#but i feel like i need to take advantage of her VERY slight interest
goth-emrys · 4 months
Help me decide what episode to show my sci-fi gf as the ultimate test of her interest in Merlin.
What is an engaging episode that serves a 'if you dont like this episode you wont enjoy the show' role?!
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Heavenly Seven
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This fic will cover my Fumbling, Tickly, Giggling Sex square on my 2nd @jacklesversebingo card.
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Summary: Will a silly night out turn into what Y/N has always wanted?
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut. Sex/making out with strangers mentioned. Kissing. Brief fingering. Oral (f. receiving). Protected PinV sex. Sort of public sex (but not really). Slight overstimulation. Pining. Fluff.
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 4,973
A/N: Here is the next request for my second @jacklesversebingo card. It's been a while since I've been able to get to one of these fantastic requests, so I apologize for the wait. This was a fun one from an anon:
I have an ask for the Fumbly, ticklely giggly sex’ square if you would be interested. I like the idea of Jensen or Dean being friends with reader and they are both dating other people. They go to maybe a sex type club as a joke when they are a bit tipsy on a night out, where you can go into separate rooms with strangers in the dark so you can’t see each other and it’s a bit like 7 minutes in heaven adult version. They set it up with their respective others to meet in a certain room but for some reason they get switched and the reader and Jensen/Dean don’t know they are in the room together and start making out and only then realise they have each other in there but take advantage of the fact that they can do it cause they have secret feelings for each other they never admitted and they do take advantage of it!!! 😜🥵 it’s fumbling in the dark and they both think the other doesn’t know but they both secretly do. Maybe their giggling gives each other away but they still go through with it. Does that make sense?
I veered a little bit away from your request lovely anon. It also has more plot that I originally planned on. Lol! But I hope it still gives you what you were looking for. ❤️
A/N 2: This is a slightly younger version of Jensen (I'm figuring somewhere around 30 and in this AU world he isn't famous yet, and he did attend college at UT. He's still an actor though. Also, as always of course, this is a multiverse, single version of Jensen and this is a complete work of fiction.
The beautiful divider below was created by @talesmaniac89
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“Okay, everyone! Here are the rules!”
Jensen was talking to his new girlfriend and I elbowed him in the ribs.
“Hey, pay attention to the rules or you won't know how to play. And in this place I feel like that could get very awkward.”
Jensen smiled at me grimly. “Yeah, sorry.”
I shook my head as his latest girlfriend, Stacey, crossed her arms over her chest, definitely pouting about something.
I knew they were already having problems. They’d decided to come to this club as a way to spice up their romance. But their relationship was barely two months old. If it already needed resuscitation, I didn't really hold out much hope for it.
Jensen had begged me to come with them so he’d have someone else to commiserate with if things got too weird. I agreed and brought Ethan along which annoyed Jensen, but I mean, I was sort of dating him.
The club we were in was called 7 Minutes or More. The premise was pretty much the adult version of 7 minutes in heaven. Except instead of a closet, the club offered fully appointed rooms with king sized beds, and a mini bar for…after. If it went that far. 
If you came as part of a couple you had to sign waivers saying that you were there by your own choice, and that the club wouldn’t be held responsible for any “relationship fallout” from what went down while you were there. Ethan hadn’t liked that part, but I shrugged and told him not to worry about it. I was already regretting asking him to come.
The guy running things at the club wore a neon pink feather boa and had a deep, rich voice that sounded like he belonged on the radio or maybe advertising luxury cars.  He held up his hand again to try and get everyone’s attention, finally managing to quiet the hesitant participants.
“Okay, thanks everyone for coming to 7 Minutes,” he paused dramatically, “or more.” He said in a seductive kind of voice while he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. There were quite a few nervous giggles as he continued with a wide grin.
“My name is Eduardo the Extraordinary!” He said with a flourish of his boa. People laughed and he grinned. “Okay, so maybe back home in Pasedena, I’m just plain old Eddie Lakelin, but that’s boring as fuck, so…”
Everyone laughed again and I started to feel a bit more at ease. 
“Now, some of you are here in couples, which, you know, good for you for venturing out of your comfort zone. And to help you along in that regard, we take steps to make sure everyone is shuffled well, and that you won’t end up with the one who brought you! If, however, something gets mixed up and you find yourself accidentally paired with your partner, please let one of our lovely ladies know,” he indicated the five or six women standing behind him, “and we’ll reshuffle your keys and give you new partners.”
All four of us exchanged looks. The friend of Stacey’s that had suggested the club had told her that when you got there you simply chose what room number you wanted, and then you were paired up with whoever else chose the same number. So our stealthy plan to stay together had been for Ethan and I to each pick number four and Jensen and Stacey were going to pick number eight.
But apparently the club went out of their way to put strangers together. I figured that really was more in keeping with the whole, 7 Minutes in Heaven theme. This changed things a bit though. We all chatted quickly, trying to decide if we were all cool with making out with some other person for seven minutes. Stacey was all for it, Jensen and I were on the fence, and Ethan was a no, full stop. 
“I don’t want you making out with some other weirdo.” 
“So you’re saying you’re the only weirdo she can make out with?” Jensen asked and I elbowed him again. 
He’d made no secret of the fact that he couldn’t stand Ethan. He said he was whiny (which he was) and selfish (ditto) and that he didn’t deserve me. Which was very sweet, but I waved off his concerns. 
“Look, I’m not saying he’s gonna be my life partner, okay? But he’s fine. Besides, it beats being alone.” I argued. 
“Does it?” He’d asked and I shrugged. I didn’t add what I was thinking.
Not every guy is gonna be you, Jensen. 
Jensen and I had been best friends for ten years, ever since I was a Freshman at UT and he saved me at a frat party - my very first frat party. He was a Junior, and a couple hours into the party he’d shown up at my side out of nowhere and pulled my drink out of my hand. He smiled at me and pulled me into a dance. 
I was fairly drunk and pretty confused. He told me he wasn’t a hundred percent sure, but he thought the guy beside me (who I didn’t know) had slipped something into my drink. We finished the dance and he asked if I wanted him and his girlfriend to walk me home - which I agreed to and thanked him for.
Even as out of it as I was, though, I distinctly remember being bitterly heartbroken that he had a girlfriend. 
But six months later when they broke up, I was dating Asshole Football Player #1. Within a month Jensen started dating a girl from his acting class, and broke up two weeks later, but then quickly got back together. During their second go around I broke up with Asshole #1 and started dating Asshole Football Player #2. A month later Jensen and the actress broke up for good. But I stayed with Asshole #2 through the rest of college - until two days before graduation when I found out he was cheating on me. 
And had been for a long time.
Jensen was already in LA by then, but I called him to pour out my broken heart and he listened to me bawl and then jumped in his car. It was a twenty hour drive from LA. 
He made it in sixteen, getting there in time to hug me in my cap and gown, clap loudly with my parents when I was handed my diploma, sit through a slightly tortuous dinner with my parents and my extended family, and then take me out to get drunk.
He was my best friend and I knew I was his. But for me things went much deeper. I had been attracted to him from the first moment I laid eyes on him, and sometimes it physically hurt to be near him, to hug him, or cuddle up next to him. But I also wasn’t willing to give up those moments, so I suffered through them. 
I had no idea if, at any point in our friendship, he’d ever felt the same. Our timing was complete shit, we kept missing our windows to even try. I’d never attempted to say anything to him (though what would I even say?) because either he was in a relationship or I was, so the moment was never right. 
Not that he’d ever indicated he wanted to try, but sometimes there were moments where I felt like, maybe? Maybe he did? But I could never be sure. Suffice it to say we had a very complicated relationship. At least on my end.
And now we were here together, dating people neither one of us really wanted to be dating, deciding on whether or not we wanted to try making out with strangers. 
I looked at Jensen and a thought struck my mind. What if I ended up with him? What if he ended up with me? What if we were paired together?
“I wanna do it!” I blurted out. Ethan looked furious 
“No.” He said in an angry whisper.
I thought about trying to smooth his ruffled feathers, cajole him into trying, but in the end I just decided it was just too much work.
“I’m doing it.” I said instead.
“And I’m telling you, I won't allow it.” Ethan growled out at me, getting into my face. "I won't put up with it."
I rolled my eyes, truly just done with his alpha male bullshit. “Then don’t. Bye.” I said and waved him away.
Ethan’s light brown eyes were rage-filled slits as he stared at me. I felt Jensen step up behind me, and knew he’d have my back. Ethan must have realized it too, cause he huffed out a childish whine and took off.
Eduardo the Extraordinary saw Ethan storm away and gave a theatrical grimace and then pretended to whisper conspiratorially to me.
“Probably better off without him, sweetie.”
More nervous laughter surrounded me and I felt a little embarrassed. But I also felt as though a big weight had been lifted off of me. 
Hmm, I thought, probably a sign I really am better off without him.
Jensen pulled me into a sideways hug and kissed the top of my head. I closed my eyes and sighed. It was exactly these moments that I loved and hated all at once. 
“Wanna bow out, darlin’?” He asked quietly, and as always his deep voice and soft drawl made me melt.
I shook my head, still holding on to the small possibility that I could finally get my seven minutes in heaven with Jensen. A voice was telling me that that was a stupid, dangerous wish - but I ignored it.
“No, I’m good.” I shrugged and laughed lightly. “What the hell? Maybe I’ll meet the man of my dreams here.” I looked up at Jensen and tried hard not to let my expression tell him, “It’s you, you idiot! Kiss me!”
Eduardo continued with the rules.
“So the way the game is played is, you'll all be given seven minutes with your anonymous partner. At the end of seven minutes there will be a soft buzzer. If you're finished, just leave. But if you both want to stay another seven minutes, you can have another seven minutes. If after 14 minutes total neither of you wants to come out, then we'll stop buzzing you guys and you can just have the rest of the hour to...get acquainted some more. There are light switches just inside the door, if at any point you want to turn the lights on. But we encourage you to at least try the first seven minutes in the dark. It's fun!!”
“We really all just wanna have a good time,” Eduardo reiterated, “so let's do that!”
There was another round of applause and cheering and Eduardo raised his arms in celebration.
“Now,” he called out over the applause,”you're all gonna leave now and be called back in, randomly one by one, and we'll show you to your door. If you're the first in the room, just wait patiently. Your partner will get there shortly and then your first seven minutes will begin.”
I waited in the lobby with everyone and there was a giddy kind of awkwardness in the air as we all just stood there waiting to be called. Out of the three of us, I went in first and as I looked back at Jensen he gave me a smile, but it was a slightly strange smile and I couldn't decipher it. 
I re-entered the room we just left and approached Eduardo. He smiled at me warmly.
“Alright, it’s the little mama who said ‘bye-bye’ to the man-child.” He said with a laugh.
I smiled shyly, still slightly embarrassed by it the scene we made. “Not to worry sweetie,” he said, patting my hand, “because I know JUST who to pair you with.”
He winked at me and handed me a key with the number six on it. “Enjoy!”
“Thanks.” I said quietly, my stomach nervous. 
Can I really do this, I thought? It was so unlike me, I was pretty vanilla when it came to sex and dating. So making out with a random stranger in the dark was way out of my comfort zone. But it was a fun kind of nervousness, like feeling the rollercoaster climbing upwards to that first drop. And in the back of my mind was the secret hope that the man in the dark was going to feel a little bit familiar to me.
It was hard to tell how long I waited before the door opened and someone stepped inside. The room beyond the door had been darkened so that it was almost impossible even to make out a silhouette. 
The door closed and I could feel my heart beating fast and hard. I could sense someone approaching and I bit my lip as a familiar scent hit my nose. I was sure that it was Jensen’s cologne. I’d cuddled into his sweaters enough times that I knew it well. But it wasn’t impossible that another guy wore the same kind of cologne. 
But it made all the butterflies come alive in my stomach. I held out my hand in his direction so that he would know he reached me. My hand brushed against his torso and I squeaked and then tried to stifle my giggle, trying to abide with the ‘stay quiet’ part of the game. 
The man who was possibly Jensen took hold of my hand and brought it to his lips to kiss the fingertips. I gasped lightly at the feel of the man’s full, soft lips. More proof that the man standing in front of me might just be my best friend. The hours I’d spent pining after those lips…I sighed. 
I knew them well.
He brought his hand forward, probably trying to find my cheek, but he overshot his reach and ended up sort of punching me lightly in the forehead.
I let out a small “oomph” and he let out a moan of contrition. I giggled again, and heard his answering chuckle, and I was suddenly sure that it was Jensen. It smelled like him, felt like him, and sounded like him. 
It has to be him, right? I thought to myself as he shifted his hand so it was running down my cheek. 
I remembered Eduardo’s wink and wondered if his years of matchmaking strangers had given him a sixth sense about my feelings for Jensen. Could he have been so kind as to put us together?
Long fingers gripped the side of my neck and pulled me closer to him. I could feel the heat radiating from the hard body he pressed against me and I let out an involuntary sigh. He ran his thumb over my mouth. He may have just been trying to locate it in the dark, but I took the chance to pull the tip of it into my mouth and suck gently.
A harsh grunt issued from the invisible man making my blood run hot in my veins, and it was a sound I’d imagined a million times, a sound I’d heard in so many fantasies, and I felt it shoot straight to my core.
When I let go of his thumb he wasted no time in dragging me tight against him and landing his mouth on mine. He seemed to have no trouble finding it, slotting his mouth around mine and sucking on my top lip before pushing his tongue inside and swallowing the soft moan I couldn’t contain.
I reached my arms up to loop around his neck just as he brought both his hands to cup my cheeks. His hands bumped my arms and knocked them away. We broke the kiss, laughing too much to continue. After a moment he reached out to grab my arms and wrap them around his neck. Then he slid his hands around my waist and squeezed me as he bent to kiss me again. 
His mouth was heaven, no - it was sin. Heavenly sin. He slid his lips over my jawbone and down my neck to suck on the pulse point there and I pushed one hand into his short hair, and gripped the front of his t-shirt with the other. I wanted to feel the warm skin beneath the cotton, but I didn’t want to push him too far too fast by slipping my hand under his clothes.
Suddenly the buzzer sounded and we both jumped slightly. I couldn’t believe seven minutes had passed already. We both hesitated. I was desperate for him to stay, but I wasn’t sure what to say to make it happen. In the end we both said nothing, simply melting back into each other without words.
He took hold of my hands and led me forward while he walked backwards until he hit the bed and fell, pulling me down on top of him. There was more giggling from the two of us as we rolled together so that he laid along my right side. He reached for my waistband and his fingertips skimmed along my skin just under the hem of my t-shirt, hesitating slightly in question. I nodded enthusiastically, hoping he could sense it even if he couldn’t see it and I pushed his hand farther up under my shirt so that his knuckles brushed the underside of my breast. 
He groaned and cupped me through my bra, squeezing gently and making me arch into his big hand and whimper. He grunted at the noise and then used both hands to push up my shirt and wrench down the cups of my bra. He cradled my breast in his hand and dipped his head to pull my nipple into his mouth and suck on it hard. As his lips tightened around the aching bud I spoke without thinking.
“Fuck, Jensen.”
I had moaned his name out in my restless dreams so many times that at first I didn’t realize what I’d done. In the dark, everything felt like a dream anyway, like I’d fallen into one of my fantasies. But as his mouth stilled and he pulled away slightly I was kicking myself. 
Way to go, you’ve just ruined everything! I was yelling at myself.
But before I could spiral too far down the rabbit hole the second buzzer went off. Jensen pulled me up to sitting and he pressed his mouth softly to mine, readjusting my bra and shirt.
“Y/N.” He sighed gently. “Thank god. I knew it had to be you. I know your laugh so well and the way you sigh, I’ve heard it in my dreams a thousand times. It had to be you. No one else makes me hard like this.” He slid my hand over to feel the stiff ridge behind his zipper as he slipped his mouth down to suck on a spot just behind my ear that made me shiver.
“Wait, you knew it was me?” I asked breathlessly.
“Yeah, and I just hoped to God I was right.”
“What do you mean? Since when are you interested in me like that? You’ve never said anything.”
“Me?” He said as he pulled away from me. “What about you?” He gave an exasperated laugh before standing up. “Can…can I turn on the lights? I really wanna see your face.”
“Okay.” I said softly, worried that the harsh light might ruin what we’d created between us in the quiet dark.
But when Jensen flicked on the light, only a soft, golden glow washed over us, romantic and appealing. He stood near the door and seeing him standing there, tall and solid and so fucking sexy, it made me want to jump up and devour him. 
“Goddam.” He said roughly as he looked at me, and my stomach fluttered at the look of heat and arousal that suffused his face. 
I bit my lip and he seemed to take that as hesitancy on my part. He cleared his throat and looked down at the ground. “We can be done now, if you want. I mean, we can…walk out of here and try to pretend this never happened. If you want.”
I felt my stomach plummet. “Is that what you want?”
“Fuck no.” 
His reaction made me laugh. “Good.”
But then I frowned slightly. “Though maybe we should stop. I mean at least until…you know…I mean...Stacey.”
“Finished.” He said, shaking his head. “I broke up with her before we left the lobby to come in here.”
My eyes got round and my heart squeezed tight. “Are you serious?”
He nodded and smiled softly. “Yeah, I just finally realized that I was being a dumbass. Cause I was standing there next to this woman that I didn’t even really like, and hoping and praying to end up in a room with my best friend. You know, so I could make out with her.”
I laughed again and he came to sit beside me on the bed. He reached up to run his knuckles over my cheek. “I’ve wanted you for so long, sweetheart, but you were always dating asshole after asshole.”
I spluttered a bit. “Well, you were too!”
“Only cause you were!”
We both took a big breath to continue the argument, and then let them out in another whoosh of laughter. 
