#and no i cant show her the alien ep
goth-emrys · 4 months
Help me decide what episode to show my sci-fi gf as the ultimate test of her interest in Merlin.
What is an engaging episode that serves a 'if you dont like this episode you wont enjoy the show' role?!
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redbean-nom · 3 months
watched the first 2 episodes of acolyte and so far i like every character except for the main one lol. (also is her name osha as in occupational safety and health administration??)
#star wars#the acolyte#acolyte#the nemoidian faces look really good#definitely the best looking prequel alien from the last few shows#rather ironic to name Miss Hazardous Workplace Conditions 'Osha' lol#the assassin lady was really cool looking#it was pretty funny to see that the 120bby sith assassins are reasonably friendly to each other#and at least help each other somewhat#and then there's poor ventress (and briefly savage ig) who just get force-zapped a bunch#the conversation between sol and vernesta(?) at the end of ep 2 was also pretty funny#vernestra: well we have to take time to Thoughtfully Deliberate this situation so we can respond wisely :)#sol: SHE IS ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL ME???#poor guy hope the situation works out better for him#hey at least his new padawan (orange theelin) is smart#anyways might draw one of them idk#more inclined to draw nightsisters and soft wars rn but we'll see#whos the sith(?) cant be plageius bc hes a muun right?#how old is palpatine again? was the acolyte project his Sith Senior Thesis or something like that#unrelated but the scene of the jedi running around the ice planet bareheaded was so infuriating lol#PUT ON YOUR HOODS I KNOW YOU HAVE THEM#maybe i'll draw hats for them all#i found it a bit weird that they basically gave osha the anakin background? having her be *eight* specifically when she got to the temple#felt a bit off#kind of like it's taking away from the caution around anakin's induction? since i think koth was four and that was considered 'late'#so for a non-prophecied random kid to show up at age eight?#on the other hand maybe they only got cautious about age after this whole debacle happened? idk i'll see what happens#ok i think thats all
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trekmupf · 2 months
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Introducing Disco Gorn 🪩🐊
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Everyone's close up's look so sharp and good; Sulu's eyeshadow and McCoy's eyeliner in the second half of the ep are the winners
McCoy's smile in the opening scene thinking he's going to get some nice food could light up an entire room (so could Kirk fondly smiling at his and Spock's antics)
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The banter between Spock and McCoy really feels like they're getting to know each other better and find their dynamic
Kirk worrying about the Enterprise – not because he doesn't trust Sulu or the crew, but because he feels responsible, and he's always putting her and the crew first
Me, while Kirk is running across the exploding field: Mr Spock, is that worry I spot in your face, sir?
There's so much crawling and rolling around the dirt in this episode
Kirk's and Spock's conversation about how to proceed and the storytelling until the Metrons arrive is interesting
usually Kirk is more rational in decisions - in the past we've had plenty of scenes of him contemplating all angles and possible consequences before deciding, but here it's clear that the survivors story generated heavy emotion, especially anger, and he's deciding based on that, which is really rare
it's also a great decision to focus on Spock's face while Kirk takes action
Also the way Spock approaches Kirk again afterwards – and calling him Jim, pointing out their actual mission (and ethics) to preserve sentient life
Yet Kirk, fueled by anger and righteousness (we are the only police around) sticks to his destructive decision
Even when the pursuit actively endangers the ship due to continuous warp
Even when the other ship is dead in space
the narrative gives Kirk several opportunities to turn away, but he doesn't
The Metrons really caught Kirk on his one irrational murder day didn't they
This marks also the episode were Spock and Kirk are the furthest apart from each - Spock cannot reach Jim at all, and it has consequences
I mean the Gorn is one of the most iconic aliens in TOS; the glitter outfit, the disco eyes, the dinosaur design
also love giving Kirk a voice over to explain how advanced and dangerous the Gorn is because they knew the costume … did not radiate these qualities
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I love the way Kirk deals with the situation: he's so resourceful
The way McCoy and Spock worry about Kirk together; Also Bones standing behind Spock in the captains chair again!
The way the crew is glued to the screen while Spock is narrating Kirk building the weapon feels like a tense moment in Attenboroughs nature documentarys
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The Metrons as the second powerful race to test humanity; direct contrast to Kirk being his very best from start to finish in the Corbomite Maneuver and showing humanities great qualities (ingenuity, intelligence, compassion, respect for life) compared to this episode: giving into baser human emotions like anger and vengeance – which is still part of the human experience
Kirk's behaviour also contrasts his reactions in Balance of Terror, which had an almost identical set up, yet his reactions were thought through, rational and calm. Kirk is just a very human character with flaws.
Despite this ending up as a test for humanity this is an interesting idea of a more powerful and philosophically advanced species fucking up due to their own arrogance:
they judge an entire species based on a single decision by one being, which a) cannot represent the species and b) cant even represent the being (Kirk is a good man, we know this)
they then make a decision based on very limited information (they don't even know why they pursuit the Gorn and why there's a fight)
The arrogance in the end when their “pet” shows good behaviour
(there's probably more but you get the idea)
Kirk finding his way back to his morals and ethics when directly confronted with the injured and helpless Gorn is, once again, so Kirk of him
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Kirk's booty in this scene deserves it's own Pro Point friends
Not technically a watch con, but I can't not think about Shatner and Nimoy having hearing issues later in life due to the close explosives during the shelling scenes; Early TV show filming truly was wild
The pacing is off: the first half of the episode, in hindsight, feels really short because the fight scenes with Gorn drag and feel a lot longer
Even for 60's sci fi and Star Trek the Gorn is not a very believable physical foe
Us watching Kirk through the viewscreen with the crew feels strange; It's like they knew how long and boring the fight is so they brought in the crew to comment to keep us interested (a bit like mystery science theatre 3000)
The arena area itself is boring compared to the earlier sets
Powerful Beings test humanity
Brains over brawl
Quote: "We're a most promising species, Mister Spock, as predators go. Did you know that?"- Kirk "I've frequently had my doubts" - Spock "I don't. Not anymore. And, maybe in a thousand years or so, we'll be able to prove it" - Kirk
Moment: reveal of the evil dangerous Disco Gorn! Summary: A famous episode with a famous alien-enemy, Arena combines an action heavy beginning with interesting character work regarding Spock's and Kirk's relationship and Kirk's darker side without him loosing any appeal as the leading character. Even though the second half has less ideal pacing Kirk's emotional journey carries the viewer through the episode and leaves us with a richer and fuller picture of our captain.
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Bones smiling at Kirk. That's all.
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adidegmez · 3 months
spn s6 spoilers
I know there are many spelling mistakes in the text. but I wanted to share anyways. If I don't forget, I'll make arrangements tomorrow.
s6 ep1(exile on main st.)
hi dean😁. dean is happy. he is living a normal life. we entered with a happy music. everything will go bad, right? his old habits won't leave him. he is still running into danger. sam and samuel is back that is a good thing but i think bad guys are behind this.
s6 ep2(two and a half men)
i love soft dean. i love him no matter what. he would've made a great father. i still can't trust campbells and sam(a little). lisa understands dean and i love her for this.
s6 ep3(the third man)
btw what happened to the father shapeshifter. I thought they would catch him in this ep. I love teleportation. Dean's reactions to the teleportation are very funny.
s6 ep4(weekend at bobby's)
i love seeing bobby. i missed seeing dean but i really loved this ep. i am glad bobby got out.
s6 ep5(live free or twihard)
sam let the vampire turn dean into a vampire. why sam? he litterally watched it. sam isn't sam. he is different. he let his brother turn into a monster. idc if there is a cure what if he drank blood dean wouldn't drink i know he would rather die than drink. which he did. but how could sam do that. dean could never be a monster. even if no one stops him he'll stop himself. i am glad dean learned what sam did. he doesnt know why he did it neither do we but its good that he knows he cant trust him. no dean you can't trust sammy. he isn not the sam we know and love. either he changed or he is not the real sam. either way he is not the person he used to be and we cannot trust him. and sam and samuels deals are different. samuel hid djin from winchesters. and samuel doesnt know whats up with sam. It may have been the same person who brought them back, but I think something different must've happened afterwards.
s6 ep6(you can't handle the truth)
dean couldn't handle the truth. did sam deserved the beating i dont know. he is different but even if he cant feel anything i think he must know what is wrong and what is right. he really let dean be a monster. i dont know how he can redeem himself. i hope he can, really. but i dont know how he can after all af this. and what is sam if he is not human? the goddess of truth couldn't have lied.
s6 ep7(family matters)
what do you mean his soul is gone cas? Sam is lying, again. i know he cant feel but he must know the difference in right and wrong. i love crowley some times but most of the time i want him dead.
s6 ep8(all dogs go to heaven)
sam really doesn't has a soul. he makes logical choices. but they need emotions sometimes.🤷🏻‍♀
s6 ep9(clap your hands if you believe…)
aliens, huh? is gabriel back? funny ep. i love dean's reactions. and i love sam trying to understand emotions. at least he is trying.
s6 ep10(caged heat)
when i learned about cas on the internet i thought we'd see him often in the show. but he is rarely on the show. i hope we'll see him more he is so funny. i am not sure if sam should have his soul back either. i dont think crowley is really dead. he'll come back.
s6 ep11(appointment in samarra)
sam's gone too far. he tried to kill bobby. i hope this sam will be gone for good and we can have old sam back.
s6 ep12(like a virgin)
sam might be back. it's nice to see sam care. i missed him. soulless sam wasn't sam. and i can see itin his face. the way he looked. i love jared padalecki. mother? is she Echidna from greek myth(percy jackson😁). might be🤷🏻‍♀.
s6 ep13(unforgiven)
i really missed caring sam.
s6 ep14(mannequin:3 the reckoning)
i really liked lisa and dean. and ben of course their little family was beautiful. i think dean was genuinly happy with them. i now believe sammy when he says he's got dean's back and so does dean.
