#and neither of them are on Hilda
Knowing your opinion on season 3, do you think The Fairy Isle deserves that Annie?
I've gone back and forth on whether I should answer this. The thing is, fundamentally, to me that feels like a weird and honestly bad mindset to have. I do think the Fairy Isle is a bad episode; it's the culmination of everything Season 3 did wrong, ruining Hilda and Johanna with a bad series of retcons in the name of doing a twist, giving focus to Anders (whose very existence undermines the show), and falling back into the trap of making characters less sympathetic than they're supposed to be.
But those are writing decisions, and more than that, they're big-picture writing decisions. As a story about a kid who wanders into a fairy world and meets someone who turns out to be family, it's a great one; it's a story I would love if it the protagonists weren't Hilda and Johanna; and regardless of how I feel about the writing there's an immense amount of effort and heart on display in the animation and music and voice acting. They were trying so hard, the premise was just flawed, and while as a fan that leads me to dislike an episode, objectively the work on display is really good.
I'm not going to say everyone who worked on this episode, who put in all that hard work and really cared about this show, doesn't deserve to be acknowledged just because the writing team messed up. They do deserve that recognition, and even though I don't consider Season 3 to really be Hilda, I'm still happy that this series is getting acknowledged and that all that work is rightfully paying off :))
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blaithnne · 5 months
Lauren makes Dinner but she chooses everything Kaisa hates and Kaisa just has to sit there and act like she likes it.
Johanna: How's dinner guys Lauren did such a good job.
Kaisa: *gagging* ITS wonderful .
Luaren: *smirking* OH I knew you would Kaisa.
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foolsfrogg · 8 days
I wanted to make a Hilda/Splatoon au back when Side Order came out buuut I saw two people make ones before me so I gave up…. however, I realized neither of them were as the trio’s eleven-year-old selves,, and there was also a tragic lack of Twig in both of them
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inspired by phopollo and blaithnne’s AWESOME aus :3 (idk if they’d want me to tag them or not)
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kranagok0 · 2 months
Hilda, The horror in The woods
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Are you ready for more of Hilda and her friends being the Jujutsu Kaisen?…
A shame, because I'm still doing Astrid's abilities and I just discovered that there was already someone else with that idea of Hilda and Jujutsu Kaisen before me, so I'm trying to improve some aspects of the characters. Leaving that aside, something occurred to me regarding an image I found on my Facebook.
The story is about Hilda, obviously, and her life in the cabin with her mother. The thing here is about living only with his mother, his aunt Astrid and his father (Who rarely visited, if not almost never). The lack of social interaction did not stop Hilda from learning to speak correctly, but it did stop her from communicating like any other normal child.
Such a wild and solitary life (in addition to her family, but they did not often go with her on her adventures) made little Hilda grow up with a somewhat… Unstable mentality.
You see, Hilda didn't understand what was normal for someone her age, neither did Johana (let's give credit to Aunt Astrid for erasing memories as if it were something that could be formatted as if it were nothing) and why Anders and Astrid didn't visit very often. Hilda began to develop somewhat strange and grotesque tastes.
It all started a few weeks of meeting her best friend Twig, that little Deer-fox and his way of acting were also a key factor in Hilda's growth.
Hilda had gotten lost (all because of a sudden storm that no one could have predicted) and was swept beyond the stone circle. She didn't know where she was, but she was still grateful to have her best friend Twig with her.
The days passed and Hilda was hungry. He had survived for a while on the provisions his mother had given him and also some berries he found along the way. Despite that, the girl was still hungry. It was then that he asked his friend Twig to eat something, she was hungry and wanted some too. Hilda let out a scream of horror when she saw what her friend was chewing.
Twig had wild instincts and too much energy for a small fawn (more or less I call it that because… What do you call a baby fox deer?) of his age, making him more prone to attack other small animals. to eat them. At first this scared Hilda, but as the days went by, and with the little plant-based food that was around, she began to adapt to her friend's behavior. He even started to want to try some of that meat that Twig also ate.
Being so curious about Twig's strange dynamic, Hilda tried to do the same as her little friend.
Hilda's curiosity turned into something a little more obsessive and bizarre, to the point of wanting to try what her friend was nibbling on day after day. Hilda had never tasted the meat of… Nothing. She literally only ate plant-based things and nothing else, or not as far as her little 6-year-old mind could understand. That's why when he tasted the meat of that little dying rabbit he never thought it would taste so horrible. It felt strange to chew the rabbit's leg and even more so with all that dirty fur from the chase.
Still, Hilda took another bite.
and then another
And one more
One more
And more
Much more
At some point Twig stepped aside and let Hilda eat the rest of the rabbit for herself. After all, she was like his older sister. He was the alpha.
And when the alpha is hungry he must hunt.
At first they couldn't even catch a single fish out of the water, much less any hare or rabbit they encountered on their way home. Over time he continued to learn from his friend and the other animals, trying to imitate their movements and predict what they were going to do. The problem was that Hilda's body was not that of a wild animal, she could understand the movement of muscles and tendons inside her friend Twig's skin, the movement of fish, the jumps of rabbits, she could even predict when a feather would fall off a bird and how many flaps of its wings would it take… But I couldn't imitate those movements, because Hilda was human.
Fortunately everything has a solution. She just had to move like a human. Like a human hunter. Luckily he had his good friend Woodman to tell him everything he needed to know about human hunters.
Woodman was someone who didn't care what other people did. However, even he knew that what Hilda was doing was too scary and morbid to tell her what to do. He was not going to risk that one day she would use those methods against him, so he gave her some fairy tales where there were harmless hunters, like Snow White and the Dwarves, or Little Red Riding Hood, he even gave her one where there were like 7 little lambs and a mother goat (to be honest, Woodman only had those stories because he could take them and run with them. He really wasn't interested in reading all the content)
While Woodman thought the books would calm Hilda down a bit about the whole hunting, skinning, and eating of woodland animals, Hilda saw a pattern in each story: An axe.
'so human hunters use axes. Excellent'
Hilda, in some way that I still can't figure out, got an axe. It was heavy, but it served its purpose. Hilda already wanted to develop her hunting skills like a true human hunter.
His first prey: a red wolf.
Surprisingly, the attack was fast and accurate, the wolf could never have seen a girl coming with a large ax from the top of the trees… The wolf's back was destroyed as Hilda used the blunt part. It was his first time using an axe, not knowing how to handle it correctly caused him to hit with the wrong side. Still, it was enough to immobilize the wolf.
The wolf still tried to defend himself, despite having his spine shattered, his adrenaline did not go down a bit. The wolf, still with its front legs at its disposal, crawled up to bite Hilda.
It didn't take long for Hilda to counterattack and hit the wolf several times in its skull. The sounds reasoned throughout the grove and spots splashed back and forth with each impact of the ax on the wolf's head.
After a while Hilda had managed to make the wolf unrecognizable: Its skull was sunken, fragments of the bones protruded from that amorphous mass that was previously the skin and muscle of the beast, not to mention how the poor man's eyes were left animal.
