#sci fi gf
goth-emrys · 4 months
Using all of my energy to not info dump to the extreme all over my uninterested but very tolerant sci-fi gf as she hangs out in the same room as my merlin rewatch.
(she's already pointed at arthur and called him lancelot.....and then genuinely asked when rumplestilskin shows up. 🤦‍♀️)
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opashoo · 2 years
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Illustrated for @HT_Black's upcoming TTRPG, Toonpunk Second Edition, and its lore book—coming soon!
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Preserve Us
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You know how in conservation biology you sometimes try to introduce a pair to be mated and one will just... just fuckin' merc' the other? Just absolutely obliterate them in a hissing, growling, nightmare ball of fury? Before anyone can stop them? Territorial and (to put it lightly) "uninterested", dispite your desperate desire to save their species from extinction, and need for them to get frisky?
I know.
Holy SHIT do I know.
There's a lot of reasons. Ways you can (hopefully) get around it. But first? Is finding out WHY it happened. Was it just the one? The environment? Were they sick? Or... as is the case sometimes, did they decide their Handler was their mate? Some species only mate once. Are loyal for life. You gotta work around that.
Which is all well and fine and good.
When we're talking about ANIMALS.
Non-sentient, non-sapient animals! Not ALIEN SPECIES! What the ABSOLUTE FRESH HELL did they expect from me!? Compliance?! This was UNETHICAL! Monstrous! I had been trying to slip my gaurds long enough to radio for help SINCE I GOT HERE.
I hope the fuckers ROTTED in whatever their Gods considered a Hell.
"Conservation facility" my ENTIRE ASS. You can't run CONSERVATION EFFORTS like this on SENTIENTS. Eugenics loving, atrocity fetishizing, immoral BASTARDS!!! And they KNEW it too. They HAD too! Or they wouldn't be HIDING it! Fucking KIDNAPPING scientists! Biologists! Doctors!
I was on my ways to study Lekku monkeys!
I'm? I'm so tired of being pissed.
Furious and outraged and SCARED. Horrified and sick. There are PEOPLE here. Kids! And I don't... oh god, I don't... H-How LONG has this been going ON? Why did no one NOTICE?
Every day I feel my heart break. The desire to scream and scream and never STOP, grow inside me. I have to get out. I have to get us ALL out. Get these people FREE. Do SOMETHING. But I am forced to "conserve" the species assigned to me. The group assigned to me.
It's killing my love for the field. Making a mockery of everything I worked for.
I don't... I don't think my hands will ever be clean again.
But I have to help. Do everything I can. Make hell a little kinder, if nothing else. At least while I figure out a way OUT. My group deserves better. The groups I do not work with, deserve better.
I disguise games as "testing". Pages and pages of meaningless numbers ans scores. INSIST that enrichment is the key to success. Diet is EVERYTHING. Oh, and habitat? Well unless we can mimic their habitat there's no WAY they'll "breed".
No, no, using machines would stress them out too much.
It's like you DONT want babies!
Who's the expert here? That's RIGHT! Dr. Cho, but FAILING her and like five other people? Me. And I know for a FACT they are pulling the same scam. We ALL fucking hate you. Dr. Cho has KIDS, you FUCKS. Hasn't seen her son in YEARS thanks to you bastards. He was engaged. She's probably missed his WEDDING thanks to you!
Getting distracted, spiraling again, gotta stop DOING that.
It wont help anyone.
But God, if my brain doesn't slowly feel like it's shorting out the longer I'm here. Stress is called the silent killer for a reason. Or what that something else? Fuck. I can't even look it up! Bastards cut us off from the galactic web. Full information blackout. Because of COURSE they did... can't risk us rightfully calling for help.
Getting the Feds involved to shut this hell pit of a black site DOWN. Or a "whatever it truely is" site. Because it sure as SHIT has nothing to do with conservational biology. Except maybe the abuse of it.
But that doesn't help me right now.
Focus, damn it!
The Yanderens. Old, absurdly rare, nearly extinct, with a home planet they'd reduced to uninhabitable wastelands millennia ago due too... something. No one knew what. There had definitely been fighting. It WAS documented they were excellent fighters. Ruthless ones at that. But it was ALSO documented they strongly pack bonded.
There had been a lot of strongly worded warnings on what few documation my captures were able to find, translate, then shove at me. But honestly? They said the same thing about humans. Ooooh big scary persistent hunters~ oh nooooo! Watch out for the omnivores with a history of war! Sins of the father and we are defined by our diets! Class systems! Let's all JUDGE each ooooootheeeeer~!