s6 ep15(the french mistake)
i love balthazar. omg i didnt know this would be the ep where they go to the real world or something like that. i thought that was in later seasons. im so excited. this ep is amazing. what is wrong with the angels? they have no difference from the demons.
s6 ep16(…and then there were none)
rufus and bobby might be my favorite hunter duo after winchesters. i was really angry with sam and i didnt know if i could love him the way i did before all the bad things happened but after soulless sam i really missed old sam and i love how he cares about dean i love how he would kill anyone for dean and i love he is back. he did some bad thing but he always tried to save the world and dean. and i love him. and i really hated soulless sam. but i am glad we got soulless sam for a little while thanks to him i still love him the way i did before all the demon thing. rip rufus.
s6 ep17(my heart will go on)
ellen and jo are alive. ellen and bobby are married! they don't know about titanic. this must be a parellel universe. and i liked this universe already. [KAZ 2Y5] is back. impala is gone.
s6 ep18(frontierland)
somethings are really wrong with angels. dean can pull off any look. cas is scaring me, little bit.
s6 ep19(mommy dearest)
Jefferson starships i love dean's face when he says that. dean, you are a genious. i hope eve is really dead(probably not). cas and crowley, huh? they make a good team i guess. but this will make dean mad.
s6 ep20(the man who would be king)
cas looked at us, right? castiel brought back sam and he lied. dean will be devastaded. dean really trusts him. i would've trusted him too. dean has a point. but i saw what he did. cas lied to their faces. crowley manipulated cas. every bad thing ha ppining in spn is because of manipulative demons. first ruby then crowley. And yet a father abandons his child.
s6 ep21(let it bleed)
i knew balthazar would help. dean sad again. i wish he could just live with lisa and ben.
s6 ep22(the man who knew too much)
how could cas do that to sam? balthazar was right. he didnt have to help but he did anyways, is a good angel. cas is really changed. he broke the deal. even demons wouldnt break deals. cas why did you kill balthazar? he was just trying to help dean. you've got to be kidding me. angels and demons they always ruin everything. i really thought cas wouldnt go this far. but he did. i know some spoilers but i am not sure what they mean but cas must go back to normal. I know he will make peace with the Winchesters. hopefully soon.
i would watch new season now but i just slept 4 hours this morning so i have to sleep. I'll watch new season in the morning.
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13thdoctorposts · 6 months
Thinking about what you were saying about 12; I try to be cautious of the fact that 12 was hated for a long time but even now he's definitely gaining popularity and there's people who love his era but spout off this nonsense about 13. And sometimes all I can think about is how much hate 13 would get for saying the same things as him. Remember when bill was concerned about missy literally being a mass murderer and he implied Bill is just as bad bc she eats meat? Can you imagine how much hate 13 would get for that 😭 and its the same in other eras, 13 would never get away with half the crap that was said to mickey, or making fun of Jackie supposedly being old, or abandoning jack, or yelling at Clara etc
I love 12 because he felt more alien to me than the previous Doctors, but you never hear discourse about his behaviour or the things he said. I like each Doctor being a bit different, its far more interesting that way, and if sometimes they are a bit of an asshole thats fine too, but it has to be fine for all of them not just the male Doctors.
All they talk about is how much they love a couple of his big speeches, but for 13, 6 years on they are still complaining about episodes from series 11 claiming they make her a terrible person. But what 7 years on theres nothing to complain about with 12?
Please we all know there is if you wanted to hold a grudge but we know it's a TV show somethings in an episode aren't great and we move on. Unless you're anti 13 then you never move on and have to make sure anyone who's watched the show knows how bad of a Doctor 13 is and anyone who goes to watch it for the first time you try to ruin their experience and make sure they see all the bad before they have watched it. But they don't do that with any of the other Doctors even though you could.
When it comes to polls these days 12's eps somehow now after all the hate when it aired are supposedly the greatest episodes of Who ever written, and he's one of the best Doctors... which is fine but it also doesn't feel genuine since they weren't saying that at the time. It feels more like a a rebuke of 13 more than a love of 12 a lot of the time, and why? because at least he was still a male Doctor.
I have read more times than I cant count... Doctor Who died at the end of series 10... Why? You hated the 12th Doctors run when it aired... now you hate the 13th Doctors run,,, but somehow 12 is still a legitimate Doctor and 13 doesn't count? Please that shit is just misogyny.
And thats not even going back further through NuWho... the 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors runs also had questionable episodes, questionable morals at times, and a lot of questionable lines of dialogue.
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eggsploded · 9 months
oh baby this posts gonna be long
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
HS: aradia and sollux. aradia is my favorite forever as my patron troll and sollux is just fun to draw because whys he look like that
ST: all the cardassians in general. garak is the best, im honestly more fascinated with andrew robinson himself and his dedication to the character. also damar who doesnt get much presence until later seasons and gets crushed by actually giving a fuck about his position. i took a shot of kanar (maple syrup) for his honor and it was agony.
dukat is excluded from this because he managed to curse the show into buffering on his face everytime i watched.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
HS: probably the beta kids before playing sburb. theyre all just little kids and best friends forever and it makes me tear up- in pesterquest dave literally talks about jade like shes his girlfriend that goes to a different school. all the kids were more than eager to see eachother in person and it sucks that it happened under the circumstances of.. homestuck
i dont have cuteness aggression for them theyve been through enough :-(
ST: in TNG's the enemy geordi helps out this genuinely pitiful romulan dude thats shaking like a chihuahua and i felt so much for that guy i wish he came back
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
HS: i think people are finally past portraying kanaya as a nothingburger, it was kind of funny 10 years ago that people were falling into her flimsy veil of Perceived Normalcy, like she doesnt regularly bite her friends and wasnt unforgivably delulu about vriska when they were moirails.
truly underrated might be the felt? their designs tickle me
ST: damar? maybe hes got more content now idk. honorable mentions are: keiko obrien, worfs parents (my favorite tng ep), hugh, the cardassian scientists that hit on obrien that one time, lwaxana troi and keevan.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
HS: any of signless' crew. like. we got shafted so hard with the dancestors its crazy. in my wildest dreams psiioniic didnt get utterly crushed by the vast glub and somehow escaped at the ripe age of 2000 sweeps and is now overgrown and too old and ancient for his own good, squatting in solluxs hive. we didnt get much content about how signless did his recruiting- did he just do speeches and demonstrations? did he fuck nasty? i know for sure it wasnt the cringe dialogue they strapped kankri with. same goes for dolorosas life before she raised signless, she should be at the club.
ST: background vulcans. especially in TNG when they just stopped giving a fuck about them, thank god tuvok exists or i wouldve had no incentive at all to actually watch part of VOY.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
HS: equius. its really a special day when a character cant be quantified with a simple archetype like the rest of the trolls. theres something so deeply strange and wrong with him that its captivating, i chalk it up to being the horse guy in a insect body.
hussie also just like, had it out for him at day one. gamzee got beaten to a pulp narratively but equius didnt even get a chance. its sad, and im more interested in what he couldve been rather than someone like eridan or meenah.
ST: kai winn. shes literally an alien white woman and its fantastic. she did her role so good that the poor actress got hatemail, and her insidiousness is just so well done. the final season of ds9 isnt that good but it was fun to see her go off the rails with dukat.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
HS: what do i look like? hussie? in truth when it comes to being a flop i like seeing kanaya flounder. shes weird guys. she is so fucking weird and she doesnt really know because her friends are Weirder. we dont always need her to slay, atleast in my book.
ST: riker. no further notes
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
HS: jake. if he has a deeper character i havent noticed because my eyes glaze over trying to read through this dialogue. he feels like a leftover shitpost character hussie couldnt fit on the dancestors. i havent reread act 6 yet, but i remember such a large chunk being some strange love triangle-square surrounding jake and i did Not Give a Fuck, and salt in the wound was dirk and janes friendship being so fantastic but overshadowed by jakes unceasing sex appeal cursing them.
ST: obrien because it was be a standard episode plot for him, i think hed come out fine
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gemwolfz · 1 year
good morning chat (<- it's 12:30 pm) its time for a GEM FROG WATCHPOST (instead of putting it in the bg while i draw because ive accepted i cant draw and read at the same time)
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btw my very legal straming site doesnt have episode descriptions and no way im remembering an episode thats been mentioned by number so i have no idea what im getting into. also im setting a timer to truly see how long my autistic ass can stretch a 15 minute episode. ok lets get started :)
okay first of all intro i havent seen yet lets GOOOO. PURURU SIGHTING IN THERE HEY GIRL!! i actually need to watch some eps with pururu in em btw. like hey show her to me. anyway good intro lots of guys spotted :)
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^ CATEGORY 5 DORORO EVENT HI. experiencing the horrors as usual i see
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i see so this is what we're doing today huh. do you intend to rip my heart out.
im sorry they have a fucking invasion planning chore wheel? thats really funny
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wcdonalds btw. sorry sorry wcdonalds cracks me up every time in any show
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^^ his ass did NOT process what was just said!!!
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he had it right the first several times cmon man.
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hes taking this in stride huh. even in category 5 THE LORE situations the silly grind doesnt stop
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why is zeroro resonance so fucking stupid btw. sorry man.
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screenshot that speaks for itself man
somehow i dont think "my alien ninja partner is in serious trouble i need to leave immediately" will be counted as an excused absence by your teachers but after scaling a building in a single leap i dont think anybodys gonna question you. i love you koyuki
[this image set broke in the editor but it included keroro and tamama calling zeroro SO MEAN for not explaining his plan to them] frankly i respect keroros unwillingness to treat situations with the proper gravity because i do the same thing king
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his ass does not care
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he changed his mind something is terribly wrong
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okay lets be real here the platoon would NOT have found him there. if he hadn't been able to contact koyuki he'd have been fucked. badly. something something being saved again by the person who showed you the warmth and beauty the planet has to offer
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literally yeah the fate of the planet is held by natsumi being able to throw frogs like splat balls. pov youre giroro and the number one person standing between you guys and invasion is decidedly the girl who is constantly personally stopping you from blowing shit up. this is a personal attack
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important and relevant but also im sorry "brat" is incredibly funny word choice coming from tamama
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no reaction i can put into words. btw this episode is labelled as a filler episode. just so you know. i just think thats funny. haha so silly
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aye.......................................... i would be using more reaction images but i have to prioritize screenshots. anyway god.