Like any good hunter, Hilda takes a part of the wolf and feeds, chewing and swallowing like any wild animal would… Still, she uses cutlery as her mother had always told her (manners are something essential in life, a one of the few things that Johana remembered and that were not erased like memories. At least Astrid didn't format everything)
When Hilda was 11 years old she had extensive experience hunting all kinds of creatures: rabbits, moles, hares, foxes (it was a difficult subject for her and Twig, but in the end they didn't give it much thought and they ate it), turtles, fish of all kinds, insects, deer (oddly enough there was no problem with Twig at that point), and many more creatures. The only ones Hilda didn't eat were those who seemed to have some intellect, she liked to converse as much as she could with others. I felt this need to share this information whether the person in question wanted to or not.
Hilda achieved a lot at her young age. I even developed somewhat disturbing techniques that other children (and even adults) could never achieve.
Hilda has never hunted beings with any intelligence…. But, if the opportunity arises, perhaps she could consider it.
It should be noted that Hilda is mentally unstable due to the situations she has had to face alone every time she went on adventures with Twig. There were times when he almost died from bleeding, severe bruises and even poisoning. Hilda has survived all that and more at her young age, and with it she has developed a need to learn about everything that surrounds her. Stalking, watching, observing, hunting.
And that's it, because I don't have anything else. I just wanted to do this to get it out of my head.
Thinking of Hilda as something more than a good, kind and empathetic girl is something I wanted to investigate because it is impossible for someone to be like that if she only lives with her mother in the middle of a mess in the middle of nowhere. Some kind of mental illness had to have arisen at that point in his life, especially when he was always going on dangerous adventures where literally any dangerous animal could jump out of a bush and take his life.
I liked thinking that Hilda could defend herself if something like this happened. And then I found that image; a psychotic Hilda, full of blood and with mental stability quite out of place. Thinking about how his actions are reflected by his changing and unstable emotional state was something that inspired me to write all this, partly because I was also curious to know what you guys thought.
I would like to hear your comments, or in this case read them. Seriously, I would like to know if they also thought at some point that Hilda would have a seinen mode or if they enjoy a less bloody and violent version of the blue-haired girl more.
Well, we're running out of paragraphs, so I'll say goodbye. See you later
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Drawn Apr 26 - 28 2024 me when I am very normal about the media I like and definitely did not become autistic about this webcomic (/lying /lying /lying) uhhh anyway lemme talk about this art Image 1: we were absolutely robbed of Cameryn wearing that outfit in the snow kingdom lmao
Fletcher wanting nothing to do with these idiots as per usual~ his drawing has nothing to do with the Cameryn drawings to the left of him but I put him there specifically because it was funny to me
not me having a pose in mind and then neither fully drawing it nor fixing it with Lance there. Anyways Mikah. Does he even know??
~ Image 2: I did this one before the other one and I was actually going to draw those other things on the same image! however as it turns out clean colour takes me fucking forever and I decided I just wanted a seperate one for the rest
They can still fight or whatever (well, I don't actually know if they still will in-story), but I want to see Mikah and Hilda as best friends. They both have braids in their hair so it made me want to draw Mikah braiding Hilda's hair. I wonder if Lance ever braided his brother's hair…
Lance wears mostly cool colours (warm tones are more Poko's thing), but pinkish red colours and dark blueish green/teals are my favourite colours. By extension similar colour combinations are also my favourite, since they just so happen to also be complimentary. What I am saying is Lance would look good in reds and pinks and also I am extremely biased on that front
Hey protip you guys! did you know if you've got any clothes or piercings or anything you want but don't have? just give them to your favourite characters! it's completely free!
Nomads is by @captain-juuter ...Did you know if you search 'nomads webtoon' on here, tumblr lists me as the sole related blog?
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grifff17 · 1 month
Audiodrama Sunday 04/28/24
So much stuff this week! I think this is going to be my longest writeup yet!
@camlannpod what the fuck? Trying to avoid spoilers, but the ending of that episode was wild. The sound design for the last scene was so good. Also “You're good with an axe, right?” was brutal, I audibly said "oof". Only 1 more episode in the season, hopefully they get funding for a second one.
The first episode of @wanderersjournalpod came out this week. This was a promising start to a new show, I'm excited to see where it goes from here. The setting feels very mystical, I can't wait to learn more about the world.
@worldsbeyondpod was so tense. Suvi and Ame had the most awkward conversation in existence. This story has so much nuance, neither of them are clearly in the right, though I feel inclined to take Ame's side due to the "Geas + Alter Memory" double espionage scheme. Meanwhile Ursulon discovers that Orima of the Reaching Green is a short queen and gets a cool horse.
I'm now up to date with @lostterminal. Season 15 was great. I love Nia, and Daphne and Raffi were really interesting new characters. Also, the dragon was terrifying. This show doesn't usually have very much action, so the confrontation with it really stood out. The description of the automatic turret going "click, click" as it locked on to Maddie was so intimidating.
@worldgonewrongpod I loved this episode. The storytelling felt so natural and real, like someone telling me a story about a weird road trip they went on. I think I said this about the last episode too, but this was my favorite episode yet. It also sets up the backstory which was never really explained as to why Jamie and Malik are separated at all.
In @midstpodcast we finally had a nicer episode. No horrible fucked up Weep/Trust stuff happening, just Lark reunited with Zeila and Sherman. However, there's so much tension between these characters. I was surprised that Lark forgave Sherman for selling her out. Something to remember is that Lark and Sherman had been hooking up before everything went to shit, which was mentioned once and I think really changes their relationship.
New @keepitsteadypod! This is the first new episode of this show since I started doing these. This was a really cute episode. For how popular fake dating is as a trope in fandom spaces, you don't see a lot of it in audiodramas.
Fun episode of Mission Rejected this week. It was cool to see Bowden go from "vain actor" to "badass spy" when the stakes ramped up. We don't get to see him take charge very often, it was neat for him to be a competent leader. I wonder if the gang lying to Zelda(who definitely saw through it) and Chet(who probably didn't) is foreshadowing for more of a conflict with the new Secretary of Defense later in the season. Also I loved the squabbling gay couple running an illegal mining operation as the villains of the week.
@breakerwhiskey episode 200 wow. A letter from Harry! We learned that Harry has been listening to most of Whiskey's broadcasts, which recontextualizes a lot of the previous episodes. Also, the end was heartbreaking.
I started season 2 of @longcatmedia's Mockery Manor! I'm 2 episodes in and really like it so far. JJ and Bettie are employed in different parks, JJ is on the run from an organized crime ring, and Bettie became a monk? Also, it's clear that neither Hilda nor Jenkins stole the shipment, neither of them have motive. But I don't know who else would have motive either. Lots of mysteries this season.
Spout Lore had a great planning episode. I'm excited for the "saving Highspear" arc, the Highspear is so cool as a concept. A reverse Tower of Babel, that lets the whole world talk with each other. A literal monument to wizard hubris, which feels destined to fall. However I doubt it will, because, as the players mentioned, it would be really annoying from a storytelling perspective if everyone suddenly spoke different languages. This has actually made me realize I really want a story set shortly after some sort of "fall of the Tower of Babel", where communication is a struggle, but that's just because I think linguistics is cool. Anyways, the buffet talk had me rolling.
What a great week! However, it did not help my queue, which continues to grow instead of get smaller. I'll reach the end of it one day.