“God, we’re so stupid. Do you realize how much time we’ve wasted?” He asked as he plucked my bottom lip with his thumb.
I shook my head. “Then let's not waste anymore.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” He said with a grin.
His eyes softened as he leaned down to kiss me; his lips were barely a whisper against mine, teasing them, brushing so softly that I whined my complaint.
“Jensen. Please kiss me for real. I've waited so long for you.”
He nodded as he breathed against my lips. “Me too, darlin’, me too.” 
He lifted me up, moving me so that I was straddling his lap. He pushed his hands into my hair and held my head in place so he could lick open my lips and plunge his tongue inside. He kissed me thoroughly, tasting every inch of my mouth and then sucking on my bottom lip.
He only broke off our heated kisses so he could pull my t-shirt over my head. He tossed it aside and exhaled slowly, reverently running his fingers across the tops of my breasts. He reached around and easily unhooked my bra and tossed it on top of my shirt on the floor. 
He shifted us on the bed, laying me beneath him, and rose to his knees to pull his t-shirt off. I licked my lips as I looked at his beautiful, naturally muscled torso. I'd seen him without his shirt before - at the beach, or when he’d play “skins” during a shirts and skins pick up game. But this was the first time I was allowed to reach out and touch him like I’d wanted to every time.
I traced my fingers down his ribcage and over his flat stomach. His muscles contracted at my touch and it was probably the hottest fucking thing I'd ever seen. 
He lowered himself down so he was on his hands and knees hovering above me. He kissed me again, aggressively, moaning down my throat and then leaning on his elbows so he could suck my left nipple into his mouth, before grasping it with his teeth and tugging hard.
I arched off the bed and dragged my nails across his wide shoulders.
“Unf, fuck!” He growled harshly as he moved his mouth down my body, trailing hot, wet kisses across my skin. When he reached my waistband, he looked up at me with a question in his eyes.
I nodded. “Yes.” was all I could say. I was desperate to feel him closer, to pull him inside me. 
He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down before grabbing them, along with my panties, and peeling them down my legs until I was naked under his scorching hot gaze. He was so unbearably beautiful as he contemplated all of me, his expression ravenous and aching. 
It was more than I ever could have imagined and it made me reach for him and push down his jeans and underwear too, letting him kick them off while I got my first look at his thick, marbled cock. It left me drooling and I groaned harshly as he wrapped his fist around it and pumped himself lazily a few times. 
Then he lowered himself to lay between my legs, his face level with my dripping cunt. 
“Christ sweetheart, you're mouth-watering.” He murmured seconds before he began his oral torture. He began slowly, small kitten licks and nibbles to my pulsing clit, followed by long, undulating swipes with his wide, talented tongue.
He built the pressure gradually, torturously, until I was almost weeping with want, thrusting my hips against his sinful, sensual mouth and begging him to take me over the edge.
His hair stood on end from my fingers gripping it and pulling it. He let me tug and yank all I wanted, but it never made him change the course he wanted to take. If he wanted to slow down and suck ever so softly on my clit, no amount of hair-pulling from me was going to change that.
I was shaking with need, making animalistic noises that had never come out of my mouth before. Then he speared me with his tongue and pushed two fingers inside my pussy to press perfectly against my sweet spot. I screamed and climaxed harder than I ever had before. 
But it was just the beginning. 
Every time my orgasm started to wane, Jensen would just start working me up all over again. I'd desperately pant out that I couldn't possibly come again, but he'd promise me I could do one more. He always got his way, and a few minutes later I'd be screaming again and gushing over his chin.
Finally he kissed his way back up my body, nibbling on my pulse point as he reached into the drawer in the small bedside table and chuckled.
He pulled out a condom and ripped it open with his teeth. “They have thought of everything haven't they?”
I sighed deeply, knowing that I would be eternally grateful to this place for giving me this beautiful man at last. He rolled the condom on and then rested on his elbows as he slid slowly into my swollen, pulsing cunt. 
His teeth were bared as he bottomed out, the veins on his neck bulging slightly. 
“Fuck, fuck.” Was all he managed to mumble as he buried his face in the side of my neck. 
I ran my hands over his perfectly muscled back and felt as though I was floating away. He filled me so tightly, so completely that it was the first time I truly understood the idea of sex being two people joining as one. This was what lovemaking and sex was supposed to feel like: overwhelming pleasure and endless, boundless connection.
It brought tears to my eyes and I whispered in his ear, my voice barely a whisper. 
“I love you, Jensen.”
He pushed up so he could meet my gaze. He saw my tears and gently kissed each of my eyelids before brushing his lips over mine. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” He smiled and it felt like the sun on my face. “I’ve loved you forever.”
“Me too.” I said, voice slightly choked. “And I will keep on loving you forever.”
“Me too.”
He kissed me again, and then we began to move together, our bodies moving in a perfect give and take, push and pull. I ran my fingers over his taut, warm skin, and he pushed his blunt fingertips against mine, dimpling my flesh and finding every sensitive spot to lavish with attention.
He slid his thumb down to press against my clit as he watched himself move in and out of my body. I clutched at his forearms and he pulled me up so I was straddling his thighs and riding his cock. His arm curled around my waist and he helped rise and fall on his cock as we both chased our highs. He was tugging at my nipples and sucking on my tongue and then he pumped his hips deep and hard one more time and everything exploded around me again.
I'd lost count of the number of orgasms he'd pulled out of my pliant and boneless body.
But this time I felt him fall with me. I heard him shout out a short, deep cry of bliss before he turned his head and bit into my neck gently, to quiet himself. His hips spasmed, bucking into me a few more times, slamming me against him and making my whole body quiver. 
Finally we tumbled down to the messy sheets and clung to each other as we tried to catch our breath. 
Jensen pulled off the condom and tossed it in the trash before pushing my sweaty hair off my forehead and placing a kiss there. I wrapped my leg over his hip and began licking and sucking at the salty skin along his collarbone.
A thought occurred to me as our breathing eventually returned to normal.
“They're gonna kick us out of here right away.”
Jensen looked at the clock on the wall and shook his head. “N’ah! We still got like seven minutes.” He grinned at me wickedly. “And I can do a lot to this incredible body of yours in seven minutes.”
“Prove it!” I challenged as I began tickling his side and then giggling breathlessly as he grabbed hold of my wandering hands and slammed them onto the mattress on either side of my head.
He kissed me breathless again and then spoke deep and luscious in my ear. “You asked for it, sweetheart.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @akshi8278 @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96 @hobby27
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corpseidol · 4 months
🩸-anon back again, obsessed over nightfall, you made it so ✨perfect✨ if you wanted, could you maybe do some sleepy vamp! Reader? Like they’re super energetic in the phantom realm but in the real world they’re like, the exact opposite? I think it would be interesting playing around with the knowledge we have about phantoms currently, they can show up in the day when the gang gets aggressive, so maybe the gang is gonna deal with Barron, and then afterwards they notice that their usually dead tired friend was super energetic?
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concept : usually dead tired vamp!reader’s energy goes up at the sight of barron being beat up???
genre : vamp!au, headcanons, drabbles
content : gang thought that reader is only a vampire in the phantom realm, slight vamp!reader x taylor but you can see it as platonic
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dealing w/ barron
⠀ › ⠀could you help it? no, not when there is an open invitation to fresh meat
⠀ › ⠀despite being tired and your body hurting due to the insane adrenaline, you couldn’t help but punch him
⠀ › ⠀seeing your energy made aiden feel shocked but entertained that his own energy started going higher than it already was (and he’s already very energetic wtf)
⠀ › ⠀after the fight, your body felt more sore when you licked your bruises on your knuckles
⠀ › ⠀ashlyn, her hands on her ears as she tried to shut out the noise, looks up as her vision slightly blurred; however a glimpse of your blood-hungry face focused as the blood smeared on your chin.
⠀ › ⠀when back to normal, she notices there’s no severe amount of blood on your face
⠀ › ⠀the whole group actually found it disgusting (aiden def had his “woah” face on though)
⠀ › ⠀it was a lot to process, taylor was asking questions out of genuine confusion and aiden was asking follow-up questions for the fun of it
⠀ › ⠀ashlyn found this part a very significant (yet disgusting) detail about you. do you always need blood in the real world? how have you not died from the sun? what is going on?
⠀ › ⠀tyler was most confused, bickering about how your vamp-like behavior can affect the group in the real world. multiple things about you gave it out (despite them showing signs too).
⠀ › ⠀logan felt that the group will be responsible for whatever you get into because they let you, and despite being a little jumpy towards your vamp-like behavior; he tries to assure himself that you won’t hurt them
⠀ › ⠀ben and aiden don’t think much about it but always feels a shock / fascination when they see your violent behavior
general hcs
⠀ › ⠀vamp!reader has not much experience with vamp-like behavior in the real world but does have strong desire for blood and is nowhere near bothered by bruises or scars
⠀ › ⠀vamp!reader has a very weak body, hence the intense pain they feel after feeling high levels of adrenaline
⠀ › ⠀tyler once threw garlic at vamp!reader thinking it would piss them off but it did nothing.
⠀ › ⠀vamp!reader is not harmed by garlic, however, if eaten; they may have a mild-severe stomach ache depending on how much they’ve eaten (also takes effect in phantom realm which may weaken them)
⠀ › ⠀vamp!reader has had gotten hurt as badly as aiden and tyler did, which was when aiden suggested vamp!reader to try and turn into a bat (they flew off a cliff without ashlyn’s supervision and their legs broke in the real world)
⠀ › ⠀due to their legs breaking, vamp!reader was more vulnerable in the phantom realm
⠀ › ⠀vamp!reader can detect phantoms as well through smell, however, if prone to getting sick; they won’t be able to detect phantoms with a runny nose
⠀ › ⠀the gang can split into a group, having ashlyn in one and vamp!reader in the other in order to detect phantoms easily
⠀ › ⠀despite the multiple advantages due to vamp!reader’s skills; taylor worries about vamp!reader’s health a lot (this causes a discourse in the plans since taylor tries to question if reader can handle it)
⠀ › ⠀vamp!reader’s reflection nor shadow can’t be seen in the phantom realm
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“will you be okay?” taylor questioned. the two were sitting at the back of the bus after an experience with a phantom. without hesitance, you replied; “of course i will.” you placed your hand on taylors, squeezing it in reassurance. she softly smiled and squeezed it back before chuckling “i can’t believe you sometimes.” taylor mumbled. you scoffed and leaned against the bus seat “well i am very much real.” you said with a smirk, curling your hand into a fist and pounding it into your chest twice proudly “and you have nothing to worry about.” you tilted your head, looking over at her.
you felt taylor’s grip tighten on your hand “nothing?” she looked at you, clear worry in her eyes “every night we deal with creatures.” she inhaled shakily “and no matter how much courage we have to get through them, no matter how much i tell myself that everything will be okay because we have eachother—“
she was close to tearing up as her voice broke, you quickly cut her off and covered her mouth before staring at her intensely “we have no time to cry.” you harshly replied. you took a deep breath “everything you are thinking may be true but we have no time to let those emotions show right now.” you took your hand off of her mouth as she took a deep breath, stopping herself from crying “let’s go.” you stood up from the seat, walking away as she followed you silently.
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author’s note : i feel like this is so bad i hope not because i was trying to understand the prompt correctly. dropped in general hcs and a drabble to save me 😭 btw i wrote this at 2 diff times so im sorry if u notice a loss of flow or any typos! i promise my grammar is not terrible i grew up speaking english (and english isnt even my mother tongue)
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Hey! Hope you are doing well. Can you please write Workers and DG having a crush on a soft and kind female reader? She's not naive but just really kind and generous. Thank you very much 🥰
DG & Workers x Female! Reader (a soft, kind, and emotionally strong someone)
A/N: Sup fellow human! Sorry if I had read your question late (and thank you for the support! :) And I'm sorry if I can't elaborate every members of the Workers but I'll still try my best though! Genre: fluff (I guess xD) Warnings: slight cursing, toxic behaviors/relationships at Workers' part (Add in! DG/James Lee and Samuel Seo "His type on a woman PART 4") sfw
DG/James Lee (Kang Dag Yeom)
My headcannon: If you met DG! before he is an idol or in middle/high school, if you're the studious and slight competitive type you'll be having the worst day of your life with James xD. I think James Lee finds a woman interesting when she's mainly focused on her studies and goals in life yet is someone fun and chill to hang with. I also headcannon that James likes teasing the woman he likes especially when she get easily agitated lol.
If you met him in his new identity and if you're his manager, well I congratulate you! But hold on, that doesn't mean that even if you're with him off cam it mean that he likes you automatically. He's usually attentive and focused about his work and he doesn't have time with his love life if he even has one 😒. It still depends if he doesn't mind your presence though! If you're the type to be usually chatty and loud even if things needs to be serious I think he'll find you a bit annoying (I'm sorry but just simp for Goo if you're also a crackhead). But if he actually sees the good in you like just being extra nice to him, bringing him healthy snacks even when he's not initiating it, asking him about his day or when you gave him some advices even when he's not open about his personal life I think he might catch a slight interest on you ;).
But his main standard is someone who is trust worthy and is actually pure hearted. He doesn't really like it when a woman gets so easily fooled especially in real life situations. But if you're acquaintances or friends with him he's willing to help you out and he wouldn't hesitate to beat up everybody who wants to take advantage of you. But you got to be emotionally strong when James gives constructive criticisms to work on yourself. He's usually busy most of the times (I bet he's the type to be secretive to hide his somewhat foul intentions but if you are someone who he founds valuable and caring in his life he's doing this to protect you and your connections with him sheesh). If you're the reserved type and your main focus is about your work he might initiate to open up about his secrets especially if it's for business. He's also willing to hear about your opinions and plans about this though.
Now if you're the type to be sugar sweet, I'll bet he'll fall for you more. It's just fascinating to him how you do even the simplest things like helping out your classmates/comrades when they are in need of help with their work or when you help out stray animals on the street. He may not admit it but he does find it cute.
Workers (General)
This crew is an another example of a red flag like DG, Gun, and Goo lmao 🚩🚩🚩.
Just kidding lol (I'm still saying the truth). ANYWAYSSS, I bet the moment Yoojin decides to recruit a new member, every single one of them will be spying and keeping an eye on you lol. This may sound uncomfortable but I guess it's just them being curious about your behavior especially if you're the helpful type. They usually do illegal activities and I guess some of them lost some type of empathy or just plain closeted about their feelings. So it's really unusual for them to be approached by a "normal" person. They might think that you are here to bring their crew down. But after some adjustments and collaboration, you and the others will get along very well.
Yoojin and Baek Hangyul! might keep an eye on you though despite working with him even for a very long time. He knows that your kindness and loyalty are factors why he chose to keep you as his personal secretary if you asked me. But that doesn't mean that you're not mindful with your surroundings. He knows that what he's doing is wrong but he couldn't care less as long as his businesses are going well. If you keep bringing this topic up for him to stop, this may cause a ruckus and a toxic connection between the two of you. He knows that you're generous enough to help him out. But if we're going to be realistic here, he might use and abuse that strength and adornment of yours and even gaslighting you at times. Shutting your mouth off may be the only solution that you can think of to make him change his mind but trust me it's not going to work. So it's better if you stay away from him a bit :/...
Yuseong, Doo Lee, Sinu Han, Vivi and Ryuhei! are the complete opposite though! They might be intimidating at first glance but they're just your typical homies just chilling in their own little world. For Yuseong, he might get attracted to you especially if you dress well and if you're really good at babysitting. This adoration of his is simply innocent and just a simple crush since as we see he's not really emotionally mature (probably because of unmentioned trauma but who knows). The freckled boy is very fond with playing his toys and dolls so it will be a great time to play with him especially on his breaks! He also likes it when you cook him delicious meals and give him candies as presents! Doo Lee, Vivi and Ryuhei are really good at gambling and talking about funny shit like memes so if you're the crackheaded woman at times you're really going to enjoy their company (you got to remind them to focus on duty hours though you don't want the four of you to get whooped). Sinu is also the friendly type of guy so befriending him out of pure curiosity is no problem either and he's the type to say cheesy pick up lines and corny memes at times as a method to try to befriend him since he's secretly feeling lonely at times (you got to keep your eyes of about Mitsuki though :/)
Cheon Taejin, Samuel Seo, Magami Kenta, Sato Kazuma, Xiaoleoung, and Mitsuki! are the definition of intimidating inside out. They might give you a glare or a few couple stares in there just to check out if you're focusing on your work. If you're the type to initiate conversations it will be hella weird with them lol. They will be responding with a few "hms" or "okay" there and then especially if they're not interested. They wouldn't really scare you off if you're not too much of a bothersome.
What it's like working with the both of them?
If Yoojin and DG both have feelings for you, there might be a heated conversations at times with those goofy ass smiles (you got to tell them to chill out though since it can get physical if you both don't stop them DG is going to win even Yoojin tries lol).
They might flex there and then about their accomplishments and they will embarrass each other in a bad way when they are in front of you. DG will keep telling Yoojin how of a failure he was to let Daniel Park bring down the other affiliates while Yoojin will keep roasting DG of how he's a p*ssy for running away from his crimes. It's so funny if you're just there in those situations Istg💀.
They might flirt too if you asked me just to see your and each one's reactions since they feel likes it's a competition between the both of them and you're the trophy (not really promoting this behavior in real life :/). But they will stop though once you get uncomfortable about the atmosphere around them.
The three of you will be that chaotic love triangle when Yoojin and DG acts like siblings fighting each other for the same girl (I DON'T SHIP THESE TWO I JUST THINK IT'S A FUNNY IDEA. But you got to chose wisely though and Yoojin's crush might fade away especially when he realizes if you're not compatible with him).
A/N: That's it for Workers and DG x reader! Feel free to request more of Lookism men x reader (I mostly do female and gender neutral but male is okay).