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they were holding their fucking BREATH. his ass could have died!! badly!!! their deep sigh of relief is not as visible as i'd have hoped but you know. you feel me.
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there are reactions i am making that are sound effects i cannot put into words sorry. im better at posting silly nonsense im sure you understand. hell, post horse staring at the ocean MAN again
he goes "i'm sorry about that, everyone!" as if it was fucking nothing. DUDE. This is why you caught that trauma-eating brain parasite because you just act like shit was NOTHING DUDE...
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gem conclusion:
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anyway i spent an hour watching this ten minute episode. sorry for maybe a weak reaction post i need to stir this episode in my head like a soup. thank you plates for your recommendation. join me in the rbs later as i may watch episode B and experience whatever tonal whiplash this episode came with
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quarkslobes · 2 years
deep space 9!
ok here we go:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
it used to be odo but now by far sisko, mainly because the benny russell plotline is my absolute favorite star trek plot ever. is he sisko or benny.... if he ascended to the prophets or whatever did he create benny?? if benny russell was a real author in strange new worlds... what does that mean. "you are the dreamer and the dream" is rotating in my microwave brain constantly. odo is still my emo repressed babygirl though.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
if couples count, worf and jadzia. yes they can and have gotten away with murder yes i still want to put them in a little jar on my desk. they're legitimately one of the best written tv couples ever. worf is the wife and jadzia is the husband though
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
damar, im not saying hes a good person or anything but his arc was so interesting to me and he did have his very good moments at the end
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
rom and leeta. roms development was also SO good and leeta is the cutest side character ever i love her. like star trek does not get better than wimpy alien man finding his passion for engineering and falling in love with his hooters waitress wife who helps him form a union. that was peak cinema
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
i cant think of a character that's necessarily unpopular... maybe lwaxana?? i know she was like a minor villain in tng but i loved her in that ep where she hung out with alexander, and her friendship with odo later on in the show was actually super cute to me. she is a queen idc what tng says. headcanon she's still like alexanders cool aunt and worf is very tired.
also near the end... kai winn?? i do not like her or think she was a good person at all but i did feel bad for her for maybe two seconds near the end. i dont know she spent her life wanting to talk to god only for some alien guy to become emissary so while shes evil and i hate her i kinda have pity for her so shes my meow meow idk
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
dukat for sure. i would drop dukat in hot soup. definitely the best written star trek villain though and marc alaimo is such a good actor, every time i watch a dukat ep im like how does alaimo act so well that i genuinely hate this man with a passion
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
kai winn. i know i just said shes my meow meow but i hate her i hate her. same thing with marc alaimo though, louise fletcher was such a good actor that for 45 minutes i hated her like she was real dude
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tfw-no-tennis · 1 year
beest warbs s2
andddddd ruth and i finished s2!!
new opening! which is mostly just clips from the s1 finale
ok i guessed that optimus would come back bc like, duh. but i was surprised that he didnt come back like, Instantly 
the new transmetal forms............................ugliy
sorry bhjsdkrhfjkasfk i dont like them....i cant believe im saying it but i prefer the cgi animals from s1 😩 it made sense! it tied into the premise of the show! now theyre just these weird shiny robo-animals...who also can fly and drive around and stuff...nah fam that aint it
cheetor doesnt even have freckles anymore 😭
also as the season went on the whole ‘energon shorts out robot forms, which necessitates beast forms’ thing was kinda quietly dropped, which doesnt make 100% sense since not that many characters got the transmetal forms
the funniest fucking thing is that the s2ep1 summary was literally just ‘terrorsaur and scorponok fucking die’ and THAT WAS IT hjdfksjkfjadfhjlad ruth and i saw that and were like HUH???
and honestly their deaths were so abrupt and unceremonious that i seriously would not have even known they had Legit Died if it hadnt been for that summary. i literally wouldve thought that theyd just end up going in a CR chamber and it wouldve been confusing as hell when they didnt come back lmaooooo
so yeah rip beta cuck and diet diet starscream lite i guess
ok and ep 2 was wild, with dinobot going on ANOTHER Shakespeare soliloquy spree, and then all that western stuff at the end??????
that was so fucking weird and hilarious. wtf 
also have i mentioned...i love dinobot. dramatic gay bitch 
also....new characters! silverbolt and quickstrike are here to quickly replace terrorsaur and scorponok lmaoooo
why does quickstrike have a southern accent when the south doesnt even exist yet as a cultural region
i love how immediately obvious it was that silverbolt was not gonna stay a predacon for long lmao
and then optimus primal returns!! looking wack as FUCK 
hvhakjdfnbskjdf sorry but i dont like his new look at all lmao. he looks weird as hell in both robot mode and “beast” mode, and im not into the whole flying snowboard thing...whats that abt
when dinobot rode around on rattrap vjhsdlfjkashdbhfjk that was so fucking funnyyyy
i cant get over megatrons new form w/the Evil Rollerskates™ thats just. so much lmaooooo but also mood bc if i could i would totally have built-in rollerskates 
did yall know i love tarantulas....that gay mad scientist bitch is hilarious
also i knew ahead of time that silverbolt and blackarachnia have a Thing but it was still soooo Much when they fought and then silverbolt refused to hit her bc shes a girl bsvdkjnfasndf
ok and the ep where dinobot goes back to the predacons...bro...and everything w/the golden disk too?? that was wild 
are they like. coming back? ever????? that was just It for them this season uhhhh so i guess we’ll have to hope they return in s3? omg
also quick shoutout to the infamous japanese dub of beast wars which accidentally made some canon gays by making airazor a dude. great job guys 
ohhhh my god when theres that alien ship thing and megatron is in it and then a big version of his face appears on the side of the ship? horrible
also i feel like beast wars megatron spends half his screentime sitting in various chairs...even when he went into that alien ship he ended up finding a big fancy chair to sit in
so yeah all that alien stuff was WILD. we still know so little abt them so im rlly interested to see if more will come up in s3 (im assuming at least a little since airazor and tigatron have to come back). like, are we gonna learn what theyre trying to do on earth? what they look like? etc?
ok silverbolt is always talking abt how blackarachnia is a good maximal on the inside and she just needs to embrace it etcetc, to me it feels like he’s a religious guy whos trying to get the girl he likes to accept jesus into her heart so they can be together hbvhajkdhbfhjksd sorry 
also silverbolt is hilarious. he’s like, a hammy simp. the way he talks is rlly entertaining lol
also theyve been namedropped a couple times so far, but what the heck is up w/the maximal council or whatever? they seem to be the ones in charge of the maximals (and presumably cybertron?), but we know literally nothing abt them...im curious
ooomg and rampage...everything w/rampage was sooo fucked like him being basically immortal is wild, and then he showed up and was tearing shit up all over the place, and then megatron fucking...removed his spark and was like You Work For Me Now. daymmmm that was so fucked up 
and he seemed to calm down after the first ep so i was like mannn i wish they would address the whole thing where megatrons controlling him - tho the maximals dont even seem to know abt it, they probably just think rampage joined them on his own. oof
and lbr even if they did know, they probably wouldnt be super motivated to free him since rampage attacked them previously, and likely wouldnt join the maximals even if given the choice
oh my god okay hold up i cant forget that DINOBOT FUCKING DIED i cant fucking believe it mate. GOD
i miss that gay moron 😔
also aside but the pre-human monkey people look soooo fucking janky hbvajkdhfjkhsdf god. so bad im sorry
oh my god and the whole thing w/the golden disc saying ‘sounds of earth...’ ruth and i saw that inscription earlier in s2 and ruth was like ‘oh isnt that a real thing, they sent out the Voyager probe into space w/a disc that has different sounds from nature and music and stuff on it called ‘sounds of earth” AND THEN THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT THIS WAS...
i thought that was so cool, the fact that the golden disc could basically be used to look into the future...and then alter the future accordingly
its also super cool that the writers used something from REAL LIFE in the story in such a way. like, thats cool as hell, and idk much media that does so
especially bc beast wars is one of very few transformers series to not include any human characters (discounting the monkey pre-humans), so this is a really cool way to involve humanity without having any recurring human cast members
when dinobot nearly committed seppuku...uhm jesus bro
and then when he fought off all the predacons ALONE, and then FUCKING DIED...that was legit sad as hell...like he kept almost going into stasis lock but kept overriding it which was gonna kill him and AUGH
and then when the maximals show up as he’s dying...mannnn
and his last words - “and the rest is silence.” poetic and quoting Shakespeare until the literal end I see
basically that episode was fucking brutal but also really good. phew
AND THEN ITS FOLLOWED UP BY THE TRANSMUTATE EPISODE...ruth and i watched these two eps back to back in one night and afterwards we were basically braindead. that was A Lot 
the transmutate ep HHHHH where to even start
ok so transmutate...the whole story was just fucking tragic but also. TERRIFYING...
like this ep gave me the same vibes that i got when i watched the movie ET in like 4th grade and got scared as hell 
like, i am a Full Grown Adult and NOT ONLY THAT i had a job in a cadaver lab for like 5 YEARS so i generally am not easily scared but holy SHIT this episode legit unsettled me liiiike
the design and animation (and voice acting) on transmutate were like....terrifying oh my god. like, the way she(?) moved was so scary, with the slow movements and just, everything w/the neck/head....AUGH
and that like, pained screech she did ???? that was just horrible oh my god
anyways literally ruth and i spent this entire ep just like, cowering and yelling out of fear lmao. i went outside in the dark later and i swear i saw transmutate in the shadows. terrifying
in terms of the plot of the ep, that shit was fucked up. it basically amounted to silverbolt and rampage fighting over transmutate w/little regard for transmutate as a person, and ending w/her dying. which was fucked btw
and the fact that everyone was like ‘oh yea transmutate basically doesnt count as an alive sentient being’ was messed up bc they came to that conclusion very quickly and with only a small amount of data....messed up. also messed up is how the maximals suggested putting transmutate in like, a medically induced coma basically, bc she was a freak of nature. which may be true but STILL, that probably violates some ethical laws. arent yall supposed to be the good guys?!
also rampage trying to befriend and save transmutate was sad...especially knowing his circumstances w/megatron and stuff. just Ls all around
ok this cuts off abruptly but thats all folks ig vbajdkfbjksdf
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coffeeastronaut · 2 years
Insane to me that 13s finale was so bad like ik i literally quit watching during her run bc it sucked so bad but like. What. we got:
straight up incomprehensible plot with multiple irrelevant or unaddressed plot points beginning and then never getting finished or explained in any way (was was the master Rasputin? why did the plan have to happen in two different time periods? what were those two warring planets? why did we need the cybermen AND the daleks? why did the master use his big doe eyes to hypnotize those people?)