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marithlizard · 3 months
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Kids' animation is a hit-or-miss thing for me. I feel like most Disney movies are simplified down past the point where I can really engage with them; shows like MLP have the additional problem of being self-conscious about the moral lesson tucked into each episode. It takes something unusually well-written to make me forget that I'm not the target audience and get immersed in the story.
Hilda is not quite like anything else. I find myself thinking of both The Hobbit and Moomintroll, but neither entirely fits; the humans and supernatural creatures of this world coexist uneasily, and the vibe shifts from gentle and friendly to numinous and slightly creepy and occasionally actually scary. We always know that Hilda and her loved ones will get home safe eventually, somehow, but she can't make her world safe for everyone and some conflicts have no good solutions. No Big Bad, no plot tokens or prophecies or wise old mentors with all the answers. Just a world where human civilization hasn't managed to push the magic off the map yet, and a girl who loves to explore. It's just incredibly charming, okay, try it :)
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fireemblems24 · 5 months
Azure Gleam Ch 13
Alright guys, we're getting close to finishing this thing - like 10 years later, but still here.
Ok, guys, the hard battle is over. Dimitri stomping everything is all I have left to do, I hope.
I wonder if I dislike Claude now. He's here and on our side, but I think "ew" and "ugh" when I see him now.
Claude suspects stuff.
Seteth is lecturing Hilda for whining lamo.
Seeing Claude, Rhea, and Dimitri all fight on the same side is cool, even if I find Claude annoying as fuck right now.
I wish Rhea would lead the knights herself, but instead she just gets sidelines so hard in AG. Hopes as a whole tgh.
Oh! No side battles! Not all that mad. Bc that means this'll speed things up a bit lol.
Sylvain is admiring Dimitri and Felix and how good of leaders they are. He's hoping he gets his act together soon too lol.
It's cool seeing Byleth and Jeralt around. Rhea's here too. The camp is packed with little blue and yellow dots.
There's a letter from Glenn on the table :(
Seems a bit cheap that Byleth only supports Jeralt and Shez, but can reach A with everyone. Like a cop out.
Honestly, neither of them have a ton of supports (Jeralt or Byleth). A bit bummed, but I guess you get them kind of late. Too bad this game never got a DLC. Byleth/lord supports would've sold that.
Annette needs help using Crusher. It's too heavy for her.
Annette thinks she needs to gain weight, but Dedue says that's not everything and is willing to help her out.
He helps her train with a bag of rocks and credits him with the motivation to try.
Dedue hesitates a bit when replying to her though, making Annette curious.
Pretty much a set up for part 2.
Their only support this game.
Annette creates a disaster in the kitchen (or training grounds, unclear). With Dimitri's help. So . . . they tried cooking together? Yeah. That was never going to end well.
Dimitri and Annette both blame themselves. Dimitri "wins" though.
Dimitri wishes he were better with magic, but it runs in the family. He wanted to be a mage when he was younger.
"An old friend of mine would give magic demonstrations." - probably Edelgard?
Annette is willing to help Dimitri learn magic. She wants to get better at teaching. Dimitri really wishes he could learn magic.
Annette really wants to be a teacher.
She encourages him not to hold back. I think he made another explosion. Poor Annette has her work cut out for her lol.
Horse girls final support.
Ingrid's been trying to figure out what her horse is thinking/wants based on behavior but is struggling.
Unlike Marianne, but, you know, she has help lol.
Ingrid's horse doesn't want to move again, so Marianne comes to help.
The horse/pegasus doesn't want to go to the battlefield because she's worried about Ingrid (and remembering Scarlet Blaze, that sucks, Fuck SB for killing Ingrid)
Ingrid is getting better connecting with her horse, and now will go get to save her friend.
When Ingrid's leaving, Marianne starts wishing for something but doesn't say what, Ingrid guesses horseback riding together and guesses right.
Ingrid credits to spending time with Marianne and getting to know her.
So Ingrid and Marianne are friends now. Good for both of them.
Rodrigue is looking for a book on mercenaries.
When Shez asks why, Rodrigue skirts around it and Shez calls him out.
After a tough battle with Jeralt and co, Rodrigue wants to read up on mercenaries to make sure he understands their tactics better and avoid potential disaster.
Shez is impressed with Rodrigue for still studying after so long.
Rodrigue says he's not as smart as Gautier or courageous as Lambert, so he has too.
Shez says Rodrigue and Felix are close alike than either would admit - they both always want to improve themselves.
(and that Dimitri and Sylvain are like their dad's too)
Rodrigue still feels he doesn't measure up to the other two though :( But I'm happy Shez had such nice things to say about Rodrigue.
Ashe turned pale while training. He plays it off as nothing, but Mercedes calls him out.
He got a minor injury, which reminded him of seeing a ghost.
Oh, poor Ashe, Mercedes starts playing 100 questions with him - wanting to know what it was wearing lol.
Ashe tells the story - he went looking for herbs to help his sick brother and saw a ghost in the fog. While running away, he got a similar injury.
Mercedes isn't scared of his tale. She's heard it before. In her tale, it wasn't a ghost though, but a shadow. Making Ashe think he saw his own shadow too.
Now Ashe thinks he lived in fear of his own shadow, lamo.
Ashe is like, you should hear this guy's story, and there's no one there.
But this isn't Ashe pulling on Mercedes, but him thinking he found another ghost because there was never anyone else around, lol.
Raphael wants to work out. Felix yells at him for being loud and giving him away.
Felix is boar hunting lamo.
Raphael talks about how Petra taught him a special technique. So now we have a Deer and Lion training, talking about an Eagle.
The boar they're hunting is wounded, but Felix is still weary of it.
Felix failed to hunt a boar before.
Dimitri once hunted so many animals that they couldn't fit them all on the sled lol. Felix struggled to get one.
Raphael gets confused when Felix is talking about boar, if he means a real boar or Dimitri lol.
Raphael wants to help Felix get revenge for the boar that got away.
And he attacks head-on, much to Felix's dismay, but he got it. Felix is a bit stunned it went down so quickly.
Felix admits that maybe working with friends helps sometimes. And Raphael is happy Felix called him friend.
This was actually way more entertaining than I thought it would be (Raphael supports can be . . . you know . . . dull or amusing, this one was amusing)
Plus I love hearing the story of Dimitri being an apex hunter as a child and Felix grumbling off trying to bag his own boar and failing lamo.
Rodrigue wants to talk. Felix tried to brush him off. And Rodrigue's like shut up and sit down, boy. But nicely.
He wants to talk because neither know when they'll die and don't want lingering regrets. Which, knowing what happens in Azure Moon . . . :(
Rodrigue apologizes for what he said about Glenn. Which I find a bit stupid because he was a grieving father so . . .
Thankfully, Rodrigue gets to explain his thoughts behind it. Acknowledging Glenn's agency in his decisions too.
Felix denies Glenn's agency and can only get Dimitri to say he caused Glenn to die :(
Rodrigue acknowledges that, but asks Felix what he would've done. Let Dimitri die and run away to save himself or do what Glenn did.
