometimes I wish you'd let this family in, let us know your past and not just your present."
"My past is not important, Freya. What matters is now."
"And right now you have a thing for Roman, so I say, go for it!"
"I rather not."
"Stubborn, just like a Mikaelson."
Just like a Mikaelson.
chapter five
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anisimelle · 6 years
57 Facts Tag
oh my god. i mean, i’m pretty self-absorbed, but 57 facts about myself might be too much ever for me. anyway, i got tagged by the LOVELY @phoenixfg so i might as well try :)
i’m a vegetarian.
i find dairy and eggs disgusting, but i sometimes eat cheese with wine.
i only drink water and alcohol. tea sometimes. no soda, coffee etc.
i chew gum 99% of the time.
i don’t eat sweets.
my not so guilty pleasure is white wine.
when i’m stressed, i bake. watch me bake 30 cinnamon rolls and not eat a single one.
i have two small nephews. 
i’m czech.
my favourite song on the face of this earth is this one. (it’s not in english)
i can’t sing or dance but i do both every single day. 
i go to a lot of concerts and festivals all year round.
my favourite colour is yellow, but i look best in red.
i have a big family, most of which is not blood-related.
i strongly dislike wearing shoes.
if i try to wear high heels, chances are i will literally die within two hours.
my favourite time of the day is between 4AM to 6AM.
i love autumn. i could literally live in eternal autumn.
i speak french. really bad french.
i once spent a month in belgium and met a guy in a full on napoleon suit in a pub. i even have a picture. we had the best drunken conversation and it was probably the most french i have ever spoken in one sitting. 
i celebrated my twentieth birthday this july.
i work in frontend development.
my native language is czech, but whenever i drink too much, i prefer speaking english. it confuses the hell out of my family.
one of my deep-ish secrets is that in high school i had a crush on a teacher and took it a tad too far.
i have two moms.
my favourite thing to do is skiing.
i get nostalgic real quick.
i love christmas - the food, the togetherness, the music, the atmosphere... and i wish you all could see prague during christmas. it’s breathtaking.
my favourite movie saga is star wars. (han and leia ftw)
i’m a drama queen in real life. it’s always all or nothing with me.
i don’t really cry about big things, but i cry over every single minor thing.
i dislike my calves.
i suck at texting. like, hard. i never answer texts like a normal human being. i prefer calling.
right now, i’m realizing i am not interesting at all.
i love brooklyn 99. i’ve watched the entire thing like five times.
i can’t run. i hate running.
i like taking pictures of my friends when they don’t know i’m taking a picture. i like it when people don’t stare into the camera.
i love babysitting my nephews. they make me happy. but seriously, i don’t remember growing older... when did they????? 
i’m not really fond of love stories. 
i like shitty poetry.
i used to write a lot a couple of years ago. then i just... stopped.
i love coding and i’m extremely grateful to have the job i have.
i think that living in a big city is cool because vegan pizza.
i think that the countryside is cool because alcohol since 8AM.
arguably the best thing i’ve ever experienced was flying in an ultralight over the countryside for three hours.
my favourite way of travel is by train.
with flying close second.
i’m writing this thing while procrastinating on a project i should be doing. it will bite me in the ass sooner than later.
i wish i could spend more time with my friends.
i love receiving and writing letters.
when i was in bruxelles, i walked an hour and a half by foot to the cheapest grocery store almost every day instead of taking the bus so i’d save money and could buy more beer. beer in belgium is like 8€, whereas in czech republic it’s 0,5€.
i have a love-hate relationship with food.
i always complain no one chats me up, but whenever someone does, i literally leave. last time i told the guy i was married and had a baby.
i can’t tan. every year i spend the entire summer outdoors, and i never tan. ever. i’m always white as hell, only in winter i get slightly whiter.
i’ve been toying with the idea of cutting my hair to my shoulders. it’s to the middle of my back now.
i almost never taste the food while cooking.
i have blue eyes.
thank god it’s over. this was exhausting :) i’m kinda thinking that instead of an about page, i’m just gonna link this post if someone wants to get to know me.
i tag ANYONE that wants to do this. 
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