Comprehensible plot points that were botched (matryoshka cyberman, kidnapped energy source alien thing, ai holo doctor, yaz being/becoming the doctor in her own right, the doctor has so many friends forever and thats why shes a winner, master x doctor haties 4ever, yaz wondering if she’ll get left behind like other companions/being worried abt turning into them, dan leaving)
Comprehensible plot points that were stupid as shit (the master needing ace and tegan for the matryoshka.. he couldn’t have just kept it in his pocket? forced regeneration into the master so that he can wreck her reputation for some reason? siesmologists being kidnapped and also he graffitied some paintings (for some reason?) and these things are Clearly Related Duh. master wants to um, be the doctor for some reason? yeah im not touching that one frankly. the doctor suffering zero consequences from forced regeneration only to get laser beamed to death but then shes fine to like get ice cream and chit chat but she is dying. Dont think abt it too much.)
chibby coincidence catastrophe. this cunt loves to not write cause and effect lets just get lucky or slip or trip or fucking whatever. teagan slipping on that ladder so that she can get jumpscared but then it’s fine actually she can just slide away like dark souls, graham just like idk chilling and running into ace in the dalek lave pit, random traitor dalek (who is immediately killed and never relevant again???) just happens to contact the doctor just in time for the other daleks to use it as a trap????
and like on top of all this it had so many moments where you can practically feel chibnall begging the audience to get hype bc look xyz thing is here from previous thing on the show! like w/ the classic companions coming back (and i do love them! But WHERE was the relevancy beyond making yaz uncomfortable bc they both left in bad circumstances. Where was it.), or all of the doctors homies showing up to pilot the tardis with her (you WISH you were the stolen earth you WISH-), or the fugitive doctor (sorry i didnt watch that ep. but i know enough to know it was nothing more then a callback.), or seeing all the other doctors in 13s like dreamscape place or whatever the fuck (and what was the point of that? she just idk says hi guys! and then sits in there and waits? hello?), the companion support group (cute concept! joked abt in fandom for years! but so lame in execution im sorry!), UNIT being involved for some reason (this is the least egregious imo, since it slotted neatly into the plot. however since they didnt do anything other then say hey doc check out these paintings! ahhughh cybermen! it’s still stupid as shit.) ace and graham flirting for some reason???? LIKE WHAT WAS THE POINT HERE. Dan leaving (why didn’t he leave at the end of last episode when he was clearly thinking about it??) like ten minutes into the episode, and the doc is like okay bye! [leaves him homeless on the street] like what horrible pacing that was. And where the hell was ryan? Dan and graham come pick yaz up and ryan is no where to be seen. Maybe he could smell the bad vibes and stayed home. Christ
Yaz especially felt just soooooo botched and shitty. As i said before i quit watching after 13’s first season, but i did catch the last five min of the sea devils and even just there it was. Pretty fucking clear that they were confessing love to one another, but we ~cant be together ever~ (says the cunt whos had countless kinda-sorta-girlfriends and at least one wife!) because itll ~be sad~ (you wish you were tenrose you WISH-).
Her competence at flying the fucking tardis, delegating tasks, planning, and executing on all of it was flawless! that’s an insane level of skill for a companion to have, only ever shown in new who with River Song, and outliers like Doctor-Donna, Bad Wolf Rose, or whatever that was with immortal Clara. To have her do all that, especially with such success… it’s crazy. Usually we only see that level of competence from ex-companions, like Martha, Micky, dimension-hopping Rose, or Sarah Jane.
Both those things said. You’re telling me. The Doctor is regenerating. So. Yaz is just. Gonna go home? What? Not even that the the doctor intentionally abandoned her- although, arguably she did- just. She’s leaving i fucking guess. For no reason? After all that? I understand it’s partially a writing thing and mandip leaving the show or whatever, but like, that was seriously the best you can do? She just dips and goes to a support group?
And that feeds into a greater problem with the episode, the idea that all of this works bc the doctor has all these friends. And then she just like. Leaves. She just dips. Hits the fucking bricks ALONE. and again it’s partially the writer swap i’m sure. But what on Gods Green Fucking Earth. Not to mention it all hinges on her having friends but none of them seem to actually like her or be friends with her. it’s like houseplants instead of characters.
absolutely a shameful end to a shameful run of the show. I really hope that jodie/13 get the chance to come back under better writers in the future for audio dramas or whatever.
in conclusion, tldr, or whatever: jesus christ that shit
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sanchoyo · 2 years
tmm new liveblog part...2 !!! ep 7-12!!! got home sooner than expected so we are finishing TONIGHT!!!!! >:3c if u missed ep 1-6 liveblog its here!
obviously, spoilers...for this and the og series since I compare and contrast a bit at the end (I give my final thoughts at the end for the new anime overall, too!) ^^
EP 7
-OHHH the aliens new ship design looks Interesting. I see theyre just floating outside of Earth instead of some kinda inter-dimensional pocket area like they were in the original? Neat. the ship still looks super sparse, which, is weird imo. I get that on a meta level filling it w objects would take time and budget from the team doing this tho. but also I want to see their personal rooms or whatever. what do they eat. what do they do all day when they arent being menaces. -ik it happened in the original but its still very funny that deep blue basically grounded kish hahah. get grounded loser (affectionate) -ichigo's strawberry bento bag is so cute -ichigo BOOKING IT AND LEAPING A RAILING TO THANK AOYAMA FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF LMAO -and then her just awkwardly clutching his back for a full 30 seconds. I imagine he was like 'wtf' -masaya 'i cant figure out my feelings At All bc ive never Felt Them Before Now' aoyama and ichigo 'i feel SO Much So Intensely All The Time, loudly' momomiya are sO Fucking Cute I cant HANDLE anytime they speak to each other. glad aoyama initiated the next date!! -MINT LOSING HER MIND OVER ZAKURO IN UNIFORM. YES. THE GAYS. -cafe mew mews redesign is so cute -zakuro sucking ass at being a server but still being beloved by customers. gay icon -aoyama having an Ichigo Sense whenever shes nearby….I wonder if that has to do with the. U Know. her being a mew and him subconsciously reacting to her powers. am I thinking too hard abt this. maybe. -her goodluck charm is soo cute pls. -ichigo n aoyama smacking the shit out of wasps with sticks together. why was that so iconic -WHY DO the chimera anima ALWAYS fucking knock aoyama down. ik its prob bc theyre after ichigo who is Often Near Him but it makes me laugh every single time. get u a bf whos always a damsel (and also sometimes possessed by the big bad! he has the range) -aoyama lying to ichigo and saying he doesnt recognize her to make her feel ok…bc he sees shes distressed and not ready for him to know….king!!! i KNOW he knows. pls. be less cute u two
EP 8: -my god, showing ichigo's crush on aoyama then mints crush on zakuro directly after. really hammering it home. we GET IT they are IN LOVE. -lettuce scaring the shit out of some punks I am Losing My Mind. the fact dudes like that even walked in this ultragirly cafe…pls -supposedly environmentally minded cafe mew mew goes on a cruise, smth that is notoriously Bad for the Environment. lol -aoyama whipping out those environmental facts on the fly..once again I am saying autistic king. -PUDDINGS SIBLINGS!!! CUTIES. and they gave one of them a sort of personality. thats fun -and her lil sailor hat i am crying shes adorbs -not lettuce being infused with a porpoise and getting seasick awww…poor girl -wait are all the girls (sans ichigo) wearing each others colors in dresses…thats so CUTE I love their dresses -lettuce being SO good with puddings lil siblings further enforces my headcanon that shes a teacher as an adult. fuel for me personally -ichigo u got a MAN ON LAND. getting COZY with shirogane on a BOAT. the scandal. (really tho…dancing is fun! esp with nice music! its ok to have Fun queen. I feel like ryou rly didnt even Think abt what he was doing except trying to give his employee a nice lil time since shes not used to this kinda thing) -and also, he doesnt seem to have a sense of personal space with ANYONE, lol -the ocean turning BLOOD RED and the entire shipped being rocked from giant fish monsters. this is my literal nightmare. ur stuck on a boat, nowhere to GO. HELL NO. I will never be caught on a cruise ship. nightmare fuel -the amount of times mint/ichigo fall on each other or crash into each other. dare I say it again. ichimint can still win -PUDDING TART MEETING FINALLY. THEY ARE SUCH CHILDREN. -pudding holding that fish jaw open. her POWER -BRO THAT FISH SNATCHED A CHILD. -lettuce's dive then transformation sequence was def my fav so far. beautiful animation! -did …lettuce just see a glimpse of the alien's civilization going down?? Ohhh the lore..the plot thickens…when she got close to mew aqua too. hmmm!! thats a new mew aqua power! interesting! taking notes! -YESS MERMAID FORM GOOO -YESSS LETTUCE BEING THE FIRST TO FIND MEW AQUA. she looks SO good -PUDDING BROKE THAT FISHES JAW -of course it was regular orange juice…girl did u think he actually spiked it with like. magic. -ryou is such a nice boss sometimes. pls. im not even a huge ryou/lettuce shipper but theyre cute…