Felix gets angry at the idea that saving your own life is cowardice and that, when the time actually comes with something like that, you don't think - only act. So . . . he walked into Rodrigue's trap lol, who'll say then Glenn acted and choose to act that way.
Felix is such a dunce, saying "we'd both survive." Rodrigue rightly accuses him of wanting it both ways lol.
Felix says he understands Rodrigue's way of thinking, but dislikes Glenn's death being glorified.
Felix apologizes too, for his own bad behavior. For hitting Rodrigue.
Felix can't stand dealing with feelings anymore and leaves lol.
I'm sooooo glad this game let Rodrigue have a voice. It was always obvious to anyone with a shred of media literacy what Rodrigue meant, but Hopes let him spell it out.
Yuri's staring at Dimitri. Same. Same.
Yuri's impressed/confused at how quickly Dimitri blended in.
Dimitri's now thinking about the best way to help the poorest (we stan a good king, guys). It's something he's thought a lot about.
He thought medical facilities or investing more in the church (who do more to help the poor than anyone else in this game) would be best, but being around them made him realize that they should get the chance to take charge of their own "destiny."
He wants rulers to actually listen to what the people need best and actually do it rather than what's best for himself.
Yuri says education for everyone is necessary. Dimitri agrees.
But then Yuri makes the point that people won't care about education if they're starving or homeless. (so really, his earlier goals of building medical facilities where people get free/cheap healthcare isn't too far off).
So Dimitri wants to improve quality of life, then build educational reform on top of that.
But of course Edelgard's warmongering is draining money, so Dimitri can't make lives for the common folk better and needs to end the war fast so he can focus on helping people and not keeping little miss imperialist away.
Yuri says if money's the problem, he can use Yuri who can connect Dimitri to merchants and hitman lol. Dimitri's like "no working evil in my name!" He's also cautious about working with Yuri because he's backstabbed people in the past.
Yuri says he promises to honestly work with Dimitri, even protect him, because working with Dimitri will help his dream come true too. So he believes in Dimitri's leadership and vision.
Dimitri says he's grown to trust Yuri too.
Man, I need a sequel game where Yuri and Dimitri work on improving Faerghus together.
So . . . I had no idea I hadn't seen this support yet. I have their A unlocked for a while now too, though, I'll wait to see it since I'm getting support fatigue at the moment.
They're training. Felix insults Shez's footwork. What a typical Felix support lol.
Shez says she has a lot on her mind. Felix calls her a worthless partner if she's training distracted.
And then explains how Shez can't afford to do that on the battlefield (like a mercenary needs telling that lol).
Shez is surprised how much Felix has a read on her.
Felix wants to know where Shez learned how to fight because it's not like a knife or a mercenary.
Shez had a lot of teachers and just picked up stuff here and there. She doesn't use the playbook that knights or mercs usually use.
Shez says she has her unique style which is to her benefit. Felix wants her to teach him. But Shez thinks it's too reliant on the sword Felix can't use. Felix is like try me.
I can agree or refuse to teach him. Obviously I'm agreeing. (I would totally be an ass if it was character I didn't like lol).
Shez comments on Felix's style too - reacting to the say things are playing out.
Shez thinks she'll get stronger too.
I seriously can't believe I let these two sit at B for so long.
Annette comes across Dedue training. She insists he takes a break, but he insists on training still because he's not strong enough.
He feels inadequate because he can't use a hero's relic.
He admits he's jealous that others can use such powerful weapons.
Annette's surprised that he opened up, and appreciates that he opened up around her after he tried to dial back and apologize.
Annette talks about how impressed she is with him - his ability to cook and sow where she can't, and his sheer strength despite not using a relic. She thinks he'd be too good if he could use one lol.
Dedue talks about her strengths too - her optimism and how that lifts everyone up around her. Annette is happy if she can help anyone even a little.
Annette made dinner. The bottom of the pot fell out, but she insists that dinner still tastes great.
Someone tell Annette she's not destined to work in marketing lol.
Dedue still goes to eat dinner after hearing that. Brave man.
Definitely one of the supports I was looking forward too.
Byleth has a lot of blood on his clothing and is trying to wash it out and is failing.
Jeralt says washing blood out is more work than it's worth. Proof that man's never had a period.
Jeralt says Byleth reminds him of Sitri when they first meant. She had the same quiet composure and would rather clean a handkerchief she was cleaning than throw it away.
She never laughed or cried either, like Byleth, not at first at least.
Byleth asks why Jeralt is talking about all this now. Jeralt says he's feeling guilty of the lifestyle he's given Byleth - no home, no friends, always battles.
He says life would be different if Sitri was still alive.
Byleth doesn't regret his life and likes having Jeralt around.
It's nice to learn more about Sitri.
Jeralt comes across Shez fishing. Shez is weary. Jeralt tells Shez to relax, but Shez isn't used to it.
Jeralt is like, we're mercs, life happens, it's not personal.
Shez brings up the beginning where Jeralt's Mercenaries wiped out Shez's old company. Glad they're addressing this.
Shez is still upset about it. Jeralt understands now.
He asks if Shez has a grudge. I can choose yes or no. I'm gonna choose yes. I think this Shez would admit to attachments to other people, plus the conflict is more interesting, I think.
Shez talks about how much she liked that group and shares her goals of defeating the Ashen Demon.
Jeralt's like, you just have to let that go now.
Shez admits she's partly relieved because she couldn't defeat Byleth. Jeralt is like, that means you think you could beat me? Shez is like, well, I'd have to try first.
Then Shez helps Jeralt untangle his fishing string and comments on his lack of dexterity.
Jeralt then apologizes about what happened to Shez's mercenary company, especially since it was just too minor lords spewing.
He says he didn't originally plan on killing them, but she (the old captain) came charging in trying to use Jeralt to make a name for herself.
Shez understands, but still seems regretful.
Def hope I can unlock their A in time to see how this resolved (they don't have a B support).
No side battles this chapter. Onto the showdown at Ailell. Which means fire ground. Ugh. Gonna make everyone a flier that it makes sense for.
They're run into the Black Eagles. The Emperor's personal force.
Claude is there. Man, I gotta play Three Houses again. Every time I see him I'm like "ugh." I did NOT used to think that way.
Wait, is Edelgard actually here? I thought she was some kind of zombie whatever.
TWSITD is there (or mysterious dark mages). Claude is like "you know these people?"
Man, why is Dimitri trusting Claude. Telling him "don't let your guard down." Dimitri wants Claude about the mages. I wouldn't count on Claude's support if he was the only person left.
Even though this IS the only route where Claude's actions make any sense lol. It's definitely in his best interest to put a stop to the Empire's warmongering.
Arval's like, maybe we can learn something this time!
Arval's not upset if they never learn the truth and promises to be with Shez always regardless.
I gotta defeat Duke Aegir and Edelgard. Interesting that she's actually there.
Ohh, persuade Death Knight. They were setting him up to be here, but I didn't know I could recruit him. Makes way more sense than in Houses where you can't. Not surprised you need Mercedes to do it. I always bring her anyways.
Dimitri took out Ladislava right away lol.
Death Knight showed up. I'm beyond seeing him as a scary opponent though lol.
Mercedes defeated the Death Knight as an NPC. Is that automatic or just funny coincidence?