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fumifooms · 27 days
Dandan x Asivia
Dubbed dansivia. Confused as to who either of these are? Here’s a Dandan comp and Asivia wise this post is close enough for now
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There is a brave visionary on ao3 and they’re so right
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Ok first of all let’s address the theory:
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Dandan is indeed the only Laios party member not pictured here (besides Chilchuck himself but we saw he didn’t like her which would contradict this anyways). I keep wanting to add "that we know of" or some other caveat but honestly not even no, it’s never implied or mentioned they had yet another party member and that makes sense since we saw the party’s inception right up to its current party composition.
… So… Mystery solved right out of the gate? I dunno, it feels weird to me to claim Dandan hates Laios, but if he kept it under wraps enough or reasoned with himself about it I could see it. Laios and Dandan were coworkers from their gold peeling days, and so when Laios left to try a career in dungeon diving Dandan joined him.
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They seem very standard coworkers that get along well enough to me, far from skulls emoji energy, but yeah there is a case to be made on both overt strong dislike and repressed strong dislike ends. But maybe the true beef started after he left the party even, especially if he fancies Asivia and kept up with the party’s drama that went down with her, though the chart does imply it was the work dynamic while he was still in the party because of context. But, believing that Dandan likes her and Asivia considered getting with him like the other men of the party, Asivia would have literally sidelined Dandan to pursue Laios. And Laios doesn’t even realize her attempts at seduction? Ok yeah the hate is plausible nvm. Also we can keep in mind that this is Chilchuck’s chart and he could have more insight on Dandan’s feelings than the average coworker since he’s his friend. It def fleshes him more out with implications. He’s professional he keeps unnecessary shit to himself. It’d be weird to me if the relationship chart was made without Kui thinking it through, or retconning it, it is the canon we get so it’s interesting to ponder. Kui giving us secret romantic drama for free <3
Speaking of what’s not free. Ok maybe Dan does dislike Laios, do business introductions really cost money… I mean I respect the hustle but. So Dandan is heavily implied to be the one to introduce Asivia to the party. The only other mage was Marcille and well we know how that went. "A real cutie". Yeah. I bet. 👀
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This is the most interesting dansivia part to me, they did meet previously to the party, both doing what they do best, networking. Dan helped Asivia find a job, how did they meet and how did that go? What if she had an infamous reputation already, how much did they get acquainted… There’s a lot of leeway for fun here
Gorgeous hustling but lazy manipulator that seeks a fortunate husband x slight womanizer hustling & hardworking poor guy that’s been around in business for too long to be played… Both work a lot but like to take it easy when they can. Tavern flirtations and having met while networking and "I can hook you with a job" (staring and smiling too much) and "Oh Dandan, you’re so capable and knowledgable about the Island, could you help me out~"
Manipulator hustler seductress x laidback hustler flirt… Social butterflies, streets smarts in different yet similar ways… Observant x observant………. She’s very harsh and drops people/her damsel act at the first second she can’t get something out of it anymore and I think he’d be so into that. Dandan liking strongminded women. Women who kinda play dirty. Makes him respect them and want to pursue them help…
And like takes on Asivia differ nowadays but I do need her to mean this shit for this, this is what she's unabashedly about. She is just a woman trying to make it in this world but working people’s the name of her game. Whatever reason you give her, she was taking advantage of Laios and trying to get a marriage with any decent profitable guy she could. She knows what she’s doing and she doesn’t look the least bit remorseful. A girl who knows what she wants and chases it, rawr ⬅️ Dandan voice
They both fall for each other but neither can admit it because they know it’s just temporary, she’ll go look for a well-off tallman husband eventually. Messy situationship go. Can they even have a good ending together. It’s all only ever nice in the present moments… She’ll leave he can’t offer her anything but himself and a very humble lifestyle, she’ll leave she can’t settle for that she won’t, he knows that and it’s part of why he liked her in the first place. Oughhhhh
Ohhh to be underdogs, settling for a humble life & being content with that vs unapologetically ambitious and chases that life and comfort she seeks, which in turn makes him admire her…….. But even if she inspires him to chase what he wants, she can’t give it to him…………..
Putting this on blast bc they’re great thoughts
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Because I’m me I’m trying to make them reach a happy long term ending together and it’s not working… Which is more fun tbh. I shall ponder this puzzle…
Casanova Dandan is so important to me now. Chilchuck’s in a separation slump & faithfulness oath to the wind but Dandan, good friend dandan? He’s living he’s thriving he’s pulling
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I want fics of them meeting & networking. He’s very up to the news in the dungeon goer community… All I’m saying is I can see Dandan bartering for a shot with her in exhange for information or helping her out find jobs, knowing she’s after guys to marry too 🤭 I think they should flirt in a tavern. I think they should make eyes at each other over glasses and exchanging business convos and leaving it all in the implied and unspoken
Dansivia is getting too real to me
The fics are fun go read ‘em
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seneitut · 1 year
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Yoru/F!Reader][Slight Gekko/Reader(?)]
Words: 10K
Tags: Fluff, break-up, jealousy, introspection, technicality of the game (Wanted to play with the AFK idea oopsie), NSFW +18, handjob, oral sex, teasing, dom/sub undertones, vaginal sex, more fluff, aftercare.
[Sorry for the wait, I had matters to take care of before posting this and, as you can see, is literally the longest fanfic I’ve written so far so I had to make a lot of revisions before posting it.]
A few weeks later, Gekko breaks up with you.
Sudden and quick, from what he's been told.
Is surprising how fast the news travels within the few agents who are interested in something so mundane as gossiping inside the protocol. And Yoru is certain he wouldn't indulge in it if it weren't for Jett's loud mouth and perfect timing to witness the event unfolding in front of her very eyes.
The part where she decides Yoru should be the first to get the news was out of his control. Jett made sure the gossip was spread around like wildfire, starting with him and consequently Phoenix, to later on be told to Raze and Killjoy, and like dominoes, it all went downhill.
You didn't deserve something this personal to be vented out like it was nothing, and while he reprimanded Jett for being so careless and stupid for breaking your trust, her apologies wouldn't quell what has already been burnt.
What were the reasons? He asks himself that night. Why did this happen?
There is a faint clink between the tools he switches from hand to hand, discarding the one he doesn't need at the moment, before he goes back to fixing his bike. 
The loose screws and the heavy puffs of breath he exhales are the only sounds accompanying him in the empty room, too deep in thought and simply mulling over what developed in the conversation that culminated in your relationship with Gekko.
Is unhealthy of him to think about your love life when he has nothing to do with it; but Yoru is nothing but a curious human, and as flawed as he might be, the need to know nags him unceasingly. 
Yoru wonders if you ever told Gekko what transpired between you two that night. And if so, wouldn’t he understand that he was the one to take advantage of you? Yoru initiated the approach. He kissed you without asking for your permission—and while it is true that he acted upon impulses and you miraculously reciprocated, he is still to blame and be taken accountability for complicating things.
But if that wasn't the case, if you decided to keep the secret of your little moment of weakness and passion to yourself, has Gekko been planning this beforehand and simply decided to toy with your feelings for this long? Because that wouldn't make any sense.
Gekko has always acted like you were his everything; his light, his moon, his whole world. Gekko always made sure to let everyone know how much he was in love with you, much to Yoru's chagrin, and has been your personal cheerleader at everything since day one.
And now, he decides he's tired of it and breaks up with you without any explanation?
How fucking dare him.
The man is stupid for letting go who could possibly be the strongest and kindest person he's known; just what the fuck was he thinking to break your heart like this? Wasn’t he boasting about your amazing relationship a couple of weeks ago? What changed? Why was he backing off like a coward?
The shock about the separation turns into confusion, which soon boils into pure anger sizzling from the inside of his heart.
Anger is a very known feeling to him, an acquaintance to his impulses when he was younger. When he used to fall under his emotions with no regards to whoever received them, it got him into trouble more often than not, sometimes to the point he would wake up in a hospital bed after a bad beating against Tokyo’s gangs or whoever dared to mess with him.
Was it worth falling under those impulses again, when he has come far and grown from those times?
It is not his place, in truth, to be this angry. You are nothing to him, a friend at most after all. Should he be reeling in anger just because someone hurted you?
No, but he does it anyway.
Inside the rift, everything has its place. Time, space and matter all have their purpose set straight unlike him, who doesn’t really belong in this dimension and he bends them to his liking. When he goes through it, his body feels like it sinks underwater, although his movements are not deterred despite the feeling, it gets overwhelming if Yoru stays for too long. 
Omen has once mentioned how it feels to leave a part of himself everytime he goes through the rift, does it hurt? Can he feel himself tearing apart? He doesn’t, he doesn’t feel any sort of pain, and Yoru wonders if that should concern him or shall not be too worried.
But no matter, that is of no importance right now.
It doesn’t take long for him to find Gekko while running through the base, the tip of his fingers tingling with the want to release some steam and chest heaving with anger seeping off of him. 
Gekko is lounging at the range with Reyna by his side. His whole posture is slouched, head between his hands and avoiding Reyna’s gentle but confused expression.
Both are lucky he doesn’t carry a weapon or else a crime would have taken place at the base. He's bluffing, of course, because he wouldn't dare to harm others severely. 
Yoru wishes he could, though.
For the time being, he will remain inside the rift and watch in silence. If he's going to punch Gekko until he becomes a pulp, he rather do it alone without witnesses. That and he doesn’t want to deal with Reyna’s wrath if she were to be present when he beats the shit out of this scum.
They seem to be talking about something, but it doesn't seem to be escalated enough to label it as an argument but it wasn’t a normal conversation either. 
When he decides to take a closer look, he finds Gekko with a devastated expression on his face and eyes misty with a thin layer of tears. Is shocking, to say the least, being the witness to such an abnormal expression on the usual happy man.
Reyna is frowning, a tight line set on her lips and hand hovering over his shoulder, hesitant whether to touch him or not.
Through the rift, the sounds come garbled and sometimes impossible to discern with the huge gap between the time passing by and him floating in nothingness. Yoru approaches further, cautious, for maybe Reyna might be able to distinguish his soul in between the subtle breaking in the rift.
“Why did you have to break it off, though?” She mutters, a confused expression painting her features. “Las cosas iban bien entre ustedes, ¿no es así?”
Gekko shrugs, not wanting to voice his thoughts.
“She likes you, Teo,” Yoru doesn’t know what’s going on. “She likes you a lot, mijo.”
Gekko’s eyes look downcast, a sad smile tugging his lips.
“She might like me.” he whispers brokenly. “But she doesn’t love me.”
Yoru might be a killing machine on the field and a cold-hearted person towards others if he so desires; he’s been told so many times before. But at this moment, he understands that his anger should be quelled and tone it down a little bit, for he is not the only one who is hurt and he might have misinterpreted the whole situation.
What could be worse, than finding out the person you love doesn't share the same sentiment to the same degree as you do? 
He's gone through the path once, way before meeting you, but never considered himself hurt because he was experimenting with said emotion. Because love is weird, a state in oneself where you are the weakest and he hated feeling like that. 
It was thanks to you he decided to transform this weakness into a strength, despite knowing it could bite his ass one day. Yoru gave in to his desires with you, and he admits you acknowledging his intentions and reciprocating them gave him the sort of euphoria he doesn’t find often in fights.
Gekko is as upset as you might be, more hurt than one might think.
What should he do now?
Staring off into the distance, Yoru thinks emotions are bullshit and way too difficult to deal with.
Gekko and yourself have been a clear example to how far he can go because of some petty feeling like jealousy or lust, and how pathetic it made him act without thinking of the consequences—not like he's cared about that before.
But because of this, Jett has been his shoulder to cry on, and Phoenix his ear to lend when he feels like he cannot handle the mixed emotions into a devastating concoction of overwhelmingness. 
Both have been the key to fix himself up and rebuild after learning of your relationship, despite reassuring with anger that he was fine when it was not true.
His friends are good and he doesn't deserve them, in truth, with how shitty he has been in the past. But for so long he has been denying himself the pleasure to get things that are meant to be his, and this is one of them. 
Yoru will learn to heal and move on, sooner or later, and he hopes he can face you without feeling troubled or confused as to what he wants in life.
Things never get easier from afar.
“Launch site, be there in ten.” Brimstone calls out to him one day. 
To say he scared the shit out of him would be an understatement, choking on his beverage before glaring at the commander with the dirtiest look he could muster. 
He did not hear him coming, even when his loud stomping could be heard from down the hallway, but that is mostly his fault because of his lack of attention and disoriented mind. It should be obvious with the dark bags under his eyes and tired expression that he hasn't been getting enough sleep and was most likely out of it because Brimstone regards him with solemnity.
“It’s Ice box, Yoru.” he mentions. The name of the place alone makes him perk up in attention. “Anomalies have taken place recently, coming from the lab holding onto the samurai's armor.”
“We’ve tracked down a wave of radianite that was ignited on icebox, but we weren’t sure from where exactly.” Brimstone takes out his device, approaching him on the kitchen table and laying it out for him to see. “Cypher was able to narrow it down to A site only, and by the looks of it, we aren’t the only ones who are after it.”
“The omega?” he asks, uncertain. 
“They are approaching rapidly. We need to leave soon.”
That wakes him up, “I’ll be there in ten.”
Brimstone nods and takes his leave.
There is not much time before parting nor question who else was coming to Ice box with them. Not like it matters, but he rather have teammates that will work well alongside him for something as important as this.
Taking his jacket from his room and his butterfly knife, he wonders if the sudden anomaly on Ice box had anything to do with his restless nights for the past weeks.
An incognita were the nightmares that Yoru has had lately. It was never anything clear for him to guess or simply have a vague idea as to what it wanted, but with what Brimstone has told him, a lot of things cleared up. 
Not the whole picture, but it was something to start from.
At the launch site, he encounters Sage and Reyna talking in hushed voices. Both of them regard him with a silent nod and go back to the conversation, but Reyna's eyes never leave his form while he keeps on walking—and if looks could kill, he would be underground in an instant. Yoru does his best to ignore it until he can no longer feel her threatening aura sticking to the back of his neck, and once to a safe distance, he sighs in relief.
Brimstone is at the entrance of the jet carrying an operator, securely strapped to his back, and a few other weapons on the carriage. He seems to be talking to someone inside the vehicle already, handing out the guns and the operator, but can't figure out who.
“Step in, Yoru, we are getting ready.” The commander calls. “I'll coordinate with Sage and Reyna, and we take off.”
Nodding, he enters, but his whole serious façade is gone the moment his eyes land on yours.
Perhaps it had to do with time, or the light working in your favor, but the moment you lock eyes, you literally take his breath away with surprise painting his features. It almost seems like you were expecting him with the way you perk up in excitement as soon as you see him.
Smiling softly, you pat the seat next to yours, beckoning him to approach you. 
“I didn't know you were coming.” He comments, clearing up his throat. “Should've said something.”
“It was a last minute call.” Shrugging, he notices the strap of the operator in arm, but says nothing. “Brimstone was unsure whether to call you in or leave you out of this. But with how things were going, I decided it was for the best if you came and asked him to look for you.”
“Hah, missed me that much?” 
Yoru really never learns, huh. 
Is natural for him to want to tease you, so used to it that now, even after so long without speaking nor crossing words, he has the urge to interact with you this way.
“I did, Yoru.” You answer with honesty. The look in your eyes has him paralyzed, feeling his face flush with the short distance between you two. It reminisces the moment where you first kissed in the kitchen, and that only fuels his embarrassment because it could be so easy to lean in and kiss you again. “I-um, I missed you a lot.”
Brimstone stomps in the jet, raising a brow when he sees Yoru jump on his seat, startling him once again, and fixes his composure before the two of you look at him. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, we’re just catching up.” Your hand covers his own hand laying on his lap, squeezing it with gentleness until your fingers intertwine. “Been a while.”
Brimstone nods, going to the cockpit without any further questions. Sage and Reyna follow up next, both of them regarding you two with a respective nod and taking a seat in front of you.
Cowardice isn't a term known by Yoru, scratching it up and dunking it on the trash since he is by no means a coward. But with how heavy Reyna's stare is, burning holes into your gentle but loving clasping hands, he is starting to get why some people are afraid. 
You distract him enough, though, speaking in a soft tone about what has been going on lately and the missions you haven't shared since Lotus—there is no mention of the situation you had when you first kissed, but he is soon to push it to the back of his mind to save you the trouble.
Surprisingly, he is able to maintain eye contact for longer than he expects without embarrassment clouding his senses, following up your peppy conversation with a few grunts and short replies.
Throughout the whole flight, your hand never leaves his.
x    x    x    x
Ice box is just as he remembers. 
Empty, freezing, but with a whole new wave of unknown power radiating from the old labs. 
Yoru gets why Brimstone was so unsure to bring him along. 
The pulsating beckoning of energy was nauseating and tiring; a migraine approaching fastly and making him lose his footing as soon as he steps off the jet.
Sage is there in an instant, clear worry across her features and helping him to stabilize himself. 
“Are you okay?” She asks. Her hands are glowing a soft blue, her healing abilities ready for him if need be. 
Yoru is close to dismissing her help, annoyed to be treated so delicately, but before he could muster a word, a spike of pain strikes his head, groaning in discomfort and his side hits the entrance of the landing. 
Leaving the operator on the floor, you run to where Yoru has fallen to the floor, and grasp him tightly by the shoulders to help him sit comfortably. 
Holding his head between his hands, he grunts, eyes tightly shut and breathing heavily through his nose. His head is pounding horribly, sounds he doesn't know where they were coming from was deafening him heavily that all your voices were melting together in the background. 
He sees the moment the sounds stop completely, mouths moving and actions on going but nothing else. Instead, a gruffing and heavy voice is what resonates inside his brain, like an echo, and a womanly voice accompanies it when they call to him.