EP 9: -aoyama trying to deny ichigo was his gf when the friend gave him tickets but dude. ur friend never said who he thought ur gf was. u just immediately thought of ichigo. shes totally ur gf lol -did not expect to see seiji again. hm. nice surprise hes so involved with mints life ig, just. surprised -mint u absolutely cannot leave for america. what in the world. i feel bad tho bc the mew thing isnt gonna be forever and this would help but also. mint ur RICH rich. u can prob get any job or college u want bestie -ICHIGOS PJS NOOOO THEYRE SO CUTE. her heat shaped chair and strawberry pillow too!! -all the girls gawking at aoyama like hes a zoo animal. i do the SAME THING when my friends tell me they like someone LMAO theyre so real for this scene. nosy queens -then all of them GOSSPING PLSS LMAO -keiichiro side eyeing ryou while all the girls are looking at aoyama. he sus. rightfully so -THE GIRLS ARE SCHEMINGGGG. and it being zakuros plan. obsessed -THIS IS MY MOST FAVORITE THING EVER. THE BEST 4 WING WOMENS IN THE WORLD -MINTS MAN VOICE/CONSTRUCTION COSTUME PLS -nooo old ladies lettuce n pudding…. crying over this entire sequence -ZAKURO AND AOYAMAS ENGLISH. -god they are all such good friends to each other <3 -ive never been so pissed to see kishu. ever. AOYAMA WAS TRYING SO HARD TO WORK UP HIS NERVES AND BEIN SUCH A BRAVE BOY. i hope kishu drowns in the river theyre walking by -god damn aoyama damsel AGAIN its EVERY EPISODE WITH THIS BOY. and I eat it up every single time. pathetic wet boyfriend guy real -kish…u realize if ur trapping them together…theyre gonna bond?? -aoyama clearly not wanting ichigo to have to be a mew bc he doesnt want her to be hurt…oof :( but shes STRONG she can DO IT king just trust her -all the girls attacks look so clean and so nice -either the cafe is SUPER far away from wherever aoyama was going or hes the king of Slow Walking
EP 10: -god damn I love the aliens new ship design SO much. its a creature! -kish is officially ungrounded. good for him I GUESS. -ohh, the tokyo tower stuff! is the season finale going to be a 3 ep long thing?? Very Cool -god damn the tension between aoyama and ryou. lmao -does aoyama just always grab ichigo's wrist when hes nervous? I was joking shes his emotional support cat, but, like, she kinda is -ichigo did u just run off with his jacket LMAO -lord she didnt even kiss him and she turned into a cat -def prefer the old anime's version of cat ichigo. smth abt this new version looks…off?? uncanny?? -oh my god francis IS Back. im Shook. out of all the characters that u didnt need to bring back. u bring the fucked up pervert cat. im losing my mind -ichigo's regrets as shes sinking are so funny im sorry queen -wait her being at risk to stay a cat and becoming more catlike in that form wasnt a super big issue in the og, was it? it seems more dire and time sensitive in this version, in the original it felt a lot more jokey -ppl asking mew mews for help over the government is SOO real. me asf -zakuro on a motorcycle. amen to that brother -from aoyamas POV..ichigo ran off with his jacket, then…he finds it in he river….he must be thinking she just fucking chucked it away LMAO -like he for sure knows shes mew ichigo, though, and noticed the bell?? i mean being a superhero then turning into a cat is a big mental leap ig he'd have no reason to assume its her…the whole sequence is so funny -return of aoyamas dog! my god it acts like like my dog with my cat. being jealous. so real -aoyama sleeping ON THE COVERS and not under them. yeeeep, if anyone watching this didnt see the original this should be the point u realize hes a fucking alien for that one. what in the hell was that toe shot. -his littol jammies tho PLS. if ichigos cat form wasnt so…weirdly uncanny this would be a lot cuter. but also, ichigo, dont kiss him without consent? hello? u know how that feels. even if he does like u back! -the rest of the mews searching desperately, well aware that thousands could die. ichigo, having a crisis bc her crush is cuddling her lap in his sleep. the stakes have never been so high
EP 11: -the aliens posing for the helicopter camera HAHA -no way…mint and zakuro on a motorcycle together….the rituals...they are intricate….. -oh more alien lore -WHAT. did they change it from them being from earth originally??? they…said their HOME planet is no more than dust storms and heat (lava??) now….thats NOT EARTH??? ohhh. interesting. dont think I like that choice…bc them being originally from earth and humans being descended from db explained why the aliens look so humanoid!!!
-perhaps the concept of them being from another planet is a lie the trio was told? (I am def thinking too hard abt it. but also why would mew aqua let her see that? ? activity from a non-earth planet?? why does it suddenly have that power??? its MAGIC WATER.) -oh my god the underground/cave cities!!! fucking line up with my fanfic/headcanons!!! I am Living -PLSSS BABY ALIENS THEY ARE SO CUTE LITTOL PATAOTOES -I do wonder why their planet chose to send (3) children. like its assumed pie as the oldest is prob not older than 17-18? right? and kish is assumedly 15-16, tart is DEF puddings age….they took an entire ship! (that from the one room weve been seeing looks EMPTY, altho maybe thats their. um. special deep blue contacting room?? ?) I wonder how many ships they had to work with, is that the only one? were they entrusting 2 teens and a child with their only ship?? surely not right?? are a lot of the older ppl sick and cant make the trip/fight, or are they busy and too vital to go, so they send the younger ppl so like, child soldiers=less risk if they happen to fail and die?? its like…a Lot of responsibility, so im Wondering. i doubt we will ever get these Answers…but I want them. (and ik the meta answer is they need to be close to the mews age for pairing purposes lol) -so if im understanding correctly, the aliens plan is to kill all humans (who they consider to be ruining the planet, ofc) then…wait on DB? so they assume DB can fix whatever they fuck up with the planet? or the aliens just simply arent affected by the pollution, which they dont seem to be, but they need the planet clean..ish... to grow food, and have livestock, right? interesting. kind of do wonder in an au where the aliens Won, WOULD he have done that, like actually been able and willing to unfuck the pollution stuff? we never really got much insight to him except that he hates humans, so maybe he wouldve? -ohh the aliens going after civilians is SMART. divide n conquer yk. maybe theyve been reading the art of war -boy if u dont shut up with those percentages -kishu stop fueling mints crisis!! fuck off!! im also indecisive as a person so it felt PERSONAL -oh zakuro got CLOSE close to tell mint not to worry rn <3 -ryoukitty…..ryoukittykissy. pls. he just LAYS INTO HER after too. I love how they squabble. they are so funny. masago is my fav but ryouigo is also p good, honestly. I like it for the same reasons I like ichimint...(but ichimint is above ryouchigo bc better colors together, and gay. sorry ryou) -god ichigo dodging that lil birds nest while running was such a sweet little detail!!! and her saying she appreciates life more since becoming a mew and that she wouldnt have met her friends…I nEED A MOMENT IM EMO ABOUT THIS -and her running thru that office. so fun n cute -that one intense rock sounding song they have in the ost that plays as ichigo arrives?? Im obsessed -oh god i feel so bad even knowing whats going to happen. aoyama is gonna just be WAITING. pls no. the secondhand feelings I get from that are so bad. ive been there buddy, being stood up sucks </3
EP 12: -oh my god, in the og anime kish broke her phone, which is BAD, but this time, a chimera ATE IT??? THATS SO MUCH WORSE IMO. at least with the broken phone most companies have insurance, u could prob easily get a new one!! how do u explain a MONSTER ATE UR PHONE. -god damn kish still is a lil crazy huh. i love that and respect it. itd be boring if he was nice but up until now he rly hasnt been a Huge Menace. but some of the faces hes made so far this ep. Yeah! truly a ManYandere -YESSS THEY KEPT THE BIG OLE MOTHS DESIGN BASICALLY THE SAME. one of the most iconic chimeras for sure -im glad ichigos lesbian bffs told aoyama how bad things were, bc he is hyperfocused on Waiting And Thinking abt Ichigo he didnt check any social media or news outlets at all until now ig. most ppl do that while waiting around these days I think. -sorry ik its serious and im tense even knowing itll be fine but ryous voice coming out of masha made me laugh -'your modified bodies can withstand the pollution!' (that would kill everyone else) ok but would this premise not make for a fun fucked up apocalypse AU?? only the magical girls survive AU…. -ichIGO ATTACKING THE ALIENS DIRECTLY!!!! QUEEN YESS GOOO. GET THEIR ASSES -'GET CRAZY' -ICHIGO 2022 -HYPEST SEASON FINALE -mint making her choice to stay in japan bc of ichigo….ichimint win!!! -sorry, where did tart get BOMBS?? I miss the aliens old weapons, ngl -god the ost is SO good I keep saying it but the moment mint is rising up the tower and everyones covering her?? what kind of epic symphony… -LESBIAN ATTACK!!!!!!! SHE LAUNCHED HER INTO THE SKY!!!! i AM OBSESSED -mint being the first to use the mew aqua rod!!! im so happy for her!! and its BLUE!!!! oh it looks precious. theyre all gonna get to use it arent they!! at some point!! thats so great!!! -tho ichigos fun lil spin in the og series was my fav of course, this is still very pretty -the mew aqua rod being a …masha form… is not my fav new thing tho….I LIKED the implications of it being smth ancient from the og anime! oh well -w- I can still pull more from the og anime than this one for my fanfics hahah -aww, I like the strawberry rods new design! I still like the og more I think, but this one isnt bad or anything!! and the attack was amazing tbh -ryou almost had a heart attack. my headcanon of him greying before 20 is real. -ichilettuce pose near the end. cute -….I was fully expecting the blue knight to show up during that fight. season 2, I guess?? -zakumint momence near the end….sweet -OH M Y GOD THEYRE PLAYING THE SONG FOR THE FINALE. THE S O N G. A slowed version, too!! NOPE. i am weeping. I just got hit by 40000 tones of nostalgia -they didnt have to do this to me. AGH -PLEASEE MY GOD I CANT HANDLE THIS. THEYRE SO SWEET. SO TENDER. he 100% saw her ears and was being polite by covering them. -NOOO HES CRYING TOO. THEYRE SO CUTE. HE DOESNT EVEN PRESS FOR AN EXPLANATION EITHER. -and a deep blue tease! ok! kind of expected as much. OOF THOUGH that my sweetheart got me so good im still reeling. the girls mustve lost their minds when they heard that. im girls.