Aegir and Edelgard ran away. Really wish I could've killed Aegir. Killing Edelgard would stop the war too.
I killed Caspar and Bergliez so fast the dialogue didn't even finish lol. Dimitri too strong. They both ran away. Honestly, couldn't care less about killing this version of Caspar.
Oh, cool cut scene. And, ok, it's cool to see Claude and Dimitri fighting back-to-back.
Claude tells Dimitri to run after Edelgard while he holds off the Empire here. Not sure I trust him at all, but like I said, this is the only route where his choices make any sense.
Dimitri has 74 strength lol. No wonder he kills everything so fast.
Cool to get Jeritza though.
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omgkalyppso · 3 months
Best Of
(✿◡‿◡) Tagged by @razrogue! Thank you!!
Rules: Link a few recent pieces of writing that I think best define me/my aesthetic/my personality.
I'll tag @recurringwriter, @lemonbronze, @lucius-the-sinful, @bosspigeon, @bladesandstars, @littleplasticrat and YOU.
What I like writing most: polyamorous bisexuals.
I Wanna Be Yours. 34/? Chapters. 135,676 words. Rated Explicit. Modern-setting Soulmate au of my fe3h ot4: Claude, Hilda, Fae, Lorenz.
Lorenz looked up to see Claude holding his wrist, looking at his soulmark on his forearm, distressed. Lorenz extended his left hand towards Hilda as he begged, “Take my hand.” She smiled at him, tangling her fingers in his and offering her left hand to Fae, who quickly repeated the action, reaching out to Claude. He seemed inconsolable, almost frightened, and swallowed as he slowly started to unravel himself, taking each Fae and Lorenz by the hand. Another gasp, and Claude shivered and jerked, and Fae and Lorenz were mindful of whether he was actually pulling away. Stretched out as they were, the changes in Claude and Lorenz’s soulmarks were immediately obvious, a sheen of unnatural color staining their marks pale gold and deep purple. Hilda rotated her left hand to direct Fae’s soulmark towards the others; bright red flecks replacing the muted black-brown that had been there previously. Hilda’s own mark was lost in Lorenz’s grip, but neither had any doubt that she too was infused with color. The sensation wasn’t so striking the longer it lasted. It would have been hard for any of them to describe. It was like ... overcoming an injury you didn’t know you had. Like breathing clearly after a long bout of sickness. Like the joy and relief that comes from mastering a long-practiced skill. Like hearing ‘I love you’ from a lover for the first time. “I never knew how it worked for people like us,” Claude whispered, his voice full of shame. Polyamory wasn’t as rare as some made it out to be, but it was rare enough that none of them knew another person that had found themselves to have more than one soulmate.
An Open Heart. 1/1 Chapters. 4,336 words. Rated Teen. Fluff for ace week, Frederick x Cordelia x ace!Stahl.
“Long have I known of your love for Chrom,” Frederick said sweetly. “But even so, I have remained hopeful that you would one day recognize my affections. I am his man in all things, and I have no desire to speak ill of Chrom, but, Cordelia, I would never give you cause to weep so bitterly as you have for him. I would devote my whole existence to ensuring your happiness. And as such, I have dreamed that your feelings would branch and bloom, to care for two…” Cordelia and Stahl both shifted closer as he spoke, and Frederick paused as Cordelia laid her free hand on his chest, her other tangled in Stahl’s fingers, and he realized why Cordelia had thought he had only eyes for the gentle knight. Stahl was loyal and true; faithful to his sworn duties and the strength they required, as well as to the humanity of his many allies, explored through stories and humour, music and learning. Their friendship had been inspirational beyond measure, and perhaps Frederick had been premature to think that meanwhile he could have only one true love; his own attraction to Chrom notwithstanding. He tilted his hand over Stahl’s shoulder, feeling himself flush about the proximity of his friends, and admitted for him and Cordelia, “Though I could not foresee that my own heart would be much the same.”
3 more fics below the cut.
What I like contributing to a fandom: gift fics for rarepairs.
What Could Be. 1/1 Chapters. 4,033 words. Rated Explicit. Rodrigue lives au. Manuela pegs Rodrigue.
“I want to,” he whispered with sincerity, imagining the solid pressure inside him, the heave of Manuela’s chest, the piston of her hips, her nails on his chest and her name on his lips. “Of course, I’d want you to fuck me. I’m just—” “Virginal,” she teased, so that a huffed laugh escaped Rodrigue, bouncing her atop him. “Self-conscious,” he suggested.
Rough Around The Edges. 1/1 Chapters. 5,106 words. Rated Mature. Caspar x Dimitri post-skip enemies to lovers.
“What you see is but an avatar of vengeance,” Dimitri growled, squeezing at his thumb, feeling the splinters in the bone, the ways in which he was fragile and the ways in which he was strong. Caspar’s gaze was drawn to his hands and Dimitri spoke louder to ensure Caspar was listening to him. Looking at Caspar dead on, Dimitri could still feel how others would interpret his impatience though his blind eye was towards the breadth of the cathedral. It did not stop him from towering over Caspar like a beast with hackles raised. There was no hiding from the monster he had become. “There is no person beneath the drive I have to overthrow Edelgard. She will pay for all she’s done. And if you think to distract me from my goals because of villainy or indifference then I will brutalise you and leave you for the rats, Bergliez. Am I clear?” Caspar’s anger was plain on his face, and Dimitri started to sneer, having expected an Adrestian dog to be incapable of understanding the tainted purity of his motivation, but he faltered slightly, bewildered by the voiced nature of Caspar’s offence. “Are you treating everyone this way?!” Caspar asked in loud accusation, gesturing with an open hand at the cowering figures outside of Dimitri’s vision. “Everyone in the monastery looks terrified, and I assumed it was because of the state of the war, and the corner we’ve all been backed into, but … it’s just you— You’re their leader!”
A Hopeless Dove. 1/1 Chapters. 11,554 words. Rated Mature. Zevlor x Raphael; he signs on with the devil in act 3, many spoilers.
“You know I’ve lost most of my abilities, my strength and my hope—” “All of which I can restore,” Raphael promised with such a bright and innocent tone. “Surely you would not expect me to ask a drowning man whether he could swim?” A small noise of surprise passed Zevlor’s lips, and he turned away from Raphael, looking out over the landscape below. Lava bubbled and cracked the desert, guiding the movements of demons and strange vehicles racing across a chasm. The visible fighters kicked up dark clouds of soot and souls — strange sparks of blue, black and gold that scattered like sparks from a flame. This was no where near the most horrific sight he’d ever laid eyes upon in Avernus, but when he’d seen her twisted rocks and sand before, it had been with Helm’s favour and his own beliefs intact, neither of which would be in Raphael’s power, but he sounded so confident that he gave Zevlor pause.