Yeah, no. Not buying it.
Especially when the "warnings" were so damn vague and poorly documented. All "the HORRORS!" and "we barely SURVIVED!". Cause honestly? The Yanderens I was watching over? Easily the most mild and temperate individuals I had ever met. No tantrums from the kids, no big emotional meltdowns, just curiosity and at WORST? Mild frustration.
It made everything ten thousand times worse for me, that these poor people were in this hellish place. They were calm. Curious. Meant for greater, BETTER things! They should be out, playing and learning. Exploring and enjoying peaceful strolls in some art gallery or zen garden somewhere! Not... not this sterile fucking LAB.
But then M-17 loses his SHIT.
And now I'm kinda panicking. Because F-6 is not just dead, God rest her soul (she didn't deserve this. Oh god. She was so SWEET.), but M-17 might just be too, soon. If I can't find out what HAPPENED. Because if he's "feral" or "diseased" or whatever other horrifying terminology they end up using? They DO something about it.
And I can't actually stop them.
I... I don't know if it was a trauma response. Or I did something wrong. I could PROBABLY pass it off as my needing more studies into their observed "mating habits"? That... that I somehow... turned it... uuuuh... dominance battle? Shit. Where are my notes?!
F-6 is DEAD and its all my fault.
She was such a cuddle fiend too. Always excited to hear about my studies, from before. My life. Wanted to join me after we got out of here. I never should have let her volunteer. Granted, she wouldn't have taken no for an answer. Wanted to spend the pregnancy plotting our escape. Asked me to help raise the kid once we got out. Had a whole grand plan. But I...And I...
I should have said NO. Insisted. It was just so hard, when F-6 had made it all sound like it would be okay. Like she had a plan and all I need to do was trust her. Believe in her. Then we could be free.
I had hoped M-17 would work best. He was always the most agreeable and quick on the uptake. I figured... well... ha ha. God, I'm such an IDIOT. I should have CHECKED. Who KNOWS what happened before I arrived? What triggered I just accidentally rammed my foot into? FUCK! I sweep everything from me desk onto the ground. Don't give I shit that I'll have to clean it up later,
I had figured M-17 would be COOL with it.
This place is getting to me, isn't it?
Why the FUCK would anyone be COOL with getting jumped? Bred like an animal? Shoved in some random ass room, with a vaguely familiar stranger, and told "now fuck. We want a literal litter from you two"? All while some biologist watchs and makes god damned NOTES!?
Of course he fought back. OF COURSE he didn't stop!
The only one there he could trust was himself.
I...I'm becoming a monster... aren't I?
Oh god.
At least we're in the satellite facility. The gaurds are definitely going to rat me out, but the news will take time to filter back. And... and the Yanderens being so "dangerous" might work in my favor. I... I can spin this. I HAVE to spin this. I can't let TWO people die for my fuck up.
I promised myself I would get as many people out as I could. I refuse to back out now. Even if that means crying, puking, then going out there to lie my ASS off. This was TOTALLY NORMAL. In fact, expected! Yep! It means that's we've determined that M-17 is the alpha Yanderen! A thing that is both REAL and possible to BE!
I rinse my mouth, stomach empty. Crying has exhausted me. But I can't give up. Too many lives count on me now. I... I wish so badly I was just a nobody again. Just some random biology student, trying to make a name for herself. Being "important" is a CURSE.
I try not to chug my water as I half stumble out of the glorified shoebox that is my bathroom into the much larger and Fancier CLOSET that is my room. Truely, no expense spared, for the captives they ripped away from their lives. So glad I am here willingly and of my own volition.
I gather myself. Finally ready to go and try to untangle the mess I have made of everything. When a deep booming alarm rattles my bones. The lights flickering to red. Blast doors slide down, SLAM shut over the transparent recessed bit of wall that counts as my window, the door to the rest of the facility.
Trapping me inside my small room.
Almost immediately after, an EXPLOSION rocks the world hard enough to knock me from my feet. Only the bed's limited padding keeping me from a nasty concussion. The edge of it still ramming painfully into my shoulder. Another explosion. Then another. I sit for a long, terrible, second stunned.
The moment passes.
I scramble on my hands and knees for the in facility communication device that I had knocked from my desk in anger, grief. Not daring to stand lest I be thrown down again. I manage to find it as the world shakes again for the fifth time. Followed by what sounds like gun fire out in the halls.