-overall thoughts:
-VERY good!!! there were times the animation got wonky, but that happened many times in the og anime too, so. eh. this one at least kept mostly stylistically similar, whereas in the og the faces style could change WILDLY ep from ep. this one was more like, quality changes from scene to scene but still roughly the same style. which is fine, I know how budget and time restraints are. its Understandable.
-there were other things I def liked better in the og, too, like the outfits n transformations, but the colors here were amazing, the costume colors esp worked super nice when all the girls were in the same shot, they looked awesome together!
-I love that each girl will assumedly get a turn w the mew aqua rod! and it changes color to suit each one!
-I loved the OST. So Much. def gonna have to listen to each song again
-and all of the masago moments were REALLY cute. idk, ppl who know me know I love them both a lot in the og anime and the ship. but this one, it rly felt like they let aoyama be more..shy?? I guess?? it was CUTE. also he was a damsel far more, which was also cute. really, I love Strong Catgirl GF and Awkward Normie Shy BF. (normie for NOW. season 2 when)
-the pacing was nice (I do like the og animes fillers, but I can do w/out them! it still felt fleshed out enough! things happened at a really nice pace when u watch back to back, not sure how it wouldve felt waiting a week between and digesting them more?)
-I didn't super love the changing of the aliens backstory from earth to some rando planet, or masha being the mew aqua rod?? or something?? but those are SUCH minor nitpicks honestly.
-I loved how scheme-y the girls got together. their friendship is so sweet and the best thing from the show for me. mint being the og and ichigo not being like, The Leader (yet?) but all of them feeling pretty equal standing is Nice. they rly seem like real friends and I love just. how supportive they all are of each other!! I rly do feel like they work so well together by the end of the season as a team.
-im glad they kept the animation pretty silly and let the girls make goofy funny faces!!! like, they were still cute/pretty in a lot of shots, but they kept the Silliness and Antics at a Max Level. they felt their age if that makes sense. I appreciate that
-like I KNEW what would happen, but the OST and lighting/color schemes on a lot of the scenes made me like. Genuinely Feel Panicked or Excited!!! (of course I was excited to watch)
-my god 'my sweetheart' got my blood PUMPING HEART RACING AT THE END I COULDNT BELIEVE IT. AAAAH!!!
-when is season 2 I need it NOW!!! Im still glad I waited to watch, bc now I have fanart to go thru :3 and I didnt have to wait to watch the next ep, waiting for s2 is gonna HURT. I want it SOON.
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gwasgy · 4 years
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shit-scfandom-did · 3 years
so i have a few questions
1)i cannot understand how you ship k*ramel. their relationship was FILLED with toxicity. from mon-el failing over and over again to listen to what kara had to say to him basically telling her to give up being kara danvers. convincing her that "being supergirl and having you is enough” was absolutely horrible. karamel had their moments but overall it was toxic. then in s3 mon el was married and the whole point of season 3 was allowing them to move on. accepting the toxicity from s2 and pushing past that romanticized time. mon el was a better person by 3b but he was still married. even if mon el and imra did break up in the finale there’s no future for karamel. even during 5x13 kara went to ask on advice about lena. and when winn came to visit from the future not a word about him. she’s moved on and it just wouldn’t make sense for kara to end up with him.
2) how can you hate lena so so so much?? it’s been said over and over again that all she’s ever wanted to do is good. though she’s designed to be this morally grey character. she has FLAWS but that’s what makes her so good. she’s a victim of abuse and you can see her struggle with that especially in seasons 4 and 5. in 5 she definitely goes down a questionable path but how can you expect her not too? after being emotionally abused by her brother, betrayed by her family, andrea (this did happen before kara), and then eve. finding out that kara and EVERYONE she loves has betrayed her as well. I mean how could you not go mad?? and even when she “went mad” she was trying to rid humanity of PAIN. something she later realized was a necessary part of life. her hurt blinded her from reality and lex’s manipulation pushed her down further. she’s been hurt and broken so many times and while that’s not an excuse for what she’s done you have no sympathy for her and that I find appalling. lena has realized what she’s done is wrong, that she’s made mistakes, what she did to kara, and she will have to live with that isn’t that punishment enough? she’s apologized and is trying to make up for everything she’s done by saving the world (again). your unnecessary hate towards her infuriates me. cant you take a step back and see the whole picture?
3) why DONT you ship supercorp or accept the queerbaiting? (watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C2w2GBXd_Pg) They are the core relationship of the show while the danvers sisters are the heart. they’ve gone through so so much together and practically dated in early season 2. they love each other it’s just oh so apparent. i like to believe one of the reasons lena reacted so strongly in s5 is because she was in love with kara and she couldn’t handle the person she was in love with lying to her. and kara flew around the world to get lena’s favorite food!! if that’s not romantic idk what is. I feel like you’ve developed such a clouded view of supercorp that you need to take a step back and understand what lena is the love of kara’s life.
wow what a long message. im not here to hate. im here to inform & undertand. i get it. karamel had their moments and even MY perception of them might be a little cloudy. im not going to hate you for liking them. hell I even shipped them for a little! my brother thinks 3b mon el and kara would’ve been perfect but he understands that supercorp is just where the show is leading and he wants them to be endgame. but what I will hate is your hate. what’s the point of all this? this thread, this account is going to do NOTHING. so why bother? I debated sending this and I hope I’m not too harsh at times but I really wanna see what you say. I hope you can open your eyes to lena and supercorp. maybe even become a supercorp shipper yourself!
- thanks and supercorp endgame 💙❤️
First of all, if you want to discuss ships in the future send this type of anons to facepalming-since-chernobyl, this blog is not for this, but for gathering receipts.
1.I just ship it, I don’t get why you have to understand it. It’s shipping. But if you insist:
No, it was not filled with toxicity. Count me when he failed to listen to her when they were in a relationship. Secondly, he is not a dog, he has his brain, he is his own person. People don’t always do what others asked them to do. It’s not slavery.
He has NEVER said to her to give up being Kara Danvers. How did he exactly convince her? How can you read the scene that he convinced her that being supergirl and having him is erasing Kara Danvers? In this scene he supports anything SHE WANTS to do. Also, Kara Danvers doesn’t equal Kara being a reporter in CatCo. On that moment she had her blog. She change people’s live with it like a real reporter. She took the risk and met consequences of her actions aka being fired by Snapper. Also, remind me who told her to create a blog? With your logic Lena was erasing Kara Danvers too.
Friendly reminder that he was forced to the marriage to keep peace. Also, friendly reminder Imra and the Legion out him in this situation without telling him about her plans. She and Brainiac put him there, knowing exactly how much he loved Kara and how much she meant to him. Imra knew that, that’s why she asked him to stay and solve his feelings. She said if he had come back, she would have known he had no doubts. But he wanted to stay, that’s why they broke up. He came back because once again he sacrificed himself for the greater good, like a real hero. Maybe watch the Argo eps because they clearly show that no, it was no about moving on.
It was not accepting about so called toxicity. First of all, she already forgave him that he lied. Secondly, all of she was screaming in that scene, when she was infected with M’rynn’s powers, happened before they got together and it was already approached in the musical ep. Aka, this scene had no point.
There is no future for karamel because you say so?
Kara went to asked him, because she truly believed and trusted him and his judgment. And yes, she asked about Lena and what did he said? That Kara deserved the same compassion she gives others, something Lena never gave her. And sorry, I know all scs scream the 100 ep was about sc, but it was about Kara fully realizing she is not responsible for Lena’s horrible choices. That’s it. And friendly reminder she called her a villain in the last scene. Also, the ep showed than no matter what, Lena always ends screwing something, because she has too big ego, always knows better, doesn’t stand criticism and doesn’t trust anyone.
It doesn’t make sense for you. Suit yourself.
2.Her fans made me hate her :) Thanks to them and how they excuse her every horrible action, how they treat her as a victim, while she abuse everyone etc. I started to watch her more carefully. And well, she is a horrible, white, privileged capitalist, who plays god, judge, jury, has mommy issues and acts like typical Luthor while crying she is not one, while still using Luthors money and resources.
Yeah, many people want to make good and end doing evil things. Common people pay for their sins, she has never. Since allowing hostile Daxamite army to invade the Earth (also, her portal affected the other aliens who destroyed the NC), producing a device that could recofnize aliens without their consent (and it was used by Children of Liberty,)producing and lying about Kryptonite, trying to make people superpowered without any supervision, killing Adam during illegal experiment, supporting openly alienphobic president and in a way Agent Liberty, killing Lex and then blaming Kara and finally manipulating Kara for months, lying, gaslighting, yelling, making her steal Lex journal, trying to lobotomize her and tortured with kryptonite, hurting every way possible, physically and mentally. Working with mass murderer, enslaving 3 people (kidnapping Eve, without her consent putting AI into her mind, basically RAPING her brain and making her a puppet in her own body; enslaving end experimenting on Malefic and Russel – threatening to kill him to steal Andrea’s necklace) – none of it are flaws. It was horrible abuse and violating every human right and the fact some people excuse it is disgusting.