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waddles-ex-machina · 1 year
ok i’m a big fan of the sketchbook trope where johanna is unaware that her gf is helping her daughter do insane things like steal ppl’s souls and catch nightmare spirits but please, for a moment, consider:
johanna and kaisa are dating. kaisa knows johanna has a daughter. johanna has heard her gf talk about the chaotic child who comes to the library with bizarre magic shenanigans. neither of them have put two and two together
this is mainly bc johanna wants to wait for the right time to introduce her girlfriend to hilda properly so it doesn’t come as a huge surprise, meanwhile kaisa has no idea she’s already met her bc johanna is always talking about this sweet, kind-hearted girl who makes friends wherever she goes and to kaisa that just doesn’t immediately line up with the kid who got in trouble with her bosses last week for stealing 200 people’s souls. the fact that the chaos kid and her gf’s child share a name is just an amusing coincidence
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blackautmedia · 8 months
So I found your post on ToTK insightful, but one thing I didn’t see you cover is how according to the narrative, when Zelda went back 10,000 years she went to her distant relatives. It was still her kingdom, just very early. What do you think of how this ties in to the themes you were talking about?
Sure thing! Hope I can address this well.
For those not in the know, this is the post we're discussing--the Orientalism of the Mummy in Dehydrated Ganon.
I also want to qualify this with two things:
I'm not Native. I'm a Black person speaking as someone who also has a heritage closely related to colonial violence and white supremacy, but not someone who can speak for Native people. I can only go by what more experienced people have said and books and readings from them.
I'm using the word "Native" which itself encompasses several different people. I don't use this to imply they are the same or interchangeable with the cultural practices and ideas the Zelda franchise is drawing from.
To your question, I feel it doesn't really change much thematically because neither Zelda nor any of the Hylians in the present day have any cultural features, practices, or attitudes that codify her as a Native person except as a costume or set of resources and knowledge associated with her.
It's not portrayed as if it's her heritage she's been disconnected with, but is effectively portrayed as a white person being introduced to an entirely new culture in how exoticized it is.
With the Zonai, their coded status comes in the form of their way of dressing, the Geoglyphs being Nazca lines, the designs of the shrines, the Zonaite outfit Link has, etc. It also narratively shows up in how it's framed as "archaic" in-game as referenced by the naming of the armor related to the Zonai versus the white rule the land has in the present day and how they're portrayed and characterized around extinction.
It's almost point for point the exact narratives and ideas about Native people colonizers use in real life. Native people imagined as a people who no longer exist but still had worthwhile resources better suited in civilized (white) hands.
A big part of why the myth of Native extinction gets pushed so hard in real life (and in turn is repeated and propagandized in media about Native or Native-coded characters) is because it reframes how we talk about recompense for them.
If you imagine a world and buy into the repeat narrative of Native people all being extinct, there's nobody left to do right by. It helps shape the conversations around policies and decisions by people in power.
Things like environmental justice, land back initiatives, reparations, healthcare access, and many other things Native people advocate for are pushed aside by erasing the people fighting for it. It's a form of colonial erasure meant to justify inaction.
So while Zelda technically is a descendant of the Zonai, the story doesn't really do anything with that to challenge the way it's recreating a colonial narrative about Native people. We've historically seen her as a pure white woman, one whose purity is contrasted with the toxicity and dangerous wickedness of Ganon.
The few times we do get characters with features or a heritage that deviate from eurocentrism (ex. Nabooru, Urbosa, Demise, Princess Hilda, Tetra, Midna, Ganon, Sonia, Telma, etc.) they're either the villain, sympathetic only in how they directly align and submit to Hyrule's power as one of the "good ones" or they're just murdered or erased from the story entirely.
The Gerudo are out looking for boyfriends, but we overwhelmingly see this in relation to white men in-game despite there being numerous dark-skinned Zelda characters in their partners and even in who is spying on them or trying to sneak into Gerudo town as a bunch of creeps.
Zelda as a franchise is very dedicated to positioning whiteness as inherently superior and more desirable.
The (white) Hylians have a god-given right to control and rule, and all of the non-white races of people are better off for it. While Zelda is technically a descendant of a Zonai, we still see her effectively as an innocent and almost holy white woman.
The franchise operates on the idea that some people are born with magic abilities and are essentially destined to rule over others and that any challenge to that superiority is inherently evil. The characters who ever challenge that are either villains or are antagonized and cut down for it.
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uten4 · 7 months
Rambling about the UNI2 character pages
It seems like these bios follow the arcade mode timelines to some extent, because Hyde, Orie, Gordeau, Vatista, and Seth's bios all mention that they were the one to defeat Hilda, when that can't possibly all be true, right.
Interested to see what Hyde will say about not being around Linne anymore.
OH MY GOD???? WALDSTEIN ABANDONED LINNE? This is very unexpected but I think I love it. Wald got several moments focusing on his own relationships in the first game, but I still think his association with Linne held back his character being able to shine on its own. Waldstein fans feel free to fight me if you disagree.
Kuon personally beat up Carmine? 😭
"[Gordeau]'s combat prowess is said to be an even match for Paradox, considered the strongest of all"... hmm... I don't think I like that. In the first game Gordeau was always insistent that Hilda was stronger than him. He is a very modest person, to be fair, but he was VERY insistent about it, and Amnesia's entire battle strategy was predicated on the belief that Hilda was far stronger than any of them. Well, I'm assuming Hilda is weakened right now, so maybe it's about the current state of affairs. And in any case this sentence is worded in a silly way; it still asserts that Hilda is considered the strongest of all. Maybe it means that Gordeau is close, which is fair-- even Carmine was scared of him.
It's really really beautiful that Gordeau's motivation is that he wants to keep the world a nice place for Roger >,_,< It makes sense especially because Roger was an adventurer who valued the beauty of the world so much.
Hilda is jealous of Kuon. I'm rooting for her!!!
After so many of Chaos's character bios mentioning Hilda or Gordeau, this new one mentions neither 💙 I like it! He's 110% his own character who needs not to be defined by other characters. And he and Kuon had a super interesting relationship in the first game all on their own! I can't wait to see what specific things Chaos has to say about Kuon trying to destroy the world now 🤩
Nanase and Byakuya don't have any big changes mentioned in their bios. I'm scared.....
Phonon's quote is referring to someone as "partner"... is this... KUON!??! If Phonon really wants to destroy the world with Kuon, that would be hilarious.
Wagner and Londrekia's quotes are hilariously dramatic.
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toon-kirby · 5 months
(apologies for potentially double-posting)
any headcanons pertaining to the first gen trio and the way they parent their sons?
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Alright, I finally got this done... because I did all the first gen parents! Surprise!
Siggy/Dee - Deirdre, having grown up in the woods, ended up opting for a very natural parenting style. Organic and home grown foods, minimal/reused plastic, lots of outdoor time, etc. Sigurd makes enough money for that kind of lifestyle, though Deirdre knows how to do it on a budget. She's not extreme about it, though. Sigurd's introduced her to lots of cool things she didn't have growing up (like video games that aren't hand me downs from people at church). With his encouragement, she's also working on her degree at the local college. Not sure what she's going for, but probably something Earth Science related. Deirdre tries to schedule her classes while Seliph is at school, but when she can't, she has Oifey babysit him.
Quan/Ethlyn - Quan is very into good grades, so both Leif and Altena are in tutoring and private school. They're also both in sports as soon as they're old enough. Altena is really good at soccer, and by goodness does Quan make sure to brag about it to Travant. Ethlyn isn't very happy about this. Travant's a widower, he doesn't need someone bullying him! Quan just needs to let this stupid rivalry go. Plus, Altena seems to be friends with Arion! Quan shouldn't ruin that!