‘Come’, they whisper, ‘Come to us.’
Your hand goes straight to his back, caressing him with soothing motions and whispers of gentle words. Respectfully, nothing you are doing helps with his pain nor confusion drowning him. It is kind of annoying, too, but Yoru likes you too much to say something of the sort and lets you do whatever you want.
‘Find him.’
And then it ceases completely. The sounds from his environment come back with a sudden burst he feels his ears sensible with the many voices trying to talk one above the other. Is overwhelming.
“We cannot continue with Yoru in this state.” Brimstone walks up to where Yoru is sitting, patting his back with a strong push. The japanese man holds back an insult at his action. “You’re staying. There is no time to go back and bring someone else to replace you, so stay here.”
“I can still fight-”
“No. And that’s an order.” He nods to Reyna and Sage to go on ahead. “Survey A site, I’ll take mid and we will strike as soon as I give the order.”
Sage glances at him from the corner of her eyes, worried, but complies with Brimstone's request. Reyna follows after her without regarding him at all but with a scoff, vandal at hand and the most graceful walking she could muster.
If Yoru wasn’t in so much pain, he would have laughed to mock her. He can have all the respect for Reyna and her tactical abilities, but to be this childish over whatever she was feeling was ridiculous in his eyes.
Brimstone calls you out, startling you, “Survey B site but don’t push. You’re gonna be alone so we can’t gamble losing a team member this easily, understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
Brimstone gives a brief glance at him before leaving you two alone.
Grunting, his fist hits the side of the floor, frustrated. The only time where he needs to be in the best shape is ruined by god knows what, that he doesn’t know who to blame it on.
“Yoru, is it okay if I speak this softly? Does it hurt you?” Your hand hovers over his fist, thumb running up and down his spiked knuckles. 
He breathes out harshly, nodding. 
“The enemy team has brought Yoru, too, and the chances of him suffering what you're going through are high.” Hand under his chin, he lets you raise his head gently to lock gazes. The pain subsides for a little bit, enough to have clarity and melt under the beautiful color of your eyes looking at him with so much emotion. “Don't worry about not coming, their Yoru might have to back off from this just like you, so there is no need to worry.”
Kissing the top of his head, you stand up and take your gun back. Reloading the ammo, you strap on the operator and send him a small smile before walking away.
“We'll figure out what happens after we're done, for now take a rest.”
The normality of your actions only furthers his want to go after you, seeing you walk away with a steady step. Nevermind the pain clouding his senses, he cannot help but worry for whatever might happen if you were to stay alone.
And it doesn’t have to do with him doubting your skills, but the inability to do something to help because of some dumb bullshit about the radianite and the armor still under vigilance in the labs.
The voices from before might have something to do with the anomalies, but he isn’t sure whether to trust his guts or just wait for some miracle to happen to figure it out. The headache won’t be going away anytime soon nor the pain racking his whole body, and he isn’t going to stay at the landside where there won’t be any action unfolding.
Standing up slowly, Yoru grunts in discomfort, losing his footing the first try but finding support on the wall the second time. 
He taps on the private line immediately, breathing a sigh of relief when you answer quickly to his call.
“Yoru, what’s wrong?” Your voice comes in rushed, a subtle undertone of worry honeying your words. “Are you okay? Do you need me to come back?”
“I-I’m okay. I need-”
Everything turns black for a second. The single second where all matters and nothing does at the same time.
The numbness on his limbs, the rush of memories, the excruciating pain destroying him from the inside; this all feels familiar and nostalgic, reviving the moment where his life changed and there was no turning back from the powers gifted to him.
‘Look for us', they plead. ‘Find him.'
The moment he blinks the sky greets him with a bright shine, blinding him for a moment and taking his time adjusting to it. Your face comes into view after a few seconds, a frown between your eyebrows and mouth set in a tight line. 
The light from above gives you a crown of light, glowing softly against your skin Yoru might have commented on it if it weren’t for his lucidity and catching his tongue on time.
When he breathes, he doesn’t feel any sort of pain. 
It almost feels like it never was there to begin with, which is surprising given the circumstances.
“Yoru?” Your voice quivers with anxiousness. 
“Hm.” he sighs, running a hand through his hair in a weak attempt to appear cool. “M'fine, just…dizzy.”
“Here, sit.”
You manage to make Yoru sit without any trouble, looking for any signs of injury or distress from his pain early on, but find nothing to worry about. He seems fine, better than before, for sure.
The japanese man pushes you to the side gently, creating enough space for him to stand up and pat down his clothes to clear it from debris or snow sticking to the fabric. You are still watching him like a hawk in case he starts losing his footing, but Yoru scoffs, offended, and walks past where you're kneeling.
“Aren't you coming? We've got a mission to fulfill.” 
Flabbergasted, you blink up at him, mouth opening and closing without any words making it out. 
“Yoru,” you start gently, standing up. “Brimstone was very clear with his instructions. You have to stay here if you are unable to perform.”
“I look fine, don’t I? Let’s go.”
“Wh- Yoru, you couldn’t even stand minutes ago and now you’re acting all tough?” You point at the jet, “Go back. This whole act isn’t cool.”
The wind blows by strongly, ruffling his well kept hair, but no words of daring come from his mouth. Instead, he leans into the side, cocking his head and smirking at your attempt to be bossy.
“Who’s going to make me stay, you?” Giving a dry laugh, he crosses his arms. “Go on, try it, little minx.”
“Don’t make me start, Yoru, or else-”
“Or else what?”
You breathe in heavily, counting to ten inside your head to not snap at him nor disrespect him.
 “You have to follow what Brimstone has told you.” You retort, muttering through clenched teeths. “You stay here because I say so, too.”
“Oh yeah? And when has that stopped me?” 
Spluttering, your anger rises with the tone in your voice, “I have no fucking idea, so stop acting like a fucking brat and stay!”
Not wanting to give him a chance to reply, you turn around and stomp your way to B site just like Brimstone delegated. You hear Yoru walk right behind you, oblivious to your demand, and you cannot help the little vein protruding on your forehead with the anger consuming you.
“Fucking bitch.” You mutter under your breath. Walking backwards, you shout at him. “Is it that hard to listen to instructions?! What is your deal?”
“I can’t leave you alone.” is his reply, which infuriates you more. “I’m good. I will go with you.”
“Do you really not trust my own abilities? Weren’t you the one who said that you all should be more trusting of my skills when we went to Lotus?” Scoffing, you turn your back to him, climbing up the stairs to the kitchen. “Unbelievable, you are truly unbelievable and a hypocrite.”
“It has nothing to do with your ability or not. I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“Hah! Sure, as if that were all.”
“Would you even stop for a second if I were to say anything else?” Rolling his eyes, he continues. “You cannot even trust me when I tell you I’m fine and now you want me to follow your rules?”
Not even looking at him, you reply, “Yeah! That would be nice!”
“Stop for a second damnit! Listen to me!”
You don’t. You cross the threshold of the kitchen and he runs up to you like a little kid about to throw a tantrum. Taking your hand into his, he tries to make you stop and look at him, but you snatch it away immediately.
“I love you.” he blurts out.
That is enough to stop you dead in your tracks, not giving him a glance nor reply to his words. Yoru feels his face burn with embarrassment but is determined to let his feelings be known after so long. Whether you reciprocate or not, is all up to you. Whether this is the correct place to be outing his feelings, he is not sure.
The contrast of the cold brushing his warm cheeks in gentle breezes sends a shiver down his spine, blaming the weather for the wavering puffs of air coming out of his mouth and not because of the sudden nervousness eating him from the inside. 
After a long minute, that almost feels like many years in his opinion, you resume your walking with him tailing behind you. Yoru wonders if you’ve heard him correctly or perhaps you misunderstood his words. 
“I said I love y-”
“I know.” you interrupt, gaze set straight in front of you. “Gekko told me so but I didn’t believe him. It wasn’t until we kissed that night that I realized I was pretty dumb for not noticing your feelings.”
Yoru would think this was some sort of rejection, not really understanding if you were reprimanding him for kissing you or telling you he loves you when you already know. But looking closely, he sees the tip of your ears redden with each step, refusing to meet him in the eye.
“You should go back to the jet. Brimstone is going to be mad at us.”
“I don't care.”
“Well, you should! I ain't taking responsibility if something happens to you.” 
“I don't need protection nor for you to take responsibility. I'm here right now because you need to know that I love you and I won’t be leaving you alone.”
“Okay! I get it!”
Smirking slightly, he jogs to your side and bumps shoulders with you. You shot him a dirty look, pouting when he finally sees the red on your cheeks is not because of the cold but from his words.
“What about you?” he dares ask.
“What about me?” you echo, annoyed.
Yeah, what about you? Was he expecting to hear the same words of professing love from you? He just wanted to get rid of these thoughts cluttering his brain and distracting him, to be free, in some sort of way. Yoru hopes he didn’t make you uncomfortable with his sudden confession.
Humming, you give him a side glance and a grin, “You sure are very confident for someone who doesn't know what the other feels.” Bumping his shoulder back, you walk ahead of him. “I love you too.”
You love him.
Having you say those words sparks some sort of hope he buried deep within his heart, digging them back to surface. His face is lit in flames within seconds, and he tries to hide it behind a raised hand and looks the other way to avoid you seeing it.
Is clear he does a poor job trying to conceal his embarrassment and excitement because as soon as you get a glimpse of his face, you laugh brightly, poning his side to mock him. That only worsens his state, face hot and red as a pepper.
Once you two are deep in the kitchen, you take a bold decision.
Pushing Yoru against the halls, your hand tangles behind his head, pulling on his roots and clashing your mouths together on a bruising kiss. Is obvious he wasn’t expecting this kind of action from you because he groans loudly, leaning into the hand pulling at his hair harshly and melting under your liplock with a sigh.
He doesn’t take long to hold onto your waist and turn the tables, caging you against the wall this time and giving you the same treatment of roughness by holding you behind your neck and his left hand grabbing you by the waist, slotting your hips together. 
Is a little uncomfortable being in this position because the operator is still strapped to your back, but Yoru makes it work with bending you to his body and making you forget about the gun when he takes your chin between his fingers and makes some distance. 
Whining, you close the gap once again, not giving him time to take a breath and sticking your tongue inside his mouth to maintain contact. 
He consumes your fire from within like a starved man, sucking on your lower lip and biting it as gently as his hands paws over your whole form, basking in the feeling of your mouths clasped together and the tight hold you have on his hair every time his hands travel to to your backside.
You pull on his hair harshly when his left hand grabs a fistful of your ass and he groans, trying to make distance to breathe in some air, but you gasp loudly when his lips attach to your neck immediately, nibbling on the skin and sucking desperately to mark your skin.
“We need to survey B site, Yoru, let go.” You moan at one particular bite, sighing when his hands try to go under your clothes. You smack his hands away, flustered and a little bit angry. “God dammit, Ryo, not now.”
“Says the one who started this, little minx.” he teases, licking up a strip of saliva from your collarbone to your neck.
Huffing, you push him off of you, resuming your walking with the little dignity you still hold and cleaning the spit in the corner of your mouth. Yoru prides himself in seeing you this disheveled over him, imagining what else could he do if you let him be.
Gotta calm down, now. He doesn’t want to deal with the bad guys with a hard-on now, does he?
“So?” he asks. You blink up at him. “What’s going to happen now?”
“Feelings are difficult, I guess.” Shrugging, you strap off your operator. “I understand why the fraternization rule was made, it only gets in the way of our job. That’s why Gekko and I never worked.”
“Does it, now?”
Brimstone is saying something through the comms, but neither of you pay him any mind. Yoru nudges your side with his arm, and you cannot escape the small smile tugging at your lips.
“We can talk about ourselves later.” is all you say before setting off. “We have all the time in the world, Ryo.”
Smiling, he straps off his Sheriff. 
He likes the way you say his name.
“Whatever, you idiot.”
x    x    x    x
Yoru doesn't want to admit that he was weak throughout the fight. 
Not because of his abilities nor aim—he would fight whoever thinks he whiffs his shots— but because he let the enemies run away in one piece when he had the chance of eliminating them for good.
The excuse of running out of bullets was believable, having only a sheriff and a few reloads while defending the site, and you backing up his report helped a lot. Besides, Brimstone was more focused on his disobedience in a clear order than letting go of the omega agents, so he supposes that was enough of a distraction.
The intel was right, omega Yoru was here, alongside your omega version. It seems like they were set off to lurk while the rest of the team attacked A site and they were to wrap around your base to corner you all. 
It backfired immediately.
Your aim was impeccable, as always. He didn't know you were proficient with the operator but it was no joke when you had the gun in hand and targets to shoot. 
But, in truth, he is tempted to think you let them go, too, because they were injured enough but not dead by the bullets that were fired. 
Your omega version stood in front of omega Yoru, protecting him from the bullets that weren’t coming through anymore. Both of them were bleeding and with wounds that could probably kill them if it were not to be treated correctly and on time.
“Please,” your omega version begs. They have a shorty, only, discarding it to the side to mean no harm. “Take me if you want, but don't touch him.”
Yoru's eyes travels from you to omega Yoru, who is panting harshly behind the other you. The omega snarls, furious, to be witnessed by his mirror to this weak state.
He knows himself, knows the other must feel pathetic and frustrated for not doing more and failing so miserably on this mission. The pride is high and wild, so who better than himself to understand the situation at hand.
Yoru loads his last bullet to the sheriff, and you shrivel up in panic. Your stance hasn't changed, your tattered body still shielding omega Yoru despite the pain and that is something he respects. 
“Should I shoot?” your voice comes from the comms. He knows you're still aiming and watching in silence whatever is unfolding on site, but you don't interfere further than to ask that question. 
“I have it under control.” Is all he answers.
A bullet is shot, and your omega version gasps in unison with omega Yoru when they see the bullet go a few centimeters off the side, not even gracing them.
“Leave.” Yoru straps on his sherriff, taking out his butterfly knife instead to play with it while he waits in silence. When neither of you react, he raises a brow. “Want me to carry you to your own base or what? Leave now before Brimstone comes, he won't be merciful.”
That was their cue to start moving.
You try to carry omega Yoru as best as you could, having his arm around your shoulders and your hand holding onto his jeans for leverage. Giving him a brief glance, you thank him quietly before starting to walk away with urgency.
“Wait.” Omega Yoru tries to turn around, glaring at his alpha version. “It's because of her, isn't it? Is it the same for you?”
You nudge him, eyes pleading for him to keep walking,“Yoru, stop.”
“No. I want to know why.” His mirror grunts in pain, almost colliding against the wall if it weren't for your hold. “I know me. And I know I would have shot if it weren't because of her. So I need to know if it's the same for you.”
Yoru decides to not answer, since everything is already laid out for them. He knows you are listening through the comms, so whatever his answer is, you should've known by now.
“So it is.” he mutters, giving a dry laugh. “This is going to be the death of us one day.”
“Love, let’s go.” Your mirror mutters. He nods, and they take off.
“Ice box is fucking cursed, Yoru.” The other says. “The voices are torturing, trying to be helpful, but this place is cursed for us.”
You never said anything, watching the duo walk away as best as they could with the sun setting in the background. 
The trail of blood they leave behind is the only clue that a battle has unfolded and they were once again victorious, although it felt nothing like a victory to him.
The words from omega Yoru would stay with him, storing the information for future investigation, and haunting him until his next confrontation takes place. 
“I think you did good.” Eating a slice of the apple, you glance briefly at him, interrupting his thoughts. “Letting them go, I mean. I think it was good.”
He scoffs, “I was weak. A mistake I won’t be making again if we encounter them in the future.” 
Shaking your head, you lean your head to the side, “You had mercy on them. I think this is a step that was necessary to take to change the dynamic we’re living in.”
Blinking down at you, he raises a brow, “What do you mean by that?”
Your fingers tap the table in a rhythmic motion, mulling over his question for a moment before replying, “I don’t think it is necessary to be killing them, despite having done so already many times before.” Shrugging, you take another slice. “Call me naive or just a hopeless romantic, but what they had is something I respect a lot. They are humans, too, not just some kind of experimentation we can look over. They…they might have an explanation for the radianite and their need.”
Yoru rolls his eyes with skepticism, crossing his arms with disappointment in his eyes. 
“This is my way of thinking.” You defend. “You can have yours, but we both know that nothing might change unless we are the one’s meddling in the battlefield.”
“You’re willing to risk it all to prove that an amicable relationship can be doable?”
Humming, you nod, “I do.”
“You’re dumb, then.”
“Maybe, but only time will tell if I’m right.”
“Suit yourself.”
Both of you fall in silence, eating from the plate the few slices of apple that are left. Only the buzzing from the refrigerator makes a background noise to cover up the long and suffocating topic that none of you want to touch now. 
Yoru is nervous, you are nervous, but you are too cowardly to take the first step.
Mission aside, what happened at ice box when you kissed again was supposed to be the bridge to start a conversation about what would entail knowing each other’s feelings. One would believe that something might have happened by now, but here you are.
In silence.
“I think I’ll take my leave.” He coughs awkwardly, standing from the chair. “Goodnight.”
It was almost like a mirror situation many weeks ago. Where he leaves and you are left confused, wanting, and you cannot bear the thought of dealing this by yourself again.
When he bids you goodbye, you unconsciously reach for his hand, immediately stopping him from going further and he looks back at you. 
When none of you say anything, you brave yourself through your nervousness to break the distance and take his face with your free hand, caressing his cheek with tenderness. 
Yoru lets you do whatever you want, anxiousness seeping out of him when you tiptoe to reach him and, in an act to fulfill your impulses, you kiss the corner of his mouth with a gentle touch.
The japanese man stifles at the contact, gasping when your lips travel from a mere graze, to groaning when your mouth captures him in a passionate kiss, lips melting together sweetly like honeycomb.