First of all, being victim of abuse doesn’t give you the rights to HURT other people. The fact I have to explain pains me. Secondly, what abuse exactly? Lillian didn’t love her? Lex kidnapped her? Said he was going to kill her? You know what? Winn HAD HORRIBLE past and he didn’t turn into a murderer. Mon-El was abused by his mother and never tortured Kara with Kryptonite. J’onn killed a lot of white martians but last time I checked he doesn’t feel good about it. Also, never said the things he has done were GOOD. See a difference?
Yeah, and all of it, still doesn’t give her the rights to torture people. Also, friendly reminder she lied to Supergirl about Kryptonite in s3, much before the whole drama. Remember how she destroyed the life of a girl that stole boyfriend in middle school? It clearly shows she always had THAT in her. Plus, sorry not sorry, if she wanted different life, outside her family she could have easily done that. She was in Star City, with Jack, doing her researches, making her career. And she threw it all away, because she WANTED to be a Luthor.
Plus, sorry not sorry, if you feel betrayed and hurt because your friend didn’t tell you something she didn’t OWE you, you go to therapy, not trying to lobotomize entire planet.
Mate, she wanted to lobotomizer entire humanity, without ANYONE’S consent, because SHE, one single Lena, felt hurt. This is playing a GOD. Nothing explains it.
Planning a cold ass revenge for months is not being blinded by feelings.
Once again, even if could argue about how many times she was broken, most of that was a white privileged life she chose herself but whatever, it still doesn’t excuse her. All of she has done should meet consequences. Paying for shit you have done, accepting it, fully realizing what you have done is a part of redemption. Still in s5 she didn’t even apologize to Kara. Because she still didn’t understand what she has done and doesn’t feel sorry about it.
Feel appalled as much as you want, because I’m not going to feel sorry for a white, privileged woman who has never paid for her actions and is basically a living avatar of the worst Karen you can imagine.
She realized Lex was using her horrible experiments (remember? She experimented on puppies too) to his own agenda, that’s why she went to Kara. That’s not grasping a thing. Mhm, if you call that an apology then suit yourself. She is not saving the world, she is helping once again other people fixing the shit she created.
Feel infuriated as much as you want, because I don’t care? Especially when it comes from a person who tells others to take a step back while being totally narrow minded about Mon-El and karamel.
3.Because actors, prodcuers, writers call SC a female friendship. Mel did that in her last interview. See whatever you want but maybe stop forcing people to ship a horribly abusive ship.
Well… no. Kara is the heart and soul of the Supergirl. Alex is her most important relationship. Lena is an important friend, who doesn’t deserve it yet, but we all know Kara is the Paragon of Hope so of course she is going to forgive her.
I know you people think sc dated because they breathed in one room, but in s2 Kara dated, had sex, kissed, cuddled and enjoyed her time with Mon-El.
Yeah, they love each other as friends. It was said more than once.
That’s your delusion, you are free to do it.
Kara done that to Alex too, so you are saying she is romantically in love with her sister or something? If bringing people food is romantic and damn, most of the people I know loves me, god.
No, lena is not Kara’s love of her life.
Cool, you are not going to hate me because I ship karamel, I’m touched.
Sorry that you are going to be super disappointed in the end of the show I guess.
You will hate my hate – what’s the point of it?
Once again, because I don’t think you understand the point of this blog or read the description – it’s gathering receipts of assholes who cross tag and hate on the actors. Maybe go and search #gross hate or #cast hate on this blog so you can see how amazing your fandom is. Have fun.
I would rather eat my own shit than starting shipping the victim of abuse with her abuser.
Thanks and no :)
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cartoonemotion · 3 years
kid cosmic spoilers again cuz im thonkin
i was at first a LEETLE disappointed that the solution to the end of this ep was to punch erodius all apart but actually it makes sense and it kind of reminded me of one of the reasons i could actually feel pretty good about watching wander over yonder and not feel like the message of like. peaceful resolution didnt feel too much like a condescending “you should never fight fire with fire !!! uwu” type thing and instead much more genuine and optimistic
bc i mean the situations were fundamentally different.. the aliens trying to reclaim their stones was actually a misunderstanding and it fit into kid’s arc of coming into his own as a hero, understanding that a lot of the messages he had internalized in an effort to live up to his dream of becoming one were not only detrimental to him but others around him: heroes help, not hurt, so a peaceful resolution where kid and the local heroes work together to help the aliens and prevent the biker in black from ejecting them from the planet pretty much by force conveys the themes of the season and the messages kid learned in his arc well & wraps everything up on that front pretty coherently
but now jo is the focus of season 2, and shes a teenager, so shes older than kid and she has different lessons for life and different conflicts with those around her that she has to work out, and so the threat she’s tasked with handling is a lot different. its not necessarily i dont think the show retracting any of its earlier messages about peaceful resolution or trying to understand one another, bc it still has those beats: mo’s recipe is a big one, you have papa g still being his usual pacifist self and having moments where he advocates for talking things out, you have jo doing what she can to uplift and respect krosh after she beats her, even going so far as to basically invite her to be a member of the community she and the rest of the local heroes are apart of it seems pretty much ? the difference is that unlike the previous season, there’s no real mix up or dispute as to who’s the real bad guy here; erodius is destroying planets, killing people and displacing whole societies, and it seems almost like a force of nature more than a living being (its obviously supposed to take some inspiration from galactus from the marvel comics or unicron from transformers). it cant be reasoned with. its something cosmically big and indifferent to the suffering it inflicts on the little people, who as directly stated in this season, are the ones who matter most
so destroying it makes sense ! the more i think about it the more i kind of like how erodius ties into jo’s arc of becoming more sure of herself as not only a leader but just. a person, as every teenager has to struggle to learn how to be. you can be kind and compassionate and want to extend a helping hand, but you should always be willing to stand up for yourself and others around you who cant, even if it seems impossible. and that in itself can still be a victory, even if there are consequences 
idk. this turned rambly but i just really liked the second season, even if i still prefer the first one more/feel its a tighter story overall, i wanna give s2 credit where its due bc i think it was a great installment and it still had a lot of care and craft put into it :]
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 3
a/n: uwuwuwuwu this is an au since yanno,,,, they didnt really make it to nationals :(
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
may i request a scenario where seijoh made it to nationals and atsumu flirts with reader🥺
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to be honest, it was,,, unexpected
you were sitting there, on the bench and gripping it in anticipation as seijoh and shiratorizawa were once again at a match point thanks to kyotani’s angry spike
going past 31, they were now 31-30 with seijoh in the lead
you could tell ushijima was getting antsy despite him covering it up and encouraging his team with a one-liner
your own team was buzzing with both nervousness and hope and iwaizumi was clenching and unclenching his fists in anticipation for the last toss
when the ball went up, oikawa’s eyes flashed, arms moving to set and the red-haired spiky guy was now watching which spiker he was going to give it to
he tossed it to no one
instead, oikawa’s hand flicked and he dumped the ball
it was like in slow motion and as shiratorizawa’s players scrambled to the floor, 
it was too late
the ball bounced on yellow polished floor before rolling away, completely unaware of what just happened and the lives it just changed
your mouth hung open, eyes trailing after the rubber ball like every single people in the gym
then it finally hit you
a scream from iwaizumi lit the candle of happiness and you didnt even care, running out to the court to jump on your captain, tears flowing down his face and his arms squeezing you tightly against his chest
it was all a jumbled noise from everyone, your team, your coaches, the fans in the stand, and even from that orange boy and his team
the boys were hugging each other and crying and sobbing but oikawa’s hold remained on you, your own tears mixing with his sweat and coating his neck
‘you did it, oikawa-san. you did it’
you whimpered and he laughed and you felt him nodding
‘we’re going to tokyo. nationals!’
he choked out 
the entire gym rumbled and you basked in the joy that the entire team radiated before having to stand with the coaches so they could shake hands with shiratorizawa for a good game
the locker room was loud, even much louder than the gym, with kindaichi’s loud sobbing and mattsuhana’s loud celebratory singing and iwaizumi’s joking shouts and eventually joining in
iwaizumi held his arms out for you and you giggled, crashing straight into him
you wiped his sweat filled face and he sat down on the bench, with you standing between his legs and his large hands gripping your waist
‘it’s not a dream, right?’
he whispered, eyes closed at the gentle feeling of you caressing his face
‘no, iwa-san. nationals is ours’
you soothed and he let out another loud laugh before pulling you close and burying his face in your stomach, probably crying again but this time, out of joy
for years theyve tried
and now, they succeeded
well,,, nationals should be a good thing, right?
hmm,,, maybe the honor of going
but the other players??
oh god
it was obvious when miyagi’s representative entered through those doors and eyes immediately went to their manager
it wasnt like you were the only female manager but you were an unfamiliar team so you have never been seen before
uwu youre so pretty like bow down to the goddess
oikawa’s hold on your hand was tight and his eyes flitted to everyone who looked at them, as if signalling them to back off and you were his
‘wahh, oikawa-san! kageyama told me that the best of the best are in here! he told me to look for fukurodani and nekoma!’
seijoh’s eye twitched at the mention of your new-found friend who you’ve been texting back and forth and him secretly teaching you everything about volleyball since your own team has been too busy preparing for nationals
they watched you try and stand in your tippy toes to find the apparent red and black jerseys and the black, white and gold jerseys
hmm,,,, it seems everyone had the same colors
‘ne, y/n-chan, you trust our team, don’t you? if anything, we’re part of the best of the best! you got the best setter right here!’