I fling myself back towards my shitty little bunk. Drag every bit of padding and protection I can, down and under it with me. If the roof goes? I want shock absorption. If shots get through the door? I want something to slow those blasts down. Anything. ANYTHING! To increase my fucked chances of surviving.
I burrito up and wriggle back as deep as I can. The world muffled but ending just outside my crawlspace. Then I desperately try to get one of the others on the line. I got nothing but chaos. Running. Running. Hiding. And Dead.
Dead. Dying.
Remember me.
Some of them fighting with their groups too freedom. Some being targeted right along side their captors. Others savaged by the ACTUAL animals they had been working with, the one's Galacticly deemed too dangerous for effort like this. Someone or something had set EVERYONE free. A simultaneous attack on all fronts that our captors could not put down or escape.
The Yanderens were out there.
Oh god. Please let them be okay. They wer-
My thoughts ground to a halt as M-32 LAUNCHED his tiny body onto the screen of one of the security feeds I was desperately looking through. F-6 had figured out how to get us a backdoor to them a long time ago. M-32 was just a kid. A small, soft, cuddly little thing that loved to lean against me and crawl into my lap. All cherubic cheeks and cute little curls. Shy!
Yet I watched... in mounting horror... as like a lion on some unfortunate animal, he landed on a gaurds back. Small arms going around his body in a mockery of a hug. Head tilting so he could BITE at the back of the man's neck, small hands clawing and ripping at weak points in his armor, as he screamed. Thrashed. Tried desperately to get M-32 OFF of him.
There was so much blood.
My hands were shaking. So much, I accidentally hit the next screen button. Jerked my thumb back. But... but oh god. There was F-26. Using the butt of a rifle to slam down against the head of a scientist. Again and again and again. Long after the begging and thrashing stopped. I flipped again. M-4? No... please not M-4. Not the soft spoken and wise...
I watched as he grinned, a cold thing, and shot out another joint. His foot on the chest of the head scientist who had moved him to a different group. In the background, his supervisor lay dead. They had not died quickly. The head scientist was begging. A mess of tears and pain. M-4 shot another joint, pressing his foot down harder.
I wanted to be sick.
I flipped again. And again. And AGAIN.
H...Had I known them at ALL? Like demons wearing the faces of those I'd known. People I'd trusted. Not a SINGLE ONE was... oh... oh god. F-6. Had she been too? Would I have ever known? Was THIS what all those warnings meant? I couldn't think. Couldn't breath. Had... Had never had a panic attack but... BUT-!
I wheezed.
"Oh, Clever giiiirl~" A familiar voice sang, before a blood splattered face flickered into being on the screen in my hands. "Where aaaare yoooou~?"
M-17. He'd somehow managed to take over the security cameras. That or the communication feed. His eyes were bright. A grin on his face like I'd never seen from him. ALIVE in a way I'd never seen him. The excitement transformed his face. No longer softly doll like, but something DANGEROUS. Unhinged. His eyes dilated and deadly teeth on display.
"Come out, come out wherever you aaaare~. I have so much to TELL you! We have so much to DO! I'm going to make you MINE sweetheart! No one else can have you. So come out. I won't hurt you much, I promise! Just gotta make you mine then we can leave okay~?"
Furious snarls echoed through the halls. Male and female alike. Old and young. I... I recognized each of those voices. What was HAPPENING?
"Aaaah? Did you TRASH really think you DESERVED her? Ha! Please." M-17 grin was cruel. Mocking. "You don't have a chance in hell of taking what's MINE."
His eyes seems to shift away from unseen enemies and back, somehow, to me. Warming to something euphoric. Resting his head on his hand as if to consider me. His fingers spread, stroking his own face, as if the desire to TOUCH was simply too great. As if what he was imagining was bleeding over into the real world.
"Oh clever girl~ my clever, clever girl~♡ I can't wait til it's just you and ME. Start think of where you want to go first, okay? We're going to get married. Have that child you wanted me for. All the things you ever dreamed~♡ I'm going to have you all to myself. No more annoying others. Ah~ can't wait to find you soon!"
"But first?"
"May the best of us Win."
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months
You're the daughter of a nobleman living on a remote frontier world. You're at the edge of human and alien space, doomed never too see any of the great nations and planets of humanity. But the king of your planet is part of a powerful religion, and you sometimes get inner world technology that you otherwise wouldn't that way.