You hold him like you desire to be devoured completely; reaching, grabbing and tugging everywhere until his body engulfs yours against the counter of the kitchen and you hold onto his shoulders for leverage. His hands rise goosebumps under your clothes, big palms caressing the skin on your back, racking down his nails until he feels your shudder. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder if this was wrong of you to do. If Gekko would mind you chasing after what you really want despite having failed him miserably while together. 
Gekko is none the wiser, your brain supplies, and you hope it stays that way. 
You tug playfully at his lower lip with your teeth before diving to get more of him, mouths slotting together on a more profound kiss and tongues fighting to claim dominance. It is then that any rational thought goes out of the window.
His hand finds purchase on your hips, yours tugs at his hair, earning a groan from him which you immediately swallow with greed. Yoru has half the mind to think about what he's doing when his hand brushes your thighs and pulls you up until you're seated on the counter. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, breathless. 
Yoru's mouth kisses every inch of skin to his availability, sucking on your neck with want until you have your head thrown back, enticing him to mark every part of you. 
“We should stop.” He begs, but his actions betray his words when he rolls his hips against your core, cock twitching inside his pants. You whisper his name, returning the favor and caging him between your legs. 
You can feel his erection even through all the clothing between your bodies, lust clouding your mind with nothing but the good sensations despite feeling guilt gnaw at the pit of your stomach.
That does not deter you from purchasing the euphoria coursing through your body when you rock your hips again, his clothed cock rubbing deliciously against you till the point your words get slurred.
This is not the right place for this kind of situation to be unfolding. You both are too exposed for anyone to walk into, and the least he wants is to show the other agents the boner he is sporting right now. Besides, he is sure to go feral with anger if anyone dares to see you this disheveled and flustered. 
This sight is for him alone.
Claiming his mouth, your hand let go of his hair to reach for his belt, unbuckling it quickly. Yoru freezes when your hand goes into his trousers to grab at his dick shamelessly, thumb running over the head of his cock. Gasping, he hides his blushing face in the crook of your neck, hips thrusting in tandem to your slow pumps to rile him up. 
“You feel so hot.” you whisper in his ear. He bites your neck and sucks on the skin to have his mouth occupied. “You are so hard, love.”
He gasps when you twist your wrist and your thumb runs over the head of his cock again, spreading the pre-cum and messily using it as a lube to pump your hand faster on his shaft. You feel him twitch in your hand when you accelerate the pace and tremble when his warm breath hits your cheek in gasps. 
“Faster…” he mutters, groaning. The timbre of his voice lowers a few octaves, and it's of immediate urgency to keep listening to more. “Shit, go faster.”
You indulge in his request, hand moving to a faster pace, and feeling the veins protruding on his cock between your fingers. Your mouth glues to his neck, nibbling it softly and biting down, hard, until a mark is visible against his pale skin. 
The schlik-schlik sounds in the background are filthy to the ears, Yoru feels his face flush up with embarrassment to have been reduced to a puddle of lust and trembling legs from the overwhelming sensations.
Pushing him away, Yoru groans in frustration because he was close to being ripped to the seams with the upcoming orgasm. The momentum is gone, and he is not sure whether to be angry at you or beg you to please keep going.
But by the time he decides what to do, you’re already on your knees, pulling down his pants until his member is freed from its confines and your mouth sucks on his cock with an invigorated enthusiasm that has him grasping the counter for leverage.
His right hand goes to the roots of your hair, pulling and pushing your head in tandem with the thrusting of his hips. Yoru abuses your mouth to his liking, chasing after the little fire burning him on his lower abdomen and to let loose. 
Groaning, his eyes roll to the back of his head when your tongue comes into play, licking the underside of his dick with each stroke of your mouth. Yoru leaves your head to hold his weight with both of his hands onto the counter, knees weak and breath taken away.
You use your hand to keep the stimulation going, giving you time to catch some air and glare at him from down there. Despite having his face flushed, sweat rolling down his temple and trembling under your touch, he dares smirk at you, as if he has gotten away with something he’s been wanting to do for a long time.
“You fucking brat.” you whisper, mouth latching onto the side of his cock and your free hand toying with his balls.
Yoru whimpers, he fucking whimpers, the moment your mouth sucks on the head of his dick and your hands wrap around the rest of his member with fast strokes, bobbing your head up and down, and timing it with his weak thrusts, you hum, vibrations running up his cock deliciously.
You try to close your legs while kneeling, trying to get some friction to alleviate the pressure on your lower belly and the need to touch yourself; but you are prioritizing Yoru’s pleasure above else right now, enjoying his salty taste in your mouth and gulping down the pre-cum gathering with your spit.
“Fuck!” he curses. His hips stutter wildly, head thrown back and eyes closed when the sudden rush of euphoria courses through his body. 
Yoru cums inside your mouth moaning your name and gasping for air.
He holds your head with a tight grip, spurting his seed inside your mouth in big spurts until you have no other option but to swallow it, choking on his cock when the tip hits the back of your throat. 
Yoru rides his orgasm as if his life depended on it, breathless and hitting a high point where his noises couldn’t be contained. 
Backing off, Yoru slides down next to you, breathing heavily and slumping against your form in defeat and burrowing his head on your neck, nuzzling it affectionately. Is funny how he seeks physical contact like a little cat, voiceless and going for it.
You’re coughing up harshly, part of his cum still drooling to the side of your lips.
“You owe me one.” You say, knocking your heads together. 
He only hums, satisfaction oozing out of him, and cleans the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
“You can cash in right now, baby girl.”
Trembling, you look to the side, bashful, “Don’t get all flirty with me now.” Giving him a brief glance, you blush when you see his dick still out of his pants and butt naked against the floor. “You fucking idiot, put on your pants!”
Yoru laughs softly, nuzzling your neck and kissing the pulse with gentleness. You can’t help but sigh at his change in demeanor.
“I’ll do so if you promise to come to my room with me.” his lips caress the shell of your ear, kissing it. You give a surprised giggle at that. “Hm, what do you say?”
x    x    x    x
The moment your back hits the bed, Yoru is taking your pants away, pulling them with carefulness but urgency in his actions until you are bare from the waist down. He messily takes your shoes, too, and you save half the work by unbuttoning your shirt and unclasping your brassier so you can be bare for him.
Yoru is grunting, snarling almost like an animal, when he pounces on you and his lip attaches to your neck with ferociousness, biting and sucking harshly on the skin till it reddens. He makes room between your legs, your glistering folds rubbing against his jeans while he cages you against the bed and devours you with hunger.
Your hand tugs at his hair, finding out that he seems to like the rough treatment as much as you do, and your legs closes around his waist, grinding against him in search of some friction to alleviate yourself.
His right hand palms over your breast, fingertips running over your nipples while his mouth makes way to your other breast, sucking in with the same fervor he did with your marked neck. Biting softly on your nipple, his tongue flattens against your skin, licking it up and sucking until you curve your back, shrieking from the sudden action.
“Again-!” You plead, hips stuttering, and hands holding onto the sheets by your head. “Again, Ryo, please.”
He does as you say. Mouth sucking on your breast while his hand toys with your nipple. The left hand that was holding onto your waist goes straight to your core, fingers pressing against the outer lips but not entering, teasing you with gentle strokes, pads running softly over your clit but is not enough.
You need more.
“Ryo, I swear to fucking god if you don’t put that mouth to work I’m going to kill you.” Grabbing him by his hair, you pull, hard, and the motherfucker has the nerve to give you a cheeky grin, licking his lips. 
“You’re gonna regret that, sweetheart.”
Yoru moves out of the way until he is sitting on the floor right next to the bed, and with a strong pull, he takes your legs to rest above his shoulder and hands hold you by the waist tightly.
Before you could utter a word, nervous, he dives into your pussy, licking up a stripe with harshness that has you trembling under his touch. You moan his name shamelessly, gasping for air when he sucks on your little nub of nerves and his fingers prod on your entrance.
Coated in your juices, two of his fingers slide in easily, pumping them in and out slowly, and dragging his pads against your walls and timing it with his sucks. Being pressed between your legs and eating you out has to be one of the best things in the world, and he cannot begin to describe how aroused and hard you’re making him with your taste and moans coming from your mouth.
Your hands tangle in his hair, swapping between pulling at his roots or pushing his head to drown in your folds. Your hips are moving against his mouth erratically, riding in the feeling of his fingers and tongue on your pussy, wearing you down with each stroke of his appendage.
“Ryo, Ryo- Ah!” Head thrown back, you gasp when his fingers leave your hole to replace it with his mouth, tongue abusing your entrance rapidly and fingers going to your clitoris to rub them in tandem.
Stars were starting to cloud your vision, feeling the tight knot on your belly so close to snapping you can feel the orgasm tethering on the brim. Your hands travel to your chest, touching yourself with eagerness while being watched by your lover. You can almost feel his smile against your pussy, enjoying the show, which only riles you up.
But before you could combust and cum all over his face, Ryo makes distance, pushing you away but not before giving a last lick to your outer lips, legs trembling on each side of his face, that he smirks up at you.
“We haven’t finished yet, little minx.”
Furious for being denied of your climax, you punch him in the chest, “Fucking shit, Ryo! I was so fucking close-”
“Shhh,” he silences you, kissing your mouth with your taste on his tongue. He looks disheveled, raw, it makes you drip with want. His hands hovers over your perky nipples, flicking them with a devious smile playing on his lips. “It only gets better now.”
He strips down easily, throwing his jacket to the side of the bed while taking his shoes off. Pulling down his pants, you see his cock fully erect and bouncing slightly against his abs, flushed red with the tip smeared with his pre-cum. 
He pumps his cock a few times, pushing you against the mattress and devouring the sight as if you were a meal.
His chest is pressed against yours, leaning down to gently lay his lips to yours, and holding his weight with both of his arms on either side of your head. Yoru doesn't notice your tiny hand making its way to his cock, too concentrated on your lips and the hand pulling on his hair.
Guiding his dripping cock to your entrance, you open your legs to accommodate him easily and, with the help of your legs, you push him inside.
The head of his member breaches your entrance, a shiver runs down your spine when he bullies his way inside you slowly, walls clamping down on him and pulsating with lust running down your veins. 
Yoru groans in unison with you when he's fully in, your legs holding him in place to make the feeling of being connected this deeply last longer.
Touching your face, Yoru rests his forehead against yours, breaths intermingling in soft pants. Cupping his face, your thumbs run down his cheekbones, looking deeply into his eyes before kissing his lips in a soft peck.
“I love you,” You whisper, eyes clouded with love and affection. Smiling, he kisses your cheek.
Yoru slowly distances himself, pulling his hips away until the tip of his member is the only thing still in contact with your vagina, before thrusting hard into you. The sound of skin against skin is deafening, dirty and exciting for both who are enjoying this act of love, jolting with waves of .
His hips continue to move in a slow but steady rhythm, causing your begs and moans to rush out of your mouth hurriedly. Yoru is nothing but giving, accelerating the pace to your liking and watching in amusement the change in expression on your face.
Shouting his name, Yoru can't take it anymore. The speed increases, pelvis against pelvis, sweat rolling down your chest and seeing your breasts bounce with each thrust into your cunt only makes him lose control.
Nevermind the soft and calm Yoru from before, the moment your moans got to him is when he finally lets loose his mouth.
“You like that, huh? You fucking slut.” Grunting, he raises your legs to rest on his shoulders and bends you over in half. You can’t help but whine in embarrassment because of this position and the words uttered by him. “I bet Gekko didn't fuck you like this, right? I bet he doesn't even know how to please a woman.” 
Your walls clench painfully around his cock at his words. Yoru's eyes roll to the back of his head when your entrance gets tighter, sucking him in. With one of his hands, he starts masturbating you with fast flicks of his wrist, timing it with his thrusts rapidly. 
“Does he even know how good you taste? Or how filthy you are, sucking cock like a desperate whore?” Licking up your neck, he whispers in your ear, “Imagine if he were to see you like this, being fucked by me and cumming around my cock.”
“Ryo, I'm so close, please, so close!” You gasp, feeling your climax approach rapidly with how good Ryo is drilling into you.
“I'm going to fill that pussy of yours with my cum so everyone will know you belong to me.” he warns, a wicked smile tugging on his lips. “I'm going to mark every inch of your body as mine, understood? You’re going to be a good girl and take it all.”
Nodding, your hands hold onto his back, nails running down his back in an attempt to ground yourself, “Your good girl, yes-”
Yoru grunts heavily, loading his cum inside of you and fucking his seed deep inside with weak thrusts, riding his orgasm with closed eyes and mouthing your neck with lovebites. You follow soon after, the stimulation of his cock pushing in his cum and his fingers pressing against your clit is enough to send you over the edge and finally break, moaning his name and hips stuttering with the waves of the climax.
Slumping on top of you, he breathes heavily, trying to get in some air and enjoying the post-orgasmic experience with your hands brushing the hair out of his face gently.
You kiss the top of his head, smooching your way down until all you can reach is his forehead. He hums, raising his eyes and locking gazes silently.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
Sticking your tongue out, you pinch on the bare skin of his shoulder, making him jolt in surprise and glare at you with a pout. 
Yoru hovers over your body, resting his body weight on his arms and gives you a peck on the lips before standing up and going to the adjacent bathroom to bring a wet towel. Rolling to your stomach, you cross your arms under your head and watch him walk around freely and naked, admiring the view immensely.
His muscles ripple when he bends over to reach for the towel, watching his back with the mark of your nail alongside scars from past battles. You’ve never noticed, but Yoru with his hair down was a whole nother person to see, giving his sharp features a softer look with his hair framing his eyes and a boyish look that has you melting on the inside.
When he sees you ogling him shamelessly, he can’t help the flush on his cheeks and shyness for being this vulnerable in front of you. He throws the towel to your head to distract himself; that body of yours is enticing in every way possible, and he doesn’t want to look too eager to keep going.
“You’re a degenerate, clean yourself up.”
Laughing, you take the towel and lay down between his pillows to clean between your legs carefully. “Says the pervert who called me, what was it? A whore for your cock? A slut? Your words were colorful there, Ryo.”
Yoru grunts, sitting next to you on bed and stealing the towel from your hands. He makes you scoot closer and starts scooping out the cum oozing from your vagina with gentleness and avoiding it touching his sheets. 
The pressure he applies is enough to spark a new wave of heat on your lower abdomen, biting your lower lip to refrain from sighing out loud when the fabric stimulates you.
His fingers clean the remaining of both of your cum with a gentle brush, fingers caressing around your clit softly and watching your flustered expression focus on what his hands are doing.
Wanting to tease you, he applies pressure on the little nub, making circular motions to heighten the tension and sees you throw your head back. You whine, hips raising to seek the touch desperately. Moving your hand on top of his, you guide his movements from up and down, making his thumb tease your hole and your hips roll against both of your hands.
“Someone wants more of this pervert.” He mutters.
Kissing your legs, he licks his lips, discarding the towel to the side and making his way to your core slowly.
“Here comes round two, love.”
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devotioncrater · 1 year
no okay i will fucking say it. i don't like dottie lasso. she's manipulative & toxic & passive aggressive & borderline narcissistic.
in every scene, in every line she says? it's all to undermine ted. she doesn't respect ted, doesn't care for him unless it's to boost her ego or to boost her image of Mother. she drags him down to make herself feel Tall, or at the very least she drags him down to justify the way she feels Small. "you think you're better than me? remember your roots" type beat.
ted's on edge the moment she gets there. is it any wonder why? he has to walk on eggshells with her because she leaves him guessing and whatever he guesses will always be wrong. for instance, ted picking up her suitcase yet she waits until the last minute to say "not on the bed!" right before ted lets go of the handle.
she says one thing but means another ("wish i went to the game"). she guilt trips him ("ooh is it all my fault?"). she makes shit up about him to humiliate him to his team (the story about him with the car/bruce springsteen/etc). she purposefully does the opposite of what he asks (mae in the pub). she has these passive aggressive slights disguised as care (the newspaper clippings on top which she 100% planned, the way she asks if he has any of his episodes still but hates the fact he's in therapy).
it's insidious too, the way she charms the team. the way she charms rebecca and trent. everyone loves her, how could they understand why ted's upset with her? not lottie dottie! she'd never hurt a soul. she seems like such a good mom. ted, you're just like her!
she's actively taking advantage of ted's good standing in a covert way to paint ted in a light he doesn't want to be associated with. he could shout about practice all he wants, but while his mother is the center of attention, does anyone actually listen?
then when ted confronts her? he tries to meet her at a neutral level. "thank you but fuck you". but what does she immediately do? she drags him down to her insecure lows by more or less calling him a hypocrite. the entire time she's there not once does she bring up henry unless it's convenient for her to. henry is the only leverage she has towards ted, and she knows it. she catches ted in a vulnerable state and takes advantage of it. "your son misses you".
she does not give a fuck about her son! she doesn't! she went to the club to poison the water, she has no interest in actually supporting ted or the team. and then! and then! in a show of narcissistic manipulation, she blames that on ted! "you always get so nervous" and "i need to catch up on sleep". ma'am you haven't seen your son in 3 years at least and you don't want to spend time with him??? and then to compensate for it by cooking a meal? fuck off, it's so superficial.
but that's what these types of mothers do. for every stab wound there's a bandaid to cover it. you can't be mad at the knife-wielder if they're also the medic. "they must've not meant it since they're doing xyz for me".
they'll say "sorry" and the argument fizzles out exactly how it happened at the end there because technically you can't say anything else! they apologized, didn't they? let's not hold grudges now. look! see! she complimented your therapy even though she hates it. that's progress right? yeah there's no deep heart-to-heart, no actual repair there, but maybe one day, right? right?
for her to leave a note without saying goodbye? how could ted be mad at her for doing that if she made his favorite bread? she has him on an emotionally manipulative yo-yo.
and the role reversal? the way she plays helpless at the beginning? again, zero respect for ted by dropping in out of the blue with no prior warning. he's forced into this carer role with her. he's a fixer & a people pleaser because that's how she conditioned him to be on the off chance she'd reward him with (superficial) connection
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jihyocentric · 1 year
i had to delay the pup hyo due to personal stuff, but it's here finally!
perhaps nayeon was being a little evil when she gave jeongyeon that task, but she didn’t wake up in a good mood, upset with jeongyeon for an unknown reason, and doing that was her way to have her sweet revenge.
the instructions were rather simple, all jeongyeon had to do was brushing jihyo’s ears and tail, as it was the time in the month to get rid of the excess fur jihyo would left around the house.
it wasn’t a lot, but it bothered nayeon to have it in their sheets, on the ground or on the couch if jihyo were to sit there for a long period of time, and although jihyo hated to have her ears and tail groomed with a scary brush, she couldn’t run away from nayeon.
with jeongyeon, however, jihyo takes advantage on the fact that jeongyeon is clearly hesitant to touch her when she’s whining and asking her not to, successfully avoiding being brushed, despite being slightly scared of what nayeon would once she got back home.
but it wasn’t always like this. at some point when nayeon had just gotten her, jihyo used to love having her ears and tail brushed. the affection she’d get from nayeon was everything she’d ever wanted, and after the grooming she’d receive cuddles and treats for being a good puppy.
she started rejecting it after she saw the amount of hair nayeon took from her.
nayeon had been careful not to let jihyo see it, but the only moment she slipped and accidentally didn’t hide it from jihyo before throwing the excess fur away, jihyo decided that she didn’t want to be brushed anymore, as the brush nayeon used was allegedly stealing something from her, a part of her.
that very same reason is what she explains to jeongyeon, tucking her head into jeongyeon’s neck the third time she tries to make jihyo comply. the puppy even goes as far as rejecting the fruit snacks offered to her, determined to escape this month’s grooming.
jeongyeon palms jihyo’s ears, carefully tugging at the fur. she shows jihyo that she was truly shedding, hopeful that it would make her understand that it was time to let it go, but jihyo doesn’t seem to care at all.