oikawa grinned but you nodded distractedly
‘come on, we got to go unpack and train’
iwaizumi nudged so you had to stop looking and you followed your captain, who still held your hand
but this is a typical fanfiction ladies and gents
as you were walking towards the locker room, there was a team that wore maroon colored jackets and were walking towards you
again, this is seijoh’s very first nationals so nobody really knew of them
they were more familiar of the white and purple jackets of shiratorizawa rather than the mint green and white of seijoh
however, oikawa seemed to know them
he whispered out, making you look up at him but his sights were straight towards them, a hard and cold look
‘ara? fresh blood?’
you cringed at the weird analogy and the guy with the black tips, who you infered to be the captain, elbowed him
 ‘excuse us’
he nodded in greeting and you noticed the guy with the bleach hair and you did a double-take, blinking rapidly
‘oh sangwoo?’
watari coughed, knowing exactly what you meant and it seems nobody else did except for the sangwoo look-a-like
and he raised an eyebrow in interest
‘hm? you called?’
another guy with gray hair, who looked exactly like him, rolled his eyes and he pulled him forward to walk after their captain
but he didnt let off yet
as he passed you by, he leaned close, breath fanning your ear
‘but its miya atsumu, baby girl’
kyo, who was behind you, growled at him and pulled you behind himself
‘she has name, fcker’
atsumu faked a surprise and backed away with his hands up
‘alrighty, then. didnt know you had a bodyguard, girlie. but maybe,, later on, we could get to know each other. alone’
osamu was annoyed and dragged him away, leaving you with your team, who were also extremely pissed off, especially oikawa
‘heh, the best setter in the country and yet he acts like a horny dog’
oikawa seethed, a pointy smile etched on his face
‘eh? best setter?’
you wondered but not given an answer because your captain would be damned if that atsumu decided to show up again
the locker room was actually the same back home
but kindaichi was sobbing again
‘t-this room! the best of the best! i cant-too much-’
you were busy hugging him and wiping his tears to notice the third years huddling over by the corner
oikawa was sitting on the bench while iwaizumi was changing into his practice jersey and the other two were flanked beside the captain
‘of course theyve got their eye on her now’
oikawa mumbled, fingers laced together and touching his lips
‘what can you expect? y/n-chan is an extremely pretty girl’
mattsun shrugged
‘but ugh, if i see that cheese face again,, i will fight’
iwa threatened, angrily slipping his arms through the holes
‘he reeked nasty! gross!’
makki agreed
‘so we’re agreeing to keep her in our sights right?’
they agreed to oikawa’s question and were going to stick by that word
what can you expect from star-struck players?
maybe its because theyve worked for so long to reach this point that the fact that they’re even standing in the tokyo stadium felt like a dream
‘guys, i need to go and fill the bottles really quick’
they mumbled distracted agreements so you sighed and lugged the crate of bottles
thank god there was a fountain nearby and as you were capping the last one, a familiar voice rang from behind you
‘oh? baby girl?’
you flinched at the weird nickname and thought that if you stayed quiet, hed leave
‘chibi? hey?’
he asked and made his way to your side, you closing your eyes and looking off to the side
atsumu thought you were interesting, not like every girl who would spread their legs at him and press up to him
the fact that you even AVOIDED looking at him was so foreign to him and your dismissive attitude made him so drawn to you
‘look, im sorry if i made ya uncomfortable earlier’
he,,, apologized?
but you didnt know who he was so you didnt know how out of character it was for him to even say ‘sorry’
'miya-san, hello’
you mumbled, eyes now opened but still focused on the bottle you gripped
he cracked a smile and was he,,,, nervous?
usually, hed say something dumb or sarcastic to cut the tension, but it was like he was even,,, careful,,, with what he wanted to say next
‘how-um-you like it ‘ere?’
if osamu was to see him now, he’d think his brother was kidnapped by those aliens oikawa swore up and down were real and was replaced by some opposite dimension version of atsumu
you gulped, mustering up a small smile before turning to look at him
‘miya-san, dont take offense to this, but just know i have a very loud voice and i can lift 80 pounds. and im the first one to ever beat iwa-san in an arm-wrestling match’
you puffed your cheeks in intimidation with your eyebrows furrowed but accidentally looking more cute rather than scary
were you,,, threatening him?
atsumu paused for a second to assess the situation and really understand the underlying meaning of your words
then he laughed
a real hearty laugh that made him go for a whole minute
‘-ahahaha!! whew, chibi-chan, ya’r a rare one’
wait i dont know how to type you’re with an accent !!!!!
he let out a few more chuckles then wiped a tear that fell
you just stood there 🧍‍♀️ 
‘you think its funny, miya-san? yahaba-kun and i also have a supernatural telepathy phenomenon-’
‘chibi-chan, i swear i wont hurt ya’
he promised but you backed your face away, an eyebrow raised
‘thats what they all say. if anything, youre scaring me more so i’ll-’
he held out a hand out but he quickly curled it, pulling it back to his chest
‘i,,,, listen i know how basic this may sound but,,,, youre the first to ever be like this to me’
you rolled your eyes
‘you think i havent heard that before? i have oikawa-san in my team, for god’s sake! ‘youre one of a kind’ ‘youre not like other girls’ yadda yadda’ try harder, miya-san’
you tilted your head with a crooked smile 
were you,,, playing hard to get?!
atsumu’s eyes shined, wanting to finally do the chasing rather than being chased
‘well, first off, chibi-chan, i need to know your name’
he leaned forward with his hands buried deep inside his maroon jacket pocket
‘my name? what good will that do? you already call me something else dont you? a name is meant to help people call each other and youve been calling me ‘chibi’ so what’s the point of giving you my birth name?’
even with a straight face, atsumu right away knew of your teasing as your eyes were shining brightly and had a hint of amusement in them
oh my god hes in love with you
he was in disbelief of your attitude towards him so he nodded slowly and laughed again
‘what can i do to earn that name then, chibi-chan?’
ehehehe kuroo,,,,, im in danger
you crossed your arms and pouted, leaning forward
‘ehh? why do you want it so bad? do you call others ‘chibi’ too?’
your expression of suspicion was so adorable that he couldnt stop himself from lunging forward and squeezing your cheeks between his fingers
‘so cute. youre my only chibi, chibi-chan’
you hummed, swiftly wiping his touch away from you
‘doubt it. ive only met you today and you’re already acting like this. what makes you think i think youre genuinely interested in me, miya-san?’
this time, you chuckled, head leaning down
and as you looked back up, your heart stopped
by the distance, there was a familiar-looking haired boy with golden eyes and an also familiar black hair and steel blue eyes
oh dear
your emotions went sour but you saw the black and white-haired male laugh and the steel eyed male shake his head in disapproval but had the hint of the smallest smile
they,, were now happy
‘fate, you say’
you mumbled distractedly
‘fate instilled magnets in us so i just cant help but be drawn to ya’
atsumu grinned but you averted your eyes to look at him, a soft and genuinely happy look
‘would those magnets be strong enough to draw us together, even if we were in another life? if we were fated, would we meet again?’
you looked up at him, your eyes still glistening but this time, with the slightest bit of hope
atsumu sent you a confused glance but he still shrugged
‘i guess so, if i’m so drawn to you right now. maybe in our past life we were,,, together?’
he tested out, expecting you to roll your eyes and walk away but you laughed
‘well, i just witnessed it happening so maybe its possible?’
you wondered out loud
atsumu blinked again, getting more and more interested in you
he asked you and you jumped slightly to look at him with a smile
‘say, miya-san, what if i told you that i remember my past life? and what would you say if i told you that you were in it?’
you grinned but atsumu scrunched his face together before smiling
‘hmm, i dont know what youre sayin but it proves my point!’
he exclaimed but you cocked an eyebrow, a sad smile resting on your lips
‘now what would you say if i told you that you were my nurse?’
a/n: omg i actually hate how this turned out like bls blast me on this
a/n pt 2: during my break, i actually re-read ‘in another life’ and i wrote this up after i finished it again and can i just say? I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CREDITS TO LITTLELUXRAY ON AO3
a/n pt 3: hewwo im back again and since no one replied with a link, i can,,, guess??,,, that the book is gone??? or taken down?? but anyways, i just really wanted to post something and tbh, stuff like this cant be helped but i really do hope that it’s gone and if its not, dkasjdfkslf again send me the link
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cosmicclownboy · 3 years
the m*ria-jones showdown is also non sensical because barely 3 eps ago she didn't even know how her visions work and had to hack her way into inducing then, but suddenly now she can hide a message for rosa and have some kind of head to head with jones. it would be one thing if after the 1 year break she was trained and more knowledgable about her powers (*cough cough* like pod squad and isobel) but she was as clueless as she was at the end of s2. not only this is all unearned, but it is also unwarranted as she is NOT THE LEAD.
while s3 didnt address all the criticism of s2 (and double down with some of it like with m*ria), it did address some. so the fact that s4 is being shot before s3 has ended makes me worried this sidelining of liz/echo to propup m*ria to prove they're not racists will continue on... every other main should be in service of the lead storyline, the lead should be the thread that connects all the other smaller storylines, not the least fleshed out secondary main who's not even supposed to be in all of the episodes. i cant believe this show actually made me mad about how they treat echo...
The most consistent thing about Maria's character is that she's inconsistent.
Jeanine is such a powerhouse she has so much range and despite my dislike of Echo I can handle Liz focus because she's very nuanced and flawed main character. She's the complete opposite to a Mary Sue character she's very much messy and acknowledged in that respect. Maria is written so sporadically that she gives me whiplash on how often her opinions change and then that change that's the new narrative. She went from hating Isobel to shaming Isobel for not including her. If you think someone hates you and aren't an alien why would you include them??? Why are you comparing her brothers who she grew up with to you someone who hated her up until you decided different.
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