Eldie/Granhye - Very classy parents. I mean, it's Eldigan and Granhye. Ares began music lessons at a very young age, just like his father. These paid off, though not in the way anyone expected. Ares ended up being into punk and metal music rather than classical. Instead of getting mad, Eldigan and Granhye decided to embrace it (granted Ares keeps his grades and behevior good). His electric bass is his favorite present ever. He nicknamed it Missiletainn.
Midir/Edain - Edain found out early on that she really liked to read books to her kids. She ended up volunteering at the local library to read more books, and that's how the little Tirnanog friend group came to be. She and Midir take turns staying at home since neither of them have a standard monday-friday schedule. They make sure to spend a lot of time together when they're both off. Family board game nights are a regular occurence in their house.
Lex/Ayra - The sporty parents. As soon as Larcei and Schatach were old enough they enrolled them in soccer. Then came martial arts, swimming, you name it. The kids' diet probably consists of Issachian home cooking, granola bars, and gatorade. Shannan has stepped in multiple times to babysit or get the kids to practice. He's the super cool older cousin, after all!
Azelle/Tailtiu - Super nerdy parents. I'm talking DND and cosplay type nerdy. Tine was born premature, so they spent a lot of time in the hospital. The nurses absolutely adored Arthur. They were all so happy when he started to walk and say his first words. Hilda, however, was jealous of all the attention Tailitu and Tine got when they finally came home.
Finn/Lachesis - I think your headcanons about Finn and Lachesis being Malewife and Girlboss are pretty spot on. Lachesis has some sort of high ranking office job, while Finn stays at home. Diarmuid sometimes spends time with Beowulf (his bio dad), but lives with Finn and Lach. Beo's very chill about the entire thing and even gives Nanna gifts for her birthday and christmas. (Slightly off topic, but in an AU where all the games exist at the same time, I can see Finn being really good friends with Dedue since they're so similar. I mean, their leiges are even both voiced by Chris Hackney!)
Alec/Sylvia - I actually headcanon Lene and Coirpre to have different fathers in canon, as Coirpre was young enough to get the attention of the cult and that wouldn't be possible if Coirpre was born pre-Belhalla (though he does have severe baby face). Anyways, since this is a modern au with no cults or political scheming (hopefully), I'll go with them both being Alec's kid. Neither Alec nor Sylvia ended up with a high paying job, so money was tight. Then Alec got a job under Hannibal. He became close to the family and agreed to become the children's godfather. He likes to spoil the kids since he could never have any kids of his own. I'm thinking of Uncle Drosselmeyer from the Nutcracker from some reason. Speaking of Ballet, Lene's lessons are free since Sylvia works at the studio. Coirpre… well I'll be honest, I don't know what he'd be doing.
Lewyn/Erinys - Not a day goes by where these two can't figure out how Ced ended up being a straight a student. Erinys was a good student, but she wasn't super into it. And Lewyn… well, Lewyn is Lewyn. Fee ended up more free-spirited and laid back like her dad, though to a more responsible degree. She credits this to having her dad's love for life mixed with her mom's responsibility.
Jamke/Brigid - Somewhere inbetween Ayra/Lex and Edain/Midir on the parenting style spectrum. Patty ended up really enjoying gymnastics, so they kept her enrolled in it. She also took up magic tricks, including (to Jamke and Brigid's dismay) lock picking. Super cool cousin Dew totally didn't teach her that. Febail took up archery like his father.
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Since you've done a lot of fics about Johanna's flaws, are you now thinking about a fic set between season 3 episodes? ... I just like to see Hilda accuse the Marra for the dreams she's been having.
Absolutely not, I’m afraid; teen Hilda just doesn’t interest me as much, and I personally hate the introduction of Anders and the retcons about Johanna and Hilda’s backstory (making them fae etc), to the point where neither of those will be canon in any of my fics.
That being said, I do have two ideas planned that steal elements from Season 3, starting with a pretty major fic I’m currently calling The Ballad of Siobhán :))
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Ngl in your shackled revelations au, I’m imagining doku getting ganged up by the 20+ rivals who are PISSED that he killed their either best friends (or romantic partner in the case of like Blue because those two are pretty much a married couple at this point), the legendary pokemon whom the protagonists bonded with, and even a few of the evil teams like team star or yell because of the above.
also are Liko and Satoshi canon to the verse cuz I’d feel like Dokutaro would research him the most.
Actually, that does happen in the final storyline of the AU. Essentially, they are EXTREMELY PISSED OFF when they find out. However, they can't immediately go in guns blazing, they need to defeat all the mind controlled pokemon and trainers, knock every single secret base out, take out and find the 25-27 generals of Pecharunt. It'll be explained in due time. Speaking of the generals, some are actually the real killers of the protags and some have connections to some of the them:
Ethan: Ethan encountered one of the generals in Bellsprout Tower. The general proceeded to chase and attack Ethan. Ethan, thinking it’s just a regular pokemon to attack him, however, this proved to be a near-fatal mistake. Not being on the same level, his team got wiped, Ethan couldn’t even see the appearance properly for some reason, and he felt one thing that overpowered him: fear. He needed to run, and get out of here. However, due to the general’s ability to produce oil and paint that can mess with the mind (in this case, cause extreme dizziness), Ethan stumbled through the tower and barely got out before passing out. He was hurried to the nearby hospital to rest. He was still a bit shaken from this incident.
Lucas: In this AU, he's the professor's assistant, but does accompany Dawn and Barry later on, however, he does get whisked off to Hisui by Arceus and goes by the alias Rei prior to the events of the game. Later he ends up finding a 'shiny' gligar when completing the dex. Let's just say, it wasn't a gligar. That incident scarred him and was one of the few times it scared the hell out of him. The same Pokémon is also the reason why he stopped his journey (when he got back in Sinnoh) after the 4th badge as the same Pokemon killed one of his team members. So he hasn’t battled since then. He only got back into the battling after some encouragement from Dawn and Barry.
Hilda: In this AU, she alongside her twin are the heroes chosen by the dragons. She encountered one of the generals, thinking that he’s a regular trash bag when she wanted to throw her trash. She only found out when it stood up at a rapid speed upon noticing her appearance. She just finished her 5th gym badge so feeling slightly confident, she took the Pokémon on wanting to catch it, it proved to be a mistake. The general wiped out her team but he wasn’t done yet, the moment he saw Hilda, he said in clear English: “You are the one”, before approaching Hilda at a rapid speed, Hilda didn’t know what to do so she just ran. When she looked back she saw that the general was wielding a…knife? It was pretty late at night so she couldn’t see. Just before the ‘knife’ stabbed her, her brother (Hilbert), Cheren and Bianca arrived to help her. They all engaged in a brawl before the general had to retreat. Till this day, neither knew who or what attacked them.