Because you're attending university in the city, away from the peace of your father's palace, in a city where even aliens and robots can be commonplace, your father got the church to send a guardian to protect you. You're a bit disturbed by the idea, but it's probably the most alone you'll ever be allowed to be in the city.
The guardian is a human enhanced with technology to be the perfect soldier. She's tall, slender but muscular, and vaugly masculine at least compared to the women you're used to seeing in your father's palace. She would have been kind of attractive if she was fully human, but you're reminded that she's meant as a tool to protect you, her body has bits of machinery sticking out of it, and her eyesballs were replaced with deep red robotic eyes with black edges instead of white ones. She always wears a suit of black power armor with holy symbols on it, you don't think she's allowed any other clothing.
She's submissive to you the way a gaurd dog is submissive. She obeys basically any order you give her other than to go away. It's weird how dehumanized she is despite her mostly human body, her face doesn't even emote, it's just this blank expression, with these wide paranoid eyes. It's hard to explain her to any freinds you meet at school, why there's this kind of creepy pale figure in black armor always standing over you.
As time goes on you do start to apricate her more and more. She's not like other servents, when you tell her to turn around she does, when you tell her to stand back she does, and she never asks to do anything you don't ask for. There's been a few times when you've needed her protection, useally just from catcallers, but there is worse you've needed help from, you're still nobility, and all your father's rivals would still be happy to see you dead.
As time goes I'm you start to talk to her more. Despite not expressing emotions she still has them. It starts just with her helping you in school because she's technically been to all your classes. But soon you just start talking about the subjects, she's actually surprisingly smart, and very curious about things that she never had a chance to learn about before. Once she's comfortable talking to you she starts asking about things. Eventually you start showing her shows you like, and reading stories to her, because it feels like she never had a chance to do those things before. Despite how powerful she is there's something very innocent about her, she's paranoid, but when she's comfortable she's excited to learn new things.
Eventually when you're more comfortable talking about your pasts she tells you she was captured as a child by the church during a war between the church and its enemies, she was strong, and obeyed threats well, so they turned her into what she is now so that she could be useful. It's been a long time since that, her body doesn't age anymore, she barely knows how it feels to still be human. You decide to start praising her more, and telling her how nice she looks, and how lovely she is, though her face doesn't emote she seems to really enjoy it. You start petting her head and cuddling with her. And even though she's taller than you you let her rest in your arms. You don't think she's ever gotten that kind of affection, it's really nice for her to finally have that, to be loved just for existing. If she could still cry, you think she would have when you held her, and when you called her lovely.
Things slowly chance. You find yourself talking to her more, and thinking of her as more of a human. Eventually you start sleeping in the same bed together, and you're ok with seeing eachother naked. She doesn't have genitals or breasts anymore, the church doesn't like it's little fighting dolls to have any parts they consider lewd, but she likes cuddling you naked, and her willingness to serve you includes giving you pleasure, even if you could never do the same for her. Despite how inhuman she is, there's something beautiful about her body, and something comforting about slowing rubbing her with your hands, and gently feeling the bits of machine that come out of her skin.
No priest would marry you, and no law would even see her as anything but your property. But when you look out from your apartment window at the city lights below, and the flare of starships above, it feels as if you were ment to be there together.
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nenoname · 20 days
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“To what extent must a timeline diverge from its determined path before a parallel world is formed? How far must boundaries be pushed to ensure that it will persist when its own origin no longer exists? Although it is undeniable that Time and Space are of different beasts entirely, their existence are irrevocably intertwined. In the past thirty years of research, it was determined that there is one undeniable barrier to altering the past. With a single exception granted by rulers of time itself, any attempts at time manipulation have been proven to be deterministic, any alterations to the timeline has already and will always happen. The result is that Time, for the most part, will continue flowing in a single continuous stream. But what if Space itself could be harnessed to circumvent this certainty? To be simultaneously dead and alive, united and separated, knowing and ignorant. To alter Space to alter Time to alter Space. To exist without a true origin. To react before being given cause for action. How far can a contradiction distort the very fabric of existence so it would bend to human will? How much will it take to undo my mistakes?" “…Yeesh. And here I thought my version of Sixer was getting overprotective.”
in which alternative worlds are thrown into an au already filled with confusing time paradoxes and a depressed old man is about to make his grief everyone else's problem
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scroogles · 3 months
If you're reading this please for the love of all that is holy go watch Scavenger's Reign immediately, it is genuinely one of the best shows I've ever seen (I don't say that lightly). It also just got added to Netflix and if it gets enough support there the creators may be able to make a second season.