“we need to do it, pup,” jeongyeon sighs, nearly going insane, not knowing what to do when jihyo looked at her with her bottom lip sticking out, eyes shining, almost crying. “it’s for your health.”
“but my ears will look bad,” jihyo whines, tail between her legs, ears flopping down. “they won’t be as soft and fluffy!”
“of course they will,” jeongyeon quickly assures. “it’ll be fast and i’m only taking what is already shed, i promise, pup.”
jihyo hums and shrinks in jeongyeon’s lap, trying to get away from the discussion, not wanting to make any deals with jeongyeon, resolute in her decision to not be brushed that day.
“we should do it before nayeon comes back,” jeongyeon adds, her heart tightening at the guilt she feels by making jihyo purposefully scared, but desperate times call for desperate measures. “her methods won’t be as nice as mine and you’ll even get treats and cuddles from me. what do you think, puppy?”
jihyo’s eyes widen at the mention of nayeon, thinking about the last time nayeon brushed her.
she wasn’t the best puppy, jihyo knew that, especially when she bit nayeon, but getting silent treatment from nayeon was even scarier than being scolded. jihyo didn’t want to go through that again.
despite the slight tremble of her body when she reminds of the last time she had to be groomed, jihyo was still determined to have it on her terms, tail wagging when she has an idea.
if she had to be brushed and lose a part of her, then she had the right to get something from the pain they were putting her through — even when there was no pain involved when she had to be brushed.
“will you get me new legos?” jihyo mumbles softly against jeongyeon’s neck, tail swishing, suddenly interested in that conversation. “been asking for them but nayeonie says i have to be good to get them.”
jeongyeon swallows thickly, wondering if the price of momentary peace was worth it.
“maybe…” jeongyeon replies slowly, instantly regretting it.
“i’ll let you do it.” jihyo pulls back, a big grin on her face, leaning in and kissing jeongyeon’s lips briefly, excited to get what she wanted.
jeongyeon laughs nervously, uncertain of how she’d hide from nayeon that she had just bribed jihyo into having her fur brushed, deciding to think about her other problems later.
jihyo sits on the couch willingly, letting jeongyeon run the brush against her ears and her tail, the object not as scary as it used to be when she thinks about the worse alternatives: having nayeon being mad at her or not getting a new set of legos.
if jihyo hadn’t been stubborn before, she would’ve known it felt good way before jeongyeon groomed her. she was nearly sleeping, head fallen back against the couch, ears twitching softly, pliant when jeongyeon made her turn around so that her back faced her, moving from her ears to jihyo’s tail.
nayeon walks in silently, shocked by what she sees, both angry because it looked like jeongyeon didn’t struggle at all to get jihyo to be groomed when she wanted her to, and incredibly jealous that jihyo was letting jeongyeon brush her without whining and trying to bite her.
“how did you…” nayeon lets out shakily, trying not to give away that she was upset.
“u-uh…” jeongyeon stutters, taking the brush away from jihyo’s tail, the puppy peacefully sleeping with her head fallen back to the side. “i just… promised her c-cuddles and treats.”
“oh, great!” nayeon huffs and walks away, going straight to the kitchen with the groceries she’d bought while she was out.
jeongyeon follows her, trying to figure out why nayeon was suddenly snappy, but not before making sure jihyo was comfortable in her sleep.
“what did i do?!” jeongyeon asks from behind the counter, watching as nayeon aggressively took the groceries out of the bag.
“nothing!” nayeon replies loudly, her own voice making her flinch. “i’m sorry. it’s really not your fault…”
“what is it then?” jeongyeon sighs.
nayeon bites her lip. “did you date any girls from work? yesterday i heard some things… i know we weren’t together back then, but…”
“i didn’t date anyone,” jeongyeon says, as if she was trying to find the right words. “did you walk in when they were talking or…”
“i wasn’t supposed to hear it. they were embarrassed when they noticed i was there,” nayeon breathes out, hands shaking, not a fan of the feeling inside her chest. “there’s no reason for me to be jealous. do i sound stupid? i do, don’t i?”
jeongyeon smiles, relieved that it wasn’t something serious, walking around the counter to hug nayeon.
she kisses nayeon’s forehead sweetly, reassuringly.
“you don’t sound stupid.” jeongyeon tells her. “it’s cute, actually.”
“so cheesy.” nayeon groans, making jeongyeon lean down to kiss her cheek. “lunch is on you.”
nayeon pats her shoulders and leaves, wanting to join jihyo on the couch.
“but i cooked yesterday!” jeongyeon whines.
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cellard0ors · 10 months
Fic: Bare
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Fandom: The Quarry
Pairing: Travis Hackett/Laura Kearney
Summary: Travis discovers Laura has a surprise.
Warning(s): SEX. Creampie. Waxed body parts. Rough sex. Language.
Notes: While technically this falls within 'The Full Deck series' it is probably the least connected one - i.e., anyone could read this without having read anything else in the series.
Travis would never dream of taking advantage of his fiancée.
...that being said.
It's hard to resist the temptation Laura presents, especially when she's asleep. It's in the very early hours of the morning and Travis had actually been enjoying some time off. The new sheriff of North Kill has been so busy with his re-election campaign and not wanting Travis to be a part of it, that he approved of Travis having a little leave with pay.
Travis isn't going to complain. He deserves the rest, never mind it's only being given to him because Sheriff Malloy doesn't want to remind the townsfolk of who used to be in his position - as if seeing Travis will cause them to riot and ask for his reinstatement. Travis isn't interested in being reinstated. He isn't interested in anything save the lovely young blonde currently sleeping in his bed - their bed.
The thought warms his heart and he recognizes how watching her in this moment is probably creepy, but - again - hard not to. His future wife, Laura Kearney, adorable and vulnerable in sleep.
She worked a hard, late shift last night and she's clearly exhausted. He didn't even feel her get into bed with him, just woke up to find her next to him - deliciously unclothed save a pair of red and black plaid boy shorts on. It was tempting this morning to wake her (in a sexy fashion) but his need for the restroom and breakfast had taken over. So, Travis got up and did his normal morning routine.
Now he can get back to his original idea - after all, he's still in his pajamas - no reason not to crawl right back into bed with her. He carefully pulls back the sheets enough to climb under, kissing her naked left shoulder as he does so.
Laura murmurs in her sleep, but doesn't wake and Travis is gentle as he eases the curves of her body up against his, cuddling her close. Again, slight noises from deep within her throat, but nothing to signal her as fully conscious.
Travis's lips rest against the nape of her neck, tiny golden curls tickling his nose as one of his hands spans over her left hip, squeezing it with the breadth of his palm before his clever fingers ease their way down the front elastic of her underwear, his hand intent on cupping her sex.
Only as his fingers descend downwards, he finds an unexpected path of smooth skin. Very smooth skin. His eyes widen and a startled gasp escapes him. It's not terribly loud, but between the gasp and his actions, he feels Laura go stiff in his grip and hears her loud intake of breath as she fully wakens, "Travis?"
"Laura, what-?"
"Um, remember when my old school friend Becky visited last week?"
It's an odd transition, but he allows it, "Yeah?"
"Well-?" He can hear her licking her lips nervously, "Like I told you, we went to a spa in Gravestone and got all these fancy treatments done and one of the ones they offered was waxing so I-? Um? Got waxed?"
It's stated as a question, but there's no question about it - Laura got waxed. Down there. 'There' being said body part he has in one hand. Her pussy...it's been waxed, it's hairless.
Gravestone, the next town over, has always offered more than North Kill. They used to be considered 'the big city' in some ways, boasting a mall, a movie theater, and all kinds of entertainment venues long before North Kill did. Travis didn't know they had a spa until Laura told him.
And now, touching what he is, he's glad they do as he slowly removes his hand, as he husks, "I have to see it. Let me see..."
He urges her to roll over on to her back as he quickly slides down the length of her, intent on removing her underwear. He does so easily and is greeted by an unbelievably erotic sight.
Laura naked is always a joy to behold - but right now...
Her eyelids are still heavy from sleep and her gorgeous, small breasts are on full display - their pink tips beckoning him as always, but for once he shuns them in favor of something far more enticing. His eyes scan down her midriff, her soft belly, the little dip of her navel and the width of her hips, eyes going lower and lower until he can feast on the sight of her bare cunt.
Travis remembers the hair from before - well trimmed, almost a landing strip, but this...
Laura presses her thighs closer together, as if embarrassed, but he lets out shushing sounds, the same way he would if he was trying to calm a wary animal. He reaches out and draws his fingertips lightly over the tops of her thighs, running them up and down reassuringly before going to her knees, gently tapping them in a silent request for her to lift them up, for her to bend her legs, and while he notices her idly chewing on one of her thumbnails, she does as asked.
Travis recognizes her anxious habit, but there's no reason for her to be, as he darkly intones, "You're so beautiful. So goddamn lovely..."
Laura draws in a loud breath, but doesn't respond, at least not with words. Instead she lets her legs fall open more and he groans, "Fuck, sweetheart...how did I get so lucky?"
It's a question he's asked himself more than once, but especially now as he gets a full view of her rosy pussy. He's heard all the flowery descriptors - calling it a peach, the lips petals, and so on and now he understands them. Mainly from the sweet gentle colors - mixtures of pink and violet and he reaches out to trace one exposed lip with his right forefinger, moaning at the feeling, "So soft..."
Laura whispers his name, her tone tremulous, but he's too lost in his own world as he traces the other lip. Then, as carefully as he can, he uses his thumbs to part them, to look deeper. She squirms beneath him, clearly a little disconcerted by his open perusal of such a sensitive and secret part of her.
Granted, Travis has buried his face between her legs more times than he can count, but he understands her hesitation. After all, he's never just stared at her before. But how can he not? With her hair gone, it's almost like he's witnessing something new. An unknown facet of her body, one he thought he had mapped out so well.
A nervous, giddy sound escapes Laura as she mumbles something under her breath and he releases his hold as he asks her to repeat it. She blushes even as she says, "Becky said you'd like it. This was my first time, but she's done it before. Said guys love it and she said you wouldn't be able to get enough of, um, my 'shiny, new pussy'."
The last is said with no small amount of embarrassment on Laura's part, but it just makes him grin wickedly, "Did she now?"
Laura simply hums and Travis tilts his head in assent, "Smart girl."
"So...you like it?" Laura asks, an uncharacteristically self-conscious vibe around her, "It-? It was supposed to be a surprise-"
"It was." He promises, but she rolls her eyes, clearly not done, "-but not yet. I had it all planned out. Besides, I know this isn't what you're used to."
His eyebrows rise, his confusion obvious, only for her to sigh, "I've seen your Playboys, remember? The women of your fantasies had bush and I imagine the other women you were with had-!"
"I don't care about that." He answers succinctly, even as he starts using his thumbs to tenderly stroke the outer folds of her downy cunt, "I don't care about them. Only you. I love you."
Laura's nostrils flare, her pupils dilating at his actions as he whispers, "And you can have as much or as little hair down here as you like...so long as you'll still let me in."
His hands move to grasp her beneath her knees, lifting her slim legs so that they fall over his shoulders as he lowers himself, his eyes level with her pussy as he rasps, "Please, Laura. Can I come in?"
Travis moves his mouth closer to her bare, quivering mound, his breath caressing her intimately, "Can I taste you?"
Laura whimpers 'Yes' even as Travis's tongue slickly parts her folds. He delves the silken point of it deep into her and god. He's done this before, but somehow this feels as if it's his first time. With so much of her exposed it feels easier to go lower, to sink deeper, to draw her pussy farther into his mouth, to pull it against his tongue, his lips. He's both openly kissing and devouring her, and she's crying out, back arching at the contact.
Each flick of his tongue seems wired to some electrical nerve ending in her body that makes her gasp, makes her jerk, but never once does he let up. Fuck, she tastes so good. Better than ever - succulent and sweet and he could happily drown in her juices. The scent of her arousal is strong and floral, the aroma of it filling his lungs, his dick - cock hard and trapped beneath him and his own hips thrust against the mattress in an effort to alleviate some of the ache building there and in his balls.
Travis stops kissing and licking at her only so he can press one finger up into her - or, better to say - so he can watch himself press one finger up into her and it glides in and out so easily, her channel wet and warm as he growls, "Jesus...I can see you so much better now. Can watch you taking me so well."
Laura can only answer with a whine before she turns over to tortured cries, his actions becoming rabid as he starts fucking her in earnest with that finger, as she starts riding it, her hips pressing downwards. But it's even better seeing it.
Without the hair, at his current vantage point, Travis can actually watch as her body swallows that finger whole. He adds another, carefully stretching her and her inner walls are drawing him in so lovingly. Travis lets out another desperate moan, the visual so heartbreakingly stunning as to make him feel as if he can cum from this alone. As if just watching her ride on two of his fingers with her shiny new pussy will take him there.
As a younger man, it no doubt would have. Thankfully age does have some benefits as he's able to easily hold out, able to add his tongue back into the equation enough to tickle it across the tender nub of her clit, making her shriek as an orgasm rolls through her. Her nails tear at his shoulder blades, his back, his hair, and Travis treasures every sharp scratch as she undulates beneath him, her climax a long, toe-curling one.
Satisfaction coils in his belly as he hears her wild wails slowly fall in volume, as she shudders beautifully beneath him and he withdraws his soaking hands, his sopping wet mouth. No doubt his chin and the tip of his nose are glistening just as much as his lips from his delectable mouthful and he cautiously rises up, his back not what it used to be.
In one of his few sexual fails, he'd actually pulled a muscle in his back one time when she'd been on top of him. It had been both humbling and humiliating. Laura, for her part, was equal parts amused and worried and while she'd assured him it was no big deal, he’s still sensitive about the issue.
Thus, he's begun to take more care when it comes to their lovemaking, especially in regard to his own movements. He moves leisurely to his knees on the mattress as he draws off his shirt, as he removes his underwear and pj's. Once he's as naked as she is, he looks down at her in admiration. She's glowing from head to toe - the expanse of her skin delightfully bright as he openly stares at her once more.
Her heavy breathing has dwindled since her release, but it still holds a breathless, smoky quality, "You really do like it, huh?"
He nods and physically draws her towards him, urging her legs to wrap up around his hips. She does so without pause, her heels pressing against his bare ass even though he has had yet to enter her. And he's going to, but Jesus fucking Christ, the sight of his dick near her bald pussy…
It's practically unbearable.
He takes himself in hand and rubs the plush head of his dick along her slit, then each lip, the feeling exquisite. Laura whines his name - twisty and impatient - and she's biting her bottom lip with her cute little white teeth and he lets out a hefty sigh, "Pretty sure this is how I'm going to die someday."
"That a bad thing?" She asks it with such naughty delight it's hard not to laugh, so he does, a rumbling sound that's always such a surprise to him. Only she can make him laugh now. After everything he'd been through, he thought he'd never laugh again. So the action always surprises him, always comes across as rusty.
But Laura is making it less so each time she manages to bring it forth and he kisses her quickly, before intoning, "Think you might have to keep it like this. Naked-"
Travis snaps his hips forward, his cock surging into her without mercy making her shout even as he growls, “-filled with my dick. Would you like that, baby?”
Her head tosses, blonde hair a cloud, her mouth hanging open as she pants, and Travis has never seen a more beautiful sight in all his life. Yet it miraculously grows in beauty as he begins drilling her with force and he watches her petite breasts jiggle with movement.
He feels unhinged as he finds the right rhythm, the perfect tempo, his speed neigh brutal and Laura’s features are twisted between pleasure and pain as she answers him, as she arches her back and draws him in deeper.