Serena: She alongside her neighbor Calem are the main protags in this AU. She encountered one of the generals in Lumoise City, she got an invitation when she woke up in the morning in the Pokémon Centre. The invitation says that she was invited to an Opera Play called ‘The Phantom of The Opera’. The invitation says to follow a specific set of instructions to the place. The place ended up being an abounded Opera house in Lumoise city, far from any place. She was told to pay 4000 Pokédollars to enter despite the lack of the door. Nevertheless, she paid the exact amount before entering. Serena disappeared for exactly 8 days, 8 hours, 8 minutes and 8 seconds before she was discovered lying unconscious outside the Opera House. She claims to recall the events, when she woke up, there was a piece of paper in her hands that says ‘Thank you for watching The Phantom of The Opera, we hope to see you again!’
Florian: In this AU, he alongside his twin are the protags and he is the Violet side. He encountered one of the generals when he was looking for a dunsparse for his team. When he encountered the general, he was about to battle thinking it was a regular dunsparse, the general revealed the whole thing before Florian could send out a Pokeball. The general’s eyes turned red and blue, flashing through both with swirls like when he was hypnotizing Florian. When the general was done, he went back underground with Florian falling unconscious after being hypnotized. Florian woke up the next morning as his sister found him, he mentioned that he doesn’t recall anything that night. He claims to be fine but for the next 8 days, he started to have an insatiable greed for power. So he trained his team relentlessly and not caring for anybody. It only stopped after Juliana and their mother’s support helped him. Till now, he doesn’t know why he had this feeling.
Juliana: Like with Florian, same info except she represents the scarlet side. She met a general outside Levincia city. When she accidentally encountered one, it appeared to be friendly and didn’t seem to attack her, ultimately she decided to catch it. This proved to be a mistake. The general dropped its disguise and shocked Juliana badly, leaving her with some electrical burns. Her pokemon, went out to battle the general, while some helped her to carry up on Koraidon. The general quickly defeated her pokemon with ease, while the remaining got returned and Koraidon immediately dashed as fast as possible away from the attacker. However, the general was fast and was able to close in the distance, however, due to being close to Medali City, Rika and Larry were to able to deter away the general, and because of the need to conceal their identities, the general left. Once that happened, Juliana was treated for her injuries with Florian being informed of the situation.
Now, sorry if I rambled on for too long but yeah, that’s what happened. And the people who are close to the protags are royally screwed.
As for Liko and Ash, they’re not canon to this AU. This only has the main series games. However, in my trivia post about Pecharunt, this one should ambiguously answer your question
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So, yes, he did actually do some research on both Ash and Liko on Bulbapedia (yes, that Bulbapedia). He’s even aware of other dimensions, AUs and timelines, you can see the post relating to his quotes. However, this does mean he’s aware of your ‘Kaijumorpha’ Au as well as ‘Scars of Black and White’. His main thoughts are interesting and ‘Ghetsis being Ghetsis’ respectively. Also, I would say if Kaijuran (Kaiju Kieran) and SR Pecharunt fought. It’s a one-sided beatdown for Kaijuran, details on his power level next time.
Well that’s all I have.
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millieueu · 7 months
🌟 millieueu’s intro! 🌟
(Active only on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays)
Haven’t introduced myself sooo here we go!
Hi!! My name’s millieueu (pronounced as “mill-lulu”). I prefer if you just called me “Millie” instead. I’m a 14 year old introvert who suffers with low-self esteem and is an artist who’s trying to improve! <3
I’m female (pronouns : she/her). My birthday is September 12th. I have a non-identical twin sister!
In this blog, you’ll just occasionally see me reblog Danny Phantom and MLAATR stuff :p
I might even post my art here whenever I can! (Art tag : #millieueu )
I do both traditional AND digital art. My favorite kind of art is lineless art. I mainly draw fanart of cartoons I like!
Cartoons & Anime
Family & Friends
Movies/TV Shows/Books
Danny Phantom <3
Tumblr, Youtube & Instagram
Pepperoni Pizza, Twisters from TGI Fridays
Anti Gacha
The Gacha Community (neutral)
Silly drama
My sisters fighting over dumb things
Nickelodeon (They have good cartoons but they suck ass)
Cringe culture
Just so you know that I’m only active on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays due to school (unless if it’s a special day).
I tend to get in a really bad mood and act aggressive when someone tries to start an argument with me, so be cautious and try to treat me decently
I have low-self esteem. I care a little too much abt what other people think of me. Please remember to be nice when giving criticism.
I don’t mind adults interacting with me as long as they don’t say anything inappropriate to me or act weird around me
I block NSFW accounts
Please do not ask to vent on my page. I only allow close friends to do that. I’m not the problem solver for everything
Do not bring up the topic of “blackwashing”, I have no say in it
If you have a suggestion or tips for my drawings to be improved, please feel free to send me a DM.
Basic DNI Criteria (Why do I need to list them anyways? It’s common sense to know who SHOULD and SHOULDN’T interact with me)
Interested in politics
NSFW accounts
Pompous Pep (DannyxVlad) and BillDip (BillxDipper) shippers
Seiusa (SeiyaxUsagi) shippers and Usagi x Demande shippers
Anti Gachas
Z10n1$t$ (I’m pro-palestine, which means I’m in full support of Palestine and I’m against the genocide that has happened to them. If you are a z10n1$t trying to start drama and spread lies here, please get the fuck off my blog or I will block you).
People who support cringe culture
People who know me irl (These people are exceptions though)
People who are part of the floptropica/floptok community (I’m sorry but their jokes make me uncomfortable. They aren’t funny at all neither are they are quirky for doing it. It’s very repetitive. Their “history” is made up nonsense too. If you’re part of that community please stay away from me or I will block you immediately)
DaBoyzz (They are just as bad as the floptropicans)
ClareLaBelleRose (Had an argument with her on my old account (Melonz 🍉), accused Naoko Takeuchi of being a “pedophile”. Falsely assumed that the Sailor Senshis are “white” *they are ASIAN*. Falsely accused Sailor Moon of racism *Toei Animation should be blamed for that, not the entire franchise*. Immature)
Fandoms! :D
Danny Phantom
MLAATR (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Sailor Moon
Invader Zim
Supa Strikas
Kim Possible
ROTTMNT (Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Comfort Characters <3
Danny Fenton/Phantom
Jazz Fenton
Valerie Gray
Sam Manson (Guilty pleasure)
Sheldon Oswald Lee (Guilty pleasure)
Rei Hino
Ami Mizuno
Usagi Tsukino
Chibiusa Tsukino
Anne Boonchuy
Examples of my art! :D
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Fun Facts (Some of them aren’t that “fun” though :/)
I used to be a TodoDeku shipper 💀
I used to love Bakugou Katsuki, not anymore though.
I was a huge fan of DOAWK and used to simp for Rodrick XD
Drawing Danny Fenton is my coping mechanism <3
Strawberries are my favorite fruits
Fictional Crushes :
Rodrick Heffley (I was so down bad for his emo ass, I no longer have a crush on him though).
Katsuki Bakugou (Also another one of my old crushes. I hate him now >:( )
Danny Phantom (My current crush XD)
Social Status :
Green = Active
Orange = Semi-active
Red = Inactive
Tumblr (You’re literally on here rn, XD)
TikTok (Permanently inactive due to my stress of being a multifandom).
(This can change sometimes!!)
For more info, please consider checking out my carrd
Feel free to ask to be moots/friends! ^^
That’s all, thank you for visiting my profile! :3
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