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wormintrouble · 6 months
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little visit
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armagodura · 3 months
"The cybernetic revolution was a huge turning point for us. Many of our craftspeople were eager to turn their mastery over the mechanical into part of themselves once we finally had reliable ways to replace any part of ourselves into something we could easily produce and modify. But it was only the beginning
Eventually, we reached a point where almost everyone had an advanced computer grafted into their brain, and every piece of ourselves was relatively easy to replace and even improve upon. The lengthened lifespans and increased brain power of the people allowed our flesh surgeons of old and our new cyber-artisans to learn and master eachother's fields and crafts, eventually paving the way to a new stage: biomechanicals
Many other fields of research were temporarily paralyzed for this. Construction, mining, spacecrafts, you name it. Some theorize we would have survived the cataclysm better had we looked elsewhere. But nobody expected such a cataclysm, did we? The Archon Sage saw a way to fulfill one of their core directives, making our lives better, by making us better in this case, and thus they sought it, with a fervor almost like that of a hypothetical paperclip machine seeking to make paperclips. And we followed, because we know (or believe) the Archon Sage calculates their every choice, advice and command thoroughly
Eventually, it arrived. The day we figured out not only how to merge flesh and machine in a fundamental level to make even better cybernetics, but to convert our entire bodies into new ones, built based on these new principles of life we had learnt, the biomechanical form. Many resources and effort went into ensuring we could have any and all volunteers reborn this way. According to the experts, or at least according to what I want to believe, we very well kept our consciousness as we were reformed into a new body. We'd awaken, as ourselves, in a new form... It wasn't just the second cybernetic revolution, it was the biomechanical ascension. And, all in all..." he rotates his arm 360° "Fancy, fully modular, enhanced bodies crafted with centuries of research into life, both organic and synthetic... I must say it was worth it!"
-Armago, armor mechanic
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kawaiichibiart · 5 months
If I had a nickel for everytime I made Minoharu suffer through a tragedy in one of my PRSK AUs, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's funny it happened twice.
Sci-fi/Fantasy Minoharu 🤝 Burning Hearth Minoharu
Tragedy? Tragedy.
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wickedhawtwexler · 4 months
yeah it's important to create a character who's flawed but likeable, realistic, interesting, dynamic, etc. but the most important part of creating a character is asking yourself: will the people of www.tumblr.com go insane about them?
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goth-emrys · 4 months
Help me decide what episode to show my sci-fi gf as the ultimate test of her interest in Merlin.
What is an engaging episode that serves a 'if you dont like this episode you wont enjoy the show' role?!
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Special Duty Extra-Spatial Explorer Persimmon
OC for an astro-horror setting, inspired by Signalis and Death Stranding
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naninadz · 2 years
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my wife my big metal wifgegji
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sirk9 · 1 year
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Big Tiddie Goth Girlfriends on the Moon #3 Cover B
pick one up here! http://kck.st/43tWbqZ
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aenslem · 27 days
now, since I finished rewatching s2, I can finally say I do not fucking remember that moment when the alien forces the crew some dreams in real life and they all just stand there dreaming, and only Kes can save the day with the doc. I remember the episode but not that. We see what Janeway sees, what some others dream about, we never see what Chakotay dreams? or did they make it as boring as always that I forgot, again? anyway, what I wanted to talk about, I waited till I finish this season because I have NO MEMORIES of that part of the show at all, and I hoped they will bring it up at some point and talk about it? but they just show me how B'elanna Torres dreams about having sex with Chakotay and they just forget about it? no, how do I live with this now? did my mind decided back then that this is not the memory I wanna hold inside my head and erased it? because I would like to do the same again. B'elanna, sweetheart, you deserve so much better, and that's not Tom Paris, but if I have to choose your lover between Tom Paris and Chakotay, then yes, Tom Paris is the choice for you. Which does not mean Chakotay is less than Tom Paris, but in this case, you know what I mean. I always saw B'elanna and Chakotay as bro\sis, the team that could beat your ass in a fight, like, I see she cares for him, as well as he cares for her, but not in that way. So, before I jump into s3, do they ever bring this back and talk about it and settle on something, like no she does not want to bang sexy commander, and it was just hallucination or something? or did they just throw it on me out of nowhere and forgot about it? because I honestly don't remember that plotline at all.
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