They’ve had sex multiple times, yet somehow she remains so hot, so tight, so perfect. Her inner walls pulse around him, drag on him as if trying to keep him inside, and that only spurs him on, only makes him fuck her with more ferocity. Especially when he looks down and sees the hot, sweet spot where they’re connected.
The sight of her bare cunt swallowing him, taking every single thick inch of him again and again is more than he can handle. His grip on her hips is punishing and he can hear a wet, slick sound that isn’t just that of their bodies meeting, but of his balls slapping against her ass and the sheer filthy knowledge of it knocks him over the edge.
Travis’s slamming, heavy thrusts stop as he goes rigid, as he lets out a gut-wrenching groan and starts spilling into her. A spill that seems endless as her body responds with an answering stiffness, her second climax making Laura shudder, his name a teeth clenching, high-pitched hiss. They both unravel against one another, in one another.
Eventually some of Travis’s sanity returns, but only some, because as he pulls his cock from the trembling sheath of her body, he goes back to lowering himself between her legs once more. His mouth returns to her mound, returns to her well used pussy and he can taste his release and hers and he’s ravenous as he kisses and licks at her.
Laura's a shivering, overstimulated mess beneath him and her fingers curl like claws into Travis’s shoulders as she begs for mercy. A cruel, slightly sadistic streak runs through him as he continues, even despite her pleas. Travis can bring her off again. He knows he can.
But while it’s tempting to truly tear her apart, at the end of the day, he can never deny Laura anything she wants, so he carefully pulls away, carefully rises up and kisses her trembling mouth. Laura truly is the most gorgeous girl on the planet to him - she looks so well used, so well loved.
Which is fitting, considering Travis has never loved nor will he ever love, anyone as much as he loves, Laura. His future wife...
Feeling dopey with the knowledge and the gentle hum of his afterglow, Travis kisses each of her cheeks, her lips, his voice crushed glass on asphalt, “Too much?”
Her blue eyes flash and he can’t help but give a truly malicious grin as he knows the answer all too well. Travis kisses the tip of Laura's nose as an apology, “T’be fair – you started it.”
Blonde eyebrows rise incredulously, and he brushes some fingers lightly over her plush sex, “Keeping this a secret from me.”
“Told you…” Her voice is a whisper, her vocal chords clearly recovering from her screams of ecstasy, “Was supposed to be a surprise.”
“Hmm, 's a good one.”
Suddenly she looks a little cagey and Travis zeroes in on it as any good cop would, “What?”
“Um – well? There is a bit more to it.”
“Yeah?” It’s asked harmlessly, but Laura is suddenly scarlet red, and Travis has no idea why until she manages a weak, “They also waxed my, um-?”
Her hips make a weak rise and Travis is lost, confused. What? They waxed her legs too? That doesn’t seem very-?
Then Travis’s eyes go wide. Large. Dinner plate sized. She lifted her hips specifically. He knows her pussy has been waxed. She can’t possibly mean…
“It’s-? My-? Ah-?” Laura ducks her head and she’s so quiet as to be nearly silent. But he hears it.
‘Other hole’.
…her other…
Travis didn’t think it was possible, yet, apparently it is.
He’s hard again.
Laura. Bare. At both ends.
This truly is how he’s going to die. But what a way to go…
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High functional autism
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Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader
Warnings: Slight bullying
Requested: @frzntrx
Request: Edward X High functioning Autistic (used to be called Asperger's) reader who loves reading and writing stories??? :) It's nice to see representation in media (Sheldon Cooper from BBT kinda puts people off, but other stuff like the Book "The Kiss Quotient" are more relatable!)
Out of all the classes you were enrolled in, you favored creative writing and debate most out of all others.
Study could be considered as another favorite, as you could take advantage of the time to either read or think of an idea for your short stories. You were a very talkative person as well, and sadly, that had lost you a few friends while others grew tired of you. That included the teachers, and teachers are supposed to be like your given ultimate protection from the mean kids at school.
You would speak almost non stop, the only friend that stood by your side was Bella Swan, she never once considered judging you just because of your diagnosis of High Functioning Autism. She was one of the few who didn’t and who could oversee that and be friends with you anyways. After Bella, Edward Cullen soon follows and he seemed to have taken quite an interest in you, and Bella couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous as she had always thought of him as handsome and wanted nothing more then to be with Edward. But at the same time, she couldn’t intervene because she just wanted happiness for the both of you. Just like Bella, Edward had felt as though he needed to protect you after learning of your diagnosis.
The thing was you were handing in your assignment for creative writing and after getting the best score out of everyone else, that’s where the teasing had started. Some even gave you the nickname, teacher’s pet and you couldn’t lie that it was hurtful. Bella nor Edward stepped into your defense because you haven’t said a single word about the hell you’ve been enduring through the school hallways of Forks High School. When they did find out, it was when they discovered you in the ladies room, quietly sobbing in case anyone walked by. Edward had a look of wordy, he couldn’t go in the ladies room without being seen, so Bella did and started talking to you, wanting to figure out what was wrong. Admittedly, you had wanted to be left alone at first when you were found, but Bella wasn’t having any of it as she remains there until you’re ready to tell her what’s going on.
It took a few moments to gather your thoughts before spilling the beans completely about your school life, the teasing and bullying along with everything that’s been going on. Bella was not too happy of course that you hadn’t report this to her or Edward and what set her off was the showing of your grade from creative writing course and when she reads over it, she was now really upset about this, so much so that you were beginning to feel bad about telling the actual truth, than you started apologizing.
Bella stops talking your ear off once she heard the apology.
“Are you serious? This is why you’ve been teased? What the hell is wrong with people?!”
“I’m sorry..” you say quietly, Bella than looks your way.
“Don’t be, it’s not you. It’s them and it always will be them. You’re very strong and capable of extraordinary things, things that had given you something most people don’t have, you were one of the few lucky ones. It makes you quite unique, I love your short stories and the way you pick a book to read to me and Edward on the lawn during lunch hour. You may be a talker, but there’s no need to worry when it comes to talking to me. Don’t listen to them, okay? They just don’t know the real you.”
You slowly nod in agreement while taking her outstretched hand to pull you to your feet and follow back out behind her.
It was almost startling to see that Edward was waiting for you.
“What’s going on?” He asks.
“Nothing now, everything is okay.” Bella lies.
“Nothing now, I just had a bad day is all. Everything is fine now.” You say, backing Bella up on her lie.
Later on that night, something would happen to make everything change.
You had followed Bella to town along with two of her new friends as they were there to pick out dresses for the prom. You weren’t paying any attention until Jessica had mentioned your name, confronting you about it.
“Are you even listening,(Y/n)?”
It was a little embarrassing, because you didn’t have a book with you to read and you didn’t want to find yourself talking so much to the point these people would walk away like the rest have done in the past.
Jessica and Angela had no idea of your diagnosis, and they were a bit impatient with you. Looking up at them, you see Jessica in a beautiful lavender dress and you sincerely thought it looked head over heels beautiful on her. All it really was incredibly stunning, so much so that she shouldn’t have to try on anymore dresses.
“Of course! I love that one on you, it’s very pretty.”
“If there’s something else you’d rather be doing, you’re welcome to leave and meet us back at the restaurant for dinner as planned.” Jessica says.
“Will do. Um.. there’s actually a book I’d like to go and pick up from a nearby store.”
“Want me to come with?” Bella offers.
“No, I’ll be fine.”
After walking out of the store, you started making your way back to the restaurant, and part of that route goes through a sketchy dark alley that didn’t quite feel safe to walk through. Even if you weren’t alone, it gave anyone and eerie feeling not to go through it.
You were going to bravely continue in the alley, until you saw some creepy homeless dudes messing around with a pack or two of beers in hand. On instinct, you quickly turn to go the other way, or at least, you tried to from the sketchy men. The red flags started showing when they spot you before getting over closer to you, making unwanted advances towards you. With your diagnosis, it was often difficult for you to fight alone, but you wouldn’t give these disgusting homeless men the satisfaction in becoming vulnerable to them, you wanted to fight back and that’s exactly what you were going to do. After the first advanced had taken place, you were more furious than you were at all scared.
“Don’t touch me!” You snap, trying to back away.
The men started surrounding you, making remarks.
“Where do you think you’re going? Come with us, we’ll show you a good time!”
That’s when you got scared and really tried to fight them off. What saved your life was the sound of tires screeching as an unrecognizable car pulled up with Edward existing it.
He demands you to get in the car, which you do.
“Get in the car.” Edward orders firmly as he walks over to the men.
You watch from the passenger’s seat as Edward scared them off with a death glare that read, “If you hurt her, you will have to deal with me.” It was impressive to say the least, though Edward scared them off by dominating the situation, he climbed back in the car furious and nearly ran over one of the men who laid a unwanted hand on you.
Edward quickly sped off, right on out of there with you safe and sound. That was a night neither of you would ever forget. The situation was like a roller coaster and you wanted nothing more than to forget about it, but you would always be grateful for Edward getting there in the nick of time. After the incident, you used part of the scenarios in your short stories and had given them to Edward to read. He loved the effort you had in writing, and wanted you to write some more sometime while sitting on the lawn with both Bella and himself during lunch hour and read to them.
You read them aloud the book you had bought from that very store. Living with high functional autism was not always difficult, best friends made it not seem so difficult. In your case, you had two best friends that you were closest to, and everyone knew it. Those friends were Edward and Bella, they were always there for you.
That was all that matters, you no longer didn’t care what others thought.
Tags: @frzntrx
NOTE: I hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting this and I hope I did it up to your expectations! Feel free to send in another request! ❤️
Requests: open
• Carlisle Cullen
• Edward Cullen
• Jasper Cullen
• Emmet Cullen
• Riley Biers
• Benjamin
• Vladimir
• Alice Cullen
• Rosalie Cullen
• Bella Swan
• Aro
• Caius
• Alec
• Jane
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spaghetticat3899 · 11 months
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I made these refs back for this year’s Artfight, but never got around to finishing the rest of my characters’. I nickname these three “the main trio” because they’re the three splatoon characters I draw and like the most. All three have a thing in common, albeit for different reasons: they all don’t go by their original names! If you’d like to read character ramblings, look below the cut, if not, you may do what you like.
Things to note: My Splatoon characters are stuck in Splatoon 2 purgatory, so the weapons, ages, and all that are stuck in that time period. (R) and (UR) is short for (restricted) and (unrestricted), which is referring to if the height is measured within a canon limitation, or without canon inkfish heights in mind.
Dawn “Mochi” Funboruto
cis female (she/her)
Aged 16
5’ (R) - 5’7” (UR)
Mochi is an interesting inkling, not actually originating in Inkadia at all, instead from a far-off city by the name of Arrecife. She’s childhood friends with Slick, and only moved to Inkopolis because he’d shown it to be a hot spot for things of interest. She’s a Humboldt inkling, but cursed with an unusually small stature compared to her relatives, making her appear as an average inkling. Evidence of her ancestry can still be found in her sucker rings, which, unlike most inklings, are still very-much there. She’s described as sisterly, laid-back, and sarcastic, but can also snap to a very energetic, mischievous, and havoc-causing individual. She never seems to stand still, even while relaxed, quite fidgety by nature. She tries not to overthink, which can lead to poorly thought-out choices that result in unpleasant outcomes. She’s easily persuaded by bribes of food or money, which some of her friends take advantage of for her to do stupid dares, tasks, or for her to not blackmail them. She jokes around and doesn’t usually bring up serious subjects unless she thinks it’s important. She often has to be the straight-man around people like Slick, but also can join in on the mischief. She’s also agent 4, but it doesn’t really become super relavent. She goes by Mochi just because she feels like it, nothing else, really.
Mason “Slick” Stone
cis male (he/him)
Aged 15
4’11” (R) - 5’5” (UR)
Slick is a goofy character, son of a single mother and always trying to get up to antics. He is from the town of Arrecife, childhood friends with Mochi, and forming a chaotic duo whenever they decide to meet up. He’s quite full of himself, exasperates his accomplishments, and thinks he’s practically irresistible. Despite his arrogance, he possesses a heart of gold, and just wants to befriend anyone he can. He may not be the brightest, but he tries his best, even if it doesn’t work out. He has no concept of boundaries, and has broken into people’s houses to give them gifts. He went out of his way to befriend Hachikō, despite the people around him scoffing at him for it. Despite Hachikō’s not-super-great-but-understandable Inklish at the time, Slick was very accepting and thought it was more funny than anything. As their friendship grew closer, Hachikō moved in with him, and they currently share an apartment. Slick gave himself that name because he wanted to sound cool and dissociate with his father.
Hachikō “Hachi” ??
cis male (he/him)
Age unknown (~16-17)
5’1” (R) - 5’9” (UR)
Hachikō, an amnesiac found in a place he feels lost in. He’s agent 8, and his story of venturing to the surface is one that only some know of. His Inklish is practically perfect in the current day, with only the slight hiccup and forgetting some words. He’s quiet, observant, and tends to appear stiff around unfamiliar people. He doesn’t talk much, instead thinking to himself a lot, sometimes staring off into space and getting lost in thought. He can be quite chatty if asked about anything of interest to him (ink weaponry, birds, etc). He tends to fidget, sometimes needing to occupy his hands by drawing. He takes most things seriously, or as they’re spoken, which has led to him not understanding jokes, and not always pinpointing sarcasm. He’s quite paranoid and constantly worried about being outed as an Octoling, or something going horribly wrong. It’s not uncommon for him to get sick due to being exposed to unfamiliar surface pathogens. Upon reaching the surface, he discovered he had a pollen allergy, which has lead to mockery by his friends for “sneezing like Lil’ Judd”. Slick is who he’s often seen with, eventually even being roommates with, almost always being the nervous straightman to Slick’s antics. Roxanne (agent 3) often babies him and comes to his aid, even when it’s made obvious that he’d rather her not. He appreciates her kindness, but not being infantilized. Hachikō picked his name because he had no memory of his original name, picking one that seemed familiar to him (might’ve heard it in a story once).
Bonus xenos!
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ihavemanyhusbands · 1 year
Hi I have a writing request! Will Graham discovers that his girlfriend has a professor kink, so he invites her to sit in on one of his lectures. He asks her to stay after class, and they take advantage of the empty classroom. Thank you in advance if you choose to write this! I love all of your fics so much!!! ^-^
Honestly it’s a real crime we didn’t get more professor Will tbh THANK YOU FOR THIS AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY WORK AAAA THANK YOU!!! ❤️❤️❤️
The projector was the only light in the darkened lecture hall. You paid no attention to the images on screen, too enraptured by Will’s steady voice as he explained each one in depth.
You sat on the very front row, close to his desk, your chin propped on your hand as you watched him. You’d vowed not to distract him much, but you couldn’t help yourself when he just looked so good.
He was in his element, confident and authoritative, never losing his student’s focus. A couple of times, his eyes slid in your direction, and you were the only one in that room he would hold eye contact with.
You tried not to squirm in your seat any time it happened. Like he was speaking only to you.
When the lecture was over, you remained in your seat as all the students gathered their things and filed out. A couple of them approached Will’s desk to ask questions about an assignment, but he kept his answers short and clipped, not letting them dally. He occupied himself by organizing some papers as he waited for the last of them to trickle out.
And once they did, he said. “Close the door, would you?”
You tried not to seem too hasty as you complied, locking the door as well. Your heart was already racing with anticipation.
“Are we going to talk about my terrible grades, Professor Graham?” You said, half-teasing. “I seem to have a very hard time paying attention.”
“I can tell,” he said, rounding his desk and leaning against it. “Or at least, it’s my actual lecture you don’t find interesting.”
“I don’t know, maybe I should just start sitting closer. Right by your desk.”
You approached him slowly, stepping between his legs. His hands came to rest on your hips, bringing you even closer.
You smirked. “See? So much better already.”
“Careful. The others might start calling you a teacher’s pet,” he murmured.
“And what if I am?” You asked, leaning closer until your lips were a hair’s breadth apart.
“Well, then I better give you some preferential treatment.”
With that, he cupped the back of your head and brought you into his hungry kiss. You moaned as he bit your lower lip, chasing the slight sting with his tongue. He always knew how to make your head spin.
He pulled back only so you two could switch places, and he had you sit at the edge of the desk. He sank to his knees in front of you, pushing up your skirt only to reveal that you had no underwear.
He raised an eyebrow at this, looking up at you. “Eager for it, were you?”
“I thought I’d make my intentions clear,” you said with a lopsided grin, threading your fingers through his hair.
He didn’t need any more incentive, kissing his way up to the apex of your thighs.
And as you melted at the feeling of his tongue tracing your most sensitive spots, you decided that you’d be sitting in on his lectures much more often from now on.
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surveillance-0011 · 3 months
I was wondering if you could maybe do some Kenny high on life headcanons if you haven't already
yes ofc! im also gonna take the time to say feel free to send asks + hc requests whenever bc ill most likely get around to it even if it takes me a bit to think of things. just nothing abt the comic yet bc i'm still working on getting my copy :3c
he/him polysexual demiaroace
Big on collecting, had a huge collection of geeky merch back at home and he'd love to build that back up again asap
huge weeb huge nerd duh
Very very glad general space culture is a bit more open to the sort of things he's interested in and very very glad the Bounty Hunter is also a huge nerd
exaggerating a liitle bit of how much space loves anime but he's not far from the truth
Loves Akira and NGE. Also big on Gurren Lagen and Gundam.
Gunpla builder. glad BH, Lizzie and Gus have hands to help with this. Gene DGAF so he don't count
Likes fruit flavored candy a lot. Like anything from hi-chew to juicy drop n peach rings n stuff
More than a little impulsive and impatient. Gets restless easily.
Trusts easy, kinda gullible especially before the events of the game. Easily fell for spectacle/face value assumptions.
Generally just. doesn't read the fine print. not as observant as he could be. should be.
But also very curious very excited to learn and see new things he needs his enrichment. take him to aquarium take him to library take him to museum
Wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid
Likes those glow in the dark stars that you can stick to walls.
Went to trade school, good with mechanical work.
In a human au he’d wear headphones with lil antenna attached
Chill with knifey if concerned by his perpetual bloodlust. Tried to get him into Chainsaw Man and Akira.
If he ever meets Harper I think things would be more than a little awkward but they would end up getting along really well. Like besties well
BUT she would kick his ass/spray him with the hose on the highest power setting in the back yard first. It's only fair.
I don't say this as "ew icky kenny must suffer" i have the idea in my head that they mutually agree to something like this since harper has repressed so many of her emotions that something weird and cathartic like this would be the only way to work through it and Kenny just decides it's better to get it all over with in this kind of self flagellating manner than deal with someone else being mad at him for years perhaps in a moment of weakness he instantly regrets but it ends up working out.
Maybe he'd feel slighted at first?? Or insecure about it?? But Harper being so buddy buddy would make him slip back into place more and feel more like it's alright in the end.
And also anime buddies. We can make this happen. we don't have to fight. peace and love
that being said...
More below the cut but warning it's all abt the whole G3 thing and uh warnings to mentions of character death, manipulation and mentions/implications of suicidal ideation.
I think Rel was taking advantage of him but it wasn't like. 100% trying to play Kenny like a fiddle. It's just that he definitely cared more about infinite ammo, a mechanic, and quirky commentator for his exploits 3-in-1 than Kenny as an individual and had no qualms about bringing him into his shady, dangerous lifestyle.
Kenny definitely let a lot of information slip to Garmantuous and the G3, under the impression that maybe they would just cooperate with the Gatlians and it would be a mutual helping sort of thing. He didn't know the extent of the G3's crimes or what they would really do to Gatlus.
I think Garm and/or Nipulon mostly pressured/ encouraged him to talk and he figured at worst they’d be pushy or get some folks on Gators into hot water
Escaped from their clutches for a while only to be recaptured. Rel became much crueler to him as a result of the attempted betrayal.
Conflict-averse, when it comes to actual social disputes.
Creature forgave him quickly. Gus and Sweezy had to gradually warm up to him and it would never really be the way it was before.
Kenny felt pretty distressed by this. didn't they know he lost everything too? Couldn't it just. be over now?
I mean. Let's be real here. Yes Kenny was manipulated and his worst crime was mostly just running away and trusting the wrong person. But when that mistake leads to something so big? Ofc it's gonna make people mad. Esp with a vague, rushed confession instead of really being able to speak his peace
And I think not wanting to tell people, only being prompted to in order to tell the story first, and that whole "you mean i didn't even have to tell anyone ermwhat the sigma!!" bit really do seem. pretty selfish. i'll admit it irks me more than just a little.
Granted I'm sure no one's thinking straight when their whole planet's been wiped off the census and I think general survival and trying to keep a stable group came before most else in Kenny's mind. And in general he wanted to get out into the world, really see it, and prove himself only to fuck up more in the end. but it's a principle sort of thing to me.
But I like to think (and definitely want to write/draw a little something about this) that he eventually managed to really talk things out and reach a slightly better middle ground. Because everyone else really suffered for his fuck up and ofc they can't just "oh it's okay" it all away. But at the same time changing the trajectory of the galaxy's politics and wellbeing as a whole, getting entire planets destroyed because of one wrong move would break anybody down.
And I think they were getting somewhere before he. well. vanished off the face of the Earth
I read that reunion with Lez as a sort of reconciliation but I'm not sure if Kenny ever forgave himself for fucking up his friend's life like that.
I think Lezduit is relatively lucid if a bit dazed + confused, just unable to speak verbally. At the very least he's got a general idea of where he is what's goin on etc. And I think he did forgive Kenny but I'm sure if / when he is/was still aware of everything he'd still feel grim about stuff. If he could he'd totally just tell Kenny it would be better to be honest
And I think when Kenny first confessed everything Lez really wanted to tell him he could have been honest about all his doubts. Lezduit never thought he was a fuck up after all.
I'm honestly interested in the idea that maybe the Bounty Hunter didn't drop him, or that that was only half the problem; maybe he let himself fall or wriggled out of holster/grasp during a bout of guilt and doubt to just say fuck it and start over.
Or maybe not to start anything new at all and just. end it. That's dark but after everything maybe during a stressful mission it just all got to him and he freaked out and make that knee-jerk decision.
Though I'm sure he's survived and in my mind he's currently trying his damndest to make his way back to the Bounty Hunter.
i still like my prediction, as contrived as it may be, that Lizzie ends up finding him now that she's off on her own, too, and you end up reuniting with them both.
I mean. they're still using him for promo shit. there's no way he's GONE gone, they're probably just looking for a new VA and making sure the story fits together now.
And he is missed. By Creature definitely, by Gus yes even though he's not quick to admit it, and totally not Sweezy nooo why would you think that nooo why does she get kind of quiet and solemn when she goes to make fun of him and remembers he's not there noooo naur ahaha wtf are you talking about.
Knifey has also been like "Man i miss that blue bugger shame he's probably dead' and freaked everyone else the fuck out for a little bit
Lez doesn't know he's gone but I'm sure if/when the news reaches them it would be a small bout of mild panic (read: Major, major panic covertly expressed as " :O uh oh") but as much as they worry they'd kind of also just be like "eh he'll turn up somewhere". Happened before, and he's sure the Kenny he knows will tough it out. Not necessarily or primarily denial, mind you. I mean a real, genuine faith here. Lezduit knows his friend.
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nicromancytarot · 4 months
For the moodboard game🤍
I'm t.d and here, have my fabulous intuition😊💅🏻
Your fs will bring out your nurturing and soft side. I'm getting you'll be more stable and willing to give, esp emotionally, and outwardly you'll look very peaceful, warm and content(although, slightly defensive of them and the relationship in a stubborn/ fierce way) when you'll be with them. Idk if you're familiar with vedic nakshatras but it's giving Purva Ashadha on your part. They(your fs) will be VERY CHILL, for some reason I'm getting warm toned, lighter, curly hair, skinny build(with slight muscles and abs if they're a male, yeah I'm getting a male) and pale skin. You'll feel safe to be soft with them, esp in private. You guys seem like a couple from fiction that everyone might say is underrated because of how lighthearted/chill you guys' story/relationship/overall vibe is. It's interesting tho, like, sometimes you guys might act(around each other) in a way that seems adorable/comedic to others. I'm also getting you being moody/wanting to cry/complaining and overall being in a triggered state and him(yeah I think they're a he, idk your preferences 😭) holding your face and saying sweet, reassuring words in a calm tone and instantly grounding you.
Oh wow, well, let me know if this sounds like it might be true for you? 😭 I'd also like a moodboard on my fs please🤍
Thanks and have a good (rest of the) day 🤍
That was so cute omg!! Thank you so much for choosing the exchange option, it resonates well 🫶🏻
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I think your future spouse has been through a lot so far during this lifetime, this is a very heavy session so warning here!! TW: Sexual assault.
I think they may have had their innocence stripped from them at a young age, and possibly experienced something in which someone who they trusted took advantage of that trust. That scene in Maleficent where she has her wings stolen from her (symbolising assault) is something that comes to mind. This may have been their first relationship, or first person they felt some sort of seriousness for. If you haven’t already, you may resonate well with pile 1 of my “All about your future spouse 18+” reading, it brings up the same themes as I will here.
When making this moodboard for you, I kept saying how they are a fallen angel since I feel as though that situation ruined them mentally, it messed up their trust, made them more angry and standoffish. But I feel like they are currently working on it and bringing themself back up.
You’ll feel as though you have to protect them, and this could make them feel very disappointed in themself for making you feel that way. It could also take a lot of time and perseverance to make this connection into a committed relationship, you may need to have a fair amount of patience.
They are frail and damaged, but they are working on healing those past wounds.
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writeahurricane · 7 months
A Promise
OC Kiss Week Day 1
Wip: As of yet unnamed Pairing: Lacey x Ethan CW: None (but feel free to correct me if untrue!) Short summary: Ethan, a magical warrior of good gets a message from his arch nemesis. Wanting to figure out why she seems so familiar, he doesn't hesitate to meet her but the truth may be far more than he bargained for...
“We’re finally alone, ‘hero’~” The words were silky sweet, flowing through the air as if touched by the divines. Who knew that it was a fallen angel that had spoken them? Power thrummed beneath the sarcastic smile she sported as she gazed headlong towards the person standing across from her. Feathered wings fluttered softly in the air as she considered the city laid out before them. “Without our friends here to get in the way and make a mess of things.”
“You’re the one that sent the invitation,” they huffed and pursed their lips. Their curled hands only seemed to tighten with the onslaught of confusing emotions they were most assuredly experiencing. “And I only have to ask, why?”
If anything, her amused smile spread wider, “If you think I’m here to finish what we started, then throw the thought out~ I merely wish to get to know you more.”
“What?!” Every intention to be wary towards the unpredictable figure was immediately forgotten, “B - But, we’re enemies!” Their hands flapped restlesslessly as they took a single step back. “I knew it.” Though they muttered, their voice carried easily to her heightened hearing. “This is just a trap.”
“Oh come now…” She purred. “If you truly thought it was a trap, you wouldn’t have shown up. Or, at the very least, brought allies.” Despite the voice that whispered inside her to take and make them hers she forced it to the back, where it wouldn’t make her shake and tremble with need. The smile she cast the other was more sincere, “Promise there’s no tricks, and if there are, may the gods strike me where I stand.” To illustrate her point she threw her arms out and stared the skies down.
A beat passed and she dropped her arms, turning back with a slight wiggle to her brows. 
“Then again, the gods have already failed since I’m a blackened angel, huh?”
“Hey now…” They sighed and pinched the bridge of their nose. Their brows pulled together as they glanced away, “Let’s say I do believe you, what could you possibly have to talk about?”
Joy bubbled up within her chest as she glided towards the edge of the building and took her seat, smoothing out her skirts with a flick of the hand. Ethereal Seer hesitated but in the end, took her up on the offer. 
She cupped her cheek and tilted her head towards the city below. It was very faint, but everyone looked like ants from up there. The other magical warriors would probably be scandalized to find that she was having a secret rendezvous with one of their own. Hell, her allies would be shocked that she wasn’t taking advantage of the situation to finally end them. Not to mention her mentor…
A self-satisfied smile pulled at her lips.
To hell with all of them. For once, she wasn’t going to go with the flow. For once, she’ll do something that her other self would likely want.
“Your halo…” Ethereal Seer frowned thoughtfully and she didn’t have to turn to see where they were looking. She peered at the object of interest thoughtfully.
Thirteen diamond-like stars made up a black halo. Over five of those stars had broken into two and when she asked her mentor about it (multiple times, might she add) he simply shrugged it off. All she knew was, every time another one fractured, a wave of power crashed over her like a tidal wave, along with this feeling of…Hunger. 
It scared her just as much as it invigorated her.
“Ya know, I’m not sure why it does that.” With a finger, she prodded at one of the broken stars. The fractured piece shuddered out of formation only to rebound back into place, like a magnet. “The first time it happened was in our first fight.” She clicked her tongue, “Or rather… Afterwards.”
Ethereal Seer gripped onto the edge of the building, leaning towards her with a fire in their gaze. “Doesn’t that scare you?! You’re probably being used and you have no idea.”
The words made her scoff, “As you’ve told me before.”
“And it’s true.”
She didn’t say anything for a moment, a shadow creeping over her face that hid anything she might have felt. The voice that had been so quiet so far reared its ugly head once more, bidding that she take and hide them away; just another treasure to her hoard. The warrior had leaned so far into her personal space that their face was practically within kissing distance. Surely they didn’t realize that was the case or they would have yanked their self back already.
She had already made one selfish decision tonight; why not make another?
A hand slipped over the smoothness of their cheek as she tilted their face further into the light. Their breath stuttered beneath her fingers and she smiled wanly. “You wanna know what I feel when I look at you?”
Even within the darkness of the night, it was impossible to miss the heat in their cheeks. “You probably want to kill me.” Though they tried to speak with certainty, their voice trembled with the exact opposite intent.
“No, shockingly, that isn’t the case.” Her lashes lowered. “Everyone tells me that I should. My allies say that you’re a threat to us, after all.”
“Th - Then…?”
She licked her lips, grinning just a smidgen wider when their eyes fell to her mouth. “My instincts tell me that I should keep you safe,” her fingers trailed over their cheek, tracing the line of freckles over their jaw. “To capture you and lock you away, make sure that my allies couldn’t hope to find you. And treat you like the treasure you so dearly are~”
Their mouth pressed sharply together, a flicker of something crossing their face that momentarily stopped her breath. A hand came up to grip her own and then she was yanked into them, lips crashing down on hers as if they were the only two beings in that world. As if they were desperate to make her see something that she was ignorant to.
Their lips moved against hers, rapidly breaking down the walls she had so clumsily created and it didn’t take long for her to relax into them; hands folded against their chest.
The kiss stole all of her breath and made her weak in the knees and in that moment, she was very seriously considering giving into the voice… Until they broke the kiss, gripping her face with a certainty that sent her on free fall.
“I knew it,” they muttered, still gasping for breath. “You’re… Lacey?”
In just a single instance, they had shattered her world. In just a few words they had guessed her real name and risked everything. Rationally, she should be killing them. Who knows what they could do to her now that her secret was out in the open.
Instead, she pushed herself away, and with a single flap of her wings she took to the skies. The two gazed at each other, neither quite willing to break the silence. The voice was silent, something that she was thankful for. 
Plastering a snarky grin across her lips she propped a hand up on her hips. “I believe that’s all for now~ But next time we meet, it’ll be as enemies. I’m not sure where you got that name from but I can assure you, that’s definitely not me!” 
Please believe me, she was just a little bit desperate to get them to believe her. Because if they didn’t… Without waiting for them to answer, she turned and flew off into the night.
“A - Ah! Wait! Lace --” Their hand was outstretched, as if the sheer force of their want would bring her right back. But she didn’t come back and they were forced to watch her form grow smaller and smaller, until finally, they could no longer see her anymore. Their breath hitched and without warning, they slammed their fist into the ground. A rage unlike anything they’d felt so far consumed them. It clouded their mind and made them want to hit the damned ground again.
Someone had forced their best friend onto the side of evil. 
That night they made a promise.
No matter what, they were going to figure out what happened to their best friend and they were going to save her.
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pynkhues · 1 year
Okay here is my argument for Kim Possible being satire so sorry for how wordy this is in advance. This is based off of the four techniques of satire being exaggeration, incongruity, role reversal and parody. I think Kim Possible uses exaggeration, parody and a little role reversal within those.
Kim Possible would be parody of most superhero shows with slight role reversal in the parody. Most superhero shows with teenagers have them being much more adult than the average teenager. Kim Possible is very rooted in her being a regular teenage girl. Her power is that she’s an insanely good cheerleader and smart which is implied to be a genetic gift from her neurosurgeon mom and rocket scientist dad. Typically these teenagers are plagued by emotional turmoil by feeling the weight of saving the world, often in secret, while a running joke on the show is Kim seeming to find the insane things she does not a big deal or emotionally damaging. Kim relies on emotional support from her parents and talks out problems with them. She doesn’t keep it a secret and asks for understanding from her family, friends and squad when saving the world interferes with her life. She attends school which also never seems to actually happen in superhero shows. Kim isn’t treated any differently by her peers and is even consistently fighting to be seen as cool by Bonnie. She doesn’t fit the weird nerd (Spiderman comes to mind) or effortlessly always on trend (Alisha from Misfits) that teenage superheros often seem archtyped into.
There’s also an episode where Ron gets studied bc they think his “Ronness”is the key to Kim’s success. They don’t believe that Kim could just be that competent without a secret advantage which they first think is Ron and later Rufus. It shows that adult professionals are literally more willing to believe in the skills of a naked mole rat than a woman.
They also exaggerate the typical male/female hero dynamics with Kim and Ron’s relationship, as discussed earlier. I think their relationship really showcases how often we force women into being the mature ones by making her so competent and him so goofy. However, they also subvert this by having Ron be genuinely emotionally supportive and intelligent. There’s episodes where he encourages Kim to be more authentic to herself. He also never belittles her achievements and is truly her loudest and proudest supporter. He frequently sincerely compliments her. He listens to her issues and is emotionally vulnerable with her. There is some role reversal here with Ron almost playing a typical damsel in distress by needing saving from Kim, being her biggest hype man and by being the person that in many ways keeps Kim grounded. I think the episode where Ron moves to Norway shows how much Kim depends on him to meet her emotional needs and without him doing so she’s unable to focus as completely on the mission at hand.
Anyways. I may be completely wrong or off base. I’m in no way an expert on heroes, narratives, gender, satire, tv or even Kim Possible. Just some high thoughts that I really hope somebody out there will enjoy, lol! Very sorry if this was dumb or disappointing but I love your blog so much and always enjoy your takes on everything. 🤍
It's not dumb or disappointing at all, anon! I loved this analysis, and particularly loved the way you unpacked a range of superhero tropes and looked at how Kim Possible subverts them. You're really making me want to rewatch the show, haha.
It's an interesting one to look at too, because there have been a lot of superhero parodies and satires out there, but they tend to lean hard into a really mean humour. Like stripping the polish from characters like Superman and Batman can only be done through exploring the toxicity of fame and power, and I love your point about how in many ways Kim Possible does it by instead exploring the space for emotional vulnerability and honesty in a way that most traditional superhero narratives eschew. It makes it feel a lot more unique and in many ways more original than shows that have even come after it, and it'd be a really interesting exercise to compare it broadly to other parodies.
Thanks for sharing!
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